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By: Angela Wu

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About the Author

My name is Angela Wu. I’m the forth grade student in Wenzao Ursuline Junior College now. I like to read, sing and laugh. My friends all say that I’m an optimistic person. I do believe so. But in this novel, it shows sadness. I don’t know why I want to write a sad story like this. Maybe it is the real world in my heart, or it’s just a chance for me to see whether I can be a tragic story writer or not.



“I’m sorry that I can’t give you a wealthy life. I’m so appreciate that god gave me chance to meet you in my life. I do want to be with you and care about you. I’m sorry that we can’t realize that. I want you to continue your life and never feel lonely.”… This is a tragedy, and a love story. It’s about two young teenagers who want to be each other although others think that they are not suitable. What will happen in the story? It’s time for reader to figure out.


Content page About the Author




Content Page


Chapter 1



Chapter 2



Chapter 3

The party


Chapter 4

The secret love


Chapter 5



Chapter 6

In Sionna Bar


Chapter 7

The violence


Chapter 8

The memory



Chapter 1


Christina was born in a wealthy family. Her father, Mr. Colin, was the owner of all the farms in the village. Her mother Estella died when she was very young. Christina had a servant, Mary, who always treated her like a sister. Christina had the same disposition as her mother. She was the prettiest girl in the village just like her mother. Also, she was very elegant, only eighteen years old, so all the boys in the village adored her very much. But Christina rarely appeared in public because of shyness. Her father wanted to introduce her to all the villagers at Christina’s eighteen-year-old birthday party.


Christina was excited because she had never been met so many people at her birthday party. She was looking forward to the coming birthday party.


Chapter 2


In the summertime, there was a poor traveler who was coming into the village. Andrew, an orphan, was adopted by a sailor captain, named Joe. Andrew had been to many countries with his father when he was a child. Joe taught him lots about navigational matters and expected Andrew to fill in his fortune. After Joe died, Andrew became a pilot and kept traveling with the ship. This time, he planned to stay in the village for a few days to prepare goods for the next journey. Andrew was twenty years old with a handsome face but poor. He was outgoing, adventurous and brave so many girls were fond of 3

him. But no one girl could have a strong impression in his heart. He was waiting for a girl who was considerate of him and a girl who could easily read his mind.


Chapter 3

The party

Christina’s eighteen-year-old birthday party was quite approaching. It was a chance for Mr. Colin to introduce her daughter to all the villagers. All the villagers were invited to the party. Andrew and his friend Mark was going to this grand party, too. “Wow! This is the largest party that I’ve ever seen,” said Andrew. “Yeah! It has been hold by the richest landowner in this village. It’s all for his daughter,” said Mark. “His daughter?” asked Andrew. “Yeah…He has only one daughter who is 5

eighteen years old. She is the prettiest girl in the village, so boys are all fond of her,” Mark answered. “See! Here she comes!” Mark said suddenly. Andrew looked at the girl. He was totally attracted by the girl. “Wow! She looks like an angel! Her movement is so elegant, not like girls I met before. Her smile is like a deadly poison. I think I fall in love with her,” Andrew thought in his mind. During the party, Andrew tried to dance with Christina, but he was too shy to approach her. Christina was so nervous because she had never met so many people before. Many gentlemen came and asked her for a dance. She refused them 6

and walked along the pool. She wanted a peaceful place for her to relax. By accident, Christina stumbled in the darkness and fell into the pool. Andrew jumped into the pool immediately and pulled her out. “Are you OK?” asked Andrew. “Thank you for saving me. I’m alright now,” answered Christina with a scared face. Christina was thankful for the man saving her from danger. After the party, Andrew fell in love with Christina because of her kindness and appearance. Christina also liked this man except she didn’t know who he was.


Chapter 4

The secret love

After the party, Andrew missed Christina every day and wanted to get to know her further. He wrote a letter to her and asked Christina’s servant, Mary, to carry it to her. All he wanted was to see her again. Christina received the letter from Mary and read it carefully: Dear Christina, I’m the guy who saved you at your birthday party. After unexpected accident, I can’t forget your happy smile; your pretty face and your graceful attitude. All the gestures you made were so attractive and elegant. There is a great 8

expectation in my soul. I want to see you again and get to know you more. If we meet, we can share our things to each other. I hope that do not bother you. It’s just that I miss you so much. I’ll wait for you by the riverside. By Andrew After reading the letter, Christina decided to meet Andrew to thank him, but Mr. Colin wouldn’t let her go outside by herself. So she lied to her father that she went to the market with Mary and to buy something for dress. Finally, Christina met Andrew by the riverside. They talked about lots of things including their family, interests. They had a good time. They had met secretly by the riverside for several days. 9

Nobody knew that they were in love.


Chapter 5


Andrew knew that Mr. Colin wouldn’t accept this secret love because Andrew was a poor pilot, so Andrew worked very hard to earn more money. Christina didn’t want Andrew to work so hard, so she tried to convince her father to accept Andrew, but Christina’s father still disagreed and locked her in her bedroom. Mr. Colin wanted her daughter to have a wonderful and wealthy life, so he planned a marriage for her. One day, Mr. Colin invited Andrew for dinner. Andrew was happy because it showed that Mr. Colin had accepted him. Then, Mr. Colin said, 11

“I’m very happy that you here all come for dinner. Now, I have one thing to announce at table is that my daughter Christina is going to marry Daniel.” Daniel was another wealthy boy in the village, whose father had a good relationship with Mr. Colin. Mr. Colin thought that only Daniel could give his daughter a wealthy life. Andrew was depressed and ran out of the house. It was a big shame for him. “How can he do this? Christina will not be happy if she marries that guy. I have to find a solution. Christina will not agree with this arrangement,” said Andrew Christina refused to marry Daniel and told her father, “Dad, I don’t want to marry Daniel. I don’t 12

know him and he even doesn’t know me. How can we be a couple? I love Andrew and he loves me too. Why can’t you just accept our relationship? I beg you, please. Don’t force me to marry a guy who I don’t like.” No matter how much Christina begged her father, Mr. Colin insisted on this marriage because he wanted to maintain a good relationship between the two families.


Chapter 6

In Sionna Bar

Andrew was so disappointed that he went to Sionna Bar for a drink. Then, he met Daniel. Daniel was drunk and said with evil smile, “Great! I’m going to marry the wealthiest girl in the village. I don’t care who she is. I don’t even know her name. Is it Catherine or Cathy? Whatever! All I care about is her father’s fortune.” Andrew was so angry and approached him. He beat him up and tangled with him. Because of the fighting, Daniel decided to marry Christina as soon as possible, or his deception would be revealed. Andrew didn’t want Christina to be with the 14

evil man Daniel for the rest of her life. He planned to leave the village with Christina and started their new life in a place where nobody knew them.


Chapter 7

The violence

Before the wedding, Andrew delivered a letter to Christina and asked her to meet him at midnight. Christina also made up her mind to elope with Andrew and never come back. “Mary, I know it’s inappropriate to leave my father. I hope you can take care of him as I do before. I don’t want him to be a lonely man. As I settle down, I’ll inform you where I am. Don’t worry. I think Andrew is a good man. He would use all his effort to protect me from danger,” Christina told Mary. Mary accepted the petition and asked Christina to leave in a hurry. Mr. Colin was wondering whether her 16

daughter was ready or not. When he walked into the bedroom and saw nobody was there, he was very mad and asked Daniel to find them. When Daniel got the news, he was very angry and wanted to kill Andrew who destroyed his plan. Now, he had no bride to marry him. He asked servants to find them in the village, including roads, houses, farms and the riverside. They found some tracks along the riverside. “Stop! You two! Come back! Let me finish the wedding with Christina. Andrew, you are making a shame for me because tomorrow I have no bride to marry me!� Daniel shouted in anger at the time Daniel saw Andrew and Christina. Suddenly, he picked up his gun and shot 17

Andrew without caring for Christina’s safety. Mr. Colin discovered that Daniel was not an honest person. He tried to stop Daniel, but Daniel was too strong so he couldn’t hold back his anger. Finally, Daniel fired the gun and hit Andrew. Christina was shocked and screamed.


Chapter 8

The memory

After the shot, all the villagers came to the riverside to see what happened. When they saw Daniel with a pistol in hand, they caught him right away to prevent he shot again. Christina wanted to get the village doctor’s help, but Andrew’s wound was so bad that he was dying. Andrew held Christina’s hand and said, “I’m sorry that I can’t give you a wealthy life. I’m so appreciate that god gave me chance to meet you in my life. I do want to be with you and care about you. I’m sorry that we can’t realize that. I want you to continue your life and never feel lonely.” 19

The last sentence that Andrew said to Christina was “I Love You”. Later, Andrew died. Ten years passed, alive Christina was walking by the riverside and thinking of Andrew. This was the place they usually met in the past and also the place where Andrew died. A little boy followed her and called her “Mom!” For Christina, she was happy because she had Andrew’s child. Because of that, she never felt lonely. She told the little boy, “Although your dad is not here anymore, I believe that he still protects us somewhere over the rainbow.”


“I’m sorry that I can’t give you a wealthy life. I’m so appreciate that god gave me chance to meet you in my life. I do want to be with you and care about you. I’m sorry that we can’t realize that. I want you to continue your life and never feel lonely.”… This is a tragedy, and a love story. It’s about two young teenagers who want to be each other although others think that they are not suitable. What will happen in the story? It’s time for reader to figure out.

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