Vivian su ballerina

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Vivian Su

E4A Vivian Su Instructor: Mr. Kenneth M Smith Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages Kaohsiung, Taiwan June, 2013

About the Author Hello, dear reader: I am Vivian Su. I come from Ping Tung, Taiwan and live in Kaohsiung now. This is the fourth year I study in Wenzao. It is the first time I write my own original novel. To write a novel is absolutely challenging, but I think the result worth it. I write this novel with all my imaginations and efforts. Hope you will enjoy and like it! ď Š


Contents About the author………………………………………P.1 Prologue……………………………………………………P.3 Characters…………………………………………………P.4 Chapter 1…………………………………………………..P.5 Chapter 2…………………………………………………..P.10 Chapter 3…………………………………………………..P.22 Reference…………………………………………………..P.26 Acknowledgement..…………………………………..P.27

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Prologue This story took place in the Big Apple, New York City. I choose New York City as the background of my story because it is a city full of artistic atmosphere and also the dream city for many artists. The main character, Isabella met the turning point here, what would she do? If you were her, what’s your choice‌?


Characters  Isabella– diligent girl, can’t live without Ballet

 Joanne – Isabella’s best friend, an excellent ballet dancer

 Christine – an arrogant girl, best dancer in class, Ms. Gauze’s favorite student

 Ms. Gauze – a strict professor who teaches Ballet, famous Ballerina in the past


-Chapter 1The bell rings, but no one notices that. All the girls are still memorizing the new steps which Ms. Gauze just taught in class. Joanne asked me, “Isabella, do you remember the last pause? I forgot it was the first or the fifth position. Ouch, I cannot lift my leg, it hurts!” Joanne sits down and takes off her pointe shoes. I said, “Stop at the fifth position after the en dehors. Are you alright? Let’s take a rest.” The next morning, when I was trying to stack all my stuffs in the locker, someone 5

slapped my shoulder. It was Christine. “Poor Isabella, you should get yourself a new handbag!” she said. She laughed and left with other girls. “Forget it,” I thought. I do not want to waste my time to argue with such a spoiled kid. Especially that I’m almost late for the ballet class at 8 o’clock. We have a quiz today!


I slicked my hair back into a bun and quickly put on tights and pointe shoes. Everyone stayed quietly outside the classroom waiting for Ms. Gauze, our strict professor. I moved closer to Joanne and asked her voicelessly, “How’s your legs? Do you feel better?” She nodded her head and smile at me. I could tell that she was nervous, so I went back and reviewed the steps for the quiz. Suddenly, Ms. Gauze showed up with several people in suits. All of us froze. They are artistic directors and choreographers of New York City Ballet! “Are we dreaming?” Joanne 7

held my arm and said. “It could be,” I replied her absent-mindedly. After seeing these professionals, my brain was blank whole day long. I called Mom immediately right after going back to the dormitory. “Mom!!!!!! You know what? The famous directors from NYCB came to our class!!!” I yelled and jumped on my bed. “Calm down, my sweetheart. You said….who came to your class?” Mom sounded absolutely confused. “The artistic directors of New York City Ballet visited our school!! They are going to hold a 8

casting for Swan Lake in fall. I can’t believe it!!!” “It sounds great, Bella. Try your best and don’t worry about anything.” Mom said gently. That night, I went to bed with so many hopes and dreams. I have danced ballet since five. Dancing is not a routine which I have to do every day. It has become a part of my life, a part of me. Thirteen years. Wow! I feel like getting one step closer to my dream. I said it in my mind.


-Chapter 2-

There are only six weeks left. Since the announcement of the casting, everyone practices harder and harder now. Because there is only one of us can get the leading role – the White Swan and the Black Swan. The Black Swan 10

is the White Swan’s dark side, her twin sister. The two swans should be acted by the same dancer, so other dancers could only dance the supporting roles. “I should practice harder,” I thought. I decide to stay after school and keep practicing every day. I am exhausted every night when I go back to the dormitory. Today is two days before the casting. “Wow, time passed so fast.” I saw the calendar on the wall. As usual, I stayed at the dancing room until late. When I walked to my locker, I found some 11

of my books fell on the ground. “Oh, Gosh! Again! I should put them in order.” Then, I found out that my costume for the casting two days later was GONE! I stared at my locker and poured all the things out of my bag. “Oh My Goodness, I’m done! Where’s my costume???!!! I remember I’ve put it in my bag this morning. I am the only person who still at school now. What should I do?” I was so helpless. I sat on the ground and kept wandering what to do. All of a sudden, my cellphone vibrated. It was Ms. Gauze. “Ms. Gauze? I picked up the 12

phone and answered, “Hello, Ms. Gauze.” “Isabella, this is Ms. Gauze. Joanne was hit by a car. I got the phone call from the hospital but I am on business. I’m on my way back. Could you go to the hospital right now? I’ll arrive later.” Ms. Gauze hanged off the phone. I stood still and couldn’t think clearly. “Whatever, forget about my costume. I should go to the hospital right away!”


I ran into the emergency room. But the nurse told me that Joanne has been sent to the 205 room. “She got hurt seriously but she is safe now,” the nurse told me. The doctor has checked out her wounds and she was sleeping. I walked into the room and sat down. I saw her left leg was wrapped in the plaster and there were some bruises on her face and arms. Two hours later, Joanne opened her eyes slowly. “Joanne, Joanne…! Can you hear me?” I held her hands tightly so that my paws were wet. “Isabella, you are here.” her voice sounds weak. 14

“Don’t worry. Ms. Gauze is on her way here. I’ll be with you.” I tried to comfort her.

The next morning, I brought a bouquet of flowers to Joanne. I went into the room and said, “Good morning, lady! See what I bring to you!” “Wuuu…….uh….” Joanne was sobbing. “Don’t worry, my dear. I’m here. ” I wiped the tears on her face. “Isa…Isabella, I…… I’m really really sorry. “Sorry for what? You shouldn’t feel bad about the accident. It is the driver who should 15

feel sorry about this. He was drunk! It was not your faults.” “NO, Isabella, I have to tell you the truth. I’m so regretful… I….”, Joanne bent her head. “What are you talking about?” I was totally confused. “I stole your costume from the locker. IT WAS ME……I’m the THIEF.” Joanne put her face in the hands and crying. “I threw it in the garbage ten blocks away from the school. On my way back to the dormitory, I saw the dazzling light and I heard a big sound. Then, I woke up in 16

the hospital.” I was SO SHOCKED. It seems like someone just hit my head from the back. I couldn’t say even one word. I couldn’t think. “Blame me, hit me, slap me…….anything!! Please, Isabella. Please, talk to me. GOD, I’m so stupid. I betrayed you. I am so sorry, Isabella. I made an unforgivable mistake.” The silence remained lasted like forever. “Why?? Why, Joanne? I didn’t get the point. Did I do anything wrong to you?” I really really want to scream. 17

“It was Christine’s idea. All the girls knew that you practiced very hard, and you even stayed and kept practicing at the dancing room after school. She had a deal with me. If I threw away your costume, she would ask her father and tell the judges to let me in. So… after several days, I promised her. I was such a selfish person. I am really sorry.” Joanne confessed that. “So our friendship is not worthy for that God damn role? I thought you were my best friend ever! You were the last person that I’ve ever doubted!!!” I was so angry and sad. “It’s 18

over! Our friendship is over!” I grabbed my handbag and stood up. “Wait, Isabella!” said by Joanne. “The doctor told me that I could not walk for three months. And perhaps… perhaps I will not be able to dance anymore. My ankle crashed. ” Joanne said it with a calm tone. “Why all the things turn out like this? I felt like I was going crazy. “Do you know why I practice so hard, Joanne?” I said. “Christine is Ms. Gauze favorite student. And she is undoubtedly an excellent 19

dancer. And you, too, Joanne. You have more talents than I do. I want to dance as well as you do. I don’t even care whether who can get the leading role in the Swan Lake as long as we can dance together! I care YOU more, not the role!” “It’s just too late, Joanne. I’m so disappointed.” “I am sorry, Isabella. I knew it is impossible for us to be friends anymore. But please let me do the last thing for you. Take my costume, Isabella. We wear the same size. Take it, please. This is the only thing I could do now.” she said it 20

with a begging sound. I did not take her costume and ran out of the hospital. I couldn’t hold the emotions. I burst into tears with sadness and anger. I really, really, didn’t understand. There was nobody in the streets, and the noise of cars was far away. I walked heavily back to the dormitory. “It was such a long day,” I murmured to myself.


-Chapter 3The semester ended last week, and it was the summer vacation. I lounged on my bed at home and watched some old photos Mom took for me. I didn’t go to the casting of Swan Lake. On the casting day, all of my roommates woke up early and did all the preparation. I lied to them I had high fever and I’m too sick to go to the casting. In that evening, they came back and told me that Christine got the leading role and Ms. Gauze was proud of her. “Bella, come out! It’s Joanne.” Mom shouts. I 22

went to down stairs and saw Joanne sat on the wheel chair. “My dad drove me here, he will come back later.” said Joanne. “Hi,” I said. It was the first time we talked after our fight in the hospital. “How’s your ankle? Better now?” I asked. “Yes, the doctor said I can take off the plaster next week. Then I can walk!” Joanne smiled at me. “Ms. Gauze told me you didn’t go to the casting. I’m sorry.” she said. “Never mind, don’t worry about me. I’m busy with another thing recently. I’m registered 23

in the NYU. I’ll study and dance there, and our first performance will be held in Lincoln Center!” I said. “Congratulations, Isabella!! That’s great! Your dream comes true!” “Thank you, Joanne. Oh, and how about you? What’s your plan after graduating from high school?” “Though I can’t dance anymore, I could be a choreographer.” Joanne told me in a delight tone. We talked for several hours about our future just like before. I told Joanne that I 24

forgave her. “After all, it is not the worst result for us after we went through all these things.� I thought.

-The End-


Reference e=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=9V-vUYK_O43TkgW-hIGwC Q&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1301&bih=570


Acknowledgement First of all, I want to thank my writing teacher, Mr. Kenneth M Smith. I’ve learned a lot from his class. It is not an easy work to write an essay or even a novel in a foreign language, but Mr. Smith helped me and the rest of us solve all the difficulties and reach our goals! Also, I want to thank my peer-editing partner and my classmates. They gave me plenty of great advices and inspired me to write this story! Sincerely, Vivian


Isabella is an eighteen-year-old girl who learns ballet since five. In Fall, there is a chance of casting the famous ballet — Swan Lake. Unfortunately, Isabella found her costume and pointe shoes were all gone two days before the casting. At the same time, she got a phone call from Ms. Gauze……


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