Yuka yeh the guardians

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The Guardians

By Yuka Yeh

The Guardians

Words in text : 5276 Words in Oxford 3000: 88%

Written by Yuka Yeh of E44A Instructor: Mr. Kenneth M. Smith Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages Kaohsiung, Taiwan June 2013


About the Author

Yuka Yeh was born in Taipei City. Currently studying at Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages. She likes adventures and challenges herself in many different ways.

The story was inspired by her exchange life in Europe, and also this is her very first time writing a novel. Hope you enjoy it!


Tables of Contents

 About the Author  Prologue  Chp.1 Once upon a time  Chp.2 The adventure begins  Chp.3 Who am I?  Chp.4 The Helper  Chp.5 Forgive  Acknowledgement



So here we go. Once upon a time, a rumor had been spreading between all the cartoonists in Brussels, a rumor has been spreading of a magic quill that could make the cartoon


characters come to life. It was hidden somewhere in the city, and as time went by, the people stopped caring about the legend. Except for Nicolas......


1. Once upon a time

<Bookstore> “Nico, make sure all the latest stocks are on the list and you can go.” “No problem, Lil” Nicolas, typical Belgian boy, 180cm high, brown hair, green eyes, works in the bookstore because of his crush on Lily, the daughter of the owner. “Are you visiting Mr. Stern today?” asked Lily “I think so, what’s up?” “Don’t forget to bring him his order from last week.” “Okay, see you tomorrow. Bisous! ”


Thursday was Nicolas’s favorite day among the 7 days. Not the weekend but Thursday. The day when he can go to Stern’s house. He is a frequent customer at the bookstore, and also a very old friend of Lily’s father

Nicolas is the one who delivers Stern’s orders, and Stern always invites him into the house for coffee. They get along pretty well, and Stern decided to invite him over every Thursday for a lecture day, in which Stern shares his stories and experiences with this young kid. On the way to Stern’s house, Nicolas is thinking about the legend, which Stern told him last week. The story had been wandering


in his mind. He can’t help himself from believing in it just as he couldn’t wait to know more about the details since he had so many questions to ask. A magic quill, which could bring the comic book characters to life, and it’s been hidden in this city, lost track of for years. Nicolas always fancied urban legends. Besides, he would like to hang out with Tintin, an adventurer, known as the most famous comic book character in Belgium, if the quill exists.

<Stern’s house> Alex Stern is sitting at his balcony, smoking his pipe, and enjoying the rare sunshine in drippy Brussels. Far away, he sees Nicolas


approaching, with his skateboard as usual. Stern stands up and goes to the front door to welcome his young friend. “Good evening, sir. How are you?” “I’m good, kid. Come inside.” “Thank you. Oh, by the way, these are the books you ordered last week.” “Sweet! How’s Lily?” “She’s been great, a little busy with her thesis.” “She will do great, never met a smart girl like her.” Stern picks up the books and walks into his study room. Nicolas places his skateboard at the hallway, and follows him. “Take a seat. What would you like to drink?” “Coffee is good for me, thank you.”


“So where were we last week? Did I tell you about who made the quill?” “Yes, you did. I want to know who lost it, and who may own it now.” “That’s a good question. Nobody knows. Some people said it’s broken, and some people said the royal family possesses it.” “But how did you learn about this story? I heard about it once in my art class, but my teacher doesn’t know about the details like you do. “ “It was my grandpa who told me this when I was young, and it used to be my favorite bed time story. When I was studying in university, I even wrote a screen play about it.”


Nicolas falls into a deep thought. He doesn’t know why he is so interested about it. He feels like he has some connection with the story, and it’s like somebody whispering in his mind telling him he should keep asking. Who owns it now? What would they do with it? Why have people lost track of it? “When was it last seen by people? Where can I find more information about it? Was it even written in any history books?” “I’m not sure, kid, I’m not sure. What my grandfather told me was that the last time someone saw it, was about 25 years ago. You weren’t even born yet. When I was in college, I was inspired by the story, I even wrote a play. If you want, you can have my research book,


which I used back when I was preparing for the play. You can also read stories about it in the yearbooks of Brussels, which are stored at the royal library. It was pretty popular for the last few decades, but people are just not into it anymore.” Nicolas’s eyes gleamed when he heard that he can read about it in books, and that he could even have Mr. Stern’s research book!

Stern looked at this young kid, smiling. He sees his younger self in Nicolas, fancying the legend and full of enthusiasm. He sees hope.


2. The adventure begins…

<Phone ringing in Stern’s house> “Hello, Alex Stern speaking.” “Hi, Mr. Stern. It’s me Lily.” “Oh, my dear Lily! What can help you?” “Well, I have some problems with Nico, and I need you to tell me what’s going on…” “Okay, sure. Do you want to pass by my house later?” “Yes, that would be nice. Thank you.” “Give me a call when you are on your way.” “See you later then, Mr. Stern.” Lily put down the phone and looked at Nicolas, snoring and sleeping on the office table with


many documents and newspapers lying around. <Stern’s house> “Welcome, my dear Lily.” Stern sees the worried look on Lily’s face. “Have a seat. Tell me what’s wrong with you two?” “Nothing’s really wrong, but Nicolas has been too obsessed about that quill story you told him. He's been reading all the newspapers, yearbooks, and history books. All things that I've never seen him reading before.” Stern walked towards the window, trying not to meet Lily’s eyes. He looked at the streets. Lily couldn't hold her worries when she heard about the quill.


“No, you are not going to bring him this trouble. Did you forget what happened to you when you were trying to look for it again a few years ago? I don’t think he should even know about it, Mr. Stern. By the way, you promised my dad that you would guard the secret, and you would protect him. You shouldn’t be forgetting since my father is still rehabilitating from that accident just because of your obsession to the story” “I’m not trying to get him into any trouble! But it’s time for him to know about it. Nicolas needs to know the truth.” “He’s good like this right now, we are all good. You know about the consequences. So please do yourself a favor and leave him alone. That’s


the only way to protect him from knowing too much.” Lily stood up, ready to leave the house, but Stern stopped her by grabbing her hands. “Lil, you are not going to tell your father about it, are you?” “If you don’t stop doing this, I will. Or he will find out himself, sooner or later.” Lily closes the door, and she began to run. Stern looked at her as she was leaving, and took a deep breathe. He walked back to the study room, unlocked one of his drawers, and took out a photo. He began to sniffle, tears falling down on his cheeks.


<The next morning at the bookstore> Nicolas ran into the bookstore, jumping with joy. “Lil, Lil, look what I found!” “You're late again, fourth time this week.” she responded without interest. “I found a map which can lead me to every places where the quill had been seen, and from my perspective, it’s not just an urban legend anymore. It’s true!” Lily put down the books she was going to put on the shelf, and she turned her head to Nicolas. “Nicolas Van Der Heyson, you stop doing what you are doing right away, you are pissing me off. I don't care about you and your magic


story, nor your research, but you have to be responsible.” This was the very first time Nicolas to saw Lily in such anger. Her face was blushing. “Lily, are you okay? I’m sorry for being late for the past few days, but I’ve never seen you like this. What’s wrong? Is there something more you want to tell me?” Lily isn’t sure if she should be the one to tell Nicolas the truth… “No, no, nothing. I’m sorry for acting like this. Everything’s fine. I might be a little bit pressured by my thesis. But please, be on time and help me more. I know you’ve been searching for the stories, but honestly don’t bring it to work. I’m not really interested.”


Nicolas frowned. He somehow figured that Lily had something to tell but wasn't. He knew her well. Besides, hes secretly had an unstoppable crush on Lily for years. The only reason he was working in the bookstore was because he can be around this pretty, smart, intelligent and charming girl. He couldn't tell Lily how much he’d fallen for her because he wanted to be a better man, just for her. Suddenly, a tall man with a walking stick slowly walked into the bookstore. It was Lily’s father, Jonathan Rose. Nicolas saw him and he turned around to look for Lily, but she disappeared, probably in the stockroom now since they just had a little fight. “Good afternoon, Mr. Rose.”


“Good afternoon, Nicolas. How are you?” “I’m doing good, sir. You’re here for Lily? ” Nicolas turned his head to see if Lily was back. “Well, I’m here for you both. She’s not in a good mood recently and I’m sure there’s something to do with you kiddo. So, tell me what are you up to?” “Nothing special. I’m just doing a research of a story which Mr. Stern told me.” “Which Stern? Alex Stern?” “Yes, that’s him, sir.” “You are not looking for the magic quill, are you?” “Um, not exactly. I’m just trying to figure out the story.”


“Whatever you are doing right now, leave it. I suggest you stop going on.” “Sir, I don’t understand. Why do you and Lily act so strange about it? Isn’t it just a legend? ” ”No, it’s not just a story. It did happen, and nobody should ever look for it for any reason.” “What?” Lily walked out from the stockroom and was surprised to see her father. “Dad, why are you here? Is everything fine? The doctor said you shouldn’t be moving too much.” “Sweetheart, I’m not handicapped. It’s just a broken leg.” “Do you need anything to drink? Or do you want to sit down? Or can I get you anything?”


“Slow down my lady, no need to rush. Can you please leave me and Nico here for a few minutes? I will join you at the counter.” “Okay.” She looked at Nicolas, and then her dad, leaving with curiosity. “So, Nicolas, back to the topic. Stop tracking the story. I can’t tell you why, but it’s for your own good.” “But...but sir, it seems like all of you know about it. Why can’t you just tell me what happened, and why I shouldn’t go after this story?” Jonathan, hesitating if he should tell the truth because of Nicolas’s non-stop questions.


“As the old saying goes, all magic comes with a price. End of this conversation, do you understand? And you owe Lily an apology.” Nicolas knew that Mr. Rose wasn't going to talk further about it, but he also was not going to give up. He decided to keep investigating. Jonathan Rose walked to his daughter. He gave her a hug, and patted her back to comfort her. “I know you have quite a lot of pressure, but I will deal with this. I’m going to talk to Stern about it.” “Dad, I’m not ready… I don’t want the day to come. I’m afraid of him making his own destiny. I don’t understand why Mr. Stern is doing this.” Lily told her worries, with her voice shaking.


Jonathan tried to calm his daughter down by holding her closer and murmured with guilt, “I should have noticed when he invited Nicolas every week.” He decided to do something before Stern and Nicolas do.

<Another Thursday> Nicolas was on the way to Stern’s house, skateboarding and eager to see Mr. Stern since it seemed like he is the only one who can solve the puzzle now. After the overreaction of the Roses, and since the story had been confirmed, he went to all the places that are drawn on the map to see if he could possibly get any clue, but nothing was found. Those places are just places where the city had graffiti walls. In his


opinion, it was more like a tourist map with no relation to the story. “Hey you, come here.” A man is waved at him from the corner, with his head cocked to the side, as if he were giving him directions. Nicolas looked back and there was no one behind him, so he was sure the man was talking to him. He walked towards the man and asked, ”Sir, what can I help you with?” “This is for you.” the man said as he passed him an envelope, saying nothing more as he walked away. Nicolas opened the envelope and took out the letter within. It’s from Mr. Stern.


Nicolas, Sorry, I won’t be at home for a while. I’m staying at Hotel Metropolitan now. RDV tomorrow 4pm, room 604. I will tell you everything. Remember, nobody should know where I am now, not even the Roses. Take care. Alex. S

Now he really needed to know what’s going on.

<At the same time> Jonathan had tried to reach Stern several times for the past few days, but he had totally lost him. His face became pale because he realized it’s too late.


3. Who am I?

3:50 p.m., the weather is a little bit cloudy. Near Hotel Metropolitan, people are sitting at the terrace, having afternoon tea, chatting with each other, and smoking elegantly. Nicolas was holding the letter tightly in hand. He felt a little bit nervous now. What will be Mr. Stern telling him? He walked into the hotel, went to wait for the elevator, and now felt that he was closer to the answer of everything. Gently, he pushed the doorbell. Mr. Stern opened the door. He is in a gown, and smoking his pipe as usual. Somehow he looks older than the last time he saw him. 28

“Hey Nic, nice to see you again.” “Hello, Mr. Stern. How have you been? You look tired.” “I’m fine, don’t worry. I’ve just been a little bit busy with some business here. ” Nicolas looked around the hotel room. It was well furnished, with double bed and a wardrobe besides the bed with no clothes inside. Instead, the clothes were spread on the ground with newspapers, books, notebooks, and a suitcase. “Mr. Stern, are you hiding from anyone? Why have you moved in here?” “Because I’m doing something that nobody should know about, but I need your help.”


“Again, is it about the quill? The Roses seem to be avoiding from telling me this.” “I know. They should be. That’s why I’m here. I know Jonathan will try to stop me from telling you. I really need your help to find the quill.” “But why me? I mean I have no idea about it. After reading all your papers and the documents, I still have no clue.” Alex Sterns took off his reading glasses, and looked at Nicolas straight in the eyes. “Because, you are the guardian of this century, which also means you're the only one who knows where the quill is. You can feel it, and you are the only one who can have it.”


Nicolas stared at this wise man who he had already known for a while, not quite sure of what he just heard. “WHAT!? Wait, what did you say?!” “You and me, we are not from this world, and we don’t exactly exist. I was the guardian for the last century.” “I’m really, really confused now. How could that be possible? If I’m the guardian, why don’t I know? Or my parents? Besides, I don’t know where the quill is. You should know if you were one before.” “Your parents aren’t really who gave birth to you. It’s just an agreement between our world and this world. All the guardians are literally orphans. Also, the fact is I don’t know where is


it. It changes its place once a new guardian is created. There are two guardians for a century, one is in charged for the first 50 years, and the other does the rest. We don’t know about our identity until the second guardian is created. We stay in this world after the job is done, and are required to meet our creators every year since they are who the ones who decide our destiny afterwards. Some of the creators have decided when and what the guardians will do after they finish the job, but most of us decide our destiny afterwards with the guardians. Normally you should be able to meet my partner, but she’s in her punishment now.” “What did she do?”


“Shelby drew you out- no, we drew you out. We weren’t supposed to do that, it’s forbidden. Love makes us all foolish. Unfortunately, she was in charge for that moment so she’s the only one being punished. We tried our best to leave you here. But she still needed to pay the price. Even now I can’t let go of my guilt. I need to rescue her and I need to fix it. I can’t imagine how she’s suffering right now.” “So the Roses all knew about it?” “Yes. They keep the profiles of each guardian, they are the chosen family.” Nicolas lowered his head, and for the moment was speechless. “Did you know you were the guardian?”


“No, I didn’t, until Shelby was created, I told you.” “Do my parents know?” “Yes, they do. Also the Roses, of course.” “Why is it so important that nobody should know where the quill is?” “It’s the strongest weapon Brussels has, for the city and for the whole country. Imagine whatever you draw will come to life, you can create an army within a few minutes, you can be a rich man without working for it, and you can have everything you want. Human beings aren’t able to control their desires. The temptation is powerful, even for the guardians.” “So who made the quill? Who creates the guardians?”


“We like to joke about the quill, we would say that’s a gift from God to help Belgium develop its own culture. Of course that’s not true, but we don't really know the origin. It has existed since the time when the first Belgian comic hit the world in the 1920s. The cartoonists who win most of the comic awards of the century create the guardians. The reason why the Belgian comics are so popular and so real is because the cartoonists know they can be real. For them, the characters aren’t just creations.” “So now how do you expect me to help you?”, Nicolas is confused. “I need you to find Shelby and the quill.” “What do you need the quill for?”


“We need it to go to our court; I want to request taking the punishment for Shelby.” “Where can I find both of them? Where should I start anyways?” “You need to find the creator of Shelby, she’s the only one who can see her from time to time, I will go with you. About the quill, you will need the comic characters in Brussels to help. Remember the map you have? They aren’t just walls. You can talk to anyone of them on the wall.” “Is that why I can always feel someone whispering in my ears when I’m walking on the street?” Stern bursts out laughing.


“Exactly, and I know how it feels, haha.” ”So that means you are willing to help me?” “Well, it seems like I have to. Besides, I got nothing to lose and I got the chance to see this mysterious magic quill!” “Oh, Nicolas, don’t let the Roses know, I already owed them a lot. If necessary, I will tell them by myself when it’s time.” “Promise. Let’s go to find Shelby’s creator tomorrow.” Stern feels really grateful to Nicolas, he is his last hope for him to meet Shelby again.


4. The Helper

The other morning, Nicolas and Stern are having their breakfast and discussing their plan. “So we need to go to Schaerbeek to find the cartoonist who created Shelby. And then we will know who we will need to find in the city to get the quill.” Doorbell rings and a sound of a men speaks, ”Room service.” “Do you need me to get the door?” Nicolas asks. “No, better I go.” Stern stands up and going to the door. He opens the door and he sees Jonathan.


“My friend, I know you are here. The Roses family knows the guardians to bones. Keeping in touch with you guys is one of our responsibilities too.” Stern sighs, ”So what do you want?” “I know nobody can stop you, so the better way for both of us is that I help, and which I already did, I knew you will going to look for Shelby, so I already visited her creator. She wants to see you in person, just you.” “So you will look for the quill, you two?” “For sure.” Stern picks up his bag, and he hurries to go out. “Good luck, Stern.”


Sterns looks at his old friend, and slowing nods his head, “Take care of Nico, please.” And then he leaves. “Mr. Rose. How’s Lily?” After the little flight, they haven’t been talking. “She’s fine. Just all the stories and what happened scared her a little bit. Anyways, we are going to look for the quill, but let me tell you what happened before we leave. Alex Stern is heading to the truth now, the truth about Shelby. It would be really hard for him, and I’m sure he needs time to be alone. What we are going to do now, is to find Stern’s creator. It seems like his destiny had been rewritten.”


“So, his destiny had been written? What about Shelby? ” “She’s not here anymore. That’s why Stern’s creator decided to end his story. We should be heading to his creator right now. Let’s go.”


5. Forgive

Stern gets off the tramway, walking with a heavy heart. The last time he saw her creator, was how Jonathan Rose got his accident. He was walking with Jonathan on the street, and then suddenly he saw someone who looked like Shelby, he couldn’t control himself to go after her, and he didn’t pay attention on the traffic, a car almost hit him, but Jonathan grabbed him just in time, unfortunately the car hit him instead. And it turned out that she was Shelby’s creator, they looked alike. After so many years, he still couldn't stop looking for her, anytime, anywhere. He finally gets to her


house. He pushes the doorbell. Anita Cohen comes to open the door. “Hello Stern. Come in. I’ve been expecting you.” “Anita, Long time no see.” They walked into the house, and Stern sees some pictures of Anita and Shelby, they look like sisters. “Make yourself home, Stern. The reason why I need to see you is because I need to tell you something important. I’ve been struggling about if I should tell you or not. And then Jonathan came by the other day, he told me about you, so I think it’s time.” “Is Shelby doing well?” This is all Stern wants to know. “Stern, Shelby, she, she doesn’t exist anymore.” “What does that mean?” Stern raises his voice.


“She came to me a few months ago. She told me she didn’t want to suffer anymore, so she asked me to draw her destiny. And according to the court, she’s still in her punishment, the only way she could end up her destiny, it’s by death. She told me she didn’t want to suffer anymore. She missed you so much that she couldn't support herself alive but being apart from you. And you see, she’s like my daughter, my best friend, and my sister. I couldn't see her passing her days like ghost. So I decided to answer her requests by finishing her life story. She knew it’s selfish to make this decision without you, but not being able to see you had made her suffer too much.”


Sterns starts to cry. “But I still owe her an apology. How could she leave me like this?” “Stern, she had never blamed you. She didn’t even regret having gone against the rules and draw Nicolas out. She said it was all worth, cause you had this lovely kid. Moreover, he is a guardian now too. It’s time for both of you to move forward. Though she had already done it.” Stern didn’t expect this would happen. All the memories about Shelby is flowing in his mind now. How she smiled, how she giggled, how she spoke, and how he needed her around. “Stern, you will have your own destiny, too. Don’t be afraid, you will see her again in your dreams. As long as you don’t forget her, she


will always be with you. You know how caring she was, and she will always am.” For Stern, everything seems to be meaningless now, for he knew that Shelby died. Anita stands up and she walks to a drawer, she takes out a jewel box, and she passes it to Stern. “She left you this.” Stern opens the box, there’s a letter, her scarf, her perfume, and some photos of them. He begins to read the letter. My love Alex, It’s the end when you read this letter. I know I’m selfish by making all the decision on my own, but living without you and Nicolas just make my life into a joke. To me, our life had already been decided, our destiny and


who we were. I’m glad we somehow made our own way by giving life to Nicolas. I didn’t regret breaking the rules, neither being punished. I know it’s going to be hard for you too. All you need to do is taking care of yourself, and Nicolas. If it’s written in your destiny, you would see me, again. Wherever and whenever. Je t’aime. Love, Shelby Cohen

Reading the letter again and again, Stern feels himself breaking into pieces. <Meanwhile> Nicolas and Jonathan arrive at Liege, on their way to visit Stern’s creator. They approach to a house baroque, where Stern’s creator lives.


Hamman is gardening at the front yard. He doesn’t seem to be surprised seeing them coming. “How are you Jonathan? I think you are here for Stern right?” “Exactly, I guess it’s not a news now.” “And that is Nicolas right?” “Good morning, sir.” “Call me Hamman. Come in, both of you.” They slowly follow Hamman into the house. The house is furnished in baroque style as it’s seen from outside. Sitting down, Jonathan starts to speak,“ I guess we would go straight to business. Time is running out.”


Hamman nods his head, ”Go ahead, what do you want to know?” “We would like to know the last destiny of Stern. Anita told me you had written it down once you knew Shelby died.” “Yes I did, but don’t worry. It’s not something horrible. He’s not going to die. Well, he will, but not in the near future, but the guardians live forever if nobody gives them their destiny. From what I know about Stern, I know he wouldn’t like that. Also he’s not going to live under the sorrow. We all know how it feels losing people we love.” “What will happen to him?” “He will start his own journey once he knows about the death of Shelby, and we will never


see him again He will die in Myanmar in twenty years by a disease.” Nicolas starts speaking, “I felt a little bit weird now. It all came so fast. The other day I know about the quill, and then I’m the guardian, and then Stern is my father somewhat. Now he will just leave me, for good.” “That’s why me and Lily were so worried about you knowing the truth. Once the destiny is decided, nobody can change. Can you take it Nicolas?” “I know that’ the destiny. I mean since it’s not written, it’s not written. I think I’m good with that. It’s just now I feel like part of me isn’t complete.”


Hamman looks at Nicolas, he continues, “I’m sorry Nicolas. I didn’t expect that he would find you. If you came earlier, maybe I could write you in. He would leave at least one month after he knows the truth. I hope you could keep him accompanied until then.” “I will, Mr. Hamman. Thank you for telling us.”


6. End of the story

Finally it comes to the end of this story. When they come back to the bookstore from Liege. Lily and Stern are already there. Stern seems better than they had imagined. Stern sees them coming, he stands up, walks into them. “So I guess, you didn’t go for the quill, but Hamman.” “Of course not. There’s nothing we can do with the quill. And we better don’t have it back. It’s more evil than a treasure, haha.” Stern raises his eyebrows, and continues. “So what will happen to me?” “If we tell you, it’s not fun. It should be unpredictable for you from now. Life is, and 52

yours should be the same. No exception though you are guardian.” Jonathan puts both his hands on Stern’s shoulder. Lily comes to Nicolas. Nicolas puts his finger on her lips, stops her from talking first. “Lily, I’m sorry. Let me talk first. What had happened last few weeks seems a little bit ridiculous for me, and you too, I guess. Honestly, I don’t think I really know what’s going on. It doesn’t matter to me now.” “I’m sorry for my overreacting before too. I’m glad you are back to me. I was afraid I might just lose you when you get the quill.” “At least I figured out what’s going on with the murmuring on the streets! Don’t know who will be my partner, should I keep a little bit


expecting? Still a few years to go. I’m only 22 now.” “Better not a girl, or I will be jealous.” They look at each other and smile. Nicolas walks to Stern. “Mr. Stern, does that mean I should be calling you dad now?” Stern laughs, “No, you don’t. I don't think I deserve the title. I’m definitely not a good father.” “Well, as long as you still have some good stories to tell. You can be a good bed-time story teller, and that’s qualified as a good father too.” “As you wish, my son.”


It might not be happily ever after, at least nobody gets hurt, no villains, no violence in our story. So what about the magic quill? As like before, with time goes by, people won’t be remembering it anymore… All the urban legend are like that, isn’t it? Maybe next time when you are walking in the street of Brussels, and you hear some murmuring, you should be aware! Maybe you are one of the guardians.


Acknowledgement First of all, I’d like to thank Mr. Smith, our instructor of this course, had come up with this amazing idea. Even though it was a little bit difficult at the beginning to start writing a novel with limited time, but once you started, you would know how fun it is! Also, I would like to thank Brussels, the city where the story was inspired, my peer-editing partner- Alice, who gave me advices on my novel, and all my English Writing class classmates! We made it! ď Š



In the city of comic books, a legend has been told of a magic quill, which brings comic characters to life. Nicolas Van Der Heyson, fascinated by the legend, starts his adventure on tracing this magic treasure, but‌ ?


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