Student Guild Annual Report - 2013

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Mission Statement


The Student Guild strives to create a professional, supportive and welcoming environment through the provision of quality facilities, programs and services whilst encouraging a positive lifestyle and Griffith - Gold Coast Experience.


Table of Contents

The Student Guild Board



Office Bearers/Committee Members/Meeting Attendance

Student Guild Staff 5 President’s Report


General Manager’s Report


Student Support and Advocacy Report


Administration Report


2013 at a Glance


Social and Cultural Events Report


Sport and Recreation Report


Clubs and Societies Report


Commercial Report - Campus Bookshop


- Unibar and Fuction Centre


- Unifitness Health & Fitness Centre


- Village Express Cafe and Convenience Store


Financial Report


Sponsors and Supporters


Annual Report 1

2013 Student Guild Board

Kate Delaforce President

Cameron Harrison President

Daniel Chapelle Vice President

James Nightingale Vice President

Christian Ainsworth

Ashleigh Black

Joshua BlundellThornton

Ramona Ellis

Ben Fisher

Konnen Hannaford

Ruth Hoog Antink

Adam Jarrett

Jordan Lee

Christian LangLemckert

Jon Pedersen

Jayne Schinckel

Annual Report 2

Saeed Shaeri

Tiffany Stark

Nathan Watts

Anneleise Woodman

Andrew Thrush

Office Bearers and Committee Members 2013 Office Bearers President Kate Delaforce Cameron Harrison Vice President Daniel Chapelle James Nightingale

Committees Executive Christian Ainsworth Daniel Chapelle Kate Delaforce Ramona Ellis Ben Fisher Cameron Harrison Ruth Hoog Antink James Nightingale Saeed Shaeri

Finance & Administration Christian Ainsworth Ramona Ellis Cameron Harrison Christian Lang-Lemckert Jordan Lee Darren Tan Nathan Watts

Sport & Cultural Activities Daniel Chapelle Konnen Hannaford Nicola Harkin James Nightingale Jayne Schinckel Jessica Stapleton Anneleise Woodman

Board Meeting Attendance Up to 31 December 2013

Christian Ainsworth 6/6 Ashleigh Black 5/6 Joshua Blundell-Thornton 4/4 Daniel Chapelle 6/6 Kate Delaforce 5/6 Ramona Ellis 3/4 Ben Fisher 5/6 Konnen Hannaford 3/4 Cameron Harrison 10/10 Ruth Hoog Antink 8/10 Adam Jarrett 6/6

Jordan Lee 1/5 Christian Lang-Lemckert 4/4 James Nightingale 9/9 Jon Pedersen 7/9 Jayne Schinckel 4/4 Saeed Shaeri 2/4 Tiffany Stark 7/10 Andrew Thrush 9/9 Nathan Watts 9/10 Anneleise Woodman 9/10

Annual Report 3

Annual Report 4

Student Guild Staff Wayne Watt General Manager Linda Gillespie Executive Assistant Dennis Bollington Commercial Manager

Wayne Watt

Linda Gillespie

Dennis Bollington

Debby Barr

Debby Barr Manager - Campus Bookshop Shaun Eddie Manager - Village Express Morgan Williamson Assistant Manager - Village Express Donna Winney Manager Unifitness Health Centre

Shaun Edie


Donna Winney

Jeanette Shephard

Rebecca Clark

Rebecca Clark Venue Manager Unibar & Function Centre Â

Jaiya Vidal

Jeanette Shephard Manager Unifitness Health Centre

Nick Vaiente

Martin Lamb

Brigitte Oschadlin

Jaiya Vidal Duty Manager Unibar & Function Centre Nick Vaiente Duty Manager Unibar & Function Centre Martin Lamb Finance Manager Brigitte Oschadlin Finance Officer Steve Harris Manager Student Support & Advocacy

Steve Harris

Jessica Brown

Teresa Dawson

Cameron Sherwood

Jessica Brown Marketing Manager Teresa Dawson Publications & Multimedia Coordinator Cameron Sherwood Events Coordinator Michelle Brown Sport & Recreation Officer Pauline MacDonald Receptionist/ Admin Support

Michelle Brown

Pauline Macdonald

Renee Harrison

Morgan Williamson

Renee Harrison Receptionist/ Admin Support

Annual Report 5

President’s Report What a year for the Student Guild. Having begun my first term as President in July, I could not have come at a more exciting time for the Student Guild. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to Kate Delaforce, who for three years as President facilitated the growth of the Student Guild, leading us to-

ward the strong position we find ourselves in at present. Her support and guidance made my transition to President a manageable and efficient experience, and it is this continuity of the Student Guild that will ensure its fruition in the coming years. Kicking off the academic year were our O’Week celebrations, which Cameron Harrison saw energetic involvement from approximately 6,500 students. Students President were able to collect orientation bags, containing a diary, wall-planner and USB lanyard. This week set the pace high for the rest of the semester (and year), with both cultural and sporting club sign-on days seeing our largest number of new and existing cultural and sporting clubs to a total of 50, involving and engaging 7,600 members! During the Easter holidays, the Student Guild also supported the Australian Intervarsity Debating Championships, with over 300 debaters from 20 universities battling it out for the Championship title. The popular Unibar parties, with a few new themes including Op Shop and Emergency Services continued to draw a crowd. 2013 was witness to the inaugural Student Guild Ball held at Jupiter’s Casino. Two hundred and fifty students dressed in their finest ‘Casino Royale’ attire to enjoy 5 hours of fine food, drinks and live band entertainment. We hope this will become an annual event of a similar scale to that of Race Day. A ‘Social Club’ was created at the Unibar, with social members receiving a key ring, chance to win cash draws and discounted food and drinks. This resulted in enhanced student engagement, with more events to meet this participation. One of GUGC’s very own up and coming bands – The Orchard – were victors of the National campus band competition final held in Canberra, winning $10,000! The Gold Coast Association of Postgraduates (GCAP) was revamped this year, and soon became the fastest growing student accessed society at Uni, with free lunches, activities, scholarships and postgraduate support services. Additional highlights coming from the Student Support Manager included the Relay for Life, which raised $42,680. Our Vice Chancellor, Ian O’Connor held the honour of Patron of the event, with 32 student teams and over 300 students, staff and local community being involved. The Guild Alternative Programs (GAP) included workshops on wellness, stress management, barista courses, as well as weekend trips to places like Currumbin wildlife park and even an overnight camp on Stradbroke Island.

Annual Report 6

Our first election in 7 years was held mid-year, with massive student and campus involvement, generating a huge awareness and interest in the Student Guild, and Student Guild Board. Thirteen students ran for 7 positions, resulting in a full 14 member strong, engaged and enthusiastic Board representation. I would like to take the time to thank all Board Members of 2013 for the voluntary time invested; their contribution and efforts were much appreciated. Another highlight of second semester were next level Market Days with cheap meals, entertainment and market stalls every fortnight. Almost 2,500 discounted lunches were sold to hungry staff and students, who were serenaded with live music from talented students from the Queensland Conservatorium of Music. As per previous years, the annual Race Day at the Gold Coast Turf Club reached capacity, with over 1,100 students enjoying a day at the track, in the refurbished marquee. To touch on several sporting achievements for the Student Guild, both Northern and Australian University Games held at Brisbane and Gold Coast respectively attracted record numbers of students to compete and represent Griffith University against other Universities from Australia. The Blues Awards for sporting recognition of our most elite athletes representing at a national level were reintroduced, celebrating fantastic sporting achievements by our very own Griffith students. 2013 was the biggest year yet for Unifitness with over 1000 members in 2013. The success of the Unifitness Health Centre can be attributed to competitive challenges including 21 classes in 28 days, Open Days, group fitness exercise weeks and Footy Fever activities. The ongoing support of Griffith University, local Gold Coast businesses and sponsors ensure the continued success of the Student Guild and their initiatives, and it is appropriate to pass on my thanks and appreciation on behalf of the students who benefit from your support. I would also like to thank to the Student Guild employees, in particular to the General Manager, Wayne and Linda, his Executive Assistant. The decisions made by the Student Guild Board rest highly on the ability of the Student Guild employees to implement such, and I thank them for their efforts and commitment. In summary, the Student Guilds’ presence, involvement, services, support and student engagement continued to grow and expand throughout 2013. Stay tuned for an even bigger and better 2014! Yours truly,


Annual Report 7

General Manager’s Report The most important challenge for the Student Guild in 2013 was the opportunity to operate under the first full year of the Student Services and Amenities Fee funding. With the inclusion of additional staff in specific roles the Student Guild was able to extend existing services, to create new and exciting ventures and maximise the engagement of the students on the Gold Coast Campus. In the included reports – from the President through to the individual departments you will gain insight into the many and varied examples of these opportunities offered through the year. An underlying development across all departments was the Board’s decision to explore the re-branding and re-launching of the Student Guild – developed around a new logo and all associated promotional materials and functions of the Guild’s operation. This new image and direction melded into the Guild’s plan to refurbish and/or upgrade a number of our commercial and service facilities across campus. A dedicated spin room was incorporated into the Unifitness centre, an overdue and commercially driven refurbishment of the Village Express was undertaken and with the textbooks withdrawn from the bookshop the space was converted into “The Uni Store” with a wide ranging offer from stationery to a new confectionery and health product “wall”. The major project commissioned prior to the end of 2013 was the much awaited redesign and refurbishment of the Unibar precinct – incorporating the light rail station access, relocating the service bar, extending and enclosing the open terrace space and the construction of a new building frontage to welcome both university and community patrons. The Student Guild is partnered in the $5 million project with Griffith University which once again reinforces the strong positive relationship the Guild shares with the University. The two stage project is programmed to commence early in 2014 with completion by orientation week 2015. 2013 also saw the first full election of the Student Guild Board since the introduction of Volunteer Student Unionism. Nominations exceeded the required number of board vacancies for the first time since 2006. This ensured an election was required and following vigorous and enthusiastic campaigning seven (six new) students were rewarded by being elected onto the Student Guild Board. Following this process Cameron Harrison - was re-elected into the position of President. Cameron has continued to develop the role both within the Board and Committee structures and policies and just as importantly into the representation of the Guild at University and community functions and events. The newly - elected Board comprises all levels of student representation with undergraduate, postgraduate and international students all having a presence on the Board.

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It would be remiss of me not to acknowledge the outgoing President – Kate Delaforce. The time, commitment and guidance Kate contributed to her role as Student Guild President has been invaluable. Her communication and representation with the University relating to the Student Services and Amenities Fee consultative process ensured the Guild’s role in becoming the major service delivery agent for the University under the Student Services and Amenities Fee guidelines. I would like to thank a number of University staff who continue to support and advise the Student Guild; Professor Ned Pankhurst – Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research) and Provost Gold Coast, Colin McAndrew – Pro Vice Chancellor (Administration) and Russell Hume – Facilities Manager (Campus Services Gold Coast). Their contribution and guidance is greatly appreciated. To all the staff of the Student Guild my continued gratitude. 2013 and the incorporation of a full Student Guild Board saw the staff face new and unforeseen challenges and their commitment and professionalism has been unwavering and a credit to their loyalty to the students of the Gold Coast Campus. Last and certainly not least I would like to acknowledge Mr Kevin Stapleton – General Manager University Southern Queensland Student Guild. Kevin retired in early 2013 and his departure has left a void in the university student organisation sector across the country. His contribution on all levels – from campus to national bodies is immeasurable and his expertise and wisdom is irreplaceable and will be missed by all. I thank him most sincerely for his support and guidance over many years and trust his retirement holds new and fulfilling challenges. With 2013 setting these new foundations the Student Guild will continue to strengthen its presence and role on the Gold Coast Campus and we look forward to an exciting and successful 2014.


Annual Report 9

Student Support and Advocacy Advocacy The Student Support and Advocacy Manager met formally with 95 students during 2013 to provide assistance and support for academic and non-academic concerns, as well as providing guidance to 60 more students in regards to University policies. Of these approximately 25% are international students. These students have brought forth a variety of issues (some cases still ongoing) including: academic appeal; review of grade; application for special consideration; withdraw without academic penalty; harassment; response to academic misconduct; as well as complaints and grievances. Many matters were handled internally, though some required necessary paperwork to be submitted as part of Griffith University policy.

Charity Events A strong relationship has now been established with Cancer Council Queensland and the Student Guild. The Guild hosted Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea on Thursday 23 May. Throughout the morning several hundred students and faculty stopped by for cupcakes, tea and a nice social atmosphere. We raised over $300 through this event. The Student Guild was also excited to bring Relay for Life to Griffith University’s Gold Coast campus on October 19-20, 2013. Thirty-two teams made up of more than 300 students, staff and the general public joined together to raise money for the Cancer Council in a hope to fight cancer and find a cure. Relay for Life was an 18 hour event where teams walked, ran, skateboarded and even uni-cycled around the relay track. Teams set up tents, bean bags and camping chairs all along the track which went from one end of University Drive to the other. The event kicked off at 3pm with the opening ceremony where the Patron of the Griffith University Relay for Life, Vice-Chancellor Ian O’Connor welcomed everyone to Relay and reminded those present what Relay represents: a place to celebrate those who have survived cancer, a place to thank those who have cared for people with cancer and a place to remember those who had lost their battle with cancer. Once the ceremony had finished, cancer survivors and carers walked the first lap closely followed by those who had come to support the Cancer Council. Relay for Life were very lucky to also have a number of musicians perform on the Relay stage throughout the event. Performers from the Griffith University Conservatorium graced the stage with their amazing talent. Aside from all the fun going on at Relay, the Candlelight Ceremony reminded everyone of why they were there and what their efforts were achieving. A Griffith University student who had survived cancer gave a speech on behalf of those who were battling with the effects of cancer and gave an insight into how much it meant to those suffering that people and organisations like relay participants and the Cancer Council helped people in difficult times through their donations and support efforts. After the planning committee of Griffith students set a goal of raising $20,000 they were very excited to learn that the participants more than doubled this goal and raised $42,680 towards the fight against cancer. After the great success of this event, it will be held again in October 2014.

Annual Report 10

Gold Coast Association of Postgraduates (GCAP) The Gold Coast Association of Postgraduates (GCAP) was resurrected by the Student Guild in semester 1 to help postgraduate students increase their academic achievement and participate in more social activities. The mission of GCAP is to create a positive postgraduate student experience for Gold Coast HDR and coursework students through the provision of academic services and support; opportunities for increased social engagement within the postgraduate community; and assistance in preparation for the transition from postgraduate study. This includes scholarships, conference funding and special project funding, editorial support as well as social networking events for postgraduates. Below are details of funding support developed by GCAP for postgraduate students on the Gold Coast campus. GCAP Scholarships The Gold Coast Association of Postgraduates also offers postgraduate coursework and research students’ three forms of financial assistance: 1.

GCAP Scholarships Program

Purpose The GCAP Scholarship program looks to recognise postgraduate students for academic achievement, personal development, and university engagement. The aim of the scholarship program is to encourage and motivate students to develop a wide range of skills and experiences during their postgraduate study. Size/scope GCAP may issue up to 20 $1000 scholarships in each year. These scholarships are issued twice per year, in alignment with the semester system. The scholarships offered are as follows: Semester One • Postgraduate Entry scholarship (based on tertiary education completed immediately prior to postgraduate commencement) • Improvement scholarship (for those who can demonstrate an improvement in their academic achievement) • HDR Scholarship (based on academic achievement and commitment to the university community) • Coursework Diversity Scholarship (active in enhancing diversity on Campus) • International Academic Excellence X 2 (rewarding academic achievement of international course work students) • Domestic Academic Excellence X 2 (rewarding academic achievement of domestic coursework students) • University Contributor Scholarship X 2 (rewarding postgraduate students who have contributed to the university community)

Annual Report 11

Semester Two • HDR Scholarship (based on academic achievement and commitment to the university commu nity) • Coursework Diversity Scholarship (active in enhancing diversity on Campus) • International Academic Excellence X 2 (rewarding academic achievement of international course work students) • Domestic Academic Excellence X 2 (rewarding academic achievement of domestic coursework students) • University Contributor Scholarship X 2 (rewarding postgraduate students who have contributed to the university community) • Work Experience/Placement/Internship Scholarship (for students demonstrating high achieve 2.

Charity and Community Enhancement Fund (CCEF)

Purpose The purpose of the GCAP Charity and Community Enhancement Fund (CCEF) program is to provide support for the following initiatives: 1) Assist postgraduate students to engage in charity work both domestically and internationally; 2) Assist new and existing initiatives that can benefit postgraduate students; and, 3) Assist postgraduate students to implement community enhancement and engagement projects. These three goals are purposefully broad in scope in order to encourage a wide range of applications. It is envisioned that applications will range from group trips to disadvantaged communities to provide aid work to social activities designed for postgraduate students. Size/scope The CCEF program can award any number of awards of varying amounts in a given application period. The total amount of funds distributed must not exceed the amount accounted for in the GCAP budget. The CCEF committee has the authority to grant awards of up to $2500. Funds exceeding this amount must be ratified by the GCAP executive committee. Funding rounds will occur twice per year in conjunction with the academic semesters of Griffith University. 3.

Conference Funding

Purpose The GCAP Conference Funding program aims to provide postgraduate students with support to attend academic and professional development conferences. Size/scope There are two categories for the GCAP Conference Funding program, HDR students and coursework students. This division has been put in place because of the access to conference funding already available to HDR students through GGRS, research centres, research funds, and other areas.

Annual Report 12

For coursework students, funding is intended to cover flight and registration costs to a maximum of $2500 for international conferences and $1250 for regional (Australia and New Zealand) conferences. Not all recipients will receive the maximum amount. In occasional cases, limited funding may also be provided to assist with accommodation and other ancillary costs. For HDR students, funding will be a maximum of $500 for any conference and awarded at the discretion of the committee. The GCAP budget dictates the total amount of conference funding available in each of the three funding rounds per year. In 2014, GCAP will continue to develop and implement programs to support postgraduate students on the Gold Coast campus.

Guild Alternative Program (GAP) Initiated at the beginning of Semester 1, 2013 GAP provides Gold Coast campus students several courses to further their life skills & workplace qualifications. The idea of GAP is to assist students to develop skills necessary for life outside of the university classroom and create a well-rounded, Griffith graduate. In week 3, twelve students commenced an “inspirational” 8 week course called “Live Life Now”. Facilitated by Shiike Vanderwerff, one hour per week students worked on techniques to develop wellness and purpose while reducing stress. This course received excellent reviews and was offered again during 2nd semester to undergrads as well as a new course for postgraduate students. Both courses again received strong reviews from the students and will be offered again in 2014 with some slight re-structuring.

Intercampus Bus Service The Student Guild provides an intercampus bus service for students and faculty to travel between Gold Coast campus and Nathan campus. The bus travels between the campuses four times per day. The cost of one-way transport is $5.00. During semester 1, 2013 the bus service was utilised by 920 passengers facilitating their transfer between campuses. In semester 2, the bus service increased its presence between campuses creating an effective, low-cost alternative for 1762 students and faculty.

Justice of the Peace Service The Student Guild provides Justice of the Peace volunteers 4 days per week to certify documents for students and faculty. During the 2013 academic year, the Justice of the Peace volunteers saw an average of 100 students and faculty per week and certified an average of 325 documents per week.

Legal Service Fortnightly, our business partners from McInnes Wilson Lawyers come on-campus to offer free legal advice or referrals for students. This service is offered in teaching weeks in one of our consultant rooms. This is a valuable service for domestic and international students with issues ranging from minor traffic infractions to tenancy issues and even criminal charges.

Annual Report 13

Assignment Help This service was offered all day Monday and Tuesday mornings in 2013 by experienced postgraduate editors. With over 150 consultations made. This service offered support to undergraduates in areas of grammar, English help, formatting and referencing.

Emergency Loans In case of financial difficulty, the Student Guild offers students up to $50 for an emergency loan. This can be used for things such as rent, fuel, textbooks or food. An “Emergency Loan Application” must be completed and approved before this is issued. During semester 1 alone, the Guild provided $1465 in emergency loans.

Student Support Scholarships The Student Guild offered 12 “Student Support Scholarships” this year intended to assist current undergraduate students with the costs associated with university study. Applications were sought from students from low income families, Indigenous Australians, International students, people with a disability or ongoing illness, people with significant caring responsibilities and those from rural or regional areas of Australia. As well, students who have made significant contributions to the Griffith University community or the community as a whole were encouraged to apply. In April, 8 scholarships of $1000 were issued to these undergraduate students, as well as 4 $1000 scholarships for GUMURRII students.

Harmony Day Harmony Day is a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home – from the traditional owners of this land to those who have come from many countries around the world. By participating in Harmony Day activities, we can learn and understand how all Australians from diverse backgrounds equally belong to this nation and enrich it. The message of Harmony Day is “Everyone Belongs” and in 2013 the theme is “Many Stories – One Australia”. Here on the Gold Coast campus celebrations took place on Tuesday 19 March at the Koala Café, Unibar and Function Centre with an abundance of cultural activities including: games, dance, art, music, storytelling, cooking and sharing cultural meals. Lead up to the event saw sales of orange Harmony Day t-shirts for a gold coin donation resulting in the Gold Coast campus raising over $800 towards Harmony Day charities and a sea of orange being noticed around campus throughout the day.

Exam Support During the university examination period of semester 1 and 2, the Student Guild provided students with a free healthy breakfast option prior to their exams. Every day students could stop by one of two Guild booths set up at strategic locations on campus to get some healthy breakfast. On each occasion students were extremely happy to get some food, many mentioning they had forgotten to eat.

Annual Report 14

Relay for Life 2013 Annual Report 13

Administration Report ACCOMMODATION SERVICE Get on the Bus This free service again proves to be a recognised service that is appreciated by new students looking for accommodation. Our driver strives to accommodate all bookings and provides a wealth of knowledge that is personable for students. Offering this service for 2 weeks prior to Week 1 in each semester is an exclusive service from the Student Guild that we hope to further enhance in advertising methods and word of mouth in 2014. The range of Nationalities seeking Accommodation is diverse, showing that the service is widely accepted by International students. Knowing that we have helped over 100 students in finding accommodation in 2013 shows the service is worthwhile.

Offering Accommodation Our notice-board on campus continues to be a physical avenue for those who want to see what options are available from fellow students or those in the community who have a spare room or unit available to share. In conjunction with our website, the notices provide a summarised listing. With 302 listings in Semester 1 and 138 listings in Semester 2, 32% were Griffith students advertising. We continue to advertise purpose-built Student Accommodation complexes and judging from their statistics, they still are a sought after alternative as they ensure you are living with fellow students sharing facilities.

EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Advertising casual or part-time positions. Semester 1 consisted of 54 positions and semester 2 consisted of 37 positions. This free-service of advertising positions for businesses and employers is a much-needed service that supports the local community and is an exclusive opportunity for students of Griffith to access these positions via the Careerboard.

GO CARDS & TRANSPORT Go Card sales, top ups and modifying expiry dates continue to be a dominant service provided by the Student Guild. Figures only show our sales of new cards purchased. As we are a selected retailer that can modify expiry dates, this service will continue to be offered as Concession Go Cards can only be modified by a retailer and not at a fare machine. In total 2003 Go Cards were issued at the Student Guild. With the discontinuation of printed timetables from Translink, our service of advising transport options to students via the Journey Planner on the Translink website has increased. As many routes have been disrupted or will become effective from January 2014, our service of helping students with transport options is expected to increase in 2014 due to the implementation of the light-rail.

Annual Report 16

TUTORS The Student Guild offers a tutor service facilitating primary, secondary and tertiary education students to secure a Griffith University Gold Coast student tutor to assist with their studies. The tutor service supports Griffith University students in both developing skills for study as well as obtaining employment. In semester 1 the tutor database grew with 52 new Griffith University student tutors . In semester 2 we increased this with 25 new additions.

LOCKERS With an ever increasing workload for students, lockers on-campus will always be required to help store those books and belongings in between lectures, study and recreation. Semester 1 lockers consisted of 63 new locker users and 20 in semester 2. Our bike lockers continue to receive interest as many students are incorporating exercise into their day by means of bicycle. We upgraded our key system of entry for the bicycle lockers as this service has generated more interest due to it becoming a major transport option.

END OF TRIP FACILITY We gained the opportunity of providing access to the End Of Trip Facilities on-campus in Semester Two to students and staff. A swipe card enables the cardholder to utilise the facililties at G52, G16 and G40. These facilities range in offering a lockable shed with some or all of the following: showers, bike racks, toilets and 12 hour free lockers. We provided 25 new swipe cards however the service of re-activating swipe cards is still a beneficial service we assist with due to them expiring.

PAVILION Court Bookings – Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball The Pavilion - G32 courts (tennis, basketball, volleyball) bookings are monitored by the Student Guild. To secure exclusivity of a court 7 days (weekdays and nights) and enjoy the 2 hour maximum timeframe, it is recommended to book and pay at reception. Bookings are to be made in Student Guild office hours and also include hire of equipment for free. In total 518 tennis, basketball and volleyball court bookings were made throughout 2013.

In 2013 the Student Guild office fielded 20,385 domestic enquiries and 5,681 enquiries specifically from international students.

Annual Report 17

2013 at a Glance

O’Week 18-22 February

Beach Party 22 February

Triple J Rubik’s Cube Party 28 February

Toga Party 28 March

Australian Intervarsity Debating Championships 3-5 April

Student Guild Ball 20 April

Student Guild Golf Day 23 April

Superheroes vs Villains Party 31 May

Club Sign-On Days & Corporate Stalls 23-25 July

Annual Report 18

Hypnotist Show 25 July

Back to School Party 26 July

Race Day 3 August

Volunteer Fair 6 August

National Campus Band Competition 15 August

Op Shop Ball 29 August

Emergency Services Party 20 September

Dreamworld Trip 28 September

Halloween Party 25 October Annual Report 19

Social and Cultural Events Report O’Week 2013, 18-22 Feb The Link Building (G07) proved to be a hive of activity throughout semester one orientation with a range of events and activities on offer and orientation bags provided to 10,000 students containing a wall-planner, student diary, campus map, USB lanyard and a range of discounts and student savers from local businesses. Approximately 6,500 students attended events throughout the week including Unibar promotional and sponsor activities, business stalls, a performance by student band Nine Sons of Dan, Movie Night (as an underage alternative) and the renowned Beach Party held at the Unibar with a near capacity crowd.

Australian Intervarsity Debating Championships, 3-5 April The Australian Intervarsity Debating Championships, affectionately known as ‘Easters’ for its proximity to the Easter holiday, is the annual National Championships for university debating institutions in Australia. The Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild in conjunction with the Griffith Organised Debating Society (GODS) played host to the three day event, held at the Function Centre (G07). Over 300 novice student debaters, from approximately 20 universities, battled it out for the Championship title. Encouraging feedback was received from GODS President, Jessica Musulin, and student participants’, stating the event was one of the most organised and value-for-money tournaments they had ever attended. In addition, the Easters event and the Student Guild featured in positive NBN news coverage.

Student Guild Ball, 20 April A first time annual event held at the request of the Student Guild Board. The 250+ attendees gave rave reviews and the Student Guild received quality media coverage from the Gold Coast Bulletin. The Ball, held at Jupiters Gold Coast, was a highlight on the semester one event calendar in an attempt to support the provision of recreation activities by students.

I-Connect BBQ July 19 The Student Guild provided a BBQ for 120 international students as part of their O’Week Activities.

Sign on Day and Corporate Stalls Cultural Club Sign on Day - July 23 Sport Club Sign on Day – July 24 Corporate Stalls – July 23, 24, 25 2240 Attendees over the 3 days Function Centre

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Hypnotist Uni Bar, July 25 150 attendees

Comedy Night Uni Bar, August 1 150 attendees

Race Day Gold Coast Turf Club, August 3 Always a favourite on the Calendar Race day in 2013 was bigger than ever. As a result of recent renovations at the Gold Coast Turf Club the capacity was increased to allow over 1100 students to enjoy a day at the track

Volunteer Fair August 6 Grass in front of G11 The Student Guild took ownership of this event from Griffith Careers and Employment in 2013. Held as part of the National Student Volunteering Week the fair gave students the opportunity to gain volunteer experience from 25 not for profit organisations from various areas of the community. 600 students entered the fair during the day.

Movie Night Uni Bar, August 7 50 Attendees

Open Day August 11 To showcase the many activities and services available to potential students the Student Guild had a big presence for Open Day with 18 Clubs and Societies represented, interactive sports at the Pavilion and a courtesy bus in operation.

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The New Market Days In Second Semester the Guild Market Days underwent a major revamp, with a new location under the shard, live music from the Queensland Conservatorium of Music, live art from the Queensland College of Arts, more market stalls and the very popular $3 lunch specials. Over the 4 market days in second semester 2472 lunches were sold.

Coffee Cellar Gigs A new initiative in semester 2 created to give Qld Conservatorium Students a chance to perform more live gigs. The Coffee Cellar gigs were held fortnightly between 12pm – 1pm on a Tuesday and gave 2 students from the Qld Conservatorium of Music a chance to perform each time.

Unibar Parties • • • • • • • •

Beach Party - 22 Feb - 850 attendees Triple J Rubiks Cube Party - 28 Feb - 300 attendees Toga Party - 28 March – 1,200 attendees Superheroes vs Villains Party - 31 May - 850 attendees Back to School – 26 July – 850 attendees Op Shop Ball – 29 August – 450 attendees Emergency Services Party – 20 September – 300 attendees Halloween Party – 25 October – 1200 attendees

All Student Guild events in semester one were supported by student resources in the form of photographers, multimedia students, artists and bands in accordance with supporting artistic activity by students as well as the production and dissemination of student media.

National Band Competition Being a member of the Australian Association of Campus Activities the National Campus Band Competition gives student bands the chance to compete in a competition at a Campus, State and National level. Campus Heat Unibar – 15 August The Campus heat saw 4 Griffith University Bands compete to be crowned best band on campus with the winner and runner up final moving on to the State Final State Final Unibar – 12 September 6 bands battled out the State Final with The Orchard from Griffith University Gold Coast beating bands from SCU and UQ for the right to call themselves the best University band in QLD. National Final Canberra University – 11October From the 238 bands that entered the competition nationwide 7 went to Canberra University to compete in the National Final. Griffith University Gold Coast band The Orchard took out first prize in the competition and with it the title of Winner of the National Campus Band Competition 2013.

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Sport and Recreation Report First Aid Courses The Student Guild offers First Aid and CPR courses for students and staff to attend on campus, via Registered Training Organisation (RTO), PulseStart Training Solutions. All courses are nationally recognised under the National Health Training Package HLT07 and are approved by: • RACGP: Royal Australian College of General Practitioners • ACRRM: Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine • APNA: Australian Practice Nurses Association • AAPM: Australian Association of Practice Managers • ESSA: Exercise and Sports Science Australia The number of students enrolled in these courses has increased by 202% from 2012 to 2013. First Aid CPR

2012 (13 courses) 2013 (10 courses) 51 157 16 34

Gold Coast Marathon The Student Guild assisted the Alumni and Development Office with the Gold Coast Marathon by collecting student registrations on the Gold Coast campus. The Guild utilised social media and stand-alone website to promote the event, facilitating 98 students to participate, through 50% subsidy of the cost of registration.

Golf Day On Tuesday 23 April, eight staff members (Student Guild and Griffith University), 18 sponsor staff and 63 students (39 domestic and 24 international) competed in the first inaugural Student Guild Golf Day. All competitors were provided with a sausage sizzle, cap and ball on their arrival at 11.30am with the competition commencing at 12.30pm. After all teams had completed the 18 holes, a presentation was held at Eden Restaurant and the winners of various categories announced including overall team and best dressed.

Griffith v Bond University Rival Night On Thursday 30 May the annual Griffith v Bond Rival Night was as always highly contentious. Bond University students were on a mission to break Griffith’s seven year consecutive winning streak. Again, the odds were against Bond and Griffith came home victorious, making it eight in a row. Results are as follows.

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Griffith Bond Score Water Polo 2 0 9-7 Football 2 1-0 Touch (W) 2 0 7-0 Touch (M) 1 1 4-4 Touch (MX) 2 0 Volleyball 2 0 2-1 Basketball 2 0 Netball (Mx) 2 0 37-14 Netball (W) 2 0 Total Points Scored 15 3

Northern University Games This annual multisport regional event, including universities from Queensland, Northern New South Wales and the Northern Territory this year attracted a team of 243 Griffith University Gold Coast (GUGC) representatives. GUGC was represented by 215 domestic and 17 international students, competing in a range of sports during the semester one break (7-11 July), supported by 11 coaches or managers. Griffith University Gold Coast placed fourth overall, of 12 competing universities, with the following sport by sport results. AFL 9’s Mixed – 5th Baseball Open – 4th Basketball Men 1 – Gold Basketball Men 2 – Silver Basketball Men 3 – 10th Basketball Men 4 – 17th Basketball Women 1 – Bronze Basketball Women 2 – 9th Football Mens – 7th Football Womens – Silver Golf (Ali Orchard) – Gold Golf (David Kim) – Bronze Golf (Cp Park) – 4th Golf (Jake Kim) – 9th Ice Break Touch Mens – 6th

Ice Break Touch Womens – Silver Ice Break Touch Mixed 1 – Bronze Ice Break Touch Mixed 2 – 10th Lawn Bowls Open – 10th Netball Mixed 1 – Silver Netball Mixed 2 – 7th Netball Mixed 3 – 12th Netball Mixed 4 – 13th Netball Women 1 – Bronze Netball Women 2 – 12th Rugby Mens – Silver Tennis Singles (Thomas Cyprien) – Silver Tennis Singles (Hinrich Meijer) – Bronze Volleyball Mens 1 – Gold Volleyball Mens 2 – 5th

Australian University Games The Australian University Games (AUG) were held on the Gold Coast from 29 September to 4 October, 2013. In its 21st year, the AUG attracted just over 8,000 student athletes, team managers, staff and volunteers from 41 tertiary institutions across Australia who took part in 30 different team and individual sport competitions.

Annual Report 24

Griffith University registered a team of 435 participants, 62% of which were made up of Gold Coast campus based students. In 2011 when the Games were last held on the Gold Coast, Griffith had a team of 256 students, showing an increase of 59%. Forty-two Griffith University teams competed in 26 sports, with results listed below. Team Division Results Athletics Men 1 7th Athletics Women 1 11th AFL Men 1 14th AFL Women 1 9th Badminton Men 1 12th Badminton Women 1 8th Baseball 1 3rd Basketball Men 1 5th Basketball Women 2 5th Beach Volleyball Men 2 2nd Beach Volleyball Mixed 2 9th Cycling Men 1 2nd Cycling Women 1 4th Football Men 2 9th Football Women 2 2nd Futsal Men 1 21st Futsal Women 1 5th Golf Men 1 3rd Handball 2 2nd Hockey Men 2 6th Hockey Women 2 4th Lawn Bowls 2 6th




Netball Mixed 2 1st Netball Women 1 3rd Rugby 7s Men 1 4th Rugby 7s Women 1 6th Softball 1 6th Swimming Men 1 12th Swimming Women 1 6th Table Tennis Men 1 5th Taekwondo Women 1 6th Tennis Men 2 2nd Tennis Women 1 8th Ten Pin Bowling 2 4th Touch Men 2 6th Touch Mixed 1 2nd Touch Women 1 5th T20 Cricket 1 6th Ultimate 2 17th Volleyball Men 1 5th Volleyball Women 1 4th Waterpolo Men 2 6th Waterpolo Women 2 6th

Annual Report 25

Social Sport 2013 Social Sport has seen a 49% comparative increase in participation across all sports. The Student Guild utilised Parklands Indoor Sports Centre for indoor netball and soccer, and our on-campus facilities for basketball, beach volleyball and tennis. Participation statistics below. Total % Males Females International Domestic

2013 2012 Increase 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012

Indoor Netball


Sem 1











Sem 2 52 51 2% 12 13 40 38 4 5 48 46








Beach Volleyball Sem 1 62 43 44% 30 23 32 20 30 - 32

Sem 2 60 29 107% 29 14 31 15 32 4 28 25












Indoor Soccer Sem 1 108 73 48% 74 49 34 24 55 - 53

Sem 2 115 77 49% 81 53 34 24 55 34 60 43

3 on 3 Basketball

Sem 1


















Sem 2 18 16 13% 11 8 7 8 12 5 6 11

Tennis Doubles

Sem 1


















Sem 2 12 8 50% 7 4 5 4 5 1 7 6










Sport Scholarships






The SSAF guidelines and funding have enabled the Student Guild to increase and diversify support for students in the form of financial and in-kind scholarships. Sport Scholarships offered this year include those outlined below.

GUGC Club and Griffith Representation Scholarship Entitles five scholarship recipients to one year gym and group exercise membership to Unifitness and 100% subsidy for entry fee, accommodation, travel and uniforms for Australian University Sport events. 2013 Recipients Jessica Carmody, Touch Football Tahnee Dowsett, Netball Emma Gaffney, Basketball Peter Norman, Touch Football Jayne Schinckel, Basketball

Annual Report 26


High Performance Scholarship (Full) Entitles five scholarship recipients to one year gym and group exercise membership to Unifitness as well as 100% subsidy for entry fee, accommodation, travel and uniforms for Australian University Sport events or $500 towards state or national competition.

2013 Recipients Serena Fraser, Taekwondo Leah Kaslar, AFL Katy Ollard, Sports Aerobics Cheryl Renagi, Netball Michael Spargo, Cricket

High Performance Scholarships (Half) Entitles five scholarship recipients to 100% subsidy for entry fee, accommodation, travel and uniforms for Australian University Sport events or $500 towards state or national competition.

2013 Recipients Casidhe Crane Simmons, Athletics Gillian Gallagher, Water Polo Madi Roberts, Triathlon Jessica Roche, Volleyball Michael Warren, Swimming

Blues Awards for Sporting Excellence In a combined effort between the Student Guild, Campus Life and the Griffith Sports College the Blues Awards for Sporting Excellence were held on October 23, for the first time since 2006. 19 Full Blues Awards were presented to Griffith Students who had competed at an International level whilst 12 Half Blue Awards were presented to student who had competed at a National level in the preceding 18 months. Radio presenter Ash Bradnam (NOVA 106.9) was the MC for the night with Travis Auld (CEO, Gold Coast Suns) the special guest speaker. The awardees were presented with medals and farmed certificates signed by the Vice Chancellor. All guests received a two course meal and complimentary beverages.

Annual Report 27

Recreational Trips The Student Guild offers students the opportunity to experience the Gold Coast and its attractions for a discounted price. The trips allow a group of fellow students to share the experience with as well as the transport to get them to and from the venue. There were 4 recreational trips in Semester 2, 2013: Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary On Saturday 17 August 63 students (94% international) went to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. The Student Guild subsidised $8 whilst students paid $28 for entry into the Sanctuary as well as access to the high ropes course. Students were also given discounted food, beverage and wildlife photos. Dreamworld Of the 103 students who attended the Student Guild Dreamworld trip on Saturday 28 September, 82% were international students. Through Dreamworlds education program students were able to obtain entry for just $35 each which the Student Guild then further subsidised $10. Stradbroke Island Straddie King Fisher Tours offered the Student Guild a two day, fully guided camping trip on North Stradbroke Island for $210 per person. With the Student Guild subsidising $50 a person, 7 international and 2 domestic students headed over on October 26. Included in the weekend were ferry tickets, sand boarding, kayaking, 4WDing, snorkeling, meals and tent hire. Whale Watching and Island Adventure On 7 September, 70 students (97% international) went on a ‘Full Day Whale Watching Adventure’ with Tall Ships. For $60 per person they were treated to a morning of whale watching and then taken to McLarens Landing for a buffet lunch. There were also many activities for students to participate in such as tubing, jet-skiing, volleyball, 4Wding and Segway tours. The Student Guild subsidised $10 per person.

Annual Report 28

Clubs and Societies Report Clubs on Campus Clubs on the Gold Coast campus provide the ultimate platform to make friends, build networks, gain experience, volunteer, make a difference and identify passions whilst studying at university. The Student Guild continues to support the administration of over 50 sporting and cultural clubs which exist on the Gold Coast campus, with a total membership base of more than 7,600 students. The response to additional club funding through SSAF has been positive with a 19.2% increase in Student Guild club affiliation since semester two 2012.

Sport Clubs 2013 Badminton Basketball Boardriders Baseball* Breakers (dance)* Cricket* Dive Futsal* Hockey Netball Outdoor Adventure Rowing Rugby League Rugby Union Soccer Table Tennis Tennis Touch Ultimate Frisbee Volleyball Water Polo *Newly established sport club as of semester one, 2013.

Cultural Clubs 2013 Association of Norwegian Students Abroad (ANSA) Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC)* Canadian Students Association (CSA) Chinese Student Community GC Skeptics and Freethinkers Club Golden Key Griffith University Griffith Anime Society

Annual Report 29

Griffith Architectural Society Griffith Business Students Association (GBSA) Griffith Employment Relations & HR Management Society (GERMS) Griffith Enactus Griffith Guild Toastmasters Griffith Queer Collective Griffith University Racing Team* Griffith University A Capella Choir* Griffith University Association of Pharmacy Students (GUAPS) Griffith University Korean Association Griffith University Law Students’ Association Griffith University Medicine Society (GUMS) Griffith University Student Accounting Association (GUSAA) Griffith University Young Engineers (GUYE) Griffith Veg Society* GUGC Amnesty International* GUGC Omega Pi Sigma GUGC Speech Students HOPE4HEALTH Japan Club Ladies in Technology, Engineering & Sciences (LiTES)* Latin Club The Mithril Hand (Gaming Society) Planning and Environmental Griffith Students (PEGS) Psychology Students Association (PSA) Real Estate and Property Students Association (REPS) Smudge Collective (QCA students) Surgical Interest Association (SURGIA)* United Nations Student Association (UNSA) *Newly established cultural clubs, 2013.

Club Support – Financial and Non-Financial Benefits The Student Services and Amenities Fee directly benefits student clubs and societies through the following financial support. Sport Club Financial Assistance (Competitive Clubs) • 25% of player registrations (student only) subsidised for one local competition season per year • 15% of playing uniforms subsidised for above local competition • 100% of training venue costs covered by the Student Guild • 100% of coaching costs per gender, per sport • $300 grant towards equipment

Cultural and Recreational Sport Club Financial Assistance • Club grant up to $300 dependent upon club membership numbers • Club subsidy up to $600 dependent upon club membership, for administration, seminar/conference, room hire, on-campus room bookings, equipment, merchandise and promotional item expenses.

Annual Report 30

In semester one, the Student Guild was also able to contribute additional funding to the Griffith University A Cappella Choir Club, in support of their Voices in Paradise event. The funding enabled the Club to award five student recipients with free 2014 Choir Club membership and 2014 Voices in Paradise registration, in recognition of their performance and workshop skills. The Student Guild will continue to review further funding proposals submitted by sporting and cultural clubs and provide additional financial support in semester two.

Non-Financial Assistance All affiliated Student Guild clubs are supported by dedicated staff and have access to the following. • Student Guild Social Events (selling tickets to Student Guild coordinated events to raise funds) • Clubs Office (located in G07 The Link Building) with printer, photocopier, telephone, computer, internet and fax. • Club pigeon holes to receive mail • Room Bookings on campus facilitated by Student Guild staff • Student Guild van bookings for club activity use

Club Workshops To assist affiliated sporting and cultural club executive to effectively and efficiently administer their clubs, the Student Guild introduced training workshops in semester one. Two sessions were held at the Function Centre and three executives from each club invited to attend. Topics covered included governance and committees, risk management, financial management and marketing and sponsorship.

Club Sign-On Days The Student Guild funds equipment and infrastructure, during week two of each semester, for clubs to attract and retain membership. A stand-alone sign-on is held for sporting clubs and another held for cultural clubs.

Sport Club Facility Developments Griffith University Colleges Knights Rugby Union Club has been one of our strongest and most successful clubs for many years and is the only sporting club to have its own playing facility, located on the corner of Benowa Rd and Cotlew St, Ashmore. The club has used this facility for 25 years and has always endured field quality issues, however has only been able to facilitate small scale solutions. In 2012/2013 the Club and the Student Guild, along with a QLD Government grant, spent more than $100,000 to complete works that have now allowed for a quality and sustainable field. Works included scalping the entire surface, laser levelling, grading and treatment of the soil, installation of sub surface drainage and 40 head irrigation system that now feeds from an underground fresh water bore, as well as laying new grass over the entire playing field and final top dress.

Annual Report 31

Student Guild Awards Night Clubs, volunteers and athletes are an integral part of the Student Guild and each year the Student Guild Awards Night is held to acknowledge their achievements throughout the year. Held on Friday 18 October, 277 attendees made up of sporting and cultural club executives and their members celebrated, and were acknowledge for, their hard work and successes for 2013 across a range of award categories. Congratulations to all cultural and sporting club award recipients as follows. Cultural Awards Most Outstanding Achievement by a Cultural Club –Surgical Training in Acute Injury Recognition for Students (STAIRS), Surgical Interest Association Cultural Club Administrator of the Year – Dale Mitchell, Law Students’ Association New Cultural Club of the Year – Surgical Interest Association (SURGIA) Volunteer of the Year – Tam Le-Vo, Griffith Golden Key Cultural Club of the Year – Law Students’ Association Sporting Awards Sporting Club Administrator of the Year – Jayne Schinckel, Basketball Team of the Year – Mixed Touch Football Sports Star of the Year – Cheryl Renagi, Netball Single Best Sporting Achievement – Men’s Basketball Northern University Games Teams Sporting Club of the Year – Touch Football Thanks must go to the host venue and staff at The Unibar and CaterCare for providing a delicious two course meal, and the setup of the Function Centre which was superb.

Annual Report 32

Commercial Report Campus Bookshop 2013 brought with it very good results for the Campus Bookshop with sales in line with the previous year. These results even, allowing for substantial discounts, certainly bucked the industry trend which showed substantial sales decreases in bookshops across most campuses. I believe that 2013 was a continuation of previous years in that we continued to provide a high level of professional service to our many valued customers. The Campus Bookshop provided a 15% discount to all Students on text books in both semesters in 2013 which provided substantial benefits for all students. The Student Guild will no longer be operating the Campus Bookshop in 2014 which is unfortunate as I believe we did a very professional job over a 5 year period. Many hours were spent in 2013 working out what we could do with this valuable retail space and at the same time meet the needs of the students. The space has been completely modernised and refitted and I feel the Student Guild and everyone involved should be very proud of the end result. The business will be rebranded as The Uni Store and will be trading under that name since early 2014. The rebranding will also result in new uniforms and logo in order to create a vibrant, fresh feel. We will introduce many new lines including giftware, bulk lollies, stationery lines, more healthy options and additional branded merchandise. I am very happy with what we have been able to achieve during 2013 and I would like to thank all the staff and the Student Guild management for their ongoing support throughout the year. Debby Bar Manager

Annual Report 33

Unibar and Function Centre The Unibar strives to be the best non-academic entertainment area on campus for students and staff to hang out whilst on campus. We provide student friendly bar prices, a great lunch menu and several daily activities to keep our patrons engaged and entertained. We are also very fortunate to have a large Function facility to hold all our major parties and events for students, as well as numerous functions for the University and the different facilities on Campus. Below is a list of facts and figures from various elements of our operation in 2013.

Activities & Events Weekly Activities, Weeks 1 – 13 Semester 1 and 2 During each semester the Unibar hosted weekly games and activities for students to participate in and encouraged domestic and international students to engage with one another in Uni life. Activities for 2013 were Bingo, Trivia, Jag the Joker, Spin to Win and a Pool Competition. We gave away wide variety of student friendly prizes for these activities, which included – Coles Myer Gift Cards, Popular CD’s, Student Guild Merchandise & Tickets to Major Parties & Events, Free lunch meals at the Unibar, T-shirts, Footballs, Melbas Venue Vouchers and loads more. Below is a breakdown of how many students participated in each of our activities over the course of the whole year. Activity Domestic International Total Number of Student Participation Student Participation Students Participated Bingo 633 145 778 Trivia 1538 205 1743 Jag the Joker 677 174 851 Spin to Win 167 32 199 Pool Competition 181 78 259

St Patrick’s Day St Patty’s Day in the Unibar was celebrated with green decorations, green coloured beer, green food eating competition & games and lots of green-themed giveaways. We had live music entertainment from Jake Whittaker from the Conservatorium and there were loads of prizes given away, including green food items, noodles, pens, hats, Green Day CD’s, Green Skate boards and much more. Overall it was a pretty massive day and we had well over 300 students in the bar throughout the day participating in all our activities.

Annual Report 34

State of Origin Game 1 – 6 June 2013 State of Origin Game 1 was a success with over 575 students in the facility, despite the Origin falling in Study Week. DJs were organised to entertain the crowd from the early evening and we were lucky enough to secure the XXXX Angels on the night – who performed for our audience. The atmosphere was great with special drink prices, face paint, $5 pizzas and the game playing on our projectors and screens throughout the bar. Patrons were encouraged to show support for their state, with all students attending having the opportunity to win a QLD XXXX eski and NSW jersey. Loads of prizes were given out for the best dressed including $50 Budweiser vouchers, Budweiser packs and Qld Merchandise. The Student Guild subsidised $2.95 per pizza and over 170 pizzas were sold. We provided a Free bus service to escort party goes back into Surfer’s Paradise after the event. Game 2 – 27 June 2013 Game 2 was hosted in the Unibar during the Inter-Semester Break. As students are typically away, this event was a fraction smaller, however there was still over 300 students who turned out. The venue was set out with a VIP area, and offered student-friendly pricing, pizzas and entertainment. Again the Student Guild subsidised $2.95 per pizza and over 100 pizzas were sold on the night. Game 3 – 18 July 2013 Game 3 was hosted during O-Week of Semester 2. Once again Jolly Jugs were on offer as well as $5 Pizzas for patrons. The total amount of patrons exceeded expectations for this event and as such the Unibar and Function Centre facilities were both used to host the Game. This was a successful turnout for the night with over 460 students attending and over 150 pizza’s being sold.

Other Events Other events/ activities hosted by the Uni Bar during the year were; - Blue dog Poster Sale - Bag It Movie Day - Diggers Day - Footy Fever Day - Seed Launch - Oktoberfest

Annual Report 35

Live Music and Entertainment The Unibar provided live music at least once per week throughout each semester, amounting to a total of 41 performances over the 26 weeks of teaching. In semester two Griffith Conservatorium students were engaged to perform gigs every second Tuesday during the day at the Unibar to assist with their confidence of performing live in front of small audiences. This proved to be very popular and was a good opportunity for fellow students to watch their talented peers. A special thank you must be made to Big Fella Linc, Tyson Faulkner and Jake Whittaker for all of their support this year. These Unibar regulars keep the crowds entertained most Friday afternoons and it was good to see such large crowds consisting of both students and staff gathering at the Unibar at the end of the week. Live sports were also broadcast on the big screens during the year across a range of sports. This proved to be very popular amongst the international students in particular, who were able to watch and support their local teams compete in matches such as basketball, soccer, surfing and hockey from respective countries. It was a good opportunity for us to be able to provide a facility for the students to view these matches and at the same time was good to see international and domestic students interacting with one another and discussing the play. In the lead up to the GC 600 the Red Bull team came out to the Unibar to promote the event and brought along some racing stimulators to engage the students in the racing sport. The activation proved to be very successful with over 100 students participating and getting the opportunity to compete against each other. The winner received tickets to the event as well as promotional stock supplied by the company. The stimulation of this event proved to be successful in promoting a major Gold Coast event to our students here on Campus.

Annual Report 36

Food and Drink Drinks Unibar beverage prices remained very reasonable this year and it was affordable for all students to be able to buy a soft drink, beer and or spirits and enjoy the atmosphere at the bar after classes. Our Jolly Jug Friday’s proved to be very popular amongst all patrons and Friday afternoons were consistently busy, with everyone enjoying the live entertainment. Our drink promotions throughout the year were well received by students and they scored loads of free stuff thanks to our major suppliers Lion Beer, Bacardi, Coke, Diageo, Red Bull and Wild Oats. Overall beverage sales are up slightly compared to the previous year however we did absorb some of the cost of goods to make it more affordable for all students. Food In 2013 the price of Unibar Daily Lunch Specials were reduced from $9.90 (2012) to $9.50 per meal. In 2012 a total of 3581 meals were sold at the $9.90 price point, compared to 2013 with total 4503 sold at $9.50 per meal. The everyday lunch items sold also increased dramatically with 8547 items being sold in 2013 compared to 5987 in 2012. Across the board I believe the large increase in sales was due to the fact the Unibar absorbed the increased food item costs for the year, to ensure affordable and consistent prices for students. Our Unibar Coffee Kart was extremely popular this year and we started to see the kart buzzing with customers which was really good. We were open from 730am – 5pm daily during semester for students to purchase Coffee’s, Tea’s, Milkshakes and Iced Coffee’s. Both students and staff took huge advantage of being able to purchase the cheapest coffee on Campus. The keep cups were a good initiative to encourage students to consider the environment and reduce on wastage of takeaway cups, in return we offered discounted refills if they used their own cup.

Annual Report 37

Unibar Social Club The Social Club was a new initiative for the Unibar in 2013 offering students a range of discounts for a $5 membership fee. The benefits for joining included: • • • • • • • •

Complimentary key with engraved Social Club ID number 50 cents off Daily Lunch Specials Discounts on beverages at the Unibar Discounts at the Unibar Coffee Kart Weekly Social Club Cash Draw Weekly Social Club Friday Jackpot Draw Invitation to exclusive Social Club events held at the Unibar E-newsletters and updates regarding upcoming event and activities

For our inaugural year we had a total of 769 students and 30 Griffith staff that joined the Social Club. There were a total of 1576 Daily Lunch Special meals that were purchased specifically by Social Club members at a further discounted rate of $9.00 per meal. In addition, 480 discounts were redeemed by Social Club Members at the Coffee Kart for coffee purchases and the amount of savings on beverages from behind the bar was of great value to all the members. In addition to the savings on offer, we gave away over $2000 in cash and prizes to some of our lucky Social Club members at our weekly cash draws which were held on Tuesday’s and Friday’s. We also held an exclusive Social Club Karaoke Night on 17 September and had free pizza, snacks, loads of prizes up for grabs and karaoke for the night which attracted approx. 50 attendees. Given it was an inaugural Social Club event we were happy with the turn out and we look forward to continuing on in future and making it bigger and better each year.

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Promotions The Budweiser Promotion ran across all participating Universities Australia-wide, for approximately 8 weeks. We were proudly able to secure first place again this year across all participating Australian Universities with a total of 2208 Budweiser Touchdowns. This secured our Unibar with a new Budweiser Ping Pong Table valued at over $2500 as well as other prizes.

Function Centre Function bookings for 2013 were very positive with a slight increase from the previous year, leaving not many dates available during the academic semesters. Clients were booking several months in advance to secure the venue, so they didn’t miss out. The majority of organisers appreciated the value in the extra equipment we had available for hire, saving them from having to use several suppliers. We catered for everything from 21st Birthdays, Engagement Parties, Casino Nights, Trivia Nights, Seminars, Networking events, you name it we did it. If you’re looking for a venue for your next party or event, be sure to keep us in mind. In wrapping up the year that was, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all our valued Unibar and Function Centre patrons and clients, we really appreciate your support and hope you had nothing but good memories and good times at the venue in 2013. I would like to make special mention of our major sponsors and business partners in 2013 - Griffith University, Melbas on the Park, Lion, Wild Oats, Coca Cola, Red Bull, Cater Care, Smiths, Dieago, GUV Village & Creative Coffee. We are extremely grateful for your support in helping us to provide fantastic services to the students of Griffith Uni Gold Coast. We look forward to bigger and better things ahead in 2014. As most who know me know, I’m very passionate about my job at the Unibar and I wouldn’t enjoy what I did if it wasn’t for having a great team of staff working with me, so a massive thank you to all the staff   who worked for us in 2013. I appreciate all your hard work and dedication you have put into making the Unibar and Function Centresuch a vibrant and happening place for everyone to enjoy. And finally thank you to Wayne Watt our General Manager and all the Student Guild staff for being a great team of people to work with, it’s invaluable to have such a good support group around you all striving to achieve the same outcomes. I look forward to an exciting year ahead in 2014 and all that is installed for the new look Unibar and Function Centre. Rebecca Clark Venue Manager

Annual Report 39

Unifitness Health Centre Promoting Positive Lifestyles. GUGC Student Guild’s dedication and support to the health and fitness of students on campus attending Unifitness has shown a significant increase in our membership base in 2013. Overall participation in gym and group fitness increased, and events involving students and GUGC staff gave all a feeling of self-achievement and personal satisfaction. Uni Fitness purchased new pieces of equipment this year which proved very popular with our members. Many friendships through fitness were formed and healthy challenges were met. Promoting positivity in all areas in diverse ways has been a reflection of the Student Services and Amenities Fee. 2013 has been a productive year for Uni Fitness. Jeanette Shephard Manager

Gym Attendance

Total 2012 Total 2013 % Increase Total Attendances 32475 43479 49%

Group Fitness Attendance

Total 2012 Total 2013 % Increase Total Actual 6974 12315 77% Total Capacity 20113 23098 15% % of Capacity 35% 53% 54%

Memberships / Casual Visits Sold

Total 2012 Total 2013 % Increase Gym Only 613 764 25% Group Exercise Only 132 196 48% Gym + Group Exercise 187 423 126% 932 1383 48% Casual Visit 630 1281 103%

Event Statistics Open Day Total 2012 Total 2013 % Increase PJ Theme - 2012 / Back To School Theme - 2013 Gym Attendances 372 521 40% Gym Challenges - number of participants 20 37 85% Group Fitness Open Day Attendances 122 121 -1% Group Fitness Capacity 224 242 8% Group Fitness % of Capacity 54% 50% -8%

Annual Report 40

Les Mills Mega Launch Class Total 2012 Total 2013 % Increase Sem 1 & Sem 2 Note: This mega class was introduced in Semester 2 - 2012 so comparison has been made with Semester 2 Group Fitness Actual Attendances 20 33 65% Group Fitness Capacity 20 40 100% Group Fitness % of Capacity 100% 83% -18%

Les Mills Mega Launch Week Total 2012 Total 2013 % Increase Weekly Actual 439 711 62% Weekly Capacity 982 1152 17% Weekly % of Capacity 45% 62% 38%

Mother’s Day Classic 2012 2013 % Increase 13/05/2012 12/05/2013 Number of Registrations 20 85 325% 21 Classes in 28 Days Group Exercise Challenge Total 2012 Total 2013

% Increase

Note: This challenge was introduced in Semester 2 - 2012 so comparison has been made with Semester 2

Number of Participants Registered 61 152 149% Number of Participants who completed the challenge 28 53 89% % of Participants who completed the challenge 46% 35% -24% Total classes completed by the WINNER 29 Group Fitness Actual Attendances 1173 3372 Group Fitness Capacity 2367 4487 Group Fitness % of Capacity 50% 75% 52%

EVENTS - Semester One 2013 Wednesday 13 March Back to School Open Day Saturday 16 March Les Mills Mega Launch Class Monday 18 March - Saturday 23 March Les Mills Launch Week Friday 12 April - Friday 10 May Get Fit For The Mother’s Day Classic Sunday 12 May Mother’s Day Classic Monday 15 April - Saturday 20 April Free Group Exercise Week Monday 22 April - Sunday 19 May Commit to be Fit - 21 Classes in 28 Days EVENTS - Semester Two 2013 Friday 2 August Unifitness and Killer Koala’s Birthday Celebrations Monday 12 August - Saturday 17 August Free Group Exercise Week Thursday 5 September Zumba Party Wednesday 11 September Footy Fever Open Day Monday 19 August - Sunday 15 September Commit to be Fit - 21 Classes in 28 Days Monday 16 September - Friday 20 September Les Mills Launch Week Monday 14 October - Saturday 19 October Spirit, Mind and Body Week

Annual Report 41

Village Express 2013 saw the introduction of more café lines which was a continuation of the focus commenced in 2011 and 2012. Freshly made sandwiches, wraps, burgers along with a variety of deep fried foods now make up by far the biggest percentage of Village Café sales. Grocery lines have become less significant as a direct result of increased competition particularly in the area of major supermarket cheap home deliveries. While volumes of Grocery lines have decreased, we still stock adequate grocery lines to meet the needs of the students. The International Building (G52) which includes Griffith English Learning Institute (GELI) and QIBT were open during the whole of 2013 and this would have contributed significantly to the 20% increase in Revenue between 2012 and 2013. This was on top of a 50% increase in sales between 2011 and 2012. We are continuously striving to meet our customers’ wants by introducing innovative new products, providing value for money and good customer service in a safe and friendly environment. However with the increased sales came the realization that the shop was grossly under resourced and as a result, service times were at times unacceptably long. There was a good deal of work spent during the course of 2013 investigating equipment and layouts that would adequately service our needs going forward. The Student Guild management is acutely aware of getting value for money and as a result it did take time to come up with a refit that would meet our operating requirements and budget constraints. I would like to thank all my staff, especially Morgan, the staff at Griffith University Village, namely Sean James, Ky Lower and Dan Moore, and the Student Guild management, particularly Mr Dennis Bollington, Commercial Manager, for their ongoing support throughout 2013 and I am confident we can continue to grow together in 2014. Shaun Edie Manager

Annual Report 42

Financial Report



Annual Report 43

Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild

Contents Board's Report Trading Account Statement of Comprehensive Income Statement of Financial Position Statement of Cash Flows Notes to the Financial Statements Statement by Members of the Board Independent Auditor's Report to the Members

Annual Report 44

Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild

Board's Report For the year ended 31 December 2013 Your Board members submit the financial accounts of the Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild for the financial year ended 31 December 2013. Board Members The names of board members at the date of this report are: Anneleise Woodman Cameron Harrison Nathan Watts Ruth Hoog Antik Tiffany Stark Andrew Thrush James Nightingale Christian Lang-Lemckert Jayne Schinckel Jon Pedersen Joshua Blundell-Thornton Konnen Hannaford Ramona Ellis Saeed Shaeri

Principal Activities The principal activities of the association during the financial year were to provide non academic services and activities to the Gold Coast Campus including sport and recreation, accommodation, employment, advocacy and representation and commercial services.

Significant Changes No significant change in the nature of these activities occurred during the year.

Operating Result The profit from ordinary activities after providing for income tax amounted to Year ended

Year ended

31 December 2013

31 December 2012



Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Members of the Board on: _________________________________________________ Cameron Harrison April 2014 President _________________________________________________ James Nightingale Vice President

April 2014

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

Annual Report 45

Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild

Trading Account For the year ended 31 December 2013 2013 $

2012 $

Trading Income Sales Uni Bar





Sales Commercial



Sales Village Express





Post Office Revenues



Total Trading Income



Opening finished goods



Cost of Goods Sold









Cost of Sales



Gross Profit from Trading



Sales Guild Merchandise

Sales Bookshop

Cost of Sales


Less: Closing finished goods

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

Annual Report 46

Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild

Statement of Comprehensive Income For the year ended 31 December 2013 Note

2013 $

2012 $





Gross profit from trading



Revenue from services rendered



Total Gross Profit



Student Services and Amenities Fee





Employment Costs



Operating Expenses





Revenue Cost of Goods


Operating profit before non operating income and expenses Non Operating Expenses



Non Operating Income



Finance Costs



Operating Profit before income tax



Operating profit after income tax



Retained profits at the beginning of the year



Retained profits at the end of the year





Income tax (credit) attributable to operating profit (loss)

Other comprehensive income, net of tax: Total comprehensive income for the year

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

Annual Report 47

Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild

Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2013 Note

2013 $

2012 $

Current Assets Cash assets


















Current tax assets Other


Total Current Assets Non-Current Assets Other financial assets




Property, plant and equipment




Intangible assets (note 7)



Total Non-Current Assets





















Total Liabilities



Net Assets



Retained profits



Total Members' Funds



Total Assets Current Liabilities Payables Financial liabilities Current tax liabilities Provisions


Total Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Financial liabilities


Total Non-Current Liabilities


The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

Annual Report 48

Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild

Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended 31 December 2013 2013 $

2012 $

Cash Flow From Operating Activities Receipts from customers


Student Services Amenities Fee


Payments to Suppliers and employees


7,564,977 (7,166,261)

Interest received



Interest and other costs of finance



Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities (note 2)





Repayment of borrowings



Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities







Cash Flow From Financing Activities Reduction in tax assets

Cash Flow From Investing Activities Expenditure - Plant & Equipment - Leasehold Improvements - Leased Buildings

(7,690) (470,060)


Net increase (decrease) in cash held



Cash at the beginning of the year



Cash at the end of the year (note 1)



Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

Annual Report 49

Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild

Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended 31 December 2013 2013 $

2012 $

Note 1 to Cash Flow. Reconciliation of Cash For the purposes of the statement of cash flows, cash includes cash on hand and in banks and investments in money market instruments, net of outstanding bank overdrafts. Cash at the end of the year as shown in the statement of cash flows is reconciled to the related items in the balance sheet as follows: NAB Cheque Account 2656



MECU S1 Acct 8257 - Visa





NAB Cash Maximiser 0717



MECU Community Access Account



Term Deposits

Mecu Bookshop Account


NAB Bookshop Online 2864 Cash on hand Petty Cash









Note 2. Reconciliation Of Net Cash Provided By/Used In Operating Activities To Net Profit Operating profit (loss) after tax Depreciation







Changes in assets and liabilities net of effects of purchases and disposals of controlled entities: (Increase) decrease in trade and term debtors (Increase) decrease in finished goods (Increase) decrease in prepayments Increase (decrease) in trade creditors and accruals Increase (decrease) in sundry provisions Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

Annual Report 50







6,007 3,326,251

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.


Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2013 Note 1: Statement of Significant Accounting Policies The financial report is a general purpose financial report that has been prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards and other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board and the requirements of the Constitution of The Guild . The financial report covers Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild as an individual entity. Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild is an association incorporated in Queensland. The financial report has been prepared on an accruals basis and is based on historical costs and does not take into account changing money values or, except where stated, current valuations of non-current assets. Cost is based on the fair values of the consideration given in exchange for assets. The following is a summary of the material accounting policies adopted by the economic entity in the preparation of the financial report. The accounting policies have been consistently applied, unless otherwise stated.

Income tax Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild is a Not for Profit entity and is not liable for income tax.

Inventories Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Costs are assigned on a first-in first-out basis.

Property, Plant and Equipment Each class of property, plant and equipment is carried at cost or fair value less, where applicable, any accumulated depreciation. a) Property Freehold land and buildings are measured on the fair value basis, being the amount for which an asset could be exchanged between knowledgeable willing parties in an arm's length transaction. It is a policy of Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild to have an independent valuation every three years, with annual appraisals being made by the board. The revaluation of freehold land and buildings has not taken account of the potential capital gains tax on assets acquired after the introduction of capital gains tax as the Guild is not subject to income tax. b) Plant and equipment The carrying amount of plant and equipment is reviewed annually to ensure it is not in excess of the recoverable amount from those assets. The recoverable amount is assessed on the basis of the expected net cash flows that will be received from the assets employment and subsequent disposal. The expected net cash flows have not been discounted to present values in determining the recoverable amounts. c) Depreciation

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

Annual Report 51

Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2013 The depreciable amount of all fixed assets including buildings and capitalised leased assets, but excluding freehold land, is depreciated on a straight line basis over their useful lives to Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild commencing from the time the asset is held ready for use. Properties held for investment purposes are not subject to a depreciation charge. Leasehold improvements are depreciated over the shorter of either the unexpired period of the lease or the estimated useful lives of the improvements.

The depreciation rates used for each class of depreciable asset are: Class of Asset

Depreciation Rate

Buildings Plant and equipment

Lease term Applicable Income Tax rates

Leases Leases of fixed assets, where substantially all the risks and benefits incidental to the ownership of the asset, but not legal ownership, are transferred to Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild are classified as finance leases. Finance leases are capitalised recording an asset and a liability equal to the present value of the minimum lease payments, including any guaranteed residual value. Leased assets are depreciated on a straight line basis over their estimated useful lives where it is likely that ownership of the asset will be obtained or over the term of the lease. Lease payments are allocated between the reduction of the lease liability and the lease interest expense for the period. Lease payments under operating leases, where substantially all the risks and benefits remain with the lessor, are charged as expenses in the periods in which they are incurred. Lease incentives under operating leases are recognised as a liability. Lease payments received reduce the liability. At 31 December 2013 there were no assets held through finance leases.

Investments Shares in listed companies held as current assets are valued at those shares' market value at each balance date. The gains or losses, whether realised or unrealised, are included in profit from ordinary activities before income tax. Non-current investments are measured on valuation or cost basis, referred to in the notes to the financial statements. The carrying amount of non-current investments is reviewed annually to ensure it is not in excess of the recoverable amount of these investments. The recoverable amount is assessed from the quoted market value for listed investments or the underlying net assets for other non-listed investments. The expected net cash flows from investments have not been discounted to their present value in determining the recoverable amounts.

Employee entitlements Provision is made for the liability for employee entitlements arising from services rendered by employees to balance date. Employee entitlements arising from wages, salaries and annual leave have been measured at their nominal amount.

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

Annual Report 52

Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2013 Contributions are made by Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild to an employee superannuation fund and are charged as expenses when incurred.

Cash For the purpose of the statement of cash flows, cash includes cash on hand and in all call deposits with banks or financial institutions, investments in money market instruments maturing within less than twelve months, net of bank overdrafts.

Comparative Figures Where required by Accounting Standards comparative figures have been adjusted to conform with changes in presentation for the current financial year.

Revenue Revenue from the sale of goods and provision of services is recognised upon the delivery of goods or services to customers. Interest revenue is recognised on a proportional basis taking in to account the interest rates applicable to the financial assets. Dividend revenue is recognised when the right to receive a dividend has been established. Dividends received from associates and joint venture entities are accounted for in accordance with the equity method of accounting. All revenue is stated net of the amount of goods and services tax (GST).

Change in Accounting Policy Accounting policies have not changed during the year.

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

Annual Report 53

Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2013 2013


Note 2: Cash assets Bank accounts: NAB Cheque Account 2656



MECU S1 Acct 8257 - Visa





NAB Cash Maximiser 0717



MECU Community Access Account



Term Deposits

Mecu Bookshop Account


NAB Bookshop Online 2864











Other cash items: Cash on hand Petty Cash

Note 3: Receivables

Current Trade debtors Provision for doubtful debts

(6,007) 904,255






Note 4: Inventories

Current Finished goods at cost

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

Annual Report 54

Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2013 2013


Note 5: Other Financial Assets

Non-Current Shares in other companies - at cost - Unlisted

















- At cost



- Less: Accumulated depreciation









Note 6: Other Assets

Current Deposits and prepayments Other

Note 7: Property, Plant and Equipment Buildings: - At cost - Less: Accumulated depreciation Leasehold improvements:

Plant and equipment: - At cost - Less: Accumulated depreciation





The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

Annual Report 55

Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2013 2013


Note 7: Intangibles Goodwill of Taxi lease - at valuation Goodwill of Post Office business - at cost




Less: Accumulated amortisation

(500,000) 497,447


- Trade creditors



- Other creditors







Note 8: Payables Unsecured:

Note 9: Financial Liabilities

Current Unsecured: - Griffith University Gold Coast - Deferred income

100,000 233,634










Non-Current Unsecured: - Griffith University Gold Coast

Note 10: Provisions

Current Employee entitlements

There were 27 employees (FTE) at the end of the year

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

Annual Report 56

Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2013 2013


Note 11: Auditors' Remuneration Remuneration of the auditor of the company for: Auditing or reviewing the financial report





Other services

Note 12: Capital Expenditure Commitments Capital expenditure contracted for at balance date but not provided for in the accounts: Payable: No later than one year

2,148,167 2,148,167

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

Annual Report 57

Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild

Statement by Members of the Board For the year ended 31 December 2013 In the opinion of the Board the Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Financial Performance, Statement of Cash Flows and Notes to the Financial Statements: 1.

Presents fairly the financial position of Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild as at 31 December 2013 and its performance for the year ended on that date in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards, mandatory professional reporting requirements and other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board.


At the date of this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the association will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due.

This statement is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board and is signed for and on behalf of the Board by:

_________________________________________________ Cameron Harrison April 2014 President

_________________________________________________ James Nightingale April 2014 Vice President

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

Annual Report 58

Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild

Independent Auditor's Report to the Members Report on the Financial Report I have audited the accompanying financial report of Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild (the association), which comprises the Statement by Members of the Board, the Statement of Comprehensive Income, the Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Cash Flows, Statement of Changes In Equity, a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes for the financial year ended 31 December 2013. Board's Responsibility for the Financial Report The Board of the association is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial report in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards (including Australian Accounting Interpretations) and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of the financial report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility My responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report based on my audit. I conducted my audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Those Standards require that I comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial report is free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial report. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial report, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial report in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the board, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial report. I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my audit opinion. Independence In conducting my audit, I have complied with the independence requirements of Australian professional ethical pronouncements. Auditor's Opinion In my opinion: The financial report gives a true and fair view of the financial position of Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild as 31 December 2013, and of its performance and its cash flows for the year ended in accordance with the Australian Accounting Standards and the Constitution of the Guild.

Annual Report 59

Sponsors and Supporters Griffith University Gold Coast Student Guild would like to thank the following partners for their support over the past year: Lion Coca Cola Cater Care Australia Melbas on the Park Smiths-Totalvend STA Travel Hair @ Uni Campus Computers Coffee Bug bank mecu Red Bull Robert Oatley Vineyards Gold Coast Turf Club Griffith University Cre8tive Coffee Jupiters Gold Coast

Annual Report 60


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