3 minute read


Student Guide 2020-2021

Unit and Special Educational Needs Equality Unit


The right to equality between women and men has been recognised by the United Nations as a universal legal principle and has been incorporated into the constitutions of democratic countries. However, legal equality, which represents a significant historical achie- vement for women and society in general, has proved inadequate to achieve genuine equality. Society faces the critical challenge of eradicating determined stereotypes and promoting the conditions necessary for equality between women and men to become an effective reality. The incorporation of women into education, and particularly higher education, is a good indication that significant advances have been made towards achieving equality. Nevertheless, various reports on the position of women in universities testify to the persistence of inequalities and imbalances regarding access to academic degrees, career paths and women’s participation in representative bodies. This evidence of inequality indicates that, in addition to addressing the root causes, there is a need to take positive action in order to redress and prevent these inequalities and achieve effective equality.To this end the Organic Law 4/2007 of 12 April, the Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, governing universities, amending provided that universities must have equal units. Through its gender equality plans, this Office designs strategies aimed at the entire university community, with the aim of eliminating any type of discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation in the UA, as well as of promoting the value of gender equality in all the university activities. UA has a Gender Equality Committee, which coordinates participation. The Committee includes Student Council members, so students are represented in this institution too. The Gender Equality Office assumes the prevention and intervention in situations of gender-based and sexual orientation harassment in the university community. Since 2015, the UA has a prevention policy on harassment for any action against sexual orientation and gender identity: web.ua.es/es/unidad-igualdad/documentos/protocolo-acoso/adecuacion-protocolo-boua/ protocolo-de-prevencion-y-actuacion-frenta-al-acoso-sexula-por-razon-de-sexo-y-por-orientacions-sexual-boua.pdf Further information can found at the UA web page “Against Gender Violence”. https://web.ua.es/es/unidad-igualdad/violenciagenero/violencia-de-genero.html

The Equality Unit is located on the ground floor of the General Lecture Building 2. Phone: 965 909 644





Unit and Special Educational Needs Special Educational Needs Unit

The University of Alicante offers three lines of action to address diversity on the university campus: ethnic-cultural diversity, affective-sexual diversity and functional-intellectual diversity. Aim: 1. Promote a safe and attentive environment for the well-being and needs of the LGBT community and university students for reasons of their ethnicity or multicultural origin. 2. Develop university awareness and training programmes for multicultural and LGTB+ communities. 3. Create collaborative networks with public and private institutions and associations interested in the promotion of nondiscrimination for reasons of ethnicity and cultural origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. Since December 2017, the UA has developed a protection to gender identity and expression policy. 4. Promote a safe environment to promote welfare and needs of the university members on the grounds of their ethnicmulticultural origin. 5. Develop programmes to raise awareness and promote multicultural university training. 6. Create collaborative networks with public and private institutions and associations interested in promoting non-discrimination on the basis of ethno-cultural origin. www.boua.ua.es/pdf.asp?pdf=PROTOCOLO_ATENCION_IDENTIDAD_EXPRESION_GENERO.pdf The Special Educational Needs Unit is located on the ground floor of the General Lecture Building 2. Phone: 965 903 400 Ext. 2298; unitat.diversitat@ua.es

web.ua.es/es/vr-social/diversidad-etnico-cultural.html web.ua.es/es/vr-social/diversidad-afectivo-sexual.html


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