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Issue 56: 15th November 2009

Ejemplar Grauito / Free Edition

Valencia’s Ports Morella Valencia Restaurants Halloween Party Charity Feature News & Events Feline Leukaemia Amigos de Pedralba Don Quixote Comp. Golf & MotoGP Classifieds

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Editor’s Chat Dear Readers,


Here we go again preparing for the end of year festivities, and where has the year gone, we ask ourselves once again? Seems like each one goes by quicker and we don’t get any younger! However, Britchat is maturing well, and thanks to the efforts of our sales rep, Cristina Garay, the magazine is now making its presence felt in Valencia’s capital.



Editor’s Chat Valencia’s Ports Morella Eating Out Chat News Events Halloween Party Amigos de Pedralba Charity Feature Feline Leukaemia Pet Chat Find Don Quixote Golf MotoGP Classified Adverts Brit Fun

3 5 7 10 10 15 16 19 21 23 24 25 27 29 30 31

The Editor Chris Proctor Tel: 687 486 909 Apt. Correos 138 46192 Montserrat READ BRITCHAT ONLINE: LEE BRITCHAT ONLINE:

(May onwards). Please send this link to friends and never forget to quote Britchat when responding to adverts!

We’ve featured some exciting eating out places for you to try, whenever you’re in the city, plus a fascinating factual feature on Valencia’s port. Actually, for the future, we’re hoping to feature many more useful and engaging things in the city in general, to help you enjoy and appreciate more of our wonderful capital at its best. Our special charity feature this month, on page 21, brings to light another truly amazing feat of fund raising for a great cause, a very small part of which we were honored to help out with in Valencia, in conjunction with VCF. There are more interesting editorials, such as the official opening night of a great new bar restaurant in Montserrat and a Multinational friends society in Pedralba you may like to join, plus another fantastic place to visit in Out & About Chat and some very important information for you to know about your cats in Pet Chat. For the winners of “Find Don Quixote,” see page 25. Please keep your entries coming in! Yours sincerely,

Chris Proctor

Queridos Lectores, Aquí estamos de nuevo preparándonos para las festividades de fin de año. ¿Por cierto a dónde se ha ido el año?, nos preguntamos de nuevo. Parece que cada vez el tiempo pasa más rápidamente y nosotros, desgraciadamente, no nos volvemos más jóvenes. Sin embargo, Britchat está madurando muy bien y gracias al esfuerzo de nuestra comercial de publicidad, Cristina Garay, la revista se está haciendo un hueco en el mercado de Valencia capital. En este número os presentamos nuevas y excitantes propuestas en la sección de restaurantes, para que las probéis, además de un fascinante reportaje sobre el puerto de Valencia. De ahora en adelante, esperamos incluir artículos y propuestas de actividades para hacer en la ciudad con el fin de ayudaros a disfrutar y conocer mejor esta maravillosa capital. Nuestro artículo sobre organizaciones benéficas este mes, en la página 21 nos hace descubrir otra increíble historia de recaudación de fondos para una gran causa, en la cual tuvimos el honor de participar y ayudar un poquito en Valencia junto con el VCF. Hay también otros interesantes artículos, como por ejemplo, la inauguración de un nuevo gran bar en Montserrat o la presentación de una nueva asociación en Pedralba a la que quizás, estéis interesados en uniros. Además os proponemos otro sitio fantástico para visitar en “Out & About Chat” y como no, importante información para vuestros gatos en nuestra sección de animales “Pet Chat” Podéis mirar los nombres de los ganadore≠s de la competición “encuentra Don Quixote” en la página 25. Por favor, ¡Seguid intentándolo! Un cordial Saludo,

Chris Proctor BRITCHAT . 3

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Out & About Chat

Valencia’s We all know that we live near or in Spain’s third largest city, but how much do we actually know about Valencia’s ports and their importance to Spain? Well, BRITCHAT went along to the port authority to find out. We were given the 2006 statistics as being the latest.

Ports year due to the re-gasification plant located near the port. Around 70 % of the port’s current traffic is made up of iron and steel products and the rest is made up of fertilizers, construction materials, timber and perishable products

Is located approx. 65 km to the south of Valencia with a surface area of 238,384 sq. metres, of which 103,023 sq. metres are used for warehousing and 22,660 sq. metres for roads. It specialises in the export and import of forestry products: timber, reels, pulp, paper and furniture.

Well, let’s start with some impressive statistics!

The privileged geo-strategic situation of Valenciaport in the centre of the western Mediterranean coast, aligned with the east-west corridor which crosses the Suez Canal and Straits of Gibraltar, places Valencia as the FIRST and LAST port of call for leading shipping companies who run regular services between America, the Mediterranean and the Far east.

Has direct influence that encompasses a radius of 350 km, which generates 51 percent of Spain’s GDP and includes half the entire working population of the country. The Port of Valencia is the second-largest Spanish seaport and one of the largest seaports in the Mediterranean Sea basin, with an annual traffic capacity of around 55 million tonnes of cargo and 3,000,000 TEU’s. (Containers). The port is also an important employer in the area, with more than 15,000 employees who provide services to more than 7,500 ships every year. The total surface area of the Valencia port is over 4.5 million square metres. Nearly 2.5 million square metres are for warehousing and over three quarters of a million sq. metres is devoted to roads. Currently the port of Valencia offers a berthing line of 8,793 metres, distributed amongst 16 quays and a jetty. It the second busiest cargo port and the largest container port in Spain. The Port of Sagunto This is located approx. 22 km to the north of Valencia with a surface area of 1.6 million sq. metres, of which three quarters of a million sq. metres are used for warehousing and 83,000 sq. metres for roads. Its main cargo is liquefied natural gas, three million tonnes per

Valencia Port

Valencia Port

The Port of Gandia

The port authority is controlled by Madrid and managed in Valencia in a fantastic building near the port complex. Managed as the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV), it trades under the name Valenciaport. In fact, it controls three state owned ports along an 80 km stretch of the Eastern Edge of the Spanish Mediterranean: Valencia, Sagunto and Gandia.

The Port of Valencia

Valencia Port

Valencia Port

Valenciaport Situation

Valencia Port

Socially Responsible It’s also nice to realise that their Management strategy is to adopt a socially responsible approach in considering the impact of it’s activities on the three dimensions of sustainability: that of economic, social and environmental accountability. It also takes it’s responsibility seriously of offering environmental training to it’s staff.

Sagunto Port

How did it all start then? In 1483, King Ferdinand the Catholic granted one Antoni Joan the privilege of building a wooden bridge on the beach of the Grao district, called the Pont de Fusta. From 1483 until the 19th century, various construction projects were built in the port, but because of the periodic flooding of the Turia River and the continual movements of sand on the beach the port wasn’t very successful. Despite this, traffic increased constantly and the king granted trading privileges with other kingdoms and states in 1679 and for the Americas in 1791, with Valencia becoming the sixth maritime province in Spain. It has developed every since and it is said that Valencia Port now has more trade than Marseilles in France.

Denia Port

Article researched and written by John R. Knight





o enter the castle grounds one passes through the gate on the Plaza de San Francisco.

orella also became an important administrative centre for the region and a flourishing wool trade with Italy gave it a powerful seat at the court of Valencia. This is depicted in the city’s heraldry and today it is still possible to find authentic craft textiles here.


his handcraft activity dates back to the XIII century, and although during the Middle Ages, the wool sheared from the flocks was spun by distaff and spindle in every household, nowadays there are small, telares which produce blankets, saddle-bags and fabrics of great quality and beauty. Over the last few years knitting has also become a prominent activity, and can be found in the majority of local shops that you can enjoy a browse through on your way through quaint, narrow, medievil streets.



he impressive gateway pictured here welcome visitors into the marvellous, medieval citadel of Morella in the Castellon province. Morella rises 1,072 meters above the lush valley to the south and east and made the settlement here an ideal, natural fortress.


fter most of Spain had succumbed to Arab domination, the town acquired the Arab name of Maurela in 714 AD. However, by 1117 Muslim power had begun to falter and full authority was finally wrested by the Christians under King Jaime I, the conqueror, who took control of Morella in 1232.

he Spanish civil war did incalculable damage to Morella and served to accelerate the already gradual abandonment of the place. Only modern tourism has brought about a resurgence and growth of the city. All of Morella’s previous economic and political power is now a mere distant memory.


oday, one can appreciate the history of Morella in Spain, by visiting the various museums there, which specialize in different eras and subjects on the area. The Gothic archpriestal church of Santa Maria la Mayor should not be missed. This beautiful church has a blue-tiled dome, a doorway dating from the 14th century and adorned with the Apostles, and a marble spiral staircase that leads to the choir loft.



n the numerous military conflicts that shook Spain, Morella was of considerable strategic importance, owing to its ideal natural defences. To defend the population, Morella is entirely enclosed by a high and massive wall, over two and a half kilometers in circumference, with six gateways at strategic places and a total of fourteen towers.

ake a stroll around the periphery close to wall and admire the spectacular views over the valley below, then wander into the main shopping street which starts with Calle Blasco de Alagón (at the top end) and continues seamlessly into Calle Marquesa. This same street has a large selection of cafés and restaurants. If you stay the night, then you will probably gravitate here!


o email Morella Tourist Information office and ask for details:


t the epicentre, the castle, “Castell de Morell”, sits on an impressive, 1,000 metre high rocky mass and towers over the village.. The Iberian, Roman and Arabic cultures have each left their mark on the impressive fortress. Over the centuries this castle had been almost destroyed, having been the site of many battles, but has over time been rebuilt. BRITCHAT . 7






a impresionante puerta de entrada aquí fotografiada da la bienvenida a los visitantes de la maravillosa ciudadela medieval de Morella, en la provincia de Castellón. Morella se erige a 1072 metros de altura sobre el exuberante valle hacia el sur este. Su altitud y situación hacen de este enclave el lugar ideal para una fortaleza natural.


espués de que la mayor parte de España sucumbiera a la dominación Árabe, la ciudad adquirió el nombre de Maurela en el año 714 d.c. Sin embargo alrededor de 1117 d.c, el poder musulmán empezó a declinar y el dominio de la ciudad fue conquistado por los cristianos, bajo el reinado del rey Jaime I El Conquistador, quien tomó control de Morella en 1232.


n los numerosos conflictos militares que han sacudido España, Morella ha tenido una gran importancia estratégica, debido a sus defensas naturales. Para proteger a sus pobladores, Morella está completamente rodeada por una imponente y alta muralla, que tiene una circunferencia de dos kilómetros y medio. La muralla tiene seis puertas o entradas y un total de catorce torreones,


n el epicentro de la ciudad se asienta el Castillo de Morella. Este, situado sobre una impresionante roca, se erige dominante sobre la población.


as culturas, Ibera, Romana y Árabe, han dejado cada una su impronta en la espectacular fortaleza. Con el paso de los siglos, el castillo ha sido casi destruido en numerosas ocasiones, al ser sitio de muchas batallas, pero una y otra vez ha sido reconstruido.


ara acceder al interior del castillo el visitante ha de travesar la puerta situada en la Plaza de San Francisco.


orella fue también un importante centro administrativo para la región. El floreciente comercio de lana con Italia le confirió un puesto importante en la corte Valenciana. Esto se refleja en los escudos de armas y en la heráldica de la ciudad y

aún hoy en día, aquí se pueden encontrar auténticas artesanías textiles.


sta actividad artesana se remonta al siglo XIII y aunque durante la edad media la lana obtenida de los rebaños se procesaba de manera artesanal en cada casa, hoy en día hay pequeñas empresas textiles que fabrican mantas, bolsos y telas de gran calidad y belleza. En los últimos años, el tricotado también se ha convertido en una actividad importante y se puede encontrar productos de este tipo en la mayoría de las tiendas locales. Podrás disfrutar admirando esta artesanía mientras paseas en las estrechas y pintorescas calles medievales.


a guerra civil Española ocasionó incalculables daños a Morella y favoreció el abandono y deterioro gradual del lugar. Solamente el turismo moderno ha contribuido recientemente a la recuperación y crecimiento de la ciudad. A pesar de esto, todo el poder económico y político del que disfrutó Morella en la edad media es en nuestros días sólo un recuerdo distante.


oy podemos disfrutar de la historia de Morella en España, visitando sus diferentes museos especializados en diferentes épocas y temáticas. Uno de los sitios que uno no debe olvidarse de visitar es la Iglesia de Santa Maria La mayor. Este bello templo tiene una cúpula de azulejos azules, una puerta adornada con figuras de los apóstoles, que data del siglo XIV y una escalera espiral de mármol que conduce hasta el altillo del coro.


ate una vuelta alrededor del perímetro de las murallas y admira las espectaculares vistas sobre el valle. Después aventurate en las principales calles comerciales, que empiezan en la calle Blasco de Alagón (parte superior) y continúan sin fin hacia la Calle Marquesa. Esta última calle cuenta con una larga selección de bares y restaurantes. Si te quedas a pasar la noche en Morella, probablemente acabaras aquí tomándote una copa!


ara obtener más información puedes contactar con la oficina de Turismo de Morella:

The Editor BRITCHAT . 9

Eating Out Chat & News

Eating Out

The Valencia monthly quota scheme has been approved and was published in the Diario of the Valencia Govt on September 29th. It will come into effect one month from this date. All the details we have are published on the UKinSpain website. For each customer who is currently registered under the old scheme i.e. those who have SIP cards with the word ‘DEMAND’ on them, you will have 20 days from Nov 1st until Nov 21st to apply to join the new scheme without having to present any supporting documentation e.g. padrón/residencia. Any new applicants will also be able to apply from Nov 1st but will need to present the supporting documentation requested by the Valencia Regional Health Authority. The health authority has informed us they will write to all customers affected by these changes. They will also provide details of where to obtain the application form to join the new scheme. Please note - ALL queries must be directed to the Valencia authorities as we do not hold any more information that that published on our web site or contained in this email. They can be contacted on the free phone number 900 662 000. The link to the UKinSpain web page is: healthcare-valencia/ Kind regards Martyn

Pension, Benefit & Healthcare Team British Consulate, Alicante Martyn Standing | Advisor | Pension, Benefit & Healthcare Team | British Consulate | Alicante | SPAIN | Tel: (+34) 965216022 | Fax: (+34) 965140528 | For information on living in Spain visit Visit for British foreign policy news and travel advice and to read our blogs. BRITCHAT . 10

Eating Out Chat

Wok to Walk

A new concept of Noodle Bar opens in the heart of Valencia By Cristina Garay

Wok To Walk is about fresh, nutritious, tasty food that is cooked in front of your eyes and served to you in minutes. Sounds simple? It is. Simple, affordable, irresistible food - to eat in or take away. The 3-step Wok to Walk menu gives you total freedom to create exactly the combination you like best. You can choose the base of your meal for just 4.90 € : Egg noodles, rice noodles, udon noodles, white or wholegrain rice or asorted vegetables. Then you ad your favourite ingredients from a wide list which include chicken breast, beef, pork, shrimps, shitake mushrooms, bambu shoots, pak choi etc... These ingredients range in price from 1 € to 2 €, and you can add as much or as little as you want!

Recently, I went for lunch to this tiny, modern Noodle Bar situated in Calle San Vicente Martir 10, just a five minutes walk from the metro and the train central station, situated between Plaza del Ayuntamiento and Plaza de la Reina in the cultural and historic heart of Valencia.

Finally, you choose your sauce (for free) – Sweet and sour, Curry coconut, Teriyaki, Oyster sauce, Hot sauce, Garlic and black pepper, Peanut sauce or Shangai sauce - a delicious combination of soya sauce and black beans. Well, with this system you don´t need to break the bank, a typical meal will set you back only 7.90 € and all the drinks 1.50 €. You can enjoy your food seated in this trendy little restaurant or you can take it home or to the office. If you’re out and about in Valencia, Wok to Walk is the perfect option for good and nutritious fast food.

Wok to Walk ,un nuevo concepto de Noodle Bar, abre en el corazón de Valencia Fuimos a comer recientemente a este nuevo y pequeño Noodle Bar ubicado en la calle de San Vicente Martir 10, a tan sólo cinco minutos andando de la parada del metro y de la Estación Central, situado entre la plaza del Ayuntamiento y la Plaza de la Reina, en pleno corazón cultural e histórico de Valencia. En Wok to Walk encontrarás comida sabrosa, fresca y nutritiva que se cocinará ante ti para servirtela en sólo unos minutos. ¿Suena simple? Lo es. La propuesta es simple, barata, irresistible y podrás degustarla allí mismo o llevártela contigo. El menú de 3 pasos de Wok to Walk te da total libertad para crear exáctamente la combinación que quieres. Puedes elegir la base de tu plato por solo 4.90 €: Tallarines de huevo, tallarines de arroz, tallarines udon, arroz blanco o integral y por último verduras salteadas. Luego eliges tus ingredientes favoritos de una larga lista que incluye pechuga de Pollo, ternera, cerdo, gambas, setas shitake, brotes de bambú, repollo chino etc...Estos ingredientes oscilan en precio entre 1 € o 2 € y puedes elegir tantos o tan pocos como quieras. Finalmente eliges la salsa, que es gratis. Agridulce, Curry y coco, Teriyaki, Salsa de ostras, Picante, Ajo y pimienta negra, de Cacahuete o salsa Shangai, una deliciosa mezcla de salsa de soya y frijoles negros. Bueno, con este sistema no tendrás que romper la hucha. Una comida típica te costará más o menos 7.90 € y todas las bebidas solo 1.50 €. Puedes disfrutar de tu comida sentado en este restaurante de moda o bien llevártela a casa o al trabajo. Si has salido a darte una vuelta por Valencia Wok to Walk es la opción perfecta para una buena y nutritiva comida rápida. BRITCHAT . 11

News & Advert

For NIE Renewal Pre-Book an appointment on 902-247-364 Website: nww.cgi/cita-dni/wadcnu-0

City of Arts and Sciences has so far created 39,419 jobs since 1998 In a new report from the Tourist Office, it was stated that The City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia has contributed to the creation of 39,419 jobs since the first building in the complex, l’Hemisfèric, opened in 1998, according to data from the latest report by the Valencian Institute of Economic Research (IVIE) distributed by the Valencian Regional Government. These figures confirm that this great architectural complex is an important motor for economic growth and job creation in the Region of Valencia, and that the City of Arts and Sciences is the major cultural and social reference point of a city in constant growth. Stretching over almost two kilometres in length and with a surface area of 350,000 square metres, the City of Arts and Sciences, supported by the Valencian Regional Government and designed by the architects Santiago Calatrava and Félix Candela, is based on the idea of intelligent cultural leisure, giving Valencia the largest centre of this kind in Europe.



FREE spinal check Plaza San Sebastian, 8 Bajo 46111 ROCAFORT available BRITCHAT . 12

Close to 40 million people have visited the different parts of the complex - l’Hemisfèric, the Príncipe Felipe Science Museum, l’Oceanogràfic and el Umbracle - since it first opened, confirming the role of the City of Arts and Sciences as a catalyst for cultural tourism in the Region of Valencia.

1,000 more radar traps destined for 2010 fund raising in Spain Have you ever wondered about driving ticket quotas, government funding for police resources or if you are going to be a hapless victim of a radar trap in an area that is most certainly not a safety speed zone! Then 2010 shall probably be the year that you are most likely to be fined. The DGT traffic authority is primarily jointly funded through speeding and other road traffic fines plus from the tax on new vehicle registrations. However, due to the economic situation, less new cars are being bought than ever before and so the DGT is forecasting a fall in new car sales taxes; thus it’s looking for another source of income. Enter the Radar Speed Camera Trap for 2010. DGT income for 2010 is expected to be just shy of 500 million, down 9.2% on 2009. To combat this downturn, next year Spain shall add over 1,000 new permanent Radar Traps set up around Spain.

Have you ever experienced?

- Stress - Tiredness, lack of energy - Pinched nerves - Migraines, headaches - Stiffness in the neck - Whiplash, neck trauma - Vertigos, dizziness - Tension, shoulder pains - Thoracic or lumbar pain - Chest pain, Asthma - Bad posture - Stomach acidity - Sciatica, pain down the leg - Joint pain, knee pain - Pins and needles, numbness arms or hands - Pins and needles or numbness down the leg If you have experienced one or more of these symptoms, chiropractic could be the solution. Call now for a free check, it could be the start of a new life!

Eating Out Chat Restaurant El Ganxo - Ruzafa´s classic venue changes menu for Autumn. By Cristina Garay El Ganxo, a classic venue in the Valencia neighborhood of Ruzafa, has renewed its menu after the summer and begins the Autumn season with a suggestive “a la carte” menu, where we can find game specialities together with the ever popular “tapas”, an old favourite among the numerous, regular customers. El Ganxo is located in Calle Literato Azorin, and I must explain, for those of you who don´t know it, it is the shared venture of Lisa, an Irish woman established in Valencia and Miguel, a Spaniard with plenty of experience with the metod of cooking. The final result of this combination is a cosy and warm place, decorated in rustic style and with celtic motives, where you can sip a nice pint of Guinness, sample delicious croquettes, a wild boar steak, or a good plate of Serrano ham. We went for dinner the other day and were pleasantly surprised by what we found, especially now that game meat has been included in the menu. My partner and I couldn´t resist the temptation and we started our dinner with the ever popular “tapas”. We ordered a portion of assorted croquettes and found them delicious. We followed up with a frying pan full of potatoes with Spanish ham and egg and also a generous plate of Lacon (roasted Galician ham), well dressed with olive oil, paprika and served on a bed of boiled potatoes. We rounded up with a portion of breaded Manchego cheese balls with sesame seeds, a true delight for the senses. However, we still had room enough and we tried the wild board, that had an irresistible aroma and tasted as good as anything we'd tasted before. To tell the truth, is not easy nowadays to find a place in Valencia where you can sample game meat that is as fresh and well presented. For Dessert we followed the waiter´s advice and, even though by now we'd surely put on a couple of kilos, we managed to share a portion of chocolate and basil cake with cream and walnuts. It was absolutely delicious and we finished it in seconds. Finally, we finished the meal with two espressos and stayed for a while having a drink and enjoying the numerous things that the nig has to offer in the Valencia neighborhood of Ruzafa.

Un Clásico de Ruzafa cambia su carta de cara al otoño - Cristina Garay El Ganxo, un local ya clásico del Valenciano barrio de Ruzafa, ha renovado su carta después del verano y empieza el otoño con un menú sugerente donde predominan las especialidades de caza junto a las tapas de siempre, ya sobradamente populares entre su numerosa y habitual clientela. El Ganxo está situado en la calle literato Azorin, y para los que no lo conozcáis es la ventura conjunta de Lisa, una irlandesa afincada en Valencia y Miguel, un Español con sobrada experiencia en los fogones. El resultado de esta combinación: Un local cálido y acogedor, decorado en estilo rústico y con detalles celtas, donde lo mismo se puede beber una Guiness que comer unas excelentes croquetas, un solomillo de Jabalí o un buen plato de Jamón Ibérico. Nosotros fuimos a cenar el otro día y lo que nos encontramos nos sorprendió gratamente, especialmente ahora que su carta se ha ampliado para incluir platos de caza. Mi acompañante y yo no pudimos resistir la tentación y empezamos nuestra cena con algunas de las tapas que lo han hecho tan popular, pedimos una buena ración de croquetas variadas, que estaban deliciosas, y las completamos con una sarten de patatas a lo pobre con huevo y jamón y un buen plato de lacón, con su aderezo de aceite de oliva y pimentón, servido sobre un lecho de patatas hervidas. Después, rematamos la sesión de tapas con una ración de sus famosas bolitas de queso Manchego rebozadas en semillas de sésamo, una delicia para los sentidos... Todavía nos quedó sitio y nos animamos a probar el Jabalí, que tenia un irresistible aroma, un contraste de sabores como nunca antes habíamos conocido. Y es, que ha decir verdad, no son muchos los sitios en Valencia donde se puede degustar una carne de caza tan fresca y tan bien preparada. Siguiendo los consejos del camarero y a pesar de que aquella noche seguramente engordamos unos cuantos kilos, nos dejamos convencer y coronamos la cena con una tarta de chocolate y albahaca con nata y nueces. La tarta estaba deliciosa y dimos buena cuenta de ella. Terminamos la cena con dos cafés y nos quedamos un rato tomando una copa y disfrutando de las muchas cosas que puede ofrecer la noche en el valenciano barrio de Ruzafa.

Women blink nearly twice as much as men. BRITCHAT . 13



Not only do you get a FREE EVENTS listing with BRITCHAT, space permitting, in Guide2Valencia we will give you unlimited text and a photo. For more information email:

Balcon de Montroy Rastro

Sunday 6th December: 10-2 setting up from 9am Stalls will include Daphnes’ cakes Helens’ cards, pet accessories, avon christmas gifts etc. Stalls will include handmade cards, homemade cakes, bric a brac, thai gifts, pet supplies, avon and much more. Info: 96-255-5819 (Carolyn)


Refreshments & Food Available. Next dates: November 29th & December 20th. Social Club, Urb. La Lloma. 10am till 2pm. Set up from 9am for sellers. Price: Tables €5. Raffle €1. Bookings & More Info: Carolyn 962555819 or 664809608. Proceeds usually given to a worthwhile charity. There are stalls selling handmade cards, thai gifts ,christmas gifts and a cafe with full breakfasts and ... a selection of chrismas cakes and mince pies etc to ordering for christmas. Directions: Follow signs to OLOCAU from LLIRIA, Turn right towards BETERA at the main CV333 Roundabout, (CV333 Near Valencia). URB. LA LLOMA is on the next roundabout, RASTRO will be signposted from there.

Christmas Fayre in aid of Per Ells Special Needs Centre on Sat 28th November. We will be holding it in inside the Altury Restaurant 9am - 2pm. There will be Christmas foods and Christmas cards on sale and Father Christmas will be there too! Further details: Jacqueline: 635 090 651

Language Exchange Nights at The Lounge Bar Valencia

This is a very popular event where people interested in improving their level of speaking in their languages come along to meet like-minded people and have a chat in a relaxed environment. This is also a great way of meeting new people and integrating a bit more into Valencian life. All ages and levels are welcome. Monday…. English/Spanish Tuesday….English/French/Italian/Spanish Wednesday…German/Spanish Starts 10pm until usually about 12.30/1.00am

Monthly Ballroom Dancing

Albergue Sanabria, near Monserrat and Torrent Partida Corral de Mañez, 325-L Torrent. On the second Saturday of every month. 8.00 to 10.30 p.m. Admission is free. Contact: Doug 96-212-7771.


A new musical society are looking for more members to perform on stage (solo, chorus, dancing, acting etc) Even if you want to blend in with the chorus – don’t be afraid to come along to our next meeting at Altury in September (date to be confirmed). For more information please call Marie on 677-670-636.

Montroy Car Boot Sale My husband and I along with the people of the town hall in Montroy organize a car boot sale every month. Next date: December 13. It is always held at Calle La Pau from 10 - 2 Contact person: Cindy 960 802 513 or 695 100 540

Singles Social Night at The Lounge Bar This is a fun night for people interested in meeting new people and making friends. Starts at 9.30pm with a welcome drink. Cost 15€. Bookings by email to Sharron at Tel: 620403424 or directly to Fiona at The Lounge CaféBar, calle Estameñeria Vieja 2 Bajo, 46001 Valencia Tel: 96 391 80 94

New Activity called WAY TAN YONG

No matter what your age or physical condition, this new activity will improve your health, energy and well-being. It’s called WAY TAN YONG and in essence it is working with energy through gentle easy movements. This new group intends to start in the Chiva/Godelleta area this Autumn, so if you are interested please contact Mila on 627-884-298.

Ladies Who Do Coffee

In England Ladies do lunch, here we do coffee.

A group of ladies are meeting for coffee and chat, helpful discussions on trade’s people and shopping. Not only do we meet new people, but also it is a chance to escape from the inevitable dusting and cleaning.

At first we will be meeting every Wednesday at 11.00 a.m. in the Bar Torroners in Turis. Please accept this invitation; we look forward to seeing you. Any queries phone Berice on 96 299 8306

We are a talented group and it may be possible to start some of the recreational hobbies we had in England.





YOUR HOME FROM HOME CAF WHERE EVERYONE’S GLAD YOU CAME! At the new CHEERS cafè bar restaurant in Montserrat, two British couples, Richard & Vicky and Dany & Natasha have teamed up in a joint venture to provide us Brits with a place that caters for all those things from home that, every now and again, we just can’t help missing. Perhaps not surprisingly, it seems suddenly the most popular place around. Hallowe’en was chosen for their official launch night. It was tickets only with fancy dress and Britchat were nominated to judge the best costumes for prizes. We arrived early to an eerily exciting atmosphere, surrounded by thematic decorations and appropriate sounds from the likes of Michael Jackson’s Thriller and Rocky Horror Picture Show, as we waited to see who or WHAT manifested itself! As expected, it was a great turn out and the motley crew of revellers were welcomed with a free glass of Bucks Fizz and a spectacular buffet spread that included such classics as Vol-aux-vents, egg mayonnaise sandwiches and sausage rolls. Categories for the costume prizes were BEST, MOST UNUSUAL and SCARIEST and the winners we chose were: BEST - Francesca Griffin as Wonder Woman with Uncle Frank as Blade. MOST UNUSUAL – Miguel Sagra Rodriguez (as a box of laundry soap powder!)

¡EL AGOGEDOR BAR DONDE TODO EL MUNDO SE ALEGRA CUANDO VIENES! En el nuevo café bar restaurante CHEERS, en Monserrat, dos parejas británicas, Richard y Vicky y Dany y Natasha se han embarcado en una empresa conjunta para proveernos a los Ingleses con un nuevo sitio que tiene todas esas cosas de nuestro país natal que no podemos evitar echar de menos de vez en cuando. Por eso no es una sorpresa que de repente este bar se haya convertido en el lugar más popular. Halloween fue la fecha escogida para su fiesta oficial de inauguración, para la cual había que comprar un ticket y que consistió en un baile de disfraces. Britchat fue nombrado jurado para elegir los mejores atuendos. Llegamos pronto a la fiesta,que tenia una atmósfera inquietante y nos vimos rodeados de decoraciones temáticas y el más que apropiado sonido de Thriller de Michael Jackson y la banda sonora del Rocky Horror Picture Show. Así que esperamos a ver si alguien o ALGO se manifestaba ante nuestros ojos. Como ya esperábamos, la fiesta fue un éxito de convocatoria y los numerosos asistentes fueron recibidos con una copa de Buck Fizz, gentileza de la casa y un espectacular buffet que incluía clásicos como Volovanes, Huevos con mayonesa, sándwiches y rollitos de salchicha.

And……. the one who gave us all the biggest fright – Nancy Worth as the Crazy Sumo Wrestler.

Las categorías de los premios de disfraces se establecieron como “Mejor disfraz”, “Disfraz más original” y “Mejor disfraz terrorífico”. Los ganadores que escogimos para cada categoría fueron los siguientes:

The staff weren’t included in the competition, unfortunately, as they’d turned out in some of the best garbs, but great fun was had by all and the party saw in the new venue in style.

“Mejor disfraz” para Francesca Griffin como “Wonder Woman” y el tío Frank como “Blade”.

Cheers will no doubt be hosting further events, for which we can look forward to (keep a look out on their listing page in Guide2Valecia). But any time in between we can treat ourselves to a BIG All Day English Breakfast with English tea and toast, Fish & Chips (chips are home made!), Home made Burgers and Pizzas, Bangers & Mash with gravy and much more besides, as well as an extensive Spanish menu and all at unbeatable prices.

y por último, el que más nos asusto fue el de Nancy Worth caracterizada como “El Luchador de Sumo Loco”.

So let’s all raise a glass to them and say a big ……… CHEERS!!!

El premio para “Disfraz más original” se lo llevo Miguel Sagra Rodigrez, que iba disfrazado de “Paquete de Detergente”

Desafortunadamente a los camareros no se les permitió participar en la competición, fue una pena, porque llevaban algunos de los mejores atuendos, pero todos nos divertimos mucho y con estilo en este nuevo local. Cheers, sin duda, celebrará más fiestas y eventos en el futuro que esperamos con ilusión (Podéis informaros en la página de eventos de Guide2Valencia). Pero hasta entonces nos podemos consolar con un ENORME Desayuno Inglés que se sirve durante todo el día, Pescado con Patatas al estilo Inglés ( Las patatas son caseras), Hamburguesas caseras, Pizzas y Salchichas con Puré de Patatas y salsa y muchos más platos Ingleses que se sirven junto a una extensa carta de cocina Española, todo ello a unos precios sin competencia. Así que vamos todos a levantar nuestras copas para brindar por ellos y exclamar muy alto......


Business Cards, Letter Heads, Adverts etc.

Contact John 661 773 834




ociedad de Amigos Internacionales en Pedralba .A.I.P.


ociedad de Amigos Internacionales en Pedralba .A.I.P.


arly in 2009 a small group of people living in Pedralba decided to form a society that would be open to any resident in the area, so they could spend time together in social activities, have fun and get to know each other.


aving lodged the necessary papers in the office in Valencia, the elected, albeit small, committee set about arranging a programme of events. With the tremendous help of John Crisp they also launched the web site:


o date the Society has held regular monthly meetings with talks in the Pedralba Casa de la Cultura. These meetings take place on the first Tuesday in the month. Talks have covered various subjects like Spanish land law, inheritance and Wills. The deputy mayor came to answer some difficult questions from members including issues such as urbanisation plans and the reformation of the old Town Hall. This he did calmly, clearly and without reference to papers or Ayuntamiento staff, allaying some serious concerns.


he Pedralba Ayuntamiento has been very supportive in general and continues to advertises events including the Summer Dance; the two Karaoke evenings, (one was an American Supper, the other was a curry evening) and the Rastro. They have also allowed the Society to use various municipal buildings and car parks for their events.


principios de 2009, un pequeño grupo de gente que vivía en Pedralba ,decidió crear una sociedad abierta a todos los residentes en la zona, para así pasar tiempo juntos realizando actividades sociales, divertirse y conocerse mejor los unos a los otros


espués de presentar los correspondientes papeles ante la administración en Valencia, el pequeño comité electo empezó a confeccionar un programa de eventos y actividades. Con la gran ayuda de John Crisp también lanzaron una página de internet:


asta la fecha, la sociedad se ha reunido periódicamente todos los meses con charlas en la Casa de la Cultura. Estos encuentros se realizan el primer Martes de cada mes y las charlas tratan de diferentes temas como por ejemplo, La Ley del Suelo en España, Testamentos y Herencias. El alcalde en funciones vino en una de las ocasiones para responder algunas preguntas difíciles planteadas por los miembros que incluían asuntos como planes de urbanización o la reforma del viejo ayuntamiento. Estas cuestiones las respondió claramente y con calma, aunque sin referirse a los papeles del ayuntamiento, disipando así las importantes dudas al respecto


l ayuntamiento de Pedralba ha sido muy comprensivo y colaborativo en general y continua anunciando eventos y actividades que incluyen el Baile de Verano, las dos noches de Karaoke ( una fue una cena temática Americana y la otra una cena temática de Curry) y como no, el Rastro. El ayuntamiento ha autorizado a nuestra sociedad a usar los diferentes edificios municipales y los parkings para realizar nuestras actividades.





uture talks will include a session on Fire Prevention; Hypnotherapy; How to look after plants in your garden, and the history of the Peninsular Wars. n Saturday 19th December the Society Choir will be holding a Carol Concert in Pedralba church followed by mince pies and mulled wine (men singers are welcome to join us – rehearsals on Thursdays at 8.30pm in the church!). On 30th January, a Dance is planned in Bar Tibu with live music.


he Society is non-political and non-profit making. Any surplus income after expenses will be donated to local organisations.


igel Winter resident AIP


Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated!

lgunas charlas programadas para el futuro incluirán una sobre Prevención de Fuegos, Hipnoterapia, Como Cuidar las plantas de Jardín y también la Historia de las Guerras en la Península Ibérica. l Sábado 19 de Diciembre, el Coro de la Sociedad dará un concierto de villancicos en la Iglesia de Pedralba y a su finalización habrá una degustación de pasteles navideños y vino caliente especiado. (Todos los cantores masculinos son bienvenidos a unirse al coro.) Los ensayos tendrán lugar los jueves a las 8.30 en la iglesia.


l 30 de Enero se celebrará un Baile en el Bar Tibu con música en directo.

a sociedad es apolítica y sin ánimo de lucro. Todos los beneficios recaudados con estos eventos serán donados a organizaciones benéficas de la zona.


igel Winter resident AIP



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Please Support our advertisers & Mention BRITCHAT . 20


Bjørn Heidenstrøm Cycled to Valencia and Montserrat on Wednesday 3rd November It was a very interesting day and when you look at the facts, it will be an incredible achievement for the former footballer in helping the poor children. Website: http://www.theshirt2010. net/about-the-shirt.html

Here are some facts for you: The former professional footballer Bjørn Heidenstrøm stopped off in Valencia and Montserrat yesterday. It was a brief stop on his long journey from Norway to South Africa by bike. In the early afternoon, he stopped off at Valencia football club training grounds in Paterna and was presented with a signed football shirt to add to his collection by Valencia CF Main Coach, Unai Emery. Bjørn then went over to Montserrat Town Hall to be greeted by Councillor Joan Garcia Perales and welcomed into the council chamber together with his bike and trailer. Bjørn’s Spanish PR Manager Steve Hall and Chris Proctor the editor of BRITCHAT magazine was also there along with the editor of Guide2Valencia John Knight. Councillor Joan Garcia then presented Bjørn with a football shirt from the Montserrat football Club and a bottle of local Moscatell. Following the presentation Bjørn adjurned to the local Britsh Bar, aptly called “Cheers” where a raffle had been organised in aid of his charity. During the evening Bjørn circulated with the guests at the bar who had come especially to see him. At 9:30 p.m. John Knight officially welcomed Bjørn to the Cheers Bar and to Montserrat. Bjørn then recounted some interesting stories, following which he drew the raffle tickets and presented the prizes.

• The former soccer player parked his bicycle up in the city of Valencia after travelling 4,567 kilometers. • He departed from Oslo 137 days ago (On 3rd November) • He is heading for Cape Town (South Africa) • His next destination is Portugal after Spain • He then has to travel through Africa • His forecast is to reach the country where the 2010 World Cup is being held, several days before the inauguration • This is a campaign for the 43 million poor children of the world • His ambitious plan is to stop at football clubs on the way and pick up a shirt signed by the players and load it into his trailer • On arrival in South Africa he will gather up all the shirts and make them all into a giant shirt, the largest in the world • Bjørn wants to draw attention to his mission, so people will help the children who have nothing • The campaign is named “Forget me not” and has it’s own website: about-the-shirt.html • Bjørn’s next destination today is Alicante • He then heads on for Torrevieja and Malaga for more shirts • There is one Rugby Shirt he will pick up where he has made an exception and this is at La Vila Rugby Club, which is situated at Carratera Pantano, Villajoyosa. It was a real pleasure to organise and to be a part of the Valencia section of the tour and we all wish Bjørn well for the rest of his incredible journey! Story by John R. Knight (Editor Guide2Valencia) BRITCHAT . 21



Feline Leukaemia



Animal and Animal Charity Information with useful Adverts w w w .


e are a newly formed charity association of which the objectives and aims are to increase public awareness of the need to care for and protect our environment and the welfare of all the animals in it, both domestic and wildlife. If anyone would like further information on our association, please call Lin on 680 790 059 Homes needed for two adorable puppies, found dying by bins, now fully restored to health, meduim sized, good with other dogs, medium sized, aged about 4 months. I have five dogs of my own,so I am desperado. Email Daryl: FREE TO GOOD HOME : Pedigree Golden Retriever, 4,1/2, years, and a medium cross breed, 4,1/2, years. Both very good natured, Both have passports & have been chipped, Can be seperated. PLEASE RING KAREN...68 761 9363

P.E.P.A. rotección y educación para los animales 650 304 746.


‘Dreamt’ is the only English word that ends in the letters ‘mt’. (Are you doubting this?) BRITCHAT . 24

Almonds are a member of the peach family!

PET CHAT & COMPETITION CHAT Becky is about 16 months old. She was found between Cheste and Villamarxante. She had raised puppies all by herself and was starving.. The puppies were re-homed and Becky was taken to a foster carer 15 kilometers away.. The following day she escaped and spent the next 5 days making her way back to where she had been with her puppies. To do this she had to cross 3 main roads and do a lot of walking!!! When she was picked up again she had lost a lot of weight and was a very sorry sight. She was returned to the foster carer and is now spayed, well fed and healthy. The only thing that she really needs now is a home of her own. she is a very loyal dog, who just needs someone special to love her as she will love them. Please give her a home if you can. Call 96 270 7229 / 68 079 0059. We also have many other dogs and cats in need of good homes, and we also need temporary foster homes for our animals! Please call if you can help. our organization is: - Thank you, Lin

Becky tiene aproximadamente 16 meses. La encontramos a medio camino entre Cheste y Vilamarxante, acababa de tener cachorros, completamente sola y estaba hambrienta. Buscamos una nueva casa para los cachorros y llevamos a Becky a un hogar adoptivo que estaba a unos 15 km de donde la encontramos. Al día siguiente, Becky se escapo y los próximos cinco días los empleo en regresar al lugar donde había parido. ¡Para conseguir esto tuvo que andar mucho y cruzar tres carreteras generales! Cuando conseguimos encontrarla había perdido mucho peso y su apariencia daba pena. La conducimos de vuelta a su hogar adoptivo y ahora esta esterilizada, bien alimentada y gozando de buena salud. Lo único que echa de menos ahora es un hogar propio. Es una perra muy noble y solamente necesita alguien especial que le de tanto amor como ella puede ofrecer. Por favor, dale un hogar si puedes, llama al 96 270 7229 ó al 68 079 0059. Tenemos otros perros y gatos que necesitan buenos hogares. También necesitamos de hogares adoptivos temporales para nuestros animales. Por favor, llamanos si puedes ofrecer alguna ayuda, nuestra organización es

We had more competition entries than usual this month!

The winners were John & Jennie Lord. They told us at the prize presentation in Cheers Bar, that they send in entries every month, ex-

The former professional footballer Bjørn Heidenstrømwho is cycling to South Africa (See page 21) drew the winning name out of the bag on Wednesday 3rd November in CHEERS bar in Montserrat.

cept when John forgets to email it! But, this is the first time that they have won!

Congratulations! BRITCHAT . 25

BRIT FUN & BUSINESS CHAT The question is: What Do Retired People Do All Day? Working people frequently ask retired people what they do to make their days interesting. Well, for example, the other day my wife and I went into town and went into a shop. We were only in there for about 5 minutes. When we came out, there was a cop writing out a parking ticket. We went up to him and said, 'Come on man, how about giving a senior citizen a break?'

He ignored us and continued writing the ticket. I called him a Nazi t**d. He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having worn tyres. So my wife called him a ####-head. He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first. Then he started writing a third ticket. This went on for about 20 minutes. The more we abused him, the more tickets he wrote. Personally, we didn't care. We came into town by bus. We try to have a little fun each day now that we're retired. It's important at our age. Blonde Issues - “Password “ During a recent password audit, it was found that a blonde was using the following password: “MickeyMinniePlutoHueyLouieDeweyDonaldGoofy” When asked why such a big password, she said that “it had to be at least 8 “characters” long”. BRITCHAT . 26

SPORT CHAT Resultados de la Competición Stableford celebrada en el Club de Golf “El Bosque” el Lunes 3 de Octubre de 2009 Patrocinada por Dawn Wilson que compitió por el Trofeo en honor a Jonny Wilson y recaudó fondos para la Asociación de Enfermeras Contra el Cáncer “Mcmillan Nurses”.

Results for the stableford competition held at El Bosque Golf Club on Monday 5th October 2009. Sponsored by Dawn Wilson, playing for the Jonny Wilson Memorial Trophy and raising money for the Macmillan Nurses Cancer Support Fund. Our thanks this month go to Dawn Wilson for sponsoring this month’s competition. Now in it’s third year with the winner keeping the impressive Jonny Wilson Memorial Trophy until next year. I am pleased to announce that the society raised 120 euros for the popular Macmillan Cancer Support Fund that will be added to whatever we can raise in the raffle at our Christmas Dinner/Presentation evening that will be held on Saturday 12th December (Venue to be confirmed). This month’s winner was Phillip Shaw (H/Cap 23) who scored 34 points, while Noel Grayson (H/Cap 13) was Runner-Up on countback, scoring 33 points. Nearest The Pin (after 3 shots) went to Tony Holehouse, with Noel Grayson also winning the Nearest The Pin on the par 3. The team group went to Andy Mitchell and Peter Lane with an average of 30.5 points and Paul Beamish -Knight guessed correctly that we would lose 33 balls on the day to win the 21 euro pot. Next month’s competition is on Monday 7th December with the first tee time at 10.00am. Please call Skip on 962133126 or 628148939 to reserve your place. Cheers, Tigger

Todos nuestros agradecimientos van este mes para Dawn Wilson que patrocinó la competición de Octubre, actualmente en su tercera edición, con el vencedor ostentando el imponente titulo de ganador del “Trofeo en Memoria de Jonny Wilson” hasta el año que viene. Tengo el grato placer de informar que la mencionada sociedad recaudó 120 euros para la popular organización de enfermos de cáncer “Macmilland”. Estos fondos serán añadidos a los que podamos recaudar en el Sorteo/Cena de Navidad que se celebrará el sábado 12 de Diciembre (el sitio está todavía por confirmar). El campeón de este mes fue Phillip Shaw (hándicap 23) que marcó 34 puntos, mientras que Noel Grayson (hándicap 13) quedó como finalista en la cuenta atrás con 33. El “Nearest to the Pin” ( después de 3 golpes) fue para Toni Holehouse, con Noel Grayson ganando también el “Nearest To the Pin” en el par 3. El premio de equipos fue para Andy Mitchell y Peter Lane con un promedio de 30.5 . Paul Beamish Knight adivinó correctamente las 33 bolas perdidas y ganó el “bote” de 21 euros. La competición del mes que viene se celebrará el Lunes 7 de Diciembre y el primer Tee será a las 10.00 am. Por favor Llamad a Skip al 962133126 ó 628148939 para reservar vuestra plaza. Saludos,


Did You Know? Peel a banana from the bottom and you won’t have to pick the little ‘stringy things’ off it. That’s how the primates do it. BRITCHAT . 27





OTOGP ROUND 15 – Philip Island Australia Submitted by Dave Mellor


fter two lack luster rounds at Misano, where Valentino Rossi scored another win and Estoril which saw a returning Casey Stoner take 2nd, while Jorge Lorenzo won, I was hoping the trip down under would spice life up!


owever, we were cheated of another dog fight when, at the first corner on the first lap, Lorenzo tagged the back wheel of Nicky Haydens Ducati, sending both riders into the dirt. Nicky managed to keep control of his machine, while Jorge got a face full of gravel! The race itself was a spaced out event.


ech 3’s outgoing rider James Toseland got a jump start ride through penalty. At the sharp end, Stoner set a blistering pace to take his first come back win infront of his home crowd. Only Rossi was able to keep him honest to take 2nd.


ras dos mediocres campeonatos uno en Misano, donde Valentino Rossi obtuvo otra victoria y otro en Estoril, que vio regresar a Casey Stoner como finalista en el segundo lugar y a Jorge Lorenzo como ganador, esperaba que el viaje a las antipodas animaría la cosa un poco. Sin embargo, nos engañaron otra vez cuando a la primera vuelta en la primera curva.


orenzo alcanzó la rueda trasera de la Ducati de Nicky Haydens, cayendo los dos al suelo. Nicky consiguió mantener el control sobre su máquina, pero Jorge se llenó la cara de gravilla. La carrera en si misma fue extraña y llena de incidentes.


l sobresaliente corredor de Tech 3 James Toseland empezó con dificultades a causa de una penalización. En el otro extremo la carrera de Stoner tomó un ritmo endiablado para intentar alcanzar su primera victoria frente al público de su ciudad natal por primera vez desde su vuelta a las carreras. Sólo Rossi pudo dejarlo en un honesto segundo lugar y Dani Pedrosa corrió en solitario por el tercer puesto.

Dani Pedrosa had a lonely ride for 3rd.


tandings - Resultados:


Did You Know? Take your bananas apart when you get home from the store. If you leave them connected at the stem, they ripen faster. BRITCHAT . 29

CLASSIFIED CHAT & BRITCHAT MISSION Important To advertise here for free, email CLASSIFIEDS MUST be with us by the 1st of the month please and will be placed for ONE month only. If you wish to repeat it please send in again otherwise we will assume sold!


Advertise it in both! BRITCHAT & Guide2Valencia on this link:

Check out Guide2Valencia Not only do you get a free Classified with Britchat, space permitting, we will give you more space in Guide2Valencia and you can have 4 photos and UNLIMITED text, all for FREE! All you have to do, is become a MEMBER at and make up your own clssified advert. Wanted Copy of Windows Vista 2 Please ring Anne on 962126079.

Second Hand Laptop

Anything considered under 100 Euros. Call Gary on 655510654”


Classifieds 50 English Paper Backs.

All in good condition, various authors easy reading 35 Euros the lot telephone 663031188 (Ondara)

Sundry Items .....

Four boxes full of videos, books, clothes, toys, bric-a-brac, household items ideal for car booter 35 Euros the lot telehone 663031188 (Ondara)

Mitsubishi Pajero

2800 Exceed LWB. First reg in UK 2003 Manufactured 1994. Good driver 4X4 , leather seats 85000 miles. 1500E or exchange for small RHD car. Phone 962129686 (Montroy area) for any further details.

Several Articles.

White extendable dining room table & six chairs • A couple of white IKEA living area storage units (for china, glasses etc) 210x80cm • Several other white living area storage units - various widths but 220cm high • Mexican wooden chest (100x100cm) • Habitat mirror/storage unit (180x80cm) • Computer desk • Beige two seat sofa • IKEA white chests of drawers • Wooden chest of drawers • Brown leather IKEA easy chair • Chaise longue I´ve no idea of prices, but they will not be expensive. The buyers would have to arrange transport! 963 519 831 (home) & 666 243 021 (mobile) Valencia.

Concrete Mixer

Altradb1135 in good condition, (little used) 100 euros. telephone:- 962118449 Vilamarxant.

Caddy Car Trailer

5ft long x2ft-10 wide galvanized body in good condition 100euros. telephone:- 962118449 Vilamarxant.

Ford Mondeo MKII

“FREE to a good home! Good for spare parts. Call Gary on 655510654”

Several Articles.

• Balay Gas Cooker 4 rings 90cm width pwo €150 • Electric Blanket single bed used once €20 • Scholl Foot Massager used once €15 • Decathalon Skate Board Bag new €10 • 5 pairs boys jeans 27 -28 inch waist new €5 each or €20 the lot. Casinos / Lliria area. Telephone:617930298

TV Cupboard

Television cupboard, light walnut colour. Two side pockets for LP’s, two drawers for CD’s, two shelves for Digi box etc. and two small drawers for pens, paper etc. Width 112CM. €85 Tel: 962129508

Puegeot 306 HDI (Diesel)

1999,Estate, LHD Spanish plates ITV Oct. 2010, 234000km. 1’900€. Tel.961646130/ 697744303 Villar del Arzobispo (nr Casinos).

2 x Clothes Rails.

Purchased from Eriski, ideal for carbooter 20 Euros for both telephone 663031188 (Ondara)

BRIT FUN Subject: Theology Lesson Do you really know your theology?


Who was the 3rd man in history to walk on water? The 1st one was Christ. The 2nd was the apostle Peter. Then there was this guy Jose....

The cruise liner, QE 2, when it was sailing, moved only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burnt.

Codeword Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a number 1-26. Can you crack the code and solve the crossword? Every letter of the alphabet is used at least once. Three letters are already in place to get you started. All words are in English.

“Stewardesses’” is the longest word typed with only the left hand. And ‘lollipop’ is the longest word typed with your right hand. (Bet you tried this out mentally, didn’t you?)

No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple.

A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.


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