Dear Readers
Well folks, summer’s finally here, after what seems this year to have been an eternity in Winter and we’ve prepared some articles of relevance to the longawaited high point of the year, that we hope you’ll find useful. For example, the picturesque beach at Alboraya and a scenic river boat trip on the Jucar from Cofrentes, which makes a great family day out and a real treat for your visitors.
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Unfortunately, we’ve had to omit some articles from this edition that we’d wanted to include, owing to shortage of space, so we’ll have to consider extending the mag again in the future. Therefore, if you have any articles to submit to us, can you please keep the word count to 250 words max. We’ve also got a batch of new advertisers and we hope to encourage more to help support the magazine. If you do use any of the ads, please remember to quote Britchat! NB: We’d like to draw future BERTY competitions at a local event, as we did this month at the Olocau Rastro, so the entry deadline will now be the 25th of each month. Also, due to the heavy workload of getting all the classifieds into the magazine, this deadline will need to be same. Chris & Janie Barker of Real de Montroy were the lucky BERTY spotters this month. Congrats! Owing to the volume of feed back we received on the debate over the Spanish translations and for which we thank all who contributed, we plan to reserve space for a full article for this in a subsequent edition.
We’re Out & About again in Valencia.... T
he most outstanding element along this coast is the beautiful fishing town of Port Saplaya, whose colourful houses appear among the channels where a great number of recreational boats are lined up. It’s small port divides the beach in two parts, a beach of fine sand with all types of services. At the port there is a yacht club which offers the services of a sailing school open all the year. This beach is known as the most northerly Valencia City Beach and starts at Alboraya. La Patacona, extends all the way to the urban and popular beach of La Malvarosa in Valencia. The Beach of Patacona - the northern part of the city beach line - is still a city beach, but it is more spacious and less crowded than Malvarossa. It shows a lively ambience throughout the year as, in addition to the residents, many Valencian people choose its waters to enjoy bathing. Separated from Malvarossa beach by a stream with a bridge over it, the Patacona brings a marked difference. The sand strip is much wider, giving a sensation of more space and tranquillity. The bridge obstructs the view of the city to
Finally, for those of you with internet access, we’re very excited to announce that BRITCHAT is now ONLINE: Yours sincerely, Chris Proctor
▲ Malvarossa at night
Britchat is not a paper promoting a separate English community. It is an information aid to help our integration from English to a Spanish way of life and to aid our settlement into the Spanish community.
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Britchat International takes no responsibility whatsoever on behalf of advertisers with regard to any claims made by, or information given in, advertisements contained within this publication. Under no circumstances can any part of this publication including text, illustrations, photographs or complete advertisements, be reproduced in any form without the express permission in writing of Britchat International.
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Britchat no intenta ser un periódico que promueve una comunidad inglesa separada e independiente. Su objetivo es ayudarnos para integrar nuestro estilo de vida inglés al estilo español y también a establecernos en la comunidad española.
Chris Proctor Tel: 687 486 909 E-Mail: Apt. Correos 138, 46192 MONTSERRAT (Valencia)
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▲ Playa de Malvarossa
▲ Port Saplaya
the right, taking you further away from civilisation. The views of the coastline on the left are closer and prettier. The crowds are smaller, while the space is larger. For all these reasons, Patacona might be the better beach of all the city beaches in Valencia. However, it is a little further to walk to, from either Alboraya or Malvarosa. Don’t be under an illusion, however, that you will find it deserted here, because sometimes the whole of Valencia will come down for a tan and will invade this strip too. But the crowds will be smaller and the space larger. El elemento más destacable a lo largo de esta costa es la bonita ciudad pesquera de Port Saplaya, cuyas casas llenas de colorido aparecen entre los canales donde se alinean una gran cantidad de barcos de recreo. Este pequeño puerto divide la playa en dos partes, playa de arena fina con todo tipo de servicios. En el puerto esta ubicado el club náutico ,que tiene una escuela de navegación abierta todo el año. Esta playa es conocida como la playa más norteña de la ciudad de Valencia que comienza en Alboraya. La Patacona, se extiende hasta el final de la popular playa urbana de La Malvarosa en Valencia. La playa de la Patacona – la parte norte en la línea de playas de la ciudad - sigue siendo una playa de ciudad, pero es más espaciosa y menos multitudinaria que la Malvarosa. Tiene un ambiente animado todo el año, y no solo los residentes, sino muchos valencianos también eligen sus aguas para disfrutar del baño Separada por la desembocadura de un canal de agua y su puente, la Patacona presenta una diferencia notable. La fracción de arena es mucho más ancha, dando una sensación de más espacio y tranquilidad. El puente hacia la derecha obstruye la vista de la ciudad, haciéndonos sentir más lejos de la civilización. Las vistas de la costa a la izquierda son más cercanas y más bonitas. La afluencia de gente es más pequeña, mientras que el espacio es más grande. Por todas estas razones, la Patacona puede ser la mejor playa de todas las de la ciudad de Valencia. Sin embargo, esta mas lejos caminando de Alboraya o de la Malvarosa. Sin embargo no crea que encontrara aquí una playa desierta, porque a veces parece que todo Valencia bajase a la playa a tomar sol e invadiesen también este espacio.. Britchat • 1
Fancy a new hobby?
A Boat Trip from Cofrentes VIAJE EN BARCO
At Cofrentes there is a lovely boat trip of 15 km down the river gorge to Cortes de Pallas and back. It does not stop, but the scenery is stunning! It is to be recommended, but you usually need to book by telephone. It is rare that you can get on without booking in advance!
Written by: John Knight
I went to the UK in March to see my two daughters and my new Grandaughter. Whilst there, we did something every day. On one of the days we went walking via Newbury Racecourse, over the railway line and on up the canal. Before we went, my Sonin-Law, Angus, downloaded some GPS co-ordinates onto a special Garmin GPS wrist watch. (About 100 pounds) These were from http://www., a brilliant site for this hobby. Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices. The basic idea is to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, outdoors and then share your experiences online. Geocaching is enjoyed by people from all age groups, with a strong sense of community and support for the environment. The idea is to find a GEOCACHE and SHARE the experience. Once you have found a geocache, sign the logbook and return the geocache to its original location. Afterward, share your geocaching stories and photos online! Angus picked out 6 Geocaches for our route, but we only found three and we abandoned searching as there was a storm brewing. In the second Geocache, under a canal bridge was a “Travel Bug” which you are meant to take away with you. So, they signed the book in the Geocache Box. (The “cache” is usually a Sealed Plastic Container). When they got home they entered “The Find” on the Geocashing site and also found the Travel Bug from the serial number. They reported that it was shortly to go on a plane journey. We looked at it’s previous adventures and saw it had been all over the UK, 2 • Britchat
but never abroad! When we arrived home we logged on and said that the Travel bug was now in Valencia and that we would place it in another cache as soon as possible. be continued in July.
¿Le interesaría un nuevo hobby?
En marzo fui a visitar a mis dos hijas y a conocer mi nueva nieta en el Reino Unido. Mientras estuvimos allí, cada día hicimos alguna actividad. Uno de los días fuimos a caminar por el hipódromo de Newbury, cruzando en encima de la línea del tren llegamos al canal. Antes de salir, mi yerno bajo de, una pagina muy interesante para este hobby, unas coordenadas de GPS en un reloj Garrmin especial de muñeca (cuesta unas 100 libras). Geocaching es un juego búsqueda de tesoros de alta tecnología que se juega por el mundo entero por los buscadores de aventura equipados co dispositivos del GPS. La idea básica es localizar los contenedores ocultos llamados “geocaches” que se encuentran al aire libre y luego compartir la experiencia con otros en la Web. Personas tengan un fuerte sentido de comunidad y de apoyo al medio ambiente y de todas las edades pueden participar en Geocaching.
La idea es encontrar un GEOCACHE y COMPARTIR la experiencia. Una vez que se ha encontrado un geocache, hay que firmar los diarios de operación y volverlo a dejarlo el geocache en su lugar original. ¡Luego, compartes tus experiencias y fotos de geocaching en línea! Angus seleccionó 6 Geocaches para nuestra ruta, pero encontramos solamente tres teniendo que abandonar la búsqueda por que se venia una tormenta. En el segundo Geocache, bajo el puente del canal encontramos un “geocache viajador” lo que significa que nos lo teníamos que llevar con nosotros a casa. Por lo que fírmanos el libro en la caja del Geocache. (El “cache” generalmente se encuentra en un contenedor de plástico hermético). Cuando llegamos a casa entramos en el sitio web del Geocashing los detalles del “hallazgo” y con el número de serie encontramos el “geocache viajador”. La información sobre el mismo era que pronto iba a ir a salir de viaje en avión. Mirando en los registros de los aventureros anteriores vimos que había estado por todos partes el Reino Unido pero nunca al exterior! Cuando llegamos a casa abrimos una sesión en la web e informamos que el “geocache viajador” ahora estaba en Valencia y que la colocaríamos en otro cache lo mas pronto posible.
The trips are usually 10:00, 12:00, 16:00 & 18:00 in season. The phone number is shown below, but it’s answered in Spanish only!
En Cofrentes hay un viaje en barco que nos lleva a un paisaje fascinante e imponente, a 15 kilómetros hacia la garganta de Cortes de Pallas. El viaje sale y regresa al mismo punto de partida sin hacer ninguna parada. Es un viaje para recomendar, pero es importante hacer su reserva por teléfono antes de ir. ¡Es raro poder subirse al barco sin una reserva anticipada.! En temporada, el barco zarpa generalmente a las 10:00, 12:00, 16:00 y 18:00 hs. ¡El teléfono de reserva que indicamos continuación contesta solamente en español!
PRICES * Children under 4 free * Children + 4 years to 10 years: 10€, Adults : 15€ * Discounts with Young card and groups
PRECIOS * Niños menores de 4 años * Niños mayores de 4 a 10 años: 10 €, Adultos: 15€ * Descuentos con tarjeta joven y precios especiales a grupos
HOW TO GET TO THE BOATS When in Cofrentes go downhill to the river in a northerly direction, away from the nuclear power station. Immediately over the river, turn right. About 4 KM is an area where the trip starts with car park and toilets. You have to ask at the caravan for the key. You pay at the caravan or the hut, depending which is open.
COMO LLEGAR AL BARCO Una vez llegamos a Cofrentes, ir cuesta abajo hacia el río dirección norte, alejándose de la central nuclear. Inmediatamente sobre el río, girar hacia la derecha. Después de unos 4 kilómetros encontraremos una zona de aparcamiento y aseos. Se tiene que pedir en la caravana la llave. Los tickets se compran en la caravana o en la caseta, dependiendo cual este abierta.
SUMMARY Stunning scenery all the way. Boat Trip from the Nuclear Power Station town of Cofrentes to the Hydro Electric Power Station at Cortes de Pallas and back again. Stunning Lake side mountain scenery! Reasonably priced boat trip
RESUMEN Paisaje imponente desde el principio hasta el final. Un recorrido de ida y vuelta desde la central nuclear en la ciudad de Cofrentes a la estación hidráulica de Cortes de Pallas. ¡Un paisaje majestuoso del lago entre montañas por un precio razonable.
WHERE IS COFRENTES? This stunning location is actually north of Ayora, in the Ayora valley. Ayora is clearly shown on the map. A good way to get there is via Dos Aquas on the CV590 which loops through Navarrés and Millares. This is a very pretty route with stunning scenery.
¿DÓNDE QUEDA COFRENTES? Este maravilloso lugar se encuentra en el norte de Ayora, en el denominado Valle de Ayora. Ayora esta marcado claramente en el mapa. Una buena manera de llegar es por la CV590 dirección Dos Aguas, atravesando Navarrés y Millares. Esta ruta es muy bonita, por su paisaje.
......Continuará en julio. Britchat • 3
a i n e D n i a t s e i F W
hether you live in Valencia Province, or have visited the region previously, chances are that you will have experienced, or at least heard of, a local bull run going on. They’re kind of the ‘banker’ in a Spanish Fiesta calendar – always welcomed, guaranteed to bring in the crowds, and best of all, sure to be a huge hit with lots of frivolities, dancing and lack of sleep! (Now, there are people who feel anything involving bulls and fiestas are just darn right wrong, and I can understand their point of view, to an extent, but this isn’t bull fighting, they are a huge part of Spanish tradition, and it is very rare when a bull gets injured). I can honestly sing the virtues of many Bull Run Fest we have encountered over the past few years (of which I may well do an article on at a later date), but my favourite, without a shadow of a doubt, occurs in Denia and is called “Bous a la Mar” (Bulls at the sea) – you should get the picture from the name, but let’s delve into the beautiful town first and get some inside info on this busy little coastal town. Situated almost directly half-way between Valencia and Alicante cities, Denia can be reached on the A-7 toll motorway (from Valencia) in about an hour. If you prefer the scenic route, you can take the N-332 all the way down the coast (nice drive but quite busy as the new and ongoing road works continue). It’s a busy fishing town, with a population of over 40,000. You can still see the daily fish auction every afternoon and view the fishing fleet moored up in the old port area. If larger, fancy boats 4 • Britchat
La Santísima Sangre Denia - Bous a la Mar 4TH JULY TO 12TH JULY 2009 are more your thing, you can always take a stroll around the new ‘Marina’ and check out the fancy play-things of the rich and famous. There’s also plenty of bars and restaurants on the port to while away an hour or four. Denia is also a very busy port, being the closest to the Balearic Islands – Ibiza, Menorca and Majorca. On a clear day, you can see Ibiza from the lighthouse on the DeniaJavea road. Ferry’s run daily from the port, so there is always a large movement of people buzzing around. The town itself is overlooked by Mount Montgó (somewhat similar to the Ifach in Calpe), which is part of the Montgó National Park, covering the inland mountain area as well as the protected coves and beaches of the area. There are many hiking/walking routes available, including the ‘cova de l’aigua’ route which takes you up and into the Montgó to the underground lake, resplendent with its cave paintings and stunning views. A feature of Denia which would be hard to miss once you arrive, is the castle - sitting on a large hill, in the centre of town. Dating back to the 11th Century, it was built by
EventsFeature the Moors during the Arab Conquest. It now houses the town’s Archaeological Museum. Throw into the mix a daily indoor market, a weekly fresh veg market, and 2 rastros, there’s pretty much something to do any day you visit! But onto the meat and veg of this article, as I hear you call impatiently!! Denia is a pretty busy town when it comes to Fiestas (much like most towns and villages in the Valencian Community!). One of their main ones is the Fiesta of ‘la Santísima Sangre’ (now a recognized “Festivity of National Tourism Interest”). Roughly taking in the 1st two weeks in July, it is a very busy time for the town and a perfect time to visit. This year, the Fiesta runs from July 4th until July 12th. And here, my friends, is where you will be able to encounter ‘Bous a la Mar’. On the first day of the festivities is the first ‘encierros’ – the running of the bulls through the town. This is the normal bull run through the town affair, rather exciting the first time you see it, and generally very safe for the sane on-looker. There are large purpose built wooden barriers erected to not just keep people safe, but to also ‘point’ the bull in the correct direction. It’s also quite normal to see shops/bars/restaurants etc. erect their own ‘safety measures’ in boarded up windows and metal cages attached to the doors and windows to keep everyone safe inside! The only really dangerous area is of course, out there on the street, running with the bulls. This is where people come a cropper. Run with the bulls? Your call, folks, but I would not. Ever. Nope. So, the Bull Run moseys through the streets, towards the main port promenade, culminating in the first ‘bull fight’ – the bulls at the sea. What this entails is a bull ring, enclosed on 3 sides, but open, directly to the sea, on the 4th side. The bulls are let loose inside the ring area, where they are met by those brave, game or stupid enough to pit their wits against one. The actual aim is to get the bull to chase you towards the water, where you should just avoid him as he plunges into the sea. It rarely happens that way! It’s quite funny when you see the bull skittling people into the water one after the other. Anyway, there are stages for the people to jump onto and under, and it is totally illegal to carry anything into the arena with which you could injure the bull (sticks etc) so it’s all really quite a game. It usually starts with a younger bull, maybe
quite new to this whole set up, but believe me, once it comes to the last few, these bulls are much bigger, and really do seem to know what’s going on! Once anyone is chased into the sea by the bull, they are able to swim to the safe confines behind the arena, and reenter if they so wish. If a bull goes in – NEVER FEAR. There are professional bull retrievers in boats who catch them straight away and take them to safety (hmm, wonder how you apply for that job?!?). Throughout the Fiesta, there are 2 ‘Bous’ a day, one at 2pm and one at 7pm. The one at 2pm is free entrance, but be there early if you want to get a seat – it’s usually packed. Or you can go in below, where the runners come in and out of. Not as great a view as up above, but what an atmosphere! It’s also totally safe, as you are behind big metal bars (plus there’s a wee café bar to get a drinkie!). For more information on tickets you can visit the Tourist Office at the bottom of Marquis de Campo while you’re in Denia. Remember one thing, this is Spain, so times can change! (2 years ago, the early ‘Bous’ was at 1pm, but the tourist board tell me this years it’s at 2pm). While you’re enjoying your traditional local culture, there are loads of other things on during the Fiesta. The actual day of ‘Santísima Sangre’ is held on the 2nd Wednesday after San Pedro (which by my Sherlock Holmes deductions must be the 8th of July) and is celebrated with Mass and an evening procession through the town. The ‘Parade of Floats’ will be the final day, July12th, which will be a procession of hand made floats through the town, including appearances by all the local Falleres. There’s also concerts (live bands, theatre, traditional folk music), open air dances, children’s’ parties, sports events and of course, the obligatory firework display. There are also at least a couple of fantastic Paella competitions held in Marquis de Campo – the main street in town. You will find all the local societies battling it out with their huge paella pans to win the ‘Best Paella of Denia’ crown for 2009. Magical. For further information contact Denia Tourist Board – Email – Telephone: 96 642 2367 Written by the Guide2Valencia attractions guru Lang Hunter
Britchat • 5
News News News News
Consum anticipates an increase in sales of 5.5%, up to 1,640 million Euros. For a FULL report please see Guide2Valencia NEWS 31st March and 16th May 2009
Air Nostrum de Valencia reducirá el 26% de su plantilla.
Valencia’s Air Nostrum will reduce its workforce by over 26%
Air Nostrum is an airline which services Spanish flights only. They will reduce their workforce by 589 people, (26% of the 2,250 workers) to combat the crisis and reduce it’s fleet by 10 planes, so cutting 18% of their flights. Editor’s Note: This will give an 11 million Euros saving, which is just about as much as the Tourist board handed out to them earlier in the year, rather than give Ryan Air 1 million Euros. Earlier in the year it was reported that Ryanair brought in 1.3 million passengers last year to Valencia whilst Air Nostrum is solely internal. It seems that as a result of Ryanair scaling down, so did the tourists coming to Valencia by about 50% and several hundred staff were then out of work at Valencia airport.
Cable Cars for Valencia City?
Oscar Lopez, the promotor of this project, calls his company “Telefèric Valencia” and recognises that he does not have funding or planning permission at this stage, but he advises that they already have funding of between 70% and 80% of the total investment required. In order to cover it, he looks to start up something similar to a collection from the citizens. The idea being that each citizens wanting to invest would buy small contributions (shares) of 30, 50 or 100 Euros, in exchange for discounts once the cable cars furrow the sky of the city, or they could see their name enrolled in the wall of one of the stations. In its extended version, the route would begin at the Valencia Port and would finish at a station in the City Centre. Lopez maintains that the cable cars could be working by August of 2010, in time for the 6 • Britchat
Air Nostrum es una aerolínea que solamente ofrece servicios de vuelo en España. Para combatir la crisis, Air Nostrum, despedirá a 589 personas de su plantilla, (el 26% de los 2.250 trabajadores) y reducirá la flota a 10 aviones, recortando en un 18% sus vuelos. Nota del Editor: Antes de todos estos recortes, Air Nostrum recibió a principio de este año de la Conselleria de Turismo un paquete de rescate de 11 millones de euros. Ahora con todas estas medidas la compañía está intentando ahorrar la misma cantidad. Mientras tanto la petición de 1 millón de euros de ayuda hecha por Ryanair fue rechazada. Aunque las estadísticas actúales, mostraban que 1.3 millones de pasajeros internacionales llegaron a Valencia el año pasado con esta línea aérea comercial, mientras que Air Nostrum solamente mueve pasaje interno. Como resultado de los reajustes hechos por Ryanair también se ha reducido al 50% el turismo a Valencia y varios cientos de empleados del aeropuerto de Valencia están en el paro.
Great Prize of that year’s Formula One. However, he maintains that they will need planning permission soon to accomplish this goal. The concession would have to be for 50 years. The towers could be covered in plants and the cableway itself could be run ecologically. The prices would be relatively economic: the whole route would cost 10 €; the roundtrip, rather less than 20 €; a ticket from the Port to the Museum of Sciences, 7 €. And there would be VIP cabins with a restaurant on board, just in case the Pope returns. It could even be stopped to allow aerial views of events such as Formula One and the Regattas. The route would measure rather less 13 kilometers. It would be, states Lopez, the longest in the world. The company calculates that it would carry 600,000 passengers annual.
¿Telesféricos para la ciudad de Valencia?
El promotor de este proyecto, Óscar López llama a su compañía “Telefèric Valencia” y cuenta ya con el 70% y el 80% del total de la inversión requerida. Reconoce que en esta etapa aun no tiene el total de la financiación ni la habilitación del ayuntamiento. Para poder conseguir el total de la inversión la empresa esta pensando en hacer una colecta entre los ciudadanos. La idea es
que la gente que quiera invertir pueda comprar pequeñas acciones de 30, 50 o 100 euros, a cambio de descuentos o sus nombres grabados en la pared de una de las estaciones una vez que el teleférico surque el cielo de la ciudad. En su versión extendida, la ruta comenzaría en el Puerto de Valencia y acabaría en una estación en el centro de la ciudad. López afirma que los teleféricos podrían estar funcionando en agosto del 2010, a tiempo para el gran premio del Fórmula 1 de ese año. Sin embargo, él sostiene que para poder cumplir con este objetivo necesita el permiso pronto. La concesión tendría que ser por 50 años. Las torres podrían ser revestidas con plantas y el cable cablecarril se podría hacer funcionar ecológicamente. Los precios serían relativamente económicos: el recorrido completo costaría 10€; el viaje de ida y vuelta, algo menos de 20€; un boleto desde el Puerto al Museo de Ciencias € 7. También podría haber cabinas VIP con restaurante a bordo, en caso que el vuelva Papa. Podría incluso permitirse que se detenga para permitir vistas aéreas de eventos tales como Fórmula 1 y las Regatas. La ruta mediría algo menos de 13 kilómetros. Sería, declara López, el más largo del mundo. La compañía calcula que transportaría anualmente unos 600.000 pasajeros.
Consum Cooperative (HQ at Silla Valencia) gains 11 % market share whilst cutting prices by 10%
It acquired 130 stores from the networks of Dinosol, Caprabo and Sabeco. It has 564 supermarkets (426 own and 138 franchise-holders). It will very soon open 30 new supermarkets (12 in the Valencian Community) and will reform 20 other stores. They have also opened 7 “Eco-efficient” supermarkets, the style of which will then be applied to the rest of their network, so saving costs of 25% in electricity and 20% in water. 9,100 employees, of whom 90% are partnerworkers, in 2008 shared 14.5 million Euros. In 2009,
La cooperativa Consum (Sede Principal en Silla, Valencia) gana el 11% de la cuota de mercado reduciendo sus precios el 10%
Adquirió 130 almacenes pertenecientes a Dinosol, Caprabo y Sabeco. Tiene 564 supermercados (426 propios y 138 franquisiados). Muy pronto abrirá 30 nuevos supermercados (12 en la comunidad valenciana) y reformará otros almacenes. También han abierto 7 supermercados “Ecoeficientes”, medida que se ira aplicando al resto de su red, ahorrando el 25% en electricidad y el 20% en agua. Consum tiene 9.100 empleados, quienes el 90% son socio-trabajadores, en 2008 compartieron 14.5 millones de euros en 2009, Consum anticipa un aumento en las ventas del 5.5%, llegando a 1.640 millones de euros.
Ryanair may introduce a ‘Fat Tax’
Delta Airlines to start nonstop service to Valencia from 5th June
From 5th June they will operate a non-stop service from Valencia to JFK Airport in New York. They will offer four flights a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays and flights from JFK depart on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Delta may increase the service to five flights a week later in the summer.
Delta Airlines comienza su servicio de vuelos directos a Valencia a partir del 5 de junio
A partir del 5 de junio operarán un servicio directo de Valencia al aeropuerto de JFK en Nueva York. Habrá cuatro vuelos a la semana: martes, jueves, sábados y domingos y los vuelos del JFK saldrán los lunes, miércoles, viernes y sábados. Delta podría incrementar hacia el verano su servicio a cinco vuelos a la semana.
It sounds like an April Fools day yarn, but Ryanair’s latest poll has resulted in overwhelming support for the idea of a ‘fat tax’. Ryanair is positioning itself to say that passengers are demanding the new tax. With United Airlines in America the latest airline to introduce such a measure, it could be that the time is right for Ryanair to do the unthinkable. The UA rule: “Passengers too large to fit comfortably into a coach seat may be required to buy a second ticket, or upgrade to Business Class if two seats are not available.”
Ryanair puede introducir un “impuesto a la gordura”
Suena como una broma del día de los inocentes, pero la última encuesta hecha por Ryanair a sus pasajeros, ha dado el apoyo abrumador de la gente delgada ,a la idea de un “impuesto a la gordura”. Ryanair se justifica diciendo que los pasajeros están demandando este nuevo impuesto. Siendo United Airlines en América la última línea aérea comercial en introducir esta medida , podría ser el mejor momento para que Ryanair haga lo impensable. La regulacion de la UA dice: Los “pasajeros demasiado grandes que no puedan sentarse comfortablemente en un asiento de la nave podran ser requeridos que abonen un segundo billete o si hay la disponibilidad de dos plazas paguen la diferencia para la clase Business.” ►►► Britchat • 7
News ►►►►►► tions of prices reach 69% in fruits and vegetables, 59% in fish, and a 48% in meat. Editors Note: These differences seem huge, so perhaps it will pay to shop around and look carefully at the prices?
¡Mercadona el más barato - es oficial!
Mercadona the cheapest. It’s Official!
Its official from data of the “Observatorio de Precios del Comercio Minorista” that Mercadona, Alcampo and El Árbol, are the chains with the lowest food prices. The Ministry visited 4,189 establishments and analysed 187 products of 35 types, in a total of 54 cities. Surprisingly, in the analysis by cities, there was a difference of 18% in a food basket between the cities with the prices most reduced (Avila, Orense and Teruel) and the cities with the highest prices (Las Palmas of Gran Canaria, San Sebastián and Gerona). It finds that El Corte Inglés, Hipercor, Supercor, Eroski and Caprabo, are the most expensive supermarkets. The difference of prices in the supply of nutritional products between the different chains is 31%. The cheapest are Alimerka and Ahorramás, followed by Mercadona. In packaged food, the differences fluctuated between 13% and 45% and in the case of fresh products, the varia-
Los datos oficiales del “Observatorio de Precios del Comercio Minorista” muestran que Mercadona, Alcampo y El Árbol, son las cadenas de supermercados con los precios más bajos. El ministerio visitó 4.189 establecimiento y analizo187 productos de 35 tipos, en un total de 54 ciudades. Sorprendentemente, en el análisis por ciudades, la cesta de la comida demostró una diferencia del 18% entre las ciudades donde los precios mas bajos se encuentran en Ávila, Orense y Teruel y los más altos en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, San Sebastián y de Gerona. Se encontró también que El Corte Inglés, Hipercor, Supercor, Eroski y Caprabo, son los supermercados más caros. En el suministro de productos alimenticios, la diferencia de precios entre las diversas cadenas es del 31%. El más baratos son Alimerka y Ahorramás, seguidos por Mercadona. En los alimentos envasados, las diferencias fluctuaron entre el 13% y los 45% y en el caso de productos frescos, las variaciones de precios alcanzaron entre el 69% en frutas y verduras, el 59% en pescados, y un 48% en carne. Nota de Editores: La diferencias de precios que hay es enorme, así que quizás ¿no valdría la pena hacer las compras en varios lugares y mirar cuidadosamente los precios?
Not only do you get a FREE EVENTS listing with Britchat, space permitting, but in Guide2Valencia we will give you unlimited text and a photo. Email for more info.
16 Mar 2009 to 30 Nov 2009 Photographic Exhibition entitled Las Huellas del Tiempo Príncipe Felipe Science Museum, City of Arts & Sciences - Valencia
15 Apr 2009 to 31 Dec 2009 Egypt: Secrets of the Mummies Address: L’Hemisfèric - Centre of Arts & Sciences - Valencia 28 June & 26 July Olocau Rastro (CV333 Near Valencia) at the Social Club, Urb. La Lloma. Last Sunday of Every Month from 10am till 2 pm. Set up from 9 am for sellers. Tables Only €5.00 . Raising funds for MacMillan Cancer Charity. Including: Beauty by Daryl, Hair by Manda & Avon Cosmetics. Refreshments & food available Bookings & More Info: MIKE 663003920 or HELEN - 610007773 Directions: Follow signs to OLOCAU from LLIRIA, Turn right towards BETERA at the main CV333 Roundabout, URB. LA LLOMA is on the next roundabout, RASTRO will be signposted from there.
Saturday July 18 to Saturday 25 July 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. Montserrat SIMC International Music Festival Town Hall & Church Square - Usually about 3 Euros
8 • Britchat
From 14 June to 6 September Get wet in Aquopolis at Cullera. A great day out for the family. Opening times: 14th June to 31st July & 31st August to 6th September: 11:00 am to 06:00 pm. 1st to 30th August: 11:00 am to 07:00 pm.
Observe the animals in their natural habitat. Only in the Bioparc! Bioparc Valencia, located in the Jardín del Turia, ancient river bed of the Turia’s river, it’s a zoo of new generation conceived under the philosophy of zoo-immersion. This is also a great day out for the family.
Museo de Soldaditos de Plomo Collection of toy lead soldiers L’Iber is located in an antique Gothic style palace in Calle Caballeros, near the Cathedral of Valencia, TIMETABLE: M - Tu: closed. W - F: 11 - 14 h. + 16 - 19 h. Sa - Su: 10 - 15 h. + 16 - 19 h.
5 July, 2 August and 6 September Kitesurfing in Santa Pola: Flying over the Costa Blanca La Gola beach in Santa Pola, you’ll be dazzled by the skill of the most daring
kitesurfers. Participants in the Kitesurf Racing Santa Pola championship will be flying over the coastline of this town in Alicante province in the hope of lifting the trophy at this regional competition. Enjoy this beautiful town and admire the nearby Las Salinas Natural Park. Irresistible!
28 June (9 am Start) Hiking to the Montgó 09 (Denia) Guided hikking trips to the natural parc Montgó, organized by Centro de Información of the parc. The meeting point of all excursions will take place at the Parking de Torrecremada at 9.00 am. Tel. 96.642.32.05 / 679 196 461 Fax: 96 643 25 11 E-mail: parque_montgó “La Cova Tallada” Duration: 3 h. Distance: 6 Km. Difficulty: medium-high.
18th July Free Book Club! All at 4pm to 6pm. Free Loan of Books at monthly BOOK CLUB situated between Lliria & Betera Over 800 books to choose from plus a chance to make new friends. Come along you won’t regret it,more details phone Margaret Strickland on 663 777 823
For more details on the listed events, check out the EVENTS section of Guide2Valencia. Or, we can email a FULL version to you.
Britchat • 9
Food&Drinks I have been here on a number of occasions and have never been disappointed. The deserts are home made by Ivanos wife Amanda and they just melt in your mouth. This is not a restaurant for a cheap Menu Del Dia, although some of the dishes are reasonably priced, this is quality food at a sensible price. Weekend booking is advisable if there is a group of you going. Location: It is in the Campanar area so not directly in the city, easy to locate and drive to from the suburbs.
Da Antonella C/. Marques de San Juan 19B Valencia 46015 Tel. 963491791
Eating out in the Valencia region Written by BR Living in the Valencia region, we all have found our own favourite eating place, be it a local restaurant or café bar, that serves us lovely food, nicely presented and with good service. And once you have found that place you tend to stay with them, but for those of you who would like to eat out at other restaurants or café bars, without the fear that the food will not be adequate, and the friends and family you have taken will not be disappointed. If you are one of them then I would like to share with you over the next few months a few places I have discovered, that I hope, will not disappoint. Italian food. I have many friends of various nationalities living in Valencia city and the suburbs, who when mentioning restaurants will all say do you know a good Italian restaurant? Well this one will definitely not disappoint. “Da Antonella” owned by an Italian family is genuine Italian food all cooked fresh in an open plan kitchen area so you can see what is happening behind the scenes. Various dishes are on offer, from pasta to pizzas all served in lovely surroundings. The host Ivano and his staff are all friendly, speaking Italian, Spanish and some English.
10 • Britchat
Viviendo en la región de Valencia, todos hemos encontrado algún bar, café o restaurante que nos resulte preferido, quizás sea por que la comida es buena, o bien presentada y/o con buen servicio. Y una vez que lo hemos encontrado tendemos a mantener nuestra regularidad, pero hay personas que les gusta probar otros restaurantes o bares, sin desconfiar de que los alimento no sean los adecuados, o tengan miedo a desilusionar a los amigos o familiares que han invitado. Si eres de los que te gusta probar nuevos sabores, me gustaría compartir con vosotros durante los próximos meses algunos lugares que he descubierto, y que espero no os decepcionen. Comida Italiana, tengo muchos amigos de varias nacionalidades que viven en la ciudad de Valencia o en los alrededores, que al preguntarles por un restaurante, todos dicen que conocen un buen restaurante italiano. Estoy seguro que este restaurante no os va a desilusionar, “Da Antonella” pertenece a una familia italiana, que preparan en una cocina abierta con productos frescos genuina comida italiana. Podréis ver como se preparan la variedad de platos que ofrecen, como las pastas, las pizzas servidas en un encantador entorno. Ivano el anfitrión, y su amable personal, hablan italiano, español y un poco de inglés. Habiendo comido aquí en un número de ocasiones, nunca me han decepcionado, los postres de la casa que se derriten en la boca son hechos por Amanda, esposa de Ivano. Este no es un restaurante de Menú del día barato, aunque algunos platos no son caros, pero encontrareis alimentos de calidad a un precio razonable. Si vas en grupo durante el fin de semana te recomendamos que hagas tu reserva antes de ir. Ubicación: El restauran está ubicado en la zonal de Campanar, a la periferia del centro, fácil de encontrar y llegar con coche si viene de los alrededores.
Britchat • 11
Chinese BBQ Chicken
INGREDIENTS 8 chicken wings or 1 chicken ss cut in to 8 portions. (Skinle r with small deep cuts all ove e. inat mar orb abs to 3 tbsp Hoi Sin Sauce 2 tbsp sherry 2 tbsp madras curry powder 1 tbsp honey 1 tsp garlic paste 1 tbsp sunflower oil
8 alas de pollo o 1 pollo cortado en 8 porciones.(Sin Piel con pequeños cortes profundos en todo para absorber marinar). Sin 3 cucharadas de salsa Hoi 2 cucharadas de jerez 2 cucharadas de polvo de curry de Madras 1 cucharada de miel ta 1 cucharadita de ajo en pas sol 1 cucharada de aceite de gira
Marinade: Mix all the ingredients, (except oil) add chicken portions mix well, leave it to marinade at least 4 hours or over night. Marinar: Mezclar todos los ingredientes (excepto de aceite)) añadir porciones de pollo mezclar bien, dejar lo por 4 horas o durante la noche.
Barbecue the chicken over oiled hot grill, turning the chicken portions occasionally and baste frequently with barbecue marinade. Barbacoa de pollo sobre la parrilla caliente engrasada, volviéndose de vez en cuando las porciones de pollo y barbacoa hilvanar frecuentemente con aceite.
3 4
Barbecue the chicken until it is cooked. Barbacoa de pollo hasta que esté cocido. Transfer the barbecued chicken to warm plate. Transferencia de pollo asado a la plancha caliente.
Serve with green salad, naan bread & sweet chilli sauce. Servir con ensalada verde, pan naan y salsa de chile dulce. Menu & Ingredients from BALI - See advert
12 • Britchat
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Britchat • 15
HealthandBeauty ►salon in Peterborough, England for over 10 years.
Sit back, relax and be pampered
The salon is very spacious and light, decorated in a modern style and with a table so full of magazines, you’ll be
Don’t you just love having a head massage while having your hair washed? Sitting back, relaxing and being pampered whilst having a nice cup of tea? If your answer is yes, why not book an appointment with Allison in her own new studio in Turís. Owner Allison has over 20 years experience in the whole array of hairdressing and has completed NVQ certificates to all levels. Allison also has certificates in colour work and precision and fashion cutting, all of which are on display in the salon. Allison is not a stranger to running her own legal salon as she owned and worked in a successful►
▲ Allison
able to find something to read with your drink while you’re relaxing under the dryer! A real luxury is explaining what you want done and having someone advise you on what style will suit and how to look after it. In the salon Allison only uses Tigi and Wella products; a wide range of Tigi products are available to purchase. These products are absolutely fantastic for your hair condition and style, smell great, look good on your bathroom shelf and last ages, so are very economical!
fuera poco, también tiene completa formación en coloración, cortado de precisión y en los estilos más “fashion”, certificados todos ellos enmarcados en la propia peluquería.
The Professional Salon
El local es muy espacioso y luminoso, con una decoración moderna y una gran mesa llena de revistas. Seguro que encuentras algo para leer, con tu taza de té, mientras estás debajo del secador. Es todo un lujoexplicar qué quieres hacerte, y recibir el consejo de alguien acerca de como se ajustaría ese estilo a tí y de como te verías después. Allison tan solo usa productos Tigi y Wella, teniendo un amplio abanico de productos Tigi que adquirir. Estos productos son absolutamente fantásticos para tu tipo y estilo de cabello, huelen muy bien, lucen bien en tu tocador y últimamente están muy bien de precio.
So if you fancy a treat, a morning off from the stress and an opportunity to look like a model, get yourself over to the Hair Studio. Allison looks forward to seeing new and existing clients alike and here at Britchat, we wish her every success for the future. ¿No te encanta que te den un masaje en la cabeza mientras te lavan el pelo? ¿Recostándote, relajándote y siendo mimado mientras que te tomas una taza de té? Si la respuesta es sí, ¿por qué no pides cita con Allison en su peluquería de Turís?
Así que si te apetece un tratamiento, una mañana libre de estrés y la oportunidad de parecer una modelo, pásate por la peluquería. Allison os está esperando ya seais nuevos clientes o habituales, y desde Britchat le deseamos mucho éxito para el fututo.
Su dueña, Allison, tiene más de 20 años de experiencia en todos los estilos de peluquería, y ha completado los cursos NVQ en todos sus niveles. Y por si eso 16 • Britchat
Britchat • 17
House & Garden ¿ÁRBOLES “ENEMIGOS”?
Hello. This time I would like to talk about the trees in our garden. Each of us knows the benefit that trees can give us but, how well do we know all the consequences? What do we have to do to stop a dream tree becoming a nightmare?
WATCH OUT Never plant in a small garden or even medium one, a big tree which would normally be planted on their own or in open places. The proportions tree crown to roots are: TREE CROWN WIDTH = 75% ROOTS WIDTH. If we plant big or “hardy” trees, that grow fast in any ground and without irrigation, in a reduced space, we can have problems for the following reason: ● The majority of trees normally (and more so in the case of “hardy” trees) have an impressive “destructive power”. Their roots can damage pipes, wells, swimming pool walls, a building’s foundations, and lift up and spoil outdoor paving. ● In time, they will take over a great part if not all of the garden and will interfere with the correct development of other species. ● They will limit possible changes in garden ● The big branches can fall and seriously damage roof tiles or other buildings 18 • Britchat
La proporcion copa – raíces es: ANCHO DE COPA = 75% ANCHO DE RAICES. Si plantamos árboles grandes o “supervivientes” (crecen rápido en cualquier suelo y sin riego), en espacios reducidos, podemos llegar pasar malos momentos por las siguientes razones: ● Normalmente, (y más en casos de los “supervivientes”), mayoría tienen un “poder destructivo” impresionante, perforando con las raíces cañerías, pozos, paredes de las piscinas. Destruyendo la cimentación de los edificios, y levantando (estropeando) los pavimentos exteriores; ● Con tiempo ocupará todo o gran parte del jardín y molestará el desarrollo correcto de otras especies; ● Limitará posibles cambios en jardín; ● Caída de las ramas grandes puede seriamente dañar los tejados o otros inmuebles; ● Con el tiempo puede causar problemas acceder a la vivienda; ● En invierno árboles con hoja perenne puede crear las humedades desagradables.
Before planting we have to analyse the following factors: ● Size of the plot or garden ● The layout of the buildings - house, garage, storage room ● The location of the swimming pool, the “septic tank”, drinking water pipes and drainage ● The possibility of allergies to certain plants.
● With time, they can cause problems inside the house ● In winter, a perennial leaf tree can create disagreeable humidity
Aquí hemos nombrado solo “males mayores”, pero los “menores” lo dejo en vuestras manos… Así que, pensaremos bien antes de plantar una cosa tan seria como un ÁRBOL….
We have only named “the major evils”, but the “minor” ones I leave in your hands…
Written by LATHYRUS - See advert
Stop and think well before planting something as serious as a TREE….
Hola. Esta vez me gustaría hablar sobre los árboles en nuestro jardín. Cada uno de nosotros sabemos los beneficios que pueden dar los árboles ¿Pero sabemos igual de bien todas las consecuencias? ¿Que hay que hacer, para que el árbol soñado de nuestro jardín no se convierte en una pesadilla? Antes de plantar tenemos que analizar siguientes factores: ● Tamaño de la parcela o jardín; ● Distribución de los edificios - casa, garaje, trastero ● Ubicación de la piscina, el “pozo ciego”, las tuberías de agua potable y desagües; ● Posibilidad tener algún miembro de la familia alérgico a ciertas especies vegetativas. ¡ATENCION! NUNCA en un jardín pequeño y ni si quiera en uno mediano plantes un árbol de grandes dimensiones, normalmente aptos para ser plantados aislados (solos) o lugares abiertos!!
Written by Peter Heskett
Property Management is not very exciting, but someone has to do it. We look after numerous flats in Valencia and here are a couple of stories from the front line. La gestión de propiedad no es muy emocionante, pero alguien lo tiene que hacer. Nosotros nos ocupamos de cuidar numerosos pisos en Valencia y aquí tenemos dos historias desde el frente de batalla. POWER SURGES – The electrical storms during the change of seasons regularly cause blow outs that can damage home computers. Most modern fridge freezers are controlled by a computer circuit board and they are also vulnerable to power surges. A cheap way to avoid
Here is a list of more well-known and popular “dangerous” trees: Adjunto la lista de árboles “peligrosos” más conocidos y populares:
your fridge and other kit going down is to connect the gadget to the main via an electric extension cable with surge protection. But if you have your computer, modem, printer and scanner all plugged on the same socket I highly recommend that you spend a bit more money and get a surge protection box. SOBRECARGA ELECTRICA - las tormentas eléctricas durante el cambio de estaciones ocasion-almente causan cortes eléctricos que pueden dañar los ordenadores. La mayoría de las nevera y congeladores modernos están controlados por un chip electrónico y también son vulnerables al cambio de potencia eléctrica. Una forma económica de evitar que su nevera u otro electrodoméstico se dañe es enchufándolo a la red eléctrica a través de una regleta con adaptador de cambio de tensión incorporado. Pero si tiene en un mismo enchufe conectado su ordenador, modem,► Britchat • 19
HomeandGarden ►impresora y escaner realmente le recomiendo que invierta un poco mas comprando uno reguladores de voltaje anti-picos Si este consejo ha llegado demasiado tarde, no esta todo perdido. Quizás puede reclamar el daño a su seguro, para ello se necesita revisar su reclamación contra los registros meteorológicos para verificar que ha habido una tormenta eléctrica en su zona el día y hora cuando el dañó se produjo. En su formulario tiene que constar la fecha correcta. HARD WATER PROBLEMS – Lime scale (Cal in Spanish) is a perennial problem in Valencia, furring up pipes etc. We recently had an extreme case, whereby the hot water couldn’t get through to the bathroom in sufficient volume to keep the combi hot water system fired up. Putting in a new shower head normally does the trick. But in this case, the only way to keep the water running hot, was to run the hot water in the kitchen sink at the same time as the shower. The client who was in the flat at the time, happened to be a UK distributor for an electronic lime scale remover, which we plan to try out. I will tell you how it goes in the next edition.
Cambiar el cabezal de la ducha normalmente lo soluciona, pero en este caso, la única manera de tener agua caliente en la ducha era abriendo el grifo de agua caliente en el fregadero al mismo tiempo que la ducha. Dio la casualidad que el cliente que se encontraba en el piso en ese momento, era un distribuidor británico de removedor de cal electrónico, que ahora tenemos previsto probar. Ya les contare el resultado en la próxima edición. Si usted tiene alguna preguntas o sugerencia sobre mantenimiento y administración de propiedad puede contactar con Peter Heskett en
If you have any questions or thoughts on property maintenance and management, you can contact Peter Heskett on PROBLEMAS DE AGUA DURA – En Valenciana la cal es un problema perenne, haciendo que se tapen las tuberías, etc. Hace poco hemos tenido un caso extremo, en que el agua caliente no podía llegar hasta el cuarto de baño con suficiente volumen para mantener encendida una caldera combinada.
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Britchat • 21
Housing Benefit in the Comunidad Valenciana Written by Javier Hernandez
This is a summary of the main points, as much of the Spanish original was extremely convoluted, to put it mildly!)
Payment Procedure
● This aid is available for complete months, with effect from the month after you request it, lasting a maximum of four years, consecutive or not, or until you reach the age of 30 years old. It includes:● A one-off amount of 120€, if the rental is backed by the guarantee of a private guarantor. ● A one-off interest free loan of 600€, refundable when the guarantee of the rental comes to an end; at the end of the rental or at the end of four years, whichever comes first, or in any case when you reach the age of 30 and no longer eligible for this aid. The maintenance of the aid depends on you continuing to meet the conditions. The beneficiary shall communicate immediately to the issuing authority, any modification to their situation that affects their eligibility, so that it may be resolved by the Housing Ministry .
The renter must :● be between 22 and 30 years old. ● Be the title holder of the rental contract for the home, which must be their habitual and permanent residence.. ● Have a regular income of less than 22,000€ a year; and be able to show that they have been working and earning money for at least six months, immediately prior to the date of the request. ● Be a Spanish national or a European passport holder or, if non–European, be legally and permanently resident in Spain. Also, pre-requisites for this aid include: ● A bank account that accepts direct debits for this aid. (The majority of banks and savings banks have agreements with the Ministry) ● The rent must be paid through the bank by direct debit or standing order. 22 • Britchat
● The applicant must be up to date with the periodic payments of the rent for the home in the rental contract. ● The applicant must be up to date with payments to the tax authority and Social Security. You cannot be the beneficiary of this aid, if : ● You are related to the landlord of the home, or related to a partner of the landlord. ● You are a home owner ● You own assets over 108,182,18€ in value, according to wealth tax rules.
Procedimiento de pago
● Esta ayuda se percibirá por meses completos, con efectos desde el mes siguiente al de su solicitud, durante un máximo de cuatro años, sean o no consecutivos, o hasta aquel en el que se cumpla la edad de 30 años. ● Una cantidad única de 120€ si se constituye aval con un avalista privado como garantía del arrendamiento. ● Un préstamo sin intereses, de 600€, por una sola vez, reintegrable cuando se extinga la fianza prestada en garantía del arrendamiento, al finalizar el último de los contratos de arrendamiento sucesivamente formalizados en el plazo máximo de cuatro años desde el reconocimiento del derecho a esta ayuda, o, en todo caso, cuando se dejen de reunir los requisitos que habilitan para seguir percibiendo la ayuda de la letra a). El mantenimiento de las ayudas exigirá que se mantengan las condiciones que habilitan para el reconocimiento del derecho a esta ayuda. El beneficiario deberá comunicar de inmediato al órgano que le reconoció el derecho a la ayuda cualquier modificación de las condiciones que motivaron el reconocimiento, para que resuelva lo que proceda y lo comunique al Ministerio de Vivienda.
● Poseer la nacionalidad española o la de alguno de los Estados Miembros de la Unión Europea, en el caso de los extranjeros no comunitarios, tener residencia legal y permanente en España. ● Asimismo, serán requisitos imprescindibles para obtener la ayunda: (Change for ayuda) ● La domiciliación bancaria de esta ayuda (La mayoría de los bancos y Cajas tienen convenio con el Ministerio) ● La domiciliación bancaria del pago del alquiler. ● Estar al corriente del pago periódico del pago del alquiler de la vivienda objeto del contrato de arrendamiento. ● Estar al corriente con Hacienda y con la Seguridad Social. No podrán ser beneficiarios de la ayuda: ● Quienes tengan parentesco en primer o segundo grado de consanguinidad o de afinidad con el arrendador de su vivienda habitual. El mismo criterio se aplicará a la relación entre el arrendador y el arrendatario, cuando el primero sea una persona jurídica respecto de cualquiera de sus socios o partícipes. ● Quienes sean propietarios de una vivienda. ● Quienes sean titulares de bienes y derechos con un valor, determinado conforme a las reglas del Impuesto sobre el Patrimonio, superior a 108.182,18€.
● El inquilino ha de tener una edad comprendida entre los 22 y los 30 años. ● Ser titular del contrato de arrendamiento de la vivienda en la que residan con carácter habitual y permanente. ● Disponer de una fuente regular de ingresos que le reporte unos ingresos brutos anuales inferiores a 22.000 euros.A estos efectos, se entenderá que tienen una fuente regular de ingresos los trabajadores por cuenta propia o ajena, los becarios de investigación y los perceptores de una prestación social pública de carácter periódico, contributiva o asistencial, siempre que puedan acreditar una vida laboral de al menos seis meses de antigüedad, inmediatamente anteriores al momento de la solicitud, o una duración prevista de la fuente de ingresos de al menos seis meses contados desde el día de su solicitud. Britchat • 23
ROUND 3, 4 & 5
Results for the Stableford competition held at El Bosque Golf Club in Chiva on Monday 11th May 2009
The dates for the rest of the year have now been booked. The dates and venues are as follows:-
Resultados del concurso stableford en el Club de Golf “El Bosque” en Chiva, el lunes 11 de mayo de 2009.
22nd June ........ Foressos 6th July ...... El Bosque 3rd August ..... El Bosque 14th September ..... El Bosque 21st September ... Foressos 5th October ... El Bosque 2nd November ... El Bosque 7th December ..... El Bosque
Result of the Competition played on 11 May 2009 at El Bosque Nett Diff
Hcap Chg
New Hcap
Overall Position
-1 0 2 2 3 3 5 6 11 11 12 12 17 17
-0.4 0 +0.4 +0.3 +0.2 +0.3 +0.4 +0.4 +0.3 +0.4 +0.3 +0.4 +0.4 +0.4
25.6 26.9 27.5 21.2 13.8 15.2 27.6 22.4 21.4 28.3 17.2 28.4 28.2 28.4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
24 • Britchat
Score (Stroke Rcd)
Tigger Osborne Mick Newman Carol Watts Philip Shaw Ian Skipper Mick Fitzgerald Dave Watts Tony Holehouse Andy Mitchell Paul Wilcock Peter Nunn Chris Ward Jason Beamish-Knight Paul Beamish-Knight
This month the Overall Winner was Tigger Osborne (H/Cap 26) who scored 37 points with Mick Newman (H/Cap 28) Runner-Up with 36 points. Nearest The Pin on the Par 3 4th Hole also went to Mick Newman with Mike Fitzgerald picking up the Nearest The Pin (After 3 Shots) on the Par 5 11th Hole. Tony, Skip, Phil and Mike won the Yellow Ball competition and Jason Beamish-Knight won 17 euros guessing correctly that we would lose a total of 26 balls on the day! It was decided after the competition that we would re-introduce the handicap adjustment of cutting the Winner 2 shots and the Runner-Up one shot in order to maintain our aim of giving everyone the fairest chance possible of winning. The date for the next competition is Monday 6th July, so please call Skip on 962133126 or 628148939 to book your place for a friendly day out on a great golf course. Finally, in line with the change to handicap rules as voted for today Tigger has had his handicap reduced by 2 and Mick by 1!! Cheers, Tigger
37 pts (26) 36 pts (28) 34 pts (27) 34 pts (21) 33 pts (14) 33 pts (15) 31 pts (27) 30 pts (22) 25 pts (21) 25 pts (28) 24 pts (17) 24 pts (28) 19 pts (28) 19 pts (28)
Este mes el ganador general fue Tigger Osborne (H/Cap 26) que acumulo 37 puntos, Mick Newman (H/Cap 28) fue el subcampeón con 36 puntos. El ganador del Pin mas cercano posible en el Par 3 4to hoyo fue también Mick Newman con Mike Fitzgerald tomando el Pin más cercano posible (después de 3 tiros) en el Par 5to hoyo. ¡Tony, Skip, Phil y Mike ganaron la competición Bola Amarilla y Jason Beamish-Knight ganó 17 euros adivinando correctamente que perderíamos un total de 26 bolas en el día! Se decidió después de que la competición que reintroduciríamos el ajuste de los hándicaps sacándole al ganador 2 tiros y al segundo 1, manteniendo de esta forma nuestro objetivo de a cada uno tenga la oportunidad más justa posible de ganar. La fecha para la próxima competición es el lunes 6 de julio, por favor llama a Skip al 962133126 o 628148939 para reservar su participación en este amistoso evento en un gran campo de golf. ¡Finalmente, conforme al cambio de las reglas de hándicap votadas desde hoy el hándicap de Tigger se ha reducido 2 y Mick por 1!! Saludos cordiales, Tigger
hey say that a week is a long time in politics, and you wouldn’t doubt that at the moment. But if that’s true, then a month in MOTOGP must seem like an eternity for some of the riders. Jorge Lorenzo clinched victory in Japan, taking an early lead on a damp track to put him top of the standings going into his home GP. However, the showdown between him and arch-rival fellow Spaniard Dani Pedrosa came to nothing as Jorge crashed out at Jerez. Pedrosa’s dreams of a home victory were also shattered as Valentino Rossi took his 98th victory, putting him top of the table and lining him up for an historic 100th win at his home GP in Mugella. All he had to do was win at Le Mans. A rain shower meant that all the riders lined up on wet weather tyres, knowing that if it dried they would have to change to their second, slick-shod bikes, and as it did dry it was Rossi’s team mate Lorenzo, showing a huge amount of skill, who chose to stay out longest before changing bikes and riding to victory. Rossi, however, fared a lot worse! First to swap bikes, Rossi was caught out by the conditions and slid off. He raced back to the pits to change bikes again, but as the rules say you have to go out on different tyres, he was back on wets. Dead last he rode round while his team frantically repaired his bike. Making a third trip up pit lane, he again swapped bikes and went out hoping another rider would make a mistake,...they didn’t! Rossi finished 16th and will now have to wait for that magic 100 a little while longer.
icen que en política una semana es mucho tiempo, y D usted no lo dudaría. Pero si es verdad
que después de un GP MOTOS de un mes, a algunos de los pilotos les debe parecer una eternidad. Jorge Lorenzo afianzo la victoria en Japón, cogiendo un liderazgo temprano en una pista húmeda poniéndole arriba en la calificación al llegar a GP de su país. Sin embargo, el enfrentamiento entre él y su archirrival compañero español Dani Pedrosa, no llego a nada, ya que Jorge se estrelló en Jerez. Los sueños de Pedrosa de una victoria casera también fueron destrozados, ya que Valentino Rossi consiguió su 98 victoria, poniéndolo primero de la lista y en camino a llegar a hacer historia de ganar 100 carreras GP en su hogar, en Mugella. Solo tiene que ganar en Le Mans. El chubasco caído significó que todos los pilotos partieron con los neumáticos de lluvia, sabiendo que si se secaba la pista tendrían que cambiar a su segunda moto para calzadas resbaladizas. Al final se secó y fue él compañero de equipo de Rossi, Lorenzo, quien demostrando una gran habilidad, eligió mantenerse en la pista sin cambiar de moto y conducirlo a la victoria. Sin embargo fue mucho peor para Rossi! Primero para intercambiar sus motos, Rossi fue sorprendido por la irregularidad del tiempo y su moto resbalo. Fue de vuelta a los boxes a cambiar de nuevo su moto, pero las reglas dicen que tienen que salir con distintos neumáticos, lo que hizo que volviera a estar con los neumáticos para suelo mojado. Corrió lo mejor que
pudo, mientras que su equipo trataba frenéticamente de reparar su moto. Realizando una maniobra hacia el carril de los boxes, intercambió las motos y salió otra vez esperando que algún otro piloto cometiera algún error, .... ¡pero esto no sucedió! Rossi acabó decimosexto y ahora tendrá espera un poco mas de tiempo para llegar a los mágicos 100.
STANDINGS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
J. Lorenzo. ESP. R. Rossi. ITA. C. Stoner. AUS. D. Pedrosa. ESP. M. Mezandri. ITA.
66 65 65 57 43
MotoGP Calendar
12th April 26th April 3rd May 17th May 31st May 14th June 27th June 5th July 19th July 26th July 16th August 30th August 13th Sept 4th October 18th October 25th October 8th November
Qatar, Losail Japan, Montegi Spain, Jerez France, Le Mans Italy, Mugello Catalunya Holland, Assen USA, Laguna Seca Germany, Sachsenring UK, Donington Park Czech, Brno USA, Indianapolis San Marino, Misano Portugal, Estoril Australia, Philip Island Malaysia, Sepang Valencia, Ricardo Tormo
Britchat • 25
BRITFUN SaludyBellezahealth&beauty
Each number represents a different letters of the alphabet. You already have 3 letter in the control grid to help you start. Now fill all 11, 18 and 25’s with their letters and then try to work out the rest of the letters to complete the puzzle. All words are in english.
JOKES ►JOB OF A LIFETIME - THIS IS A TRUE STORY: Outside Bristol Zoo there is a car park for 150 cars and 8 coaches. There also used to be a very pleasant attendant with a ticket machine charging; cars £1 and coaches £5. This parking attendant worked there for all of 25 years, then one day just didn’t turn up for work. “Well”, said Bristol Zoo Management - “better phone up the City Council and get them to send a new parking attendant” ...... “Oh no”, said the Council, “that car park is your responsibility” ... “What”, said Bristol Zoo Management, “the attendant was employed by the City Council, wasn’t he?” “Certainly not!” Sitting in his villa in Spain is a bloke who had been taking daily the car park fees amounting to an estimated £400 per day at Bristol Zoo for the last 25 years. It works out to an estimated £3.65 million; less of course, the guy’s living costs for 25 years! ►A couple had been married for 50 years. They were sitting at the breakfast table one morning when the wife says, ‘Just think, fifty years ago we were sitting here at this breakfast table together.’ ‘I know,’ the old man said. ‘We were probably sitting here naked as a jaybird fifty years ago.’ ‘Well,’ Granny snickered. ‘Let’s relive some old times.’ Where upon, the two stripped to the buff and sat down at the table. ‘You know, honey,’ the little old lady breathlessly replied, ‘My nipples are as hot for you today as they were fifty years ago.’ ‘I wouldn’t be surprised,’ replied Gramps. ‘One’s in your coffee and the other is in your oatmeal ►A man died and went to Heaven. As he stood in front of the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He asked, ‘What are all those clocks?’ St. Peter answered, ‘Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie the hands on your clock move.’ ‘Oh’, said the man. ‘Whose clock is that?’ ‘That’s Mother Teresa’s’, replied St. Peter. ‘The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie.’ ‘Incredible’, said the man. ‘And whose clock is that one?’ St. Peter responded, ‘That’s Abraham Lincoln’s clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abraham told only two lies in his entire life.’ ‘Where’s Gordon Brown’s clock?’ asked the man. ‘Brown’s clock is in Jesus’s office. He’s using it as a ceiling fan.’
Market Days in the towns around Valencia Sunday Markets • Alborache • Benaquasil • Domeño • Montserrat • Pedreguer • Valencia - Rastro at Valencia Football Club Grounds
Monday Markets • Denia • Ribaroja • Montroy
Thursday Markets • Lliria Friday Markets • Alginet • Cheste • Chiva • Oliva • Torrent • Turis • Villar De Arzobispo • Xativa Saturday Markets • Altury • Godelleta • Real de Montroy • Requena • Torrent
Tuesday Markets • Montserrat • Turis • Xativa Wednesday Markets • L’Eliana • Picassent • Villamarchante
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whom The entrants, all of the ed had correctly guess rty, Be . rs whereabouts of M d an g ba were placed into a e iz Pr e ffl drawn by the Ra au oc Ol ’s winner at Sunday is th ers Rastro. The winn Janie month were Chris & with up et Barker. Chris m Monday on t them in Montserra prize. eir th 1st June to present ! Congratulations
Find Mrs Berty / Busca
a la Señora Berty
Mrs Berty is hiding som If you find her, send youewhere in this magazine. by email to britchat@m r answer by 25th June e.c drawn from the bag at om and the first one the end of the month a prize. will win La Señora Berty está esc la revista. Si le encuen ondida en algún lugar de tras, envia tu respuesta a y el gan un regalo al final de me ador del sorteo recibirá s.
Berty was on page 10 in last
26 • Britchat
months issue!! Britchat • 27
Classifieds CLASSIFIEDS MUST be with us by the 25th of the previous month please and will be placed for ONE month only. If you wish to repeat, please send in again otherwise we will assume sold! QUICK SALE: Mike & Soo sent details of their Tiger Shark Pool Cleaner to put on Britchat. We suggested that they take photos and put it on Guide2Valencia. They did that on 9th May. They emailed 25th May to say it was sold! They had 32 viewings for their advert, one visitor and it was sold in 16 days! That’s a week before Britchat went to the designer and 3 weeks before publication. Moral of the story: Advertise it in both! Email: EMAIL US NOW! Guide2Valencia can be found here:
Pgymy goat, 1 year old, good at keeping the grass down 80 € Tel: 634038288 Montroy
Exercise Rowing Machine. Tel: 679701179
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Small Microwave and Baby Items wanted Cot, Playpen & Highchair. In good condition. Tel: 625 819 734 Montserrat
1.9m Satellite Dish (High Quality Portuguese Type) 2 yrs old. Excellent condition. Rocafort, Valencia. Offers over 300€. Portable Air Con Unit. 2 yrs old. Excellent condition. Rocafort, Valencia Originally 300€, offers over 100€. Tel: 961 311 115 or Peugeot 307 SW (HDi 16v) Diesel Estate 2007, Metallic Silver, 6 seats (provision for 7) EW, FSH (peugeot dealer with receipts) Tow Bar, 4 brand new tyres, glass panoramic roof with electric shade, Air Con, Cd/Radio, only 40,000 kms excellent condition BARGAIN ONLY 11,500.00€ ono. Tel: 697866120 Larder Freezer Only 2 yrs old, Self defrost, White, 6 drawers, 600w x 600d x 1460h, 180€ ono. Tel: 961602575 Hammel 125 scooter, 5950 km, 2007 Surplus to requirements. Excellent condition. 1.500€ or near offer. Tel. 606 025 356 Spanish Reg. Range Rover Car. LHD. Petrol V8. ITV´d. Needs a little work but nothing too bad. Self levelling suspension for unequalled towing capability (Has tow bar fitted). Drive it away for 900€. Car trailers for sale one with 2 axles.
Both tatty 100€ each. Accoustic steel string spanish guitar for sale. Has built in pick-up, volume and tone, in flight (hard) case. 75€. Panini press, as new, by Russell Hobbs in chrome and glass. 30€. Spanish memorabelia for decoration of bar etc. Donkey plough Y shape with attachments, 50€ - also leaf seperator and push (lawnmower style) olive / almond collector, offers for both.Small, ski-ing, hip and thigh exercise machine, digital counter etc. 29€. Ladies clothes sizes 18 - 22 mainly from M&S many never worn (Approx 50 pieces) 35€. Child car seat (deluxe model) padded and safe from 0 to 4 yrs. 10€. Vaccuum cleaner (cylinder type ie. not upright) hardly used and working very well. 10€. Sky plus Satellite digibox (Pace 2600 equivelent) good working order. 75€. Anyone interested call 649664782. Mention britchat . Dinghy For Sale in Valencia XM230 tender with air deck 2-3 persons and can take up to 3.5hp outboard engine. Includes bag, pump and oars. 195€. Call 962120018 or 685028964 (after 17:30) 3 Seater double sofa-bed €250. Fold away mattress and steel bed mechanism. Fully upholstered, “Burnt Orange” Draylon, Turis area 962127503 or 691848481 Five birth caravan for sale,fully equipped, shower cooker hob heating ext, good condition,nice van ready to tour,quick sale 1250€.ono. Land rover discovery for sale 2.5 tdi auto,with engineers report,to change plates good condition auto, cheap car 950€. Hanix mini digger for sale,480 hours new machine with trailer and three buckets, excellent condition 11000 euros or near offer. Mitsubishi Montero for sale diesel, 1996, Spanish car, 2750€. Tractor for sale barriouse with plough, for land, 75€. Montesa 360 h6 scrambler. Classic 1976. 650€ .Suzuki gs 1000 e for sale excellent condition with upgrades 2000€ or near offer Paul 622704885 / 622043393, Unusual Sun Lounger (Macastre) Round 2 person sun lounger, blue cushions, both ends lift, over 1.5mts dia. €140 (they retail in UK for £199 so a bargain) New still in box. Pat: 677-133-972 Golf clubs for sale. Ping Eye 2, Irons (half set) 1, 3 and 5 metal woods, Ping putter. Including Slazenger trolley/carry bag. €120. Tel: 670910606 Wet suits. Rarely used, hence for sale. Mens XL 5mm full wet suit (2 piece), Mens XL 3mm short wet suit, Womens XL 5mm full wet suit (2 piece) Womens XL 3mm short wet suit. €25 each item. Tel: 670910606.
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G2V00101 MONTROY Valencia, Spain 3 Bed/1 Bath Villa. Chalet con 3 Hab/ 2 Ba単o
G2V00133 TURIS Valencia, Spain 5 Bed/3 Bath Villa on Urbanisation. Chalet con 5 Hab/3Ba単o en Urbanizacion