Britchat 0905 - May 2009 - Valencia Spain

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Goodbye T

hose of you who have been here some time may know that Chris & John were the original sponsors of Britchat, through their company Peek at Spain SL. Without their sponsorship, help and advice in the beginning, I would never have been able to get the project off the ground. They even continued to print the colour sections up until the time when I took it to a professional printer, some two years ago. I would now like to step aside to pursue another business and Chris has agreed to take over from me. Your advertisements will of course be equally valued by Chris & John, who will continue to publish them all at the same prices. Incidentally, they also own the brilliant new website Guide2Valencia. I should like to take this opportunity to wish you all the very best of luck in these difficult times ahead and knowing Chris & John personally, I can safely say that they will make an excellent effort in keeping Britchat going for you, with the same aims and every bit as successful.

contents Out & About / Ir a Visitar


News / Noticias


Events / Eventos


Health and Beauty / Salud y Belleza


Shopping / La Compra


Kitchen Talk / Cocinando Con Britchat


Eating Out / Salir de Comer


Guide To Valencia / Guia por Valencia


Garden Chat / Hablando Sobre El Jardín


Web Chat / Charla del Internet


Your opinoin counts../ Su opinión nos importa..


Win a holiday / Gana Vacaciones


Legal Advice / Consejos Legales


The Edetania Golf Society / La Sociedad de Golf Edetania


MotoGP / MotoGP


Mystical / Mistico


Britfun / Britfun


Business Directory / Directorio De Empresas


Classifieds / Anuncios Gratis


Best regards Jenny PS: Dave will still be involved with the deliveries each month and so you will still see him around and he will still be a focal point!


lgunos de vosotros que habéis estado aquí por algún tiempo ya sabreis que Chris y John fueron los patrocinadores originales de Britchat, a través de su empresa Peek at Spain SL. Sin su patrocinio, ayuda y consejo al comienzo, nunca habría podido emprender este proyecto. Incluso ellos continuaron imprimiendo las secciones en color hasta que fui a una impresora profesional hace dos años. Ahora quisiera hacerme a un lado para embarcarme en otra empresa, y Chris ha aceptado hacerse cargo de todo. Por supuesto, sus anuncios serán valorados igualmente por Chris y John, que los continuarán publicando todos, manteniendo los mismos precios. Por cierto, ellos son dueños de la nueva y brillante web guide2valencia. Debo aprovechar esta oportunidad para desearles a todos ustedes la mayor de las suertes en estos tiempos tan complicados, y conociendo a Chris y a John, puedo decir sin temor a equivocarme, que harán un fabuloso esfuerzo para mantener a Britchat a su servicio, con los mismos objetivos y el mismo nivel de éxito. Un afectuoso saludo, Jenny PD: Dave todavía estará al cargo de las entregas cada mes, así que usted todavía podrá verle. Seguirá siendo una de las personas de contacto.

Britchat is not a paper promoting a separate English community. It is an information aid to help our integration from English to a Spanish way of life and to aid our settlement into the Spanish community.

Edita: BRITCHAT-INTERNATIONAL Deposito Legal: n.V-816-2006

Britchat International takes no responsibility whatsoever on behalf of advertisers with regard to any claims made by, or information given in, advertisements contained within this publication. Under no circumstances can any part of this publication including text, illustrations, photographs or complete advertisements, be reproduced in any form without the express permission in writing of Britchat International.

To advertise in Britchat International/ Para anunciarte en Britchat International:

Britchat no intenta ser un periódico que promueve una comunidad inglesa separada e independiente. Su objetivo es ayudarnos para integrar nuestro estilo de vida inglés al estilo español y también a establecernos en la comunidad española.

Chris Proctor Tel: 687 486 909 E-Mail: Apt. Correos 138, 46192 MONTSERRAT (Valencia)

Britchat International no se hace responsable, en ningún caso, de la publicidad ofertada por sus anunciantes, ni tampoco de la información y/o opiniones aparecidas en esta publicación. Bajo ninguna circunstancia, ninguna parte incluidos textos, ilustraciones, fotos o anuncios completos pueden ser reproducidos en ninguna forma sin expreso permiso, por escrito, de Britchat Internacional.

DearJenny Readers, was asked many times if Britchat had a website. Well,

actually we did set one up some years ago, but as a part of Peek at Spain’s website. However, we are now planning to affiliate our new website Guide2Valencia with the ever popular BRITCHAT magazine and we will be offering you all some great packages for advertising your business on Guide2Valencia in conjunction with your continued presence in Britchat. Remember that Guide2Valencia is aimed at ALL English-speaking people whether living here, on holiday, moving here or considering moving here. We have already added an additional 8 pages to Britchat, of which over half will include further interesting features and information. You are most welcome to let us know what would interest you and we could see if we could accommodate that for you. We can’t promise anything, as we have to cater for the majority, but our aim is to fill Britchat only with the most useful and interesting information. We should like to take the opportunity to wish Jenny all the best in her new venture and we hope to realise some of the further development of Britchat that Jenny had planned. Yours sincerely, Chris Proctor

Estimados lectores, A Jenny le han preguntado muchas veces si Britchat tenía página web. Bien, hace

algunos años creamos una, pero como parte de la pagina web de Peek at Spain. Sin embargo, tenemos planes para afiliar nuestra nueva web Guide2Valencia con Britchat. Les ofreceremos varios packs para anunciar su negocio en la pagina web Guide2Valencia conjuntamente con su presencia continua en el Britchat. Guide2Valencia está dirigido a TODA la gente que habla inglés, tanto si viven aquí, vienen para vacaciones, se trasladan aquí o tienen previsto trasladarse. También ya hemos agregado ya unas 8 páginas adicionales en Britchat, las cuales cerca de la mitad serán articulos interesantes e información adicionales. Puede dejarnos saber qué le interesaría, de modo que nosotros veríamos si podemos acomodar eso para usted. No podemos prometer nada, ya que tenemos que abastecer a la mayoría, pero nuestro objetivo es llenar Britchat solamente con la información más útil e interesante. Nos gustaría a tener la oportunidad de desear a Jenny lo mejor en su nuevo proyecto, esperando realizar algunas de las mejoras que ella ha planeado. Tenemos ganas de realizar las futuras ediciones. Sinceramente suyo, Christopher Proctor

NEW CONTACT DETAILS FOR BRITCHAT ARE: Telephone: 68-748-6909 Email:

Your opinion counts...

Su opinión nos importa...

Can you please read page 20 and send us your feedback as this is an important issue for us?

¿Por favor, puede usted leer la paginación 20 y enviarnos su reacción, porque para nosotros esto valora mucho?

Thanks in advance.

Gracias por adelantado. Britchat • 1



The best footpaths in Valencia are on our doorstep Los mejores senderos de Valencia están en nuestro umbral ▲Views of the Sierra Calderona

See the FULL STORY in the Guide2Valencia news section. (


▲ El Mirador del Garbí


iscover the attractiveness of the Turia Park, Albufera and Calderona. These natural parks of the Province of Valencia hide many interesting routes.

▲ Ademuz

▲ El Castillo del Real, Olocau

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► It offers 21,120 hectares of lowlands, rice fields and lake. These routes are through the rice fields of Sueca, even on sections of the old Roman Road that was called the Vía Augusta. There are a total of five routes to cross on foot, bicycle or on a horse and include architectural highlights such as La Ermita dels Sants.

The footpaths of the Turia have 35 kilometers through the Natural Park to wind through 13 localities from Pedralba to Valencia. Visit the CV-35 around Ademuz, the A-7, or even the metro line 1 to La Parada de La Cañada. Visitors will find the shores of the Turia river practically recovered, as well as a great amount of interesting places, not known by many, such as the gorge that was the line of defense at Vallesa in the Civil War. Besides the fauna and flora, there are archaeological and paleontological formations like the one at Vallesa, having more than sixty fossil types. La Sierra Calderona mountain range is considered the most protected in the whole of the Valencian Comunidad. The Calderona Mountain range offers 18,019 hectares of beautiful landscapes, including three accredited footpaths covering the following places of interest: El Mirador del Garbí (On a route of the same name), El Castillo del Real (The Olocau Route) and the great massif called Del Gorgo that is 907 meters high (On the route called Masía del Tristán). The “Secrets of La Albufera” is only 10 KM from Valencia and is the most recommended of all the routes.►

▲ Albefura

▲ Albefura

escubra los atractivos del parque del Turia, de la Albufera y de la Calderona. Estos parques naturales de la provincia de Valencia ocultan muchas rutas de gran interés. Los senderos del Turia tienen 35 kilómetros a través del parque natural, unidos con 13 localidades desde Pedralba a Valencia. Puede llegar por la CV-35 en el término municipal de Ademuz, por la A-7, o incluso en metro, tomando la línea 1 con parada en La Cañada. Los visitantes encontrarán los márgenes del río Turia completamente rehabilitados, así como un gran número de interesantes emplazamientos, no conocidos por la mayoría, como la garganta usada como línea de defensa en Vallesa durante la guerra civil. Además de la flora y fauna, hay formaciones arqueológicas y paleontológicas como la que encontraremos también en Vallesa, con más de sesenta tipos distintos de fósiles. La sierra de la Calderona se considera uno de los espacios mayor protegidos de la Comunidad Valenciana. La Calderona ofrece 18.019 hectáreas de hermosos paisajes, incluyendo tres senderos acreditados, que cubren los siguientes lugares de interés: El Mirador del Garbí (a través de una ruta con el mismo nombre), El Castillo del Real (en la ruta de Olocau) y el gran macizo “Del Gorgo”, que tiene 907 metros de alto (en la ruta de la Masía del Tristán). Los secretos de La Albufera están solamente a 10 kilómetros de Valencia y es una de las rutas más recomendadas. Ofrece 21.120 hectáreas de ribera baja, campos del arroz y lago. Esta ruta se encuentra a través de los campos de arroz de Sueca, además de en tramos de la antigua vía romana , llamada Vía Augusta. Hay un total de cinco rutas a cruzar a pie, en bicicleta o a caballo, incluyendo interesantes elementos arquitectónicos, como es el caso de L’Ermita dels Sants. Vea la HISTORIA COMPLETA en la sección de noticias de Guide2Valencia. (

▲ Rice fields of Sueca Britchat • 3

News News News News The Courts are full

Valencia Courts are overflowing with traffic cases. The judges change jail sentences to community service in alcohol related sentences. The judges do not want to send people to jail who have committed an error of judgement and have therefore changed the sentence from jail to community service. In the month of March, 502 of the 882 sentences managed by the courts have been changed to sentences of community service for drink driving, driving without a licence and speeding. The Office of the Justice for Valencia observed that since last summer they have had an avalanche of convictions. They feel that what is needed now is a change of attitude so that drivers are conscious that they should not be driving whilst under the influence of alcohol or without a licence. They went on to state that there is a problem here because it’s a country where the culture of celebration and the drinking alcohol is very ingrained. Also, what is even more surprising is the amount of people who are driving around in Valencia without a driving licence. And yet these people are totally normal with a family, work and friends and they have never stepped into a court before. The community service sentence involves eight hours a day cleaning, painting etc. where such work is to the benefit of the community. Those condemned will be cleaning the streets or the municipal cemeteries and even painting public buildings, with the agreement of the local councils and public institutions who will benefit from this manpower. Article 88 of the Penal Code allows the substitution of a sentence which would be less than two years in jail, where the criminal does not habitually appear in court. See the FULL STORY in the Guide2Valencia news section. (

Los juzgados de Valencia se ven desbordados por los casos de tráfico. Los jueces cambian, en las sentencias relacionadas con el alcohol, la pena de cárcel por servicios a la comunidad. Los jueces no quieren enviar a la cárcel a gente con quien se ha cometido un error de juicio y por lo tanto, han cambiado la pena de cárcel por servicios a la comunidad. En el mes del marzo, de 502 de las 882 sentencias gestionadas por los juzgados, se han cambiado a penas de servicios a la comunidad por: conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol, conducir sin carné y exceder el límite de velocidad. La oficina de justicia de Valencia observó que desde el verano pasado experimentaron una avalancha de condenas. Sienten que lo que ahora se necesita es un cambio de actitud, de modo que la gente sea consciente de que no debe ponerse tras el volante en estado de ebriedad. También señalaron que eso puede ser un problema aquí, ya que es un país donde la cultura de la fiesta y el alcohol están muy inculcados. Además, asombra la cantidad de gente que conduce por Valencia sin carné de conducir. Gente totalmente normal, con una familia, trabajo y amigos que nunca antes han pisado un juzgado. La pena de servicios a la comunidad, implica ocho horas al día limpiando, pintando etc. siendo dicho trabajo a beneficio de la comunidad. Ésos condenados limpiarán las calles o los cementerios municipales e incluso los edificios públicos de pintadas, con el acuerdo de los consejos locales y de las instituciones públicas que se beneficiarán de esta mano de obra. El artículo 88 del código penal permite la substitución de una sentencia que sería menos de dos años en la cárcel en donde no aparece el criminal habitual ante el tribunal. Vea la HISTORIA COMPLETA en la sección de noticias de Guide2Valencia. (

650 million euros for roads

New Valencia Road Plan proposal costing 650 million Euros The Valencia road system is on the brink of madness and collapse. This is mainly applicable to the section that goes from the crossing of the CV35 with the road around the airport at Manises. On this small section of road there are around 115,000 vehicles per day with a 2010 forecast of 120,291 vehicles per day.

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The CV-35 with the A-7, around Paterna and Parc Tecnològic has the highest traffic of all the Valencian Comunitat with 200,000 vehicles per day. The Situation is Critical and technicians have racked their brains to come up with a hybrid solution that allows an increase in the capacity of the Valencia bypass to separate the through traffic from the local traffic without constructing a second bypass. The total investment would be around 650 million Euros with no dates mentioned for starting construction. The project will be divided into key sections: One: Faura and Sagunt on the CV-32 (Rafelbunyol/Museros) with a 4 lane highway to follow the existing route. ►

► Two and Three: The most problematic. Circumnavigation will remains on the existing section and without any new sections. It is hoped that this plan will separate local A-7 traffic from the through A-7 traffic to give huge improvement. New exit road from A-3: Alternative exit from A-3 to Valencia by opening a Buñol to Loriguilla toll road to avoid Cheste. Final Section: A-7 and CV-36, (Torrent/Picanya) - a new road taking traffic away from the present A-7 to Alginet. It is anticipated that it will be inland, in a corridor free of infrastructure between Picassent and Montserrat. See the FULL STORY in the Guide2Valencia news section. ( Camino nuevo para Valencia coste 650 millones de euros La red de carreteras de Valencia está al borde del colapso y la locura. Esto es principalmente aplicable al tramo que va del cruce de la CV-35 con la carretera de alrededor del aeropuerto en Manises. En estae pequeño tramo de carretera, hay alrededor de 115.000 vehículos al día, con un pronóstico para el 2010 de 120.291 vehículos por día. La CV-35 con la A-7, alrededor de Paterna y de Parc Tecnològic, tiene el tráfico más alto de toda la Comunitat valenciana, con 200.000 vehículos al día. Ante esta situación crítica, los técnicos han estrujado sus cerebros para dar con una solución híbrida que permitiría un incremento de la capacidad del bypass, sin tener que construir otro, para separar el trafico local del directo. La inversión total sería de alrededor de unos 650 millones de euros, sin fechas mencionadas para comenzar la construcción. El proyecto estaría dividido en tramos clave: Uno: Faura y Sagunt en la CV-32 (Rafelbunyol/Museros), con una carretera de 4 carriles para seguir la ruta existente. Dos y tres: El más problemático. La circunnavegación quedará orientada al tramo existente,sin añadir nuevos pasos. Se espera que este plan separará el tráfico local de la A-7 del tráfico directo, para lograr una gran mejora. Nuevo salida en la A-3: Salida alternativa en la A-3 a Valencia, accediendo a Buñol por el camino de peaje de Loriguilla para evitar Cheste. Tramo final: A-7 y CV-36, (Torrente/ Picanya) – Una nueva carretera que llevará el tráfico lejos del actual A-7 a la altura de Alginet. Se anticipa que será interior, en un paso, libre de la infraestructura, entre Picassent y Montserrat. Vea la HISTORIA COMPLETA en la sección de noticias de Guide2Valencia. (

Giant Rabbit is back on the menu


Giant Valencia rabbits are set to return to Spanish menus and we will soon be enjoying a diet of giant rabbit under plans to reintroduce the rare breed for human consumption. They can grow as big as a lamb, producing up to 7kgs (15lbs) of meat. The Valencia Agricultural Research Institute has launched a breeding programme of the rare Valenciano rabbit and predicts that it could be on supermarket shelves within three years as a healthy and cheap alternative to red meat. The Valenciano breed was established in 1912, when farmers cross bred large domestic Spanish rabbits with the imported Flemish Giant variety and for decades it appeared on dinner tables across the nation. These animals were valued by farmers for their meat and the speed at which they bred, often producing up to 16 young in each litter. During the first half of the last century, the enormous rabbits were exported across Europe and also to Cuba, Argentina and Chile, but by the 1970s they were close to extinction in Spain. Only very few examples of the breed still exist in Spain, which survived in two isolated areas of Spain, because the giant rabbits were bred by enthusiasts for pets. The three year project, funded by the Valencia Government’s Department of Agriculture, involves selectively breeding those animals with large domestic rabbits with a view to building up the breed for the general market. They are about the same size as the renowned German Grey Giant, but with a honey coloured coat. See the FULL STORY in the Guide2Valencia news section. (www. Los conejos gigantes valencianos están listos para volver a los menus españoles, por lo que pronto podremos disfrutar de esta rara variedad en nuestra dieta. Pueden crecer tan grandes como un cordero produciendo hasta 7kgs (15lbs) de carne. El instituto de investigación agrícola de Valencia ha puesto en marcha un programa de la cría de este raro conejo valenciano, prediciendo que podría estar disponible en supermercados en un plazo de tres años, como alternativa sana y barata a la carne roja. Esta raza valenciana, fue creada en el año 1912, cuando los granjeros cruzaron conejos domésticos grandes con una variedad flamenca gigante, apareciendo en los platos de restaurantes nacionales por decadas . Estos animales fueron valorados por los granjeros por la calidad de su carne y su rápida cría, produciendo a menudo hasta 16 crías por camada. Durante la primera mitad del siglo pasado, estos enormes conejos fueron exportados a Europa, Cuba, Argentina y Chile, aunque en los años 70 estuvieron muy cerca de la extinción. Tan solo unos pocos ejemplares de esta variedad existen todavía en España, sobreviviendo en regiones aisladas, ya que únicamente fueron críados por ciertos amantes de los animales como mascotas. El proyecto de tres años, impulsado por la Conselleria d’agricultura de València, planea cruzar selectivamente a estos animales con los conejos grandes domésticos, en vistas de crear una nueva variedad para el mercado. Estos animales tienen aproximádamente el mismo tamaño que la raza gigante gris alemana, aunque con el pelaje color miel Vea la HISTORIA COMPLETA en la sección de noticias de Guide2Valencia. ( Britchat • 5



Not only do you get a FREE EVENTS listing with Britchat, space permitting, but in Guide2Valencia we will give you unlimited text and a photo. Email for more info.

16 Mar 2009 to 30 Nov 2009 Photographic Exhibition entitled Las Huellas del Tiempo Príncipe Felipe Science Museum, City of Arts & Sciences - Valencia

15 Apr 2009 to 31 Dec 2009 Egypt: Secrets of the Mummies Address: L’Hemisfèric - Centre of Arts & Sciences - Valencia 31 May 2009 and 28th June 2009 Olocau Rastro (CV333 Near Valencia) at the Social Club, Urb. La Lloma. Last Sunday of Every Month from 10am till 2 pm. Set up from 9 am for sellers. Tables Only €5.00 . Raising funds for MacMillan Cancer Charity. Including: Beauty by Daryl, Hair by Manda & Avon Cosmetics. Refreshments & food available Bookings & More Info: MIKE 663003920 or HELEN - 610007773 Saturday 30 May 2009 from 2pm Ladies Day/ Dia de mujeres at the Ayurvedic Spa, Font Calenta, Villarmarchante. Authentic Indian Head Massage. Relaxing facial, manicure or pedicure. Hair consultation & many more treatments offered at minimal prices. Jewellery, Greeting Cards, Handicrafts, Clothes & Garden Plants. Demos in: Tai Chi, Thermomix; Indian cookery. Indian cuisine & refreshments. All the family welcome. Call Susan: 606517656 or Kalpana: 600720357 for a list of Treatments, Reservation & Directions 31 May 2009 Football - Valencia vs Athletic Bilbao Home Game at Valencia Spain Ground Mestalla, Valencia. More details in the EVENTS section of Guide2Valencia. 6 • Britchat

II Festival del Mediterrani en el Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia Main Hall Programme 30 May and 2 June 19.00 H. Götterdämmerung 15 to 30 June (Ciclo Completo) Der Ring des Nibelungen 15 and 22 June 19.00 H. Das Rheingold 16 and 24 June 19.00 H. Die Walküre 18 and 27 June 19.00 H. Siegfried 21 and 30 June 2009 19.00 H. Götterdämmerung / Taquillas del Palau Monday 8 June 2009 from 6pm Are you interested in joining a brand new amateur musical society? Bar Restaurant, Altury, Turis. We are looking for both on stage performers (singers, dancers, actors etc) and back stage helpers. Adults and Children welcome. If you are interested, please attend this social and auditions meeting. For further information please call 677-670-636.

23 June 2009 RAPHAEL EN CONCIERTO at the Plaza de Toros, Valencia from 22.00H - C/ Xàtiva 28 46004 Valencia 963 519 315 Ticket Sales: El Corte Inglés - 902 40 22 02 Prices: From 58.75 € to 74.50 €. ALL JUNE Nits al Castell de Xàtiva (Festival of the Performing Arts) - Live music, shows, oreas and dance recitals held at the Xátiva Castle throughout the month of June. Guide2Valencia is trying to obtain information from the tourist board.

LATE JUNE Noche de San Juan with moonlit bathing in the waters of both the Playa de Las Arenas and the Playa de La Malvarrosa, together with beach bonfires, music events, dancing and a spectacular fireworks display, which reflects in the waters along the coastline.

28 June 2009 Hiking to the Montgó 09 (Denia) Guided hiking trips to the natural parc Montgó, organized by Centro de Información of the parc. The meeting point of all excursions will take place at the Parking de Torrecremada at 9.00 am. Tel. 96.642.32.05 / 679 196 461. E-mail: parque_montgó “LA COVA TALLADA” Duration: 3 h. Distance: 6 Km. Difficulty: medium-high.

Sit back, relax and be pampered Don’t you just love having a head massage while having your hair washed? Sitting back, relaxing and being pampered whilst having a nice cup of tea? If your answer is yes, why not book an appointment with Allison in her own new studio in Turís. Owner Allison has over 20 years experience in the whole array of hairdressing and has completed NVQ certificates to all levels. Allison also has certificates in colour work and precision and fashion cutting, all of which are on display in the salon. Allison is not a stranger to running her own legal salon as she owned and worked in a successful►

▲ Allison

4, 11, 18, 25 June 2009 Concerts in the Gardens of the Palau de Musica, River Turia, Valencia from 10:30 to 13:30 and 17:30 to 21:00 h. Thursday 4th June - 20.15 H. Director: Pablo Sánchez Torrella Thursday 11 June - 20.15 H. Director: Pablo Sánchez Torrella Thursday 18 June - 20.15 H. Director: Manuel Enguídanos Cotanda Thursday 25 June - 20.15 H. Director: Pablo Sánchez Torrella Events in this part of Valencia are usually free and refreshments are on sale in an erected bar with tables and another without seating. For those arriving early enough there are plastic garden chairs available.

For more details on the listed events, check out the EVENTS section of Guide2Valencia. Or, we can email a FULL version to you.

Britchat • 7

The Professional Salon

HealthandBeauty ►salon in Peterborough, England for over 10 years. The salon is very spacious and light, decorated in a modern style and with a table so full of magazines, you’ll be

NVQ en todos sus niveles. Y por si eso fuera poco, también tiene completa formación en coloración, cortado de precisión y en los estilos más “fashion”, certificados todos ellos enmarcados en la propia peluquería. El local es muy espacioso y luminoso, con una decoración moderna y una gran mesa llena de revistas. Seguro que encuentras algo para leer, con tu taza de té, mientras estás debajo del secador. Es todo un lujoexplicar qué quieres hacerte, y recibir el consejo de alguien acerca de como se ajustaría ese estilo a tí y de como te verías después.

able to find something to read with your drink while you’re relaxing under the dryer! A real luxury is explaining what you want done and having someone advise you on what style will suit and how to look after it. In the salon Allison only uses Tigi and Wella products; a wide range of Tigi products are available to purchase. These products are absolutely fantastic for your hair condition and style, smell great, look good on your bathroom shelf and last ages, so are very economical! So if you fancy a treat, a morning off from the stress and an opportunity to look like a model, get yourself over to the Hair Studio. Allison is also offering a special promotion of a free cut and blow-dry when you have your hair coloured (over 30€). Allison looks forward to seeing new and existing clients alike and here at Britchat, we wish her every success for the future. ¿No te encanta que te den un masaje en la cabeza mientras te lavan el pelo? ¿Recostándote, relajándote y siendo mimado mientras que te tomas una taza de té? Si la respuesta es sí, ¿por qué no pides cita con Allison en su peluquería de Turís? Su dueña, Allison, tiene más de 20 años de experiencia en todos los estilos de peluquería, y ha completado los cursos 8 • Britchat

Allison tan solo usa productos Tigi y Wella, teniendo un amplio abanico de productos Tigi que adquirir. Estos productos son absolutamente fantásticos para tu tipo y estilo de cabello, huelen muy bien, lucen bien en tu tocador y últimamente están muy bien de precio.

Así que si te apetece un tratamiento, una mañana libre de estrés y la oportunidad de parecer una modelo, pásate por la peluquería. Allison está también haciendo una promoción de corte y secado gratis con cada coloración (por unos 30€), así que ya no tienes excusa. Allison os está esperando ya seais nuevos clientes o habituales, y desde Britchat le deseamos mucho éxito para el fututo. Britchat • 9





Browse, Shop and Eat

at Bar Altury

EVERY SATURDAY MORNING Starting from the 6th June, every Saturday Morning from 9.00 am, Bar Altury will be organising an outdoor market in front of the bar with additional stalls on the bar terrace, selling both new & second hand goods of all sorts.

Spanish Tortilla

125 ml/4 fl 600 gm/1 OZ olive oil Ib 1 large on 5 oz potatoes, sli ced ion, sliced 1 large ga rlic clove, 6 large eg crushed g salt and p s epper Serves 6-8 Serve wit h Not suitab seasonal vegetab les. le for free zing.

Traders are invited to book their

stalls now Call:

652 042 143

Refreshments available for traders and shoppers alike.







Heat a 25 cm/10 inch frying pan, preferably non-stick, over a high heat. Pour in the oil and heat. Lower the heat, add the potatoes, onion and garlic and cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring frequently, until the potatoes are tender.

Shake the pan and use a spatula to loosen the edges of the tortilla. Place a large plate over the pan. Carefully invert the tortilla on to the plate.

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Beat the eggs together in a large bowl and season generously with salt and peppcr. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the potatoes and onion to the bowl of eggs. Pour the excess oil left in the frying pan into a heatproof jug, then scrape off the crusty bits from the base of the pan.

If you’re not using a nonstick pan, add 1 tablespoon of the reserved oil to the pan and swirl around. Gently slide the tortilla back into the pan, cooked-side up. Use the spatula to ‘tuck down’ the edges. Continue cooking over medium heat for 3-5 minutes until set.

Reheat the pan. Add about 2 tablespoons of the oil reserved in the jug. Pour in the potato mixture, smoothing the vegetables into an even layer. Cook for about 5 minutes, shaking the pan occasionally, or until the base is set.

Remove the pan from the heat and slide the tortilla on to a serving plate. Leave to stand for at least 5 minutes before cutting. Serve hot, warm or at room temperature with salad.

Britchat • 11


Try the flame-grilled flavours of Spain at

El Charcas of Torrent El Charcas, located in Torrent, near the Campo de Tiro Peña Roja, regenerates itself for the Spring and Summer seasons. Britchat went to see what they have in store for us. BRITCHAT: So, what have you planned for the next few months? VICKI: Well, we are expecting a very busy summer this year, the terrace has been laid out and the barbecue has been fired up for our regular neighbours association evenings, for which we anticipate a lively and festive atmosphere. Additionally, we have just re-started our Sunday markets, selling fruit and veg., shoes, clothes and accessories etc. So, if you can’t make your local town market during the week, we offer you another chance at the weekend.

We always welcome our large English clientele. Sergio speaks English and the rest of us keep trying! We all have a laugh along the way, but we do get by. BRITCHAT: What type of food does El Charcas offer? VICKI: Our restaurant is an “Asador” (from the word Asar, meaning “to roast”) so we cook most food over the open flame (Spit-roast). This creates a flame-grilled flavour and we use special cuts of meat, fish and seafood. One of our speciality dishes is the “Secreto Ibérico” which is a particular cut of free-range pork.

VICKI: We do most traditional foods such as almuerzos with bocadillos etc, but other specialities include; chicken wings, ribs, chicken kebabs, seafood kebabs and of course – paella. Another must is a dish called “Papas Arugadas” - Canarian chips in a spicy sauce called “Mojopicón”. We also stock a good selection of wine from the keg or bottle, which is well worth a sip or two! Britchat would like to wish Bar Asador El Charcas continued success in the future.

BRITCHAT: What other specialities do you do?

El Charcas, situado en Torrente cerca del Campo de Tiro Peña Roja, se despierta para la primavera y verano. Britchat fue a ver lo que él tiene en el almacén para nosotros. BRITCHAT: Bueno, ¿Qué le tienen previsto para los próximos meses? VICKI: Pues, este año estamos contando con un verano muy ocupado, la terraza nos hemos presentado ya y la barbacoa está a punto de ser encendida por nuestras cenas de vecinos de la Pardala, para las cuales anticipamos una ambiente animada y festiva. Además, apenas de recomenzar nuestro mercadillo de domingo, con la venta de fruta y verduras, calzados, ropa y complementos etc. Así pues, si trabajas toda la semana y no tienes tiempo de ir a visitar el mercado en tu localidad, le ofrecemos la oportunidad de hacerlo mientras se disfrutas d eun paisaje más natural, alejado del núcleo urbano. 12 • Britchat

También, damos la bienvenida a la clientela inglesa que hemos atraído. ¡Sergio habla el ingles y los demás lo estamos aprendiendo! Todos nos reímos mucho, pero al final, nos entendemos. BRITCHAT: ¿Que tipo de comida nos ofreceis en El Charcas? VICKI: Nuestro restaurante es un “Asador”, lo que significa que hacemos muchas comidas directamente sobre el fuego. Esto le da un sabor especial y somos especialistas en cortes especiales de carne, pescados y marisco. Uno de los mejores es el “Secreto Ibérico” que es un corte particular de cerdo. BRITCHAT: ¿Que otros platos especiales tienes? VICKI: Tenemos todo lo de tradicional, por ejemplo, Almuerzos

con bocadillos etc. pero nuestras especialidades incluyen Alas de pollo, Costillas, Brochetas de Pollo, Brochetas de Marisco y por supuesto, la Paella. Otro plato que debe que probar es “Papas Arrugadas” - patatas canarias en una salsa picante que se llama “Mojo picón”. También, tenemos una selección de vinos de barril o botella que debes que probar. Britchat desea al Bar Asador El Charcas un éxito continuado.

Partida La Pardala, 218, Junto al Campo de Tiro de Penya-Rotja TORRENT Telephone: 96 211 18 18 or: 655 619 476 Britchat • 13

14 • Britchat

Britchat • 15


HEDGES Cypress or Viburnum? After buying our house or plot, the first job is to fence it in. In this way we are trying to create the privacy we want in our own little “territory” and preventing (or at least making it difficult) for other people from seeing in. At the same time, the fence also serves as a windbreaker as well as a barrier against dirt and debris from outside. Most importantly - it becomes one of the central elements in your garden. In our countryside, we are accustomed to the cypress tree hedges, but really is it the most decorative, the most hardy or the cheapest? In order to compare the pros and cons between a traditional hedge and the alternatives, I would like to present/display some of the species suitable for this aim. Después de comprar nuestra casa o parcela, primer trabajo es plantar el seto. En esta manera estamos intentando crear la intimidad en nuestro “territorio” y evitando (o por lo menos dificultando) las miradas ajenas. En el mismo tiempo el seto también sirve como los cortavientos y frena la entrada de las impurezas de calle. Y lo más importante – va ser uno de los elementos centrales en tu jardín, sin opciones cambiarlo del sitio. En nuestros paisajes estamos acostumbrados ver los setos de ciprés ¿pero realmente es lo más decorativo, resistente y barato? Para poder comparar todos “+” y “– “entre un seto “tradicional” y uno “atrevido”, quiero presentar algunas de las especies aptas para este fin.

Eleagnus x Ebbingei.

Height: 2,5 – 3 mtrs Width: 2,5 – 3 mtrs Leaf: perennial Growth: rápid, vigorous, tolerates shade Resistence to cold: excellent Resistence to diseases: excellent Flowering: Autumnal, with small, but highjly scented flowers Usage: hedges, borders, tolerates inclement weather well Density: 1 x 2,5 mtrs Price aprox. : 8 € ***variety “ Lime Light” very decorative. Altura: 2,5 – 3 mtrs Ancho. 2,5 – 3 mtrs Hoja: perenne Crecimiento: rápido, vigoroso, tolera sombra Resistencia al frío: excelente Resistencia plagas: excelente Floración: otoñal, con flores insignificativas, pero muy perfumadas Uso: setos, setos libres, tolera muy bien las podas drásticas Densidad: 1 x 2,5 mtrs Precio aprox. : 8 € ***variedad “ Lime Light” muy decorativa. 16 • Britchat

Photinia x Fraseri “Red Robin”. Height: 3,5- 4,5 mtrs Width: 3 – 3,5 mtrs Leaf: perennial, dark green, red Growth: fast, very colourful Resistence to cold: excellent Resistence to diseases: excellent Flowering: end of Spring Usage: hedges, shrubs or small trees Density: 1 x 3,5mtrs Price aprox. : 7€ *** Very decorative.

Viburnum odoratissimum.

Viburnum tinus (durillo).

Height: 3 – 3,5 mtrs Width: 2,5 – 3 mtrs Leaf: perennial Growth: very fast and vigorous Resistence to frost: excellent Resistence to diseases: excellent Flowering: Spring, flowers colour white, scented Usage: hedges, borders, small trees, tolerant of inclemet weather, suitable for topiary Densiity: 1 x 3 mtrs. Price aprox. : 7€ *** Very beautiful, with very healthy look.

Height: 3 – 3,5 mtrs Width: 2 – 2,5 mtrs Leaf: perennial Growth: fast Resistence to frost: excellent Resistence to diseases: excellent Flowering: end of Winter, white flowers, scented Usage: hedges, small shrubs. Must be regularly pruned to maintain as a hedge Density: 1 x 2 mtrs Price aprox.: 7€ *** Flowering - very abundante y spectacular.

Altura: 3 – 3,5 mtrs Ancho. 2,5 – 3 mtrs Hoja: perenne Crecimiento: muy rápido y vigoroso Resistencia al frío: excelente Resistencia plagas: excelente Floración: primavera, flores color blanco, perfumadas Uso: setos, setos libres, arbolillos pequeños; tolera podas drásticas, apto para formar figuras Densidad: 1 x 3 mtrs. Precio aprox. : 7€ *** Muy bonito, con aspecto muy sano.

Altura: 3 – 3,5 mtrs Ancho. 2 – 2,5 mtrs Hoja: perenne Crecimiento: rápido Resistencia al frío: excelente Resistencia plagas: excelente Floración: en finales de invierno, flores blancas, perfumadas Uso: setos, arbolillos. Para mantener como seto es preciso podarlo Densidad: 1 x 2 mtrs Precio aprox.: 7€ *** Floración muy abundante y espectacular.

Escallonia rubra.

Height: 2 -2,5mtrs Width: 1,5 – 2mtrs Leaf: perennial Growth: fast, vigorous Resistence to cold: excellent Resistencce to diseases: excellent Flowering: Spring Usage: trellises y hedges Density: 1 x 1,5mtrs Price aprox.: 8€ Altura: 2 -2,5mtrs Ancho: 1,5 – 2mtrs Hoja: perenne Crecimiento: rápido, vigoroso Resistencia al frío: excelente Resistencia plagas: excelente Floración: primaveral Uso: pantallas y setos Densidad: 1 x 1,5mtrs Precio aprox.: 8€

Altura: 3,5- 4,5 mtrs Ancho. 3 – 3,5 mtrs Hoja: perenne, verde oscuro, rojo en brotes nuevos Crecimiento: rápido, muy colorido Resistencia al frío: excelente Resistencia plagas: excelente Floración: finales de primavera Uso: setos, arbusto aislado o árbol Densidad: 1 x 3,5mtrs Precio aprox. : 7€ *** Muy decorativo.

Britchat • 17


Time to entertain

the family?

Ok, last month was a bit of a tech session, this month will be a totally different kettle of fish (what exactly is that meant to mean?!) It’s that time of the year when the garden is getting cut, the outdoor table is getting hosed down and the pool’s starting to be eyed longingly. It’s also the most likely time you’ll be getting those guests knocking on your door. So, here are a few places and things to do over the coming months, whether it’s with friends and family, or just for a different day out. All the following places can be easily found on the net, and are well within shouting distance of Valencia. Well, let’s start in Valencia itself, and save you all driving further than you need to!



Bio Parc Valencia – (www. First minus point to BioParc for not having their site in English yet, but anyway, it’s the new (2008) zoo in Valencia, with a more ‘environmentally friendly’ set-up than your usual run of the mill gaff. Allegedly massive, and from what I hear, well worth a visit. Haven’t been yet, but must do this year…..

L’Oceanográfic Valencia. ( oceanografic/home) has been mentioned before, but it’s still the biggest aquarium in Europe, and again, worth the visit. From what I hear, it’s even more highly populated with our underwater friends than when I visited it a few years back. While there, you could do the whole shebang and visit all the ‘City of Arts & Sciences’ if you fancy it. You’ll get all the info at


Terra Mitica is Valencia’s Theme Park. It’s had it’s problems, with major management cock-ups, and still losing money, but seriously, if you’re feeling like a drive down towards Benidorm, it’s really worth going to, if you like theme parks. I think we’ve been 5 times, and enjoy it every time. One thing I like, is that it never appears to be ‘overly busy’ – yes, it’s busy, but not in the ’45 minute queue’ way that happens at so many theme parks. In fact, I think we got on Inferno 3 times in a row last time. Class. And for you, dear readers, even more joy as they’ve finally sorted their new website! Written by LB Web Solutions

Britchat • 18


For something completely different, you could visit the Lladro Museum in Valencia. You can visit the actual birthplace of Lladro, as well as going on a full factory tour (free and in English to boot). Based in Tavernes Blanques in Valencia, see the site here;


I think quite possibly the best excursion in Valencia City, most notably because it’s so relaxing and free, are the Turia Gardens. You’ve no doubt seen them, if you’ve been in the city, they’re the old Turia riverbed, turned into beautiful gardens, walkways and play areas. We have to thank the City Governor of 1957 for this beauty. Bring the bikes down in the car and cycle away for hours. They definitely win the prize for the overly L-O-N-G web addy folks.


Just north of Valencia (about 40km) are the Caves of San Jose (Gruta de San José) just outside the town of Vall D’Uixó and the tour includes a boat journey as well as a walking section. Mind your head though…..


While down Benidorm way, there are plenty more places to see, but my fave is Terra Natura. Maybe if you’ve already been to BioParc this may be a different one to try. There are animals (safe ones!) that you can go into the pens with, plus there are the big beasties, and you’ll be pleased to know they are in much bigger surroundings than the old zoo places of yore. They have over 50 endangered species included, and the structures make you really feel like you’re in a different part of the world. Thumbs up (especially the poisonous greebly section!). Aqua Natura is right next door, for all your water park needs – water chutes, wave pool, aquarium, swimming with sharks (sharks?? – yep, apparently the only place in Europe, no thanks!. If you buy tickets to both, you get a big discount. Check it out at Well, that’s it for this month, hope you enjoy a few nice days out. Any other suggestions? Let us know!! 19 • Britchat

Your opinion counts... As mentioned in our introduction, we would welcome your feedback. Of especial interest now is the fact that Britchat is translated into Spanish, yet it would appear that many readers don’t see the point in this translation. It has been suggested that we should concentrate on the original purpose of the magazine, which is to be full of information for English-speaking people about living in Valencia i.e. what’s happening, how to do things, places to visit etc. The Spanish already know all this, yet every article has half a page of Spanish. In this issue we have 18 pages of content, of which HALF (9 pages) is in Spanish. We could of course include much more information in English, if the Spanish translations were deemed unnecessary. So ……………….. We would appreciate YOUR opinion please! See contact details below. Thanks, The Britchat Team

Su opinion nos importa... Como era mencionado en nuestra introducción, damos la bienvenida a su reacción. Del interés especial ahora es el hecho de que Britchat está traducido al español, pero parece que muchos lectores no puede ver el punto en esta traducción. Se ha sugerido que concentráramos en el propósito original de la revista, que es ser lleno de información sobre la vida en Valencia para la gente britanica, es decir qué está sucediendo, manera de hacer cosas, los lugares para visitar etc. Los españoles ya saben todo de estas cosas, pero cada artículo tiene media página de la traducción española. En esta edición tenemos 18 páginas de contenido cuyo la MITAD (9 páginas) está en español. Por supuesto, pudríamos incluir mucho más información en el inglés, si las traducciones españolas eran juzgadas innecesarias. Entonces .................... ¡Apreciaríamos SU opinión por favor! Vea los detalles del contacto abajo. Gracias, El equipo de Britchat

CONTACT BRITCHAT ON Telephone: 68-748-6909 Email: 20 • Britchat

Britchat • 21


Ayudas al alquiler en la Comunidad Valenciana



Housing Benefit in the Comunidad Valenciana T

his aid, an initiative of the Central Government of Spain and managed by the Valencian Autonomous Government, aims to assist young people by means of a set of direct state benefits to help with rental payments of any domicile that constitutes their habitual and permanent address. Persons between the ages of 22 to 30, and who’s annual gross income does not exceed 22,000€ plus, are eligible to apply for this benefit. The application must be submitted by the person seeking to rent and not by the landlord.

The benefits consist of the following: ● A monthly sum of 210€ to facilitate the payment of the expenses related to long-term renting, with effects from the month following the submission of the application and for a maximum period of four years, whether or not consecutive, or until the recipient reaches the age of 30. ● A single sum of 120€ in cases where the rental payments are guaranteed by a third party and the person renting defaults on payment. ● A one-time, interest-free loan of 600€, refundable at the end of the term of renting, or, in any case, when they no longer meet the requirements to qualify to continue receiving the first mentioned benefit). Only young people, who are already renting as from day one of January of this year, will be eligible to apply for the monthly 210€.

sta ayuda, que es una iniciativa del Gobierno Central y es gestionada por la Generalitat Valenciana, pretende facilitar la emancipación de los jóvenes, mediante un conjunto de ayudas directas destinadas al apoyo económico para el pago del alquiler de la vivienda que constituye su domicilio habitual y permanente. Pueden acceder a esta ayuda los jóvenes de 22 a 30 años con ingresos brutos anuales de un máximo de 22.000€. Se debe formalizar una solicitud por inquilino, no una por vivienda.

La ayuda consiste en las siguientes ayudas: ● Una cantidad mensual de 210€ con el fin de facilitar el pago de los gastos relacionados con el alquiler de la vivienda habitual. Esta ayuda se percibirá por meses completos, con efectos desde el mes siguiente al de su solicitud, durante un máximo de cuatro años, sean o no consecutivos, o hasta aquel en el que se cumpla la edad de 30 años. ● Una cantidad única de 120€ si se constituye aval con un avalista privado como garantía del arrendamiento. ● Un préstamo sin intereses, de 600€, por una sola vez, reintegrable cuando se extinga la fianza prestada en garantía del arrendamiento, al finalizar el último de los contratos de arrendamiento sucesivamente formalizados en el plazo máximo de cuatro años desde el reconocimiento del derecho a esta ayuda, o, en todo caso, cuando se dejen de reunir los requisitos que habilitan para seguir percibiendo la ayuda de la letra a). Los jóvenes que el dia uno de enero de este año ya esten viviendo de alquiler sólo podrán percibir la ayuda consistente en 210€ mensuales. Continua en Junio ….

Continued in June................. 22 • Britchat

Britchat • 23



Results for the Stableford competition held at El Bosque Golf Club in Chiva on Monday 6th April 2009 This month, I am pleased to announce that the Overall Winner was our Handicap Secretary Paul Beamish Knight (H/Cap 36) who carded a winning score of 34 points. It’s no wonder he had been saying that the handicap system was working well !!! Runner-Up was Skip (H/Cap 13) with 32 points. Winner of Nearest The Pin was Gary Baxter, while Bob McCartney won the Nearest The Pin (after 3 shots). This month, we also had a prize for the best two combined stableford scores in each group and this was won by Philip Shaw, PBK, Reginaldo and Tigger. The final prize went to Reg, who correctly guessed the total number of lost balls on the day at 37. Reg was particularly pleased to win this, as it was mentioned that is was the only prize that he had not previously won!!! Next month’s competition is due to be held on Monday 8th June, so please call Skip to book your place on 962133126 or 628148939.



he Qatar GP has had its fair share of firsts. First GP held T each year, first GP held in the desert,

first GP held at night time and now first GP held on a Monday night! Although the latter wasn’t planned, as when the bikes lined up on the grid for Sunday’s race, the heavens opened. It only rains on average 7 or 8 times per year in the desert, but when it does, man does it rain! Racing in the rain at night throws up all kinds of problems, but

l Gran Premio de Qatar ha tenido su justa cuota de E novedades. El primer Gran Premio

celebrado cada año, el primero acontecido en el desierto, el primero en horas nocturnas, ¡y ahora el primero el la noche del Lunes! Aunque esto último no estaba planeado. No suele llover más de siete u ocho veces en el desierto, pero cuando lo hace... ¡chico, llueve de verdad! Correr por noche cuando llueve acarrea todo tipo de problemas,

STANDINGS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

C Stoner - Aus. - Ducati V. Rossi - Ita. - Yamaha J. Lorenzo - Esp. - Yamaha C. Edwards - U.S.A. - Yamaha A. Dovizioso - Ita. - Honda

25 20 16 13 11

Cheers, Tigger

Resultados del concurso stableford en el Club de Golf “El Bosque” en Chiva, el lunes 6 de abril de 2009.

Result of the Competition played on 6 April 2009 at El Bosque Nett Diff

Hcap Chg

New Hcap

Overall Position

2 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 13 13 18 19

0 +0.2 +0.4 +0.4 +0.3 +0.4 +0.3 +0.3 +0.4 +0.4 +0.4 +0.4 +0.2 +0.3 +0.3 +0.2 0

36.0 13.4 27.6 26.8 19.2 27.9 21.1 20.9 27.5 25.8 25.6 28.8 14.6 17.3 20.6 14.5 36.0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

24 • Britchat

Score (Stroke Rcd)

Paul Beamish-Knight Ian Skipper Chris Ward Dave Watts Peter Nunn Peter Lane Andy Mitchell Philip Shaw Paul Willcock Bob McCartney Tigger Osborne Garry Baxter Mick Fitzgerald Reg Ditchfield Ed Butler Dudley Millar Jim Carpenter

34 pts (36) 32 pts (13) 31 pts (27) 31 pts (26) 30 pts (19) 30 pts (28) 30 pts (21) 29 pts (21) 29 pts (27) 28 pts (25) 28 pts (25) 28 pts (28) 27 pts (14) 23 pts (17) 23 pts (20) 18 pts (14) 17 pts (36)

Este mes estoy satisfecho para anunciar que el ganador en total era nuestra secretaria Paul Beamish Knight (H/Cap 36) de la desventaja que cardó una cuenta que ganaba de 34 puntos. No es una maravilla que él había estado diciendo que el sistema de la desventaja trabajaba bien!!! El subcampeón era Skip (H/ Cap 13) con 32 puntos. El ganador lo más cerca posible del Pin era Gary Baxter, mientras que Bob McCartney ganó el más cercano el Pin (después de 3 tiros). Este mes también, teníamos un premio para las mejores dos cuentas combinadas del stableford en cada grupo y esto fue ganada por Philip Shaw, PBK, Reginaldo y Tigger. El premio final fue ganado de Reg, que conjeturaba correctamente el número total de bolas perdidas en el día en el numero de 37. Reg estuvo satisfecho particularmente para ganar esto mientras que fue mencionado que es era el único premio que él no había ganado previamente!!! El próximo mes, la competición sera por el lunes 8 de junio, entonces llama a Skip para reservar su lugar en 962133126 o 628148939. Saludos cordiales, Tigger

racing in the rain at night under flood lights is nigh impossible, besides that, who takes wet weather tyres to the desert? So the race was postponed and finally got under way on the Monday night. I have to say that it wasn’t the most exciting race I’ve ever seen, Casey Stoner converted his pole into a win, beating Valentino Rossi by over 7 seconds, while 3rd place went to Jorge Lorenzo, 3 seconds behind Rossi, Dani Pedrosa, riding injured, had a close call when he was hit by Alex de Angeliss, but to be fair, not much happened after that. So there you have it - yet another FIRST - possibly the most boring race in history!

pero hacerlo además bajo los focos, es casi imposible. Además, ¿Quien lleva neumáticos para la lluvia al desierto? La carrera fue suspendida y finalmente consiguió celebrarse en la noche de Lunes. Tengo que decir que no fue la carrera más emocionante que haya visto hasta ahora, Casey Stoner convirtió su Pole en un triunfo, batiendo a Valentino Rossi por cerca de 7 segundos, mientras que el tercer puesto fue para Jorge Lorenjas, 3 segundos detrás de Rossi. Dani Pedrosa que pilotaba lesionado, estuvo cerca de caerse cuando fue impactado por Alex de Angelis, pero para ser francos, nada más ocurrió después de eso. Así que aquí lo tiene, algo más original, ¡pero posiblemente la carrera más aburrida de la historia!

MotoGP Calendar 12th April 26th April 3rd May 17th May 31st May 14th June 27th June 5th July 19th July 26th July 16th August 30th August 13th Sept 4th October 18th October 25th October 8th November

Qatar, Losail Japan, Montegi Spain, Jerez France, Le Mans Italy, Mugello Catalunya Holland, Assen USA, Laguna Seca Germany, Sachsenring UK, Donington Park Czech, Brno USA, Indianapolis San Marino, Misano Portugal, Estoril Australia, Philip Island Malaysia, Sepang Valencia, Ricardo Tormo Britchat • 25


I Believe in Angels Creo en los ángeles

ngels have been part of our culture for thousands of years. They are mentioned in holy scriptures of A different religions, and are perceived to be divine beings who

come with messages of help for mankind. Famous works of art show angels as having huge, swan-like wings and a halo of light around them. These angelic beings are around us and are willing to work with us, if only we think to ask for their help. There have been two instances in my life where I have been in danger, and have called for help. One time I felt a presence, and was saved, and on another occasion I was with my sister and a friend, and we actually saw and spoke to our rescuer who vanished into thin air, after he had helped us! I am be no means the only one: there are many books on the subject of angels, ranging from pocket books to huge volumes; all with descriptions of heavenly beings and the ways in which individuals have been helped by them. One source of angelic encounters that I recommend is “The Big Book of Angels” published by Hinkler Books. There are also Angel Cards, which usually come with a helpful booklet, and the cards can be used for guidance or readings. I have spoken with people who have seen angels. A friend’s daughter, aged five once told me she had seen angels but her grandmother did not believe her. She said “Just because Granny can’t see them, it doesn’t mean they are not there!” I would love to hear from anyone

who has seen angels, or been helped by them. Also, if anyone has a question on a spiritual matter, please contact me by e-mail at and I will try to help. Never drive faster than your angels can fly! Trish


os ángeles han sido parte de nuestra cultura por miles de años. Se mencionan en las sagradas es crituras de distintas religiones, y se perciben como los seres divinos que traen mensajes de ayuda para la humanidad. Las más famosas obras de arte muestran a los ángeles con grandes alas de cisne y una aureóla de luz a su alrededor. Estos seres angelicales están alrededor nuestro y están dispuestos a trabajar con nosotros, si tan solo pensamos en pedirles ayuda. Ha habido dos momentos de mi vida donde he estado en peligro y he pedido ayuda. Una vez sentí una presencia y fui salvado. En otra ocasión estando con mi hermana y un amigo, vimos y pudimos hablar con nuestro rescatador antes de que se desvaneciera en el aire tras ayudarnos. Yo no soy el único: hay muchos libros que tratan de los ángeles, extendiéndose desde los libros de bolsillo a los volúmenes grandes; todos con descripciones de los seres divinos y de las maneras mediante las cuales han ayudado a la gente. Una fuente de encuentros angelicales que recomiendo es “el libro grande de los ángeles” publicados por Hinkler. También están las tarjetas del ángel, que vienen generalmente con un librito muy útil, estas tarjetas se pueden usar como consejo y para su interpretación. He hablado con gente que ha visto ángeles. La hija de un amigo, de cinco años, me dijo una vez que los había visto, aunque su abuela no la creyó. Ella dijo: “que mi abuela no sea capaz de verlos no significa que no estén ahí”. Me gustaría saber de cualquier persona que ha visto ángeles, o haya obtenido ayuda de ellos. También, si cualquier persona tiene alguna pregunta sobre cuestiones espirituales, por favor contacte conmigo a través de mi correo , e intentaré ayudarle. ¡Nunca conduzca más rápido de lo que sus ángeles pueden volar! Trish

G2V00101 MONTROY Valencia, Spain 3 Bed/1 Bath Villa. Chalet con 3 Hab/ 2 Baño

G2V000102 MONTSERRAT Valencia, Spain 4 bed 2 bath country villa. 4 Hab/2 Baño

GV00105 MACASTRE Valencia, Spain 3 Bed/2 Bath Country Villa. Chalet con 3 Hab/ 2 Baño

G2V00136 GODELLETA Valencia, Spain 3 Bed/4 Bath Country House. Chalet con 3 Hab/ 4 Baño

G2V00133 TURIS Valencia, Spain 5 Bed/3 Bath Villa on Urbanisation. Chalet con 5 Hab/3Baño en Urbanizacion

G2V00104 GODELLETA Valencia, Spain 3 Bed/3Bath. Country Villa Chalet con 3 Hab/3Baño

G2V00135 TORRENT Valencia, Spain 3 Bed/2 Bath, Country Chalet. Chalet con 3 Hab/ 2 Baño

G2VELALBA MONTSERRAT Valencia, Spain 4bed/2bath, Country Chalet. Chalet con 4 Hab/2Baños


Each number represents a different letters of the alphabet. You already have 3 letter in the control grid to help you start. Now fill all 11, 18 and 25’s with their letters and then try to work out the rest of the letters to complete the puzzle. All words are in english.





SOMETHING TO TICKLE... How To Avoid The Flu!!

1. Eat right! 2. Make sure you get your daily dose of fruits and veggies. 3. Take your vitamins and bump up your vitamin C. 4. Get plenty of exercise because exercise helps build your immune system. Walk for at least an hour a day, go for a swim, take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc. 5. Wash your hands often. If you can’t wash them, keep a bottle of antibacterial stuff around. 6. Get lots of fresh air. Open doors & windows whenever possible. 7. Try to eliminate as much stress from your life as you can. 8. Get plenty of rest. OR Take the doctor’s approach..Think about it... When you go for a flu shot, what do they do first? They clean your arm with alcohol... Why ??? Because Alcohol KILLS GERMS.. So...... I walk to the liquor store. (exercise) I put lime in my lager ...(fruit) Celery in my Bloody Mary (veggies) Drink outdoors on the bar patio.. (fresh air) Tell jokes, laugh....(eliminate stress) Then pass out. (rest) The way I see it... If you keep your alcohol levels up flu germs can’t get you! My grandmother always said... ‘A shot in the glass is better than one in the ass!’ Live Well and Laugh Often !


COMPETITION / CONCURSO Find Mrs Berty / Busca a la Señora Berty

Mrs Berty is hiding somewhere in this magazine. If you find her, send your answer by email to and the first one drawn from the bag at the end of the month will win a prize. La Señora Berty está escondida en algún lugar de la revista. Si le encuentras, envia tu respuesta a y el ganador del sorteo recibirá un regalo al final de mes. Berty was on page 17 in last months issue!!

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ANIMALS / ANIMALES Pgymy goat, 1 year old, good at keeping the grass down 80 euros Tel: 634038288 Montroy

WANTED Exercise Rowing Machine. Tel: 962129508 / 679701179 Baby Items wanted - Cot, Playpen & Highchair. In good condition. Please call Amanda on 625 819 734 Montserrat Small microwave. 625 819 734 Montserrat Adjustable Dog Gate to fit in the back of Car. Please ring Helen 610007773. Villamarchante

The complete source of information for residents of and visitors to Valencia.

Baby rocker chair 20 euros - electric steam bottle steriliser 20 euros and baby walker 20 euros all in vgc. Also boys baby clothes 0/9 months next, mothercare, top brand names. Tel: 634038288 Montroy Reja, security door. Box tube with scrolls, and lock + plus frame. Black. Size 203mm h x 107mm w. Cost 550 euros will accept 300 euros o.n.o. Turis area. Tel: 962128199 Renault Scenic 1.9 TD, 1997. English R/LH/D Needs cylinder head. Spares or repair. 200 euros o.n.o. Turis area Tel: 962128199 Unwanted gift ladies Torque bracelet, 9ct solid gold, 18 grams, excellent price and investment 180€ Tel: 654436829 or 960802529 Montroy Fancy Iron framed Bedstead 2m x 1.4m (6.5ft x 5ft approx) latted base, brass finals €50 - Pine based double Futon + mattress, use as bed or sofa €40 - Two Pine bedside tables with one drawer €15 the pair or €8 each - Strong Metal Shelfing for garage or workshop 5 shelves, 6ft high, 4 sets, €10 each - Two pine effect wardrobes full length hanging €50 each phone 658596175 Volvo 850.2.5 1996 purple, 7 seats, air con, tow bar, MOT 600 euros ono. Contact Gerry 655126247 (Pedralba)

Moped 50 cc only 425 km on clock, lady owner, silver, great condition, 975.00€ + two wood burning stoves, 950.00€ the pair. Hiper Riego - Rolls Royce of stoves, all chiminea tubes incl., 500€ 2nd stove, 275€, all chiminea tubing also incl. Tel; 675 409 185 - can deliver! P Reg Vauxhall Vectra Estate with tax and mot Bargain 500 euros. Tel 962998087 Montserrat Ford Transit White Semi Hi Top Van, Turbo Diesel, LHD, A/C, E/W, C/L, Alarm, PAS, ABS, Extra Seats in Rear, Sliding Side Doors, 135,000 KM, New ITV, 5 Years Old, VGC, 6200 Euros Tel: 627 699 467 Lliria Area Petrol rotovator, hardly used with instruction manual 95€ Tel:645609656 (Turís) Pet Transporter medium size 35€ - Gas Heater with Gas Bottle and Adapter 50€ Montroy Area Tel: 962129471 Wooden Patio tables, benches, coffee tables. Hand made from weathered pine. Very solid. From 30€ to 90€. Tel. 600 332 876. Chiva area. 115 Acrow Props, can deliver locally 2€ each. They cost 10.95 each in Bricoman. Tel 639519597 Pedralba area

Toyota Land Cruiser 2.5D Turbo, 92 Spanish car with complee new a/c. High mileage but reliable and ITV. Proper off- road vehicle/workhorse. First offer over 2,000€ accepted. Call 96 212 7032 (Please leave a message)

15 Lintels 3 metres long can deliver locally 10€ each.Tel 639519597 Pedralba area

Metal Saw Horse for cutting large logs. 20 euros Telephone 692371939

Teba white electric Freezer can deliver locally 4 pull out drawers. Dimensions 85x51x55 cm excellent condition 45€. Tel 639519597 Pedralba area

Cream coping slabs for swimming pool. and 4 corners, brand new, surplus to requirements. 50 x25 x 5. Cost 328 euros. Offers. - Swimming pool steps, 3 tread. Second hand. Offers. Telephone 962126860 or 677372245


Cast Iron wood/coal burner double doors in good condition. 200euros. Tel No 962127181. Mobile 651521822. Turis

Electric Hedge trimmer. RYOBI 700R with 55cm blade. Retail price about 140 euros. Brand new, still in sealed box 65euros. - Half round roof tiles. Circa 250, recently lifted. Offers please. Tel: 962129478 Montserrat area

Peugeot 307 SW (HDi 110) Diesel Estate 2007, Metallic Silver, 6 Seats (provision for 7) Tow Bar fitted, FSH peugeot dealer (with receipts) 4 Brand new tyres fitted March 09, 40,000 kms, excellent condition. ONLY 11,500.00 EUROS. Tel: 961602575

Hoover Sensor Washer/dryer combined machine can deliver locally excellent condition 150€. Tel 639519597 Pedralba area

Pallets for firewood or other use 1€ each. Tel 639519597 Pedralba area 2 pallets of breeze blocks. Make us an offer !! Tel 639519597. Pedralba area

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