Fall 2009

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In Select Locations i n A lb e r t a & B C $ 4 . 5 0 E l s e w h ere



Body, Mind, Soul

‘The only guide for holistic healing in the Peace Country Region’

Fall 2009 - Issue 11

Yoga for


Beyond Cancer U of C research stretches beyond the lab, into Grande Prairie

ALSO INSIDE: Animal guides Which ones call to you?

Issue in the tissue

The art of emotional release

Empower Yourself

Learn how to ‘Follow your heart’

Detoxify or Die Book Review Display until December 2009

Body, Mind, Soul


‘The only guide for holistic healing in the Peace Country Region’

Synergy Fall 2009 3 Organic or Not

by Susan Picard When to choose organic produce for your family

5 Book Review by Henry See Detoxify or Die

7 Craniosacral Therapy

9 Yoga for Wellness

by Sheryl Walters, Holistic Pracitioner Works for Plagiocephaly

9 Yoga for Wellness - Beyond Cancer

by Candace McKim, Yoga Instructor U of C research stretches beyond the lab, into Grande Prairie

15 Ask a Healer

10 Empower Yourself - Part 1

by Roberta Brunin, Firewalk Instructor Follow your heart

11 Animal guides

by Karen Coogan, Spiritual Communication Specialist Which one calls to you?

12 Acid Indigestion

by Michelle Golany, Natural Health Pracitioner Cure and Prevention . . . Naturally

15 Ask a Healer

by Tanis McRae, Intuitive Healer Physical issues and emotional connections

10 Follow Your Heart

3 Organic or Not?

16 Issue in the tissue

by Karen Matheson, Holistic Practitioner The art of emotional release

19 Colon Hydrotherapy

by Wendy Davis, Certified Colon Hydrotherapist The key to a vibrant life

22 Guided Directory - More Categories! 26 Guided Events 28 Guided Poetry

by Carolyn Beaudoin, Intuitive Healer Within

Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine



Synergy FALL 2009

to Guided Synergy Magazine



Linda Warwick

Assistant Editor Christine Caskey


Karen Coogan, Tanis McRae, Roberta Brunin, Candace McKim, Sheryl Walters, Karen Matheson, Susan Picard, Wendy Davis, Henry See, Michele Golany, Carolyn Beaudoin

Graphic Designers

Sheri Hulan: designer@guidedsynergy.ca Serena Jobson designer2@guidedsnyergy.ca


Sheri Hulan

Subscriptions: subscriptions@guidedsynergy.ca Advertising: sales@guidedsynergy.ca Article Submission: editor@guidedsynergy.ca Guided Synergy Magazine is a free publication in select locations. The opinions expressed in this magazine are made solely by the article authors and advertisers and are not necessarily those of Guided Synergy Magazine. Our readers are health conscious individuals living a wholistic lifestyle who seek to optimize the wellbeing of body, mind & spirit in their individual lives and who, through personal practice and commitment, make a contribution to their communities. We distribute to health and wellness centers, health facilities, universities and colleges, coffee shops, cafes, recreational and cultural centers, clinics, libraries, bookstores and health food stores.

Guided Synergy Magazine C/O Linda Warwick, Editor 6410 98A Street Grande Prairie, AB T8W 2M9 780.538.3150

www.guidedsynergy.ca On The Cover Photograph of a sunset taken by Linda Warwick while visiting the Laflamme family at their cabin near the

community of Joussard on Slave Lake, AB.

2 Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine


id you ever wonder what the word Synergy actually means? Synergy (from the Greek syn-ergos, meaning working together) simply defined, it means that the whole is greater than the individual parts. The history of this publication is a testament to teamwork, which is probably why the name of this magazine makes so much sense. Although Guided Synergy is now approaching its 5th year of publication, this is my first official publication as the Editor. My father passed away in June a few short days after I had acquired Guided Synergy and began working on putting the pieces of this Fall 2009 issue together. Truly, I am grateful for all the individual parts that have come together to create this most spectacular issue of Guided Synergy Magazine, the only guide for holistic healing in the Peace Country Region. My expectations for this issue have undoubtedly been met and I am so excited to share the information with our readers. ‘Empower yourself’, the first article in a three part series written by Roberta Brunin, tells us to listen to our intuition and follow our hearts. ‘Yoga for Wellness - Beyond Cancer,’ submitted by Candace McKim provides us with a sense of hope and strength in the fight against cancer. Karen Coogan shows us how animal guides can offer assistance on the soul’s evolutionary journey. When trying to connect with your animal guide, she tells us to be aware of the animals that are around you – both the ones you love and especially the ones you fear.

With the cool breeze approaching this northern city I call home and the warmth of the colors that follow, I am looking very forward to my most favorite season . . . fall.

For me, the one animal I have always been afraid of is the snake. When I conducted my research on snake to learn more, it was revealed that snake is telling me to shed the old skin and let my new inner skin begin to develop, allowing myself to grow into a higher spiritual energy. I decided I can live with that and that I am ready to embrace this new layer.

With the cool breeze approaching this northern city I call home and the warmth of the colors that follow, I am looking very forward to my most favorite season . . . Fall. Autumn Equinox falls on September 21 – International Day of Peace. The sun also moves into the astrological sign of Libra, which just happens to be my sun sign. In our family, fall brings several birthday celebrations and of course a true harvest feast at Thanksgiving shared with family and friends. Autumn is also a time of transformation and celebration. As you embrace the new season, I hope all that is new and all that is the same about Guided Synergy add up to give you value where you most need it. Whether you have been a reader from the inception of this magazine or have come to us for the first time, we hope you have been enlightened with the information that has been presented. “Through celebrations in their seasons are the deeper powers of human nature realized.” - Rudolph Steiner Linda Warwick Editor

Organic or Not?

When to choose organic produce for your family


griculture in the 20th century has gone through massive changes under the assumption that in utilizing an industrial model of agriculture we can and need to produce more food in a more efficient manner. In the 1930’s and 40’s high volume, inexpensive, synthetic fertilizers began to be used extensively, with chemical pesticides introduced in the late 1940’s. In the 1980’s, genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) were introduced into the food chain. GMO’s are predominantly plants that have been modified in the laboratory by plant geneticists who isolate various genes and then introduce them into other species.

The goal is to create new plants that are more resistant to drought, disease, temperature and even herbicides. Monsanto’s for example has created plants that are “Round Up” ready meaning farmers can grow these plants and then use “Round Up” on them and not worry about killing the plant, only the other weeds in the field. Genes have also been altered to enhance proteins in crops like soy and the “anti-freeze” gene from cold water fish has been introduced into tobacco and potato plants to combat early frost. In the late 1980’s growth hormones were introduced to enhance growth and production of various kinds of livestock as factory farms began dotting the landscape. Traditional “organic” farmers have resisted using all these forms of agricultural production in favor crop rotation, green manure, composting and biological pest control. They have allowed their animals to range free and eat food that is natural to their diet and grow without the assistance of hormones.

“Organic agriculture is a production system that

sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality of life for all involved.” —International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements

In the latter part of the 20th century, people became aware of the environmental impact of industrial farming and concerned about the possible health implications of growth hormones and GMO’s. The demand for organic products grew, allowing many small organic farmers to fetch a premium price for their products. As others began to see the profitability of becoming organic, the need for regulations emerged to insure that consumers were indeed receiving “organic” products and the assurance that the foods they were purchasing were in fact grown in these traditional manners. Since then, much consumer confidence has been lost in the term “organic” as these regulatory bodies respond to large agri-businesses wanting to capitalize on a growing consumer trend. What is the issue? Choosing organics or not choosing organics is not simply making a choice about what is safe and healthy for us to eat. It is an environmental choice that asks the consumer to decide what it means to care for the land and animals that feed us. It is an economic choice that asks us to consider the “real cost” of the food we buy and who owns the “rights” to grow it. It is a political choice that demands we think about the best way to feed a hungry world. And finally, it becomes an issue of choosing who we can trust to grow the best possible food for our family. In the Peace Country Region, we are fortunate to have many farmers dedicated to growing food. Some are certified organic and others are not. Some service a local market while others ship their agricultural products internationally. Go meet your farmer. Find out how they are growing your food. If they are certified organic, find out what body has certified them. Do your own research and then decide how you are going to vote with your money. Susan Picard of Grande Prairie, AB submitted this article on behalf of the GP Farmers Market. Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine


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4 Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine

Book Review “Detoxify or Die”

Written by Sherry Rogers, M.D., ISBN: 1-887202-04-8, Sand Key.


e live in a toxic world. Everything from the air we breathe, the water we drink and bathe in, the clothes we wear, the buildings we inhabit, and, of course, the food we eat, is filled with toxins. Is it any wonder that we see a rising incidence of cancer and nervous and neurological disorders? Your body has all it needs to heal itself. Unfortunately, these natural processes are blocked when our bodies become repositories of toxic waste, affecting not only our health, but also our emotional life and our ability to think clearly. The question is, what to do about it?

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That is the question that Sherry Rogers addresses in her excellent book Detoxify or Die. Rogers is a doctor who has been studying this issue for decades. She has written several other books on different aspects of the question. Detoxify or Die is the book that ties it all together. Rogers begins by providing evidence about the toxins that surround us in the environment, from foods wrapped in plastic at the supermarket and stored in plastic when we get them home, and then cooked in aluminum. Even babies begin receiving their share of these poisons while still in the womb, only to continue to stockpile them as toxins from the environment taint even mother’s milk. We start off on the wrong foot from before birth, and it only gets worse. Much of Detoxify or Die is a discussion of how various toxins affect the body and create the conditions for disease and neurological disorders, with suggestions on the supplements one can take to counter the effects. These toxins accumulate over the years because the body cannot rid itself of them alone. We need to step in and give it a hand. Detoxification is a two-step process: gathering the toxins together into spots in the body where they can be eliminated and, then, actually getting them out of the body. Rogers recommends a three-pronged attack. The first is a cocktail of vitamin and supplements that work to gather the heavy metals out of the system and then to flush them out through your urine, feces, and sweat. The second stage is regular coffee enemas to ensure that your gut gets cleaned. Autopsies of many people in North America show that their digestive systems have broken down and stopped working to eliminate the body’s waste. Many ‘beer bellies’ are made up of much more than fat; they can also come from kilos of retained waste that stagnate in the intestines. Rogers’ third suggestion is regular use of an infrared sauna. Not only does the infrared sauna flush out toxins through the sweat, but also the infrared rays can provoke deep healing throughout your body. Rogers outlines the role each of the supplements she suggests in ridding your system of its unwanted pollutants. With the powers that be currently attempting to whip up hysteria over the swine flu, the best way to remain healthy is to let your body do its work unhindered. A good detox program will go a long way towards that goal, and is much safer, as I see it, than the vaccines they are seeking to make mandatory. This book review has been submitted by Henry See, who comes from a family of book worms. He runs Retro Relics, a safe haven for bibliophiles in Fort St. John. He can be reached at retrofsj@telus.net. Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine


6 Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine

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Craniosacral Therapy

Works for Plagiocephaly


lagiocephaly, or flat head syndrome, is a deformation of the head due to an infant’s skull being flattened as a result of pressure from outside forces. Because of the “Back to Sleep” campaign (a campaign encouraging parents to lay their baby on his or her back to decrease the risk of SIDS) there has been an increase in the number of infants with plagiocephaly. Torticollis (head tilt) or incorrect womb positioning can also cause plagiocephaly. The most common treatment for plagiocephaly is having the baby wear a helmet that helps to reshape the baby’s head. A more conservative and very effective option before helmeting is craniosacral therapy (CST). Craniosacral therapy is a very gentle practice that evaluates and corrects problems with the craniosacral system, which is made up of the skull, the sacrum, and the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that protect the brain and spinal cord. John Upledger, an osteopathic physician, discovered the craniosacral system and its importance after observing rhythmic motions of cranial bones during a neck surgery he was assisting in. Based on research throughout the 1970’s and 1980’s, CST was developed as an effective way to eliminate restrictions in the craniosacral system. Numerous conditions, such as migraines, autism, and colic, can be helped with the use of CST. Because CST promotes optimal shape, size, and movement of the plates of the skull it is very effective in the treatment of plagiocephaly. Using a light touch (about five grams, or less than the weight of a nickel), CST practitioners work to gently mold the plates of the skull to a proper alignment with symmetric rate and rhythm. Because the sutures of the skull are still very malleable in infants, the plates of the skull are quite responsive to this therapy. CST can be used in conjunction with other therapies, especially in the case of torticollis where muscle imbalances need to be addressed. If left untreated, plagiocephaly can lead to permanent deformations of the skull and facial features. In addition, TMJ dysfunction can occur as well as speech or vision problems. Because the skull begins to harden around the age of one year it is important that CST and/ or helmet therapy is started as soon as possible. Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, safe, and effective treatment for plagiocephaly. Because the use of a helmet can be difficult for both babies and parents many parents are turning to this conservative option before having their baby be fitted for a cranial helmet. Sources: •

Plagiocephaly in Infants (http://infant-toddler-health. suite1.)

Shaping the Heads of the Future: Natural Options for Plagiocephaly (http://craniosacralinstitute.com/im...)

Upledger Institute (http://upledger.com)

This article was written by Sheryl Walters, a Kinesiologist, Nutritionist and Holistic Practitioner. Her website www.younglivingguide. com provides the latest research on preventing disease, looking naturally gorgeous, and feeling emotionally and physically fabulous.

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8 Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine

Yoga for Wellness - Beyond Cancer U of C research stretches beyond the lab, into Grande Prairie


positive cancer diagnosis ushers in chronic fear, anxiety and uncertainty. Even those armed with trust in the medical field, good information, and strong determination soon realise they have very little control over their bodies or schedule. Because of the intense pressure faced by people with cancer regardless of their stage or treatment path, medical professionals consider every person a cancer survivor from the moment they are diagnosed. Yoga can help those survivors. Like all exercise, yoga helps combat the fatigue experienced at all stages of the illness, and exercise increases endorphins that generally help make you feel better. In 2002, Dr. Nicole Culos-Reed, Associate Professor of Kinesiology, and Kinesiologist and Yoga Instructor Susi Hately Aldous took this basic premise and began to study the benefits of therapeutic yoga for cancer survivors at the University of Calgary. Participants in their research benefited from increased strength and energy levels, and an enhanced range of motion. Survivors also testified to feeling generally calmer, with a considerable decrease in stress and anxiety. Significantly, the men and women involved found that the bonds formed within the group itself built a sense of community. Survivors found they were no longer ‘the person with cancer’ and were instead becoming a friend, a coffee buddy, and a member of a group. Fueled by the fantastic results experienced in Calgary, Hately Aldous designed a program called Yoga for Cancer Survivors, which applies to all types and all stages of cancer. The program teaches individual yoga instructors a specific progression of stretches and postures proven to increase mobility, energy, and mood in cancer survivors. The instructors in turn bring those skills back to their communities. Anyone who has just been diagnosed with cancer, is going through treatment or is post-treatment can bring one support person with them to class. Classes ensure individuals stay safe and comfortable. The skills taught through yoga reduce stress for both the survivor and support person, and allow both to enjoy a higher quality of life. The seven-week program is based on Hatha yoga, but has been modified to accommodate those that are particularly stiff, sick, or under stress. It is also designed to be accessible to anyone, even if they have no previous yoga experience. The program begins with gentle postures that release tension stored in the body, and allow the mind to rest while encouraging awareness. Instructors are experienced in modifying all the postures so that the student will feel comfortable and will only do what they are physically able to do on that particular day. Survivors in the midst of treatment are free, should they be having a difficult day, to simply lie down. Many survivors are plagued by side effects such as fatigue and anxiety for years after treatment. Each class incorporates breathing, relaxation and mindfulness techniques. These techniques equip survivors with additional tools to use outside the yoga studio, be it during treatment, post-treatment or when dealing with side effects. The ultimate goal of the program is to help participants move from a state of merely surviving to actually thriving. Canadian Cancer Society research found that the five-year relative survival rate improved by 4.5% for all cancers combined between the period of 1992-94 and 2002-04. (The five-year relative cancer survival rate tracks the likelihood a cancer patient will be alive five years after their date of diagnoses as compared to members of the overall population.) Research also stated, based on current incidence rates, that 40% of women and 45% of men will develop cancer in their lifetime.

Candace McKim, Certified Yoga Instructor and Certified Yoga for Cancer Instructor practices Warrior 2 at her studio in the GP Gymniks Facility

As the survival rate for many cancers continues to grow, demand for programs like these has grown as well. The program has been running successfully in Calgary since 2002, and is now expanding into rural Alberta, across Canada and into the United States. Alberta communities that are served by trained instructors include five cities (Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, and St. Albert) and smaller towns such as Jasper, Cochrane, and, Canmore. Now, we can add Grande Prairie to that list. The Yoga for Cancer Survivors methodology has found its way to the Peace Country Region through Yoga Instructor and Life Coach Candace McKim, who recently received certification in the program. Candace has extensive experience with various styles of yoga and is now delighted to be offering this new seven-week program beginning on September 14. The class, like its predecessors across Alberta and Canada, is open to any person, male or female, who has been diagnosed with cancer and one of their support persons. Likewise, students may be in pre-treatment, in treatment, or post-treatment. All survivors are welcome. Article submitted by Candace McKim, Yoga Instructor, Life Coach and owner of GP Yoga Zone, Grande Prairie, AB Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine


Empower Yourself - Part 1

Follow Your Heart W

hat does follow your heart mean? Simply put, it means when you get an intuitive urge or feeling to do something you will enjoy (or not do something you will hate), do it! The easiest way to describe “Follow Your Heart” is by giving you an example and then I will break it down so it will be easy to comprehend and you will easily be able to apply the process. After my divorce I wanted to buy my own home I looked at houses and decided which one I wanted, even though I had no money to purchase it. I had chosen a seven bedroom, three bathrooms home because my intent was to rent rooms to pay the mortgage and also provide income to help support my daughter and myself. I did not have the $20,000.00 down payment the bank wanted, and I was only making $6.00 an hour because I had been out of the work force for 13 years. I didn’t know where the money would come from. All I knew was I didn’t have the money and I didn’t have enough time to earn it, because I wanted the house now. I got on the phone and started phoning relatives; asking aunts and uncles, “Can I borrow $20,000.00? I’ll pay you back. I’ll sign a promissory note at a lawyer.” I had just finished talking to the eighth relative and, after being rejected that many times, I was feeling quite sad and depressed. While I was looking at my list of numbers to call, the phone rang. it was an aunt phoning to ask how I was and what I was up to. I told her, “I’ve been phoning relatives to try and borrow $20,000.00 so I can buy this home.” I told her about my ideas for renting rooms. By the time I hung up, this marvellous aunt said, “A cheque will be on its way to you in the morning.” I was in tears of gratitude! I was so exhilarated at my success and I got my house within 2 months. This very simple process clearly defines how I followed my heart and I will explain clearly what went on; I felt it was time to own my own place, I felt it would be good to have renters to pay the mortgage, I felt it was a good idea to phone relatives. Following your heart is listening to the intuitive guidance, the gut feeling we get or simply

10 Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine

the FEELING of what we truly desire in our lives. What feels good to you? 1-DECISION - I decided to “Follow my heart. “ I wanted my own home and I also decided what I wanted the home for- to earn income to help pay the mortgage and live in with my daughter. 2- ACTION - I took action and had a realtor take me to see houses. The first house I looked at was the one I bought. Even though the realtor insisted I look at other houses, I did not want to. This let the universe understand I was serious and 100% committed to my decision. 3-LISTEN – I listened to my intuition and then acted on the feelings I was getting in the order I got them; looked at houses first then found the money. Most people think they need the money first. 4-ALLOW - Be open to the opportunities that arrive; what if I did not have the courage to tell my aunt what I was doing, after all her name was not on my list. 5-STAY OUT OF YOUR HEAD - This is a vitally important aspect of following your heart, because as soon as you allow your head to get in the way of your heart, it can quickly sabotage your desire. You will easily recognize when you are in your head as it will nag you with all the reasons why you can’t have your dream; “Where will you get the money? Who would trust you with that? What if you can’t find good renters?” This is great because, guaranteed, the head is in direct conflict with the heart and this is how you understand your heart is trying to be heard. 6-GRATITUDE – Recognize the results, notice what you have received, enjoy the outcome, and be grateful. Say, “Thank you, more please.” Following your heart is very simple, keep it that way. Roberta Brunin is a Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Fire Walk Instructor and is the owner of Power Strategies for Life since 1999. rabrunin@hotmail.com Part 2 and 3 of this Empower Yourself Series will follow in the Winter 2010 and Spring/Summer 2010 issues of Guided Synergy Magazine.

Animal guides Which one calls to you? O

ne of the questions frequently asked is, “Do I have an animal guide?” If you are aware enough to ask this question, it means that you do. As cohabitants on Earth, any creature big or small may be working with you. If you have pets you already have a physical connection with an animal guide or presence, but don’t let this limit you. Visible bodies are symbols through which invisible forces work. Each creature has an archetypal energy that, when you learn to decipher it, will be of assistance on your soul’s evolutionary journey. For instance, the key words for the spiritual energy of the dog are one of loyalty and protection; a cat is independence and discernment, and a horse one of travel, power and freedom. These, of course, are generalizations based on the study of the characteristics of each species. Always determine what this animal means to you first, then seek assistance or affirmation from other sources if needed. There are many books dealing with this subject and I would recommend “Animal Speak” by Ted Andrews. Each has a message. I had an unreasonable fear of mice. When I learned that a mouse reminds one to pay attention to details, I related that to my tendency to daydream. Creative imagination serves me well, but when a mouse shows up, the fear is now replaced with understanding - get grounded and pay attention. Whenever I see a deer, I am reminded to be gentle in all that I do. A butterfly speaks of transition and change. The hawk was the first animal to reveal itself as my totem. It came to me in a lucid dream while I was camping by the Kakwa

River south of Grande Prairie, AB. According to ‘Animal Speaks,’ the keynote energy is one of visionary power and guardianship. This is only part of what a hawk means to me, for it is a reminder of connection to my ancestors, to all who have come before me, and to the gods and goddesses. About four years ago I embraced the swan as a symbol for my business, accepting the significant impact that the energy of the swan has had in my life. I identify with the archetypal story of the ugly duckling, understanding the importance of seeing and appreciating the beauty of my individuality. For me, the swan is a symbol of purity, grace, and beauty. It is the bearer of souls to heaven, and a symbol of Christ Consciousness, helping me to realize the perfection of my own imperfection. The Trumpeter serves as a reminder to use my voice, express my thoughts and feelings without fear of what others may think. Trumpeter Swans are known to mate for life. The significance of this is expressed in the commitment to my life mate and partner, Brian, as we celebrated 35 years of marriage this year. There are many ways of connecting with your animal guide or totem: vision quests, shamanic journeys, animal oracle cards, or meditation to name a few. The following is a simple guided meditation that may be of assistance on your journey of discovery. The most important things are: set your intentions to connect; relax; let your imagination do the work; be open to receive. Close your eyes. Breathe in deeply, and with your out breathe, relax and release any tension you may be feeling. Continue to focus on your breath, until you feel relaxed and calm. Imagine you are in a field of green grass. The sun is high in the sky, warming you. A gentle breeze is caressing you. Let your feet connect with the earth. Be aware of a forest trail ahead of you. Begin to move forward, down this trail. The sun is dappled on the ground and the trail is broad and open. You move through the trees easily and you become aware of a gradual incline. You climb a small hill and at the top, the trail opens up into a small, grassy meadow. The trees encircle this sacred space. As you move into the middle of this meadow, a special feeling of safety and security envelops you. Feel the lush grass. Breathe deeply, comfortably, enjoying the sense of peace within this beautiful meadow. Now, as you expand your awareness, become aware of another presence; your animal guide. Standing before you, or peeking out from behind a tree, wherever it chooses to reveal itself, just relax and allow. There may be more than one, or you may not be aware of anything at all. Be patient and open. Your guide may be giving you information through any of your senses: smell, vision, touch, taste or knowing. Trust that what you find here is perfect and right. Welcome the communion that is taking place... Allow your heart to fill with gratitude for what you are receiving. Let your gratitude fill the sacred circle. Feel it settle into the earth. With this gifting back, the circle of giving and receiving is complete. You will now be able to rise, move to the opening and follow the path back the way you came. You may still be able to sense your guide; they are with you regardless. As the wooded path opens up into the field once again, you will become aware of your feet upon the ground, be conscious of your breathing and your surroundings. Your journey is complete. Karen Coogan, a Spiritual Comunication Specialist and the author of this article, is a regular contributor of Guided Synergy Magazine. Karen is now residing in Penticton, BC

Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine


Acid Indigestion

Cure and prevention . . . naturally What is Indigestion?

When the body has difficulty breaking down and assimilating foods after a meal the result can be indigestion. Symptoms can include heartburn, which usually accompanies indigestion, a burning sensation in the stomach, bloating, belching, gas, flatulence, poor appetite, nausea, a feeling of heaviness long after a meal, chronic bowel irritation, diarrhea, constipation, and rumbling noises.

What Causes Indigestion? The causes of indigestion are mostly due to the types of foods eaten and poor eating habits. Foods that are refined and processed will stress the digestive organs and wear them out. Too many fats, especially saturated fats, slow down digestion. Too much alcohol, coffee, and spicy foods causes over acidity in the stomach. Potential problem causers include: •

Eating too fast and not chewing adequately

Eating when stressed

Eating refined and processed foods

Eating too many fats, especially saturated

(Deep-fried foods)

Too much alcohol, coffee, spicy foods

Poor food combinations

Excessive use of raw foods


Imbalances in bile, stomach acids and enzymes


Digestive Aids Hydrochloric acid, enzymes, and bile play very important roles in digestion. If any of these are lacking, digestive disturbances can occur and digestion will be incomplete. Digestive enzymes are crucial for complete digestion and can be taken before meals (1-2 capsules three times daily).

grains, however, then it may be necessary to consume milled or partially milled grains. It’s important to eat according to what you can digest and assimilate. Protein, which includes animal protein, tofu, tempeh, and beans, should comprise 20%-30% of the diet. Beans should be eaten in smaller portions, as they contain high amounts of carbohydrates. Tofu and tempeh, which are vegetable proteins, should be consumed in larger volumes to equal an appropriate amount of animal protein. Seasonal vegetables should make up 30-40% of the diet. They should be fresh and locally grown whenever possible. Vegetables supply important vitamins and minerals, and are important for the process of elimination, which is the removal of waste and toxins. Elimination is essential for health. Vegetables that are high in essential minerals and vitamins include the seaweeds like kelp, dulse, hiziki, Irish moss, wakame and arame. Foods that should be consumed in smaller portions, or eliminated entirely, depending on your condition, are fruits, red meat, and milk. Dairy, eggs and fruits should make up about 5%-10% of the diet, and fats and oils, including olive and sesame oils, should make up 2% of the diet. Fruits should be consumed according to their natural cycle in each season. More than any other food, fruits can alter our blood chemistry, helping us to better adjust to the seasons and climates that we live in. Fruits should also be fresh and locally grown whenever possible. Imported fruits from warmer climates that are over-consumed by people who live in northern, colder climates tend to cause imbalances.

Proteins Protein is very important in the diet as it is required for repair of damaged tissues and cells, since these normally break down, and to stimulate and maintain the body’s metabolism. With a higher metabolism comes stimulation to all the organ systems, including the digestive tract. Higher protein consumption results in the release of the hormone glucagons from the liver, which causes the body to burn fat stores. This, in turn, leads to balanced blood sugar, more energy, and weight loss. (See paragraph on protein under Diet, above).


A decrease in beneficial intestinal bacteria will also result in poor digestion. A decrease may be the result of antibiotic use. Intestinal bacteria can be re-established with acidophilus supplements to aid digestion (3 capsules or 1 tsp. daily).

Fats play a significant role in our health and our digestion. Saturated fats from deep-fried and fast foods slow down digestion. Fat digestion is supported by essential fatty acids found in unrefined, cold-pressed oils like walnut, pumpkin, and flax seed oil.

If stomach acid is deficient, taking betaine hydrochloride (HCl) (3 capsules three times daily) will replace stomach acid. The dosage should be reduced if there is a slight burning feeling.

These fats, taken in moderation, actually aid in the burning of stored fat and are essential for the absorption of certain vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, E, and K. 15%-30% of our calories should come from essential fatty acids.

Lactase can be used if digesting milk products is a problem (take as recommended on label), and lecithin (1-3 tbsp. three times daily) can be used if fats and oils are not tolerated very well.

Diet Diet is another crucial part of health that is often overlooked. 20%30% of the diet should be comprised of whole grains and protein. Whole grains have not been refined, milled, and are not flour products. Whole grains contain dietary fibre, which slows down absorption, thereby preventing over-stimulation of the pancreas. The benefit of this is that your body is less likely to store the carbohydrates as fat. This is due to the slower absorption rate, which prevents overstimulation of the pancreas. If you have a problem digesting whole 12 Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine

Vitamins Vitamins are important to health, but we do not necessarily need vitamin supplements in our diets to maintain health if our diet is properly balanced. Mostly, deficiencies stem from a deficient physical metabolism as opposed to a particular nutrient missing from our food. To obtain vitamins and minerals from our food it is important that we first eat whole foods. While steaming or cooking food destroys a small amount of vitamins, cooking enhances the body’s ability to absorb nutrients.

Herbs Common kitchen herbs and spices that most of us have on our shelves also have medicinal uses. Most herbal spices are carminatives, which means that they prevent and relieve gas. They are also stimulants and aids to digestion. Many of these herbs can be added to foods not only to make them taste better, but to help control indigestion. Sweet basil can be used for indigestion as a tea made with one ounce basil leaves to a pint of water. Caraway is an excellent digestive aid and can be taken for indigestion, gas, and colic. Using an ounce of the crushed seed, make a pint of infusion by using boiled water and steep twenty minutes, or leave the seeds to stand in cold water overnight.

Michelle Golany

• Natural Health Practitioner • NES© Practitioner • Family Herbalist • Reiki/2nd Degree • Registered Massage Therapist

“Taking care of you... Naturally”

Cayenne can be taken as a daily tonic to prevent indigestion. Onequarter teaspoon, three times daily. Cinnamon is very effective for indigestion. Just simmer in milk and take with a little honey. Rosemary is also useful for indigestion taken as a tea. Add onehalf ounce rosemary to a pint of boiled water. Steep ten minutes, covered. The most important herbs for providing vitamins are Parsley leaves, Dandelion and Alfalfa. These can most easily be taken as a tea or added into our foods. To take as a tea, add 1 tsp. herb to 1 cup boiled water and allow to steep for 10 minutes. Strain and drink. Honey may be added, if desired. It’s best to use organically grown herbs whenever possible. These tend to have more vitamins and minerals and do not contain chemical contaminants.

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Conclusion In conclusion, we can see that handling, controlling, and finally overcoming acid indigestion is a change of lifestyle. This change can be a very rewarding one as a person will feel and be healthier overall. As a person begins to feel regain health it can affect our attitudes and emotions in a positive way as well, which can improve life in ways we maybe never knew possible. We hope this information is helpful to you and wish you good luck in your journey towards better health! Sources: Tierra, Michael, L.Ac., O.M.D. (1998). The way of herbs. New York: Pocket Books, Gursche, Siegfried, MH, & Rona, Zoltan, MD, MSc (1997). Encyclopedia of natural healing. Blaine, WA: Natural Life Publishing, Inc. & Burnaby, BC: Alive Publishing Inc., Balch, Phyllis A., CNC (2000). Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 3rd edition. New York: Avery Michelle Golany is a Natural Health Practicioner, Family Herbalist and Registered Massage Therapist and owner of the Trinity Natural Health and Wellness Centre in High Prairie, AB For more information on the above article contact her at 780-523-0053 or email her at trinitynatural@live.ca Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine


14 Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine

Physical issues and emotional connections Question

Ask a Healer


y cousin has had many complications with her health surrounding her entire reproductive system. She suffered

endometriosis from the time she was a teenager until she was in her early 30’s when she had a complete hysterectomy. She did manage to have one child through all of this. Her marriage fell apart and ended in divorce shortly after her hysterectomy. I have heard that all disease has an emotional charge or root. Was her stressed relationship part of the root cause of her troubles? What emotion causes issues with the ovaries, uterus and other reproductive organs? LS, Grande Prairie, AB

Answer I

t sounds like a lot of things are going on with your cousin – most of these originate in the second chakra called the sacral chakra. This is the chakra that represents creativity, sexuality, emotions and desires, which develop between the ages of 7 and 14. It is in this time that comments from friends, family and teachers can truly cut us to the quick – it is not so much what they say that hurts but what we already believe about ourselves that causes so much emotional trauma. You might ask her what happened in those years that made her feel like an outsider or just not important? With the severity of her body’s response, I would suggest that it was a significant event or experience for her. If she can identify an incident or incidents that shifted her way of being in this time period she may find the root cause of her initial problems in this area. You may also suggest that she examine how she may be blaming others or her body for her pain and circumstances. Tell her to look into her heart and memories, and ask why and when she started to feel so unlovable. It is important as she reviews the possible emotional causes, that she listen very carefully to how her body and emotional being responds to the messages. More feeling around a word or a group of words means that we have identified a possible trigger. Louise Hay’s book ‘You Can Heal Your Life,’ would be a great resource for her to begin her healing journey. Have her open the book at random and do an exercise or read the message on that page. It is my hope that she will see how it corresponds to her life experiences. Another of Louise Hay’s books, ‘Heal Your Body’, suggests the possible causes are insecurity, disappointment and frustration. Replacing self-love with sugar. Blamers. In the book ‘Messages from the Body’, Narayan Singh suggests that the underlying cause of endometriosis may be non-self-loving. [She] may feel she doesn’t deserve love, and that she has to make do all by herself. [She] is left more or less to her own devices from the beginning in a neglect or rejection pattern. It appears the root cause of all the issues mentioned in the question stem from lack of self-worth and/or self-love. When we are constantly looking for love outside of ourselves from a partner, a

How does energetic healing work? Can emotional baggage make you sick? What alternative methods of treatments are available and which ones work the best? Tanis McRae answers questions from our readers about various alternative methods for healing the mind, body and soul. There is a voice inside of you. That whispers all day long. I feel that this is right for me I know that this is wrong. No teacher, preacher, parent, friend or wise man can decide what’s right for you. Just listen to the voice that speaks inside. - Shel Silverstein parent, a child or a friend, we always come up feeling hollow and unfulfilled. It is only self-love and self-worth that bring peace and contentment to ones soul. I would also like to suggest without limitations the following alternative or holistic healing methods: Kinesiology, Chakra Balancing, Reiki, Massage, Reflexology, Water/Love Body Healing, Quantum Touch, Belief Re-patterning, Theta Healing . . . there are endless possibilities to help her begin the journey to healing her body, mind and spirit. The advice in this column is intended as information only. Take what speaks to you and leave the rest behind. Always exercise your right to choose! Send questions to Tanis at: askahealer@guidedsynergy.ca Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine


Issues in the tissue The Art of Emotional Release


y analyzing the condition of the body shape, size, tissue and any contorting of the structure, the emotional past of a person can be revealed. These conditions or features can be visibly seen through the face, hands, feet or the body as a whole. You may have noticed that some bodies walking past you are bent out of shape. What that means is that they are actually off-center. This can happen front to back or left to right. If you look at the human body using a plumb line, by standing a person along side of it you can actually see how far the person pulls or pushes him or herself from their center point. Generally explained, the body can become twisted as it struggles between the physical and mental doings. How does this happen? We are emotional beings with our emotions ranging from tranquility to rage, with each emotion creating a different posturing of the body. When we are experiencing joy, our body moves differently than when we are feeling anger. Our bodies are in the fight or flight mode from the time we enter the world (some believe from the time of conception through the mother connection). With the many events in our lives, the body responses to situations at an emotional level and, with repeated experiences, the programming of a response occurs. If the situation is one that the person is unsure of how to respond, the body stores the memory at cellular level. This allows the person to retrieve the experience in the future to complete the response once it has the conscious awareness of how to deal with it. With age comes wisdom. With more situations stored, or the more protection that is needed to feel safe in the world, the body adds tissue. The psychosomatic term would be Issue in the Tissue. That is why weight plays a factor in an assessment. Now, for those who are thinking, ĂŹI am thin so I must not have any issues, remember that if your response system were in flight, then you would not be in your body and would not need the tissue for survival because you are not home. If you were not home, then where would you be? You would be in your head. To confirm this, listen to how you speak; I think, I hear, I know, I see, are all senses of the head. Rather than I feel or I sense, which are senses of the body. If you can imagine being in a car accident, physical fight or an abusive situation, the bodies first response is to survive the experience. As the body goes into survival mode, it goes into a protective positioning for the experience. If you are not able to process the situation at both the emotional and physical levels quickly enough in order to survive, the emotional demand will be stored at cellular level and the physical body will be taken care of first. If the situation is repeated at different times in ones life with enough repeated experiences, a pattern of response is created not only on the physical level but also on the emotional level. The post-traumatic results are a blocked memory, physical aliments and becoming emotionally locked in the situation through fear, anger or pain. Understand however, that the experience does not have to be as traumatic as the above situations. It can be any situation that a person did not feel safe in. By knowing that the human body is made up of bone structure, internal organs, and the emotional and mental body, you come to a more complete understanding that if the body is out of balance at one level, it has an affect on the other levels. 16 Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine

Chakras are the major energy centers of the body. These centers are positioned along the spine and each chakra has internal organs associated to it. By understanding the body at the energetic level, you can see how the structure and internal organs can be compromised when it contorts, throwing its balance and rhythm off, and hindering the body from being at its full potential. Emotion release therapies, such as psychosomatic therapy, are techniques of assessing the mind/body communication and its affects on the structural alignment of the human body. A Psychosomatic assessment, for example, is used to identify the reasons a person has shifted out of balance. By working the physical body, this allows energy to flow and balance to be restored. Through the technique of triggering the buttons through bodywork, Soul Energetic or massage, the body retrieves the memory or emotion. Once the release happens a person, may have memory flashes, emotional rushes or a surge of energy. They are then able to call in the consciousness of today and rationalize or process the experience, allowing it to be finished or released. When the body goes into protective posturing, the memory is stored in that position, so when a person goes through the release, the body will sometimes contort back to the original positioning to release the memory. Benefits of emotion release therapies, such as psychosomatic therapy, are a shifting of the structural body, an emotional calmness, and a conscious choice to respond to things in the now, no longer relying on the old response system. In some people, a reduction in weight occurs due to a release of the need to protect from the emotional past experience.

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With the busy lifestyles that we live, dealing with today is challenge enough without going into the past to deal with the old stuff. However, if the body is not balanced at the spiritual, mental or emotional levels, the physical body manifests illness. When this happens, the symptoms can be anything from repeated colds to chronic pain. The question is: your body is speaking, are you listening? Karen Matheson, owner of Sole to Soul Wellness Inc. in Calgary, AB, offers psychosomatic therapy, massage, esoteric healing & reflexology, specializing in emotional release. For more information Contact Karen at 403 251.7242

Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine


18 Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine

Colon Hydro Therapy The Key To A Vibrant Life! B

owel functions are one of the least popular topics of conversation and it is this mind set that often prevents us from even realizing that we may have a problem. The job of the colon is to receive the remainder of the liquefied “food� from the small intestine. In this mixture are particles of undigested food, water, minerals, vitamins and enzymes. As this mixture moves along the colon through muscle contractions called peristalsis, the extra fluids are absorbed and the remaining fecal material pushed out of the body as a bowel movement. The usual time for food to be eaten and pass through the whole digestive process is approximately 24 hours. This is known as the transit time of your food. However too often we do not have regular bowel movements so that the fecal material sits in our colon ferments and becomes putrid. In addition to this the colon continues to remove moisture, which results in dry hard and often incomplete movements. As this accumulation continues several things happen: 1. The feces begin to adhere to the mucous lining of the colon wall. This irritates the colon so that it forms more mucous, resulting in layers of feces and mucous which overtime hardens and becomes know as mucoid plaque. If you have ever seen the gross pictures featured in colon cleanse this is the hard rubbery material that they refer to. AND YES IT DOES EXIST!!

for a sluggish colon. It also helps to remove stagnant fecal matter thus eliminating bacteria, toxins, gas, mucus, parasites and cellular debris, which allow the colon to resume its natural function. Colon hydrotherapy is a safe gentle way to remove waste from the large intestine without the use of drugs or chemicals. A small disposable speculum is placed approximately 2 inches into the rectum. Sterilized temperature and pressure controlled water flows in and out of the colon stimulating the bodies own peristalsis movement in the bowel. Gas and the softened waste flow out of the body through an evacuation hose directly into the sewer so there is no odor or mess. Sessions last on average about 45 minutes and most people find them to be fairly comfortable. The number of sessions required can vary from person to person depending on your goals, current state of health and toxicity level. Usually 3-10 colonic sessions in conjunction with supplements and dietary changes is enough to completely clear the colon. Please note: one session will not empty the colon as it takes time to re-hydrate and soften any dried and layered fecal matter until it is loose enough to be released. This article was written and submitted by Wendy Davis, Certified Colon Hydrotherapist and owner of Grande Prairie Cleansing and Wellness Centre.

This material can cause blockages in the bowel and prevents the absorption of nutrients via the colon wall. Both Elvis and John Wayne were said to have over 45 POUNDS of this plaque lining their colons as found during autopsy. It is said that the average person can carry anywhere from 5-25lb of mucoid plaque in their colon. Point to ponder: If you eat 3 meals a day everyday but do not have regular bowel movements (at least one if not more per day) then where is all the other material going? Chances are you are still carrying it around with you! 2. When the bowel becomes impacted with feces the body will often liquefy the colon contents in a last-ditch effort to rid itself of the toxic waste accumulation. Known as diarrhea, this can lead to dehydration and an electrolyte imbalance. Most people do not know that this is a form of constipation as well. 3. Autointoxication occurs. This simply means that the body absorbs too much of its own toxic waste and is in effect self-poisoning itself. When this occurs the stage is set for degeneration and disease. Many minor health concerns are in fact signs of toxicity. Bloating, gas, bad breath, weight-gain, parasites, poor memory, fatigue, Arthritis, skin disorders and headaches are all indicators that you may be toxic. The good news is that you can change your bowel health with cleansing and a few lifestyle changes. Neglecting the urge to eliminate, eating foods with little or no roughage, lack of hydration and not enough good fat in the diet are the most common causes of constipation. And while diet changes are easy to adopt, weak colon muscles take some time to retrain. Colon hydrotherapy is by far the most effective way to cleanse your bowel. This process provides relief from and prevents chronic constipation and improves muscle tone, which is crucial Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine


20 Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine

Ongoing Adult Classes Performance Events Inquiries Belinda Ward 532-9399 Vikki Potter 539-2137 lbward@hotmail.com vkpotter@telusplanet.net Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine


G U I D E D D I R E C T O RY ASTROLOGY ARE YOU AN ASTROLOGIST? Your services could be listed hear. Call Guided Synergy Magazine today at 780-538-3150 or email editor@guidedsynergy.ca

BIO FEEDBACK PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE - Quantum biofeedback - Electrodes are placed on the foreheads, wrists and ankles. The device searches for 9000 energetic frequencies or stressors, balancing vitamins and minerals, allergies, hormones, toxins and emotional blocks. Contact Sharon Dillabough at 780-5389833 or visit www.peacecountrywellness.com BIO STRESS REMEDIES – Depressed? Stressed? Fatigued? What to do? Bio Stress Remedies is a complete Health Analysis and Balancing of: *Vitamin/Mineral Deficiencies *Allergies/Food Additives *Mental/Emotional Blocks *Toxins/Fungi/Parasites *So Much More! Call Marla Kempin at 780-933-8946

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22 Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine

THE HEALING I - Introduction to several different healing modalities – Weekend Session September 19th and 20th, 9:30-4:30 and Thursday’s in October (Oct. 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, & 29th) 7:00-9:30. For more in depth workshop information and prices please call 780-518-9530, visit thehealingi.com or email thehealingi@gmail.com. DEEP HEALING EMOTIONAL ENERGY 4 Levels from self-healing to teaching. Become empowered and teach others to do the same. Call Marilyn at The Gemini Potential (780) 5051349, E-mail: expecttobeempowered@gmail. com or visit www.expecttobeempowered.com. HOT ROCK MASSAGE CLASSES – the ‘Cadillac’ of all massages. It’s great! Learn for family or friends or to incorporate into your business. 2 Day workshops. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre (780) 538-9833 or visit www. peacecountrywellness.com GP GYMNIKS - The Grande Prairie Gymniks offers many programs including preschool gymnastics programs, ladies fitness programs, adult fitness programs, skipping, and pre-school dance. For more information visit gpgymniks. com or call 780-539-1414. THE EMPOWERMENT SERIES - 10 sessions to empower you. Thursday’s 7-10pm Fall & Winter classes available. Call Marilyn at the Gemini Potential 780-505-1349, E-mail: expecttobeempowered@gmail.com or visit www.expecttobeempowered.com. FALL COURSES - BEAVERLODGE/ ELMWORTH – Reiki, Quantum Touch and Color Energy™ training and information sessions. Dates, times and location TBA. Please contact Always & All Ways, Leanne VanWagner, Beaverlodge, AB at 780-882-2584 vanwag@gpwins.ca RAINDROP CLASSES – Very Relaxing Aromatherapy Treatment. Therapeutic properties in each oil help to relax and soothe the muscles. It is a must 1 day workshop! Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780-538-9833 or visit www. peacecountrywellness.com REIKI CLASSES - Usui Komyo or Karuna. Individual or group. Choose a convenient day and time. Call Marilyn at the Gemini Potential 780-505-1349, E-mail: expecttobeempowered@ gmail.com or visit www.expecttobeempowered.com.

CHAKRA BALANCING CANDACE MCKIM - When Chakras are out of balance you may experience difficulties physically or emotionally. Have your chakras balanced in a gentle non-evasive, and relaxing manor to feel more centered and energized. Cost is $45 per session. To book appointments contact Candace McKim at 780-814-9645. www.gpyogazone.ca SACRED ESSENSE - When one or more of the chakra is blocked and the energy does not flow harmoniously through them, or it is wide open, it will result in imbalance that is manifested in all areas of life. Call Leanne to book an appointment or for more information at 780-882-2584 vanwag@gpwins.ca Your Beaverlodge and Elmworth Connection! leannevw33@gmail.com

COACHING / COUNSELLING LIFE-COACHING provides an unbiased person to talk with, helping you sort out your priorities, and design your life the way you want it. For more information or to book a session contact Candace McKim at 780-814-9645. Visit our website at www.gpyogazone.ca or email Candace at gpyogazone@gmail.com

COLON HYDROTHERAPY GP CLEANSING & WELLNESS CENTRE – A variety of illnesses can be triggered by a toxic colon which can be relieved with colon hydrotherapy, a safe effective method of removing waste from the large intestine without the use of drugs. For more information or to book a consultation contact Wendy Davis at 780-814-2019

CRANIOSACRAL CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY (CST) releases tensions deep in the body by unwinding muscles from the core to relieve a full spectrum of pain, illness and dysfunction. Contact Zeta Marie Boudreau at 780-832-6030 to book an appointment.

DANCE HALO DANCE - Belly Dance – Lessons, Solo and Troupe performance, Call Marcia Tofer 780-832-9107 or 780-882-3962 halodance@gmail. com. MIDNIGHT AURORA MIDDLE EASTER DANCE Ongoing classes and performance events inquiries. Contact vkpotter@telusplanet. net and/or lbward@hotmail.com MOONDANCE SHIMMY. Traditional Belly Dance classes. Call Oksana for more information on dates and times at 780- 5051407.

DETOXIFICATION AMETHYST CRYSTAL BIO-MAT. Get a massage with the amazing healing Bio-Mat with Sharon. It’s so relaxing, releasing tired sore muscles, and helps alleviate depression. Improves circulation, detoxifies and more! Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780-538-9833 or visit www. peacecountrywellness.com NATURAL CELLULAR DEFENSE Removes heavy metals, arsenic, mercury, lead, pesticides, and herbicides. Supporting a healthy immune system. 100% natural and non-toxic. Safe for long term use. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780-538-9833 or visit www. peacecountrywellness.com FAR INFRARED SAUNA – Deep heat therapy detoxifies, improves circulation, boosts immune system, burns 600-900 calories in 30 min., increases metabolism, removes cellulite, reduces stress, lowers blood pressure. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780-538-9833 or visit www. peacecountrywellness.com HIMALAYAN PINK SALT as essential for the body as water. It helps regulate blood pressure, balances pH and blood sugar levels, prevents muscle cramps, regulates sleep, and maintains libido. Contains 84 mineral elements. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780-538-9833 or visit www. peacecountrywellness.com

DR. MILLER HOLY TEA - Formulated by Dr. Bill Miller (Ph.D. Nutritional Science) of Jackson, Tennessee - is a unique herbal blend of safe, all-natural ingredients designed to gently cleanse the digestive tract and detoxify the body. Available at Suddenly Slender, 10001104 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB or call Kathy Lilly for more information at 780-814-8111

DREAMS KAREN COOGAN - For assistance with understanding your dreams or clarity in understanding on your Spiritual Path, Call Karen Coogan, Spiritual Communication Specialist at 250–770-1166, Penticton, BC

EMOTIONAL HEALING DEEP HEALING EMOTIONAL ENERGY Learn to clear emotional blocks, gently and permanently with acceptance and empowerment. Call Marilyn at The Gemini Potential 780505-1349, E-mail: expecttobeempowered@gmail.com or visit www.expecttobeempowered.com.

FITNESS GP GYMNIKS - The Grande Prairie Gymniks offers many programs including preschool gymnastics programs, ladies fitness programs, adult fitness programs, skipping, and pre-school dance. For more information visit gpgymniks. com or call 780-539-1414.

GIFTS MOOD MENDER – Gifts for the mind, body, and soul. Crystals, Books, Tarot, Candles, Incense, Crystal and Brass Bowls, Fountains, and much, much more. 10024A -100 Ave Grande Prairie 780-538-9950. PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE – GIFT CERTIFICATES now available for purchase online at www.peacecountrywellness. com. Give a gift of relaxing massage, reflexology, a hot rock massage, or a wonderful Seaweed Wrap, plus much more to loved ones. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780-538-9833. RETRO RELICS specializes in spiritual literature including Wicca, Paganism, Celtic, Astrology, Meditation, Yoga, Channeling, Auras, Dreams, Herbs, Alternative Health, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Shamanism, and others. Open daily. 10118a-100 Ave, Grande Prairie, 780-832-0110.

HERBALISTS CONTACT GUIDED SYNERGY – Your business or services could be listed hear. Call Guided Synergy Magazine today at 780-5383150 or email editor@guidedsynergy.ca

HYPNOSIS C & C HYPNOSIS SPECIALIZING IN STOP SMOKING, weight loss and other issues. Call Carla at 780-532-9228 POWER STRATEGIES – Using hypnosis to let go of old habits and create healthier ones. Contact Roberta Brunin at 780-897-2451

JEWELRY COYOTE MOON HEMP COMPANY – Hemp products, soaps, lotions, incense, oils and burners, clothing, metaphysical books, tarot cards, beading supplies, and gifts. 9931 – 100 Ave, Grande Prairie 780-832-4008. Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine


MOOD MENDER – Gifts for the mind, body, and soul. Crystals, Books, Tarot, Candles, Incense, Crystal and Brass Bowls, Fountains, and much, much more. 10024A -100 Ave Grande Prairie 780-538-9950.



KINESIOLOGY (TOUCH FOR HEALTH) - Muscle testing the body for blockages are usually in the lymphatic or vascular system. May also be caused by emotions or trauma stored in the body. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780-538-9833 or visit www.peacecountrywellness.com

NATURAL MEDICINE: Safe, effective, timetested. Used by 75% of the world population. Examining Board of Natural Medicine Practitioners™ (EBNMP™) Recognition, Registration and Accreditation in Natural Medicine. www.EBNMP.com or info@ebnmp. com 1-416-335-7661

EDIE KNIGHT – Touch for Health, Body Management, Swedish Relaxation Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Equine and Pet Therapy. For Appointment call 780-524-5518 or 780-524-8965.

TRINITY NATURAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS - Full Range of Therapeutic Wellness Services to Support Your Health and Vitality Naturally including Diagnostic Laboratory Testing (non-invasive), Nutritional and Diet Counseling, Vitamin and Mineral Therapy, Herbal Medicine. Michelle Golany, Natural Health Practitioner. 4723 - 53 Avenue, High Prairie, AB 780-523-0053 trinitynatural@live.ca

LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE LYMPHATIC MASSAGE stimulates the immune system, enhances lymphocyte cytotoxic response, increases the number of natural killer cells, decreases anxiety and increases relaxation. Helps with swelling, and promotes healing. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre (780) 538-9833 or visit www. peacecountrywellness.com

MASSAGE THERAPY BODY IN HARMONY offers relaxation massage, therapeutic massage, trigger point release, and ion cleansing (foot detox). Find your harmony within.... Call Mandy Woodruff (Remedial Massage Therapist) at 780-882-2636 or visit www.bodyin-harmony.com CONTACT GUIDED SYNERGY – Your business could be listed hear. Call Guided Synergy Magazine today at 780-538-3150 or email editor@guidedsynergy.ca HEALING HANDS MASSAGE THERAPY, where we SPECIALIZE in therapeutic massage. Gift certificates available. Call to book your appointment @ 780-402-3292. PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE - Hot rock massage – The most soothing, sedating, relaxing, rejuvenating, awesome, nurturing hot rock massage you could ever experience, what a treat! Contact Sharon Dillabough at 780-538-9833 or visit www. peacecountrywellness.com TRINITY NATURAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS - Full Range of Therapeutic Wellness Services to Support Your Health and Vitality Naturally including Massage Therapy. Michelle Golany, Natural Health Practitioner. 4723 - 53 Avenue, High Prairie, AB 780-5230053 trinitynatural@live.ca ZETA MARIE BOUDREAU - Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow, the bodies natural defense system, promote tissue regeneration, relax and soften injured, tired and overused muscles and so much more. Contact Zeta Marie Boudreau at 780-832-6030 to book an appointment.

MEDITATION MEDITATION and GUIDED IMAGERY are relaxation techniques that help reduce the physical symptoms of stress and ease the mind. Meditation classes and Full Moon Global Meditations. Call Karen Coogan, Spiritual Communication Specialist at 250–770-1166, Penticton, BC

24 Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine

CRYSTAL SINGING BOWLS - Hearing the haunting sound of the crystal bowls, let it touch the essence of the soul. Relaxation, meditation, guided sessions, healing. Contact Neva Hanson@ 780 356-2863

NATURAL PRODUCTS NEVA HANSON - Over 150 chemicals found in the average home have been linked to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological abnormalities. If you wish to try toxic free, more natural household and personal products contact Neva Hanson at 780 356-2863 CONTACT GUIDED SYNERGY – Your business could be listed hear. Call Guided Synergy Magazine today at 780-538-3150 or email editor@guidedsynergy.ca

POSTURE / HEALTH PROELLIXE MACHINE – Benefits muscle tone - quick inch loss, body remodeling and reshaping, enhanced bone density and bone rebuilding as this is a weight bearing exercise, core muscles strengthened, increase flexibility, feel invigorated/increased energy. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre (780) 538-9833 or visit www. peacecountrywellness.com

PSYCHOSOMATIC THERAPY PSYCHOSOMATIC THERAPY - What is your face saying to the world? What story is your body telling? Discover the language of your body and be empowered. Start loving the life you were born to live! Michele Dedora, Teacher of Psychosomatic Therapy and Body Mind Analysis 780-518-1190 POWER STRATEGIES – Issues in the tissues are revealed to heal the physical body. Contact Roberta Brunin at 780-897-2451

QUANTUM TOUCH SACRED ESSENCE - Quantum-Touch is a method of natural healing that works with the Life Force Energy (LFE) and teaches us how to focus, amplify, and direct this energy, for a wide range of benefits with surprising and often extraordinary results. Your Elmworth & Beaverlodge Connection. Contact Leanne Van Wagner at 780-882-2584 leannevw33@gmail.com REIKI/QUANTUM HEALING on the body or off, it is very effective for aches and pains. Promotes healing and is very relaxing. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780-538-9833 or visit www. peacecountrywellness.com

RAINDROP THERAPY PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE - Raindrop therapy is a great technique to relax and align your spine. It’s like little raindrops of oil put on the back and massaged in, ending with a soothing hot towel. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780-538-9833 or visit www. peacecountrywellness.com

RECONNECTIVE HEALING OASIS RELAX-OLOGY RECONNECTIVE HEALING I-II - Helps fuse conscious with subconscious, opens awareness and intuition, allowing you to heal on all levels. RECONNECTION III Reconnecting you with meridian axiatonal and grid (LEY) lines also allowing you to heal on all levels at a much more rapid rate. Trudy Mayne R.H.P. 780-567-4225 or 780-831-5573

REFLEXOLOGY CONTACT GUIDED SYNERGY – Your business could be listed hear. Call Guided Synergy Magazine today at 780-538-3150 or email editor@guidedsynergy.ca OASIS RELAX-OLOGY - Feet, face/scalp - Reduces stress, improves lymph and blood circulation, optimizes body functions, opens blockages and allows the natural healing process of the body. Trudy Mayne R.H.P. 780567-4225 or 780-831-5573 PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE - Specific points on the soles of your feet correspond to every structure, organ, and gland in your body. Reflexology improves blood circulation, lymph and nerves, and is very relaxing. Contact Sharon Dillabough at 780-5389833 or visit www.peacecountrywellness.com VITAL VIBES - Circulation, immune system function, energy & vitality, pain & discomfort, stress & tension. Reflexology may help you with these symptoms and more. Call Keri Tingstad, Certified Foot Reflexologist at Vital Vibes 780228-2010 for an appointment.

REIKI SACRED ESSENCE - Reiki treatments can help to harmonize body, mind and spirit for yourself or anyone you want to help. For more information or to book an appointment, contact Leanne Van Wagner, your Elmworth & Beaverlodge Connection at 780-882-2584 leannevw33@gmail.com KAREN COOGAN - Intuitively Guided Reiki healing sessions, Reiki classes – Level 1 to Teachers, Individual or group classes. Call Karen Coogan, Spiritual Communication Specialist at 250–770-1166, Penticton, BC PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE - Reiki/quantum healing on the body or off, it is very effective for aches and pains. Promotes healing and is very relaxing. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780-538-9833 or visit www. peacecountrywellness.com THE GEMINI POTENTIAL - Reiki/Crystal Reiki. Experience the relaxation of Reiki. Promotes healing and releases emotional blocks. Usui, Karuna, or Komyo Reiki classes and individual sessions available. Call Marilyn @ The Gemini Potential 780-505-1349. E-mail: expecttobeempowered@gmail.com Web Page www.expecttobeempowered.com.

ZETA MARIE BOUDREAU - Universal love therapy embracing spiritual principles and practice that can assist us mentally, physically and emotionally promoting balance and harmony on our journey to healing. Contact Zeta Marie Boudreau at 780-832-6030 to book an appointment.

SCHOOLS / EDUCATION CANAM COLLEGE offers over 100 correspondence courses in Natural Health, Nutrition and Herbs, Women’s Health and Beauty, Counseling, Sports and Fitness, and Business Management. Free Brochure. 1-877366-7018, www.canamcollege.com. SPIRITUAL HEALTH / HEALING KAREN COOGAN - For assistance with understanding your dreams or clarity in understanding on your Spiritual Path, Call Karen Coogan, Spiritual Communication Specialist at 250–770-1166, Penticton, BC

TAROT MARY MAGDALENE ORACLE, Divinely guided readings, conscious channeling and Tarot Readings, phone consultations call Karen Coogan, Spiritual Communication Specialist at 250–770-1166, Penticton, BC MOOD MENDER – Gifts for the mind, body, and soul. Crystals, Books, Tarot Cards, Candles, Incense, Crystal and Brass Bowls, Fountains, and much, much more. 10024A -100 Ave Grande Prairie (780) 538-9950. THE TRINITY EFFECT – “Bringing Mind, Body and Spirit together as One” Angel Card Readings in person, by phone, and card parties. Also offering ‘Your intuition guide you course.’ Call Tracy (780) 933-2370 or (780) 532-2370.

WATER/LOVE BODY HEALING KAREN COOGAN - Re-hydrate your soul! Water is the element of the emotions. Experience deep emotional release and renewal in a gentle and loving way. Call Karen Coogan, Spiritual Communication Specialist at 250–7701166, Penticton, BC



CONTACT GUIDED SYNERGY – Your business could be listed hear. Call Guided Synergy Magazine today at 780-538-3150 or email editor@guidedsynergy.ca TRINITY NATURAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS - Full Range of Therapeutic Wellness Services to Support Your Health and Vitality Naturally including Diagnostic Laboratory Testing (non-invasive), Nutritional and Diet Counseling, Vitamin and Mineral Therapy, Herbal Medicine, Energy Medicine, Homeopathy, Massage Therapy, Myofascial Release, Reiki. Michelle Golany, Natural Health Practitioner. 4723 - 53 Avenue, High Prairie, AB 780-523-0053 trinitynatural@live.ca PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE Established in 1999 the Peace Country Wellness Centre provides the surrounding community with holistic and alternative methods of healing the body, mind and spirit.Whether it is reflexology, reiki, hot stone massage or raindrop therapy, the result is a relaxed, rejuvenated and energized feeling. 201 – 11117 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB 780-538-9833 or visit www. peacecountrywellness.com

Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine


YEMANJA WELLNESS STUDIO Yoga classes, yoga wear & accessories, Massage Therapy, Ayurvedic Treatments (Indian Head Massage, Abyhanga Massage), Infrared Sauna, Esthetics Services, Eminence Organic Skin Care and a full range of natural products. 107 - 10134 97th Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB 780-513-1985 www.yemanja.ca

WHOLE LEAF TEAS HEALING HANDS - Grande Prairie’s Best Selection of Whole Leaf Teas available at Healing Hands Massage Therapy. Located in Centre 100 across the parking lot from Giant Tiger. Call Darlene (780) 933-2326. STUFFITZ – Over 150 loose teas available at the Grande Prairie Farmer’s Market. White, green, black, chai, herbal, roobios and tea accessories are also available. Call 780-4028035 or stop in at the GP Farmer’s Market.

SUDDENLY SLENDER - Dr. Miller holy tea, formulated by Dr. Bill Miller (Ph.D. Nutritional Science) of Jackson, Tennessee, is a unique herbal blend of safe, all-natural ingredients designed to gently cleanse the digestive tract and detoxify the body. Available at Suddenly Slender, 10001-104 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB or call Kathy Lilly for more information at 780-814-8111

YOGA GP YOGA ZONE offering Vinyasa Yoga, Divine Timing +45 Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Intermediate Yoga, Yoga Thrive-Beyond Cancer, Seniors Yoga, Children’s Yoga and Hatha Yoga classes. For schedules and registration visit our website at www. gpyogazone.ca or email gpyogazone@gmail.ca

GU I DED EV EN T S ONGOING INTRODUCTION TO SEVERAL DIFFERENT HEALING MODALITIES – Weekend Session September 19th and 20th, 2009 9:30-4:30 and Thursday’s in October (Oct. 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, & 29th) 7:00-9:30. For more in depth workshop information and prices please visit thehealingi.com or email thehealingi@gmail.com. GP YOGA ZONE offering Vinyasa Yoga, Divine Timing +45 Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Intermediate Yoga, Yoga Thrive-Beyond Cancer, Seniors Yoga, Children’s Yoga and Hatha Yoga classes. For schedules and registration visit our website at www. gpyogazone.ca or email gpyogazone@gmail.ca

SEPTEMBER THE EMPOWERMENT SERIES Sept.10-Nov.12/09 -10 sessions to Empower You. Thursdays 7-10 p.m. Call Marilyn at The Gemini Potential 780-505-1349 or email:expecttobeempowered@gmail. com. To view list of classes, please visit www. expecttobeempowered.com. DEEP HEALING EMOTIONAL ENERGY Info Session - Sept. 22/09 A 90 minute no cost introduction to empowerment. To register call Marilyn at The Gemini Potential (780)505-1349. Email:expecttobeempowered@gmail.com or visit www.expecttobeempowered.com.


Did we miss you? If you are in the natural health industry and would like to be here next time, call Guided Synergy Magazine at: 780-538-3150

or email editor@guidedsynergy.ca

26 Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine

WHAT COLOR ARE YOU? WORKSHOP Oct 3rd with Leanne VanWagner - Sacred Essence An informational workshop that will familiarize you with the amazing world of color and how you can use it to affect positive change in your life. Includes an online color personality test and color gift. Register through the Beaverlodge Neighborhood Resource Center 780.354.2656 or Register Online www.sprcl.ca QUANTUM TOUCH INTERACTIVE VIDEO WORKSHOP - Oct. 24th & 25th with Leanne VanWagner - Sacred Essence Quantum-Touch is a method of natural healing that works with the Life Force Energy (LFE) of the body to promote optimal wellness, and also teaches us how to focus, amplify, and direct this energy, for a wide range of benefits with surprising and often extraordinary results. Register through the Beaverlodge Neighborhood Resource Center 780.354.2656 or Register Online www.sprcl.ca

DEEP HEALING EMOTIONAL ENERGY Level 1 Class October 17 &18/09 Heal yourself at the core level physically, emotionally and spiritually by releasing energetic blocks that keep you in fear and prevent you from moving forward and living the life you desire. Call Marilyn at The Gemini Potential 780-505-1349 orEmail:expecttobeempowered@gmail.com or visit the website www.expecttobeempowered.com.

NOVEMBER ADVANCED FLOWER OF LIFE WORKSHOP November 22/09 Contains powerful tools that will support your shift in consciousness. Special techniques to open your heart, using sound and intention. Based on the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek. Facilitator Maureen St. Germain from New York. Visit website to register www.maureenstgermain.com Hosted by Bonnie Ireland 780-532-6937 or 780-8979889 DEEP HEALING EMOTIONAL ENERGY Info Session- Nov 10/09 A 90 minute no cost introduction to empowerment.To register call Marilyn at The Gemini Potential (780)5051349. Email:expecttobeempowered@gmail. com or visit www.expecttobeempowered.com. FLOWER OF LIFE WORKSHOP Nov 1921/09 Sacred Geometry and the Merkaba. Based on the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek. Facilitator Maureen St. Germain from New York. Visit website to register www. maureenstgermain.com Hosted by Bonnie Ireland 780-532-6937 or 780-897-9889 YOU ARE A GENIE IN A BOTTLE November 23/09 A powerful manifestation workshop based on sacred geometry Quantum physics and chaos. Facilitator Maureen StGermain from New York Visit website to register www.maureenstgermain. com Hosted by Bonnie Ireland-780-532-6937 or 780-897-9889 REIKI LEVEL I II - Nov 7th & 8th with Leanne VanWagner - Sacred Essence Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. Instruction and attunements in the Healing art of Reiki. Participates will receive a certificate upon completion. Register through the Beaverlodge Neighborhood Resource Center 780.354.2656 or Register Online www.sprcl.ca

JennyLee Viola RMT



Pre • Peri Post Natal Therapeutic Deep Tissue Relaxation Hot Stone Infant • Breast TMJ 204-5 Aberdeen Centre Building Grande Prairie, AB

Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine



A million reasons why I can’t, A million questions in my mind, A million no’s, a million yes’s The answers are so hard to find. “The solution is within you,” A soft voice whispers from the dark. Take a breath, quiet your mind, And the cloudiness shall part. A peaceful mind hears the voice of God, Allow yourself to relax. The more you chase the answers The more frustrating the task! Be open and be patient, For timing is the key-Let go and have faith in Him The truth will set you free. Honor your feelings, And listen to your soul. Sit in quiet contemplation And visualize your goal. For Spirit speaks through you Every single day, And you radiate God’s love, In such a special way. The answers are within you, No need to look elsewhere, Guidance is born from silence, And answers from a prayer. By Carolyn Beaudoin

28 Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine

Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine


30 Fall 2009 Guided Synergy Magazine

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