Fall 2010

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FALL 2010



TEA LOVE AFFAIR The ancient drink of health and friendship

LOSE WEIGHT AND SLEEP BETTER TOO Benefits of the infrared sauna

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Body, Mind, Soul

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Fall 2010

3 Book Review

by Linda Warwick, Editor

The Glass Castle ~ Jeannette Walls

5 Pig Wisdom

by Karen Coogan, Intuitive Healer

Making choices and dealing with consequences

7 When Words Hurt

by Gwen Randall-Young, Registered Psychologist

Protecting the Human Spirit

9 Now that’s a bad hair day!

by Janet Dunn, Registered Orthomolecular Holistic Practitioner

Choosing your battles carefully

10 Ask an Expert

by Roberta Brunin, Hypnotherapist

Quit smoking and stay slim

12 A Balanced, Holistic Approach to Health Care by Dr. Brett Hessel & Dr. Jennifer Adams-Hessel

Patient centered care for the whole person

17 More Meditation, Less Medication by Shelyn Somani, Medical Doctor Just what the doctor ordered

On the cover


Dr. Brett Hessel & Dr. Jennifer Adams-Hessel

A Balanced, Holistic Approach to Health Care

19 Ask a Healer

by Tanis McRae, Intuitive Healer

Restless in Grande Prairie

21 A Tea Love Affair

by Tricia Dan, Tea Shop Owner

The ancient drink of health and friendship

23 Winds and the Wheel

by Mary Rose Lessoway, Metis Elder & Wheelkeeper

Facing challenges and integrating life lessons

21 A Tea Love Affair

24 Lose Weight and Sleep Better Too

24 Lose Weight and Sleep Better Too

25 Holistic Directory

The ancient drink of health and friendship Benefits of Infrared Sauna

by Colleen Nunes, RMT, Spa Manager

Benefits of the infrared sauna

Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine 1



Editor Linda Warwick, editor@guidedsynergy.ca Assistant Editor Susan Fitzgerald Contributors Karen Coogan, Tanis McRae, Roberta Brunin, Shelyn Somani, Gwen Randall-Young, Janet Dunn, Tricia Dan, Colleen Nunes, Mary Rose Lessoway, Brett Hessel and Jennifer Adams-Hessel, Linda Warwick Guided Synergy Team

Dr. Jennifer Adams-Hessel DC Dr. Brett Hessel DC Dr. James Parliament DC Rachael Tabaka RMT Dr. Shelyn Somani MD CCFP Parri Ulrich

Chiropractic Reconnection Healing Acupuncture Registered Massage Therapy Certified Personal Fitness Instruction Orthotics

Integrated Health for Mind, Body and Spirit

Nancy Seiz, nancy@guidedsynergy.ca Leanne Lempriere, leanne@guidedsynergy.ca Photography Ramsay & Winsor Photography Linken Marketing, iStock, Dreamstime Website: Linken Marketing Services Article Submission & General Inquiries: editor@guidedsynergy.ca Guided Synergy Magazine makes every effort to preserve the accuracy of the information it publishes. We cannot, however, guarantee them to be true nor held responsible for any errors or omissions. No guarantees are expressed or implied. Our readers and advertisers are health conscious individuals living a holistic lifestyle who use this magazine as a resource guide to find natural and holistic practitioners, products, services, courses, workshops & events in their region and beyond. Freelance contributions are welcome for consideration. Direct all freelance inquiries to the editor at: editor@guidedsynergy.ca Cover Photo: Many thanks to Dr. Brett Hessel and Dr. Jennifer Adams-Hessel and the following businesses for your contribution to our cover photo. Photography: Ramsay Winsor Photography, a husband and wife team, Keith Winsor and Janet Ramsay specializing in location work including commercial, industrial and product photography. www.ramsaywinsor.com Located along the Wapiti River just 10 minutes south of Grande Prairie, AB Nitehawk Recreation Area provides year round recreational services to Grande Prairie and surrounding area. www.gonitehawk.ca Lisa Lauzon, Walk, Run & More, Grande Prairie, AB for supplying the clothing for Brett and Jennifer. Walk, run, bike, tri, swim & fitness apparel, shoes & accessories. www.walkrun.ca Guided Synergy Magazine 6410 98A Street Grande Prairie, Alberta T8W 2M9 780.538.3150 www.guidedsynergy.ca

2 Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

Book Review The Glass Castle

Author, Jeannette Walls Review by Linda Warwick


f you grew up with an alcoholic parent and even better if you didn’t, this memoir is a must read –in one sitting - kind of book.

A dramatic opening paragraph finds Jeannette Walls, the author, all dressed up for the evening on her way to an event in New York City when she looks out the window of her taxi cab and notices a homeless woman scavenging through a garbage bin – it was her own mother. Only three pages into the book, another dramatic story unfolds about the time when she was just three years old. While her mother was painting and singing in the other room, Jeannette was cooking hot dogs on the stove. Wearing a pink tutu dress that her grandmother had given to her dancing around like a little ballerina, her dress caught fire. Jeannette was very badly burned and spent several weeks in the hospital until one day her dad appeared and checked her out, Rex Walls-style. Through the eyes of a child, the author paints an exhilarating picture of her dysfunctional family’s rollercoaster ride across the United States as they do the ‘skedaddle’ sometimes in the middle of the night through California, Arizona and West Virginia. Sometimes moving at a moments notice and only allowed to take a few possessions. At one point they lived under the stars in the Mohave Dessert. ‘I told Lori how lucky we were to be sleeping out under the sky like Indians. “We could live like this forever,” I said. “I think we’re going to,” she said.’ Jeannette’s alcoholic father Rex had trouble holding down a job, which found them moving more than eleven times before she was four years old. He was a brilliant man with a wealth of knowledge, which he eagerly passed on to his favorite daughter Jeannette. One day a child welfare officer came to the door and wanted to know if her father had a job and Jeannette told him how her father is an entrepreneur who is developing technology to burn low-grade bituminous coal safely and efficiently. Walls remembers going without food for days. While in school, she would scavenge garbage cans for leftovers after lunch. A scanty budget left them without electricity in the crude shack, which her father said, was only temporary. One winter, icicles had formed in their kitchen ceiling because the roof was not insulated and with no electricity, Walls describes her mom’s response: “All seasons have something to offer,” she said. “Cold weather is good for you. It kills the germs.” Jeannette’s mother, Rose Mary, was an idealistic artist and writer

who suffered from depression. She taught her children to appreciate nature, art and literature; how to adapt to the situation at hand with a strong sense of spirit. Rosy Mary’s laissez-faire lifestyle found the children raising themselves as well as their mother. With an absentee father who didn’t come home for days on end, the children finally convinced their mother to take a job as a teacher. They also made sure she got out of bed each morning so she wouldn’t miss her ride to school. Many times Jeannette and her sister Lori had to help there mother mark student’s essays and assignments in the evenings so she wouldn’t get fired. Despite the idiosyncrasies of her parents, Jeannette Walls cared deeply for her parents and is sympathetic to their struggles. You will appreciate her capacity to forgive, to persevere, to trust, and to plan for a better future, not only for herself, but also for all her siblings. With plenty of far out stories to keep you turning the pages you won’t want to leave this one on the shelf.

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Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine 3


to Guided Synergy Magazine


ay in and day out, we go about our daily living sometimes without thinking about the consequences of what we are putting on our skin and consequently into our body’s. Take shampoo for instance. What is in shampoo that makes your hair extra bouncy or super shiny? When you decide to read the ingredient list you feel a bit like you did in the third grade when your teacher asked you to pronounce a word you had never seen before and she made you look it up – because you couldn’t pronounce it. Then, when you discover that some of the ingredients in your favorite shampoo may indeed be toxic and could be harmful to the human body you realize that you have a much bigger problem on your hands than just changing the brand of your shampoo. There is a plethora of products that we use to get ready each and every morning . . . toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, shaving cream, hairspray’s and gels. On average, women use up to twelve personal care products daily; men about six products daily. Janet Dunn of Homesteader Health sheds some light on personal care products outlining some ingredients to watch for and how they may be harmful to our health in her article, ‘Now that’s a bad hair day.’ As she points out, the consequences to using these products are far reaching, not only for our own health, but also to the health of our environment.

for submitting this very informative article. It took me back to memories when I was a little girl playing with the miniature china tea set at my grandmother’s house with real tea and crumpets on those tiny little dishes. Be sure to read Karen Coogan’s article as she shares some of her ‘Pig Wisdom,’ with our readers this issue. An entertaining and insightful story about how she faced her fears one summer day on the farm where she grew up near Bezanson, AB. A special thank you to Brett Hessel and Jennifer Adams-Hessel for submitting our feature article, ‘A Balanced, Holistic Approach to Health Care.’ As Brett and Jennifer point out, integrating traditional western medicine professionals with holistic practitioners and therapies is a combination that can make all the difference on the journey to optimal health. If you are anything like me, months go by before you realize that you haven’t done much for yourself. Life gets busy and we all want more time to get things done; more time with friends or family. We all want to look good, feel good and do good, but sometimes our schedules get in the way. Guided Synergy Magazine is committed to helping you save time, money and effort on your quest for a healthy lifestyle. On behalf of our advertisers and our contributing writers, I hope you will find some inspiration in this issue to help take care of you and those who are close to you. Sit back, relax and enjoy reading our Fall issue.

‘A Tea Love Affair.’ I love this article. Thank you Tricia Dan

Rejuvenate your body, clear your mind, nurture your soul

Linda Warwick, Editor


Guided Synergy Magazine proudly presents: ExperiencethePeace Holistic Conference & Retreat Coming to Grande Prairie, Alberta in 2011! Details to be launched Fall 2010 for this one of a kind holistic conference & retreat. For more information, please contact the registrar at: info@experiencethepeace.com or visit our website.

www.experiencethepeace.com 4 Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

Pig Wisdom

Making choices and dealing with concequences W

hen I was three, I often accompanied my grandfather to his pig feedlot. I would watch from the safe side of the fence as he entered the pen and poured his big pail of feed into the trough. Once, I climbed the fence and perched on the top rail, dangling my feet inside the pen. Grandpa immediately set me down on the outside of the fence. He said, “You can’t sit up there. The pigs will bite your legs off.” Whatever danger he perceived—a fall or the unpredictable nature of pigs—he convinced me that pigs were highly dangerous. From that day, I was terrified of pigs. By the time I was eight, we had moved to Bezanson, a hamlet in northwestern Alberta. Here I had to face my fear of pigs on a daily basis. We lived beside a pig pasture; a trail through it was the shortcut to my cousins’ place. I would use that trail only when someone was with me. Mom had a rule that we had to be home by suppertime. One day I played a little too long with my cousins. The pig pasture was the quickest route home but I would have to cross it alone. I weighed the consequences of each alternative: being late and getting grounded or possibly being bitten by the pigs. Since the pigs had never bitten us before and grounding was a sure thing, the pasture seemed the best option. The pigs were gathered at the feeding trough as I cautiously entered the pasture. I kept a wary eye on them lest they display any evidence of preferring little girls. Everything was going well until about a third of the way across when one old sow turned and looked at me. I was on heightened alert, close to panic, yet I kept walking. She started towards me and panic turned to terror. I let out a bloodcurdling scream. With my heart pounding and feet flying, I raced towards the other side of the pasture. I could hear the pig thundering after me. Nearing to the safety of the fence my lungs ready to burst, I faced another dilemma. The fence was too tall to jump over and if I stopped to climb it, the pig would have my legs. She was so close! With no other recourse, I took a flying leap, executing the perfect dive through the rails. My landing would have been the pride of any accomplished acrobat. Lying on the ground, amazed at my unprecedented athletic ability, I was hit by a new fear. Could the pig come through the fence? I turned to confront my nemesis, expecting to feel her hot breath on my face

. . . but nothing was there. I looked along the path of my terrified flight and still . . . no pig. My vision broadened and then I saw her— standing near the trough, where she had first started in my direction. Apparently my scream and subsequent flight had stopped her in her tracks. She looked so bewildered that I began to feel foolish. The pig was my only witness to an important step forward in personal growth and discernment. At the time, I became aware that my Grandpa had been wrong, the pigs were not going to bite my legs off, and I did not need to be scared of them anymore. And I got home in time for supper! We all have moments when what we’ve been taught to believe is challenged by what we experience. In fact, the process of maturing is just that: growing into our own understanding through life experiences. From an enlightened viewpoint I can see the eight year olds wisdom and innate ability for growth. Faced with two evils, I chose the one that I thought posed the lesser threat. I displayed courage by walking forward even though I was afraid. It was my fear, not the pig, that created the terror that pushed me beyond my physical, mental and emotional boundaries. When I stopped and assessed what had happened, I gained true wisdom. I could have continued running until I reached home and never been the wiser. But I stopped, and through my reflection I gained new insight and awakened to new understanding. I have noted these same cycles of experience as I consciously walk forward on my spiritual path. My intentions are for spiritual growth and expansion, and to be a channel for divine love and light for the greatest good of all. Universal forces are forever at work, bringing perfect opportunities for growth. There have been many challenges, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Each time, I make choices and deal with the consequences: joy, sorrow or full-blown terror. Taking time for reflection has taught me patience and the wisdom of faith. Now, when confronted with difficult choices, I have complete faith that, eventually, wisdom will be gained. Karen Coogan is an Intuitive Healer, Reader and Instructor trained as a Reiki Master/Teacher, LoveBody Healer/Teacher, Care, Face and Hand Reader and also works with vibrational tools of Color Energy ® and Crystal Bowls. Karen currently resides in Penticton, BC.

Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine 5

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6 Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

When Words Hurt

Protecting the human spirit Gwen Randall-Young


n my practice, I have seen firsthand the damage that can be done by hurtful, cruel words. A parent at his or her wit’s end, a stressed-out teacher, a bullying child or a frustrated employer releases a verbal barrage that he or she feels is justified by another’s behavior, and the words stick.

In a moment of rage, parents may say horrible things to their children. Even if they apologize, the children will always wonder if they really meant what they said. The children feel less valued and may still remember those words when they are sixty-five, wondering how their parents ever could have said that.

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A teacher’s comment can have an especially powerful impact, as children often gauge how smart they are by the teacher’s words. Negative statements can make children feel that the teacher does not like them, and this can cause them to devalue themselves. If, as is often the case, a remark is made in front of the whole class, the child is humiliated. And it sets an example for the other children: if the teacher can criticize that child, so can they. Children can be terribly cruel to one another because they have not been taught to respect the souls of others. If parents and teachers say hurtful things, how can children learn to behave any differently? And what does it teach children when the consequences for verbal abuse are less than those for physical abuse? In the workplace, employers or supervisors might believe that their position confers on them the right to demean or humiliate others. But being a supervisor does not mean one is superior. Neither does being a parent or teacher. We are all equal. We are all human spirits dressed up as people. The spirit we are berating may be a very old soul who is watching us in our un-evolved moment. I sometimes imagine that when we leave this world, God asks us to step into his office for a moment. Pulling a DVD off a shelf, he proceeds to play back all the scenes where we have trampled on the souls of those he sent here, his children. He asks us to explain ourselves. In that moment we see that there was no acceptable reason, no justification, for what we did. Of course, what we have done in the past cannot ever be changed. However, we can indeed learn to see that right now, in the world today, it is true that there is no acceptable reason, no justification, for ever crushing another human spirit.

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Gwen Randall-Young is an author and award-winning psychotherapist in private practice in Sherwood Park, Alberta. For permission to reprint this article or to obtain books or CDs, please visit www.gwen.ca. Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine 7

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Now that’s a bad hair day

Choosing your battles carefully


e’ve all had them: those days when our hair just doesn’t want to stay where we put it. So, in sheer frustration, we break out the gel, the mousse, the pomade, the wax, the superfirm-hold hairspray, and whatever else we can find to make that stray curl stay put. By the time we leave the house, after we’ve showered and fought with our hair, we have exposed ourselves to numerous chemicals and toxins that, over the long term, have a negative effect on our bodies, our brains and our babies. Several studies have been done on the effects of the chemicals in our personal care products, including antiperspirant, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste—basically anything that you put on your body in your preparations to face the day. Synthetic hormone-disrupting chemicals and other toxins are used in many of them. Consumers need to be vigilant when reading labels. Some products labeled “natural” contain ingredients that are anything but. For example, one ingredient often listed on so-called natural products is sodium lauryl sulfate (from coconut oil). While one of its ingredients can be derived from coconut oil, sodium lauryl sulfate is not itself a natural compound; it is produced synthetically and there is often no coconut involved. Do not despair! Good information is available for those who choose to educate themselves on what they are putting on their scalp, on their bodies and in their homes. Some key ingredients that are commonly found on “watch for” lists are parabens, phthalates, sodium laureth sulfate and sodium lauryl sulfate, and formaldehyde, to name a few. Parabens are preservatives that are easily absorbed through the skin and interfere with hormones and disrupt the endocrine system. This system regulates growth, metabolism, and sexual function and development. It releases hormones to every part of the body. When the endocrine system is interfered with, the results can be disastrous. One of the most alarming characteristics of parabens is that they mimic estrogen. Estrogen, a hormone secreted by the ovaries, is important for regulating menstruation, fertility, and the activity of fat cells. But estrogen can also cause problems, including depression, weight gain and fluid retention, and it is linked with increased risk for some types of cancer. A 2004 study found parabens in breast cancer tumors. You may have heard about phthalates when they were banned from children’s toys. These chemicals are a common ingredient not only in plastics, but also in dozens of personal care products, from nail polish to deodorants, hair care products and fragrances. Like parabens, they are endocrine-disrupting chemicals, and they have been linked to reproductive defects in male fetuses, early puberty in girls and reduced sperm counts.

Sodium laureth sulfate and sodium lauryl sulfate are used as detergents and to make products foam. They also irritate the eyes and throat, are toxic to marine life and may be contaminated with carcinogens. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has recently classified formaldehyde, which is used as a preservative in many household and personal care products, as a known human carcinogen. Consumer pressure has had some effect on encouraging manufacturers to remove formaldehyde from nail products. However, many personal care products still contain formaldehyde or formaldehyde-releasing chemicals. In addition to polluting our own bodies, we pollute the environment with these products when we wash them down the drain, excrete them in our urine and throw them away. The United States Environmental Protection Agency is particularly concerned with the effects of personal care pollutants on aquatic environments Sean Griffin has published CancerSmart 3.0: The Consumer Guide, an informative booklet on making healthy choices for your family and the environment. Copies may be ordered through the Labour Environmental Alliance Society at http://leas.ca. This website also has several helpful links that contain much more information than is possible to present here. So, the next time you are having a bad hair day, stop and think about how you want to win that battle. Janet Dunn, Registered Orthomolecular Holistic Practitioner, trained at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. A lifetime resident of Fort St. John, BC, Janet enjoys writing, offers seminars and continues to educate herself in order to support the health of northern communities through her work at Homesteader Health Foods. Other resources: Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database (http:// www.cosmeticsdatabase.com/)—This database lists the ingredients of over 60,000 personal care products and rates them based on possible health risks. National Geographics Green Guide Dirty Dozen (http://www.thegreenguide.com/ personal-care/dirty-dozen)—This is a list of the top twelve ingredients you should avoid. A label decoder is also available (http://www.thegreenguide.com/healthsafety/dirty-dozen-decoder). David Suzuki Foundation Dirty Dozen (http://www.davidsuzuki.org/issues/health/ science/toxics/dirty-dozen-cosmetic-chemicals/)—This is another list of a dozen chemicals to avoid.] Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine 9

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Roberta Brunin - Hypnotherapist Quit smoking and stay slim


uestion: Why do people often get fat when they quit smoking? I have tried to quit three times and each time I gained so much weight that I started smoking again.


nswer:Addiction to smoking is both a physical and psychological condition. In order to create a simple answer to a complex situation, I am going to break this down into its physical, emotional and mental components. Physical—The physical withdrawal from nicotine is much shorter lived than the psychological withdrawal from smoking. It may surprise you to learn that the actual physical withdrawal lasts approximately ten to twenty days, and most withdrawal symptoms are significantly reduced after only three days. As for weight gain, nicotine causes huge amounts of fatty sugars to be released into the blood by triggering the release of adrenaline, which causes the body to be on the alert. When we quit smoking, this hyperactivity is stopped and we are no longer using up as much energy. Unless we manage our food intake, we may get fat. In addition, nicotine can suppress our appetite, so when we quit, we may get hungry more often. Emotional—Smoking affects how we feel emotional pain and allows some people to block pain. It is also a way to self-medicate. Of course, this pain is usually associated with different aspects of our past environment. Unless we do some work on ourselves to release our emotional reasons for smoking, we will replace one bad habit or addiction with another. For many people, eating replaces smoking as a means for dealing with emotional pain. Mental—High-stress thoughts create feelings that cause us to want to self-medicate. Our conscious and subconscious minds have been programmed to use smoking as a form of stress relief. When we quit, many of us still have the urge to put something in our mouths when we are stressed, and that something is often food. We will continue this until we deal with the issues that cause self-medication: suppressing our feelings and blocking pain. The bottom line is that people do not gain weight because they quit smoking. They gain weight because they have not resolved the issues that caused them to smoke. Therefore, one bad habit—overeating— replaces the other – smoking! In order to avoid gaining weight when you quit, seek to understand why you were smoking in the first place.

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A Balanced, Holistic Approach to Health Care Patient centered care for the whole person By Dr. Brett Hessel and Dr. Jennifer Adams-Hessel Photography by Ramsay Winsor Photography


ave you ever felt that you don’t know where to turn to find help with your health concerns? The goal of an integrated health centre is to provide you with direction. Integrative medicine is an exciting—and growing—move towards an individualized, holistic, patient-centred health-care system. By combining Western medicine with complementary and alternative medicine, integrative health care not only improves patient care, but it also has the potential to have a profound effect on the health of the general population. This progressive approach is founded on a vision that takes into account the whole person: mind, body and spirit. According to the World Health Organization, a good health-care system provides for “physical, mental and social well-being, . . . not merely [for] the absence of disease.” It also recognizes that each patient is unique, with his or her own combination of needs. 12 Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

“As I was riding my bike back to my vehicle; I noticed that people seemed to be horrified by my appearance. I could feel the pain and I knew it must be pretty bad.” ~ Brett Hessel.

Integrative health care is a multidiscipline approach that includes both alternative and Western medicine. There is now clear scientific evidence of the ability of traditional medicine, herbology and acupuncture—all of which have been practiced for centuries—to promote health. Combining complimentary and alternative medicine with science-based Western medicine allows us to provide full-body care that better addresses the patients’ needs. Brett Hessel has first hand experience on how integrative health care can be an essential part of the healing process. On the August long weekend in 2009, Brett crashed his mountain bike while riding single track in Jasper, hitting his face on a large rock. “As I was riding my bike back to my vehicle, I noticed that people seemed to be horrified by my appearance. I could feel the pain and I knew it must be pretty bad,” recounts Brett of the unfortunate incident. He had lost three teeth and fractured his jaw and a facial bone. “I was getting a little worried that Brett hadn’t returned on time and then he called me from the emergency room,” recalls wife Jennifer. While waiting in the emergency department of the local hospital for X-rays, Brett applied pressure to acupressure points to help reduce the pain, and by the time the X-rays were taken, his pain had decreased significantly. The emergency-room doctor recommended a CT scan and a visit to an oral-maxillary surgeon for further assessment. On the way to Edmonton, Brett used acupuncture to help with his tooth and facial pain and he was pain free by the time he reached the city. The CT scan confirmed the fractures, so Brett underwent surgery. Daily acupuncture controlled the postsurgical pain and inflammation. As Brett recovered, he consulted various health-care professionals; in addition to seeing the oral-maxillary surgeon for follow-ups, he visited his regular chiropractor to treat joint dysfunction and consulted his dentist and a denturist to replace the missing teeth. Massage therapy treated muscle adhesions, acupuncture and laser therapy helped with facial numbness, and homeopathy promoted tissue repair. This integrative approach to Brett’s care helped speed up the healing process, and Brett credits his quick recovery to the expertise of all the professionals who cooperated in treating his injuries. As the population ages and poses more complex health issues, the traditional way of providing health care is becoming too expensive to maintain. Cooperation and consensus can be more cost effective and lead to better allocation of resources. When practitioners work together in the same centre, there is also a reduction in wait times for referrals and in travelling time between care providers. A round-table approach combines the skills of health-care professionals to provide full-body medicine. The team at a typical integrative health-care centre might include a medical doctor,

a naturopathic doctor, a chiropractor, an acupuncturist and a psychologist. A massage therapist might work closely with both the medical doctor and the chiropractor to address the muscular component of patients’ problems. A personal fitness trainer might be available to deal with the core-strength issues that underlie many physical complaints. Other complementary health-care professionals round out the holistic approach. The centre’s practitioners may also be part of a referral network that includes professionals outside the centre. For example, a dentist can help a chiropractor and acupuncturist manage jaw or bite problems that contribute to headaches. Imagine that you have been experiencing pain in your lower back and you make an appointment with a chiropractor. Because the cause of back pain can be complex—not all back problems are caused by muscle or skeletal problems—the chiropractor examines you thoroughly. If the problem has a strong biomechanical component, the chiropractor might recommend chiropractic or acupuncture treatment, as well as a gait assessment to see if your feet are contributing to your pain. If you also have muscle pain, the chiropractor might refer you to a massage therapist. But if the chiropractor suspects an internal cause, such as a kidney or bladder infection, you would be referred to a medical doctor for further examination, testing and treatment. In an article published in Canadian Family Physician in August 2008, Larry Williams and Natalie St Pierre-Hansen wrote, “Integrative health care seeks to combine the best insights of both conventional and alternative medicine, while providing a unifying perspective to guide physicians in intelligently combining these heterogeneous systems of thought.” Brett and Jennifer believe that a balanced, holistic approach where different practitioners work together to provide patient-centered care taking the whole person into account, promotes physical, mental and social well being. Brett Hessel, DC, CAFCI, and Jennifer Adams-Hessel, DC, both graduated from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto and the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute (AFCI) for medical acupuncture. Brett has also trained with the AFCI for traditional Chinese medicine and the China Shanghai International Acupuncture Training Centre. They have practiced together in the Peace Country since 1994 currently operating the Grimshaw Chiropractic Care Centre in Grimshaw, Alberta and the Northwest Wellness Centre in Grande Prairie, Alberta. They live in Fairview with their son and enjoy skiing, hiking and mountain biking. Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine 13

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Treat your body and soul... you deserve it Fall is the perfect time to enjoy some expert pampering. Whether you crave a little well-deserved indulgence or feel the need to de-stress and bring some balance back into your life escaping to the spa is the ideal way to relax, refresh and revitalize yourself. INFRARED SAUNA Unwind and contemplate life from our stunning infrared sauna. Radiant heat will envelope your body; gently detoxifying and infusing your cells with oxygen and nutrients. Instantly your immune system is strengthened & the warm soothing effect of the heat will immediately benefit tight and knotted muscles. Treat yourself to some real me-time in a stress free environment. TAKE CARE OF YOUR SKIN Get pampered and soothed by our experts. Dry summer skin is banished with a sense stimulating sugar scrub. Your skin will feast on a beautiful mask

14 Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

while your body is enveloped in a cocoon. Pressure points are applied to your scalp allowing tension to seep from your body leaving you light and at peace. Moisturizers applied infuse your skin with exceptional hydration leaving it soft and glowing. HOT STONE MASSAGE Hot Stone Massage is another great body and mood booster. Heated basalt stones are skilfully moved over areas of stress, the heat penetrating deep into the muscles relaxing every inch of your body. The stones lightly meeting as they glide over your skin and the echo resonating deep in to every fibre of your being sending you in to a deep state of relaxation.

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Come visit the cabin in the woods 16 Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

More Meditation, Less Medication Just what the doctor ordered D

id you know that the most common time for heart attacks in North America is Monday mornings between 8:00 and 9:00? People are driving to work; they have a lot on their minds and are feeling stressed. The heart, like all organs in the body, is significantly affected by our emotional and psychological state. And a statistic like this one tells us something important—something very important—about how we live our lives in this society. One day in the clinic, a few months into my medical practice, I met a middle-aged gentleman who was trying to lose weight, quit smoking, and follow a healthier lifestyle. One of my first questions to him was “Do you have much stress in your life?” He replied, “Well, you know, just the normal amount.” As I inquired further I found out that his marriage was falling apart, he could not stand his job and he could not recall the last time he felt joyful or peaceful. This level of stress is not normal. Because everyone else is running around and experiencing stress on a regular basis, we think that it is, but there is nothing normal about living this way. And our ways of dealing with stress are unhealthy. Some people take up habits like smoking or using alcohol or drugs in an attempt to cope with their life stressors. Others eat so-called comfort foods and become overweight. Still others go on one of the many available antidepressant or antianxiety medications in the hopes that this will help their condition. Truth be told, none of these ways of coping leads to healing or transformation. Our natural state is one of stillness, pure love, pure joy and peace. Yet, because our minds have for the most part dominated our lives, we are unable to experience this on a regular basis. Our minds are always either thinking about the past or anticipating events to come in the future. Of course, the mind is quite a useful tool if we learn to control it. But instead of our minds serving us, we are servants to our busy minds, and this prevents us from experiencing this present moment, which is all that really exists. The rest is all mental projection into the past and future. Meditation is a highly effective tool to discover this state of stillness, present-moment awareness and unbounded peace and joy and to integrate these qualities into our daily life. And this state is not just experienced during the time spent in meditation; it is felt during the other twenty-three and a half hours of the day as well. That’s when you see how this practice makes a real difference in the quality of your life. Over the three years that I have been practicing meditation, I have found that I am much more present in this moment and less busy in my mind, which enables me to live more fully—much more fully. Minutes, days, weeks and months do not fly by like they used to. I see and feel beauty and stillness all around me, and everything seems so alive. I feel that my heart is more open and I love and connect with others at a deeper level. My health and my energy level have improved. More meaningful coincidences occur, making my life an even more magical experience. An underlying sense of peace, understanding, love and joy is always there, and though to other people the change may seem very subtle, to me, my temporary experience as a human being is now so much more awesome than I had previously known.

We spend most of our lives looking outwards for happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction. Through the practice of meditation, you turn your awareness inwards and realize that the only true source of joy, liberation, peace and bliss is inside. Meditation allows you to reconnect with the perfection that is already within you. So, how do you meditate? Unlike in the movies, you do not have to sit on a mountaintop in a particular posture and chant mantras. You can if you want to, but for most of us that would be rather impractical! There are many different types of meditation, but the kind I practice and teach is a mantra-based technique called primordial sound meditation. First, let me demystify the word mantra. This word comes from Sanskrit, the ancient language of India, and means “counsel,” “prayer” or “hymn.” The root man means “mind” or “thought.” The suffix -tra denotes a tool or instrument. Thus, a mantra is an “instrument of thought.” Primordial sound meditation mantras have no meaning. Because meaning would hold our awareness at the level of the mind, the mantras are just sounds. During meditation, you sit comfortably, close your eyes and repeat your mantra. It is really quite simple. A mantra you can use is so hum. When thoughts come, gently bring your attention back to the mantra. When you notice a sound in the environment or a sensation in your body, return your attention to the mantra. With some practice, the frequency of thoughts decreases and you enter into stillness, reconnecting with your inner self, who you really are, beyond your mind, body and intellect. Practicing meditation for twenty to thirty minutes twice a day, before breakfast and before supper, is ideal. It is a simple practice, but its benefits are incredible. An increasing amount of research, especially over the last thirty years, has shown the positive effects of meditation, including decreasing depression and anxiety, normalizing sleep patterns, decreasing blood pressure and increasing longevity. And unlike most things in our society, meditation requires no effort and it’s free! As a physician, I strongly believe that there is a need for more meditation, whatever its form, not more medication. Meditation is, hands down, the best thing you can do for your health and wellbeing Shelyn Somani is a medical doctor living in Grande Prairie, AB who believes that good health does not merely mean the absence of disease. On the contrary she believes good health is to feel alive, joyful, loving, purposeful - full of energy and vitality. Sources: Deepak Chopra, MD., David Simon, MD. Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind & Spirit. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey 2004 Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine 17

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Synergy Q

Tanis McRae, Intuitive Healer ‘Restless in Grande Prairie’

uestion: I suffer frequently from restless leg syndrome. My doc tried some meds on me once but it didn’t do any good. My Mom says that it is hereditary, cause she used to get it too. I notice it more at night and have trouble sleeping because of it. It is often there during the day as well. What could it be? ~ Restless in Grande Prairie.


nswer: Restless leg syndrome is an interesting phenomenon. I will address a couple of suggestions on the physical level first. My mom used to tell me that it was my body asking for more calcium. You may want to visit your doctor or naturopath to find out if you are deficient in calcium. Adding calcium to your diet may be a part of the solution. Twenty to 25 almonds contain calcium equal to a quarter cup of milk and are a handy snack to have on your desk while at work during the day. Secondly you may want to engage in yoga to get the energy moving freely in your legs. Focus your attention on the movement and range of motion in your legs - grounding them and being conscious of the energy that is flowing unimpeded through your muscles. Now onto the emotional component of “restless leg syndrome.” Your legs are the part of your body that deals with moving forward. If your legs are restless, this indicates that there is a need to move quickly or more definitely in a certain direction that you may not be taking at the moment. It may be that you have given up on a dream and chose to pursue something else in life. Are you doing something that sparks your creativity and ignites a passion in you? Do you enjoy writing, drawing, painting or some other creative pursuit? Restless leg can happen because you want to engage in an activity that makes you happy and fulfilled. It may be time to evaluate what you are holding yourself back from – is there an unfulfilled yearning that you are not giving your energy too? Once you become more consciously aware of the feelings and emotion associated with the sensation (restless leg) or have identified the pattern or root cause, the sensation should be significantly reduced or eliminated. Using affirmation based healing may also provide some relief whenever you are experiencing the sensation. Remember to take a deep breath in through the nose and release out through the mouth after each statement. •

I move forward with confidence and joy, knowing that all is well in my future. ~ (Heal Your Body –By Louise L. Hay)

I move forward with ease.

I have enough time to do what needs to be done.

I take all the positive information I have learned from my past and release all that no longer serves me.

If you can identify specific incidents from your past that you wish to move through use this affirmation. •

I choose to move forward from this incident – it isn’t who I am now.

Use the statements above as often as you feel necessary and be aware of how your body feels after you say them. They are not just sentences, but a means to change your thought about something. So give your affirmations importance and attention when you say them; this makes them more effective for healing. The advice in this column is intended as information only. Take what speaks to you and leave the rest behind. Always exercise your right to choose! Tanis McRae answers your questions about various alternative methods for healing the mind, body and soul. Email: askahealer@guidedsynergy.ca Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine 19

Workshop Series Fall 2010 INTENSIVE WEEKEND COURSES • IN CELEBRATION OF HERBS Herbal Pharmacy/ Medicine Making

Sept. 17 - 19

• HANDS ON FEET Introduction to Foot Reflexology

Sept. 24 - 26

• UNFOLD TO YOUR FULL POTENTIAL Introduction to Bach Flower Remedies

Oct. 23 - 24

• HEALING FROM THE RAINBOW Introduction to Light & Colour Therapy

Oct. 30 - 31

INTRODUCTORY EVENING CLASSES: 6:30-9:30 pm • WORRIED ABOUT THE FLU SEASON? Herbs and natural lifestyle choices

Sept. 15

• TAKING STRESS REDUCTION INTO YOUR OWN HANDS Introduction to Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Sept. 29 • OUR EYES – THE WINDOWS TO OUR SOULS Introduction to Iridology

A selection of our exquisite teas. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

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NEW: OUR BODY – THE BIGGER PICTURE 7 - 9:30 pm Movie night with health related topics followed by group discussion. Sept. 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2, Dec. 7 INSTRUCTOR: Gudrun Penselin, M.Ed., M.Phys.Ed Clinical Herbal Therapist, Certified Reflexologist, Bach Flower Practitioner, Certified Iridologist, Sclerologist, Light & Colour Therapist Over 20 years of experience as a practitioner and teacher. Author and publisher of “Bach Flowers Unfolding” Workshops/ Courses are offered on a continuous basis in any of the above healing modalities. All classes are experiential and interactive with a focus on relevancy, practicality and fun.


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A Tea Love Affair

The ancient drink of health and friendship M

y love for tea began when I was around six or seven years old. Back then, drinking tea was a cause for celebration and was accompanied by dressing up, dancing around to Neil Young’s Harvest Moon and sharing uncontrollable laughter with my best friend, Carmen. While I am no longer that carefree child having a tea party, today tea is a way of life for me—as it is for people from many cultures around the world.

and the Blackfoot made tea from Ledum groenlandicum, commonly known as Labrador tea.

Mother Nature is the divine source of tea and we must give thanks for the numerous benefits that tea provides. For the last 5,000 years, tea has worn many hats and has meant different things to different people. Aaron Fisher, author of Tea Wisdom: Quotes and Quips About the World’s Most Celebrated Beverage, writes, “Tea speaks to the individual, as it should, because it is wise; and its language isn’t Eastern or Western, but natural and primordial.” Every tea-drinking country has its own traditions. How you come to know tea is your through own experience; you own those moments in solitude or share them with family and friends, engaging in conversation or sitting in silence.

What makes tea so miraculous are its polyphenols. These naturally occurring compounds are powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants, which we are hearing so much about these days, protect our bodies from free radicals, the compounds that alter cells, tamper with DNA and even cause cell death. Free radicals occur naturally in our bodies, but environmental pollutants, such as UV rays, cigarette smoke and radiation, just to name a few, fuel their fire, allowing them to go to lunch on our healthy cells. These damaging compounds contribute to the aging process and to the development of numerous health problems, including cancer and heart disease.

All teas start from the green leaves of Camellia sinesis, which originated in China. It is the processing of these leaves that determines whether they become green, oolong or black tea. This process reflects the one that autumnal leaves experience when deprived of their sap: they wither and dry. The different levels of fermentation and oxidation that the leaves go through determine the tea’s final flavor and the characteristics of its liquor (the liquid produced by the leaves).

Think of the actions of antioxidants as a game of Pac-Man in our cells, one with an important purpose. Tea is known to prime the body’s immune system to fight infection and to prevent the onset of many illnesses, all while helping to maintain proper fluid balance in our bodies.

White tea, made from the silver down-covered tips of the plant’s unopened leaves, is considered a rare commodity. These handpicked leaves are revered as “sipping serenity” and are served to honoured guests. While not true Camellia sinesis teas, there are many other drinks from around the world that are called tea (or, more properly, herbal tisanes), including rooibos or red bush tea from South Africa and yerba mate from South America. And we must not forget the herbal teas that are derived from our very own stomping grounds; both the Cree

Did you know that there are several contributing factors that affect the quality of tea? • The growing region, altitude and temperature • The season and the stage of growth when the leaves or buds are picked

But experience is only half the beauty of tea. Ancient healers and wise men knew the importance of this warm-weather evergreen and passed their knowledge down from generation to generation for several millennia. Science has now confirmed and documented the many health benefits of drinking tea.

From the four corners of the earth, tea is the ancient drink of health and friendship. It is consumed as part of a ritual, which might be as informal as a child’s tea party or as formal as a Japanese tea ceremony—a celebration of the moments we share with ourselves and with others. One cup, one love. Tricia Dan, Tea enthusiast and owner of Four Corners Tea Shop, Grande Prairie, AB. Originally from Vancouver Island, BC, Tricia loves the great outdoors and her young family; Aaron & Vincent.

These are some of the terms used to describe the leaves, liquor and aroma of a tea: • Special or souchong: better quality tea or knotty stout ball type of leaf • Flowery or fine: well-made or finer teas

• The amount of rainfall the plant received

• Golden: teas with golden liquor

• The processing or drying style

• Orange: teas with orange liquor

• The parts of the plant used

• Tippy: teas made from the second harvest (named for the leaves’ gold tips)

Once the leaves or buds have been picked, the leaves are processed and a grade is determined: • Pekoe: whole leaf • Broken: broken leaf • Fannings: smaller particles (used in tea bags) • Dust: leaf dust (used in tea bags)

• Numeral 1: superior tea


Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine 21

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Winds and the Wheel

Facing challenges and integrating life lessons

Is movement necessarily a good or pleasant thing? On the Wheel, movement is Wind and Winds are challenges. —Okwaho Lablanc The Winds on the Medicine Wheel refer to the eight directions: •

Firekeeper: Northeast

Visionary: East

Peacekeeper: Southeast

Warrior: South

Nomad: Southwest

Dreamer: West

Initiator: Northwest

Healer: North


ike the Sun, Moon and Planets, the winds are real cosmological energies that influence us all. Winds are masculine energies that come from the Dreaming. The Medicine Wheel can be a tool for manifestation or creation. It shows us how to move through life in a grounded, conscious manner, to get past the obstacles that block the peace, health, happiness and abundance that we all desire and deserve. It is a tool that guides us towards sacredness and shows us how to survive at the same time. The Winds are only eight of the thirty-six stones on the Wheel. Normally, we move around the Wheel clockwise, starting in the northeast. But in chronological time, the Winds that change monthly occur in a random manner. On the New Moon in June of this year for example, we entered the Initiator Wind. This is the last Wind in the northwest of the Medicine Wheel, so it is the end of a cycle. This is when we are tested by the Universe to see if we have integrated our life lessons. It is also a time to tie up loose ends, so we do not undo all that we have lived and learned in the Wheel that we were spinning. Endings have always been challenging for me. The Wheel seems to speed up towards the end and I seem to move slower. In June, I found myself scrambling to get things done before leaving for our Dreaming retreat in the mountains. It is hard to contain the Initiator energy, as everything seems to want to unravel. It took effort for me to stay calm, disciplined, clear and focused. My challenge at this time was to be able

to manage all the abundance in my life without getting stressed or overwhelmed. The abundance manifested for me through the love and support of community, through a pow-wow where my Spirit was renewed, in the healing of a major Ancestral story, and in preparing for a road trip. So much abundance! If you look back at what you were living between June 12 and July 10, I am sure you will see the Initiator Wind at work in your life. It can be intense and challenging, but this Wind asks us to see the humour in our mishaps and adventures. In order to fully understand how the Winds operate in your life, you have to consciously live the experiences that each one brings. Shamanism or traditional Aboriginal teachings are based on Earth logic and grounded wisdom. In the past, they showed our Ancestors how to survive and they can do the same for us today. That is the beauty of these teachings—they are ancient, time-tested, practical and adaptable to any geographical location, time period or situation. They have nothing to do with culture and everything to do with Nature—natural and cosmological laws. Our Ancestors say that the Medicine Wheel was given to us by the Star People as a guide to living in balance and sacredness with all life. I sometimes wonder whether, if these teachings were understood and lived by more people, humans might take better care of our Earth Mother. The Winds are also known as Sacred Roles. We each have five of these eight Roles in our personal Wheel. We work with each of them to be balanced and to function in them. This empowers us and gives us the tools we need to deal with daily challenges. Again, it takes time to learn these and even more time to bring them into balance. But the journey is everything and is meant to be enjoyed and lived as fully as possible. See if you can intuitively guess your dominant role. In Grande Prairie, Alberta, we hold Windlodges or New Moon Circles each month to explore the messages, challenges and lessons that the Winds bring to us. These teachings, which my teacher, Lisa Foss Tardiff (Okwaho Lablanc), has formatted and preserved for our modern world, come from the traditional eastern tribes. MaryRose Lessoway is a Métis Elder who has been teaching and hosting Sacred Circles across Canada for 20 years. To learn more about the Medicine Wheel, visit www.indigenousdreamer.com, www. wheelkeeper.com or contact MaryRose at wheelkeeper@hotmail.com

Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine 23

Lose Weight and Sleep Better Too Benefits of the Infrared Sauna


iving in a world consumed by stress can be quite daunting. The hustle and bustle of daily living causes a cascade of physiological effects in the human body. When we are not balanced, we do not function or perform at our best. Infrared therapy is a relatively new technology in health and wellness. Infrared light, part of the sun’s invisible spectrum, penetrates the body, activating thermal energy and creating heat. As the heat penetrates your tissue, it affects your body in a number of beneficial ways. Infrared light produces a deep sweat, which allows your body to release toxins. Detoxification may help improve a number of conditions, including allergies and asthma; anxiety and depression; arthritis; digestive problems; chronic infections; low blood sugar; obesity; headaches; high cholesterol levels; heart disease; and immunesystem disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and multiple chemical sensitivity. Another benefit is increased circulation. As your body heats up, your circulation increases. This infuses your tissues with oxygen and nutrients. It also causes your heart to beat faster, which burns calories. Your metabolism increases and you can burn from 200 to 600 calories in a thirty-minute sauna session. Dr. Mehmet Oz suggests, “Folks who can’t exercise, for example, can at least do saunas to raise their metabolism a little bit.”

predictable means—the sweat—but because the forced constriction and dilation of blood vessels that happens when you go into and out of the heat releases the chemical nitric oxide.” I would also recommend using infrared heat in conjunction with massage therapy for better hydration of the epidermal layers providing elasticity to the skin and pliability to the muscles. Infrared therapy stimulates blood circulation, which allows the therapist to manipulate tense muscles and decrease blood pressure. You might also try using the infrared sauna pre and post massage therapy for added benefits. The following conditions may also be improved with regular use of an infrared sauna: •

Open wounds, burns and incisions may heal more quickly, with reduced scarring.

Blood pressure may be lowered.

Acne, eczema and psoriasis may improve.

Wrinkles and scars may become less visible and skin will look radiant.

Skin tone and elasticity may be firmed.

Cellulite trapped beneath the skin may be reduced.

Other benefits include pain relief, especially for back, neck and arthritis pain, and a boost in your immune system. The sauna provides an atmosphere in which you can breathe normally, not placing strain on your lungs.

So if you are feeling consumed by stress and you know that your body, mind and soul is craving some extra tender loving care, treat yourself to some real me-time in a stress free environment and try out the infrared sauna.

Infrared therapy also creates a stress-free zone, truly a sanctuary that allows you to balance your mind and revitalize your body. Radiant heat envelops your body, gently heating it, creating a cocoon of warmth while melting away stress. Your muscles are freed; detangled. Your skin is buzzing as blood rushes thought your capillaries. Tiny droplets of sweat form and trickle down your arms, back and legs and you know you are detoxing. When our mind and body becomes more relaxed our sleep patterns improve resulting in better overall health.

Colleen Nunes is an internationally qualified Esthetician, Massage Therapist and the Manager of The LSpa & Wellness Centre in Grande Prairie, AB. Passionate about her work, Colleen has trained extensively in complimentary therapies ranging from Spa Therapies,Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Hot Stone Massage & Nutrition. Sources:

According to Dr. Oz, “saunas do more than just help you relax; they help clear toxins from your body. It’s done not only through the

http:/askdoctoroz.com/question/saunas-remove-toxins; http://www. freedompressonline.com/articles.asp?exy=*&Id=1167&tp=1

24 Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


Synergy D I R E C T O R Y v GUIDED SYNERGY Our Peace Country Regional Holistic Directory has become a valuable and trusted resource for natural health & alternative medicine, fitness & yoga, spiritual inspiration, body, mind & soul. Contact us today and become part of the Guided Synergy community!

780.538.3150 directory@guidedsynergy.ca www.guidedsynergy.ca/holistic_directory







These sessions allow you to realize which of your chakras are out of balance, and how this imbalance may be affecting you physically or emotionally. Explore the causes and receive tools to maintain the balance. Feel centered and energized. NOTE: Some people require 3 sessions to gain full benefits. Contact Candace McKim. Grande Prairie, AB

Colour Energy™ What Colour Are You Workshop. Do you want to feel empowered? Use the Rainbow to understand your Colour Energy!!! Learn your colour strengths & weaknesses. This is YOUR blueprint to a clear understanding of yourself and others. Couples only classes are beneficial and available. Contact Leanne Van Wagner, Qualified Colour Energy Consultant.

Quantum biofeedback - Electrodes are placed on the foreheads, wrists and ankles. The device searches for 9000 energetic frequencies or stressors, balancing vitamins and minerals, allergies, hormones, toxins and emotional blocks. Contact Sharon Dillabough for further information. 201, 1117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com

780.814.9645 gpyogazone@gmail.com www.gpyogazone.ca



Family Physician offering Acupuncture. Weakness and imbalance in your qi (chee) can lead to disease. Acupuncture can balance the qi and allow it to flow freely through the body; permitting it to heal. To book an appointment, please call the Northwest Wellness Centre. Grande Prairie, AB


780.532.5520 www.shelynsomani.com

AROMATHERAPY v THE L SPA & WELLNESS CENTRE An ancient discipline aimed at improving health & well being through the treatment of the body as a whole. Reflexology, 4 Day Aroma-Soul Journey, Indian Head Massage, Hot Stone Massage and Manual Lymph Drainage. 10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.830.0302 www.lspa.ca

v YEMANJA WELLNESS STUDIO Offers pure, natural, and organic Rae Dunphy essential oils for all your aromatherapy needs. We carry a range of diffusers and books on essential oils and aromatherapy. Located in the Grande Central Station. Visit our website or call to make an appointment. 107, 10134 - 97 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1985 www.yemanja.ca


Located in downtown Grande Prairie carries a wide selection of books, vinyl, music, gifts, curios and curio user. Open late everyday 10020 – 100 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB


v MOOD MENDER Gifts for the Mind, Body and Soul. Crystals, Books, Tarot, Candles, Incense, Crystal and Brass Bowls, Fountains, and much, much more. 10024A -100 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB


v RETRO RELICS Specializes in spiritual literature including Wicca, Paganism, Celtic, Astrology, Meditation, Yoga, Channeling, Auras, Dreams, Herbs, Alternative Health, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Shamanism and others. Open daily. 10118A - 100 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB


v YEMANJA WELLNESS STUDIO Carries a variety of books, CD’s & DVD’s focusing on health, wealth and wellbeing with a special interest in Holistic Healing. Come check out our selection today. Located in the Grande Central Station. 107, 10134 - 97 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1985 www.yemanja.ca


v MOOD MENDER Featuring Local Artists, Papaya Art, and Fairy Art for purchase. If interested in holding an art class, contact Brenda for more information. 10024A - 100 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB


v AURA ART Your aura drawn and interpreted by Karen Coogan. Picture and written report by mail.

250.770.1166 karencoogan33@gmail.com

Your business could be listed hear. Call Guided Synergy Magazine today 780-538-3150 directory@guidedsynergy.ca

v HEALING HANDS THERAPY AND TEA The Bowen Technique is a dynamic system of muscle and connective tissue therapy that is revolutionizing health care worldwide. 9506 – 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

CHIROPRACTIC v NORTHWEST WELLNESS CENTRE Balanced health for body, mind and spirit including Chiropractic Treatment, Family Medicine, Acupuncture, Registered Massage Therapy, Reconnection Healing, Certified Personal Fitness, Orthotics. 10031 – 100 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.532.5520 www.northwestwellnesscentre.com

v WALK, RUN & MORE Personalized shoe fitting including video gait analysis. We stock shoes designed for orthotics (sizes 5-15). Walk, run, bike, tri, swim, and fitness apparel and accessories. Group clinics and programs (walkers & runners). Best selection of compression in the Peace! Check our website for more information. 10029-100 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1136 www.walkrun.ca

COLON HYDROTHERAPY v GP CLEANSING & WELLNESS CENTRE A variety of illnesses can be triggered by a toxic colon which can be relieved with colon hydrotherapy, a safe effective method of removing waste from the large intestine without the use of drugs. For more information or to book a consultation, contact Wendy Davis. 9804 – 100 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

Directory ONLINE www.guidedsynergy.ca/holistic_directory

COURSES / CLASSES v HOT ROCK MASSAGE CLASSES The ‘Cadillac’ of all massages. It’s great! Learn for family or friends or to incorporate into your business. 2 Day workshops. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre or visit our website.

780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com



780.402.3292 www.therapyandtea.com

780.882.2584 vanwag@gpwins.ca www.sacredessence.ca


Introductory and intensive workshops in Herbal Medicine, Bach Flowers, Reflexology, Light & Colour Therapy, Iridology and more. “Our Body - The Bigger Picture” - movie night with health related topics followed by group discussion, 1st Tuesday of the month. For information contact Gudrin.

780.532.2464 rainbow.healing@telusplanet.net

v RAINDROP CLASSES Very relaxing aromatherapy treatment. Therapeutic properties in each oil help to relax and soothe the muscles. It is a must 1 day workshop. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre or visit our website.

780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com

v SACRED ESSENCE Developing Intuition (beginner and advanced), What Color Are You Workshop, Quantum Touch and Reiki. Contact Leanne VanWagner or check our events calendar online for dates & details!

780.882.2584 vanwag@gpwins.ca www.sacredessence.ca/calendar.html

v THE GEMINI POTENTIAL Offering classes in Reiki, Deep Healing, The Empowerment Series and more. Find the class that empowers you by contacting Marilyn.

780.505.1349 expecttobeempowered@gmail.com www.expecttobeempowered.com

Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine 25

v THE HEALING I Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Discover your potential to heal yourself and others. Workshops, Drop-in Healing Circles and Private Healing Sessions. For more in depth workshop information and prices please contact, The Healing I.

780.518.9530 thehealingi@gmail.com www.thehealingi.com

v YEMANJA WELLNESS STUDIO Has ongoing Yoga classes in Hatha, Therapeutic, Prenatal, Teens and Kids. Private Sessions are available. Our studio also has ongoing Yoga, Mediation, & Wellbeing workshops. If you are looking for an intimate space with good energy and lots of natural lighting, our studio is available for rent. Located in the Grande Central Station. Call to book your appointment or visit our website. 107, 10134 - 97 Ave., Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1985 www.yemanja.ca







Far Infrared Sauna offers deep heat therapy, detoxifies, improves circulation, boosts immune system, burns 600-900 calories in 30 min., increases metabolism, removes cellulite, reduces stress, and lowers blood pressure. Contact Sharon Dillabough. 201, 1117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

Gifts for the mind, body, and soul. Crystals, Books, Tarot, Candles, Incense, Crystal and Brass Bowls, Fountains, and much, much more. 10024A -100 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB

780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com

v THE L SPA & WELLNESS CENTRE Our brand new 5 person Far Infrared Sauna was featured on Oprah with Dr. Oz. This flu season; improve your immune system while relaxing! Beneficial for stress relief, healthier skin, weight loss, pain relief and heart health. For a full brochure of benefits, visit our website. L Spa members receive 180 minutes/month complimentary. Punch cards are available for 6x30min, $108. 10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.830.0302 www.lspa.ca

v YOGA IN ACTION Intensive Leadership Training with Candace McKim and Linda Alaimoana. Take your Yoga Practice to the next level with Yoga In Action, the grassroots project of Off The Mat and Into The World. Explore and discover your life purpose through Yoga postures, Meditation, Visualization and Ritual. Build your yoga community and collaborate to make real change. 1 year yoga experience required. Grande Prairie, AB

780.814.9645 gpyogazone@gmail.com www.gpyogazone.ca

EMOTIONAL HEALING v THE GEMINI POTENTIAL Learn to clear emotional blocks, gently and permanently with acceptance and empowerment. Contact Marilyn at The Gemini Potential or visit our website.

780.505.1349 expecttobeempowered@gmail.com www.expecttobeempowered.com.



v PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE Gift Certificates now available for purchase online. Give a gift of relaxing massage, reflexology, a hot rock massage, or a wonderful Seaweed Wrap, plus much more to loved ones. PayPal is available for your online purchases. Contact Sharon Dillabough. 201, 1117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com

v RETRO RELICS Specializes in spiritual literature including Wicca, Paganism, Celtic, Astrology, Meditation, Yoga, Channeling, Auras, Dreams, Herbs, Alternative Health, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Shamanism, and others. Open daily. 10118A - 100 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB


v ZETA MARIE BOUDREAU RMT Craniosacral Therapy (CST) releases tensions deep within the body by unwinding the fascia and muscles from the core to the outer perimeter, alleviating a full spectrum of stress, pain, illness and many other dysfunctions. This treatment is enhanced by a detoxifying ion cleanse foot bath, creating a state of ease for the entire body. Contact Zeta Marie to book a session designed for your individual needs.


DANCE v MIDNIGHT AURORA MIDDLE EASTERN DANCE Ongoing classes and performance events inquiries. Contact Belinda or Vikki via email.

midnightaurora@ymail.com midnightauroramiddleeasterndance.com

v MOONDANCE SHIMMY Traditional Belly Dance classes. Call Oksana for more information on dates and times.

780.505.1407 ksusha2002@hotmail.com www.moondanceshimmy.byregion.net

26 Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

On the body or off, Reiki Quantum Healing is very effective for aches and pains. Promotes healing and is very relaxing. Contact Sharon Dillabough. 201, 1117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com

FITNESS v AMBER’S FITNESS STUDIO Fully qualified registered massage therapists and holistic practitioners providing a variety of techniques to help facilitate your health and well being. Classes to suit all levels of fitness from AB-solutely BOOTY-licious to BOOTCAMP “Last 10 Pounds”. Fitness for Everyone! 9801- 105 Street, Grande Prairie, AB


v WALK, RUN & MORE Personalized shoe fitting including video gait analysis. We stock shoes designed for orthotics (sizes 5-15). Walk, run, bike, tri, swim, and fitness apparel and accessories. Group clinics and programs (walkers & runners). Best selection of compression in the Peace! Check our website for more information. 10029-100 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1136 www.walkrun.ca

780.814.2758 inspections@kebarenterprises.com www.kebarenterprises.com

HOMEOPATHY v CONTACT GUIDED SYNERGY Your business or services could be listed here. Call Guided Synergy Magazine today.

780.538.3150 directory@guidedsynergy.ca

JEWELRY v COYOTE MOON HEMP COMPANY Hemp products, soaps, lotions, incense, oils and burners, clothing, metaphysical books, tarot cards, beading supplies, and gifts. 9931 – 100 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB


v THE L SPA & WELLNESS CENTRE Eye pillows, neti pots, tranquility candles, Eminence Organic Skin Care, Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup, Treatment of the Month Club, Annual Memberships, Bridal Packages, Pregnancy Programs, Multiple pampering possibilities. Customized gift cards in any denomination. We can deliver or mail your gift anywhere. 10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.830.0302 www.lspa.ca



Indoor Air Quality testing and sampling, Indoor Mold testing and sampling, and Residential Home Inspections performed by a Certified Inspector. Inspected Once, Inspected Right! Contact Keith Shangraw to schedule your inspection.

v YEMANJA WELLNESS STUDIO We carry a wide selection of all natural and organic products including Eminence Organic Skincare, Jane Iredale Mineral Make-up, eight lines of yoga apparel and essentials, Rocky Mountain Soap Company, Neti Pots, natural baby products, Colour Energy and much, much more! Or make it easy and get a gift certificate which may be used for retail or one of our spa services. Located in the Grande Central Station. Visit our website for more details. 107, 10134-97 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1985 www.yemanja.ca

HEALTH FOOD STORES v HEALTH HUT Serving Northern Alberta for more than 30 years carrying a complete inventory of quality health supplements, foods, vitamins & herbs. When you visit our store, you will find that we have the time and expertise to help you on your quest to ‘Feelin’ Good Naturally.’ Prairie Mall, Grande Prairie, AB

1.877.539.4339 / 780.539.4339 www.healthhut.ca

v MOOD MENDER Gifts for the mind, body, and soul; crystals, books, Tarot, candles, incense, crystal and brass bowls, fountains, and much, much more. 10024A -100 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB


v YEMANJA WELLNESS STUDIO If you are looking for unique, hand crafted earth stone jewelry and pendulums, check out our wide selection. Earth stone jewelry and pendulums carry natural energies from the earth, a powerful tool in holistic healing. We also carry Meditation rings from Israel. A perfect gift for that someone special. Located in the Grande Central Station. 107, 10134-97 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1985 www.yemanja.ca

KINESIOLOGY v EDIE KNIGHT Touch for Health, Body Management, Swedish Relaxation Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Equine and Pet Therapy. Please call for appointments. Little Smoky, AB

780.524.5518 or 780.524.8965

LIFE COACHING v CALM IN SENSE Empowering women to have wisdom and confidence. Offering clients Life Coaching, Group Coaching and Workshops. Please contact Rhonda Smith, CPC, for more details.

780.832.7552 Rhonda@CalmInSense.com www.calminsense.com





Experienced Life Coaches for experiential life therapy sessions. Please contact Pat Nelson or Bryce Korzenowski.

Hot rock massage is the most soothing, sedating, relaxing, rejuvenating, awesome, nurturing hot rock massage you could ever experience, what a treat! Manual Lymphatic Drainage stimulates the immune system, enhances lymphocyte cytotoxic response, increases the number of natural killer cells, decreases anxiety and increases relaxation. Helps with swelling, and promotes healing. Raindrop therapy is a great technique to relax and align your spine. It’s like little raindrops of oil put on the back and massaged in, ending with a soothing hot towel. Swedish massage uses five styles of long flowing strokes to massage and has shown to be helpful in reducing pain, joint stiffness and improving poor circulation. Contact Sharon Dillabough. 201, 1117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

Family Physician and Chopra Center Certified Meditation Instructor offering monthly Meditation Workshops. Grande Prairie, AB

Eminence Organic Skin Care and Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup. We also ship orders. Call or visit our website. 10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.897.5507 780.897.6969 mountainpeakw@live.ca www.illuminatedevolutioninc.ca

LOOSE LEAF TEAS v FOUR CORNERS TEA SHOP Located in the heart of downtown Grande Prairie, featuring only the finest quality of loose leaf teas, tea wares, & accessories. Free daily tea tastings from our exquisite collection. Bringing our community together one cup at a time. 9927B – 100 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB


MASSAGE THERAPY v EMBODIED ESSENTIALS Therapeutic & Relaxation Massage, Certified Infant Massage Instructor, Direct billing to school board members, Evening & Weekend appointments available. 201, 11117 – 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB


780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com

v THE L SPA & WELLNESS CENTRE Become an L Spa Junkie and receive one 60 minute massage free each month. Another massage free on your birthday….and another massage anytime you refer another Spa Junkie Membership!! We are devoted to relaxation! 10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.830.0302 www.lspa.ca

v GRANDE PRAIRIE HOLISTIC HEALTH Massage Therapy, Traditional Thai Massage, Doula Service, Hot Stone Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, Body Talk, Deep Healing/Emotional Release, Face Reading, Muscle Energy Technique. 9801- 105 Street, Grande Prairie, AB


v HEALING ART Offering NHCP Certified Swedish Relaxation Massage Therapy, Hot Rock Massage and Raindrop Technique Quote Promo Code: Fall2010 to receive $10 off your first session! Contact Terry to book your session.


v HEALING HANDS THERAPY AND TEA Where we SPECIALIZE in therapeutic massage. Gift certificates are available. Call to book your appointment. 9506 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.402.3292 www.therapyandtea.com

v LIVE IN YOUR BODY TRAINING CENTRE Emotional Release Massage uses emotional trigger points to release cellular memory, unexpressed emotions, blocked energy; allowing you to experience a greater sense of balance, harmony and well being. Call Michele or visit our website for more information. Grande Prairie, AB

780.518.1190 www.liveinyourbody.com

Directory ONLINE

v TRINITY NATURAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS Full range of Therapeutic Wellness Services offered to support your health and vitality naturally including massage therapy. Contact Michelle Golany, Registered Naturopathy Practitioner. 4723 – 53 Avenue, High Prairie, AB

780.523.0053 www.trinitynatural.com

v YEMANJA WELLNESS STUDIO Rejuvinate yourself with one of our relaxing massages. We offer Hot/Cold Stone, Ayurvedic Treatments (Indian Head Massage, Abyhanga Massage), Swedish Relaxation, Therapeutic (deep tissue), Prenatal, or Reconnective Healing Massage. Book your appointment today! Located in the Grande Central Station. 107, 10134 - 97 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1985 www.yemanja.ca

MEDITATION v EIRIU EOLAS Experience the revived techniques of Ancient Knowledge, now proven by current scientific research. Relieve your stress with today’s most effective breathing and meditation program, Eiriu Eolas. Simple to learn and easy to add to your busy schedule. FREE introductory classes held at the Rabbit Hole Bookstore. Contact Irini or Carolyn for more information. 10020 - 100th Ave, Grande Prairie, AB

780.532.4022 carolyn@eiriu-eolas.org www.EEBreathe.com

780.830.2802 www.shelynsomani.com

NATURAL MEDICINE v ENERGETIC PAPIMI CENTRE LTD Offering a variety of products and services to empower you and provide the knowledge to restore and maintain a naturally healthy body, mind & spirit! German New Medicine, Papimi Electro-Magnetic Field generating device, Hydro-Massage Bed, CRT Organ Scan, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Deep Healing Emotional Energy and so much more! Unit 3, 9831 – 98A Avenue, Fort St. John, BC

250.785.2702 www.energeticpapimi.com

v TRINITY NATURAL HEALTH & WELLNESS Full Range of Therapeutic Wellness Services to Support Your Health and Vitality Naturally including Diagnostic Laboratory Testing (noninvasive), Nutritional and Diet Counseling, Vitamin and Mineral Therapy, Herbal Medicine, Energy Medicine, Homeopathy, Massage Therapy, Myofascial Release. Contact Michelle Golany, Registered Naturotherapy Practitioner, Registered Massage Therapist. 4732 - 53 Avenue, High Prairie, AB

780.523.0053 www.trinitynatural.com


Amethyst Crystal BioMat is an FDA licensed medical device that combines state of the art Far Infrared and Negative Ion technology with the healing power of Amethyst Crystal. This trilogy delivers professional therapeutic results in a home or professional setting. The BioMat is a revolutionary tool ideal for health care professionals or anyone interested in improving their overall health and wellbeing. Get a massage with the amazing healing BioMat, it’s so relaxing, released tired sore muscles and helps alleviate depression. Improves circulation, detoxifies and more! Himalayan Pink Salt is as essential for the body as water. Containing 84 natural elements, it helps regulate blood pressure, balances pH and blood sugar levels, prevents muscle cramps, regulates sleep, and maintains libido. Natural Cellular Defense removes heavy metals, arsenic, mercury, lead, pesticides, and herbicides. Safe for long term use, this product supports a healthy immune system and is 100% natural and non-toxic. PayPal is available for your online purchases. Contact Sharon Dillabough. 201, 1117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com

780.830.0302 www.lspa.ca

v YEMANJA WELLNESS STUDIO We carry a wide variety of all natural products for every aspect of your life. We offer Eminence Organic Skincare, Jane Iredale Mineral Make-up, Rocky Mountain Soap Company, wonderfully aromatic whole leaf teas from Tea Affair as well as Rae Dunphy Essential Oils, including their new line of all natural cleaning products. Located in the Grande Central Station. 107, 10134-97 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1985 www.yemanja.ca

NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR v DR. LUCI SKAKEN, N.D. Naturopathic Family Medicine and Wellness Programs: Book appointments at the following locations:

Grande Prairie, AB Health Hut 780.539.4339 Fort St. John, BC Aurora Chiropractic Clinic 250.785.7488

v YEMANJA WELLNESS STUDIO DR. JANICE DACYSHYN, ND Professional Naturopath specializing in Hormonal Health & Women’s Health. Botanical Medicine Counseling, Nutrition & Lifestyle Modification, Detoxification, Homeopathy and more. Visit our website or call to book your appointment.

780.513.1985 www.yemanja.ca

ORGANIC PRODUCTS v HOMESTEADER HEALTH Our healthy lifestyle stores specializes in organic fresh produce, organic dairy and local fresh eggs. We also offer gluten free products, nutritional supplements & vitamins, herbal remedies, homeopathy, and eco-cleaning products. Visit our Gateway location in Grande Prairie for beauty consultations & products.

Grande Prairie, AB Downtown Location 104, 10012 - 99th Avenue 1.877.538.1133 / 780.538.1133 Gateway Location 10320 – 111 Street 1.877.538-9970 / 780.538.9970 Fort St. John, BC 20, 9831 - 98A Avenue 1.800.668.5433 / 250.785.1455 Prince George, BC 2, 6559 Hart Hwy 1.888.241.9392 / 250.962.7280 www.homesteaderhealth.com

www.guidedsynergy.ca/holistic_directory Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine 27

v MOTHER NATURE’S WAY Affordable Organic Essentials for Mum & Baby. All of our products are chemical free. For allergy sufferers some are gluten, dairy, nut free and vegan as well. Using organic products is actually cost effective and they help to nourish our bodies. Your baby’s body and your body will be thanking you after you use our products! 9908B – 100 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB


QUANTUM TOUCH v SACRED ESSENCE Do you want to accelerate your own healing process? Learn how to activate your body to heal itself. Learn to focus, amplify & direct your Life Force Energy. Individual & group classes or sessions. Certified in Quantum Touch…Contact Leanne Van Wagner

780.882.2584 vanwag@gpwins.ca www.sacredessence.ca

780.832.3583 www.mothernaturesway.net

v PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE OrGano Gold Gourmet Coffees, Hot Chocolate and Organic Green Tea too! 100% Certified Organic Ganoderma ingredients. Many health benefits. Contact Sharon Dillabough. 201, 1117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB.

780.538.9833 www.sharonsgold.organogold.com

POSTURE / HEALTH v PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE Proellixe Machine benefits muscle tone - quick inch loss, body remodeling and reshaping, enhanced bone density and bone rebuilding as this is a weight bearing exercise, core muscles strengthened, increase flexibility, feel invigorated/increased energy. Contact Sharon Dillabough. 201, 1117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com

RECONNECTIVE HEALING v RECONNECT 4 LIFE A comprehensive spectrum of healing frequencies comprised of energy, light and information, which allows for healing on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Align to your true purpose through The Reconnection, which will bring you into the fullness of your inherent connection with the universe. Please contact Parri Ulrich, R.H.P. to book your appointment.

780.831.8921 parri@reconnect4life.ca

REFLEXOLOGY v STEPHANIE SLON Stressed? Tired? Achy? Reflexology will help. Reflexology is a deeply relaxing yet gentle therapy that encourages the body to restore and maintain its own healthy balance. Call Steph to take away your pain!

780.933.6169 www.stephsreflexology.com

PSYCHIC INTUITIVES v KAREN COOGAN Divinely guided Intuitive Readings, Card Readings and Channelings, in person or by phone. Aura-Art & interpretation by mail.

250.770.1166 karencoogan33@gmail.com

v THE TRINITY EFFECT Connecting Mind, Body and Spirit Together as One. Trinity Readings in person, get together’s and by phone. Also offering Trinity Training Intuitive Journey Hands on Training Program. Contact Tracy Kosolofski for inquiries or to register.


PSYCHOSOMATIC THERAPY v LIVE IN YOUR BODY TRAINING CENTRE Offers classes and workshops on Psychosomatic Therapy. Individual treatments are available by appointment. Discover how Your Thoughts Are Shaping YOU! Call Michele or visit our website for more information. Grande Prairie, AB

780.518.1190 www.liveinyourbody.com

Reiki is like a spiritual massage leaving you feeling tranquil & calm. Individual, group, or couples classes available. Intuitively guided Reiki Healing Sessions. Level 1 to Teachers. Contact Master/Teacher: Leanne Van Wagner

780.882.2584 vanwag@gpwins.ca www.sacredessence.ca

v THE GEMINI POTENTIAL Reiki/Crystal Reiki. Experience the relaxation of Reiki. Promotes healing and releases emotional blocks. Usui, Karuna, or Komyo Reiki classes and individual sessions are available. Contact Marilyn.

780.505.1349 expecttobeempowered@gmail.com www.expecttobeempowered.com

SCHOOLS / EDUCATION v CONTACT GUIDED SYNERGY Your business or services could be listed here. Call Guided Synergy Magazine today.

780.538.3150 directory@guidedsynergy.ca

780.830.0302 www.lspa.ca

v PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE Specific points on the soles of your feet correspond to every structure, organ, and gland in your body. Reflexology improves blood circulation, lymph and nerves, and is very relaxing. Contact Sharon Dillabough. 201, 1117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com

REIKI v ILLUMINATED EVOLUTION INC. Third Degree Reiki Practitioners. Make an appointment at Healing Hands Therapy and Tea, Pat Nelson or Bryce Korzenowski. 9506 – 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.897.5507 780.897.6969 www.illuminatedevolutioninc.com

Experience the revived techniques of Ancient Knowledge, now proven by current scientific research. Relieve your stress with today’s most effective breathing and meditation program, Eiriu Eolas. Simple to learn and easy to add to your busy schedule. FREE introductory classes held at the Rabbit Hole Bookstore. DVD set available. Contact Irini or Carolyn for more information. 10020 - 100th Ave, Grande Prairie, AB

780.532.4022 carolyn@eiriu-eolas.org www.EEBreathe.com

WELLNESS CENTRES v A RURAL TRANQUILITY DAY SPA Therapeutic Massage/Swedish Massage, LA Stone (Hot Rocks Massage), Facials, Peels, Microdermabrasion, Laser Cellulite Treatments, Laser Facials, Laser Hair Reduction, Pedicure and Manicure, Advanced Pedicure/Fungal Care, Sauna, Walking Trails/Summer Yoga and so much more . . .

780.830.8888 www.countryspa.ca



Balanced health for body, mind and spirit including Chiropractic Treatment, Family Medicine, Acupuncture, Registered Massage Therapy, Reconnection Healing, Certified Personal Fitness, Orthotics.10031 - 100 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

20+ years of experience with Tarot & Astrology Readings, Ritual Healing, House and Land Blessings, Medicine Wheel Teachings, Exploring Dreams, and Art Therapy sessions. Please contact MaryRose Lessoway.

780.505.2939 wheelkeeper@hotmail.com www.wheelkeeper.org

SPIRITUAL HEALTH / HEALING v ILLUMINATED EVOLUTION INC. Third Degree Reiki Practitioners; Life Coach, Spiritual Reader-past, present and future, Medicine Wheel Teaching Circles, Watercolor Painting Instruction. Make an appointment at Healing Hands Therapy and Tea or with Pat Nelson or Bryce Korzenowski. 9506 – 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.897.5507 780.897.6969 mountainpeakw@live.ca www.illuminatedevolutioninc.ca

v DIVINELY GUIDED SPIRITUALITY Golden Codes of Atlantis Caribbean Cruise and Spiritual Journey, Oct 9-16, 2010. Contact Co-facilitator Karen Coogan.

250.770.1166 divinelyguidedspirituality@gmail.com

TAROT v MOOD MENDER Gifts for the mind, body, and soul. Crystals, Books, Tarot Cards, Candles, Incense, Crystal and Brass Bowls, Fountains, and much, much more. 10024A -100 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB


28 Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine



v THE L SPA & WELLNESS CENTRE Balance your mind and body through manipulation and application of pressure to various zones on the feet. Reflexology helps the body; systems and organs; work more efficiently thus speeding up your natural healing process, creating a sense of wellbeing. 10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB


780.532.5520 www.northwestwellnesscentre.com

v PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE Established in 1999 the Peace Country Wellness Centre provides the surrounding community with holistic and alternative methods of healing the body, mind and spirit. Whether it is reflexology, reiki, hot stone massage or raindrop therapy, the result is a relaxed, rejuvenated and energized feeling. 201, 11117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780-538-9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com

v THE L SPA & WELLNESS CENTRE Northern Alberta’s Premier Health & Wellness Spa welcomes you to experience comfort, tranquility and luxurious sensation. Become a member and receive up to 40% off regular spa menu pricing. Our unique program is based on an on-going individual assessment approach. We take your wellness seriously. Monthly visits are very affordable once you become a member. Member benefits include: free birthday massage, 120 min free/month Far Infrared Sauna, Free Massage, Pedi or Facial each month. Please contact the spa for more information on the L Spa Junkie Program. 10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.830.0302 www.lspa.ca

v TRINITY NATURAL HEALTH & WELLNESS Full Range of Therapeutic Wellness Services to Support Your Health and Vitality Naturally including Diagnostic Laboratory Testing (noninvasive), Nutritional and Diet Counseling, Vitamin and Mineral Therapy, Herbal Medicine, Energy Medicine, Homeopathy, Massage Therapy, Myofascial Release. Contact Michelle Golany, Registered Naturotherapy Practitioner, Registered Massage Therapist. 4732 - 53 Avenue, High Prairie, AB

780.523.0053 www.trinitynatural.com

v YEMANJA WELLNESS STUDIO Yoga classes, yoga apparel & essentials, Massage Therapy, Ayurvedic Treatments (Indian Head Massage, Abyhanga Massage), Infrared Sauna, Spa Services, Eminence Organic Skin Care and a full range of natural products. 107, 10134 - 97th Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB






Grande Prairie’s Best Selection of Whole Leaf Teas. Contact Darlene. 9506 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

Experience the revived techniques of Ancient Knowledge, now proven by current scientific research. Relieve your stress with today’s most effective breathing and meditation program, Eiriu Eolas. Simple to learn and easy to add to your busy schedule. FREE introductory classes held at the Rabbit Hole Bookstore. DVD set available. Contact Irini or Carolyn for more information. 10020 - 100th Ave, Grande Prairie, AB

780.402.3292 www.therapyandtea.com

v YEMANJA WELLNESS STUDIO Let your mind unfurl and relax while you steep your delicious, aromatic tea. Tea Affair offers a large variety of teas for every time of day and every personality. Watch the leaves expand in your cup, releasing their delicate powers to ease the mind and revitalize the body. Located in the Grande Central Station. Call to book your appointment or visit our website.107, 10134 97 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1985 www.yemanja.ca

Directory ONLINE www.guidedsynergy.ca/holistic_directory

780.513.1985 www.yemanja.ca

780.532.4022 carolyn@eiriu-eolas.org www.EEBreathe.com

v GP YOGA ZONE, CANDACE MCKIM GP Yoga Zone offers 8-week Vinyasa Yoga sessions (once or twice per week) where the classes begin with the basics and then progress with your own abilities in All-level Vinyasa, Divine Timing or Intermediate Vinyasa Yoga. Candace is a Yoga Therapist and offers modification for ALL postures depending on your personal physical needs. Candace McKim has been certified in Yoga for Cancer Survivors teaching a Yoga Thrive class to Cancer Survivors PLUS any persons who may require a Restorative Yoga (MS, Heart Disease or Arthritis). Also offered are Mom & Baby Yoga, Children’s Yoga, and Prenatal Yoga. When we allow our body and mind to flow through our yoga practice, we can then take this calm fluidity out into our life. For schedules and registration visit our website. Grande Prairie, AB

We have created an intimate yoga space with a maximum of six people per class; the intention is to help one feel fully comfortable and attended to in their yoga practice. Offering Hatha, Therapeutic, Prenatal, Teens, Kids and Private sessions. Located in the Grande Central Station. 107, 10134 - 97 Avenue, Grande Prairie.

780.513.1985 www.yemanja.ca

v YOGA FOR EVERY BODY Introduction to Yoga, New to Yoga Hatha Yoga, Beginner Hatha Flow Yoga, Flow Hatha Yoga, and Specialized classes can be designed for specific populations (Pre/Post Natal, Seniors, Chair, Special Populations, Schools & Corporate) Available in Grande Prairie, Sexsmith & Spirit River. Contact Wenda Housego.

780.402.3734 www.yogaforeverybody.info

v GUIDED SYNERGY Our Peace Country Regional Holistic Directory has become a valuable and trusted resource for natural health & alternative medicine, fitness & yoga, spiritual inspiration, body, mind & soul. Contact us today and become part of the Guided Synergy community!

780.538.3150 directory@guidedsynergy.ca www.guidedsynergy.ca/holistic_directory

gpyogazone@gmail.com www.gpyogazone.ca

Looking for courses, workshops and events?

Visit our NEW online Event Calendar www.guidedsynergy.ca/calendar.html



FREE for Guided Synergy Advertisers. Post your event details and keep it current with our NEW Online Event Calendar. For details contact 780.538.3150 or email editor@guidedsynergy.ca

Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine 29

Yoga Classes • Hatha • Therapeutic • Prenatal • Kids/Teens • Private

Massage Therapy • Swedish Relaxation • Deep Tissue • Prenatal • Hot Stone Massage

Ayurvedic Treatments • Abhyanga Massage • Indian Head Massage • Hand & Foot Treatment

Naturopathic Doctor Professional Naturopath specializing in Hormonal Health & Women’s Health, Botanical Medicine Counseling, Nutrition & Lifestyle Modification, Detoxification, Homeopathy and more.

Spa Services Infrared Sauna Workshops • Eminence Organic Skincare • Yoga Wear & Accesories • Rae Dunphy Essential Oils • Jane Iredale Skincare Makeup • Rocky Mountain Soap Company • Jewelry • Books/CDs/DVDs

... naturally inspired

We’re moving to 214 Place . . . Fall 2010! Check our website for exciting details.

www.yemanja.ca • 107 10134 97th Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8V 7X6 • 780.513.1985 30 Fall 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

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