Spring/Summer 2011 - Calgary Region

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at Select Locations

in Western Canada

Synergy SPRING/SUMMER 2011


Leslie Lovlin



Ways To Enhance Quality Of Sleep


Book Review: A Refreshing Take on Countless Diet Fads




Body, Mind, Soul


‘The only guide for holistic healing in the Calgary Region and Southern Alberta’

Synergy Spring/Summer 2011 5 Book Review by DB Ryder

Sean Liv’s - The Ticket A refreshing take on countless diet fads

7 Quantum Meets Biofeedback

by Niki Lucas, homeopath and biofeeedback specialist

The study of life at that invisible, sub-atomic level

8 The Healing Energy of Reiki

by Roberta Bruin, Firewalk Instructor & Hypnotherapist

Ancient practice rediscovered

9 Follow you heart and soul

On the cover Ayurveda: A Life in Balance Exclusive interview with Leslie Lovlin by Jennifer Worley

12 9

Vegan Red Lentil Soup A delicious soup you will want to share

by Shelyn Somani, Medical Doctor

What do you want... and what are you willing to give?

12 Ayurveda: A Life in Balance

15 Role of a Healer

Desperate for Dreaming Four ways to enhance quality of sleep

21 25

by Christine Upchurch M.S., Reconnective Healing Instructor

Facilitating the path to wellness

19 Ask an Expert

Encouraging Healing with Bach Flower Remedies

by Jennifer Worley

Exclusive interview with Leslie Lovlin

by Dr. Brett Hessel, Chiropractor

Back basics Restoring normal function to your spine

20 Grow A Child

by Gwen Randall-Young, Registered Psychologist

Trust and respect is the best approach

21 Encouraging Healing with Bach Flower Remedies by Gudrun Penselin, author and publisher

25 Desperate for Dreaming by Nicole Yamanaka, B.Sc Kinesiology

Four ways to enhance quality of sleep

26 Holistic and Natural Health Directory

Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine 3

VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 Spring/Summer 2011 Editor Linda Warwick, editor@guidedsynergy.ca Assistant Editor Carolyn Bateman Graphic Designer Nancy Seiz, nancy@guidedsynergy.ca Executive Assistant/Events Coordinator Chelsey Boyne, chelsey@guidedsynergy.ca Account Executive Nicky Scott, nicky@guidedsynergy.ca Contributors DB Ryder, Niki Lucas, Dr. Shelyn Somani, Jennifer Worley, Christine Upchurch, Dr. Brett Hessel, Gwen Randall-Young, Gudrun Penselin, Nicole Yamanaka Photography Ramsay & Winsor Photography iStockphoto.com, Dreamstime Article Submission: Articles in Guided Synergy Magazine are copyrighted and must not be reprinted, duplicated or transmitted without permission. The information provided in this magazine is informational only and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified and licensed practitioner or health care provider. Freelance contributions are welcome for consideration. Refer to the article guidelines on our website for submission details at www.guidedsynergy.ca Please direct all inquiries to editorial@guidedsynergy.ca Guided Synergy Magazine makes every effort to preserve the accuracy of the information it publishes. We cannot, however, guarantee them to be true nor held responsible for any errors or omissions. No guarantees are expressed or implied. Our readers and advertisers are health conscious individuals living a holistic lifestyle who use this magazine as a resource guide to find natural and holistic practitioners, products, services, courses, workshops & events in their region and beyond. Cover Photo: On the cover is Grande Prairie’s Leslie Lovlin, Ayurveda Spa Specialist and co-owner of Skyloft Integrated Wellness Studio. The series of photos for our feature story were shot indoors, a first for our cover feature, in order to better illustrate the warmth of the Spring and Summer seasons versus the snow and cold that still lingered outside at the time of the photo shoot. Photography: Ramsay Winsor Photography, a husband and wife team, Keith Winsor and Janet Ramsay specializing in location work including commercial, industrial and product photography. www.ramsaywinsor.com Guided Synergy Magazine 6410 98A Street Grande Prairie, Alberta T8W 2M9 780.538.3150 www.guidedsynergy.ca 4 Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine

Book Review

Sean Liv’s - The Ticket A refreshing take on countless diet fads by Sean Liv Reviewed by DB Ryder


ean Liv’s, The Ticket is a refreshing take on the countless diet fads and programs that have saturated the weightloss industry over the years. In this first book, she offers up a 13-week program that can be customized for any fitness level and can all be done without a gym membership or purchasing any additional equipment. She even provides some healthy recipes to help you get started on a healthier diet and showcases a couple of success stories to inspire the timid. For those of us who are all too familiar with the latest and greatest weight-loss programs to hit the market, this may sound pretty familiar and a bit “old hat.” So what, you ask, is so refreshing about that? Very quickly, you discover that The Ticket isn’t so much a weight-loss book as it is a self-improvement book. It was clearly written for those of us who have excitedly and optimistically begun a new diet or workout regimen only to have it fizzle out a few weeks or months down the road. This

book challenges you to explore your own thought processes, habits, self-doubts and lingering emotional hang-ups in an effort to understand how they may be hindering your success. Her holistic approach to selfimprovement is focused on helping the reader to understand the inter-connection between the body, mind and spirit. It is this understanding, she informs us, that will assist in finding inner strength and permanently overcome the obstacles that have kept so many of us from achieving our goals. Liv’s philosophy is a message born of her own personal experiences. In this book, she shares her personal struggle with yoyo weight-loss before undergoing her own physical transformation of losing 90 pounds. She also talks about experiencing the inner fragility that can be almost paralyzing when embarking on personal goals and dreams. She writes with such honesty that you crave a bit more of her story, knowing that you’re just touching the surface of her personal journey toward finding inner strength. And there is no doubt that she has found that

strength. There is a definite awareness and confidence that comes through in the narrative of the book. The Ticket makes it difficult not to join Liv in the belief that a willingness to take a clear and honest look at your life can bring about positive changes beyond weight-loss. This holistic philosophy is plainly stated and woven throughout the book, but thankfully, is not delivered in a way that makes you feel as if you need to be sitting deeply in meditation pose to receive its full benefit. Instead, The Ticket is filled with easy-tofollow exercises, healthy recipes, shopping tips and practical advice. Anyone who is willing can use these tools to transform their lives – beginning with their bodies. This book is a must have for anyone ready to make positive life changes that stick. DB Ryder is a Calgary freelance writer.

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www.linken.ca • lindawarwick@linken.ca Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine 5


to Guided Synergy Magazine


or me, a life in balance is a work in progress. And I think for many of us, our lifestyles have changed along the way – some more significantly than others. I grew up on a farm in central Saskatchewan in the late seventies, early eighties and sometimes I think about how simple life was back then. We didn’t have cell phones or Facebook, or a debit card and my mother never picked up a cooked chicken at the grocery store either. She grew a large garden and you might guess who had to help with the weeding and the picking of the peas. I loved the taste of fresh-shelled peas from the garden so I usually didn’t mind. Preparing for long winters, like the one we just had, we would freeze the peas and can the beans, we made gherkins, relish and candied crabapples and oh, we also canned mushrooms. Yes, mushrooms. We used to go ‘mushroom hunting’ on the dirt road just a couple of miles from our house usually after a short bit of rain and right at dusk for the best picking. Now that I am married and have a family of my own, I think about the days when my boys were younger. I used to grow a big garden, bake homemade bread and can my own fruit. Now, my children are older and my garden is much smaller; almost non-existent in fact and I shop at the local Farmer’s Market. I miss those days and cherish them dearly knowing that although I could re-create some of the same scenario’s in my life today; it would not serve my life in the same manner as it did back then. Things simply don’t stay the same and it’s a good thing. Seven years ago, when the first issue of Guided Synergy Magazine was published in Grande Prairie, AB, things were somewhat different than they are today. For a good

majority of Canadians, yoga was gaining momentum but was still somewhat rare and practices like acupuncture, aromatherapy and biofeedback were little known alternatives that are becoming much more common place today. And I would bet not too many Canadians would even know who Deepak Chopra was five years ago.

Today, the world is much more receptive and open, looking for ways to live a balanced lifestyle. From inception, our magazine has been at the forefront in the movement to living a healthier, sustainable and balanced “Holistic Lifestyle” achieving wellness for the body, mind, and soul. We believe there is no time like the present to harness the momentum and move forward to give readers more of what they want. This spring we are launching our Spring/ Summer issue in the Peace Country Region along with our 1st Calgary Region issue for southern Alberta readers and we are confident that a new ‘synergy’ will develop between our communities. With the warm response of Calgary area businesses and readers alike, we see a bright future ahead.

All of this would not be possible if not for the support of our small and growing team including Nancy Seiz, our Graphic Designer, Chelsey Boyne, our Events Coordinator and our most recent new team member Nicky Scott, our Account Executive. Many thanks also to our freelance editors, Susan Fitzgerald and Carolyn Bateman, for your professional expertise and wisdom. Furthermore, I am truly thankful for the ongoing support that I receive personally and in my business from my husband, Ken and our three sons, Sheldon, Travis and Austin. As we welcome a new spring season and look forward to the summer months, I sincerely hope these pages energize and inspire you to live a more holistic lifestyle – in balance. Linda Warwick, Editor

Secondly, we have added ‘Holistic Lifestyles,’ a new and more unified tag line to our front cover in an effort to better describe what our magazine is about. And with a big sigh I am letting go of the flower on our front cover. Our new cover is now updated with a refreshing new look that we feel will reach a wider demographic of readers with a more straightforward approach. And last but not least, we are excited to host our 1st Annual Holistic Conference and Retreat this fall on October 14-15th, 2011. Mark your calendars for the ‘Experience the Peace’ weekend, which promises to be a rejuvenating, relaxing, and fun weekend!


6 Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine

Quantum Meets Biofeedback

The study of life at that invisible, sub-atomic level W

hat if you had access to precise scientific data about your body’s functions—processes such as brainwaves patterns, your heart rate, breathing, muscle activity and skin temperature? And what if, once you became familiar with those processes, you could actually change them for the better, relieving stress levels and allowing your body to heal? That’s essentially what modern biofeedback is all about: precise instruments measuring an individual’s physiological processes and feeding that information back to the individual rapidly and accurately to improve their health.

You may already be familiar with biofeedback systems and just not know it. If you’ve ever had an electrocardiogram, a simple, painless test that records the heart’s electrical activity, or had your blood pressure or blood sugar monitored, or even taken a lie-detector test, then you know the kind of information our modern

machines can give us about the body.

It sounds high-tech—and it is. Biofeedback machines are highly sensitive, computerized, clinical medical instruments that can monitor the body on dozens of different levels and electrical frequencies—all at one time. The essence of the biofeedback method, however, is quite simple. The information, the “feedback,” is presented to the individual in a way that facilitates changes in the way they think and in their emotional responses and behaviours. This in turn supports those healthier physiological changes such as a lower heart rate and blood pressure, more relaxed muscle function and brain wave patterns. Over time, these changes can endure without continued use of the instrument. In fact, biofeedback machines have been pioneers in a new field called quantum biofeedback. The word quantum refers to quantum physics, the branch of science

that measures discrete, indivisible units of energy called quanta. It is the study of life at that invisible, sub-atomic level. Quantum biofeedback machines can measure not only the physiological activity of the body such as the brainwaves, heart function, breathing, muscle activity and skin temperature but also these extremely subtle units of energy – the quanta. Our bodies essentially run on a complex system of energetic and electrical frequencies and quantum biofeedback machines are equipped to monitor these frequencies. When quantum theory meets biofeedback, a union occurs that is changing and improving health care around the world. Niki Lucas is a homeopath and biofeedback specialist. She has been successfully running her biofeedback business in Grande Prairie for the past eight years. She is also widely recognized in the community from her six years of work in local health food stores.


Grande Prairie Farmers’ Market has completed their renovation Market Hours: Friday 4 p.m. to 8 p.m ♦ Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Summer additional hours Wednesday 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Food Court Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ♦ Saturday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

and ser vices ◗ Wide ch oice of pro duc ts s to ser ve yo u wi th 68 per mane nt vendor ma rk et ho urs and ◗ Foo d Co urt ope n dur ing ing th e day als o Monday to Friday dur con venience ◗ Wide r aisles for sh opping ◗ ATM machi ne s

A place where people can enjoy shopping, eating, entertainment, fundraising and sustaining our local economy. 10032-101 Ave. Grande Prairie • On the corner of 101 Ave and 101 St. 780.814.8224 • www. gpfarmersmarket.ca Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine 7

The Healing Energy of Reiki

Ancient practice rediscovered T

he practice of Reiki is becoming more commonplace than ever. In Grande Prairie alone, I am absolutely positive there are more than a thousand people who have either their first, second, master or master/teacher degree in Reiki. In my immediate family alone there are a master/teacher, two masters, a person with her first degree and two with their second degree. And most of our other family members have at one time or another asked us to perform Reiki for them.

When I consider the number of people trained in or interested in this discipline, I find it shocking when I am still asked, “What’s Reiki?” And for the longest time I was not satisfied with the answer I gave. I always seemed to lose the person in my complex explanation. Finally I recalled something my master/teacher, Anny Slegten of the Reiki Training Centre of Canada, had, in her infinite wisdom, written: “Keep it simple.” This notion aided me in coming up with the following definition: Reiki is directed energy with the intent to heal. Neat, tidy and extremely precise. I won’t go into the history or details of Reiki or of its founder, Mikao Usui, in this article. You can easily find this kind of information in books and on the Internet. What I want to tell you is how simple it is. Two lines from a Mahatma Gandhi quote describe exactly what happens when a practitioner performs Reiki: “Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions.” The Reiki practitioner first interviews the client (thoughts become words) in order to understand what his or her request is. The practitioner then puts that to the Reiki energy so that the energy will change the client’s experiences into what he or she has asked for (words become actions). The old adage to be careful what you 8 Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine

ask for has never been as true as it is with Reiki. “Ask and thou shall receive” has enormous meaning when working with energy. What the practitioner thinks about must be very clear and focused, because those thoughts will be manifested in the physical world. In my experience, the practitioner usually has to guide the client to use more positive words. Most of the time, I hear thoughts like “I want this pain to go away” or “I never have enough.” These clients do not realize that, as they anguish over their pain or their lack, that is where their thoughts are and that is what they are focusing on. The Reiki practitioner is asking the energy that is in everything, including mankind, to perform in a certain way— healing what has to be by changing the energy of what is into something more peaceful or healthy. The practitioner asks for a certain experience to take place and the energy creates it. Although Reiki was rediscovered in the early twentieth century, I believe that the practice has been around since the beginning of time—they just called it something else. I also know that anyone who wants to can do Reiki. The simplicity of Reiki is what has endeared it to me, and the most rewarding aspect of practicing it is the difference I see in the people who have learned it and have had their lives healed with it. The results are both subtle and dramatic! Remember Gandhi’s words when doing Reiki work: “Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.” In Reiki, thy will be done. Roberta Brunin is a Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Fire Walk Instructor and is the owner of Power Strategies for Life since 1999.

Follow your heart and soul What do you want . . . and what are you willing to give? M

any people go through life without ever truly asking themselves a very important question: “What do I want?”

What do you really want in life? What does your heart and soul truly desire? I’m not just talking about a new car, nicer clothes, more money or a new relationship. I’m referring to the Big Picture. In case you haven’t noticed yet in your life, true and lasting fulfillment, peace, joy and freedom do not come from the pursuit of more material possessions, new lovers or more money. Yes, these things are enjoyable and can bring temporary satisfaction, but is that what you are here for? Only that? If you’re not sure, ask yourself another question, “In my life, where have I looked for happiness and peace?” Then reflect on whether that externally derived happiness, peace and satisfaction was everlasting, continuous and completely fulfilling at all times, including right now. This life is very short, and it is such a precious and sacred gift. It is a brief moment in eternity. And when one delves deeper Within, this becomes even more apparent. We are not just these biological machines we see in the mirror, thinking thousands of thoughts every day, running around from one place to another, playing one role after another, just barely keeping our heads above water. Although many days for many people it may seem that way!

Who we really are is much more than what we can conceive of in our minds. And if you don’t know who you really are or what you truly want in this life, how can you live it fully? I invite you right now, in this very moment, to take a deep cleansing breath, close your eyes and silently and directly ask your heart, “What do I want, what do I want more than anything else?” Maybe an answer will pop up immediately, maybe it will take longer, maybe something will occur to you next week! Be patient and loving with your heart and see what arises with a still mind and a willing spirit. And then ask the question, “What am I willing to give, to my own heart, to fulfill this desire?”

Vegan Red Lentil Soup

And then, live it! What are you waiting for?


One tendency of the mind is to doubt and to procrastinate. It may respond with: “Oh, well, maybe after the kids grow up, then I’ll start a meditation practice,” or, “When I have more money, then I’ll be fulfilled and have more time to delve into myself,” or “When I get a new job, then I’ll be at peace.” And the list goes on and on. The mind says, “Not now, do it later.” There is no later, there is only now. Fear might arise, but so what? Fear is merely another type of energy. We don’t have to judge it as intensely as we do. Fear comes and fear goes, and what’s left? You’re still here!

1 small onion, chopped

Allow what needs to come up to come, whether it be fear, doubts, guilt, insecurities, resentment, whatever. All is welcome. Don’t judge these types of energy, don’t attach a story to them, just recognize them, observe them.

1 pinch cayenne pepper

And again, ask yourself, “What do I truly desire in life, and what am I willing to give to fulfill this?” “We are born with wings,” says the 13th-century Sufi poet Rumi. “Why prefer to crawl through life?” Shelyn Somani is a medical doctor living in Grande Prairie, AB, who believes that good health does not merely mean the absence of disease. On the contrary, she believes good health is to feel alive, joyful, loving, purposeful — full of energy and vitality.

1 tablespoon peanut oil 1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger root 1 clove garlic, chopped 1 pinch fenugreek seeds 1 cup dry red lentils 1 cup butternut squash - peeled, seeded, and cubed 1/3 cup finely chopped fresh cilantro 2 cups water 1/2 (14 ounce) can coconut milk 2 tablespoons tomato paste 1 teaspoon curry powder 1 pinch ground nutmeg salt and pepper to taste Heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat, and cook the onion, ginger, garlic, and fenugreek until onion is tender. Mix the lentils, squash, and cilantro into the pot. Stir in the water, coconut milk, and tomato paste. Season with curry powder, cayenne pepper, nutmeg, salt, and pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer 30 minutes, or until lentils and squash are tender. Recipe provided by Allrecipes, www.allrecipes.com, the world’s largest social networking site for food enthusiasts. Shelyn Somani, MD, has recommended this recipe and website to our readers! Recipe by LABELLECHEF. Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine 9

Presented by:

Experience the Peace Holistic Conference & Retreat

Grande Prairie, Alberta October 14-15, 2011



Astrology • Card Readings • Entertainment • Energy Healers Astrology • Fitness • Girlfriend Getaway • Healing Sanctuary • Holistic Practitioners • Holistic Retail • Intuitive Readers • Keynote Card Readings • Music • Speakers • Market Place • Massage • Meditation Nutritious Weekend • Organic Products • Private Sessions • Saturday evening at the Gala Dinner Services • Women’s Health • Entertainment • Astrology • Card MSpa IRAG• EEntertainment • EnergyYoga Readings Healers • Fitness • GirlHOLISTIC SP Energy Healers A Getaway • Healing Sanctuary • Holistic Practitioners EXCLUSfriend E ORetail FFE• Intuitive • IV Holistic • Keynote Speakers • R! ReadersFitness Availab Market • Massage • Meditation • Music • Nutritious le foPlace r firs t 20 part Weekend • Organic SessionsGetaway • Spa Services icipants. Products • PrivateGirlfriend • Women’s Health • Yoga • Astrology • Card Readings • Entertainment • Energy Healers • Fitness • Girlfriend Getaway Healing Sanctuary • Healing Sanctuary • Holistic Practitioners • Holistic Retail • Intuitive Readers • Keynote Speakers • Market Place • MasHolistic Practitioners sage • Meditation • Music • Nutritious Weekend • Organic Products • Private Sessions • Spa Services Women’s Health Holistic• Retail • Yoga • Astrology • Card Readings • Entertainment • Energy Healers • Fitness • Girlfriend Getaway • Healing Sanctuary Intuitive Readers • Holistic Practitioners • Holistic Retail • Intuitive Readers • Keynote Speakers • Market Place •Keynote MassageSpeakers • Meditation • Music • Nutritious Weekend • Organic Products • Private SesMarket Place• Astrology sions • Spa Services • Women’s Health • Yoga • Card Readings • Entertainment • Energy Healers • Fitness Massage • Girlfriend Getaway • Healing Sanctuary • Holistic Practitioners • Holistic Retail • Intuitive Readers • Keynote Speakers Meditation • Market Place • Massage • Meditation • Music • Nutritious Weekend • Organic Products • Private Sessions • Spa Services Music • Women’s Health • Yoga • Astrology • Card Readings • Entertainment • Energy Healers • Fitness • Girlfriend Getaway Nutritious Weekend 2 DAYS I 12 WORKSHOPS I NUTRITIOUS MEALS • Healing Sanctuary • Holistic Practitioners • Holistic Retail • Intuitive Readers • Keynote Speakers • Market Place • MasREGISTRATION OPENS MAY 15 Organic Products sage • Meditation • Music • Nutritious Weekend • Organic $365 EARLY BIRD I $425 AFTER JUNE 30 Products • Private Sessions • Spa Services • Women’s Health Private Sessions • Yoga • Astrology • Card Readings • Entertainment • Energy REGISTER: Healers • Fitness • Girlfriend Getaway • Healing Sanctuary 2011 Rejuvenate your body, clear your mind, nurture your soul Spa Services ONLINE | WWW.EXPERIENCETHEPEACE.COM • Holistic Practitioners • Holistic Retail • Intuitive Readers • Title Sponsor: Healthy Sponsors: Keynote Massages Health • Meditation • IN PERSON | MIRAGE HOLISTIC SPA Speakers • Market Place •Women’ 9816 – 117 STREET GRANDE PRAIRIE AB Music • Nutritious Weekend • Organic Products • Private Sessions • Spa Services • Women’s Health Yoga • Yoga • Astrology MAIL | GUIDED SYNERGY MAGAZINE • CardABReadings • Entertainment • Energy Healers • Fitness 6410 98A STREET GRANDE PRAIRIE T8W 2M9 • Girlfriend Getaway • Healing Sanctuary • Holistic And more ! Practitioners • Holistic Retail • Intuitive Readers • Keynote Speakers For more information please call 780-538-3150 • Market Place • Massage • Meditation • Music • Nutritious Weekend • Organic Products • Private Sessions • Spa Services 10 Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine

Featuring Debra Silverman, MA Clinical Psychologist & Astrologist who brings with her a passion for Esoteric Healing and Metaphysics.


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Stay in tune with upcoming events


Art, clothing, jewelry, crystals, books, tarot, incense and singing bowls to express yourself and all your metaphysical needs. 10024A-100 Ave. Grande Prairie, AB I 780.538.9950

ONLINE SUNDAY MAY 1, 2011 • 9:30 am - 4:30 pm “Discover Self Intensive” With Tanis McRae (The Healing I) Where: Location To Be Announced Calendar: thehealingi@gmail.com TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2011 • 8:33 pm First quarter Tue May 10, 2011 - Wed May 11, 2011 Calendar: Phases of the Moon • 11:30 am - 1:30 pm Fit & Slim Into Spring Where: Grande Prairie, Alberta Calendar: Gudrun Penselin

WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 2011 • 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm In Celebration of Herbs Where: Grande Prairie, Alberta Calendar: Gudrun Penselin • 7 pm - 9:30 pm Reiki Group Where: Grande Prairie Holistic Health Calendar: Expect to Be Empowered THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 • 8 pm - 10 pm The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, Heal Your Family Presentation Where: Wellness Within Healing Centre Calendar: The Reconnection - Edmonton

• 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm Stress Relief with Eiriu Eolas Where: Building Blocks Daycare 10726 - 106th Ave (South of Grand Prairie Regional College) Calendar: Éiriú Eolas

Visit our online events calendar daily to see what is happening in your local area!

http://guidedsynergy.ca/events-calendar Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine 11

12 Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine

One woman’s journey to discovering her true passion


Written by Jennifer Worley Photography by Ramsay & Winsor Photography

he moment Leslie Lovlin picked up a pair of scissors at her first hairstyling job, she knew she wanted to help people. Just exactly how, she didn’t know yet, but the 22-year-old farm girl from the hamlet of Guy in Northern Alberta knew there was more, and she was eager to learn. That was almost 25 years ago, at Lorna Jensen’s Peppermint Twist salon on the bottom floor of 214 Place in Grande Prairie, AB. “Being a hairdresser, you usually have the same clients over and over again,” says Leslie, now 46 and settling into a new business. “You kind of hear their life story, it’s almost like you become their confidant. I just knew there was more to us than the physical body. I needed something deeper than just the surface stuff.” It’s perhaps a measure of Leslie’s holistic approach to her journey that when she says these words, she’s still at 214 Place in Grande Prairie, but this time she’s on the building’s top floor and co-owner of the recently opened Skyloft Integrated Wellness Centre. Leslie’s thirst for knowledge started her on a personal and professional journey that would meander down many paths, exploring training in aesthetics, massage therapy, Reiki, reconnective healing, reflexology, hot stone massage and aromatherapy – all very different, but all supporting her desire to make a difference in people’s lives. “They’re all related, all interconnected to the body, the mind, the spirit. I just found it all fascinating.” As the owner of Yemanja Wellness Studio — a business Leslie owned for four years before connecting with her current business partner Amber Dawn Hunter at Skyloft — she continued her quest, carefully researching natural and organic products and making a conscious effort to buy Canadian whenever possible. By her side was her daughter

Miria, a yoga instructor now living in Vancouver who influenced her mother’s purchases of Canadian-made yoga apparel. Probably the most striking discovery Leslie made during this period was Ayurveda. Having heard about a treatment called Indian head massage, she investigated further and learned of an Ayurvedic spa specialist course in Calgary. With just a grain of understanding but plenty of curiosity, she signed on and was profoundly affected by the experience. “It hit me so hard because it was everything I had been studying all my life, all in one. It incorporated yoga, meditation, aromatherapy, diet … It pulled together all the pieces of what I had been studying. It totally resonated with me.” Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old system of natural healing rooted in the ancient Vedic scriptures of India. Two of the four Vedas – the Atharva Veda and the Rig Veda – provide detailed information on healing and longevity. Known as the science of life, ayurveda is based on the theory that health is a balanced integration between environment, body, mind and spirit. Ayurveda is guided by three fundamental energies called doshas – vata (air and ether), pitta (fire and water) and kapha (earth and water) – that make up the characteristics of the mind and body. Life and circumstances can cause these doshas to go out of balance. Ayurveda uses diet, herbs, aromatherapy, massage, music and meditation to correct these imbalances. Leslie became certified as an ayurvedic spa specialist and continues her studies as an ayurvedic wellness counsellor under the mentorship of Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar, an India-trained ayurvedic doctor living in Santa Cruz, Calif. Leslie has invited Dr. Kshirsagar to Grande Prairie this June. His presentation will include information on Ayurvedic cooking and astrology. Continued on page 14 Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine 13

At Skyloft, Leslie directs her energies towards the wellness of her clients while her business partner, Amber, brings her expertise as a trainer, athlete and former nurse to the fitness side of operations. “We’re the yin and the yang,” says Leslie, who plans to take part in the 200-kilometre Ride to Conquer Cancer this June, her biggest physical achievement to date. “We balance each other out.” Through her work, Leslie says she feels strongly about helping women find balance in their lives, a guiding principle of Ayurvedic philosophy. “One of my biggest goals is to provide a safe place for women to come to heal on all levels. When I say safe, what I mean is, if they need to cry, cry. If they need to talk, talk. I want them to feel that when they are here, they’re allowed to let those emotions come out.” As a woman, mother and business owner, Leslie can certainly relate to the personal experiences of her clients. She credits Ayurveda for “saving” her life and helping her deal with her own health issues. Over the years, day-to-day life circumstances, coupled with the demands of running her own business, had left her feeling burned-out and depressed, lacking energy and carrying extra weight. Many of Leslie’s clients are women who have devoted much of their lives to caregiving and have lost their own identities within their families. Once their children have grown, they find themselves lacking confidence and self-awareness. They need to learn how to give back to themselves, she says. “My passion is to be able to help women learn to live their lives; to help them find their true power,” says Leslie who will take on a greater counselling role once her training is complete. “When I found Ayurveda, it all made sense to me. Just by putting the pieces together and starting to understand and

figure out who I was, I probably was much less judgmental, even of myself. I just found through Ayurveda I was able to let go of a lot of the burden that I had been hanging on to. Now I know that when I have a certain imbalance, there are things I can do and I don’t stay there very long.” Part of maintaining that balance is accepting the help of others, whether it’s the advice of her staff members (some of her best teachers, says Leslie) or the lending hands of family, including her husband of 29 years, Wally, sons Braiden, 21, and Cordel, 28, and daughter Miria, 25, who have supported her endeavours and physically helped her move her businesses. Leslie has also learned it’s about taking time for herself, which includes vacations twice a year. In the warmer months, she finds solace outdoors, watching flowers grow in her beautiful garden. “Sometimes that’s all I need to do is to dig in the dirt.” Although Ayurveda is relatively new to North America, Leslie is seeing its acceptance continue to grow, just as yoga has become a cornerstone of many fitness regimens. She credits this to an increasing self-awareness of people wanting to improve their health. They’re no longer satisfied with, for example, taking an antidepressant when they’re depressed. “People aren’t accepting that anymore,” says Leslie. Instead, they’re seeking ways to take better care of themselves. “They are becoming more curious about why things are happening with their bodies and they want to find answers; they’re doing more research, which I think is great.” As Leslie wanders past the change rooms in her wellness studio, she hears conversations and laughter and sees friendships forming. She knows her work is making a difference. ✽

A·yur·ve·da (ah-yer-vey-duh)

Called the science of life, Ayurveda (ayur means life, veda is science or knowledge) is guided by three doshas or physical constitutions of the mind-body: vata, pitta and kapha. Each dosha is, in turn, made up of two of the five elements according to the science of Ayurveda: vata (air and space), pitta (fire and water) and kapha (water and earth). Each individual has a unique blend of the three doshas, with one or two typically more dominant. When vata prevails, individuals tend to be thin, energetic, enthusiastic and changeable. In perfect harmony, a vata person is creative and lively. At odds, they may experience insomnia, anxiety and have difficulty focusing. When pitta is more pronounced, persons are intelligent, intense and goaloriented. They are friendly and often display strong leadership and speaking skills. Out of balance, they can be compulsive and irritable, and experience indigestion. Those with kapha-dominant dosha are nurturing, easygoing and methodical. Balanced, these individuals are described as sweet and supportive, but when conflict occurs, they can lack energy and experience weight gain and sinus congestion. Diet, exercise, massage, yoga, meditation, aromatherapy and music are all used in treatment to correct imbalances, whether to calm, relax or invigorate the body and mind. The treatments are unique to the individual and his or her dosha disproportions. Treatment may include abyhanga massage – a full-body detoxifying treatment – or Indian head massage using essential oils and herbs, many of them blended with sesame seed oil, to restore balance. Shirodhara is another treatment that is used which involves gently pouring liquids over the forehead or the ‘third eye’. An Ayurveda specialist can often determine a patient’s imbalance simply by observing their physical appearance. Body shape, mannerisms, the way an individual talks and walks – all provide clues.

14 Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine

The Role of a Healer

Facilitating the path to wellness M

by asking that the Universe choose what was best for the plants. The statistical evidence demonstrated that prayer was indeed effective at creating taller, bushier plants, but by far the healthiest group of plants was that group in which no intention was specified. In other words, when someone offered prayerful focus without intent, the plants tended to be healthier than when someone held a specific intent.

any years ago as a young, physically fit vegetarian, I faced cancer. I healed myself without medical treatment, a process that required much effort and focus over a twoyear period. This personal journey illuminated a great deal about the nature of healing for me and eventually led me to a new path as a healer. When a person is out of balance – physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually – there are many paths they can take to wellness. These include using conventional medicine,altering one’s diet, exercise, new thought patterns, alternative medicine like acupuncture, chiropractic or naturopathy, psychotherapy or hypnotherapy and various spiritual practices. Some will choose to visit a person who is commonly referred to as a “healer.” Who goes to see a healer and what role can a healer play in a person’s life?

First, let’s define the word “healer.” Years ago, I received inner guidance that I was a healer, but I rejected the message because I mistakenly perceived it to be a fabrication of ego. I had been under the impression that healing power came from the practitioner and to be a good healer I would have to transcend the typical struggles of being human. In reality, this isn’t the case because the healing power doesn’t come from the practitioner but rather from the divine. So a healer isn’t “one who heals” but rather one who facilitates healing, utilizing energy or frequencies that are outside the body. Healing can be physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual. It can mean eliminating an illness, becoming more energetic, letting go of emotional problems, releasing addictions, healing relationships, becoming more connected to one’s higher purpose, easing one’s passing or feeling more in touch with the divine. The ways that healing can manifest are quite varied, but there is one common thread – an improvement in quality of life. As a Reconnective Healing Practitioner and Instructor, I’ve witnessed many amazing healings. The most fascinating ones have no belief involved. Like the man with advanced hepatitis C who, despite his skepticism, experienced complete pain relief and reduced swelling. Or the woman with lifelong scoliosis whose spine unexpectedly straightened during a 10-minute exercise at a training seminar. In these situations, the healer wasn’t attached to an outcome and the individuals didn’t believe it was possible. So how did these healings occur? In its highest form, a healing session initiates a dialogue between the client’s higher self and universal wisdom, often with the client neither

observing the discourse nor controlling the direction of the healing. Through this dialogue, the person’s higher self and the divine choose the appropriate healing for the person and the person’s vibration shifts to attract that healing. In some forms of energy healing, the healing generally is directed in a particular way to obtain a certain outcome. If a client desires a particular outcome, is it better for a healer to try to direct or otherwise try to control the result? Many think so, but I believe the opposite is true. As a healer, I think it is unwise to decide what the appropriate healing should be, because no matter how intuitive, the healer cannot understand all of the aspects of that person’s health challenge and life path. I have found that the less I try to control, the better the healings are. Although there is no formal research supporting the benefits of letting go of attachment, there is analogous research done on prayer that may support this approach. Spindrift, a research organization based in Illinois, evaluated the effect of prayer on the health of organisms such as plants. They compared the health of plants divided into three groups: a group that received no prayer; a group that received prayer specifying the intent that the plants be taller with more leaves; and a group that received prayer that was non-directed

As with prayer, I believe the same is true when facilitating healing – the most effective form is when the healer lets go of intention and comes from a place of accepting whatever plan the Universe may choose. When the healing is left to the divine, people can receive gifts that go far beyond intention and expectation. Christine Upchurch, M.S., is a Reconnective Healing Instructor who travels the world helping to empower others to come into their mastery as healers. A former statistician in medical research, she now has the honor of being one of only four instructors internationally in this modality, helping to educate thousands of new practitioners. Christine is also the founder and director of the Northwest Reconnective Healing Center in the Seattle area.

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Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine 15

16 Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine

Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine 17

“I see her as a healer and friend to those around her and the Earth itself, and am constantly inspired to strengthen my own commitment to living a life based in Love, and the singular dedication to the much needed healing of this Earth and its people.” – Lana Schramm

Get involved in your own healing and unfold to your full potential

SERVICES OFFERED: • Complete Health Assessment • Herbal Medicine • Reflexology • Bach Flower Remedies/ Therapy • Light-/Colour Therapy • Iridology • Sclerology • Biofeedback (Bio-Pulsar Reflexograph)

INSTRUCTOR: Gudrun Penselin, M.Ed., M.Phys.Ed Clinical Herbal Therapist, Certified Reflexologist, Bach Flower Practitioner, Certified Iridologist, Sclerologist, Light & Colour Therapist Gudrun is available for out-of-town speaking and teaching engagements.

SUMMER 2011: The Power of Plants: Connecting to the Earth - Herb Walks Details to be announced

All workshops are held in Grande Prairie, AB or area.

18 Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine

Over 25 years of experience as a practitioner and teacher. Author and publisher of “Bach Flowers Unfolding” WORKSHOPS/COURSES are offered on a continuous basis in any of the healing modalities listed. All classes are experiential and interactive with a focus on relevancy, practicality and fun.


For information call 780-532-2464 Email: rainbow.healing@telusplanet.net

Dr. Brett Hessel, Chiropractor

Back basics

Restoring normal function to your spine O

ne of the most common questions I get asked as a chiropractor is “Why is my back out of place? The short answer is that, most the time, your back isn’t actually out of place. Your pain is more likely caused by a spine that is not moving well.And your back may not be moving well for a lot of reasons.We can group these into three categories.

First, problems with your muscles and ligaments can cause the spine to move badly. Pulled muscles and sprained ligaments hurt and will cause you to move in odd ways as you try to reduce your pain. If you move oddly long enough, the joints and muscles will adapt to this abnormal position as your “new” normal and your back will appear “out of place.”

The second category is irritated and inflamed nerves, which will cause pain and also make your spine move poorly. The irritated nerves will make your muscles contract and shorten. In practical terms, these angry nerves will appear as knotted muscles or sensitive spots on your back. This is a bit of a chicken or egg story: what happened first, a pulled muscle that irritated the nerve, or an irritated nerve that made the muscle tighten? Your chiropractor can usually tell which one it is by taking a good history of your problem, and by a careful exam. Finally, when your joints are sore, your spine will not move well. Abnormal joint movement will lead to changes in your posture that your chiro-

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practor can spot. These changes will make it look as if your back is “out of place,” when what is actually happening is it’s not moving normally. When you go to a chiropractor with a back problem, he or she will do a history and exam that will discover how the three categories mentioned above relate to your complaint. Your chiropractor will give you a diagnosis and propose ways to treat your problem. Depending on the nature of your condition, treatment may include chiropractic adjustments for abnormal joint movement as well as massage therapy for knotted muscles and perhaps acupuncture to calm irritated nerves. The different ways to treat the problem blend well together. A chiropractic adjustment will not only improve your joint motion but also reduce irritation on your nerves. A therapeutic massage will break down your knots, making it easier for you to move your spine. And acupuncture will calm your nerves, allowing the massage therapist to work on your painful muscles with less discomfort or the chiropractor to adjust the joints more easily. Sometimes your abnormal spine motion involves more complex reasons than those mentioned in these three categories. If that’s the case, the chiropractor will recommend a referral to another health care practitioner who can help you improve your health. In short, the “out of place” back is better explained as your spine not moving well because your muscles, nerves and joints are not working as they were meant to. The goal of the chiropractor is to help you feel better by restoring normal motion and function to your spine. Brett Hessel, DC, CAFCI, graduated from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto and the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute (AFCI) for medical acupuncture. He has trained with the AFCI in Traditional Chinese Medicine and the China Shanghai International Acupuncture Training Centre. Brett and his wife, Jennifer, operate the Grimshaw Chiropractic Care Centre in Grimshaw, AB, and the Northwest Wellness Centre in Grande Prairie, AB. Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine 19

Gwen Randall-Young


Growing a Child

Trust and respect is the best approach

ne of the best gifts we can give to our children is the ability to think their own thoughts and know their own minds. This can’t happen if we are always telling them what to do, or if we do not truly listen to them. Too often the minds of children are seen as blank slates onto which parents, teachers and society write who and how they should be. This is a little like getting a brand-new computer and then installing old software. You may never find out all of your computers capabilities. Granted, there are some things we must teach children: values, manners, how to be safe and so on. But children are more like flowers just beginning to grow. We do not know what they will blossom into. Our job is to create an environment that nurtures, encourages and supports their unfolding – where they feel safe and uninhibited so they can be themselves.

It is important to allow them to make choices and to see mistakes not as something bad but as important aspects of learning. Even when they are quite young, we can ask them what they think and really listen to what they have to say. When we show interest in their thoughts, they grow to value their ideas.

Childhood is an amazing time of growth, exploration, learning and development. If children feel they will be heard and their opinions taken into account where possible, they will grow to respect and trust us. If we spend time interacting with them, they will feel they are worthy. If we are way too busy and allow them to spend hours with technology because it is easier, they can become demanding and uncooperative. They can be thought to have

attention deficit disorder when actually they are ungrounded because they do not have that solid, respectful relationship with a parent. Children are like plants, the more nurturing and care they are given, the healthier they will be. The challenge and the joy when growing our children is to find the right balance so they have just what they need – not too much, not too little – and then to enjoy watching them blossom into what they were always intended to be. Gwen Randall-Young is an author and awardwinning psychotherapist in private practice in Sherwood Park, AB. For permission to reprint this article or to obtain books or CDs, please visit www.gwen.ca.

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20 Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine




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“Health depends on being in harmony with our souls.” ~ Dr. Edward Bach

Encouraging Healing with Bach Flower Remedies B

ach Flowers Remedies are flower essences made from the specific blooms of flowering plants and trees. Dr. Edward Bach, a medical doctor from England, developed this system of healing between 1930 and 1936 based on his belief that physical disease was the result primarily of imbalances in our minds and emotions.

In his search to find an alternative healing method to modern medicine, his strong love of nature as well as his compassion and desire to ease suffering led him to discover the power of plants. He realized that each plant holds its own unique signature and personality. When prepared in a specific way and taken at the right time, these plants, Bach believed, could help any person, animal or plant resolve imbalances that cause distress and dis-ease in their physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. The underlying idea is to free ourselves of any limitations that might hold us back from living our lives to the fullest and in accordance with our soul essence. Dr. Bach’s Discoveries “Health is our heritage, our right. It is the complete and full union between soul, mind and body; and this is not difficult to attain, but one so easy and natural that many of us have overlooked it.” – Dr. Edward Bach Bach made many significant discoveries that greatly influenced the development of his healing system. Chief among these was his belief that health depends on living in balance and according to one’s soul essence and that dis-ease provides opportunity for growth. The dis-ease is only a symptom of the cause, Bach maintained, and the same cause will manifest itself differently in nearly every individual. For example, prolonged worry may lead to stomach ulcers in one person, high blood pressure in the next or tightness in the shoulders in a third. The cause, namely worry, is the same in all three cases; however, it may manifest in a variety of different physical symptoms depending on the individual. Dr. Bach concluded that true healing would only be possible by treating the cause, which in this example would be the emotional state of worry. The personality needed to be the main criteria for the treatment. Bach came to see humanity as consisting of definite groups of personality types and that members of each group were clearly recognizable by their behaviours, moods or attitudes. Take the example of people swimming in the ocean, for instance. One person might

run into the water without wasting any thought about the temperature, possible creatures, obstacles on the ocean floor, etc. Another person might walk in slowly up to their knees, wet their arms and face and only then slowly immersing themselves into the water. A third person might test the water with their feet only, going back and forth before finally entering the water. Even though the situation is the same for all three people, every one of them responds in their own unique way. This means that each individual reacts according to their own personality in different life challenges. For example, when sick, some people become very withdrawn and prefer to be left alone; others use the disease to draw attention to themselves; the next person might pretend they are absolutely fine. According to Bach, it was essential to include the personality in any treatment protocol. Bach strongly believed that taking responsibility is vital for one’s health and healing. “In correct healing nothing must be used which relieves the patient of his own responsibility,” he said in an address to a medical society in Surrey, England, 80 years ago. “Such means only must be adopted which help him to overcome his faults.” The Bach Flower Remedies “It was the method of simplicity he had longed for – the simplicity of mighty things, for fire, earth, air and water – the four elements – were involved and working together to produce healing remedies of great power.” Nora Weeks, Bach’s assistant from 1930 to 1936 Dr. Edward Bach included 38 flowers in his system of healing, plus the Rescue Remedy, which combined five of the 38 original flowers. He grouped the 38 flowers into seven different categories, each one addressing a specific overall state of mind: fear; uncertainty; insufficient interest in present circumstances; loneliness; oversensitivity to influences and ideas of others; despondency/despair; and over-care for the welfare of others. Each of the Bach Flowers brings forth its very own specific vibration and as a result affects us on very deep levels of both our consciousness and subconscious. They encourage healing by shifting emotions that hold us back from living our lives in accordance with our soul’s purpose and potential. Continued on page 22

Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine 21

From page 21

Frequently Bach Flower Essences are confused with aromatherapy or homeopathy. While both are very useful healing modalities, Bach Flower Essences are neither of these. Flower essences are prepared differently from both aromatherapy and homeopathy, and the underlying principle is unique to this system of healing.

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Anyone, regardless of age or situation, can benefit from Bach Flowers, which are completely safe and do not interfere adversely with any other medication or therapy. In fact, often they are known to support other treatment protocols, including modern medicine. They are extremely simple to use. It is truly a system of healing that is complete within itself and will help anyone on their journey to health, which includes living one’s soul purpose and unfolding to our full potential.

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

“The action of these remedies is to raise our vibrations,” said Bach in 1931, “and open up our channels for the reception of our Spiritual Self to flood our natures with the particular virtue we need, and wash out from us all the fault which is causing harm. They are able, like beautiful music, or any gloriously uplifting thing which gives us inspiration, to raise our very natures, and bring us peace and relieve our sufferings.” Gudrun Penselin is the author and publisher of Bach Flowers Unfolding. She operates a successful complementary health practice in northern Alberta where she integrates Bach Flower Remedies, herbal therapeutics, nutrition, reflexology, iridology/ sclerology, light and colour therapy and energy work in her holistic approach to wellness and healing, inspiring others to live their lives to their full potential. References Howard, Judy and John Ramsell. The Original Writings of Edward Bach. Saffron Walden, England: C.W. Daniel Company, 1990

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Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine 23



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Experience the Peace Holistic Conference & Retreat

Grande Prairie, Alberta October 14-15, 2011



Astrology • Card Readings • Entertainment • Energy Healers Featuring Debra Silverman, MA Clinical Astrology • Fitness • Girlfriend Getaway • Healing Sanctuary • Holistic Psychologist & Astrologist who brings Practitioners • Holistic Retail • Intuitive Readers • Keynote Card Readings • Music • with her a passion for Esoteric Healing Speakers • Market Place • Massage • Meditation and Metaphysics. Nutritious Weekend • Organic Products • Private Sessions • Saturday evening at the Gala Dinner Spa Services • Women’s Health • Entertainment Yoga • Astrology • Card MIRA GEEntertainment • Energy Healers • Fitness • GirlHOLIReadings Energy Healers STIC• SPA friend Getaway • Healing Sanctuary • Holistic Practitioners EXCLUSIVE OFFE • Holistic Retail • Intuitive • Keynote Speakers • R! ReadersFitness Available Marketfor Placefirst • Massage • Meditation • Music • Nutritious 20 partici Weekend • Organic Products • Private SessionsGetaway • Spa Services pants. Girlfriend • Women’s Health • Yoga • Astrology • Card Readings • Entertainment • Energy Healers • Fitness • Girlfriend Getaway Healing Sanctuary • Healing Sanctuary • Holistic Practitioners • Holistic Retail • Intuitive Readers • Keynote Speakers • Market Place • MasHolistic Practitioners sage • Meditation • Music • Nutritious Weekend • Organic Products • Private Sessions • Spa Services Women’s Health Holistic• Retail • Yoga • Astrology • Card Readings • Entertainment • Energy Healers • Fitness • Girlfriend Getaway • Healing Sanctuary Intuitive Readers • Holistic Practitioners • Holistic Retail • Intuitive Readers • Keynote Speakers • Market Place •Keynote MassageSpeakers • Meditation • Music • Nutritious Weekend • Organic Products • Private SesMarket Place• Astrology sions • Spa Services • Women’s Health • Yoga • Card Readings • Entertainment • Energy Healers • Fitness Massage • Girlfriend Getaway • Healing Sanctuary • Holistic Practitioners • Holistic Retail • Intuitive Readers • Keynote Speakers Meditation • Market Place • Massage • Meditation • Music • Nutritious Weekend • Organic Products • Private Sessions • Spa Services Music • Women’s Health • Yoga • Astrology • Card Readings • Entertainment • Energy Healers • Fitness • Girlfriend Getaway Nutritious Weekend 2 DAYS I 12 WORKSHOPS I NUTRITIOUS MEALS • Healing Sanctuary • Holistic Practitioners • Holistic Retail • Intuitive Readers • Keynote Speakers • Market Place • MasREGISTRATION OPENS MAY 15 Organic Products sage • Meditation • Music • Nutritious Weekend • Organic $365 EARLY BIRD I $425 AFTER JUNE 30 Products • Private Sessions • Spa Services • Women’s Health Private Sessions • Yoga • Astrology • Card Readings • Entertainment • Energy REGISTER: Healers • Fitness • Girlfriend Getaway • Healing Sanctuary 2011 Rejuvenate your body, clear your mind, nurture your soul Spa Services ONLINE | WWW.EXPERIENCETHEPEACE.COM • Holistic Practitioners • Holistic Retail • Intuitive Readers • Title Sponsor: Healthy Sponsors: Keynote Massages Health • Meditation • IN PERSON | MIRAGE HOLISTIC SPA Speakers • Market Place •Women’ 9816 – 117 STREET GRANDE PRAIRIE MusicAB • Nutritious Weekend • Organic Products • Private Sessions • Spa Services • Women’s Health Yoga • Yoga • Astrology MAIL | GUIDED SYNERGY MAGAZINE • CardABReadings • Entertainment • Energy Healers • Fitness 6410 98A STREET GRANDE PRAIRIE T8W 2M9 • Girlfriend Getaway • Healing Sanctuary • Holistic And more ! Practitioners • Holistic Retail • Intuitive Readers • Keynote Speakers For more information please call 780-538-3150 • Market Place • Massage • Meditation • Music • Nutritious Weekend • Organic Products • Private Sessions • Spa Services


For additional information on Guided Synergy’s various programs and events visit www.guidedsynergy.ca 24 Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine

The question for many of us can seem somewhat daunting, whether you are looking at it from a professional or personal point of view. Most of us can relate to everyday life keeping us so busy with commitments, activities and responsibilities that we often forget to think about where we are going. We’ve lost the vision of what we really want to achieve with our lives. We are just busy “doing,” wishing there were more hours in the day. Many people have turned to Brenda Walton to help them refocus to find their dreams, or make change to achieve their goals. Brenda is a success coach and trainer from Alberta who has been personally mentored by Jack Canfield, co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series. Brenda Walton was hand-picked by Jack Canfield, to be one of 100 people selected to attend his “train the trainer” program. She is also certified by the Personal Best Coaching Program offering the highest calibre of personal coaching. Coaching sessions will empower you to identify your goals and values, help you formulate a plan for success, provide motivation and objectivity and help you reach higher satisfaction in your life.

Contact Brenda today to discover how she can help you create your best life. Email: brenda@brendawaltoninspires.com

Phone: 780-957-3330


Desperate for Dreaming

Four Ways To Enhance Quality of Sleep I

t’s morning, the alarm clock goes off angrily, and the first thought that crosses your mind is, “Mom, just 10 more minutes!” Then you realize that no one is there to drag you off to school. It’s just you and your responsibilities – work, family and life. You struggle through the morning, clutching your coffee and scowling at those bright-eyed and bushy-tailed “morning people” who bounce through the day with more energy than that annoying battery bunny. What constitutes a lack of sleep? Sleep is so much more than that black space between lights out and shower time. It’s the time when we recharge our batteries and affects such important functions as memory processing, immune function, cell growth and repair. Any condition in which your sleep doesn’t follow the typical four-stage sleep-phase cycle, or doesn’t stay in one or more cycles for long enough, is considered disrupted or lack of sleep. Ninety-five per cent of people suffering from a sleep “disorder” remain undiagnosed and untreated. Although you may sleep just as much as you did when you were younger, with age your body likely doesn’t get the same quality of sleep, and as a result, fatigue and daytime drowsiness set in. Effects of sleep deprivation The body responds and adapts incredibly well to sleep deprivation – but only for so long. Serious side effects manifest in the form of physical and mental impairments: poor information processing, stress management, diminished immune system and mood disorders. As your brain’s ability to function quickly deteriorates, you may find yourself working harder because you’re having difficulty processing information and your memory is impaired. Combine this with poor problemsolving abilities and you’re likely going to start experiencing decreased productivity at work. Now, projects that may have needed only 45 minutes to complete, drag out to a two-hour ordeal. Get ready for yet another late night at the office. The body can also develop the inability to manage stress-related hormones like epinephrine, causing us to become irritable and frustrated with even the most minor annoyances. Studies show that extreme sleep deprivation can lead to a seemingly psychotic state of paranoia and hallucinations

in otherwise healthy people, and disrupted sleep can also trigger episodes of mania (agitation and hyperactivity) in people with manic depression. Sound familiar? No doubt we can all think of a few people who would benefit from more sleep.

But if possible psychosis isn’t enough to inspire you to improve your sleep habits, there’s always the myriad effects sleep deprivation has on the physical body. A good measure of how sleep deprived you are is how difficult it is to control your weight or increase muscle growth. Lack of quality sleep causes the body’s levels of leptin (a protein hormone regulating energy intake and expenditure) to fall and ghrelin levels (a hormone that stimulates hunger) to increase. This means you end up feeling hungrier without really feeling satisfied by what you eat, causing you to eat more and, consequently, gain weight. During sleep, the body enters an “anabolic” state, a time of repair, rebuilding and rejuvenation, which facilitates muscle growth and supports the immune system. Other related health issues are heart disease, hypertension and tremors. Improving the quality of your sleep The causes of sleep deprivation are varied, so it can be hard to identify exactly what is disrupting your sleep, but you can narrow it down and start improving your sleep with some simple solutions: • Set a sleep schedule. Go to bed and get up at the same time, whether it’s a workday or a weekend. This allows your body the time it needs to become accustomed to established sleep and wake patterns and begin the process of body repair and maintenance.

• Establishing a wind-down routine such as taking a warm shower, stretching or meditating will help in the stress relief process. Sleep lightly? Consider getting blackout blinds to limit disruptions such as traffic lights or early morning sunshine. Light sources (digital clocks, computer screens, etc.) impair the body’s ability to produce melatonin, a natural hormone that helps stimulate sleep. • Keep a sleep diary. Begin recording the specific good and bad nights of sleep you experience. Some of the daily details you can include are medications, stressful situations, food intake (does caffeine after a certain time have an effect? How about alcohol?), exercise or activity (exercise assists in sleep, but only after you establish some consistency with your exercise routine). The good news is that poor sleep is typically due to lifestyle choices and habits that we’ve developed over time. Change those lifestyle habits and there’s a good chance you’ll start sleeping soundly at night and stop feeling stressed during the day. You might even become known as a “morning person”! Nicole Yamanaka, B.Sc Kinesiology, has over a decade of experience as a personal trainer, kinesiologist and health speaker / educator. As co-owner of Le Physique Personal Training in Vancouver, BC, Nicole is passionate about inspiring, enlightening and expanding the minds of her clients to achieve more than just physical fitness. Nicole draws from her background in yoga, rock climbing, kickboxing and “trying new things”, to help her clients reach their fitness goals and dreams.

• Remove distractions from the bedroom. Associating your bed with activities other than sleeping, such as reading, watching TV or surfing the Net, subconsciously triggers your mind to stay awake to process information.

Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine 25



Our Holistic Directory has become a valuable and trusted resource for natural health & alternative medicine, fitness & yoga, spiritual inspiration, body, mind & soul. Contact us today and become part of the Guided Synergy community!

780.538.3150 directory@guidedsynergy.ca www.guidedsynergy.ca/holistic_directory


Family Physician offering Acupuncture. Weakness and imbalance in your qi (chee) can lead to disease. Acupuncture can balance the qi and allow it to flow freely through the body; permitting it to heal. To book an appointment, please call the Northwest Wellness Centre. Grande Prairie, AB

780.532.5520 www.shelynsomani.com


For thousands of years, people have relied on the power of plants and scent to lift their moods, calm their minds and awaken their spirits. Our skin care products confer lightness, energy, peace or clarity. Reawaken your senses. Reconnect with nature. Step into the ultimate spa experience. Visit our Mind – Body - Soul Sanctuary today and restore your health at Mirage Holistic Spa – located in the Holiday Inn. Where it’s all about you.

780.513.0300 www.mirageholisticspa.ca


Your business could be listed hear. Call Guided Synergy Magazine today 780-538-3150 directory@guidedsynergy.ca


ART Featuring Local Artists, Papaya Art, Fairy Art, Da Vinci and other well known Artists. 10024A - 100 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB

Located in downtown Grande Prairie carries a wide selection of books, vinyl, music, gifts, curios and curio user. Open late everyday 10020 – 100 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB








Kimberly Astrological Consultations, Guidance Meditation Workshops and Events. Unique one of a kind Gifts and Keepsakes. Believe in the Power of YOU!

780.882.3863 www.catchyourworldofdreams.com


The Bowen Technique is a dynamic system of muscle and connective tissue therapy that is revolutionizing health care worldwide. 9506 – 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.402.3292 www.therapyandtea.com



Tired? Stressed? Depressed?...just not feeling well? A Complete Health Analysis and balancing of... *Hormones * Allergies *Mental/Emotional Blocks *Toxins/Fungi/Parasites*ADD/ADHD* And much more. To book an appointment call Niki Lucas BFS; DIHom. 320-9804 100th Ave.Co-operators Square Building-GP Cleansing and Wellness Center

780.532.9962 nikil@telus.net

v CHAKRA BALANCE/CHAKRA CHAT These sessions allow you to realize which of your chakras are out of balance, and how this imbalance may be affecting you physically or emotionally. Explore the causes and receive tools to maintain the balance. Feel centered and energized. NOTE: Some people require 3 sessions to gain full benefits. Contact Candace McKim. Grande Prairie, AB

780.814.9645 gpyogazone@gmail.com www.gpyogazone.ca


Quantum biofeedback - Electrodes are placed on the foreheads, wrists and ankles. The device searches for 9000 energetic frequencies or stressors, balancing vitamins and minerals, allergies, hormones, toxins and emotional blocks. Contact Sharon Dillabough for further information. 201, 1117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com


Ruby taps into the Universal Energy and connects with your guides through the medium of Automatic Writing. Spiritual guides give you information about how to move forward in your life


Offers pure, natural, and organic Rae Dunphy essential oils for all your aromatherapy needs. We carry a range of diffusers and books on essential oils and aromatherapy. Visit our website or call to make an appointment. Located at 214 Place North, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1985 www.skyloftintergratedwellness.com


Gifts for the body mind and soul. Crystals, Books, Tarot, Incense, Singing Bowls, Pendulums and much more. 10024A -100 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB




An ancient discipline aimed at improving health & well-being through the treatment of the body as a whole. Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Hot Stone Massage and Manual Lymph Drainage can be customized with pure essential oil blends taking your experience to the next level. Be sure to check out our Comfort Zone Aromasoul products (Oriental, Mediterranean, Indian & Arabian)…a path to discover your ancient soul. 10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.830.0302 www.lspa.ca

Specializes in spiritual literature including Wicca, Paganism, Celtic, Astrology, Meditation, Yoga, Channeling, Auras, Dreams, Herbs, Alternative Health, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Shamanism and others. Open daily. 10118A - 100 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB



Carries a variety of books, CD’s & DVD’s focusing on health, wealth and wellbeing with a special interest in Holistic Healing. Come check out our selection today. Located at 214 Place North, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1985 www.skyloftintergratedwellness.com

26 Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine


Balanced health for body, mind and spirit including Chiropractic Treatment, Family Medicine, Acupuncture, Registered Massage Therapy, Reconnection Healing, Certified Personal Fitness, Orthotics. 10031 – 100 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.532.5520 www.northwestwellnesscentre.com


Offering Grande Prairie’s largest selection of Canadian active wear and lifestyle clothing. Featuring Karma Athletics, Skyler, Nomads Hemp Wear, Love This Life casual wear and more. New stock arriving regularly. Visit us at the top of 214 Place.

780.513.1985 www.skyloftintergratedwellness.com


Personalized shoe fitting including video gait analysis. We stock shoes designed for orthotics (sizes 5-15). Walk, run, bike, tri, swim, and fitness apparel and accessories. Group clinics and programs (walkers & runners). Best selection of compression in the Peace! Check our website for more information.10029-100 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1136 www.walkrun.ca


A variety of illnesses can be triggered by a toxic colon which can be relieved with colon hydrotherapy, a safe effective method of removing waste from the large intestine without the use of drugs. For more information or to book a consultation, contact Wendy Davis. 9804 – 100 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB



Colour Energy™ Workshops. Do you want to feel empowered? Take the Colour Energy Personality Test. Your BLUEPRINT to a clearer understanding of yourself, your partner, your family or co-workers. Couples & workplace classes are available & beneficial. Contact Leanne Van Wagner, Qualified Colour Energy Consultant.

780.882.2584 vanwag@gpwins.ca www.sacredessence.ca


The ‘Cadillac’ of all massages. It’s great! Learn for family or friends or to incorporate into your business. 2 Day workshops. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre or visit our website.

780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com


Love Yourself Heal Your Life®. A powerful, life changing workshop based on the philosophy of Louise L. Hay. In this transformational workshop originally created by best-selling author Louise L. Hay (You Can Heal Your Life) you will discover the mindset that has limited your success in relationships, weight loss, financial abundance, business, spiritual growth and much, much more. Workshops in Grande Prairie & Beaverlodge Molly Weleski, Butterfly Workshops Certified ‘Heal Your Life’ Teacher

780.539.1358 molly@butterfly-workshops.com www.mollyweleski.com


Introductory and intensive workshops in Herbal Medicine, Bach Flowers, Reflexology, Light & Colour Therapy, Iridology and more. “Our Body - The Bigger Picture” - movie night with health related topics followed by group discussion, 1st Tuesday of the month. For information contact Gudrin.





Kit n’ Kaboodle carries a wide variety of toys, games and accessories that are safe, fun, unique and environmentally friendly. We strive to find eco-friendly, organic and all natural products!

www.kitnkaboodle.ca info@kitnkaboodle.ca

780.532.2464 rainbow.healing@telusplanet.net


Very relaxing aromatherapy treatment. Therapeutic properties in each oil help to relax and soothe the muscles – a one day workshop you can’t miss. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre or visit our website.


Ongoing classes and performance events inquiries. Contact Belinda or Vikki via email.

midnightaurora@ymail.com midnightauroramiddleeasterndance.com


Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar, an India-trained ayurvedic doctor is scheduled to be in Grande Prairie, AB June 9-12, 2011. This weekend will include a full-day Introduction to Ayurveda workshop, Ayurvedic cooking classes and a Vedic Astrology workshop. Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar will also be taking individual appointments during his visit. For more information call Skyloft Integrated Wellness Studio.

780.513.1985 www.skyloftintergratedwellness.com

Traditional Belly Dance classes. Call Oksana for more information on dates and times.

780.505.1407 ksusha2002@hotmail.com www.moondanceshimmy.byregion.net

780.505.1349 expecttobeempowered@gmail.com www.expecttobeempowered.com


Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Discover your potential to heal yourself and others. Workshops, Drop-in Healing Circles and Individual Healing Sessions. For more in depth workshop information and prices please contact, The Healing I.

780.518.9530 thehealingi@gmail.com www.thehealingi.com


Programs start every 3 years, beginning September 2011. Open House Monday, June 6th. Edmonton, Alberta.

780.447.3667 www.northernstarcollege.com


Intensive Leadership Training with Candace McKim and Linda Alaimoana. Take your Yoga Practice to the next level with Yoga In Action, the grassroots project of Off The Mat and Into The World. Explore and discover your life purpose through Yoga postures, Meditation, Visualization and Ritual. Build your yoga community and collaborate to make real change. 1 year yoga experience required. Grande Prairie, AB

780.814.9645 gpyogazone@gmail.com www.gpyogazone.ca

On the body or off, Reiki Quantum Healing is very effective for aches and pains. Promotes healing and is very relaxing. Contact Sharon Dillabough. 201, 11117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com

Dee Bell is AFLCA & Can Fit Pro certified offering: Yoga Fusion, Cardio Fusion, Tri Fitness, HAM (Healthy Active Moms) & Diva-cise classes Plus: Nutrition and Wellness Coaching. Look for her story in the May/June issue of “Canadian Running”. Live Your Life ANEW!


v MIRAGE HOLISTIC SPA Our seaweed baths, steam baths and marine body treatments detoxify and exfoliate your body for enhanced health. Mirage Holistic Spa – located in the Holiday Inn.

780.513.0300 www.mirageholisticspa.ca

Far Infrared Sauna offers deep heat therapy, detoxifies, improves circulation, boosts immune system, burns 600-900 calories in 30 min., increases metabolism, removes cellulite, reduces stress, and lowers blood pressure. Contact Sharon Dillabough. 201, 11117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com


Try our brand new Vibra Pro 5500 (used by chiropractic offices, professional sports teams and eldery alike) you can shake your way to a healthier you (benefits: circulation, muscle tone, bone density, combat fatigue) OR Enjoy our 5 person Far Infrared Sauna as featured on Oprah with Dr. Oz. (benefits: improve your immune system while relaxing, stress relief, healthier skin, weight loss, pain relief and heart health). For a full brochure of benefits, visit www.lspa.ca Members receive 20 min/month on the Vibra Pro & 120 min/month in the sauna complimentary. Fantastic introductory rates from $150/mo. 10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.830.0302 www.lspa.ca


Learn to clear emotional blocks, gently and permanently with acceptance and empowerment. Contact Marilyn at The Gemini Potential or visit our website.

780.505.1349 expecttobeempowered@gmail.com www.expecttobeempowered.com.

Fully qualified registered massage therapists and holistic practitioners providing a variety of techniques to help facilitate your health and well being. Classes to suit all levels of fitness from AB-solutely BOOTY-licious to BOOTCAMP “Last 10 Pounds”. Fitness for Everyone! 9801- 105 Street, Grande Prairie, AB



Skyloft Integrated Wellness Studio offers a variety of drop in classes and registered programs. Full strength training studio featuring top-of-the-line matrix equipment, treadmills, rowing machines, multi-station functional trainer, TRX training systems, wavemaster kick boxing bags, over 1700 sq. ft. of open training space. For more information call Skyloft Integrated Wellness Studio

780.513.1985 www.skyloftintergratedwellness.com


Gift Certificates now available for purchase online. Give a gift of relaxing massage, reflexology, a hot rock massage, or a wonderful Seaweed Wrap, plus much more to loved ones. PayPal is available for your online purchases. Contact Sharon Dillabough. 201, 11117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com

Specializes in spiritual literature including Wicca, Paganism, Celtic, Astrology, Meditation, Yoga, Channeling, Auras, Dreams, Herbs, Alternative Health, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Shamanism, and others. Open daily. 10118A - 100 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB



We carry a wide selection of all natural and organic products including Eminence Organic Skincare, Jane Iredale Mineral Make-up, eight lines of yoga apparel and essentials, Rocky Mountain Soap Company, Neti Pots, natural baby products, Colour Energy and much, much more! Or make it easy and get a gift certificate which may be used for retail or one of our spa services. Visit our website for more details. 214 Place North, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1985 www.skyloftintergratedwellness.com



Try our brand new Vibra Pro 5500!! Many chiropractic offices, the University of Calgary, athletes and the elderly alike, support the numerous health and wellness benefits of the Vibra Pro. Research has shown that the Vibra Pro effectively promotes weight loss, improves muscle tone and blood circulation allowing toxins such as lactic acid to be flushed out of the body via the lymphatic system. Whole body vibration also helps combat fatigue by increasing energy, osteoporosis by building bone density, and arthritis. 10 minutes a day can make a profound difference to YOUR health and well-being. Members receive 20 minutes/month complimentary. Fantastic introductory rates from $150/mo. 10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.830.0302 www.lspa.ca


Gifts for the body mind and soul. Crystals, Books, Tarot, Incense, Singing Bowls, Pendulums and much more. 10024A -100 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB









Offering classes in Reiki, Deep Healing, The Empowerment Series and more. Find the class that empowers you by contacting Marilyn.



780.513.1136 www.walkrun.ca




780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com

Perceiving beyond the natural range of senses. Energy Therapies using Reiki, Past Life Awareness, Emotional and Spiritual Healing Shari Hudak, Medium and Intuitive Healer.

(sizes 5-15). Walk, run, bike, tri, swim, and fitness apparel and accessories. Group clinics and programs (walkers & runners). Best selection of compression in the Peace! Check our website for more information. 10029-100 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

Personalized shoe fitting including video gait analysis. We stock shoes designed for orthotics

Eye pillows, neti pots, tranquility candles, meditation CD’s, Eminence Organic Skin Care, Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup, Annual Memberships, Bridal Packages, Pregnancy Programs, Multiple pampering possibilities. Customized gift cards in any denomination. We can deliver or mail your gift anywhere.10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.830.0302 www.lspa.ca

HEALTH FOOD STORES v HEALTH HUT Serving Northern Alberta for more than 30 years carrying a complete inventory of quality health supplements, foods, vitamins & herbs. When you visit our store, you will find that we have the time and expertise to help you on your quest to ‘Feelin’ Good Naturally.’ Prairie Mall, Grande Prairie, AB

1.877.539.4339 / 780.539.4339 www.healthhut.ca

Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine 27





Hemp products, soaps, lotions, incense, oils and burners, clothing, metaphysical books, tarot cards, beading supplies, and gifts. 9931 – 100 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB



Gifts for the body mind and soul. Crystals, Books, Tarot, Incense, Singing Bowls, Pendulums and much more. 10024A -100 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB

We offer a wide variety of products and services with 68 permanent vendors to serve you including baking, locally grown produce, a fine variety of locally grown meats, candy, crafts, jewelry, personal products and so much more! Market Hours: Friday 4-8 PM Saturday 10AM-3PM Summer Additional Hours: Wednesday 4-8PM Food Court Hours: Mon to Thurs 8AM-4:30PM Friday 8AM-8PM Saturday 8AM-3PM.

780-814-8224 www.gpfarmersmarket.ca



If you are looking for unique, hand crafted earth stone jewelry and pendulums, check out our wide selection. Earth stone jewelry and pendulums carry natural energies from the earth, a powerful tool in holistic healing. We also carry Meditation rings from Israel. A perfect gift for that someone special. 214 Place North, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1985 www.skyloftintergratedwellness.com


Cynthia Aldred, Certified Practitioner: Touch for Health®, Body Management®, East Indian Champissage (Head Massage), Brain Gym®Educational Kinesiology, Animal Management.

780.539.4455 caldred59@telus.net


Massage Therapy, Traditional Thai Massage, Doula Service, Hot Stone Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, Body Talk, Deep Healing/Emotional Release, Face Reading, Muscle Energy Technique. 9801- 105 Street, Grande Prairie, AB



Offering NHCP Certified Swedish Relaxation Massage Therapy, Hot Rock Massage and Raindrop Technique Quote Promo Code:Spring2011 to receive $10 off your first session! Contact Terry to book your session.



Where we SPECIALIZE in therapeutic massage. Gift certificates are available. Call to book your appointment. 9506 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.402.3292 www.therapyandtea.com


Touch for Health, Body Management, Swedish Relaxation Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Equine and Pet Therapy. Please call for appointments. Little Smoky, AB

780.524.5518 or 780.524.8965


Experienced Life Coaches for experiential life therapy sessions. Please contact Pat Nelson or Bryce Korzenowski.

780.897.5507 780.897.6969 mountainpeakw@live.ca www.illuminatedevolutioninc.ca


Transformational Life Coaching is about giving you the tools for living a better life – empowering you to identify your goals and values, helping you formulate a plan for success, providing motivation and objectivity, and holding you accountable to your vision so you can continue to reach higher satisfaction in all areas of your life. Brenda Walton – certified Jack Canfield coach. Book your session today. E-mail Mirage Holistic Spa – supporting Mind, Body and Soul harmony.

780.957.3330 Brenda@brendawaltoninspires.com 780.513.0300 www.mirageholisticspa.ca

v LIVE IN YOUR BODY TRAINING CENTRE Emotional Release Massage uses emotional trigger points to release cellular memory, unexpressed emotions, blocked energy; allowing you to experience a greater sense of balance, harmony and well being. Call Michele or visit our website for more information. Grande Prairie, AB

780.518.1190 www.liveinyourbody.com


Our specialty at Mirage is our La Stone Massage Therapy – with roots in Native American traditions and beliefs, La Stone Therapy goes beyond the physical experience of massage. Applying heated and chilled stones brings about a chemical release within the body systems that aims to create balance and harmony on all levels allowing you to enter a deeper dimension of relaxation and spiritual healing. Other massage services include: Swedish Relaxation Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Hot Stone Massage Therapy, Deep Tissue Massage, Thai Massage, Myofascial Cupping and Reflexology. Coming soon to our spa – Indian Head Massage. Mirage Holistic Spa – Where it’s all about you.

780.513.0300 www.mirageholisticspa.ca


Hot rock massage is the most soothing, sedating, relaxing, rejuvenating, awesome, nurturing hot rock massage you could ever experience, what a treat! Manual Lymphatic Drainage stimulates the immune system, enhances lymphocyte cytotoxic response, increases the number of natural killer

28 Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine

cells, decreases anxiety and increases relaxation. Helps with swelling, and promotes healing. Raindrop therapy is a great technique to relax and align your spine. It’s like little raindrops of oil put on the back and massaged in, ending with a soothing hot towel. Swedish massage uses five styles of long flowing strokes to massage and has shown to be helpful in reducing pain, joint stiffness and improving poor circulation. Contact Sharon Dillabough. 201, 11117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com


Rejuvinate yourself with one of our relaxing massages. We offer Hot/Cold Stone, Ayurvedic Treatments (Indian Head Massage, Abyhanga Massage), Swedish Relaxation, Therapeutic (deep tissue), Prenatal, or Reconnective Healing Massage. Book your appointment today! 214 Place North, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1985 www.skyloftintergratedwellness.com


Become an L Spa Junkie and receive one 60-minute massage free each month and unlimited $59 (60 min) wellness massages each month. We celebrate you with a complimentary massage on your birthday…. and another complimentary massage anytime you refer a New Spa Junkie Membership. Other feature massages include: Deep Tissue, Hot Stone Massage, Indian Head Massage, Pregnancy/Postnatal and Couples Massage. We are devoted to relaxation! New in 2011 ~ check our website daily for our new online “Last Minute Seat Sales” booking options. 10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.830.0302 www.lspa.ca


Tranquil Moments Wellness Spa. Journey to a healthier you!! Certified Hot and Cold Stone Massage, Certified Swedish Relaxation Massage, Far Infrared Sauna. 9728 Montrose Ave, Suite 403 Grande Prairie, AB

Brenda Wurster 780.897.8453 Lynn Rempel 780.296.0444


Full range of Therapeutic Wellness Services offered to support your health and vitality naturally including massage therapy. Contact Michelle Golany, Registered Naturopathy Practitioner. 4723 – 53 Avenue, High Prairie, AB

780.523.0053 www.trinitynatural.com


Experience the revived techniques of Ancient Knowledge, now proven by current scientific research. Relieve your stress with today’s most effective breathing and meditation program, Eiriu Eolas. Simple to learn and easy to add to your busy schedule. FREE introductory classes held at the Rabbit Hole Bookstore. Contact Irini or Carolyn for more information. 10020 - 100th Ave, Grande Prairie, AB

780.532.4022 carolyn@eiriu-eolas.org www.EEBreathe.com


Hearing the sound of the Singing Crystal Bowls seems to awaken an ancient remembering, touching the essence of the soul. Guided Meditations may assist in transforming tension & stress to a state of deep relaxation & healing. Contact Leanne Van Wagner

780.882.2584 vanwag@gpwins.ca www.sacredessence.ca


Family Physician and Chopra Center Certified Meditation Instructor offering monthly Meditation Workshops. Grande Prairie, AB

780.830.2802 www.shelynsomani.com


Now carrying meditation cd’s! “Fuel for your soul” by Tamara Loiselle is a beautiful guided meditation journey assisting with relaxation, revitalization and inspiration. 10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.830.0302 www.lspa.ca


Offering a variety of products and services to empower you and provide the knowledge to restore and maintain a naturally healthy body, mind & spirit! German New Medicine, Papimi Electro-Magnetic Field generating device, Hydro-Massage Bed, CRT Organ Scan, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Deep Healing Emotional Energy and so much more! Unit 3, 9831 – 98A Avenue, Fort St. John, BC

250.785.2702 www.energeticpapimi.com


Full Range of Therapeutic Wellness Services to Support Your Health and Vitality Naturally including Diagnostic Laboratory Testing (non-invasive), Nutritional and Diet Counseling, Vitamin and Mineral Therapy, Herbal Medicine, Energy Medicine, Homeopathy, Massage Therapy, Myofascial Release. Contact Michelle Golany, Registered Naturotherapy Practitioner, Registered Massage Therapist. 4732 - 53 Avenue, High Prairie, AB

780.523.0053 www.trinitynatural.com


Amethyst Crystal BioMat is an FDA licensed medical device that combines state of the art Far Infrared and Negative Ion technology with the healing power of Amethyst Crystal. This trilogy delivers professional therapeutic results in a home or professional setting. The BioMat is a revolutionary tool ideal for health care professionals or anyone interested in improving their overall health and wellbeing. Get a massage with the amazing healing BioMat, it’s so relaxing, released tired sore muscles and helps alleviate depression. Improves circulation, detoxifies and more! Himalayan Pink Salt is as essential for the body as is water. Containing 84 natural elements, it helps regulate blood pressure, balances pH and blood sugar levels,

prevents muscle cramps, regulates sleep, and maintains libido. Natural Cellular Defense removes heavy metals, arsenic, mercury, lead, pesticides, and herbicides. Safe for long term use, this product supports a healthy immune system and is 100% natural and non-toxic. PayPal is available for your online purchases. Contact Sharon Dillabough. 201, 11117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com


We carry a wide variety of all natural products for every aspect of your life. We offer Eminence Organic Skincare, Jane Iredale Mineral Make-up, Rocky Mountain Soap Company, wonderfully aromatic whole leaf teas from Tea Affair as well as Rae Dunphy Essential Oils, including their new line of all natural cleaning products. 214 Place North, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1985 www.skyloftintergratedwellness.com


Stimulate your body’s natural collagen renewal for incredible skin tightening results and substantial improvement in the appearance of wrinkles, try our new Tripollar Radio Frequency Treatment ~ non-invasive facial tightening and body contouring. Become an “Enhancing Wellness” member and receive treatments at a fraction of the cost you’d pay in the big cities. Results are immediate & visible from the very first treatment. 10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.830.0302 www.lspa.ca

Fort St. John, BC 20, 9831 - 98A Avenue 1.800.668.5433 / 250.785.1455 Prince George, BC 2, 6559 Hart Hwy 1.888.241.9392 / 250.962.7280 www.homesteaderhealth.com v PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE HEALTHIER COFFEE Gourmet Black, Latte, Mocka, Hot Chocolate, and Green Tea. Infused with 100% Certified Organic GANODERMA. THE MIRACLE OF GANODERMA Oxygenates Your Body. Provides more Energy and Vigor. Natural Body Detoxification. Supports Quality Sleep. Supports Circulation. Supports Immune System. Promotes Health and Longevity. Provides over 150 Antioxidants to Fight Free Radicals. For more information about these products or about this amazing ground floor business opportunity please contact Sharon Dillabough, OrGano Gold Distributor. 201, 11117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB.

780.538.9833 www.sharonsgold.organogold.com


Spring 2011, it has been announced that we are now an Eminence Approved “Green Spa”. We carry Eminence Organic Skin Care & Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup for your organic beauty needs. 10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.830.0302 www.lspa.ca



DR. JANICE DACYSHYN, ND Professional Naturopath specializing in Hormonal Health & Women’s Health. Botanical Medicine Counseling, Nutrition & Lifestyle Modification, Detoxification, Homeopathy and more. Visit our website or call to book your appointment. 214 Place North, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1985 www.skyloftintergratedwellness.com


Coconut oil, grains, sprouts, wheat grass and hemp products. Visit us at the Farmer’s Market in Grande Prairie, AB or call Barb for more information.



Our healthy lifestyle stores specializes in organic fresh produce, organic dairy and local fresh eggs. We also offer gluten free products, nutritional supplements & vitamins, herbal remedies, homeopathy, and eco-cleaning products. Visit our Gateway location in Grande Prairie for beauty consultations & products.

Grande Prairie, AB Downtown Location 104, 10012 - 99th Avenue 1.877.538.1133 / 780.538.1133 Gateway Location 10320 – 111 Street 1.877.538-9970 / 780.538.9970

Extremely effective Therapeutic Equine Massage and Intuitive Healing. Many times our horses act as mirrors to reflect back our issues to us. Allow me to decipher the messages the horse is trying to relay through his physical imbalances as well as personality traits, habits, and more. Contact Christina Shaw, Certified Equine Therapist.



Proellixe Machine benefits muscle tone - quick inch loss, body remodeling and reshaping, enhanced bone density and bone rebuilding as this is a weight bearing exercise, core muscles strengthened, increase flexibility, feel invigorated/increased energy. Contact Sharon Dillabough. 201, 1117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com


Try our brand new Vibra Pro 5500!! Many chiropractic offices, the University of Calgary, athletes and the elderly alike, support the numerous health and wellness benefits of the Vibra Pro. Research has shown that the Vibra Pro effectively promotes weight loss, improves muscle tone and blood circulation allowing toxins such as lactic acid to be flushed out of the body via the lymphatic system. Whole body vibration also helps combat fatigue by

increasing energy, osteoporosis by building bone density, and arthritis. 10 minutes a day can make a profound difference to YOUR health and well-being. Members receive 20 minutes/month complimentary. Fantastic introductory rates from $150/mo.10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.830.0302 www.lspa.ca


By stimulating points on the feet the corresponding body parts are benefited. Reflexology neutralizes the effects of stress by inducing a deep state of relaxation that calms the nervous system and allows the body to achieve a state of equilibrium. Located in the Holiday Inn.

780.513.0300 www.mirageholisticspa.ca


Connecting Mind, Body and Spirit Together as One. Trinity Readings in person, get together’s and by phone. Contact Tracy. Spirit Stone Spiritual support for yourself or friends to guide you through the transition of change. Spirit Stones comes with personalized message to the reciever of stone. Shipping available in North America. To order stones please contact Tracy.

780.933.2370 780.532.2370 tktrinityeffect@gmail.com


Specific points on the soles of your feet correspond to every structure, organ, and gland in your body. Reflexology improves blood circulation, lymph and nerves, and is very relaxing. Contact Sharon Dillabough. 201, 11117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.538.9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com



Offers classes and workshops on Psychosomatic Therapy. Individual treatments are available by appointment. Discover how Your Thoughts Are Shaping YOU! Call Michele or visit our website for more information. Grande Prairie, AB

780.518.1190 www.liveinyourbody.com


Do you want to accelerate your own healing process? Learn how to activate your body to heal itself. Learn to focus, amplify & direct your Life Force Energy. Private & group classes or sessions. Certified in Quantum Touch…Contact Leanne Van Wagner

780.882.2584 vanwag@gpwins.ca www.sacredessence.ca


A comprehensive spectrum of healing frequencies comprised of energy, light and information, which allows for healing on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Align to your true purpose through The Reconnection, which will bring you into the fullness of your inherent connection with the universe. Please contact Parri Ulrich, R.H.P. to book your appointment.

780.831.8921 parri@reconnect4life.ca

Stressed? Tired? Achy? Reflexology will help. Reflexology is a deeply relaxing yet gentle therapy that encourages the body to restore and maintain its own healthy balance. Call Steph to take away your pain!

780.933.6169 www.stephsreflexology.com


Reflexology is a holistic therapy using the feet as a map of the whole body; head to toe. Balance of the body is achieved by manipulating and applying pressure to various zones promoting feelings of calmness & serenity. Reflexology helps the body and organs work more efficiently, thus speeding up your natural healing process. 45 min $80. Members $68. 10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.830.0302 www.lspa.ca


Third Degree Reiki Practitioners. Make an appointment at Healing Hands Therapy and Tea, Pat Nelson or Bryce Korzenowski. 9506 – 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.897.5507 780.897.6969 www.illuminatedevolutioninc.com


Reiki is Great for; Pain Reduction, Relaxation, Feeling Great Again. Kristofer Marjanovic Reiki Master/Teacher

250.219.2827 www.MarjanovicWellnessStudio.ca



Reconnective Healing is often a life-changing experience, allowing for the healing of the body, mind, and spirit. Contact Reconnective Healing Practitioner Judy Hamilton.

jude8@telus.net 780.538.1280 www.TheReconnection.com

Reiki is like a spiritual massage leaving you feeling tranquil & calm. Private, group, or couples classes available. Intuitively guided Reiki Healing Sessions. Level 1 to Teachers. Contact Master/Teacher: Leanne Van Wagner

780.882.2584 vanwag@gpwins.ca www.sacredessence.ca

Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine 29


Reiki/Crystal Reiki. Experience the relaxation of Reiki. Promotes healing and releases emotional blocks. Usui, Karuna, or Komyo Reiki classes and individual sessions are available. Contact Marilyn.

780.505.1349 expecttobeempowered@gmail.com www.expecttobeempowered.com


Therapeutic Massage/Swedish Massage, LA Stone (Hot Rocks Massage), Facials, Peels, Microdermabrasion, Laser Cellulite Treatments, Laser Facials, Laser Hair Reduction, Pedicure and Manicure, Advanced Pedicure/Fungal Care, Sauna, Walking Trails/Summer Yoga and so much more . . .

780.830.8888 www.countryspa.ca


Reiki, Inca Medicine Wheel, Laying of Hands Laying of Stones. Minimum class sizes, Call for scheduling. Grovedale, AB

780.538.3898 willal@telusplanet.net www.pachamamahealing-north.com


Balanced health for body, mind and spirit including Chiropractic Treatment, Family Medicine, Acupuncture, Registered Massage Therapy, Reconnection Healing, Certified Personal Fitness, Orthotics.10031 - 100 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.532.5520 www.northwestwellnesscentre.com


20+ years of experience with Tarot & Astrology Readings, Ritual Healing, House and Land Blessings, Medicine Wheel Teachings, Exploring Dreams, and Art Therapy sessions. Please contact MaryRose Lessoway.

780.505.2939 wheelkeeper@hotmail.com www.wheelkeeper.org



Established in 1999 the Peace Country Wellness Centre provides the surrounding community with holistic and alternative methods of healing the body, mind and spirit. Whether it is reflexology, reiki, hot stone massage or raindrop therapy, the result is a relaxed, rejuvenated and energized feeling. 201, 11117 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780-538-9833 www.peacecountrywellness.com


Third Degree Reiki Practitioners; Life Coach, Spiritual Reader-past, present and future, Medicine Wheel Teaching Circles, Watercolor Painting Instruction. Make an appointment at Healing Hands Therapy and Tea or with Pat Nelson or Bryce Korzenowski. 9506 – 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.897.5507 780.897.6969 mountainpeakw@live.ca www.illuminatedevolutioninc.ca


Gifts for the body mind and soul. Crystals,Books,Tarot,Incense, Singing Bowls, Pendulums and much more. 10024A -100 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB



Experience the revived techniques of Ancient Knowledge, now proven by current scientific research. Relieve your stress with today’s most effective breathing and meditation program, Eiriu Eolas. Simple to learn and easy to add to your busy schedule. FREE introductory classes held at the Rabbit Hole Bookstore. DVD set available. Contact Irini or Carolyn for more information. 10020 - 100th Ave, Grande Prairie, AB

780.532.4022 carolyn@eiriu-eolas.org www.EEBreathe.com


Affordable, Family-friendly, Back-to-Basics: Your Health & Wellness Solution! Contact Evelyn Lemire, Certified Nutrition Wellness Specialist & Coach.


Yoga classes, yoga apparel & essentials, Massage Therapy, Ayurvedic Treatments (Indian Head Massage, Abyhanga Massage), Infrared Sauna, Spa Services, Eminence Organic Skin Care and a full range of natural products. 107, 10134 - 97th Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1985 www.skyloftintergratedwellness.com


Northern Alberta’s Premier Health & Wellness Spa is a proud member of the Leading Spas of Canada, is an elite member of their coveted “Quality Assurance Program” and has just been recognized by SPAwards as one of Canada’s top 50 spas! We welcome you to experience tranquility in the spa ~ treat yourself to a luxurious massage, pampering pedicure, sensational facial or indulge in one of our holistic therapies. In the name of “Wellness”, we’ve now grown to include whole body vibrational therapy, a far infrared sauna, and just recently we’ve added the new Tripollar Radio Frequency Therapy which is a new non-invasive facial tightening and body contouring system. Join one of our membership programs ~ we are home of the original “spa junkie” membership program. Memberships are priced to encourage regular visits. Spa’ing should be a healthy habit, not a luxury earmarked for once a year! We carry Comfort Zone, Jane Iredale, OPI, Davines, and Eminence and our most recent accolade is becoming a Green Spa through Eminence Organics showing that we care as much about the environment as we do about our clients. Be sure to check our website daily for “Last Minute Seat Sales”. 10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

780.897.2936 ev_lemire@yahoo.com

30 Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine

780.830.0302 www.lspa.ca



Full Range of Therapeutic Wellness Services to Support Your Health and Vitality Naturally including Diagnostic Laboratory Testing (non-invasive), Nutritional and Diet Counseling, Vitamin and Mineral Therapy, Herbal Medicine, Energy Medicine, Homeopathy, Massage Therapy, Myofascial Release. Contact Michelle Golany, Registered Naturotherapy Practitioner, Registered Massage Therapist. 4732 - 53 Avenue, High Prairie, AB

780.523.0053 www.trinitynatural.com


Dee Bell is AFLCA & Can Fit Pro certified offering: Yoga Fusion, Cardio Fusion, Tri Fitness, HAM (Healthy Active Moms) & Diva-cise classes Plus: Nutrition and Wellness Coaching. Look for her story in the May/June issue of “Canadian Running”. Live Your Life ANEW!



Located in the heart of downtown Grande Prairie, featuring only the finest quality of loose leaf teas, tea wares, & accessories. Free daily tea tastings from our exquisite collection. Bringing our community together one cup at a time. 9927B – 100 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB



Our Holistic Directory has become a valuable and trusted resource for natural health & alternative medicine, fitness & yoga, spiritual inspiration, body, mind & soul. Contact us today and become part of the Guided Synergy community!

780.538.3150 directory@guidedsynergy.ca www.guidedsynergy.ca/holistic_directory


Grande Prairie’s Best Selection of Whole Leaf Teas. Contact Darlene. 9506 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB

780.402.3292 www.therapyandtea.com


Let your mind unfurl and relax while you steep your delicious, aromatic tea. Tea Affair offers a large variety of teas for every time of day and every personality. Watch the leaves expand in your cup, releasing their delicate powers to ease the mind and revitalize the body. Call to book your appointment or visit our website. 214 Place North, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1985 www.skyloftintergratedwellness.com


Experience the revived techniques of Ancient Knowledge, now proven by current scientific research. Relieve your stress with today’s most effective breathing and meditation program, Eiriu Eolas. Simple to learn and easy to add to your busy schedule. FREE introductory classes held at the Rabbit Hole Bookstore. DVD set available. Contact Irini or Carolyn for more information. 10020 - 100th Ave, Grande Prairie, AB

780.532.4022 carolyn@eiriu-eolas.org www.EEBreathe.com


GP Yoga Zone offers 8-week Vinyasa Yoga sessions (once or twice per week) where the classes begin with the basics and then progress with your own abilities in All-level Vinyasa, Divine Timing or Intermediate Vinyasa Yoga. Candace is a Yoga Therapist and offers modification for ALL postures depending on your personal physical needs. Candace McKim has been certified in Yoga for Cancer Survivors teaching a Yoga Thrive class to Cancer Survivors PLUS any persons who may require a Restorative Yoga (MS, Heart Disease or Arthritis). Also offered are Mom & Baby Yoga, Children’s Yoga, and Prenatal Yoga. When we allow our body and mind to flow through our yoga practice, we can then take this calm fluidity out into our life. For schedules and registration visit our website. Grande Prairie, AB

gpyogazone@gmail.com www.gpyogazone.ca


We have created an intimate yoga space with a maximum of six people per class; the intention is to help one feel fully comfortable and attended to in their yoga practice. Offering Hatha, Therapeutic, Prenatal, Teens, Kids and Private sessions. 214 Place North, Grande Prairie, AB

780.513.1985 www.skyloftintergratedwellness.com


YOGA & YOU, Hatha Yoga, Gentle & Stress Reduction Yoga, Group & Personalized Yoga, Customized Classes for Seniors (one on one sessions) Find your confidence, your strength, and your flexibility. Laurie Marshall, ssyt, iyt. 9728 Montrose Ave, Suite 403, Grande Prairie, AB



Introduction to Yoga, New to Yoga Hatha Yoga, Beginner Hatha Flow Yoga, Flow Hatha Yoga, and Specialized classes can be designed for specific populations (Pre/Post Natal, Seniors, Chair, Special Populations, Schools & Corporate) Available in Grande Prairie and Sexsmith. Contact Wenda Housego.

780.402.3734 www.yogaforeverybody.info

Directory ONLINE http://guidedsynergy.ca/holistic-and-natural-health-directory

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www.stillnessroom.com 32 Spring/Summer 2011 Guided Synergy Magazine

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