Winter 2012 Southern AB

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Jackie Dumaine Spiritual awakening of an entrepreneur


Balancing kapha dosha in winter and spring


Promoting balance through alternative therapies 3




Award Winning Wedding & Portrait Photography l


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11-12-07 9:02 AM




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Body, Mind, Soul

‘The only guide for holistic healing in the Peace Country Region and Northern Alberta’

Winter 2012 6 Jackie Dumaine

by Jennifer Worley

The spiritual awakening of an entrepreneur

9 Book Review by Stacy Olson Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It

11 The Act of Forgiveness

by Molly Weleski

Forgive and gain access to the energy of spirit

13 Taking Command of Your Home and Office

On the cover Jackie Dumaine The spiritual awakening of an entrepreneur


by Jennifer Worley

Give Yourself a Boost with Honey An effective staple in traditional medicine

Tastes of Winter Winter Energy Cookies Winter Fruit Salad with Lemon Poppyseed Dressing

by Mia Staysko

The command position encourages success

17 Give Yourself a Boost with Honey

by Susan Fitzgerald

An effective staple in traditional medicine

19 Let Earth and Water Comfort You

17 21

by Tracy Perrson

Balancing the kapha dosha in winter and spring

21 Tastes of Winter

Winter Energy Cookies Winter Fruit Salad with Lemon Poppyseed Dressing

by Dr. Brett Hessel

Promoting balance through alternative therapies

23 Your Body’s Reaction to Stress

25 Make a New Life Resolution

Your Body’s Reaction to Stress Promoting balance through alternative therapies


by Sean Liv

by Jo Stepaniak

The ethical side of sugar

Tips for winter exercise

27 Train Your Taste Buds

28 Holistic and Natural Health Directory 3



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Pure Potentials Wellness Inc.

Winter 2012


Linda Warwick

Senior Editor:

Susan Fitzgerald

Copy Editor:

Carolyn Bateman

Graphic Designer:

Nancy Seiz


Jennifer Worley

Feng Shui Consulting and Design

Creating space for change

Executive Assistant: Jacqueline Wilkinson Events Coordinator: Chelsey Boyne Professional Photography:

Andras Schram Photography

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Mia Staysko

The information provided in this magazine is informational only and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified and licensed practitioner or health care provider. Guided Synergy Holistic Lifestyles Magazine makes every effort to preserve the accuracy of the information it publishes. We cannot, however, guarantee them to be true nor held responsible for any errors or omissions. No guarantees are expressed or implied.

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ON OUR COVER: Jackie Dumaine, Yoga Instructor, Workshop Facilitator, Yoga Inspired Life Coach, Speaker and Entrepreneur. Photo was taken on a crisp November day at Fish Creek Park, located in south Calgary, one of the largest provincial parks in Canada located within an urban setting. It encompasses 1348 hectares and three of Alberta’s natural regions, grasslands, parkland, and foothills forest. Jackie's fabulous red coat is from Purr Clothing, serving Calgary, AB from 3 locations (Kensington, Seventeenth, Scotia Centre) Boots from Luna Blue on 14th Street, Calgary, AB. Photography by Andras Schram, Award Winning Wedding & Portrait Photographer (

Join us for this amazing one day event!

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Jacki McLenaghan

Founder, Pure Potentials Wellness Inc.

Edsia van Wyk Intuitive Counseling Medical Intuitive


We have over 60 fabulous exhibitors. Take in some of the exciting workshops offered Including “The 3 Key Steps To Rebalancing Your Life” with Chopra Certified Teacher Jacki McLenaghan. First 500 people receive a grab bag and their name entered in a draw for a chance to win one of two complete wellness retreat packages – Including overnight stay at the Juniper Hotel & Bistro (Value of $1,200)

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11-11-03Pure 9:48 PM PotentialsWIN12 1-3.indd 1

11-12-06 8:50 PM


It’s okay to be kind to your soul I

well remember the hype that led up to the turn of the century a little more than a decade ago. Reports on TV suggested we should have extra cash and food on hand just in case the bank machines and other essential systems went down at the stroke of midnight on December 31, 1999.

consultant to help me explore new concepts to enhance my life. I had no idea what to expect, but I was open. Her observations of the home I share with my husband were somewhat overwhelming, but in the end, they were very empowering. Her knowledge and gentle approach gave me insight.

On the 10-year anniversary of Y2K, a article recalled how, “Y2K fears were real enough to make governments around the world take remedial action before the event, which had the unintended benefit of actually strengthening the existing computer infrastructure.”

We had accumulated a collection of sentimental items throughout our 20-plus years together, and a good number of these treasures had made their way to an overflowing arrangement atop the hutch of our office desk. She pointed out the symbolic importance of some of these items, and I recognized how their placement was actually causing grief in certain aspects of our life. We explored several areas of our home and backyard that day, and I immediately made adjustments and continue to do so today keeping the concepts of feng shui in the forefront.

I personally anticipate December 21, 2012 to come and go just as Y2K did—without incident. The key to surviving the challenges of 2012 will be in our own preparations. During the months and years leading up to Y2K, governments took action. “Systems were upgraded or, when they couldn’t be replaced, were given additional backup,” wrote Tony Long in the article. “Billions of dollars were spent fixing the original source code in older computers.” It’s very easy to get caught up in the global hype and drama that seems to surround us at times. Mary Rose Lessoway, in her article “2012 and Beyond” published in our Winter 2010 issue, wrote, “If you watch the Hollywood version of the movie 2012 or any other fear-based propaganda, remember that we need to be aware of what we take on as our beliefs, what we are creating in our individual and collective realities. We don’t know what will happen; we only know what is happening.” The new paradigm or shift promises to bring more peace, joy and love to the world. So ask yourself this, “When that happens and the whole world is all happy and full of bliss, where will you choose to be? Stuck in misery, or happy and in harmony with the world?” A few years ago, I hired a feng shui

Can we upgrade our own internal software and systems just as the government upgraded software in preparation for Y2K? We can—by taking courses on topics that will support the growth of our own infrastructure. Attending seminars, expos and workshops will also serve as backup as we prepare for the future and the changes ahead. Seeking out healers, teachers and consultants (techies) will provide us with the emotional and spiritual (software) support we so desperately deserve. We can also examine our personal relationships with others and, of course, that all-important relationship within ourselves. What are your greatest desires? When was the last time you did something just for you? Ask yourself, “What is my soul seeking today?” And let’s not forget to maintain our hardware (physical body) while we’ re at it. Add nourishment, regular exercise and hot sex to the routine. If and when you feel guilty about any of these things, give yourself permission. It’s okay to be kind to your soul!

“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drowned your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” ~ Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

My wish is that you will discover something within the pages of our Winter 2012 issue that will assist you with upgrading your software and enriching your soul this season and throughout the year! Namaste, Linda Warwick, Editor




The Hot Yoga Lounge in Calgary. 6


Jackie Dumaine

The spiritual awakening of an entrepreneur



rouched on the floor on hands and knees, I cupped my head in clenched hands as I took a few long, deep breaths, hoping the excruciating pain would disappear. I noticed how soft the plush, cream-coloured area rug felt against my forearms and how it comforted my knees and protected them from the hardness of the wood floor. I listened to the familiar noise of morning rushhour traffic outside my window and meditated on the swoosh of the cars as they drove by. I wondered if the people driving into work had smiles of joy on their faces or if they were just going through the motions of another day. Completely aware of each sensuous inhale and each soothing exhale, I continued to breathe, absorbing all the sounds around me. Kneeling on my living room floor, I was in a state of bliss. The pain was gone. Those are the words of Jackie Dumaine. Minutes earlier Dumaine had stubbed her toe on a steel coffee-table leg, an action that in the past would have triggered a series of expletives. But Jackie is different now, and it’s yoga that has changed her life. “Yoga is what gave me the courage,” says Dumaine, 38, a yoga instructor and entrepreneur who lives in Calgary with her 19-year-old son, Trey. “I teach this to my students all the time: When you are in a challenging or uncomfortable situation in yoga and you push through it, you come out stronger. Yoga started making me believe I could do anything and it still makes me think that.” And Dumaine has done a lot. Sitting in a Calgary café, munching an apple and eating peanut butter by the spoonful—a little nourishment before her evening yoga class—she goes back to the beginning of what she refers to as her awakening. Three years ago, as she drove to her job in radio sales on a cold November morning, her

life changed forever. A new position with a new company, so she thought, was going to make her life better. Yet she found herself parked at the side of the road, frozen with fear, hands gripping the steering wheel. Her BlackBerry, to which she was conditioned to respond like Pavlov’s dog, was repeatedly sending messages, all of them ignored. “I was shaking, trembling. I was cold. I was afraid,” says Dumaine. “I didn’t know if I was dying or having a heart attack or going crazy. It still makes me want to cry when I think about it,” she says, her voice wavering and tears welling up. “I remember thinking, ‘Is this what life is supposed to be?’” She knew that her career and work environment were killing her spirit a little more each day. Dumaine spent four hours in this altered state, and then she began to notice a shift. Her breathing became deeper, warmth returned to her body and, as if on cue, the sun appeared from behind a nearby building. “Everything just seemed so bright. As corny as it sounds, I felt the sun was talking to me and it said, ‘Good morning, Sunshine. Glad to see you’re finally awake.’” Letting go of the steering wheel, she wiped the mascara stains from her face, grabbed her BlackBerry and headed into the office. But things were different. Dumaine knew she would now be planning her exit strategy. Dumaine began taking little steps to bring about change. She discovered yoga at a new studio near her home, a new antidote for her sadness that allowed her to eliminate the anxiety and antidepression medications her doctor had prescribed only 2 weeks earlier. She connected with an American businessman looking for a Canadian distributor for his line of meditation furniture—an association that led to the creation of Stillness Room. Continued on page 8 ➤ Winter 2012 l GUIDED SYNERGY 7


Above: Jackie planning for upcoming workshops at her favourite coffee shop, Waves Coffee House. Right: Jackie enjoying some quiet time at the Hot Yoga Lounge. In the summer of 2009, as yoga was becoming Dumaine’s new medication for happiness, she came across a flyer for yoga teacher training in India. The face on the flyer belonged to instructor Vishva Ji, and his warmth and smile were irresistible. After some consideration, she put down a deposit for the training. As a result, more shifting occurred. “I think that’s a lesson in life. When we commit to something fully, the universe then conspires to make things happen for it.” Her sales job was lucrative but Dumaine knew that to pursue her new life, she had to change the way she thought about money. She was a spender, with a nice car and designer clothes and bags, who attended VIP parties and client dinners. “I knew that I had six months to drastically change how I was living and how I was spending,” she says. In January 2010, Dumaine left her job. Her 37th birthday found her on a plane to Delhi. From there she journeyed 250 kilometres to an ashram in Rishikesh, where she studied yoga and meditation with the World Conscious Yoga Family. She gained a new appreciation for many things, including the joyful colours of the saris worn by the women, which brightened an otherwise bleak landscape, and the happiness of a child playing with only a ball and a stick. She learned about eating in silence (you slow down, taste the food and

actually eat less) and how to connect with nature. In her yoga training, Dumaine became intrigued by the philosophies behind the asanas, or postures. This ancient wisdom, thousands of years old and referred to as the yamas and niyamas, spoke to her heart and reminded her that there is so much more to yoga than the physical movements. Back in Calgary, Dumaine frequently found herself on the Douglas fir trail in Edworthy Park, where her daily walks or runs became her meditation. Now teaching yoga and with her meditation-furniture business successfully launched, she yearned to branch out like the trees in the forest she was so connected to. Her entrepreneur brain kicked in and an idea for a workshop based upon the ten principles of the yamas and niyamas came to her. “There were all these posture-based workshops held in Calgary—this style of yoga and that style. But nobody was teaching the philosophy behind it,” says Dumaine. “I started to think of how I could put a Western twist on each of these principles so they would be understandable to people in the West and easily applicable to their lives.” The result is The Yoga Code, Dumaine’s adaptation of the yoga principles. The code is a tool, she explains, that makes life less of a struggle. “These ten principles are like a blueprint for how to really observe your life,

how to make decisions, how you treat people, how you react in challenging situations, and how you treat yourself. It’s really nothing new, but it’s something that we forget to apply in our lives.” Dumaine’s passion for yoga and her entrepreneurial spirit have inspired many new ideas—a book in the works, expansion plans for The Yoga Code workshop, travel workshops and yoga-inspired life coaching among them. Dumaine says that her gift is something she must share and she won’t let the fear of what others might think stop her. A quote by spiritual activist, author and lecturer Marianne Williamson, sums up how she feels about hiding behind a curtain or playing small: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.” On that bleak November day in 2008 when the sun appeared before her, Jackie Dumaine saw her light, and now she’s headed straight for it. ✾ Jennifer Worley is a Calgary-based writer with more than twenty years in the media industry. She has written on a wide range of topics, including health and fitness, travel and fashion. Her work has appeared in numerous publications, including the Calgary Herald, the Calgary Sun and Flare magazine.

The Yoga Code Teaching The Yoga Code allows Jackie Dumaine to live by its principles and remember the journey she is on. It has helped her tap into her own intuition, something she says many people are not in touch with because their minds are preoccupied and never still. Dumaine encourages her students to find 8

time for stillness every day, whether it’s five or ten minutes of meditation, practicing yoga or sitting quietly in a park. “If you’re a busy person and you can’t find that time, drive in silence,” suggests Dumaine, a self-described Type A personality. “Get quiet. It’s in the stillness that the answers come.”

Other sage words of advice? Think before you speak. As the Indian spiritual leader Sri Sathya Sai Baba said, before you say anything, ask yourself this: “Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?” Dumaine says, “If we asked ourselves that every time we said something, the world would be a different place.”



How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It AUTHOR ELIZABETH ROYTE BOOK REVIEW BY STACEY OLSON BLOOMBURY, U.S., 2008, ISBN-10: 1596913711, ISBN-13: 978-1596913714


efore I read Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It, I was a tap water drinker but not exclusively. After this enlightening read, I can now say that I am a fully converted tap water drinker with a “Bottled Water Free Zone” sticker on my refrigerator. This book is a serious habitchanger. Elizabeth Royte is well-known for her previous books Garbage Land and The Tapir’s Morning Bath: Solving the Mysteries of the Tropical Rain Forest (both New York Times Notable Books), and her articles have appeared in The New Yorker, National Geographic and other prestigious magazines. In Bottlemania, Royte dives into the complex world of commercialization of one of the most basic human needs: drinking water. Her journalistic adventure starts in Maine, where water trucks drive 24/7, pumping and transporting water from aquifers around the state. These aquifers have the potential to deliver clean spring water to the citizens of Maine for many thousands of years; however, the 700 million gallons a year that Nestlé pumps from Maine is creating an uncertain future for the state. The author paints a lucid and compelling picture of Fryeburg, Maine, the town that is trying to stop Poland Spring (a division of Nestlé) from “stealing” their water. Nestlé buys the water at the same price as any resident of Fryeburg; they then bottle and sell it back to consumers at rates approximately 4,000 to 6,000 percent higher. When the author arrives on the scene, the town is in an all-out water war. Neighbours are mad at neighbours. Gossip of secret meetings creates an on-edge atmosphere for the town of 3,000. The ecology of their lakes is changing; fishing and swimming are no longer possible because of ever-polluted waterways. In this divide, the author stands clear: Fryeburg water should not be for sale. The author further explores the issues of marketing, the environment, economics and health surrounding water in a captivating manner. Bottlemania is a well-balanced pageturner that leaves the readers to make up their own mind about the water debate; and there certainly is a debate raging. By mid-read I was leaning towards my trusty glass of tap water for the ethical and economical reasons alone. There were a few more questions I needed

answered before making my final decision on the liquid, however: Is bottled water cleaner? And is tap water safe? The answers to these questions were fully developed by the author and left me satisfied. The issue of the environment and the safety of bottled water cannot be explored without mentioning the bottles themselves. Approximately 40 billion bottled water containers are thrown into landfills or recycled every year in the U.S. alone. Do the chemicals from bottled water leach into drinking water as it is transported to store shelves? Absolutely, according to Royte. The longer bottled water sits in plastic before you consume it, the more BPA and other hazardous chemicals move from the plastic and into your water. Rotye does not hide the fact that she is a tap water drinker and even comically filled up her Nalgene in front of Poland Spring higher-ups. It is no wonder that she included an eye-opening safety comparison in this concise read. Tap water in New York City has 2.8 parts per million of nitrate, while Perrier carries about 18 parts per million (much higher than the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s limit of 10 ppm). What about bacteria? My tap water, for example, is processed four kilometres from my home, then runs through the tap and into my thirsty mouth. Is there time for bacteria to multiple and wreak havoc on my body? Nope. Now Evian, for example, is bottled about 8,000 kilometres from my house and sat on a store shelf for an unknown amount of time in a toasty room temperature environment in which bacteria love to multiple. I’ll choose the faucet on this one. Water is an essential human need that we are not thinking enough about. Bottlemania is an eye-opening book that will compel you to stand on one side of the water war or the other. As for me? I haven’t touched a plastic water bottle since finishing the book.

Water Aware Stacey Olson wanted to find more out about the tap water she ingests eight to 10 times a day. One simple phone call and she was touring her local water treatment plant. To her surprise, cleaning water to make it potable is a relatively, well, clean process. One issue she was keenly aware of on the tour, however, was fluoride. While three chemicals are used to treat water, fluoride is added to treat people. The fluoride debate has raged for years in Canada. Last spring, Calgary city councillors voted to remove fluoride from the city’s drinking water, and last November, a bid to do the same in Fort St. John was defeated in an election referendum. Stacey Olson wants the issue on the public agenda in Grande Prairie. “I decided that if I was going to drink tap water, I wanted it to be as clean as possible,” says Olson. “The choice of which medications enter my body is mine alone.” She has started a petition entitled Stop Fluoridation in Grande Prairie’s Water and will be presenting it to city council in early 2012.

The Rabbit Hole in Grande Prairie has the book Bottlemania: How Water Went On Sale and Why We Bought It in stores now and also has copies of the petition available to sign. She is inviting people to sign the petition online at or at any health food store around Grande Prairie.

Stacey Olson is a teacher in and around the Grande Prairie area. She continues to spread the word about fluoride in her community and hopes to have it removed from the water by the end of 2012. Winter 2012 l GUIDED SYNERGY 9

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About the Author

Living on a farm in northern Alberta, Canada, with her husband, M.J. Domet is the mother of two and a grandmother of one. She teaches several spiritual workshops including Reiki and Deep Healing Emotional Energy. Her other passions include riding horses and writing. This is her first book.


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11-11-02 10:39 PM

11-12-05 11:08 PM

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11-12-12 9:40 PM


The Act of Forgiveness

Forgive and gain access to the energy of spirit F doesn’t help, what does? Are we ever able to redeem ourselves? If those around us do not practice forgiveness, we may start to avoid taking risks because we are scared of being wrong. We don’t admit our mistakes, we never feel that we are good enough and we have trouble maintaining relationships. However, we can forgive ourselves. This empowers us to create the changes we want in our lives by accepting full responsibility for our thoughts and actions.

orgiveness is the act of releasing our pain and anger over the past. It is a choice to live in the present, to let go of what—or who—was right or wrong in the past. By forgiving, we gain the freedom to live our own lives, no longer allowing someone else to control them.

The act of forgiving others releases their hold on us. When we choose not to forgive others, we allow them to hurt us over and over again. It is important to understand that forgiving others does not mean that we condone their behaviour. Nor must we continue a relationship with them or forget about their actions.

Many of our fears, anxieties and even physical health problems originate from an inability or unwillingness to forgive. When we forgive, we gain access to the loving energy of spirit, which can heal our deepest physical and mental wounds and help us create a future leading to love, health and happiness.

Forgiving becomes easier when we release both the expectation of an apology and the need for others to understand us or for us to understand them. In many cases, we need to forgive the person all over again each time we think of the situation. Over time, our anger and bitterness fades, eventually disappearing, and we are able to look at the situation with a soothing sense of peace.

Radical forgiveness enables us to view any situation with spiritual understanding. We recognize that life is divinely guided, unfolding for each of us exactly as it should for our highest good. We see that everything happens for a reason. Spirit does not make mistakes. We are able to surrender to the flow of life and to learn that, ultimately, there is nothing to forgive.

The act of forgiving ourselves is one of the most loving things we can do for ourselves, but it can be harder than forgiving someone else. Forgiving ourselves does not necessarily mean that we would act differently given what we know now; it just means that we are willing to go forward and focus on the future. Some of us grew up being reprimanded with statements like “Sorry doesn’t help.” We might have heard this when we did or said something considered wrong, or did not do or say something expected of us. But if sorry





G u idregdy

Syne FALL 2011

Molly Weleski is a licensed and certified Heal Your Life® life coach and workshop facilitator, based on the work of Louise Hay. She is an impassioned speaker and teacher with the ability to inspire life-changing growth. She is the author of Restoring Your Beautiful Life, published in 2011.

At Home


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FALL 2011

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Fall 2011






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Fall 2011



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Taking Command of Your Home and Office The command position encourages success W

hen I am asked to provide a feng shui consultation in a home owned by a couple, I insist that both partners be present. This is because both of them use, are affected by, and influence the space, and because both likely need to agree on any feng shui adjustments for their home. I find that this approach creates the most powerful opportunity for change. When I ask couples to explain what has drawn them to explore feng shui, the women often say something like “I really resonate with the philosophy,” while the men tell me that it was their partner’s idea. At first, the men reluctantly go along but, thankfully, they usually gain interest and show enthusiasm when we begin to discuss the effects their home might be having on their life. Often, the man comes on board when I introduce the concept of the command position. Desks, both at home and at work, should be placed so that you have both a solid wall behind you and a clear view of the door, without being in direct line of the door. Placing your desk in this position can directly affect your finances, success and influence at work. I ask my clients to imagine walking into the office of Donald Trump. Where would the desk be? Would he sit facing the wall, with his back to the door? No, of course not. Executives do not work in such a subordinate position. They command the room from their desks. This is an unspoken corporate rule— and for good reason.

position is a great way to introduce men to the out-of-the-box world of feng shui. Mia Staysko is a certified feng shui professional, an interior designer and a Red Ribbon Professional member of the International Feng Shui Guild. Through her company, White Lotus Interiors, she guides others in creating space for powerful change.

What is Feng Shui? Feng Shui pronounced ‘Fung Shway’ translates as wind and water. These two elements indicate a flow. The movement of ‘Chi’, the breath of life, through our lives and through our homes. Wind as the unseen flow, and water as flow manifested. A cycle, ever changing. Feng Shui can be used to enhance every aspect of ones life encompassing: Family and Community Wealth Health both physical and mental Helpful People and Travel Children and Creativity Skills and Learning Fame and Self-knowledge Relationships

Placing your desk, as well as other important pieces of furniture such as your bed, in the command position can have a major impact on your success. Looking at it symbolically, this position represents protection from the unseen and the ability to see clearly, in advance, any situation that is coming your way. While it is important for both men and women to gain greater control over their circumstances, the concept of the command 13


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All workshops held in Grande Prairie, AB and surrounding area


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INSTRUCTOR: Gudrun Penselin, M.Ed., M.Phys.Ed, Clinical Herbal Therapist, Certified Reflexologist, Bach Flower Practitioner, Certified Iridologist, Sclerologist, Light & Colour Therapist. Gudrun is available for speaking and teaching engagements.

HEALING FROM THE RAINBOW Introduction to Light & Colour Therapy  October 26, 6:30 – 9:30 pm

Over 25 years of experience as a practitioner and teacher. Author and publisher of “Bach Flowers Unfolding”

HANDS ON FEET Reflexology for Beginners and Advanced Students  January 20, 3-9 pm; January 21 and 22, 9 am – 5 pm

WORKSHOPS/COURSES are offered on a continuous basis in any of the healing modalities listed. All classes are experiential and interactive with a focus on relevancy, practicality and fun.

UNFOLD TO YOUR FULL POTENTIAL Introduction to Bach Flowers  February 25 and 26, 9 am – 5 pm FIT AND SLIM INTO SPRING Learn about and experience a health promoting lifestyle  6 week program, Tuesdays, April 20 – May 25, 12-2 pm

For information contact 780.532.2464 14

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• • 11-11-22 9:09 PM

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11-11-02 8:06 AM


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15 11-11-23 5:59 PM

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11-11-02 10:32 PM

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11-12-05 9:08 AM


Give Yourself a Boost with Honey An effective staple in traditional medicine I

t’s well known that honey is a powerful antiseptic, thanks to its natural antimicrobial properties (see the Fall 2011 issue for details). Those same properties also provide a boost to your immune system. Researchers have found that honey increases the number of microphages circulating through our blood and lymph system. Microphages are small cells that destroy bacteria, foreign particles and debris from other cells. Honey has long been a staple in traditional medicine. Its effectiveness for treating infections—including gastroenteritis, bacteria-induced gastric ulcers, infected wounds and the superbugs that increasingly plague hospitals and care facilities— is now receiving scientific support. As more and more bacteria become resistant to overprescribed pharmaceutical antibiotics, interest

in the antibiotic potential of honey is on the rise. Many of us find comfort in a hot drink of tea with honey when we have a cold or reach for the honey jar to help ease a nagging cough. And for good reason, it turns out. Honey has been shown to be extremely effective in treating respiratory infections and in relieving their symptoms. Talk to your health-care provider about how you can use honey to stimulate your immune system, especially during the winter cold and flu season. —Written by Susan Fitzgerald Part two of a three-part series on the benefits of honey and pollen recommended by Ginette Paradis, Paradis Valley Honey Ltd.

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Winter 2012 l GUIDED SYNERGY 17

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Reconnecting you with you – call today! 11-11-02 FYLWB.indd 10:28 PM 1

11-11-22 9:18 PM

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Dates, locations & pricing subject to change. Call, email or check online @ Google Calendar, Facebook and “The Healing” for updates! Emotional Healing | Energy Work | Quantum Touch | Workshops 18


Let Earth and Water Comfort You Balancing the kapha dosha in winter and spring A

s I was writing this article on a cold, dry winter day, I had a peek at Facebook. My friends’ posts made me smile: “Making homemade soup and buns.” “Filled the crockpot with stew and the oven with biscuits.” “Chili and buns for dinner tonight!” The balance of sweet, sour and salty tastes my friends were creating is perfect for the vata (wind season), or winter, months. This made me realize just how in tune with nature many of us are and how well we listen to our body’s needs. As we move from winter into spring (kapha season), we need to adjust our lifestyle to keep our dosha (body constitution) in balance. Kapha (earth and water season) is almost two seasons in one. The heavy, cold dampness of the late-winter months transitions into the warmer dampness of spring. While it is still cold, we should continue with a diet of warm foods and drinks, as the kapha dosha does not agree with cold. To help balance the kapha in your body as the weather warms up, reduce or eliminate dairy products, salt, sugars, fermented foods and heavier meat products; these foods—known as the sweet, sour and salty tastes—build up congestion in your respiratory system. Changing to lighter foods with pungent, bitter or astringent tastes keeps springtime illnesses at bay. The pungent tastes in foods such as hot peppers, herbs, spices and garlic energize digestion and metabolism. Bitter tastes, found in herbs and dark, leafy greens, lighten and detoxify tissues. Astringent tastes, found in legumes, herbs and raw fruits and vegetables, tighten the tissues and absorb water. A cleansing detox can also help in the seasonal transition. This can be as simple as a one-day-a-week cleanse in which you ingest only liquids or liquefied foods (soups, juices, fruits and veggies) for 24 hours. Or consider a sevenday cleanse to kick-start your metabolism. In addition to changing your diet in early spring, increase your physical activity. Take a brisk walk outside, attend a yoga class—anything to get you off the couch! Kapha imbalance tends to bring lethargy and congestion. Staying 19

active and eating lighter will help you to shed off winter and approach the warm days of summer (pitta, fire season) feeling clearer and lighter in the mind, body and spirit. To learn more about Ayurveda, your dosha and the role of foods in maintaining dosha balance, some great books are Perfect Health: The Complete Mind/Body Guide by Deepak Chopra, MD, and Eat·Taste·Heal by Thomas Yarema, MD, Daniel Rhoda and Chef Johnny Brannigan. Interested in alternative and holistic health, Tracy Persson learned the Usui System of Reiki, eventually becoming a Reiki master teacher. After discovering Ayurveda in 2008, she began Perfect Health teacher training through the Chopra Center. She is a certified instructor in Primordial Sound Meditation and the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga from the Chopra Center. Tracy grew up in Slave Lake and now lives in Grande Prairie, Alberta.

Ginger Elixir This is a delicious drink I had daily while attending my Chopra Center studies!! Served at the La Costa Resort & Spa, recipe from the Chopra Center in Carlsbad California. A great tasty refreshing drink that boosts your digestion!! Drink before your meals! INGREDIENTS 1/2cup ginger juice/or 2 tbsp grated fresh Ginger 1/2 cup lemon juice or 1 fresh squeezed lemon 1/2 cup purified or spring water 1/8 cup organic honey DIRECTIONS Blend well and serve. *Add a pinch of black pepper to increase warmth - it also tastes great!! – Tracy Persson

An ad campaign that fits your budget is good business sense. BOOK NOW FOR SPRING Deadline: March 1, 2012

Winter 2012 l GUIDED SYNERGY 19

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11-12-05 9:07 AM

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Lights of Avalon W12 six.indd 1

11-12-05 1:20 PM


Tastes of Winter Winter Energy Cookies INGREDIENTS 1 cup unsalted butter

Recipes provided by Allrecipes,, the world’s largest social networking site for food enthusiasts.

Winter Fruit Salad with Lemon Poppyseed Dressing INGREDIENTS

1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar

1/2 cup white sugar

1/3 cup molasses

1/2 cup lemon juice

1/3 cup smooth peanut butter

2 teaspoons diced onion

2 eggs

1 teaspoon Dijon-style prepared mustard

1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour

2/3 cup vegetable oil

1 cup all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon poppy seeds

1 cup toasted wheat germ 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda

1 head romaine lettuce, torn into bite-size pieces

1/2 teaspoon salt

4 ounces shredded Swiss cheese 1 cup cashews

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/4 cup dried cranberries

2 cups rolled oats

1 apple - peeled, cored and diced

1 cup raisins

1 pear - peeled, cored and sliced

1 cup semisweet chocolate chips 1 cup chopped walnuts DIRECTIONS Cream the butter, sugar, molasses, and peanut butter in a large bowl. Blend in the eggs and vanilla. Mix the flour, wheat germ, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon in a separate bowl. Stir the dry ingredients into the creamed mixture, until evenly blended. Stir in the oats, raisins, choc chips, and nuts. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C).

DIRECTIONS In a blender or food processor, combine sugar, lemon juice, onion, mustard, and salt. Process until well blended. With machine still running, add oil in a slow, steady stream until mixture is thick and smooth. Add poppy seeds, and process just a few seconds more to mix. In a large serving bowl, toss together the romaine lettuce, shredded Swiss cheese, cashews, dried cranberries, apple, and pear. Pour dressing over salad just before serving, and toss to coat. – Recipe by Nora Lacroix LEMON POPPYSEED DRESSING INGREDIENTS

Shape dough into large balls using 1/4 cup of dough per cookie. Place on greased cookie sheets, leaving 3 inches between them. Flatten slightly with a fork. Bake for 15 to 18 minutes. When done, the tops will still be soft to the touch. Cool on the sheets for 5 minutes, then transfer to a rack to cool. – Recipe by THEA

3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 2 teaspoons honey 1/2 teaspoon onion powder 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2 cup grapeseed oil 2 tablespoons poppy seeds DIRECTIONS Whisk together vinegar, lemon juice, mustard, honey, onion powder, and salt in a bowl. Slowly drizzle in grapeseed oil, whisking constantly, until combined. Stir the poppy seeds into the mixture. – Recipe by Christine M





Your Body’s Reaction to Stress

Promoting balance through alternative therapies “H

and physical stressors that disrupt this balance. Primary-care physicians report that 75 to 90 percent of all patients’ visits are in some way related to long-term sympathetic Let’s start with a simple reactions to psychosocial stresses. definition of stress: Stress is Consider a patient who has been anything that throws your body coping well with a physical problem out of balance. Unfortunately, only to have his or her pain flare our bodies do not distinguish up during a stressful event, such as very well between mental and a divorce or the death of a loved physical stress. The mental stress one. The effects of these stressors you feel when caring for a sick build up over time, meaning that as child can affect your body as the population ages, we are seeing easily as the physical stress of a higher rates of chronic health sore back due to lifting a heavy problems due to accumulated stress. WRITTEN BY box. DR. BRETT HESSEL, The goal, then, is to reduce the CHIROPRACTOR Our bodies strive to maintain activity of the sympathetic nervous a constant internal balance system and encourage that of regardless of what happens around us the parasympathetic nervous system— physically or mentally. The scientific term that is, we want to decrease the fight-orfor this internal balance is homeostasis. flight response to long-term stress and Maintaining homeostasis is the responsibility increase the restorative responses of resting, of the autonomic nervous system, which is repairing and eating. Treating stress gives divided into two components: sympathetic different health-care professionals an ideal and parasympathetic. opportunity to work together. The following types of practitioners can help you improve The sympathetic component produces your health by reducing the negative impact the well-known fight-or-flight response to of stress on your body: stressors. For example, if you encounter a physical threat, like an angry, barking dog, • Chiropractor: Research your body gets physically excited, preparing has shown that chiropractic to run away from or fight the threat. The adjustments of the spine can parasympathetic component complements reduce sympathetic reactions. the sympathetic component, responding • Acupuncturist: Similar to stressors through eating, sleeping and repairing the body. When you are hungry, results have been shown your body reacts to this physical stress by for acupuncture. Many increasing your appetite. Likewise, when acupuncture points you are physically tired, the parasympathetic that are traditionally component encourages you to sleep in order used to balance the body are essentially to help restore balance. sympathetic or The autonomic nervous system copes well parasympathetic with short-term physical stress, but it is not switches. good at dealing with ill-defined, long-term Sedating mental or physical stress. For example, the sympathetic physical stress of bending over a computer all week is much harder to balance than the sudden stress caused by a barking dog. Over time, long-term stress pushes our bodies into a long-term sympathetic, or fight-orflight, reaction, which leads to a breakdown of homeostasis. That is, long-term or chronic stress causes physical problems that throw our bodies out of balance. ow does stress affect my physical health problems?” This is a question I get asked almost every day at the clinic.

Our fast-paced, modern life is full of mental 23

switches or activating parasympathetic ones promotes homeostasis. • Reflexologist: Stimulating selected points in the feet calms sympathetic reactions and promotes parasympathetic responses • Massage therapist: Therapeutic massage treatment of tight and dysfunctional muscles quiets the sympathetic reaction. • Counsellor or psychologist: Counselling can help you deal with the mental triggers of sympathetic nervous system reactions. • Dietitian: Good nutrition nourishes your body. A dietitian can help you craft a nutritional program to promote homeostasis. • Yoga and meditation instructor: Yoga and meditation enhance the parasympathetic component, helping it to balance an overactive sympathetic component. While long-term mental and physical stress can lead to or aggravate physical health problems, many alternative therapies can be used to control or remove the stressors and heal our bodies. Talk to your healthcare practitioner to identify how stressors are affecting you and which therapies can promote balance in your body. Brett Hessel, DC, CAFCI, graduated from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto and the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute (AFCI) for medical acupuncture. Brett has also trained with the AFCI for traditional Chinese medicine and with the China Shanghai International Acupuncture Training Centre. Brett and his wife, Jennifer, currently operate the Grimshaw Chiropractic Care Centre in Grimshaw, Alberta, and the Northwest Wellness Centre in Grande Prairie, Alberta.

Winter 2012 l GUIDED SYNERGY 23




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Making a New Life Resolution Tips for enjoying winter exercise N

Enjoy some fresh air

ow is the time many Canadians will write down their New Year’s resolutions. Yet how many of us have vowed to exercise more, only to abandon the treadmill long before February? History tends to repeat itself.

Winter is often the most difficult time for us to exercise outside, but it doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. Here are some things that keep me moving and energized outside during the winter months.

New Year’s resolutions often come from your good intentions, but if you don’t also change the way you think and act, you will only end up in the same place you were last year. If you take the time to think about the place you’re in now, however, and how you can actively bring about the change you want to see, real change is possible. I call this “REAL Motivation.” It’s visualizing your goal, mapping out proper actions and behaviours to get you there, and hanging on to this motivation for lasting change. It’s based on four factors: the reality of your present life, the events that brought you here, the attitude you have about your situation, and the identification and letting go of past limitations or self-defeating beliefs. Try it yourself. Review each one of these factors, write it all down and, above all, be honest. Once you have your honest assessment of your current situation, go through those four factors once more, but this time apply it to the way your life will be once you’ve reached your goal. For example, if the reality of your present situation, the first factor, is that you’re feeling tired all the time, the new reality could be that you have abundant energy and are training for your first 5K run. The differences between the two will be very clear and will allow you to visualize what you want and what you need to change to get it. Now that you have your roadmap to your goals, get out there and get active! And don’t let the chilly weather stop you. Exercising outdoors is nourishing for the body, mind and spirit. Connecting with nature and the energy of the natural world is sure to fuel your inner power. Here are some simple tips to help you enjoy this time of year: A reward system. You’re going to need something to get yourself out there. Give yourself a little reward at the end of the week once you have completed all of your workouts. It 25

• Layers, layers and more layers! It may be tempting to throw on one bulky piece to keep you warm, but don’t forget that you will be sweating, so you’ll want to peel off a layer to help regulate your temperature. Invest in some thermals. • A good pair of warm mitts and a toque. Don’t worry about how they look; they’re just there to keep you warm!

could be anything from a new haircut, a massage or even a pair of warm winter hiking boots. Your theme song. Create a soundtrack of your all-time favourite tunes and make it a new playlist on your mp3 player. Chose songs that inspire you, then pick one that you can call your Theme Song for Life—it will get you going! Me time. Make the shift in your mindset that allows you this time for you. No roles of mother/father, wife/husband, employee. No fires to extinguish. This is a date with you and you only. Get to know yourself. Find inspiration. Use this time to discover what inspires you. Periodically repeat the four factors of REAL Motivation exercise. Daydream without limitations and write it down. Be real and honest with yourself. Learn to connect, inspire and motivate from within. Sean Liv is a fitness expert, life strategist and motivational speaker. She helps people transform their bodies by using their inner power to overcome struggles and make positive life choices. She is the author of the lifestyle guidebook The Ticket.

• Grippers—pieces of rubber that attach to the soles of your running shoes. They’re great for traction in icy areas. They can be purchased at any sportswear store • A water bottle with a plastic, rather than a stainless steel, rim. Your lips will stick to stainless steel in the cold. Now you’re ready to go! Investigate your surroundings before you begin your workout to make sure everything is safe and there are no icy spots. Bring a small flashlight with you if you plan to be out during winter’s long dark hours. Always warm up for five to 10 minutes. You can do this with a walk to the nearest park. Feel the fresh air, your living breath. Enjoy the unique and beautiful gifts of winter outdoors. You don’t need to be a hero, and nobody’s expecting you to run a marathon. Listen to your body; start off slowly if you need to. Burning fat and strengthening muscle take time. Just be patient, be present, and have fun! This is the first step to your stronger self. In 2012, you will be unstoppable!

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11-11-24 11:22 AM


Train Your Taste Buds The ethical side of sugar H

alf the white table sugar manufactured in the United States is cane sugar and the other half is beet sugar. Beet sugar accounts for about 40 percent of the world’s sugar, contains 16 to 18 percent sucrose and grows in 13 U.S. states. The country is its third largest producer. Sugar cane, which contains 12 to 14 percent sucrose, is a tropical grass and is grown in four states: Florida, Hawaii, Louisiana and Texas. Both cane sugar and beet sugar are considered among the “purest” foods available because they are 99.9 percent sucrose. The primary distinction between cane sugar and beet sugar is the processing method. Unlike beet sugar, cane sugar processing typically takes place at two locations, the sugar mill and the refinery. During the final purification process, cane sugar is filtered through activated carbon (charcoal), which may be of animal, vegetable or mineral origin. This step is unnecessary for beet sugar. More than half the cane refineries in the United States use bone char (charcoal made from animal bones) as their activated carbon. The bone char used in this process is so far removed from its animal source that cane sugar processed in this method is deemed kosher pareve according to Jewish dietary laws, meaning it contains no meat or milk in any form. Some vegans disagree with this perspective. Consumers cannot discern differences between beet sugar and cane sugar in taste, appearance and use. Beet sugar is frequently not labelled as such—the packaging may just list “sugar.” Cane sugar is more often labelled specifically, but not always. For consumers wishing to differentiate, the issue has become

convoluted. Many vegans prefer to avoid white table sugar altogether rather than chance using a product filtered through bone char.

table sugar—about 96 to 98 percent sucrose.

Brown sugar consists of sugar crystals (cane or beet sugar) combined with molasses for taste and colour. Confectioner’s sugar (also known as powdered sugar) is white table sugar pulverized into a fine powder and sifted. Some vegans replace white table sugar with unbleached cane sugar or dehydrated and granulated cane juice. Both are available in natural food stores. Most of these products can replace white sugar measure for measure for general use (on cereal or in beverages) and in recipes. These products are typically darker in colour than white table sugar— ranging from light amber to rich brown—due to their higher molasses content. This can sometimes alter the flavour of recipes and may affect the colour of the finished product. Unbleached cane sugar is considered by some to be more healthful than white table sugar. Although it may contain minimal trace nutrients, one would have to eat massive quantities to obtain any reasonable nutritive value. And, of course, there are numerous drawbacks associated with the overconsumption of sugar, including tooth decay and obesity. Nutritionally speaking, sugar is sugar is sugar, whether white table sugar, maple sugar or a natural alternative. A 1948 federal law requires all products sold as sugar in the U. S. to be at least 96 percent pure sucrose, so even “raw sugar (sometimes called turbinado sugar) is by law compositionally close to white

Beyond the bone char concerns and healthrelated issues, there are many factors to consider when purchasing sugar and products that contain it. The vast majority of sugar cane is not organically grown, and most sugar plantations employ environmentally unsound agricultural methods, such as heavy insecticide and pesticide use and crop burning, which negatively impact soil, air, water and the health of workers. Sugar cane production is labour and energy intensive and uses large amounts of fossil fuels in processing, filtration, packaging and transport. Plantation owners typically pay meagre wages and provide no benefits, while workers are forced to endure brutal, substandard conditions. A prudent approach may be to reduce our use of all types of sugar, including sugary processed foods, and to train our taste buds to more fully appreciate the natural sweetness of fresh and dried fruits, grain sweeteners and other whole foods. Still another option is to purchase granulated natural sweeteners such as maple sugar, granular fruit sweetener and date sugar, or to use natural liquid sweeteners such as pure maple syrup, agave syrup, malt syrup, brown rice syrup and mixed fruit juice concentrates. These products are available in natural food stores and many supermarkets. Jo Stepaniak is the author and co-author of 17 books on compassionate living and vegan cuisine. She is also the senior editorial director at Book Publishing Company, a vegan publishing house, and an international business dispute-resolution specialist. • horses • dogs • cats • rabbits • horses • dogs • cats • rabbits • horses • dogs • cats • rabbits • horses • dogs • cats • rabbits • horses • dogs • cats • rabbits • horses • dogs • cats • rabbits • horses • dogs • cats • rabbits • horses • dogs • cats • rabbits • horses • dogs • cats • rabbits • horses • dogs • cats • rabbits • horses • dogs • cats • rabbits • horses • dogs • cats • rabbits • horses • dogs • cats • rabbits • horses • dogs • cats • rabbits • horses • dogs • cats • rabbits • horses • dogs • cats • rabbits • horses • dogs • cats • rabbits • horses • dogs • cats • rabbits

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B owe n T h e ra p y

Colon H yd ro t he ra p y

AROMA BOREALIS HERB SHOP Home of the new book, The Boreal Herbal: Wild Food and Medicine Plants of the North written by owner and herbalist, Beverley Gray, who has formulated and created of over 200 different herbal healing products including natural skin care and herbal teas that have been inspired by the Northern Boreal Forest. Order online! 867-667-HERB (4272) 504B Main St. , Whitehorse, YT

HEALING HANDS THERAPY AND TEA The Bowen Technique is a dynamic system of muscle and connective tissue therapy that is revolutionizing health care worldwide. 9506 – 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB 780.402.3292

ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE Enjoy instant access to thousands of readers who are looking for your services. Contact us today to become part of Guided Synergy Holistic Lifestyles Magazine! 780.538.3150


ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE Enjoy instant access to thousands of readers who are looking for your services. Contact us today to become part of Guided Synergy Holistic Lifestyles Magazine! 780.538.3150

A st rolog y CATCH YOUR WORLD OF DREAMS Astrological Consultations & Guidance, Meditation Workshops and Events. Unique one of a kind Gifts and Keepsakes. Believe in the Power of YOU! Kimberly Jolivet. Grande Prairie, AB 780.882.3863

B io-Feed back SACRED ESSENCE The Biopulsar system gives immediate data on the vitality of 46 organs & glands. Full body Aura Picture & Chakra Analysis. Get accurate & instant biofeedback of your energetic health now. 904 2nd Avenue, Beaverlodge, AB 780.882.2584

B ook s M.J. DOMET ‘Waves of Blue Light, Heal the Heart and Free The Soul’ written by local author Marilyn Dometraschuk. This brand new release is an honest rendition of her life whereby she lovingly invites you to look into her heart and soul, empowering you to heal your own. Visit the authors website to find out where to pick up your copy or order online at or Grande Prairie, AB & Beaverlodge, AB 780.505.1349 OPENING THE SENSES OF THE SOUL Healing Into Wholeness With Nature’s Vibrational Medicine is a look at how we can empower and heal ourselves by looking to nature’s equilibrium.... one chakra at a time! Order online! 63 Crowfoot Terrace NW, Calgary, AB 403.208.0812

INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE COURSE Are you a holistic practitioner, spa employee, RMT, aroma therapist, reflexologist, or hair stylist? Indian Head Massage is a great way to add to what you are already doing. 2 Days of Instruction. Classes scheduled throughout Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan. Contact Marlene. Edmonton, AB 780.991.6067

B re a st He a l th THERMOGRAPHIC IMAGING A non-invasive, safe and painless procedure that can be used to monitor abnormalities in breast tissue for women of all ages including women with breast implants. For more information or to book an appointment please contact Suzanne Sutherland. 2566 Tempe Knoll Drive, North Vancouver, BC & 26 Discovery Heights SW, Calgary, AB 780.340.1947

B usine ss Op p o r t u n i t y REQUIRED: HIGHLY MOTIVATED PEOPLE TO WORK FROM HOME Partner with an International Wellness company to achieve your financial goals. Flexible hours allow you to work around the important things in your life. Visit our website to request a consultation. Fort St. John, BC 250.827.3884

VERITY WELLNESS A variety of illnesses can be triggered by a toxic colon which can be relieved with colon hydrotherapy, a safe effective method of removing waste from the large intestine without the use of drugs. For more information or to book a consultation contact Wendy Davis Unit # 104 9914 109th Ave, Grande Prairie, AB 780.814.2019

Colou r T he ra p y SACRED ESSENCE Chromalive Colour Therapy uses concentrated colour to stimulate reflex zones. Register today for a Colour Workshop. Individual Colour Therapy Sessions & Colour Personality Tests available.Contact Leanne Van Wagner, Qualified Colour Energy Consultant. 904 - 2nd Avenue, Beaverlodge, AB 780.882.2584

Cou n s e l l i n g C h a k ra B a l a nc in g CANDACE MCKIM Private Chakra Therapy determines which chakras are out of balance, are re-balanced and provided with tools to maintain optimal health. Yoga Soul Centre, 9022B-108th St., Grande Prairie, AB 780.814.9645

COUNSELLING SOLUTIONS Professional, confidential ‘talk therapy’ counselling method has been proven to be more effective and longer lasting than medications for concerns such as depression. Fast, effective and safe results for adults, teens, children and couples. Call Joanna today! Grande Prairie, AB 780.296.1312

C h a nne l l ing

Cou r s e s / C l a ss e s

RUBY’S WRITINGS Ruby taps into the Universal Energy and connects with your guides through the medium of Automatic Writing. Spiritual guides give you information about how to move forward in your life. Serving Grande Prairie, Dawson Creek and area. Ruby Tunke. Grande Prairie, AB & Dawson Creek, AB

EIRIU EOLAS Experience the revived techniques of Ancient Knowledge, now proven by current scientific research. Relieve your stress with today’s most effective breathing and meditation program, Eiriu Eolas. Simple to learn and easy to add to your busy schedule. FREE introductory classes held at the Rabbit Hole Bookstore. DVD set available. Contact Irini or Carolyn. 10020 - 100th Ave, Grande Prairie, AB 780.532.4022


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OPENING THE SENSES OF THE SOUL WORKSHOPS: Samantha Orthlieb, Herbalist and Nature/ Flower Essence Therapist teaches others about co-creation, chakra archetypes and vibrational medicine. Please contact her at customerservice@ if you want to co-partner with her to host a workshop, practitioner training or special event in your hometown. 63 Crowfoot Terrace NW, Calgary, AB 403.208.0812 PRISM ADVANCED LEARNING Ready Set Goals Workshops. Empowering people worldwide to live their dreams and passions. Sports teams, summer camps, youth groups, schools and corporations (ages 11-90). Visit us online for more information and to register. Fort McMurray, AB 780.750.0350 REJUVENATING FACE MASSAGE COURSE Rejuvenating Face Massage draws on the wisdom of many different healing systems such as Ayurvedic Massage, Indian Head Massage, Lymphatic Drainage, Acupressure, and Reflexology. 2 Days of Instruction. Classes scheduled throughout Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan. Contact Marlene. 780.991.6067

SACRED ESSENCE Offering classes for Reiki, Quantum Touch & Colour Energy. Ongoing Workshops. Drop-in Guided Meditations & Healing Circles. Individual sessions by appointment. Book now to accelerate your healing on all levels. Leanne Van Wagner, Qualified Color Energy Consultant 904 - 2nd Avenue, Beaverlodge, AB 780.882.2584 THE GEMINI POTENTIAL On demand classes in Reiki, Deep Healing and more. Introducing WAVES (Wisdom Awakening Vibrational Energy System) class. Find the class that empowers you by contacting Marilyn. Grande Prairie & Beaverlodge, AB 780.505.1349 28

TRANSFORMATIONAL HEALING Love Yourself Heal Your Life®. A powerful, life changing workshop based on the philosophy of Louise L. Hay. In this transformational workshop originally created by best-selling author Louise L. Hay (You Can Heal Your Life) you will discover the mindset that has limited your success in relationships, weight loss, financial abundance, business, spiritual growth and much, much more. Workshops in Grande Prairie & Beaverlodge. Molly Weleski, Certified ‘Heal Your Life’Teacher & Life Coach and Author of “Restoring Your Beautiful Life”. Grande Prairie, AB 587.297.8877 YOGA SOUL CENTRE Candace McKim offers an array of Yoga, Chakra and Healing workshops and retreats that are appealing and open to everyone. Yoga Soul Centre, 9022B-108th St., Grande Prairie, AB 780.814.9645

E m o t i onal He al i ng THE GEMINI POTENTIAL Learn to clear emotional blocks, gently and permanently with acceptance and empowerment. Sessions are available by phone. Contact Marilyn at The Gemini Potential or visit our website. Beaverlodge 780.505.1349

He a l th Fo o d S to re s

Li fe Coa ch

M e d i t a t i on

THE HEALTH HUT Serving Northern Alberta for more than 30 years carrying a complete inventory of quality health supplements, foods, vitamins & herbs. When you visit our store, you will find that we have the time and expertise to support your families choice to live a healthy lifestyle. Prairie Mall, Grande Prairie, AB 780.539.4339 1.877.539.4339

SOUL REMEDIES Tracy Persson, Chopra Centre Certified Ayurvedic Health Instructor, Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor, Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga Instructor and Reiki Master. Discover the tools that Ayurveda provides by incorporating teachings that help you find the balance necessary in your life! Personalized individual sessions available. Grande Prairie, AB 780.933.6388

EIRIU EOLAS Experience the revived techniques of Ancient Knowledge, now proven by current scientific research. Relieve your stress with today’s most effective breathing and meditation program, Eiriu Eolas. Simple to learn and easy to add to your busy schedule. FREE introductory classes held at the Rabbit Hole Bookstore. Contact Irini or Carolyn. 10020 - 100th Ave, Grande Prairie, AB 780.532.4022

He r ba l T h e ra p y AROMA BOREALIS HERB SHOP Home of the new book, The Boreal Herbal: Wild Food and Medicine Plants of the North written by owner and herbalist, Beverley Gray, who has formulated and created of over 200 different herbal healing products including natural skin care and herbal teas that have been inspired by the Northern Boreal Forest. Order online! 504B Main St., Whitehorse, YT 867.667.HERB (4272)

Li g ht wor ke r s H y p no th e ra p y BEYOND BELIEF The subconscious mind holds the key to all of our limiting beliefs. Hypnosis can successfully change those beliefs, in an easy, natural way, so that we can live the life we consciously desire. Call Sandra today to start achieving your goals. Calgary, AB 403.306.0034

E ssen ce s SENSES OF THE SOUL Flower and Gemstone Essences. Discover an archetypal essence that supports you to free yourself from unhealthy patterns/emotions and connects you back to your authenticity. Visit us in store or online today! 63 Crowfoot Terrace NW, Calgary, AB 403.208.0812

Fen g Shui WHITE LOTUS INTERIORS Feng Shui works! A Certified Feng Shui Professional and Educator, Mia helps you to create transformational change in any life area through this powerful, time honored method. Break up the energetic patterns which are holding you back from success! Calgary, AB 403.938.3359

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SOULFUL DISCOVERIES Denise is an intuitive energy healer and transformational life coach. She inspires and empowers her clients to transform their lives from mundane to “WOW”. Let her help you peel through the layers and discover your true purpose and passion. Contact Denise Ouellette. Grande Prairie, AB 780.814.7681

I nt uit ive He a l e r FEEL YOUR LIFE- WALK BAREFOOT Helping you reconnect with yourself by releasing emotional, mental and physical pain. Call today and let YOUR journey begin! Vanessa Zieglgansberger, Intuitive Healer. Grande Prairie, AB 780.897.1196

LIGHTS OF AVALON Unlock the magic of your human potential and open pathways using dimensional keys with Sabian Merlyn Agape, International Dimensional Healer, Angelic Practitioner, Jikkiden Reiki, Shaman, Pleiadian & Arcturian Lightworker, Empath, Medium and Clairvoyant. Grande Prairie, AB 780.832.5445

M a ss a ge T he ra p y MIRAGE HOLISTIC SPA Our specialty is our La Stone Massage. Using heated and chilled stones this Native American tradition goes beyond the physical experience of massage. Swedish, Hot Stone, Deep Tissue and Indian Head and more. Located in the Holiday Inn – where it’s all about you! 780.513.0300

THE HEALING I Empower Yourself! I will guide your healing journey and help show you how to realize your personal potential through Workshops, Healing circles and Individual Energy Therapy sessions. For more in-depth workshop information and prices please contact; Tanis McRae, Intuitive Healer. Grande Prairie, AB 780.518.9530

THE L SPA & WELLNESS CENTRE L Spa Junkie members receive one 60-minute massage free/month & unlimited $59 (60 min) wellness massages AND a complimentary massage on your birthday. Check our website for a full listing of all of our massages. 10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB 780.830.0302

K ine siolo g y

MEDICAL QIGONG Looking for an Alternative Health option? Medical Qigong Therapy is a 5000+ year old Chinese medicine discipline. It addresses the root cause of symptoms or disease, and is used very successfully throughout the world. Call Geoffry today! Canmore, AB 1.403.609.4460 1.855.609.4460

ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE Enjoy instant access to thousands of readers who are looking for your services. Contact us today to become part of Guided Synergy Holistic Lifestyles Magazine! 780.538.3150

M e d i c a l Q i g on g

Na t u ra l M e d i c i n e TRINITY NATURAL HEALTH CLINIC Michelle Golany, Naturopath, RNP Naturopathic Medicine for the whole family. Complete consultations & assessments, diagnostic testing, ongoing treatments and maintenance, practitioner grade supplements and medicines, all natural and non-invasive. 214 Place North Box 22 Suite 1126, Grande Prairie, AB 780.538.1995

Na t u ra l P rod uc t s GLUTEN FREE MARKETPLACE INC. One of the largest Gluten Free Stores in Calgary with over 1600 products including popular brands like Udi’s, Glutino, Stella’s, Natures Path, Green Beaver, Glutenfreeda. You won’t be disappointed! 222, 40 Country Hills Landing NW, Calgary, AB 403.984.9087 NURTURE HEALTH & WELLNESS We offer an apothecary of products for the mind, body, soul and spirit. Our products are consciously sourced from local, ethical fair-made and fairtrade sources when possible. Visit our store or online today! 63 Crowfoot Terrace NW, Calgary, AB 403.208.0812 PARADIS VALLEY HONEY LTD We offer purely Canadian fresh local honey and pollen produced in the Peace River Region. With access to some of the best clover fields we can ensure our honey is the smoothest, whitest honey on the market. Visit us online today! Watino, AB 1.866.624.8175

Na t u ra l V i s i on CANADIAN SCHOOL FOR SELF-HEALING There is an alternative to glasses and surgery. Improve your vision, wean from glasses and enjoy clear natural vision. Call today or visit our website to learn how. Edmonton, AB 780.757.2774

Winter 2012 l GUIDED SYNERGY 29

Or g ani c P roduct s MIND MY SOUL BOUTIQUE Featuring organic clothing and fair trade soulinspiring goods. Our boutique offers unique clothing, jewelry and products. Located in the Yoga Soul Centre. 9022B-108th Street, Grande Prairie, AB 780.296.3040 ORGANIC ALBERTA Are you looking for healthy organic foods? There are more than 1400 organic producers in Saskatchewan and Alberta who produce everything from large green lentils to certified organic lamb! Visit our centralized database of Canadian Organic Farms in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Pet T herapy SACRED PAWS Reiki and Animal Communication can assist in dealing with your animal’s imbalances, illness and behavioral issues. Contact Val Majeau, Reiki Master, Certified Angel Practitioner and Medium at 403-803-7912. Animal Communication can be done over the telephone. Okotoks, AB 403.803.7912

Psych - K HALEY’S COMET COACHING Discover how to make positive changes in subconscious beliefs, which may currently be holding you back, through weekend workshops and one-on-one sessions. Experience for yourself the power of re-programing yourself for success with Hemi-Sync! Serving Okotoks and Calgary, Alberta. Contact Beth Haley 403.973.8124 ZERO POINT PERSPECTIVES Kundalini Yoga Classes, Workshops & Retreats; PSYCH-K™ Belief Repatterning; Spiritual Response Therapy; Quantum Vibrational Pendants. Remove the blocks – CHANNEL YOUR TRUE SELF. Contact Angela Ditch. Grande Prairie, AB 780.882.2664

Qu an t um Touch SACRED ESSENCE Many clients experience immediate pain relief for back, neck, shoulder, hip, sciatica and more. Improve posture and accelerate your healing process. Group workshops or individual sessions available. Contact Leanne Van Wagner 904 - 2nd Avenue, Beaverlodge, AB 780.882.2584

Qua nt um V ibra t i on a l Pe nd a nt s ZERO POINT PERSPECTIVES Kundalini Yoga Classes, Workshops & Retreats; PSYCH-K™ Belief Repatterning; Spiritual Response Therapy; Quantum Vibrational Pendants. Remove the blocks – CHANNEL YOUR TRUE SELF. Contact Angela Ditch. Grande Prairie, AB 780.882.2664

R e a ding s AKASHIC RECORDS The Akashic Records are the record keepers of all time for each soul and it’s journey. Through a series of questions that you devise you can uncover the reasons behind blocks you are experiencing in this life and resolve them Calgary, AB 403.826.2419

We l l n e ss Coachi n g

ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE Enjoy instant access to thousands of readers who are looking for your services. Contact us today to become part of Guided Synergy Holistic Lifestyles Magazine! 780.538.3150

NORTHWEST WELLNESS CENTRE Discover how your dosha can provide a personal nutritional plan that promotes health and wellness. Other Ayurveda components include posture, movement, breathing education and stress reduction programs. Julia Khaflzov, Ayurveda Specialist. 10031 100 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB 780.532.5520

Reiki BEYOND BELIEF Reiki is a non-invasive, gentle, hands on, energy balancing skill. Reiki causes the energy channel through the crown chakra to open, clear and cleanse the chakras, making the universal energy flow very strong for the individual. Reiki Sessions, Sound Reiki, and all levels of classes available. Call Sandra today. Calgary, AB 403.306.0034

ANGEL CARD READINGS The Angels are around us all the time helping to guide and assist us in times of need. Find out what your Angelic team wants you to know right now to assist you on your path for your highest good. Calgary, AB 403.826.2419

VAL MAJEAU Reiki Master , Certified Angel Practitioner and Medium offering assistance to find balance through Reiki for you or your pet, intuitive angel card readings, mediumship, workshops and meditations. Contact Val Majeau at 403.803.7912. Reiki for people and pets can occur long distance. Messages can be passed via email or telephone. Okotoks, AB 403.803.7912

R e co nne c t ive He a l i n g

S chool s / E d u c a t i on

ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE Enjoy instant access to thousands of readers who are looking for your services. Contact us today to become part of Guided Synergy Holistic Lifestyles Magazine! 780.538.3150

THE SACRED LOTUS SCHOOL OF FENG SHUI IFSG Gold Member. Practitioner Certification, Advanced classes, Dowsing and Introductory workshops. Our BTB Practitioner Certification program goes far beyond the basics, ensuring a strong foundation on which to build your successful practice. Calgary, AB 403.278.7475

R e f l e xolo g y MIRAGE HOLISTIC SPA Reflexology neutralizes the effects of stress by inducing a deep state of relaxation that calms the nervous system and allows the body to achieve a state of equilibrium. Located in the Holiday Inn – where it’s all about you! 9816 - 107 Street, Grande Prairie, AB 780.513.0300 THE L SPA & WELLNESS CENTRE Balance of the body is achieved by manipulating and applying pressure to various zones promoting feelings of calmness & serenity. Also helps the body and organs work more efficiently, thus speeding up your natural healing process. 45 min $80. Members $68. 10612 – 99 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB 780.830.0302


R e g i s t e re d D i e t i c i a n

S p i r i t u a l He a l t h ZERO POINT PERSPECTIVES Kundalini Yoga Classes, Workshops & Retreats; PSYCH-K™ Belief Repatterning; Spiritual Response Therapy; Quantum Vibrational Pendants. Remove the blocks – CHANNEL YOUR TRUE SELF. Contact Angela Ditch. Grande Prairie, AB 780.882.2664

We l l n e ss Ce n t re s ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE Enjoy instant access to thousands of readers who are looking for your services. Contact us today to become part of Guided Synergy Holistic Lifestyles Magazine! 780.538.3150

W hol e L e a f Te as ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE Enjoy instant access to thousands of readers who are looking for your services. Contact us today to become part of Guided Synergy Holistic Lifestyles Magazine! 780.538.3150

Yog a JACKIE DUMAINE Trained in India and a Certified Akhanda Yoga Teacher, Jackie combines the physical postures of yoga along with calming meditation, inspiration and the 10 Sacred Secrets of The Yoga Code. Register for a class or workshop near you. Calgary, AB 403.860.7700 YOGA SOUL CENTRE Formerly GP YOGA ZONE. Yoga Therapist Candace McKim teaches all-level VINYASA YOGA movement linked to breath. Receive modifications and personal instruction to enhance your practice. Yoga Soul Centre, 9022B-108th St., Grande Prairie, AB 780.814.9645 ZERO POINT PERSPECTIVES Kundalini Yoga Classes, Workshops & Retreats; PSYCH-K™ Belief Repatterning; Spiritual Response Therapy; Quantum Vibrational Pendants. Remove the blocks – CHANNEL YOUR TRUE SELF. Contact Angela Ditch. Grande Prairie, AB 780.882.2664




June 30



Nov 1

Nov 15


Mar 1

Mar 15

PEAK YOUR PERFORMANCE Learn to use your whole brain to make quantum leaps in personal development and growth. We invite you to our second annual Mind, Body & Spirit Expo! A place where you can gain a greater understanding of the value of a healthy mind, body & spirit. Our goal is to educate with innovative activities, holistic healing and alternative ways to obtain and sustain a healthy new you.

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11-12-07 7:31 PM

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11-11-25 9:47 AM

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Truth in Politics

David Wolfe Living Nutrition

Elisabeth Fayt Spiritual Leadership: At Work and in the World

Sequoyah Trueblood Great Thanks, Great Peace, Great Love

Anne-Marie Collette Educating Peace

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Limited VIP Reception Passes available for Adam Dreamhealer & Gerald Celente

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