Winter 2010

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Body, Mind, Soul ‘The only guide for holistic healing in the Peace Country Region’

Winter 2010 - Issue 12


Sharon Dillabough Matriarch of the Peace Country A Journey to Discovering Wellness

Vaccines Are they really safe and effective?

Running Start

One office’s journey from a simple stretch to stretching the spirit

Display until April 2010

A Yogic Detox Healthy for the holidays and the whole year

Massage Therapy Choosing a technique that’s right for you!

2012 and Beyond What to know and how to prepare







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Showcasing Local Talent • Alternative Health Products • Health & Wellness Products • Meditations • Technique and Spiritual Teachings • Love and Light Readings • Guest Speakers – Sessions throughout the weekend • Alternative Health & Wellness Resources & Materials Available

Book your vendor booth today! Contact Sharon Dillabough




Body, Mind, Soul

‘The only guide for holistic healing in the Peace Country Region’

Winter 2010

5 Vaccines: Are they really safe and effective? by Colin St. Croix Book Review & Article

7 A Yogic Detox

by Candace McKim, Yoga Instructor, Life Coach Healthy for the holidays and the whole year

9 Running Start

by Amber Dunn, Fitness Trainer One offices journey from a simple stretch to stretching the spirit

10 Happy, Healthy Feet by Tanya Mahe, Contributor

11 2012 and Beyond

by Mary Rose Lessoway, Wheelkeeper What to know and how to prepare

12 Sharon Dillabough Matriarch of the Peace Country

On the cover Sharon Dillabough

Matriarch of the Peace Country A Journey to Discovering Wellness


7 A Yogic Detox

Interview & Story by Linda Warwick A Journey to Discovering Wellness

14 Thirteen Moons

by Pat Nelson, Life Coach & Spiritual Reader A Woman’s Mystery

15 Empower Yourself - Part 11

by Roberta Brunin, Firewalk Instructor & Hypnotherapist Surrender -A spiritual, peaceful sense of letting go

Healthy for the holidays and the whole year

17 Ask a Healer

Choosing a technique that’s right for you!

20 Massage Therapy

What to know and how to prepare

23 The Fungal Pharmacy

Are they really safe and effective?

25 Time for Spiritual Health

20 Massage Therapy

11 2012 and Beyond 5 Vaccines

9 Running Start

One office’s journey from a simple stretch to stretching the spirit

by Tanis McRae, Intuitive Healer To give or forgive? Written by Linda Warwick Choosing a technique that’s right for you by Robert Rogers, Herbalist & Author Medicinal (And Edible) Mushrooms of Western Canada by Karen Coogan, Spiritual Communication Specialist Retreat to your hearts desire

26 Guided Directory - More Categories! 31 Guided Events Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


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Synergy WINTER 2010

to Guided Synergy Magazine ‘Every good thought, every good word, every good emotion, and every act of kindness, is lifting the vibration of our being to new heights. As we begin to raise our vibration, a new life and a new world will reveal itself to us.’


Editor Linda Warwick

Assistant Editors Christine Caskey Susan Fitzgerald

Contributors Karen Coogan, Tanis McRae, Roberta Brunin, Candace McKim, Tanya Mahe, Michele Dedora, Colin St. Croix, Robert Rogers, Mary Rose Lessoway, Linda Warwick, Amber Dunn, Pat Nelson

Graphic Designers Nancy Seiz, Serena Jobson

Photography Ramsay & Winsor iStock, Dreamstime

Website Linken Marketing Services

Subscriptions: Advertising: Article Submission: Guided Synergy Magazine makes every effort to preserve the accuracy of all materials, references and claims. We cannot, however, guarantee them to be true. No guarantees are expressed or implied. Our readers and advertisers are health conscious individuals living a wholistic lifestyle who seek to optimize the well being of body, mind & spirit in their individual lives and who, through personal practice and commitment, make a contribution to their communities. Freelance contributions are welcome for consideration. Director all freelance inquiries to the editor at: Published three times per year and distributed to health and wellness centers, health facilities, universities and colleges, coffee shops, cafes, recreational and cultural centers, clinics, libraries, bookstores and health food stores. For a complete list of locations visit our website at www.

Guided Synergy Magazine C/O Linda Warwick, Editor 6410 98A Street Grande Prairie, AB T8W 2M9 780.538.3150 On The Cover Cover and story photos for ‘Sharon Dillabough, Matriarch of the Peace Country’ were taken at Muskospee Park in Grande Prairie, AB November 2009 by Keith Ramsay, Ramsay & Winsor Professional Photographers


believe all things happen for a reason. As articles are submitted and begin to come together for each issue, I find it interesting how they compliment or sometimes contradict each other without any planning on my part. This is precisely what happened over the past few months with several articles based on a variety of massage techniques being submitted for consideration in our publication. I determined that I would compile the information and write an overview to include some of these massage techniques in, ‘Massage Therapy, Choosing a technique that is right for you.’ Our cover story is about a woman who is passionate about educating people how to be more consciously aware of their own health and wellness. ‘Sharon Dillabough – Matriarch of the Peace Country - A Journey to Discovering Wellness’ is my first journalistic experience and an interview I will always remember. Thank you Sharon, for sharing your story with us. I attended a seminar a couple of months ago in October, ‘Are Vaccines Safe? Educate Before You Vaccinate.’ There was a lot to absorb that evening and some of the information presented was absolutely shocking! In addition to the numerous references and resources listed following our Book Review and Article, ‘Vaccines, Are they really safe and effective?’ p.5, I would also recommend visiting the Grande Prairie Regional College website at and click on the link ‘Know how to fight H1N1 (Health Canada). This Health Canada document states (among other things) that ‘Knowledge is your best defense.’ This issue brings many incredible stories your way and I hope you enjoy reading them from cover to cover. I love hearing from our readers when a story has touched their life in some way and I encourage anyone new or old to Guided Synergy to drop me a note with your comments or thoughts on our magazine. As we celebrate the 5th Anniversary of Guided Synergy Magazine, one thing that has remained the same throughout is the tremendous support from all the advertisers, many of whom have been big supporters since that very first issue of Guided Synergy in January 2005. With Issue No. 12, our Winter 2010 edition in circulation, we celebrate the success of not only the magazine, but also of our advertisers. I wish you all the very best the holiday season can bring well into the New Year. Linda Warwick, Editor Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


What’s in a Face?


Find out how YOUR face shape is the blueprint of YOUR spiritual energy


verything I need to know about myself or another person is written in the face. It is fascinating to look at someone and realize that all I choose to know is facing me like an open book waiting to be read. Since I have started learning to read faces, my understanding of myself and others has changed dramatically. I am more at home and accepting of myself and others. The Art of Face Reading provides us with a good opportunity to make our life more interesting and exciting. Face reading is the most natural thing we do. We unconsciously feel an attraction or a caution when we meet someone new. When we learn to recognize people consciously, we have potential to get the best out of every situation. From the earliest days of our lives, we have been subjected to the expectation and judgment of others. This has separated us from identifying with who we really are. Right from the time of being a little kid we love being noticed or recognized. Kids are constantly wanting to be noticed and as we grow older we forget or don’t feel worthy of notice and sometimes try to hide ourselves. When we see little kids full of spirit with so little conditioning, so spontaneous and innocent, their beauty shines and makes us smile because inside of us is the same beauty. Face reading can reacquaint a person to their birthright and the freedom to be who they really are. Each face that we look at is saying “Please understand and accept me for who I am. This is how I experience my world, which is different from yours.” When we look at a face, the animation, the creation or suppression of emotions is evident. Do you close one eye because you don’t want to see everything? Do you have big bold eyes because you don’t want to miss anything? Do you have long eyelashes that call to everyone, ‘Come, come look into my lovely eyes and beautiful heart?’ Are your lips sweet and saucy or tight and thin lipped with a sour taste of life? Does your nose stick out there, nosey trying to find out more or one that keeps to 4 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

himself? It is really our attraction that brings us together to communicate. Some of the things that you might learn from a face reading are: • How your inner world is creating your outer world • How our face shapes are the blueprint of our spiritual energy • How your structure indicates the potential for your personality’s performance • The difference between the left/right brain functions and how to bring them into balance • How each individual feature or part of the face speaks a language of its own • How the eyes are the windows to the soul and are our point of view of the world • Why the nose is our ego or personality, the nose knows • How the forehead indicates our frame of mind through which we perceive the world Every part of the body is found in the face. By knowing your potential characteristics, you might recognize your own unique personality and appreciate yourself, deepen your perception and feelings of others and awaken the depth of your own intuition. You will experience your loved ones, friends, those at work, people on TV, in the movies, people that you meet on the street in a fascinating new way that you may have never noticed before. Your world will never be the same again. Michele Dedora of Live in YOUR Body Training Centre is a Face Reader and teacher of Face Reading and Psychosomatic Therapy. For more information visit her website at www. or call 780-518-1190.

Book Review & Article

Vaccines: Are They Really Safe & Effective? Article and Book Review by Colin St. Croix


eil Z. Miller’s book Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? was first published in 2002. It is a ground breaking work whose implications are now more relevant than ever. With the recent swine flu pandemic scare dominating mainstream media headlines, there seems to be a very specific and motivated agenda by governments to inoculate as many people as possible with an untested, unproven, and potentially harmful vaccine.

points of view, such as those in Neil Miller’s book and numerous alternative news resources like Signs of the Times. There are many useful resources on the Internet; some are listed below including a local vaccine awareness group in Grande Prairie, AB.

Miller’s premise is threefold. First, vaccines do not actually work as intended. Studies show that they do not confer genuine immunity, and, in fact, may actually increase the chance of contracting the disease. Second, the introduction of vaccines is not the true cause of the decline in the incidence of disease in our society. Rather, increased nutritional and sanitary conditions have largely been responsible for the effects commonly attributed to vaccines. Third, vaccines are potentially harmful. Their side effects range from pain at the injection site to brain damage and death. Childhood autism and various neurological disorders have been attributed to the administration of vaccines.

News stories of people lining up for eight hours to receive their government-encouraged flu shot is testament to the power of the mainstream media to influence our thinking and behavior. Orwell would be proud.

Neil Miller dedicates a chapter to each of the common childhood vaccines, including those for polio, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, pertussis, hepatitis A and B, chickenpox, influenza and pneumonia. He backs up his hypothesis with numerous articles and case studies that contradict the commonly held perception that childhood vaccines are safe and effective. He encourages readers to do their own research and come to their own conclusions. Because the book was written over seven years ago, the author does not address the topic of swine flu directly. However, many of his conclusions are uncannily similar to what we see happening today. In a recent article, “Swine Flu—One of the Most Massive Cover-ups in American History,” Dr. Russell Blaylock shows that the official hysteria over swine flu is a deliberate fear-mongering campaign perpetrated by the government and that it has little basis in reality. Backed by numerous references and meticulous research, Dr. Blaylock explains that this so-called pandemic flu is no more prevalent or harmful than the seasonal flu. He cites studies showing that H1N1 is neither dangerous nor highly contagious and provides links to articles describing how the majority of children have responded poorly to the new H1N1 vaccine. He brings up many astonishing issues, such as evidence that the swine flu vaccine may actually double one’s risk of contracting H1N1 and that vaccine safety testing was done for only one week prior to the vaccine’s release. The panic over this disease is perplexing when its incidence is compared to those of other diseases. In the last 300 days more than twice as many people have died from encephalitis than from swine flu, and more than three times as many have died from dengue fever than from swine flu. So why haven’t we heard about encephalitis or dengue fever pandemics? What is becoming increasingly clear is that the millions of deaths due to H1N1 predicted and propagandized by the media, the World Health Organization and major Western governments have been vastly overestimated. Yet the worldwide panic and fear mongering continues with a vengeance. The question remains, why are our governments so invested in fabricating and promoting this idea of a global pandemic and then urging everyone to line up for an untested, unproven and potentially harmful vaccine? With so many unanswered questions and so much conflicting information, knowledge is our best defense. It is imperative that we educate ourselves and stay informed, and that we seek out alternative

References: Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? by Neil Z. Miller. Published by New Atlantean Press, 2002. ISBN: 978-1881217107 “Swine Flu—One of the Most Massive Cover-ups in American History” by Dr. Russell Blaylock, 1585%3Aswine-flu-one-of-the-most-massive-cover-ups-in-american-history-dr-mercolaand-dr-blaylock&catid=1%3Alatest-news&Itemid=64&lang=en “Albany Rally Protests Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccine” by Louise McCoy, Epoch Times, October 4, 2009, “Flagstaff Clinic Overdoses 7 Children with H1N1 Vaccine,” October 27, 2009, http:// “More than One Child Received Wrong H1N1 Vaccine Dosage: Officials,” CTV Winnipeg, October 28, 2009, wpg_dosage_091028/20091028?hub=WinnipegSpecial2 “A Vaccine Primer: Health Professionals Speak Out—What You Need to Know about the Swine Flu and Other Vaccines,” video filmed at the National Vaccine Information Center 4th International Public Conference on Vaccinations, October 2009, com/watch?v=l1K74Tnrrok “H1N1 Flu—The Truth about the Vaccine,” Signs of the Times, November 9, 2009, http:// “SOTT Special Report: The Flu Threat,” Signs of the Times, April 28, 2009, http://www. Further resources recommended by the editor: Are Vaccines Safe? Educate Before You Vaccinate Seminars. Organized by Shannon Roche, Peace Regional Facilitator (; 780-876-6019) Mary Tyco, natural health care advocate, See her list of favourite links for more resources. “What You Were Never Told about Vaccines,” interview with Dr. Andrew Moulden, http:// “Position Paper on Flu Vaccines,” Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors, 2004, PosPaperV2.pdf “Patient Handout on Swine Influenza A (H1N1) (Swine Flu),” Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors, April 2009, public/SIV_Patient_Handout_APR09.pdf “H1N1 Vaccine Safety Becomes an Issue in Canada,” Digital Journal, October 23, 2009, “Prevention ≠ Vaccination,” Building Blocks, Fall 2009, pp. 1–2. “Flu Prevention: A Naturopathic Approach,” Building Blocks, Fall 2009, p. 3. Naturopathic Foundations list of vaccine resources, http://www.naturopathicfoundations. ca/pdf/NF09%20Vaccination%20Information%20–%20Web%20Resources.pdf “Vaccinations, Natural Immunity, and Patient Rights: What You Need to Make an Informed Decision for Yourself and Your Child,” South Bay Total Health, http://www. National Vaccine Information Center, a US-based vaccine safety watchdog group, http:// Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


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6 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

The POWER to be I AM! • The STRENGTH to do I WILL! • The COURAGE to succeed I HAVE! • The POWER to be I AM! • The STRENGTH to do I WILL! • The COURAGE to succeed I HAVE! • The POWER to be I AM!

Massage Therapy and Fitness Services

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A Yogic Detox

Healthy for the holidays and the whole year No time for a full-on cleanse? Ward off seasonal slumps and sickness by working these cleansing rituals into your routine.

1. Breathe deeply

5. Look and FEEL Great

Take a couple of minutes every day to clear your mind and set your intention for a positive day. Each morning before you get out of bed, take a few minutes to breathe deeply. While your still in a relaxed state, keep your eyes closed and bring your awareness to your breath.

Having a positive attitude and not allowing past hurts and anxiety sit on your mind is one of the best ways to get rid of toxins from our bodies. In yoga we know that our thoughts and beliefs manifest in our bodies and become toxic to our organs, muscles and joints.

Note in your mind your inhalations and your exhalations. Notice when your mind starts to wander, acknowledge those thoughts, tell yourself you’ll get back to them and then bring your mind back to your breath. Inhale . . . exhale . . . When the time is right, take an even deeper breath and set your intention for the day. “This is going to be a great day!” “I am going to get so much done today”

Choosing to forgive, release guilt and think loving thoughts can be one of the most potent and powerful tasks that we can do for ourselves. Remember, “It’s not what you’re eating, but what’s eating you?” As we started our day with positive intention, hold that intention in your heart, remember what you’re grateful for and end your day with love for yourself and all the wonderful things in your life. om

2. Twist every day

Article submitted by Candace McKim, Yoga Instructor, Life Coach and owner of GP Yoga Zone, Grande Prairie, AB

Sitting in a chair, on the floor, standing, or lying on your back, do twists several times each day. Twisting is extremely beneficial for your waistline and also stimulates your internal organs, which helps with digestion and elimination. Twists are especially good if you bring your deep breath into your stomach while twisting, an action that will tone and massage your internal organs while calming your mind. Sit straight in your chair with your feet directly below your knees. Bring your right hand on the outside of your left thigh. Take a deep breath in and sit up tall, and on the exhalation slowly twist your body to the left. Bring your left hand behind your back, hold and breathe 3-5 long, smooth breaths. Repeat on the other side.

3. Fill Up on Detoxifying Foods Eating whole, organic, delicious and nutrient rich foods, grown close to your home is your best choice. Great detoxifying vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, broccoli sprouts, onions, artichokes, and beets. Eat 9 handfuls a day of colorful vegetables and sweet fruits. Whole grains, brown rice and brown pasta are high in fiber and excellent for our digestive system. Avoid simple sugars, trans or saturated fats and highly processed food; especially white flour, white sugar, and cream sauces (they tend to have more fat and/or sugar and little nutritional value). Make sure you get your protein with nuts (small handful), tofu, soy, cottage cheese, fish, and eggs daily.

4. Brushing Your Skin Wake up your skin before you take your morning shower each day. Using a soft bristle brush, rub your skin in small circles starting with your feet working your way toward your heart. Another suggestion to combat our northern winter climate is to rub oils into your skin (sesame oil combined with a few drops of essential oils for scent is an option). Use the same method of small circles, starting at your feet and working toward your heart. Don’t forget your scalp. Both of these Yogic practices are ideal to stimulate our skin and also our lymphatic system – two of the most important detoxifying organs in our body!

Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


“Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It’s a way of entering into the quiet that’s already there – buried under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks every day.” — Deepak Chopra, M.D



radiant health & abundance

Practiced for thousands of years, meditation is a tool for rediscovering the body’s own inner intelligence. Primordial Sound Meditation uses sounds of nature called mantras to disconnect us from the activity of life. Practicing Primordial Sound Meditation on a daily basis will help you: • Manage stress & reduce anxiety • Improve your relationships • Enhance your sleep patterns • Lower your blood pressure Learn Primordial Sound Meditation as developed by DEEPAK CHOPRA, M.D. and DAVID SIMON, M.D. Co-founders of THE CHOPRA CENTER FOR WELLBEING

Introduction to Meditation sessions: January 21st, February 25th, March 17th, April 29th, 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Muskoseepi Park Pavilion.

Group Meditation classes Primordial Sound Meditation Workshops Therapeutic Yoga for Hips and Shoulders, a three-level series: Level 1 – Relax and Unwind: Mondays 12 to1:15 p.m. and Wednesdays 5 to 6:15 p.m. January to March.

Level 2 – Stability and Strength: Mondays 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. and Fridays 9:30 to10:45 a.m. January to March.

Please visit for more information, pricing and to register

8 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

Running Start One office’s journey from a simple stretch to stretching the spirit


ometimes, a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single stretch. When Kevin Szakacs, owner of Hi-Tech Business Systems decided to sponsor a beginners stretch class for his employees with local fitness trainer Amber Dunn, he and the Hi-Tech group found themselves on just such a journey. In merely a year, what began as a corporate moral and motivation booster transformed into a quest toward the Royal Victoria Marathon. That simple stretch class evolved into a core strength class, and then into a boot camp. While group participants enthusiastically credit their personal transformations to Amber’s prodding and encouragement, she is quick to point out the spiritual and meditative power of running itself. Amber Dunn writes about her experience with the Hi-Tech group.

Top row: Amber Dunn, Brent 'Bart' Andersen, Shannon MacKinnon-Andersen, Kevin Szakacs, Larry Love, Nancy Vickers. Second row: Gert Martens Bottom row: Karen Pascut and Dan Wong (Husband and wife crossed the line together) The group participated in the Royal Victoria Marathon on Thanksgiving Weekend, October 2009.

Exercise is about the enjoyment, not the destination. If you enjoy the journey, you’ll reach your destination. Too many fitness enthusiasts spend far too much time focused on the goal. Of course training boosts your fitness level, but the journey towards the goal is the part that builds your character, builds your confidence and brings you to a better understanding of the possibility each of us holds inside our self. If you are going to dream, you might as well dream big. That is exactly what the group from Hi Tech Business Systems did. Kevin Szakacs implemented a health and wellness program for his employees at my fitness studio in September of 2008. The program was designed to bring employees together and build company morale while it enhanced their health. Hi Tech’s group started with a basic stretching class for all levels of fitness. After a few months, the group progressed into several other types of classes, including core conditioning and interval training. In the spring of 2009, they took on the challenge of becoming runners. “Honestly when Amber suggested we move outdoors in the spring and complete a running class, I looked out the window and said, I don’t think so,” says Nancy Vickers, Accountant at HiTech. With no previous running experience, the group went head-on and committed to racing in the Royal Victoria Marathon. At that time, the race was only 6 months away. The goal seemed unachievable to them, but they committed to it. “If anyone had told me when I signed up for a simple stretch class that I would be running my first marathon in a year, I would have thought they were crazy,” says Inventory Manager, Larry Love. Over the next six months, the group went from having ‘zero’ kilometers under their feet to running a 42-kilometer marathon, with some running the 21-K half marathon. The entire group finished strong with amazing finishing times! As their trainer, I was blown away by the commitment and dedication the group had not only to their training, but also to each other. “The benefit to our company has been invaluable. Our group is much healthier, motivated and closer as friends,” says owner Kevin Szakacs.

I watched as confidence in each of them grew. I experienced their character strengthen. Their belief in themselves flourished, not only as runners but also as people. As the distances in our training runs became longer and the training schedule became more demanding, the group came together and supported each other in their training, in their fears, and in their personal obstacles. Running is like a meditation to me. Once I get over the 10-K mark, I enter a healing place of peace. With every stride, every contracted muscle, and every deep breathe, the wind in my face and the pavement under my feet allow me to surrender and let go. I enter a place where everything makes sense, and I can make sense of everything. It is this place where some of my most important life decisions are made, and where I meet my own fears and challenges head-on. I’ve always believed that movement through the body also creates movement in the soul. That is where real healing takes place. Movement allows the body to begin to let go. Through personal experience, I learned that movement releases not just the physical stress created in our lives, but also the emotional and spiritual pain we carry with us from painful experiences. My journey with the Hi Tech group has let me witness that same healing in others. I witnessed obstacles overcome, fears put to rest, and the surrendering of self. I am blessed to be their trainer, and thankful that my journey with them has helped heal the deepest part of my person. The movement opened my heart to heal, along with those who shared this journey. We all reached our destination at The Royal Victoria Marathon in October. Everyone in the group achieved their goals. Their commitment and dedication to each other and their training brought them to achieve beyond my expectations in the race. Their relationship with me transformed me beyond my expectations as a person. It was a gift to witness and a blessing to be a part of. A big thank you to Kevin Szakacs, Nancy Vickers, Larry Love and Landra Blanchette for sharing the journey! Amber Dunn, Certified Fitness Instructor, owner of Grande Prairie Holistic Health and Amber’s Fitness Studio in Grande Prairie, AB

Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


Happy, Health Feet T

he feet and hands contain more sweat glands than any other part of the body, with roughly 3,000 glands per square inch. Smelly feet are not only embarrassing, but can be physically uncomfortable.

Feet smell for two reasons: 1) shoe wear, and 2) sweating of the feet. The interaction between the perspiration and the bacteria and fungus that thrive in shoes and socks generates the odor. Smelly feet or excessive sweating can also be caused by an inherited condition, called hyperhidrosis, which primarily affects men. Stress, some medications, fluid intake, and hormonal changes can also increase the amount of perspiration our bodies produce. 
 In general, smelly feet can be controlled with a few preventive measures: • Always wear socks with closed shoes. • Avoid wearing nylon socks or plastic shoes. Instead, wear shoes made of leather, canvas, mesh, or other materials that let your feet breathe. • Bathe feet daily in lukewarm water, using a mild soap. Dry thoroughly. • Change socks and shoes at least once a day. • Check for fungal infections between toes and on the bottoms of your feet. If any redness or dry, patchy skin is observed, get treatment right away. • Don’t wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row. If you frequently wear athletic shoes, alternate pairs so that the shoes can dry out. Give your shoes at least 24 hours to air out between wearing. If the odor doesn’t go away, discard the shoes. • Dust your feet frequently with a non-medicated baby powder or foot powder. • Practice good foot hygiene to keep bacteria levels at a minimum. • Wear thick, soft socks to help draw moisture away from the feet. Cotton and other absorbent materials are best. Preventing nail fungus: • Avoid nail polish and plastic or acrylic nails, which can trap moisture along with fungi. • Keep your nails cut straight across. • Ensure feet are dry and well ventilated. • Eat a balanced diet with protein to promote healthy growth Check with your Advanced Pedicurist if instruments are sterilize after each treatment and how they are sterilize. Diabetics are more prone to foot fungus due to lack of circulation to the foot. It is highly recommended that diabetics go to someone with advanced foot care training to ensure proper care. Article submitted by Tanya Mahe, owner of A Rural Tranquility Day Spa and a member of the International Pedicure Association.

10 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

2012 and Beyond

What to know and how to prepare


s there such a thing as the End of Time? Some say that the world will end in 2012. Others predict a major shift in consciousness for all of humanity. Who or what are we to believe? On Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012, 12:12 am (middle European time) our Sun aligns with the Dark Rift near the Galactic Center of the Milky Way. According to the Mayans the Dark Rift is the cosmic womb, the place of death, transformation, regeneration and rebirth. This date marks the end of their calendar. According to Nostradamus, the Hopi’s, Aztecs, Christian Revelations and many others, this is a time of tremendous earth shifts and devastation followed by a time of balance, harmony and peace. The Mayan Elders say that we are entering the 5th age and that the Earth has been through these shifts four times before. Astrologically speaking, on December 21, 2012 there is a configuration called a YOD or the ‘Finger of God’. It occurs between the planets Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter - in Capricorn, Scorpio and Gemini respectively. A Yod is always about something unexpected but fated and in this case, heralds intense transformations, difficult lessons and expansion of consciousness. There is also a T-square to Neptune, representing floods, confusion and/or spiritual ascension. What many people don’t realize is that we have already begun the shift! Just look around you at what is going on in the world and on Earth. Something of this magnitude does not happen on just one day. It is a lengthy ongoing process due to the precession of the equinoxes, a tilt in the Earths axis and the Sun coming back into alignment with the center of the Milky Way. All of this is one grand cosmic cycle that takes 26,000 years to complete! Any natural or cosmological cycle has a window of time in which it occurs. Consider the 28-day cycle of the Moon around the Earth. The effects of the Full Moon are strongest a few days before the Moon reaches her fullest point. At that moment the Full Moon has already climaxed and begins to wane. A 26,000 year cycle has a window of at least 7 years before and after, according to Drunvalo Melchizedek, who is the spokesperson for the Mayan Council of Elders. Melchizedek says that it is time for us to bring back the ancient Aboriginal wisdom which is heart based. Humans have developed their mental abilities but lost touch with their hearts, which connects us to all life everywhere. We need to look to our past and bring the heart wisdom together with our mental abilities as we go forward. What can we do to prepare for the shift? First of all, do your inner work - heal your unresolved issues. If we are to pass through the gates to higher consciousness, we need to leave our baggage behind. The more work we do now, the easier the shift will be. There are no short cuts here; we all have to do our share. The second thing we can do is to meditate, pray or drum. Any

kind of meditation, finding the place of stillness within and connecting with Divinity, will help you to be more centered and balanced. Practice silence and meditation daily. Drumming helps us to connect to our hearts and the heartbeat of Mother Earth. Another thing that is very important is to learn from ancient Indigenous teachings. The Medicine Wheel or Sacred Circle of life was given to all cultures by the Star People. It shows us how to live in harmony and sacredness with natural and cosmological laws. It teaches us about collectivity, inter connectedness and circular consciousness - Oneness! Last of all, we need to let go of our fears of death and pain, and see beyond the physical, to know that we are immortal beings. Fill your mind with positive thoughts and images. Fill your heart with courage, unconditional love and acceptance for all life everywhere, including yourself. Okwaho Lablanc says, “No matter what we expect or anticipate, it’s never quite like the experience. If we have anything to grasp from Mayan philosophy is that every moment holds an experience that is unique to everyone. It’s through devoting and committing to the present moment in learning and healing that we contribute to a collective consciousness that can and does become common ground to all humans around the World and thus, in a timeless manner.” If you watch the Hollywood version of the movie 2012 or any other fear based propaganda, remember that we need to be aware of what we take on as our beliefs, what we are creating in our individual and collective realities. We don’t know what will happen; we only know what is happening. If we work with Nature and Spirit, following the guidance they bring us daily, all will be revealed in natural time. We are going through a major gateway on this planet - a collective initiation or rite of passage. We are all in this together, living at an incredible time of transformation, each in our unique way. Mother Earth is in labour, giving birth to a new level of being. Each one of us was born to be here at this time for a reason. Each and every one of us has their part to play in the shift. No matter what happens, we really have no choice in the matter, we can only choose how to respond to the experience by our attitude and actions. No matter what, always remember that life is eternal and we are immortal beings! MaryRose Lessoway is a Metis Elder who has been learning and teaching Natural and Cosmological laws since 1991, through Sacred Circle Traditions. You can read more at http://www.wheelkeeper. com or mail her at Drunvalo Melchizedek. Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


Sharon Dillabough Matriarch of the Peace Country

A Journey to discovering wellness


alking up the stairs to the second floor where I will meet Sharon for our interview, I notice the path in the carpeting is quite worn out and this is a good sign. It occurs to me that many people have taken this path before me in search of better health and wellness for themselves. When we sit down to talk, she is quite relaxed as we settle in with shoes off in comfy chairs for what felt like a good long visit with an old friend. Raised on a farm in Crooked Creek, Sharon had what she would describe as a normal childhood, “living on the farm with horses, pigs, cows, sheep and lots of cats and dogs. Mom and Dad were very hard working people and it was a time when there wasn’t a lot extras.” The oldest of six girls in the Jantz family, she reminisces about working on the farm. “We were all Dad’s boys. He even taught us girls how to weld.” With a serious look and then a big smile on her face she chuckles and says, “ It came pretty natural to us (girls), growing up on the land – no-one went off to Hollywood, we were all keepers of the land.” Surrounded by a close-knit family growing up, with 13 siblings on her mother’s side and 13 on her father’s side of the family, she says, “As you can imagine we had family around all the time.” As a young girl she recounts a family tradition involving her sisters, cousins and mother and eventually as an adult her own two sons, Robin and Kurtis. Every year in the fall, “We would pick spruce and pine cones out of squirrel caches for forestry re-plantation.” “Squirrel caches?” I said. Born and raised in central Saskatchewan, 12 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

I had absolutely no clue what she was talking about. I felt as though we were two little girls playing in the forest as Sharon took me down memory lane. “We would get up early in the morning and load up with pales, bags and our lunch and drive to an area with the right kind of spruce. We knew what to look for and when we discovered a tree with lots of these small tunnels (caches) sometimes overflowing with spruce cones, it was payday! It was always a race to see who would gather the most by the end of the day. We got paid by the bushel, so we were always happy to go out.” In 1974, Sharon married Murray Dillabough on her 19th birthday! Purchasing land from the government, they cleared the land for a cattle and grain farm operation and so their life together began. Traveling to Seattle, WA to the Worlds Fair for their honeymoon, Sharon remembers, “There was so much innovation, they were promoting telephones and much more modern technology than what we had ever seen back home.” She also mentioned, “I don’t remember seeing any health innovations back then, not like we have today.” Through colleagues and friends of Sharon’s, I knew going into my interview that her husband had died in the prime of his life. The year was 1993, the day . . . Christmas Day. Following their tragic loss, Sharon and two sons, Robin (15) and Kurtis (13) continued tending to the cattle and grain farm she and her husband had spent almost 20 years building. When asked to describe their marriage Sharon said,“We worked together, did everything together, kids included. We were very much a team.”

How would you describe your husband’s health in general? “Murray was not always healthy. When he was 13 years old, his mother took him to see a doctor in Edmonton. The doctor knew exactly what the problem was and began treating him with Prednisone and Florinef - he had Addison’s Disease.” His younger sister had also been diagnosed at a very young age with Addison’s and passed away at the age of 9.

Canada Food Guide – lived off the land,” her body language asking why wasn’t that enough. There was so much more to learn.

Addison’s Disease or adrenal insufficiency is an endocrine—or hormonal—disorder that occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough of certain hormones. The most common symptoms are chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, loss of appetite and/or weight loss. Other symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, low blood pressure, irritability and depression, hypoglycemia, headaches, sweating, a craving for salty foods due to salt loss and for women, irregular or absent menstrual periods.

And that is just what Sharon set out to do. In 1998, Sharon began taking courses starting first with Reflexology, followed by Reiki and then Touch for Health. Opening the Peace Country Wellness Centre in 1999 and soon thereafter received her Registered Massage Therapist Certification through the Prairie Massage Therapy Training Institute, where many of the massage therapists in this region also received their training. Sharon also spoke highly of Cicily Jean, a mentor, saying, “Cicily broke the ground for many of us here in the Peace – reflexology, massage, spiritual healing – she did it all – she called herself the workshop junkie.” Sharon continues to educate herself and tells me about what she has learned at her most recent course on Advanced Manual Lymphatic Drainage, “Our lymphatic system is essentially our immune system and when it is sluggish is when we can experience health challenges.”

“His general health wasn’t too bad. He always tried to minimize the medications he was taking, but when he would cut back too much, he would end up with cold sweats. When we were picking roots or doing physical work, he would end up having the energy knocked right out of him.” “I also remember his eggs (at breakfast) used to be just white with salt. I couldn’t imagine eating that much salt, but he absolutely craved salt.” “We were headed to Yellowknife one summer for our annual camping trip with the kids. He mentioned that he had this sore in his mouth that was bothering him and I asked him, ‘Do you want to go see a doctor before we go?’” As Sharon paused for a moment and tilted her head she said to me, “By the time we got back in a couple of weeks it went from pea sized to about the size of a loony.” “They told us it was Cancer and sent us to Edmonton right away. With six different specialists conversing amongst each other - we were sent home without a plan - we were told they would let us know in a couple of weeks.” “Eventually surgery was recommended followed by radiation treatments followed by many trips to Edmonton so the doctors could ‘watch and see,” Sharon said. “We were sure something was still not right and we feared maybe the cancer was back. Over and over again we would ask the doctors and they would say, ‘we’ll watch and see.’” “We got in to see the surgeon again and he reported that the cancer was back but gave us hope that he would be able to remove it once again. The next day when the surgeon gave us the news, good and bad, he had got it all out of the jaw area, but it had moved up under the scull cap and he could not get in there and we knew – this is it – this is the end – there is no more hope.” “I was totally consumed in the crisis from day to day – and there was no time to do the research when you are in the middle of a crisis situation,” says Sharon as she recounts the chain of events so vividly. “I didn’t understand the immune system, we followed the

When I asked Sharon what she feels is the secret to living a long and healthy life, without hesitation she said, “The power of thought is everything. Every teacher, every course, every technique I have ever learned, the teachers have always stressed that the power of thought is everything.” “I know I have become more consciously aware of the things that I say. Don’t allow negative thoughts to come into your space; just don’t go there.” Sharon also advises, “Sometimes we can complicate things beyond measure, just keep it simple and enjoy living. Getting your hair done –if it makes you feel good – that is part of your wellbeing.” Sometimes it only takes one person to make a difference for so many others. Advancing from a personal cause, Sharon put the wheels in motion and opened The Peace Country Wellness Centre a decade ago. In 2002 she founded the Peace Country Health & Wellness Expo in order to promote many of our local health practitioners. Passionate about bringing awareness to people about their health she affirms, “We were very limited with our knowledge of alternative types of treatments (back then) and it wasn’t very easy to find them either. Today, people do have many choices and a wealth of information is out there. We can’t all be doctors and pharmacists – but we must be open to learning more about our bodies. Don’t wait for a crisis – be proactive and find ways to live a healthy lifestyle.” Interview and story by Linda Warwick, Editor of Guided Synergy Magazine. Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


Thirteen Moons A Woman’s Mystery


oon One – Spirit Moon - On this moon we are inside ourselves in silence quietly creating and welcoming our place in Creation and the gifts we have been given.

Mother earth and at this time we need to see what we have to offer. Are we being reasonable and thinking straight as we watch what others offer. Are we balanced now is our lives?

Moon Two – Icy Winds Moon - This moon is where we start to discover the power inside of us. Are we going to let the icy wind keep us down or are we going to stand up straight and get done what we know in ourselves to be right.

Moon Eleven– Freezing Moon - It is time to get ready for the fasting time of winter. Here we need to be humble and see who we are and realize we still have much growth and learning to do. We are reminded to prepare ourselves for our Spiritual Path by learning our Ancestors Traditions, songs and prayers that will sustain us.

Moon Three – Preening Moon - At this time we see many animals start to get their new colors and they are starting to show off to attract mates. We are beginning to go out more and show off to attract abundance. During this time we should be balancing our lives, not being controlled by the want to attract abundance. Moon Four – New Shoots Moon - Many plants are now sending out new shoots to start new plants and new growth. A time of getting ready for our Vision Quests and putting out new protection for ourselves and our family’s. Moon Five – Flowering Moon - This moon brings the flowers, plants and trees showing their Spirit sides, showing all Creation who they are and what they are. During this moon we should be exploring who we know we are, our Spiritual Essences. Moon Six – Gathering Moon - At this time we see herds gathering together, strawberries growing together and people on the move to come together in reunions. The horse stakes his claim on new mares and many new people are added to families, new homes built, and feasts are held to honor everyone regardless of differences in the past year. Moon Seven – Talking Moon - Here we should be looking at ourselves and letting go of judgments and placing ourselves above another. At this time trades are being made, animals are raising young and sharing in the water holes. Ducks, beaver, geese, and frogs all talk at once on the ponds. For a complete table of Lunar Phases visit: Table_of_lunar_phases

Moon Eight – Fruit Moon - Many fruits are ripe and ready for picking now at this moon and they must be picked and preserved now or they turn quickly surrendering to their own death for regeneration. Here we can begin to understand the teachings we have learned from the Spirit World and accept what has been shown to us. Moon Nine – Many Colors Moon - At this time of the year we see the reality of what we planted in the spring and what is being given to us for the up coming months. The animals are starting to eat more and gain in weight for the cold months, is there plenty? How are the children growing, what seeds did we plant for them and how is the harvest for their future, for us and other adults. Moon Ten – Falling Leaves Moon - The tenth moon is a good time to watch all of nature give offerings to

14 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

Moon Twelve – Healing Moon - Like the bear, we go inside on the dark days and stay quiet, healing ourselves and dreaming and having visions for the new coming year. We may be working on dance regalia, books, songs, bead work, we are creating what we will bring to our circles, our families. We do this quietly while we are also waiting for the Sun to return that will lengthen the days and Transform our Spirits. Moon Thirteen – Blue Moon - This moon is a Spirit Journey moon, During this time we will receive wisdom if we sit to receive it. We also receive instructions on how to turn our visions into Truth for our lives and those who are in our circles. It is a time to look at all of the Wisdom that we have received from each moon cycle and to see and understand how it works in our lives and what we can give to our children to grow with. These Moons do not correspond with the Months of the Calender that we use today. These moon times correspond with Grandmother Moons 28 day time period and therefore there are 13 moons. As you travel the moons which go from New Moon to New Moon, the Full Moon being in the middle of the cycle, watch inside of how you feel and what you are being pulled to do. This will show you the wisdom of the moon we are in. All women are different and will be given different wisdoms, so it is important to allow ourselves and everybody else to have the gift that is being given to us. There can be no judgement or expectations. Because Grandmother Moon can be seen from every country the wisdoms of her teachings are felt in every woman on Earth. Yet we will all have a different perspective of these teachings. I have used the names that our circle here has found in the Wisdoms, yet as I walked many places I have seen that the similarities are far greater than the differences. At this time we are entering the Blue Moon, December 16th, 2009. Article submitted by Pat Nelson, Life Coach, Spiritual Reader (Past, Present & Future), Healing Circle Consultant and Water Color Instructor residing in Teepee Creek, AB.

Empower Yourself - Part 2

Surrender - A spiritual, peaceful sense of letting go S urrender to many of us may mean giving up although in this case it pertains more to a spiritual, peaceful sense of letting go. Yielding to whatever happens without emotional attachment in order to achieve the desired goal. Surrender is not being in charge of the results and allowing experiences to happen as we keep our goals in mind. This may sound quite contrary but it is in fact what gets us the results we want to achieve. Surrender is being and living in the present moment while keeping our goals in mind, yet not forcing them. In essence this means allowing universal flow, or God/ Goddess energies of divine timing and synchronicity to participate instead of fighting or ignoring them. In many aspects it is ‘Thy will (God, Goddess) be done.’ Allowing ourselves to feel our way through life instead of thinking our way through life; this in most of our cases is the exact opposite of what we have been taught since we were born.

How do we surrender and exactly what is surrender when we apply it to our daily lives?

Surrender is releasing our attachments to certain outcomes. Attachment is being emotionally involved in the outcome which is the ‘How to’. Thinking we have to make it happen at a certain time, in a specific way and in a certain order, I am in charge and this is the only way it can be done, according to me. According to the universe, which has a much broader frame of mind and a much more creative way of doing things (synchronicity), it can and will happen much easier if we allow it by getting out of the way.

the children with extra in the account just in case. I got the feeling to send an email to two friends asking to send positive energy to assist me in attracting the money. I also got the feeling to phone three specific people and invite them for coffee with the intention that I would probably sell them some products or services. As it turned out, all I did was listen to them. They were all going through some personal issues and it really helped them to have a friend listen and not judge them or their situations. There is a lot of surrendering going on in the second example. When I felt like sending the emails, I surrendered and emailed my friends. When I received the feeling of calling three specific people, I surrendered and phoned them. When I discovered all three people needed to vent, I surrendered any thoughts of soliciting from them and listened instead. Through surrendering my thoughts of “how to” I received some unexpected revenue from other sources and had $5200.00 in my hands by February 5th. Surrender is quite simple: ACTING ON the FEELINGS you receive. Roberta Brunin is a Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Fire Walk Instructor and is the owner of Power Strategies for Life since 1999. Part 3 of this Empower Yourself Series will follow in the Spring/Summer 2010 issues of Guided Synergy Magazine.

How do we get out of our own way and surrender?

The easiest way to describe how to is by using examples of life experiences. I was driving to a friend’s because I was helping to collect hay bales off the field. At two points in time on the fifty mile drive I felt very strong urges to turn around and go home. Which I ignored, instead I rationalized that I just did not feel like doing the physical labor of picking up sixty pound bales for a few hours. Thus I continued the beautiful drive and went with my friend to the hay field. My friend became increasingly agitated by different things, unhooking a baler, moving equipment and hooking up the trailer which we would eventually load with bales. During this time I found it harder and harder to be patient or empathetic with his problems and impatient tone of voice and after one too many cranky outbursts at me, I left. There is no surrender in this first example. If I had surrendered to my feelings I would have turned around at my first intuitive urge. ‘Instead,’ I fought against it with my analytical, thinking mind and went anyway and got into a conflict with my friend. Surrender requires that I let go of my agenda and trust my intuition or feelings. And it is the same for you. Are you willing to be selfaware and learn to surrender or would you rather experience those cranky outbursts?

Another example of surrender

It was February 2nd, and I wanted to have three thousand dollars in my bank account by noon on February 8th, so that when I returned from my week long trip to Mexico, I would have peace of mind that all the bills could be paid, enough spending money for Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


Golden Codes of Atlantis Join Laurie Sagle and Karen Coogan as they sail the waters of Atlantis, working from the Atlantean Heart Center with the LoveBody of humanity and the earth, in preparation for the ever increasing frequency of the New Aquarian Age. The awakening of these codes within the individuals attending will assist in bringing forth the new Golden Age of Aquarius. Together, Karen and Laurie have 14 years experience in spiritual retreats and journeys.

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16 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

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To give or forgive? I

had some good friends who were struggling so I lent them some money – not an insignificant amount. Now they won’t pay me back and are accusing me of all sorts of horrible things. I think I have lost their friendship. I tried to explain about negative energy and how it harms yourself and others. All they said was that I always think everything is about me. I took offense and tried to defend myself and ended up getting caught up in the cycle of ‘you said – I said’ with this person. I have distanced myself from them. It is funny how they love you when you lend them money but watch out when you ask for it back. In my heart I am confused and hurt wondering who I can trust. If I have given something with love doesn’t it mean that the universe sends good things back to me? I feel I have lost faith in myself, as well as the universal law of attraction that “The Secret” talks about. What advice do you have for ‘Confused in Calgary?’


ear ‘Confused in Calgary.’ Firstly, it is important to understand the difference between giving and lending. Giving is a nonreciprocal kind of energy, it is also called generosity. The intention behind giving is that you don’t expect anything in return – giving something with the expectation that something will be given back to you is contrary to the spirit of giving. Now lending is different and should include binding legal arrangements, paperwork and other formal arrangements. Lending always has the energy of reciprocation behind it – it is a temporary energy with an agreement attached to it. Another thing you may want to remember is that the universe does not always pay you back in kind - it just pays you back- you may not know the currency of that payback at this time but it is on its way - just be open to receiving it when it arrives.

can back you up on this loan it is time to deal with this transaction from a business point of view and clear it up legally without bringing emotion or personal relationships into it. View it strictly as a business transaction and move into resolution from there. The advice in this column is intended as information only. Take what speaks to you and leave the rest behind. Always exercise your right to choose! Tanis McRae answers questions from our readers about various alternative methods for healing the mind, body and soul. Send questions to Tanis at:

Most importantly, please don’t lose faith in who you are - you are not your money or friendship or the universal payback, don’t let this experience define you as a person. The universe is just a creation machine; it creates from whatever ingredients that were put in it - you know what you put in, but you have no idea what was added from the other people involved. Let go of the energy of these people and in your heart thank them for showing you what you are not. In a moment of silence, close your eyes and thank the universe for the amazing things you are and what you have - like a great family and a host of good friends. Focus on the good things and allow yourself a fresh start. Approach the solution from a place of power; don’t take it personally, it isn’t about you as a person! Go within yourself and find the amazing power you have inside you. And most definitely, don’t play the victim role, play the empowered role - whatever that looks like for you. In reference to ‘The Secret’ it reveals to us that ‘Wealth is a mindset. Money is literally attracted to you or repelled from you. It’s all about how you think.’ Furthermore, ‘The Secret’ tells us to ‘free yourself of the responsibility of trying to make other people happy. Respect and love them enough to allow them to take care of their own happiness.’ On a practical side if you have any paperwork that Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


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18 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

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Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


Massage Therapy Choosing a technique that’s right for you!

Bowen Technique Based on the recognition by Tom Bowen who lived and practiced in Australia that the underlying cause or source of many musculoskeletal, neurological, neuromuscular and other health or pain problems could be found in the soft tissue or fascia.


oday more than ever before, people are recognizing the value of complementary holistic treatments such as Massage Therapy in the achievement and maintenance of health and well-being. Currently, between 17–24% of Canadians are using Massage Therapy as part of their health care, to enhance well-being and health or to deal with a specific health problem. Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) are now the largest professional group among Complementary and Alternative health care practitioners (CAHC), followed by Chiropractic and Naturopathy. There are many different reasons to have a massage, including injury treatment, relaxation, circulation improvement and stress therapy to name a few. Depending on how you use your body, your physical strength or weakness and particular health problems are some of the factors that will also help to determine the technique that is recommended by your massage therapist. An experienced massage therapist quite often is trained in more than one technique, which enhances your massage experience and your results.

A holistic remedial body technique, it is gentle and relaxing and does not use manipulation, which makes it safe for people of all ages who may be suffering from stress, chronic pain or injury. Bowen therapy helps the body’s own healing resources to achieve balance and harmony. Bowen technique involves a rolling movement over fascia, muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints. It is said not to involve deep or prolonged contact with muscle tissues as in most kinds of massage, relieving muscle tensions and strains while restoring normal lymphatic flow.

Deep Tissue Massage Deep Tissue massage is designed to relieve severe tension in the muscle and the connective tissue or fascia. This type of massage focuses on the muscles located below the surface of the top muscles. Deep tissue massage is often recommended for individuals who experience consistent pain, are involved in heavy physical activity, such as athletes, and patients who have sustained physical injury.

With more than 80 different techniques or modalities to choose from, the following is a short list of various techniques that may assist you when choosing a technique that is right for you.

It is also not uncommon for receivers of Deep Tissue Massage to have their pain replaced with a new muscle ache for a day or two. Deep tissue work varies greatly. What one calls deep tissue another will call light. When receiving deep tissue work it is important to communicate what you are feeling.

Aromatherapy Massage

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

When you inhale essential oil molecules, messages are transmitted to the limbic system and affect heart rate, stress level, blood pressure, breathing, memory, digestion, and the immune system. Essential oils are also believed to be absorbed through the skin. Each essential oil has different healing properties. For example, some calm while others energize. Chamomile, lavender or geranium may be used for calming effects while rosemary would be used to energize while eucalyptus or tea tree is best for decongesting. Aromatherapy massage is particularly suited to conditions involving stress or improving emotionally related conditions. Sixteen first-time mothers received a 30-minute aromatherapy massage two days after delivery, while 20 mothers received standard post-partum care. The aromatherapy massage group had significantly decreased ratings of post-partum blues and anxiety and had increased vigor and attachment to their babies.
 Research also suggests that patients with cancer, particularly in the palliative care setting, are increasingly using aromatherapy and massage. 20 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is an advanced therapy technique developed in Europe in the 1930s by Dr. Emil Vodder, a native of Denmark. It is a unique method, within the broad framework of classic massage, where light-pumping action moves the skin to bring about an increased flow of lymph. Primarily, MLD is used to promote the optimal functioning of the initial lymph vessels, nodes and ducts of the lymphatic system. It facilitates the removal of metabolic wastes, excess water, large protein molecules and foreign substances from tissue. Manual Lymphatic Drainage, or M-L-D is a technique that only specialized massage therapists use, having to become registered lymphedema therapists. The positive effects of this therapy are well-known in continental Europe, Australia and the USA with popularity growing in parts of Canada. In Europe particularly, the technique is practiced widely in hospitals and clinics and is recognized by relevant national health insurance plans.

Hot Rock or Stone Massage

Thai Massage

An authentic hot stone massage is not simply the “gliding” of heated stones lightly upon the surface of the skin, but rather the stones are used as tools to deliver effective tissue and muscle massage at a pressure level comfortable to the client. The client can request light, medium or deep pressure, which is the beauty of the hot stone massage technique. It can be customized in an instant to the request of the client.

Pictured above, Thai Massage can be traced back to the founder of the practice, Shivaga Kormarpaj (known as Father Doctor), friend, doctor and contemporary to The Buddha. Originating in India, it made its way to Thailand where it was influenced by Chinese medicine.

The hot stones used are commonly river stones, which over time, have become extremely polished and smooth. The hardness of the stones makes for a deep tissue massage and is easy on the joints of the therapist’s hands. The heat from the stones relaxes muscles, increase the blood flow to the area being worked on which further accelerates the healing process. This increase in circulation and the relaxation of the muscles also aids in mental relaxation. Mental relaxation is key when a Therapist is attempting to work into deeper muscles of the body.

Myofascial Release Myofascial release, developed by John F. Barnes, PT is a gentle, noninvasive, advanced hands-on technique that aims to release the body’s connective tissue, which is called fascia (fa’-shuh). The fascia is one big piece of tissue that runs through the whole body, surrounding and supporting everything inside, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels, organs, even each individual cell! Prolonged suffering of physical or emotional traumas which lead to inflammation and poor posture, the fascia becomes constricted, pulling it out of shape, pulling on the bones of the body, causing pain in various areas that are seemingly unrelated. As a result, a person may have tight fascia in the hip area, pain in the elbows and wrists usually occurs from tight fascia in the shoulder area and so on. Rarely is the cause of the pain in the area where the problem is occurring. Myofascial release involves applying shear compression or tension in various directions, or by skin rolling releasing bonds between fascia and muscles with the goal of eliminating pain and increasing range of motion.

Reflexology Massage Reflexology is a gentle, non-invasive, holistic therapy involving the practice of massaging or applying pressure to parts of the feet, or sometimes the hands and ears, with the goal of encouraging beneficial effect on other parts of the body, or to improve general health. A natural healing art based on the principle that there are reflexes in the feet, hands and ears and their related zone areas, which correspond to every part, gland and organ of the body. Through application of pressure on these reflexes, reflexology is said to relieve tension, improve circulation and help promote the natural function of the related areas of the body. The result is homeostasis (internal balance) in the body.

Thai Massage is worked on a mat without any oils or lotions and the patient is dressed in comfortable loose clothing. Moving the patient into a series of Yoga-like stretches, using the elbows, knees and feet, has coined this technique “Facilitated Yoga”. The combination of physical and energetic aspects makes Traditional Thai massage effective and unique. Some physical, mental and psychological benefits of Thai Massage include detoxification of the body, enhanced immune system function, increased blood circulation, lower blood pressure, muscle relaxation, increased muscle flexibility, improve breathing, posture and balance, improved athletic performance, clear and calming of the mind for improved concentration, relief from stress and anxiety, help people boost their inner energy levels, develop discipline and self-control.

Swedish Massage Swedish massage is considered to be among the most basic methods of massage and is among the first styles of massage that new masseurs get to study. Swedish massage uses five styles of long, flowing strokes to massage. The five basic strokes are effleurage (sliding or gliding), petrissage (kneading), tapotement (rhythmic tapping), friction (cross fiber) and vibration/shaking. Swedish massage has shown to be helpful in reducing pain, joint stiffness, and improving poor circulation. Developed by Henrik Ling in Sweden in the 1700s, Swedish massage allows the body to absorb more oxygen, rejuvenating the body and increasing the speed by which the cells of the body eliminate their waste materials.

Trigger Point Therapy Sometimes confused with pressure point massage, this involves deactivating trigger points that may cause local pain or referred pain and other sensations, such as headaches, in other parts of the body. Manual pressure, vibration, injection, or other treatment is applied to these points to relieve myofascial pain. Trigger points were first discovered and mapped by Janet G. Travell (president Kennedy’s physician) and David Simons. Trigger points have been photomicrographed and measured electrically and in 2007 a paper was presented showing images of Trigger Points using an MRI. These points relate to dysfunction in neuromuscular junction (NMJ), in muscle, and therefore this modality is different from reflexology, acupressure and pressure point massage. Article researched and written by Linda Warwick, Editor, Guided Synergy Magazine. Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


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22 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

The Fungal Pharmacy:

Medicinal (and Edible) Mushrooms of Western Canada A

s spring arrives, and people and plants awaken from their long slumber, yet another kingdom of beings also begin to revive. Mushrooms, because they contain no chlorophyll, are more related to humans than plants, and depend upon other methods of obtaining nutrients for their survival. The number of mushrooms on our planet is estimated at 1.4 million species, of which only about 80,000 have been named and only about 7000 possess various degrees of edibility. Hunting and eating wild mushrooms is a learned activity, due to a long history of fungaphobia in much of the English speaking world. There is a saying that there are old mushroom hunters, and bold mushroom hunters, but no old, bold mushroom hunters. This leads to the basic tenet that if you cannot name it, don’t eat it. My Polish in-laws from Camrose, dined on the Red Cap (Leccinum boreale) throughout the summer and dried more for winter use. This prized edible has been nominated by Albertans for the Provincial Mushroom and is now in the process of gaining official recognition. The Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus populinus) is a prized edible that grows on recently fallen aspen poplar trees throughout the region. Cultivated Oyster mushrooms are available fresh in supermarkets throughout the year, but lack the tasty zest of their wild cousins. Woodlot owners may be interested to learn that they can easily inoculate poplar logs with mycelium of this species; ensuring an easily harvested supply year after year. The Oyster is also valued for its medicinal properties. High levels of lovastatin make this a great addition to the diet of individuals with high cholesterol. Lovastatin is a pharmaceutical drug approved in 1987 for treating high cholesterol, but the mushroom is a safer, and tastier alternative. It is presently undergoing clinical trials to treat HIV patients with hyperlipidemia caused by taking anti-viral protease inhibitors that interfere with lipid metabolism and increased cardiovascular risk. The mushroom exhibits anti-oxidant and anti-cancer activity. The Oyster helps to degrade environmental pollutants in both soil and water. Toxic compounds such as chlorinated biphenyls, aromatic hydrocarbons, dieldrin, PCPs, benzopyrene are not just degraded by the mycelium but mineralization of the pollutant helps turn the pollutant into carbon dioxide, ammonia, chloride and water. Heavy metals such as mercury can be concentrated up to 140 times in substrates.

Industrial application of Oyster and other mushroom mycelium can be a major step forward in not only cleaning up toxic oil and gas sites, including the tail ponds at Fort McMurray, but also to help reestablish various trees and shrubs in reclamation work. The Morel (Morchella species) is another prized spring edible. It is often found the spring after a major forest fire, but also throughout the aspen parkland under poplar and pine. It is highly variable in its fruiting habits, and very dependent upon moisture levels and soil temperature. Hybrid poplar forests are much healthier when deliberate inoculation of morel mycelium is utilized. The Morel contains both galactomannan with immune stimulating activity, and large amounts of beta-alanine which has application to the tanning pigment melanin. The Artist’s Conk (Ganoderma applanatum) which grows on living and fallen Balsam Poplar, is so-named due it’s popularity with painters, who use its wide, flat shape as a canvas for their creations. This is a close cousin of the famous Reishi (G. lucidum), perhaps the best know medicinal mushroom in the world, with over $3 billion worldwide annual sales. It is no exaggeration to state that there are millions of tons of this polypore throughout the boreal forests of Canada. It releases up to 30 billion spores a day for six months of the year, and on a still, humid day you can photograph the cloudy haze. In clinical trials, this mushroom shows anti-tumor, anti-viral, antibacterial, anti-diabetic, anti-cataract, anti-inflammatory and immune modulating activity. Mushrooms are not only tasty edibles, but have vast potential to create healthy immune systems in people and Gaia, our mother earth. Robert Rogers is a professional member of the American Herbalist Guild, and author of thirteen books on medicinal plants of the prairies. He is on faculty at Grant McEwan and Northern Star College in Edmonton, and director of the Edmonton Mycological Society. His most recent book, The Fungal Pharmacy, Medicinal Mushrooms of Western Canada, is available at Greenwoods, Optimum Health, Planet Organic and other bookstores. He can be reached at scents@ Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


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24 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

Time for Spiritual Health Retreat to your hearts desire E

veryone knows about the rejuvenating effects of a holiday. You take a break from the work routine so you can return renewed and refreshed. The benefits for you physically, mentally, and emotionally are so well documented that your right to a vacation is written into all labour laws in this country. When it comes to your spiritual health do you give yourself a similar break? As a spiritual healer and teacher I am dedicated to the path of spiritual enlightenment. Those consciously - even unconsciously - seeking spiritual enlightenment have daily or weekly routines. Whether prayers, meditation, church, reading, yoga, going to a spa, or walks in the woods, you do things to nurture your spiritual health. Your vacation from a work environment may provide you with spiritual renewal, but have you ever felt the need for something more? Einstein once said, the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Great advancement can only come through new experiences. If you are ready to awaken or refresh and renew your spiritual life you might want to consider a spiritual retreat or journey. Religions throughout history have used retreats and pilgrimages for reconnection, renewal, inspiration, even transformation. Today there are many non-denominational choices available. Choosing one is not like planning a vacation, because quite often, it will choose you. There will be a longing or a call that goes beyond any logical explanation. That’s how you know it’s an opportunity aligned with your soul’s purpose. If you choose to answer that call, be aware that transcendental experiences only happen through your willingness to participate and be receptive. It takes courage to try something new and even greater courage, combined with dedication, to effect permanent change. Either a retreat or journey can be an uplifting spiritual experience, although the formats of delivery are quite different. A retreat participant is more like a monk or hermit. In this format you are withdrawing from the routines of your daily life, secluding yourself, in order to gain better understanding of self and your connection to spirit. It is usually set in a quiet place that has easy access to nature and limited access to the ‘conveniences’ of the modern world - television, cell phones, internet, etc. The idea is to remove the usual outside stimulus, replacing it with a more static, simpler, and peaceful one. This creates a relaxing environment that allows you time and space more conducive to achieving your spiritual goals. The participant of a journey is like a religious pilgrim. You are drawn to the spirit of place. This requires a dedication to purpose

for it is easy to be distracted with the details of traveling. The idea is to move forward, interacting with Spirit in a more conscious way, through the people and environment around you. The outside stimulus (landscape, people, etc) change and is a metaphor for life. The destination provides a focus but it is through the journeying you receive better understanding and spiritual growth. The focus here is not so much to relax but to stimulate. Since 2005, I have experienced fifteen group retreats or journeys, eight of which as a facilitator. Each one was in response to my soul’s prompting and was in Divine timing. The first retreat I attended was for ten days in Maui. When I heard about this retreat, everything in me longed to go. My heart opened up and said yes, and then my mind told me why I couldn’t go. As I shared this with the facilitator, she said, “If your heart longs to be there, these are some options that may make it easier.” Her words made me aware of the negative way I had approached my heart’s desire – with all the reasons why I couldn’t have what I wanted! When I changed my focus to align with my heart, I was able to find all the reasons, and resources, to go. Awareness and growth and I hadn’t even got there yet! This retreat opened up a whole new world for me, and firmly established the value of working with a group of like-minded people in a retreat setting. The nature of spirituality takes you beyond beliefs and expectations. Each time I took my ‘spiritual break’ I have been challenged. I had to examine my beliefs and be willing to let go of much that I had identified with. The experiences were nothing that could ever be anticipated in both the challenges and rewards. I have learned to let go of judgement, blame, and shame so that I can take responsibility for my life. I have made new friends, deepened my ability to trust, and have strengthened my faith in the Higher Power that guides me. By listening to that guidance I have learned to respond to the directions from my heart, learned how to love more unconditionally, and discovered the authenticity that only exists when aligned to my soul’s purpose. When considering what you require for spiritual health, there are as many paths to enlightenment as there are individuals. Whether it’s a retreat, journey, or even an afternoon nap, the important thing is to refresh and renew. Take a break from your routine. Invite spirit in and be ready to respond in new ways. Karen Coogan, a Spiritual Comunication Specialist and the author of this article, is a regular contributor of Guided Synergy Magazine. Karen is now residing in Penticton, BC

Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


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26 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

THE L SPA & WELLNESS CENTRE - An ancient discipline aimed at improving health & well being through the treatment of the body as a whole. Reflexology, 4 Day Aroma-soul Journey, Indian Head Massage, Hot Stone Massage and Manual Lymph Drainage. Visit or call 780.830.0302 to book your appointment today.

ASTROLOGY WHITE DOVE - Birth Charts are for Life Path and much more. Transits are for present cosmological influences. MaryRose Lessoway, 780-505-2939

BIO FEEDBACK BIO STRESS REMEDIES – Depressed? Stressed? Fatigued? What to do? Bio Stress Remedies is a complete Health Analysis and Balancing of: *Vitamin/Mineral Deficiencies *Allergies/Food Additives *Mental/Emotional Blocks *Toxins/Fungi/Parasites *So Much More! Call Marla Kempin at 780-933-8946 PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE Quantum biofeedback - Electrodes are placed on the foreheads, wrists and ankles. The device searches for 9000 energetic frequencies or stressors, balancing vitamins and minerals, allergies, hormones, toxins and emotional blocks. Contact Sharon Dillabough at 780-5389833 or visit

BOOKS THE RABBIT HOLE in downtown Grande Prairie carries a wide selection of books, vinyl, music, gifts, curios and curio user. Open late everyday! 10020 – 100 Ave 780-539-7999. MOOD MENDER – Gifts for the Mind, Body and Soul. Crystals, Books, Tarot, Candles, Incense, Crystal and Brass Bowls, Fountains, and much, much more. 10024A -100 Ave, Grande Prairie 780-538-9950. RETRO RELICS specializes in spiritual literature including Wicca, Paganism, Celtic, Astrology, Meditation, Yoga, Channeling, Auras, Dreams, Herbs, Alternative Health, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Shamanism and others. Open daily. 10118A-100 Ave Grande Prairie 780-832-0110.

BOWEN THERAPY HEALING HANDS THERAPY AND TEA The Bowen Technique is a dynamic system of muscle and connective tissue therapy that is revolutionizing health care worldwide. Call Healing Hands Therapy and Tea to book your appointment at 780-402-3292

COURSES / CLASSES CANAM COLLEGE offers over 100 correspondence courses in Natural Health, Nutrition and Herbs, Women’s Health and Beauty, Counseling, Sports and Fitness, Business Management. Free Brochure. 1-877-366-7018,

CRYSTAL REIKI CLASSES – For kids age 6-12. Call Marilyn at the Gemini Potential (780) 505-1349, E-mail: expecttobeempowered@gmail. com or visit FACE READING CLASSES – What is YOUR face saying? Learn how YOU face the world! Ongoing Courses held @ The CoOperator’s Square Boardroom. For course dates and more information call Live in YOUR Body Training Centre, Michele 780-518-1190 or visit THE HEALING I - Introduction to several different healing modalities – Weekend Session March 20 and 21 from 9:30 am to 4:30 p.m and Thursday’s in January 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4, 11 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. April 15, 22, 29 May 6, 13 from 7 to 9:30 p.m For more in depth workshop information and prices please call 780-518-9530, visit or email thehealingi@ DEEP HEALING EMOTIONAL ENERGY 4 Levels from self-healing to teaching. Become empowered and teach others to do the same. Call Marilyn at The Gemini Potential (780) 5051349, E-mail: expecttobeempowered@gmail. com or visit HOT ROCK MASSAGE CLASSES – the ‘Cadillac’ of all massages. It’s great! Learn for family or friends or to incorporate into your business. 2 Day workshops. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre (780) 538-9833 or visit www. THE EMPOWERMENT SERIES - 10 sessions to empower you. Thursday’s 7-10 pm Fall & Winter classes available. Call Marilyn at the Gemini Potential 780-505-1349, E-mail: or visit RAINDROP CLASSES – Very Relaxing Aromatherapy Treatment. Therapeutic properties in each oil help to relax and soothe the muscles. It is a must 1 day workshop! Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780-538-9833 or visit www. REIKI CLASSES - Usui Komyo or Karuna. Individual or group. Choose a convenient day and time. Call Marilyn at the Gemini Potential 780-505-1349, E-mail: expecttobeempowered@ or visit www.expecttobeempowered. com. SACRED ESSENSE - Developing Intuition Feb 3, 2010 What Color Are You Workshop Feb 20, 2010 Quantum Touch (TM) Video Workshop March 6 & 7, 2010 Register online Sacred Essence Leanne Van Wagner 780-882-2584

CHAKRA BALANCING CANDACE MCKIM - When Chakras are out of balance you may experience difficulties physically or emotionally. Have your chakras balanced in a gentle non-invasive, and relaxing manor to feel more centered and energized. Cost is $45 per session. To book appointments contact Candace McKim at 780-814-9645.

CHIROPRACTIC CONTACT GUIDED SYNERGY – Your business could be listed hear. Call Guided Synergy Magazine today at 780-538-3150 or email NORTHWEST WELLNESS CENTRE Balanced health for body, mind and spirit including Chiropractic Treatment, Naturopathic Medicine, Acupuncture, Registered Massage Therapy, Certified Personal Fitness, Orthotics. 10031, 100 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB 780532-5520

COACHING / COUNSELLING LIFE-COACHING provides an unbiased person to talk with, helping you sort out your priorities, and design your life the way you want it. Cost is $80 per session. For more information or to book a session contact Candace McKim at 780-814-9645. Visit our website at or email Candace at

COLON HYDROTHERAPY GP CLEANSING & WELLNESS CENTRE A variety of illnesses can be triggered by a toxic colon which can be relieved with colon hydrotherapy, a safe effective method of removing waste from the large intestine without the use of drugs. For more information or to book a consultation contact Wendy Davis at 780-814-2019

COLOR THERAPY SACRED ESSENCE - Color Energy ™ - What Color Are You Workshop. Learn more about yourself and how you operate on the 7 levels of color “intelligence” as aligned with your Chakra system. Learn where your color strengths & weaknesses lie. Leanne Van Wagner Qualified Color Energy ™Consultant 780-882-2584

CRANIOSACRAL CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY (CST) releases tensions deep in the body by unwinding muscles from the core to relieve a full spectrum of pain, illness and dysfunction. Contact Zeta Marie Boudreau at 780-832-6030 to book an appointment.

DANCE HALO DANCE - Belly Dance – Lessons, Solo and Troupe performance, Call Marcia Tofer 780832-9107 or 780-882-3962 MOONDANCE SHIMMY. Traditional Belly Dance classes. Call Oksana for more information on dates and times at 780- 505-1407.

DETOXIFICATION AMETHYST CRYSTAL BIO-MAT. Get a massage with the amazing healing Bio-Mat with Sharon. It’s so relaxing, releasing tired sore muscles, and helps alleviate depression. Improves circulation, detoxifies and more! Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780538-9833 or visit DR. MILLER HOLY TEA - Formulated by Dr. Bill Miller (Ph.D. Nutritional Science) of Jackson, Tennessee - is a unique herbal blend of safe, all-natural ingredients designed to gently cleanse the digestive tract and detoxify the body. Available at Suddenly Slender, 10001-104 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB or call Kathy Lilly for more information at 780-814-8111

FAR INFRARED SAUNA – Deep heat therapy detoxifies, improves circulation, boosts immune system, burns 600-900 calories in 30 min., increases metabolism, removes cellulite, reduces stress, lowers blood pressure. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780-538-9833 or visit www. HIMALAYAN PINK SALT as essential for the body as water. It helps regulate blood pressure, balances pH and blood sugar levels, prevents muscle cramps, regulates sleep, and maintains libido. Contains 84 mineral elements. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780-538-9833 or visit www. NATURAL CELLULAR DEFENSE Removes heavy metals, arsenic, mercury, lead, pesticides, and herbicides. Supporting a healthy immune system. 100% natural and non-toxic. Safe for long term use. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780-538-9833 or visit www. THE L SPA & WELLNESS CENTRE Our brand new 5 person Far Infrared Sauna was featured on Oprah with Dr. Oz. This flu season; improve your immune system while relaxing! Beneficial for stress relief, healthier skin, weight loss, pain relief and heart health. For a full brochure of benefits, visit www.lspa. ca L Spa members receive 180 minutes/month complimentary. Punch cards are available for 6x30min, $108 780.830.0302

DREAMS KAREN COOGAN - For assistance with understanding your dreams or clarity in understanding on your Spiritual Path, Call Karen Coogan, Spiritual Communication Specialist at 250–770-1166, Penticton, BC

EMOTIONAL HEALING DEEP HEALING EMOTIONAL ENERGY Learn to clear emotional blocks, gently and permanently with acceptance and empowerment. Call Marilyn at The Gemini Potential 780-505-1349, E-mail: or visit

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MOOD MENDER – Gifts for the mind, body, and soul. Crystals, Books, Tarot, Candles, Incense, Crystal and Brass Bowls, Fountains, and much, much more. 10024A -100 Ave Grande Prairie 780538-9950. PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE – GIFT CERTIFICATES now available for purchase online at www.peacecountrywellness. com. Give a gift of relaxing massage, reflexology, a hot rock massage, or a wonderful Seaweed Wrap, plus much more to loved ones. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780-538-9833. RETRO RELICS specializes in spiritual literature including Wicca, Paganism, Celtic, Astrology, Meditation, Yoga, Channeling, Auras, Dreams, Herbs, Alternative Health, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Shamanism, and others. Open daily. 10118A100 Ave, Grande Prairie, 780-832-0110.

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780-933-2370 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


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HERBALISTS By appointment with Pat Nelson Healing Hands Therapy and Tea

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CONTACT GUIDED SYNERGY – Your business or services could be listed hear. Call Guided Synergy Magazine today at 780-5383150 or email ROBERT ROGERS - A professional member of the American Herbalist Guild, and author of thirteen books on medicinal plants of the prairies. He is on faculty at Grant McEwan and Northern Star College in Edmonton, and director of the Edmonton Mycological Society. His most recent book, The Fungal Pharmacy, Medicinal Mushrooms of Western Canada, is available at Greenwoods, Optimum Health, Planet Organic and other bookstores. He can be reached at

HOMEOPATHY CONTACT GUIDED SYNERGY – Your business or services could be listed hear. Call Guided Synergy Magazine today at 780-5383150 or email

HYPNOTHERAPY POWER STRATEGIES – Using hypnosis to let go of old habits and create healthier ones. Contact Roberta Brunin at 780-897-2451 Specialize in Therapeutic and Deep Tissue Massage

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28 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE Manual Lymphatic Drainage stimulates the immune system, enhances lymphocyte cytotoxic response, increases the number of natural killer cells, decreases anxiety and increases relaxation. Helps with swelling, and promotes healing. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre (780) 538-9833 or visit www.

MASSAGE THERAPY BODY IN HARMONY offers therapeutic massage, relaxation massage, trigger point release, manual lymphatic drainage, and ion cleansing (foot detox). Find your harmony within.... Call Mandy Woodruff (Remedial Massage Therapist) at 780-882-2636 GRANDE PRAIRIE HOLISTIC HEALTH Massage Therapy,Traditional Thai Massage, Doula Service, Hot Stone Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, Body Talk,Deep Healing/ Emotional Release, Face Reading, Muscle Energy Technique 9801 105 Street, Grande Prairie, AB, T8V 4Y8 780-532-9083 HEALING HANDS THERAPY AND TEA where we SPECIALIZE in therapeutic massage. Gift certificates available. Call to book your appointment @ 780-402-3292. LIVE IN YOUR BODY TRAINING CENTRE – Emotional Release Massage is Spiritual Energy Movement through practical bodywork using trigger point release. Call Michele 780-518-1190 or visit www. for more information. PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE Hot rock massage – The most soothing, sedating, relaxing, rejuvenating, awesome, nurturing hot rock massage you could ever experience, what a treat! Contact Sharon Dillabough at 780-538-9833 or visit www.

COYOTE MOON HEMP COMPANY – Hemp products, soaps, lotions, incense, oils and burners, clothing, metaphysical books, tarot cards, beading supplies, and gifts. 9931 – 100 Ave, Grande Prairie 780-832-4008.

SOUL THERAPY- Deep Tissue and Relaxation, Hot Stone, Thai Yoga Massage, Corporate Yoga Classes, Vinyasa Flow Yoga Classes. Contact Linda Alaimoana at 780-897-5710 to book your appointment.

MOOD MENDER – Gifts for the mind, body, and soul. Crystals, Books, Tarot, Candles, Incense, Crystal and Brass Bowls, Fountains, and much, much more. 10024A -100 Ave Grande Prairie 780-538-9950.

THE L SPA & WELLNESS CENTRE Become an L Spa Junkie and receive one 60 minute massage free each month. Another massage free on your birthday….and another massage anytime you refer another Spa Junkie Membership!! We are devoted to relaxation! 780.830.0302

KINESIOLOGY EDIE KNIGHT – Touch for Health, Body Management, Swedish Relaxation Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Equine and Pet Therapy. For Appointment call 780-524-5518 or 780-524-8965. KINESIOLOGY (TOUCH FOR HEALTH) - Muscle testing the body for blockages are usually in the lymphatic or vascular system. May also be caused by emotions or trauma stored in the body. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780-538-9833 or visit

LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE BODY IN HARMONY offers therapeutic massage, relaxation massage, trigger point release, manual lymphatic drainage, and ion cleansing (foot detox). Find your harmony within.... Call Mandy Woodruff (Remedial Massage Therapist) at 780-882-2636

TRINITY NATURAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS - Full Range of Therapeutic Wellness Services to Support Your Health and Vitality Naturally including Massage Therapy. Michelle Golany, Natural Health Practitioner. 4723 - 53 Avenue, High Prairie, AB 780-523-0053 ZETA MARIE BOUDREAU - Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow, the bodies natural defense system, promote tissue regeneration, relax and soften injured, tired and overused muscles and so much more. Contact Zeta Marie Boudreau at 780-832-6030 to book an appointment.

MEDITATION CRYSTAL SINGING BOWLS - Hearing the haunting sound of the crystal bowls, let it touch the essence of the soul. Relaxation, meditation, guided sessions, healing. Contact Neva Hanson@ 780 356-2863

MEDITATION and GUIDED IMAGERY are relaxation techniques that help reduce the physical symptoms of stress and ease the mind. Meditation classes and Full Moon Global Meditations. Call Karen Coogan, Spiritual Communication Specialist at 250–770-1166, Penticton, BC SATORI YOGA STUDIO Practiced and recommended by Dr. DEEPAK CHOPRA, Primordial Sound Meditation is an ancient healing technique. Join Julia, Chopra Center Certified Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor for Primordial Sound Meditation workshops and group meditation classes. Please visit www. for more information and to register.

NATURAL MEDICINE NATURAL MEDICINE Safe, effective, timetested. Used by 75% of the world population. Examining Board of Natural Medicine Practitioners™ (EBNMP™) Recognition, Registration and Accreditation in Natural Medicine. or 1-416-335-7661 TRINITY NATURAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS - Full Range of Therapeutic Wellness Services to Support Your Health and Vitality Naturally including Diagnostic Laboratory Testing (non-invasive), Nutritional and Diet Counseling, Vitamin and Mineral Therapy, Herbal Medicine. Michelle Golany, Natural Health Practitioner. 4723 - 53 Avenue, High Prairie, AB 780-523-0053

NATURAL PRODUCTS HEALTHY COFFEE - Gourmet Coffees, Hot Chocolate and Organic Green Tea too! 100% CERTIFIED ORGANIC Ganoderma ingredients. Many health benefits. Contact David Doyle, Independent Consultant 780-5188231 or email NEVA HANSON - Over 150 chemicals found in the average home have been linked to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological abnormalities. If you wish to try toxic free, more natural household and personal products contact Neva Hanson at 780 356-2863 THE L SPA & WELLNESS CENTRE Eminence Organic Skin Care and Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup. We also ship orders. 780.830.0302

NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR DR. LUCI SKAKEN - Naturopathic Family Medicine and Wellness Programs - Book appointments at the following locations: Northwest Wellness Centre, Grande Prairie, AB 780-532-5520, Aurora Chiropractic Clinic, Fort St. John, BC 250-785-7488, Dawson Creek Health Centre, Dawson Creek, BC 250-782-4656 Serving the Peace Country for the past 20 years.

POSTURE / HEALTH PROELLIXE MACHINE – Benefits muscle tone - quick inch loss, body remodeling and reshaping, enhanced bone density and bone rebuilding as this is a weight bearing exercise, core muscles strengthened, increase flexibility, feel invigorated/ increased energy. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre (780) 538-9833 or visit

PSYCHOSOMATIC THERAPY LIVE IN YOUR BODY TRAINING CENTRE – Offers classes and workshops on Psychosomatic Therapy. Individual treatments are available by appointment. Discover how Your Thoughts Are Shaping YOU! Call Michele 780-518-1190 or visit www. for more information. POWER STRATEGIES – Issues in the tissues are revealed to heal the physical body. Contact Roberta Brunin at 780-897-2451

QUANTUM TOUCH SACRED ESSENCE - Quantum Touch teaches us how to focus, amplify and direct Life Force Energy (LFE) with surprising and often extraordinary results. Individual or group classes, Leanne Van Wagner 780-882-2584 REIKI/QUANTUM HEALING on the body or off, it is very effective for aches and pains. Promotes healing and is very relaxing. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780-538-9833 or visit

RAINDROP THERAPY PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE Raindrop therapy is a great technique to relax and align your spine. It’s like little raindrops of oil put on the back and massaged in, ending with a soothing hot towel. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780-538-9833 or visit

RECONNECTIVE HEALING OASIS RELAX-OLOGY RECONNECTIVE HEALING I-II - Helps fuse conscious with subconscious, opens awareness and intuition, allowing you to heal on all levels. RECONNECTION III Reconnecting you with meridian axiatonal and grid (LEY) lines also allowing you to heal on all levels at a much more rapid rate. Trudy Mayne R.H.P. 780-567-4225 or 780-831-5573

REFLEXOLOGY CONTACT GUIDED SYNERGY – Your business could be listed hear. Call Guided Synergy Magazine today at 780-538-3150 or email OASIS RELAX-OLOGY - Feet, face/scalp - Reduces stress, improves lymph and blood circulation, optimizes body functions, opens blockages and allows the natural healing process of the body. Trudy Mayne R.H.P. 780567-4225 or 780-831-5573 PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE - Specific points on the soles of your feet correspond to every structure, organ, and gland in your body. Reflexology improves blood circulation, lymph and nerves, and is very relaxing. Contact Sharon Dillabough at 780-5389833 or visit VITAL VIBES - Circulation, immune system function, energy & vitality, pain & discomfort, stress & tension. Reflexology may help you with these symptoms and more. Call Keri Tingstad, Certified Foot Reflexologist at Vital Vibes 780228-2010 for an appointment. Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine



Wellness Workshops Tues, Jan. 26, 2010, 7-9 p.m.

The Art of Face Reading – A very powerful experience! Get to know yourself and others. Who are YOU? How do you face the world?

Tues. Feb. 23, 2010, 7-9 p.m.

Body Mind Communication – Your body has all the wisdom and is constantly communicating. Are you listening? Experience decoding the language your body is speaking!

Tues. Mar. 23, 2010, 7-9 p.m.

Standing Tall with Posture Empowerment – Do you pay attention to your posture? Good posture makes you feel better and look better. Learn how to empower your posture!

Tues. Apr. 20, 2010, 7-9 p.m.

Are You Getting Enough Oxygen? – Oxygen deficiency causes various diseases. Disease cannot live in an oxygenated environment. Learn how to raise your oxygen level for a healthier life.

Tues. May 11, 2010, 7-9 p.m.

The Language of the Feet – Do your feet step out with confidence? Your feet are your foundation. What are your feet saying? Are you on your toes? Location: The Co-Operator’s Square 2nd Floor Boardroom Cost: $15.00 Call Michele at Live in YOUR Body Training Centre


or register online @

KAREN COOGAN - Intuitively Guided Reiki healing sessions, Reiki classes – Level 1 to Teachers, Individual or group classes. Call Karen Coogan, Spiritual Communication Specialist at 250–770-1166, Penticton, BC PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE - Reiki/quantum healing on the body or off, it is very effective for aches and pains. Promotes healing and is very relaxing. Contact Sharon Dillabough at Peace Country Wellness Centre 780-538-9833 or visit www. SACRED ESSENCE - Individual or group Reiki classes, intuitive guided Reiki Healing Sessions Level 1 to Teachers Leanne Van Wagner Master/Teacher 780-882-2584 THE GEMINI POTENTIAL - Reiki/Crystal Reiki. Experience the relaxation of Reiki. Promotes healing and releases emotional blocks. Usui, Karuna, or Komyo Reiki classes and individual sessions available. Call Marilyn @ The Gemini Potential 780-505-1349. E-mail: Web Page ZETA MARIE BOUDREAU - Universal love therapy embracing spiritual principles and practice that can assist us mentally, physically and emotionally promoting balance and harmony on our journey to healing. Contact Zeta Marie Boudreau at 780-832-6030 to book an appointment.

SCHOOLS / EDUCATION CANAM COLLEGE offers over 100 correspondence courses in Natural Health, Nutrition and Herbs, Women’s Health and Beauty, Counseling, Sports and Fitness, and Business Management. Free Brochure. 1-877-366-7018,

SPIRITUAL HEALTH / HEALING ART BY PAT - Life Coach, Spiritual Reader-past, present and future, Medicine Wheel Teaching Circles, Watercolor Painting Instruction Make an appointment with Pat Nelson at Healing Hands Therapy and Tea 780-402-3292 KAREN COOGAN - For assistance with understanding your dreams or clarity in understanding on your Spiritual Path, Call Karen Coogan, Spiritual Communication Specialist at 250–770-1166, Penticton, BC

Did we miss you? If you are in the natural health industry and would like to be here next time, call Guided Synergy Magazine at: 780-538-3150 or email 30 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

TAROT MARY MAGDALENE ORACLE, Divinely guided readings, conscious channeling and Tarot Readings, phone consultations call Karen Coogan, Spiritual Communication Specialist at 250–770-1166, Penticton, BC MOOD MENDER – Gifts for the mind, body, and soul. Crystals, Books, Tarot Cards, Candles, Incense, Crystal and Brass Bowls, Fountains, and much, much more. 10024A -100 Ave Grande Prairie 780-538-9950. THE TRINITY EFFECT – “Bringing Mind, Body and Spirit together as One” Angel Card Readings in person, by phone, and card parties. Also offering ‘Your intuition guide you course.’ Call Tracy 780-933-2370 or (780) 532-2370.

WATER/LOVE BODY HEALING KAREN COOGAN - Re-hydrate your soul! Water is the element of the emotions. Experience deep emotional release and renewal in a gentle and loving way. Call Karen Coogan, Spiritual Communication Specialist at 250–770-1166, Penticton, BC

WELLNESS CENTRES A RURAL TRANQUILITY DAY SPA Therapeutic Massage/Swedish Massage, LA Stone (Hot Rocks Massage), Facials, Peels, Microdermabrasion, Laser Cellulite Treatments, Laser Facials, Laser Hair Reduction, Pedicure and Manicure, Advanced Pedicure/Fungal Care, Sauna, Walking Trails/Summer Yoga and so much more . . . 780-830-8888 to book an appointment. www. LIVE IN YOUR BODY TRAINING CENTRE – Specializing in Psychosomatic Therapy and Empowering YOU to heal yourself with classes and workshops, individual treatments of Personality Profiling, Body Mind Analysis, and Emotional Release and by using the amazing Chi Machine and Hot House Dome. Love your face, love your body, love your life...Live in YOUR Body! #316 Co-operator’s Square, 9804-100 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB. Call Michele 780-5181190 or visit THE L SPA & WELLNESS CENTRE Northern Alberta’s Premier Health & Wellness Spa welcomes you to experience comfort, tranquility and luxurious sensation. Become a member and receive up to 40% off regular spa menu pricing. Our unique program is based on an on-going individual assessment approach. We take your wellness seriously. Monthly visits are very affordable once you become a member. Member benefits include: free birthday massage, 120 min free/ month Far Infrared Sauna, Free Massage, Pedi or Facial each month. For more information on the L Spa Junkie Program, visit or call 780.830.0302 NORTHWEST WELLNESS CENTRE Balanced health for body, mind and spirit including Chiropractic Treatment, Naturopathic Medicine, Acupuncture, Registered Massage Therapy, Certified Personal Fitness, Orthotics. 10031, 100 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB 780-532-5520 PEACE COUNTRY WELLNESS CENTRE Established in 1999 the Peace Country Wellness Centre provides the surrounding community with holistic and alternative methods of healing the body, mind and spirit. Whether it is reflexology, reiki, hot stone massage or raindrop therapy, the result is a relaxed, rejuvenated and energized feeling. 201 – 11117 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB 780-538-9833 or visit www. TRINITY NATURAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS - Full Range of Therapeutic Wellness Services to Support Your Health and Vitality Naturally including Diagnostic Laboratory Testing (non-invasive), Nutritional and Diet Counseling, Vitamin and Mineral Therapy, Herbal Medicine, Energy Medicine, Homeopathy, Massage Therapy, Myofascial Release, Reiki. Michelle Golany, Natural Health Practitioner. 4723 53 Avenue, High Prairie, AB 780-523-0053

WELLNESS CENTRES continued . . . YEMANJA WELLNESS STUDIO - Yoga classes, yoga wear & accessories, Massage Therapy, Ayurvedic Treatments (Indian Head Massage, Abyhanga Massage), Infrared Sauna, Esthetics Services, Eminence Organic Skin Care and a full range of natural products. 107 - 10134 97th Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB 780-513-1985

WHOLE LEAF TEAS SUDDENLY SLENDER - Dr. Miller holy tea, formulated by Dr. Bill Miller (Ph.D. Nutritional Science) of Jackson, Tennessee, is a unique herbal blend of safe, all-natural ingredients designed to gently cleanse the digestive tract and detoxify the body. Available at Suddenly Slender, 10001-104 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB or call Kathy Lilly for more information at 780-814-8111 HEALING HANDS THERAPY AND TEA - Grande Prairie’s Best Selection of Whole Leaf Teas located 9506-100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB. Call Darlene (780) 402-3292.

YOGA GP YOGA ZONE offering Vinyasa Yoga, Divine Timing, Ashtanga Yoga, Intermediate Yoga, Yoga Thrive-Beyond Cancer, PreNatal Yoga, Children’s Yoga and Hatha Yoga classes. For schedules and registration visit our website at or email SATORI YOGA STUDIO Sore muscles? Achy joints? Yoga Therapy is the perfect complement to your chiropractic care, massage or physiotherapy. Weaving together relaxation, strengthening and movement integration, Julia at Satori Yoga Studio offers Therapeutic Yoga for Hips and Shoulders class series. Please visit for more information and to register.

GUIDED EVENTS ONGOING CHAKRA BALANCING - When Chakras are out of balance you may experience difficulties physically or emotionally. Have your chakras balanced in a gentle noninvasive, and relaxing manor to feel more centered and energized. Cost is $45 per session. To book appointments contact Candace McKim at 780-814-9645. THE EMPOWERMENT SERIES Thursdays, Jan-14-March 18, 2010, 7-10 p.m Sessions to Empower You. Call Marilyn at The Gemini Potential 780-505-1349 or email: To view list of classes, please visit www. GP YOGA ZONE offering Vinyasa Yoga, Divine Timing, Ashtanga Yoga, Intermediate Yoga, Yoga Thrive-Beyond Cancer, PreNatal Yoga, Children’s Yoga and Hatha Yoga classes. For schedules and registration visit our website at or email LIFE-COACHING provides an unbiased person to talk with, helping you sort out your priorities, and design your life the way you want it. Cost is $80 per session. For more information or to book a session contact Candace McKim at 780-814-9645. Visit our website at or email Candace at LIVE IN YOUR BODY TRAINING CENTRE – The Art of Face Reading ClassesLearn how YOU face the world! Classes scheduled for Saturdays on Jan 30, 2010, Feb 20, 2010, April 3, 2010, and May 1, 2010. To be held @ The Co-Operator’s Square Boardroom. Call Michele780-518-1190 or visit to register. THE HEALING I - Introduction to several different healing modalities – Weekend Session March 20 and 21 from 9:30 am to 4:30 p.m and Thursday’s in January 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4, 11 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. April 15, 22, 29 May 6, 13 from 7 to 9:30 p.m For more in depth workshop information and prices please call 780-518-9530, visit or email SACRED ESSENSE - Developing Intuition Feb 3, 2010 What Color Are You Workshop Feb 20, 2010 Quantum Touch (TM) Video Workshop March 6 & 7, 2010 Register online Sacred Essence Leanne Van Wagner 780-882-2584 SACRED HEALING CIRCLES - NEW MOON Circles for men & women. FULL MOON Circles for women only. We meet every second Saturday night. For more information contact: MaryRose Lessoway, 780-505-2939 SHAMANIC HEALING - Conflict resolution, drumming, card readings, rituals including rites of passage. Dream-work, deboning, journaling, past lives, inner child. Building personal wheels (roles, power animals). Cleansing of energies on home & land and Medicine Wheel circles MaryRose Lessoway, 780-505-2939 wheelkeeper@

JANUARY DEEP HEALING EMOTIONAL ENERGY Info Session – Jan. 19, 2010. 90 minute no cost introduction to empowerment. To register call Marilyn at The Gemini Potential 780-505-1349. Email: or visit DEEP HEALING EMOTIONAL ENERGY Level 1 Class January 30-31, 2010 - Heal yourself at the core level physically, emotionally and spiritually by releasing energetic blocks that keep you in fear and prevent you from moving forward and living the life you desire. Call Marilyn at The Gemini Potential 780-505-1349 or Email or visit

FEBRUARY DEVELOPING INTUITION INTRODUCTORY LEVEL - February 3, 2010 Intuition is guidance from your inner self. Understanding and awareness. Simple exercises that will help you tune into and trust your inner guidance. Register online Sacred Essence Leanne Van Wagner 780-882-2584 LOVE & LIGHT PSYCHIC FAIR – Feb 6 -7, 2010 Holiday Inn, 9816-107 St. Grande Prairie, AB. Saturday, 11am-8pm, Sunday, 11am-5pm. Readings available from various Love & Light Workers including Angel Cards, Tarot Cards, Psychics, Mediums and so much more! Book vendor booth with Tracy Kosolofski at 780-933-2370. WHAT COLOR ARE YOU WORKSHOP – February 20, 2010 Learn more about yourself and how you operate on the seven levels of color “intelligence” as aligned with your Chakra system. Learn where your color strengths and weaknesses lie. Register online Leanne Van Wagner Qualified Color Energy ™ Consultant 780-882-2584 leannevw33@gmail. com

MARCH QUANTUM TOUCH INTERACTIVE VIDEO WORKSHOP - March 6 & 7, 2010 Quantum Touch (TM) teaches us how to focus, amplify and direct Life Force Energy (LFE) with surprising and often extraordinary results. Register online Leanne Van Wagner Qualified Color Energy ™Consultant 780-882-2584 www.

APRIL DEEP HEALING EMOTIONAL ENERGY Info Session - April 13, 2010. 90 minute no cost introduction to empowerment. To register call Marilyn at The Gemini Potential 780-505-1349. Email: or visit

MAY DEEP HEALING EMOTIONAL ENERGY Level 1 Class MAY 1-2, 2010 - Heal yourself at the core level physically, emotionally and spiritually by releasing energetic blocks that keep you in fear and prevent you from moving forward and living the life you desire. Call Marilyn at The Gemini Potential 780-505-1349 or Email: or visit Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


Flexible Hours by Appointment “Refer a Friend” Rewards and “Massage of the Month” I offer Deep Tissue Therapy, Traditional Thai Massage, Relaxation, Hot Rock Massage, Rain Drop and Foot Reflexology.

Modern Touch Therapy Also available, FIT TO BE YOU, Personal Training Specialist with individualized programs and small group training. Women on Weights a 4 week program – boost energy, build muscle and burn fat.

Please call 780-296-1775 or visit 32 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

Empower Yourself and Heal Learn to Heal Yourself and Others through several modalities Evening Sessions January 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4, 11 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. April 15, 22, 29 May 6, 13 from 7 to 9:30 p.m Weekend Sessions March 20 and 21 from 9:30 am to 4:30 p.m Twice monthly drop-in Healing Circles $15 – @ Yemanja Wellness Studio For Dates, Times and Prices of Workshops and Healing Circles Please visit “The Healing I.Com” Or email

Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


Balanced Bookkeeping Solutions

103, 9840 97th Avenue Grande Prairie, Alberta T8V 7K2 Main 780.402.7373 Fax 780.532.9033 Email:

Examining Board of Natural Medicine Practitioners™ ( EBNMP™ )




In Natural Medicine 1 (416) 335-7661

34 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


10001 - 104 Avenue Grande Prairie, Alberta


Non-Dehydrating Body Wraps (Men & Women) Lipase Wrap (Fat Burning) Slendertone, Body Lift or Powerwrap Laydown Dream Wrap Anti-aging Wrap (skin tightener) Infrared Sauna (Burns 700 calories in 30 minutes) 4 Aqua-Chi Foot Detoxification Units Eye Rejuvenation Machine Body & Facial Treatments Non-Surgical Face Lift Detoxifying Seaweed Bath Steam Bath/Jacuzzi Medi-Pedi

Products Chi Machine Rentals Reflexology Machine Rentals Dr Millers Holy Tea Kangen Water Machines Isagenix

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Certified Wrap Technician & Owner Suddenly Slender

Call 780.814.8111

For more information about our products and services visit: and

Guaranteed to lose 10-30 inches Today! Massage Therapy (RMT) Mobile Available Hairstylists on location Walk-in Available Certified Foot Reflexologist Esthetics Services Gel Nails, Pedicures, Facials, Full Body Waxing (including Brazilian) 36 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


Complete Beauty


HYPNOTHERAPY Using hypnosis to let go of old habits and create healthier ones

FIRE WALKING Powerful ceremonies to enhance the quality of your self experience

PSYCHOSOMATIC THERAPY “Issues in the tissues” are revealed to heal the physical body


Clinical Hypnotherapist with 10 years experience

780-897-2451 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine


38 Winter 2010 Guided Synergy Magazine

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