Junior Guildhall Events Guide 2016-2017

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September 2016 – July 2017

Contents Calendar Autumn Term 3 Spring Term 6 Summer Term 10 Music Course Important Dates 16 String Training Programme Important Dates 20 Drama Performance Dates 21 Staff Meetings 21 Special Events 22 Auditions 23 Term Dates 24

Calendar 2016 Autumn Term Sat 10 Sep

10.00 JHP

Induction morning for Year 2 STP students

STP staff inset

Week 1

Sat 17 Sep

08.30 LRR

Autumn Term begins – all courses Orientation meeting for new Music Course students

LRR Meeting for all Music Course students & staff

involved in String Chamber Music during their scheduled chamber music time

Week 2 Location key


Charlton House 142 Edgware Road Felsted School, Essex Guildhall School John Hosier Practice Annexe LRR Silk Street Lecture Recital Room MC Milton Court Concert Hall MCA Milton Court Acting Studio MH Silk Street Music Hall RH Regent Hall, Oxford Street WH Wigmore Hall

Photographs Paul Cochrane

Sat 24 Sep

String Chamber Music coaching begins

08.30 105 Meeting for all Musical Awareness staff

12.00 105

Senior Management team meeting


Week 3

Sat 1 Oct Normal teaching day Week 4

09.30 LRR 12.00

Open House Concert

14.15 JHP

Kindergarten Year 1 Progression Meeting

Sat 8 Oct

09.30 LRR 12.00

Open House Concert

Music Course make-up lessons

STP half-term


Sat 19 Nov

12.00 LRR Open House Concert

14.20 MH String Chamber Music Concert 15.20 17.00

15.00 LRR Piano Ensemble Rehearsal

Drama Course normal teaching day

Week 11


Young Artists’ Award – First Round

Sat 26 Nov

Fri 28 Oct


Young Artists’ Award – Final

Week 7

09.30 105

String Chamber Music Autumn Term ends

10.30 MC Junior String Ensemble Informal Concert

Thu 27 Oct

Open Rehearsal Concert

Sat 29 Oct

Junior Guildhall String Ensemble

09.30 LRR Open House Concert

Week 6

Sat 22 Oct

Fri 18 Nov FS 16.00 19.15 Week 10

Week 5

Sat 15 Oct

15.20 LRR String Chamber Music Concert 17.00

Normal teaching day Heads of Department & Co-ordinators meeting

Week 8

08.30 MC

Viola Club Open Rehearsal & Informal Concert

09.00 MH

Wind, Brass & Percussion Chamber Workshop

09.00 JHP STP Chamber Music Concert

09.30 MC

12.00 LRR Open House Concert

14.00 LRR Guitar Concert

15.00 LRR Piano Ensemble Concert

Intermediate String Ensemble Informal Concert

17.30 MC Junior Guildhall Public Concert – Junior Guildhall String Ensemble & Symphony Orchestra

Sat 5 Nov

09.30 LRR Open House Concert

11.00 LRR Second Study Concert

12.00 LRR Open House Concert

14.00 LRR Student Recital

Week 12

16.40 MH

Sat 3 Dec

Week 9

warning – Lord Mayor’s Show. There will be restricted road access to the School.

09.00 LRR Wind, Brass & Percussion Chamber Workshop

Percussion Platforms

Last day of term – all courses

Music Course & STP make-up lessons

Sat 12 Nov

09.30 LRR Open House Concert

09.30 MCA Poetry Showing

11.30 JHP

12.00 MCA Drama Showing

12.00 LRR Open House Concert

14.00 LRR Vocal Course Concert

16.00 MH Junior Guildhall Public Concert –

STP Year 6 Progression Meeting

14.20 MH Symphony Orchestra – Mark Wigglesworth visiting conductor

14.20 LRR String Chamber Music Concert

Brass Band, Wind Orchestra, Chamber Choir, Percussion Ensemble & Big Band

18.00 TBC Staff Christmas Event


Calendar Spring Term 2017 Week 1

Sat 7 Jan

Spring Term begins – all courses

12.00 105 Senior Management Team meeting

15.00 JHP STP staff inset

Week 2

Sat 14 Jan

09.30 LRR Open House Concert 12.00

Week 3

Sat 21 Jan

09.30 LRR Open House Concert 12.00

12.10 JHP


Meeting with STP parents considering applying for their children to enter the Music Course

14.30 MH Symphony Orchestra – Composers’ Workshop

Fri 27 Jan CH 11.00 13.00

Junior Guildhall String Ensemble

Rehearsal Concert

Sat 11 Feb

Music Course make-up lessons

STP half-term

Week 4

Sat 28 Jan


Week 6

09.30 LRR Open House Concert 12.00

Drama Course normal teaching day

Week 7 Week 5

Sat 18 Feb

Normal teaching day

Sat 4 Feb

09.30 LRR Open House Concert

11.00 LRR Second Study Concert

12.00 LRR Open House Concert

Week 8

17.00 MC

Informal Jazz Ensemble Concert

Sat 25 Feb

09.30 LRR

Sun 5 Feb 10.30- MH 13.30

Brass Band rehearsal

10.30 MC Chamber Choir Informal Concert

12.00 LRR Open House Concert

Fri 10 Feb RH 10.30 13.00

Junior Guildhall Brass Band

Rehearsal Concert

14.00 LRR Second Study Concert

14.20 MC String Chamber Music Concert 15.20

16.40 MH Percussion Platforms

17.00 MC

09.30 105 Heads of Department & Co-ordinators meeting

Open House Concert

String Chamber Music Concert

Week 9

Week 11

Sat 4 Mar

String Chamber Music Spring Term ends

Sat 18 Mar

08.30 MC

09.30 LRR Open House Concert

09.00 LRR Wind, Brass & Percussion Chamber Workshop

10.30 MC Junior String Ensemble Informal Concert

09.00 JHP

STP Chamber Music Concert

12.00 LRR Open House Concert

09.30 MC

Intermediate String Ensemble Informal Concert

14.20 MC String Chamber Music Concert 15.20 17.00

12.00 LRR

Open House Concert

14.00 LRR Guitar Concert

15.00 LRR Piano Ensemble Concert

Fri 10 Mar CH 11.00 13.00

Junior Guildhall Scholars’ Concert

Rehearsal Concert

Week 10

Sat 11 Mar

Open House Concert

09.30 LRR 12.00

14.00 LRR Student Recital

15.00 LRR Piano Ensemble Rehearsal

17.30 MC Junior Guildhall Public Concert – Junior Guildhall String Ensemble & Symphony Orchestra

Sun 19 Mar 10.30 - 13.30

Brass Ensemble rehearsal

Wed 22 Mar FS 15.00 19.00

Junior Guildhall Brass Ensemble

Fri 24 Mar RH 11.00 13.00

Junior Guildhall Chamber Choir


Viola Club Open Rehearsal & Informal Concert

Rehearsal Concert Rehearsal Concert

Week 12


Sat 25 Mar

Last day of term – all courses

Music Course & STP make-up lessons

09.00 LRR Wind, Brass & Percussion Chamber Workshop

09.30 MCA Poetry Showing

12.00 MCA Drama Showing

14.00 LRR Vocal Course Concert

16.00 MC

Junior Guildhall Public Concert – Brass Band, Percussion Ensemble, Big Band & Wind Orchestra

Calendar Summer Term 2017 Week 1

Sat 29 Apr

Summer Term begins – all courses

Open Day for students who have been offered a

Music Course place for September

09.30 MH

Meeting with prospective new students and parents

12.00 105

Senior Management Team meeting

15.00 JHP

STP staff inset

Sat 6 May 09.30 LRR Open House Concerts 12.00 Week 3

Sat 13 May


Sat 20 May

09.30 LRR Open House Concert

12.00 LRR Open House Concert (Jazz)

14.00 LRR Second Study Concert

Week 5 Open House Concert

Sat 27 May

09.30 LRR

12.00 MC Junior Guildhall String Ensemble Informal Concert

12.00 LRR Open House Concert

17.00 MC Junior Guildhall Jazz Concert

Week 6

Week 2

Week 4

LRR Lutine Prize First Round

10.20 JHP

Sat 3 Jun

Music Course make-up lessons

STP half-term

Drama Course normal teaching day

10.00 GS

Music in Higher Education Seminar

14.00 MC

Lutine Prize Final Round

STP Year 4 Assessment Procedure meeting Week 7

Sat 10 Jun

Normal teaching day

09.30 105

Heads of Department & Co-ordinators meeting

09.30 LRR 12.00

Open House Concert

14.20 MC String Chamber Music Concert

15.00 LRR STP Concert

Week 8

Sat 17 Jun

15.20 MC String Chamber Music Concert 17.00


Week 9

Sat 24 Jun

Week 12 String Chamber Music Summer Term ends

09.30 LRR Open House Concert 12.00

Sat 15 Jul

Last day of term – all courses

Music Course & STP make-up lessons

09.00 LRR Wind, Brass & Percussion Chamber Workshop

13.30 JHP STP Year 4 Performance Assessments

09.30 MCA Poetry Showing

14.00 LRR Guitar Concert

12.00 MCA Drama Showing

14.20 MC String Chamber Music Concert

14.00 LRR Vocal Course Concert

15.00 LRR Second Study Concert

15.20 MC String Chamber Music Concert 17.00

16.00 MC Prize Giving Concert – Brass Band, Chamber Choir, Junior Guildhall String Ensemble & Symphony Orchestra

17.00 MH Percussion Ensemble Informal Concert

Sun 25 Jun 10.30- MH 13.30

Brass Band rehearsal

Fri 30 Jun RH 10.30 13.00

Junior Guildhall Brass Band

18.00 MC

Reception for Y13 students leaving Junior Guildhall

Rehearsal Concert

Week 10

Sat 1 Jul LRR Composition Open Day 12

10.20 MH Wind Orchestra Workshop & Informal Concert

10.30 MC

17.00 MC

Chamber Choir Informal Concert Junior Guildhall Public Concert – Junior String Ensemble, Intermediate String Ensemble & Viola Club

Week 11

Sat 8 Jul

09.00 LRR Wind, Brass & Percussion Chamber Workshop

09.00 JHP STP Chamber Music Concert

11.00 JHP STP Leavers’ Concert

12.00 LRR Open House Concert

14.00 LRR Student Recital

17.30 MC Symphony Orchestra Public Concert




Music Course Important Dates 2016/17 Brass Band

Sat 3 Dec

16.00 MH

Public Concert (jointly with other ensembles)

Sun 5 Feb

10.30 MH

Rehearsal for 10 Feb

Rehearsal Public Concert – External

Sat 18 Mar

17.30 MC

Public Concert (jointly with Symphony Orchestra)

Sat 27 May

12.00 MC

Informal Concert

Sat 15 Jul

16.00 MC

Prize Giving Concert (jointly with other ensembles)

Junior & Intermediate String Ensembles & Viola Club

Fri 10 Feb 10.30 RH 13.00 RH

Rehearsal Public Concert – External

Sat 19 Nov

10.30 MC

Junior String Ensemble Informal Concert

Sat 25 Mar

16.00 MC

Public Concert (jointly with other ensembles)

Sat 26 Nov

08.30 MC

Viola Club Open Rehearsal & Informal Concert

Sun 25 Jun

10.30 MH

Rehearsal for 30 June

Sat 26 Nov

09.30 MC

Intermediate String Ensemble Informal Concert

Fri 30 Jun 10.30 RH Rehearsal 13.00 RH Public Concert – External

Sat 4 Mar

10.30 MC

Junior String Ensemble Informal Concert

Sat 18 Mar

08.30 MC

Viola Club Open Rehearsal & Informal Concert

Sat 15 Jul

Sat 18 Mar

09.30 MC

Intermediate String Ensemble Informal Concert

Sat 1 Jul

17.00 MC

Public Concert – Junior String Ensemble, Intermediate String Ensemble & Viola Club

16.00 MC

Prize Giving Concert (jointly with other ensembles)

Brass Ensemble

Sun 19 Mar 10.30 MH

Rehearsal for 22 Mar

Wed 22 Mar 15.00 FS Rehearsal 19.00 FS Public Concert – External


Fri 27 Jan 11.00 CH 13.00 CH

Chamber Choir

Sat 3 Dec

16.00 MH

Public Concert (jointly with other ensembles)

Sat 25 Feb

10.30 MC

Informal Concert

Percussion Ensemble

Sat 3 Dec

16.00 MH

Public Concert (jointly with other ensembles)

Sat 25 Mar

16.00 MC

Public Concert (jointly with other ensembles)

Sat 24 Jun

17.00 MH

Informal Concert

Symphony Orchestra

Fri 24 Mar 11.00 RH Rehearsal 13.00 RH Public Concert – External

Sat 26 Nov

Sat 1 Jul

10.30 MC

Informal Concert

Sat 18 Mar

Sat 15 Jul

16.00 MC

Prize Giving Concert (jointly with other ensembles)

Jazz Ensembles

Public Concert – Big Band (jointly with other ensembles)

Sat 4 Feb

17.00 MC

Informal Concert

Sat 25 Mar

16.00 MC

Public Concert– Big Band (jointly with other ensembles)

Sat 27 May

Public Concert

Sat 3 Dec

16.00 MH

17.00 MC

Junior Guildhall String Ensemble

Fri 18 Nov

16.00 FS

Open Rehearsal

19.15 FS

Public Concert

Sat 26 Nov

17.30 MC

Public Concert (jointly with Symphony Orchestra)

17.30 MC Public Concert (jointly with Junior Guildhall String Ensemble) 17.30 MC Public Concert (jointly with Junior Guildhall String Ensemble) Sat 8 Jul

17.30 MC

Public Concert

Sat 15 Jul

16.00 MC

Prize Giving Concert (jointly with other ensembles)

Wind Orchestra

Sat 3 Dec

16.00 MH

Public Concert (jointly with other ensembles)

Sat 25 Mar

16.00 MC

Public Concert (jointly with other ensembles)

Sat 1 Jul

10.20 MH

Workshop & Informal Concert


Fri 10 Mar

11.00 CH Rehearsal 13.00 CH Public Concert – External


Vocal Course

Sat 3 Dec

14.00 LRR

Public Concert

Sat 25 Mar

14.00 LRR

Public Concert

Sat 15 Jul

14.00 LRR

Public Concert

Wind, Brass & Percussion Chamber Workshops

Sat 26 Nov

09.00 MH

Internal Workshop

Sat 3 Dec

09.00 LRR

Internal Workshop

Sat 18 Mar

09.00 LRR

Internal Workshop

Sat 25 Mar

09.00 LRR

Internal Workshop

Sat 8 Jul

09.00 LRR

Internal Workshop

Sat 15 Jul

09.00 LRR

Internal Workshop

Student Recitals

Sat 5 Nov

14.00 LRR

Internal Concert

Sat 11 Mar

14.00 LRR

Internal Concert

Sat 8 Jul

14.00 LRR

Internal Concert

Piano Ensemble 18

String Chamber Music

Sat 26 Nov

15.00 LRR

Internal Concert

Sat 12 Nov 14.20 LRR Public Concert 15.20 17.00

Sat 18 Mar

15.00 LRR

Internal Concert

Sat 19 Nov 14.20 MH Public Concert 15.20 17.00 Sat 25 Feb 14.20 MC Public Concert 15.20 17.00


Sat 26 Nov

14.00 LRR Internal Concert

Sat 18 Mar

14.00 LRR

Sat 24 Jun

14.00 LRR Internal Concert

Internal Concert

Second Study

Sat 4 Mar 14.20 MC Public Concert 15.20 17.00

Sat 5 Nov

11.00 LRR Internal Concert

Sat 4 Feb

11.00 LRR Internal Concert

Sat 17 Jun 14.20 MC Public Concert 15.20 17.00

Sat 25 Feb

14.00 LRR Internal Concert

Sat 20 May

14.00 LRR Internal Concert

Sat 24 Jun

15.00 LRR Internal Concert

Sat 24 Jun 14.20 MC Public Concert 15.20 17.00

Percussion Platforms

Sat 5 Nov

16.40 MH Internal Concert

Sat 25 Feb

16.40 MH Internal Concert


Open House Concerts on Saturdays

8 Oct 15 Oct 5 Nov 12 Nov 19 Nov 26 Nov


Drama Performance Dates 2016/17



14 Jan 21 Jan 28 Jan 4 Feb 25 Feb 4 Mar 11 Mar 18 Mar 6 May 20 May 27 May 17 June 24 June 8 Jul



Poetry Showings

Sat 3 Dec

09.30 MCA Internal Performance

Sat 25 Mar

09.30 MCA Internal Performance

Sat 15 Jul

09.30 MCA Internal Performance

Drama Showings

Sat 3 Dec

12.00 MCA Internal Performance

Sat 25 Mar

12.00 MCA Internal Performance

Sat 15 Jul

12.00 MCA Internal Performance

Times as listed in CALENDAR

Staff Meetings

String Training Programme Important Dates 2016/17

Senior Management Team 12.00 on 24 Sep 2016, 7 Jan & 29 Apr 2017


Heads of Department & Co-ordinators

09.30 on 29 Oct 2016, 18 Feb & 10 Jun 2017


Musical Awareness staff

08.30 on 24 Sep 2016


STP Inset


10.00 on 10 Sep 2016, 15.00 on 7 Jan & 29 April 2017

Christmas Event

18.00 on 3 Dec 2016


There are informal concerts held most Saturdays during term time between 11.00 and 11.30 in the John Hosier Practice Annexe. STP Concert

Sat 17 Jun

15.00 LRR

Internal Concert

STP Leavers’ Concert

Sat 8 Jul

11.00 JHP

Internal Concert

STP Chamber Music Concerts

Sat 26 Nov

09.00 JHP

Internal Concert

Sat 18 Mar

09.00 JHP

Internal Concert

Sat 8 Jul

09.00 JHP Internal Concert

Year 4 Performance assessments

Sat 24 Jun

13.30 JHP



Special Events Charlton House Young Artists Award

Thu 27 Oct


First Round

Fri 28 Oct



Open Day

Sat 29 Apr

For students who have been offered a Music Course place for September

09.30 LRR Meeting with prospective new students and parents

Lutine Prize

Sat 13 May Sat 3 Jun


14.00 MC

First Round Final

Music in Higher Education Seminar

Sat 3 Jun

10.00 GS

Composition Projects 22

Sat 1 Jul


Reception for Y13 students leaving Junior Guildhall

Sat 15 Jul

18.00 MC


Composition Open Day

Auditions The main audition period for the Music & Drama Courses is 11 February to 28 April 2017. Online applications are accepted from 5 January with a closing date of 1 March 2017.

Summer Term

Term Dates 2016/17 Music Course 2016/17 Autumn Term

29 Apr

week 1

Teaching week/staff inset

6 May to 27 May

weeks 2-5

Teaching weeks

3 Jun

week 6


10 Jun to 8 Jul

weeks 7-11

Teaching weeks

15 Jul

week 12


17 Sept to 15 Oct

weeks 1-5

Teaching weeks

22 Oct

week 6


29 Oct to 26 Nov

weeks 7-11

Teaching weeks

Drama Course 2016/17

3 Dec

week 12


Please note that there are no half term breaks for the drama course Autumn Term

Spring Term

weeks 1-5

Teaching weeks

11 Feb

week 6


Spring Term

18 Feb to 18 Mar

weeks 7-11

Teaching weeks

7 Jan to 25 Mar

25 Mar

week 12 Make-up/rehearsals/concerts

weeks 1-5

Teaching weeks

3 Jun

week 6

Make-up/Lutine Final/special event

10 Jun to 8 Jul

weeks 7-11

Teaching weeks

29 Apr to 27 May

weeks 1-12

weeks 1-12

Teaching weeks Drama & Poetry Showings on 3 Dec Teaching weeks Drama & Poetry Showings on 25 Mar

Summer Term

Summer Term


17 Sept to 3 Dec

7 Jan to 4 Feb

15 Jul week 12 Make-up/rehearsals/concerts

29 Apr to 15 Jul

weeks 1-12

Autumn Term

Autumn Term

24 Sept to 15 Oct

Induction day for Year 2 students Staff inset

29 Oct to 19 Nov

17 Sept to 15 Oct

weeks 1-5

Teaching weeks

Spring Term

22 Oct

week 6


7 Jan to 4 Feb

29 Oct to 26 Nov

weeks 7-11

Teaching weeks

18 Feb to 4 Mar

3 Dec

week 12


10 Sept

Summer Term Spring Term

29 Apr to 27 May

7 Jan

week 1

Teaching week/staff inset

14 Jan to 4 Feb

weeks 2-5

Teaching weeks

11 Feb

week 6


18 Feb to 18 Mar

weeks 7-11

Teaching weeks

25 Mar

week 12



String Chamber Music 2016/17

17 Sept

String Training Programme 2016/17

Teaching weeks Drama & Poetry Showings on 15 Jul

10 Jun to 24 Jun

Meeting with students & chamber music staff

Proposed Junior Guildhall Term Dates for 2017/18 Autumn Term

16 Sep to 2 Dec

21 Oct is make-up week for Music Course / half term for STP

Spring Term

6 Jan to 24 Mar

10 Feb is make-up week for Music Course / half term for STP

Summer Term

28 Apr to 14 Jul

2 Jun is make-up week for Music Course / half term for STP


Junior Guildhall has made every effort to ensure that the information provided in this Events Guide is accurate at the time of publication. Nevertheless, some information may become outdated or details change. Students will always be informed in writing of changes to important events and all changes will be displayed on the Junior Guildhall noticeboard.

If in doubt please contact the Junior Guildhall office. Telephone: +44 (0)20 7382 7160 junior@gsmd.ac.uk 26


The Guildhall School is provided by the City of London as part of its contribution to the cultural life of London and the nation.

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