Michel Bizet Abu Dhabi 2013
Remerciements et gratitude: Clara Martinez Thedy De Safa
François Gautier
Ambassadrice de la République Dominicaine aux Emirats Arabes Unis
Premier Conseiller Ambassade de France Abu Dhabi
Marion Eynard Marianne De Tolentino
Institut de France Abu Dhabi
Directrice de la Galerie Nationale des Beaux-arts
Richard Beauvais Ahmed Al Yefei
Agent d’Artistes
Inas Amuyo Karen Elizabeth Hart
Director Assistant
Director ART HUB
Eanne Kiram Albelda Elena Ashley Kauffmann Director External Relations
Denis Douveneau Directeur Institut de France Abu Dhabi
Executive Assistant
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Paroles d’un artiste
An artist’s words
Les vibrations qui habitent mes œuvres résident dans le tra-
The vibrations that inhabit works reside in the work of the
vail de la matière étalée au couteau. Jʼai pratiquement aban-
matter spread out by a knife. I have virtually given up using a
donné la brosse et le pinceau car, pour moi, ces instruments
scrubbing brush and a paint brush, for me those instruments
étaient au service de formes observées et identifiables qui
were geared to the service of observed and identifiable
ne mʼintéressent plus. Je recherche la force de la couleur, de
forms that no longer interest me. I am seeking the strength
la matière, du contraste, au fond des valeurs intrinsèques de
of colour, of the material, of contrast, basically the intrinsic
values of art.
Travailler un thème est fondamental, mais il est rare que je
To work on a theme is fundamental, but I do not usually do
le fasse sur le mode narcissique, et plus encore depuis que
it in narcissist mode, and even more so since I have set out
je me suis engagé sur la voie de IʼImpressionnisme abstrait.
upon the path of abstract Impressionism. First of all, it is a
Tout dʼabord cʼest un hommage à la mémoire des peintres
homage paid to the memory of the painters whom I refer to,
auxquels jʼai recours pour réinventer le modèle pictural.
who reinvented the pictorial model.
Jʼai besoin dʼétayer mes vibrations pour qu’elles rentrent en
I have a need to back up my vibrations so that they can en-
résonance avec le regard de Iʼautre, le regard du public… qui
ter in resonance with the eye of the other, the public’s eye…
finalement compte énormément, comme je l’ai constaté à
which finally is enormously important, as I could note it at
Abu Dhabi Art 2013.
Abu Dhabi Art 2013.
Michel Bizet
Michel Bizet
Le regard du public The public’s eye
Michel Bizet, concentrated and preparing a colour.
The artist is beginning a new work at Abu Dhabi Art 2013.
A bright palette and a combination of nuances.
A fascinated public is observing the painter.
A very careful painting process.
A typical gesture, applying a coat of paint.
A beautiful mixture identifies the palette.
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Abu Dhabi Art 2013 Dans l’île de Saadyat et precisément à Manarat Al Saadiyat, Abu Dhabi Art 2013, célébré pour la cinquième fois, est beaucoup plus qu’une art-fair, même si l’évènement réunit plus de 50 galeríes et 400 artistes du monde entier, présentant surtout peintures, dessins, sculptures et photographíes. Tout est une découverte, et la modernité s’impose… Quant aux valeurs de marché, il s’y propose autant des oeuvres aux prix raisonnables comme de valeur millionnaire en dollars, generalement étrangères et contemporaines, et les “marchands” disposaient de bons espaces pour exposer. Cependant il s’agit d’une manifestation beaucoup offrante que le simple commerce, sérieusement organisée par l’Autorité de Tourisme et Culture, avec une vision d’avenir, et, dans ce cadre, abondent des réunions au sommet, comme celle qui concerne le Louvre Abu Dhabi. Certainement, autant que la partie commerciale , d’ailleurs fort réussie, il faut souligner l’aspect éducatif et la préoccupation envers les générations du futur, avec ateliers et activités “jeunes”. Des autobus parcourent la ville, chargés de performances, d’installations, et même d’acteurs. En plus, les sections “New Waves” et “Wings projects” favorisent les talents émergents. S’il y a des oeuvres monumentales, comme la gigantesque accumulation de chaises de Tadashi Kawamata, devenue une installation permanente à l’entrée, il y a aussi une section spéciale de petits formats, “Small is beautiful”. Les performances ont pris une grande importance, présentées en particulier par des artistes nationaux. On y remarque aussi colloques et tables rondes, avec des participants notoires, locaux et étrangers. Les institutions invitées, qui mettent l’art à des fins sociales et de développement, ont leur place… et pas la moindre. Dans cette section en plein air, plusieurs stands attirent l’attention: l’excellente Fondation d’Arts et de Musique d’Abu Dhabi, Art Hub –un centre très spécial d’investigationes et de résidences d’artistes-, l’Institut Français –dont l’artiste invité fut Michel Bizet-, des éditions, des associations humanitaires , d’autres protectrices des traditions et de l’identité culturelle. L’assistence était multitudinaire et variée, adultes, jeunes, enfants, et beaucoup de femmes. On y observe un vif intéret pour les arts plastiques et le design, où s’allient l’identité locale et les courants internationaux M.T.
De jeunes artistes entourent Madame Hoda Al Khamis-Kanoo, fondatrice et directrice de l’importante Abu Dhabi Music & Arts Foundation.
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Abu Dhabi Art 2013 In Saadyat Island and precisely at Manarat Al Saadiyat, Abu Dhabi Art 2013, fifth time edition, is much more than an art-fair, if even the manifestation congregates more than 50 galleries and 400 artists of the whole world, mainly presenting paintings, drawings, sculptures and photographíes. Everything is a discovery, and
the modernity imposes its canons …
Respecting to market values, the offer consists in moderate prices works as others of millions dollars, generally foreign and contemporary, and the “marchands” have large exhibition spaces. Besides it is a much more offering manifestation that the simple commerce, seriously organized by the Authority of Tourism and Culture, with a vision of future, and, in this context, it hosts high level meetings, for instance that one concerning
Abu Dhabi Art 2013 1
A great space for beautiful paintings.
Richard Beauvais, Michel Bizet, and U.S.A. Ambassador Corbin.
Mr. Kanoo, Chairman of the Kanoo Group, Creative Director of the Abu Dhabi Music and Arts Foundation (ADMAF), co-owner of Ghaf Art Gallery with Marianne de Tolentino, Clara Martinez Thedy and Michel Bizet.
Michel Bizet, explaining his painting to visiting ladies.
HH Sheikh Zayed bin Khalifa Al Nahyan with Michel Bizet.
The installation of chairs, a work of Tadashi Kawamata.
Hoda Al Khamis-Kanoo between two young art winners.
The red car is a fantastic art work.
Michel Bizet, receiving an arquitecture student.
the Louvre of Abu Dhabi. Certainly, so important than the commercial part, very successful indeed, we have to underline the educative aspect and the preoccupation toward “tomorrow generations”, with ateliers and activities for young people. Autobus go through the city, with plenty of performances, installations, and even comedians. Then, the sections “New Waves” et “Wings projects” favor emerging talents . If there are monumental works , as the gigantesque accumulation of chairs by Tadashi Kawamata, which became a permanent installation at the entrance. There is too a special section of small formats, “Small is
beautiful”. The performances have taken a great importance, often presented by national artists. Abu Dhabi Art 2013 includes colloquiums and round tables, with well known participants, men and women, local and from abroad. The invited institutions, which use art for social and developing finalities, have their places….and not a minor
one. In that section in open air, several stands particularly attract attention: the excellent Abu Dhabi Music & Arts Foundation of Abu Dhabi, Art Hub –a very special centre of investigation and artists’ residences , the Institut Français –whose invited artist was Michel Bizet-, books editions , humanist associations , others protecting
traditions and cultural identity The assistance was huge and diverse , adults, youth, children , and many women. It could be observed a real interest for plastic arts and design, with an alliance between the local identity and the international trends. M.T.
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Présentant l’exposition... “L’abstraction a été l’une de mes obsessions au coeur de mes
sition personnelle, d’un phénomène d’ouverture se mani-
travaux récents, ainsi que que son pouvoir de communica-
festant sans stridences, mais avec l’énergie et la confiance
tion, de perception, sans signes ni objets identifiables. C’est
qui caractérisent un tempérament affirmé. Il faut aussi que
ainsi que m’est venue la révélation de l’impressionnisme abs-
les oeuvres soient très belles à regarder, et à cet égard pas
trait et de sa force. J’ai alors étudié de grandes oeuvres et , en
de concession non plus, tant dans la richesse des tons et des
dialogant avec leurs coloris, leurs espaces et leurs structures,
nuances que dans la qualité de la surface et de la matière.
jusqu’au moindre détail, j’y ai conduit mes recherches et ma
Nous apprécions la générosité de la pâte que le couteau mo-
peinture.” Bien peu d’artistes ont su définir leurs convictions
dule, marque, incise même parfois, et qu’il nous a démon-
et le passage à l’acte de peindre, comme l’a fait Michel Bizet
trée, en public, à Abou Dhabi Art 2013, dans le stand de
avec les mots que nous venons de citer.
l’Institut Français et voisin d’Art Hub. La passion de peindre
Le parcours de ce français méridional, devenu caribéen et
maintenant séduit par sables et rivages d’un moyen-orient
C’est une matière vivante et mouvante… qui traduit le dy-
paradisiaque, évoque non seulement l’insatiable curiosi-
namisme serein d’un artiste, toujours réceptif, “ouvert” aux
té et la passion que nous lui connaissons, mais encore une
sources d’inspiration, comme nous le constatons mainte-
initiation, permanente et renouvelée, qui se formule, qui
nant. A son retour d’Abou Dhabi, l’impressionnisme abstrait
se déroule en suites et polyptiques, en rétables et études,
de Michel Bizet en porte les traces: nous l’avions noté déjà
acheminés par la découverte intellectuelle et sensible de
lors de son premier voyage. Nous ne nous référons pas à
l’impressionnisme abstrait.
l’orientalisme des peintres romantiques, mais à cette faculté
Cependant, les oeuvres les plus récentes, notamment celles
pérenne de transmettre à l’art des horizons, des espaces, des
que Michel Bizet vient de produire ici, nous montrent à la fois
illuminations, qui vont imprégner les territoires picturaux.
une évolution stylistique, de nouvelles combinaisons chro-
L’impressionnisme abstrait, c’est un ensemble, un engage-
matiques, une expérimentation discrète, que l’on ne peut
ment, une profession de foi, bien au delà d’une ou de plu-
qualifier de remise en cause, encore moins de rupture, sinon
sieurs séries - comme le fut l’impressionnisme d’antan-. La
d’une exploration de sentiments, d’atmosphères, de corres-
peinture de Michel Bizet et ses dernières oeuvres en particu-
pondances… dont l’issue s’exprime sur la toile. Il y a une
lier offrent ainsi le témoignage d’un langage à la fois défini et
spiritualité, un raffinement, une intensité, qui se confirment
infini, que le séjour aux Emirats marque certainement.
à chaque peinture proposée à nos regards. Nous nous trouvons dans le domaine de l’oeuvre ouverte
Marianne de Tolentino
qu’Umberto Eco analysa magistralement, mais, chez Michel
Directrice de la Galerie Nationale des Beaux-arts ADCA / AICA
Bizet, plus qu’en un tableau spécifique, il s’agit d’une dispo-
Santo Domingo Deux peintures exposées à l’Hyatt Capital Gate - Abu Dhabi
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Presenting the exhibition... It is a great pleasure to express some words about the paintings of Michel Bizet, in such a marvelous place and in occasion of the very important celebration , Abu Dhabi Art 2013. My text does not pretend to be a lecture, it will express only a brief consideration about a passionate and true creator, who recovered 15 years ago a vocation that he had interrupted professionally as a painter, but that he always professed as an art lover and follower. First, we would like to remind what Michel Bizet says about his fundamental convictions for his own work . “The abstraction has been one of my obsessions within my recent works, the same as its power of communication, of perception, without identified signs and objects. It is how I had the revelation of the abstract impressionism and its strength. Then I studied masterpieces and, dialoguing with their colors, their spaces and their structures, until the minim detail, I have led my investigations and my painting.” Very few artists know how to define their belief and the act of painting as Michel Bizet did it, and with the precise words that we just quoted. The itinerary of this French citizen, from the south of France, who became Caribbean by his decision, and now is seduced by people and culture, by sands and views of the Emirates paradise, not only evokes the irresistible curiosity and the passion that we appreciate, but something more: an initiation, permanent and renewed, which concretely appears, which is developed through suites, polyptychs and studies, guided by the intellectual and sensible discovery of the abstract impressionism.. Any way, the more recent works, above all these ones that Michel Bizet has produced here, in Abu Dhabi, some of them in front of an amazed assistance, show us, at the same time, a stylistic evolution , new chromatic combinations, a discrete experimentation, that we cannot qualify as a “remise en cause”, even less as a rupture, but an exploration of feelings, atmospheres, correspondences… whose result is expressed on the canvas . There is, a refinement and an intensity, confirmed through every painting proposed to our looks .
We situate ourselves in the field of the “open oeuvre” that the professor, writer and art essayist Umberto Eco analyzed masterly , but , for Michel Bizet, more than in a specific painting, it is a personal disposition, a phenomenon of opening manifested without stridencies, but with the energy, the trust and the truth which characterize an affirmed temperament. At the same time, the pictures have to be very beautiful when you look at them, and concerning that merit there is no concession at all, such in the richness of tonalities and nuances, such as the quality of the texture and materials. We appreciate the generosity of the pigment that the artist’s hand modulates, stamps, even incises sometimes. It is a living and moving substance … which translates the serene dynamism of an artist, always receptive, opened to the sources of inspiration, as we can see now. When he will return from Abu Dhabi, the abstract impressionism of Michel Bizet will carry some marks: we had noted it after his first travels. Here, we are not remembering the “Orientalisme” of the romantic painters, but this eternal capacity for transmitting to the art. horizons, spaces, illuminations, which are going to impregnate the pictorial territories. Finally, the privileged surrounding of a marvelous architecture and precious decoration corresponded to the exhibited artworks. The abstract impressionism and the Suites, it is an ensemble, an engagement, a proof of faith, much more essential and defined that one or several series – as the XIX century impressionism demonstrated it so wonderfully-. So the painting of Michel Bizet and particularly his last works offer the testimony of a language simultaneously defined and infinite , which delight us. Marianne de Tolentino Directrice de la Galerie Nationale des Beaux-arts ADCA / AICA Santo Domingo
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Michel Bizet 3
Exposition Novembre 2013 November 2013 Exhibition Vernissage: Hyatt Capital Gate Abu Dhabi
Marianne de Tolentino presenting Michel Bizet’s paintings.
A partial view of the public.
François Gautier First Councelor French Embassy Abu Dhabi, Marianne de Tolentino, Ahmed Al Yefei, Michel Bizet, Ashwini Kumar General Manager Hyatt Capital Gate.
The main instant of the opening.
Ambassador Clara Martinez Thedy De Safa, Marianne de Tolentino, Ahmed Al Yefei, Art Hub founder, Michel Bizet, the exhibiting artist.
The same personalities with chief manager of the Hyatt Capital Gate.
A gorgeous colour dialogue between the glass lamps and the painting.
Two very special polyptichs.
Other large abstract paintings.
The paintings are untitled 150 x 150 cm, mixed technique on canvas
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150 x 150 cm, mixed technique on canvas
140 x 200 cm, mixed technique on canvas
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Suites of 5 50 x 160 cm, mixed technique on canvas
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60 x 200 cm, mixed technique on canvas
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Suites of 5 60 x 200 cm, mixed technique on canvas
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60 x 200 cm, mixed technique on canvas
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Suites of 5 50 x 160 cm, mixed technique on canvas
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60 x 200 cm, mixed technique on canvas
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Suites of 5 50 x 160 cm, mixed technique on canvas
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60 x 200 cm, mixed technique on canvas
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Suites of 10, 44 x 200 cm, mixed technique on canvas
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60 x 200 cm, mixed technique on canvas
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Suites of 5 50 x 160 cm, mixed technique on canvas
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150 x 150 cm, mixed technique on canvas
200 x 140 cm, mixed technique on canvas
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The first artist community to be established in the United Emirates
Live. Create. Exhibit Focused on emerging and established visual artists from across the world, Abud Dhabi Art Hub serves as
Creation Ateliers Education Residences 1
Visiting students receive explana tions from the executive director, Karen Elizabeth Hart.
An excellent illumination in one exhibition room.
Ahmed Al Yefei, founder and owner of Art Hub.
A specialized workshop at Art Hub.
The museography is always important in the Art Hub exhibitions.
Different formats paintings are exhibited.
College students are observing an installation.
Ahmed Al Yefei, Art Hub owner, Michel Bizet, artist, Denis Douveneau, Director of the Institut Français.
a platform for interaction, between national, regional and international artists. Led by its vision, the Art Hub not only seeks to be embedded within the community, but also regionally. Serving as a platform connecting local, regional and international visual artists, Art Hub is a focal point for ongoing exchange of ideas, trending influences and techniques. Art Hub is undertaking a aggressive roster of arts related activities, events, creative projects and in the near future artistic exchange programs abroad will be in place for the broader community; this in order to bridge the gap between local initiatives
and major governmental and international projects in UAE such as Saadiya Cultural District, art fairs including Abud Dhabi Art, Art Dubai, Sharjah Biennale, etc.
7 On the regional and international scenes Art Hubʼs present and long-term objectives are to nurture and promote Arab artists, to support the innovation of artistic and creative expression in the region by being a catalyst for intercultural dialogue and cross-cultural artistic exchange, and to partake in shaping new artistic trends and landscapes for UAE and the region.. Michel Bizet is an artist in residence at Art Hub.
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Biographie de Michel Bizet Michel Bizet est né à Jallieu, près de la ville de Lyon,
I‘installation, dans un contexte de géométrie sen-
le 26 septembre 1941. Un grand-père maréchal
sible et de transparences, métaphorisant la devise
ferrant, un père vétérinaire, I’enfance rurale, très tôt
fameuse de « LESS IS More » et suscitant I ‘intérêt
une vocation déclarée pour la couleur et la forme,
de la galerie newyorkaise Kalo Jon-King’s Fine Arts.
voilà des données qui profilent déjà la personnalité
L’actualité lui inspire un nouveau projet expéri-
de I’artiste d’aujourd’hui, écologiste, manuel,
mental, »Yes we can ». en 2009, se situe son expo-
humaniste aussi. L’adolescent dessine et peint
sition de peinture, la plus engagée, « Terre-Tierra »,
intensément. La rencontre avec le grand peintre
à la Galerie de I’ Ambassade de France à Saint
Pierre Jacquemon marqua le début d’une longue
Domingue, et I’ exposition « Finisterrae » à Santiago
amitié, et, grâce à lui, le jeune homme se mit à
de Compostela, en Espagne. A Saint Domingue,
étudier les mouvements artistiques et les avant-
Michel Bizet installe sa fresque « Infinito »dans le
garde. Commence alors une existence riche et
lobby de la Tour Veiramar II.
aventureuse, partagée entre l’hôtellerie, le métier
En 2010 se situe son exposition « Impresionismo
d’antiquaire, le milieu de la mode et des célébrités,
Abstracto », dans la Quinta Dominica de Saint-
mais il ne délaissa jamais l’art…
Domingue, en 2011 ses Suites au Palais des Beaux-
Le soleil et la lumière, le paysage et la mer I‘attiraient
arts et en 2012 ses Soleils dans le contexte de la
déjà, et Saint-Tropez, village et villégiature de la
Semaine Française en République Dominicaine. Il
Côte d’ Azur,- il s’y établit par goût et pour affaires-,
commence alors ses contacts avec l´Institut français
fut un long prélude à la découverte de la Républi-
des Emirats et d´Abu Dhabi, et le Centre d´art Art
que Dominicaine en 1995. II trouva une correspon-
Hub ou il entre en résidence comme artiste invité
dance sensorielle et esthétique avec la Méditerranée,
et peint, inspiré par l´environnement et la culture.
et se prit d’affection pour Las Terrenas et ses pla-
En 2013, l´artiste expose dans le cadre d´ Abu Dhabi
ges. Les étapes artistiques s’accélèrent alors. En
Art 2013, peignant alors devant un public conquis…
2008, une belle exposition individuelle, « Oxygen »,
2014 est l´année de grands projets et expositions,
au Musée des Maisons Royales à Saint Domingue
aux Emirats, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, et toujours
fut très bien accueillie.
en collaboration avec l´Institut et Art Hub.
Michel Bizet s’enthousiasma pour la sculpture et
Michel Bizet’s Biography Michel Bizet was born in Jallieu, next to the city to the city
sculpture and installation, in a context of sensible geometry
of Lyon, on September 26, 1941. A blacksmith farrier gran-
and transparencies, making a metaphor of the famous “Less
dfather, a father who was veterinary, a rural childhood, very
is More” and arousing the interest of New York Art Gallery
early, a declared vocation for color and form, these elements
Kalo Jon-King’s Fine ARTS.
already outline the personality of the today’s artist, both
The current event inspires a new experimental project, “Yes
ecologist, manual, and humanist. The adolescent draws and
we can”. In 2009 too, his most engaged paintings exhibition,
paints intensely.
“Tierra”, takes place at the Gallery of the French Embassy in
The meeting with the great painter Pierre Jacquemon will
Santo Domingo. It’s a tribute to tropical nature and its preser-
be the beginning of a long friendship, and, thanks to him,
vation, in a context of reciprocal links with the CDAF (Center
the young man started to study artistic movements and the
of Agricultural and Forest Development). In the same year
vanguards, receiving a strong influence from him. Then, the
took place the exhibition “Finisterrae” in Santiago de Com-
first rupture arises: He destructs his works from his earliest
postela, Spain. Meanwhile, his fresco “Infinito”, composed by
childhood and goes to the capital in 1957. Then, a rich and
10 frames, was displayed in the lobby of Veiramar II Tower in
adventurous existence begins, divided between hotel
Santo Domingo. In 2010 Bizet presents his important exhi-
business, antique dealer profession, the world of fashion
bition “Impresionismo Abstracto” at the Quinta Dominica in
and celebrities, but he will never abandon art….
Santo Domingo.
The sun and light, landscape and sea already attracted him,
In 2011 his 40 “Suites” at the National Gallery of Fine Arts,
and Saint-Tropez, village and holiday place on the French
and in 2012, his acclaimed ¨”Soleils“ during the French Week
Rivera was a long prelude to the discovery of Dominican
of Dominican republic, at the Art Gallery of Altos de Chavon.
Republic in 1995. He will find there a sensorial and esthetical
The artist began to establish contacts with the French Insti-
correspondence with Mediterranean Sea, and then became
tute in the Emirates and particularly Abu Dhabi, and with the
fond of Las Terrenas and its beaches.
art center Art Hub in Abu Dhabi where he was invited as an
He started important tourist projects, and he decided there
artist in residence. 2013 was the year of his exhibition at Abu
his passionate dedication to painting, and to other categories
Dhabi Art 2013, painting in front of a seduced public, and at
of contemporaneous art. Then, the artistic phases speed
the splendorous Hyatt Hotel.
up. In 2008, a beautiful individual exposition, “Oxygen”, at
During 2014 , a lot of projects and exhibitions will be reali-
the Museum of Royal Houses in Santo Domingo, was very
zed by Michel Bizet at the Emirates, Abu Dhabi, Dubai and
well received. Michel Bizet conceived a great enthusiasm for
Sharjah , within the French Institute and the Art Hub center.
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Catalogue credits: Textes:
Conception, coordination, supervision:
Marianne De Tolentino Michel Bizet Art Hub
Marianne de Tolentino
Design and final art: Guillermo Beltre
Traductions: Marianne De Tolentino
Impression: Amigo del Hogar, Santo Domingo, R.D.
Photographies: Clara Martinez Thedy De Safa Richard Beauvais Osama Abed Al Karin Art Hub
Photographic touching up: Guillermo Beltre
Back cover: 150 x 150 cm, mixed technique on canvas
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