guillozine issue 4.5 : artpreneurs - may 2018

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gui l l ozi ne i ssue 4.5 ar t -r ep r eneur s

ar t r epr eneur ?r t i st + ent r ep r eneur as someon e who f al l s un der t he " ART- REPRENEUR" cat egor y , i t hought i t n ecessar y t o hi ghl i ght some l ov el y cr eat or s l ocal t o cape br et on an d some f r om acr oss t he gl obe. i had a f ew quest i on s f or t hi s l ov el y gr oup of ar t - r epr en eur s, t o f i n d out what mak es us so di f f er en t t han bei n g J UST an ar t i st or J UST an en t r epr en eur .

LAST LIGHT CREATIONS jenny hubbert , 25, sydney, nova scot ia

MEDIUM OF CHOICE: t ext ile/ fabric art

HOW ARE YOU AN ENTREPRENEUR? I st art ed selling my art recent ly at market s and on social media.

HOW ARE YOU AN ARTIST? I love exploring t ext ures wit h fabric, yarn, and st ring.

you can find more of jenny's work at @last light creat ions on inst agram or facebook.


lucie blisset t , 22, leeds, england

MEDIUM OF CHOICE: Creat ing feminine concept s using phot ography as my medium.


HOW ARE YOU AN ARTIST? I creat ed t hought provoking, feminine, colourful and delicat e art work.

I'm a new ent repreneur st art ing out my branding as a freelance phot ographer, who works in bot h t he fine art and commercial genre. you can find more of lucie's work at @blisset t phot ography on inst agram and at blisset t phot

allison barr, 19, port land, oregon

MEDIUM OF CHOICE: digit al and film phot ography

HOW ARE YOU AN ARTIST? Art is how I live daily. I const ant ly feel t he need t o creat e, and feel empt y when I don't . I'm const ant ly dreaming and desiring t o t ranslat e what 's in my head t o somet hing t angible.

HOW ARE YOU AN ENTREPRENEUR? I am pursuing myself and my art as a business. I go out of my way t o connect wit h people in which our niches can benefit each ot her. I const ant ly make effort s t o go t o film fest ivals and lect ures t o net work wit h pot ent ial coworkers.

you can find more of allison's work at @alliisonder on inst agram and her websit e

nicole silva 15 houst on, t exas

MEDIUM OF CHOICE: Infusing my writ ing wit h some graphic designing skills, I creat e pleasing visuals

HOW ARE YOU AN ARTIST? I would consider myself an art ist simply because i always i find t he creat ive side t o most everyt hing and t end t o apply t hat skill t o myself. Whet her t hat ?s creat ing my own art or finding an innovat ive way t o get up and clean my room, it ?s normally never a dull t ime.

HOW ARE YOU AN ENTREPRENEUR? I wouldn?t consider myself an ent repreneur... yet . I have some plans and i?ll for sure be making moves in t he fut ure but cat ch me doing some lit t le big t hings in t he meant ime ;) you can find more of nicole's work at @dwellonit on inst agram

karina geddes, 27, covent ry, uk

MEDIUM OF CHOICE: print and embroidery

HOW ARE YOU AN ARTIST? I live in my sket chbook, when I am out and about all I want t o do is st op and draw.

HOW ARE YOU AN ENTREPRENEUR? I am in t he process of creat ing a range of st ickers, print s and zines about women in folklore and fairyt ales.

you can find more of karina's work at @karinaismsillust rat ion on inst agram and at

lex maxine, 18, sydney, nova scot ia

MEDIUM OF CHOICE: digit al art and some t radit ional sket ching

HOW ARE YOU AN ARTIST? Creat ing art is my life and my out let . It 's how I show my appreciat ion for t he world around me and for t he media I consume. It 's also an out let for my imaginat ion, creat ing visual represent at ions of what I see in my mind from nearly not hing. All you really need t o be an art ist is t o creat e, t o look inside yourself and find t hat creat ivit y and focus it on making somet hing new. It 's so disheart ening when art ist s, more specifically older art ist s, don't consider digit al art t o be a valid medium of art . St art ing t o creat e digit al art has act ually improved my t radit ional art as well, helping me t o develop t echniques t hat can be used in bot h mediums.

HOW ARE YOU AN ENTREPRENEUR? As a self- sufficient art ist t hat plans t o make a business off of doing art you would have t o. Creat ing art and selling it is my business and one t hat I'd love t o cont inue int o t he fut ure.

you can find more of lex's work at lexmaxine.t

gemma lawrence, 20, bright on, england


HOW ARE YOU AN ARTIST? Through my cont inual development in pract ise as a fine art paint ing st udent

HOW ARE YOU AN ENTREPRENEUR? Const ant ly searching for new vent ures!

you can find more of gemma's work at @gemmalawart on inst agram and at gemmaannlawrence.wixsit gemmalawrence

deema alawa, 17, bost on, MA

MEDIUM OF CHOICE: Art is an ext remely versat ile plat form, so as a Gen Z creat or I t ry t o cover t opics such as ident it y, race, and t he media's influence in t he most st raight forward way possibleillust rat ion. As a visual art ist , I work in bot h t radit ional and non- t radit ional media.

HOW ARE YOU AN ARTIST? Art is such a versat ile t erm, it 's almost int angible t o be called an art ist regardless of what you do. To me, being an art ist is t he act of creat ing init self, regardless of t he finished product .

you can find more of deema's work at @deemaalawaofficial on inst agram

HOW ARE YOU AN ENTREPRENEUR? As a Gen Z creat or working in mult iple media companies, I found it ext remely difficult t o find Gen Zs like myself on t he t op of t he 'hierarchical ladder' in business. It ;s as t hough a specific age must be checked off t he list before you can st art your own business, or grasp t hat promot ion wit hout feeling out of place- somet hing which I frankly find ridiculous in a cont inuously evolving world. I t ook on an ent repreneural role at 16 when, aft er st ruggling wit h t he limit ed seat s Gen Z and yout h creat ors were offered at t he t able, I st art ed MATERIALISTIC MAGAZINE which is an online plat form aimed at *finally* giving Gen Zs a role at t he round t able

krist yn kinsel, 37, hurt , VA

MEDIUM OF CHOICE: Illust rat ions, comics, wat ercolor


HOW ARE YOU AN ENTREPRENEUR? Const ant hust le t o market my art and t ry new t hings, mainly so I can quit my day job. you can find more of krist yn's work at @kryscolour on t wit t er or kryscolour.wixsit kryscolour/ port folio

chris sout hwell, 18, glace bay, nova scot ia

MEDIUM OF CHOICE: Phot ography

you can find more of chris' work at @chrissout hwellproduct ions on inst agram or chrissout hwellproduct

HOW ARE YOU AN ARTIST? I t hink if you creat e art you're an art ist , is somet hing I've been doing for as long as I can remember. I was drawing from a young age. My family also had a camera, I always want ed t o use it . I event ually went from a kid who loved t o play wit h a camera t o it being my passion. I may have professional equipment and bet t er knowledge now. But deep down, I'm st ill just a lit t le kid wit h a love of t aking phot os.

HOW ARE YOU AN ENTREPRENEUR? Over t he last year I have made my passion of phot ography int o a business. I have a decent amount of client èle and have made revue as a result of paid shoot s. I've finally come int o t he ent repreneurial world. Though not easy, I have creat ed and am growing my brand. It 's amazing t o say I'm an ent repreneur, but t his is only t he beginning.

wanna get in touch? gui l l ozi ne.weebl y .com gui l l ozi n3@gmai l .com advert ising and promot ion opport unit ies available

@gui l l ozi ne @gui l l ozi ne

gui l l ozi ne made by geecomi cs geecomi cs.weebl y .com

t eenmade i n cape br et on, nov a scot i a

gui l l oz i ne 2018

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