issue 8: women in music - march 2019

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Submi s s i onbyJ os eSe i ga r ht t p: / / s e i ga r . wor dpr e s s . c om/

" I twoul dbeni c et os a yt ha tIpl a nne da l loft hi s , t ha tt hi swa se xa c t l ywha tI ' dpl a nne d,buti twa sj us t oneoft hos et hi ngst ha tha ppe ne d"-Wa ndaJ a c ks on.

Chel s eaWol f e-16Ps y c he AngelOl s en-Whi t eFi r e s ugges t edby@ev an_bonar _ Al t er l i f e-Ri naSa wa y ama s ugges t edby@s t opmaki ngf unof mej enni f er

FunnelofLov e-WandaJ ac ks on s ugges t edby@j s ei g ar

St abl er-ThePr et t i ot s s ugges t edby@s hannai dk

Gi r l sGetAngr yToo-GI RLI s ugges t edby@pr et t i npunkk

HotMes s-GI RLI s ugges t edby@c r a y ol a. dad

WeAr eFi ne-Shar onVanEt t en s ugges t edby@euanwi t hau

Seas hor e-TheRegr et es s ugges t edby@_ vi c t or i ac ha pman

TheOpener-CampCope s ugges t edby@al l ypar s ons t at t oos

NotaPr et t yGi r l-AniDi f r anc o s ugges t edby@t hat kevi nmyt h

wowz a!gui l l oz i ne’ sl egi tfir s ti nt er vi ew! I NTERVI EW WI THTAYLORBLACKWELLOFTHETENTH Wow!Iwasl uc ky enought os c or eani nt er vi ew wi t hTa y l orBl ac kwel l( or ange hai r ! )f r om t heband,TheTent h ( an“ L. A. bubbl egum punk band) .Ta y l ori st hegui t ar i s t andv oc al i s t si nt heband.I tal s o f eat ur esHar l eyQui nnSmi t h ( r edhai r )onbas s / v oc al s ,Kel l y Cr uz( bl uehai r )ondr ums ,and EdenHai n( pi nkhai r )ongui t ar .

SOURCE:t het ent hband. bandc amp. c om/ Gui l l oz i ne: What ’ st hedi ffer encebet weenmaki nganEPand maki nganal bum?Wasonehar dert hant heot her ? Ta y l or :I t ’ snotawhol el otdi ffer ent !Anal bum i sal ar gert i me c ommi t menti nt hes t udi o,butt hea ppr oac hi saboutt hes ame . Wi t ht heEPwewer enewt ot her ec or di ngexper i enc e .Ther e wasal ear ni ngc ur v e .Whi c hwasal s oexc i t i ng-awhol enew “ Dunes ”a v ai l abl enow! l dandl i ngot os i nkourt eet hi nt o!TheEPandal bum t ook wor hour sandhour sofwor k,butwer ebot hi nc r edi bl yj oy ousexper i enc es . G: Whatwer eyouri nfluenceswhenwr i t i ngt hi snewr ecor d? T: Ooh,s omanyi nfluenc es !Att hef or ef r ontwer eHol eandSl eat erKi nney .Har l eywasi ns pi r edby TheBr eeder s .Iwasdi vi ngi nt ot heXRa ySpex,Ri c har dHel l ,t heBuz z c oc ks ,andmanyot her s .We bot hwer el i s t eni ngt oal otofEc ho&TheBunnymen,J oyDi vi s i on,andNewOr dert onameaf ew. Har l eyandIl ov es har i ngs ongswi t heac hot her . G:Favor i t el i ne( s )you’ vewr i t t enont henewal bum? T:I ’ mr eal l ypr oudofHymnsandHi er ogl yphs .Myf a v or i t el i nei nt heal bum i spr obabl y“ s hewr ot e f uc ky oui nhi er ogl yphs ! ”Ial s ol i ket hatwement i onMar g ar etKeaneandt heGuer i l l aGi r l si nour s ong“ IWi l lNotMakeAnyBor i ngAr t . ”Har l eywr ot es omebeaut i f ull yr i c swi t h“ Goodby eChel s ea ”“ I ’ l lr es ur r ec ty oui fy ouwantme . ”Thatgi v esmec hi l l s !

G: Whatadvi cewoul dyougi vet ogi r l st hatwantt os t ar taband? T:Myadvi c ewoul dbe ,j us ts t ar tone!Makei tha ppen! Youdon’ tha v et obet hemos tbr i l l i antmus i c i an, j us tgi v ei ty oural l .Iha v egr ownal otasagui t arpl a y er ,s i nger ,andwr i t ers i nc et hebandbeg an. I fy ouknowaf ewc hor dsandc anobs er v et hewor l dar oundy ou,y ou’ r egoodt ogo.Bei nga mus i c i ani sma gi c al . G: What ’ st hewr i t i ngpr oces sl i kef oryougal s ?I si tl yr i csandt henmus i cort heot herwayar ound? T:Iwr i t es omel yr i c sands howt hem t oHar l ey ,ands heo enc omesupwi t hamel odyf ort hem.Or vi c ev er s a.O enf r om t her eoneofuswi l lbui l dupont hel yr i c sweal r eadyha v e .Ther e’ sal otof di s c us s i onasf araswhatwear et r yi ngt os a ywi t ht hes ong-whatt hes t or yi sabout . G:I fyouhadt opi c k4wor dst odes cr i beyoural bum,whatwoul dt heybe? T:Vi br ant ,nos t al gi c ,bubbl egum,punk!al s o,I ’ ds a y“ c omi ngofa ge . ”Ours ongsar eaboutfindi ng y ourwa y ,gr owt h,figur i ngs hi tout .Iknowt hat ’ smor et hanf ourwor ds . G:Pi c konel yr i corver s et os um upyouguysasaband. T:“ Iwi l lnotmakeanybor i ngar t ! ”Ha. G:Ar et her eanypopcul t ur er ef er encesi nt heal bum t hatpeopl es houl dkeepaneyeoutf or ? T:Ther e’ sal otofr ef er enc esi nouropeni ngt r ac k.Theal bum ar ti t s el fhasal otofs ymbol i s m.I fy ou l ookc l os el yIdr ew“ ForPet eShel l ey”onmyar mi nt heal bum c ov er .Pet e( l eads i ngeroft he Buz z c oc ks )haddi edwhi l ewewer er ec or di ng.Ihadnev ermethi m buthemeantal ott ome ,andI woul dwr i t e“ ForPet eShel l ey”onmywr i s tev er yda yf ort her es tofr ec or di ng.Ic an’ ts peakf or Har l ey ,butIdedi c at emywor kont hi sal bum t ohi m.Ihopehe’ dl i kei t . G:I fyoucoul dpi c koneper s on,deadoral i ve,t ol i s t ent oyoural bum whowoul di tbe? T:If eell i keHar l eywoul ds a yCour t neyLov e .Myans werwoul dpr obabl ybemygr eatgr andmot her Bev er l y .Nev ermetherbutIt hi nks hewoul ddi gi t . G: What ’ si nt hef or es eeabl ef ut ur ef oryougal s ? T:Mor eal bums ! Wear ewr i t i ngourhear t sout !Andhopef ul l yat our ?Wes hal ls ee .Thef ut ur el ooks br i ght .Wear eexc i t ed. y ouc anc hec koutt het ent h’ smus i cony ourf av or i t emus i cs t r eami ngappouront hei rbandc amp! f ol l owt hem at@t het ent hbandoni ns t agr am!

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