Tectonics: Civic Fabrication - 4th Year Architecture Portfolio

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CIVIC FABRICATION | ACTING UP Further Education College of the Performign Arts | Dalmarnock Guiseppe Ferrigno Architectural Design | Tectonics Unit 4 | Alex MacLaren & Fiona McLachlan

MA (Hons) Architecture Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture 2015

‘Architects are Fabricators - in both senses of the term. In the sense of those who make things and make up things. All Architects make real the imaginary, make up imaginary world in order that they can be constructed, that they fabricate reality - with intent to deceive or conceive?’ M Rakatansky, 2012 For us, ‘tectonics’ requires the careful assembly of site, programme and matter, forming a coherent identity. What makes ‘place’, how do we communicate an idea? Students will be challenged to conceive and articulate civic presence in a depressed context, void of coherent identity. The unit investigates ‘the civic’ as an architectural design challenge. We propose that a sense of place, communicate by architecture, is key to a vibrant, inclusive society.This year, we design for a Further Education College specialising in the performing arts (and associated backstage role), primarily educating 16-24 year-olds to HNC and HND level.


PROLOGUE | CASTING CALL Re-interpreting ‘Town Castle Kr’ by Paul Klee, the regularised patterns of New York were distorted through folding and refraction. This gave rise to tectonic themes of: movement, pattern, distortion, colour, and fold. ACT 1 SCRIPTWRITING | URBAN FUTURES

[pattern], a game of chance [distortion] is used to critique this proposed masterplan. A pedestrian market initiates a bohemian arts culture, this gradually becomes more established; a local gallery, new library, and BBC broadcasting centre emerge as the immediate context. ACT 2 DRAMATISATION | FURTHER EDUCATION COLLEGE

to the river. From this undulating surface the further education college unfolds [fold]. Cross laminated timber panels allow a continuous geometry, creating a monolithic form, and establishing a strong civic presence. This is punctured by large openings, allowing glimpses to the college within. A large central atrium acts as a channel through the building [movement], separating the public and private spaces whilst allowing access through to the gardens beyond.


Town Castle Kr, 1932 Paul Klee

movement pattern distortion colour fold Interpretations of Town Castle Kr 1932 by Paul Klee Folding and refraction were used to create movement and distortions to the regular patterns of New York: creating clashing geometries and diving depth to the original patterns. These have been further abstracted separating colour and line, highlighting form and colour as separate entities. A triangular grid was used to abstract the patterns of New York.. This has been applied to a textiles piece that can be manipulated in three dimensions, creating both a distortion and a physical structure from the pattern. This piece has been cast into plaster creating a moment of its movement frozen in time.


Photos of New York through glass and water Folded Paper experiments

Abstracted patterns of New York Plywood on fabric

Plaster (cast into fabric and plywood)

Plaster cast blocks (varying arrangements)

ACT 1 PERFORMED BY: Bethany Houlihan Carole Shek Guiseppe Ferrigno Lauren Wretham Linshan Fan Rimsha Rehman Stuart Knowles

Dalmarnock was once the center of Glasgow’s rich industrial sector, in the 1960’s a steep decline in the traditional industries led to the abandonment of most of the existing buildings. Former factories and warehouses were either demolished or left to disrepair, resulting in the dispersal of large plots of vacant land; visible damages are evident on the urban fabric as well within the communities. The 2014 Commonwealth Games has kickstarted the redevelopment of the area. Clyde Gatweay has initiated this with the refurbishment of the train station, building of a new pedestrian bridge (connecting Dalmarnock to

Challenged with the future masterplanning of the area, we devised a zoning masterplan, focusing on creation of an arts district centered around the further education college. However, traditional master planning can be seen as unrealistic, speculating into the future and ignoring the idiosyncrasies of cities and those who occupy and build them. In response to this we ‘played’ out a scenario to critique our zoning plan. Starting with different scenarios, proposals where made followed by negotiations; our methodology dealt with present ‘chance’.


Glasgow City Centre



DALMARNOCK TRAIN STATION - newly refurbished - 2 stops from Glasgow Central - key travel hub for sporting facilities nearby such as Chris Hoy Velodrome and Celtic Park - heavy use expected on weekends - helps encourage travel to the area

LISTED BUILDING: FORMER WEAVING FACTORY Currently used for a mixture of purposes including a boxing gym



Built for purpose to house over 1,000 police officers and civilian staff and completed in early 2015 An instigator in encouraging development in this area of Dalmarnock, it is likely that supporting commercial facilities will be required and developed

Vacant plots of fenced off level ground currently feels fragmented



Long-established community of show people: Mixture of mobile homes and static caravans

Route 75 of National Cycle Network and ongoing improved riverside path by Clyde Gateway

LISTED BUILDING: FORMER COTTON MILL Currently used for self-sotrage units and a dance studio

SHAWFIELD STADIUM Currently the home of Shawfield Greyhounds Periodic but successful use (Friday and Saturday evenings)

FORMER STRATHCLYDE PUBLIC SCHOOL Visual attractive building currently Dalmarnock Adult Training Centre

NATIONAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Ex-industrial land deemed unsuitable for residential development. Land currently being preapred by Clyde Gateway with the intention of being developed into a National Business District.

PEDESTRIAN ACCESS Most anticipated route across the site

PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE Recent development funded by Clyde Gateway - links Dalmarnock and Shawfield - Shawfiled is now less than a 10 minute walk from Dalmarnock Station


ACCESS Main road on central bus routes


- landscape is sparse and under-developed - many buildings occupy part- or sporadical use for a couple of days a week - potential for weekday and night time occupation - excellent links to city centre - historical precedent of prodution and manufacture - various buildings of historical and visual interest


Alternative site for FE College

Artists Galleries and Studios

Hotel Police Sc o


Civic Avenue

Further Education College

Residential Educational Facilities

Alternative site for Hotel



Conversion of Listed Buildings to Residential Appartment Commercial

River Front Residential Development Commercial



Phase 1 (10 years) Phase 2 (30 years) Phase 3 (50 years) Phase 4 (70 yea책rs)



The Commonwealth Games was hosted by Glasgow in 2014 kick starting the re-development of Dalmarnock and the surrounding area. You are the characters who’s manifestos are described below.

you must request the owners permission to go in business together). Roll the die to determine the scenario card level and draw a corresponding card. Propose an appropriate development for the given scenario.The players then discuss and vote upon the approval or rejection of the proposal. Upon approval roll the die a second time to determine the success level of the proposal. The combined vale of the two rolls of the die determines add to this with your ‘post games legacy fund’ as received at the beginning of the scenario. Move round each player and continue playing until you


Show People

Arts Community

As part of the local community your family have been living in Dalmarnock for more than 50 years. Before the Commonwealth

recently started working in the area. The projects you have been


and enterprises globally. Your company believes in generation of wealth through creative investments and considers that this part of Scotland has a great potential to be developed into a new

your community has remained. The transformation of the area has

would like to see this area restored to its former vitality before

successful commonwealth games held in 2014. With creative sector creating a central hub for the arts in Dalmarnock.Your are currently

into the area. This would help create part time job opportunities for the large proportion of our community that is retired or only tours part of the year.

Dalmarnock allowing you to acknowledge the dynamic between Glasgow city center and Dalmarnock. You also remain a close relationship with local authorities which helps you to understand

and media industry; bringing both people and income to the area. To achieve this goal you are currently funding the local developers

planning on creating more art activities and developments in the You start the scenario with 2 development chips. You start the scenario with 25 development chips.

engagements. In the long term you aim to re-create a more active job opportunities in the arts. You start the scenario with 12 development chips.

South Lanarkshire County Council


You are an elected member of South Lanarkshire County Council

You represent an Urban Regeneration Company that has been

Historic Scotland

Glasgow City Council You are the representative councillor in Glasgow City Council

Government founded in 1991. Your organisation is supported active in the area since the constituency was formed in 1996.You are a public body and aim to answer to the needs of your constituents.

is backed by both private and public investors and is currently

in the regeneration process of Glasgow’s East End whilst engaging

private investors. Your company has previously been responsible

funding. You also receive membership fees and donations through private investors with a passion for the work you do in safeguarding the nation’s build heritage and promoting its understanding and enjoyment. Your organisation have been active in the local area

is to develop a national business district in this area. Your company

and are looking to list two further buildings in the surrounding area.

storage and distribution functions. You are a particular advocate of were active in the procurement of a new pedestrian bridge spanning

training schemes and apprenticeships in traditional and modern trades. Your primary aims are to consolidate and decontaminate

also marks the boarders of your constituency with that of Glasgow

the local population and bring new jobs into the area.

under Glasgow City Council who has been established since 1996. Glasgow City Council’s role to service the public is supported by the Scottish Government as well as national funding and charity organisations. Through the involvement of Building Legacy 2014: Glasgow City Council has successfully reconnected the area improvements such as the footbridge and cycle paths have been made through the collaboration with Clyde Gateway. GCC main

increase engagement with the local community and educate them on the importance of Scottish heritage. Your primary concerns are to see through the preservation of the current listed buildings

the area into a model for sustainable development with a strong green network. GCC recognises the lack of further educational buildings within the area and aims to support a secondary school and further education facilities for the immediate area. GCC also

heritage as the last functioning greyhound racecourse in Scotland

Glasgow as they have added £10.9 billion to the City economy

You have the power of veto over any developments upon the listed


Your start the scenario with 20 development chips.

City Centre to attract new businesses and workforces. You start the scenario with 12 development chips.

Your start the scenario with 15 development chips.

PHASE 1 | 2015-2025

Arts Community

Investor your organisation prospers.

Historic Scotland

Developer 6: Regeneration Capital Grant fund your project. Station Hotel

Glasgow City Council 5: The bank grants your organisation a loan.

South Lanarkshire County Council 6: You win a lottery grant.

Show People

PHASE 2 | 2026-2045

Glasgow City Council 3: You successfully rent out space.

Historic Scotland

facility in the area.

Show People 6: Regeneration Capital Grant fund your project. Development of permanent Market Space.

function usage.

South Lanarkshire County Council 6: Regeneration Capital Grant fund your project. Arts Community

Investor 6: You win a lottery grant.

Historic Scotland

Developer your organisation prospers.

Glasgow City Council

South Lanarkshire County Council increase.

Show People develop an environmentally friendly development using renewable energy sources.

Developer Arts Community 3: Your organisation had a steady quarter. Entertainment Centre to enhance the newly developing Arts District. Investor 3: Planning Permission is granted. Continue as planned.

PHASE 3 | 2046-2065

Glasgow City Council

Arts Community 5: The bank grants your organisation a loan.

Development of small business space facing onto ‘The Market Place’.

Arts Community

Developer 3: Your organisation had a steady quarter. Continuation of Residential Developments at the end of ‘The Market Place’.

Developer Show People

Show People 6: Planning permission is granted. Continue as planned. Planning approved for windmills after a series of delays.


Investor South Lanarkshire County Council Student Accommodation.

South Lanarkshire County Council 6: You win a lottery grant. Scotland.

Historic Scotland Renovation of former Glasgow Cotton Spinning Co Mill to provide art space and

Glasgow City Council

facility in the area. Library with additional gallery space to provide frontage for square.

Historic Scotland 6: Regeneration Capital Grant fund your project.

PHASE 4 | 2066-2085

Show People 6: You win a lottery grant.

Show People go. Rolls a 1. Show People declare bankruptcy and bank forces them to sell off land to Investor.

Arts Community Arts Community facility in the area. Independent Gallery Space.



Investor development.

Historic Scotland

Historic Scotland Heritage Museum.

Developer 3: You successfully rent out space.


Riverside Apartments. South Lanarkshire County Council 4: The bank grants your organisation a loan. South Lanarkshire County Council 5: The bank grants your organisation a loan.

Glasgow City Council 3: Your organisation had a steady quarter. BH Technology Institute.

Glasgow City Council

Alternative site for FE College Hotel

(Developer) 5 storeys Funds: 8 2 2 2

Further Education College (Art Community) 4 storeys Funds: 9 4 2 1

Promenade (Glasgow City Council) Covered with Biomass Funds: 10 3

Alternative site for Hotel

Refurbishment of Shawfields Stadium (Historic Scotland) with a new front entrance Funds: 11 2 2 2 1

Office and Retail Centre (Investor) 5 storeys Funds: 4 4 2 1 1

Demolishing and Decontamination of Area (South Lanarkshire County Council) Funds: 6

PHASE 1 | 2015-2025

Multifunctional Building (Historic Scotland) Renovations & Extension of Former Barrowfield Weaving Mill Funds: 10 2

Permanent Market Space (Local Show People) with Resaurant/Café at the centre Funds: 9 1

Alternative site for FE College Events Venue (Glasgow City Council) Refurbishment of ‘The Vaults’ Funds: 4 2 1

Entertainment Centre (Art Community) 5 storeys Funds: 8 1 1 1

Residential Development with Ground floor Commercial Space Alternative site for Hotel

Shawfield Secondary School (South Lanarkshire County Council) 2-3 storeys Funds: 11 4 1

(Developer) 4-5 storeys Funds: 9 1

Environmental Village (Local Show People) Eco-Friendly Grant for Development of the Caravan Park Funds: 10 1 1

Continuatiuon of Office and Retail District (Investor) 5 storeys Funds: 6 ( 1 for Compensation to the Existing Tenants)

Continuatiuon of Office and Retail District (Investor) 5 storeys Funds: 11 2 1

Riverside Retail Park (South Lanarkshire County Council) 2 storeys on Previously Decontaminated Site Funds: 12

PHASE 2 | 2026-2045

Small Business Space (Glasgow City Centre) Funds: 9 2

Alternative site for FE College

Continuation of Residential Developments (Historic Scotland)

(Developer) 2-3 storeys Funds: 8 1 1 1

Funds: 12

Student Accomodation

Arts District receives Listed Status

Alternative site for Hotel Riverfront Landscaping (Art Community) Funds: 6

(Investor) 5 storeys Funds: 10 1 1

Library with Gallery Space (Glasgow City Council) 4-5 storeys Funds: 9 2

Windmills Shawfield Secondary School Indoor Gym

(Local Show People) Planning Approved after Series of Delays Funds: 7 1

(South Lanarkshire County Council) 2-3 storeys Funds: 11 1

Renovation of Former Cotton Mill (Historic Scotland) Accomodates Art Space and Penthouse Suites Funds: 9 5 1

Rowing Club (South Lanarkshire County Council) 2 storeys Funds: 5

PHASE 3 | 2046-2065

Heritage Museum (Historic Scotland) 1 storey Funds: 7

BH Technology Institute (Glasgow City Centre) 3 storeys Funds: 9

BBC Scotland moves in (Art Community) with development of new Radio Tower Funds: 7 1

Alternative site for Hotel Gallery Space (Art Community) 2-3 storeys Funds: 9

Alternative site for FE College Extension of Station Hotel (Glasgow City Council) 5 and 7 storeys Funds: 7 1

Extension of Residential Developments (Developer) 2 storeys Funds: 4 1 1 1

Vertical Farm (Local Show People) 8 storeys Funds: 10 1 1

Show People Sell off Property (Local Show People) declaration of bankruptcy Funds: Investor purchase the land for 2 7 1

Rehman Institute of Arts & Technology (Investor) 2-3 storeys Funds: 14

Continuation of Shawfield Links Development (South Lanarkshire County Council) 5 storeys Funds: 7 1

R & W Build Store (South Lanarkshire County Council) 2 storeys Funds: 8 2

PHASE 4 | 2066-2085

Riverside Apartments (Developer) 3-4 storeys Funds: 9 2 2



STREET FRONT VIEWS | 11:00 April 2055

ROOF PLAN | 1:1000





3 4 5

7 8






12 14

16 15

ROOF PLAN | 1:500








13 12


1. Pedestrian crossing 2. Main entrance 3. Goods entrance 4. Secondary entrance 5. Terrace 6. Car park 7. Lower ground entrance 8. Creche play space



9. Pathway between main college and learning resource center 10. Learning resource center secondary entrance 11. Learning resource center entrance 12. Learning resource center terrace 13. Seating area 14. Sports space 15. Pedestrian footpath/cycleway 16. Waterfront terrace

Birch faced cross laminated timber White stained oak boarding Bare concrete Corten Steel Redwood boarding Grass








SECTION AA | 1:200


LEVEL -1 | 1:200




LEVEL 00 | 1:200


LEVEL 01 | 1:200

LEVEL 02 | 1:200

LEVEL 03 | 1:200

LEVEL 04 | 1:200

SECTION BB | 1:100 (drawn at 1:20)

SECTION BB | 1:50 (drawn at 1:20)

Prefabricated timber cladding panel Breather membrane Ridged board insulation Vapour barrier Cross laminated timber panel

Perforated acoustic panel

Girded vent opening Insect mesh

SECTION BB | 1:10 Detail

Extruded aluminium window frame Double glazing unit

Prefabricated timber cladding panel Breather membrane Ridged board insulation Vapour barrier Cross laminated timber panel

Steel ‘T’ section (slot and bolted into clt groove + cast into concrete)

Recycled aggregate concrete paving slabs Hardcore

Drainage trench

‘L’ section steel wall plate

Breather membrane Ridged insulation board Vapour barrier Cast in situ reinforced concrete retaining wall

SECTION BB | 1:10 Detail

dimmable LED strip lighting

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