1990's - period 4

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America in the 90s By Hugo Ortega, Daniel Padron, and Cisco Beretta

Table of Contents Education Pg. 3 Fashion Pg. 5 Film In the 90’s Pg. 6 Delicious Food Pg.7 Culture Pg. 9 US in the world Cup Pg. 10 Music in the 90s Pg.12 Way we Lived Pg. 13 Government Politics Pg.15 Law and Justice Pg.17 Foreign Affairs Pg. 18 and 19 Domestic Affairs: Pg. 21 and 22 Review of a book Pg. 24 Keeping up with the Clintons Pg. 25 Game Pg. 26 Citations Pg. 27

Education: by Hugo Ortega

By the 1990’s, education started to improve as there was more technology. By now most classrooms had at least one computer. As schools began to improve, there began to be standards that the schools had to reach. Schools had national standards, which meant that they have to have standards for knowledge in certain subjects. Schools also had standardized tests, which was basically a test to compare students’ knowledge with a larger group of students. In the 1990’s, the first smart board was introduced by SMART Technologies. White boards were also brought into classrooms in the 1990’s to replace blackboards. In 1994, Bill Clinton signed the Improving America’s Schools Act (IASA). In 1998, the Higher Education Act is passed, which required schools to give out report cards. During this era the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed, which said that people with disabilities should not be discriminated at school or at work. In 1994, Bill Clinton passed the Improving America’s School Act which increased funds for bilingual and immigrant education. In conclusion, the 1990’s was an decade in which education improved as new technology was introduced and many acts to improve schools were passed.


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Fashion: by Hugo Ortega The fashion of the 90’s usually consisted of loose-fitting, and colorful clothes. A main outfit for men in the 90’s was a very big t-shirts and very long pants. Both boys and girls usually wore baseball caps, and they usually wore in many different ways. Mullets was a popular haircut back then, and people usually wore turtlenecks under their sweaters. Due to the popularity of hip hop music, clothing worn by hip hop artists became popular. In the mid-90’s industrial and military-styled clothing became popular. These were camouflaged pants and tank-tops. Ironically, most anti-war protestors wore this type of clothing. During the mid-90’s people did not really care about designer clothes, and instead they would wear casual clothing, such as t-shirts and jeans. The reason in which designer clothes weren’t a big thing in the mid-90’s (even though they spent a lot of money on shows and parades), was that designer clothes were way too expensive for the common person to wear. Due to this, people went into simplicity. People would usually buy one or two things and complement it with a store-bought (like Wal-Mart) clothing. Eventually designers had to lower their prices so people would buy their clothings. The fashion in the late-90’s was much more of mergers (two companies merged together) and acquisitions. One very big acquisition was when Louis Vuitton almost purchased Gucci, but Gucci ended up going to Pinault-Printemps-Redoute. Even though mergers and acquisitions were starting to be the main fashion, sport clothing was still the number one choice for people. To make sportswear more lively they decided to make the sportswear more colorful, adding bright, neon, colors. By the end of the decade bright clothes and accessories became very common, and most people were wearing that on the streets.


Film In the 90’s By Daniel Padron In the 90’s, advances in computer generated imagery (CGI) was developed and it enhanced the films that were being produced. WIth this new technology, special effects such as explosions and gunshots could be made with a computer. Many films in the 90’s relied heavily on CGI. For instance, like Steven Spielberg’s (1993) film "Jurassic Park", almost every single dinosaur in that movie was computer generated. Another movie to use CGI was Disney Pixar's film “Toy Story.” This movie was created by using CGI technology only. Joel Silver’s “Matrix” used CGI to slow down bullets and time. In 1999, one film changed the game. “Star Wars” used the latest CGI technology to create a film like no other. It easily became the greatest film of the year due to it’s intense storyline and incredible fighting scenes thanks to CGI.ies.


Delicious Foods: by Cisco Beretta

5 famous foods in the 90s are bubble tape, Jawbreakers, Laffy Taffy, Push Pops, and Lunchables. Bubble Tape- They created these in the 1980s but it became famous in the 1990s. It was 6 feet long of bubblegum and children(it was targeted for them) loved it and it was so common. They are even in sales today. Jawbreakers- These candies, now known as gobstoppers, was a hard candy that was hard to chew. It would take hours and hours waiting for it get smaller. People would go to each gummy bears of how long it would take. Laffy Taffy- Theses candies were created in the 1970s but it actually became popular 20 years later in the 1990s. These candies were delicious and most kids would eat them. They still sell them now but now they are flatter, longer, and a better design to give it a flair. Push Pops- Is a long lasting Lollipop in the 90s. You push the candy up and suck on it. It had a cap on it so you were able to save it for later. These are so good and famous that they even sell it today Lunchables- These were a hit the 90s. These were food already pre-made with usually meat, cheese, and crackers in them. They were so common that adults started using them. After they got their popularity, they started offering hot-dogs, pizza, and burgers.


Hubba bubba

Culture: by Hugo Ortega To start talking about culture in the 90’s, you have to start with art. Art in the 90’s was much more of conservation, while the 80’s was much more about excess. This was because the art-market crashed in 1991, as galleries closed everywhere. Due to the galleries closing, prices on art dropped to 50%, and it wasn’t until 2003 that prices returned back to normal. Art was described through race, sexuality, and multiculturalism, but not as a good thing, since most artwork was usually being debated about. The rise of The World Wide Web (www) had a big influence on art production. Apart from art, the 90’s was a big decade for television. Examples of TV shows from the 90’s are Seinfeld, “The Cosby Show”, “The Tonight Show”, “South Park”, “Family Guy”, “Friends”, “King of the Hill”, “Futurama”, and “The Simpsons”. Shows from the 90’s such as “Seinfeld”, “Friends”, and “Family Guy” are still popular today. Music in the 90’s was also a big thing. The 90’s music culture consisted of a variety of pop, rap, and alternative music. Music culture in the 90’s started with a lot of techno/dance music and hip hop. The rise of many famous artists also began in the 90’s with MC Hammer, Britney Spears, and Pearl Jam being examples of them. Then, comes the films during the 90’s. The 90’s was the decade in which computer generated images were used in films. Famous films such as “Toy Story”, “The Matrix”, “Jurassic Park”, and “Star Wars: The Phantom Menace”, all had computer generated images so they can look more realistic. CGI became important in movies in which certain scenes could not be acted out in real life, such as explosion scenes, and in sci-fi films: lasers, flying objects, and shooting scenes.


US in the World Cup: by Cisco Beretta 1990 World Cup The US after a long 40 years have finally qualified for the world cup. It was thanks to Paul Caligiuri's incredible goal vs Trinidad and Tobago. They were outclassed by their opponents and in the group stage they lost all three games in the stage. They played vs Czechoslovakia, Italy, and Austria. Losing to Czechoslovakia 5-1, Italy 1-0, and Austria 2-1. Germany later went to win the world cup vs Argentina after Andreas Brehme scored a late penalty. This is the squad that the US used in the 1990 world cup in where Murray and Caligiuri where top goal scorers with 1 goal.

1994 World Cup-

For the first time ever, the US held the 1994 World Cup. This event was the most successful FIFA event in its history. They earned double the amount of money that was originally projected. It broke the record by 1 million for most people attending a World Cup. The US for the first time since 1930 were able to pass the group stage and go onto the round of 16 in which they were knocked out by Brazil 1-0. Brazil later on went to beat Italy in a penalty shoot-out 3-2.



Music in the 90s: by Cisco Beretta

Music in the 90s was extremely inspiring at that time. Every week a new inspiring genre would pop up. Now there was a rebirth of creativity and inspiration to the music culture. Electronic music started affecting the music world like when David Bowie would play the drum and bass. Recorded songs had new creativity and ideas were put in place to make listening to music and music itself a whole lot better.

The most popular genre was Hip Hop and Rap. There was also country, electronic and pop did ok. Industrial went mainstream in music. Some famous singers/band that we still here today include MC Hammer, Britney Spears, and the Spice Girls.

MC Hammer sang “Can’t Touch this” which was a huge sensation. It was everywhere. MC Hammer was one of the best singers even before this. He even won best rapper one year. This song is also still sung and heard by people across the world. Britney Spears was a huge sensation. Britney Spears was another huge sensation with all her songs she would sing. Some of her songs are still sung today. Just like MC Hammer, and Britney Spears, the Spice Girls were also a huge sensation. They were one of the best bands in the world for a while.


Way We Lived: by Hugo Ortega

Important trends in the 90’s were involved in music. One of the main genres in music were hip hop. Hip hop influenced the way that people dressed. Many famous rappers were from the 90’s, such as The Notorious B.I.G and 2Pac. They released famous albums, such as Ready to Die and All Eyez on Me

Clothing was a main thing that set the 90’s apart from any other decade. The 90’s was the decade of bright-colored sportswear. This clothing was seen basically everywhere. Also, casual clothing was a trend as people did not wear much of designer clothes as they were too expensive, so people just went for the simple t-shirts and jeans. Gaming also began trending in the 90’s. Video games began to come out, and new companies came out. Examples of these were Gameboy, and Playstation.

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Government/ Politics

The 1992 Presidential election was held on Tuesday, November 3, 1992. There were three major candidates Republican president George H.W Bush, Democratic governor of Arkansas Bill Clinton, and independent Texas businessman Ross Perot. It was won by Bill Clinton but this was predictable due to how much higher his popular vote was than George Bush’s.

There were many factors that changed the election in ways like when Bush lost most of his conservative base by breaking his 1988 campaign pledge against raising taxes. Bill Clinton also during his campaign he stated to revamp health care but it never happened.


Bill Clinton

Law & Justice

Football star Oj Simpson was convicted not guilty for the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman that occurred on the evening of June 12, 1994. In October 3, 1995 he was acquitted of their deaths in a trial which later became known as the Trial of the century. This Trial sparked many racial divisions along the United States mainly Whites and blacks because whites thought he did murder them and blacks thought he did not.

On April 19th, 1995 Veteran Timothy McVeigh drove and parked the car in front of the Murrah Building claiming 168 innocent lives. It raises the question of why would a veteran do such a thing. Did he want to be captured? It was also found that Mcveigh told two of his army buddies Michael Fortier and Terry NIchols in advance so they were also charged with participating in this plot. It also known as the worst act of terrorism ever on american soil until 9/11.


Foreign Affairs

A big foreign affair in the 90s was the gulf war which was when Iraq invaded Kuwait on accusations that Kuwait is stealing iraqi petroleum through slant drilling. In 1991 The Soviet Union crumbled when Yeltsin, president of the Russian republic, started a revolution against Gorbachev, the Secretary of the Communist party which failed but after the 15 separate republics were granted their independence and Yeltsin remained president.

In 1994 the long 45 year war finally came to an end because of the many changes like the fall of the berlin and the dissipation of the soviet union into republics. In 1998 America bombed iraq because an accusation was made that they interfered with United Nations Special Commission inspectors. The U.S bombs Al-Shifa plant in sudan which makes more than 50% of Sudan's medicine and the result is over 20,000 deaths of children for not getting the medicine they need for their curable diseases.

In 1994, The Clinton Administration stated that if efforts to stop North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons program it could be catastrophic. So we gave them two choices to either continue its weapons program and risk going to war, or stop the program and accept economic aid and relations with the US and all of its allies.


Foreign Affairs (cont.) Bill Clinton Created the Doctrine of Enlargement which expanded on the idea of expanding the community of market democracies around the world, free trade, international alliances, and a pact to intervene in world crisis situations when necessary. It was designed to protect basic human and civil rights as a long it was within the power of the United States Early of 1995 the value of the Mexican peso began to decrease rapidly and was the mexican colony was close to collapsing. Clinton believed this would also impact the united states due to our close economic ties. He proposed a plan to help the financial crisis in mexico but congress feared the constituents would not favor to aid mexico with money so they rejected the plan. So Clinton drafted a $20 billion loan package for mexico to restore international confidence


Domestic Affairs: by Cisco Beretta

Bill Clinton. a democratic president,,domestic affairs in the 90s. He wanted to make guns harder to obtain. So he made stricter national firearm laws and regulations. He also introduced the Bradley Bill in 1993 which banned various number of weapons.The economy started to do better with the large business and companies using the internet. It forced people into working hard because you had to be a skill worker and be highly educated. The economy was at a surplus, inflation remained low and unemployment was at 4 percent. He also created the World Trade Center which sadly was later attacked on 9/11. More money was needed and who it was from was important for candidacy. He promised America that they will take on budget deficits and reduce welfare programs. This contract led Republicans to get majority after the 1994 congressional election. The Welfare Reform Bill was put in place and it stated that deep cuts would be take here and that it required every person on the welfare program to find jobs and restricted benefits for all immigrants, for illegal and legal. Bill Clinton also had many problems during his time of presidency. The Lewinsky affair was that Bill Clinton had aexual relationship with Lewinsky while he was married to Hillary Clinton. He then proceeded to lie under oath in the court and he was impeached.


Domestic Affairs (cont.)

G.H.W. Bush was another president from the 90’s. And as every president, he had domestic affairs. To start off, it was the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990. The budget included ways to reduce the deficit by cutting government spending by raising taxes, through this Act. Another act was the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. This Act forbade discrimination based on disability in employment, public accommodations, and transportation. Apart from all the government related acts, came the Clean Air Act, which was made to help the environment. The Clean Air Act focused on three aspects of clean air: reducing urban smog, restraining acid rain, and eliminating industrial production of toxic chemicals. The Semi-Automatic Rifle Ban was a temporary ban on the importation of semi-automatic rifles. The Fair Labor Standards Amendments said that it would raise the minimum wage to $4.25. G.H.W Bush also came up with the New - Anti Drug Law. It provided more than $3 billion for expanded anti-drug programs, including treatment facilities, federal prison expansion, education, and law enforcement. The next act was the Immigration Act of 1990 and it allowed the admission of more than 700,000 immigrants. In conclusion G.H.W Bush was considered a


World Cup USA 94

Review of The Adventures of Captain Underpants The Adventures of Captain Underpants is a book that created in 1997 and was popular but in 2012 it was banned in some places for showing things that look like things from Fifty Shades of Grey. It is about two fourth grades who are always pulling pranks on people, school so like the kids who mess around in school. They also create comic strips in there treehouse where they print it in school and sell it in the playground for 50 cents each. The evil principal hates these kids and he catches them doing a prank to everyone in a football game. No one knew it was them but they would be very mad when they found out. So now the principal makes them work for him all the time. So George and Harold, the main characters, one day hypnotize him and make him into the superhero Captain Underpants. Now he fights the villains and evil genius of where they live. It is still read to this day and now they are making a movie of it.

Recommended for ages 7+ 24

Keeping Up with the Clintons: by Hugo Ortega, credits: Javier Cañedo In this segment of Keeping Up with the Clintons, we are talking about the secret affair between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. It started when she was hired as a White House intern. Then one day, Monica comes out with the statement that she and Bill Clinton had an affair. This was obviously not good for Bill Clinton’s reputation as it led to his impeachment. But before this case could be taken into court, Monica had to have proof of an affair. Lewinsky’s proof was a blue dressed that contained proof of a sexual affair. Even after Monica Lewinsky came out with proof, Bill Clinton gave a speech and said that he did not have an affair with her. The case was taken to court and Bill Clinton was ultimately impeached, but not because of the affair, but because of perjury.





Rosenblatt, Ryan. "The United States' Complete World Cup History." SBNation.com. SBNation.com, 01 July 2014. Web. 24 May 2017. Rosenblatt, Ryan. "The United States' Complete World Cup History." SBNation.com. SBNation.com, 01 July 2014. Web. 24 May 2017. "Big CGI Films of the 90s." Five-O-Rama. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2017. American Educational History Timeline. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2017. Acuna, Kirsten. "How 4 Minutes Of CGI Dinosaurs In 'Jurassic Park' Took A Year To Make."Business Insider. Business Insider, 11 July 2014. Web. 24 May 2017. "The Adventures of Captain Underpants -." Plugged In. N.p., 27 Apr. 2016. Web. 24 May 2017. "1994 FIFA World Cup (USA '94)." 1994 FIFA World Cup (USA '94) - U.S. Soccer. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2017. "Music in the 1990s." RetroWaste. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2017. "Fashion in the 1990s." RetroWaste. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2017. "Bill Clinton's Administration: Foreign and Domestic Affairs." The 90s (US). N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2017. Farago, Jason. "Culture - The '90s: The Decade That Never Ended." BBC. BBC, 05 Feb. 2015. Web. 24 May 2017. The People History -- Steve Pearson. "1990s News, Events, Popular Culture and Prices."What Happened in the 1990s Featuring News, Popular Culture, Prices and Technology. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2017.

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