Gungahlin Smokesignals
August 2008
A community newsletter published bi-monthly by the Gungahlin Community Council Inc Distributed to more than 14,000 homes and businesses in the Gungahlin district
Light Rail An idea whose time has come Artist impression of light rail through the Gungahlin town centre photo Copyright Clinton McRobert 2008
he time is right for a light rail link between Gungahlin and Civic! Jon Stanhope and John Hargreaves regularly trot out the claim that light rail “will cost $1 billion”. And it may well cost that sort of money to install an entire city-wide network. But that doesn’t mean that ACT taxpayers will have to pay for all of it. Or that what we do have to pay for won’t be offset by other savings and increased revenues. Nor does it mean everything has to be in one go. The problem with public transport is that people (and governments) always talk about it as a budget cost item. They never look at the complete picture. Only a complete cost-benefit analysis will reveal all the offset savings and revenues that would spin out of a light rail link. The estimated cost of the Gungahlinto-city line in 2002 was $80 million. Then the head of MBA pointed out that the increased revenue from just one estate would have been $8 million. So some
10% of the rail construction paid for with just one estate! And since then, there’s also been Wells Station, Hillside, Franklin and Forde. So if they’d got serious about it back in 2002, the rail line would likely have been built and paid for by now. If you factor in all of the savings, and throw in spiraling fuel costs (for cars and buses) the sums become compelling... negated/deferred road building costs reduced bus operational costs reduced greenhouse emissions reduced medical costs from accidents increased property sale prices, both residential and commercial increased rates along routes With the upcoming commercial and residential land releases planned in and around the town centre for the next few years, if the ACT Government does not build a rail link, they will be doing themselves out of money - plain and simple.
There’s an election coming up, and sure as eggs there’ll be candidates knocking on your door between now and October. So when they do, ask them for a commitment on a full and comprehensive cost-benefit analysis on a light rail link. At a lunch with Jon Stanhope in July, GCC president Alan Kerlin discussed these issues. The Chief Minister was cool on the concept as usual. But the next day he put out a media release that said: “The ACT Government has listed a light rail system for the ACT as one of the major infrastructure projects it believes worthy of consideration for Commonwealth funding under the $20 billion Building Australia Fund.” Cynics have said it’s an all or nothing bid to make light rail proponents go away. For now we’d like to give Mr Stanhope the benefit of the doubt, and we urge him to pursue a staged approach rather than a ‘baby and the bathwater’ bid, preceded by a full cost-benefit study. GunSmoke 108
August 2008
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Proudly presents
Speaker: Professor Alistair Burns (MBChB, FRCP, FRCPsych, MD, MPhil, DHMSA), Professor of Old Age Psychiatry-University of Manchester an Deputy Dean of Clinical Affairs, School of Medicine, University of Manchester.
Professor Burns’s main research interests include clinical studies in dementia, evaluation of patterns of service provision, particularly in relation to residential and nursing home care, drug treatments of dementia, and the effect of non-cognitive features of dementia on carers.
Time: 2.30pm – 4.00pm Date: Thursday : 18th September 2008
Cost: $25 per person Venue: Hellenic Club BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL: 6255 0722
Palmerston Community Centre Managed by the Gungahlin Community Council To hire the facilities, everything you need to know is on Meeting Room 1 Casual $25.00 p/h Perm $17.50 p/h Meeting Room 2 Casual $15.00 p/h Perm $12.00 p/h Deposit for key is required All users $150 per key
New timeslots available: Sunday morning, weekday mornings, afternoons and evenings
Proudly supporting the Gungahlin community. Gungahlin Lakes Golf and Community Club pays for GunSmoke distribution costs. Page 2
GunSmoke 108
August 2008
From the Editor
Alan Kerlin
Clinton McRobert
Gungahlin Community Council
Gungahlin Community Council
hen I first found out that my former work colleague and President of the Gungahlin Community Council - Alan was looking for additional ‘troops on the ground’ to volunteer their time I jumped at the chance. I’d always gone to Alan at work when I couldn’t figure out how a particular aspect of bureaucracy worked (and so I saw him all the time!) I figured I owed him, but more importantly I had done a bit of a ‘deal’ with him as part of the bargain... For most of my life I have been victim to crippling mental illness, but recently I was given a new diagnosis from the one I had been told to accept for life, and on that day had a major breakthrough. And that is why I am here today, writing my first hello to you. For almost every day when I was living with dread and pain. I got annoyed enough to read about mental health, talk to someone who studied the subject, find a new expert website or support group or try a new self-help approach. My acceptance of Alan’s invitation was never really a ‘deal’ at all, as I realised by the genuine interest shown at the last GCC meeting when I spoke about myself. I had also mentioned that I wanted to start a bi-monthly ‘Gungahlin Health and Social Forum’, where people could have access to health experts, send in questions they had about mental health (for example) and get answers from medical professionals, hear guest speakers from all aspects of community health and more. The response from others on the Council told me that we have people who really care about the community of Gungahlin, not just about its roadways or blocks for sale. A good Council addresses such issues as a matter of course, but luckily for all of us Alan Kerlin won’t settle for a simple neat façade. Indeed as this edition of Gunsmoke indicates to me, with an election looming and change in the air, the chance to engage with and respond to a deepening level of community needs makes my new job as Editor one that keeps me smiling!
s the ACT Government 18 October election day approaches, we are in a critical period for GCC, with the last few years of work laying the foundation for this time. GCC’s constitution requires that our executive members are not election candidates or employed by political parties. But this does not prevent us from being “political” – indeed it is pivotal to our goal of improving conditions in the Gungahlin community. So we will be looking for solid commitments on these issues of from all candidates – both incumbent and aspiring MLAs. These candidates can have no excuse for not understanding our concerns. Our website, and our back issues of this newsletter available on that website, provide candidates with a comprehensive “time capsule” of community information. Candidates have told me they are surprised to find the things they are hearing when out door-knocking are the same things GCC is saying in meetings, in the media, and in GunSmoke. But we’re not surprised – because we make a point of asking you. To that end, we’ll be revisiting our occasional Community Survey, which has given us such a solid grounding in what really matters to local residents and business operators. You can help us ensure that we remain on track with our pursuit of these concerns by getting onto our website and completing the quick online survey. Then come to our Meet the Candidates evening on 8 October and put your issues to the candidates. And if you’d like to play a greater part in the challenging but rewarding task that is GCC, we do need more people and you’d be most welcome!
For more information on Clinton McRobert, see his brief Bio on the GCC website (, and page for more health news and information.
GunSmoke Index
August 2008
Light rail’s time has come .................... 1 GCC News........................................... 3 GCC Reports....................................... 3 NAIDOC Week .................................... 4 SES calling you ................................... 5 Emissions neutrality in 10 years ......... 6 Town Centre vision.............................. 7 Rotary rewards excellence .................. 8 Police Beat .......................................... 9 Home and Garden ............................. 10 Your Say............................................ 11 Health, fitness and beauty........... 12–15 Kids colouring competition................. 16
Disclaimer: GunSmoke is produced with the aim of allowing residents to keep in touch with their local community. It enables people to express views on a range of topics that do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editor, or members of the Gungahlin Community Council Inc.
Next GCC Meetings Next Meetings: 13 August 10 September 8 October Second Wednesday every month except January
GUNGAHLIN COMMUNITY COUNCIL PO Box 260, Gungahlin ACT 2912 President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Editor: Public officer: Web Admin:
Alan Kerlin 0408 771633 Jonathon Reynolds 0418 812281 Nada Pavlak Gaylene Bell Clinton McRobert Kevin Cox 6241 0647 Boni David
president vicepresident secretary treasurer gunsmoke publicofficer webadmin
GunSmoke is published bi-monthly in even numbered months – Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct, Dec Deadline for submission of articles and advertising is 15th of each odd-numbered month. To advertise your business or organisation in GunSmoke, please visit our website. Advertising requirements, costs and booking requests are all available online. GunSmoke 108
August 2008
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Gungahlin NAIDOC Week Celebration By Clinton McRobert – Editor
n Sunday, 13th July, I braved the rather chilly wind and made my way down to the cleared land across the road from Dick Smiths to see a friend. Phillip Yubbagurri-Brown, or as many who listen to local community radio and various cultural events in the area would know him ‘Corroboree Man’ He was there to teach a small but well rugged-up group the art of throwing the Boomerang. The Gungahlin Regional Community Service (G.R.C.S.), in partnership with Phill (a famous Boomerang expert) had put on the event as part of the NAIDOC Week activities across the Nation. Among the gathering was Sisira Govinnage from the Gungahlin Regional Community Service, Ian Bamford, Sandra Bamford, Lydia George and the Labor Candidate for Molonglo, Mike Hettinger. I was fascinated with how Mike would approach the physics of the throw, given his previous career as a Rocket Scientist. I am pleased to say that contemporary rocketry is indeed in good hands if Mike’s results were anything to go by. We all knew very well however that no-one could out-throw Phill! I thought a lot about our Gungahlin NAIDOC afternoon, and of how amazing that ‘tuned’, shaped wood worked with the wind. It seems a pretty simple idea the Boomerang, simple in that it marries the land with man, wood and air with innovation, and respect for nature and the land all together in a moment of harmony.
Keeping warm and learning how to throw the amazing Boomerang with an expert was (from left to right) Clinton McRobert, Ian Bamford, Phill Yubbagurri Brown, Sandra Bamford, Lydia George and Mike Hettinger
To me, these moments form just part of the wonder and beauty Australia’s earliest history, culture and People. I have watched the amazing flight of the Boomerang, and experienced the thrill of throwing my first whilst living for a short time with the Ngaanyatjarra People of Warburton in the Great Sandy Desert. I have many wonderful memories of those days, and with Phillip standing there as we tried hard to match his skilled throws, looking so proud of his rich history and all that NAIDOC Week celebrates, I felt a real joy that I had been part of the group of friends he had shared this day with. NAIDOC ('National Aborigines and
Islanders Day Observance Committee’) celebrates Indigenous culture and the enormous contribution to modern Australia this has given us all. I thought to myself as NAIDOC Week celebrations ended this year that from my understanding, Captain Cook arrived here in Australia in 1788, but it wasn’t until 1802 that the first recorded sighting of a Boomerang being thrown was recorded. It appears its true beauty and purpose had gone unnoticed for many years by the settlers of the time. That fact made this early history of the Boomerang a metaphor worth remembering as we move forward with reconciliation and togetherness.
Birralee Scout Hall HIRE Valley Avenue opposite Burgmann School
Please Contact 0407 372266 Counselling & Therapy Services individual couple family stress anger sex depression grief Caring Confidential Affordable Adrian Adair QMACA Gungahlin 0414 813 461 Page 4
GunSmoke 108
August 2008
SES is calling on us MINISTER for Police and Emergency Services Simon Corbell has called on Canberrans to consider volunteering for the ACT State Emergency Service: Being an SES volunteer can be a very rewarding experience. ACT SES volunteer members often come to the aid of their fellow Canberrans in time of need such as after a storm or flood. You also get to gain a range of new skills and meet a great group of like minded people all having a common goal to give something back to their community. This is a great opportunity for anyone
who has thought about becoming an ACT SES volunteer before but not yet acted. There are seven ACT SES units spread across the city with around 200 volunteer members. The main function of the ACT SES is to undertake planning for and respond to storms and floods. They also assist other services within the ACT Emergency Services Agency during emergencies; and assists the Police and Air Services Australia in search operations. The SES also provides support for community organisations where this assists the training of its staff and
volunteers, and where there is a definite benefit to the community such as traffic marshalling. ACT SES volunteers typically commit three to five hours a week in the attendance at training with additional commitment during operational activity. After attending an information night, new members will undertake an induction program where they will be trained in a number of aspects of SES activities. Volunteers will then be allocated to one of the seven geographical SES units in the ACT.
HAVE you ever thought about volunteering to help the work of the G u n g a h l i n Community Council, but never quite gotten around to making that call? Please pick up the phone. GCC needs some new people on board right now. The most important position we need to fill right now is treasurer. If you are an accountant or bookkeeper with experience with MYOB, please call Alan Kerlin on 0408 771633. You can help us make Gungahlin a better place for us all..
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Emission neutrality within 10 years Tidal drift energy ‘farms’ off Fremantle in WA, or Innamincka’s geothermal power plant innovation are helping us consider an ever-widening range of clean energy alternatives, as regular contributor to GunSmoke and GCC Executive Member Kevin Cox explains: Australia can have zero net greenhouse emissions within ten years. The technology is available, the renewable energy resources are available and the conversion to a low carbon emissions regime will bring an increase in wealth for the whole country. All that is required is
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August 2008
the political will and a movement away from orthodox economic thinking which directs through price rather than investment value. First the energy sources. At different places in Australia hot rocks occur about four kilometres below the earth’s surface. Exploratory oil drilling has exposed numerous places where these rocks occur at relatively shallow depths. The heatretentive properties of hot rocks makes them suitable as the basis for geothermal power plants, and the cracks in the rocks enable us to use water to extract the energy. The town of Innamincka, for example, will have a geothermal power
plant operating by Christmas 2008, providing the township with energy from the first hot rock wells drilled in an area near the Cooper basin gas fields. Just how much energy is there in these hot rocks, and how expensive is it to extract the energy? The area around Innamincka contains 4000 cubic kilometres of hot granite at a temperature of approximately 250 degrees centigrade. The rock is fractured and contains hot water under pressure. To get the energy into a usable form and to cool the rocks requires the drilling of extraction and injection holes. That is, cold water is pumped down one hole and it comes up hot from another. The heat is then extracted and turned into electricity. In the process the water cools before once again being injected into the injection holes (perhaps after being pre-heated with a solar thermal surface facility). Each cubic metre of rock contains about 150 kilowatt hours of energy, of which we can extract approximately 100 kilowatt hours as electricity. Australia consumes the total energy of 15 cubic kilometres of granite each year. As there are at least 4000 cubic kilometres of granite available in the Innamincka hot rock field there is enough energy in this one area alone to supply Australia for 266 years. The next question is how much does it cost? At the moment the largest expense is incurred drilling the holes but this will come down as more experience is gained. The main cost of drilling comes from the interest charge on the capital to buy drills and pipes. It is estimated that to drill the holes and build the power stations required for the nation's energy requirements it would cost a maximum of $600 billion. In reality, it is likely to be lot less than this with economies of scale and further experience. This capital cost equates to about $30,000 for every man woman and child. Spread over ten years it equals $3000 per person per year or about four cents per kilowatt hour. Ignoring the capital costs, the ongoing cost of running a geothermal power station is about one cent per kilowatt hour. This is at least less than half the cost of running fossil fuel power stations. As a geothermal power plant can be designed to run for at least 100 years the long term economic benefit from switching to geothermal sources is considerable. To read more about this ‘Hot’ topic, visit the GCC website at
Town Centrevision
Our I
n June, GCC lodged a comprehensive submission on the concept plan for the Gungahlin Town Centre Planning Study. This is one of the most important planning studies for Gungahlin’s future – a chance to set to rights some past mistakes. It will set the future for whether we end up with a dormitory area or a real employment base. You can read the full submission on our website We see Hibberson Street as a “high friction” shared zone (something like Childers Street at ANU) to deter “through traffic” from the town centre, instead steering this traffic around either the Valley Way or Anthony Rolfe Drive. This would leave the town centre to “destination traffic” and pedestrians, creating the personal scale that was originally envisaged for the town centre. This would also allow some more traffic after hours, ensuring the casual surveillance required by retailers to avoid the social and security problems that plague full pedestrian malls. For accessibility reasons, public transport is the one sort of traffic that should be given unrestricted access to Hibberson Street. The business park area to the east should heavily borrow design hints from Brindabella Park, with setbacks rather than the current built-to-boundary restrictions, and greenspaces in order to ensure a highly attractive office environment. We are concerned that if the existing grid pattern includes eastern extensions of Gribble and Ernest Cavanagh Streets, that this may substantially restrict the potential for an expansive business park to be developed that features broad open space separation between buildings. The town centre is currently typified by large expanses of paving and roadway, with very little green. The space that would otherwise be available for open green space would instead be consumed by more roads, and potentially also remove design flexibility for the business park. The planning study seemed to recommend downgrading significant areas to the north and south from C2 Business Zone to C5 Mixed Use, and this is not supported. There is too little land left in the town centre to create the levels of employment that Gungahlin needs and was promised:
‘There are some key features missing from the town centre – cinemas and pubs. There should be zoning requirements that foster these uses within the town centre retail core. There also should be the opportunity to develop a “day hospital” for Gungahlin within either the C2 or C5 zones. The precinct plan will need careful controls on the C5 zone “Mixed Use” development framing the town centre to prevent more of the Anthony Rolfe Drive kind of 3-storey-townhouse-with-shop effect. This “sausage factory” approach to Mixed Use zones cannot be allowed to encroach further into the town centre.’ There is great potential for off-road cycle ways across reserves such as across Mulanggari Reserve to allow staff and college students from Franklin, Palmerston, Crace and Harrison to access the town centre. These paths could be constructed in such a way as to concentrate impacts rather than allow uncontrolled access and therefore damage, and to provide interpretive information to foster knowledge and awareness of the environmental values of the reserves.
We support strengthening the landscape links, and particularly a linear link to Horse Park drive along Ian Potter Crescent and Cantamessa Ave – but as a green link rather than built form. The open space reserve at the bottom end of the Valley Avenue could also play an important role in this open space network. GCC has been promoting the concept of turning this land into an environmental “learnscape”. This is a semi-natural park that would feature a chain of wetlands, boardwalks, pathways, observation areas and open space. The location of the park central to both Burgmann School and the Gungahlin College would provide an ideal opportunity for those schools to adopt a custodian role for the park, and to use is as a study base for environmental studies, thereby linking into the world-class environmental study courses offered by ANU. The upshot of this is that more of our children may be more likely to attend a local university rather than a live-away situation. by Alan Kerlin – GCC President
Part of the 2008 ACT Territory Plan, showing expansion of the CZ1 Core and CZ2 Business zones that will hopefully lead to major employers relocating to Gungahlin GunSmoke 108
August 2008
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Local Rotary rewards excellence T
ongoing theme is ‘Do it Once, Do it Well, Build a Better Australia. Since its inception, the project has blossomed, not only in Australia, but also in many other countries. Over 7,000 Rotary Clubs now participate in the Pride of Workmanship Awards. Any business wanting to nominate a staff member for a Pride of Workmanship
Award can contact Rob Brew on 0401 473 365. The local Rotary Clubs are open to new members. Meetings are held on Monday evenings at the Canberra Raiders Sports Club in Gungahlin (phone Terry Randall on 0430 058 118) or Tuesday mornings at Café Dalmo in Mitchell (Shirley Williams on 0418 612 656).
he Rotary Club of MitchellGungahlin recently recognised local Mitchell businessman Steve Ujdur with a Pride of Workmanship Award. Steve is the owner of Café Dalmo in Mitchell and hosts the Rotary Club for its Tuesday morning breakfast meetings. Rotary Club President Harry Kraft said ‘Since the Club has been meeting at Café Dalmo, we have been impressed with the level of service Steve and his staff provide to their customers. Nothing appears to be too much trouble, and excellent service is always given with a smile.’ ‘This is the third Pride of Workmanship Award the Club has made to local businesses’ said coordinator Rob Brew. ‘Previously the Club has recognised staff at Starbucks in Gungahlin and Capital Radio in Mitchell.’ The Pride of Workmanship project was introduced in 1976 by the Rotary Club of Pennant Hills, Sydney. The
Café Dalmo owner Steve Ujdur receives the Pride of Workmanship Award from local Rotary Club President Harry Kraft
The GunSmoke is a great Community magazine. Well Done!!
- Peter, Harrison
Phone 6242 7888
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GunSmoke 108
August 2008
GUNGAHLIN COMMUNITY NEWS Gungahlin Uniting Church A place of Christian faith and community for all people Sunday at 9.30am at Ngunnawal Primary School (Unaipon Ave.)
Rev. Mark Faulkner. 62425001
Police Beat Detective Sergeant Bob Muir Gungahlin Station ACT Policing
Over the past few months telephone scams have become more prevalent in our community. In dealing with these types of calls it is imperative that no personal information including credit card details are given to the caller. Once a call has been identified as a telemarketing scam offering rewards that are too good to be true, that call should be terminated immediately. With the population in the Gungahlin area rapidly increasing, the number of vehicles parked in residential areas has increased. This is a timely reminder to
remove all valuables from your vehicles to reduce the possibility of an opportunistic theft. Garages are used to store our vehicles and valuable equipment and in some cases allows access to our homes. Please ensure that garage doors and windows are locked to keep would-be thieves out. A reminder that if you see anything suspicious in your community contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or via the new website: If you require police attendance contact 131 444, or '000' in an emergency.
NEW LIFE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 107 Wanganeen Ave, Ngunnawall Rev Mark Adams 02 6241 3750
SUNDAY: 10.00am Sunday church & Kids Bizz 5.00pm Evening Worship
CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Gold Creek, Holy Spirit Shared Campus Kellaway Street, Nicholls 02 6255 6087 SUNDAY: 10.00am Worship and Children’s Church
GUNGAHLIN COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH Amaroo Primary School Pastor R Perkins 02 6253 8157 SUNDAY: 10.30am Church Service
CANBERRA CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTRE – GUNGAHLIN Harrison School (off Flemington Rd) Cnr. Wimmera & Nullarbor St, Harrison Pastors Sue & Syd Miller 02 6101 6933 SUNDAY: 10.30am Church Service
“No Excuse for GDE Fiasco” Labor came to government in 2001 with an Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Reelection promise to build a four lane road by gional Economics increased only 28% over the period when GDE blew out from $53 2004 within a budget of $53 million. million to $120 million. Seven years on the cost has exploded to $120 million and we only have a single lanes Labor has known for years that traffic will be in each direction to show for it. And the road close to capacity on a mere two lane road. was finished four years late, after even more Government studies published in 2002 people had bought into Gungahlin in expec- warned that “GDE will be busy upon opening, and that widening to four lanes will need tation of a decent road connection. to be considered relatively soon after the opening of the initial construction”. Labor has blamed the blowout in time and cost on the National Capital Authority and on community groups who slowed works in the Labor Ministers have blamed everyone but court. But these planning disputes only ex- themselves for their engineered stuff-up, plain a small portion of the delay and blow- from federal bureaucrats, to environment groups, to the producers of bitumen. out in the cost of the project. It should be remembered that Labor did not sign the first major works contracts until November 2005, one year after the whole project should have been finished. And the second contract wasn’t signed until May 2006, two years after the road was originally scheduled to be finished. Stanhope Labor has blamed the cost increases on the rising cost of labour and bitumen. But road construction and maintenance costs as measured by the federal
I’ve asked Mr Hargreaves in parliament if there is even any forward planning for when the people of Gungahlin might see a twolane extension, to upgrade GDE to a four lane road. His reply was “Right now, Mr Seselja, we just want to build a bloody road. I’m not even thinking of anything beyond that.” Indeed – he never was. Authorised by:
Zed Seselja MLA, Leader of the Canberra Liberals Legislative Assembly, Civic Square GunSmoke 108
August 2008
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WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS Repairs to all mechanical and quartz watches and clocks. Over 40 years experience and all work guaranteed. Malcolm Scott 32 Grampians Street Palmerston ACT 2913 Phone: 02 6242 9636Email:
We look after your pets when you are not available. We come to your home so that your animals are comfortable in their own surroundings. Feeding, watering, oral medication, cuddles and playtime. Walking, yard and kitty litter clean up. Mail, bins and that lived-in look. Personalised packages available on request Enquiries and bookings please call
6242 8269
Email : ABN : 32 976 904 127
Around the Bend Plumbing & Gas Fitting Plumbing Maintenance
Competitive Prices
Licensed ACT & NSW 2006444
Tap Wear Blocked drains Hot Water Systems
CCTV Drain Camera Pipe Locating Toilet Cisterns
Bathroom Reno's Burst Pipes High Pressure Hydro Jetting
All Suburbs – Call Jamie 0412001325 or 62941325 24 HOURS A DAY – 7 DAYS A WEEK Page 10
GunSmoke 108
August 2008
G, but no ‘Spot’ Dear Sir/Madam, There is now an even greater difficulty to park under the "G" during the day to do normal shopping. The reason being is that not only is Immigration using the convenience of covered parking all day, but there are those who park there and then catch the bus to work. Try parking on a Thursday or a Friday. It is almost impossible. My suggestion is that there should be a three hour restriction zone under the "G". Everyone can comfortably do there shopping, have coffee, etc. in that time, before moving on. The Pedestrian Crossings in Hibbertson St are very difficult to see; especially in the wet or dark. These type of crossings were always White and Black, as per the Highway Code. However, possibly in the interest of 'economy', these crossings are dirty light grey concrete blocks and dirty dark grey concrete blocks. I feel that the lighting on these crossings should be of a brighter standard and a warning of the crossings to vehicles approaching. Why not a timed crossing outside the 'Market-Place' crossing? How about this whole shopping area becoming a Pedestrian Mall or at least on a Friday to Sunday basis? As a resident and being involved in many Community activities over the years (and now a pensioner) I feel very strongly about the people and especially the children in our new and beautiful new city. Thank you for reading this and I hope that something can be contributed to our city planning. Regards, Peter GCC Responds: Thanks Peter, traffic lights were planned for the crossing but we got them put on hold while the town centre planning study sees whether the 'pedestrianised' Hibberson St is an option - but it doesn't excuse the crossing being so poorly designed/painted. And we understand Immigration are moving out of the G due to departmental downsizing.
The last issue of GunSmoke was really smoking’!!
“No Stamp Duty for First Home Buyers” “If you qualify for the first home buyer’s grant and you buy a house in the ACT under $500,000 on or after 18 October 2008, you will not pay any Stamp Duty under a Seselja Government. It’s a simple, real solution and fully costed. It’s my guarantee to Canberra Families.” Zed Seselja House/ Apartment Price $300,000
Maximum Stamp Duty Under Labor $9,500
Maximum Under Canberra Liberals $0
“I think that it’s a good idea. I think helping people into the housing market in that way is a great thing.” Tanya Plibersek, Federal Labor Housing Minister “A welcome and sensible initiative that would assist in the housing affordability problems in the ACT” Catherine Carter, ACT Property Council “If this had existed when we bought, we might not have been forced out of town.” Julian & Katarina, Yass
Authorised by Andrew Heath, Liberal Party, 50 Geils Court, Deakin ACT 2600
- Miss Jill,
GunSmoke 108
August 2008
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HEALTH BEAUTY and FITNESS WOMEN often shy away from using weights at the gym, either at the risk of ‘bulking up’ or feeling intimidated to visit the free weights area or tackle an unfamiliar machine. However, for each year that goes by that women don’t work out with weights, they lose a kilo of muscle and gain a kilo of fat. Therefore, just to maintain existing muscle, let alone build additional, it’s essential to incorporate strength training with weights into a gym work-out. Fernwood Women’s Health Club have these key factors to consider the next time you work-out:
Progressive overload of the muscles to increase strength and maintain lean muscle mass, at an intensity just outside our comfort zone. Will I ‘bulk up’? Many women don’t realise that it’s testosterone (the male sex hormone) which plays a major part in muscle growth, making it very difficult for women to gain muscle at all. How does it work? Compound strength training with weights (using more than one joint at a time), ensures the best results in the shortest period of time. Strength training must be progressive, therefore we need to continue to increase the amount of weight we actually lift over
Worth the weight a period of time to get results.
Do weights burn fat? Strength training helps to maintain or increase your muscle mass, in-turn elevating your metabolism and your capacity to burn fat - turning you into a fat-burning machine! Isn’t cardio alone enough? The key component is ‘intensity’ with strength training, as opposed to ‘volume’ with cardio. Cardio work-outs (without the support of a weekly strength-training session), will burn both fat and muscle. However, by reducing your muscle mass it will weaken your bones, and slow your metabolism and body’s ability to burn fat. Is strength training just for young people? If you don’t use it, you lose it!
Strength training is essential to keep your body functioning at its best and is recommended for women of all ages. What are the benefits? Aside from the physical benefits of being toned, strength training can also help to; improve posture, reduce the risk of osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease, increase energy levels, abdominal strength and bone mineral content, whilst strengthening the bones, ligaments and tendons and
reducing the risk of injury.
How often do I need to train? It only takes 30-minutes a week of compound strength training with a personal trainer to get results and keep you feeling young, strong and confident perfect for the average time-poor woman! Remember - your muscles need recovery time between sessions. Depending on the intensity of your strength training session, your muscles will require up to six days for full recovery. How do I get started? Don’t attempt to start strength training without proper advice from a professional who will also tailor a program to your individual needs. Remember, strength training with a personal trainer will help you to stay motivated and ensure you’re using the correct technique, helping to reduce any risk of injury. Fernwood Women’s Health Club is located at Gungahlin, Level 1, Stage 2, the Marketplace, Gungahlin. For further information, please call 62550991. Fernwood Gungahlin have the best fully qualified Personal Trainers on their team and they are waiting to help you shine! Bring this ad and receive 2 free Personal Training Sessions.
FRODITA Natural Therapy
OFFER OF SERVICES Body & Facial Waxing • Facial and Acne Treatments • Treatment Packages • Full Body Massage • Body Exfoliation Pedicures/Paraffin • Make-up (Bridal and Formal) • •(napoleon make-up used)• Bridal Packages • GIFT VOUCHERS 19 Rosanna Street, GUNGAHLIN (off Anthony Rolfe Avenue) BOOK NOW Mobile: 0438 418607 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Complete Beauty Treatments
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GunSmoke 108
August 2008
Sick of rashes, in-growns? Tired of looking older than you feel? Spider veins? Pimples & Redness from waxing? Lines & Creases? Blemishes & Scarring? Be rejuvenated with VPL and get the attention you deserve Amazing results guaranteed. Gungahlin Waterfront local business Tayden Hair and Beauty were recently finalists in the 2008 Precedent Productions Business Awards. “We were excited that our Salon was nominated by so many people in the local area. All of the staff at the Salon were jumping up and down when we received the Finalist Certificate in the post last month.” says owner Julie Okely. “I was nominated in this category last year while working from my home as Hair by Julie, but I was even more excited to see we had qualified as finalists again this year. But this year, since opening in February, we have become a team of seven.” The ACT and South West NSW Business Awards have 24 different categories that range across many different industries.
FIRST TREATMENT* FREE! Only for the first 10 callers. So be quick. Save up to $185. Tayden Hair Gungahlin 6255 7602. *One area only
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August 2008
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Injuries – ice or heat? R
est Typically this has meant
resting the injured body part from activity because movement may cause further damage. However, it is all relative as gentle movement exercises can assist in healing and removal of inflammation (swelling). The diagnosis is important here as moving a fracture will make the injury worse, but gentle range of motion exercises for a ligament injury can speed up the recovery time and result in a stronger ligament at the end of the healing phase.
ce Apply ice directly over the injury
until the part becomes red and numb. The best method for icing is to have ice in your freezer stored in a paper cup and simply peel off the top of the cup to expose the ice. You can then directly apply the ice by moving the cup over the injury. Keep the ice moving and don’t over-ice as you can burn your skin. This is called ice massage and results in obtaining the desired “red and numb” response in 3-5 minutes whereas other methods such as using frozen peas can sometimes take up to 20 minutes. There is also a smaller risk to burning your skin with ice massage. It is recommended to ice the injury 3-4 times per day for the first 3-4 days after injury. Of note, back and neck injuries usually respond better to heat rather than ice as these injuries are usually associated with higher amounts of muscle spasm which tends to be more debilitating than the inflammation and generally responds better to heat.
ompression Apply a firm, elastic
bandage over, above, and below the injury to reduce swelling. Keep the part compressed for 48-72 hours. Release the compression before going to bed.
levation Raise the injured area
above the level of the heart if possible to decrease swelling and pain.
iagnosis If the injury does not
resolve in a few days you may need to consult a physiotherapist to accurately diagnose the injury and discuss management plans. As a general rule, if you let the problem persist it can take up to twice as long to resolve it. The earlier you start your rehabilitation the faster the injury will heal and generally the less the financial cost.
By Craig Honeybrook
Sport and Spinal Physiotherapy, Gungahlin
Gungahlin Marketplace Dental Centre (Woolworths Building - entry next Commonwealth Bank ATMs) Dr Van Trinh (Lady Dentist, Adelaide Uni)
6242 5666
Open 6 Days
C o s m e t i c , Te e t h W h i t e n i n g , A l l G e n er a l D e n t i s t r y Gentle, On time Appointments Str i c t St e r i l i s a t i o n P r o c e d u r e s H i g h D e n t a l S e r v i c e St a n d a r d s M ed ib an k P r iv at e , M B F, H CF P ar tic ip atin g P r o v id er Dir e ct Health Fu nd Reb at e HI CAPS
1st Floor 33 Hibberson St, Gungahlin Marketplace, Gungahlin 2912
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GunSmoke 108
August 2008
SINA Gel Nails A Lady Deserves Beautiful Hands
GUNGAHLIN DENTAL SURGERY Dr Vincent Trai Tran B.D.Sc (Uni Qld) By appointment only
0438 629 197 Available Mon, Tues, Wed & Thur all day Full set of permanent French Gel Nails $70 Infills $45 Plain Pink Gel $40 Coloured Gel $50 French Gel on Toes $50
Infills completed within 40 mins
37 Anthony Rolfe Ave Gungahlin (Across from Police Station)
Hours Mon – Fri 8.00am – 6.00pm Sat 8.00am – Noon
PH (02) 6242 7288 To make an appointment
All work guaranteed Qualified technician with quality products Special Officer $10 discount on your first visit
YMCA of Canberra Would you like to join a low-key exercise program starting soon in Gungahlin for people over 60? The program is fun, safe and effective! No special clothing required. To find out more and to register your interest please contact us at: Ph: 62810124
PALMERSTON MEDICAL CENTRE Palmerston Shops, Tiptree Cres Ph 6242 9464 Dr Prad Southi MBBS (Syd)
Dr Sandy Viketos MBBS (Syd)
Accredited Practising Dietitian Ann Wong (Msc.Diet & Nutr.,APD) Weight - Diabetes - Food Allergies - Nutrition
Dr Michael Gan MB, BS (UNSW) DCH (NZ) D Obst (Otago) FRAC GP
Medicare Bulk Billing on GP’s EPC Referrals
Surgery Hours
Private Health Funds Rebates
Mon – Fri 8.30am – 6.00pm Saturday 8.30am – 11.30am
Spoken English, Mandarin & Cantonese
Phone/Fax: 6255 0779 M: 0474 453 473 66 Windradyne St, Ngunnawal ACT 2913
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August 2008
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Colouring Competition
Kids – colour in this light rail train and drop it in to The G centre management. You could win one of two $30 gift vouchers – one for under 7s and one for 7–15yo!
Fold here for privacy
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GunSmoke 108
August 2008
Phone Number: