G-You's Guide on the Side

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G-You's Guide on the Side An updated guide to the best spots to eat, drink, and have a good time in Glasgow!

Produced by the Libraries Committee Artwork by Charlotte Clarke (Instagram: @CharlotteClarke_Art)

Welcome to Glasgow! Hello Reader! We know how scary moving to a new city can be, especially with the inherent uncertainty of life during the Covid-19 crisis. With this is mind, we have tried to compile a guide to your new life in Glasgow that is as up to date as possible! Glasgow is one of the kindest and most vibrant cities in the UK, and on behalf of the G-You team, we can't wait to help you feel at home here! We put together this guide to help you explore some of our team's favourite spots to eat, drink and have a laugh with your new friends. Everywhere in this guide is chosen by our team and are places we all know and love, with our own photos and opinions designed to give you a real insight into your new life!

Contents: - What We Wish We Knew - The Uni Experience - Student Journalism on Campus - The Brunch Life - Parks and Recreation - Dreamy Days Out - Grocery Tour of Glasgow - Window Shopping - Take Them Out - Dining Out - Just The One... - Going Out Out - Gig Hotspots

Meet The Team

Imogen James: Showcase Editor

Ewan Galbraith: Sports Editor

Fuad Kehinde: Science Editor

Holly Ellis: Current Threads Editor

Duncan Henderson: Politics Editor

Beth Leishman: Lifestyle Editor

Nina Munro: Social Media/PR Coordinator

Jaimie Chow: Graphics/Artwork Coordinator

Olivia Swarthout: Production Officer

Catherine Bouchard: Co Editor-In-Chief

Francisca Matias: Convenor/Editor In Chief

This guide was made by the team at the Libraries Committee within the GUU, pictured above, to accompany our Noise Edition! The illustrations are by Charlotte Clarke (Instagram: @CharlotteClarke_Art). We meet every Wednesday and write articles for the regularly published G-You magazine. You don't need any prior experience to write for us, and can take pitches online from our contributors group on facebook or in person at our meetings! With the warmest of welcomes from the team, we can't wait to meet you all!

What We Wish We Knew Holly Ellis' Best Advice for Freshers

Hello new UofG students! I am sure you think you know everything that there is to know about starting university. There are, however, a few things that you might not need to know but we think you might want to know. We tried to round a few of them up from our friends and readers - now this isn’t everything and there are things you definitely need to learn and find out for yourself. Remember to make the most of these next few years; this is your chance to find out who you are and what you want to achieve.

Beer Bar Secret Menu: - Pint of Fun: 'Ask for a cherry pint of fun with coke instead of lemonade’ - Pint of Fun: 'Swap out the vodka for gin and the lemonade for hooch and you have a gin hooch pint of fun.’ - 'Do not order a massive round without handing over your union membership card to rack up those sweet sweet points.’

GUU: - 'Never go into the last toilet of the gender neutrals with a ‘friend’ you will lose your student cards.’ - 'There is a secret lift between billiards and the rest of the union, as I’m writing this I realise that I can’t even remember where it is.’ - 'Attend as many daft Fridays as you possibly can. Are they worth the price and queues? Maybe not but they are iconic and you can’t finish uni without doing at least one.’ - 'Don’t queue jump into the union. If it ever opens. It’s not worth the ensuing scrap with the bouncers.’ Pictured: Charlotte Clarke's Drawing of the University


The Library:

- 'If you stay in halls your uni gym membership is free

- 'The Library Hill is not for the faint-hearted; maybe

for first year, do NOT do what my

pack a bottle of water and or a protein bar for

flatmate did and spend the whole amount for no

the journey upwards.’


- 'The library cookies and muffins are a TREAT. You

- 'All the sports societies are super welcoming to all

will eat four of these a day.’

levels of ability, even if you can’t play at all -

- 'Head up in the morning if you want a seat. Trying

join a club for the socials, they’ll be happy to have

to get a seat in the afternoon takes some


amount of skill.’

- 'The spin studio (Revolve) in the Stevenson Gym

- 'The GUU Libraries offer a more chill alternative to

(Stevie) offers free classes and is absolutely the one'

the main library and are a nice way to shake up your study space.'

Sanctuary Wednesdays: - 'If you ever find yourself queuing for sanctuary, (rip

Fraser Building:

sports clubs) do not get a stamp for the club

- ‘They charge for the ketchup sachets in the fraser

thinking you will be able to skip the queue when you

building. Bring your own. It’s a scam.’

go back, you’ll just be sent to the back

- ‘The pizza is worth it. This is not a scam.’


- ‘While the bookshop is brilliant for putting together

- 'Also do not get yourself barred from Sanc the

bundles, if you are looking for a cheaper

bouncers NEVER forget a face.’

alternative look online for second-hand copies.’ - ‘The Barclay medical centre at the bottom hands

Uni Halls: - 'Your flatmates aren’t necessarily going to be your

out free condoms. Be safe kiddos.’

best friends, a group of 5+ strangers with no

Sense and Sensibility:

previous relationship to each other isn’t always a

- ‘Please set a budget! SAAS feels big but it doesn’t

recipe for success, if it doesn’t seem like a

go as far as you think it does. The big dent in

good fit put yourself out there and find some more

my overdraft confirms this.’

like-minded people.’

- ‘The advice centre can help you if you need to find

- 'Like the tweet says, it is not the toilets, but the

a job; they’ll send you in the right direction.’

kitchen where you will fight all your first year

- ‘Find a GP surgery within walking distance from


your new accommodation, so you aren’t walking

- 'You will only have one plate and a fork left after

three miles when you get sick.’

the first year, be prepared to buy another set of

- 'Partick Morrisons and Lidl are a life-saver. The

cutlery for the second year.’

pasta and veg is super affordable.’ - ‘If you’re not Scottish, you might not know that they

Unions: - ‘Rivalry between the unions isn’t what it’s made out to be in fresher’s... feel free to join as many as you want.’ - ‘Most of the unions have their own papers,

don’t sell alcohol after 10 in the shops’ - ‘You have four years to be with other students and experience the student lifestyle. You can go to town whenever, get involved with the university, we promise it’s worth it.’

magazines and creative outlets. Join them, they want to hear from you.’

Inclusivity: - 'It is genuinely true that Glasgow is one of the friendliest cities and you have the opportunity to be yourself, reinvent yourself, and do whatever you need to do to be happy. Just be whoever you want and make sure you are having fun whilst you do it.’

Pictured: Merchant City

The Uni Experience Ewan Galbraith's highlights of the clubs and soceities at uni

As potentially the most cross-campus of our editors,

politically inspired evenings. Come for the Yakka

it’s my privilege to introduce you to some of the

and get ready for a wonderfully unique night in the

societies that you can meet around our Union


throughout Freshers’ Week and beyond. The University’s clubs and societies are the heart of

Ents: Friday night in the Union can only mean one

Glasgow’s student experience and it would be an

thing: Open Mic. Perhaps my favourite way to start

impossible task to do justice to every experience

the weekend is to sit back and enjoy the live

they offer their members. For this reason, and for the

performances of the Entertainments committee and

sake of letting our new students explore for

any of the students who choose to drop in for a song

themselves, this list hopes to provide you with a

or two. Often, themed and always a delight, Open

humorous, more holistic overview of some of the

Mic has become a favourite tradition at the Union

most prevalent groups who operate around 32

following the chaos that is Thursday Night Hive. Ents

University Avenue. Pour yourself a pint of fun and get

take the lead on organising some the biggest events

ready for acronyms, activities and a lifetime of

in the Union, ranging from performances in Debates


to collaborative nights with many of our University’s societies and groups - make sure to keep your eyes

We wouldn’t be the Union Magazine without first

peeled for the next GUU and GUEMS Wednesday

highlighting the fantastic work carried out by the

Well takeover. What to watch out for: Ents

Committees right here at the GUU. Getting involved

Committee in partnership with the Glasgow

with Debates, Ents, Games, and Libraries is the best

University Big Band presented Big Band Open Mic,

way to guarantee that your University experience will

an opportunity for Glasgow’s students to channel

be spent bouncing between Beer Bar and Billiards.

their inner Robbie Williams and Amy Winehouse with

Each committees’ dedicated convenor volunteers

full musical accompaniment. Come for the music

their time, passion and energy into providing

and stay for what promises to be an unforgettable

opportunities for the Union’s student members to


experience the best on offer. From performing live to proposing motions, there is a place for everyone

Games: Games Committee love competition, and

at the GUU and we can’t wait to have you.

their events are perhaps the most varied and diverse activities within the Union. From Dodgeball, to Iron

Debates: The GUU prides itself on being one of the

Stomach, Games Com have a little something for

world’s most prestigious debating unions. Inhabiting

everybody, and loves handing out prizes - the most

our very own debating chamber, debates committee

exclusive of which has to be the legendary gold leaf

oversees world class debaters and new-comers alike

adorning the walls and ceiling of beer bar. If you

and is committed to making debating as open and

want to put showcase your studies, Monday night in

accessible as possible. To meet some of the Union’s

the Union is synonymous with Games Com’s Beer Bar

Finest follow them on both the union website and on

Quiz and I would recommend this to any Freshers as

Facebook at Glasgow University Union Debating. For

a fantastic opportunity to get to know your new

an opportunity to travel round the world debating

flatmates better. When it comes to quick thinking

alongside getting to spend time with individuals who

and even quicker pints, Games Com have you

literally have the best chat on campus, Debates

covered. What to watch out for: Iron Stomach is an

Committee is the place for you. What to watch out

incredible experience for all involved. A true

for: The Union’s Parliamentary Debates offer each of

exercise in mind over matter, the competitive eating

the GUU’s members the opportunity to experience

competition brings l huge crowds to witness the

good rhetoric and an even better time in these

consumption of even larger portions. Gold leaf has never been better deserved.

Libraries: Last but not least is our very own Library

Glasgow University Electronic Music Society:

committee. Committed to raising up writers, making

The 2019-2020 academic year saw GUEMS

art accessible, and giving a platform to poets,

takeover the Union’s Grassy Knoll for Freshers’ Week,

Libraries is the place to be when it comes to having

organise fundraisers in our very own Well, and even

your voice heard on campus. Libraries Committee

take their music online with the first ever Hive

are tasked with editing the Union Magazine, G-You,

Livestream. A love of music and performing brings

and can’t wait to meet our incoming class of

their members together, and if you fancy yourself as

contributors. Whether you fancy yourself as an

a wannabe DJ, I can think of no other way than

amateur artist, a fledgling journalist or even hope to

becoming the real thing than with the support of the

review your favourite movie, G-You is the best place

fantastic GUEMS. For one of Lockdown’s best

for you to hone your skills and get stuck in with every

moments check out the GUEMS livestream on the

aspect of the Union Lifestyle. Libraries are

Union Facebook.

additionally tasked with maintaining the impeccable condition of the Bridie and Elliot Libraries, part of

Successful Women At Glasgow: SWAG is a

Union history and an accessible study space and

society which celebrates all Successful Women and

resource available to all our Union members. Keep

non-binary people in their personal and professional

posted for the nights Libraries’ Committee take over

lives. SWAG aims to give the opportunity to

the Union with our events such as Bob Ross and

empower other women through speaker events and

Booze, and our Open Mic Poetry Nights. What to

fundraising. From quizzes in partnership with Games

watch out for: Bob Ross and Booze gives our

Com to their Move 2 Make fund-raising campaign,

students the opportunity to give art a shot in what

SWAG organise social events, and speakers

always promises to be a fantastically social evening.

throughout the year to support and raise awareness

We shall provide the paints and the canvases, all

of all the successes of Glasgow’s successful women

you need to do is bring yourself and your

and non-binary people and beyond. For more

imagination and we can assure you of a fantastic

information find them at SWAG-Successful Women

evening. For more info catch us @gyoumagazine on

At Glasgow on Facebook and @swaglasgow on



Glasgow University Sports Association: I wouldn’t

Glasgow University Student Television: The

be much of a Sports Editor without highlighting the

world’s oldest student television station, GUST

fantastic opportunities and experiences offered by

provides a platform for aspiring journalists, directors

GUSA. With 50+ affiliated sports clubs to train,

and producers to hone their talents and express

compete, and socialise alongside, and the

their passions in news, short films, and features

Stevenson Building Gym catering to fitness fanatics

throughout the academic year. From their fantastic

and gym newbies alike right next to the GUU. For so

Freshers’ Week content through to their filming of

many of our students it is our sports clubs that are at

Fight Night, their online archive boasts 20 years of

the centre of their social lives on campus and with

content and there are many opportunities for

opportunities to participate at every level, there is a

incoming Freshers! For more information check them

place for everyone within GUSA.

out at https://gust.tv and @gustglasgow on Instagram.

Glasgow University Charity Fashion Show: GUCFS is Glasgow’s largest student Fundraiser and last year raised an incredible

£43,047.54 for

Subcity Radio: Subcity is an independent radio station supported by the GUSRC and based out of

Glasgow Women’s Aid. From the models to the

the McIntyre building. Providing a platform for

fantastic committee tasked with organising every

individuals to create their own radio content free

aspect of the year’s fundraisers, GUCFS is a

from editorial constraint and broadcasts online

phenomenal force for good and an evening to be

around the world. The station aims for unique

remembered. Keep your eyes peeled for the Games

content free from commercial restraints with their

Com X GUCFS Beer Bar Quiz and the GUCFS X

"ears to the ground and ... heads in the clouds” and

Open Decks hosted right here in the Union. For

organises training to help their contributors excel.

photos and information regarding the event find

For some of the best music on campus, this is the

them on instagram and facebook @gucfs

place to find it. If you fancy getting involved or just want to take a listen, then find them at https://www.subcity.org/contact.

Student Journalism on Campus Catherine Bouchard's Guide to the Magazines on Campus Writing for a student publication on campus is a great way of getting more involved in uni life, as well as developing your writing skills and meeting new people! To lighten things up and help provide an insight into the different vibes on campus, we've also likened each magazine to a classic Glasgow tinder date (in their words). The best way to join any magazine is attend their meetings or join their contributor group on facebook, and remember, every magazine excels in its own unique way!

G - You: Hopefully by now you know who G-You are! We specialise in down to earth articles on the student lifestyle at uni, and like to showcase society events happening on campus. We also have a great political and science section to explore the current

What they would be like on a tinder date: Probably most likely to text you and affairs around us!

invite you to afters following Hive, this would be a tinder date you would always see about campus. The Old Faithful, always here when you need some Pictured above: The old team at G-You having fun!


Glasgow University Magazine: Founded in 1889, GUM always delivers with stunning visuals and

What they would be like on a tinder date: Hobbies include: long walks on the beach, sunsets

artistic features, as well as personal essays and think

and exposing sexual predators on campus. They

pieces. GUM is also a great source of reviews of

don't accept unsolicited nudes but they do accept

newly opened venues around Glasgow (very jealous

anonymous tips.

of the early invite to Sugo!) Their launch parties are

What they would be like on a tinder date: They would keep checking

Qmunicate: Qmunicate is a magzine published by

if you were enjoying yourself and immediately ask

historic rivals, is almost polar opposites from G-You,

you your pronouns! You'd meet at a gig no one

highlighting the diversity of student life at Glasgow!

knows about, then get a single drink at an edgy bar.

Qmunicate showcases the experience of students at

They might ask if they can kiss you on the forehead

Glasgow and around the world. They also have an

to say goodnight. They'd probably wait a few days

amazing music section with reviews of prestreams of

to text you back, not because they playin', but

new albums and free gig tickets!

because they don't want to make u feel

be like on a tinder date:


edition is anything to go by, they would be a kinky

definitely events you can't miss!

the QMU, and as you would expect from GUU's

What they would

If their annual NSFW

date and definitely into pushing boundaries. Picture

Glasgow Guardian: Definitely known for their

a softboi who is big on eye contact and DMCs.

investigative pieces, GG is the Louis Theroux of student papers on campus. As well as exposing the

Other Players: A lot of charities on campus publish

biggest uni controversies, the Guardian also covers

their own amazing zines, such as SWAG, Glasgow

the news and current affairs, as well as campus life

Students for Choice and Elephant in the Room

What they

such as their student election interviews.

publish their own zines! Students can also publish

would be like on a tinder date:

their own work and often look for art submissions, or

Hobbies include:

long walks on the beach, sunsets and exposing

pieces of writing, such as last year's Blossoms Zine

sexual predators on campus. They don't accept

to fundraise for Glasgow Women's Aid for GUCFS.

unsolicited nudes but they do accept anonymous tips.

The Brunch Life Beth Leishman's Best Cafes and Brunch Spots With the University situated in the heart of Glasgow’s beautiful West End, students are spoiled for choice when it comes to all the nearby brunch spots found on the campus doorstep. So, whether you’re after a mid-week coffee catch-up, a bougie weekend brunch date, or a plain-old hungover fry-up, this guide to the West End’s best Brunch Spot offerings has you covered.

Papercup Coffee: A fond favourite among students and locals alike, this Great Western Road gem is a solid choice for anyone on the search for high quality coffee and a loaded breakfast roll. Although small in size, this cozy café packs a punch and, with its kitchen open from 9:30-4:00, you can be sure to get the most important meal of the day, anytime of the day! They are also great at catering for veggies/vegans gaining Papercup another G-YOU stamp of approval. A wee tip, this place is super popular, especially during term time, and as there is Pictured from top to bottom: French Toast at Left

no table booking service, try going at less popular

Bank, Papercup Coffee

times to avoid disappointment.

Kember & Jones: Nestled at the bottom of Uni

Left Bank: If you’re feeling slightly boujie, pay a visit

Avenue on Byres Road, Kember and Jones is another

down the hill from Uni to Left Bank on Gibson Street.

great brunch location found right on the campus

This is a great choice if you’re wanting to make

doorstep that you have to try. With its daily selection

brunch a more boozy affair (hair of the dog and all

of home-baked goods, beautiful high-ceiling

that) as Left Bank boasts one of the most extensive

interior, and onsite deli, Kember and Jones is the

cocktail menus in the West End. With inventive,

perfect choice for those on the hunt for fresh,

international dishes – I swear by the Lebanese eggs -

artisan produce, all just a stone’s throw away from

and an emphasis on vegan/veggie options, this is a

Uni. The warm Wiltshire ham and Gruyere cheese on

fresh, trendy brunch spot for those wishing to splash

sourdough toast with Dijon – basically a fancy

out a little. A good place to take visiting family

toastie – is a personal fave.

members – especially if they’re paying.

Urban West: Coming in at number three on our

Bank Street: Last but certainly not least on our list

guide to the West End’s best brunch spots, we have

we have Bank Street. This lively student watering

Urban West. With its bright red exterior, this Great

hole is a great choice for those seeking a no-

Western Road café stands out in more ways than

nonsense fry-up the morning after the night before.

one, serving the best pancakes this side of the

If you can, try and grab one of the comfy booths in

Kelvin. As a self-proclaimed Brunch restaurant,

the corner, especially if you’re feeling fragile after a

breakfast items are the order of the day EVERY day

late one in the Union. With its laid-back atmosphere

at Urban West, and with its kitchen open till 4, seven

and affordable prices, Bank Street will make all of

days a week, you have time to sleep off that

your breakfast dreams come true, but all importantly

hangover and still grab one of the best breakfasts in

without busting the bank. Bank Street, we love you.


Parks and Recreation Olivia Swarthout's Top Public Parks and Musuems

House for an Art Lover (£5): Situated within Bellahouston Park, this stunning work of Art Nouveau architecture will make you proud to be a Glaswegian. Whilst conceptualized in 1901 by famed Glasgow architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh, it wasn’t until 1989 that life was breathed into Mackintosh’s design. The exterior, that of a boxy country house, belies the immense beauty within— every room is the result of months of study, design, and careful handcrafting by a team of artists, designers, and builders. Wander through the airy rooms in awe at the grace and precision with which Mackintosh and his wife, Margaret Macdonald, united architecture and the fine arts, creating a building to which artistry is so intrinsic, that it cannot be beheld as individual rooms, nor in photos — the beauty lies in experiencing the House as a whole, from within. Worth a visit year round, in late spring and summer the nearby gardens will be bursting with roses that add to their charm. Now reopened with limited entry numbers (call ahead!) and thorough disinfecting of audio guides in addition to mandatory face coverings and distancing, House for Pictured: The Wellington Church on Uni Avenue

an Art Lover can be experienced safely six days a week.

Kelvin River Walkway (Free): Perhaps you’ve

Bellahouston Park (Free): With Kelvingrove right

strolled along the River Kelvin where it weaves

next door, you may not see any reason to leave the

through the park or past the Botanics, but the route

West End, but a short journey south of the river will

in its entirety extends 17km (10.5 miles) from the north

prove to you that there’s a lot more to see. With 170

bank of the River Clyde up to Milngavie, the southern

acres of land, extensive pathways for walking,

endpoint of the West Highland Way. Setting aside an

numerous monuments and sculptures, a sunken

afternoon to walk just half of it will take you through

garden, papal garden, horseshoe garden, walled

peaceful forests past the Maryhill locks and a

garden, tropical glasshouse, Alice In Wonderland

historic aqueduct and up to the very edge of

style maze and more, Bellahouston Park is a

Glasgow, where you’ll see a familiar face in the

fantastic community space and the perfect place

University’s Garscube sports complex and Veterinary

for a day trip. You can even add on a visit to the

school. The path tends to be rather secluded,

nearby House for an Art Lover for extra culture. Grab

meaning you’ll have the chance to spot herons,

a responsibly-sized group of friends, grab a picnic

kingfishers, foxes, and lots of other wildlife

blanket and some snacks, grab a return subway

accompanied by the sound of rushing water and

ticket, and go discover it for yourself—it’s worth the

birdsong. Catch the 60 bus back to Maryhill Road or

train fare, I promise!

the city centre, if you like, or take your time and stroll back down along the river to the West End.

Your Campus! (Free): The Hunterian Museum,

If that isn't your thing, stay at home and check out

reopening with an advance booking system, is a

gla.ac.uk/asc, the home of the University Archives

must-see for any student at the University, but the

and Special Collections. They’re not offering

chances to soak up some knowledge on campus

appointments yet, but you can browse digitized

extend far beyond that. The Hunterian Gallery near

versions of items in the collections, including original

the library features works by Rembrandt and Rubens

Shakespeare folios, Egyptian papyrus documents,

as well as numerous Scottish artists, and the

and more.

Mackintosh house next door is a reconstruction of the famous artist’s own home. These two remain closed but the University is working towards reopening them when possible. In the meantime, head over to the Graham Kerr Building to see the Zoology museum, replete with animal, plant, coral, and insect specimens. The Wolfson Building's Micro Museum takes just a few minutes to enjoy, sharing the story of James Bouglas, a 19th-century surgeon who worked in the Scottish countryside for decades. Learn about his life and the historic medical procedures, and if that’s not enough to put you off your lunch, go up the hill to the Thomson building

Pictured: Views of the River Kelvin

where the Anatomy museum is housed. You’ll need an appointment for this, and a strong stomach—the collection includes human body parts as well as zebra larynxes, lion spleens, seal kidneys, and everything else you could presumably take out of an animal and put into a jar.

Riverside Museum (Free): Finally reopening August

donation to Glasgow Museums or Glasgow Life—

31, the Riverside Museum is the best way to learn

they provide invaluable services to the community

about the history of our beautiful city. Whether

through the city’s museums, libraries, and sports

you’ve just moved here from abroad or you were

facilities and have been impacted significantly by

born with a can of Bru in your hand, you’re certain to

the virus.

discover some fascinating new facts about your home—did you know Glasgow’s subway system is the

Become the Museum! (Free): Do you ever read old

third-oldest in the world? The museum is packed full

documents and think “wow, they were just like us,”

of artifacts, historical knowledge, archival photos

and then think “maybe someday in the distant future

and footage, and you can even walk down a replica

someone will read something I’ve written and think

Victorian alleyway past shops and pubs to climb

‘wow, she was just like me’”? An initiative by

aboard a historically accurate subway from the turn

Glasgow City Archives is aiming to document the

of the century. The building itself is an iconic part of

experiences of Glaswegians living through

the Glasgow skyline and a beautiful space to walk

Coronavirus by collecting first-hand accounts from

through as you learn about the ever-changing

across the city. All you have to do is take a few

culture and landscape of the city. The Riverside

minutes out of every day to write down some

museum is implementing an online ticketing system

thoughts on paper or digitally. Share your

to ensure that proper hygiene guidelines are

experiences, thoughts, and feelings in whatever

followed, meaning that you’ll need to plan your trip

manner feels most natural to you—there’s no right or

in advance, but you won’t regret taking the time to

wrong thing to write about, it’s the reality of your

go see this gem. Sadly, the museum shop remains

experiences that is valuable. The Archives are not

closed but you can check out their online shop or

accepting diaries right now but will post instructions

consider a small

for sending them in when they do. Check glasgowlife.org.uk for more information about this project and updates for sending diaries.

Pictured from Left to Right: Craft Pottery, Loch Lomond, The Lighthouse

Dreamy Days Out Nina Munro's favourite places to visit in and around Glasgow

The Craft Pottery: I recently had a GORGEOUS

Getting there isn’t too tricky – it’s a 30-minute walk

day out at the Craft Pottery, near Central Station.

from Partick subway, a 50-minute walk from the

Located just off the Clyde on Washington Street, it

main building or a quick uber from your halls.

is such a hidden gem! Ceramics to paint range from

Hyndland also boasts some really nice brunch spots


£7-£17, with a £3 charge to paint added on.

When I went, I painted a really cute little lantern for just

£19 in total. There is SO much choice in terms of

and cafes, meaning you can combine a trip to VP with a great coffee and some top-notch avo on toast!

items to paint, from simple tiles to cute elephant ring holders, teapots and vases! The paints are all

Lighthouse: The Lighthouse, while also being a fab

really nice colours and the staff are so lovely. The

art gallery and conference centre, also has an

place is adorned with a lovely mural and a wall of

amazing view across Glasgow from the top. There is

fairy lights, and there is a choice to sit inside and

even a picture in the building to help you spot

outside. Right now, opening hours are limited to

Glasgow’s most famous landmarks from the

Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays 11-7. Craft

viewpoint. The spot is very accessible as the building

even has the option to BYOB! There is no charge for

features both stairs and a lift, and is situated on

corkage and therefore you can just take your drink

Mitchell Street, just off Buchanan Street, meaning it

and cups along (COVID friendly always) and enjoy a

is super accessible from the centre of town. Have a

boozy paint session! OR, if that isn’t up your street,

look at the right hand picture above to see the view

why not take your keep cup of tea/coffee and have

for yourself, featuring the infamous ‘people make

a lovely wholesome day out!

Glasgow’ sign (it’s true, they do).

Victoria Park: Located in Partick West, Victoria

Mugdock Country Park, Milngavie: Now, Mugdock

Park is a beautiful spot for a walk or picnic on a

is one of my absolute faves for a Sunday walk or

sunny day. Featuring an ice cream van, beautiful

group picnic! The reservoir is huge, and on a good

water reserve, garden and a large patch of grass

day is so reflective it’s as good as your Murano

with plenty of picnic tables and benches, it is truly

bedroom mirror. We loved going here in first year, as


Milngavie is SO close to Murano Street.

The easiest way to get to Mugdock is by car, and

Kibble Palace is a must, with the amazing array of

there is free parking when you get there.

plants leaving you (or at least me) with a desire to

Alternatively, though it’s a 45-minute cycle

turn your uni bedroom into a replica. The Botanics

(according to Google Maps, don’t hold me to it!)

also features a lovely “Gardens Tearoom” serving

from the main building on University Avenue. Once

sweet treats, afternoon teas and lunches for a very

you arrive, there are several walking routes but also

student-friendly price!

there is a lovely little café and plenty places to sit and chat – so there is a lot of option as to how to

Kelvingrove Park: Very early into your GU

spend your day!

experience, you will realise that spending a day in KG is iconic. The sun comes out and students rush to

Devils Pulpit: BBC drama fans will instantly

the “big hill” to sit on a blanket, eat, and chat. Being

recognise this eerie yet beautiful spot, from the

so near uni, it’s a great spot to catch up with friends

recent broadcasting of “The Nest” on BBC one. The

during free time on a lovely day, and also so lovely

Devil’s Pulpit is located north east of Glasgow, near

for a walk. It’s a rare occurrence that the sun is out

Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park, about

in Glasgow and you don’t go to Kelvingrove,

half an hour's drive from the West End. The walking

bumping into everyone while you’re there (socially

route and views of the waterfall make for a

distanced of course!). It’s a great spot to meet a

gorgeous day out. We would really recommend

friend and follow the guidelines due to the sheer

taking proper walking boots to avoid injuring yourself

amount of space to sit on the grass and access to

on some dangerous paths, and make sure to try and

nearby shops and cafes for food. Also, I can’t not

pick a time that seems less busy as parking will be

mention the fact it is steps away from the GUU and

difficult on a hot summer’s day. Easiest and safest

Beer Bar!

access is from the south side of the river and it is worth bringing a spare change of clothes – you

Edinburgh: A day trip to Edinburgh (albeit

never know what the West Coast weather will bring!

Glasgow’s rival Scottish City) will never go a miss! If you are new to Scotland, visiting Edinburgh is a

Largs: A seaside town on the West Coast, Largs is

must. There is SO much to see and do in Edinburgh,

famous for their top notch Nardinis ice cream.

and it is really easy to get to! You can either get the

Getting to Largs is super easy, just an hour on the

megabus (sometimes tickets are as cheap as

train from Central Station. In Largs, you can have a

return train journey from Glasgow Queen Street. The

wander around the town and look out towards

bus will take most of an hour, while the train takes

Millport. Also, you can even get a quick boat to

around 45 minutes. Once there, everything is easily

Millport if you fancy making more of a day of it. I

accessed on foot, tram, or bus. I love climbing to the

would also really recommend grabbing fish and

top of Arthur’s Seat and looking out over Edinburgh

chips, as you can’t beat a good fish supper on the

and Fife (shameless plug to my home county), as


well as walking round the Castle and enjoying the

£1) or a

beautiful views from there. Further, you can’t miss a

Loch Lomond: Not exactly an unknown spot to visit,

trip to the Six Nations at Murrayfield (when possible)

Loch Lomond is home to a number of Munros, and of

as the atmosphere is incredible, capturing the

course a beautiful loch and walking route! Loch

brilliant Scottish team spirit. In Winter, Edinburgh

Lomond is easily accessed from Central station, by

lights up with a beautiful Christmas Market, which is

getting a train from there to Hyndland, and a further

a great post-exams outing! And, in summer you can’t

train from Hyndland to Balloch. Once in Balloch, you

miss the Fringe, an amazing arts and culture festival

can walk down to the shores of Loch Lomond and

run throughout the month of August all around

there are a few pubs, restaurants and cafes in


Balloch too if you need a pit stop. The opportunities are endless in Loch Lomond with plenty to do, and if

North Berwick: Accessed by train via Edinburgh,

you’re feeling brave you could even have a swim!

North Berwick is a beautiful town south of Edinburgh. There is a lovely beach, golf club and coastal walk

Botanic Gardens: While a trip round the Botanics

to enjoy, and the town itself is quaintly small. It is

may not take a whole day, it is certainly worth

about 30 minutes by train from Edinburgh, and

including! There are many different sections in the

therefore is just over an hour from Glasgow. The

Botanics, with a number of glasshouses and several

views out to Bass Rock are stunning and you can

self-led trails to enjoy. Further, there are large open

even take boat trips out around the Islands just off

spaces and benches to perch on and picnic or read!

the coast.

Grocery Tour of Glasgow Fuad Kehinde's Supermarket Essentials

Maryhill: As someone who lived in Queen Margaret

Great Western Road: Even just limiting Great

Residences, I can assure you that Tesco Extra is all

Western to just the parts within 10 mins of the

you need for your shopping desires (also good for

university makes it an honourable mention all on its

those who live in Wolfson Hall). For my first year,

own. The closer towards the city centre you get,

Tesco became something of a second home to me. I would go with friends every week and feel so comfortable wandering through its aisles looking for anything and everything. From everyday foods to even kitchen stuff, Tesco Extra can be your best friend. However, if you do live closer to the Murano side of Maryhill there is, of course, the Maryhill Lidl to be your friend. This store and its sibling in Partick are most famous for their 20p spaghetti which is actually edible unlike whatever the 20p penne in Tesco is.

Partick: Partick, in my opinion, has to be one of the

the more appealing the shops on this road get. The prize in this area is the abundance of halal stores and Asian stores. So, if you either eat halal or want some of the different kinds of foods from these cultures, Great Western is a good place to visit. Also, on Great Western, we have Roots & Fruits which is home to wonderful fresh and seasonal fruit. I would really recommend the sourdough bread on sale in the store. This is a really good store for those on vegetarian and vegan diets.

best areas for grocery shopping. When you get onto

The Great Beyond: If you are ready for a bit of a

Dumbarton road you are surrounded by so many

journey, I would highly recommend

grocery stores. Lidl, Morrisons, Tesco Express and

SeeWoo Asian market. Although out of the way,

Sainsbury’s are all within 10 mins of each other. The

the store makes up for it with a selection of

standout store of Partick, other than Lidl, must be

products that’s worth it. If you’re looking to save

Morrisons. Their World Food section is something to

money you can buy the instant noodles packets for

be admired. It gives you both a wonderful range and is affordable. They also have nice fresh pasta and pizza which are easy meals.

Finnieston: Those of you who live in or near

40p each that fed me through most of my first year. Or if you’re really into cooking, SeeWoo has all sorts of ingredients from all over Asia that’ll help you diversify your cooking.

Kelvinhaugh Gate and Cairncross don’t need to worry about groceries either. While the only shops within Finnieston are a Sainsbury local and a Tesco Express, you are still less than 20 mins away from the Lidl and Morrisons in Partick. Those of you who live in Finnieston benefit from being near both Partick and also really close to the city centre.

Pictured: Lupe Pintos Deli and Roots, Fruits And Flowers

Window Shopping Fuad Kehinde's Handiest Shopping Destinations

Braehead: Of course, when you’re looking to spend money on either yourself or as a gift for someone else, it’s easy to immediately go to the city centre to start. And while the Buchanan Galleries is a good shopping centre, I would still highly recommend the Braehead shopping centre. It has larger outlets than Buchanan and is also accompanies by a retail park with massive stores like Curry’s PC World and Sainsbury’s. And the biggest advantage of Braehead is that it’s right beside IKEA also.

Caledonia: While bookstores like Waterstones will always be amazing, don’t forget to check out second hand bookshops like Caledonia Books on Great Western Road and Voltaire and Rousseau on Otago Lane. It’s a great way to get secondhand books and save money allowing you to read even more books!

Thrift Stores: If you’re looking to expand your wardrobe and to also avoid fast fashion, Glasgow has multiple thrift stores available near the university. You can find all the well-known charity stores like Oxfam, Shelter and Barnardo’s all on both Byers Road and Great Western Road. A personal recommendation I would give is to look out for the Yellow Jelly vintage clothing sale that often shows up in GUU.

Byres Road: Byres Road is great for a little shopping trip during the uni day! With your bigger name shops such as Oliver Bonas, Waterstones and Ace&Tate alongside quirky boutiques and gift shops, Byres Road is a great place to pick up the little things you need during uni and definitely has something for everyone!

Pictured: Voltaire and Rousseau (Above), West Vintage (Below)

Take Them Out Imogen James' Best First Date Spots

Ah, the big city – full of bad tinder dates and rugby boys. We’ve all been there, 10 minutes into a date and you’re sending the emergency text to the bff to bail you out. But it doesn’t have to be all bad! Glasgow has so much more to offer than just a few awkward drinks, and even if it doesn’t workout, at least you were at a cute spot, right? Here is a wee guide to the city; activities, coffee, drinks, dinner, you name it. Any of these will wow your date! As long as it doesn’t end at BBQ Kings…

Foreplay Golf // Price: £ An activity is always a good idea on a first date! Foreplay golf is a mini golf experience located just across the river. It’s easy enough to get too – hop on the subway to Kinning park and it’s a few minutes walk away. Its vibrant, groovy and fun. After posing with their pink golf cart (!!!) have a few rounds on their two courses, all Glasgow themed of course. The best part is if you’re thirsty there is a full bar on hand, and food trucks serving delicious items for a post game pint and nibble. It’s a fun way to get to know your date and have a wee competition whilst you’re at it!

Museum Crawl // Price: £ Perhaps for those more artistically inclined, (and maybe on a budget), there are several museums and galleries that Glasgow has to offer. Start with the ever so famous Kelvingrove, a nice wonder around here to see what makes it so famous, and to bond over your love of 18th century portraits. Then pop down to Byres Road and check out The Alchemy Experiment; a new inclusive gallery which showcases all forms of art, and even has the opportunity to grab a coffee at their in house café. Then cross the road and jump on the subway to town, and wander the Gallery of Modern Art. This is a different feel from the rest, and a great place to end a fun and intellectual first date. Best of all, all are free!

Pictured: Sonny and Vitos, Foreplay Golf (Top to Bottom)

Sonny and Vito’s // Price: ££ Drinking not for you? A good coffee spot is a must on any list of first date places. Sonny and Vito’s, located in Woodlands, is a laid back, American feeling coffee shop and deli. It’s neutral décor, with plants and unique coffee scattered around is a great backdrop to a chilled out first date. Try their amazing coffee and baking and take in the cool atmosphere. When you’re done, its just around the corner from Kelvingrove park, so if it goes well head there for a wee walk.

Bucks Bar // Price: ££ Like burgers? Like getting messy? How about both? Bucks bar are known for their insane looking food (vegan/veggie friendly), accompany this with a nice cocktail or two and you’re set for a fun and tasty first date. It’s a way to have a nice meal out but also stick to reasonable pricing, and making sure you’re not just another Nandos date.

The Grosvenor // Price: ££ Yes, ok, its Ashton Lane, but it wouldn’t be a Glasgow date guide without a bit of Ashton action. This bar is a firm favourite for Glasgow Uni, filled with some funky tunes and chic décor. They have plenty of student deals and discounts and a great food and drinks menu. Definitely the right choice for ‘dinner and drinks’ - a blend of fancy and fun all in one. Another great bonus about this one is it’s attached to a cinema, so if its going well then head downstairs and catch a film! No back seat hanky panky though!

La cheetah and Max’s Bar // Price: £ For the music and drinks lovers! Fancy getting drinks but tired of Rev and spoons? Max’s bar is a great alternative. Its always got a great crowd, cheap af drinks, and just overall one of the best bars in town. Even better is the club beneath it! If you’re with a fellow techno fanatic, then pay a wee entry fee and go see some local talent and dance the night away.

Pictured: Max's Bar, Ashton Lane, Sonny and Vitos (Top to Bottom)

Dining Out Nina Munro's favourite restaurants to treat yourself at

Paesano: One could NEVER write a post about dinner spots in Glasgow, and not mention Paesano. Situated on Miller Street in town, and Great Western Pictured: Sugo above, Paesano below

Road in the West End, Paesano is accessible no matter where you stay. A simple Margarita pizza costs just

£6.50 – an absolute BARGAIN, and the

best pizza in Scotland! There are a number of choices (my personal recommendation is a number 6), from class vegan options to a very meaty spicy sausage. The specials are INSANE, and most of the time the top price for a pizza reaches just


Moretti is served on tap, and the house wines are also delicious, so it is a fab place to go to dinner. You can’t book at Paesano and sometimes there is a long queue, but I promise you it’s worth it. If you’re going for your first meal out at uni, please make Paesano your first spot, as you’ll really struggle to beat it!

Sugo: Following on from the wonderful Paesano, I

Te Seba: This lovely little Italian (you guys are

must also tell you guys about their sister restaurant,

getting a hint as to my favourite food here) is my

SUGO. These pasta connoisseurs can be found on

friend and I’s favourite West End spot for a meal out

Mitchell Street (a few doors down from the

together. Near Tesco express on Great Western, it’s

Lighthouse and just off Buchanan Street). They serve

super close to some great bars, and makes for a

all sorts, from simple tomato pasta (sugo) to

lovely occasion dinner spot. The dishes are sooo

amazingly fresh tortellini. All the pasta is made fresh

tasty, our fave being the olive and walnut vegan

from scratch and served traditionally just like you

pasta. Trust me, I’ve tried to make it at home and it

would get in Italy. They have also just started their

just isn’t the same. I would recommend booking by

‘Sugo at home’ deliveries, meaning you can get all

messaging their Facebook saying “hello” – the rest is

the joy of the restaurant from your flat!

simple. The restaurant also specialises in tasty Proseccos, with all sorts of flavour combos such as

Wudon: Most of you will have never heard of

elderflower, raspberry, lychee and coconut and

Wudon, situated by Subway on Great Western Road

pineapple. Amazing!

and very near campus, but it HAS to be mentioned here. The restaurant prides itself on being a fusion

Ashoka – Finnieston: A short walk from the West

between Chinese and Japanese dishes and was

End through the park (and very near Kelvinhaugh

founded by three sisters with a passion for their

Gate), is my favourite Indian in Glasgow (bold

mum’s Asian cooking. Similar to (but cheaper than)

statement I know). The smell as you walk by is

Wagamama, the katsu curry at Wudon is the best I

enough to make your mouth water. The staff are so

have ever had! This is a lovely little spot and tends to

so lovely and welcoming, and the curries are simply

be quiet therefore getting in shouldn’t require

the best. I always order way too much at Ashoka and

booking. Other dishes worth mentioning are the


thus the next best part is being able to take home a

Summer Sushi set, the delicious edamame beans

doggy bag of delicious food to eat the next day. The

and the gorgeously flavourful Teppanyaki. A great

restaurant caters to everyone, with plenty options to

spot for a quick dinner after Uni, or a meal out with

amend dishes to suit your diet, perfect for your fussy

friends in a group!


Hanoi Bike Shop: A popular Vietnamese street kitchen just off Byres Road, Hanoi Bike Shop is such a hidden gem, and a top spot for Glasgow Uni students. You have an immense amount of choice at HBS, from some delicious small plates (kimchi spring rolls, sticky chicken, salt and chilli squid), or the more substantial build your own pho option – starting at

£12. Hanoi Bike Shop also specialise in a delicious ginger and mint mule cocktail, the perfect accompaniment to the food in my opinion. I would recommend booking here, as it is often pretty packed with reservations. The restaurant has such an amazing outdoor vibe, down a quiet little lane and decorated with vintage bikes, beautiful canopies and fairy lights everywhere!

Pictured: Ashoka (Ashton Lane)

Hillhead Bookclub: Hillhead Bookclub is one you’re going to NEED to know about at Glasgow Uni, as they do literally everything: events, brunch, drinks, lunch and dinner. The style and cuisine is pretty much everything, a classic “posh” pub-grub. The food is always amazing, and there is an extensive outdoor seating area that gets the sun all day, perfect for an evening dinner. This vintage/indie restaurant situated in an old Library is opposite Pictured: Cafe Andaluz

Nando’s on Vinicombe Street, just off Byres Road. Therefore, it’s accessible by foot for almost all of the GU halls. My favourite dish is the Macaroni cheese, closely followed by the Nachos (which are vegan!!!). When you go, I would recommend picking up a “library card” offering discounts Sunday-Thursday for drinks and food. Also, if you want to sit inside, definitely book as this place is super popular (and rightly so)!

Café Andaluz: Just along from Bookclub, up Cresswell Lane, you can get your Spanish fix at Café Andaluz. Open from 12-10:30, this is the perfect tapas spot for late-night food. Right now, reservations are required due to COVID-19 restrictions, but this place is not to be missed. The style is very Andalusian, as soon as you walk into the door, this basement bar transports you to Seville, with its patterned ceramics and bright décor. The food is also fantastic, the Patatas Bravas is not to be missed – I have struggled to find better outside of Spain. Grab some pals, order some Spanish Red Wine, and have an unforgettable meal out at Café Andaluz – you won’t regret it!

Just the one... Duncan Henderson's Best Places for a 'Few' Drinks

After a long and tiring day, there’s not much better

Dram: Located just a few minutes further along

than taking that first sip of pint while laughing with

Woodlands Road from OSH, Dram is another nice

friends, and luckily the West End is absolutely

and classic pub to go for a few drinks. With a

packed with pubs and bars. Each has its own

slightly more upmarket feel but still reasonable

distinct vibe and whether you’re looking for somewhere to just have a few relaxed drinks with

prices for drinks, it’s definitely another option when you’re looking for somewhere nice to go for drinks.

friends or want to go a bit further, you’ll find the right place for you.

As the name might suggest, Dram has a large selection of whisky available too if you fancy a

Of course, as with everything else this year things are a tad different. Each pub will have their own

change from the usual pint.

specific measures in place due to the pandemic, but in general you should probably try to book a table in advance if that’s offered, you’ll likely be asked about your details for Test & Trace, and queueing at the bar is probably a thing of the past for now - most pubs will do table service now.

Without any further ado, here’s my rundown of my five top pubs in the West End:

Old School House: Located right at the top of Woodlands Road (across from the infamous St. Andrew’s Building) Old School House (aka OSH) is standard pub that does what you’d expect from a pub - decent drinks, some food offerings, and plenty of space for you and your friends. If you’re looking for a place to go for a few causal drinks with pals, you probably can’t go too wrong with OSH.

£3.55 for Carling (£3.80 for Tennents, £4.10 for Dark Fruits) putting it in an affordable Pints begin at

enough place for most students - and with live sports on sometimes, it can be a great place to go and watch a football or rugby match.

Pictured: Inn Deep

Bank Street: As you can probably guess, you’ll find

Beer Bar: I've saved the best for last - Beer Bar is

the Bank Street Bar and Kitchen on Bank Street -

an absolutely iconic part of the student

just across the road from the GUU. In a perfect

experience here at Glasgow. Located within the

location for some post-uni drinks (or pre-hive

Glasgow University Union, Beer Bar offers a place

drinks once it reopens), Bank Street offers a nice

to enjoy with you friends all year around. On a

set up close to uni. If you’re craving something to

typical pre-coronavirus Thursday night, this was

eat when you are there, they’ve got a good menu

the place to be as students packed in before

of food - ranging to more traditional meals in the

heading along the corridor to HIVE. Despite that

evening to a night menu - my personal

uni tradition being on hold for now, Beer Bar is the

recommendation is to try the curly fries, offered all

perfect spot if you’re looking for a nice and

day for just

£3, you can’t go wrong with that.

relaxed place to have a drink after uni.

£2.60, but

Drinks are typically towards the slightly more

Pints of beer and cider start at just

expensive side of the scale than some of the other

there’s truly no better choice of drink than the

pubs listed here, but it’s still affordable enough for

iconic Pint of Fun - two shots of vodka, a VK of

students - particularly if you’re taking advantage

your choosing, and a dash of lemonade all mixed

of some of the drinks + food deals offered, such as

together into one cup. Perfection in a drink.

a pint and pakora for only

£5. Of course, this is only a snapshot of the many pubs

Coopers: Similar to OSH in many ways, Coopers is

and bars around Glasgow’s West End - other

another solid choice for those looking for a

honourable mentions include Websters, Inn Deep,

relaxed place to go for a few drinks with pals.

The Arlington, Curlers Rest and the Crafty Pig. If

Located on Great Western Road, and with plenty

you’re ever looking for a place to drink, you’ll be

of space throughout the pub, you definitely don’t

spoilt for choice!

need to far to find a nice place to drink.

Live sports are often on inside Coopers particularly Champions League and Europa League matches, and the pub can get busy when there’s a big match on. Outside of those nights though, you’ll have no problem finding a seat and tucking in to a pint from


Pictured: The Team as the first guests at the grand Beer Bar Reopening (obligatory Bank Street Pres)

Going out out Catherine Bouchard's Favourite West End Bars The West End contains an abundance of smaller,

guaranteed to instantly boost your insta game. On

intricately decorated cocktail bars for when you

top of this, the menu is amazing fusion style Asian

fancy something a bit classier than a few pints at

food, with tropical cocktails available at a

your local. It's definitely worth booking ahead with

discounted early week day price.

Covid and making sure you investigate the availability of a cheeky weekday student cocktail

Bag O'Nails: Bag O'Nails is one of my favourite

deal! Venturing further into town you can also find

places to go on a Friday Night due to its 1 am

the usual chain bars: All Bar One, Slug and Lettuce,

opening time and Live DJs. Definitely a great place

The Ivy, Missoula, Popworld, Revolution, Revs de

to pre before Sanctuary, the frozen Strawberry

Cuba etc. With that being said, here are my Top 5

Daiquiris are to die for. It's big enough to visit with a

West End Bars!

big group, and the booths are great for spending a night in.

Oran Mor: A west end institution, Oran Mor is often overlooked by students due its older crowd and slightly higher prices. Yet, on a Friday and Saturday night Oran Mor transforms its church setting into a hive of activity and chatter. The atmosphere is welcoming and intriguing, with the historic interior definitely providing a beautiful drinking spot. The staff are also nice and easy going!

Embargo:Â Embargo is, in my opinion, severely underrated as a student bar. With an excellent plant wall inside and painted angel wings, Embargo is

Banana Moon: Banana Moon is an absolute must for a cheeky day drink. The cocktail menu is fabulous, and also has more of a cafe vibe during the day for your friends who don't drink. Whilst I've definitely had a traumatic date or two at Banana Moon, the cocktails are good enough to convince me to keep coming back, and the staff are super friendly. The interior is also really cute and intimate!

Vodka Wodka: Vodka Wodka is an absolute student classic. Nearly every West End pub golf or sub crawl will involved a trip here, and the outside benches (with heaters of course) make it an excellent place to relax with friends, whether its 12am or 12pm.

Pictured: Cocktails

Check out the 'sharing' bottle of Kamikaze shots for

at Banana Moon,


Angel Wings and Flower Wall at Embargo (Top to Bottom)

Gig Hotspots Catherine Bouchard's favourite music venues

Glasgow is a city that sings at night. From the Oasis gig that saw the band land a record deal to David Bowie stealing one of the Barrowland stars, Glasgow has cemented its place as a focal point of the UK's music history. Whilst nearly all of the following venues are shut due to Covid, here are some of our favourite venues we can't wait to see reopen:

King Tut's Wah Wah Hut: Credited with hosting some of the UK's biggest names before they took off. Tut's retains a close, personal feel whilst alumni include Oasis, Snow Patrol, Paloma Faith and La Roux.

St Lukes and the Winged Ox: Probably my favourite Glasgow venue St Lukes is an old church that has been converted into a concert venue. The crowd is always buzzing, and the venue joins onto the Winged Ox to let you catch a pre-gig dinner! Whilst it is a bit of a trek away, near Glasgow Green, it is always worth the journey.

Hug and Pint: Just along Great Western Road, the Hug and Pint is one of the best places to catch small acts in Glasgow, with a very intimate feel and warm energy. It also happens to be one of the best vegan restaurant/pubs in the West End!

Sub Club: Renowed for being the world's longest running underground dance club in the world, Sub Club regularly pulls in a roster of amazing acts and visitors from across the world. Sub Club should definitely be on your bucketlist to check out at least once!

SWG3: One of the trendiest event spaces in the UK, SWG3 is currently back open as an outside beer garden and food stalls! SWG3 has a large capacity in Galvanisers (which happens to host the annual GUCFS) and the Yard, but also has smaller gigs in their TV Studio, and hosts Souljam! They also host spoken word events in Poetry Club next door.

Barrowland Ballroom: Known by its iconic neon sign (rumoured to be one of the largest in the UK) Barrowland regularly hosts some of the biggest indie/rock acts on tour. Fans might know the venue from the Simple Mind's video for Waterfront.

Stereo: Housed in an original Charles Rennie Mackintosh building, Stereo is a vegan bar and kitchen by day, and at night transforms at night for smaller gigs and club nights. Its music policy is loose and playful!

Other Notable Mentions: La Cheetah Club (techno); Garage (rock); O2 Academy (multi-genre gigs); Glasgow Green (festivals); Flying Duck (alternative); SEC Hydro (arena style concerts); Oran Mor (church bar)

Pictured: Barrowlands (Left), Saint Lukes (Right)

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