NOISE, FW 2020

Page 9


Scottish Football DUNCAN HENDERSON Even by the usual standards, the last two months have

If the Aberdeen players were just ordinary members

been particularly tumultuous for Scottish Football.

of the public, an argument could be made that that

With a new season on the horizon, the SFA and clubs

their infraction could be differentiated from Bolingoli’s

hoped that the public’s attention to the game would

- pubs are legally open, and their main issue was having

be limited to what would happen on the pitch and the

a group size larger than guidelines permitted and a lack

questions that this season would ask. The biggest of

of physical distancing inside the pub. What Bolingoli did

all, being whether Celtic can take a historic 10 league

was objectively illegal and he could have received a

titles in a row, or if Steven Gerrard’s Rangers could

substantial fine for not completing his 14 day quaran-

stop them and win the Premiership for themselves?

tine period after returning from a higher risk country. However, it must be acknowledged that footballers are

That hope this season would be remembered for what

not ordinary members of the public. Ordinary mem-

happened on the pitch rather than off it lasted a grand

bers of the public don’t typically have jobs that bring

total of six hours. After losing to Rangers in the open-

them into close physical contact with match offi-

ing day of the season, eight Aberdeen players - includ-

cials, club coaching staff, their own teammates, and

ing senior members of the squad - decided to go to a

their opponents match day squad. Football’s nature

crowded bar together. A few days later, two of them

as a contact sport means that its resumption is sub-

had tested positive for COVID-19 and Aberdeen’s

ject to special conditions - players must test nega-

next fixture against St. Johnstone was postponed.

tive each week, and must avoid doing certain things

Football’s trouble was compounded when Celtic left-

that are permitted for the remainder as us, such as

back Boli Bolingoli decided that a four day break from

going to pubs. In exchange for players adhering to

training would be best spent defying his club’s instruc-

these additional restrictions, football matches can

tions not to leave Glasgow and instead fly to Spain

now be played, letting players earn their livelihood

and on his return, decide that the mandatory 14 day

and preventing the liquidation of assets and subse-

isolation period was an inconvenience he’d rather not

quent collapse of many of Scotland’s football clubs.

bother with. Combined with Celtic striker Leigh Griffiths needing to be “reminded of his responsibilities”

All the players involved are now subject to internal club

after hosting a large number of guests at his house, it

and SPFL disciplinary procedures, and face conse-

soon became clear to see that Scottish football had a

quences ranging from being fined a percentage of their

big problem. Celtic’s next fixtures were also postponed

wages to being suspended for a handful of matches

and the Government took a stance - football was to be

as a result of having breached the restrictions that

shown a metaphorical yellow card, and any future inci-

allowed for the return to play. However, many argue

dents would see the suspension of the game in Scotland.

that this isn’t enough, and that a collective penalty needs to be levied against their teams as a stronger


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