July 14 2016

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T hur s day , J ul y1 4, 201 6

APNU+AFC 2 Mur der ouss t ance


ontheRi cesector

“SARUi svi ndi ct i ve”–J agdeo want sI nt er polt ot r ack Page asset sofal lMPS 4

Courtcasei nvol vi ng sel f conf esseddrug l ordcont i nues -Page 6

DeV i l l i e r s ' 8 2d e l i v e r s s e c o n dwi nf o rT r i d e n t s

Page 44




APNU+AFC murderous stance on the rice sector Rice farmers across the country are contemplating their move for the next crop, since they are unsure about the market for their paddy. On the campaign trail the APNU+AFC government promised rice farmers $9000 a bag for paddy; however the farmers are getting a mere $1800 per bag for their produce. Venezuela has officially booted Guyana from signing another PetroCaribe deal to see the exchange for fuel and rice, as the Spanish-speaking nation has now teamed up with Suriname to pursue such an agreement. According to media reports from Suriname, the Presidents of the two countries reached an agreement for the Spanish-speaking country to provide oil to the Dutch-speaking country in exchange for rice. The agreement was signed between Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and his Surinamese counterpart Desi Bouterse. Guyana’s Agriculture Minister Noel Holder said that such a move taken by Venezuela is “more feasible for that country due to the plummeting fuel prices globally.” “Through the PetroCaribe with Guyana and Venezuela, we used to get fuel at reasonable prices in exchange for our rice shipments to Venezuela. This ensured that Guyana received very high prices for its rice being exported, while we got reasonable prices for fuel from Venezuela. Now with the low prices for fuel across the globe with this PetroCaribe deal that Venezuela is having with Suriname, Venezuela will be getting rice way cheaper than what Guyana is selling for. In fact, Suriname is selling its rice for 50 per cent less than Guyana sells its rice for and since the price for fuel is so low, it is more feasible for Venezuela at this point in time,” Minister Holder explained. Holder noted that while Venezuela paid the highest prices for Guyana’s rice, the amount of rice it purchased annually was almost the same percentage that Portugal would import from Guyana as well. “So you see, it was not really the amount that they bought but at the prices they bought it at from us. With the price of fuel down so low, they would still need to pay less for rice even if it were from Guyana. That would mean our rice would have to be sold way cheaper than it is right now and that wouldn’t be feasible since the rice millers and farmers would be suffering heavy, tremendous losses to have to sell their rice half the prices they are selling for right now,” Minister Holder further stated. The Agriculture Minister posited that in spite of this, Guyana would still continue to export rice to other countries like it has always done, but did not say whether Guyana has been seeking new markets for rice. President David Granger has recently distanced himself and his Government from the plight of rice farmers in Guyana. Echoing statements already proclaimed by Government officials, President Granger recently insisted that the crisis of the rice industry was not Government’s problem. “It’s a private arrangement… Farmer-miller-market… It’s not a Government arrangement,” he firmly stated. The situation in the rice

industry is currently so severe that rice farmers have already signalled their intention to ‘rest’ their lands come the next crop, given the low prices and lack of Government intervention. The lack of action and unfavourable responses from the relevant authorities to inject funds into the industry has only made matters worse. Generally, in a crisis of this nature, the PPP/C Administration would have released the necessary funds to the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) to pay the millers so they could pay the farmers. If it is a case where the millers actually have the money but are refusing to settle their debts with the farmers, the then Government would usually threaten to take the millers to court or have their licences revoked. But the Granger-led Administration is taking a different approach — one which stakeholders have argued will see rice farmers continuing to suffer as the rice industry crumbles to ruins. Prior to this new development, Venezuela for a number of years under the leadership of the late President Hugo Chávez had inked “a rice for oil deal” with the Guyana Government. This deal was secured under the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration in Guyana. Efforts to contact the Minister of Agriculture Noel Holder on the issue prove futile.




The Unruly Horse TAXATION AND FEAR: A recipe for economic decline

By: Mohabir Anil Nandlall, MP.Attorney-at-Law been instructed to put these concessions "on hold." In regions 5 and 6, employees of the GRA are doing house to house inspection and if it is found that there are more than two "banks" of vegetables under cultivation in any yard, the head of the household is documented as engaging in a "commercial activity" presumably, for the purpose of taxation. This same mentality has polluted their representatives at the level of the Georgetown City Council, hence the parking meter fiasco and the public announcement that their will soon be an increased in rates and taxes. Against the backdrop of this emphatic pursuit to It was Winston S. Churchill who said "I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle." Recently, Finance Minister, Winston Jordan, reported that Central Government's revenues totaled $53.4billion at the end of April 2016. According to him, this represents an increase of $3billion compared to revenue collections during the same period last year. The Minister attributes this increase in revenue collection on "tightening up at ports, new focus on the regions and a clampdown on illegal activities." The Minister reports that tax revenues increased by $2.1billion when compared to the same period in 2015. According to the Minister, VAT revenues, however, continued to decline. For the period under review, that is, January to April 2016, these revenues showed a decline of 6.3% compared to the levels achieved during the same period in 2015. Apart from increased revenue in the collection of rent and royalties in the gold mining sector, there is no other report from the Minister regarding the productive sector. It is painfully obvious that this Government places an over-reliance on taxation. In its first full budget, the 2016 budget, it increased one hundred and forty (140) odd public taxes, in certain instances as high as 1200%. They have removed Vat exemptions from all capital equipment in the major productive sectors which hitherto enjoyed VAT exemptions, namely, agriculture , mining, and forestry. They have imposed duties on imported raw materials for the manufacturing sector that were free from duties under the PPP Government. The President and several of his Ministers have publicly expressed the view that the regime of tax concessions put in place by the PPP/Civic Administration to attract investments is too generous and will be reviewed with a view to downsize them. In fact, GOINVEST and the Guyana Revenue Authority have

tax the populace, one quickly realizes that this

purchasing power. One cannot doubt them. This state of

Government's obsession with the GRA is not an aberration

affairs is the natural consequence of increased taxation in

but the interference is deliberate and institutional. Lest I

an economy where there is no commensurate increase in

convey the wrong impression, I wish to make it clear that I

wages coupled with loss of jobs. As a result, the Minister

appreciate the importance of taxation in the economic

of Finance was forced to disclose a decrease in VAT

equation of a nation. However, the cold hard truth is that

revenues. This is because of reduced economic activities

real economic growth comes not from taxation but from

and consequently, spending. Expectedly, in this

production, productivity and job creation. The economy

contracting and depressing economic atmosphere the

of every great nation was built not on taxation but by

Guyana dollar continues to hemorrhage in value against

production, commerce, trade and industrialization. The

the US dollar. Rather than conceive stimulus incentives to

taxation policy and system must be such that it

invigorate and energize the economy from this state of

encourages, facilitates and engenders the growth and

sloth, the Government keeps driving nails into its coffin by

expansion of these sectors. As these sectors grow and

its taxation and other anti-developmental policies. In the

expand they will yield increased taxes but in the process

end, every citizen becomes poorer, daily. This economic

they create jobs and generates all the benefits which come

paralysis is exacerbated by frightening statements

with job creation. In order to fully encourage these sectors

emanating from the head of SARU, Dr. Clive Thomas,

to achieve their optimum potential, there are economies in

weekly about who will be charged and who will be jailed

the world which offer tax free regimes to the extent that

and the actions of SOCU, which conduct unconstitutional

even personal income tax is not payable. This

and arbitrary searches of business premises and seize

Government's policy is situated at the other end of the

therefrom large amounts of cash, jewelry, and confidential

spectrum. So while the treasury boasts of increased

financial information. These are two rogue organizations

collection of taxes, there is a decline in production, trade,

operating from within the Ministry of Presidency, without

commerce, manufacturing and service oriented industries

any legal bases whatsoever, carrying out the political

- all of which are integral to real economic growth and job

directions of those in government. The once powerful

creation. Significantly, since this government assumed

Private Sector Commission which was so ready to

office, Guyana has seen not a single investment of worth.

publicly pounce on the PPP/C administration at the drop

None is on the horizon, either. Every productive sector has

of a hat, has now become mute in fear. A businessman

either declined or performed indifferently. Not a single

wants to legally challenge the new imposition of a parking

new job created. In fact many companies have been forced

fee of $20,000 by the City Council of Georgetown in

to lay off employees because of a decline in their business.

respect of containers, which is charged even where the

Trade and commerce have significantly reduced.

container is there only for a few hours to discharge cargo.

Businessmen who imported 10, 40 feet containers,

However, he is afraid to use his name in the legal

annually before 2015, are now now importing less than 5,

proceedings because of reprisals. Fear has returned to

annually. These businessmen tell you that money is not

Guyana. This time it's not generated by the bandits but by

circulating and therefore, the consumer has little

the Government.




GuySuCo employee found dead The partly decomposed body of 47-year-old Mohanlaal Udai Raj of Enmore. East Coast Demerara (ECD), was found at his house this morning by his brother, in what appeared to have been a suicide. Relatives only discovered the body after several calls to the man’s phone went unanswered. The family believes that the incident occurred between Monday and Wednesday last, due to the conditions of the corpse. The Guyana Daily News understands that Mr. Mohanlaal was a factory labor of GuySuCo, whose was known to have domestic issues with his wife. Reports indicate that the man’s wife left him, which might have triggered the suicide.-By- Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News.

“SARU is vindictive” – Jagdeo wants Interpol to t r a c k a s s e t s o f a l l M P S Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo continues to maintain that the States Assets Recovery Unit (SARU) is vindictive, since it only targets specific individuals of the former PPP government. At a press conference on Wednesday, Jagdeo said that “they (SARU) are serializing persons perceived to be corrupt…we are prepared to work with the government so they can ask INTERPOL or a private organization specilaised in tracking money and assets held abroad, to track down all the assets of members of Parliament and former presidents.” Recently, SARU has been in the spot light for allegedly taking direction from the Ministry of the Presidency. The unit was established by the APNU+AFC government shortly after assuming office in 2015. According to Jagdeo, corrupt cases are dealt with by the police and that there is no need for such a unit. While questioning the ability of SARU to investigate current government officials, Jagdeo alleged that APNU stole 16 computers belonging to the office of the Opposition Leader. He claimed that the computers were in the Parliaments’ register and were handed over to the APNU for use when in Opposition; however when the PPP assumed that

office in 2015, the computes were nowhere to be found. The former President is calling on the International Community to pay close attention to the agenda of SARU’s Head Dr. Clive Thomas agenda and observe Minister of State Joseph Harmon’s speech in the Parliament, whereby he allegedly stated that $40 million was for top up for employees of Special Organise Crime Unit (SOCU).-By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo



GUYANA DAILY NEWS Court case involving self-confessed drug lord continues PAGE 6


Self-confessed drug lord, Barry Dataram, his girlfriend Anjanie Boodnarine, Komal Charran and Trevor Gouveia today appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman as the case continues. Today saw the questioning of CANU officer Andrew Yarde about the raid which saw the seizure of 129.83 kg of cocaine on April 16, 2016. Yarde, whilst being questioned, revealed that before the raid on the said date there were no other previous raids on Dataram himself or anyone who is related to the defendant. He however continued by stating that there were numerous raids which were carried out after the incident on properties of Dataram, such as vehicles which saw the apprehension of quantities of drugs, but Dataram was not suspected in these cases. Dataram together with the other three defendants however denied to cross examine the witness, choosing to leave that duty to their absent Attorney Glen Hanoman. The matter will return to court on July 15, 2016. -By- Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News. Barry Dataram

Hague Conference officially opens in Guyana The Hague Conference on Private and International Law (HCCH) was officially declared opened on Wednesday at the Pegasus Hotel by President David Granger. This organization develops international treaties and conventions that deals with issues such as the creation of strategies for a conducive environment that facilitates cross border trades, investments and commerce. It also gives legal guidance to investors and operators about the rules to be known before endeavoring on an international trade. The Hague Conference deals with child adoption, child abduction and child rights and has been a pioneer in the protection of the child. The conference is being held under the theme “International Family Law, Legal Cooperation and Commerce, Promoting President David Granger and First Lady, Sandra Granger, along with Human Rights and Cross- Border Trade in Guyana through other officials at the opening ceremony last night.(GINA Photo) the Hague Convention.” President Granger emphasized the need for consultation while noting that Guyana’s decision to host the conference is a demonstration of its commitment to look for better ways on how human rights, international family law, architecture, legal cooperation and commerce should be treated and strengthened. He expressed the necessity of the country’s vow to improve environmentally and in commerce, being this the right path for a “good life for all Guyanese.” President Granger pointed a number of laws implemented in Guyana about the protection of the child, such as: Adoption of children Act; Child Protection Act; Status of Children Act; Sexual offences Act; Custody contact, Guardianship and maintenance Act.

Personalities such as the nominated Chief Justice Yvonne Cummings-Edwards and Justice Roxanne George as Guyana’s representative of the international Hague network of Judges, ratify the country’s commitment. “Guyana’s legal architecture –in relation to the family law and children protection- is far from finished. We expect that the deliberations of this conference will assist us in improving our system for the protection of our children”, President Granger pointed out.-By- Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News.





Investigation launched into death of siblings at Drop-in Centre fire President David Granger has ordered an investigation into the deaths of two brothers who perished in a fire at the Drop-in Centre on July 08. Minister of State, Joseph Harmon told a post cabinet media briefing this morning that the investigation will be headed by Windee Algrnon, first female Colonel of the Guyana Defence Force. Joshua and Antonio George, ages 6 and 3, were taken into the state’s care along with their three other siblings on July 6, following allegations of unfit conditions at their Chapel and Norton Street home. However, two days later they died together in the fire, which was confirmed to be electrical in nature. The Ministry of Social Protection has since taken full responsibility for the deadly fire.

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon

Govt makes massive sweep at Club Rio! A raid by officials from the Ministry of Social Protection in the wee hours of this morning at Club Rio on Albert Street, Georgetown ended with the arrest of 15 females and three males. The Guyana Daily News understands that government suspects that those arrested might be victims of Human Trafficking and are illegal in Guyana. Following prosecution, they are expected to be deported to their homeland. Club Rio is a night club that offers erotic service to the public.

B r i g h t S mi l e De n t a lCl i n i c

Br acesSer v i ces : F r e e c ons ul t a t i on & Xr a y

Mai nte nance:

* Cl e ani ng * Wi reRe pl ace me nt * pl as ti cre pl ace me nt




Sat torches ex-PM’s legacy attempt to have Sat Sharma removed as Chief Justice for misbehaviour in public office and for having a limited state of emergency around the home of then House Speaker Occah Seapaul were unforgettable instances. In 2007, Sharma found himself in trouble when he was accused by then Director of Public Prosecutions, Geoffrey Henderson, of attempting to persuade him to drop a murder charge against vascular surgeon Dr Vijay Naraynsingh in 2004. “He is the first prime minister in the Commonwealth to try to arrest a chief justice. “He is also the first PM to call a state of emergency so that Seepaul could not preside as a presiding officer and have a cast in vote. He is the only man in the Commonwealth who appointed his wife as a minister in the Cabinet,” Maharaj said. He drew reference to public servant, Feroza Ramjohn, who instituted legal action in seeking justice for lack of promotional opportunities. “I could still remember Manning describing Petrotrin as petrosingh because there were too many Indians working there,” Maharaj said. He said while PNM stalwart and businessman, Louis Lee Sing, had acquired his radio licence with ease “we had to go the Privy Council to get our radio and television licences. We had to threaten them with contempt of court. That was another case of discrimination.” Church in Guanapo Maharaj said the fact that Manning started building a multi-million dollar church in Guanapo, Arima, for himself and one-time spiritual adviser Juliana Pena was also discriminatory. “Not only he built a church for the Christians but he also established the Divine Echoes Orchestra, which was a Christian-oriented music group.” In 1992, Maharaj said Manning ordered a study by Dr Selwyn Ryan and Dr John La Guerre, which showed that few IndoTrinidadians were promoted to senior posts in the public service. “I read what they said about In this 2004 photograph, then prime minister Patrick Manning, has a recruitment in the tête-à-tête with Sanathan Dharma Maha Sabha secretary general Sat Maharaj during an Indian Arrival Day celebration in Debe. Police Service... that

General secretary of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha (SDMS), Sat Maharaj, yesterday launched an extraordinary verbal attack on former prime minister Patrick Manning, describing him as a “racist.” In a harsh assessment totally out of step with laudatory ones heaped on Manning in the week between his death and his burial, Maharaj said he and several members of the public came to that conclusion on a talk show programme on Radio Jaagriti on Tuesday, based on a series of discriminatory practices Manning perpetuated against Indians in T&T while he served as PM. In retrospect, Maharaj said he felt “hurt” that many of Manning’s actions were “racist”, unfair and biased against a number of Indians in the country. “I only spoke about the facts. What I spoke about was his performance as prime minister. I started off by discussing the many discriminatory things he did. As prime minister he acted in a discriminatory manner,” Maharaj said in a telephone interview. Manning, 69, died on July 2 at the San Fernando General Hospital. He had been hospitalised for a lung infection but was subsequently diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia, a rare, aggressive cancer of the blood. The closure of Caroni 1975 Ltd, whose employees were mostly Indians, Maharaj said was one decision Manning made that crippled the lives of thousands of struggling Indians. “We are now importing sugar while Barbados and Guyana have sugar industries,” he said. Maharaj said Manning’s

the Indians top when it comes to the written examination but they failed when they did the interview stage. They pointed to the fact that everybody on the interview panel were Afro Trinidadians. Few grants for Indian events When asked why he did not raise these matters publicly when Manning was alive, Maharaj said: “No! I have been raising these issues all the time. We wrote articles about him. We raised it in the courts too. “But you see now that he is dead they are trying to make him into some idol. Everybody is painting him as a paragon of virtue... they are ignoring the other side of him. “They are trying to paint him as some kind of father of the nation when in actual fact he was not. We want to point out the bad side of him.” Maharaj said many callers concurred with him that what Manning did was discriminatory and wrong. Didn’t the S D M S b e n e fi t u n d e r M a n n i n g ’s administration? “In what way? If you talking about benefits then we are talking about equality. Yes, we benefit... we can use the roads if it is paved,” he answered. Questioned if the SDMS was the recipient of grants under Manning’s regime for Divali, Phagwa and other religious events, Maharaj said they received “very little grants.” Told he could face stinging condemnation and backlash for his criticisms against Manning, Maharaj said: “I said it. I don’t care about the backlash.” He said he shared a cordial relationship with Manning and had in fact pointed out to him where he had gone wrong as PM. Forde response General secretary of the People’s National Movement Ashton Forde last night expressed astonishment at Maharaj’s comments. “Any one body who is saying that about Mr Manning is not living in Trinidad and Tobago. They are trying to rewrite history”, Forde told the T&T Guardian. Forde said Manning followed in the footsteps of two great prime ministers- the late Dr Eric Williams and George Chambers’ in ensuring there was equity in the governance of the country. “Many of the country’s high commissioners, Cabinet ministers and directors on State boards who served under Mr Manning were Indian. Mr Manning embraced all races. He did not discriminate at all. I knew him personally. He was a fair man.” Forde said people who were appointed under the People’s Partnership government also credited Manning for his work and fairplay.(Trinidad Guardian)





Woman kills man after quarrel


ookmin Sharma and her family are today left ruing the fact Rookmin’s only son and first child, Neil Sharma, was killed in a lovers’ quarrel. The signs of trouble had been there for a long time and they had warned them to separate. Sharma’s girlfriend, now in police custody, stabbed the 46-year-old in the chest at his home at Bamboo Settlement #1. According to police reports, earlier in the day, Sharma and his 33-year-old girlfriend were seen drinking before they went home. Around 11 pm, the two were heard arguing before there was quiet. When his relatives checked, Sharma was found with a stab wound to the left side of the chest. He died before help could arrive. Relatives claimed Sharma and the woman had a difficult relationship. Speaking with the T&T Guardian at the family’s home yesterday, his sister, Usha, said they had violent fights twice in three years. She added the duo were happy at times but they Rookmin Sharma, fought often. His mother added: mother of Neil Sharma (inset), “I used to tell her that if she can’t who was stabbed to death by a close relative on make a living with him best she Tuesday night. PHOTO: NICOLE DRAYTON leave and she used to tell me she

will not leave him. I used to talk to both of them but they never used to listen. “My advice to people in that type of relationship that always fighting and quarreling is better allyuh separate.” At the Forensic Science Centre, St James, Sharma’s two sons — Narine and Nicholas — said he was sometimes scared things could go badly. “It had a time he come by we and didn’t want to go home because he say she sleeping with a knife under the pillow and he frighten to go home,” the brothers recalled. Meanwhile, the woman’s attorney, Fareed Ali, said claims she was a threat to him were overblown. Ali said the judicial system was failing the weakest of society, namely women and children. In a text message response to the T&T Guardian yesterday Ali said Sharma had been brought before the court on related domestic violence charges. He asked what effective steps were being taken to assist women who were the victims of domestic violence. “Very often when men are brought to answer to the court for their alleged actions and the matter isn’t fully litigated or resolved what transpires are unfortunate instances like the one that is being investigated now. “The responsibility of the State is to look after its weakest citizens. The mothers of our nation are put at risk every day and survive at the behest of abusive partners. Until more is done to protect women and children the judicial system continues to fail to fulfil its mandate to our citizenry,” Ali added. Relatives of Sharma, who they affectionately called “Sugars”, said he would be missed, especially for his caring and giving personality. They added that Sharma would most likely be buried tomorrow.(Trinidad Guardian)

Moonilal: Govt giving houses to friends Former housing minister Dr Roodal Moonilal yesterday accused the PNMled Government of giving houses to party members and friends of Cabinet ministers. Moonilal also threw jabs at Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, stating he had “no moral authority to speak on housing based on his legacy of the Las Alturas, Golconda, Edinburgh Towers and Wellington Estates housing projects where we (former People Partnership government) had to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to correct bad work, poor design, engineering flaws, lack of sewer plants and poor infrastructure.” The Oropouche East MP was responding to comments by Rowley, who at Tuesday’s sod-turning for the “River-Runs-Through” housing estate, Arima, stated the demand for houses in T&T was like “hops.” Rowley said it had reached a stage where people have been saying they want a house, in the same tone and approach as “I want a hops bread” not realising that a house is an expensive item. In his five years in office, Moonilal said, he has never responded with contempt to those in need of shelter. “In fact, I wept when members of the public came to me in tears for a home. This lack of compassion is unsuitable for high office holders. “The Prime Minister with his houses like hops comment seems to be condoning the response of the plight of homeless Mary Paria. “The Prime Minister has dashed the hopes of thousands of long-waiting applicants who are unable to get a housing unit under the PNM administration,” he added. Moonilal said regrettably it took the Government almost one year to understand the need for housing. “Today, housing distribution is back to the dark old secret discriminatory days of giving out houses to party members and friends and relatives of ministers,” he added. He said an apartment at Edinburgh Towers, which was built under the then Patrick Manning administration, was now priced at over $1 million. “These apartments have to be redesigned and are incomplete. In this day and age the PNM have reverted to cesspits for their much heralded River-Runs-

Through project. We are back to the National Housing Authority ghetto-style buildings that nurture crime. One would want to know of the EMA’s approvals for housing systems using cesspits in low-lying areas,” he said. In the coming weeks, Moonilal said, he would expose the true projected cost of that housing project under the PP, in comparison the price the former PNM administration had outlined. Moonilal described the project as a farce, saying it was not ready for construction.(Trinidad Guardian)

Dr Roodal Moonilal




Queries over leader’s party card

Even as the PNM’s Tobago Council regrouped at a convention yesterday following election of new Tobago PNM leader. Kelvin Charles, queries arose over Charles’ party membership. Neil Wilson, whose chairmanship of the Tobago Council ended at 6 pm yesterday following election of a new executive, however, defended Charles, saying his name was on the PNM membership list. PNM’s PNM Tobago Council held a convention yesterday to

Kelvin Charles

elect executive members following election of a new leader the previous week in a run-off exercise. It followed a tightly contested poll earlier on.

Charles was successful in the run-off against contender, Tracy DavidsonCelestine. He is now leader-designate. Prior to yesterday’s election of a new executive to work with him, some PNM Tobago leadership officials told the T&T Guardian they had hoped some contestants in the recent election would have contested posts on the executive to work with him and aid cohesion and healing in the Tobago unit. They acknowledged the leadership election had been “bruising” for the ruling party and also noted how close THA polls were. These are due between January and April next year. But almost as they spoke, queries were being raised on the “ground” in Tobago about Charles’ membership in the party. Sources noted he had resigned as Assembly presiding officer and queries were raised whether his party membership was in order

since that was necessary to be party leader. Contacted yesterday morning on the issue, PNM’s Tobago office secretariat officials said other media had also called on the issue but referred queries to Wilson. Contacted around 11 am, prior to end of his tenure at 6 pm, Wilson acknowledged Charles had to resign as presiding officer. He, h o w e v e r, w e n t t h r o u g h P N M membership lists, confirming Charles’ names was on the list as Number 1455. Calls to Charles’ phone were not answered. Wilson was expected to be succeeded as chairman by former MP and Minister Stanford Callendar. Charles takes over as THA Chief Secretary from incumbent Orville London when his term ends in January and Charles will lead the PNM into THA elections early next year.(Trinidad Guardian)




Bus crash leaves 3 dead, 16 hospitalised ST CATHERINE, Jamaica — Three people were last night killed and several others injured when a public passenger bus overturned on the Spanish Town leg of the PJ Patterson Highway. The deceased have been identified as 54-year-old bus driver Everton Melhado of Dawkin district in James Hill, Clarendon; 67-yearold Veronica Edwards of Trout Hall Pass district, also in Clarendon and 60-year-old Hortense Barnett. The Ferry Police say based on preliminary investigations, they suspect that one of the bus’ tyres blew out; the driver then lost control of the vehicle, which ran off the road and rolled over several times before coming to a rest on its roof. Members of the Fire Department, the Jamaica Defence Force as well as doctors and several ambulances were on scene to assist in the treatment and transportation of the injured people. ST CATHERINE, Jamaica — Three people were last night killed and several others injured when a public passenger bus overturned on the Spanish Town leg of the PJ Patterson Highway. The deceased have been identified as 54-year-old bus driver Everton Melhado of Dawkin district in James Hill, Clarendon; 67-yearold Veronica Edwards of Trout Hall Pass district, also in Clarendon and 60-year-old Hortense Barnett. The

Ferry Police say based on preliminary investigations, they suspect that one of the bus’ tyres blew out; the driver then lost control of the vehicle, which ran off the road and rolled over several times before coming to a rest on its roof. Members of the Fire Department, the Jamaica Defence Force as well as doctors and several ambulances were on scene to assist in the treatment and transportation of the injured people. Sixteen people, four of them children, remain in hospital.(Jamaica Observer)

The wrecked minibus which overturned



GUYANA DAILY NEWS Man charged with murder of 3-y-o; parents appear in court today PAGE 18

ST ANN, Jamaica — The police yesterday charged Alexus Newland, otherwise called ‘Dal Dal’, of Milford, St Ann for the murder of three-yearold Nevalesia Campbell. Newland was on Monday identified by the police as a person of interest following the discovery of the infant’s body with chop wounds in bushes on Sunday. Meanwhile, the child’s mother and stepfather are scheduled to appear in court this morning. The two – Mahalia Poyser, a 24year-old bartender and her common law husband 30-year-old


Roy Dawes – were on Monday charged with breaches of the Child Care and Protection Act. Lawmen say both were taken into custody after it was revealed that Nevalesia and her twin brother were alone at home when she was abducted. ST ANN, Jamaica — The police yesterday charged Alexus Newland, otherwise called ‘Dal Dal’, of Milford, St Ann for the murder of three-yearold Nevalesia Campbell. Newland was on Monday identified by the police as a person of interest following the discovery of the

infant’s body with chop wounds in bushes on Sunday. Meanwhile, the child’s mother and stepfather are scheduled to appear in court this morning. The two – Mahalia Poyser, a 24year-old bartender and her common law husband 30-year-old Roy Dawes – were on Monday charged with breaches of the Child Care and Protection Act. Lawmen say both were taken into custody after it was revealed that Nevalesia and her twin brother were alone at home when s h e w a s a b d u c t e d . ( J a m a i c a Three-year-old Nevalesia Campbell Observer)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Boris Johnson is a liar with his back to the wall, says French FM PAGE 20

France's foreign minister has said his newly-appointed British counterpart, Boris Johnson, is a liar with "his back against the wall". In comments to Europe 1 radio, JeanMarc Ayrault said Mr Johnson had lied to the British people during the recent EU referendum campaign and would now be under pressure "to defend his country". He said France needed a negotiating partner who was credible and reliable. The former London mayor led the campaign to take Britain out of the EU. He was expected to stand for the Conservative party leadership in the wake of the referendum result, but did not put himself forward after key colleagues withdrew support. His appointment as foreign secretary has surprised many politicians and commentators around the world, who have recalled his history of undiplomatic or offensive comments. Mr Ayrault said: "I am not at all worried about Boris Johnson, but you know his style, his method during the campaign he lied a lot to the British people.

Mr Ayrault said France needed a "credible and reliable" partner(EPA)


"[He has] his back against the wall to defend his country but also with his back against the wall the relationship with Europe should be clear. "I need a partner with whom I can negotiate and who is clear, credible and reliable," he added. "We cannot let this ambiguous, blurred situation drag on... in the interests of the British themselves." Reacting to the comments, Mr Johnson said it was "inevitable there will be some plaster coming off the ceilings in the chancelleries of Europe. It was not the result they were expecting and they are making their views known in a frank and free way". But he added: "The French foreign minister has in fact sent me a charming letter just a couple of hours ago saying how much he looked forward to working together and deepening Anglo-French co-operation in all sorts of areas, and that is what we want to achieve." Mr Johnson said he wanted reshape Britain's identity as a "great global player". He said: "We have to give effect to the will of the people in the referendum but that does not mean leaving Europe. There is a massive difference between leaving the EU and our relations with Europe which, if anything, are going to be intensified." France and other EU states have urged Britain to start the process of leaving the EU promptly, to minimise uncertainty. New Prime Minister Theresa May has promised to implement Britain's exit from the bloc but has not said when she plans to trigger the formal exit procedure. She has already spoken to French President Francois Hollande. Mrs May's spokeswoman said she "explained that we would need some time to prepare for these negotiations".(BBC)

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Italy rail crash: Andria station master 'let crash train go’ at fault, everyone is blaming me. But I'm a Italy's rail infrastructure remains single track. An investigator told La Reppublica victim too." newspaper that the problem was not the Map of crash site While he and the station single track but a control system that had master at Corato have both been suspended been automated everywhere else. as part of an investigation into multiple manslaughter, local prosecutors are also While the number of trains has increased in looking into safety procedures on the single- the Bari area, the system still relies on an "I let the train go, I was the one who gave the track line and why the line had not been outdated reliance on station masters and signal," Andria station master Vito Piccarreta u p g r a d e d t o a d o u b l e t r a c k . " T h e drivers. It has emerged that because rail told Italian media. But he was adamant he investigation will not only look into human services were late, three trains were was not the only one at fault. Mr Piccarreta, a error, we must examine all possibilities," said travelling in the area at the time of the crash. Mr Piccarreta said he was unaware of the railway employee with 24 years of service, prosecutor Francesco Giannella. extra train travelling from Corato. was quoted by La Stampa and other newspapers as saying: "I'm not the only one Three trains The rail line north of Bari relies o n a n Although the bidding process to update the antiquated track and safety systems north of Bari is due phone alert to start shortly, millions of euros in EU s y s t e m funding allocated in 2009 to replace singledating back track lines has gone unspent. The company to t h e that runs the line north of Bari, 1 9 6 0 s , i n Ferrotramviaria, has blamed Italian c o m m o n bureaucracy for the lack of progress. with some Funerals for the victims of the disaster are 600km (370 due to begin taking place at the weekend. miles) of r e g i o n a l Among the victims were a mother and t r a c k daughter found by rescuers beside the e l s e w h e r e wrecked trains in the immediate aftermath of in Italy, the the crash. The Andria rail crash was Italy's government worst since a train carrying gas derailed in s a y s . A n Viareggio in 2009, claiming the lives of more e s t i m a t e d than 30 people who lived in the area.(BBC) The crash was Italy's worst rail disaster since 2009(AFP) 2,700km of A station master in southern Italy has admitted he allowed a train to go on a single track, minutes before a deadly collision with an oncoming train. Twenty-three people died and 52 others were hurt in the head-on crash on a single track between Andria and Corato in the Apulia region on Tuesday.







Just as the season finale of your favorite series, the world sees the US elections, programmed for next November, as the beginning or the end of an uncertain era. Donald Trump has made sure that his controversial campaign resounds around the globe with a dangerous eco. With the months passing by and losing followers, the elections are more tilted towards a Democratic Party than a Republican. Hilary Clinton is making herself felt and Trump can’t keep the pace. Still the race is up and the difference is not alarming, there is tension internationally. For some taking the matter seriously is a must, for others spicing the topic could help with perspective. We have to be realistic, there is little we can do to stop Mr. Trump, but we can still ‘purify him’. That is the perspective in which an Indian company has projected itself, delivering to the Trump Tower in New York, a large amount of Assam green tea for his personal consumption in order to clear his mind. The estimate quantity was reportedly to be enough to allow him to drink three cups of tea a day for four years. “We can’t stop him, but maybe we can change him,” the producers wrote. “Dear Mr. Trump, Namaste from India, we are sending you lots and lots of natural green tea. It fights against harmful free radicals. It helps purify mind and body and regain a healthy balance. It has also proven to make people smarter. Please Mr. Trump drink the tea. For your sake, for America’s sake, for the world’s sake. If he needs more, we’ll be happy to provide. Green tea has been proven to fight against harmful free radicals and cleanse the mind and bodies, helping one regain a healthy balance,” Kolkata-based Te-AMe Teas said, PTI news agency reported Thursday. The company’s managing director, Sumit Shah, said that there has been no response from The Trump Campaign, so far. Among all the disasters and fatalities surrounding our daily basics, some humor is needed accordingly to survive in this hostile planet that Donald Trump we are ‘sharing’. Let’s hope ‘Assam’ does the trick. -By- Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News

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Gunmen in Peru rob tourists on Amazon riverboat cruise Eight masked gunmen in Peru have robbed tourists enjoying a luxury riverboat cruise on the Amazon. The riverboat had left the city of Iquitos on Wednesday with around 30 tourists on board to see towns along the river, local media reported. When the boat anchored in the middle of the river for one stop, the gunmen boarded it and stole goods worth around $20,000 (£15,000). None of the tourists, most of them American, were hurt. The robbery happened early in the morning. The gunmen arrived on a small boat and boarded the riverboat, threatening the crew and tourists with small calibre weapons. The boat's captain was hit with a pistol handle but was not seriously injured. None of the rest of the crew were hurt. The police arrived soon after the incident and all the tourists were evacuated to a safe location.(BBC)

Florida mosque removed as polling site after anti-Islamic backlash A Florida mosque has been removed as a polling station for the 2016 election after local officials received complaints and threats of violence. The Islamic Center of Boca Raton had planned to host a polling site for the state's primary in August and the general election in November. Officials rescinded the invite, drawing sharp criticism from Florida lawmakers who said it reinforced religious discrimination. The site was moved to a nearby library. County Elections Supervisor Susan Bucher said she moved the site after receiving about 50 complaints from people who said they did not want to vote in a mosque. The Islamic Center has been used as a polling station at least since 2010, the Washington Post reported. Democratic US Representatives Ted Deutch and Lois Frankel released statements opposing the move. ``If we are going to use places of worship as polling places, we should not discriminate,'' Mr Deutch said. It is unclear how many houses of worship are used as polling places across the country, but churches are often

selected as host sites because of their large auditoriums and parking lots. Mosques in California, Iowa, Pennsylvania and Ohio have served as polling places, including one that has been used since at least 2004, according to the AP news agency.(BBC)



GUYANA DAILY NEWS Theresa May shakes-up government...con’t...


May vows to be 'one nation' prime minister Laura Kuenssberg: May gets on with job World reaction to Boris Johnson appointment In pictures: UK gets new leader Former Labour shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper called the cabinet "very right-wing" and suggested this was at odds with Mrs May's words outside No 10 on Wednesday, saying there was often a "very big gap between the rhetoric and the reality with Theresa May". Earlier, the new chancellor, Mr Hammond, said there would be "no emergency Budget" when asked about his first priorities as chancellor. His predecessor George Osborne warned during the EU referendum campaign that he would have to cut public spending and increase taxes in an emergency Budget if there was a vote for Brexit. Mr Hammond said he would make "carefully considered decisions over the summer", followed by an Autumn Statement "in the normal way". The chancellor also told BBC Radio 4's Today that the vote to leave the EU had "shaken confidence" in the UK economy and "caused many businesses to pause investment decision". He said the government now needed to "send signals of reassurance about the future as quickly and as powerful as we can". In a move that surprised the political world, Mrs May put Mr Johnson - one of the most prominent figures of the campaign to leave the EU - in charge of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Mr Johnson, who has said he was "very humbled" and "very proud" at the appointment, is no stranger to controversy - or gaffes - on the international stage. During the EU referendum campaign, he drew criticism for comments he made about US President Barack Obama, who he said had an "ancestral dislike" of the UK because of his "part-Kenyan" heritage. In 2015, Mr Johnson had to cancel planned public events in the West Bank because of security fears after he criticised backers of a boycott on Israeli goods, and he has previously described Hilary Clinton - US presidential hopeful - as having "a steely blue stare, like a sadistic nurse in a mental hospital". The cabinet appointment throws Mr Johnson a lifeline after a turbulent couple of weeks which saw his Tory leadership bid torpedoed by fellow Brexit campaigner Mr Gove. In his first comments since taking up the post, Mr Johnson set out his vision for Britain to be a more "global player", and he said Brexit did not mean the UK was leaving Europe. However, Liberal Democrat leader Mr Farron predicted the new foreign secretary would "spend more time apologising to nations he's offended" than carrying out the job. Mrs May has spoken to European leaders to


express her "commitment to delivering the will of the British people to leave the European Union", according to a Downing Street spokesman. In a series of congratulatory phone calls taken by Mrs May, the UK's second female prime minister spoke to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and Irish Taoiseach Enda Kenny. "The prime minister explained that we would need some time to prepare for these negotiations and spoke of her hope that these could be conducted in a constructive and positive spirit," a Downing Street spokesman added. Speaking outside Downing Street for the first time as prime minister on Wednesday Mrs May vowed to lead a government that works for all, not just the "privileged few", promising to give people who were "just managing" and "working around the clock" more control over their lives. For an "ordinary working class family", she added, "life is much harder than many people in Westminster realise". She highlighted the "precious bond" between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and between "every one of us", and paid tribute to her predecessor David Cameron as "a great modern prime minister".(BBC)

Theresa May named six cabinet members on Wednesday: David Davis, Boris Johnson, Philip Hammond, Michael Fallon, Liam Fox and Amber Rudd (clockwise from top left)

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GUYANA DAILY NEWS Theresa May shakes-up government with new-look cabinet PAGE 30

Prime Minister Theresa May has unveiled a nearly completely new look cabinet, in a major departure from predecessor David Cameron's top team. George Osborne, Michael Gove, John Whittingdale, Nicky Morgan and Oliver Letwin have all been sacked by Mrs May. Liz Truss is justice secretary, Justine Greening takes education and Tory leadership contender Andrea Leadsom has been promoted to environment secretary. Boris Johnson became foreign secretary. Philip Hammond was made chancellor. Eurosceptic David Davis, meanwhile, will take charge of negotiating Britain's exit from the European Union, in a newly created post of Brexit secretary. In another new post

Justine Greening, Patrick McLoughlin and Liz Truss all get a place in Theresa May's government(VARIOUS) announced on Wednesday, Liam Fox was appointed as the new international trade secretary. Amber Rudd - formerly the energy secretary - took over Mrs May's former role as home secretary. The current male-female ratio of the cabinet remains roughly the same - at 70% to 30%, while there are 16 cabinet members, including Mrs May, who backed Remain, and seven who campaigned for Brexit. Just four cabinet positions have stayed in the same hands: Defence Secretary Michael Fallon, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, Welsh Secretary Alun Cairns and Scottish Secretary David Mundell. 'Impressive ruthlessness' Former Conservative Foreign Secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind praised the "ruthless" way Mrs May has appointed her top team, saying it showed strong leadership and "strategic" vision. "She has not only got a strategy to balance the Leave and Remain sides, she is trying to eliminate these distinctions because we are all now aiming for the same objective. She has appointed with a ruthlessness that has been impressive to look at," he told the BBC. "The decision that most surprised me was George Osborne - not that he ceased to be chancellor - but it appears she wasn't even willing to offer him a job in government.... he is a very impressive heavyweight." Sir Malcolm, who was a minister under Margaret Thatcher and John Major, said Boris Johnson's


appointment as foreign secretary was "risky" because the qualities that make him popular with the public did not necessarily make him a good diplomat. There were some big promotions for Home Office ministers James Brokenshire and Karen Bradley, who were appointed Northern Ireland secretary and culture, media and sport secretary, respectively. Damian Green, a former justice and Home Office minister, was elevated to work and pensions secretary, while Brexit campaigner and exwork and pensions minister Priti Patel was promoted to international development secretary. There were also some resignations. Tory leadership contender and Work and Pensions Secretary Stephen Crabb stepped down from government "in the best interests of my family", while Northern Ireland Secretary Theresa Villiers resigned after turning down the offer of another role. In other developments: Patrick McLoughlin was moved from transport secretary to Conservative Party chairman Sajid Javid - formerly business secretary - is now the communities and local government secretary Chris Grayling - who was Mrs May's leadership campaign chief - takes up the post of transport secretary. He was previously Commons leader Baroness Evans has taken up the post of Leader of the House of Lords Former policing and justice minister Damian Green becomes work and pensions secretary - replacing Stephen Crabb who resigned Attorney General Jeremy Wright - who attends cabinet - stayed in his post Gavin Williamson, a former parliamentary private secretary to David Cameron, was appointed government chief whip The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills becomes the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) department - led by Greg Clark, formerly communities and local government secretary As a result, the Department for Energy and Climate Change has been scrapped, its brief folded into BEIS The Department for Education will take on higher and further education, skills and apprenticeships, bringing it together so there is a comprehensive end-to-end view of skills and education Justice Secretary Michael Gove - who was one of the leading figures in the campaign to leave the EU and a Tory leadership contender - was the first to be sacked on Thursday morning, losing his job to Ms Truss- the first female Lord Chancellor in the near 1,000-year history of the role. Former Labour leader Ed Miliband criticised the closure of the Department for Energy and Climate Change as "just plain stupid", Green MP Caroline Lucas said it was a "deeply worrying move", and Lib Dem leader Tim Farron called it was a "backward" decision which "clearly downgrades our commitment to tackling climate change". The move also drew criticism from the SNP's Angus MacNeil, who chairs the Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee which shadows the department. He said it raises "urgent questions", such as over who will be responsible for the UK's legal obligation to reduce its carbon emissions.

continued on next page...






1 chicken, 4 lb 1 clove FARMFRESH* garlic 1 small onion 1 tsp thyme wiri-wiri peppers 1 tsp chopped celery 1 tbsp soy sauce 1 tbsp piquante sauce 2 tbsp vinegar chopped eschalot and wiri-wiri peppers to garnish Sauce 1 tbsp dark sauce 1/4 tsp salt 1 tsp black pepper 2 tsp vetsin 2 tbsp vinegar 2 tsp soy sauce 1/4 pt ORDERICH* tomato ketchup 1 tbsp water 2 level tsp cornflour 3 tbsp chinese pickle, chopped 1 tsp chinese spice 1 small onion, chopped *Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS

Directions Chop garlic, onion, thyme and wiri-wiri peppers. Add chopped celery, soy sauce, piquante sauce, vinegar and salt to taste to the chopped seasoning. Clean chicken, cut into neat pieces and soak in mixture overnight or for as long as possible. Dry chicken in clean cloth, lightly dust with flour and fry until brown. Bring the first eight sauce ingredients to the boil. Stir in the cornflour, blended with 1 tablespoon of water, and boil for 2 minutes stirring continuously. Add the pickle, spice and onion and heat through. Place chicken in a casserole, add sauce and bake at 350 degrees for about 40 minutes. Garnish with chopped eschalot and chopped peppers.

Hav eaNewswor t hyst or y? Cont act : GuyanaDai l ynews guyanadai l ynews@gmai l . com ( 592) 2265088 ( 592) 2265096 l ot 1 2&1 3Sher i f f s t . s ubr y anv i l l eGeor get own






Daily Horoscope You will need to work diligently in order to accomplish even the smallest amount. You should be making plans to spend some time with the ones you love. You can come into money; however, perhaps not under the best circumstances.

Focus on using your creative abilities in other ways. You will have a problem with your boss if you haven't done your job. Accept the inevitable.

Spend time with friends or family. Complete those hobbies you started a long time ago. Don't make promises.

You can make headway in the workforce if you put your mind to it. Don't let the moods of those you live with get you down. Heart to heart talks will clear up vague issues.

You may get some opposition. Personal changes will be to your benefit. You will do best to entertain those you wish to close deals with. Rely on yourself and you will look good to superiors.

Be sure to find out all you can before you commit to anything. You always seem to spend more than you make. Try not to be too lavish with your lover.

Courses dealing with psychology or health care will be of interest. Disappointments regarding partners will be subject to the way you react to their personal comments. Club memberships or donations could be expensive and prove unnecessary.

You are best not to confront situations that deal with in-laws or relatives. Look for professional guidance if it will help unite the family. Try to enlist the support of your coworkers first.

Home improvement projects will enhance your residence and bring the family closer together. Don't settle for less than the best. You have made an accurate assessment of the situation and have come up with ideas that will save money. You will be emotional about your personal life. If you take on too much, you will find yourself in martyrdom. Don't upset elders in your family who don't understand your present situation.

You need to get out and challenge yourself. Your best results will come through business trips. Residential moves will be favorable, and larger quarters the most probable direction. Start sending out those resumes. Take a look at your legal position. Family members will not be happy with the amount of time you are spending away from home.




Ajax sign former Germany international Westermann Heiko Westermann has left Real Betis for Ajax, signing a contract with the Amsterdam side until June 2018. Ajax have completed the signing of Heiko Westermann from Real Betis on a two-year-deal. The centre-back had a year remaining on his deal at the Liga side, but has made the switch to Amsterdam on a free transfer. Ajax were keen to add more experience to their backline and 32-year-old Westermann fitted the bill for the Eredivisie side. "I am very happy with my contract at Ajax," the former Germany international told the club's official website. "We had a great chat last week and I immediately knew that I wanted to join Ajax. It's fantastic that it's all gone this quick. "Ajax are a great club with a world-famous philosophy. It's a young team with a lot of big talents. I hope to be able to help them with all my experience, having played in the Bundesliga and in Spain. "I want to win the Eredivisie title here." The centre-back started his professional career with Greuther Furth and

also wore the jerseys of Arminia Bielefeld, Schalke and Hamburg before joining Betis in 2015. Westermann becomes Ajax's third signing ahead of the 2016-17 campaign, with Davinson Sanchez and Mateo Casierra having moved to the Amsterdam ArenA.(SportsMax)

Skrtel completes Fenerbahce move Slovakia defender Martin Skrtel has sealed his move from Liverpool to Fenerbahce. Fenerbahce have completed the signing of central defender Martin Skrtel from Liverpool for a reported fee of £5.5million. The 31-year-old, who joined Liverpool from Zenit in 2008, played 22 times in the Premier League last season, but saw his first-team opportunities reduced following the arrival of Jurgen Klopp as manager in October 2015. He has been a fine servant to the Merseyside club, however, clocking up 242 Premier League appearances, behind only Jamie Carragher, Steven Gerrard, Sami Hyypia, Pepe Reina and Robbie Fowler. Slovakia international Skrtel arrived in Istanbul on Tuesday and said: "Fenerbahce is a giant club, a great club. Therefore I accepted their offer." He will be presented to the media on Friday.(SportsMax)

W e s t e r nf r i e d C h i c k e n






Friday, July 01, 2016


Captain Terry does not have different role - Conte John Terry will remain as Chelsea captain following Antonio Conte's arrival as manager. New Chelsea boss Antonio Conte has dismissed suggestions John Terry would have a "different role" at the club next season and confirmed the former England international as his captain at Stamford Bridge. Terry gave careful consideration to signing a new oneyear contract in May after claiming it had been offered on the understanding his role at the club would change.However, Conte, who left his previous job as Italy head coach just 12 days ago following their elimination from Euro 2016 at the hands of Germany, made it clear the 35-year-old remains an influential figure. He said: "John Terry signed a contract as a player, not as a different role. He is the captain of this team. "He is a great player, with a great personality and great charisma. I like to speak with him because he knows this club, knows the right spirt to play at this club and he is an important player. "All the players know I will use what I see on the training pitch to select my starting XI. If they deserve to play, they will play. "John Terry is the captain of Chelsea. When he plays, when he doesn't play. Always. "I repeat that John Terry is an important player for me, for the club for the fans." Chelsea confirmed Conte as their permanent successor to Jose Mourinho in April - Guus Hiddink was placed in interim charge after the Portuguese was sacked in December and, after weeks of speculation, Terry was offered a 12-month extension not long afterwards. And the former Juventus boss confirmed he played a role in that decision, adding: "All the decisions we take together – me, the club... "I am pleased that John Terry signed a new deal with Chelsea. "I spoke with him at different times and for me it was the most important thing that when John signed he was very, very happy." Chelsea's only summer recruit so far has been Michy Batshuayi from Marseille and Conte is excited at the potential of the Belgium striker. He said: "He is a

young player but very strong with good technique. He uses two feet and is a great talent. "I am very happy that Batshuayi signed with us and the club has a great player for the present and the future." Conte refused to discuss his plans for the remainder of the transfer window, however. "I prefer together with the club to take these decisions about a player who fits in with our idea of football, not just because he is a champion," he said. "They must fit with our philosophy. It is not right to say the names of any players now because they are at other teams. I don't like managers from other clubs to speak about my players and I would not like to do the same."(SportsMax)

John Terry

Spieth confident of making ground in changing Royal Troon conditions Wet weather is coming to Royal Troon on Friday, and Jordan Spieth is hopeful it can benefit him as he seeks to ignite his Open challenge. Jordan Spieth believes the prospective change in conditions at Royal Troon will enable him to make up ground at The Open after shooting level par for the first round. Spieth, winner of The Masters and the U.S. Open in 2015, was left to settle for an opening 71 on Thursday, his birdies at four, six and 17 cancelled out by dropped shots on the ninth, 11th and the last. With heavy rain and south-westerly winds forecast for Friday, Spieth conceded he will be unable to be aggressive on the front nine but expects the weather to help him pull closer to the leaders, with compatriot Patrick Reed the clubhouse leader at five under. "I struck the ball tremendously just couldn't quite matchup the speed and line," Spieth told a media conference. "[It's] unfortunate to happen in a tournament round where I'm giving myself a lot of looks at birdie but if that's what's off, that's a lot better than anything else, I can get that back on. "It just seemed like it didn't want to go in the hole once I got on the greens, number 11 I hit a fantastic putt, if I hit another five times in a row on the exact same speed, same line it probably goes in three out of the five. "With the greens the speed they are and the grass a little taller than what we're used to, the ball kind of wiggles a little bit. That can mean it wiggles in for you or out for you. "Your mind gets a little bit off once you feel like you hit a few good putts that don't go in. "I've probably hit it as well as anybody in the field and shot five six shots below the leaders, that normally doesn't happen for me, that's normally my really low round. If I can keep my rhythm and my

swing as we lead into these tougher condition days, I should be able to make up some strokes." Asked how he will change his gameplan in the wet and windy conditions, the Texan added: "If it's what's forecasted it looks like we've got rain while we're warming up and it might start to diminish as we start and come back in on the back nine with an opposite wind. "So instead of looking at trying to take advantage of those early holes on the front nine, you're looking at 'okay par's a good score, let's find the middle of the greens here and see if we can get the putter into the rhythm'. "So that's how it will change, less aggressive on the front nine and potentially more on the back."(SportsMax)

Jordan Spieth



Conte demands sweat and toil from Chelsea Chelsea boss Antonio Conte is open over what formation he will use at Stamford Bridge but insists it will only feature hard-working players. Antonio Conte prescribed "work, work, work" in order to lift Chelsea back to the top table of English and European football. Former Juventus head coach Conte addressed the media for the first time as Chelsea boss on Thursday, 24 hours on from taking his maiden training session with the club. He takes the reins from veteran tactician Guus Hiddink, who shepherded Chelsea to a 10thplace finish long after their title defence unravelled last season – Jose Mourinho was sacked in December as the club hovered improbably above the relegation zone. "We know that this year won't be easy for us," said Conte, who was named as Mourinho's long-term successor in April, before overseeing Italy's run to the quarter-finals of Euro 2016. "If we think of last season, 10th position; last season was a bad season. We know that – me, the players, the club. We must think of the present, to work very hard every day every week, every month to be something more important. "The fans need to find a team ready to fight until the end to compete with the other teams. I know that there is only one team who can win the title but we must stay there at the end of the season to fight for the title. "Chelsea belongs in the Champions League and we must [return and] stay there. "The most important message is I like to work – I know only this road to win and to get this club back very soon to play in the Champions League and win the title. "I know only this verb – work, work and work I am happy because I found the right attitude [at Chelsea's training ground] in Cobham, I am very happy for this." Conte found success with Juventus and Italy by employing a rigorously drilled tactical system, using three centre-backs. Nevertheless, the 46-year-old insists he is not wedded to this approach and will find a system to suit the players at his disposal. "When I was in Italy I liked to say that the manager, the coach is like a tailor – you must find the best dress for the team. You must respect their characteristics, the talent of the players and then you

decide. "In the past I started the season with my teams with one idea of football and then I changed it because I saw that some of these things, for the players, were not good. "There at the back, four at the back – it is not important for us. What is important for us is the right spirit of the team if we want to compete for the title, and to give good organisation and good training in the tactical and physical aspects. I think I can improve my players a lot." Conte was asked to give himself a nickname following Mourinho's famous move to dub himself The Special One during his initial Chelsea news conference, but the Italian was keen to leave this to his critics in the press over the coming weeks and months. "I'm not very good to find a different name for me," he added. "I hope that during the season I give you this opportunity to find a new name for me. "I hope it is a good name, not a bad name." Chelsea fly out to Austria on Friday ahead of their opening pre-season fixture versus Rapid Vienna, while they host West Ham on August 15 to begin their Premier League campaign.(SportsMax)



Friday, July 01, 2016


De Villiers' 82 delivers second win for Tridents AB de Villiers' second half-century in three matches helped Barbados Tridents beat St Kitts and Nevis Patriots by 25 runs at Kensington Oval in Bridgetown and register their second win this season. A superior net run rate meant they moved to second spot in the points table, ahead of Jamaica Tallawahs. Patriots were a batsman down in the chase because Kieran Powell had to be stretchered off the field and then taken in a wheelchair to hospital after a nasty collision with JJ Smuts in the 19th over of Tridents' innings.

AB de Villiers hit nine fours and three sixes in his 54-ball 82 © CPL/Sportsfile

roof of the the grandstand. Sheldon Cottrell, the leftarm pacer who broke the 83-run stand between Pollard and de Villiers, finished with 3 for 25. "I thought 160 was a good score, we got more than that. I was pleased with the way we controlled the game," de Villiers said after the game. "I didn't feel fluent at the wicket, but was happy to pull it through and see the guys bat around me. Nicholas Pooran knocked it around well and took the pressure off me. The first time I saw him bat, I told Kieron Pollard they've got to find a way of including him in the national side. He's a special talent." Lendl Simmons gave Patriots a trigger upfront by hitting three fours off Akeal Hossain, the left-arm spinner, before being stumped in the same over. By then, Patriots had raced to 35 in three overs. Faf du Plessis, the captain, walked in at No. 3 and saw Smuts and Brad Hodge fall in quick succession as Patriots were reduced to 59 for 3 in the eighth over. Tridents then choked the runs by not conceding a single boundary between overs seven and eleven. When du Plessis struck David Wiese for a boundary to find some breathing room, Patriots needed 99 off 52 balls. Carter was reprieved on 25, and went on to add 21, but his dismissal two overs after du Plessis had fallen for 42 helped Tridents close out the game.(ESPNcricinfo)

Patriots were restricted to 155 for 8. The win was set up by de Villiers, who forged two vital partnerships with Nicholas Pooran and Kieron Pollard during his 54-ball 82 to take Tridents to 180 for 6. Tridents had slipped to 29 for 3 in the sixth over, after being sent in, with Sheldon Cottrell, Alzarri Joseph and Samuel Badree doing the early damage. De Villiers, who walked in at No. 4, found able support from Pooran, who injected momentum into the innings with three sixes off Smuts, the left-arm spinner, in the 11th over. Although Pooran fell soon after for 38 off 19 balls, de Villiers was complemented by Pollard, who made a 21-ball 27, as Tridents scored 88 off their last eight overs. De Villiers, who was dismissed in the last over, Kieran Powell was stretchered off the field after hit nine fours and three sixes, including one that hit the a nasty collision with JJ Smuts © CPL/Sportsfile


Friday, July 01, 2016


Jamaica athletics could face defamation suit The Jamaica Athletic Administrative Association (JAAA) faces the possibility of legal action for defamation arising from its president’s comments about discus thrower Jason Morgan and why he was not selected to the country’s team to the Olympic Games in Rio this summer. In the latest twist to the ongoing saga, Sportsmax.tv has been reliably informed that in light of these comments, Morgan’s legal representatives have written to the JAAA stating that the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), could be asked to determine whether association’s president Dr Warren Blake’s comments suggest bias. They state they are not ruling out taking legal action against the president and t h e association for defamation. Morgan, the national discus record holder and Commonweal th Games b r o n z e medalist, finished fourth Jason Morgan at Jamaica’s

national championships that concluded 10 days ago. However, other than national champion Fedrick Dacres, Morgan is to only other thrower to have achieved the Olympic qualifying standard of 65 metres. On Monday, after the 63-man team was named at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in Kingston, JAAA President Dr Warren Blake said the selection committee, while acknowledging that Morgan had met the qualifying standard, chose not to select him to the team. “Jason was fourth and it was the wisdom of the selection committee not to put him in even though he has the qualifying distance because Jason’s history is that he throws the qualifying distance at one meet and he never repeats and he never even comes within the zone,” said President of the JAAA Dr Blake to Sportsmax.tv. He doubled down on his position while speaking to other media in Jamaica. “He (Morgan) didn’t come within the top three [at the National Trials], so he has no automatic place on the team,” Dr Blake was quoted by the Jamaica Observer. “He only throws the qualifying standard at a particular meet early in the season and he never repeats, so it was the view of the selection committee that he should not be chosen.” However, checks have shown that Morgan has produced season's bests at different meets over the past few seasons. These comments, the lawyers have said, will be raised at CAS to decide whether those comments suggest bias or otherwise.(SportsMax)

Bacca confirms multiple offers but wants Champions League football Carlos Bacca says a number of clubs have made approaches to sign him, but he remains in talks with AC Milan over his future. AC Milan striker Carlos Bacca claimed that a number of clubs from across Europe are interested in his signature. Reports in England have linked West Ham with a bid in excess of £25million, while Roma have been rumoured to be monitoring his situation at San Siro. Bacca has revealed that offers have arrived from the Premier League, La Liga, Ligue 1 and the Bundesliga, as well as approaches from rival Serie A clubs, but he is in no rush to make a decision on his next club. "My future's in God's hands. Everyone knows I have a four-year contract with Milan," he told AS. "There are offers and there's interest from clubs in England, Spain, Italy, France and Germany. It's not easy to make a decision. "We have time, we're calm. My representative is speaking with clubs and with Milan." Bacca, who has been linked with Atletico Madrid in the Spanish media, admitted that the prospect of playing Champions League football could be a major factor in his decision. But the 29-year-old - who joined Milan from Sevilla last year - would not rule out staying put, especially if Silvio Berlusconi is able to complete the sale of the club and significant investment in the playing squad follows. "It's my dream to play in the Champions League and I work every day for that. I want to play in it with Milan,

but unfortunately we won't be doing so," he said. "It's one of the subjects I'm talking about with Milan - that we're not in Europe and I want to play in the Champions League. "It depends on Milan's project this year, on the new investors and the players that arrive. Then we'll make decisions."(SportsMax)

Carlos Bacca

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