Budget 2017 Will Invest In Development Of Human Resource – Minister Henry Minister within the Ministry of Education, Nicolette Henry said that the 2017 Budget will have a positive impact on the areas of Culture, Youth and Sports. She said the 2017 budget like the previous two presented by the Collation government is aimed at investing in the development of the Human resources. In presenting her contribution to the National Debate, Minister Henry said that the Budget come on the heels of the National Youth Policy. Henry stated that her government has inherited a youth population that did not have exposure to leadership training and in recognizing the need has set up a training programme that has trained more than 400 persons in leadership skills development. Henry pointed out that budget 2017 has made provision to continue the training in the New Year. Minister Henry announced that the pilot Literacy and Numeracy Work Ready programme has started and since then 33 persons have competed training and whose person will go on to training other people in their community. Recognizing that failure of many high school students who cannot pass five CSEC subjects, including the core subjects Maths and English. Minister Henry said that the government has started the Night School programme in several community. The Junior Minister stated that these programme will be expand into other hinder land community like Port Kaituma, among others. Minister Henry pointed out that sport is a tool for human development and thus Budget 2017 makes provision for athletes to benefits from training and athlete exposure and other provision to improve sporting infrastructure which includes laying synthetic tracks in regions 2,4,6,7 and 10 amounting to some 210 million. She said that Guyana is a signatory of the 2005 UNESCO conventions to promote and protect the cultural expression of people. However she said that governance of Culture in Guyana as either been eroded or have deliberately not modified the meet the news challenges of Expenditure and management of cultural mechanisms. According to her, in 2017 the government will present the Cultural Policy in the
National Assembly and will commence the building of an institute of Creative Arts and the building and accreditation of the Programme of the institute will put Guyana on par with countries such as Barbados and Jamaica.
Minister within the Ministry of Education, Nicolette Henry
Education Minister clears name in controversial D’Urban Park project Minister of Education Dr.Rupert Roopnaraine on Thursday denied that he ever benefited monetary ormaterialistically from the 50th Independence Celebration. "In over forty years of political activism, striving to achieve a better Guyana, I have hidden behind anyone. In over forty years of political activism, I have never engaged in any acts giving off even a whiff of malfeasance and I deeply resent any whispering or hints in the media to the effect," he said in a statement to the National Assembly. The minister stated that he was informed that the persons who were employed to complete the Durban Park Project were not paid for the work they completed. The project was handed over to the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and thus the Minister is requesting that the Ministry of Public Infrastructure give account. "I anticipate that there will be a full and proper accounting from the Ministry of Public Infrastructure,"he said. In apparent reference to the opposition People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC),he said critics of the Durban Park project greeted the well-intentioned patriots with accusations of ‘’greed and malice’’. The Minister also issued a thinly threat that he would take legal action if such action continues. "I promise this assembly that I will not sit idly by and suffer in silence if I am now accused by anyone of such acts," he said. For the 50th Anniversary celebration Government realized that the National Park would have required extensive repairs and the taking in of the rugby field to accommodate the
several thousand persons, a decision was taken to develop Durban Park and works began in late 2015. The 50th Anniversary Celebration has caused much controversy among the politicians.
Minister of Education, Dr.Rupert Roopnaraine
GUYANA DAILY NEWS Payment To Rent Drugs Bond More Than Some Regions' Budget - Jagdeo PAGE 5
Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jadgeo said that the controversial drug bond at Sussex Street which he described as a “a bottom house” will be paid close to $170 million per year while the Health Services Capital Budget for Region 4 is $88 million. The former president said that the money set aside to pay the owner of the drug bond which was single sourced by government because of the urgent need for a place for drug storage is twice as much than the amount of the entire health services of Region 4. It was discovered during the Thursday proceedings of the National Assembly that the drug bond stored boxes of umbilical cord clamps, latex condoms, lubricant, and IDU kit insertions and some heavy medical equipment including incubators, a pharmaceutical forklift etc but not a single tablet. Jagdeo went on to compare other capital budgets for other regions to the drug bond payment. He said it will be bigger than the entire public works budget for Region 6; he compared it to the entire capital budget of education in Region 10 which stands at $90 million. Again he compared the amount saying that the payment will be almost as much as the entire capital budget for Region 8 which stands $206 million, and the capital budget for Region 7 which is $227 million.
Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jadgeo
Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan
Guyanese citizens continue to complain about the police system not working properly but Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan assured that thanks to Budget 2017, the problems will be addressed. "You see in Guyana here, I have come to learn that silence is violence," Ramjattan told the National Assembly during his budget presentation. The Minister further stated that ‘’if people do not come out and speak out against the people who are doing the wrongs them, like what happened in Berbice. After so many piracy incidents, we then understood that the pirates are the same Berbicians neighbour and community members, you are going to get the thing solved.’’ Ramjattan believes that even as the Police Force continues its fight against crime citizens must play a role by speaking up against those friends or family who may be part taker of criminal activities. He further stated that Government will be training Police officers. According to Ramjattan, "we have to train some more policemen, and I have pleading with members across the floor, if they have friends and family want to join up ,because they say we are not creating employment, well I am short a thousand policemen, send some over so that they could be employ.’’
GUYANA DAILY NEWS Previous Government’s Housing Programme Too Ambitious – Communities Minister PAGE 6
The previous administration’s housing programme was poorly configured and overly ambitious, Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan said. The Communities Minister was at the time speaking during an edition of the programme, ‘Budget in Focus’. “The housing programme that we inherited was an overly ambitious one. It sought to provide what is called serviced house lots to practically anyone so desirous. It was much too ambitious, and when we look at the figures over the last 20 years, a total of approximately 66,000 house lots were developed but currently over 28000 of those house lots are unoccupied. So there is a non-occupancy rate of 45 percent. Which is quite high,” the Minister said. Minister Bulkan said the situation became worse in the run-up to the General and Regional Elections of May 2015. “If we look at the period immediately preceding this administration, which is the life of the tenth parliament, it becomes even more alarming. Those figures show that 38 of the schemes were developed in the period 2011 to 2015, yielding a little over 20,000 house lots, of which, less than 4000 have resulted in houses being constructed. So the rate of un-occupancy was over 80 percent,” the Minister said. Bulkan explained that approximately $13 Billion was spent in those 38 areas, and according to an estimate done, to complete the infrastructure in those areas, a further $16 Billion will be required, “Resources that the Central Government does not have.” Further, he said that, there is no guarantee also that the $16 Billion, if it could be found, would impact dramatically or significantly on the construction, as well as the occupancy of those 38 areas. Minister Bulkan said that under the new Government, the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) is moving back to its legislative mandate, which is to provide accessible and affordable housing for low income persons. “The initiatives that are now being taken by the Central Government and CH&PA are to utilise a significant portion of this $8 Billion; approximately $5 Billion to be exact to construct housing units (duplexes, condominiums and town houses) in our coastal regions,” he said. The Minister said that the units would be constructed in locations such as Charity and Onderneeming in Region Two, Stewartville in Region Three, Perseverance and Kuru Kuru in Region Four, Experiment in Region Five, Fort Ordnance and New Amsterdam, in Region Six and Bartica in Region Seven. Further, Minister Bulkan said
that Central Government has identified medium density, three – storey condominiums in three locations; East La Penitence, Great and Little Diamond and Cummings Lodge to construct approximately 3,360 low income units for a sum of approximately US$135Million. The Minister explained that Cabinet at a sub-committee decided that, “this administration, we want to build 10,000 housing unit in the next five years, so the 1000 homes duplexes and condominiums is an immediate activity for which the funding is available.”
Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan
GUYANA DAILY NEWS China Ready To Strengthen Economic Ties With Guyana PAGE 8
According to Yang Chenqi, Counselor and Deputy Chief of Mission of the Chinese Embassy in Georgetown, Guyana’s development potential is boasted frequently, however its economic ties with the Chinese is widely ignored. In the area of bilateral trade, the statistics of the Guyana National Bureau of Statistics (GNBS) illustrate that China is not on the list of top ten destinations of imports from these shores, the value of which is tallied among other nations. Chenqi stated that both countries should grasp the opportunity. “It’s now or never.” He is however, optimistic that once infrastructure is improved in the form of land and sea transport in Guyana, which includes the Guyana-Brazil highway and deep water project, the two countries can share a vision of large volumes of goods, people and service. He remarked that the communications and energy sector needs to be expanded to complement connectivity here. He noted that economic diversification efforts can be catapulted while control of economic growth can rest in the hands of the country. “China holds great value for its economic ties with Guyana, not necessarily because of its rich natural resources, even including the lately discovered oil, but Guyana has an advantage regarding its location for trade and investment. So geographically and culturally Guyana plays a strategic role in bridging South America with the Caribbean and further north,” he explained. Guyana and china enjoy deep political trust; they share the similar views and support each other on key international issues such as sustainable development, climate change, United Nations reform and regional integration.
FITUG Says 2017 Budget Adds Burdens To An Already Stricken Populace The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) said that they have examined the 2017 Budget and have come to the conclusion that the Government has fallen woefully short of its promise of “Delivering the Good Life to All Guyanese”. In a press release on Tuesday the Federation said that several provisions in the Budget will only serve to engender even greater hardships on the already overburdened working-class. “The imposition of VAT on electricity and water; the reduction in the number of VAT exempted and zerorated items which will affected medical supplies and services and treatments, among others; the introduction of an environmental tax; the increases in the costs of passports; the introduction of fees for TIN certificates; the massive increases in the costs for a number of licenses, fees and penalties; the increase in the departure tax, as well as other increases are some of the new pressures that the 2017 Budget has brought on to be borne by the workers, pensioners, and other ordinary Guyanese come January, 2017,” the statement read. FITUG also noted that they found the Budget to be sorely lacking, hardly having any specific details or policies to address the current and rising
unemployment situation. The Federation was also dismayed to learn that the Budget did not address, in a positive way, the plight of the sugar workers. “For two (2) years now, thousands of workers and their families are being forced to contend with no pay increases. That aside the workers are faced with other assaults on their rights and benefits. In the face of such denials, it is damning that large sums are being found to fund supersalaried Government officials and the top echelons of the sugar industry and, possibly, soon a former high office holder,” The federation said. The Federation said that 2017 Budget with its draconian measures can be rightly seen as an anti-working class Budget which will undo many of the positive gains made in the past years and serve to push many ordinary Guyanese into an impoverished state. The FITUG is urging the APNU + AFC Administration to re-look, with a view to rescind, the many measures which will be “severe blows on and badly hurt the people, especially the poor and working-people of our country.“
2017 Budget is a “monster” – Bartica Chamber of Commerce The Bartica Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) is of the view that the 2017 budget is a “monster” budget and believes that a fully loaded cart was put before the horse. The BCCI is demanding justification from the government for the decision of the proposed implementation of 14% Value Added Tax (VAT) on water and electricity. n a statement issued to media, the BCCI said the Finance Minister must be commended for an early budget and a promise to have the 16% VAT reduced to 14%, however more questions than answers remain. In light of the recent 2017 budget announcement by the Finance Minister, Winston Jordan, of a possible attraction of 1 4 % Va l u e A d d e d Ta x o n w a t e r a n d e l e c t r i c i t y respectively,(two basic human needs) the Bartica Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) urges the government to rethink the decision and make a conscious decision to review the 2017 budget with haste,” BCCI said. he Chamber said that Bartica’s economy remains in a coma due to falling gold prices and residents and business alike are experiencing financial hardships as Barticians depend solely on mining. The business community is experiencing a slowdown in business. No economic activity is taking place now and with the recent announcement of a possible 14% VAT attraction on water and electricity can only be seen as the government and the merchants attending the funeral of the poor. The measures outlined in the budget will affect the ordinary man and businesses in Bartica as the merchants will pass on the necessary increases to the poor,” the BCCI lamented. The BCCI is contending that the living standards of residents of Bartica will be greatly interrupted as the masses of the 15,000 population pays each month more than $10,000 and $1,500 respectively on water and electricity bills and will now be forced to make electrical appliances in the homes ornaments.
“For example, if one has a microwave, iron or fan they will avoid using these household comforts out of fear of a monstrous light bill exceeding $10,000 per month. On the other hand, for those residents who do not yet own a microwave, iron or fan they will now think twice about purchasing same,” it explained ddressing the issue of the restriction of used types, BCCI said that miners using ATV’s, cruisers and trucks will no doubt feel the squeeze of maintaining their vehicles. With new tyres on vehicles and bad and unacceptable conditions of roads leading into the interior, the cost of transporting goods and services into the interior will skyrocket. he BCCI is urging the government to consider exempting miners from the ban of used tyres as they view the implementation of the usage of new tyres to also mean new, up kept and standard roads.
Climate financing partnerships with Guyana a global good - President Granger President David Granger, on Tuesday, outlined three critical partnership areas for Guyana in support of climate financing in the international fight against the effects of climate change. These are improved coastal zone management, better drainage and water storage and supply systems and more modern hydrometeorological services to improve weather forecasting. The Head of State made these remarks at concert organised by the European Union (EU) to mark the ratification of the Paris Climate Change Agreement. It was held at the Marriott Hotel in Kingston. In a Ministry of a Presidency release, the President said that Guyana can develop an international partnership model that the rest of the world could emulate. The GuyanaEuropean Union partnership has remained relevant, resilient and responsive to the changing threats for over four decades. Guyana is grateful for the support it has received from the European Union and expects further, fruitful cooperation in the future, especially for climate adaptation… Guyana is pursuing a low-carbon, low-emission, green trajectory of economic development. Guyana will become a ‘green state.’ Cooperation with Guyana is a global good,” he said. The President noted that adaptation is necessary in order to build greater resilience against the effects of climate change. However, this could be extremely costly for a country like Guyana which he said, requires a level of financing that is beyond its slender resources. Meanwhile, EU Ambassador to Guyana, Mr. Jernej Videtic informed that the EU has forged a strong alliance with the African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States of which Guyana is a member and said that it plans to work with its partners to ensure implementation of the Paris Agreement. The Ambassador also lauded the Government for its commitment to preserving its forests as a way of providing vital environmental and ecological services to the rest of the world. “We acknowledge and welcome the Guyanese Government’s actions on climate change for example the Low Carbon Development Strategy and the green agenda and of course Guyana’s early ratification of the Paris Agreement,” the Ambassador said. France’s Ambassador to Guyana, Mr. Michel Prom said that Caribbean countries, particularly Guyana is at
the forefront of the fight against climate change. He noted, however, that a lot more needs to be done to reach the 2020 goals. He informed that France has committed to increasing its yearly funds for the climate from €3B to €5B in 2020. The Paris Agreement was adopted on December 12, 2015 at the twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Paris and was signed on April 22, 2016 in New York. It provides the framework for accelerating the global transition to a climate resilient, low carbon future. Today, it has been ratified by 115 Parties, representing 79 percent of global emissions.
GUYANA DAILY NEWS Government Applauds Mining Sector’s Contribution To Economy PAGE 12
Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman addressed a gathering at the Gala Awards Ceremony and cocktail reception of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), on Thursday last, where he expressed delight that Guyana has surpassed the projected gold target for 2016. The Minister stated that the initial target was 550,000 ounces; the mining sector has broken its production record significantly. ‘’As of November 30, gold declarations have crested the 600,000 mark. In putting this into context, it means that even in the days of higher prices and the presence of Omai, gold never went beyond 465,000 ounces, which was the highest-ever recorded production in 2013,’’Trotman said. The figures revealed by Minister Trotman indicate that this year has been a successful one for the mining sector .The minister also pointed out that oil is expected to create a boost in the country’s economy and many citizens are anticipating economic development. However, gold mining is currently climbing. “This year, the mining and quarrying sector grew significantly, thanks to a very dominant performance by gold;which,despite a significant drop in gold prices on the world market(today US$1163) and challenges in the mining sector, has seen gold production figures continually rising in 2016,’’the minister said. Diamond production has also surpassed its expected target, being 38 per cent ahead of its 2016 goal of 61,380 carats with declarations of 99,000 carats already at the end of October. Government has set the new production target for gold at 700,000 ounces for 2017. ‘’Next year we hope to edge closer to the 700,000 ounces threshold, and hopefully surpass
it,’’Trotman said. According to the minister, Government, in recognizing that gold is an important income-earner, will provide operational concessions to miners and lend support through infrastructural works, while putting in place systems to ensure higher declarations.
Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman
Age Of Applying For House Lots Reduced To 18
Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Valerie Patterson
Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Valerie Patterson at Tuesday’s session of the Budget 2017 debate announced that that the Department of Housing has made a decision to reduce the age at which someone could apply for a house lot in Guyana. During her contribution to the debate on the Budget the Minister that said that from January 2017, a young person can now apply for a house lot at the age of 18; however that person will have to wait till they are 21 years old to be allocated that house lot. “A young person from the 3rd of January, 2017, can apply for a house lot once they’ve reached the age of 18, with allocation at 21 years”, the Minister said. The decision to reduce the age of eligibility when applying for a house lot came after the minister held consultations with citizens across Guyana and had promise to pursue the policy change. The minister said that change will likely increase the performance of the construction sector which saw a decline from 10.5% to a projected 3.2% in 2016. Minister Patterson said that the Central Planning and Housing Authority (CH&PA) only spent 19.9% of its $5.8B budgeted allocation for 2016 and achieved 30.5% of its revenue which left several projects behind but she promised that this will not occur in 2017.
Hydroponics Farming encouraged by NAREI In Guyana the use of the recycling method of hydroponics is utilized; this method referred to as a Nutrient Film Technique or NFT and is implemented at NAREI.This is just one type of hydroponic gardening. This method involves the continuous flow of nutrient solutions through a system which is powered by a submerged pump. It is housed in a 50ft by 24ft wooden structure, with concrete filled base. A shade net is placed around the structure to deter the presence of insect pests. NAREI’s Hydroponic Research Assistant, Jonathan Melville told the Government Information Agency (GINA) that with hydroponics becoming one of the mosteffective means of planting cash crops, local farmers can expect this system to be implemented on a large scale. “We want to promote the use of hydroponics on a wider scale so it’s not just for research, but also for implementation so that common person can say ‘yes, this is something that looks not just interesting but it’s actually sounds like a bring money into my operations’thing’,Melville explained. Hydroponics is therefore recognized as an established branch of agronomy. It results in higher crop yields and this method can be utilized to provide a regular supply of fresh vegetables even in areas where traditional gardening is impossible. Melville said, “Not every crop is suitable for hydroponics, but currently we’re focusing on fruit type vegetables crops like sweet pepper and tomato. In comparison to traditional agriculture, hydroponics is less costly because it is liquid medium of planting crops. This eventually decreased the chance of loss of crop and investment. In addition to high economic returns promised there are a number of other benefits attached to adopting hydroponics farming. A number of cash crops are being eyed for production through hydroponics method of farming based .the national agriculture research and extension institute (NAREI), has received the support of the organization of American states, development co-operation fund (DCF) in this regard.
International seminar held: VPA countries share lessons with Guyana A VPA is a legally binding trade agreement between the EU and timber-producing countries outside the EU and in Guyana, the Forestry Commission is the country’s focal point for the VPA. Information gathered from the seminar is that Guyana needs to ensure that the transition from negotiating to implementing its Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) with EU is highly participatory and receives adequate technical, financial and political support. The National Technical Working Group will publish and distribute a seminar report, which will provide greater detail of the discussions and specific lessons shared by other countries. They identified three key ingredients for a successful transition to VPA implementation: - First, civil society participation is essential to promote transparency, accountability and other aspects of ‘good governance’ in the VPA implementation process. To contribute effectively, civil society must be strong, have a good mix of different groups, be willing to network and be aware of their respective roles. - Second, the transition from negotiation to implementation will require financial and technical resources. Stakeholders will need to be aware of their expected roles in the implementation process, identify capacity deficits and obtain needed resources to fill those deficits. - Third, the various country experiences revealed a key ingredient for the successful transition from the negotiation to the implementation phase of the VPA was political support. To safeguard against political risks, special efforts should therefore be made to engage members of both the government and the opposition in an open, participatory process that ensures the continuity of the VPA process According to FLEGT Facilitation Support Office in Guyana, “The VPA, participants noted that there are challenges to participation by key stakeholder groups, including indigenous peoples, loggers and the private sector more generally, and politicians.’’ The FLEGT Facilitation Support further stated that, “Participants said there is a need to develop and implement a communication strategy to ensure that all stakeholders understand the process and their respective roles in VPA implementation. Structures and legislation are also needed to govern the participation of various stakeholders.” Participants
also said consideration should be given to developing protocols to guide inter-organizational behaviour and the mechanisms for engagement among the various stakeholders, as Guyana moves from the negotiation to the implementation. Other follow-up steps include capacity building, field testing of the legality definition and Guyana’s timber legality assurance system, and keeping abreast with the constantly changing market-based legislation within the timber sector. In preparation for FLEGT licensing, Guyana will also need to improve the efficiency, quality and reliability within the timber sector and be proactive in market promotion in both the EU and at home. Participants concurred that Guyana’s robust management of its forestry sector and its low annual deforestation rate of 0.06% would aid the transition into the VPA’s implementation phase. There is also potential for synergies between VPA implementation and other initiatives, such as REDD+, with regard to legislation, monitoring and other issues. However, participants noted an urgent need to improve perceptions of Guyana’s forestry sector globally through advocacy by the government, the private sector and civil society to communicate the facts about Guyana’s efficient forest management and low rate of deforestation. In particular, the Government needs to resolve the current impasse with the United Kingdom with regard to its non-acceptance of Guyana’s greenheart timber in its public procurement, due to the perception that greenheart production is not sustainable. The seminar was organized by the National Technical Working Group and the FLEGT Facilitation Support Office in collaboration with the Amerindian Peoples Association, EU FLEGT Facility and EU FAO FLEGT Programme, Iwokrama and IUCN. The National Technical Working Group will publish and distribute a seminar report, which will provide greater detail of the discussions and specific lessons shared by other countries.
Guyana Forestry Commission (FLEGT Facilitators)
MOE IRI Programme To Assessed In 2017 The Ministry of Education will be assessing the Interactive Radio Instruction (IRI) Mathematics programme with the aim of improving its delivery. Acting Chief Education Officer, Marcel Hutson in a recent interview with the Government Information Agency (GINA) said that a review of the programme by Mathematics experts from the National Centre for Education Resource Development (NCERD) found that there needs to be improvement in the delivery of the programme. There will be a concentration of training teachers to effectively deliver the programme and this will be undertaken in the New Year, Hutson said. “We talk about maths being fun; if you listen to the programme you hear Jennifer Cumberbatch, how she does that, and the children, you know if the teacher could become lively just like the presenter the thing (Maths teaching) could be fun,” Hutson explained. Hutson noted that teachers’ review of the IRI programme is mixed, and that an assessment to determine the impact of the programme to improve mathematics performance at the primary level will be undertaken in 2017. The IRI programme was introduced in the primary education system in 2006 for Grades One to Three. The CEO admits that “there was a kind of slackening” in the programme since. Hutson added that an examination of introducing the IRI programme to Grades Five and Six is also being considered. The assessment of the IRI programme is the
short -term plan which is part of the emergency education interventions for improved Mathematics performance. These interventions are part of a holistic strategy by the government to address the poor performance in Mathematics. Cabinet has approved $48.6M for implementation of the immediate phase of the plan.
Acting Chief Education Officer, Marcel Hutson
Policemen freed of robbery charge FIVE policemen were freed of a joint robbery charge by Night Court Magistrate Brenden Glasford at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on Friday. The policemen, Constable Kofi Arthur, 25; Constable Raphael Lowenfield, 25; Constable Akeem Thompson, 21; Lance Corporal Mark Fernandez, 34; and Constable Delroy Duncan, 23, were feed of the charge due to lack of evidence. In August, the officers made their first court appearance and pleaded not guilty to the charges which stated that on July 25 at Timehri, East Bank Demerara, they robbed Urie Samuels of six penny weights raw gold valued $66,000 and Sherman Noel of five pennyweights raw gold valued $55,000 and four penny weight of raw gold valued $44,000, belonging to Harillal Gildarie. The magistrate on Friday ruled that a prima facie was not made out against the lawmen in the matter involving robbery with regard to Sherman Noel and dismissed the case. According to the defence attorney Patrice Henry, the policemen were on patrol on the day in question when they carried out a search with instructions at the military
base camp on the virtual complainants, but did not discover anything on them. However, three days later allegations of robbery were laid against the policemen.
Police dedication, commitment will make Guyana safe again - Granger President David Granger on Friday evening told Inspectors, Sergeants and other senior Police officials gathered at the Guyana Police Force’s (GPF) Inspectors and Sergeants dinner held at the Marriott Hotel, that Guyana will once again become a safe and secure place for the children of Guyana, once they remain dedicated and committed to the country and its citizens. The President said that the Government, through the week National Security Committee Meetings, have been putting plans in train and the taking decisions, which will see not only improvements in the country but will also result in better conditions for the serving men and women. “My being here is a reflection of my commitment to the Guyana Police Force. You are the middle belt and the Force has been undergoing a tremendous amount of change and of course, criticisms. I am, however, convinced that the path that you are on, the work that you do, the commitment that you display, will eventually make Guyana a more secure place for our children to live. I know there are difficulties but we have set some institutions in place. We meet every week to ensure that we put every ounce of effort into policing in this country. We are trying to bring the police force up to strength... We want to ensure that you all have the conditions, that you have the resources to enable you to do your job,” the President said. he expressed thanks for the work done during the past year, noting that he hopes 2017 brings more success for the Force. (Ministry of the Presidency)
Guyana celebrates You-Mun-Nabi Mawlid ir mawlidu n-nabiyyi, or You-Mun- Nabi as it is known in Guyana, is the observance of the birth anniversary of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, which is celebrated often on the 12th day of Rabi' al-awwal, the third month in the Islamic calendar. This year The Central Islamic Organization of Guyana (CIOG), incites Muslims and non-Muslims to take active part of the national celebration. You-Mun- Nabiwill be celebrated the 12th of December all around Guyana, with the Mosques as main venue for gathering. The origin of Mawlid observance reportedly dates back to the period of the early four Rashidun Caliphs of Islam, is a term used in Sunni Islam to refer to the 30-year reign of the first four caliphs (successors) following the death of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. The Ottomans declared it an official holiday in 1588. The term Mawlid is also used in some parts of the world, such as Egypt, as a generic term for the birthday celebrations of other historical religious figures such as Sufi saints. Mawlid is recognized as a national holiday in most of the Muslim countries around the world except Saudi Arabia and Qatar which are officially Wahhabi or Salafi (ultra-conservative movement within Sunni Islam). Mawlid is celebrated in almost all Islamic countries, and in other countries that have a significant Muslim population, such as India, the United Kingdom, Nepal, Sri Lanka, France, Germany, Italy, Russia and Canada. The only exceptions are Qatar and Saudi Arabia where it is not an official public holiday and is forbidden. In some countries such as Guyana, Mawlid is celebrated in a carnival manner, large street processions are held and homes or mosques are decorated. Charity and food is distributed, and stories about the life of Muhammad are narrated with recitation of poetry by children. Scholars and poets celebrate by reciting Qaṣīda al-Burda Sharif, the famous poem by 13th-century Arabic Sufi Busiri. These celebrations are often considered an expression of the Sufi concept of the pre-existence of Muhammad. However, the main significance of these festivities is expression of love for Muhammad. During Pakistan's Mawlid the day starts with a
31-gun salute in federal capital and a 21-gun salute at the provincial capitals and religious hymns are sung during the day. In many parts of Indonesia, the celebration of the Mawlid alnabi seems to surpass in importance, liveliness, and splendor the two official Islamic holidays of Eid ul-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. In Qayrawan, Tunisia, Muslims sing and chant hymns of praise to Muhammad, welcoming him in honor of his birth. Also, generally in Tunisia, people usually prepare Assidat Zgougou (Tunisian desert) to celebrate Mawlid. Among non-Muslim countries, India is noted for its Mawlid festivities. The relics of Muhammad are displayed after the morning prayers in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir at prepare Assidat Zgougou to, where night-long prayers are also held. Mawlid or Youmun-Nabi gives us an opportunity to understand the message Prophet Muhammad transmitted to mankind, and how we can spread it with love and tolerance. Behind each prophet etiquette and suggestion, we find spiritual upliftment aimed at refining our humanity, civilizing our society and elevating our faith. The Central Islamic Organization Of Guyana (CIOG), invites all Guyanese to take part of this national celebration, as one people and one united nation. ‘As salaamu'alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu’: In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praises and thanks are due to Allah and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger
Farmers Urged To Diversify Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture George Jervis stated that farmers should explore aquaculture and the fishing industry, which has scope for expansion. “Don’t just put all your eggs in one basket. Branch out into other areas in agriculture in addition to what you are already doing. The fishing sector is a very successful sector and earns a lot of foreign exchange for Guyana. It is right up on the scale behind rice and sugar,” Mr. Jervis said. The Ministry of Agriculture will be conducting a series of countrywide consultations in keeping with guidelines outlined by the World Bank. In addition, Outreach Exercises will be implemented by Heads of the various Agriculture Departments and Technical officers to address issues at the regional level. The Food and Security Strategy consulatation programme is being funded by World Bank. The funds received from the grant will go towards target programs that foster agriculture development in Guyana. The programme has already commenced in Region two PomeroonSupenaam. The project would involve farmers receiving technical assistance, setting up of agriculture facilities such as shade, houses, planting material at affordable costs and the production of high nutrition crops. “The project will have a
tremendous impact on Guyana’s agriculture industry, Mr. Jervis said.
Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, George Jervis
Minister Harmon Says Opposition Trying To Vilify 2017 Budget The 2017 National budget is a comprehensive outline for the plans and proposals for the year, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon stated during the second day of the budget debates. The Minister’s comments came after calls by members of the Opposition for the withdrawal of the budget. According to the Minister, Members of the Opposition are “trying to vilify a well-crafted budget for a narrow political agenda, withdraw the budget is the call for a party whose numbers are dwindling.” Harmon pointed out that the budget provided almost $1B to implement a series of renewable energy and energy efficient products. He acknowledged the works by the now Opposition through the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS), however he pointed out that the LCDS had “a narrow vision of what Guyana’s potential is and therefore, we have to broaden it and therefore the green economy is that vehicle that we are using.” He said the Department of Environment which is actively pursuing the “Green Agenda” will ensure all agencies are involved. According to the Minister, the Department has been tasked with crafting a ‘green state development plan’ to achieve the green agenda. Harmon also pointed out that the plan will be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all Guyanese. Minister Harmon noted that a team from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is expected to be in Guyana from December 12 to 15, 2016 to engage stakeholders who will provide input in crafting the framework for the ‘Green Development Plan’. According to the Minister of State, the plan will create policies that will trigger innovation, enterprise, new markets, green jobs and competitiveness. The Minister pointed out that 8.5 percent of the country’s terrestrial area is committed to protected areas status. However, when compared to the rest of the Guiana shield, Guyana has one of the lowest proportions of protected area coverage. In order to achieve United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification target, Minister Harmon noted that almost two million hectares of land will be added to the national protected area system. This was a pledge made by President David Granger during a recent address at the United Nations. Minister Harmon said, “The conservation of these two million hectares represent a transformative moment in Guyana’s history, and it would not only preserve the country’s natural patrimony for future generations, but will also cement Guyana’s role as an international leader in finding green solutions for a sustainable world,” the Minister explained. Minister Harmon urged the Members of the Opposition to understand the reality of Guyana, adding that with the 2017 National Budget, the country will be a better place.
Minister of State, Joseph Harmon
GUYANA DAILY NEWS Finance Minister Accused Of Unrealistic Employment Opportunities PAGE 24
Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo and the Private Sector Commission (PSC) have rejected the 2017 budget which was proposed by Finance Minister Winston Jordan last Monday. Both PSC and Dr Jagdeo met with the local media and questioned the figures that were presented. Minister Jordan stated that over the period of 2016 the total investments included direct foreign investments (FDI), facilitated by GOinvest and total $114.8 billion. He further stated that it was a significant improvement when compared to $89.3 billion inflow in 2015. According to the Finance Minister it is expected that investments provide over 6,000 jobs in various sectors, including 1,327 in agriculture; 1,366 in energy; 1500 in ICT; and 1,483 in tourism and services. The plan is to restructure the investment portfolio so as to ensure greater diversification within the economy, more emphasis will be placed on agriculture, light manufacturing sectors and tourism. Ramesh Persaud Chairman of PSC’s committee on Economic and Financial Affairs stated that the projections by the Finance Minister pertaining to monies being invested will provide additional jobs .He further stated that he is unaware of the basis for the determination of the figures presented by Finance Minister. “While anecdotal evidence points to the Minister’s projection being unrealistic, there is paucity of confidence in the local business community; as long as the local business committee is uninspired, this will inherently be passed on to any foreign investors, stated Persaud. PSC is of the opinion that the budget has a vague vision and a such it will lead to more hardships. “There has been a lot of inconsistencies with regards to the lack of policies and this has been daunting PSC .In 2016 the Government made a special effort to add a range of items to the zero-rated category of the VAT regime.However,one year later and the Government abandoned this altogether,” he said. Fallacious Information Meanwhile, Jagdeo said that Minister Jordan presented fallacious information as it relates to Go-invest that they facilitated investments in 2016 which created over 6000 jobs. He recalled that Minister Jordan said that 1327 jobs were created in the agriculture sector .Dr Jagdeo is requesting evidence that these jobs were created because he is adamant that they weren’t created within the rice and sugar
sectors.Dr.Jagdeo further stated that proposals do come into GO-Invest with promises to create jobs but these jobs aren’t always necessarily created. Thus he is requesting evidence of the job creations that the Minister listed and is concern of the fact that the minister failed to mention the job loss within those various sectors.
Finance Minister, Winston Jordan
Government Failing To Curb Suriname Smuggling Local Business Hurting Many local businesses continue to complain about smuggling of goods from Suriname into Guyana. Several business owners said the ongoing smuggling will force them to close their businesses as one businessman said that he is tired of complaining to the Government and nothing is done to curb the high incidence of smuggling. The businessman made reference to the label of a one liter oil that clearly states that the product is imported by a Suriname company; however the same oil can be seen on the shelves of supermarkets in Guyana. According to the businessman, the custom duty for cooking oil is approximately 41%, therefore the smuggler evaded 41% of custom duty and taxes. “How can we compete with smuggler?” he further stated. Another prominent importer told the Guyana Daily News that since Cooking oil, Evaporated Milk, Condensed Milk and Sardines are duty free in Suriname, a lot of smugglers allegedly set up companies in Suriname, import the goods to Suriname, then smuggle the goods into Guyana, thus evading the custom duty and taxes. According to the businessman, the Government is losing billions of dollars in revenue and businesses are on the verge collapsing. The businessman further explained that the picture of this oil is testimonial of the smuggling; one of the pictures clearly shows that the oil was imported by a company in Suriname and the other picture shows the other oil was bottled for both Suriname and Guyana without English language label requirements. Several other business owners told the Guyana Daily news that they supported and voted for the coalition government thinking that they would listen to their cries and take the necessary steps to correct this situation; they are also very worried that the upcoming budget heavily depends on revenue and taxation from imports. Presently the imports are significantly low and should smuggling continue at this rate, the government could
ended up with a tremendous shortfall and a budget deficit. Smuggling of items from Suriname into Guyana could be costing the public treasury as much as $1 billion in lost revenue while the illegal cross-border entry of consumer goods manufactured in various other countries including India, China, Vietnam and countries in South America continue to render the playing field uneven for the many local importers.
Government Cancels Over $US2M Japanese Grant For National Hardware Cabinet has agreed to cancel the residual funds allocated to National Hardware (Guyana) Limited, under the Japanese Non-Project Grant Aid (JNPGA) of 2013 and to reallocate those funds for the procurement of renewable energy and energy efficient street lights on highways, in townships and Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs). In a post cabinet media release, the Ministry of the Presidency (MoTP) said that these efforts are in keeping with Government’s thrust to stimulate the transition to a ‘green’ state,” The grant, to the sum of US$2,938, 871, was made available to National Hardware (Guyana) Limited under the JNPGA in 2013, for the procurement of goods and services to facilitate the company’s contribution to national economic and social development. The funds were intended to be utilised for the importation of products, such as civil engineering equipment and other machinery that would aid in Government’s development efforts. The Ministry said however, after the first phase, the company informed the Ministry of Finance that it was no longer interested in participating in the Grant Aid Programme, which resulted in a residual sum of US$1,330,000. Cabinet also agreed that the Governments of Guyana and Japan would mutually agree on a list of energy efficient and renewable
energy equipment that would be procured by the Japan International Cooperation System (JICS) on behalf of the Government of Guyana. Non-project aid is grant aid intended to provide rapid support to developing countries with economic difficulties such as growing accumulated debt or a rising international balance of payments deficit, as part of assistance to improve the country's economic structure.
New Commission To Police Mining Sector- Trotman According to Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman, poor staffing has challenged the regulatory body to effectively supervise the six mining districts for which it holds responsibility. According to a GINA report, the Minister was at the time speaking on the Budget in Focus program. The Minister noted that GGMC has set aside a great portion of its budget to improve mines management, safety and reclamation of land. Minister Trotman further noted that staff will also be recruited for the establishment of a unit of wardens. These wardens will “have powers of arrest, to stop illegal mining, to stop illegal trade of wildlife, to look into bad practices in the forest sector.” The Minister further stated that “We’re doing more training for mines safety; we got to train people in the correct procedure in setting up a mine…so that land doesn’t collapse. There is a lot of money there and that is where we will be putting our focus this year, streamlining those operations.” Budget 2017 has also made provisions for the development of the emerging oil and gas sector. The sum of $650M has been allocated to build capacity in various fields within the emerging oil and gas sector, the Minister noted. Minister Trotman said that responsibility for regulating the new sector will be removed from the GGMC and vested into a new commission. “We’re about to set up a regulatory commission….a standalone
commission that is going to comprise members of civil society, the parliamentary opposition and government,” the Minister explained. The budget projects gold declaration to reach 44,814 ounces while the overall mining sector is expected to grow by 35.7 percent at the end of 2016. “The industry is outperforming itself and predecessors…we’re doing better than we have ever done before,” Minister Trotman said.
Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman
Rice Industry Expected To Boost With Venezuela, Mexico Market Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder revealed that a Mexican team will be in Guyana in January 2017 to discuss a rice deal with the two countries. Mexico demand for rice is 1.8 million tonnes, while Guyana can produce only 600,000. The minister noted that rice is being sold from Guyana’s private rice millers to Venezuela and that the estimated figure exported to Venezuela is 10,000 tonnes. This process has been ongoing for the last four to five months and involves buyers coming to Guyana. A release from the Ministry noted that the Government is benefiting from the trade between Guyanese sellers and Venezuelan buyers.The Guyana Government continues to engage with Panama, Italy, Spain and Mexico on purchasing agreements between Governments. Venezuela is currently experiencing an economic pitfall as global oil prices remain low; negatively affecting the petroleum-dependent country. The shipment of rice from Guyana to Venezuela is expected to help mollify the food shortage dilemma for Venezuela. Mexico, imports one million tonnes of rice annually and has since signaled its intention to fast track a paddy deal with Guyana, even as the Prime Minister continues to seek other markets for local producers. In March this year, Mexican paddy importers met with Agriculture Minister Noel Holder to discuss the way forward in relation to the rice deal between the two countries. The Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) is also working with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to secure additional international markets for Guyana’s rice.
Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder
GASCI reports that session 698's trading results showed consideration of $4,692,041 from 85,431 shares traded in 6 transactions as compared to session 697's trading results, which showed consideration of $2,869,243 from 123,563 shares traded in 10 transactions. The stocks active this week were DIH, DBL, DDL, and DTC. Banks DIH Limited's (DIH) two trades totalling 47,808 shares represented 55.96% of the total shares traded. DIH's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $22.7, which showed an increase of $0.2 from its previous close of $22.5. DIH's trades contributed 23.11% ($1,084,461) of the total consideration. DIH's ďŹ rst trade of 10,000 shares was at $23.0, while its second trade of 37,808 shares was at $22.6. Demerara Bank Limited's (DBL) single trade of 27,100 shares at $36.0 represented 31.72% of the total shares traded. DBL's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $36.0, which showed no change from its previous close. DBL's trade contributed 20.79% ($975,600) of the total consideration. Demerara Distillers Limited's (DDL) single trade of 8,130 shares represented 9.52% of the total shares traded. DDL's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $24.0, which showed an increase of $0.5 from its previous close of $23.5. DDL's trade contributed 4.16% ($195,120) of the total consideration. Demerara Tobacco Company Limited's (DTC) two trades totalling 2,393 shares represented 2.80% of the total shares traded. DTC's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $1,018.3, which showed a decrease of $10.7 from its previous close of $1,029.0. DTC's trades contributed 51.94% ($2,436,860) of the total consideration. DTC's ďŹ rst trade of 2,000 shares was at $1,018.0, while its second trade of 393 shares was at $1,020.0. Best bid:
The highest price that a buyer is
willing to pay for a security. Best offer: The lowest price at which a seller is offering to sell securities.
Venezuela Reportedly Shipping Arms To Hezbollah rulers, and the late Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's former president, resulted in multiple deliveries of missiles, ostensibly for defence against a feared American invasion, but in truth as a stockpile of arms for the future. The government of Venezuela and Hezbollah have maintained a close relationship for years, and there is a large contingent of Hezbollah agents working inside Venezuela. When Shi'ite Lebanese civilians needed cash to rebuild the homes that were damaged or destroyed during the Second Lebanon War, it was Venezuela that shipped US dollars into Syria, using civilian business jets. The money was later transported, via surface routes, into Hezbollah-controlled areas of eastern Lebanon, and there after handed out publicly to civilians. Most people assumed that it was an Iranian project and, again, those in the US government that knew about the true origins of the cash did not release it to the media, so that Venezuela's role as a state sponsor of terrorism remained out of the limelight. There are regular shipments of civilian goods from Venezuelan ports to Beirut, and hiding arms within those freighters, some of which are registered in Lebanon, is most likely a continuing operation. (Caribbean News Now!)
By Kenneth Rijock MIAMI, USA -- Iran and Syria are not the only nations sending missiles and rockets to Hezbollah in Lebanon, according to a reliable source in Panama, who has been monitoring similar shipments from Venezuela. Iran has been shipping arms, including Shabab 3 missiles, to Venezuela for several years, though most Western Hemisphere governments would prefer that this not become public knowledge, because there might be a call to remove them. The close relationship between Iran's
Jamaica Adds Five New Tourism Subsectors By Alecia Smith KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) -- Five new tourism subsectors have been added to the country’s offerings as the government ramps up efforts to promote Jamaica as an ideal tourist destination. The new areas, which form part of the country’s tourism linkages network, are sports and entertainment, shopping, knowledge, health and wellness, and gastronomy. They were established to further diversify the country’s tourism offerings, create business opportunities and increase the use of local goods and services within the tourism sector. Speaking at the official press launch on Thursday, minister of tourism, Edmund Bartlett, said these key areas will serve to greatly enhance the country’s tourism product. “This launch is important because it marks the start of what promises to be an exciting future for local tourism as the public and private sectors come together to unleash Jamaica’s true potential as a tourist destination,” he said. The minister said the government will be working on the policies relating to the new networks, which he intends to introduce in time for his budget presentation next year. “We have already done the concept paper, which Cabinet has approved. We will now do the White Paper and then have the policy ready for Parliament’s approval when I make my presentation,” he said. Formerly the Tourism Linkages Hub, the primary goal of the Tourism Linkages Network is to ensure that Jamaica’s tourism sector becomes better integrated with other sectors, such as agriculture and manufacturing. The objective is to increase the consumption of local goods, create employment, and generate and retain more of the country’s foreign-exchange earnings. The Tourism Linkages Network is supported by a Tourism Linkages Council, made up of public- and private-sector partners, who oversee the coordination and implementation of effective and sustainable strategies that strengthen and facilitate linkages. (Caribbean News Now!)
Minister of Tourism, Edmund Bartlett (first row, third left), with members of the Tourism Linkages Council, as well as chairpersons of five newly established tourism linkages networks, and other stakeholders. Occasion was the official press launch of the networks in New Kingston on Thursday. Others (from left, front row) are: Permanent Secretary in the Tourism Ministry, Jennifer Griffith; Director of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Affiliate Members Programme, Yolanda Perdomo-Aparicio; Chairman of the Tourism Linkages Council, Adam Stewart; Chairman of the Gastronomy linkages network, Nicola Madden-Greig; and Chairman of the Health and Wellness linkages network, Dr Henry Lowe. In the second row (from left) are Chairman of the Knowledge linkages network, David Butler; President of the Jamaica Manufacturers’ Association, Metry Seaga; Director of Tourism, Paul Pennicook; Deputy Chairman, Tourism Linkages Council, Kevin Hendrickson; Chairman of the Sports and Entertainment tourism linkages network, Kamal Bankay; and Senior Advisor to the Minister of Tourism, Dr Lloyd
CDB Approves US$65 Million For Electricity Systems Upgrade In Suriname BRIDGETOWN, Barbados -- The Board of Directors of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has approved a loan of US$65 million to the government of Suriname. The financing will upgrade and expand sections of the country’s transmission, sub-transmission and distribution networks, which will enable NV Energie Bedrijven Suriname (EBS), to deliver a more reliable, efficient and sustainable electricity supply. The electricity system upgrade and expansion project will result in the upgrade of 36.6 kilometres of sub-transmission and distribution lines; the construction of five new substations, the expansion or upgrade of three existing substations; and the installation of three solar photovoltaic plants by 2021. The project also provides for the undertaking of a master grid study and a dynamic stability study, in anticipation of changes to the operating environment, as a result of provisions under the country’s new Electricity Act (2016). Daniel Best, director of projects, CDB, noted: “We are committed to working with the Government of Suriname to strengthen and modernise its social and economic infrastructure. The energy sector is a key driver for sustained economic growth and improved long-term competitiveness for Suriname.” He added that the newly approved project builds on the policy-based loan approved for Suriname in May 2016, which aims to assist the government of Suriname with its adjustment programme to address challenges
in its energy sector’s operational, policy and regulatory environment. In addition to financing from CDB, the initiative will be supported by a contribution of US$33.325 million from the government of Suriname and EBS. The project aligns with CDB’s Suriname Country Strategy Paper (2014-2018), which identified the need for significant investments in the energy sector to support economic growth. It is also consistent with Bank’s Strategic Plan 2015-2019 and energy sector policy and strategy, in which it highlights energy efficiency and renewable energy as priority investment areas for CDB. (Caribbean News Now!)
First Marine Climate Change Report Card For The Caribbean In The Works BELIZE CITY, Belize (CRFM) -- The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) has been working with other Caribbean agencies and the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS), a marine science and technology agency sponsored by the UK’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The agencies are preparing the first ever marine climate change report card for the Caribbean, under the Commonwealth marine economies programme funded by the UK government. Peter Murray, CRFM’s programme manager – fisheries management and development, is a part of the working group that met in Belize this week to review the major themes being assessed, as well as the “hot topics” emanating from those themes. “The CRFM is trying to ensure that the issue of climate change as it relates to the fisheries sector comes to the fore... because the CARICOM heads of government have put fish and fishery products among the priority commodities for CARICOM. It means that things that affect that development are important to us and so climate change is of primary importance,” Murray said. “Against backdrop of the Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy for the fisheries sector that was approved by the CRFM’s Ministerial Council in 2013, it means that anything looking at climate change and potential impacts is important to us,” he added. According to CEFAS, the report card, due to be launched in March 2017, will provide comprehensive, peerreviewed and highly accessible information on what is already happening, what could happen in the future, case studies from across the region, knowledge gaps and potential socio-economic impacts. Bryony Townhill, marine climate change scientist at CEFAS, one of the experts who facilitated the working group meeting in Belize, hopes that the initiative will bring together climate change knowledge in the region so that it is both digestible and accessible “in one place,” especially for those who need it for decision-making. Townhill reviewed the main themes chosen earlier this year for the review, a process which engaged a range of Caribbean experts. She elaborated on the focal themes: (1) ocean processes – ocean acidification, extreme event (storms and surge) and sea temperature; (2) biodiversity – fish, shell fish, coral reefs and mangroves; and (3) civil society – fisheries, tourism and settlements. Townhill said that for each of the areas cited, the working group members have helped to identify scientists and practitioners in the region who have provided the paperwork used for the review. Even before the initiative started in March 2016, CEFAS began by engaging the Caribbean Community Climate Change Center (CCCCC), another CARICOM agency that forms a part of the working group. The University of the West Indies (Mona) Climate Studies Group has also been engaged through Dr Michael Taylor. Grace Chun, deputy high commissioner at the British High Commission based in Belmopan, said that the initiative emanates from a commitment by the prime minister of the United Kingdom to put £5.6 million into helping small island developing states (SIDS) in the Commonwealth, which are eligible for official development assistance (ODA). Chun attended the working group meeting on Thursday to primarily solidify the Commission’s support for the experts engaged in the process. Paul Buckley, marine climate change project coordinator at the Marine Climate Change Center at CEFAS, the second expert engaged from the UK, said that they are trying to draw from what has been used in the UK over the last ten years to apply at the Caribbean level, in the hope that the Caribbean report card can inform policymakers. On the first day of the working meeting, participants focused on formulating the right message to capture the attention of those who will be targeted by the report card -- a 12-page document that will consolidate the wealth of information documented within hundreds of pages of reports produced across the Caribbean. One overarching aim is to raise awareness of climate change issues Left to right) Nadine Nembhard, Administrative Assistant of the across the region in a way that will spur action and drive future change. Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organisations (CNFO); Grace Chun, “The CRFM is very grateful for the support being provided by the UK Deputy High Commissioner at British High Commission based in Government to improve awareness and understanding of the impacts Belmopan; Milton Haughton, Executive Director of the CRFM, Peter A. Murray, CRFM Programme Manager - Fisheries Management & of climate change on fisheries and marine ecosystems and to empower Development; Paul Buckley, Marine Climate Change Project government agencies, regional and local organisations, and persons to Coordinator (CEFAS); and Bryony Townhill, Marine Climate Change respond to these challenges on the basis of the best available scientific S c i e n t i s t a t C E FA S information,” said Milton Haughton, CRFM executive director. (Caribbean News Now!)
CHTA Joins Regional Support For US-Caribbean Strategic Engagement Act
MIAMI, USA -- The Caribbean must ensure issues of critical socioeconomic importance are ďŹ rmly addressed with the US Congress and the incoming administration, according to Karolin Troubetzkoy, president of the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association. Troubetzkoy commented on this during her presentation on the impact on the tourism industry of derisking and correspondent banking relationships at the 40th Annual Conference on the Caribbean and Central America in Miami, produced by the Caribbean-Central American Action (CCAA) organization. Underscoring the common interests between the Caribbean and the United States and the critical importance of tourism to the region's socioeconomic development and stability, Troubetzkoy called for a new focus by the region's governments and private sector in support of recent legislation aimed at strengthening United States relations with Caribbean countries. CHTA has joined CCAA in urging the US Senate to adopt the US-Caribbean Strategic Engagement Act of 2016 (HR 4939), which has already received bipartisan support in the House of Representatives, and just this week moved out of Senate Committee for consideration now by the full Senate. HR 4939, introduced by Congressman Eliot L. Engel (D-NY) with Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), would require the US Secretary of State and the Administrator of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) to submit to Congress a multi-year strategy focused on enhancing engagement with the countries of the Caribbean. The draft legislation, which emphasizes energy security, countering violence, expanded diplomacy, engagement with the private sector, and other priority areas, sets the stage for a new US-Caribbean relationship, declared Troubetzkoy, who met with Engel during the conference. Before Congress adjourns, CHTA is supporting the outreach by CCAA to the US Senate to advance passage of the legislation in the Senate. Troubetzkoy also recalled a key US policy that underscored the special relationship between the United States and its Caribbean neighbours: "We must also not forget the Third Border Initiative and our envoys must convey to the new administration that the Caribbean's success is in the strategic interest of the United States of America." Engel noted: "We spend a great deal of time focusing on challenges and opportunities in faraway places. But it's important that we never lose sight of our interests closer to home. Indeed, we should be working to strengthen our ties with countries in the Caribbean. That's the aim of this bill, which would prioritize US-Caribbean relations for years to come." He also addressed the need to pay more attention to the Caribbean in a recent editorial published in The Miami Herald. Speaking on a panel on "Tourism, Trade and the Unintended Consequences of De-Risking", Troubetzkoy called for continued action on priority areas such as "de-risking" or "de-banking," in which large US banks, sensitive to fraud and money-laundering allegations, end their
business connections with smaller banks in other regions like the Caribbean. De-risking threatens the Caribbean region's smaller banking sector which operates in jurisdictions which host overseas banking facilities. For many hotels and tourismrelated businesses in the region, there are limited banking options in their destinations. Troubetzkoy asserted the Caribbean is suffering more than others from de-risking, as trade is affected directly. Tourism is the largest income generator in the region, and she urged the sector to be more alert to the threat. "The Caribbean tourism industry must pay close attention to the very serious effects the withdrawal of correspondent banks would have on our industry," said Troubetzkoy, adding that these long-standing banking relationships are vitally important to the region's survival. "If the industry is disrupted and we are unable to interact with overseas buyers and clients, the consequences will be dire." The annual Conference on the Caribbean and Central America tackles issues which affect the region's economic growth and competitiveness. According to CCAA, the hotel and tourism industry is at the front lines, and the ability to do business-asusual in a competitive global market is critically important. (Caribbean News Now!)
K a r o l i n Tr o u b e t z k o y ( r i g h t ) w i t h Congressman Eliot L. Engel in Miami
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Russia 'Intervened To Promote Trump' - US Intelligence US intelligence agencies believe Russia acted covertly to boost Donald Trump in the election race, US officials have told leading newspapers. A report in the New York Times says the agencies had "high confidence" about Russian involvement in hacking. A CIA assessment reported by the Washington Post made similar findings. But Mr Trump's team dismissed the CIA line, saying: "These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction." Russian officials have repeatedly denied the hacking accusations. On Friday, US President Barack Obama ordered an investigation into a series of cyber-attacks, blamed on Russia, during the US election season. The hacks targeted emails at the Democratic Party and a key aide to presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. In October, US government officials pointed the finger at Russia, accusing it of meddling in the campaign. Now, senior administration officials quoted by the New York Times say they are confident that Russian hackers also infiltrated the Republican National Committee's computer systems as well as those of the Democratic Party, but did not release information gleaned from the Republican networks. Intelligence agencies say the Russians passed on the Democrats' documents to WikiLeaks, the Times reported. Democrats reacted furiously when email accounts of the Democratic National Committee and Mrs Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta, were hacked. The Podesta emails were revealed by WikiLeaks and posted online. Quoting an unnamed "senior US official", the Washington Post said "intelligence agencies" had "identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided
WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman". At one point in the campaign, Mr Trump publicly encouraged Russia to "find" Mrs Clinton's emails, although he later said he was being sarcastic. Democrats claimed the hacks were a deliberate attempt to undermine Mrs Clinton's campaign. White House spokesman Eric Schultz said President Obama wanted the investigation carried out on his watch "because he takes it very seriously". "We are committed to ensuring the integrity of our elections," he added. It is not clear if the contents of the review will be made public. (BBC)
The presidential campaign was marked by some fierce debates between the two candidates(REUTERS)
Syria Conflict: Aleppo Exodus Growing, Says Russia The exodus from rebel-held, eastern parts of Aleppo is growing, Russia says, amid a push by the Syrian army to regain control of the whole city. About 50,000 civilians have fled the rebel enclave over the past two days, a Russian defence spokesman said. He added that more than 1,000 rebels had laid down their arms as pro-government forces close in. Meanwhile Western powers have renewed calls for Syria and its ally, Russia, to allow people to leave Aleppo. The statement came at a meeting of officials from the US, Europe, and some Arab countries. US Secretary of State John Kerry, who attended the talks in Paris, said: "Russia and [Syrian President] Assad have a moment where they are in a dominant position to show a little grace." Earlier Russian defence ministry spokesman Gen Igor Konashenkov said Syrian troops had suspended their offensive to allow the evacuation of civilians. "People are moving in a constant stream through humanitarian corridors into the government-controlled districts,'' he told reporters. He said 30,000 people had left on Friday and 20,000 so far on Saturday. But latest reports from the city say the rebel enclave is being hit by repeated air strikes. The Russian military says the Syrian government now controls 93% of Aleppo. The intensification in fighting in recent weeks has forced tens of thousands to seek refuge in government-controlled territory. On Friday the UN estimated that up to 100,000 people had been squeezed into an "ever-shrinking" rebel pocket in eastern Aleppo with little or no access to food or
medical care. Syria's government has said it is ready to resume dialogue with the opposition but without "external intervention or preconditions". Aleppo was once Syria's largest city and its commercial and industrial hub before the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad began in 2011. It has been divided in roughly two since mid-2012. But in the past year, Syrian troops broke the deadlock with the help of Iranian-backed militias and Russian air strikes. Elsewhere in Syria, militants from the so-called Islamic State group have been advancing on Syrian government positions in the countryside around the ancient city of Palmyra. (BBC) Many elderly and sick people have been trapped for weeks because of the fighting(REUTERS)
Bulgarian Freight Train Derails And Explodes, Killing Five
A train carrying liquid petroleum gas has derailed and exploded in Bulgaria, killing at least five people. More than 20 people are being treated in hospital with burns and other injuries after the
incident in the village of Hitrino, local media say. The authorities ordered an evacuation as firefighters battled the blaze. At least 20 buildings were damaged in the derailment and explosion, spokesperson Nikolay Nikolov told Bulgaria's Nova television. Two tanks hit an electricity line and exploded when the train derailed near the village station at about 05:30 local time (03:30 GMT), according to several reports. Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borisov, who arrived at the village several hours after the blast, told reporters: "there will be more casualties." Several people suffered burns to more than 90% of their bodies, he added, and appealed to people in the region to donate blood to the local hospital's supply. Hitrino, a town of around 800 people, is located in Bulgaria's north-eastern Shumen province, about 60 miles (100km) from the Black Sea. Transport Minister Ivalyo Moskovski and other top rail officials were also going to the scene. (BBC)
Indonesia Quake: Number Of Homeless Soars To 43,000 The number of people displaced by a powerful earthquake that hit Survivors in Pidie Jaya are picking Indonesia on Wednesday has soared to at least 43,000, emergency through the rubble to salvage officials say. The National Disaster Mitigation Agency said the scale belongings(REUTERS) of the problem was becoming clearer as rescue teams fanned out into the affected areas. At least 100 people were killed and many more injured when the magnitude 6.5 tremor struck Aceh province. Only on Friday, the number of homeless was still being out at 23,000. President Joko Widodo visited survivors in hospitals, vowing that communities would be rebuilt. The agency said humanitarian groups were co-ordinating their efforts from a base in the worst affected district of Pidie Jaya. "The basic needs of refugees must be met during the evacuation," it said. About 245 buildings were damaged or destroyed in Pidie Jaya and neighbouring Bireuen district, including homes, shops and mosques. The powerful quake also cracked roads and disrupted power supplies. Sniffer dogs were being used again on Saturday to search for bodies and possible survivors in the devastated town of Meureudu. A market filled with shops and houses in the town was largely destroyed. (BBC)
Paris Attacks: State Of Emergency 'To Protect Elections' The state of emergency imposed in France after the Paris attacks must be extended to protect elections next year, PM Bernard Cazeneuve has said. He said he was seeking the extension until 15 July, covering presidential and parliamentary polls from April to June, and Bastille Day on 14 July. Parliament is expected to approve the measure on Tuesday. It will be the fifth extension of the emergency powers introduced after the attacks on 13 November last year. Islamist extremists killed 130 people and wounded hundreds in gun and bomb attacks on public places in and around Paris. The deadliest assault was at the Bataclan concert hall, where 90 people were killed. The attacks were claimed by the Islamic State (IS) group. In response, the government of then-Prime Minister Manuel Valls declared a state of emergency giving the police extra powers to carry out searches and place people under house arrest. On Saturday Mr Cazeneuve said a further extension was "absolutely necessary'' as parties and candidates were preparing to hold rallies that could be targeted by "those who want to strike our democratic values and republican principles at the heart". The state of emergency has been criticised as unwarranted and an infringement on human rights. More than 3,000 homes have been raided and more than 400 people arrested under the new powers. But last month Mr Valls - who has since stood down as prime minister to stand for president - sought to justify a further extension in a BBC interview. Speaking on the
anniversary of the attacks, he said democracy had to be protected as France prepared for next year's election. He added that there was a risk of "attacks of the kind we saw in Nice", where a lorry driver ploughed through a crowd, killing 84 people on Bastille Day, in an attack also claimed by IS. Mr Valls was replaced as prime minister by Mr Cazeneuve - previously interior minister - on Tuesday. (BBC)
The security presence in French cities was increased after the Paris attacks(REUTERS)
‘Treat Others As Equals’ – PPP Salutes Human Rights Day International Human rights day 2016 is being observed today under the theme "Stand up for someone's rights today!” and the People’s Progressive Party says that it salutes this day. Speaking at a press conference earlier this week before the National budget debate, General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee said that “Human rights are not an entitlement or a privilege. They are inalienable fundamental rights of every human being – man, woman or child – and include political, civil, economic, social, and cultural rights.” According to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights, “Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible”. Rohee added that “whether enshrined in national Constitutions and other legal frameworks or not, human rights remain innate and are not bestowed upon.” The PPP stated on the occasion of International Human Rights Day, it vehemently condemns all actions that violate human rights and human dignity. The party called on all perpetrators to desist from committing heinous crimes against other human beings, to exercise restraint and to treat others as equals. The PPP also calls on the APNU/AFC administration to stop the witch-hunting, and the cheap and defensive political rhetoric, and to start focusing on ensuring that Guyanese’s fundament right to “freedom from fear” and
“freedom from want” are honoured. Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10 December. It commemorates the day on which, in 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In 1950, the Assembly passed resolution 423 (V), inviting all States and interested organizations to observe 10 December of each year as Human Rights Day.
A Day Like Today followed, he was re-elected several times as the chairman of the
John Forbes Kerry is an American diplomat and politician who serves as the 68th and current United States Secretary of State. He will be celebrating his 73th birthday today. Kerry was born the 11th of December 1943 in Aurora, Colorado, USA. He was the second oldest of four children. His mother was a nurse and social activist and his father was a Foreign Service officer and lawyer. Kerry’s grew up in an upper-middle class family. He had the privilege of attending elite boarding schools. He first attended the Fessenden School in Newton, Massachusetts, and later St. Paul's, Concord, New Hampshire. There he learned skills in public speaking and began developing an interest in politics. In 1962, Kerry entered Yale University, majoring in political science and residing in Jonathan Edwards College. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1966. In his sophomore year (a second-year university), Kerry became the Chairman of the Liberal Party of the Yale Political Union, and a year later he served as President of the Union. In February 18th, 1966, Kerry enlisted in the Naval Reserve. He began his active duty military service on August 19, 1966. He participated in the Vietnam War. Due to couple injuries in battle, Kerry received two Purple Hearts (United States military decoration awarded in the name of the President). He also received Silver Star and a Bronze Star during his military service. After coming back from Vietnam, Kerry was involved in the ‘Veterans Against the War’ Movement. An organization with a good cause, but contradictory principles at the time. In the 70s, Kerry started to show a deeper interest toward politics. He had considered running for Congress in the Democratic Primaries against Democrat Philip J. Philbin, but lose the race. After Kerry's defeat, he started to study Laws at the Boston College Law School. His good grades earned him the place of First Assistant District Attorney, to John J. Droney. A prominent lawyer of Middlesex County, Massachusetts. In 1982 Kerry became the Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, followed by obtaining his place in the USA Senate in 1984. From this point, Kerry started to solidify his career as a politician and potential presidential candidate. During the years that
USA Senate. In 2004 Kerry run as a Democratic candidate of the Presidential Campaign, but lose to Jorge W. Bush. In 2013, Kerry was named. In 2013 Kerry was sworn Secretary of State by President Barak Obama, succeeding Hilary Clinton. Up to date John Forbes Kerry has made of himself more than a successful politician, a public figure appreciated by the masses. Source: biography/var/johnkerry.html
John Forbes Kerry