Government Cancels Over $US2M Japanese Grant For National Hardware Cabinet has agreed to cancel the residual funds allocated to National Hardware (Guyana) Limited, under the Japanese Non-Project Grant Aid (JNPGA) of 2013 and to reallocate those funds for the procurement of renewable energy and energy efficient street lights on highways, in townships and Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs). In a post cabinet media release, the Ministry of the Presidency (MoTP) said that these efforts are in keeping with Government’s thrust to stimulate the transition to a ‘green’ state,” The grant, to the sum of US$2,938, 871, was made available to National Hardware (Guyana) Limited under the JNPGA in 2013, for the procurement of goods and services to facilitate the company’s contribution to national economic and social development. The funds were intended to be utilised for the importation of products, such as civil engineering equipment and other machinery that would aid in Government’s development efforts. The Ministry said however, after the first phase, the company informed the Ministry of Finance that it was no longer interested in participating in the Grant Aid Programme, which resulted in a residual sum of US$1,330,000. Cabinet also agreed that the Governments of Guyana and Japan would mutually agree on a list of energy efficient and renewable
energy equipment that would be procured by the Japan International Cooperation System (JICS) on behalf of the Government of Guyana. Non-project aid is grant aid intended to provide rapid support to developing countries with economic difficulties such as growing accumulated debt or a rising international balance of payments deficit, as part of assistance to improve the country's economic structure.
GUYANA DAILY NEWS PPP Happy With Positive Moves In Court Of Appeal PAGE 3
The People Progressive Party (PPP) has noted that the resolution of legal dispute in relation to the composition of the Parliament is central to democracy and is of paramount importance. General Secretary of the PPP/C, Clement Rohee told a news conference that the PPP/C “welcomes the positive movement which are recently taking place in Guyana Court of Appeal in relation to the legal challenge filed against Winton Felix and Keith Scott who hold seats as nonelected members of the National Assembly.” Rohee said that the way is now clear for an early date to be fixed for the hearing of the appeal filed by Attorney General (AG) Basil Williams. Back in July 2015, PPP member Desmond Morian had made an application to the Court, challenging the eligibility of Ministers Winston Felix and Keith Scott to sit in Parliament as technocratic ministers as two were on the Official List of Electors for the APNU+AFC coalition. Former Chief Justice Ian Chang ruled that two government ministers could not sit in the National Assembly as un-elected members or technocrats because they are on the list of elected candidates for the coalition. The Attorney General has since filed an appeal of decision. Rohee said the PPP anxiously awaits the date and hopes that the Attorney General does not delay and stall this matter further as he claimed it is the
AG’s strategy for political cases. The General Secretary said that PPP wishes to restate its concerns over that delay of the hearing of the May 2015 Elections petition said that the party will continue to protest in front the court.
General Secretary of the PPP/C, Clement Rohee
GUYANA DAILY NEWS Finance Minister Accused Of Unrealistic Employment Opportunities PAGE 5
Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo and the Private Sector Commission (PSC) have rejected the 2017 budget which was proposed by Finance Minister Winston Jordan last Monday. Both PSC and Dr Jagdeo met with the local media and questioned the figures that were presented. Minister Jordan stated that over the period of 2016 the total investments included direct foreign investments (FDI), facilitated by GOinvest and total $114.8 billion. He further stated that it was a significant improvement when compared to $89.3 billion inflow in 2015. According to the Finance Minister it is expected that investments provide over 6,000 jobs in various sectors, including 1,327 in agriculture; 1,366 in energy; 1500 in ICT; and 1,483 in tourism and services. The plan is to restructure the investment portfolio so as to ensure greater diversification within the economy, more emphasis will be placed on agriculture, light manufacturing sectors and tourism. Ramesh Persaud Chairman of PSC’s committee on Economic and Financial Affairs stated that the projections by the Finance Minister pertaining to monies being invested will provide additional jobs .He further stated that he is unaware of the basis for the determination of the figures presented by Finance Minister. “While anecdotal evidence points to the Minister’s projection being unrealistic, there is paucity of confidence in the local business community; as long as the local business committee is uninspired, this will inherently be passed on to any foreign investors, stated Persaud. PSC is of the opinion that the budget has a vague vision and a such it will lead to more hardships. “There has been a lot of inconsistencies with regards to the lack of policies and this has been daunting PSC .In 2016 the Government made a special effort to add a range of items to the zero-rated category of the VAT regime.However,one year later and the Government abandoned this altogether,” he said. Fallacious Information Meanwhile, Jagdeo said that Minister Jordan presented fallacious information as it relates to Go-invest that they facilitated investments in 2016 which created over 6000 jobs. He recalled that Minister Jordan said that 1327 jobs were created in the agriculture sector .Dr Jagdeo is requesting evidence that these jobs were created because he is adamant that they weren’t created within the rice and sugar
sectors.Dr.Jagdeo further stated that proposals do come into GO-Invest with promises to create jobs but these jobs aren’t always necessarily created. Thus he is requesting evidence of the job creations that the Minister listed and is concern of the fact that the minister failed to mention the job loss within those various sectors.
Finance Minister, Winston Jordan
GUYANA DAILY NEWS New Times Approved For 2017 Budget Debates PAGE 6
In accordance with an agreement reached between the Government and Opposition Chief Whips, the debates of the 2017 estimates and expenditures will go for 12 hours for each of the five days. There will be 16 speakers each on the first four days, and four on the fifth and final day. This was read to the National Assembly today, by Speaker, Dr. Barton Scotland. The House Speaker, reading in the National Assembly a letter submitted to his office by the two Chief Whips, explained that the two sides, (Government and Parliamentary Opposition) have agreed for the Ministers and Shadow Ministers to speak for 30 minutes each, and for the Back Benchers to speak for 20 minutes. He explained that for the first four days, the parties have agreed that the sessions would not end until the 16 speakers scheduled to make their presentations have done so. The four speakers on the final day will include Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo and Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan according to the agreement. Scotland said the four members would have equal speaking time. The Speaker described the time allotted for the speakers as more than adequate and warned Members of Parliament that the progress of the debates is in their hands. “We are well in a position to handle all our work,” the Speaker said, putting the MPs on notice that he is not in favour of granting extension of time beyond what was agreed to by the two Chief Whips. The Sitting times for the 2017 Estimates and Expenditure Debates are as follows: 10am-midday, sitting; 12 Midday-1 pm, suspension; 1pm 5pm sitting; 5pm-6pm suspension; 6pm-7:30pm sitting, 7pm-8pm suspension and 8pm-10pm sitting. (GINA)
Babita Sarjou To Be Buried On Tuesday Babita Sarjou, a mother of one, was murdered in 2010 and thrown in a shallow grave in the back yard of her estrange husband in Kitty. The recent discovery of her skeletal remains will now provide the family an opportunity to finally say good bye. According to the dead woman’s mother, Champa Seonarine “in the past I believed that my daughter was alive and if she was dead I would like the opportunity to give her a proper send off.” Ms. Seonarine is currently making preparations for the burial and stated that her daughter will finally get to rest in peace after six years and that she is also trying to have Sarjou’s son present at the funeral so that he will have the opportunity to bid farewell. The funeral will be held on Tuesday.Addditionally, a wake will be held at the mother’s home in Timehri, East Bank Demerara. The remains will be taken to the Lyken Funeral Home. Only recently the samples were taken from the body and sent for testing overseas, which confirmed that it was Babita Sarjou. The remains were handed back to the family in May. Her husband, Sharadananda Narine called ‘Anand’ 38, and his alleged accomplice, Darel Pronton, called Yankee’are before the court, charged with murder
Dead: Babita Sarjou
GUYANA DAILY NEWS President Spreads Christmas Cheer To Onderneeming Village PAGE 8
President David Granger is urging citizens to hold strong to the value of fellowship, which is best exemplified at Christmas time. The President made these remarks on Sunday at Onderneeming Village, West Coast Berbice, where he distributed Christmas gifts to over 300 children. According to a release from the Ministry of the Presidency, he was assisted by Minister within the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ms. Simona Broomes and Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Ms. Annette Ferguson. The President said that, “Christmas is about faithfulness and fellowship. We forget our differences, we forget our religion, we forget racial differences, we forget geographical differences and we all come together and we look forward to living a good life in this country… [And] as we plan for the New Year we must hold certain values.” The Head of State said that Guyana’s rich diversity is what makes it a unique country and reminded the gathering that they all have the good fortune of living in the biggest, most beautiful and bountiful CARICOM country that is capable of producing enough for everyone. Turning to the children, he urged them to stay in school and said that the Christmas gifts are a demonstration of his Administration’s love and concern for children and their welfare. “It is a token of our faith for the future and it is a token of our commitment to you to make sure that Guyana remains a land of plenty that is capable of
providing a good life,” he said.
President David Granger
GUYANA DAILY NEWS ‘VAT On Water, Electricity Not Unreasonable’ – Says Finance Minister PAGE 9
Despite the many criticism about government’s decision to add VAT on water and electricity, Finance Minister Winston Jordan is assuring citizens that the 14% tax will not be a burden. During the 2017 Budget announcement, Minister Jordan announced a reduction of VAT from 16 percent to 14 percent. However, the proposed budget states that 14 percent VAT will be added to all consumers who exceed $10,000 per month on electricity consumption and $1,500 per month on water. It was noted that the Guyana Power and Light Incorporated (GPL) has some 138,000 customers on its database, of that amount, Jordan said that GPL has some 105,000 customers who pay $10,000 and less. In addition to this, he said that over 4400 businesses pay $10,000 and less per month. As for the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI), the Finance Minister said that similar statistics were produced which shows that the bulk of the nation’s GWI customers pay less than $1500 a month. In the end, Jordan said that the new tax measure is not one that was made in an irrational manner. He noted too that it will even serve to promote ‘some level of conservatism.” Loss in Revenue Government will actually be losing in revenue due to the new tax measures proposed in 2017 budget, Jordan said. It is estimated that Government will lose over $10B annually. The proposed income tax from 30 percent to 28 percent will cost the government $3B.The reduction in the corporation tax rate from 30 percent to 27.5 percent, for manufacturing and non-commercial companies, will see Government losing $7B annually, while the increase in the threshold of $660,000 per annum to the greater of $720,000 per annum or one third of the employee’s salary, will cost the Government some $200M.According to Jordan, the removal of VAT from sanitary napkins and panty liners will result in $150 M loss. The tax measures were put in place because of the projected significant loses. Unfortunately, the tax measures would not be adequate for the Government to recover the billions it stands to lose. The Minister added that even though Government has proposed a number of tax measures for 2017 it has actually increased citizens spending power significantly with its income Tax and threshold measures. Business Sector Members of the business sector are concerned and disappointed in the tax measures that was proposed for 2017. The Private Sector Commission took issue with the fact that Jordan proposes to expand the list of exempt items and eliminate all zero-rated items, with the exception of those pertaining to exports and manufacturing inputs. The commission is of the opinion that the new tax measures could increase the prices of basic goods. Jordan however believes that the business community isn’t being entirely honest in that regard. The Minister stated that over 20 items were zero rated but the benefits were not passed on to consumers. These items included ketcup, yogurt, fresh carrots, milo, ovaltine, nestum, mustard, mayonnaise, vinegar, locally made chowmein, locally produced Chinese sauce, baking ,chicken sausages ,powder, liquid detergent, rolls of paper towel and computer printers for non-commercial use and locally made uncooked pasta. Approximately $680 million were estimated loss in revenue.
City Council Extends Amnesty Period Many property owners are making every effort to put their obligations in order and as such the Mayor and City councillors has declared extension on interest accrued on property rates .It has been extended to December 16. The extension amnesty action was taken as a result of citizens’ complaint that the initial 14 day period was too short for them to acquire the money needed to settle their account. Mr.Lewis also made mention of the fact that several property owners have made special petitions for consideration, indicating why they are unable to access the facility during the specified time. The M&CC Public Relations officer Ms. Debra Lewis highlighted that indeed the decision to extend the date was due to an alarming response from rate payers and request for
further grace period.
Venezuela Expelled From Mercosur By Caribbean News Now contributor BRASÍLIA, Brazil -- South American sub-regional economic bloc Mercosur on Friday expelled Venezuela, effective immediately, for violating the grouping’s democratic principles and trade bylaws. It will now be required to renegotiate its membership if it wishes to rejoin. Mercosur was created as a customs union in 1991 by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Venezuela became the group’s fifth member in 2012. Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Suriname are associate members. The purpose of the bloc is to promote free trade and the ease of movement of goods, people, and currency. It is currently seeking to sign a free trade deal with the European Union. “It is hard to get trade deals when you have a member who is against trade,” said a senior Brazilian diplomat who participated in the Mercosur talks with Venezuela. “Without Venezuela, Mercosur is much better,” the diplomat said. Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez described Friday's expulsion as a coup attempt. She rejected the notion that Venezuela had failed to conform to the trade group's rules, saying it has been unfairly targeted by right-wing regional leaders. In September, Mercosur issued a three-month deadline for President Nicolas Maduro to restore human rights and press freedoms in Venezuela, which is mired in a political and
economic crisis. Hundreds of opposition activists have been arrested in Venezuela in recent years and opposition media stifled. Brazil and Argentina led a recent effort to block Venezuela from taking its turn as the trade group’s rotating leadership. Argentina is now slated to take the bloc’s six-month presidency. (Caribbean News Now!)
Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez described Friday's expulsion from Mercosur as a coup attempt
SATIRE: New Political Party In St Lucia By Caribbean News Now contributor CASTRIES, St Lucia -- Encouraged by the electoral success of the Parti Haïtien Tèt Kale (Haitian Bald Head Party – true… really) in Haiti, which has now provided two successive bald presidents (former president Michel Martelly and newly elected Jovenel Moïse), a group of dissident politicians in Saint Lucia has come together to form the Parti Lucien Tèt Kale (PLTK). Those qualified to join the new PLTK, and respective potential portfolios, include: • Gale T. C. Rigobert, shadow minister for tèt kale education, innovation, and finance; • Richard Frederick, shadow attorney general and minister for tèt kale avocats (lawyers) and “Can I Help You?” • Ezechiel Joseph, shadow minister for tèt kale agriculture, fisheries and natural resources; • Fortuna Belrose, shadow minister for lo-cal government and tèt kale culture; • Herod Stanislas, shadow minister for tourism, youth, taxi drivers and tèt kale timekeepers; • Oswald Augustine, shadow minister for infrastructure and transport, trade and ports for tèt kale products; • Senator Jerome Gedeon, shadow minister for tèt kale health and wellness, fête and wee-men affairs; • Shawn Edwards, shadow minister for tèt kale commerce, investment, enterprise development and foreign affairs. • Frank Charles, general secretary and media relations for zafe nous en PLTK According to a party statement, “For too long our brothers and sister in Haiti have been suffering, toiling the banana fields and resource mines foreigners enjoy. Saint Lucia is not far behind. Nuff Haitians now call Saint Lucia home bringing with them cheap labour and the voodoo culture widely practiced in our general election.” The PLTK noted that Haiti’s new President Moïse is a successful businessman, running a banana export company, and expressed the possibility that he could work with them in baldheaded unity to revive the economies of both countries, especially the moribund banana industry in Saint Lucia. Meanwhile, Saint Lucia’s current prime minister, Allen Chastanet, ever willing to jump on the latest bandwagon, has been spotted visiting his barber. (Caribbean News Now!)
Gale T. C. Rigobert
Thousands Bid Farewell To Fidel Castro Castro Ruz HAVANA, Cuba, Dec. 4, CMC – Cuban President Raul Castro has vowed to honour the socialist principles and goals of the Cuban revolution that was led by his brother, Fidel Castro, who died on November 25 at the age of 90. In an address to tens of thousands of Cubans and world leaders in the city of Santiago on Saturday, the president , who led final tributes to his brother also said Cuba would ban naming any monuments or roads after the late leader – and this was at his request. “The leader of the revolution strongly opposed any manifestation of cult of personality…. no statues or busts of Fidel will be erected in Cuba.” According to the president, a law banning such homages will be presented to the National Assembly when it meets later this month. The remains Fidel Castro, who died 10 years after he stepped down and handed power to his younger brother, will be entombed on Sunday morning close to the remains of Cuba’s independence hero Jose Marti, concluding nine days of national mourning. His funeral will take place at the Santa Ifigenia cemetery in Santiago de Cuba, the island’s second largest city and site of the beginning of the Cuban Revolution in 1953. Fidel Castro ruled Cuba as a one-party state for almost half a century and defied the power of the United States and other countries before handing over power to his brother Raul . Several leaders from across the region are in the Spanish speaking Caribbean island for the funeral. The
Caribbean Community (CARICOM), has had a long-standing relationship with Castro and according to CARICOM Chairman Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit of Dominica, the region “will celebrate the life of Fidel Castro” and “ the Caribbean will continue to show and express great solidarity with the Cuban people.” (Antigua Observer)
Cuban revolutionary leader, former president of Cuba, Fidel Alejandro
US Commends Barbados For ‘Exemplary Leadership’ In CBSI WASHINGTON, Dec. 4, CMC – The United States has congratulated Barbados as it celebrates its Independence Golden Jubilee, stating that the island has portrayed “exemplary leadership” in the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI). Speaking on behalf of US President Barack Obama and the people of the US, US Secretary of State, John Kerry lauded the Caribbean island “more broadly, for its steadfast commitment to strengthening the political, economic, and social bonds among Caribbean nations.” Barbados marked its 50th anniversary of political independence from Great Britain on Wednesday. “As you reflect on the Jubilee’s theme, ‘Pride and Industry, Celebrating 50,’ know that the United States will continue to stand with you in support of broad-based and inclusive development,” Kerry said. “Together, we will continue to harness the talent and potential of the next generation to ensure a bright future for all,” he added. “My government joins with all of you in celebrating Barbados’ 50 years of independence and your beautiful country’s many accomplishments in democratic governance, environmental stewardship, and the creation of economic opportunity,” Kerry continued. He said that the United States “deeply values the friendship between our two peoples – a friendship based on
mutual respect and shared responsibility.” In his Independence Day message, Barbados’ Prime Minister Freundel Stuart said that the island had made significant socio-economic and political strides during the past 50 years. (Antigua Observer)
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry
More Cuban Migrants Repatriated By US Coast Guard The United States Coast Guard says it has observed an increase in illegal maritime migration attempts to the Southeastern US from Cuba. On Friday, the Coast Guard estimated that 827 Cubans have attempted to illegally migrate to the US via the Caribbean Sea since October 1. In fiscal year 2016, the Coast Guard said 7,411 Cubans attempted to legally migrate via the sea, compared to 4,473 in fiscal year 2015. The Coast Guard said on Thursday, the Cutter Charles David Jr. repatriated 38 Cuban migrants to Bahia de Cabañas, Cuba. These repatriations are a result of three separate at-sea migrant interdictions in the South Florida Straits, the Coast Guard said. In each instance, the Coast Guard said it helped secure the US border and prevented these sea voyages from ending in tragedy. “We discourage anyone from taking to the sea and attempting to reach US soil illegally,” said Captain Mark Gordon, chief of enforcement for the Coast Guard 7th District. “They are risking their lives with very little chance of success. “Navigating the Florida Straits can be extremely dangerous for the unprepared on illegal voyages, and often leads to injury or death,” he added. Gordon said the US Coast Guard’s missions and operations in the Southeastern United States remain unchanged, warning that Caribbean and other migrants located at sea will be repatriated to their country of origin. (Antigua Observer)
Caribbean American Congresswoman Hails UN Apology For Cholera Epidemic In Haiti NEW YORK, December 3, 2016, CMC – Caribbean American Congress woman Yvette D. Clarke has welcomed the United Nations apology to the Haitian people over the cholera outbreak in the French-speaking Caribbean country. United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon issued the apology earlier this week for the cholera epidemic that has killed more than 10,000 people in Haiti. “Although the Secretary General refused to explicitly admit fault for introducing cholera to Haiti, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Extreme Poverty has clearly stated that cholera was introduced to Haiti by United Nations aid workers,” said Clarke, the daughter of Jamaican immigrants. The representative for the predominantly Caribbean 9thCongressional District in Brooklyn said she agreed with the preponderance of scientific evidence that supports this conclusion. “Now, the United Nations has a responsibility to deploy the hundreds of millions of dollars that have been pledged to address the threat of disease, lack of food security and need for development, as well as compensating families afflicted by cholera and restoring communities that have been devastated,” Clarke said. She, therefore, urged the entire international community to become involved in this effort, stating that she will continue to work with her colleagues in the United States Congress “to fight for active American involvement in this important mission.” “In addition, I am committed to working with the incoming Secretary General to end the scourge of cholera and help Haiti achieves its vision of prosperity,” Clarke said.
While offering the apology on Thursday, Ban also outlined the way forward, including immediate steps, to stem the outbreak and long-term support for those affected, while also highlighting the need for adequate funding of the proposal. “On behalf of the United Nations, I want to say very clearly, we apologize to the Haitian people,” Ban told UN memberstates at a gathering of the General Assembly at the UN Headquarters. “We simply did not do enough with regard to the cholera outbreak and its spread in Haiti. We are profoundly sorry for our role. Eliminating cholera from Haiti, and living up to our moral responsibility to those who have been most directly affected, will require the full commitment of the international community and, crucially, the resources necessary.” (Antigua Observer)
Venezuela Will Print Higher Bills Due To Inflation The Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) informed on Sunday, that it will issue six new notes and three new coins starting on December 15th, to help alleviate the inflation in the country. The Central Bank will release 500 and 20,000 notes, along with coins worth 10, 50 and 100 bolivars. According to the Central Bank, the money supply increased by 113.7% in September, up from 104.3% in August. The government has resorted to print money to finance the deficit as oil output has declined. Currently a 100 bolivar note, has the incredible low value of 2 U.S cents in the black market. This represents chaos in the pocket of the citizens, who are forced to walk with bags of money instead of wallets in order to buy regular groceries. Process that has become a ‘stimulus’ for the outbreak of crime rates. It has been recently reported that, the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) system in the country have collapsed, due to the massive use of credit cards. Even though the government has stimulated for the citizens to pay with ‘cash’, the fear of walking with such a large yet valueless amount of money, is general. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) reported this Friday that the Venezuelan bolivar had lost more than half of its value by the end of November. Value that is been violently dropping since the beginning of last year. This automatically triggered a dangerous chain reaction. Low value- high prices. The prices rates in the local market have been rapidly increasing with the month, a pace that the common citizen is unable to keep. The Food Basked, for example, reported an alarming increase rate of 6.0% in the month of October. Representing the equivalent cost of 429.626,08 Venezuelan Bolivars. With the rise of the Food Basket, the Venezuelan
Family needs a daily income of 14.300 Venezuelan Bolivars to eat. An illusive figure for the common citizen. The cost of living has become a nightmare in the South-American Country, and prices have no sighs of dropping any time soon, to the contrary. Inflation in Venezuela is expected to rise to nearly 500% this year and to a 1,660% in 2017, according to the IMF. The local authorities have decided to ‘print’ higher notes, to alleviate the massive inflation that is devouring the country’s economy, but experts are convinced that this is a ‘late move’. The Venezuelan Bolivar is on a free fall. The low value of the currency and the overwhelmingly high prices in the local market, are turning Venezuelan in a collapsing nation. As a last resource, the government stated that larger denomination bills will start c i r c u l a t i n g t h e e n d o f t h e y e a r. S o u r c e :
Supreme Court Hears Government Appeal Over Brexit Powers Allowing ministers to trigger Brexit was Parliament's "clear expectation" when it agreed to an EU referendum, the Supreme Court has been told. Attorney General Jeremy Wright said the government would be making "lawful" use of "fundamental" powers by triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. He was speaking at a legal hearing into whether Parliament's consent was needed before Brexit negotiations begin. The High Court ruled in October that MPs did need to give the go ahead. The government is appealing against that decision, with the hearing expected to last four days and a verdict due in January. The outcome will have implications for Theresa May's strategy for EU exit, but it is not a court case on whether or not Brexit actually takes place. In the first session at the Supreme Court: Court president Lord Neuberger said the judges would consider issues impartially and decide the case according to the law The government set out why it thinks it should be able to use "prerogative powers" to trigger Brexit Ministers have the power to make or unmake treaties, it said It said the powers were not a "relic" but a key part of the constitution Parliament could have chosen to restrict ministers' power to act but had chosen not to, it said At the start of the hearing, Supreme Court president Lord Neuberger said the justices were aware of the public interest in the case and the "strong feelings associated with the many wider political questions surrounding the United Kingdom's departure from the European Union". But he added: "This appeal is concerned with legal issues, and, as judges, our duty is to consider those issues impartially, and to decide the case according to the law." He also said some of the people involved in the case had received "threats of serious violence and unpleasant abuse in emails and other electronic communications", warning anyone that such behaviour "undermines the rule of law". The UK voted to leave the EU, by a margin of 51.9% to 48.1%, in a referendum in June. The prime minister has said she intends to officially notify the rest of the EU of the UK's intention to leave - beginning two years of talks over the terms of separation - by the end of March. But campaigners, led by investment manager Gina Miller and hairdresser Deir Dos Santos, insist that decision can only be taken by Parliament. The BBC's Clive Coleman said it was an "extraordinary" atmosphere at the Supreme Court in Westminster, with people queuing to get in from early morning, demonstrators dressed as judges and the world's press gathered outside. The case is about whether the law means that the government needs the authority of Parliament to trigger the process for the UK to leave the EU The government argues it can start the Article 50 process using "prerogative powers", a remnant of the era of all-powerful kings and queens Justices will be ruling on who has the legal power to change the rights of British citizens Monday's hearing began with Mr Wright setting out the government's case. He said the "royal prerogative" powers the government wants to use to trigger Article 50 were not an "ancient relic" but a "fundamental pillar of our constitution as a sovereign state". The government did not seek to use the prerogative "on a whim", he said. Mr Wright said the legislation enabling the EU referendum had been passed with the "clear expectation" that the government would implement the result, and that Parliament had had the opportunity to restrict the government's power to trigger Article 50 but had chosen not to do so. "If this is all about standing up for Parliament, I say Parliament can stand up for itself," he said. The High Court ruled in Ms Miller's favour, arguing that rights conferred by Parliament when it passed the 1972 European Communities Act - which paved the way for the UK to join the then European Economic Community - were likely to be affected by Brexit. As a result, it concluded, any process leading to the potential withdrawal of rights could only be determined by Parliament. In its judgement, the High Court ruled "the powerful constitutional principle that the Crown has no power to alter the law of the land by use
of its prerogative powers is the product of an especially strong constitutional tradition in the UK". The ruling led to criticism from some elements of the press and Brexit-supporting MPs, but in her submission ahead of Monday's hearing, Ms Miller said the Court had a "duty to decide questions of law". Labour has said it will try to amend an Article 50 bill - if one is required - to ensure single market access and workers' rights are protected. But shadow attorney general Baroness Chakrabarti said her party would not try to veto Brexit. She told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "We have been completely clear that we are democrats and respect the outcome of the referendum, even though many of us - myself included - campaigned in the opposite direction. "So this will happen, pursuant to the will of the people. But there is not a simple question of 'in and out of the European Union', there are many questions that Parliament has to scrutinise about what happens next." Ministers will have a number of options if they lose the appeal, but it has been reported that a 16-word bill is being prepared which could be fast-tracked though Parliament, asking MPs and peers "to give permission" to the government to trigger Article 50 in time to meet the March deadline. The respective legal teams will be led, on the government side, by Attorney General Jeremy Wright while crossbench peer Lord Pannick will head the team acting for Ms Miller. How to follow the court hearing Monday's hearing is scheduled to run from 11:00 GMT until 13:00 GMT and from 14:00 GMT until 16:30 GMT Watch a live stream on the BBC website, along with rolling updates and analysis Transcripts are being published twice a day by the Court by 16:00 GMT and 19:00 GMT The case is one of the most keenly anticipated of its kind in recent history. Additional seating has been provided to allow 115 members of the public to watch proceedings while more than 80 journalists from around the world have been accredited to cover the event. The court will also consider two separate but connected legal challenges to the exercise of prerogative powers brought by Northern Irish campaigners. And in another twist, the Scottish and Welsh Governments have been granted permission to intervene in the case to establish matters of important legal and constitutional principle, including the basis on which the Article 50 process might need to be sanctioned by their devolved legislatures. Other interested parties and intervening groups - who will be making oral arguments before the court - include citizens of EEA countries living in the UK known as AB parties and Grahame Pigney's crowd-funded People's Challenge. (BBC)
Supreme Court president Lord Neuberger said the court was aware of the public interest in the case
Matteo Renzi Resignation: Italy PM Meets President After Defeat Outgoing Italian PM Matteo Renzi has met the country's president following a heavy defeat in a constitutional referendum on Sunday. Mr Renzi, who resigned after the vote, and President Sergio Mattarella will be anxious to ease fears of instability and a deeper crisis for Italy's troubled banking sector. President Mattarella must either appoint a new PM or trigger elections. European politicians reacted calmly to the result, saying there was no crisis. Meanwhile financial markets have stabilised after initial falls on news of Mr Renzi's defeat. However, there are concerns about Italy's fragile economy in the longer term. What will happen next? Though Mr Renzi has already met Mr Mattarella, he will not hand in his resignation to him until after a final cabinet meeting due to take place at 18:30 local time (17:30 GMT). The president may ask him to stay on at least until parliament has passed a budget bill due later this month, but this seems unlikely in view of the scale of his defeat. In spite of the pressure from the opposition, early elections are also thought to be unlikely. Instead, the president may appoint a caretaker administration led by Mr Renzi's Democratic Party, which would carry on until an election due in the spring of 2018. Finance Minister Pier Carlo Padoan is the favourite to succeed Mr Renzi as prime minister. Why did he lose? With most ballots counted, the No vote leads with 60% against 40% for Yes, with a 70% turnout, a heavier than expected defeat for the government. Mr Renzi staked his political future on his attempt to change Italy's cumbersome political system. He wanted to strengthen central government and weaken the Senate, the upper house of parliament. His opponents including some within his own party - had argued that the reforms would give the prime minister too much power. The electorate agreed. But the referendum was more than a vote on constitutional reform, it was widely regarded as a chance to reject establishment politics. It was a resounding victory for the No camp, a medley of populist parties headed by the Five Star Movement, which capitalised on Mr Renzi's declining popularity, years of economic stagnation, and the problems caused by tens of thousands of migrants arriving in Italy from Africa. In a video posted on Twitter (in Italian), Mr Renzi defended his record, saying exports and job numbers were up and unemployment was down to 11.7%. Five Star says it is getting ready to govern Italy. Its leader Beppe Grillo said an election should be called "within a week". President Mattarella, who praised the high voter turnout, called for a political climate with "serenity and mutual respect". There are obligations and deadlines which Italy's institutions will have to honour "guaranteeing a response that meets the problems of the moment," he said. How is Europe reacting? The result is being seen as a blow to the EU, although there is no question of Italy following the UK out of the door. Both Five Star and
the Northern League are opposed to the eurozone but not to membership of the EU itself. Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who heads the group of 19 eurozone countries, denied any impending crisis. "It doesn't really change the situation economically in Italy or in the Italian banks. The problems that we have today are the problems that we had yesterday," he said. Reuters news agency quoted German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble as saying there was no reason for a euro crisis but that Italy urgently needed a functioning government. Meanwhile, a spokesman for Chancellor Angela Merkel said she "took note with regret" of Mr Renzi's resignation but Germany would offer to work closely with the next Italian government. But the leader of the far-right Front National in France, Marine Le Pen, tweeted: "The Italians have disavowed the EU and Renzi. We must listen to this thirst for freedom of nations." What will it do to the economy? Markets seemed to have taken Mr Renzi's departure in their stride in the short-term. The euro fell initially to a 20-month low but rebounded again. Shares in Italian banks lost ground on Monday afternoon, following a dip and rebound in the morning. But there are concerns over the long-term financial stability in the eurozone's third largest economy. The economy is 12% smaller than when the financial crisis began in 2008. The banks remain weak and the country's debt-toGDP ratio, at 133%, (second only to Greece's in the eurozone) means many Italian banks are in need of refinancing. There is a risk that the failure of a major bank - such as the troubled Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena - could set off a wider crisis, but repairing the banks becomes more difficult amid political uncertainty. The head of Germany's Bundesbank, Jens Weidmann, said the result was "not the end of the world" but that a slowdown in the pace of economic reforms should be expected. (BBC)
Five Star's Beppe Grillo led the No campaign in the referendum(EPA)
Trump Cabinet: Ben Carson Nominated For Housing Secretary US President-elect Donald Trump has named Ben Carson, his former rival for the Republican nomination, as secretary of housing and urban development. "Ben Carson has a brilliant mind and is passionate about strengthening communities", the president-elect said in a statement, adding that the two had discussed his "urban renewal agenda". Mr Carson is the first African-American to be nominated for Mr Trump's cabinet. He endorsed Mr Trump in March after ending his own bid for the White House. "Ben shares my optimism about the future of our country and is part of ensuring that this is a presidency representing all Americans,'' the statement from Mr Trump said. Cabinet appointments need to be confirmed by the US Senate. There are still major cabinet positions yet to be announced, including the next secretary of state. As well as his top team, the president-elect has about 4,000 government positions to fill. (BBC)
Ben Carson backed Donald Trump after pulling out of the presidential race(GETTY IMAGES)
Trump Attacks China In Twitter Outburst US President-elect Donald Trump has posted a series of tweets criticising China for its monetary policy and its operations in the South China Sea. "Did China ask us if it was OK to devalue their currency" and "build a massive military complex?" he asked. "I don't think so!" China said both sides should "stick to basic principles" of the relationship. Last week Mr Trump risked a diplomatic rift with China by speaking directly with Taiwan's president. The highly unusual move saw China lodge a complaint with the US. In response to the latest tweets, without directly referring to them, the Chinese foreign ministry said the US and China have long had "highly mutually beneficial" relations. A spokesperson declined to comment on "he and his team's method and what's the thinking behind it", referring to Mr Trump. Screencap of Tweet by Donald J. Trump saying: Image copyrightTWITTER / DONALD J. TRUMP The US has previously criticised China's yuan devaluation, saying it unfairly favours Chinese exporters. It has also told Beijing to stop reclaiming land around islands and reefs which are claimed by multiple countries in the South China Sea, and has sent US Navy ships to the area. Both sides have accused each other of "militarising" the region. The US currently imposes tariffs on some Chinese imports, such as steel and tyres. Mr Trump has previously threatened to impose a 45% tariff on Chinese goods. Donald Trump's Twitter outburst along with his telephone call with the Taiwanese president has sent an emphatic signal to Beijing that the new US administration's Asia policy may not be business as usual. We don't know if the tweets will continue when Mr Trump enters the White House. But if they do, they threaten not just to ruffle feathers abroad but also to sow uncertainty within his own administration. The president may be the ultimate arbiter but once in office he cannot risk publicly second-guessing his key cabinet appointments. But there's another problem too. The tweet, as a medium, is by definition short and off-the-cuff. Policymaking,
by contrast, requires coolness, deliberation and a weighing up of options. The danger is that Twitter diplomacy, for all its honesty, could exacerbate crisis instead of resolving it. Mr Trump's phone call with Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen was thought to be the first time a US leader or leader-in waiting has spoken to a Taiwanese leader since 1979, the year formal ties were severed. The White House has said the phone call did not signal a shift in its decades-long "One China" policy stance, which does not recognise Taiwan as an independent sovereign state but also does not recognise Beijing's claim over Taiwan. Vice President-elect Mike Pence has tried to downplay the call, saying it was a "tempest in a teapot" and "a moment of courtesy". Beijing lodged a "solemn representation" with Washington, where it urged the US to "cautiously and properly handle" the issue of Taiwan, according to Chinese state media. Beijing sees Taiwan as a province and aims to deny it any of the trappings of an independent state. It has threatened to use force if Taiwan formally declares independence. (BBC)
Mr Trump spoke directly with Taiwan's president last week (AFP/GETTY IMAGES)
Shinzo Abe To Be First Japanese PM To Visit Pearl Harbor Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe is to visit Pearl Harbor, becoming the first leader of his country to go to the US naval base in Hawaii. Japanese forces launched a surprise attack on the base in 1941, killing 2,300 US servicemen and propelling the US into World War Two. Mr Abe will visit on 27 December with US President Barack Obama. The announcement, two days before the 75th anniversary of the attack, follows a visit by Mr Obama to Hiroshima. He became the first US president to visit the Japanese city, where about 150,000 people are believed to have been killed in 1945 by a US atomic bomb. Mr Abe said in a statement: "We must never repeat the tragedy of the war. I would like to send this commitment. At the same time, I would like to send a message of reconciliation between Japan and the US." The two leaders will pray for the dead at the site of the attack, before a final summit meeting between them in Hawaii. The White House said the visit would "showcase the power of reconciliation that has turned former adversaries into the closest of allies, united by common interests and shared values". Mr Abe said: "Our talks in Hawaii will be a chance to show the rest of the world our ever stronger alliance in the future." The attack on Pearl Harbor will be marked on Wednesday by a remembrance ceremony on a pier overlooking
the harbour, where a moment of silence will be held at 07:55 the time the attack began. (BBC)
Barack Obama visited Hiroshima with Mr Abe in May(GETTY IMAGES)
Bana Alabed, Seven-Year-Old Tweeting From Aleppo, Goes Quiet A seven-year-old girl whose tweets from besieged eastern Aleppo drew worldwide attention has disappeared from the social network amid an army offensive. Tweeting in English with the help of her mother, a teacher, Bana Alabed painted a picture of life in the city. But the account was deleted on Sunday, as troops pushed into the city's east. The final tweet, by her mother, read: "We are sure the army is capturing us now. We will see each other another day dear world. Bye. - Fatemah". Aleppo, Syria's second city, has been split in two during the country's long conflict. Bana lived in rebel-held eastern Aleppo, which has been relentlessly bombed by the army. Army troops advanced further into the city's east overnight, following a heavy bombardment. Bana's Twitter account @alabedbana - had amassed more than 100,000 followers. The account, where tweets were posted by both Bana and her mother Fatemah, drew attention to the plight of civilians trapped in eastern Aleppo. In a conversation with the BBC in October, Fatemah said her daughter wanted "the world to hear our voice". One tweet from November read: "Tonight we have no house, it's bombed and I got in rubble. I saw deaths and I almost died." Another said that a friend had been killed when her house was bombed. In one video posted on the account, Bana appeared with her brothers - five-year-old Mohamed and three-year-old Noor - with the message "drawing with the brothers before the planes come. We need peace to draw". Another short video showed the three together in a bedroom.
"We will live forever together," Bana said, before laughing and hugging her brothers. In others she appeared with her mother. Bana's tweets captured the attention of JK Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series. Ms Rowling sent Bana eBooks of the entire Harry Potter series after the young girl posted that she liked to read "to forget the war." The author retweeted several messages after the account was deleted, calling for information on the girl's whereabouts. At least 300 people have been killed since the government-led offensive on east Aleppo and about 250,000 are thought to be trapped in besieged areas. Earlier this week, Stephen O'Brien, the UN's humanitarian affairs chief, said parts of the city were at risk of becoming "one giant graveyard". He said some people inside opposition-controlled areas were so hungry they had been reduced to scavenging. (BBC)
Bana Alabed's tweets drew worldwide attention(@ALEBEDBANA)
A Day Like Today Who hasn’t heard of the Name ‘Walt Disney’? Is compulsory while growing up having, at least a slight encounter with this two words that spell one of the most iconic names of the film and entertaining world. A name that revolutionized the animated world for good. Walt Disney, the denomination of a legend. Most of you who haven’t really feel the ‘itch’ of investigating the origin of this name, probably think that is just the denomination of an American multimillionaire company, and you are not wrong. But before becoming one of the most profitable mass media and entertainment corporations, Walt Disney was just a name. A man with a dream and a plan under his sleeve. Walt Disney was born on December 5th 1901, Chicago, USA. He was the fourth son of Elias Disney and Flora. Disney developed his interest in drawing when he was paid to draw the horse of a retired neighborhood doctor. Disney practiced drawing by copying the front-page cartoons of American political activist and cartoonist, Ryan Walker. He loved playing with water colors and crayon, interest that evolved into a skill. He started primary school in Park School Marceline, Missouri in late 1909. In 1917 Disney entered ‘McKinley High School’ and became the cartoonist of the schools newspaper, drawing patriotic pictures about World War I. After finishing high school, he started to work an apprentice artist at the Pesmen-Rubin Commercial Art Studio. There, he drew commercial illustrations for advertising, theater programs and catalogs. Disney realized that his art could become commercial. Not only drawing political cartoons on a newspaper, or a war propaganda of a school diary. His art could be entertaining and neutral. With this vision Disney decided to found his business with the help of his high school friend Iwerks, naming it ‘Iwerks-Disney Commercial Artists’. The idea was good, but the business had an ephemeral live. Now being more familiarized with the ‘magic’ of animation, Disney decided to produce a daily cartoon named ‘Laugh-O-Grams. The daily show was aired thanks to the help of futurist producers, who believed in ‘changes’. Disney gained fame and recognition during this time. He was a pioneer of animation. He continued to work and collaborate with artist, animators, and his friend Iwerks in the production of daily cartoons. But it was until 1928, that Disney saw his great outbreak. Mickey Mouse first appeared in May 1928 as a single test screening of the short film ‘Plane Crazy’. He worked day and night to improve the music and motion quality of his work. The technology of the time offered him challenges, but he turned them into blessings. To distribute Mickey Mouse cartoons, Disney signed a contract with Columbia Pictures. His career was going in the right direction, he has the creativity and passion. In 1933, Disney produced The Three Little Pigs, a film described as ‘the most successful short animation of all time’. The decade of the 30s became the ‘Golden Age of Animation’, thanks to the massive input of Disney. He continued to harvest his career and reputation. Disney now was one a revolutionary of the ‘motion picture’. In 1954 he founded the park theme ‘Disneyland’, now known as ‘Disneyland Park’, in California. After reaching fame and fortune, Disney continued to work on film and television projects. He loved his work. On December 15, ten days after his 65th birthday, he Walt Disney of circulatory collapse caused by lung cancer. Disney received 59 Academy Award nominations, including 22 awards. He was nominated for three Golden Globe Awards. He was aincluded to the Hollywood walk of fame with Two Stars, In February 1960. Today Disney is considered a cultural icon, a herald of the animation industry. Source:
American entrepreneur, animator, voice actor and film produce, Walt Disney
First Mickey Mouse cartoon'Plane Crazy' (1928)
Disney California Adventure Park
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FA Confirms Four-Game Ban For Aguero Fernandinho is likely to receive a three-match
Sergio Aguero is set to miss Manchester City's next four domestic matches following his red card in the 31 defeat to Chelsea. The Football Association has confirmed that Sergio Aguero is to face a four-game suspension following his red card against Chelsea on Saturday. The Argentina international was sent off for a reckless challenge on David Luiz in injury time of Manchester City's 3-1 defeat to the Premier League leaders at the Etihad Stadium. The FA updated the disciplinary page on their official website on Monday, verifying that Aguero has been given a suspension that will rule him out of matches against champions Leicester City, Watford, Arsenal and Hull City. It is the second time Aguero has been punished for violent conduct this season, prompting the lengthier ban, after he was given a retrospective red card for elbowing West Ham's Winston Reid in August. Team-mate
suspension after he was sent off for pushing Cesc Fabregas over the advertising boards in the fracas that followed Aguero's challenge. (SportsMax)
Bravo The World's Best Goalkeeper, Says Pellegrini Manuel Pellegrini has defended Claudio Bravo despite the Manchester City goalkeeper receiving criticism since moving to England. Claudio Bravo is the best goalkeeper in the world, according to former Manchester City manager Manuel Pellegrini. The Chile international joined Pep Guardiola at City for a reported £17million fee in August having spent the previous two years at Barcelona. Bravo's performances have come in for some criticism since
his arrival in England, but former City boss Pellegrini – now in charge of Hebei China Fortune - thinks the 33-year-old's high-profile transfers prove he is the best around. "It's not that the English are off with Bravo - the [English] press is harsh with the whole world," Pellegrini said to FIFA. "Moreover, Bravo replaced Hart, who played for England. "But if Bravo went from Real Sociedad to Barcelona and Barcelona to City, it is because he is the best goalkeeper in the world." Pellegrini, 63, could have been Bravo's boss at international level, but has rejected the Chile job on four separate occasions. "Why did I turn it down? Firstly, because [the offers] always came when I was under contract," added Pellegrini. "Secondly, because national team work bores me. You have matches in September, October, November and March. And in June, when the Copa America is on. "The rest of the time you have to work in an office, and I like to me out on the pitch." (SportsMax)
Barcelona And Real Madrid Wouldmatches Notwith Win 5-0 In Ligue 1 - Verratti Carlo Ancelotti; we did not win much, we often
Marco Verratti does not think Barcelona and Real Madrid would be as dominant if they played in Ligue 1. Paris SaintGermain midfielder Marco Verratti has launched a defence of Ligue 1, insisting Barcelona and Real Madrid would not romp to 5-0 wins like they do in LaLiga if they played in France. Verratti has been at PSG since 2012 and feels their league does not get enough credit compared to the other representatives of Europe's top divisions. The Italy international thinks the competitiveness and physicality of Ligue 1 are impressive factors and cast doubt over whether Barca and Madrid could dominate if they played in the same league. "In France, especially, it is even more difficult against teams who are a little lower in the standings as these teams are often compact and difficult to play against," Verratti wrote in his column for Goal. "In the other championships, it's a little different. In Spain, for example, an average team that faces Real Madrid or Barcelona will forget the opponents and play football. They are used to a more open, less defensive game. "This is the reason why it is easier for Real Madrid or Barcelona to score five or six goals. I'm not sure they could score as much in France - especially away. "I like this way of playing, as the Spaniards do, but it is more difficult to find spaces in France. "Ligue 1, our championship, is criticised abroad but also too often in France. The championship has evolved in recent years - in the right direction. "I didn't know too much about it when I arrived. I knew Lyon well because they had great players but I've really learned about the other teams now and I can tell you that it is a very difficult championship. "If you are not concentrating in a match you can lose against anyone. I remember our first
had draws. It was a bit of a surprise for me as I didn't think we would have trouble like that. "This is very different from Italy where the game is very tactical. Ligue 1 is much more physical." Verratti believes the progress being made by French clubs in Europe is another indication of the league's strength. He added: "To defend Ligue 1, you should look at the results in the Champions League. "Monaco are first in their group, Lyon can still qualify and they are only fourth in the championship. I saw the Lyon matches against Juventus and they matched them. "In England, there is often a show on the pitch. In Germany, the crowd is important. In Italy, everything is about tactics and in Spain it's technique. I think the word that best describes Ligue 1 is physical." (SportsMax)
17-Y-O Hew Leads Cayman Swimmers To Short Course Champs on a global scale.” Technical Director of the Cayman Islands
Seventeen-year-old Lauren Hew will lead a three-member team from the Cayman Islands to the FINA World Swimming Championships set to begin in Windsor, Canada on December 6 and run until December 11. The three Caymanians be among an estimated 900 swimmers, representing 170 national federations. The Florida-based Hew will be banking on her experience to help her do well in Canada. She has previously represented her country at the 2014 World Championships in Doha, Qatar and in Russia in 2015. She also competed at the CARIFTA championships, the Caribbean Island Swimming Championships as well as the Commonwealth and Junior Commonwealth Games. She will be competing in 100m and 200m backstroke and the 200m freestyle and said she is proud to be representing her country. “I love my island and take so much pride in representing the country,” she said. “Nothing is more honorable than having the opportunity to represent my home.” The other members of team are Alex McCallum and Allison Jackson, who are also thrilled to be heading to Canada. 14-year-old Jackson is excited about competing in what will be her first world championships. “I will be able to see professional swimmers race and be able to race against them, which is something I wouldn’t experience at any other meet I’ve been to before,” she said. “It means a lot for me to be able to travel to a meet outside of the Caribbean and represent Cayman
Amateur Swimming Association, Bailey Weathers, said competing in Canada among some of the world’s best swimmers will benefit her country’s representatives. “This is an excellent opportunity for our swimmers to gain international experience against the world’s best and to develop the necessary building blocks to progress to the next stage of their swimming career,” said Weathers who will head the delegation to Canada. (SportsMax)
Plans Afoot For Brian Lara Stadium To Host 2017 Hero CPL Opening Ceremony There are reportedly plans for the Brian Lara Stadium in Tarouba, South Trinidad to host the opening ceremony of the 2017 HERO Caribbean Premier League. The incomplete stadium had been sitting idle for the past few years but for the past year the current government resumed work to complete the facility that was named after that country’s most famous cricketer, the Trinidad Guardian reported. Once complete the government is expected to bid for the opening ceremony of the CPL which will coincide with the official opening of the stadium in July 2017. “The stadium is owned by the government and, of course, the owners of the CPL will be looking to use it because it would be cheaper than the Oval,” a source told the Guardian. “The venue is world class for what it offers in terms of ‘live’ broadcast and this will be a great fit for the CPL which is called the greatest party in sport when it comes to the game’s T20 format.” According to the newspaper, CPL rents the Queen’s Park Oval for an average of US$40,000 per day and now the government can use the facility to negotiate with the organizers to have more matches played in
T&T. The stadium has been at the centre of controversy involving significant cost overruns which resulted in construction being halted for several years. (SportsMax)