Thursday, December 8 2016

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Rice Industry Expected To Boost With Venezuela, Mexico Market Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder revealed that a Mexican team will be in Guyana in January 2017 to discuss a rice deal with the two countries. Mexico demand for rice is 1.8 million tonnes, while Guyana can produce only 600,000. The minister noted that rice is being sold from Guyana’s private rice millers to Venezuela and that the estimated figure exported to Venezuela is 10,000 tonnes. This process has been ongoing for the last four to five months and involves buyers coming to Guyana. A release from the Ministry noted that the Government is benefiting from the trade between Guyanese sellers and Venezuelan buyers.The Guyana Government continues to engage with Panama, Italy, Spain and Mexico on purchasing agreements between Governments. Venezuela is currently experiencing an economic pitfall as global oil prices remain low; negatively affecting the petroleum-dependent country. The shipment of rice from Guyana to Venezuela is expected to help mollify the food shortage dilemma for Venezuela. Mexico, imports one million tonnes of rice annually and has since signaled its intention to fast track a paddy deal with Guyana, even as the Prime Minister continues to seek other markets for local producers. In March this year, Mexican paddy importers met with Agriculture Minister Noel Holder to discuss the way forward in relation to the rice deal between the two countries. The Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) is also working with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to secure additional international markets for Guyana’s rice.

Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder




Media Barred From Covering City Hall’s Budget Members of the media were on Wednesday prevented from observing a discussion on the presentation of the Mayor and City Council’s (M&CC) budget of $3.7B for 2017. According to reports, Mr. Oscar Clarke, Chairman of the Finance Committee, moved a motion to have the budged presented behind closed doors and it was seconded by Councilor Junior Garrett. Eleven councilors voted in favor, 10 against and one abstained. Officers of the City Constabulary could not offer an explanation as to who might have passed down the orders to keep everyone out. Several officers at City Hall were puzzled as to why no one was allowed in, as in the past years, reporters were always on hand to cover the presentation. Reporters were told that provision is made in the laws governing the City Council for “in camera” or private sessions. Members of the media could not even go near the stairs leading up to the chamber and were even asked to leave the City Hall compound, the report stated.




Budget 2017 Will Invest In Development Of Human Resource – Minister Henry Minister within the Ministry of Education, Nicolette Henry said that the 2017 Budget will have a positive impact on the areas of Culture, Youth and Sports. She said the 2017 budget like the previous two presented by the Collation government is aimed at investing in the development of the Human resources. In presenting her contribution to the National Debate, Minister Henry said that the Budget come on the heels of the National Youth Policy. Henry stated that her government has inherited a youth population that did not have exposure to leadership training and in recognizing the need has set up a training programme that has trained more than 400 persons in leadership skills development. Henry pointed out that budget 2017 has made provision to continue the training in the New Year. Minister Henry announced that the pilot Literacy and Numeracy Work Ready programme has started and since then 33 persons have competed training and whose person will go on to training other people in their community. Recognizing that failure of many high school students who cannot pass five CSEC subjects, including the core subjects Maths and English. Minister Henry said that the government has started the Night School programme in several community. The Junior Minister stated that these programme will be expand into other hinder land community like Port Kaituma, among others. Minister Henry pointed out that sport is a tool for human development and thus Budget 2017 makes provision for athletes to benefits from training and athlete exposure and other provision to improve sporting infrastructure which includes laying synthetic tracks in regions 2,4,6,7 and 10 amounting to some 210 million. She said that Guyana is a signatory of the 2005 UNESCO conventions to promote and protect the cultural expression of people. However she said that governance of Culture in Guyana as either been eroded or have deliberately not modified the meet the news challenges of Expenditure and management of cultural mechanisms. According to her, in 2017 the government will present the Cultural Policy in the

National Assembly and will commence the building of an institute of Creative Arts and the building and accreditation of the Programme of the institute will put Guyana on par with countries such as Barbados and Jamaica.

Minister within the Ministry of Education, Nicolette Henry




BANKS DIH RE-PURCHASED SHARES FROM BARBADOS COMPANY The cooperation arrangements between Directors of Banks DIH Limited (BDIH) and Banks holdings Limited (BHL) of Barbados have come to an end December 2015.The directors of BDIH have advised that having regards to this occurrence as well as the sale of BDIH’s Shares in BHL, the situation whereby each company holds shares in the issued capital of each other should no longer continue to exist. A press release stated that Banks DIH Limited repurchased 150,138,464 common shares held in its issued capital by Banks Holding Limited (“BHL’’) of Barbados, representing approximately 15% thereof. A statement signed by Terrence Bynoe, Banks DIH Company Secretary stated that “It was a fundamental term of those co-operation arrangements under the MOU that each company would hold shares in the issued capital of each other. The continuation of the mutual shareholding situation depended on the continued operation of the co-operation arrangements between BDIH and BHL.” He further stated that the Directors of BDIH believe that the transaction was in the best interest of all the stakeholders of BDIH.Throughout the whole process the directors of BDIH were guided by the company’s financial and legal advisors. According Banks DIH official website “The three principal business functions of Banks DIH Limited are the production of beverages, food, product and restaurant operations. A fourth and the most recent has been in banking services following the acquisition of 51%shares of citizens Bank Inc. In December 1998. The product range carried

by the company reaches the homes of all Guyanese as the company has a fleet of over two hundred and eighty vehicles. There are branches in Linden, Bartica, Berbice, Essequibo with distributors and agents in all three countries. “The company was presented with awards for producing the best Coca-Cola in the region for three consective years. Awards were also presented to the company for tropical Mist (2003), Cream Soda (1998) and Five Year Old Rum (2000).”Quoted from Banks DIH website




Sunday Editor At Guyana Chronicle Fired Sunday Editor of the Guyana National Newspapers Limited (GNNL) Neil Marks has been fired. According to reports the senior editor has been dismissed for alleged dereliction of duty. In a statement from the entity, it regretted the decision but the “Management as guided by the Board of Directors found it necessary in order to protect the newspaper.” “Despite the obligations and responsibilities assigned to him in a senior position, Mr. Marks’ actions on more than one occasion seriously compromised the production of the newspaper. It is imperative that GNNL, at all times, guard against the impairing of the critical service it provides as a public service media house,” the newspaper said in a statement. The company also noted that a dedicated team of persons work beyond the call of duty to ensure the Guyana Chronicle is on the newsstand every morning. “It is untenable that their work and that service are jeopardised by the actions of one individual in a senior position,” the GNNL. Editor-in-Chief Mr. Nigel Williams, GNNL stated that he will oversee the editorial responsibilities for the Sunday edition until a substantive Sunday editor is named. GNNL further wishes Mr. Marks well in his future endeavours.

Sunday Editor of the Guyana National Newspapers Limited (GNNL), Neil Marks




Minister Of Citizenship Rolls Out Big Plans For 2017 Minister of Citizenship Winston Felix in defending the $250B 2017 Budget in the National Assembly on Wednesday said that his Department will being continuing its work to improve visa, passport and other registration services while work continues on the development of a national identity system in 2017. Minister Felix said that the creation of the national identity system seeks to equip citizens with one unique identification number. “The same ID number you have at birth would be the one at the time of registration. The same number proceeds to your driver’s licence, your tin number, and your bank accounts. This is useful to prevent fraud,” Minister Felix explained. Feilx said that the creation of this database will follow upon the completion of the digitisation of the General Register’s Office (GRO). Minister Felix said that a project has commenced to build a database of records from 1987 to the current period while the procurement process has begun to digitise records from 1896 and 1986. The government has been working with UNICEF to ensure all children are registered at birth to achieve 100 percent birth registration. “Our children are our future and we must protect them,” Minister Felix said. Through the collaboration, the government has recorded 491 late registrations. There have been outreaches in outlying regions with the exception of Regions Three and Four Minister Felix said. “There are more unregistered births which will be pursued in the new year,” Minister Felix added. Efforts will continue in 2017 to improve the passport services by decentralisation. The Georgetown Immigration office which currently is the sole processer of passports has processed 105,068 passports while 14,456 were prepared for the diaspora, Minister Felix said. Budget 2017 has made allocation for the construction of passport offices in Linden and New Amsterdam. Minister Felix explained that Mabaruma and Bartica are under consideration for offices while there is the possibility for Regions Eight and Nine to facilitate mobile service. “By decentralisation we are seeking to improve the

system (and) deliver higher quality service to our citizens,” Minister Felix told the National Assembly. There are also provisions for the setting up of online applications for visas to enter Guyana. “In addition this government is exploring with IOM, the employment of online visas to reduce or prevent the possibility of fraud,” Minister Felix said. In 2016, visas of various categories were issued to 1,163 nationals from 76 countries.

Minister of Citizenship Winston Felix


GUYANA DAILY NEWS ‘Demerara Gold’ Reaches Guyana PAGE 11

‘Demerara Gold’ reaches Guyana The award winning theatrical play ‘Demerara Gold’ will be performed at the National Cultural Center, on January 17, 2017 at the 20:00hrs. Actress and play writer Ingrid Griffith, will come all the way from Broadway to enhance the ‘palate’ of the Guyanese audience. ‘Demerara Gold’ is a show for all ages, races and cultural backgrounds. Migration, as the main topic of the play, is explained from the crude point of view of those who migrate, and from those who are left behind. Characters impersonated with a single voice, the voice of Griffith. A monologue that aims to catch, not only the attention of the public but also to create a conscience about this delicate subject. Ingrid Griffith, the actress that gives soul to this solo play, has been in and around theatrical productions around New York City for over 5 years.In the year 2013, the classically trained actress brought the attention of the critics, after interpreting a supporting role in the period piece ‘Buckingham’. Staged at the Southampton Cultural Center, New York City. This was followed by the debut of ‘Demerara Gold’ at the Off-Broadway theatre in Hudson Square, ‘Soho Playhouse’, on June of the same year. Her ‘flawless’ personification of 18 different characters, earned Griffith the applause and sincere ovation of the audience. After an extensive tour around the country, this determined actress has set her ‘compass’ for the Caribbean. Allowing Guyana to have a close glimpse of her creation. Demerara Gold will be presented along with the Pandora’s Box, a play launched by the National Theatre Arts Company. Two first class dramatic productions for the price of one, a once in a lifetime experience not to be missed. The admission price will be for GY$1000.



GUYANA DAILY NEWS Cassava Processing Mill Funded By EU PAGE 12

Cassava development in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has been given a big boost with funding by the European Union (EU). The mill is worth $100,000 and has the capacity to process 10,000 pounds of cassava per day. The announcement was made today by Dr Oudho Homenauth, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) at the opening session of a two-day workshop focused on cassava development. The workshop is being held at the Institute’s boardroom, Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara. The US$50 annual importation bill for wheaten flour locally is expected to reduce by US$10M with the presence of cassava flour on the local market. This significant achievement will be made possible via the setting up of cassava processing mill at Parika, East Bank Essequibo. According to study made in Leyte State University on Cassava flour and powder it is a good substitute for wheat flour, which is imported in big volume into the Philippines. At least 20 percent of our wheat import can be substituted by cassava flour. Dried cassava chips usually processed into various by-products such as cookies, cheese crackers, muffins, cakes, and other bakery products. It can also be used to make naturally fermented soy sauce. These and other novel foods from cassava flour are potential export products in


the market. The machine will benefit individual farmers, farmer-cooperatives, and food or feed processing plants. It is applicable only for milling dried cassava chips and even cassava peels for feed purposes. It can also be used for milling other chipped root crops such as sweet potato. With the help of cassava-milling machines, the booming of the cassava processing industry is at hand. .

First Lady Supports Young YLAI Entrepreneur First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger on Wednesday was presented with a sample of Golden Crunch Coconut Biscuit from Ms. Shaunda Yarde, Managing Director of Coconut Growth, at her office at State House. Ms. Yarde, who was one of the four young persons that represented Guyana at the Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative (YLAI) conference from October 4, 2016 - November 12, 2016 in Washington, D.C, said that upon her return to Guyana she decided to present to First Lady a sample of her product. The young woman created the recipe and designed the product using her grandmother's recipe with some additions of her own and launched her business in 2013. However, initially she did not registered the business and this proved to be a setback. “I could not legally approach a supermarket without any documentation and even though I got my documentation on March 16, I was disappointed since I really wanted it to be the supermarkets for the 50th anniversary celebrations,” she said. Ms. Yarde said her products can be found in a few supermarkets in Georgetown. In an invited comment, Mrs Granger commended the efforts of the budding entrepreneur. “I’m very happy to see how she’s marketing her product and I’m interested in knowing how she’s going about the marketing aspect of her business,” Mrs. Granger said. The YLAI was a youth empowering programme that began on October 5 in Texas and ended with a summit in Washington, DC in early November. Over the six weeks, participants exchanged experiences in start-ups, small businesses, Non-Governmental Organisations, and similar entities in cities throughout the United States and in partnership with community groups and American universities.




Trinidad Opposition Leader Proposes Truce Over Election Deadlock

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar at the final United National Congress (UNC) campaign rally before the local government elections on November 28 By Marcia Braveboy Freelance Journalist PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad -- Political leader of the opposition United National Congress (UNC), Kamla Persad-Bissessar, has written to Trinidad and Tobago prime minister and political leader of the ruling People’s National Movement (PNM), Dr Keith Rowley, proposing they meet and “resolve the crisis created by the potential deadlock of the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation”. The UNC leader’s statement follows the fiercely fought local government election in Trinidad on Monday, November 28, which saw the opposition party gaining ground and picking up six and a half corporations to the PNM’s seven and a half. The PNM previously held eight corporations. The UNC held five and part of what was also a deadlocked situation in the Chaguanas Borough Corporation that comprised aldermen shared with three political parties, with most coming from the UNC, but Jack Warner’s Independent Liberal Party (ILP) and the PNM also had aldermen sitting in what was generally regarded as a UNC stronghold. Former FIFA vice president Warner broke ranks with the UNC and formed the ILP back in 2013, splitting the UNC base. His strength has since diminished, having been entrapped in international corruption scandals and being placed on INTERPOL’s list of the most wanted men in the world. The Persad-Bissessar-led People’s Partnership government changed the laws and introduced the Proportional Representation Act, which in the deadlock situation in the 2016 local election, gives neither party control of the corporation. Political analyst Hamid Ghany told the media that both parties will have to meet and agree on a way forward. Other suggestions made were for both parties to agree on a power

sharing arrangement, which will see both UNC and PNM controlling the corporation for half a term each. This means in the first half of the three-year-term, one party will appoint a chairman and in the other half, the other party will appoint a chairman. The party that appoints a chairman controls the corporation. While the PNM had been arguing that they have the popular vote in the Sangre Grande Corporation and as a consequence should control the corporation, the opposition argues that the law contradicts the PNM’s argument. In her statement and proposal to the prime minister, the UNC leader, who is also the opposition leader, said: “The results released by the EBC show that in the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation the people have chosen to give equal control of the Corporation to the PNM and the UNC through an equal number of councilors and aldermen. “PNM spokesmen are wrong when they claim that they will take control of the Corporation despite the deadlock. “There is no provision in the law to break the deadlock,” Persad-Bissessar explained. The present dilemma may well have been created by the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) after it announced UNC as the clear winner of the Sangre Grande Corporation on the night of the election: five seats for the UNC to the PNM’s three seats and then announced a change in that result to a 4 – 4 tie, with UNC having the popular vote by over 500 votes. The potential of that popular vote lead for the UNC in that corporation prompted the PNM government to ask the EBC for a recount. But even before the recount could take place, reporters were whispering among themselves later during the night of the elections about a plan by the PNM to call a news conference the next day to claim victory in the Sangre Grande Corporation. Indeed, the Tuesday following the election at 11:00 am, the PNM hurried into a news conference and claimed the 500-plus popular vote lead as its own, as if to challenge the EBC to say otherwise. PNM chairman Franklin Khan told the media that their present chairman will remain in place as they have 500-plus more votes in the Sangre Grande Corporation. The UNC then called the PNM’s assumption of how they interpreted the law in this instance as false and nonsensical. The EBC’s recount four days later saw the preliminary popular vote lead of 500-plus for the UNC flipped to a popular vote lead of 80-plus for the PNM, throwing the Corporation into even greater contention. And now, in what seems to be a desire on the part of the opposition UNC to avoid the courts, the UNC leader argued in her letter to the prime minister that resolving the matter in the interest of the people of Sangre Grande is the better option rather than a court battle and a political struggle. “Now is not the time for a lengthy legal battle or political struggle – the deadlock situation must be resolved as soon as possible through mutual agreement of the parties.

Continued on next page ...




Trinidad Opposition Leader . . . Con’t... 8 We need the Council to sit and use the powers of the Corporation to help those in need and especially those who are suffering due to the recent natural disaster that has hit Matelot and environs. The political parties must work together to give effect to the will of the people through mutual agreement which would allow us to work together in the interest of all the people of the region and to serve the greater public good,” PersadBissessar said. Heavy rains across the Caribbean also saw flooding and hazardous landslides in parts of Trinidad and Tobago, with the Matelot area, which is situated in the Sangre Grande Corporation, being affected the most. In light of the natural disaster, Persad-Bissessar said: “Legal questions about control of the corporation because of incumbency or otherwise are very far away from the homes and lives of people. “What people care about is urgent relief in Matelot and environs, jobs, crime, better health care, education and infrastructure. We need to get working on these things that are important to people.” The UNC leader wants Rowley to agree to bipartisanship between the UNC and PNM as the better option to get to work for the people of the Sangre Grande Corporation. “It is an opportunity for both parties to come together and agree on a solution that works for the benefit of all

the people of the region. “There are many innovative options which can be explored to give effect to the will and needs of the people of the region. “In the circumstances, I have called upon Prime Minister Dr the Honourable Keith Rowley, political leader of the PNM and his team to meet with us for constructive and meaningful dialogue on the way forward at the Sangre Grande Corporation in the interest of all the people of the region and to serve the greater public good,” Persad-Bissessar said. (Caribbean News Now!)




Suriname Drug Trafficker Sentenced To Eleven Years In US Prison NEW YORK, USA -- A Surinamese man convicted of acting as the "right-hand man" to the son of the country's president as part of a scheme to send large amounts of cocaine to the United States was sentenced on Tuesday to 11-1/4 years in a US prison. Edmund Muntslag, who was arrested after a US sting operation targeting Dino Bouterse, Suriname President Desi Bouterse's son, was sentenced by US District Judge Alison Nathan in Manhattan, Reuters reported. He faced a mandatory minimum sentence of ten years in prison and a maximum of life after a federal jury found Muntslag, 33, guilty in March of conspiring to import cocaine into the United States. His conviction came a year after Dino Bouterse, 43, was sentenced to 16-1/4 years in prison after pleading guilty to charges that he tried to offer a home base to the Lebanese paramilitary group Hezbollah in Suriname. Prosecutors said that, in 2013, Bouterse and Muntslag sought to help people claiming to be Mexican drug cartel members, who were actually US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) informants, send millions of dollars worth of cocaine to the United States. At the time, Bouterse was the head of a counter-terrorism unit in Suriname, and described Muntslag as his "right hand”. In July 2013, Muntslag shipped a test load of 10 kg (22 lb) of cocaine by a commercial flight from Suriname to Trinidad, understanding the drugs would be transported to New York for sale. Bouterse had meanwhile agreed with the purported cartel members to discuss a weapons deal with Hezbollah. During a meeting in Greece with an undercover agent and DEA source posing as Hezbollah members, Bouterse agreed to help the group establish a base in

Suriname, located north of Brazil, in exchange for $2 million, prosecutors said. Bouterse was arrested in August 2013 in Panama, where he was discussing the purported Hezbollah deal. Muntslag was arrested days later in Trinidad, where he was waiting to take an undercover DEA agent posing as a Hezbollah agent to Suriname. He was extradited in August 2015. (Caibbean News Now!)

Edmund Muntslag is shown in this US Attorney's Office photo released on March 22, 2016




Panama Papers Leak Con’t Tax probes: Thousands under scrutiny Officials in many countries are also taking direct action against citizens suspected of having used offshore entities to reduce their tax bills. Governments are investigating more than 6,500 taxpayers and companies, according to ICIJ and dozens of its media partners who assembled responses from government agencies and public statements. In November alone, governments in Iceland, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, India and Pakistan announced probes of nearly 1,300 taxpayers for potential tax evasion. In Iceland, more than 100 tax cases are under review and 46 cases of potential tax evasion have been referred to prosecutors, according to media reports. Authorities have conducted more than a dozen raids. British authorities revealed that 22 people are under civil and criminal investigations for tax evasion and that the offshore dealings of 43 other wealthy Britons are under review. Companies and properties in the United Kingdom are also being scrutinized as part of an unspecified financial sanctions inquiry, the government announced. Canada’s Revenue Authority announced 85 Canadians linked to Panama Papers were under investigation for tax evasion. France’s ministry of finance announced it was auditing 560 taxpayers. India’s special Panama Papers taskforce said it was probing the offshore affairs of 415 Indians, making it the country’s largest-ever tax inquiry, The Indian Express reported. In neighboring Pakistan, The News reported that 20 Pakistanis have been identified by the Federal Board of Revenue as not filing tax returns during the same period they appear linked to companies set up by Mossack Fonseca. Resignations: Officials and executives Top officials had varied reactions to the news they’d been tied to the Panama Papers through their own offshore holdings or holdings linked to their families and associates. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman dismissed revelations about the offshore financial maneuvers by people and companies tied to Putin as a distorted “information attack” against Russia. Icelandic Prime Minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson had the bad luck of having his first reaction caught on video by a TV crew. “I’m starting to feel a bit strange about these questions because it’s like you are accusing me of something,” he said, before walking out of the interview. Video of his fumbling response to questions about an offshore company he and his wife had owned was replayed millions of times around the world. Within 48 hours, angry

protests and political pressure had forced Gunnlaugsson step down as prime minister. Other government and corporate officials soon followed his example. Mihran Poghosyan, Armenia’s top bailiff, known as the chief compulsory enforcement officer, resigned after initially rejecting revelations that he held shares in three companies set up by Mossack Fonseca. A criminal investigation continues. José Manuel Soria, Spain’s minister for industry, energy and tourism, held on for five days before he, too, left his post. Soria initially denied any offshore connection but later acknowledged his family’s role in a company in the United Kingdom. In resigning, Soria denied wrongdoing but cited “a succession of errors” in his response to the issue. The head of a state-owned bank in Austria, Hypo Landesbank Voralberg, resigned after the bank was cited in reports about the Panama Papers. In the Netherlands, a member of the supervisory board of the country’s third-largest bank, ABN Amro, resigned after Dutch journalists reported his ties to an offshore company in the British Virgin Islands. Juan Pedro Damiani, a Uruguayan lawyer and member of FIFA’s ethics committee, resigned from the panel in the wake of reports that he had business dealings with three men who have been indicted in the world soccer body’s corruption scandal. A Finnish company fired its sales manager in response to revelations he may have helped launder Russian money through a Panamanian shell company. (Caribbean News Now!)




Puerto Rico Mayor Arrested For Public Corruption SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- On Wednesday, Victor Ortiz-Díaz aka “Manolito”, the mayor of the municipality of Gurabo, Puerto Rico, was arrested by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents on charges of extortion and soliciting a bribe. According to the indictment, on or about October 2012, the Municipality of Gurabo owed Company A payments for eight outstanding invoices for work performed in the municipality. Person A, co-owner of Company A, met with Ortiz-Díaz to discuss the outstanding debt. The mayor solicited $125,000 from Person A to invest in a telecommunication antennas project. Because Company A did not have the money to pay the $125,000, the mayor told Person A that he would have the municipality make a payment to the company. With this money, Company A could be able to cover the “loan” to Ortiz-Díaz, as well as pay other debts it owed its suppliers. On October 19, 2012, Person A issued three post-dated Company A checks payable to three different individuals, who were employees of Miguel Merced. Merced was the individual orchestrating the telecommunications investment scheme in which Ortiz-Diaz invested the three checks totaling $125,000. On that same date, the Municipality of Gurabo issued two checks totaling $196,643.26 payable to Company A for contracting work performed. Unbeknown to him, Ortiz-Díaz used the money he extorted from Person A in what turned out to be a Ponzi scheme run by Merced, who is now serving a six-year prison sentence. “Defendant Ortiz-Díaz extorted Person A, to invest in a Ponzi scheme, which resulted in losses to many victims,” said US Attorney for the District of Puerto Rico, Rosa Emilia Rodríguez-Vélez. “Although he presented himself as a victim

in federal court, it was the citizens of Gurabo who were the victims of his corrupt acts, as it was their money he squandered.” “It is always a sad day when someone who enjoys the trust of the people abuses that trust,” said FBI Special Agent in Charge Douglas Leff. “It should be clear by now that those officials who have served the public dishonestly will eventually have justice delivered to their doorstep. The FBI will continue to work with its partners at the US Attorney’s Office to ensure that the citizens of Puerto Rico receive the fair and honest government to which they are entitled.” If found guilty, the defendant could face up to 20 years in prison and $250,000 in fines. An indictment contains only charges and is not evidence of guilt. The defendant is presumed to be innocent unless and until proven guilty. (Caribbean News Now!)




Civil Rights And Rule Of Law Under Attack In Bahamas, Says Robert F. Kennedy Jr. NEW YORK, USA -- Less than 100 miles from Florida, in the island democracy of The Bahamas, politicians and the police are harassing environmentalists, illegally hacking and publicly releasing their private communications and other confidential information. And, when the Supreme Court ordered several cabinet members to stop violating the conservationists' constitutional rights, they threatened to jail the judge. These startling events are laid out by environmental attorney and activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr., chairman of Waterkeeper Alliance, in a new story in EcoWatch, one of America's top environmental news sites. Why are civil rights and the rule of law under attack? As Kennedy explained, some Bahamian officials are allied with one of the island's worst unregulated developers. He noted that a well-connected billionaire developer who donated millions of dollars to members of the Bahamas government, Canadian apparel manufacturer Peter Nygard, expanded buildings on his private residence by filling Clifton Bay without government

permission, damaging its world-famous marine area. Shortly after a feisty environmental group, Save the Bays, sued Nygard, undercover police raided the home of Nygard's neighbour, Louis Bacon, a philanthropist who co-founded the Save the Bays. In March, Bahamian cabinet ministers disclosed Save the Bays' private emails and financial records during an open session of parliament. Responding to a legal action by Save the Bays, the Bahamian Supreme Court ruled that the ministers had violated the environmentalists' constitutional rights to privacy. But instead of backing down, the ministers doubled down. They appealed the ruling, arguing that parliamentary privilege trumped personal rights to privacy, and that the Supreme Court lacked power to enforce the constitution against parliament. The ministers have launched a process to hold the lawyer who argued the case and the judge who decided against them in contempt of parliament. The developer-friendly cabinet ministers are attacking the rule of law, stomping on privacy rights, and savaging judges,

lawyers and environmental and human rights organizations, Kennedy's story said, adding: “It is time for level-headed leaders in The Bahamas to step in and fix this fiasco before permanent damage is done to the country's natural environment and international reputation as a scenic destination and secure financial haven.” (Caribbean News Now!)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.




Impeachment process against Maduro will continue next week President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Henry Ramos Allup, informed this Wednesday during a press conference held in Caracas, that the process of impeachment against President Nicolas Maduro, will continue next week. According to El Nacional, Allup addressed that Maduro ‘should’ and ‘will’ be out of the office before 2018, due to the desperate necessity of a change in the country. “Venezuela is malnourished and hungry,” he stated. He mentioned that every sector in Venezuela is being affected by the ‘governance of a dictator’ that is leading one of the richest countries in Latina America, to a shameful collapse. Allup detailed the decadent state of every sector in Venezuela, highlighting the deplorable condition of the health system. He mentioned how doctors are being forced to become ‘artisans’ in order to offer a relatively good service, due to the shortage in medicines and medical supplies in this institutions. Allup emphasized on the daily violation of the Human Rights in Venezuela, and how the people is tired of hearing ‘lies’. Regarding the dialogues between the government and the opposition, Allup strongly supported the position of the Secretary of the Democratic Round Table (MUD), Jesus Torrealba, about suspending such dialogues, until the agreement of carrying presidential elections is approved. Allup is convinced that the only way to take Venezuela out of economic crisis, is changing the government. Otherwise, it would be like trying to ‘swim in quicksand’. Source:

President Nicolas Maduro




Boris Johnson's Saudi 'Proxy Wars' Comment 'Not UK's View' Downing Street has said Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson's where she had dinner with the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, comments on Saudi Arabia do not represent "the government's the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman. Her position". Footage has emerged from an event last week at spokeswoman said that Mrs May wanted to strengthen the which Mr Johnson said UK ally Saudi Arabia was engaging in relationship with Saudi Arabia, saying, "we are supporting the "proxy wars" in the Middle East. The PM's spokeswoman said Saudi-led coalition in support of the legitimate government in these were the foreign secretary's personal views. BBC Yemen against Houthi rebels". She said: "Those are the prime diplomatic correspondent James Landale called it a "pretty minister's views - the foreign secretary's views are not the robust slapdown" for Mr Johnson. Mr Johnson's comments government's position on, for example, Saudi Arabia and its were made at a conference in Rome last week but only emerged role in the region." Shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry after the The Guardian newspaper published footage of the accused the government of "shabby hypocrisy". "The event. In it the foreign secretary said: "There are politicians who government cannot complain about Saudi Arabia's military are twisting and abusing religion and different strains of the actions one minute, then continue selling it the arms to same religion in order to further their own political objectives. prosecute those actions the next," she said. Tom Brake, the Lib “That's one of the biggest political problems in the whole Dems' foreign affairs spokesman, said: "This will be a huge region. And the tragedy for me - and that's why you have these embarrassment to May as she returns from her grubby tour of proxy wars being fought the whole time in that area - is that the Gulf, where she did her best to ignore human rights and there is not strong enough leadership in the countries desperately push trade at all costs." Robert Lacey, a historian themselves." 'Offending the Saudis' Mr Johnson told the Med 2 and author of the Kingdom and the House of Saud, said that conference: "There are not enough big characters, big people, while he agreed with Mr Johnson's comments, he questioned men or women, who are willing to reach out beyond their Sunni whether he should be saying them about an ally. He told BBC or Shia or whatever group to the other side and bring people Radio 4's Today programme that he believed it was a gaffe and together and to develop a national story again. "That is what's that Mr Johnson was acting more like a journalist. (BBC) lacking. And that's the tragedy," he said, adding that "visionary leadership" was needed in the region. He went on: "That's why you've got the Saudis, Iran, everybody, moving in and puppeteering and playing proxy wars." The BBC's diplomatic correspondent James Landale said Mr Johnson had spoken a "bit of truth", but it was "clearly awkward" for the government, which had led to No 10's "slapdown". He said many people would agree with the analysis that many of the Middle East conflicts were proxy wars fought between Sunni and Shia factions, often in the form of Iran and Saudi Arabia being on opposing sides, such as in Syria and Yemen. However it was not the official government position, our correspondent added. The UK was supporting the Saudi conflict in Yemen not because it was a proxy war, but because they believed that strategically it was the right thing to do and could help stop Yemen becoming a failed state, he said. He said by dismissing this as "proxy wars" and "puppeteering", the foreign secretary risked offending the Saudi King Salman and Theresa May both Saudis. 'Shabby hypocrisy' Downing Street's comment came as attended a summit in Bahrain on Wednesday(AFP Prime Minister Theresa May returned from a visit to the Gulf




Donald Trump Attacks Union Leader Who Called Him A Liar Donald Trump has blasted a union leader who accused him of lying about his deal to stop an air conditioning maker from moving jobs to Mexico. The US president-elect said Chuck Jones had done a "terrible job" for workers at Carrier, moments after Mr Jones had criticised Mr Trump on CNN. Mr Trump had wrongly claimed 1,100 jobs in Indiana were saved, said Mr Jones. Earlier in the week Mr Trump attacked Boeing, hours after its boss criticised his trade policy, but he denied a link. Shortly after Mr Trump's tweet attacking Mr Jones on Wednesday night, the union leader started receiving phone calls threatening his children, he said. "Nothing that says they're gonna kill me, but, you know, you better keep your eye on your kids," said Mr Jones. Keeping jobs from migrating to lower-wage countries was a central plank of Mr Trump's successful election campaign. And he claimed a victory last week when he struck a deal with Carrier's parent company, granting them $7m in tax cuts and incentives over 10 years. In the CNN interview that preceded the enraged Chuck Jones (right) met Senator Bernie Sanders earlier in tweet by the president-elect, Mr Jones disputed Mr Trump's claim on the job the year(GETTY IMAGES) figures because 550 jobs were still going overseas. Using stronger language when speaking to the Washington Post earlier this week, Mr Jones said the billionaire businessman had "lied his ass off". On Thursday morning, the union boss admitted his choice of words was unwise but he stood by his accusation. "Trump didn't tell the truth and I called him out," he said, saying the president-elect "overreacted". He said that while the union was grateful to have 730 of its members keeping their jobs, Mr Trump had raised false hopes for hundreds of others when he wrongly claimed 1,100 jobs were not moving abroad. Mr Trump's tweet sparked a back and forth on Twitter with the union, which sprang to Mr Jones's defence by saying he worked tirelessly to save "all jobs". Mr Trump responded by tweeting that the union was to blame for jobs going abroad and it should reduce its dues. The union fired back by saying its dues helped the union save jobs, adding the hashtag #imwithchuck The spat is the second time this week that the president-elect has attacked an organisation that has criticised him. On Tuesday, he threatened to cancel a huge government contract with Boeing after the chief executive made pro-trade remarks that were reported in the Chicago Tribune. But Mr Trump said he had not seen the article in question. The Republican president-to-be has been assembling his administration team in preparation for assuming office on 20 January. On Wednesday there were four new additions: Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt is tipped to head the Environment Protection Agency Iowa Governor Terry Branstad has been asked to be US ambassador to China Professional wrestling magnate Linda McMahon is expected to head the Small Business Administration Retired Marine General John Kelly has been reportedly asked to lead the Department of Homeland Security (BBC)




Aleppo Battle: ‘Forgotten’ Civilians Moved From Syria Frontline The Red Cross says it has evacuated 148 mostly disabled and elderly civilians found in a part of the Syrian city of Aleppo recently recaptured by the army. They were trapped for days inside a former old people's home in what was a rebel-held part of the Old City because of heavy fighting nearby. Many had injuries or conditions which left them unable to move. Eleven others died before they could be reached, either caught in the crossfire or because of a shortage of medicine. In the past three weeks, government forces have retaken about 75% of eastern Aleppo, which rebels had controlled for four years. Hundreds of people have been killed and tens of thousands displaced by the battle. More than 100,000 others may be under siege in areas still under rebel control, where food supplies are exhausted and there are no functioning hospitals. The evacuation of the Dar al-Safaa old people's home was a joint operation by the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). It took place late on Wednesday night, hours after troops took full control of the Old City's Meshatyeh district. The old people's home, the role of which expanded because of the conflict, had been accommodating patients with mental health needs or physical disabilities, according to an ICRC statement. Three dozen other civilians, a number of them injured, had also sought refuge there. "These patients and civilians had been trapped in the area for days because of heavy clashes nearby and as the front line kept drawing closer," said the ICRC's head of delegation in Syria, Marianne Gasser, who is currently in Aleppo. "Many of them cannot move and need special attention and care. It must have been terrifying for them." Of those rescued, 118 patients were taken to three hospitals in government-controlled western Aleppo, while 30 men, women and children were taken to shelters, also in the west of the city. Six orphaned and very young children were among the evacuees. An ICRC spokesman based in Damascus, Pawel Krzysiek, told the BBC that the patients had been "practically forgotten" and that tragically for some the evacuation operation had come too late. The ICRC is ready to act as a neutral intermediary between all sides of the conflict and to assist civilians inside eastern Aleppo, where it said the

humanitarian situation was "catastrophic". Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is due to meet the US Secretary of State, John Kerry, on the sidelines of a summit in Germany later to discuss a deal that would see the evacuation of civilians and rebel fighters. But the chairman of the UN's humanitarian taskforce for Syria, Jan Egeland, told reporters in Geneva that he believed the two powers - which back opposing sides in the civil war - were still "poles apart" on agreeing the terms. Mr Egeland said the Red Cross operation was "heroic" but that evacuations should not "happen like that". He instead called for the establishment of humanitarian corridors, which would require at least a pause in the fighting. Russia, he warned, was ready to talk about an evacuation, but not to discuss a ceasefire. Aleppo was once Syria's largest city and its commercial and industrial hub before the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad began in 2011. It has been divided in roughly two since mid-2012. But in the past year, Syrian troops have broken the deadlock with the help of Iranian-backed militias and Russian air strikes, reinstating a siege in early September. (BBC)

Of those rescued, 118 patients were taken to three hospitals in the government-controlled west(NOOR HAZOURI / SARC)




Japan Tracks Dementia Patients With QR Codes Attached To Fingernails A Japanese city is keeping track of elderly dementia sufferers by attaching barcodes containing personal information to their fingers and toes, officials say. A company in Iruma, near Tokyo, has developed a tagging system for members of the public at risk of getting lost. The 1cm (0.4in) square stickers hold an address, telephone number and unique identity number for each user. The free service, launched this month, is a first for Japan. The initiative, which uses a system of QR codes, was set up to help reunite family members with their elderly loved ones in the event that they go missing, according to the Iruma welfare office. The technology allows police to obtain details of a person's local city hall, along with contact telephone numbers and personal details, simply by scanning the code. An official told the AFP news agency that this new method was a "great advantage". "There are already ID stickers for clothes or shoes but dementia patients are not always wearing those items." The water-resistant stickers, which remain attached for an average of two weeks, can be more discreet than other items such as badges as they can be attached to toenails and worn beneath socks. Japan The stickers, which contain the unique details of a is facing an ageing population, with more than a quarter of its citizens individual user, are attached to fingernails(GETTY aged 65 or over. This is set to increase to 40% by 2055, with the IMAGES population expected to shrink from the current 127 million to 90 million. (BBC)

Terrorism Most Immediate Threat To UK,Says MI6 The scale of the terrorism threat to the UK is "unprecedented", the new head of MI6 has said. Alex Younger said UK intelligence and security services had disrupted 12 terrorist plots since June 2013. He said many of the threats came from ungoverned spaces in the Middle East - namely Iraq and Syria. Mr Younger also warned that "hybrid warfare", which included cyber-attacks and subverting democracy, was becoming an "increasingly dangerous phenomenon". "The risks at stake are profound and represent a fundamental threat to our sovereignty," he said. "They should be a concern to all those who share democratic values." In his first public speech since taking up the post of "C", he warned of the impact of Russia's alliance with President Bashar al-Assad in Syria in casting all opponents of President Assad as terrorists. "I believe the Russian conduct in Syria - allied with that of Assad's discredited regime - will, if they do not change course, provide a tragic example of the perils of forfeiting legitimacy," he said. "In defining as a terrorist anyone who opposes a brutal regime they alienate precisely that group that has to be onside if the extremists are to be defeated." He added: "We cannot be safe from the threats that emanate from that land unless the civil war is brought to an end." Hostile environments The Islamic State group had exploited the situation in Syria to fortify its stronghold in the region and wage a war on the West, he told journalists at MI6 headquarters in London. He added that IS, also known as Isil or Daesh, had a "highly organised external attack planning structure" which was plotting attacks against the UK and its allies "without ever having to leave Syria".

Describing the risks MI6 agents faced in the field, he said: "Encountering terrorism, some of our agents operate in the most dangerous and hostile environments on earth. "They know that the result of being identified as an MI6 agent could be their death. But they do what they do because they believe in protecting their country - and religion - from the evil that Daesh and other terrorist organisations present." The threat level for international terrorism in the UK has been severe - meaning an attack is highly likely - since August 2014. There are five threat levels - low, moderate, substantial, severe and critical - set by the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre. (BBC)

Alex Younger




A Day Like Today Today is one of those days in which the world takes a second to pay tribute to a legend. John Lennon, former member of the British rock & roll band ‘The Beatles’, was shot and killed by an obsessed fan in New York City, a day like today 1980. The 40-year-old artist was entering The Dakota apartment building in Manhattan, when 25-yearold Mark David Chapman shot him four times at close range with a 38-caliber revolver. According to statements from his wife Yoko Ono, Lennon started to bleed profusely from the external wounds, but managed to reach the reception area and once in the lobby, collapsed. Lennon was rushed to the hospital but died on arrival. The shooter, David Chapman had received an autograph from Lennon earlier in the day and voluntarily remained at the scene of the shooting until he was arrested by the New York City Police Department (NYPD). According to reports, when Chapman was asked about the motives of the murder, he just stated that he ‘wanted to transcend in history as the guy that killed John Lennon’. Investigators later concluded that Chapman was mentally unstable, and had develop an obsession towards the Beatles, in special for Lennon. For a week hundreds of devoted fans kept a vigil outside the Dakota, showing their respects to the late musician. Demonstrations of mourning rapidly ‘spread’ around the world. On trial, Chapman was instructed to plead insanity, but instead he pleaded guilty to murder. He was sentenced to 20 years to life in prison, on August 24th 1981. He has been refuse parole on three occasions, in 2000, 2002 and 2004. Under the grounds of representing a possible threat to the Lennon family .He remains behind bars at the Attica Prison in New York State. John Lennon wasn’t only known for being a member of the ‘timeless’ British band, The Beatles. He was an innovative mind, an out of the box thinker, a visionary of his time. After the group disbanded in 1970, he embarked on a solo career that accentuated him as a revolutionary singer, songwriter, musician, producer and prominent public figure. He became a committed social activist and pacifist, who focused his creations on the promotion of social integration. Today Lennon’s memorials can be seen all around the world, especially in the ‘Strawberry Fields’. A section of Central Park across the street from the Dakota Hotel. Every 8th of December a memorial ceremony is held in front of Lennon's Hollywood Walk of Fame Star, to honor his name. S o u r c e : h t t p : / / w w w. i b t i m e s . c o m / j o h n - l e n n o n assassination-anniversary-10-facts-ab...

English singer and songwriter, John Lennon.

(From top)36 years ago, grief at the scene of Lennon's Murder, and 'Imagine' Tribute to Lennon on the 'Strawberry Fields'.

Lennon signing a copy of Double Fantasy for Chapman several hours before the murder.



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Jamaica's Atkinson Beaten To World Short Course Gold Alia Atkinson was fastest going into Wednesday night’s final of the 50-metre breaststroke at the FINA World Short Course Championships, but it was American Lilly King, who was fastest when it mattered most. The 27-year-old Jamaican finished second to the American, who won in 28.92 seconds. Atkinson clocked 29.11s, replicating her silver-medal performance in Doha two years ago.Third was Molly Hannis of the USA in 29.58s. Atkinson and Jenna Laukkanen of Finland reacted first to the gun (0.63) but the American, who was timed in 29.17s in her semi-final heat, apparently saved her best for last and managed to hold off the Jamaican who set the world record of 28.64 in Tokyo in October. Atkinson will go for another medal when she competes in the 100m breaststroke on Friday. Meanwhile, Trinidad and Tobago's Dylan Carter was fourth in the men's 200m freestyle in 1:42.48s. The race was won by Taehwan Park of Korea in 1:41.03s, a championship and Asain record. (SportsMax)

Koeman Speaks Out On Depay, Schneiderlin Links against Jose Mourinho's side, leading to renewed speculation over a possible Toffees swoop for Depay. Schneiderlin is also rumoured to be a transfer target for the Goodison Park outfit, having struggled to hold down a regular first-team spot at Old Trafford. Koeman said he was looking to add to his squad in January, but refused to comment on either United player. "We are looking for some good options, maybe the necessity now is a little more than it was before because we lost Yannick for a long time," said the Dutchman. "I don't speak about players, about rumours. We know that when January is coming of course every day in the press there is a lot of speculation. "We need to do our work and don't mention it to the press." While Everton will be without Bolasie against Watford this weekend there is better news on Seamus Coleman's fitness, with the fullback having returned to training. "Seamus Coleman is okay, he trained as normal today," Koeman added. "He had pain at the start of the week. Everyone else is okay." (SportsMax) Everton manager Ronald Koeman was asked about potential January moves for Memphis Depay and Morgan Schneiderlin on Thursday. Ronald Koeman revealed Everton are weighing up their options to strengthen in the January transfer window amid reports crediting the club with an interest in Manchester United duo Memphis Depay and Morgan Schneiderlin. Depay was linked with a move to Goodison Park ahead of the 2016-17 season following Koeman's arrival, but the Dutchman plumped for Yannick Bolasie. However, the former Crystal Palace winger suffered a season-ending knee ligament injury


Kovac Brothers Sign New Frankfurt Deals you want more." Sporting director Fredi Bobic added: "It's a

Niko Kovac and his brother Robert have been rewarded for Eintracht Frankfurt's impressive progress under their stewardship. Eintracht Frankfurt have tied down coach Niko Kovac and his brother and assistant boss Robert to new contracts until 2019. The Bundesliga club have acted quickly to secure their coaching duo following their strong start since taking over in March. The Kovac brothers led Frankfurt to safety at the end of last season via a relegation play-off and have overseen a superb opening to this campaign, with their side sitting ďŹ fth in the table after 13 games. Their previous deals were due to expire at the end of the season. "We have always emphasised that we feel very comfortable in Frankfurt and also at the club," said manager Niko Kovac. "The potential of Eintracht is great and we will work with full commitment with the club's continued development in our minds. "In the short time at Eintracht we have had intense experiences - especially the two relegation games. This makes

wonderful day for Frankfurt." (SportsMax)


Bolt ‘Let Down’ By JAAA Abstention From IAAF Reform Vote well in the sports, why would we not support it in going in the

Nine-time Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt said he felt let down that the Jamaica Athletic Administrative Association (JAAA) chose to abstain from voting in favour of a comprehensive reform package presented to members at a special Congress in Monaco last Saturday. The proposals, which are at the centre of IAAF President Sebastian Coe's agenda for moving the sport forward from its tainted past, established new independent anti-doping, integrity and disciplinary functions, along with a greater voice for athletes in the organization and more gender balance. However, Dr Warren Blake, who was recently returned unopposed as president of the JAAA chose not to vote in favour of the proposals that were overwhelmingly supported with members voting 182 to 10 in favour. “I think people should respect the right of every federation to look at the package and do what they think is best,” Dr Blake said in response to questions about why he chose to abstain. Bolt, however, believes the JAAA’s decision was disappointing. "I find it ridiculous and funny at the same time to know that the IAAF is trying to take big steps like this to make the sport better and we (Jamaica) are doing so very

right direction?” the star athlete said on Tuesday. "So it was kind of a let down to know that the JAAA did not support it." (SportsMax)

Red Force Can Topple Scorpions - Ottley on Thursday. The Red Force have one win, a draw and a defeat

Despite being next to bottom in the six-team Digicel Regional Four-Day Competition, Trinidad and Tobago Red Force captain Yannick Ottley is confident his side can topple the Jamaica Scorpions when their fourth-round match begins at Sabina Park

from their first three matches and have accumulated 27 points, but according to their captain, the break that came at the end of the third round has given the team a chance to regroup. “We have had a couple rest days and a few practice sessions but the guys have been doing some one-on-one work with the coaches and identifying a few areas we need to improve on, so it is good to see guys working on their skills and trying to be better at what we do,” Ottley told media. “We are pretty good at the moment. The team is really gelling together. There is a lot of unity in the team. We are like a family and we just need to keep supporting each other.” Like their rivals this weekend, the Red Force have displayed inconsistent batting. That fact was cruelly brought home when they were crushed by 292 runs by the Barbados Pride in the second round. The inconsistency was again evident in their rain-affected match against the Leeward Islands Hurricanes. Kyle Hope scored 86 as he and debutant Isaiah Rajah, who made 69 staged an opening stand of 162 but the Red Force then capitulated to reach 287 for 8 before rain washed out the game. “Against the Leewards, we started well with the bat and it could have been two wins and one loss at home and I think that would have been a pretty good start for us, but the batting has really come along well (since the Pride game) and we just have to continue to play together as a team and make sure we keep the attitude right,” said Ottley. (SportsMax)

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