November 10, 2016

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The Ultimate Betrayal By The APNU/ AFC Government Of Miners In Guyana. ALL concessions on spares and parts ALL concessions on tools and equipment. The Non- renewal of the fuel import licenses (Georgetown 2016-11- 10) Betrayed The Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA) is calling on all its members to be prepared to mobilize for strong and decisive action to safeguard their livelihood. The GGDMA has received highly credible information that the current government will be rescinding ALL the concession granted to miners. The Association notes that the Ministry of Finance is expected to make this announcement in his budget speech and will include measures that will result in the removal of: ALL VAT waivers, ALL concessions for fuel and lubricants, ALL concessions for motor vehicles,

This is the ultimate betrayal of the miners by the APNU/AFC government and will only serve to make the already difficult industry harder, if not impossible. The Association is calling on the government to restore the status quo and return ALL the concession granted to Miners under the PPP/C administration. The current government has given no additional help to the industry. They have provided no new concrete concessions and to date they have not put in one single road or other infrastructural work that directly benefits the industry. The GGDMA notes that the Finance Minister seems to be in direct defiance of the promises made by His Excellency President David Granger to grant the industry several concessions and to which the industry initially received

letters of commitments, but NO action. It appears now that the finance Minister has the power of veto over the President’s commitments and the Government is taking a deliberate anti- mining stance. The gold industry is set to surpass the 600,000 ounces mark this year.

Two-thirds of this figure is the direct effort of the small and medium scale miners. We have produced this much gold WITHOUT the concessions or tax breaks the foreign companies enjoy. Given the same concessions as the foreign companies we can produce more than 600,000 ounces by ourselves. This proposed backward step, to remove all waivers and concessions, will see a significant decline in the production targets next year and many more miners on the breadline. The industry is already suffering and this betrayal is going to kill mining in Guyana. Miners are prepared to take all necessary steps to ensure that the industry survives. We will stand together. Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association




Palestinian Ambassador Pays Courtesy Call To Agri. Minister Encourages Investment To Further Develop Local Sector same time and possibly export to the Caribbean and other parts of the world from Guyana.” Ambassador Sobeh said. With more land developed and more rice under cultivation, Guyana will be able to obtain larger markets for rice given the fact that it will now be able to satisfy the quantities required to tap into these larger markets.

Agriculture Minister, Noel Holder during his meeting with Palestinian Ambassador, H.E. Dr. Linda Sobeh Ali Non-Resident Palestinian Ambassador, H.E. Dr. Linda Sobeh Ali, today paid a courtesy call to Agriculture Minister, Noel Holder. Given Guyana’s continued support to Palestine over the years, the Ambassador has plans to actively be involved in the development of several sectors, specifically agriculture. With Palestine’s strong background in agriculture, Guyana stands to benefit heavily from a number of projects and investments in the sector. Ambassador Sobeh indicated that Palestine is always competing with other countries in Asia to be ahead in agricultural advances. “We are very skilled in seed banking, greenhouses agriculture, artificial insemination, poultry farms, etc. We are looking now to cooperate with your country in many of these areas to transfer best practice knowledge and develop the sector.” Ambassador Sobeh said. Capacity building will also be looked at as the Ambassador indicated that this area remains priority and can be facilitated through the Palestinian International Corporation Agency (PICA). Additionally, the Ambassador

indicated that her team is willing to assist with trials of different crops that are not native to Guyana. “We have a similar climate to Guyana and we grow grapes. We are open to doing soil tests and trials to grow grapes and other fruits that are not native to Guyana.” Ambassador Sobeh said. Agriculture Minister, Noel Holder, in thanking the Ambassador Sobeh for Palestine’s willingness to invest and further develop the sector, pointed to the fact that Guyana is not very familiar with the agricultural advances of Palestine. “Having a better understanding of your agricultural practices will inform on how we proceed and in the particular areas collaborations can be possible. It would be very helpful for a team from Guyana to visit Palestine to gain a better understanding of your best practices, which will in turn, set the field for the corporation.” Minister Holder said. Advances in the Rice Industry With Palestine being a large consumer of rice, Ambassador Sobeh specified that she is also open to cooperating with Guyana to engage in rice cultivation. She indicated that investors are eager to invest in projects to develop lands for rice cultivation and export. “Investors are looking to work and invest at the

The Ambassador will present a draft Corporation Agreement Framework next week to the Agriculture Minister. Once all requirements are met, provisions will be made for a team of investors and agriculture experts to visit Guyana to explore areas for development. “We are currently stuck on the coast which is threatened by climate change. We are working towards moving our agriculture base inland so this is where your investors can help us because we have a vast country but only occupy a very small percentage of it.” Minister Holder said. In 2012, the United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly voted to accord Palestine ‘Non- Member Observer State’ status and the state has been working to build and strengthen diplomatic relations with a number of countries across the world. Ministry of Agriculture Guyana Press Release




Processing Company To Invest US$2M In Developing Organic Farm plans to invest US$2M in developing a management using neem (Azadirachta

CEO of NAREI Dr. Oudho Homenauth and team in discussion with Denys Bourque, AMCAR Projects Manager The National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) will be lending its support to Amazon Caribbean Guyana Ltd, better known as AMCAR, in its new venture to expand the non-traditional crop sector, principally in Berbice. The company

500-acre organic farm there for açaí and processed mixed fruits (pineapples, mangoes, watermelons and papaws) in glass jars for export, and in expanding it Berbice Factory in Rosignol to accommodate the increased production. Chief Executive Officer of NAREI, Dr. Oudho Homenauth and a team recently met with Mr. J. Denys Bourque, AMCAR Projects Manager at NAREI, Mon Repos.

indica), a tree reputed for its insecticidal properties, organic fertilisation using compost, recedia and nitrogen-fixing trees, among which Glericidia sepium, and yields. NAREI’s support will be an additional benefit to the company in the organic certification process. For the first phase of the venture, which is underway, the company is developing 100 acres of land 30 km upriver from Rosignol, Region Five.

AMCAR is seeking the Institute’s expertise, advice and technical assistance on a variety of items including the selection of cultivars; the availability and supply of planting materials of different varieties of the selected fruits; soil improvement and water management; and organic farming practices. Core to AMCAR’s operations is organic farming, which the company has been actively promoting. This is also an area of interest for NAREI. Dr. Homenauth has confirmed NAREI’s readiness to closely support the company in this newest venture.

Up to 30 sustainable livelihoods opportunities will result, both on the farm, in its factory in Rosignol and in services. At the factory two new productions lines will be installed, one for açaí the other for mixed fruits, mostly for the European markets. Amazon Caribbean Guyana Ltd was founded in 1987. It operates a second factory in Barima-Waini, where it is processing organic heart of palm, also for export. In total, the company provides sustainable livelihood opportunities to some 1500 persons from various communities in the areas in which it operates.

As part of this collaboration, the Institute would provide advice and collect data on land preparation, pest

NAREI Press Release




“Become Agents Of Positive Change In Your Community” – First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger At Launch Of The 2016 State Of The World Population Report “It is a matter of greater concern that Guyana has the

First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger said that Teenage Pregnancy impacts the development of health, education, social and economic well-being of adolescent girls in a message she delivered this morning at the launch of the 2016 State of the World Population Report (MOTP) Georgetown, Guyana – (November 09, 2016) First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger emphasised the point that, teenage mothers must be empowered and given the tools to succeed, at the launch of the 2016 State of the World Population Report, today, at Umana Yana. “[Teenage mothers] must be given the opportunity to …become agents of positive change in their communities,” Mrs. Granger said to the women and children, who attended the event. The Report, which was initially launched worldwide on October 20, 2016, was today introduced to Guyana collaboratively by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Office of the First Lady and the Ministry of Social Protection. Under the theme; ‘Investing in 10 year old girls is the key to sustainable development’. Speaking on the importance of investing in the re-integration of young mothers into society to allow them to become productive adults, the First Lady notes that teen pregnancy impacts the of health, education, social development and economic well-being of adolescent girls.

highest rate of teenage pregnancy in the Commonwealth Caribbean… Public health officials will tell you the risks associated with early pregnancy, this is why, I believe, the Ministry of Public Health has a policy of moving adolescent mothers to Georgetown as their time for delivery draws near,” Mrs. Granger said. She also noted that young girls are also at risk of cervical cancer, which is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in Guyana, along with other sexually transmitted infections and diseases. “After experiencing a decline in HIV and AIDS and moving to a zero rate of mother-tochild transmission of HIV and AIDS in CARICOM, a nine percent increase in HIV/AIDS cases has been recorded with the majority of new cases reported being among young girls. This will likely have an impact on our records relating not only to the number of HIV/AIDS cases reported, but also to mother-to-child transmission,” Mrs. Granger said. Additionally, she noted that imaginative ways must found to encourage teenage mothers to return to school to complete their education. “It does not matter if they choose to acquire knowledge in traditional or non-traditional fields. It matters that they are choosing to develop and lead productive lives… Our educational officials will need to consciously set aside moral judgement and prejudice and accept those girls in their classes without ridicule or fear of contamination of other students,” Mrs. Granger said. Minister of Social Protection, Ms. Volda Lawrence stated that the report focuses on the choices and investments that have to be made by the older generation for empowerment and future development of the younger generation. “It is imperative… that our Government work in concert with all the relevant agencies to elaborate a collective and coherent plan of action, underpinning the sustainable goals, that will help our children to transition and realise their full potential,” Minister Lawrence said. Holding responsibility for child care and protection, Minister Lawrence said that though faced with many challenges, trafficking of children is one of the most critical areas.

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“Become Agents Of Positive Change In Your Community”police – First Lady... (Cont’d) to assist us in with traditionally male jobs now being

Students who attended the launch of the 2016 State of the world Population Report at Umana Yana. She added, “As populations grow and the alleviating poverty becomes more difficult to manage, the incidents of trafficking in persons will spiral globally with the heaviest toll being paid by our vulnerable adolescent girls and young women.” Guyana has a number of key pieces of legislation aimed at protection children and vulnerable groups, including the Child Protection Act, the Sexual Offenses Act, the Labour Act, and the Trafficking in Persons Act. Statistics have shown that over the five year period from 2012 to 2016, there has been an increase of trafficking in children cases reported across Guyana. Minister Lawrence said that what is more alarming is the significant increase in female trafficking during the period of January to October 2016, “That is why today this report is very important to the Ministry of Social Protection and the Government as a whole because we as combine the statistics in this report with those coming out of the Situation Analysis Report (SitAn) done by UNICEF [which was presented last September] we are be able to draw a map in terms of where there issues are being perpetrated and the number of villages surrounding those areas… and get the

stamping out this scourge in Guyana,” Minister Lawrence said. “The Counter Trafficking in Persons Unit in collaboration with the Ministerial Task Force on Trafficking in Persons, acknowledging this increasing trend, has initiated a number of activities, which include school and community awareness campaigns and the ‘road side gaff’ programme to teach young children how to protect themselves. For the period 2016 to 2017 the task force envisions the hosting of several street theatre events, earmarked for schools and public spaces to sensitise and educate our children,” Minister Lawrence said. The Ministry’s Counter Trafficking in Persons Unit has proposed a plan for 2017 for the creation of a Schools Trafficking in Persons module, which will be implemented in the secondary school curriculum in Guyana. The Unit also intends to hold a nationwide campaign aimed at making persons more of the proposed release of A Vi c t i m ’s R i g h t s H a n d b o o k . Meanwhile Minister within the Ministry of Education, with the responsibility for Youth, Ms. Nicolette Henry emphasised the need for education for young girls, which she sees as an important factor that will benefit society. “There should be no discrimination when it comes to education… Not educating our girls is a significant barrier to social and economic progress. [A] girl’s education is an integral part to virtually every aspect of development,” Minister Henry said. Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Ms. Annette Ferguson noted that with an increase in opportunities for a woman’s career path,

taken up by an increasing number of women “Our young people must be encouraged to take up non-traditional careers, especially in the science and Technology fields… If young people are to take up a non-traditional career path, we must make adjustments in school’s curriculum, to make sure our young people are equipped to fit into the jobs of the future,” Minister Ferguson said. In addition, Minister within the Ministry of Indigenous People’s Affairs, Ms. Valerie Garido-Lowe, stated that culture plays an important part in encouraging Indigenous girls to educate themselves. “I have faith in our Government that we are going to ensure that by we can look back proudly and say that our girls have been empowered, and they understand the vision ahead and that includes our indigenous girls,” Minister Lowe said. In a message that was read by Acting UN Resident Coordinator, Mrs. Ruben Robertson for the Executive Director of UNFPA, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, he said that “We have every reason to prioritise the development of every girl’s capabilities. Our collective future depends on it… The real test of [the Report’s] success will be whether every 10 year old girl, today, will be healthy, educated and protected in 2030. The world cannot afford to squander the potential of every one or even one more girl. Instead we must…do everything within our power to ignite that potential among the 10 year old girls for her sake and for the sake of all of us.” Also present at the event were several representatives from UNFPA, representatives from Women across Differences (WAD), and several schools in Georgetown. The State of World Population Report is presented each year by UNFPA and serves as a framework and guideline on social issues and its possible solutions. (GINA)




GLDA Launches Swine AI Program With The Aim Of Revolutionising The Industry

Two of the pigs that were part of the Swine AI Programme.


he Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA) today commenced its Swine Artificial Insemination (AI) Program at farm of the Guyana Swine Producers’ Association. The aim of the program is to better improve the stock and ultimately revolutionising the industry. The authority has years of experience with artificial insemination and embryo transfer in cattle and small ruminants and is now gearing to achieve the same success with the swine industry. In order to maximize the successes of the program, the Swine Producers’Association was given a $20M grant by the Guyana Government to import 90 (Top Pig) breed pigs. Based on extensive research carried out by GLDA and the Swine Producers’ Association, this breed, in addition to having an extremely large meat production capacity, has the ability to birth an average of 14 piglets at a time, each weighing an average of three and a half pounds. This weight puts the piglets above the international standard weight, which is two and a half pounds. The pig line also has the ability to grow well over 270 pounds with a very low skin to fat ratio. These pigs mature within six months and are then ready to be slaughtered. Chief Executive Officer, Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA), Mr. Nigel Cumberbatch, said that the authority will be expanding the artificial program in swine across the country within the next year. “Initially, the members of the Swine Producers’ Association will be the ones benefiting from this program but as our facilities expand and more equipment is acquired, we will be extending the service to other farmers. We will be collecting and storing semen from the pigs that were imported. We will a l s o c o n t i n u e t o i m p o r t s e m e n . ” M r. Cumberbatch said. As the Swine Artificial Insemination Program develops, the Swine Producers’ Association will be handing over some of the imported pigs to other farmers to expand the production, so that they too can benefit from the program and the production

capacity of the pigs. Historically, piglets from other breeds grown in Guyana were below two pounds. This move by the Authority puts Guyana’s swine industry in a position to soon compete with and supply international markets. The Top Pig 40 breed came to Guyana in February of this year and has been doing well in terms of the climatic conditions. Based on consultations that were conducted in the major swine producing regions, poor quality breeding animals were a major hindrance to the development of the industry. With the introduction of this new breed, the industry stands to benefit tremendously and is expected to make extreme growth within the next five to ten years. Chairman of Swine Producers’ Association, Mr. Eric Anderson stated that the challenge now remains to ensure that the animals are properly cared for. “Training in animal husbandry and farm management is very important. GLDA has been playing a pivotal role in facilitating training for many farmers across the country. However, many farmers are not taking advantage of this. The future of the swine industry is tied in with the government giving some assistance as it relates to infrastructure and the major infrastructure is an abattoir of ASDU standards. Other members have been echoing calls to have private investors get involved in the industry but given the fact that the local market is very small, investors are hesitant. Farmers must also take into consideration that the market now calls for succulent pork and once the animal is a year and over the meat gaining capacity is low and the meat becomes tough.” Mr. Anderson said. Ministry of Agriculture Guyana Press Release




Outgoing Chinese Ambassador Pays Courtesy Call To Agri. Minister ; Pledges China’s Continued Support To Guyana’s Agriculture Sector Guyana in further developing the rice industry specifically focusing on trial exercises for new varieties and implementing new technologies for cultivation.

Agriculture Minister, Noel Holder and Chinese Ambassador H. E. Zhang Limin Outgoing Chinese Ambassador, H.E. Zhang Limin, today paid a courtesy call to Agriculture Minister, Noel Holder at his Regent Street office. During their dialogue, Ambassador Limin pledged China’s continued support to the development of the agriculture sector and by extension the country. One of key areas discussed was ways in which China can further collaborate with Guyana to develop the agriculture industry. Ambassador Limin indicated that, in the future, China hopes to collaborate with

“I think that, in the future, we can cooperate in the rice industry with developing some testing fields. We can use these fields to try out new technologies on rice.” Ambassador Limin said. Additionally, the Chinese ambassador referenced China Paper Corporation, a state owned company that plants trees for paper manufacturing purposes. “China Paper Corporation also hopes to build or establish an economic zone to facilitate the processing of agriculture products.” Ambassador Limin said. Agriculture Minister, Noel Holder thanked the ambassador for China’s continued support towards the innovative development of the sector.

Minister Holder called for more collaborations in the future and more insight into the Chinese’s agricultural practices. “I know China has been cooperating with Guyana in a number of areas but, at present, we have not really been exposed to your agriculture. We have not really had the chance to take your experts to our interior regions to see where we can get your full assistance based on their expertise. Perhaps in the future, we can collaborate along those lines.” Minister Holder said. Ambassador Limin also commended the Minister for his efforts to meet rice and sugar production targets despite the harsh El Nino conditions Guyana faced in the early parts of the year. “I know that Guyana suffered from harsh El Nino conditions this year but I wish to commend you on the production numbers you have achieved thus far.” Ambassador Limin said. The Chinese ambassador is expected to return to China at the end of the month. Over the years, Guyana and China shared fruitful bilateral relations which resulted in the implementations of successful projects in the health, education and agricultural sectors. (GINA)




Portrait Presentation To First Lady was there his journey all started. The popular photographer is currently employ at the Social Protection Ministry where he serves as the official photographer to Minister, Volda Lawrence, Minister Keith Scott and other officials within that Ministry. As he continues his journey of photography and life itself he runs with these life changing quotes “The key is to stay focused” – Pastor Wade Ridley, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do” - Steve Jobs and “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful.” ― Eric Thomas. (Press Release)


rofessional Photographer, Aubrey Odle celebrated his birthday on Wednesday, in one of the most memorable ways. Odle, presented a candid shot to Guyana’s first lady Mrs. Sandra Granger. The photo of Mrs. Granger was taken when she attended a recent socialization event. After the photo was taken by Mr. Odle it circulated on social media site facebook. It was then that the young man received many requests for him to make the photo into a portrait, and so he did before presenting it to the first lady on his special day, his birthday. In a brief response, the first lady thanked Mr. Odle and charged him to remain humble and focused. Mr. Odle a few years ago has worked as the Camera Person/Photographer for now President David Granger, it




South African High Commissioner Pays Respects At African Liberation Monument Guyana, under the leadership of in 1960,” the book states.

Georgetown, Guyana – (November 09, 2016) Newly accredited High Commissioner of The Republic of South Africa to Guyana, Ms. Xoliswa Nomathamsanqa Ngwevela, this morning, placed a wreath at the African Liberation Movement Monument at the Umana Yana, in a show of appreciation for Guyana’s support for the struggle against apartheid in that country. The Liberation Monument was constructed by the Government of Guyana and is dedicated to the freedom fighters of southern Africa. President Granger, earlier in the day, during the presentation of the Letters of Credence, told the High Commissioner that Guyana, a small state in South America, played a big role in the struggle to dismantle apartheid, liberate southern Africa and ensure majority rule in the Republic of South Africa. These contributions did not go unnoticed and in 2015, the African National Congress and the Government of the Republic of South Africa conferred the Order of the Companions of O.R. Tambo Award to the late President Burnham. However, this award was never officially handed over to the family of the late President. The main criterion for this award dictates that the recipient “promoted South African interests and aspirations through cooperation, solidarity and support.” President Granger said that

President Burnham, demonstrated this solidarity and support through advocacy at all available international forum, including the Caribbean Community, the Commonwealth, the Non-Aligned Movement and the United Nations, to ensure the end of apartheid in South Africa. “Guyana sponsored and cosponsored resolutions, at the United Nations, which condemned this racist system and which called attention to acts of brutality committed against opponents of this system,” he said. In a book titled ‘Forbes Burnham and the Liberation of Southern Africa’, President Granger had described how the then Government of Guyana, headed by President Burnham, played a critical part in the fight for freedom for the people of South Africa and other African nations. The book details how President Burnham, “as Head of State and Government, pursued assiduously, the causes of freedom for the people of South African and of other southern African States. President Burnham even established a High Commission in Lusaka, Zambia in order to improve Guyana’s diplomatic, financial and material support.” It was noted that at ‘great risk’, the then President of Guyana, allowed for the passage of a Cuban aircraft to transport troops to Angola. This move aided the liberation of Angola and Namibia at the Cuito Cunavale. “President Burnham’s commitment to the liberation struggle in Africa was born of his dedication to the principle of the freedom and the right of self-determination of all people. He is on record for condemning the suppression of the Mau Mau revolt in Kenya in 1953, suppression of the disturbances in Nyasaland in 1959 and the massacre of Africans in Sharpeville and Pondoland

“The Guyana Government remained fully involved in the African Liberation movement throughout the 1970s. Diplomatic, political and financial support was to be complemented by other substantial forms of practical and meaningful assistance. Guyana provided training to Namibian and Zimbabwean students as part of its contribution to prepare skilled human resources for independence, travel documents to certain African liberation personalities to facilitate their international movement in pursuit of their external campaign and annual financial contributions to the African Liberation Fund,” it further added. Guyana also took the decision to withdraw its national team from the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games. This was in a show of support for an African boycott to protest New Zealand’s sporting contracts with South Africa. Throughout the 1970s, as the Guyana became a Republic, its service to the southern African countries continued on the United Nations Council for Namibia. President of Tanzania, Mr. Julius Nyerere, during a visit to Guyana in 1974, said that Guyana has been a champion for the liberation of Africans and in the Non Aligned Movement. “The Cooperative Republic of Guyana is renowned to our people as this small nation has publicly identified itself with the progressive and liberation movements of the world,” he said. At the 25th Session of the UN General Assembly, Guyana also used the opportunity to “co-sponsor five draft resolutions on the question of apartheid in the Special Political Committee.” MOTP Press Release


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Caribbean ReactsbyTo Donald Trump Election Victory extension CARICOM, in dealing with fooled by politicians into making PAGE 15

President-elect Donald Trump. Photo: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia MIAMI, USA -- His campaign was vitriolic, sometimes acrimonious. He was labeled a racist, a bigot, antiMexican, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim. Despite this, Republican candidate Donald Trump was on Tuesday elected the 45th president of the United States, defying the polls and popular media hype that favoured his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. “Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division, w e h a v e t o g e t t o g e t h e r. To a l l Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation, I say it’s time for us to come together as one united people,” Trump said in his victory speech in the early hours of Wednesday morning. St Kitts and Nevis foreign affairs minister Mark Brantley expects the federation and the wider Caribbean Community (CARICOM) grouping actively to engage with the incoming Trump administration. “America is a country of structure; it’s a country which has within its constitution checks and balances, so my expectation would be that President-elect Trump will function as any other president will function. Ultimately, his duty is to look after the interests of the people of the United States, my concern has always been the fallout for the Caribbean and I look forward to what might happen in the weeks and months particularly as he’s sworn in next year and to see how that will look for us in the Caribbean,” Brantley said. He was asked what was the best approach for St Kitts and Nevis, and


the new administration. “I think our approach has to be our usual one, one of open dialogue and engagement. It is no secret that the Caribbean has done well with Republican administrations so we must continue to engage. America is a critical ally to the entire region and I think that we have to engage openly and at the end of the day we have to remember that many Caribbean people live in the US and we have to engage at that level. I would encourage that we double efforts and seek with this new administration to get past some of the outstanding issues we were not able to get past with the previous administration such as deportation , loss of correspondent banking relationships, derisking, issues in relation to aid and overseas developmental assistance,” Brantley said. Former Grenada attorney general Jimmy Bristol cited both Brexit and the just concluded US election as representing a trend towards the right t h a t ’s l i k e l y t o h u r t t h e g l o b a l community. “You’ve got France blaming their plight on the immigrants from Africa; Germany blaming their plight on the refugees, England blaming their plight on the refugees and the people of colour, the US similarly. The problem is it’s not the refugees; the problem is the very countries in which their peoples are the citizens that have caused the problems. They have moved manufacturing out of their countries to China, India, Indonesia and all these places and to Mexico resulting in the loss of jobs at home so it’s the very business people who are at the root of it,” he said. There are several lessons for the Caribbean coming out of this latest US election, according to Bristol. We should take note of this trend and how elections and campaigns are conducted so that when we’re engaged In our electoral process or engaged in referendum that we do so with wisdom and we do not allow ourselves to be

decisions which are politically motivated and not in the best interest in the country. We should examine issues and vote according to issues and do so objectively,” he said. US-based attorney Gabriel Christian, who has Caribbean roots, told WINN FM that, while the results are hard to swallow, the democratic process must be respected. “I’m going to have to say that democracy works, the people have spoken and you have to respect the will of the people but we have to understand that progress is not linear, the Germans, the most educated Europeans at the time many would say, did vote and you know what happened and so we have to lead with our best hopes and not our fears. This is the eruption of anger at the deindustrialization of a country that once was a producer of many things that have gone to Mexico and China and people have reacted in a visceral way. We’re going to have some tough times, we’ve seen what happened with the markets, the whole world is shell shocked,” he said. Meanwhile, Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness emphasized the intention to build on existing initiatives, to explore new opportunities, as well as the desire to strengthen US/Caribbean relations. He articulated a shared commitment to achieving and maintaining economic growth and development for the benefit of the peoples of the hemisphere. Bahamas minister of foreign affairs, Fred Mitchell, said prior to the election result that there is “no need to worry” how policies driven by the incoming American commanderin-chief could impact The Bahamas. “I have no concerns,” he said. “Both parties and the structures of the US are broadly centrist and I would expect that this country will work with whoever becomes the president of the US.”

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GUYANA DAILY NEWS Caribbean Reacts To Donald Trump Elect... (Cont’d) PAGE 16

Former Trinidad and Tobago prime minister, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, said that many women around the world were looking to Clinton to join the list of female leaders in the world and make the US the 45th country to have had a female leader. “She led a dignified, positive campaign that has energised women everywhere who looked forward to the results with great anticipation that she would shatter the toughest glass ceiling to become the first female President of the United States. She has inspired and empowered millions of girls and women across our planet,” she noted. According to Peoples National Movement (PNM) vice-chair Camille Robinson-Regis, the perceived “drop” in black community support for Clinton might have been


because it was measured against the huge wave of such support that came out for Barack Obama in previous elections. Opposition MP Dr Bhoe Tewarie, said, “America has become a very divided country in the face of a growing diversity in its population, so there have been cultural and ethnic tensions as well as r e g a r d i n g i m m i g r a t i o n . Tr u m p capitalised on that. There’s a worrisome global breeze that’s signalled by Trump, the Brexit vote and growing emergence of nationalist fervour.” He added: “It has serious implications for the globalisation setting in for the last several decades and has serious implications for small states like ours, who have gone along with the globalisation trajectory and process and

must now respond to a change of thinking in the dominant economies of the world. We have to watch and prepare for this.” Further analysis of the US results will be done on Friday, when the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies holds a panel discussion on the post-election future. Debate topics includes whether a new era in US political campaigning has begun, how US-Caribbean relations will be affected, what the results means for the US immigrant population, especially the Caribbean Diaspora and if pre-election concerns about internal unrest will materialise. (Caribbean News Now!)




New Discovery Of Firearms In Container Shipped To Haiti PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti -- On Tuesday afternoon, Customs officers in Haiti discovered a new weapons shipment in a container at the Global Lafito wharf located 20 km north of the capital, Port au Prince. Seven Smith and Wesson pistols, five Glock model 40, more than 400 rounds of ammunition for the Glock, nearly 100 9mm bullets and 57 magazines (15 for Smith and Wesson, 27 for Glock 40, and various others, including two for assault rifles) were seized by the judicial authorities, according to the justice of the peace. The names of the sender and recipient have not been revealed; however, the forwarder. when questioned, knew nothing of the presence of these weapons, had information on the country of origin, the sender and recipient – information that will be used in the investigation by the Directorate of Judicial Police, HaitiLibre reported. This is the third seizure of weapons in Haiti since a large shipment was discovered on September 8 at the Port of Saint-Marc. (Caribbean News Now!)




IMF Staff Completes 2016 Mission To Antigua-Barbuda

ST JOHN’S, Antigua -- An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission, led by MeredithArnoldMcIntyre,visitedAntigua andBarbudaduringOctober26-November 7 to conduct the 2016 Article IV consultation. At the conclusion of the visit, McIntyre made the following statement: “The economy is expected to expand by 3.7 percent in 2016, underpinned by the continued recovery in the tourism sector and investment in new and existing tourist facilities, including the new cruise ship pier. In2017,growthisprojectedtomoderateto3 percent, mainly reflecting still tight financing conditions for the public and private sector. Inflation declined to around zero in the first half of 2016, mostly due to fuel price adjustmentandcontinuedsoftnessinglobal commodity prices, and is projected to remain at low levels for the rest of this year and into 2017. “The fiscal balance is expected to improve on the back of a one-off revenue windfall from forfeiture funds in 2016, totaling 4.5 percent of GDP. However, the repeal of the personal income tax in the second half of 2016 has weakened structural revenue sources, and will only be partially offset by the unincorporated business tax and taxes on offshore banks’ profits. This was coupled by higher-thanprojected spending on goods and services, transfers to state-owned enterprises (SOEs),andtheWorkExperienceProgram.

“The underlying primary deficit, excluding Citizenship-by-Investment (CIP) revenuesandone-offitems,isthusexpected to reach 2.3 percent of GDP, compared to a 1.1 percent surplus in 2015. Tight financing conditions have triggered a significant drawdown on deposits as well as continued arrears accumulation, with negative spillovers to public and private sector balance sheets. Notwithstanding, public debt is projected to decline to 92 percent of GDPby end-2016, down from 99 percent of GDP in 2015, largely due to repayments of multilateral and some bilateral debt financed by CIP revenues and the drawdown of deposits. “Stronger revenue mobilization efforts, together with tighter expenditure control, are still necessary to put central government finances on a sustainable path. In particular, pervasive tax exemptions at customs need to be streamlined, while transfers to SOEs need to be capped. A comprehensive strategy to strengthen the balance sheets of SOEs and increase their revenue from user fees is also critical to improving the solvency of the broader public sector and reducing large contingent liability risks to central government. “CIP inflows have slowed down in 2016, as a result of increased global competition and more stringent due diligence requirements. Against this background, the mission reiterated the need to boost sustainable structural revenue sources and curtail the use of CIP resources to fund recurrent expenditures. Instead, a prudent CIP management framework should prioritize the use of CIP revenues for debt repayment and arrears clearance as well as for building fiscal buffers for future shocks, including natural disasters. “The resolution of ABI Bank has significantly improved the capital and liquidity position of the banking sector. However, lending activity remains subdued,mostlyduetoweakcreditdemand and banks’ high risk aversion. In order to

support credit growth and a further decline in non-performing loans, the mission recommended enhancing the foreclosure legislation, reducing government arrears to thecorporatesectorandpressingaheadwith the operationalization of the Eastern Caribbean Asset Management Company. “The mission also urged the authorities to coordinate with the ECCB on a comprehensive restructuring plan for Caribbean Union Bank.Although there has been little evidence of withdrawal of correspondent bank relationships (CBRs) by international banks thus far, correspondent banking fees have risen by up to 200 percent, driven by the passthrough of increased compliance costs. Continued close monitoring of existing CBRs and fees thus remains warranted, as well as efforts to further strengthen the AML/CFT framework. “The mission commended the authorities for their progress in upgrading key tourism facilities such as the new airport terminal and the cruise ship pier as well as progress in implementing the energy sector strategy, including the increased penetration of solar e n e rg y t e c h n o l o g y. The mission also welcomed the authorities’ intentions to upgrade the commercial port facilitiesbutcautionsagainstrisksrelatedto the scale of the project and its financing. “Notwithstanding, the authorities should pursue reforms to address the current skills gap, including through reorienting spending towards technical and vocational training consistent with international standards. They should also prioritize other reforms that improve the business climate, including by reducing policy uncertainty, improving public sector efficiency and transparency, cutting bureaucratic delay andenhancingtheITinfrastructure.Finally, themissionrecommendsformulatingplans to build resilience to natural disasters in collaboration with the World Bank and other IFIs.” (Caribbean News Now!)




URGENT-ST. VINCENT-WEATHER-One Dead , Another Missing As Heavy Rains Pound St. Vincent

KINGSTOWN, St.Vincent, Nov 9, CMC – Rescue teams have recovered the body of a pre-teenager, Phillip Compton, from the northern Grenadine island of Bequia Wednesday after he was swept away by floodwaters,reportedlywhiletryingtoclear a drain in Paget Farm on the south of the island. Police confirmed the death and said thattheCoastGuardhadjoinedinthesearch for a six-year-old boy, who along with his elderbrother,hadbeensweptawaybyariver

in Campden Park as a result of the heavy rains that the Meteorological Office said had been caused by a trough system affecting the island since Tuesday. Police have given the name of the missing boy as Jayquan May and said that his 10year-old brother, Jafon, had been found at sea,nearlyhalfamilefromthespotwherehe had been swept away. He has been taken to hospital suffering with a broken right foot

and an injury to the head. The boys’mother, whose name was not disclosed, fainted on the beach and had to be rushed to hospital. JuliusDiamond,whohelpedintherecovery of Jafon said “he told me while he and his brother were there at the side of the river, he [saw] his brother gone (being swept away) so he tried to help his brother.And he told me that his brother died”. Diamond said he met Jafon on the seashore and “I put him on my back and carried him to meet his grandparents”. The surface trough system has dumped nearly five inches of rain on St. Vincent and the Grenadines during the past 24 hours, resulting in floods and landslides across the . Non-essential public servants were told to stay at home, while many privately-owned businesses remained closed on Wednesday. The Meteorological Office said the trough system will continue to affect the country. “As a result, generally cloudy skies, light to moderate showers and scattered thunderstorms will continue to affect the islands,” forecasters said, adding that analysis suggests that these conditions will continue to affect the country for most of Wednesday. (Antigua Observer)




INTERREG Caraibes Launches First Call For Expressions Of Interest

INTERREG Caraibes delegations POINTE-A-PITRE, Guadeloupe -Projects carriers (private operators, associations, public institutions such as universities, research centers, local authorities) are invited to submit their preproject expressions of interest to INTERREG Caraïbes before November 18, 2016. Led by the Guadeloupe Region, which is the managing authority, INTERREG Caraïbes is an European program for Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and St Martin, French and European territories, to undertake cooperation actions with their neighbours intheGreaterCaribbean,comprisingmore

than 35 countries in an area encompassing the north, Mexico toVenezuelainthe S o u t h . INTERREG Caraïbes has a budget of about 80 million euros, including 64 million under the E u r o p e a n R e g i o n a l Development Fund (ERDF) to support projects that meet the program strategy and the needs of the territories. INTERREG Caraïbes is intended to address various issues shared by these territories: • Strengthen the competitiveness of Caribbean companies thatcreatewealthandjobs;•Strengthenthe capacity to respond to natural hazards; • Protect and enhance the natural and cultural environment in the Caribbean; • Develop a coordinated response across the Caribbean to common issues of public health; • Support the development of renewable energy in Eastern Caribbean

(only project promoters located in Guadeloupe, Martinique or in a country or territory of the OECS are eligible for this issue); • Strengthen human capital. This pre-project, presented in a downloadableform,mustcontaininaclear andconcisemannertheactionstheywishto implement with partners from the Caribbean cooperation area in a logical "win-win" guarantee of an equitable and sustainable cooperation between the French West Indies and Caribbean countries Useful information The electronic form for MI, selection criteria, the operational program – which provides details of the eligible shares, participation conditions and criteria to be considered when formalizing the pre-project – and other relevant documents available on the p r o g r a m w e b s i t e ( The program of the Joint Secretariat team is available to project developers for more information and to send them the relevant documents For the pre-project form, visit the website or contact the Joint Secretariat at 00-590590-47 06 00 or (Caribbean News Now!)




PM Harris Hoping For Improved Relations With Trump Administration

execute your mandate of bringing jobs and prosperity to your country and protecting its interests around the world.Your stirring message of change has energized and electrified the American electorate and changed the political playbook.”

Source: BASSETERRE, St. Kitts, Nov 8, CMC – Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris says he is looking forward to the building upon the longstanding relationship between St. Kitts-Nevis and the United States following the “decisive electoral victory” of Republican Donald Trump on Tuesday. In a congratulatory message sent to the President –elect, Harris said that Trump had attained a “decisive elector victory…particularly during a presidential race that saw record voter

turnout, rally crowds and debate viewership throughout the campaign c y c l e ” . He said it was also noteworthy that Trump has had no “political or military experience, but rather strong business and negotiating skills that have been honed from a background in multinational real estate development and licensing, as well as television production. “My Government and I are looking forward to seeing you govern as the 45th President of theUnitedStatesofAmerica,asyouworkto

Harris said he was also looking forward to working with the new US President and his administration in “advancing our dialogue…on important matters of security and sustainability, for the benefit of all of our citizens. “Our countries have a longstanding relationship built on mutual respect and support, and I am optimistic thatthroughboldleadershipandcontinued partnership we will accomplish even more together,” Prime Minister Harris added. In a stunning upset, Trump defied the odds and defeated the Democrat Hillary Clinton, who was seeking to become the womantobeelectedPresidentintheUnited States. Trump, who led a controversial campaigninwhichhespokeaboutbuilding a wall to prevent illegal migration, deport Muslims and vowed to make America stronger again, has since said he would be President for the whole the United States. He will be sworn into office on January 20, n e x t y e a r. ( A n t i g u a O b s e r v e r )




Floods And Landslides As Trough System Affects St. Vincent

D i s a s t e r re s p o n s e o ffi c i a l s o n Wednesday cancelled classes and ordered non-essential civil servants to remain at home as St. Vincent and the Grenadines experienced flooding and landslides as a result of an overnight surface trough system that has continued to affect the country. KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent, Nov 9, CMC – Disaster response officials on Wednesday cancelled classes and ordered non-essential civil servants to remain at home as St. Vincent and the Grenadines experienced flooding and landslides as a result of an overnight surface trough system that has continued to affect the country. Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves said that he had postponed Wednesday’s Cabinet meeting and ordered area representatives to stay in their constituencies. He said Minister of Work, Julian Francis had mobilised his staff to begin clean-up operations and urged persons living near rivers and in landslide-prone areas to be especially careful, noting that life, unlike, p r o p e r t y, c a n n o t b e r e s t o r e d .

A number of private businesses also announced closures while other announced later opening hours because of the inclement weather. There were numerous reports of flooding and landslides on the main island, St. Vincent, but no reports of deaths or injuries as a result of the heavy rains. The capital city, Kingstown, was flooded out early Wednesday, and the National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) said it had received reports of flooding in a number of areas, including Arnos Vale, where the E.T. Joshua Airport is located; Calliaqua, a town east of Kingstown, and the interior agriculture community of Vermont. In Mesopotamia, another agricultural district in the interior, there were also numerous reports of landslides. The situation at a house in Glenside, Marriaqua, where a retaining collapsed in heavy rain on Sunday, was worsened by Wednesday’s downpour, and was further threatening other properties in the area. The Meteorological Office said the trough system will continue to affect the country. “As a result, generally cloudy

skies, light to moderate showers and scattered thunderstorms will continue to affect the islands,” forecasters said, adding that analysis suggests that these conditions will continue to affect the island for most of the day. “NEMO has already received reports of flooding and landslides in several areas across mainland St. Vincent. Residents in areas prone to flooding and landslides are asked to continue to exercise caution,” NEMO said in a statement. “All civil servants are asked to remain at home today, however essential workers are to report to work when it is safe to do so. The Ministry of Education has advised that schools will remain closed today,” Deputy Director of NEMO, Michelle Forbes, said.

She said the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) has been activated and all sub-committees were asked report to the NEOC when it is safe. “The National Emergency Management Organisation, through the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Meteorological Office will continue to monitor the situation,” Forbes said. Manager of the Central Water and Sewerage Authority Central Water and Sewerage Authority (CWSA), Garth Saunders, said that the country had received some five inches of rain since the showers began. In a broadcast on the state-owned National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), Sanders said the CWSA has partially shut down the municipal water system and if the rains continue to fall heavily, the systems would be shut down during the day and urged households to fill up water in case the systems have to be shut down. He reminded listeners that the hurricane season has not ended and urged persons to report any burst water mains to the CWSA. (Antigua Observer)




Outgoing Chief Secretary Critical Of Caribbean Airlines Service

who is not going to contest the next THA elections due in January next year. He told delegates to the conference on Tuesday that Tobago “wants Caribbean Airlines to understand that it is the national airline of Trinidad and Tobago. “And in those circumstances Trinidad and Tobago must take priority. It does not matter to be that it is the national carrier for other islands, other countries, I am not envious but I am not stupid. “I am saying that if I am living in Tobago and this is Trinidad and Tobago and this is my national airline my business must take priority,” he said.

Photo Source: SCARBOROUGH, Tobago, Nov 9, CMC – The outgoing Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly (THA), Orville London, has criticised the service being provided by the state-owned Caribbean Airlines (CAL) saying the island “needs and airline that is sensitive” io its socio-economic development. Addressing the annual Tobago Economic and Business Outlook Conference, London said that Tobago does not want a situation where the airline “is bringing some 10, 11 flights from Canada everyday every week (and) we say let one of them pass through Tobago and they say no. “I am saying that we need an airline that is sensitive and recognises that an investment in Tobago at this point in time is going to reap rich dividends down the road,” said London,

London said he intends meeting with the new board of directors of the airline later this month and will bring up the need to improve service on the airbridge between the two islands. “I do not want this new board to deal with a situation where Caribbean Airlines cannot take care of our domestic tourism,” he said, recalling a conversation he had with a politician from a Caribbean country who said that visitors from Trinidad were an important aspect of his country’s t o u r i s m s e c t o r. “What he said is that they not only bring money, they bring energy and the energy they bring actually encourages other people to come. Now here it is that this man is telling me that the Trinidad Tourist market can in fact make this significant input into his tourism sector…and one of the main reasons is that you can guarantee that you can leave Port of Spain…and get to his country but you can’t do the same between Trinidad and Tobago. “I am saying these are the kinds of issues we must deal with,” he said. (Antigua Observer)




Government Hints At Further Reduction In VAT first quarter of 2017, adding that thew He quoted extensively from a report by announcement made during his radio and television broadcast earlier was j u s t t h e b e g i n n i n g .

CASTRIES, St. Lucia, Nov 9, CMC – The St. Lucia government has hinted at a further reduction in the Value Added Tax (VAT) as it moves to grant emergency relief to nationals as a result of aan ailing economy. Prime Minister Allen Chastanet, speaking to reporters Tuesday, less than 24 hours after announcing a 2.5 per cent decrease in t h e VAT , s a i d t h a t a n o t h e r announcement of a possible further adjustment was likely as early as the

The tax will be reduced from 15 to 12.5 per cent from February next year and Chastanet said it would result in EC$52 million (One EC dollar =US$0.37 cents) “coming back into the economy “We are actually doing a complete review, we are putting together a model on different options that we have and early in the New Year I will announce a further amendment to the VAT bill,” Chastanet explained. Piloting the VAT motion in Parliament on Tuesday, Prime Minister Anthony said the VAT was a difficult tax for this part of the world even as he acknowledged its e ff e c t i v e n e s s .

the Barbados-based Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) on the economic situation here which he said along with other agencies guided the government in its decision to reduce the tax. “We took time to review the current VAT system. We commissioned a study by Ernst and Young and they undertook a comprehensive review of the VAT. Combined with the CDB (Caribbean Development Bank) report and our discussions with various financial agencies such as the ECCB (Eastern Caribbean Central Bank) and IMF (International Monetary Fund) we received several recommendations on reforming the VAT system,” the Prime Minister said. “We are taking all those things into consideration to move forward,” Chastanet said. (Antigua O b s e r v e r )




Guy Joseph Claims Some Civil Servants Trying To Undermine Government are trying to undermine the sitting St. Joseph further said that plans will have Lucian Government. Joseph was speaking in response to the protests by 5th form students at the Choiseul Secondary School last week.

According to Social Economic Development Minister Guy Joseph, there are persons in the civil service that

The minister claimed that plans for the rehabilitation of the fifth form block were already in place but some officials in the Ministry of Education failed to disclose the information. The minister said that he can give information on everything about the planned project including the sites that were identified for the relocation of the students.

gone ahead in January 2017. “Some people want to make it look like this Government is incompetent and don’t know what they will doing,” Joseph said. “If needs be I will call out their names at the appropriate time,” Joseph continued. Protests erupted last week after students at the fifth form block of the Choiseul Secondary School complained of poor classroom conditions. The classrooms were reportedly flooded after recent heavy rains. (Antigua Observer)

Estrada Tenders Resignation spoken and it was a tough campaign. Donald Trump gave a gracious speech and now it is about uniting the country,” he said yesterday.

US Ambassador John Estrada US Ambassador John Estrada is expecting the American population to “unite” following the election of Republican candidate Donald Trump early yesterday. “Basically we had a big election and the whole world was watching. All of T&T looked on, including the intelligent schoolchildren in T&T. The American people have

Estrada was speaking on the second day of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham’s) T&T’s 20th annual Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) Conference and Exhibition at the Hyatt Regency, Port-of-Spain. Trump will replace present US President, Barak Obama, next January. Earlier in the day in a media release on the presidential transition, Estrada stated: “Every time a new President is elected US ambassadors all over the world submit their resignations. “It is up to the new President to either accept

or reject these resignations. I will submit my resignation, following longestablished procedure. This would have happened no matter who was elected. ‘For now, I remain the representative of President Barack Obama, the US Government and the American people in T&T. And I will continue to serve in that capacity until a decision is made. “Serving as US ambassador to the country of my birth is an honour and a great opportunity to continue to build a strong relationship between the United States of America and T&T.” (Trinidad Guardian)




Mosul Battle: 'Iraqi Forces' Tortured And Killed Villagers Men dressed in Iraqi federal police uniforms are reported to have tortured and killed residents of villages south of Mosul, Amnesty International says. Evidence gathered by the group suggests up to six people from the Shura and Qayyarah sub-districts were shot dead after being detained on suspicion of having ties to so-called Islamic State. The federal police forces command has denied the accusations. Pro-government forces launched an offensive to retake Mosul last month. About 50,000 Iraqi security forces personnel, soldiers, police, Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, Sunni Arab tribesmen and Shia militiamen are involved in the three-week operation. On Thursday, troops were reportedly consolidating gains made in the eastern outskirts of Mosul, which they entered nine days ago amid fierce resistance. Meanwhile, 30km (20 miles) to the south, army units retook a village near the site of the ancient city of Nimrud, where monuments were destroyed by IS last year. Amnesty researchers visited the locations where the extrajudicial executions are alleged to have taken place as IS militants retreated, taking with them hundreds of women, children and old men apparently for use as human shields. According to information they obtained, about 10 men and a 16-year-old boy who escaped being forcibly transferred by IS were tortured after handing themselves over to a small group of men wearing police uniforms in the Nus Tal area on 21 October. The men were taken on foot to an open desert area, where they were allegedly beaten with cables and rifle butts, punched and kicked, and had their beards pulled. One man had his beard set alight. They were also made to lie on their stomachs and shots were fired between their legs. A detained man accused of being an Islamic State fighter sits in front of displaced men near a checkpoint in Qayyarah, south of Mosul, Iraq (26 October 2016) Three men were then separated from the group. Amnesty said men in police uniforms then subjected them to particularly brutal beatings before shooting them dead. Their remains were found in the same area five days later. The body of a fourth man, who was handcuffed and led away by a group of men in police uniforms after being beaten, was discovered nearby almost a week later, according to Amnesty. Also on 21 October, another young man was found dead with two bullet wounds shortly after he left a house near the

Mishraq sulphur factory, which IS fighters set alight before retreating. He was blindfolded with his torso exposed. Amnesty said the sixth man was apparently shot dead as he ran towards forces that included men in police uniform while pulling up his clothes to show that he had no explosives. "When the Mosul military operation began, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi made clear that violations by Iraqi armed forces and its allies would not be tolerated. Now is the time for him to prove just that," said Lynn Maalouf, deputy director for research at Amnesty's Beirut office. "The Iraqi authorities must immediately investigate these alarming reports of extrajudicial executions and torture," she added. Members of an Iraqi special forces police unit fire a rocket toward Islamic State militants south of Mosul (8 November 2016) A statement issued by the Command of the Federal Police Forces denied its officers had killed the six villagers, stressing its full commitment to adhere to Mr Abadi's order to protect civilians and their property. Officers had provided aid and medical support to those affected by the fighting, and had rescued 10,000 families being used by IS as human shields, it added. Meanwhile, residents of Mosul told the Reuters news agency that IS militants had killed at least 20 people in the past two days for passing information to the enemy. Five crucified bodies were reportedly put on display at a road junction on Tuesday, while other bodies were seen hanging from electricity poles and traffic lights. Map showing government forces advances around the Iraqi city of Mosul (BBC)

Federal police forces were involved in operations around Qayyarah in late October(REUTERS)




India Rupees: Chaos At Banks After 'Black Money' Ban There have been chaotic scenes outside banks in India, two days after 500 ($7) and 1,000 rupee notes were withdrawn as part of anti-corruption measures. Some banks ran out of cash. At others police were called in to manage queues of anxious customers hoping to change their savings for legal tender. The surprise government move is aimed at tackling corruption and tax evasion. But many low-income Indians, traders and ordinary savers who rely on the cash economy have been badly hit. Banks were shut on Wednesday to allow them enough time to stock new notes following Tuesday night's announcement. There are also limits on cash withdrawals from ATMs. The two notes accounted for about 85% of the cash in circulation. The BBC's Geeta Pandey in Delhi says some banks extended working hours to deal with the rush on Thursday, and hired extra temporary staff. Bank officials told the BBC that they had also brought in extra cash to deal with the situation - things had generally gone smoothly apart from the police having to deal with sporadic fights that broke out among customers. "I went home for Diwali and my parents gave me money as a gift," Vijay Karan Sharma from Chhattisgarh, a student at Delhi University, told the BBC. He said he had been standing in line since morning. "I wish they had a simpler system for students. I desperately need cash to pay my rent and buy books and food." How long have people got to change their old notes? The 500 ($7; £6) and 1,000 ($15; £12) rupee notes are the highest denomination notes in the country and are extremely common in India. Airports, railway stations, hospitals and fuel stations will only accept them until 11 November. People will be able to exchange their money at banks between 10 November and 30 December. How much 'black money' is there in circulation? The actual figure is unclear but correspondents say the issue of "black money" - which may have been acquired corruptly, or is being withheld from the tax authorities - is a huge problem. India's government hopes to flush out tax evaders and make money that is unaccounted for visible for tax purposes. There have been reports of tax raids in many parts of India. Is there a limit on the amount an individual or household can cash in? It seems not. An individual can put as much as he or she likes into the bank - but withdrawals are limited so the banking system may end up being flooded with cash. Government guidelines say it is possible to exchange up to 4,000 rupees per day up to 24 November - anything over this will be subject to tax laws. People can also withdraw up to 10,000 rupees from a bank

per day and a maximum of 20,000 rupees per week. Are the new notes safer? New 2,000 and 500 rupee denomination notes with new security features are being given to people to replace those removed from circulation. A new 1,000 rupee note "with a new dimension and design" will also be introduced in due course, a senior government official said on Thursday. How will overseas Indians exchange banknotes? Overseas Indians can deposit the banknotes in their non-resident rupee denominated accounts. What will foreign tourists carrying the banknotes do? They can purchase foreign exchange equivalent to 5,000 rupees using these bank notes at airport exchange counters until midnight on Friday. What's been the reaction in India? Indian social media has been talking of little else. The top trend on Twitter India has been #CashCleanUp with tweets ranging from the frustrated to the humorous, as many Indians came to terms with the fact that much of their day would be spent in queues. (BBC)

The police helped keep order at this State Bank of India branch in Mumbai(AP)




Syria Conflict: Food Rations Run Out In Rebel-held Aleppo The last remaining food rations are being distributed in besieged rebel-held eastern districts of the Syrian city of Aleppo, the UN has said. Humanitarian adviser Jan Egeland warned that without a resupply there would be no food left to hand out next week to the 275,000 people living there. Mr Egeland ruled out airdrops of food, explaining that they were not possible in densely-populated urban areas. Government forces launched a major assault on eastern Aleppo in September. Since then, troops have pushed into several outlying areas with the help of Iranian-backed Shia militias and Russian air strikes. Rebels launched a counter-attack in an attempt to break the siege in late October. But their progress slowed after early gains. The UN says weeks of air strikes and shelling have killed more than 700 civilians in the east, while rocket-fire has left scores dead in the government-controlled west. Humanitarian agencies have been unable to get into rebel-held Aleppo since the government siege resumed in September, and the last time significant aid supplies were delivered was in July. On Thursday, Mr Egeland told journalists in Geneva that the UN's humanitarian taskforce had received a report that the last remaining food rations were being handed out. "[Food] prices are now skyrocketing on the market. We have reports of desperation for families and within communities," he said. He warned that the "terrible" situation in eastern Aleppo might be about to get "much, much worse", with Russia saying it would soon resume air strikes after a three-week pause intended to allow civilians and rebels to be evacuated an offer very few people took up. Mr Egeland revealed that the UN had presented all the warring parties and their backers last week with a four-point initiative for getting aid to eastern Aleppo. The plan would involve medical evacuations for about 300 patients in urgent need, delivery of food and medical supplies, and permission for medical personnel to enter the city. Mr Egeland said he was confident that access would be granted because "the consequences of no help and no supplies will be so catastrophic I cannot even see that scenario". But he admitted that he had never seen such

"politicisation and manipulation" of aid as was taking place in Syria, adding that the constant preconditions being imposed on aid operations were making successful deliveries of supplies impossible. Reacting to the result of the US presidential election, Mr Egeland said the UN needed "uninterrupted, full engagement" from the US over Syria, pointing out that the only progress made at all had taken place when the US and Russia were involved and using their influence. The Obama administration has backed the opposition to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad since the uprising against him erupted in 2011 and also condemned Russia's air campaign. But President-elect Donald Trump has said he wants to mend ties with Moscow and is against regime change in the Middle East. (BBC)

The last time significant humanitarian aid supplies were delivered to eastern Aleppo was in July(REUTERS)




Wall Street's Dow And S&P 500 Indexes Jump At The Open Wall Street stock markets have extended their rally, with the Dow Jones index hitting an intra-day all-time high and S&P 500 closing in on a record. Hopes that Donald Trump's US victory will introduce a pro-business agenda blunted concerns about his win. That prompted a jump in US and Asian markets on Wednesday, sparking strong rises in Europe on Thursday morning. Although Europe's rally showed signs of waning, the Dow Jones opened up 0.8% at 18,731.17 points. The S&P 500 index was 0.6% ahead at 2,176 points, while the Nasdaq rose 0.6% to 5,282. Bank shares, buoyed by hopes that Mr Trump will relax financial regulation, were among the biggest Wall Street gainers. In Europe, however, the FTSE 100 sank back into negative territory, sitting about 0.25% down at 6,894.94 points. Germany's Dax and France's Cac indexes, which had been more than 1% ahead, were about 0.3% and 0.5% up. Mark Dampier, analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown, told the BBC that some investors were taking profits. He forecast continued volatility as the markets digested what a Donald Trump presidency would mean. But Lee Wild, head of equity strategy at stockbroker Interactive Investor, said: "Perception now is that the controversial multi-billionaire TV presenter and property mogul could be good for business; and talk of tax cuts and heavy spending on infrastructure would certainly be good for growth," said Lee Wild, head of equity strategy at stockbroker Interactive Investor. CMC Markets strategist Michael McCarthy said it appeared a consensus was building that much of Mr Trump's rhetoric during the campaign "was a sales pitch rather than a commitment to act". The FTSE 100's strong start to the day came after gains in Asia and on Wall Street. Japan's Nikkei index closed up 6.7%, more than recovering losses from the previous session. Hong Kong's Hang Seng closed 1.9% higher. On the currency markets, sterling rose 0.39% against the dollar to $1.2455, and was slightly up against the euro at €1.1368. Traders had expected Hillary Clinton to beat Mr Trump to become the next US

president. His victory initially sent money flowing into stocks that were deemed to be safer, as well as traditional haven assets such as gold and currencies including the yen. "Investors were risk averse yesterday, then after seeing that Americans were optimistic and chasing the market higher, they wasted no time reversing their positions," said Takuya Takahashi, a strategist at Daiwa Securities in Tokyo. "Some of the investors must be thinking that they shouldn't have sold after all." 'Campaign bluster' Kathleen Brooks, an analyst at City Index, suggested Mr Trump's acceptance speech, in which he called for the country to unite, had helped to settle some of the market jitters. And Nariman Behravesh, chief economist at IHS Markit said that "after the initial shock, investors seem to feel that a Trump administration could be good news for US businesses, with lower taxes and a reduced regulatory burden". He added that while Mr Trump had set out several broad economic policies, including corporate tax breaks and the renegotiating or scrapping of trade deals, there was no certainty these would go ahead. "As in the past, it is unclear how much of the campaign bluster will translate into actual policy initiatives." (BBC)




Google Denies Android Breaks Competition Rules charging phone-makers a fee, reducing costs for consumers

Google has denied the way it handles its Android mobile operating system is anti-competitive. In 2015, the European Commission said it would investigate whether Google "abused its dominant position" and "hindered the development" of rivals. Google argued Android was a "flexible" platform that had "expanded competition" rather than hurting it. The European Commission told the BBC it would carefully consider Google's response before making a decision. Reducing costs The Android operating system is open source, with a majority of the code available for device manufacturers to take, modify and use for free. Companies are free to take the code and develop it into their own operating system - shopping giant Amazon has done so with its Fire OS. However, manufacturers must negotiate with Google if they wish to add Google Mobile Services (GMS), which include the popular Google Play app store, Chrome web browser and Google Search app. The European Commission is investigating whether Google: gave incentives to manufacturers to exclusively pre-install Google apps and services on devices barred manufacturers from using modified or "forked" Android code if they wanted access to Google services on some of their devices bundled apps and services with other Google products Google faces a fine and could be required to change its practices if it is found guilty. Antitrust rules The search giant has not denied offering phone-makers incentives to exclusively preinstall Google apps, or that it offers Search, Chrome and the Play app store as a bundle. But it argued: manufacturers were never "obliged to pre-load any Google apps on an Android phone" while anybody coul "fork" Android to make their own OS, its "voluntary compatibility agreements" helped reduce the spread of incompatible devices bundling Search, Chrome and Play allowed it to offer its suite of apps for free as opposed to

"We do offer manufacturers a suite of apps so that when you buy a new phone, you can access a familiar set of basic services," the company said in a blog. "Android's competitors - including Apple's iPhone and Microsoft's Windows phone - not only do the same, but they allow much less choice in the apps that come with their phones." In April, Ms Vestager indicated that she believed Google had broken antitrust rules. "Based on our investigation thus far, we believe that Google's behaviour denies consumers a wider choice of mobile apps and services and stands in the way of innovation by other players," she said. FairSearch Europe - one of the organisations to have complained about Google's behaviour - said the company's response was "disingenuous". "The European Commission's case against Google is vital for consumers, because four out of five smartphones sold today run on Android," it said in a statement. The European Commission did not indicate how long it would take to reach a decision. (BBC)




German Controller Confesses Over Bad Aibling Rail Crash A German train controller has admitted two errors that prompted two trains to collide head-on in Bavaria with the loss of 12 lives. Named under privacy laws as Michael P, 40, he admitted making a signalling error and then dialling the wrong emergency number. His lawyer said he also admitted playing on his mobile at the time. Michael P told survivors that he was aware he had "burdened himself with huge guilt". "I would like you to know that my thoughts are with you," he added, in a statement read by lawyers. Those who died in the crash at Bad Aibling on 9 February were all men aged between 24 and 59. Another 89 passengers were injured. Prosecutors said Michael P had been playing the fantasy game "Dungeon Hunter 5" on his phone when he allowed the two trains on to a single-track line. The court heard from one police official that the controller had regularly played on his smart phone while on shift, even though it was banned. Analysis of his phone records showed that his mobile use often corresponded with his working hours. "He played almost every time," the official said, according to Germany's DPA news agency. Although the line has a safety mechanism, prosecutors say the controller mistakenly disabled it, sending two commuter trains towards each other. When he tried to warn the train drivers, he then pressed the wrong alarm button, they say. Michael P is accused of involuntary manslaughter and faces five years in jail if found guilty. Some of the injured

as well as the relatives of those who died were present when the defendant entered the court, wearing a hood to cover his face. A lawyer representing some of the families described the confession given to the court as a tactical move, because what he had admitted was already proven. "The really burning question remains unanswered," said Peter Duerr; how intensively had he been playing with his mobile phone at the time, and to what extent had he been distracted? Although investigators did look into the role of the controller at the time of the disaster, it was only when they sifted through his phone data that he was fully investigated. (BBC)




Chinese Official Meng Hongwei To Head Interpol A senior Chinese official has been elected head of global police co-operation agency Interpol. Vice Minister of Public Security Meng Hongwei is the first Chinese citizen to hold the four-year post. His appointment begins immediately. Amnesty International fears the move could help China pursue political dissidents who have fled the country. But Mr Meng said he was ready to do "everything he could towards the cause of policing in the world". "We currently face some of the most serious global public security challenges since World War Two," Mr Meng said in an Interpol statement. His role will see him become president of Interpol's Executive Committee, which provides guidance and direction to the organisation. Human rights fears "This [appointment] is extraordinarily worrying given China's long-standing practice of trying to use Interpol to arrest dissidents and refugees abroad," said Nicholas Bequelin of Amnesty International. "I think having this particular person in charge seems to conflict with the organisation's mandate to work in the spirit of the universal declaration of human rights." However, Interpol does not have the power to send officers into countries to arrest individuals, nor issue arrest warrants. It may issue a red notice, an international alert for a wanted person. China has in the past worked through Interpol to bring back people it wants to try. In 2014, Interpol issued red notices for some 100 Chinese corruption suspects who had

fled overseas. "Interpol does not have strong operational power, but it does have considerable influence as the world's largest police organisation," Mr Bequelin told the BBC. "So I think there needs to be very strong scrutiny of the kind of notices that Interpol is going to issue in respect to Chinese citizens." China will host Interpol's 86th General Assembly in 2017. (BBC)

Chinese Vice Minister of Public Security Meng Hongwei was elected at Interpol's general assembly meeting(REUTERS)




South Africa's Jacob Zuma Faces New No Confidence Vote South Africa's parliament is debating a vote of no confidence in President Jacob Zuma amid growing calls for him to resign. An anti-corruption probe last week raised allegations of misconduct against Mr Zuma. But the ruling African National Congress (ANC) has said the motion "has no chance of succeeding". This is the third time in less a year the president is facing a no confidence vote. An investigation by the country's anti-corruption watchdog said a judicial inquiry should be set up to further investigate allegations of criminal activity in Mr Zuma's government. The investigation found evidence that the Guptas, a business family with links to Mr Zuma, may have wielded undue political influence over the appointment of ministers. Both Mr Zuma and the Guptas have denied any wrongdoing. There have been a number of recent attempts by opposition parties to have Mr Zuma removed from the highest office - from protests to votes in parliament but all have failed. Several ANC stalwarts and members of Mr Zuma's government have called on him to resign following the release of a report by former public protector Thuli Mandosela into allegations of corrupt relations between his loyalists and the wealthy Gupta family. But why does he continue to survive? Simply, the people who want him to go do not have the numbers to push him out of parliament. Analysts have always said that the decision to sack Mr Zuma would need to come from the ANC itself and for that to happen, certain processes would need to be followed. These include consensus from the ANC branches around the country and even a party congress where a new candidate would be put forward. The ANC is simply not united or even organised enough at the moment to successfully bring together all its members. There are too many factions and none of them have the support of the masses except one man. So in the midst of the chaos, Mr Zuma who might be concerned about the rumblings within his party, knows he is still ahead of the pack. The main opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) brought the motion, accusing Mr Zuma of wreaking "havoc on our infant democracy". "President Zuma's brand of

corruption, economic mismanagement and lies can no longer continue to exist alongside the project of building a better South Africa," the party said in a statement. Mr Zuma seem to have lost support of some members of his party who have joined calls for him to leave office. Last month, the chief whip of the Mr Zuma's party, Jackson Mthembu, called on the entire leadership to step down. "When I said the entire ANC leadership that has already taken collective responsibility must take the fall, I meant everybody, myself included, including President Zuma," Mr Mthembu said. The ANC, which led the fight against white minority rule and has been in power since 1994, has a huge majority in parliament and easily prevented two previous votes of no confidence brought against the president But calls for the president to quit have been described as "premature" by ANC secretary general Gwede Mantashe who said the report had not found anyone guilty. Earlier this year, the Constitutional Court ruled that Mr Zuma had breached the country's constitution by refusing to repay government money spent on his private home in rural Nkandla. This followed another report by the anticorruption watchdog. The DA also tabled a motion of no confidence in him then but it was defeated by 225 votes to 99, with 22 abstentions. (BBC)

Two previous votes of no confidence were easily blocked by ANC majority in parliament(GETTY IMAGES)




Polish Army To Teach Women Self-defence For Free injury claims. Mr Macierewicz is also setting up a 35,000-

The Polish defence ministry is launching free nationwide classes for women to learn unarmed combat. The classes will start at 30 military facilities, running from 19 November until 3 June. Polish army instructors will provide the training. The techniques will include defensive postures, how to break holds, and guards against kicks, strangulation and assaults with a weapon. Some Poles see the initiative more as a way for the army to promote its image. The ministry says it is the first time the military has offered such a nationwide programme. It is open to all Polish women aged 18 or above who are in good health. A former special forces commander, Roman Polko, told the Dziennik Polski news website that it was not the army's job to teach citizens unarmed combat. He said it could be a way to spot potential recruits for the armed forces. But learning aikido or jujitsu moves "won't win a war", he said. Another critic, Krakow journalist Marcin Ogdowski, said the lessons "have a propaganda dimension". He said women's self-defence classes should be run by the police, rather than the military. Territorial defence Launching the programme, Defence Minister Antoni Macierewicz said the aim was to teach women "basic fighting techniques and, above all, improve overall physical fitness". "We invite the ladies, there are still places - there are no age limits," he said. Participants must have their own medical insurance and a letter freeing the defence ministry from any

strong paramilitary Territorial Defence Force. He described it as a defence against Russian aggression and a way to promote patriotism. Poland and its Nato neighbours in the Baltic region have voiced alarm about Russia's military assertiveness, especially Russia's role in the Ukraine conflict. They fear encroachments like Russia's March 2014 annexation of Crimea. They are exploring ways to counter "hybrid" warfare of the kind that led parts of Ukraine to break away and pledge loyalty to Russia. (BBC)

Women of Poland's Pomeranian Mechanised Division are shown here in training (POLISH DEFENCE MINISTRY)

Ivory Coast Bans Sale Of Alcohol Sachets Ivory Coast's government has banned the production, importation and sale of alcohol in sachets on health grounds. The small plastic bags, containing rum, vodka or other spirits, are popular with those on a budget - costing between $0.35 (£0.28) and $1.65. The ban was aimed at minimising the impact of alcohol on young people, especially students, government spokesman Bruno Kone said. A ban on the sale of water in plastic bags led to protests two years ago. They were banned by the Ivorian authorities in a bid to reduce pollution. The decision to ban the sachets of alcohol was taken after a cabinet meeting on Wednesday and had been proposed by the ministry of commerce, Mr Kone said. "These products are mostly smuggled into the country," the APA news agency quotes him as saying. "They do not meet our standards and therefore constitute a real threat to the health of consumers - and a threat to the country's economy." Cameroon, Malawi and Senegal have also banned the sale and production of alcohol in sachets in recent years. (BBC)

Some of these sachets in Abidjan are locally made, others are imported from Ghana and India


GUYANA DAILY NEWS The Transatlantic Trade And Investment Partnership (TTIP) Has Died After Victory Of Trump PAGE 45

The Former European Commissioner of Trade, Karel De Gucht assured that the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) has ‘died’ after Trump’s victory. De Gucht, who is Former European Commissioner of Trade and Former Foreign Affairs Minister of Belgium, mentioned this Wednesday during an interview in the program ‘Amerika Kiest’ that the TTIP has died after Trumps Victory and Belgium is pessimist about it. The diplomat expressed his deep concern about the future of the commercial relations between the European Commission and the United States of America, taking into consideration the previous statements given by President Elected Donald Trump, during his presidential campaign. DE Gutch, who is now retired from the political realm, is convinced that Trump won’t invest ‘his political capital’ to conclude the commercial negotiations regarding the implementation of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the USA and the European Union (EU). Since 2014, the government of the United Stated and the European Commission have been involved in official dialogues, aiming to resolve differences that has made impossible the implementation of the TTIP between this two potential partners. The last round of negotiations was held on July last, and concluded with an air of uncertainty, as U.S. and EU negotiators committed to continue the process of resolving differences and consolidating texts without concrete plans for when or where the next round will take place. During July’s meeting, a number of proposals were brought to life, in which both bodies agreed on the need to make progress on important technical details related to market access, regulatory issues and trade rules. However, the parties remain deadlocked on several critical elements of the agreement, including market access for services, government procurement and investment protection. Up to date, the two bodies maintain their stated goal of reaching at least a political agreement by the end of 2016, a prospect that seems increasingly unlikely due to latest results of the USA elections. De Gutch assures that the Transatlantic


Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), won’t the see the ‘dawn’ between the USA and the EU, which could have political repercussions on a global level. S o u r c e : a-kiest-video/1.2816288

Former European Commissioner of Trade, Karel De Gucht







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Daily Horoscope


Your creative ideas will be put to good use if you dig in and do things around the house that will make your family happy. Today will be rather hectic on the domestic scene. Control those desires to cast your fate to the wind.

Try to be patient with their inability to accept your new beliefs. Your temper could get the better of you if you confront personal situations. You'll find love and you'll get into tiptop shape at the same time.

Financial limitations are likely if you take risks. You can get a great deal accomplished if you bring work home. You will be accident prone if you aren't careful today.

You will be a real chatterbox today. However, you may not attract the kind of interest you had in mind. This is a great day for a trip.

Try not to allow superiors or those in a higher position to take advantage of you. Try to understand their point of view. Try to channel your energy into physical work.

Pleasure trips will be most enjoyable and should lead to new and lasting friendships. You can bet that you'll draw attention to yourself. You can find out important information if you listen to friends and relatives.

You can make money if you concentrate on producing services or goods that will make domestic chores easier. Speak of your future goals, intentions, and commitments. A little overtime may help you reduce the workload.

There could be opposition or temper tantrums on the home front. You can make sound financial investments if you act fast. Be careful while traveling.

Minor fevers or infections will develop if you're overstressed. Your intellectual charm will entice new love interests. Work quietly behind the scenes for best results.

You will enjoy interacting with those who come from different backgrounds. Involvement in groups will be favorable and lead to valuable information. Get back into the swing of things.

Talk to your mate about a vacation and discuss the expectations of your relationship. You can offer your mate a commitment or promise that will help stabilize your personal life. Try not to overreact to the loss.

Trips will be favorable for business as well as pleasure. Opportunities for romance may develop through dealing with groups that have a purpose. Don't overspend on luxury items.


Defending Champs Through To Manning Cup Semi-finals Denham Town High School.

Defending ISSA/FLOW Manning Cup Champions Jamaica College needed just a draw to make their fifth semi-final in the urban area schoolboy football competition in a row. On a soggy Constant Spring Football Field they did just that, clipping St Jago 1-0, to ensure they would continue in their bid to defend that title. In the other game, where Hydel needed to win and hope JC got no result, they were shocked 3-2 by a game

Kingston College are already in the semi-final after a 3-0 win over Bridgeport yesterday, while Charlie Smith, who failed in their bid, ended their season with a 1-0 win over St Andrew Technical High School. Kingston College will now await the winner of Group K. In that Group, Wolmer's Boys are a point away from qualification, having been perfect thus far. They play Haile Selassie tomorrow, who need to win by two clear goals to make it. St George's College also play tomorrow against already out St Catherine High. They need to win by at least six goals and hope Haile Selassie just beat Wolmer's 1-0. Excelsior have the advantage of a point in Group H where three teams aim for the one semi-final spot, but play against Holy Trinity (3 pts), who can surpass them with any win. Jonathan Grant (3 pts) are also in the mix, as they play against Camperdown, who are already out. With a win, Jonathan Grant can go to six points and hope for a draw between Excelsior and Holy Trinity. (SportsMax)


Nobody Is Worth A‚¬100m - Verratti the transfer record previously held by Gareth Bale following his €100m move from Tottenham to Real Madrid in 2013 to lure Pogba back to Old Trafford ahead of the 2016-17 campaign.

Marco Verratti has voiced his surprise at the continuing rise of transfer fees and is adamant no player is worth €100m. Paris Saint-Germain midfielder Marco Verratti feels no footballer is worth the €105 million Manchester United paid Juventus for Paul Pogba. United broke

Verratti has also been valued at €100m by some, but the Italy international believes it is time to put things in perspective. "I am not worth €100 million," Verratti was quoted as saying by La Gazzetta dello Sport. "We are just playing football. These amounts of money make me laugh. No one is worth that much. "And I think it is bad for the players for whom such fees are paid as well because people expect impossible things." Verratti, 24,

has been linked with a move to Madrid on more than one occasion, but he is in no rush to leave PSG.

"I always tell those who say I should join Real Madrid that maybe they are right, but that there are more important things in life," he added. "I am part of a big family at PSG, with a project that I have been involved in for five years. "We are still behind three or four teams [in Europe], but that only serves as motivation. At PSG, the means are there to reach the very top and I would not mind becoming captain here." (SportsMax)


Pioli Targets Champions League Qualification With Inter to the season. Inter sit just ninth in the professionalism. They want to turn the table after 12 games and opted to dismiss Frank de Boer last week, with Pioli appointed to replace the sacked Dutchman. They are trailing thirdplaced AC Milan by eight points, but Pioli is adamant a top-three finish is still possible.

Stefano Pioli has claimed Inter can still secure a top-three finish in Serie A and return to the Champions League. Newly appointed Inter coach Stefano Pioli remains confident the San Siro side can qualify for the Champions League irrespective of their underwhelming start

"I will give my all for this club and these colours. I will be happy if we qualify for the Champions League. It will not be easy to get up the table but it is possible," Pioli told reporters. "I want to get to the end of the season not by just steadying the ship, but helping the team achieve its potential. The players have been very willing and have shown great

season around. "We need to look to the future and focus on what we can do. I know we can achieve big things. I will give 100 per cent and expect 100 per cent. My contract and future do not matter. Inter is the only thing that counts. "The most important thing is to work hard on the pitch, show passion and want to be better than our opponents. We need to play with real passion, the same passion our fans show. I want my team to play with its heart." Following the international break, Pioli's first match in charge will be a derby against Milan on November 20. (SportsMax)


Sampaoli Rules Out Fabregas Bid Sampaoli has ruled out making a January bid to sign Chelsea midfielder Cesc Fabregas. The Spain international has only started once in the Premier League under Antonio Conte and has been linked with a move away from Stamford Bridge.


orge Sampaoli has praised the qualities of Cesc Fabregas but says Sevilla will not bid for the Chelsea midfielder. Sevilla head coach Jorge

Reports have claimed that Chelsea are keen to offload Fabregas and John Obi Mikel when the transfer window opens in order to facilitate a bid for Paris Saint-Germain star Marco

Verratti. Sevilla had been linked as potential suitors for Fabregas, but Sampaoli says he is not in their plans. "Cesc is an important player, but the truth is that we're not thinking about him at the moment," he told a news conference ahead of his side's Antonio Puerta Trophy match against Boca Juniors. "It's not in my head that he could be here.

Obviously he's an intelligent footballer who any coach would want to have, but I'm not thinking about him right now." AC Milan and major sides in the Chinese Super League have also been linked with a bid for the former Barcelona man. (SportsMax)

Aduriz Ready To Help Costa-lite Spain


ritz Aduriz is back in Spain's squad to face Macedonia and England and understands initially being overlooked for the Russia 2018 campaign. Athletic Bilbao striker Aritz Aduriz is "delighted and extremely grateful" for the latest Spain recall of his evergreen career. The 35-year-old featured for La Roja at Euro 2016 but was not selected for the first two squads on the 2018 World Cup qualifying campaign as Julen Lopetegui looked to usher in a new era. But Aduriz's form for Athletic, including a remarkable fivegoal haul in last week's 5-3 Europa League victory over Genk

has seen the veteran force his way back into the reckoning. He could have a role to play in Saturday's Group G match against Macedonia after Diego Costa withdrew from the squad through injury on Thursday. "After the Euros there has been a change and it is normal to go making plans looking to year ahead," he told a news conference. "I honestly did not expect [to get picked] or not to, just to work for my team the best I know and from there does not depend on me. "I am delighted and extremely grateful to return and happy to be with the best to try to help." After taking on Macedonia, Spain will face England in a friendly at Wembley – an occasion Aduriz is relishing being a part of. "For me it is a stadium we have mythologised, a temple in England," he added. "Being able to enjoy a game there is a real treat and it is a wonder that we can enjoy it." (SportsMax)


Gundogan And Gomez Get Germany Chance


ermany coach Joachim Low is optimistic about his side's chances even without the likes of Mesut Ozil, Manuel Neuer and Toni Kroos. Joachim Low says Ilkay Gundogan and Mario Gomez will be given the chance to impress in Friday's World Cup qualifier against San Marino, in the absence of several key players. The Germany boss opted to rest Arsenal ace Mesut Ozil, while Bayern Munich duo Manuel Neuer and Jerome Boateng are unavailable due to illness and injury respectively, with Real Madrid's Toni Kroos also sidelined. In their stead, Gundogan will start a game for his country for the first time in over a year, while Gomez has not played for

Low since Euro 2016. "We are without a number of players, but that should not play too much of a role," Low said at a media conference. "A lot of them have played almost every game this season and they deserve a bit of rest. We have some young players with the team and are a still a good squad. It will not hurt us on the pitch. "Of course, we are without some key players, but that gives others the chance to show what they can do. Ilkay Gundogan and Mario Gomez will both start." Germany beat San Marino 13-0 back in 2006, but Low has warned his players against complacency. "That record win was obviously a great game, where pretty much every shot resulted in a goal. But we are not underestimating

San Marino," he added. "You can see that a lot of their players got their education in Italy. They know how to defend. "San Marino have been conceding pretty late on in their previous World Cup qualifiers. It is in our own hands how many goals we will score, but we are not thinking about setting a new record." (SportsMax)

Ocon Signs Multi-year Force India Contract


aving shown promising signs in his first seven races for Manor, Esteban Ocon will partner Sergio Perez at Force India next season. Esteban Ocon has signed a multi-year contract with Force India following a strong start to his Formula One career. The Frenchman replaced Rio Haryanto at Manor ahead of the Belgian Grand Prix and has finished all seven of his races for the team so far, whereas teammate Pascal Wehrlein has failed to reach the end of three of those grands prix. Wehrlein had been tipped to take the seat at Force India but instead it is the 20year-old Ocon who will partner Sergio Perez at the Mercedes-powered team.

Former GP3 champion Ocon, who is part of Mercedes' driver development programme, said: "I'm very excited to join Sahara Force India. I know the team quite well already because I was a test driver last year and I'm really looking forward to working with everybody at Silverstone once again. "I'm still relatively new to Formula One, but spending half a season at Manor Racing has given me some valuable experience and I feel ready for this new opportunity with Sahara Force India. The next few months will be very busy as I do all I can to prepare for the challenge ahead of me. "It means lots of days at the factory, working on the simulator and building relationships with the engineers and everybody in the team. It's something I've been working towards my whole life and I intend to grab this opportunity with both hands so that I can deliver the results the team expects from me. "I want to say 'thank you' to everybody at Manor and especially to Mercedes-Benz for their support and belief in me. I can't wait for 2017 and my

first full season racing in Formula One." Force India team principal Vijay Mallya added: "It's a pleasure to welcome Esteban as our new race driver. He's an exceptional talent, as his status as a Mercedes Junior demonstrates, and I have no doubt he will flourish inside our team. "We've had our eye on Esteban for a number of years and have followed his progress through the junior categories where he delivered outstanding results. We ran him in the car last year during testing and his performance convinced us that he is more than capable of racing alongside Sergio. "Sahara Force India has a tradition of investing in young, talented drivers and the arrival of Esteban will bring some fresh energy and motivation to everyone in the team." Ocon's move means Sauber and Manor are the only teams still to confirm their driver line-ups for 2017. Haas are expected to continue with Romain Grosjean and add Kevin Magnussen to their squad, but have yet to finalise either. (SportsMax)


Southgate In Line Due To Limited Options - Atkinson


on Atkinson expects Gareth Southgate to be appointed England manager long-term as a "safe pair of hands" who "won't make waves". Gareth Southgate will be appointed as England's next full-time manager on account of the Football Association having no other viable alternatives, according to former Manchester United and Aston Villa boss Ron Atkinson. Southgate takes charge of England once more for Friday's World Cup qualifier against Scotland at Wembley, having stepped into the breach for last month's matches with Malta and Slovenia following Sam Allardyce's dramatic exit.

Allardyce's England tenure was ultimately restricted to one game after he was filmed by undercover reporters from the Daily Telegraph giving advice on how to circumvent transfer rules related to third-party ownership. The former Bolton Wanderers, Blackburn Rovers and Sunderland boss took the reins after a shambling Euro 2016 campaign brought about Roy Hodgson's downfall and Atkinson believes, with the cupboard even more bare in terms of domestic coaching talent, the FA will turn to exMiddlesbrough chief Southgate. "I haven't got an alternative [to suggest], I think he will get the job," Atkinson, who recently released his autobiography "The Manager", told Omnisport. "I think Gareth will be a safe pair of hands, he won't make waves or anything like that. "It will just be a question of being in the right place at the right time because his managerial career hasn't exactly been top drawer but who knows. "I said the England manager should be

Steve Bruce or Sam Allardyce [after Euro 2016], because I actually think the England manager should be English and I know we are limited for choice." On Allardyce's departure, Atkinson believes the 62-year-old was guilty of naivety in discussing a range of matters candidly with the Daily Telegraph's undercover team. Allardyce also verbally agreed a fee of £400,000 to represent the reporters' fictitious investment firm as a keynote speaker, while making it clear he would need FA clearance for the work – the latter factor something Atkinson believes could have been used more strongly in mitigation. "There was drink flying about and he was obviously high from just getting the England job and all that, [but] he was a bit naive," he said. "The one thing that stuck in my mind was he qualified everything by saying 'but I will have to run this past my employers'. "As soon as I saw that I thought, 'well hang on that's a different ball game'. Alright, it may be naive and a bit silly with what he is saying there, but the very fact that he has qualified it throws a whole different light on the subject." (SportsMax)


Genia Takes Scrum-half Role From Phipps


ick Phipps' 50th Australia cap will have to come from the bench after Will Genia took his place in the XV to face Scotland. Will Genia has replaced Nick Phipps as Australia's starting scrum-half for their Test against Scotland on Saturday. Phipps has impressed in the last two games against New Zealand and Wales, but Genia - one of the Wallabies' standouts in the Rugby Championship has been given the nod for the meeting at Murrayfield. The return of Dean Mumm

from suspension has not prompted head coach Michael Cheika to change his back row, with Lopeti Timani now starting his third successive Test at number eight. Mumm features on the bench along with Will Skelton, the latter hoping to feature in his first Test since August, while Tom Robertson takes James Slipper's spot among the replacements. Phipps and full-back Israel Folau are in each in line to win their 50th caps. "I think Phipps had two really good games, I do, against New Zealand then against Wales. But Genia, I thought he's been one of our best all season," Cheika said. "I just feel that this is a good game for him [Genia] to play, come back in and get straight into it and then Nick will finish the game. "I think Nick's standard has definitely gone up from what I saw earlier in the year and now there's a real competition going on there." On Timani, Cheika added: “He's

continually making me pick him. "That's the issue - his performances have spoken for themselves. He's been consistent and that's all we can ask of the guy. "He's doing lots of good tight work and also when he needs to carry he's carrying well. "So I'd like to let him have an opportunity to run this form out and learn from that. He's only new, only his third or fourth Test. "I want him to learn how to back up and play week-to-week in that atmosphere." Australia team: Israel Folau, Dane Haylett-Petty, Tevita Kuridrani, Reece Hodge, Henry Speight, Bernard Foley, Will Genia; Scott Sio, Stephen Moore, Sekope Kepu, Adam Coleman, Rory Arnold, David Pocock, Michael Hooper, Lopeti Timani. Replacements: Tolu Latu, Tom Robertson, Allan Alaalatoa, Rob Simmons, Will Skelton, Dean Mumm, N i c k P h i p p s , Q u a d e C o o p e r. (SportsMax)


Khedira: Germany Do Not Target Record Win Over San Marino top Group C in the UEFA section of World Cup qualifying, having won three from three so far without conceding a goal. The reigning world champions beat San Marino 13-0 in 2006 and, though Khedira expects to win, he says complacency cannot be allowed to creep in.


ermany midďŹ elder Sami Khedira is adamant they will not take this week's World Cup qualiďŹ er against San Marino lightly. Sami Khedira has stressed that Germany will treat San Marino with respect and are not talking about racking up a record score against the minnows. Joachim Low's side

"We are not going out there to try to set a new record," Khedira said at a news conference ahead of Friday's clash in Serravalle. "It is clear that we want to win the game and we want to score a lot of goals. We will take this game serious, though. We respect San Marino. "But we all know that we are the better team. We just want to put in a good performance, nothing more and nothing less.

"Football is fun when you are winning and that is what we will try to do." Germany coach Low included fresh faces such as Serge Gnabry, Yannick Gerhardt and Benjamin Henrichs in his squad for the matches against San Marino and Italy and the three youngsters have already impressed Khedira. "They all have a lot of quality and bring something new and fresh," he added. "I am not their teacher, though. They have all had a great football education. I just want to lead the way on the pitch and show that we are working seriously. That is important. "We are a very open team and they have quickly become part of that." (SportMax)


Ford Set For 100th Scotland Cap will mark his 84th start for his country.


cotland host Australia this weekend and the match will see Edinburgh's Ross Ford bring up a major landmark. Ross Ford will make his 100th appearance for Scotland when Vern Cotter's side take on Australia at Murrayfield on Saturday. The Edinburgh hooker made his debut against the same opponents 12 years ago and this weekend

Ford joins Chris Paterson and Sean Lamont as Scotland's only centurions. Cotter's starting XV also includes Ford's club-mate Allan Dell, who will make his international debut, while fellow forward Zander Fagerson will enjoy his second outing for Scotland. "Congratulations first to Ross Ford on reaching this special milestone," said Cotter. "It's fantastic for him and his family that he'll achieve it in front of the home fans at Murrayfield, who I'm sure will give him a great reception. "To play 100 Test matches for your country is an incredible achievement, with his lasting dedication keeping him among the best hookers in the world for a

decade. "He is a consummate professional and, at 32, he has plenty left to give in a Scotland jersey." Scotland suffered a gut-wrenching Rugby World Cup quarter-final loss to Australia last year, when a controversial last-gasp penalty saw the Wallabies edge a thrilling match 35-34.

Scotland team: Stuart Hogg, Sean Maitland, Huw Jones, Alex Dunbar, Tim Visser, Finn Russell, Greig Laidlaw, Allan Dell, Ross Ford, Zander Fagerson, Richie Gray, Jonny Gray, John Barclay, H a m i s h Wa t s o n , R y a n W i l s o n Replacements: Fraser Brown, Gordon Reid, Moray Low, Grant Gilchrist, John Hardie, Ali Price, Pete Horne, Rory Hughes (SportsMax)

Olympic Champ Elaine Thompson To Be Guest At Grace Food Festival November 13


ouble Olympic gold medalist is a woman in demand these days. Just two weeks after she had a road in her community of Banana Ground named after her, the world’s fastest woman is to make an appearance in South Florida on November 13, at the Grace Jamaican Jerk Festival. The festival, which is in its 15th year, set for Markham Park, Sunrise in Broward County, is expected to attract thousands of enthusiasts interested in food, entertainment and for this year, athletics.

“We are extremely happy to be able to assist with bringing Elaine to the Grace Jamaican Jerk Festival and have her meet the lovely people of South Florida,” said John Collins, the managing director of International Freight Consolidators of Thompson, who is a student at the University of Technology in Jamaica where she is pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Food Service Management and Culinary Arts after she had earned a certificate in Baking Technology there. At the Olympic Games in Rio, Brazil, the 24-year-old Thompson won gold medals in the 100m and 200m becoming the first woman since Florence Griffith Joyner in 1988 to achieve the feat. She also won a silver medal as a member of Jamaica’s 4 x 100m sprint relay team. In 2016, she was also the fastest woman in the world in both 100m and 200m with times of 10.70, which ties Shelly-Ann Fraser-

Pryce’s national record. She also clocked 21.78s set in the final of the 200-metre finals in Rio. (SportsMax)

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