October 04, 2016

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GUYANA DAILY NEWS Cops Charged For Allegedly Accepting $60K Bribe Police Officers Selwin Elcana and the charge. Attorney – at – Law, no objection to bail by Police Prosecutor PAGE 2

Dwayne Marshall were released on GY$50,000 bail each after they appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court charged with accepting a bribe on August 19, 2016. They are slated to return before the court on October 26, 2016 for continuation into the matter. The duo is attached to the Alberttown Police Station and pleaded not guilty to


Chandrawattie Persaud represented Elcana and applied for bail, stating that he is a Police Corporal who has been a member of the force for 22 years. She said he is not a flight risk since at the moment he is on GY$100,000 station bail. Marshall however revealed to the court that he is a Constable in the force and gave the court a fixed address. There was

Navil Jeffers. It is alleged that on the day in question at Church Street, Alberttown, Elcana, 38 and Marshall, 37, corruptly obtained GY$60,000 from Deonarine Dowlatteram for themselves as a reward to not pursue an assault charge against Dowlatteram.

PPP Pickets Government For Establishment Of Local Government Commission The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) held a peaceful picketing of the commission, hence the delay. Mustapha brushed the

Officers in front of the Ministry of the Presidency

notion that the previous administration did not want the commission and that it is incumbent on the APNU+AFC government to establish the commission. When asked if the Minister was contacted on the issue, Mustapha said the Minister has communicated publicly about the establishment of the commission, revealing that a number of Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDC’s) submitted their budget but it took them a long time to have it approved. According to Mustapha, if the Commission was established, then the NDC’s budget would have been approved earlier.. He further stated that the PPP will continue to protest until the commission is established. The Local Government Commission was slated to come on stream in June of this year. Minister Bulkan had explained that the Ministry is in the process of finalising the names of the persons who would serve on the commission and that this will be wrapped up soon. Minister Bulkan had also stated that the candidates for the Commission have already been identified and shortlisted for review and ratification by Cabinet. “I can tell you, we have identified some very strong, suitably and professionally qualified individuals to be members of that commission,” he said.

Protestors outside the Ministry of Communities

Protestors across the road of the Ministry of the Presidency

exercise outside the Ministry of the Presidency and the Ministry of Communities this morning, calling for the establishment of the Local Government Commission. According to party executive member, Zulfi Mustapha, Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan had given several dates including September 30, 2016 for the establishment of the commission, however to date the commission is not established According to Mustapha, the Minister is usurping the authority




City Hall Workers Continue Protest For Salaries

Workers of the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) protest in front of the City Hall

Workers of the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) have been protesting since Monday for the non–payment of their September salaries. The protests started on Monday morning outside of the Ministry of Communities and continued today in front of the City Hall. The frustration between the City Workers have been increasing with the

months of delayed salary payments, exploding in public demonstrations of dissatisfaction. Dozens of City workers and drainage contractors congregate since early hours in the morning, in front of the City Hall, with banners where it could be read “Pay Us on Time”, “We Need Our Salaries”, “Royston King We Don’t Trust You” among others, showing their frustration at the ongoing issue. Ricardo Grants, a drainage contractor expressed that the date for the payment was fixed for the 25th of September, and up to date the workers are still waiting for their salary. “Today is the 4th of October and up to now we can’t get paid,” he expressed in an agitated tone. “They just fill us with promises and end up with lies. To my perspective, the government needs to run the C o u n c i l . Royston King needs to go!” Another worker, who preferred to r e m a i n anonymous, said the government n e e d s t o intervene.

“The Ministry of the Communities and The Ministry of Labor needs to interfere. We have mortgage to pay, the passage for our children to go school, bills and there is no money, is an embarrassment for our families. This is breaking people’s homes,” he stated. The protesters said the Town Clerk is incompetent. “We need to reach to a consensus and this time materialize what is been promised.” Meanwhile, Mr. Grants emphasized that the drainage contractors are exposed to constant risks. “Safety for their workers, especially for our sector is one of the priorities in which the Council should be focusing, instead they are cleaning the streets.” The City Hall representatives haven’t ‘faced’ the protesters as yet. The laborers stated that the protest will continue if their claims are not answered soon. According to a local report, the Town Clerk, Royston King said that the City Hall is working to get the worker’s salary by Wednesday.




4 Years Jail For Women Who Stole From Digicel Three women were today sentenced to Prior to the sentencing, Attorney Glen Meanwhile, in response the Prosecutor four years imprisonment after they were found guilty of converting GY$48M in Digicel credit from Telecom Solutions Guyana Inc. for their own use between June 25, 2008 and November 23, 2009. They are Melissa Naughton, 39, Candacie Marshall, 31 and Oladara Christian, 32, who were charged in December 2011. They were found guilty of the charge by Magistrate Leron Daly in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court.

Hanoman, who represented Christian and Marshall, pleaded with the court for a non-custodial sentence to be imposed, stating that Marshall withdrew all her earnings from the bank while Christian sold her car, in an attempt to repay the stolen money. He argued that President David Granger has already stated that Guyana’s prison system is already overwhelmed; therefore a custodial sentence should not be imposed.

said that the trio exploited their employers and caused a negative financial impact, therefore the court must send a strong message to others who might consider committing crimes of the same nature. Magistrate Daly agreed with the Prosecutor that the court sees it fit to impose a custodial sentence, explaining that the women are adults and committed the crime while in their full senses.

Committee Rules In Favour Of Puran Brothers Over $221M Contract The Bid Protest Committee (BPC) has ruled in favour of Puran Brothers Disposal’s appeal by Cevons Waste Management over the award of $221M one-year contract to the Disposal service

for the management of the Haags Bosch Landfill site. In July, Cevons Waste Management had filed a protest with the BPC, citing that the selection process was unfair and had requested a review of the award. “This matter is bigger than Cevons (Waste Management) and its partners; it is about ensuring that the procurement process is transparent, democratic and free from favouritism,” stated a public missive sent to the media in July. A press statement

from the Ministry of Communities today revealed that “A written ruling was issued to all the parties involved and the committee expressed gratitude to Cevon’s Waste Management Inc. for following through with the process.” The Ministry has since been advised to continue with the procurement process and a nine-page decision was handed down by Chairperson of the Bid Protest Committee, attorney-at-law, Joann Bond on September 30, 2016. However, the Ministry has indicated that it must await the outcome of a pending court injunction which relates to the signing of the contract with Puran Brothers Disposal Inc.




Government Looking To Have UK’s Restriction On Buying Greenheart Removed

The United Kingdom’s (UK) Environment Agency in May 2015 announced its decision to stop the procurement and importation of Greenheart from Guyana due to claims that the timber is unfit for Government constructions because Guyana’s forests are not sustainably managed. Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman in collaboration with the Private Sector Commission have since refuted the claims of the Environment Agency (EA). The decision

is costing Guyana millions of dollars in revenue lost since greenheart timber accounts for 90% of Guyana’s exports to the U.K. The Government is asking the agency to withdraw its advisory and conduct a revision of procurement policies regarding Guyana’s exports. Speaking at a press conference at the PSC head office on Monday, Minister Trotman said the advisory, issued by the UK agency, can result in widespread damage by tarnishing Guyana’s reputation, and must be addressed early. Chairman of the Guyana Manufacturing Association (GMA) Wood Sector Group, Navendra Chand called for a complete withdrawal by the UK agency of

the technical note, which has for months placed grievous limitations on Guyana’s export of Greenheart to the UK. “Our recommendation for the next step is to approach this matter in order to have a complete withdrawal of the technical note, and for fair application of the UK procurement policy,” he declared. After the 2012 international economic downturn the trade reached its highest point in 2014, after which it took a drastic nose dive all the way to August 2016. The trade reportedly had a 65 per cent decline since the ban. Prior to the issuing of the advisory, the value of the greenheart trade was some US$3.2M in 2014.


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Guyana Daily News Opinion Poll: High Crime Rate Linked To Unemployment


uyanese are terrified by policing is the answer to the crime situation. the rapid increase of crime in Guyana. An opinion poll conducted by the Guyana Daily News, found that unemployment is one the major causes of the spiraling crime rate. Eight five percent of the respondents are of the view that unemployment and lack of economic opportunities are linked to the crime situation, and 15 percent are of the opinion that crime is a personal choice. The majority share the opinion that unemployment heavily contributes to crime, for example, families who are affected by lack of employment and economic opportunities are more likely to commit a crime to fulfill their economic needs. Many respondents are of the opinion that policies designed to increase jobs may have a direct effect on crime rate since, people who are out of a job are more likely to steal because the risks seem more worthwhile. The poll further revealed that violent crime, as opposed to burglary and theft, is lower in good times. Meanwhile, 15 percent of the respondents say that crime is a personal choice and believes that crime becomes habitual even after being employed. Respondents believe that education and better

Bartender Charged With Simple Larceny. Complainant, Lucette Timmerman, while not being

Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan today released a West Coast Demerara woman, Alicia Brown, on $50,000 GYD bail after she appeared at the Georgetown Magistrate's Court charged with Simple Larceny. Brown, a former employee of the Virtual

represented in court pleaded not guilty to the charge. It is alleged that between the August 29, 2016 and October 1, 2016, Brown was employed as a Bartender in Timmerman's Bar, Takatu Landing, Mazaruni and was left solely in charge of the business for the said time and during the period stole a quantity of beverages valued at $189,300 GYD and a quantity of grocery items valued at $54,000 GYD. Timmerman has alleged that Brown admitted to the act stating that she and her friends consumed the beverages during the said period.




Youth Development Initiative Rolled Out At Lusignan Primary School

First Lady, Mrs Sandra Granger delivering remarks to teachers and students of the Lusignan Primary School at the launching of the Youth Development Initiative at that school.

Georgetown, Guyana – (October 4, 2016) First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, yesterday, said that she was optimistic about the impact that the Lusignan Youth Development Initiative will have on its beneficiaries, at a simple opening ceremony, held at the Lusignan Primary School. Mrs. Granger said that the initiative was birthed from an idea she had about involving parents in the delivery of education to their children. The first project under this initiative was introduced last year in Buxton at the Buxton/Friendship Primary School. “I have to say, based on the results in Buxton, I have high hopes for Lusignan as well because we had kids who had started Grade Four in the Buxton/Friendship area who did not know [how] to read and by the end of the year… there was great improvement,” Mrs. Granger said. Over the past couple of weeks Mrs. Granger met with teachers and parents of students from this school about the initiative and although there were minor setbacks, she believes that they had shown a keen interest in the programme and, therefore, took a decision to go ahead with it. “We felt that since the teachers were so engaged in it [the

First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger (seated, second left) along with the teachers and students at the opening of the Youth Development Initiative at the Lusignan Primary School.

meetings] we would go ahead with it… What this project aims to do, basically, is to look at the students in the school and help them to achieve their full potential,” the First Lady said. Meanwhile, Acting Head Mistress of the Lusignan Primary School, Ms. Loretta DosSantos said that the Initiative aims to make the school and community better. “You parents play an integral role in this the education process… Do not feel what we’re doing here is a waste of time. In time to come, you will see the benefits,” Ms. DosSantos said. In an invited comment, she expressed confidence about the impact that the initiative will have on the students’ development. “I believe that the children, who are benefiting from this programme would be better off academically, in the areas of mainly, literacy and numeracy… I told the teachers we have to work assiduously to ensure that each child is being given what this programme intends for them to have.” Several parents expressed appreciation about the First Lady’s initiative and vowed to support their children at home. Mr. Brentnol Halley whose son Jamal Halley is a Grade Four pupil at the school, said he was pleased that the First

Lady introduced the project in the school. “For me, as a father I will see that he’s in school and in school regularly… I will play my role at home… I will do what I can do,” he said. Ms. Marina Premsukh, whose daughter Hema Persaud is a Grade Five pupil at the school, shared similar sentiments. “This is something good to help the small ones…My [kids are] slow, but I expect better things [before the] year is out, they must learn to read,” she said. The Initiative is expected to last throughout this school year. Initially, 50 students were targeted for the programme but that number was increased to 80 following feedback from the school. Sessions are expected to be held from Monday to Wednesday, and will focus on Reading and Mathematics. MOTP Press Release




Hurricane Matthew: Category Four Storm Pounds Haiti One of the most powerful Atlantic hurricanes in recent years has hit Haiti, bringing 145mph (230km/h) winds, heavy rain and dangerous storm surges. Hurricane Matthew, a Category Four storm, made landfall at the south-western tip at about 11:00 GMT. The US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said Haiti was "getting everything a major hurricane can throw at them". Reports from the southern coast spoke of communities under water and buildings stripped of roofs. Marie Alta JeanBaptiste, director of the country's Civil Protection Agency, told Associated Press: "It's much too early to know how bad things are but we do know there are a lot of houses that have been destroyed or damaged in the south." One resident too ill to leave their home was killed when waves struck in the town of Port Salut. Haiti's Interim President Jocelerme Privert said earlier that some people at sea or who had not "respected alerts" had died, but he gave no figures. Haiti is one of the world's poorest countries and many of its residents live in wooden or corrugated steel shacks in areas prone to flooding. Matthew is expected to bring up to 40in (102cm) of rain to some parts as it moves north at about 15km/h. A map showing Hurricane Arthur's path Social media footage from the southern coastal town of Les Cayes showed palm trees being bent sideways and buildings with roofs sheared off buildings. American journalist Jacqueline Charles told the BBC from the capital, Port-au-Prince, that reports from Les Cayes spoke of people walking in water shoulder high, with relief workers saying that other coastal communities were also under water. Fonie Pierre, director of Catholic Relief Services for Les Cayes, told AP: "Many people are now asking for help, but it's too late because there is no way to go evacuate them." The mayor of Les Cayes, Jean Gabriel Fortune, posted tweets that

included video showing damage in the Vernet area. A major road was swamped in Les Anglais, while the mayor of Tiburon, Remiza Denize, spoke of large waves hitting the town. "Everyone is trying to find a safe place to protect themselves, the situation is very difficult." Fear of thefts Haitian officials say that about 1,300 emergency shelters have been built, enough to accommodate 340,000 people. Both airports in Haiti are closed. But some Haitians have refused to go to shelters, fearful of having their possessions stolen. One local in Port-au-Prince, however, said the community would unite in the face of the storm's danger. "We are communicating amongst ourselves thanks to our own means. We will tell the people how the situation is. If things are bad then we will come together." Authorities had urged people to stock up on food and water and secure their homes. An NHC statement said: "On the forecast track, the eye of Matthew will move near eastern Cuba later [on Tuesday], and move near or over portions of the south-eastern and central Bahamas [on Tuesday night] and Wednesday, and approach the northwestern Bahamas on Wednesday night." About 13,000 people were evacuated from high-risk areas in neighbouring Dominican Republic, which is also expected to get battered by rains and winds, according to the country's civil defence chief. Heavy rain and winds have already hit parts of Jamaica, with floodwaters blocking roads in the capital Kingston. A hurricane alert is in place for six eastern Cuban provinces and residents are being moved from low-lying areas. Some 700 spouses and children of US service members have been flown out of the Guantanamo Bay base, which is just 80km from where the storm could make landfall. It is also predicted to hit the US east coast later in the week. Florida and parts of North Carolina have declared states of emergency. Hurricane Matthew is the region's most powerful since Felix in 2007. Hurricane scales Category one: sustained winds of 74-95mph (119-153 km/h); some damage and power cuts Category two: winds of 96110mph (154-177 km/h); extensive damage Category three: winds of 111-129mph (178-208 km/h); well-built homes suffer major damage Category four: winds of 130-156mph (209-251 km/h); severe damage to well-built homes, most trees snapped or uprooted Category five: winds of 157 mph (252 km/h) or higher; high percentage of homes destroyed, area uninhabitable for weeks or months (BBC)

Hurricane Matthew from space




Colombian Voters Reject FARC-EP Peace Deal BOGOTA, Colombia -- Colombians voted NO on Sunday in Havana, Cuba, led to agreements on key issues such as political the referendum to approve the peace accord signed just days earlier between the government and the country’s largest rebel group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army (FARC-EP). After over 99.4 percent of the votes had been counted, the No option had received some 6.417 million votes, 50.2 percent of the total. Meanwhile, 6.356 million (49.7 percent) voted YES, with barely 59,000 votes between the two choices, in a referendum where just one-third of all registered voters went to the polling stations. On Monday, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon commended the parties for their determination, saying he believed peace could still be achieved and that all Colombians who had committed to ending the 50-year conflict should not be discouraged. “Following the result of the plebiscite, the secretary-general welcomes the public commitment from the government of Colombia, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army and all of the country’s political forces to continue working to end the armed conflict and build a lasting peace,” said a statement issued on Monday by Ban’s spokesperson. It added: “After more than five decades of war, the Colombian people deserve no less.” Just one week ago, the secretarygeneral and a host of senior UN officials travelled to Cartagena to witness the signing of the peace agreement that was the culmination of a historic four-year negotiation between the government and the FARC-EP to end the longest running conflict in the Western Hemisphere. Those talks, hosted in

participation, land rights, illicit drugs and victims' rights and transitional justice. Among other developments, the Government and the FARC-EP announced in May an agreement to release and reintegrate child soldiers from the opposition force. The parties also announced the establishment of a gender subcommission to bolster the voice of women in the peace process. When the ceasefire between the parties was agreed, at their request, the Security Council established and subsequently unanimously endorsed the mandate of the UN Mission in Colombia. It is tasked with the verification of the ceasefire and the laying down of arms and has already begun its work. Yet, the accord was put to a referendum on Sunday and rejected by the public. According to Monday’s statement: “While political efforts are undertaken to assess the way forward, the secretary-general believes all must be done to maintain calm and prevent a return to violence. He commends the parties for their commitment, as expressed by President Juan Manuel Santos and FARC-EP Commander Timoleón Jiménez, to maintain the bilateral ceasefire declared on 29 August.” Further to the statement, the UN chief has instructed his Special Representative, Jean Arnault, to travel to Havana on Monday to continue his consultations with the parties. “The secretary-general acknowledges the tremendous efforts undertaken to overcome the conflict and calls on all concerned to build on that foundation. He believes strongly that peace can still be achieved, and that the many Colombians who have committed themselves to this goal should not be discouraged,” said the statement, adding that the United Nations reiterates its firm support to peace efforts in Colombia. (Caribbean News Now!)

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addresses attendees at the signing of the Colombia Peace Agreements in Cartagena. Photo: OSSG




ECLAC Delivers 'Strong Answer' To Budgeting Process Needs Of Caribbean Public Administrations PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad -- The Economic Commission for C a r i b b e a n e c o n o m i s t Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has provided a “strong answer” to what senior public officials across the Caribbean have been searching for in order to improve the budgeting process of public administrations, according to the participants of a week-long regional training workshop that provided officials with robust tools and techniques necessary for more effective management of public finances. Held at ECLAC Caribbean’s sub regional headquarters in Port of Spain, from 19 to 23 September, the workshop focused on forecasting and fiscal transparency in the conduct of public expenditure reviews (PERs). PERs are intended to align public sector expenditure with the priorities of national governments. They also promote increased savings, either through resource reallocation or by reducing unproductive expenditure. By improving fiscal management, PERs can provide much needed fiscal space especially when a country is experiencing high debt levels. The week-long training was an integral element of ECLAC’s ongoing project on “Strengthening the technical capacity of public finance officials in select Caribbean Small Island Developing States”. The project’s focus on improving capacity to use public expenditure reviews for better budgeting, resource allocation is vital to ECLAC’s comprehensive approach towards supporting the efforts of Caribbean economies as they pursue sustainable debt management and economic viability. This project complements ECLAC's recently launched debt for climate adaptation swap initiative, which is intended to promote fiscal responsibility while affording Caribbean economies much-needed fiscal space to invest in climate adaptation and mitigation projects and green industries that build the environmental resilience of the Caribbean while reigniting growth in the countries of the subregion. Eminent

Professor Vanus James – who facilitated the training – indicated that the project offered training as well as follow-up assistance to ensure that the techniques learned are fully assimilated and successfully implemented for optimum benefit; underscoring ECLAC's continuing commitment to building national capacity. Discussions during the workshop highlighted that while the efficient allocation of limited government resources is essential to ensuring that national priorities are adequately and appropriately resourced, there is need for better consultation and collaboration within and across ministries, if the PER methodology is to be successful. The buy-in of both the public and private sectors, the active engagement of civil society, and the existence of an enabling environment focused on improved efficiency and effectiveness of government operations are also critical pre-requisites for PER success. Eighteen public officials attended the workshop from Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, and St Kitts and Nevis. Participants were enthusiastic at the prospect of using the forecasting techniques learned to enhance budgeting and planning processes in their respective countries. The workshop followed five national trainings held in Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, St Kitts and Nevis, and Barbados. The final phase of the project will include follow up technical assistance for the participating countries to support their implementation of the PER techniques. (Caribbean News Now!)




New Partnership To Bolster Energy Efficiency In Caribbean Hotel Sector The agreement underscores CHTA's commitment to providing program-specific support to USAID CARCEP, regionally and with designated countries, hotels, hotel associations and public sector tourism stakeholders. "CHTA welcomes the support by the United States government through its clean energy program, to assist Caribbean hotels and countries in becoming more energy efficient. The program brings to the table new tools, resources and training, building upon the foundational work undertaken with hotels through the CHENACT program," Comito stated. This agreement symbolizes the start of what will become a wider catalytic benefit for sustainable growth in the region as reductions in energy consumption will deliver environmental benefits as well as improve regional economic competitiveness. There are approximately 2,500 hotels that can profit from this initiative. "CHENACT touched more than 150 hotels in the region. Through USAID CARCEP, we will be able to significantly expand the number of hotels and countries which can benefit from the program's resources. Working with CHTA's network of national hotel and tourism associations throughout the region, and with USAID CARCEP's team, we look forward to advancing new opportunities for our industry and the region. Sound energy savings initiatives by hoteliers make good business sense and protect our rich natural resources which are an essential part of our touristic appeal," Comito declared. Already, the partnership has resulted in the launch of an energy benchmarking tool that followed the agreement signing at the forum. The tool, w h i c h w a s developed by USAID CARCEP, will allow hotel operators to analyse t h e i r e l e c t r i c i t y, fossil fuel and water usage; compare the energy and water intensity with similar hotels in their area; and learn about energy and water efficiency strategies they can employ to reduce hotel Director General and CEO of CHTA Frank Comito (seated at right) and USAID CARCEP's Energy Efficiency Promotion Specialist John Marcocchio at Friday’s signing in Puerto Rico. Standing from left is Jonathan Schwartz of Deloitte Consulting, Energy Efficiency Specialist Hugh operating costs.

FAJARDO, Puerto Rico -- The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Caribbean Clean Energy Program (CARCEP) on Friday signed a collaboration agreement with the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) in a landmark move to bolster energy efficiency in the Caribbean's hotel sector, the largest electricity consumer sector in the region. The agreement, which was signed during the official ceremony of the Caribbean Hospitality Industry Exchange Forum (CHIEF) in Puerto Rico, defines the joint actions to be taken to effectively address the sector's needs primarily in the areas of energy policy reform, research and capacity development. This initiative is largely directed at beneficiary countries under USAID CARCEP's mandate – Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia and St Vincent and the Grenadines. Hotel owners in these nations will be equipped with access to technical tools, training and other resources to help them understand and adopt energy efficiency best-practices to reduce their energy consumption. Director general and CEO of CHTA Frank Comito pledged, through the signing of this agreement, to work closely with USAID CARCEP to advance the work done under the Caribbean Hotel Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Action (CHENACT) program funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and conducted through CHTA and its regional public sector

Cresser, Denaye Hinds of OBM International, Loreto Duffy-Mayers of the Caribbean Hotel Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Action Advanced Programme, and Stuart Bowe, CHTA's First Vice President and Senior Vice President of Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas.

counterpart organization the Caribbean Tourism Organization.

Continued on next page...




New Partnership To Bolster Energy Efficiency In Caribbean Hotel Sector (CONT’D) "The deployment of this tool in the hotel industry, the biggest economic driver in the region, and the follow-on activities developing knowledge and awareness of energy efficiency will be a game changer. Energy consumption in the region is as much as three times higher per US$1 of GDP generated than other regions of the world, putting this region at a real competitive disadvantage. Both for climatic and economic reasons it is imperative that we reduce fossil fuel consumption and turn those savings into jobs and industry for the region that will drive economic development and future growth," affirmed USAID CARCEP's energy efficiency promotion specialist John Marcocchio. To support ease of access the tool will be housed on CHTA's website, a strategic decision to ensure sustainability after USAID CARCEP's implementation period ends in 2020. Hotel owners who are members of CHTA, including those located in nonbeneficiary USAID CARCEP nations, will be able to access this

tool at no cost, allowing them to gain valuable insight that can ultimately help them learn how best to maximize their return on investments. The tool can highlight abnormal energy and water demands and unearth opportunities for savings and investments. The signing of the collaboration agreement and the launch of the USAID CARCEP Energy Benchmarking Tool at this year's CHIEF is key to the success of this initiative. Each year CHIEF, staged by CHTA, attracts a large percentage of hoteliers, association executives and other targeted stakeholders and as such provides a central platform for the introduction to and uptake of these resources. USAID CARCEP and CHTA are urging hoteliers to take advantage of this opportunity. The next step is the roll out of USAID CARCEP's training program in each beneficiary country. The first is scheduled to take place in Jamaica in November 2016 and is aimed at demonstrating how to use the tool as well as how to implement energy saving measures at hotels and resorts. (Caribbean News Now!)




USVI Small Business Credit Initiative Helps Provide Advanced Eye Healthcare To The Caribbean ST CROIX, USVI -- Plessen Eye is a state-of-the-art ophthalmic ambulatory surgical center run by Dr Jan Tawakol and Dr Tasnim Khan, a husband-and-wife team, on the island of St Croix. Although there was an increasing demand for ophthalmological

services in the US Virgin Islands, Plessen Eye needed to finance improvements for the ophthalmic ambulatory surgical center. Since the centre was the couple’s first business venture, a traditional bank loan was not an option. With the support of the USVI’s State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) funding, Merchants Commercial Bank, an FDIC-insured community bank, made an $850,000 term loan allowing Plessen Eye to acquire equipment, make leasehold improvements, and open their business. Since the original loan, Plessen Eye has been able to help fill the island’s backlog of patients awaiting cataract and other critical eye surgeries. The centre has expanded with 15 full-time employees and one part-time employee. “The territory has benefited tremendously by adding the state-of-the-art facility to the island’s healthcare system,” said Ro Khiani, chief lending officer at Merchants Commercial Bank. “Ophthalmologists now have a place to perform critical eye surgeries in the Caribbean region to meet patient demand.” (Caribbean News Now!)

SSBCI Program Participant: Plessen Eye, LLC, St Croix, US Virgin Islands



GUYANA DAILY NEWS Bahamian Named Caribbean Hotelier Of The Year SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- Bahamian up the ladder, storing and absorbing every Atlantis, Palm Jumeirah, serving as vice PAGE 20

experience to hone his leadership skills. Over the years he has worked in every department and in nearly all job categories, from dishwasher to busboy, from bartender to laundry attendant, from housekeeping to maintenance, and from front desk to landscaping. Stuart earned a BA in accounting in 1986 from Florida State University, an MBA in marketing summa cum laude from Walden University in 2009 and is currently pursuing a PhD in applied management and decision sciences with a focus on leadership and organizational change. Bahamas Prime Minister Perry Christie, in a taped congratulatory message, described Bowe as "an exemplar" to be followed by generations of Bahamians. "He is a manager cum laude, one who has brought the pursuit of excellence to his work ...(and) on behalf of the people of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, it is entirely on their behalf that I salute you for all that you have been able to do." "Stuart Bowe personiďŹ es Caribbean excellence. He is disciplined and innovative and a leader who inspires generations of Bahamians and Caribbean people t h r o u g h h i s accomplishments and his humanity," said Frank Comito, director general and CEO of the CHTA who previously served as executive vice president of the Bahamas Hotel & Tourism Association. Bowe was posted to Dubai from 2008 to Stuart Bowe receives the coveted award from Karolin Troubetzkoy, President of the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association. Photo: Suzanne Ludwig - Ludwig & Co. 2010 to oversee the grand opening of the

hotelier Stuart Bowe has been named the 2016 Caribbean Hotelier of the Year by the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA). Bowe, the senior vice president and general manager, Resort Operations of Atlantis Paradise Island, received the coveted honour at the Caribbean Hospitality Industry Exchange Forum (CHIEF), hosted by CHTA, in Fajardo, Puerto Rico on Sunday. Accepting the region's premier hospitality award, Bowe credited his grandmother with teaching him service and attention to detail from "cleaning up the kitchen." Bowe's contribution to the hospitality and tourism industry spans more than 27 years, having "cut his teeth" in customer service and management working at McDonald's in his teenage years and entering the industry as a management trainee. He subsequently worked his way


president of resort operations in the Middle East. Returning to The Bahamas, he became active in the Bahamas Hotel & To u r i s m A s s o c i a t i o n ( B H TA ) , establishing numerous school programs to help children understand the importance of tourism and career opportunities in the sector. The junior hotelier program he was instrumental in setting up in primary and secondary schools has impacted more than 4,000 students. Now in his third consecutive term, Stuart Bowe is the longest serving president of the BHTA, and he currently serves as ďŹ rst vice president of the CHTA. Also in winners' row on Sunday, Barbadian Heather Hinds, general cook at The Club Barbados Resort & Spa, was named Caribbean Employee of the Year, while Jamaica's Derrick Wright, an income auditor at The Tyrall Club in Jamaica was named Caribbean Supervisor of the Year. James Hepple, president and CEO of the Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association, captured the Caribbean Association Executive of the Year Award. CHIEF also presented awards in the areas of operations, sales and marketing, environmental sustainability and technology, the four themes of the conference. In Operations, Ocean Two Resort & Residences of Barbados was the winner with special mention going to Baoase Luxury Resort in Curacao and Puerto Rico's El Conquistador Resort. For the best practice in Sales and Marketing, the winner was Barbados' Elegant Hotels Group with The Somerset on Grace Bay in Turks and Caicos, and Synapse, LLC, a digital marketing agency in Puerto Rico, getting special honours. The recipient of the CHIEF Award for Environmental Sustainability was The Tryall Club in Jamaica with special honors going to Aruba's Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort and True Blue Bay Boutique Resort of Grenada. The recipient of the CHIEF Award for Technology was the Aruba Tourism Authority and its advertising agency Concept Farm. (Caribbean News Now!)




Search For Missing Man Ends In Tragedy found in the front passenger ’s seat of a c a r parked off the road in a wooded area.

He was last seen Missing man: Christopher Hawkesworth (Source: uk.makemefeed.com) alive by his wife at Barbados – The search for missing man 7 a.m. Friday when he left home in a hired Christopher Hawkesworth has ended in car to take his children to school. At the tragedy. The body of the 54-year-old time he was wearing a dark blue dirty resident of 29 Rock Dundo Heights, St denim jeans, burnt orange polo shirt, and Michael was discovered by police officers tan, red and off-white shoes. Two years on patrol in Bakers, St Peter after five ago Hawkesworth was accused of o’clock Saturday evening. involvement in an illegal drugs ring and Hawkesworth’s motionless body was faced extradition to the United States.

However, in a dramatic turn, all charges against him and two other men — Sean Gaskin and John Wayne Scantlebury — were dismissed and the trio released from HMP Dodds after spending two years in maximum security, ending a ten year extradition hearing — the longest in Barbados’ legal history.

It is understood that the Attorney General had issued an order for their release after the US Government informed local authorities that it was no longer interested in prosecuting them. The US had claimed that Hawkesworth, Gaskin and Scantlebury were part of a five-man ring that had attempted to import and distribute five kilos of cocaine into that country in July 2000. It had also claimed the three were members of a Guyana-Barbados crime ring which an American drug agent penetrated between July and September 2000. (Antigua Observer)




The Smuggled Sheep Will Be Killed

Source: trinidadexpress.com

Trinidad – POLICE are unravelling the mystery behind the sheep found on a fishing boat from Venezuela. And wild meat lovers should take note. That $100 a pound meat you are buying may be mutton from a diseased animal. It is suspected that animals are being imported from Venezuela and local butchers and vendors are selling them under the guise that is wild meat. The hunting season reopened on October 1 and wild meat such as venison fetch a price of at least $100 per pound. On Sunday, police discovered 28 sheep on board a pirogue docked at Los Iros beach around 4.30 a.m. The animals were not tied to the vessel, but had been confined to an area approximately five feet by five feet. The tight space proved not enough

for the flock as five of them were trodden upon by the stronger ones and were barely alive, police said. The animals also appeared diseased. On board the pirogue also were seven Venezuelans. Nearby on the shore were nine Cubans and four Trinidadians, allegedly sitting in a minibus which had been stocked with food items such as toiletries, tinned food, rice, and bread. Police suspect that the Venezuelans brought the sheep to trade with the locals and Cubans for the food items to be resold in the South American country, where there are shortages in food and toiletries. Police believe that the suspects on board the mini bus intended to sell the sheep off after they were butchered and skinned. The ‘wild meat’ would then be sold to local butchers and vendors at retail prices. Officers of the South Western Police Division were on patrol when they stumbled upon the s m u g g l i n g operation. Officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, as well as officers of the Customs and Excise D i v i s i o n , Immigration Division and Counter Trafficking

Unit were contacted and responded. The Tr i n i d a d i a n s w e r e d e t a i n e d a n d questioned on Sunday. They were however released pending further inquiries. The Cubans and Venezuelans were detained by police and handed over to Immigration officers. Police were told that most of the Cubans had legitimate documentation and were released. The animals were handed over to officials of Agriculture ministry to be taken to the Sugar Cane Feeds Centre in Pokhor Road, Longdenville. Police said the animals were expected to be slaughtered as is mandated under the Animal Quarantine Act regarding animals (diseased and importation). Act 67: 02; 8 (1) states: “The Inspector may cause any diseased, suspected or infested animal, or any animal which has been in the same stable, shed, pen, field, pasture, or other similar place, or in the same herd or flock as, or in contact with, any diseased, suspected or infested animal, whether or not any such place has been declared to be an infected or infested place or is within an infected or infested area, to be slaughtered or quarantined in order to prevent the spread of the disease or infestation; and for such purpose the Inspector may give all such directions as he may consider necessary”. (Antigua Observer)




Hunting Season Opens

Trinidad – The government is focused on the management and enforcement of hunting while providing the necessary resources that will allow bonafide hunters to enjoy the sport and allow rural communities to enjoy the economic benefits arising from it.

Avinash Singh, second from left, Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, chats with members of the Nariva Mayaro Hunters Group during Saturday's opening of the 2016 hunting season. (Source: trinidadexpress.com)

This was the declaration made to members of the Nariva Mayaro Hunters Group by Agriculture Minister Clarence Rambharat, during the opening of the 2016 hunting season on Saturday. Rambharat said the government undertook the task of doing a comprehensive review of hunting and wildlife conservation in Trinidad and Tobago, and following its completion in August,

several Cabinet-approved decision were made. One such decision was increasing the price of permits for hunting, while amendments were also made with regards to the wildlife that could be hunted. “We have also made a commitment to go to Parliament and make the permanent legislative changes which are required; namely fixing the right fee for the permit; and more importantly increasing the fines for illegal hunting and illegal activities related to wildlife conservation. “This season we are also committed to increasing the number of Honorary Game Wardens who will be appointed in a few weeks’ time, and this would give us more comfort in terms of enforcement. The Agriculture Minister’s message to the hunters across the country was one of responsible hunting, saying, “‘I trust the hunters and I believe that the bonafide hunters in the country will do the right thing and as always, I am particularly concerned about those people who engage in illegal hunting and illegal activities during the season. I am confident that the Wildlife Division within the ministry and the wider national security apparatus in the country will enforce the law and protect the hunters during the season.” Daren Ali, president of the Nariva Mayaro Hunters Group, said: “Today is like a Christmas celebration for us as we came out to the campsite, cook and celebrate. I was born and bred in a hunting family and hunting is something that we enjoy. Ali pointed out that he personally did not have a problem with the increased price for the hunting permits. He also called on all hunters to responsible, urging them to be safe and to not break the rules and regulations. Rambharat was joined by Senator Avinash Singh, Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries. The Wildlife Hunting Season opened on Saturday 1st October, 2016 and will close on Tuesday 28th February, 2017. (Antigua Observer)




NWU Tells King: Workers Losing Confidence In Labour Department The National Workers Union (NWU) has written Minister of Labour Stephenson King asking for his urgent intervention in a number of ongoing labour issues. In a letter dated September 21, 2016 addressed to King and copied to the Executive Director of the Saint Lucia Employers Federation, President of the NWU Tyrone Maynard listed these issues.

Minister Stephenson King

Maynard said prior to King assuming office, the NWU undertook an exercise which revealed the following: 1. Many unscrupulous employers were still not paying overtime to employees who have completed the regular hours of work and are told to hold on and work overtime. 2. In

the Sanitation and Garbage Collection Sector, the occupational safety and health requirements are not being adhered to and proper gear for workers undertaking such critical responsibilities are not issued. 3. An abuse of issuing contracts to ordinary workers seems rampant. Some of the arrangements provided in such contracts are dehumanizing and do not seek to create the job stability that is badly needed to plan one’s future. 4. Workers were losing confidence more and more in the Department of Labour. The NWU president said to date, the above mentioned continues at a fast pace and requested his urgent attention in bringing all these industrial ‘atrocities’ to an immediate halt. “I see no reason for Government to accept tender on Government projects by companies who continue to break the Labour Laws of Saint Lucia. We look forward to your response,” he ended. (St Lucia News Online)




Millions In Illegal Counterfeit Products Seized In Puerto Rico

Operation Silver Snake 2 nets 206 seizures worth $1.5 million. Seized items are catalogued for evidentiary purposes

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) San Juan Field Operations has announced that 206 seizures were made of counterfeit products, valued at $1.5 million (MSRP), which were illegally imported into Puerto Rico via international mail. A wide range of counterfeited products were seized during the enforcement

effort, called Operation Silver Snake 2, to include: consumer products, apparel, footwear, textiles, pharmace uticals, and more. Va r i o u s internatio nal mail packages inspected by CBP officers at the San Juan International Mail Branch revealed products that infringed intellectual property rights. The majority of the seized products originated in China. This is the third iteration of the continuous operation carried out in San Juan this year. “Our dedicated CBP officers, import specialists, paralegal specialists and seized property specialists were key ingredients to this successful

enforcement operation focused on the protection of the US economy and the health and safety of the American people from these counterfeit products,” said Edward Ryan, assistant director of trade for Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. “We will continue to execute this type of enforcement operations, with our partners, to further protect legitimate businesses and consumers from intellectual property thieves,” Ryan said. CBP protects businesses and consumers every day through an aggressive IPR enforcement program. CBP targets and seizes imports of counterfeit and pirated goods, and enforces exclusion orders on patent-infringing and other IPR goods. If anyone has information about counterfeit merchandise being illegally imported into the United States, the eAllegation provides a means for the public to anonymously report to CBP any suspected violations of trade laws or regulations related to the importation of goods into the US. These types of violations include misclassification of merchandise, false country of origin markings, health and safety issues, valuation issues, and intellectual property rights. (Caribbean News Now!)




Strange Matter Wins Physics Nobel line break The physics of strange matter - an example Phase transitions occur when matter changes from one phase to another, such as when ice melts and becomes water Kosterlitz and Thouless described a type of phase transition in a thin layer of very cold matter In the cold, vortices form (diagram) as tight pairs, but at higher temperatures, as the phase transition occurs, (L-R) David Thouless, Duncan Haldane and Michael Kosterlitz(OTHER) they separate and "sail" off in different directions line he 2016 Nobel Prize in used maths to explain strange break Prof Nigel Cooper, from P h y s i c s h a s b e e n physical effects in rare states of the University of Cambridge, awarded to three British- matter, such as superconductors, told BBC News: "The Quantum born scientists for discoveries superfluids and thin magnetic Hall effect is used in metrology about strange forms of matter. films. Kosterlitz and Thouless D a v i d T h o u l e s s , D u n c a n focused on phenomena that arise to give a precise definition of the Haldane and Michael Kosterlitz in flat forms of matter - on Ohm in resistance. Just as a kilogram or a w i l l s h a r e t h e 8 m k r o n o r surfaces or inside extremely thin m e t r e requires an exact (£727,000) prize. Their work layers that can be considered definition, the maths behind c o u l d r e s u l t i n i m p r o v e d two-dimensional. This contrasts today's Nobel prize has helped materials for electronics and is with the three dimensions already informing one approach (length, width and height) with precisely describe the unit of to super-fast computing. They which we usually describe electrical resistance - how a w e r e n a m e d a t a p r e s s reality. Haldane also studied device or material reduces the conference in Sweden. The matter that forms threads so thin electrical conductance flowing winners join a prestigious list of they can be considered one- through it. As an application, he 200 other Physics laureates dimensional. Acting chairman of said, "it's not in your iPhone, but recognised since 1901. the Nobel committee, Prof Nils it's used in government labs The Nobel Committee M å r t e n s s o n , c o m m e n t e d : around the world." "There are said the trio's discoveries had "Today's advanced technology many aspects of topology people "opened the door on an unknown take for instance our computers point to that could be relevant in world". Old work, new uses r e l i e s o n o u r a b i l i t y t o future, but these are not things When matter is in extreme understand and control the that are working today." For conditions, such as when it's properties of the materials instance, Prof Cooper explained, very cold or flat, scientists start involved. scientists are exploring whether to see unusual behaviour from "And this year's Nobel topological concepts could be the atoms. These phenomena laureates in their theoretical used in "robust quantum devices complement the familiar phases work discovered a set of totally w h i c h c a n d o things that of matter, namely when things unexpected regularities in the classical computers or classical change from solid to liquid to behaviour of matter, which can circuit elements are unable to gas. Prof Haldane commented: be described in terms of an do". "I was very surprised and very e s t a b l i s h e d m a t h e m a t i c a l Microsoft's Station Q gratified." "The work was a long concept - namely, that of project is taking just such an time ago but it's only now that a topology. "This has paved the approach to the development of l o t o f t r e m e n d o u s n e w way for designing new materials powerful quantum computers. discoveries are based on this with novel properties and there "The topological aspects can o r i g i n a l w o r k , a n d h a v e is great hope that this will be give the quantum information a extended it." important for many future robustness against being All three researchers technologies."


destroyed by the usual noisy environment," said Prof Cooper. In addition, he said, topological metals could be used in the manufacture of improved conductors or transistors. line break Previous winners of the Nobel Prize in physics 2015 Takaaki Kajita and Arthur McDonald were awarded the prize the discovery that neutrinos switch between different "flavours". 2014 Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura won the physics Nobel for developing the first blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs). 2013 - Francois Englert and Peter Higgs shared the spoils for formulating the theory of the Higgs boson particle. 2012 - Serge Haroche and David J Wineland were awarded the prize for their work with light and matter. 2011 - The discovery that the expansion of the Universe was accelerating earned Saul Perlmutter, Brian P Schmidt and Adam Riess the physics prize. 2010 - Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov were awarded the prize for their discovery of the "wonder material" graphene. 2009 - Charles Kuen Kao won the physics Nobel for helping to develop fibre optic cables. line break Although British in origin, the three individuals all now live and work in the US. David Thouless was born in 1934 in Bearsden. He is an emeritus professor at the University of Washington. Duncan Haldane was born in 1951 in London. He is a professor of physics at Princeton University. Michael Kosterlitz was born in 1942 in Aberdeen. He is currently affiliated to Brown University. (BBC)




Turkey Purges 13,000 Police Officers Over Failed Coup

Thousands of police were also among those purged in the immediate aftermath of July's failed overthrow(REUTERS)


urkey has suspended almost 13,000 police officers for their alleged links with the USbased Muslim cleric, Fethullah Gulen. The latest wave adds to the 100,000 or so government workers dismissed or suspended since July's failed coup. Mr Gulen denies the government's accusation that he or his supporters orchestrated the coup. The government in turn rejects claims it is using the coup as an excuse to get rid of its opponents. It insists those without proven links to the coup will be freed. More than 2,500 officers whose suspensions were announced on Tuesday were police chiefs, said Turkish national police in a statement. It comes hours

after the government announced that a state of emergency imposed shortly after the failed putsch would be extended by three months when it expires on 19 October. The emergency allows the president and cabinet effectively to rule by decree, bypassing parliament when drafting new laws and able to restrict or suspend rights and freedoms. There are fears that under the state of emergency - and in a country where judicial independence has plummeted - opponents are being rounded up with little chance to clear their name, says the BBC's Mark Lowen in Istanbul. He says the depth of the purge is staggering, with thousands suspended,

dismissed, detained or arrested - from teachers to soldiers, police to judges, aircraft pilots to journalists. In some areas, such as in eastern areas where there are large Kurdish populations, so many teachers have been detained - some accused of supporting the banned Kurdish rebel PKK group that schools have effectively been forced to shut. In the Kurdish areas, education has been hit twice this year: First by violence between security forces and PKK militants and t h e n b y t h e p u rg e t h a t followed the attempted coup. In Diyarbakir, the biggest Kurdish city in the region, 4,000 teachers have been suspended. Ali, a highschool student, moved to Diyarbakir to continue his education after clashes in his hometown, Sirnak, closed all the schools. But he has been stymied here too. Since the coup attempt 19 teachers in his new school have been dismissed, meaning there is very little tuition left. He now uses the past tense when discussing his ambitions. "Going to university," he says, "was my dream."

"I was working very hard to get a good job. But even our teachers are jobless now. What's the point?" The schoolyards in Diyarbakir are mostly silent as school directors search desperately for new teachers. The government says they will deploy 20,000 teachers to fill in. But time passes by. In this region, there is little hope among students, teachers and parents that education standards can be maintained. More than 130 media outlets have also been shut down. Turkish authorities have repeatedly appealed to the US to extradite Mr Gulen and say they have presented documents proving his involvement in the coup bid. Over the weekend, Mr Gulen's brother was detained by police in western Turkey the latest relative to be held. Mr Gulen's two nephews were detained in July and August. Mr Gulen's lawyers insist he had no involvement in the coup attempt, and say he will not have a fair trial if extradited to his homeland. Coup plot and anti-Gulen fervour (BBC)




Germany Drops Turkey President Erdoganto Insult Case his position, a member of a

Satirist Jan Boehmermann poked fun at Turkey's president in an obscene poem on TV(REUTERS)


erman prosecutors have dropped an investigation into a TV comedian accused of insulting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The prosecutors in the western city of Mainz said they had not found sufficient evidence to continue the inquiry against Jan Boehmermann. In March, Boehmermann recited a satirical poem on TV which made sexual references to Mr Erdogan. Mr Erdogan then filed a complaint alleging that he had been insulted. In a statement on Tuesday, the prosecutors said that "criminal actions could not be proven with the necessary certainty". It was "questionable", the statement a d d e d , w h e t h e r Boehmermann's poem constituted slander, given the satirical context in which the comedian recited it. In April, German Chancellor Angela

Merkel Germany said her government would allow the potential prosecution of the comedian, triggering criticism that she did not stand up for free speech. Under German law, the cabinet had to approve a criminal inquiry. However, Mrs Merkel added that the authorities would move to repeal the controversial and little-used Article 103 of the penal code, which concerns insults against foreign heads of state, by 2018. Boehmermann is a satirist and television presenter well-known for pushing the boundaries of German humour. The poem was broadcast on ZDF television. The comedian was later given police protection. Mr Erdogan has drawn much criticism in Turkey and internationally for attacking political opponents, including harassment of

journalists. Many accuse him of authoritarian methods, stifling legitimate dissent and promoting an Islamist agenda. A rarely used article of the criminal code Paragraph 103 of Germany's penal code, on defamation of organs and representatives of foreign states, has the following to say: (1) Whosoever insults a foreign head of state, or, with respect

foreign government who is in Germany in his official capacity, or a head of a foreign diplomatic mission who is accredited in the federal territory shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding three years or a fine, in case of a slanderous insult to imprisonment from three months to five years. The article dates back to the penal code drafted when the German Empire was formed in 1871, although at that time it just applied to monarchs. It has been little used in recent years and is colloquially known as the "Shah law" among German lawyers after the Shah of Persia successfully brought a case against a Cologne newspaper in 1964. A Swiss man living in Bavaria was also prosecuted under the article in 2007, after he posted offensive comments about then Swiss President Micheline Calmy-Rey on the internet. (BBC)




IMF Warns Of Hit To UK Economic Growth



he International Monetary Fund has cut its forecast for UK economic growth next year as it warned that the global recovery remains "weak and precarious". Although the IMF raised its prediction for UK GDP growth this year to 1.8%, the figure for 2017 was cut to 1.1%. Its assumptions are based on "smooth postBrexit negotiations and a limited increase in economic barriers". The IMF's latest World Economic Outlook predicts "subpar" global growth this year of 3.1%, rising slightly in 2017. Chief economist Maurice Obstfeld said: "Taken as a whole, the world economy has moved sideways. Without determined policy action to support economic activity over the short and longer terms, sub-par growth at recent levels risks perpetuating itself." A fall in US growth this year to 1.6%, down from the previous 2.2% forecast, will be offset

by increases in countries including Japan, Germany and Russia and India, the IMF said. The indifferent economic recovery after the global financial crisis has been a persistent theme in the Fund's regular World Economic Outlook reports. The latest report warns of the danger of a pattern of underperformance becoming entrenched. Weak growth can lead to lower investment, slower productivity growth and the erosion of what the IMF calls "human capital" - which means skills and expertise. 'Fraying consensus' The UK referendum result highlights wider trends in developed economies, the IMF says. "The Brexit vote and the ongoing US presidential election campaign have highlighted a fraying consensus about the benefits of cross-border economic integration," the report says. The US reference is about the hostility to international trade agreements such as NAFTA, which involves the

US, Canada and Mexico,) voiced in the election campaign. The Republican candidate Donald Trump has been the most vocal, though not the only voice expressing such views. It is a political trend that has the IMF worried. It argues that an environment hostile to trade would make it harder for commodity exporters and poorer countries to develop new lines of exports. Such a trend would also undermine productivity growth and the spread of knowledge and technology. Mr Obstfeld says: "It is vitally important to defend the prospects for increasing trade integration. Turning back the clock on trade can only deepen and prolong the world

economy's current doldrums." In one important area - China - the IMF's concerns have eased somewhat in the short term. Growth has been stable, allaying fears that China's widely reported economic slowdown would be much more abrupt than it has been. However, there is a warning about the country's longer-term prospects and the debt burden faced by many businesses. "A stillrising credit-to-GDP ratio and lack of decisive progress in addressing corporate debt and governance concerns in state-owned enterprises raise the risk of a disruptive adjustment," the IMF says. That could have important international implications especially for commodity and machinery exporters, for which China is a vital market. (BBC)




Paris Climate Deal: EU Backs Landmark Agreement

India, which ratified the deal on Sunday, is one of the world's largest greenhouse gas emitters(GETTY IMAGES)


he European Parliament has backed the ratification of the Paris climate deal, paving the way for the world's first global agreement. The deal aims to limit greenhouse gas emissions and keep global temperature increases "well below" 2C. It was approved with 610 votes in favour, 38 against and with 31 abstentions. The vote, attended by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, paves the way for the pact to come into force globally. The deal on Tuesday means national ministers can now ratify the agreement on behalf of the EU later this week. To become operational, the treaty needs at least 55 countries representing at least 55% of global emissions to complete all the steps. "With the action taken by the EU parliament, I am confident that we will be able to cross the 55% threshold very soon, in just a matter of a few days," Mr Ban said. "I am extremely honoured to be able to witness this historic moment," he added.

Too little, too late? Roger Harrabin, BBC Environment Analyst The Paris deal has raced through the UN ratification process in doublequick time. It took eight years to get the previous Kyoto Protocol agreed ‒ and that was nowhere near as comprehensive. That is good news for the climate. Further positive news is that renewable energy is plummeting in cost, so the burden faced by nations turning away from fossil fuels is not so great. The bad news, however, is that politicians in Paris have admitted that the targets set for curbing emissions are not tough enough. Coal-fired power stations are still being built at a furious pace in developing countries, even as rich nations turn away from the energy source. The Paris agreement sets an aim ideally for a maximum rise in global temperatures of 1.5C. But scientists have warned that action has been delayed for so

long that there is now a need to develop ways of actually sucking CO2 out of the air. The agreement comes after India, one of the world's largest greenhouse gas emitters, became the latest country to ratify the deal on Sunday. As a so-called "mixed" agreement, the climate deal requires

approval at both EU and national level. But on 30 September EU environment ministers agreed to fast-track it, meaning the deal could be ratified at EU level, even without votes in some national parliaments. Backed by nearly 200 nations nearly one year ago, the agreement aims to shift the world economy away from fossil fuels in an effort to limit floods, droughts and rising sea levels. CO2 emissions are believed to be the driving force behind climate change and a rise in global temperatures. Friends of the Earth climate campaigner Asad Rehman welcomed the deal as a "vital step", but said it was no time for world leaders to be complacent and action should be taken s o o n e r r a t h e r t h a n l a t e r. "People across the globe are facing killer floods and droughts," he said, adding: "What matters most is action now." (BBC)




US Election 2016: Clinton Rips Into Trump Over Taxes



illary Clinton has attacked Donald Trump as the symbol of a "rigged system" after it emerged that he may not have paid income tax for 18 years. "It's Trump first and everyone else last," said the Democratic presidential hopeful while campaigning in Ohio. At the weekend, the New York Times claimed Mr Trump might have avoided tax due to a $1bn loss he made in 1995. But the Republican tycoon declared on Monday it showed he had "brilliantly"

navigated the complex tax code. “I understand the tax laws better than almost anyone," he said, adding that as a hotel developer and businessman, he had "legally used the tax laws to my benefit and to the benefit of my company". His business acumen makes him uniquely qualified to reform the tax code, he told supporters in Colorado. But his Democratic rival castigated him as a hypocrite because he casts himself as a change candidate who will

reform the system in favour of working people. "While millions of American families - including mine and yours - were working hard paying our fair share, it seems he was contributing nothing," said Mrs Clinton. "Trump represents the same rigged system that he claims he's going to change." The tax row is sure to be continued on Tuesday on the debate stage when the two candidates' running mates, Republican Governor Mike Pence and

Democrat Tim Kaine, duel in Virginia. In other campaign developments: An appeal court has ruled against Mr Pence in his attempt to keep Syrian refugees out of Indiana Mr Trump has been attacked for appearing to suggest military veterans affected by PTSD lacked strength Basketball and Cleveland legend LeBron James has backed Mrs Clinton Mr Trump's charitable foundation has been ordered by New York's attorney general to stop fundraising Mr Trump has been on the defensive for a week, ever since the first presidential debate with Mrs Clinton in which he was widely thought to have been second best. A CNN/ORC poll on Monday night suggests Mrs Clinton has received a post-debate bump. With five weeks to go until the election, she has pulled five points ahead nationally according to the poll, and is getting away from him in some of the key battleground states. Nearly three-quarters of those polled said Mr Trump should release his tax returns. (BBC)








Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian Sues Iran Over 'Torture’

Journalist Jason Rezaian and his family are suing the Iranian government for an undisclosed sum(MICHAEL PROBST)


ason Rezaian, the Washington Post's former bureau chief in Tehran, is suing Iran's government after he was imprisoned there for 18 months. The lawsuit says Mr Rezaian suffered "irreparable harm" due to "torture and other cruel treatment". It claims Iran "held him hostage for the purpose of extorting concessions" during talks with the US over its nuclear programme. Yeganeh Salehi, the journalist's wife, was also held for 72 days. Mr Rezaian and Ms Salehi were arrested at gunpoint in Tehran on 22 July 2014, after security forces raided their home. He was

accused of vaguelydefined charges related to spying, and put on trial in secret. His case was heard b y a n I r a n i a n Revolutionary Court judge blacklisted by the European Union for rights abuses. 'Prison food contained concrete' Mr Rezaian, 40, was convicted of espionage and other offences, which the complaint calls a "futile effort" by Iran to justify his imprisonment. "In reality, Jason committed no crime and was never legitimately tried, convicted, or sentenced - even according to Iranian standards," it says. The journalist was sent to Iran's

notorious Evin Prison, where he spent part of his time in solitary confinement. The suit says he was deprived of sleep, relentlessly interrogated, and denied "basic medical treatment for serious and painful illnesses and infections". He lost 50 pounds during his incarceration due to the appalling prison food which "in some cases contained concrete, rocks, dirt or other foreign and inedible objects". Interrogators also threatened to maim his wife and throw him off a cliff. Mr Rezaian was allegedly told by Iranian security guards and interrogators that he was a

"high-value" asset who would be used as a "bargaining chip" in a prisoner swap. The suit, filed in a US district court in Washington, was issued jointly by the journalist's family. According to the document, the protracted ordeal took such a toll on them that Mr Rezaian, his wife, and his brother Ali all considered suicide. Not the first lawsuit The reporter was released on 16 January 2016, after 544 days in prison, along with three other US prisoners. Their release was part of a prisoner exchange with Iran. While Americans are not usually allowed to sue foreign governments, an exception is made for alleged acts of terrorism. Mr Rezaian, his brother, and his mother Mary Rezaian are seeking an unspecified sum in damages for the mental and physical suffering they endured. Amir Hekmati, a US Marine imprisoned by Iran for four and a half years and released alongside Mr Rezaian, also sued Iran last May. He claims he was beaten and tortured with electric shocks. (BBC)




Nigerian Actress Rahama Sadau Sorry For 'Offensive Hug’

The ban was imposed after the singer Classiq released a music video where he embraced actress Rahama Sadau(FINESSE ENTERTAINMENT)


leading Nigerian actress, who was banned from the Hausa-language film industry because of her "immoral" behaviour, has apologised. Rahama Sadau's appearance in a music video "hugging and cuddling" Nigerian pop star Classiq offended some people. Ms Sadau said sorry to those she upset, but said her actions were "innocuous". Hausa films are popular in the mostly Muslim northern Nigeria where it is taboo for men and women to hold hands in p u b l i c . T h e i n d u s t r y, commonly known as Kannywood, has been under fire from conservative Muslim clerics who accuse it of

corrupting people's values. The Motion Pictures Practitioners Association of Nigeria banned the actress from Kannywood films, saying that her appearance in the video violated the industry's code of ethics. It added that it hoped the ban would serve as a deterrent to other actors and actresses who are "expected to be good ambassadors of the society they represent". As the film opens parents are seen discussing who their successful city-dwelling son should marry. They decide on a cousin who they deem meets all their expectations of a good wife. But there's a hitch, their urban, and urbane, son is in love with an educated city lady.

He wants to marry her. The family confronts their son with their choice of wife for him. The dispute generates tension and finally the parents force their son to marry the cousin. He goes through with the wedding but stays in touch with his preferred partner. They go on romantic outings during which he mentions his loveless marriage. Throughout the film, dancing and singing punctuate the action. Despite the passionate plot, there will not be any physical contact. That means no hugging and definitely no kissing. If there is to be any suggestion of sex, the screen will go dark. Ms Sadau said she took full responsibility for

what happened, but argued that she was behaving professionally and added that in her line of work "innocuous touching with other people... is inevitable". But she reassured people that she would behave with decorum, adding: "I have lines that I would never cross." Responding to the criticism she has received she said people should "be more tolerant and forgiving towards one another and to cease all the senseless abuse, name calling and backbiting". The Kannywood star appeared in the video with Classiq, in a song entitled I L o v e Yo u . I n i t , t h e Nigerian pop star is smitten with a vegetable seller in a market, acted by Ms Sadau. Initially, she rejects his advances, batting him away with a bunch of vegetables, but he eventually wins her over. They hold hands and engage in a bit of cuddling that would be considered demure in a Western film. But many people in northern Nigeria felt she had gone too far with Classiq in the music video, reports the BBC's Isa Sanusi from the capital, Abuja. (BBC)




Syria Conflict: Spain And France Draft Aleppo Truce Resolution

Eastern Aleppo's main trauma hospital was damaged in an air strike on Monday, activists said(AMC)


rance and Spain are trying to get UN Security Council agreement for a resolution seeking a truce in the Syrian city of Aleppo, after the US ended its negotiations with Russia. The draft text calls for a UN-sponsored truce monitor, an end to all fighting and military flights over the city. Parties who fail to comply with the truce could face "further measures". Russia immediately questioned the proposal and the grounding of flights, saying it was unlikely to bring peace. The besieged rebel-held east of Aleppo has come under intense and sustained aerial bombardment by Syrian government and Russian forces since a truce

brokered by the Washington and Moscow collapsed last month. France's permanent representative to the UN, Francois Delattre, said: "We consider that this is our responsibility to do absolutely everything we can do, everything humanly possible to unite the Security Council behind our efforts to end the martyrdom in Aleppo." But Russia's ambassador Vitaly Churkin said Moscow was "a little bit baffled" by the proposal for a new ceasefire monitoring mechanism when there is already one in Geneva "which has been there for a long time and frankly has not been used very effectively". “If they were sincere, we can have a resolution, I

suppose, which would be more balanced proposal," he added. UN special envoy Staffan de Mistura said he deeply regretted the US decision to suspend talks with Russia but vowed "to push energetically for a political solution". His spokeswoman, Jessy Chahine, said he was "still in intensive consultations on the way forward". Trading accusations Russian and American officials had been due to meet in Geneva on Monday to try to co-ordinate air strikes against jihadist groups on the ground in Syria, but the Americans were told to return home. Suspending the talks, Wa s h i n g t o n a c c u s e d Moscow of having "failed

to live up" to its commitments under the recent truce deal. In response, Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the US was "trying to shift responsibility on to someone else". "Washington simply did not fulfil the key condition of the agreement to improve the humanitarian condition around Aleppo," she said, referring to Moscow's claim that the US was unable to separate mainstream rebel factions on the ground from the al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat Fateh al-Sham. Hundreds of people, including children, have died since government forces launched an offensive to take full control of Aleppo on 22 September. On Monday, the main trauma hospital in the rebelheld east was damaged in an air strike for the third time in a week, activists said. The Syrian American Medical Society, which supports the facility, said the attack meant only five hospitals remained operational to care for as many as 300,000 civilians, including more than 85,000 children. There were only 29 doctors to treat the overwhelming number of wounded, it added. (BBC)




Italy Earthquake: Pope Francis Makes Surprise Visit To Amatrice visited Accumoli, where a building collapsed following the quake, and Arquata del Tronto, where homes were reduced to rubble.

Pope Francis prays in Amatrice during a surprise visit to the town devastated by an earthquake(REUTERS)


ope Francis has made an unannounced visit to Amatrice, the central Italian town devastated by an earthquake six weeks ago. Large crowds gathered on Tuesday as the

pontiff arrived at a local school where he met children, survivors and relatives of the victims. He said he wanted the visit to be made in private in order to be closer to those directly

affected. The magnitude-6.2 quake in August killed nearly 300 people. In the immediate aftermath of the disaster, authorities advised the Pope that it was unsafe to visit the region. The 79-year-old also

The Pope confirmed his intention to visit Amatrice on Sunday, but did not specify when he would a r r i v e . Va t i c a n spokesperson Greg Burke posted a photograph on Twitter of Pope Francis after he was approached in his car by a local resident who wanted to show her appreciation for his visit. Gerard O'Connell, an Irish journalist living in Rome, posted a tweet quoting Pope Francis as saying: "I am close to you, I pray for you." (BBC)





A Day Like Today

American Actress and Activist, Susan Abigail Sarandon.


usan Abigail Sarandon is a prominent American actress and activist, who was born in Jackson Heights, Queens, New York City a day like today 1946. Sarandon was the eldest of nine children born to a Lenora Marie and Philip L. Tomalin. Her education was fomented in Edison, New Jersey. She later moved to Washington D.C to assist the Catholic University of America. There she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Drama, allowing her to work as a drama teacher after her graduation. As a drama teacher Sarandon was constantly

exposed to the entertainment world. The curiosity of being outside of the auditorium and face the cameras, became an unbearable ‘itch’. Her good performances during castings, gave her small papers in a variety of shows. From 1968 to 1979 she worked in soap operas, motion-pictures and TV shows. She was soon noticed by French film director, screenwriter and producer Louis Malle, who offered her a leading role in the 1978 American historical fiction ‘Pretty Baby’, catapulting her career. From this moment on Sarandon became a

familiar face between the high profile figures of Hollywood. But it wasn’t until 1981 with her performance in the romantic crime film ‘Atlantic City’ that earned Sarandon her fi r s t A c a d e m y Aw a r d nomination. Her charisma, strong performance and facility to recite a script as is if was written by her own hands, soon gave Sarandon the recognition that she deserved. She won an Academy Award for her performance in ‘Dead Man Walking’ in 1995, and received Oscar nominations for her roles ‘Thelma and Louise’ 1991, ‘Lorenzo's Oil’ 1992 and ‘The Client’ 1994. Sarandon has kept herself busy for the last decade appearing in in memorable films such as the ‘Lovely Bones’ in 2009, and spicing her work with temporary appearances in in TV series. To date Sarandon is one of the most respected and acclaimed actress not only in Hollywood, but in the diaspora. Her influential roles in dramas and romances has built her profile as the ‘Strong Mother’, the ‘Tender Lady’ and the late ‘Juliet’ of the 20th century. S o u r c e : http://www.imdb.com/name/nm 0000215/bio







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Daily Horoscope

Spend some quality time with the one you love. Your talents will shine at work. You can make major gains if you talk to your boss about your findings. You will have extra energy; put it to good use.

An older loved one may be having problems. Try not to be too lavish with your lover. Red tape could be impossible to clear up today.

Don't be afraid to talk to close friends or relatives about pressing personal problems. You may find that family members may not be too easy to get along with. Expect temper tantrums on the home front if you haven't been letting someone have their way.

You may experience financial loss if you don't use good judgment. Keep the promises you've made or you can expect to be in the doghouse. You will have difficulties spreading yourself between your work and your home.

You will have a problem with your boss if you haven't done your job. Your knowledge and good sense will help more than you think. Moves will be hectic but favorable in the end.

Implement your ideas into your projects at work. You may find that relationships are not going as well as you'd like. Things are looking good for you, so open your eyes and get to it.

Travel for business or pleasure will be enlightening. Now is a good time to ask for favors. Be up front if you don't want to be embarrassed.

You may find yourself changing plans for some form of entertainment. Moneymaking ventures may just turn your life around. New projects may lead you into a dead end.

Knowledge can be acquired if you listen. You may make someone else look bad. Only bite off what you can chew.

Someone may be trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Don't let siblings put pressure on you. This will be a good day for research and for sitting down with some good, informative reading material.

Your creative input will be appreciated by your boss. You may find your mate somewhat perturbed. Romance can surface if you get into some of those fitness programs you've been putting off.

Money can be made if you use your ingenuity. Try not to be too lavish with your lover. You may find that you are a little lucky today.




RECIPE OF THE DAY: MASHED POTATO CUPS Ingredients Servings: 12 For the mashed potatoes: 4 potatoes ¾ cup MILKO* milk solution 4 T b s p . PA L M B O O M * margarine ¼ cup sour cream For the cups: 2 cups mashed potatoes ¼ cup bacon, cooked and crumbled ¼ cup chives ¼ cup Parmesan cheese, shredded 1 tsp salt 1 tsp pepper 1 tsp garlic powder 1 cup cheddar cheese

Preparation In a large bowl, combine mashed potatoes, bacon, chives, Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Spray a 12-cup muffin pan with cooking spray and divide the mashed potatoes evenly into each cup, Make a hole in the center of each mashed potato cup. Add shredded cheddar to the center of each cup. Bake mashed potato cups at 400ºF/200ºC for 3035 minutes or until outside is crispy and brown. Top with a dollop of sour cream, chives, and bacon crumbs. Enjoy! **Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS


Rooney Tired Of Questions Over Best Position


he debate over whether Wayne Rooney is best as a striker, a number 10 or in midfield has become a tiresome subject for the England captain. Wayne Rooney insists he will have no influence over his role in the England team. Interim England manager Gareth Southgate confirmed

Rooney would retain the captaincy of the national side in the wake of Sam Allardyce's departure, despite him losing his starting spot at Manchester United. R o o n e y ' s performance during Allardyce's sole game in charge – the last-gasp 10 World Cup qualifying win in Slovakia – was widely criticised, particularly after the then manager told a post-match news conference "Wayne played wherever he wanted to". Having dropped into a midfield role for United towards the end of last season and during Euro 2016, Rooney's best position remains a topic of debate,

with his performances as a number 10 this term leading to Jose Mourinho benching him at Old Trafford. Asked at a news conference whether he was guaranteed to start when minnows Malta visit Wembley in Group F on Saturday, Rooney said: "I don’t know, I think that's a question for Gareth. "And also, another question for England about where I play – it's getting a bit tired, the questions about whether I play striker, midfield, number 10. "I've answered that question many times and it’s the same answer. I'll play where the manager wants me to play. "I don't pick myself, I haven't picked myself ever for England. I've played to instructions and I'm sure the instructions Gareth gives me – whether to play or not to play – are instructions which I will try and do to the best of my ability." (SportsMax)

Sharapova: CAS Ruling Provides One Of My happiest Days


ive-time grand slam champion Maria Sharapova is counting down the days until she can

return to tennis after CAS reduced her doping ban. Maria Sharapova says the Court of Arbitration for

Sport's (CAS) decision to reduce her doping ban from two years to 15 months has provided her with "one of my happiest days". The Russian was initially suspended until January 2018, after testing positive for the banned substance meldonium at this year's Australian Open. However, Sharapova claimed to be unaware that meldonium had been added to WADA's prohibited list at the start of 2016 and an appeal to CAS has resulted in her sanction being reduced by nine months. Sharapova will therefore be

free to return to the court in April 2017 and said in a statement: "I've gone from one of the toughest days of my career last March when I learned about my suspension to now, one of my happiest days, as I found out I can return to tennis in April. "In so many ways, I feel like something I love was taken away from me and it will feel really good to have it back. "Tennis is my passion and I have missed it. I am counting the days until I can return to the court." (SportsMax)


Jamaican Winger Leon Bailey Draws Interest From Manchester United Leon Bailey. Bailey, who has had already notched up five goals for Genk, was earlier this week, under the watchful gaze of Manchester United chief scout, Jim Lawlor.


anchester United have signalled their intent to join the likes of Chelsea, Manchester City, Liverpool, Ajax and Juventus in looking at the possibility of signing Genk and Jamaican winger,


The Jamaican did not disappoint, scoring for Genk in their Europa League game against Sassuolo. Genk won that encounter 3-1. Last week, after scoring a brace, Bailey was named to the Europa League team of the week, and last year, was named the best young player in Belgium. The accolades have also drawn

the eye of the Belgium national set up, with Jamaica keen on hanging on to the player, who has featured in age group internationals.

According to reports, Manchester United's latest look at the Genk player was not the first, with other scouts from the Red Devils allegedly having a peek. But United weren't the only scouts on hand for the Genk-Sassuolo match-up, as there were also look outs from Chelsea, Arsenal, Leicester, Sunderland and Newcastle. The Jamaican though, is keeping his cards close to his chest, saying he wants to look at his options. A move for the Genk player could be in the works as early as January, when the transfer window opens. (SportsMax)

Pogba Form Costing Mourinho And United, Says Nicholas

anchester United's struggles in recent weeks can partly be attributed to Paul Pogba's failing form, according to Charlie Nicholas. Paul Pogba's form could cost Jose Mourinho's Manchester United a place in the top four of the Premier League, according to former Arsenal forward Charlie Nicholas. The Frenchman returned to Old Trafford in August for a world-record fee, having spent the previous four years at Juventus - the club he left United for. Despite scoring just once so far this term amid some indifferent performances, Pogba has been a regular starter, and Nicholas believes his stuttering start is hindering the 20-time league champions as he readjusts to English football. "Jose Mourinho is stuck because he has spent a fortune on big-money buys, and

the big-money buys, especially Paul Pogba, are still trying to adapt," he wrote for Sky Sports' website. "Pogba does not understand - at least he doesn't appear to - that he can play his part in a disciplined team. It's all about him and Zlatan Ibrahimovic linking up at the moment, and his constant shots from 30 yards. "If he was an academy youngster coming into the team, people would be screaming and moaning at him, but because he's new and £89million, you let him off. He is allowed to just do what he wants. "It will click eventually, and

it might click soon, but I've got a feeling it will take a bit of time." United finished fifth last season, missing out on a Champions League place for the second time in three years, and currently sit sixth. (SportsMax)


Laporte Spoke with City before staying at Atletico Ay m e r i c L a p o r t e h e l d extensive discussions with Pep Guardiola before opting against a close-season move to Manchester City.


ymeric Laporte chose to stay at Athletic Bilbao despite talking "for a long

time" to Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola. Athletic Bilbao defender

The 22-year-old was linked with a switch to the Etihad Stadium despite breaking his ankle on international duty with France Under-21s in March. He is back to full fitness and has started all nine of Athletic's competitive games this season, winning a senior France call-up for the first time. Laporte cites this seeming guarantee of a firstteam place as a reason for

staying at San Mames. "How did I say no to Pep? By looking at the pros and cons," he told RTL. "I spoke with him for a long time, as well as with my club. I also looked at my family, my friends. "It wasn't too early [in my career]. It was just pros and cons - amount of time on the pitch, me recovering from injury. "These aren't easy things to think about at my age. In the end, I had to make a choice. I did, and I'm happy." (SportsMax)

Kyrgios Into Tokyo Second Round


ael Monfils, Nick Kyrgios and David Goffin were among the seeds to progress at the Japan Open on Tuesday. Nick Kyrgios fired 14 aces as he brushed Ryan Harrison aside to reach the second round of the Japan Open on Tuesday. Kyrgios triumphed 7-5 6-2 in 76 minutes, with his American opponent having no answer to the power of the Australian's serve. "My serve is obviously a big weapon," said Kyrgios. "It gets me out of trouble when I'm not feeling so great and it's always a part of my game that I can rely on to win matches. "I just think that I can't miss the same serve twice, so why not go after it on the second serve

[too]?" Kyrgios will now meet veteran Radek Stepanek, who saw off Stephane Robert 6-2 6-1, while seeded duo Gael Monfils and David Goffin prevailed against two home hopes. Second seed Monfils wasted little time in beating Yuichi Sugita 63 6-1, and fifth seed Goffin claimed a 7-5 62 win against Yo s h i h i t o Nishioka. Ivo Karlovic is into the next round following his w i n o v e r

Federico Delbonis, while there were also victories for Jiri Vesely, Juan Monaco, Gilles Simon, Marcos Baghdatis and Janko Tipsarevic. Eighth seed

Feliciano Lopez retired from his first-round match against James Duckworth at 4-2 down in the deciding set. (SportsMax)


AFA Official Claims Messi ‘Doesn't Look After Himself'


orge Miadosqui, the secretary for the Argentina national team, believes Lionel Messi should do more to keep himself injury free. Lionel Messi does not look after himself properly because he always wants to play, according to Jorge Miadosqui, the Argentina team secretary. The 29-year-

old has been sidelined since September 21 after sustaining a groin strain during Barcelona's 1-1 LaLiga draw with Atletico Madrid at Camp Nou, meaning he will sit out the World Cup qualifiers against Peru and Paraguay this month. The forward's latest muscle injury prompted

Argentina head coach Edgardo Bauza to call for both club and country to work closer together to ensure that Messi can maintain full fitness. But Miadosqui, who was appointed by the Argentine Football Assocation (AFA) in August, believes Messi does not help himself with his determination not to be rested for certain matches. "The one who isn't being careful is the player, who always wants to play," he told ESPN Radio. "We all have to look after him together. "I think that the national team looks after players in the best way. We sent the doctor for Augusto Fernandez's operation, and he went to look at Messi. We have to look after all the national team's players."

Miadosqui expects Messi to be available for the key qualifying matches against Brazil and Colombia next month, but he is confident that Bauza's side can cope without the captain against Peru and Paraguay. "He'll be back in the next few weeks, we hope to have him for the matches in November," he said. "We have to thank the players who come because they do it for the shirt, for the glory. "You have to think that they can get good results without him. We have great players to do just that and you have to be relaxed about it." Argentina are third in the South American qualifying section after eight matches, a point behind leaders Uruguay. (SportsMax)

Weiss Dropped From Slovakia Squad Amid Breath-test Reports


lovakia will be without winger Vladimir Weiss for the World Cup qualifiers against Slovenia

and Scotland, coach Jan Kozak has confirmed. Vladimir Weiss has been dropped from Slovakia's

squad for the forthcoming World Cup qualifiers against Slovenia and Scotland amid reports alleging he refused police requests to undergo a breathalyser test. Former Manchester City, Rangers and Olympiacos winger Weiss, who now plies his trade with Al-Gharafa in the Qatari Stars League, is understood to have been taken into custody in Bratislava on Sunday having neglected to provide breath or blood samples to officers in a roadside check. Speaking at a news conference, Slovakia head coach Jan Kozak said:

"Regarding Vladimir Weiss, we tried to contact him but unfortunately we failed. We got in touch with his lawyer, who said he would be with us in a short time. "I'll talk to him. Regardless of whether he is guilty or innocent, I decided that he will not play in the next two matches because we need to work in peace. "We'll see how the investigation goes and then we will draw conclusions." Slovakia suffered a last-minute 1-0 defeat at home to England in their opening Group F fixture. (SportsMax)


Rising Inter Star Radu Signs New Contract year-old made his senior debut on the final day of the previous Serie A season and has been heralded as one of the club's brightest prospects.


onut Radu was linked with a possible move to Manchester City, but has opted to sign a new four-year

contract with Inter. Inter have announced that young goalkeeper Ionut Radu has signed a new four-year contract. The 19-

Manchester City were credited with an interest in the Romanian, who was in the final year of his contract at San Siro, but he has opted to commit his future to Frank de Boer's side. "FC Internazionale can confirm that Ionut Andrei Radu has renewed his contract with the Nerazzurri club," an Inter statement read. "The young Romanian goalkeeper, who made his debut away against Sassuolo on May 14, has extended his stay at Inter for the next four seasons." A 2-1 defeat to Roma left Inter ninth in Serie A after seven matches. They face Cagliari next on October 16. (SportsMax)

Sports Policy Delayed At Committee Stage


ccording to some cricketers from the Essequibo Cricket Club, they are awaiting a National Sport Policy from the Department of Sports in Guyana. They stated that the government appears to be clueless about the approach to sports development and that everything is being done in an ad-hoc manner and at best spontaneous. The cricketers are blaming the Department of Sports for absence of the National Sports Policy after numerous pronouncements that the policy will soon be tabled in the National Assembly. Speaking to the Guyana Daily News, Director of Sports, Christopher Jones, said that the department is currently reviewing the policy formulated by the previous

administration. He said that the policy is before a committee since December 8, 2015, however the body is yet to make recommendation on the document. The National Sports Policy defines the role of the Government’s involvement in the development of Sports in

Guyana. The policy will cover public health benefits, to maximize educational benefits, to encourage the pursuit of excellence, to provide economic benefit, social cohesion and to develop National pride.


It's The Modem Way - Zabaleta On Guardiola's Internet Ban

Manchester City players much eat breakfast and lunch together without browsing the internet under Pep Guardiola, says Pablo Zabaleta. Pep Guardiola's efforts to build team spirit at Manchester City have extended to disconnecting the WiFi at the Premier League club's training ground, according to Pablo Zabaleta. Zabaleta is playing under the fourth manager of his eight-year spell at the Etihad Stadium and City have impressed under the former Barcelona and Bayern Munich boss, going 11 games unbeaten in all competitions before Sunday's 2-0 loss at Tottenham. Guardiola places a high value on a positive relationship between the members of his squad and, along with ensuring the team take breakfast and lunch together at the Etihad Campus, he is keen to keep the players in conversation and off their smart phones. "He forces us to have breakfast and lunch together at the club," Zabaleta told TyC Sports.

"The internet is cut off, we are held incommunicado. We don't even use 3G." Neverthless, the 31-year-old right back seems to have had no problem in establishing a connection with Guardiola. "You always want and dream to be trained by the best coaches, and today I have the

opportunity to work with one of the best," Zabaleta added. "Actually, you learn a lot, especially the way how you should live. Beyond the knowledge of his idea, you see the passion with which he lives for football." (SportsMax)


Brathwaite, Powell, Pooran Drafted For Bangladesh T20s Carlos Brathwaite and Rovman Powell, West Indies T20 skipper and its newest member respectively, are headed to the Bangladesh Premier League (BPL). The two will be joined in the BPL, along with Nicholas Pooran, who was also recently brought into the Caribbean side. Brathwaite will ply his trade for the Barisal Bulls, while Powell is set to is set to turn out for the Comilla Victorians. Pooran, on the other hand, will be

playing for a new franchise, the Khulna Titans. Brathwaite will be playing alongside veteran opener, Chris Gayle, while Powell will have West Indies One Day International and Test captain Jason Holder for company. The BPL clashes with West Indies tri-series ODI in Zimbabwe. The BPL goes from November 10-28, while the tri-series, which also features Sri Lanka, runs from November 14-27. (SportsMax)

Hurricane Matthew Makes Caribbean Cup Game In Jamaica Impossible Despite the likelihood that Hurricane Matthew will miss Jamaica over the next two days when it is scheduled to pass in that direction, a Caribbean Football Union Men's Championship game between that island and Suriname will not be played on Wednesday. While the game has been postponed, with no announcement of when it will be rescheduled until, a second game against Guyana on October 11 has remained unafected. Jamaica, the defending Caribbean Cup Champions, will be ďŹ elding a team that just had their hopes of making it to the World Cup in Russia dashed, all while sporting an interim coach in Theodore Whitmore, whas a point to prove. (SportsMax)

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