September 27, 2016

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Minister Bulkan Blasts Georgetown Mayor For Illegal Actions Of Town Clerk


inister of Communities Ronald Bulkan in a letter to Georgetown Mayor Patricia Chase-Green reminded her that the elected Council is “supreme,” whereas Town Clerk Royston King, like any other administrative officer, is hired to carry out the directives of the Council. He specifically pointed to the incident

where the Town Clerk recently removed the vendors on Robb Street, between Bourda and Alexander Streets, without first being directed by the Council to do so. King, in response to a complaint by Deputy Mayor Sherod Duncan about not being informed about King’s intended actions, told the Council that he took an “administrative” decision and did not even informed the Office of the Mayor. It was reported that the minister in his letter, said the Mayor’s defense of King at the following statutory meeting was unexpected and not in conformity with the law. “I wish to inform you that your interpretation of the roles of officers does not coincide with the letter and spirit of the laws,” Minister Bulkan stated. “Section 8A of the Municipal and District Council Act of 2013 clearly sets out and states the general duties of city councillors. The section repeatedly makes clear that the elected council is supreme, the Town Clerk is but an a d m i n i s t r a t o r, l i k e a n y o t h e r administrative officer, hired to carry out the directives of the council.” The minister said the act states that one of the duties of the Council is to ensure that the municipality is managed in a professional and competent manner by

a qualified Town Clerk. Minister Bulkan pointed out that Section 77 of the aforementioned act, states that the tow clerk is an administrative officer and not an executive official. “Clearly, therefore, the authority of the Town Clerk is derived from the decisions of the Council. As such, he may perform duties only assigned to him by law and be directed by the decisions of the Council. “ E v i d e n t l y, t h e l a w d o e s n o t contemplate any scenario in which the Town Clerk makes an order with regard to the management of the municipality in the absence of an order from the Council. Further, it is unthinkable that the Town Clerk may make such an order without the knowledge of the Council and after doing so, inform the Council of his own decision. To do so would be to exceed his authority and usurp the mandate of the Council.” According to the minister, King’s decision to remove the vendors from the Robb Street location without being so directed by the Council was outside of his authority and the mayor’s defense of his actions was unexpected, and while understandable, was not in conformity with the law.

Haitians charged For Illegally Entering Guyana Emeal,27, Panel Manizear,45, Willner Jose,24, Gee Emeal,25 ive Haitian nationals were each fined GY$20,000 each


for entering Guyana illegally by sea and disembarking without the consent of an immigration officer on September 23, 2016 at Springlands, Corentyne. If they do not pay the fine, then they will spend 2 weeks in prison. The 5 men who appeared unrepresented before the court heard the charge translated to t h e m a s t h e y communicated with the court via translator and pleaded guilty. The 5 men, Figuero

and Roinson Torbinero 19, were given the opportunity to explain to the court why they committed the act, to which they all responded stating that they were on their way to Brazil to visit their family. It was noted that on September 24, 2016, police officers conducted a search on a Minibus that was destined for Lethem at which time they found the 5 accused who were holders of Haitian passports. However upon conducting a search on the passports it was found that they did not have Guyanese entry stamps. They were warned of the offence and at which point they told the officers that they had traveled from Suriname to Guyana via a small boat on September 23, 2016 and were in transit to Brazil.




PPP Continues To Protest High Court On Election Petition Persaud expressed that there are many Guyanese who would like to know that this petition is heard and a decision is made. He explained that the protest is continuing because the PPP is looking for justice. In comparing Guyana with Trinidad, the former government minister said that “Their election were in September last year. They had six petitions filed and a number of those petitions have already been determined by the court and here in Guyana we are waiting to the light of day for a petition to commence.” Meanwhile, Rohee said that the delay is a “disgraceful and embarrassing situation for Guyana [and] the rest of the Caribbean. Rohee is of the view that the petition is a “matter of great urgency” and therefore must be given priority in the High court. On June 24, 2015 the PPP filed an election petition in the High Court, challenging the results of the May 11 General and Regional Elections, in which the APNU+AFC coalition was victorious. The petition is asking for the High Court to rule that the elections were null and void. The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) had subsequently filed a summons to strike out the petition. Former acting Chief Justice Ian Chang had quashed the counter summons, allowing the petition to go to trial. GECOM has however appealed the ruling of the former Acting Chief Justice. PPP protestors at the High Court

Supporters of the People Progressive’s Party (PPP) led by General Secretary Clement Rohee and former Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Ganga Persaud once again stage a picketing exercise outside the High Court in Georgetown expressing concerns about the delay in the hearing of the elections petition that was filed by the PPP. “What we are doing is to express our concerns that an election petition that has been filed for many many many months is still to be heard by the high court,” Persaud said.


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GUYANA DAILY NEWS Mental Health Continues To Be Ignored In Guyana PAGE 5

The state of mental health in Guyana is of grave concern to many and sections of society believe that the government is neglecting mental health in Guyana. The tragedies of the mentally unstable wandering the country’s streets and continuing domestic violence, murders and suicides point to a mental health crisis that is largely being ignored by the government, says founder of the Guyana Foundation Supriya Bodden. According to Bodden, those who are left to sleep on the streets, women who are beaten with hateful words before finally being stabbed to death by their angry spouses, and youth attempting to bury their depression in suicide are victims in the tragic stories among the underprivileged in society. Mental disorders have a severe impact on the Guyanese society, especially economic impacts which appear clearly in the Guyanese society. These disorders cost individuals and families’ serious economic burden, where the family bears the expense for the treatment of mental illness in addition to lost employment, reduced productivity and high levels of crime. Direct costs of the treatment of mental disorders in countries like Guyana, where there is limited mental health care may be lower than countries where there is advanced mental health care, but on the other hand the indirect costs increase because of lack of treatment. It is imperative that the government pay greater attention to curb mental illness in order to avoid further impact on society and economy. Making effective programs and policies available would provide Guyana with a wide range of preventive tools to tackle mental disorders. It is important to develop a system of national databases to provide government with information on evidence on their outcomes and conditions


for effective implementation. Financial support should be allocated to the implementation of prevention programs and policies and the development of required infrastructures. In addition, investments in capacity building at the country level should be promoted, providing training and creating a workforce of professionals. Much of this investment will need to come from the government. Child abuse, discrimination, poverty and lack of access to education have a significant impact on the development of mental ill health and the cause of mental disorders. Actions and policies that improve the protection of the basic human rights plays a very powerful preventative strategy for mental disorders.




PPP Upset With Police Barricades During Protest Against GECOM

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) today held a peaceful picketing exercise outside of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), however the party was greeted with barricades by the Guyana Police Force in front of the Commission. A senior police official told the Guyana Daily News that they were instructed not to allow anyone to pass the barricade, however persons were seen traversing within the blockade. General Secretary, Clement Rohee, told this newspaper that he is very upset with the barricades, claiming that this is another effort by the police to interfere with political activities. Police baricades in front of GECOM as PPP protest continues According to Rohee, this move by the Guyana Police Force is an attempt to conduct a peaceful picketing exercise, stating that this should never have been the case, pointing out that there were never any barricades at previous protests. The PPP is calling for the removal of G E C O M ’s C h a i r m a n D r. S t e v e Surujbally from office, citing the rigging of the General and Regional elections which were held in May 2015. On June 24, 2015, the PPP filed an election petition in the High Court, questioning the validity of the May 11 General and Regional Elections, while asking the court to grant a number of orders including the nullification of the election as well as an order for new elections to be held. The petition was filed by former Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall, on behalf of the applicant, PPP/C Executive Member Ganga Persaud, under the National Assembly (Validity of Elections) Act Chapter 1:04, and names as the defendants on the petition – Chief Elections Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Keith Lowenfield, and the representatives of the List of Candidates for all eight parties that contested the recently concluded election.




Self-Confessed Drug Lord Dataram Found Guilty

Self-Confessed Drug Lord Barry Dataram who was absent in court today was fined GY$164,268,000 and sentenced to 60 months imprisonment after he was found guilty by City Magistrate Judy Latchman of being in possession of 129 kg of cocaine with the intent of trafficking the said narcotics. Dataram was jointly charged along with his reputed wife Ajanie Boodnarine, Kevin Charran and Trevor Gouveia after a raid was carried out on a Diamond Housing Scheme property that is owned by Dataram in 2015. However the other three accused in the matter were all found to be innocent of the charge and their case was dismissed by the Magistrate. Dataram and his reputed wife Boodnarine continues to be on the run from local authorities after they reportedly fled the country to neighboring Suriname before the trial ended.

Driver Allegedly Busted With Marijuana Remanded However Police Prosecutor Corporal Denaro Jones objected

Magistrate Ann McLennan today remanded interior vehicle operator, Keith Stevens after he appeared before her in the Georgetown Magistrate's Court charged with being in possession of 14.061 kg of cannabis with the intent of trafficking on September 23, 2016 at First Avenue, Bartica. The matter was transferred to the Bartica Magistrate Court where Stevens will appear on October 12, 2016. Stevens, 37, pleaded not guilty to the charge and his attorney in a bail application stated that his client was unaware that he was in possession of the narcotics.

to bail citing that no special reason was given to the court for consideration of bail. It is alleged that on the day in question at around 17:00h, ranks attached to the Bartica Police Station were on patrol when they noticed the accused standing holding a black plastic bag and acting a suspicious manner. Upon approaching Stevens, the officers reported that he threw the bag in a parked motor car and attempted to escape on foot. He was however caught and the bag recovered and searched in his presence and the narcotics were found.




Can Guyana Become A Green State? President David Granger discussed a number of issues, during the 71st session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, regarding his engagement to the UN of Guyana’s Green Agenda. The direct impact of Guyana becoming a ‘Green State’ is one of the main concerns not only for local businesses and investors but also for the common citizen.

The project Guyana is standing as a project to promote a green economy. This one is defined as an economy that aims to reduce environmental risks and ecological scarcities, providing sustainable development without degrading the environment. President Granger at the UN meeting expressed his commitment to turn Guyana into a green state. Guyana stands as one of the pioneer countries in South America and the Caribbean, to implement this ecologically friendly strategy. The reason The Amazon forest, as a large supply of limited resources, represents the ‘holy grail’ for any nearby country in a search for an alternative energy supplement. As the fossil oil or crude, becomes scarce water power, sunlight and wind take the main stage as the ultimate replacements of this no longer 100% reliable source of energy. The rainforest, as the name describes it, has Hydropower as one its strong points. But not only can the Amazon provide water. The Amazon can provide Life. Qualified as the ‘Lungs of the World’ this large, dense and humid suffice is the reason why the Ozone Layer’s sized reduced significantly in the last 10 years. The large trees and plants of this vast area absorb, the yearly emanations of Carbon Dioxide (Co2), transforming it into Oxygen, enlarging our lifespan on this blue planet.

President David Granger on the 71rst Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN)

The mission President Granger stated, on the Special Emission of the local program The Public interest, that by simply preserving the rainforests, the country’s economy will see gradual, but certain benefits. He assured that countries that generate harmful emissions of carbon dioxide, will pay Guyana as part of the –“Lungs of the Earth”- to keep a healthy ecosystem, balancing the rapid deterioration of the environment, and its devastating global effects. The leader also stressed the equal importance of preserving our diversity, as part of the Guyanese identity and main motor for ecotourism. The Head of State addressed that is a ‘win-win’ deal. Guyana’s economy will ‘absorb’ all the goods that the rain forest has to offer without damaging its fauna. From the consensus of international deals, to the extraction, elaboration and possible exportation of 100% natural cosmetic products. A green economy represents a step forward, and a promising alternative for a country that has a wide range of natural, unexploited resources. This alternative will also represent, accordingly to the President Granger, an opportunity to employ the youngsters in a diversity of occupations. The venture into a green economy was defined by the leader as – “A total new experience. A new chapter in our economic development”The cons It is a noble vision that in theory could bring a small country like Guyana, out of the economic lethargy that it is experiencing. But the implementation of such a strategy could also bring more problems than solutions. The Guyana and Venezuela border conflict is one of the main aspects to take into consideration. Relying on an energy supply that is under the dispute of two nations, could represent the ultimate spark for a military confrontation. Currently the tensions between Guyana and Venezuela, make headlines in local and international newspapers. Overseas investors won’t risk their assets on a country that is at the edge of a conflict. Also, the adoption of the hydraulic power, can only be implemented after the construction of a Hydroelectric Plant. Where would government locate funds, if simple public projects, festivals and national parades are being cancelled for the lack of these? Facts that make of the ‘Green Agenda’ a long term campaign, or a project with no solid grounds. S o u r c e : Ymc




Not Enough Education Welfare Officers - Chief Welfare Officer There are exactly 41 Education Welfare Officers providing information, advice, guidance and support to the nearly 190,000 children in the 970 public schools across the country. Speaking with the Government information Agency (GINA), Chief Schools’ Welfare Officer of the Ministry of Education, Gillian Vyphius said that the department has been “juggling” to provide the service of education welfare officers to the students, including working with ‘at-risk’ students families and other community partners to address barriers to learning and strengthening the safety net for these students. Vyphius related in order to fill the gap, the department has to rely heavily on the “Liaison Welfare Officers, whereby teachers are identified from different schools to liaise with the school’s welfare department to deal with minor incidents that arise in the schools.” The teachers however have been carrying out the duties of liaison officers without compensation from the Ministry and this is something the department is looking to address. Vyphius explained that those teachers with social work background are asked by the Ministry to carry the function of

the Liaison Welfare Officer. At the Ministry of Education, there is what is called a ‘Maintenance of Order and Discipline Manual.’ Vyphius explained that this manual is used to train these teachers, and is also used as a guide in carrying out their liaison duties, including sanctioning students. The Liaison Welfare Officer Chief Welfare Officer, Gillian Vyphuis programme however is not active in all schools, just those in Regions Five, Six and Ten, Vyphius said. The introduction of more schools’ welfare officers and counsellors is among issues has identified to be address in the revamp of the education system that churns out more well-rounded children. Minister of Education Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine, had suggested the rehiring of retired Head Teachers to fill some of these roles.




Educate A Woman To Educate A Nation -First Lady Tells Essequibo Self Reliance Workshop Georgetown, Guyana – (September 26, 2016) First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, today, told the women participating in the seventh session of the Self-Reliance and Success in Business Workshop that she has high hopes for them as women have the ability to change a nation. The First Lady made these remarks at the opening of the workshop, in Essequibo, Pomeroon-Supenaam (Region Two). “I am focusing on Self-Reliance and Success in Business Workshop for women because all the data shows, throughout the world, that if… a woman succeeds economically she takes her whole family [with her],” the First Lady said. Mrs. Granger also noted that her main priority at the close of each workshop is to always ensure that each participant is given a certificate that is recognised by the Ministry of Business. “I take this [West African] proverb, which my husband has Participants, displaying posters of the 6 ‘P’s of Business quoted, ‘you educate a man and you educate an individual. You educate a woman and you educate a nation’. I have very high hopes for you here… if you have been in business for a while you [will] be able to understand a bit more, how you can drive yourselves forward. It is for your independence and for your self-confidence,” she said. Meanwhile, Mr. Yohann Sanjay Pooran, facilitator at Interweave Solutions Incorporated, recalled that at a recently concluded workshop held in Port Kaituma, Barima-Waini (Region One) the First Lady had emphasised the importance of women speaking up for themselves, even as he noted that this is an important part of them taking ownership of their success. “Speaking for yourself can encompass so many aspects of your life … your pocket, your family, the quality of life that Some of the women who are participating in the Self-Reliance and Success in Business Workshop you live… I believe that empowerment element, that ability to speak for yourself forms the major emphasis of this programme,” Mr. Pooran said. Meanwhile, Regional Executive Officer, Mr Brentnol Hopkinson said that every successful business has a chain of spending, which it follows and businesswomen have an important role to play. “You are contributors to the development of the nation… When you see yourself as a contributor to national development, you see yourself as being part of the process… [and] you must see yourself as part of the development of ‘the good life’. The Self-Reliance and Success in Business Workshop has, to date, benefited over 200 women across the regions and from all walks of life. Regional Executive Officer, Mr. Brentnol Hopkinson delivering his remarks at the MOTP Press Release

opening of the Self-Reliance and Success in Business Workshop, today, in Essequibo.




GEORGETOWN, MOSP – TINNENBEN Animation Studio Series ‘Nancy School Daze’ Is A “World Class Product Which We Are Proud To Support” Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Of E-Networks Vishok Persaud Said Saturday. Persaud said the locally-produced animated show need “the o f t h e g l o b a l biggest possible audience” and his company’s vision is to ensure it becomes popular in the Caribbean and the North American diaspora which comprises some 30 – 35 percent of E- Network’s audiences. Speaking at Saturday’s Premier Series launch at the Herdmanston Lodge, Anira Street, Queenstown, in the capital, Persaud reminded that Guyanese must have “national pride and patriotism to encourage ( the growth of local) products.” Pleading for patience, Persaud assured the audience which included Social Protection Minister, Mrs. Volda Lawrence and Minister of Business, Mr. Dominic Gaskin, that efforts in the creative industry here will “mature with time”. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Institute of Private Enterprise Development (IPED) Mr Ramesh Persaud admitted that his agency “had to take a chance” funding Tinnenben’s production notwithstanding existing uncertainties in the local animation sector. “You can’t wait for things to be perfect,” the pragmatic Persaud said. He said while there is “still room for additional sponsors” to support local animation production he is trusting that TINNENBEN pioneering efforts will pave the way for animation in Guyana to become financially viable. IPED has set aside some US$250,000 (G$50M) to back initiatives in Guyana’s emerging creative industry sector. Tinninben’s CEO Mr T. Alex Graham got wind of the available funding and approached the company for support even though local “financiers don’t get involved in these types of models” Persaud said. When he spoke, Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin couldn’t hide his lively interest for Graham’s groundbreaking move. “I am enthusiastic about animation,” Gaskin admitted. The government minister is nevertheless worried that citizens of the 50-year old Independent Republic have still been unable to translate creativity “into wealth for artistes”. “The commercial element of our creativity has eluded us,” Gaskin said. Remedies offered by Minister Gaskin included taking deliberate steps to diversify the economy because of endless opportunities in the global market and converging digital technology with local creativity. That opportunities abound, especially for enterprising youths, Gaskin said however “opportunities need strategies” for maximum economic benefits. There are cultural benefits too to be derived from the local animation production, the Minister said, which if managed the right way can help promote Guyanese culture overseas. Tinninben has a similar belief, its CEO Alex Graham said. “Our ultimate goal…is to mine our rich history, culture, and storytelling traditions in order to create and produce unique stories told in distinctively Guyanese (and Caribbean) way and that allows us to tackle global problems from a local perspective that is of value to the world,” said Graham. The world is willing too, to back contemporary problems handled in entertaining ways. “The size

animation industry is approaching US$300 billion. The major animation markets include the United States, Canada, Japan, China, France, Britain, Korea and Germany. Most of the segments in the animation industry are growing at the rate of 7 % Ye a r o n Ye a r, ” Graham said. He said “The demand for animated entertainment has expanded with the increase in broadcasting hours by cable and satellite TV along with the growing popularity of the ubiquitous Internet. In the past, animation series were aimed at children aged nine and below. Now, TV stations have been producing animation series for teenagers, adults and the whole family. This is serious business.” Nancy’s School Daze is an episodic animated television series in which the lead character and her class-mates faceoff with a school gang comprising older male students. Nancy’s wit and brilliance help them “stay one step ahead of trouble and be successful at their school work. Along the way they confront the personal struggles of adolescence, the group struggles of teamwork and leadership, and the ugly social issues of peer-pressure, bullying, violence (and) abuse.” The first in the series “will be released Saturday (on E1) and after that we should have a new episode every two weeks until the season ends in May 2017. That should give us about 12 episodes in season 1,” Graham promised.” “Our hope is that the season in those overseas markets that take the show would start in January and end in May as well,” Graham said. Ministry of Social Protection Press release




Suriname To Invest US$1.287 Billion In Energy And Infrastructure the gold and timber sectors. The government will also use By Ray Chickrie US$65 million from the Islamic Bank loan to invest in an Caribbean News Now contributor PARAMARIBO, Suriname -- With a soft loan of US$1.8 industrial park in the Para District. The government is in billion from the Islamic Development bank (IsDB), Suriname advanced talks with an American company to set up an will invest $1.287 billion from that sum to finance a series of industrial park in Suriname, but the president did not name the more than 40 projects in energy and infrastructure as part of company. President Desi Bouterse’s government’s “Framework for the The execution of these projects and handling of the funds will Stabilization and Restoration Program 2016-2018”. be scrutinized by the Islamic Bank and their experts. Suriname Meanwhile, the government in an official press release late on will supervise the implementation of the projects. However, Friday asserted that Suriname is above its 2016 fiscal targets funds will be paid directly by the bank to the relevant parties and is committed to an International Monetary Fund (IMF) involved in the projects. The contractors will be paid directly by agreement to stabilize the economy, despite claims by an the IsDB. The government of Suriname and its relevant ministries will not come in contact with the money. After Associated Press (AP) report in the media last week. The release said that monthly data indicated that the country’s completion of a project, the cost will be deducted from the international reserves are increasing, inflationary pressures are available sum of US$1.8 billion and posted as an official loan abating, and the exchange rate is beginning to stabilize. from the Islamic Bank. This also applies to the purchases of Suriname faced a deep balance of payment crisis in 2015 and basic goods and medicines, which the Islamic Bank is funding. the government implemented a recovery program with the The foreign suppliers of these goods will be paid by the IsDB in support of the IMF and the IsDB. The government will continue foreign currency. This will put less stress on the already limited to “work in close cooperation with international financial dollars in the Bank of Suriname and less pressure on the institutions” to achieve “macroeconomic stability to meet and exchange rate. Last week, US$400 million was made available exceed the conditions” of its recovery programme, in refuting a for two years by the Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC) of the claim in the media that Bouterse will abandon the IMF recovery Islamic Development Bank for four ministries – natural resources, trade and industry, public health and agriculture, programme. This loan from the Islamic Bank has now afforded the animal husbandry and fisheries, for the purchase of essential government more options and Paramaribo is very optimistic goods and medicines. (Caribbean News Now!) that the economy will stabilize as foreign reserves in the national bank increased. The details of the agreement are being fleshed out by the government of Suriname and the IsDB, the government revealed to the media last week. US$1.287 billion will be spent on energy and infrastructure. The social sector gets US$132 million, US$95 million for the agricultural sector, US$500,000 to the ministry of finance and the central bank for capacity building, while US$265,000 is intended for trade and export promotion. Suriname plans to construct and rehabilitate more than 40 to 50 bridges across the country. In addition, hundreds of kilometers of rural roads will be built or rehabilitated. In the inner city of Paramaribo, six bridges will be built or Suriname’s Minister of Finance, Gillmore Hoefdraad (R) and the President of the Islamic rehabilitated. In the Marowijne and Development Bank, Dr Ahmad Mohamed Ali Al-Madani, shake hands after signing a loan agreeBrokopondo regions many bridges and ment for the project 'Secondary and Technical Education Support in Suriname' at the 41st roads will be built or repaired to stimulate annual meeting of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) in Jakarta, Indonesia, in May 2016




Brazil Sees St Lucia As A Port Of Entry For OECS Business CASTRIES, St Lucia -- Brazil would like to see the small islands of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) region do more business with it – and the giant Latin American neighbour to the south is ready to open its doors and markets to its tiny northern businesses. The Brazilian embassy in Saint Lucia is bringing a 20- to 30-member high-powered business mission to Saint Lucia next month but, while it is aimed at businesses in the OECS capital, there are also plans for the mission to arrange for its members, accompanied by Brazilian parliamentarians, to visit other OECS territories in the near future. Brazil’s ambassador to Saint Lucia, Sergio Couri, said the November 11-17 business mission’s objective is two-fold: to talk and do business in Saint Lucia and open the gates to do likewise with all the other OECS member states. He explained, "The Brazil mission has two basic goals. One is of a purely business-like nature – that is, to prospect business, mainly investment, between Saint Lucia and Brazil. “The second goal is not of a secondary interest, for three Brazilian Parliamentarians, among other authorities, are expected to join the business delegation to locally collect elements to enhance creation of a Brazil-OECS Parliamentary Group.” He added, “A related proposal has already been presented by Federal Representative Wherles Rocha, from the Amazonian State of Acre, to the Presidency of the House of

Representatives.” The proposal was presented last March and, according to Couri, “is now under consideration by the Commission of External Relations of that Chamber.” That ambassador says the Brazilian mission, in Saint Lucia, will seek “to engage the official branch of the delegation in exploratory conversations with the OECS, to define the modalities of interaction possible with all Eastern Caribbean countries.” According to Couri, “I don’t want Brazil to be left with the false impression that the OECS would be sluggish in availing itself of that broad-spectrum initiative, which is being brought abroad by the Brazilians.” The envoy noted that, “In final analysis, it will mean that the diplomatic relations between the South American giant and the Helen of the Caribbean will be closely followed-up by the resulting existence of a concerned group within the Brazilian political space, with a presumably enlarged delivery of projects and their executions.” Couri flagged that he has undertaken “a formal gesture towards the OECS Commission” regarding the Brazilian initiative, “in respect of the entity’s mandate to promote the development and well-being of the East Caribbean peoples." The Saint Lucia visit by the Brazilian mission is being coordinated by Nomad2 Development, a Brazil-based entity dedicated to promotion of Brazilian business interests, at home and abroad. (The Diplomatic Courier) (Caribbean News Now!)

A Port of Opportunities! The brochure ahead of the 30-member Brazilian delegation’s visit advertises Castries as an entry port for business opportunities, not only in Saint Lucia, but across the OECS




Indonesian Foreign Minister To Visit Suriname By Ray Chickrie Caribbean News Now contributor

NEW YORK, USA -- Following a bilateral meeting between the foreign minister of Suriname, Niermala Badrising, and her counterpart from Indonesia, Retno Marsudi, during the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) heads of state meeting in Venezuela, Marsudi will pay an official visit to Suriname in January 2017. It will be the first visit of an Indonesian foreign minister to Suriname in over a decade. Badrising and Marsudi also discussed preparations for the Indonesia/Suriname Joint Commission meeting, which is scheduled for October 3 in Paramaribo. The two foreign ministers are now working to finalize the agenda of the meeting. During the meeting, the diplomats discussed Foreign Minister of Suriname, Niermala Badrising (L), several projects in the and her counterpart from Indonesia, Retno Marsudi

pipeline, such as organizing an art and culture exhibition to encourage peopleto-people contact between Suriname and Indonesia. Jakarta and Paramaribo plan to cooperate more closely in the future in the field of cultural exchange. About 20 percent of Suriname’s population is made up of ethnic Indonesians. Indonesia and Suriname also plan to advance cooperation in international forums. Badrising and Marsudi discussed new areas of cooperation and investment opportunities in fisheries, agriculture and infrastructural development. This could all fall within the context of the membership of both countries, Indonesia and Suriname, in the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). Suriname has moved ahead in implementing visa exemption for Indonesian citizens who wish to visit for tourism. Badrising was also present recently at the reception commemorating the independence of Indonesia at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, where she had a short meeting with the vice president of Indonesia, Muhammad Jusuf Kalla. (Caribbean News Now!)





CDC Issues Zika Travel Alert For St Kitts-Nevis

ATLANTA, USA -- Following reported local mosquito transmission of zika virus infection, the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC) on Monday issued a zika virus travel notice for St Kitts and Nevis. Local mosquito transmission means that mosquitoes in the area are infected with zika virus and are spreading it to people. Because zika virus is primarily spread by mosquitoes, CDC recommends that travelers to St Kitts and Nevis protect themselves from mosquito bites. Mosquitoes that spread zika are aggressive daytime biters. They also bite

at night. There is no vaccine or medicine for zika virus. The best way to avoid zika virus infection is to prevent mosquito bites. Some travelers to areas with zika will become infected while traveling but will not become sick until they return home and they might not have any symptoms. To help stop the spread of zika, travelers should use insect repellent for three weeks after travel to prevent mosquito bites. Sexual transmission of zika virus from a male partner is also possible, so travelers are also encouraged to use condoms or not have sex. Many people infected with zika virus do not get sick. Among those who do develop symptoms, sickness is usually mild, with symptoms that last for several days to a week. People who do have symptoms have reported fever, rash, joint pain, and red eyes. Current CDC research suggests that Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is strongly associated with zika; however, only a small proportion of people with recent zika virus infection get GBS. Most people fully recover from GBS, but some have permanent damage. GBS is a rare disorder that can cause muscle weakness and paralysis for a few weeks

to several months, is very likely triggered by zika in a small proportion of infections, much as it is after a variety of other infections. Most people fully recover from GBS, but some have permanent damage. Zika infection during pregnancy may cause a serious birth defect of the brain called microcephaly and other severe fetal brain defects. Until more is known, CDC continues to recommend that pregnant women and women trying to become pregnant take the following precautions: Pregnant women • Should not travel to any area with zika. • If you must travel to or live in one of these areas, talk to your healthcare provider first and strictly follow steps to prevent mosquito bites. • If you or your partner live in or travel to an area with zika, use condoms or other barriers, the right way, every time you have sex or do not have sex throughout the pregnancy. Sex includes vaginal, anal, and oral sex. Travelers to areas with zika should monitor for symptoms or sickness upon return. If they become sick, they should tell their healthcare professional when and where they have traveled. (Caribbean News Now!)




Barbados Hosts Training Course For Regional Financial Investigators

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados -- The Regional Security System (RSS) Asset Recovery Unit (ARU) concluded a two-week standardised training course for financial investigators with a closing ceremony in Barbados last Friday. Guest speakers were Jefferson Clarke, law enforcement advisor of Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) and Brian Roberts, RSS regional maritime officer, who also presented participants with their certificates. This training course is part of a planned programme of continuous Participants at the course and members of the RSS Asset Recovery Unit personal development for all different investigative units working in independent countries of the Eastern specialist financial investigators across the Caribbean region. Students on the Caribbean: Antigua and Barbuda, the RSS member countries with a view to course were drawn from the dedicated Dominica, Grenada, St Kitts and Nevis, having the financial investigators trained financial investigation units in each of Saint Lucia and St Vincent and the by the RSS ARU certified under the the seven RSS treaty countries, as well as Grenadines. The RSS ARU objective is Caribbean Financial Action Task Force two officers from the Royal Cayman to build capacity and capability within (CFATF) Accreditation Programme. Islands Police Service. Participants on regional law enforcement agencies, Subjects covered included open source this course came from Barbados, Antigua financial intelligence units (FIUs), public intelligence – using the internet and and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St prosecutors, magistracy and the social media to gather information about Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia and St judiciary. The unit seeks to enhance their suspects; investigating off shore Vincent and the Grenadines, as well as efforts in countering serious organised companies and trusts; and the practical officers from the Cayman Islands. crime by utilising cash seizure, money application of the law relating to the The RSS ARU is funded by the UK’s laundering and confiscation legislation confiscation of criminal assets. D e p a r t m e n t f o r I n t e r n a t i o n a l in financial investigation and criminal They also received input from French D e v e l o p m e n t ( D f I D ) . B a s e d i n asset recovery. (Caribbean News Now!) and US law enforcement agencies to Barbados, it also covers the six increase cooperation between the




Caribbean's Largest Cruise Conference And Trade Show Opens In Puerto Rico

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- Tuesday marks the opening of the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) Cruise Conference and Trade Show, the largest cruise conference and trade show in the Caribbean and one of the best ways to target the cruise industry and maximize its benefits. The four-day event will gather 1,000 cruise tourism stakeholders and 100 senior cruise executives for a series of meetings, workshops and networking functions aimed at developing understanding, relationships and business. "The FCCA Conference and Trade Show puts cruise tourism stakeholders in the middle of the action," said Micky Arison, chairman of Carnival Corporation & plc and the FCCA. "From tour operators launching their first tour to destinations building a new port, this is the place where decisions and developments are reached and relationships are made to pave the way for future business." Taking place until September 30, the event launches on Tuesday with the official Trade Show opening at 11 am, inaugurating the largest trade show in the event's history with innovations like the first-ever purchasing initiative to coincide with the announcement of a new FCCA sourcing program. The conference opening ceremony will follow at 5:30 pm, featuring a keynote address by Arnold Donald, president and CEO of Carnival Corporation & plc, along with remarks by high-ranking government officials from Puerto Rico and the unveiling of a new strategic partnership between the FCCA and Aquila's Center for Cruise Excellence. These events will commence the opportunities to learn from and develop business and relationships with successful stakeholders and cruise executives who decide where ships call, what sells onboard and how to invest in destination products and infrastructure. Opportunities include one-on-one meetings between

conference delegates and pre-selected cruise executives of their choice, along with workshops focusing on shore excursions, supplying products to the cruise industry, best practices for safety and security measures in destinations and ports, and insight into how the industry's latest and upcoming trends applies to the audience through input by Arison, Orlando Ashford, president, Holland America Line, and Adam Goldstein, president and COO, Royal Caribbean Cruises Limited. Plus, the event features networking functions to foster relationship building between attendees and executives, while displaying some of the preparations by Puerto Rico, which partnered with the government and local businesses to coordinate the logistics and display their rich culture, diverse destination products and improved infrastructure. "The FCCA appreciates San Juan's and the entire country's efforts and commitment to making the 23rd annual FCCA Conference and Trade Shows one of the best events yet," said Michele Paige, president, FCCA. "It has pulled out all the stops to woo the cruise executives and attendees, allowing all to see the offerings of and improvements that have led it to impressive recent growth that we look forward to continuing." Puerto Rico knows the significance of hosting the FCCA Cruise Conference and Trade Show. After last hosting it in 2011, it experienced a ten percent increase of FCCA member line passenger arrivals between 2010 and 2013 and continued this growth, last year welcoming nearly 20 percent more than 2010. These numbers extend far beyond the cruise pier; they impact the entire destination's economy, with $198.2 million in passenger, crew and cruise line spending, in addition to $75 million in wages generated through cruise tourism during the 2014-15 season, per the Business Research & Economic Advisors (BREA) 2015 study, Economic Contribution of Cruise Tourism to the Destination Economies. San Juan's growth in 2013 generated approximately $13.7 million in passenger spending, $3.1 million in crew spending, $3.4 million in cruise line expenditures and $7.2 million in employment wages-an additional $27.4 million, not including indirect contributions like supplies purchased by tour operators and restaurants, as well as spending from cruise passengers who return as stay-over guests. If FCCA member line passenger arrivals increase the same ten percent in 2018, it would lead to estimated increases of $16.1 million in passenger spending, $3.7 million in crew spending, $3.9 million in cruise line spending and $8.4 million in employment wages – a total of $32.1 million more than 2015. (Caribbean News Now!)




Residents In Eastern Caribbean Urged To Monitor Weather System

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Sept 26, CMC – The Miami-based National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said that showers and thunderstorms were associated with the system that is located about 1,100 miles east-southeast of the Windward Islands and is continuing to show signs of organisation. “Environmental conditions are expected to be conducive for development and a tropical depression is likely to form around mid-week, while the low pressure system moves westward to west northward at 15 to miles per hour (MPH), the NHC said. It urged people in the eastern and central Caribbean Sea to monitor the progress of the system, noting also “regardless of development, heavy rains and strong gusty winds should spread over the Windward Islands – Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the

Grenadines –and portions of the southern Lesser Antilles by late Tuesday or Wednesday. The Barbados Meteorological Service said Monday said the weather system, which is about 750 miles, east of the here, should begin affecting the island late Tuesday. “The system is moving towards the west-north west at about 23 mph with an accompanying area of low pressure centred along the wave axis near nine degrees north,” senior Met Officer David Best said, warning that a tropical depression could form “by the time the system approaches Barbados late

Tu e s d a y i n t o e a r l y We d n e s d a y morning”. (Antigua Observer)

The Miami-based National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said that showers and thunderstorms were associated with the system that is located about 1,100 miles east-southeast of the Windward Islands and is continuing to show signs of organisation.

PM Says No Plans For State Of Emergency

KINGSTON, Jamaica, Sept 26, CMC – The Jamaica government has ruled out imposing a state of emergency, at least for now, as it deals with an escalation of criminal activities in western section of the island. Prime Minister Andrew Holness told a news conference that he remains confident that the security forces have the capacity to effectively address the issue. “The government is not afraid to call a state of emergency but at this point, a state of emergency, in my mind, is not a tool that needs to be deployed. I think the police force has the capacity, our army has the capacity…I think with the other strategies and plans we have in place, we will be improving the capacity of the police and the army to respond,” he told reporters. Holness said he does not want a sense of siege to take over Jamaicans through the implementation of a state of emergency, but will be keeping that option open. “If the government deems it necessary, we will, but we are not at that point so I don’t want criminals to feel that

we have any hesitation if it is required. Jamaica is a functioning state, we do have elevated levels of crime…It is associated with the phase of development that we find ourselves in. The truth is that much of our crimes is driven by economic motives.” Prime Minister Holness told reporters Sunday that once the local economy starts growing at an acceptable rate, crime should fall. “One has to be careful, however, that in tackling crime you don’t shut down the entire economy…you need to be pulling people out of crime and into jobs and so the government is putting into place those strategies,” he said. Holness also used the occasion to appeal to persons with information on criminal activities to bring it to the police. “Information is probably the greatest weapon against the criminal. The criminal exists and thrives in areas where he is protected because the citizens don’t share the information. “Someone knows the gunman that did the killing…probably washed his bloody clothes…probably hid

him somewhere, transported him somewhere and someone is probably there giving him succour and protection. That gunman is not your friend. In the same way that he killed someone, he could kill you and I think communities…need to look into themselves,” he said, adding there was a need for citizens and the police to build a bond of trust in an effort to stamp out crime and violence. He said he has also had discussions with Commissioner of Police, Dr Carl Williams, to undertake measures to ensure the integrity of the police force in Montego Bay. Meanwhile, the death toll from the upsurge in violence in St. James continues to climb. On Sunday six persons were shot, one fatally, when gunmen opened fire on a football match in Montego Bay . More than a dozen persons were killed in the parish last week. Last year, 212 people were killed in Str. James last year and the murders over the last weekend has brought the figure close to that number. (Antigua Observer)




Gov’t To Receive Preliminary Report Of St Jude’s Technical Audit Soon Economic Development Minister Guy Joseph has hinted that based on information obtained from a preliminary report of the technical audit at St Jude Hospital, things may be worst than expected. “The technical audit is very revealing from the information we have received,” Joseph said, while explaining that the preliminary report will be handed over in full to government next week. However, the minister did not divulge any further details about the audit and is firm on his position not to name the company or individuals who were hired to conduct the technical audit. “I have said that I am not dealing with anything as it relates to names. I am not calling the names of the previous contractors, consultants. And I have not called the name of the p r o j e c t m a n a g e r, ” h e s t a t e d . Nevertheless, Joseph said once the report is made available, everyone will have the opportunity to scrutinize what is happening with the construction of the St Jude Hospital. He said, “I have been very open about everything that we are doing in government in terms of my ministry; what we inherited and what we are dealing with.” The economic

development minister said while many people have been making several comments about the audit, he maintains that it is something that was required given the many issues surrounding the hospital’s construction. “So at the end of the day, should I as minister just inherit that project and carry on with it as if everything is okay? It’s not. So on that basis, we needed a technical audit.” Some $95 million has already been spent on the project, which should have cost some $50 million instead. The new administration claims that another $50 million may be required to finish the hospital. Initially, Joseph had said that the technical audit would have cost the government $800,000, but Guy Joseph this cost may have increased due to additional components. soon. Citizens in communities from the Construction at St Jude was suspended in South have been inconvenienced and do July to facilitate the technical audit. The not have access to the minimum standard government said the Kenny Anthony of health care because of several administration only provided so-called deficiencies at the makeshift hospital at completion dates because of political the stadium in Vieux Fort. (St. Lucia expediency and was fully aware that the News Online) hospital could not be completed anytime




Chastanet: “New Taxes To Be Less Burdensome”

GIS – Saint Lucia’s Prime Minister Hon. Allen M. Chastanet, said recently that a new macro-economic policy is in order, as the fiscal health of Saint Lucia needs urgent attention. Mr. Chastanet said after he grasped the totality of the country’s financial situation, he began working with ministries and statutory agencies to deal with their immediate crises and to plan long term restructuring. The Prime Minister spoke to the findings of the recently submitted Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) report. “There were some very interesting things that were revealed in the CDB report. One, Saint Lucia has the highest percentage of taxes to GDP, meaning that we have done a really good job of raising money from taxes. So as a percentage of GDP, were at 26 percent and most countries are around 22 – 23 percent. The other thing that was interesting is that we have had the lowest rate of return on government capital investment, so the

things in which government has spent its money on have not produced the same level of returns as some of the other countries.” The Prime Minister said this is unsustainable in its current form. “And so we have been spending time in building that macro policy and I’ve put together a group of people who are advising me, with regards to the financial direction of this country, which will obviously include the new VAT [rates] and a lot of new forms of taxation. As I said, the new taxes are to be less burdensome on the public of Saint Lucia [and will] find alternative ways of taxing different

sectors that doesn’t put as much pressure on the average person in Saint Lucia and particularly the vulnerable people in our society.” Saint Lucia’s Ministry of Finance and the Caribbean Development Bank held a press conference last Thursday, that articulated some of the findings of the report. (St. Lucia News Online)




A Day Like Today

The ‘Pop-Punk Princess’ is celebrating her 33rd birthday. Avril Ramona Lavigne is a CanadianFrench SingerCanadian-French Singer-Songwriter Songwriter and and actress, Avril Ramona Lavigne actress born a day like today 1984. ‘Abbey Dawn’, how her dad used to call her, grew up in Belleville Ontario, Canada, to a deeply religious family. Lavigne started her career as a singer from small age. Participating in the chorus of her local church, she mastered the art of ‘bending’ her Light lyric Soprano voice to amaze the devotees, using the resonance of the holy place. This trained her vocal chords, increasing her confidence and domain on stage. Lavigne learned to play the guitar, and began composing her own music as a teenager. At first, she reportedly focused on country music, eventually changing her tune. The different and energetic melody of Punk-Rock woke up a sleeping little ‘monster’ in the young artist. The fast tempo, changes and loud, distorted electric guitars with pop-influenced melodies and lyrical themes, captivated the young Lavigne. In the year of 1999, Lavigne won a radio contest performing with the Canadian singer Shania Twain calling the attention of the 20,000 spectators that saw the show. Her performance

was spotted by representatives of the American record label, Arista Records officially starting her premature career. The year of 2002 saw Lavigne raise and dominate radio stations and stages, with the major success of her debut album ‘Let Go’. Her distinctive style made the Billboard charts explode, making the teen community ‘bow’ to her revolutionary method of treating punk. The contagious beat of her music, plus her sass, apparent anger and vulnerability, rapidly catapulted her to fame, placing her songs among the hits of the decade. Her fashion spoke as loud as her voice. Her Raccoon eyes, tomboyish style, in particular her necktie-and-tank-top combinations became a craze on the streets, not only of Ottawa or New York. It was an international signature between the rebel teens of the mid-2000s. Between 2002 to 2004, her career went in a straight line, acquiring fame and recognition between high profile music figures. During the years that followed, her style and agenda was in constant transformation. Adapting to the leading tendencies of her surroundings. Making of Lavigne, a versatile artist. She dived into the fashion world in 2008, launching her fashion line ‘Abbey Dawn’ on that year. In 2009 she released the fragrance titled the ‘Black Star’, followed by ‘Forbidden Rose’. Both a success in the local market. For more than a decade, Avril Lavigne has enjoyed huge success with her punk-influenced pop sound, standing as the northern rebel girl that is in refuse of ‘growing up’. Source:




Smiler Crash: Alton Towers Operator Merlin Fined £5m

Alton Towers operator Merlin has been fined £5m for the crash on the Smiler rollercoaster. Sixteen people were injured in the June 2015 crash, including two teenage girls who needed leg amputations. In April, Merlin Attractions Operations Ltd admitted breaching the Health and Safety Act. The theme park originally said the accident was caused by "human error." But prosecutors argued the fault was with the employer not individuals. Sentencing, Judge Michael Chambers QC described the crash on the £18m attraction as a "catastrophic failure" and said human error was not the cause as was suggested at first. "This was a needless and avoidable accident in which those who were injured were lucky not to be killed," he said. 'Catalogue of errors' He said the crash was foreseeable but accepted the defendant had taken full and extensive steps to remedy the problems that led to the crash. Speaking outside court after sentencing, Paul Paxton, representing eight of the victims, said his clients had been "shocked and disappointed by the catalogue of errors". He added: "Money alone will never replace limbs, nor heal the psychological scars." Nick Varney, chief executive of Merlin Entertainments, said they were determined to "never repeat" the devastating accident and stressed the firm was not an emotionless corporate entity. "In this context, the far greater punishment for all of us is knowing that on this occasion we let people down with devastating consequences," he said. "It is something we will never forget and it is something we are utterly determined will never be repeated." The court had heard on Monday how engineers failed to notice a carriage that had stopped midway around the 14-loop ride. They assumed there was a problem with the computer and over-rode the stop mechanism setting

Sixteen people were injured in the crash last June

another train in motion and into the empty carriage. Bernard Thorogood, prosecuting, said workers had not been been given a system to follow which would safely deal with the issue. He said engineers had not read or seen the ride's operating instructions. He also pointed out there were estimated winds on the day of the crash of 45mph but the manufacturer's manual stated the ride should not be operated at wind speeds above 34mph. Simon Antrobus, defending Merlin, said a press release in November blaming "human error" was wrong and had been corrected. He said a safety procedure had been in place, including an alarm designed to sound when wind speeds exceed 32mph - but it did not go off. Vicky Balch, then 19, and Leah Washington, then 17, each lost a leg in the crash, which took place at 13:50 BST. How events unfolded •When the park opened on 2 June 2015 four trains were operating on The Smiler; a fifth was stored away •At 13:00 BST one of the trains developed a problem; technical staff were called •An engineer thought it was a good opportunity to maximise the capacity for riders with the fifth train because the park was busy •An empty test train was sent but failed •Engineers pushed the train until it engaged with the system and it went off •Another empty train was sent out. It got stuck, too, but in a different place •Engineers were unaware of this, thought everything was working fine and handed the rider back over to operators •The train with 16 passengers on was sent out and stopped •The engineers looked but could not see the stalled car, thought the computer was wrong, and over-rode the stop. This set the 16-passenger train in motion and into the empty carriage Daniel Thorpe and Chandaben Chauhan were also badly injured. All four were in court for sentencing. The Health and Safety Executive - whose investigation concluded the accident could have been avoided - said Merlin had let its customers down. "This avoidable incident happened because Merlin failed to put in place systems that allowed their engineers to work safely on the ride while it was running," Neil Craig, head of the HSE in the Midlands. "This made it all too easy for a whole series of unchecked mistakes, not just the single push of a button, to result in tragedy." Merlin would have been fined £7.5m had it not pleaded guilty. The Smiler ride reopened in March. Since the crash, a number of safety changes have been made including improved access and a policy of closing the ride when winds exceed 34mph. (BBC)




Sexism Row Grips German Politics And Shakes CDU

A young woman politician who attacked sexism in Germany's governing Christian Democrat (CDU) party has won praise from many fellow politicians but some have also questioned her motives. In an open letter Jenna Behrends, a newly elected CDU politician in Berlin, complained that sexism was rife in the party. She felt insulted when a senator called her a "sweet mouse". Minister for Families Manuela Schwesig said sexist jokes were "unacceptable". A Green MP also backed Ms Behrends. Gesine Agena, the Greens' spokesperson on women's issues, said she had also heard "daft language" from male politicians. Sexism "is experienced by many women politicians", she said - though the Greens, unlike the CDU, have a 50-50 quota rule for men and women on their party lists. Backlash from women Ms Behrends, a 26-year-old lawyer, said she had experienced "party-wide solidarity" since publishing her "Dear Party" letter on her blog (in German) on 23 September. However, she lashed out at the CDU's Women's Union for "shutting itself off" and addressing her complaint "internally, at senior level". The union deals with women's issues in the party. According to Ms Behrends, some of the CDU women members characterised her as "hungry for promotion" and "ambitious to get elected to chair the Women's Union herself". The union's leader, Sandra Cegla, was quoted as saying Ms Behrends was intimate with Peter Tauber, the CDU's Secretary General and a top aide to Chancellor Angela Merkel. Quoted by German news website Der Spiegel, Mr

Jenna Behrends set off an avalanche of comments with her attack on sexism in politics(JENNA BEHRENDS)

Tauber said "I got acquainted with Jenna Behrends and we flirted, but quickly I realised that we would remain friends, no more than that". Several commentators say Ms Behrends has revived a sexism debate triggered in 2013 by journalist Laura Himmelreich, who complained of harassment by a senior Free Democrat (FDP) politician at the time, Rainer Bruederle. CDU 'internal' matter Ms Behrends criticised a party which "enjoys malicious gossip over a few beers". "Women willing to sleep their way to a top local position exist only in your dirty fantasies," she added, in her open letter. The senator at the centre of Ms Behrends' complaint has been identified as Frank Henkel, a Berlin CDU politician. He allegedly called Ms Behrends "sweet big mouse" after calling her daughter "a sweet little mouse". And he was said to have inquired about Jenna Behrends' sex life. The CDU's local mayoral candidate in Berlin-Mitte district, Carsten Spallek, said those involved in the sexism row had had a "frank discussion" on Monday night and agreed that the issue "should henceforth be discussed calmly, in various forums, and only inside the party". Ms Behrends endorsed that statement, posting it on her Facebook page. The conservative CDU rules Germany in coalition with the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD). Women in the CDU Despite the current row, the CDU has appointed women to some prominent posts, not least Mrs Merkel, who overturned decades of tradition by becoming leader in 2000. The CDU's Ursula von der Leyen is defence minister, Nadine Schoen is deputy head of the CDU group in parliament and Julia Kloeckner has been tipped as a possible successor to Chancellor Merkel. Mrs Merkel said recently that Germany had to act more resolutely to tackle sexism. "It is deplorable that in more than 65 years of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Dax-30 companies haven't managed to get a few more women onto supervisory boards on a voluntary basis," she complained. "For a long time I opposed statutory quotas. But at times we heard so many hollow promises that it was clear this isn't working." (BBC)




Presidential Debate: Trump Criticises Moderator Lester Holt

(AP) Donald Trump has criticised the moderator in the first US presidential debate, Lester Holt, for being tougher on him than on Hillary Clinton. He also complained about his microphone crackling and being at a lower level than Mrs Clinton's. The two candidates clashed over jobs, temperament and tax in a debate watched by up to 100 million viewers. Opinion polls give Mrs Clinton a slight edge, with a majority of voters declaring her the winner of the debate. Although Mr Trump told reporters immediately after the debate that Lester Holt had done a good job, he accused him of a left-leaning performance the next morning. “He didn't ask her about the emails, he didn't ask her about the scandals, he didn't ask her about the Benghazi deal. He didn't ask her about a lot of things he should have asked her about. Why? I don't know," he said, speaking to the US news programme Fox and Friends. He said Mr Holt had been much tougher on him: "You look at it, you watch the last four questions, he hit me on birther [Mr Trump's past allegation that President Obama was not born in the US], he hit me on a housing deal from many years ago, that I settled on with no recourse and no guilt... that's a beauty to be asked, a 40-year-old lawsuit." He also said his microphone was "terrible" and crackled, and that his volume was lower than Hillary Clinton's microphone. He blamed it for what some listeners thought were sniffles by Mr Trump during the debate. Asked to rate Hillary Clinton's performance, he said he would give her a C-plus, but he declined to grade himself. "I think I really did well when they asked normal questions," he said, but added he naturally struggled when asked "unanswerable" ones. On what he might do differently: "I may hit her harder in certain ways. You know, I

really eased up because I didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings. So I may hit her harder in certain ways." The debate Hours before the programme, polls suggested the candidates were locked in a dead heat, adding to the tension between the rivals on stage throughout the debate. "I have a feeling that by the end of this evening, I'm going to be blamed for everything that's ever happened," Mrs Clinton quipped when prompted to respond to one of Mr Trump's attacks. "Why not?" Mr Trump interrupted. "Yeah, why not," she answered. "You know, just join the debate by saying more crazy things." Mr Trump was later thrown on the defensive by Mr Holt for not disclosing his tax returns. He claimed he was under a "routine audit". But the hotel developer promised he would release them if his opponent released 33,000 emails that were deleted during an investigation into her private email set-up while secretary of state. Mrs Clinton made a brief response to Mr Trump's attacks about her use of a private email server - which has haunted her on the campaign trail. She said there were no excuses for the "mistake" and that she takes responsibility for it. Other debate highlights: He said she did not have the stamina to be president, to which she replied that she visited 112 countries and endured an 11-hour congressional hearing as secretary of state African-Americans are living "in hell" in the US due to gun violence, Mr Trump said Mrs Clinton criticised him for saying climate change was a Chinese hoax She was attacked by him for being weak on Islamic State militants and soft on Iran "You've been fighting Isis [Islamic State group] your entire adult life,'' Mr Trump mocked In a wider assault on his treatment of women, she said he had called women "pigs, slobs and dogs"One key exchange was over Mr Trump's long-held belief that President Barack Obama was born outside the US, a position he finally reversed two weeks ago. "He has a long record of engaging in racist behaviour," she said, adding that it was a "very hurtful" lie that annoyed and bothered the first African-American president. When asked by Mr Holt to explain his change in stance, he said he wanted to concentrate on bigger, more important issues. Donald Trump is the consummate salesman. Rules, tradition, even the truth are only relevant in so much as they help seal the deal. The weaknesses of this approach is the perception that the salesman is all talk and no substance - a problem that can be exacerbated by 90 minutes under the debate spotlight.

Continued on next page...




Presidential Debate: Trump Criticises Moderator Lester Holt (CONT’D) In the end, the lawyerly preparations paid off for Mrs Clinton as she controlled the evening with forensic precision. While Trump had a strategy - and pursued it on occasion - he was often blown off course by the former secretary of state and torpedoed by his own sometimes badgering performance. While Mrs Clinton was occasionally prone to know-it-allness - particularly in her repeated appeals to outside factcheckers - she largely maintained the upper hand. What do the polls say? A CNN/ORC poll taken after the debate found that 62% of voters who had watched the head-tohead thought that Mrs Clinton came out on top, with just 27% giving it to Mr Trump. This is based on interviews with 521 registered voters chosen as part of a random national sample. But only 26% identified themselves as Republicans while 41% identified themselves as Democrats. An informal CNBC poll on its website found that 61% of people thought that Mr Trump won while 39% went for Mrs Clinton, but as CNBC itself points out, the poll is not scientific - anyone, including people outside the US, appears to be able to vote. A post-debate survey by Public Policy Polling of 1,002 debate-watchers found that 51% of national voters thought Mrs Clinton had won, with 40% choosing Mr Trump and 9% undecided. The US media view New York Times - The editorial board was unimpressed with the debate, saying "when just one candidate is serious and the other is a vacuous bully, the term loses all meaning". Opinion writer Nick Kristof said Trump had "hurt himself", others said Mrs Clinton had "crushed" her opponent. Washington Post Writers unanimously called it for Mrs Clinton, saying Mr Trump had "bombed on the ultimate reality show" and "did

not appear ready to be president". Fox News - Pundits said Mr Trump had "struggled", "never took control" and "failed to exploit" the issue around Mrs Clinton's emails. "It helps to be prepared," one writer told the Republican candidate. LA Times - Its panel of three commentators had Mrs Clinton winning every round. "Politics is harder than it seems, and Trump found that out tonight," said one. "Clinton was unflappable... and probably likeable enough," said another. Breitbart - Writers at the hardright news website said Mr Trump had "bludgeoned" Mrs Clinton on trade and accused Lester Holt of "shilling" for Mrs Clinton. Some 75% of readers said Mr Trump had won. The Hill Pundits consulted by the Washington politics website said Mrs Clinton had won, but in a poll its readers called it for Mr Trump. New York Daily News - The tabloid's verdict: "A grumpy loser! Trump pesters, interrupts Hillary throughout debate - but Clinton gets the last laugh." And the factcheckers? The much-vaunted role of fact-checkers in this debate was perhaps not as central as many expected it to be. Mrs Clinton's denial that she had called the proposed TransPacific Partnership the "gold standard" of trade agreements was called out by fact-checkers, as was Mr Trump's denial that he had called climate change a hoax invented by the Chinese. Was Trump guilty of 'mansplaining?' Mr Trump is said to have interrupted Mrs Clinton three times more than she interrupted him during the debate, leading to accusations that the Republican was engaging in sexist behaviour by attempting to assert male dominance. (BBC)




Mali Islamist Jailed For Nine Years For Timbuktu Shrine Attacks

The International Criminal Court has sentenced an Islamist militant who destroyed ancient shrines in Timbuktu to nine years in jail. Ahmad al-Faqi al-Mahdi admitted to leading rebel forces who destroyed historic mausoleums at the world heritage site in Mali in 2012. Judges at the court in The Hague found he had shown "remorse and empathy" for the crime. It is the first sentence based on cultural destruction as a war crime. It is also the first time a suspected Islamist militant has stood trial at the ICC. Mahdi - described as a "religious scholar" in court documents led rebels who used pickaxes and crowbars to destroy nine of Timbuktu's mausoleums and the centuries-old door of the city's Sidi Yahia mosque. The court found he not only offered Mahdi said he regretted his actions and asked for forgiveness(EPA) "logistical and moral support" for the attacks, but also took part in the physical destruction of at least five out of the 10 buildings. ICC judges accepted a number of mitigating factors, including However, Mahdi had at first advised rebel leaders not to attack his confession. Correspondents in Timbuktu, a Unesco world the shrines. Admitting to the charges last month, Mahdi claimed heritage site which had been a centre of Islamic learning from the he had been swept up in "an evil wave". Pleading guilty, he said: 13th to the 17th Centuries, say the sentencing was generally "I am really sorry, I am really remorseful, and I regret all the welcomed. damage that my actions have caused. One resident was more circumspect, telling the BBC he felt it "I would like to give a piece of advice to all Muslims in the world, difficult to forgive: "Forgiveness means coming here in Mali and not to get involved in the same acts I got involved in, because asking for forgiveness to Malians and especially from the people they are not going to lead to any good for humanity," he added of Timbuktu who suffered from the anger of jihadism. "We will Wearing a grey suit, striped tie and spectacles, there was little accept to forgive when Ahmad al-Faqi understands that this land sign of the violent jihadist responsible for destroying these is sacred, the shrines are sacred, and that understanding our treasured shrines. Ahmad al-Faqi al-Mahdi was a member of a culture is sacred." (BBC) group with links to al-Qaeda and the leader of the morality police (a religious vice squad operating in Timbuktu during the rebel occupation). According to the judge, he wrote a sermon dedicated to the destruction, gave instruction and tools to complete the operation. His confession, a well-considered apology and apparent willingness to co-operate with the court contributed to the nine year sentence. While the case is being seen as a rare success for the ICC some of the victims in Mali say the charges don't cover some of the most devastating atrocities committed during the occupation - including violence against women, rape and sexual slavery. Prosecutors said Mahdi was a member of Ansar Dine - an Islamist group with roots in the nomadic Tuareg group and links to al-Qaeda in the Maghreb - that occupied Timbuktu for months, instilling its own version of Sharia law on residents. Islamists regard the shrines and the city's ancient manuscripts, covering everything from history to astronomy, as idolatrous. The rebels decided to destroy the buildings after people continued to pray at the historic sites. Mahdi led a series of planned attacks, starting with a sermon given during Friday prayers, and later gave press statements defending the actions. However, his sentence was on the lower end of the scale after the








Syria Conflict: Aleppo Evacuation Corridors Needed, WHO Says

The World Health Organisation wants safe routes to be set up immediately to evacuate sick and wounded Syrians from besieged parts of the city of Aleppo. A spokeswoman said there were only 35 doctors left to care for hundreds of patients trapped in the rebel-held east, and that the number was rising. Medical supplies are also running out, and there is a shortage of blood. Russian-backed Syrian government forces launched an all-out assault on the east on Thursday after a truce collapsed. Since then, the intense and sustained aerial bombardment of Aleppo and its surrounding countryside has killed at least 248 people, almost all of them civilians, according to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The US and its allies, who support the rebels fighting the Syrian government, have said the attacks constitute war crimes and accused Russia of "barbarism". Moscow has vigorously denied the allegations and criticised their "unacceptable" rhetoric. Aleppo, once Syria's largest city and the country's commercial and industrial hub, has been divided roughly in two since 2012, with President Bashar al-Assad's forces controlling the west and rebel factions the east. In the past year, government troops have gradually broken the deadlock with the help of Iranian-backed militias and Russian air strikes. Earlier this month, they severed the rebels' last route into the east and placed its 250,000 residents under siege. At a news conference in Geneva on Monday, WHO spokeswoman Fadela Chaib said the escalation of fighting was "claiming more victims every day" and called for the "immediate establishment of humanitarian routes to evacuate the sick and wounded from the eastern part of the city". "We are talking about only 35 doctors left in east Aleppo to take care of hundreds of wounded people, and the number is increasing," she warned. "It's not just one attack - it's a daily

Children make up approximately half of the casualties in eastern Aleppo, according to medics(AFP)

attack on civilians. So you can imagine how many wounded are trying to get some medical help in such circumstances," she added. "It's a worrisome situation." Many streets are now blocked by rubble, meaning ambulances cannot get through. All of the 25 functioning or partially functioning medical centres are on the verge of complete destruction, according to the WHO. On Monday, Dr Abd Arrahman Alomar of the Syrian American Medical Society said at least 40 wounded people needed to be evacuated, but that most wanted to be sent to rebel-held territory in neighbouring Idlib province or to Turkey, and not to the government-controlled west of Aleppo. Both the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross have been calling for humanitarian corridors into Aleppo for several weeks, but so far those calls have been ignored, reports the BBC's Imogen Foulkes in Geneva. On the ground in Aleppo on Tuesday, government forces were reportedly making advances in the centre of the city, attacking rebel-held districts on four fronts and also mobilising armoured vehicles and tanks. Military sources and rebels say progovernment forces appear to be gearing up for a possible ground assault after several days of heavy airstrikes against rebel-held areas. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed that clashes are taking place in central Aleppo. A military official earlier told The Associated Press news agency that the offensive will not halt until insurgents are "wiped out". A senior rebel official told Reuters news agency that fighters had so far been able to repel the assaults around the Palestinian refugee camp at Handarat, to the north, the nearby Kindi hospital area, the central Rashidin district, and the 1070 Apartment Project area in the south-west. (BBC)




Blast In Bronx 'Drug Lab' Kills New York Firefighter

(WABC) An explosion at a suspected drug lab inside a New York home has killed at least one firefighter, authorities say. Fire crews were called to the two-storey house in the Bronx to attend to a gas leak shortly after 06:20 local time (10:20 GMT). Mayor Bill de Blasio named the victim as Battalion Chief Michael Fahey, a 17-year veteran of the fire service. Fire authorities had said they discovered a suspected drug lab shortly before the large explosion occurred. The cause of the blast is not yet known. Of the six people injured, four were police officers. Police chief James O'Neill said the force had received reports weeks ago that the building was the site of a cannabis factory, and that they were now investigating whether this was linked to the explosion. Fire department commissioner Daniel Nigro said Mr Fahey, a father of three, was a "rising star" of the department. Helicopter images broadcast on local news channels showed that much of the house was destroyed in the explosion. "When it exploded, three blocks away, me and my son were in my

apartment and the entire building shook," one man wrote on Instagram. The New York Daily News said at least 100 firefighters attended the explosion, which occurred in the north of the city. (BBC)

Air France Workers On Trial In Shirt-ripping Case company, which is 17.6% owned by the French state. The

Fifteen Air France current and ex-employees have gone on trial almost a year after two company executives had their shirts torn off as a meeting on job cuts descended into chaos. A hundred protesters broke down a fence and invaded a boardroom, forcing the executives to flee. Five of the 15 have gone on trial near Paris accused of organised violence and the rest of damaging property. Protesters outside the court at Bobigny called for the charges to be dismissed. How the violence erupted The 5 October meeting at Air France headquarters in Roissy took place amid a febrile atmosphere over Air France-KLM's plans to restructure a business struggling against stiff competition. Almost 3,000 jobs were being cut and pilots' working hours extended in the

Air France human resources manager Xavier Broseta was forced to climb over a fence to escape

restructuring plan was later shelved. Around 100 demonstrators broke into the meeting less an hour after it began, Xavier Broseta, then human resources vicepresident, had his shirt torn off and was filmed fleeing over a fence with demonstrators in pursuit. Another manager, Pierre Plissonnier, endured similar humiliation. 'Political trial' Weeks before Tuesday's trial began, a government minister intervened personally to fire a union member who had been filmed pushing strikers towards the executives. Vincent Martinez, who is among the 15 defendants on trial, said his sacking had been a political decision and he questioned whether he and his fellow defendants would be judged as citizens or thugs. Amid all the media and political hype, he argued that it was above all a political trial. As the trial began, members of the left-wing CGT union demonstrated outside court, accusing the airline and government of pursuing employees relentlessly. Prime Minister Manuel Valls was singled out for saying those responsible should be made examples of. A lawyer acting for the airline said that while union freedoms were vital, "nothing excuses violence towards innocent people". The court rejected calls for the trial to be postponed and split into two, involving those accused of violence and those charged with causing damage. If convicted, the five defendants accused of violence could face jail terms of up to three years. (BBC)




TB Drug Designed For Children Launched In Kenya children. Until now, the global TB Alliance says pills designed for adults have been split to get the dosage for children. Every year, about a million children fall ill with TB, which is the world's deadliest infectious disease. In 2014, an The tasty, easy-to-administer drug is expected e s t i m a t e d to significantly help fight TB in children(AFP) 140,000 children died of TB, according to global figures from the World H e a l t h Organization (WHO). BBC Africa health correspondent Ann Soy says Kenya is the first

The world's first drug specifically designed to treat tuberculosis in children has been launched in Kenya. The new pill is a combination of three drugs used to treat tuberculosis, mixed in the right dosage, and is fruit-flavoured to appeal to

country to roll out the new drug nationally, with more countries expected to follow over the next three years. Experts say the new treatment will be more effective because the components have been measured accurately and the pill is not bitter-tasting. The drug dissolves easily in water, making it easier to take every day for the six-month treatment period. Africa has the highest prevalence of TB of any continent. The global TB death rate has dropped by almost a half between 1990 and 2015, the WHO says. Tuberculosis symptoms A persistent cough, usually for more than three weeks Night sweats for weeks or months Weight loss Fatigue High temperature Shortness of breath (BBC)

Two Bomb Attacks Take Place In Dresden, Germany Security has been stepped up in the German city of Dresden, Kretzschmar, Dresden's police chief, said in a statement, adding following two bomb attacks on a mosque and a conference center that police were on high alert. Overnight, Kretzschmar had Monday evening. No one was injured in the attacks, which deployed police personnel to protect Islamic institutions in included two homemade devices, according to police. The Dresden as well as the Turkish General Council. (CNN) bombings come ahead of next weekend's German Unity Day celebrations, which German Chancellor Police stand guard Tuesday at the Fatih Camii mosque in Dresden after a bomb attack. Angela Merkel is expected to attend. The celebrations mark the 26th anniversary of the reunification of East and West Germany. The explosions -- first at the mosque and then at the International Congress Center -happened within minutes of each other, leading police to believe they're related. Part of Dresden's Unity Day celebrations were set to be held at the center. All Muslim institutions in the city are now under increased surveillance, Saxony Interior Minister Markus Ulbig told reporters Tuesday. It is unclear who is behind the attacks. "Although no one claimed responsibility for the incident, we must have to consider a xenophobic motive for the attack," Horst




Saudi Arabia Unveils First Public Sector Pay Cuts

Saudi Arabia has unveiled pay cuts for government employees for the first time, as it attempts to further rein in spending at a time of low oil prices. A royal decree said ministers' salaries would be reduced by 20%, and housing and car allowances for members of the advisory Shura Council cut by 15%. Lower-ranking civil servants will see wage increases suspended, and overtime payments and annual leave capped. About two-thirds of working Saudis are employed in the public sector. Their salaries and allowances accounted for 45% of government spending in 2015, or $128bn (£99bn), and contributed to a record budget deficit of $98bn. 'Sign of the times' BBC Middle East analyst Sebastian Usher says the unspoken contract that once existed between ordinary Saudis and the ruling elite - in which citizens could all but expect a none-too-stressful job for life in return for accepting the status quo - has long been eroding. But, our correspondent adds, the deficit highlighted the urgent need for change. In April, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman unveiled a reform plan intended to reduce the government's spending and lessen its dependence on oil revenue. The "Vision 2030" initiative aims to cut the public sector payroll to 40% of the budget by the start of the next decade and boost

Public sector wages accounted for almost half of government spending in 2015(REUTERS)

private sector employment. The government also cut the generous subsidies for petrol and utilities in December, but complaints prompted Prince Mohammed to sack the water and electricity minister six months later. Some Saudis took to social media to express their support the cuts announced on Monday, using the Twitter hashtag "We are the children of King Salman". But others lamented what they remembered as better days under the late King Abdullah, who responded to the Arab Spring in 2011 by launching a $130bn plan to raise public sector salaries, build subsidised housing

and provide benefits to the unemployed. The hashtag "stop allowances for princes" also trended among Saudi Twitter users. "If there is hardship, we should all share the cost," wrote @oamaz7. Jamal Khashoggi, editor of Al-Arab News, told Reuters news agency: "It's one more economic measure to balance spending. Of course people don't like it, but it's a sign of the times." "Probably the teachers and many others will be affected by it. It shows why it's important for the private sector and Saudi GDP to diversify," he added. (BBC)





UN Celebrates World Tourism Day

Today, September 27 is World Tourism Day and the theme for this year’s celebration is “Tourism for all-promoting universal accessibility.” According to a release from the World Tourism Organisation, people with disabilities, senior citizens and families travelling with small children, and sooner or later all citizens will appreciate the advantages of universal accessibility. This is why UNWTO has chosen to celebrate World Tourism Day 2016 on the theme of accessible tourism. For the last quarter–century World Tourism Day, held annually on September 27, has aimed to foster awareness of the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic impact. This year’s official celebrations will be held in Bangkok, Thailand. Reaching universal accessibility in tourism is a shared responsibility of all parties involved in the tourism value chain, as well as a business opportunity for companies and destinations. “Everyone has the right to access leisure and tourism services on

an equal basis. Yet 1 billion people around the world living with disability, along with young children, seniors and persons with other access requirements, still face obstacles in accessing fundamentals of travel such as clear and reliable information, efficient transportation and public services, and a physical environment that is easy to navigate. Even with modern technologies, those with visual, hearing, mobility or cognitive impairments are being left behind in many tourism destinations,” said United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in his official message. “All of the world’s citizens have the right to experience the incredible diversity this planet has to offer. Therefore, it is highly important that all countries and destinations, as well as the industry, promote accessibility for all in the physical environment, in transport systems, in public facilities and services and in information and communications channels”, said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai.







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Daily Horoscope

Over spending or unexpected bills could set you back. You will be able to talk to your lover about future goals and perhaps make plans for the two of you to take a vacation. You could lose a good friend because of it.

Financial investments that deal with joint money can be extremely prosperous. Expect to have problems with the ones you love. Lighten up your serious attitude

Romance appears. You will do well with clients today. Lighten up your serious attitude

Get back down to earth and to basics. You need to do your own thing and work on making yourself the best you can be. Your sensitivity toward those you love will capture their hearts

Don't let domestic problems interfere with your objectives. Be sure to look into travel opportunities that will provide you with mental stimulation. Love could develop with someone of a different cultural background.

Camping, swimming, and biking expeditions should all be considered. You will be emotional about your personal life. You are best to deal with those outside your family.

Matters pertaining to your home environment will be favorable if you are direct. You can benefit financially if you put money or maintenance into your living quarters. Your creative ideas must be put to good use.

Pleasure trips will be favorable and bring about possible romance. Use your high energy and dynamic approach to win favors from superiors. You will have an interest in foreigners and their cultures.

Be sure to cover all the necessary groundwork before signing binding contracts. Don't forget to read the fine print. Don't go hog wild when it comes to entertainment or you could find yourself short of funds at the end of the month. Romantic opportunities may not be as they appear. Make sure that you have all the pertinent facts before taking action. You need a day to rest and relax with the ones you love.

Take care of yourself or you can expect to suffer from minor illness. Romance will unfold through business trips. You will have to do a lot of running around, so be prepared to fall short of your expectations. Advancement can be yours if you put your efforts into work related matters. You can make progress if you deal with the right individuals. Take whatever time you can to get to know each other all over again.






4 medium cloves garlic, roughly chopped 1 (1-inch) knob ginger, peeled, roughly chopped 1 to 6 green Thai chilies (to taste), roughly chopped 2 tablespoons (30ml) juice from 1 lemon, divided salt 2 tablespoons (30ml) vegetable COCAMAR* oil 2 teaspoons (8g) black mustard seed 1 teaspoon (4g) whole cumin seed 1 large onion, finely diced (about 1 1/2 cups; 300g) 1/4 teaspoon (1g) baking soda 2 teaspoons (8g) ground coriander ¹⁄ teaspoon (2g) freshly ground black pepper ¹⁄ teaspoon (2g) ground 1 ¹⁄ teaspoons (6g) store-bought or homemade garam masala, divided 1 (14-ounce) can whole peeled tomatoes 2 (14-ounce) FARMFRESH* can chickpeas, drained and rinsed 1 cup cilantro leaves, roughly chopped (1 ounce; 25g) *IMPORTED & DISTRIBUTED BY SUPERFOODS

Preparation Combine garlic, ginger, chilies, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt in a mortar and pestle or in the small work bowl of a food processor and pound or process until a fine paste is produced. Set aside. Heat oil or ghee in a large saucepan or Dutch oven over medium-high heat until shimmering. All at once, add mustard seed and cumin. They will sputter and spit for a few seconds. As soon as they are aromatic (about 15 seconds), add onion all at once, along with baking soda. Cook, stirring frequently, until onions start to leave a brown coating on bottom of pan, 3 to 4 minutes. Add 1 tablespoon water, scrape up browned bits from pan, and continue cooking. Repeat this process until onions are a deep brown, about 10 minutes total. Immediately add garlic/ginger/chili paste all at once and stir to combine. Add coriander, black pepper, turmeric, and 1 teaspoon garam masala. Stir until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add tomatoes and crush them using a whisk or potato masher. Add drained, rinsed chickpeas and cilantro, reserving a little cilantro for garnish. Add 1/2 cup water. Bring to a simmer, cover with lid slightly cracked, and reduce heat to maintain a gentle bubbling. Cook, stirring occasionally, until liquid has reduced into a thick stew and spices have melded, about 30 minutes. Stir in remaining garam masala and lemon juice. Season to taste with salt. Serve with rice and/or naan, sprinkling additional cilantro on top.


Tappa Whitmore Is Temporary Reggae Boyz Coach


heodore Whitmore has been appointed head coach of Jamaica’s national senior football team, the Reggae Boyz, for the two upcoming Caribbean Cup matches against Suriname a n d G u y a n a o n O c t o b e r 5 a n d 11 respectively. Jamaica hosts Suriname at the

Anthony Spaulding Sports Complex in Kingston on October 5 before flying off to Guyana for an encounter against the Golden Jaguars on October 11 at the National Stadium in Providence. The appointment is a temporary one, while the Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) continues its search for a new head coach to r e p l a c e Wi n f r i e d Schaefer, who has been in charge of the national senior squad since June 2013. The German, who has fallen out of favour with the federation, remains in limbo until the JFF decides what course of action to take with regards to the two years remaining on his contract that pays him approximately J$6.3

million (US$50,000) a month. Meantime, the JFF moved Monday to clarify the situation with regards to former head coach Carl Brown, who has rejected an offer from the federation, which he said was US$100 a d a y. B r o w n d e s c r i b e d t h e o ff e r a s 'disgraceful and insulting' and has reportedly told the federation that he is unavailable to take up the position. The federation however, said there was a misunderstanding with what Brown assumed as the offer made. In a statement issued on Monday, the JFF said it was always the intention of JFF President Captain Horace Burrell, on hearing of Coach Brown's availability, to begin discussions on the terms of his engagement. Whitmore, a former national player who was one of the instrumental figures in Jamaica's World Cup campaign in France 1998, previously coached Jamaica from 2009-2013. He was also the under-20 coach during an ill-fated CONCACAF Championship campaign in Jamaica. (SportsMax)

Antigua Athletics To Meet On Francis Transfer Request


he Antigua and Barbuda Athletics Association (ABBA) is to meet this coming Thursday to discuss the request from sprinter Miguel Francis to transfer allegiance to Great Britain. Francis, who was one of the fastest men in the world over 200 metres during the 2015/2016 season, was favoured to medal in the event at the Olympic Games in Rio in August before injury forced him to withdraw from the Games at the 11th hour. According to the Daily Observer in Antigua, Francis’ request has generated much public criticism of the athlete, with most people expressing shock and anger. President of the ABBA, Everton Cornelius, meantime, said the matter should be discussed at the governmental level. “The reason why I think I need to have discussions with the Minister Chet Greene where this is concerned and the NOC, is because we have made an investment in the athlete and I need to get their feedback where the matter is concerned; how do we approach this matter;

if we are being contacted by the UK federation about him sitting out just for one year and we come to some sort of agreement that he sits out the one year and then start competing for them,” Cornelius told The Observer.The development, Cornelius said, will now force the ABBA to change its outlook on how to approach similar situations in the future, especially when they are incapable of preventing the transfer from happening. “At least we know moving forward from now on, it’s a clear indication that we have reached a level in our athletic development that we have to start to look at things differently,” he said. “The other part of

it is neither here nor there in the equation because that’s his option. He can decide that he does not want to talk to anybody, [and] ‘I am going to sit out for three years and after the three years I run for whom I want to run for.” (SportsMax)


Guyana's Leonora Stadium Approved For Jamaica Carib Cup Match


ayne Forde, President of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF), is pleased that the Caribbean Football Union has approved the

Leonora Stadium for their Caribbean Football Union (CFU) Men's Championship clash against Jamaica on October 11. It was initially reported that the game against Jamaica was being held at the National S t a d i u m i n Providence. The CFU approval also means the South American country now has an alternative v e n u e f o r international football. “We now have one additional venue in Guyana that is certified for International football, and I think that

gives us a second set of options, and it couldn’t have been any timelier,” he said. “I think Guyana needed to have home-court advantage. We all know that Jamaica is a formidable opponent and apart from the advantage that we needed, it has been almost 40 years since we last played Jamaica in Guyana.” Trevor Williams, the stadium's Operations Manager, also expressed his sentiments about the approval by the CFU. “It is very encouraging for us because a lot has been invested in this facility and to know that outside of the National Stadium, we can actually play International football, is good news for Guyana, the Government and the GFF, who have done a lot to encourage the growth and development of the sport.” (SportsMax)

Young Reggae Boyz Upbeat After Caribbean Qualifiers


lthough the Reggae Boyz fell short in their quest to lift the CFU Men's U17 Championship trophy, head coach Andrew Edwards says he was encouraged by the overall effort of a side that went 3W-1D-1L over the course of 10 days. “I was particularly impressed by the courage my players showed,” Edwards commented. “Of course, our aim was to win the

[Caribbean Football Union] title, but third is not bad. Now our preparation turns to Panama for the CONCACAF U-17 Championship. We have a couple of months to prepare, so it’s time to iron out the kinks and reflect on how we can qualify for India.” The Jamaicans agonizingly missed out on a place in the 2015 World Cup, falling to the United States, 4-5 on penalty kicks, after a

scoreless draw in a CONCACAF-playoff decider in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Earlier in that competition, the Reggae Boyz earned a 1-0 win over the Americans thanks to Nicholas Nelson’s conversion from the spot. Edwards is already excited to get back to work and prepare for the CONCACAF event, which will be played in Panama from April 21-May 7, 2017. The field also include the host nation, Canada, Cuba, Curacao, Haiti, Mexico, Suriname, the United States and three Central American sides. “We have played on Central American soil before, so we know what to expect,” finished Edwards, a passionate supporter of English Premier League power Arsenal.“What is key now is to have a look at the [Central American] qualifiers to scout our potential opponents as we are bound to have at least one or two Central American teams in our group. Once we have an idea of the threat they bring as well as the North American teams and the hosts Panama, I will feel positive heading into Panama next year.” Courtesy of (SportsMax)


Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica Dominate Caribbean U-17 Best XI Center Midfielder: Jean Jacques Danley (Haiti) Left Midfielder: Nicque Daley (Jamaica) Forward: Raewin Senior (Jamaica) Forward: Steeve Selso Saint-Duc (Haiti) AWARDS Golden Ball Steeve Selso Saint-Duc, Haiti


ollowing Haiti’s 5-0 win over Cuba in the final of the Caribbean qualifying tournament for the 2017 CONCACAF Under-17 Championship on Sunday at Ato Boldon Stadium, the Technical Study Group announced the tournament’s Best XI and other awards. The Caribbean U-17 selection contains five players from champion Haiti, three from runner-up Cuba and trio from third-place finisher Jamaica. Here’s a look at the team:

Golden Boot Goalkeeper: Redondio Alliance (Haiti)

Steeve Selso Saint-Duc, Haiti (five goals)

Right Back: Jolicoeur Etienne (Haiti)

Golden Glove

Center Back: Christopher Yoel Llorente (Cuba)

Redondio Alliance, Haiti Fair Play Award

Center Back: Brismax Louis Kelly Clerge (Haiti) Left Back: Damani Osei (Jamaica)

2016 Caribbean Football Union Qualifying for 2017 CONCACAF Under-17 Championship Best XI

Right Midfielder: Brian Savigne (Cuba) Center Midfielder: Carlos Alberto Molina (Cuba)



Haiti Thrashes Cuba To Hold Second U17 Title In A Row


aiti exploded for four second-half goals to earn a 5-0 win over Cuba in the final of the Caribbean qualifying competition for the 2017 CONCACAF Under-17 Championship on Sunday at Ato Boldon Stadium. The Haitians completed the final round with a 4W-1D-0L record,

scoring 15 goals and conceding only one, while Cuba lost for the first time a f t e r posting four straight w i n s . S t e e v e Mondestin scored in a t h i r d straight game to give Haiti a 1-0 lead in the 36th minute. Ten minutes after break, Steeve Selso SaintDuc doubled the advantage with his teamhigh fifth goal and Jean Jacques Danley made it 3-0 in the 63rd minute. Luidon

Casseus (78’) and Nael Wellofky Elysee (90’+2) completed the scoreline with their second and third goals of the tournament, respectively. In the match for third place, Jamaica posted a 3-0 victory over Curacao. Raewin Senior got things started with a 21stminute goal and Nicque Daley (48’, 70’) netted a second-half brace. Senior and Daley finished the tournament as the team’s coscoring leaders with four goals each. Cuba, Curacao, Haiti and Jamaica had previously earned berths to the CONCACAF event, which will be played in Panama from April 21-May 7, 2017. The field also include the host nation, Canada, Mexico, Suriname, the United States and three to-be-determined Central American sides. Courtesy of (SportsMax)

LeBron James Speaks Out On Anthem Intentions T

he example set by Colin Kaepernick in not standing for the national anthem is not one that will be be followed by LeBron James. LeBron James insists he will stand for the national anthem this season and not follow the lead of San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Many were hoping James would join in with the form of protest staged by NFL star Kaepernick, who said he will not stand "to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people". Cleveland Cavaliers talisman James has spoken out on similar social issues in the past, but will stop short of taking Kaepernick's approach. "Me standing for the national anthem is something I will do," James said at the Cavs' media day on Monday. "That's who I am. That's what I believe in." However, James claimed to have nothing but respect for Kaepernick and the movement he has started. "You have the right to voice your opinion, stand for your opinion, and he's doing it in the most peaceful way I've ever seen

someone do something," added the 31-yearold. "What I do not like about this situation is the negative attention that's been thrown upon him from certain people, because it's

not deserved. "He was very educated, very smart, very candid and very demanding about what he wanted to do. And he didn't ask anyone to join him." (SportsMax)


Jamalco FC Win Third Straight To Top RSPL


ohan Richards scored twice as Jamalco FC climbed to the top of the Red Stripe Premier League standings after handing MaverlyHughenden FC its first loss of the four-weekold season. Richards scored in the 15th and 55th minutes as Jamalco ran out 3-2 winners against a game Maverly team that slipped to ninth on the table. Daryan James' 66th minute goal took the game to 3-1 and proved the decisive statistic. Earlier, Nicholas Scott had brought Maverly level in the 23rd minute before Richards made it 2-1 with his

second-half s t r i k e . R o d i c o We l l i n g t o n m a d e i t interesting w h e n h e converted from the penalty spot with 16 minutes remaining but J a m a l c o managed to hold on for their third straight win. Defending champion Montego Bay United moved into second on goal difference when they blanked Reno, 2-0. Late goals from Allan Ottey (81’) and Jermaine Woozencroft (87’) proved to be the difference in this encounter between the teams from Western Jamaica. Reno who led the standings last weekend, are down to sixth on seven points after what was their first loss of the season. The Donovan-Duckie-coached Humble Lion jumped to third after Levaughn Williams’ 79th-minute goal handed Waterhouse their

fourth straight loss of the season. Portmore United climbed into fourth in the standings on Tremaine Stewart’s stoppage time decider. Stewart's goal gave them a 2-1 win over Boys' Town who were also losing their fourth match in a row. Rayan Wellington had put last season’s runners up in the lead in the 12th minute. However, Boys' Town pulled level late with a goal from Shamar Nicholson, 16 minutes from time. The Red Brigade seemed headed towards picking up their first point of the season before Stewart played spolier. Meanwhile, Dicoy Williams’ 12th-minute goal saw Arnett Gardens earn a 1-0 victory over his former club, Harbour View, who continue to struggle this season suffering their second straight loss and third overall. Having dropped five of their last six points, UWI FC welcomed a win against Tivoli Gardens to move up from ninth to seventh. Second-half goals from Patrick Brown (50’) and Patrick Greenland (77’) were enough to secure the points. Junior McGregor pulled one back for Tivoli seven minutes from time. (SportsMax)

Young Reggae Boyz Recover To Grab Third Place At CFU U17 Championship


amaica's young Reggae Boyz recovered from the devastation of their semi-final loss to Cuba to register a third-place finish at the just-concluded CFU Men's Under 17 Championship in Trinidad and Tobago. Jamaica earned the position after registering a comfortable 3-0 winover Curacao at the Ato Boldon Stadium in Couva yesterday. The Jamaicans, with the memories of their 1-0 defeat still fresh in their minds, started shakily, but found their footing in the 21st minute through Raewin Senior. The lead gave the young Reggae Boyz some confidence and the second half proved to be a much more fluid affair. It was in that stanza that Nicque Daley showed his ability, scoring in the 47th and the 70th minute. The Jamaicans will now turn their attentions to the CONCACAF Championship in Panama

next year. From that competition, four teams from the confederation will make it to the

FIFA Under-17 World Cup, which begins in September of 2017. (SportsMax)


JFF Says Coach Brown Impasse Down To Misunderstanding


he Jamaica Football Federation has moved to clarify its position on their contract offer to former Reggae Boyz head coach Carl Brown, who reportedly declined the JFF’s offer to take over from Winfried Schaefer. The JFF said there was a misunderstanding between the federation and the 66-year-old coach. Brown, who coached the national team from 1990-1994 and again from 2001-2004, declined the offer claiming the JFF had offered him US$100 a day to take over from the German head coach, who was reportedly being paid a salary of US$50,000 a month. Brown described the offer as 'insulting and disrespectful'. "I am very disappointed with the whole approach of the JFF,” Brown told the

Jamaica Gleaner. “Captain (Horace Burrell) called me on the subject and I told him I would get back to him on the matter as I had to have a conversation with the people with whom I work. Following that discussion, I called him back three times and got no answer. Not only that, but I did not receive a return (call)." Brown said he received an email a day later with the ‘insulting offer'. "The letter, which said it was following up on my discussion with Captain Burrell, only offered me US$100 per day for the duration of the agreement. There was nothing about how I would get to Jamaica, nothing about accommodation. Nothing.” However, in response, the JFF suggested it was a misunderstanding. “President of the JFF Captain Burrell did

make initial contact with Coach Brown, first of all to get an indication of his availability. Coach Brown indicated the need to discuss with his present employers and return a call to the President. Although Coach Brown has indicated he made three attempts to call the President, there is no record of those calls coming through,” the JFF said in a statement. “In the interim, the JFF thought it appropriate to formalise its approach to Coach Brown and did so in an email sent by the General Secretary. Coach Brown responded to the email declining the JFF's offer, which he found insulting. On hearing this, the President called Coach Brown. In a conversation lasting forty-five minutes, the President apologised for the misunderstanding emerging from the email. He explained that in the absence of the discussion, on first his availability and his overall package, the email listed one area of certainty, the per-diem allowance. The President made every effort to have Coach Brown change his decision.” The JFF said it was always the intention of the President that on hearing of Coach Brown's availability, the terms of his engagement would have been discussed and finalised with him. It said all head coaches of our National Senior team are offered accommodation during match engagement, ground transportation, a salary as well as a per diem allowance. “All these areas would have been the subject of discussion with Coach Brown,” the JFF said. (SportsMax)


Griezmann Feared Simeone To PSG Was 'A Done Deal’


ntoine Griezmann admits it came as a huge relief that Diego Simeone did not leave Atletico Madrid to become Paris Saint-Germain coach. Atletico Madrid star Antoine Griezmann feared that head coach Diego Simeone's move to Paris SaintGermain was "a done deal" a matter of months ago. Simeone caused a stir when he claimed he would have to consider his future following his side's penalty shootout defeat to Real Madrid in the Champions League


final in May. Speculation arose that the former Argentina midfielder could replace Laurent Blanc at PSG, though he later committed his future to Atletico as the Ligue 1 champions appointed Unai Emery. Griezmann, who was himself linked with a move away to the French champions during the transfer window, is relieved that Simeone opted to stay. "I was at the European Championship and in France they were saying that it was almost a done deal," Griezmann told Onda Cero when asked about the Simeone rumours. "I was afraid that he would not be here. I still need to work with him, learn from him. Atleti needs him. "He told me that he was going to stay, that he was talking to the club and that everything would be fine - that conversation reassured me." Griezmann starred for Atletico last season, scoring 32 goals in all

competitions, while his six goals and two assists took France to the Euro 2016 final and earned him the Golden Boot. The 25-year-old has scored five in as many LaLiga matches this season to further enhance his case for a spot among the final three nominees for the Ballon d'Or, and he admits that winning the award would be a special moment. “I want to continue to grow with Atletico - the club can achieve great things," he said. "I try to be the best and give the maximum so that people can say I'm among the top players. "But I don't want them to compare me to one or the other - I want people to know me for being Griezmann. "It would be wonderful for me, and for my team-mates at the club and with France, to win the Ballon d'Or. If I don't get it, it means that I just have to continue at this level and keep going." (SportsMax)

Schubert Extends Gladbach Contract

ndre Schubert has committed his future to Borussia Monchengladbach, signing a new two-year contract extension. Borussia Monchengladbach head coach Andre Schubert has extended his contract with the club until 2019. The 45year-old was given the role on a permanent basis after a successful spell as interim coach following Lucien Favre's departure last November. Gladbach secured Champions League qualification last term and have begun the latest campaign well, with three wins from their opening five Bundesliga games. And Schubert, whose contract had been due to expire at the end of the season, has been rewarded with a fresh deal. "Andre is doing some really good work here," sporting director Max Eberl told the club's official website. "He has given the team Champions League football and we have picked up 65 points from the 34 Bundesliga matches that he's been in charge. That is an outstanding record." Speaking ahead of Gladbach's Champions League clash with Barcelona on Wednesday, Schubert said: "Both parties are very happy with the work we're doing, so that's why we were discussing a contract extension. "After the initial discussions, it all went very quickly. We're convinced that we're on the right track together. Midfielder Lars Stindl said: "We've congratulated the coach on his new contract. We're happy to be working with him for the next few years." Looking ahead to the Barca match, Schubert denied that the Spanish

champions should not be considered favourites despite missing Lionel Messi due to a knee injury. "With all the media hype, you can tell that it's a really special game," he said. "We are preparing for it like for any other game. We know we're playing against a team with world-class players. "The best player in the world, Leo Messi, won't be here tomorrow. Our fans would have liked to have seen him play. "But it doesn't make us favourites. They're still a great team without him." (SportsMax)

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