September 9, 2016

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Drug Bond Deal Is “Undesirable”; Mulls Over Shortening Lease

Following criticism from various anticorruption advocates and even threats of legal actions to challenge the pharmaceutical bond deal by a private citizen, the Government of Guyana has described the deal with Linden Holdings Inc as undesirable. According to a statement issued to the media yesterday, “Cabinet was engaged in full and thorough discussions on the issue of the storage of government pharmaceuticals at the privately owned Sussex Street facility. Cabinet has concluded that the arrangement was undoubtedly undesirable.” The statement also said the cabinet has considered the options and recommendations made by the cabinet subcommittee which consisted of Minister of State Joseph Harmon, Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman and Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, tasked with reviewing the decision of the Ministry of Public Health to lease facilities at Sussex Street. More specifically, cabinet said it considered shortening the lease and accelerating their search to secure its own pharmaceuticals storage facility and is currently inspecting suitable sites. “Cabinet explored a range of options including shortening the lease period for the rental of the Sussex Street facility while expediting the search for another facility,” the statement noted. It also added that “The options of purchasing, constructing or leasing will also be explored. However, the conditions for the storage facility to be located within close proximity of the Georgetown port and be easily accessible remain applicable.” The government further

promised to return to its mantra of transparency and accountability stating “the Government recommits itself to managing the affairs of the state in a transparent and accountable manner and to respect public opinion at all times.”

Government also noted that out of necessity, it had taken some time to arrive at these decisions and Cabinet is satisfied that significant advances have been made on this matter and when the full menu of actions is completed, the best arrangement, in the interest of the people of Guyana, will be concluded. The statement went on say “Cabinet notes that the Minister of Public Health, Dr. George Norton has taken responsibility for the imbroglio and has publicly expressed regrets over the controversy that the rental of the Sussex Street bond has engendered.”




Govt Turns Blind Eye To Styrofoam Smuggling

In the past months several business have complained about the abrupt end to the government’s cleanup campaign and the continued smuggling and usage of Styrofoam products. In an effort to get an update on what is being done to curb the smuggling of this banned product, the Guyana Daily News contacted several government agencies including the M i n i s t r y o f t h e P r e s i d e n c y, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Government Food and Drug Department, Mayor and City Council and the Ministry of Public Health. However, to date there has been no response from any of these agencies to say exactly what the government plans to

do. According to sources close to this newspaper, Styrofoam products are being smuggled across the border from Suriname into Guyana, and the Government is allegedly turning a blind eye on the issue. Some business owners have complained that they are complying and paying the relevant taxes for the importation of alternative products but some establishments continue to use the banned Styrofoam. It is alleged that there is collusion between owners and government workers to smuggle the illegal items in the country. It was also observed by this newspaper that Styrofoam food boxes were used in a recent Ministerial Visit to the Mining Town of Linden w h i c h w a s organized by the Ministry of the P r e s i d e n c y. A s such, businesses are

confused as to whether the Government is encouraging the use of Styrofoam. “How can they curb the smuggling and further enforce the ban if they are using the products? The Government must be clear on their position,” one business owner, who prefers to remain anonymous said. The Ministry of the Presidency had announced that it is placing a ban on Styrofoam products in Guyana, in keeping with the vision of a green economy and environment. The ban, the Ministry of the Presidency said will be enforced through a collaborative effort between the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, the Ministries of Business, Legal Affairs, and Finance, through the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA). Penalities for crimes committed against the ban include a fine of no less than GY$50,000 for importation and manufacture and if businesses are found prepackaging food in said ‘Styro’ products, they can be issued a warning or a fine of no less than GY$100,00.


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GEA Head Accused Of Victimizing Employees

Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA), Dr. Mahender Sharma, is being accused of victimizing several employees of the agency. This is according to several staffers who wish to remain anonymous because of fear of being targeted. The employees told the Guyana Daily News that Mr. Sharma is giving them additional work load beyond their Terms of Agreement. They are of the opinion that the CEO is forcing them to resign. The frustrated employees also told the Daily News that Dr. Sharma is “putting his mouth where the soup is leaking.” When asked by Daily News if they feel this is in an effort create space for people perceived to be supporters of the APNU+AFC Government, they said yes. The employees further alleged that there is gross irregularities at the agency by Dr. Sharma, they cited the recent bust by the agency on the Essequibo Coast, where 90 barrels of fuel worth approximately $25 million was seized. The agency is alleged to have made a settlement of $3 million without taking the matter to the court. Dr. Sharma’s contract came to an end on June 30, 2016, however, his contract was not renewed by the administration, and he is currently working without an agreement. Efforts to contact the Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson on the issue prove futile. The recent audit conducted by the

government also found several irregularities at the agency, such as poor governance skills at the entity. The audit also found that the agency was in breach of Section Four of the 1997 Act, which states that the heads of division of the agency designated as members there of shall hold office for such period, not exceeding three years, as may be specified by the subject Minister. Based on the findings of the audits, departmental heads contract was renewed, without the input from the subject Minister. The auditors stated that the laws and regulations governing GEA should be followed, the findings also recommended that the hiring of a DEO to enhance the management of the entity at the senior level. Dr. Mahender Sharma, was a candidate on the PPP/C national list of candidates for the May 11, 2015, General Elections. The employees are of the opinion that Dr. Sharma should not be in the position, they said that this could create a conflict of interest and can hamper the morale of the employees. Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA), Dr. Mahender Sharma


GUYANA DAILY NEWS President Granger Slams NCN CEO’s Decision To Suspend Editor PAGE 6

President David Granger in his weekly recorded television program, the Public Interest, lashed out against the CEO, Lennox Cornette and Management of the State Owned National Communications Network Inc. over what he termed as an “inhumane” act to suspend its Sports Editor, Jocelle ArchibaldHawke. Hawke was suspended for making comments on her Facebook page that was interpreted to be directed at one of her colleagues who asked President Granger a few weeks ago about the current Pokemon craze. She posted on her Facebook page that she was “surrounded by idiots’. The President made it clear that this was a very inhumane thing to do an employee and that there could have been a more lenient way of dealing with the matter by Management of NCN Inc. Hawke was suspended for one month without pay despite the company not having any social media policy. This saga has since caught the attention of many social activist groups including the Women and Gender Equality Commission and the Guyana Press Association, which in advocating for the reinstatement of Hawke and the condemnation of the removal of Hawke’s colleague Natasha Smith from the News Anchor’s chair because she was pregnant. Smith was reinstated to anchor the news after a meeting with the Guyana Press Association and instructions from the Prime Minister to NCN CEO, to offer an ‘unqualified apology’. President Granger also made it clear that


state agencies heads must not abuse or excise power in this regard. He said that his administration is there to represent all Guyanese. Guyana Daily News contacted the CEO who said that the matter is currently at the board level and he will not comment. This Newspaper also contacted the Chairman of NCN Inc. Board Bishwa Panday, who said that he is unable to comment, since he was busy. Over the last few weeks, NCN Inc. has been and continues to be in the center of the media spotlight for its controversy surrounding these two women and its CEO refusing to heed authorities above his head. -By- Mustafa Khan, Guyana Daily News.

Eid-ul-Adha Moon Notice The Central Islamic Organization of Guyana (C.I.O.G.) wishes to inform the Guyanese public and the Muslim community that the month of Dhul- Hijjah1437 AH will commence on Saturday 3rd September 2016. The 9th of Zul Hijjah (the day of Arafa) will be Sunday September 11th 2016. Eid-ul-Adha (10th Dhul Hijjah) will be celebrated on Monday September 12th 2016.




Serious Crime Down By 16%, Citizens Still Fearful especially in vulnerable areas. In Berbice the murder rate has

Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan has revealed that crime in Guyana is down by 16%. “As against last year, the statistics coming in from the Police Force, has shown almost a 16% drop in serious crime rate,” acknowledging that there has been sporadic spikes in crime recently. Residents, especially from the Berbice area have complained about the increase in criminal activities over the past years.

They have raised concerns about the police not doing enough to prevent crimes, however, they say that the police have been able to solve more crimes. In a recent survey conducted by the Guyana Daily News, 85% of persons are of the opinion that serious crimes are up in the country, especially in the rural areas. Seventy percent of respondents are also of the view that the government is doing nothing to curb the crime situation. The respondents are of the opinion that the police force should do more to combat crime,

increased. A total of 17 murders were committed from the period January 1, 2015 to August 2015. Over the past weeks, there have been a significant increase of murders and robberies in Guyana especially in Berbice. Only a few weeks ago, two bodies were found in the ancient county, one being a teenager who was identified as 14-year-old Akeem Grimmomd and the other as 26-year-old Levan Chanderpaul. According to the survey, residents are disgusted at the level of crime in Berbice. Residents are also complaining that there is little police presence in this area and the response time has been ridiculously slow. According to the United States Department of State Bureau of Diplomatic Sates, Guyana 2016 Crime & Safety Report, the general crime rate in Guyana is above the U.S. national average. It was noted that criminal activities continue to be a major issue, particularly crimes against people and property. The majority of Guyanese are of the opinion that most violent crimes are committed on the coastland and the capital city. However, there have been incidents of violent crimes committed in other parts of the country. The poll shows that in 2015 and 2016, crime increased throughout Guyana.




GPL To Benefit From $1.6B Management Project

The Guyana Power & Light Inc. (GPL) is set to benefit from a $1.6B Management Strengthening Programme, which is being funded by Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and European Union (EU). Minister of State Joseph Harmon, on Tuesday at the Ministry of the Presidency disclosed that cabinet has granted its approval for the multi-million dollar contract to be awarded to the Canadian based company, Manitoba Hydro International Limited (MHI). In addressing the aspects of the Management Strengthening Programme, Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Annette Ferguson said that the programme is comprised of two components, the first of which will deal with the improving the capacity of GPL’s management and the second will focus on loss reduction. “Currently, the loss reduction rate stands at just over 29 per cent and by 2020; we would see a reduction in the technical losses by 23 per cent. This is what the 1.6 billion will utilize. With this money being released, we will see a more efficient and effective GPL, both at the management team and providing service to the public.” the minister said Speaking on technical losses, Harmon said on the company is also looking to expand its reach to unserved areas. According to the minster, there is widespread electricity theft especially in areas that are off the grid of GPL, and this is a

matter that should be addressed. “Because in our experience, electricity theft comes from some areas where people do not have full access to electricity so they run a line from one house to the next and then get to a post. So you have issue like that and it is something we cannot disregard that it is one aspect of the line loss and loss reduction exercise that will have to take place… So there are technical losses and losses due to human activity, which we have to deal with,” Harmon said.

In March, GPL reported that its technical and commercial losses in 2015 amounted to approximately 29.2% of dispatched power as a result of disruption in transmission and distribution due to outdated infrastructure, electricity theft, meter tampering and other non-technical losses


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Caribbean Leadership Project To Kick Off On September 12 -Permanent Secretaries, Senior Government Managers To Be Trained Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon, today, received a for five days. The Project is being headed by Dr. Lois Parkes, PAGE 11


courtesy call from the Canadian High Commissioner to Regional Project Manager of the Caribbean Leadership Project, Guyana, Mr. Pierre Giroux and the team that is in Guyana to Cave Hill School of Business. kick-start the Caribbean Leadership Project, which will see the MOTP Press Release training of top level managers and Permanent Secretaries of the Government in functional areas. The Government of Guyana has partnered with the Government of Canada to implement the Project, which has a curriculum focused on the a r e a s o f s e r v i c e d e l i v e r y, l e a d e r s h i p , administration transitions and team building, in keeping with its policy to ensure an efficient public service. Minister Harmon expressed his appreciation to the Canadian Government for the initiative, noting that the Guyana Government is pleased that its drive for a professional, efficient public service is being supported. The seven-year project in the Caribbean is funded by Canada, and is aimed at training and enabling public and civil servants to deliver a high standard of service at a cost of almost $20 million. It will commence on September 12, 2016 and will run

Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon in discussion with the Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana and the Caribbean Leadership Project team.

From left: Ms. Colleen Rossiter, Director, Caribbean Leadership Project, Mr. Reginald Brotherson, Permanent Secretary of the Department of Public Service, Ministry of the Presidency, Dr. Lois Parkes, Regional Project Manager of the Caribbean Leadership Project, Cave Hill School of Business, Mr. Joseph Harmon, Minister of State, Mr. Pierre Giroux, Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana and Ms. Jan Sheltinja, Development Counsellor, High Commission of Canada.




OIC Secretary General To Visit Guyana And Suriname participation. Madani will raise these issues when he visits By Ray Chickrie Caribbean News Now contributor NEW YORK, USA -- The secretary general of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Iyad Ameen Madani, will make his first official tour of the Western hemisphere’s only two OIC member states, Guyana and Suriname, at the end of September, after the opening of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, the ministry of foreign affairs of Suriname and the OIC Mission to the UN confirmed. Suriname’s relationship with the OIC has expanded significantly in the past five years.


During his visit, the OIC head will encourage Guyana to be more active at the OIC and offer political and economic support to Guyana. Guyana most likely will seek the OIC’s 57-country support against Venezuela’s claim to its territory. Former Guyana envoy to the OIC, Dr Odeen Ishmael, said, “The OIC has always supported Guyana’s territorial integrity. It is important that Guyana maintain that support from the OIC. But to ensure that, Guyana has to participate in the important Recently the Parliament of Suriname ratified the OIC’s new meetings of the OIC to press home it’s position.” The OIC chief charter. And the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), an organ of will begin his four-day visit in Suriname on September 28. the OIC, has become more involved in the economic (Caribbean News Now!) development of Suriname. The Islamic Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are currently jointly supporting the economic recovery of Suriname. The bank has offered Suriname a loan of US$1.75 billion to fund projects and support the import of essential goods and medicines. Guyana, on the other hand, has been estranged from the OIC, failing to attend heads of government summits and smaller meetings. This is despite a promise by the new administration in Guyana to improve its participation in the group. Guyana was notably absent at the last OIC heads of government summit in Turkey earlier this year. Since its membership in 1993, Guyana has not yet officially appointed an ambassador to the OIC. Financial constraints, the fact that the OIC was not a priority in Guyana’s foreign relations, and the lack of human resources are some of the reasons why Guyana has often been absent from OIC meetings and

Guyana’s President David Granger (L) at an earlier meeting with Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Iyad Ameen Madani, in Riyadh. OIC photo




PI Continues Into Kaieteur News’ Grenade Saga

The Preliminary Inquiry (PI) into the grenade throwing saga at Kaieteur News continued today before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrate's Court. Defendants Alfie Garraway, 36, who is currently on $300,000 bail; Janeil Howard, 20 and Leroy Williams, 25, who are still on remand are jointly charged with attempting to cause damage to property and endangerment to life by way of explosive device; that is to say a grenade. The inquiry today heard two testimonies, the first by Assistant Superintendent (ASP) of Police Kevin Das who revealed information about the arrest of Alfie Garraway on June 12, 2016. ASP Das stated that upon making the arrest and cautioning the accused, Garraway was handed over to detectives at the Ruimveldt Police Station. The second testimony was by Detective Sargent Herbert Henry who in his testimony gave information about the briefing and collecting of statements from Janeil Howard on June 13, 2016 also in relation to the aforementioned crime. Detective Henry further revealed that on the day while in the presence of Detective Sargent Serabo at the Criminal Investigations Department, Eve Leary, he took from Howard his statements in respect to the crime. It is alleged that on the night of June 4, 2016 while attending a gathering at the Kaieteur News,

Saffon Street, Charlestown location, a staffer heard an unusual noise next to a vehicle owned by the publisher of the news source Glen Lall.

Upon investigation into the noise the staffer noticed the grenade and raised an alarm. It has been revealed that there is CCTV video footage of the incident which shows a car slowing down in front of Mr. Lall's vehicle and the explosive being tossed out of the said car.




Logistics Hub A Major Investment Thrust For Jamaica By Kadian Brown KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) -- Jamaica’s gradual transition to a ‘logistics centred’ economy has prompted the need for integration of various sectors, public-private partnerships and ongoing research and discussions by key stakeholders. The prospect of Jamaica becoming a globally competitive logistics hub stems from its strategic geographic location along the major shipping lanes combined with its connectivity to global markets and proximity to North America. The Logistics Hub Initiative (LHI) includes plans to further develop national infrastructure assets, such as ports, airports, roads, utilities, and special economic zones, and attract private-sector investment in logistics, transportation, and other value-added sectors. Chairman of the Logistics Hub Initiative, Dr Eric Deans said that the LHI is a major thrust of the government to attract investment to Jamaica, primarily companies engaged in global supply chains, to serve a regional market. It includes the development of national infrastructure assets, such as ports, airports, roads, utilities, and special economic zones (SEZ), and attracting private-sector investment in logistics, transportation, and other value-added sectors. “It is more than just a location, it is more than just one infrastructure component, but involves several key pillars such as infrastructure, business environment, technology and human capital,” he said. “We are moving away from the traditional trans-shipment model where goods just come into the port and then stay a short time then (are) shipped out, as we do not get much value from that as a country,” he pointed out. He explained that, with the LHI, there will be value-added industries operating within the economic zone and providing opportunities for business people to provide services. Deans said that, in order to attract international investors, a conducive business environment must be created for those entities, That means that all the activities associated with their conducting business, whether it be the work permit associated with their workforce, their training needs, (or) accommodations for their children,” Deans highlighted. He added that this move, therefore, involves a collaborative approach by several entities, including Companies Office of Jamaica, Jamaica Customs Agency, Ministry of Labour and Social Security, and all other entities to deal with business facilitation matters. “We are positioning ourselves to be at the forefront of this fourth industrial revolution and this is what will separate us from our regional competitors. To realise this, the human capital is essential, so the skills that are necessary to support the logistics hub are not just in transportation or warehousing but in all the various technologically advanced areas that will support the initiative… Having all of these components is what will make the logistics hub work,” Deans outlined. A most recent initiative which sparked discussion from key stakeholders about the LHI was the staging of a Logistics Symposium in July. The event explored the country’s readiness to respond to the changes in the global landscape, especially with the completion of the Panama Canal expansion project. It attracted some 200 persons from the public and private sectors, including thinkers, implementers, business strategists, companies and individuals who may wish to capitalise on the future growth of the global logistics industry. Meanwhile, the government, through the Planning Institute of

Jamaica (PIOJ), has engaged the services of United States-based economic consultant Nathan Associates, to conduct an industry analysis and develop a master plan for the LHI. The 14-month study will be executed by sub-consultants Berger ABAM. Deans explained that the industry analysis and master plan will provide the developmental road map to establish Jamaica as a global logistics hub. He said Nathan Associates’ market analysis will provide the rationalisation and prioritisation for investment in the industries that will best develop the hub. The government is preparing a competent workforce for the jobs that will emerge. Executive director for the Caribbean Maritime Institute (CMI), and member of the Logistics Hub Task Force with responsibility for training and education, Dr Fritz Pinnock, noted that, since September 2015, Logistics and Supply Chain Operations, and Commercial Shipping are two courses that have been introduced at the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) level. He said that there are plans to introduce courses in logistics at Sam Sharpe Teachers’ College and Knox Community College. Mona School of Business and Management (MSBM) intends to introduce a master’s degree in supply chain and logistics management by September 2017. The CMI is already offering logistics-related degree and master’s programmes. In addition, some 65,000 Jamaicans across the island have been engaged and sensitised on the LHI through ‘Logistics Hub 101’. Logistics Hub 102, an advanced training programme, was also rolled out. “This (training) is an important aspect of sensitising Jamaica to what logistics, supply chain management and global value chain are about,” Pinnock noted. The Logistics Hub Initiative is geared towards achieving continued growth, fitting Jamaica into the global value chain and bringing significant investments to the country. The Hub will allow Jamaica to capitalise on increased trade flows through the region, as a result of the expansion of the Panama Canal. Jamaica’s Logistics Hub will consist of world-class seaports (handling containers, dry bulk and liquid bulk commodities), airports, SEZs, logistics parks, logistics centres, integrated intermodal transport capabilities, supporting infrastructure, telecommunications and trade facilitation mechanisms. (Caribbean News Now!)

Chairman of the Logistics Hub Initiative (LHI), Dr Eric Deans. Photo: Michael Sloley

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BVI And USVI Conclude Successful Seventh Inter Virgin Islands Council Meeting By Nadia James-Harris ST THOMAS, USVI -- The British Virgin Islands and US Virgin Islands are making progress to strengthen ties in areas of mutual interest following the seventh meeting of the Inter Virgin Islands Council (IVIC) on September 2 in St Thomas. Premier and minister of finance of the British Virgin Islands, Dr Orlando Smith, and governor of the USVI, Kenneth E. Mapp, led their respective delegations of government officials to report to the council and further discuss areas of shared interests. Smith, in his opening remarks said, “Our mutual commitment to the Inter Virgin Islands Council over the years, demonstrates that both our governments recognise the need to build an even more effective framework for continued meaningful and productive social, economic, and political exchanges.” He added, “Many of challenges we face are often brought about as a result of our differing political and governance structures. For, while we share the same waters and a common heritage we are part of two separate sovereign countries. It therefore requires us all to continue to work together to ensure the practical implementation of policies and laws, particularly those which emanate from our respective administering authorities.” At the opening ceremony, Mapp said, “I ordered today from sunrise to sunset, that the flags of the BVI to be flown over Government House area in the capital, so we are displaying the colors of the BVI today as a testament to our friendship and our welcoming of you, Premier Smith, and your government and the wonderful people of the British Virgin Islands.” Mapp added, “Today I look forward to wonderful conversations, good workout sessions on the key issues that are common to each of our people and look forward to festering and strengthening this bond that exists between the people of the British Virgin Islands and the people of the United States Virgin Islands.” During the meeting, reports were received from the standing committees on law enforcement, pleasure boating and sports fishing, cultural preservation, tourism, energy and utilities, health, mutual disaster, preparedness and assistance, as well as education. Also discussed was the update on progress made regarding cooperation for BVI musician work permits. Coming out of these discussions, the respective standing

committees comprised of officials from both territories, have agreed to hold regular annual meetings, strengthen their capacity building efforts, improve the exchange of information, and collaborate more on public information outreach efforts. During the reporting presentations, the Committee on Pleasure-Boating and Sports Fishing intends to have greater harmonisation of operations and synergy in closed seasons for the two territories. Additionally, there are plans for greater educational efforts to the fishing and boating community. There will also be improved public outreach and information sharing to stakeholders. In tourism cooperation, the standing committee for tourism advised that the two territories will revisit the current ferry operation schedules, and align with flight schedules. Furthermore, the tourism committee has agreed to exchange dialogue on any training initiatives and the curriculum to improve customer service to visitors in both territories. To improve management of energy and utilities in the “Greater Virgin Islands”, the Committee on Energy and Utilities advised that their collaboration strategy includes information-sharing on utilities and energy production; mutual strengthening of their public education programme on energy efficiency; joint transitioning to, and testing of new technologies such as the use of LED or solar lighting; and establishing a mutual way forward in regards to finding a waste-toenergy s olution. To s trengthen law enforcement efforts in the two territories, the Committee on Law Enforcement has agreed to greater sharing of information and an exchange of officers to help build capacity. The Committee on Education focused on higher education and agreed on the need to further operationalise the memorandum of understanding for educational exchange that was signed in 2014 between the University of the Virgin Islands and the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College. In addition, the committee discussed a number of possible areas for training, as well as areas of collaborative research. In their presentation, the Committee on Cultural Preservation agreed to have cultural and historical exchanges on traditions that are similar, yet different, and the rationale behind it. The cultural preservation committee has also

agreed to explore the possibility of the BVIUSVI Friendship Day being expanded into a cultural festival celebration and create a weekend of cultural events versus a one-day event. The Committee on Health, in their reporting presentation, agreed to collaborate on their responses and public education for the management of zika. Among other areas of information exchange, the committee has agreed to explore mentoring and coaching opportunities between health practitioners and sharing of technical resources towards accreditation and quality management. The Committee on Mutual Disaster Preparedness and Assistance agreed that there is a need for greater research collaboration, capacity building and higher learning in the various areas of disaster management. In his closing remarks at the meeting, the premier stated, “Listening to the presentations, it is obvious that the differences that we have between us are so small, compared to the things that we can do together, and the presentations have demonstrated how we have already started to do some of those things and the plans for the way forward.” He said that it was a great opportunity to be able to continue the meetings, the discussions, and working together as the communities of the “Greater Virgin Islands” will be better off as a result. Mapp, in speaking about the outcomes of the meeting said that it was a very productive day and one of learning, and agreed that there are more commonalities between the two territories than differences. He added that the closeness and relationship as a people, underscored by the fact that the blood of many people of the BVI is flowing through the veins of the people of the USVI and vice-versa, makes us “One”. Mapp said that the two territories should continue to work together on our mutual interests and find resolutions to some of the distinctions that are driven by the two national governments. The next IVIC meeting will be held on October 6, 2017, in the British Virgin Islands. The Inter-Virgin Islands Council was established on Saturday, 29 May, 2004, when former USVI Governor Dr Charles Turnbull and then Chief Minister Smith signed a joint memorandum of understanding. The Council’s first meeting convened on St Croix in April 2005. (Caribbean News Now!)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Prime Ministers Of Barbados And Jamaica Hold Bilateral Talks BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (BGIS) -- relationship, particularly in light of the execution of the guidelines in the PAGE 18

Prime minister of Barbados, Freundel Stuart, and prime minister of Jamaica, A n d r e w H o l n e s s , o n We d n e s d a y discussed the state of bilateral relations between the two countries via telephone. The discussions took place against the background of two recent incidents related to Jamaican travellers to Barbados and came a day after Stuart received the letter of introduction of the new nonresident high commissioner of Jamaica to Barbados, David Prendergast. The high commissioner was accompanied by honorary consul, Ella Hoyos. Stuart told his counterpart that his call was intended to cement the need for the two countries to work more closely at the bilateral level over a range of issues, noting their close historical ties as founder members of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). The prime minister of Jamaica agreed that there was a need to strengthen the bilateral


recent incidents involving two Jamaican Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) ruling. According to him, the Revised Treaty nationals. “had set out the ideal but the court had He expressed his deep concern at the two sought to put flesh on the dry bones of that reported incidents. Stuart agreed that the ideal.” reported incidents were unfortunate and that on becoming aware of the matters, he He said that wherever challenges arose had immediately sought a full briefing on the government of Barbados would, as each of them. He drew to the attention of should be the case with other CARICOM his counterpart the fact that statistics governments, try to make sure that regarding Jamaicans travelling to mistakes were corrected and not repeated. Barbados had shown that thousands of In response to the intimation of Holness Jamaicans entered Barbados without any that the recent matters could end up issues and that fewer than one per cent before the CCJ, Stuart indicated that that was the right of the individuals which no encountered problems. one could deny. He assured his Jamaican He, however, did not condone any counterpart that his government would unwarranted challenge to Jamaicans, in give the fullest cooperation in ensuring his capacity as both minister responsible that propriety obtains in the matters. for immigration in Barbados and the lead spokesman in CARICOM for the He stressed that it was important that the CARICOM Single Market and Economy recent issues be managed carefully and (CSME). He assured his regional not be allowed to undermine the good colleague that the matters would be fully relations between the two countries. investigated, and that if any S t u a r t t o o k t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o impropriety on the part of congratulate Holness and the Jamaican Barbadian officials was found, people for that island’s excellent the requisite sanctions would performance in the recent Summer be applied. Holness made Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. He asserted mention of the Shanique that Usain Bolt had written his name Myrie case, in response to indelibly in gold on that occasion and which Stuart noted that, given congratulated Jamaica for showcasing its precedent-setting nature, it the Caribbean to the world. The two was natural that the Myrie case leaders agreed to keep the lines of would be evoked, but that it communication open between the two was one unfortunate incident countries, and to issue their respective when compared with the statements on the matter later in the day. thousands of Jamaicans who (Caribbean News Now!) come to Barbados and enter uneventfully. He said that in the fullness of time he hoped to have a chance to address the Jamaican public on the issues. Stuart also noted that challenges would occur from time to time in the freedom of movement initiative and stressed that it was early days yet in the



GUYANA DAILY NEWS Police Plan To Appeal Ruling That Freed Radio Talk Show Host ST. JOHN’S, Antigua, Sept 9, CMC – The Court. The magistrate on Wednesday But a former police commissioner is PAGE 20

Antigua and Barbuda police say they intend to challenge a ruling of Magistrate Conliffe Clarke dismissing a conspiracy case against radio talk show host, Algernon “Serpent” Watts. Earlier this week, the magistrate ruled that there was no indication that Watts knew what was taking place at the Board of Education (BoE) where he also worked when he was slapped with the charge along with D. Gisele Isaac, a former speaker of the Parliament here and a senior executive of the main opposition United Progressive Party (UPP).. Isaac, who served as executive secretary at the BoE, and Watts who was employed as a debt collector for the statutory corporation, were jointly charged with conspiracy to defraud the board of EC$15,313.22 (One EC dollar =US$0.37 cents). The former executive secretary, who was also charged with corruption and conversion of the same sum and an additional EC$9,000, has since been committed to stand trial in the High


dismissed the case citing a lack of evidence that there was a meeting of the minds between Watts and Isaac, although Watts may have benefited financially from Isaac’s alleged illegal actions. But in a statement the police said they plan to appeal the ruling. The Prosecutions Department within the Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda has placed on record its intention to appeal the magistrate’s decision in the case of Algernon “Serpent” Watts on behalf of the Commissioner of Police. “Section 191B (1) (b) of the Magistrate’s Code of Procedure Amendment Act of 2004, makes provision on the point of law for the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to appeal the court’s decision with respect to the dismissal of a charge against an accused person in committal proceedings,” the police said in the statement.

questioning the position of the police on the matter. Rawlston Pompey said the legislation quoted in the police statement to support the planned appeal, does not apply to them and the statement was “premature. “It was unfortunate that such a release was made public or sent to the press because this is the calling of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the law is quite clear in the Magistrate’s Code of Procedure (Amendment) Act 2004 where it speaks to appeal by the DPP. It did not make any reference to the police or any other person,” Pompey said. (Antigua Observer)




Maduro Accused Of Politically Harassing Workers December 6 2015.

The Workers Syndical Union has denounced cases of hundreds of officials fired for supporting the Revocatory Referendum. The Workers Syndical Union’s, members of the Trade-Union Action accused President Nicolas Maduro of workplace harassment before the International Labor Organization (OIT), after alleged declarations of the president in favor to dismiss those workers who signed supporting the Revocatory Referendum. According to the Venezuelan newspaper El Nacional, a letter of complaint was sent to the director of the OIT Mr. Guy Rayder, signed by representatives of the Venezuelan Trade-Union Confederation, National Worker’s Union, the Independent Trade-Union and the General Labor Confederation of Venezuela. In the text it denounced the g o v e r n m e n t ’s v i o l a t i o n s o f conventions 87, 98 and 111 about the freedom of association, collective bargaining and no discrimination, respectively. The General Labor C o n f e d e r a t i o n o f Ve n e z u e l a i s concerned how human rights and right the right to work, are being heavily violated by the government. It’s reported that the document cites, how governmental and presidential declarations have been pronounced and broadcast nationwide, with the purpose to transmit a deep feeling of ‘fear’ in the working population that supports the Revocatory Referendum. The working sector of the population has been under the radar, since the government lost the parliamentary elections against the Democratic Round Table (MUD) on

Even though a mist of persecution and confusion have been taking over the country in this last weeks, a high percentage of the citizens are still in favor of the Revocatory Referendum. This one seen strictly as a civic action and right written in Article 72 of the Venezuelan Constitution. According to Article 72, any public servant's mandate can be revoked by referendum, but only in the second half of his or her mandate and if petitioned by at least 25 per cent of registered voters […] Source:

President Nicolas Maduro

B r ig h t S m i l e F r e e c o ns ul t a t i o n & Xr a y

De n t a lCl i n i c



GUYANA DAILY NEWS Government Moving To Establish Duty Free Zones In Barbados PAGE 23

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Sept 9, CMC – The Barbados government says it will soon establish a special committee to review the proposed Duty Free Zones initiative. Finance and Economic Affairs Minister Christopher Sinckler said that his ministry is working on the Cabinet Paper, which would outline the composition of the committee and its terms of reference. He said he expects Cabinet to give approval to the document “in the coming weeks” and that the committee would benefit from the technical expertise of some countries that had already implemented a similar initiative. “Within days of us making the announcement, we have had companies and officials reach out to us from some of those jurisdictions to lend technical advice to us and we are working on that. So, we expect in short order to have that Committee up and running and we will look at the best ways in which we can carry this forward.” He said that while duty free zones could be successful there were some areas to be worked through to ensure there was no disruption in the existing systems, or any discrimination or undue advantage of one set of members of the business community over another. Sinckler said that selected products would be available in the duty free zone. “You will enter the free zone under certain conditions; you will be able to make those purchases similar to


what we do now in the duty free sector in town, but far greater controls are going to be put in place,” he said, adding that it is hoped that visitors, especially those from the Caribbean, would consider Barbados as a destination they could visit to do costeffective shopping. During the debate on the Financial Statement and Budgetary Proposals in Parliament last month, Sinckler said that the creation of duty free zones would earn and save the country foreign exchange. He said the Special Committee would review the duty free zones initiative and report its findings and recommendations to him within three months, so a firm proposal could be taken to the Cabinet Committee on Economic Policy for examination and forwarding to the main Cabinet for approval. He said the committee would comprise the Barbados Tourism Investment Inc., officials of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, representatives of the Central Bank of Barbados, the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Private Sector Association of Barbados. He added that the Committee would have the right to co-opt any other person or parties considered necessary in assisting it to carry out its mandate. (Antigua Observer)




FBI To Set Up Office In Jamaica

KINGSTON, Jamaica, Sept 9, CMC – The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) are to set up offices in Jamaica as part of measures to help fight crime and violence. A Jamaica Information Service (JIS) statement reporting on the United States Jamaica-US Bilateral Relations Forum held here earlier this week, quoted US Ambassador to Jamaica, Luis G Moreno, as saying that officers from the agencies will help to train local personnel. The Forum focused on a report from the Caribbean Policy Research Institute (CaPRI) entitled ‘Dialogues between Democracies: The Future of US-Jamaica Bilateral Relations’.

networks, investigating cybersecurity crimes and spotting false documents. “Having the FBI means that if there is a federal crime committed here which affects both Jamaica and the United States, I don’t have to wait for the office in Miami for international affairs to send me agents.

Once we have an office here full-time, that guy will go out, train people, and will liaise and exchange information.” The diplomat said the ATF is crucial, as it can trace serial numbers and conduct forensic tests on guns coming through the United States and Central America in the drugs for gun trade. He said that the US has invested and will continue to invest tens of millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours in improving The report focused on areas such as enhancing security; the capabilities of Jamaica’s security forces and the judiciary. emboldening democratic governance; increasing trade and (Antigua Observer) investment; enabling health and prosperity; endorsing full and equal citizenship; and strengthening the partnership. Prime Minister A n d r ew H o ln es s , w h o ad d r es s ed th e conference, said his administration is fairly advanced in developing a strategic anti-crime action plan which involves an integrated and comprehensive set of measures and actions to significantly reduce crime in the country. “In the next budget you will see an allocation which will be significant, but necessary in ensuring that Jamaica, once and for all, brings the crime monster to heel,” Holness said. Ambassador Moreno said that over the past year, 16 courses have been conducted in areas such as forensics, investigating terror




North Korea's 'Biggest' Nuclear Test Sparks Global Outrage World leaders have reacted with anger after North Korea carried out its fifth and reportedly biggest nuclear test. The South accused the North's leader Kim Jong-un of "maniacal recklessness". China "firmly opposed" the test, Japan "protested adamantly" and the US warned of "serious consequences" including "new sanctions". The UN Security Council will meet later behind closed doors to discuss the issue. Such nuclear tests are banned by the UN but this is Pyongyang's second in 2016.

Korean plan to install an anti-missile defence system in the South and by the allies' massive annual joint military exercises, which are still taking place. The North's recent actions have sorely tested its only ally, China. It condemned January's test and repeated that on Friday after the latest. China's foreign ministry said it would lodge a diplomatic protest and urged North Korea to avoid further action that would worsen the situation.

Kim Jong-un's rhetoric has also become increasingly aggressive, analysts say. The isolated communist nation has been hit by five sets of UN sanctions since its first test in 2006. Talks involving world and regional powers have failed to rein in the North's nuclear programme. In its statement announcing the underground test, North Korea expressed anger at the "racket of threat and sanctions... kicked up by the US-led hostile forces" to deny a "sovereign state's exercise of the right to self-defence".

Reaction from elsewhere was more harsh: United States President Barack Obama condemned the test saying he had agreed with South Korea and Japan to work with the UN Security Council "to vigorously implement existing measures imposed in previous resolutions, and to take additional significant steps, including new sanctions" Japan - North Korea is an "outlaw nation in the neighbourhood" South Korea - "Such provocation will further accelerate its path to self-destruction" Russia - "We insist that the North Korean side stop its dangerous escapades and unconditionally implement all resolutions of the United Nations Security Council" The International Atomic Energy Agency - a "deeply troubling and regrettable act" that is "in complete disregard of the repeated demands of the international community" The latest test was announced on state TV hours after a 5.3 magnitude tremor was detected near the Punggye-ri underground nuclear site.

The test came on the country's National Day, which celebrates the founding of the current regime and which is often used as a show of military strength. Technically, the North said the test was aimed at further developing the miniaturisation of nuclear warheads so they could be mounted on ballistic missiles. In its statement the North said it could now produce "at will, and as many as it wants, a variety of smaller, lighter and diversified nuclear warheads of higher strike power". In recent months, the North has conducted a series of ballistic missile launches and Estimates of the explosive yield of the latest blast have varied. South Korea's military said it was about 10 kilotonnes, enough has in the past often stated its aim of hitting US targets. to make it the North's "strongest nuclear test ever". Other The North has previously made claims on "miniaturised" experts say initial indications suggest 20 kilotonnes or more. nuclear warheads but they have never been independently The bomb dropped by the US on Hiroshima in 1945 had a yield confirmed. What North Korea's opponents can actually do is of about 15 kilotonnes. (BBC) problematic. After the fourth test in January, China agreed to impose tougher UN sanctions. Further and even tougher sanctions are still possible, like blocking the export of fuel oil to North Korea. That would be a drastic step which might halt the economy and cause serious suffering to ordinary people. China's bottom line is that it does not want the collapse of the regime in Pyongyang if that leads to a chaotic power vacuum, possibly filled by the US and its allies. North Korea has also been angered by a US and South A North Korean TV presenter reads out the news




Foiled Paris Attack 'Was Directed By IS’

Three women arrested over a foiled attack in Paris were directed by so-called Islamic State (IS) from Syria, a French prosecutor has said. The group "wanted to make the women into fighters", Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said. A policeman was stabbed during an operation late on Thursday to arrest the women, after the discovery of a suspect car containing gas canisters. The vehicle was found near Notre Dame cathedral in Paris on Sunday. Police shot and wounded one of the women during the

Security has been stepped up at Notre Dame after the discovery of the suspect vehicle(AP)

operation in Boussy-Saint-Antoine, south-east of the city. One woman, aged 19, reportedly declared her allegiance to IS in a letter. The others arrested were said to be aged 39 and 23. Mr Molins said one of the women had been engaged to both Larossi Abballa, who killed two police officials in June before being shot dead himself, and subsequently to Adel Kermiche, who was shot dead by police in July after slitting the throat of an elderly priest in his church. Her current fiance was arrested on Thursday, Mr Molins said. The women and their associates had already been under surveillance but the discovery of the gas-filled car near Notre Dame had pitted the security forces in "a race against time" to arrest them, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said. The three women were believed to be planning other imminent and violent attacks, he said. President Francois Hollande said: "An attack was derailed... a group has been disbanded, but there are others and we must be able to act each time before it is too late and that's what we're doing." Mr Molins said the latest plot provided more evidence that IS was ready to use women for attacks. "If at first it seemed that women were confined to carrying out family and domestic tasks by the terrorist organisation, we are now forced to see that vision is largely outdated," he said. (BBC)




Fury Over Facebook 'Napalm Girl' Censorship Facebook has controversially removed the iconic image of a girl fleeing a Napalm attack during the Vietnam war from a post, on the grounds of nudity. The editor of Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten said the entire post, which was about iconic war imagery, was later deleted and the account of the reporter behind it suspended. Espen Egil Hansen has accused Mark Zuckerberg of "an abuse of power". Facebook said it has to restrict nudity for cultural reasons. Mr Hansen said the image of Kim Phuc, then aged nine, was removed less than 24 hours after the newspaper received a request from the firm to either take down the image or pixelate it and before it had responded. "While we recognise that this photo is iconic, it's difficult to create a distinction between allowing a photograph of a nude child in one instance and not others," Facebook said in a statement. "We try to find the right balance between enabling people to express themselves while maintaining a safe and respectful experience for our global community. Our solutions won't always be perfect, but we will continue to try to improve our policies and the ways in which we apply them." Several Norwegian politicians, including Prime Minister Erna Solberg, also shared the image but within hours it had been removed again, Aftenposten reports.

in 2010. After 14 months in hospital and 17 operations, she was able to go home. Today Kim Phuc is 53 and lives in Toronto with her husband, children and parents. She is still in constant pain from her injuries but says she has found peace. She said at first she hated the photograph but now it informs her work as a UN goodwill ambassador and with her Kim Phuc Foundation to support child victims of war. "To pretend that it is possible to create common, global rules for what may and what may not be published, only throws dust into people's eyes." He ended the letter saying that Facebook had opened up a lot of positive opportunities and he wanted to see them used "in a better way". Aftenposten is the largest newspaper in circulation in Norway and Rolv Erik Ryssdal, chief executive of its parent firm the Schibsted Media Group, said Facebook's actions were "not acceptable".

"Independent media is the foundation for democracy," he said in a statement. "Facebook's censorship is an attack on the freedom of expression - and therefore on democracy." The social network said it had to have the same rules for everybody. Editorial responsibilities Social media consultant Sue Llewellyn said she believed Facebook's actions were heavyhanded. "I understand what they are saying but I think they are Mr Hansen has written an open letter to Facebook chief over the top," she said. executive Mark Zuckerberg. 'Promoting stupidity' He described Mr Zuckerberg as "the world's most powerful editor" but added "It's ridiculous when everybody knows that image, and it is such that he was restricting Aftenposten's own editorial an iconic image, to ban it." She also disagreed with Mark responsibilities. "I am worried that the world's most important Zuckerberg's comments last month that his company is a medium is limiting freedom instead of trying to extend it and technology firm, not a media organisation. "You can't be a that this occasionally happens in an authoritarian way," he distributor of news without having editorial responsibilities," wrote. The letter goes on to state: "If you will not distinguish she said. "They can't keep washing their hands of it and then between child pornography and documentary photographs from censoring content." (BBC) a war, this will simply promote stupidity and fail to bring human beings closer to each other. Who is the girl in the photo? Kim Phuc was nine years old when she was photographed running for her life following a Napalm attack north of Saigon in June 1972. She suffered horrific burns. Photographer Nick Ut and ITN correspondent Christopher Wain took her to hospital. They were told she was not expected to survive the day. "There was a blast of heat which felt like someone had opened the door of an oven. Then we saw Kim and the rest of the children. None of them were making any sound at all - until they saw the adults. Then they started to scream," Mr Wain recalled

Espen Egil Hansen is editor of Aftenposten, Norway's largest newspaper.(AFTENPOSTEN/NICK UT)




Syria War: Rebel-Held Aleppo Has 'Days' Of Fuel Left - UN

Fuel supplies could run out within days in a rebel-held part of the Syrian city of Aleppo, the UN special envoy for Syria has warned. Fighting has escalated between Syria's army and rebels in eastern Aleppo, where 250,000 people live. Staffan de Mistura said food and water shortages made the situation there even more serious than previously. He said a deal at ongoing US-Russian talks in Geneva could make a major difference to aid efforts across Syria. On Sunday, Syrian government forces were reported to have recaptured parts of Aleppo city Fighting between Syria's army and rebels for control of eastern Aleppo escalated in recent weeks(AFP) which were lost to rebels last month, placing rebel-held districts in the city's east once again collapsed quickly in the north. But it is still more or less holding, under siege. A monitoring group said government troops had or at least influencing matters, around Damascus. That does not recaptured two military academy sites in the Ramouseh district, mean that the war is anywhere near over. in the south of the city, and severed a recently established rebel A Syrian general at the ministry of defence told me they were supply line. "There is a growing concern about eastern Aleppo: well aware that the war in Lebanon a generation ago had lasted the issue about food, the issue about the possibility that within 16 years. This one, he said, was much more complicated so there perhaps the next few days it will turn out to be dark because could be at least another 10 years of bloodshed. The collective there is no fuel, problems of water," Mr de Mistura said on tragedy is that so many foreign countries have intervened in the war that it has become much harder to stop. Syria's war is a big Friday. part of the historic change sweeping through the Middle East, UN humanitarian chief Stephen O'Brien told the BBC conditions in Aleppo had become appalling: "Eastern Aleppo is and it is tied into other conflicts. Power is shifting, with global at the apex of horror, where anyone of us if we were there would repercussions. More tragedies lie ahead. (BBC) find life barely possible, let alone tolerable." Mr O'Brien said civilians were trapped in ruined buildings, subjected to daily bombing and shelling. He described children in the city as a "lost" generation, who had no access to school. Over the summer the UN's ability to deliver aid across Syria was greatly reduced because of the increased fighting, the UN said. Little aid was delivered in July, less in August, and none at all so far in September, it added. The UN warnings come as US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov meet in Switzerland to try to hammer out a ceasefire deal in Syria. But the two diplomats have been meeting on and off for several weeks now and the negotiations are clearly proving complicated, the BBC's Imogen Foulkes in Geneva reports. The US and Russia support opposite sides in the conflict that began in 2011: Washington backs a coalition of rebel groups it describes as moderate, while Moscow is seen as a key ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. A ceasefire deal that the Russians and the Americans arranged back in February




US Election: Trump Sceptical Of Russia Meddling

Donald Trump has told a Kremlin-funded TV network "it's probably unlikely" that Russia is trying to influence the US election. The Republican presidential nominee suggested on RT that Democrats were behind claims Russian intelligence agencies had hacked their computers. Mr Trump has faced a backlash since praising Russian President Vladimir Putin at a Wednesday night forum.


No matter the explanation, the story re-enforces the politically damaging perception that Mr Trump is uncomfortably chummy with the Russian government. Private cyber-security analysts have blamed Russian intelligence agencies for electronic breakins into Democratic Party computers that emerged in leaks over the summer. Earlier this week Defence Secretary Ash Carter said the US would not ignore Russia's "efforts to interfere with our democratic processes". During a televised forum on Wednesday on national security, Mr Trump complimented Mr Putin for having "great control over his country".

His Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, accused him of being unpatriotic. Mr Trump was interviewed on Thursday night by Larry King, a former CNN host who now presents a show on RT America, a Russian-funded TV network. When King asked him about reports that Russia is trying to disrupt the US election, Mr Trump was sceptical. "I think it's probably unlikely," he said. "I Mr Putin has offered kind words for Trump in the past, too, describing him as "a talented man". The Republican chairman think maybe the Democrats are putting that out. of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Corker, "I hope that if they are doing something, I hope that somebody's offered words of caution for Mr Trump on Thursday. "One has to going to be able to find out, so they can end it, because that be a little careful to let flattery affect one's judgment," he told would not be appropriate at all." A Trump spokeswoman, Hope CNN. "Let's face it, over the last several years, President Putin Hicks, suggested Mr Trump did not realise King's show was part has operated in ways that very much have been against our of a Russian-backed network. "Mr Trump recorded a short interests." interview with Larry King for his podcast as a favour to Mr King," she said. Why Trump strikes a chord with Russians Mr Trump urged the Russians in July to hack into Mrs Clinton's "What Larry King does with the interview content is up to him. emails to find messages that were deleted from her account amid an investigation into whether she abused state secrets. In a news We have nothing to do with it." conference on Thursday morning at a New York state airport, Back in the late 1980s and 1990s, Larry King was a titan of US Mrs Clinton invoked conservatives' most revered US president political media. A guest spot on his television call-in show as she pounced on Mr Trump's remarks. "What would Ronald provided current and aspiring candidates a way to reach a Reagan say about a Republican nominee who attacks American national audience in a low-stress, friendly environment. Donald generals and heaps praise on Russia's president?" she asked. Trump, back when he was just a larger-then-life real-estate (BBC) developer and New York socialite, was a regular on King's programme. It's not entirely surprising then that the Republican nominee accepted an interview request from his long-time friend. That, however, is when Mr Trump's staff should have done a bit of research, found out the interview would be broadcast on RT and told their candidate to come up with a scheduling conflict and politely pull out. Given the heat Mr Trump has taken recently for showering praise on Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian-owned RT is the last outlet he should be on. This is either another example of the Trump team's questionable advance work or perhaps more troubling - its




Galaxy Note 7: Owners Advised Not To Use On Planes 7 d e v i c e s , t h e F e d e r a l Av i a t i o n Airlines for America said it was "closely

Airline passengers have been warned by US authorities not to switch on or charge their Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phones when on board the plane. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) also advised against packing the phones into any checked-in luggage. Samsung recalled the phone last week after reports emerged of the device exploding during or after charging.

Administration strongly advises passengers not to turn on or charge these devices on board aircraft and not to stow them in any checked baggage," the FAA said. Following Samsung's recall of its Galaxy Note 7, Qantas said on Thursday it was "requesting that passengers who own [the devices] do not switch on or charge them in-flight." The phone was launched last month and has been Qantas and Virgin Australia have also otherwise generally well-received by told customers not to charge or use the consumers and critics. phone during flights. Samsung said it w o u l d s p e e d u p s h i p m e n t s o f Some 2.5 million Note 7s have been replacement Galaxy Note 7 phones to shipped globally. Samsung has said ease safety concerns. Earlier this week, customers who have already bought the US TV channel Fox 10 reported claims phone will be able to swap it for a new one that a faulty Galaxy Note 7 had set fire to a and that it would take about two weeks to family's Jeep. Battery problems Samsung prepare replacement devices. This is has said that battery problems were precautionary advice and not understood behind the phones catching fire, but that it to be in reaction to any incident on a was difficult to work out which phones plane. But it does continue the headache for Samsung - even once the company were affected among those sold. goes through the motions of getting the "In light of recent incidents and concerns device recalled, the Note 7 will forever be raised by Samsung about its Galaxy Note the exploding smartphone. This is not the first time the FAA has warned about the dangers of lithium batteries on flights. Earlier this year, it urged airlines to assess the risk of transporting lithium batteries as cargo. And the administration also insists that any spare lithium battery be kept with the passenger rather than kept with luggage in the hold - though as a person who regularly travels with big lithium batteries for camera equipment, I can tell you this is inconsistently enforced. A Galaxy Note 7 reportedly caught fire shortly after its charger was unplugged(ARIEL GONZALEZ)

The US trade group

monitoring" the Note 7 issue and that carriers in the US would make their own ruling over the use of the phone on board. "Each individual carrier makes determinations, in compliance with FAA safety rules and regulations, as to what is permitted to be carried on board and in the cargo hold," an Airlines for America spokesperson said in a statement. South Korea-listed shares of Samsung Electronics were down close to 3% in early Friday trade. (BBC)




Deadly Train Crash Near O Porrino In North-West Spain At least four people have been killed and 47 hurt in a train derailment near O Porrino in north-western Spain. About 60 passengers were on the Portuguese train when it derailed at 09:30 (07:30 GMT) just outside the station. Those killed were the Portuguese driver and Spanish conductor, a US tourist and another Spaniard. O Porrino is located south of the Galician city of Vigo, near the border with Portugal. In July 2013 Spain suffered one of its worst train crashes in the same region, when a high-speed train derailed near Santiago de Compostela, killing 79 people and injuring some 170. The driver failed to brake in time before a bend. In Friday's crash the train apparently hit part of a bridge, El Pais newspaper reported. A photo showed that the train had also struck a signalling tower next to the line. Authorities have opened an investigation and retrieved the train's data recorder for analysis. Emergency workers fear there may be another body hidden in the wreckage. The train operator is Comboios de Portugal and it was travelling on the Vigo-Porto route. 'Covered in blood' The front portion of the train was badly mangled, but the last two carriages were only lightly affected and Spanish media report that many people were able to walk off the damaged train. Railway and track management company Adif said the accident had happened just

The mangled front coach of the Portuguese train near O Porrino station(EPA)

before the train arrived in the station. "The train braked suddenly and suitcases fell on top of us," a passenger told Reuters news agency. "My mother smashed into my father and hurt him, my mum's neck really hurts... When we came out of the carriage we saw people covered in blood. It was really horrible." A passenger in a video posted by local daily La Voz de Galicia said the train had suddenly started swaying from one side to the other. "It wouldn't stop," she said. "I was sitting down and I fell to the ground. And then the train stopped. It was that quick." At least three people were killed on the spot, while the fourth died in hospital. Cause unclear Jesus Vazquez Almuina, health representative in the

regional government, was quoted as saying there were many nationalities on board. "There were a lot of Spaniards and P o r t u g u e s e o b v i o u s l y, b u t a l s o Americans, Germans, people from Chile, Argentina... people who were doing the Road to Santiago [pilgrimage] and were continuing their trip to Porto," he said, a c c o r d i n g t o A F P n e w s a g e n c y. Helicopters, ambulances and fire engines were speedily deployed to the scene. The reason for the derailment has yet to be determined. Officials say it took place on a "very straight line" in an area of good visibility. O Porrino Mayor Eva Garcia de la Torre told told local radio the train involved in the crash looked old. (BBC)




Volkswagen Engineer Charged In Emissions Probe Protection Agency (EPA) found that deliciously ironic, was "Leader of Diesel

A Volkswagen engineer has pleaded guilty to involvement in the German carmaker's diesel emissions scandal. He is the first to be charged as part of the US Justice Department's year-long criminal probe into the firm's rigging of federal airpollution tests. James Liang pleaded guilty to violation of the clean air act, a wire fraud count and a consumer fraud count. Volkswagen has already agreed to spend up to $16bn (£12bn) to address environmental, state and owner claims. Mr Liang, who is a German national, worked in VW's diesel development department in Germany from 1983 to May 2008, before moving to the US. He was part of a team of engineers based in Ann Arbor, Michigan that conducted emissions tests on the diesel engine at the heart of the controversy. He could face five years in prison although by cooperating with the US federal government, he could reduce his jail time. His trial will be held in January. The scandal blew up after the Environmental

many Volkswagen cars being sold in Competence". But were any of the senior America had software in diesel engines suits involved? We still don't know. What that could detect when they were being is clear is that in many ways this alleged conspiracy was pretty clumsy. The tested. The so-called "defeat device" changed indictment quotes from emails in which t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e e n g i n e s engineers first congratulate themselves accordingly to improve results. The on the success of a defeat device, then German car giant has admitted cheating later search for ways to deal with queries emissions tests in the US. Mr Liang is the f r o m r e g u l a t o r s a b o u t e x c e s s i v e first VW employee to face charges over emissions. Among the increasingly the emissions cheating affair, but he panicked comments: "We need a story for almost certainly won't be the last. One the situation!", and later "We still have no word that is repeated time and time again good explanations!!!" (BBC) in the indictment is "conspiracy". Clearly, he didn't work alone. And since he is now cooperating with prosecutors, others are bound to find themselves in the firing line. The question, as ever, is just how high did the conspiracy go? Mr Liang was an engineer. His title, which now seems A Volkswagen engineer pleads guilty(ASSOCIATED PRESS)








Musk: SpaceX Fireball Probe Uncovering 'Complex Failure’ An investigation into how a SpaceX rocket exploded is uncovering a "difficult and complex failure", the firm's founder Elon Musk has said. Mr Musk tweeted that the explosion of Falcon 9 during a routine filling operation was the most complicated in the space travel firm's history. He said that the engines weren't on and there was "no apparent heat source". The rocket's payload, a satellite on which Facebook had leased capacity, was destroyed in the explosion last week. "Still working on the Falcon fireball investigation. Turning out to be the most difficult and complex failure we have ever had in 14 years," Mr Musk tweeted. Facebook, with Eutelsat Communications, had Billionaire Elon Musk is also chief executive of electric car maker Tesla Motors(AP) been due to use the Amos-6 satellite for broadband internet coverage for parts of sub-Saharan Africa as part of investigation by Nasa, the US Federal Aviation Administration, and the US Air Force was "much appreciated". The technology Facebook's initiative. entrepreneur owns and leads SpaceX. Mr Musk is also chief executive of electric car company Tesla Motors and chairman of The force of the blast at Cape Canaveral shook buildings several solar energy firm SolarCity. (BBC) miles away. Mr Musk tweeted that support for the SpaceX




Texas Mattress Shop Apologises For 'Disgusting' 9/11 Ad A mattress shop in Texas has apologised for what it says was a "disgusting" and "tasteless" 9/11-themed advert. Miracle Mattress faced a backlash online after promoting a "twin tower sale", for which every mattress sold on the anniversary of the attacks would be the price of a twin mattress. At the end of the short clip, staff fall screaming into two large towers of mattress, knocking them over. "We'll never forget," the presenter of the clip says. The advert was posted on the company's Facebook page but later deleted. In a letter, Mike Bonano, the owner of Miracle Mattress, said the video had been produced at the company's San Antonio office without permission from management. He said: "The video is tasteless and an affront to the men and women who lost their lives on 9/11. Furthermore, it disrespects the families who lost their loved ones and continue to struggle with the pain of this tragedy every day of their lives." Twitter users criticised the magazine over the video. "This is absolutely sickening," said one.

"You deserve to be out of business. End of story," said another. Many called for the business to remove the video and others for it to shut down. A total of 2,976 people died on 11 September 2001 when al-Qaeda militants hijacked four planes, crashing two into the World Trade Centre's twin towers, a third into the Pentagon and the fourth into a field in Pennsylvania. (BBC)




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Keep an open mind when listening to the opinions of others. Your ability to work with detail could help you achieve your goals. You are best to look into investments that will grow in value over an extended period of time.

Don't argue with family. Your position may be in question if you haven't been pulling your weight. Try to make amends by planning a nice dinner for two.

Don't say something you'll live to regret. Proceed with caution if operating equipment or vehicles. Those you live with may be experiencing problems.

Secret love affairs may be enticing; however, you must be prepared for the restraints that will follow. Lovers will be less than accommodating, and decisions regarding personal direction a necessity. Set aside any decisions regarding your personal life today.

If you've been under stress and worrying about older members of the family, it's time to come to terms with the situation. Any intimate relationships with colleagues will lead to gossip that could easily affect your position. You're in the mood to spend time with your lover.

Your lover may not understand your needs so you must ďŹ gure out a way to communicate them. Don't let your emotions take over. You must get out and mingle.

Your sensitivity toward those you love will capture their hearts. Romance could be exciting if you are spontaneous. You will have problems with coworkers if you are too extreme about doing things perfectly.

Take the time to do something nice for your friends and relatives. You can make progress if you deal with the right individuals. You should not be concerned with coworkers who insist on spreading rumors.

Get some sound advice and help setting up a workable budget. Try not to be too emotional with those around you. You are best not to conďŹ de in anyone right now. Someone around you may not be trustworthy. Opportunities will come through behind the scenes activities. Opportunities for new and exciting relationships will be yours if you get out and join groups.

Children will want to help, too. Your creative talent may well be recognized by others today Look into ways to better yourself through improving your dietary habits and daily routines. Money problems will get worse if your partner hasn't been playing by the rules. Don't bang your head against a wall. Jealous attitudes may lead you astray.







1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch double crust pie ¹⁄ cup PALMBOOM* butter 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour ¹⁄ cup water ¹⁄ cup white sugar ¹⁄ cup packed brown sugar 8 Granny Smith apples - peeled, cored and sliced *IMPORTED & DISTRIBUTED BY SUPERFOODS

Preparation Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Melt the butter in a saucepan. Stir in flour to form a paste. Add water, white sugar and brown sugar, and bring to a boil. Reduce temperature and let simmer. Place the bottom crust in your pan. Fill with apples, mounded slightly. Cover with a lattice work crust. Gently pour the sugar and butter liquid over the crust. Pour slowly so that it does not run off. Bake 15 minutes in the preheated oven. Reduce the temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Continue baking for 35 to 45 minutes, until apples are soft.










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Serena Shocked By Pliskova, Loses Top Ranking

Karolina Pliskova moved into her maiden grand slam final with a stunning win over Serena Williams at the US Open. Serena Williams suffered a shock straight-sets loss to Karolina Pliskova in the US Open semi-finals on Thursday. Williams loses the number one ranking to Angelique Kerber after the 6-2 7-6 (7-5) defeat at the hands of Pliskova at Arthur Ashe Stadium.

WINNERS/UNFORCED ERRORS Pliskova – 19/25 Williams – 20/31

It also ended the American's bid for a 23rd grand-slam title and seventh at Flushing Meadows. Pliskova, who had never previously been beyond the third round of a major, controlled the match with her big serve as she moved into a final against either Kerber or Caroline Wozniacki. The Czech 10th seed became just the third player to beat both Williams sisters at the same US Open, joining Kim Clijsters (2009) and Justine Henin (2007).

BREAK POINTS WON Pliskova – 3/6 Williams – 1/1

Pliskova broke in the third game as good depth led to Williams sending a backhand long. After a tough hold, Pliskova broke to love for a 5-2 lead, this time Williams netting with a forehand, and she had no trouble closing out the first set. Williams needed to save a break point to start the second as she tried to get herself going before Pliskova went 3-2 up, but she gave that advantage up with a poor game. Both players held through to a tie-break, where Williams' errors saw her fall behind 3-0 – only to win the next four points. A double fault allowed Pliskova a way back in before Williams powered a backhand winner down the line. Williams sent a backhand long to gift Pliskova match point before a double fault saw her bow out, giving up the top ranking. S T A T I S T I C A L BREAKDOWN Pliskova [10] bt Williams [1] 6-2 7-6 (7-5)

ACES Pliskova – 7 Williams – 5

FIRST SERVE PERCENTAGE Pliskova – 56 Williams – 53 PERCENTAGE OF POINTS WON ON FIRST/SECOND SERVE Pliskova – 84/38 Williams – 66/52 TOTAL POINTS Pliskova – 69 Williams – 63 (SportsMax)



Conte Backs David Luiz To Become One Of The World's Best years in France.

After bringing David Luiz back to Chelsea, Antonio Conte believes he can become one of the world's best defenders. Chelsea's Antonio Conte claims David Luiz is not too old to develop into one of the world's best defenders. The Brazilian moved to Stamford Bridge for a second time last week, returning from Paris Saint-Germain after two

And, although Conte acknowledges David Luiz needs to work on areas of his game, he believes the 29-year-old still has time to improve. "I think that every player, up until the end of their career, can improve," he told a news conference ahead of Chelsea's game against Swansea. "I know when you are 32, 33, 36, you always can improve. I think this from my experience as a footballer. "David Luiz is 29, it's a fantastic age for him to become one of the best defenders in the world. "I see great commitment from him. He wanted to play for Chelsea. This is a great opportunity for him and for us to improve. "He has good characteristics to become one of the fantastic defenders in the world." Conte added David Luiz's arrival may allow him to use a 3-4-3 formation, and also suggested the Brazil international will have a positive impact in the dressing room. “We took a player with a great personality and good technique," he said. "I like to play football and I like the defenders to play football. "David can improve in defensive situations, but I am very happy to have him here. He's a good guy and a positive guy in the dressing room." (SportsMax)

Webb Banned For Life By FIFA

FIFA's independent Ethics Committee has banned disgraced former vice-president Jeffrey Webb for life. Former CONCACAF chief and FIFA vice-president Jeffrey Webb has been banned from all footballrelated activities for life by FIFA's independent Ethics Committee. Webb pleaded guilty to one count of racketeering conspiracy, three counts of wire fraud conspiracy and three counts of money laundering conspiracy in the United States last November. Charges were brought against Webb, and a number of other FIFA officials arrested in a police operation in May 2015, as part of an FBI-led investigation into widespread corruption in world football's governing body. Formal proceedings were opened against Webb by the adjudicatory chamber of FIFA's Ethics Committee in May following a final report submitted by the investigatory chamber, with the outcome being a lifetime ban and fine. "The adjudicatory chamber of the Ethics Committee chaired by Mr Hans-Joachim Eckert has banned Mr Jeffrey Webb, former president of CONCACAF, vice-President of FIFA and president of the Cayman Islands Football Association, for life from all football-related activities on a national and international level. The ban comes into force immediately," a FIFA statement read. "The adjudicatory chamber of the Ethics Committee found Mr Webb guilty of violations of article 13 (General rules of conduct), 15 (Loyalty), 18 (Duty of disclosure, cooperation and reporting), 19 (Conflicts of interest) and 21 (Bribery and corruption) of the FIFA Code of Ethics (FCE).

"In consequence, Mr Webb has been banned for life from all football related activities (administrative, sports or any other) on a national and international level and fined CHF [Swiss Francs] 1,000,000 [£770,000]." On Friday, the Ethics Committee opened a formal case against former president Sepp Blatter, as well as ex-general secretary Jerome Valcke and former finance director Markus Kattner over alleged FCE violations. (SportsMax)



Additions Make Hull More Competitive - Phelan

Ryan Mason is among the new Hull City signings likely to be involved against Burnley on Saturday, caretaker manager Mike Phelan says. Mike Phelan will enjoy the luxury of relative competition for places when he leads Hull City once more against Burnley on Saturday. Caretaker boss Phelan led City to victory in their opening two Premier League matches versus champions Leicester City and at Swansea City, despite at one time having only 13 ďŹ t senior players. It took a last-gasp goal from Marcus Rashford for Phelan's former club Manchester United to leave the KCOM Stadium with the points before the international break, and Hull belatedly moved into the transfer market amid takeover turmoil. Ryan Mason arrived from Tottenham as a club-record signing, while Dieumerci Mbokani, Markus Henriksen, James Weir, Will Keane and David Marshall have all bolstered the ranks ahead of the trip to Turf Moor. "We've got the belief we can build on the start we've made," Phelan told a pre-match news conference. "We've now got a squad we feel is more competitive. Ryan Mason will be involved in the squad, as will many of the other new signings. "We have selection problems now but the players who started the season have done really well so it would be wrong to dismiss them." Hull have a poor record in recent years against Burnley, losing 10 of the last 12 meetings, but Phelan is unconcerned about his side's history against the club he played for at the start of his career. "The Burnley game is a big one," said Phelan. "I don't consider us favourites because they won the Championship title last season. "We haven't had the greatest of records at Burnley over the years for whatever reason but we will go there on Saturday and look to come away with a positive result." Phelan has led Hull on a caretaker basis since Steve Bruce's departure three weeks before the Premier League

season started and he revealed negotiations about his future are ongoing. "We had a discussion last week and we are still talking about the situation," Phelan said. "But it is really irrelevant as far as I am concerned from the point of view that it is all about preparing this team to play in the Premier League. "Those discussions will carry on. It is not that it has ended - they are still open. But we just focus on the game. "I have been sat in this chair for a number of weeks. The team is doing well. The players are performing to the best of their ability. "We have now added to that group of players so I am looking forward to the challenge ahead. Why wouldn't I want to be sitting in this chair a little bit more often?" (SportsMax)



Mourinho Criticises United Travel Plans

Jose Mourinho was not impressed with the amount of time it took his South American players to return to Manchester prior to the derby. Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho has questioned why his South American contingent had a more difficult journey back to Europe than their Manchester City counterparts. Antonio Valencia, Sergio Romero and Marcos Rojo have all been away on international duty, recently returning to Manchester ahead of Saturday's derby clash with Pep Guardiola's men. Mourinho claimed the likes of Nicolas Otamendi and Pablo Zabaleta came straight back to Manchester after performing for Argentina, and hinted it gave them an advantage. He told reporters at his news conference: "Antonio Valencia was able to get one direct flight to Madrid. Sergio Romero and Marcos Rojo went around the globe, Venezuela, Argentina, Europe. "Manchester City spent money to bring them on a direct flight - or sent the owner's plane. Our boys arrived this morning in time to train." One man not away on international duty was Zlatan Ibrahimovic, having retired from Sweden duty following Euro 2016. Ibrahimovic, who famously did not see eye to eye with Guardiola at Barcelona, has rapidly become the United talisman and Mourinho was full of praise for the 34-yearold. "Zlatan is a phenomenal player who arrives at 34 and still wants more for his career," said the Portuguese. "He didn't want the Chinese money or the American US dollars; he wanted the most difficult place to play and win. "Zlatan is more about him than us. Our contribution to him, in motivational

terms, is zero. This is just his nature." Ibrahimovic will be denied an intriguing head-to-head battle with City's Sergio Aguero on Saturday as the Argentine is suspended. Mourinho denied his absence made United's task any easier, though. "He [Guardiola] could decide to play with [Kelechi] Iheanacho or [Raheem] Sterling," he said. "He could decide to play with [David] Silva as a fake number nine between the lines. It is clear that they have many options. "That for us, in the preparation of the game, makes us have to go step-by-step with every situation because we are trying to reduce the unpredictability of the game. To try to do this now is more difficult." (SportsMax)



Moyes Confirms Pickford Keeps Gloves Despite Mika Signing

Sunderland manager David Moyes has confirmed Jordan Pickford will start in goal against Everton despite the club signing Mika from Boavista. Jordan Pickford will keep his place in goal for Sunderland when they face Everton in the Premier League on Monday, manager David Moyes has confirmed. Pickford shone in a 1-1 draw with Southampton ahead of the international break, only to let a tame Jay Rodriguez shot squirm through his hands in the last few minutes to cost his side two points. Moyes completed the signing of goalkeeper Mika from Boavista to add to his goalkeeping options, with Vito Mannone out of action due to an elbow injury, but the Sunderland manager has faith in Pickford. "Pickford has the jersey," Moyes told

reporters on Friday. "He played really well against Southampton and he needs to play well to keep his place." Mika is likely to be joined by fellow new arrival Victor Anichebe on the bench, with the former Everton striker not fit enough to start, while Jan Kirchhoff is available for selection. "Victor Anichibe isn't fit yet and I won't rush him back," said Moyes. "I want him to be in peak condition. "The injury situation is improving. Lee Cattermole has returned to training and Kirchhoff returned on Tuesday at Rochdale." Moyes is looking forward to facing the club he managed between 2002 and 2013 and the Scot recalled some of his best memories of life at Goodison Park. “It is a special game against Everton," said

Moyes. "I had ups and I had downs but most of all I worked with some great people. "I got lost on my way in on my first day at Everton. I was nervous but we scored after 28 seconds the next day, it was a good start. "Our first trip in Europe was fantastic. I also remember when Wayne Rooney scored the goal against Arsenal. Goosebumps." (SportsMax)

Lucas: PSG Will Miss Ibrahimovic And David Luiz

PSG will miss Zlatan Ibrahimovic and David Luiz, Lucas Moura has told Omnisport. Lucas Moura says Paris Saint-Germain will miss departed pair Zlatan Ibrahimovic and David Luiz, but insists the French champions remain a force. Both players enjoyed considerable success in Paris, winning multiple Ligue 1 titles, before leaving in the off-season transfer window. Ibrahimovic moved to Manchester United on a free transfer when his contract expired, while David Luiz re-joined Chelsea on deadline

day. But Lucas, acknowledging the Swedish forward's exit, believes it is important PSG are not overly reliant on one player. "Yes of course, [Ibrahimovic] left a void," he told Omnisport. "Especially with his quality, his status. He commanded respect on the pitch. "He's a player who will be missed, but PSG is a great club. We shouldn't be dependent on one player. We have many players who can make a difference too. I think we will remain strong." David Luiz, meanwhile, has been welcomed back to Stamford Bridge, with new boss Antonio Conte already recognising his positive influence in the dressing room - a quality that Lucas acknowledged. "Of course [David Luiz will be missed], because the atmosphere is different when David is around," the Brazilian winger added. "He is always smiling, he jokes all the time. A person like him will be missed, for sure." (SportsMax)



AFC Suspends Chinese Player Over Doping Violations Luneng player Jin Jingdao has tested right to request testing of his 'B' sample in

A statement from the AFC Disciplinary Committee has revealed Shandong

positive for clenbuterol. Shandong Luneng player Jin Jingdao has been provisionally suspended after testing positive for a banned substance. The test was conducted after the AFC Champions League quarter-final first leg against FC Seoul in August, with clenbuterol found in Jin's sample. A statement from the AFC Disciplinary Committee confirmed Jin has been banned from taking part in any footballrelated activity for 60 days. "Jin has a

accordance with the AFC Anti-Doping Regulations," added the statement. “Following the completion of the investigation, the matter will be decided by the AFC Disciplinary Committee." Jin will miss the second leg of the AFC Champions League match against Seoul - his side trail 3-1 from the first game - as well as Shandong's seven remaining Chinese Super League matches. (SportsMax)



Fabinho Signs New Five-Year Monaco Deal Monaco have tied Fabinho down to a new five-year contract after holding onto the Brazil international in the previous transfer window. Fabinho has signed a new deal with Monaco that will keep him at the Stade Louis II until 2021. Brazil international Fabinho was linked with a move to Manchester United in August, but stated before deadline day he would be happy to stay at Monaco. And the 22-year-old has further exemplified his commitment to the club by agreeing a new fiveyear deal. Fabinho said in an official club statement: "I'm very happy to be extending my contract with Monaco, as this is the club that has enabled me to reach my potential at the highest level for several seasons. "It's also introduced me to the Champions League, and

it's hugely pleasing to be able to take part in that competition again this year, with a very fine Monaco side. I have developed a lot since arriving at the club. Today is a very special day for me." Vice-president Vadim Vasilyev added: "We are delighted with this contract extension, because Fabinho is a fantastic player with great human qualities. "Fabinho is now into his fourth season with AS Monaco, where he has developed greatly since arriving here. Despite his young age, he is now one of the key players in the team and I'm sure he will bring us a lot more again this season." Fabinho is a product of Fluminense's academy and left the club for Rio Ave in 2012 without making a first-team appearance. The versatile defender was immediately loaned to Real Madrid before joining Monaco on a temporary basis in 2013. After two seasons on loan at the principality club, where Fabinho has now made 137 appearances, he joined permanently on a contract running until 2019. (SportsMax)



Quioto Likes Honduras’ New Look

It wasn’t easy, but Honduras finally secured a place in its fourth CONCACAF Hexagonal after a scoreless draw at Mexico on Tuesday. The Catrachos opened fourth-round qualifying for the 2018 FIFA World Cup with two losses, responding with a fourgame unbeaten run to edge Canada by a single point, 8-7. Regardless of how it was accomplished, forward Romell Quioto is happy that his team remains in contention for a third straight trip to the finals. “Everything doesn’t start well sometimes,” said the Olimpia star, who is Honduras’ top scorer in qualifying with two goals. “We started off losing. The results did not come for us, but now I think we are showing a new side and we hope to continue as such.” The 25-year-old gave credit for the reversal to head coach Jorge Luis Pinto, mastermind of Costa Rica’s campaign to the Brazil 2014 quarterfinals. “The ‘profe’ is a very demanding coach and that shows itself both on and off the field,” Quioto noted. “In training and matches one has to be organized in the tactical part. I think that has helped us enough.” Honduras will kick off the final round of qualifying with a tricky November 11 encounter against Panama and

then travel Trinidad and Tobago for November 15 meeting. “I think they are two difficult opponents,” finished Quioto. “We are going to respect them, but I think here at home we are going to make our presence felt. We will try to make home field count and hopefully it’ll happen for us. “We are ready to face any opponent. We come in showing it and we’re going step by step.” All the way to Russia, perhaps. (SportsMax)

In its last match of fourth-round qualifying for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, Mexico dropped points for the first time during the campaign in a scoreless draw with visiting Honduras on Tuesday. Regardless, the Tricolor finished comfortably atop the Group A play table with a 5W-1D-0L record, outdoing the second-place Hondurans (2-2-2, 8) by eight points. Head coach Juan Carlos Osorio said that his team could have been better in the offensive third, after it was shutout for the time in six WCQ outings. “We knew it was going to be difficult, with all due respect to our players, against such a defensive system and that we assumed risk with their quick play in transition,” the 55-year-old remarked in the post-match press conference. “Considering the opponent, the strategy coming in was to play a defensively attacking transition, unlike the previous games. “Comparing it with international football, when a team plays like that, it is going to risk a transition and it is impossible not to lose the ball. The first half was acceptable and in the second we failed on some clear chances.” The Honduras encounter also served as an occasion for Osorio to give minutes to some players not featuring in Friday’s 3-1 win over El Salvador, including Hirving Lozano, Orbelin Pineda and Angel Zaldivar. “I think that the three main objectives of rotation are

opportunity and that we are giving it to the Mexican players,” the Colombian outlined in stressing the importance of squad rotation. “The other is to consolidate and we are trying to do that. We will continue trying to select in the best way and to give chances to all the Mexican players who, in our opinion, meet the necessary conditions to be on the national team.” (SportsMax)

Osorio Building Depth For Mexico

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