Sunday, October 2, 2016

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GUYANA DAILY NEWS “A Plan Of Deception” – Govt Has No Crime Plan In Place – Rohee PAGE 2


“Criminals are here, there and everywhere, they are Commissioner to Guyana Gregg Quinn stated that steps are omnipresent,” General Secretary of the Opposition People’s underway to ensure that the Security Sector Reform Program is Progressive Party Clement Rohee told a news conference at revived, but did not state the amount of money to be allocated to Freedom House today. Rohee said that all Guyanese are under the programme. Funding for the project in the past had come attack by criminal elements of society, including international from the Department for International Development (DFID). public servants. He alluded to the alleged robbery of two United Nations Development Program (UNDP) staffers recently. He further stated that President David Granger called for a crime fighting plan and several responses were given about the status of the plan, but according to him there is no crime fighting plan by the APNU+AFC government, but more of a plan of deception. The Security Sector Reform Program, which will come on stream soon has raised eyebrows in the opposition camp. Rohee is questioning the financing of the program, how much the British Government will be contributing towards the program, how long the plan is for and what are the key components of the plan. The British Government is currently General Secretary of the Opposition working on an assessment aimed at restarting the Security People’s Progressive Party, Clement Rohee Sector Reform Programme here in Guyana. British High




Govt Minister Alarmed About Rate Of Child Abuse In Guyana Williams and her team held engagements with children,

Minister within the Ministry of Communities Dawn Hastings-Williams addressing the meeting in Jawalla


uring a recent educational outreach in region seven, Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Dawn Hastings-Williams reached out to several upper Mazaruni communities and stated that “child abuse is real”, and has called on all to play an active role in eliminating the plague. The Minister noted that “all (parents, community leaders, businesses and the police) must become involved,” to stop this scourge and called on the community leaders, parents and residents to put prominence on the issues, by making it a topic of discussion at every forum. And aside from this, she urged residents to not be silent, but to report all suspected cases of child abuse. The minister noted that, based on reports, incidents of child abuse are on the increase in every administrative region of Guyana, and the hinterland regions are showing signs of more vulnerability in this regard. At a Child Protection Week Rally in Linden last week, Director of the Child Care and Protection Agency (CPA), Ann Greene had stated that a report from January to July 2016 shows that in Guyana there were 2,238 reports of child abuse, “that includes all forms of abuse and sexual abuse” and 441 cases of sexual abuse. The Government Information Agency (GINA) had reported, that over a period of a three day visit Minister Hastings-

parents, community leaders and councillors of Kamarang, Jawalla, Kako and Kwebanna. Some of the issues raised were child rights, preventing child abuse, and better parenting. The Minister urged that the community make it a decisive issue at the weekly village meetings and at the level of the different Parent Teachers’ Association meetings. The Minister also asked that these meetings discuss such issues as how to recognize the signs and symptoms of abuse and what to do if it is suspected that a child or young person has been harmed. Tiffany Griffith, representative from the Blossom Incorporated and a member of the minister’s team during engagements with the children, had reminded them that they are all special. She explained that their parents, community and government have a responsibility to them in relation to ensuring that they become their best self for their future role. Griffith stressed that the responsibility includes ensuring that they are “well taken care of” including from all forms of abuse. “Abuse is any form of punishment or wrong doing that has been done to a child,” Griffith explained to the children and, “if somebody beats you and leaves marks on your skin and causes you pain and you are not able to attend school that is abuse. If somebody should touch you on your private parts that is abuse.” Blossom Incorporated is a registered nongovernmental organization,n with the Ministry of Social Protection, to build and stren within Guyana, that works separately and in collaboratiogthen children and families’ relationships, and to safeguard the physical and mental wellbeing of all children.




Mazaruni Prison Expansion To Decrease Overcrowding At Camp Street


n an attempt to solve the problem of overcrowding at the Georgetown Prison, Camp Street, Minister of Public S e c u r i t y, K h e m r a j Ramjattan has revealed that come 2017 the Mazaruni Prison is expected to be expanded. He said this is the best alternative to the creation of a new prison which would have cost the Government an average of GY$40M-$50M to build. The Minister however did not reveal the cost of the planned expansion. Not only does the expansion require construction but it will also require the recruitment of sta and building of housing for the sta together with their families. Ramjattan explained it as the building of a "literal community" for those who will be employed with the prison service. Speaking to the Government Information Agency (GINA) on possible solutions to the problem of overcrowding at the prison, Minister Ramjattan spoke of making changes to the judicial system which encompasses the reduction of penalties such as prison sentences for youngsters who are caught with marijuana. Minister Ramjattan also mentioned that a "big chunk" of the prisoners are those who are on remand but have been given the

option of bail but are unable to pay the sum. As such, the Minister said the bail can be decreased and "free up some space." According to a 2015 Human Rights Report, the United States State Department, had noted that the Georgetown Prison which was built to accommodate 550 person was home to 963 prisoners at the time. Earlier this year there was a deadly riot by inmates which resulted in 16 prisoners burning to death. The prisoners protested the overcrowding and poor conditions at the Camp Street penitentiary.


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Rohee Accuses Georgetown Mayor Of Lying Says PPP Councillor Voted Against Security For Green General Secretary of the Opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee, is accusing Mayor of Georgetown Patricia Chase-Green of lying. The Mayor had stated that all councilors had voted in favour of City Hall paying a security service to protect the residence of former Mayor Hamilton Greene. However, Rohee claimed that PPP councilor Bishram Cuppen did not vote in favor of the proposal. According to Rohee, Cuppen voted against the decision on the grounds that the former mayor is currently in the employ of the Central Housing and Planning Authority and that that agency should provide security for Mr. Greene. Rohee is questioning the origin of the money to pay the security firm to secure Mr. Greene’s residence, since the council is allegedly bankrupt. He is of the opinion that transparency at the council in relation to revenues, expenditure are being questioned. The General Secretary further stated that monies are easily and stealthy being moved around to suit the whims and fancies of the APNU+AFC acolytes at City Hall. He also reiterated that the alleged secret bank accounts are not yet reflected in the

Council’s statements. He said that the status of City Hall’s accounts is unsatisfactory and unacceptable. He is also refreshing the call for City Hall to be audited.

General Secretary of the Opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee

GAWU Credit Union Shares To $19.8m To Members The 22nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union Co-operative Credit Union Society Limited was held on September 25, 2016 (yesterday) at the Society’s Registered Office, 59 High Street and Wights Lane, Kingston, Georgetown. The meeting considered, among other things, the Report of the Committee of Management which reviewed the work of the Society since its last AGM in November, 2014. Members were pleased to learn from the Report that the audit of the financial records of the Credit Union for the financial years ended 2014 and 2015 advised of surpluses of $17,717,307 and $10,858,901 respectively. Attendees also heard the Report of the Auditor on the Society’s financial affairs for years ended 2014 and 2015 and the report of the Supervisory Committee. In keeping with the Society’s statutory obligations the sums of $3,543,461 and $2,717,780 was appropriated to the Statutory Reserve Fund for 2014 and 2015 respectively. Whereas the sum of $2,857,621 was allocated to the Cooperatives Division of the Ministry of Social Protection representing Audit and Supervision fees for 2014 and 2015. By unanimous resolution, the AGM approved the sums of $10,160,023 and $6,532,600 as dividend and the sums of $2,116,434 and $1,029,859 as interest rebate to members for transactions during the years 2014 and 2015 respectively. Also, the sum of $84,855 and $38,772 was allocated to the Society’s Social and Entertainment Fund for the two (2) years. The AGM elected a new Committee of Management to

superintend the Society’s operations until the 23rd AGM. The Committee comprises Cdes Seepaul Narine, Aslim Singh, Harvey Tambron, Andrew Veeren, Bhikram Singh, Julius Nurse, Rampersad Prasad, Richard DeFretias, Amolita Abrams, Gaietri Baron, and Sattie Basdeo. At the first meeting of the Management Committee, within the next two (2) weeks, members of the Committee will elect a Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Supervisory Committee comprising Cdes Kavita Bishun, Hugh Caines and Narda Mohamed was also elected. GAWU Press Release

A section of the attendees at the AGM




Parents To Be Charged Criminally For Not Sending Children To School

The Ministry of Education (MOE) has issued a sound warning to parents and guardians that they will be criminally charged or fined if it is found that their children are not attending school. A statement from the Ministry today noted that the ministry’s welfare service is now taking absenteeism seriously. “The Schools Welfare O ffi c e r ’ s m a i n responsibility is to look into absenteeism. In an effort to reduce absenteeism, the welfare department will continue to conduct Truancy campaigns and school and (Ministry of Education Photo) home visits to ensure that revealed. A child should attend school for at least thirty (30) children attend school regularly.” The statement further sessions per month. noted, “Children between the ages of 5 years 9 months and 15 years are required by law to receive an education, and it is the duty of parents, guardians and caregivers to ensure that they are supported to do so.” It went on to state that the ministry is aware that children are sometime absent from school for medical reasons which sometimes extended over a long period of time. In such cases, parents and guardians should to make every effort to inform the school of the reason (s) for the child’s absence. In the event that parents fail to notify the school of the child’s absence, the school is required to notify the Schools’ Welfare Department, who would then issue an ‘attendance notification’ to parents. Schools are required to take such action when a child is absent for five (5) or more days. “This attendance notification gives the parent notice that the student has accumulated too many unexcused absences and gives the parent an opportunity to visit the Schools Welfare Department to make the necessary steps to ensure that the child’s attendance record improves. If this step does not reap the desired results, a court warning would be issued notifying the parent of the potential summon to be filed in the magistrate court. Parents are likely to be criminally charged or fined if their child has unexcused absences” the statement




SASOD Meets With Minister Of Social Cohesion To Discuss Possible were Areas Of Collaboration of particular the Government does not practice concern to SASOD, were education, especially as it relates to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual (LGBT) community, the youth population and the high number of school d r o p o u t s , employment and discrimination in the Minister of Social Cohesion, Ms. Amna Ally is flanked workplace and the by, from left to right: Mr. Joel Simpson, Director, SASOD, programmes, which Ms. Schemel Patrick, Advocacy and Communications have been undertaken Manager, SASOD and Mr. Jairo Rodrigues, Social by the organisation to Change Coordinator, SASOD. tackle the suicide epidemic in Guyana. The representative of SASOD highlighted discriminatory treatment that was meted out to young persons in the education sector who displayed a ‘different’ sexual orientation. Minister of Social Cohesion, Ms. Amna Ally in discussions SASOD also noted with SASOD representatives: Ms. Schemel Patrick, that they were Advocacy and Communications Manager (first, left), dissatisfied with the Mr. Joel Simpson, Director (second, left) and way in which the Mr. Jairo Rodrigues (first, right). LGBT community in e o r g e t o w n , G u y a n a – Guyana is treated by members of the ( S e p t e m b e r 2 6 , 2 0 1 6 ) society and the high level of Minister of Social Cohesion, homophobic attitude which persists in Ms. Amna Ally, on Friday, met with the country. Mr. Simpson and Mr. the Director of the Society Against Rodrigues also used the opportunity Sexual Orientation Discrimination to outline various initiatives and (SASOD) Mr. Joel Simpson and p r o g r a m m e s , w h i c h c a n b e Social Change Coordinator, Mr. Jairo undertaken in communities to prevent Rodrigues, to discuss possible areas suicide even as they noted that of collaboration between SASOD and counselling was a priority for the the department of Social Cohesion. organisation. Among the items on the agenda which Minister Ally assured the team that


discrimination and as such will not condone it. She assured the representatives of SASOD that the Ministry of Social Cohesion will take the lead and give guidance to its sister Ministries to ensure that no form of discriminatory practices are permitted or allowed within Government institutions. In an invited comment, Mr. Rodrigues said that the organisation was pleased to have engaged with the Ministry about its burning issues and concerns, which were brought to the forefront and were noted by the Minister. He also said that the organisation will be looking to work closely with the Ministry in the near future to ensure that the rights of all citizens are upheld. SASOD, is a member of the Ministry of Social Cohesion’s peer group, which comprises representatives of the current government, Opposition, civil society, academia, the private sector, religious groups, women and youth, with a mandate of designing and guiding the citizens consultation process for the formulation of the Ministry of Social Cohesion’s fiveyear strategic plan. The group is also a stakeholder in fostering social cohesion in Guyana. MOTP Press Release




St. Cuthbert’s Mission Bids Farewell To Amerindian Heritage Month The Arawak settlement of St. Cuthbert’s Mission, located 30 miles south of Georgetown, became the ultimate venue for local and foreign visitors to give the last ‘farewell’ to the Amerindian Heritage Month and celebrate the Jubilee Village Day. Amerindian Heritage Month is a yearly celebration that highlights the value of our immensely rich and diverse society, placing emphasis on the ancestral heritage of the first habitants of this land. A thirty days nationwide celebration, focused on displaying the uncountable charms of this versatile part of society, using the potential of local talents to enchant us all. From early hours, the villagers from St. Cuthbert’s Mission, could be seen giving their last touches to receive the visitors who eventually flooded the venue. Curious faces from neighboring areas, governmental personalities and even foreigners could be seen before the high noon, giving their ‘approval’ to the event. Traditional dances, chants and dramatic representation of mythical stories dominated the conical palm thatched hut that hosted the local artist vibrant performances. Outdoor, different smells dominated the area. Traditional dresses decorated the silhouette of the villagers, and exotic decorations gave life to the stands, that satiate the thirst and hunger of those who had just arrived. It was a contagious environment that invited the dazzled ‘outsider’ to participate as

The Arawak settlement of St. Cuthbert’s Mission celebrating Amerindian Heritage Month and the Jubilee Village Day.

native. But not only could the taste be fully satisfied, a large exhibition of Amerindian Art displayed the vivid colors of nature on ceramic, wood or fabric. Standing as the representation of the talent of local artists that displayed the traces of a distinctive style developed centuries ago. Tangible history, with a subtle sprinkle of modernity. Festivity that at the end of the day became a seductive experience for those who are familiarized with the direct touch of history, a joyful revival of the encounter between past and present, and a certain chapter to renew in 365 days.

Young representation of the Arawak settlement of St. Cuthbert’s Mission, exhibit their traditional outfits


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Traffic Ranks Should Be Reminded Of Ticketable Offences PAGE 9

THE Guyana Police Force, in a press release dated January 5, 2013, outlined a list of offences for which traffic tickets may be issued. Drivers are questioning the move by the traffic ranks that are arresting and charging drivers for ticketable offences, instead of simply writing a ticket and avoid wasting members of the public time. This is not in keeping with the Police Force’s thrust of professionalism and quality service. Traffic ranks have been reminded of the procedures in relation to the issuance of traffic tickets for specified offences and are expected to comply with the directives. Following is a list of offences for which traffic tickets may be issued: * Driving Uncertified Motor Vehicle – Section 15 * Driving Motor Vehicle Without a Driver’s License – Section 23 (1) * Failing to Produce a Driver’s License – Section 23 (2) * Refusing to Declare Present Address – Section 23 (3) * Breaching of Conditions of Provisional License – Section 25 (2) * Speeding (Exceeding Speed Limit) – Section 34 (1) * Permitting More Than One Trailer to be Drawn – Section 41 * Failing to Stop When Required by Police in Uniform – Section 43 (3) * Leaving Motor Vehicle in Dangerous Position – Section 59 * Driving Motorcycle without Safety Helmet – Breach of Reg. 3 (1) and (3) of the Motorcycles (Protective Helmets) Regulations – Reg. 19 of 1972, Cap. 51:02) * Driver Carrying Pillion-Rider without Safety Helmet – Breach of Reg. 3 (2) and (3) of the Motorcycles (Protective Helmets) Regulations – Reg. 19 of 1972, Cap. 51:02) * Failing to Exhibit Certificate of Fitness – Reg. 13 * Failing to Exhibit License for Motor Vehicle – Reg. 16 (1) * Unlighted Motor Vehicle (front) – Reg. 34 (1) (a) * Unlighted Motor Vehicle (rear) – Reg. 34 (1) (b) * Unlighted Motorcycle/Bicycle (front) – Reg. 35 (a) * Unlighted Motorcycle/Bicycle (rear) – Reg. 35 (b) * Unlighted Animal Drawn Vehicle (front) – Reg. 36 (a) * Unlighted Animal Drawn Vehicle (rear) – Reg. 36 (b) * Failing to carry Lamp on Hand-cart during Hours of Darkness –


Reg. 37 * No Parking Brakes – Reg. 52 * No Reflecting Mirror – Reg. 57 * No Warning Appliance on Motor Vehicle – Reg. 59 * No Silencer – Reg. 60 * No Efficient Automatic Windscreen Wiper – Reg. 64 * No Efficient Speedometer (hire car, motor lorry, motor bus) – Reg. 65 * Unnecessary Sounding of Horn – Reg. 108 * No trailer to be drawn by Bus/Hire Car – Reg. 119? * Carrying more Persons than the Permitted Number – Reg. 164 (1) (a) * More Persons on the Front Seat than the Number Fixed to be carried thereon (hire car/motor bus) – Reg. 164 (1) (b) * Conductor (overload) – Reg. 164 (1) (a), (b) and (2) * Conduct of Driver and Conductor (breach) – Reg. 166 * Stopping within 30 feet from any Corner – Reg. 190 (e) * No Efficient Brakes on Bicycle and Tricycle – Reg. 194 * No Warning Appliance on Bicycle and Tricycle – Reg. 195

Fifth Suspect In Berbice Triple Murder Remanded Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan today remanded the fifth suspect in the Berbice Triple murder, Cahetram Cattui aka "Cashew" a farmer, after he appeared before her in the Georgetown Magistrate's Court charged with being an accessory to the crime after the fact. The accused will return before the Mibicuri Magistrate’s Court on October 18, 2016 when the Preliminary Inquiry is set to commence. Cattui, 63, was not allowed to plea to the indictable charge. His Attorney Mark Conway applied for bail stating that his client has been in police custody for over the allotted 72 hours and as such reasonable bail should be considered. However the application was objected to by Prosecutor Navil Jeffords who cited the severity of the offense. It is alleged that "Cashew" knew that Jairam Tajeram, 18, Tameshwar Jagmohan, 26, Carlton Chetram, 38, and Rakesh Karramchan, 40, had murdered Pawan Chandradeo, Naresh Rooplall and Jaikarran Chandradeo between July 21 and 22, 2016 or on other dates at Kookrite Savanah, Black Bush Polder and comforted or provided assistance to them.




UN SG To Make Assessment Of Guyana/ Venezuela Controversy By November

United Nations (UN) General Secretary, Ban Ki-Moon


nited Nations (UN) General Secretary, Ban Ki-Moon has indicated that he will have to make an assessment of the GuyanaVenezuela controversy by November. A release for the Ministry of Presidency had quoted the Secretary General saying “ I have to make a assessment by November” on the way forward with r e g a r d t o t h e Ve n e z u e l a b o r d e r controversy with Guyana, during a meeting with President David Granger at

the United Nations’ Headquarters in New York. The APNU administration had listed the border controversy as a ‘top priority” and have been actively seeking to have the matter appear before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) before the Secretary General demits office. Secretary Ban Ki-moon is scheduled to demit office on December 31. President David Granger, during the meeting accepted this timetable and committed to

providing any additional information, which Mr. Ban Ki-moon may need in order to complete that assessment. The Head of State thanked the SecretaryGeneral for his efforts. “We have been very impressed with the seriousness with which you have approached the problem and your own sincerity... We have been personally convinced that you want to bring closure to this matter,” he said. In a brief invited comment, following the meeting, President Granger added, “We support the process. We are confident that this process will lead to a conclusion that is satisfactory.” President Granger during his address to the General Assembly had blame the border controversy for several shortfall of investments in Guyana. The president argued that as a fear the controversy investors are afraid to invest in Guyana, particularly in the hinterland area. Also attending the meeting on behalf of Guyana were Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Carl Greenidge, Sir Shridath Ramphal, who was present at the signing of the Geneva Agreement in 1966 between the United Kingdom, on behalf of the then British Guiana and Venezuela and Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Audrey Waddell.




Colombia's President Santos Says Farc Deal Must Rebuild Country


olombia's President Juan Manuel Santos says peace with the Farc rebel group will boost economic growth and enable the country to rebuild its social fabric. "War is always more costly than peace," he said in an interview with the BBC. Mr Santos and Farc leader Timoleon Jimenez, known as Timochenko, will sign a historic peace deal later on Monday. But it will take a long time for Colombian society to recover from more than five decades of conflict, he said. The Farc will be relaunched as a political party as part of the deal, which is due to be put to Colombian voters in a popular vote on 2 October. "We could have grown between 2% and 3% more per year for the past 23 years," Mr Santos told the BBC's Lyse Doucet, adding that the conflict had also had a profound impact on Colombian society. "We have even lost our compassion, which is the ability to feel some kind of pain for others. "A country at war for 50 years is a country that has destroyed many of its values," said President Santos. Colombia's peace deal makes history in many ways, most of all for ending the last of the Cold War conflicts. But it also breaks new ground in trying to balance the desire for peace with the demands of justice which bedevil all peace talks. There's no amnesty, unlike all previous peace accords in the region. The Farc, as well as Colombia's security forces, have accepted special tribunals and a truth and reconciliation process. Many of the victims of the Farc's brutality have been brought into the process. If polls are to be believed, a majority will vote to accept this deal. But I kept meeting people in Bogota and Cartagena who said they would vote no. Fifty years of war also means decades of hatred and mistrust. Many doubt that the Farc will give up all its lucrative criminal activities. Will this deal also make history in being a peace

deal which doesn't fall apart? How have we got here? The peace agreement was sealed last month after nearly four years of talks, which were held in the Cuban capital, Havana. A bilateral ceasefire came into force five days later, effectively ending the conflict. Senior members of the Farc (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) voted unanimously to Juan Manuel Santos: "The signature of the deal is ratify the deal on the last day of their simply the end of the conflict then the hard work starts” conference on Friday. The 52-year Some 2,500 attendees are expected, conflict has led to the deaths of an among them UN Secretary General Ban estimated 260,000 people with more than Ki-moon, US Secretary of State John six million people internally displaced. Kerry and several Latin American "The signature of the deal is simply the leaders including Cuba's Raul Castro. end of the conflict. Then the hard work Victims of the conflict will also be starts: reconstructing our country," present. President Santos said. What's next? Mr Santos said he was What's in the deal? The Farc now has 180 "very, very confident" that most days to disarm and move its estimated Colombians would vote in favour of the 7,500 fighters into disarmament zones deal. "The latest polls say that between set up by the UN. An amnesty will be 65% and 70% of the people approve of granted for "political crimes" but this the peace process," he said But he does not cover massacres, torture or rape. warned that if the agreement was rejected The Farc has already agreed to stop drug in the popular vote, the conflict would production in areas under its control and start again. "We will go back six years the government has pledged to help and continue the war with the Farc. That's farmers earn a living without growing plan B," he said. Colombia's second illicit crops. The Farc will become a largest rebel group, the ELN (National political party, allocated 10 seats in the Liberation Army), announced on Sunday 268-member Congress. The group will a u n i l a t e r a l c e a s e fi r e u n t i l t h e also be removed from the EU's list of referendum. ELN leaders have publicly terror organisations once the deal is expressed their wish to engage in their s i g n e d , a c c o r d i n g t o t h e b l o c ' s own peace process with the Colombian ambassador in Bogota. Both sides have government. pledged to provide land, loans and basic The Farc's 52-year fight 1964: Set up as services to impoverished rural areas. Mr armed wing of Communist Party 2002: Santos says the deal with the Farc was At its height, it had an army of 20,000 fair and that it made those who fighters controlling up to a third of the committed war crimes accountable. country. Senator Ingrid Betancourt Who's attending? Mr Santos and Farc kidnapped and held for six years along leader Timoleon Jimenez will sign the with 14 other hostages 2008: The Farc historic peace deal at a ceremony in the suffers a series of defeats in its worst year port city of Cartagena on Monday 2012: Start of peace talks in Havana evening. The document will be signed 2016: Definitive ceasefire Jump media using a Baligrafo - a bullet turned into a playerMedia player help (BBC) pen - as a symbol of a peaceful future.




Suriname Not Withdrawing From IMF Loan Agreement, Says President

President Desi Bouterse

By Ivan Cairo Caribbean News Now contributor PARAMARIBO, Suriname -- The Suriname government has refuted claims made in an article published by the Associated Press (AP) that the country may move to withdraw from a multi-million dollar loan agreement signed earlier this year with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). According to the AP report, President Desi Bouterse allegedly said during a press conference last Tuesday that his administration might cancel the deal with the IMF and seek financial support from other sources such as the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). The Office of the President released a statement on Friday night saying that the comments of the head of state were "taken out of context and presented in a way that is at odds with the position

of the president and the government." The government noted that in recent months it has begun with the implementation of economic reforms with the support of the US$478 million stand-by arrangement (SBA) with the IMF. "We are seriously and wholeheartedly implementing the program, which has so far resulted in achieving all except two 'hard' objectives of the SBA,” the statement said. Bouterse and his economic team said they are aware that the economic slowdown and adjustments are taking a heavy toll on society and it was therefore decided to spread out the increase in fuel tax and electricity tariffs over a longer term than was agreed upon with the IMF. At Tuesday’s press meeting, Bouterse said that the IMF is “cold and calculating, thinking only in numbers and the deadlines we had agreed to”. According to the government leader, the IMF suggested that he increase the fuel prices to about US$1.20 per liter at once. “If I do that, the minister of finance will be a happy man, but then I will be out of office,” the president argued, suggesting that the electorate will dump him due to the steep fuel price hike. While the price hike is necessary, the implementation, according to Bouterse, would be political suicide. The president disclosed that negotiations with the IsDB have resulted in the allocation of a massive US$1.8 billion financing portfolio. Over the next couple of years Suriname has the opportunity to submit projects in several economic fields for financing. Nearly 75 percent of the resources is earmarked for investments in the energy sector. “We need to invest heavily in the energy sector, because without reliable and sufficient energy there could be no development,” Bouterse said. (Caribbean News Now!)




Haiti Waiting For Full Implementation Of UN Pledges On Cholera Outbreak

NEW YORK, USA -- Warning of a “significant humanitarian deterioration” following fresh outbreaks of cholera in his country, Haitian President Jocelerme Privert took to the podium of the United Nations General Assembly on Friday to call for swift implementation of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s urgent appeal for redoubled efforts to fight the scourge and aid its victims. “The government of Haiti has noted with the greatest interest the secretary-general’s statements with regard to two issues which make the (UN) Organization uncomfortable, the multiple cases of sexual abuse perpetrated by the ‘blue helmets’ and the introduction of cholera into Haiti,” he told the Assembly’s annual general debate. “The UN’s acknowledgement of its responsibility in the second issue opens the way for real discussions on the obligation to definitively eliminate cholera from Haiti,” he stated. The UN

Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), which currently numbers nearly 5,000 uniformed personnel, was set up 12 years ago to help restore peace and stability and took on added functions following the devastating earthquake in 2010. The cholera outbreak has affected an estimated 780,000 people and claimed the lives of over 9,100 people. The disease is typically contracted through contaminated food or water. “We want to hope that the secretary-general’s urgent appeal for a substantially reinforced battle plan against cholera and to aid the victims and their near ones will be heard and fully meet the expectations of the Haitian people,” Privert said. Last month, noting that a United States Federal appeals court upheld the UNs’ immunity from a damage claim filed on behalf of the cholera victims, Ban said he deeply regretted the “terrible suffering” of the Haitian people and the UN had a moral responsibility to the support the victims and the country in overcoming the epidemic. He added that he is actively working to develop a package to provide material aid and support to those most directly affected, improve access to care and treatment and address the longer-term issues of water, sanitation and health systems and urged member states to make the severe funding shortfalls hobbling these efforts despite repeated appeals. Privert also called for UN reforms, including enlargement of the 15-member Security Council, and declared his country’s support for the Organization’s efforts to improve its peacekeeping operations, fight pandemics and other health crises, and promote democracy and human rights while also economic, social and cultural rights. (Caribbean News Now!)




Unions Join Call For Bahamas Attorney General To Resign

Royston Jones Jr Nassau Guardian Staff Reporter NASSAU, Bahamas -- The leaders of The Bahamas two largest umbrella unions are demanding that Prime Minister Perry Christie remove Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson from her post, as they believe they can no longer negotiate with her in “good faith” after she put a stop to the private prosecution of Sandals Royal Bahamian Resort’s top management without telling the unions or several of her Cabinet colleagues. John Pinder, president of the National Congress of Trade Unions Bahamas (NCTUB), and Obie Ferguson, president of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas Trade Union Congress (TUC), made the revelation on local radio on Friday. “We must ask the prime minister to have Allyson Maynard removed from the attorney general’s position,” Pinder said. “So we are asking him right now, publically, and we’ll put this in writing to him. We are asking for her resignation. We want her to resign, because we cannot move in good faith with somebody who is disingenuous, and who is not upfront...” The union leaders claim they were “blindsided” last week when news broke that the attorney general signed a nolle prosequi on August 15, the same day around 600 jobs were being made redundant at the Cable Beach resort. The prosecution involved allegations that Sandals general manager Gary Williams and financial controller Ronnie Mirza failed or refused to enter into contract negotiations with the Bahamas Hotel Maintenance and Allied Workers Union ( B H M AW U ) d u r i n g t h e p e r i o d o f

John Pinder and Obie Ferguson

November 16, 2015 through July 12, 2016. Maynard-Gibson clarified in a statement on Thursday night that the nolle was entered in the Magistrate’s Court on September 19. The attorney general is under no legal obligation to explain the nolle as the constitution gives her office the discretion to stop any criminal matter before Bahamian courts. Pinder said he knows there is nothing the union can do about it, but they no longer feel comfortable with Maynard-Gibson at the table. “While we have no legal power to touch what the attorney general did, and we know she did it within her power, we were only disappointed that she was very disingenuous in the meeting that we had with her, the prime minister and the minister of labor, when she had known full well what she had done and blindsided her government and definitely her prime minister,” Pinder said. “He (the prime minister) was blindsided. He didn’t know what was happening. We didn’t know what was happening. She sat there as if she was sitting there talking to us in good faith and we were expecting something to happen. “So we can’t sit to [any] table now and talk about continue no negotiations in good faith with somebody like that, so we want her resignation. “We think the prime minister ought to ask her to resign as attorney general. Now if he wants to put her someplace else, that’s up to him. But we don’t think we can work with her as attorney general.” Minister of Labour Shane Gibson, Deputy Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis and Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe each said they were left in the dark about the nolle prosequi. They said they were disappointed the AG didn’t inform them about the nolle. Gibson claimed the prime minister told him he didn’t know about the nolle before it happened. Opposition Free National Movement (FNM) chairman Sidney C o l l i e c a l l e d f o r t h e A G ’s resignation on Wednesday, saying that the power of the attorney general to issue such a dismissal is “prone to potential misuse, abuse

and favoritism” under her tenure in office. Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) chairman Bradley Roberts has said the PLP supports the attorney general’s decision. Prime Minister Christie on Friday evaded questions about the matter. Pinder said union leaders are unwilling to let the matter rest. “Certainly we cannot allow what happened [with] Sandals to duplicate itself again in The Bahamas, because… when she nolle’d that, she set a new precedent in the whole region,” Pinder said. “So I have person from other unions around the Caribbean saying, ‘Boy, what is this precedent she is setting?’” Pinder said Maynard-Gibson is sending the message that, “You don’t have to go to no table with no recognized bargaining agent. The union who is the recognized bargaining agent, you don’t have to go to the table with them. If you don’t want to go you don’t have to go. “So we have to now force the minister of labor to get legislation in place.” “We want to now call on the minister to take those recommendations that we have already forwarded to him to amend the Industrial Relations Act and the Employment Act to prevent this kind of thing from happening.” In her statement, Gibson said she wanted to clarify “misinformation” being spread about the nolle. “Another action is before the Supreme Court on the matter of whether the Sandals employees were unfairly dismissed,” she explained. “The union, not the state, also commenced in the Magistrate’s Court, a private prosecution against some of Sandals’ managers.” Ferguson called it “nonsense” that a party cannot have a criminal matter and a civil before two different courts at the same time. “A civil matter is on the balance of probability. A criminal matter is beyond reasonable doubt. They’re two different things,” he said. “If I owe you $100, that’s a civil matter if I want to sue you for it. “If I come and I slap you or I assault you, that’s a criminal matter. “How could you wipe out a criminal matter [because of] a civil matter? “It just doesn’t make sense. “There’s no legal basis for it. “But people say things to satisfy themselves. (Caribbean News Now!)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Panama Welcomes US Decision To Deport Haitians PAGE 15

PANAMA CITY, Panama -- On Friday, the president of Panama, Juan Carlos Varela, expressed confidence that the flow of Haitian migrants in Central America will decline following the decision of the United States to reactivate the deportation of undocumented Haitians. Varela noted that the US government had decided to eliminate immigration benefits granted to Haitians after the earthquake of 2010, which allows the resumption deportation of those who enter its territory illegally, HaitiLibre reported. "This, in one way or another, will discourage the flow of Haitians," stressed Varela after a meeting of police chiefs of America in Panama. Thousands of Haitians have been trying to reach the United States through Central America over the past months. Most of them


emigrated to Brazil after the earthquake, but the economic decline of the South American giant, has led them to look for opportunities in the United States. According to the Panamanian authorities, each year more than 30,000 immigrants from Haiti, Cuba and the countries of Asia and Africa, pass through Central America and Mexico to the United President Juan Carlos Varela Rodríguez of Panama addressing the general debate of the UN General Assembly’s 71st session on Thursday. UN Photo/Cia Pak States. Haitians have seen their path blocked The Panamanian government has set up by Nicaragua's refusal to allow them to three camps for some 3,000 migrants on pass, which left thousands waiting in the border with Colombia. Varela warned Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia. Haitians that it is "a risky transit" through Although the Panamanian government Central America and Mexico, which closed its border in the inhospitable "could lead them nowhere, because the jungle of Darien, migrants continued new US decision could lead to their despite the risks to which they are deportation to Haiti." (Caribbean News subject: violence, theft and extortion by Now!) traffickers and other criminal groups.




CARICOM Not A Failure, Says Former Jamaica Prime Minister By Latonya Linton KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) -C h a i r m a n o f J a m a i c a ’s Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Review Commission and former prime minister, Bruce Golding, says CARICOM is not a failure, having achieved successes in several areas. “I think we have done very well in terms of functional cooperation. If every country in CARICOM had to set up their own examination system, instead of having the Caribbean Examinations Council, it would be difficult for much of the smaller islands that have fewer resources than we Chairman of Jamaica’s Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Review Commission and former prime do,” Golding said. He was minister, Bruce Golding (right), makes a point to participants at a youth forum hosted by the Commission speaking at a youth forum at the University of the West Indies Regional Headquarters on Thursday, September 22. Listening from hosted by the CARICOM left are fellow participants Shantae Shand, Franz George and Kiddist McCoy. Photo: Rudranath Fraser Review Commission at the University of the West Indies that CARICOM is important for foreign that the University of the West Indies is Regional Headquarters, on Thursday, policy coordination. “There is strength in becoming less integrated based on the September 22. numbers. We have, in fact, been able to make-up of the population on the The CARICOM Review Commission is exert a significant amount of influence in campuses. the brainchild of Prime Minister Andrew some of the major councils of the world, At the forum, the youth shared on issues Holness. It has been tasked to examine simply because when we go there we such as regional integration and Jamaica’s role in the regional bloc and have 14 votes,” the chairman said. “I immigration. CARICOM is a grouping how it has impacted the country’s know of some occasions where there are of 20 countries: 15 member states and development. Golding also cited s o m e c o n t e n t i o u s i s s u e s i n t h e five associate members. It is home to institutions such as the Caribbean Organization of American States and the approximately 16 million citizens, 60 Agricultural Research and Development United Nations, where balance is so percent of whom are under the age of 30, Institute (CARDI) and the Caribbean close that 14 votes can make a difference, and from the main ethnic groups of Disaster Emergency Management and that’s when the biggest of the big indigenous peoples, Africans, Indians, Agency (CDEMA) as successful areas of come knocking on our doors,” Golding Europeans, Chinese and Portuguese. cooperation. “We are all subject to added. Topical issues such as trade practices, the natural disasters, and the response to For his part, minister of state in the treatment of Jamaicans travelling to natural disasters when they occur ministry of education, youth and other CARICOM countries, contrasts r e q u i r e s i n s t i t u t i o n a l b u i l d i n g , information, Floyd Green, encouraged e m e rg i n g b e t w e e n C A R I C O M ’s capabilities, and it requires management. the youth to submit suggestions to the strategies and goals and those of If every country had to set up (one) for CARICOM Review Commission. On the individual countries and how these can itself, then you see the difficulties that issue of integration, Green said this is be reconciled are also to be explored by many countries would have,” Golding being undermined “by the fact that it is so the Commission. (Caribbean News said. expensive for us to travel among our Now!) The former prime minister also argued CARICOM states”. He also mentioned




Curacao Political Candidates Invited To Participate In Pre-election Debate

WILLEMSTAD, Curacao -- General elections are due to take place in Curacao on Friday and Caribbean News Now has invited the leaders of all 13 qualified political parties to participate in a public debate on Tuesday, a first of its kind in the Dutch Caribbean. Candidates have been asked to respond with a firm commitment to participate by 8:00 pm local time on Sunday. September 30 will see the formation of a new government in Curacao and, according to independent voter surveys conducted by Caribbean News Now, it seems doubtful that any one political party will secure an overall majority leading to another coalition administration in the island. Such a debate would therefore represent a unique opportunity for parties and their candidates to inform the voters as to

where they stand and what they intend to do for the country and its people now and in the future. It is intended that the debate will be streamed online and the public will be able to submit questions in advance for the candidates to answer. One Punda enthusiast exclaimed, "So if you don't see your political party's leader there at the first Caribbean News Now election debate online, then you probably won't see them until another four years when they need your vote again; they treat like a bad sweetheart, they only know you when they want something from you.” 2016 Curacao Election Debate The first ever online political debate in Curacao with honest and fair moderating.

For more information: http://CuracaoElectionDebate.caribbean




Barbados To Defend Position Before EU

“protect Barbados’ name and reputation as a transparent and By Theresa Blackman BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (BGIS) -- Barbados international well-regulated jurisdiction”. business minister, Donville Inniss, will not be “pulling any The international business minister added that governor of the punches” at this week’s Peer Review Group of the Global Central Bank, Dr. Delisle Worrell, and a delegation were Forum of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and recently in Canada, where they continued to engage with Development (OECD) in Paris. At that meeting, Inniss and his stakeholders on the mutual advantages of doing business with team are expected to defend Barbados’ position since being Barbados. “Mexico, Colombia and Latin America continue to blacklisted by the European Union (EU), along with several open up for us a market. And, next month we will host a team other Caribbean countries, for being an uncooperative tax from Cameroon in Africa for talks of tax and investment treaties,” he disclosed. (Caribbean News Now!) jurisdiction. In an address at a reception last Thursday evening, the minister revealed that he would head a delegation comprising staff of his ministry’s international business division and the Barbados Revenue Authority, along with key European advisors. While in Paris, the team will also attend the steering group meeting of which Barbados is vice chair, and, according to him, represent the “voice of small states engaged in the international financial services”. He continued: “I expect that our meetings will be successful and will lead to an enhanced reputation for our domicile, and, by extension, more business for us.” Inniss further disclosed that, earlier last week, he received official notice from the EU of its intention to publish a list of uncooperative jurisdictions based on new guidelines developed by that organisation. To this end, he said that he and his team had already started the consultative process to International Business Minister, Donville Innis




European Union To Consider Approval Of Accord With Cuba

HAVANA, Cuba (ACN) -- The European Union on Thursday proposed that its member states to consider approval of a political and cooperation accord with Cuba aimed at normalizing relations with the Caribbean nation. In presenting the document, the high representative of the European Union for foreign affairs and security policy Federica Mogherini said that the accord is the result of fruitful and constructive joint work between Cuba and the European Union and is a cornerstone of bilateral links. The accord for a political dialogue and cooperation with Cuba will be considered by the European Council,

made up of all 28 heads of state or government of EU member nations before its signing over the next few months. Mogherini said that the accord sets up a common framework for intensified political dialogue, larger cooperation in a wide array of areas and a valuable platform to take joint actions in the regional and international arenas. The adoption of the new accord will put an end to the so-called European Union

Common Position on Cuba, which damaged relations between the two sides with its implementation in 1996. (Caribbean News Now!)

Gays Fleeing Island Home

Source: Barbados – MEMBERS of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community in Barbados are continuing

to seek asylum in Canada, England and the United States because they fear persecution at home. Investigations by the SUNDAY SUN revealed that, in the past decade, more than 300 gay men and lesbians have sought to relocate abroad through official channels for that reason. Since 2004 Canada has been the major destination, mainly because the application process is said to be simple and straightforward.

According to statistics from the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, 63 LGBT refugees from Barbados landed there between 2004 and 2013. Reports indicated the number has since increased to more than 100. In terms of status determinations from January to June 2015, out of a total of 15 finalisations, nine were accepted and six rejected. – S e e m o r e a t : s/news/87354/gays-fleeing-islandhome... (Antigua Observer)




Syria Conflict: US And UK Rhetoric 'Unacceptable' - Russia

A monitoring group has documented 128 deaths in rebel-held Aleppo since Thursday(REUTERS)

Russia has criticised the US and UK for using "unacceptable" tone and rhetoric in speeches on Syria at the UN, after being accused of "barbarism". On Sunday, US permanent representative Samantha Power said Russian and Syrian forces were "laying waste" to besieged rebelheld areas of the city of Aleppo. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov warned that such language might damage efforts to end the five-year civil war. Activists meanwhile reported dozens of fresh air strikes on Aleppo overnight. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based monitoring group, said at least two civilians had been killed and many wounded. At least 128 people are believed to have died in rebel-held Aleppo since last week, when a truce brokered by the US and Russia collapsed. The US, UK and France, which back the opposition to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, openly accused Russia of lying about its involvement in the assault on Aleppo at an emergency session of the UN Security Council. British permanent representative Matthew Rycroft said Mr Assad's forces and Moscow had "plunged to new depths and unleashed a new hell on Aleppo", which was once Syria's largest city and the country's industrial and commercial hub. He alleged that they were committing war crimes by using bunker-busting bombs to destroy underground shelters, dropping incendiary weapons indiscriminately on civilian areas, and targeting the city's water supplies. Ms Power told the meeting: "Instead of pursuing peace, Russia and Assad make war. Instead of helping get life-saving aid to civilians, Russia and Assad are bombing the humanitarian convoys, hospitals, and first responders who are trying desperately to keep people alive." "What Russia is sponsoring and doing is not

counterterrorism; it is barbarism," she added. Pro-Kremlin media in Russia have been gripped by the discussions on Syria at the UN Security Council, but they offered little comment on the accusations levelled against Moscow. Instead, they dismissed the charges as "groundless" and hailed the response of Russian envoy Vitaly Churkin. "Both US and UK permanent representatives were lavish in criticising Moscow and Damascus, but received a firm response," said Gazprom-owned NTV. State-owned newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta accused the US and its allies of trying to "exert pressure on Damascus and Moscow, while doing nothing to meet their own obligations". Russian ambassador Vitaly Churkin blamed the unravelling of the truce deal on the US, saying it had failed to convince mainstream rebels to distance themselves from "terrorist" groups, especially the al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat Fatah al-Sham. Mr Peskov also rejected the Western criticism at a news conference on Monday. "We note that the tone and rhetoric used by official representatives from the UK and US is generally unacceptable and it can seriously damage the settlement process and our bilateral relations, but in the interests of the higher ideas of settlement we are minded to detach ourselves from unnecessary emotion," he said. The Kremlin spokesman acknowledged that the truce deal had been "not very effective", but insisted that Moscow "definitely remains hopeful, and most importantly it retains the political will to apply as much effort as possible to find a steady path for political settlement in Syria". But he also warned that "terrorists" had used the truce to "regroup, replenish their arsenals and obviously prepare for offensive actions". Meanwhile, a medical source in rebelheld Aleppo told the AFP news agency that a shortage of blood meant hospitals were struggling to deal with the huge number of casualties caused by air strikes over the past four days. There was also no water supply in many areas after pumping stations were damaged at the weekend, and several charity kitchens were forced to close because of the violence. Food is also becoming hard to find, three weeks into the government's siege (BBC)




Spain Bankia Fraud Frial For Ex-IMF Boss Rodrigo Rato

Rodrigo Rato (left) could face prison and a hefty fine if found guilty(AFP)


ormer IMF chief Rodrigo Rato and 64 other bankers have gone on trial in Madrid over an alleged credit card racket at Spain's troubled Bankia bank. The defendants allegedly used "unofficial" company credit cards for luxury purchases, unconnected with their duties as board members. Prosecutors say about €12m (£10.4m; $13.5m) was spent on hotels, fine clothes, entertainment and travel. Mr Rato denies wrongdoing. Bankia was rescued in 2012 at huge public expense. The unofficial credit card purchases were not declared to the tax authorities. The system allegedly started at Caja Madrid bank and was continued by Mr Rato when Bankia was created in 2011. A member of the governing centreright Popular Party (PP), Mr Rato resigned as head of Bankia shortly before its near-collapse in 2012. The government bailout of Bankia inflicted losses on 200,000 small investors, who held preferential shares in the bank. Some of them voiced their anger outside the Madrid courthouse on Monday. "You wretches! Stealing money from pensioners!" they shouted at the accused as the trial

got under way. Taint of corruption Prosecutors are seeking four-and-ahalf years in jail for Mr Rato and six years for Miguel Blesa, the former president of Caja Madrid, a bank that was merged with six others in 2011 to create Bankia. If found guilty, Mr Rato could also face a €2.7m fine, and Mr Blesa a fine of €9.3m. Mr Rato headed the International Monetary Fund from 2004-2007. He also served as Spanish economy minister, and his fall from grace helped fuel accusations that the Popular Party was riddled with corruption. Prosecutors say the lavish credit card purchases took place from 2003-2012 - some of them during Spain's financial crisis, when millions of citizens suffered hardship and unemployment soared. Mr Rato's two successors at the top of the IMF have also been caught up in high-profile court cases. French Socialist Dominique Strauss-Kahn took over from Mr Rato in 2007 but resigned in May 2011 to defend himself against charges of attempted rape in New York. Prosecutors dropped the charges later that year, then Mr Strauss-Kahn reached an out-of-court settlement with the hotel maid who accused him. In a separate case last year, he was acquitted by a French court of the charge of "aggravated pimping" in connection with sex parties involving prostitutes. Mr Strauss-Kahn's successor at the IMF, Christine Lagarde, is to go on trial in France in December over a state award of €285m in damages to tycoon Bernard Tapie when she was finance minister. She is accused of "negligence", but denies any misconduct. (BBC)




Saudi Women File Petition To End Male Guardianship System

Aziza al-Yousef: 'We always hope - without hope, you cannot work'(AZIZA AL-YOUSEF)


petition signed by more than 14,000 Saudi women calling for an end to the country's male guardianship system is being handed to the government. Women must have the consent of a male guardian to travel abroad, and often need permission to work or study. Support for the first large-scale campaign on the issue grew online in response to a trending Twitter hashtag. Activist Aziza Al-Yousef told the BBC she felt "very proud" of the campaign, but now needed a response. In the deeply conservative Islamic kingdom, a woman must have permission from her father, brother or other male relative - in the case of a widow, sometimes her son - to obtain a passport, marry or leave the country. Many workplaces and universities also demand a guardian's consent for female employees and students, although it is not legally required. Renting a flat, undergoing hospital treatment or filing a legal claim often also require a male guardian's permission, and there is very little recourse for women whose guardians abuse them or severely limit their freedom. In July, an Arabic Tw i t t e r h a s h t a g w h i c h translates as "Saudi women want to abolish the guardianship system" went viral after a Human Rights Watch report was published on the issue. Saudi women tweeted comments, videos and artwork calling for change. Bracelets saying "I Am My Own Guardian" appeared. The women counted on the petition

all gave their full names, though more signed anonymously. Hundreds of women - one estimate suggests as many as 2,500 - bombarded the Saudi King's office over the weekend with telegrams containing personal messages backing the campaign. Human Rights Watch researcher Kristine Beckerle, who worked on the report, described the response as "incredible and unprecedented". "I was flabbergasted not only by the scale, but the creativity with which they've been doing it," she said. "They've made undeniably clear they won't stand to be treated as second-class citizens any longer, and it's high time their government listened." However, there has been opposition from some Saudi women, with an alternative Arabic hashtag, which translates as #TheGuardianshipIsForHerNotAgainstHer, gaining some traction, and opinion articles, like this one on the Gulf News website, arguing that the system should be reformed and applied better. Ms Yousef, who was stopped by police in 2013 for breaking the country's ban on women driving, said she did not expect any negative consequences from the petition: "I'm not worried, I'm not doing anything wrong," she said. She and another activist took the petition to the Royal Court in person on Monday, but were advised to send it by mail. She said a key demand is that an age between 18 and 21 be designated, above which a woman be "treated like an adult". "In every aspect, the important issue is to treat a woman as a full citizen," she said. She and other activists first raised the issue five years ago. "We never had a problem with campaigning, but the problem is there is no answer. But we always hope - without hope, you cannot work," she said. There has been no official response to the petition yet. (BBC)




Houston Gunman Shot Dead After Opening Fire At US Mall

Police say the scene of the attack is active but contained(NBC)


ine people have been injured in a shooting at a shopping centre in Houston in the US state of Texas, one of them critically. The suspect was shot dead by police, who say they believe he may have been a lawyer. Police said they did not think any other people were involved in the shooting. A bomb squad checked the suspect's vehicle where police say more guns were found.

Police says they are also investigating the gunman's apartment and his motive. "Suspect reportedly a lawyer. Investigation to determine if issues at his firm led to shooting," Houston Police said on its Twitter account. It said said one of his victims is in a critical condition and five others are being treated in hospital. Three more have been discharged from hospital. Residents have been advised to avoid the area for the time being. "At this time, the shooting scene is believed to be contained," the city of Houston said on its emergency page. Third mall attack in 9 days The shooting comes three days after a shooting at a shopping mall in Washington state, in which five people were killed. The gunman in that attack, Arcan Cetin, 20, was born in Turkey and is a legal US permanent resident, officials say. The FBI have said there was no evidence that the shooting there was linked to terrorism. Nine days ago, a 20-year-old man stabbed 10 people at a Minnesota shopping centre before being shot dead by an off-duty police officer. (BBC)

Japan Scrambles Jets Over China Flights Along Miyako Straits


apan says it scrambled fighter jets on Sunday after eight Chinese military aircraft flew between Japanese islands. The planes, thought to be bombers, surveillance planes and one fighter jet, flew along the Miyako Straits, between Okinawa and Miyakojima. China said about 40 of its aircraft had been involved in what it said was a routine drill. The planes did not cross into Japanese airspace, but the move is being seen as a show of force by China. It comes one week after Japan said it would take part in joint training exercises with the US navy in the South China Sea.

China said about 40 of its aircraft were involved in a routine drill(AP)

Japan's top government spokesman said Japan would be watching China's military movements closely. Tokyo will "continue to devote every effort to vigilance and surveillance and rigorously enforce steps against intrusions into our airspace based on international law and the selfdefence forces law", said Yoshihide Suga. The Miyako Strait is a strategically important 250km (155 miles) wide stretch of water south of Okinawa and close to Taiwan. It is also close to a group of islands in the East China Sea which are claimed by both Japan and China. Japan, which controls the islands, calls them Senkaku, while China calls them the Diaoyu Islands. (BBC)




France's Hollande: Jungle Camp To Be demolished By End Of Year


rench President Francois Hollande has Francois Hollande was speaking on his first visit to Calais as president vowed to dismantle the "Jungle" migrant camp "definitively, entirely and rapidly" by the end of the year, during a visit to the port of Calais. He strongly urged the UK to "play its part" in the humanitarian effort. Mr Hollande was meeting police, port officials, and politicians but is not expected to visit the camp itself. The fate of the camp and up to 10,000 people living there has become central to France's presidential campaign. Mr Hollande said that just because the UK had made a "sovereign decision" - an apparent reference to the UK's vote to leave the European Union - it was not "absolved from its obligations to France". However, during a speech in Le Touquet last week, Mr He said he was determined that the UK Sarkozy said: "Those who are here in Calais and who want to government would support the humanitarian effort, and said his own government was committed "until the end". cross to England should be processed in England by the Between 7,000 and 10,000 migrants and refugees live in the English." Speaking on Saturday, Mr Hollande promised to Jungle amid squalid conditions, many of them hoping to set up "reception and orientation centres" to take in asylum enter the UK illegally by hiding on lorries crossing the seekers. A dignified welcome would be given to people who English Channel. Mr Hollande paid tribute to the efforts of filed for the right to asylum but anyone who was local security forces, and said he had "a clear message for the unsuccessful would be deported, he said. France's Socialist traffickers: you won't be trafficking any more". A UK-funded president has not yet announced whether he will run for a wall 1km (0.6 miles) long is being built along the main road second term. (BBC) to the port in an attempt to deter would-be stowaways. The UK government has not confirmed the cost, but it is reported to have contributed about £1.9m (€2.2m). Work began last week, and is due to be finished by the end of the year. What is the 'Jungle'? The "Jungle" camp is near the port of Calais, and close to the 31-mile Channel Tunnel Officially, about 7,000 migrants live in the camp humanitarian groups say the number is closer to 10,000 Despite an increasing population, the camp's size was halved earlier this year But the camp's population has continued to rise, and reports of violence have increased Many migrants attempt to hide themselves in cargo vehicles entering the Channel Tunnel The area has been hit by protests from both locals and truck operators Half the Jungle camp was dismantled earlier this year and it has become a major issue ahead of France's presidential elections, which take place next spring. Ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is among seven candidates seeking the Republican nomination, visited Calais last week. As interior minister, Mr Sarkozy signed the 2003 Le Touquet treaty, which allows British immigration officials to check passports in Calais. Without it, UK officials would have to wait until people and vehicles arrived on British soil.




Austria's Graz Airport Stops Woman With Husband's Entrails

Bemused customs officials in Austria have stopped a Moroccan woman, who travelled to Graz airport with a bag containing her husband's entrails. The man's intestines had been wrapped carefully in two containers, Austrian media reported. The woman, who has not been named, explained that she suspected her deceased husband had been poisoned, according to Kleine Zeitung. She wanted a toxicology test carried out on her husband's tissue. He died during an operation in Morocco, the newspaper reported. When the woman arrived in Graz, a doctor was called to examine the intestines but said a proper investigation could not be carried out without the whole body. Police said the woman had not broken any laws. The entrails have been stored temporarily ahead of further forensic investigation. (BBC)

Inspectors made the unusual find as the woman arrived at Graz airport(EPA)

Crowd Turns Its Back On Hillary Clinton For Group Selfie

At a recent campaign event, Hillary Clinton climbed on a box to The pontiff had a private audience with 500 youths from the address a room packed with young people. But instead of facing Diocese of Piacenza-Bobbio. the Democratic presidential nominee, the audience turned their And what of the controversy surrounding the selfie of the backs on her en masse. Further evidence of Clinton's challenge endangered monkey with the cheeky grin? After a wildlife in winning over millennials? No. As it turned out, the Orlando, photographer stepped away and the crested black macaque snapped a self-portrait with the unattended camera, animalFlorida, crowd wasn't being disrespectful. With their smartphones and cameras held high, they were rights organization PETA filed a lawsuit for the monkey to win snapping selfies -- trying to capture a historic moment by copyright of the image. (CNN) sharing a photo frame with the presidential candidate. Clinton's full-time photographer, Barbara Kinney, snapped a photo of the scene, which apparently happened after Clinton invited the crowd to turn around and snap a group selfie. Kinney wasn't expecting her photo to get so much attention, but since designer and Clinton supporter Victor Ng posted it Sunday to Twitter, it's been shared more than 19,000 times. The image isn't the only one to show our recent obsession with selfies. Who can forget the moment when Ellen DeGeneres' selfie at the Oscars in 2014 nearly crashed the Internet? Or when Queen Elizabeth II accidentally photobombed a selfie taken at the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow? And Hillary Clinton waves to a selfie-taking crowd remember the iconic selfie taken of the Pope at a recent campaign event in Orlando, Florida. inside St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican in 2013?




Who Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump Invited To The First Presidential Debate

While the biggest attraction during the presidential debate tonight will be the two candidates on stage, at least some attention will likely be paid to those in the audience. Here's a look at who the candidates invited to sit in the audience at tonight's debate. Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton's campaign this morning released a partial list of guests invited by the Democratic presidential nominee to the debate at Hofstra University in New York. The four women on the list are all supporters who have developed a special relationship with Clinton over the years. They include a 9/11 survivor; a single mom and domestic abuse survivor; and a woman who became a pen pal to Clinton when she was the first lady. The list also includes Anastasia Somoza - a woman with cerebral palsy who was recently featured in a campaign attack ad about Donald Trump's mocking of a disabled reporter. Most notably, the Clinton campaign has also given Dallas Mavericks owner and Trump antagonist Mark Cuban a front-row ticket for the show. Chelsea Clinton is also expected to attend, according to a spokeswoman for the former first daughter. And, the Clinton camp said this morning it is hosting 1,200 debate-watch parties

across all 50 states tonight. Clinton's running mate Tim Kaine will attend a watch party in Orlando, F l o r i d a , organized by the Human Rights Campaign. Former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and her husband, astronaut Mark Kelly, will also attend that event, an aide said. Donald Trump This morning, reports emerged that the Republican nominee invited Mark Geist, one of the survivors of the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, Libya, to attend the debate. Geist has been vocal in his support of Trump's candidacy; he spoke on the first night of the Republican National Convention alongside fellow security contractor John Tiegen about the attack in Benghazi. Trump also over the weekend fired off a tweet about a possible guest to the debate. After Mark Cuban posted about his plans to attend the event in support of Clinton, Trump tweeted Saturday: “If dopey

Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to sit in the front row, perhaps I will put Gennifer Flowers right alongside of him!” Bill Clinton admitted in the 1990s to having had a sexual relationship with Flowers two decades earlier. On Sunday morning, Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told ABC's "This Week" that Flowers, "has not been invited by the campaign." However, the Clinton camp used Trump's tweet to accuse the Republican nominee of acting unpresidential. "He's a reality TV star. He’s very experienced at providing television entertainment. The presidency is not about entertainment. It’s about serious decisions," Clinton's campaign manager Robby Mook told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos Sunday. (abc News)




Minister Bulkan Blasts Georgetown Mayor For Illegal Actions Of Town Clerk


inister of Communities Ronald Bulkan in a letter to Georgetown Mayor Patricia Chase-Green reminded her that the elected Council is “supreme,” whereas Town Clerk Royston King, like any other administrative officer, is hired to carry out the directives of the Council. He specifically pointed to the incident

where the Town Clerk recently removed the vendors on Robb Street, between Bourda and Alexander Streets, without first being directed by the Council to do so. King, in response to a complaint by Deputy Mayor Sherod Duncan about not being informed about King’s intended actions, told the Council that he took an “administrative” decision and did not even informed the Office of the Mayor. It was reported that the minister in his letter, said the Mayor’s defense of King at the following statutory meeting was unexpected and not in conformity with the law. “I wish to inform you that your interpretation of the roles of officers does not coincide with the letter and spirit of the laws,” Minister Bulkan stated. “Section 8A of the Municipal and District Council Act of 2013 clearly sets out and states the general duties of city councillors. The section repeatedly makes clear that the elected council is supreme, the Town Clerk is but an a d m i n i s t r a t o r, l i k e a n y o t h e r administrative officer, hired to carry out the directives of the council.” The minister said the act states that one of the duties of the Council is to ensure that the municipality is managed in a professional and competent manner by

a qualified Town Clerk. Minister Bulkan pointed out that Section 77 of the aforementioned act, states that the tow clerk is an administrative officer and not an executive official. “Clearly, therefore, the authority of the Town Clerk is derived from the decisions of the Council. As such, he may perform duties only assigned to him by law and be directed by the decisions of the Council. “ E v i d e n t l y, t h e l a w d o e s n o t contemplate any scenario in which the Town Clerk makes an order with regard to the management of the municipality in the absence of an order from the Council. Further, it is unthinkable that the Town Clerk may make such an order without the knowledge of the Council and after doing so, inform the Council of his own decision. To do so would be to exceed his authority and usurp the mandate of the Council.” According to the minister, King’s decision to remove the vendors from the Robb Street location without being so directed by the Council was outside of his authority and the mayor’s defense of his actions was unexpected, and while understandable, was not in conformity with the law.

Haitians charged For Illegally Entering Guyana Emeal,27, Panel Manizear,45, Willner Jose,24, Gee Emeal,25 ive Haitian nationals were each fined GY$20,000 each


for entering Guyana illegally by sea and disembarking without the consent of an immigration officer on September 23, 2016 at Springlands, Corentyne. If they do not pay the fine, then they will spend 2 weeks in prison. The 5 men who appeared unrepresented before the court heard the charge translated to t h e m a s t h e y communicated with the court via translator and pleaded guilty. The 5 men, Figuero

and Roinson Torbinero 19, were given the opportunity to explain to the court why they committed the act, to which they all responded stating that they were on their way to Brazil to visit their family. It was noted that on September 24, 2016, police officers conducted a search on a Minibus that was destined for Lethem at which time they found the 5 accused who were holders of Haitian passports. However upon conducting a search on the passports it was found that they did not have Guyanese entry stamps. They were warned of the offence and at which point they told the officers that they had traveled from Suriname to Guyana via a small boat on September 23, 2016 and were in transit to Brazil.




PPP Continues To Protest High Court On Election Petition Persaud expressed that there are many Guyanese who would like to know that this petition is heard and a decision is made. He explained that the protest is continuing because the PPP is looking for justice. In comparing Guyana with Trinidad, the former government minister said that “Their election were in September last year. They had six petitions filed and a number of those petitions have already been determined by the court and here in Guyana we are waiting to the light of day for a petition to commence.” Meanwhile, Rohee said that the delay is a “disgraceful and embarrassing situation for Guyana [and] the rest of the Caribbean. Rohee is of the view that the petition is a “matter of great urgency” and therefore must be given priority in the High court. On June 24, 2015 the PPP filed an election petition in the High Court, challenging the results of the May 11 General and Regional Elections, in which the APNU+AFC coalition was victorious. The petition is asking for the High Court to rule that the elections were null and void. The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) had subsequently filed a summons to strike out the petition. Former acting Chief Justice Ian Chang had quashed the counter summons, allowing the petition to go to trial. GECOM has however appealed the ruling of the former Acting Chief Justice. PPP protestors at the High Court

Supporters of the People Progressive’s Party (PPP) led by General Secretary Clement Rohee and former Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Ganga Persaud once again stage a picketing exercise outside the High Court in Georgetown expressing concerns about the delay in the hearing of the elections petition that was filed by the PPP. “What we are doing is to express our concerns that an election petition that has been filed for many many many months is still to be heard by the high court,” Persaud said.




Government Continues To Ignore Mental Illness Epidemic In Guyana The state of mental health in Guyana is of grave concern to many and sections of society believe that the government is neglecting mental health in Guyana. The tragedies of the mentally unstable wandering the country’s streets and continuing domestic violence, murders and suicides point to a mental health crisis that is largely being ignored by the government, says founder of the Guyana Foundation Supriya Bodden. According to Bodden, those who are left to sleep on the streets, women who are beaten with hateful words before finally being stabbed to death by their angry spouses, and youth attempting to bury their depression in suicide are victims in the tragic stories among the underprivileged in society. Mental disorders have a severe impact on the Guyanese society, especially economic impacts which appear clearly in the G u y a n e s e society. These disorders cost individuals and families’ serious e c o n o m i c burden, where the family bears the expense for the treatment of mental illness in addition to lost employment,

reduced productivity and high levels of crime. Direct costs of the treatment of mental disorders in countries like Guyana, where there is limited mental health care may be lower than countries where there is advanced mental health care, but on the other hand the indirect costs increase because of lack of treatment. It is imperative that the government pay greater attention to curb mental illness in order to avoid further impact on society and economy. Making effective programs and policies available would provide Guyana with a wide range of preventive tools to tackle mental disorders. It is important to develop a system of national databases to provide government with information on evidence on their outcomes and conditions for effective implementation. Financial support should be allocated to the implementation of prevention programs and policies and the development of required infrastructures. In addition, investments in capacity building at the country level should be promoted, providing training and creating a workforce of professionals. Much of this investment will need to come from the government. Child abuse, discrimination, poverty and lack of access to education have a significant impact on the development of mental ill health and the cause of mental disorders. Actions and policies that improve the protection of the basic human rights plays a very powerful preventative strategy for mental disorders.




PPP Upset With Police Barricades During Protest Against GECOM

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) today held a peaceful picketing exercise outside of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), however the party was greeted with barricades by the Guyana Police Force in front of the Commission. A senior police official told the Guyana Daily News that they were instructed not to allow anyone to pass the barricade, however persons were seen traversing within the blockade. General Secretary, Clement Rohee, told this newspaper that he is very upset with the barricades, claiming that this is another effort by the police to interfere with political activities. Police baricades in front of GECOM as PPP protest continues According to Rohee, this move by the Guyana Police Force is an attempt to conduct a peaceful picketing exercise, stating that this should never have been the case, pointing out that there were never any barricades at previous protests. The PPP is calling for the removal of G E C O M ’s C h a i r m a n D r. S t e v e Surujbally from office, citing the rigging of the General and Regional elections which were held in May 2015. On June 24, 2015, the PPP filed an election petition in the High Court, questioning the validity of the May 11 General and Regional Elections, while asking the court to grant a number of orders including the nullification of the election as well as an order for new elections to be held. The petition was filed by former Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall, on behalf of the applicant, PPP/C Executive Member Ganga Persaud, under the National Assembly (Validity of Elections) Act Chapter 1:04, and names as the defendants on the petition – Chief Elections Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Keith Lowenfield, and the representatives of the List of Candidates for all eight parties that contested the recently concluded election.




Self-Confessed Drug Lord Dataram Found Guilty

Self-Confessed Drug Lord Barry Dataram who was absent in court today was fined GY$164,268,000 and sentenced to 60 months imprisonment after he was found guilty by City Magistrate Judy Latchman of being in possession of 129 kg of cocaine with the intent of trafficking the said narcotics. Dataram was jointly charged along with his reputed wife Ajanie Boodnarine, Kevin Charran and Trevor Gouveia after a raid was carried out on a Diamond Housing Scheme property that is owned by Dataram in 2015. However the other three accused in the matter were all found to be innocent of the charge and their case was dismissed by the Magistrate. Dataram and his reputed wife Boodnarine continues to be on the run from local authorities after they reportedly fled the country to neighboring Suriname before the trial ended.

Driver Allegedly Busted With Marijuana Remanded However Police Prosecutor Corporal Denaro Jones objected

Magistrate Ann McLennan today remanded interior vehicle operator, Keith Stevens after he appeared before her in the Georgetown Magistrate's Court charged with being in possession of 14.061 kg of cannabis with the intent of trafficking on September 23, 2016 at First Avenue, Bartica. The matter was transferred to the Bartica Magistrate Court where Stevens will appear on October 12, 2016. Stevens, 37, pleaded not guilty to the charge and his attorney in a bail application stated that his client was unaware that he was in possession of the narcotics.

to bail citing that no special reason was given to the court for consideration of bail. It is alleged that on the day in question at around 17:00h, ranks attached to the Bartica Police Station were on patrol when they noticed the accused standing holding a black plastic bag and acting a suspicious manner. Upon approaching Stevens, the officers reported that he threw the bag in a parked motor car and attempted to escape on foot. He was however caught and the bag recovered and searched in his presence and the narcotics were found.




Can Guyana Become A Green State? President David Granger discussed a number of issues, during the 71st session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, regarding his engagement to the UN of Guyana’s Green Agenda. The direct impact of Guyana becoming a ‘Green State’ is one of the main concerns not only for local businesses and investors but also for the common citizen.

The project Guyana is standing as a project to promote a green economy. This one is defined as an economy that aims to reduce environmental risks and ecological scarcities, providing sustainable development without degrading the environment. President Granger at the UN meeting expressed his commitment to turn Guyana into a green state. Guyana stands as one of the pioneer countries in South America and the Caribbean, to implement this ecologically friendly strategy. The reason The Amazon forest, as a large supply of limited resources, represents the ‘holy grail’ for any nearby country in a search for an alternative energy supplement. As the fossil oil or crude, becomes scarce water power, sunlight and wind take the main stage as the ultimate replacements of this no longer 100% reliable source of energy. The rainforest, as the name describes it, has Hydropower as one its strong points. But not only can the Amazon provide water. The Amazon can provide Life. Qualified as the ‘Lungs of the World’ this large, dense and humid suffice is the reason why the Ozone Layer’s sized reduced significantly in the last 10 years. The large trees and plants of this vast area absorb, the yearly emanations of Carbon Dioxide (Co2), transforming it into Oxygen, enlarging our lifespan on this blue planet.

President David Granger on the 71rst Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN)

The mission President Granger stated, on the Special Emission of the local program The Public interest, that by simply preserving the rainforests, the country’s economy will see gradual, but certain benefits. He assured that countries that generate harmful emissions of carbon dioxide, will pay Guyana as part of the –“Lungs of the Earth”- to keep a healthy ecosystem, balancing the rapid deterioration of the environment, and its devastating global effects. The leader also stressed the equal importance of preserving our diversity, as part of the Guyanese identity and main motor for ecotourism. The Head of State addressed that is a ‘win-win’ deal. Guyana’s economy will ‘absorb’ all the goods that the rain forest has to offer without damaging its fauna. From the consensus of international deals, to the extraction, elaboration and possible exportation of 100% natural cosmetic products. A green economy represents a step forward, and a promising alternative for a country that has a wide range of natural, unexploited resources. This alternative will also represent, accordingly to the President Granger, an opportunity to employ the youngsters in a diversity of occupations. The venture into a green economy was defined by the leader as – “A total new experience. A new chapter in our economic development”The cons It is a noble vision that in theory could bring a small country like Guyana, out of the economic lethargy that it is experiencing. But the implementation of such a strategy could also bring more problems than solutions. The Guyana and Venezuela border conflict is one of the main aspects to take into consideration. Relying on an energy supply that is under the dispute of two nations, could represent the ultimate spark for a military confrontation. Currently the tensions between Guyana and Venezuela, make headlines in local and international newspapers. Overseas investors won’t risk their assets on a country that is at the edge of a conflict. Also, the adoption of the hydraulic power, can only be implemented after the construction of a Hydroelectric Plant. Where would government locate funds, if simple public projects, festivals and national parades are being cancelled for the lack of these? Facts that make of the ‘Green Agenda’ a long term campaign, or a project with no solid grounds. S o u r c e : Ymc




Educate A Woman To Educate A Nation -First Lady Tells Essequibo Self Reliance Workshop Georgetown, Guyana – (September 26, 2016) First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, today, told the women participating in the seventh session of the Self-Reliance and Success in Business Workshop that she has high hopes for them as women have the ability to change a nation. The First Lady made these remarks at the opening of the workshop, in Essequibo, Pomeroon-Supenaam (Region Two). “I am focusing on Self-Reliance and Success in Business Workshop for women because all the data shows, throughout the world, that if… a woman succeeds economically she takes her whole family [with her],” the First Lady said. Mrs. Granger also noted that her main priority at the close of each workshop is to always ensure that each participant is given a certificate that is recognised by the Ministry of Business. “I take this [West African] proverb, which my husband has Participants, displaying posters of the 6 ‘P’s of Business quoted, ‘you educate a man and you educate an individual. You educate a woman and you educate a nation’. I have very high hopes for you here… if you have been in business for a while you [will] be able to understand a bit more, how you can drive yourselves forward. It is for your independence and for your self-confidence,” she said. Meanwhile, Mr. Yohann Sanjay Pooran, facilitator at Interweave Solutions Incorporated, recalled that at a recently concluded workshop held in Port Kaituma, Barima-Waini (Region One) the First Lady had emphasised the importance of women speaking up for themselves, even as he noted that this is an important part of them taking ownership of their success. “Speaking for yourself can encompass so many aspects of your life … your pocket, your family, the quality of life that Some of the women who are participating in the Self-Reliance and Success in Business Workshop you live… I believe that empowerment element, that ability to speak for yourself forms the major emphasis of this programme,” Mr. Pooran said. Meanwhile, Regional Executive Officer, Mr Brentnol Hopkinson said that every successful business has a chain of spending, which it follows and businesswomen have an important role to play. “You are contributors to the development of the nation… When you see yourself as a contributor to national development, you see yourself as being part of the process… [and] you must see yourself as part of the development of ‘the good life’. The Self-Reliance and Success in Business Workshop has, to date, benefited over 200 women across the regions and from all walks of life. Regional Executive Officer, Mr. Brentnol Hopkinson delivering his remarks at the MOTP Press Release

opening of the Self-Reliance and Success in Business Workshop, today, in Essequibo.




GEORGETOWN, MOSP – TINNENBEN Animation Studio Series ‘Nancy School Daze’ Is A “World Class Product Which We Are Proud To Support” Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Of E-Networks Vishok Persaud Said Saturday. Persaud said the locally-produced animated show need “the o f t h e g l o b a l biggest possible audience” and his company’s vision is to ensure it becomes popular in the Caribbean and the North American diaspora which comprises some 30 – 35 percent of E- Network’s audiences. Speaking at Saturday’s Premier Series launch at the Herdmanston Lodge, Anira Street, Queenstown, in the capital, Persaud reminded that Guyanese must have “national pride and patriotism to encourage ( the growth of local) products.” Pleading for patience, Persaud assured the audience which included Social Protection Minister, Mrs. Volda Lawrence and Minister of Business, Mr. Dominic Gaskin, that efforts in the creative industry here will “mature with time”. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Institute of Private Enterprise Development (IPED) Mr Ramesh Persaud admitted that his agency “had to take a chance” funding Tinnenben’s production notwithstanding existing uncertainties in the local animation sector. “You can’t wait for things to be perfect,” the pragmatic Persaud said. He said while there is “still room for additional sponsors” to support local animation production he is trusting that TINNENBEN pioneering efforts will pave the way for animation in Guyana to become financially viable. IPED has set aside some US$250,000 (G$50M) to back initiatives in Guyana’s emerging creative industry sector. Tinninben’s CEO Mr T. Alex Graham got wind of the available funding and approached the company for support even though local “financiers don’t get involved in these types of models” Persaud said. When he spoke, Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin couldn’t hide his lively interest for Graham’s groundbreaking move. “I am enthusiastic about animation,” Gaskin admitted. The government minister is nevertheless worried that citizens of the 50-year old Independent Republic have still been unable to translate creativity “into wealth for artistes”. “The commercial element of our creativity has eluded us,” Gaskin said. Remedies offered by Minister Gaskin included taking deliberate steps to diversify the economy because of endless opportunities in the global market and converging digital technology with local creativity. That opportunities abound, especially for enterprising youths, Gaskin said however “opportunities need strategies” for maximum economic benefits. There are cultural benefits too to be derived from the local animation production, the Minister said, which if managed the right way can help promote Guyanese culture overseas. Tinninben has a similar belief, its CEO Alex Graham said. “Our ultimate goal…is to mine our rich history, culture, and storytelling traditions in order to create and produce unique stories told in distinctively Guyanese (and Caribbean) way and that allows us to tackle global problems from a local perspective that is of value to the world,” said Graham. The world is willing too, to back contemporary problems handled in entertaining ways. “The size

animation industry is approaching US$300 billion. The major animation markets include the United States, Canada, Japan, China, France, Britain, Korea and Germany. Most of the segments in the animation industry are growing at the rate of 7 % Ye a r o n Ye a r, ” Graham said. He said “The demand for animated entertainment has expanded with the increase in broadcasting hours by cable and satellite TV along with the growing popularity of the ubiquitous Internet. In the past, animation series were aimed at children aged nine and below. Now, TV stations have been producing animation series for teenagers, adults and the whole family. This is serious business.” Nancy’s School Daze is an episodic animated television series in which the lead character and her class-mates faceoff with a school gang comprising older male students. Nancy’s wit and brilliance help them “stay one step ahead of trouble and be successful at their school work. Along the way they confront the personal struggles of adolescence, the group struggles of teamwork and leadership, and the ugly social issues of peer-pressure, bullying, violence (and) abuse.” The first in the series “will be released Saturday (on E1) and after that we should have a new episode every two weeks until the season ends in May 2017. That should give us about 12 episodes in season 1,” Graham promised.” “Our hope is that the season in those overseas markets that take the show would start in January and end in May as well,” Graham said. Ministry of Social Protection Press release




Not Enough Education Welfare Officers - Chief Welfare Officer There are exactly 41 Education Welfare Officers providing information, advice, guidance and support to the nearly 190,000 children in the 970 public schools across the country. Speaking with the Government information Agency (GINA), Chief Schools’ Welfare Officer of the Ministry of Education, Gillian Vyphius said that the department has been “juggling” to provide the service of education welfare officers to the students, including working with ‘at-risk’ students families and other community partners to address barriers to learning and strengthening the safety net for these students. Vyphius related in order to fill the gap, the department has to rely heavily on the “Liaison Welfare Officers, whereby teachers are identified from different schools to liaise with the school’s welfare department to deal with minor incidents that arise in the schools.” The teachers however have been carrying out the duties of liaison officers without compensation from the Ministry and this is something the department is looking to address. Vyphius explained that those teachers with social work background are asked by the Ministry to carry the function of

the Liaison Welfare Officer. At the Ministry of Education, there is what is called a ‘Maintenance of Order and Discipline Manual.’ Vyphius explained that this manual is used to train these teachers, and is also used as a guide in carrying out their liaison duties, including sanctioning students. The Liaison Welfare Officer Chief Welfare Officer, Gillian Vyphuis programme however is not active in all schools, just those in Regions Five, Six and Ten, Vyphius said. The introduction of more schools’ welfare officers and counsellors is among issues has identified to be address in the revamp of the education system that churns out more well-rounded children. Minister of Education Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine, had suggested the rehiring of retired Head Teachers to fill some of these roles.




Suriname To Invest US$1.287 Billion In Energy And Infrastructure the gold and timber sectors. The government will also use By Ray Chickrie US$65 million from the Islamic Bank loan to invest in an Caribbean News Now contributor PARAMARIBO, Suriname -- With a soft loan of US$1.8 industrial park in the Para District. The government is in billion from the Islamic Development bank (IsDB), Suriname advanced talks with an American company to set up an will invest $1.287 billion from that sum to finance a series of industrial park in Suriname, but the president did not name the more than 40 projects in energy and infrastructure as part of company. President Desi Bouterse’s government’s “Framework for the The execution of these projects and handling of the funds will Stabilization and Restoration Program 2016-2018”. be scrutinized by the Islamic Bank and their experts. Suriname Meanwhile, the government in an official press release late on will supervise the implementation of the projects. However, Friday asserted that Suriname is above its 2016 fiscal targets funds will be paid directly by the bank to the relevant parties and is committed to an International Monetary Fund (IMF) involved in the projects. The contractors will be paid directly by agreement to stabilize the economy, despite claims by an the IsDB. The government of Suriname and its relevant ministries will not come in contact with the money. After Associated Press (AP) report in the media last week. The release said that monthly data indicated that the country’s completion of a project, the cost will be deducted from the international reserves are increasing, inflationary pressures are available sum of US$1.8 billion and posted as an official loan abating, and the exchange rate is beginning to stabilize. from the Islamic Bank. This also applies to the purchases of Suriname faced a deep balance of payment crisis in 2015 and basic goods and medicines, which the Islamic Bank is funding. the government implemented a recovery program with the The foreign suppliers of these goods will be paid by the IsDB in support of the IMF and the IsDB. The government will continue foreign currency. This will put less stress on the already limited to “work in close cooperation with international financial dollars in the Bank of Suriname and less pressure on the institutions” to achieve “macroeconomic stability to meet and exchange rate. Last week, US$400 million was made available exceed the conditions” of its recovery programme, in refuting a for two years by the Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC) of the claim in the media that Bouterse will abandon the IMF recovery Islamic Development Bank for four ministries – natural resources, trade and industry, public health and agriculture, programme. This loan from the Islamic Bank has now afforded the animal husbandry and fisheries, for the purchase of essential government more options and Paramaribo is very optimistic goods and medicines. (Caribbean News Now!) that the economy will stabilize as foreign reserves in the national bank increased. The details of the agreement are being fleshed out by the government of Suriname and the IsDB, the government revealed to the media last week. US$1.287 billion will be spent on energy and infrastructure. The social sector gets US$132 million, US$95 million for the agricultural sector, US$500,000 to the ministry of finance and the central bank for capacity building, while US$265,000 is intended for trade and export promotion. Suriname plans to construct and rehabilitate more than 40 to 50 bridges across the country. In addition, hundreds of kilometers of rural roads will be built or rehabilitated. In the inner city of Paramaribo, six bridges will be built or Suriname’s Minister of Finance, Gillmore Hoefdraad (R) and the President of the Islamic rehabilitated. In the Marowijne and Development Bank, Dr Ahmad Mohamed Ali Al-Madani, shake hands after signing a loan agreeBrokopondo regions many bridges and ment for the project 'Secondary and Technical Education Support in Suriname' at the 41st roads will be built or repaired to stimulate annual meeting of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) in Jakarta, Indonesia, in May 2016




Brazil Sees St Lucia As A Port Of Entry For OECS Business CASTRIES, St Lucia -- Brazil would like to see the small islands of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) region do more business with it – and the giant Latin American neighbour to the south is ready to open its doors and markets to its tiny northern businesses. The Brazilian embassy in Saint Lucia is bringing a 20- to 30-member high-powered business mission to Saint Lucia next month but, while it is aimed at businesses in the OECS capital, there are also plans for the mission to arrange for its members, accompanied by Brazilian parliamentarians, to visit other OECS territories in the near future. Brazil’s ambassador to Saint Lucia, Sergio Couri, said the November 11-17 business mission’s objective is two-fold: to talk and do business in Saint Lucia and open the gates to do likewise with all the other OECS member states. He explained, "The Brazil mission has two basic goals. One is of a purely business-like nature – that is, to prospect business, mainly investment, between Saint Lucia and Brazil. “The second goal is not of a secondary interest, for three Brazilian Parliamentarians, among other authorities, are expected to join the business delegation to locally collect elements to enhance creation of a Brazil-OECS Parliamentary Group.” He added, “A related proposal has already been presented by Federal Representative Wherles Rocha, from the Amazonian State of Acre, to the Presidency of the House of

Representatives.” The proposal was presented last March and, according to Couri, “is now under consideration by the Commission of External Relations of that Chamber.” That ambassador says the Brazilian mission, in Saint Lucia, will seek “to engage the official branch of the delegation in exploratory conversations with the OECS, to define the modalities of interaction possible with all Eastern Caribbean countries.” According to Couri, “I don’t want Brazil to be left with the false impression that the OECS would be sluggish in availing itself of that broad-spectrum initiative, which is being brought abroad by the Brazilians.” The envoy noted that, “In final analysis, it will mean that the diplomatic relations between the South American giant and the Helen of the Caribbean will be closely followed-up by the resulting existence of a concerned group within the Brazilian political space, with a presumably enlarged delivery of projects and their executions.” Couri flagged that he has undertaken “a formal gesture towards the OECS Commission” regarding the Brazilian initiative, “in respect of the entity’s mandate to promote the development and well-being of the East Caribbean peoples." The Saint Lucia visit by the Brazilian mission is being coordinated by Nomad2 Development, a Brazil-based entity dedicated to promotion of Brazilian business interests, at home and abroad. (The Diplomatic Courier) (Caribbean News Now!)

A Port of Opportunities! The brochure ahead of the 30-member Brazilian delegation’s visit advertises Castries as an entry port for business opportunities, not only in Saint Lucia, but across the OECS




Indonesian Foreign Minister To Visit Suriname By Ray Chickrie Caribbean News Now contributor

NEW YORK, USA -- Following a bilateral meeting between the foreign minister of Suriname, Niermala Badrising, and her counterpart from Indonesia, Retno Marsudi, during the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) heads of state meeting in Venezuela, Marsudi will pay an official visit to Suriname in January 2017. It will be the first visit of an Indonesian foreign minister to Suriname in over a decade. Badrising and Marsudi also discussed preparations for the Indonesia/Suriname Joint Commission meeting, which is scheduled for October 3 in Paramaribo. The two foreign ministers are now working to finalize the agenda of the meeting. During the meeting, the diplomats discussed Foreign Minister of Suriname, Niermala Badrising (L), several projects in the and her counterpart from Indonesia, Retno Marsudi

pipeline, such as organizing an art and culture exhibition to encourage peopleto-people contact between Suriname and Indonesia. Jakarta and Paramaribo plan to cooperate more closely in the future in the field of cultural exchange. About 20 percent of Suriname’s population is made up of ethnic Indonesians. Indonesia and Suriname also plan to advance cooperation in international forums. Badrising and Marsudi discussed new areas of cooperation and investment opportunities in fisheries, agriculture and infrastructural development. This could all fall within the context of the membership of both countries, Indonesia and Suriname, in the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). Suriname has moved ahead in implementing visa exemption for Indonesian citizens who wish to visit for tourism. Badrising was also present recently at the reception commemorating the independence of Indonesia at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, where she had a short meeting with the vice president of Indonesia, Muhammad Jusuf Kalla. (Caribbean News Now!)




CDC Issues Zika Travel Alert For St Kitts-Nevis

ATLANTA, USA -- Following reported local mosquito transmission of zika virus infection, the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC) on Monday issued a zika virus travel notice for St Kitts and Nevis. Local mosquito transmission means that mosquitoes in the area are infected with zika virus and are spreading it to people. Because zika virus is primarily spread by mosquitoes, CDC recommends that travelers to St Kitts and Nevis protect themselves from mosquito bites. Mosquitoes that spread zika are aggressive daytime biters. They also bite

at night. There is no vaccine or medicine for zika virus. The best way to avoid zika virus infection is to prevent mosquito bites. Some travelers to areas with zika will become infected while traveling but will not become sick until they return home and they might not have any symptoms. To help stop the spread of zika, travelers should use insect repellent for three weeks after travel to prevent mosquito bites. Sexual transmission of zika virus from a male partner is also possible, so travelers are also encouraged to use condoms or not have sex. Many people infected with zika virus do not get sick. Among those who do develop symptoms, sickness is usually mild, with symptoms that last for several days to a week. People who do have symptoms have reported fever, rash, joint pain, and red eyes. Current CDC research suggests that Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is strongly associated with zika; however, only a small proportion of people with recent zika virus infection get GBS. Most people fully recover from GBS, but some have permanent damage. GBS is a rare disorder that can cause muscle weakness and paralysis for a few weeks

to several months, is very likely triggered by zika in a small proportion of infections, much as it is after a variety of other infections. Most people fully recover from GBS, but some have permanent damage. Zika infection during pregnancy may cause a serious birth defect of the brain called microcephaly and other severe fetal brain defects. Until more is known, CDC continues to recommend that pregnant women and women trying to become pregnant take the following precautions: Pregnant women • Should not travel to any area with zika. • If you must travel to or live in one of these areas, talk to your healthcare provider first and strictly follow steps to prevent mosquito bites. • If you or your partner live in or travel to an area with zika, use condoms or other barriers, the right way, every time you have sex or do not have sex throughout the pregnancy. Sex includes vaginal, anal, and oral sex. Travelers to areas with zika should monitor for symptoms or sickness upon return. If they become sick, they should tell their healthcare professional when and where they have traveled. (Caribbean News Now!)




Barbados Hosts Training Course For Regional Financial Investigators

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados -- The Regional Security System (RSS) Asset Recovery Unit (ARU) concluded a two-week standardised training course for financial investigators with a closing ceremony in Barbados last Friday. Guest speakers were Jefferson Clarke, law enforcement advisor of Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) and Brian Roberts, RSS regional maritime officer, who also presented participants with their certificates. This training course is part of a planned programme of continuous Participants at the course and members of the RSS Asset Recovery Unit personal development for all different investigative units working in independent countries of the Eastern specialist financial investigators across the Caribbean region. Students on the Caribbean: Antigua and Barbuda, the RSS member countries with a view to course were drawn from the dedicated Dominica, Grenada, St Kitts and Nevis, having the financial investigators trained financial investigation units in each of Saint Lucia and St Vincent and the by the RSS ARU certified under the the seven RSS treaty countries, as well as Grenadines. The RSS ARU objective is Caribbean Financial Action Task Force two officers from the Royal Cayman to build capacity and capability within (CFATF) Accreditation Programme. Islands Police Service. Participants on regional law enforcement agencies, Subjects covered included open source this course came from Barbados, Antigua financial intelligence units (FIUs), public intelligence – using the internet and and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St prosecutors, magistracy and the social media to gather information about Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia and St judiciary. The unit seeks to enhance their suspects; investigating off shore Vincent and the Grenadines, as well as efforts in countering serious organised companies and trusts; and the practical officers from the Cayman Islands. crime by utilising cash seizure, money application of the law relating to the The RSS ARU is funded by the UK’s laundering and confiscation legislation confiscation of criminal assets. D e p a r t m e n t f o r I n t e r n a t i o n a l in financial investigation and criminal They also received input from French D e v e l o p m e n t ( D f I D ) . B a s e d i n asset recovery. (Caribbean News Now!) and US law enforcement agencies to Barbados, it also covers the six increase cooperation between the




Caribbean's Largest Cruise Conference And Trade Show Opens In Puerto Rico

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- Tuesday marks the opening of the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) Cruise Conference and Trade Show, the largest cruise conference and trade show in the Caribbean and one of the best ways to target the cruise industry and maximize its benefits. The four-day event will gather 1,000 cruise tourism stakeholders and 100 senior cruise executives for a series of meetings, workshops and networking functions aimed at developing understanding, relationships and business. "The FCCA Conference and Trade Show puts cruise tourism stakeholders in the middle of the action," said Micky Arison, chairman of Carnival Corporation & plc and the FCCA. "From tour operators launching their first tour to destinations building a new port, this is the place where decisions and developments are reached and relationships are made to pave the way for future business." Taking place until September 30, the event launches on Tuesday with the official Trade Show opening at 11 am, inaugurating the largest trade show in the event's history with innovations like the first-ever purchasing initiative to coincide with the announcement of a new FCCA sourcing program. The conference opening ceremony will follow at 5:30 pm, featuring a keynote address by Arnold Donald, president and CEO of Carnival Corporation & plc, along with remarks by high-ranking government officials from Puerto Rico and the unveiling of a new strategic partnership between the FCCA and Aquila's Center for Cruise Excellence. These events will commence the opportunities to learn from and develop business and relationships with successful stakeholders and cruise executives who decide where ships call, what sells onboard and how to invest in destination products and infrastructure. Opportunities include one-on-one meetings between

conference delegates and pre-selected cruise executives of their choice, along with workshops focusing on shore excursions, supplying products to the cruise industry, best practices for safety and security measures in destinations and ports, and insight into how the industry's latest and upcoming trends applies to the audience through input by Arison, Orlando Ashford, president, Holland America Line, and Adam Goldstein, president and COO, Royal Caribbean Cruises Limited. Plus, the event features networking functions to foster relationship building between attendees and executives, while displaying some of the preparations by Puerto Rico, which partnered with the government and local businesses to coordinate the logistics and display their rich culture, diverse destination products and improved infrastructure. "The FCCA appreciates San Juan's and the entire country's efforts and commitment to making the 23rd annual FCCA Conference and Trade Shows one of the best events yet," said Michele Paige, president, FCCA. "It has pulled out all the stops to woo the cruise executives and attendees, allowing all to see the offerings of and improvements that have led it to impressive recent growth that we look forward to continuing." Puerto Rico knows the significance of hosting the FCCA Cruise Conference and Trade Show. After last hosting it in 2011, it experienced a ten percent increase of FCCA member line passenger arrivals between 2010 and 2013 and continued this growth, last year welcoming nearly 20 percent more than 2010. These numbers extend far beyond the cruise pier; they impact the entire destination's economy, with $198.2 million in passenger, crew and cruise line spending, in addition to $75 million in wages generated through cruise tourism during the 2014-15 season, per the Business Research & Economic Advisors (BREA) 2015 study, Economic Contribution of Cruise Tourism to the Destination Economies. San Juan's growth in 2013 generated approximately $13.7 million in passenger spending, $3.1 million in crew spending, $3.4 million in cruise line expenditures and $7.2 million in employment wages-an additional $27.4 million, not including indirect contributions like supplies purchased by tour operators and restaurants, as well as spending from cruise passengers who return as stay-over guests. If FCCA member line passenger arrivals increase the same ten percent in 2018, it would lead to estimated increases of $16.1 million in passenger spending, $3.7 million in crew spending, $3.9 million in cruise line spending and $8.4 million in employment wages – a total of $32.1 million more than 2015. (Caribbean News Now!)




Residents In Eastern Caribbean Urged To Monitor Weather System

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Sept 26, CMC – The Miami-based National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said that showers and thunderstorms were associated with the system that is located about 1,100 miles east-southeast of the Windward Islands and is continuing to show signs of organisation. “Environmental conditions are expected to be conducive for development and a tropical depression is likely to form around mid-week, while the low pressure system moves westward to west northward at 15 to miles per hour (MPH), the NHC said. It urged people in the eastern and central Caribbean Sea to monitor the progress of the system, noting also “regardless of development, heavy rains and strong gusty winds should spread over the Windward Islands – Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the

Grenadines –and portions of the southern Lesser Antilles by late Tuesday or Wednesday. The Barbados Meteorological Service said Monday said the weather system, which is about 750 miles, east of the here, should begin affecting the island late Tuesday. “The system is moving towards the west-north west at about 23 mph with an accompanying area of low pressure centred along the wave axis near nine degrees north,” senior Met Officer David Best said, warning that a tropical depression could form “by the time the system approaches Barbados late

Tu e s d a y i n t o e a r l y We d n e s d a y morning”. (Antigua Observer)

The Miami-based National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said that showers and thunderstorms were associated with the system that is located about 1,100 miles east-southeast of the Windward Islands and is continuing to show signs of organisation.

PM Says No Plans For State Of Emergency

KINGSTON, Jamaica, Sept 26, CMC – The Jamaica government has ruled out imposing a state of emergency, at least for now, as it deals with an escalation of criminal activities in western section of the island. Prime Minister Andrew Holness told a news conference that he remains confident that the security forces have the capacity to effectively address the issue. “The government is not afraid to call a state of emergency but at this point, a state of emergency, in my mind, is not a tool that needs to be deployed. I think the police force has the capacity, our army has the capacity…I think with the other strategies and plans we have in place, we will be improving the capacity of the police and the army to respond,” he told reporters. Holness said he does not want a sense of siege to take over Jamaicans through the implementation of a state of emergency, but will be keeping that option open. “If the government deems it necessary, we will, but we are not at that point so I don’t want criminals to feel that

we have any hesitation if it is required. Jamaica is a functioning state, we do have elevated levels of crime…It is associated with the phase of development that we find ourselves in. The truth is that much of our crimes is driven by economic motives.” Prime Minister Holness told reporters Sunday that once the local economy starts growing at an acceptable rate, crime should fall. “One has to be careful, however, that in tackling crime you don’t shut down the entire economy…you need to be pulling people out of crime and into jobs and so the government is putting into place those strategies,” he said. Holness also used the occasion to appeal to persons with information on criminal activities to bring it to the police. “Information is probably the greatest weapon against the criminal. The criminal exists and thrives in areas where he is protected because the citizens don’t share the information. “Someone knows the gunman that did the killing…probably washed his bloody clothes…probably hid

him somewhere, transported him somewhere and someone is probably there giving him succour and protection. That gunman is not your friend. In the same way that he killed someone, he could kill you and I think communities…need to look into themselves,” he said, adding there was a need for citizens and the police to build a bond of trust in an effort to stamp out crime and violence. He said he has also had discussions with Commissioner of Police, Dr Carl Williams, to undertake measures to ensure the integrity of the police force in Montego Bay. Meanwhile, the death toll from the upsurge in violence in St. James continues to climb. On Sunday six persons were shot, one fatally, when gunmen opened fire on a football match in Montego Bay . More than a dozen persons were killed in the parish last week. Last year, 212 people were killed in Str. James last year and the murders over the last weekend has brought the figure close to that number. (Antigua Observer)




Gov’t To Receive Preliminary Report Of St Jude’s Technical Audit Soon Economic Development Minister Guy Joseph has hinted that based on information obtained from a preliminary report of the technical audit at St Jude Hospital, things may be worst than expected. “The technical audit is very revealing from the information we have received,” Joseph said, while explaining that the preliminary report will be handed over in full to government next week. However, the minister did not divulge any further details about the audit and is firm on his position not to name the company or individuals who were hired to conduct the technical audit. “I have said that I am not dealing with anything as it relates to names. I am not calling the names of the previous contractors, consultants. And I have not called the name of the p r o j e c t m a n a g e r, ” h e s t a t e d . Nevertheless, Joseph said once the report is made available, everyone will have the opportunity to scrutinize what is happening with the construction of the St Jude Hospital. He said, “I have been very open about everything that we are doing in government in terms of my ministry; what we inherited and what we are dealing with.” The economic

development minister said while many people have been making several comments about the audit, he maintains that it is something that was required given the many issues surrounding the hospital’s construction. “So at the end of the day, should I as minister just inherit that project and carry on with it as if everything is okay? It’s not. So on that basis, we needed a technical audit.” Some $95 million has already been spent on the project, which should have cost some $50 million instead. The new administration claims that another $50 million may be required to finish the hospital. Initially, Joseph had said that the technical audit would have cost the government $800,000, but Guy Joseph this cost may have increased due to additional components. soon. Citizens in communities from the Construction at St Jude was suspended in South have been inconvenienced and do July to facilitate the technical audit. The not have access to the minimum standard government said the Kenny Anthony of health care because of several administration only provided so-called deficiencies at the makeshift hospital at completion dates because of political the stadium in Vieux Fort. (St. Lucia expediency and was fully aware that the News Online) hospital could not be completed anytime




Chastanet: “New Taxes To Be Less Burdensome”

GIS – Saint Lucia’s Prime Minister Hon. Allen M. Chastanet, said recently that a new macro-economic policy is in order, as the fiscal health of Saint Lucia needs urgent attention. Mr. Chastanet said after he grasped the totality of the country’s financial situation, he began working with ministries and statutory agencies to deal with their immediate crises and to plan long term restructuring. The Prime Minister spoke to the findings of the recently submitted Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) report. “There were some very interesting things that were revealed in the CDB report. One, Saint Lucia has the highest percentage of taxes to GDP, meaning that we have done a really good job of raising money from taxes. So as a percentage of GDP, were at 26 percent and most countries are around 22 – 23 percent. The other thing that was interesting is that we have had the lowest rate of return on government capital investment, so the

things in which government has spent its money on have not produced the same level of returns as some of the other countries.” The Prime Minister said this is unsustainable in its current form. “And so we have been spending time in building that macro policy and I’ve put together a group of people who are advising me, with regards to the financial direction of this country, which will obviously include the new VAT [rates] and a lot of new forms of taxation. As I said, the new taxes are to be less burdensome on the public of Saint Lucia [and will] find alternative ways of taxing different

sectors that doesn’t put as much pressure on the average person in Saint Lucia and particularly the vulnerable people in our society.” Saint Lucia’s Ministry of Finance and the Caribbean Development Bank held a press conference last Thursday, that articulated some of the findings of the report. (St. Lucia News Online)




Smiler Crash: Alton Towers Operator Merlin Fined £5m

Alton Towers operator Merlin has been fined £5m for the crash on the Smiler rollercoaster. Sixteen people were injured in the June 2015 crash, including two teenage girls who needed leg amputations. In April, Merlin Attractions Operations Ltd admitted breaching the Health and Safety Act. The theme park originally said the accident was caused by "human error." But prosecutors argued the fault was with the employer not individuals. Sentencing, Judge Michael Chambers QC described the crash on the £18m attraction as a "catastrophic failure" and said human error was not the cause as was suggested at first. "This was a needless and avoidable accident in which those who were injured were lucky not to be killed," he said. 'Catalogue of errors' He said the crash was foreseeable but accepted the defendant had taken full and extensive steps to remedy the problems that led to the crash. Speaking outside court after sentencing, Paul Paxton, representing eight of the victims, said his clients had been "shocked and disappointed by the catalogue of errors". He added: "Money alone will never replace limbs, nor heal the psychological scars." Nick Varney, chief executive of Merlin Entertainments, said they were determined to "never repeat" the devastating accident and stressed the firm was not an emotionless corporate entity. "In this context, the far greater punishment for all of us is knowing that on this occasion we let people down with devastating consequences," he said. "It is something we will never forget and it is something we are utterly determined will never be repeated." The court had heard on Monday how engineers failed to notice a carriage that had stopped midway around the 14-loop ride. They assumed there was a problem with the computer and over-rode the stop mechanism setting

Sixteen people were injured in the crash last June

another train in motion and into the empty carriage. Bernard Thorogood, prosecuting, said workers had not been been given a system to follow which would safely deal with the issue. He said engineers had not read or seen the ride's operating instructions. He also pointed out there were estimated winds on the day of the crash of 45mph but the manufacturer's manual stated the ride should not be operated at wind speeds above 34mph. Simon Antrobus, defending Merlin, said a press release in November blaming "human error" was wrong and had been corrected. He said a safety procedure had been in place, including an alarm designed to sound when wind speeds exceed 32mph - but it did not go off. Vicky Balch, then 19, and Leah Washington, then 17, each lost a leg in the crash, which took place at 13:50 BST. How events unfolded •When the park opened on 2 June 2015 four trains were operating on The Smiler; a fifth was stored away •At 13:00 BST one of the trains developed a problem; technical staff were called •An engineer thought it was a good opportunity to maximise the capacity for riders with the fifth train because the park was busy •An empty test train was sent but failed •Engineers pushed the train until it engaged with the system and it went off •Another empty train was sent out. It got stuck, too, but in a different place •Engineers were unaware of this, thought everything was working fine and handed the rider back over to operators •The train with 16 passengers on was sent out and stopped •The engineers looked but could not see the stalled car, thought the computer was wrong, and over-rode the stop. This set the 16-passenger train in motion and into the empty carriage Daniel Thorpe and Chandaben Chauhan were also badly injured. All four were in court for sentencing. The Health and Safety Executive - whose investigation concluded the accident could have been avoided - said Merlin had let its customers down. "This avoidable incident happened because Merlin failed to put in place systems that allowed their engineers to work safely on the ride while it was running," Neil Craig, head of the HSE in the Midlands. "This made it all too easy for a whole series of unchecked mistakes, not just the single push of a button, to result in tragedy." Merlin would have been fined £7.5m had it not pleaded guilty. The Smiler ride reopened in March. Since the crash, a number of safety changes have been made including improved access and a policy of closing the ride when winds exceed 34mph. (BBC)




Sexism Row Grips German Politics And Shakes CDU

A young woman politician who attacked sexism in Germany's governing Christian Democrat (CDU) party has won praise from many fellow politicians but some have also questioned her motives. In an open letter Jenna Behrends, a newly elected CDU politician in Berlin, complained that sexism was rife in the party. She felt insulted when a senator called her a "sweet mouse". Minister for Families Manuela Schwesig said sexist jokes were "unacceptable". A Green MP also backed Ms Behrends. Gesine Agena, the Greens' spokesperson on women's issues, said she had also heard "daft language" from male politicians. Sexism "is experienced by many women politicians", she said - though the Greens, unlike the CDU, have a 50-50 quota rule for men and women on their party lists. Backlash from women Ms Behrends, a 26-year-old lawyer, said she had experienced "party-wide solidarity" since publishing her "Dear Party" letter on her blog (in German) on 23 September. However, she lashed out at the CDU's Women's Union for "shutting itself off" and addressing her complaint "internally, at senior level". The union deals with women's issues in the party. According to Ms Behrends, some of the CDU women members characterised her as "hungry for promotion" and "ambitious to get elected to chair the Women's Union herself". The union's leader, Sandra Cegla, was quoted as saying Ms Behrends was intimate with Peter Tauber, the CDU's Secretary General and a top aide to Chancellor Angela Merkel. Quoted by German news website Der Spiegel, Mr

Jenna Behrends set off an avalanche of comments with her attack on sexism in politics(JENNA BEHRENDS)

Tauber said "I got acquainted with Jenna Behrends and we flirted, but quickly I realised that we would remain friends, no more than that". Several commentators say Ms Behrends has revived a sexism debate triggered in 2013 by journalist Laura Himmelreich, who complained of harassment by a senior Free Democrat (FDP) politician at the time, Rainer Bruederle. CDU 'internal' matter Ms Behrends criticised a party which "enjoys malicious gossip over a few beers". "Women willing to sleep their way to a top local position exist only in your dirty fantasies," she added, in her open letter. The senator at the centre of Ms Behrends' complaint has been identified as Frank Henkel, a Berlin CDU politician. He allegedly called Ms Behrends "sweet big mouse" after calling her daughter "a sweet little mouse". And he was said to have inquired about Jenna Behrends' sex life. The CDU's local mayoral candidate in Berlin-Mitte district, Carsten Spallek, said those involved in the sexism row had had a "frank discussion" on Monday night and agreed that the issue "should henceforth be discussed calmly, in various forums, and only inside the party". Ms Behrends endorsed that statement, posting it on her Facebook page. The conservative CDU rules Germany in coalition with the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD). Women in the CDU Despite the current row, the CDU has appointed women to some prominent posts, not least Mrs Merkel, who overturned decades of tradition by becoming leader in 2000. The CDU's Ursula von der Leyen is defence minister, Nadine Schoen is deputy head of the CDU group in parliament and Julia Kloeckner has been tipped as a possible successor to Chancellor Merkel. Mrs Merkel said recently that Germany had to act more resolutely to tackle sexism. "It is deplorable that in more than 65 years of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Dax-30 companies haven't managed to get a few more women onto supervisory boards on a voluntary basis," she complained. "For a long time I opposed statutory quotas. But at times we heard so many hollow promises that it was clear this isn't working." (BBC)




Presidential Debate: Trump Criticises Moderator Lester Holt

(AP) Donald Trump has criticised the moderator in the first US presidential debate, Lester Holt, for being tougher on him than on Hillary Clinton. He also complained about his microphone crackling and being at a lower level than Mrs Clinton's. The two candidates clashed over jobs, temperament and tax in a debate watched by up to 100 million viewers. Opinion polls give Mrs Clinton a slight edge, with a majority of voters declaring her the winner of the debate. Although Mr Trump told reporters immediately after the debate that Lester Holt had done a good job, he accused him of a left-leaning performance the next morning. “He didn't ask her about the emails, he didn't ask her about the scandals, he didn't ask her about the Benghazi deal. He didn't ask her about a lot of things he should have asked her about. Why? I don't know," he said, speaking to the US news programme Fox and Friends. He said Mr Holt had been much tougher on him: "You look at it, you watch the last four questions, he hit me on birther [Mr Trump's past allegation that President Obama was not born in the US], he hit me on a housing deal from many years ago, that I settled on with no recourse and no guilt... that's a beauty to be asked, a 40-year-old lawsuit." He also said his microphone was "terrible" and crackled, and that his volume was lower than Hillary Clinton's microphone. He blamed it for what some listeners thought were sniffles by Mr Trump during the debate. Asked to rate Hillary Clinton's performance, he said he would give her a C-plus, but he declined to grade himself. "I think I really did well when they asked normal questions," he said, but added he naturally struggled when asked "unanswerable" ones. On what he might do differently: "I may hit her harder in certain ways. You know, I

really eased up because I didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings. So I may hit her harder in certain ways." The debate Hours before the programme, polls suggested the candidates were locked in a dead heat, adding to the tension between the rivals on stage throughout the debate. "I have a feeling that by the end of this evening, I'm going to be blamed for everything that's ever happened," Mrs Clinton quipped when prompted to respond to one of Mr Trump's attacks. "Why not?" Mr Trump interrupted. "Yeah, why not," she answered. "You know, just join the debate by saying more crazy things." Mr Trump was later thrown on the defensive by Mr Holt for not disclosing his tax returns. He claimed he was under a "routine audit". But the hotel developer promised he would release them if his opponent released 33,000 emails that were deleted during an investigation into her private email set-up while secretary of state. Mrs Clinton made a brief response to Mr Trump's attacks about her use of a private email server - which has haunted her on the campaign trail. She said there were no excuses for the "mistake" and that she takes responsibility for it. Other debate highlights: He said she did not have the stamina to be president, to which she replied that she visited 112 countries and endured an 11-hour congressional hearing as secretary of state African-Americans are living "in hell" in the US due to gun violence, Mr Trump said Mrs Clinton criticised him for saying climate change was a Chinese hoax She was attacked by him for being weak on Islamic State militants and soft on Iran "You've been fighting Isis [Islamic State group] your entire adult life,'' Mr Trump mocked In a wider assault on his treatment of women, she said he had called women "pigs, slobs and dogs"One key exchange was over Mr Trump's long-held belief that President Barack Obama was born outside the US, a position he finally reversed two weeks ago. "He has a long record of engaging in racist behaviour," she said, adding that it was a "very hurtful" lie that annoyed and bothered the first African-American president. When asked by Mr Holt to explain his change in stance, he said he wanted to concentrate on bigger, more important issues. Donald Trump is the consummate salesman. Rules, tradition, even the truth are only relevant in so much as they help seal the deal. The weaknesses of this approach is the perception that the salesman is all talk and no substance - a problem that can be exacerbated by 90 minutes under the debate spotlight.

Continued on next page...




Presidential Debate: Trump Criticises Moderator Lester Holt (CONT’D) In the end, the lawyerly preparations paid off for Mrs Clinton as she controlled the evening with forensic precision. While Trump had a strategy - and pursued it on occasion - he was often blown off course by the former secretary of state and torpedoed by his own sometimes badgering performance. While Mrs Clinton was occasionally prone to know-it-allness - particularly in her repeated appeals to outside factcheckers - she largely maintained the upper hand. What do the polls say? A CNN/ORC poll taken after the debate found that 62% of voters who had watched the head-tohead thought that Mrs Clinton came out on top, with just 27% giving it to Mr Trump. This is based on interviews with 521 registered voters chosen as part of a random national sample. But only 26% identified themselves as Republicans while 41% identified themselves as Democrats. An informal CNBC poll on its website found that 61% of people thought that Mr Trump won while 39% went for Mrs Clinton, but as CNBC itself points out, the poll is not scientific - anyone, including people outside the US, appears to be able to vote. A post-debate survey by Public Policy Polling of 1,002 debate-watchers found that 51% of national voters thought Mrs Clinton had won, with 40% choosing Mr Trump and 9% undecided. The US media view New York Times - The editorial board was unimpressed with the debate, saying "when just one candidate is serious and the other is a vacuous bully, the term loses all meaning". Opinion writer Nick Kristof said Trump had "hurt himself", others said Mrs Clinton had "crushed" her opponent. Washington Post Writers unanimously called it for Mrs Clinton, saying Mr Trump had "bombed on the ultimate reality show" and "did

not appear ready to be president". Fox News - Pundits said Mr Trump had "struggled", "never took control" and "failed to exploit" the issue around Mrs Clinton's emails. "It helps to be prepared," one writer told the Republican candidate. LA Times - Its panel of three commentators had Mrs Clinton winning every round. "Politics is harder than it seems, and Trump found that out tonight," said one. "Clinton was unflappable... and probably likeable enough," said another. Breitbart - Writers at the hardright news website said Mr Trump had "bludgeoned" Mrs Clinton on trade and accused Lester Holt of "shilling" for Mrs Clinton. Some 75% of readers said Mr Trump had won. The Hill Pundits consulted by the Washington politics website said Mrs Clinton had won, but in a poll its readers called it for Mr Trump. New York Daily News - The tabloid's verdict: "A grumpy loser! Trump pesters, interrupts Hillary throughout debate - but Clinton gets the last laugh." And the factcheckers? The much-vaunted role of fact-checkers in this debate was perhaps not as central as many expected it to be. Mrs Clinton's denial that she had called the proposed TransPacific Partnership the "gold standard" of trade agreements was called out by fact-checkers, as was Mr Trump's denial that he had called climate change a hoax invented by the Chinese. Was Trump guilty of 'mansplaining?' Mr Trump is said to have interrupted Mrs Clinton three times more than she interrupted him during the debate, leading to accusations that the Republican was engaging in sexist behaviour by attempting to assert male dominance. (BBC)



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Mali Islamist Jailed For Nine Years For Timbuktu Shrine Attacks

The International Criminal Court has sentenced an Islamist militant who destroyed ancient shrines in Timbuktu to nine years in jail. Ahmad al-Faqi al-Mahdi admitted to leading rebel forces who destroyed historic mausoleums at the world heritage site in Mali in 2012. Judges at the court in The Hague found he had shown "remorse and empathy" for the crime. It is the first sentence based on cultural destruction as a war crime. It is also the first time a suspected Islamist militant has stood trial at the ICC. Mahdi - described as a "religious scholar" in court documents led rebels who used pickaxes and crowbars to destroy nine of Timbuktu's mausoleums and the centuries-old door of the city's Sidi Yahia mosque. The court found he not only offered Mahdi said he regretted his actions and asked for forgiveness(EPA) "logistical and moral support" for the attacks, but also took part in the physical destruction of at least five out of the 10 buildings. ICC judges accepted a number of mitigating factors, including However, Mahdi had at first advised rebel leaders not to attack his confession. Correspondents in Timbuktu, a Unesco world the shrines. Admitting to the charges last month, Mahdi claimed heritage site which had been a centre of Islamic learning from the he had been swept up in "an evil wave". Pleading guilty, he said: 13th to the 17th Centuries, say the sentencing was generally "I am really sorry, I am really remorseful, and I regret all the welcomed. damage that my actions have caused. One resident was more circumspect, telling the BBC he felt it "I would like to give a piece of advice to all Muslims in the world, difficult to forgive: "Forgiveness means coming here in Mali and not to get involved in the same acts I got involved in, because asking for forgiveness to Malians and especially from the people they are not going to lead to any good for humanity," he added of Timbuktu who suffered from the anger of jihadism. "We will Wearing a grey suit, striped tie and spectacles, there was little accept to forgive when Ahmad al-Faqi understands that this land sign of the violent jihadist responsible for destroying these is sacred, the shrines are sacred, and that understanding our treasured shrines. Ahmad al-Faqi al-Mahdi was a member of a culture is sacred." (BBC) group with links to al-Qaeda and the leader of the morality police (a religious vice squad operating in Timbuktu during the rebel occupation). According to the judge, he wrote a sermon dedicated to the destruction, gave instruction and tools to complete the operation. His confession, a well-considered apology and apparent willingness to co-operate with the court contributed to the nine year sentence. While the case is being seen as a rare success for the ICC some of the victims in Mali say the charges don't cover some of the most devastating atrocities committed during the occupation - including violence against women, rape and sexual slavery. Prosecutors said Mahdi was a member of Ansar Dine - an Islamist group with roots in the nomadic Tuareg group and links to al-Qaeda in the Maghreb - that occupied Timbuktu for months, instilling its own version of Sharia law on residents. Islamists regard the shrines and the city's ancient manuscripts, covering everything from history to astronomy, as idolatrous. The rebels decided to destroy the buildings after people continued to pray at the historic sites. Mahdi led a series of planned attacks, starting with a sermon given during Friday prayers, and later gave press statements defending the actions. However, his sentence was on the lower end of the scale after the




Syria Conflict: Aleppo Evacuation Corridors Needed, WHO Says

The World Health Organisation wants safe routes to be set up immediately to evacuate sick and wounded Syrians from besieged parts of the city of Aleppo. A spokeswoman said there were only 35 doctors left to care for hundreds of patients trapped in the rebel-held east, and that the number was rising. Medical supplies are also running out, and there is a shortage of blood. Russian-backed Syrian government forces launched an all-out assault on the east on Thursday after a truce collapsed. Since then, the intense and sustained aerial bombardment of Aleppo and its surrounding countryside has killed at least 248 people, almost all of them civilians, according to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The US and its allies, who support the rebels fighting the Syrian government, have said the attacks constitute war crimes and accused Russia of "barbarism". Moscow has vigorously denied the allegations and criticised their "unacceptable" rhetoric. Aleppo, once Syria's largest city and the country's commercial and industrial hub, has been divided roughly in two since 2012, with President Bashar al-Assad's forces controlling the west and rebel factions the east. In the past year, government troops have gradually broken the deadlock with the help of Iranian-backed militias and Russian air strikes. Earlier this month, they severed the rebels' last route into the east and placed its 250,000 residents under siege. At a news conference in Geneva on Monday, WHO spokeswoman Fadela Chaib said the escalation of fighting was "claiming more victims every day" and called for the "immediate establishment of humanitarian routes to evacuate the sick and wounded from the eastern part of the city". "We are talking about only 35 doctors left in east Aleppo to take care of hundreds of wounded people, and the number is increasing," she warned. "It's not just one attack - it's a daily

Children make up approximately half of the casualties in eastern Aleppo, according to medics(AFP)

attack on civilians. So you can imagine how many wounded are trying to get some medical help in such circumstances," she added. "It's a worrisome situation." Many streets are now blocked by rubble, meaning ambulances cannot get through. All of the 25 functioning or partially functioning medical centres are on the verge of complete destruction, according to the WHO. On Monday, Dr Abd Arrahman Alomar of the Syrian American Medical Society said at least 40 wounded people needed to be evacuated, but that most wanted to be sent to rebel-held territory in neighbouring Idlib province or to Turkey, and not to the government-controlled west of Aleppo. Both the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross have been calling for humanitarian corridors into Aleppo for several weeks, but so far those calls have been ignored, reports the BBC's Imogen Foulkes in Geneva. On the ground in Aleppo on Tuesday, government forces were reportedly making advances in the centre of the city, attacking rebel-held districts on four fronts and also mobilising armoured vehicles and tanks. Military sources and rebels say progovernment forces appear to be gearing up for a possible ground assault after several days of heavy airstrikes against rebel-held areas. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed that clashes are taking place in central Aleppo. A military official earlier told The Associated Press news agency that the offensive will not halt until insurgents are "wiped out". A senior rebel official told Reuters news agency that fighters had so far been able to repel the assaults around the Palestinian refugee camp at Handarat, to the north, the nearby Kindi hospital area, the central Rashidin district, and the 1070 Apartment Project area in the south-west. (BBC)




Blast In Bronx 'Drug Lab' Kills New York Firefighter

(WABC) An explosion at a suspected drug lab inside a New York home has killed at least one firefighter, authorities say. Fire crews were called to the two-storey house in the Bronx to attend to a gas leak shortly after 06:20 local time (10:20 GMT). Mayor Bill de Blasio named the victim as Battalion Chief Michael Fahey, a 17-year veteran of the fire service. Fire authorities had said they discovered a suspected drug lab shortly before the large explosion occurred. The cause of the blast is not yet known. Of the six people injured, four were police officers. Police chief James O'Neill said the force had received reports weeks ago that the building was the site of a cannabis factory, and that they were now investigating whether this was linked to the explosion. Fire department commissioner Daniel Nigro said Mr Fahey, a father of three, was a "rising star" of the department. Helicopter images broadcast on local news channels showed that much of the house was destroyed in the explosion. "When it exploded, three blocks away, me and my son were in my

apartment and the entire building shook," one man wrote on Instagram. The New York Daily News said at least 100 firefighters attended the explosion, which occurred in the north of the city. (BBC)

Air France Workers On Trial In Shirt-ripping Case company, which is 17.6% owned by the French state. The

Fifteen Air France current and ex-employees have gone on trial almost a year after two company executives had their shirts torn off as a meeting on job cuts descended into chaos. A hundred protesters broke down a fence and invaded a boardroom, forcing the executives to flee. Five of the 15 have gone on trial near Paris accused of organised violence and the rest of damaging property. Protesters outside the court at Bobigny called for the charges to be dismissed. How the violence erupted The 5 October meeting at Air France headquarters in Roissy took place amid a febrile atmosphere over Air France-KLM's plans to restructure a business struggling against stiff competition. Almost 3,000 jobs were being cut and pilots' working hours extended in the

Air France human resources manager Xavier Broseta was forced to climb over a fence to escape

restructuring plan was later shelved. Around 100 demonstrators broke into the meeting less an hour after it began, Xavier Broseta, then human resources vicepresident, had his shirt torn off and was filmed fleeing over a fence with demonstrators in pursuit. Another manager, Pierre Plissonnier, endured similar humiliation. 'Political trial' Weeks before Tuesday's trial began, a government minister intervened personally to fire a union member who had been filmed pushing strikers towards the executives. Vincent Martinez, who is among the 15 defendants on trial, said his sacking had been a political decision and he questioned whether he and his fellow defendants would be judged as citizens or thugs. Amid all the media and political hype, he argued that it was above all a political trial. As the trial began, members of the left-wing CGT union demonstrated outside court, accusing the airline and government of pursuing employees relentlessly. Prime Minister Manuel Valls was singled out for saying those responsible should be made examples of. A lawyer acting for the airline said that while union freedoms were vital, "nothing excuses violence towards innocent people". The court rejected calls for the trial to be postponed and split into two, involving those accused of violence and those charged with causing damage. If convicted, the five defendants accused of violence could face jail terms of up to three years. (BBC)




TB Drug Designed For Children Launched In Kenya children. Until now, the global TB Alliance says pills designed for adults have been split to get the dosage for children. Every year, about a million children fall ill with TB, which is the world's deadliest infectious disease. In 2014, an The tasty, easy-to-administer drug is expected e s t i m a t e d to significantly help fight TB in children(AFP) 140,000 children died of TB, according to global figures from the World H e a l t h Organization (WHO). BBC Africa health correspondent Ann Soy says Kenya is the first

The world's first drug specifically designed to treat tuberculosis in children has been launched in Kenya. The new pill is a combination of three drugs used to treat tuberculosis, mixed in the right dosage, and is fruit-flavoured to appeal to

country to roll out the new drug nationally, with more countries expected to follow over the next three years. Experts say the new treatment will be more effective because the components have been measured accurately and the pill is not bitter-tasting. The drug dissolves easily in water, making it easier to take every day for the six-month treatment period. Africa has the highest prevalence of TB of any continent. The global TB death rate has dropped by almost a half between 1990 and 2015, the WHO says. Tuberculosis symptoms A persistent cough, usually for more than three weeks Night sweats for weeks or months Weight loss Fatigue High temperature Shortness of breath (BBC)

Two Bomb Attacks Take Place In Dresden, Germany Security has been stepped up in the German city of Dresden, Kretzschmar, Dresden's police chief, said in a statement, adding following two bomb attacks on a mosque and a conference center that police were on high alert. Overnight, Kretzschmar had Monday evening. No one was injured in the attacks, which deployed police personnel to protect Islamic institutions in included two homemade devices, according to police. The Dresden as well as the Turkish General Council. (CNN) bombings come ahead of next weekend's German Unity Day celebrations, which German Chancellor Police stand guard Tuesday at the Fatih Camii mosque in Dresden after a bomb attack. Angela Merkel is expected to attend. The celebrations mark the 26th anniversary of the reunification of East and West Germany. The explosions -- first at the mosque and then at the International Congress Center -happened within minutes of each other, leading police to believe they're related. Part of Dresden's Unity Day celebrations were set to be held at the center. All Muslim institutions in the city are now under increased surveillance, Saxony Interior Minister Markus Ulbig told reporters Tuesday. It is unclear who is behind the attacks. "Although no one claimed responsibility for the incident, we must have to consider a xenophobic motive for the attack," Horst




Saudi Arabia Unveils First Public Sector Pay Cuts

Saudi Arabia has unveiled pay cuts for government employees for the first time, as it attempts to further rein in spending at a time of low oil prices. A royal decree said ministers' salaries would be reduced by 20%, and housing and car allowances for members of the advisory Shura Council cut by 15%. Lower-ranking civil servants will see wage increases suspended, and overtime payments and annual leave capped. About two-thirds of working Saudis are employed in the public sector. Their salaries and allowances accounted for 45% of government spending in 2015, or $128bn (£99bn), and contributed to a record budget deficit of $98bn. 'Sign of the times' BBC Middle East analyst Sebastian Usher says the unspoken contract that once existed between ordinary Saudis and the ruling elite - in which citizens could all but expect a none-too-stressful job for life in return for accepting the status quo - has long been eroding. But, our correspondent adds, the deficit highlighted the urgent need for change. In April, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman unveiled a reform plan intended to reduce the government's spending and lessen its dependence on oil revenue. The "Vision 2030" initiative aims to cut the public sector payroll to 40% of the budget by the start of the next decade and boost

Public sector wages accounted for almost half of government spending in 2015(REUTERS)

private sector employment. The government also cut the generous subsidies for petrol and utilities in December, but complaints prompted Prince Mohammed to sack the water and electricity minister six months later. Some Saudis took to social media to express their support the cuts announced on Monday, using the Twitter hashtag "We are the children of King Salman". But others lamented what they remembered as better days under the late King Abdullah, who responded to the Arab Spring in 2011 by launching a $130bn plan to raise public sector salaries, build subsidised housing

and provide benefits to the unemployed. The hashtag "stop allowances for princes" also trended among Saudi Twitter users. "If there is hardship, we should all share the cost," wrote @oamaz7. Jamal Khashoggi, editor of Al-Arab News, told Reuters news agency: "It's one more economic measure to balance spending. Of course people don't like it, but it's a sign of the times." "Probably the teachers and many others will be affected by it. It shows why it's important for the private sector and Saudi GDP to diversify," he added. (BBC)




UN Celebrates World Tourism Day

Today, September 27 is World Tourism Day and the theme for this year’s celebration is “Tourism for all-promoting universal accessibility.” According to a release from the World Tourism Organisation, people with disabilities, senior citizens and families travelling with small children, and sooner or later all citizens will appreciate the advantages of universal accessibility. This is why UNWTO has chosen to celebrate World Tourism Day 2016 on the theme of accessible tourism. For the last quarter–century World Tourism Day, held annually on September 27, has aimed to foster awareness of the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic impact. This year’s official celebrations will be held in Bangkok, Thailand. Reaching universal accessibility in tourism is a shared responsibility of all parties involved in the tourism value chain, as well as a business opportunity for companies and destinations. “Everyone has the right to access leisure and tourism services on

an equal basis. Yet 1 billion people around the world living with disability, along with young children, seniors and persons with other access requirements, still face obstacles in accessing fundamentals of travel such as clear and reliable information, efficient transportation and public services, and a physical environment that is easy to navigate. Even with modern technologies, those with visual, hearing, mobility or cognitive impairments are being left behind in many tourism destinations,” said United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in his official message. “All of the world’s citizens have the right to experience the incredible diversity this planet has to offer. Therefore, it is highly important that all countries and destinations, as well as the industry, promote accessibility for all in the physical environment, in transport systems, in public facilities and services and in information and communications channels”, said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai.




AFC A Toothless Poodle In The Coalition Government

Supporters of the Alliance For Change (AFC) in Berbice areas have told the Guyana Daily News that they feel betrayed for the party they voted for at the May 11, 2015 general and regional elections. During a recent trip to several areas, one resident said, “We voted for the AFC based on the promises they made and all the promises turned out to be a bunch of lies.” According to some of the supporters, AFC is like a toothless poodle in the coalition government. Some residents cited one instance where Prime Minister Moses Nagamotoo was supposed to lead Government’s business

in the National Assembly, however P r e s i d e n t G r a n g e r, s t a t e d t h a t Nagamootoo would now be sharing Government’s bills in the National Assembly with other Ministries coming under the umbrella of the Ministry of the Presidency. This means Prime Minister Nagamootoo, does not have the customary portfolio that a Prime Minister would have. They also cited the recent resignation of Dr. Veersammy Ramaya from the party. Dr Ramaya stated that he resigned from the AFC because of corruption in the region and that his efforts to vent his frustration in the Coalition government went unheard. But Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin does not share the same view. He had said, “I think that (our performance) over the period of our term in office is how we will judge the effectiveness of the Government. If you want to subdivide the responsibilities, you can

perhaps look and decide whether the AFC component was effective. What you’re suggesting is that our role is to somehow police our coalition partner, and how effectively we do that. (That) is not what we are there for.” Several residents are also questioning Gaskin’s responsibility as Minister of Business, contending that even though he is a government minister, it is Joseph Harmon, Minister of State, who makes the final decision. They cited the recent actions by Minister Harmon to appoint an advisor on Business, when there is the Minister of Business. It was also pointed out that most foreign investment must be interviewed and approved by the Minister of State, unlike in the past where the Guyana Office for Investment (GoInvest) would negotiate the business deals and then take it to cabinet for final approval.




GPHC BoardChairman Creates Deputy CEO Position of the Board of decisions highlighted in a recently completed audit report. Directors, Dr. Carl ‘Max’ Hanoman along with members of the Georgetown Public Hospital Cooperation (GPHC) Board has reportedly been credited with creating a new position of Deputy Chief Executive Officer at the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Carl ‘Max’ Hanoman entity. The new position of Deputy Chief Executive Officer has been advertised in the daily newspapers and the deadline for applications is October 7, 2016. Dr. Hanoman related to a section of the media that the decision to create the position was formed from the realization that the hospital cannot be efficiently managed by a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) alone. The CEO position is currently being held by Mr. Michael Khan who is being criticize for questionable management

Speaking to the local newspaper Kaieteur News, Dr. Hanoman said that the Board had discussed and found the need to create the position of Deputy CEO. “We have found that the management of this hospital might be too much for the CEO alone so we have created this position to help with efficiency,” Dr. Hanoman disclosed. Previous reports would have had suggested that Khan will have to vacate the position based on the findings, but Dr. Hanoman related that he is still serving in the positon but could proceed on entitled annual leave shortly. The decision to create a Deputy CEO Position is now raising eyebrows since earlier this year it was reported that Mr. Paul Clarke who held the position of manager at the Cheddi Jagan Dental Centre, had presented himself to senior officials of the public hospital to assume the position to Deputy CEO. He informing them that he was sent by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health, Mr. Trevor Thomas. Clarke’s alleged appointment however, was not recognized by the hospital’s Board of Directors and the government had insisted that it had no knowledge of such an appointment.




Probe Into Illegal Aircraft Commences Retired Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force, Brigadier Edward Collins, was today sworn in by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrates Court. Brigadier Collins told media operatives that the work of the Commission is important. “The importance cannot be over emphasized because it is not the first time that we have had an illegal aircraft. It speaks to the question of securing our airspace and the coarseness of our borders. And at the end of this inquiry, as part of the terms of reference, I have to make recommendations based on the investigation on how we can improve that investigation.” He stated that he does not know how his work will be different from that of the one being done by the by the Guyana Police Force, but pointed out that the Commission could subpoena witnesses. He further stated that as part of the Terms of Reference, the COI will investigate and report on the circumstances in which a foreign aircraft was discovered. The retired Brigadier said that the final report on the inquiry will have to advise President David Granger on the operational effectiveness of the various agencies of the State and the adequacy of the existing human resources, technology and equipment in the Upper Essequibo/Upper Takatu area. According to him the report should be completed by October 17, 2016. The twin engine Cessna Aircraft was found at the Yupukari Airstrip, Region 9, (Upper Demerara/Upper Takatu) bearing registration number N767Z, according to reports by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, investigations conducted by the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), Customs Ant-Narcotics Retired Chief of Staff of the Unit (CANU) and the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) found that Guyana Defence Force, there is another active aircraft in the US with the same registration number. Brigadier Edward Collins




Linden Mayor Office Vandalized - “I Think It’s To Drive Fear In The Council” - Mayor Holland The office of Linden the matter. Though nothing seems to be the police could not determine from where Mayor Carwyn Holland was once again burglarized and vandalized last Tuesday evening. This is the third time at this had occurred. It was reported that Deputy M a y o r Wa n e k a Arrindell had informed the police about what occurred on Wednesday morning and also notified the Mayor of the incident, who was in China on official business at the time. Arrindell on Monday told media operatives that the police responded promptly to the scene, and investigations are ongoing into

missing, the entire office was ransacked and vandalized. The perpetrators reportedly stuck a thumb tack through the forehead of the Mayor’s photograph and stuck it to the wall. Deputy Mayor Arrindell said this is not only an attack on the Mayor, but on the entire Council, and security officers need to be questioned to determine how these breakages occurred three times within months. “Our security needs to be more vigilant in their work, so that this Council can be secured…. The security needs to be questioned, and we really need to get to the bottom of how this happened for the third time,” Arrindell said. She said that though

the bandits had entered the building, the exterior window of the office is most likely the place they had used. Mayor Holland has said he does not regard the break-ins as a personal threat, but believes that security needs to be beefed up. He said the perpetrators are trying to intimidate him, and by extension the Council, but their efforts are unsuccessful. “I think it’s to drive fear in the Council, (and prevent us) from doing our job,” he stressed. The Mayor is of the opinion that the perpetrator was looking for files and documents concerning the Council. (Guyana Chronicle)

Juice Vendor Jailed For Breaking And Entering Juice Vendor Milton Smith was today sentenced to 12 months imprisonment after he appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrate's Court charged with committing the crime breaking and entering between September 22 and 23, 2016. Unrepresented in court, the 29 year-old pleaded guilty. It was noted that on the first date in question the owner of El Dorado Trading, Young Street, secured the store room of the business place and upon his return on September 23, 2016 he noticed 2 trolleys valued at $60,000 GYD, 2 travelling bags valued at $30,000 GYD and 1 helmet valued at $5,000 GYD missing. A complaint was lodged at CID headquarters and upon the review of CCTV footage, Smith was seen. He was arrested and confessed to committing the act and further told officers that he had sold the stolen items.





Duo Charged With Murder Of Gafoors Manager Former Gafoors employee David Outar and Lackhan either during or after the process of Patrick Ross today reappeared before Chief committing a robbery. Magistrate Ann McLennan where they were jointly charged for the murder of 55 year-old Gafoors Manager Terry Lackhan. The men were not allowed plead to the charges and were instructed by the Magistrate to return before her in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court on October 25, 2016 for report into investigations of the matter. The body of Lackhan was found hanging inside a wardrobe on July 21, 2016. Further reports had indicated that earlier before the discovery of the body neighbors had noticed a single male leaving the home with what appeared to be several bags. It has been alleged that the duo had murdered


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Greater Action Needed To Stop Child Abuse Vigil Hosted By Children’s Advocates PAGE 64

Amidst chants to end violence and protect children, the Child Protection Agency in partnership with the Guyana Police Force, Child Link and advocates of children’s rights hosted a walk and candle light vigil at the Police Officers’ Mess Eve Leary. Among those who participated were Social Protection Minster Volda Lawrence and staff, representatives of the Public Health Ministry, the Guyana Police Force, Child Link, and victims of sexual abuse. The event was aimed at raising further awareness of child abuse, particularly sexual abuse by encouraging persons to act to stop child abuse. Ms. Leslyn Halley, Head of the Juvenile Department at the Guyana Police Force welcomed the collaboration with the Ministry, noting that enhanced awareness on child abuse aids the Force in its efforts to better serve the country by ensuring protection for citizens. She said that the Police has developed Sexual Offence Units in all regions to encourage persons to report offences to the law enforcement agency. “Children safety and security are our priority, she said. Director of the Childcare and Protection Agency, Ms. Ann Greene urged greater support for victims of abuse so that they can be rehabilitated. She said that in addition to professional support, families and communities can help victims. Speaking directly to the many victims who were present at the event, Ms. Greene commended their strength. Representing the Non-Governmental Organisation, Child Link, Coordinator, Kean Chase emphasized that education is important to prevent child abuse and eliminate the stigma attached to it. “If someone tells us they were abused what do we do? Do we judge, believe, see them as less of a person, do we add to the sense of shame, question their sexuality, think they will abuse also or do we listen and support. As we observe child protection week activities it is fitting that we give much needed attention to that of child abuse here in Guyana. We don’t just give attention to the protection of our children one week every September. But every day as much as is needed,” she said. According to Chase, child abuse should be discussed more openly. She called for greater presence on social media, “it’s never trending, tweeted about or given likes on social media. However the conversation of this scourge that is plaguing our society is so very necessary and needed. It takes a village to raise a child “but let’s be real – this is not so and hasn’t been so for a long time. What happened –did we just get busy, is it technology whatever it is, it has to change and that change begins with us here tonight. We are here not just as persons interested in attending a random activity, but as individuals giving attention to those suffering in silence; those that are continuing to be abused and those that has never been given justice and is long gone.” She further stressed that sexual abuse is not just about being raped, “it is so much more. It’s about the inability to roam freely without being bombarded by sexual suggestions and comments, pornographic images; being a victim of voyeurism and the feeling of you being at fault for being you. It is happening among us in rich and poor homes alike, among the educated and not also affecting boys and girls alike. And we either don’t notice chose not to see this ugly truth. But the stats are ugly too. One in four girls under 18, one in six boys will be in his/her lifetime sexually abused or exposed to it. One in three girls are sexually exploited before 16, or forced into sex. There were 600-plus reported cases in the year 2014 what about the unreported cases?” she queried. A special session was


held to support the victims who participated in the event. Ministry of Social Protection Press Release




St Lucia PM Threatens Local Journalist With Defamation Lawsuit By Caribbean News Now contributor CASTRIES, St Lucia -- Seemingly determined to prove the accuracy of the well known saying, “Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose” [The more things change, the more they stay the same], lawyers acting for Saint Lucia Prime Minister Allen Chastanet last week embarked on the well trodden path of threatening to sue local media for alleged defamation on grounds that are at best tenuous. The latest blatant abuse of political and economic power in this regard stems from a report by Rehani Isidore, a journalist with HTS Television in Saint Lucia, that Britain’s Prince Harry would be staying at the island’s Coco Palm Resort, which is owned by the Chastanet family and run by the recently elected prime minister’s sister, during a forthcoming Royal tour of the Caribbean. The report in question was based on a press release to that effect issued by the hotel and entitled “Coco Palm rolls out the red carpet for Prince Harry’s visit”, which was featured on the hotel’s website, the Saint Lucia Hotel and Tourism Association (SLHTA) website and reported in local online media. However, Chastanet later claimed that the press release had been withdrawn – an event that has apparently gone unreported by any local media and no second press release withdrawing the first has ever been made public. Nevertheless, on September 23, 2016, Mark D. Maragh, managing partner of Amicus Law Chambers, wrote to Isidore in the following terms: We act herein on behalf of our client Mr Allen Michael Chastanet. We are instructed by our client as follows: 1. That you, Mr Rehani Isidore, are employed as a reporter by Helen Television Systems, Morne Fortune, Castries. You host a segment of the HTS News Force broadcast called E-Poll, which runs during the said broadcast which airs between 7 and 8 pm weekdays and which is widely circulated via television throughout St Lucia and globally via the internet. 2. On or about 16th September 2016, you, while hosting the said E-Poll program, made the statements of and concerning our client directly or by reference to our client: “The details of the Royals visit are still emerging. However what we do know is the lucky resort bestowed with the once in a lifetime honour of hosting the members of the British Monarchy, Coco Palm Resorts Inc. at Rodney Bay, is an establishment owned and run by the Chastanet family. Moreover, Prime Minister Allen Chastanet occupied an executive role at the Resort prior to the 2016 general elections. Interestingly, a Coco Palm press release announcing the Royal visit has reportedly been removed from circulation on the local media circuit. Here’s what we are asking about this once in a lifetime visit by the Royals in this E-Poll… Is it a conflict of interest for State officials to host foreign dignitaries at their privately run establishments? [Emphasis in original] 3. These statements are defamatory of our client and have caused damage to his reputation as evidenced by comments on various social media sites. 4. The statements are defamatory in that they suggest directly and by innuendo that our client abused his position as Prime Minister to influence or cause Coco Palm Resort to benefit from having Prince Harry and our client has instructed us to proceed immediately to commence against you, Helen Television Systems and Radio 100. Please be guided accordingly. It is not known whether Chastanet has threatened similar legal action against Coco Palm Resort and/or his sister for publishing the original press release that falsely claimed that Prince Harry would be staying at the hotel and thereby creating the reasonable inference that Chastanet abused his position as prime minister to facilitate the reported Royal stay and/or for failing to remove from its website on a timely basis the statement that, at the time, Allen Chastanet was still the managing director of the resort notwithstanding his election in June as head of government. According to Chastanet, Prince Harry will not be staying at any local hotel while in Saint Lucia but would instead be “staying on his boat”, without revealing which vessel that might be. The controversy has since attracted the attention of British media in the shape of a recent article in the Daily Express newspaper under the headline “Prince Harry's trip to the Caribbean won't be plain sailing” and noting that the prince “could find himself in a sticky situation when he visits the Caribbean in November”. “An almighty row has broken out in St Lucia over where the 32-year-old royal might stay during his tour on behalf of the Queen. Prime Minister Allen Chastanet was last week forced to deny any conflict of interest after it was reported the fifth-in-line to the throne might be put up in his hotel during the trip, which will also include stops in Guyana, St Kitts-Nevis and Barbados,” the Express reported. “’The Prince is not staying at any hotel,’ snapped Chastanet at reporters. ‘The Prince is staying on his boat,’” the newspaper noted, also

questioning to which boat the prime minister was referring. “Surely not the Royal Yacht Britannia, retired to be a tourist trap in Leith? Sorting out accommodation for this sojourn looks to be anything but plain sailing,” the report concluded. It is not known whether Chastanet also intends to sue the Daily Express for defamation. As noted, the threat of legal action against local media is a well-established and, unfortunately, an effective method in Saint Lucia of suppressing freedom of the press and forcing self-censorship on journalists and media outlets. In fact, after a similar incident in 2013 when a minister in the then St Lucia Labour Party (SLP) government threatened legal action against Timothy Poleon, another local radio and TV journalist, Chastanet’s own party, the United Workers Party (UWP) issued a press statement saying that it stood firmly with Poleon and the media, against any form of legal action proposed by then minister for legal affairs, home affairs and national security, Phillip La Corbiniere. “Over the last few weeks, Saint Lucians have watched and listened as ministers target specific media workers in an effort to intimidate and instill fear in them by the issuance of threats. The latest statement coming from Senator Victor LaCorbiniere is evident that this Labour Administration does not respect the democratic right of every citizen of this country,” the UWP said at the time. “Must media workers, in the execution of their duties and responsibilities, suffer the rampant persecution and onslaught of name calling such as labeling Mr Poleon a ‘media terrorist’?” the UWP asked, an ironic precursor to Chastanet’s more recent public branding of Isidore as “a liar”. “It appears that the SLP administration has developed a pattern of intimidation each time they assume office to gain total control of the media by its statements, threats and now, manifested actions,” the UWP continued, adding that this brought to the fore the SLP’s failed attempt, several years ago, at passing legislation to achieve that goal. “It is sad that a government, elected by the people to uphold the law, would now turn on its people by infringing upon their fundamental democratic rights, traditions and freedom of the press in Saint Lucia. Therefore, the United Workers Party stands ready to defend ‘freedom of speech’ which is a constitutional right of all Saint Lucians, including that of Mr Timothy Poleon,” the UWP asserted. The International Press Institute (IPI) previously said that threats by politicians in Saint Lucia, even if they do not end up in concrete legal action, represent potential intimidation of the press and are therefore without question a cause for concern. At the time, Rick Wayne, editor of the St Lucia Star, said that he was “convinced the whole aim is to frighten the rest of the media”, which, he added, “is easy to do”. He added: “If something is said about you with regard to your conduct in terms of a public servant that is not true, all you need to do is inform the public of the truth and the truth will set you free.” A previous US ambassador to the region also once referred to threats of this nature as "a standard political bully tactic". More recently, in a virtual rerun of the threatened lawsuit against Poleon in 2013, an attorney representing Claudius Francis, the then president of the senate, wrote to another local broadcaster in April 2016 threatening to institute proceedings for defamation. Caribbean News Now has requested reaction and comment in relation to this latest development from a number of individuals, organisations and agencies, including the US State Department and Bridgetown embassy in the context of its ongoing scrutiny of Saint Lucia’s human and civil rights record. (Caribbean News Now!)

Prime Minister Allen Chastanet


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Tropical Cyclone Expected To Form In Southern Caribbean Tuesday Night Or Wednesday PAGE 66

By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- Reports from an Air Force Reserve reconnaissance aircraft on Tuesday indicated that a tropical wave located about 250 miles east of Barbados does not yet have a closed surface circulation. However, the system is producing winds to near tropical storm force and the thunderstorm activity continues to show signs of organization. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, conditions are expected to be favourable for development, and a tropical depression or tropical storm is likely to form on Tuesday night or Wednesday. At 8:00 pm EDT on Tuesday, the system was moving westward to west-northwestward at 15 to 20 mph, and is expected to pass over the Windward Islands on Wednesday morning, and move over the southeastern Caribbean Sea late Wednesday and Thursday. Interests in the Windward and southern Leeward Islands, Bonaire, Curacao, Aruba, and along the northern coast of South America should monitor the progress of this disturbance, and consult products issued by local national meteorological services, which could include tropical storm warnings or watches. Regardless of whether the system is a tropical wave or tropical cyclone, heavy rains and tropical-stormforce winds in squalls are expected to spread over the Windward Islands and portions of the southern Leeward Islands, beginning Tuesday night and continuing through Wednesday. Meanwhile, the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) in collaboration with the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) convened a pre-strike meeting of the Eastern Caribbean Development Partner Group (ECDPG) at noon on Tuesday to plan for possible scenarios in preparation for the impact. Partner agencies who are members of this group including regional and international donors and development partners are monitoring the system. The CIMH provided technical understanding of the system by


defining the implications for countries in line of the impact. The CDEMA coordinating unit has been in contact with the national disaster coordinators (NDCs) in Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia and St Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago. A number of actions have been taken by each country including meeting of the heads of all sub-committees of the national disaster system such as the essential services including first responders in preparation for any likely impact. Information and updates from the local Meteorological Offices have been regularly shared with the national disaster management offices and the media. The National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) for Barbados and Grenada was due to be activated later Tuesday night in response to the threat of the current weather system. “We are in the peak hurricane season and therefore expect that systems are still likely to develop which may threaten several of our participating states. We are therefore monitoring the development of Invest 97 given the current exposures and vulnerability in several of our Eastern Caribbean States and Haiti,” said Ronald Jackson, executive director of CDEMA. (Caribbean News Now!)

Tropical outlook. NHC graphic


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Stalled Bahamas Megaresort Restarts Construction PAGE 67

By Sloan Smith Nassau Guardian Staff Reporter NASSAU, Bahamas -- Bahamas Prime Minister Perry Christie on Monday announced construction on the stalled Baha Mar project has restarted, while also indicating a March 2017 date for the opening of the casino, the casino hotel, the convention centre and the golf course in phases. However, Christie has yet to identify the buyer and operators of the resort, even though he has indicated that negotiations are ongoing with the Export-Import Bank of China and the would-be buyer. “Remobilization is well underway and construction works have commenced,” Christie said at a tour of the $3.5 billion megaresort. “Every effort is being made to ensure the phased opening of the casino, casino hotel, the convention centre and hotel, and the golf course before the end of the coming winter season. “The EXIM Bank is meeting its commitment in funding remaining construction costs to complete the project, and a contract has been executed for China Construction [America] (CCA) to complete the project. “Although, for legal reasons, I am not at liberty at this stage to formally disclose the name of the ultimate purchaser, suffice it to say that their principals have met with the government and discussed their vision for the property. “They meet the government’s requirements of a well-recognized, world-class resort developer with the necessary resources for a successful operation. “The group is moving expeditiously to complete their negotiations with the EXIM Bank and to meet the due diligence requirements of the government. “It is expected that the name of the purchaser will be announced shortly.” Christie said that with the remobilization of construction, Bahamian subcontractors are expected to return to the site. “The landscaping people have 50 to 60 people already,” he said, as a few groundskeepers were seen working at the site. “They told me they would like to recruit another 50 to 60 [people] immediately, so you are going to find, therefore, that the subcontractors, the Bahamian subcontractors, are being brought back on to the site.” Need for clarity However, it is unclear how those companies not directly owed money by the Baha Mar companies in liquidation will get paid, although Christie said CCA is in the “process of resolving outstanding amounts owing its suppliers and contractors”. As negotiations for the resort’s operation continue, Christie also asserted that it is not yet confirmed whether the buyer will run the resort as a single property, or keep the original vision of separate companies managing the various hotels. “I am looking forward, really, to when the operators are identified and they come in, to begin the process of bringing life to the casino, and to the casino hotel and to other parts of this, and they will obviously announce whether or not they will handle the entire resort or whether they will have it in separate parts as was the


original vision, the [Grand] Hyatt, the SLS, and of course the Rosewood,” Christie said. Guardian Business reported last week that, according to tourism director general Joy Jibrilu, two of the three global hospitality brands most recently attached to the stalled $3.5 billion mega resort – Grand Hyatt and SLS – are still onboard, but had nothing to say about the fate of the former Rosewood property. Rosewood Hotels and Resorts jumped ship last year, severing ties with the development on the grounds that its brand was being “tarnished” by the morass gridlocking progress at the development. Baha Mar filed for bankruptcy in the United States on June 29. However, the substantive bankruptcy claim in the US has since been dismissed. Christie announced last month that the government and China EXIM Bank have signed an agreement that was approved by the Supreme Court that will see the derailed Baha Mar project completed, sold and opened. In a communication to Parliament last month, Christie also indicated that China EXIM Bank made the application to the Supreme Court to seal the deal it signed with the government to get Baha Mar completed and opened, to allow the bank to finalize “sensitive negotiations” for a new buyer. On Monday, Christie said “regular updates will be provided as continued progress is made in implementing the provisions of the heads of terms, with more detailed information becoming available to the public with the unsealing of the Supreme Court Order”. Payment to former Baha Mar employees who lost their jobs when the resort was placed in liquidation were expected to begin at the resort on Tuesday. (Caribbean News Now!)

From left, Prime Minister Perry Christie, Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe and Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson lead a small group on a brief tour of the Baha Mar resort on Monday. Photos: Torrell Glinton


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Antigua-Barbuda Lawyers Discuss Alleged Interference In The Judiciary PAGE 68

BASSETERRE, St Kitts (WINN) -- A recent statement by the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court’s chief justice that attempts are being made to influence the courts shows that the judiciary is on guard against the practice, according to attorney David Dorsett. “Having made that announcement it indicates that the judiciary is on guard so that when these attempts are being made that the attempts are not successful. What would be tragic is if the attempt was made and the judiciary was asleep or hypnotized by the person attempting judicial interference so that judicial interference did in fact occur to the detriment of the proper administration of justice and so we can take some comfort in the fact that chief justice at least, I suspect she may have gotten word from other members of the judiciary, that certain things untoward are happening and it is of concern to them, and rightly of concern to her, and rightly of concern to all of us,” he said. The concerns referred to were expressed by Chief Justice Janice Pereira at the start of the new law year in the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). “Attempts and I repeat attempts, at judicial interference are on the rise. These attempts emanate from places and persons and by methods which you would least expect,” she said. According to Dorsett, the statement by Pereira has been misinterpreted by some to suggest that there is corruption associated with the judiciary. “I think that it is an unfortunate statement, an unfortunate conclusion to make is to say that I am attempting to cook a sandwich and my attempt having failed means that nobody can cook. That just is not right. Attempts have been made, it is wrong, it is improper, and I think all of us need to be on our guard no matter how close or far we are from the judicial system to ensure that the system and the streams of justice remain true,” he said. Antigua Bar Association president Debra Burnett has described the chief justice’s statement on attempted judicial interference as direct and uncompromising. She also took a stab at trying to identify where the interference was coming from. “My view on where these would come from, as she says where you least expect it, I mean you sit down and think of 1) how and what would be the motivation for someone to interfere with the judiciary and it obviously because someone has an interest in a case which is before that court. What is at stake? What would be at stake would be the litigant’s case and so when we speak of judicial interference when you hear the public speak of judicial interference you get the impression that they are judging the judges. When in fact when you look at it, it may come from the litigant themselves because their case is at stake. So we all as members of the public whether you are a lawyer or a doctor, whether you are a student who has just gotten in trouble with the police, play a role in such a thing


occurring,” she said. Responding to a suggestion that the interference could be coming from politicians, the Bar Association president pointed out that they too were sometimes litigants. “They have an interest in their own case, because when you have a case in court whether you are politician or whether you are the premier or a minister of agriculture as you are in Montserrat, you are a litigant before the court, you are treated fairly. The court when you look at the logo of the judiciary it is a woman, she is blindfolded and she’s holding the scales of justice she sees nothing, no colour, no money, no nothing,” she noted. Interference is also something the Caribbean Court of Justice is on guard against, according to Dorsett, making reference to a specific case. “The CCJ very recently has made statements to try to indicate that they too are concerned about persons being reassured that their cases are being handled in a proper manner. I refer in particular to a case in arising out of Barbados where a particular lawyer was concerned that certain judges, because of his interaction with them, perhaps should recuse themselves from the case. They failed to do so but when the case got to the CCJ, the CCJ gave very clear guidelines and they made the point that the recusal of a judge is not based so much on the judge but the issue is the appearance. The court is concerned that there is an appearance of justice and that justice is in fact being dispensed. So the court whether it’s at the court of appeal level, I would say at all levels courts and judges are concerned that people have confidence in the court because if people don’t have confidence in the court, if the people don’t have confidence in a judge, all will fall down,” he said. Dorsett and Burnett were among panelists discussing the interference issue on Antigua’s Observer Radio. (Caribbean News Now!)




Eye-opening Discovery In Honduras Reveals New Information About Mayan Civilization TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras -- Last week, the Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History announced an important discovery in the Copán Archeological Park, located in western Honduras, which continues to boost Honduras' position as the destination with the most diverse tourism offering in Central America, due in part to its rich history. The discovery, considered one of the most important in recent years, features various burial sites that may have belonged to prominent members of Copán aristocracy, part of the Mayan civilization. Important pieces including colorful ceramic pots, jade pectoral, spondylus shells and other items with great historical value, were found at the site, as well as, traces of funeral rituals involving fire, that contribute new evidence to continue unraveling the history of the Mayan civilization that inhabited Copán. According to the preliminary analysis, these burial sites are from the sixth century, between 500 and 550 AD. Judging by the rich offerings found at the site and the results of previous findings in the area, researchers believe that individuals buried there were members of Copán high society, possibly of the Copán dynasty. Research director, archeologist, Seiichi Nakamura, professor at the University of Kanazawa in Japan, suggested that these burial sites were for sacrifices or offerings for other important burials. The Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History leads archaeological research and the conservation of structures through a grant from the Japanese government. The area of study is located 150 meters north of the Grand Plaza at Copán, where 150 burial sites have been discovered to date, including one of a 12- to 13-year-old child, who was most likely a member of Copan's royal family in the sixth century. The discovery site will remain open for tours, a new attraction at the Copán Archaeological Park. The tours will be introduced by the Honduran Institute of Anthropology

and History and visitors will be able to witness the excavations and conservation of archaeological findings firsthand. (Caribbean News Now!)

Archaeologists and media gathered at the newly discovered burial site in Copan


GUYANA DAILY NEWS United Kingdom Provides Millions To IMF For Caribbean Development PAGE 70

WASHINGTON, Sept 28, CMC – The United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) has become the first development partner to participate in the new five-year phase (2017-22) of the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Regional Technical Assistance Center in the Caribbean (CARTAC). DFID has made a contribution of US$7.8 million and according to the Deputy Head and Growth Team Leader of DFID Caribbean Office, Mark George, London is pleased to continue its longstanding cooperation with the IMF for the delivery of capacity development services in partner countries. “CARTAC strongly complements our work in the Caribbean focused on economic prosperity, governance, and disaster risk reduction, and remains a much-needed resource in the region to help countries strengthen their economic resilience as they continue with their efforts to achieve their development goals.” The Director of the IMF’s Institute of Capacity Development, Sharmini Coorey, said the United Kingdom is a key contributor to the IMF’s capacity development work, and she’s pleased that it will continue its support to CARTAC. “Our shared vision for economic development has helped build economic institutions and boost growth in the region, and we look forward to further deepening this partnership,” said Coorey. The United Kingdom


has so far contributed approximately US$130 million to IMF capacity development since 2002. It has been supporting IMF regional centers in Eastern and Southern Africa and the Caribbean, and work on key topics such as anti-money laundering/combating the financing of terrorism, tax and financial sector reform. Since its establishment in 2001, CARTAC has provided support to economic institution building and related training needs to its 20 regional member countries. (Antigua Observer)

Belize Confirms Near 50 Cases Of Zika Virus BELMOPAN, Belize, Sept 28, CMC – At least six pregnant women are among the 46 confirmed cases of the mosquitoborne Zika virus, health authorities here have confirmed. The Ministry of Health said it is working with the pregnant women and those expecting to get pregnant in order to deal with possible cases of microcephaly, the abnormal smallness of the head due to incomplete brain development that normally affects babies. The Surveillance Officer at the Epidemiology Unit of the Ministry of Health, Lorna Perez, said there are 593 suspected cases of Zika. “Of these 305 have actually been screened which means a blood sample or a urine sample has been collected from these persons which represents 52.5 per cent of all suspected cases being screened. “Of these 305 tests that have been done, we’ve received 177 results, which represents 58 per cent of all samples taken which means we are still pending some results. Of this 177 now, we have 46 positive, which is 26 per cent. So far we have that as our positivity rate,” she said. The authorities said three of the pregnant women have already given birth and the babies so far have not exhibited any conditions of microcephaly or other malformations. Maternal and Child Health Adviser, Dr. Natalia Largaespada Beer, said the surveillance of the effects of exposed infants have now expanded to not only microcephaly, but to other congenital malformations related to zika such as genitourinary, cardiac and digestive systems, hearing and visual abnormalities. “The scope of the syndrome will expand

as further information and longer follow-up of affected children becomes available. There is no treatment, there is no vaccine against zika virus. A lot of the preventative measures that are being recommended can be applied to women that are not pregnant and women during pregnancy,” she added. The Ministry of Finance said it has approved insect repellants and insecticide bed nets that are being distributed free of cost through the various health facilities. (Antigua observer)

The Aedes Aegypti mosquito that transmits the Zika virus (Photo courtesy


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Study Finds Agricultural Exports From The Caribbean To China Could Grow By Almost 10 Per cent PAGE 71

WASHINGTON, Sept 28, CMC – A new study by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has found that agricultural exports from Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to China could increase by almost 10 per cent if the Asian country reduces its tariffs by more than 50 per cent. The study also found that manufacturing goods could jump by 37 per cent, if Beijing’s import tariffs were reduced to the levels of the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), whose average is 3.6 per cent The study finds that China’s median tariff is about twice that of the OECD for agricultural goods and more than three times for manufacturing goods. After expanding at an annual average rate of 31.2 per cent between 2000 and 2011, the study finds that the growth of China-LAC trade decelerated sharply and turned negative in 2014, on the back of marked and intertwined slowdowns in the growth of China and LAC. Despite this recent loss of dynamism, the study notes that China remains as LAC’s secondlargest trade partner—accounting for 13.7 per cent of the region’s trade in 2015. Additionally, the study found the most likely medium- to long-term scenario for its demand for LAC commodities is one of a robust growth, though not as epic as in the last decade. The study titled “Uncovering the Barriers of the ChinaLatin America and Caribbean Trade” is produced by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) through its Integration and Trade Sector (INT). Principal


Economic Advisor at the IDB’s Integration and Trade Sector, Mauricio Mesquita Moreira and author of the report, said regional governments and the private sector will have to invest in trade intelligence to remove barriers and maximize the potential gains from trade with China. “To carry out this agenda effectively, negotiations must be, as much as possible, isolated from the political and ideological considerations that have characterized the relationship in the past”, Mesquita Moreira said. Another important finding is that the Chinese tariff structure tends to discriminate against the imports of consumer goods, which represents a challenge for LAC exporters looking to sell their products directly to Chinese consumers. (Antigua Observer)

Tropical Storm Matthew Hurls Towards St. Lucia Tropical Storm Matthew is now swiftly moving towards St. Lucia after being a tropical wave just a few hours before. At 11 AM the storm was located just 40 km east of St. Lucia and was moving towards the west at a pace of 32 km per hour, a movement that will take it very close to St. Lucia within this hour. Maximum sustained winds are near 93 kph making this system a strong tropical storm. As the system strengthens it is expected to become a hurricane by Friday after passing the island. Presently there are reports of light rain at Hewanorra and GFL Charles airports. The weather is expected to deteriorate rapidly over the next few hours. (St Lucia News online)

Latest spectral photo of Tropical Storm Matthew at 11 AM


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Opposition Pleased Baha Mar Workers Receiving Backpay PAGE 72

NASSAU, Bahamas, Sept 28, CMC – The main opposition Free National Movement (FNM) says it is pleased that the workers employed at the Baha Mar multi-billion dollar project are now receiving outstanding wages owed to them. “The Free National Movement is happy that the long ordeal for thousands of Bahamians is finally over and they have started to receive their wages for completed work that are long past due,” said FNM leader Dr. Hubert Minnis. Earlier this week, Prime Minister Perry Christie told a news conference that said that the process is well underway under the supervision of a Claims Committee for the ex gratia payment by Eximbank to thousands of former Bahamian employees of Baha Mar of the outstanding amounts owed to them by their former employer. He said this would include unpaid salaries, severance pay, accrued vacation pay and notice payments due to termination. Additional sums deducted from employees and former employees’ salaries and pension contributions are also being repaid, he added. “The Claims Committee is also now in the process of settling the claims against Baha Mar of Bahamian unsecured creditors including contractors and suppliers. “Eximbank (Export-Import Bank of China) has provided the funding and Bahamian unsecured creditors are asked to closely conform with the notices and procedures being published by the Claims Committee,” he added. The FNM leader said that the workers had been seeking payment for over a year and that last week, when country found out that the government’s secret deal regarding the US$3.5 billion dollar project “did not include the payment of CCA (China Construction America (CCA) Bahamas) contractors for work done at Baha Mar, we once again stood with the people and let our voices be heard, calling on the embattled Prime Minister to address this injustice. “We are pleased to learn that the Chinese will also be paying these contractors now. It is always a good day for The Bahamas when the PLP (Progressive Liberal Party) finally decides to take the side of the Bahamian people over their Chinese allies,” Minnis added. But while he said the FNM appreciated the fact that an agreement had been reached regarding the Baha Mar project, which is expected to feature a Las Vegasstyle casino and more than 2,000 hotel room, Minnis


said the FNM “is still concerned and troubled by the lack of transparency and details, shrouded in secrecy and then sealed by the courts on behalf of this Government”. “So while this is a happy day for so many contractors that were resolute for work that they did, we should realize that this was only addressed because the people were aware of this travesty. “We joined with them to right this wrong, but what about all the details of this secret deal we are not aware of? This incident cries out for more transparency because that’s the only way we can have true accountability. It’s time for the PLP and the embattled Prime Minister to finally unseal the deal,” said Minnis. The project has been stalled for several months and missed the December and March opening deadlines, after running out of money. Prime Minister Christie said that while he is not in a position to outline the details regarding the Baha Mar project, he is pleased with the “considerable progress” that has been made one month after he announced the agreement. Christie said the agreement between the government and the Eximbank, had been made in the implementation of the Heads of Terms between the respective parties. “As I have said before, these arrangements, which have been approved by the Supreme Court of The Bahamas in a sealed order as is customary in commercial matters of this kind, represent a signal achievement for The Bahamas and a milestone in the troubled history of Baha Mar,” Prime Minister Christie told reporters. (Antigua Observer)




Syria War: Those Bombing Aleppo 'Must Answer To God' - Pope

Pope Francis has decried the bombing of Aleppo in Syria, saying those responsible for killing civilians will have to answer to God. Speaking at a public audience in St Peter's Square in Rome, he called it "an already martyred city, where everybody is dying". Russian-backed Syrian government forces have launched a fierce campaign to take control of rebel-held eastern areas. Air strikes continued to hit the besieged districts overnight. Pope Francis urged all sides to "commit themselves with all their strength to protect civilians". "This is an imperative and urgent obligation. I appeal to the consciences of those responsible for the bombings, who will one day will have to account to God," he said. Reports citing Pope Francis urged all sides to protect civilians(REUTERS) medical workers say that two major hospitals in rebel-held into the east and placed its 250,000 residents under siege. eastern Aleppo were put out of service by air raids overnight. But one activist in the city tells the BBC that the hospitals still Children in Aleppo have made up a large proportion of appear to be operational. Jump media playerMedia player help casualties from air strikes, according to aid groups. At least In the past few days, pro-government forces have begun ground 100,000 children remain trapped in the eastern part of the city. operations to try to recapture more territory from rebel forces. In the government-held west, 49 children were killed by rebel shelling in July alone, the New York Times reports, citing the They have made advances in the city centre, reports say. The government of President Bashar al-Assad and its Russian Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. backers have been accused of war crimes and "barbarism" by On Tuesday, the US pledged to provide an extra $364m the US and its Western allies, who back the rebels. Moscow has (£276m) in humanitarian aid to people affected by the Syrian vigorously denied the allegations and criticised their war. The World Health Organization meanwhile called for the "unacceptable" rhetoric. Separately, fresh allegations of "immediate establishment of humanitarian routes" into Aleppo, chemical weapons use on the part of Syrian government have where hospitals are running out of supplies and rubble-strewn been made by the New York-based group Human Rights Watch. streets are preventing ambulances from getting through. (BBC) It said that Syrian government helicopters appeared to have used chemical weapons in two incidents in Aleppo on 10 August and 6 September that killed five people, including two children. "After each attack, dozens of people suffering from a shortage of breath, coughing, reddened skin and eyes, and excessive tearing sought medical treatment in hospitals," the group said. Syrian rebels have been supplied with a new type of surface-tosurface Grad rocket by their foreign backers to help defend against the current offensive, a rebel commander told the Reuters news agency. The rockets, supplied "in excellent quantities", will be used in Aleppo, Hama and the Mediterranean coastal region, Fares alBaoush said. It was not clear which foreign states supplied the rockets. Aleppo, once Syria's largest city and the country's commercial and industrial hub, has been divided roughly in two since 2012, with President Bashar al-Assad's forces controlling the west and rebel factions the east. In the past year, government troops have gradually broken the deadlock with the help of Iranian-backed militias and Russian air strikes. Earlier this month, they severed the rebels' last route




Mh17 Missile 'Came From Russia', Dutch-led Investigators Say

International prosecutors investigating the downing of flight establish who gave the order to move the missile launcher into MH17 over eastern Ukraine in 2014 say the Buk missile that hit eastern Ukraine, and where the order for it to be fired came the plane was from Russia. They also narrowed down the area it from, investigators said. was fired from to a field in territory controlled by Russian- The Dutch-led Joint Investigation Team (JIT) consists of backed rebels. All 298 people on board the Boeing 777 died prosecutors from the Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, when it broke apart in mid-air flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Malaysia and Ukraine. Jump media playerMedia player help Lumpur. Russia says the conclusions are "extremely political" Many witnesses Prosecutors played recordings from and its Buk missiles "never shot down" the plane. "Based on the intercepted phone calls during their news conference. They said criminal investigation, we have concluded that flight MH17 witnesses reported seeing the missile launcher move from was downed by a Buk missile of the series 9M83 that came Russia into Ukraine and presented pictures and videos. The from the territory of the Russian Federation," chief Dutch launch site was pinpointed by "many witnesses", prosecutors police investigator Wilbert Paulissen said in a news conference said. Relatives were briefed before the JIT released their on Thursday. The missile launcher was later taken back to preliminary findings. "They told us how the Buk was transported [and] how they came to that evidence from phone Russia, he said. An inquiry by the Dutch Safety Board last year found that a taps, photo, film material, video," Robby Oehler, whose niece Russian-made Buk missile hit the plane but did not say where it was killed in the crash, told the BBC. was fired from. But Russia has rejected the conclusions, calling Separatist rebels have denied they were involved. "We never them "extremely political". "This is of course a provocative had such air defence systems, nor the people who could operate statement... it has nothing to do with investigating the tragedy them," Eduard Basurin, military deputy operational that took away the lives of so many people," said Leonid commander at the rebel Donetsk People's Republic, told the Slutsky, the head of the parliamentary committee for the CIS Interfax news agency. "Therefore we could not have shot down (Commonwealth of Independent State). "These conclusions the Boeing [flight MH17]." Earlier this week, Russia said it had seek to achieve only one objective - to further marginalise the radar data showing that the missile was not fired from rebelimage of Russia in the global political and information space," held territory. The JIT does not yet have access to that data, prosecutors said. he added. Who gave the order? Prosecutors have narrowed the missile Russia's changing story launch site down to a specific field near the village of In the two years since MH17 was shot down, Russian officials Pervomaiskyi, which was then in rebel hands. They established have presented several theories about what happened. the identities of about 100 people "linked to the crash or the 21 July 2014: Four days after the tragedy, Russia's defence transport of the Buk" missile, but they are yet to determine who ministry presented satellite photos and other images suggesting could be held criminally responsible. There is a need to it was downed by a Ukrainian surface-to-air Buk missile or a Prosecutors said the missile was brought into Ukraine from Russia(AFP) Ukrainian military jet June 2015: Russia's Investigations Committee named a "key witness" - a Ukrainian "aircraft ordnance technician" - who claimed that the Boeing was downed by a Ukrainian Su-25 fighter October 2015: Buk missile producer AlmazAntey said that the plane was indeed downed by a Buk, but an old one - which Russia no longer had in its arsenal September 2016: Russia's defence ministry released what it said were radar data suggesting MH17 was shot down by a missile, but not one fired by Russian-backed rebels (BBC)




Pepe The Frog Meme Branded A 'Hate Symbol’

Online cartoon Pepe the Frog has been added to the AntiDefamation League (ADL)'s database of hate symbols. Other logos cited as offensive by the ADL include the Swastika and the "Blood Drop Cross" of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). The antibigotry group said "racists and haters" had "taken a popular internet meme and twisted it". Pepe has recently been depicted as Adolf Hitler and a member of the white supremacist KKK. Pepe made his debut in 2005 in artist Matt Furie's "Boy's Club" cartoons. Since then, pictures of the creature have spread through the online communities 4chan, 8chan, and Reddit, where users can post an image for others to comment on. These are mostly used to express emotions or experiences, but some racist and antiSemitic versions have spread virally on Facebook and Twitter. "These anti-Semites have no shame," ADL's chief executive Jonathan A Greenblatt said. "They are abusing the image of a cartoon character, one that might at first seem appealing, to harass and spread hatred on social media." 'You can't stump the Trump' The Alt-Right movement, a disparate group of right-wing social media users, has repeatedly shared Pepe re-workings on social media. The movement has been described as an alternative to mainstream conservatism, but its proponents have repeatedly abused

Pepe the Frog was created by artist Matt Furie and has since become a hugely popular meme

Jewish Americans and portrayed white people as oppressed.

The Alt-Right has claimed Mr Trump as its presidential candidate of choice. The mogul has not approved it, but did retweet a caricature depicting him as Pepe the Frog in October 2015, with the caption "You Can't Stump the Trump". The frog made headlines in mid-September when Hillary Clinton said most of Mr Trump's supporters belonged in a "basket of deplorables". The Republican's son Donald Trump Jr shared an altered version of the movie poster for "The Expendables", which showed Pepe with his father and other conservatives, labelled "The Deplorables." 'That cartoon frog is sinister' Mrs Clinton's team duly released a post titled "Donald Trump, Pepe the frog, and white supremacists: an explainer" claiming, "that cartoon frog is more sinister than you might realize". In May 2016, the Daily Beast quoted an anonymous white nationalist saying that a campaign was under way to "reclaim Pepe from the normies" internet slang for mainstream users. The ADL has clarified that most Pepe memes are not racist, and that innocent versions will not be subject to the hate symbol designation. "The mere fact of posting a Pepe meme does not mean that someone is racist or white supremacist," the group said. (BBC)




World Leaders To Attend Funeral For Israel's Shimon Peres

A long list of world leaders will attend the funeral of former Israeli prime minister and president Shimon Peres, who died on Wednesday at 93. Some of the world's most powerful figures will be at the service in Jerusalem on Friday, including US President Barack Obama. Mr Peres's condition had deteriorated after suffering a stroke two weeks ago. He was one of the last of a generation of Israeli politicians present at the nation's birth in 1948. Mr Peres won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 for his role negotiating the Oslo peace accords with the Palestinians a year earlier, a prize he shared with Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. The agreement was witnessed by former US President Bill Clinton and signed at the White House. On Wednesday Mr Clinton said on Twitter: "I will miss Shimon Peres, my brilliant and eloquent friend. His life was a blessing to all who strive for peace..." Other world leaders set to attend the funeral on Friday include UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. Mr Peres will receive a state burial at a ceremony on Friday at Mount Herzel Cemetery in Jerusalem. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas sent a letter of condolence to Mr Peres' family "expressing his sorrow and sadness". "Peres was a partner in creating the peace of the brave with the late President Yasser Arafat and Prime Minister Rabin, and has made intensive efforts to reach a long-lasting peace

Mr Peres shared the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize for his part in negotiating a peace deal with the Palestinians(GETTY IMAGES)

since the Oslo agreement and until the last breath," he said in a statement. It is not clear if Mr Abbas will attend the funeral. However, some Palestinians and others across the Middle East were not mourning his passing. Abdul Rahman Daireyeh, a resident in Ramallah, told the BBC: "He [Peres] is a war criminal who has killed hundreds of Palestinians. He was never a man of peace. Towards the end of his life, he appeared as a man of peace but he was never that person, as he killed hundreds." The militant Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, said that Mr Peres's death was the "end of the history of occupation". Mr Peres once said the Palestinians were Israel's "closest neighbours" and might become its "closest friends". His son, Chemi, said of his father: "He served our people before we even had a country of our own. He worked tirelessly for Israel from the very first day of the state to the last day of his life." Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his "deep sorrow" over Mr Peres' death in a video statement. "As a man of peace, he worked until his final days toward reconciling with our neighbours for a better future for our children.'' Once an advocate of Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank, Mr Peres later became a leading political dove. He often spoke of the need for compromise over territorial demands in Palestinian areas. Who was Shimon Peres? Born in 1923 in Wisniew, Poland, now Vishnyeva, Belarus First elected to the Knesset (Israeli parliament) in 1959 Served in 12 governments, including once as president and twice as prime minister Seen as a hawk in his early years, when he negotiated arms deals for the fledgling nation In 1996 he ordered the so-called Operation Grapes of Wrath on Beirut in retaliation for Lebanese Hezbollah's escalated rocket-fire on northern Israel. The bombing campaign killed and injured hundreds of civilians A member of the government that approved the building of Jewish settlements on occupied Palestinian territory, though he came to see them as an obstacle to peace But played a key part in reaching the Oslo peace accords, the first deal between Israel and the Palestinians, which said they would "strive to live in peaceful coexistence" (BBC)




Dubai Airport Grounds Flights Due To 'Drone Activity’

Dubai International Airport was forced to ground flights for half an hour due to a drone flying in the area, the airport says. It said airspace around the airport closed just after 08:00 local time (04:00 GMT) on Wednesday because of "unauthorised drone activity". Arrivals resumed at 08:35, with full operations restarting by 09:07. It is not the first time drones have delayed flights at the airport, one of the world's busiest. "We remind all [drone] operators that activities are not permitted within 5km (3.11 miles) of any airport or landing area,'' Dubai Airports said on Twitter. On June 12 a similar incident saw Dubai International Airport close for 69 minutes. In the wake of the incident, authorities in the United Arab It is not the first time drones have Emirates have announced plans to tighten the rules on buying grounded flights at Dubai airport(AP and using drones. Drone owners must already register with the UAE General Civil Aviation Authority. (BBC)

Thailand's Military Allows 'Culture Of Torture', Says Amnesty

Thailand's military government has allowed a "culture of torture" to flourish since assuming power, says a new report by rights group Amnesty International. The report lists 74 alleged cases of torture and other ill-treatment, including methods such as beatings and waterboarding, by soldiers and police. The military seized power in 2014 after months of political unrest, saying it wanted to restore stability. It has denied allegations of torture. "Our investigations into such allegations have shown no indication of torture, I have seen no indication of torture and the Thai people have seen no indication of torture," Gen Sansern Kaewkamnerd, a spokesman for the prime minister's office, told Reuters.

The military had seized power in 2014 after months of political unrest, saying it wanted to restore stability(GETTY IMAGES)

Amnesty was due to hold a press conference in Bangkok on Wednesday to release the report. But it was cancelled at the last minute after officials warned that speakers could face arrest under labour laws. "We are not singling out the Thai government," Amnesty's Asia media manager Omar Waraich told Reuters. "We are here on business visas, we have an office in Thailand." 'No accountability' Rafendi Djamin, Amnesty International's director for South East Asia and the Pacific, said Thailand "may claim to be tough on torture, but actions speak louder than words". "[Its] military rulers have allowed a culture of torture to flourish, where there is no accountability for the perpetrators and no justice for the victims." Thailand had earlier defended its rights records since the coup, with the coup leader and current Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha saying that "every country has gone through rough times". In a speech earlier this month he told countries criticising Thailand: "Don't tell us that we abuse rights, you also abuse the rights of others." He has promised that an election will be held next year. Since coming to power, the military government officially known as the National Council for Peace and Order - has jailed critics, censored the media and cracked down on dissidents. Article 44 of an interim constitution gives the government powers to "disrupt or suppress" anything deemed a threat to national security. It also allows for soldiers to detain people for up to a week without a warrant. (BBC)




Trump Jr's Skittles Graphic Deleted From Twitter

A controversial graphic that compared Syrian refugees to poisoned Skittles, posted by Donald Trump's son, has been deleted from Twitter. In its place, is a message saying it has been removed following a "report from the copyright holder". The image included a photo of the multicoloured sweets taken by a UK-based man, who is himself a refugee. Donald Trump Jr's post caused a furore when it was published last week, and was Twitter's highest trending item. The graphic was based on an earlier image-less tweet by the radio talk-show host Joe Walsh. He had alluded to the idea that some refugees posed a threat, likening this to a Donald Trump Jr's post no longer situation in which a person was presented with a bowl of Skittles, some of which were poisonous. features the Skittles graphic(TWITTER) "Would you take a handful?" Trump Jr's graphic from Cyprus, and objected to the Trumps' politics. "I am very asked. "That's our Syrian refugee problem." glad it's down, and it shouldn't have been up in the first place," Following the post, Guildford-based David Kittos revealed the he told the BBC, following the image's deletion. He added he graphic had used an image taken from his Flickr account had retained a Chicago-based lawyer over the matter, but without his permission, and filed a complaint. The declined to comment further. (BBC) photographer said he had come to the UK in 1974 as a refugee

Court Ban Over Pippa Middleton Hacked iCloud Photos

The High Court has banned publication of photographs allegedly stolen from Pippa Middleton's iCloud account. The Duchess of Cambridge's sister took civil court action against a "person or persons unknown" after her account was said to have been hacked. The Sun reported it was offered the images, which included shots of Prince George and Princess Charlotte. A 35year-old man was arrested on suspicion of an offence under the

Computer Misuse Act and later bailed. The allegations emerged after private pictures were said to have been offered to the newspaper via encrypted messaging service WhatsApp. The Sun said it had been approached by someone using a pseudonym and asking for £50,000 within 48 hours. Barrister Adam Wolanski, who led Miss Middleton's legal team, said she thought there had been a "genuine hack". He said it was a "flagrant" and "criminal" act which had caused Miss Middleton "considerable distress". Police said they were investigating the allegations and a 35-year-old man had been released on police bail pending further inquiries. He was arrested at an address in Northamptonshire late on Saturday. In the summer, Miss Middleton and hedge fund manager James Matthews confirmed their engagement, with a wedding planned for next year. Several high-profile figures have had images stolen from their iCloud accounts, including actress Jennifer Lawrence and singer Rihanna. In July, American Edward Majerczyk pleaded guilty to running a phishing campaign to steal private pictures and videos from film and TV stars, in what was known as the "celebgate" affair. (BBC)








Stolen African Penguin 'Cannot Survive In The Wild’

A desperate search is under way for an endangered African penguin "freed" by activists who may have unwittingly sent the bird to his death. Buddy was stolen from a South African marine park by two students who claim it was a demonstration against animals being kept in captivity. But Buddy was born in the park, and has no idea how to survive in the wild. Experts say the penguin could last for just two more weeks before he will starve to death. Dylan Bailey, manager of Bayworld in Port Elizabeth, said: "He is completely ill-equipped to survive in the wild. He will have no idea where he is. "Luckily, he was a very healthy penguin - actually quite fat - so he has a good few weeks of reserves." However, the park estimates that still means he has just three weeks from the moment he was stolen. 'Optimistic' Buddy's disappearance was

discovered the day after he was taken - when he could not be found for his monthly check up. CCTV revealed two students who have not been named, but are in their early 20s - climbing into the pool, and then bundling Buddy into the boot of a car before driving him a short distance to the sea, where they released him. The two students had no intention of harming the bird, but their actions may have far reaching consequences, Mr Bailey told the AFP news agency. Buddy was part of a breeding pair, and was looking after his two new chicks with mate Francis when he was stolen. Since his disappearance, one of the chicks has died, although park officials do not know if this was related. Francis is also now unable to leave the nest, as Buddy is not there to take over from her. Worse, African penguins are about to be added to the critically endangered list, with less than 20,000 breeding pairs in the wild. A successful match like Buddy and Francis is important for the species very survival. Should Buddy not be found, pairing Francis with another mate could be close to impossible. Mr Bailey explained: "They are monogamous animals. They pair for life. If we can't get Buddy back, we will try to pair her with another bird, but it may not be successful." Staff have been scouring hundreds of kilometres of coastline, in the hope that one of them might spot Buddy. "We are optimistic," Mr Bailey said. "We have hope he will come ashore before he becomes too weak." (BBC)




World War Two Spy's Row With Wife 'Almost Ruined D-Day'

A row between a spy and his wife during World War Two almost compromised D-Day operations, secret MI5 files show. Spaniard Juan Pujol helped convince the Nazis the landings would take place in the Pas-de-Calais, not N o r m a n d y. B u t a f t e r b e i n g confined to their London house to protect his identity, his wife, Araceli, threatened to go to the Spanish embassy in June 1943. She said she would tell all about one of Britain's top double agents unless allowed to visit her mother. Homesick The family was based in Harrow, north-west London, where Mr Pujol - codenamed Agent Garbo - had a network of Juan Pujol with his wife, Araceli(PA) sub-agents sending false coming up with the idea to tell his wife he had been sacked, the intelligence reports to his German spymasters. His feedback of double agent did not think this would be enough. Because Mrs false information to the Nazis diverted them away from the Pujol was not able to go back to Spain, he suggested a plan to scene of the actual D-Day landings on 6 June 1944. Mrs Pujol convince her that her outburst had led to him being arrested. not only struggled to cope with the pressure of the family's She was even taken to visit him, blindfolded, in a detention double life but also became homesick. She was missing camp and, after the reunion, was convinced of the need to Spanish food and became upset at her husband being absent so support his undercover work. MI5's legal adviser, Maj Edward often. Cussen, told her he had decided her husband should be released Fears that the Pujol family would be recognised on the streets of and allowed to continue the mission. "He reminded her that he London, led to Mrs Pujol being frustrated at the restrictions had no time to waste with tiresome people and that if her name imposed on her and their two children. In the secret files, was ever mentioned to him again, he would simply direct that released from the National Archives, the moment Mrs Pujol she should be locked up," Mr Harris noted. "She returned home confronted her husband's case officer is recorded. "I don't want very chastened to await husband's arrival." (BBC) to live five minutes longer with my husband," she screamed at Pujol's MI5 case officer, Tomas Harris. "Even if they kill me I am going to the Spanish embassy." Other secrets revealed in the files Plans were put in place for Agent Garbo to be used as a spy working against the Russians leading up to the Cold War Historian and peace campaigner E P Thompson - best known for The Making Of The English Working Class - was the subject of MI5 surveillance for 20 years Times columnist David Aaronovitch, whose Communist parents had been under MI5 surveillance, told the Today programme how he found out his sister had been spied on in school, and his own birth was noted before his extended family had been told Agent Garbo would not only deceive the Nazis by pretending to be their agent and provide false information but he also tricked his wife into staying quiet. Despite Garbo's case officer


GUYANA DAILY NEWS UNICEF’s SitAn Report Shows Troubling Stats For Guyana PAGE 83

A report from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has revealed some troubling statistics on the social and economic situation in Guyana. The report highlighted the effect of mass emigration, the level of poverty, and the high levels of youth unemployment in the country. The report on the 2016 Guyana Situation Analysis of Children and Women (SitAn), which was compiled by UNICEF in collaboration with the Government of Guyana, was handed over to First Lady Sandra Granger and Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence on Wednesday at an official ceremony at the Herdmanston Lodge, Georgetown. The report revealed that mass emigration of Guyanese due to failures in the job market creates devastating social and economic effects and has resulted in broken families, brain drain and an estimated 8% loss of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The report noted that some 422, 000 Guyanese live in other countries and while this relocation contributes to the country’s economy through the influx of remittances, such high emigration is influenced by the lack economic opportunities within the country which indicates failures in the job market. The report stated that “On one hand,


the influx of remittances is an important factor for the country’s economy and represents an informal safety net for many families. On the other hand, high emigration is influenced by lack of internal economic opportunities, indicating failures in the job market. On the economic side, this brain drain creates losses of around 8% of the country’s GDP. On the social side, emigration breaks families and force children to live far from one or two parents.” Guyana’s last official poverty measurement was done in 2006 and that report stated that some 36.1% of the population was living in poverty and 18.6% were living in extreme poverty and this was before the 2008 world economic crisis The report indicated that similar to the 2006 report that younger age groups have a significantly higher poverty headcount. “Poverty is higher in the interior of the country, and for those families living in the rural areas … Poverty in Guyana has a child’s face. Similar to previous measurements, the poverty number from 2006 shows that younger age cohorts have a significantly higher poverty headcount than older ones.” It also states that 33.7% of young people between ages 16-25 lived in poverty in 2006, and 47.5% of children below the age of 17 were poor. Unemployment is a major contributor to the poverty and according to the report, unemployment in Guyana has consistently been higher that 30%, especially among the youth population, which according to the report presents more than 60% of the country’s population. “Unemployment is high, and it is particularly concerning for the young population, which represents more than 60% of Guyana’s population. Since 2002, youth unemployment has been consistently higher than 30% and is currently estimated to be about 40%.”

Government Must Fix Burdensome Tax System According to several businesses, Guyana’s tax system is tax cut may stimulate the economy, one business owner said, archaic and not effective, they are of the opinion that because of the high Value Added Tax (VAT),consumption tax and the excise taxes are the main reasons why there is an increase in smuggling, tax evasion, under-stating of income, under invoicing and is foster additional corruption. In the May, 2015 elections the Coalition Government promised to reduce the rate of VAT from 16% to 10%, but nothing was done and the VAT remains at 16% to date. Business owners are contending that they understand the Government needs money to manage the economy, but a burden tax system only further falters the economy and suppress businesses growth. According to some other business owners, tax cuts may be needed to stimulate the economy because the Government is clueless and the private sector is more efficient in managing money. Some of the government spending is being wasted with high bureaucracy costs, increased salaries for government Ministers, spending on project for political paybacks that does not benefit Guyanese. When asked by the Guyana Daily News as to how

“Remember, if the government gives us a tax cut they'll still have to make up the budget shortfall somehow, chiefly by selling more bonds to Guyanese citizens or foreigners (who will raise the money by selling us more of their goods and services). In other words, government spending will keep sucking money out of the private sector, only the payment method will be different”.




Government Must Do More To Curb Violence In School Government must do more to curb violence in school Many parents are concerned about the recent incident which occurred at the Freeman Secondary School, where an individual entered the school compound with a knife and threatened to kill a student. Guyana Daily News spoke to several parents of the said school, all of whom are questioning the Ministry of Education’s inability to provide adequate security in schools for both students and teachers. They further stated that many schools around Guyana do not have a daytime security guard, which allows anyone to enter and exit at will. According to a parent, whose child attends the school, a safe learning environment is essential for students of all ages because without it they are unable to focus on learning. When violence threatens the educational setting, students are tremendously affected in many ways, even though your child may not be the actual victim of violence in school, there is a very good chance that he or she will witness violent acts throughout the educational years. They further stated that some persons might say that violence has always existed in schools but as parents they are concerned about the increased number of violent acts taking place. Some even argued that violence in certain urban areas has reached epidemic proportions, desensitizing many students and leaving them feeling that violence is a normal part of their school life. Sadly, violent acts in schools occur at all educational level. Every child should feel safe from violence in their school, yet there are many that do not. In the past, violence in school was a fight between students, often taking place in the schoolyard and ending with adult intervention. Today, it is not unusual for students to violently attack other students, teachers, security guards and school personnel, showing a complete lack of respect for authority. These attacks often result in injury and at times, death. According to one senior teacher of the school, the issue of school safety is a major concern at all levels of government. School boards meet with teachers and parents to listen to their concerns and

suggested solutions, however, the Ministry of Education needs to do more to curb the high incidence of violence in schools. The Ministry of Education has come under criticism for its laidback approach towards education in Guyana. Recently parents complained that their children are not receiving quality education compared to previous years. They are of the opinion that the Ministry of Education has no plans for the development of the allimportant sector. The APNU+AFC government was very critical of the former PPP government policies on the education system, however, their antiquated approach to the education system such as distributing boots, bus, bicycle, boats etc. is proving to be irrelevant to the interests of the business sector, future development in oil and gas sector and beyond the borders of Guyana. Parents believe that this is contributing to the increase in violence and indiscipline in schools, the high level of school drop outs and illiteracy. This leaves the parents and students to find solutions to the country’s failing education system which reflects a serious disconnect between the government’s idea of schooling and theirs.

Bank Of Montreal Offers Assistance To Guyana In Oil And Gas Industry With the realization that Guyana in the near future will be an oil producing nation, a number of international organizations are taking notice and has begun offering assistance and advice to the Government of Guyana. The Bank of Montreal is the latest to provide assistance for the development of Guyana’s oil and gas industry. The Bank on Wednesday, made a presentation on the likely financial impacts to members of the subcommittee on oil and gas and stakeholder ministers. The presentation was held at the Marriott Hotel, Georgetown. Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman revealed to the Government Information Agency (GINA) that the Bank of Montreal had reached out to Guyana because, “Guyana’s find of oil is considered one of the best in the world right now.” “The Bank of Montreal had reached out to Guyana about two months ago asking to be able to give a presentation on the financial side of the oil and gas industry, the ups and downs of the market, financial services that are available,” Trotman said. Trotman, who has oversight responsibility for the natural resources sector, said a number of initiatives will be unfolding. “Next month we’re going to be having a workshop on the financial part of it and so developments are taking place we are working in finalising legislation and honing our efforts,” the Minister said. According to Trotman, the government is also working to ensure that when the industry comes on board, it honours its social responsibility. “The ministry is also developing a corporate social responsibility programme which will look at leadership and mentoring for youth so that the idea is to prepare and present a next generation of leaders for Guyana,” Minister Trotman said. This year,

ExxonMobil’s Liza-2 offshore exploration found high propensity sandstone reservoirs that could produce more than 1.4 billion barrels of recoverable high quality oil. It is estimated that within the next five to seven years Guyana could begin producing this oil. Since the discovery, several other organisations and countries including the US and Norway have offered their assistance to Guyana towards the development of an effective oil and gas industry.

The team from the Bank of Montreal begins their financial presentation.




The Ministry Of Social Protection Would Be Assisting Ms. Gloria Downer, A Foster Mother Of Seven, Who Lost Her Home In A Fire Last Weekend. Mrs. Downer, who lived at No. 78 Village, Corriverton, Region Six said that she is unaware of the origin of the fire, as she was not at home at the time it started and only noticed her house engulfed in black smoke on her way home from the market. At present she and her foster children are staying at a neighbour’s house since she lost everything in the fire. According to the woman, her neighours have been assisting them with food and clothing, but she needs support to procure supplies for the children to return to school and to provide a home for them. Minister Lawrence committed to helping

her and noted that she will work with the Ministry of Housing to see how best her housing need could be accommodated. Ministry of Social Protection Press Release

Jobs, Security Major Concerns Of Rose Hall Residents working to reduce and prevent crime countrywide.

Residents are appreciative of the David G initiative which is bringing them much reprieve from the financial hardships of sending their children to school, but they still have several pressing concerns, many of which they raised with Social Protection Minister Volda Lawrence and Member of Parliament John Adams when they visited Region Six yesterday. These concerns were raised when the Minister and Adams stopped at the St. Francis Community Developers to meet members of the public to address social issues. Among the main issues highlighted for urgent action were the lack of jobs, security in the community, and teenage pregnancy. Minister Lawrence apprised them of several initiatives undertaken to address social issues such as teenage pregnancy. She also noted that Government is working assiduously with numerous partners to address job creation. Similarly, the Ministry of Public Security and the Guyana Police Force are

Ministry of Social Protection Press Release




Steven Campbell - A Social Hero Steven Campbell was one of the main pillars of the fomentation of the Guyanese Republic. His progressive political approach to the necessities of Guyana as a premature nation gave him the qualification of social hero. Steven Joseph Campbell was born in Moruca, a district of the Barima Waini region, on December 26, 1897. His parents died at an early age, being raised by his grandmother, who became the guide for the young Steven. She instilled in him the importance of discipline and education, along with the necessity of keeping a calm spirit staying close to God. He grew up to be a devote catholic with a passion for learning. Campbell studied at the Santa Rosa Mission School, institution that triggered his love for pedagogy. After finishing fomenting his education, Campbell worked as a teacher and as a catechist in various regions, allowing him to be in direct contact with the problems in this communities. Their lack of governmental support contributed to the ultimate isolation of this settlements, limiting their possibilities of development. This facts touched the young Campbell on a profound way. Knowledge can be as powerful as the deadliest weapon. A colonial Guyana that was pursuing their way to independence, couldn’t afford gaps on the different sectors of the society. Unification was the ultimate goal, and Campbell wanted to become a herald of this idea. He founded the first school in the village of Sawariwau, during the early 20s and later became the Head Teacher of St. Louis School and Assistant Teacher in the Martindale School, in the Pomeroon region and Catechist Teacher among the Wapisiana Indians in the Rupununi district. Campbell didn’t limit his teaching only into the classroom. A functional community is a prosperous one. He shared his insights about road construction, gold mining, rubber tapping, fishing and tree spotting. Changing the perspective of the habitants of this settlements towards their surroundings, and how these could be exploited. But the Amerindian community needed representation. They needed to be heard and Campbell was their voice. From 1951 he ventured into politics. He worked as an electoral officer for the elections in 1953, and became the first Amerindian to contest the General Elections in British Guiana 1956, opening a wide doors of opportunities in the world of politics. On September 10th, 1957 he became the first Amerindian Member of Parliament in Guyanese history, writing a new chapter for Campbell and the Amerindian community. He subsequently joined the National Labor Front. From this point on, his main focus was social integration and equality a problem that wasn’t only seen on the interior, but in the country as a general issue that separated the masses and their ideals. Among his greater achievements during his period in the Parliament, were the elaboration of health and education centers, as well as the elaboration of the Amerindian Act, a document that emphasized on the land rights of the Amerindians and which was adopted after the Guyana’s Independence in 1966. Campbell died on May 12, 1966, just two weeks before Guyana won Independence from Great Britain. After his death, September was chosen as the month to celebrate Amerindian Heritage Month, paying tribute the Mr. Campbell’s legacy. This year the homage was held on September 27 at the conical palm thatched hut, Umana Yana. Eighteen women and men who have contributed to the development of Guyana, were also honored with the memory of Mr. Campbell. Steven Campbell’s many achievements were a reflection of his commitment towards the development of one the most vulnerable section of the society. He

gave voice to the nine Amerindian tribe. But a legacy can be forgotten if not followed by the succeeding generations. Today, national acceptance and equality still haunts the Amerindian communities. S o u r c e :

Stephen Campbell with a petition presented at the London Constitutional Conference. Stephen Joseph Campbell ( 1897-1966)

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GUYANA DAILY NEWS Guyana Government Silent On Visit By Head Of Islamic Organisation PAGE 87

By Ray Chickrie Caribbean News Now contributor GEORGETOWN, Guyana -- A one-day official visit to Guyana on Tuesday by the secretary general of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Iyad Ameen Madani, was neither publicised by the government nor covered in any way by the state-owned media – the government news agency (GINA) and the Guyana Chronicle. However, while in Georgetown, Madani met the vice president and minister of foreign affairs of Guyana, Carl Greenidge. Discussions focused on further strengthening the existing relations between the OIC, its institutions, and Guyana. Madani and Greenidge underlined the importance of issues like Palestine, OIC Strategic Plan of Action 2025, microfinance, cooperation in the field of women, youth and sports and other issues of mutual concern on the agenda of the upcoming 43rd Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM). Greenidge was again invited to attend the OIC foreign ministers meeting, which will take place in Uzbekistan from October 18-19. Greenidge also briefed the secretary general on the regional challenges facing Guyana, with particular reference to Guyana-Venezuela land and maritime border dispute. The OIC's readiness for any possible


assistance in this regard was conveyed to the minister by Madani, according to an OIC press release on Wednesday. The secretary general also visited the offices of the Central Islamic Organization of Guyana (CIOG) and met with its high officials. He took a tour of the school run by the CIOG and visited the Central Mosque of Georgetown. (Caribbean News Now!)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Tropical Storm Matthew Forms, Moves Into Eastern Caribbean Sea Tropical storm conditions are possible in Aruba, Bonaire and By Caribbean News Now contributor PAGE 88

MIAMI, USA -- As expected, Tropical Storm Matthew formed early Wednesday as the system moved through the Windward Islands into the eastern Caribbean, bringing heavy rains and high winds and forcing the closure of government offices and schools in several islands. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, at 5:00 pm EDT Wednesday, the centre of Matthew was located about 65 miles (110 km) west of Saint Lucia and about 480 miles (775 km) east-northeast of Curacao, moving toward the west near 18 mph (30 km/h). On the forecast track, the centre of Matthew will move away from the Windward Islands through Wednesday evening, and be over the eastern and central Caribbean Sea through Friday. Maximum sustained winds are near 60 mph (95 km/h) with higher gusts. Strengthening is expected during the next couple of days, and Matthew is forecast to become a hurricane by Friday. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 205 miles (335 km) primarily to the northeast of the centre. A tropical storm watch has been issued for Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao. A tropical storm warning is in effect for Barbados, Dominica, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Lucia, and St Vincent and the Grenadines. Interests along the coast of Venezuela and Colombia should monitor the progress of Matthew. Tropical storm conditions were expected to continue through Wednesday evening over the southern Leeward Islands and northern Windward Islands within the warning areas.


Curacao, beginning late Thursday. Matthew is expected to produce total rainfall accumulations of 4 to 8 inches across the Windward Islands and southern portions of the Leeward Islands through Thursday. These rains may produce life-threatening flash floods and mud slides. Rainfall totals of 1 to 2 inches are expected farther to the north into the northern Leeward Islands, including the US and British Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Rainfall totals of 1 to 3 inches are expected over Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao through Friday. (Caribbean News Now!)

Tropical Storm Matthew five-day forecast track. NHC/NOAA graphic

Over 200 Suspected Zika Cases In St Kitts-Nevis, Says Chief Medical Officer By Toni Frederick BASSETERRE, St Kitts (WINN) -- There are over 200 suspected cases of the zika virus in St Kitts and Nevis, says the newly appointed acting chief medical officer Dr Hazel Laws. “To date we have approximately 218 suspected cases of zika virus, based on their presentation with the symptoms. Low grade fever, rash, conjunctivitis… joint ad muscle pain, so based on their symptomology we have approximately 218 suspected cases,” Laws revealed on Wednesday, speaking on local radio.“In order for a case to be confirmed, that individual would have gotten a test, a blood or a urine test and then the sample sent off to the lab and then it’s tested, and… if it’s positive, it would be laboratory confirmed. So a case is confirmed through laboratory testing,” she explained. Meanwhile, deputy chief environmental health officer Jermaine Lake said it was inevitable that the zika virus would surface in St Kitts and Nevis. “Every other country around us had reported cases, but… we couldn’t report cases unless we had persons showing up with the symptoms and then we get the blood samples and send to CARPHA… so we were in a state where we suspect that it’s here, but we can’t report to GIS that we have it. That would… irresponsible,” Lake said on

Wednesday. The department of environmental health is focusing on public education and the elimination and reduction of mosquito breeding sites, but will be implementing a fogging schedule in the coming days. “Hopefully in a matter of days you should be hearing about our fogging schedule,” chief environmental health officer Alex Riley told listeners. (Caribbean News Now!)




Trinidad And Tobago's Deadline For Passing US Tax Legislation Looms As Politicians 'Play Games' PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad -- The deadline for Trinidad and Tobago to become a signatory to the United States’ Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is September 30, 2016. The law, which the US Congress enacted in 2010, strives to ensure that US citizens and residents with financial assets outside of the country are paying taxes. The legislation gives US banks the power to withhold a portion (up to 30%) of payments made to foreign financial institutions that do not agree to release information on their customers who have US accounts. In fact, they can even refuse to do business with them altogether. Noncompliance would therefore have far-reaching effects: critical banking services such as credit card use, wire transfers and remittances would be cut off, Trinidad and Tobago's economy -- already sluggish thanks to low energy prices -- would further weaken, and the general cost of living and doing business would increase. Yet, the bill has still not been passed in the country's parliament. Even though the government is unanimously voting for compliance, the current opposition -- which had put forward the bill when they were in government -- now appears to be stonewalling its passage. The government has 23 members in the House of Representatives, but 26 votes are needed to pass the bill. Despite its insistence that “nobody wants to pass this bill more than [them]”, in the parliamentary sitting of September 23, 2016, every single member of the opposition voted “No” (54:46 on the timeline of this video). For its part, the opposition has accused the government of “politicising the issue”. The leader of the opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, explained that she and her colleagues are worried about “the draconian provisions in the Bill, which are in no way necessary to give effect to the agreement”. In his presentation to parliament, minister of finance Colm Imbert noted, “Clause 8 -- the opposition has a problem with this. Nothing in Section 4 of the Income Tax Act, Data Protection Act or any other law of like effect prevents the disclosure of information. The opposition maintains that this strips our citizens of any protection that the law may give to them.” Although the government has said that they addressed three of the opposition's seven concerns, the matter never went to debate. After Imbert made his presentation in parliament last Friday, he asked the speaker of the house for a one-hour adjournment, during which time the two sides could sit down and hammer out the amendments to the bill. But the opposition refused. Soon after the parliamentary sitting resumed, the opposition leader was reprimanded by the house speaker and asked to leave. The rest of the opposition (save one member) -- in an apparent show of solidarity -- walked out. Theoretically, parliament would be able to meet on September 30 and pass the bill just in time to meet the deadline -- but that is the date on which the minister of finance will present the country's 2017 budget, so there is no chance of FACTA being tabled for discussion then. Unless the United States agrees to extend the deadline, which at this point seems likely, Trinidad and Tobago will be left in a tenuous position. No matter what happens, though, netizens are incensed. Wired 868's news blogger Mr Live Wire quipped: "Quite unhelpfully, Finance Minister Colm Imbert booked his Budget speech on the same day. Presumably, Imbert did not foresee that the [opposition United National Congress] UNC would feign such a startling ignorance of what is at stake here." Of course, that is not to say that he agreed with the legislation so much as he resigned himself to the fact that compliance had to happen: In essence, every bank in the world will become non-paid informants of the IRS. The cost of America’s witch hunt for tax evaders was estimated to be around eight times the value of income the IRS expects to recoup. So, to make this exercise financially viable, the IRS

will let the banks pick up the tab for their investigation of US citizens who are using their services. […] So, should Trinidad and Tobago object to accepting such a costly and invasive excursion into its own banking system by the Yanks? Of course! We should also refuse to fork out TT$300 for a plate of pasta at those stoosh [posh] restaurants in west Trinidad. But if you are there already and want to get fed, you will pay. And if you want access to the US banking system, you will do the same. Otherwise, the IRS will start by withholding 30 percent of financial transfers -- even Moneygram and Western Union -- to locals, whether they are American or not, until they can prove they are not involved in tax evasion. Meanwhile, the Bankers Association of Trinidad and Tobago supports the bill, the business chambers issued calls for compliance and the country's Securities and Exchange Commission has provided its feedback. Netizens, however, appear to be divided across political lines. One Facebook user, Gideon Charles, called the opposition's refusal to vote for the bill a desperate attempt at destabilisation, speculating that the opposition does not want FACTA compliance “because it would divulge the pilfering, the embezzling of taxpayers’ money by the former, now Opposition UNC government”. Others were more tongue in cheek, while Facebook user Susan Charles called out the minister of finance on his political posturing: "Imbert stop playing games with the FACTA bill by saying you hoping for an extension yes the deadline is Friday but ent [didn't] you already get an extension stop pretending… This is Trinidad and somebody always know somebody and so mark does bust [local saying which means what is done in the dark will soon come to light]" Still, Imbert insisted that “the bill […] is identical to the bill prepared by the People's Partnership government. It's the same bill, word for word.” With the passing of the bill still in limbo, social media users in the Caribbean nation wonder whether the government and opposition will come together for the greater good -- or in the words of Mr Live Wire: Russia President Vladimir Putin also railed against FATCA, which he described as an attack on Russian sovereignty. Then, 24 hours before the US deadline, Putin caved and signed on 30 June 2014. Think Sarcastic Smurf [a snide reference to Imbert] can drive a harder bargain than a man who rides horses bareback in Siberia and invades neighbouring countries in his spare time? FATCA chance! Just sign the damn thing and done, Kamla! (Caribbean News Now!)

A screen shot of a Parliament Channel YouTube video, showing the parliamentary debate of Friday, September 23, 2016, in Trinidad and Tobago




Puerto Rico unity, A Bright Spot In The Darkness Of A Territory-wide Blackout SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- Things have more or less gone back to normal in Puerto Rico after a power failure on the afternoon of September 21 practically paralyzed the entire archipelago for three days, though for some people electricity was restored much later. Not even the island municipalities of Vieques and Culebra could escape the effects of the blackout, or apagón, as it's called in Spanish. Immediate economic losses for the blackout have been estimated at around US$1 billion. The Department of Education reported that the amount of food that spoiled in the public school meal program due to the power failure is equivalent to at least $103,941. And some of Puerto Rico's reservoirs, like La Plata, have no emergency backup power, which meant that about 250,000 people were also left without water service. Amid the darkness, Puerto Ricans’ solidarity with fellow neighbors shone brightly. During the blackout, things ran fairly smoothly, considering the almost complete collapse of basic services. No looting and no violence related to the blackout were reported. Because traffic lights weren't functioning, the roads were tricky, but no major accidents were reported either. At the busiest intersections, police were dispatched to direct traffic, which helped immensely. The blackout meant hardship for Puerto Ricans, but it also brought out the best qualities of many. Many people who either had emergency power plants or who had their electricity restored offered friends and neighbors -- and sometimes, complete strangers -- the chance to either cook some food or recharge their electric fans, radios or smartphones. (Needless to say, the blackout did not prevent people from using social media to communicate and to keep up to date on the power authority's progress on restoring electricity.) It also did not stop the commemoration of the Grito de Lares (The Cry of Lares) on September 23, which marks the day when the independence movement of the 19th century in Puerto Rico launched a rebellion against the Spanish government in the mountainous town of Lares in 1868. Back then, Puerto Rican freedom fighters were in solidarity with Cubans struggling for their own independence. The cause of the blackout remains unclear as of this writing. A fire at the Aguirre plant located near the southeastern coast of the main island of Puerto Rico is what provoked the collapse of the entire system, but it is not yet known what caused the fire. Puerto Rico's electrical needs are provided solely by the Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica (AEE) or Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) in English, a public corporation, which has been in the news for the past few years due to the approximately $9 billion debt it is trying to renegotiate. Unsurprisingly, after the government has already spent $43 million hiring debt restructuring experts for the public corporation, some are calling for the privatization of PREPA, ignoring the implications that privatization would have on a

country where over 40% of the population is considered to live below the poverty line. Renewable energy has long been mentioned as the way to go for PREPA. Indeed, Puerto Rico has no shortage of options when it comes to alternative forms of energy. Because of its geographic location in the Caribbean, Puerto Rico could easily harness the power of the sun, wind and sea to satisfy its energy needs. But historically, the government has only halfheartedly, at best, pursued these options, opting instead to rely on fossil fuels to meet its energy demand. The blackout also hit when Puerto Rico, a US territory with limited rights of citizenship, was already smarting from recent decisions taken by the US government that diminish its autonomy. The greater significance of the apagón was probably best expressed by Maritza Stanchich, a professor of English at the University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras, who wrote for the Huffington Post a rather poignant observation: The blackout spells the collapse of the Free Associated State -- or “Commonwealth” as Puerto Rico has been called euphemistically -- in even more tangible terms than all the seismic events of the past year, including two US Supreme Court rulings that annulled Puerto Rico’s Constitution and sovereignty -- or exposed it as the apparent lie it always was. The blackout also portends the coming storm of the federallyimposed fiscal control board, instituted as part of PROMESA, the Orwellian-sounding law named for its acronym, Spanish for “promise.” President Obama’s recently announced appointees to the fiscal control board promise neoliberal economic austerity to do the bidding of vulture hedge funds, as well as social unrest. With such distressing political and economic context, Puerto Ricans’ kindness and cooperation with their neighbors during the blackout was indeed a bright spot. (Caribbean News Now!)

Workers from the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) at the Aguirre power plant near the southeastern coast of Puerto Rico during the blackout which affected all the islands of Puerto Rico on Wednesday, September 21. Screenshot taken from video




JetBlue Adds Fifth New York Flight To Grenada In January increase in arrivals from New York largely due to the presence of

ST GEORGE’S, Grenada - Travellers between New York and Grenada will have the option to chose from five nonstop flights per week starting in January 2017. JetBlue Airways is increasing its flight frequency to five times a week from the current four times weekly. Effective 9th January 2017, JetBlue is adding a Monday flight to its weekly service on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. This Monday service will continue until 30th January and resume on 13th February 2017 continuously. In welcoming the news, minister of tourism and civil aviation, Dr Clarice Modeste-Curwen, spoke of the benefits to Grenada of this additional option. “Increased airlift from this very important source market provides the opportunity to bring more visitors and Grenadians residing abroad to Grenada. This Monday flight boosts Grenada’s weekly seat capacity from New York to 750. It will therefore allow a greater number of visitors and Grenadians an additional option of travel to Grenada to enjoy the product diversity of our tri-island home, the grandeur of our cuisine and the hospitable attitude of Grenadians. These exposures help to create those enduring vacation memories of the Spice of the Caribbean,” she said. Chairman of the Grenada Tourism Authority (GTA) Rodney George, in welcoming the decision of JetBlue to add an additional flight, stated, “New York is the US state that contributes the largest amount of visitors to Grenada. Last year, 19,000 stay-over arrivals were from New York with the absence of JetBlue for the first five months. Between January and July 2016, we’ve seen a 19%

JetBlue’s four-day weekly flights.” He further stated that JetBlue has once again demonstrated confidence in Grenada as a tourism destination and that the GTA looks forward to further strengthening this relationship. JetBlue Airways began its flight service to Grenada from JFK airport on 14th June 2015 with two flights per week, and increased to three flights per week on 15th September 2015. Added to its current four-day weekly service, in July, the airline announced the addition of its premium Mint service to Grenada starting 21st January 2017. (Caribbean News Now!)

Tobago’s Autonomy Bill Is Headed To Cabinet Tobago – THA – Chief Secretary Orville London is reminding Tobagonians that it is their responsibility to participate in Sunday’s convention at the Lowlands Multipurpose Facility, starting at 3 p.m., where the public will have one final chance to voice their views on the draft bill for Tobago’s autonomy. The draft bill will be submitted to Cabinet by the end of October 2016. The Chief Secretary made the comment earlier today at a media conference at the Administrative Complex, Calder Hall, to update the public on the process from here on. London said the reason the process has taken so long is that the Forum of Political Parties, which has led the campaign for Tobago’s autonomy, has focused on extensive public consultations. This, London added, will ensure the final draft bill that goes to Cabinet by the end of October best represents the views of the majority of Tobagonians. He cautioned, however, that there will not be total consensus on every issue. “I want to caution that regardless of the final decision, there is not going to be unanimity,” the Chief Secretary stated. “And therefore there are going to be areas where people are not going to be comfortable, but what I want people to accept is that we have been more consultative in this process than I think any other similar process in the history of this country.” London described the Forum as being a “conduit” for the mandate of Tobagonians in the island’s quest for self-determination. He said the draft bill is not about the views of the political parties involved. “We were the people who got the information, disseminated the information to as wide a cross section of people as possible and then coming out of that, we present a bill to the people of Tobago,” he stated. The discussions at the convention will centre on a number of areas where there has been no final consensus. These include whether self-government should be

implemented in a one-off process or incrementally; provisions for the new THA Act (such as the judiciary and public utilities); and the definition of Tobago’s boundaries as a “sub-region” of Trinidad and Tobago. Issues such as the structure of government that will follow self-government status, the Tobago Service Commission, the Tobago Ombudsman and provisions for financing the THA have also produced varying views, as well as mechanisms for dispute resolution, the application of national laws in Tobago and the transition to an autonomous region are also on the list. (Antigua Observer)

Arnos Vale, Tobago (Source:


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Schoolboy Killed In St Vincent As Tropical Storm Matthew Passes PAGE 92


home, to clear a path for water that was flooding the house in Layou, a small town in the southwestern parish of St. Andrew. But a bolder rolled down from the nearby cliff as he was doing so, and he was pinned against the house. Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, who is in Barbados, called in on the state-owned National TROPICAL STORM MATTHEW’S HEAVY RAINS Broadcasting Corporation CAUSED FLOODING AND OVERFLOWED RIVERS late last night and expressed . THE PHOTO AT LEFT, SHOWS THE SITUATION sympathy to the boy’s AT ONE BRIDGE. (PHOTO CREDIT: ĴÒJÔ BÄÊ family. He also assured that VIA IWITNESS NEWS.) AT RIGHT, OCCUPANTS OF THIS HOUSE ESCAPED UNHURT WHEN his government would assist THIS WALL COLLAPSED LAST NIGHT. (PHOTO those who needed help in the CREDIT: IWITNESS NEWS) aftermath of the storm. “I am INGSTOWN, St. Vincent and very sorry about the death of the young the Grenadines, Thursday man in Layou, and also those who have September 29, 2016 – A teenage suffered any physical damage, and for boy is dead after being crushed by a those who have suffered loss . . . The boulder as Tropical Storm Matthew authorities are working in a focused passed St. Vincent and the Grenadines manner and we will mobilize the last night. According to local media necessary resources, as we have always reports, the secondary school student, done, not just for this relief period but for whose name has not yet been released, t h e p e r i o d o f r e c o v e r y a n d was trying to remove debris behind his reconstruction,” he said.


“I want you to know that my prayers are with you. I’ve been praying for you, the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and I want you to know that I love you and I’m there with you and focused with you at this moment,” the Vincentian leader told residents. Dr. Gonsalves has been struck in Barbados in Tuesday as he tried to return home from meetings in the United States and Puerto Rico last week, according to iWitness News. Tropical Storm Matthew battered St. Vincent and the Grenadines with heavy rains and winds during the night. There were reports of landslides and rivers overflowing their banks, causing flooding and prompting some residents to leave their homes and seek shelter elsewhere. There were almost 300 people in emergency shelters up to last night. There were also power outages in some areas. There will be no school for the rest of the week, and businesses and government offices will remain closed today. The E. T. Joshua Airport, which was flooded last night, also remains closed today. However, the tropical storm warning that had been issued for St. Vincent and the Grenadines yesterday has been discontinued. (Caribbean360)

Barbados Back In Business After Storm Floods, Causes Damage


RIDGETOWN, Barbados, Thursday September 29, 2016 – The all-clear has been given for business to resume as normal in Barbados following the passage of Tropical Storm Matthew which caused flooding and damage in some parts of the island. While businesses and government departments were given the go-ahead at 5:45 this morning to reopen, and transportation services began rolling out a few hours after the announcement, Deputy Director of the Department of E m e rg e n c y M a n a g e m e n t ( D E M ) Captain Robert Harewood said schools would remain closed.The system began affecting the island as a tropical wave throughout the course of Tuesday night and into Wednesday morning, with some

widely scattered light to moderate evening, but conditions improved into showers and occasional gusty winds. the night, and at 10 p.m. the tropical Conditions deteriorated later in the storm warning was discontinued. morning, with some pockets of moderate However, the DEM said at that time it to heavy showers, periods of rain, would wait until daylight hours to give thunderstorms and gusty winds. But most the all-clear. (Caribbean News Now!) of the damage came in the afternoon, after Tropical Storm Matthew developed. The downpours caused flooding in some areas. Tropical Storm Matthew’s strong winds blew off roofs and downed power lines and trees – some of which fell on nearby vehicles. There were also power outages in some districts and water was shut THERE WERE SEVERAL REPORTS OF DOWNED off in some areas. The inclement TREES AND POLES CRASHING INTO VEHICLES. weather continued into the (PHOTO CREDIT: BARBADOS TODAY)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Carmona Denies Employee’s Company Used: ‘Wine From Italy Was Cheaper’ PAGE 93


$342,682, he said. “As a result of the cost effective purchase, the Office of the President has not made any additional purchases of quality wines since late 2014, 2015, 2016 and we anticipate 2017, notwithstanding the increased number of events hosted and paid for by their excellencies under the presidential budget,” he added. He justified the spend, however, saying the importation of high quality wines cut significantly the rest of the alcohol budget. By removing the champagne alone, he said they cut alcohol expenses by some $600,000 a year. On the use of the presidential seal on the bottles of wine, he said: “The use of the crest/seal of the Head of State on bottles of wine or spirits to be served at official functions is not unique to Trinidad and Patrons at Pancho’s Bar, Edward Street, Port-of-Spain, watch President Anthony Carmona’s Tobago.” He cited the United Kingdom, press conference at his office, in St Ann’s, yesterday. PHOTO: ABRAHAM DIAZ where he said there are whiskies named the House of Lords and the House of Commons resident Anthony Carmona says “contrary to false and incorrect media reports, neither Ms Pramati Noe, former with the seal of the UK Parliament, which are presented by private secretary to the President, nor Antonio Piccolo members of both houses as official gifts. purchased, nor imported quality wines on behalf of the Office of In the US, he said at the White House “an exclusive beer is the President.” Additionally, he said, Italian Import/Export brewed for the President and his guests.” He listed some Limited, a registered local company and/or its directors, neither positives of the Presidential wine, saying “there is no corporate purchased nor imported any wine on behalf of the office of the branding or advertisement on the wine bottles of a supplier” President.He made the comment yesterday in response to and it is used strictly for official functions of the Office of the queries over whether his office had properly tendered for the President. The wines with the crest and seal, he said, “can be purchase of the wine and whether he had used the services of an monitored and audited so as to prevent theft and employee’s company to do so. Carmona said they utilised “a disappearance,” and the wines cannot be “commercially sold, well-established registered local company to be the agent who exchanged or be available to the public outside of State facilitated the purchase and importation of such quality wines.” functions and events.” He said the wines have also never been He said the wines were neither bottled nor labelled in Trinidad sold, exchanged or given as a gift. “Anyone found in possession of a full bottle of the wine with the presidential seal/crest can be and Tobago but gave no detail as to the company used. “The purchase of the quality wines (red wine, white wine and charged with being in unlawful possession of stolen goods,” he sparkling wine) has been conducted with the requisite said. He said the use of the “replica of the seal of the President transparency, due diligence and in keeping with proper on bottles of wine for functions and events does not infringe or procurement practices as advised,” he said. He said when he violate any law of the republic of Trinidad and Tobago.” The assumed office he realised the cost of “wine, champagne and issue of the presidential seal, he said, did “not infringe or violate cuisine” was too high and a decision was taken to remove any law. It is for the exclusive use of the office of the President.” champagne and reduce the cost of food for events. He said He said while use of the Coat of Arms required the permission “given the high local and regional market prices for quality of the National Emblem Committee, no such permission was wines, the office sourced comparable quality wines (white required for use of the presidential seal. The crest and the seal, wine, red wine and sparkling wines) at reasonable prices from a he said, was “exclusive to the Head of State and the Office of the well-respected vineyard in Italy.” The cost of the wine bought President in the performance of his functions and in 2014, he said, “was erroneously stated in the media as administrative duties. It is the symbol of the President and the $1,000,000,” but actually amounted to $1,483,638.40. The office he holds.” The crest/seal he said was used on all, purchase was made in three voucher payments on the following stationery, cutlery,crockery, napkins and vehicles and other dates: One on November 28, 2014 for $793,472.40, another on diverse things. (Trinidad Guardian) May 1, 2015 for $347,484 and a third voucher on July 27 for





Work Resumes In Dominica After Storm But PM Urges Caution OSEAU, Dominica, Thursday September 29, 2016 – no power in the southern part of Dominica, or in parts of the


Even as large portions of Dominica remained without power on Thursday after Tropical Storm Matthew passed, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit announced that business and government agencies would resume operations as normal today. Schools, however, remain closed for the rest of the week to ensure the safety of the island’s children, he said. “We don’t want to have a situation where we have our children at school and the after effects of the rain manifests themselves and our students find themselves in difficulties,” Skerrit explained on the state-owned DBS Radio this morning. As for those heading to work, the Prime Minister urged them to exercise caution. “We have received a tremendous amount of rain and also wind. Therefore, we are asking for people to be cautious and careful as they move around doing their own business. Because of the level of saturation which the soil has, one can expect land slippages, erosions, landslides, mudslides and the like.” The tropical storm warning that had been in place for Dominica, along with five other Caribbean islands has been discontinued. But Skerrit noted that forecasters expected rain throughout the course of the day and the weather situation would therefore be monitored. Also speaking on radio, public relations officer of the Dominica Electricity Services Ltd (DOMLEC) Adina Bellot-Valentine confirmed that there was

north, west, and east. “As the weather eases up or as it permits we will try to restore power as quickly as possible,” she said, noting that some high voltage lines and poles were down. Other damage reported as a result of the storm’s passage was flooding and landslides. The storm passed just a month after the oneyear anniversary of Tropical Storm Erika which devastated Dominica with its torrential rains on August 27, 2015. (Caribbean360)


OPECccording Willto the Reduce Production Of Crude Oil To 32.5 Million Barrels Venezuelan Newspaper.


El Nacional, the 14 countries members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) agreed, on a meeting held in Algeria, to reduce the production of crude oil to 32.5million barrels daily by 2017. This quantity will be accomplished with the reduction of 740.000 barrels produced by the members of OPEC, figure that represents 33, 24million barrels daily. The idea about the reduction of the production of crude oil has been among the principal topics of discussion between the country members of the OPEC, for the last three years period in which the prices of petroleum have been in constant downfall. The necessity to implement a radical measure to stop the oil prices from falling, was lifted by Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Venezuela during a conference held by the country members during this summer. The decision was taken with the crude oil reduction. After the news about the after three hours of talks. The consensus will become official, agreement went public, the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) after the countries members of the OPEC meet in Vienna on increased the crude value to 5, 32% closing with 47, 05 dollars November 30.This convention will be focused in defining the p e r b a r r e l . S o u r c e : h t t p : / / w w w . e l pumping levels of each country. The invitation for the could be extended to countries willing to cooperate millones-ba...




Venezuela To Be Expelled From MERCOSUR In December rgentinian President,


Mauricio Macri has criticized the radicalization of the Venezuelan government and its negative influence in the regional block as a member of the MERCOSUR. According to the Brazilian Newspaper O Globo, the Argentinian President is deeply concerned about the alleged violations of the Venezuelan Government of the requirements outlined by the MERCOSUR, in order to stay as an active member of this organization. Two of the stipulations are the Mauricio Macri. President of Argentina promotion and protection of the Human Rights, and the fulfillment of Macri highlighted the collapse of the t h e a g r e e m e n t s s t i p u l a t e d b y democratic system in Venezuela and MERCOSUR as a regional body. the economic crisis, as two of the T h e s e s t i p u l a t i o n s a r e t o b e main causes for the country to be promulgated as laws by the country expelled of the organization in members. Caracas has a deadline December. Macri and Peruvian until December 1st to achieve those President, Pablo Kuczynski agreed to propose another convention with the commitments. active members of MERCOSUR, in

order to devise strategies to pressure the Venezuelan leader and help the country to stay as a member of the organization. Source: nomia/macri-afirma-que-venezuelapode-deixar-...




Kashmir Attack: India 'Launches Strikes Against Militants’ India's army says it has carried out "surgical strikes" against suspected militants along the de-facto border with Pakistan in Kashmir. The operation was aimed at preventing attacks being planned by Pakistan-based militants, a senior army official said. He said "significant casualties have been caused to the terrorists and those who are trying to support them". Pakistan denies India carried out any strikes and says two of its soldiers were killed in cross-border shelling. "The notion of surgical strike linked to alleged terrorists' bases is an illusion being deliberately generated by India to create false effects," the Pakistani military said in a statement. Pakistan said its soldiers died in "unprovoked" firing along the Line of Control dividing the disputed region. A territorial dispute between the two countries over Muslim-majority Kashmir has been running for decades, but tensions flared earlier this month after a militant attack on an Indian army base in Kashmir left 18 soldiers dead. India blamed the attack on Pakistan, which denied the claim. What do we know about the 'strikes'? India's military gave few details of the operation it says it carried out overnight. At a joint press briefing by the army and the foreign ministry, officials said the "motive of the operation was to hit out at terrorists who were planning to infiltrate into our territory". India's Director General of Military Operations, Lt Gen Ranbir Singh, also blamed Pakistan for "being unable to control terror activities in territories under its control". "Based on receiving specific and credible inputs that some terrorist teams had positioned themselves at launch pads along the Line of Control to carry out infiltration and conduct terrorist strikes inside Jammu and Kashmir and in various metros in other states, the Indian army conducted surgical strikes at several of these launch pads to pre-empt infiltration by terrorists," a statement said. It said the "surgical strikes" had caused "significant damage to terrorists". But the army did not say whether troops had entered Pakistanadministered Kashmir or had fired across the border. However, the Press Trust of India quoted sources saying the operation took place between midnight and 04:30 local time on Thursday, that it was a combination of helicopter and ground forces, and seven militant

"launch pads" had been targeted. Some unconfirmed Indian media reports said more than 30 militants had been killed in the operation. Pakistani army officials said the fighting started in the early hours of Thursday morning and continued for about six hours. Why now? Narendra Modi's BJP government swept to power promising a tough line on Pakistan, so it has been been under tremendous pressure to retaliate after the 18 September attack on the army base in Uri in Indian-administered Kashmir. The raid was the deadliest of its kind for years. "I assure the nation that those behind this despicable attack will not go unpunished," Mr Modi declared just hours after the base was attacked. There was also much talk of whether India should continue with its doctrine of "strategic restraint" against Pakistan. A "strike" now is seen by many observers as aimed at placating an angry domestic constituency and sending out the message that Mr Modi is a strong leader. What does Pakistan say? The country's prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, criticised the "unprovoked and naked aggression of Indian forces" and said his military was capable of thwarting "any evil design to undermine the sovereignty of Pakistan". Islamabad says India's stance is a "blatant attempt" to deflect attention from human rights abuses in the region. More than 80 people, nearly all antigovernment protesters, have died in more than two months of violence against Indian rule. Many say jingoism and war-mongering are the twin obsessions of a growing and increasingly prosperous middle class in India, and the reaction to the latest attack is quite predictable. #ModiPunishesPak was trending top of Twitter in India, hours after the media first reported "the strikes". The other top trending hashtags included #SurgicalStrike and #Indian Army. A Narendra Modi fan club account tweeted a clip from a Tom and Jerry cartoon film to show India spanking Pakistan. Government supporters gushed that this was a "proud moment for India", with one Bollywood actor thanking the army for doing what India "should have done 30 years ago". A clutch of news channels were waxing delirious on how India had taught Pakistan a lesson and speculated endlessly about the details of the operation. Things were much more serious between the two nuclear-armed rivals, they say, after the 2001 attack by Pakistan-based militants on the Indian parliament but there was no social media then, and the calls to escalate the conflict were more muted. Why is Kashmir so dangerous? Both India and Pakistan claim Muslim-majority Kashmir in its entirety but control only parts of it. The territorial dispute between the two countries has been running for over six decades, and two out of the three wars fought between the nuclear-armed rivals have been over Kashmir. As with every stand-off in Kashmir, the fear of many is that this could eventually escalate into a major clash between two nuclear-armed states. But most analysts still believe that is unlikely to happen and that sporadic clashes and diplomatic sabre-rattling are likely to continue. (BBC)

Relations between India and Pakistan have deteriorated in recent months(AFP)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Hoboken Station Crash: New Jersey Train Disaster 'Kills Three’ PAGE 97

Transit personnel survey the damage(GETTY IMAGES)


state of New Jersey. A local radio station anchor said the train went through ticket barriers and "into the reception area" of Hoboken station. Hoboken is across the Hudson River from New York City. Many commuters use the station to travel into Manhattan. A spokeswoman for New Jersey Transit, Jennifer Nelson, told reporters that 20 ambulances had arrived at the scene to take the injured to hospital. Photos on social media show extensive damage to the train carriages and station. Reports say people are trapped in the wrecked carriages. Ben Fairclough, a witness who was at the station, told the BBC the train appeared to have completely gone off the track. "I wasn't on the train, but I arrived just after it happened. There was water coming down off the roof and people climbing out through the windows. "There were people sitting down with blood coming from their head. There were lots of injuries." New Jersey Transit posted on Twitter that the service out of Hoboken station had been suspended as a result of the crash. (BBC)

A German Lion Escape: Sad End In Leipzig Zoo O t least three people are reported to have been killed and more than 100 injured, many of them critically, after a commuter train crashed into a railway station in the US

ne of two lions that escaped from an enclosure in Leipzig zoo in Germany has been shot dead after attempts to use a tranquilliser failed. The male lions, Majo and Motshegetsi, broke out of their enclosure and leapt over a moat at 08:40 (06:40 GMT) on Thursday, before the zoo opened. They were discovered in undergrowth in a terrified state. Although one of the lions was ushered back to its enclosure, the other remained agitated and had to be shot. "This is a very, very sad ending, which I really would not have wished for," zoo director Joerg Junhold told reporters. "But in this case personal safety had to take priority." The two animals, known as Etosha lions after an area of Namibia, arrived at Leipzig zoo only last month from the Swiss city of Basel. Saxony police tweet After the lions were found only a short distance from their enclosure, around 40

zookeepers surrounded them with vehicles in an attempt to usher them back. They succeeded in returning one of the animals three hours later with the aid of a fence, but the other lion became agitated as they tried to tranquillise it. Local media said Majo had survived, but Motshegetsi had been killed. The enclosure had been at the zoo for 15 years, the director said. They had never had problems before but would now review security. Crowds built up at the entrance to the zoo, but it was largely was closed on Thursday because of the lions' escape. The last time lions escaped from their enclosure in Leipzig zoo was in 1913, prompting a widespread hunt that ended with all six lions being killed, the Leipziger Volkszeitung reported. (BBC)




Obama: Congress Veto Override suddenly Of 9/11 Lawsuits Bill 'A Mistake' finding ourselves subject to private lawsuits." What cost? -

US President Barack Obama has said Congress made a "mistake" by overriding his veto and pushing through a bill that allows legal action against Saudi Arabia over the 9/11 attacks. He said the bill would set a "dangerous precedent" for individuals around the world to sue the US government. Wednesday's vote was the first time Mr Obama's veto power was overruled. CIA Director John Brennan agreed that the bill carried "grave implications" for national security. He added: "The downside is potentially huge." The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism (JASTA) legislation opens the door for victims' families to sue any member of the Saudi government suspected of playing a role in the 9/11 attacks. Fifteen of the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals, but the oil-rich kingdom - a key US ally - has denied any role in the attacks, which left nearly 3,000 people dead. While US intelligence raised suspicions about some of the hijackers' connections, the 9/11 commission found no evidence that senior Saudi officials, or the government as an institution, had funded the attackers. Mostly this was about showing solidarity with the families of 9/11 victims. Lawmakers across the board said they deserved their day in court, whatever the "diplomatic discomforts" involved in suing a foreign government. It would have been difficult to be seen to be voting against them, right after the 15th anniversary of the attacks, and just before an election. Even President Obama acknowledged that the politics were tough. But some Congress people share the families' suspicions of a certain degree of Saudi involvement, even if not at the highest levels of government as concluded by the 9/11 Commission. And they've become more willing to openly question this bedrock MidEast alliance because of other strains in the relationship, which contributed to the climate in which the vote was held. The Saudis have lobbied furiously against the bill, outlining in detail the steps they've taken since 2001 to disrupt fundraising for extremists by Islamic charities in the Kingdom, and to establish close counter terrorism cooperation with the US. The administration is worried the latter in particular might be affected by congress' action. Almost 3,000 people were killed when they deliberately flew planes they had seized into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Another hijacked plane was brought down in a field in Pennsylvania. Reacting to the congressional vote on Wednesday, Mr Obama told CNN: "It's a dangerous precedent and it's an example of why sometimes you have to do what's hard. "And, frankly, I wish Congress here had done what's hard. "The concern that I've had has nothing to do with Saudi Arabia per se or my sympathy for 9/11 families. "It has to do with me not wanting a situation where we're suddenly exposed to liabilities for all the work that we're doing all around the world and

US media wary "Wouldn't you know that Congress finally challenges President Obama on foreign policy, and it's in a bad cause that will harm US interests. Too bad the president did so little to stop it." - Wall Street Journal "There is a broader subtext to this legislation. The kingdom can no longer count on the US and - a far more dangerous reality - may no longer even want to. With a single vote, Congress may well have brought down on America a host of plagues many on Capitol Hill may only vaguely appreciate." - CNN Administration officials said they knew from the start that Obama's veto was unlikely to survive an override vote — the politics surrounding the bill had become so charged that they overwhelmed the more abstract arguments for the importance of respecting foreign sovereign immunity. - The Hill But families of the victims and their lawyers have dismissed these concerns. "We rejoice in this triumph and look forward to our day in court and a time when we may finally get more answers regarding who was truly behind the attacks," said Terry Strada, national chair of the 9/11 Families & Survivors United for Justice Against Terrorism. Saudi media blast Congress vote Saudi media have criticised the decision of the US Congress to overrule President Barack Obama's veto of legislation allowing families of victims of the 9-11 attacks to sue the Saudi government. And the Saudi-funded, pan-Arab Al-Arabia TV said: "Saudi Arabia has an arsenal of ways to respond to the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA)". The pro-government daily Saudi Okaz said in a banner headline: "The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism (JASTA) is a law against justice", while the pro-government Saudi daily Al-Jazeera carried a piece by Ahmed al-Farraj criticising the bill as "unfair". On social media, commentators were critical of the bill, with many users shrugging off its possible effects on Saudi Arabia, whose alleged support for terrorism they said was unproven. "JASTA poses no threat to Saudi Arabia as it has nothing to do with terrorism. No lawsuit will be filed against Saudi Arabia using JASTA except by resorting to false witnesses," tweeted Khalid Ashaerah (@KHALID_ASHAERAH), a pro-government author of books who has 110,000 followers. "Probably the greatest defeat for democratic thought achieved by members of the House of Representatives. Almost all neutral experts have agreed that JASTA is detrimental to the US," tweeted Mohamed al-Saidi (@mohamadalsaidi1), a progovernment Saudi professor of Islamic doctrine with 803,201 followers. 'Most embarrassing' Mr Obama suggested that his colleagues' voting patterns were influenced by political concerns. "If you're perceived as voting against 9/11 families right before an election, not surprisingly, that's a hard vote for people to take. "But it would have been the right thing to do." The Senate voted 97-1 and the House of Representatives 348-77, meaning the bill becomes law. White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters the vote was "the single most embarrassing thing the United States Senate has done" in decades. But the measure's supporters contended the legislation only applies to acts of terrorism that have occurred on US soil - and side-swiped at Mr Obama for his perceived prioritising of relations with Saudi Arabia. "The White House and the executive branch (are) far more interested in diplomatic considerations," said Democratic New York Senator Chuck Schumer. "We're more interested in the families and in justice." (BBC)



GUYANA DAILY NEWS Syria War: Russia Rejects US Calls To Halt Bombing Eastern Aleppo PAGE 99

Eastern Aleppo has come under intense aerial bombardment for the past week(GETTY IMAGES)


ussia has said it will carry on bombing rebel-held eastern Aleppo in Syria, defying US demands to stop. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday that the Russian air force would continue its support of the Syrian armed forces. He also urged Washington to deliver on a pledge to separate moderate Syrian opposition fighters from "terrorists". It comes after the US warned that it will end talks on military co-operation unless Moscow stops the bombing. US state department spokesman John Kirby said on Wednesday that Russia had an interest in stopping the violence in Syria. He said the conflict presents extremists with an opportunity to "exploit the vacuums" in the region and launch attacks "against Russian interests, perhaps even Russian cities". The recent cessation deal was meant to lead to joint


Russian-US air strikes on so-called Islamic State and Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (formerly known as al-Nusra Front). However Russia has complained the US has not done enough to separate the more moderate rebel groups which it backs from Jabhat Fateh al-Sham. Many of these groups have formed a strategic alliance with the more powerful Jabhat Fateh al-Sham and fight alongside it. Despite growing tensions between the two nations, Mr Peskov said Russia remains interested in pursuing talks with the US in an effort to resolve the crisis in Syria. His comments echo a statement from Moscow, which insisted it would send diplomats to Geneva to discuss ways of normalising the situation with the US. But on Wednesday US Secretary of State John Kerry warned that Washington will end talks unless Moscow stops its bombardment of Aleppo. Meanwhile Turkey has said it will work with Russia on putting in place another ceasefire after the previous agreement collapsed. Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told reporters in Ankara "we are more than ready" but emphasised that nations have to try harder to find a political resolution in order for an agreement to be effective. Aleppo has come under heavy aerial bombardment since the partial truce deal disintegrated a week ago. Some 250,000 people are trapped in the east in appalling conditions, under siege from Russian-backed Syrian forces. The US has accused Russia of taking part in strikes on civilian targets and possibly committing war crimes - charges Russia has strongly denied. (BBC)

Singapore Jails Teen Blogger Amos Yee For Anti-religion Posts


teenage blogger has been handed a prison sentence said Singapore now needs to review its approach in dealing after he was found guilty by a Singapore court of with cases like Yee's, who is likely to benefit from the publicity. "wounding religious feelings". Amos Yee, 17, will "Every time the authorities go after him, it just adds to his spend six weeks in jail for deliberately posting videos and online audience," said Mr Robertson in an email. (BBC) comments critical of Christianity and Islam. Judge Ong Hian Sun told the court that Yee's actions could "generate social unrest". It is the teenager's second prison sentence in two years. Yee was jailed for four weeks in 2015 for criticising Christians, and was accused of insulting Lee Kuan Yew after he posted a video online in which he likened the late Singaporean leader to Jesus Christ. Such actions are considered a serious crime in a country which takes a zero-tolerance approach towards insults of race and religion. Yee, who was accompanied to court on Thursday by his mother, told reporters that his sentence was "fair", adding that he was "very remorseful". The teenager's latest trial was closely watched by rights Amos Yee was also jailed in 2015 for insulting the late groups, who argue that the case threatens freedom of Singaporean leader Lee Kuan Yew(GETTY IMAGES) expression. Phil Robertson of Human Rights Watch




Samsung In US 'Exploding Washing Machines' Probe recall of its Note 7 smartphone over "exploding" batteries. Both Samsung and the CPSC said that certain top-loading washing machines from March 2011 to April 2016 were affected. "In rare cases, affected units may experience abnormal vibrations that could pose a risk of personal (GETTY IMAGES) injury or property damage when washing bedding, bulky or wateramsung has confirmed it is in talks with US consumer watchdogs resistant items," Samsung said. Check after a lawsuit against the firm your serial number The company advises over "exploding" washing machines. consumers with affected models to use T h e C o n s u m e r P r o d u c t S a f e t y the lower-speed delicate cycle when C o m m i s s i o n ( C P S C ) w a r n e d o f washing those materials. Samsung does problems with some of Samsung's top- not name the models, but allows load machines. It comes as a US law firm customers to enter the serial number to filed a suit against the South Korean firm, see whether their machine is among saying the fault can lead to injury or those affected. damage. Models sold outside North The firm also faces a suit from a US law America are not affected by this issue, a firm which alleges that some of its "toploading washing machines explode in spokesperson said. The problems follow Samsung's global owners' homes," leading to potential injury or damage, according to attorney


Jason Lichtman. "Users have reported Samsung top-load washers exploding as early as the day of installation, while other owners have seen their machines explode months or even more than a year after purchase," the firm said in a statement. The faulty washing machines come right as Samsung is in the midst of a global recall of its flagship smartphone Galaxy Note 7. The company was forced to urge 2.5 million phones to be returned because of faulty batteries causing some phones to catch fire and users reporting "exploding devices". Samsung said on Thursday it would start selling new Galaxy Note 7 smartphones in South Korea this week. The revamped smartphone will start being sold in other markets, including some European countries, on 28 October. A Samsung spokeswoman said: "We would like to reassure everyone that new Note 7 phones are operating properly and pose no safety concerns." (BBC)

Typhoon Megi: Search For Missing After China Landslides


t least 33 people are missing in China's eastern Zhejiang province after heavy rains triggered two landslides, state media said. Twenty seven of those are from Sucun village in Suichang county where homes were swept away. A video on state media Xinhua showed a mass of debris sliding down the mountain. The heavy rains came with Typhoon Megi, which hit China on Wednesday. Local media also reported six people missing in Baofeng village in Wencheng county, where another landslide hit. Local authorities say they have mobilised heavy equipment and over a thousand people to help with search and rescue efforts. Residents have also been relocated to safer areas. Thirteen people in the village have since been rescued, Xinhua said. Rescuers evacuate residents through floodwaters in Ningde, Fujian province on 28 September 2016.

Typhoon Megi killed four people and injured 625 when it hit Taiwan at peak intensity earlier this week, before reaching mainland China. At least one person has been confirmed killed by the storm in Fujian, with millions of homes

left without power following severe flooding. State media said some areas of Fujian saw more than 300mm of rain in two days. Similar levels were reported in Taiwan. (BBC)

Typhoon Megi brought heavy rain as it hit China(REUTERS)




California Ends Statute Of Limitations For Rape Over Cosby Case


alifornia Governor Jerry Brown has signed legislation ending the US state's 10-year statute of limitations on rape. The move was prompted by decades-old allegations made by multiple women against actor Bill Cosby. The change means that from January 2017 there will be no time limit on the prosecution of rape cases. But it will not work retroactively, or help those who accuse Cosby of crimes committed more than 10 years ago. Dozens of women have accused the comedian of sexual assaults dating from the 1960s to the 1990s. Cosby, who starred in the long-running sitcom The Cosby Show, has denied the accusations, saying his sexual encounters were consensual. He is due to go on trial in

June 2017 charged with sexually assaulting a woman in Philadelphia in 2004. More on the Bill Cosby allegations Current California law requires prosecution for rape to begin within 10 years of the alleged oence, with some exceptions. Under the new legislation, SB813, there will be no time limit. The change will also apply to crimes for which the statute of limitations has not expired as of 1 January 2017. Senator Connie Leyva, who introduced the bill, said it told victims of sexual assault that they could seek justice "regardless of when they are ready to come forward". "Rapists should never be able to evade legal consequences simply because an arbitrary time limit has

Many rape victims can wait years before they come forward(AP)

expired." Statutes of limitations for rape dier across US states. (BBC)




Liam Fox Predicts Free EU Trade Post-Brexit

it is now. Anything else, he said, may not harm the politicians and institutions in Brussels, but it would harm the people of Europe. He also said for the first time that he wanted a post-Brexit Britain to be a full independent member of the World Trade Organisation, a clear signal that he does not believe the UK should seek what's called a soft Brexit involving membership of the EU single market or customs union. Mr Fox's argument is that EU leaders won't want to impose punishing new tariffs on British goods and services for fear of harming their own economy. But hoping for a trade deal with the EU as good as it is now will be seen by some as highly optimistic. But Mr Fox was criticised by former deputy PM, now Lib Dem EU spokesman Nick Clegg. He said: "Liam Fox is delusional about the Liam Fox toured an aviation company during his visit to Manchester(REUTERS) impact of Brexit on British trade with the rest of the world. Unbelievably, he claims to be 'taking an axe to red tape across he UK's trade with the European Union will be "at least as borders'. "The truth is that leaving the EU's customs union and single free" after Brexit as it is now, Liam Fox says. The market will bring a deluge of new Brexit red tape down on the heads International Trade Secretary said it was in other countries' of British businesses who export to the continent." However Ben interests to avoid tariffs which he said would "harm the people of Digby, international director at the CBI, said: "It's encouraging to see Europe". He also predicted the UK would be a standard-bearer for the government make a robust case for free trade. A sincere global free trade and that Brexit represented a "golden opportunity" partnership between UK businesses and government will inject the to forge new links. Lib Dem EU spokesman Nick Clegg said Mr Fox confidence needed to ensure we can make the most of the was "delusional" about Brexit. The UK is unable to negotiate trade opportunities available in Europe and around the world." The deals independently while in the EU so Mr Fox will be negotiating government has yet to set out its negotiating position. new arrangements with other countries after Brexit, and has already Key issues include the balance between single market access and had some talks with countries such as Australia. In a speech in accepting the free movement of people - the right of EU citizens to Manchester, he said free trade had "transformed the world for the freely move to live and work in the UK. Warning from German better" and that the UK had "a golden opportunity to forge a new role business In a BBC interview, Italy's prime minister said it would be for ourselves in the world" in the "post-geography trading world" as a "impossible" for Brexit talks to result in a deal that gives Britons member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) - the body which more rights than others outside the EU. Matteo Renzi warned that helps sets rules for trade between different countries. He said: "As a leaving the EU would be a "very difficult process" - but the problems newly independent WTO member outside the EU, we will continue could be solved only after the UK began the exit procedure. to fight for trade liberalisation as well as potentially helping Markus Kerber, the head of the influential BDI which represents developing markets trade their way out of poverty by giving them German industry, said a so-called "hard" Brexit, rather than a preferential access to our markets. "I believe the UK is in a prime “fudge", was the only option and predicted the UK would not secure position to become a world leader in free trade because of the brave full access to the EU single market if it wanted to curb migration. He and historic decision of the British people to leave the European told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "We have a rough idea of Union. "We are leaving the EU, we are not leaving Europe and we are what the British government wants to see. "It wants to have relatively ready to take our place in an open, liberal and competitive globalised full access to the single market and yet limited on non existing trading environment." Golf comments defended Asked afterwards freedom of movement of labour. "That I think is impossible at the whether he was concerned about tariffs being put in place, he said: moment, so what we think the British government wants I can tell "Who does it harm more if we end up in a new tariff environment? you straight away is not what the continental Europeans are willing "Does it harm more those who sell more to the UK, or the UK? It's in or even able to give, then it will be relatively short negotiations." everybody's interests that, as we move forward, that we have at least Prime Minister Theresa May, who has said she will not formally as free a trading environment as we have today." Mr Fox also trigger Brexit this year, is facing calls to clarify the government's defended his recent comments that Britain was "too lazy and too fat" demands from the negotiations. Former education secretary Nicky with businessmen preferring "golf on a Friday afternoon" to trying to Morgan, who campaigned for Remain in the referendum, told Today boost the country's prosperity. "What I said was as a country we have the PM could give a "broad outline" in her speech to next week's Tory been too willing to rest upon the achievements of previous conference and called for details to be provided "certainly in the next generations," he said. "I think the figures speak for themselves." The couple of months". Another Conservative Remain campaigner, exformer GP added: "When I was a doctor my job was not to tell people chancellor Ken Clarke, told the New Statesman Mrs May was what they wanted to hear, it was to tell people what they needed to running a "government with no policies" which has no idea how to hear in order to put things right." Liam Fox is aiming high. The carry out Britain's exit from the European Union "Nobody in the international trade secretary told an audience of business leaders in government has the first idea of what they're going to do next on the Manchester that when Britain leaves the EU, he wants it to have a Brexit front," he said. (BBC) trade environment with European economies that is at least as free as






World Heart Day

ccording to a report from the World Heart Federation, Heart Day is part of an international campaign to spread awareness about heart disease and stroke prevention. This is the perfect day to quit smoking, get exercising and start eating healthy – all in the name of keeping your ticker in good working order, and improving the health and wellbeing of people the world over. The World Heart Federation has found that heart disease and strokes are the world’s leading cause of death, killing 17.3 million people every year – that’s more than victims of cancer, HIV and AIDS and malaria. Over-eating, lack of exercise, unhealthy diets and high blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels are all factors which can trigger heart disease and threaten our lives, and those of loved ones. Heart Day was set up to drive home the message that heart problems can be prevented. The aim is to improve health globally by encouraging people to make lifestyle changes and promoting education internationally about ways to be good to your heart. This lesson is becoming increasingly relevant as reports of obesity, poor diet and physical inactivity in children and young people become more and more common. Events take place to promote healthy hearts. Charities and other organisations coordinate walks and runs, health checks, public talks, shows and exhibitions to name a few of the interesting and informative events which mark the day. So on Heart Day, get involved, eat your fruit and veg and get outside; both you and your heart will feel the benefits. The World Heart Federation (WHF) is a nongovernmental organization based in Geneva, Switzerland. The World Heart Federation is committed to uniting its members and leads the global fight against heart disease and stroke, with a focus on low-and middle-income countries. The World Heart Federation is the world's only global body

dedicated to leading the fight against heart disease and stroke via a united community of almost 200 member organizations that bring together the strength of medical societies and heart foundations, from more than 100 countries covering the regions of Asia-Pacific, Europe, East Mediterranean, the Americas and Africa. 80% of people in the developing world die each year from heart related diseases. The World Heart Federation exists to prevent and control these diseases through awareness campaigns and action, promoting the exchange of information, ideas and science among those involved in cardiovascular care, advocating for disease prevention and control by promoting healthy diets, physical activity and tobacco free living at an individual, community and policy maker level.




Not Police Fault That Dataram Escaped – Says Top Cop

President David Granger has noted that while he is not casting blame at the feet of any agency or individual, self-confessed drug lord, Barry Dataram’s flight from Guyana, was situation which could have been avoided. The president called on the Magistracy in the judicial branch to have a greater level of alertness. “Mr. Dataram is a person of interest. He is a well-known character in Guyana and I would expect that even though the judicial branch is separate, there should be a greater level of alertness on the part of the Magistracy, in the Judiciary, in matters like this and I don’t regard it as a failing on the part of law enforcement agencies but it is definitely an error which ought to have been avoided,” The Head of State said. The president urged members of the local law enforcement community to work with their counterparts in neighbouring countries and to use every possible legitimate avenue to locate and transport the convicted drug

lord back to Guyana. “Even though Mr. Dataram might have a foreign passport, it might be a forged passport. I would urge all law enforcement agencies to use every legitimate measure to bring him back into this jurisdiction so that he can serve his sentence,” the President said. Evidence of this was partly confirmed by acting Police Commissioner David Ramnarine on Friday morning at a press conference who related that he is aware of ongoing collaborations but is not at liberty to disclose that information to the media. Ramnarine expressed that “the Dataram is really unfortunate, but not in the sense that law enforcement is indicted.” When questioned about if more caution should have been employed by the law enforcement since case was a high profile one, the top cop

in defending the Police force and seemly blaming the judiciary said Police Force were not the ones who granted him bail. “Let’s this put this thing in the proper perspective, we didn’t grant him bail comrade… if it were that high profile matter and was properly regarded by the appropriate people, we were not the one who granted him bail. I’m saying nothing more.” The Commissioner then refused to answer any further on the questions on the matter posited by media operatives.

Guyana’s Cost Of Living Is Out Of Control According to several consumers, there has been a drastic increase in the cost of food items and other basic commodity in the supermarket and stores, such as flour, sugar, rice, split peas and oil. It was noted that the prices in some cases increased in excess of $100. The Guyana Daily News spoke to several business owners about the reason for the price increase and they attribute the sharp increase to several factors, such as decrease in imports, increase in custom duties, unnecessary delays from customs, food and drugs and the ports. Most business owners complained about the lengthy process at customs. They cited the report by the Guyana National Bureau of Statics, which states that the total imports for the first quarter of 2016 has declined to USD$64,607.6M as compared to the same period last year of USD$77,445.1M, a difference of USD$12.837.5M, a testimony that there are limited supplies. Recently, the Mayor and City Council introduced a number of new taxes and fees, such as the container tax,

parking meter fees, and increase in property taxes. Apart from these increases, the APNU+AFC Coalition Government, through the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS), stated that 20 commodities monitored by this agency will now have to pay $30,000 annually before their products can be sold on the markets. The items will range from domestic electrical appliances, weighing and measuring devices, textiles, garments, footwear, safety matches, tires, gas stoves, fertilizers, cigarettes, PVC pipes, furniture, toys, soap p o w d e r, C h r i s t m a s trees and decorative lighting outfits, safety helmets, cellular phones, water and electricity meters and

seat belts. Another store owner told the Guyana Daily News that the Food and Drug department is not monitoring the items that are being smuggled from Suriname into Guyana and is only putting pressure on the legitimate importers causes them tremendous loss on their investments, this directly affect the volume of importation.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Tucville Teen Charged With Breaking And Entering ondell Richards, 19 of Tucville, Georgetown today generators, 1 brush cutter, four gas cylinders, two gas stoves, PAGE 107


appeared before Magistrate Ann McLennan charged with breaking and entering and Larceny, which occured two years ago at Port Kaituma. The accused, a miner, pleaded guilty and was ordered to pay the complainant GY$200,000; he will spend five months in prison if he fails to pay the sum. The court heard that on April 1, 2014 the complainant, Savitri Harricharran, who is the step mother of the accused, secured her home at Port Kaituma, Water Front, North West and proceeded to travel to Georgetown. Upon her return on August 6, 2014 she found her home ransacked and two freezers, three


one microwave, one mattress, 12 plates, 1 gold set, 2 barb wire, 1 water cooler, 2 suitcases, 1 blender, 1 iron, 2 bread bins and 2 pots missing from her home. The missing items are value at GY$762,000. When asked by the Chief Magistrate as to the reason for the delayed arrest of Richards, the investigating officer informed that they were unable to locate him in the two years’ time period. In mitigation to the act, Richards said that he stole the items since at the time he was young and wanted to "start a life on his own" which he did by moving into his own place in the interior "backdam" of Port Kaituma.

Top Cop Not Pleased With Firearm Holders Losing Their Weapons

Acting Police Commissioner David Ramnarine is not happy with reports of license firearm holders losing their weapons. As such, he blames gun owners for their carelessness in losing the weapons. At press conference held Friday morning, Ramnarine reported that between July and a few days ago the Guyana Police Force (GPF) received a total of nine reports of license firearm holders losing their weapons to theft and he is disappointed to hear these reports. Of the nine reported stolen firearms, seven are .32 pistols, one 9mm pistol and the other is a shotgun. The Police Commissioner (ag.) related that in 80% of instances of robbery the .32 weapons are used, so one can deduce that many of the stolen weapons are now being used by bandits for robberies. Ramnarine posited that this now makes the police’s job harder since the stolen weapons ends up in the hands of criminal elements. In providing examples for carelessness and irresponsibility, the Commissioner said that in one case, one license firearm holder fell asleep in his parked car in the early hours of the morning and then awoke to find his cellphones and firearms all missing. Ramnarine said in another case, a business woman from the East Coast left her gun at home and it was stolen when thieves broken into the empty house. Another case where the owner is overseas and no one is at home and there is a break in and the firearm is stolen. In a case like this Ramnarine stated that the

rules of the firearm license was not followed and the weapon was not lodged at the police station as instructed by the license. “I want you to understand that there is a big hue and cry in this country for personal firearm licenses and yet these nine instances, this is just a few in recent times, this is the level of irresponsibility exhibited, this is the behavior we have”, Mr. Ramnarine said.

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Stipend For Technical/Vocational Institutions The Government of Guyana has agreed to a proposal by the Ministry of Education, to pay stipends to students at the technical and vocational training institutions at Mahaicony, Leonora, and Upper Corentyne Berbice. According to the Ministry of Education, these centres were established to provide second opportunities for youths to develop skills that would enable them to obtain gainful employment. The Ministry of education has stated that over the past three years, only 46% of students who attend the institutions were able to graduate, the Ministry attribute this level of failure to transportation cost. The Ministry also noted that the completion rate for courses given in collaboration with other institution such as the board of Industrial Training where stipends were given, was much higher. The Stipends were approved from September 1, 2016, and will be paid to students of the centres as follows: Mahaicony -$2,500 per Month Upper Corentyne _$2,500 per Month Leonora -$4,000 per Month. The Upper Corentyne

Industrial Training Centre was established as a result of a felt need between the Government of Guyana and the communities of Upper Corentyne area. The aim being to provide Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to youths 15 years and over and adults to enable them to contribute to the economic Development of Guyana. The Construction work commenced on the 2nd September 2003 and work was completed as scheduled on 3rd August 2004. The Centre was commissioned on the 24th June 2006 by then president, President Bharrat Jagdeo. While Mahaicony was also chosen as a site for Technical Education and Training. The Caribbean Development Bank was approached and the building started. With its goal to match modern technology and training, the Centre was designed for Competency Based Education Training. Equipment and tools were placed in this Centre which opened its doors to training in February 25, 2012.

Guyana Youth Unemployment At A Staggering 40% According to the Caribbean Development Bank “Youths are Our Future” report, the unemployment rate in Guyana is hovering around 40% and that the total unemployment rate in Guyana are persistently high. Additionally, according to the 2016 Guyana Situation Analysis of Children and Women (SitAn) report, Guyana remains the third poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, after Haiti and Nicaragua. Unemployment is high, and it is particularly concerning for the young population, which represents more than 60% of Guyana’s population. Youth unemployment has been consistently higher than 30% and is currently estimated to be about 40%. However, according to the Guyana National Bureau of Statistics, unemployment in Guyana as per the year 2012 Census report which was released yesterday was 12.5%. According to some political commentators, there is no national policy in place by the Government to tackle major issues facing a youthful Guyana. President David Granger had recently

noted that it is difficult for more than 4,000 youths, who drop out of school annually to find jobs. Granger stressed that we have to find ways to ensure that children qualify themselves at school and prepare for the job market. “Once they qualify it will be easier for them to move into fields which I think could lead to self-employment,” he stated. “Employment is not something to be provided by the government. There is self-employment and we are working with the villages to generate more employment in those villages but it is going to be agro-based employment,” he added. The 2015 general elections campaign manifesto of the APNU+AFC states: “The aim of your new government is to create jobs, jobs and more jobs in the shortest time possible. Our young people cannot wait “five more years” for jobs for which they could be adequately trained and could get better pay and greater job satisfaction.

Source: Bureau of Statistics, Guyana: Population and Housing Census: 2002 & 2012 Results.

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Teachers’ Salary Increase Not Part Of GPSU’s Negotiations

President David Granger is of the view that the proposed salary increase, which was presented to the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) for 2016, is not the same for the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU). Speaking on the weekly televised programme “The Public Interest” on Thursday, the president said that he had expected a separate arrangement to be made for the GTU. “It is not my view that the GTU negotiations were part of the negotiations with GPSU. I would have expected a separate arrangement to be made and I would say that the actual agreement between the Ministry of Education and Guyana Teachers Union should be something which should be kept separate from the GPSU negotiations. We, as the government accept, we acknowledge [and] we observe the collective bargaining agreement and that is how the GPSU agreement was arrived at in the first place…,” President Granger said. The President expressed that the payment which is expected to be made in October, is not a final agreement and the negotiations between the Unions and the Government will continue. “Even with regard to the GPSU the agreement, it’s not a final agreement. The Government of Guyana is still in engagement with the GPSU, so if it’s not final for GPSU, it can’t be final for GTU,” he said.

In response to questions about receiving a correspondence from the GTU on the matter and whether he had engaged the Union, the president said that he did received the Union’s letter but he believes that the Union should first engage at a Ministerial level with the Ministers in the Ministry of Social Protection. “As far as the trade union is concerned, yes I have received a letter and I have a Ministry of Social Protection and I would urge that the trade unions engage the Ministers first. It would be imprudent for me to overrule or override or try to deal with the unions without first giving the Minister responsible [a chance to engage]; and they are two Ministers in that Ministry. So it is important for the Trade Unions to engage her first and of course, the Minister who has specific responsibility for industrial relations,” President Granger said. Despite the president stating that the negotiations talks are still open, the government made previously made a “final offer” to the GPSU. Which the union had rejected, but prior to this the government had stated that they will go ahead and pay the increase even without the approval of the GPSU because they were not confident that the discussion would be completed in time for 2017 budget preparations. “Nobody discontinued the talks. What we did was in response to the mandate by GPSU, we put an offer on the table; there are other things GPSU is asking for, like the debunching and review of the allowances. These things have not been completed as yet. Looking at

the pace of discussions, we were not confident that the discussion would be completed in time to allow the government to pay attention to the budget for 2017”.




Teen Robbers Remanded


EVENTEEN - year-old Joshua Collins and 18-year-old Leroy Ford today appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan, charged with two counts of robbery under arms. They were both remanded and are slated to return before the court on October 21, 2016 for statements and continuation into the matter. They unrepresented duo both hail from Kettle Street, Charlestown and pleaded not guilty to both charges. An objection to bail was made by the Prosecution led by Police Corporal, Dinero Jones. It is

alleged that on September 26, 2016 Collins and Ford while armed with a gun, robbed Andrew Nurse of 1 Toyota Premio Motorcar valued at $2.5M. It was reported that on the day in question Nurse was visiting his mechanic in the city when he was relieved of his car. The motor vehicle along with the two accused were found on Tuesday September 27, 2016 in Alexander Village. It is further alleged that on

September 26, 2016 at Bishop Street, Georgetown, the duo robbed Kendall Short of one Blu Smartphone.





President Granger Attends Funeral Service Of Former Minister Fitz Carmichael eorgetown, Guyana –

(September 30, 2016) President David Granger, this morning, attended the funeral service of former Regional Minister and Minister of Forestry, the late Mr. Fitz Uriel Alexander Carmichael, who died on September 22 at the age of 81. The service was held at the St. James The-Less A n g l i c a n C h u r c h , K i t t y, Georgetown. Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Basil Williams, who spoke on behalf o f t h e P e o p l e ’s N a t i o n a l Congress (PNC), described the former Minister as a staunch member of the Party, which he served illustriously. He recalled h i s e x c h a n g e s w i t h M r. Carmichael at past Party congresses and said that, “he was always prompted to offer advice in terms of improving the People’s National Congress.” The late Mr. Carmichael was born on August 10, 1935 at No. 28 Village, West Coast Berbice. He was the eldest of four children. He was a trained teacher, who was posted to several locations including Suddie, Hopetown and Port Kaituma. In 1973, he was elected a member of the National Assembly representing

the PNC and served as Regional Minister of the Northwest District, Barima-Waini (Region One) and Lethem-Rupununi, Region Nine until 1981. He was then appointed Minister of Forestry in the Ministry of Agriculture. He leaves to mourn h i s s o n , M r. K e n w y n Carmichael, his sister Ms. Myrtle Stewart and other relatives. MOTP Press Release

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Bahamas Union Leaders Declare 'War On Government’ Cabinet ministers, including Gibson, claimed they were unaware of the attorney general’s decision. “In the past, there were some decisions made that may have impacted one union,” Pinder said. “This impacted the entire trade union movement and all workers in the country. “This is a fundamental change. “A precedent has been set and it even affects unions in the region. “This is the core of union busting.” At the press conference, the union leaders did not wish to disclose when they would take action but said it will be done when they believe they will receive the maximum result. But last night, Pinder told The Nassau Guardian that if the minister does not present amendments at the next sitting of the House of Assembly, the unions may take strike votes. The House meets again next Wednesday. “We will cause there to be a national strike in the best interest of workers,” Pinder said. Asked whether he thinks such a move would be well supported by workers, and whether he thinks trade unions are still relevant in The Bahamas, he said, “If the political parties are more important to them than the trade union movement who is fighting for their very survival, let them not strike then.” Ferguson, who urged voters to support the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) in the 2012 general election, yesterday expressed disappointment in the Christie administration. He said the only reason he urged support for the PLP is because it promised to protect workers and unions. But yesterday, he suggested his feelings have changed. “... I won’t support you to destroy me,” Ferguson said. “I’m voting in my interest.” Acknowledging that the nolle prosequi cannot be undone and the unions cannot question the attorney general’s decision, the unions are asking for the government to amend the Industrial Relations Act to force employers to the table once they have received a proposed industrial agreement from a recognized union that is the bargaining union for that work place and to strengthen the redundancy clause to make it difficult for people to be terminated without cause and to ensure that they are paid for the full time they have given the organization if they are made redundant. They have also called for the termination of Maynard-Gibson. Gibson, the labour minister, said last week he was unaware that a nolle had been issued in the case and expressed disappointment that the attorney general did not give him the courtesy of knowing she had ended the prosecution. The minister also said the prime minister had not been informed. Pinder said, “She could have extended some courtesy to the prime minister, who is her boss.” Last Thursday, Maynard-Gibson said in a statement, “The attorney general in the execution of her constitutional duty is never swayed by the political objectives of her colleagues or anyone else.” Last night, the labour minister was asked to respond to the union leaders’ strike threat. He said he will not likely introduce any amendments when Parliament meets next Trade Union Congress President Obie Ferguson, week because the Tripartite Council has not sent him any right, and President of the National Congress of Trade recommendations as yet. “They know that because they sit on the Unions Bahamas John Pinder address members council,” Gibson told The Guardian. (Caribbean News Now!)

By Jayme C. Pinder Nassau Guardian Staff Reporter NASSAU, Bahamas -- Union leaders in The Bahamas declared “war on the government” on Wednesday, a week after it was revealed that Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson stopped a private prosecution against the top management of Sandals Royal Bahamian Resort the same day the property made 600 workers redundant back in August. “I expect for all of our members to start to circle the van, start to rally the rest of the troops, sharpen your gears and get ready for battle,” said National Congress of Trade Unions Bahamas (NCTUB) president John Pinder at a press conference. “We’re going to have to battle this out. “Obviously the government is not on our side. “It is safe to say there will be repercussions as a result of the decisions made by the attorney general’s office or the attorney general. “There will be repercussions.” Pinder said if minister of labour Shane Gibson does not soon introduce in Parliament amendments to strengthen labour laws, the NCTUB and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) would take strike votes. He said the two organizations represent around 50,000 workers. Pinder and TUC president Obie Ferguson believe legislative changes are necessary to better protect workers. In Parliament in August, Gibson himself spoke of the need for legislative amendments. “I am again calling on the National Tripartite Council to move post haste for updating our redundancy laws, making it mandatory that proper notice be given and consultation take place before moving to make employees redundant.” The union leaders’ outrage was triggered by the recent revelation in the Sandals matter. On August 10, Sandals general manager Gary Williams and financial controller Ronnie Mirza were arraigned on a private prosecution on allegations that they failed or refused to enter into contract negotiations with the Bahamas Hotel Maintenance and Allied Workers Union (BHMAWU) during the period of November 16, 2015, through July 12, 2016. Several

of the press on Wednesday. Photo: Torrell Glinton

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Matthew Now A Hurricane After Leaving Death And Destruction In The Eastern Caribbean Rainfall associated with Matthew will continue to diminish across By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- Tropical storm Matthew strengthened to hurricane force on Thursday after leaving one dead and causing widespread flooding and landslides as it slowly made its way across the Eastern Caribbean on Wednesday evening. Officials in St Vincent and the Grenadines confirmed that a fourth form secondary school student was crushed by a boulder during Matthew’s passage. Barbados, Dominica and Saint Lucia also reported flooding from the hours of rainfall. There were reports of some damage to property from gusty winds and fallen trees, and several communities experienced cuts in their electricity and water services. The prime minister of Curacao, Dr Bernhard Whiteman, announced in a press conference late Thursday that the general elections due to take place on Friday will be postponed until next week Wednesday, October 5. This decision was made after consulting with political parties and other stakeholders. According to the National Hurricane Center in Miami, at 5:00 pm EDT on Thursday, the centre of Matthew was located about 150 miles (240 km) north-northeast of Curacao, moving toward the west near 17 mph (28 km/h). A westward to west-southwestward motion with some decrease in forward speed is expected during the next couple of days. Maximum sustained winds are near 75 mph (120 km/h) with higher gusts. Gradual strengthening is expected during the next 48 hours. Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 70 miles (110 km) from the centre and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 185 miles (295 km). A tropical storm watch is in effect for Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao, and the Colombia/Venezuela border to Riohacha. Interests elsewhere along the coasts of Venezuela and Colombia, and in Jamaica, Hispaniola, and eastern Cuba should monitor the progress of Matthew. Tropical storm conditions are possible in Bonaire, Curacao, and Aruba on Thursday night and Friday. Tropical storm conditions are possible over portions of the watch area in Colombia beginning Friday.

the Lesser Antilles during Thursday evening. Isolated additional rainfall amounts of 2 to 4 inches are possible over the southern Windward Islands. Rainfall totals of 2 to 4 inches with isolated higher amounts are expected over Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao through Saturday. Swells generated by Matthew are expected to affect portions of the coasts of Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Venezuela, and Colombia during the next few days. These swells are likely to cause life-threatening surf and rip current conditions. Barbados There were reports of fallen trees; five damaged houses; nine downed utility poles; and a number of isolated power outages across the island in a number of parishes, along with reports of flooding in some areas. Schools were due to remain closed on Thursday. Dominica Many communities in Dominica were without power on Thursday morning, some of them since Wednesday afternoon after the passage of Tropical Storm Matthew resulted in numerous electrical poles and high voltage power lines being downed. Utility crews were actively working to restore service to affected areas. Businesses are open and clean-up efforts are ongoing. Island accommodations and other tourism establishments weathered the storm with little to no disruptions to normal operations and are open to receive visitors. The Douglas – Charles Airport has been reopened and ferry services are expected to resume on Friday. Travellers are advised to contact their respective service providers or travel agents to confirm travel status. Saint Lucia The National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) reported flooding and minor damages as a result of Tropical Storm Matthew. According to NEMO, there were power outages in several communities across the island, and all quadrants of Saint Lucia reported flooding. Two people were trapped by flooding, but were able to make their way out after the waters receded. A house at in Dennery had its roof partially blown off. There was no reported loss of life as a result of the passage of the storm; however, some temporary disruption to electricity and water supplies as well as temporary blockages to some key roads and bridges was reported. The agriculture sector sustained moderate damage, with officials currently engaged in initial assessments. According to the Saint Lucia Tourist Board, hotel partners are reporting minimal to no significant damages to the island’s hotel plant with all properties fully operational. Both the George F.L Airport and the Hewanorra International Airport reopened on Thursday and most flights have resumed service into the destination. Travelers are advised to contact their respective airlines directly for available service into and out of Saint Lucia. (Caribbean News Now!)

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Online Video Triggers Presidential Controversy In Trinidad And Tobago PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad -- A Facebook Prior to his presidency, Anthony Carmona (centre), Live video has sparked a controversy candidate from Trinidad and Tobago, speaks at the ICC Judicial Candidates involving Trinidad and Tobago’s president, Forum in New York on October 25, 2011. Photo by Coalition Anthony Carmona, and allegations of for the ICC, used under a CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license financial mismanagement by his office. On September 20, 2016, researcher and university lecturer Rhoda Bharath hosted a Facebook Live video session in which she enquired about alleged irregularities in the management of the president’s house and office. Bharath is well-known in Trinidad and Tobago for her political commentary on her blog, on Facebook, and on local broadcast media. B h a r a t h ’s i n f o r m a t i o n a n d l i n e o f questioning was quickly picked up by local mainstream media, which posed questions about matters such as the procurement procedure for wine purchased by the President’s house, and Carmona’s decision to meet privately with national security minister Edmund Dillon without “reference” to the country’s prime minister, Dr Keith Rowley. Under Trinidad and Tobago’s constitution, the president is ceremonial head of state, elected by parliament; while the prime minister is head of government, elected by the country’s citizens.

journalism who hear something by the way and it becomes reliable news… Theirs has become the language of obscenity and racial slurs -- yes, that small circle that is leading the national dialogue, you are not the voice of the people because you have unfettered and unfair access to the press and media, because you have created vlogs and videos that rely for viewership and followers, not on proper and responsible research and wisdom but on distortions and sensationalism.”

Accounting inconsistencies in the president’s office were first identified in the 2015 Auditor General's Report on the Public Accounts, which was released on April 29, 2016. A section of the report titled “Individual Areas of Concern” states that the accounts submitted by the president’s office contained: “…85 instances of incorrect classification of expenditure totalling $2,685,236.90 in contravention of Financial Regulation 65 which stipulates that a vote may not be applied to a purpose for which it was not intended.” The Auditor General’s Report also raised questions about inventory control and pension and leave records.

In another Facebook Live video posted on September 27, Bharath said that the office of the president had called her employers at The University of the West Indies and threatened her job. The Media Association of Trinidad and Tobago (MATT) took Carmona to task for these comments, stating in a September 25 media release that it was “wrong to use his Republic Day message to deflect legitimate questions raised in the media about the use of public funds by President’s House.”

On September 24, during his annual Republic Day speech, Carmona appeared to respond to these claims with a general swipe at the media, stating that: “There are some journalists… who denigrate without evidential basis, engaged in armchair

Bharath posted another video on the evening of September 28 in response to Carmona’s address to the nation a few hours before, expressing dissatisfaction with his explanations for the financial irregularities and for his acceptance of a TT$28,000 (just

over US$4,000) monthly housing allowance while living in state-funding housing. She also noted that the president never adequately addressed matters such as alleged nepotism, and the possible misappropriation of public funds. Bharath's Facebook Live videos have attracted a wide and vocal audience, and she has pledged to continue doing them in order to seed information and help the country's media and citizens hold public officials to account. This article by Janine Mendes-Franco originally appeared on Global Voices on September 29, 2016 (Caribbean News Now!)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Suriname To Diversify And Expand OIC Participation On The Heels Of Secretary General's Visit By Ray Chickrie PAGE 115


Caribbean News Now contributor PARAMARIBO, Suriname -- In an effort to “efficiently and effectively” use its Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) membership, the government of Suriname will “diversify” its relations with the group to push national development, the foreign ministry said in a press release. The country will increase its participation in the OIC to tap more funds for the promotion of trade and tourism. This means that Suriname will move “beyond the assistance from the Islamic Development Bank (ISDB) and its services currently being provided.” Secretary General of the OIC, Iyad Ameen Madani (L), with During a visit to Suriname on Wednesday, the Suriname’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Niermala Badrising secretary general of the OIC, Iyad Ameen Madani, in place to ameliorate Suriname’s economic problems, encouraged Suriname to “exploit” all technical and economic resources available by the OIC and its many organs. according to a press release from the government. The And it’s within this context that Paramaribo will broaden its government of Suriname said that the OIC has emerged as the activities at the OIC by exploring economic and trade main multilateral development partner of Suriname. opportunities offered by other organs of the OIC and the Islamic The collaboration with the IsDB has resulted in the realization Development Bank (IsDB). Some of these organs are: Standing of some projects such as the instrument landing system at the Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation Johan Adolf Pengel Airport upgrade for US$10 million and the (COMCEC), Standing Committee for Scientific and rehabilitation of a port and mooring in Nickerie for US$16 Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH), Islamic Centre for million. The Islamic Bank has also funded health centres in the the Development of Trade (ICDT), Islamic Corporation for the interior of the countries. There are also more projects in the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC), Islamic pipeline for funding by the IsDB to the tune of about US$1.4 Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD), billion. The IsDB will finance over 40 projects in the areas of and the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation infrastructure, agricultural, rural development, health, housing, Islamic banking, finance and trade. (Caribbean News Now!) (ITFC). Madani and his delegation concluded their working visit on Thursday when they discussed further cooperation in economic, trade and technical fields, and within the “new vision of the OIC which aims to enhance socio-economic progress of all member states,” according to the Suriname foreign ministry. While in Suriname, Madani also met with the private sector in an effort to promote cooperation with the OIC in areas of economic and business opportunities. The OIC chief said that various agreements in the field of trade and investment between Suriname and the OIC must be signed for the private sector to profit from the opportunities offered by the OIC. These agreements are being finalized by Suriname. On Wednesday, the OIC delegation and Suriname officials, led by the minister of foreign affairs, Niermala Badrising, and Gillmore Hoefdraad, minister of finance and also governor of Suriname to the Islamic Bank, met at the Presidential Secretariat where discussions centered on the current socioeconomic situation and the policies that the government has put


GUYANA DAILY NEWS St Kitts-Nevis Projected To Be Among The Best Performing Economies In The ECCU And CARICOM BASSETERRE, St Kitts (SKNIS) -- Prime minister of St Kitts be raised by the Development Bank to continue the programme. PAGE 116

and Nevis and minister of finance, Dr Timothy Harris, said that although the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis is relatively small compared to other countries, it is poised to be among the best performing economies in the region, well above the standard. Speaking at the National Consultation on the Economy, Harris said, “For 2016, St Kitts and Nevis is projected again to be among the best performing countries in the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU) and CARICOM (Caribbean Community) member states.” “While we are projecting a growth rate of 3 percent, countries such as the USA and Canada are recording growth rates in 2016 of 2.2 percent and 1.4 percent respectively. The ECCU as a whole is projecting a growth rate well under 3 percent. There is no doubt that St Kitts and Nevis is moving in the right direction,” he added. However, the minister of finance noted that although the country is progressing well, there is still a lot more to be done in order to bring about a better quality of life, higher paying jobs and more entrepreneurial opportunities for the young men and women in St Kitts and Nevis who want to see progress in their lives. “We know there are many young people who want to make it on the straight and narrow way, and who want to make it by fair and honest means,” said Harris. “That is why we introduced the FRESH Start loan programme to provide affordable financing to SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises). During the course of this quarter, we expect that a further $30 million will

Prime Minister Dr Timothy Harris (right) in discussion with Cuban Ambassador to St Kitts and Nevis, Hugo Ruíz Cabrera


This will be the largest tranche of support ever targeted to SMEs at any period.” Harris highlighted that it is imperative to develop a buffer that gives resilience and sustainability. Equally important, he said, is the ability to invest in “key sectors that have a transformative impact on the quality of lives of residents, citizens and businesses”. This year’s National Consultation on the Economy of St Kitts and Nevis, which is spearheaded by the ministry of finance, saw a different approach on Wednesday, as it focused on listening to inputs from several social and economic partners from the public and private sector, and civil society. The prime minister explained the format of this year’s discussions which were held under the theme “Working Together – Accelerating Growth and Building Resilience”. “We are doing things differently this year in order to reflect our belief in participatory government,” said Harris. “We want to increase the level of input that our key stakeholders have in driving the prosperity of the Federation. We value your views and we are also keen to hear about how, through partnership and innovation, we can make the best of our limited financial resources in order to achieve the greatest impact.” The National Consultation on the Economy took a different focus this year by listening to the inputs from several social and economic partners from the public sector, private sector and civil society, who benefited from small group discussions with a facilitator and a rapporteur, according to deputy financial secretary, Calvin Edwards, who gave opening remarks at the consultation. “Each group would be led by a facilitator, and a rapporteur will report back to the plenary session. We feel that this format will lend itself to input from people rather than lecturing to them,” Edwards said. (Caribbean News Now!)




Cayman Islands Regulator Releases Confidential Victim Information To Fraudster management and securities matters, and that It appears that Buntain wasn't satisfied By Kenneth Rijock MIAMI, USA -- Sources in the Cayman Islands report that an officer in the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) delivered confidential information to alleged fraudster Sharon Lexa Lamb, who then turned it over to her attorneys. The information included a written statement of facts submitted by Lawrence Heath, a victim of Lamb's massive multi-million dollar theft of client money from Dundee Merchant Bank's accounts with the Bank of Butterfield in Grand Cayman. Apparently, the fact that Lamb, who is being sued by Heath in the Cayman Islands, received the confidential documents is now common knowledge in the Cayman Islands. CIMA recently claimed that it has increased its internal security, but that announcement appears to be solely for public consumption and without any basis in fact. Many outside observers have stated that CIMA has failed to fulfill its responsibilities as the regulator of local financial institutions and corporations engaged in wealth

it should be directly administered by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom. It is breaches of trust, such the illegal disclosure of confidential information to a Cayman resident known to be accused of fraud and theft that strengthens the argument for direct control by the UK. Meanwhile when liquidation proceedings were initiated against the B & C Capital Ltd and Bateman & Company, defunct shell corporations that fugitive stock trader Ryan Bateman had used to move millions of dollars of investor assets, stolen by Lamb and Derek Buntain, while they were senior officers of Dundee Merchant Bank, in an attempt to obtain information about one of the claimants, which is a BVI corporation with bearer shares, it turned out that the creditor's affidavit was signed by Buntain, seemingly indicating that he and the other co-conspirators were trying to get their hands on whatever assets the liquidators locate.

stealing million from his victims, he also wants to dash any chances that the victims could recover any of their money through the liquidation. His claim, made through one of the anonymous shell companies (with bearer shares) he controls, appears to have absolutely no basis in fact, and is apparently an illegal attempt to perpetrate a fraud upon the court. Buntain and Lamb, who were the directors of companies owned by the victims of the fraud, had a fiduciary responsibility to protect the assets of their beneficial owners, those same assets that they stole. However, they now appear to be claiming assets that their former clients should clearly have a priority position upon. Curiously, Buntain's attorneys, who are also the lawyers for Lamb, who is currently being sued in the Grand Court by one of the many Canadian victims, are also reported to be the attorneys for the liquidators of the Bateman companies, an apparent conflict of interest, verging upon another potential fraud upon the court. (Caribbean News Now!)

FARC Will Ask Forgiveness From Its Victims During A Public Act massive drug trafficking and terrorism. More than 220,000 persons have lose their lives since the conflict started. Most of them civilians. After more than 50 years of armed conflict and political talks, this September the Colombian government finally reached to a peaceful agreement with the FARC, marking the end of the civil war in the nation.

Victims of the Massacre of La Chinita and governmental officials, marched this Friday on the streets of San Jose de Apartadó, Colombia as a symbol of forgiveness to the brutal acts committed by the guerrilla in 1994, in which dozens of civilians and former military officers lose their lives during a public celebration in this vicinity. According to the Colombian Newspaper. El Tiempo| Colombia, the march was a reminder of the tragic event that took place 22 years ago, in which 35 persons were killed and 17 wounded.

public statement, in which they expressed the importance of reconciliation between the different sectors of the society, especially between the guerrilla and the civilians to reach a sustainable state of peace in Colombia. Governmental officials and Representatives of the FARC announced that, a public event will take place at the Coliseum of San Pedro College in which victims and victimizers will ‘face each other ’, materializing the process of reconciliation. The Colombian Conflict began approximately in 1964.

A public celebration on the locality of ‘La Chinita’ was turned into a public execution, when soldiers of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) opened fire to civilians and members of the Political Movement ‘Esperanza, Paz y Libertad’ (Hope, Peace and Liberty) on January 23rd 1994. Family members and victims took over the streets of San Jose de Aparto from early hours in the morning, wearing white flannels with the printed names of the deceased, and carrying banners with peaceful messages.

This was a military campaign between the Colombian government, paramilitary groups, crime syndicates and leftwing guerrillas, such as t h e FA R C , a n d t h e National Liberation Army (ELN), fighting each other to increase their influence in Colombian territory. The FARC has been accused of committing violations of human rights by n u m e r o u s g r o u p s , Members of the FARC, Colombia

The participants of the protest delivered a

S o u r c e : h t t p : / / w w w. e l


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Human Rights Defender Combating Haitian Statelessness Attacked In Dominican Republic insults related to their work. On 25 the two assailants in the eye. At this point PAGE 118


ANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic -- Around 8.30pm on 25 September, Dominican human rights defender Genaro Rincon was verbally and physically assaulted in Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic. Various other defenders working against statelessness in the country have recently reported receiving threats, intimidations and


September, Rincon left his office in the Colonial Zone of Santo Domingo and went to a bus station nearby on his way home to Santo Domingo Este. Rincon told Amnesty International that, while he waited for the bus, he noticed a man looking at him suspiciously. Around 8.15pm Genaro Rincon boarded the bus. The man he saw earlier sat in front of him and after a few minutes began to verbally assault Rincon, shouting at him repeatedly, “The Haitian race is the worst in the world.” The man later picked up his phone, saying, “Yes I’m with him.” He then told Rincon: “You’re one of those defenders,” and tried to punch Rincon in the face. The bus driver asked both men to get off the bus. Rincon tried to resist but a second man suddenly came from behind and pushed him onto the street. While on the ground, one of the two men threw a cement block at him, hitting his head and chest. Rincon was able to grab a pen and defend himself by striking one of

a passerby shouted, “He is armed!” to distract the two attackers. This gave Rincon the opportunity to run and seek assistance in a gas station nearby. The staff called emergency services, who brought Rincon to a hospital. Doctors told him he had a severe wound to the head, and other wounds to the lips, chest, legs and feet. This attack happened a few days after public commemorations of the 2013 Constitutional Court judgement that rendered tens of thousands of Dominicans of Haitian descent stateless (Rincon being the lawyer of that emblematic case), which were widely reported in national media. Since then, reports of threats, intimidations and insults on social media against human rights defenders working on this issue have increased. At least two defenders, including Rincon, reported having been followed by unknown cars in the last two weeks. (Caribbean News Now!)

They Taped His Mouth: He Suffocated To Death arms. He was also found wearing his the motives which police are exploring

Trinidad – PENAL driver Malcolm Shastri Dookie may not have died the day he went missing. When Dookie’s body was discovered on Monday 11 days after he disappeared, it was not decomposed to a state where he was unidentifiable by relatives. Police said that some of the identifying marks were the tattoos on his

coveralls which bore the name “Malcolm’s Transport” at the back. An autopsy on Wednesday at the Forensic Sciences Centre, Federation Park performed by pathologist Dr Eslyn Burris found that he died from asphyxiation. It is suspected that he suffocated on a piece of tape which had been placed over his mouth by his abductors. His body was discovered on Monday by police officers who were tipped off by an anonymous caller that the body was in the Santa Flora forest. It was found 30 metres (100 feet) from a Petrotrin Field Road, covered by a piece of cloth. Underneath the cloth the body wrapped in a tarpaulin and his hands and feet bound. The pick-up van which Dookie left home driving has not been found, police said on Thursday. One of

was that Dookie was killed for his vehicle. Funeral arrangements were being made for Friday.




Cop Caught On Camera Stealing From Luggage POLICE officer who was caught on camera while investigation, a cell phone was secretly used to film Stephens in


stealing items belonging to airline passengers as he searched their luggage at the ANR Robinson International Airport in Tobago eight years ago has been ordered to pay a total of $150,000 by a High Court judge. Should he faulter in making any of the monthly payments until the fine is paid in full, he will be made to serve a prison term. Justice Gillian Lucky was stern in her words as she passed sentence on Brian “Bellies” Stephens, of Baja Road, Maracas, St Joseph, who admitted to committing the three counts of misbehaviour in public office. The judge, presiding at the Hall of Justice in Port of Spain on Thursday, said the former officer breached the trust that was placed in him and used his position of authority for self gain. Such acts are frowned upon and a clear message must be sent to other people in authority who intend to use their position for such purposes that there are serious consequences for such actions, said Lucky. “One cannot have such powers and authority and abuse those powers for personal gains,” said the judge. She said some may perceive the non-custodial sentence as a lenient one given the prevelence and seriousness of such crimes, but she pointed out that Stephens, now that he has a criminal conviction against his name, can no longer be a member of the Police Service and has also lost all his benefits as a member of the service. Stephens was charged with committing the acts on three occasions in October 2008, after he was caught on camera opening and searching the suitcases lodged in the baggage room of the airport and stealing items including clothing, cameras and perfume. Previous to that, British tourists who were vacationing in Tobago, upon their return to Gatwick in the United Kingdom, discovered items missing from their luggage. Reports were made and an investigation headed by Snr Supt Totaram Dookie was launched. During the

the act. Before the trial could begin in August this year Stephens requested a Goodyear Hearing where the trial judge gave an indication of the possible maximum sentence that could be imposed should a guilty plea be entered. At the hearing, Lucky indicated that Stephens would not face a custodial sentence should he plead guilty to the offences. He elected to do so on September 20. Lucky said what stood out to the court was even after Stephens was confronted with the video evidence, he still attempted to conceal the crime by telephoning a friend to have him remove the stolen items from his (Stephens’) home. Stephens, who was represented by defence attorney Larry Williams, was ordered to pay $50,000 immediately and monthly instalments of $5,000 intil the remainder of the fine is fully paid. In addition to that, he was also made to sign a bond in the sum of $50,000 to keep the peace for five years. The judge also highly commended the investigative skills of Dookie and the officers involved saying that the cogent and compelling evidence may have given the accused little or no option but to enter guilty pleas. (Caribbean News Now!)




US Protecting Syria Jihadist Group - Russia's Lavrov The US is trying to spare a jihadist group in its attempts to unseat Syria's President Bashar al-Assad, Russia's foreign minister has told the BBC. Sergei Lavrov said the US had broken its promise to separate the powerful Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (formerly known as al-Nusra Front) and other extremist groups from more moderate rebels. And he defended the bombardment of Aleppo by Russian and Syrian forces. Jabhat Fateh al-Sham is linked to al-Qaeda. Mr Lavrov was speaking to Stephen Sackur on BBC World News TV on the first anniversary of the beginning of the Russian air campaign in Syria. "They [the US] pledged solemnly to take as a priority an obligation to separate the opposition from Nusra," he said. "They still, in spite of many repeated promises and commitments... are not able or not willing to do this and we have more and more reasons to believe that from the very beginning the plan was to spare Nusra and to keep it just in case for Plan B or stage two when it would be time to change the regime." Mr Lavrov says that it is US policy towards Syria that is floundering, insisting that American officials have lost control of both events and of themselves. There is an element of truth here - at least in policy terms. The US has no real alternative to Secretary of State John Kerry's efforts to deal with the Russians. There is no credible "plan B". Mr Lavrov's central message - that Washington has refused to press its allies to separate themselves from the Islamists of al-Nusra ignores the fact that it is Russia's air campaign that is pushing rebel groups into al-Nusra's arms. Mr Lavrov's contention that the US is preserving al-Nusra, hoping eventually to use it to change the regime, will prompt gasps of condemnation in Washington. But Mr Lavrov implicitly highlights a perennial difficulty for Washington - its search for a moderate opposition of sufficient critical mass to influence the battlefield. A recent US-Russian deal was meant to lead to joint Russian-US air strikes on the Islamic State group and Jabhat Fateh alSham. But many of the more moderate rebel groups that the US backs have formed a strategic alliance with the more powerful Jabhat Fateh al-Sham and now fight alongside it. Mr Lavrov said: "We believe that the Russian-American deal must be put into effect. For this the only thing which is necessary is to separate the opposition from Nusra. If it is supported by the United States, not on paper but in real life, and then we will insist on an immediate cessation of hostilities." The United Nations says 400 civilians, including many children, have been killed in the besieged city of Aleppo during the past week as a result of

bombardment by Russian and Syrian government forces. Mr Lavrov insisted Russia was helping President Assad's forces to "fight terrorists". And he accused the West of staying quiet about civilian suffering in Aleppo when it was expecting the city to fall to the rebels after the Nusra group moved in and cut supply lines to the civilian population. "We had many pauses, many humanitarian pauses during this year... 48 hours, 72 hours at the request of the United Nations. "Every time these pauses have been used by Nusra to get from abroad more fighters, more ammunition and more weapons. There must be some first step and we have to get our priorities right. "Humanitarian things are very important and we are doing everything now together with the Syrian government to help the United Nations to get weekly pauses in Aleppo to deliver humanitarian goods. It's the Nusra-controlled people in eastern Aleppo who refuse to do this." Pressed on the civilian casualties in Aleppo allegedly caused by Russian bunker-busting bombs, phosphorus munitions and cluster bombs, he replied: "If this happens, then we are very sorry." But he insisted there had been no "meaningful proof" of this and there was a need to investigate every case. "We are not using any munition which is prohibited by the United Nations," he added. Friday saw Syrian government forces and rebels fighting in the centre of Aleppo and north of the city, a week into the Russian-backed offensive by the Syrian army to take the city and surrounding area. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group and a Syrian military official said government forces had captured territory north of Aleppo and buildings in the city centre, but rebel sources denied this. (BBC)

Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (formerly known as al-Nusra Front) is one of the more powerful rebel groups in Syria(AP)




Rosetta Mission Ends In Comet Collision Europe's Rosetta probe has ended its mission to Comet 67P by crash-landing on to the icy object's surface. Mission control in Darmstadt, Germany, was able to confirm the impact had occurred when radio contact to the ageing spacecraft was lost abruptly. The assumption is that the probe would have been damaged beyond use. In the hours before the planned collision, Rosetta sent back a host of high-resolution pictures and other measurements of the icy dirt-ball. "I can announce full success of this historic descent of Rosetta towards Comet 67P," said European Space Agency mission manager Patrick Martin. "Farewell Rosetta; you've done the job. That was space science at its best." Researchers expect all the data gathered at 67P in the past two years to keep them busy for decades to come. The loss of signal, which happened at 11:19 GMT (12:19 BST; 13:19 CEST), was greeted by muted cheers and handshakes - not so surprising given the bittersweet nature of the occasion. Some of the scientists watching on here in Darmstadt have spent the better part of 30 years on this project. "People are very sad today but I think they really understand how proud we are and how proud they should be that we've pulled this mission off," said Esa's senior science advisor, Mark McCaughrean. Throughout Friday morning, the instrument teams had followed every twist and turn as the probe aimed for a touchdown spot on the head of the 4km-wide, duck-shaped comet. The researchers had wanted the descending probe to get a look inside one of the many pits that pockmark the surface. These sinkholes are often the places where 67P ejects gas and dust into space. But they also afford an opportunity to look at the object's interior, to see the lumpy ice blocks that may have come together to build the comet billions of years ago. Some of the images that came back were acquired just seconds before the collision. These pictures will have resolutions that can be measured in millimetres. "They're super-duper," enthused Holger Sierks, the head of the Osiris camera team. "I've got goosebumbs just thinking about all this," he told BBC News. Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is currently heading away from the Sun, limiting the solar energy available to Rosetta to operate its systems. Rather than put the probe into hibernation or simply let it slowly fade into inactivity, the mission team determined that the venture should try to go out with a bang. European Space Agency project scientist Matt Taylor said that even if Rosetta was sent to sleep with the intention of waking it up again when 67P next visited the brighter environs of the inner Solar System - there was

no guarantee the technology would still be working properly. "It's like one of those 60s rock bands; we don't want to have a rubbish comeback tour. We'd rather go out now in true rock'n'roll style," he said just before landing. Because Rosetta was not designed to touchdown, some of its structures very likely broke on contact with the comet. Controllers left no room for doubt in any case by preloading a software sequence that would jump the computers into a shutdown when the probe felt the impact jolt. Rosetta arrived at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko - to give the comet its full name - in August 2014, after a 10year journey from Earth. In the time it has lived alongside the mountainous object, it has unlocked the secrets about its behaviour, its structure and chemistry. Rosetta even dropped a small robot called Philae on to the surface in November 2014 to gather additional information - a historic first in space exploration. The European Space Agency says the mission has been an outstanding success and will transform our understanding of the huge icy dirtballs that wander among the planets. The American scientist Alan Stern, whose Alice instrument has made farultraviolet observations of the comet to study composition and activity, said all the science teams involved still had much work to do: "We've got 70,000 spectra; we've barely scratched the surface in terms of looking at the data." (BBC)

Rosetta's last image of Comet 67P, taken from a little over 20m above the surface ( ESA/ROSETTA/MPS FOR OSIRIS TEAM)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Van Gogh Paintings Stolen From Amsterdam Found In Italy PAGE 122

Italian police have recovered two Van Gogh paintings stolen during a dramatic raid on an Amsterdam museum in 2002. The works were recovered from the Naples mafia, they said. The Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam said the works were found during a "massive, continuing investigation" by Italian prosecutors and organised crime officials. The paintings were taken when thieves used a ladder and sledgehammers to break into the museum. They were eventually found wrapped in cloth in a safe in a house in the picturesque seaside town of Castellammare di Stabia, near Pompeii. The works were among assets worth millions of euros seized from a Camorra organised crime group linked to cocaine trafficking, Italian reports said. Months earlier, police had arrested several suspected drug traffickers who had invested their proceeds in Dubai, Spain and the Isle of Man. They were reportedly linked to one of the biggest mafia clans in the Scampia area of northern Naples. Among those arrested in January were suspected drugs gang leader Raffaele Imperiale and Mario Cerrone. It was Mr Cerrone who apparently told investigators about the two paintings. The theft of the two works, valued by investigators at $100m (£77m; €89m), led to criticism of security at the world's major art museums. The thieves broke into the museum through the roof during the night of 6-7 December 2002 and used sledgehammers to break a first-floor window. They took the paintings off the walls of the main exhibition hall. Experts were baffled at the time of the theft because guards had been on patrol and infra-red security systems were in place. Neither work was insured at the time, and both were on loan to the Van Gogh museum from the Dutch government. Two Dutch citizens were jailed for theft but always maintained their innocence. The museum said it was so far unclear when the works would be returned to Amsterdam but in a statement it said they appeared to be in "relatively good condition". Dutch and Italian ministers were overjoyed by the news, and praised Italian investigators. The Camorra crime organisation of Naples is not known for its understated good taste. Police raids on members' homes have often revealed a preference for ostentatious, kitsch decoration. Naples police say they found the two stolen artworks in the possession of the Amato-Pagano clan, which they call one of the most dangerous clans in the region. We don't yet know how the clan got hold of them, nor whether its members had been planning to sell the works on the international black market. The art works are now in the hands of Italy's specialist financial police whose officers, during a brief display, stood on either side of the recovered works. They managed to


disguise any admiration they may have had for Van Gogh's brushstrokes. Why are the paintings significant? Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) is widely considered the greatest Dutch artist after Rembrandt. Seascape at Scheveningen was one of only two seascapes he painted while he lived in the Netherlands. It shows a foaming, stormy sea and thundery sky, and was painted in 1882 while he was staying in The Hague. Congregation Leaving the Reformed Church at Nuenen (1884) was painted for Van Gogh's mother, but also partly for his father, who had become a pastor at the church in 1882. When his father died in 1884, Van Gogh added churchgoers, including a few women wearing shawls used for mourning. Van Gogh committed suicide in France in 1890. Recovering stolen masterpieces The 2002 Van Gogh museum raid was one of a series of thefts that shocked the art world. In 2004, two Edvard Munch masterpieces, The Scream and Madonna, were seized by armed men who raided the Munch museum in Oslo. Several men were jailed and the paintings later recovered after painstaking detective work in 2006. Another version of The Scream was stolen from the National Art Museum in Oslo in 1994 and that too was later recovered in a sting operation by UK detectives. In 2012, seven artworks were stolen from Rotterdam's Kunsthal museum, including paintings by Picasso, Monet and Matisse. Two Romanians were later jailed, telling a Bucharest court that security at the museum had been lax. Some of the paintings were destroyed in an oven. Earlier this year, four paintings out of a haul of 24 stolen from a Dutch gallery in 2005 were recovered in Ukraine. (BBC)

Adriaan Doenszelmann of the Van Gogh museum says the Seascape at Scheveningen has special value


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Shimon Peres Funeral: Leaders Hail Legacy Of Former Israeli Leader PAGE 123

World leaders have hailed the vision of the late Israeli leader, Shimon Peres, as he was laid to rest days after his death at the age of 93. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described him as "a great man of the world", as he led the eulogies. US President Barack Obama said the presence of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas at the funeral was a reminder of the "unfinished business of peace". Mr Abbas was among dozens of foreign dignitaries attending in Jerusalem. Security was intensified ahead of the ceremony, with several people arrested. Delivering an emotional address, Mr Netanyahu said that while Israel and the world grieved for Mr Peres there was hope in his legacy. "Shimon lived a life of purpose," he told thousands gathered at Jerusalem's Mount Herzl cemetery. "He soared to incredible heights. He swept so many with his vision and his hope. He was a great man of Israel. "He was a great man of the world." 'One of the giants' Former US President Bill Clinton, who helped negotiate the Oslo peace accords between Israel and the Palestinians in the 1990s, said he was Israel's "biggest dreamer". "He imagined all the things the rest of us could do. He started life as Israel's brightest student, became its best teacher and ended up its biggest dreamer.'' US President Barack Obama closed the eulogies, comparing Mr Peres to "some of the other giants of the 20th Century that I've had the honour to meet, like Nelson Mandela and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth". Mr Peres, he said, believed in equality for Palestinians. "Even in the face of terrorist attacks, even after repeated disappointments at the negotiation table, he insisted that as human beings Palestinians must be seen as equal in dignity to Jews and must therefore be equal in self determination." On Mount Herzl where evergreen trees shaded the dusty walkways from the late-summer sunshine, an extraordinary congregation assembled to say goodbye to Shimon Peres. You could have worked out that it was his funeral from the guest list alone - Prince Charles and Barack Obama, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. It's hard to imagine any other leader being mourned in quite the same way. Israel said goodbye to the last of its founding generation and global diplomacy mourned a lost star, but the children of Shimon Peres grieved a father and spoke of him with elegance and simplicity. And Mr Peres remained in command to the end, choosing his own funeral music. It was a setting of an old prayer he


remembered his grandfather singing to him in the pre-war Poland of the 1920s. Elegant and mournful, it played at the end of the old president's long journey, as it had played at the start. Before the ceremony began, Mr Abbas was seen shaking hands and speaking briefly with Mr Netanyahu. The last substantial public meeting between the two leaders was in 2010, with peace efforts completely suspended since April 2014. Hamas, the hardline Palestinian group that runs Gaza, condemned Mr Abbas's decision to attend the ceremony. Jordan and Egypt - the only two Arab countries to have signed peace deals with Israel - both sent official representatives to the ceremony. Mr Abbas, along with Mr Peres, was one of those who signed the Oslo peace accords in 1993, in the presence of Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin. Mr Peres, Mr Rabin and Mr Arafat were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 "for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East". All three have now died. Mr Peres' reputation in the region is complicated by the 1996 shelling of Qana in southern Lebanon that killed more than 100 people sheltering in a UN compound. It took place when, as prime minister, he ordered an offensive against a wave of rocket fire by the militant Hezbollah movement. He later said it was a "bitter surprise" to find that several hundred people were in the camp at the time. The funeral was the largest such event in Israel since the funeral of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who was assassinated by a Jewish nationalist in 1995. Mr Peres suffered a stroke two weeks ago and died on Wednesday in a hospital near Tel Aviv. (BBC)

Leaders from around the world paid their respects, including Barack Obama(REUTERS)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Jewish Leaders React To Rodrigo Duterte Holocaust Remarks PAGE 124

Jewish leaders have reacted angrily after Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte compared his anti-drug campaign to the Holocaust. The comment - wrongly citing numbers killed by the Nazis - was inhumane and deeply offensive, they said. Mr Duterte said he would kill as many addicts as Hitler did Jews in his crackdown on users and dealers. "Hitler massacred three million Jews... there's three million drug addicts. I'd be happy to slaughter them," he said. "What President Duterte said is not only profoundly inhumane, but it demonstrates an appalling disrespect for human life that is truly heart-breaking for the democratically elected leader of a great country," said World Jewish Congress president Ronald S. Lauder as he demanded an apology. US-based Jewish group the AntiDefamation League said the comments were "inappropriate and deeply offensive", with communications director Todd Gutnick saying it was "baffling why any leader would want to model himself after such a monster". Rabbi Abraham Cooper, of the US-based Simon Wiesenthal Center, said Mr Duterte owed "[Holocaust] victims an apology for his disgusting rhetoric". 'Cousin of Hitler' Mr Duterte, who has overseen a bloody crackdown on drug users and dealers since taking office in June which has left more than 3,000 people dead, made the comments during a rambling speech in Davao, the city where as mayor he implemented a tough anti-crime policy and was accused of sanctioning death squads to kill criminals. He told reporters he had been "portrayed to be some cousin of Hitler" as he lashed out critics who he said were accusing him of genocide. "Hitler massacred three million Jews, now, there is three million drug addicts. I'd be happy to slaughter them," he said. Both figures quoted


by Mr Duterte are incorrect. Hitler actually massacred six million Jews, as well as other minorities, during the Holocaust, while the most recent figures in the Philippines - released earlier in the week suggests the number of drug users in the country is closer to 1.8 million, just 1.8% of the overall population, according to local news website Rappler. Mr Duterte's rambling speech continued: "At least if Germany had Hitler, the Philippines would have..." - at which point he is reported to have pointed to himself. Mr Duterte also used the speech to once again accuse the West of hypocrisy over its criticism of his brutal crackdown. "You US, EU. You can call me anything. But I was never into... hypocrisy like you," he said. "There are migrants escaping from the Middle East. You allow them to rot and then you're worried about the death of about 1,000, 2,000, 3,000?" (BBC)

Mr Duterte said he wanted to save the Philippines for the next generation

US Student In 'Blackface' Mockscaptioning Black Lives Matter Campaign it with "one of the most derogatory words in the English

A video of a US student in "blackface" apparently mocking the Black Lives Matter campaign has sparked outrage. The Snapchat video shows a white student wearing an Albright College T-shirt with her face painted brown. She is then heard to say "Black Lives Matter" - seeming to make fun of the protest movement - before dancing offensively for the camera. Race tensions are high in the US currently, amid growing anger over police killings of black people. More than 1,000 citizens are killed by officers each year, with black men and women making up a disproportionate amount of those killed. The Black Lives Matter has grown up in protest against the killings. Albright College - which two weeks ago received an award for its diversity - made an immediate apology for the video, made in one of its halls of residence. "We unequivocally condemn the behaviour in the video," Lex O. McMillan III, president of the Pennsylvania college, said. "It is unacceptable by any member of our community and in no way represents the values of Albright." 'Deep remorse' Mr McMillan said the student had come forward and expressed "deep remorse" for their actions, and they were currently considering what disciplinary action to take. Out on the campus, there were calls for those involved to be expelled. "Why did she think that was okay? How was that appropriate? Like, how did that come about?" said Albright freshman Dymond Bullock asked Albright is the second American college to become embroiled in a race row over blackface - which emerged as a racist stereotype portraying black people as inferior in the 19th century - this month. Historically the term referred to the make-up worn by non-black performers to represent a black person, often portraying them in a racially stereotyped way or as inferior. As it evokes historical mockery and racism it is considered deeply offensive by many. Kansas State University was forced to make a statement after one of its former students posted a picture of themselves in a mud facemask,

language" before posting it to Snapchat. After clarifying the woman involved was no longer enrolled in the university, interim associate provost for diversity Zelia Wiley published a letter stating: "This racially offensive photo with a derogatory message has upset the K-State family and is not in concert with our principles of community. Such messages on social media are harmful to all." Meanwhile, a white student dressed as a gorilla who confronted protesters during a Black Lives Matter march at East Tennessee State University was charged with civil rights intimidation by the Johnson City Police Department. (BBC)

The video was shared amid rising tensions in the US, fuelled by anger at the disproportionate number of black people killed by police officers(GETTY IMAGES)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Deutsche Bank Chief Cryan Tries To Reassure On Bank's Strength PAGE 125

The chief executive of troubled Deutsche Bank has emailed the 100,000 staff to reassure them that the German giant's finances are strong. John Cryan told them the bank had become the object of "hefty speculation" and that "new rumours" were causing the share price to fall. He said the bank's reserves and profits underlined its strength. The shares hit new lows on Friday morning, but recovered to stand 1% up after Mr Cryan's comments. He pointed out that Deutsche had €215bn in reserves and made €1bn in profits for the last six month. At no point in the last 20 years had Deutsche been as strong as it is now, Mr Cryan insisted. "The release of the memo... seems to have taken the edge off of the German company's dramatic" share price decline, said SpreadEx analyst Connor Campbell. At the start of trading on Friday, Deutsche's share fell 9%. That followed a big fall overnight in the bank's Wall Street-listed shares, a drop sparked by reports that some hedge funds had withdrawn money from the bank. $14bn fine Deutsche Bank is under the most pressure of any bank since the financial crisis. Investors are increasingly worried about the financial health of the bank, which faces a $14bn fine in the US for mis-selling mortgagebacked bonds before the financial crisis of 2008. The bank's shares have been falling steadily from a recent high of €27.80 last November. But at their peak in May 2007, before the start of the banking crisis, the shares were valued at almost €100. Earlier on Friday, the chairman of the Eurogroup of eurozone finance ministers, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, said the penalty was excessive. "The $14bn are going to the American authorities. I don't begrudge the American authorities that money, but it is money that has to be paid by European account holders and investors. The fine is too high," he said. Unpopular Deutsche's woes hit bank shares across Europe. German rival Commerzbank was down about 6%, while the shares in UK, Swiss, French and Italian banks also


suffered. In Italy, Economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan told La Stampa newspaper that it was in everyone's interest "to look for solutions that must then be carefully handled". But the German government's position is not clear. Although a newspaper report earlier this week suggested the German government had made some provisional plans to rescue Deutsche, this would be politically unpopular. Eckhardt Rehberg, parliamentary budget spokesman for Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative CDU party, told Reuters: "At the present time, I would rule out any capital help. That would not be the right way to go." Mr Dijsselbloem ruled out a government bailout should the bank face bankruptcy. "We have set ourselves the rule that a bank needs to solve its own problem and if necessary the buck stops with the investors, the share holders, the bond holders and not with the authorities," he said. "This is a very important principle of the (European) banking union and it has to remain that way. Fortunately, the German government feels the same way," he added. Deutsche Bank made a net loss of €6.8bn last year and has embarked on a round of hefty cost-cutting that includes shedding 15% of its 100,000-strong global workforce. Like most of the world's leading banks, Deutsche Bank has been embroiled in the major banking scandals of recent years, including rigging interest rates. (BBC)




Hoboken Train Station Crash: Brazilian Mother Named As Victim The woman who died in the Hoboken train crash has been named as 34-year-old Brazilian Fabiola Bittar de Kroon. The IT worker and mother-of-one was not a passenger on the train that crashed through ticket barriers on Thursday, but was killed by debris that fell on to the platform. Investigators have found one of the train's black box recorders but debris has so far blocked access to the other. More than 110 people were injured in the accident, some critically. The black boxes hold data including the train's speed, throttle position and brake use. Ms de Kroon had recently moved to New Jersey from Brazil after her husband took a job with an international drinks company. She had just dropped her toddler daughter off at a childcare centre before rushing to catch a train, the centre's director said. Her mother Sueli Bittar described her as a "beautiful girl inside and out", ABC News reported. The investigation into the crash is expected to take between a week and 10 days, officials from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said. Driver Thomas Gallagher, 48, has been released from hospital and is said to be co-operating with the inquiry. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has said there was no indication the crash was "anything but a tragic accident". Hoboken is across the Hudson River from New York City. Many commuters use the busy station to travel into Manhattan. NTSB officials have said they will look into whether there were any similarities between Thursday's crash and one at the same station in 2011 that injured 34 people. An NTSB investigation found excessive speed to be the main cause of the 2011 accident. US rail safety In 2008 the US Congress passed a law requiring all trains to install Positive Train Control (PTC) systems by the end of 2015. But most rail companies were unable to meet the deadline as the system is expensive and complex to install. Some rail lines - including New Jersey Transit - threatened to shut down completely if it was enforced. In response, Congress extended the deadline to install PTC systems to 2018. Rail lines can then apply for an additional two-year extension to finalise updates and test the system. But safety targets for New Jersey's commuter trains say PTC installation should be completed by 2018. According New Jersey Transit's most recent PTC progress report, none of the 440 trains on the New Jersey Transit rail line are equipped with PTC, nor have any employees been trained to use the equipment. PTC safety systems are designed to automatically override the actions of train engineers if the locomotive is travelling too fast. In effect, they act as a safeguard against "human error" which could cause derailments or collisions. The system uses wi-fi, GPS and a specific coding system to relay real-time information from trains to control centres. Last year, the Guardian reported that US trains were far behind those in Europe, which have had automatic safety systems for years. Recent deadly passenger train crashes in the US While the US sees its fair share of deadly freight train crashes and derailments, this is the first deadly passenger train crash for five months. April 2016; Ms de Kroon had recently moved Chester, Pennsylvania: two die and 31 injured as a train collides with a digger May 2015; Philadelphia, to New Jersey(FABIOLA BITTAR Pennsylvania: a train travelling between Washington and New York City derails - eight people die and 200 of DE KROON/LINKEDIN) the 243 people on board are injured February 2015; Oxnard, California: passenger train hits vehicle on the

Kashmir Attack: Villagers Evacuate After India 'Surgical Strikes’ Indian villagers living close to the border with Pakistan are fleeing, one day after India said it launched strikes targeting militants in Kashmir. India said it conducted "surgical strikes" along the de facto border. Pakistan denied that, saying two of its soldiers died in cross-border shelling. People from a number of villages in Punjab state were leaving amid fears the confrontation might escalate. Disputed Kashmir has been a flashpoint for decades and has sparked two wars. Analysts say India has previously conducted more substantial strikes without any serious escalation of hostilities. India 'launches Kashmir border strikes' Relations between India and Pakistan have sharply deteriorated since earlier this month, when militants carried out the deadliest attack on an Indian army base in Kashmir in years. India blamed the attack on Pakistan, which denied the claim. What is happening now? The war of words is certainly escalating. After India said it launched the strikes, Pakistan reported that it had an Indian soldier in custody. The Indian army said he had inadvertently crossed the Line of Control which divides disputed Kashmir. Meanwhile in neighbouring Punjab state on the Indian side, media reports claimed six border districts and thousands of villagers were being evacuated. Reports said people will be housed in Sikh temples and banquet halls. However, BBC Hindi's Robin Singh, who visited several villages near the border in Punjab, said most people had opted to stay behind and there had been no official order to leave. What kicked all this off? The 18 September attack on the army base in Uri in Indian-administered Kashmir where 18 soldiers died was the deadliest of its kind for years. Narendra Modi's BJP government, which came to power promising a tough line on Pakistan, has been been under tremendous pressure to retaliate for what many in India believe is state-backed terrorism. Many observers say the latest move is aimed at placating an angry domestic constituency and sending out the message that Mr Modi is a strong leader. And many throughout the country hailed the assault as a powerful message to Pakistan. What does Pakistan say? Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif criticised the

"unprovoked and naked aggression of Indian forces" and said his military was capable of thwarting "any evil design to undermine the sovereignty of Pakistan". Islamabad says India's stance is a "blatant attempt" to deflect attention from human rights abuses in the region. More than 80 people, nearly all anti-government protesters, have died in more than two months of violence against Indian rule. Why is Kashmir so dangerous? Both India and Pakistan claim Muslim-majority Kashmir in its entirety but control only parts of it. The territorial dispute between the two countries has been running for over six decades, and two out of the three wars fought between the nuclear-armed rivals have been over Kashmir. As with every stand-off in Kashmir, many people fear that this could eventually escalate into a major clash between two nuclear-armed states. But most analysts still believe that is unlikely to happen and that sporadic clashes and diplomatic sabre-rattling are likely to continue. (BBC)

Analysts say the "surgical strikes" were not as severe as seen in previous years




Germany Closes Motorway In Bomb Scare Near Austria German police closed a motorway at the Austrian border overnight after stopping a car carrying suspected bomb-making materials. During a routine check at the Kiefersfelden border crossing, police found "explosive-like" materials in a Polish-registered car. The discovery triggered a major security operation. The police detained the Polish driver and his three African passengers, from Ivory Coast and Guinea. The A93 motorway was later reopened. Three pipes were found in the car which police suspect were intended for pipe bombs. They also found a large amount

of gunpowder in the car, as well as connecting wires and several mobile phones. The Polish driver's intentions remain a mystery. He is suspected of trafficking the Africans into Germany illegally. German police have stepped up German border checks have become more common checks on vehicles entering since last year's huge influx of migrants(AFP) from Austria since last year's unexpected influx of 1.1 attacks in Germany during the summer, million migrants and refugees. The including a mass shooting in Munich. security forces raised the alert level after (BBC) a number of gun, bomb and machete




US Election 2016: Trump Berates Alicia Machado On Twitter

Donald Trump has attacked a former beauty pageant winner who criticised him for alleged sexist and misogynistic remarks as "disgusting". In a stream of tweets, the Republican presidential nominee urged Americans to examine

Alicia Machado's personal history and her "sex tape". He implied his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton had secured US citizenship for Venezuelanborn Ms Machado.

Alicia Machado says she was later diagnosed with eating disorders(AP)

In response, Mrs Clinton tweeted: "This is unhinged, even for Trump." Ms Machado says she was called "Miss Piggy" by the Republican candidate for the White House when he owned the Miss Universe beauty pageant after she put on

weight after winning the title in 1996. She also says he called her "Miss Housekeeping" because of her Latina heritage. Her case was raised by Mrs Clinton in the ďŹ rst presidential debate earlier this week as an example of Mr Trump's attitude to women.

In his early-morning Twitter outburst, Mr Trump said Ms Machado had a "terrible" past that a "duped" Mrs Clinton had overlooked before holding her up "as an 'angel'". He added: "Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a US citizen so she could use her in the debate?" In her Twitter response, Mrs Clinton asked: "What kind of man stays up all night to smear a woman with lies and conspiracy theories?" (BBC)



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GUYANA DAILY NEWS President Granger Blames Drug Trafficking For Serious Crimes President David Granger is of the view that most serious crimes cases in places such as the United Kingdom (UK) and Jamaica PAGE 132

in Guyana have their origin in “dark and oppressive time” as drug lords rule the criminal underworld. During his weekly televised programme, ‘The Public Interest’, the President said, “I regard narco trafficking as the mother of all crimes because the huge amount of money that is generated in narco trafficking could be used to order executions, to recruit rogues who could carry out other crime...they can get young people to sell the drugs, they can actual bride law enforcement office.” The President referred to the recent find of an illegal twin engine Cessna Aircraft at the Yupukari Airstrip, Region 9, stating that it was clear that it entered the country illegally and may have been carrying some contraband goods. “As long as drugs keep coming into this country it will be very difficult to control crime,” the President said The Head of State noted that most of the murders taking place are “interpersonal violence” and other crimes such gang violence are linked to narco trafficking. But sixteen months into the coalition government’s term in office and there has been no conviction of any notable key figures in the drug trade or dismantling of any drug rings in Guyana. While the President acknowledged that Guyana contributed to


in which drugs were intercepted leaving Guyana, there has been no reports of tackling the drug trade itself in Guyana. The last well-known figure in the drug trade in Guyana was selfconfessed drug lord Barry Dataram, who after being granted bail, fled Guyana and left the government in an embarrassing situation.

Black Bush Murder Accused Tries To Escape From Prison It has high drama at the New Amsterdam prison on Tuesday last when an 18-year-old murder accused attempted to escape for the third time. He has been identified as Jairam Chetram, who is accused of shooting to death a family of three in Black Bush Polder in July. The Guyana Daily News was reliably informed that a prison officer noticed the murder accused walking on the prison roof at about 23:00hrs. He raised an alarm and the teenager was captured. According to reports, the young man tried to escape by removing boards from his cell and the zinc from the roof. Meanwhile, this newspaper understands that this is not Chetram’s first attempted prison break, as he had tried to escape with other inmates on two previous occasions. Chetram is accused of being the trigger man in the slaying of the trio who had gone on a fishing trip in Cocorite Savannah at Black Bush Polder, Corentyne between July 21 and July 22. It is alleged that Chetram and others, including his father, murdered Pawan Chandradeo, 37, called “Suresh” and “Jug Up”; his son Jaikarran Chandradeo, 16, called “Kevin” and his brother-in-law Naresh Rooplall, 35, called “Teeka Bai” and “Mice.” It is alleged that the accused men were in a rice field stealing diesel fuel when the trio came to the very field to catch “hassar”. The shooter, believed to be Chetram moved over to the men and shot them each, once at point blank range, killing them on the spot. It is believed that the gun he used belong to his father.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Lack Of Jobs Force Students Into Prostitution, Illegal Activities C h i l d r e n N o t Ta k e n S e r i o u s l y – S i t A n R e p o r t PAGE 133

According to a ‘Voice of Adolescents’ section of a Situation Analysis (SitAn) report compiled by the United Nations Children Fund’s (UNICEF) in collaboration with the Government of Guyana, “many of the students upon completing school cannot find proper jobs and they end up turning to prostitution and illegal activities.” The report was handed over to First Lady Sandra Granger and Minister of Social Protection Volda Lawrence on Wednesday, at Herdmanston Lodge in Georgetown. The report highlighted the high unemployment about the young population, which represents more than 60% of country’s population and stated that current estimated youth unemployment rate is to about 40%. The SitAn report also highlighted that the voices of children in Guyana are being ignored and respect for their rights limited despite measures in place to prevent this. In composing the situation analysis, the report reveal that during consultation, both formally and informally, with several children from various parts of the country and all had one common concern. “… nonetheless, all had one point in common: they all mentioned not having any space to participate at school,” the report stated. It also noted that while “school is not the only environment where the child lives, it is the space where he/she spends 1/3 of his/her day, and it is an environment where learning is the main goal. In theory, the school could be the space where participation should be taught and practised.” “While all the students were receptive to the idea of participation at school, at home, and in their community, they also shared a concern that some adults might not be prepared to listen to their opinions and take them seriously,” the report stated. “In practice, according to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (UN Committee on the Rights


of the Child, 2013), respect for this right remains limited, with no systematic approach in place for the participation of children and young people in local governance. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child raised that socio-cultural attitudes and traditions continue to restrain children from freely expressing their views in schools, the courts and within the family,” the SitAn report said. Meanwhile, recommendation given by the SitAn report was that principals and teachers in all schools in Guyana must be trained in the importance of child participation at school and society. It was also recommended that they develop toolkits for public consultations on national policy development to standardise these consultations at a high level of inclusiveness and participation and undertake programmes and awareness-raising activities to promote the meaningful and empowered participation of all children.

Brothers Die In Horrific Accident On EBD Road Linden, Region 10 has been thrown into a state of mourning following the news that two brothers perished in an accident on Saturday afternoon on the Friendship, East Bank Demerara roadway. The Guyana Daily News understands that the young men died on the spot after their Rav4 collided with a truck, which was heading in the direction of Georgetown. Dead are Jonnel Armstrong and Phillip Armstrong; they are the sons of Regional Health Officer for Region 10, Dr. Pansy Armstrong and Dr. Joseph Armstrong, who is a popular dentist in Region 10. Preliminary reports indicate that the two brothers and a friend were on their way to Linden at around 14:00h when the collision occurred. The friend is said to be in a critical condition at the Georgetown Public Hospital. It is not clear how the accident occurred and investigations are ongoing.

Dead: Phillip and Jonnel Armstrong

Op-Ed PAGE 134



OP-ED: Guyanese Have Lost Confidence In The Economy Many Guyanese have lost confidence in the economy as a result of ailing industries such as rice, sugar, agriculture, construction etc. According to the Ministry of Finance half year report, Guyana’s Economy grew by 2%, however, much of that is attributed to the two large scale gold mining operations in Guyana, Troy Resources and Guyana Gold Fields. The report further showed that most of Guyana’s real economy has underperformed over the last year in the agriculture sector, while fishing and forestry contracted by 10.0 percent, sugar production for the first half of 2016 fell by 30%, rice also fell by 26.2 percent compared to production during the same period in 2015. The forestry sector contracted by 13.1 percent during the first half of 2016 compared to the same period in 2015; the manufacturing sector also contracted by 14.1 percent during the first half of 2016. Other manufacturing declined by 3.0 percent as a result of reduced production of pharmaceuticals and aerated beverages, wholesale and retail trade. Construction, which account for approximately a third of the sector, contracted by 11.3 percent and 7.5 percent, respectively; also bauxite exports fell from US$53.3 million to US$46.3 million, a decrease of about 13.1 percent while diamond exports fell by 10.7 percent from US$9.0 million to US$8.2 million. Many persons are asking for an economic plan from the David Granger administration as the APNU+AFC government continues to run the country without a clear-cut economic plan and social model, hence the decline in the economy. What the government is doing is sponging off the billions left in the Treasury by the PPP/C government and following their economic model, as

well as basking in the glory of the achievements of the PPP/C in almost every area of social and economic life of Guyanese. In the meanwhile, the corruption scandals in the Granger led administration have resulted in Guyanese losing confidence in the Administration. As the Christmas season is approaching, people would normally anticipate a spike in shopping and several persons who spoke to the Guyana Daily News said that their spending powers has been reduced because of increased taxes and fees. They also said that the general business atmosphere has declined over the past year. By Edward Johnson

PAGE 135



#58/59 Villages To Canje Creek All Weather Road Project Proposal Submitted To Agri. Minister Over 8000 Farmers Stand To Benefit Agriculture Minister Noel Holder today accepted a proposal to begin discussions for the constructing of an all-weather road from #58/59 Villages to Canje Creek. Upon completion, over 8000 farmers stands to benefit from the project as if offers better access to farm lands in the Berbice area. The proposal was made by the Berbice Regional Representative, Office of the Prime Minister, Mr. Gobin Harbhajan. The Regional Chairman of Berbice, Mr. David Armogan also lauded the benefits of the project adding that access to lands is one of the factors hindering further agricultural development in the region. In an invited comment, Mr. Harbhajan explained that in 2006, the former president of the Upper Berbice Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. David Subnauth brought the idea of an allweather road from the public road to the Canje Creek but he saw no avenue at the time whereby he could ventilate the project. “In 2015 when the Coalition government came into power I decided to rekindle this idea which I know would receive the focus it deserved. I then discussed the idea of this project with the owners of Nand Persaud and Company Limited who agreed that the construction of this road will make a vast amount of scarce lands available to farmers,” Harbhajan said. Agriculture Minister Noel Holder welcomed the project adding that such collaboration that is needed to fully unlock the potential of the agriculture sector in the Region. “Such a project will have a direct effect on the economic growth of the Region and seeks to provide a better livelihood for farmers and their families.” Minister Holder said. Such a project will significantly boost agriculture production in the ancient county since agriculture is the backbone of the region’s economy. A series of meetings were held with over 20 farmers, other stakeholders and the CEO of the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority Mr. Freddy Flatts. Mr. Harbhajan engaged the help of NDIA’ engineers to design the plan for the construction of the allweather road. The team from NDIA will be working with the Lands and Surveys department of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure to get the project on the way. It was pointed out by Mr. Harbhajan that lands previously cultivated have been abandoned due to the deplorable state of the existing mud bam. Additionally, the area will not only see the cultivation of rice but other crops such as coconuts, provisions and citrus fruits. Processing plants will also be set up in the two industrial sites earmarked. The $900M investment will also pave the way for additional rice lands to be brought under cultivation. The next phase of the project will see the team along with engaging the Guyana Lands and Survey Commission, after which the proposal will be sent to Cabinet for approval. The team comprised Mr. Gobin Harbhajan, Office of the Prime Minister

Representative in Berbice, Mr. Lakhram Singh, Vice Chairman Works Committee of No. 52-74 NDC, Mr. Mohindra Persaud of Nand Persaud and Company, Mr. Ramlagan Singh, Farmer and Member of the Rice Producers Association (RPA) and Mr. Haseef Yusuf, RDC councillor and Public Relations Officer, Nand Persaud and Company Limited. Ministry of Agriculture Press Release

PAGE 136



Cop, Wife & Daughter Injured In Accident A vehicular accident in the wee hours of Saturday has left a Police Lance Corporal, his wife and daughter in a critical condition at the Georgetown Public Hospital. According to reports, Police Lance Corporal Clarke was driving PRR 6669, with his wife and daughter inside, when he lost control and ended up in a trench next to a mosque at West Meten-MeerZorg, West Coast Demerara. The accident occurred at approximately 2:30h; the car was submerged and the occupants had to be rescued after which they were rushed to the Leonora Diagnostic Centre before being transferred to the Georgetown Hospital. The Lance Corporal is stationed at the Tactical Services Unit (TSU).

The mangled car in the trench

Illegal Aircraft Repaired, Flown To CJIA The illegal aircraft, bearing a fake United States registration number (N767Z) that was recently discovered camouflaged at an airstrip in Yupukari, has since been repaired, and was flown from Yupukari to Lethem initially, before arriving at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) at 10:00h Saturday morning. A statement from the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) detailed that Aeronautical Engineers of the GDF Air Corps, after inspecting the aircraft, had identified the problems which had rendered it unserviceable. The necessary spares were sourced, and the repairs conducted, resulted in the aircraft becoming operable. “The aircraft was subsequently flown by GDF Pilots to Lethem on Friday, September 30th where it overnighted. This allowed for the GDF Engineers to conduct further repairs and functional checks under more favourable conditions, so as to ensure the aircraft’s suitability to fly to Timehri. Consequently, the aircraft departed Lethem for CJIA this morning at 09:10 hours, and is currently secured at the GDF Air Corps Hangar, Air Station London, CJIA,” the GDF stated. The mangled car being removed following the accident It was further noted that investigations are ongoing with regards to all aspects surrounding the discovery of the aircraft. A Commission of Inquiry (CoI) has since been established by President David Granger to investigate how the plane entered Guyana undetected. Army Chief of Staff Brigadier Mark Philips had said that the aircraft was spotted by residents of Yupukari who alerted the GDF and the police. Additionally, Minister of State Joseph Harmon had revealed that the plane was found party hidden. “It was off of the airstrip itself and there seemed to have been some kind of a camouflage net that was thrown over it and it was partly in the bushes so we get the sense that it would have been there a few days.” Government had revealed that the area where the aircraft was discovered, has The illegal aircraft is currently secured at the been on the radar of law enforcement for illegal activities, GDF Air Corps Hangar at CJIA including drug trafficking.

PAGE 137



Analysis Of Imports For The Second Quarter Of 2016 Looking at the overall imports for the first half of 2016, imports generally declined in the first half of the year. This is according to the Ministry of Finance Half Year report. A brief analysis on the report states that merchandise imports declined overall by about 10.1 percent to US$699.5 million in the first half of 2016, from US$777.8 million in the first half of 2015. Imports of intermediate goods fell from US$398.6 million in the first half of 2015 to US$337.8 million in the first half of 2016. Imports of capital goods fell from US$186.7 million in the first half of 2015 to US$160.7 million in the first half of 2016. Capital goods imports also fell in almost every subcategory. Imports of agricultural machinery continued their downward trend, while imports of building materials and transport machinery declined. Lower foreign direct investment may be limiting the demand for imported capital goods. The report further states that, remittances, the larger portion of Net Current Transfer, showed a decline from US$198.2 million in the first half of 2015 to US$173.6 million in the first half of 2016, a difference of US$26.4 million, inflows of workers’ remittances declined from US$123.50 million in the first half of 2015 to US$95.7

million in the first half of 2016. Lower remittances may be a factor in the weaker performance in some real sector industries in Guyana, such as wholesale and retail trade, as households have less cash to spend on consumption and investments.

Guyana Looks To Strengthened Relations With China Particularly In ‘Green’ Development -President Granger Says At 67th Anniversary Celebration Of China’s Founding Georgetown, Guyana – (September 30, 2016) President David Granger and Chinese Ambassador to Guyana, Mr. Zhang Limin, this evening, pledged to continue working together to deepen and strengthen the relations shared between The Cooperative Republic of Guyana and The People’s Republic of China (PRC), for the mutual benefit of the two nations especially in the pursuit of a ‘green’ agenda and sustainable development as the world continues to grapple with the effects of the Climate change and global warming phenomena. President Granger, who was at the time attending the 67th anniversary celebrations of the founding of The People’s Republic of China, held at the Chinese Embassy, earlier this evening, said that Guyana, since the inception of the PRC, has always been a partner of the nation. “Guyana recalls with pride its adoption of a principled position 45 years ago, when the countries of the world were deeply divided, to have voted in support of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 in October 1971. Resolution 2758 recognised the representatives of the government of the People’s Republic of China as “the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations.” Guyana has never changed its principled position and remains committed to a “One China policy,” the President said. As Guyana prepares to celebrate National Tree Day 2016 tomorrow, the Head of State noted that while Guyana shares with China, common values such as mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, cooperation for mutual benefit, respect for treaties and international law and the maintenance of international peace and security, a major common interest is the promotion of sustainable development, particularly, in the area of renewable

energy; an area the Guyanese President has been pushing since his assumption to office, given Guyana’s possession of hectares of virtually pristine, untouched rainforest.

From left: Chinese Ambassador to Guyana, His Excellency Zhang Limin, His Excellency, President David Granger, First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, Mrs. Liu Yu and acting Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Carl Greenidge.

continued on next page...


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Guyana Looks To Strengthened Relations...cont... PAGE 138

“Guyana has observed, with keen interest, China’s introduction of its 13th Five-year Plan (2016-2020) which committed to achieving a ‘green economy’ by introducing ‘green’ low-carbon industries, expanding sustainable energy sources, extending forest protection and establishing a ‘green’ development fund. Guyana, through its own ‘green agenda,’ has similar objectives. We look forward to intensifying cooperation between our two Republics in our common quest to ensure greater use of clean, green and low-carbon technologies and renewable sources of energy,” President Granger said. This cooperation, the President said, is something to look forward to as since diplomatic relations between Guyana and China were established in 1972, the two states have only continued to grow in their cooperation. “Guyana and China have now maintained mutually beneficial, high-level, and friendly relations for forty-four years through continuous cooperation in several spheres. Guyana and China have collaborated in academia, culture, defence, energy, health, infrastructure development, medicine, mining and other fields. We look forward to building further on the firm foundation of this solid long-term relationship. Guyana shares with China a desire to deepen and strengthen economic relations and trade ties to our mutual benefit,” he said. The President highlighted that China has emerged as one of the largest and fastest-growing economies and the largest trading nation in the world and the country’s economic advances over the past twenty years have been accompanied by increased investment and trade with the rest of the world, including the Caribbean. This cooperation with the Caribbean, which has extended to Guyana, President Granger said, is deeply appreciated and will only serve as an impetus for continued collaboration. “Guyana welcomes, especially, the introduction of the multi-lateral, multi-billion dollar platforms such the People’s Republic of ChinaLatin America and Caribbean (PRC-LAC) Industrial Cooperation Investment and Infrastructure Funds. These initiatives will certainly strengthen our economic relations,” he said. Ambassador Limin, in his remarks, said that the relations between Guyana and China have been marked only by cooperation, collaboration and a friendly approach to economic and social development. The Chinese Ambassador urged the local Chinese population to respect the cordial relationship which has existed between the two countries till now by upholding and having due respect for the laws and regulations of the land. “Over the years, the Chinese people and companies in Guyana had taken an active part in the social life and the public welfare undertakings of Guyana. You have won the respect of the local friends by diligence and self-discipline. I hope you would cherish the fine tradition of the China/Guyana friendship, abide by the local laws and customs. While developing yourself, please remember to fulfill the social responsibilities and continue your responsibility to promote the friendly relations between China and Guyana,” Ambassador Limin said. He noted that President Xi Jingping of China considers Guyana a friend of the country and he expects that with time, the relationship will bloom into more fruitful, deeper and meaningful encounters, since he believes that the country is filled with great hope and even greater potential. “Friends make distance disappear and that is how Chinese President Xi Jingping has


described the relations between China and the Latin American and Caribbean countries including Guyana. China and Guyana are separated by mountains and seas but the two countries enjoy a long standing traditional friendship since the Chinese first arrival in Guyana in 1853. The Chinese people have taken Guyana as their second hometown,” he said. The event was attended by First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, acting Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign A ff a i r s , M r. C a r l G r e e n i d g e , M i n i s t e r o f P u b l i c Telecommunications, Mrs. Catherine Hughes, former President and Prime Minister, Mr. Samuel Hinds, Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr. Barton Scotland, members of the Opposition, members of the diplomatic corps as well as Police Commissioner, Mr. Seelall Persaud and Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), Brigadier Mark Phillips. MOTP Press Release

President David Granger addressing the gathering at the celebration held in honour of the 67th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, at the Chinese Embassy in Guyana, earlier this evening.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Happy Navaratri! Happy Navaratri! Navaratri is a festival dedicated to the worship of the ‘Kanya Puja’, ceremony where nine young girls are worshipped PAGE 139

the Hindu deity Durga. The word Navaratri means 'nine nights' in Sanskrit, nava means nine and ratri means nights. During these nine nights and ten days, nine forms of Devi are worshipped. The tenth day is commonly called ‘Vijayadashami’, day in which is celebrated the victory of God Durga over the evil Mahishasura. Son of King of Asuras, Rambha and a Mahisha or water buffalo. Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is celebrated twenty days after Vijayadashami. Navaratri symbolizes the victory of positivity over negativity. This year the festival will be celebrated from the 1st to the 10th of October. The celebration starts in a humble and simple way. Devotees will get up early in the morning and cleanse their skin with fresh water. Dressing with clean fresh clothes they will proceed to perform ‘puja’, or act of worshiping. This comprises mantra chanting, lighting of diya, recitation of shlokas or religious verses from Durga Saptashati and start the preparation and offering of 'prasad', which is a material substance of food. During the day devotional songs or ‘bhajans’ are sung, ritual that is repeated during the night when the devotees assist to the Mandir or Hindu Temple and perform the puja and 'aarti' (light of wicks soaked in ghee) and 'prasad' is offered to the Goddess. Jagran is also performed, which is an all-night vigil, which includes songs and dances in honor of a deity. During this period the devotees will also execute the ‘niyamas’ or positive duties. This duties include actions of charity, staying away from recreational activities and fasting. Fasting is considered to be a way to cleanse the body, mind and soul from impurities. Some persons will fast for the 9 days of the festival, others will perform it only for six to three days, and some just the first and the last day of the festivity. On the nine day the devotees will follow the practice of breaking their Navaratri fast, and perform


as a representation of the nine forms of ‘Devi’ or goddess. Navaratri is considered a time for miracles, joy and self-encounter. A time or redemption and purification, a sacred period of festivity for the Hindu Community. Source:

Hindu deity Durga fighting Mahishasura

Fire Ravages ‘Cool Breeze" In Bartica An early morning fire morning ravaged ‘Cool Breeze’, Bartica and has left multiple business owners counting millions of dollars in damages and irreplaceable losses to stock. Speaking to the Guyana Daily News was Lead Fireman Scott from Bartica who reported that in the early hours of Saturday morning the fire service was summoned to the location after reports of a fire had surfaced. He further revealed that the fire completely burnt two of the boutiques and left one severely burnt and damaged; the western wall of the KW Mall was also scorched and left several windows shattered. Fireman Scott informed that at the moment the cause of the fire is unknown but investigations are underway. However a source close to the Guyana Daily News revealed that the fire was due to an explosion of a gas bottle. There were no reported casualties


GUYANA DAILY NEWS New Department Of Environment To Push Guyana’s ‘Green Agenda’ PAGE 140

Georgetown, Guyana – (September 30, 2016) With a packed mandate for Guyana’s development along a green pathway, the government has held true to its promise of establishing a Department of Environment (DoE), which will be headed by Advisor on Climate Change at the Ministry of the Presidency, Ms. Ndibi Schwiers. Her appointment as Head of the department will be officially announced tomorrow on National Tree Day at Iwokrama by President David Granger. Ms. Schwiers holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Forestry and a Master of Science in Environmental Pollution Management. She holds core competencies in Environmental Regulations, Environmental Management, Waste Management among other related areas. The Department, which falls under the Ministry of the Presidency, will oversee the activities of environmental compliance and management, protected areas development and management, national parks management and wildlife conservation and protection. It will be directly responsible for the Environmental Protection Agency, Protected Areas Commission/National Parks Commission and the Wildlife Division. Prior to the establishment of the Department, these agencies fell under the aegis of the Ministry of Natural Resources, but President Granger has identified the need to separate matters of biodiversity protection and management from the extractive industries. “The President has articulated his strategic vision for the development of the country along a green path. His vision is gaining traction in Guyana and internationally. One of the key elements of this green economy is environmental sustainability. So now, more than ever before, there is a need to place emphasis on improving the quality of the environment,” Ms. Schwiers said. The Department will also work closely with other government agencies with an environmental mandate, research agencies, the private sector, civil society and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to advance the government’s mandate. “The Department will not seek to usurp the role or functions of these agencies, but will coordinate its mandate so that it can catalyse actions so as to improve environmental management nationally,” the Head of Department said. A key point to note, she said, is that the environment is a complex and interrelated, unified system. However, the current assignments of various agencies do not reflect this primary characteristic. “We tend to operate separately, so that is how we need to start looking at the environment. So the department acts as a means of ensuring that the work of these agencies is coordinated; so that the elements of the environmental are treated holistically,” she said. With its core focus centred on the development of policies and programmes that will achieve its mandate within the country’s ‘Green Agenda’, the first order of business for the Department would be to meet with the related agencies and Ministries to assess those policies and programmes, which currently exist. “There exists a plethora of policies on the environment along with various pieces of legislation that guide the functions of these agencies. The Department will have to get an understanding of what currently exists [and] then see where gaps lie. When we do that then we will be able to develop bridging policies to deal with those gaps,” she said. The Department has also begun consultations with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for the continued development of a green strategy approach, which surpasses the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS). Other areas of focus include coastal zone management, waste management and other priorities,


but the establishment of the right policies to tackle these issues remains paramount. “A lack of policies is a precursor to catastrophe, so the setting up of the DoE is a far reaching step by the government so that we ensure that Guyana not only keeps reference of our potential, but that we work towards ensuring that we can harness that potential,” she said. She added that environmental sustainability is one of the tenets of sustainable development, therefore, much focus has to be placed on the strategic steps that will be taken so as to achieve the sustainable development that will go hand in hand with Guyana’s Green Agenda. The Department of Environment was officially gazetted on September 1, 2016 and holds the mission: “To develop a robust, world-class environmental system that safeguards the integrity of the natural environment and protects public health through the development and adoption of appropriate, sustainable and coherent policies and programmes. It will further work to nurture this system through the utilisation of best available science, up to date information and the engagement of all stakeholders to effectively advance the environmental initiatives of the government for the benefit of all Guyanese and the global community.” The establishment of the DoE is seen as a critical one which will help to advance the “greening” of Guyana’s Economy which aims at the long term well-being of the country and is a goal which President David Granger believes holds the key to environmental sustainability and economic development in Guyana. MOTP Press Release

Ms. Ndibi Schwiers, Head of the newly established Department of Environment


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Thirty Four Women Empowered To Transform Communities In Region Two -7th Self Reliance In Business Workshop Completed PAGE 141

Georgetown, Guyana – (September 30, 2016) Thirty four women representing 34 villages along the Essequibo Coast can now consider themselves budding business gurus after having successfully completed the 7th training session of the Self Reliance and Success in Business workshop. The training was done in the Regional Board Room, in Anna Regina Essequibo, Pomeroon-Supenaam (Region Two). First Lady, Mrs. Granger speaking at the graduation ceremony, told the women, “I Hope you have benefitted from [the workshop]… and I hope that at the end of it you will not only have gained much from the knowledge and advice imparted by our facilitators, but also in the friendships you may have built through your experiences as you engaged in learning a bit more about setting up, establishing and running a successful business. I am very happy to know once more that we exceeded our target number of participants.” Mr. Yohann Sanjay Pooran, facilitator of Interweave Solutions Incorporated, the facilitating agency, advised the women that with a strong business plan and having a clear outline of their business they can be successful business owners and help with the development in their communities. “Her [Mrs. Granger] vision is our vision. As we move forward with the implementation of the six P’s [Planning, Paperwork, Products, Promotion, Price and Process] of business, our community oriented approach to action and our emphasis on creating a good quality of life in your homes, and I believe we’re contributing to the exercise of establishing a sound and solid village economy, which helps everyone.” Mr. Pooran, recalled, that at several workshops conducted throughout the Regions of Guyana, Mrs. Granger spoke extensively on women’s empowerment, and how an economy can move forward “We have trained over 200 women… Think about the impact of those if they go on to create successful businesses under the Guyanese economy. That is 200 plus people in the work force, employing additional people, who are paying taxes, making a strong contribution to their communities.” The trainer also urged the women to be more actively involved in the development of their community. “Get involved! It may be in politics, it may be in the social realm, in some community organisation that already exists… We hope to see all of these women… in a couple of months… become leaders of good, strong, small enterprises in Region Two. This group of thirty plus women can transform the local regional economy. You have the power to do that,” Mrs. Pooran said. One of the beneficiaries of the training session, Ms. Vaniessa Granville said that the gesture made by Mrs. Granger and Interweave Solutions Incorporated has provided a great depth of knowledge for the women. “My charge to us is to look for the good in each other, put aside our differences, face the challenges together and let’s move forward together and let progress continue,” she said. Together, the women have also formed three groups within their workshops to focus on the eradication of some of the social issues faced in their communities; Women Empowerment, which will focus on school drop outs, Rising to Status, which will focus on women’s empowerment and self-reliance and the Hinterland Women’s Development Association, which will also focus on school drop outs. MOTP Press Release

First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Ganger is flanked by, from left to right, facilitators of the Self Relaince and Success in Business Workshop, Ms. Marcia Meredith and Mr. Yohann Sanjay Pooran, Regional Executive Officer, Mr. Brentnol Hopkinson and Lieutenant Colonel (ret’d) Ms. Yvonne Smith in the front row. The latest batch of participants in the workshop are pictured standing.


First Lady Mrs. Sandra Granger gives brief remarks

Colleen Prince receiving her certificate from First Lady Mrs Sandra Granger. Colleen, who is a successful entrepreneur said, “The workshop has been very beneficial [for me]. Mostly what I’ve learnt is the experiences that I’ve had here from other business people, the other women and the businesses they have, inspired me and give me more knowledge on how to create and improve my business.”

Stephanie Persaud receiving her certificate from Regional Executive Officer, Mr. Brentnol Hopkinson. Stephanie Persaud started off selling honey in recycled bottles to make a living. She has been very successful in expanding her business where she now sells Carsareep and rears chickens. “I am going to put the 6P’s into practice [Planning, Paperwork, Products, Promotion, Price and Process] and I know I am going to do better.”





GASCI Reports that session 688's trading results showed consideration of $1,387,531 from 4,584 shares traded in 8 transactions as compared to session 687's trading results, which showed consideration of 12,660,375 from 196,803 shares traded in 12 transactions. The stocks active this week were DIH, DBL, DDL, DTC, RBL and RDL. Banks DIH Limited's (DIH) single trade of 1,000 shares at $30.0 represented 21.82% of the total shares traded. DIH's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $30.0, which showed an increase of $5.0 from its previous close of $25.0. DIH's trade contributed 2.16% ($30,000) of the total consideration. Demerara Bank Limited's (DBL) single trade of 520 shares at $38.0 represented 11.34% of the total shares traded. DBL's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $38.0, which showed no change from its previous close. DBL's trade contributed 1.42% ($19,760) of the total consideration. Demerara Distillers Limited's (DDL) two trades totalling 682 shares represented 14.88% of the total shares traded. DDL's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $24.0, which showed no change from its previous close. DDL's trades contributed 1.18% ($16,368) of the total consideration. Both of DDL's trades were at $24.0. Demerara Tobacco Company Limited's (DTC) single trade of

957 shares at $1,020.0 represented 20.88% of the total shares traded. DTC's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $1,020.0, which showed no change from its previous close. DTC's trade contributed 70.35% ($976,140) of the total consideration. Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited's (RBL) two trades totalling 1,125 shares represented 24.54% of the total shares traded. RBL's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $106.9, which showed an increase of $1.90 from its previous close of $105.0. RBL's trades contributed 8.67% ($120,263) of the total consideration. Both of RBL's trades were at $106.9. Rupununi Development Company Limited's (RDL) single trade of 300 shares at $750.0 represented 6.54% of the total shares traded. RDL's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $750.0, which showed an increase of $400.0 from its previous close of $350.0. RDL's trade contributed 16.22% ($225,000) of the total consideration. Best bid: The highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for a security. Best oer: The lowest price at which a seller is oering to sell securities. TERM OF THE WEEK Cross Rate: An exchange rate between two currencies that does not involve a standard reference currency such as the USD. Source: Dictionary of Financial and Securities Terms.




HEALTH TIP Diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus (or diabetes) is a chronic, lifelong condition that affects your body's ability to use the energy found in food. There are three major types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. All types of diabetes mellitus have something in common. Normally, your body breaks down the sugars and carbohydrates you eat into a special sugar called glucose. Glucose fuels the cells in your body. But the cells need insulin, a hormone, in your bloodstream in order to take in the glucose and use it for energy. With diabetes mellitus, either your body doesn't make enough insulin, it can't use the insulin it does produce, or a combination of both. Sam Talbot Shares Diabetes-Friendly Recipes Read the Sam Talbot Shares Diabetes-Friendly Recipes article > > Since the cells can't take in the glucose, it builds up in your blood. High levels of blood glucose can damage the tiny blood vessels in your kidneys, heart, eyes, or nervous system. That's why diabetes -- especially if left untreated -- can eventually cause heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, and nerve damage to nerves in the feet. Diabetes increases your risk for many serious health problems. The good news? With the correct treatment and recommended lifestyle changes, many people with diabetes are able to prevent or delay the onset of complications. Skin Complications Diabetes can affect every part of the body, including the skin. In fact, such problems are sometimes the first sign that a person has diabetes. Luckily, most skin conditions can be prevented or easily treated if caught early. Some of these problems are skin conditions anyone can have, but people with diabetes get more easily. These include bacterial infections, fungal infections, and itching. Other skin problems happen mostly or only to people with diabetes. These include diabetic dermopathy, necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum, diabetic blisters, and eruptive xanthomatosis. Bacterial Infections Several kinds of bacterial infections occur in people with diabetes: · Styes (infections of the glands of the eyelid) · Boils · Folliculitis (infections of the hair follicles) · Carbuncles (deep infections of the skin and the tissue underneath) · Infections around the nails Inflamed tissues are usually hot, swollen, red, and painful. Several different organisms can cause infections, the most common being Staphylococcus bacteria, also called staph. Once, bacterial infections were life threatening, especially for people with diabetes. Today, death is rare, thanks to antibiotics and better methods of blood sugar control But even today, people with diabetes have more bacterial infections than other people do. Doctors believe people with diabetes can reduce their chances of these infections by practicing good skin care. Fungal Infections The culprit in fungal infections of people with diabetes is often Candida albicans. This yeast-like fungus can create itchy rashes of moist, red areas surrounded by tiny blisters and scales. These infections often occur in

warm, moist folds of the skin. Problem areas are under the breasts, around the nails, between fingers and toes, in the corners of the mouth, under the foreskin (in uncircumcised men), and in the armpits and groin. Common fungal infections include jock itch, athlete's foot, ringworm (a ring-shaped itchy patch), and vaginal infection that causes itching. Neuropathy (Nerve Damage) Nerve damage from diabetes is called diabetic neuropathy (new-ROP-uhthee). About half of all people with diabetes have some form of nerve damage. It is more common in those who have had the disease for a number of years and can lead t o m a n y k i n d s o f p r o b l e m s . If you keep your blood glucose levels on target, you may help prevent or delay nerve damage. If you already have nerve damage, this will help prevent or delay further damage. There are also other treatments that can help. Foot Ulcers Ulcers occur most often on the ball of the foot or on the bottom of the big toe. Ulcers on the sides of the foot are usually due to poorly fitting shoes. Remember, even though some ulcers do not hurt, every ulcer should be seen by your health care provider right away. Neglecting ulcers can result in infections, which in turn can lead to loss of a limb. What your health care provider will do varies with your ulcer. Your health care provider may take x-rays of your foot to make sure the bone is not infected. The health care provider may clean out any dead and infected tissue. You may need to go into the hospital for this. Also, the health care provider may culture the wound to find out what type of infection you have, and which antibiotic will work best. Keeping off your feet is very important. Walking on an ulcer can make it get larger and force the infection deeper into your foot. Your health care provider may put a special shoe, brace, or cast on your foot to protect it. If your ulcer is not healing and your circulation is poor, your health care provider may need to refer you to a vascular surgeon. Good diabetes control is important. High blood glucose levels make it hard to fight infection. After the foot ulcer heals, treat your foot carefully. Scar tissue under the healed wound will break down easily. You may need to wear special shoes after the ulcer is healed to protect this area and to prevent the ulcer from returning. Poor Circulation Poor circulation (blood flow) can make your foot less able to fight infection and to heal. Diabetes causes blood vessels of the foot and leg to narrow and harden. You can control some of the things that cause poor blood flow. Don't smoke; smoking makes arteries harden faster. Also, follow your health care provider's advice for keeping your blood pressure and cholesterol under control. If your feet are cold, you may be tempted to warm them. Unfortunately, if your feet cannot feel heat, it is easy for you to burn them with hot water, hot water bottles, or heating pads. The best way to help cold feet is to wear warm socks. Some people feel pain in their calves when walking fast, up a hill, or on a hard surface. This condition is called intermittent claudication. Stopping to rest for a few moments should end the pain. If you have these symptoms, you must stop smoking. Work with your health care provider to get started on a walking program. Some people can be helped with medication to improve circulation. Exercise is good for poor circulation. It stimulates blood flow in the legs and feet. Walk in

sturdy, good-fitting, comfortable shoes, but don't walk when you have open sores. Amputation People with diabetes are far more likely to have a foot or leg amputated than other people. The problem? Many people with diabetes have peripheral arterial disease (PAD), which reduces blood flow to the feet. Also, many people with diabetes have nerve disease, which reduces sensation. Together, these problems make it easy to get ulcers and infections that may lead to amputation. Most amputations are preventable with regular care and proper footwear. For these reasons, take good care of your feet and see your health care provider right away about foot problems. Ask about prescription shoes that are covered by Medicare and other insurance. Always follow your health care provider's advice when caring for ulcers or other foot problems. One of the biggest threats to your feet is smoking. Smoking affects small blood vessels. It can cause decreased blood flow to the feet and make wounds heal slowly. A lot of people with diabetes who need amputations are smokers. Treatment Diabetes is a serious disease that you cannot treat on your own. Your doctor will help you make a diabetes treatment plan that is right for you -- and that you can understand. You may also need other health care professionals on your diabetes treatment team, including a foot doctor, nutritionist, eye doctor, and a diabetes specialist (called an endocrinologist). Treatment for diabetes requires keeping close watch over your blood sugar levels (and keeping them at a goal set by your doctor) with a combination of medications, exercise, and diet. By paying close attention to what and when you eat, you can minimize or avoid the "seesaw effect" of rapidly changing blood sugar levels, which can require quick changes in medication dosages, especially insulin. Diabetes is a common disease. In our clinic we encourage people with diabetes and their families to learn as much as possible about the latest medical therapies and approaches, as well as healthy lifestyle choices. Good communication with a team of doctors can help you feel in control and respond to changing needs


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Mexico: 'El Chapo' Guzman's Sons Accused Of Deadly Attack PAGE 144


It is estimated that about 60 gunmen were involved in the ambush(EPA)


he sons of launching an ambush on a military convoy in Mexico that left five soldiers dead, officials say. The assault in the northern state of Sinaloa involved grenades and assault rifles. The attackers succeeded in freeing a wounded drugs suspect who had been captured earlier and was being taken to hospital, officials say. At least 10

people were injured. Sinaloa is the stronghold of the drugs gang formerly headed by Joaquin Guzman. Nicknamed "El Chapo", he was recaptured in January. Officials believe the ambush may have been organised by his sons, who are believed to have taken over the running of the cartel. "Up this point we are not certain about this group, but it is very probable that it was the sons of Chapo,"

said local military commander Gen Alfonso Duarte. BBC Mexico correspondent Juan Paullier said that the soldiers were travelling in the early hours of Friday in two vehicles escorting a Red Cross ambulance when they were attacked. Up to 60 gunmen set upon the vehicles, beating the soldiers and freeing a drugs suspect who was being taken to hospital. Officials say the suspect freed by the gunman has been identified as Julio Oscar Ortiz Vega, also known as "El Kevin". The gunmen stole the ambulance and a military truck burst into flames during the assault. Mexican authorities believe the sons of Guzman have been involved in other violent episodes in recent weeks. In August, one of them was

kidnapped by a rival group. Another son, Ivan, is also said to be involved in cartel activities. Officials say Guzman's brother, Aureliano Guzman Loera, also known as "El Guano", is struggling for control of drug production against the Beltran Leyva drug cartel in the remote area. Guzman was arrested in January after six months on the run following his escape through a tunnel in his jail cell. He had already escaped a maximum security facility once before, spending 13 years at large. A Mexican judge is considering the case to have Guzman extradited to the US. But Guzman is expected to appeal against any decision to extradite him and his lawyers say the process could take years to come to a conclusion. (BBC)

Hurricane Matthew Heads For Jamaica Packing Strong Winds


urricane Matthew has weakened slightly as it moves towards Jamaica, but is still packing winds of up to 250km/h (155mph), strong enough to wreck houses, forecasters say. It is now a category four storm, the US National Hurricane Center says, after earlier reaching the top category five on a scale of intensity. MPs are due to discuss preparations. The storm may make landfall by Monday. Jamaica's southern coast is expected to be hit first. The capital, Kingston, is located in the area, as is the country's only oil refinery. Officials have warned the high winds could also batter the island's main tourist areas including Montego Bay in the north. "The government is on high alert," the prime minister's director of communications was quoted as saying by Reuters. "We hope that the hurricane

does not hit us, but if it does hit us, we are rain could fall across Jamaica and on trying our very best to ensure that we are southern Haiti. While Jamaica was in the best possible place," Robert damaged by Hurricane Gilbert in 1988, Morgan said Local emergency teams as the last major storm in the region was well as the police and army are on Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Matthew standby, while shelters are being set up could be the most powerful storm to hit throughout the island, Mr Morgan said. t h e i s l a n d s i n c e r e c o r d s b e g a n , A s t h e s t o r m a p p r o a c h e s m a n y meteorologist Eric Holthaus said on Jamaicans are stocking up on water and Twitter. (BBC) food. Tropical storm warnings have also been issued for parts of coastal Colombia and Haiti over the weekend. Haitian authorities say the priority is to protect the southern islands of the country, whose inhabitants they have described as "first at risk", according to AFP news agency. Forecasters Jamaicans have been stocking up on supplies at supermarkets in advance of Hurricane Matthew's arrival(REUTERS) said up to 38cm (15 ins) of




US Coast Guard Repatriates 232 Cuban Migrants

Cuban migrants interdicted by the Coast Guard Cutter Hamilton on Monday, September 26, 2016. US Coast Guard photo


IAMI, USA -- The US Coast Guard has repatriated 232 Cuban migrants to Bahia de Cabañas, Cuba, since September 22. The Coast Guard Cutter Charles Sexton crew repatriated 56 Cuban migrants on September 22; the Coast Guard Cutter Isaac Mayo crew repatriated 63 Cuban migrants last Saturday; the Sexton crew repatriated 59 Cuban migrants on Tuesday; and the Coast Guard Cutter Richard Etheridge crew repatriated 54 Cuban migrants on Friday. These repatriations are a result of 19 separate at-sea migrant interdictions in the South Florida Straits. In each instance, the Coast Guard helped secure the US border and prevented these sea voyages from ending in tragedy. The 418-foot Coast Guard Cutter Hamilton, the first East Coast National Security Cutter, was part of two of the 19 migrant interdictions that took place this week. The Hamilton brings a unique and modern compliment of capabilities to the law enforcement mission and interdiction operations for the Coast Guard. "Attempts of illegal migration on the ocean are often perilous voyages that result in the loss of many lives,” said Capt. Scott Clendenin, Coast Guard Cutter Hamilton

commanding officer. “While our mission is to detect and deter illegal migration, it is also to save the lives of those attempting these deadly voyages aboard unseaworthy vessels before tragedy strikes." The Coast Guard has observed a steady increase in illegal maritime migration attempts to the Southeastern US from Cuba. Since October 1, 2015, the Coast Guard 7th District estimates that 7,358 Cubans have attempted to illegally migrate via the sea compared to 4,473 in fiscal year 2015. Friday marked the end of this fiscal year with a 65

percent increase in Cuban migration flow compared to the 2015 fiscal year. These numbers represent the total number of atsea interdictions, landings and disruptions in the Florida Straits, the Caribbean and Atlantic. As Hurricane Matthew strengthens over the Caribbean region the risk for any boat, especially unseaworthy vessels, is magnified. “We continue to stress that safety of life at sea is our utmost concern," said Capt. Mark Gordon, chief of enforcement, 7th Coast Guard District. “The dangerous waters of the Florida Straits can be unforgiving for the unprepared on ill-advised and illegal voyages. It can be even more dangerous especially during this time of year with tropical storms and hurricanes forming in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Migrants who choose to board unseaworthy vessels put their lives at severe risk with very little chance of success.” Once aboard a Coast Guard cutter, all migrants receive food, water, shelter and basic medical attention. Gordon added, “We strongly discourage anyone from taking to the sea and attempting to reach US soil illegally. Immigration policies have not changed, the Coast Guard’s missions have not changed. Migrants interdicted at sea will be returned to their country of origin in accordance with immigration laws.” (Caribbean News Now!)




American Economist On Panamanian Reform Committee Threatened By Government

Joseph Stiglitz at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, 2009

By Kenneth Rijock


IAMI, USA -- Joseph Stiglitz, the American economist and Nobel Prize winner, who was appointed to the special international commission of

experts that Panama set up in the aftermath of the Panama Papers scandal to recommend reforms in the country's financial services industry, and who resigned after he learned that his report would not timely be made public and that the government of Panama would see it prior to its eventual release, has commented extensively to the press, about the matter.However, what has not been disclosed (and which the Panamanian press, which operates under an unofficial censorship policy that discourages negative stories, will not report) is the fact that Stiglitz was expressly warned by representatives of the government of Panama that the report would have to contain positive information or his personal reputation would be attacked in the global media. This threat was said to have come directly from the president of Panama, Juan Carlos Varela, according to reliable Panamanian sources. This comes on top of the fact that the Panamanian nationals named to the commission by Varela all claim that the indefinite delay in the release of any commission report was in the original plans, with the government receiving a copy in advance of publication, and having the opportunity to respond, and that the report release date was never specified. (Caribbean News Now!)

Puerto Rico Anticipates Record-breaking Cruise Season SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- Puerto Rico is on its way to breaking cruise passenger records for the second time in three years. The island is the number one home port for cruise ships in the Caribbean and continues to be one of the most popular cruise destinations, attracting the world's largest vessels. Additionally, based on demand, new Puerto Rico shore excursions and day tours for cruisers have been developed to respond to passenger's eagerness to explore the island. Puerto Rico's leading port, the port of San Juan, posted record passenger numbers in 2015 with the arrival of 1.5 million passengers. The port is now poised to break that record in the 2017-18 season with an expected 1.6 million visitors, with increased calls from Oasis-class ships plus the maiden season of MSC's Seaside. Homeport passengers are also expected to grow, as Norwegian Cruise Line returns to homeport in San Juan, joined by other industry leaders such as Carnival Cruise Line, Royal Caribbean, and Celebrity Cruises, plus several luxury cruise lines. The high level of cruise passenger volume is a testament to Puerto Rico's appeal to some of the largest

cruise lines in the world. Docking in Puerto Anthem of the Seas, the Oasis of the Seas, Rico this year, include Royal Caribbean, Allure of the Seas, and soon to arrive the Norwegian, Carnival and MSC Cruises. Harmony of the Seas. The island is currently Puerto Rico is welcoming the arrival of hosting the 23rd Annual Florida Caribbean Quantum-class vessels and will be a port of Cruise Association (FCAA) Cruise call for the 2016 winter season for several Conference and Trade Show in San Juan. new ships such as the Carnival Vista and the One hundred executives representing 19 world's largest cruise ship, Harmony of the cruise lines will be engaging in business Seas (6,780 passengers) which is scheduled discussions with attendees for the four-day to arrive in San Juan on December 28. San event, plus over 750 delegates from tour Juan will also be the first Caribbean home operators and fellow Caribbean destinations port for the Viking Cruises, with Viking Star (Caribbean News Now!) sailing from October to April. Ingrid Rivera Rocafort, executive director of the Puerto Rico Tourism Company said the cruise industry has steadily continued its growth: "The cruise business, a vibrant industry sector for us, has posted 22% growth over the previous four fiscal years." She also said that the expansion of Pier 3 in Old San Juan was a key factor in luring "mega cruise Puerto Rico is on its way to breaking cruise passenger records for the second time in three years. Photo: ships" to Puerto Rico including Puerto Rico Tourism Company the Quantum of the Seas,




Europe Calls On Journalists' Panama Papers Expertise

Europe's PANA Committee held its first public hearing in Brussels. Photo: T. Comodini Cachia, via Twitter

By Will Fitzgibbon BRUSSELS, Belgium -- European parliamentarians met with journalists from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and its media partners on Tuesday in Brussels, as the European Union seeks to develop plans to tackle widespread tax abuse through anonymous offshore companies. The year-long Committee of Inquiry into Money Laundering, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion (also known as the PANA Committee) was created in June following the release of the Panama Papers, the biggest-ever leak of financial information from a Panama-based law firm. Tuesday’s event, the Committee’s first public hearing, heard from five journalists – Julia Stein and Jan Strozyk of Germany, Oliver Zihlmann of Switzerland, Minna Knus-Galán of Finland and Kristof Clerix of Belgium. German reporters Frederik Obermaier and Bastian Obermayer, the journalists who originally received the Panama Papers documents and shared them with ICIJ, participated remotely via video link. “What we did expose was essentially the biggest cache of inside information into the offshore system that anyone had ever seen,” said ICIJ’s director, Gerard Ryle, who delivered a prerecorded message. “And now what we’re seeing is civil society reacting to our findings and this parliamentary hearing is one of those reactions. We very much welcome it.” Journalists presented their findings to the European parliamentarians, highlighting the wrongdoing they had discovered. “I emphasized that the issue with offshore companies and tax havens is not only a matter of taxes but also – and probably even more importantly – is an issue of anonymity,” Belgian journalist and ICIJ member, Kristof Clerix, told ICIJ after the meeting. “Offshores allow people who set them up to stay under the radar. The way to end this is by transparency (corporate registries providing minimum levels of basic information) and info exchange.” Journalists also underscored

the part played by individuals and institutions, including major European banks and even European states with controversial tax policies, which facilitate tax abuses. The focus of any European response to the Panama Papers, suggested German journalist and ICIJ member Jan Stroyzk, “should be on the banks because they’re so deeply anchored in the system.” Journalists also called for Europe to do more to protect whistle blowers. Elsewhere, the fallout from Panama Papers continues. On Tuesday, the New York Times reported that the US Department of Justice had filed criminal charges against Chinese nationals for allegedly helping North Korea develop nuclear weapons, including a businesswoman who used shell companies registered through the Panamabased law firm Mossack Fonseca. The Canadian Revenue Agency confirmed this week that it was reviewing 2,000 files linked to the Panama Papers and warned that the 85 Canadians currently under audit are unlikely to receive any leniency from the tax authority, according to CBC News. In Australia, the Australian Financial Review reported that federal police had carried out 18 raids in early September and seized documents, electronic files and 170 kilograms of silver as part of its widening investigation into the Panama Papers revelations. In addition to the raids, another 100 Australians were notified of action to be taken against them. About $2.5 billion in cash transfers have been identified by Australia’s tax authority, which said its initial focus has been on investigating facilitators – including accountants and lawyers – and high net wealth individuals. Beginning the Panama Papers session in Brussels, the committee’s chair also referred to Bahamas Leaks, a recent investigation by ICIJ and Suddeutsche Zeitung that involved dozens of international media organizations. The chairman announced he would expand the Committee’s work to include Bahamas Leaks, a cache of 1.3 million documents and shareholder lists from the Bahamian government’s registry of offshore companies that has now been made freely available for search on ICIJ’s Offshore Leaks Database. The offshore links of former European Commissioner for Competition, Neelie Kroes, is the highest-profile revelation from Bahamas Leaks. Kroes, who served as a senior European official from 2004 to 2014, failed to declare her former directorship of a company that was set up to explore acquiring more than $6 billion in assets from the energy giant Enron. The European Commission is currently deciding what, if any, action to take against Kroes. The Committee’s next hearing is in October.(Caribbean News Now!)




Venezuela Dominates Guyana UN Agenda, While Suriname Pushes Economic Diplomacy

President David Granger of Guyana addresses the general debate of the General Assembly’s 71st session. UN Photo/Cia Pak

By Ray Chickrie ( Caribbean News Now contributor) NEW YORK, USA -- As in his previous UN address in 2015, Venezuela dominated Guyana President David Granger’s speech at the United Nations 71st General Assembly debate. Granger also addressed climate change and shared with the gathering Guyana’s plans for a “green economy”. Granger also urged the United States to lift the Cuban embargo. However, he avoided foreign political issues such as the Palestine conflict, which Guyana has long championed. The Guyanese leader urged UN secretary general of the, Ban Ki-moon, “to end once and for all Venezuela’s “external assault on Guyana's sovereignty and territorial integrity”” Granger said, “Guyana stands ready to have the International Court of Justice determine the matter with finality. We will work resolutely with the secretary-general in his final months in office to free Guyana, and his successor, from this surreal burden.” He reminded the UN gathering of Venezuela “repudiation of a border treaty it had signed with Guyana over 117 years ago and which Caracas ratified 60 years ago”. Granger warned the assembly that Venezuela is a “danger to the peace and security” of the region. And in a major development of the conflict, the UN secretary general announced that he will make a decision on issue, which falls under his office, before the end of November. Guyana wants the secretary general to refer the issue to the International Court of Justice in The Hague for a judicial settlement. In an effort to rally global support against Venezuela, Granger held bilateral meetings with heads of state from Botswana, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. He meticulously briefed them on the Guyana-Venezuela conflict and sought their support. No meetings were held with French

speaking African nations, many which are unfamiliar with Guyana or the Guyana-/Venezuela issue. Guyana does not have ties with many sub-Sahara French speaking countries. Quite noticeably, Granger, whose party has championed the Palestine cause since the 1960s, and agreed to be part of the United Nations Committee for the Inalienable Rights of the Palestine people, in his last two addresses to the UN General Assembly in September 2015 and on September 19, 2016, avoided the Palestinian issue in his address, breaking away from the customary practice of Guyanese leaders at the UN. Suriname The foreign minister of Suriname Niermala Badrising used the UN pulpit to push soft diplomacy by welcoming foreign investors to “participate in the development path” of Suriname. Badrising said, “We welcome foreign investors to Suriname, a country with many natural resources and excellent opportunities for outsourcing production processes.” She added, “We recognize that we will have to commercially exploit our resources to sustain our economic growth, and diversify our economy, so as to shift from complete dependence on minerals and develop new sectors, such as agro-industry and tourism.” Suriname has to diversify its economy to avoid future economic downslide because of its dependency on commodity exports. In this context, Badrising met the foreign ministers of Bahrain, Indonesia and Russia, to explore economic and trade ties and, in her meeting with Shaikh Khalid bin Al Khalifa, the foreign minister of Bahrain, they discussed cooperation in the banking sector. Also, Bahrain with a robust aluminum industry can be a partner for Suriname, which is trying to rehabilitee its aluminum industry after ALCOA pulled out. Badrising also met her Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, on the sidelines of the 71st session of the UN General Assembly and the two countries signed a bilateral agreement to promote trade and economic ties, and cooperation in multilateral forums. Meanwhile, in her meeting with her counterpart from Indonesia, Retno Marsudi, they explored new areas of cooperation in the fishing, agriculture and infrastructural development, and within the context of their membership in the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). The Indonesian foreign minister will pay an official visit to Suriname in January 2017. Suriname has in the pipeline over 40 projects in energy and infrastructure that are being financed by the Islamic Bank. The Islamic Bank is an arm of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) of which both countries are members. (Caribbean News Now!)




Jamaicans Nabbed In Immigration Sweep



ASHINGTON, Oct 1, CMC – The United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) agency says an undisclosed number of Jamaican immigrants are among 51 arrested in Virginia and Washington, during a six-day operation. ICE said the 51 people were all

male citizens and/or nationals of several different countries across the globe, including Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Indonesia, Guatemala, South Korea, Iraq, Jamaica, India, Pakistan and Jordan. ICE said 47 had previously been convicted of crimes, such as grand larceny and rape. Three of the four remaining individuals have pending charges against them; one is the subject of an Interpol Red Notice. One person was issued a final order of removal by an immigration judge in January 2015, making him a priority for civil immigration enforcement, ICE said. “Every person apprehended during this operation was considered an immigration enforcement priority, as outlined in the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson’s 2014 memorandum” said ERO Washington Field Office Director Yvonne Evans. “This is another example of our success in targeted, strategic operations based on our top priorities for removal,” she added. (Antigua Observer)

Grenada Conducting National Labour Force Survey


T. GEORGE’S, Grenada, Oct 1, CMC – Grenada is Martinique assuring the public that information provided to the conducting a national labour force survey that the Central Statistical Office is strictly confidential and would only authorities say is among the most important measures of be disseminated at the aggregate level. “The availability of economic performance of any economy. The survey is being information on the labour market will put Grenada in a better conducted by the Central Statistical Office (CSO) of the position to source and access funding for projects related to job Ministry of Finance and Energy, in collaboration with the St creation and also will aid in the sustainable development Lucia-based Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) process. The employment indicators which will be captured are Commission, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) critical in analysing economic and social progress. “Without Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean and the United these, no meaningful assessment of development performance is complete. Therefore, it is critical to have timely information Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The authorities said that the main objectives of the 2016 Labour for effective planning, implementation and monitoring” the Force Survey (LFS) are to divide the working-age population statement added. (Antigua observer) into three mutually exclusive classifications; provide descriptive and explanatory data on each of these classifications and to assess the level of poverty in Grenada using the multi-dimensional approach to poverty measurement. “LFS data are used to produce the well-known unemployment rate as well as other standard labour market indicators such as the employment rate and the participation rate. The LFS also provides employment estimates by industry, occupation, public and private sector, hours worked and much more,” the Ministry of Finance said in a statement. It said that in addition to the labour market indicators the survey will also produce poverty indicators like the multidimensional poverty index (MPI), the incidence of poverty indicator (multi-dimensional poverty rate) and the intensity indicator, a measure of how deprived are the poor. It said that the data collection will be based on a sample of 1,365 households throughout Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Source:




New UN Study Calls For Targeted Agricultural Policies, Investments In Rural Areas In The Caribbean


NITED NATIONS, Oct 1, CMC – A new United Nations reports says economic growth is not enough to eliminate poverty in rural areas of Latin America and the Caribbean, urging governments to develop targeted policies and investments for agricultural development. The report also urged governments to correct historic inequality experienced by millions of people across the region. “With the region’s poorest people living in rural areas, the Rural Development Report 2016 demonstrates the need for a far more comprehensive and holistic approach to economic development in order to eradicate poverty and ensure prosperity for millions of people,” said Kanayo F.Nwanze, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). “The report makes it clear that investing in rural and agricultural development means investing in the whole economy,” Nwanze said IFAD said the report titled “The Rural Development Report 2016: Fostering Inclusive Rural Transformation” a “rallying call topolicy makers and development practitioners to win the global war against poverty.” In the report, leading thinkers analyzed the experiences of rural development in over 60 developing countries, 16 of them in Latin America and the Caribbean. “Although millions of people in the region have left poverty behind over the last few decades, inequality remains extremely high in the region and one quarter of the population still lives in poverty,” said Joaquín Lozano, IFAD Director for Latin American and the Caribbean.

“ To c h a n g e t h i s situation, we have to start in the rural areas where poverty is more pervasive,” he added. The report establishes that to enable Latin America and the Caribbean to overcome poverty, inclusive rural transformation needs a comprehensive approach that goes beyond just increasing agricultural productivity. The report urges that rural people get access to land, infrastructure, health, education and finance, and contribute to establishing stronger local, regional and national institutions. According to the report, over the past few decades, great strides had been made to overcome the traditional urban-rural dichotomy. For instance, the report says agriculture is no longer the only economic activity in rural areas, where more and more families are combining farming and non-farming activities to make a living. The report also says cultural differences between rural and urban populations, especially among the youth, are blurring; and the divide between urban and rural areas is also blurring, as rural communities grow into medium-sized cities and more people live between ruraland urban areas. “This complex reality represents opportunities, as well as challenges, that require policymakers and development practitioners to change their approach to rural poverty issues,” the report says. Additionally, the report says that policies and investments need to bring poor, often marginalized, rural people into the economic mainstream “so that rural development is socially, economically and environmentally sustainable.” “If we want to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of eliminating extreme poverty and hunger, rural areas need to be transformed,” Nwanze said. “But we know from this report that the process is not automatic,” he added. “It is a choice governments need to make and t is a choice that is becoming increasingly urgent. The future prosperity of people and nations depend on it.” (Antigua Observer)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Regional Elections In Brazil Submerged In Chaos PAGE 151

More than 114 million Brazilians are summoned to assist to the polls this Sunday, to participate in the regional elections, where more than five thousand


mayors, over 300,000 councilors will be elected. But the elections are surrounded by an atmosphere of tension, violence and discontent. According to Television Network TeleSUR more than 20 candidates to the elections have been murdered, since the beginning of the electoral campaign in June last. The campaign was launched during the impeachment process against former president Dilma Rousseff. Shortly after Rousseff was

removed, ex-vice-president Michel Temer was named Head of State, a decision which intensified the popular discontent, due to the alleged involvement of the ‘leader’ in the destitution of Rousseff. The frustration of the Brazilian people was materialized into public protests that became violent after the demands for presidential elections were ignored, and regional elections were launched instead. The government announced Friday that it will mobilize more than 25,000 soldiers to guard the electoral polls. S o u r c e : Elecciones-regionales-en-Brasil-2...


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Syria Conflict: Aleppo Hospital 'Hit By Barrel Bombs’ PAGE 152

An air raid on the rebel-held eastern half of the Syrian city of Aleppo has hit the area's largest hospital for the second time in a matter of days, a medical charity says. The Syrian American Medical Society, which supports the hospital, said it had been struck by barrel bombs. The same facility was hit in a similar attack on Wednesday. There are also reports of Russian-backed Syrian government forces hitting Aleppo's historic Old City. And clashes between government troops and rebels on the ground are said to be occurring in several Aleppo neighbourhoods. Russian and Syrian air forces resumed attacks on the rebel-held east of the city after a partial truce lapsed on 19 September. Government forces have also launched a ground offensive against the rebels. The mounting civilian death toll has sparked international protests. The US says Russia is driving moderate rebels into the arms of jihadists. Once Syria's commercial and industrial hub, Aleppo has been divided roughly in two since 2012. The UN says at least 400 civilians, including many children, have been killed in the city this week as a result of Russian and Syrian government attacks. 'Chlorine bomb' hospital had been injured after it was hit by barrel bombs - improvised devices dropped from helicopters - cluster munitions, and a chlorine bomb. "Intensive care unit is out of order and the oxygen concentrator has been severely damaged," he said. "Thank God the patients did not get hurt and they were all transferred to different locations. "But the place is out of service and the medical ventilator has been damaged as well." French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault condemned the bombing of the hospital, saying the shelling of healthcare

Much of Aleppo lies in ruins(REUTERS)


structures and personnel constituted war crimes. "Their perpetrators will be held to account," he said on Saturday. "France is mobilising at the Security Council as we speak to put a stop to this unacceptable tragedy." 'Shelling heavily' The Syrian army says it is gaining ground but the rebels deny this. "They are shelling the Old City heavily after another failed attempt to gain ground," Abu Hamam, from the Failaq al-Sham group, was quoted as saying by Reuters news agency. "They have lost several fighters and we are steadfast." The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based monitoring group, also reported government barrel bomb and jet attacks on the Ghouta area outside Damascus on Saturday. In another development, it said government forces were battling fighters from the Islamic State group in Homs region. War of words Washington and Moscow have continued to spar over Syria, with the US dismissing Russian accusations that it was protecting a jihadist group in its bid to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the US had broken its promise to separate the powerful Jabhat Fateh alSham (formerly known as al-Nusra Front) and other extremist groups from more moderate rebels. State department spokesman Mark Toner said the Russian allegations were "absurd". He told reporters the US had not targeted al-Nusra for months because they had become "intermingled" with other groups and civilians. The US says it may end co-operation with Russia over its action in Syria. Mr Lavrov made his claims of US broken promises during an interview with Stephen Sackur on BBC World News TV on the first anniversary of the beginning of the Russian air campaign in Syria. "They [the US] pledged solemnly to take as a priority an obligation to separate the opposition from Nusra," he said. "They still, in spite of many repeated promises and commitments... are not able or not willing to do this." At least 250,000 people have been killed in the conflict since it began in March 2011 with the Observatory estimating the true number to be about 430,000. More than 4.8 million people have fled abroad, and an estimated 6.5 million others have been displaced within the country, the UN says. (BBC)




Hawaiian Bees Are First On US Endangered Species List Seven species of yellow-faced bee native to Hawaii have become the first bees to be added to the US federal list of endangered and threatened species. Conservationists say the bees face extinction through habitat loss, wildfires and the introduction of nonnative insects and plants. The bees are crucial to pollinating some of Hawaii's endangered plants The listing follows years of study by researchers including the Xerces Society conservation group. Sarina Jepson, director of endangered species and aquatic programmes for Xerces, said although yellow-faced bees are found elsewhere in the world, the species now under protection are native only to Hawaii and

pollinate indigenous plants. While those species could potentially be pollinated by other bees, she said many could become extinct if the native bees were allowed to die off. She told the Associated Press news agency that threats to the bees include feral pigs and invasive The yellow-faced bee was once abundant across Hawaii(AP) ants. The bees had also suffered loss of habitat due to wildfires, Magnacca, who worked with Xerces, said invasive plants and land development, it had taken almost 10 years to achieve the especially in some coastal areas, she listing. "It's good to see it to finally come to added. Hawaii-based entomologist Karl fruition," he said. (BBC)

Calais Camp: Unicef Urges UK To Transfer Refugee Children Unicef is appealing to the British government to speed up the transfer of unaccompanied child refugees from the "Jungle" migrant camp in Calais. The charity says it is concerned the planned closure of the camp will lead to children there disappearing before they are processed. Charities estimate there are about 400 unaccompanied children in the Jungle eligible to come to Britain. The Home Office says it is committed to resettling "vulnerable children". On a visit to Calais on Monday, French President Francois Hollande pledged to clear the Jungle camp by the end of the year. The thousands of adults and children there will be relocated to reception centres. 'Missing children' Unicef fears that children will resist being sent to such centres while their cases are being processed. Lily Caprani, Unicef UK's deputy executive director, told the BBC: "Last time part of the Jungle camp was demolished, hundreds of children went missing. We don't know what happened to them." She added the charity fears they could fall into the hands of traffickers or those who would exploit them. "So now with this new threat of demolishing the camp, we're really concerned for the welfare of those children who are at great risk." Charities estimate there are about 1,000 unaccompanied minors in the Jungle and about 400 could be resettled in the UK. They say about half of the 400 could be resettled under the EU's Dublin regulation, which allows lone refugee children to be placed in a country where they have a relative who can be responsible for their care. Dubs amendment An amendment to the Immigration Act, originally put forward by Lord Dubs, also requires the government to arrange for the transfer to the UK of unaccompanied refugee children from Europe. Lord Dubs, a Labour peer and long-time refugee campaigner, came to Britain as a child on the Kinder transport programme to escape Nazi persecution. The Home Office said the UK government was committed to resettling vulnerable children under the Immigration Act and to ensuring those with links to

Britain are brought here. It added: "We will also continue to support the French government as it provides alternative accommodation to migrants in the camps and returns those not in need of protection to their home countries." Raheemullah's story The body of 14-year-old Raheemullah Oryakhel was finally returned to his family in Afghanistan this week. Raheemullah had left his home country and travelled through Europe intent on a better life. He got as far as France and was trying to cross the Channel to the UK. He was said to have been eligible to come to the UK because he had a brother in Manchester. He had become impatient for the reunion and was desperate to escape the Jungle migrant camp in Calais. According to witnesses, he fell after trying to climb on the roof of a lorry and was killed by a hit-and-run driver in a car. As Raheemullah's coffin arrived back in the Afghan capital, Kabul, his relatives gathered to escort his body home. One recalled how the 14-year-old had asked his family to pray to him for get to the UK for his education and because he loved to play cricket. There are scores like Raheemullah who are risking their lives on a daily basis as they wait for their claims to travel to the UK to be processed. War refugee Sixteen-year-old Mohammed is a war refugee from Syria. He left his home country two years ago and told the BBC that after spending time in Turkey with some of his family who had also fled, he travelled on alone through Europe. He says he has been in the Jungle for four months and is waiting to be reunited with his brother who lives just across the Channel in Kent. He has attempted to stowaway on lorries and claims he has even got into the water and tried to swim out to ferries bound for Britain. He told the BBC that he wants to go to the UK so he can can be with his brother and go to school. And he is clear about where he sees his future: " Only England or Syria," he declares. And to reiterate this, on the roof of his makeshift home fly the UK and Syrian flags. (BBC)




S Korean Leader Urges Defectors: Come To 'Bosom Of Freedom’

South Korea's president has urged North Koreans to defect, in a rare direct appeal to citizens across the border. In a speech, President Park Geun-Hye said she was aware of the "gruesome realities" North Koreans face daily. "We will keep the road open for you to find hope and live a new life," she said. "Please come to the bosom of freedom in the South." Her comments come after a North Korean soldier crossed the heavily-protected Demilitarized Zone to the South. "The universal values of freedom, democracy, human rights and welfare are the precious rights you should also enjoy," she said in a speech to mark the country's armed forces day. She also issued a warning to Pyongyang about its nuclear tests, saying South Korea would defend itself. Media outlets in North Korea are controlled by the authoritarian state, and it is unclear whether Ms Park's invitation will reach many citizens. The heavily-

policed border between North and South Korea has been in place since the end of the Korean war in 1953. The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) is 4km (2.5 miles) wide, stretching across the border, and is fortified by landmines, barbed wire, and policed by thousands of soldiers. Defection across the Ms Park urged citizens across the border DMZ is very rare. Thursday's to come to "the bosom of freedom"(EPA) incident was the first such 30,000 North Koreans have defected since crossing in more than a year. A similar the 1950s, but most of them do so through defection happened in 2015, when a China. They receive some government teenage recruit presented himself to South help integrating, although some still Korean soldiers at the border. complain of financial difficulties and Before that, the last defection across the discrimination. Tensions between North DMZ had been in 2012, when a soldier and South Korea remain high, as from the North handed himself over after Pyongyang continues a series of nuclear passing surveillance cameras and electric bomb tests in the face of international fences, in an incident which prompted a sanctions. (BBC) major security review. Seoul says almost




Spain Socialist Leader Pedro Sanchez Faces Key Party Vote

The embattled leader of Spain's opposition Socialists, Pedro Sanchez, is facing a party vote that may both affect his future and help end the country's political deadlock. Mr Sanchez has suggested that he could resign if Saturday's party delegates decide to lift his veto on a conservative-led governing coalition. This week almost half of the party's executive resigned over the issue. Spain has been in a political limbo for the past nine months. The results of a general election in December 2015 left a hung parliament. The majority Popular Party (PP) has sought to form a coalition government but Mr Sanchez has repeatedly blocked their attempts. In attempt to break the stalemate, a second election was held on 26 July 2016 but, again, no party won an absolute majority. The Socialist Party (PSOE) has long been divided between supporters of Mr Sanchez and those who want to end the stalemate. Many delegates at Saturday's federal committee meeting at party headquarters in Madrid hope to force Mr Sanchez out. On Wednesday, 17 of the 35 members of the PSOE executive resigned in protest at his stance.

Salutary lessons may be drawn from the travails of other left-leaning parties. In the UK, left-wing Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has so far survived a deep ideological split in the Labour party, triggered by his own election as leader last year. He endured a wave of resignations including many of his shadow cabinet, and went on to win another leadership contest. But perhaps more pertinent to Mr Sanchez is the experience of Greece's socialist Pasok party. The party that once dominated Greek politics fell dramatically from favour when the debt crisis hit - reviled for accepting hated austerity while in power in 2009. As with Podemos in Spain, the longestablished left was challenged by a more radical party, Syriza, which is now in power. Mr Sanchez may fear that if his Socialist party is seen as paving the way for the conservative PP to return to power, he will be similarly punished. What are the stakes for Spain? They are significant. The Socialists, Spain's second-largest party with 85 seats in parliament, could end up rudderless at a crucial time. Parliament has until the end of October to decide whether to back a

Mr Sanchez's hard-line stance against a conservative-led coalition has many supporters in the rank and file(EPA)

PP-led minority government. If not, Spain's stalemate will last 12 months and a third general election will take place in December. How long can a country last without an elected government? For a long time, if Belgium is to be taken as an example. A political deadlock there lasted for 541 days. The situation led to demonstrations and pressure from financial markets and ratings agencies. Spain, the eurozone's f o u r t h - b i g g e s t e c o n o m y, i s s t i l l recovering from the 2008-2013 double dip recession. Prolonged political deadlock could bring uncertainty to investors and eventually slow the country's recovery. It is thought that the uncertainty in Belgium only came to an end after the ratings agency Standard & Poor downgraded the country's credit rating, making it more expensive for Belgium to borrow money. (BBC)




Roy Moore: Alabama Top Judge Ousted Over Gay Marriage Stand appeal. It is the second suspension for Mr Moore, an outspoken conservative. In 2003, he was removed for refusing to take down a monument of the Ten Commandments he installed at a state building. He was reelected as chief justice of the state's Supreme Court in 2012. In Mr Moore said the decision was "politically motivated"(AP) Friday's decision, the nine-member labama's top judge has been suspended for the remainder of his A l a b a m a C o u r t o f t h e J u d i c i a r y term for defying federal court unanimously decided to suspend him for the rulings that legalised same-sex marriage. remainder of his term without pay. The move Roy Moore, 69, violated judicial ethics with essentially removes Mr Moore from the an order seen as directing probate judges to bench, as he will be unable to seek redeny marriage licences to gay couples, a election at the end of his term, in January judicial panel ruled. The decision was a 2019, because of age restrictions, his lawyer "politically motivated effort" by radical Mat Staver said. Reacting to the decision, Mr groups, he said. His lawyer has vowed to Moore said in a statement: "This was a


politically motivated effort by radical homosexual and transgender groups to remove me as chief justice of the Supreme Court because of outspoken opposition to their immoral agenda." The panel found that Mr Moore's ruling in 6 January showed "disregard for binding federal law" after the US Supreme Court landmark decision in June 2015 affirming gay marriage rights. Testifying in his defence, Mr Moore said there was uncertainty after conflicting opinions on gay marriage from state and federal courts. Mr Moore is known for his opposition to samesex marriage, and has called homosexuality an "inherent evil" in the past. His suspension was celebrated by the civil rights group that filed the complaints in 2003 and 2016. "Moore was elected to be a judge, not a preacher," Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, said in a statement. "The people of Alabama who cherish the rule of law are not going to miss the Ayatollah of Alabama." (BBC)

India Tax Evasion Amnesty Uncovers Hidden Billions The government contacted about 700,000 suspected tax evaders earlier this year, urging them to declare hidden income and assets. They were told they would not be pursued by the authorities if they came clean and paid a penalty. Those who came forward included a group of street food owners in Mumbai who are said to have declared nearly $7.5m. The BBC's Sanjoy Majumder in Delhi says that despite the huge numbers, the amount declared is only a fraction of the country's undisclosed earnings. It does not account for money stashed in Swiss banks and overseas tax havens which some government investigators believe amounts to around $500bn, he says.During India's 2014 elections, Prime Minister Narendra Undeclared income or "black money" is a huge issue in India(REUTERS) Modi promised to crack down on corruption and tax evasion amnesty in India has prompted tens of black money. In a series of tweets on Saturday, he declared the thousands of people to declare more than $9.5bn amnesty "successful", saying it was "a great contribution (£7.3bn) in undeclared income and assets. Finance towards transparency and growth of the economy". The minister Arun Jaitley said the four-month window that ended government says the money raised will be spent on public on Friday brought in 64,275 declarations. All were offered welfare. Authorities have been under pressure to act following immunity from prosecution in return for paying tax, a the release of the so-called Panama Papers in April that lifted surcharge and a penalty. It is estimated that the government the lid on how the rich and powerful use tax havens to hide their could raise nearly $4.5bn (£3.4bn) from the scheme. wealth. About 500 Indians were among those named. (BBC) Undeclared income or "black money" is a huge issue in India.





Animal TB Threatens Human Health Say Vets And Doctors



nimal tuberculosis, which is spread t h r o u g h contaminated food, is a greater threat to human health than previously realised, leading doctors and vets have warned. The disease can be more serious and harder to treat than conventional, human tuberculosis. The world has committed to being free of tuberculosis by 2035. But bodies including the World Health Organization (WHO) say animal TB has been neglected for decades. Raw or unpasteurised milk is one of the most common sources of the infection. But animal tuberculosis officially known as zoonotic tuberculosis - also affects those in close contact with infected animals including vets, farmers and butchers. Dr

Francisco Olea-Popelka, from the Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, said zoonotic tuberculosis was "far more common than previously recognised". The best estimates suggest there are around 121,000 new cases of animal TB each year. The figure is tiny compared to human TB, which is the biggest lethal infection in the world. But Dr OleaPopelka told the BBC News website: "I think we should care." "This is a well-known problem and has been neglected for decades, it is a disease that is preventable, treatable and curable and yet still today we have hundreds of thousands of people suffering from it. "Ten thousand die every year from this disease, that's a lot of cases compared to

many other diseases, why not care?" he added. He is part of a group - including the WHO, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the Stop TB Partnership - that has published a call to action in the Lancet Infectious Diseases medical journal. One of the biggest issues the report raises is the unknown scale of the problem. Studies in Mexico suggest 28% of all tuberculosis cases are down to zoonotic TB but a study in India put the figure at 9% and one in children in California suggested a figure of 45%. Dr Paula Fujiwara, from the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, added: "With approximately nine million individuals contracting TB globally each year, even relatively low percentages

of zoonotic TB lead to large numbers of people suffering from this form of the disease." "People living with zoonotic TB require specialized care, but in the vast majority of cases, they are not even adequately diagnosed," she added. Animal TB is caused by Mycobacterium bovis, which is a different infection to human TB caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. M. bovis is inherently resistant to one of the key drugs used to treat human TB pyrazinamide. And Dr Olea-Popelka added: "Once you get zoonotic TB it is often extrapulmonary TB, meaning it is not only in the lungs, but in other organs; that complicates the diagnosis and makes it more difficult to treat." How to tackle animal tuberculosis will be one of the themes of the Union World Conference on Lung Health taking place later this month. Dr OleaPopelka said the key strategies for preventing zoonotic were: milk pasteurisation farmers, butchers, vets and zookeepers protecting themselves from inhaling bacteria and preventing the infection in animals in the first place Each is easier said than done. (BBC)




Georgia Pope: Tbilisi Stadium Largely Empty For Papal Mass

Pope Francis says Mass in the Tbilisi stadium(VINCENZO PINTO)


ope Francis has said Mass in a largely empty stadium on a visit to Georgia after the majority Orthodox Christian Church asked followers to stay away. Orthodox believers were asked not to take part in Roman Catholic services and a Church delegation due to attend also stayed away. But Church officials said the decision had been taken by mutual agreement. It was one of the smallest crowds seen at an outdoor papal Mass during Francis's foreign trips. People who did attend in the capital Tbilisi said afterwards that the papal visit was good for Georgia. "This is a very significant event, both for the country and for faithful from the whole Catholic parish," Keti Khitarikhvili told Reuters news agency. "He is a true pope, he is not just a religious figure, but also a very

political figure. Because I think that with this visit, the role of Georgia will be raised measurably on the world stage." Why Georgia? With a Roman Catholic population of under 1%, it was not an obvious destination but the Pope has made a point of reaching out to Orthodox churches to overcome doctrinal differences which split the two communities in the 11th Century. The late Pope John Paul II visited Georgia in 1999, and he was treated as the Vatican head of state, rather than a religious leader. Georgia, a small country (population 4.3 million) in the Caucasus Mountains, shares an Orthodox culture with the regional superpower, Russia, but the two fought a brief war in 2008. Vatican attempts to mend ties with the Russian Church have so far not resulted in a papal visit there. On the other hand, Georgia aspires to

join the EU and Nato. Why the boycott? According to the Associated Press, only a few thousand people attended the Mass in the Meshki stadium, which has a capacity of 25,000.The Orthodox patriarchate said on its website: "As long as there are dogmatic differences between our churches, Orthodox believers will not participate in their prayers". One Georgian priest told AP it was a protest against Catholic attempts to convert Orthodox Christians. "Can you imagine how it would be if a Sunni [Muslim] preacher came to Shia [Muslim] Iran and conducted prayers in a stadium or somewhere else?" Father David Klividze asked. "Such a thing could not be." Nonetheless, the Church leader, Patriarch Ilia, had welcomed Pope Francis on Friday as his "dear brother" and toasted him saying "May the Lord bless the Catholic Church of Rome". Georgian President Georgy Margvelashvili did attend the Mass. Other politicians may have stayed away because of forthcoming elections, for fear of upsetting devout voters. Where next? On Sunday, the Pope is due to visit neighbouring Azerbaijan, which has fewer than 300 Catholics in its overwhelmingly Muslim population. However, religious coexistence is a major theme for Pope Francis who visited Muslimmajority Turkey in November 2014. (BBC)




Trump On Clinton: 'I Can Be Nastier Than She Ever Can Be’


onald Trump is turning up the heat on his attacks against Hillary Clinton about her husband's past infidelities after a rocky week for his campaign. "She's nasty," Trump told The New York Times in an interview published Friday night, "but I can be nastier than she ever can be." The comments were part of a wide ranging interview in which Trump also touched upon his marriages, his recent late-night Twitter rant and his performance at the first presidential debate. "Hillary Clinton was married to the single greatest abuser of women in the history of politics," Trump told The Times. “Hillary was an enabler, and she attacked the women who Bill Clinton mistreated afterward. I think it's a serious problem for them, and it's something that I'm considering talking about more in the near future." Trump and his campaign, however, have repeatedly referenced Bill Clinton's infidelity this week. The Saturday before the debate, he threatened to bring Gennifer Flowers as a guest to the debate, and after Monday's event, he told CNN's Dana Bash he was "happy" he was able to refrain from mentioning "the indiscretions with

respect to Bill Clinton." On Wednesday, a copy of Trump campaign talking points instructed supporters to use figures like Flowers and Monica Lewinsky to counter criticism of Trump's treatment of a former Miss Universe. Referring to Eric Trump's comments earlier in the week that Donald Trump showed "courage" in not bringing up the issue at the debate, Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon tweeted Friday night, "Assume (Eric Trump) now believes he's a coward." He also told the Times that his own marriage history does not prevent him from being able to make attacks against the Clintons' relationship. Trump has been married three times, and his first marriage fell apart after he carried on an affair with Marla Maples. Donald Trump quintuples down Bill Clinton's infidelities, Trump said, "brought shame onto the presidency, and Hillary Clinton was there defending him all along." The GOP presidential nominee told the paper that he believes the issue will worsen Hillary Clinton's likeability with female voters. Asked if he ever cheated on his wives, Trump responded: "No — I never discuss it. I never discuss it. It was never a problem."

And when asked specifically about his affair with Maples, he responded, "I don't talk about it. I wasn't president of the United States. I don't talk about it. When you think of the fact that he was impeached, the country was in turmoil, turmoil, absolute turmoil. He lied with Monica Lewinsky and paid a massive penalty." 'Absolutely disgusted' Trump also tore into Clinton's decision to feature Alicia Machado, a 1996 Miss Universe whom Trump allegedly called "Miss Piggy" and "Miss Housekeeping," as a surrogate. Machado has joined the Clinton campaign in publicly denouncing Trump's comments a g a i n s t w o m e n , a n d Tr u m p h a s responded with smears against the former beauty queen during interviews and on Twitter, including shaming her for a sex tape for which the campaign has not provided evidence. Trump told the Times he was "absolutely disgusted" that Clinton enlisted the help of Machado for her campaign and that Clinton, who has portrayed Machado as a victim, had "made this young lady into a girl scout when she was the exact opposite." Trump eyes risky move in bringing up Bill Clinton's women Looking ahead to the next debate, Trump said he's going to start preparing as early as this weekend. But he does not think that he needs to prepare more rigorously, blaming audio issues Monday with distracting him. He "spent 50 percent of my thought process" dealing with it, Trump said. And he backed away from his proclamation Monday that he would "absolutely" support Clinton if she won the election in November, "We're going to have to see," Trump said. "We're going to see what happens. We're going to have to see." (CNN)

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