Guysers Gazette issue 10

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Issue 10 • AUTUMN 2017



A day trip to Waitomo Caves Rainbow Mountain Rotorua Area Gay Society (RAGS) Nude Yoga

Rotorua’s explosive forces


Rotorua, New Zealand

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eat ith a gr Spa. w k a o s ian A hot olynes P e h t t view a

Welcome 2017: Off to a good start................................3

Tourism A day trip to Waitomo Caves........................6 Rainbow Mountain Scenic Reserve.........10

History Rotorua’s explosive forces...........................14

Shopping Satisfy your sweet tooth..............................18 What to shop for in Rotorua.......................20

Events RAGS on Wednesdays...................................24

Health Nude Yoga.........................................................26

GUYSERS GAYSTAY Hosted B&B for gay men 1406c Pukuatua Street Rotorua, New Zealand


Phone: NZ +64 (0) 21 0298 8093 Guysers Gaystay is a member of Gay Stay NZ New Zealand’s LGBT hosted accommodation


Guysers Gazette


of the Guysers Gazette Welcome to our first issue for gay travellers to for 2017 – our e-magazine Rotorua, New Zealand. , t of ours, In this issue, a recent gues g Waitomo Caves visitin took a day trip out to the ve and the spectacular the original Glowworm ca account of his day there. Ruakuri cave. We get his summit of Rainbow We take a hike up to the nning 360 degree views Mountain to take in the stu and see its crater lake and of Rotorua and surrounds of this active mountain. other geothermal features tory at some of the We take a look back in his that have taken place in hydrothermal eruptions ing the recent event and around Rotorua, includ e edge at Ohinemutu. that took place on the lak a buy in Rotorua? We take Wonder what there is to where you can wave your look at some suggestions l, with some unique, usefu Visa card and come away or bazaar items – many of stylish, interesting, tasty re in Rotorua. which are made right he d w “RAGS” social group an We tell you about our ne u are visiting Rotorua. how you can attend if yo added health benefits of Last up we look into the de and why this is practicing yoga in the nu of exercise worldwide. becoming a popular from ue an interesting read. We hope you find this iss

Peter & Mike New Zealand Guysers Gaystay, Rotorua,

Issue 10 • Autumn 2017

Gaystay Rotorua

. 2017. Off to a good start With record numbers of tourists visiting New Zealand, things are shaping up to be another busy year. 2017 began on New Years Eve with an explosion of fireworks, entertainment and festivities down at the Village Green and Lakefront, Rotorua. At Guysers Gaystay B&B we’ve had one of the best summers yet in terms of accommodation bookings – so much so, we’ve sadly had to turn enquiries down as we’ve been booked out. Forward bookings are looking healthy well into March/April which is a good sign that tourism to Rotorua is continuing steadily even into the non-peak seasons. We’ve had some wonderful sunny days over summer and into the New Year. It’s been joyful and relaxing getting outside enjoying the sun on our bodies and socialising with a beer. We hope to see you at Guysers Gaystay real soon!

Over 10,000 people gathered down at th e Village Green in Rotorua to see in the New Year and pa rt y. The New Year celebr ations was part of th e ‘GLO Festival’ which featured a lin e up of local and in ternational bands, visual art in stallations and the countdown to a massive fireworks di splay over Lake Roto rua.

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Guysers Gazette



A little love in the garden With the nice weather we’ve been having in Rotorua our gardens have erupted with a growth spurt filling our outdoor spaces with lush foliage and flowers. We get a lot of pleasure getting out in the sunshine tending to our Bali-inspired gardens, creating a space for our guests (and ourselves) that is beautiful, private and a tranquil place to sit and relax.

Strawberries and cream

Each year at Guysers Gaystay we plant strawberry plants in our raised vege box. We built a wooden frame and covered it with netting to keep the birds from eating our prized crop.


Guysers Gazette

When our strawberries are ripe we use them to decorate our fresh fruit salads which we prepare each morning for our guests. We make our fruit salads with seasonal fruits (never tinned) and guests can add yoghurt and cereal if they wish. q

Issue 10 • Autumn 2017

Many years ago Rotorua acquired the nickname “Rotovegas” due to a casino proposal (that was later rejected) and the bright lights and neons of Fenton Street’s motel strip resembling a mini Las Vegas. Love the nickname or loath it, the iconic ‘Welcome to Fabulous Rotovegas’ sign now has its place at the top of the Skyline complex.

Guysers Gazette


The spiral w alkway do wn into the Ru akuri Cave .


A day trip to the



Guysers Gazette

Issue 10 • Autumn 2017

riginal Waitomo’s o orm Cave. ww famous Glo

The famous Waitomo Caves is by far the most spectacular network of caves in New Zealand and a ‘must do’ when travelling the North Island. If you stay with us at Guysers Gaystay in Rotorua, we can arrange a day tour that includes pick-up and drop-off right from our front door. A recent guest of ours, , from Toronto Canada, did a combo day tour visiting the Glowworm Caves and the Ruakuri Cave. Here is Lee’s story of his day tour... This is my second visit to Rotorua. There is so much to see and do here I just had to return to this lovely town. On this trip I wanted to visit the Glowworm Caves at Waitomo. It was Mike at Guysers Gaystay who advised me that this can be done as a day trip by bus from Rotorua. Waitomo is 180 km from Rotorua (about 2 hours by bus with an early departure). We had a very pleasant bus journey through beautiful countryside and farmlands. I can see now why Peter Jackson chose this area of New Zealand for the Shire movie set!

The complete tour of the Glowworm Cave lasts 45 minutes with a guide that explains the rock formations and glowworm life cycle. A slow boat ride through the dark and silent cave with thousands of glowworms lighting the cave ceiling completes the tour. The glowworms are spectacular and fascinating to see, I must say. We were instructed that no photography is allowed inside the Glowworm Cave and we were asked to keep quite as loud noise or camera flashes will disturb the glowworms and they will stop glowing.

We arrived at the visitor centre in Waitomo by 9 am, and were then instructed on where to congregate for the start of the tour.

The next cave of my ‘combo’ ticket, and indeed the highlight for me, was a one-kilometre guided walk through the Ruakuri Cave.

First up for me was the Glowworm Cave and within minutes we were below ground amongst caverns of stalactites and stalagmites.

Ruakuri Cave is the longest underground cave in the Waitomo area. It was first discovered by local Māori between 400 and 500 years ago.

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Guysers Gazette


Continued... The name Ruakuri, or “den of dogs” was created when wild dogs were discovered making their home in the cave entrance some 300 years later. The Ruakuri Cave tour begins with a 15-metre descent down a spiral walkway then through a door that is closed behind you after you enter to keep the atmospheric climate conditions from changing inside the cave. After a quick safety briefing and a few rules of the cave (like no breaking pieces off to take as souvenirs, as people used to do many years ago, shame on them) our group was manoeuvring through narrow pathways surrounded by towering limestone formations, underground rivers, waterfalls, and more impressive stalactites and stalagmites than you can imagine!

Pathways are lit by small ground-level lights and major formations are brightly illuminated. Photography is welcome, although no flash can be used. At one point we ventured forth without any light to gain the experience of what the caves are like in the dark. We slowly walked forward down the dark path not being able to see one foot in front of us. Spooky! We came to a point in the cave where we could see and hear people laughing and screaming on inner-tubes drifting down the cave river below and crazy abseilers scaling the rock walls around us. For hardcore adventurers, this must be an experience of a lifetime for them!

Also in the Ruakuri Cave were fossils – a remnant from the time thousands of years ago when the area was beneath the sea.

After the tour of the Ruakuri Cave was over we returned to the visitor centre and had time to relax and have a drink and a bite to eat before the 2-hour bus ride back to Rotorua.

The Ruakuri Cave also has quite a number of glowworm colonies and visitors can get close up views of the ‘tentacles’ that the glowworm

Visiting the Waitomo Caves was a pleasant, enjoyable and memorable day that I highly recommend to anyone coming to this area.

Arachnocampa Luminosa larvae are predatory and use their lights to lure prey into their sticky webs.


uses to ensnare its prey (see picture below). The glowworms are much closer to you in this cave than those in the original Glowworm Cave.

Guysers Gazette

Natures magnificent stalagmite and stalactite formations inside the Ruakuri cave network have taken hundreds of years to form.

Issue 10 • Autumn 2017

If people have their own car, a visit to the Waitomo Caves makes a lovely day trip. For guests staying at Guysers Gaystay who are without a car, Mike and Peter will gladly arrange a tour bus company to take you there and bring you back (a door-to-door service too!). The friendly and efficient bus driver provides informative commentary about sights along the way. Whether you are driving yourself or taking the bus tour as I did, advanced reservations are essential (on the day I went, the Ruakuri Cave tours were sold out and people were being turned away, so do pre-book).q

For adrenalin junkies Waitomo has three ultimate cave experiences offering abseiling, ziplining, rope climbing and inner-tubing.

for more information For more information, current prices or to pre-book Waitomo bus tours if staying with us at Guysers Gaystay, please visit:

The original Waitomo Black Water Rafting Adventure has you exploring and tubing through the mysterious Ruakuri Cave.

Guysers Gazette


Rainbow Mountain Scenic Reserve

The mounta in with a nipp le!

Rainbow Mountain (Maungakakaramea, meaning ‘mountain of coloured earth’), is one of the great free walks in the Rotorua district. The 1.5 hour climb to the summit rewards you with a spectacular 360-degree view of Rotorua’s surrounding lakes, forests and mountains. Alternatively you can take the shorter 15-minute walk to the eggshell blue crater lake.

day you’ll If it’s a warm me clothing d so want to she a sweat rk upq as you’ll wo e summit. walking to th


Guysers Gazette

Issue 10 • Autumn 2017

Rainbow Mountain lies 26 km south-east of Rotorua, beside the Rotorua-Taupo highway (SH5). Approaching from Rotorua the gravel carpark is located just past the turnoff for SH38, on the left-hand side of the road. The mountain top has an unusual rounded nipple shape, known as Tihi-o-Rua – ‘the owl’s perch’. More appropriately it should have the nickname ‘Titty Mountain’ (you’ll see why!). From the carpark on SH5, follow the signs to the crater lakes lookout.

Crater Lakes Walk The Crater Lakes Walk offers great views of two volcanic craters set against a backdrop of rugged brown, orange and red steaming cliffs. This walk takes just 15 minutes (one way) to reach the viewing platform where you can admire the stunning blue crater lakes and the near-vertical volcanic cliff face and hear the hiss of the simmering pools of water below. Although Rainbow Mountain had a very volcanic past it has cooled over recent years, allowing the native vegetation to slowly begin regenerating. Some plant species found on the mountain are very rare and grow only in geothermal areas such as this.

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The viewin g platform overlookin g the eggsh ell blue crater lake.

Guysers Gazette



The Summit Track The 2.5 km track to the summit takes you upward through a variety of native bush, bare ridges and volcanic areas with sulphur crystal deposits and steaming cliffs. You’ll see regular views of the crater lakes below and surrounding countryside along the way. The final part of the track emerges onto the dirt and gravel summit road which will take you the remainder of the way to the top. (Note, the last few hundred meters of the track is quite steep so you’ll need a rest to catch your breath and at the top! Take some food and drink with you as you’ll be needing it). From the summit you’ll have spectacular views of Mt Tarawera, Lakes Tarawera, Rotomahana, Okaro and Rerewhakaaitu to the north. Look south to see Lake Taupo and the fantastic volcano Mt Tongariro plus other landmarks.

The summit provides a nice flat picnic area to take in the views, or for a slightly better view, ask the man in the fire-watch tower nicely and he’ll invite you up for a view from the deck (if he happens to be in there). The track to the summit requires a good level of fitness. You’ll need to wear sturdy boots/ shoes, and bring with you layers of clothing as it can be cool and windy at the summit.q for more information For more information on Rainbow Mountain and the walking tracks, visit: and type in "Rainbow Mountain" into the search bar.

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Guysers Gazette

Issue 10 • Autumn 2017

ce nge cliff fa The red/ora away ms gently stea . crater lake above the

Catch your bre taking in th ath while e stunning scenery fro m the sum mit of Rainbow Mountain.

Guysers Gazette



THoisutroisrym Rotorua’s

explosive forces

Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, photograph/15044/waimangu-geyser

Hydrothermal explosions occur when superheated water trapped below the surface of the earth rapidly converts from liquid to steam, violently ‘erupting’. Boiling water, steam, mud, and rock fragments called breccia are ejected over an area of a few meters up to several kilometres in diameter. The following are some examples that have occurred in and around the Rotorua district between 1900 and present day.

1900 Waimangu

The Waimangu (‘black water’) geyser was the largest geyser recorded anywhere in the world, erupting between 1900 and 1904. The geyser’s life was brief and spectacular. Eruptions of muddy water and large rocks to heights of 150 metres were common, and there were occasional super-eruptions to the remarkable height of 460 metres (for reference: the top of Auckland’s Sky Tower is about 330 metres above street level). Throughout 1903, the geyser increased in activity (see picture), and increasing numbers of visitors flocked to see the spectacle. However, a tragic event occurred that year: four tourists ventured closer to get a better view, but were swept away and killed by a sudden eruption. By November 1904 activity of the geyser had suddenly stopped.


Guysers Gazette

Issue 10 • Autumn 2017

Image: GNS Science


The closure of many domestic thermal bores in Rotorua (with the aim of restoring the strength of the suffering Pohutu Geyser) saw once previously dried up springs in Kuirau Park fill up with water again, and as seen in the above example a sudden release of energy in the form of a hydrothermal eruption ejecting water, mud and steam.


On 18th September 2000, a spring erupted just off Tarewa Road on the western fringe of Kuirau Park, producing waves and surges. The eruption occurred on private land and may have been caused by the removal of a clothesline pole and anchoring concrete block three days earlier. Four houses nearest the spring had to be demolished.


Image: GNS Science



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A hydrothermal eruption occurred at Kuirau Park in Rotorua on 26th January 2001. This was the largest hydrothermal eruption since 1966. A hot muddy pool 3 metres in diameter was the source of the eruption. Blocks and ejecta were thrown 100 metres high and 1 metre diameter blocks were thrown 50 metres away. Miraculously no one was injured considering the eruption occurred mid-afternoon.


A large unexpected hydrothermal eruption on 19 April 2005 left a 50-metre-wide crater in a scenic reserve at Reporoa. A column of steam, mud and rocks was ejected 200 metres into the air. Farmer Phil Morgan said “The cows saw it first and bolted up the paddock. I wondered what was up, then I saw it myself. I got covered in fine ash”.

Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, en/photograph/6503/hydrothermal-eruption-at-reporoa-2005




Guysers Gazette

Issue 10 • Autumn 2017


In November 2016 a hydrothermal eruption occurred on the lake edge at Ohinemutu where local residents were woken at 4:00am to the sound of water shooting 20 to 30 metres into the air and splashing down again. Two days later a smaller sized hydrothermal eruption occurred in the same spot (pictured). Rotorua Lakes Council geothermal inspector said the eruption was like a cap blowing off a well shaken bottle of fizzy drink. q

Guysers Gazette



Satisfy your sweet tooth At the top of Skyline complex in Rotorua is the Jelly Belly Store and Gallery. The huge selection of gourmet flavoured jelly beans is sure to bring out the child in all of us.

Jelly Belly Store The store has around 100 different delicious flavours of jelly beans, with an entire wall of Pick 'n Mix beans to choose from. The jelly beans come in every colour of the rainbow and the flavours are very realistic. You can choose 20 small packets from the clear vertical cylinders that line the wall to fill your own gift box or you can purchase pre-packaged gift packs. Try creating your own unique flavour by eating 2 jelly beans at once, eg, banana and chocolate, pineapple and coconut, cinnamon and apple, Dr Pepper and cherry, to name a few examples. The Jelly Belly Store and Gallery is proof that we are all kids at heart!


Guysers Gazette

If you’re a big kid who loves cocktails the Jelly Belly Cocktail Classics Gift Box is sure to please. This box contains Pina Colada, Strawberry Daiquiri, Mojito, Peach Bellini and Pomegranate Cosmo.

Issue 10 • Autumn 2017

One wall in the Jelly Belly Store and Gallery features artworks painstakingly and cleverly created entirely out of jelly beans! See a replica of Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, a portrait of Harry Potter and Van Gogh’s The Starry Night (see above) which boasts over 11,500 beans!

Bean Boozled It’s a daring game which involves spinning a wheel to select a bean. For each jelly bean colour on the wheel there are two possible flavours – one delicious flavour and one that’ll leave a bad taste in your mouth. The catch is you can’t tell which bean is good or bad until you taste it! You could be trying strawberry jam, peach, juicy pear, chocolate pudding and caramel corn (yum!) or dog food, vomit, rotten egg, booger or baby wipes (yuk!). These beans may look alike but they could not taste more different from each other. q

Guysers Gazette


What to shop for in Rotorua Once upon a time visitors to Rotorua would purchase tacky plastic Tiki’s or Maori dolls (that were actually made in China!). Things have moved on a lot since those days. Now Rotorua offers a range of quality shops and unique products, some of which are made in Rotorua. Here are a few suggestions on what you can purchase here in Rotorua.


Handmade cushions made here in Rotorua by Hayley Burnett. Designs include feathers, skulls, birds and Tiki’s all lovingly embroidered. Helium, 1283 Tutanekai St, Rotorua

Icebreaker Anatomica Briefs are stylish, comfortable and give great support. They come in a range of colours and are made from 83% merino, 12% nylon / 5% lycra. Outdoorsman, 6 Tarawera Rd, Rotorua

New Zealand possum fibre is one of the finest and softest fibres that nature produces. Blended with merino wool gives garments warmth and strength. Shop for hats, gloves and scarves at: Woollen Mill shop, Agrodome, Rotorua

Rotorua-based Croucher Brewing produce a range of award-winner craft beers you are sure to love. Try a tasting flight at the Brew Bar on Eat Streat or purchase a few packs to enjoy with friends, available from: Liquor King, 244 Fenton St, Rotorua

Guysers Gazette

Issue 10 • Autumn 2017

David Trubridge is a furniture and lighting designer based in Whakatu, New Zealand. His work has become widely celebrated for its innovative, environmentally sensitive qualities. His fascination with nature has led him to develop collections which are inspired by flora, fauna and formations within the landscape. The sculptural light shades are sold as a kitset giving the product’s construction process emotional worth. David Trubridge lights are available from the iNZspired store at the top of Skyline, Rotorua. iNZpired Store, 178 Fairy Springs Rd

Rotorua’s Volcanic Hills Wines takes grapes from the best wine growing regions in New Zealand and produces a range of gorgeous wines. Purchase from their Tasting Room at the top of the gondola. VH Wines, 176 Fairy Springs Rd, Rotorua

At Guysers Gaystay we now sell the Pure Source range of Rotorua Thermal Mud products. The Mud Mask containing Rotorua mud, Aloe Vera, Almond Oil and Manuka Honey cleanses and soothes the skin. The Facial Scrub exfoliates and draws impurities and excess oils from the skin, and the Heat Rub makes an intense an warming massage rub for the body. Available from us at Guysers Gaystay

Rotorua glass blower Ron van der Vlugt captures the shifting qualities of light and colour as the glass moves from a glowing, flowing, molten state into a cool, hard, solid shape relying on the natural forces of gravity and spinning to shape it. de Flute Glass, 153 Fairy Springs Rd, Rotorua

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Guysers Gazette




Riding a bicycle just got easier with the New Zealand designed Volto range of electric-assisted bikes. With powerful 300W motors and a range of up to 90km (depending on terrain) you’ll love getting around on these. 4 models to choose from. Electric Bike, 1265 Fenton St, Rotorua

Arataki Honey is New Zealand’s No.1 honey producer. The Rotorua division is a great place to stock up on their delicious range of quality honey’s including the world famous Manukua Honey. Benny Bees, Waiotapu, SH 5, Rotorua

Taste pure New Zealand water from Te Waireka spring. Scientific testing showed the water from Te Waireka spring to be of a very high quality with excellent mineral contents. Paradise Pure Spring Water is bottled on site and sold at the Paradise Valley Springs shop. 467 Paradise Valley Rd, Rotorua

Rotorua Potter Gareth Andrews makes work that is full of earthy and rustic character. The objects he creates, such as mugs, flasks, vases and bowls, have a specific and beautiful charm. Helium, 1283 Tutanekai St, Rotorua

Guysers Gazette

Issue 10 • Autumn 2017



NZ Artist Mark Rayner made news headlines with his nude latch hook rug depictions of ex-Prime Minister John Key, Prince Harry and a rather hung Labour Leader, Andrew Little. Mark’s glazed plates, teapots and figurines are a modern and playful take on the grotesque; a style characterised by exaggeration, the fantastic and sometimes the absurd. Helium Gallery in Rotorua have a range of Mark Rayner’s works on display. Check in store for current works on sale. Helium, 1283 Tutanekai St, Rotorua David Bowie

Treat yourself or a partner to a New Zealand greenstone (pounamu) necklace handcrafted in store at Mountain Jade. Mountain Jade, 1288 Fenton St, Rotorua

The multi-award winning Mamaku Blue ‘Blueberry Experience’ & Winery is located just 12 minutes north of the Agrodome, Rotorua. The blueberries they grow here are used to produce wines, liqueur, pure juice, jams, jelly, sauces, chocolates and real fruit ice cream. 311 Maraeroa Rd, Mamaku, Rotorua

Guysers Gazette



RAGS on Wednesdays ‘RAGS’ stands for ‘Rotorua Area Gay Society’ – a weekly gay mens social group that is proving to be a popular evening out with local residence and visitors alike. Rotorua’s RAGS group reformed in October 2016. It started with a small group of guys who began meeting on Wednesday evenings for a drink. Over a short period of time, and by word of mouth, RAGS has steadily increased to around 20 locals with usual attendees of around 14 guys as well as international tourists joining us from time to time. The RAGS group meets every Wednesday evening from 5 pm at a selected bar for a few drinks followed by dinner at a local restaurant for those that wish to partake in a meal.


Guysers Gazette

Issue 10 • Autumn 2017

The bar and restaurant changes each week to provide variety. Where we go for dinner is usually discussed and chosen on the night. The RAGS group is still evolving and ideas for future get-togethers have included home BBQs/Pot Luck dinners and Ten Pin Bowling at Rotorua’s new Motion Entertainment complex. RAGS provides the opportunity to socialise and network with a group of local guys and make new and lasting friendships. Gay Rotorua locals, NZ visitors to Rotorua and international tourists are most welcome to join us for our weekly RAGS social get-together. q

CONTACT To attend ‘RAGS on Wednesdays’ please email with your name and mobile number and you’ll be contacted with details for that week.

Guysers Gazette




Guysers Gazette

Issue 10 • Autumn 2017

NUDE YOGA Everyone has heard of yoga and many of you already practice it on a regular basis whether at a group class session or in the privacy of your own home. But are there any added benefits of practicing yoga in the nude? Naked yoga first started in India were members would undress themselves both physically and spiritually from all material possessions, sexual desires and anything physical in this world. Naked yoga then travelled to Europe through naturist movements in Germany, Switzerland and North America. In more recent times nude yoga classes have been catering for distinctive audiences (all male classes, all women, mixedsex or classes specifically for gay men). Nude yoga classes are also here in New Zealand now. One person famous for the promotion of naked yoga in the West is Aaron Star, owner of Hot Nude Yoga, offering nude yoga classes and a range of nude yoga DVDs. He began his version of nude yoga in April 2001 becoming an instant underground sensation. Because of the success of Hot Nude Yoga, nude yoga groups began to blossom all over the world, from London, Moscow, Madrid to Sydney. Many of these male-only naked yoga groups have been associated with the gay community, though often not intentionally.

What are the benefits of nude yoga?. Nude yoga helps you discover an entirely new way of looking at your own body, inspiring you to take pride and pleasure in your unique physique and capabilities. It teaches you to embrace your imperfections and open your heart to yourself and to the world with courage and confidence. When you practice yoga in the nude you’ll have total freedom. You may also feel free by liberating yourself from the social restraints against nudity. Body and body image acceptance plays a big part in one’s self-esteem which is often hard to achieve when society is full of photoshopped images of non-real bodies that society calls beauty. Nude yoga is about knowing, accepting and loving yourself at your core. Feelings of embarrassment and shame are socially constructed emotions. By practicing nude yoga you’ll learn to let go of those negative emotions. When you’re fully clothed your skin is restricted from breathing. Being nude while doing yoga gives your skin a chance to sweat out body toxins and breathe freely.

You can purc hase the Hot Nude Yoga DVDs fr om Amazon .

While naked yoga in its true form has little to do with society’s preconceived notions of sex or eroticism, make no mistake: naked yoga is sexy. It’s the sort of sexy that comes from inside, when someone feels authentically connected, confident, and alive. Naked yoga gives people permission to feel joyful and radiant in their own skin.

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Guysers Gazette



Here are a few common yoga poses for you to try BOUND ANGLE

Provides an excellent stretch for the groin muscles, increases suppleness in the tendons, knees and hips and improves posture.


Strengthens the Achilles tendons, ankles and thigh muscles, stretches the back of the legs and calves and energizes the entire body.


Guysers Gazette


Massages lower abdominal organs, stretches the spine and nerves correcting stiffness in the neck and helps with elimination.


Improves blood flow to the brain, stimulates the thyroid, promotes calm and serenity and nourishes the complexion.

Issue 10 • Autumn 2017

Nude yoga helps to battle stress, will boost your self-esteem and deals with lowering anxiety. To prevent negative feelings from overpowering our lives, practice nude yoga with nature as your setting. Nude yoga gives you the benefit of practicing this form of exercise freely.


Completely refreshes the back and spine, massages the inner organs, rejuvenates the body and promotes a sense of security and nurturing.


Improves circulation and stretches the muscles along the back, neck and arms. Increases suppleness along the spine.


Stretches the lower back muscles, massages the entire back and lower abdominal organs and restores energy throughout the body.


Improves blood flow to the eyes, head and scalp, increases focus, improves digestion and strengthens arms and shoulders.

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Guysers Gazette


Guysers Gaystay in Rotorua has a private garden setting where you can enjoy practicing yoga.

What to bring: • A yoga mat • Sunscreen • and a smile

Gaystay 30

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GoNaked Magazine Kiwi Experience New Zealand

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Issue 10 • Autumn 2017


SPUNK Lube Hybrid SPUNK Lube Hybrid is a water based hybrid lube that resembles the look and feel of natural lubrication. It’s white and creamy - just like cum, and feels unlike any other lubricant available.


SPUNK Lube Hybrid is safe to use with all sex toys and condoms. It’s non-staining and reactivates with water or saliva. SPUNK Lube Hybrid contains the perfect blend of water and silicone. It’s smooth and slick and not sticky or messy. It’s the perfect all- round personal lubricant for any occasion. SPUNK Lube Hybrid uses the highest quality ingredients and will leave your skin feeling soft and conditioned.

l m 6 23 29 $ Z N

Orders within New Zealand are available from us at

Guysers Gaystay Postal charge is additional.

Kiwi Experience Bus, New Zealand

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Hosted homestay for men RotoRua City • New ZealaNd

Your ‘home away from home’

Oh! Naturist is dedicated to nature and naturism. More than 6,400 naturist friends from more than 100 countries meet, exchange and share experiences across the planet. Oh! Naturist is truly multicultural and multilingual (English, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Bulgarian, Russian, Chinese), created by true lovers of nature and naturism who actively practice and promote the naturist lifestyle and its ethics. The site is, and always will be free, to guarantee its independence, its quality and, most importantly, its friendly atmosphere. 32

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Nudist, Naturist, Naturism, Gay, Naked, GoNaked

Issue 10 • Autumn 2017

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