COFRA okulary ochronne

Page 1




Cortelgomma 1938

Ruggiero Cortellino


The company was established in 1938 by Ruggiero Cortellino as Cortelgomma, a small workshop where shoes were manufactured using the tyres of military trucks for the soles and military uniforms for the uppers. Everyday about 10 pairs of shoes were produced and sold to the nearest markets. The founder’s passion and enterprise let the small workshop turn into a company in few years, producing hundreds of pairs per day, distributed all over Italy. In 1983 the company became COFRA which is now managed by Giuseppe Cortellino, Ruggiero’s son. COFRA keeps on growing thanks to a wise and innovative management, which has led it to become a leader in the safety footwear market as well as a well-known brand in Europe and all over the world. In 1997 COFRA was the first Italian safety shoes manufacturer to obtain the UNI EN ISO 9001 Quality System Certificate. COFRA is today considered a safety footwear specialist. It invests in research and development in order to offer innovative and new trends solutions; thanks to a certified data management system, reliability and a highly appreciated service are guaranteed. COFRA branded products are the result of experience, specialization and masterly tradition.


COFRA is one of the most technologically advanced manufacturers. High quality footwear is made with the support of a totally computerised production system. This constant commitment to quality was acknowledged in 1997 when COFRA was the first footwear manufacturer in Italy to obtain the UNI EN ISO 9001 Quality System Certificate. Giuseppe Cortellino Managing Director


Our eyewear collection has born following the standards which have always characterized COFRA ranges such as protection, maximum attention to comfort and details. COFRA eyewear collection complies with the European standards EN 166, EN 170, EN 172, EN 169. Every article from our range guarantees excellent performances against mechanical, impact risks and optical radiations. In addition, our safety glasses assure maximum comfort and wearability to guarantee high protection and efficiency during the working day.



In a 25.000 m2 warehouse, semi-computerized and controlled by modern software, about 2.000 items are stocked and ready for delivery. Customers can receive goods promptly thanks to efficient and accurate despatching and a fast, punctual delivery service.


A professional, specialized team always at the client’s disposal guarantees pre and post sale assistance, and is able to respond to any client query.


COFRA has always paid attention to the environment. During these years notable human resources and capitals have been invested on a Eco-friendly policy. In 2011 COFRA started a photovoltaic system. The total surface covered by the system is of 6.200 m2 that is equal to the area of a football pitch. The total annual production is 1.230.000 KWh corresponding to the annual electrical energy demand of about 350 families and it will be covering the 51% of the company’s annual demand. COFRA is proud of contributing to the environmental protection by avoiding the emission in the atmosphere of more than 500 annual tons of CO2 and about 10.000 in twenty years. The production of clean energy allows a saving on fuel that in crude tons is equal to around 240 annual tons and about 4.500 in twenty years.


Order processing time reduced to 0!


On-line orders will be shipped with priority You just have to ask us for user ID and Password to: - look at COFRA’s stock catalogue; - check the technical features of our products and your price list; - download datasheets, declarations of conformity, certificates, EAN codes; - enter your purchase orders; - check the status of your orders; - look up your filed orders; - elaborate statistics: backorders, comparative statistics per product and turnover.

An innovative software, user friendly to use, available 24 hours a day.

4 EYE ANATOMY The eyes are organs that provide coloured images of near, far, bright and dark objects.

sclera iris retina

cornea pupil crystallyne lens

optic nerve

The eye is externally covered by a membrane called sclera, that protects the most internal and delicate parts of the eye. In the front part of the eye the sclera is transparent and it is called cornea. Focused by the cornea, the light reaches the back of the eye called iris, which is a coloured part of the eye. It absorbs and controls the amount of light that enters into the eye, opening and closing the pupil, which is a dark circular opening at the centre of the iris. Then, the light reaches the eye’s crystalline lens, a flexible lens that can modify its thickness and its bending thanks to the eye muscles. This ability allows to focus objects at different distances. Retina is the last organ reached by light. It is the light-sensitive inner layer of the back of the eye. The retina, stimulated by the light reaching it, sends information as electrical signals to the brain through the optic nerve. The human eye is so one of the most delicate and complex human organs that, being exposed to various risks in work environment, has to be protected. For this reason, safety glasses have to be considered as P.P.E. To protect the worker’s health and safety and to choose the right type of protection, it is important to know and classify these risks, which can be divided as follows:

MECHANICAL RISKS High-speed particles, chips, metal powders, droplets and liquid splashes.

OPTICAL RADIATIONS RISKS Ultraviolet and infrared radiations, glare caused by high intensity light.

CHEMICAL RISKS Mist, vapour and gas, liquid aerosols, fine dusts, splashes of chemicals.

MECHANICAL RISKS The protection against mechanical risks is recommended for all those manufacturing operations where there is a risk of accidental eye contact with high-speed objects or particles. Typical operations are: turning, milling, sandblast, riveting, grinding and other operations in which there are frequent projections of solid volatile particles (metal, stone, sand, wood) with a consequent impact at different speeds. According to the impact extent, the hazards may be: lesion of the cornea, laceration of the iris, crystalline lens opacity, irritation, pain and conjunctivitis. It is necessary, then, to choose the appropriate eye protector: glasses for low energy impact “F”, that is to say with impact velocity up to 45 m/s (100,6 mph), and the mid energy safety goggles “B”, that is to say with impact velocity up to 120 m/s (268,4 mph).






Visible light UVC

Protection against this type of risk is provided by lenses or filters, that refer to appropriate European Standards such as: ultraviolet filters (EN 170), Solar Protection filters for industrial use (EN 172) and welding filters (EN 169).





To understand the usefulness of these filters, it is appropriate to explain the basic principles: solar light is propagated through a beam of electromagnetic waves, of which only a part hits earth overcoming the ozone layer.




What we perceive is made up of:





• Visible radiations (which compose the so-called “visible spectrum”): they are electromagnetic radiations with a wavelength between 380 and 750 nanometres; they are composed of the only rays visible to the human eye that materialize in the form of colours. • Ultraviolet radiations (UV): they are electromagnetic radiations with a wavelength between 100 and 380 nm. These rays are not visible to the human eye and they can be especially found in environments with the presence of solar light. Moreover, such radiations are harmful to humans because they are made up of magnetic waves which penetrate into the eye thus causing uncomfortable feelings and/ or illnesses after a prolonged exposure (like it happens for the skin: little quantities of UV rays penetrate the skin causing tan, but prolonged exposure could be harmful to health). The risks connected to such radiations may be: lesion of the cornea, conjunctivitis, partial blindness, premature ageing of crystalline and cataract.




ultraviolet invisible spectrum


visible spectrum



1400 nm MID IR



780 nm

650 nm

600 nm

570 nm

500 nm

400 nm

380 nm

315 nm

280 nm UVB




100 nm

• Infrared radiations (IR): they are electromagnetic radiations with a wavelength between 780 and 2.000 nm. These radiations are harmful to humans because they emit heat coming from all warm bodies (including the Sun, but even during welding or manufacturing of metals and glass). For this reason, the damages caused by such radiations are perceived in a nearly immediate way (unlike those caused by ultraviolet radiations which, on the other hand, appear later). Actually, we should consider that the ozone layer filters good part of IR rays of solar light which, therefore, come to us in a very restricted and not dangerous quantity; the rays we should defend from are those artificially created, resulting from incandescent materials. The risks connected to such radiations may be: crystalline lens opacity, cataract and partial blindness.


infrared invisible spectrum

CHEMICAL RISKS Protection against chemical risks is recommended for some types of applications, such as handling of toxic dusts or corrosive liquids, which may represent a potential risk to the eyes of the operator. This risk may occur especially in the medical, agricultural and food fields or in waste management, where micro-organisms may contaminate the operator. The risks to which the operator may be exposed to are: conjunctivitis, ulceration of the cornea, viral infection and partial or total blindness.

6 LENSES The colour of the lenses plays a fundamental role in the management of brightness in the different work activities and in any environments in which they are used. The effects of an unsuitable protective filter colour may cause: decrease of visual acuity, sensation of effort, headache and even nausea and dizziness. Different colours of the lenses allow to promote or preserve the perception of colours, of contrasts and visual acuity; furthermore, they may reduce reverberation and remove UV rays.








Recommended for indoor environments with good visibility conditions and for indoor applications, where the protection of the eyes against impact and most common risks is recommended. Moreover, they help to protect against ultraviolet rays. Applications: mechanical indoor work with good visibility conditions. Recommended for low-light conditions, cloudiness, mist or fog, seeing as in such conditions, it allows to make objects more visible. Beside perfectly filtering ultraviolet rays (UV) and the blue portion (up to 480 nm) of the visible spectrum, it increases contrast even in low-light conditions. Applications: works in bad weather conditions and in foggy environments, inspection of surfaces, working in tunnels, subsoil working, mines, mechanical working, ultraviolet light exposure, warehouses. Recommended for well-lighted environments where light causes a considerable eyestrain. It greatly absorbs both ultraviolet rays (UV) and infrared ones (IR), beside keeping the relative proportions among colours. The absorption is almost constant in the visible spectrum while the wavelength changes, so that the chromatic perception is only slightly altered. Applications: outdoor works, mechanical works with risk of glare, agriculture, building, refineries. Recommended for environments where it is necessary to be protected against intense sunlight, glare, reverberation and all those elements which cause considerable eyestrain. The mirrored treatment on the outer surface of the lens reduces transmittance through a greater reflection of the light hitting the lenses. It is obtained, therefore, a significant reduction of the quantity of light that reaches the eyes, getting a high benefit and a visual comfort even after an extended use. Applications: outdoor works with intense sunlight and with risk of glare, agriculture, building, refineries. Recommended for intense light and high glow caused by reflective surfaces. Such situations cause a remarkable decrease in eyesight and consequently a considerable eyestrain. This type of lens is able to let the light pass selectively; indeed, acting like “Venetian blinds”, they reduce the overall quantity of light passing through and let only the “useful” light pass through. In this way, reverberation is notably reduced and it is increased the quality of images which appear brighter, consequently even the visual perception is improved. Applications: outdoor works with a high risk of glare, construction site, road work, driving vehicles, oil-plants, work on highly reflective surfaces (water, ice, snow, sand and street surface). Recommended for anyone frequently passing from indoor (closed and with low light) to outdoor environments (openair and quite enlightened) and vice versa. Being a clear lens with a light mirrored treatment, it provides optimal view in both indoor and outdoor lighting conditions. This lens allows, therefore, a greater visibility and a high identification of colours and shapes during the use in both conditions and during the passage through these two environments. Applications: works with forklift truck, mechanical works, works with the passage between dark and bright environments. Recommended for protection against impacts, ultraviolet rays (UV), infrared rays (IR) and dazzling caused by welding processes. Applications: works in welding and brazing departments (green 3: brazing and gas welding; green 5: gas and oxyfuel welding, foundries and furnaces).

7 LENS TREATMENT ANTI-SCRATCH TREATMENT Hardening treatment carried out on the surfaces of the lenses which determines an improvement in terms of resistance against abrasion and therefore, a longer duration in time.

x,xx cd/(m2·lx)

ANTI-SCRATCH TREATMENT PLUS Hardening treatment carried out on the surfaces of the lenses which determines an improvement in terms of resistance against abrasion and therefore, a longer duration in time. In conformity with the optional EN 166 requirements, eyepieces with anti-scratch treatment PLUS satisfy resistance parameters to the damage of surface caused by thin particles (whose minimum provided requirement is a luminance factor lower than 5 cd/(m2∙lx)), thus offering definitely higher performance compared to the standard anti-scratch treatments on the marketplace. COFRA indicates such performances by specifying the maximum luminance factor (expressed in cd/(m2∙lx)) tested by the certification bodies. Therefore, such eyepieces may be marked with the symbol “K”. ANTI-FOG TREATMENT Treatment carried out on the surface of lenses which prevents fogging and, being able to spread condensation formed on the surfaces of the lenses in the passage from cold to hot environments, improves the visibility in critical conditions.

XX s

ANTI-FOG TREATMENT PLUS Treatment carried out on the surface of lenses which prevents fogging and, being able to spread condensation formed on the surfaces of the lenses in the passage from cold to hot environments, improves the visibility in critical conditions. In conformity with the optional EN 166 requirements, eyepieces with anti-fog treatment PLUS satisfy resistance parameters against fogging (whose minimum provided requirement is a resistance for at least 8 s), thus offering definitely higher performance compared to the standard anti-fog treatment on the marketplace. COFRA indicates such performances by specifying the minimum time of resistance to fogging (expressed in seconds) tested by the certification bodies. Therefore such eyepieces may be marked with the symbol “N”. UV400 PROTECTION UV400 protection extends protection of lenses beyond the conventional block, rated 380 nm. Such treatment, indeed, allows to filter UV radiations beyond this wavelength, blocking the transmittance of the light spectrum up to 400 nm and helping to protect eyes from a wider range of harmful light rays. MIRRORED TREATMENT Carried out externally to the lens, covered with a thin partially reflecting layer, it is a treatment that allows a greater reflection of incident light on the lens itself, reducing most of the light that reaches the eyes. This treatment is suitable and recommended for use in conditions of extremely strong light and where it is necessary to be protected against glare (snow and ice).

FRAME FEATURES EXTENDIBLE TEMPLES It consists of a system for length regulation of the temples that allows glasses to adapt optimally to the face of the wearer, thus ensuring the best comfort. ADJUSTABLE TEMPLES It consists of a system for grade regulation of the temples that allows glasses to adapt optimally to the face of the wearer, thus ensuring the best comfort. VENTILATION SYSTEM System which, permitting the air to flow, allows to minimize the fogging effect.

SOFT NOSE PAD The soft rubber used for the nose pad improves the comfort of glasses, allowing a prolonged use. EYEBROW PROTECTION Protection system which, thanks to its softness, makes glasses more comfortable and provides an excellent impact protection against high-speed particles or against accidental and frontal impacts of the operator. SOFT EAR PIECES Situated at the end of temples and made up of soft rubber, they reduce the pressure of the temples on the head of the operator, ensuring a better adherence and a greater comfort especially in the case of prolonged use.

8 EUROPEAN STANDARS EN 166 - General standard The present European Standard includes construction specifications and functional and performance requirements (optical and mechanical properties) of the various kinds of individual protectors of the eye, as well as marking requirements. EN 169 - Welding filters The present European Standard specifies the numbers of scale and the requirements of the transmission factor of the filters designed to protect workers involved with welding, braze welding, arc cutting and plasma jet cutting. EN 170 - Ultraviolet filters

The present European Standard specifies the numbers of scale and the requirements of the transmission factor of the filters designed to protect against ultraviolet radiations.

EN 172 - Solar protection filters for industrial use

The present European Standard specifies the graduation numbers, the transmission factors and their related requirements of solar protection filters for industrial use.


Manufacturer logo Application fields

EN166 3 BT European Community marking Mechanical resistance Standard

Application fields Code


Description of the field of application



Unspecified mechanical hazards and dangers from ultraviolet, visible, infra-red and solar radiation



Liquids (drops or sprays)


Large dust particles

Dust with a particle size > 5 Îźm


Gas particles and fine powder

Gases, vapours, sprays, smoke and dust with a particle size < 5 Îźm


Short circuit electric arc

Short circuit electric arc in electrical devices


Molten metal and hot solids

Splashes of molten metal and the penetration of hot solids

Mechanical resistance Code

Mechanical resistance requirements

Impact speed


Minimum resistance specification



Increased resistance specification

5,1 m/s


Low energy impact

45 m/s


Medium energy impact

120 m/s


High energy impact

190 m/s


If the symbol F, B or A is not found on both the lenses and the frame, then the lower value is assigned to the complete set of safety glasses. If protection is required against high speed particles at extreme temperatures, then the safety glasses should be marked with the letter T immediately following the letter indicating the impact resistance, i.e. FT, BT, AT. If the letter indicating the impact resistance is not followed by the letter T, then the safety glasses should be used only against high speed particles at room temperature.


Scale number Manufacturer logo Mechanical resistance European Community marking

2 C- 1 ,2

1 FT K N Other specifications Optical class

Scale number Code number

Filter rating number

Type of filter


1,2 - 16

Filters for welding


1,2 - 5

Ultraviolet (UV) filters

2C 3

1,2 - 5

Ultraviolet (UV) light filters with good colour recognition


1,2 - 10

Infra-red (IR) filters


1,1 - 4,1

Sun filter (the solar protection offered by the lens has no infra-red element)


1,1 - 4,1

Sun filter (the solar protection offered by the lens has an infra-red element)

The filter code number is always followed by the filter rating number (both numbers are separated by a space), and together form the scale number.

Optical class Code

(All COFRA lenses are optical class 1)



On-going work


Intermittent work


Occasional work (not intended for prolonged use)

Mechanical resistance Code

Mechanical resistance requirements

Impact speed


Minimum resistance specification



Increased resistance specification

5,1 m/s


Low energy impact

45 m/s


Medium energy impact

120 m/s


High energy impact

190 m/s


If the symbol F, B or A is not found on both the lenses and the frame, then the lower value is assigned to the complete set of safety glasses. If protection is required against high speed particles at extreme temperatures, then the safety glasses should be marked with the letter T immediately following the letter indicating the impact resistance, i.e. FT, BT, AT. If the letter indicating the impact resistance is not followed by the letter T, then the safety glasses should be used only against high speed particles at room temperature.

Other specifications Code



Short circuit electric arc


Molten metal and hot solids


Abrasion resistance (to surface damage caused by fine particles)


Resistance to fogging


Reflectance increased


POLARIZED Line characterized by models equipped with polarized lenses. Glasses able to offer comfort and excellent visual performance thanks to an incomparable eye protection in high light intensity and consistent glow.


Glasses endowed with 8-points bending polarized lenses having an excellent adhesion and adaptability to any face conformation. They distinguish themselves not only for the sporty style, but even for the comfortable lightness and flexible design. Polycarbonate frame able to offer greater mechanical resistance, equipped with ventilation channels that help to prevent fogging and internal heat. End pieces and adjustable nose pad made of soft material with an excellent comfort. Packaging: - box: 10 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 24 boxes (240 pairs of glasses, single packed) EN166 FT

E001-B111 EN166 - EN172

polarized 5-3, 1


1 FT



POLARIZATION The optical radiation commonly called “light” is made up of waves that oscillate in all directions of the three-dimensional space, that is to say vertically, horizontally and along all the angles between these dimensions. When this light meets a reflective surface (water, ice, snow, sand, street surface) it undergoes a process called polarization, that is, it begins to move in a two-dimensional range (vertical and horizontal). The vertical light brings a lot of useful information to the human eye, enabling colour vision and the perception of contrasts. The horizontal light (polarized light), on the contrary, creates optical noise, disturbing vision and generating the so-called reverberation or glare. Polarized lenses aim at erasing just those annoying reflections that cause glare. They are, in fact, lenses with a “vertical structure” they absorb the horizontal light rays, responsible for glare, letting only the vertical rays pass, which are “useful” and rich of information.






Vision in bright light condition is greatly improved: natural colours, clear and clean vision even in the distance and less eye fatigue. Therefore, the use of polarized lenses allows to filter radiations selectively, without damaging any detail of the image. In the presence of bright light, in fact, they act as a “Venetian blind” which blocks unwanted rays, while in the absence of glare they behave exactly like traditional lenses.




SPORTS The models which compose this line are characterized by a sporty, enveloping and extremely eyecatching design. The lightness of the frames and the comfort offered by the end pieces and the soft nose pad, make them comfortable to wear for any type of activity, even in free time.



Glasses endowed with 8-point bending lenses having an excellent adhesion and adaptability to any conformation of the face. They distinguish themselves not only for the sporty style, but even for the comfortable lightness and the flexible design. Polycarbonate frame able to offer greater mechanical resistance, equipped with ventilation channels that help to prevent fogging and internal heat. End pieces and adjustable nose pad made of soft material and with an excellent comfort. Packaging: - box: 10 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 24 boxes (240 pairs of glasses, single packed)

EN166 - EN172 grey

5-2, 5

1 FT

E001-B140 EN166 - EN172

EN 16 6 FT

mirrored red 5-3, 1

E001-B100 EN166 - EN170 clear 2C-1, 2

1 FT

1 FT




Glasses endowed with 8-point bending lenses having a wide view field. They distinguish themselves not only for the sporty style, but even for the comfortable lightness. Nylon frame that fully covers the lenses and with a particularly enveloping form. End pieces and adjustable nose pad made of soft material with an excellent comfort. Packaging: - box: 10 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 24 boxes (240 pairs of glasses, single packed)

E003-B100 EN166 - EN170 clear 2C-1, 2


1 FT K N

39 s


E003-B110 EN166 - EN172

EN 16 6 FT

grey 5-3, 1



1 FT K N

23 s

E003-B130 EN166 - EN170 I/O 2C-1, 4

E003-B140 EN166 - EN172

E003-B120 EN166 - EN170

mirrored blue 5- 2,5

1 FT

yellow 1 FT

2C-1, 2

1 FT


Glasses endowed with a 7-point bending single lens, characterized by a comfortable lightness and a wide protection. End pieces and adjustable nose pad made of soft material and with an excellent comfort, even in case of extended use. Packaging: - box: 10 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 24 boxes (240 pairs of glasses, single packed)

E006-B100 EN166 - EN170 clear 2C-1, 2

1 FT

EN 16 6 FT

E006-B110 EN166 - EN172 grey 5-3, 1

E006-B130 EN166 - EN172

E006-B120 EN166 - EN170

I/O 5- 1,7

1 FT

yellow 1 FT

2C-1, 2

1 FT



Glasses endowed with a 6-point bending single lens, characterized by a comfortable lightness. Very wide lens which offers the maximum protection even laterally. Polycarbonate frame with a soft protection on the eyebrow arch which ensures an excellent shock absorption and perfect adhesion to the face. End pieces and adjustable nose pad made of soft material with a superb comfort. Packaging: - box: 10 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 24 boxes (240 pairs of glasses, single packed)

SPORTS E004-B100 EN166 - EN170 clear 2C-1, 2

1 FT

EN 16 6 FT

E004-B110 EN166 - EN172 grey 5-2, 5

E004-B101 EN166 - EN170

E004-B120 EN166 - EN170

clear NK 2C - 1,2



1 FT K N

1 FT

yellow 2C-1, 2

1 FT

38 s

EYEBROW PROTECTION Protection system which, thanks to its softness, makes glasses more comfortable and provides an excellent impact protection against high-speed particles or against accidental and frontal impacts of the operator.


FUNCTIONAL This line is characterized by excellent ergonomics offered by the variety of possible adjustments. Frame with adjustable temples both in length and in grade, equipped with soft and comfortable end pieces and nose pad. Glasses designed to provide an excellent comfort and protection, recommended for an extended use.


Glasses endowed with a 9-point bending single lens which ensure a high optical quality without vision distortion. Very wide lens able to offer maximum eyes protection. Glasses characterized by an excellent adaptability to the face thanks even to the regulation system of the temples both in length and in grade. Nylon frame with end pieces and adjustable nose pad made of soft material and with an incomparable comfort. Packaging: - box: 10 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 24 boxes (240 pairs of glasses, single packed) EN 16 6 FT

E002-B130 EN166 - EN170 I/O 2C-1, 4



EN166 - EN170

EN166 - EN172

clear 2C - 1,2



1 FT K N

18 s

1 FT

grey 5-3, 1



1 FT K N

14 s



WAVY 31g

Glasses endowed with a 9-point bending lens which ensure a high optical quality without vision distortion. Nylon frame with a regulation system of the length of the temples, able to offer a better adaptability to the face. Nose pad made of soft and comfortable material. Packaging: - box: 10 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 24 boxes (240 pairs of glasses, single packed) EN 16 6 FT

E008-B100 EN166 - EN170

E008-B110 EN166 - EN172

clear 2C - 1,2

grey 1 FT

5-3, 1

1 FT


Glasses endowed with a 6-point bending single lens that, thanks to its particular form, ensures complete protection on the lateral, upper and lower parts. Glasses with a regulation system of the temples both in length and in grade for a perfect adaptability to the face. End pieces and adjustable nose pad made of soft material and with an excellent comfort. Packaging: - box: 10 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 18 boxes (180 pairs of glasses, single packed) EN 16 6 FT

E007-B110 EN166 - EN172

E007-B100 EN166 - EN170

grey 5- 3,1

clear 1 FT

2C-1, 2

1 FT


CLASSIC Line characterized by a classic and sober design, which always satisfies the needs of protection and comfort of the users who prefer a more traditional style.


Glasses endowed with 8-points bending lenses having an excellent adhesion to the face, characterized by exceptional lightness. Enveloping and extremely eye-catching classic style design. End pieces and adjustable nose pad made of soft material and with a perfect comfort, even in case of extended use. Packaging: - box: 10 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 24 boxes (240 pairs of glasses, single packed) EN 16 6 F

E000-B100 EN166 - EN170 clear 2C-1, 2

1 F

E000-B110 EN166 - EN172 grey 5-2, 5

E000-B120 EN166 - EN170

E000-B130 EN166 - EN170 I/O

yellow 2C - 1, 2

1 F

1 F

2C-1, 4

1 F



Glasses endowed with 6-points bending lenses. The covering shape of the frame ensures a high protection level on the lateral, upper and lower parts. Ventilation side system. Glasses endowed with a regulation system of the temples both in length and in grade for a perfect adaptability to the face. End pieces and adjustable nose pad made of soft material with an excellent comfort. Packaging: - box: 10 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 18 boxes (180 pairs of glasses, single packed)

CLASSIC E009-B100 EN166 - EN170 clear 2C-1, 2

1 FT

EN 16 6 FT


Glasses endowed with a 6-point bending enveloping lens, characterized by exceptional lightness and perfect adherence to the face. Entirely made of polycarbonate, they provide an excellent mechanical strength. Temples designed to offer maximum comfort. Packaging: - box: 10 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 24 boxes (240 pairs of glasses, single packed) EN 16 6 FT

E005-B100 EN166 - EN170 clear 2C-1, 2

1 FT

E005-B110 EN166 - EN172 grey 5-3, 1

E005-B101 EN166 - EN170

E005-B120 EN166 - EN170

clear SF 2C - 1,2

yellow 1 FT


Simple and classic glasses. Total protection thanks to the onepiece very wide polycarbonate lens and to the integrated side protections. Nylon frame with a regulation system of the length of the temples, to provide a better adaptability to the face. Packaging: - box: 10 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 24 boxes (240 pairs of glasses, single packed) EN 16 6 FT

1 FT

2C-1, 2

1 FT

E010-B100 EN166 - EN170 clear 2C-1, 2

1 FT


OVERGLASS Over-glasses which provide an accurate protection, especially to the users wearing corrective glasses.


Over-glasses with a wide view field. Integrated side protections with ventilation system. Particularly suitable for business visitors, they can be used in combination with corrective glasses. Packaging: - box: 10 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 18 boxes (180 pairs of glasses, single packed)

E011-B100 EN166 - EN170 clear 2C-1, 2

1 FT

EN 16 6 FT


Over-glasses with a wide view field, they can be used in combination with corrective glasses. Regulation system of the temples both in length and in grade for a perfect adaptability to the face. End pieces made of soft material with an excellent comfort. Packaging: - box: 10 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 18 boxes (180 pairs of glasses, single packed) EN 16 6 FT

E012-B100 EN166 - EN170 clear 2C-1, 2

1 FT


GOGGLE This line consists of goggles with excellent ergonomics; the materials used and the possible regulations of the elastic headband make them particularly comfortable. Excellent mechanical resistance in case of impacts with high-speed particles. Protection against big dust particles, splashes of molten metal, penetration of hot solids and, for some models, against droplets of liquids.


PVC Goggles endowed with aeration system which prevents fogging thanks to small holes within the frame. High level of protection against impact, unrefined dust, splashes of molten metal and penetration of hot solids. Compatible with the use of corrective glasses and dust masks of COFRA lines Pioneer and Starter. Polycarbonate lens and adjustable elastic headband for the maximum adaptability to the face. Economic solution for maximum protection. Packaging: - box: 10 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 12 boxes (120 pairs of glasses, single packed)

E013-B100 EN166 - EN170 clear 1 BT 9

EN166 4 9 BT

E013-B101 EN166 - EN170

clear SF 1 BT 9




Soft PVC goggles with a large support area around the entire face for an increased comfort. Aerodynamic form with polycarbonate 5-point bending lens for a better vision without distortion. Compatible with the use of corrective glasses and dust masks of COFRA lines Pioneer and Starter. High level of protection against impact, liquid splashes, unrefined dust, splashes of molten metal and penetration of hot solids. Wide elastic headband (25 mm) easily adjustable thanks to a buckle system and to a mechanism of rotating application, for the maximum adaptability to the face. Packaging: - box: 5 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 12 boxes (60 pairs of glasses, single packed)

E014-B100 EN166 - EN170 clear 1 BT 9

EN166 3 4 9 BT


Soft PVC goggles with a large support area around the entire face for an increased comfort. Aerodynamic form with polycarbonate 5-point bending lens for a better vision without distortion. Aeration system which prevents fogging thanks to small holes both in the upper and in the lower part of the frame. Compatible with the use of corrective glasses and dust masks of COFRA lines Pioneer and Starter. High level of protection against impact, liquid splashes, unrefined dust, splashes of molten metal and penetration of hot solids. Wide elastic headband (25 mm) easily adjustable thanks to a buckle system and to a mechanism of rotating application, for the maximum adaptability to the face. Packaging: - box: 5 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 12 boxes (60 pairs of glasses, single packed) EN166 3 4 9 BT

E015-B100 EN166 - EN170 clear 1 BT 9


WELDING Line composed of models which provide the necessary protection during welding processes, in accordance with the requirements of EN 169. The multiplicity of regulations, including the regulation in length and in grade of the temples, and the soft end pieces make these models comfortable even after an extended use.


Glasses endowed with a 6-point bending single lens that, thanks to its particular form, ensures complete protection on the lateral, upper and on lower parts. Glasses with a regulation system of the temples both in length and in grade for a perfect adaptability to the face. End pieces and adjustable nose pad made of soft material with an excellent comfort. Packaging: - box: 10 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 18 boxes (180 pairs of glasses, single packed) EN166 FT



EN166 - EN169

EN166 - EN169

welding green 3




welding green 5 1 FT




1 FT




Glasses endowed with 6-points bending lenses and a removable flap to be used during the welding processes. The covering shape of the frame ensures a high protection level on the lateral, upper and lower parts. Ventilation side system. Glasses with a regulation system of the temples both in length and in grade for a perfect adaptability to the face. End pieces and adjustable nose pad made of soft material with an excellent comfort. Packaging: - box: 10 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 18 boxes (180 pairs of glasses, single packed) EN166 FT

E009-B150 EN166 - EN169

welding green 5 5

1 FT




Over-glasses with a wide view field, they can be used in combination with corrective glasses. Regulation system of the temples both in length and in grade for a perfect adaptability to the face. End pieces made of soft material with an excellent comfort. Packaging: - box: 10 pairs of glasses, single packed - carton: 18 boxes (180 pairs of glasses, single packed)


EN166 FT

E012-B150 EN166 - EN169

welding green 5 5

1 FT



DISPLAY Eyewear desk display made of laminated cardboard DIMENSION: cm 24x24x45 (9.45”x9.45”x17.72”)

DE CE MBE R 2 0 1 3 -

Via dell’Euro 43-59 C.P. 210 Uff. Postale Barletta Centro 76121 Barletta (BT) Italia Tel. +39.0883.3414372 +39.0883.3414354 Fax +39.0883.3414772 e-mail: Company with quality management system ISO 9001:2008 certified

Distributed by


COFRA S.r.l.

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