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Digital Strategist
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Genesee Valley Publications
By JoAnn Derson
* Among the many reuses for plastic newspaper bags: Put soiled diapers in before putting in a trash can. Use to pick up after your pet on a walk. Fill with grocery store plastic bags for storage. Keep a few to store wet swimsuits in after a trip to the beach or pool.
* Before removing a splinter, ice the area. Less fussing and a wooden splinter might absorb some liquid, causing it to swell enough to pop out a bit more.
* Recycling paper is good, but reusing before recycling is even better. Ask your child’s classroom teacher if he or she has a “both sides” policy for lined papers. Also, copy paper that’s printed on only one side can be quartered for quick scratch paper.
* Trying to spot roof damage but not quite sure you’re up for climbing a ladder? Before you get up on the roof, get out your binoculars. You’d be surprised how much you can see from the ground, and you can do a cursory examination and then decide if anything needs a closer look.
* Cut kitchen sponges into smaller pieces. They clean as well as a larger sponge, and you can dispose of the smaller pieces when they get yucky. -- O.C. in Michigan
* Need sliced mushrooms for your salad or recipe? They are hard to cut, but you might have a perfect tool for doing the job already in your kitchen. If you have an egg slicer, get it out. It works very well for mushrooms, and it’s easier to use than trying to cut those slices yourself. -- J.R. in Utah
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Challenges Of Going Remote With Your Business
CUSTOMER SERVICE: Ensuring customers can seamlessly connect with your business, and your customer service staff in particular, should be a priority when switching to a remote work setting. Remote customer service employees won’t have the direct access to management and fellow team members that they had when working on-site, so business owners can employ central management platforms that make it easy to access information regarding new products and services and previous interactions with and responses to customers. That access can help solve issues while reducing the likelihood of substantial lag time as customer service employees wait to hear from coworkers and managers about how to respond to certain issues.
Tree Services
When tending to their lawns, homeowners are advised to pay attention to areas that may feature standing water. According to the World Health Organization, standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes, which can breed in great numbers in pools of water. Mosquitoes are known to carry diseases like malaria, West Nile virus and Zika. Furthermore, mosquitoes that bite pets can transmit heartworms, a serious problem if gone it goes undiscovered.Standingwateralso can be a haven for bacteria, mold and parasites that are dangerous to human health. If standing, stagnantwaterisaprobleminyour yard, remediation is necessary. Directing downspouts away from the house can remediate standing water. Changing the grading of soil so that low spots are elevated is another way to reduce instances of standing water. This may be a project that requires the assistance of a drainage professional. In addition, homeowners can remove standing water from empty flower pots, pool covers, bird baths, and more to reduce the likelihood that mosquitoes will appear on their properties.
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Five Tips To Help You On The Road To Your New Home
(NAPSI)—Whenever you rent a truck to move yourself from one home to another, keeping these five facts in mind can help you and your furniture all arrive in good order and good time.
1. Let time be on your side. When planning your trip, take into account the time of day you intend to travel and likely traffic patterns. Always leave lots of extra time and be aware of possible bottlenecks along the way.
2. Read the agreement. Most truck rental agreements say something like the language from the U.S. Department of Transportation that prohibits the “carrying or hauling of explosives and other dangerous articles.” That means you can’t pack paint, chemicals and cleaning materials, flammable solvents, propane, gasoline and the like. Check with your rental agent if you’re not sure about a particular item.
3. Don’t be blindsided. Trucks have big blind spots, what the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration calls the “No-Zone.” You should know where these areas are, especially when changing lanes or coming to a stop.
4. Know what you’re driving. Make sure you can find and understand the use of all the truck’s switches and gauges. Adjust the seat and side mirrors so they match your height and comfort zone. Also, remember, trucks are taller, wider and may weigh up to 10 times more than the average car, explain the experts on truck rental at Penske, so you have to be extra vigilant.
5. Be sure to insure. Most insurance and credit card companies won’t cover truck rentals under existing policies. If your insurance company is among them, consider signing up for additional coverage options to protect yourself and your belongings. You may feel more confident knowing there is a company that offers free 24/7 emergency roadside assistance. Learn More: For further moving facts and tips, go to www. PenskeTruckRental.com or call (800) GO-PENSKE.
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According to Mental Health America, individuals’ reactions to the death of a loved one can elicit unique emotions linked to their relationship to the deceased. For example, MHA, a community-based nonprofit focused on promoting mental health, notes that a child’s death could inspire different feelings than the loss of an elderly spouse. When parents lose a child, that death may arouse a sense of injustice that can overwhelm the child’s parents as they contemplate lost potential, unfulfilled dreams and, in certain instances, the child’s suffering. Elderly individuals who lose a spouse may be overcome by feelings of loneliness. Recognition of these different reactions is important because it can help individuals and their support networks more effectively cope with their grief.
2583 Main Rd., P.O. Box 189, East Pembroke, NY 14056
Phone: 585-762-8721 • email: cornerstonechurchep@yahoo.com
Church Facebook: Cornerstone Church of East Pembroke
Bible Study every Wednesday at 10am. All are welcome!
Souper Soup Supper to bene t Eagle Star House Veterans
March 30, 2023 starting at 4pm
PASTOR: Rev. Glenn Bloom, Jr 585-356-4657 • Pastor’s wife: Joyce 585-356-8253
Our Lady of Mercy & St. Brigid Catholic Parishes
44 Lake St., LeRoy, NY 14482 • 585-768-6543 • www.ourladyofmercyleroy.org
Our Lady of Mercy Masses: Sat. 4:30pm; Sun. 7:15am, 10:45am, 5:30pm
Weekday Masses: Mon. - Fri. 7:30am; Sat. 9am
Confessions: Sat. 3-4pm; Tues. 7-7:30pm; urs. 6-6:30pm
St. Brigid’s, 18 Gibson St., Bergen, NY 14416, Sunday Mass: 9am
Weekday Masses: Tues. & urs. 8:30am; Confessions: Sat. 2-2:30pm
By reading the scriptures I am so renewed that all nature seems renewed around me and with me. The sky seems to be a pure, a cooler blue, the trees a deeper green. The whole world is charged with the glory of God and I feel fire and music under my feet.
~Thomas Merton
St. James Episcopal Church
405 East Main St., Batavia, NY • sjecbataviany.org
Sundays: 9am Service of God’s Word and Spiritual Communion -- via Zoom 10am Service of the Holy Eucharist -- In Person, Children Welcome Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8085432266
Meeting ID: 808 543 2266 • Password: zrXG3y
Batavia First United Methodist Church
To Make Disciples We Must Listen, Learn, Lead, and Love Our Way to God! 8221 Lewiston Rd., Batavia, NY • 343-4708 • Rev. Wayne Mort Worship & Sunday School, 10am • Child care provided Sun. at 10am. https://www.facebook.com/BataviaFirstUnitedMethodist
Indian Falls United Methodist Church
7908 Alleghany Rd, Corfu, NY 14036 • (585) 762-9105 https://indianfallsumc.com • indianfallsumc@gmail.com
Sunday Morning Worship 10:00am
Sunday School (all ages) 11:30am
All Are Welcome!
Cornerstone Church
8020 Bank Street Road, Batavia 343-8020 www.cornerstonebatavia.org
Sunday Co ee & Fellowship 9:30am • Sunday Worship Service 10am
Wednesday Prayer & Worship 5:30pm
Wednesday Men’s & Women’s Bible Study at 6:30pm
Church of Christ
PO Box 230, 60 Spring St., Brockport, NY 14420 • Minister: Scott Kelley 585-637-2650 • brockportchurchofchrist.org
10:00am Bible Study, 11:00am Worship Service; Wed. 7:00pm Mid-week Bible Study - email us for Zoom link Additional parking at 69 High Street.
Protection of the Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church
100 Stanford Dr, Rochester, NY 14610 • 585-224-0554
Archpriest Gregory Naumenko, Rector • A ROCOR Parish
Spend Orthodox Lent & Pascha With Us! Serving all English and Russian Speaking Orthodox Christians. Full schedule of services at www.pomog.org
Byron Presbyterian Church
6293 W. Main St. (Rt. 262), Byron Sunday Worship begins at 9:45am 585-548-2800 • byronpresb@outlook.com
Kim Dewey, Clerk of Session. Laurence Tallman, Music Director
Batavia Seventh-Day Adventist Church
101 Richmond Ave, Batavia, NY 14020 • (585) 563-5331
Pastor, Edgar De León
Saturday Worship Service: 9:30am
Bible Study: 11am-12pm
List your place of Worship on our monthly Worship Pages. Call 226-8111 today.
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