Livingston- Genesee Valley Penny Saver- 3-7-25

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If you are not currently registered and want to vote in the Tuesday, March 18, 2025 Village election, the last day to register is March 7, 2025.

If you want an absentee ballot mailed to you, you must submit an application form, or complete an electronic application at the website below by March 8, 2025. You may come to the Board of Elections until March 17, 2025 to vote by absentee in person.

Registration forms and absentee ballot applications are available from post offices, libraries, village/town offices and can be downloaded from our website. Livingston County Board of Elections 6 Court St., Geneseo, NY 14454 Ph. 585-243-7090 or 585-335-1705


Schedule a tuneup beforehand. Before departing, ensure your vehicle is in good working order to reduce the likelihood of a breakdown. Make sure you have a spare tire and tire-changing tools, just in case.

Transparency Starts with The Basics – Websites

Town Mouse and Village Mouse both need a new website – what to do, what to do….

Town Mouse, with its tightly structured budget (too tight? that’s for another post), well-filled cash reserves, and judicious analysis of the options, made a vendor selection and worked with their team to revise their website.

Village Mouse, having a bloated budget, under-funded cash reserves, and possessed of curious decision-making abilities, chose a different vendor and will spend nearly 10 times what Town Mouse paid for their website.

e result? Town Mouse’s website is up and running while Village Mouse’s site is not only NOT up and running, but actually defaulted back to old and inaccurate information.

Better understanding where our dollars are going helps us make sure our Village is financially healthy. If you have questions, please come to our next Village Board meeting: 6 pm, ursday, March 20th at the Village Hall.

Paid for by Kitty Bressington

home services

• Gutter Cleaning Available

• Window Cleaning

• Pressure Washing

• Residential/Recurring Cleaning

• Deep Cleaning

• End of Tenancy Cleaning

• Move-in/Move-out Cleaning

• Bereavement Cleaning

• Hoarder Cleanings

• Junk Removal Cleanings

• Foreclosure Cleanings

• Storage Unit Cleanouts


“Luck of the Clean” - Get a full house cleaning for $150 (reg. $200). Because everyone deserves a clean start.

“Pot of Gold Package” - Book any two services (e.g. house cleaning & landscaping) and get 30% off entire package!


• Basic Maintenance • Spring/Fall Clean Up

• Garden Bed Installation/Maintenance

• Full Yard Transformation

• Recurrent/OneTime Cleanings

• Deep Cleaning

• Recurrent/OneTime Driveway Shoveling

• Custom Landscape Design

• Weeding, Edging, Mulching, Planting

• Overhaul • Tree/Hedge Trimming

• Weed Whacking

• Brick and Rock Laying

• Pressure Washing • Gutter Cleaning

• Curb Appeal Enhancement

“Shamrock Shine” - 20% off all deep cleaning services. Let’s make everything sparkle like a four-leaf clover!


• Cleaning/Landscaping

• Curb Appeal Enhancement

• Home Sale Prep/Staging

• Reasonably Priced • Flexible Hours • Personable • Careful • Meticulous • Thorough • Same Day Service

home services

Chinch bugs: The experts at report that chinch bugs are not necessarily problematic when their populations are limited to around 10 to 15 bugs per square foot of lawn. In such instances, chinch bug populations are generally controlled by ants and ladybugs. However, extreme heat and drought, problems that have plagued various regions in North America in recent years, reduce the populations of bugs that feed on chinch bugs, thus increasing the population of these unwanted guests that feed on grass. GardenTech® indicates that damage from chinch bugs is most visible between June and September. That damage begins with grass taking on a purple tinge before it turns yellow and then brown after wilting.

While new homes are being built to be more energy efficient than ever before, thanks to a growing green building movement and increasingly strict building codes, the age of existing dwellings continues to present challenges. More than 40 percent of the housing stock in the United States was built before 1969 and simply wouldn’t stand up to today’s standards. Yet, much can be done to help homeowners improve their buildingenvelopetoreduceenergy use and increase efficiency. Improving your home’s energy efficiency can help save money, keep you more comfortable, reduce pollution, and prevent global warming.

Install programmable thermostats. There are enough things to remember in a day, and turning the thermostat up or down shouldn’t be one of them. Programmable thermostats can be set to automatically pump less heat during the day when no one is home, or at night when everyone is asleep.


home services


Our clean up meets customer satisfaction 20 Years Experience

Prompt Professional Service


Shane Scott

Owner on-site.


Free Estimates

C - (585) 329-1614

The cost of home ownership can be considerable. One of the expenses that hits first-time homeowners the hardest upon moving into their new homes is the monthly energy bill. While utility bills for apartment dwellers rarely break the bank, those bills grow considerably when men and women are suddenly lighting, heating and cooling an entire house. Come winter, utility bills can be especially harsh on homeowners’ budgets. But there are some simple ways to trim utility bills no matter how low the mercury dips in the coming months.


Plants need sunlight to thrive and grow, but some need less sunlight than others. People who find their landscapes are less supportive to sun-loving plants can choose from a variety of shade-tolerant plants, shrubs and trees.

Shade tolerance refers to a plant’s ability to withstand low levels of light. Certain plants have adapted this feature to survive in the wild. Plants that grow at the base of forest floors, for example, will get less sunlight than others outside of the tree canopy. Such adaptations enable a wide variety of foliage to grow even though they are not exposed to much sunlight.

While sun-loving plants often have broad leaves and expend significant energy to capture sunlight for photosynthesis, shade-tolerant plants expend less energy and tend to be more efficient consumers of soil nutrients and sunlight.

Penn State Extension’s Plant and Pests division says the amount of shade a plant is growing under will directly affect the density of the foliage and the plant’s flowering and fruiting characteristics. Blending shade-tolerant plants into the landscape can be an effective use of space. Before choosing plants for an existing landscape, it’s important to assess the level of shade or sun the plants will receive.

Once homeowners understand which type of shade they are dealing with, they can then visit plant nurseries and select their plants. Most greenery comes with care instructions that include recommendations regarding the amount of shade/sunlight the plant will need to do well. If further assistance is needed, a knowledgeable employee can make suggestions based on landscape needs. Shade-tolerant

ce: PO Box 340 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414

Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390



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home services

Portable vs. Standby Generators

Prepare your home for a power outage (Family Features) Understanding the distinction between these options will help any family determine which is the better choice for their home.

• A portable generator is an immediate, but temporary, solution. A portable gas generator is less expensive than a standby unit and doesn’t require installation time. Its benefits have limits, as it can only power a few home appliances for a few hours before needing refueling.

• A standby generator with an automatic transfer switch provides a seamless and permanent backup power solution. It is professionally installed outside the home and can power more of your home’s appliances for long periods of time. Powered by natural gas or liquid propane, recent power management technology has allowed homes to still receive whole-house backup electricity, but with a smaller, more affordable generator than in years past.

With an emergency kit on hand and the right backup power source available, the frustration of weathering a storm can be greatly lessened.

Southern Tier Shopper










Oatka Edition

Bergen 14416






PennYan 14527






Churchville 14428

Clifton 14428

LeRoy 14482

LimeRock 14482

Mumford 14511

NorthChili 14514

Pavilion 14525


Scottsville 14546

S.Byron 14422


Wheatland 14546

Canandaigua-Naples Edition

Bristol 14469


Canadice 14560

Canandaigua 14424

Honeoye 14471


Batavia Edition

Alabama 14013

Batavia 14020

Corfu 14036

Middlesex 14507

Naples 14512


S.Bristol 14512


Eastway Edition

Bloomfield 14469

E.Bloomfield 14443

Farmington 14425

HoneoyeFalls 14472

Ionia 14475

Mendon 14506

Victor 14564


Rush-Henrietta Edition

Brighton 14618

Henrietta 14467

Industry 14543

Riverton 14586


Lake Country Pennysaver







Rochester 14623


W.Henrietta 14586

W.Rush 14543

East Edition


E.Rochester 14445

Fairport 14450

Penfield 14526

Perinton 14450

Pittsford 14534

Webster 14580

Dansville-Wayland Edition

Cohocton 14826

Dansville 14437


Sparta 14437

Springwater 14560

Wayland 14572

W.Sparta 14437

Canal Path Edition


Phelps14532 Macedon14502




Childs 14411










Elba 14058

Oakfield 14125

Pembroke 14036








Livingston Edition

Avon 14414

Conesus 14435


E.Avon 14414

Fowlerville 14423

Geneseo 14454

Leicester 14481


Greigsville 14533

Groveland 14462

Hemlock 14466

Lakeville 14480

Linwood 14486

Livonia 14487


Piffard 14533

Retsof 14539


Wadsworth 14533


Tri-County Edition

Brockport 14420

Clarendon 14429

Clarkson 14430

Hamlin 14464


Holley 14470

Kendall 14476

Spencerport 14559

Sweden 14420

Murray 14470


Towns of Livonia and Conesus Recreation Baseball & So ball Registration Deadline

17, 2025


• In person – No in person

• By Mail – Forms available at the Livonia Town Hall or online at under “Recreation Services”. Send to: Recreation, Town of Livonia; PO Box 43; Livonia, NY 14487

LEVELS: Season runs April 17th - June 4th

• T-ball and T-shirt – Practice Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Elementary and Branch St. Fields (Subject to change) Ages 4-6, must be 4 before May 1st. Practice starts April 25th

• Rookies – Practice Tuesdays and Thursdays at Bowen Park • Ages 7-9 Need a commissioner

• Minors – Practice Tuesdays and Thursdays at Bowen Park. May travel to area towns • Ages 9-10

• Majors – Practice Mondays and Wednesdays. May travel to area towns • Ages 11-12

• Girls So ball – May travel to other towns. 2nd-6th grades



Craig Emmerling, Recreation Director, at 329-6700 with any questions

Each numbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.


Dan Beaty, CPA

New Location: 4044 Lakeville Groveland Rd., Geneseo Evening and Weekend Appts. 520-0104

Dansville Ecumenical Community Food Pantry

Provides food for those in need in the Dansville area.

All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main St., Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 •

&body mind


Bird Lover Is Troubled Over the Possible Transmission of Bird Flu


Purchase eco-friendly accessories. A way to make a fitness routine more environmentally friendly is to purchase workout accessories that do not have large carbon footprints. Instead of single-use plastic water bottles, purchase a reusable water bottle made of recycled materials. In addition, opt for workout gear made of organic or recycled materials. Such items can be found online or at sporting goods stores or retailers that cater to outdoors enthusiasts.


DEAR DR. ROACH: I have two bird feeders off my back deck. They hang from tall poles as a vain attempt to keep squirrels from eating all of the birdseed! But to refill them, I must take them down and handle them, and I recently wondered if I might be exposing myself to the new bird flu.

Is there any information about this possibility? Any possible transmission of the virus might have occurred to other bird lovers, too. -- J.F.

ANSWER: The songbirds you are attracting to your feeders, such as cardinals, sparrows and woodpeckers, are not likely to be infected with avian influenza (“bird flu”). It generally infects waterfowl such as gulls and ducks.

smiles enhance self-confidence & self-esteem.

5A Batavia City Centre 116 North Center St. 16 Broadway Mall Batavia Perry Hornell (585)344-0775 (585)237-2410 (607)324-3784

Most experts do not recommend taking down your feeders but do recommend a periodic cleaning of feeders and baths with a diluted bleach (10%) solution. You should wash your hands after refilling your feeders.

Those who keep poultry such as chickens, ducks, geese or turkeys (which may also be infected by bird flu) should not use feeders or baths that attract wild birds.

DEAR DR. ROACH: I see commercials about different kinds of pillows, asserting that they are better for you medically in various ways, especially with enhancing your sleep experience. This implies to me that conventional pillows can be bad for you. Is any of this true? -- W.R.G

Jennifer J. Dotterweich

ANSWER: No, I wouldn’t say that conventional pillows are bad for you. However, there is evidence that in people with chronic neck pain, pillows made with latex or springs have been shown to reduce neck pain, waking symptoms and disability. They also enhance the satisfaction that people have with their pillows, but studies taken as an aggregate did not show an improvement in sleep quality. It seems that the height and composition of the pillow can affect the alignment of your neck bones.

If you aren’t having any problems, there is no reason to change. But if you wake up with a sore neck or have chronic neck pain, a special pillow might help, although I doubt there is one pillow that is right for everybody.

Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Email questions to © 2025 King Features Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved


1. LITERATURE: Who lives at 4 Privet Drive?

2. TELEVISION: Which 1980s sitcom featured the Keaton family?

3. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who was the first American-born president?

4. COMICS: What is Deadpool’s profession?

5. AD SLOGANS: Which makeup company’s slogan is “Maybe she’s born with it”?

6. HISTORY: Which battles marked the beginning of the American Revolution?

7. INVENTIONS: The 1904 World’s Fair introduced which fluffy confection?

8. MOVIES: In which year were the first Oscars awarded?

9. MEASUREMENTS: What does 1 gallon of water weigh?

10. GEOGRAPHY: What are the colors of the Italian flag?

10. Green, white and red.

7. Cotton candy. 8. 1929. 9. 8.34 pounds.

4. Mercenary. 5. Maybelline. 6. Battles of Lexington and Concord.

3. Martin Van Buren, born after the Revolutionary War.

2. “Family Ties.”

1. Harry Potter and the Dursley family.


&body mind


Have a good emotional connection. A desire to have a great body may not be enough to motivate you to workout and push harder. If not, think of a better reason to exercise, and it may be the mind over matter you need. Many people find inspiration from family health history risk factors or through the goal of reversing negative health reports from doctors’ offices. These motivating factors will help you press on and push harder.

(c) 2025 King Features Synd., Inc.


To better serve you, starting with our March 14, 2025 issue, our advertising deadlines are changing.


Readers, you will still receive your FREE local edition every week. Businesses, save this for your advertising needs and contact your marketing consultant with any questions. Thank you in advance!


Canal Path Mon. @ 5pmTues. @ 2pm

Monroe East Mon. @ 5pmTues. @ 4pm

Rush-Henrietta Mon. @ 5pmTues. @ 5pm

Eastway Mon. @ 5pmWed. @ 9am

Canandaigua-NaplesMon. @ 5pmWed. @ 10am

Dansville-Wayland Mon. @ 5pmWed. @ 12pm

Tri-County Mon. @ 5pmWed. @ 1pm

Batavia Mon. @ 5pmWed. @ 2pm

Oatka Mon. @ 5pmWed. @ 3pm

Lake Country PennysaverMon. @ 5pmWed. @ 4pm

Livingston Mon. @ 5pmWed. @ 4pm

Attica Pennysaver Mon. @ 5pmWed. @ 5pm

Warsaw Penny SaverMon. @ 5pmWed. @ 5pm

Perry Shopper Mon. @ 5pmWed. @ 5pm

Mount Morris ShopperMon. @ 5pmWed. @ 5pm

Southern Tier ShopperWed. @ 12pmThur. @ 12pm

Family Owned & Operated


Ge ing through the winter

The top five items tonight on my local news channel were automobile crashes caused by slick road surfaces. And these weren’t just little fender benders, although there was one of those that happened in a store parking lot. These five crashes produced crushed cars, serious injuries and yes, in one case, death of the occupant of the vehicle ... all because of the condition of the roads.

And while I hate to think of myself as a coward, more and more there are things I just don’t want to risk.

I check the weather news for the temperature before I venture out by car. If it’s too cold (or will be by the time I get home), the roads could be slick. Black ice is hard to see but once your vehicle is on it, there’s no steering. Too cold and I just stay home.

During a recent storm we had yet another power outage. I keep thermometers in the fridge to keep track of how warm the temperature gets. For iffy items, I just don’t take the chance that they might have gone bad. While several sources say to be sure the foods have stayed below 40 degrees in the fridge, the CDC puts a specific time limit on it: four hours in a refrigerator without power. After that time, throw it out.

Instead of waiting for a warm day (which isn’t going to happen soon) to melt the ice and snow on my walk and driveway, I hire someone to clear it, and I just pay the cost, even though it’s not a welcome expense.

And in case you’ve never looked it up, it appears that over the age of 45 is when we’re advised not to shovel snow because of the risk of heart attack! For me, 45 was a very long time ago!

(c) 2025 King Features Synd., Inc.


on March 12th and we are inviting everyone to help


Make Millie’s day and send her a birthday card! No gifts, just a card to make her smile. Mail to:

Millie Moulton

10456 Shay Rd., Dansville, NY 14437

Takeouts Available

Serving Thursday-Monday March 13th-17th

Minnehan’s Restaurant

Corner of Routes 256 & 20A • Lakeville

Birthday Parties




8 servings • Preparation time: 15 minutes • Cooking time: 30 minutes

2 American Lamb racks, frenched

2 tablespoons oil

1 teaspoon salt

3 tablespoons coarse grain mustard

2 cloves minced garlic

3/4 cup fresh bread crumbs

3/4 cup toasted and chopped pecans

4 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary, divided

4 ounces semi-soft goat cheese, crumbled

1 cup balsamic vinegar

Rub lamb with oil and salt. Place in a roasting pan, fat side down. Roast at 425 degrees F for 8 minutes; turn and roast an additional 8 minutes. Remove from oven.

Combine mustard, garlic, bread crumbs, 2 tablespoons of the rosemary and cheese. Spread over lamb. Return to oven; cook 15 minutes, until crust is golden brown. Remove from oven; cover with foil to keep warm. In saucepan, combine vinegar and remaining 2 tablespoons of rosemary; simmer for 6 to 8 minutes or until reduced to half.

Lenten Fish Friday (To Go only) $14

Your choice of broiled, beer battered, Cajun, lemon pepper, or breaded haddock. Served with homemade slaw and French fries. March Nightly Dinner Surf and Turf Special Your Choice $62- 16 ounce Guinness Sirloin with mushrooms and crispy onions with a 4oz lobster tail or 10 ounce Guinness Grilled Delmonico Steak with mushrooms and crispy onions and a 4oz lobster tail. Follow us on Facebook for great


Serve breakfast without breaking a sweat. Treat overnight guests to a hearty breakfast without breaking a sweat in the morning. Put pancake batter in a squeeze bottle (like a well-rinsed ketchup container) and use it to easily pour batter onto the griddle. Experiment with shapes if you want something even more special.

Slice lamb into individual chops; drizzle sauce over chops. Serve with roasted butternut squash.


GUIDELINES: Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.


• Large and extra-large ADULT BRIEFS, WATERPROOF BLUE PADS, and Boost PROTEIN DRINKS. East Rochester.

• Two packages of Peelaways DISPOSABLE FITTED SHEETS. Absorbent and waterproof. Twin XL fits hospital beds. East Rochester.

• Comfortable TUFTED SOFA - Super excellent condition from a pet-free smoke-free home. Teal color. S. end of Conesus Lake. 607-936-3137

• Two 60-w BEDSIDE LAMPS - white shades, clear glass bases, 17” tall. Batavia.

• INDOOR EXERCISE BIKE. Purchased 2019. Excellent condition. AIR PURIFIER, Pro Breeze. Purchased 2021. Like new. Wayland.

• Power One (55) p312 HEARING AID BATTERIES. Brand New in packaging. Will mail. Churchville. Email

• Whirlpool 40-pint DEHUMIDIFIER. Fair condition - works well. Canandaigua. Call or text Bill 585-455-4363

• Large collapsible DOG CRATE 36” L X 22” W x 28” H. Fair condition. Canandaigua. Call or text Bill 585-455-4363

• Box of MAGAZINES, men’s; and women’s interests. Lakeville. Call or text 585-649-8706

• LUGGAGE - 3 pc. Amer. Tourist, soft side, tan. Batavia. 585-343-6994

• 5 Drawer white steel architects/engineers FLAT DRAWING FILE - 41” W x 29” D x 17” H. Victor. 585-924-4405

• GOLD LEAF (especially for woman who was interested in LACE WEDDING DRESS) and SPORTS MAGAZINES. Fairport. 585-388-0318

• Three COOKBOOKS - The Best of Country Cooking (1998, 1999 & 2007). Pick up, Fairport. 585-223-3801

• EXERCISE BIKE and some equipment. GOLF CLUB CADDY - holds two bags. Penfield. 585-678-4525 (land line)/


• Old FOUNTAIN PENS, working or non-working.

• 80s & 90s BASKETBALL CARDS. 585-645-2618

• TREADMILL in working condition with handrails. Can pick up.

• Nice WOODEN FULL-SIZE BED with mattress and KITCHEN TABLE with chairs by March 14th. Text Only. 585-237-1497

• 36 to 100-gallon TRASH CAN with handle and lid. Text 585-719-4145

• ADULT DIAPERS. Ideally in the Greece area.

• ELECTRONIC PARTS - IC chips, connectors, relays, switches, test equipment, electronic tools, electronic hobbyist prototyping items, old/obsolete/surplus. 585-746-9904

• Any BOARD GAMES and a SMALL CAR in good working condition. 585-415-8513

• RAINBOW VACUUM CLEANER or PARTS. Especially the water tank. 585-430-4758

• New or used GALAXY Z FLIP - 4, 5, or 6. Any condition, preferably working. Will pick up.

• New/gently used YOGA MAT and ADULT NUTRITION DRINKS, any brand. Lakeville. Call/text 585-649-8706

• CPAP MACHINE for sleep apnea, COPD.

• MODELS - Built/Unbuilt: Aviation, Autos & Trucks, Military, Ships, Figures, etc. Plastic, wood, metal. Parts and pieces okay. 585-314-6989

• QUICKEN Software, 2007 or newer. Call/text 585-721-5985


Check Your Windshield Wipers

You never think about the condition of your windshield wipers until they don’t work properly in a rain or a heavy snow fall. Rule of thumb is that you should change your wiper blades every six months. This will ensure you have the necessary vision on the road to drive safely even in less than ideal weather conditions.

Test Your Battery

A lack of coolant will stop your heater from working and so will a dead battery. Before you head out this winter, be sure your battery is working properly. No one wants to be stranded by the side of the road with a dead battery and, in the cold winter months, being stranded could be dangerous.









pet place

Cats are stealth and lovable but somewhat unpredictable. Ancient Egyptians revered cats for their companionship and ability to keep dangerous creatures such as poisonous snakes, rats and scorpions at bay. The Egyptians were among the first peoples to domesticate cats, and now thousands upon thousands of people share their homes with feline companions.

Honoring search and rescue dogs

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I’m writing to ask if you can call attention to search and rescue dogs, who do heroic work every day -- from the recent fires in southern California to avalanche rescues and more. I just think they’re amazing. -- Carlo in Missoula, Montana

DEAR CARLO: You’re absolutely right: Search and rescue (SAR) dogs do amazing work nearly every day in the U.S. and around the world. They are unique, highly trained working dogs, often specializing in types of rescue or recovery.

SAR dogs must be energetic but even-tempered, as they often work long hours in chaotic environments. They must be confident, motivated and responsive to their handler. Most are selected when they’re puppies, after a period of observation and interaction, and not every SAR candidate makes the cut, even at this early stage. Training can take at least two years, and most SAR dogs retire before they’re 9 or 10 years old, as the physical requirements can be demanding.

There are two types of SAR dogs: air-scenting and trailing. An airscenting dog detects and follows airborne or wind-borne scents over a large area (up to 150 acres or a quarter mile in some instances) and follows them as close to the source as possible; cadaver dogs are one example. They frequently work off-lead and return to their handler to lead them to the source. A trailing dog can discern a specific scent, such as that of a missing person, and follow the exact track of that scent; they usually work on-lead with the handler, proceeding more slowly.

These dogs are so effective that they’re used in 70% of rescue missions worldwide, entering dangerous areas ahead of human teams to pinpoint survivors.

So, hats off to search and rescue dogs! And to their dedicated trainers and handlers.

Is there a working animal you’d like to highlight? Tell me at ask@

Send your tips, comments or questions to © 2025 King Features Synd., Inc.

Sozo is a 2 year old hound mix, about 60lbs. He loves walks and treats. We don’t know how he is with cats or kids. He seems to love other dogs. For more info on Sozo, call

County Dog Control


Anesthesia: One of the main differences between a dental cleaning for a person and one for a pet is the use of anesthesia. According to Kulshan Veterinary Hospital, pets do not willingly open their mouths to give veterinary dentists access to perform cleanings. Anesthesia ensures that the animal will remain still and the vet can remove any plaque and tartar that has built up. If a tooth needs to be extracted, sedation ensures that will go smoothly.

Muscat was a stray who walked into my place of business and into my heart. He is sassy, spunky and sweet!


WEEK OF MAR 10, 2025

What to watch & where to watch it:

ON NOW: “The Righteous Gemstones” (Season 4) Max

10-March: “American Manhunt: Osama bin Laden” (Docuseries) Netflix

12-March: “Everybody’s Live with John Mulaney” (Season 1) Netflix

12-March: “Temptation Island” (Season 6) Netflix

13-March: “Long Bright River” (Season 1) Peacock

13-March: “The Parenting” (TV-MA) Max

14-March: “Bill Burr: Drop Dead Years” (Comedy Special) Hulu

14-March: “The Electric State” (PG-13) Netflix

14-March: “Dope Thief” (Season 1) AppleTV+

16-March: “Yellowstone” (Season 5 Part 2) Peacock © 2025 King Features Synd., Inc.

Have a picture worthy of sharing? We would love it!



Level: Moderate

Millions of Americans watched the 97th Academy Awards with a new host and a new platform and a slew of “show-stopping performances” and memorable Oscar wins. Why do you watch (or not watch) the Oscars and/or other awards shows?

- To see favorite actors and filmmakers recognized

- For the fashion and red carpet coverage

- For the cultural and political speeches

- For the unexpected moments

- I don’t watch

Poll ends 03-11-2025

Poll ended 03-04-2025

Current research across the nation and world dive into the impact and future of generative AI models. How do you think generative AI influences society today?

7.7% Enhances creativity and artistic expression

7.7% Transforms the job market and workforce dynamics

38.5% Raises ethical concerns about misinformation and deepfakes

38.5% Poses risks to privacy and data security

7.7% Has little to no significant impact



(NAPSI)—It’s the heart of winter, which means plenty of snow removal is in your future. Poorly maintained equipment and using the wrong clearing techniques can make shoveling or blowing your driveway and walkways a chore. Follow the tips below to make snow removal as easy as possible.

Start Early and Shovel Often

It’s easier to shovel an inch or two of fresh snow than half a foot of snow that’s densely packed. Shovel first thing in the morning and, if it continues to snow, go out every couple of hours to clear a few inches at various points throughout the day.

Maintain Your Equipment

If you didn’t perform maintenance on your snowblower before the winter season, it’s not too late. On gasoline-powered machines, check the oil level before each use. Inspect and change damaged or worn spark plugs, belts and shave plates. On all snowblowers, be sure to maintain proper tire pressure. After you’ve finished for the day, run the machine for a minute or so to clear out snow.

Shovel the Right Way

Shoveling to remove snow can be hard work, so protect your body and make the job a bit easier by pushing the snow instead of lifting it. To prevent aches and pains, keep your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees, keep your back straight and avoid twisting your torso if you must lift the snow. Finally, spray WD-40 Multi-Use Product on the shovel blade to prevent snow from sticking to it for easier transfer of snow from sidewalks and driveways.

Learn about more uses for WD-40 Multi-Use Product around the home and find it at a store near you at

real estate


(Cell) 721-9654

(Office) (585) 349-6036

Heidi Prentice, Licensed Associate R.E. Broker Honesty, Integrity, 31 years experience


The color green is everywhere come St. Patrick’s Day, but celebrants may be surprised to learn that blue is the color that was once most affiliated with St. Patrick himself. Numerous paintings depict St. Patrick wearing blue vestments. But green is the color now most instantly associated with Ireland, which is widely referred to as the “Emerald Isle.” Ireland’s lush countryside and rolling green hills attract millions of visitors each year. The color green can be found just about everywhere on St. Patrick’s Day, even if Patrick himself was partial to blue.

&passages memoriams

Margaret “Peggy” Wolford Graf February 28, 2025

Livonia, NY: Margaret Wolford Graf, “Peggy”, was born on November 17, 1936 and died on February 28, 2025. She was born in Rochester, NY to the late Raymond and Margaret H. Wolford and spent a happy childhood in Gates, NY. She graduated from Mercy High School in 1955 and earned her RN from St. Mary’s School of Nursing in Rochester in 1958.

Peggy married Jerry Roe Graf in 1959 and moved to his hometown of Livonia, NY. Jerry and Peggy raised five children in their home on Linden Street, where Peggy lived for over 60 years.

Peggy was a faithful parishioner of St. Joseph’s then St. Matthew Catholic Church in Livonia. She provided loving care for over 40 years as a Registered Nurse at Conesus Lake Nursing Home. Peggy will be remembered as a loving wife, daughter, sister, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.

Peggy is predeceased by her parents, Raymond and Margaret; beloved husband, Jerry; sister and brother-in-law, Anne and Edward Damp; and sister-in-law, Beatrice Wolford.

She is survived by her children: Michael ( omasine) Graf of Bloomfield, Margaret (Samuel) Linsner of Livonia, Kathleen (Sam) Deeb of East Syracuse, Mary Beth (Steven) Sessler of Livonia, and Matthew (Beth Ann) Graf of Livonia; grandchildren, Daniel, Matthew and Sarah Linsner; AnneMarie and Mary Kate Deeb; Kait (Clement) Towner; Meghan (Joshua) Mitchell, and Lauren Sessler; great-grandsons, Oliver and Henry Towner; brother, Michael Wolford of Victor and several nieces and nephews.

Family and friends may call on Friday, March 7th, from 4-7pm at the Kevin W. Dougherty Funeral Home Inc., 21 Big Tree Street, Rte 15 & 20A, Livonia, NY. Peggy’s Funeral Mass will be held at 10:30am on Saturday, March 8th, at St. Matthew Catholic Church, 6591 Richmond Mills Road, Livonia, NY. Burial will follow at St. Michael’s Cemetery, Livonia. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made in Peggy’s memory to St. Matthew Catholic Church, PO Box 77, Livonia, NY 14487.

To share a memory or a condolence, please visit:

online at or call us at 585-226-8111 to share your precious memories.






anks, Newark Town Cop

My small dog got out. She was just a puppy in training still. As I ran down the street in Newark, an officer stopped and helped me save her. I would like to thank him again for going out of his way to help.

On Jan. 24th, I lost my pet, Marlee. I went to get a mate to be with my other furry friend. I called several rescue shelters and foster homes. No one happened to have a lap furry friend. I called the animal shelter in Batavia and I’m so happy I found you! I want to give a hug and love to Linda and Brenda, two volunteers there. They said to come and see what they have. They had what I wanted. These people were so great and understanding and awesome! We just love our new furry friend, whose name is now Dallas. Great job to all the staff. I am very pleased with the outcome. God bless you all. Thanks again!

Genesee Co. Animal Hospital

Co are Vet Pricing

Learn from my experience! I recently brought my two cats into a local Vet for their 3-year Rabies and FVRCP shots. When I called for the appt I specifically said, "shots only, that's all I can afford.” Well, much to my surprise when I was done, I received an invoice for $480! Yes, that's FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY DOLLARS! I was not only charged for the shots, but the bill also included a $87.50 "Wellness Visit" for each kitty! I was beyond shocked. They only weighed my cats and asked me questions-OK? So, after the fact I called two other local Vets and here is the comparison pricing I received: 3-Year Rabies I was charged $118 for each kitty, while for the other 2 two Vets I called their pricing was $40/$50. Wellness Visit I was charged $87.50 for each kitty; other two Vets I called their pricing $50/$60. FVRCP I didn't question as it was a low cost. Please learn from my experience and remember this $480 bill I received and be sure to comparison shop your local Vets. Not all are created equal.

Pets in Shopping Carts

Please, let’s respect others and keep pets out of the shopping carts. Very unsanitary!

Thank you.


Keshequa High School Brings Dr. Seuss’

March 7th and 8th, Keshequa HS hosts performances of , a fun and lively musical for all ages. Director Tristian Johnson, in his third year directing Keshequa’s productions, earned an education degree from SUNY Geneseo

for this year’s musical because it would be one the whole community can enjoy. In addition, it is designed for young kids, so Johnson hopes this musical will help convince middle schoolers to join the drama

He says, “One of the great things about the drama club at Keshequa is that the students trust that I can pick the best

borrows their plot from many of Gertrude , among other stories. e musical also features characters from Dr. Seuss’s books, of course.

e production’s colorful sets pay tribute to the artistry

Johnson says choreography for the musical was fun, and that he is proud of how much effort the students put towards growing

“One of the great things about the musicals at Keshequa,” Johnson says, “is that we are a small but mighty cast and crew. Ouractorshavebecomewell-roundedandseasonedperformers, and our backstage crew are committed to the performance

e musical features MacKenzie Kaak in the role of Jojo, the protagonist of the story along with Nick Main, playing the Cat in the Hat. Other main characters include Aidan Costello as Horton, Abijah Gath as Mr. Mayor, Madison Lombardo as Mrs. Mayor, Ella Wood as Gertrude, Jaidyn Fox as Mayzie, Lillee Alexander as the Sour Kangaroo, Ivee Alexander as the Young Kangaroo, Aryah Yannantuono as Judge Yertle the Turtle, omas Palmer as Vlad Vladikoff, and Lydia Lombardo as the

Liz Wood, Harmony Cartwright, Ruby Lance, and Korie Wheeler are featured in the Bird Girl Ensemble, and omas Palmer, Jacob Buchinger, Jadiel Montanez, and Aryah Yannantuono are in the Wickersham Brothers Ensemble. Cast members will also round out the general ensemble to portray e Whos, jungle citizens, fish, circus members, and courtroom attendants. ings 1 and 2 will be portrayed by members of the

“One of the great things about the musicals at Keshequa is that we are a small but mighty cast and crew. Our actors have become wellrounded and seasoned performers, and our backstage crew are committed to the performance behind the scenes to make the show run smoothly.”

ere are three seniors in the cast this year: Madison Lombardo, previously the art and prop designer, acts for the first time as Mrs. Mayor. She plans to pursue art at Southern Virginia University and is a member of the track and field team.

Aidan Costello has performed in musical theater since he was little, and this year he portrays Horton. Costello is an Eagle Scout and is a member of the track and volleyball teams. In the fall, he will pursue a degree in culinary studies at Niagara University.

Liz Wood appears in the Keshequa musical for the second time in the ensemble. Wood is a member of the soccer and so ball teams, and she will attend SUNY Geneseo to pursue a degree in education.

Johnson says he’s impressed with the cast’s vocal and acting performances and looks forward to presenting a great production for the community.

Acoupleofweeksago,DramaClubadvisor,ReginaJames,took the Seussical Jr. cast and crew to see e Wiz at the Auditorium

Share your original stories about local heroes, community events, school achievements, or hidden gems–email your story idea to!

eatre as treat for working hard on Seussical Jr., an incredible experience for the students.

Johnson thanks Keshequa administration, whom he says have been very supportive and encourage the students to stay active in the community. “I would also like to thank everyone’s commitment to seeing our students succeed,” he says. “Our community has really believed in our students and has pushed them out of their comfort zone to work as a team and to make something beautiful.”

Johnson also thanks the adults in the Keshequa community who have helped with the production, including music director Kim Coffey, choreographer and assistant director Maddie Feldman, assistant director Kammy Snyder, makeup artist Cheyanne James, props master Kathy Jarzabek, costumer Sandra ompson, club advisor Regina James, light designer and sound booth coordinator Jacob James, and lead set builder Charlie Wilkins.

hometown events

There’s so much happening at your local libraries!

Avon Free Library

143 Genesee Street • Avon (585) 226-8461 Fax: 226-6615

M & Th 10-8; Tu & W 10-6; F 10-5; Sa 10-3

Lima Public Library

1872 Genesee St., Lima (585) 582-1311

M 10-noon & 1-8; Tu & Th 1-8; W 10-noon & 1-5; F 1-5; Sa 9-noon

Livonia Public Library

2 Washington St., Livonia (585) 346-3450 • Fax: 346-5911

M-Th 10am-7pm; F 11am-5pm; Sa 11am-3pm; Su Closed

Wadsworth Library

24 Center St., Geneseo (585) 243-0440 • Fax: 243-0429

M-Th 10-8; F 1:30-6; Sa 10-3


March 8-StoryTime,10AM March12-OnlineAuthorTalk 2:00PMPowerofResetandHow toChangeWhat’sNotWorking withAuthorDanHeath March12-WatchParty,Scutt Room,2PMPowerofResetand HowtoChangeWhat’sNotWorkingwithAuthorDanHeath

March14-BookClub“Dinners withRuth”3PM-ScuttRoom

January grey is here, Like a sexton by her grave; February bears the bier, March with grief doth howl and rave...

~Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792–1822), “Dirge for the Year”


Eating RightonaBudgetwith CornellCooperativeExtension



Learnsimplewaystoplanhealthy mealsandshopwithinyourbudget withoutsacrificingnutritionand taste.Theseclassesareopento adults18&older.Registerat SensoryPlay



Childrenofallagesandabilities needandbenefitfromsensorybasedplay.Childrenwillrotate throughdifferentsensorystations withtheircaregiver.Opentoany child2-5yearsoldandtheirsiblings.Registrationisnotrequired. Newthisyear!

Constructionthemedsensorybin Puffypaint

Sensoryplaynoodles Newsupplieswerepurchasedwith fundsfromtheJohnHenryEldred Jr.Foundationgrant. PaulPennerPresents...SolvingPuzzles:Crosswords&Sudoku



Participantswilllearnhowtobecomeexpertsinsolvingthesetwo popularbrainteasers.Opento adults18andolder.Registerat


NOTICE OFMEETINGInpursuantto therequirementsofopenmeetings law(EducationLaw260-a;and PublicOfficersLaw,Article7),the LivoniaPublicLibraryBoardof Trusteesmeetingwillbeheldon thesecondTuesdayofeachmonth at7:00PMinthePattersonRoom. TheLivoniaPublicLibraryisADA compliant,andthepubliciswelcome.


Mondays&Thursdays10:30am11:15am Joinusforsinging,dancing, rhymes,andstorieswithMs. Nancy!


Wednesday,March5that5:15pm PassthePaintforTeens/Tweens Collaborateonanartprojectwith newfriends!Eachparticipantwill startanartpieceontheircanvas andpassitalongtototheir neighborafterjustafewminutes.

Thursday,March6that4:30pm TeenTestKitchen:Nachos Lookingtoexpandyourpalate? Testoutsomenewtoppingson nachosandvoteforyourfavorites.

AvonSeniorNutritionProgram Week ofMarch17to21

SiteclosedMonday Tuesday3/18:StuffedPepperw/ Sauce,Rice,YellowBeans,MandarinOranges,WholeWheat Bread,Yogurt.

Wednesday3/19:CheeseRavioli w/Sauce,Cauliflower,Brussel Sprouts,Peaches,WholeWheat Roll,CottageCheese. Thursday3/20:OvenFriedChicken, AuGratinPotatoes,Asparagus, WholeWheatBread,OrangeJuice, ChocolateChipCookie. Friday3/21:TunaNoodleCasserole,Peas,Carrots,FruitCocktail, WholeWheatBread,AppleJuice. RSVPby3/12 (585)226-6353

JoinusfortheLentenLuncheons every TuesdayattheCentralPresbyterianChurchstartingon March4ththroughApril15th.A freewillofferinglunchisserved around11:45.Followinglunch,a shortservicewillbeledbythe differentpastorsfromtheAvon community.Agoodlunchand greatfellowship.


Zumba: Saturday,3/8at10:15am

PeacefulPainting:Tuesdays,3/11 and3/25at2:00pm Mahjong:Thursdays,3/13&3/27 at6:00pmandFriday,3/21at 10:30am KidCraft-BeadedFlowers: Thursday3/13at6:00pm SitN’Knit:Fridays,3/14,&3/28at 11:00amandThursday,3/20at 6:00pm

WellnessSeries-Zentangles:Monday,3/17at6:00pm Box-Making:Tuesday,3/18at 3:00pm

PhotographicTransfers:Monday, 3/24at6:00pm

Adult&TeenCraftNight-Book PageFlowers:Thursday,3/27at 6:00pm

AmericanMahjong:Mondaysat 10:30am


PositiveExpressions:Tuesdaysat 11:00am


Backgammon:Wednesdaysat 4:00pm

Formoreinformationortosign-up foranevent,gotoavonfreelibrary. orgorcall 585-226-8461.

hometown events


ACommunityBreakfast is held on4thSaturdaysfrom9-11am.All arewelcomeforfoodandfellowship.Afreewillofferingis accepted.EastBloomfieldUnited MethodistChurchat2ParkPlacein Bloomfield.

BloomfieldLionsClub-Spaghetti Dinner atVeteransPark. DineinorTakeout.Wednesday, March12th,4:30-6:30pmorSOLD OUT.6910Routes5&20 Bloomfield.Adults$12.00(13and UP),Children$6(12andunder). DinnerincludesSpaghetti, Meatballs,salad,breadandice cream.FamilyPromiseofOntario CountyassistinginDiningRoom. (Proceedsbenefitcharitablework weperforminourcommunity).



AgriculturalInnovationsinLivingston County- Agricultureis hardwork.GenerationsofLivingstonCountyfarmershavegrown andinnovatedtomakethathard workalittleeasier,inthemeantime nourishingandimprovingthe communityandbeyond.Join CountyHistorianHollyWatsonfor adiscussionofseveralhomegrown inventionsandindustriesthathave helpedkeepagricultureabedrock industryinLivingstonCountyfor hundredsofyears.HeldMarch9th, 2-4pmattheBigSpringsMuseum, 3095MainStreet,Caledonia.http:/ /


TheGa-ne-a-sosHistoryKeepers Club in Conesusislookingfornew members.Ifyouareahistorybuff orifyoulovethisareaandifyou arelookingtogetmoreinvolvedin thecommunitypleasejoinus. MeetingsarethesecondWednesdayofeachmonthat10a.m. Weatherpermittingthemeetings areheldattheCabinatRicky GreenePark.TheMarch12,and April9willbeintheTownHall, (upstairs).Pleasejoinustohelp preserveConesushistoryforfuture generations.


Veteran&Family-BowlingBrigade: Veterans &Familiescome outandjoinus30Marchforsome bowling,foodandfunatMt.MorrisLanesinMt.Morris,NY.Please visitwww.livcovets.comandclick ontheRequestaSeatlinktoregister.Spaceislimitedsowatchfor ouremailtoconfirmyourattendance.Wehopetoseeyouthere.

GeneseoYoungatHeartThursday, March20.Meeting;2:00 p.m.attheGeneseoUnitedMethodistChurch;program:Maggy Rusch(CenterforElderLawand JusticeinBuffalo)willspeakonthe BasicsofEstatePlanningandLongTermCare.

SavingLocalHistorywitha Metal Detector- DarrenBrennesselwillpresentaboutmetaldetectingintheregion.Thiseventis co-sponsoredwiththeAssociation forthePreservationofGeneseo. Whiletheeventisfreeandopento thepublic,registrationisrequired duetolimitedseating.March9th, 1:30-3pm,LivingstonCountyMuseum,30CenterStreet,Geneseo. Registerviathewebsiteorcall 585-243-9147.https://www. livingstoncountyhistoricalsociety. com/

GeneseoUnitedMethodist Church SoupSupper- Joinus ThursdayMarch20th2025from5 PMto7PMforafreedelicious dinnerofhomemadesoups,bread, salad,anddessert.Stayafterand hearVictorGiso,formerMissionof Peacestudent,speakabouthistrip toPuertoRicoandhowitimpacted hislife.GeneseoUnitedMethodist Church,4520GeneseeStreet, Geneseo.


LivingstonCountySoil&Water Conservation District 2025ConservationTree&ShrubSeedling Program-PleaseORDERBY MARCH14,2025.Pick-upwillbe behindtheCountyHighway Departmentsmainbuildings,4389 GypsyLane,GrovelandFriday,April 18th,8-3pmandSaturday,April 19th,8-12Noon.PLEASEREMIT ORDERFORMWITHPAYMENTMakeyourcheckpayableto:LivingstonCountySWCD,POBox 453,Geneseo,NewYork14454. QUESTIONS:CALL(585)489-6274. OrderFormsAvailableat:https://


TheMillersCornersCemetery Association will holditsannual meetingattheIoniaFireHouse, CountyRoad14,Ionia,onWednesdayMarch26that7:00p.m.All cemeterylotownersarewelcome. Lawnmowingbidsmustbesubmittedpriortothemeeting.Mailyour bidtoLarryEvans,Superintendent atPOBox58,Ionia,NY14475.Call 585-624-4993formoreinformation.



Saturday, March 15 • 11AM

Star eatre, 144 Main St., Dansville

Sponsored by: Letson Tree Farm II & Innovative Quality Process Solutions

AgingMasteryProgram- Livingston CountyOfficeforTheAgingis pleasedtooffer-TheAgingMasteryProgram.Empoweringolder adultsandrelativestomakeand maintainsmallbutimpactful changes.Ateachclassintheseries, wewillprovidebasiceducational materialsdevelopedfromhighly trustedsources,achecklistof potentialnextstepsandhearfrom guestspeakerssuchasanAttorney, PhysicalTherapist,Pharmacistand more.Fridays,March21&28, 9:30-12noon,LakevilleUnited Church,5687BigTreeRoad, Lakeville.CallLivingstonCounty OfficefortheAgingtoreserveyour spot.585-243-7520


AnnualSpringChickenBBQThe KiwanisClubofYork-Leicester hasscheduledtheirAnnualSpring ChickenBBQforSaturday,March 22,2025.DriveThroughOnly. Serving4pmuntilSoldOutatthe LeicesterFireHall,MainSt., Leicester.Cost:$15each.Tickets maybepurchasedinadvancefrom anyKiwanianormaybepurchased atthedoor.


TheFoodPantryExpress (a refrigeratedbus)isavailableforall LivingstonCountyresidentsonthe 2ndWednesdayofeachmonthat ElimLifeChurch,1679DaltonRd, Lima,from11amto2pm.LivingstonCountyresidentsmustprovide theirname,zipcode,andnumber inhousehold.Registrationisheld insidethechurchbuilding.Nocost! Typicalfooditemsincludecheese, groundbeef/turkey,frozenand cannedvegetablesandfruits,cereals,rice,peanutbutter,andjelly. Bringyourbags;we’llhelpload yourcar.

Geneseo Parish Outreach Center

Provides free health care, health education, disease prevention and advocacy services for Livingston County residents who are underinsured and underserved.


hometown events


GriefShare-GriefSupport Group: Help andencouragement afterthedeathofalovedone.A GriefSharesupportgroupisasafe, welcomingplacewherepeople understandthedifficultemotions ofgrief.Atthis13-weekgroup, you’llreceivevaluableguidance andtips,leadingyoutorelief,comfortandpeaceofmind.Starts: Monday,March10that6pmfor13 weeksat21SummersSt.,Livonia. andclickon”FindaGroup”.

Chicken&BiscuitDinner- Saturday, March29,4pm-till.Cost: $15.TakeOutAvailable!American LegionPost#283LivoniaCenter. Call585-346-9663fortakeout orders&Info.

SLUCCCommunityFree Luncheon - HostedbytheSouth LivoniaUnitedChurchofChrist. Heldevery2ndand4thTuesdayof eachMonth11:30am-1:30PMat 5087SouthLivoniaRoad,Livonia. NextLuncheon:TuesdayMarch11. Menu:SpaghettiwithMeatballs, ItalianBread,Dessert,andDrink. Menu’sChangeeachtimesokeep checkingforthemenu.Youmay contacttheChurchat (585)346-0420formoreinformation!Ifwehavetocancelthisevent wewillpostthecancellationonour FacebookPageaswellaswewill announceitonall3TVNetworksin Rochester,NY13WHAM,8 WROC,and10WHEC.

TheUnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia will begivingawayFREE winterclothing,boots,shoesand purses(2baglimit)March20-22 andMarch27-29.NewspringmerchandisewilllaunchThursday,April 3.ThriftShophoursareThursday andFriday9AMto3PMandSaturday9AMto2PM.TheThriftShopis locatedat6SpringSt.,Livonia. ParkingisavailablebehindCommunityBank.

Mystics,Mediums,&Muggles: A Special PresentationbyMaryGrace -Parapsychologist&Spiritual Teacher.ExplorePhysical,Metaphysical,andMysticalRealities.Saturday,March15,6-8pm.Followed byUFONewsandSocialHour. UnitedMethodistChurchofLivonia (UMCL),21SummersStreet, Livonia.$5donationtotheChurch. Snackstoshareareappreciated. Sponsoredby:GiftsofGraceMinistry&FingerLakesUFO&ParanormalMeetup(FLUFO).Info:Textor callMaryGrace:585-766-9318. MaryGrace’sbook: TalkingtoGod andGrandma:Mystics,Mediums, andTheCommunionofSaints AvailableforpurchaseatthemeetingoronAmazon.

Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,March12,4:306:00PM(oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce,meatballs,undressed salad,andgarlicbread.Donations accepted.


HikeAllWesternChristmasTree Farm inSpringwater- Hikeand ExplorethetrailsofAllWestern ChristmasTreeFarmSundayMarch 9from2-4PMwithSpringwater Trails,followedbyasocialgettogetherdish-to-passattheowner’shome.Foradditionalinfo/ directions/updatesvisitthewebsite:

PulledPorkDinner- Saturday, March 8th,3pm-6pmortilsoldout -PulledPorkDinnerdrive-thruserviceonly.Featuringslow-roasted porkbbq,bakery-freshrolls,deliciousbakedbeans,creamycoleslaw,anddessert!$15.Drive-thru entrancefromCenterSt.enterthe south-endofparkinglot(Lookfor theentrancesign)justoffofRoute 20AinLivoniaCenter.FirstPresbyterianChurchofLivonia.GPS: 3837CenterSt.LivoniainthehamletofLivoniaCenteralong20A.


PotterVolunteerFireDept. Breakfasts - ThePotterVolunteer FireDepartmentwillbehavinga BreakfastatthePotterFireHouse, 1255PhelpsRoad,thethirdSunday ofeachmonthonMarch16,2025, from8AMtillNoon.Wewillbe servingPancakes,sausages,home fries,breakfastsandwiches,eggs, toast,coffee,juiceandmore!


VeteranOnly-EarlyRiser’s Breakfast: Veterans comejoinus on17MarchatBrian’sUSADiner inMt.MorrisforourmonthlyEarly RiserCoffeeClub.Thethird(3rd) Mondayeverymonthwewillmeet withotherveteransandenjoycoffee,conversationandcompanyas wegetreadytotackletheweek together.Requestaseatbyvisiting

BeRedCrossReady-NYSCitizen Preparedness Corp: Livingston CountyOfficefortheAging&the AmericanRedCrossinviteyouto BeRedCrossReady.This30minute presentationisdesignedtoteach peoplehowtoprepareforand respondappropriatelytodisasters likelytooccurinourcommunity. PleaseRSVPby3/11ifyouwould liketostayforthenoonmeal. Thereisnochargefortheprogram ormealifyouareaCountyResidentage60+.VoluntaryContributionsareaccepterandhelptosupportourprograms.HeldMarch19, 11am,Mt.MorrisSeniorNutrition Program,3ElmSt(VFW),Mt.Morris.

St.Patrick’sDayDinner-Corned Beef Dinner! Saturday,March 15th,3:00p.m.untilgone.Eatin ortakeout.Allproceedsthisyear willgotowardspurchaseof Springwaterstreetflagsandlocal cemeteryflagsforveterans.


BreakfastBuffet, Sunday March 9th,7:30-11am,LimaLegionPost 282,2475StateRoute65,West Bloomfield.$10Adults;$6Ages 8-12;7&underFree.Scrambled eggs,homefries,Frenchtoast,bacon,sausage,pastries,fruit,juice, coffee.Takeoutsavailable.Everyonewelcome.


Old-TimeHymnSing: Join us ThursdayMarch20at1:30PM, YorkUnitedPresbyterianChurch, 2662MainSt.,York.Allarewelcome!Non-denominational.Free willofferingtosupporttheYCS closet.Refreshmentsprovided.


* Overdo it on the garlic or onions and need to freshen your breath? Try roasted coffee beans instead of gum or mints. Israeli scientists have found that coffee can inhibit the bacteria that leads to bad breath, but if you prefer drinking it to chewing, you’ll do best to take it black.


Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:

• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program

• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor

• Organizations seeking donations of items

Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date

REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414

Support Local Bookstores & Libraries!

Your local bookstores and libraries are treasures in our community. By supporting them, you help provide access to books, learning programs, and community events for all ages.

Ways to Celebrate

• Visit your local library and sign up for a library card!

• Support a local bookstore by purchasing a book.

• Read aloud to children and encourage a love of storytelling.

• Join a book club or start a reading challenge.

• Donate books to schools, community centers, or Little Free Libraries.

• Spend time reading every day—even 20 minutes makes a difference!

March is National Reading Month! Reading is more than just words on a page—it’s a gateway to knowledge, creativity, and opportunity. This National Reading Month, pick up a book, share a story, and inspire the next generation of readers.

Read. Learn. Grow.

Why Reading Matters

• Boosts Brain Power – Reading improves memory, focus, and critical thinking skills.

• Encourages Imagination – Books take us on journeys beyond our everyday lives, sparking creativity.

• Supports Lifelong Learning – No matter your age, reading expands knowledge and perspective.

• Builds Connections – Stories help us understand different cultures, experiences, and viewpoints.



Children’s Center

Livingston County Community Service

Teaches youth accountability for their actions and prevents repeat offenses and out-of-home placement, providing exposure to positive role models, skill building, educational workshops, and meaningful community service opportunities. ------ GO


Many establishmentsdisplaythe familiar Irish tricolour flag on St. Patrick’s Day,andparadegoersmayevenwaveminiatureversionsofthissignificant symbol in support of those marching. This instantly recognizable flag has a rich history. Equal parts green, white and orange, the flag was designed to foster peace in the country that had experienced considerable turmoil due to the divide between the country’s Protestant and Catholic residents. The green in the flag represents the Irish Catholics, while the orange represents the Irish Protestants. The white is a symbol of hope for peace between the two factions. Though Ireland established the tricolour as its national flag in 1921, it first appeared much earlier when Irish national Thomas Francis Meagher unfurled it in 1848.

Makes about 45


50 thin square eggless wonton wrappers (around 4 inches in size)

Vegetable oil, for frying


5 ounces shiitake mushrooms, stems removed and finely chopped

1 tablespoon roasted sesame oil

1 pound, 2 ounces cooked, shredded beef short ribs

11 ounces cabbage kimchi, drained and finely chopped

3 1/2 ounces spring onions, finely chopped

3 ounces pickled jalapeños, finely chopped

1 pound, 2 ounces mature cheddar cheese, grated

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

To serve:

Silgochu (dried chilli threads)

1 spring onion, julienned and soaked in ice water until curled, then drained Sriracha

For the filling, first sauté the mushrooms in the sesame oil in a large nonstick frying pan over medium-low heat until just softened. Remove from the heat and set aside. In a large bowl, combine the rest of the filling ingredients with the mushrooms. Mix together using your hands, really breaking up the short rib meat to make a uniform texture.

For the dumplings, line a couple of baking sheets with parchment and set aside. Fill a small bowl with water. Unwrap the wonton wrappers and cover lightly with a piece of clingfilm to keep them moist. Lay a wrapper on a clean work surface and put 1 ounce of the meat filling in the center. Dip a forefinger into the water and run it along the edges of the wrapper to moisten the surface. Now bring the open edges to the center, and pinch where the edges meet each other, creating four seams in a cross shape. Set aside and cover with clingfilm or a damp tea towel while you shape the rest. Repeat with the remaining wrappers and filling, making sure the dumplings are not touching on the baking sheets.

To a medium saucepan, add the vegetable oil and heat to 340 F (170 C). Working in batches, place the dumplings on their sides in the pan in a single layer without crowding. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes until golden brown. Transfer the fried dumplings to a wire rack or kitchen paper-lined plate to drain. Repeat with the remaining dumplings. If you don’t plan on cooking them straight away, you can freeze them on the baking sheets, then bag them up and store in the freezer.

Top with some of the silgochu and curly spring onion and serve immediately with the sriracha.

NOTICE now hiring!

e Town of Geneseo is seeking an experienced

Part-Time Roadside Mower Operator

Applications may be obtained at the Town Clerk’s Office, 4630 Millennium Drive, 8:30am – 4:30pm, M-F, downloaded from our website:, or by calling the town office at (585) 991-5000.

Completed application must be received at the Town Clerk’s Office by 4:30pm, Wednesday, April 16th.

The Town of Geneseo is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All employees and job applicants shall be treated equally without regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, marital status, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other lawfully protected category.

Genesee Country Christian School


Business Manager

For the 2025-2026 School Year (Full-time or part-time)

Qualifications: Proficiency in Microso Office and Google Workspace. Candidates must have strong communication skills. Knowledge of QuickBooks a plus.

Substitute Teachers

Qualifications: Background in elementary education

Interested candidates please send letter of interest and resume to: Genesee Country Christian School 4120 Long Point Rd., Geneseo, NY 14454

Attn: Kelly Smith or email:

Please call (585) 243-9580 with any questions or for more information.


School Bus Driver (full-time, training provided)/0.5 Mechanic Class B License with P/S Endorsement Preferred

More information and application available at

York Central School District 2578 Genesee Street, P.O. Box 102 Retsof, NY 14539 (585) 243-1730 ext. 2222


Prioritize saving. Lightning may not strike twice, but plan ahead for another job loss by prioritizing savings in the future.

Notice of Vacancy Custodial Worker


• Civil Service Eligibility

• High School Graduate or equivalent

• Physical ability to perform assigned duties

• Team player with strong work ethic & positive attitude

• Dependable and safety-oriented

• Ability to li 50lbs

• Valid NYS Driver’s License


• Batavia Campus

• B Shi - 2:30-11pm


• $34,320+$939.60 (shi differential) =$35,259.60 Annual

• Full-Time with Benefits including NYS Retirement

Starting date:

• ASAP Visit our website at

Reply by March 25, 2025 with reference to Vacancy 25-74, resume & cover letter to or mail to: Human Resources, Genesee Valley BOCES 80 Munson Street, LeRoy, NY 14482

RN Supervision

Starting at $38/hour • 7pm-7am


11pm-7am • 11am-11pm

up to $7,500* Sign-on Bonus

CNA Trainees- Paid Training! Classes starting in April 2025. Starting at $15.50/hour

CNAs- all shi s- up to $3,000* sign-on bonus. Pay Range $17/hour-$19/hour, plus shi differentials

LPNs- all shi s- up to $5,000* sign-on bonus.

$28/hour-$30.75/hour, plus shi differentials

Environmental Services: Housekeepers & Laundry Aides. Starting at $15.50/hour

Assistant Dietary Supervisor: Flexible scheduling, shi differentials, rates starting at $17/hour

*inquire for details

Apply online at: or in person at 10 Munson St, LeRoy, NY 14482

now hiring!


Middle-High School Principal

Qualifications: Valid NYS Administrator Certification (SAS, SDA, SBL, or SDBL) Valid NYS Teaching Certification (Additional Qualifications posted on website)

Salary: Minimum $110,000. (Salary commensurate with qualification and experience.)

Start Date: June 1 - July 1, 2025

Deadline: March 21, 2025

Detailed information and application available at

York Central School District 2578 Genesee Street, P.O. Box 102 Retsof, NY 14539 (585) 243-1730 ext. 2222


Pack on your own time. Cause as little disruption as possible by packing belongings before or after office hours. Respect the working environment, recognizing that your coworkers still need to get their jobs done.

Livingston County Highway Department is accepting applications for


2025 Rate ~ $28.25 to $34.05


2025 Rate ~ $28.25 to $34.05

Health Insurance, Dental Insurance, AFLAC VSP – Eye Care, Deferred Compensation


2025 Rate ~ $17.41

Job description, minimum qualifications and Livingston County Application for Employment available at Questions may be directed to: Jason Wolfanger Highway Superintendent, 585-243-6701. Livingston County is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

Notice of Vacancy

Head Cook 10-Month Position

Minimum qualifications:

• ree years of experience in the preparation of food on a large scale; OR

• Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college with an Associate degree with specialization in foods, nutrition or institution management; OR

• An equivalent combination of training and experience as described above


• Mt. Morris BOCES


• Monday-Friday, 6:30am-2:30pm

Rate of pay:

• $27,500-$29,000

Starting date:


Visit our website at

Reply by March 16, 2025 with reference to Vacancy 25-67 and resume to or mail to: Human Resources, Genesee Valley BOCES 80 Munson St., LeRoy, NY 14482

now hiring!

We are looking to fill our last Chair Rental

A NYS Cosmetology/Barber license & clientele is required! Come join our professional, motivated, full service salon. Full or part-time is available. 3 Chestnut Ave., Dansville 585-335-9450 • 585-727-8081


Chemist: Chemists conduct analyses and experiments in laboratoriesthatrequirequalitative and quantitative computation.




Deliver dry or liquid bulk crop nutrients & other products. Tanker endorsement a plus. Recent driving school grads considered.

$25/hr plus OT and retention bonus! (Up to $28/hr including bonus)



Variety of indoor/outdoor work. Loader experience a plus. $20-$22/hr plus OT & retention bonus!

All positions must pass pre-employment drug screen & have a clean license. All local deliveries.

Apply in person anytime: 8610 Rt. 237, Stafford, NY (Between Rt. 33 and Rt. 5) OR 6905 Ellicott St. Rd., Pavilion, NY (1/8 mi. W. of Rt. 19 on Rt. 63)

Lawn Mowing Personnel Needed

• Zero turn experience a must

• Clean driver’s license

• Compensation package is competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Apply online at or email resume to:


Ask what relocation packages cover. Relocation packages vary from companytocompany.TheAlliedSurveyfoundthat54percentofcompanies that offered such packages covered moving expenses, while 21 percent gave new hires a lump sum of money to use as they deemed necessary. One in five companies even sponsored trips to search for homes. Adults who are offered relocation packages should get the specifics so they can start creating moving budgets.


Information is now seemingly always at our fingertips thanks to mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. While these devices may theoretically allow workers to become more productive, research suggests otherwise. Professor, researcher and author Gloria Mark with the University of California, Irvine says that activity switching and being frequently interrupted, including self-interruptions like checking social media and email, can lead people to develop short attention spans. That inability to focus for extended periods of time can adversely affect efficiency.

NOTICE now hiring!


Operations Technician


$16.50 to $18.00 per hour


e Town of Geneseo is seeking an experienced Highway/Water/Sewer

Applications and a list of basic responsibilities may be obtained at the Town Clerk’s Office, 4630 Millennium Drive, 8:30am – 4:30pm, M-F or on the town website:

Completed application must be received at the Town Clerk’s Office by 4:30pm, Wednesday, April 16th.

The Town of Geneseo is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All employees and job applicants shall be treated equally without regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, marital status, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other lawfully protected category.

Notice of Vacancy Health Careers

Academy Teacher


• NYS Certification in Practical Nursing OR

• Bachelor’s degree in Nursing with 1 year of experience OR

• Associate degree in Nursing with 2 years of experience

• RN License required

• Master’s degree in Health/Science Industry required


• Dansville CTE


• $45,000-$60,000

• Negotiable based on experience

Starting date:


Visit our website at is position will be open until filled. Applications will be reviewed when received. To apply, submit a letter of interest referencing Vacancy 25-73 along with a resume and proof of certification to or mail to:

Human Resources, Genesee Valley BOCES 80 Munson Street, LeRoy, NY 14482

RESPONSIBILITIES: Maintain and respond to the facility’s work-order ticketing system; general site-wide maintenance; coordination of the logistics for special events room setups; oversight of trash collection services; seasonal landscaping/snow removal; routine inspection of museum grounds with an eye for safety.

Interested applicants should visit to apply.

Join Our Team at Lapp, LLC –e Global Leader in High-Voltage Insulators! Are you ready to work for a company with a stellar reputation and a commitment to quality and innovation? Lapp, LLC, based in LeRoy, NY, is looking for a dedicated and skilled individual to join our team as a Production Worker.

Position: Production Worker

Location: LeRoy, NY

Shi : 1st and 2nd Shi ($1.25 /hour shi differential for 2nd shi )

Wage Range: Starting at $20.10/hour.

What You’ll Do:

• Read and interpret production orders, simple blueprints, & work instructions.

• Perform tasks requiring strong mechanical skills and attention to detail.

• Handle physical duties, including li ing heavy loads.

What We’re Looking For:

• Strong mechanical aptitude and ability to follow instructions accurately.

• A team-oriented attitude and willingness to contribute to a collaborative environment.

• Physical stamina to meet the demands of the position. How to Apply:

Complete your application at Lapp, LLC

130 Gilbert Street, LeRoy, NY 14482 or submit your resume via email to

Union Representation: is position is covered under a collective bargaining agreement.

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): Lapp, LLC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other legally protected status. We encourage applications from diverse candidates, including veterans and individuals with disabilities.

Take the next step in your career— Apply today and become a part of our dynamic team!

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NoticeofFormationofTheTerraces B&BLLC.ArticlesofOrganization filedwithSecretaryofStateofNY (SSNY)on12/23/2024.Officelocation:LivingtonCounty.SSNYdesignatedasagentofLimitedLiability Company(LLC)uponwhomprocess againtitmaybeserved.SSNYshould mailprocesstoMelissaCarman:11 TheTerraces,Mt.Morris,NY14510. Purpose:Anylawfulpurpose.

LIVINGSTONCOUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OFALIMITEDLIABILITYCOMPANYNoticeofFormationofMustangAviationLLC.Articles ofOrganizationfiledwithSecretaryof StateofNY(SSNY)on02/18/2025. Officelocation:LivingstonCounty. SSNYdesignatedasagentofLimited LiabilityCompany(LLC)uponwhom processagainstitmaybeserved.SSNY shouldmailprocesstoAustinHancock:305NorthAve,Avon,NY 14414.Purpose:Anylawfulpurpose.

MAMMAMANIA! Is theultimateABBAtributeexperience andiscomingtotheGeneseo RivieraonApril4th!Detailsand

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SCOTTSVILLE:1BEDROOM apartment, ranch/townhousestyle startingat$1025/month,pluselectric.NoDogs,nosmoking.680North Road.MarkGugginoRealEstate. 585-334-3166

FORRENT-AVON: Studio Apartment, newcarpet,includesheat, electric&water.$600/mo.Available March8th.Call226-3950before 4:30pm,Monday-Fridayfordetails.

RoomsforRent, LimaMotel. WeeklyorMonthly.Call 585-233-2675forpricing.

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