Our Mission: To Teach, To Learn, To Support, To Improve, To Achieve! Victor Central School District is Among Top 4% of School Districts in Upstate New York Victor ranked #18 out of 430 school districts across the 48 counties, not including the NY City and Long Island area. This standing places VCS in the top 4% of school districts in Upstate New York. Yesterday’s ranking is the first of a four-day online rollout from Buffalo Business First’s 2020 Upstate Schools Guide. 98% High school students graduated with Regents Diploma in 2019. 100% Fall and Winter athletic teams were scholar athletes, maintaining a 90% or higher team average.
For the past twelve years the Junior High School has been named a New York State high performing school and “School to Watch” by the NYS Education Department.
Victor Community Development Office | Victor, NY 14564 | 585. 742. 1476