Kaieteur News

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How many more? DEAR EDITOR, My heart bleeds. I feel the pain for the now motherless kids. How many more editor? How many more before the government acts? Another woman murdered at the hands of a cowardly man. A few weeks ago a woman is shot multiple times and the killer has the temerity to fake mental illness. Which mentally deranged man would shoot a woman multiple times, leave her to die in the streets like a stray animal, open his car door, close the car door, find his keys, turn the car on, drive to the police station, hand over his gun, engage the police in a rational conversation, then confesses? That’s a rational mind at work not a mind impaired by mental illness. I do not doubt he may have concurrent mental illness, but he clearly knew right from wrong hence cannot blame mental illness. I can also write about the young woman who was set afire by her boyfriend. Also the innocent woman who lost an arm and her kids at the hands of a cowardly man. What about the woman who was strangled by her man because she dared to argue with him? What about the woman


Kaieteur News

Friday April 27, 2018

who was hanged by her reputed husband. I can go on but I’ll stop there. How many more before you act Mr. President? How many more before our Madam First Lady speaks out? As a First Lady, women’s issues should be topical for you. Cutting ribbons wouldn’t get women anywhere. Be more vocal. Have a greater influence on our present policies. I think we need a national debate on domestic abuse. The time for that has passed, but it is better to be late than never. Domestic abuse needs to be talked about in our schools. Young men and women should be educated about domestic abuse. Social service needs to develop policies to address domestic abuse. They need to build safe homes for women and children of domestic abuse. The police need to be educated about domestic abuse. Many times they mock and turn away our innocent women victims of domestic abuse. Our health care professionals need to be educated about domestic abuse and steps they can take for a suspected case of domestic abuse. Our judiciary needs to be more harsh with these killer

men. They should make them examples and set a deterrent. Our innocent women need to be empowered to leave such relationships and when they decide to leave they should be supported. Our women professionals need to speak up. Be the voice for the voiceless women. Our men folks need to also speak up and support our women. As I write this letter I am close to tears. Close to tears because as a child I saw men physically abusing my mom. Close to tears because as a child I saw my uncle abusing his girlfriends. Close to tears because I saw my neighbours abusing their girlfriends. Close to tears for the innocent children who would have to grow up without their mothers. I couldn’t care less about their fathers. They are killers and will never get my sympathy.Why wouldn’t our ministers act? Why wouldn’t our MPs act. Why wouldn’t our Permanent Secretaries act? I’ll close as I started. My heart bleeds. How many more? Regards Dr Mark Devonish MBBS MSc MRCP(UK) Consultant Acute Medicine Nottingham University Hospital UK

The situation at this school is not as described DEAR EDITOR, This is a response to a letter published in the Kaieteur News on April 24th, 2018 titled “Major concern about the Grade Six pupils at Golden Grove Primary School.” The Head Teacher of the Golden Grove Primary School has been teaching Grade Six level classes for over 20 years. The Head Teacher began acting in the position as of January 2017. From that date to present, Assistant Mistresses (AMs)

aware that the politicians have set a trap for them by creating a daily circus to fill the papers with nuisance value items. It is all “smoke and mirror” tactics to hide the current financial skullduggery in the economy. As an example, the nation has lost G$58 billion at the Bank of Guyana from Government Deposits since President Granger was sworn in. I am presenting an accompanying chart with source documents to this fact. I am hoping a bright journalist will have the courage of conviction to ask the good Finance Minister the hard questions behind this situation. A Central Bank is a lender of last resort in an economy. When the banking system seizes up, it is the function of the Central Bank to prevent the financial system from fail-

ing. But it can only do this if its balance sheet remains stable and strong. If one is to observe the balance sheet of the Bank of Guyana, it has been losing value for a while now under this Granger administration. This is a major economic threat and all the evidence of this economic meltdown can be found on Table 1.2 on the latest Bank of Guyana Statistical Abstract. On the liability side of the Balance Sheet if one crossexamines the numbers, one will find a column called Government Deposits. According to the notes of this BOG docu-

opposite. Further, as it relates to the content for Grade Five students not b e i n g t a u g h t comple t e l y, i t m u s t b e noted that when students enter Grade Six, t e a c hers take into consideration what topics were not taught in Grade 5 and ensure that those topics are covered before they begin teaching the Grade Six content. Ministry of Education Public Relations Department

Will Guyanese become second class citizens in their own country? DEAR EDITOR, I am disappointed at the deception of major oil company Exxon Oil Corporation in not hiring sufficient Guyanese at the offshore oil site as they claimed. Hiring only twenty-six Guyanese in mainly low wage dead-end jobs for an oil exploration project that will harvest hundreds of mil-

“Smoke and mirror” tactics to hide the financial skullduggery in the economy DEAR EDITOR, From Plato through to the 21st century, mankind could draw on comprehensive thoughts to guide their governments and society towards a better life. What I am witnessing today under this Granger government is major acts of economic mismanagement of the nation’s finances. But what is even scarier is how unprepared the Fourth Estate is at exposing this economic mismanagement. If it were not for some stellar work from Chris Ram and Anand Goolsarran, the nation would have been totally in the dark on many key things. Am I to contend that, we as a people have lost our foundational supports in the media? Where are the investigative journalists on the local scene? The media should be

have been teaching the grade six class. However, because they are new to the class, the Head Teacher, with her wealth of experience, would occasionally step into the classrooms to offer guidance to the teachers. The Head Teacher is not permanently placed in the Grade Six classroom. Further, as it relates to allegations that the Head Teacher is not performing proper administrative duties, based on investigation it was proven to be quite the

ment, Government Deposits are current account deposits from the Central Government at the Central Bank – literally the local savings of the government. (Continued on page 6)

lions of US dollars annually is a signal of inequality. It makes one wonder as to who stands to benefit from the capitalistic structure of the oil contract. How come several weeks ago, Guyanese living overseas were encouraged to invest their hard-earned monies in developing agricultural land for hundreds of thousands of projected foreign expatriates? Not only that, but overseas Guyanese must develop it to first world standards such as air-conditioned houses and fancy high rise condos, when the reality is that many immigrants of Caribbean des c e n t a r e discriminated against in First World countries.

Lastly, it is eye pass that a local businessman expects the tax authorities to abolish several statutes of corporate tax law so that his franchise will pay little or no taxes on the operations of a massive, fancy hotel that is currently under construction. This is unfair for working class Guyanese who struggle to survive, yet are patriotic to pay their taxes. Will Guyanese become second class citizens in their own country while the foreign expatriates from the First World oppress us with their neocolonialism and exploitation of our country’s sovereignty? Sincerely, Marcus Watson


Kaieteur News

Extension of Tax Filing Deadline Date DEAR EDITOR, Taxpayers are required to file their Tax Returns by the statutory date of 30 April. This year the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) has given an amnesty period with conditions applicable to defaulting taxpayers which is a great concession. There will be taxpayers who may not be in a position to meet this deadline, but have all intentions to file. Also, Tax Preparers who are hard pressed at this point of time to meet this deadline may prefer a few more days. In the circumstances, a suggestion is being made to the Commissioner General of GRA and to officials of the Ministry of Finance, to extend the closing date to 4 May, 2018 as a tax filing con-

cession. Further, taxpayers need assistance from GRA on the preparation of their Tax Returns. GRA may be providing this service with limited staff, but it is not adequately publicized. Hence, for the remaining working days to the Tax deadline date, such a service should be provided with adequate staff and if possible, have extended hours beyond 16:30 hours in order to cater for the working public. Perhaps a deadline extension may result in increased revenue for the Government, and also a cordial working relationship amongst all stakeholders. Yours sincerely John Seeram

“Smoke and mirror” tactics to ...

Friday April 27, 2018

Marketing means mileage for Guyana at Miss Universe pageants DEAR EDITOR, Don’t people ever understand that there are major consequences when we continue to kill our Tourism Sector? I was in total disbelief when I read the news via social media that Guyana was served with a penalty of a twoyear ban from competing at the Miss Universe Pageant, due to the fact of hand-picking the last Miss Guyana Universe winner. I am still hoping that the Miss Universe Organisation will make an official statement in relation to what I read via social media forums. For many years, I have been a private tourism advocate and trust me on this,

Guyana is not an easy tourist destination in selling to the international market. The mere fact that Guyana, to many, has never been heard of before, and there is always the confusion between Ghana and Guyana, is frustrating. You have to keep constantly educating persons of the difference in geographic locations. I always felt that Guyana’s presence among the other Miss Universe Delegates over the years is an ideal platform to display the Golden Arrowhead, especially with the introduction segment via global television and for the beauty ambassadors to pitch in and do their required duties in educating their fellow colleagues in competition and

the international media of our existence. Guyana may not always be fortunate to crack a finals, but we need to continue to always have an ambassador present, and to my mind, ‘Marketing Means Mileage.’ Locally or overseas based organisers have to be more responsible with their duties and create an impartial image during the selection process of any beauty ambassador. Failing to do so, we must take responsibility when a ban is imposed. I hope this is a learning process for Guyana and we use the time away from competition to clean ourselves... Yours Faithfully T. Pemberton

Violence against women is ... From page 5 In February 2014, the Government had liquid cash (saving) deposited in the Bank of Guyana to the tune of G$38 billion (see chart). When Mr. Ramotar left in May 2015, some G$23 billion had been depleted, but there was still a savings of G$10 billion. But what has happened since then?Mr. Granger told the nation that he was the better man and the man who will turn around the economy. Utter nonsense! Since Mr. Granger came to office, some G$58 billion was drained from the Government

Deposits at the Central Bank. But you only met G$10 billion in savings, so what did you do? You borrowed some G$48 billion from the Central Bank. It was déjà vu and the Burnham days of reckless spending not supported by adequate revenues are here again. You have deliberately imported major systemic risk into the Central Bank that they did not experience since the Burnham days when his team collectively drove the economy into a state of “uncreditworthiness” and bankruptcy in the 1980s. This act of deliberately

weakening the balance sheet of the Bank of Guyana by offering the silly explanation that the future oil revenue will replenish the overdraft is economic hogwash. Why? What if the oil price changes? What if the world demand flattens and another source floods the market leading to a slow up in the production in Guyana?This Granger government has unilaterally made the decision to already spend 2 years of the oil revenue before they have actually touched it. What a gamble! I am calling on President Granger to reflect deeply on what his government is doing to this nation’s finances and take the high road and repay the Central Bank every single cent of the G$48 billion that his government borrowed from this institution of financial stability since May 2015. It is your duty as the President to preserve the integrity of the nation’s financial system, not operate wildly. Regards Sasenarine Singh

From page 4 for ensuring that they frontally highlight the cruelty and the neglect of domestic violence and the increasingly cruel and violent murders of women and girls in Guyana. I commend the thousands of Guyanese sisters, in particular, and Guyanese brothers, who have taken to FB and social media to highlight the growing crisis and to urge action. The WHO and PAHO, UNICEF, UNFPA have been making sterling efforts globally and nationally to highlight Violence Against Women (VAW) and the impact on society. In fact, for more than a decade, the WHO has been warning that VAW has become a global crisis that demands urgent global and national responses. In 2008, as President of the WHO, I declared that VAW is a public health crisis and actions to combat VAW must become a priority agenda item on national and global development programs. Domestic violence against women remains one of the most systematic and

widespread violations of the Rights of Women globally. This is very much evident in Guyana today. To be sure, this is not a new problem globally and it is certainly not a new problem for Guyana. In highlighting this issue, therefore, I am not in any way trying to place the blame on President Granger and his Government. It would be unfair of me and of anyone to do so. When I was a Cabinet Members, domestic violence was a major national problem that we were forced to confront. Priya Manickchand, as the then Minister of Social Services, made it a national priority social issue to address. Throughout the period of the PPP tenur e in Government, we were robust in keeping the issue on the national agenda. While not casting blame on the government for the escalation of domestic violence in our country, I am accusing the present government of being neglectful and not addressing the problem in any urgent and comprehensive manner.

There is need for the government to say something and to do something. Their silence shows that they are tone-deaf and insensitive to the problems women and girls face and that is an albatross around the neck of our country. Globally, 35% of women are subject to daily violence and abuse in a domestic setting. It is estimated that in Guyana, the figures are now surpassing 50%. The time for silence is long past. The Government must act now. Domestic Violence A g a i n s t Wo m e n i s n o t merely another problem t h a t a ff e c t s G u y a n a ’s development, it is a national crisis at this moment. The Government of G u y a n a i s AW O L a n d abrogating its responsibility. In lieu of its silence on this matter, I am asking the Women and Gender Equality Commission to declare VAW in Guyana qualified to be a national crisis. Dr. Leslie Ramsammy

Removing stigma and discrimination barriers critical to HIV fight


tigma and discrimination are among the top factors challenging the fight against HIV. It was with this in mind that key stakeholders have pinpointed the removal of such barriers as critical to the Region’s attainment of the United Nations 90-90-90 targets by 2020. The target aim is to realise by 2030; 90 percent of people living with HIV being diagnosed; 90 percent of diagnosed people being on treatment and 90 percent of those on treatment being virally suppressed. Moreover, the participants of the just concluded ‘Joint regional stakeholders’ dialogue’ in Trinidad and Tobago have underscored the need for the creation of an enabling environment in the Region to prevent stigma and discrimination. It is believed that this can help reduce the incidence of HIV, increase testing, increase the number of people receiving antiretroviral drugs which would result in less deaths from AIDS and costsaving within the health-care sector. The two-day forum which saw the participation of Minister Nicolette Henry and Minister within the Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Karen Cummings, ended yesterday with an urgent call for the creation of an enabling environment to reduce discrimination which acts as a barrier for vulnerable groups accessing health services and thus hinders efforts to reduce HIV infections. But achieving an end to discrimination as a barrier would require more than just a vision. Moreover, the forum attended by parliamentarians, faith leaders, civil society leaders, national AIDS programme and youth leaders has proposed a public awareness campaign. The campaign proposed is one intended to raise awareness among human rights activists, parliamentarians, faith leaders and youths about the CARICOM Model antidiscrimination legislation. It is expected that the model legislation would be used as a tool for mobilizing action to reduce instances of discrimination against vulnerable groups. At the forum, particular emphasis was placed on educating parliamentarians on the model legislation and establishing connections with the existing parliamentarian network. Also utilizing established mechanisms such as the Youth Parliament and similar platforms to increase


Kaieteur News

Friday April 27, 2018

awareness of the model was proposed as a mechanism for sensitizing key stakeholders including subject Ministries and Ministers responsible for reporting on Member States’ human rights obligations. The parliamentarians in attendance have committed to advancing strategic initiatives to adopt the Model Anti-Discrimination Legislation. These included identifying the barriers to countries’ adoption of the Model Legislation; introducing Private Members Bill, utilizing existing Parliamentary Social Services Committees; sensitizing parliamentarians on the Bill, judicial activism and establishing a Regional Parliamentarian Network. National AIDS Managers, Civil Society Leaders and Youth Leaders have committed to working collaboratively at the national level to advance elements of the PANCAP Justice for All (JFA) Programme, including policy advocacy for the provision of psychosocial support as part of the elements of the JFA Roadmap; addressing social protection issues including domestic violence through inter-agency collaboration and social determinants of health; mapping civil society service delivery and to strategically collaborate with Live Up - the Caribbean Media Alliance. It was also amplified during the forum that the lack of standardized HIV education at the tertiary level is a barrier for reducing HIV infections. As such,

participants proposed advocating for the introduction of such a programme through collaborations with Ministries of Education with the intention of exposing youth within vulnerable groups to new data on HIV and AIDS. Further, a comprehensive proposal on saving costs through reducing HIV infections was presented at the forum. Participants underscored the importance of highlighting the connection between saving costs within the health care sector and reducing HIV infections. A detailed, evidence-based proposal illustrating the financial savings from reducing HIV infections was proposed as a mechanism to empower parliamentarians to advocate at the highest-level for domestic funding for the HIV response. Faith leaders committed, among other things, to continuing and strengthening their response to HIV; sharing best practices within the faith community; delivering education to address stigma and discrimination; highlighting the responsibilities that are associated with sex and providing love and compassion. Dr. Edward Greene, former UN Secretary-General Special Envoy for HIV in the Caribbean, now PANCAP Special Advisor, challenged participants to remain committed to the proposed review of the PANCAP JFA Roadmap and to enact the (Continued on page 9)

Bountiful rice crops expected from new paddy variety

(From left) GRDB’s Chief Scientist/Plant Breeder Dr. Mahendra Persaud, Minister of Agriculture Noel Holder, along with GRDB’s General Manager Nizam Hassan inspects rice plants. After seven years of working on the new paddy variety – “GRDB 15”, the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) has officially released its 15th paddy variety. The new type of paddy holds several positive characteristics, which could see the rice industry benefitting in a number of ways. As compared to one of the main paddy varieties utilised in the country - “GRDB 10”, the new variety is said to have demonstrated better yield. Minister of Agriculture Noel Holder addressed those present at the Pegasus Hotel yesterday and held firm that the GRDB 15 is another step in the evolution of Guyana’s

rice industry. “GRDB 15 is a high yielding variety that provides more bags per acre, which translates into increased income for farmers and millers,” Minister Holder said. Between 1997 and 2015, GRDB released 14 varieties of paddy, resulting in significant increases in productivity over the last decade - from 3.8 tonnes/hectare (24 bags/acre) in 2000, to 5.5 tonnes/hectare (35 bags/acre) in 2017. “Guyana’s rice farmers will have the potential to realise yields of up to eight tonnes per hectare; provided that the recommended farming practices are incorporated.”“The ultimate goal of nearly all we do in the

Ministry of Agriculture is to reduce the level of poverty while increasing incomes. With this new variety on board, we expect the national production to increase considerably,” Holder reasoned. The “GRDB 15” paddy variety has withstood 33 trial tests at the Burma Rice Research Station and with farmers across the country, before its final release. The Rice Research Station at Burma is responsible for creating new varieties to benefit farmers and the country at large. GRDB is currently spending approximately $150M per year to maintain a breeding program. A total cost of over $300M is estimated to develop one rice variety.


Kaieteur News

Friday April 27, 2018

All Region Four Health Centres have Doctors Under Dr. Quincy Jones, Regional Health Officer (RHO) attached to the Region Four Democratic Council (RDC), all health centres in the region now have doctors. Dr. Jones said that he is proud that the Region Four Health Department was able to achieve this. “We are proud to announce that we are the only region in Guyana that has been able to acquire a doctor for every health centre within the region,” an elated Dr. Jones said. The region, which has 31 health centres, now has 43 doctors. This, the RHO said, relates to at least one doctor at each health centre. Dr. Jones said that this is a first in Guyana’s history. “We are very proud of this, and as the RHO, I am sure that all can imagine my

excitement and satisfaction that each and every health centre from Cane Grove on the East Coast, to St. Cuthbert’s Mission, on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway, has at least one medical doctor there,” he said. “It simply means that patients can be assured of enhanced medical attention and care from their respective health centres,” he adds. The RHO said that this achievement means that the workload at the two hospitals in Region Four, Diamond Hospital and the CC Nicolson Hospital will be reduced. “We are beginning to see that because the health centres have doctors, the workloads at these two hospitals are reducing. People no longer have to go to the hospital for every little thing, they can now access

The doctors stationed at the various health centres in Region Four covering East Coast Demerara and East Bank. healthcare much faster and in some cases, in a more efficient way from their respective health centre,” he said. Dr. Jones said that while

the Health Department is celebrating this major achievement, he and his team remain thankful for the efforts of the Regional Executive Officer (REO), Pauline Lucas, who he said had led the fight in ensuring that each health centre has doctors. “When I spoke to the REO [to] pave the way for a doctor to be assigned to every health centre, she didn’t only like the idea but wholeheartedly supported the initiative. She had supported it to the point where she aggressively and consistently fought to have it achieved,” Jones said. Lucas praised Dr. Jones for this and other notable

achievements. She said that the numerous achievements and successes that are being achieved in the Health Department are because of the cohesiveness and teamwork that the RHO, aided by the Regional Administration has been able to achieve. “We have an excellent working relationship, and with excellent working relationships come enormous success. So the achievement of having a doctor at every health centre is not only being celebrated by the Regional Health Officer and his team, but by everyone within Region Four as all stand to benefit directly and or indirectly from this,” she said.

The RHO said that having doctors stationed at all 31 health centres in Region Four means that a person from Cane Grove or Mahaica would not have to travel to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) or to any other medical centre to seek medical attention. “I would like to urge the public to make more use of their respective health centres, as in many cases, the services that they seek at hospitals can be sourced right at their community health centre.” Jones said. Dr. Jones said that this is part of a more holistic plan to deliver enhanced health care to the people of Region Four.

Fake doctor rapes teen, sentenced to 25 years in jail A Linden native has been sentenced to 25 years in jail for raping a teenage girl while pretending that he was medically certified to help her. Trevon Giles, a married father of one was charged with two counts of Rape of a Child Under 16. According to the allegations, on January 14, 2016 in the County of Demerara, he engaged in sexual penetration of a child under 16. The second count alleged that on January 17, 2016 in the County of Demerara, he engaged in sexual penetration of a child under 16.Giles underwent a trial before Justice JoAnn Barlow and a mixed 12-member jury at the Georgetown High Court. He was previously found guilty by the jury; however, sentencing was deferred after his Attorney, Clyde Forde, requested a probation report. The report presented to the Court yesterday outlined that Giles had a relatively descent upbringing. His mother related that Giles is a good son to her. She claimed that her son grew up in church and that she is somewhat ashamed of the case in which he is involved.Giles is said have lured the victim to his home under pretence that he is a doctor and can help her; he had reportedly prescribed medication for the victim. In a victim impact statement, the girl now 17 years old noted that she is still traumatized by the incident. The teen says that she would sometimes have flashbacks and struggle with thoughts of suicide. The victim said she is still trying to find her way emotionally and academically. Attorney Clyde Forde in his plea of mitigation noted that his client was bitten by a snake, 10 years ago. Forde told the Court that the snakebite has resulted in his client suffering from health complications

Trevon Giles

in his liver and heart. Against that backdrop, the Lawyer asked the court for leniency in passing sentence and noted that his client wishes to return his wife and daughter to further his academics. However, the Prosecution represented by Attorneys-at-law Abigail Gibbs and Tiffini Lyken lobbied for the judgment of the Court to send a strong message to society that such wrong doing will not be tolerated. In considering the sentence, Justice Barlow noted that she found no mitigating factors based on the circumstances provided. The judge said that Giles, who was described as a “brainer” by his co- workers would have deceived the young girl and invited her to his home. Justice Barlow therefore sentenced Giles to twenty-five years in prison.


his is the first in a series of columns, which will critically examine the politics of Cheddi Jagan. This series of articles is being written to mark the centenary of his birth. The triumph of imperialism at the end of the 1980s led to political reassessments. Instead of lauding individuals for their ideological consistency, capitulating to neo-liberalism became a virtue.Cheddi Jagan was designated a failure because he was an unrepentant communist. When Cheddi was fighting for democracy in Guyana, the biggest criticism of him was not so much his ideological belief but rather his party’s inability to bring about peaceful change. He was seen as ineffective against Burnham who actually used Cheddi’s communism to consolidate his grip on power. At that time, Cheddi’s ideology was not the main criticism levelled against him. The government of the day was also leftist. Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, socialism is no longer viewed in such favourable light. Many hardcore leftists have “jumped ship”. They have abandoned left-wing politics. They are now trumpeting neo-liberalism. It is almost as if their embrace of socialism never occurred. They have


Kaieteur News

Friday April 27, 2018

capitulated.Yet no one calls these former comrades to account. They are not denounced as traitors. They are not seen as having abandoned their beliefs and of being opportunistic. Instead, it is those who, like Cheddi Jagan remained faithful to the creed that, are assailed as failures for refusing to abdicate the Left. Long before the Berlin Wall was punctured, there were forces in Guyana, which had retreated from the Left. Following the American invasion of Grenada, the leftist Working People’s Alliance adopted the policy of geo-fatalism. It decided that the Americans would never allow a socialist government in this part of the world. It is one thing to accept the realities of the objective conditions at the time. But it is quite another thing to abandon the ideology of socialism which is what occurred in the WPA. If the WPA wanted to abandon the Left, they could have easily found consolation in the analysis adopted by the Russians who had assessed that the culture and size of the countries of the Caribbean militated against the building of socialism. The explanation of the post-Burnham PNC was that its transformation was by a

process of evolution, thus confirming the inexplicable progression from socialism to capitalism, rather than vice versa. During these times which tested the consistency of our political parties and leaders, Cheddi Jagan remained as is being claimed, an “unrepentant communist”, even though he himself dodged the question about his ideology when pressed by Desmond Hoyte during an election debate. Cheddi may have wavered but he did not betray the Left and capitulate. By the time the campaigning for the 1992 elections began, the Soviet Union had begun to disintegrate. In fact, had the events of 1989 not happened, there would never have been free and fair elections in Guyana since the West would have continued to support the rigging of elections. The PPP was faced in the run up to those elections also with the failure to form a united opposition platform against the PNC, a development, which was stirred by forces, which were in bed with the Americans. Among these forces was also an influential faction of the business class who had begun to talk to the PPP. The PPP knew that the Americans had concerns. But

Removing stigma and discrimination ... From page 7 proposed initiatives with the overarching aim of successfully achieving the 90-90-90. He also challenged secular and faith stakeholders to foster age-related sexual education, promote tolerance and respect and to reconcile the difference between the rule of law and theology through respectful dialogue. The fo r u m , which included approximately 60 delegates fr o m 1 4 Caribbean countries, was intended to facilitate an examination of national and

regional issues and goals for ending HIV, and to take into consideration the targets established by the UN High Level Meeting Political Declaration in June 2016 on ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030; the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals approved by 192 nations at the United Nations in September 2015, and the commitments made by civil society, faithbased and other implementing stakeholder groups for ending AIDS during the PANCAP consultations in 2016 and 2017.

it also knew that the world had changed and that socialist governments, of which Cuba was a prime example, were facing grave problems as result of the reduction in support from the Eastern bloc which was undergoing transformation. Cheddi did not capitulate. He moderated and just before the 1992 Elections issued a statement that the building of socialism in Guyana was not an immediate goal of his party if it won power. In many respects, he had little choice. The economy which was in dire straits was being fed by

development financing from the West. There were limited alternatives. The PPP Administration found itself in the unusual position of a leftist party forming a government, which was pursuing an economic model that was a product of western imperialism. Cheddi however, unlike so many others, never abandoned the philosophy of Marxism- Leninism. He remained true to what he believed. At one of his party congresses after he was restored to power, he reaffirmed that his party was a part of

the Left. To his dying day, he never left the Left. It is not him who has to answer for any failures of his party to adopt to the changing world order. He did not capitulate. Cheddi died an unrepentant communist, and for not disowning the Left, he should be praised rather than condemned.

Friday April 27, 2018

Kaieteur News



Kaieteur News

Friday April 27, 2018

Looming National Assembly clashes over CJIA expansion costs


he Parliamentary Opposition is refusing to participate in today’s scheduled tour of the ongoing US$150M expansion project at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), at Timehri. On Wednesday, Juan Edghill, the Parliamentary spokesperson on Public Infrastructure for the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) also accused the Administration of making significant changes to the design of the project with quite possible now Guyana not receiving value for its money. The CJIA project was started under the PPP/C government but faced delays with the contractor, China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC), reportedly receiving the bulk of its money without the project being advanced significantly. The Coalition Government, on entering office in 2015, halted the project to carry out an assessment. Several design changes were made, including one change for a brand new terminal building. Instead, the old terminal building will be upgraded and new arrivals building built. The entire project, which

- Opposition boycotts MPs tour today as Govt. ask for more monies

PPP MP Juan Edghill also includes a longer runway to accommodate wide-body aircraft, and air bridges, is expected after a long delay starting under the previous PPP/C Administration, to be completed this year-end. The departure building will be handed over in a few weeks’ time.According to Edghill, on Wednesday in a letter to the editor, the Parliamentary Opposition received an invitation, under the signature of the Clerk of the National Assembly, directed by Speaker at the behest of the Minister of Public Infrastructure, for a tour of the Cheddi Jagan

Public Infrastructure Minister, David Patterson. International Airport (CJIA) expansion project site. The tour is set for today. ”The purported purpose of this tour, according to the correspondence, is to provide all Members of Parliament (MPs) with relative information so that a more informed discourse on the project may occur in the future.”However, the Parliamentary Opposition said, it will not participate in any charade, of any kind, at any time, to lend any semblance of legitimacy and to camouflage any appearance of transparency to this “unaccountable administration”.Edghill said that Guyanese must be reminded of the “hostile,

Members of Parliament and senior officials of the Government are expected to tour the CJIA project tomorrow but the Opposition says it will boycott. diatribe and near sabotage” of the project by the Coalition when it was in the Opposition. “This was supposed to have been, according to their interpretation, a corrupt underhand deal by the then Jagdeo Administration. The CJIA expansion project was part of a number of transformative projects, which included the Marriott Hotel, to bring in a new sector, mainly tourism with its eco brand.”Edghill noted that Guyana was being poised to become a hub for air traffic to facilitate regional and international traffic, with one of the main effects being lower airfares and lower freight, which would have resulted in a ‘big boom’ for

the export of non-traditional projects, not forgetting the Specialty Hospital with a view to provide for medical tourism. Fixed PriceHe noted that the contract was entered into under the PPP/C Administration with a fixed price design and build contract. The documents clearly defined what was to be done. “The expansion and lengthening of the runway, the new size of the tarmac, the number of boarding gates eight according to the document - and the square footage of the building. It was clearly understood that all the risk, including the geotechnical risk, was to be borne by the contractor in this arrangement. We are aware

that significant alterations and changes have been made to the design.” The MP said that it is the intention of the Opposition at the appropriate time, to call for a performance audit of the project, to ensure that the Guyanese people got value for their money and what was paid for was delivered. “The Minister of Public Infrastructure on numerous occasions in the National Assembly, failed to answer questions or deliver information promised in regards to this project. His usual style of much rhetoric is now common place with very little to show.” The MP believed that the reason that the entire Cabinet is visiting the “PPP/C project” with an invitation to the entire Parliament is that the environment is being prepared for supplementary request and approval for more monies for this fixed price project. And indeed, yesterday, the Government side, during a sitting of the National Assembly, tabled a financial paper for $2.5B in supplementary funds. Part of the request is for $346.5M, which is intended to be used for the purchase and installation of two additional boarding bridges for the CJIA expansion Project. However, Edgill made it clear that they are not happy. “At the appropriate time, in the National Assembly, we will address these matters. It has been three years since this Administration has been foisted on the Guyanese people and they have not a single project, of a developmental nature, to show. Is this now an act of desperation for some media coverage, to show that things are happening? Maybe the now embattled Minister may soon invite the entire Parliament to visit two other PPP/C projects, specifically, the East Coast Highway expansion and the West Coast Demerara road expansion and upgrade.”

Friday April 27, 2018


Kaieteur News

PPP urges Auditor General to investigate detained fuel boat The Opposition is criticizing the handling of the fuel boat which was detained last week, accusing Government of a cover-up. The vessel, Jubilee, is currently being held in the Demerara River, under guard, with over 200,000 gallons of fuel for which no taxes were paid. The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) says that taxes amount to over $36M with heavy fines likely for the captain. The vessel is said to be linked to a prominent businessman and lawyer. Calling for the Auditor General to step in, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), which is the Parliamentary Opposition, said yesterday that the manner in which events are unfolding, in relation to the boat recently held with smuggled fuel, is raising eyebrows across the country. “The Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) is reported in the press as saying that the boat contains smuggled fuel and a fine of $30M will be imposed. This seems to be the only sanction which will be imposed on this vessel and its owners,” PPP said in its statement. PPP said that it is aware that the law provides that in such a circumstance, the boat is liable for forfeiture, with the owners liable to a fine of triple the value of the amount of tax evaded, as well as being liable for criminal charges. “This is the regime of treatment to which the ordinary Guyanese is normally subject in similar circumstances. It begs the question, why this particular vessel attracts special treatment. Our information is that

this case is being handled differently because the vessel is owned by several persons who are deeply connected to the Coalition Government.” PPP said that its sources say that the Commissioner General received direction from the Ministry of the Presidency, in this matter and that the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA) is deliberately being kept away from the investigations. “The GEA would normally institute several criminal charges in such situation. We are further informed that a top official at Guyana Water Inc. (GWI), who holds a fuel import licence, rents this licence to fuel smugglers for millions of dollars per trip, to give them legal cover.” PPP insists that the fuel smuggling ring is huge and it defrauds the state of hundreds of millions of dollars of revenue per month. “Yet, SARA, SOCU, the DPP and the Commissioner of Police turn a blind eye to these activities. This is so because Ministers of the Coalition Government get kickbacks from every trip. This is one of the reasons why the US State Department in its latest report, identifies corruption in Government as a major source of money laundering in Guyana.” The party said it is calling on the Auditor General to launch an investigation into this matter and for the inter-

The Jubilee that is under guard in the Demerara River

national community to note the “level of corruption which permeates this Administration”. GRA said this week that the boat entered the Demerara River without checking in at the Boat House where Customs and Maritime officials are stationed. Attempts were made to record the presence of the boat after it was boarded by Customs and other officials. On board was discovered unmarked fuel that was more than 200,000 gallons with a street value of $180M.


Friday April 27, 2018

Kaieteur News

Govt. optimistic of mid-November Local Govt. Elections Government believes that the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has received sufficient funding and should be ready to hold Local Government Elections (LGE) by mid-November. Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan, told Kaieteur News yesterday that GECOM has received direct funding from Government to the sum of $3.4B, which includes $500M from last year. "It is our expectations that the elections will be held towards the middle of November, this year, and I believe that GECOM will more properly pronounce on their capac-

ity and readiness. It is the desire of the Administration to which we are firmly committed that the elections are held within the prescribed constitutional time which will be before December 7," Bulkan stated. There have been three local government elections since Guyana gained independence in 1966. The first was held in 1970, then 1994 and 2016. Bulkan explained that when elections are held later this year, it will be the first time in post-colonial history that successive Local Government Elections are held as constitutionally

…says no delays from house-to-house verification - Bulkan due. "It will be another historic achievement of this Administration and it is testament to our commitment to ensuring that democratic governance obtains in our country and that the democratic credentials of Local Government Organs are maintained in keeping with our strategic agenda and philosophy to ensure that the decentralized form of Governance becomes a reality,’

Bulkan noted. Last week, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) rejected calls for house-tohouse verification, which came from the governing A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC). The PPP shared the view that if GECOM undertakes house-to-house verification, it could likely delay the holding of LGE. Bulkan said this is not expected to be the case. The Minister explained that the call for verification should not be confused with house-tohouse registration. A statement from Amna Ally, General Secretary of the People’s National Congress (PNC), had called for fresh house-tohouse registration in response to the PPP claims. According to the PPP, GECOM issued five lists of persons who have died be-

tween December 2015, and March 2016. One of the lists is of persons who have died, but whose names are not on the List of Registered Electors. The PPP said it conducted a review of the list and to its surprise, discovered a significant number of names of persons who have died, which are in fact on the list. “This list is, therefore, not accurate. As a result, the names of deceased persons will continue to be on the List of Registered Electors,” the PPP stated. In the circumstances, the PPP called upon GECOM to exercise greater care and due diligence in their attempts to sanitise the list. According to the PPP, the removal of names of persons who have died, from the List of Registered Electors, is a responsibility of GECOM and is guided by strict laws and

Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan rules. The party explained that only on the basis of a certified list of persons who have died, issued by the GRO, can GECOM remove a person’s name. Ally stated that the Coalition believes in having a sanitized and realistic list of electors, but it noted that the PPP continues to live in the past and reminisces of their ‘ungodly acts in the electoral process.’

Friday April 27, 2018


Kaieteur News

Corrupt financial officials to be surcharged and embarrassed Bringing an end to overpayments…

By Kiana Wilburg The prayers of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) have finally been answered. The Coalition Administration has taken the historic step to have the names of delinquent financial officers published in the Auditor General’s annual reports as well as have them surcharged for overpayments they signed off on for contracts. The consequential move by the Government is part of its Treasury Memorandum, which was laid in the National Assembly yesterday by Finance Minister, Winston Jordan. The Memorandum serves to respond to the queries and recommendations in the Public Accounts Committee Report for the years 2010 and 2011. The document says that the government recognizes the references made by the PAC in relation to waste, abuse and mismanagement of public resources as well as the lack of fiscal transparency, accountability, discipline and full compliance with various financial laws. With this said, the Government said that attention was given to the recommendations of the PAC and the necessary steps would be taken to implement as many

Finance Minister, Winston Jordan as possible. As it relates to the issue of overpayments on contracts, the Government said it remains cognizant of the need to improve the procurement practices with a view to having value for money. It said, “Government has apprised Heads of Budget Agencies of the Auditor General’s concerns and has invited the Auditor General as an advisor to its meeting with the Heads of Budget Agencies at which he reiterated his concerns. “Circulars have been issued to instruct Heads to refrain from such practices if they do, and to inform them that not doing so would be in

violation of Sections 10, 15 and 85 of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act.” The Government said that it continues to take such violations seriously and has taken other measures to address the matter. In this regard, it noted that it will continue to monitor continuously, contracts across agencies as well as the unmitigated resoluteness by the PAC when dealing with agencies that did not set up procedures in the execution of contractual works. The Government intends to hold meetings involving PAC, the Finance Secretary, Accountant General and the Auditor General with a view to discussing and arriving at decisive strategies aimed at enforcing protection mechanisms as well as the institution of disciplinary action against defaulters. There will also be employed engineers and established field audits to give the necessary technical capabilities and oversight. Officers will also be required to give detailed reports when signing off on works. These reports are now expected to include photographic evidence before, during and on completion of projects. Government has

Carjackers shoot taxi driver, steal vehicle Carjackers shot a taxi driver in the thigh and made off with his vehicle around 14:00 hrs yesterday, after luring him to Caneview Avenue, South Ruimveldt. Leonard Coonjah, 57, was shot after two passengers relieved him of his cell phone, documents and about $3,000, before ordering him out of the Toyota Allion, HC 1720, that he was driving. Coonjah, who is being treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital, said that he had picked up the ‘passengers’ shortly after 13:00 hrs in the vicinity of Alexander Street, Georgetown. He said that the men, who appeared to be in their late twenties, requested to be dropped off in the vicinity of Toucan Drive and High Palm Road, South Ruimveldt. But when they reached the area, the ‘passengers’ told him to take them to Caneview Avenue instead. This is a usually desolate street where many a carjacking have occurred. The driver said that he

immediately suspected that he was about to be robbed. However, he reassured himself that the men would not attack him at that hour of the day. He drove to Caneview Avenue, and Coonjah saw the front seat passenger push his hand into the crotch of his pants. “When I see that I say to myself ‘I get tek’,” the driver said. The front seat passenger then pulled a handgun from his crotch. His accomplice also had a handgun. The men relieved Coonjah of $3,000, his house keys, phone and driver’s licence, then told him to exit his car and ‘run.’ Instead, the driver began walking while shouting for as-

sistance. It was then that the carjacker in the front seat, who had taken the wheel, leaned outside and shot him. The men then drove away. Coonjah said that he shouted for assistance and a passing taxi driver took him to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation. Hospital sources indicated that he may be discharged shortly. Choonjah can consider himself more fortunate than other taxi drivers who have been attacked in Caneview Avenue. In December 1914, Rudrinauth Jeeboo, a Pegasus Taxi Service driver, was murdered and dumped in a garbage heap in the same area.

also moved towards the development and implementa-

tion of a policy intended to address the prompt applica-

tion of insurance and performance bond.


Friday April 27, 2018

Kaieteur News

Dr. Jennifer Westford trial...

No evidence to support spending of over $600M at Public Service Ministry - three witnesses remaining An audit conducted into the spending of over $600M by the Ministry of Public Service has found no paper trail to support how this sum was utilized. This was revealed by Audit Manager at the Ministry of Finance, Chandrawattie Samaroo, who testified in the trial, yesterday, of former Minister of Public Service Dr. Jennifer Westford and Ms. Margaret Cummings. Dr. Westford and Ms. Cummings are accused of stealing $639,420,000 from the state. The women allegedly stole the monies between August 2011 and April 2015, while they were employed in the Public Service of Guyana. They have both denied an allegation of simple larceny and are out on $4.8M bail each. Dr. Westford and Ms. Cummings are on trial before Principal Magistrate Judy

Latchman at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. Appearing for the state are State Counsel Natasha Backer and State Counsel Teshana Lake. Samaroo, during her testimony, told the court that she has been employed with the Ministry of Finance for over a decade. She said some of her responsibilities include conducting forensic audits of various ministries, departments and Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDC). The witness added that on the July 31, 2015, she received certain instructions from Auditor General, Deodat Sharma, which caused her to conduct an audit into monies sent to the Public Service Ministry for staff conferences, performance reviews, year reviews, skilled-based needs assignments, change acceptances workshops, training for scholarship awardees and social activities.

The witness added that she then went to the Ministry of Finance where she uplifted the account analysis for the inter-department records for the Public Service Ministry and Office of the President for the period 2006-2015. The witness then identified the account analysis for 24 transactions from the years 2011-2015. After that, she requested payment vouchers and supporting documents from the Accounts Department at Office of the President. The court heard that the accountant then gave her the payment vouchers with the memoranda attached. The witness said that she examined the documents and made photocopies before returning the original copies to Alan Williams, an Accountant at the Ministry of the Presidency. The witness added that she collected the returned

encashed cheques for the 24 transactions from the Accountant General and that she examined the payment vouchers and the 24 memoranda. According to Samaroo, the memoranda had prepared letterheads of the Public Service Ministry and were all signed by Dr. Westford. The witness stated that the memoranda stated that various exercises were to be conducted in various administrative regions. It also stated that the Chief Personnel Officer, Margret Cummings, would be responsible for coordinating those activities, Samaroo said. The court also heard from Samaroo that the 24 transactions were sent to the Office of the President and were approved by various Permanent Secretaries. Former Permanent Secretary Omar Shariff signed 20, Dr. Nanda Gopaul signed three and Technical Assistant Kamenie Seepaul signed one. The memoranda, Samaroo added, were then sent to the Accounts Department at Office of the President for vouchers to be prepared. The witness told the court that the Accounts Department prepared payment vouchers and entered them into the Integrated Financial System where they were passed for payments. She said that cheques were then prepared in the name of the Permanent Secretary’s Office and they were uplifted by a clerk.

A mini health check is the first step to donating blood

Duo Charged: Jennifer Westford (left) and Margaret Cummings The cheques were then endorsed by Principal Assistant Secretary, Paula James, who then gave them to a clerk in the Accounts Department to be encashed. The court heard that the monies were given to Alvin Williams. Williams then paid over the cash to Cummings who signed in the dispatch book and on the payment vouchers. Samaroo said that after conducting her audits, it was revealed that Cummings uplifted the monies. She added that she found no evidence that the monies were used to carry out the purposes stated on the memoranda or any governmental business. She added that the memoranda stated that there were various evaluation exercises, staff conferences, performance reviews, year reviews, skilled-based needs assignments, change acceptances workshops, training for scholarship awardees and social activities in the different regions, and they were no cost figures stating the amount of monies that would be spent per region. After her findings, the wit-

ness recounted that she visited the Public Service Ministry and asked for documents in support of the exercises stated on the memoranda. But according to her, there were none. The witness then told the court that she then spoke to senior officers at the Public Service Ministry and they said that they were not aware of any of the exercises and did not participate in any exercise. The matter was adjourned until May 7 for the witness to be cross-examined. Based on information, it was discovered that on 24 occasions, Westford signed memoranda amounting to $639,420,000 and sent them to the Office of the President for approval. Approval was granted and cheques were prepared and encashed by Bank of Guyana. The monies were requested to carry out various activities throughout the 10 administrative regions. However, personnel from the various administrative regions were contacted and denied ever receiving the cash. Investigations were carried out but the monies were never recovered.


Editoria Introduction: In the last few months, Pageant aficionado and former Franchise Holder of the Miss Universe Guyana Pageant, Jyoti Hardat, has been the subject of several critical news items as it relates to her handling of contestants as well as the impartiality of pageant results. The most recent accusation is that Guyana would no longer be able to participate in the Miss Universe Pageant for the next two years based on the Miss Universe Guyana Pageant 2017 that was held in the USA and deemed by outsiders to be “fixed and illegitimate�. In this piece, Hardat sets the record straight once and for all on the matter in her own words.

Kaieteur News

Friday April 27, 2018

Setting the record straight about the controversial Miss Universe Guyana Pageant 2017 and its franchise holder the time and knew of the harassment they faced from our people. It was rather embarrassing to hear of what they would endure all because of jealous, vindictive individuals. From a branding and business standpoint, the attacks both on our local organization and the main organization (MUO), should never have happened. They make our country look bad in front of the international organization as well as to the rest of the world. This type of behavior is bad for the reputation of such a global brand.

RUMOURS VS. THE FACTS 1) It was being said in some quarters that the franchise holder of the Miss Universe Guyana Pageant ran an illegitimate competition in 2017. But Statement by Jyoti Hardat this is untrue. The fact is that we did not run an After hosting the Miss Universe Guyana Pageant illegitimate competition. Our scores were verified by 2017, a contest that was fairly held as assessed by an independent auditor from one of the major the authorities, I knew that under no circumstances auditing houses not only in the USA, but globally, was I going to subject myself to further defamation and he testified to the main organization in front of campaigns and unfair treatment in 2018 by the MUO President Paula Shugart and a room full of malicious individuals who attack pageant directors directors and their legal team, to prove that and their franchises, blindly. it was legitimate. The I had spent too much of my time, pageant judges were also energy and own present. Miss Universe and funding to help her team were also in build this attendance at the pageant organization only itself, she would not be to have people permitted to attend an working against illegitimate competition. me at every step. I 2) There is the rumor that decided then that I I was fired as a franchise was not going to holder which resulted in renew the yearly Guyana being banned contract and will from the competition. walk away to focus Let me make it clear on my health and that I willingly decided career, which I have not to renew my happily done. contract after the Every year, directors many temper are given a contract to tantrums thrown by run the national pageant bitter and angry at the discretion of the people who do not Miss Universe know how to lose Organization (MUO). It gracefully. After is up to the directors to the first year of decide to renew, if being a director, I offered. I knew that I was was unsure of not going to renew and whether i wanted didn't intend to, so I to continue with encouraged other potential building an directors who were organization interested in the franchise, to that saw so apply. much hatred In January 2018, the and belittling Pageant Aficionado licensing director informed from our Jyoti Hardat me that Guyana will not be countrymen. They made competing this year. It was Guyanese look disgraceful to the rest of the also short time for them to find a new world. I know because I was at the international director to take over the duties since vetting does competition, and I was ashamed at what my take a long time. colleagues said about their behavior. Some Also, they were already at a maximum number of Guyanese prefer to tear down their own instead of countries in the lineup for this year. Maybe next helping to showcase what truly humble and warm year, when a new director is appointed, our people most Guyanese are. Additionally, Guyana participation at the international level might resume. was not banned, but the MUO is ever changing and I wish to state that a country's participation is has already decided the lineup of countries for this allowed at the discretion of the licensing director year. and the entire international organization. However, (Please see links to two articles where I was not being able to participate this year actually interviewed for last year that cleared up a lot of what seemed fair and a blessing given what we had gone the Guyana times and Inews articles maliciously through with the constant harassment. stated. I also wish to categorically state that the decisions http://www.thewestindianonline.com/jyoti-hardaton which countries to accept are entirely those of the responds-to-allegations-from-contestants-of-missMiss Universe Organization and not any my doing. universe-guyana-pageant/ However, I'm sure many reasons contributed to their https://www.stabroeknews.com/2017/news/stories/1 decision to go ahead with other countries and leave 0/29/miss-guyana-universe-franchise-holder-deniesGuyana out of the lineup, since I was the director at rigging-allegations/)

brings delectable twist to the Guyanese culinary tradition

‌offers signature Crab Soup this and ever Saturdays


ike cook-up-rice, soup has become a staple in the Guyanese culinary tradition. Many local companies have dared to keep the custom alive with unmatched family recipes. The House of Soups owned by Andre 'Charlie' Robinson, is just of Guyana's many treasures in this regard. After being open for less than a year, the House of Soups located at Lot 17 Duncan and Abary Streets, Bel Air has been able to garner a strong fan base and respect for its delectable soups which can outstrip many of its competition if put to the test. During the week, the entity offers a range of tasty soups which include: beef, cow heel, oxtail, chicken, vegetable, mix and fish broth. According to Management, the House of Soups will be offering its special Crab Soup this and every Saturday. For orders and delivery interested persons can make contact with management on 644-5884. Enjoy!


Friday April 27, 2018

Kaieteur News

MovieTowne reels in Hard Rock Café for Guyana It hasn’t even been completed as yet and MovieTowne Guyana is already sending a clear message that it is all about bringing world class entertainment to the “Land of Many Waters”. The construction of this ‘Mecca for movie lovers’ has been attracting the attention of a host of internationally recognised entertainment franchises. Recently added to the Cineplex’s already impressive list of tenants, is the world famous, Hard Rock Café. The Hard Rock Café franchise has under its belt, 191 locations that spread across every continent, in 75 tourism-driven countries. The Café, which has even been featured in high-ranking films, is now eagerly gearing up to be part of the immensely magical MovieTowne experience. In the coming months, this massive Cineplex is expected to take Guyana by storm, satisfying every craving for clean, classy, family-oriented entertainment. Since its 2002 establishment in Trinidad and Tobago, MovieTowne has become a well-loved phenomenon, with thousands of dedicated patrons. In addition to captivating the senses of entertainmentloving Guyanese, the Cineplex is also predicted to be a massive boost to Guyana’s economy. Guyana-born Chairman of Multicinemas Incorporated, Derek Chin, said that in addition to creating hundreds of jobs, MovieTowne is guaranteed to have tremendous impacts on the country’s tourism industry, just as it has managed to transform that of Trinidad and Tobago. “We are already seeing evidence of this. The Hard Rock Café is just one of the many international brands anticipating exposure to the Guyana market, and we are at the forefront of ensuring that this happens in the most flattering way possible,” Chin said. The internationally recognised business tycoon

noted too that even in its unfinished state, MovieTowne Guyana has already become a massive attraction, with large numbers of persons visiting the location to take pictures and inquire about the complex’s opening date. While the multibillion-dollar initiative was unveiled about seven years ago, it took the company some time to finalize all the details attached to embarking on such a mammoth project. Initially pegged at US$30M, the state-of-the-art Cineplex has now approached a massive US$45M. According to Chin, a series of expansions were added to the project’s original designs. The investment is seen as the largest private sector undertaking in recent years. “Whatever the cost, Guyana is worth the investment,” Chin maintained. This ultra-modern complex is ideally positioned on 10 acres of prime land, with a 200,000-plus square foot building, standing fascinatingly along the East Coast Demerara corridor. MovieTowne Guyana will be outfitted with eight stateof-the-art screens, equipped with the technology needed for patrons to lose themselves in the magic of every film. The incredibly luxurious seating would add a distinct flare of comfort that can only be experienced at a MovieTowne cinema. A number of immensely popular local, regional and international restaurant franchises just like the Hard Rock Café, have already signed on to “set up shop” within the complex. These incredibly diverse eateries would be sure to bait any appetite, tantalize every taste bud, and leave every patron longing for more. Among the attractions also, would be a 60,000 square-foot Massy Stores Super Centre, one of the largest in the Caribbean. Overall, MovieTowne Guyana would boast of a vibrant and competitivelypriced shopping mall that would allow shoppers to be

The ongoing construction works at the Movietowne site.

lavish without breaking the bank. Even more exciting, are the

plans to install exhilarating amusement rides, enchanting for all age groups.

MovieTowne Guyana is expected to add a spectacular facelift to Guyana’s ever-

evolving entertainment industry – satisfying the nation’s appetite for sheer brilliance.


Kaieteur News

Friday April 27, 2018

NAREI donates sweet Cold case… Lover charged with missing potato slips to GPS Prospect woman’s murder

Missing: Shawnette Savory Two years after the disappearance of 37-year-old Shawnette Savory, who went missing after she left her apartment to pay her electricity bill, the woman’s lover was yesterday brought before the court and had a murder charge was read to him. Thirty-four-year-old Devindra Ramdiah also known as ‘Duckman’ appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. The unrepresented Ramdiah was not required to plead to the indictable charge, which alleged that on August 30, 2016, at Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara, he murdered Shawnette Savory. Police Prosecutor Gordon Mansfield told the court that the investigation into the matter is still incomplete. Magistrate McLennan then remanded the accused to prison and instructed him to

Remanded: Devindra Ramdiah known as ‘Duckman’

make his next appearance on May 24 for report. According to information, the missing woman was last seen in the company of the accused. The court heard that the accused admitted to killing the woman and burying her body somewhere in Soesdyke. The accused then took police officers to a location where he allegedly buried the body but the police were unable to locate any body.The accused then carried the police officers to another location in Skull City Diamond, East Bank Demerara and they still were unable to locate the missing woman body. According to reports, the case was reopened after ranks received a tip from a relative of Savory a month ago. Savory’s mother, Dhanrajie Murray had made contact with ranks from the Major Crimes Unit and expressed her interest in

having the case reopened. Murray would have provided the cops with information that also helped them in making the arrest.Shawnette Savory disappeared on August 28, 2016 after leaving her apartment at 222 Prospect, East Bank Demerara, to pay her electricity bill. Shortly after her disappearance, the police issued wanted bulletins for Patrick Bannister and his wife, Ritesha Rahaman. Savory and Rahaman were said to be best friends. Just after the wanted bulletins were issued, investigators went to the couple’s home at Belle West and dug up the concrete floor of the one-bedroom shack after they were informed that Savory might have been buried there, however, nothing was found. Shawnette Savory was last seen alive by her relatives on August 28, 2016.

The National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) as part of its social responsibility, on Thursday donated five different varieties of sweet potato slips to the Guyana Prison Service (GPS). The slips will be used to cultivate one acre of farmland at the Mazaruni Prison and another portion of land at Lusignan Prison. The slips were presented to Ms. Maple Blades, Chief Agricultural Officer of the GPS by NAREI’s Research Assistant, Aretha Peters at Field 17, Mon Repos, where the Institute plants sweet potato and other crops on trial and for multiplication purposes. According to Ms. Blades, the slips will be cultivated by inmates under the supervision of officers. T he inmates usually tend to the various farms operated by the GPS. This offers them practical knowledge of farming. They are also exposed to theoretical lessons. Ms. Blades expressed gratitude to NAREI for the donation. “We did not consider approaching any other entity for assistance. We have developed a relationship with NAREI over a

Ms. Aretha Peters, NAREI’s Research Assistant hands over sweet potato slips to Ms. Maple Blades, Agriculture Officer of Guyana Prison Service. number of years…We knew that NAREI was the place to get quality sweet potato slips,” she added.Peters said that the varieties of sweet potato slips donated are Pro-

fessor, Strongman, Vanilla, Coggle and Beauregard. “Once soil conditions are right, an acre is likely to produce 9 tons of sweet potatoes,” she assured.


Kaieteur News

Friday April 27, 2018

Locals vying for ExxonMobil contracts should get same tax free privilege given to foreigners - GCCI President By Abena Rockcliffe-Campbell


he local business community feels marginalized by the tax free privilege that government has extended to foreign companies hired by ExxonMobil. Several businessmen who spoke to this newspaper said that they feel as if they cannot compete with the foreign companies that may want to supply goods to ExxonMobil simply because “they have almost unlimited tax incentives and we do not. How can our government allow this?” The men spoke on condition of anonymity after reading a previous Kaieteur News article which highlighted the tax free ride extended to foreign sub-contractors. This newspaper contacted the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI)’s President Deodat Indar for his comments on the plight of local businesses. Indar was quick to point out that ExxonMobil is a member of the Chamber. He has a responsibility to act in the interest of all members. Nevertheless, Indar said that the conditions created in the contract that give an up-

per hand to foreign companies contracted by ExxonMobil is unfair and does not nurture a healthy business environment. “As a private sector representative, we would advocate for a level playing field which I believe is important for any healthy business environment. There should be clarity of the investment climate in which we are going to operate in because it is not just ExxonMobil alone; there are others coming and want to come, but they want to ensure that the investment climate is clarified.” “They need transparency about what they can get when they come to Guyana. When it comes to local businesses, we just want to make sure that we are competitive enough and there is nothing in law or contract that will put Guyanese businesses at a disadvantage,” said Indar. Indar noted that when foreign subcontracts have endless tax incentives, they have no need to give smaller contracts to local businesses, “because they can bring in all these things themselves.” Indar said that the Chamber understands the sanctity of contracts. “So if they do

GCCI President, Deodat Indar not want to change what is there in the contract, the government will have to make all those items zero rated. In that way, the tax break is on the item.” Indar continued, “It works out cheaper for a foreign company to import a pipe than if a local company does, because the local company has to pay all the taxes. We have to be taken out from this position of disadvantage.” PROVISIONS IN THE CONTRACT The Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) that Guyana signed with ExxonMobil in 2016 secures a tax free ride for all foreign

companies employed by E x x o n M o b i l . This fact was highlighted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in a 2017 report it handed to the government titled, “A Reform Agenda for Petroleum Taxation and Revenue Management.” IMF noted that the PSA that ExxonMobil has with Guyana provides for “broad tax exemptions for subcontractors.” Some of these foreign subcontractors operating in Guyana are Bristow Group Inc., Nobel Oil Group, and SBM Offshore. IMF noted that Article 15:10 states that withholding tax on payments made by the contractor to sub-contractors or affiliated companies do not apply during the exploration period. Moreover, the IMF noted that Article 21 says that subcontractors engaged in petroleum operations are exempt from Value Added Tax (VAT) and import duties on imports of equipment and supplies required for petroleum operations. The only tax that foreign sub contractors employed by ExxonMobil will have to pay is excise tax. The companies only have to pay that tax on fuel imports at a rate of 10 percent. However, locals have to pay 50 percent excise tax on fuel (https:// www.export.gov/ article?id=Guyana-ImportT a r i f f s ) . IMF said that Guyana foregoes revenue with such “generous” provisions.

The Fund said, “In addition to the forgone revenue, (the exemptions) introduces administrative complexities and risks of tax evasion. Finally, interest and dividend payments from affiliated companies’ or non-resident subcontractors’ branch in Guyana to its foreign or head office or to affiliated companies are exempt from withholding taxes.” UNCOMMON PROVISION The generous provision highlighted in the ExxonMobil-Guyana contract as regards foreign subcontracts is not very common around the world. In the few instances that these provisions were found, they came with conditions. Article 17 of the Production Sharing Agreement between Liberia and ExxonMobil states that, “The Contractor and subcontractors are only exempt from payment of import, export, or re-export fees for goods under the Revenue Code.” The exemption however, is only granted on the condition that the quantity and quality cannot be found by the contractor in the host country. In this regard, Article 26 of the PSA, which speaks to imports and exports says, “the Contractor, its agents, contractors and subcontractors undertake not to proceed with the imports mentioned in Article 26.1(a) insofar as such items are available in Liberia under equivalent conditions of quantity, quality, price, delivery and terms of payment,

unless specific requirements or technical emergencies are presented by the Contractor.” PSA WITH GHANA Section 12.3 of Ghana’s PSA with ExxonMobil says, “Contractor and its Subcontractors shall not be obliged to withhold any amount of tax from any sum due in respect of work and services or the supply or use of goods for or in connection with this Agreement, except for a five percent (5%) withholding tax.” PSA WITH QATAR Section 22.7 ExxonMobil’s contract with QATAR states, “The Contractor, sub-contractors and Affiliates of the contractor shall be exempted from any royalties, excise, or similar charge payable to the government or its Affiliates with respect to Petroleum Operations or Petroleum marketing, or capital or property utilized in Petroleum Operations.” It notes however that the aforementioned exemption shall extend to the subcontractors of the contractor on two conditions. It states these to be, “(i) They must be contracts signed up to the first anniversary of the Production Commencement Date; and (ii) provided that the particular Petroleum Operation undertaken for or on behalf of the contractor involves total expenditure of a capital nature in a tax year equal to or greater than US$10 million, after the first anniversary of the Production Commencement Date.”

Kaieteur News

Friday April 27, 2018

Prisoner found hanging after convicted of simple larceny A 53-year-old man was found hanging in the lockups of the Mahdia Police Station around 15:00 hrs on Wednesday, hours after he was convicted of simple larceny. Sameer Khan, of 111 Miles, Mahdia, allegedly used his belt to commit the act. Two other prisoners were in the cell, but they were reportedly asleep when the incident occurred. Police said that Khan was charged with stealing a quantity of bottles. He appeared in

the Mahdia Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday. After pleading guilty, he was fined $50,000 with an alternative of 18 months’ imprisonment.He was then placed in the Mahdia Police Station lockups with two other prisoners. Around 15:00 hrs, ranks at the station reportedly heard strange sounds coming from the lockups. Upon checking, they found Khan dangling from his makeshift noose.

APOLOGY Kaieteur News wishes to apologize for the error in the Wednesday edition of the publication under the headline, “Local Govt. Commission orders removal of Rose Hall Town Clerk…” The article stated that Natasha Munroe was the Town Clerk at the centre of the controversy. However, Ms.

Munroe is no longer employed by the Council. She has been off the job since last year. The article should have stated that Edward Choy was appointed Town Clerk by the Mayor of Rose Hall Town Council. He was appointed last month. The newspaper regrets any inconvenience caused.



SERVICES PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION, W E D D I N G S , ANNIVERSARY, ETC. CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 Visa Application: U.S.A, Canada & UK;Guyanapassport application. G r a p h i c s design, advertisement. Tel: 626-7040; 265-4535. ICONIC MARKETING & PRINTING –TEL: 6004212: We create A/works, logos, busi ness cards, posters, etc, placements of ads included. Installations, Repairs and parts for AC, Fridge, Washing machine, Stove etc call Nick 627-3206, 630-1600 Budram’s Landscaping Services. Free advice, Free designs, Free after care follow up Tel#626-1044 Need help with research, editing, univeristy papers, resume? Call: 663-4654 Triple “K” Pawn shop located @ 301 Church Street, South C/burg G/town. Visit us for the best rates. Tel#223-9641 Repairs at affordable prices: fridge, air conditioner, washing machines, dryers, TV, microwaves & freezerCall: 610-5846 or 661-8158

FOR SALE LARGE QUANTITIES OF HIGH PURITY MERCURY (QUICK SILVER) 99.99995% PURITY$19,000 PER POUND CALL: 592-227-4754. Cottage house, 2 bedroom, living room, kitchen, dining room located @ Fourth St Pearl, EBD Tel# 219-5462, 625-3981 Unregistered DAF trucks: Dump trucks, Flatbed, Flatbed with crane & hauler, Foden 6x4 Dump truck. Call: 659-3100 New triangle truck tyres, front & all-wheel drive, size 295/ 80R22.5 Call: 647-2022 Organic potting soil $700 Supari palm, Foxtail, Sugarcane palm @ $1000 Ashoka trees, Crotoons. Tel#626-1044 (1) 38' Fishing boat with 48 HP Yamaha Outboard motor 3 months old outfit. Tel#6190611/604-0120 Good Hope, ECD- 4 bedroom 2 storey- $18M. Contact: 2251230/687-6647 South Riumveldt Park- 3 bedroom 2 storey- $30M Contact: 225-1230/687-6647. No agents please. Antiques, single beds, centre tables, divider, 3 pc suite, plants etc. Tel# 662-9832





Buying Wamara,Tonka Bean,Mora Fresh logs. Contact Tel or Whatsapp #664-5150 Wanted experience hire car driver at Ramada Princess hotel, Providence. Contact: 616-5419/265-7076

SECURITY GUARDS with personal firearm. Call: 2664427

One experience cook for a residence. Call Tel#677-8236 between 9am - 4pm

Security Guard for residential construction. Call: 695-7815/ 600-4707/mail to Lot 46 Windsor Estates, Peter’s Hall, EBD Guyana.

(1) 2 bedroom apt for rent @ Peter’s Hall. Contact: 2239677/698-5800 1 bedroom apartment, Kitchen, Bathroom, living room, newly decorated, no children under 10, for 1-2 persons #218-1552 2 bedroom apartment, living room, bathroom, huge kitchen diner, newly decorated, No children under 10 #218-1552 Space to rent, display rack, computers and office furniture for sale. Contact: 624-6783/664-1070 1 three bedroom apartment and a single room to rent, Lot 1 Yarrowdam. Contact Miss Bacchus: 227-1317 Lamaha Gardens, unfurnished 3 bedroom US$1200. Contact:641-0819 Fully furnished 2 & 1 bedroom apartment Diamond/ Providence for rent. Whatsapp only +12468339739 or after 5 pm #660-7716 Apartment to rent at 138 Garnett Street, Kitty. Tel#2262421 Prime Office on Camp Street, next to Shell gas station #6447724/639-4499/622-9560.

PROPERTY FOR SALE Lot 15 Public road #2 Village. West Coast Berbice. 49ft by 10,314ft. $18M. Contact:6487109/686-4818

EDUCATION Jos-el Educational Institute Solicits: Day care, Nursery, Primary G1/G5 Business teachers. Call: 226-7794/6780652

Diamond EBD 2 storey concrete, 6 bedrooms, hot/ cold, secured parking, ready to move in. Price negotiable. Call: 693-4890/692-5014 Property for sale (1) 3 story building at 97 Sugarcane street S/Rvldt Gardens. Price US 1.5M neg. Tel: 695-1356 & 687-8445 Two Family house located at 8th street, Tuschen, East Bank E s s e q u i b o . Price:$13,000,000(Thirteen Million) Call: 675-1430

SALON Make-up Courses with Mac, Bare Minerals, etc. - Cosmetology Courses: $90,000 Nail Technician Course: $35,000. Call: 647-1773/688-0009 FOR SALE/RENT American Pool Tel#277-0578

Friday April 27, 2018

Kaieteur News


Drivers, dispatcher, contract cars #231-0002/231-0316 Live-in Domestic, must know to cook Indian dishes 25-40 years. Salary $20,000 weekly. #610-3974 Hire car owners to work at GR taxi (lots of work available). Contact Ganesh: 614-6202 Live in waitress to work in bar. Call: 604-6606/ 692-4649 Wanted skilled carpenters & masons. Tel#660-6385/6029469 Urgently needed one land in Eccles, Herstelling, Farm and Parfaite Harmonie. Tel#6561345 Live in or live out babysitter/ domestic- Call: 223-7500 Monday to Saturday 8:15am4:15pm 1 maid to cook and clean 2 days per week #614-4358 1 cook wanted #226-0554/6238654 Dishwasher. Apply @ Shanta’s 225 Camp St. Legal Secretary/Typist must have CXC English and be Computer Literate. Tel#6009030 Experience nail technician @ 39 Greenwich Park Public road EBE #661-0019 LAND FOR SALE

VEHICLE FOR SALE (1) 2006 Toyota Premio, Excellent condition, very low mileage. Call: 698-1134 Nissan Laurel Classic Car and Nissan Pathfinder JeepSuperb condition, Great deals. Call : 660-3415/225-8427 Bluebird in excellent condition $1.7M #646-8748 (1) 2006 Toyota Tacoma. 4x4 fully accessorized with tray covering, (1) crashed AT192. Contact: 653-4560/ 615-7526


Unregistered Mazda Axela 2011, New shape, dark interior, fully loaded. #617-5536 $2.4 Mil.

GR TAXI SERVICE. CALL: 219-5000; 227-1982 & 2257878 (24HRS)

Fielder Wagon, Yellow, HB series, working, $500,000. Tel#622-6527

18,731 acres mining land Gold & Diamond Mazaruni $5,000,000 USD Contact: 6951356, 687-8445 Herstelling $2.5M Schnoord $3M Farm (East Bank) $3.5M & 8M Parafaite Harmonie (upfront and graded) $1.8M Tel#656-1345 Eccles New Scheme (over 100ftx50ft) Concrete fence and bridge, Prime land $6M Uitvlugt $3M Tel#611-7223 Parfaite main road $1.5M $2.3M $1.3M $1.7M Eccles $6M Providence $3.5M Tuschen House $5.5M $3.5M. Call: 666-2326 Diamond $4.5M (50x100) Uivlugt $2.6M Schnoord $2.6M Zeelugt $1.4M Stuartville Public road $10M $20M Tuschen $5M Call:6662326

Post mortem reveals that labourer died of blunt trauma

Desk staff, Room attendant, temporary washer, ages 25-45 years old. 233 South road #225-0198

Male & Female porters, Apply in person: Weiting & Richter, Water street, Georgetown. Articulated dump truck & excavator operators,cook & cleaner for interior location. Call: 618-2020 Experienced male sales attendant, stocktaking knowledge, computer literate, excellent service attitude, able bodied. Key Food McDoom Village. (1) Manager to work on a farm in Pomeroon. Accomodation provided, Agricultural background is an asset. Contact: 500-5923 Experienced Handyman/ Porter ablebody all-rounder, apply with written application/ recommendation @ Keyfood McDoom Village.(Age 20-30)

The now deceased, Sunil Mangra Sunil Mangra, a 23-yearold labourer was found floating Saturday with no marks of violence or strangulation. He resided at 176 Leonora, West Coast Demerara and had gone to hang with a few friends when he went missing. He wasn’t seen again until on Monday morning, around 06:30 hours, when his body was spotted floating in the canal. An examination was conducted on Wednesday to determine his cause of death and results showed that he died from blunt trauma to the head. This was according to Police Commander, Richi Das. Investigations are still ongoing to determine the case of homicide.

Office clerk Senior/Junior CXC English/Mathematics, Computer knowledge an asset, Call: 223-7500 If you need a job or training, we can help www.jobfairworldwide.com Call: 233-6997, 622-1957 Cook or chef to work at Xenon Hotel in Charity, Essequibo. Kindly contact: 223-5273/74 Surveyor must know to use a GPS. Contact: 223-5273/74 TO LET Furnished House in AA Eccles. Tel# 629-0636/6237731 Apartment Friendship, EBD $60,000 monthly 2 bedrooms, bathtub, parking, recently renovated, light & water included. Tel# 227-5194/6245194


Lot 2 Sarah Johanna East of Public road & Lot 38 2nd Coglan Dam #673-9231/2164063


Prime land to build that dream home. Not far from Princess, New Thriving, Massy, HJ water world $13M neg- Call: 669-8397



Friday April 27, 2018


Kaieteur News

35 secondary Maths teachers undergo training, staff development tinuous basis. The Ministry and the World Bank have agreed to support a Secondary Education Improvement Project (SEIP), with a strong focus on improving instruction and

Some of the participating teachers at the workshop Thirty-five secondary school Mathematics teachers drawn from the 11 educational districts are currently undergoing training in content, methodology and delivery of the mathematics programme. The 10-day workshop, which commenced on Monday at the National Centre for Resource Development (NCERD), is a collaborative effort between the Ministry of Education (MoE) and the World Bank. The 35 teachers dubbed ‘Master Trainers’ are expected to go back to their respective regions and train the remaining Maths teachers there, ultimately ensuring all Maths teachers countrywide, from grades seven to 11, are exposed to the same training. The workshop is being conducted by consultant Dr. Yee Han Peter Joong and consists of 10 modules developed by the consultant himself and addresses areas such as geometry, matrices and vectors, senior mathematics topics among other topics to come under the spotlight at the training exercise. The training was birthed after a recent diagnostic assessment of a sample of Mathematics teachers (approximately 200) was conducted. The rationale is to identify the most common topical knowledge gaps (for example algebra, geometry, trigonometry) and to inform current instructional practices that need upgrading. This assessment was conducted by a five-member team led by Mr. Ameer Ali, Senior Education Officer (Mathematics) within the Ministry; Kevaun Sears- Mathematics Head of Department [HoD], Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE); Ms. Leslin ElliotMathematics Specialist NCERD; Saddam Hussain, Mathematics HoD Stewartville Secondary school and Vishnu Panday Mathematics Specialist, with the Ministry. Following the training, Mathematics instructional specialists will conduct periodic school visits and formal observations of teachers, teaching Mathematics. Each school will be visited no less

Consultant Dr. Yee Han Peter Joong engaging the participants yesterday.

than three times per academic year, for a period of four years. Visits will include classroom observations of all Mathematics teachers, followed by verbal feedback, coaching for teachers and the Heads of the Mathematics Department. Additionally, all secondary schools countrywide will receive kits containing Mathematics teaching aids, to enable and promote the application of desired instructional practices in specific content areas. Added to that, Mathematics teachers are expected to join and participate in an online “community of practice” to complement these central, regional and schoolbased teacher professional development workshops. This community of practice will be facilitated weekly by the Mathematics technical group, which is composed of Mathematics specialists from the Ministry’s Secondary Secretariat, CPCE, NCERD, and

the University of Guyana, (each of which rotate responsibilities for sending out Mathematics instructional tips, answering teachers’ questions, posting new online Mathematics resources, etc.). Using the computer laboratories and internet connections available at secondary schools, teachers will receive weekly tips, lesson plans, examples of effective teaching practices and stories of other Guyanese Mathematics teachers successfully applying the training. A discussion space will also be put in place for teachers to post their own questions, share their experiences and even their lesson plans, which will also be monitored by the Mathematics Technical Group. Over time, this online space will enable teachers to learn from each other virtually and pursue their professional development on a con-

student achievement in Mathematics. The project, which started in 2014 and is expected to be completed in 2019, has three components: Strengthening the capacity of secondary

school Mathematics Teachers Nationwide (US$1.8 M); expansion of general secondary school facilities (US$7.15 M) and strengthening institutional capacity and Project Management (US$1.05 M).


Kaieteur News

Friday April 27, 2018

Missing vendor was key witness in son’s murder PI By Malisa Playter- Harry Police are likely to pursue a bizarre theory today that just may help them unravel the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Crabwood Creek wholesale vendor, Saeed ‘Sayo’ Hamid. The 56-year-old wholesale and food vendor left his home at Lot 41 Queenstown, Corriverton, Berbice on April 18, last, without allegedly telling the youngest of his four children, where he was heading. He reportedly told his family that he would return before nightfall to prepare dinner. The relatives said that he never returned. Kaieteur News has since learnt that one of Hamid’s sons, 23-year-old Asif Hamid, is on remand for the murder of a cattle and rice farmer from Number 36 Village in July 2015. The farmer, Henry “Beminal” Lalman, 78, was strangled and buried in the son’s backyard. It is the same

- testified against him in court

Murder accused, Asif Hamid

Missing: Saeed Hamid

property where Saeed Hamid lives. The accused was one of his alleged victim’s customers, and operated a butcher shop and restaurant. During the preliminary inquiry at the Magistrate’s Court in Springlands before Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh, Saeed Hamid, the father of the accused, had given detailed evidence against his son.

A source told this publication that Mr. Hamid and his wife at the time, both gave evidence against their son, but the mother was somewhat reluctant to do so. It was during the Preliminary Inquiry that Mr. Hamid and his wife separated. The matter was reportedly committed to the High Court for trial and Mr. Hamid was expected to be a key witness.

The home where Saeed Hamid lived A sister of the missing man said that her nephew (Hamid’s youngest son) came to her bottom flat on April 19, and said that his father had not returned home. ” He tell me how he daddy gone and do business. I’m worried that so much days gone and he can’t return home back. If we find he, me go really feel happy for that,” the distraught woman said. She explained that only recently her brother secured a ten-year visa and would travel overseas to bring back items to sell.

When contacted, Divisional Commander Lyndon Alves, explained that he was unaware that the missing man was a witness against his son. He also said that police have no new leads on Hamid’s w h e r e a b o u t s . The vendor reportedly left home and told his youngest son that he will be back before night falls to prepare dinner as he usually would. ”He said daddy talked about going up Rosignol side (West Coast Berbice) the night prior and he will be back before night to prepare dinner that

my brother should have snacks before going to lessons,” the eldest son had said. “I got the call from my brother around 9:00 PM and I immediately called my dad but his phone was off.” Kaieteur News was also told that Hamid had mentioned to friends that he might be heading to Parika, West Coast Demerara to ply his trade. Anyone with information that may lead to Saeed Hamid being found can make urgent contact with the nearest police station or his son on cell number 612-6598.


Kaieteur News

Friday April 27, 2018

Govt. tables four Bills to strengthen Bank of Guyana powers


he government through Finance Minister, Winston Jordan laid four Bills in the National Assembly yesterday, all of which would strengthen the powers of Central Bank. These documents are The National Payment System Bill 2018, Bank of Guyana (Amendment) Bill 2018, Deposit Insurance Bill 2018, and the Financial Institutions (Amendment) Bill 2018. National Payment System Bill This Bill seeks to introduce legislation for the establishment, regulation and oversight of a National Payments System for Guyana and for matters connected therewith. It provides for the establishment of the National Payments System Council and it sets out the general powers

and duties of the National Payments System Council. It also lays out the operational role of the Bank in relation to the National Payments System Council. The Bill also paves the way for the licensing of payment service providers and systems operators. With this document, the Bank of Guyana is given the power to impose individual conditions for the operation of systems and the provision of services, ask for information, and agree with the individual operator or payments service provider on limitations in the activity or specific protective measures or impose sanctions and withdraw the relevant licence. Bank of Guyana (Amendment) Bill This Bill seeks to amend

Finance Minister, Winston Jordan the Bank of Guyana Act by explicitly giving it the power to provide temporary liquidity assistance to deposit taking financial institutions. The document outlines that this is

Paul Slowe among nominees for Police Service Commission Former Assistant Commissioner, Paul Slowe, who was denied promotion within the Guyana Police Force before he retired in 2010, has been nominated to sit on the Police Service Commission (PSC) which is empowered to undertake promotions and disciplinary proceedings in the Force. Slowe was nominated by the Parliamentary Select Committee of Appointments along with Clinton Andrew Conway, former Assistant Commissioner of Police; Vesta Geneva Adams, former Woman Assistant Commissioner of Police; and Claire Alexis Jarvis, former Woman Assistant Commissioner of Police. The names will now be presented to President David Granger for further consideration. The life of the former Commission, which was chaired by Omesh Satyanand, expired in August 2017. In its report to Parliament, the Select Committee chaired by Minister of Social Cohesion Dr. George Norton, pointed out that several organizations were consulted. The Committee established that the active groups that represent the police were the National Community Policing Executive, Guyana Police Association and Association of Former Members of the Guyana Police. According to the report, the committee expanded their nomination efforts to include the Guyana Association of Professional Social Workers since the Constitution states that the President appoints four members to the PSC. The committee wrote to the entities on March 8 inviting nominations. In re-

Paul Slowe sponse, only the Guyana Police Association and the Association of Former Members responded. Both nominated Slowe. “After exhausting the process of notification, the Committee agreed to proceed with the appointment of Members to the Commission,” the report stated. Slowe was appointed last July to head the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the alleged assassination plot against the President. By August 31, after public hearings, the report was submitted to the President. Several alarming recommendations were made in the report including the removal of Commission of Police, Seelall Persaud, who retired in April. The CoI report had recom-

mended that proceedings be initiated in accordance with Article 225 on the Constitution to have Seelall removed from office for misbehaviour. Persaud was accused of inserting himself into the police investigation of the assassination plot while he was on leave. The report found that the Top Cop should have recused himself from the matter. Persaud was accused of bypassing the chain of command when he instructed that Nizam Khan, who was a suspect in the alleged assassination plot, be sent on bail. The CoI report had also concluded that there was a public rift in the top brass of the Force between Persaud and now Acting Commissioner of Police David Ramnarine. The rift had reached the level of Cabinet and was pointed out in the CoI report. Aside from Persaud and Ramnarine, the report identified Assistant Commissioner Clifton Hicken and Senior Superintendent Wendell Blanhum as “the main protagonists,” who “lack the professionalism to lead the Force in this touted period of reform and transition.” The Commission had recommended that serious consideration must be given to having all the main protagonists reassigned, even if it means placement outside the Force. Blanhum was subsequently reassigned from Crime Chief to Deputy Commander of ‘A’ Division.

an integral measure which is employed in maintaining the stability of the system. Deposit Insurance Bill 2018 This Bill seeks to establish a Deposit Insurance Scheme and to lay out a regime governing its core elements - the Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Deposit Insurance Fund. Given that deposit insurance is one of the components of the financial sector safety net, alongside supervision, resolution, and emergency liquidity assistance, this Bill seeks to address the inherent instability of maturity trans-

formation in the banking sector. This is in relation to the financing of long-term assets through the issuance of demand or short-dated deposits, which makes banks vulnerable to depositor runs and to contagion from less sound institutions. The Bill notes that the advent of deposit insurance has proven to prevent major banking crises in the world over and plays a central role in maintaining financial stability. Financial Institutions (Amendment) Bill 2018 The Financial Institutions

(Amendment) Bill 2018 seeks to amend four sections of the Act while repealing another four sections. It notes that the inadequacies of the existing bank insolvency regime do not distinguish between corporate failures and banking failures, as both are subject to a form of commercial insolvency law and in a number of respects; the commercial insolvency law model is ill-suited to deal with the failure of banks. It states that the corporate insolvency model uses judicial instead of administrative proceedings with all the attendant delays.


Friday April 27, 2018

Kaieteur News

Nadal eases into... T20s between all... From page 35 the second seed in the third. Bulgarian Dimitrov came back to level at 5-5 but was under pressure in the 12th game, before holding on to force the tiebreak. He finally ended Jaziri’s resistance on his fourth match point when the Tunisian found the net to end a match lasting two hours 49 minutes. Dimitrov will meet Spaniard Pablo Carreno Busta, who beat Frenchman Adrian Mannarino 6-2 4-6 7-6 (8-6) in an another thrilling threesetter that had fans on the Rafael Nadal court watching the world number one turning their heads towards the action unfolding on the adjacent Court One. Carreno Busta is ranked

11th in the world to Mannarino’s 27th but after blitzing the first set he succumbed in the second and survived a match point to take a delicately-poised tiebreak. Klizan beat Spaniard Feliciano Lopez 6-1 6-4 to set up his meeting with Nadal while last year’s runner-up Dominic Thiem also made the last eight, beating Jozef Kovalik of Slovakia 76 6-2. Thiem will meet Greek Stefanos Tsitsipas, who knocked out Spaniard Albert Ramos Vinolas 6-4 7-5. Belgian David Goffin beat Russian Karen Khachanov 6-2 76(2) 6-0 to set up a clash with Spaniard Roberto Bautista Agut, who beat compatriot Pablo Andujar 6-4 6-1.

From page 38 domestically.”According to Allardice, the decision was taken following fieldwork carried out by a focus group from the ICC’s Chief Executives Committee (CEC). “Over the past two to three years the CEC group has been doing a lot of work on the structure of international cricket and being able to create pathways that are aligned with the formats. We are providing incentives for countries to focus on certain formats. At the moment the World T20, with the most available spots, is the format for an emerging country to aspire to.” The most significant practical application of the decision to award international T20 status across the board will be a global qualifying

event for the World T20, with members competing “at a global level with a sub-regional, regional and global qualification process every two years”. That effectively means all of the ICC’s members would have a guaranteed number of T20Is over twoyear cycles through the qualifying event.ICC chief executive David Richardson said: “We are particularly pleased with the unanimous agreement to award all T20 bilateral games international status and the move to create a global ranking system for T20Is. We are committed to growing the game and T20 is the vehicle through which we’ll do this, and removing restrictions and having all members ranked is a positive step forward.

WADA publishes... Friday April 27, 2018 ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19) Don't be surprised if you have a desire to redecorate. The celestial energies have put you in the mood to rearrange your house a bit. Take care to not go overboard, Aries.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) You're likely to feel optimistic and enthusiastic about life today, Libra. You might also feel especially sexy, a feeling you should definitely take advantage of!

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20) Be sure to answer all phone calls and open all letters and emails today, Taurus. You're likely to receive some interesting news.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Today is full of possibilities, Scorpio. You could fall in love at first sight, or at least meet someone who captures your interest! You should be feeling especially loving, passionate,

GEMINI (May 21–June 20) Just as a watched pot never boils, so, too, do anxiously awaited checks or letters refuse to arrive in the mail, Gemini. Beyond doublechecking that the person or company has your correct address CANCER(June21–July22) No doubt you're feeling attractive and passionate today, Cancer. Don't be surprised if a former lover gets in touch with you to try and rekindle the old flame. LEO (July 23–Aug. 22) As you get older, you're drawn more and more to spiritual matters, Leo. It isn't so much that you're embracing any particular religion, more that you're quite curious about the supernatural VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Don't hesitate to try something new today. If you've thought about joining a book club or taking a class You're likely to meet some interesting people and enter a new social world. You might be tentative at first, but you'll find the group warm & friendly

SAGIT(Nov.22–Dec.21) You're looking beautiful and feeling passionate, Sagittarius. If only your passions could be reciprocated! Even though there may not be anyone special in your life right now CAPRI(Dec.22–Jan.19) This could be a frustrating day in the romance department, Capricorn. Communication is blocked at all levels. You're anxious to speak with your loved one, but simply can't reach him or her. AQUARIUS(Jan.20–Feb.18) You have certainly felt better than you do today, Aquarius. We'll pause here while you go and fetch the aspirin. The stomachache and headache are simply the result of recent overindulgence. PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20) You could be feeling playful today. Your romantic partner will certainly appreciate your fun-loving mood. Why not plan a fun day together

From page 41 was published last year. We are continuing to see the impact of intelligencebased testing, an area of increasing focus for the Agency as we strengthen our investigations and intelligence-gathering capacity.”While in- and out-of-competition testing remains critical to detecting doping, recent events have shown that investigative work is becoming ever more important as we look to protect clean athletes’ rights worldwide.” The Report includes the decisions of all AAFs for which the samples were collected by Anti-Doping Organizations in 2016 as well as non-analytical ADRVs for decisions rendered in 2016. The front of the Report comprises an introduction and an executive summary highlighting the key data. The first and second sections present the Results Management outcomes (including ADRVs) of all AAFs detected by WADA-accredited Laboratories for samples collected in 2016 from athletes in- and out-of-competition. They are presented by sport, discipline (Section 1) and Testing Authority (Section 2).Section 3 includes ADRVs that resulted from non-analytical findings co m m i t t e d b y a t h l e tes (presented by sport and nationality) and by ASP (presented by nationality). Section 4 indicates the total number of ADRVs in 2016, which includes AAFs that resulted in an ADRV plus all non-analytical ADRVs.

Grand Coastal Hotel Annual Golf Tourney For Tomorrow... From page 39 a designated Pin. (The flagpole placed in the hole on the Green is called a Pin.) Once again, the public is invited to attend free of cost whilst enjoying the ambience of the improved Lusignan Golf Course. Tournaments usually last about 4 hours. Golf Tip: For those learning the game, here is a quick brief on Golf scoring and Handicaps. For amateur golfers, the Net score is the value used to evaluate winners – the lowest Net score is the 1st place winner. A handicap is the number of points the player gets as an advantage, and it is subtracted from the players Gross or total score to determine his or her Net score.

For example, consider two players of handicap 10 and 20. If they both score a Gross of 80 strokes, then the 10 handicap player is given a Net of 70 strokes, while the 20 handicap player is given a Net of 60 strokes. Consider two players one of handicap 5 and the other of handicap 25. If they both score a Gross of 100, then the 5 handicapper is given a Net of 95, while the 25 handicapper is given a Net of 75. Generally, the more skillful the player isthe lower is their handicap, so that the handicap system encourages less skillful players (higher handicappers) to still compete and have an opportunity to obtain a winning Net score.

Friday April 27, 2018


Kaieteur News

Each team afforded a “home ‘Show us the money’, Joshua crowd”, argues Elworthy promoter tells Wilder

The Oval in south London … traditional base of West Indies support. London, CMC – Cricket World Cup Managing Director, Steve Elworthy, says every effort was made to ensure the 10 participating teams were guaranteed “home crowds”, during next year’s showpiece. A day/night encounter between hosts England and South Africa at the Oval in London will raise the curtain on the 2019 World Cup, and will be the first of 45 preliminary round matches in the May 3o to July 14 tournament. Two-time winners West Indies will not play a single match in London, however, especially at the Oval in the south which has been the traditonal base of the Caribbean support over the years. ”There are some fantastic head to head fixtures – England versus Australia at Lord’s and India versus Pakistan at Old Trafford as well as England versus India at Edgbaston spring to mind,” Elsworthy said. ”As organisers we can promise the teams and fans we will work hard to provide the perfect stage for this event. “Because of the UK’s diverse population, every competing team will also be guaranteed a ‘home crowd’ every time they play at some of the most iconic cricket grounds in the world.”

The Windies, who will enter the tournament as rank underdogs, will play two matches in Nottingham, Southampton and Manchester, and a match each at Taunton, Chester-le-Street and Leeds. The Oval, however, holds precious memories for West Indies, and was also the scene of their last one-day title success when they beat the hosts to win the 2004 Champions Trophy. Significantly, the Windies have not played a Test at the venue in 14 years. With the tournament resorting to the format of each team playing one another in the preliminaries and the top four progressing to the semi-finals, ICC chief executive David Richardson said high quality competition was anticipated. ”Next summer fans around the world will be treated to compelling and competitive cricket as the best teams in the world go head to head in this round robin format for the right to be crowned World champions,” he said. ”This schedule also gives fans across England and Wales the opportunity to watch world class cricket on their doorstep with all teams moving around the country. “We know from previous ICC events that every country will be proudly supported at each of the venues creating an exceptional atmosphere and a real celebration of the game.”

Bulgarian Weightlifting chiefs in plea to former medallists over doping fine The Bulgarian Weightlifting Federation (BWF) has issued a plea to former medallists to help pay a $250,000 (£179,652) fine for excessive doping. Eleven Bulgarian weightlifters failed drug tests in 2015, leading to the team being banned from the 2016 Olympics. The Bulgarian government has refused to help, saying “there is no legal basis for paying the fine” issued by the International Weightlifting Federation. The governing body could lose its licence if it fails to pay by 18 June.

BWF president Nedelcho Kolev said he had asked for a deadline extension but the request was dismissed. The cash-strapped BWF has now asked the country’s former European, world and Olympic champions and medallists to contribute towards the fine, as well as “their coaches and club managers, their families and friends”. It also extended its plea to “all citizens of the country” in what it described as a “critical moment”. Bulgaria has won 37 Olympic medals in weightlifting, including 12 golds. Bulgarian weightlifters

have also won 224 medals, including 79 golds, at world championships, as well as 167 European titles. The 11 athletes involved in the in 2015 scandal tested positive for the anabolic steroid stanozolol during training. Eleven Bulgarian weightlifters also failed doping tests prior to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, leading to the team’s withdrawal, while the team was stripped of three gold medals and sent home in shame after positive tests at the 2000 Sydney Games.(BBCsport)

Reuters - Anthony Joshua is unconvinced American Deontay Wilder’s team have the $50 million that they are offering for a title unification bout, the British boxer’s promoter Eddie Hearn has said. America’s WBC heavyweight world champion Wilder challenged WBA Super, IBF, IBO and WBO champion Joshua to the fight with both boxers guaranteed a 5050 money split. Hearn, however, said his team needs to be convinced the money exists. ”It’s not a case of we sign the contract and they go and raise the money. If you’ve got it - show us it and then we can talk,” Hearn, who is in New York for a Matchroom Boxing USA card and will meet Wilder’s representatives today, said. Wilder’s promoter Shelly Finkel had earlier given Joshua until midnight on Thursday to respond to the offer. “I spoke to AJ, he knows the situation but we want to know if it’s real,” Hearn added. “We want to see the money and know where it is. There is a real strong chance this fight could happen - we’re not looking to be difficult.” However, Finkel said the money was in place. “If he accepts it, it will be there. Al Haymon and I have never not delivered what we’ve offered,” he said. Joshua last

Deontay Wilder. Edward Diller/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images

Anthony Joshua. Richard Heathcote/Getty Images month moved a step closer to becoming the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world after beating New Zealand’s Joseph Parker in

their title unification bout to improve his record to 21-0. The 2012 Olympic champion added Parker’s WBO belt to his own collection.

Nadal eases into Barcelona quarters, Dimitrov edges Jaziri Barcelona (Reuters) World number one Rafael Nadal eased into the Barcelona Open quarter-finals after dispatching compatriot Guillermo Garcia-Lopez 61 6-3 and winning a recordextending 40th consecutive set on clay. The top seed, who has won the tournament 10 times, will meet Slovak Martin Klizan, who had dumped Novak Djokovic out in the second round, on Friday after powering past GarciaLopez in a quick-fire first set. He raced into a 4-1 lead in the second but was slowed down when he surrendered his serve, although he soon broke back to finish off his opponent. ”When I was 4-1 a set up I lost a little intensity but in general I played well,” Nadal told a news conference. “I felt good from the start, playing with more intensity than yesterday and playing with more

Spain’s Rafael Nadal@reutersmedia.net ease and comfort in every sense.” Second seed Grigor Dimitrov survived an almighty scare against outsider Malek Jaziri to edge into the last eight, beating the Tunisian 75 3-6 7-6(8) following a nailbiting tiebreak. Jaziri, ranked 88th in the

world, hit back after surrendering the first set to comfortably take the second and he looked poised to cause the latest high-profile exit in Barcelona after Djokovic’s defeat and Kei Nishikori’s withdrawal through injury when he went 4-2 up against (Continued on page 34)


Friday April 27, 2018

Kaieteur News

Antoine Griezmann rescues a draw for the visitors after Alexandre Lacazette’s opener Diego Simeone doesn’t look like a man who does fairytale endings. Neither does his burly assistant, German Burgos. And the team he has fashioned in Madrid is very much stripped of frivolity and cheer, too. Arsene Wenger really could not have picked worse opponents for his final tilt at a trophy with Arsenal. A man down after nine minutes, a manager down after 13, and a goal down after 60, Atletico Madrid still refused to surrender. Their equaliser with eight minutes of the game remaining leaves Arsenal with a mountainous road to the final in Lyon. They have to score in the return, they have to keep a clean sheet: and one seems considerably more likely than the other. If Arsenal possessed half of Atletico Madrid’s defensive resilience this would have been a different occasion. Even before the equaliser there was always the fear Arsenal might not be able to defend such a slender lead in seven days time – but Antoine Griezmann’s goal acted as unofficial confirmation. Madrid had barely been able to get out of their half for much of the game. Yet when they did, they scored. What a soft, soft goal it was, too. Alexandre Lacazette lost possession and a long ball from Jose Maria Gimenez was pumped up for Griezmann to chase. It was the first real defensive work for Laurent Koscielny all half, and he messed up. He allowed Griezmann to get away slightly, then kicked

a panicked clearance into his own face. David Ospina saved but the ball went loose. Shkodran Mustafi, covering, slipped over, Griezmann scored. It was a brilliant outcome for Atletico; desperate for Arsenal. Frankly, there will never have been a better chance to put Atletico Madrid away. Down to ten men within ten minutes when full-back Sime Vrsaljko was sent-off, Simeone banished to the stand after 12, Diego Costa on the bench, not fit enough to be involved – Arsenal could not have asked for better circumstances than this. It was as if football’s celestial writing room had got together to cast the perfect end narrative for a favourite character. Like Meghan Markle’s wedding in Suits, Wenger was going to ride off into the sunset with a European trophy at last. It was all going in his favour. And, yes, Arsenal ran with that storyline for a while – but not as eagerly as they should. They scored through a Lacazette header after 60 minutes, but the away goal looks to have killed them. Arsenal’s journey to the Champions League final under Wenger in 2006 was built on defensive resilience and fine margins, but this is a different group. If the pesky Costa is back, in front of a raucous home crowd, knowing even a goalless draw will do, it is hard to imagine Arsenal will hold. And yes, Madrid were favourites here – but with ten men for 81 minutes, and a charismatic manager in exile high in the stands? This was

a huge opportunity lost for Arsenal. Had Danny Welbeck got the merest touch on a Lacazette pass across the face of goal after 67 minutes, or Aaron Ramsey scored with a late header, this could have been close to perfect. Instead Lacazatte’s header from a Jack Wilshire cross after 60 minutes will have to do. It was a well taken goal, with a fine hang time, impressive even by NBA standards, but it doesn’t seem enough. Grim thoughts have replaced fairytale fantasies. There is a peculiar form of frustration in struggling to break down ten men and the tension was only too evident here once the initial happy surprise had subsided. It wasn’t just the dismissals, but their timing that came as a shock. Vrsaljko was booked after two minutes, gone after nine minutes, and Simeone went in 13. For the rest of the game, Madrid protested that first offences were not dealt with as harshly again by referee Clement Turpin. They had a point. If Vrsaljko’s initial booking for a foul on Jack Wilshere looked justified, his second for a challenge on Lacazette seemed more unfortunate, catching his opponent through bad timing rather than malevolence. It didn’t seem like two bookings: maybe one and a half. Simeone on the touchline was furious, waving his arms as if demanding a recount. From there, he was an accident waiting to happen. When he considered Hector

After his first shot was saved by David Ospina, Griezmann fired beyond a sliding Shkodran Mustafi and into the net. Bellerin had been treated leniently for a foul, his anger took him onto the pitch. Turpin arrived and sent him to the stands. He stood at the back of the directors box in front of two white doors, like an agitated security detail. One almost expected him to start checking accreditation at half time. Few in the queue would have fancied their chances of getting in. The effect though was to heighten the expectation among the home fans, and their irritation when Arsenal continued to tap dance around the fringes of the penalty area, lacking the clarity to put Atletico away. They had already gone close after seven minutes when a Welbeck cross was taken on the volley by Lacazette, smashed into the

turf, rearing up to clip the outside of the near post. A minute later, a cross from Nacho Monreal was met by Lacazette again, his header thwarted by Jan Oblak, undoubtedly one of the finest goalkeepers in Europe. After 30 minutes, Arsenal had recorded over 70 per cent possession and the Atletico goal was under siege. Welbeck and Wilshere played a lovely one-two before Oblak saved at the feet of the striker. The pair combined again, when Welbeck delivered a neat cross which deserved better than Wilshere’s tame headed finish. Ramsey then had a cross flicked across goal by Lacazette, falling to Monreal whose first time shot travelled wide. All the while Madrid were using every

break in play, every Arsenal infringement, to surround Turpin demanding bookings and worse, each interruption an excuse to remove more time from the game. In the background, Simeone’s assistant Burgos, was a one-man protest movement, citing every decision he saw as inconsistent with the earlier flurry of cards. Burgos is a large man and this drew the attention of the locals whose abuse he chose to ignore, save for a look of contempt that would not have been out of place in a spaghetti western, on the face of a murderous outlaw chewing a cigar. With Simeone banned, he will be in position for the return, too. Arsenal, and Wenger, should not expect any sympathy, or favours. (MailOnline)

2018 Scotiabank CONCACAF U-13 Champions League Draw Results The 2018 Scotiabank CONCACAF Under-13 Champions League draw took place on Tuesday at Estadio Akron in Guadalajara, Mexico, as part of the celebration on the match-day-minus-one preparations for the Scotiabank CONCACAF Champions League final. Prior to the draw, which was conducted by CONCACAF Chief of

Football Manolo Zubiria, the Confederation and Scotiabank announced a partnership renewal through 2022 that covers all Concacaf properties including the Scotiabank CONCACAF Under-13 Champions League. This development tournament provides access for youth from different countries within the region to play in an international stage.

The sixteen participating clubs, from 10 CONCACAF Member Associations, were divided into four groups of four. Here are the results: The fourth edition of the 2018 Scotiabank Concacaf Under-13 Champions League is set to kick off on August 12 and will be played in Toluca, Mexico. Previous winners – 2015: Toluca (MEX), 2016: Santa Ana (SLV), 2017: Universidad Cantera Norte (MEX). The schedule of matches and kick off times will be announced in the coming weeks. Group A Juniors Tampico (Mexico) Montreal Impact (Canada) A.D. Liga Deportiva Alajuelense (Costa Rica) Santa Ana (El Salvador) Group C Cantera Yucatán (Mexico) LAFC (United States) CD Plaza Amador (Panama) Mount Pleasant Academy (Jamaica)

Group B CECAF San Luis (Mexico) Costa Rica 2 San Miguel (El Salvador) Real Esteli F.C. (Nicaragua) Group D Aguilas del Uagro (Mexico) Honduras 1 San Juan Jabloteh (Trinidad & Tobago) Toronto FC (Canada)

Friday April 27, 2018


Kaieteur News

Back-to-back World T20s to Shakib, Rashid star as Sunrisers defend another low total replace Champions Trophy

Pakistan, ranked No. 8 before the tournament, took the trophy home Getty Images Say goodbye to the Champions Trophy - again - and get ready for back-toback editions of the World T20. The future of one of the most popular ODI tournaments has been seemingly sealed with the ICC board moving to replace the 2021 Champions Trophy, scheduled to be held in India, with a World T20. That will be the second World T20 in two years, following the 2020 event in Australia. India will host 2021 World T20, as well as the 2023 World Cup. ”ICC Members have signed off a new Future Tours Programme (FTP) for 2019-2023 that incorporates the introduction of a World Test Championship and an additional ICC World T20 event in place of the Champions Trophy in 2021,” an ICC release said. “This provides opportunities for 16 teams to compete at a global level with a subregional, regional and global qualification process every two years, giving more regular cricket to more Members.” This will be the second time the World T20 has been held in consecutive years: in 2009 the event was held in England and then, less than a year later, in West Indies. It is the third time, since the 2009 Champions Trophy, that its death has been announced. The ICC’s management had proposed the switch, and had spoken to the BCCI about it in Auckland last October. At the time, BCCI officials said they

“needed to see the financial implications” of the decision. The idea was for the ICC’s chief executives’ committee (CEC) to then deliberate the pros and cons of such a move before a decision. But the CEC never got the o p p o r t u n i t y. ESPNcricinfo understands the ICC board took the decision at the next ICC meeting in Dubai on February 9, with the approval of Amitabh Choudhary, the BCCI’s treasurer. The minutes of that meeting, seen by ESPNcricinfo, include t h e I C C ’s i n t e n t i o n t o “convert” the 2021 Champions Trophy to a World Tw e n t y 2 0 with “45 matches”. This week in Kolkata, the decision was notified to the CEC. That February meeting and Choudhary’s approval is important because before this week’s meetings, Choudhary had spoken publicly of not being in favour of the move because it could cause a loss to the BCCI. It now remains to be seen how the BCCI’s members will react. According to Choudhary, the board’s general body had, in the past, given an “in principle” nod to the FTP that listed the Champions Trophy for 2021. “We don’t know what transpired on February 9 and this week, but it will definitely be brought to the general body which will take the final call,” he told ESPNcricinfo. There could be a couple of reasons behind the

switch. According to one ICC board director, concern over lower revenue payouts to Full Members necessitated the need. The financial revenue model agreed upon last June assures all 12 Full Members a portion of revenue from the projected USD 2.7 billion the ICC is estimated to make in the 2016-23 rights cycle. ”They said the market is weak,” the director said, referring to the belief that a World T20, with more matches, would raise more revenue than a Champions Trophy. “And this could be the reason they are converting to World T20.” Another official familiar with the negotiations said the ICC board agreed because the World T20 will be a more inclusive tournament with 16 teams, as opposed to just eight in a Champions Trophy. According to that official, although the Champions Trophy had settled upon a successful, short format, it was about “providing more opportunities in the format we are trying to use to expand the game. That was the driver.” The official said the ICC board will discuss “altering” the existing arrangement with Star India, who holds rights to all ICC events in the cycle, including a Champions Trophy in 2021. Star are believed to be receptive to the idea, though the official said they had still to “cross the t’s and dot the i’s” on it. (ESPNcricinfo)

No Billy Stanlake and Bhuvneshwar Kumar? No problem, again. Two nights after pulling off the second-lowest successful defence in the IPL, Sunrisers Hyderabad defended 132 to snap Kings XI Punjab’s four-match winning streak. That they could pull off another coup seemed improbable when Ankit Rajpoot’s 5 for 14 - the best figures in IPL 2018 and the sixth best overall - pinned Sunrisers down to 132 for 6. It seemed as improbable when KL Rahul and Chris Gayle, the most prolific opening pair this season, raised their fourth fiftyplus stand in as many innings opening together. Enter Rashid Khan, the No.1 T20 bowler right now, and the experienced Shakib Al Hasan. They ran rings around Kings XI’s line-up and threatened both edges. Sandeep Sharma did his bit with knuckle balls. And, just like that, there was a slip breathing down the batsman’s neck. Just like that, Kings XI’s chase unravelled: from 55 for 0 they imploded to 101 for 9. Mujeeb Ur Rahman then hacked and reverse-swept his way to 10 off five balls - his first runs in T20 cricket - and reduced the equation to 15 off the last over. The first ball of that from Basil Thampi was a sharp inswinging yorker, which thudded into the pads of Mujeeb, who sneaked in a leg bye. Thampi then nailed the base of Rajpoot’s middle stump to cap Sunrisers’ comeback and move them to second on the points table. Bouncing ‘em out: The ball was bursting off a length and zipping through to the keeper in Hyderabad. The conditions here might have reminded Rajpoot of his stint in South Africa earlier this year as a net bowler. He bounced out Kane Williamson and Shikhar Dhawan in the Powerplay before returning in the last over of the innings to floor Manish Pandey’s middle stump with an inch-perfect yorker from wide of the crease. Rajpoot had shown signs of his hit-the-deck bustle against Delhi Daredevils on Monday, when he claimed 4-0-23-2 in an uninterrupted four-over spell with the new ball. But this pitch had more grass and offered more bounce. Rajpoot exploited it in his

Rashid Khan Arman first over and had Williamson splicing a catch to mid-off for a duck. This was the reason why he was picked ahead of the more experienced Mohit Sharma. Barinder Sran, at the other end, also found extra bounce but lacked enough discipline. He had Shakib top-edging a cut to third man, but replays indicated that Sran’s front foot had strayed. At that point, Shakib was on 0. Sran came close to a wicket on another occasion, when he had Pandey skewing one over mid-off. R Ashwin ran back but he could not cling on. Squeezing ‘em out: Pandey had two more lives, but he could not break out of the funk. Ashwin and Mujeeb did not make his life easier with their bag of tricks. They kept batsmen guessing with offbreaks, legbreaks, googlies, carom balls, and front-of-thehand sliders. Andrew Tye’s knuckle balls ensured there was no escape against him either. The three bowlers had combined figures of 12-0-79-1. The 52-run partnership between Shakib Al Hasan and Pandey, which came at just 5.88 runs an o v e r, w a s t h e s l o w e s t stand of 50 or more this season. Pandey’s fifty, off 48 balls, was the slowest this season, but it hauled Sunrisers past 130 and gave their bowlers a sniff. Sunrisers’ attack bosses it, again: A sniff was all that they needed. Rahul and Gayle had just seen off Sandeep’s opening spell and shaved 53 runs off the target in seven overs. Rashid, though, provided

the breakthrough in his first over, with a perfectly pitched legbreak, which turned just enough to beat the outside edge and clatter into off stump. Rahul did not read it: he was playing inside the line, searching for a googly. In t h e n e x t o v e r, T h a m p i rushed Gayle for pace and pouched a return catch. Two set batsmen gone in four balls. Karun Nair and Mayank Agarwal nervously knocked the ball into the gaps to leave Kings XI needing 56 off 48 balls. Then, instead of continuing to find the gaps, Agarwal hared down the track to Shakib, but did not meet the pitch of the ball and holed out to wide long-on. That set in motion a terminal collapse. Mujeeb gave Sunrisers a late scare but the spinners and Sandeep had done enough to help them survive it. Rashid and Shakib combined for figures of 7-0-37-5. Then there was the reserve quick Thampi providing the finishing touches and highlighting the depth in the attack. He had been named the emerging player of the year last season, but could not break into the team in 2018 until Stanlake and Bhuvneshwar sustained injuries. That’s how good this attack is. Sunrisers Hyderabad 132 for 6 (Pandey 54, Shakib 28, Rajpoot 5-14) beat Kings XI Punjab 119 (Rahul 32, Rashid 3-19, Shakib 2-18) by 13 runs. (ESPNcricinfo)


Friday April 27, 2018

Kaieteur News

YBG/NSBF Regionals

CFU Women’s Challenge Series

Girls’ division tip off with wins Guyana face Suriname today for Marian, Tutorial and PC following 0-0 draw with Grenada Play in the female segment of the Youth Basketball Guyana’s (YBG) National School Basketball Festival (NSBF) Regonals bounced off with the girl’s Under-19 division yesterday afternoon at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall (CASH), Homestretch Avenue, with three games. President’s College, the defending champions defeated Marian Academy 14-8 in the feature game with Lydia Roberts netting eight points for the winners while Jada Mohan had six points for the losers. In the opening game, St. Rose’s High School defeated School of the Nation’s 33-1 in a very lopsided encounter. Ashley Khan led the way for Rose’s with a game-high 12 points. In the second game of afternoon, Tutorial High School defeated tournament debutants Bladen Hall Multilateral 9-2, Benique Ross top scored with 5 points. The tournament which is being sponsored by Edward B. Beharry and Company, the National Sports Commission (NSC), Banks DIH and Ministry of Education (MOE) continues today at the same venue with five group roundrobin matches, three in the boy’s Under-16 division and two in the boy’s Under-19.

The Lady Jags will continue their quest for top group honours in the CFU Women’s Challenge Series being played in the Twin Island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago today when they face old rivals, Suriname at the Ato Boldon Stadium from 16:00hrs. Looking ahead to today’s match, Head Coach Dr. Ivan Joseph said the objectives of providing playing opportunities for individual evaluation remains the same. “For tomorrow (today), we’ll try a new formation, have the players listen to the coaches’ directions, and have them try to execute then our evaluation will be based on: Were they coachable? Were they flexible and adaptable and were they able to respond to the training environment that was created? Did we see it play itself out on the field?” The general mood of the team is very positive, they are very upbeat, Dr. Joseph said. “They know they created multiple scoring chances in the match against Grenada. They recognise they didn’t

Ashley Khan - St. Rose’s High School

capitalise on them but they know they’re in a position to be successful and they like what we are doing and what we’re building on.” The “Lady Jags” were engaged in a high performance session on Wednesday evening led by Brian Finniss, Head Performance Manager, which focused on the importance of diet and sleep and were engaged in recovery and team building sessions yesterday. They were engaged in their final training session before today’s match at 16:30hrs yesterday at the match venue. Meanwhile, the Lady Jags were held to a 0-0 against Grenada in their first match on Wednesday last which was played in very sunny weather. The relatively young “Lady Jags” gave a good account of themselves by showcasing their skills whilst creating multiple scoring opportunities. Dr. Joseph in summing up said he was satisfied with the team’s performance: “It was a good day. We started off strong, we created multiple

chances. We were easily the most dangerously offensive team. I think I lost count at four cross bars. We were in and were able to break down their backline several times but we didn’t quite have the composure to finish those chances.” The Head Coach also highlighted performances of some team members pointing out the multiple goal-scoring opportunities created: “We had some pleasant showings: Lakeisha Pearson did a really nice job, she’s shifty on the ball, she’s pretty silky, had two great opportunities, she hit a cross bar from up-close, created several goal-scoring opportunities, that’s somebody we’ll keep a really close eye on. Annalisa also did a really nice job and got some starts. Young keeper, 15 year-old, did an exceptional job. Tiandi came off the bench and did a pretty good job.” Following today’s match, Guyana will play host Trinidad and Tobago on Sunday from 17:30hrs in their final match at the same venue.

FIBA/GABF conduct successful developmental regional workshop

T20s between all ICC members to have international status The number of teams with status to play international T20 cricket will increase drastically from the present 18 to 104. The ICC has approved international status for T20 matches between all of its Associate Members. The decision came after a week of meetings in Kolkata. ”The move, across both men’s and women’s cricket, is part of the wider strategic aim of using the T20 format to globalise the game,” an ICC press release said. “New minimum standards will be introduced, making it as easy as possible for members to play international cricket in a sustainable and affordable way.” This will come into effect for women’s cricket as early as 1 July, 2018, while men’s cricket will see the change take hold from 1 January, 2019, at the conclusion of the cut-off period to qualify for the 2020 World T20. Full rankings will be introduced from October 2018 and May 2019 respectively. Until now, the only countries able to play T20 cricket with full international status in addition to the 12 Full Members were Scotland, Netherlands, Nepal, UAE, Hong Kong and Oman. In all the ICC has 92 Associate Members. Geoff Allardice, ICC’s general manager of cricket, told ESPNcricinfo that providing international status would motivate smaller cricketing countries to compete better as the stakes were higher. “The idea of status and

Some of the participants are taken through the paces.

Geoff Allardice ©Cricket Australia, David Richardson ©Getty Images rankings is to say to them that the results will count and the results will go towards improving your ranking,” Allardice said. “You can show progress in the cricketing world based on your T20I ranking. And in a lot of countries, being able to show improvement on the world stage really carries a lot of weight (Continued on page 34)

The recently concluded regional coaching session for basketball coaches and referees which was hosted by the Guyana Amateur Basketball Federation (GABF) has been hailed a success by many of the participants. The training programme which was held for a period of one week in Guyana, saw referees, commissioners, table officials, coaches, and players from the host country along with Suriname, Grenada, Bahamas and Barbados participating. The training camp was designed to improve the officiating team in International Basketball Federation (FIBA) member federations, regionally, and identify potential pros-

pects at National Level to be future FIBA Referees in order to support Licensing 2019. The workshop which was facilitated by the GABF and was held both at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall and Palm Court saw over 18 persons in attendance. Attendees were thought the FIBA rules; travel violation, unsportsmanlike foul and contact-criteria, in addition to officiating; diagnosis and elaboration of the plan of action to improve officiating. The training was conducted by the following instructors: Mr. Frederick Brow (FA National Instructor – Bahamas) and Mr. Roberto Vázquez (FIBA Referee – Olympic Games 2016 & World Cup 2014.

Kaieteur News

Friday April 27, 2018


GSSF pay courtesy call on Chief-of-Staff, Guyana Defence Force


irectors of the Guyana Sport S h o o t i n g Foundation (GSSF) led by President Ryan McKinnon paid a courtesy call on the Chief-of-Staff, Guyana Defence Force at the Defence Headquarters, Camp Ayangana, Thomas Lands, Georgetown, recently. During the visit they discussed with the Chief-ofStaff, Brigadier Patrick West, Col. Nazrul Hussain and Col. Ronald Hercules their plans for the future and gave an update as to the progress of the GSSF and its programmes thus far. The Chief-of-Staff, wished the Foundation well in their future to continue sport shooting in Guyana. Since its inception, the GSSF has enjoyed the kind assistance with the GDF and the use of the Range at Timehri for its shooting events. Topics discussed included the increase of collaboration between the GDF & the GSSF, the Foundation’s supporting role in assistance with steel challenge shooting as a sport on the GDF sports calendar,

Chief-of-Staff Brigadier Patrick West (center) pose with GDF and GSSF officials following the meeting from left, Col. Ronald Hercules, Aleemul Ali, Ray Beharry, Mrs. Vidushi Persaud-McKinnon, GSSF President Mr. Ryan McKinnon and Col. Nazrul Hussain. financing for the upgrade of the GDF indoor pistol range, establishment of a sport shooting Unit and the newly instituted range rental fees

for the Timehri rifle range. The Foundation looks forward to continued collaboration with the Guyana Defence Force.

Grand Coastal Hotel Annual Golf Tourney on Tomorrow

From left to right, Grand Coastal CEO Mr. Kevin Daby hands over sponsorship cheque to LGC Secretary, Rabindranath Persaud in the presence of PRO Guy Griffith. Grand Coastal, with motto “your number one choice for business or pleasure accommodations in Guyana, South America,” will host their annual Golf Tournament tomorrow from 12:30hrs at the Lusignan Golf Club (LGC). When Mr. Kevin Daby, Chief Executive Officer of the Grand Coastal Hotel and Conference Centre handed over the sponsorship cheque he indicated that it was their pleasure to continue supporting this event for the 12th year noting that it was started by his father in support of golfing in Guyana.

Grand Coastal Hotel, the willing and ready sole partner to DIGICEL in the 2016 sponsorship of the annual Guyana Open international Golf tournament, has this year began partnering with the LGC by formally inviting its guests to consider playing at the Golf Club - for which coaching lessons are free to them – as part of their itinerary while at the Hotel and Conference Centre. Up for grabs in this weekend’s tournament are prizes for 1st to 4th Best Net scores, the Best Gross score, a Longest Drive (off a designated tee-box), and the Nearest to (Continued on page 34)

Anthony Drayton plays undefeated to win Georgetown Chess Classic


h e n t h e curtains came down on the Georgetown Chess Classic, Anthony Drayton breezed his way through the event to finish in first place. With a two-point lead, Drayton made light work of Jaden Taylor from St. Stanislaus College, in Wednesday’s last round. Jaden Taylor, with the White pieces lost his way from the opening stage of his game against Drayton and was outplayed in the middle game. Securing second in the tournament was Calvin Giddings who had to fight for his win against former national junior champion Saeed Ali. The position looked like a draw but Calvin continued to show that his game is improving and he pressed for the win which he eventually got, resulting in Ali’s fifth place finish. Taking third place was Glenford Corlette who defeated fourth place finisher Frankie Farley in an intense battle. Farley and Corlette’s game was the last game as players battled it out in Rooks and minor pieces endgame until Farley blundered his minor piece under time pressure. Taking sixth position was newcomer Pasqual Cornelis followed by top

Anthony Drayton Georgetown Chess Classic winner

junior Jaden Taylor and Tyrese Graham on four points each. While Keon Scott who defeated Ethan Lee in the last round finished on 3.5 and Ethan Lee, Savir Gookul, Akili Theophil, Devon Chance, Jonathan Sthepney all finished on three points each. Tyrese Kirt and Oluwadare Oyeyipo finished on 2

points. Trophies for the tournament were donated by the Wendell Meusa Chess Foundation. The GCF wishes to express special thanks to the Wendell Meusa Chess Foundation and the National Sports Commission (NSC) that contributed to the tournament’s success.

Kaieteur News


Friday April 27, 2018

Hand-in-Hand Inter-County 50-over U-19 cricket

Berbice face U-17s in tomorrow’s final after flattening Essequibo following Anderson’s 5-12


Man-of-theM a t c h performance from Kelvon Anderson who followed-up his 5-12 with an unbeaten top score of 15, provided Berbice with their third win when they beat Essequibo yesterday at the Tuschen Ground in the final preliminary round match of the Hand-in-Hand 50-over Inter-County U-19 cricket tournament. Anderson took 5-12 from six overs of controlled Medium pace and got support from left-arm spinner Keith Simpson who had 3-7 from 7.1 overs as Essequibo laboured to 59 all out in 24.1 overs on a track with plenty of moisture and a sluggish outfield.Kurt Lovell, who was run out for 12 in overcast conditions, was the only batsman to reach double figures in another low scoring game while extras top scored with 21 which included 20 wides. With the sun back out in all its glory, Anderson, one of only three batsmen with a century in the three-day

Kevlon Anderson during his MoM performance yesterday at Tueshen. Berbice’s Alex Algoo mis-hits Joel Fortune (3-7) just over cover yesterday. format, scored a carefully constructed unbeaten 15 and looked the most complete batsman and the only one to adjust his stroke-play to the slow surface which provided lots of bounce and turn for the spinners as Berbice struggled to 60 in 28.4 overs.

Alex Algoo, who also scored a hundred in the three-day format and Junior Sinclair added 49 for the first wicket in Berbice’s first two matches but yesterday they could only put together 26 before Algoo (13) edged leftarm spinner Joel Fortune (2-

14) to first slip.Sinclair made a consorted effort to curb his aggressive instincts before he was LBW for 13 with victory eight runs away. Kevin Sinclair tried to hit Fortune into orbit before he had scored only to give midoff an easy catch while Javed Karim (1) played back to Besham Mosses and was

bowled. When Garfield Benjamin was LBW to Sherlan Anthony (2-11) for a duck, the new three-day Champions had lost two wickets for no run; the score was 52-5. However Anderson, who played the ball late and did not try to hit it in the air, batted with

common sense and along with Trevon Stanislous (4) who swept Mosses for four to win the match, were undefeated when the game ended at Lunch. The final is set for tomorrow at Lusignan between Berbice and the National U-17s from 09:30hrs. (Sean Devers)

Reifer, Paul set for fast-bowling camp Raymon Reifer Keemo Paul

St John’s, Antigua, CMC – Test all-rounder Raymon Reifer and West Indies limited overs speedster Keemo Paul are among 10 players named by Cricket West Indies to be part of a fast bowing camp starting here next Monday. The 26-year-old Reifer played his lone Test in New Zealand last December while Paul, who only turned 20 in February, burst onto the scene this year and has since played four One-Day Internationals and three Twenty20s. They will be joined Odean Smith who made his international debut in the historic T20 series against

Pakistan earlier this month. West Indies A star Keon Joseph, Dominic Drakes, Chemar Holder, Shermon Lewis, Jeremiah Louis, Romario Shepherd and Oshane Thomas have all been included. Director of Cricket, Jimmy Adams, said the move was part of CWI’s strategy of targeting emerging players, ensuring their continued development and preparing them for selection to the Windies senior teams. ”The long-term goal is that this program could be annual, including but not limited to this group,” said the former West Indies

captain. “After an assessment of this camp, the team will determine when the next one will be. We will keep identifying our core group of emerging talent and the broader view is that we can eventually run the program not just for fastbowlers but in the key areas of cricket.” The month-long camp will be staged at Coolidge Cricket Ground and will be conducted by high p e r f o r m a n c e d i r e c t o r, Richard Pybus and Windies U n d e r- 1 9 h e a d c o a c h Graeme West, along with former senior team bowling consultants Roddy Estwick and Sir Curtly Ambrose.

Kaieteur News

Friday April 27, 2018


Elite League All Stars to face President’s XI @Leonora tomorrow night Players to showcase skills for shot at National selection The Guyana Football Federation (GFF) in an attempt to keep up with its promise of playing on every FIFA sanctioned international match-day, has creatively devised a plan to host an intra-squad match between the best players from the first half-of the Elite League and a President’s XI comprising local based players, tomorrow at the National Track and Field Centre (NTFC), Leonora. This means that the best of local footballers will be on display and that feature game which kicks off at 19:30hrs will be supported by a Cougars versus Victoria Kings contest that gets underway from 17:30hrs. This plan was conceptualised by Interim Head Coach, Wayne Dover, after the GFF were unable to play any international friendly matches in the March-month window. During a press conference with the respective coaches and captains of the teams

that will contest the main match, Dover explained that he expects the feature game to be very competitive and the fringe players will be looking to perform well to have a lasting impression with the National Selectors, who will be using this match as a talent search of sorts, to get as much locally-based players in the senior men’s squad, the Golden Jaguars. Dover will coach the President’s XI with Colin Nelson as the skipper while assistant coach of the Golden Jaguars, Charles Pollard, will take charge of the Elite League All Stars. Captain of this team, Anthony Benfield, expressed gratitude for the opportunity which himself and the rest of the fringe players will have to showcase their skills and impress for a National team call-up, ahead of the busy international schedule coming up. Guyana is set to contest three away friendly internationals this year against Barbados in

WADA publishes Anti-Doping Rule Violations Report for 2016

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) yesterday published its fourth annual Anti-Doping Rule Violations Report, which is the official set of such statistics under the World Anti-Doping Code. As usual, the Report is available in a PDF version; while, new this year, WADA is pleased to provide the Report in a dynamic, Excel version that illustrates the ADRV statistics in an interactive fashion. The Report illustrates doping offences committed in global sport during 2016. It highlights that there were a total of 1,595 ADRVs

recorded in that year, involving individuals from 117 nationalities and across 112 sports. 1,326 of the ADRVs were derived from AAFs, commonly known as ‘positive’ results. The remainder was derived from investigations and evidencebased intelligence into 248 violations committed by athletes and 21 by Athlete Support Personnel (ASP). WADA President Sir Craig Reedie said: “The 2016 ADRVs Report makes for particularly interesting reading in combination with WADA’s 2016 Anti-Doping Testing Figures Report that (Continued on page 34)

September, Turks and Caicos in October and French Guiana in November while the GFF is set to host Belize in March 2019 by which time the National Training Centre facility should be completed to host its first international match. Admission to the venue will be $500 while women and children under 12 years will be free.

Charles Pollard (left), Anthony Benfield, Wayne Dover and Colin Nelson following yesterday’s press briefing.

rt o p S CFU Women’s P. 38 Challenge Series

Guyana face Suriname today following 0-0 draw with Grenada

Lady Jags starting X1 against Grenada on Wednesday

YBG/NSBF Regionals

Girls’ division tip off with wins for Marian, Tutorial and PC P. 38

Tutorial’s Benique Ross looks for a pass following a rebound in the team’s 9-2 win over Bladen Hall yesterday.

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