Kaieteur News

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Kaieteur News

Saturday January 27, 2018

KAIETEUR NEWS Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: ADAM HARRIS Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491 Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


SAVING THE SUGAR INDUSTRY It seems that something is terribly wrong with the opposition. Their recent behaviour in Parliament suggests that there is more than a little wrong. In the past two years, the government has had more than a dozen Commissions of Inquiry; one of those was to determine the future of the sugar industry, why it collapsed, the efforts to save it and to understand why the PPP did not take corrective measures or at least tried to ease the financial burden on the treasury. Since taking office in May 2015, the government has been trying to make GUYSUCO viable. It inherited a bankrupt sugar industry from the last administration. It had to subsidize the industry in the amount of $32 billion in just two years. The truth is the last administration was fully aware that the sugar industry was insolvent and that the cost to produce sugar was almost three times more than the price for it on the world market. Instead of making the unpopular decisions to close some of the sugar estates as this government has done, the PPP has spent more than $120 billion of public funds to subsidize GUYSUCO, and another US$200 million to build the Skeldon sugar factory that has never worked to full capacity. After five years it has been closed. While some believe that the PPP made the correct decision to keep the industry afloat if only for the foreign currency it yields, others say that it was a penny wise and pound foolish decision. Experts have concluded that it was the right, though unpopular decision to close three sugar factories and save the taxpayers billions of dollars in subsidies. They have concluded that sugar which was once king and the country’s major foreign currency earner is now dead. But the opposition and GAWU continue to accuse the government of being not concerned with the plight of the sugar workers. Lest we forget, former President Donald Ramotar sat on the Board of Directors of GUYSUCO for many years and did not implement any of the ideas he now espouses so glowingly in letters in this and other publications as to how to save the industry. No one in their right mind, not even the sugar workers should take him seriously. He may just be a mouthpiece for the failures of his party, which apart from subsidies, did little or nothing to improve the ailing sugar industry in the last 23 years, not even during his short-lived presidency. Fundamentally, the sugar workers were considered political pawns to the PPP, which in every election since 1992, has made huge promises to the sugar workers only to break them after being elected. It is time for the sugar-workers to wake-up and stop being political pawns to the opposition and acknowledge that this government has their long-term interest at heart. It was wrong for the PPP while in office to pump billions of dollars into GUYSUCO without a sustainable plan or strategy to make it viable. The sugar workers have suffered under successive regimes which had promised to modernise the industry and improve their well-being but has done completely the opposite. This government must now embark on a transparent and proactive strategy in the best interest of the sugar workers, GUYSUCO and the country as a whole.

Politics, Race and Sugar DEAR EDITOR, I have agonised for a long time over the real reason for the closure of the sugar estates. In previous articles, I have examined the socio-economic consequences of this decision. I have concluded that it is not a decision based upon finance and economics. Many who are far more qualified in these disciplines have come to the same conclusion. I am further fortified in this view because the Government itself did no economic impact assessment of any kind before making its decision. The Government even ignored its own Commission of Inquiry’s Report, which did not recommend closure. So, what then, inspired the Government to close these estates? I have concluded that the decision is rooted in politics and race. It is common knowledge that the PNC never enjoyed the support of the sugar workers. While in Government for 28 years, the sugar workers remained its most militant opponents. However, sugar was too valuable to the economy for Forbes Burnham to have done anything drastic. In any event, he was too wise a politician and would have understood, deeply, the political and social repercussions that would have resulted therefrom. Under an IMF programme and with a policy to reform the tattered political image of the PNC, Desmond Hoyte was left

with little room to manoeuvre. During all these years, the sugar workers remained steadfast in their political allegiance to the PPP. From 1993, onwards, the PNC remained rooted in opposition to any measure that the PPP/ C Administration implemented that would benefit the sugar workers. Throughout those years, they readily invoked the race card against the PPP, accusing it of ethnic and political pandering. Afrocentric figures like Lincoln Lewis, Clive Thomas, David Hinds, and Eric Philips et al made the sugar industry a fertile platform to disseminate their wild theories of racial and ethnic discrimination and marginalization. TROJAN HORSES The abolition of the protective tariff regime that insulated Guyanese sugar on the world market prior to 2008, presented a good basis for the PNC and others to stand upon, as they intensified their campaign against the sugar industry. Every single measure thereafter to reform, rehabilitate, reorganize and modernize the industry to meet the new challenges it would have then faced, were vehemently condemned and criticized. The $120M US investment in the Skeldon factory was peddled as doom for Guyana. This sum was exaggerated to over $200M US. The Public Servants, Policemen, Teachers and Nurses

were told that they could not get their desired increase in salaries because the Government is pumping all the monies into sugar. The residents of Linden were persuaded that investments and job opportunities could not materialise in Region 10 because all the investments were concentrated in sugar. The rest of the workers, were therefore, pitted against the sugar workers. The sugar workers were portrayed as the grouping who was denying other workers their fair share. The racial undercurrents inherent in such a strategy were obvious. When the PNC, under its new name APNU, was able to control the Tenth Parliament in collaboration with the AFC by a one-seat majority, the floor of the National Assembly was converted into a battleground against the sugar workers. Every attempt to obtain subsidies for the sugar industry was either stoutly defended or our voted down by the joint-Opposition. Budgetary allocations to sugar were repeatedly slashed from the annual budgets. Carl Greenidge labelled the industry a “black hole”. As the 2015 elections grew closer, the position gradually softened. In partnership with the AFC, the PNC skillfully used Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan as Trojan horses to work in the sugar belt. They promised the workers that

there would be no closure of estates. They promised 20% increase in wages and salaries. Then Opposition Leader, Mr. David Granger, endorsed these promises. Hundreds of sugar workers believed them. The rest is now history. MAKE THEM GROVEL Since the PNC assumed government, it begun a clinical plan to dismantle and destroy the sugar industry. The ideology inspiring this strategy is that dismantling the sugar industry and dislocating the workers is dismantling the PPP support base and dislocating its supporters. That is the reason why the recommendations of the COI were ignored. That is the reason why no economic assessment was ever done. The PNC knows full well that the social and economic cost of closing the industry is far greater than keeping the industry alive. In order to achieve this objective, the intention was to brutalise the workers. Therefore, no increase in salaries and wages were paid in two and a half years. Working hours of workers were progressively reduced. When the unions made representations for increase in wages and salaries, they were told that GuySuCo is considering a reduction in wages and salaries. The Annual Performance Incentive (API) scheme was abolished. All this while, the (Continued On page 6)

Aren’t you ensuring Guyana’s continuing instability, Mr. Alexander? DEAR EDITOR, Mr Vincent Alexander purported to respond to my column, “Federalism to end ethnic conflict” in a letter “There is no basis or justification for Ravi Dev’s roar!” (KN 1-25-18). I say “purported” because Mr. Alexander sedulously sought to equate Federalism” with “partition”, which it is certainly not. In a Federal Republic, for instance, the US, remains a single country. Residents of each state/province would be free to move and live in another state/province. Mr. Alexander correctly noted I claimed: “In a society where the majority ethnic groups each constitute majorities in different areas of the country, political devolution offers the largest number of incentives toward addressing ethnic insecurities”. But he excised the topic sentence of the paragraph: “I propose that Guyana be reconstituted as a Federal Republic, even as a coalition government be formed at such a republic’s centre.”

Mr. Alexander then proceeded to attack a strawman he created by suggesting that the states/provinces in the Federal Republic would somehow be unfair to African Guyanese. In addition to being “flawed”, my Federal proposal was, “Indo-centric and non-recognition of the contribution of other Guyanese to the development of Guyana; and their collective right to its patrimony.” And this is where Mr. Alexander reveals the real basis of his and most African-Guyanese rejection of federalism as a possible way to ease our ethnically-based political tensions. As Mr. Alexander notes, in a federalised Guyana, in specific states/provinces some specified devolved powers (“competencies”) will be in the hands of the state/province’s administration to the extent they form majorities there. Why does he object to this? When we proposed the Federal Republic, the PPP was in office and it was pos-

sible they could rule in perpetuity based on the numbers of their mainly Indian supporters and this created an African Ethnic Security Dilemma in the “majoritarian” polity. Federalism, we pointed out, would offer other groups in some state/province to have an opportunity to experience executive office, albeit at a lower level than the central government. Today, with the African-dominated APNU in office, why shouldn’t other groups be afforded the same opportunity? But how can the proposal be “racist”, of all things, if with Indians now below 39% and decreasing exponentially, the African Security Dilemma is now gone and they have as equal a chance as any other group of leading the coalition at the centre? As they do now. And what this coalition, which was supposed to be “multiracial” with the addition of the AFC, has demonstrated is one cannot trust the beneficence of dominant partners in coalitions. But Mr. Alexander reveals his concern when he claims

Indo-Guyanese would deny other groups – read African’s - to Guyana’s “collective patrimony”. How? Mr. Alexander argues as if governance at lower levels would translate into ownership of resources. Is Mr. Alexander projecting from the ethnically-skewed manner in which the national patrimony is presently being distributed by the central APNU government? Or redistributed as in sugar? As concededly an avowed proponent of “devolution”, Mr. Alexander would know that the only practical difference between our present regional system and a federal system is the “competencies” of the latter - such as Police functions, local development, local taxation and spending - are constitutionally entrenched and cannot be manipulated as they have been since the eighties, by the central government. Would he deny even these to other groups? Isn’t he ensuring Guyana’s continuing instability? Sincerely, Ravi Dev

Saturday January 27, 2018

Fighting crime - Is there any value in pursuing its root cause? DEAR EDITOR, The Kaieteur News of 19th January 2018 reported on the handing over ceremony of the Security Sector reform report to President Granger by the British expert Lt. Col (Ret’d) Russell Combe. The very edition made note of an interesting observations and statement made by the President. First, the President was critical of the previous government, suggesting that they were concerned with the manifestations of crimes and not the causes. Second, the President, according to the said report, stated his “Government’s determination to address the root cause of crime ……” This statement gives rise to the consideration whether knowing the cause of crime is essential to our efforts at reducing or eliminating crime. Sometime ago, I had started discussing with readers some of the more popular theories on the cause of crime. I had covered the biological and the psychological theories, but never got around to addressing the various environmental theories. So, let me quickly point out that the two most persuasive of these are (a) poverty and (b) social disorganised communities are the causes of crime. The argument against the poverty theory is linked to the observation of Dr Samenow, which I shared in my letter of 13th January 2018. The good doctor said, “Most poor people do not commit crime while many wealthy people do.” Here in the USA, the Department of Justice statistics for 2010 indicates that theft committed by students from households earning $75,000 or more were nearly triple the rate of thefts committed by students from households earning less than $15,000. Indeed, today we have a situation where wealth is being offered as a cause of crime. Recently a youth from a wealthy Texas family was found guilty of killing four pedestrians while driving intoxicated. At trial, his lawyer argued that he was suffering from Affluenza (One’s wealth giving one a sense of being privileged). The youth was

given a light sentence. Observers believe that it was this argument that influenced the light sentence. So, now we have the uncomfortable and perhaps confusing situation in which wealth is being offered as a cause of crime. But with all this confusion, modern criminologists have added a new twist to the discourse. Recently criminologists are beginning to shift their attention from “root cause,” arguing that: (a) If indeed we could identify the “root cause” of crime it is likely there is little we could do about it and (b) There is such a thing as a criminal personality. Personality, we are told, is “made up of characteristic patters of thought, feelings and behaviours that make a person unique.” Others have offered that “personality arises from within the individual and remains fairly consistent throughout life.” So, if there is such a thing as a criminal personality (there is a wealth of argument in support of this), then there is little one can do to erase this “root cause” of crime. Thus, seen from this perspective, the search for “root cause” becomes of little consequence. Editor, the natural science has had tremendous influence on the development of the social sciences. Nowhere is this influence more noticeable than in the language used by both sciences. For example, in medicine they talk of diagnosis and treatment. In the social work the same language is used. For over a hundred years medical science has been seeking to uncover the cause/ s of cancer, but to no avail. Today while some medical scientists still pursue this, others have focused on identifying what is termed ‘risk factors’ for developing cancer. For example, they have come up with risk factors such as poor dietary habits, lack of exercise, excessive smoking etc. Identification of risk factors is credited with having been responsible for the reduction in the number of deaths from cancers here in the USA since its peak in the


Kaieteur News

1990s. Today, the social science is again benefitting from the lead of the natural science. Criminologists are being encouraged to focus on risk factors rather than cause/s of crime, if they are to make a significant contribution to the reduction or elimination of crime. My letter of 13th January 2018 offers a number of risk factors that I suspect, if addressed, will likely lead to a reduction of crime in Guyana. Finally, if indeed the president still holds that seeking the cause of crime is important, I will humbly suggest that Lt. Col (Ret ‘d) Russell Combe will be of little assistance in uncovering same. He too does not know what the cause of crime is. If he did, reason suggests he would have certainly shared same with his homeland, and at least Britain would have been on its way to becoming crimefree. Further, if Lt. Col (Ret’d) Combe, is to provide Guyana with a programme that will inform the workings of our justice system, I have no faith in such a programme even without seeing same. All programmes designed to reduce or eliminate crime must take on board an understanding of the culture of the people it is intended to serve. Mr. Combe cannot be expected to possess such an understanding of Guyanese. While living in Guyana, I worked quite a bit with foreign experts. Assistance from foreign ‘experts’ has its usefulness; however for that assistance to be meaningful it has to be tempered by the knowledge of locals. Thus, the government might be well advised to have criminologists like Michael Parris and Tara Singh work along with Mr. Combe. I know both gentlemen are outside of Guyana, but I am confident if contacted they would be willing to assist. Claudius Prince

Justice delayed is justice denied DEAR EDITOR, President David Granger on Thursday announced at the GDF Officers’ conference that extrajudicial killings, phantom death squad murders and other targeted killings as well as torture that occurred in Guyana from 2001 to 2009 under then-President Bharrat Jagdeo, will be investigated and the perpetrators will be brought to justice. The President made this promise, to ensure that justice is done, a pillar of his 2015 election campaign. Today, two years later, we have another mere promise, with no action. During the Jagdeo government years, mass crimes were committed against humanity. There were approximately 400 such killings. I fought against these killings on the international stage; including at the InterAmerican Human Rights Commission and the United Nations.As head of CGID, the overseas organisation that waged the relentless fight for justice for victims and their families in the international community, I wrote the President twice since 2015, petitioning him to commission such an inquiry. On Decem-

ber 2, 2016, Kaieteur News published a letter from me captioned “Quoting Martin Luther King in the Call For Justice in Guyana,” in which I called on the President to appoint a Commission of Inquiry with subpoena powers, to investigate these murders and other international crimes, to no avail. It makes me wonder: who is this government protecting? My relentless advocacy for justice has been on behalf of the victims and their families, and the thousands of young people whose hunger for justice fueled their political support for President Granger and the coalition which ultimately led to their election victory. They marched, protested, were beaten, arrested and jailed by the then Jagdeo regime; now only to be given mere promises of justice by the Head of State.The President’s announcement is a baby step in the right decision, but the betrayal and disappointment is palpable. All of us, particularly our youth, must hold the President and government’s feet to the fire and make them accountable for this betrayal of those whose votes placed

them in office. This fight is personal for me. I have endured death threats and multiple NYPD security assessments. GDF Intelligence officers were sent all the way to New York to attend CGID meetings and conduct surveillance on CGID officers. Our counterparts in Guyana were infiltrated and harassed.A government official sent me a letter which was turned over to the FBI threatening that he had his gun ready and waiting me at the Cheddi Jagan Airport. Although no threat can weaken my resolve and determination to seek justice, we did not endure all of this for a mere promise, and must continue this fight until the justice we seek is obtained. My question to President Granger is “When will this proposed investigation commence? Is it going to commence when the architects, planners, financiers and executioners escape or exit the country, as some have already done?” Rickford Burke President Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID)

Uninformed people should not be enforcing these procedures DEAR EDITOR, Referencing Clinton Conway’s letter relating to “police stop and search” as outlined in the Police Act Section 18, Chapter 16:01, yes, I would rebut, as he expected per his remark “may even promote some more debate”. Like Clinton, as a former member of the force, I witnessed these stops and searches for various ambiguous reasons. Having Policy and Procedures in place means nothing when you have a number of uninformed people enforcing it. Let’s examine the afore-

mentioned Police Act wordings “reasonable suspicion” and “upon which there shall be reason to suspect”. These wordings were carefully selected so that the public will not be harassed by way of unreasonable searches and seizures.The opposite is tak-

ing place for no reason, but to stop and search with the intent to find illegality, then it’s easy to give a number of reasons for the stop. I agree the law is not an ass, but unapprised people attempting to enforce it, are. Jagmohan


Kaieteur News

Saturday January 27, 2018

To look at what workers enjoy in isolation without considering other facts is disingenuous DEAR EDITOR, The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) refers to Mr. Steve Fraser’s letter titled “GAWU, the PPP/C and the Goose that laid the golden egg” which appeared in the Kaieteur News of January 24, 2018. Our Union appreciates Mr. Fraser’s view that “[n]one of us can find comfort in the plight of the close to five thousand sugar workers who recently found themselves on the breadline”. But, then Mr. Fraser goes on, contending that our Union was an “adversary of the industry rather than… a partner”. We must ask the letter writer: - Why would our Union knowingly engage in actions that would lead to union members losing their jobs? Wouldn’t this be most absurd Mr. Fraser? Then the letter writer continues contending that “…the burning of canes and the willful destruction of plant and equipment became the core focus of GAWU…” But we must tell the letter writer and others who may harbour similar views that our Union has never been engaged in nor encouraged

anyone nor supported such acts. To do so can be likened to cutting your nose to spite your face. Mr. Fraser also refers to strikes by workers. Though we clarified this matter on several occasions it seems the letter writer, maybe, did not see our previous explanations or chose, knowingly, to ignore them. We hope that in this case it’s the former rather than the latter. But for Mr. Fraser and others who may not have seen our previous explanations, the majority of “strikes” are really work stoppages which involve pockets of workers at the different estates and not the thousands of workers across the sugar industry. These stoppages arise after there is a breakdown in negotiations to arrive at suitable compensation or as workers say “extras” for them to harvest canes which are overrun by grass and vines for instance and which impede their work. We must add that these stoppages are legitimised by our Agreement with GuySuCo, which recognises that these extras are not delineated in any way, but are only determined through ne-

gotiation between the shop stewards and the management at the time the canes are to be harvested. The public is then told about the workers’ benefits arising from the Sugar Industry Labour Welfare Fund Committee (SILWFC) which assists sugar workers with housing loans, among other things. But Mr. Fraser maybe is unaware that the work of SILWFC is in keeping with a recommendation that came from the Venn Commission in 1949. That Commission, for those who may not know, was set up by the Colonial Office after the June 1948 gunning down of five sugar workers who have become known as the Enmore Martyrs. So while the letter writer decries, seemingly, the benefits the workers today enjoy, it was born out of the spilt blood, consistent struggles of generations of those who came before them. Mr Fraser also speaks about “…free medical facilities and community/entertainment centres with cricket and football fields…” but again failed to recognise that these facilities did not come gratis, but were funded by the

GTT is taking advantage of its monopoly DEAR EDITOR, This letter serves to voice my disapproval of the poor service and customer relations GTT offers. Also to highlight the great inconvenience it is causing to my business needs. We have applied for a transfer of a landline from one address to another within the same area, only a few lots away. It is important to note at this time, there is a business located at the new address and the intended transferred line is meant to be one of our business contact numbers and also the source of our internet needs. This application was made in late September of 2017. In October 2017, another application was made

by a tenant residing at the new address to have a new landline installed. After continuously and tiringly calling and visiting GTT for assistance with both landlines, a technician finally came about 3 months after both requests were made. To my dismay, the technician promptly stated when asked about both lines, he was only there to complete the new installation. We have been hearing of GTT’s massive backlog for the entire four months of calling their customer care team. They promised us the service would be installed for sure by the end of 2017. It is now the end of January 2018! We have been extremely patient with this company in understanding that some things are uncontrollable. Even to the point of ac-

tivating monthly GTT prepaid plans for a mobile device to use as a hotspot. However, I fail to comprehend what order they are working with. Do they place their hand in a bag and pull out customers’ names in deciding whose service to assist with first? Or is it such a great inconvenience for GTT to assist with a landline transfer? I am pleading with the authorities at GTT to please install my service ASAP. Instead of parading around with new ‘Blaze’ internet and this and that, GTT should try and sort out problems like these which affect masses of Guyanese. I hope better comes when GTT’s monopoly is done and dusted. All Guyanese deserve better for the money we pay for GTT’s service. R. Ramkhelawan

wealth generated from the sugar workers’ labour in the fields, factories and offices and with their sweat and tears. What about drainage and irrigation for a large swathe of the coast which benefits Guyanese whether they were linked with the sugar industry or not? Those operations were also funded by the wealth generated by the thousands of workers. Or, what about the billions of dollars the Treasury enjoyed through the Sugar Levy or the support Guyanese enterprises received through the graduates of the Port Mourant Training Centre, among so many other positive contributions of the industry. To look at what workers enjoy in isolation and in absence of the facts on the ground and in practice is disingenuous in our view. Mr. Fraser goes on contending that “[w]eek after week there continued to be wild cat strikes…” Again, which worker wakes up before the sun rises and makes all that effort to go to work to just strike? Certainly, the letter writer would

not want to go to his job and then have new conditions imposed on him without some form of compensation, so why should any other worker have to do the same? The letter writer then says “the strikes were carried out with venom against the PNCled administration during its twenty-eight years in office”. This sentiment seems to indicate that workers actions were politically-flavoured, but were they? An examination of the data tells us those workers’ living standards, like nearly all Guyanese, declined considerably. Between 1976, the year the sugar industry was nationalised, and 1990, real wages in the sugar industry declined by 118 per cent. In other words what a worker was earning in 1976, when adjusted for inflation, was more than what that same worker earned 24 years later in 1990, though he/she would have benefitted, in some years, from wage rises. Certainly, given that dismal view, workers quite naturally would have been upset and reacted as workers do.

Then Mr. Fraser concluded “GAWU… has been a toxic union and must be severely damaged in the eyes of potential investors”. Mr. Fraser, outside of sugar, our Union represents workers in several private and public enterprises, and we generally have good fruitful relations with those entities, which have seen workers’ benefits and conditions steadily improving. Certainly a “toxic union” could not have accomplished such feats. But more than that, we ask where has GAWU been toxic? Are we toxic because we forthrightly defend our members’ interests? Are we toxic because we have sought to advance the workers’ lot? Are we toxic because we disagree with decisions that are not in the interest of sugar workers and the country as a whole? Sorry, Mr. Fraser, inasmuch as we recognise your limitations regarding our Union’s activities, etc, we really cannot agree with you. Seepaul Narine General Secretary GAWU

Politics, Race and Sugar From page 04 administrative and managerial staff of GuySuCo was consistently being ethnically cleansed of Indo-Guyanese. Protests and pleas from the Parliamentary Opposition, the labour movement and the private sector fell on deaf ears. The nation was told that it costs the Treasury $10B annually in subsidies to keep the estates functioning. While the PPP was in government between 2011 and 2014, the annual subsidy was approximately $4B. This sum allowed the workers to get annual increases in wages and salaries as well as their API. Without the API and with no increases in salaries and wages, this subsidy escalated to $10B, annually. No one has furnished any explanation for this exponential rise.

I believe that the subsidy was intentionally escalated in order to exaggerate the cost of keeping the estates open. The President, himself, has said that his Government has spent $32B in subsidies to the sugar industry so far. Another staggering exaggeration! Now that the estates are being closed, the turmoil and torment of the workers are far from the end. They are now made to struggle for their severance, a legal entitlement due to them upon immediate termination of their employment. After one and a half year and armed with a High Court Order, the unions have not been able to get the severance benefits for the workers dismissed at Wales estate, as yet. We are told that the total severance benefits for all the workers are $5B. This is a relatively small sum for the Government to pay. Yet, the Government is refusing to pay, claiming that it cannot afford to pay all the money at the same time. Nonsense! The $18M US paid by ExxonMobil stashed away in the Central Bank amounts to approximately $4B GYD; the Ministry of the Presidency’s budget for this year was increased by $3B; the Govern-

ment pays $2B annually for electricity for Linden; over $1B was paid to BK International on a mere letter threatening litigation in relation to the Haags Bosch dumpsite; several billions were written off in taxes for several companies; the Attorney General’s loss of cases is costing billions annually; the Government dietary expenses has increased, progressively, since 2015, by nearly $2B and I can go on. Therefore, the Government can easily find $5B, immediately. The non-payment is intentional. The non-payment of the severance is designed and intended to humiliate and dehumanize the workers and their families; to make them grovel to put food on the table for their children. The overall intention is to frustrate with the hope that the workers give up and migrate. The ultimate objective is to change the demographic and break the base of the People’s Progressive Party. Against this backdrop, it is difficult to doubt the veracity of the WikiLeaks c a b l e about Mr. David Granger, sent in the late 1970s, which was revealed two years ago. Mohabir Anil Nandlall, MP Attorney-at-Law

Saturday January 27, 2018

Kaieteur News



Saturday January 27, 2018

Kaieteur News

Man shot after beating mom, chopping cop

SERVICES PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION, W E D D I N G S , ANNIVERSARY, ETC. CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 Visa Application: U.S.A, Canada & UK;Guyanapassport application. G r a p h i c s design, advertisement. Tel: 626-7040; 265-4535. ICONIC MARKETING & PRINTING –TEL: 6004212: We create A/works, logos, busi ness cards, posters, etc, placements of ads included.

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EDUCATION The Jo-sel Educational Institute needs a full time maths teacher. For more information, call: 226-7794/ 226-7868 CXC adults classes (Business & Science subjects) Form 1-5 lessons, Grade 2-6 lessons (slow learners, personal tutor) #690-5008,618-0649 PROPERTY FOR SALE Lot 15 Public Road, #2 Village, W.C.B. 49ft x 10,314ft $22M Negotiable Contact 648-7109/686-4818 Property located in secure and residential Ixora Avenue, Block AA Eccles EBD. $36M. Tel: 233-2793, 615-8502 Commercial buliding 64 Village.Equipped for cinema, restaurant, hardware, suitable church/school. #6284053,339-4635 LAND FOR SALE Farm (East Bank) $2.8M Parafaite Harmonie $1M & 1.4M Herstelling $2.2M Uivlugt $2.8M Eccles $6M. Tel: 651-1969/656-0701 100 acres Agricultural land, right bank, Barima river,NWD, Essequibo. 668-7687/677-9638




Salesman, good verbal/ excellent attitude, knowledge in stocktaking, computer literate & team player. Keyfood McDoom. Experienced Handyman, porter all below 40 years. Apply with written application. Keyfood McDoom Village. One property to purchase in Georgetown below 30 million. Call: 615-0317 1 welder to work in the interior. Meals & accomodation provided. Must have driver’s license. Contact: 680-2702

Vreed-en-hoop junction. Lessons place, storage bond, office, other. Call 6036400. Space for rent at Ashmin’s Building- suitable for salon or office- Call today! 683-7954 Fully furnished apartment two & one bedrooms in Providence, East Bank, Tel: 672-1906/216-2299/682-6238 Tower space to rent in Georgetown ideal for Telecommunication and Broadcasting Contact 2235273-4 Apartment- Vreed-en-hoop, two bedroom (Kitchen, bath, grill, security camera, A/C, Granite countertop) family preferable. $25,000 monthly. Tel: 682-5230, 615-4414 2 & 3 bedroom fully furnished luxury apartments to rent, long & short term. #666-7820, 6911432 Business place/Store for rent, located at Grove EBD.Contact 684-6331 Bottom flat Apartment for rent with two Bedroom, toilet and bath La Grange W.B.D #6678896 2 Bedroom downstairs at 33B Anira St. Queenstown Georgetown $50,000/month contact Ramesh # 613-4375 , 617-6599 Honest individuals wiil be considered. Apartment to rent- self contained A.A Eccles. Phone#628-2682. Quiet residential area. TOLET One Bedroom, furnished (air conditioning, bed, refrigerator, microwave, television, stove, utensils) North Riumveldt $75,000. #688-0306,694-7817 One business space, located at 177 Charlotte & Alexander St. Kindly call: 644-3555,6893462, . Serious enquiries only. Lodge apartments (Vlissengen/Durban): unfurnished $40,000-60,000 p/ m. Furnished (for visitors) $600 US p/m. 668-7687/6779638/697-6421 Lodge (Vlissengen/Durban): Professional/Office/Business space (no food retailing) 6687687/677-9638/697-6421

1 office clerk, must have 5 years’ experience, advanced tying skills/letter formatting. Proficient in English Language. Age 25-35. Tel:6481821/219-0468 Seeking property to rent for restaurant in Georgetown, Call: 615-0317 Heavy duty mechanic to work in interior . Driving & Welding will be an asset. #680-2702 Waitress/ Food servers, Food Handlers certificate required. Contact: 629-2044 One female cleaner for office in Eccles. Call: 233-2745 Skilled carpenters wanted to work Linden. #602-9469 Urgently needed one land in Eccles and Herstelling, also artist to paint scenes and portraits. Tel: 656-0701 Wanted in large quantities: moringa, corolla bush, soursop leaves(dried). Contact: 665-1397 1 AE 110/100/91 CorollaSprinter/or cash payment Carina, contact: 693-3979,6411087,604-1010 1 Porter to work on vehicle in the interior 18-25 years old #699-4718 WANTED FULLTIME/PART TIME WAITER/WAITRESS TO WORK AT AAGMAN RESTAURANT, SHERIFF STREET. CALL;219-0158 Attractive live in waitressCall: 327-0252/674-4665 Merchandiser between ages 18-35 yrs. contact: 231-6256.

VACANCY Experienced Security Professionals. Must have 3 yrs. experience, past military/ security. Send resume & picture by email:. bvisecurityandinvestigators @ g m a i l . c o m Experienced TUTOR for CAPE Pure math and applied. Math level 1. Contact: 5002145 Vacancy exists for 1 experienced pharmacy technician to work part time @ a reputable pharmacy Georgetown- Call: 227-0630 Waitress for bar. Age 18-27 #612-2522 1 female from Georgetown, age 18-25 to work from 3-9 pm. Apply to Tea shop @ 193 Charlotte & Wellington Streets One general domestic. Apply in person to Alabama Trading 65 Robb Street, Bourda. Auto body repairman, part time. 266-4427 General maintenance Guy, room attendant ages 25-45 years old. Tel: 225-0198 233 South rd, Lacytown. Driver from Age 22 and above, must have police clearance, for more info, call: 223-0090 Females to work at Fish shop/Restaurant, must have valid food handler’s certificate. Call: 660-2849. Vacancy for male to work at Vulcanizing & Tyre repair shop $15,000 per week. Call: 690-4722 between 10am & 2pm House keeper(good cook) wanted. Live-in if possible. Windsor Estates East Bank. Contact: 673-6050 Nanny to teach and take care of a 2 year old girl. Campbellville area. Contact: 673-6050 VEHICLE FOR SALE

We would like to buy 20 ft & 40ft containers. Contact: 6876072

Unregistered Axela 2011 dark interior, fully loaded, Nissan pickup extra cab. Call: 6175536 2009 Toyota Premio, low mileage, owner leaving country;price negotiable, contact: 669-2518/645-4085 Nissan Pathfinder, Jeep AWD Excellent condition $1.4M negotiable. Call: 609-7766/2258427 Allion, Primo, Fielder Wagon, Spacio, Bluebird, 212 Carina, NZE, Honda CRV, Toyota IST, RZ & Pit-bull – Call: 650-7501

SALON Make-up Courses with Mac, Bare Minerals, etc. -CosmetologyCourses: $90,000 Nail Technician Course: $35,000. Call: 647-1773/688-0009

Pick up truck from Canada, All double cab 2005 Tacoma $2.3 M, Ford F150 sport $1.5M, Ford ranger sport $1.4M. Call: 682-5230, 615-4414.

A police constable is nursing cutlass injuries after being attacked around 02:30 hrs yesterday by an unemployed Herstelling, East Bank Demerara man who had allegedly beaten his mother. Police said that the suspect was shot in the right arm and right collarbone during the confrontation. A release stated that a police patrol had gone to the Lot 162 Herstelling residence after receiving a report that a man had assaulted his 60year-old mother. The son, when confronted, armed himself with a cutlass and chopped the policeman on the left hand and left knee. The injured constable “instinctively drew his service revolver and discharged two rounds, which struck his attacker in the right arm and right collarbone.” The shot man is also hospitalised. FOR SALE/RENT Sawmill complex: complete with machinery,equipment, Band Mills ,trucks, Forklift,Planers, Edger, Generators, Building, Sheds etc 652-3678

VEHICLE FOR SALE Toyota premio PSS7517 1.8M 2005 model C light recorder Axio 2.5 Bluebird 2.6 Tida 2.2 #655-3400 Tractor (foreign used) Massey Ferguson-165 excellent condition Vreed-enhoop $1.6M, MF-135 $1.1M, MF-265-$2.2M, 165- loader tractor- $2.4M. Call: 682-5230/ 615-4414


Kaieteur News

Saturday January 27, 2018

Trump warns Davos on unfair trade, says U.S. ‘open for business’ DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump took his “America First” message to the world’s elite yesterday, telling a summit of business and political leaders that the United States would “no longer turn a blind eye” to what he described as unfair trade practices. Trump became the first sitting U.S. President to address the annual conclave of the rich and powerful at the Swiss ski resort of Davos for 18 years, closing the summit with a mostly upbeat speech that declared the United States “open for business”. “Now is the best time to bring your money, your jobs, your businesses to America,” he said, singling out tax cuts and curbs to regulation as boosting the investment climate. “The world is witnessing the resurgence of a strong and prosperous America.” He said he would always promote “America First”, as he expected other world leaders to do on behalf of their own countries, but added: “America First does not mean America alone. When the United States grows, so does the world.” But he swiftly turned to a

theme of demanding tougher enforcement of trade rules, accusing unidentified countries of unfair practices, including stealing intellectual property and providing state aid to industry. “We will enforce our trade laws and restore integrity to the trading system. Only by insisting on fair and reciprocal trade can we create a system that works not just for the United States but for all nations,” Trump said. “The United States will no longer turn a blind eye to unfair trade practices,” he said. “We cannot have free and open trade if some countries exploit the system at the expense of others.” His speech was mostly met by polite applause, although he drew some jeers and whistles during a question and answer session, when he attacked the news media: “It wasn’t until I became a politician that I realized how nasty, how mean, how vicious and how fake the press can be,” he said. While he has a record of opposing trade agreements involving multiple countries, he said the United States would seek bilateral deals with individual states. That could include members of a Trans-

U.S. President Donald Trump gestures as he speaks during the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland yesterday. REUTERS/Denis Balibouse Pacific trade agreement from which he has withdrawn, he said, adding he would consider negotiating with them collectively if it was in the U.S. interest. Before his trip to Davos, Trump imposed 30 percent tariffs on imported solar panels, among the first unilateral trade restrictions made by the administration as part of a broader protectionist agenda. MNUCHIN “NOT TRYING TO TALK DOWN DOLLAR”

Western, Arab states sidestep Assad fate in Syria proposals BEIRUT (Reuters) - Five Western and Arab states that have backed the rebellion against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad make no reference to his future in a document proposing changes to U.N.-led talks, an apparent recognition of his strong position in the conflict. The document drawn up by the United States, Jordan, Britain, France and Saudi Arabia made recommendations to the U.N. Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura for what they called a “practical approach” to what would be a “slow” political process. It leaked on Friday as the latest round of U.N.-led talks was underway in Vienna, and its authenticity was confirmed to Reuters by three diplomatic sources. The Syrian government’s negotiator at the Vienna talks dismissed the proposals as “totally unacceptable”. A Syrian opposition official, speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said it was “not good”, declining to explain why. Assad appears unassailable in the conflict thanks to direct military intervention by Iran and Russia, which is now seen as the pivotal foreign power in the war and is due

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to host a Syrian peace congress in Sochi next week. The five states’ proposals recommend that de Mistura focus the parties on reforming the constitution, on holding U.N.-supervised elections for Syrians inside and outside the country, and creating a “safe and neutral environment” for the vote. “All external supporters of the political process should encourage the opposition and government delegations to engage genuinely in the talks, focus squarely on these topics and, at least initially, set aside other issues,” it said. While not addressing Assad’s fate, the proposals

call for a new constitution that would dilute presidential powers in favor of a stronger parliament. It also calls for the departure of all foreign militias - an apparent reference to the Iranbacked Shi‘ite groups that have provided critical support to Assad - before elections. A European diplomat confirmed the paper had been presented to de Mistura. The United Nations has sponsored eight rounds of fruitless peace talks in Geneva since the war began in 2011, a conflict that has killed hundreds of thousands and driven millions from their homes while dragging in world and regional powers.

The Trump administration’s debut at Davos also caused a storm because of comments by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who said earlier this week the United States benefited from a lower dollar, which would make its exports cheaper.Those remarks sent the U.S. currency tumbling and drew sharp rebukes from the European Central Bank chief and other figures, who view countries talking down their own currencies as a vio-

lation of unwritten rules to keep trade balanced. Mnuchin told CNBC television yesterday he was “absolutely not trying to talk down the dollar” and that his remarks had been taken out of context. “What I said was actually very even-handed and consistent with what I said before.” On Thursday, Trump said he ultimately wanted the dollar to be strong. U.S. officials said there was no disagreement between Trump and Mnuchin, and the Treasury Secretary had been making a factual observation about the impact of a lower dollar, not announcing a policy preference to drive it down. Despite Trump’s tough trade talk, those in the audience mostly noted the upbeat tone of his speech. “I think he came here to make not just American but global business comfortable about where America is now,” said IHS Markit’s chief economist, Nariman Behravesh. “He wasn’t trying to convert people to his own views, but saying we are a great economy, come and invest in the U.S.” Andrei Guryev, chief executive of Russian fertilizer giant Phosagro, said Trump

had spoken “how big business people should be speaking at important road shows of their own companies”. That did not please everyone. Winnie Byanyima, director of Oxfam International, said: “Trump’s boastful sales pitch was a victory lap for the trillions of tax cuts that the wealthy elites and corporations have clamored for.” Still, the reception was more polite than might have been expected, given the open anxiety with which the prospect of a Trump presidency was met at Davos a year ago. Trump’s questioning of trade, withdrawal from the Paris climate treaty and nationalist rhetoric sit uneasily at the quintessentially globalist event. Throughout the week, European leaders spoke with worry about the rise of populism.Without mentioning Trump by name, German Chancellor Angela Merkel evoked the build-up to the two world wars. Trump hosted a dinner with business leaders on Thursday night. Two European executives told Reuters they stayed away because they did not want to shake his hand. One said he consulted his wife and children before deciding not to go.

France urges more EU sanctions on Venezuela over “shift to authoritarianism” PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron called yesterday for further European Union sanctions on Venezuela, days after the 28nation bloc agreed a travel ban and asset freezes on seven senior Venezuelan officials.The West accuses President Nicholas Maduro’s government of violating democracy and human rights in the oil-producing nation, which is in the grip of a major economic and social crisis with millions suffering food and medicine shortages. Venezuela’s pro-government Supreme Court late on Thursday excluded the opposition coalition from registering for this year’s presidential election, possibly splintering Maduro’s foes by pushing political parties to put forward competing candidates.

“Sadly things are going in the wrong direction,” Macron told a joint news conference with the visiting president of Argentina, Mauricio Macri. “We’ll have to see at the European level whether we want new sanctions. I am in favor of having them... I want us to go further given the recent decisions and the shift to authoritarianism.” On Monday the EU announced measures targeting people in charge of security forces accused of widespread abuses, particularly during the 2017 anti-government protests.Earlier on Friday Spain, a prominent supporter of the new EU sanctions, declared Venezuela’s ambassador to Madrid ‘persona non grata’ following an equivalent move by the Caracas government on Thursday. Critics of the 55-year-old

Maduro, who succeeded Hugo Chavez in 2013, say he has ruined a once prosperous oil economy, turned Venezuela into a dictatorship and skewed the election system to perpetuate power for his Socialist Party.Maduro’s government says it is fighting a U.S.-led right-wing conspiracy determined to end socialism in Latin America, hobble Venezuela’s economy, and steal its oil wealth.Macron urged other countries that have wider economic ties with Venezuela to also impose “efficient s a n c t i o n s . ” A r g e n t i n a ’s Macri said Maduro continued to “violate the system” despite diplomatic pressure and he called for free and transparent elections. “It’s not been a democracy for a long time,” said Macri.

Br azil’ s Lula a ppeals Brazil’ azil’s appeals e his passpor decision to seiz seize passportt SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Lawyers for Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva yesterday appealed a decision to seize the former president’s passport, on the heels of an appeals court ruling upholding his corruption conviction. The seizure was approved on Thursday, a day after appellate court judges voted to uphold Lula’s convictions for taking a bribe

and money laundering, in a major blow to the popular politician’s plans to run again for the presidency this year. Lula was planning to travel to an African Union conference in Ethiopia. The lawyers claimed the passport seizure violated his constitutional right to freedom of movement.

Kaieteur News

Saturday January 27, 2018

Haiti clamps down on improperly dressed police PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti - CMC – The Director General of the National Police of Haiti (PNH), Michel-Ange Gédéon, is clamping down on improperly dressed police officers as well as those with some current hairstyles such as punk, mohok and coloured hair. In a circular to police officers, Gédéon said he wanted to put an end to these fantasies carried out in defiance of the police regulations. He said police officers are being asked to comply with the rules. He said men should have a haircut, beard and moustache simple and regular while women police officers should have a regular cut without colouring when they wear uniform.He said it is the responsibility of the Inspectorate General, the unit commanders and the entire chain of command of the units and police stations to ensure the strict application of these provisions. “From now on, the police assigned to the Directorate of Prison Administration (DAP) will use the PNH’s regulatory uniform (cream shirt, navy

trousers with yellow piping). The coat of arms of the DAP and other regulatory accessories must be worn on all uniforms of police personnel of the prison administration,” the circular noted.It said the police assigned to the Inter-

vention and Escort team will use the special black uniform and reminded the Director of Administration and General Services as well as the DAP to take all necessary measures for the immediate application of these measures.

Opposition legislator files defamation lawsuit against PM ST. JOHN’S, Antigua CMC – An opposition has filed a defamation lawsuit against Prime Minister Gaston Browne for allegedly making “outrageous’ statements against him in Parliament recently. The lawsuit was filed on Thursday and Browne received the documents yesterday media reports here said. Daniel, a member of the opposition United Progressive Party (UPP) through his lawyer, Charlesworth Taber, had claimed that Browne had made the statement during a crosstalk in the Parliament Building on January 2, after the Speaker of the House, Sir Gerald Watt,

Prime Minister Gaston Browne had suspended the sitting due to a disruption in electricity.They said that the allegations reportedly made by Prime Minister Browne

were therefore not under the protection of parliamentary immunity, since the Speaker had already suspended the session.Daniel had given Prime Minister Browne a two week deadline to apologise indicating that failure to do so would result in the lawsuit for defamation. The January 10 letter to Prime Minister Browne also made reference to the comments he allegedly made on January 6, while speaking on a radio station, which he owns. Daniel said he had been further injured by statements made by callers and is asking the court for aggravated damages.

Trinidad jolted by two earthquakes PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad - CMC – Trinidad and Tobago was rocked by two earthquakes within a five minute period yesterday but there were no reports of injuries and damage to infrastructure. The Seismic Research Centre (SRC) of the St. Augustine campus of the University of the West Indies (UWI) said that the first quake, with a magnitude of 4.7 occurred at 10.47 (local time on yesterday morning , while the other measuring 5.1 occurred 10.40 am

(local time).The SRC said that the first quake was located Latitude: 10.54N, Longitude: 61.86W and at a depth of 10 kilometers (km). It was felt 41 km WSW of Port of Spain, 54 km NW of San Fernando south of the capital and 65 km W of Arima, east of here. The second quake was located at Latitude: 10.03N, Longitude: 62.11W and also at a depth of 10 km.It was also felt in Port of Spain, San Fernando and 107 km north of Tucupita, Venezuela.



Kaieteur News

Saturday January 27, 2018

Govt. criticises attitude of CNC, defends state-agency in oil contract dispute PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad - CMC – The Trinidad and Tobago government yesterday said it would not be “bullied” by the Caribbean Nitrogen Company (CNC) that on Wednesday announced the immediate closure of its ammonia plant on the Point Lisas Industrial Estate in central Trinidad resulting in the loss of an estimated 400 jobs. CNC has blamed the state-owned National Gas Company (NGC) for its position after the company cut off gas supply to the plant. “We had no choice but to shut down the plant to ensure the well-being of our people and protect our investment. Unfortunately, this action by NGC will negatively affect the future of our 110 loyal workers,” said CNC chief executive officer, Jerome Dookie.But NGC said it would “continue to work assiduously and professionally to secure a mutually-acceptable agreement “but warned also that ‘these efforts are predicated on the new reality of higher gas acquisition costs and the need for improved efficiencies across the value chain”.

In a statement yesterday, the Ministry of Energy and energy Industries said that the Keith Rowley government “has noted with a high level of concern the language being used by the Caribbean Nitrogen Company (CNC) in its public utterances with respect to the breakdown of commercial negotiations “between the CNC and NGC. “It is no secret that there have been, and are, gas curtailment issues currently affecting our hydrocarbon industry. It is also not a secret that NGC from 2019 has to pay significantly higher prices for gas.“The behaviour of CNC which has shareholders who

hold significant shareholding in other plants in Pt. Lisas is instructive and disappointing. There is no entitlement to gas supply without an agreed and executed contract,” the Ministry said. “It is the Government’s understanding that NGC’s gas supply agreement with CNC expired and the parties were unable to agree pricing issues for gas supply from 2018 to 2023. The gas supply situation and in particular, the pricing of gas has changed significantly and the Government has been, and will be, engaging upstream gas suppliers and downstream gas purchasers to address this.”

Kaieteur News

Saturday January 27, 2018

Dominica linked to North Korea sanction busting

A combination of file photos, released by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) last October showing what it describes as an attempt by North Korean shipRye Song Gang 1 to conduct a ship-to-ship transfer. ROSEAU, Dominica - CMC – Senior Counsel Anthony Astaphan is distancing the present Dominica government from any blame regarding r allegations that a Dominican registered ship was involved in a suspected breach of the United Nations Security Council sanctions against North Korea. “This debate has to start and end with the October 1, 1999 agreement signed by the

then government of Dominica, three months before general election where the government gave, transfer, vested in, and conferred exclusive, absolute jurisdiction on an American company called Dominica Maritime Registry Incorporation, to flag or to manage, own and operate a registry which flags ships of convenience with Dominican flags or flags of convenience in Dominica,” he told the state-owned DBS radio.



Saturday January 27, 2018

Kaieteur News

Exciting action set for Reliance ground tomorrow Four teams will be competing for a trophy tomorrow at the Reliance Sports Club ground, Essequibo Coast where the Reliance Sports Ground Development Committee will be hosting the fund-raising matches.The action is set to commence at 10:00hrs and three exciting matches are highly predicted. The teams participating are: Cotton Field, Bush Lot, Reliance Masters and Reliance Sports C l u b . S e v e r a l f o r m e r s e n i o r Essequibo inter-county players are expected to grace the occasion. Elroy Stephney, Lakmikant Narine, Narindra Madholall who all represented the county at the highest level and former Guyana youth players Rovindra Parasram, Nathan Persaud among others will be on show. According to organiser Travis Simon, the day promises to be thrilling and he has expressed gratitude to the teams on their support. The players will be using coloured clothing since it is a white hardball festival. Meanwhile, Simon stated that the four-team Twenty/20 competition is expected to resume the following weekend.

Rovindra Parsram

Saturday January 27 , 2018 ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19) Thoughts of travel could be on your mind today, Aries, and you might tinker with the idea of actually taking time off and going somewhere that you've always wanted to visit. TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20) Some unusual dreams may come to you tonight, Taurus, and you might awaken with the idea that they're very important GEMINI (May 21–June 20) Relationships of all kinds should be thriving at this time, Gemini. Mind and emotions join together in a beneficial partnership, enabling you to increase your understanding of those close to you. CANCER (June 21–July 22) Work of all kinds gets done a lot faster, Cancer, as friends or family members join in assisting you in getting it out of the way.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) If you're into computers and the Internet, Libra, you can expect to spend a lot of time today staring at a screen. SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Using computers either to increase your income or manage your money may have seemed like Greek to you, Scorpio, but today you'll probably catch on very quickly. SAGIT(Nov.22–Dec.21) Intellect and feelings are totally joined today, Sagittarius, especially when dealing with friends. Your basic understanding of others is also enhanced by a keener sense of intuition. CAPRI(Dec.22–Jan.19) A focused and enhanced practical turn of mind, strengthened by intuition, may be of great help to you today when considering career matters, Capricorn.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22) Love blossoms today as communication with your beloved is enhanced by an increased understanding on both your parts, Leo.

AQUARIUS(Jan.20–Feb.18) You probably won't want to spend much time at home today, Aquarius.

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) A number of visitors might come to your house today, Virgo, perhaps to discuss matters of interest to all of you. Some intense disagreements could arise, but you'll be able to keep it all together.

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20) Your imagination is flying high today, Pisces. Intellect and intuition join together in a vivid and explosive union where the whole is definitely greater than the sum of the parts.

Ireland opt for experience in World Cup qualifying squad ESPNcricinfo -William Porterfield will lead an experienced Ireland side in the ICC World Cup Qualifiers in March. Cricket Ireland announced their 15-man squad for the event, with more than half the squad - 8 players having over 100 international caps to their name. Ireland won a tri-nation series in the UAE last week that also included Afghanistan and Scotland, and 13 of the 15 players that were part of that squad make the cut. The only absentees are Stuart Poynter and Jacob Mulder. Poynter’s wife is due to give birth in March, making Mulder the only one who missed out due to tactical reasons. 27-year old James Shannon, who had a prolific 2017 with Northern Knights, comes back into the side. He will be hoping to add to the solitary cap he won for Ireland nearly five years ago, when he played against Pakistan. Tim Murtagh also returns to the squad after missing out on the tri-nation series. Porterfield, who will be bidding to play in his fourth World Cup in 2019, said: “It’s going to be a really hardfought tournament with nearly all the sides in with a genuine chance of qualification. There are certainly no ‘gimmes’ in the competition. It’s a pity there are only two places up for grabs. “We’ve got a good record against the Windies, beating them in the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015, so we’ll take confi-


From page 30 2010 Regional Under-19 Tournament, against Barbados in St Lucia. He scored his first regional century (102 runs) in 2012 Regional Under-19 2-innings Tournament, against Trinidad & Tobago, in Barbados. The presentation was made possible by Assistant Commissioner of Police Nigel Hoppie DSM, who is the chairman of the Guyana Police Force Cricket Team, of which himself and Commissioner Seelall Persaud are considered all-rounders and cricket enthusiasts and this kind gesture can make a positive impact on the player’s cricketing career.

dence from that. The Netherlands have got some big players back in recent times, so they’ll be tough, while PNG are improving all the time. We will be at full strength for the competition, so hopefully if we play to our strengths we’ll make it through to the United Kingdom in 2019 and our fourth straight World Cup.” Ireland are in Group A of the qualifiers, alongside West Indies, Netherlands, Papua New Guinea and the winners of the ICC World Cricket League Division 2. They will

need to finish in the top three of Group A to advance to the Super Six stage, then finish in the top two to qualify for the World Cup. The qualifiers run from March 4 to 25 in Zimbabwe. Ireland’s 15-man squad William Porterfield (capt), Andy Balbirnie, Peter Chase, George Dockrell, Ed Joyce, Andy McBrine, Barry McCarthy, Tim Murtagh, Kevin O’Brien, Niall O’Brien (wk), Boyd Rankin, James Shannon, Simi Singh, Paul Stirling and Gary Wilson.

Saturday January 27, 2018


Kaieteur News

Super50 practice match

Hetymer’s belligerent ton sees Jaguars to win over Rest Team A typically belligerent century from 21-year-old West Indies left-hander Shimron Hetymer, rapid fifties from Anthony Bramble and Sherfane Rutherford along with an explosive unbeaten 48 from Kemo Paul highlighted yesterday’s Super50 practice for the Guyana Jaguars at Providence. Batting first on a flat track and fast outfield Jaguars blasted 386-8 from 50 overs as all of Rest team bowlers, except off-spinner Steven Jacobs, were put the sword in sultry conditions as a handful of spectators watched the onslaught. Hetymer, Guyana’s latest Test batman, tore the bowling apart, smashing 14 fours and two sixes in a pugnacious 101 from just 72 balls to send a stern warning to the Regional bowlers as Jaguars’ preparations intensified for the Regional Super50 which start on January 30. The 26-year-old Keeper Bramble continued from where he left off in the FirstClass tournament with a shot filled 86 from 60 balls, decorated with a couple of fours and seven huge sixes, while 19-year-old Rutherford was ruthless in his assault on the hapless bowlers blasting eight fours and two sixes his 74 from 47 ball. Paul also contributed with a quick-fire unbeaten 48 from 20 with three fours and four sixes. Medium pacer Chris Barnwell (2-58 from 6 overs) and Jamaican off Ramaal Lewis (2-52 from 7) were leading wicket-takers, while the 28-year-old Jacobs, who had 0-23 from seven overs was the best bowler for the Rest Team who fell for 219 from 39 overs in reply despite an entertaining 48 from 40 with five fours

and two sixes from Christopher Barnwell who continued his fine form from the GCB 50over Franchise League where he score 101 in the semi-final and 69 in the final. But while several batsmen got starts, no other batsman passed 23 as Leg-spinner Devendra Bishoo, playing in a match since returning home over the Christmas holidays, showed little signs of ring rust and, bowling in tandem with left spinner Veerasammy Permaul, combined the capture five wickets between them as the Rest team fell for 219-8 in 39 overs to lose by 167 runs. Robin Bacchus (20) was LBW to Paul and Tagenarine Chanderpaul were removed by Romario Shepherd (5) as both openers departed with the score on 26. Tevin Imlach (16) and Barnwell staged a recovery with Barnwell dominating the 75-run stand but when the in form Barnwell was taken at long-on going after Bishoo at 101-3 it was always going to be a difficult task for the Rest Team to win. Clinton Pestano (23), Kemol Savory (17), Lewis (16), Kevin Boodie (15) and Jonathon Foo (15) all failed to build on stars as Bishoo (328 from 10) and Permaul (2-18 from 7) orchestrated the Rest Team’s demise. Earlier, Jaguars lost two quick wickets to slip to 16-2; Chanderpaul Hemraj (8) was caught behind off Pestano, while Raymon Reifer, surprisingly sent at three, fended at a couple of short ones from Pestano who produced a lively opening spell, gloved a hook to Bramble off Wintz after making two. Hetymer then dominated a 102-run third wicket stand with Skipper Leon Johnson

(24) before he pushed forward to Lewis and was bowled at 118-3. Hetmyer pulled, cover drove and hooked Wintz for boundaries in the one over before dumping Pestano for four. The Berbician disdainfully whipped Keon Joseph for four before hitting Pestano for two fours and a six to reach his fifty and celebrated with a magnificent shot back past the bowler for the fourth boundary in the over. A late cut off Lewis got Ricardo Adams a boundary, while Hetymer lofted the offspinner for six to reach his century from 73 balls with 14 fours and four sixes before he cut Lewis to point at 151-4. Ricardo Adams (28) was then caught behind off his unrelated namesake Anthony Adams at 209-5 before the Rutherford and Bramble show commenced with an array enterprising shots as the pair shared in the runs feast. Bramble drove Jacobs for four before hitting Lewis for 6, 6, 4, 6 in an over which cost 24 even as Jacobs continued his miserly spell as the offspinners bowled in tandem. Bramble reached his 50 from 38 balls with two fours and a six before hitting Gudakesh Motie for four, while Rutherford spanked the spinner for four more before reverse sweeping him for another boundary. Bramble pulled Barnwell to deep mid-wicket at 305-6 before Paul and Rutherford took the score to 363 when Rutherford departed. Paul continued the carnage; blasting Barnwell for four and three consecutive sixes in the last over before Shepherd (0) was caught behind off the final ball.

Anthony Bramble drives majestically past cover for four during brutal his 86 yesterday.

Kemo Paul launches a six during his fiery 49 from 20 balls yesterday. (Photos by Sean Devers photo)

Sherfane Rutherford smashes Barnwell through the off side during his quick-fire 74 yesterday. Shiv Chanderpaul who missed the GCB 50-over final for Essequibo on Wednesday, also did not play in

yesterday’s game. He will return home today before the Jaguars depart for Antigua tomorrow morning

for their opening game against English County side Kent on Wednesday. (Sean Devers)

Chris Barnwell goes through cover during 48 for the Rest team yesterday.


Kaieteur News

Saturday January 27, 2018

Early Australia Day fireworks set up consolation victory SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia romped to a three-wicket victory in the fourth one-day international at Adelaide Oval yesterday after threatening to dismiss England for the lowest score in the history of the format by reducing the tourists to eight for five inside seven overs. Chris Woakes scored 78 as England recovered to post a score of 196 in their 50 overs but opener Travis Head’s 96 helped Australia to 197-7 and a comfortable consolation win with 13 overs to spare. “Five for eight you take that any day of the week on any wicket,” said Australia captain Steve Smith. “Nice to get over the line in the end. Pretty ordinary batting display really apart from Heady who played well.” The tourists were full of confidence after winning the first three encounters to take an unassailable lead in the five-match series but it soon dissipated when they were put in to bat under overcast skies on the Australia Day holiday. Pat Cummins (4-24) and Josh Hazlewood (3-39) made light of the absence of their rested fellow paceman Mitchell Starc and ripped through the England top order.Jason Roy departed off the second ball with Jonny Bairstow, Joe Root and Jos Buttler swiftly following him to depart, all caught out for ducks. Alex Hales at least got three runs on the board be-

Chris Woakes’ good form with bat continued as he lifted England up towards 200... ©Getty Images fore Cummins took out his off stump and Zimbabwe’s record low innings tally of 35 against Sri Lanka in 2004 looked under serious threat. Skipper Eoin Morgan and all-rounder Moeen Ali, who both scored 33, put on 53 to ease the tourists away from that ignominy and Woakes’s

fine innings added a gloss of decency to the tally. Australia made a bit of a meal of the run chase and Smith continued his poor series with only four runs after he was well caught in the cordon by Root off Adil Rashid (3-49)Head, who was brought into the side in place of the

Tucker clinches place for South Korea Games HAMILTON, Bermuda, CMC – Cross-country skier Tucker Murphy will represent Bermuda at his third Winter Olympics after qualifying for next month’s Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Murphy, 36, who represented Bermuda in Vancouver in 2010 and in Sochi, Russia, four years ago, has reached the B standard in the 15kilometre freestyle. Murphy has spent the past few months competing in Kandilli, Turkey, and Seefeld, Austria, and will travel to Pyeongchang with his father, Mike Murphy, the president of the Bermuda Winter Ski Association, who will serve as the island’s chef de mission. “Tucker got the lowest number of qualifying points he’s ever had since he started,” his father said. “The lower the points, the better the result.“He’s doing pretty well and he’s getting towards the first cut-off for the top, top groups, so he’s definitely improved.”

Bermudian Tucker Murphy Tucker, who is based at present in South Tyrol, an autonomous province in northern Italy, will train and compete right up until the week before the Games, which run from February 9-25. A multi-talented sportsman, having competed in triathlon at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in

2014, Tucker started crosscountry skiing while studying at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. Bermuda has been represented at the Winter Olympics since the 1992 Games in Albertville, France, where Simon Payne competed in the luge.Matt Leseur, a Bermudian freestyle mogul skier, had hoped to join Tucker in Pyeongchang. The 19-year-old earned the island an eligibility spot, finishing in the top 30 at the World Cup in Ruka, Finland, last month, but ultimately fell short in his qualifying objective.“Matt did a terrific job and made a super effort to get there,” Mike Murphy said. Tucker Murphy is only the third Bermudian after Payne and three-time Olympian Patrick Singleton (luge and skeleton) to appear at a Winter Olympics. Murphy finished 88th in Vancouver in 2010 before improving on that display with an 84th-place finish in Sochi.

injured Aaron Finch, looked destined for a second international century but fell four runs short of the milestone when he slapped the ball straight to Morgan at mid-on off Chris Wood. Tim Paine got Australia home with his unbeaten 25 not out but not until he had

Travis Head struck a flurry of boundaries to ease Australia into the chase... ©Getty Images run out Man of the Match Cummins to leave the hosts seven wickets down and 11 runs short of their target. “Full credit to Australia. I thought they bowled well. Didn’t give us anything to hit. It was relentless. They deserved to win today,” said Morgan.The final match in

the series takes place on Sunday, the first sporting event at a new 60,000-seater stadium in Perth. Scores: Australia 197 for 7 (Head 96, Rashid 3-49) beat England 196 (Woakes 78, Cummins 4-24, Tye 3-33, Hazlewood 3-39) by three wickets.

Formula 1: Force India and Sauber withdraw ‘anti-competitive’ complaint BBC Sport - Force India and Sauber have withdrawn their complaint to the European Union regarding anticompetitive practices in Formula 1. The teams lodged the complaint in 2015, claiming former F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone had set up an “unfair” governance structure and split of revenues.But the teams say they are “encouraged by dialogue” with F1’s new owners. US group Liberty Media bought F1’s commercial rights last year.Under new boss Chase Carey, who ousted Ecclestone last January, they are conducting a thorough review of F1 and plan to make changes to many aspects of its governance and structure over the next few years. Among the changes being pushed is a cap on the amount of money teams can spend, a fairer revenue split, simplifying engines to help generate a more competitive field and changing the tech-

Sauber and Force India “want to support the transformational process in F1”. (Getty Images) nical rules to encourage closer racing and make overtaking easier.The statement from both teams on Thursday said Carey and his new management team had “brought a new culture of transparency to the sport and illustrates willingness to debate fundamental issues such as the distribution of the prize fund monies, cost control and engine regulations”. It added: “We are encouraged and reassured by the

even-handed and fair negotiating approach taken by the new management of Formula 1 to all the teams and their issues. “While the concerns leading to the complaint were fully justified, we believe this new approach provides the necessary degree of assurance that our concerns will be looked at objectively, and we prefer to resolve the issues facing the sport through dialogue rather than a legal dispute.

Saturday January 27, 2018


Kaieteur News

Simmons’ hundred puts Dangerous pitch brings early close in South Africa with India on top Windies in Plate final LINCOLN, New Zealand, CMC – Opener Keagan Simmons slammed a careerbest hundred to help West Indies crush Canada Under19s by 187 runs, and book their place in the Plate final of the ICC Youth World Cup here yesterday. The left-handed opener brought alive the Bert Sutcliffe Oval with a sparkling 166 off 137 deliveries as the Caribbean side piled up 323 for eight off their 50 overs, after choosing to bat first. Alick Athanaze, another left-hander, smashed 87 while opener Bhaskar Yadram chipped in with 23. In reply, Canada folded for 136 in the 48th over without really threatening their target, despite an excellent 61 from Kavian Naress and 31 from Arslan Khan. Fast bowler Ronaldo Alimohamed (2-17), along with off-spinners Alick Athanaze (2-20) and Bhaskar Yadram (2-31), all finished with two wickets each. West Indies, who failed in their bid to defend the title they won two years ago, will now have the chance at redemption when they face Sri Lanka in tomorrow’s Plate final, also at the Bert Sutcliffe Oval. Simmons, who starred in the opener against New Zealand with an unbeaten 92, was once again at his best in a knock laced with 17 fours. While he lacked major support throughout the innings, he managed to add 42 with Yadram for the first wicket, 156 for the third wicket with Athanaze before putting on a further 52 for the fourth wicket with Kirstan Kallicharan (9). Yadram struck four boundaries in a 26-ball knock before pulling off-spinner Rommel Shahzad to backward square to depart in the

Kohli took flight after Shami bounced out Aiden Markram for 4 ©BCCI

Left-handed opener Keagan Simmons … struck a career-best 166 against Canada. (Photo courtesy ICC Media) eighth over. Shazad struck again two overs later when he removed captain Emmanuel Stewart for six, the right-hander edging a cut at a wide ball to the wicketkeeper, to leave the Windies on 56 for two. However, Simmons and Athanaze then came together to dominate the Canada bowling, and put their side in total control of the contest.Simmons raised his half-century off 47 deliveries in the 20th over with a boundary off seamer Akash Gill (4-54) before reaching three figures from 101 balls, when he swept left-arm spinner Aran Pathmanathan to the square boundary in the 39th over.Simmons then accelerated, requiring only 25 more deliveries to bring up his 150. Athanaze, meanwhile, faced 95 balls and counted

Achievers Youth and Sports Club elects respective team captains at AGM The achievers youth and sports club recently held its Annual General Meeting, at the Fort Wellington School, in which they reviewed the past year’s work and the way forward for 2018. The meeting also saw the electing of a Captain for its various teams. Under 15: Darious Joseph-Captain, Odel Miller- Vice Captain; Under 17 Kayambu Small- Captain, Jayden SamuelsVice Captain; Under 19 Shamal Angel- Captain, Collis NobleVice Captain; Second Division Rauision Mitchell- Captain and Christopher Harry- Vice Captain. The Club’s first activity for the year will be the hosting of the Rising Star SC from Georgetown tomorrow at the No.5 play ground.

five fours before falling lbw to leg-spinner Kavian Naress in the 38th over but his dismissal paved the way for Simmons to dominate a key fourth wicket partnership with Kallicharan, which took the Windies past 250. When Kallicharan and Cephas Cooper (5) perished in the space of five deliveries, Simmons kept the innings going in a 35-run, sixth-wicket stand off 23 balls with Brad Barnes (16) before holing out to deep cover point off Gill in the penultimate over. Faced with a daunting run chase Canada were never in the hunt, especially after slumping to five runs for three wickets in the third over, with Alimohamed striking twice. Naress, who struck six fours and a six off 112 balls, stalled the Windies progress in a 48-run fourth wicket stand with opener Arslan Khan, who counted three fours and a six in a 50-ball knock.Once Arslan fell in the 17th over, caught at the wicket off fast bowler Kian Pemberton, the inning buckled with last six wickets tumbling for 61 runs. Scores: WINDIES U19s 323 for eight off 50 overs (Keagan Simmons 166, Alick Athanaze 87; Akash Gill 4-54, Rommel Shazad 2-55). CANADA U19s 136 off 47.3 overs (Kavian Naress 61, Arslan Khan 31; Ronaldo Alimohamed 2-17, Alick Athanaze 2-20, Bhaskar Yadram 2-31).

The match officials ushered both teams off the field after Dean Elgar copped a nasty blow on the helmet. South Africa were 17 for 1 at stumps ©Associated Press JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - A dangerous pitch brought play to a close 20 minutes early on the third day between South Africa and India with the home side chasing an unlikely target of 241 in the third and final test yesterday. The Wanderers wicket had seen balls lifting sharply off a good length all day. Umpires Ian Gould and Aleem Dar, after at least four discussions on whether to take the players off the field, finally took the decision when South Africa opener Dean Elgar was struck on the helmet by a short ball from seamer Jasprit Bumrah. The home side were 17 for one at the close, with Elgar 11 not out and Hashim Amla at the other end on 2, still needing 224 for victory in their second innings. With the batsmen unable to trust the bounce, the umpires and match commissioner Andy Pycroft will now

have to decide if player welfare is under threat. India might feel aggrieved to have lost 20 minutes at the end of day after their own batsmen took body blows. South African opener Aiden Markram (4) failed for the second time in the test when he edged a rising ball from Mohammed Shami to wicketkeeper Partiv Patel. India had earlier showed admirable bravery in posting 247 in their second innings. Ajinkya Rahane (48), not picked for the first two tests of the series, played some sublime shots in difficult conditions. “Our approach is that we want to play and we want to win this test match,” Rahane told reporters after the days’ play. “That ball (to Elgar) was back of length, a hard length. It kicked off with slightly more bounce than usual. “The bounce on this wicket is completely natural.

Not dangerous, it is completely similar for both teams.” South Africa coach Ottis Gibson says the team wants to complete the test, but says player safety must come first. “We are here to play cricket. We still want to play cricket,” Gibson said. “The match referee’s decision will be on player safety. If the match ref says play on, we are going to play once a decision is made. “Throughout the whole game on both sides, you saw batsmen wearing a few. India didn’t complain and we didn’t either.” South Africa have an unassailable 2-0 lead in the three-match series, but are seeking a first ever cleansweep over India. Scores: South Africa 194 and 17 for 1 need another 224 runs to beat India 187 and 247 (Rahane 48, Kohli 41, Bhuvneshwar 33, Morkel 347).


GCB Dave West Indian Imports NY Inter County U-15 tourney launched By Zaheer Mohamed As part of their preparation for the 2018 Cricket West Indies Regional U-15 tournament, the Guyana Cricket Board has partnered with Dave West Indian Imports, New York for the third consecutive year for the staging of the upcoming inter county U-15 50-over tournament. This partnership was announced during the launching of the tournament yesterday at the Guyana Cricket Board office at Regent Road, Bourda. Marketing Manager of the GCB, Rajendra Singh, who chaired the proceedings expressed gratitude to the sponsors for their continued support and stated that this venture has greatly assisted the GCB in the staging the tournament since it costs over Three Million Dollars. He further encouraged the youngsters to place a special emphasis on their nutrition and touched on the importance of fitness. Singh added that this tournament serves as the foundation of

their careers as they look to achieve greater heights. GCB Vice President Fizul Bacchus thanked the sponsors and noted the importance of the tournament. Bacchus, who was recently re-elected President of the Essequibo Cricket Board, told the gathering which included several players that this is a stepping stone for greater things to come once they remain committed the sport. He added that this tournament will be used as a means of preparation for the Regional tournament and urged the players to put their best foot forward. Bacchus mentioned that a number of players who participated in this competition have gone on to play for their country and Region at various levels. Amar Ramraj, a representative of the sponsor, said that they are happy for the opportunity to be part of the tournament, while stating that it is at this level where stars are born. He stated that he is looking forward for a successful tournament and wished

the teams well. Among those who have participated in the inter county U-15 competition are former West Indies U-19 World Cup winning Vice Captain Keemo Paul, Bhaskar Yadram, Joshua Persaud, Ronaldo Alimohamed, Raymond Perez, Ashmead Nedd and Sherfane Rutherford. The tournament involves four teams; Demerara, Essequibo, Berbice and the President’s XI. In the opening fixtures on February 4, Demerara will take on Essequibo at Lusignan, while Berbice will face the President’s XI at Georgetown Cricket Club, Bourda. On February 6, Berbice will battle Demerara at Everest and Essequibo will challenge the President’s XI at Tuschen. The final preliminary round matches will be played on February 8 with The President’s XI playing Demerara at Lusignan and Berbice opposing Essequibo at Everest. The top two teams will then battle in the final on February 10 at Bourda.

RHTY&SC congratulates Clinton Pestano on National Selection The Management and Members of the Rose Hall To w n Yo u t h & S p o r t s Club, MS would like to extend congratulations to o ur colleague Clinton Pestano on his selec t i o n on the Guyana One-Day Cricket Team for the upcoming CWI Cricket Tournament in Antigua. Pestano, who is the current Vice-captain of the Rose Hall Town Gizmos & Gadgets First Division Team, would join Assad Fudadin as the second Rose Hall Town Youth & Sports Club player to play Senior Regional Cricket in 2018. Fudadin represented Jamaica in the recently concluded Four-Day Cricket Tournament. Pestano over the last nine years has been an outstanding performer for the Rose Hall Town Youth & Sports Club at the junior and senior levels and has represented Guyana at the Under-15, Under-17 and Under-19 levels. Last Year, he made his debut for Guyana at the Senior level. All of us at the Rose Hall Town Youth & Sports Club especially his colleagues in the Rose Hall

Saturday January 27, 2018

Kaieteur News

Clinton Pestano Town Gizmos & Gadgets Team are very proud of him and we wish him and the entire Guyana Cricket Team success in the 2018 OneDay Tournament. We would like to remind him that the Rose Hall Town Youth & Sports Club proven formula of success has been discipline, commitment and hard work and it is our hope that he continues to do so. With so many talented allrounders emerging from

Guyana’s Cricket structure, it is very important for Pestano to perform if he wants to keep his place in the team. The Rose Hall Town Youth & Sports Club since its formation in 1990, has produced a total of sixteen National Senior Players at all levels and with an expanded Cricket D e v e l o p m e n t a l Programme being implemented, we are very confident that many more players like Kevlon Anderson, Junior Sinclair, Keith Simpson and Kevin Sinclair would one day wear the Senior Cricket Team Cap. The ten cricket teams of the Club on Tuesday last presented Pestano with a financial contribution to assist him to be fully prepared for the upcoming cricket tournament. B e s t Wi s h e s a r e e x tended to Esuan Crandon as he strives to add another cricket title to his coaching achievement. All of us are proud of Esuan and would like to congratulate him of becoming t h e f i r s t We s t I n d i e s Cricket Coach to win four successive titles.

Enmore CCCC 10/10 Cricket tournament for this weekend The Enmore Community Centre Cricket Club in association with East Coast Cricket Committee and D and E Tent yesterday launched a 10/10 knockout cricket tournament for teams on the East Coast of Demerara. This new cricket format which will last for three weeks promises to be full of excitement and marks the commencement of the 2018 season

on the East Coast of Demerara. First round matches will be played tomorrow at Ogle and Enmore Community Centre grounds whilst second round, semi-finals and final will be played at Enmore. Cash prizes and trophies will be presented to the finalists and for outstanding individual performances.

Representatives of the sponsors and Enmore CCCC at the launching of the tournament. The following are the first round fixtures: At Ogle ground: Match 1 (11:00 hrs) Enterprise A vs Cavaliers SC Match #2 (1:00 PM) Lusignan A vs Mahaica SC Match #3 (3:00 PM) Ogle CC vs Helena #1 &2 · At Enmore Community Centre ground: Match #1(11:00 hrs) Golden Achievers vs Fairfield SC Match #2 (1:00 PM) – Paradise SC vs Strathavon SC Match #3 (3:00 PM) – Enmore CCCC vs Beehive SC Meanwhile Better Hope CC will match skills against Good Hope SC and L.B.I will play Lusignan East next weekend. All teams are required to submit a list of no more that 16 players that will represent them in the competition, prior to their first round fixture.

MILO/MOPH/Petra Annual School’s U18 Football starts today

Milo football – The venue being prepared for this weekend’s action. The Sixth Annual MILO/Ministry of Public Health/Petra Organisation Schools Under18 football tournament starts today at the Ministry of Education ground with three matches. Buxton Youth Development will take on Business School at 12:00hrs, St. Roses High School will face Cummings Lodge at 13:30hrs and Chase Academy will play Carmel Secondary at 15:00hrs in opening action.

Tomorrow, South Ruimveldt Secondary will match skills with Charlestown Secondary at 12:00hrs, Masters Academy will challenge Queenstown Secondary at 13:30hrs and Sir Leon Lessons will face Uitvlugt Secondary at 15:00hrs. The winning team will take home $500,000, runner up $300,000, third place $200,000 and fourth place $100,000 which will go towards a school project

Saturday January 27, 2018


Kaieteur News

Max-I-Do pair becomes 1st Guyanese “ Academy of Martial Arts” Hall-of-Honor Awardees Max Massiah (who in September of 2017 became Guyana’s only 3-time HALLOF-FAMER at the “Legends of Martial Arts Celebrity Fest & International games, held in Fresno, California) was nominated for the Hall-OfHonor Award by the host of the Event, Sifu Alan Goldberg (known as the “Godfather” of Martial Arts). Mr. Massiah then nominated a fellow Guyanese Martial Artist, the President of the Guyana Amateur Karate Association (GAKA), 5th Dan Black Belt Sensei Anthony Durjan Snr, of which the Board of Directors approved, therein creating history in becoming the first Guyanese to be presented with such a coveted and prestigious award, the Martial Arts Hall- OfHonor. The Ceremony is set for Saturday 27th January 2018, during the World’s largest mega event, the “Ultimate Destination”, Jan. 26th to 28th, at the TROPICANA Casino, Atlantic City, New Jersey. “Mr. Max”, as he is popularly called, a Martial Arts practitioner with 45 years experience, is the Founder of Max-I-Do Adult Self-Defence System, which was specifically structured for Business owners, professionals, workers, elderly, and females - all who may be subjected to stick-ups, bullyism, or unlaw-

ful assault. According to Massiah, the system is a 4-second application of submission, breakage, or dislocation of the arm/s (shoulder, elbow, wrist, & fingers, and is strictly for adults. The Martial Artist, who is also the host of Guyana’s popular most-viewed weekly TV Sports programme “Maximum Sports Combat And Strength”, was recently granted a “Letter of Credence”, signed by 3 of the most respected Masters in the US, giving authentic authority to open Max-I-Do schools in any Country, and grade his students. This of course was not done without Mr. Massiah having to prove the effectiveness of the techniques to the Grandmasters, who concurred that the system would become a nightmare for bullies. So impressed and convinced that the techniques were not only efficient & effective, but dangerous, the Masters decided to delegate the Guyanese to the rank of “Go-dan” - 5th Dan Black Belt, automatically raising the possibility of researching whether he may be the only or one of few Guyanese with black belts in 3 different styles of Martial Arts. Word and evidence of Massiah’s personal form of Self-defense found its way to Germany, the home of the International Board of

EBECC/Dwayne Stephens Auto Sales T20 bowls off tomorrow The East Bank Essequibo Cricket Committee/Dwayne Stephens Auto Sales T20 tournament is set to commence tomorrow with several matches. First round fixtures will see Hydronie A facing Hydronie B at Vergenoegen at 09:30hrs and Vergenoegen playing South Side A at the said venue. Hyde Park drew the bye.

Cold Fusion will battle South Side B at Zeelugt at 09:30hrs, Zeelugt will host Ruby United at 13:00hrs and Parika Salem will tackle host Tuschen at 13:00hrs. The 11-team tournament will see the wining team taking home a trophy and $250,000, runner up a trophy and $75,000 and third place a trophy and $50,000.

Max Massiah (centre is flanked by Sifu Alan Goldberg (left) and Movie Star Michael Jai White.

Max Massiah Black Belts, World Black Belt Council. Max said he became emotional when he opened his email and saw a Certificate presented to him, making him a Certified member of the World Black Belt Council. ‘Mr. Max’ said he is honored to have learned from and trained with some of the World’s best Martial Artists, such as the World renowned

Movie Star Hwang Jang Lee (aka Silver Fox), Queen of Martial Arts Cynthia Rothrock, Professor Christopher Francis, Hanshi Anthony Dwight Lingo, and GM Haisan Kaleak (2 men he sees as 2 of the World’s most dangerous), and several others. “The Master I give the most respect to, however, is our very own Master Frank Woon-A-Tai, who has been training and teaching Martial Arts for over 50 years,” Massiah noted.

‘Max’ has been training and refining his techniques in the USA for the past 5 months. He said he would be honored to teach his fellow Guyanese the Art of Max-IDo, especially our females, and law enforcement/security personnel, the latter of which he feels would be best beneficial to, as a means to reduce the use of “guns” by law enforcement, as students will be able to easily disarm the unlawful without the reason to resort to shootings

in the case of an errant lawbreaker who refuses to comply to requests of surrender. With Max-I-Do techniques, a 120 lb female can easily subdue a male weighing twice her bodyweight, and an elderly woman can have an unruly bully praying for the Police to rescue him. The Producer of Maximum Sports Combat & Strength TV & Founder of Max-I-Do Adult Self Defence said his vision is to “encourage a safe & healthy World through Sports & Self-Defence.

COP donates cricket gear to lone police player in Guyana Jaguars squad …Shortlisted for CWI PCL Regional 50/50 tournament Commissioner of Police, Mr. Seelall Persaud, DSM donated cricket gear to Ricardo Adams who was shortlisted to represent the Guyana Jaguars franchise team at this year’s Cricket West Indies (CWI) Professional Cricket League (PCL) Regional 50/50 tournament which will commence on January 30, 2018 in Barbados. Commissioner Seelall Persaud, who handed over the gears at his Eve Leary Office, congratulated Adams and charged him to go and give his best and make the Guyana Police Force and Guyana at large proud. Ricardo Adams is well known in the cricket circle as he also represented the Guyana Police Force on many occasions in the past. The twenty-three year-old, who will join the likes of Shivnarine Chanderpaul, Devendra Bishoo, Veerasammy Permual,

Shimron Hetymyer among others in the Guyana Jaguars squad, thanked the Commissioner for his kind gesture and assured the Top Cop that he will go and give his utmost. Ricardo Adams is a hard-hitting left-hand batsman and left-arm bowler from the Essequibo Island of Wakenaam, who made his debut for Guyana in 2009 Regional Under-15 tournament. In 2009 he led Essequibo to victory over Berbice in the first of two games in the GCB/ Castrol Under-15 intercounty tournament, which probably earned him the vicecaptain role in the 2009 Guyana Under-15 team. In 2010 he represented Guyana in both the Regional Under-15 and Under-19 tournaments. Ricardo bowled well at the Under-15 level and batted with distinction at the Under-19 level. He scored his first regional half century (66 runs) in the

Commissioner Seelall Persaud hands over the gear to Ricardo Adams in the presence of Assistant Commissioner Nigel Hoppie DSM (centre).

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