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Guyanese should be celebrating Justice Kissoon’s ruling protecting nation from grave potential danger of calamitous disaster
Price $150
- His decision sets the standard for judges everywhere, not just in Guyana, but across the world - Attorney Melinda Janki
US$2B parent guarantee
leaves Exxon in breach of Liza 1 Permit
- the Permit Holder is exclusively and solely responsible for all such liabilities arising from its operations without limitation or exception
“It is simply not open to Exxon to say it is engaged in a frolic of its own, aided and abetted by the EPA, to unilaterally, arbitrarily and unlawfully cap its unlimited liability and financial assurance” - Justice Kissoon
Ray Daggers, KN Publisher walk 38 villages on day three of protest against ‘barefaced’ Exxon contract
- continues today from Canje
Cop beaten by driver, man after traffic stop
- Ex-cop saves the day Exxon in race to find more barrels before relinquishing Stabroek Block licence in 2026
Man arrested for allegedly raping pregnant woman at Region Seven backdam
After giving Guyana lopsided Stabroek Block deal, Opposition still to contribute to new model agreements
Calls mount for dismissal of EPA Head over failure to protect Guyana
Online readership yesterday, 44,856 Online: May07,2023 Sunday Edition
KN publisher, Glenn Lall applauds Ray Daggers for completing Day Three of his Journey
Sunday May 07, 2023 Kaieteur News PAGE 02
US$2B parent guarantee still leaves Exxon in breach of Liza 1 Permit -thePermitHolderisexclusivelyandsolelyresponsibleforallsuch liabilitiesarisingfromitsoperationswithoutlimitationorexception
Upon examining theprovisionsof the Liza Phase One Permit, High Court Judge, Justice Sandil Kissoon has ruled that there is an unambiguous requirement for Exxon’s affiliate, Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL) to furnish authoritieswithanunlimited liability Parent Company GuaranteeAgreementand/or an unlimited liability
Affiliate Company Guarantee He has also ordered that this order be compliedwithbyJune10or the permit would be suspended.
Justice Kissoon’s ruling washandeddownonMay3, 2022 after hearing submissions in a case filed bytwoGuyaneseSeptember last The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) whichwastherespondentto thecasehadintroduceddraft documents regarding a US$2B parent guarantee from ExxonMobil to prove compliance.JusticeKissoon said such documents are irrelevant since the amount of US$2B does not bring EEPGL into compliance with the requirements of the permit.
Justice Kissoon categorically stated that the Liza Phase One Permit carries a confluence of measures at Condition 14 whichstipulateandimpose full, complete and unlimitedliabilityuponthe
Permit Holder for any d i s c h a r g e o f a n y contaminant into the environment and for all costs of clean up, restoration and any damages all of which constitute legitimate liabilities under the Permit. The Judge said the norm or standard in relation toactivitiesofthisnaturehas beenandcontinuestobethat the Permit Holder is exclusively and solely responsible for all such liabilities arising from its operations without
Expounding further, Justice Kissoon noted that Condition 14 of the permit titled Financial Assurance and Liability for Pollution Damage provides at: 14:1 that: The Permit Holder is liable for all costs associated with clean up, r e s t o r a t i o n a n d compensation for any damages caused by an discharge or any contaminant including the cost of all investigations into pollution incidents or discharge of contaminants conducted at the instance oftheAgency.
Justice Kissoon noted thatthissub-Conditionisallencompassing in several aspects. The Judge outlined that it imposes that EEPGL: assumes liability for all costs, assumes liability for any damages, and acceptance that liability accruestothePermitHolder from any discharge howsoeveritoccurs.
Justice Kissoon also ruled that, “Condition 14:01 doesnotcontainanywordor term of limitation upon liability, quantum of costs, quantum of damages nor restrictions on the circumstances of release or d i s c h a r g e n o r o n containment nor restriction on the sphere of adverse effects caused directly or indirectly.”
His Court also finds and h o l d s t h a t i n t h e circumstances of the clear, express, unambiguous languageofthestipulationat Condition 14:01 of the Environmental Permit (Renewed), EEPGL assumed unlimited liability for all costs of clean up, r e s t o r a t i o n a n d compensation for any damage from any discharge ofanycontaminant.
Justice Kissoon said the unlimited liability which is exclusively that of EEPGL, is by no means unusual in any sense. Considering all the submissions, Justice Kissoon ruled that, “It is
simply not open to the Permit Holder to say it is engaged in a frolic of its own, aided and abetted by the EPA, to unilaterally, arbitrarily and unlawfully cap its unlimited liability
He further noted that a ParentCompanyorAffiliate Company indemnity or guarantee to the extent of US$2B does not fulfill the obligations of the Permit
Holder at Condition 14:10 and, in such circumstances, Essowillremaininbreach.
Justice Kissoon said, “There is no hurdle to the provision of the unlimited
Justice Sandil Kissoon
parent company guarantee and the unlimited affiliate company guarantee agreements stipulated at Condition 14:10 of the Permit.”
Sunday May 07, 2023 Kaieteur News PAGE 03
“It is simply not open to Exxon to say it is engaged in a frolic of its own, aided and abetted by the EPA, to unilaterally, arbitrarily and unlawfully cap its unlimited liability and financial assurance” - Justice Kissoon
Kaieteur News
Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.
Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
Insurance Coverage - EPA flayed
The local Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) has droppedalivegrenadeatthefeetofcitizensandleft“Guyana and its people in grave potential danger of calamitous disaster” (“Justice Kissoon orders Exxon to provide unlimited insurance coverage within 30 days to Guyana”KNMay4). AllGuyaneseshouldgivethanksthatthereare men of this country like Justice Sandil Kissoon, like alert civil society watchdogs Frederick Collins and Godfrey Whyte. We must also be appreciative that there are GuyaneseattorneyslikeMelindaJankiwillingtoinvesther time and her mind to do what is in the best interests of this countryanditscitizens.
HowwewishthatwecansaythesameforGuyana’sEPA, but we cannot since this most crucial of safeguarding State agencieshasbeenaboutwhatisdetrimentalanddangerousto Guyana and Guyanese. We are unable to offer a word of defence, or share a phrase of friendliness, for our fellow GuyaneseintheEPA. Notwhenthelitanyofitsinexplicable decisions, and its impotent actions, house possible great devastationsforthislandandthosewholivehere,thosewho hope to benefit from this oil patrimony that leaves all so dividedandexposed TheofficialdeedsoftheEPAhaveleftus inaroughplace:wehavetocallitout,andcondemnitsactions, itspostures,itsdefences Allarefeeble;allfailanysharplight ofscrutiny,anysustainedexaminationofitswork
Judge Kissoon said it best It is that Guyana’s EPAhas condemned itself to a “state of laxity of enforcement and condonation compounded by a lack of vigilance” Stronger wordscouldnothavebeenwrittenintothejudicialrecord,but theretheyarenow “Laxityofenforcement”-whoisGuyana’s EPA protecting? Certainly, it cannot be said to be the Guyanesepeople “Condonation”,asthelearnedjudgeruled, which brings forth the question: what conspiracies, what collaborations,istheEPAoftheGuyanesepeoplecommitted to,apartof,andfullybehind? Worsestill,onthisissueoffull insurancecoveragefromEssoGuyanaanditsparentcompany, ExxonMobil,when“laxity”and“condonation”aremademore dangerousby“alackofvigilance”thenwhatthiscountrylives with is EPA sickness, EPA slackness, and EPA shabbiness Guyaneseareinthegreatestperilduetothelongcombination ofthisinsurancecoveragefailurebytheEPA,andalltheother failureswithflaringandpermits,andsoforth
WhentheEPAshouldsetstandardsnotjustonpaper,but whatlivesandbreathesthroughvigorousenforcement,ithas been a sluggish, bumbling presence, an apology for a national institution with the greatest responsibilities placed initshands. Again,thequestionskeepknocking,willnotdie away: whose side is Guyana’s EPAon, and whose interests areitshighestpriorities?
Under Condition 14 of the renewed permit granted to EssoGuyana,thejudgefoundthatEssoGuyanaattemptedto playclevergameswithitsliabilitiesbydilutingthem.What is degrading and disgusting is how Guyana’s EPA played along with the company, through aiding and abetting its disingenuous positions and actions. As Judge Kissoon pointed out, pursuant to Condition 14:10 of the renewed permit, coverage of up to US$2 billion is not sufficient (“there is no hurdle”) to fulfill the obligations of Esso Guyanaanditsparent,ExxonMobil.
It is mystifying that the EPAcould be so sloppy, such a pathetic sentinel, over what protects this country ExxonMobil races forward with higher and higher production levels in our offshore oilfields, and Guyana’s EPAis content to be a silent bystander, even an applauding one. The very least that the EPAcan do is to stand up for unlimited insurance coverage for Guyana. But even that vital necessity has proven to be too much to ask of it, too muchforittostandanddeliver TheEPAshouldnotquibble, the EPAshould not quiver; the problem is that it has done both.NowthePPP/CGovernmenthasalreadyannouncedits intention to appeal Judge Kissoon’s decision. This appeal shouldopentheeyesofGuyanese,regardingwhytheEPAis thewaythatitis.
Open letter to the President:
Asaconcernedcitizen,I h a v e p r e v i o u s l y corresponded with your esteemed office regarding conflicts of interest involving members of the Environmental Assessment Board(EAB).Accordingtoa Kaieteur News Article of May4,2023,entitled:“EAB still reviewing appeals on waiver of impact study for 300-megawatt gas plant”, themembersoftheEABare presently finalizing their Decision Report on citizens’ c h a l l e n g e o f t h e Environmental Protection Agency’s(EPA)waiverofan Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for apublicly funded300MW powerplantatWales.
Unfortunately,myearlier letterstoyouontheviolation of the Environmental Protection Act Cap. 20:00 1996 (The EP Act), Third Schedule, Section 8, due to direct and indirect conflicts of interests involving individuals appointed to the EAB, seem to have been overlooked or ignored. The individuals in question, Mr Joslyn McKenzie and Dr Mahendra Sharma continue to serve without addressing theconcernsraised.
Mr McKenzie, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources,hasbeenpartyto the development of the Gas to Energy Project and specifically the power plant from its inception and
continues to actively administer parts thereof as the individual handling proposals from third parties for various aspects of the design, construction, and operationofthepowerplant. These include, for example:
(1) The Ministry’s “Request for Expressions of Interest (EoI) – Gas Related Investments” dated January 10, 2021, which invited ExpressionsofInterestfrom Interested Parties for, inter alia: “(i) Joint participation with the GoG (Government of Guyana) and EEPGL (Esso Exploration & Production Guyana Limited), in designing or utilizingtheoutputsfroman NGL/LPG facility and
relatedfacilities;(ii)Design, construction , and financing of a power plant fuelled by naturalgas,wherethepower will be delivered to the GPL (Guyana Power and Light Grid)”;
(2) The Ministry’s “RequestforProposal(RFP) forConsultancyServicesfor the Supervision of the Guyana Integrated NGL Plant and 300 MW CCGT Power Plant” issued July 2, 2022;and
3) An RFP for: “Provision of Engineering, P r o c u r e m e n t a n d Construction(EPC)Services for the Installation of Transmission Lines and Substations for the integrationofthenew300 (Continuedonpage57)
Send your letters to Kaieteur News, 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown or email us Kaieteur News PAGE 04 Sunday May 07, 2023 Kaieteur M@ilbox
Kaieteur M@ilbox Kaieteur M@ilbox
US visa easier to get than Guyana passport
LettertotheEditor, LastThursdaymyfamily and I went to the passport officeonCampStreettoget our passports renewed. My family included 2 young children, one of whom had the flu. Even though we got upveryearlyinthemorning, by the time everyone got ready and we negotiated the heavy traffic from the East Coast into the city, we got thereshortlyafter8o’clock.
Sad to say, we were informedbythepersonnelat the door that they already had the quota of applicants that is allowed per day I peeked through the glass windowandsawthatindeed the room was filled to capacity Also, there were dozensofpeopleoutsidethe building and on the road who, like myself, were not allowed to submit their applications.
hundreds of people leave theirhomesintheweehours ofthemorningseverydayto gotothepassportofficeand manyofthethemreachthere at or long before opening hours, just to be told, they arrivedtoolate.Thisaddsup to many thousands of man hours being lost. With the common knowledge that there is a great shortage of workersinthecountryatthis time, this situation is unacceptable!
In a country of only around 800,000 people, this situation should not exist. Let’s say half of the population is passport holders, with a passport beingvalidfor5years.That means that 80,000 or less
passportsneedtoberenewed each year So why this difficulty to get a passport renewed?
Inthisageoftechnology, why can’t Guyanese be allowed to make their application on line? It does n o t r e q u i r e m u c h technological knowledge or money to do this. Many school kids can do this. Simple software like PDF can be used to fill the forms and then submit it on line. Theapplicant’sphotocanbe uploaded too the applicant’s photo will be taken at the passport office again anyway Aconvenient date can be chosen for the applicanttogototheoffice
From an international news source, I read the following:
“According to a recent ruling by the High Court in Guyana, ExxonMobil must provide unlimited insurance coverageforitsoperationsin Guyana’s Stabroek Block. The company was directed to provide unlimited Parent Company Guarantee Agreement, together with Environmental liability insurance,asiscustomaryin the international petroleum i n d u s t r y ” . Former EPA chief, Dr. Vincent Adams has said many times, it is not insurance (as in a regular insurance policy) issued by Insurance Companies – and forwhichpremiumsmustbe paid.
It is, he explained, an FLCL. Let us repeat those initials a few times, so it becomesembeddedatthetip ofourtongues.FLCLstands for Full Liability Coverage Letter.Itissimplyaletterto be written on Exxon’s letterhead stationery and signed by its CEO, Darren Woods.
The letter must state:
“The permit holder [Exxon/EEPGL] assumes unlimited liability for all costsofcleanup,restoration and compensation for any damage from any discharge ofanycontaminant”.
This letter costs not a penny.Nopremiumshaveto
be paid to insurance companies. However, in the eventofamajorOilSpill,the Guyanese people would expect the State’s AttorneyGeneraltousethatletterina CourtofLawtoforceExxon and its partners (CNOOC, Hess) to fulfill the terms of thatletter Whatisthebenefit ofthislettertotheGuyanese people?Theycangotosleep at night without having to worry that their State could gobankruptintheeventofa majoroilspill.
Following Guyana’s High Court ruling, AG Nandlall has issued a press releasestatinghisoffice (Continuedonpage6)
Kaieteur News PAGE 05 Sunday May 07, 2023
Now imagine that
DEAREDITOR, I wish for some local studies on plantain, especially in the area of wastage. It really bugs me thatsomethingaspreciousas plantain is taken for granted inGuyana.
However, this mindset may change, as I saw
recently that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government is aiming to set up “An internationally branded plantain chip factory to be located in Parika, East Bank Essequibo…” This is going to be the ‘day.’ I mean this kindofthingislongoverdue.
Let me point out a few things. First, I see imported plantain chips in our shops andsupermarkets.Theseare not so tasty (at least for me) and they are pricy I can understandthereasontoo,as in Canada, plantain price is between US$ 2.06 and US$ 1 35 per kilogram or
between US$ 0.93 and US$ 0.61 per pound (lb). The price in Canadian Dollar is CAD 2.57 per kg. Do the math.
However, there is no needforplantainchipstobe imported.Guyanahasfertile land mass, the soil type and enoughfarmersto‘jump’on
Frompage5 intends to appeal the ruling, stating it is his considered v i e w t h a t t h e “Environmental Permit imposesnoobligationonthe Permit Holder to provide an unlimited Parent Company Guarantee Agreement”. If Mr Nandlallweretoreadthe language on the permit issued for Liza 1, he would notice that the permit does require unlimited parent companyguarantee. WhywouldAGNandlall want to appeal this ruling? Judgemadeanerror,hesays. The language in the permit seemsclear–itdoesrequire unlimited liability parent guarantee The precedent from Exxon Valdez (1989) and BP’s Deepwater Horizon (2010) is that those companies, Exxon and BP, covered up to the last dollar
of damages in billions of dollars.Whyshoulditbeany differentiftherewereevera SpillinGuyana?
Therealstoryhereisthat Exxon does not want to commititselftofullliability coverage, as has been the international standard and precedent. It wants Guyana to be on the hook for all liabilities in excess of the $600 million policy reportedly taken out. In the event of a major oil spill, Guyana would surely go b a n k r u p t W h o s e responsibilityisittostopthis fromhappening?
Of course, it is the chief legalofficeroftheState,the Attorney-General I am befuddled about what could be the real reason why AG Nandlallwantstoappealthis ruling.
I wish to advise the
following: The State of Guyana has gotten a great rulinginitsfavour,thanksto High Court Judge, Sandil Kissoon. Take this ruling (Judge’sDeclarationorders) in hand, Mr Nandlall and summon CEO Darren Woods to a face-to-face meeting – and negotiate a resolution to this matter TakeDr Adamswithyou. Explain to him, it is just an FLCL that costs not a penny in premiums. All oil drilling is done on a Wing andaPrayer–hopingaspill neveroccurs.Butifonewere to occur, full compensation for damages is the responsibility of Exxon, not Guyana’s. There is a great history lesson that this case can teach us All developing/emerging nations want a strong Judiciary ChiefJusticeJohn
Marshall (1801–1835) performed that role for the UnitedStates.Historianssay John Marshall read the constitution – and from that he established the law He addedfleshandbonestothe law We are at that point in Guyana’s development of the law Do not let an Oil Giant operate in Guyana withoutanFLCLguarantee. Make Guyana’s Judiciary stand strong, not weak Make Guyana a proud nation.
Appealing the ruling of Judge Sandil Kissoon is tantamount to surrendering to Exxon – and putting Guyana at risk of bankruptcy For the security andprotectionoftheStateof Guyana, do not appeal this ruling. Go for a negotiated resolutionofthematter
this venture. So, I am glad that something like a plantain chips factory is in themaking.
Secondly, plantains are nutritionallyverysimilartoa potato, calorie-wise, but contain more of certain vitamins and minerals They’re a rich source of fiber,vitaminsA,C,andB-6, andthemineralsmagnesium and potassium To me, plantains then should really supplant potatoes. I add that plantainsareacarb-richfood and a good source of fiber, vitamins,andminerals.They also contain antioxidants that fight free radicals.With good levels of vitamin C, they can also support immune function. Likewise, theirvitaminB6contentmay reduce cardiovascular risk andimprovemood.
Talkaboutbeingmoneywise and getting value for the dollar, and plantain investmentisthewaytogo.
Editor, I have a third commentandthisdealswith theholisticapproachthatthe PPP/C is taking. According to President Irfaan Ali, this venture “… is among a number of massive private business ventures coming to Region Three (Essequibo Islands-WestDemerara).”
Hisvisionisthat“…the regionwillgrowintoamajor economic hub for the
country …” He explained thatbecauseof“…thehuge rolloutofpublicandprivate infrastructureinvestmentsin the region, private investment proposals are continuing to come from investors in the region, and his government is working along with the region’s private sector to facilitate growth.” Well, this is the wayitshouldbe.Andwhatis thefeeling?
Itisreallyupbeat,aswas reported and observed Indeed, it can be felt that “[There is] a lot of pleasant excitement about where the region is going and where thecountryisgoing.Alotof optimism,alotofconfidence and I would say it’s a high energy environment. What I have seen is the confidence in the development of this region, triggering a lot of investment proposals, a lot of business interests and more persons wanting to owntheirownhomesinthis region,”PresidentAlisaid.
Editor, a new age is indeedunfoldinginGuyana. How come some people are not accepting this is beyond me. I mean look at the said region and take note. The thrust is awesome as indeed thegovernmentis“…trying tocreateinfrastructureinthe schoolsystemthat
Frompage5 to sign the form and complete the process. The US visa application is done this way This solves 2 problems the applicant knowswhenheisscheduled to go to the passport office, he will get through and he will only spend a short time there.
Collectively, thousands of man hours will be saved, which obviously will be beneficial to the individuals
and the country as a whole. Inmycase,Iwillhavetotake anotherdayoffworkandthe children will have to miss anotherdayofschool.
When you compare the present system being employed to obtain/renew a passport in Guyana and the process to apply for a US visa, it is obvious that it is easierto applyfor a US visa than to apply for/renew a Guyanapassport.
It is my hope that the subject minister and maybe even President Irfaan Ali look into this matter Guyanese will be very grateful if you do. It is not right for hundreds of Guyanese having to leave theirhomesveryearlyinthe morning, most without even having breakfast, to spend the greater part of the day cooped up in a building like chickens, just to obtain a passport If we want to modernize Guyana, we will havetochangethesearchaic systemsandcomeoutofthe stoneage.
ConcernedGuyanese, (DennisPrashad)
Kaieteur News PAGE 06 Sunday May 07, 2023 Kaieteur M@ilbox Kaieteur M@ilbox
EPA's slackness
Guyana's EPA is guilty of slackness!
The EPA has some sickness…
The EPA covering up Govt's darkness…
The EPA functions in weakness!
The EPA is a friend to Exxon's recklessness!
The EPA is a proxy for leadership feebleness.
Kaieteur News PAGE 07 Sunday May 07, 2023
Govt. placing itself and public at risk with biased EAB
TheGovernmentof G u y a n a h a s placed itself and thepublicatunnecessaryrisk by turning a blind eye to the conflict of issue matter brought to its attention, regarding the constitution of themembersappointedtothe Environmental Assessment Board(EAB).
OnFebruary10,2023via the Official Gazette, government published a Cabinet decision to appoint Dr Mahendar Sharma as ChairmanoftheEABandDr Garvin Cummings and Mr
Joslyn McKenzie as membersoftheBoard.
The Government Notice revealed that Cabinet approvedtheappointmentof the EAB members for a period of one year, with effect from January 1, 2023 toDecember31,2023.
This Board is a mandatorybody,requiredby the Environmental ProtectionActinSection18. It tasks the members of this board with the responsibility of conducting hearings into all appeals made by the p u b l i c , r e g a r d i n g
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and Environmental Impact Statements(EIS).Italsosays the Board may recommend whether an EIA should be rejected, amended, or accepted, whether a Permit should be issued by the Agency and what terms and conditions should be includedinthePermit.
In summary, this Board plays a critical role in approving projects that may impact the environment Governmentprojectsarealso subjected to the scrutiny of
Democracy Advocate Simone Mangal-Joly in a letter to President Irfaan Ali published in today's edition of the newspaper reminded that Chairman of the Board, Dr Mahendar Sharma functionsasaDirectorofthe GuyanaPowerandLightInc. (GPL), which is inextricably involved in the Power Plant application and also heads the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA), a state entity responsible for promoting and developing efficient
management of energy In addition, he is the spouse of MarciaNadir-Sharma,oneof the directors of Guyana Power and Gas Inc., the a p p l i c a n t f o r t h e Environmental Permit to constructthepowerplant.
Likewise, Mangal-Joly outlinedthatamemberofthe EAB, Mr Joslyn McKenzie is also Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources and has therefore beencriticallyinvolvedinthe development of the Gas-toEnergy (GTE) project, of which the power plant is a component.
For instance, the Ministry's “Request for Expressions of Interest (EoI) – Gas Related Investments” dated January 10, 2021 and the Ministry's “Request for Prop o s al ( RFP) fo r Consultancy Services for the Supervision of the Guyana Integrated NGL Plant and 300 MW CCGT Power Plant”issuedJuly2,2022.
Mangal-Joly told President Ali that even thoughtheconflictofinterest issues were brought to his attention - in violation of the the Environmental Protection Act Cap. 20:00 1996 (The EP Act), Third Schedule, Section 8 - these were seemingly overlooked orignored.
As such, the advocate believes that the nation is exposed.
She explained that these individualscontinuetoserve without addressing the concerns, as the Chairman reportedtoKaieteurNewsin a Thursday article that the Board has not yet reached a d e c i s i o n o n t h e Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA)waiverfor the gas project. Mangal-Joly however argued, “Dr Sharma and Mr Mckenzie's
official duties conflict with theirdutiesasmembersofthe EAB, they cannot act in the best interestof allconcerned entities.”
In highlighting the gravity of the situation, the advocate told President Ali that the matter can have detrimental effects on the credibility and effectiveness of his government's management of both environmental matters and developmentprojects.
“The Environmental Assessment Board, as you areaware,playsacrucialrole inupholdingtheprinciplesof transparency, impartiality, and objectivity in reviewing and adjudicating appeals againstdecisionsmadebythe EPA. It is disheartening to witness that the board's integrity is being compromised due to the persistent presence of members with unresolved conflicts of interest,” she said.
The advocate continued, “DuringtheMarch22,2023, Public Hearing called by the EAB on objections to the waiver of an EIA for the PowerPlant,Dr Sharmaand Mr McKenzie displayed a regrettable lack of ethical responsibility
Despite being directly implicated in conflicts of interest, they shamelessly participated in the proceedings, refusing to acknowledge or recuse themselvesfromthecase.”
To this end, Mangal-Joly urged President Ali that “these individuals cannot be entrusted with any role that requires unbiased judgment, as their actions have demonstrated a blatant disregard for ethical standards and an alarming willingness to prioritize
Kaieteur News PAGE 8 Sunday May 07, 2023
onment a
Environmental and democratic advocate, Simone Mangal-Joly EAB Chairman, Dr. Mahendar Sharma
Does Jagdeo understand the judge’s decision?
Bharrat Jagdeo either does not understand or is being plain ingenuous about the basis for Justice Sandil Kissoon’srecentdecision.In that ruling the learned judge ordered the Environmental Protection (EPA) to issue an EnforcementNoticenolater than this Tuesday directing Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited
(EEPGL), a locallyincorporated subsidiary of Exxon Mobil, to provide within30daysthereafterthe unlimited Parent Company GuaranteeAgreementand/or unlimited limited Affiliate Company Guarantee in accordance with Article 14 of the Liza 1 Environmental Permit.
The oil companies are supposed to purchase insurancetocoverthecostof clean-ups, damages and lossesresultingfromanyoil spill.However,costofcleanups, damages and losses frommajoroilspillscanrun intobillionsofdollars.
This is why civil society activists, including Glenn Lall, the publisher of this newspaper, have been pressing, for years, for unlimited liability protection. Lall and others
have been asking for the oil companies to provide guarantees that in the event ofanoilspillthecountrywill becoveredforallliabilities.
Noinsurancecompanyis ever going to provide unlimitedliabilityinsurance. As such, Lall and the activists agitated for any insurance to be backed by a parentcompanyguaranteeto cover any difference between the total liabilities andtheoilspillinsurance.
In others words, whatever amount the insurance cannot cover will be underwritten by the parent companies of Exxon, Hess and CNOOC The insurance plus the parent companyguaranteewillgive unlimited liability protection.
To give an example, suppose there is a major oil spillandthecostofthecleanup, plus losses and damages totalUS$5B Supposethatthe local oil company only has US$2Binoilspillinsurance It means that there is a differenceofUS$3Bwhichis not covered With a parent company guarantee, Guyana will be assured that the head office of Exxon will pay the remaining US$3B In that way, Guyana would be fully
compensated for the damage and losses plus the clean-up costsfromanyoilspill
It took a long, bruising fight by Glenn Lall and othersforthegovernmentto finally come around to demanding full liability protection within the Liza 1 Environmental Permit. That Permit was first signed in 2017 and was renewed including in 2021 and 2022. In the original permit and right up to 2021, there were only 13 articles in the environmental permit. No provision was made for full liabilitycoverageupto2021. In 2022, under the PPP/C, it was reported that there was an additional article,Article 14 which, according to this newspaper, requires “the permit holder must, as soon as reasonably practicable, provide from the Parent Company or Affiliate companies of the permit holder and its co-venturers one or more legally binding agreements to the agency in which they undertake to provide adequate financial resources to cover any environmental disaster they cause, and to keep indemnified,theagencyand the government against all costs.” So this is what the
Govt. placing itself and public...
Frompage8 personalinterestsoverpublicwelfare.”
In fact, she said that their behaviour not onlyunderminestheprinciplesof justiceand fairness but demonstrates that the EAB is incapable of functioning independently and making impartial decisions. As such, the advocate argued that no decision taken in whichanymemberoftheEAB'squorumhasa conflictofinterestwillbelawful.
Mangal-JolyalertedtheHeadofStatethat theongoingsituationnotonlycastsashadow ontheentireEABbutalsoraisesdoubtsabout his government. “It also raises doubts about your government's trustworthiness and ability to discharge your duties on behalf of
the people of Guyana with the necessary impartiality and integrity required by the EP Act and elementary standards of good governance.”
“By turning a blind eye to the conflicts, the government inadvertently condones the erosion of public trust in its institutions, thereby undermining its own credibility and the effectiveness of both its environmental policies and development programmes. The government is unnecessarily placing itself, the public, and investment partners at risk,” shesignalled.
To this end, Mangal-Joly urged the President to rectify the situation and restore theintegrityofEAB.
Dem boys seh...
De ole man setting a pace
An ole man gat some youngmenstragglingatde backofdepack.
DemannamedDaggers and de man digging deep and gat dem younger men pantingfuhbreath.Evende Waterfall Bossman nah able keep up with de pace wah Daggers setting in he walkforoiljustice.
De man showing dem youngermenwhatitmeans to be fit. De man not only settingapace,demankeep it up and even though he walking fuh three days now, de man nah showing nosignsofwearandtear Is like de man just warming
up. He nah get muscle bound yet. One man was sitting down in de vehicle done start complaining howhebackhurtinghe.
Daggersis65yearsold and he gat some of dem younger boy having to run to keep up with he. But de cause is greater than de pause.Demanwalkingfuh allofawe.Demanwalking fuhjustice.
Dem gat nuff people whofeelisawasteoftime. But dem boys done seeing results from dis struggle. Dehhadatimewhenitdid not look as if de government was interested
PPP/C signed as part of the r e n e w a l o f t h e Environmental Permit In other words, it was the PPP/C which approved the Permit on the basis of full liability protection as understood to mean insurance plus, parent or affiliate companies’ guarantees.It was therefore shocking to learn that the government is claiming that bothitselfandtheEPAareof the view that the environmental permit, imposesnoobligationonthe permit holder to provide an unlimited Parent Company Guarantee Agreement and /or Affiliate Company Guarantee.Sowhatthenwas the intention of Article 14 which was added when the Permitwasrenewed?
The PPP/C should have been happy with this judgment. It got what it wanted. It was the PPP/C
whichwaspressingforsuch indemnity against oil spills.
In fact, in relation to the approval of the new field development plans, the government has said it wouldbepressingforparent company guarantees to cover any liabilities beyond thatcoveredbyinsurance.
So why is the PPP/C appealingthedecision?This is not a case of economic nationalismasJagdeowants to imply This is a straight case of law The judge is merely interpreting the very provision which the PPP/C government placed into the Environmental Permit for theLIZA1project.
Jagdeo however has a different take He is criticizing the judgment by saying that there is no such thing as unlimited insurance coverage The judge never saidanythingaboutunlimited insurance coverage The
judge ordered that the EPA enforce the provision by inserting it into the Environmental Permit The judge ordered that the EPA demand that there be unlimited parent company guarantee and/or unlimited liability Affiliate Company Guarantee Isthisnotwhatisimplied by Article 14 of the Permit? Don’t ask Jagdeo! He is seeking refuge in political arguments about economic nationalism But just for argument’s sake, if demandingunlimitedliability coverage is economic nationalism, what is wrong withthat?
infullliabilityprotectionin deeventonanoilspill.
But pressure buss pipe and de pressure eventually force de government fuh include dat in de environmental permit Now it look as if de governmentbackpedaling.
But de people eyes opening to seeing who deh inbedwithwhom.
And dem boys nah talking no story about Quamina Guest House Dem boys talking about who deh in bed with dem oilcompanies.Ismorethan oilpassingdeh. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
Kaieteur News PAGE 09 Sunday May 07, 2023
A call to conscience – that of the Hon. Attorney General
I plunge into different waters today I have a heart to heart with Guyana's Hon. Attorney General, Mr Mohabir Anil Nandlall, SC, MP, JP, CoAaO AG Nandlallisallofthosethings, forsure;butmostofallheis my brother, which is why I dedicate, pour out, these few humblewordsbeforehisear Ihopethathewilllisten,and thatattheendofthiswriting, he will still be my brother He can denounce and damn, but let that umbilical cord of fraternal citizenship never depart.
I n o t e t h a t t h e Government of Guyana wastednotasinglesecondin its haste to respond to Judge SandilKissoon'sruling. The PPP Government is going to appeal, and this is where the Hon AG features most prominently, and rather unfortunately It is his duty, hehasbeforehimthejourney toleadthechargetooverturn Judge Kissoon's holding in this matter of full insurance coverage by ExxonMobil USA. I give short thrift to
thisbusinessabouttheparent company's Guyana subsidiary, Esso, for all things ultimately tier up to ExxonofIrving,Texas. The restischaffandsemantics. With that as compressed context, I turn my gaze to Guyana'sAG,Anil Nandlall.
I believe he is a man of conscience, a citizen of deep patriotic content, and one possessing soundness of reason and commonsense. Not for a moment do I think that I place unbearable burdens on my brother wearing the mantle of Hon. AttorneyGeneralofGuyana. Asafigurepossessingallthe attributes I attach to him, I think that he has only one course of action left open to him. AG Nandlall should resign. BecauseIaffixgood conscience to his person, he cannot,shouldnot,andmust notengagein,beanypartof, an appeal. For what he is being asked to do, be the standard bearer for, is unconscionable to the core. AG Nandlall knows that, Citizen Nandall knows that
even more, and Kshatriya Nandallismostfamiliarwith whatIassert.
Ratherthanparsethrough provisions to challenge via this pending appeal of a courageous and sagacious adjudication, I appeal to the man MohabirAnil Nandlall: standupforGuyana,brother Just this once. For what is known in the soul to be imperiling to every Guyanese Rather than gropeforalegalstrawortwo to beat back a perspicacious ruling, how about using that same fevered energy to advance in pitched battle for the safety of Guyanese first. Why not valiantly carry the flag of Guyana aloft, sir? It wouldbeaproudhourforall Guyanese to observe: AG Anil Nandlall standing up, standing out, and standing apart from the sinuous serpentine slides of his fellowmembersintheHouse of the Guyanese People, that venerable National Assembly
Mr Nandlall should resignbecausehecannotand
will not partake in any appeal. He will not partake ofanyroleinthisinternecine warfare pitting Guyanese againstGuyanese.
As the AG should know fromhisbooksofstudyinthe forests of the law, the Romans were always about property over people. So, theyconquered. TheGreeks ofphilosophygavetheworld democracy, but they also were conquerors on a global scale. Now I hear that the Anglo Saxons have given us the liberty of selfdetermination and self-rule, first in 1966, and again in 2020 But they are conquerors too, Mr AG And every conqueror throughout history has been an exploiter and selfenricher, even the most b e n e v o l e n t a n d magnanimousamongthem.
AG, the conquerors and exploiters of Guyana today swear that they give Guyanese democracy, and evenmorenobly,theygiveus prosperity But, Mr AG, they can't give us full
i n s u r a n c e coverage. Exxon can make all this money from Guyana, but its h e a r t i s gladdened to do this without any liability that protects the Guyanesepeople.
Is that what my brother theHon.AttorneyGeneralof Guyana is putting on his full suit of legal armor for, and with sword in hand to advocate?
Ihelpuntietheblindfold around his eyes: look there, those people are the dependent, expectant descendants of those who gave all and got nothing. Except for the lash of whips and the sting of scorn. The Guyanesepeoplearelooking for a champion to fight their battles, AG Nandlall. Not anotherbetrayersellingthem outforafewpiecesofsilver, a chance at continuing with the ruling club, and acceptance into the embrace of leaders who have nothing lefttobarter
It is my belief that AG Nandlall is made of finer stuff. Hemustproveitnow There can be no more meritoriouscourseofaction. Resign,AGNandlall. Cease anddesistfromthatdirtyjob ofappealing. Distancefrom thatappealthatservesExxon and sends Guyanese into serfdom, and its patented bankruptcies. I have one morequietwordfortheman, Mohabir Anil Nandlall: nothing could be more presidential in such resignationaction,initsvital substances, and its national implications.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this newspaperanditsaffiliates.)
Kaieteur News PAGE 10 Monday May 02, 2022 Sunday May 07, 2023
Kaieteur News PAGE 11 Sunday May 07, 2023
SundayApril 30, 2023
Be that as it may, the country’s
President Donald Ramotar were chief spokesperson on petroleum two former officials who took the VPJagdeo ready to break matters said Low’s contention spotlight when this issue emerged oil contract for time limit on regarding the audits was already in2019. Exxon audits but refuse to do laid to rest. He said, “We dealt with Persaud, as Minister, was same for royalty and taxes this issue when it came up several legally responsible for the awards yearsago;thatitistruethatthePSA of Canje and Kaieteur Though it Tons of bricks would fall on says that the audit has to be was Ramotar who signed the deals, Exxon. This is the punishment completed within two years. So we he insisted that he did so based on Guyana’s Vice President Bharrat had gone pass, even under the Persaud’sadvice. Jagdeo said will be administered APNU period, the two years had Persaud had told GW that the should the multinational oil passed even before they started the awards were made based on corporation, ExxonMobil refuse to auditandwemadeitclearwhenwe “briefing reports” prepared by the allow Guyana to audit its expenses got in to office, no matter how long Guyana Geology and Mines after the two-year deadline, the audits take, ExxonMobil and Commission (GGMC)’s lawyers, prescribed by the ‘binding’ oil the co-venturers, the companies but that he did not remember the contract,wouldhaveelapsed. could never use as an excuse, the lawyers’ names and could not
Jagdeo issued this stern timelineinthere.” provide the documents, since he warning during his most recent He continued, “…because if was not in government at the time pressconference,whileresponding they use that and don’t want to ofthe2019interview toaKaieteurNewsarticle,inwhich comply with the audit, they would
Notably, Persaud is quoted as the Economic Advisor to the have a ton of brick falling on their sayingthatthoughheknewsomeof Opposition Leader, Elson Low head on other issues on the the persons who signed documents flagged that Guyana could lose regulatoryside.” agreement, which would allow for said a Guyanese director, Edris for the companies, such as Dookie, millions for failing to conduct While the government has each oil project to pay for itself. Dookie, discussed the company he did not know who the beneficial t i m e l y a u d i t s decidedtousethecardsinitsfavour Importantly, Guyana is yet to taking time to evaluate the ownersare,thoughitwasnecessary https://www kaieteurnewsonline c to get ExxonMobil to agree to secure full liability coverage from prospectivity of the three forhimasaMinistertoknow Heis om/2023/04/23/guyana-risks- extendthetimelimitforauditstobe the oil company for the Stabroek deepwaterblocks. also reported as saying he cannot losing-hundreds-of-us-millions- completed, it refuses to act Block operations, even as Guyanese will remember Mid- providethereportswhichinformed with-delayed-audits-of-exxon- similarly and exercise its authority, production and exploration Atlantic as the company the Canje thedecision. expenses-opposition/ to mend other lopsided terms activitiescontinuestoincrease. block was signed away to in 2015 Kaieteur News has strongly
The Economist’s statement was defined by the contract Once The government has often by the People’s Progressive Party advocatedforthebeneficialowners hinged on the provisions of the amended, these provisions would related its position that the contract Civic (PPPC) government. The ofoilblockstobe100%transparent lopsided 2016 Production Sharing earn more revenue for the country must not be changed and the terms award, similar to that of the for all Guyanese to see, after this Agreement (PSA) which from the petroleum sector and must be adhered to, so as to uphold Kaieteur block, had raised major scandal. specifically states that Guyana has would still be profitable for the oil the‘sanctityofcontracts’. red flags about the potential In a published letter following twoyearsinwhichtheauditscanbe giant. Thisnewspaperhashighlighted presenceofcorruption. Kaieteur News’ expose on this conducted,aftereachcalendaryear For instance, Guyanese have thatthisprinciplehasbeenviolated There were questions about the matter in 2019, Ramotar insisted
In fact, the agreement even beencallingontheleaderstoupthe inanumberofinstancesalready,as experience and wherewithal of the thattheawards,whichhesaiddated makes it clear that the oil company mere two percent royalty the changes have been made to its company to manage a deepwater back to applications made for the can dispose of its records after the country receives on its resources terms outside of the agreement, yet block like Canje. Such blocks Kaieteur and Canje blocks in 2012 two years period would have and subject the oil company and its thiscontinuestobetheexcuseused require experienced, capable and 2013 respectively, were elapsed, unless an audit flags affiliates to the tax laws of the by Guyanese leaders for not companies with deep pockets, like transparent and above board. He discrepancies which must first be country securing better financial terms in ExxonMobilandShell. said the Guyana Geology and resolved.
Other abusive provisions in the the Exxon deal See link for Another concern was about the Mines Commission (GGMC)
AccordingtoAnnex‘C’Section agreement allow Exxon to hold e x a m p l e s amount of work Mid-Atlantic did processed and approved the 1.5 (C), “Without prejudice to the hundreds of US-millions for the https://www kaieteurnewsonline c after receiving the block, and applications in accordance with the finality of matters as described in state in clean-up and restoration om/2023/02/26/govt-overrides- before selling shares When law around late 2013, and that all sub-sections 1.5 (a) and 1.5 (b) all funds that would be needed until sanctity-of-exxon-contract-with- companies obtain licences and feeswerereceivedbytheregulator documents referred to in those sub- productionceasesoffshore. major-adjustments-in-oil-licences- quickly sell them to third parties In May 2019, the now-defunct sections shall be maintained and In the meantime, Guyana must permits-new-legislation/ without doing substantial work State Assets Recovery Agency made available for inspection by pay whatever interest rate is themselves,thisisaredflag. (SARA) had announced that it the Minister for two (2) years attached to the cost of developing Company that received After Mid-Atlantic got Canje, would investigate the awards, but following their date of issue the resources in the Stabroek Canje oil block free and sold it, JHIAssociateshadacquiredastake nothingcameofthat. providing, however, that where Block. The country has been now wants more oil blocks in the Canje Block. JHI’s website issues are outstanding with respect advised to put a cap on this cost to listsaCanadian,JohnCullen,asthe Monday May 1, 2023 to an audit, the Contractor shall prevent further exploitation of its Mid-Atlantic Oil & Gas is CEO and Director. Global Witness maintain documents for a longer wealth. In addition, citizens have interested in acquiring more (GW) had said that Cullen founded OGGN demands int’l period until the issues are been calling for a ring-fencing acreage offshore Guyana, the company It also noted that certificates allowing resolved.” provision to be added to the according to a report by OilNow It public documents from JHI do not ExxonMobil to produce above list its shareholders. However, GW safe operating limits did state in its now rescinded
‘Signed Away’ report that Dookie The unprecedented production andCullen“haveahistorytogether statisticsrecordedinrecentdaysby of holding Guyanese oil licences, oil and gas giant, ExxonMobil has but not a history of finding any oil not slipped the attention of the Oil inthecountry.” and Gas Governance Network
JHI said that it purchased (OGGN), an advocacy arm seismic data packages on the basin dedicated to better management of after it acquired its share of the Guyana’spetroleumsector Canje Block, though 35 percent of Inarecentmissive,membersof the licence was sold to Exxon less the group, includingAlfred Bhulai, than a year after Canje was Dr VincentAdams,Andre Brandli, awarded, according to GW The Janette Bulkan and Darshanand public never learned how much Khusial, reasoned that citizens Exxon paid for the share. Exxon is have been assured on multiple now the operator Total now also occasions by the petroleum hasa35percentstakeintheblock. companies that their operations are Former Minister of Natural in keeping with international Resources, Robert Persaud (now standards.Thesestandards Foreign Secretary) and former (Continued on page 13)
Kaieteur News Sunday May 07, 2023 PAGE 12
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo
Guyana's first FPSO: the Liza Destiny
From page 12 to GPL’s Licence which mandates GPL’s explanations for failing however require inspectors to the agency to report on its OSPTs the aforementioned target in certify compliance, the OGGN beforeMarch30thofeachyear respect to the industrial and memberspointedout. CustomerInterruptions residence, respectively, is as a
In laying the foundation for F o r S y s t e m Av e r a g e result of faulty meters and signal their argument, the OGGN Interruption Frequency Index interruptions between the meters representatives highlighted that the (SAIFI)theCommissionstatedthat and handheld devices which two Floating Production Storage this standard is to limit the average prevents the meter reader from and Offloading (FPSO) vessels- number of outages which recording the readings on the Liza Destiny and Liza Unity- have consumers received during the industrial consumer meters and the been both operating above the reporting year For the year 2022, delay in the transmission of prescribed safe operating limits the target was set at 90 outages. consumers’ information from the outlined in the Environmental GPL failed this standard as it was oldmeterstothenewAMImeters. Impact Assessments (EIAs) revealed that for last year there AverageAvailability submitted by the operator This wereatotalof94outages. For the year 2022, GPL was documentformedthebasisforeach It was explained that from data required to achieve an average Permit to be granted and is often collected by the company, it was generationavailabilityof85%.The times referred to as the ‘Bible’of a revealed that the main reason for company reported that the average project, simply meaning that the the high number of customer generation availability was 84%. established protocols must guide outages were as a result of feeder Assuch,thisstandardwasnotmet. theprojectactivities. and transmission line trips and GPL reported that the
Be that as it may, the said EIAs increasedplannedmaintenance. unavailability of generators for the Liza One and Liza Two and their executives big bonuses did seek permission before As it relates to the System plagued with electrical faults and projects each specifically outline and salary increases based upon pumping more oil at its Stabroek Average Interruption Duration preventative maintenance such as 120,000 and 220,000 barrels of oil production numbers which Blockoperations. Index (SAIDI), the intent of this oil changes, engine filters per day (bpd), respectively, as the naturally incentivize this type of G r a v e s a n d e s a i d t h e standard is to limit the duration of replacements at different power safe operating limit In the irresponsible behaviour Good consideration of impacts from a outages experienced by consumers plants negatively impacted their meantime, Esso Exploration and governments, who care for their worst-case scenario of an during the year For the year 2022, availabilitytarget.
Production Guyana Limited country, should therefore ensure no unmitigated oil spill is also the target set was 95 hours; Moreover,GPLwasabletobeat (EEPGL), the operator of the expense is spared in being considered in the EIA for the Liza however, the average duration of thetargetofissuingtheirmaximum Stabroek Block has pushed transparent towards the people in Destiny at 200,000 to 300,000 outages experienced by consumers demandbillswithinsevendaysand production to as much as 156,000 these grave matters and in barrelsofoilperday during the year was 96 hours. As their non-maximum demand bills and 246,000 bpd at the Liza One implementing competent such, this standard was not met by within 10 days upon completion of and Liza Two projects respectively oversight, to ensure the health, Consumers faced 94 power GPL. its meter reading exercises. The onFebruary24,2023.This“brazen safety and environment of the outages, 96 hours of GPL indicated to the second and third target the disregardofsafety”theOGGNsaid nation are not superseded by blackout last year – PUC Commissionthatthereasonsforthe company managed to reach is to has been welcomed by the greed,”theyreasoned. … Says GPLcontinuously non-attainment of this standard satisfy the 26 days indebtedness to Government as an achievement of In February, Kaieteur News fail to achieve targets that are were the same for the previous its creditors within 21 days; and reaching400,000bpd. reported that Guyana’s two oil way below industry norm standard such as transmission lines was able to meet the target of the
To this end, the Network said, ships—the Liza Destiny and Liza and feeders’ trips which can be 30-days cash collection cycle. In “Many knowledgeable people in Unity reached their highest T h e P u b l i c U t i l i t i e s attributed to fallen branches that fact, the company reported that its Guyana and those in Caribbean are production mark in January at Commission (PUC) has reported make contact with power lines actual cash collection cycle was 14 concerned that such blind faith in 400,160 barrels, according to data thattheGuyanaPower&LightInc. resulting in electrical short circuits. days. GPL indicated that in 2022, the adherence of these companies from the Ministry of Natural (GPL) has continuously failed to GPL also explained that the the Government of Guyana and the to safety procedures may lead to an Resources. This was attained on achieve majority of its Operating frequency of motor vehicles hitting Guyana Water Inc. (GWI) had oil spill ¯ especially as the Guyana January 12, 2023. A breakdown of StandardsandPerformanceTargets poles is a cause for concern and as settled all indebtedness to the Government is afraid of requiring the data indicated that the Liza (OSPTs) – despite those targets such, the company is exploring the company thereby resulting in the these petroleum companies, of Destiny produced 153, 890 barrels being way below industry norms possibility of the use of concrete decline in number of accounts limited liability, to sign a parent on that day while Unity was and‘nearlymet’theothertargets. poles in the future to mitigate this receivable days for the reporting company guarantee that any 246,270barrels. According to the document frequentoccurrence. year damage over and above the insured This “achievement” was later seen by this publication, PUC Voltage Regulation The fourth target GPL met for figurewillbepaid.” mirrored on February 24, 2023. Order 1 of 2023 which is a review ThisstandardrequiresthatGPL the year 2022 is for system losses.
Presently, Guyana has been Accordingtostatisticsproducedby of GPL’s performance in 2022, “shall seek to maintain in stable This target sets the system losses assured of a US$600 million the Ministry of Natural Resources, painted the agency in a grim light conditions, voltages of 5% of the which include technical and noninsurance policy per oil spill event the Liza Destiny produced 156,080 for only achieving four of the eight nominal voltage and 10% technical losses at 25% of in the Stabroek Block, where over barrels while Liza Unity produced standardsandtargets. followingasystemdisturbance.” dispatchedpowerfortheyear2022. 11 billion barrels of resources have 246,000 barrels, bringing the total WhilethePUCisempoweredto TheCommissionexplainedthat GPL reported that the total system alreadybeendiscovered. productionlevelto402,080. levy a monetary penalty on the GPL has maintained that it is losses last year was 24.92% of
Thecitizensinquired,“Isn’tthis EPAassessment company for the failure to achieve difficult to monitor and report on dispatchedpower continuous exceeding of the design Regulator for the oil and gas its OSPTs in an amount that does the voltage supplied to each The Commission outlined in its safety limit a much greater risk? Or sector, the Environmental notexceed25%ofthetotalvalueof customer In2022thecompanyhad decision that, while GPL does our government not Protection Agency (EPA) assured the dividends, payable to the set a target of 98% of complaints to continually fails to attain the understand this? A competent in the past that any changes to company’s shareholders, the be resolved within 25-days majority of its operating standards Petroleum Commission should activities must be vetted by the Commission stated that despite However, GPL reported that it and performance targets (targets have been in place to insist on body GPL’s non-achievement for 2022, resolved 96% of voltage that are below industry norms), the adherencetostandards.”
Executive Director of the EPA, the penalty is not warranted at this complaints within the 25-day company continues to implement
The representatives argued that Kemraj Parsram had said in a time although the non-attainment period for last year As such, the andexploreinnovativemeasuresto the government is elected to previous interview, “In all of the negatively impacts the company’s target set by the company was not bolster its commitment to its representthepeople;assuchitmust environmental permits, one of the operations. achieved. consumers. insist the oil companies back up key requirements is that if there is Following a revision by the Meter Reading However, the PUC notes with their claim of safety by taking one any change to what was approved, Commission, it was revealed that For 2022, GPL was required to grave concern that GPL insists on obvious step in good governance they (Exxon and partners) must GPLfailed to meet its standard and read 97% of the meters of using the failure of handheld and show the international seek approval from the EPA and in targetsfor:CustomerInterruptions, maximum demand consumers devices as a shield in the certificates that permit production so doing, we will require VoltageRegulation,MeterReading (industrial consumers) and 90% of achievement of meter readings for abovetheprescribedsafetylimitsat information that will help assess if and Average Availability On the the meters of the non-maximum industrialconsumers. theFPSOs. it will cause significant impacts other hand, the agency met the demand consumers (residences). Another grave concern was the
“Publish the international beforeapprovingsame.” standardsandtargetsfor:Issuingof The company reported that it only high percentage of system losses. certifications that allow the oil Head of the Oil and Gas Bills, Accounts Payable, Accounts managed to read 92% industrial The PUC stated that this continues companies to operate over the Department, Joel Gravesande also Receivable,andSystemLosses. meters and 88% residence meters. to be a bane on the financial safety limits! It is no secret that the confirmed this, noting that The review by the PUC was As such, GPL failed to meet yet stabilityofGPL.“GPLneedsto oil companies award themselves ExxonMobil’s subsidiary; EEPGL conductedeveryyearinaccordance anothertarget. (Continued on page 14)
Kaieteur News Sunday May 07, 2023 PAGE 13
From page 13 annually within 30 days of make a greater effort to theanniversaryofthedateon reduce these losses as it will whichsuchreportsaredueor continueto hamperefforts to more frequently as the reducethepriceofelectricity Minister may require,” the to consumers, ” the licencestates.
Commissionstated. The Uaru project is T h e C o m m i s s i o n expected to produce 812 emphasizes that it will million barrels of oil continue to vigorously equivalent resources in the monitor the electricity sector initial 20-year licensed so that GPL would be period through a total of 44 properly positioned to reach wells – 21 producers and 23 its contractual obligations water and gas injectors. The and legal mandate to the floating, production, storage consumersofGuyana. and offloading (FPSO) vessel, Errea Wittu, which Tuesday May 2, 2023 will be built by Japanese
F P S O - b u i l d i n g a n d
the Uaru project is budgeted
Eight years later… had tabled the Petroleum March 2021, had stated that
Govt. now orders operating company, to cost US$12.683 billion Guyana still without Commission of Guyana Bill within a matter of weeks, the ExxonMobil to MODEC, will produce and is subject to cost independent oil sector 2017 during the 64th Sitting independent regulator the submit breakdown 250,000barrelsofoilperday recovery under the Stabroek regulator …Jagdeo says of the Eleventh Parliament. government promised to of US$12.7B in at peak production. First oil Block Petroleum Sharing Petroleum Commission The passage of that Bill establish for the oil sector expenses for fifth project is anticipated for the second Agreement. ‘not likely’soon wouldhaveseenthecreation would be in place. Minister approved last week quarter of 2027, thereby
o f t h e P e t r o l e u m Bharrat was also quoted on boosting Guyana’s overall Importantly, the cost This month, makes eight Commission of Guyana the Guyana Basins Summit After granting the production rate to over reporting condition was years since Guyana is which will oversee and website as saying that the relevant regulatory 1,100,000 barrels of oil per strengthened to include without an updated manage Guyana emerging Commission is needed so it approvals on April 27, 2023 day annual synergy reporting, legislative and regulatory oil and gas industry The can “manage this emerging for ExxonMobil’s fifth oil Additionally, MODEC acknowledging the shared framework that is essential Petroleum Commission of sector without political project in the Stabroek will now compete with SBM facilities and personnel for the protection of the oil Guyana will have the interference.” Block, the PPP government Offshore, the Dutch-based between these projects that i n d u s t r y a g a i n s t responsibility of monitoring
For his part, Attorney has now demanded that a company responsible for the result in cost savings mismanagement and and ensuring compliance General, Anil Nandlall, had breakdown of the costs for first four projects in the Additionally, a Capping corruption. One of the key with the policies, laws and told Kaieteur Radio during thedevelopmentbeprovided Stabroek Block. Notable Stack condition was regulatory architectures that agreements for petroleum aninterviewthattheBillisat within90days. changes in the FPSO design included in this licence to remains in limbo is the operations. It would have the Ministry of Natural This demand for compared to previous ensure compliance with the Petroleum Commission Bill also, inter alia, be Resources and it is being financial and cost reporting projects include using a commitment to have the that would pave the way for responsible for ensuring actively considered by a was outlined in the Uaru combined-cycle gas turbine Capping Stack in-country as the appointment of an compliance with health, Legal Department within Petroleum Production for power generation and a required by the Yellowtail independentregulator safety and environmental thatMinistry Thatwaswhen Licence that was awarded to closed-loop flare system, licence. T h e P e t r o l e u m standards and ensure local the Attorney General cited the ExxonMobil-led reducing greenhouse gas Insummary,theapproval Commission Bill was c o n t e n t a n d l o c a l that changes are likely to be consortium by the Natural emissionsfromtheproject. o f t h e U a r u F i e l d initially proposed by the participation in all of the seen. Resources Ministry The Certain conditions that Development Plan and APNU+AFC for the activities Also, the It has been 33 months document states that, “The are applicable to the issuance of the Uaru establishment of an commission would have since the since the PPP/C Licensee shall submit Yellowtail project were Petroleum Production independent body which beentaskedwithresearching Government assumed office financial reports consistent excluded from the Uaru PPL Licence marks the fifth wouldholdresponsibilityfor efficient, safe, effective and and President Ali is yet to with the Petroleum since they were deemed to approved production monitoring and enforcing environmentally responsible honour its promise to the A g r e e m e n t a n d i t s have been sufficiently operation for offshore Guyana’s modernised exploration, development nation. Additionally, at his accounting procedure for the addressed by the Yellowtail Guyana within the prolific petroleum laws, policies and and production of petroleum recent press conference, Uaru Project in such form licence conditions. Similar StabroekBlock. oil agreements. The body is in Guyana, including the Vice President Bharrat and manner as directed by to the Payara licence, the
The Uaru project is also intended to ensure oil optimum methods of Jagdeo said that establishing theMinister.” Uaru PPL boasts a Unit expected to significantly companies comply with exploring for, extracting and the Petroleum Commission
It further notes that Development component, contribute to Guyana’s oil h e a l t h , s a f e t y a n d utilising petroleum and is not something the within 90 days from the date covering four of the Uaru production and highlights environmentalstandards.( petroleum products ( The Government of Guyana of the licence, the Licensee field reservoirs that extend the benefits of leveraging On May 8, 2017, then new regulatory body will (GoG)willbedoinganytime shall submit cost estimates into the Liza production similarities between black Minister of Natural also have an advisory role to soon. for the Uaru Project in the area. The Natural Resources oilprojects. Resources,RaphaelTrotman the Minister on matters
The Vice President was format and degree of detail Ministry said last Friday that related to the conduct of the asked by a reporter about the no less than that as set out in industry appointment of the Annex C of the Stabroek
The Bill was however Commission, which he had Block Production Sharing sent to a Special Select promised. “A commission Agreement That section Committee since its most (is) still on the cards, but it’s allows for a breakdown of fatal flaw or characteristic not like on the verge…” development and operating was that it gave the Natural Jagdeo responded. In his costestimates. Resources Minister a toxic response, he also explained
Government has also level of control over the said that the government is requested to see how the body.(Uponassumingoffice exploring several areas to Exxon Group will ensure in August 2020, the PPP enhance Guyana’s archaic cost savings by leveraging administration had promised petroleum laws. Jagdeo said, the infrastructure and an overhaul for Guyana’s “…right now we are moving services available from the petroleum laws In fact, forward with two elements previously approved
President Irfaan Ali during of that framework we have production areas at Liza his inauguration address done several already The Phase One, Liza Phase Two, pledged to establish a two that we are working on Payara and Yellowtail. “The Petroleum Commission to thePSA(thenewProduction
of insulatetheoilandgassector Sharing Agreement for development and operating frompoliticalinterference. future oil blocks) and the costs, and the synergy report
ural Resources petroleumact(the1980’s required above shall be Minister,VickramBharratin (Continued on page 52) updated and submitted
Kaieteur News Sunday May 07, 2023 PAGE 14
oregoing repo
Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, SC Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo
Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat President Irfaan Ali
Calls mount for dismissal of EPA Head over failure to protect Guyana
Citizens of Guyana are now calling for the dismissal of the executive director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Mr Kemraj Parsram for failingtoactinthebestinterestofthe country Member of Parliament, David Patterson and transparency advocate Dr Jerry Jailall both on separate occasions said Parsram shouldvacatethepost
During anAlliance For Change (AFC) press conference on Thursday, party member, Dr VincentAdamsdescribedtherecent High Court ruling on insurance for the Stabroek Block oil and gas production activities as an indictment on the operations of the EPA
InprefacingPatterson’sposition on the matter, Dr Adams told members of the media that this agency,whichismandatedtobethe country’s protector against all environmentalhazards,hascededits responsibility to the oil industry, sincetheadministrationchanged
He pointed out, “This is the second major ruling that has been levelled against the EPA- the first beingitsunlawfuldecisiontowaiver the granting of an EIA [Environmental Impact Assessment] for the storage of
radioactivematerialsinaresidential zone - which clearly demonstrates thatthemanagementofthisagency isinadequateandlackthenecessary qualifications to carry out its importantfunctions”
DrAdamsalsonotedthatJustice SandilKissooninhisrulingthispast week described the EPA as being “submissive and abdicated its responsibilities,therebyputtingthis nation and its people in grave potential danger of calamitous disaster” and “an egregious state of affairsthathaveengulfedtheEPAin aquagmireofitsownmaking.”
To this end, he urged that “the timehasnowarrivedtoaddressthe running of this agency.” Patterson later in the press conference said while he does not believe in the dismissalofpublicservants,hedoes believe the EPA head would be better positioned to support the oil sector He told the media that Parsramhasputthenationindanger by failing to fulfill his statutory duties and should therefore not be allowedtoleadtheagency
Meanwhile,Dr JerryJailallina lettertoKaieteurNewspublishedon May 5, reasoned thattaxpayers are fundingtheEPAsothatitwouldput Guyanese first, instead of the interestsof“oilimperialists”withno
mercyonapoorcountry,wherethe minimum wage barely reaches US$300monthly Jailallsaid,“IfthecurrentEPAis unwillingorunabletodotheirjobas required by Guyana’s laws, then they need to resign en masse and reopen under new leadership that willplacetheinterestsofournation first”
He even noted that Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo should consider International Lawyer, Melina Janki, advocate Simone Mangal-Joly and Elizabeth DeaneHughes or former head of the agency, Dr. Vincent Adams. These candidates, according to Jailall would ensure a “ton of bricks” fall ontheoperator’sheadforfailingto complywiththeregulations
Itmustbenotedthatwhilecalls are being made for the removal of the EPA Head due to the public’s lackoffaithinhisabilitytoprotect the nation due to past actions, the Government of Guyana (GoG) had madeitclearthatithadtakenstepsto ensure the petroleum activities are fast-tracked
Last May, Minister of Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat at an event said, “We had to ensure that the permitting process was not as cumbersome or not as tedious as it
used to be in the past without jeopardizingtheintegrityorwithout compromising anything to ensure we fast track the approval of development coming to our country.”
Heexplainedthatitisimportant thatthepermittingprocessdoesnot serveasahindrancetodevelopment, adding that when the People’s Progressive Party / Civic (PPP/C) took office in August 2020, hundredsofmillionsweretiedupby agencies such as the EPA, the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) as well as the regional authorities, such as City Hall Moreover,hesaidthedecision tofast-trackpermitswasparticularly important since foreign investors alwayscheckonthelengthoftimea permit takes to be approved
According to him, “ anywhere in theworldthatyougo,anywhereyou gotoaninvestmentforumthatisthe first question that is asked by investors; how is the permitting processinthecountry?Isitdifficult tostartupinthecountry?”
It must be noted that a 2022 Report by IHS Markit has flagged the Government’s control of State agencies, particularly those responsible for the management of the oil sector, as being a means of fasttrackingandfacilitatingproject approvalsintheoilandgassector
The document titled ‘Guyana aims to strengthen institutions to avoid petro-state pitfalls’noted that though the country’s upstream regulatory and management responsibilitiesaredispersedacross different state entities, the current institutional arrangement places these entities under the full control ofGuyana’sexecutivebranch
Over the past few months, membersofcivilsocietyhavebeen complaining about the ramping up of oil production activities off the country’s coasts by American energy giant, ExxonMobil In the meantime, the regulatory body that permits these projects has been the subject of criticism for waiving EnvironmentalImpactAssessments (EIA) for drilling projects, which environmentalists believe could negatively impact the marine environment
Kaieteur News PAGE 15 Sunday May 07, 2023
EPAHead, Kemraj Parsram
Exxon in race to find more barrels before relinquishing Stabroek Block licence in 2026
ExxonMobil Corporation is racing against time to discover more oil barrels in the Stabroek Block before the licence expires. Hess’ Chief Operating Officer, Greg Hill recently said the expiry willoccurinOctober2026.
He said that there are multibillion-barrelpotentialremainingin the block, and the companies are moving to lock in these reserves underthecurrentfiscaltermsinthe lopsidedStabroekblockproduction sharingagreement(PSA)
“We’vegotmultibillionbarrels of upside. The licence expires in October of 2026. We will take the next four to five years to fully understand that potential get it lockeddown,”Hillsaid.
The current PSA has been widelycondemnedaslopsided,with the government of Guyana introducing a new model PSA that includes a 10% royalty payment However,VicePresidentDr Bharrat Jagdeo said that he will not apply these terms to the Stabroek Block, and ExxonMobil will continue to pay the measly 2% royalty for its developments Kaieteur News has shown that Guyana lost out on US$230 million from the last quarterly royalty payment alone by notapplyingthenew10%royaltyto theStabroekBlock
Since 2015, ExxonMobil has discoveredmorethan11billionoilequivalent barrels, with 10 discoveries made in 2022 alone, makingitthebestexplorationyear for the company In 2023, the partners plan to drill 10 wells, targeting a range of prospects and
play types, including lower-risk wellsnearexistingdiscoveriesand deeper intervals. Two discoveries
have already been announced this year at the Fangtooth and Lancetfishwells.
ExxonMobil is also awaiting government approval to drill another 35 wells in the Stabroek
Block, which would be supported bytheextensionofacontractwith Noble Corp. to use several drill ships until 2027 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is reviewing a cumulative impact assessment (CIA) from ExxonMobil for the 35-well campaign, which has revealed that 14 Caribbean islands could be affected by an oil spill if one were tooccur
The government has endorsed the company’s plans to produce morethanamillionbarrelsperday (bpd) in a few years and recently approved the Uaru project, which will take production offshore Guyana over a million bpd by 2026. The government is also reviewing an application for approval for the Whiptail project, expectedtocomeonlinein2027.
ExxonMobil is the operator of the Stabroek Block, with a 45% stake, while Hess has a 30% stake and CNOOC has the remaining 25%.
As Hill has said that the partners will take the next few years to examine the exploration upside, there is increasing advocacy and pressure from environmental activists to ensure Exxon’soperationsdonotharmthe environment as they ramp up. The recentHighCourtjudgmentonthe failure by the Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) to fulfill its obligations and secure an unlimited parent/affiliate guarantee from ExxonMobil for the Stabroek Block has raised seriousconcerns.
Fourfirmshavesubmitted bids to supervise the reconstruction of the Soesdyke-Linden Highway The four firms are: Sizwe Jackson Consultancy Service (Guyana); Rites Limited (India); E&A Consultants Inc (Guyana) in collaboration with Sheladia Associates Inc. (USA); and CB & Associates Inc. (Guyana) in joint venture with Al-Habshi Engineering Consultancy (Kuwait).
The contract for the reconstruction of the Highway is y e t t o b e a w a r d e d
Notwithstanding, the Ministry of Public Works has requested suitablyqualifiedentitiestobidfor thesupervisioncontract.
The reconstruction of the Highway has been in the pipeline forsometime,andtherequestfora consultant is just one aspect of the MinistryofPublicWorksproject.
KaieteurNewsunderstandsthat thesuccessfulconsultantwouldbe responsible for the design review, construction supervision and generalprojectmanagementofthe reconstruction of the SoesdykeLinden Highway and contract
administration throughout the project implementation process and thereafter, during the defects liabilityperiod.
The implementation period of the consultancy is estimated to be fromJuly18,2023toJuly17,2026.
Kaieteur News had reported that the Government secured financing from the Islamic
DevelopmentBank(IsDB)toassist with the resurfacing of the Highway Part of the money received will be used to secure consultancyservices.
This publication reported too thattheGovernmenthadrequested aUS$120MloanfromtheBankto rehabilitate the Highway. During a visit to Linden in October 2022,
President Irfaan Ali had informed residents that the loan was approved. The Soesdyke-Linden Highway connects Region Four to the mining town of Linden in Region10.
TheUS$120Mloanwouldnow beaddedtotheG$5billionthatwas allocated for the project in this year’sbudgetfortherehabilitation
of the highway The Public Works Ministry in an advertisement had notedthatitsWorkServicesGroup (WSG) is responsible for the overall implementation of the project.
The project entails reconstruction of approximately 73km of the asphaltic concrete pavement from the Soesdyke junction to the Wismar Bridge in Linden.Keyelementsofthescope of works include: milling of existing asphalt surface course, application of varying pavement structuresabovethemilledsections of pavement inclusive of asphalt, sandasphalt&/sub-base,fulldepth pavement reconstruction in certain sections, construction of two roundabouts along the alignment, sidewalk extensions to 9 multispan bridges, drainage works and utilityrelocationandinstallationof roadwaylighting.
In addition to the SoesdykeLinden Highway resurfacing project, some US$100M secured through an Inter-American DevelopmentBank(IDB)loanwill be spent to upgrade the Grove to Timehri, East Bank Demerara (EBD)road.
Sunday May 07, 2023 Kaieteur News PAGE 16
Asection of the Soesdyke-Linden Highway
Waterfalls Waterfalls
PAGE 17 Sunday May 07, 2023 Kaieteur News Young Entrepreneur
CelebratesYearof the Pearl
Daniela Araujo
The Writing Services’
T amasha Oxfo rd
SayHelloto thefoxyTamashaOxford,a21yearold medicalstudentattheUniversityofGuyana.Tamashais adelegateoftheMissGuyanaCultureQueenPageant.Thisdriven, multifacetedwomanistheownerofMaisha’sBakery,whichshesaysis oneofhergreatestaccomplishmentstodate.Thisweek’sbelleenjoysreading, gaming,andplayingthesteelpan.Herfavouritequoteisbyfamouspoetand playwrightOscarWilde“Artonlybeginswhereimitationends.”
Sunday May 07, 2023 Kaieteur News PAGE 18
In case you haven’t heard, please be informed that as part of our continued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our publisher, Mr. Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about on-going indecency in our land that should matter, not only to us at this publication, but the entire nation.
S UNDAY–April30,2023
Jagdeodoinganumberon Guyanese
EPA permit one day, productionlicensethenext.
Exxonnowhasoilproject number5inthebag.
Guyaneseleftholdingthe bag.
This is Jagdeo's idea of leadership.
This is how Jagdeo leading Guyanese to their doom.
Number5done,number6 tocome
Guyana should just rubberstamp all these oil projectsatthesametime!
Jagdeo should do away with the trickery and just makeitofficial…
Oil project number 6, number 7, and number whatever!
Just ceasewiththemerry go round, and approve the projects!
Like the Japanese CEO said,it'sjustaformality, Guyanese should stop fooling themselves that Jagdeofightingforthem!
For Exxon, it is profit recordafterprofitrecord.
For Guyanese, it's the samerecord:poverty,hungry belly.
Exxonmakingbigmoney inGuyana.
Guyanese getting a big, dirtystickfortheiroil.
The President had said Guyaneseholdingthewrong end.
Now even the President fallinlinewiththat.
What Exxon wants, Exxongets.
What Jagdeo does, Jagdeogetsawaywith.
WEDNEDAY – May 3, 2023
Hess boasting, Hess celebrating!!!
JohnHessboastingabout earningsfromGuyana!
His people are happy withtheirreturns…
Guyanesearesickinbed, reaching the point of no return.
Hess making plenty moneyfromGuyana'soil!
Guyanese making do with whatever crumbs they canget.
Hess already counting, soontobedrooling
Man arrested for allegedly raping pregnant woman at Region 7 backdam
Police on Saturday arrestedasuspectaccusedof raping a pregnant woman at Issano, Region Seven, Cuyuni-Mazaruni.
occurred at around 22:00hrs onThursday Thevictimtold police that she was heading homewhenshewasattacked bythesuspectandraped.
Pensioner found dead at Uitvlugt, WCD
A 72-year-old pensioner identified as Kissoondial was onSaturdaymorningfounddeadatDeGroot,Uitvlugt,West CoastDemerara(WCD).
Kissoondial's body bore no marks of violence and accordingtopolice,therewasnoevidencethatsuggestsfoul play.
One, two, three, four, five.
Give Jagdeo a big high five.
The fifth project already approved.
Exxon and Hess already talkingaboutthesixthone.
And Jagdeo is the best partnerforthejob.
AliandJagdeoappealing Courtrulingoninsurance
JusticeKissoonruledthat Exxon must get full insurancecoverage!
However, Pres. Ali and VP Jagdeo passed orders to AGNandlall: Appeal the Guyana High Courtrulingimmediately Jagdeo had said that Exxon must provide full
So, what is he appealing against?
So, which side is Jagdeo on? Itcan'tbeGuyana's!
Guyanese voted the PPP backintogovernment; thisishowAliandJagdeo representthem…
This is how Ali and Jagdeo repay them, respect them…
By fighting against Guyanese for the benefit of Exxon!
GodSavetheKing President Ali is off to KingCharles'scoronation. It would be better if that money is spent on poor Guyanese. Why waste taxpayers' dollars to attend the coronation?
How about giving struggling Guyanese a helpinghand?
How about some Guyanese caring for Guyanese?
Why not God Save
Sunday May 07, 2023 Kaieteur News PAGE 19
Accordingtoreports,the alleged rape reportedly nvestigations are
Sunday May 07, 2023 Kaieteur News PAGE 20
Objective journalism threatened by fake content and false media platforms
Media freedom i n t h e Americas, from Canada in the North to Argentina in the South, with the Caribbean in between, didnotrankverywellinthe 2023 World Press Freedom (WPF) Index In a measurement of 180 countries and territories, only Canada - rated at 15 –secured a place among the top 20 best performing countries Costa Rica in Central America is rated at 23 Caribbean countries appear in the Index with Trinidad and Tobago at 30, Jamaica at 32, Suriname at 48, Belize at 51, Guyana at 60andHaitiat99.
The United States of Americaisrelegatedto45.
The Index, compiled by Reporters Without Borders (RWB), was released on May 3 to mark the 30th anniversary of World Press FreedomDay–adesignation of the United Nations GeneralAssembly
However, the Index excluded countries with populations of less than 300,000 Therefore, The Bahamas and Barbados are not examined, and the 6 independent nations of the Organisation of Eastern CaribbeanStates(OECS)are lumpedasone,distortingthe situation in each country individually Therefore, the OECSrankingat93isnotan accurate reflection of media freedom in its 6 member states individually. Conditions in each of them arenotuniform.
The methodology that
RWB employed in compilingtheindexisbased onitsowndefinitionofpress freedom which it describes as: “the ability of journalists as individuals and collectives to select, produce, and disseminate news in the public interest independent of political, economic, legal, and social interference and in the absence of threats to their physicalandmentalsafety”.
There is no mention in the definition of the obligation of journalists to report at high standards of objectivity, responsibility andaccuracy
Inthissense,itappearsto give a free pass to media publications, whose reporting falls short of these standards.
A discerning public, which expects media to adhere to these standards in
ordertomaintaincredibility, would be rightly concerned at the omission of these requirements from the definition that RWB used as the methodology for the compilationofitsindex.
The report also does not imply that government action against journalists is the main reason for the ranking of countries, althoughitisdefinitelysoin countries with authoritarian regimes. Other factors are considered. For example, in the US assessment, the continuingattackbyDonald Trumponthemediaisoneof thecriteria.Havingsaidthat, the RWB report raises criticalissuesthatareworthy of public attention and informeddebate.
For instance, it warns that “political actors in their countries were often, or systematically, involved in massive disinformation or propagandacampaigns.
The difference is being blurred between true and false,realandartificial,facts and artifices, jeopardizing therighttoinformation.
The unprecedented ability to tamper with content is being used to undermine those who embody quality journalism and weaken journalism itself.” This observation is apparent in the rise of anonymous social media platforms, which pose as genuine media outlets, with thesolepurposeofspreading false information for politicalpurposes.
The videos and other material produced by such outlets, claiming to be journalists, do indeed “weaken journalism” by the dissemination of false informationtothepublicthat cancreategravedisaffection insocieties.
The creation of Internet portals, also posing as genuine journalistic media, but really established to spreadfalseinformationand propagandaforthosewilling topayforit,alsoundermines the value of principled journalism that should be committed to accessing and publishing accurate and substantiated information for the public good and withinthelawsoflibel.
Thereportalsopointsout that the misuse of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is “wreaking further havoc” with tools that “flout the principles of rigour and reliability.” It warns of the creation of “very highdefinition images” that have
been “feeding social media with increasingly plausible and undetectable fake photos”.
These developments require all societies to be alert and vigilant in calling them out as malicious, deceptive, and misleading. The greatest responsibility falls on the reputable media houses that place value in their integrity and credibility In their own interest, they should counter such instances with truth, factsandobjectivity
The only region in the world that emerges from the Index with a “good” categoryisEuropeat15%.In the satisfactory category, Europe is again the highest with 41 5% and the Americas, including the Caribbean, is second with 35 71% Violence against journalists and arbitrary imprisonment is rampant in the Middle East and North Africa.
IntheAmericas,violence and imprisonment are also prevalent in a few countries wherethenumbersarehigh.
These countries do not include the EnglishspeakingCaribbean,Canada andtheUS.
M u r d e r s a n d imprisonment of journalists in countries ruled by authoritarian regimes are increasing and must be condemned and resisted by all nations which value freedom.
Two hundred and ninety-three journalists werebehindbarsattheend of2021;theofficialfigures for 2022 are likely to be higher
Governments should be in the forefront of preserving and upholding freedom, which is the oxygen by which all nations breathe and thrive, and which energizes their people to creativity that builds socially and economically vibrant countries.
Fair and objective media reporting is s o m e t i m e s h a r s h , sometimes unfair, sometimes wrong, but mostly the responsible reporting creates awareness and raises alarms. There are many thousands of journalists who report on events to inform societies; they shine light in dark corners to alert publics to perils; and they risk their lives in areas of conflicts to expose tyrannical regimes. These are the principled
activities that make journalism a noble profession and that should attractpersons committedto high standards of reporting inthepublicinterest.
Good journalism is like a bad toothache – it hurts, but it warns that something is wrong and requires remedying In this regard, good and responsible journalism should be encouragedbyallasapublic good, and media houses should strive for the highest
standards of objectivity and accuracy in the publicinterest.
(The writer is
A n t i g u a a n d
B a r b u d a ’ s Ambassador to the United States and the Organization ofAmerican States.
He is also a Senior Fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies at the University of London and Massey College in the
U niversityofToronto. The views expressed are entirelyhisown.
R e s p o n s e s a n d previouscommentaries:ww
Kaieteur News PAGE 21 Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023 Kaieteur News PAGE 22
EPA’s slackness puts nation in grave danger
” T h e E n v i r o n m e n t a l environmental liability insurance Protection Agency (EPA) has of a type and nature stipulated as relegated itself to a state of laxity stipulated by the renewed of enforcement and condonation environmental permit and to have compoundedbyalackofvigilance an independent insurance thereby putting this nation and its consultantretainedbytheAgency peopleingravepotentialdangerof to review and examine the calamitous disaster,” those were insurance package to ensure its the words of High Court Judge, conformitywithsaidpermit. Justice Sandil Kissoon, when he Moreover, an Order of handed down his ruling in a Mandamus was granted directed monumental case against to the EPA to issue an Guyana’s Environmental Enforcement Notice pursuant to Protection Agency (EPA) and Section 26(1) and (2) of the ‘ExxonMobil Guyana,’ Esso Environmental ProtectionAct, on Exploration and Production orbeforeMay9,2023,directedto GuyanaLimited(EEPGL). EEPGLto perform its obligations
Two citizens, President of the undercondition14oftherenewed Transparency Institute of Guyana environmental permit and to On January 19, 2022, the EPA Inc. (TIGI) Frederick Collins and provide,within30daysthereafter, without any notice given to the Godfrey Whyte, through their on or before June 10, 2023 the public, granted Schlumberger lawyers, Mr Seenath Jairam, SC,
By Renay Sambach
It was highlighted in the court unlimited liability Parent permission to use, store and and Ms Melinda Janki, had documentthattheagencycarrying Company Guarantee Agreement possessradioactivematerialsatits approached the court to get the out public law functions, and/or unlimited liabilityAffiliate facility located at Houston EPA to enforce a critical clause, notwithstanding that EEPGL’s Company Guarantee to indemnify Notably, the public was also not Condition 14 in the Liza Phase 1 activitiesareofsignificantimpact, and keep indemnified the given any notice that any such Environmental Permit (Renewed) failedseveralaspectsofitsduties. Government of Guyana and the permitwasunderconsiderationby issued on May 31, 2022 to The EPA failed and omitted to Agency against all such the EPA. After seeing the EPA’s EEPGL That provision says mandate compliance by EPPGL environmental obligations of the notice to waiver the EIA for ExxonMobil Corporation, the with its financial assurance oil companies operating in the Schlumberger, several residents parent company for EEPGL, must obligations of environmental Stabroek Block, together with formally objected to the decision cover costs for all environmental liabilityinsurancetogetherwithan Environmental liability insurance stating that radioactive materials loss and damage that might result unlimited parent company as is customary in international should not be used or stored in from a well blowout, oil spill or
guarantee; the EPA also failed to petroleumindustry close proximity to schools, otherfailureintheLizaPhaseOne take any meaningful step or any Notably, the Government of neighbourhood, or the Demerara Development Project in Guyana’s step whatsoever to assess what Guyana has signalled their River This later led to the matter StabroekBlock. was provided to it by the oil intention to appeal the court’s being brought before the High Guyana’s Environmental body company purportedly as the ruling. Courtjudge. mandate is to “Promote, facilitate environmental liability insurance
Justice Nareshwar Harnanan and coordinate effective when it was not in fact in keeping
in his judgment declared, “That environmental management and with Condition 14 of the renewed CASE) the EPA’s decision to waive the protection;andthesustainableuse permit. Importantly, it was also In December 2022, in an action that was made permissible requirement of an Environmental of Guyana natural resources ” stated that despite failing to do the historic case, High Court Judge, onlybytheomissionsofaderelict, ImpactAssessmentwithrespectto However, yesterday’s ruling like a aforementioned, the EPA also Justice Nareshwar Harnanan had pliantandsubmissiveEPA. Schlumberger Guyana Inc similar case involving the EPA in failedtosuspend/cancelEEPGL’s r u l e d t h a t G u y a n a ’ s
Further, it was highlighted that (SGI)’s application for December 2022, painted the State renewed environmental permit Environmental body breached its the EPA refused to disclose any environmental authorization for agency in a grim light for eventhoughtheoilcompanymade statutory duty in the case against information during the court theconstructionofthesaidfacility breaching its statutory duties public pronouncements, the EPA and US based Company, proceedings as to the status of is in breach of the EPAs statutory thereby putting the nation and its communicating its intention to SchlumbergerGuyanaInc.(SGI). compliance by EEPGL with its duty for failure to provide reasons people at risk to grave danger in increaseproductionlevels. JusticeHarnananruledthatthe financial obligations in for the wavier as mandated under the event of an oil spill offshore
To this, Justice Kissoon said, EPAbreacheditsstatutorydutyby accordance with Condition 14 of section11(2)oftheEnvironmental Guyana. “The Agency has, in the not publishing reasons/adequate therenewedpermitandwhetheror ProtectionAct,Cap.20:05.”
Justice Kissoon pointed out circumstances, by its decision and reasons as to why it waived the not the oil company has complied Justice Harnanan granted an that the antecedent circumstances omission, committed an illegality, requirement for an Environmental withthecriticalclause.Onthetwo Order of Certiorari issued and thatwereraisedintheproceedings acted unlawfully, ultra vires, Impact Assessment (EIA) for substantive issues, the judge said directed to the EPA quashing its have exposed the existence of an unreasonably in the Wednesbury Schlumberger to build a that the agency sought refuge in decision on June 9, 2021 to award egregious state of affairs that has context of unreasonableness, in radioactive facility at Houston, silence, avoidance, concealment an environmental authorisation to engulfed the EPA, “in a quagmire defiance of logic, irrationally and EastBankDemerara. and secrecy, and also turned a Schlumberger to construct a ofitsownmaking.” withoutanyjurisdiction.” The High Court judge had blind eye, notwithstanding the radioactive substances and The judge added that the EPA The judge granted a issued several administrative grave potential danger and material storage and calibration has abandoned its exclusive declaration that the EPA is in orders on December 16, 2022. consequences to the country and facility on the ground that the statutoryresponsibilitiesentrusted breach of its statutory duty by its Those orders dealt with the issue citizens if an event occurred at the decision is ultra vires and to it by the National Assembly to failure/ omissions to enforce of the EPA failing to publish the Liza Phase 1 project – especially breached the EPA’s statutory duty ensure due compliance by compliance by the oil company reasons why it did not require an that the oil company has been set out under section 11 (2) of the ExxonMobil Guyana with with its financial assurance EIA for the construction and rampingupproductionthere. EPAAct. Condition 14 in the renewed obligations as stipulated by clause o p e r a t i o n o f a s o u r c e
On the issue of whether the A second Order of Certiorari, environmentalpermit. 14, to provide an unlimited parent storage/calibration building, in EPA has acted in breach of its wasissuedanddirectedtotheEPA
The judge added that the court company agreement and/ or accordance with Section 11 (2) of statutory duty, unreasonably, and quashing its decision made in foundthatEEPGLwasengagedin affiliate company guarantee the Environmental ProtectionAct, also allowing EEPGL to carry out January 2022, that permitted a disingenuous attempt which was agreement to indemnify and keep Cap.20:05,LawsofGuyana. petroleum operations in the Schlumberger to operate its calculated to deceive, when it indemnified the agency and the The ruling was as a result of a absence of the compliance with radioactive substances and sought to dilute its liabilities government against all legal challenge filed by three Condition 14, Justice Kissoon materials storage and calibration stipulated and expressed in clear environmental obligations of the Environmental Activists and underscored that at every juncture facility and to possess, use and terms at Condition 14 of the EEPGL and its partners in the residents who live nearby the from the day the renewed permit store radioactive materials, on the renewed environmental permit, StabroekBlock. facility, Vanda Radzik, Danuta was issued to EEPGL to date, the ground that the decision was in while simultaneously increasing Another declaration was Radzik, and Raphael Singh, EPAengaged in a course of action breach of the EPA statutory duty production at the Liza Phase 1 granted that EPAis in breach of its through their Lawyers: Marlene to undermine and erode the terms setoutunderSection11(1)and(2) project offshore Guyana. To this, statutory duty by its failure/ Alleyne, Siand Dhurjon, and and conditions of its own oftheEPAAct.Further,theJudge Justice Kissoon underscored that omission to enforce compliance Ronald Burch-Smith. The lawsuit environmentalpermit. (Continued on page 36) EEPGLwasengagedinacourseof b y E E P G L t o p r o v i d e wasfiledonFebruary14,2022.
Kaieteur News PAGE 23 Sunday May 07, 2023 Court Journal THE
High Court Judge, Justice Sandil Kissoon Justice Nareshwar Harnanan
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Head, Kemraj Parsram
Sunday May 07, 2023 Kaieteur News PAGE 24
Friday Music Guide: New Music From Ed Sheeran, Lil Baby, Megan Moroney and More
(Billboard) Billboard’s Friday Music Guide hisTikTok flare-up, the North Carolina artist serves as a handy guide to this Friday’s most had been known for his guest spots on essential releases — the key music that everyone projectsbyLatto,LilTjayandDaBaby Now, will be talking about today, and that will be he gets to play host to Khalid, who hops on dominatingplayliststhisweekendandbeyond. the “Favorite Song” remix and expertly
Thisweek,EdSheeranmakesaboldleftturn,Lil navigates its woozy vibe with some wellBaby unearths an old hit, and Megan Moroney placed crooning; Khalid has been a radio presentsherfirstfullstatement.Checkoutallofthis fixture in the past, and this rework will week’spicksbelow: hopefully get some run-on rhythmic
Ed Sheeran, - (Subtract) formats.
Inearly2022,EdSheeran’sworldwasupended Megan Moroney, Lucky so he decided to examine his feelings through Georgia native Megan Moroney’s voice his craft As suggested by muted lead single “Eyes possesses an earthy rasp that grounds her Closed” and a rollout focused squarely on the vulnerable songwriting in a sense of hardacoustic nature of the project, - is not your typical earned reality — it’s part of the reason why Sheeran album, and doesn’t contain the no-brainer she’s become one of country music’s radiohitsthathavecoloredhisfull-lengthsoverthe breakoutstarsofthisyear past five years Yet it - marks a searing left turn in Debut album Lucky makes good on the Sheeran’s recording career, his songwriting has promise of recent hits “Tennessee Orange” long been working up towards an unfiltered, and “I’m Not Pretty,” showcasing emotionallyintelligentstatementlikethis Moroney’s storytelling panache and
Asuperstarwhogrewfrombuskingonthestreet technical skill over the course of 42 to playing stadiums with just himself onstage, over satisfying minutes; expect this project to the course of a decade, Sheeran has been gradually garner lots of love from the country improvinghissongconstruction,withoutrelyingtoo awards,andforMoroneytokeeprising. much on pop machinery, and sounds ready to meet YoungBoy Never BrokeAgain, Dermot thismoment. Kennedy & Bailey Zimmerman.
Lil Baby, “Go Hard”
“Won’t Back Down”
While Lil Baby is currently impacting the charts Only Dominic Toretto and co. could withayear’s-oldsong,“LowDown,”thatwentviral bring together YoungBoy Never Broke during March Madness, another fan favorite has Again, Dermot Kennedy and Bailey been revived for streaming services: “Go Hard” has Zimmerman for a shared mission: “Won’t floatedaroundtheInternetforroughlythreeyearsas Back Down,” from the soundtrack to the “Again” and “Again (Go Hard),” but now, the upcoming Fast & Furious entry Fast X, official song is here, and hasn’t lost any luster “I’m finds the three artists’ disparate sounds not into losin’, I go hard as I can go to win,” Baby coming together for some surprisingly declares, providing a mantra — along with the effective high-speed inspiration In track’squickenedpace—thatcanbemotivationfor particular, Zimmerman’s country warble atop-notchworkout. balances out YoungBoy’s singsong
Toosii feat. Khalid, “Favorite Song (Remix)” rhyming, helping “Won’t Back Down”
Toosiiscoredaviralhitonhisownthisyearwith speed up and achieve a feeling of multiplex the undeniable groove “Favorite Song,” but before grit.
Kaieteur News PAGE 25 Sunday May 07, 2023
New study finds how long it really takes to establish a gym habit
Spoiler: It’s not 21 days
76% of study participants. Developing a consistent thousands of people. The the study, researchers The longer the amount of workout routine is going to study also measured how tracked the gym badge time between gym visits, the take some commitment, long it takes for healthcare swiping patterns of 30,000 less likely someone was to accordingtonewdata. workers to develop a hand- people who went to the go back to the gym
(Huffington Post) tracked the behaviors of For the fitness portion of
Additionally, 69% of people in the Proceedings of the comparatively, it only took a Fitness, over the course of were likely to go to the gym National Academy of fewweeksforpeopletodoit four years The results onthesamedayseachweek. Sciences, a peer-reviewed regularly Inotherwords,not showed that it takes roughly “These findings seem to journal, discovered the all habit formation timelines half a year for people to align with previous research amountoftimeitmaytaketo arecreatedequal. establish a consistent gym that developing a habit is establish a gym habit is “I think there are some habit. complex and takes time,” probably longer than you’d habits that are more According to Colin F Jaclyn Maher, an assistant like ¯ around six months, automaticandthensomethat Camerer, the director of the professor of kinesiology at accordingtotheresearch. take more effort.And I think T&C Chen Center for Social UNC Greensboro who was
Arecent study published w a s h i n g p r a c t i c e ; fitness chain, 24 Hour
Thestudy,whichwasled exercise is one of those that and Decision Neuroscience notassociatedwiththestudy, byresearchersatCaltech,the take more effort,” said Jamie at Caltech and an author of told HuffPost. “At the very University of Chicago and Shapiro, a professor of sport the study, researchers least, these findings (and t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f a n d p e r f o r m a n c e measured “how well a others) suggest that the old Pennsylvania, explored psychologyattheUniversity person’sgymattendancecan adage that it takes 21 days to habit formation through of Denver, who is not be predicted from a long list form a habit is simply a machine learning tools that affiliatedwiththestudy of variables,” including the myth.” If you want to create time lag between visits, their gopredictablyaredifferent,” a gym habit, you have to past gym history, how many said Camerer “On average, consistently work on it for months in a row they went, they go 22% of the days — months, not weeks, she and more The authors about one to two days per added. Below, experts offer considered gym-going an week. To have a habit means some advice on how to find established habit if they [we can] predict what those movementyouloveandhow could predict which days of one or two days are likely to tosticktoit. the week the subjects would be. If we can’t predict which To create a fitness go to the gym based on the days you go, then we define habit, do a workout data they collected from all thatasnothavingahabit.” that fits in with thevariablestheymeasured. For example, the time your life and interests.
“In our data, how often between gym visits played a Justbecausesome people go and whether they role in habit formation for (Continued on page 42)
Kaieteur News PAGE 26 Sunday May 07, 2023
This Day in History - May 07
Beethoven Symphony No.
9 debuts
Mount Pelee begins to erupt, burying Caribbean city
On May 7, 1902, Martinique’s Mount Pelée begins the deadliest volcanic eruption of the 20th century The following day, the city of Saint Pierre, which some called the Paris of the Caribbean, was virtually wiped off themap.
On May 7, 1824, Ludwig van Beethoven’s ninth and final symphonydebutsatVienna’sTheateramKärntnertor.Having lost his hearing years earlier, the celebrated composer nonetheless “conducts” the first performance of his Ninth Symphony, now widely considered to be one of the greatest piecesofmusiceverwritten.
Having established himself as one of the greatest composersoftheeraintheearly1800s,Beethovenhadalmost completelylosthishearingby1814butcontinuedtocompose. The Ninth Symphony required the largest orchestra ever employed by Beethoven, and was unusual at the time for its use of voices in addition to instruments. Beethoven handpicked two young singers, 18-year-old Henriette Sontag and 20-year-oldCarolineUnger,forthesopranoandaltoparts.He stoodonstageandappearedtoconducttheorchestrawhenthe Ninth debuted, although due to his deafness the players were instructed to ignore the composer and instead follow Michael Umlauf, the actual conductor Beethoven was several bars off from the actual music by the time the piece concluded.As he could not hear the applause, Unger had to turn him to face the audience as they hailed him with five standing ovations, raisingtheirhatsandhandkerchiefsintheair
Critics consider the Ninth one of Beethoven’s crowning achievements.The choral section, adapted from the Friedrich Schiller poem “Ode to Joy,” has transcended the world of classical music and become one of the most often-played and easily recognizable pieces of music of all time. The “Ode to Joy”hasbeeninterpretedinalmosteverywayimaginable,and has been employed as an official or unofficial anthem by an enormous range of entities, including the Chinese Cultural Revolution, the Nazi Party, the East-West German Olympic TeamandtheEuropeanUnion.
Mount Pelée, the name meaning bald in French, was a 4,500-foot mountain on the north side of the Caribbean island of Martinique. On April 2, 1902, new steam vents were spotted on the peak, which overlooked the port city of Saint Pierre. Three weeks later, tremors were felt on the island and Mount Pelée belched up a out of the mountain Finally, a held in an underground cell. Legend cloudofash. tremendous blast in the early morning has it that he went on to be a circus
On May 7, activity on the volcano hours sent an avalanche of boiling ash attraction. increased dramatically and the blasts downthesideofthemountain. In addition, 15 ships in the harbor grew significantly stronger Overnight, The city of Saint Pierre was buried were capsized by the eruption. One therewereseveralstrongtremorsanda within minutes and virtually everyone ship managed to stay afloat with half cloudofgaswithatemperatureofmore died instantly There were only two the crew surviving, although most than 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit spilled reportedsurvivors—onewasaprisoner sufferedseriousburns.
Daimler-Benz announces purchase of Chrysler Corp.
On May 7, 1998, the German automobile company DaimlerBenz maker of the world-famous luxury car brand MercedesBenz—announces a $36 billion merger with the United States-based Chrysler Corporation.
Called the U.S.’s first ambassador to Japan, a 14year-old fisherman by the name of Manjiro is considered America’s first Japanese immigrant, arriving in the country on May 7, 1843, by way of a whaling ship According to the National Endowment of the back to the states to his home Humanities, the boy and his in Massachusetts Manjiro crew were caught in a violent eventually returned to Japan, storm, with their ship where he was named a eventually washing up on a samurai and worked as a desert island 300 miles away political emissary between from their coastal Japanese his home country and the village. Rescued five months West,theNEHreports. later by anAmerican whaling
According to the National ship,Manjirowasadoptedby MuseumofAmericanHistory, American Capt William it was about 20 years later, in Whitfield, who renamed him the1860s,whengroupsof John Mung and brought him
(Continued on page 29)
The purchase of Chrysler, America’s third-largest car company, by the Stuttgart-based Daimler-Benz marked the biggest acquisition by a foreign buyer of any U.S. company in history Though marketed to investors Daimlerwouldbethedominantpartner, majorityofthenewcompany’sshares. asanequalpairing,itsoonemergedthat with its stockholders owning the (Continued on page 29)
Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” recovered after theft
May7,1994 could have the painting returned if a blond wig and dark sunglasses trying
On May 7, 1994, Norway’s most Norwegian television showed an anti- tobuyatraintickettoCopenhagen. famous painting, “The Scream” by abortion film. The claim turned out to InAugust 2004, another version of Edvard Munch, is recovered almost befalse.Thegovernmentalsoreceived “The Scream” was stolen along with three months after it was stolen from a a $1 million ransom demand on March Munch’s “The Madonna,” this time museuminOslo. 3, but refused to pay it due to a lack of from the Munch Museum in Oslo.
The fragile painting was recovered proofthatthedemandwasgenuine. Three men were convicted in undamaged at a hotel in Asgardstrand, Eventually, police found four connectionwiththattheftinMay2006. about 40 miles south of Oslo, police pieces of the painting’s frame in Police recovered both works inAugust said. Nittedal, a suburb north of Oslo, and with minor marks and tears. Yet
The iconic 1893 painting of a what may have been a cryptic message another version of “The Scream” waiflike figure on a bridge was stolen that the thieves wanted to discuss a remained in private hands and sold on inonly50secondsduringabreak-inon ransom. Finally, in January 1996, four May2,2012,for$119.9million.
February 12, the opening day of the men were convicted and sentenced in Munch developed an emotionally 1994WinterOlympicsinLillehammer connection with the theft They charged style that served as an Two thieves broke through a window included Paal Enger, who had been important forerunner of the 20th of the National Gallery, cut a wire convicted in 1988 of stealing Munch’s century Expressionist movement. He holdingthepaintingtothewallandleft “The Vampire” in Oslo. Enger was painted “The Scream” as part of his a note reading “Thousand thanks for sentenced this time to six-and-a-half- “Frieze of Life” series, in which thebadsecurity!” yearsinprison. sickness, death, fear, love and
A few days after the theft, a He escaped while on a field trip in melancholyarecentralthemes.Hedied Norwegian anti-abortion group said it 1999,andwascaptured12dayslaterin inJanuary1944attheageof81.
Kaieteur News
Sunday May 07, 2023
Compiled by Richard Francois. (From
Nakahama “John” Manjirô
First Japanese Immigrant arrives in the U.S.
DharmShalahomeof benevolenceforallracesis102
The Dharm Shala, Home of Benevolence for all races is now 102 yearsold.ItwasfoundedinApril1921, bythelatePanditRamsaroopMaharaj withhisownfundsintheAlbouystown area,whereitoperatestodate.Afterthe passing of Maharaj, the work of the home continued in 1950 by his elder son and successor Hari Saran Ramsaroop, and in 2013, by a third generation of his family, Kella and
Pamela Ramsaroop Maharaj, his granddaughters.
TheelevenDharmShalabuildings are solely devoted to humanitarian charity, free of charge These charitable and religious minded ladies placed particular emphasis on the religious edifices of the charity as the Dharm Shala was founded on divine inspiration.
On the occasion of its 102nd
anniversary, the Ramsaroops expressed gratitude for those who continue to support the Dharm Shala over the years. Those of blessed memorywillforeverberemembered.
The residents and management of theDharmShalathankedthePresident His Excellency Dr Irfaan Ali for attending the Dharm Shala Christmas Day Luncheon for three consecutive yearssincehisinaugurationin2020.
Sunday May 07, 2023 Kaieteur News PAGE 28
Health Facts
Joint pain: Osteoarthritis versus rheumatoid Arthritis
Arthritis is the eventually destroy cartilage p e o p l e swelling and andbonewithinthejoint. who have tenderness of Risk factors g o u t ,
one or more Risk factors for arthritis a n o t h e r joints. The main symptoms include: t y p e o f of arthritis are joint pain and
• Family history Some arthritis, are stiffness, which typically types of arthritis run in men. worsen with age. The most families,soyoumaybemore
By Rehanna Ramsay
• Previous joint common types of arthritis likely to develop arthritis if injury. People who have S e v e r e a r t h r i t i s , are osteoarthritis and your parents or siblings have injuredajoint,perhapswhile particularly if it affects your rheumatoidarthritis. thedisorder. playing a sport, are more hands or arms, can make it
Osteoarthritis causes • Age. The risk of many likely to eventually develop difficult for you to do daily cartilage the hard, types of arthritis arthritisinthatjoint. tasks. Arthritis of weight- slippery tissue that covers including osteoarthritis,
• Obesity Carrying bearing joints can keep you theendsofboneswherethey rheumatoidarthritisandgout excess pounds puts stress on fromwalkingcomfortablyor symptomsmayinclude: bone, which causes pain and form a joint — to break —increaseswithage. joints, particularly your sitting up straight. In some
•Pain restricted movement. This down. Rheumatoid arthritis • Your sex. Women are knees,hipsandspine.People cases, joints may gradually
•Stiffness wear and tear can occur over is a disease in which the more likely than men to with obesity have a higher lose their alignment and
•Swelling many years, or it can be immune system attacks the develop rheumatoid riskofdevelopingarthritis. shape.
•Redness hastened by a joint injury or joints, beginning with the arthritis, while most of the Complications
• Decreased range of infection. liningofjoints.
Uric acid crystals, which
Osteoarthritis also
The two main types of causes changes in the bones form when there’s too much arthritis—osteoarthritisand and deterioration of the uric acid in your blood, can rheumatoid arthritis connectivetissuesthatattach cause gout. Infections or damage joints in different muscle to bone and hold the underlying disease, such as ways. joint together If cartilage in psoriasis or lupus, can cause Osteoarthritis a joint is severely damaged, othertypesofarthritis.
The most common type the joint lining may become Tr e a t m e n t s v a r y of arthritis, osteoarthritis inflamedandswollen. depending on the type of involves wear-and-tear Rheumatoid arthritis arthritis. The main goals of damage to a joint’s cartilage
In rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis treatments are to — the hard, slick coating on the body’s immune system reduce symptoms and theendsofboneswherethey attacks the lining of the joint improvequalityoflife. form a joint Cartilage capsule, a tough membrane Symptoms cushions the ends of the that encloses all the joint
The most common signs bones and allows nearly parts. This lining (synovial and symptoms of arthritis
frictionless joint motion, but membrane) becomes involve the joints enough damage can result in inflamed and swollen. The Depending on the type of bone grinding directly on disease process can arthritis, signs and
Daimler-Benz announces purchase...
From page 27
$108 62 per share
The p o t e n t i a l s a l e , For Chrysler, headquartered euphoria proved to be short- DaimlerChrysler announced in Auburn Hills, Michigan, lived, however While it was selling 80.1 percent of theendofindependencewas Daimler had been attracted Chrysler to the privatea surprising twist in a by the profitability of equity firm Cerberus Capital striking comeback story Chrysler’s minivans and Management for $7 4 After a near-collapse and a Jeeps, over the next few billion DaimlerChrysler, government bailout in 1979 years profits were up and soon renamed Daimler AG, t h a t s a v e d i t f r o m down,andbythefallof2003 kept a 19.9 percent stake in bankruptcy, the company the Chrysler Group had cut the new company, known as surged back in the 1980s some 26,000 jobs and was ChryslerLLC. under the leadership of the stilllosingmoney
B y l a t e 2 0 0 8 , former Ford executive Lee In 2006, according to the increasingly dismal sales led Iacocca, in a revival spurred Times, Chrysler posted a Chrysler to seek federal in part by the tremendous loss of $1.5 billion and fell fundstothetuneof$4billion success of its trendsetting behind Toyota to fourth to stay afloat Under minivan. place in the American car pressure from the Obama
The new company, market. administration, the company DaimlerChrysler AG, began This loss came despite filed for bankruptcy trading on the Frankfurt and the company’s splashy protection inApril 2009 and New York stock exchanges launch of 10 new Chrysler entered into a partnership the following November A models that year, with plans with the Italian automaker few months later, according to unveil eight more. The Fiat. to a 2001 article in The New following May, however, In 2014, the two York Times, its stock price after reportedly negotiating companies became Fiat rose to an impressive high of with General Motors about a ChryslerAutomobiles.
First Japanese Immigrant
From page 27 Congress adds, 400,000-plus Japanese Japanese immigrants began arriving in the women and men immigrated to America, Hawaiian islands, where they worked in particularlytoHawaiiandtheWestCoast. sugarcane fields From there, many In commemoration of Manjiro’s early relocated to California, Washington and arrival, Congress, in 1992, established May Oregon as Asian American and Pacific Islander
From 1886 to 1911, the Library of HeritageMonth.
Kaieteur News PAGE 29 Sunday May 07, 2023
arrives in...
'S.W.A.T.' with Shemar Moore, Mayim Bialik's 'Call Me Kat' not returning for new seasons
(Yahoo Entertainment) “Call Me Kat” a FOX sitcom starring Mayim Bialik, and "S.W.A.T.," a CBS drama series starring Shemar Moore, will not return for new seasons.
Thenetworksannouncedthenewsabout theirrespectiveshowsinstatementsreleased Friday,thedayafter"CallMeKat"airedits Season3finale.
"S.W.A.T.," currently in its sixth season and starring Moore, Alex Russell, Kenny Johnson,JayHarrington,DavidLim,Patrick St. Esprit and Lina Esco, will end after its finalepisodeairsMay19.
“For six seasons, the amazing talents of theS.W.A.T castledbyShemarMoore,the writers, producers and crew guided by
Executive Producers Shawn Ryan, Andy Dettman and Aaron Rahsaan Thomas brought us compelling, action packed episodesthatalsoaddressedimportantsocial issues and contributed to the success of our primetime line up,” Amy Reisenbach, president of CBS Entertainment, said in a statement.
“We sincerely thank them for their incredible work and passion and also thank our dedicated fans who tuned in every week.”
A Fox Entertainment statement reads, "WeareveryproudofCALLMEKAT But, unfortunately, the audience response to it wasnotasstrongaswehadhoped.
Warner Bros. Television, That's Wonderful Productions, Sad Clown Productions, BBC Studios,MayimBialik,JimParsonsandthe entire cast and crew for their work and dedicationtoCALLMEKAT."
Thesitcom,whichpremieredin2021and ranforthreeseasons,sawBialikstarasKat,a 39-year-old woman who runs a cat-themed cafe.The series also starred Swoosie Kurtz, Kyla Pratt, Cheyenne Jackson, Julian Grant and Leslie Jordan, who died at age 67 from suddencardiacdysfunctioninOctober
Jordan had taped eight of 22 episodes plannedforthethirdseasonof"Kat"andwas workingontheninthatthetimeofhisdeath. HisfinalepisodeairedDec.1.
The cast of "Kat" honored Jordan in an
“What we've done here is we've given Philahappyending,”Bialiksaiddirectlyto theaudienceduringtheepisode,inwhichthe charactersof"Kat"learnedPhil(Jordan)and Jalen (John Griffin) decided to make their Tahitian vacation a permanent move by getting married and buying a bakery in the SouthPacificOceanoasis.
“Whatwe'rereallydoingismourningthe loss of our dear friend Leslie Jordan. He is irreplaceable.
Bialik, who formerly starred on the sitcom "The Big Bang Theory," also currently hosts "Jeopardy!" along with Ken Jennings.
Sunday May 07, 2023 Kaieteur News PAGE 30
Sunday May 07, 2023 Kaieteur News PAGE 31
PAGE 32 Kaieteur News Sunday May 07, 2023
Kaieteur News PAGE 33 Sunday May 07, 2023
The legendary Mother and Daughter pageant is markingits30thinstallment thisyear
Under the theme: “TheYear of the Pearl, our love is 30,” 22 mother and daughterpairswillvieforthecrownin the junior, middle and senior categories.
The junior category will cater for daughters four to eight years old and their mothers, while the middle categorywillfeaturedaughtersnineto 14 years of age and their mothers, and daughters 15 years and older and their motherswillbeintheseniorcategory
Accordingtothepageantfounders, Mrs. Ingrid Fung and her daughter Dr SulanFung,thisyear’spageantisabig milestone as it’s a celebration of the 30thproduction.Thefirstonewasheld in1990.
“In celebrating this milestone, patrons can look forward to a grand opening called, “The Entrance of the Pearl”.
“Come May 13, the National CulturalCentrewillbefilledwithlove and excitement as Supa Stylistic hosts the much-anticipated Mother and Daughter Pageant,” Dr Fung told the members of the media at a press conferenceonWednesday
Fung said this year’s pageant will have very special surprises as it also incorporates major collaborations sinceitsfirsteditionbackin1990.
Ontheredcarpet,patronswillgetto sample products from sponsors and meet local celebrities. This part of the night is being sponsored by Chung’s GlobalInc.
“You have an option of going straight into the show and dodging the camerasoryoucanliveyourdreamand walk the red carpet or you can take interviews with the camera and share your Mother’s Day greetings – and it will be streamed on television and socialmedia.
“Once the pageant starts and the curtains open, we will go straight into the Igloo segment because Igloo is responsibleforextractingthepearland bringingittous,”Dr Fungadded.
Dr Fung stated that, “This experience will allow patrons to have accesstofreefood,drinksandsamples from various sponsors. The pageant aims to bring mothers and daughters togetherinlove.”
Meanwhile,Ms.Fungwhofounded theMother/Daughterfranchisesaidthe pageantisimportanttomanywhohave participatedandwhoenjoyattendingit. She said her biggest motivation in
producing the pageant is the reactions ofpersonswhocallforiteachyear
“The driving force is the response, thelove,thepeoplewhowantitandthe people who participate…sometimes mothers come a little broken from brokenrelationshipsandtheycomeand they forge and they heal and they get alongveryfine,”Ingridsaid.
Additionally, there will be an allinclusive red-carpet affair sponsored by Chung’s Global Inc before the commencement of the pageant Keisha Chung, the General Manager of Chung’s Global Inc and a former contestant, said the pageant helps in bringing mothers and daughters closer
“The bond that I created with my mom through rehearsals and through the pageant is one that is unbreakable and its one that I cherish forever Everyone is encouraged to purchase their tickets early to enjoy this remarkablefamilyevent,”shesaid.
The event is being sponsored by Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport willonceagainbeonboardalongwith Chung’s Global, Team Mohammed, Iglooandotherentities.
Tickets are on sale at the National Cultural Centre ticket booth and cost $6000,$5500and$5000.
PAGE 34 Kaieteur News Sunday May 07, 2023 Contestants of the Mother/Daughter Pageant Contestants of the Mother/Daughter Pageant
Carol Fraser & Bonnie
Rehanie Johnson-Hastings & Azalea
Sheina Carter & Kelly
Natasha Brandt-Johnson & Jadiamond
Leanne Hernandez & Ja’Nae
Pauline Gibson & Keenan
Everything You Need to Know About the iPhone’s Lockdown Mode
(Reader’sDigest)Apple iPhoneshaverobustsecurity, butstandardprivacysettings may not be enough to stop targeted attacks by sophisticatedhackers.That’s where Lockdown Mode comesin.
Our mobile devices are convenient gateways to our personal and professional lives However, for cybercriminals, these gateways can also be avenues for sophisticated digital attacks. One of the most insidious mobile securitythreatsisspyware,a type of malicious software that a hacker surreptitiously installs on a target device without the victim’s knowledge. Once installed, spyware can be deployed to various ends. The aim is usually to steal personal informationforthepurposes of fraud, but spyware can also be used to take control of a user’s accounts and/or devices.
Apple devices have robust security features, but the standard iPhone privacy settings may not be enough to stop malware (and yes, iPhones can get viruses).
That’s where Apple’s Lockdown Mode comes in.
Introduced in iOS 16, Lockdown Mode is a powerful security measure designed for users who may
be targeted by the most sophisticateddigitalthreats.
What is Apple’s iPhone LockdownMode?
Lockdown Mode is an optional feature available in iOS 16, iPadOS 16 and macOSVentura.
It’s a somewhat extreme s e c u r i t y m e a s u r e specifically designed for the few individuals who might
be at high risk of sophisticated malware attacks due to who they are or what they do. It’s worth notingthatLockdownMode isprobablyoverkillformost users, but it’s still worth knowing about, and it’s a good arrow to have in your quiver should you suspect you’re being targeted by hackers When enabled,
Lockdown Mode greatly restricts certain apps, websites and features to reducetheattacksurfacethat could potentially be exploited by targeted spyware.
This means that your device won’t function like it typically does, and some experiences might not be availableatall.
However, the security benefits outweigh the inconvenienceforthosewho
require this level of protection.
While Lockdown Mode provides a powerful layer of smartphone security, it greatly inhibits the functionality of certain apps and features. Here’s what to expect when you enable Lockdown Mode on your Appledevice.
How does my iPhone work during Lockdown Mode?Messaging is limited during Lockdown Mode
Most message attachment types are blocked, but select images, videos and audio files are allowed. Links and link previews are also unavailable in Lockdown Mode.Webbrowsingcanbe affectedaswell.
Some complex web applications may not work correctly, leading to slower loadtimesormissingimages and text Incoming FaceTimecalls
Kaieteur News PAGE 35 Sunday May 07, 2023
Sleep deprivation is unhealthy. These strategies can help overcome it
(Washington Post) You reduce your risk of health
Onetelltalesignofminor red flag for minor sleep been able to make up for sleep deprivation as long as probably know you’re problems The first step, sleep deprivation is daytime deprivation. those lost hours and your you have an opportunity to supposed to get about eight though, is recognizing that fogginess: a general feeling Physically, you might bodyistakingahit. getcaughtup. hours of sleep every night, youaresleepdeprived. of being out of it. “Your eyes also be hungrier than usual, In general, more sleep First, determine how but nearly 40 percent of Here are some signs to might be open, but your Rao says, especially for debt leads to more extreme much sleep you really need. American adults regularly look out for — plus expert vigilance is decreased carbs and sugar That’s symptoms of deprivation — Holfinger says most adults log fewer than seven guidance to get back on becauseyourbrainisinsleep because your body is trying and a heightened risk of need about eight hours, give Consistent lack of sleep, track. d ” A R for lost long-term health problems. or take an hour or so studies show, can wreak Minor sleep deprivation Chronic sleep loss is a form (Younger or older people or havoc on the body But if Also called attention and short- of stress, which can trigger chronically sleep-deprived you’vegrownaccustomedto deprivation, also take a hit inflammation throughout people may need more ) sleep deprivation, you may deprivation means te sleep your body Rao says this can Think about how many not even realize you’re getting too little deprivation, says Kin increase your risk of myriad hours of sleep you’d need to suffering.
—temporarily a sleep healthconditions,fromheart feel rested if you didn’t have “Sleep deprivation can Maybe you d i c i n e diseasetomentalillness. to get up in the morning and affect the body in many one night ician and Chronic sleep loss can prioritizethatasaroutine. different ways, but people basically s i s t a n t increase the risk of Then, try to keep a tend to feel better than they sleep or one fessor at developing mental illnesses consistent bed and wake are actually doing,” says twoconsecutive the University such as anxiety and time, which can keep your Steven Holfinger, a sleep nights of less California depression, Robbins says, or circadian rhythm in check medicine specialist at Ohio sleep than you S a n worsen existing conditions. (and help you fall and stay State University’s Wexner need. This can ancisco’s It can also impair memory asleep at night). Before bed, MedicalCenter even happen l e e p much more noticeably than Robbins recommends
While any sleep loss can people who s o r d e r s minor sleep deprivation implementing an unwinding affect your body and impair in bed for eight ter You Even routine tasks may routine to help signal to your your functioning, long-term hours every night: mightnoticethat become harder to complete bodyit’stimetosleep. deprivation is most If you wak hardertofocus the longer you go without Avoid drinking too much concerning. Chronic sleep several time r k , f o r sleep,Yuen says. It also may alcohol before bed, stop deprivation can lead to what might not be e Some become harder to learn new drinking caffeine in the expertscallsleepdebt:hours quality sleep tasks you can things, because your brain afternoon, and stop using of sleep you’ve lost and canalsolead may not be formulates and consolidates electronic devices a few haven’t made up over time. minor sleep ays “But memorieswhenyousleep. hours before bedtime Ingeneral,themoredebtyou says Rebecca Robbins, an assistant professor of things that require sustained Studies have also linked Research has also found that accumulate, the worse your instructor at Harvard neurology at Johns Hopkins a t t e n t i o n t e n d t o chronic sleep deprivation in exercise during the day may body fares and the higher Medical School and an University School of deteriorate.”
midlife with higher helpwithsleepatnight. your risk of long-term health associate scientist in the Medicine. Most of us think With short-term sleep incidences of dementia and If you’re chronically complications, Holfinger Division of Sleep and it’s normal to hit an deprivation, it’s also harder Alzheimer’s disease, sleep-deprived,bepatient— says. Circadian Disorders at afternoon slump, but to keep your emotions in potentially because it’s it took time to accumulate
T h e g o o d n e w s : Brigham and Women’s Robbinssaysfeelingoutofit check, leaving you feeling during sleep that the brain yoursleepdebt,andit’lltake Catchinguponlostsleepcan Hospital. in the afternoon is actually a more irritable or reactive. rids itself of neurotoxins time to catch up, Holfinger And if you have anxiety or knowntoaffectmemory says. depression, your symptoms Lack of sleep also For example, if you miss could worsen That disrupts the hormones that onefullnightofsleep,you’ll emotional stress can make it tell your body when you’re need to sleep a few extra hard to sleep at night, which hungry and full as well as hours for a week to make up Robbins says can perpetuate other hormones that regulate for it. Daytimenaps can help acycleofsleepdeprivation. your metabolism. Plus, “if you make up for lost time, Major sleep deprivation you’re awake when you’re but Rao suggests limiting
Major (or chronic) sleep supposed to be sleeping, them to 20 minutes and deprivation happens when your body conserves more before 1 p.m. so you don’t you’re consistently not glucose,”Raosays.Allthese disruptnighttimesleep. gettingenoughqualitysleep. factors — combined with The important thing is to Maybe you’re caring for a lower daytime energy levels noticeyouaresleepdeprived new baby and you’ve only — can increase the risk of in the first place so that you been logging two or three insulin resistance, diabetes can take action to fix it. The hours a night for a few a n d , o v e r t i m e , results will be worth the weeks, or you’ve been cardiovascular disease and effort “Everything will struggling with long-term obesity function better and more insomnia. Getting back on track efficiently if you prioritize
Either way, you haven’t You can recover from yoursleep,”Raosays.
EPA’s slackness puts nation in grave...
From page 23 contravenes [section] 11 (2) of the [EPA] issued an injunction against Schlumberger, Act, the court also finds that no adequate restraining it from continuing the reasons were contained in the notice possession, use and storage of radioactive publishedbytheEPA…” chemicals at its Houston facility, unless and Justice Harnanan highlighted too that until it is in receipt of a lawfully issued while the EPA contended that by granting a permit pursuant to the provisions of the EPA permit to Schlumberger to construct the Act. Section 11 of EPA Act, stipulates that facility it does not guarantee storage of the any project that may significantly affects the radioactive sources at the facility – the EPA environment requires an EIA and such an Act explains – that the agency should not assessment requires publication in the issue a construction or operation permit newspapersoftheintendedprojectaswellas unless the agency includes in the permit consultationswiththepublic. conditions that are reasonably necessary to
TheJudgealsosaidduringhisrulingthat, protecttheenvironment.
“This court is of the view that the EPA’s To share any useful information you can decision to waive the requirement or EIA c o n t
t cannot be found to be lawful as it directly
v i a e m a i l a
a c
m e
Kaieteur News PAGE 36 Sunday May 07, 2023
EverythingYou Need to Know About the iPhone’s Lockdown...
Frompage35 are blocked in Lockdown Mode unless the user has already contactedthatperson.
The same goes for invitations for Apple services like managing smart home devices using the Home app Unless you have previously invited someone, you will not receive any invitations to Apple services while Lockdown Modeisenabled.
Photo sharing is also affected, and not just in Messages. Shared albums are temporarily removed from the Photos app while in LockdownMode.
New invitations for shared albumsareblockedaswell,butyou can still view these albums on devices that don’t have Lockdown
Mode turned on. When Lockdown Mode is disabled, it’s important to remember to re-enable shared albums if you wish to access them onyourdevice.
Device connections are also limited.ToconnectyouriPhoneor iPad to an accessory or another computer,youneedtounlockyour device.
For Mac laptops with Apple silicon chips, explicit approval is required Finally, configuration profiles cannot be installed, and your device cannot be enrolled in MobileDeviceManagementwhile inLockdownMode.
It’s worth noting that phone calls and plain text messages still workduringLockdownMode,and emergency features like SOS calls
areunaffected. WhyshouldyouuseLockdown Mode?
Asexplainedabove,Lockdown Mode is a powerful protection measure designed for individuals whomaybepersonallytargetedby sophisticated digital threats, such asspyware. When Lockdown Mode is enabled,certainapps,websitesand features are strictly limited for security, reducing the attack surface that can be exploited by hackers attempting to deploy malware on your device.Unlike somethinglikeFaceID,Lockdown Mode isn’t a security feature that everyone should use or something thatmustnecessarilybeactiveatall times Lockdown Mode is
primarily useful for high-risk individualswhomaybetargetedby cybercriminals due to their profession or personal circumstances.
Thiscouldincludegovernment employees, military personnel and high-levelemployeesormanagers. Anyonewithsensitiveinformation and communications on their devices should consider using LockdownMode.
How to enable Lockdown ModeonyouriPhone
Ifyou’reconcernedaboutbeing targeted by sophisticated digital threats and decide to enable Lockdown Mode on your iPhone, here’showtodoit:
1. Open “Settings” on your device.
3 Under “Security,” tap “LockdownMode.”
4. Tap “Turn On Lockdown Mode.”
5. Tap “Turn On & Restart,” then enter your device passcode whenprompted.
When Lockdown Mode is enabled, you’ll receive notificationswhenanapporfeature is limited, and a banner in Safari indicates that Lockdown Mode is on. Keep in mind that Lockdown Mode needs to be enabled separately on each device; it is not activated across all devices associated with your Apple account. If you no longer require Lockdown Mode, you can easily turnitoffinyourdevicesettings
Sunday May 07, 2023 Kaieteur News PAGE 37
Published 400 years ago, the book fixed the playwright’s canon
Shakespeare’s First Folio assembled the world’s greatest literature
for posterity
(The Economist) Not plays soon entered the economic—intheproject.” much in European trade runs Bodleian’s collection. This Professor Smith’s book, the same way now as it did large-formatvolume,around and Mr Laoutaris’s history fourcenturiesago.However, 950 pages long, not only of the interlinked careers English-language publishers gathered 36 out of behind the Folio scheme, still advertise future titles at Shakespeare’s 38 surviving bring that network to life. the Frankfurt Book plays, it was also the Henry Condell and John Fair—just as they did in c o r n e r s t o n e o f h i s H e m i n g e , t w o o f 1622 In that year, a subsequent renown, which Shakespeare’s actor catalogue of forthcoming 400 years later extends to colleagues from the King’s English works featured an parts of the world he never Men company, coordinated i n t r i g u i n g v o l u m e , knew existed. Fifty small the project. Edward Blount, announced between blurbs “quarto” editions of a publisher-bookseller for a biblical commentary individual Shakespeare known for his cosmopolitan, and a genealogical tome. It plays appeared between upmarketlist,ledasyndicate alerted potential buyers to 1594 and 1623, and “Henry that included the father-andthe imminent appearance of IV” and “Richard III” son printers William and “Plays, written by M. proved particularly popular. Isaac Jaggard, as well as William Shakespeare, all in But18Folioitemshadnever fellow booksellers William one volume, printed by seenprintbefore—including A s p l e y a n d J o h n IsaackJaggard,infolio”. “Julius Caesar”, “Macbeth”, Smethwick.
The Frankfurt punters “TheTempest”and“Twelfth Mr. Laoutaris traces the had to wait. That bumper Night”. tangled negotiations that led book of playscripts by an The First Folio fixed the to their acquisition of author who had died inApril Shakespeare canon for printing rights for the 22 1616 proved a tricky, posterity (it lacks only playstheKing’sMendidnot arduous job. The printers “Pericles” and “The Two control His resourceful completed it in 1623. By Noble Kinsmen”) and sleuthing ties the Folio’s 1 6 2 4 , t h e c h u n k y e v e n v i a M a r t i n Folio. birth to the politics of its compilation was pitched at Droeshout’s frontispiece of Now,tocoincidewiththe time. Partisans of an Anglothe fair as “Master the balding playwright—his First Folio’s 400th Spanish alliance—such as Shakespeare’s Works” physicalimage. a n n i v e r s a r y, P e t e r Blount and the poets who According to Chris Readers can now access Harrington, an antiquarian praised Shakespeare in Laoutaris, a historian of the a digital reproduction of the bookseller in London, is prefatory verses—were in volume, this upgrade in Bodleian’s “Arch.G c.7” at selling a fine copy, conflict with a more insular terminology implied the any time, for nothing: one of previously in private hands, Protestant camp at James I’s “intellectual gravitas” of an several Folios online. If you for $7.5m. The firm had the court.Hedgingtheirbets,the author with “grand crave an original copy, the full set of all four 17th- Folio syndicate dedicated its achievement” to his name. bill will prove steeper In century Folio editions of booktotheEarlofPembroke Among dramatists, only Ben 2020 Mills College in Shakespeare, plus a scarce and his brother: not only Jonson, Shakespeare’s California sold a high- edition of his poems from backers of the King’s Men, friend and rival, had quality First Folio at 1640, on offer for $10.5m. but stalwarts of the antipresumed to publish a Christie’s in New York to a Pom Harrington, the Spanishfaction. swanky folio of “Works” rare-book dealer, Stephan proprietor, called that a The printing proved a before. In 1612, the founder Loewentheil, for $9 98m “once-in-a-generation slow, intricate job, with of Oxford University’s Modern celebrity buyers chance”. source texts drawn from Bodleian Library had even include Sir Paul Getty (who The poems, and the S h a k e s p e a r e ’s o w n warned against collecting paid £3.5m, or $5.7m, in Fourth Folio of 1685, have manuscripts (none of which play-texts: worthless 2003) and Paul Allen, just been sold. (The First survives), theatre prompt “baggagebooks”. Microsoft’s co-founder remainsavailable.) copies, old quarto editions Sir Thomas Bodley lost ($6.1min2001).In2021,the Thanks, in part, to his and cleaned-up “fair copies” Shakespeare’s First Folio is strong. Although four of the that battle. The so-called University of British friends’push to celebrate the recorded by a scribe. The notespeciallyrarecompared eight preliminary pages, First Folio of Shakespeare’s Columbia paid $5.9m for a playwright’s legacy, team of around ten with other early 17th- i n c l u d i n g p o e m s , compositors included both century books. From the dedications and Droeshout’s highly skilled veterans and a original print run of around famous engraving, are notoriously error-prone 750copies,235areknownto marked as facsimiles on this teenage apprentice, John exist. Most, however, lie in copy, the pages containing L e a s o n P i e c e m e a l hushed, low-lit state in the plays’texts remain intact correctionswiththeprintrun libraries and museums. The andunrestored. in progress mean that “each Folger Shakespeare Library Sold in 1950 for £5,000 copy is a unique collation”, in Washington, D.C., has 82 (then a steep price tag), this ProfessorSmithwrites. copies, gems of the literary Folio had perhaps rested in The First Folio carried treasure trove amassed by thelibraryofsomeproudbut Shakespeare through what Henry Folger, the president not-too-bookish hunting Professor Smith dubs his ofStandardOil,andhiswife, squire in northern England. “post-popular doldrum”: Emily America hosts 149, Its bright and legible leaves that awkward posthumous Britain 50, with the others of imported French paper patch when art is “neither scattered around the world. showcase the array of crafts classic nor current” Perhaps 27 remain in private that blended to make the Condell, Heminge and hands, and few are likely to volume Professor Emma colleagues managed to entertheopenmarket. Smith of Oxford University, sprinkle the stardust of Your correspondent whose study of the Folio’s luxury, glamour and prestige inspectedtheFirstFolionow creation has been revised for over an assemblage of old on sale in London. Inside its the quatercentenary, writes plays. In doing so, they h a n d s o m e c a l f s k i n that it was “the product of e n s u r e d t h a t binding—not contemporary, many different people with Shakespeare as Jonson’s but dating from around different amounts of agency dedicatory poem puts it — 1700—the large pages look, and investment personal, “wasnotofanage,butforall and feel, crisp, clean and i n t e l l e c t u a l a n d time”.
Kaieteur News PAGE 38 Sunday May 07, 2023
Kaieteur News PAGE 39 Sunday May 07, 2023
PAT DIAL millions of dollars and the these like the Linden high percentage of whom maintenance side, you have past, it’s following the contractors, who are mostly HighwayortheGeneralPost were from the villages maintenance of buildings, system because when you
Those of us, who use companies, must have large Officebuildingweredoneby Social workers and even plumbing, guttering, throwthatbidintothetender traditional media as well as financial reserves and own foreign contractors. Local politicians have been electrical, air conditioning, box and the evaluators are new media, are often expensiveequipmentsuchas carpenters and contractors b e m o a n i n g t h i s seadefencemaintenanceand evaluating, your photo is not informed that smaller large lorries, bulldozers, built the houses, drains, displacement and the only ahostofotherfields. .” The on it, nobody knows who contractors are not given draglinesandsoonandmust small roads, fences, solution they have had to Minister speaks in a homely you are; they are looking at contracts to execute works be sueable, if they fail in governmentoffices,repaired offer is for these erstwhile and easily grasped manner documentation that is being undertaken by the theircontractualobligations. the sea defenses and other i n d e p e n d e n t and so we will continue to presented and getting your State. The number of local localworks. contractors/carpenters to quotehimverbatim. documentation right is what
Thisisattributedtomany companies that could meet Today, with Guyana find jobs with the bigger The Minister reminded isimportant.” causes, mostly irrational, s u c h c r i t e r i a a n d beginning to experience its contractors. the Black Entrepreneurs The Minister further such as racism, poverty or successfully undertake such economic revolution, there It therefore came as a Association that in a stated that the Government unpatriotically giving works is very limited and have arisen local middle welcome breath of fresh air, previous engagement he had had changed the criteria for contractstoforeignersrather even if small contractors sized companies which are wheninFebruarylast,Public with them, he had offered bidding for such works; an than locals. The reality is were to bid as consortiums willing to undertake the Works Minister, Juan technical help and guidance example of such change is very different. If there are they usually cannot meet all building of individual Edghill in addressing the in bidding “At that removing the requirement of contracts to build highways thenecessarycriteria. houses, fences, land Black Entrepreneurs meeting” said the Minister, three to five years or huge buildings like In colonial times, very preparation and so on, Association, called out the “I did make an offer we will experience as this would international hotels, such few large infrastructural displacing the small small carpenters and provide an opportunity enable young and new contracts are worth tens of works were undertaken and contractors and carpenters, a contractorsandassuredthem where we would be able to contractors to take o f t h e n u m e r o u s bring our technical people a d v a n t a g e o f t h e opportunities available for who are involved in opportunitiesoffered. InMr them in the various public p r o c u r e m e n t a n d Edghillwords. “thatwasto works undertaken by the management of contracts to facilitate and help people to State. interface with you to share enter the market and be able
In addition to building with you all the necessary to show forth their talent and houses in the various know-howthatyouwouldbe skill and gain the necessary housing schemes, the able to submit winning bids experience to climb the Minister went on “Small and when you win a bid, ladder.” contractors are not only ensuring that you fulfill your Contractors/carpenters, weeding and cleaning, civil obligations in keeping with especiallyinthevillages,are works building of fences, the terms and conditions of enjoined to take advantage buildingguardhuts,building yourcontract.” of these opportunities so as of sanitary blocks, building He further underscored to bring some prosperity to of roads because there are the importance of the their communities and someroadsthatfallunderthe bidding system and its importantly, to perpetuate $GUY15M margin that objectivity “It is not who the skills which were could be given to small knowsyouorwhoyouknow, inherited from the 19th contractors, and then on the as used to be the case in the century
Kaieteur News PAGE 40 Sunday May 07, 2023 SMALL
Haveyoueverstoppedto units. consists of six other base is used especially for litre. radio and television consider the many things The Metric System has units which are the Metre measuringliquids. Because the Metric programmes to ensure every you measure on a daily been the legal system of (m), Mole (mol), Second (s), The litre is used for Systemissettoprevailasthe citizen adopts and commits basis? We simply cannot measurements in Guyana Candela (cd), Kelvin (K) and measuring intermediate and standard measurement to the use of the Metric exist without measurement since 2002 The Guyana Ampere (A) The decimal large amounts of liquids, system used throughout the Systemdaily because it permeates every National Bureau of system of weights and such as fuel, juices, water, world, those who do not Do not be left behind, for aspect of human life. Time, Standards (GNBS), which is measures allows for easy and cooking oil. One litre is adopt it and continue to use more information on size, distance, speed, theorganisationmandatedto conversion between some equal to one and three non-metric units will be understanding the use of the direction, weight, volume, e n s u r e a c c u r a t e units simply by multiplying quarters of a pint. Another limited in their transactions International System of temperature, pressure, measurements in trade, or dividing by 10, 100 and commonly used unit is the orbeleftbehindglobally Units,reachouttotheGNBS sound, energy – these are remains committed to 1000 When multiplying, Millilitre (mL), which is As such, to promote the today on Telephone among the many aspects we offering guidance to these are denoted by the used for measuring very implementation of the numbers: 219-0064 or 219measure regularly. The stakeholders within the prefixes deci, centi and kilo, small amounts of liquids Metric System locally, the 0065, or visit the GNBS International System of various sectors and respectively For example, including medicine and GNBS conducts regular website: www.gnbsgyorg. UnitsorSIUnitsareameans consumers, to ensure the 1000 grams of sugar = 1 soda One thousand outreaches, sensitisation You can also WhatsApp us of measurement accepted adoption and correct use of kilogramofsugar millilitres are equal to one sessions, school lectures, on+5926924627. globally and applicable in the legal system of In daily life, the Metre dailylife. measurement during daily measures the length of an
Measurements have activities. object, Mole measures the always been a crucial aspect The SI System has been number of particles in a of society, but for it to be the Universal System of substance, Second measures meaningful a standard Measurement utilised, the time, Candela measures systemofunitsmustbeused. particularly in areas of the luminosity of an object, The International System of scientific research, Kelvin (273K = 00C) Units (Metric System), manufacturing, and trade. It measures the temperature of established in 1960 by the is used in multiple an object, and Ampere 11th General Conference on disciplines from scientific to measureselectricalcurrent.
Weights and Measures, technological Knowing
The Metric Units used comprise of base units with how to read and use the for measuring liquids is also values that are used to take Metric System reduces referred to as measurement measurements all over the conversions to alternative by volume, which is referred world; for example, the measurement systems, to the space occupied by an kilogram which is used to improves communication object and is measured in measure mass or solid items. andensuresaccuracy cubic metres However, the
The name SI Units is used Aside from the kilogram Litre which is a unit of synonymously with metric (kg), the Metric System Volume is denoted as L and
Kaieteur News PAGE 41 Sunday May 07, 2023 GNBS IN FOCUS
New study finds how long it really takes...
Frompage26 peoplecancommittoagym habit in six months doesn’t mean the same will happen foryou—itcouldtakeyoua longer amount of time or a shorteramountoftime.
“There are so many variables that go into someone’s behavior,” Shapirosaid.
As mentioned above, your previous gym history could impact your ability to make fitness a habit, along with factors like how close you live to the gym, if you have an ample amount of free time and your familial obligations.
“Allofthatisgoingtogo into predicting whether it takes three months, six monthsorayeartomakethe gymahabit,”Shapirosaid.
Shapiro said a good way tohelpmakethisahabitisby integrating fitness into your lifestyle What does that mean? Take account of the amount of time you can committothegym—doyou have kids or grandkids to take care of? Do you work more than one job? Also, thinkaboutwherethegymis inrelationtoyourhome.Isit a far drive? Do you have to takepublictransit?
Think about what can
r e a l i s t i c a l l y a n d convenientlyfitintoyourlife andwork to incorporatethat gym-going experience or, potentially,at-homeworkout regimenintoyourlife.So,if you don’t like taking public transit, opt for a gym within walking distance of your home instead of a subway rideaway
What’s more, it’s important to find a workout you enjoy “Developing a habit will be much easier if individuals focus on behaviorsthatbringthemjoy and they find pleasant,” Mahersaid.
“I encourage people to
think about what will keep them going. Is it a group class?Isitpersonaltraining? Do they want to watch a favorite show while they’re on that elliptical machine?” Shapirosaid.
This is an individual choice,andthereisnowrong answer If you don’t like goingtoaphysicalgym,you can try hiking or biking instead. If you don’t enjoy workout classes on YouTube, sign up for that localfitnessclass.
“It’s so individualized, which is why it’s important for people to think, ‘What’s goingtoworkformetokeep me going for a long time?’” sheadded.
All in all, you shouldn’t create a gym routine that is outofyourcomfortzone,far away or unenjoyable you’ll have a low amount of motivation to actually go if that’sthecase. Putyourworkoutsonyour calendar.
Youknowhowyoumark d o w n m e e t i n g s , appointments and parties in your calendar? Shapiro said you should be doing the sameforyourworkouts.
“I think planning, in general, is extremely important ¯ looking at your calendar and really seeing whatdaysandtimesworkfor the gym in advance,” Shapirosaid.
She recommends lookingatyourcalendarona
Sunday and marking down whenyoucangotothegym thatweek.
Additionally, Shapiro saidit’simportanttoplanfor barriers like travel or days filledwithmeetingsandlook for other ways or times to exerciseonthosedays. Anddon’tfeeldiscouraged if it takes a few tries to establishyourgymhabit.
“Don’t think that forming a habit will be a quickprocess.Itisimportant to recognize from the beginning that developing a habit is something that will take time, especially for exercise,”Mahersaid.
She said it’s essential to not only commit to the exercise habit but also to create contextual cues that can help you develop the habit.
“Habits develop through the repeated pairing of contextual [cues] in one’s environment with a behavioralresponse,”Maher noted.
LikeassociatingTuesday night with that 45-minute aerobicsclassyousignupfor
week after week Or associating your filled-up water bottle or a certain pump-upsongwithavisitto thegym.
“If you stay consistent with the behavior and the contexts in which you engage in the behavior, you are helping to accelerate the process of developing those c o n t e x t - b e h a v i o r associations,”shenoted.
These associations will encourage you to work out, whether you actively realize itornot.
“So much of our daily livesisrooted[in]conscious deliberation and reflection. If we can make the act of going to the gym or exercisingmoreautomatic,it can reduce many of the cognitive barriers that can prevent us from enacting those behaviors in the first place,”Mahersaid.
Sheaddedifyoucanuse these tools to make your workout behavior automatic —athingyoudoatacertain time or place — you’ll be wellonyourwaytocreating thatfitnesshabit.
Sunday May 07, 2023 Kaieteur News PAGE 42
King Charles and Queen Camilla crowned in historic Coronation
(BBC) King Charles and outside,andgunsaluteswere Queen Camilla have been madeacrosstheUK. crowned on a historic day of Celebrity guests were pageantry, capped by among those inside cheering by crowds in front Westminster AbbeyofBuckinghamPalace. including actress Emma
Thousands packed the Thompson and US singer Mall despite the rain, after a KatyPerry deeply religious Coronation US First Lady Jill Biden, service at Westminster and her granddaughter A b b e y a n d a h u g e Finnegan, arrived in a threeprocessionthroughLondon. car motorcade, although
The King and Queen President Biden did not waved to admirers from the travel to the UK. French Palace balcony as planes President Emmanuel painted the sky red, white Macron and First Lady of andblue. Ukraine Olena Zelenska
ButtheBBCunderstands were also in the abbey, as Prince Harry was not invited were Prime Minister Rishi tojointhem. Sunak and leaders of the
The Duke of Sussex had Commonwealthcountries. been at the ceremony in the In all, 90 heads of state abbey earlier, sitting two attended, the Foreign Office
this day, and the day that it incredibly alarming”, said rows back from his brother said. was announced, I was Human Rights Watch UK Prince William - the first The Coronation’s main driving to the office, and my directorYasmineAhmed. time they had been seen theme was the importance of husband just called me and The Metropolitan Police together since Harry’s service. said ‘May 6’,” she told the put11,500officersondutyin sensational memoir, Spare, “I come not to be served, BBC. what it said would be its was released. He left for the but to serve,” the King said “I knew exactly what it biggest ever single-day USstraightafterwards. in his first prayer afte was. And I jumped on the deployment.
The Coronation did not shortly after 10:00, with the Charles was proclaimed reservation and we went formally change the King’s procession to Westminster as the “undoubted King” in fromthere.” status. Charles became King Abbey in the horse-drawn the first stage of the
The King’s day began reachingtheabbey phone to get a hotel
While the vast majority of the United Kingdom and Diamond Jubilee State ceremony The congregation of the assembled crowd 14 other realms in Coach, past cheering crowds was then asked to show their
came out to cheer the King, September, when his mother andanhonourguardof1,000 homage and service there was also a sizeable Elizabeth II died after 70 members of the armed shouting “God Save the protestpresence. yearsonthethrone. forces. King”.
The Coronation drew Since then, months of Faith leaders and Yet among the music and hundreds of protesters from intense planning went into commonwealth leaders oaths, there were moments Republic, the group theCoronationcelebrationsbegan the processions, with of complete silence as each campaigning for the the 40th to take place at g Despite very English the King and Queen stage of the ancien
abolition of the monarchy, Westminster Abbey since choristers sang Handel’s weather - a constant light followingbehind. ceremonyfinished. andothers. 1066.
The two-hour ceremony Traditions rarely seen
Zadok the Priest - performed pour of rain - there was a
Around six protesters, This time, the ceremony at every coronation since celebratory atmosphere on -thefirsttocrownamonarch elsewhere in modern life whowereunloadingavanof emphasised diversity and 1727. The Mall, with periodic in 70 years - was watched on weremaintained-suchasthe placards,werearrested. inclusion, with more multiPrince William also Mexican waves and police TVaroundtheworld,aswell inclusion of the royal regalia
Anti-monarchy groups faith elements than any made a pledge of loyalty to officersbeingcheered. as some 2,300 people inside or orb and sceptre, and the had defended their right to previous coronation, with King Charles, and kissed Among the spectators theabbey carrying of the gilded Sword protest, but the police had contributions from Jewish, him on the cheek, before wasAlexandra Hornyak, 57,
After the crown was ofState. warned that “tolerance for Muslim, Buddhist and Sikh m e m b e r s o f t h e fromMontreal,Canada. placed on Charles’s head Inthemostsacredpartof any disruption, whether representatives. congregation were invited to “I’ve known for years criesof“GodSavetheKing” the service, the King was throughprotestorotherwise, A Bible lesson was read offertheirownsupport. that I would want to attend were heard inside and shieldedfrompublicviewby willbelow”. by Prime Minister Rishi
“The reports of people Sunak, who is Hindu, and being arrested for peacefully musicwassunginWelshand protesting the coronation are ScottishGaelicandIrish.
Kaieteur News PAGE 43 Sunday May 07, 2023
King and Queen
King Charles III
by James Baldwin
Junior page
Creating flower frame for mom using real flowers
Forallthatyouhavedoneandstilldo; Iwillhugyouandkissyou BecauseIknowyouloveme,too.
Youfeedmeandclotheme Andteachmetoplayandpray, SosmilebecauseIloveyou Onthisyourownspecialday
Kaieteur News PAGE 44
Sunday May 07, 2023
Follow these next bits of advice to make your studies more effective
1. Try to not get exhausted in your studies
Taking a lot of time on one subject can make you lose your concentration. Oneofthemostimportantstudytipsfor schoolexamsistochangetopicsevery 30 minutes or so to prevent learning fatigue Once you have given your brainabreakyouwillbeabletoreturn toworkfeelingmorerefreshed.
2. Read and Review—Early and Often
Going over new ideas a day after class will help increase retention and comprehension—so make time each evening for a quick review Make notesbysummarisingthemainaspects ofthereadingsoyoucaneasilyreview them without having to reread entire chapters.
Mark any you may not understand well to revisit later, or to consult your teacheraboutthem.
Makesurethatyoueatproperlyand regularly to fuel your mind. The same goesforsleep:Plantogetagoodnight's rest after your studies, especially the nightbeforeanyexam.
Cramming in all your studying
during finals week can lead to burnout and anxiety Split the material into topics and review in stages to fully absorb information into real understanding. The night before any exam,writeoutafewkeyideastolook overandtrytolearnbetter
Different types of exams require different study approaches. Multiple
the most precious gift
Explaining concepts to a classmate is a great way to make sure you really understand the material yourself—and to help them learn as well. When you findnewwaystoexplainaconcept,you are mastering the information by processingitforothers.
Once you have dealt with a subject in class, try creating a practice exam
IfIcouldgiveyoudiamonds foreachtearyoucriedforme, ifIcouldgiveyousapphires foreachtruthyou'vehelpedmesee, IfIcouldgiveyourubies fortheheartachethatyou'veknown, IfIcouldgiveyoupearls forthewisdomthatyou'veshown, Thenyou'llhaveatreasure,mother, thatwouldmountuptotheskies, Andthatwouldalmostmatch thesparkleinyourkindandlovingeyes. ButIhavenopearls,nodiamonds, AsI'msureyou'rewellaware, SoI'llgiveyougiftsmorepreciousForevermydevotion,loveandcare.
choice means focusing on definitions andconcepts. Essaytestsrequireyouto exhibit a real understanding of the material. Ask your teacher about the formatoftheexamsoyouknowhowto prepare.
based on what you think the test might cover
This will help you understand the material on a deeper level, and guide whatyoushouldbestudying. Youcan then use your practice exam to quiz yourselfandyourstudygroup.
UncleRoyisagainaskingallofyoutotryinsomeway tomakeacontributiontothispage,andthustothewelfareof youandyourfellowreaders.Thiscontributioncantakeany formthatyoufeelwouldbevaluable–anaccountofwhatis going on in your community and country, any advice you would like to pass on to your fellow teen readers and, on a broaderlevel,anycommentorrecommendationyouwould liketomaketoyourfellowGuyanese.
Please remit same to my email –roypaul2002@yahoo com, and be assured that your worthwhilecontributionwillhaveaprominentplaceonour page.
Solutions to last week’s
Kaieteur News Sunday May 07, 2023 TEEN TIME
The greatest thing you can do for your mother in celebration of her special day is to let her know that you care for her and thank her for all she has done for you.
Odd Even
Kaieteur News Sunday May 07, 2023 PAGE 46
Rainbow Trout
The rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is a species of salmonid that is native to tributaries of the Pacific Ocean in Asia and North America as well as much of the central, western, eastern, and especially the northern portions of theUnitedStates.
The species has been introduced for food or sport to at least 45 countries, in every continent except Antarctica. In some of these locations, such as Southern Europe, Australia and SouthAmerica,theyhavehadvery seriousnegativeimpactsonupland nativefishspecies,eitherbyeating them, outcompeting them, transmitting contagious diseases, or hybridization with closely related species and subspecies that are native to western North America. The maximum recorded life-span for a rainbow trout is approximate 11 years. This fish species is often sold as a replacement because they taste similar
And since the rainbow trout is highly desired as both food and sportfish, a number of angling methods are commonly employed. Infact,theyareapopulartargetfor fly fishers. Spinners, spoons, and small crankbaits can also be used productively, either casting or trolling.Theycanalsobecaughton live bait; night crawlers, trout worms, and minnows are popular
They are farmed in many countries throughout the world Since the 1950’s, commercial productionhasgrownexponentially, particularly in Europe and recently in Chile. Worldwide, in 2007, 604,695 tonnes of farmed salmon troutwereharvestedwithavalueof US$2 589 billion dollars The largestproducerisChile
InChileandNorway,theocean cageproductionofthiscreaturehas expandedtosupplyexportmarkets. Inlandproductionofrainbowtrout to supply domestic markets has increased strongly in countries such as Italy, France, Germany, Denmark and Spain Other significant producing countries include the USA, Iran, Germany andtheUK.
Therainbowtrouthasdeclined due to a number of human and natural causes. The U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service has a detailed description of threats Somehavebeenaffectedbyhabitat loss due to dams, confinement of streamsinconcretechannels,water pollution, groundwater pumping, urbanheatislandeffects,andother byproductsofurbanization.
Therainbowtroutissusceptible to enteric redmouth disease. There has been considerable research conductedonredmouthdisease,as its implications for rainbow trout farmersaresignificant.Thedisease doesnotaffecthumans.Sothetrout and subspecies thereof, are currently EPA approved indicator
species for acute fresh water aquatictoxicitytesting.
It is known for its popularity and quality as a cuisine thus it is caughtwildandfarmedforasfood. With tender flesh and a mild, somewhat nutty flavour, the rainbow trout is a delicacy However, farmed trout and those taken from certain lakes have a pronounced earthy flavour which many people find unappealing; many shoppers therefore make it a point to ascertain the source of the fishbeforebuying.
However, the rainbow trout is yet a predator with a varied diet and will eat nearly anything it can
grab, in contrast to the legendary, selective image people often have of the fish’s dietary habits
Rainbows are not quite as piscivorous or aggressive as the browntroutorlaketrout.
Whenyoung,insectsmakeupa large portion of the diet, smaller fish(upto1/3oftheirlength),along withcrayfishandothercrustaceans make up the remainder As they grow,though,theproportionoffish increases in most all populations. Some lake dwelling lines may become planktonic feeders. While
in flowing waters populated with salmon,troutwilleatsalmoneggs, alvein, fry, smolt and even salmon carcasses.
It is said that the sperm of rainbow trout contains protamine as does that of salmon and some other species of similar fish Protaminesulphateisan“antidote” to the anticoagulant heparin Originally protamine was isolated from fish sperm, but is now producedinthelaboratory
(Source:Wikipedia–TheFree OnlineEncyclopedia)
PAGE 47 Kaieteur News Sunday May 07, 2023
The Rainbow Trout
Kaieteur News PAGE 48 Sunday May 07, 2023
Ray Daggers, KN Publisher walk
villages on day three of protest against ‘barefaced’ Exxon contract
Ray Daggers, accompanied by Kaieteur News’ Publisher, Glenn Lall on Saturday completed over 20 miles on the third day of Daggers’ walk against what he labels a “barefaced and lopsidedExxonContract”
His journey on Saturday morning started at Philippi Corentyne (No 32 Village), Berbice, Region Six and ended at the 99-glasswindow-house located at Number 19 Village Corentyne
Daggers, a 65-year-old man is walking from East Berbice - Corentyne to Charity on the Essequibo Coast, Region Two against the Lopsided ExxonMobil Contract for its operations in the Stabroek Block The operations in the Stabroek Block has been seen the American oil company and its partners earning billions ofUSdollarsinprofits.
Daggers started his journey on Thursday at Moleson Creek, East Corentyne According to Google Maps, walking from MolesonCreekallthewayto Charity represents a total of 186 miles across the two counties- that is minus the distance from Parika to Supenaambyboat.
According to Columnist PeepingTom, Daggers is the second man to undertake such a walk The first, according to the column published in Kaieteur News’ Friday edition, was Dr Rupert Roopnaraine That walk was reportedly completedin1985.
Accordingtothecolumn, Roopnaraine called it the “Freedom Walk” and completedafeatof260miles in17daysatanaverageof15 milesperday Sofar,Daggers hascompletedjustaround50 miles within three days He told Kaieteur News on Saturday that he hopes to complete his walk from BerbicetoEssequiboin12to 13days
“Iexpecttocompletethe entire journey in 12 to 13 days,itisanonwardtrek;Iam not stopping but continuing until I arrive at Charity”, Daggerssaid
Currently,heisaveraging 16.6 miles per day and if Daggers maintains the same pace,thereisapossibilitythat walk could be completed in 11 days Daggers told Kaieteur News that he was unaware that someone
completed a similar walk
Notwithstanding, he remindedthathisaimisnotto break a record but to ensure that the Government of Guyana does not hold Guyana and Guyanese at ransom by sticking to the lopsided ExxonMobil Contract.
The65-yearoldmansaid thatdespiteintenseheatheis “feelinggreat”
“I am feeling great, as I continuethemuscleisgetting intotherhythm”hesaidwhile adding that each day he is being motivated to carry on with his journey for the renegotiation of the contract intheinterestofGuyana.
Daggers said during his journey, he has heard horror storiesofpersonsaffectedby poverty
“Povertyisprevalent,you could see poverty in every village,weweretoldthatthey are villages behind Albion such as “Little Africa” where the living conditions and standards are poor… young children are not even going to school. They stay home and catch crab,” DaggerstoldKaieteurNews.
M a j o r i t y o f t h e
Berbicians have been supporting Daggers on his walk not only providing him with water but also with wordsofencouragement
“They would tell us ‘We arehappyyouaredoingthat You are doing this We sorry that we cannot join you ’ Therewereevenpersonsthat wouldrunoutandgiveyoua pat on the hand”, Daggers said Some individuals even formed a motorcade with theirvehiclesbehindDaggers and tooted their horns to support him along his journey
Born in Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara (ECD), Daggerslivedforquitesome time overseas, but kept in touch with current affairs in Guyana. Daggers had said before starting the journey that he was inspired to walk against the barefaced and lopsided contract by the unrelenting efforts by Businessman and Kaieteur NewsPublisher,GlennLall
O n t h e i s s u e o f government’s reluctance to renegotiate the Exxon contract, Daggers had said, “When the government of a nation allows foreign corporation or foreign governments access to the people’s resources without their approval, it’s a hostile act and in the process of extractingthoseresources,if
you destroy and pollute the environment, it’s another hostile act and both of these aretreasonous.”
Lall in throwing his supportbehindDaggers,said if 65-year-old Daggers is readytowalkacrossGuyana: “Iwanttogobeyondmytalk, andjoinhiminthisfightfora better Guyana and a better futureforall”
Dagger’s ‘Walk for a better Oil’ deal continues todayfromCanje,Berbice.
Kaieteur News PAGE 49 Sunday May 07, 2023
KN Publisher, Glenn Lall applauds Ray Daggers for completing day three of his journey
A traffic cop was on Friday severely beaten by a driver and another man after stopping a heavily tinted car at the Plaisance “Line Top”, East Coast Demerara (ECD).
The assaulted police officer was identified as Constable Harlequin. According to the Guyana Police Force (GPF), Harlequin was attacked around 16:45hrs while he and another officer were conducting traffic enforcementatPlaisance.
Harlequin reportedly said that while performing his duties, he spottedaheavilytintedvehicleand signaledittostop.Thecopsaidhe then approached the car and cautionedthedriverthathavingtint without a permit is illegal and allegedly invited the man to the Sparendaam Police Station for the vehicletobeinspected.
Investigators stated that the driverrefusedtocomplyanddrove over Harlequin’s right foot as he sped off. The rank alleged that he entered the Force’s pick-up and chased the tinted vehicle and managed to intercept it at the TurkeyenAccessRoad,ECDinthe vicinityofMovieTowne.
There, the driver reportedly steppedoutofthecarandbeganto cursethecopwhiletellinghimthat
The driver, however, began to behave disorderly and attacked Harlequin. Harlequin alleged that the driver of the tinted car bit his leftearwhiletheotherdriverbegan cuffinghimabouthisbody
A cell phone recorded video that went viral on social media showed the two men severely beatingthecopbeforeabuffedman snatched them off of the injured police. That individual was later identified as Eustace Abrams, a former police officer popularly knownas“Robocop”.
he (the driver) was on the phone speaking to ‘Demon’. Harlequin, according to police, called 911 for backup.
Ashewaitedforhiscolleagues toarrive,anothercardescribedasa greyToyotaAllion arrived and the driver of that car walked up to Harlequin and started to curse him too.
Harlequin reportedly ignored him and proceeded to arrest the driver of the heavily tinted vehicle after informing him that he had committed more offences by drivingawayfromthepolice.
The assailants were no match for him and although one of them triedtofightback,hewasplacedin a‘vicegrip’andwasunabletofree himself. However, the other man managedtoescape.
Shortly thereafter, other ranks arrived at the scene arrested the manwhoremainsincustodyatthe SparendaamPoliceStation.
The arrested man has since beenidentifiedasKesseeEdwards. His associate who escaped is suspected to be “Demon”, the individualthatEdwardsreferredto while on the phone when he was intercepted by Harlequin in the
Police in a statement said that efforts are being made to locate “Demon”whohassincereleaseda video on social media giving reasons for beating the police officer
Meanwhile, Shadow Minister ofHomeAffairs,GeetanChandanEdmond in a statement said, “…I
wish to vehemently condemn the abhorrentandabominableconduct of the two civilians and wish to categorically condemn the assault committedontheuniformedrank”. She said that civilians are required and urged to respect members of the armed forces who are discharging their duties within theconfinesofthelaw
Copbeatenbydriver,manaftertrafficstop Young Entrepreneur
Sunday May 07, 2023 Kaieteur News PAGE 50
“I think that entrepreneurs play a very vital role in society and that is because as young people, as young entrepreneurs, we are able to say listen this is what the business community needs,this is what we are expecting,we have that vision and we are able to say what exactly it is that we need, we are able to fill the gaps basically,we know what is trending,what is not and we are able to contribute in that regard.”
Young Entrepreneur Daniela
Shadow HomeAffairs, Geeta Chandan-Edmond
The suspects assaulting the cop.
With day rates increasing, Exxon driller makes Guyana its prime cash cow
Offshore driller, Noble Corporation, has made Guyana its prime cash cow Nobleisoneofthecompanies involved in the oil and gas sector, and has been winning big from increasing activities. The market day rates, according to the UK Company,aresteadilyrisingforuse ofoffshorevessels.
Noble announced in its 2023 first quarter earnings that ExxonMobil extended its Commercial Enabling Agreement (CEA) related to drilling services offshore Guyana. Exxon awarded an additional 6.3 years of backlog under the CEA, extending the contract duration for each of the four drillships operating under the CEA from Q4 2025 to Q2 2027. The drillships are the Noble Tom Madden, Noble Sam Croft, Noble Don Taylor, and Noble Bob
Noble's Chief Executive OfficerRobertW Eiflersaidinthe company's 2023 Q1 earnings release, "With improving harsh jackup demand expected in 2024 and beyond, we r constructive on outlook for our business The trend of steadily risingdayratesand expanding contract duration for UDW unitsisexpectedto continue We believe Noble's floater remains well positioned to benefit from positive re-contracting opportunities over the near term, with longer contract durations representing a crucial driver for maximizingutilization.”
Noble Corporation earned
significantly from Guyana last year The drilling company generated US$1.4 billion in total revenues for the year ended December 31, 2022, with a pluralit y of the
Noble merged with Maersk Drilling,establishingitspositionas a primary offshore drilling contractorfortheoilandgassector
According to Noble, the merger one of the most advanced and modern fleets of a worldwide magnitude in the industry
more that is recovered from the production of Guyana's crude, the less remains as profit oil for Guyana.
revenuecomingfromitsoperations inGuyana-US$469million.
ExxonMobil has been using mostofNoble'sGuyanafleetatthe Stabroek Block. The Discoverer is also currently being utilised by
It is important for regulators in G u y a n a t o examine the e r a c i t y a n d leness of claims relatedtoNoble'sdrillingoffshore Guyana. As a major contractor of ExxonMobil,Noblestandstomake significant earnings as Exxon rampsupdrilling.ThemoreNoble earns, the more it has to recover from the production of crude. The
Noble expects that its total revenue from its global operations will be in the range of US$2.35 to US$2.55 billion in 2023,Adjusted EBITDA(EarningsBeforeInterest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization) of US$725 to US$825 million, and capital expenditures (net of reimbursable capex) between US$325 and US$365 million. Eifler noted that "Our first-quarter results reflect a strong start to the year from an operational, financial, and commercialperspective.
The steady tightening of offshore drilling fundamentals is affordingattractiveopportunitiesto place our fleet into improving contracts."
After giving Guyana the lop
Stabroek Block Production Sharing Agreement (PSA), it appears that the Opposition is unwilling to contribute to the development of the new model contracts proposed bythegovernment.
AccordingtoVicePresidentDr BharratJagdeo,theOppositionhas notsubmittedanycommentsonthe draft PSAs published by the government earlier this year Despite the criticism that the consultation period was too short, the government did not extend it, butJagdeosaidthegovernmentwill continue to accept comments until thecontractsarefinalised.
The Vice President, during a press conference on Thursday, expressed concern for at least the second time, about the lack of interest by stakeholders in commenting on critical draft legislation and other important documents released by the governmentforfeedback.
He remarked that critics are often talkative in the press, but wouldsendlittletonocommentary through the consultative process the government has established to improve legislation. Jagdeo said that "a lot of garbage gets written goes down as fact because they don't have a robust contestation. They'renotrequiredtodefendtheir views publicly because then you'll seehowshallowtheviewsare."
TheOppositionwasamongthe criticsofthegovernment'sdecision to set a 14-day period for the submission of comments However, their reluctance to
participate in the production of a better deal for Guyana is concerning, considering that the parties which make up the main opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and Alliance For Change (AFC), gave Guyana the Stabroek Block PSA while they were in government. AndthatPSAiswidelyrecognised as lopsided and unfair to Guyana. Jagdeo himself has described the contract as "shitty". The fiscal terms have been the subject of criticismfromvariousstakeholders in Guyana ever since they were published.
The participation of stakeholders in the production of a better deal for Guyana would go a longwaytoensurethatthecountry can maximise benefits from the exploitationofitsnaturalresources.
ThenewmodelPSAsproposed by the government will feature a 10%royaltyrate,whichisa
The recent ruling by High Court Judge, Justice Sandil
K i s s o o n o r d e r i n g t h e Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to secure an unlimited liability Parent Company Guarantee Agreement and/or an unlimited liability Affiliate Company Guarantee from ExxonMobil affiliate, Esso Exploration and Production GuyanaLimited(EEPGL)byJune 10, 2023, is an important decision for Guyana and the wider Caribbean says Attorney-at-Law, MelindaJanki.
Inanexclusiveinterview,Janki said Justice Kissoon's ruling identified a breach of the Liza PhaseOnePermitasaresultofthe laxbehaviouroftheEPA.Shesaid the Judge ruled that the EPA put “thisnationanditspeopleingrave dangerofcalamitousdisaster”and has therefore corrected this by calling for the EPA to enforce the provisions of the environmental permit.
She said, “The environmental permitrequiresinsurance.TheEPA has to get Esso to produce that insurance. Where in the world would you have dangerous deep water operations going on without proper insurance? Insurance doesn't cover everything. We all knowtheBPMacondodisastercost billions US$ in the Gulf. But the Caribbean would be even more expensive. You have all those Caribbean countries with thriving economies.Soyouneedmorethan justinsurance.”
It is on this premise that Janki, alongwithSeenathJairamS.Cand Ms
represented two Guyanese applicants who approached the courts last September to have Exxonprovidegreatercoveragein the event of an oil spill. She noted thatthisdemandisexactlywhatis entailed in the environmental permit which was signed by EEPGL'sHead,AlistairRoutledge onMay31,2022.
JankisaidtheJudgepointedout thatExxonanditsaffiliatehavethe benefitoftheenvironmentalpermit andcannotavoidtheburdenofthe conditions in the permit. She said the ruling, and its inherent orders, representavictoryforthepeople.
Jankisaid,“Thisisavictoryfor thepeoplebythepeople.Thejudge put the rule of law above the interests of ExxonMobil. That's what every judge in every country shouldbedoing.Thisdecisionsets the standard for judges everywhere,notjustinGuyana,but across the world. Justice Kissoon has applied the law and legal principle.Hehasdoneitinatimely manner This is huge boost for the ruleoflaw.”
The lawyer added, “Everyone in this country, every politician, every business person, every academic, activist, student should be cheering this decision. You cannot have sustainable economic development until you respect the ruleoflaw.”
With respect to the government's intention to appeal, Jankiwaskeentonotethatitisnot a party to the case and therefore cannot appeal. She said the EPAis anindependentbodysetupbylaw anditcannottakeinstructionsfrom the Executive or the legislature. Janki said too that the Judicial Review Act clearly states that “acting on instructions from an unauthorised person” is grounds forjudicialreview
With this being the third case citizenshavewonagainsttheState on oil operations here, Janki said, “Guyanese people should be celebrating today, knowing that judges in Guyana have had the courage and integrity to rule according to the law and knowing that this court made a ruling to protect this nation from the 'grave potential danger of calamitous disaster.”
She said it is critical that citizens be vigilant and stop abuse ofpublicpower.Jankisaidtherule of law also depends on citizens willing to go to court to stop unlawful action by public authorities. Significantly, the lawyerassertedthattheruleoflaw also depends on judges who understand that judicial review is “the rule of law in action: a fundamental and inalienable constitutionalprotection.”
Sunday May 07, 2023 Kaieteur News PAGE 51
Abiola Wong-Inniss
After giving Guyana the lopsided Stabroek Block deal, Opposition still to contribute to new model agreements
Opposition Leader, Aubrey Norton
Guyanese should be celebrating Justice Kissoon’s ruling protecting nation from grave potential danger of calamitous disaster
- His decision sets the standard for judges everywhere, not just in Guyana, but across the world - Attorney Melinda Janki
From page 14 FutureofRights:Freedomof interviews or discussions
US$12 7B and produce Petroleum Exploration and expression as a driver for all self-classify and hold about 250,000 barrels of oil ProductionAct.) otherhumanrights.” t h e m s e l v e s o u t a s per day after coming on
According to the Vice According to the media journalists,”theGPAnoted. streamin2026. President, at this time the association, freedom of “Today, we see renewed “This contract supports Ministry of Natural expression is one of the efforts by the sitting
SBM Offshore’s long-term Resources will continue to fundamental human rights government to use its business vision in Guyana operate as the technical that is enshrined in the leverage in the State Media enabling the Company to body, but added that in the United Nations Declaration and its aligned privately- p e r f o r m l o c a l a n d future the government will of Human Rights which was owned media to violate the sustainable investments in look at avenues to establish proclaimed by the United inalienable right to freedom people and infrastructure as the independent oil sector Nations in 1948. “This is ofassociationasenshrinedin well as to deploy its digital regulator mirrored in Article 146 of the United Nations andoperationaltechnologies
The Vice President Guyana’s Constitution, the Universal Declaration of to the Guyana fleet,” the recent statement at his press Supreme Law of the Land, Human Rights and the company said in a statement conference has changed which states that “except Constitution of Guyana. The adding that the estimated from what he had previously with his own consent, no sitting government is impact on the revenue said. In 2020, days after person shall be hindered in evidently coercing those backlog is around US$3 Irfaan Ali was sworn in as theenjoymentofhisfreedom workers to engage in billion based on various President, Jagdeo had said of expression, that is to say, practices that are inimical to operating and maintenance that the body was important freedom to hold opinions t h e G u y a n a P r e s s assumptions. would be developed within without interference, Association at the altar of
It was explained that six months, then in 2022, he freedom to receive ideas and political expediency, hence SBM will operate the units statedthatthebodycouldnot information without the collective well-being of through an Integrated stop corruption, but that interference, freedom to their organised body There Operation Model, which government had not thrown communicate ideas and had been failed attempts in e n c o m p a s s e s a n theideaoutthewindow information without the past to do so through the organization model interference and freedom partisan Union of Guyanese including seconding
Wednesday May 3, 2023 from interference with his Journalists (UGJ). Decades ExxonMobil Guyana correspondence.” later, the government has employees in some key GPAsees Govt. move “Therefore, we can embarked on a two-pronged onshore and offshore to derail, takeover appreciate the critical role strategy of using its leverage positions. This model will association …calls on the media plays in creating and pressure on media combine SBM Offshore and members to resist efforts; awareness about the other workers in the State media ExxonMobil Guyana’s warns against h u m a n r i g h t s a n d and sympathetic privately- experience and resources to “creeping intolerance” fundamental freedoms that ownedmediatotakeoverthe free from partisan control. OperationsandMaintenance increase team efficiency and Guyanese are entitled to. In GPA, and if that fails to form This ultimately depends on Enabling Agreement was foster synergies between the “This year’s World Press particular, journalists are what it sees as a parallel mediaworkerscomingoutto s i g n e d w i t h E s s o twocompanies. Freedom Day is being regarded by the United organisation.” vote. At the end of the day, Exploration & Production For his part, Chief observed at a time when Nations Educational The GPAsaid it is of the what matters is that Guyana (EEPGL) to operate Executive Officer (CEO) of there appears to be a Scientific and Cultural clear and unambiguous “Freedom of expression is a and maintain FPSOs Liza SBM Offshore Bruno creeping intolerance to Organisation (UNESCO) as p o s i t i o n t h a t t h e driver for all other human Destiny, Liza Unity, Chabas, said “We are very media that seek answers playing that key and critical government’s sole interest is rights,” the statement Prosperity and ONE pleased with the contract especially from the political role of disseminating tocontrolthenarrativeofthe concluded. GUYANA. SBM Offshore concluded with ExxonMobil directorates across Guyana’s verifiable facts and making reality of the Guyanese has secured multiple Guyana leveraging both major political divide,” the complex matters intelligible media landscape locally, Exxon gives ship builder contracts over the years for companies’ recognized Guyana Press Association for the public at large,” the r e g i o n a l l y a n d US$3B contract to Exxon’s Guyana operations, operating excellence. This said in a statement to mark GPAunderscored. internationally “Our operate, maintain FPSOs which includes the four contract capitalizes on our theoccasion. The association said to international partners and …CEO boasts of “one of aforementionedFPSOs. developments in Guyana to
The GPA said the resort thisend,ithasembarkedona affiliates are being kept its kind” contract According to the date, positioning the to defaming the character of concerted effort at educating abreast of these efforts to company, while this Company for long-term journalists on a politically- Guyanese and media derailtheGPA. Thisisbeing Dutch ship builder, SBM framework agreement operations in the country.” aligned social media page or practitioners themselves resisted ” The association offshore on Tuesday establishes the new terms He continued: “This the expletive-laced response about their various roles and said it is seeking the morning announced that it related to the operations of Integrated Operation Model toajournalistarethemselves responsibilities “The solidarity of all freedom- hassigneda“oneofitskind” the Guyana FPSO fleet for a is the first of its kind in the a violation of Article 12 of integrity of journalism will loving Guyanese including contract to operate and period of 10 years up to industry and extends our the United Nations continuetobeunderthreatin civil society actors and maintain four Floating 2033; the lease terms and r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h Declaration of Human Guyana not merely because international development Production Storage and durations remain the same ExxonMobil Guyana by Rights that protects people of partisan interests, but stakeholders “Journalists Offloading (FPSO) vessels for all units, with 10 years integrating further our against attacks upon their because everyone who w i l l s o o n h a v e a n for ExxonMobil’s Guyana lease for FPSO Liza Destiny teams. We believe it is the honour and reputation. This disseminates clearly opportunity to elect a new operations. and up to 2 years lease for optimal solution to achieve year’s World Press Freedom partisan, and unverifiable executive of the Guyana The Netherlands-based F P S O s L i z a U n i t y, excellence in the operation Day theme is “Shaping a content that passes off as PressAssociationthatwillbe company announced the Prosperity and ONE of Guyanese assets bringing GUYANA after which the value to all stakeholders and FPSOs’ ownership will setting a new performance transfertotheclient. benchmarkfortheindustry.”
ExxonMobil Guyana is the operator of Guyana’s Thursday May 4, 2023 lucrative Stabroek Block which has over 11 billion Justice Kissoon orders proven barrels of oil Exxon to provide Recently, it was announced unlimited insurance t h a t G u y a n a ’ s coverage within 30 days Environmental Protection to Guyana —failure to Agency (EPA) granted the comply will result in Environmental Permit for suspension of permit ExxonMobil’s fifth project at the Uaru field in the High Court, Justice Stabroek Block which has S a n d i l K i s s o o n o n been approved. The Uaru Wednesdayorderedthe project is expected to cost (Continued on page 53)
Kaieteur News Sunday May 07, 2023 PAGE 52
From page 52
“The Court found that the Environmental Protection Agency, duties, the liabilities and the (EPA) to issue an Enforcement obligations of Esso as stipulated at Notice to Esso Exploration and Condition 14 of the permit were set Production Guyana Limited out in clear and unambiguous (EEPGL) and its parent company, terms, in simple language that Exxon Mobil to ensure it provides boded no uncertainty or lent itself unlimited insurance coverage to to ambiguity The Court found too safeguard Guyana against the the unlimited liability which is devastating effects of an oil spill exclusively that of the Permit withinthenextthirtydays. Holder, Esso, is by no means
Awrittencopyofrulingseenby unusual in any sense, since Esso, this newspaper stipulates that together with its co-venturers, are failure to comply with the court engaged in Petroleum Production order will result in the suspension Activities in the Stabroek Block, of the environmental permit. The forprofit,”headded. ruling comes months after
The judge noted that at President of the Transparency Condition 14:01 of the permit, the Institute of Guyana Inc (TIGI), permit holder assumed unlimited Frederick Collins and another liability for all costs of clean up, citizen, Godfrey Whyte, took the restoration and compensation for EPA to court to enforce a critical any damage from any discharge of clause in the Liza Phase One anycontaminant. renewed environmental permit
He said Condition 14 holds the issuedtoEEPGL. Permit Holder accountable for all
The case was filed in the High costs, damages and liabilities Court on September 13 by caused by any event occurring in Attorneys Seenath Jairam, SC, the course of its operations Melinda Janki, and Abiola Wong- Condition 14.03 provides: “The Inniss. In the case, Mr Collins, a forms of financial assurance shall former insurance professional said, beguidedbyanestimateofthesum “an oil spill would be devastating of the reasonably credible costs, forourcountryandRegionasmany expenses and liabilities that may Guyanese and Caribbean peoples arise from any breaches of this depend on the ocean for their Permit.Liabilitiesareconsideredto livelihoods. That is why we have Kissoon noted that the EPA made carries out its functions as a Public guarantee agreement are but the include costs associated with decided that the time has come to attempts to cover for the oil Authorityinthepublicinterest.” legitimate consequence flowing responding to an incident, clean up take matters to the court for relief.” subsidiary in that before and DISHONESTATTEMPT from its uncapped and unlimited a n d r e m e d i a t i o n a n d
Thelitigantssaidthattheirresortto subsequent to the filing of the It was also determined that the liabilitiesinaneventofpollutionas monitoring…” the court is to make sure that the proceedings, it refused to disclose EEPGL engaged in a disingenuous encapsulated in the permit, to EXXON LIABLE company takes full financial any information as to the status of attemptcalculatedtodeceive,when providesuchfinancialassurance,in In concluding the case, the responsibility in case of harm, loss compliance by ESSO with its it sought to dilute its liabilities the form of insurance and an Court noted that Parent Company anddamagetotheenvironment. financial assurance obligations for expressed in clear terms at unlimited parent company Guarantee as mandated by Derelict submission pollution damage set out at Condition 14 of the renewed guarantees to cover its Condition 14 should be in place. It In a strongly-worded ruling, Condition 14 of the renewed environmental permit while at the responsibilities. was therefore determined that “If Justice Kissoon noted that the EPA permit. same time speeding ahead with As a consequence, the court the unthinkable occurs, and there is had shelved its statutory “The Agency sought refuge in production at the Liza Phase 1 determined that the insurance an event in the Stabroek Block responsibilities in exchange of a silence, avoidance, concealment PetroleumProductionProjectinthe obtained by the EEPGL from its resulting in the release of derelict and submissive deposition, and secrecy notwithstanding the StabroekBlockOffshoreGuyana. Affiliate Company, AON UK Ltd, hydrocarbons then Esso, and to the leaving “Guyana and its people in grave potential danger and In his estimation, the judge bothfortheLizaPhase1andPhase extent that it is unable to do so as it grave potential danger of consequences to the State and found that ESSO was never in 2 projects does not satisfy the is largely an assetless subsidiary calamitousdisaster.” citizens if an event occurred at the doubtastowhatitsliabilitiesareas stipulation and obligation set out at without financial resources, then
According to the judge, the Liza Phase 1 Petroleum Production captured under Condition 14 of the C o n d i t i o n 1 4 : 5 o f t h e EXXON, the Parent Company circumstances of the case exposed facilities in the Stabroek Offshore renewedpermitfortheLizaPhase1 environmental permit or even what comesintoplay.” the existence of an egregious state Guyana in absence of such Petroleum Production facility as is considered environmental The court noted that EXXON ofaffairsthatengulfedtheEPAina financial assurances mandated by the stipulations were neither, liability insurance in accordance continues to derive a benefit from quagmire of its own making the Environmental Permit at unusual, unique nor unauthorised with international industry the operations of its subsidiary and Justice Kissoon emphasised that Condition14,”thejudgeoutlinedin intheindustry standards. will cover the liabilities and while the EPA was given the theruling. He said “It was simply as a “The Court divested its mind of obligations of Esso as stipulated at exclusive statutory responsibilities Henotedtoothatthepositionof matter of law, fact, and the fact that the Permit Holder was Condition 14:01. As such, Justice entrusted to it by Parliament under the Agency and its Executive consequence the norm that prevails the subsidiary of the oil major with Kissoonreasonedthat“If,however, the Environmental Protection Act Director Kemraj Parsram is wholly which bound ESSO as singularly a wealth of experience, talent and that event occurs and there is no 1996 and the Environmental erroneous and misconceived. “As a and exclusively responsible for all expertise in the area of this activity uncapped Parent Company Protection Regulations 2000 to matteroflaw,evenwherethereisin liabilities without restriction whilst the Liza Phase 1 Guaranteeinplacetoindemnifythe ensure due compliance by EEPGL existence an express prohibition ...from its operations at the Liza Development Project appears to State, then the State is liable for all with Condition 14 of the renewed against disclosure contained in the Phase 1 Petroleum Production have been among the second such that occurs. It is simply not open to environmental permit issued on the subject legislation of the public facilities, in the Stabroek Block permitissuedbytheEPA.” the permit holder to say it is 31/05/22,ithasrelegateditself“toa authority, such disclosure is offshoreGuyana”
Further, in determining the engagedinafrolicofitsown,aided state of laxity of enforcement and construed as subject to the public According to the judge, these stipulation at Condition 14 of the and abetted by the EPA, to condonationcompoundedbyalack interest, safety or protection of the included all activities connected to permit, Justice Kissoon noted the unilaterally, arbitrarily and of vigilance,” leaving the nation at environment,”hesaid. the operations as stipulated in Court examined the document as a unlawfully cap its unlimited the mercy of a potential oil spill The judge continued “…the condition 14 of the environmental whole. liabilityandfinancialassurance. disaster approach adopted by the EPA, in permit extending to all activities He said the Court reviewed the Justice Kissoon emphasised
As a result, the judge held that the course of these proceedings, incidentaltothedrillingactivities. language contained in the permit, therefore that a Parent Company or in the course of these proceedings, was inconsistent with its mandate Equally, he said is the the terms, the context, the meaning Affiliate Company indemnity or theCourtfoundEEPGLengagedin and statutory functions, which is associated financial assurance and the usage thereof, attributing guaranteetotheextentof$2billion a course of action “made one of transparency and obligations imposed on ESSO by the literal meaning to the terms does not fulfill the obligations of permissible only by the omissions accountabilitytoengendertrustand Condition 14:10 of the renewed used considering the scope and the permit holder at Condition of a derelict, pliant and submissive confidence of the citizens and permitintheformofenvironmental magnitude of the activity permitted 14:10 and, in such circumstances, Environmental Protection members of the public on whose liability insurance together with an by the environmental authorisation Essowillremaininbreach.“There Agency ” Additionally Justice behalf and in whose interest it unlimited parent company assetoutonthefaceofthepermit. (Continued on page 54)
Kaieteur News Sunday May 07, 2023 PAGE 53
GuaranteeAgreementand/or is no hurdle to the provision
From page 53
A f f i l i a t e C o m p a n y of the unlimited parent Guarantee Agreement to company guarantee and the indemnify and keep unlimited affiliate company indemnified the EPAand the guarantee agreements Government of Guyana stipulatedatCondition14:10 against all environmental ofthePermit,” obligations of the Permit
ORDER Holder and Co-Venturers
As a result of his within the Stabroek Block, determination, Justice Offshore Guyana. “The EPA Kissoon granted the and the Government of followingreliefs: Guyanaareoftheconsidered
(1)Adeclaration that the view that the Environmental EPA is in breach of its P e r m i t i m p o s e s n o statutory duty by its failure obligation on the Permit and/or omissions to enforce Holder to provide an compliance by EEPGLof its unlimited Parent Company Financial Assurance
GuaranteeAgreementand/or obligations stipulated at
Justice: Sandil Kissoon
A f f i l i a t e C o m p a n y Condition 14:10 of the Guarantee Agreement In take this stance, the environmental permit to Condition 14 and to have an GradeAPlusasenvisagedby He noted: “even, where this regard, we hold the government should really provide an unlimited Parent independent insurance Condition 14:05 failing the country has legitimate respectful opinion that the just take care of Guyana’s Company Guarantee consultant retained by the whichthestandssuspended. rights to ensure unlimited Learned Judge fell into error patrimony and not engage in Agreement and/or Affiliate Agency to review and Additionally, costs were insurance coverage from a in his findings. This ruling any lawsuits that are not Company Guarantee examine the insurance awarded to the applicants in parent company that should c a n h a v e p r o f o u n d calledfor.” Agreement to indemnify and package to ensure its thesumof$1.5million. put Guyana in a position ramifications and grave
For their part, AFC keep indemnified the conformity with Condition wherewecanbecomfortable economic and other impacts Executive Member David Agency and the Government 14 of the environmental Friday May 5, 2023 if there is an oil spill that the on the public interest and Patterson at a press of Guyana against all permit. country would be fully taken national development,” the conference noted the environmental obligations
(5) A declaration that Govt. vows to fight judge’s care of, the government attorneygeneralsaid. government is showing its within the Stabroek Block, Esso Exploration and ruling ordering Exxon to refuses to enforce these “As a result, the decision true colours. “I have never OffshoreGuyana. Production Guyana Limited fully compensate Guyana provisions. And it is frankly of the Learned Judge will be seen a government appeal its
(2) A declaration that has failed to comply with its for oil spill - Opposition sadthatithascometoacourt appealed and orders will be o w n l a w t h a t t h e y EEPGLhas failed to comply Financial Assurance says the appeal would be a order and court action to get sought to stay its effect until themselves set it is normally with its Financial Assurance obligation stipulated at wholly unpatriotic move the government to comply t h e h e a r i n g a n d the oil companies that do obligation stipulated at Condition 14:05 of the withitsownprovisions.” determinationoftheappeal,” their own bidding. In my Condition 14:10 of the environmental permit to While the Government’s Low said that the Nandlallasserted. opinion, the government environmental permit to provide environmental hasvowedtoappealtheHigh government has adopted this
He said the EPA and should take this as a win for provide an unlimited Parent liability insurance of such Court ruling ordering the posture of non-compliance EEPGL spent almost a year Guyana since it cannot be Company Guarantee and typeandinsuchamountasis Environmental Protection as it relates to many other negotiating a Parent blamed for a decision of the IndemnityAgreementand/or c u s t o m a r y i n t h e Agency, (EPA) to issue an issues in the oil and gas Guarantee and Indemnity court Instead, they are unlimited liability Affiliate international petroleum Enforcement Notice to Esso sector He explained that Agreement to the tune of fighting to allow the oil Company Guarantee industry from an insurance Exploration and Production “this attitude we’ve seen US$2 billion in liability companies to have its way, Agreement, to indemnify company of standing and Guyana Limited (EEPGL) with many other issues coverage in compliance with which shows that the and keep indemnified the repute that equates to Grade and its parent company, whether it comes to the audit EEPGL’sfinancialassurance government has at heart any Agency and the Government A Plus as envisaged by Exxon Mobil to ensure it ofoffshoreexpenses…it’san obligations under the but the interest of of Guyana against the Condition14:05.56 p r o v i d e s u n l i m i t e d attitude we have seen across Environmental Permit and Guyanese,”Pattersonsaid. environmental obligations (6) An Order of insurance coverage to the board, where the t h e E n v i r o n m e n t a l Moments after the ruling from their activities in the Mandamus directed to the safeguard Guyana against government is unwilling to Protection Act “These was handed down on Stabroek Block, Offshore EPAtoissueanEnforcement the devastating effects of an enforce the legitimate rights negotiations only concluded Wednesday,theGovernment Guyana. Notice pursuant to Section oil spill, the move is being of Guyanese when it comes l a s t w e e k T h e s e signaled its intention to
(3) A declaration that 26(1) and (2) of the viewed by the opposition as to our offshore oil and gas negotiations and their appeal the High Court Condition 14 of the Environmental Protection most unpatriotic and industry.” He stressed that in material details were placed decision Justice Sandil environmental permit Act, on or before 9/05/23, backward. theinstanceoftheoilandgas before the Court for its Kissoonhadgrantedanorder imposes on EEPGL, directed to EEPGL to The opposition charged sector the government c o n s i d e r a t i o n , b u t for the EPA to issue an unlimited and uncapped performitsobligationsunder that it is a sad day when a should not accept limited unfortunately to no avail,” EEPGL and its parent liability for all costs Condition 14:10 and 14:05 government can take such insurance coverage given Nandlallsaid. company, Exxon Mobil to associated with clean up, of the Environmental Permit action against the interest of that in the event of an oil ensure it provides unlimited r e s t o r a t i o n a n d to provide, within 30 days the nation and its people. spill, it would cost the ‘Judiciary treading in insurance coverage to compensation for all thereafter, on or before Members from both the A countrytensofbillionsofUS murky waters when it tells safeguard Guyana against damages caused by any 10/06/23, the unlimited Partnership for National dollarstocleanup. regulators how to do their the devastating effects of an d i s c h a r g e o f a n y liability Parent Company Unity (APNU) and the “We believe that the job’– Jagdeo says in oilspillwithinthenextthirty contaminant arising from its GuaranteeAgreementand/or Alliance For Change (AFC) government should not response to High Court days. exploration, development unlimited liability Affiliate oppositionpartiesatseparate appeal this decision but it ruling against Exxon, EPA
In a statement the and petroleum production Company Guarantee to press conferences, shared should ensure that the rights Attorney General, Anil activities within the indemnify and keep this view while lambasting of Guyanese are properly Vice President, Bharrat N a n d l a l l s a i d t h e Stabroek Block, Offshore indemnifiedtheGovernment the government for emphasised and that we see JagdeoonThursdaysaidthat Government of Guyana as a Guyana. of Guyana and the Agency safeguarding the interest of fullinsurancecoverage,Low he agrees with Attorney major stakeholder notes the
(4)Adeclaration that the a g a i n s t a l l s u c h theoilcompaniesratherthan said. “We need to ensure we General (AG), Anil ruling by Justice Kissoon EPA is in breach of its environmental obligations thecitizensofGuyana. have adequate coverage. In Nandlall’sdecisiontoappeal and the several declarations statutory duty by its failure within the Stabroek block, Economic and Youth fact, if we have a major spill a recent High Court ruling granted therein that the EPA and/or omissions to enforce togetherwithEnvironmental Policy advisor attached to in Guyana, it can easily wipe demanding ExxonMobil’s breached its statutory duty compliance by EEPGL liability insurance as is the Office of the Opposition out our entire natural compliance with the by failing to enforce Limited of its Financial customary in international Leader, Elson Low at a press resources fund and treasury, insurance provisions in its compliance by Esso Assurance obligations petroleum industry in briefing on Thursday just trying to deal with the L i z a P h a s e O n e Exploration and Production stipulatedatCondition14:05 accordance with the described the government’s expenses associated with the EnvironmentalPermit. GuyanaLimited(EEPGL)of of the environmental permit Conditions at 14:05 (i), (ii), attitude regarding insurance clean up after a spill So In the judgment handed its Financial Assurance to provide environmental (iii),(iv),(v)and(vi)froman for oil and gas activities as the government should down on May 3, 2023, obligations to provide an liability insurance of a type insurance company standing “totally unacceptable and change its attitude, it is JusticeSandilKissoonruled unlimited Parent Company and nature stipulated in and repute that equates to franklyunpatriotic.” disappointing that it should (Continued on page 55)
Kaieteur News Sunday May 07, 2023 PAGE 54
AFC Executive, David Patterson
Economic advisor, Elson Low Attorney General, Anil Nandlall
Though such an oath was given, relation to the Permit Holder’s that Exxon’s affiliate, Esso Justice Kissoon said, “This was not compliance. Exploration and Production infactso.”
From page 54
Citing Regulation 15(1) of the Guyana Limited (EEPGL) is in The Judicial Officer said the EPA Act, Justice Kissoon said it breach of its permit which, in the agency, a Public Authority, provides that “Where an court’s view, unreservedly calls for
carrying out public law functions, Environmental Authorisation is in unlimited insurance protection in failed and omitted to mandate force it shall be the duty of the theeventofanoilspill. compliance by the Permit Holder Agency to take the steps needed-
The Judge also issued an Order with its Financial Assurance (b) For the purpose of ensuring that of Mandamus directing the obligations of environmental t h e c o n d i t i o n s o f t h e Environmental Protection Agency liability insurance together with an Environmental Authorisation are (EPA) to have EEPGL produce on unlimited parent company compliedwith.” or before June 10, 2023, the guarantee. Section 13(1) of the Act also unlimitedliabilityParentCompany He said, “The agency failed to p r o v i d e s t h a t , “ e a c h Guarantee Agreement and/or take any meaningful step or any environmental permit shall contain unlimited liability Affiliate step whatsoever to assess what was thefollowingimpliedcondition:(a) Company Guarantee from an provided to it by Esso, the Permit The Agency shall have the right to insurance company with standing H o l d e r, p u r p o r t e d l y a s c a n c e l o r s u s p e n d t h e and repute that equates to Grade A environmental liability insurance Environmental permit if any of the Plus. Failure to comply will see the of insurance coverage: a parent when it was not in fact in keeping terms or conditions of the US$8B in assets based on its permitbeingsuspended. guarantee from Exxon that has no withCondition14:05.” Environmental permit are balancesheet.
Nandlall in a statement said the cap or limit and an insurance “This is notwithstanding that breached.” Jagdeo said the foregoing government will appeal the package from EEPGL from an the Permit Holder has, through its Section 25 of the Act also sets therefore arms Guyana with three judgmentofthecourtandhopefully independentfirm. public pronouncements, out the procedure under theAct for mechanisms that can be applied to place a hold on the order to comply
Justice Kissoon ruled that communicated its intention to cancellation, evocation and/or cover the expenses associated with within30days. E E P G L a n d i t s p a r e n t , increase production levels in its suspension of the Permit by the clean up, restoration and
He further noted that the EPA ExxonMobil, were in breach of petroleumproductionfacilities.” Agencyinthepublicinterest. compensation for an oil spill. He and the Government of Guyana are these requirements for 11 long Justice Kissoon added that the In all of the circumstances, on also refuted claims or contentions of the considered view that the months. The Judge also ruled that EPA also “failed to suspend and/or the evidence, the Court found that that government should secure Environmental Permit imposes no the regulator’s failure to ensure cancel the Environmental Permit in accordance with the Judicial unlimited insurance coverage from obligation on Exxon’s affiliate to compliance was fully and (Renewed) notwithstanding the Review Act, Chapter 3:06, the Exxon “What would be the provide unlimited insurance effectively met constituted an p o t e n t i a l c a t a s t r o p h i c Agency is, by its acts and premium for this unlimited coverageforoilspills. illegality consequences to the environment, omissions,inbreachofitsstatutory insurance?”askedtheofficialathis
During his press conference
From the time the Liza Phase citizensandtheState.” duty pressconference.Hesaid,“Thereis yesterday, the Vice President said One Permit was modified and The Judge further noted that Justice Kissoon said the EPA nothing like that in the world of he agrees with the AG’s position. issued on May 31, 2022, Justice Condition 14:17 of the Permit has,inthecircumstances,andbyits insurance.
He said: “we all want to ensure that
Kissoon stated that the EPA, at specified, “Should the Permit decision and omission, committed Youcanhavecoveragebuteven as a country, in the case of a spill, every juncture thereafter, engaged Holder contravene or be likely to an illegality, acted unlawfully, ultra then, there is a defined risk.” Based andhopefullyitneverhappens,that in a course of action that contravene any condition of this vires, unreasonably in the on the foregoing grounds, the Vice we have adequate resources to undermined and eroded the strict Permit, the Agency may issue an We d n e s b u r y c o n t e x t o f President is of belief that the recent coveralloftheliabilitiesassociated terms and conditions of the very Enforcement Notice in accordance unreasonableness, in defiance of High Court judgment is therefore with that... So we all want this. But EnvironmentalPermititissued. withSection26oftheAct”. logic, irrationally and without any flawedandmustbeappealedbythe we also can’t be shrill or capricious JusticeKissoonsaidtoothatthe He said there is no evidence jurisdiction. EPA. in our dealings, particularly at the agency in its filings before the that any Enforcement Notice was The Judge has given the EPA
After giving Guyana the lopsided Stabroek Block deal, Opposition still to contribute...
From page 51
Despite the deadline for government more time to update significant increase from the 2% comments having passed, the legislation. royalty rate in the Stabroek Block Ministry of Natural Resources of The government will also seek PSA. The sharing of profits after Guyana is still accepting a revision of the Petroleum cost recovery will remain 50/50 commentsonthedraftmodelPSA, (Exploration and Production) Act between the government and the whichwillapplytotheongoingbid tofacilitatethebidroundandofthe contractor, and a corporate tax of round. The government has set a Corporate Tax Act to include a 10%willbeapplied.The75%cost new deadline of mid-July for the 10% income tax for companies recovery ceiling has also been submission of bids for the 14 engaged in petroleum operations loweredto65%. offshore blocks, giving the underthenewcontracts.
He also expressed the view that level of our regulatory agencies to Court, through its Officer, deposed issued to EEPGL notwithstanding until June 10 to ensure EEPGL is the judiciary is treading in murky get that outcome.” Jagdeo said it is on oath that EEPGL was indeed its prolonged non-compliance over compliant with the insurance waters by directing a regulatory critical that the government pursues compliantwithobligationsoutlined 11 months. Justice Kissoon said provisions of its permit. Failure to agency on how to do its job and diligently and professionally in its atCondition14ofthePermitwhich thereisnoevidencethattheagency do so will see the permit being setting a timeframe on when it effortstogetinsurancecoveragethat speak to insurance coverage took any step whatsoever in suspended. should complete certain orders. In will meet all the circumstances this regard, he was alluding to should there be an adverse event Justice Sandil Kissoon’s order offshore Healsosaiditiscrucialfor urging EPA to issue a notice to institutions to actin amanner where EEPGL that it furnishes Guyana decisions are not made on the with unlimited insurance within 30 premiseofeconomicnationalism days or have its Liza One permit Jagdeo also said it is incumbent suspended. on the courts to produce judgments that are well reasoned, adding that Saturday May 6, 2023 the EPA’s efforts on securing variousformsofinsuranceintheoil High Court Judge rules sector should not be overlooked. EPAacted illegally by failing to The Vice President said the suspend/cancel Liza 1 regulatory body has been in Permit in view of Exxon’s 11 discussions for over a year now months of non-compliance on with Exxon to secure a US$2B insurance - Agency told parent guarantee for the Stabroek the court oil giant was Block. He said those discussions compliant when this was not so concludedrecently
He also noted that the EPA has
A recent judgment in the High so far secured a US$600M Court has revealed that insurance package from EEPGL, ExxonMobil’s affiliate, Esso thepremiumforwhichisbeingpaid Exploration and Production usingrevenuesearnedfromthesale Guyana Limited (EEPGL) is in of Guyana’s oil resources. If that breach of its Liza Phase One insurance premium is increased, he Permit, specifically as it pertains to said it is Guyana that ultimately those clauses that call for the pays. He further noted that the EPA provisionofinsurance. can liquidate EEPGL’s assets if According to the ruling handed needed to cover costs relating to an down by Justice Sandil Kissoon, oil spill He said the Exxon Guyanese authorities should have subsidiary now has US$6B to had in their possession, two forms
Kaieteur News Sunday May 07, 2023 PAGE 55
Justice Sandil Kissoon
Head of the EPA, Kemraj Parsram
Wanted: Experienced Cashier, Cooks, Counter Person, Supervisor and Labourer. Apply @ Shanta's, 225 Camp and New Market Sts. or WhatsApp: +592-6541361.
One Female able-bodied Staff required. Call: 225-2313, 658-8559.
Head Cook, Assistant Cook and Kitchen Assistant needed. Call: 602-8067.
One Security Guard/ Handyman needed. Call: 623-8300.
Kitchen Assistant, Supervisor, Chef and Salesperson needed. Call: 659-5559.
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Vacancy exists for two experienced Dispatcher at Confidential Cabs. Call: 695-1961 / 231-5784.
“Maraj Building”
185 Charlotte & King Streets, Georgetown, Guyana. Tel: 225-9238/ 225-9246
Petition No. FD-368
Petition together with related documents.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (Thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.
Formerly of Lot 34 Lynk Street Charlestown, Georgetown
From page 50 young people, as young entrepreneurs, we are able to say listen this is what the business community needs, this is what we are expecting we have that vision and we are able to say what exactly it is that we need, we are able to fill the gaps basically, we know what is trending, what is not and we are able to contribute in that regard,” she said.
2 and 3 bedroom fully furnished luxury apartments for long and short term rental. Call: 682-2585, 691-1432.
M&T Realty (Vlissengen/ Durban). Professional, Office/ Business (No food retailing) space. Call: 652-9325 /225-0431.
M&T Realty (Vlissengen/ Durban): One bedroom apartment, $60,000. Close to facilites and transportation. Call: 652-9325 /225-0431.
Vacancy exists for Canter/ Lorry Drivers and Porters. Contact: 628-1038.
One Handyman/ Porter and general Domestic needed to cook & clean, 3 days per week. Apply at Keyfood Mc Doom village next to the post office.
Time keeping Clerk, Welder/ Fabricator, Office Assistant, Driver, Labourers, Maintenance Worker & Cleaner. Call: 621-6969/ 615-7784.
Room Attendant, Receptionist and Desk Staff & Security Guard needed at 233, South Road Lacytown, ages 25-50 years old. Call: 2250198.
Between:(MAJEED) NATASHA nee BARRAT Petitioner/Applicant -v-
Address Unknown
TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Thursday the 9th day of June, 2023 at 9:30 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Sandra Kurtzious. Via Zoom meeting ID: 648 772 9256 and Password: 5hRiHf IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.
TAKE NOTICE that on the 30th day of March, 2023 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by GAIL ANN WILLIAMS nee MARSHALL the Petitioner in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.
Araujo also expressed that to see young entrepreneurs grow in our country; one thing that is important is that there is a social media reach. This is important in boosting small businesses, because it exposes them to wider markets, which in turn help their businesses to grow.
One CRV Honda, $3.3M negotiable and 1 Toyota
Allion, $3.350 M, fully loaded immaculate condition, low mileage . Contact: 649-0956.
1 BMW 520 I for sale. Great working condition, good miles, etc. Price $4.6 M. Call: 655-2119.
1 Hy-ab Chevrolet lorry/ truck C7H model. Excellent working condition. Call: 2252192/ 691-9691/ 629-1667 during working hours.
Pure breed Rottweiler puppies for sale. Call: 692-0126, 613-2809.
Pure honey, wholesale and retail quantity. Call: 6214273.
Experienced Cashier, Counter Server, roti/ puri Cook and Cleaners needed. Apply @ Hack's Restaurant 5 Commerce St.
Welder/ Fabricator needed at Steel Pro Guyana, 37 Victoria Rd, Plaisance. Call: 220-3020/ 676-9079/ 672-8353.
TAKE NOTICE that on the 2nd day of March, 2023 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by NATASHA MAJEED nee BARRAT the Petitioner/ Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 30th day of March, 2023 the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana and on the Worldwide Web.
The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the 31 st day of March, 2023.
NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 13th day of April, 2023 the Petitioner was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in an around the Republic of Guyana.
NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-atLaw at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents.
NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgment of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend
As our featured entrepreneur continue to take her business to the next level, she is advising anyone looking to follow her footsteps to “Work hard, stay committed to your passion and always remember to be kind, because people may not always remember your name but they’ll always remember what you did and how it made them feel. Also, being a good person has its own blessings and I am proof of that.” For more information on any of her services, the young woman can be contacted on WhatsApp via telephone number (592) 638-6530 or via email at She can also be reached through Facebook @ Daniela Araujo as well as Instagram and Tiktok @ Daniela_araujo.x
Kurtzious via Zoom
Meeting ID: 648 779 9256 and Password: 5hRiHf.
Visa Application to Canada and U.S.A, graphics design, advertisements,USA passport application forms & i130 application. Call: 6267040.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the
Applicant in person: Gail Ann Williams nee Marshal Address: Lot 68
Adelaide Charlestown
Georgetown Tel#:614-8769/ 231-1263 2023-HC-DEM-CIV-FD553
(Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty- five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.
TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Monday the 19th day of June, 2023 at 9:15 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Sandra
IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce. The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.
Dated the 21st day of April, 2023.
PAGE 56 Kaieteur News Sunday May 07, 2023
‘DanielaAraujo Writing Services’...
Black water shrimp production up with first-quarter earnings over $274M
Agri. Minister
Guyana’s black water shrimp (Peneausschmitt i) production has increased significantly when compared to that of 2022, Agriculture Minister ZulfikarMustaphasaid.
“For this year, our farmers were able to produce182 89metrictons (182,890 kilograms) of black water shrimp in the first quarter, earning over $274million
When we look at the production figures for the first quarter of 2022, we are seeing an increase of almost 50% This is in keeping with our goals for the industry and a t e s t a m e n t t o t h e government’s commitment to increasing local production, lowering the food import bill, and increasing both our production and export capacities.
We are working towards producing 1 5 million kilograms annually by the year 2025,” Minister Zulfikarsaid.
TheAgricultureMinister explained that with the successes seen thus far, his ministry is now working to have the programme replicated across several regionsinthecountry
“So far, we’ve assisted farmers with constructing ponds in Region Six and we’ve started preliminary worksinRegionFive.
We’re also looking at otherplaceslikeRegionTwo and so on. In the first few months of the project, we were able to increase production by 203% and those levels have continued to increase over the years,” theministernoted.
Minister Mustapha further stated that some 37 farms in Region Six have been developed comprising atotalof133ponds.
“Before we started this projectinJuly2021,farmers were producing just about 10,000 kilograms monthly, just about 120,000 kilogramsannually We announced that this wasthedirectionwewanted to take and that farmers
would be given the support to expand. To date, we’ve been able to construct 133 ponds, and this has contributed to us exceeding initial production figures,” headded.
In an effort to boost p r o d u c t i v i t y, t h e
Government of Guyana partnered with United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to conduct a study and gather information for the piloting and implementation of a strategy to enhance
shrimp production in Guyana and several other Caribbeanstates
Recently, the ministry received three manuals that were developed collaboratively by the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the
Frompage 4MWe CCGT Power Plant” issuedonDecember8,2022, by the Government of Guyana/Office of the Prime Minister (OPM)directing proponents to send their submissions to Mr McKenzie This project includes components that formpartofthePowerPlant project, including a
“Double-circuit 230K
Transmission Line 300 MWQ GTE Project Site to DemeraraRiver”and“69kV Wales Industrial Substation locatedatthe300MWGTE Project Site ending at 13.8kVtake-offstructure.”
I could go on with a longer list of outrageous conflicts of interest. Suffice ittosaythatMr McKenzie’s direct and indirect conflicts of interest relate to his function at the Ministry of Natural Resources, which is promoting oil and gas development projects in which the Government of Guyana is a stakeholder in a profit-sharing arrangement. These conflicts of interest includehisroleaspartofthe EAB quorum that reviewed and approved EIAs and issuance of Environmental
Permits for Exxon Mobil’s YellowtailandUaruoffshore projects, and they extend to the current appeal process regarding the EPA’s waiver, again, of an EIA for Schlumberger Guyana’s radioactive source storage andcalibrationfacilityatLot 1AreaXHouston,EastBank Demerara (EBD), a facility exclusively providing servicetoEEPGL’soffshore productionprojectsinwhich the Government is a profitsharer
Dr Sharma,Chairmanof the EAB has conflicts of interest related to his functions, including fiduciary functions; he performs as a director of the Guyana Power and Light, which is inextricably involved in the Power Plant application.Also, in his role as Head of Guyana Energy Agency, a state entity responsible for promoting and developing efficient management of energy, Dr Sharma has an interest in seeing to the construction and operation of the power plant. In addition, he is the spouseofMs.MarciaNadirSharma, one of the directors of Guyana Power and Gas
Inc., the applicant for the Environmental Permit to constructthepowerplant.
Dr Sharma’ and Mr Mckenzie’s official duties conflict with their duties as members of the EAB, they cannotactinthebestinterest ofallconcernedentities.
Allowmetoreiteratethe gravity of this situation and emphasize the detrimental effects it has on the credibility and effectiveness of your government’s management of both environmental matters and developmentprojects.
The Environmental Assessment Board, as you are aware, plays a crucial role in upholding the principles of transparency, impartiality, and objectivity i n r e v i e w i n g a n d adjudicating appeals against decisions made by the EPA.
Itisdishearteningtowitness that the board’s integrity is being compromised due to the persistent presence of members with unresolved conflictsofinterest.
During the March 22, 2023, Public Hearing called bytheEABonobjectionsto the waiver of an EIAfor the PowerPlant,Dr Sharmaand
Mr. McKenzie displayed a regrettable lack of ethical responsibility Despitebeing directly implicated in conflicts of interest, they shamelessly participated in the proceedings, refusing to acknowledge or recuse themselves from the case. These individuals cannot be entrusted with any role that requires unbiased judgment, as their actions have demonstrated a blatant disregard for ethical standards and an alarming willingness to prioritize personal interests over publicwelfare.
Theirbehaviournotonly underminestheprinciplesof justice and fairness but demonstratesthattheEABis incapable of functioning independently and making impartial decisions No decision taken in which any member of the EAB’s quorum has a conflict of interestwillbelawful.
The ongoing situation not only casts a shadow on the entire EAB, but it also raises doubts about your g o v e r n m e n t ’ s trustworthinessandabilityto discharge your duties on behalf of the people of
Guyana with the necessary impartiality and integrity required by the EPAct and elementary standards of goodgovernance.
Byturningablindeyeto theconflicts,thegovernment inadvertently condones the erosion of public trust in its institutions, thereby undermining its own credibility and the effectiveness of both its environmental policies and development programmes
The government is unnecessarily placing itself,
United Nations (FAO), theWorldWildlifeFund–G u i a n a s ( W W FGuianas), and the ministry’s Fisheries Department;oneofwhich will be used to guide brackish water shrimp productioninGuyana.
the public, and investment partnersatrisk.
Considering the foregoing,Iurgentlyrequest your intervention to rectify this situation and restore the i n t e g r i t y o f t h e Environmental Assessment Board.
I remain optimistic that you will give due consideration to this matter and take the necessary steps to address the concerns raised.
Yourssincerely, SimoneMangal-Joly
Frompage6 encourages learning, that promotes learning The student population is growing rapidly in this region, this may be one of the fastest growing school populations in terms of schoolsintheregionandwe are expanding those schools, we are extending, wearelookingatnewways infasttrackingthebuilding of new schools also.”What is really going to create a vortex of excitement is the
establishment of the New HarbourBridge,asthiswill makethebiglink,thatis“… the connecting of Region Three to Region Four (and this will no doubt) drive investment opportunities in the West Demerara area, since capital and economic actives in Region Four will become more accessible. The bottom line is that Guyana is on the move and weneedtocatchthisvision.
Yourstruly, H.Singh.
Shrimp farmers from Region Three (Ministry ofAgriculture photo)
Black water shrimp production up with first-quarter earnings over $274M
Guyana’s black water shrimp (Peneausschmitt i) production has increased significantly when compared to that of 2022, Agriculture Minister ZulfikarMustaphasaid.
“For this year, our farmers were able to produce182 89metrictons (182,890 kilograms) of black water shrimp in the first quarter, earning over $274million
- Agri. Minister
When we look at the production figures for the first quarter of 2022, we are seeing an increase of almost 50% This is in keeping with our goals for the industry and a t e s t a m e n t t o t h e government’s commitment to increasing local production, lowering the
ood import bill, and increasing both our production and export capacities.
We are working towards producing 1 5 million kilograms annually by the year 2025,” Minister Zulfikarsaid.
Shrimp farmers from Region Three (Ministry ofAgriculture photo)
explained that with the successes seen thus far, his ministry is now working to have the programme replicated across several regionsinthecountry
“So far, we’ve assisted farmers with constructing ponds in Region Six and we’ve started preliminary worksinRegionFive.
We’re also looking at otherplaceslikeRegionTwo and so on. In the first few months of the project, we were able to increase production by 203% and those levels have continued to increase over the years,” theministernoted.
Minister Mustapha further stated that some 37 farms in Region Six have been developed comprising atotalof133ponds.
“Before we started this projectinJuly2021,farmers were producing just about 10,000 kilograms monthly, just about 120,000 kilogramsannually
We announced that this wasthedirectionwewanted to take and that farmers
would be given the support to expand. To date, we’ve been able to construct 133 ponds, and this has contributed to us exceeding initial production figures,” headded.
In an effort to boost p r o d u c t i v i t y, t h e Government of Guyana partnered with United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to conduct a study and gather information for t h e p i l o t i n g a n d implementation of a strategy to enhance shrimp production in Guyana and several other Caribbeanstates
Recently, the ministry received three manuals that w e r e d e v e l o p e d collaboratively by the Food a n d A g r i c u l t u r e Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Wildlife Fund – Guianas (WWF-Guianas), and the ministry’s Fisheries Department;oneofwhich will be used to guide brackish water shrimp
Kaieteur News PAGE 58 Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023 Kaieteur News PAGE 59
PAGE 60 Kaieteur News Sunday May 07, 2023
Tiger Rental under 13 League concludes today at GFF NTC
Day two of the Guyana Rupununi edged past East Decquan Hetsberger (45’) to Dilshawn Alleyne netted the Football Federation (GFF), Bank 2 - 1. Rupununi’s goal completea3-0win. lone goal of the match in the Tiger Rental Under-13 scores were Joao Hamlett BarticalaterneedledEast 27thminute. Football League was (27’) and Damilo John in the Berbice compliments of a Joao Hamlett picked up th contested at the National 35 minute, while Micheal Labrun Wharton-goal in the his eighth goal of the TrainingCentre,Providence, Copia nailed the lone goal 60thminute to complete a 1- competitioninalosingeffort th yesterday, as Bartica, for East Demerara in the 20 0victory against East Demerara. East Essequibo, and East minuteinalosingeffort. West Berbice held West D e m e r a r a t h r a s h e d Demerara picked up a win Essequibo suffered a Demerara to a 1-0 result as Rupununi 4-1 as Kennard each, Rupununi and East h e a v y d e f e a t b y Keysean Mingo scored the Halley (2’, 16’), Isiah Bank won one and lost one Georgetown;amongthegoal lonegoalinthe58thminute. Williams (9’) and Malicai while Georgetown and scorersforGeorgetownwere Georgetown won their Washington (26’) accounted Barticacollectedtwowins. Fabio Kowlessar (1’), second match by defeating forthegoals.
Six honoured at RHTYSC Tribute...
From page 62 membersandnotedthattheclubhasbeenatruefriendofthe hospital. He noted that the staff under his leadership was dedicatedtoprovidingstandardsofthehighestlevel.
Next week, the cricket teams will provide special mother’s day food hampers to about thirty mothers at the hospital.
TheteamswhoareinvolvedintheprojectsareFarfanand Mendes Under-15, Poonai Pharmacy under-13, Bakewell Under-17,NamilcoThunderboltFlourFirstDivision,Metro Female and Pepsi Under 19. Among the players of the RHTYSC are Kevin Sinclair, Clinton Pestano, Junior Sinclair, Kelvon Anderson, Slyus Tyndall, Jonathan Rampersaud, Jermey Sandia, Mahendra Gopilall, Shemaine Campbelle, Shabika Gajnabi, Plaffina Millington and SheneetaGrimmond.
Every year the different cricket teams of the club are mandatedbymanagementtosuccessfullycompleteatotalof over one hundred community projects under a wide range of subheadingssuchaseducation,youthdevelopment,awards, sports, community development, health, anti drugs and religion.
Sunday May 07, 2023
Someone or something may spur you on today, Aries. You may feel a nagging impulse to get up and do something. Follow that instinct and stop moaningaboutstayinginbed.
Bite the bullet and get it done, Taurus.Finishtheprojectsand get the lingering odds and ends out of your way There are stable energies today that will bring a practical breath of freshairtoanysituation.
Today might not be as lighthearted and free-spirited as you'd like, Gemini, but don't sweat it. Work with the grounded energy of the day to complete tasks that have been wearingonyouforawhile.
Today is a fantastic day for you Things are naturally flowing your way You can accomplishagreatdeal.There are few hurdles in your way You're well disciplined about yourtimeandwhat'sneededto get the job done and how to meetyourgoals.
There's a conservative air today that doesn't fit well with your erratic, unconventional nature,Leo.Thingsmightpop up to remind you that you should be a bit more disciplinedinyourapproach.
Somethingistuggingyouback down to reality, Virgo Your mind has tended to be in the cloudslately,butnowyouneed to ground your emotions and realize that you operate on a physicalplane,too
In the first match, Jashawn Hanyes (3’) and Upper Demerara 1-0 as Meanwhile, in the last two matches on day two, Bartica defeated Essequibo 3 - 0 with goals from Riley Tracey in the 15th, Chris Anderson netted his first a minute later then Tracey nailed a second goal to complete the victory and East Bank held West Berbice to a 2 – 0 result as Micheal Correia and Samuel Tasher netted the winninggoalsforEastBank th in the first and 58 minute, respectively The League concludes todayatthesamevenuefrom 9:30hrs.
There's a conservative veil over your emotions. Issues from the past might arise and rub you the wrong way. You move onward and upward by nature, plowing ahead without thinkingoftheconsequences.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov 21)
Today is fantastic for tuning in toyourinnerself,Scorpio.You will have a level, grounded mind from which to make conscious evaluations of your emotional state. Trust your instincts and make realistic plansforthefuture.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
You may feel a bit weighed down today, Sagittarius, and perhaps more reserved than usual.Someonemayberaining on your parade, but don't let it getyoudown.
Today's a good day to ground your fluctuating emotions
Step back from the drama you create and evaluate your inner state. Are you fooling yourself into thinking everything's OK whenitreallyisn't?
Things may be calm today, Aquarius. You might not be your boisterous self, but that could be a good thing. Use the sobering energy to evaluate your emotions and honestly lookatyourrelationships.
Today is a great day for you, Pisces. Everything is flowing your way as more pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Your fluctuating emotions are groundedandcalm,lettingyou stand back and evaluate your trueinnerstate.
Rising Sun Turf Club...
From page 63 albeit in different classes. The feature event is for horsesclassifiedDandlower over 1400M for a winning purse of $800,000 and trophy
There is the 1400M Open Guyana Bred Creole Stakes for a winning take of $600,000andtrophy
The Three-Year Old Open Guyana Bred 1400M event has a winner’s money of$500,000.
The next ranked event is for the G3 Non-Winners in Guyana and the H and lower classhorsesover1400Mfora stakeat$450,000.
For the animals classified J3 Maiden and lower, has a winner’s purse of $400,000 withover1400Mtoaimfor
There are two races for L class horses; the first will caterforLclassopenanimals and they will be racing for a topprizeof$300,000.
The other is for the LNon-earners of $100, 000 in last 6 months (L class horses that have not earned over $100,000inthelast6months over 1100M for a first prize of$200,000.
The event will be conducted using the rules of the Guyana Horse Racing Authority PostTimeis1200hrs.
Kaieteur News PAGE 19 Thursday November 24, 2022 AGE Sunday May 07, 2023
“Each one of you is the perfect presentationceremonyoftheclub’s dedicationofthestaff. Head of the therapy Unit and Teola staff in their rehabilitation of example of a true and dedicated Tribute to Medical Workers The RHTYSC Secretary was GonsalvesoftheMedicalLab. patients The National Milling public servant in the health sector Programme at the Port Mourant earlier this year a patient at the They were all selected by the Company, a major sponsor of the The dedication that I see from you HospitalonThursdaylast. hospitalandexpressedthankstothe members of the different cricket club was a co-partner in the effort is unmatched and I would like to Six outstanding workers were dedicated staff for saving his life. teams based on their dedication, with a contribution of a stationary urge each one of you to uphold the honored by the cricket teams of the Foster stated that he observed that discipline, interaction with the gymbike. high standards you have set in the club for their contribution to the the staff of the hospital were general public and personal Foster, on behalf of the club past. The Port Mourant Public health sector at the hospital as dedicated to fulfilling their duties attitude. Each of the awardees pledged to assist more in the future Hospitalisveryblessedtohaveyou Foster stated that the RHTYSC is despitethelargeamountofpatients receivedacertificateofexcellence, astheRHTYSCiscommittedtothe on its staff and the Rose Hall Town very pleased to be associated with thatvisitsonadailybasis. medal of excellence and three overall development of Guyana, YouthandSportsClubispleasedto thepublicinstitution. Those honoured were Doctor specialgifts. especially in the health, sports and honoredyoutodayunderitsTribute The award scheme was first Ghanashaam Sukhdeo, Nurse The club presented the therapy educationalsectors.DrSukhdeo,in to Heroes programme,” were the introduced in 2014 when Foster Melissa Semple, Administrator unit with three hundred thousand his brief remarks expressed thanks words of RHTYSC Secretary, wasapatientatthehospitalandwas Bibi Shaneeza Nabi, Matron dollars worth of gym, office and totheclubforhonoringstaff Hilbert Foster, as he spoke at the very impressed by the attitude and Leilawattie Sawh, Yonette Yaw- cleaning equipment to assist the (Continued on page 61)
Kaieteur News PAGE 62 Sunday May 07, 2023
The feature event is for horses classified D and lower over 1400M for a winning purse of $800,000 and trophy.
Rising Sun Turf Club Independence Cup Horse Race meet set for May 28
- Over $6M in cash and prizes at stake
By Samuel Whyte
Rising Sun West Coast Berbice Venue, They said the programme proposed In what can be termed as a good which includes a number of races for by the RSTC is more of what they have move, local horse owners and other locallybredhorses. been advocating for and with over $6M connections are praising what they say The owners and connections are incashandtrophiesatstake,theowners is a transformation programme sayingthattheRSTCmusthavebeenon arehappy published by the Rising Sun Turf Club the same page with the Kennard’s There are seven races listed for the (RSTC) The club has released a Memorial Turf Club (KMTC), which day with a number of those being programme for its Independent Horse hasbeenadvocatingformoretobedone exclusivelyforlocallybredhorses, Race meet for Sunday, May 28, at its forlocalhorsesandowners.
(Continued on page 61)
Kaieteur News PAGE 63 Sunday May 07, 2023
(Photo: Emmerson Campbell)
NA United, Paradise and Dynamic FC latest winners in the NAMILCO’s under 17 League
The National Milling Company minute of injury time to seal a 5-0 compliments of right footed Keron (NAMILCO) Thunderbolt Flour Power victoryovertheHopetownBoys. George,thenpushedtheirleadfurtherin Under-17 Football League continued on NA United FC goal scorers were the 60th minute as JamalAdams slipped Friday with an exciting triple header in Civion Arokrium in 51st and 87th, in another goal to secure a comfortable Berbice that saw New Amsterdam Kamasi Spellen in the 51st, Joshua 4-0win. United, Rosignol United FC and Dougall in 76th and Tjon Reid scored Meanwhile at Buxton Ground, ParadiseInvadersFCpickupvictories. whentheclockread90+1minute. Mahaica picked up a win over Ann’s In the first match, New Amsterdam The second match, Rosignol United Grove by way of a walk over while (NA) United FC crushed Hopetown FC won by way of forfeit against Dynamic FC trounced Melanie 2-0. Ranger FC 5-0. NA United FC had a Paradice Invaders to earn a valuable Taric Trotman nailed the first goal for solidperformanceafterbeingheldtoa0- three points while Cougar FC ripped Dynamic FC, followed by Bryan 0 score line at the end of first half. They through Ithacac FC in the third match as Wharton’ssuccessfulpenalty. camebackstronglyscoringfourgoalsto Dane Singh started the scoring for in the The competition continues on putthemselvesincommandofthematch 28th to push the lead to 1-0.They netted Saturday, May 13, at Scott School and later scored another goal in the first their second goal in the 55th minute Ground,NewAmsterdam.
Kaieteur News PAGE 64 Sunday May 07, 2023
Dynamic FC goal scorers Taric Trotman and Bryan Wharton
International boxers confirmed for Briso Promotions ‘Pro/Am Card’
International flavour has
opponents. They also made been confirmed for the their mark at the World amateur section of the Championship in India impendingBrisoPromotions during the month of March. ‘Pro/Am Card’ on May 21st Alesha also competed in the at the National Gymnasium, Champion of Champions as Trinidad and Tobago tournament in St. Lucia in championLeeAnnBoodram April, whilst Abiola also is scheduled to battle local featured in a tournament counterpart and standout, during the same timeframe AbiolaJackman. inBarbados.”
The Guyana Boxing He further stated, “This Association (GBA) has is once again indicative of confirmedthatBoodramwill the concerted effort that is arrive on local shores on being employed by the Saturday, May 20th for her association to not only fistic engagement. This will develop and advance the b e A b i o l a ’s f o u r t h sport but to specifically international assignment of empowerthefemaledivision biggest card staged on local The Guyanese duo will 2023, highlighting the busy t h r o u g h c o n s i s t e n t shores in excess of a decade, battle a Colombian itinerary that has currently international exposure. This the Briso Promotions combination, as Dharry is envelopedthediscipline. is tangible development and ‘Pro/Am Card’, is expected scheduledtofaceColumbian
Presently, the GBA is should not be understated. to exceed the quality, JoseAntonio Jimenez whilst also in negotiation with its The pugilists can and will ambiance, and atmosphere Marques will enter the Jamaican counterpart to only improve and hone their that was a hallmark of the squared circle against Omar acquire an opponent for considerable talents through Patrick Forde Memorial Cuello. Abiola’s sibling, Alesha m o r e c o m p e t i t i o n , Championships, which is The May 21st fight night Jackman. especially those of an viewedbymanypundits,and will mark Dharry’s return to
The sisters are the first- Kg or heavyweight division international exposure. This international persuasion. It analysts of repute as the the ring in over a year and ever Guyanese female while her sister Alesha is is another palpable example hasbeenaveryhecticperiod standard bearer for boxing willserveasatune-upforhis boxers to acquire a world ranked number 58th in the and exercise of our mandate for the sport and it will only competitions. July encounter on local r a n k i n g f r o m t h e Elite Women 60-63 Kg or which is to expose local get busier At the moment,
The aforesaid event shoreswithHugoHernandez International Boxing junior welterweight talent to international we also have two fighters in which is penciled to be of Mexico for the WBC A s s o c i a t i o n ( I B A ) , division Rising star competition. In particular, the form of Desmond headlined and co-headlined Silver Belt Dharry, 37, following their participation Shaquan Sampson will also the girls have been active on Amsterdam and Keevin by Elton Dharry and Dexter fought for the WBA Super at the Women’s World beontheamateurcard. theinternationalcircuitsince Allicock at the Men’s World ‘ D e K i d ’ M a r q u e s flyweight title in 2019 but Championships in New GBA President Steve the dawn of 2023 The C h a m p i o n s h i p i n respectively,willfeaturefive suffered a controversial Delhi,India. Ninvalle said, “Boxing is Jackman sisters competed at Uzbekistan, which serves as professional bouts and an ninth-round stoppage loss to
Abiola Jackman is now currently on the proverbial the Patrick Forde Memorial further evidence of equal number of amateur AustralianAndrew Maloney ranked 27th in the world in highway of development via Championships in February internationalfootprint.” encounters. inMelbourne. theEliteWomen81andover the best practice of against international Projected to be the
CWI Regional Women’s Tournament…
Guyana team opens campaign against Windward Islands on Monday
The Guyana Senior and the Physiotherapist isAngelica Women’s team departed Holder GuyanaonMay4,2023,
The CG United Super 50
toSt.KittsandNevisfor schedule for Guyana is May 8, their participation in the Cricket 2023, Windward Islands vs West Indies (CWI) Regional Guyana at Conaree, May 9, 2023, Women’sRegionalTournament. Guyana vs Barbados at Conaree,
As in recent years, the players May 11, 2023, Guyana vs the will be engaged in two competition Leeward Islands at Warner Park, formats, the CG INSURANCE May 14, 2023, Jamaica vs Guyana WOMEN’S SUPER 50 CUP, and atWarnerPark,andMay16,2023, theCWIT20BLAZE. Trinidad & Tobago vs Guyana at
Guyana and West Indies player St Paul’s Shemaine Campbell will once
The Blaze T20 schedule for again lead the Guyana Women’s Guyana is May 20, 2023, Team, which comprises a balanced Windward Islands vs Guyana at ofexperiencedandyoungplayers. Warner Park, May 21, 2023,
The composition of the team is Guyana vs Barbados at Warner expected to assist in giving the Park, May 23, 2023, Guyana vs the Windward Islands at Canoree Ann
Realanna Grimmond, Guyana Women’s team a good Leeward Islands at Warner Park groundonMay8,2023. Analesia D’Aguiar, Sheneta Ashmini Munisar and Cyanna opportunity to lift the two CWI May 25, 2023, May 27, 223, The squad reads Shemaine Grimmond, Plaffianna Millington,
The Manager/Assistant Regional titles in 2023. Guyana JamaicavsGuyanaatWarnerPark, Campbelle (Captain), Shabika Kaysia Schultz, Niya Latchman,
United Super 50 Cup against the atSt.
is Tremayne Smartt, the will play its first game of the CG and Trinidad & Tobago vs Guyana Gajnabi (Vice-captain), Cherry- Talleya Madramootoo, Mandy Head Coach is Clive
Kaieteur News PAGE 65 Sunday May 07, 2023
Leeann Boodram
Abiola Jackman
Mentore, Mangru,
Guyana’s Women Cricket Team for 2023 Regional Women’s Tournament