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Kaieteur News
KAIETEUR NEWS Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: ADAM HARRIS Tel: 225-8491, 225-8458, 225-8465 Fax: 225-8473 or 226-8210
Political favouritism
It is no secret that residents of some communities are denied certain basic facilities through low level functionaries implementing a deliberate unspoken policy of marginalization. Roads are constructed in areas and last no more than four weeks before they deteriorate. One technique that is constantly observed is the practice of carrying out ad hoc cosmetic works in communitiespeopledbydedicatednon-supportersoftherulingparty. These deliberate acts seem intended to humiliate because at the same time more structured, solid in-depth works are being carried out in neighbouring villages that are identified as built-in constituencies of the party that forms the national government that supposedly works in the interest of all the people. It is necessary that a paradox which has been the subject of a popular columnist’s viewpoint should be discussed briefly at this point. For the last twenty years most of the persons living on the coastlands have been exposed to drinking water of a highly suspect quality by a government whose responsibility includes providing potable drinking water to homes. What has in fact been the reality is that this role has been foisted on the consumer public who must provide this basic amenity for themselves at personal great cost. The principal beneficiaries in what surely should be seen as a profiteering scam are the suppliers of this natural need regardless of the racial or political affinity of the consumer. The appointment of Justices of Peace and Commissioners to Oaths and Affidavits is another area that seems to be the sole preserve of a particular group of citizens. For the last five years or more, the Office of the President has not seen it fitting to appoint any new members to this exclusive fraternity. Some communities are being denied such service with residents having to travel to neighbouring villages to have a simple matter concluded. This lapse also creates a marked lack of opportunity for service from citizens of quality who are desirous of serving in those capacities. Maybe it is simply a case of not having any suitable candidates around with the level of integrity required for such an appointment. The reason proffered for the nonselection of certain types for overseas diplomatic postings comes readily to mind for those of us who can still recall the pronouncements of a certain top public functionary. What seems likely is that Government officials tasked with certain functions such as ensuring that all qualified individuals and collectives are duly considered for a share of the national employment pie take it upon themselves to deny same based upon unspoken considerations and criteria for appointment. In a sense what such actions reveal is the unapologetic linking of political patronage in these areas to voter support. When qualified deserving persons of different political hue are confronted with discriminatory practices which may not be overtly countenanced by a party in power the bottled frustrations will have to find some release. Anecdotally suicide, substance abuse, domestic violence, and other forms of anti-social behavior have their root cause in discriminatory practices and other unacceptable public policy deformities. Every citizen is entitled to share in the allocation of resources of their country, and to enjoy its many benefits whether they are jobs, development aid, subsidies, roads, health clinics, food, and schools. No one should be subjected to the vagaries of political gamesmanship and be made pawns when it comes to the transfer of relatively scarce but highly desired indicators of a good quality of life for voters’political support. Perhaps more damaging to the collective psyche is the predilection to increasingly frame our experiences in ethnic terms where neighbours assume that the main reason that resources are being channeled to them is directly related to ethnic considerations. An unintended consequence is the pitting of communities against each other with disastrous results. Unscrupulous politicians in the interest of party survival will milk the ethnic issue for all its worth just to hold on to, or to achieve power. The stalling of local government elections buttressed by vested interests who desire to maintain political connections with the ruling party, is but another means to deny the people the type of governance that leads to greater social and economic efficiency in communities.
Sunday September 07, 2014
Kaieteur M@ilbox Send your letters to Kaieteur News 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown or email us
The PPP/C cannot ever be trusted with any alliance talks DEAR EDITOR, The PPP/C, through its General Secretary, Mr. Rohee said “it is moving to establish a broad national democratic front, ahead of the next General Elections.” This was followed up swiftly by a statement from the Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Luncheon, who said that “a minority Government may be a permanent feature in this country and urged politicians and other stakeholders to strive to make it work rather than opposing it.” But those who know history will know that this is another ploy or a propaganda stunt by a desperate Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal at political deception and trickery. Only a political novice will capitulate to such a scam. The PPP/C cannot ever be trusted with any alliance talks, since it is not in their DNA to foster an alliance of equals, but alliances of domination. This is exactly what has been happening
at the tripartite talks between the combined opposition and the PPP, until the AFC abandoned the talks. Remember the civic element of individuals who were supposed to be equals in the PPP. Where are they today? The PPP has not given anyone in the Civic any power or authority. The few that survive like Sam Hinds are nothing but window dressers to the real Freedom House power that resides in the hands of the Gang that dominates the Executive Committee of the PPP. Simply put, the PPP General Secretary is once again misleading the opposition just like how the party leaders have misled the so-called Civic Group. That is why we are so disappointed to read that the Leader of the Opposition, Mr. David Granger, has chosen to support the PPP’s national alliance policy. (http://www. r a n g e r- s u p p o r t s - p p p s - n a t i o n a l -
alliance-policy/). When will this gentleman ever learn that the PPP/C gang gives nothing to no one, it has to be taken from them. His consistent political utterances and positions in favor of the PPP have earned his supporters nothing and he continues to fall for the PPP/C bait again and again, while the PPP/C continues to play the game of cat and mouse with the APNU/PNC. We want to ask anyone in the PNC to name a solid and or material beneficial public policy that their members have secured from the PPP/C since 2011 in this new dispensation of a majority opposition? Just name one! That is why we fully endorse the AFC’s position that the PPP/C is not genuine. This Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal has executed a series of reckless political actions that continue to disrespect the opposition and abused the (Continued on page 6)
Sunday September 07, 2014
Kaieteur News
Kaieteur M@ilbox
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Kaieteur M@ilbox
Who will manage the Rights and the rule of law in the same school heads? Guyana Constitution are non-negotiable DEAR EDITOR, Today’s report in the media (ref. KN, 5/9/14) titled: “Head-teachers urged to discipline errant staffers”) purportedly to achieve higher productivity through “better attendance, punctuality and preparedness” strikes me as being quite outmoded not only in this age but also having regard to the target group who comprise what the human resource management literature calls ‘knowledge workers’. The Chief Education Officer is reported to have asserted that “school heads must fervently seek to manage the attendance, punctuality and preparedness of their teaching staff”. This begs at least three questions: ‘Who will manage the same school heads? Are they themselves paragons in these aspects of behavior? Does this not relegate the proper role of the school heads to that of time-keeper as opposed to being an inspirational motivator and leader? Worse, the entire report seems to suggest that the leaders of the Ministry of Education are depending on the ‘big stick’ approaches of adherence to monitoring and enforcement of “procedures in relation to disciplining of teachers”. Furthermore and unbelievably, the report ascribes to the CEO the charge that “Education managers must establish a work ethic that makes attendance, punctuality and preparedness priorities in their schools” having regard to the core of the problem being what he termed the “teacher factor”. In my humble view, gathered from decades of learning and experience in varied and far-flung fields including teaching and education, issues of poor
attendance, punctuality and under- performance are more often than not symptomatic of underlying problems that are not curable by simplistic, heavy-handed monitoring and disciplining. Their origins, causations, preventions or cures require professional analyses that go much deeper than what appears to have been done by the leaders of our education department. For example, to what extent have we looked at the shortcomings in our recruitment, selection, stafftraining and motivation visa-vis relevant state-of-the art human resource management systems and practices? What is worse than a teacher who attends regularly and punctually with well-prepared ‘notes of lessons’ but who does not deliver real education because he/she is not suitable for the profession or not properly oriented, inducted, given on-the-job training or initial oversight nor constantly motivated by regular, hopefully positive and developmental feedback in an enabling environment? The “adoption of a nononsense approach” ascribed to/by the CEO and the Ministry only serves to expose a ‘police and thief’ mentality which is not curbing criminal elements in the society; would it help our teachers who are now being painted with the same brush? It appears to me that the latest dictate that our “Education Managers must establish a work ethic” exposes a philosophy or mentality that is anathema to modern management, is anachronistic like colonialism and as doomed t o f a i l u r e a s s l a v e r y, especially in the world of ‘knowledge workers’. Nowrang Persaud
DEAR EDITOR, The motion piloted by MP Desmond Trotman and passed in 2013 demanding the removal of the barriers placed around the National Assembly and persons be allowed the right to petition parliament with their placards, is yet to be enforced. This is a right enjoyed during the life of the PNC government by Donald Ramotar, Gail Teixeira, Clement Rohee, Nanda Gopaul, Komal Chand, Neimkumar and yours truly. We p e t i t i o n e d t h e government by protesting with our placards. We also beat drums and blew shells to gain the attention of the PNC administration on matters affecting the society, without the treatment of second class citizenship because there was no barrier shutting us out. These actions took place in the same areas the PPP today would want others not to use nor have their voices heard from. Those named persons sit on the government benches and took the decision to deny
all the citizens our constitutional right to freedom of assemble and expression (Article 146) in front of a building built by exploiting free labour of Africans who were brought here against their will. This act of denial sends a message that elected officials have taken on the characteristics of the enslavers and colonisers, since the freedoms that the masses are now being denied are the said freedoms our forebears fought the oppressors for. The people today whose rights are being denied are the same people who voted for the MPs to enter the National Assembly to represent and advance their interests, yet they are involved in acts of denying the people. This missive seeks to bring to the attention of the collective that no longer must persons be allowed to hide behind the façade that the Guyana Constitution is inadequate in addressing fundamental freedoms and rights. This act of erecting
barricades around the National Assembly commenced with Bharrat Jagdeo as President, Ralph Ramkarran as Speaker, and Desmond Hoyte had departed. I knew Cheddi Jagan and Boysie Ramkarran p e r s o n a l l y. B o y s i e Ramkarran, Ralph’s father, was a man whom I had the greatest respect for. Had the erection of barriers happened during the lifetime of these two men they would have engineered the removal of those barriers and I cannot understand how Ralph as Speaker tolerated it. I know the father of the current Speaker, Raphael Trotman. Donald Trotman has a track record of influencing change and has distinguished himself as a human rights jurist. Here again, I am surprised that Raphael has not led the rebellion against
the barriers. This issue is about our rights. Representatives in the parliament must not only speak in glib terms that they are advancing the citizens’ interests. Their words must be supported by deeds and this is what they must be judged by. The Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Leader of the Opposition, Parliamentary Leader of the AFC must lead the way in having all opposition parliamentarians stand behind those barriers until they are removed and the motion is respected in its entirety. The opposition cannot continue sending mixed signals to the society. On one hand taking the decision in the National Assembly that the barriers must be removed, yet at the same time advising the petitioners (Continued on page 6)
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Kaieteur News
Sunday September 07, 2014
Kaieteur M@ilbox Kaieteur M@ilbox I don’t want the Office of Professional The PPP/C cannot Responsibility to speak to me, period! ever be trusted... DEAR EDITOR, Last week, for three consecutive days, the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) of the Guyana Police Force phoned me. On two occasions, I was driving therefore was legally prevented from speaking to them. They caught up with me on Thursday. I was polite but declined to continue the conversation. I gave my reason The OPR wanted my cooperation in an investigation arising out of my article of August 21 captioned, “Motherly love, motherly sex in the police force.” It looked at allegations made by some folks in Plaisance against some junior ranks operating out of the Sparendam station. I can’t recall the name of the officer from the OPR that called on these instances but I think it may have been Hercules. I told Mr. Hercules that I will not be a willing party to any disciplinary intentions aimed at the lower
ranks. I was pellucid that the conspiratorial actors are the senior ranks themselves. I indicated that my participation was conditioned on the probe’s jurisdiction taking in the senior ranks at Sparendam. He couldn’t agree and with that our dialogue ended abruptly with my plea that he should not contact me in the future. I may not be an important person in Guyana but I do have my time fully allocated. In other words I do not have time to participate in any masturbatory games with the OPR. Senior police ranks are into games and I don’t have time for such nonsense I have made serious accusations against junior ranks at several police stations as part of my human rights work and to date not one of them have been disciplined or reassigned. Their superior officers just couldn’t be bothered. The latest incident involved well known social activist
Leonard Craig. It happened a month ago Craig called to say that he was at the Leonara Police station on the bench for a minor traffic offence. I examined the police force’s schedule of ticketable offences and found out that what Craig was accused of carried a ticket. Why was he on the bench for over two hours? I called the traffic chief. He agreed to intervene providing that Craig’s offence was ticketable. He then called me to say that he was informed that indeed the offence was ticketable and Craig would be out right away One hour passed and Craig was still at the station. T h e t r a ff i c c h i e f ’s instruction was ignored. I spent one hour trying to get Sergeant Fraser at Leonara, the man who ordered Craig on the bench. My phone credit ran out. I borrowed Dr. David Hinds’ phone since we were together in Georgetown having lunch. I got through to Fraser, told
him the traffic chief had intervened so why was Craig still at the station. Fraser said to me; “You called the traffic chief, I is a police and the traffic chief is a police too.” I then called Superintendent Amsterdam, Fraser ’s boss and the bossman at Leonora station to register my disgust at Fraser ’s unprofessional attitude. Amsterdam said he will investigate. The same Amsterdam we complained to in 2012 when his juniors at Parika station was defying a court order and moving vendors. Those ranks are still at Parika. Sergeant Fraser is still in charge of traffic at Leonara. All the junior ranks I have complained against the past two years are still at their assigned base. Some of the most irresponsible and incompetent policemen are the seniors themselves. Going to them for redress is like putting Dracula in charge of the blood bank Frederick Kissoon
Treat this environmental situation with a greater sense of urgency DEAR EDITOR, Over the last few weeks, the Environmental Community Health Organization (Echo) has been receiving calls from residents of Region One about the state of the Port Kaituma River. There needs to be urgent action, on the part of the authorities, to stop the pollution of this river and the wider environment. We have reports that individuals have been using that waterway as a refuse receptacle; they have been dumping garbage in the river. Further, mining operations are contributing in a significant way to the
pollution of the river. We recall that in April, 2014, there was an explosion and oil spill in the Port Kaituma water. The Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Mr. Robert Persaud, had said at that time that a team from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was carrying out an assessment to evaluate the effect of the oil in the river. However, this is September we have heard nothing about that assessment and the river continues to be contaminated and residents in local communities who depend on that river for
water to do daily chores are justifiably concerned about their personal and community health. We also heard that the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has committed $80 million to assist with the construction of a water treatment plant, in that area. This is commendable but it does not address the challenge of the continuous contamination of the river. For us, doing the assessment, evaluating it and addressing the pollution is vital to the protection of the environment because the pollution can affect the
ecological balance of the river. Naturally, this has implications for the wider environment and public health. Therefore, we are calling on the Ministry of Natural R e s o u r c e s a n d Environment, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Ministry of Health to treat this environmental situation with a greater sense of urgency and to protect the health and integrity of the environment. Royston King Executive Director Environmental Community Health Organization
From page 4 Constitution, Parliament and the rule of law. So why would these “wolves in sheep clothing” want to engage the opposition in an atmosphere of equals? This announcement by the Freedom House gang is another political trick to con the opposition into a political cul-de-sac and then devour them after deflowering them. The nation is fortunate that the AFC Leadership has the political experience and foresight to see through the PPP’s skullduggery before they even made their political play. Let us revisit some history to expose this wicked PPP regime. In 2006, upon the declaration of the election results, the then President Jagdeo flew out of the country for two weeks without declaring an acting President and used the occasion to delay the convening of Parliament in gross violation of article 69 of the Guyana Constitution. When they had the majority, they treated the National Assembly like an accessory to their Executive power in total disrespect to the spirit of the Constitution and contempt for the people and the opposition. Now that the AFC has forced the vote of noconfidence on the National Assembly, the PPP pulls out another trick out of their bag of mischief and sadly, Mr. Granger fell for it. The supporters of the PNC will be very unkind to Mr. Granger if he continues this political “tomfoolery.” But we know why the PPP is so higgledy-piggledy in their public political actions of late – it is the feedback they are getting from the ground. The PPP cabal knows that they are on an electoral trajectory to score less than
Rights and the rule of law in the Guyana... From page 5 placed behind the barriers that they ought not to breach the barriers. At least, this is one simple decision that the opposition can realise in its totality. There can be no excuse or blame on the constitution for failing to act. The people have given the opposition the authority and the opposition must not
be allowed to abrogate its duty to the people by failing to realise a simple issue it has total control of. The implementation of the House approved motion does not require the constitution. What the implementation requires is leadership and the gumption to stand up and be counted as men and women who are prepared to be the agents of change. To have the Police
Force transgressing the rights of citizens and defying the decision taken by the lawmakers and the leaders in the National Assembly giving acquiescence to this disrespect, it brings into question whether our politicians are paying heed to the representative form of governance enshrined in our constitution. If, on this issue, the entire opposition refuses to cross the barriers to enter
the National Assembly, Clement Rohee, the government, and the police will come to their senses. This issue is about people’s rights, rights that are enshrined in the constitution and these rights must be respected by every individual and every institution in this society. There can be no excuse for inaction. Lincoln Lewis.
40 percent of the popular vote in the next election. Of course this will change when the campaign starts but that change will never be material enough to repeat the 48 percent that they received in the 2011 elections, because of their own self destruction. They have made promises to the people that have not materialized. They have not established the Procurement Commission, refused to pass the Anti-Money Laundering Bill, refused to reform the police force, and have no intention to reduce crime and corruption. What they have done is to rape the treasury, take from the poor and give to their rich friends, allow our pristine forests to be destroyed by foreign companies, given the air frequencies to their friends and relatives, destroyed the sugar industry, and have allowed the poor to live in misery. They have put their financial interests first and those of the country and people last. The PPP cabal is not real, they are scamps and this is why the opposition, especially APNU cannot and must not fall for their political gimmicks much less support or even accept what the PPP crooks are saying. This is the crux of the matter that has the PPP/C “bazadee.” This is why the PPP/C wants to engage all and sundry in a national alliance, but as they throw out their political hook, they are only getting a few responses from a few of their supporters and the standard organizations that were always in the PPP corner like the CIOG, Dharmic Sabha and GAWU; but they are the same old faces, not new ones. When the PPP can get new faces like Rudra Sharma (one of the best hindu priests in Guyana) or Chris Ram and Anand Goolsarran on their side, then we will know the PPP is forming a new alliance. But regurgitating of the old is nothing but political propaganda. As Matthew 9:17 tells us, “one cannot pour new wine in old wine skin since all will be lost”. Come again, Rohee and Luncheon, you are busted! Asquith Rose and Harish Singh
Sunday September 07, 2014
Kaieteur News
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Govt. commissions Parfaite Harmonie access road - other major developments planned for area Residents of La Parfaite Harmonie, a new housing area on the West Bank of Demerara are benefitting from a 3.5 kilometre access road that was built at a cost of over $604M. This road was commissioned yesterday. Minister of Housing and Water, Irfaan Ali, said that the Government saved $64M on the design and construction of the road because it was done by the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) while the contractors were BK International and Gaico Construction. CH&PA’s Chief Executive Officer, Mryna Pitt, said that the alternative access road was of critical importance to CH&PA. The road was needed to enhance more direct access to and from the area and to ease traffic congestion that would result as the area becomes fully occupied. “It is designed to accommodate two lanes of traffic and is linked to the La Parfaite Harmonie Housing area by way of a heavy-duty bridge, which in turn interconnects with the existing north to south access to La Parfaite Harmonie from the Canal No.1 road,” Pitt explained. She added that the scheme comprises 8,743 house lots and a projected population of approximately 40,000 people when the entire area is fully developed. It was stated that a
secondary school is to be built shortly at Westminster phase two and five acres of land have been identified and allocated to the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) for the construction of a water treatment plant that will serve the West Bank area. The Ministry is working with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), towards an electricity supply project for the area. Once there are no objections by the IDB, the electricity project is expected to start before the end of the year, according to Minster Ali. Plans are also in place for the construction of a polyclinic. Pitt added that the area also has reserve sites for the construction of a Police Station and Magistrate’s Court. Land is also available for commercial and industrial areas that will provide employment for persons in the community and contiguous areas. Minister Ali said, “In the 2014 budget $1 billion was set aside for rural enterprise development and for the creation of employment; presently we are doing an economic analysis in La Parfaite Harmonie for the establishment of a call centre
President Donald Ramotar assists the granddaughter of businessman, Bhagwandin Madoo, to cut the ribbon to officially open the La Parfaite Harmonie access road to provide jobs for more than 300 residents.” A plot of land has also been set aside in Rect-DoorZee for a cemetery. Minister Ali added that the average investment per lot is $2 million. He said that ongoing projects include upgrading of approximately 20 kilometers of road to asphalt. “For these areas where we
still have challenges, I assure you that your turn will come. The total investment in housing in Region Three since 2000 is more than $30 billion,” the Minister said. “I remember the front pages of many newspapers showing holes… major roads coming out of La Parfaite Harmonie. We acknowledge that there were challenges (Continued on page 10)
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Kaieteur News
Sunday September 07, 2014
Sunday September 07, 2014
Kaieteur News
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Looming General Elections…
Dem boys seh...
Mansions, pensions and industrial scale corruption, have broken the backs of Guyanese
De police ketching some and ignoring others
By Abena Rockcliffe The general election fever seems to be permeating the atmosphere. Streets that have been deteriorating for a while are being fixed, the government and opposition parties are holding several meetings and there is much controversy surrounding the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE). Members of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) are convinced that the coalition has victory in the bag. Last month the Alliance For Change (AFC) made good on its promise to file a No Confidence Motion against the Guyana Government which if approved, will force Head of State, President Donald Ramotar to call fresh general elections. The Party had told the media that it would like to see the Motion debated and voted on as soon as possible. It is expected to be debated in October at the end of parliamentary recess. The historic Motion was proposed by AFC’s Vice Chairman and Member of Parliament (MP, Moses Nagamootoo and seconded by MP, Catherine Hughes. The AFC, before tabling the Motion, secured the support of APNU and now the only thing that can stop the Motion from being passed is the sudden illness of an Opposition MP or if he or she cannot make it for some other reason. At APNU’s most recent press conference held on Friday last, Shadow Minister of Local Government, Ronald Bulkan exuded full confidence that if all goes
...condoned illegal operations of Bai Shan Lin is a liability for the PPP - Bulkan natural, free and fair APNU will be the clear winner of the upcoming elections. At that forum, APNU members refuted the claims made by Rohee as it relates to the 2,958 “dead persons” that appeared on the List. APNU said that many of the persons Rohee and the PPP had written off as dead are alive and well. The coalition concluded that the PPP is afraid of the elections and as a result is clutching at straws. But Bulkan had some interesting additional opinions. The MP seemed to think that APNU will be a clear winner not because of its traditional supporters but because the majority of Guyanese have realized that the PPP is no good for this country. Responding to a question posed by Kaieteur News as to what makes the Party so sure about victory; Bulkan said that it is evident that the people are “plain fed up.” He said that he PPP has failed in the key areas of governance. According to Bulkan, the administration has not been able to increase the standard of living of the masses, has destroyed the sugar industry and has not been able to provide adequate national security. Bulkan said that those shortcomings in conjunction with the corruption,
“mansions and pensions” are the proverbial last straws that have broken the backs of the Guyanese people, and “no longer can they bear the strain.” Bulkan referenced the fact that former presidents can now live lavish lifestyles off of taxpayers’ dollars. In May, 2009, then President Bharrat Jagdeo assented to the controversial Former Presidents (Benefits and Facilities) Bill, bringing it into law. Guyana now pays this former Head of State, US$6,000 per month. Also, under Guyana’s Former Presidents (Benefits and other Facilities) Act, a Head-of-State upon retirement, is entitled to payment for expenses incurred in the provision and use of water; electricity and telephone services at the place of residence in Guyana; services of personal and household staff, including an attendant and a gardener; services of clerical and technical staff, if requested; free medical attendance and medical treatment or reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by him for the medical attendance or treatment of himself and dependant members of his family. Past Presidents are also entitled to full-time personal security and services of the
Shadow Minister of Local Government, Ronald Bulkan Presidential Guard Service at the place of residence; the provision of motor vehicles owned and maintained by the State; toll-free road transportation in Guyana; an annual vacation allowance equivalent to the cost of two first class return airfares provided on the same basis as that granted to serving members of the Judiciary; and a tax exemption status identical to that enjoyed by a serving President. There is no limit to the number of security personnel, the number of cars for transportation, medical bills and telephone and electricity services. These are all separate and distinct from the pension payable to the former President. Continued on page 59
Old people always seh, ‘Give Jack he jacket.’ When Burnham try fuh ban suit, de talk was that people must give Jack he shirt jac. Well dem boys prepared to give de police shirt jac, and suit and jacket Dem ketching all dem criminal who use to do things and get away. De other day when de police ketch de car man who drive de gunman that shoot de gyal pun de East Coast, people want to know how. Was a case of decent people leaking information. It tek time fuh dem ketch de gunman. But de situation expose de way Guyana become. Somebody pay a man $2.5 million fuh shoot de gyal and a man call fuh find out how people does find gunman. Dem boys know that one man only got to put out a feeler and once money in de offer, names does come up. Even in de United States this does happen. De problem is if de police can ketch dem criminal who try to hide, why dem can’t ketch de bareface ones? One man building three house at de same time and he wukking wid de government. This same man is suppose to check to see that people don’t thief from de government. De police ain’t even ask he one question. Dem got others who don’t thief, dem does tek. Dem tek so much that dem don’t have place fuh put de money and de police ain’t ketching dem. When dem boys try fuh tell de police de very police does get deaf. That is why dem boys wouldn’t give de police a crown at this time. Dem does tek sides. De Princess Hotel people assault a young gyal and she report to de police. Indeed dem question de man but dem ain’t charge he. De Princess man mek de mistake and assault one of Jagdeo people. Before he could wink he end up in court wid handcuffs. Is things like that does spoil all de good wuk that de police do. Talk half and give de police a smile, not a laugh.
A mini health check is the first step to donating blood.
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Kaieteur News
‘See far’ man from India swindled out of rent money A clairvoyant (see far man) went in search of a house to rent in New Amsterdam, but ended up being duped out of two months’ rent totaling $180,000. The money was paid over to the owner of the house following a verbal agreement between the two. The fallout led to overseas based Guyanese Chandra Paul also of Wapping Lane, New Amsterdam being charged with obtaining credit by fraud. He is accused of obtaining from Ashook Kumar, 25, an Astrologer from India and of Trinity Street, New Amsterdam the sum of $180,000 by falsely pretending that he was in a position to rent him a house at Wapping Lane New
Amsterdam. This occurred on Thursday March 6, last, at Wapping Lane, New Amsterdam Berbice. Chandra Paul appeared on Friday before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus in the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court on the above charge. He was granted bail in the sum of $75,000. According to reports, on March 2, last, Kumar was in search of a house to rent. He later made contact with Chandra Paul and reached an agreement for renting the upper flat of Paul’s house at Wapping Lane. After inspecting the house it was agreed that Kumar would pay the $90,000 monthly rent and another month in advance. The money was paid on March 6, but no receipt was given.
Kumar returned on March 8 to occupy the house, but did not see Chandra Paul. Instead, he met a woman who told him that Chandra Paul is her husband and that he was out of the country. The woman was informed of the arrangement, but denied knowing anything of the agreements. Subsequent efforts to get in contact with the man proved futile. Kumar was not given the house to rent. He then received $40,000 in May and was told that it was his refund. A report was made to the Central Police Station and an investigation was launched. Chandra Paul who later returned to the country was arrested and charged. He will return to court on September 15.
Govt. commissions Parfaite... (From page 8) then and we are committed to changing things. “Today we are all sitting and standing on the output of that commitment,” Minister Ali stated. He said that security in the area is being addressed by the government. “Only last night after we painted the road, some individuals tried to burn the paint. We urge residents to guard the new infrastructure.”
Minister Ali announced that the Guyana Police Force is working with the private sector and has constructed an outpost which will be placed at the head of the access road shortly. The paint used to mark the road is a thermoplastic, a new technology in road marking and the Minister said the Government hopes that the lifespan would be four years. “This is a direct fulfillment
of the one of the President’s manifesto promises to the people of La Parfaite Harmonie,” Minister Ali declared. The Minister further acknowledged the magnanimity of rice farmer and businessman, Bhagwandin Madoo, who provided some of the land for the construction of the access road free to the Government. “One of the major challenges to building this road was getting the land to connect all the major schemes to the front road because all the front lands are privately owned,” Minister Ali said. Street signage and tree planting will also be implemented, increased house lot occupancy for low income families, developing a waste management strategy and the installation of traffic lights at the junction of the new access road and the West Bank Public Road, are among others plans on the horizon. Emile McGarrell, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Housing and Water, said that the road provides access to La Parfaite Harmonie, Onderneeming, Westminister, Rect-Door-Zee phase one and two; and Schoonord and Lust-enRust.
Sunday September 07, 2014
iNet says it awaits licence update The latest high speed internet service provider using satellites has come out in defence of its operations saying that it was issued a Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o ns Licence over 14 years now but has only now rolled out its high speed satellite service. This is according to George Melville, the company’s Chief Executive Officer. What the official did not say, however, is that for the past 14 years the company has not been regulated by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), the regulatory body, since it did not offer voice services. It offered data services. It is however apt to note also that over the years of its existence and prior to the takeover by Global Technology, the company provided internet service for a single customer, Banks DIH. At that time, iNet Communications’ owners were: Louis Holder; Noel and the late Sheila Holder; David Klautky; Clifford Reis, Managing Director of Banks DIH; and Raymond Shay. According to Melville, the Government of Guyana has repeatedly stated that the licences that cover the operations of iNet communications, the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Services and Digicel need to be updated to cover all new technologies like Internet, VOIP, IP TV and VPN’s among others. According to Melville, what the company is awaiting is a licencing update, as is the case with GT&T and Digicel. A point to note is that this publication has time and again published that the company is awaiting its licence upon completion of the review of the amendments to the telecommunications laws but this was never in the past challenged by iNet Communications. Global Technology acquired iNet Communications in January 2013 shortly after Dr Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop would have become a director and shareholder in the company which was first incorporated in 2006 and struck off of the companies’ list on many occasions.
…had serviced one customer for 13 years
Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop Ramroop is the controversial best friend of former President Bharrat Jagdeo and has been implicated in a number of scandals related to companies he owns or have controlling interest such as New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation and the Guyana Times Inc. among others. At the time when Ramroop joined up with Global Technology, one of his close associates and partners Roopnarine Ramcharitar joined up. In October 2013, Ramroop’s secretary, Valerie Khan, was appointed Company Secretary for Global Technology. Ramroop and Ramcharitar were appointed as directors early last January and a year later, iNet Communications which falls under the rubric of Global Technology, rolled out the nation’s fastest satellite service covering the entire landscape. According to Melville, “What we are doing now is completely legal, and we have been doing it legally for the past 14 years…We pay all of our licencing fees to NFMU.” He is adamant that “the only difference in our current operations is that now, we have the fastest data network in Guyana…We are using satellites to achieve this feat since it is the fastest way to connect businesses operating, and residential consumers living off of the coastline of Guyana… “We are now the only network that has 100 per cent coverage of the country at affordable prices.” The company claims to now have customers that so far include the Government of Guyana; Ministry of Finance; Parliament Building; Supreme Court; Director of Public Prosecutions; Guyana Defence Force; Guyana Police Force; Public Service Commission; Police Service
Former President Bharrat Jagdeo
George Melville Commission; Office of The President; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Deeds Registry; Georgetown Public Hospital; Office of The Ombudsman/Appellate Court; Ministry of Human Services/Labour; Teaching Service Commission; Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport; Ministry of Agriculture; Ministry of Local Government; Ministry of Home Affairs; Guyana Elections Commission; Office of the Auditor General; Ministry of Education; Machinery Corporation; Demerara Mutual Life; Acnet Café; Laparkan; American Embassy; UNICEF; Citizens Bank; Banks DIH; Pegasus; Caricom; Guyana Forestry Commission; Millenium Café; Guyana National Industrial Company; Stabroek News; Bank of Guyana; GuySuCo; National Insurance Scheme; Project Dawn; Caribbean Containers Inc; Caribbean Airlines; Peace Corps; World Bank; Carter Centre; Correia’s Mining; MMC; Evergreen Adventures; Farfan and Mendez; Gerald Fusum; Japarts; Jen Mahadeo; Kenwin Charles; Odyssey Transportation; Oldendorff Carriers (Guyana) Inc; Pauline Philips; Splashmins Fun Park; St Mary’s Quarry; Steven Faria; and Georgetown Public Hospital Centre.
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Sunday September 07, 2014
Four months later…
Haslington New Scheme
Lomattie Ramdat in hospital a few days after the murder. Four months after he hacked fisherman, Chatram Bharrat, to death in an attempt to possess the man’s wife, the rope finally ran out for Errol Khan, when he was captured by police on Friday evening. Khan, called Veenood Maraj, of Lot 72 Blossom Scheme, East Coast Demerara, for whom a wanted bulletin was issued, was apprehended when police swooped down on the Stabroek Market where Khan claimed he had been selling farm produce for a while. Khan, who disappeared immediately after brutally slaying Bharrat and severely wounding his wife, Lomattie Ramdat at their Haslington New Scheme, East Coast Demerara home, was reportedly spotted a few times in his home village of Enmore but he managed to disappear
before the police could respond to reports of his sighting. He has reportedly confessed to the crime. He claimed that he committed it in a fit of jealousy, since he was in love with Bharrat’s wife, Lomattie. The incident occurred in the wee hours of the morning on Friday May 2, last, while the couple was asleep. Initially investigators were working on the theory that the husband and wife were victims of a robbery, after the woman, who had to be treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation for severe wounds, claimed that bandits had entered their house. But two days later, Lomattie Ramdat, who was cheating on her husband with Khan, changed her story
under immense pressure from her children. She disclosed that her lover was responsible. She however stopped short of telling investigators that it was Khan who personally committed the act, in an effort to shield him from the hands of the law. “It got to be he send somebody fuh do dis…All body ah talk how he swear he go kill me and me husband,” Ramdat had told this newspaper in early May while she was being treated at the GPHC. On Friday, the captured Errol Khan boldly admitted to killing his lover’s husband. He even boasted that he was glad that he did it, since he wanted the woman for himself. Khan and the woman would get together and comingle whenever her husband was away at sea, sometimes for months at a time. Bharrat returned home earlier this year with a huge sum of cash and although he was aware of the relationship, he splurged on his wife, who returned to her matrimonial home, angering Khan in the process. Khan became jealous and was determined to get the woman back. His anger reached fever pitch on the night before the killing when he saw the woman and her husband imbibing in the village.
- claims he was overwhelmed by jealousy
DEAD: Chetram Bharrat
CAPTURED: Errol Khan
He waited until they went home, and when he was certain that they were asleep, he pried open a window and entered the house. Police say that fingerprints obtained from a window sill, matched Khan’s. Since he was familiar with the interiors of the house, having spent extended time there whenever Bharrat was away at sea, Khan had no problems making his way to the bedroom without alarm. According to a source, Khan told investigators that he quietly awoke the woman and urged her to leave the house with him. He even claimed that he had sex with her in the house while he thought that the husband was fast asleep.
He said that the husband eventually awoke and found him and the woman in a compromising position and that he had no other choice but to kill him. He admitted chopping the woman when she tried to intervene. According to Khan, he and Lomattie eventually left the house while her husband lay dead in a pool of blood. “He is claiming that after she get chop, she begged and agreed to leave with him, but while they were a few houses away she began to feel faint and he jumped on his bicycle and rode away,” a police source told this newspaper. While investigators are not buying his entire version of events, the latter part of his story is consistent with what
an eyewitness told detectives; that both Khan and the woman, whose skin was covered with blood, were seen on the road shortly after the killing. But during a confrontation at the Cove and John Police Station yesterday, the woman maintained that she and her husband were asleep when she heard the swishing of a cutlass and felt the wetness of blood that was spraying from a gaping wound to her husband’s neck. She said that she jumped up and saw her lover hacking away at her husband and begged him to stop. When she tried to stop him, Khan turned the cutlass on her before fleeing the house in haste. She claimed that she waited a while before going over to a neighbour and told him that bandits had attacked. Neighbours claimed that they heard no screams from the woman on the night in question. This raised suspicion that she knew the attacker. Although investigators have a confession statement from Khan, they will now have to piece together all the information to make a clear, airtight case against him, where there will be no loophole to enable him to walk free.
Sunday September 07, 2014
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The PNC has to confront this horror show On Thursday morning after dropping off my wife to work, I encountered a horror show at the junction where Lamaha Street adjoins Irving Street and Vlissengen Road. As I approached the junction heading north, I saw a female teenage running wildly on the eastern side of the parapet trying desperately to drag with her a large container that appeared very heavy. She looked about 19, was not thin-bodied, and her style of clothing was certainly not middle class. Her looks were desperate and as she kept running, she was looking back up the southern section of Irving Street with fear printed all over her face. Something was wrong. I felt the pressing need to go to her rescue. I slammed on my brakes, came out and went to her. She pointed to a Ministry of Works truck coming for her. I hurriedly asked her to explain. She said she and others sell manufactured, bottled water moving up and down the parapet and the Ministry of Works sends the crew to confiscate their stuff. I was really mad. You had to see me in action then you would know that I have a mad streak in me. My decibels were so shattering that the employees at the
importation firm, CIRKEL, at the eastern point of the junction all came out to see what was happening. Traffic had come to a halt and the motorists were all watching. I took the container from her, told her it now belonged to me, and her role had come to and end. Let the crew deal with me. They drove up. I cussed them down very loudly for which I make no apologies. I was prepared to be arrested, but they were not taking away the livelihood from that little girl. I yelled out about all the rich companies that have encumbered the roadways. I reminded the crew members that they too came from poor families and were sent by their slave masters to deny an income from one of their own. They listened, said not a word, then the driver shouted; “F…k you Freddie.” I was not going to go without a fight. This was a horrible
manifestation of apartheid in Guyana and not one group or citizen is doing anything about it. Imagine the Ministry of Works is running down poor water vendors when the whole of Guyana is dirty and stink. The trench alongside the parapet where this little lass was scampering away is stink and putrid. All over Georgetown, the garbage has maggots and worms crawling onto the streets threatening the health of a nation. And the Ministry of Works can find time to chase water vendors from the parapet. I am sure this little girl’s parents and relatives are PNC supporters. But PNC leaders will read this and tomorrow the Ministry of Works will continue their apartheid hunt. Preach how much you want, this little girl has no one to p r o t e c t h e r. T h e R e d Thread people are going to read this and there will no picket outside Robeson Benn’s Ministry. The folks
from ACDA will read this and there will be no confrontation with the Works Ministry. The same with Cuffy 250, Ghana Day Committee, 1823 coalition, the TUC, the AFC etc. The patron-saint of the Guyana Human Rights Association, Mike Mc Cormack, is into rugby these days. He left the human rights arena moons ago. As for the PNC, they will do nothing to stop this horror show by the Ramotar Government. Last week, I made a flippant remark in front of APNU parliamentarian, James Bond. I was climbing down the steps of the Sparendaam magistrate court where I went to investigate an accusation of judicial cover-up. My
friend, attorney Ganesh Singh was going up the stairs with James Bond in front of him, I said loudly to Singh, “Moti, you’re my friend, I hope you do some free work for us, unlike people like James Bond.” I wanted Bond to hear. He heard, smiled and looked curiously at me. I looked straight at him and intoned, “I meant what I said.” The PNC simply has let down its constituencies, just as the PPP has. It is indeed a tragedy how these two parties treat their voters. Poor people never go to the PNC when their family members are wrongfully taken to the police stations. They know PNC lawyers will not go. Last week the Office of P r o f e s s i o n a l
Frederick Kissoon Responsibility of the Guyana Police Force called me to assist with its investigation based on my August 21st column, “Motherly m o n e y, motherly sex in the police force,” that dealt with misbehaviour of junior ranks at Sparendaam station. I told them not to call me again. The culprits are the senior ranks as well the junior ones.
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Sunday September 07, 2014
BOOK REVIEW… An author’s captivating tale of pride and survival Book: Drifting by Katia D. UlysseReviewer: Dr Glenville Ashby Katia D. Ulysse literary debut takes off with train-like speed. It is powerful, piercing and unforgiving. Drifting is as imaginative as it is captivating. It burrows through the psychological labyrinth that constitutes the Haitian mind. It is stupefying and vexing but redemptive. It trails the life of the Desormeau family and others who must grapple with the sweet stench of Haiti. Flora and Yvette dominate, but the cameo ‘performers’ are equally indelible. Haiti, despite its travails can never be uprooted and tossed for dead by the Diaspora. Drifting chronicles that ambivalence, that wrenching paradox that tears the skin off its victims. Ulysse’s world, her Haiti and fellow nationals are swooped up in an emotional vortex where pride wrestles with the unforgiving maelstrom of poverty, desperation and vanquished dreams. But their ancestors coaxed them well. “When you reach New York today, kiss
your papa for me. Thank him for getting you out of this spend your life in misery and you die hungry.” Yet, in the same breath, there is that caveat: “Don’t let New York change you. You have a good mind.” The same narrative of island morals threatened by the libertinism of big city life is ever present. Some emerge triumphant, exceeding expectations. But there is no denying that along the road to success, wounds have never really healed. Drifting transcends escapism, materialism and gaudy promises. Ulysse’s incisively details her thesis in flashes – short, brisk sentences. This is no easy task, but she pulls it off with flawless ease, sealing her claim to pure artistry. Traversing the Atlantic multiple times, she captures the spirit and letter of the Diasporic experience. Back home she is even more compelling, tackling the controversial Restavac system. Here, parents, unable to support their kids, surrender them to families who are marginally better off. Here, even servants assume
an almost august status. The author does not belabor readers with the sociological elements of the system, the abuses and the lifelong scars inflicted. Rather, she surgically identifies its potential perils. In one exchange, Yuelva, a restevek, is mercilessly reminded, “At least I don’t sleep under the table like a dog.” And thousands of miles away, Haitian pride is challenged when a menial job is offered with nonchalant disdain. “I didn’t leave the island to become a restevek in Brooklyn,” is the response. For all its worth, New York challenges the spirit. Culture shock and classism are rife and a new kind of restevak threatens the innocence of children. And so, too, the lingering aftershocks of the 2010 earthquake are never forgotten. Throughout, Ulysse’s prosaic brilliance is unmistakable. In the all too familiar scene of the family member separating from family and land in quest for greener pastures, she captures the pain, the swirling emotions. “The plane’s wings
shot through the sky. Manman’s prayers were powerless against the propellers, the massive engines, and the tanks of fuel that couldn’t wait to thrust the mammoth bird onward and upward until it reached another world. The sky swallowed Papa’s plane whole. All everyone could do is watch. There was no reversal of events. The sun carried on with its routine revolution.” The author weaves different actors into a stark social canvas that depicts a culture and people on the edge of irrelevance. “Your country is a sad, sad place,” says a foreigner to a young Haitian. Reunions, the confluence of events, of relationships, and everything else is the handiwork of Providence, offering a glimmer of hope amid a world fuelled by sheer survival. And Ulysse well knows that the authenticity of any Caribbean tale is suspect without the bewitching dance of the sacred and the profane. She will not risk her soaring work by slighting that inextricable part of a people.
From the superstitious beliefs and orison of adults and children to counter evil, to the incredulous and clichéd whisperings of bogeymen, Ulysse deftly depicts that intoxicating mystique with unbridled colour and spirit. Feedback : glenvilleashby @gmail . com or follow him
on Twitter @glenvilleashby Drifting by Katia D. Ulysse, 2014 Publisher: Akashic Books, Brooklyn, New York ISBBN – 13: 978-1-61775240-7 Available: Rating: Highly recommended
Sunday September 07, 2014
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My column
A friend sent me a report on the least visited countries. He sends me many things, from bare-breasted women to religious quotations to health findings. Of course, he could find these things because he is retired, so he has time to keep his brain active. I immediately doubted the source, so I researched it and found that ‘Travel’ is indeed a genuine source on tourism. It has contributors all over Europe who research hotels and tourist arrivals. They also research eateries, tourist locations, and even the kind of tourism available. For example, Sint (St.) Maarten has a beach and an unwitting tourism attraction, the arriving aircraft. People on the beach get an adrenaline rush watching the planes coming in and appearing to be landing on them. At one point the aircraft is a mere thirty feet above people on the beach. The other side of the coin is the takeoff. People get fun taking the blast from the fullthrottled jet engines. They call it jet surfing. Other countries offer sun, sea and sand. When the people come the additions are the food and the beverages. Of course, nightlife is crucial to any tourism package, so every country that is a tourist destination offers a lot. I was certain that the years Guyana kept talking about its nature
tourism, it would have become a leading tourist destination in our corner of the world. The report stated, “Last week, France was confirmed as the world’s most visited country. Here’s where to go if you wish to avoid the tourist hordes. Least visited country*: Guyana (177,000), according to the United Nations World Tourism Organisation report Often classified as part of the Caribbean, this country is part of the South American continent. It’s known for its virgin rainforests, political volatility, cricketing prowess (Clive Lloyd, the successful West Indies captain is one of the country’s best known sons), and its fading colonial capital, Georgetown. (By Jolyon Attwooll) Tourists, for the greater part, come from Europe and North America. They want something that is missing from their country but surely, they do not want to see garbage-infested streets, face blackouts and of course, the people waiting to rob them— not that there are no robbers in other tourist destinations, but it would seem that Guyana has more than its fair share. I had the good fortune to travel around the Caribbean and I saw the tourism products. These were mainly beaches, but the guides focused on rum and
rum products. Then there were the hotels along the beach so that people simply got up and moved to the beach. Jamaica, Barbados, Antigua and St Lucia made excellent use of the beaches. Guyana must have noticed this because the former President, Bharrat Jagdeo, opted to make great use of the Georgetown foreshore by erecting a branch of the Marriott there. When questioned, he said that Guyana had no proper place for visitors to stay, so if the country should have a five-star hotel then the tourists would come. Immediately, I said that this was putting the cart before the horse, because we have so many locations where people could stay. If these prove to be inadequate the people would complain and we would see the reports. We would then move to correct the deficiency. When construction work started on the Marriott, I found out that we were not reacting to any criticism of the facilities we have in place. We were acting out of spite. Some people wanted to buy the Pegasus, but when they failed, the idea to build a hotel to blow the Pegasus out of existence was born. Then the government said that the Asian tsunami was coming this way by way of tourists from China. These new
tourists have targeted the Caribbean because of the publicity the region gets and because of the recording stars, the most popular being Bob Marley. In addition, there are no visa problems. Guyana is hoping to cash in on this influx. The Guyana Tourism Authority believes that it has the goods to attract these people. But I cannot see us impressing the Chinese to walk in the bush (indeed they have cut down most of theirs) and to swim on the Georgetown foreshore. We boast about the size of the rivers but we can’t take that boast to China. We have the best Chinese cuisine in the region—largely Cantonese—but when people come to a country they want local cuisine. And to show that we are really targeting the Chinese, we are offering a course in Mandarin. Perhaps the thinking is that the Chinese will come in
their numbers because the major hotel involves Chinese skills, but that is left to be seen. We are cleaning up the city, but we are tearing down the kind of architecture that visitors once found to be so exciting; we are trying to become like anywhere else. That will not attract people. When the World Cup was on in Brazil, the view was that many people would take the opportunity to visit Guyana, with the country being so close to Brazil, but this was not to be. People went to Trinidad instead. But we are a persevering people. We are also spending money to extend our major airport because we want to attract people from China and Africa. If airports do attract people, then Guyana may be on the right track. New York spent billions of dollars on its John F Kennedy airport, not because it wanted to attract people, but because it wanted to cope with the increasing
Adam Harris hordes. If Guyana is spending money to change the figures, those expenditures had better bear fruit, or we would be saddled with some glowing white elephants. We would be like the woman who hired a personal trainer for physical fitness to get the perfect body and a top flight dentist to fix her teeth. In the end she spent tons of money. But there was the mortgage and it fell behind, so she ended up as a homeless woman with a fantastic smile and perfect body.
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Sunday September 07, 2014
Twenty-two years and still no signs of any real progress
By Dominic Gaskin Guyanese are understandably confused by claims made by the ruling PPP-C Government of great progress that has been achieved since it came to power in 1992. Given what is so obvious to even the most casual observer, one is forced to wonder just how bad things must have been in 1992 in order for two decades of great progress to have brought us to our current state. More objective thinkers will make allowances for the many advances that have occurred globally during this period and trickled down to Guyana, which do not represent any real progress on our part. Certainly there are many more cars on the road, many more houses, housing schemes, shops and consumer products. Hundreds of large buildings have been constructed, presumably for the purpose of operating businesses. Private schools are popping up all over, and private health care operators have expanded their presence. There are more daily
newspapers to choose from, more television channels and radio stations. Our telephone, water and electricity services have improved. Many of our public sector employees are more polite today than they were twenty years ago and routine matters are being dealt with faster than before. Undoubtedly there have been improvements in certain areas, our economy has grown and more money is being spent all around. Progress, however, requires movement in a particular direction towards a chosen destination, and great progress requires that this movement takes place in good time. Additionally, we are now part of a more integrated global community which means that our rate of progress must also be measured relative to that of other countries in order to know how well we are doing. Unfortunately we are not doing very well. Short-term thinking, corruption and lawlessness have prevented us from translating economic growth into economic development and we are left with an
illusion of progress, which the PPP-C is keen to present as a great advancement. The rapid increase in the amount of vehicles on our roads cannot be considered an indication of progress when so many of these vehicles are ten to fifteen years old at the time of importation; when so many of the persons driving them have paid bribes to obtain their driving licences; when insurance coverage is ridiculously low; when there is such poor implementation of our traffic regulations; when our road network has not significantly expanded in twenty years; when our roads are so poorly maintained; when our public transportation system is so primitive; and, above all, when there seems to be no plan in place for managing long-term traffic increase. More shops selling a wider variety of products cannot be considered an indication of progress when so little of what we consume is of local origin; when so much of what is sold is of substandard quality or adorned with fake brand names; and
when customer service remains at sub-mediocre levels; The opening of new housing schemes cannot be considered an indication of progress when so many persons are being made to pay for house lots in areas with inadequate utilities and physical infrastructure; when there are no arrangements in place for solid waste disposal; when there are no community maintenance programmes in place; when these housing schemes are remote from areas of economic activity; when there are no provisions for recreational activities; and, above all, when applications are ignored for years until personal interventions take place or the applicant grovels before some high-ranking official. The highly-visible increase in higher than normal buildings being constructed all over the place cannot be considered an indication of progress when there is insufficient economic activity to justify many of these investments; when surrounding communities are negatively impacted by the construction and use of these properties; when bylaws are routinely disregarded; and when safety issues associated with larger structures are not being properly addressed. More and more private schools and health facilities cannot be considered indications of progress when the majority of the population cannot afford private education and private health care; when our public schools and hospitals are underperforming; and when a serious geographic divide still exists in the provision of education and health care in Guyana today.
Dominic Gaskin An expanded media presence cannot be considered an indication of progress when there is such appalling abuse of the state media by the government; when previously unavailable radio licences are suddenly and arbitrarily handed out to friends and relatives of the ruling party by an outgoing President; when a PPP-C Government Member of Parliament and former cabinet member is appointed as Chairperson of the Broadcast Authority set up to regulate the broadcasting industry; when private media houses friendly to the PPP-C are subsidized by means of discriminatory government advertising; when Presidents routinely attack and insult media houses seen to be critical of the Government; and when a regional capital has been deliberately deprived of its own television station for decades. Improved reliability in the supply of electricity cannot be considered an indication of progress when this service is prohibitively expensive for the average Guyanese; when so many persons (rich and poor) are engaged in electricity theft; when so many communities across
Guyana are still without any supply of electricity whatsoever; when GPL still has to be heavily subsidized with tax-payer dollars each year; and when renewable energy generation has s t i l l n o t b e c o m e a reality after almost fifty years of independence. Development of a country does not take place randomly or without strong leadership. The PPP-C is simply marking time in office and has nowhere to take this country. It has had more than enough time to demonstrate a capacity to do so, but seems content to fill the pockets of a chosen few while blaming its critics for its failure to take Guyana forward. As everyone now knows, there are people in faraway countries importing our logs. There are also people importing our gold and our bauxite. These raw materials are being imported because those people have figured out how to convert them into more valuable forms or products in order to make a profit. Surely it is not beyond us as a nation to find ways to do what others are doing and enjoy a better return on our abundant raw materials? The AFC is committed to long-term development and will target all sectors capable of attracting export earnings with a seriousness and sincerity that has so far eluded this government. An AFC Government will not have the luxury of failing and still being reelected as has the PPP-C for all these years. Hopefully the next elections will mark the beginning of a new era of smart voting, where the people of Guyana finally give ethnic voting the boot and start voting for real development and progress.
Sunday September 07, 2014
SUNDAY SPECIAL IPA MOVES TO COURT TO REVERSE NEW GPC’ STATUS AS GOVT.’S SOLE DRUG SUPPLIER The brouhaha that erupted over a decision by the Ministry of Health to revise the prequalification criteria for drug suppliers to government has now landed in the courts. Lloyd Singh, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of International Pharmaceutical Agency (IPA) Guyana Inc, has moved to the court against Attorney General Anil Nandlall, with a view to having the decision by the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), to name new Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation (GPC) as the sole prequalified supplier, dismissed. According to Singh in his petition to the court, the move by the Ministry was discriminatory of itself, or in its effect and decision. He further argues that the decision by the Ministry was unconstitutional, in that it violated Article 149 and as such he has asked that the court order the decision that New GPC be the sole prequalified supplier of drugs and medical supplies, null and void. Singh wants the court to declare that the decision by NPTAB, that IPA did not satisfy the requirements, is u n r e a s o n a b l e , unconstitutional, unlawful, null, void and of no legal effect. MONDAY EDITION CANU DETAINS BUSINESSMAN IN CONNECTION WITH NARCO SUBMARINE Drug agents from the Customs Anti Narcotics Unit (CANU) have detained a popular Waini River businessman as they intensify their probe into the discovery of a semisubmersible vessel in the Guyana jungle two weeks ago. The man, who operates a large grocery and general store in the Waini River area, was removed from his home by CANU agents last week Friday night before being transported to the city last Saturday for questioning. The local drug agents are hoping that the businessman would be able to provide them with information about the owners of the vessel, which they believe is linked to the illegal drugs trade. From all indications, the businessman has already gone though some intense interrogation although he has repeatedly denied any link to
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the vessel or the persons who are associated for it. After initially being denied access to a lawyer, the businessman was eventually allowed a brief conversation with attorney at law Glen Hanoman Sunday. The man, according to reports, had telephoned his wife on Saturday and instructed her to contact Hanoman, who he requested to meet him at the CANU headquarters where he was being held. TUESDAY EDITION UNDER PRESSURE BAI SHAN LIN PAYS MONIES OWED TO AMERINDIANS - DEAD SILENCE ON DUTYFREE CONCESSIONS GRANTED TO COMPANY Chinese-owned logging company, Bai Shan Lin, amidst scrutiny of its operations, has paid off several Amerindians it owed from a Region One community. According to Kwebana’s Toshao, Godfrey Wilson, the company came in with hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash last week Monday and paid a number of workers who were contracted to fell logs. A number of shops that were owed for groceries and other items received their monies, too. Wilson said that the company promised to improve its relationship with the community, located along the Waini River, during a meeting that involved senior officials from the Guyana Forestry Commission. The company paid half of the almost $1.2M it owed and came back last Thursday with the rest of the money. The issue had been a burning one after Bai Shan Lin came under fire for its operations across the country. The company has joint venture operations in a number of areas, including in Regions 10 and Region Nine. Permission to log in its concessions at Berbice and in Region Nine has not yet been granted. But questions were raised over the extent of its activities, the joint venture arrangements and the many concessions it received, including duty free for vehicles. During investigations by this newspaper, the issue of nonpayment to Kwebana villagers was raised during a visit there. WEDNESDAY EDITION COURTS DECIDING ON MPS’ DISCIPLINE FURTHER ERODES SEPARATION OF POWERS – GREENIDGE
New GPHC owner, Dr.Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’Ramroop
Attorney at law Glen Hanoman waits patiently outside the CANU headquarters on Saturday night to see his client. Considering the manner in which the courts are being used by the executive to intervene in matters of the National Assembly, the political opposition has deduced that government is clearly out to undermine the functions of the Assembly when its decisions are not politically convenient.
But government’s use of the court in this regard is having a serious domino effect. According to one parliamentarian, while the government may be flexing its muscles in this regard, it is undermining the independence of the courts and is by extension, eroding the separation of powers.
This comment came as a result of the Attorney General (AG) Anil Nandlall’s threat to approach the courts since the Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman sent the Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh to the Privileges Committee for spending money the National Assembly did not approve. Nandlall had responded to the Speaker’s action, stating that it is for the Courts to decide on constitutional matters and not a Committee of Parliament. But the warning came as no surprise to A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)’s Shadow Minister of Finance, Carl Greenidge. He said that the AG is again inviting the Courts to usurp the role of the Legislature. “In effect the Court is being asked to decide on how to discipline Members of Parliament and it is yet another attempt at further erosion of the separation of powers…” REMIGRANTS ASK COURT TO ORDER GRA
IPA’s CEO, Lloyd Singh RETURN DETAINED SUVS Three days after their two Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) were detained by the Guyana Revenue Authority, a remigrant couple has moved to the Court to have them returned. The constitutional action filed by lawyers for Narootandeo and Gharbassi Brijnanan asked for court orders to be granted, and directed to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), quashing the decision over the weekend to detain two Lexus LX 570 motor vehicles, registration numbers, PRR 8398 and PRR 8399. According to the Brijnanans, both vehicles were imported by them after their application for remigration status was approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 3rd July, 2013, and tax exemptions granted by GRA via a letter dated 8th July, 2013. The court action said that the grounds of the seizures were “arbitrary”, “unreasonable”, (Continued on page 43)
Amerindians from Kwebana, Region One, have reportedly been paid by Chinese-Owned Bai Shan Lin, after waiting more than a year. This was following reports by Kaieteur News.
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Sunday September 07, 2014
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Why piracy persists under the PPPC A Partnership for National Unity, in light of the PPPC administration’s failure to suppress maritime piracy, is obliged to reprint this column that was first published by Kaieteur News on 11th November 2012, nearly two years ago. Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee usually has little to say about the plague of piracy and lack of human safety that continue to hurt this country’s fishermen. President Donald Ramotar is now more likely to discuss maritime piracy with Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn and Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, than with the minister whom he made responsible for public security. Guyana’s fishing industry is one of the most important but it receives the least attention and the least protection from the Ministry of Home Affairs. The Fishing industry operates nearly 1,250 artisanal boats. Fishing employs over 15,000 persons directly and indirectly. Fishing generates about three percent of GDP. Fish exports average about 17,000 metric tonnes with a value of $10B. Fishermen, however, have been crying out for help in vain over the last six years of Rohee’s tenure of office. Dozens of families of fishermen in East Coast Demerara village of Mon Repos – a fishing community – protested in early February against attacks by pirates.
Leonard Jettoo, a fisherman and the Chairman of the AntiPiracy Committee, is reported in the newspapers to have said: “We fed up …fed up. Nobody care about we fishermen. That is how all a’we feel. Pirate attacking we left, right and centre and nobody a seh nothing. We can’t get no security. “When we left fuh go out pun sea, is we one and God alone. No boat nah pass fuh see if we alright, nothing…” Another resident of Mon Repos added: ”..dem vex wid this government. All dem giving we is promising. Dem a talk ‘bout rice, sugar here, farmer there and is as if fishermen nah exist. We family frighten every time we left fuh go out a sea, but wha we go do. That is all we know. We can’t go tek office wuk”. Fishermen from Meadow Bank, East Bank Demerara, reacted angrily to attacks on 15 boats off the Essequibo Coast. They picketed the Office of the President on 9th February this year [2012]. They stated that they would not settle for a meeting with anyone but the President, since they have met with many officials already and nothing of worth came of those meetings. They said: “We want meet with Donald he self. We nah trust nobody else ‘cause dem a lie. We nah want minister, pandit, priest, or no office body. We want de president fuh he hear wid he own two ears how all a’we
feel.” The fishermen were quickly summoned to a meeting with President Donald Ramotar to avoid embarrassment to the administration. Ramotar promised intervention at the level of the Cabinet and assured that “no stone will be left unturned” to “put an end to this lawless activity.” He said: “We are putting a response in place, a response to what is taking place, and I hope that this will be implemented immediately, because this thing (piracy) we have to stamp it out immediately.” That was that! The PPPC administration, still in talking mode, convened a ‘Consultation’ at the International Convention Centre at Liliendaal. Stakeholders in the fishing industry met with the Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn, Minister of Agriculture Leslie Ramsammy, Department of Fisheries officials and representatives of the Guyana Defence Force Coast Guard, Guyana Police Force, Maritime Administration Department and Search and Rescue Centre, Fishermen’s Co-ops and the Trawler Association, to discuss the security of the industry among other things. The PPPC administration, despite the talk, however, has not provided the resources or recruited the personnel to curb the crime. Hence, piracy persists. Pravinchandra Deodat,
Chairman of the Upper Corentyne Fishermen’s Cooperative Society, exposed Guyanese fishermen who attack their fellow fishermen while at sea. Deodat told a newspaper that he was aware that some Guyanese boat owners have been encouraging their crews to rob and beat other fishermen. The pirates, he said, are not strangers, but actual local fishermen. As recently as this month, November, two fishermen were reported to have been killed by pirates. The PPPC administration and the Minister of Home Affairs have always neglected the security of the industry. The administration’s traditional cool attitude to contraband and its irresolute law enforcement along the entire coastland “especially on the Corentyne and Essequibo coasts which are notorious for fuel and beer smuggling and illegal migration “ opened a new frontier for enterprising pirates. Many of them, as Deodat said, are rogue fishermen who know their way about the rivers and coastal waters. Soon after he was appointed minister in September 2006, Rohee used to go through the motions of meeting delegations of aggrieved fishermen from East Coast Demerara and the Corentyne and Essequibo Coasts. The fishermen quickly realised that the meetings were pointless and that
nothing was being done to counter piracy. Responses to the threat and responsibility for security were then shunted to the Ministry of Agriculture and then to the Ministry of Public Works. This ignored the fact that piracy was a public security and law-enforcement problem. If anything, pirates seemed to have been encouraged by the absence of enforcement. Piracy persists because the PPPC administration is unwilling to spend money to acquire the aviation, communication, maritime and surveillance assets which it knows are necessary to deal with this crime. The PPPC administration, in place of effective action to tackle piracy, did introduce
the Hijacking and Piracy Bill that prescribes the death penalty for murder committed during the act. But what good is the law without law enforcement? Rohee himself declared then that piracy was challenging the country’s security and the Bill would send a “strong message” to the pirates. Rohee’s ‘strong message’ has fallen on the pirates’ deaf ears. No one is listening. There continues to be at least one serious piracy attack every month. The PPPC administration has not evinced the interest, intention or inclination to do anything to make our maritime zone safer and to protect the lives and livelihood of the fishermen who make their living there.
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Sunday September 07, 2014
Business community joins Int’l Literacy Day observances According to a release f r o m t h e Ministry of Education, a number of businesses have confirmed their participation in this year ’s Education Month observances. They will be providing sponsorship for the Ministry’s “Give A Book” Tents tomorrow (Monday, September 8) as Guyana once again joins the world in observing International
Literacy Day. The Ministry is expected to have a total of twenty-one “Give A Book” tents setup across Regions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 10. Meanwhile, in Georgetown, it will be hosting the unveiling of the National Revised Literacy Action Plan, a literacy exhibition, and a number of “Give a Book” tents along the avenue on Main Street. The Ministry described the collaboration with the business community as “encouraging and groundbreaking”. Regent Multiplex was recognized for purchasing one thousand books for distribution starting at noon tomorrow. The Georgetown Reading & Research Centre and the National Library will also be distributing books. The Ministry disclosed
that the following is a list of businesses that will be hosting “Give A Book” tents tomorrow, in support of the Ministry’s drive to ensure that every child is literate by Grade Four: At 07:30 h 1. Vreed-enHoop at ND&S Furniture Establishment sponsored by ND&S Furniture Establishment At 08:00 h 2. Zeeburg Market Square sponsored by Keshiri Gajraj At 09:00 h 3. Anna Regina at G & P Jaigobin & Sons Supermarket sponsored by Region 2 Regional Chairman in collaboration with G & P Jaigobin & Sons Supermarket 4. New Amsterdam at
Metro Office Supplies sponsored by Metro Office Supplies 5. New Amsterdam at Tochama Turn (Stanleytown) sponsored by St. Francis Community Developers 6. Canje at Head of Burn Bush Dam sponsored by St. Francis Community Developers 7. Central and Lower Corentyne at University of Guyana – Tain Campus sponsored by St. Francis Community Developers 8. Upper Corentyne at Skeldon Post Office Front sponsored by St. Francis Community Developers At 09:30 h 9. Suddie Car Park sponsored by Region 2 Regional Chairman, in collaboration with Chandradat Narine Variety Store At 11:00 h 10. Linden Town at LEN sponsored by (i) Nintec, (ii) Paddy General Store (iii) Ramnarine Cheap Store (iv) V.
J. Construction (v) Mr. Vector Wright and (vi) Linden Chamber of Industry, Commerce and Development At 12:00 h 11. Regent Street at Regent Multiplex sponsored by QC Student Sharmilla Ramlall 12. Maruca at Aruka Investments sponsored by Aruka Investments 13. Mabaruma at Monty Brooms Guest House and Catering Service Benab sponsored by Monty Brooms Guest House and Catering Service 14. Vreed-en-Hoop at Fat Boy’s Discount Store (Stelling Road) sponsored by Fat Boy Discount Store At 13:00 h 15. Mabaruma at Gary Loll & Daughter sponsored by Gary James At 13:30 h 16. Charity Market at Budesh Ramdial Stationery & Office Supplies sponsored by Regional Chairman Region 2 in collaboration with Budesh Ramdial Stationery & Office Supplies
At 14:30 h 17. Tuschen at Entrance to New Scheme sponsored by Double Day Hotel/Tent Rental 18. Croal St. at Aniroud Stationary and Office Supplies sponsored by Aniroud Stationary and Office Supplies 19. Bush Lot at Flash Stationary & General Merchandise sponsored by Flash Stationery & General Merchandise At 15:00 h 20. De Edward Village at Low Cost Supermarket sponsored by Low Cost Supermarket At 15:30 h 21. Port Kaituma at Clevie’s sponsored by Cleveland Henry The Ministry is inviting the public to join the commemoration of International Literacy Day by reading any piece of materials at 11:00hrs tomorrow and visiting the tents at the various locations outlined above.
Sunday September 07, 2014
From page 27 in breach of their legitimate expectations and of the provisions of the Customs Act, and was unlawful. The Brijnanans are being represented by attorneys-at-law Robin Hunte, Ganesh Hira and Manoj Narayan. In their claims, the couple said they have homes in Number 61 Village, Berbice, and at Continental Park, East Bank Demerara, and that they were United States residents since 1997, acquiring citizenship in 2003. THURSDAY EDITION COPMYSTERIOUSLYSHOT DURINGHIGH-SPEED CHASE The practice of plainclothes police ranks operating in unmarked vehicles allegedly backfired early Wednesday morning, resulting in a constable receiving gunshot wounds after a high-speed chase with another vehicle that started on the West Bank of Demerara and ended at Peter’s Hall on the East Bank. The Constable, whose name was given as Leroy English, is presently a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital, nursing injuries to his right hand and foot. The incident occurred when the police tried to intercept a vehicle driven by a young city businessman, Gerry Da Silva, and were led on a high speed chase across the Demerara Harbour Bridge to the East Bank where they finally confronted the driver. Although shots were fired during the chase, it is not yet clear how English sustained his injuries and there are suggestions that he was wounded by friendly fire, since the young businessman denied shooting at the chasing vehicles and no weapon was found on him or in his vehicle which is impounded along with his father’s in the Brickdam Police Station compound. FRIDAY EDITION MARRIOTT HOTEL’S PRIVATE INVESTORS ‘YET TO PUT A DOLLAR’ - BRASSINGTON STILL SEEKING PARTNERS – SOURCE The Georgetown Marriott Hotel is being constructed in Kingston, Georgetown and to date the only official source of funding has been the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). This publication understands that despite the announcement recently by Atlantic Hotel Inc (AHI), its owners, the project is yet to receive the funding from its private investors, US$8M or the Republic Bank syndicated loan of US$27M. Kaieteur News has learned that Ace Square Investments is yet to put in a single dollar, while Winston Brassington is busy running around trying to borrow a huge sum from a Trinidad Bank
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to help pay off the contractor who built the hotel with purely Chinese labour. This publication has confirmed that Brassington was recently in China seeking new investors. KILLER WAS OFFERED $2.5M TO EXECUTE COSMETOLOGIST - WOMAN WAS ACCUSED OF CAUSING DRUG BUST Police on the East Coast of Demerara are now certain that the murder of Lusignan cosmetologist Ashmini Harriram was not a robbery but rather a paid hit ordered by persons connected to the trade in illicit drugs. Investigators are basing this conclusion on the testimonies given by the person who allegedly committed the act and the driver of the getaway car. According to a source close to the investigation, the prime suspect, Lennox Wayne called ‘Two Colours’, told investigators that he was offered $2.5M to kill Harriram. He and the getaway driver were arrested on Wednesday and they have both implicated a close relative of the dead woman and another man, who according to investigators has links to the drugs trade. Harriram’s relative and the other man were picked up hours after the police detained Wayne and the driver, and are being grilled by detectives. On July 10 last, Harriram, 19, was about six houses away from her Lot 9 Lusignan Railway Embankment home when the killer emerged from what eyewitnesses described as a burgundy-coloured vehicle and shot her at close range to the right side of the head. The killer then re-entered the car which sped away leaving the mortally wounded woman on the roadway. She was subsequently transported to the Georgetown Hospital where she was pronounced dead. SATURDAY EDITION NO INVESTMENT AGREEMENT NEEDED TO GET TAX WAIVERS ON CERTAIN IMPORTS – GRA Suspicions of preferential treatment when it comes to awarding tax concessions seemed to be somewhat mitigated after officials from the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) explained to some uneasy investors Friday, that the opportunities to access those very concessions are also available to them. The presentation was done by GRA senior officials, Naresha BobbSemple and Radandra Singh at a seminar which spotlighted the incentives and investment opportunities for value added processing within the forestry sector. Investors and businessmen present at the
APNU MP, Carl Greenidge
seminar were particularly interested in how they can get tax waivers on exports and imports. Singh, the Assistant Commissioner of the GRA handled this part of the discussion. As it relates to imports, he explained that an investor can get exemptions on raw materials once they have been verified as a manufacturer. He said that they can also get certain tax exemptions on imports with or without an investment agreement between them and an investment agency. Singh said that of course, before the tax waivers are granted, the investors would have to be investigated by the GRA’s law enforcement arm to ensure they meet certain requirements. He said too, that if an investor exports more than 50 percent of his production, he will qualify for exemptions on VAT on raw materials as well. The Assistant Commissioner told his attentive audience, that if an investor is seeking to be free from paying duty on machinery then it must be free from tariff. These machines can include; excavators, tractors or loaders. However, to access the tax concessions, he said that certain procedures must be followed. Singh outlined that the applicant must address a letter to the Commissioner-General of the GRA indicating the items and the reasons for the tax exemptions req uired. The letter must
include the Invoice No.(s) and the applicant’s Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). The applicant would also be required to submit a worksheet with the invoice
attached. The worksheet must include a list of the items and the respective Customs Commodity Code (Tariff Heading). The eligibility criteria also includes investors submitting proposed commencement of the operations, proof of financial ability to undertake the project and if the exemptions are related to the forestry sector , the Guyana Forestry Commission would have to clarify and provide proof of payment of royalties and any other charges. GO-Invest contradicts itself on due diligence capability While Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Office for Investment (GO-Invest), Keith Burrowes in several interviews
with this publication, expressed that his company lacks the capacity to carry out due diligence reports on local and foreign investors, one of its senior officials tried to persuade investors and forestry officials otherwise. On Friday, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment in collaboration with the Forest Products Development and Marketing Council, held a seminar which focused on the incentives and investment opportunities for value added processing within the forestry sector. Several persons attached to various agencies such as Clinton Williams of the Guyana Manufacturers and Services
Association and Naresha BobbSemple of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) gave presentations and brief remarks. One of the deliveries which held the attention of the investors from start to finish was given by a senior official of GOInvest, Shawn Doris. Doris awakened the appetite of the investors as he spoke about the profitable investment opportunities of the forestry sector and the critical role GOInvest plays in helping them to get started This publication asked the presenter whether GO-Invest would conduct investigations or background checks on companies, whether foreign or local. His oral presentation and handouts did not speak to this. The official answered in the affirmative and noted that, “every company is given a background check when they come to GO-Invest.” The question was then repeated to the official but he maintained his position that every company undergoes due diligence. This is in stark contrast to what his boss, Keith Burrowes had told this publication in several instances. He had maintained that his entity lacks the capacity to carry out background checks on foreign and local companies.
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Sunday September 07, 2014
Mental Health and Diabetes (Depression) There are many patients with diabetes that are faced with many behavioural and physiological factors that can lead to mental health issues and these issues can cause poor management of diabetes which can increase their probability of complications. People with diabetes are very vulnerable to depression and anxiety. The stress of accepting a diagnosis of diabetes and daily diabetes management can build up and patients may feel alone or set apart from their friends and family because of having a incurable illness and extra work to manage it. Many diabetics who experience depression may find it hard to manage their diabetes such as regular blood glucose testing, taking medication, following a healthy eating plan and regular physical activity. The good news is that help and support is available for diabetics and one has to accept that he or she has diabetes and understand that the illness is manageable. Feeling down once in a
while is normal for many individuals. But some people may experience a prolonged period of sadness that just won’t go away. Life may seem hopeless. Feeling this way most of the day for two weeks or more is a sign of serious depression. Many diabetics may experience frustration when complications such as retinopathy (damage to the eyes), nephropathy (damage to the kidneys) and neuropathy (damage to the nerves) occur and may lose hope and feel that they are not in control of their body. Even tension between a diabetic and his/her doctor may make them feel frustrated and sad. These patients then become depressed. Spotting depression is the first step. Getting help is the second. Symptoms of depression may include; · Losses of pleasure — No longer take interest in doing things you used to enjoy (loss of interest in food, sex, exercise etc). Spending less time with
friends and family. · Change in sleep patterns — Have trouble falling asleep, you wake often during the night, or you want to sleep more than usual, including during the day. · Early to rise — Wake up earlier than usual and cannot to get back to sleep. · Change in appetite — Eat more or less than you used to, resulting in a quick weight gain or weight loss. · Trouble concentrating — Can’t watch a TV programme or read an article because other thoughts or feelings get in the way. · Loss of energy —Feel tired all the time. · Nervousness —Always feel so anxious and can’t sit still. · Guilt — Feel you “never do anything right” and worry that you are a burden to others. · Morning sadness — Feel worse in the morning than you do the rest of the day. moodiness that is out of character
Prickless blood sugar test on horizon for diabetics Eventually, people with diabetes won’t need to prick their fingers multiple times a day to check their blood sugar levels, if researchers have their way. Sylvia Daunert and her lab team at the University of Miami in Florida are reporting significant progress toward the development of sensors that would continuously monitor blood sugar levels without needing blood samples. The results could even be displayed on a mobile device such as a cell phone. Today, to keep their blood sugar in a safe range, diabetics must monitor those levels with a device that pricks the skin to draw a blood sample for testing. There are two good reasons to improve that method, the researchers say. First, and most obvious, is that a test without drawing blood would be more comfortable. The othe r i s t h a t a biosensor beneath the skin could give continuous updates, rather than spot checks of blood samples. That kind of information would be particularly helpful for monitoring people with diabetes who are critically ill, or undergoing surgery, the research team points out in the journal ACS Chemical Biology.
“Currently there are no d e v i c e s that are able to monitor glucose continuously for long periods of time. Our designer glucose sensing peptides will allow (us) to achieve c o n t i n u o us monitoring,” Daunert told Reuters Health by email. To b u i l d a s e n s o r, Daunert and her team modified a protein to allow it to bind very tightly to glucose. They also made the protein fluorescent and gave it the ability to give off a signal when it binds to glucose: the fluorescence weakens, and the protein darkens. That signal - the intensity of the fluorescence - “can be measured by a portable meter and the response wirelessly transmitted to a smart phone or the cloud,” said John Pickup in email to Reuters Health. Pickup, a professor of diabetes and metabolism at
King’s College London School of Medicine, was not involved in the research. Today, diabetics can wear insulin pumps, which deliver preset doses of insulin to the body through catheters placed under the skin – but those devices still can’t monitor blood sugar levels. Daunert envisions the development of implantable catheters that could sense the changes in the proteins as they bind to glucose. These sensors may even be tied to an insulin pump, so the pump could automatically adjust the amount of insulin it’s releasing. How long until these devices are available? There are still obstacles to overcome, and no particular method is in line yet for incorporation into a commercial device. But the researchers are optimistic. (Reuters Health)
· Suicidal thoughts — Feel you want to die or are thinking about ways to hurt yourself. · Being reckless or taking unnecessary risks (e.g. driving fast or dangerously) slowing down of thoughts and actions · Increased alcohol and drug use · Increased irritability and frustration If you have three or more of these symptoms, or if you have just one or two but have been feeling bad for two weeks or more, it’s time to get help. It is also important to note that poor control of diabetes can cause symptoms that look like depression. During the day, high or low blood sugar may make you feel tired or anxious. Low blood sugar levels can also lead to hunger and eating too much. If you have low blood sugar at night, it could disturb your sleep. If you have high blood sugar at night, you may get up often to urinate and then feel tired during the day. If you are feeling
Dr. Kumar Sukhraj symptoms of depression, don’t keep them to yourself. First, talk them over with your doctor. There may be a physical cause for your depression. Do not stop taking a medication without telling your doctor. Your doctor will be able to help you discover if a physical problem is at the root of your sad feelings. Other physical causes of depression can include the
following: · Alcohol or drug abuse · Thyroid problems · Side effects from some medications If you and your doctor rule out physical causes, Referral and treatment need to be done at an early stage before symptoms get worse. Thus mental health plays a major role in the lives of diabetics and care must be taking to prevent and manage mental disorders. Please feel free to send an email to or call 6228032 for further enquiry and discussion on the topic. Patient education plays an important in the diagnosis and management of diabetes and any other illness. Please look forward for a continuation of the discussion on health issues in the next publication. References: living-with-diabetes/ complications / mental health / epression html# sthash .fZ4cCkND. dpuf
Weight loss may not improve mood: study Advertisements for weight-loss programs usually show cheery dieters delighted to be shedding their burden of excess pounds, but a new study finds that in the real world, over time, weight loss may be linked with worsening mood. UK researchers following about 2,000 overweight and obese adults over four years found that people who lost 5 percent or more of their body weight had improved physical health but higher rates of depression. “We know that weight loss is so hard to achieve or maintain, so we wondered whether part of the explanation might be that the psychological effects aren’t entirely positive,” said Jane Wardle, the study’s senior author and a researcher at University College London. “Our study isn’t definitive because we were comparing people in the general population who had lost weight with people who hadn’t – it wasn’t a randomized trial,” Wardle told Reuters Health in an email. But, she added, the results indicate that although weight loss brings health benefits, it may be a bit of a psychological struggle. Wardle noted that many articles and products on weight loss imply that it will
immediately make people feel better, but these findings show that may not be true. Overweight and obese adults are often told to lose weight to improve their health. And according to a 2012 survey, about 60 percent of obese adults in the U.S. had tried to lose weight during the past year. For overweight and obese people, weight loss is well known to lower the risks for a range of physical illnesses. But research on the psychological benefits has been mixed, Wardle and her coauthors write in the journal PLOS One. The researchers used information for 1,979 overweight and obese men and women who were part of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, a large population study of U.K. adults age 50 and older. Nurses measured the
height, weight and waist circumference of each participant, and questionnaires were used to assess mood. In addition, blood pressure and serum triglycerides were measured to determine cardiovascular risk. None of the participants was depressed when the study began. Since this was an observational study, the researchers didn’t give instructions or advice to lose weight, but they recorded whether or not the participants said they intended to lose weight. After four years, 14 percent of the participants lost at least 5 percent of their initial body weight, or about 15 pounds on average. Another 71 percent had kept their weight stable, and 15 percent had gained more than 5 percent of their initial weight - about 14 pounds on average.
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Celebrity photographer sues Rod Stewart for $2.5 million over picture
Next wave of Asian designers hits New York Fashion Week
A renowned celebrity photographer is suing Rod Stewart and Caesars Entertainment for $2.5 million, accusing them of copying her famous photo of the rocker and his unmistakable spiked mullet to promote his Las Vegas show and world tour. Bonnie Schiffman, who has snapped pictures of celebrities including Michael Jackson, Muhammad Ali, Steven Spielberg and Andy Warhol, said Stewart, Caesars and several others replicated her 1981 photo without permission or paying her, according to a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles federal court on Thursday. The photograph was used as the cover of Stewart’s multi-platinum 1989 greatest hits album, “Storyteller.” “It has a powerful punch for the millions of fans that know that album,” said Schiffman’s attorney, William Hochberg. “We think that’s why they’re using it.” Representatives for the 69-year-old Stewart could not be reached for comment. A spokeswoman for Caesars said the company does not comment on pending litigation. The Caesars image is not the exact one captured by Schiffman, but both show Stewart and his tousled spiky
Rod Stewart
New York Fashion Week hair from the back. Hochberg said that could still be called infringement. “It’s a rip off of the photo my client took,” he said. Stewart and his handlers offered Schiffman $1,500 in 2013 to use her image for a billboard, but she balked at the low figure, the suit said. Later, Schiffman claimed, a replicated version of the image was being used for the singer’s Caesars Palace residency and world tour, including in the shows themselves. “Defendants have not only turned their
back on Plaintiff,” the complaint said, “but also on the law.” Schiffman, who is based in Los Angeles, is also seeking punitive damages and an order to stop the defendants from using the image.The case is Bonnie Schiffman v. Rod Stewart, Stewart Annoyances Ltd, The Stiefel Office Ltd, Anschultz Entertainment Group Inc, and Caesars Entertainment Corp, U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, Western Division, No. 14-cv-6901.
He’ll be back - for two more ‘Terminator’ sequels Arnold Schwarzenegger owes his career to three infamous words, “I’ll be back,” and he will likely be uttering them a few more times as it has been revealed there are two more Terminator sequels set to hit theaters. Paramount has announced that Schwarzenegger’s upcoming Terminator: Genisys is not the only one in the works. That chapter is now a franchise will be out in July 2015, and the other two will follow soon after. Terminator 2 is set to be released on May 19, 2017 with Terminator 3 out June 2018. This year marks the 30th anniversary of Terminator, does the bodybuilder turned actor turned politician still have it? Well his Expendables movies seem to be doing well enough since they keep coming out with more. One also has to wonder if this will affect any potential plans to head back into politics. Back in 2003 people got a good laugh when Schwarzenegger became the governor of California. The term “Governator” was born
Asian names are well established on the fashion catwalks in America, and a new wave of Asian designers already accomplished at home hopes to follow suit at New York Fashion Week. The newest designers to arrive are Asian-born and Asiantrained, looking to make inroads in the lucrative U.S. fashion market. Their early predecessors, by comparison, had Asian heritage but were U.S.-born and U.S.-trained designers. One of the best known is Vera Wang, known for her wedding gowns and who recently designed one for celebrity Kim Kardashian. Then came designers born in Asia but trained in the United States, such as Jason Wu, whose styles have been worn by first lady Michelle Obama. The newest wave brings a stronger sense of their own cultures, mixed with Western sensibilities, said Lie Sang Bong, who founded his brand Lie Sangbong in 1985 in South Korea. He is opening a New York shop in October. “I find inspiration in Korean poetry, architecture
and natural landscapes, but I’m equally fascinated by the construction of traditional Parisian couture and, at the moment, by the women of New York and the way in which they approach fashion,” he said. “New York Fashion Week is really the best means of exposing your work to a global audience, so many Asian designers want to be a part of this excitement and show here to get that exposure,” he added. New York Fashion Week, which ends next Thursday, features looks for spring 2015. A show can capture the attention of thousands of fashion buyers, media and fans who attend the semiannual event. Two designers to make their New York debut are Zhuliang Li with his Shanghai-based luxury brand Oudifu, which has 200 retail stores in China, and Tao Wang, designer at Broadcast, one of China’s top 10 labels, which has 800 stores. Born in China and trained in Japan, Wang is launching her own collection Taoray Wang with
plans for a showroom in New York. “I’ve been in this industry for over 20 years, and it’s time for me to seriously look at the business rather than to show my creativity. I want a platform for the brand,” Wang said, adding that the global buyers are in New York, rather than in China. While expanding into the U.S. market, these designers are keeping a foothold in Asia, where China is set to overtake the United States as the world’s largest apparel market by 2017, according to market research firm Euromonitor. “I don’t want to shift my focus away from any one market, but it’s important for me to expand the brand’s reach,” said South Korea’s Son Jung Wan, who launched in New York three years ago. Wan said she strives for a balance between Asian and Western cultural expressions, using roughtextured fabrics in soft, feminine silhouettes.“I think people are interested in the softness of Oriental minimalism,” she said.
Oscar-winning actor Tom Hanks and musician Sting are among the cultural figures to be awarded this year’s Kennedy Center honours. Singer Al Green, actress Lily Tomlin and ballet dancer Patricia McBride will also receive the decorations at a White House reception on 7 December. The movie star said the honour added to being “a fortunate man, in that I love the work I do”. Figures who have
influenced US culture through the arts are awarded annually. It is relatively rare for a British artist, such as Sting, to be recognised. He likened it to receiving an artistic knighthood in the UK. He told the BBC: “It was very unexpected. I’m thrilled. I’m only the 18th British person to receive it, along with Cary Grant and Julie Andrews. “I’m definitely the first Geordie ever to get it,” said
the singer, who was born in Wallsend. Green, one of the defining voices of Memphis soul, said that his career had been “a funny voyage”, while Tomlin, whose screen credits include 9 to 5 and The West Wing, said she was “astounded” to find out that she will be honoured. McBride, now 72, became the New York City Ballet’s youngest principal dancer at the age of 18, a position she held for 28 years.
Tom Hanks and Sting to receive Kennedy Center honours
and pretty soon the joke died down a bit because he was elected for a second term in 2006. It was around the time that term was ending that his marriage to Maria Shriver also took a dive due to his infidelities with one of their housekeepers. Since then Schwarzenegger has not been
in the political state of mind, but did dive back into acting with the previously mentioned Expendables movies. At 67-years-old he still seems to have it when it comes to delivering in action movies. So yes, he will be 70 when Terminator 3 comes out. Picture saved in folder as terminator
Sunday September 07, 2014
Kaieteur News
Page 59
Despite international warnings, criticisms…
Guyana will not end relationship with China -- GFC Even though international environmental critics have appealed to tropical countries to be wary of China’s “appetite for destruction” and have deemed the economic superpower as the “kingpin of illegal trade in lumber,” the Guyana Forestry Commission has said that it is unlikely that Guyana will end its relationship with China. “We continue to ensure that all companies respect the laws. I am not worried because the Chinese companies have obeyed our laws,” Forest Commissioner, James Singh, said recently. On Friday, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment in collaboration with the Forest Products Development and Marketing Council, held a seminar which focused on the incentives and investment opportunities for value added processing within the forestry sector. Singh, when asked whether he was at all worried by the fact that there have been international reports and criticisms of China for its cynical role of protecting its own forests but being involved in illegal logging, said that he had not seen such reports or criticisms. The Forest Commissioner said that he is not at all worried. The Commission has been steadfast in its role of maintaining and protecting Guyana’s forests. He insisted that Guyana’s deforestation rate is low and that there have been commendable efforts by his officers to ensure that certain illegalities do not take place regardless of whether firms in the forestry sector are local or foreign. He said, too, that he does not believe that Guyana’s relationship with China is an abusive one. He reminded that the Commission had proposed the banning of log
shipments but “other stakeholders” felt otherwise. An official of the forestry commission added that it is unlikely that Guyana will end its relationship with China whose companies are “respectful of Guyana’s laws.” “I am quite sure that stakeholders involved would not want to end such a longstanding relationship. China has been very good to this country even outside of its interest in the forestry sector.” The comments of the Commissioner and the official appear to be in stark contrast to the evidence uncovered by this publication and other media entities. These point to irregularities, particularly by Bai Shan Lin. The Chinese company, together with the Forestry Commission, has been on an image-repairing campaign with paid advertisements in the local media refuting all articles which expose its “wanton abuse of Guyana’s forests.” On in an article captioned’Exporting deforestation’: China is the kingpin of illegal trade in lumber’ a writer detailed a report by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA). The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) is an independent campaigning organization committed to bringing about change that protects the natural world from environmental crime and abuse. In its latest report, the EIA said that China has become the number one importer of illegal wood products from around the world. China’s unwillingness to tackle its vast appetite for illegal timber means the trade continues to decimate forests worldwide.
James Singh, Commissioner of Forest “China is now the biggest importer, exporter, and consumer of illegal timber in the world,” the report, Appetite for Destruction: China’s Trade in Illegal Timber, stated. The EIA report estimates that in 2011, China imported at least 18.5 million cubic meters of illegal logs and sawn timber, worth around $3.7 billion. Taken together, this amount would fill nearly a million standard 20-foot shipping containers. “China is now effectively exporting deforestation around the world,” Faith Doherty, head of EIA’s Forests Campaign, explains in a statement. To support this point, the EIA said that in 2011, China imported at the very least, 11.8 million cubic meters of illegal raw logs. Forty-seven percent of these illegal logs (5.6 million cubic meters) came from Russia while 21 percent (2.5 million cubic meters) came from Papua New Guinea. The remaining illegal logs came from the Solomon Islands (12 percent), Myanmar (4 percent), Republic of the Congo (4 percent), Equatorial Guinea (2 percent), and Mozambique
Mansions, pensions and industrial... From page 9 When the law was debated and approved by the PPP/C dominated Parliament in May 2009, the then Shadow Finance Minister, Winston Murray, while welcoming the move to formalize what is paid to former Presidents had lamented the uncapped nature of the benefits. Recently, the National Assembly was informed that the State had spent in excess of $45 million ($45,417,950) on Jagdeo’s light bill, transportation and security between December 2011 and February at an average of $1,682,146 per month. Bulkan, on Friday, said that when the average Guyanese meditates on Jagdeo’s pension and post
presidency lifestyle in comparison to their standard of living, even with hard work, they must be very angry. Bulkan told Kaieteur News that parents who have jobs but still cannot adequately provide for their children will ensure that they never again put their “X” next to the cup. He said that the PPP knows this and that is the reason Rohee is manufacturing these excuses. In a subsequent interview, Bulkan said that recent
revelations about Bai Shan Lin’s operations will not help the PPP to win back the presidency. He said that the Amerindians are by no means comfortable with the fact that their traditional lands are being “given away” to Bai Shan Lin. Bulkan added that the Amerindians will use that opportunity to get revenge for the way they have been treated by the PPP administration.
When we pause and experience silence, we discover answers that activity does not have time to reveal. During your day, take three-minute “vacations”. Relax and re-energise. Take time out to feel the peace of silence.
(1.5 percent). The report warns that once China exhausts forests in one country, it moves onto another. “Ironically, even as China has increasingly depended on raw logs and timber from abroad, it has undertaken herculean efforts to grow and protect forests at home. In the last two decades, China’s forest cover has grown by 30 percent—while forest cover worldwide continues to plummet,” reads the report. In the meantime, the report also recommends that nations keep a wary eye on imports from China. According to an online paper “China’s Appetite for Wood takes a Heavy Toll on Forests,” done by William Laurence, a distinguished research professor, he said that more than half of the timber now shipped globally is destined for China. “But unscrupulous Chinese companies are importing huge amounts of illegally
harvested wood, prompting conservation groups to step up boycotts against rapacious timber interests.” Laurence noted that China is increasingly seen as a predator on the world’s forests. He said, too, that China is now overwhelmingly the biggest global consumer of tropical timber, importing around 40 to 45 million cubic meters of timber annually. He said that China faces three criticisms by those worried about the health and biodiversity of the world’s forests. One was that the country and its hundreds of wood-products corporations and middlemen have been remarkably aggressive in pursuing timber supplies globally, while generally being little concerned with social equity or environmental sustainability. “For instance, China has helped fund and promote an array of ambitious new road or rail projects that are opening up remote forested
regions in the Amazon, Congo Basin, and Asia-Pacific to exploitation. Such frontier roads can unleash a Pandora’s Box of activities — including illegal colonization, hunting, mining, and land speculation — that are often highly destructive to forests,” the researcher expressed. Laurence said that a 2011 report on illegal logging by Interpol and the World Bank concluded that among 15 of the major timber-producing countries in the tropics, twothirds had half or more of their timber harvested illegally. He said that globally, economic losses and tax and royalty evasion from illegal logging are thought to cost around US$15 billion annually — a large economic burden for developing nations. He said, too, that forest ecosystems suffer serious impacts as well, because illegal loggers frequently ignore environmental controls on cutting operations.
Sunday September 07, 2014
FOR SALE LARGE QUANTITIES OF HIGH PURITY MERCURY (QUICK SILVER) 99.99995% PURITY$19,000 PER POUND CALL: 592-227-4754. Spare for washing machine, microwaves, fridges, stoves, timers, gearbox, pumps, etc call:225-9032,647-2943 German shepherd and Doberman mixed pups Contact: 615-0513. 2 Perkins engine 3.152, 14BT Cummings Turbo, 1-6 Cylinder German Deutz, Yamaha Outboard Engines, 2-250HP & parts – Tel:6666618, 658-0337 Dell/Hp computers complete with LCD’s 49,000, Laptop from $50,000, I-phone 3GS - $30,000 @ Future Tech: 231-2206 Yamaha outboards engines: 15,115,130,150,200,225 HP, 12003 Yamaha Jet Ski, miller welder/generator- Tel:6580337, 666-6618 Used electrical motor, 60HZ, 440Volts, 30HP, 60HP, 75HP,125HP, 150HP,200HP (in excellent condition) contact: 601-3194 or 266-2207 Minibus (pit-bull) sliding glass - $23,000, Premio$2.3M, Allion-$2.2, Noah$1.6 – Contact: 628-0909 Fluffy puppies for sale – Contact: 641-6162, 222-5671 3 -24000 BTU Gree A/C Split Units, 1-12000 BTU LG Window A/C Unit – Call: 6098260/ 690-1864 Heavy Duty wood working machine, generator 110-120 3 phase, Lathe – Stop saw 10" Phase converter 220V3Phase & more – Contact: 330-2803 One 600CC Honda RR motor cycle – Tel:617-6934 One grocery stall @ Stabroek Market – Tel:6791151, 629-2381 Metal filing cabinets (2, 3 &4 draws, Panasonic copier, fax, printer & scanner imported in excellent condition – Call: 623-3183, 625-5353, 227-1135 Games for PS2, PS3, XBOX360, WII, consoles also available – Call: 6722566, 265-3232 Canadian rebuilt Perkins Duetz engine, Lincoln generator welder, model M with winch, 320 excavator – Call: 691-2921 Yamaha outboard engines, various sizes, tundra wheels, boat trailer – Tel:220-1981, 690-1945
Kaieteur News
FOR SALE Used office furniture in excellent condition imported from North America, office, secretary & executive chairs – Call:623-3183, 625-5353, 627-1135 Fully equipped 5 Acre Poultry farm with trees at Pearl E.B.D- Contact Pearl Realty: 689-9991 Music set 6 bass complete : QSC, RCF, Numark, EV, Peavey, DBX on sale – Call: 666-4367 One Toyota Allion – PSS Series – Call: 658-4773 Chicken Hatchery (Robbins), 28,000 eggs capacity fully ready, all racks, trays, Complete, Best Offer Accepted Tel: 227-3939 6214000 Generac Generator 15,000 watts, portable, gas on wheels, Push Start $450,000 cash Tel 227-3939, 621-4000. Clarke forklifts 3pcs - 2000, 3000, 4000 Lb, lifting capacity $300,000 & up needs basic repairs Tel: 227-3939, 621-4000 SQ Full Race Go Cart In Good Condition Works Perfectly $550,000 Neg Tel:621-4000, 227-3939
Led signs 3FTX12", 2ftX12" program with remote different colour - $1,000US-$1,500USTel:227-3939, 621-4000
Urgently needed live in waitress, affordable salary – Tel: 259-0574.
Make Up Courses, Artist Trained & Certified in Trinidad. Call: 660-5257, 647-1773
1- 2storey wooden & Concrete house with 5 bedrooms upper flat & lower flat 4 apartments located@ Shell Road, kitty - $34M - Tel: 642-7898
Dachshund Puppies - $10,000 – Tel:216-0521/ 694-3567 Wind charger, air tools, entrance switch, electrical motors, miter saw, 15 tires for pick up – Tel: 641-7526/ 2224158 Massey, Yanmar Ford 5000 Logging/ Agriculture Tractors, parts, Loader & Ford Truck- Call:615-1578/ 694-3595: Tools & Chainsaw668-2831 Garden Earth & builders waste our service also includes Bobcat rental, excavating, clearing & leveling - Call: 616-0617, 6633285 Cheap earth delivered to spot E.C.D, E.B.D, W.B.D Call:627-9977, 698-0182 Xbox 360, PS3, Nintendo 64, Nintendo to Wii & Nintendo 3DS system & games, also HDMI-TV – Call: 683-8386 Diesel Generator/silent 28,000 watts SDMO/ John Deere engine/ missing /Fuel Pump/ Panel/ AVR- cash offer , 2273939, 621-4000 Ice machine 800lb with BIN/ $450,000/150lb- bin $100,000, diesel generator 5000 watts/ inclosed in working $200,000 Tel 621-400, 227-3939
60FT Antenna (Mass) for Radio, TV, Cellular, with cables, brackets, sky light, best cash offer Tel: 227-3939, 621-4000. Television ,from 40" to 73" some working, others need checking all sold as is make a cash offer - Tel: 227-3939 2 sets of 22" Chrome rims 6 holes and 5 holes universal, tires fits Toyota, Nissan $250,000 Tel 621-4000 Mitsubishi 82" 3D TV Diamond edition built in surround sound 16 speakers on front -$ 1.2 M neg. 6214000, 227-3939 Led signs 6ft x 3ft, $800,000, led signs 3ft x 12" $200,000 Over 500 Words & Images All Programmable, By Remote Tel 621-4000 Make Number plate, signs, Decals, with new 24" Vinyl express plotter on stand $3000US Neg – Tel:621-4000, 227-3939. Led signs 6½ FtX36" programmable with images, words & effects via remote $4,000US – Tel:227-3939, 6214000
Page 63
Mason, Carpenter, experienced welder, clerk, secretary, farm workers - Contact: 265-3586
One male/female to work in a shop in the Interior - Tel: 6816044. One live in cook / maid between age 40-45 preferably out of Georgetown - Tel: 226-4942 Handy boys to work 16years and older, live in accommodation and fee meals Tel: 228-5655, 628-1756. Ice Cream van driver, age 4050yrs –Tel: 218-3021 1 Makeup artist/Beauty attendant, send application One attractive waitress, apply in person Mambo’s Bar at Lot 93 Barr Street Kitty. Urgently needed 1 house lot in Parfaite Harmonie, Schoonard, Herstelling & Providence - Tel:675-7292 Experienced hire car driver & dispatcher @ Princess Hotel Providence - Tel:265-7076, 616-5419 Sewing machine operator wanted in Trinidad & Tobago - Call: 1868-223-1506 or 1868-780-3204 Live in waitresses & cooks Tel: 643-9007, 664-1804 Attractive live in waitressCall: 327-0252/674-4665
LAND FOR SALE 1500 Acres Transported Land near Bartica Essequibo River Front to Potaro Road – Contact Mark Hack: 603-1266 or 704-465-2222 One residential land at Herstelling - $5.5M negotiable – Contact: 6013469, 600-1062 Two plot of land ¼ Acre or 3X25 Rod each @ Lot 15 & 16 Doctor Dam, La-Grange WBD, $2.4M Each – Tel:6975009 Prime residential house lot (100ftX50Ft) Dairy Bridge, Land fill & clean, Parfaite Harmonie $2.2M – Call: 675-7292 Herstelling 110ftX56ft $4.5M, Schoonard (100ftX50ft) near to Demerara Harbour Bridge) $4M, Parfaite Harmonie $1.5M – Tel:675-7292 At Eccles Housing Scheme price $5.5M - negotiable Call: 616-6000
Business property @ lot 6 Unity Street – Contact: 665-7022
One mechanic to work in interior must know about RZ & pickup etc – Call: 681-6044
Attractive Hostesses/ servers, bartenders and cooks to work at Bar in Kitty Call: 623-9645 or 610-8269 One part time maid – Call: 231-5171 Lorry drivers to work Labour Lorry at Enmore Estate – Tel: 628-1756, 228-5655, 615-6683
SERVICES PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY, ETC. – CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 Permanent & Visitors Visa Applications, Professional Immigration Consultant Room D5 Maraj Building Call Sabita: 225-6496, 662-6045 Guyana Passport & Visa Forms Application, USA, Canada and England. Tel: 626-7040; 265-4535. Repairs & spare, fridge, freezer, A/C, washers, stoves. Contact Nick: 683-1312, 627-3206 Repairs, sales & spares air conditioning, microwaves, washer, fridges & stoves. Ultra Cool, call:225-9032,647-2943 For the best in landscaping, the most reliable & trustworthy landscapers call us @ 648-1821 Design Team Neher. For low cost: Repairs to fridge, freezer, A/C unit, microwaves, TV & washing machine - Call: 629-4946 or 225-4822 Caring for elderly person, professionally trained health care worker- Call Vanessa on 219-2444 or 679-5543 Dog training: have your dog properly trained – Call: 628-2826 Building or renovating, need estimates @ reasonable cost? Contact Carlos Construction on Tel: 2232695/ 661-6073. Where satisfaction is guaranteed!
Female to assort goods, apply in person to Alabama Trading G/Town Ferry Stelling, Stabroek.
Couple for live in duties, husband – labourer, WifeDomestic – Tel: 227-1830
Houses located @ Diamond - $32 Million Nandy Park $45 Million Kitty - $35 Million -Contact: 223-8479 / 647-3768 1 Flat concrete house with 5 bedrooms, 2 toilets, 2 bathrooms, concrete fence, fully completed @ Diamond 19th Avenue- Contact: 6412593/ 662-7732 3 Storey business property @ Middle Street G/Town opposite GPHC, 2 business property @ Whim Public Road Corentyne – Call:2315171, 619-7134 Alberttown - $38M, Charlotte Street, Brickdam, Sussex Street, David Street Kitty - $23M, Hadfield Street. Realty: 231-7805, 231-2199, 618-7483 Diamond 3rd Avenue 30X95 Feet House flat- $19M, Parfait Harmonie - $1.1M, La Grange, Main Road $21M – Contact GME: 231-7805, 618-7483 2 Stories with A/C, immaculate condition in Summer Set Court , Gated Community - Tel:6239872, 687-8033 Albouystown: Corner Spot Business and residence, 3 bedrooms upstairs, parking $11M negotiable - Contact: 227-0583 Two storey concrete house (26X45 ft), 4 bedrooms, 3 washrooms, grilled with electronic security @ Granville Park, Deteriorating - Tel: 672-6169 Property at New Road VreedEn-Hoop – Contact:617-9230, 269-1406
One whole day domestic for East Bank Area – Tel: 614-4358 Tyre man and handyman living in needed, Trinidad – Call: 1868-756-9730
Houses Located; Ogle $65M, Cummings Street $20M Republic Gardens $45M Parfaite Harmony $18M Contact: 223-8479 / 647-3768
MASSAGE Happy Touch Day Spa: Come & Experienced heavens touch, visit us today! – 668-4554
Sales girl and live in maid. Contact: 264-3355, 683-7936, 668-3985
The Gent’s Spa: Be pampered by beautiful masseuses, new attendant Candy, four hands massages, drinks available – Tel: 657-5979
One cleaner for Saturday in the Industry Area – Tel:2262829 Experienced, mature, workers at Stall ‘A’ Bourda Market – Tel:227-3407
Certified massage therapist @ Kneading Solace, Hot Stone & sauna facilities appointment only – Call: 6180853, 671-3456, 628-4422, 639-3741
2 Flats providence off stadium - $12M, NegTel:658-0605, 678-1602, 6467286, 233-5478
LEARN TO DRIVE Soman Son & Outar Driving School at Maraj BuildingTel: 644-5166; 622-2872; 6150964; 689-5997 (Continued on page 64)
Page 64
Kaieteur News
Sunday September 07, 2014
LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THY... VEHICLE FOR SALE 1-Honda CRV (immaculate condition) automatic, fully powered (hardly used) price $2.3M – Contact Rocky: 6215902 or 225-1400
(From page 63)
VEHICLE FOR SALE VEHICLE FOR SALE Unregistered: 2003 Premio $2.450M Neg, 2004 Spacio $2.150M, 2002 Spacio $2.150 Neg. Tel: 616-3001, 270-5042 Unregistered Premio, fully loaded- $2.3M, negotiable Contact: 226-5473 1 Bedford Model M bush truck with winch on V-Good working condition PP series (all documents) – Call: 2180109, 662-8105, 623-9860 One Toyota G- Touring Wagon Silver Grey, one million, one black Adely Scooter - $60,000- Tel:6537166, 681-1821 Toyota Fun cargo, Raum, AT212, AT192, EP71 Starlet, Hilux Surf, 4 Runner & Vigo, Nissan Titan – Tel:644-5096, 697-1453 One Toyota Raum, 4 wheel drive, excellent condition – Call: 693-6779 We buy & sell vehicles for cash, also parts available & 30 seater buses; Extra Cab pickups; 2006 TacomaCall:680-3154 AT192, 212, Allion, unregistered Premio, Hilux Surf, BNN, RZ & Pit-bull, 7 seater super custom. Cash / terms- Call: 680-3154 SALE! SALE! SALE! New model 212 - $1.9M, fully loaded & unregistered – Call: 642-7295 One Toyota Voxy, recently registered, G-Series, price: $2.2M, mint condition – Call Anil: 643-0266 PPP Series Nissan Bluebird Sylphy- $2.4M – Call: 6781771. Excellent condition! Unregistered Toyota Premio with rims - $2.3M – Call: 6917475 Toyota RAV 4 PKK Series, lady driven, good offer – Call: 609-8425 Toyota Funcargo (red) $1.2M negotiable – Call:6586555, 660-4904 Noah Spacio, Premio, Rav4, Reverse Camera, TV registered and unregistered Tel: 697-0294 1- Toyota Raum (new model) automatic, fully powered, alarm a/c, price - $1.5M Contact Rocky: 621-5902 or 225-1400 1-AT212 Toyota Carina (new model) automatic, fully powered, A/C, Alarm, mags, Price $1.4M– Contact Rocky: 621-5902 / 225-1400
Nissan Maxima, car needs repairs, sold with documents, Cummings and middle Albertown 227-3939, 6214000 Stretch limousine, Lincoln Town car, seats 12, rents for Weddings, Proms, Best cash price accepted - Tel 227-3939, 621-4000 Mitsubishi 3000GT sports car, 18" rims Best Cash Offer, Best Buy Auto Queenstwon - Tel 2275926, 662-0844, 227-3939 Mercedes Benz S300 bullet proof, leather, automatic, sound system, 19" rims , Guyana Variety- Tel: 6214000, 227-3939 Hummer H2 SUT PNN Series, 22" Rims Next To New, Sound System, Extras 621-4000, 2273939
Can Am Trike Motorcycle/ 200cc new/ reverse gear/ unregistered/ Cash $595,000/ $59,500 down best cash offer, Tel 227-3939, 621-4000 1 Suzuki 4 door car/van (Jeep) Automatic, Fully Powered with A/C, hardly used – Price:$1M Contact Rocky: 621-5902/ 225-1400 1- AT 192 Carina (Private) automatic, fully powered, mags, A/C - price$1M Contact Rocky:225-1400 1 - Toyota RZ mini-bus BNN series, gear, mags, hardly used, (EFI) - Price:$1.8M Contact Rocky:621-5902 or 225-1400 1 Isuzu Canter (open back) short base manual, excellent condition, price - $1.3M Contact Rocky 621-5902/2251400 Toyota Tundra Extra Cab (unregistered) manual (5 speed) fully loaded 4x4 (V6) price $2.9M – Contact:6215902/225-1400 1 – Toyota Rav4 (PMM Series) - New model Automatic, fully loaded (4x4) A/C, price - $2.2M – Contact Rocky: 621-5902 or 225-1400 One Mitsubishi Canter 3½ Tons – Tel:626-9254, 264-2582
1- Toyota Raum, automatic, fully powered, AC, mags, alarm, price $1.1M- Contact Rocky: 621-5902 or 225-1400
Two bedroom furnished apartment in Campbellville – Call: 665-2548
Blowout Sale!! Unregistered, fully loaded Toyota IST, $2,250,000 & New model Raum- $2,250,000 – Tel:6436565; 226-9931
Houses & Apartments Located @ Princess Street $160,000, Bel - Air Park $2500 USD, Cambellville $120,000 - Contact: 223-8479 / 647-3768 / seek. gy
Smart Choice Auto unregistered Spacio (old & model) Allex, Voxy, Bluebird, Premio- Call: 652-3820, 6654529 2004 Subaru Impreza WRX: AWD, manual, 2L Turbo, PKK Series, 81,000 KM $2.8M Negotiable – Tel: 6987104 Mitsubishi RVR needs head joint repair - $1.6M negotiable – Contact Elton: 696-5513
Toyota BB, 2007 Back Up Camera Factory Colour 17" Rim Hid $2.5 Million PPP Series, 621-4000, 227-3939 Trident cars, 250CC, 5 doors, CD player, PRR series Best Cash Offer Accepted, Tel 2273939, 621-4000
VACANCY 24 Hour East Coast Guyoil needs night pump attendants, salesgirl, office assistant & handyman- Call: 669-4755/ 695-9880 Earn $5,000-$20,000, work from home plus free training, Call: 233-6517/ 622-1957. LORRY DRIVER living on E.B.D, GUARD for Land of Canaan, accommodation available. 266 4427
One 40X30 lower flat @ Agriculture Road, Block ‘8’ with 3 bedrooms, toilet & bath - $60,000 – Tel:687-1050 One 2 bedroom fully furnished apartment for overseas rental only Contact: 682-9021
Accounts clerk needed 5 CXC subjects 2 yrs experienced apply @ August Beverages Enterprise, 27 Norton & Creen Sts N/Burg. One male night security guard and one female babysitter/housekeeper between ages of 27-40 Contact: 225-8203 One experienced hauler Driver, Apply in person at Alabama Trading G/Town, Ferry Stelling, Stabroek. Cashier, sales representative apply with written application & passport size picture @ Survival. 173, Sheriff St. Campbellville – Tel: 227-5286/9
IAE (Secondary Educational) 194 Camp Street, register for Forms 1-5, Lessons, CXC Adult Classes for repeaters & beginners - Tel: 223-0604; 683-5742 Maths Lessons Form 2,3,4 &5 also private CXC $2500 & $3,000 monthly - Contact Sir Narothan Dass 654-3159/ 44 Delph St. Campbellville, G/Town. Course: Facials, pedicure, manicure and basic make up application – Call: 667-7211, 618-8536 Institute of Academic Supremacy Forms 1-5, CXC Adults Classes for repeaters/ beginners $1200, Grade 6, 9 Lessons - Call: 2315678, 690-5008
One 3 bedroom house of lot 128 Avenue B Diamond, New Scheme – Contact:216-1836, 615-2929,696-1882 - $60,000 per month 1-2 bedroom apartment with toilet & bath - $40,000 monthly, only married working couple – Lot 91 Middle Road, La Penitence, Georgetown – Tel: 225-1400 Large 3 bedroom apartment. Master bedroom.Two bathrooms. Sixth Street Diamond. Call 640-4856 Apartment for rent, perfect for students, single or working couple @ Grove New Scheme E.B.D- Call: 2160146 GT TOOL RENTALS: PUMPS; CHIPPING HAMMER RANSOM; SANDING MACHINE 30% OFF, SAWS & DRILLS (FOR SALE) – CALL: 6750767, 667-2535
Experienced person for pedicure & manicure - Call: 667-7211 Security personnel, cleaner, Host/hostess, interested person can contact us on Telephone #603-4094
EDUCATION Grade 1-6, also ready classes, Kitty Campbellville – Call: 654-8650
CAR RENTAL DOLLY’S CAR RENTAL CALL: 225-7126/ 2263693 DOLLYSAUTO RENTAL@YAHOO.COM/ WWW.DOLLYSAUTO RENTAL.COM PROGRESSIVE AUTO RENTAL:CARS&SUV FOR RENTAL- $4,000 & UP PER DAY- CALL: 643-5122, 2193900, EMAIL: PRO_AUTO RENTAL@YAHOO.COM DRESSMAKING Jean offers courses for dress making, curtains, floral arrangements, cake decoration – Lot 153 Barr Street – Tel:618-1706, 6702653 FOR SALE/FOR RENT American pool table – 2770578
From page 62 see these two people together laughing and talking as if nothing had happened the previous day, which prompted neighbors to say, “Don't put yuh mouth in dem two story”. You intervene and the two will turn around and cuss you. One time two of my neighbors had a cuss out so one of the neighbor was asking the other how come she got a “Chinee child with coolie man”. Her explanation was great. The child, she explained, “draw the Chinee by staying by her Chinee uncle (the real father).” Yes neighbors can be amusing also. By the way, she did try to get child support from her then husband (who was very dark) in court, but the magistrate took one look at the father and child and told her to go find the real father. I am sure you my readers have a story to tell about neighbors, feel free to email me at
WANTED One watchman between 3555yrs old, must be fit & posses a valid police clearance & 2 references – Call: 623-3231 Experienced female assistant care giver to live in, recommendations needed – Call: 664-8150 Over edge and straight stitch operator to work at garment factory-Call 222-2541Monday to Friday. IMPORTER OF FOOD PRODUCTS SEEKING FULL TIME S A L E S P E R S O N EXPERIENCED & DRIVERS LICENCED PREFERED, POLICE CLEARANCE NECESSARY – CALL:231-8344 Attractive live in waitress – Tel: 228-5129, 604-8277 Porters, One general domestic – Apply Lot 10 Vlissingen Road Survival Wholesale Bond. Handyman , maid, apply within 38 Cummings Street, Albertown Guyana Variety ACCOMMODATION Harmony Inn Furnished apartments for local & overseas visitors - $5,000$8,000- Tel:668-0306, 6947817, 218-1400 FOR SALE
TO LET Two bedroom cottage with garage, situated in a residential area, Lot 202 Durban Back Lands G/Town Tel: 624-3556, 233-0159 Semi Furnished five bedroom house with amenities located GuySuco Gardens - $US1500 negotiable – Phone: 621-6888 Furnished three bedroom house, AC hot & cold, garage, located @ GuySuco Gardens – US$1200- Phone: 621-6888 One and two bedroom furnished apartments in Nandy Park, Parking facilities available – Call: 2335560 for further details One new 4 bedroom house in UG area roadside, can be converted to business or office - $160,000 monthly – Tel:641-7526, 222-4158 Lodge Apartments (Vlissingen /Durban): Unfurnished one bedroom $50,000 monthly; furnished (For Visitors) studio $500US Monthly – Tel: 6772638
Massey Ferguson 390 4X4fully renovated – Call: 6886274, 691-3851, 338-2591
Lodge: Business/ Professional/Office Space – Tel: 677-9638
1 - 2 5 K VA G e n e r a t o r (Diesel), food warmers, deep fryers, 1 RX8 Car – Call Raj: 260-4643
PENPAL PENPAL Male seeking reconnection for long lasting female friends – Tel: 698-6391
Sunday September 07, 2014
Kaieteur News
Sir Hilary Beckles to serve as next UWI Vice-Chancellor KINGSTON, Jamaica – Sir Hilary Beckles has been appointed as the next ViceChancellor of the University with effect May 1, 2015. Chairman of the Search Committee, Dr Marshall Hall, noted that an advertisement for the post attracted in excess of 50 applicants from all over the world and the Committee eventually came up with an initial short-list of seven which was eventually whittled down to three candidates who were invited to be interviewed. “As a result of the interview and subsequent discussions, the Committee arrived at a consensus on Sir Hilary as the preferred candidate. The Council expressed its gratitude to Dr Hall and the Committee for
the efficient and expeditious manner in which their work was carried out,” the UWI said in a statement yesterday. Sir Hilary, Vice-Chancellor Designate is well known regionally and extra-regionally and as Principal of the Cave Hill Campus, is currently the longest serving campus Principal, the UWI said. At the international level Sir Hilary, a Barbadian, currently serves as a member of the UN Secretary-General’s Science Advisory Board on Sustainable Development, Chairman of the Caribbean Reparations Commission, Vice President of the International Task Force for the UNESCO Slave Route and adviser to the UN World Culture Report among other posts.
Ministry of Health hampered by lack of spraying machines Trinidad Express – There have been 43 cases of ChikV in Trinidad and Tobago. Principal Medical Officer of Environmental Health at the Ministry of Health (MoH) Dr Clive Tiluckdharry said 43 people have contracted ChikV, which is spread by the dreaded Aedes Aegypti mosquito. But he also said the exact number of cases will be confirmed tomorrow. Asked to give an update Friday, Dr Tiluckdharry said: “We have 43 confirmed ChikV cases. 42 here and one in Tobago. The exact number still needs to be confirmed. I will confirm it on Monday when I get into office.” Meanwhile in a telephone interview with TV6 Friday Health Minister, Dr Fuad Khan, said many of the large spraying machines are at VEMCOTT for repairs. He admits the situation is limiting the ministry’s ability to spray vast areas for mosquitoes. Khan said new machines need to be ordered but in the
meantime, the ministry will hire five hundred people to walk through communities and spot spray smaller areas. As for irresponsible landowners, Khan said the process to track them down and compel them to cut their grass is too long. He advised regional corporations to clear the bush themselves, in the interest of public health. Asked what advice he would impart to the population, Dr Tiluckdharry said it was important to adhere to the MoH advisory to remove exposed containers which attract the mosquitoes. He said: “With the onset of the rain, and the presence of any exposed container, the likelihood of the mosquito breeding can occur. The population needs to adhere to adhere to the MoH advisory to remove unwanted containers which can collect water. It is important to keep all barrels covered and water storage containers covered. Remove styrotex containers,
old tyres and other containers from yards.” He also said “about 70 per cent of the breeding occurs in water drums throughout Trinidad.” He added: “There are certain localities where smaller containers like buckets and tubs to handwash clothes contribute to breeding sites for mosquitoes. It is important to keep unoccupied or vacant lots clean to avoid dumping of garbage and containers. Vacant lots need extra attention and this is where Local Government can step in an assist us.” This comes on the heels of warnings by the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) executive director Dr James Hospedales, earlier this week, that the Caribbean should brace for a “full impact” of the virus as almost all Caribbean countries have reported confirmed cases of the virus. The “full bloom” of the virus is yet to come, he said.
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Sunday September 07, 2014
CJIA US$150M expansion…
Project unnecessary when compared to similar airports Guyana is steaming ahead with a major expansion of the runway at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, despite the many questions. The reason for the US$150M spending as argued by the previous administration, and backed by the present one, is that the current terminal facility is too cramped and the runway too short to accommodate the larger, more modern, wide body planes. Under the expansion project, the main runway at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) is to be extended by another 3,500 feet or 1,066 meters. But the reasons given for the runway extension, which will cost Guyana in excess of US$58M for the runway and taxiway expansion, may have not been so solid after-all. The Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIA) in St. Maarten, a Dutch island in the Eastern Caribbean area, has its current main runway at 7,546 feet. CJIA’s runway is 7,447, or about 99 feet shorter than that of St. Maarten. The problem with the justification used by Government of Guyana is that the larger, wide-body 747-400 planes that have been landing comfortably in St. Maarten at that airport with no major incidents reported for decades, cannot land easily at CJIA. As a matter of fact, the airport in that Dutch island has made it in the ‘Ripley’s Believe It Or Not’ for the planes’ spectacular landing. One end of the runway is almost in the ocean while planes taking off have to take
into account a number of hills in their path. St. Maarten is a major hub in the Eastern Caribbean area with planes coming from the many islands around it, from Europe and North America. The island has spent millions to upgrade its terminal. The US$150M CJIA project will not include a parallel taxiway in this project at this time. Navigation facilities such as lighting are to be installed. A service vehicle lane is to be provided as well as emergency facilities such as fire fighting systems. The Opposition has been questioning the expansion which is being built by China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC), a Chinese company since it was announced in the last days of the Bharrat Jagdeo presidency three years ago. This year, the Opposition voted against the allocations for the project, some $6.5B (or about US$32M) saying that they wanted more answers on how the monies were to be spent. The contract itself with CHEC had been under fire after Guyana learnt about the project through Jamaican newspapers. Government here later said that the announcement in Jamaica by CHEC’s regional office was premature. There have also been questions about the cost of certain expenses contained in the bills of quantities for the expansions, including that of toilet fixtures. CJIA officials have themselves complained that the current terminal facilities are too small to accommodate the crowds at peak season
The main runway at CJIA, Timehri.
The airport in St Maarten has a runway that is a mere 100 feet longer that Timehri, yet it is landing the big planes that Guyana says it cannot. times, with limited booths available for Customs and check-ins. There are also issues with the sewage, air conditioning and electrical
systems. After the US$200M Skeldon modernization project to build a factory and expand cultivation, the CJIA is the country’s second
biggest infrastructural project. With its location at the northern tip of South American, Government said it is banking on increased travel
from Africa and Asia. There has indeed been an increase in the number of Chinese landing in Guyana, though not for tourism purposes.
La Parfaite Harmonie access road will aid production, productivity - Ramotar Speaking at yesterday’s commissioning of the $604M La Parfaite Harmonie access road, President Donald Ramotar said that he is confident the new highway will aid in increased production and productivity. “It will not only help to make commuting more convenient, people will be less tired, and will get to work on time and will be more productive,” President Ramotar said. He said that persons who were allocated house lots in the area, approached him on several occasions to ask if they can be allocated house
lots elsewhere because of the question of roads and transportation to get to Georgetown. “But because this area is developing so rapidly, this road will almost make you feel like you are living directly in Georgetown because the time that you will take to get to your destination, will be cut tremendously,” the President said. He added that the government is at the initial stage of conducting a study for the construction of another bridge across the Demerara River. He touched on the
impediment of the lack of cheap energy in Guyana. “We want to transform some of our raw materials into finished products; we want to turn our agriculture, instead of just being agriculture products to being agro-industrial products where we can add value to them, create jobs and earn much more money in the process.” The President said that the government will continue to push for the Amaila Falls Hydropower project and added that even now, some big companies that are coming into Guyana are beginning to want to import Liquid Natural Gas to cut down on the cost of electricity. With cheap electricity, citizens will be able to not only have more reliable power but also, it will stimulate
industrial development, with jobs created to continue developing Guyana. The President said experts say that due to the speed at which Guyana’s economy is developing, even when the hydro-power station is built, because it is expected to stimulate a lot of activities and development, Guyana will exhaust the function of the project quickly. “Even while we are constructing it, we will have to start thinking of expanding it and that is why we are working with the Brazilians. “Moreover, with the advent of hydro-power, not only will we be able to save the annual $9 billion in electricity subsidy but citizens of Guyana will also be able to save on light bill. (GINA)
Sunday September 07, 2014
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Strategy against Islamic State in hand, Obama now must make it work WA S H I N G T O N (Reuters) - It took President Barack Obama and his top aides a week to explain that he does in fact have a strategy for confronting the Islamic State militancy. Now he has to prove that he can make it work. Obama has embarked on building what is basically the third major U.S.-backed international coalition of the past 23 years to take on a challenge emanating from Iraq. The other two were constructed by former presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush against the late Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Obama’s vision became clearer in the week since he drew criticism for telling a White House news conference that “we don’t have a strategy yet” for taking on the militant group’s safe haven in Syria. Clearly stung by the criticism, Obama has been proceeding with his usual caution in trying to avoid a scenario in which air strikes are launched but nothing is done to address the political
challenges that have given rise to Islamic State. Obama, a reluctant warrior adamantly set against repeating what he considers the headlong rush into war conducted by his immediate predecessor, George W. Bush, is basing his coalition on what a variety of countries can bring to the table in dismantling Islamic State and its drive for a caliphate straddling Iraq and Syria. What U.S. officials are unclear on is whether Western allies and Arab states will join the United States in launching air strikes. So far their emphasis has been on plans to train, advise, assist and equip Iraqi forces and moderate Sunni rebels. A central pillar of Obama’s strategy is to ensure Iraq’s new prime minister can form a unity government soon, perhaps next week, that shares power with Sunnis so that they will be more inclined to oppose Islamic State. Obama would like Gulf Arab states to consider military action, but also to support Sunni moderates in Iraq and Syria who can
challenge Islamic State for supremacy. He also wants Islamic State’s sources of funding cut off. And he wants NATO ally Turkey to help prevent foreign fighters who have sworn allegiance to Islamic State from crossing through Turkey on their way to their home countries, where they might launch civilian attacks. The next major milestone in forming the coalition will come later in September when Obama convenes a security conference on the fringes of the U.N. General Assembly in New York. “We must be able to have a plan together by the time we come to UNGA, we need to have this coalesce,” said Secretary of State John Kerry. “We need a clarity to the strategy, and a clarity to what everybody is going to undertake.” Kerry travels to Saudi Arabia and Jordan next week for talks with Gulf leaders to determine whether they are prepared to back up their antijihadist rhetoric with action. Some may be able to participate in military action
U.S. President Barack Obama holds a news conference at the conclusion of the NATO Summit at the Celtic Manor Resort in Newport, Wales. REUTERS/Larry Downing as they did in Libya and U.S. officials are trying to judge how each country might be best placed to help, a senior administration official said. Obama was buoyed by a clear unanimity from the alliance at a NATO summit in Wales, feeling it is proof that his deliberate approach works. But the hard part will be when the allies get down to the specifics of who does what. “Our goal is to act with urgency, but also to make sure that we’re doing it right,” Obama said on Friday. Obama still has not decided whether to launch strikes at Islamic State’s
stronghold in Syria, resisting pressure from some Republicans and even some fellow Democrats who see him as too cautious. Before taking that step, he wants to make sure moderate Syrian rebels are in good enough shape to hold ground cleared by air strikes. Obama’s varying descriptions of how to confront Islamic State have contributed to a perception among critics that he has been unsure how to proceed, and have raised doubts about his handling of foreign policy. In the past week he has declared that the group must be “degraded and destroyed”
while at the same time reduced to a “manageable problem”. In fact, Obama’s rhetoric has gone full circle on the threat from Islamic State. In a New Yorker magazine six months ago, he called the Islamist militants the “JV team”, which is short for “junior varsity” and means they are not the best players on the field. He was moved to taking the group more seriously during the summer when militants suddenly made huge gains in Iraq, threatening the U.S.-backed Iraqi government. It forced Obama to focus again on Iraq and a war he campaigned to end.
Leaders of Russia, Ukraine say ceasefire holding, more steps needed (Reuters) The presidents of Russia and Ukraine said yesterday that a ceasefire between Ukrainian government forces and proRussian separatists was holding up fairly well and they discussed urgent humanitarian aid for the shattered region. Residents and combatants in eastern Ukraine welcomed the respite in a five-month conflict that has killed at least 2,600 people but said they did not expect it to last. They also each accused the enemy of using the truce to rebuild their forces. “The two heads of state stated that overall the ceasefire was being implemented ... (and) discussed steps to achieve a permanent ceasefire,” Ukraine’s Petro Poroshenko said in a statement after his telephone call with Russia’s Vladimir Putin. The presidents also expressed support for the full involvement of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a rights watchdog, in monitoring the ceasefire. The Kremlin later put out a similar statement on the talks. Envoys of Ukraine, Russia, the separatist leadership and the OSCE
approved the ceasefire in Minsk on Friday as part of a peace roadmap that also includes an exchange of prisoners of war and establishing a humanitarian corridor for refugees and aid. Poroshenko agreed to the ceasefire after Ukraine accused Russia of sending troops and arms onto its territory in support of the separatists, who had suffered big losses over the summer. Moscow denies sending troops or arming the rebels. In the days before the ceasefire, fighting had been fierce in two hotspots - in rebel-held Donetsk, the region’s industrial hub, and also near the port of Mariupol on the Sea of Azov, where government forces were trying to repel a major rebel offensive backed - Kiev says - by Russian troops. Both cities were quiet yesterday, despite some isolated shelling overnight near Donetsk’s airport, which remains in government hands. Mortar rounds were also fired at regular intervals through yesterday in the vicinity of the airport. “The ceasefire is looking good for now but we know they (the Ukrainian side) are only using it to bring in more forces here and ammunition and then to hit us with renewed strength,” said one
Petro Poroshenko and Vladimir Putin rebel commander in Donetsk known by his nickname Montana. Andriy Lysenko, the spokesman of Ukraine’s National Security and Defence Council, said Kiev wanted the exchange of POWs to take place “as fast as possible” but gave no timeframe. He said the rebels were holding more than 200 Ukrainians captive. Earlier, the prime minister of the rebels’ self-proclaimed “Donetsk People’s Republic”, Alexander Zakharchenko, told Russian news agencies his side would hand over its POWs to Ukraine yesterday
but that had not happened by early evening. Poroshenko spent Thursday and Friday at a NATO summit in Wales at which U.S. President Barack Obama and other leaders urged Putin to pull its forces out of Ukraine. NATO also approved wide-ranging plans to boost its defences in eastern Europe in response to the Ukraine crisis. The Ukraine conflict has revived talk of a new Cold War as the West accuses Putin of deliberately destabilising the former Soviet republic. Putin says he is defending the interests of ethnic Russians
facing discrimination and oppression. The Kremlin leader came under fire yesterday from another source. Patriarch Filaret, head of Ukraine’s Kiev-based Orthodox Church, said Putin had fallen under Satan’s spell and bore personal responsibility for all the bloodshed. Filaret, whose church broke from the Moscow Patriarchate in 1992 after the fall of the Soviet Union and the advent of an independent Ukraine, compared Putin, a baptised Orthodox Christian, to Cain, who in the Bible killed his brother Abel.
The European Union announced new economic sanctions against Russia late on Friday over its role in Ukraine but said they could be suspended if Moscow withdraws its troops and observes the conditions of the ceasefire. Russia’s foreign ministry responded angrily yesterday to the measures, pledging unspecified “reaction” if they were implemented. Moscow responded to a previous round of U.S. and EU sanctions by banning most Western food imports. In eastern Ukraine, despite the ceasefire, few expected the crisis to end anytime soon. “This is no ceasefire but a theatre,” said Donetsk resident Ksenia. “This war will go on for five to nine years. Slavs are killing Slavs, there can be nothing worse than that.”
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Sunday September 07, 2014
Egypt charges ex-president Mursi with leaking state secrets to Qatar (Reuters) - Egypt charged ousted president Mohamed Mursi and nine others yesterday with endangering national security by leaking state secrets and sensitive documents to Qatar, furthering a state crackdown on his outlawed Muslim Brotherhood. Relations between Qatar, a Gulf Arab state, and Egypt have been icy since July 2013, when Egypt’s then-army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi toppled Mursi after protests against his rule. Qatar had supported Mursi, who is already in jail along with thousands of Brotherhood members, many of whom have been sentenced to death on separate charges. Security sources had said last month that Egypt was investigating Mursi in connection with documents they said were leaked to Qatar and its satellite news channel Al Jazeera. The Egyptian public prosecutor ’s office said yesterday its secret investigation had unearthed enough evidence of espionage to charge Mursi and nine others in a criminal court. The maximum penalty if convicted is death. “The inquiries ... exposed humiliating facts and the extent of the largest conspiracy and treason carried out by the terrorist Brotherhood organisation against the nation through a network of spies,” it said in a three-page statement. The public prosecutor said Mursi’s aides were involved in leaking to Qatari intelligence and Al Jazeera, documents which exposed the location of and weapons held by the Egyptian armed forces and detailed the country’s foreign and domestic policies. The Qatari Foreign Ministry in Doha did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the accusations. Al Jazeera, which
Mohamed Mursi has been banned from Egypt, has denied any bias in reporting events there or any role in aiding the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood dismissed the charges as political. “Today is the start of yet another kangaroo trial... Mursi’s trials are politically motivated cases with trumped up charges and a corrupt judiciary presiding over it,” Abdulla El-Haddad, a Brotherhood spokesman based in Britain, said by email. Mursi faces trial in five other cases as well, on charges ranging from violence to insulting the judiciary. While Sisi has gone on to election as president, Mursi and other Brotherhood leaders as well as the leading lights of the 2011 popular uprising that toppled autocrat Hosni Mubarak, many of them secular activists, now languish in jail. Hopes of democratic change inspired by the revolt in the most populous Arab country have since faded. Sisi promised during his election campaign that the Muslim Brotherhood would cease to exist under his rule. Egyptian security forces killed hundreds of Brotherhood supporters during protests against Mursi’s ouster and thousands of others have since been jailed. Egypt’s oldest Islamist movement, once among Egypt’s most formidable political forces, has been
branded a terrorist group and its assets have been seized by the state. The Brotherhood formally renounced violence as a means of political change decades ago and has denied any role in more recent bloodshed. In a detailed statement, the prosecutor said his inquiry had found that Mursi’s secretary Amin al-Srifi abused his position to slip documents from Egypt’s security agencies to Jordanian Al Jazeera journalist Alaa Sabalan via his own daughter Karima and four other intermediaries. It said Sabalan later flew to Doha and met with Al Jazeera news editor Ibrahim Hilal and a senior Qatari intelligence officer and a deal was reached for Mursi’s aides to hand over the documents in return for $1 million. It added that part of that sum was paid after documents were handed over at Doha airport by an Egyptair steward who acted as a gobetween. Subsequent interrogations had also linked Mursi and his office manager Ahmed Abdelatti to the case, it said. Egypt’s public prosecutor charged Mursi and his two aides, Abdelatti and Srifi, as well as seven others including Sabalan and the air steward in the case. Three of the accused, including Sabalan and senior Jazeera editor Hilal, are at large and the prosecutor called for their arrest pending trial. Egypt’s rulers are deeply suspicious of Qatar and anyone who supports the Brotherhood. Egyptian authorities have long since closed down the Al Jazeera office in Cairo. Earlier this year, an Egyptian court jailed three Al Jazeera journalists for up to 10 years on charges of aiding “a terrorist group” by broadcasting misinformation that harmed national security. Al Jazeera has said the charges are baseless.
Russia warns will react if new EU sanctions imposed Moscow (AFP) - Russia warned yesterday that it would react if the European Union imposed fresh economic sanctions against it over the situation in Ukraine. “As for the new list of sanctions from the European Union, if they are passed, there will undoubtedly be a reaction from our side,” the Russian foreign ministry said in a statement. Moscow criticised the European Union for drawing up the tougher sanctions despite a truce agreed in Minsk that was appearing to hold in eastern Ukraine yesterday.
But by announcing new sanctions that are expected to be formally approved tomorrow, the EU’s leadership “is practically sending a signal of direct support to the ‘party of war’ in Kiev, which is not happy with the results of the Minsk meeting,” Russia’s foreign ministry said. “Instead of feverishly searching for ways to hurt the economies of its own countries and Russia, the European Union would do better to work on supporting the economic revival of the Donbass region” of eastern Ukraine, it added.
Sunday September 07, 2014
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Neymar gives Dunga winning start Bonaire shock Suriname... Neymar scored the only goal of the game seven minutes from time as Dunga’s second spell as Brazil boss began with a win over 10-man Colombia in Miami. Barcelona forward Neymar curled home a free-kick to give the Selecao victory in their first game since finishing fourth at their home World Cup. Colombia had been reduced to 10 men on 49 minutes, when Juan Cuadrado was sent off for a second bookable offence. New Manchester United striker Radamel Falcao featured for 13 minutes. The 28-year-old, who joined the Red Devils on loan for £6m on transfer deadline day, missed the World Cup after sustaining anterior cruciate ligament damage in January. But his return as a
Neymar late substitute for Colombia failed to prevent Neymar, captaining his country for the first time, from taking centre stage in front of a 73,429 crowd at Sun Life Stadium. Two months after a challenge from Colombia’s
Juan Zuniga ended his World Cup at the quarter-final stage, the two players hugged on the pitch before kick-off. Despite that, there was no shortage of tough tackles, with seven players booked. Brazil had the better of the chances, and Diego Tardelli had a first-half effort ruled out for offside, but they could not find a way through until Neymar’s late intervention. Falcao had a late opportunity to equalise, but could not divert his close-range header on target. Dunga, who succeeded Luiz Felipe Scolari, said. “It is always good to win, especially with the criticism after the World Cup, some of which was very strong. “This will help the players to regain selfesteem and confidence.” (BBCsport)
Sunday September 07, 2014 ARIES (MAR. 21- APRIL 20) Your anger may be impossible to contain if you get into debates with family members. You must avoid gossip and focus on what you have to do. TAURUS (APR. 21- MAY 21) You will earn recognition for the work you are doing. You could find yourself having problems with coworkers and employers. Look out for those wanting to push you into a disagreement. GEMINI (MAY 22-JUNE 21) Trips will be favorable for business as well as pleasure. Get back to basics and reevaluate what is important in life. Pamper yourself; the self esteem it brings you will be most gratifying. CANCER (JUNE 22-JULY 22) The battle continues. You can get ready to celebrate your new direction. Travel should be on your agenda. LEO (JULY 23-AUG 22) Travel will be fun and entertaining. Family outings should include visiting friends or relatives. Be sure to use your charm and diplomacy when dealing with potential new clients. VIRGO (AUG. 23 -SEPT. 23) You are best to stick to yourself today. Make changes around your house and plan to do some entertaining. LIBRA (SEPT. 24 -OCT. 23) If you put your energy into physical outlets you will avoid confrontations. Your outgoing charm and obvious talent will be admired. Minor
fevers or infections will develop if you're over-stressed. SCORPIO (OCT. 24 NOV. 22) Find out if they have other commitments. You may want to make changes that will not be to their liking. You will be extremely sensual; take precautions and don't take any risks. SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 23 -DEC. 21) Opportunities to learn important information will surface through discussions with peers or seminars you attend. You don't like confrontations at the best of times; however, you may find them difficult to avoid. Correspondence may not clear up issues. CAPRICORN (DEC 22.JAN. 20) Romantic opportunities are evident if you get involved in large groups or organizations. You will have extra energy; put it to good use. You can expect sorrow to evolve from the information you discover. AQUARIUS (JAN. 21 FEB. 19) It may not be the best time to socialize with clients or colleagues today. Rely on the one you love for support and affection. You will be able to work with fine detail today. PISCES (FEB. 20-MAR. 20) Compromise if you have to, to avoid verbal battles. You have two choices; Get out on your own, or bend to your mate's whims. You may have a rather hectic day due to events that children are involved in.
From page 74 doubled the Basians lead in the 30th. But an own goal from Emerson Boyce in the 57th minute gave Martinique life as Gael Germany scored in the 68th minute and Jose Goron scored the winner in the 81st minute. In Group 4 Curacao defeated Grenada 2 -1, an early goal from Wendell Rennie in the 4th minute got the spice boys off to a great start and a halftime advantage. But second half goals from Prince Mathilda in the 57th minute and Gevaro Nepomuceno in the 62nd was enough to hand defeat to Grenada. French Guiana got the better of Group 4 host Puerto Rico with a 2 - 1 triumph at the Juan Roman Loubrie Stadium. Puerto Rico opened the scoring with a penalty from Hector Ramos in the 39th, but a second half double effort from Gabriel Pigree in the 60th and 90th minute gave French Guiana a dramatic victory. St. Lucia rebounded against Guyana with a 2 - 0 victory when Burton Emmanuel scored in the 14th
South Africa defeat Australia in Triangular... From page 73 definitely room for improvement. “We will try to get things 100% for the World Cup.” Steyn was in superb form for South Africa, damaging the Australian card with some superb reverse-swing bowling. Australia found themselves 144-8 before mounting a recovery of sorts to reach 217. “We were 70 to 80 runs short, but we were outplayed,” said Australia captain George Bailey. “It was challenging to bat at the start, but once again, credit to South Africa, their spinners were tight and their top four almost all got starts.” South Africa 221-4 (40.5 overs) beat Australia 217-9 (50 overs) by six wickets. (BBCsport)
minute and Tremain Paul in the 84th. St. Kitts a & Nevis then defeated Dominica 5 - 0 with Kervin Lawrence from St. Lucia scoring an own goal in the 3rd minute, Romain Sawyers in the 18th, Atiba Harris
in the 29th, Zephaniah Thomas 77th minute and Jovaughne Leader ended the scoring in the 85th. Men’s Caribbean Cup first round qualifying group play continues today.
U.S. and Spain stay... From page 70 capped another effervescent performance with 17 points and five rebounds against the west Africans. Aiming to win their second world title after the 2006 triumph in Japan, the Spaniards left plenty in the tank. “We managed to put on a very good display tonight and now we have another meeting with France,” Spanish guard Juan Carlos Navarro told Cadena Ser radio. European champions France are missing their entire top echelon, including fourtimes NBA champion Tony Parker of the San Antonio Spurs, and their lack of depth told in the first quarter when Croatia built a 15-7 lead. But France fought back
valiantly to cancel out a solo effort by Croatia guard Bojan Bogdanovic, the game’s top scorer with 27 points. “We thought we were destined for great things here but it just didn’t work out for us,” Bogdanovic told Croatian media. A 19-0 run late in the first half and early in the second helped Slovenia overpower the Dominicans after Zoran Dragic nailed 18 points for the former Yugoslav republic and his brother Goran chipped in with 12 and six rebounds. Lithuania will be favorites against New Zealand while a more intriguing clash is likely when Turkey meet unpredictable Australia in the other last-16 games today.
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Kaieteur News
Sunday September 07, 2014
“WI, on a hiding to nothing, must beat Bangladesh badly in these two Tests!” Says Colin E. H. Croft I had heard this absurd comment somewhere: “If you win, you lose; if you lose, yes, you also still lose!” That should not make any headway in real or artificial intelligence. Yet, when it comes to this present twoTest West Indies v Bangladesh series, it does. Whatever WI do, they will still be losers anyway! However, what West Indies must not allow, whatever else happens over the next two weeks, regardless of the intelligence quotient, is to actually lose, again, on the field of play, to lower ranked Bangladesh than WI, as was so in 2009. That would practically, really, kill quite a lot of us this time! Regardless of what teams WI select, from the remaining players after allowed subtractions for Champions League 2014, they simply must win. Interestingly, speculation is still openly rife as to whom were the two
suggested players who chose not to appear in the white clothes with maroon caps of WI, choosing instead to play for their respective colored teams in Champions League 2014, with, luckily, no penalties attached. Were those players Kieron Pollard, who will play for Mumbai Indians instead of the team he successfully led to win Caribbean Premier League – Barbados Tridents; Sunil Narine, who will play for Kolkata Knight Riders; or even Andre Russell, who will also play for KKR? No-one seems to know! Or, could the two have been two Dwayne’s – Smith and Bravo – both appearing for Chennai Super Kings, even if Smith could have also played for Barbados Tridents? Maybe Bravo Sr. was a Test possibility too! Even recently reported injured Samuel Badree will definitely be returning for CSK. One of the mysterious unavailable players could not be him, could it? Stranger still,
Jason Holder was selected for both WI and Barbados Tridents too, putting a tough decision on the slender shoulders of the raw young man. For his well-being, maybe even his mental ease, Holder should probably have chosen Champions League 2014, appearing for Barbados Tridents, as there was no penalty attached, per WICB’s pronouncement. Remember, this guy does not know what the future holds, with respect to injuries and such like! Anyway, whatever teams WI put out in the two Tests, they must beat Bangladesh badly! So, the present official ICC statistics are quite easy enough to follow: WI, presently rated at 74 points, are ranked No. 8 of ten teams in Test cricket. Oh, how the mighty has fallen. Only Bangladesh, No. 10, 21 points; and Zimbabwe, 39 points, are below WI. Incidentally, rated just above WI with 93 points are its recent Test conquerors,
New Zealand, who were last in the Caribbean, and who won that series 2-1, after, inexplicably, WI changed its winning team from Test No. 2 at Queen’s Park Oval, to a losing one for that deciding 3rd Test at Kensington Oval. Retribution has already struck, with most of that doomed selection committee now gone, but even if WI do beat Bangladesh 2-0, it will still lose, given that WI should be beating Bangladesh every time anyway. But reality is a bitch, and Bangladesh did beat WI, 2-0, when they last toured in 2009, even if WI supporters would forever claim that the home team then was a WI No. 3 team! However, nowhere in the records and annals of Test cricket does it state that assumption. It simply says that Bangladesh did indeed beat the hell out of WI in 2009! So, anyway, how do WI actually lose, even if they win now? Read on! If Bangladesh wins the series 1-0, a quite unlikely scenario, given their
recent outings in the Caribbean in ODI’s, they will gain 13 rating points while WI will lose 8 points, a net gain for Bangladesh of 21! If the Tigers win 2-0, they will gain 15 rating points, while WI will lose 10, a whopping net gain of 25. If Bangladesh and WI draw the series, Bangladesh will gain 7 points, WI lose 4, a useful gain of 11 points! As West Indies are supposed to win this series, based on recent records and placements, even if WI were to win 2-0, they will not gain much, only one point, while Bangladesh would drop only two. In 2009, Bangladesh won Test No. 1 by 95 runs in St. Vincent, and Test No. 2 by four wickets in Grenada, courtesy of magnificent efforts from then acting Captain Shakib al Hasan, whose 159 runs, average 53.00; 13 wickets at 18.76 averages, and two catches, showed him to be the ultimate all-rounder. Unfortunately, Shakib al Hassan is now banned by
Bangladesh Cricket Board, and would probably only be available for next Asian Games; definitely for ICC World Cup 2015. He will surely be missed here! For 2014, even with some players at this year’s Champions League, WI features the great experiences of Chris Gayle and Shivnarine Chanderpaul, the latter fresh from a recent 183 against the tourists. Between these two batsmen, WI could boast over 18,000 Test runs from a combined 258 Tests. Even if only these two fire well, West Indies should batter Bangladesh into total submission! Enjoy!
U.S. and Spain stay on course for World Cup showdown Reuters - Holders the United States and hosts Spain remained on course to reach the basketball World Cup final after powering into the last eight where they were joined by France and Slovenia yesterday. The U.S. beat Mexico 8663 in Barcelona to book a quarter-final meeting with Slovenia who overcame the Dominican Republic 71-61. Spain breezed past Senegal 89-56 in Madrid to set up a clash with the French who edged out Croatia 69-64. The remaining four last-16
games will be played today, with the Brazil v Argentina and Greece v Serbia regional derbies offering more thrills in the fiercely competitive tournament.
Calcutta A capture ACDA small goal title Calcutta A overcame Calcutta B 3-1 on penalties to win the final of the African Cultural Development Association (ACDA) five-aside small goal football competition played on Sunday last at Calcutta ground, Mahaicony. Calcutta B defeated their Calcutta C counterparts 4-2 on penalties in the lone semi final. The first place team collected a trophy donated by Zamman Alli while each member was given a medal contributed by Johnny
Barnwell and family and the ACDA Sports Committee. Meanwhile, Mackenson Menance Hang Out Bar at Calcutta will be hosting an after emancipation dominoes tournament for teams from Mahaica to No. 5 village today. Action gets underway at 13:00hrs and each team is asked to provide a pack of dominoes. At stake are trophies donated by Hemley Mining, Menance Hang Out Bar, Bevon Shepherd and ACDA Sports Committee.
Fast-flowing basketball from the preliminary group stage made way for physical battles in the first knockout round, with the U.S. scoring their lowest tally of the campaign and winning by their lowest margin. The champions were still too strong for a battling Mexican side and contained them to just 38 points in the opening three quarters before taking their foot off the gas in the final period. “Overall, I was pleased because it’s our sixth game in eight days,” U.S. coach Mike Krzyzewski told reporters after guard Stephen Curry led the charge with 20 points. “I am not unhappy with our team really, I wish they knew each other better but you can’t force that maturing process.” Spain too were in control from start to finish against surprise packages Senegal as versatile center Pau Gasol (Continued on page 69)
Sunday September 07, 2014
Kaieteur News
Page 71
Federer, Djokovic both Persaud guides Speed XI to lose in US Open semifinals Factory Price softball title AP - Roger Federer could not pull off another big escape at the U.S. Open, losing 6-3, 6-4, 6-4 in the semifinals yesterday against Croatia’s Marin Cilic. It was the second significant surprise of the day, coming after Novak Djokovic was beaten 6-4, 1-6, 7-6 (4), 6-3 by Japan’s Kei Nishikori, who became the first man from Asia to reach a Grand Slam singles final. Instead of the No. 1seeded Djokovic against the No. 2-seeded Federer - who have combined to win 24 major championships - in tomorrow’s final, it will be No. 10 Nishikori against No. 14 Cilic, neither of whom has ever appeared in a Grand Slam title match. For the first time in nearly a decade - since Marat Safin beat Lleyton Hewitt at the Australian Open in January 2005 - a men’s final at a major tournament will be contested without at least one of Federer, Djokovic or Rafael Nadal, the 2013 U.S. Open champion who did not attempt to defend his title because of a right wrist injury.
That trio won 34 of the past 38 Grand Slam trophies, including two months ago at Wimbledon, when Djokovic edged Federer in a five-set final. In the quarterfinals at Flushing Meadows on Thursday night, Federer dropped the first two sets against 20th-seeded Gael Monfils and wound up facing two match points, but managed to sneak away with a victory. There would be no such comeback this time against Cilic, who was forced to sit out last year’s U.S. Open while serving a doping suspension. Cilic had only played one previous major semifinal, at the 2010 Australian Open, while this was Federer’s 36th. And Cilic came into the day with an 0-5 head-tohead record. But on this particular day, Federer never was able to solve the big serves and substantial wingspan of his 6-foot-6 (1.98-meter) opponent. Cilic hit serves at up to 132 mph (213 kph) and finished with 13 aces, including three in the final game. That he would serve effectively was no surprise.
What truly stood out, though, was the way Cilic managed to hang with Federer in exchanges from the baseline. The start of Federer-Cilic was delayed for about an hour because of rain; the whole match only took 1 hour, 45 minutes, making it the fourth-fastest Grand Slam loss in Federer’s long and distinguished career. Cilic is the first man from Croatia to get this far at a major since his coach, Goran Ivanisevic, won Wimbledon in 2001. That’s nothing compared to Japan’s wait. As it is, Nishikori was the first man from his country to reach a Grand Slam semifinal since 1933. Now he made it a step further. He weaved his way through a pair of five-setters totaling more than 8 1/2 hours in the previous two rounds - beating No. 5 Milos Raonic, then No. 3 Stan Wawrinka - yet appeared to be much more lively than Djokovic, a guy widely considered as fit as they come in men’s tennis these days.
Hamilton beats Rosberg to Italian GP pole Reuters - Lewis Hamilton set himself up as favorite for today’s Italian Formula One Grand Prix after beating championshipleading team mate and title rival Nico Rosberg to pole position on an all-Mercedes front row. Mercedes-powered cars filled the top six slots after yesterday’s qualifying, with Williams drivers Valtteri Bottas and Felipe Massa together on the second row and McLaren’s Kevin Magnussen and Jenson Button fifth and sixth. The pole, on a sunny afternoon at the historic Monza circuit near Milan, was 2008 world champion Hamilton’s fifth of the season and 36th of his career. “We’ve done this as a team and it’s great to have another one-two for the team,” said Hamilton, who is 29 points adrift of Rosberg in the championship after they collided in Belgium two weeks ago.
Lewis Hamilton takes a curve during the 3rd practice session of the Italian F1 Grand Prix in Monza. (Credit: Reuters/Max Rossi) That incident has been the talk of Formula One, with Rosberg taking the blame for a coming together that led to Hamilton’s retirement at Spa. Mercedes bosses have told both drivers that such a collision, which robbed the team of a likely one-two finish, must not happen again but neither driver said much had changed really. Dominant Mercedes have taken pole in all but one of the 13 races so far this year, and Saturday marked the team’s seventh front row sweep of 2014. Ferrari’s long-suffering fans, without a win to celebrate for more than a year, saw Fernando
Alonso qualify seventh and Kimi Raikkonen 12th. The Finn will move up to 11th, however, because Toro Rosso’s Russian rookie Daniil Kvyat has a 10-place grid penalty for exceeding h i s s e a s o n ’s e n g i n e allocation. Champions Red Bull also had a tough afternoon as they had expected, with quadruple champion and last year’s winner Sebastian Vettel only eighth on the grid while Australian team mate Daniel Ricciardo qualified ninth. Ricciardo has won the previous two races, and three of the last six, and is an outside contender for the title.
The victorious Speed XI Team
n outstanding all-round performance by Jagdesh Persaud guided Speed XI to an 11-run win over Shakir XI when the teams collided on Wednesday night last for the Factory Price softball title at Thirst Park. Persaud reached the boundary eight times and cleared it on five occasions in his top score of 71 to propel his team to 209-4 off their allocation of 20 overs, batting first. Persaud and Ramo Malone laid the foundation for a sizeable total with an opening stand of 65 before Malone went for 18. Persaud and Yusuf Yunnis further consolidated with a second wicket stand of 79 with sensible batting. Following the departure of Persaud, Yunnis added 52 with Randolph
Parreira before they were both dismissed in the final over. Yunnis slammed 64 (3x4 6x6) while Parreira scored 31 (1x4). Ashmead Bacchus claimed 2-28. Zamal Khan then smashed a swashbuckling 91 to lead Shakir XI reply, but they ended on 198-9 in 20 overs. Khan belted nine fours and seven sixes and shared in a fifth with partnership of 101 with Bacchus (19) after their team found themselves in trouble at 54-4 at one stage. Aftar Khan chipped in with 15; Persaud bagged 5-18 to claim the man-of-the-match award while Malone took 3-15. Both teams received trophies while Khan collected the best batsman prize, Vishwanauth Deoram the most outstanding fielder accolade and Malone the best bowler trophy.
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UG upset GDF in GRFU 10s tourney
Kaieteur News
Sunday September 07, 2014
Local Track Stewards benefiting from OMDAI-FIA Directors visit
Action in the University of Guyana vs Guyana defence Force clash yesterday at the National Park.
hen play in the Guyana Rugby Football Union (GRFU) 10s tournament continued yesterday at the National Park, the Guyana Defence Force were dismantled by the underdogs University of Guyana by a 48-0 score-line to record one of the biggest upsets so far. Young Godfrey Gomes led the UG side 16 points (3 tries & 2conversions) while Fabien Joseph and Captain Rondell Mc Author had 2 tries apiece, Oise McKenzie one try and Lance Adonis 2 conversions. In eth feature game, front runners Pepsi
Hornets was held by the lowly placed and Yamaha Caribs to an exciting 24-all draw. Hornets goal scorers were Christopher Singh with 2 tries, Delroy Gordon and Jason Terrill with one try each while Captain Rayon Gonzales had 2 conversions. Caribs points came from, Captain Theodore Henry (2 tries & 2 conversions), Charles O’Neil and Grantley Williams recorded one try each. Competition will continue this Saturday and Sunday. September 13 - Hornet’s v GDF; UG v Caribs. September 14 - GDF v Caribs; Hornet’s v UG. Scrum down time is 15:00hrs on both days.
Local Race Stewards gathered at the GMR&SC Headquarters yesterday to attend sessions on improving their general knowledge of their designated assignments.
he Guyana Motor Racing & Sports Club (GMR&SC) in its quest to improve the general standard of motor racing in Guyana retained the services of OMDAI-FIA Directors Jorge Rodriguez and Nathalie Moutet to conduct sessions for officials over a four-day period. The sessions which started on Thursday with Moutet spearheading discussions on how to improve the administrative skills of administrators and this was done over the first two days of the visit, while Rodriguez presentations to track stewards which commenced yesterday focused on the several aspects of their work during a race Meet. The sessions which will include both theoretical and practical had
over sixty participants and they were lectured on how to organise race events, s i g n a l i n g a n d communications, safety intervention on the track, fire and personal safety and accident analysis. The visit which is expected to conclude today will see the participants engage in the practical aspect of the sport and this is where they will be exposed to fire fighting and its extinction, signaling, radio reports and team organisation in Marshal Posts. Speaking with a source close to the GMR&SC, he said the visit of the two officials was collaboration between the local racing entity and the FIA and is a follow-up to the trip made by FIA Track Engineer Julian Abed’s earlier this year
Jorge Rodriguez where he met with Minister of Sport Dr. Frank Anthony and club officials and had promised to assist in helping to raise the level of the sport here. The visit concludes today with the final session at the GMR&SC on Albert Street.
Stag Beer ‘West Side’ 5-a-side champs to be crowned tonight
STEWARTVILLE GUNNERS AND SHOWSTOPPERS FACE OFF Many contested but only Stewartville Gunners and Showstoppers made it through to the final and will face each other tonight for the top place in the inaugural Stag Beer ‘West Side’ 5-a-side football tournament at the Vergenoegen Rice Mill Tarmac from 20:00hrs. Before the showdown which will see the winner pocketing $200,000, De Kendrend Village and New Road Eagles are set to clash in the game that will determine the tournament’s third and fourth place teams. Another big crowd was on hand to witness Friday’s semi finals which didn’t live up to expectations. The unpredictable nature of the tournament took a complete turn in the onesided affairs. The first game of the double-header saw Stewartville Gunners making light work of De Kendrend Village with a 3 – 1 win. Initially, De Kendrend Village signaled their intention to eliminate the Gunners when Ulric Bourne found the back of the net in the 10th minute; a lead which they enjoyed throughout the first half. But the Stewartville team attired in full ‘Gunners’ (Arsenal) replica apparel equalized through Dwayne Charles at the start of the second half (21st minute), Orette Stephenson
extended the lead three minutes later. Donald Bobb then put the icing on the cake in the 38th minute to seal the win and send Stewartville Gunners through to the final. The evening’s second game produced a big 6-2 win for Showstoppers over New Road Eagles. New Road Eagles raced to an early lead when Simon Emmanuel opened his team’s account in the second minute. Dexroy Adams scored his first of four goals in the 16th minute, following up with strikes in the 24th, 25th and 36th minute. Anthony Sancho (34) and Winston Johnson (39) where the other scorers for Showstoppers. Ravi Chand (27) was the other scorer for New Road Eagles. Apart from the $200,000 going to the team that triumphs in tonight’s finals, the runner-up is set to take home $100,000 while third and fourth will receive $75,000 and $25,000 respectively. Coordinator Collin ‘BL’ Aaron said that he’s extremely happy with the support the event has received thus far and is anticipating an exciting climax. Several give-a-ways are planned for the evening by the organizers to show appreciation.
Sunday September 07, 2014
Kaieteur News
CULT / EBFA U-17 Final
Page 73
GCB Senior Inter County 50-Overs
Grove Hi Tech edge Herstelling Raiders Demerara thump Berbice by to take 1st place; Agricola end third 144 runs; Boodie double guides E’bo to comprehensive win
rove Hi Tech f u r t h e r underlined their billing as the best club on the East Bank when they won the CULT sponsored East Bank Football Association (EBFA) Under-17 League yesterday edging Herstelling Raiders 2-1 in the final at the Grove Playfield. Goals from Denzil Crawford in the 33rd minute and Kirk Cummings two minutes later handed Grove the lead in an exciting encounter between the two sides. Not to be outdone, Herstelling Raiders, led by the inspirational Seon Alfred who was named the tournament’s Most Valuable Player hit back in the 38th minute from the penalty spot. Alfred’s goal not only put pressure on the home team but also placed him level with Joel Dick as the competition’s top marksmen with 12 goals apiece. Grove’s goalkeeper Lloyd Matthews and Coach Levi Braithwaite were named Best Goalkeeper and Best Coach respectively. In the third place match, Agricola Red Triangle led by a hat-trick from Dakhawn Matthews turned by the challenge of Kuru Kururu Warriors 3-1. It was the Warriors who drew first blood just two minutes on, compliments of a Kevon Walker goal. The Linden Soesdyke Highway based lads held on to that lead for quite some time as they kept Agricola at bay. But constant pressure
By Zaheer Mohamed
MVP Seon Alfred receives his trophy from CGC Sales Manager Khemraj Dhanraj. saw them cracking and that’s when Agricola drove home the advantage. Matthews hit the network in the 53rd, 66th and 68th minute to wrest the game from the Warriors to seal the third place on their return to competitive youth football. Continental Group of Companies Sales Manager Khemraj Dhanraj and Marketing Assistant Indar Jaigobin were on hand to w i t n e s s y e s t e r d a y ’s proceedings and expressed their companies delight in being a part of the game on the East Bank. Dhanraj said that he was impressed with the pool of
talent in the association while complimenting the players and coaches for making the sacrifice to come out every week to compete. He pledged continued support for the game on the East Bank. EBFA President Wayne Francois expressed gratitude to the sponsors for their commitment to youth development noting that two of the players from the competition represented Guyana’s Under-17 team in the CFU qualifying competition. Clubs were told to start preparations for the soon to s t a r t E B FA U n d e r- 1 3 competition.
South Africa defeat Australia in Triangular series final
Dale Steyn
Dale Steyn took 4-35 and Faf du Plessis scored 96 as South Africa defeated Australia by six wickets in the final of the Triangular series in Zimbabwe. Aaron Finch top-scored with 54 and James Faulkner 40 as Australia struggled to 217-9 from their 50 overs. In reply, Du Plessis put on 98 with Hashim Amla (51) and 91 with AB de Villiers (57 not out) as South Africa won with nine overs to spare. In-form Du Plessis had struck three centuries in his previous four innings. Unsurprisingly, the 30-year-old, who almost became the first player to score four hundreds in a single series, was named man of the tournament. “I’ve been hitting the ball well and definitely number three is a position where I get the time to set up my innings,” said Du Plessis. “I’m getting used to the role now and beginning to enjoy it.” The World Cup takes place in Australia and New Zealand next year - and Proteas skipper De Villiers is confident his team can improve on their performances in Zimbabwe. “The fact we are starting to win games under pressure shows we are on the right track,” said De Villiers. “But there is (Continued on page 69)
Demerara registered an emphatic 144-run victory over arch rivals Berbice while Essequibo demolished the National Under-19 team by 229 runs in the second round of the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) Senior Inter County 50-Overs tournament yesterday. Demerara are now assured of a place in the final while a victory for either Berbice or Essequibo in their third round fixture will guarantee them a final berth too. Demerara, led by an even half century from Shemroy Barrington, an attacking 49 from Trevon Griffith and a well composed 43 from Rajendra Chandrika, posted a respectable 232-8 in 50 overs after they decided to bat at Wales on the West Bank of Demerara. Berbice were sent packing for 88 in 34.2 overs in reply. Witnessed by a fair size crowd, pacer Keon Joseph provided Berbice with the breakthrough when he had opener Andrew Lyght Jnr. (05) leg before with the score on 17, but Griffith and Chandrika featured in a second wicket stand of 55 to repair the early damage on a pitch which favoured the slower bowlers. Griffith was severe on anything too short or full. He hit pacer Raun Johnson to the mid wicket boundary and smashed him to long on an long off fours before dumping the pacer over long off for a maximum forcing skipper Narsingh Deonarine to pull him out of the attack after two overs. The left handed Griffith then flicked and drove Joseph for fours while Chandrika was content to play the supporting role. The introduction of spinner Krishundat Ramoo failed to contain Griffith; he drove the spinner to the cover boundary before dumping him over the ropes at long off. Deonraine brought himself on and Griffith drove him for a boundary, but was then leg before to the said bowler after facing 49 balls; he hit eight fours and one six. Robin Bacchus joined Chandrika and immediately went on the attack; he drove Deonarine down the ground for four and deposited
Ramoo and Veerasammy Permaul for maximums, but Deonarine trapped him lbw after he had scored 27 with the score on 108-3. Left arm spinner Veerasammy Permaul had Christopher Barnwell (01) caught in the slips nine runs later. Chandrika who swept Permaul to the fine leg boundary added 31 for the fifth wicket with Barrington before he was run out for 43 with two fours off 78 balls.
Kevon Boodie
Shemroy Barrington gathers runs during his top score Steven Jacobs soon departed for 14, before Barrington who mixed aggression with defense and Paul Wintz beefed up the total in the latter stages. Barrington swept Gudakesh Motie Kanhai to fine leg before thumping Joseph for three consecutive boundaries, but just reaching his fifty off 69 balls with four fours, was bowled by Clements. Wintz hit one four and two sixes to end unbeaten on 31. Deonarine and Clements captured two wickets each while Joseph, Ramoo and Permaul had one apiece. Berbice were off to a flier with Kandasammy Surujnarine and Anthony Bramble hammering 31 off four overs which prompted Barnwell to remove himself and Wintz from the attack after two overs. The introduction of spin brought immediate success. Jacobs dragged Surujnarine (15) out of his crease with a straighter ball and wicketkeeper Barrington did the rest before debutant left arm spinner Raj Nanan trapped Clements (00) lbw. Bowling with control and variation, Jacobs sent back Bramble (17) before he had Deonarine (04) caught in the slips with one that bounced and turned to leave the score at 45-4. Man-of-the-match Nanan then trapped Jonathan
Foo (00) lbw and removed Permaul (05) as the Berbicians slipped into further trouble at 69-6. Nanan, leg spinner Amir Khan and debutant Yatesh Dhanpaul wrapped up the rest of the batting; Seon Hetmyer top scored with 18 (2x4). Nanan finished with 425, Jacobs 3-22, Khan 2-1 and Dhanpaul 1-14. At Demerara Cricket Club ground, Kevon Boodie stroked an attacking double century to guide Essequibo to a mammoth 386-9 in 50 overs, batting first. Man-ofthe-match Boodie smashed eleven fours and nineteen sixes in scoring 217, he and fellow opener Norman Fredericks (16) added 154 for the first wicket to set the tone. Royan Fredericks scored 45, Anthony Adams 26 and Ricardo Adams 18. Ronaldo Mohamed was the pick of the bowlers with 2-39. The National U-19 team was bowled out for 157 in 34.2 overs in response. Tagenarine Chanderpaul top scored 46 (4x4 2x6), Keemo Paul hit 33 (3x4 1x6), Shimron Hetmyer 20 (4x4) and Brian Sattaur 18 (1x4 2x6). Anthony Adams snared 4-15, Hemchand Persaud 429 and Brian Hubbert 2-36. The competition continues tomorrow with Demerara facing the National U-19 team at Bourda and Essequibo playing Berbice at Everest.
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Kaieteur News
1st Dhaka Bank Test
Braithwaite hits unbeaten double century on rain affected second day By Sean Devers in St Vincent in association with Sterling Products Ltd, Universal Sports Store, Payless Varity Store & Carib Beer A pedestrian paced unbeaten 205 from Kraigg Braithwaite, who batted for 550 minutes and faced 437 balls in his second Test century and first ‘double, led West Indies to 407-3 against Bangladesh when the truncated second day of the opening Dhaka Bank Test match here at Arnos Vale ended yesterday after 170 minutes were lost due to rain. To r r e n t i a l h e a v y overnight and morning rain resulted in traffic jams and landslides and left several sections of the capital Kingstown, flooded including the airport which remained closed all morning. When play finally resumed 50 minutes after Lunch with West Indies on 264-3, Braithwaite added 82 to his overnight 123 while Shiv Chanderpaul, on one overnight, progressed to 51 not out in an unfinished fourth wicket partnership of 146 under overcast skies on the lush green and sluggish outfield. The 21-year-old Braithwaite, who shared in century stands with opener Chris Gayle (64) and Darren Bravo (62) on Friday, again looked compact and along with veteran Chanderpaul, who began this match with 627 runs from eight Tests against Bangladesh including three centuries, survived a tricky half hour or so when seamers Rubel and Al Amin utilized the overcast conditions and moisture in the pitch and beat both batsmen several times with prodigious swing. Chanderpaul, who batted for 233 minutes and faced 177 balls in his 51, played and missed a few times outside off stump and survived confident LBW and caught behind appeals off Rubel who was armed with the second new ball while Braithwaite, inside edged Al Amin dangerously past his leg stump. However, as the bowlers seemed to tire and the pair settled in, batting became much easier with Braithwaite majestically cover driving Rubel for four
Kraigg Brathwaite celebrates reaching his Double Century (WICB Media Photo/Randy Brooks)
before going deep into his crease to pull the pacer for consecutive boundaries as their partnership flourished on the heavy ground. The spinners were once again steady but not penetrative as the two most dogged batsmen in the West Indies side made them toil with Braithwaite favoring the cut and Chanderpaul playing the supporting role. By Tea the hosts, who have two defeats, a win and a draw in the four Test matches they have played against Bangladesh in the West Indies, were well entrenched for a huge score on 344-3 even though the scoring rate should have been a little quicker especially with the rain threatening the game. Braithwaite was on 166 and Chanderpaul on 27 at the break with the partnership already worth 83 runs. After Tea, West Indies, with seven wickets in hand and both
batsmen well set, never tried to put their foot on the accelerator and watching the fourth wicket partnership between Chanderpaul and Braithwaite was as exciting as watching paint dry and
must have gone a long way in putting the few die-hard fans of Test cricket, who braved the weather to support the home team, to sleep, as they scored just 43 runs in the extended final session. This negative approach would have aided the Bangladesh cause since they must have been hoping for the hosts to take as much time as possible to score their runs leaving as little time as possible for them to be dismissed twice, especially with the uncertain weather conditions prevailing. Braithwaite spent 54 minutes in the 190s after Tea before, against the trend of play, he disdainfully swept Mahmudullah for his 14th four to post his first Test double as Bangladesh set ultra defensive fields. The 40-year-old Chanderpaul picked up singles with ease, especially against left-arm Taijul Islam and reached his 64 Test fifty in the same over. But both batsmen continued to play in defensive mode and with Chanderpaul 49 runs away from his 30th Test ton, the Caribbean team might be tempted to bat for an hour today and get close to 500 before declaring in an effort to try and bat just once in the contest and give their bowlers a realistic chance of dismissing Bangladesh, without a win this year, twice in the remaining time and taking the weather into consideration. Today is the third day and play is scheduled to commence at 09:00hrs to make up for time lost.
Sunday September 07, 2014
FIFA finance watchdog member arrested on corruption charges Canover Watson
Reuters - FIFA faces more embarrassment after a member of its financial watchdog was arrested on suspicion of corruption and money-laundering in the Cayman Islands. Canover Wa t s o n , o n e o f e i g h t members of FIFA’s Audit and Compliance Committee and a Vice-President of the Caribbean Football Union, has denied the charges and been released on bail in the British overseas territory. The FIFA Committee, headed by Italian Domenico Scala, is charged with ensuring the “completeness and reliability of the financial accounting” of world soccer’s governing b o d y . F I FA d i d n o t immediately respond for comment when contacted by Reuters. Cayman Islands Anti-Corruption Commissioner David Baines issued a statement to local media saying that Watson was suspected of “breach of trust contrary to section 13 of the Cayman Islands AntiCorruption Law, as well as abuse of public office... and conflict of interest”. Those allegations refer to Watson’s time at the head of Cayman’s Health Service Authority and follow a police investigation into the introduction a swipe card system. Baines also cited “suspicion of money-
laundering contrary to section 133 of the Proceeds of Crime Law” in the Watson case. “The allegations are denied. In due course, at the proper time and in the appropriate forum, I look forward to setting out my position in greater detail,” Watson said in a statement to the Cayman Compass newspaper. “For present purposes since the police investigation is ongoing, I have been advised by my attorneys that it would be inappropriate for me to make further comment.” The newspaper said no charges had yet been filed against Watson who under his bail terms is due to report back to police on September 29. The Cayman Islands has become a power center within the CONCACAF region, which governs soccer in North and Central America and the Caribbean. The President of CONCACAF is FIFA VicePresident Jeffrey Webb, who is also President of the Cayman Islands Football Association which lists Watson as its Treasurer. Webb took over as CONCACAF President after the resignation Trinidadian Jack Warner, who was at the center of numerous corruption allegations.
Bonaire shock Suriname 3-2
Rivalry in the CFU Men’s Caribbean Cup competition continued on Friday last at a number of venues throughout the region, following is a roundup of matches played. The Dominican Republic lost 2 - 1 to host Antigua & Barbuda, while St. Vincent defeats Anguilla 4 - 0 at
Antigua Recreation grounds on Friday. Host Antigua went down to an own goal by Karanja Mack in the 21st minute as Dominican Republic looked to repeat taking another 3 points from the Antiguans as previously done back in the 2012 finals. But the host pulled back an equalizing goal in the 55th minute by Peter Byers. The Antigua team then doubled their lead in the 70th minute as Nathaniel Jarvis scored the winning goal for the host. In the opening match f the double header, St. Vincent & The Grenadine’s
Oalex Anderson continued his fine goal scoring form when he bagged a double against Anguilla. Anderson scored in the 39th and 77th minutes respectively. Striker Myron Samuel opened the scoring in the 36th minute and Azinho Solomon in the 71st minute. Group 3 had a surprise result of the night when Bonaire shocked Suriname with a 3 -2 victory. Bonaire opened the scoring in the 6th minute with a strike from Laucey Pauleta then doubled their lead in the 12th with Yurick Seinpaal on target.
Bonaire then scored a third goal from the penalty spot by Seuhendly Barzey in the 70th minute. Suriname tried to restore pride when Miguel Cronie scored from the penalty spot in the 80th and 82nd minute. But Cronie’s double wasn’t enough as Bonaire ended the night as 3 - 2 winner. In the other encounter Barbados let a 2 - 0 halftime lead slip as Martinique scored 3 goals in the second half to rally to a 3- 2 win. Ricardo Morris scored in the 13th minute then Carl Joseph (Continued on page 65)
Sunday September 07, 2014
Kaieteur News
One positive doping test is one too many - Executive Director, Caribbean RADO
Caribbean RADO Executive Director, Tessa Chaderton-Shaw (second, left), in a photo moment with, from right, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony, the Guyana Olympic Association President, K. A. Juman-Yassin and Permanent Secretary, Alfred King. By Edison Jefford Executive Director of Caribbean Regional AntiDoping Organisation (RADO), Tessa ChadertonShaw believes that one positive doping test is one too many in the fight against the emergence of the use of performance enhancing drugs (doping) in sports. ”Guyana has had some positive test that has been made public, and one test is one too many, and our effort is really to spread that measure far and wide, so that we have a level playing field, and all Guyanese athletes are playing fairly,” ChadertonShaw said. The international spotlight shone on Guyana this year when Powerlifter, Gumendra Shewdas was tested positive for Methylhexaneamine and Oxilofrine, which are both banned substances on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) list. Shewdas had won a gold medal in the 53kg class at the World Junior and sub-Junior P o w e r l i f t i n g Championships in Killeen, Texas in August last year. His case is the only highprofiled case that the country has ever endured in its sport history. The Caribbean RADO Executive Director was in Guyana for a board meeting, which was held yesterday at the Princess Hotel, Providence; the Caribbean RADO also conducted a development seminar to spread anti-doping
awareness and education. “We looked at the role of the Caribbean RADO, the services it provides to the region and more specifically to Guyana,” ChadertonShaw stated, adding that one of the challenges is consistent anti-doping education and its accessibility to local sport associations. “I think one of the first challenges is consistent antidoping education being delivered across all sport federations, doing it consistently, it takes time. Anti-doping is an area of sport development that people tend to frown on,” the lead RADO official said. According to ChadertonShaw, testing has to be embraced domestically and be seen as a “pivotal component of sport development”. She said that more testing has to be done across the board, in and out of competition, to ensure that sport is kept clean. “With the assistance of the board members, and the doping control officers in collaboration with the national sport federations, this can be achieved. It’s something that we have to keep chipping away at, in all of our fifteen member countries,” she indicated. The Caribbean RADO is an affiliate of WADA and has a responsibility to “provide education on the use of drugs and doping methods in sport”. It also has a mandate to promote, and coordinate, the fight against doping in sport among
Caribbean countries. The Caribbean RADO is made up of fifteen member countries, with a board member from each country. Permanent Secretary within the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, Alfred King is Guyana’s RADO Board member with Charles Corbin, Dr. Karen Pilgrim, Dr. Clive Bowman and more r e c e n t l y D r. N a v i n Rambarran serving as Doping Control Officers. It is the duty of the Doping Control Officers to conduct tests locally.
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Did you know? D
id you know that Guyana once held the record for the widest margin of victory in a qualifying group match at the CFU level? Guyana’s 14-0 demolition of Anguilla in the 1998 Shell Caribbean Cup was eclipsed when Martinique crushed British Virgin Islands 16-0 at the Stade George’s Gratian at Le La Mention Martinique on September 08, 2012. The French heroes were striker Kevin Parsemain who netted 6 goals, he received admirable support from Stephane Abaul and Jordy Delem with double each while Gerald Dondon, Steve Gustan, Jacky Berdix, Djenhael Gaetan Sidney and Alex Balmy scored one goal apiece. Looking back at the Guyana and Anguilla historic clash at the Antigua Recreation ground in St. John’s in April 1998, the lads from the Land of Many Waters created history with that 14-0 trouncing of the hapless Anguilla. Collie ‘Hitman’ Hercules was the star with four goals, Omali Nassy and Jermaine Scott fired in a hat-trick each, Randolph ‘Blackhead’ Jerome chipped in with a double, while Shawn Wong and ‘John’ Wayne Milo hit the network once each. The record breaking 1998, Guyana shell Caribbean Cup Squad:
Charles Pollard Randolph Jerome
Collie Hercules Jermaine Smart Jermaine Smart (Captain), Osmond Jeune (deceased), Jomo Benfield, Martin Stewart, Charles ‘Lily’ Pollard, Orville Bobb, Jermaine Scott, Paul Johnson, Neville Stanton, Christopher Giles, Terrence ‘Old Head’ Lewis, ‘John’ Wayne Milo, Shawn Wong,
Omalli Nassey, Kevin Archer, Randolph ‘Blackhead’ Jerome, Carey Harris, Collie ‘Hitman’ Hercules, Winston Callender (Manager), Carlos Godoy (Technical Director), Deryck White (Head Coach), Robin Phillips (Physical Trainer), L e n n o x A r t h u r ( Te a m Coordinator). (Charwayne Walker)
t r o Sp
Braithwaite hits unbeaten double century on rain affected 2nd day 1ST DHAKA BANK TEST
GCB Senior Inter County 50-Overs
Demerara thump Berbice by 144 runs; Boodie double guides E’bo to comprehensive win Successful appeal for an lbw decision against Jonathan Foo.
Shivnarine Chanderpaul and Kraigg Brathwaite (WICB Media Photo/Randy Brooks)
Grove Hi Tech edge Herstelling Raiders to take 1st place; Agricola end third CULT / EBFA U-17 Final
Grove Hi Tech Captain Mervin Squires proudly holds the champions trophy in the presence of CULT representatives and EBFA Executive members.
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