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Online readership yesterday, 64,268 Online: www.kaieteurnews.com September11,2022 Sunday Edition Price $150 AIETEUR NEWSK Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly Listen to @11am, 4&7pm on Kaieteur RadioThe Glenn Lall Show 99.1/99.5FM Guyana garner windfall taxes from Exxon and others …as oil companies receive big $$$ in last 15 years $89M ECD nursery school$89McommissionedECDnursery commissioned Solar power supply costs declined by 15% yearlyRepor2022UNDPtbetween 2010 and 2020 …failure to give decent wage becoming human rights issue - Ram Public servants not paid enough Gas-to-energy project could be another ExxonMobil reports 'minor' oil spill at Liza Two project …reminds citizens of secretive, Marriott Hotel, Berbice Bridge deals -GlennLall'Ponzi Scheme' …EPA says investigations ongoing G/Town Hospital in dire need of upgrades …plagued with some similar challenges as N/A, Linden facilities - IDB August Report IMF gives advice to help

Sunday September 11, 2022Kaieteur NewsPAGE 02

Meanwhile, weighing in

same. The main opposition and several industry stakeholders have urged the government to conduct a new feasibility study for the project and also insist, the nation should first see the contract for the venture beforegovernmentsignson.

- GlennLall


Sunday September 11, 2022 Kaieteur News PAGE 03

N o r t o n r e a s o n e d , “ R e m e m b e r t h e Governmentismanagingthe resources of the people.The Government doesn’t own any resource The Government doesn’t have total authority over what happens.TheGovernmentis elected by the people to manage the state which belongs to the people and therefore the Government shouldbeaccountabletothe people and I see no reason whytheyshouldnotmakeit public so that we can claim some form of good governance.”

people in the Marriott Hotel were that were milking the money, whether the hotel made a profit or not. It’s almost the same thing they didwiththeBerbiceBridgethe couple private people they installed, including Jagdeobestfriendwhoowns the single largest block of shares in the bridge, were guaranteed payments regardless whether the bridge makes money or lose money Them boys pocket secure, they can never lose withsuchasweetdeal.Soif we are not careful and demand to see this gas-toshore project before it is finalised by Jagdeo and Brassington,wewon’tbe

“Just a reminder, the gas-toshore(-energy)project,ifwe don’t see the contract, we could end up just like the Marriott Hotel and the Berbice Bridge Bharrat Jagdeo, Ashni Singh and Winston Brassington - the three of them designed that contract in which they designed that deal and installed private people secretly You would believe that the PPP come out of office, the Coalition was in thereandtheycouldnotfind outorknowwhothosesecret

Government pushes ahead with the much vaunted gasto-energyprojected,whichit said will cut electricity charges by 50 percent and bring healthy returns to the treasury, businessman, Glenn Lall has warned that theventurecouldbeanother ‘PonziScheme’–thelikesof the Marriott Hotel and the Berbice River Bridge deals thataremiredinsecrecy

ensure that the relevant documents are made public.

is going to cost nearly twice asmuch,Ibelieveitispretty clearthatweneedtohavethe appropriatestudiestojustify the spending,” Economist ElsonLow,amemberofthe APNU+AFC, said. Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton also has warned that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) must not be allowed to enter into an agreement with oil giant, ExxonMobil, for the gas-toenergy project without the nation first seeing an updatedfeasibilitystudyand thedealtowhichthecountry will be accepting. Norton believes that if the administration is true to its mantraof“transparencyand accountability”thenitwould

As the Irfaan Ali


“Thereisnowaythatyou shouldbespendinghundreds of millions of US-dollars without the appropriate feasibility studies and without an updated analysis based on the changes that haveoccurred.Ifthisproject

on the issue, Lall, the publisher of the Kaieteur News and an advocate for a better oil deal, said that the governmentmustbestopped in its track with this project.

The gas to energy projectwillencompassthree major aspects – the pipeline totransportthegastoWales, West Bank Demerara, the NGL facility that will treat and separate the gas and the power plant to generate the electricityThispublication had reportedthatGuyanesehave been told that the pipeline aspect, which is being pursued by US oil major E x x o n M o b i l ’ s s u b s i d i a r y E s s o Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL), will cost around US$1 3 billion.Eventhisisexpected to increase when Exxon closes critical contracts for

...reminds citizens of secretive, Marriott Hotel, Berbice Bridge deals Gas-to-energyprojectcouldbeanother‘PonziScheme’


Kaieteur M@ilbox

whatReflect,will.foramoment,on what the national reaction would be like if Guyana didn’thaveoil,butalsofaced the difficulties that we have seen all year in the sugar industry Doyoureallythink this catastrophe would have been allowed to fester to the point that we now face a 55.9%declinerelativetothe same time last year? Of coursenot!Wehaveseenlots of aggressive talk, but have we avoided a monumental collapse?No.

relative to its own goals How can a government predict a 25.1% increase in rice production for the year, and end up with a 22.4% declineatthehalfyearmark? Either the government’s original predictions reflect extremeincompetenceorthe rice sector has been neglected This, again, pointstoafocusonoilatthe expense of supporting the otherThird,industries.some would have youbelievethatthisisalldue to last year’s floods, and December’s rains, but when the government prepared its estimates for the year was it notawarethattherehadbeen floods? After all, was the

S e c o n d , t h e government’s performance in maintaining a diversified economy must, at the very minimum, be measured

EDITORIAL PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana. Publisher:GLENNLALL-TEL:624-6456 Editor:SHARMAINGRAINGER Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210 Kaieteur News Kaieteur NewsPAGE 04 Sunday September 11, 2022 Send your letters to Kaieteur News, 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown or email us kaieteurnews@yahoo.com

LookatrenegotiationoftheoilcontractthatMr.Jagdeo and his party promised so sincerely to deliver, but about which he is now all on ExxonMobil’s side, while leaving Guyanese cheated and feeling the pangs of leadership betrayals. It will happen sometime, but not now, is Mr Jagdeo’s present mantra If ExxonMobil has its way, sometime will be never, and they have just the man to maintaintheirrichreality,theirserialrapingofGuyana’slush oil resource. His name is Bharrat Jagdeo and he is mostly aboutwhatisgoodforExxonMobil,andsomuchaboutwhat isimpoverishingforGuyana.

budget not presented in late January? Of course, it is possible that rice will undergoanunbelievableturn around,butwitha47.5%gap between expectations and reality at the half-year mark no reasonable person would beoptimistic.Simila

We invite anyone from Guyana, or anywhere, to review theVicePresident’srecordofwordsandactions,andthereis astoryofaleaderwhohaseithermixeduphispriorities,or losthiswayentirelyonhowhewentovertotheotherside,the side of the foreigners, and none more than the foreign oil companies When Guyana’s biggest prize, its richest patrimony,isinvolved,thiscountry’sownVicePresident,is closest to what works out to be most prospering to ExxonMobil and Hess Corp. It should hardly come as a surprise that the leaders of those twoAmerican companies are boasting and crowing before the world about how good Guyana has been and is going to be for them for years to come.PickanareathatbenefitsExxonMobilanditspartners, and there is Guyana’s Vice President Jagdeo leading the charge with his constant loud and determined defenses for theforeigners. ItdoesnotseemtomatteratalltoMr Jagdeo thatoneachoccasionthatherushestotheforefrontonbehalf of ExxonMobil and others that Guyana’s interests are left behind,andthatGuyana’sfutureprosperityisweakened. If itisring-fencing,Mr Jagdeoisastudyinlet’swaitandsee, the time is not ripe, the time will come, but it is not today Naturally, the oil companies are delighted since they can carry on their shenanigans with moving, even duplicating, expensesfromoneoffshoreprojecttoanother,atwill,andall becauseMr Jagdeodoesnotpossessthecouragetoputiton thetablebeforetheforeigners. Itisasifheiswaitingfora signal from them, regarding when the time is right to approach such issues that would help Guyana get fairness fromitsoil.OntheissueoffullliabilitycoverageforGuyana in the instance of a disastrous oil spill, Mr Jagdeo does not manifestthesameenergyandpassion,whichhavebeenthe normwhenhegoesafterGuyanesewhodaretodisagreewith him,objecttotheway,onhowhemanagesthistrillion-dollar (U.S.) oil business that is in his hands. When he should be confrontingExxonMobilforthatnon-negotiableprotection, he wimps out, is a frail shadow of the aggressive figure he usually is with Guyanese, and speaks limply of waiting for “acknowledgement” and some vagueness of ‘up to US$2B’ incoverage. Forthisvitalissue,Guyana’soilleadershould be standing straight and tall, and getting in the faces of Routledge andWoods to make it clear to them that this full liabilitycoveragehastobehad,anditmustbenow Nomore pussyfooting on it by them, and only when he does so insistently and powerfully, would he cease being the voiceless,listless,clawlesspussycatthathebecomes,when heisaroundtheforeignpeople.


r l y , t h e government predicted that fishingwouldgrowby5.8% butithasdeclinedby19%so far this year What has been t h e r e s u l t o f t h e government’s efforts to obtain fishing licenses from Suriname, other than national humiliation? Further,havefishermenbeen abletoreturntotheir


Guyana’s Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo, stands as the best partner for the interests of foreigners. Guyana’s Oil Ministeristhebestfriendthatalltheforeignoilcompanies could have in their corner Mr Jagdeo pushes and pushes endlessly, tirelessly for what is best for the foreign oil companies, as they explore in and produce from our rich offshore oilfields. When Mr Jagdeo conducts himself so unconcernedly, so unashamedly, for what prospers the leaders, shareholders, suppliers, and workers of the likes of American oil operators, such as ExxonMobil and Hess Corporation, and not to forget China National Offshore Oil Company,thenhelosessightofwhatisright,whatisproper, andwhatisbestforGuyana.

Bharrat Jagdeo

I find it necessary to address a recent Guyana Chronicle article which denies the onset of Dutch disease here in Guyana, entitled: No Dutch Disease. TheclaimthatfearsofDutch Diseaseareunfoundedwhen there have been very severe declines in several non-oil sectorsisinofitselfevidence of Dutch disease This is because a classic symptom of this malady is the neglect of smaller sectors, in favour ofadominantsectorlikethe oilandgasindustry Afterall, if a 55 9% decline in something as prominent as sugar does not raise the warning flag, it’s unclear

– the story of the best worker for foreigners

Allay fears that the only thing growing in Guyana is the number of FPSOs

From page 5 understand the importance of good governance, rights and the rule of law.

From his vantage position on the C RC, he would have heard and read the entreaties and submissions of those who wanted a change in the constitution because they see that instrument as the Sword of Damocles over their heads, responsible for their exclusion from the political space, and denial of human rights, economic equity and social justice.Ifit may be lost on Ralph, it is not lost on African Guyanese how important is the right to life. If there was one assurance the APNU+AFC government gave Africans, is that this right for their community was equally sacrosanct as it is for others. Africans live in real fear that this for them is not respected by the PPP. Even as I say this, I encourage Ralph to reach out and talk with the family of 29-year-old businessman Orin Boston who in 2021 was shot dead in his bed by police, leaving behind a wife and toddlers. I wish he would find time to talk with the family of 23-year-old Quindon Bacchus, who earlier this year was shot to death several times in his back by the police, leaving behind a toddler son and other loved ones to mourn. He could also have a talk with the parents of teenagers Isaiah and Joel Henry who in 2020 went into the backlands in their

Recently, the Ministry initiated specialist math training for Region 4 teachers only, although there is a state of emergency in math across the nation. Sixty-four percent of students are failing math and this has implications for

DEAR EDITOR, Queen Elizabeth was a queen beyond Britain.

Editor, have we become so diseased that foreigners loathe being near us? Are we so low that outsiders can’t even share space with us, think the worst of us? And, are we so damning and dangerous that they need to segregated from us, or us from them? I know the answers to all three questions from living close enough to foreigners, (Continued on page 70)

PAGE 6 Kaieteur News Sunday September 11, 2022

Somebody did me the courtesy of sharing a Facebook post. I wish they hadn’t; then glad that it was done. This is the situation.

Finally, I will point toward an argument I find fascinating. GAWU has stated that the only way to turn GUYSUCO around is to increase sugar workers’ wages. Obviously if wages in the oil and gas sector exceed those in sugar workers will be tempted to leave. A classic example of Dutch Disease is the migration of workers from the agricultural sector to other sectors of the economy with higher wages.

A man posted the experience of his family at a resort on the feelandguishedinging,presentedwithremotethechildrenaHighway.Soesdyke-LindenIgatherthatitwaspartyofadozenpluswithpresent.Concisely,experiencefromgatetobenabtodeparture,staffcommunicationswasrevealing,roil-andrepugnant.Accord-tothismanbaringhisan-Guyanesesoul,hehisfamilyweremadetounwanted,inferior,andas

A handful of high flyers unacceptable...

finger wrongly, cruelly. Worse still, I would be aiding and abetting him. But, there is something in this hurting man’s story, his deep humiliation, that stirs deep inside of me. It has that ring about it.

It is therefore interesting that some in the society seem anxious about the symptoms, even though the diagnosis escapes them. Does this mean higher wages are necessary for GUYSUCO to succeed, or is it greater productivity? I would argue the latter, and in fact, I believe that increasing each industry’s productivity will allay the fears many Guyanese have that the only thing growing in Guyana will be the number of FPSOs.

The world is observing the United Nations Decade for the People of African Descent. The decade aims to right historical wrongs committed against Africans, as a result of chattel slavery and other forms of exploitation, through structural actions supported by the state. In our instance, the Government of Guyana.


Kaieteur M@ilbox Kaieteur M@ilbox



neighbourhood in West Coast Berbice only to be found dead days later, their bodies badly mutilated, in what is evidently a hate crime. Those who may want to counter with the accepted demonisation that Africans are criminals (even as they ignore the drug lords, tax evaders, white collar and other criminals in their midst) should pay heed to the words of Keith Massiah S.C. In 2005, former Chancellor, Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General, Keith Massiah S.C, as a member of the Gajraj Commission of Inquiry into the phantom squads killings, had this to say: “Killings, however reasonable and expedient in the opinion of many persons of goodwill, ought not to be countenanced. Even the alleged serial killer, the persistent rapist and the paedophile, detestable as those pariahs are, enjoy the fundamental right to a fair hearing and the full protection of due process. Persons who are thought tohavecommitted crimes must be arrested, charged and tried in a court of law. Nothing less can be accepted.” There is no place in modern society to hound down and kill people like dogs in the street and not be held accountable by the law. Neither should persons have to live fear this could happen to them or loved ones. Regardless of what others may say of African Guyanese, from the Forbes Burnham to David Granger

Such was her caring for her new wider family where there will be remembrances of friendly country vis its on every continent. The whole world has benefited from Queen Elizabeth’s life being ‘long’, in the context of he r vow of service as her reign began.

From page 4 accustomed fishing grounds, or are they still displaced by oil exploration? If that is not Dutch disease then nothing is. At this point, I hope my learned colleagues will not attempt to reply that Dutch disease can only be narrowly defined as the result of a change in exchange rates. Neither of their responses mentions exchange rates, so I think that ship has sailed.

There can be no justification...

governments, if East Indians expressed grievance, they could have counted on the public solidarity of other African leaders in holding African political leadership accountable for addressing East Indians concerns, whether real or perceived. I hope it is not too late for Ralph to accept this fact and attempt to do likewise with his colleagues in the East Indian led regime. The Boysie I know would have said, ‘Let’s listen to them. They have grievances and the only way we can solve problems and peacefully live together is giving people the opportunity to talk and address their concerns.’

From page 5 proficiencies for grades 1 to 3 in CSEC was 68.5%, which means the failure rate was 31.5%. This is not good. The major problem of our educational system is that it is inherently unequal and inequitable, and designed to produce failures. Too many gaps exist across the system after 33 years of the PNC and 25 years of the PPP. There are two Guyanas in education services - better off, fairly resourced, urban schools that get preferential treatment from the Ministry, and struggling, underresourced, rural schools in areas that tend to vote PPP.

ElsonYours, EconomicLow,and Youth Advisor to the Leader of the Opposition

jects, and St. Joseph’s with 17. Why does Anna Regina have only 9 subjects compared to the Georgetown schools with an average of 23 subjects? Same question for West Dem. Sec. We must end these inequities now. There appears to be no accelerated plan to deal with equity in education. Instead of boosting up high schools across the country outside of Region 4, the Ministry is adding a new $103 million annex building to Queen’s College and a $95.4 million building at The Bishops’ High. While this might be a nice thing, it does not solve the equity problem; it perpetuates the inequities. How about better buildings at Corentyne High (Chandisingh School), Winifred Gaskin Sec. at Manchester, Skeldon High, Tagore Memorial High, Black Bush, Bush Lot, Leguan, Wakenaam, Leonora High, Stewartville High, Zeeburg, West Demerara Secondary, and in the interior regions, etc? Where is the Ministry’s Equity Plan? How long should we wait for the Ministry to lay out its plan?

inconvenient interlopers. Subtle segregation in Guyana. To elaborate, the presence of unofficial segregated facilities effectively barring Guyanese citizens from partaking of nature’s gifts in their country. Locals shouldn’t swim in the pool because the foreigners wouldn’t like it. Immediately, images of lunch counters, Birmingham, South Carolina, and Faubus and Wallace came to mind. This can’t be what oil has done to Guyanese. But, it has, if this unknown man’s story is to be believed. I go out on a limb: I believe him. If not, he is a worst bigot than those at whom he points a

Allay fears that the only thing growing...

Now I want to loop in the manufacturing and gold sectors to demonstrate a broader point. The declines we are seeing in Guyana’s non-oil sectors are not unique and isolated but spread across many prominent sectors. Are we to look at the simultaneous decline of such important sec-

STEM education and capacity building for the emerging technical needs of the oil industry. The other regions have to wait for the math to trickle down from Region 4. This perpetuates the old inequitable system. We need educational reform thinking at the Ministry. What will they do with the US$40 million loan they got? Will we see tangible things for all that money? Will this address the inequities including Internet access and smart classrooms in all schools in the rural areas?

tors as gold, manufacturing, fishing, sugar and rice, which have formed the backbone of Guyana’s economy in varying measure over the years, and say to ourselves that all is well? If this is all due to bad luck, as it seems some would have readers believe, then I would humbly suggest that perhaps a different government might bring better luck.

Lincoln Lewis

As Head of the Commonwealth, In particular, her sense of caring for its unifying principles and her dutiful commitment in advancing their discharge, made her a global asset. For that Commonwealth of 54 countries her leadership rested not in allegiance but affection.Having served closely

Grandmother’s home - as a Commonwealth Centre.

as Commonwealth Secretary General for 15 years, I attribute the Commonwealth’s survival over the years of UDI in Rhodesia and apartheid in South Africa greatly to the Queen’s deep caring for the new Commonwealth she had inher ited, and her unqualified sense of duty. Few remember that it was the Queen who gave Marlborough House - her

A measure of curriculum quality is “academic rigour.” Of 116 Secondary Schools in Guyana, only 12 schools (10%) offer the CAPE programmes which is a level higher than CSEC. A school that has both CSEC and CAPE will have a more rigorous curriculum and better teacher quality than a school with CSEC only. Only 671 students wrote CAPE in 2022, compared to 723 candidates in 2021, a drop of 8% taking the exams. Ninety percent of our secondary schools and most of our regions do not offer CAPE. Nine schools offer 20-26 CAPE subjects, except Anna Regina Sec. with 9 CAPE subjects, West Demerara Sec. with 12 sub-

In order to address historical dislocations that are still evident today, though some have taken these for granted and see them as deserving, we have to start with a national conversation built on the willingness to listen to the aggrieved, because he who feels it knows and is best positioned to articulate. Ralph has to be mindful his writing on the African situation is exacerbating not contributing to the political, economic and social empowerment the community seeks. Africans ask no less and deserve no less. Ralph’s pinnacle position is different from those who use the media to promote triumphalism. There can be no justification for mistreating another, whether the mistreatment is a precedent or imagination, because such goes against laws, conventions and declarations on human rights.

Can we use e-learning to begin to address the lack o f breadth in the curriculum available only to most of the Region 4 schools? The Opposition must ask questions in Parliament about how this borrowed US$40 million will be spent. This is not free money. We must see dramatic changes resulting from the use of these funds. Also, 29% failed English. Another statistics of concern is the gender pass rate where only 34% of males are passing, while 66% of females are passing. The data shows that our Ministry must frame its work around educational equity and any Equity Plan must be on steroids. Going forward, all regions must make simultaneous progress. No student or school must be left behind!

Sir Shridath Ramphal

Guyanese already living with subtle, spreading segregation

Together we stand but divided we fall


It is high time that Guyanese wake up, stand up as one, and demand that these politicians take their role, as servants of the people, seriously rather than parade in high offices like members of the royal family.

When will this maxim really sink into the psyche of our Guyanese brothers and sisters?

When exactly will we realise that some of our politicians, those so-called leaders, love to stoke the fire of division among us just so that they can remain relevant?

It is about time that we see these politicians for who they really are – wolves in sheep's clothing.

For too long Guyanese have quietly accepted self-centred leaders who care little to nothing about the people of this nation.


Part of his leg was found in a nearbyyard.

Dead,Azaad Khan

Remanded to prison, Vickey Balgobin

That accident left 42-year-old Azaad Khan, a resident of Lot 'S' Blankenburg,Accordingdead.topolice, Balgobin appeared before Magistrate Zamilla Ali-Seepaul to answer the charges of causing death by dangerous driving, failure to stop after an accident, and failure to render assistance to an injured

The aftermath of the crash was describedashorrific.Theimpactof

It was reported that around 19:25hrs on September 3, last, a black Toyota Allion motorcar was drivingatafastratewestalongthe southern side of the road when it struck Khan who was crossing the public road in the vicinity of the BlankenburgNurserySchool.

Driver in fatal Blankenburg hit-and-run, remanded

ickey Balgobin, a 28year-oldresidentofLot 258AreaGDeWillem Village, West Coast Demerara (WCD), appeared at the Leonora Magistrate's Court last week to answerthreechargesinrelationtoa hit and run accident that occurred along the Blankenburg Public Road,WCDonSeptember3.

person.Balgobin,policestated,pleaded not guilty to the causing death chargeandpleadedguiltytothetwo remaining charges where he was fined $40,000 or 12 weeks imprisonmenteach.Balgobin,who was remanded to prison, is expected to return to court on October26,2022.

Sunday September 11, 2022Kaieteur NewsPAGE 08

thecrashflungKhanintotheairand helandedashortdistanceawayon thepavedroad.

A motionless Khan was reportedly picked up my members of the Community Policing Group (CPG) and rushed to the West DemeraraRegionalHospitalwhere doctors pronounced him dead on arrival.Balgobin, who reportedly fled the scene, was captured the following day and admitted to policethathewasindeedthedriver and told them that he had fled the scenebecausehehad“panicked”.

An investigation was launched andhewaschargedsubsequently

liticalInevitably,dictatorship.therefore, his role as Foreign Minister would have been circumscribed by policies which were aimed at ensuring international legitimacy of an illegitimate regime.

Protests woulda tek place in Guyana.People woulda claim dat someone else must get de wuk. De Riot Squad woulda get call out to quell de protest. Caricom woulda get call in fuh mediate. Dem talk show hosts woulda tek to de airwaves demanding to know whether Charles gat dual citizenship. Some ah dem woulda want see he birth certificate.

It is well known that Forbes Burnham had the highest regard for the intellect of four individuals: Shridath (Sonny) Ramphal, Haslyn Parris, Fred Wills and Mohamed Shahabuddeen. But of these four, he had the greatest regard for Sonny.

De Opposition woulda file a no-confidence motion pon de new King even before he get proclaim. And de matter woulda meet de high court, de Court of Appeal and de CCJ.

Some crackhead woulda suggest dat he born in Suriname. Somebody woulda come forward and claim dem was wan illegitimate child and de rightful heir to de throne. Den more and more people woulda claim how de line of succession flawed. Dat is Guyana fuh yuh.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)

viewed in this light. He was recommended to be part of Guyana’s efforts, so as to demonstrate a united front. It would have been difficult for him not to accept participation.Hedid his duty for his country in that regard.

If he was de King of Guyana, it woulda been a different story. Dem woulda gat people demanding postmortem fuh certify dat de Queen really dead. Some

But as Foreign Minister, Wills had his detractors and was stabbed in the back by them.They took news to Burnham about Wills sending monies outside to his wife at a time when foreign exchange wasButscarce.thebackstabbers also were engaged in other efforts to discredit him.

He paid a price for his role in an ritorialgovernmentinthreats,monunitedtheralversieseigntime24PPP/CelectionstatorshipMinisterhadcandidacyPPP/Cbeenknownmost,Cmentbitternessharboureditwritingscandidacy.menttious.Jackson’stheirTobago,MinisteringCARICOM.havesembly.dencya1992,wasNationsalwaysgovernment.undemocraticHishearthadbeenintheUnitedsystem.After,hisgovernmentremovedfromofficeinhewasidentifiedascandidateforthePresi-oftheGeneralAs-HeevenappearedtothesupportofArgentina,inameet-withtheForeignofTrinidadandevenpledgedsupportforcandidacy.Itwasalltooambi-ThePPP/Cgovern-didnotendorsehisFromhissubsequentonlocalissues,wasevidentheaterribleandresent-towardsthePPP/forthisrejection.But,he,morethanoughttohavethatitwouldhaveimpossibleforthetosupporttheofamanwhoservedasForeignofapoliticaldic-whichhadriggedanddeprivedtheofbeinginofficeforyears,mostofwhichhe,Jackson,wasFor-Minister.Whenterritorialcontro-flared,itwasnatu-forvarioussectionsofcountrytoadoptastandandacom-frontagainstanyrealorperceived.Jackson’sinvolvementteamsunderthePPP/Ctoaddresster-threatsmustbe

Sunday September 11, 2022 Kaieteur News PAGE 9

Charles become King from de moment dem announce dat he mother, de Queen, dead. But dem still had wan ancient ceremony in which he get proclaim as King.De transition was smooth and seamless. Dem nah had no dispute, no fighting-down and no delays. All de people accept Charles as de King.

people woulda claim how de Queen get murder. Dem woulda demand a police investigation. Den Court injunction woulda file stopping Charles from becoming King.

Talk half, leff half.

But let no one be deceived into thinking that he did not hold an inveterate dislike of the PPP/C.

They eventually forced himJacksonout. was never accused of being part of the plot to oust Wills but it is known that he had previously adopted positions which carried weight with Burnham and certain Cabinet Jacksonmembers.has served as Guyana’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations.He was selected as President of the United Nations Committee on Namibia.The Americans were not comfortable with his predecessor and, as declassified documents now reveal, Henry Kissinger, was more than pleased that someone more moderate had been selected to head the Committee.Jacksonalso presided over the Security Council in May 1975 and June 1976.But the Americans were not always pleased withTheyJackson.were upset with him voting in the UN in support of a resolution which equated Zionism withWills,racism.who was then his Foreign Minister, suggested that Jackson did not adequately consult with him on this issue and could have exercised the option of voting against or abstained.ButWills fell short of accusing Ja ckson of overstepping his Rashleighboundaries.Jacksonhad the misfortune of being Foreign Minister of a po-

Charles is King. Long live de King!

Every President usually has their own Sonnys –those individuals whom they trust fully and on whom they are extremely reliant.Burnham relied heavily on Sonny; he trusted his legaldescribedandthanmanyForeignsucceededtorialdefenceliberationtion,ment,Jackson.ppterForeignconstructederal.country’sfairs.Ministerfairs.MinistryMinisterSonnyfondBurnhamjudgment.wasveryofSonnyRamphal.wasBurnham’sofStateintheofExternalaf-HelaterbecametheofForeignAf-HewasoncetheAttorneyGen-ItwasSonnywhoGuyana’sServicesoonaf-Independence.AndamongthemanyersonswhowerehisrotégéswasRashleighJackson,whorecentlydied,owedagreatdealtoSonny.BythetimethatJacksonbecameForeignMinister,thecoreofGuyana’sforeignpolicyhadalreadybeensetinstone.DuringhislongtenureasForeignMinister,Jacksondidnotandhadnoreasontoaddtotheentrenchedforeignpolicyprinciples:non-align-Caribbeanintegra-supportforAfricananddiplomacyinofGuyana’sterri-integrity.RashleighJacksonhadFredWillsasMinister.WillswasthemanfeltwasmorebrilliantBurnham.OneleadingGuyaneseCaribbeanjuristonceFredWillsasagenius.

Jackson had an inveterate dislike for the PPP/C

Dem boys seh ...

When it was advertised on social media that Kit Nascimento would be the guestontheGildarie-Freddie Show, I received several emails advising me against havingTheNascimento.reasonsgiven were not amusing and I was certainlynotimpressed.They all complained that Nascimento was associated with past PNC governments. I r e p l i e d t o e a c h correspondence.Mycontentwasthesame

Nascimento. He was there in the Ashmin Building d e n o u n c i n g barefaced and cruel attempts to steal an election and his voice was reverberating. He stoodupintheAshmin Building and got abused racially for safeguarding the rightto Nascimentovote. played his part in saving democracy in st21 century Guyana. Those that I fought with to save rightsandlibertiesinthe20th century in Guyana no longer had uses for democracy in their homeland in the 21st century Democracy was saved in August 2020 when the legal winner of the election was sworn in. But thefighttosaveGuyanawas notoverThe silent voices that were vocal in the 20th century had disappeared in September 2020 in Region Five. Aggrieved at attempts to resuscitate permanent power,theloserstravelledto Cotton Tree and instigated violent men and women to beat and brutalise Indian people.KitNacimento raised his hand in denunciation. The people who were my comrades in the 70s and 80s who raised their hands in anger at innocent people beingattackedbygoonsfrom the House of Israel and the PNC long ago had now chosentobecomeinvisible.

Please see my column of Wednesday, April 27, 2022, t i t l e d , “ R e a d K i t Nascimento's KN letter yesterday You must. You haveInto.”that column, I once asked that young girl who is now 18 years to get in touch with me. My cell is 6145927. My address is 47Area Q, Turkeyen, Georgetown. My email address is

fredkissoon@yahoo com I would like her to email her image so Leonard Gildarie and I can post it up at the beginningofourshow

remains the most moving account of the days of mayhem in September 2022.

When fraudulent electionsturnedupin2020,I looked over my shoulders andsawover50yearsofmy life just wasted. Many of the voicesIknewfrom1968fell silent. Some went beyond silence and supported what many shed blood over – the right to vote and have that voteProfessorcounted.

It was Kit Nascimento that first brought to our attention what that teenager and her grandmother went through. That teen's description of her ordeal can be obtained on the internet from the Stabroek News of September22,2020.I'mglad I interviewed Mr Nascimento I would willingly have him back again.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)


Sunday September 11, 2022

The Ministry of Health has recorded 12 new COVID-19 cases. According to the Ministry of Health's dashboard, two were recorded in Region Two, four in Region ThreeandsixinRegion FourAdditionally, the Ministry reported that there are eight persons in institutional isolation, 153 are institutional isolation a n d t w o a r e q u a r a n t i n e d institutionallyAtotalof 71,186 persons have been infectedtodateandthe death toll stands at 1279.

12 new COVID-19 cases

Those voices between 1968 to 1992 influenced my political perspective, my ideological orientations, my human rights philosophy I

Not even one just meaningless word was devoted to the plight of that girl from civil society, the usual suspects and others.

Complaints against Kit Nascimento

Kit Nascimento chose to be visible His graphic portraitofhowa16-year-old girl and her aging grandmotherweremauledby the marauding crowds

became a permanent street protestorfrom1968.

I e n q u i r e d w h y Nascimento contextually mustnotbepraisedforthose effortsincondemningrigged election that if succeeded would have brought back all theevilmanifestationsofthe permanent Burnhamite state

I queried where were the voices that in 1968 1992 fought against bogus elections but were silent in 21st century Guyana when elections were being rigged again using methods that made Burnham look like a child in the elections he tamperedwithdecadesago.


Clive Thomas who helped shape my philosophicalradicalismwas reticent Dr Rupert RoopnarainetoldNeilMarks about thousands of irregularities in the election. His claim was APNU propaganda Dr Nigel Westmaasrefusedmypleato condemn the electoral criminalities Moses Bhagwan curtly replied to my plea by writing: “We'll see.” I didn't see what he meant by “we'll see.” Eusi Kwayanarepliedtwicetome inApril when the Draculean attempts to steal the election were being conveyed to the world by thousands of smart phone owners Kwayana simply told me that he was too distant from the scene to comment.TheGuyana Human Rights Association that was active in the seventies and eighties had gone missing in March2020.Allthesenames I have cited above, I have memoriesandphotographof during our righteous confrontations against the indignities that the permanent rule of President Burnham brought to my countryThey were missing in action but not Kit

in each submission. I asked that why must I alienate Nascimento because of his past behaviour decades ago and ignore his valuable contribution to the exposure of enemies of democracy in 21stcenturyGuyana.



Kaieteur NewsPAGE 10 Monday May 02, 2022

Sunday September 11, 2022 Kaieteur News PAGE 11


Must the lowly citizens sitbackandsufferinsilence? Absolutelynot!

Although in some quarters it may be trendy to embrace lies and deception, therewillneverbeadaythat these will replace truth and righteousness.Asociety will remain entrenched in the vilest of conduct when the principal propagators of the 'trendy' ways are those tasked with beingitsleaders.

According to chapter 29 ofthebiblicalProverbs:

Elizabeth II was as archimperialist and arch colonialist as the best of those prior to her, and those ofherowntime.

Though lacking real power, she possessed the aura of stature, which is part ofthemystiqueoftheBritish monarchy Despite all of our hurts, we still retained a soft spot for Queen Elizabeth II, withmanyGuyaneseholding herdear


It pays no dividend to subject yourself to the unrighteous dictates of leaders regardless of how powerfultheymaythinkthey are. Once you stand up for what's right, The Creator of the universe will, before long, bring the corrupt and wickedtotheirknees.

4“ A just king gives stabilitytohisnation,butone whodemandsbribesdestroys it.”


Sunday September 11, 2022Kaieteur NewsPAGE 12

PresidentIrfaanAli,time andtimeagainhasexclaimed that transparency exists and that his Government is transparent.When the leader pronounces sharply about transparency, it is clear that whatheengagesinisnothing but the self-satisfying via s realitywordsnothingbAccountant,Pencirclesrequiredslistenerelf-advertisement.Toevenanindifferent,hecomesacrossasomeonewholackstheenlightenmentastotherealmeaningofwhatgenuinetransparencyatitsdepths.Iftheresidentwereanhewouldriskeingbannedforlifeaddsupandhisfailtoreconcilewith

And, all of it is to make the foreign corporate predators happy, and exploit us some more. Guyanese: when is there going to be enough anger to run the locals out of office, and the foreignersoutoftown?



This behaviour, coming fromaGovernmentthatlikes to talk about transparency is nothingbutaslapintheface of Guyanese We are hastening on with a gas-toenergy project and basic information about the feasibility of this venture citizensarenotprivyto.

at home, the peoples from exploitedAfricaandAsiaand thisCaribbeanregiondowell torememberthepoliciesand programs carried out by her people for Queen and country The Queen was ElizabethII.

Guyanese are daily becoming wiser and before long no amount of PR will redeem any defaulting Government from sins committed against this nation.

Many have departed without finding answers to some of their many questions.Butthe search is always continued by succeeding generations.Creation the vast universe, human beings speakforthemselves.

As her society grew rich, it was on the backs of those bentunderthesunthatnever setontheBritishEmpire,and from the streams of wealth from exploited Third World societies that enriched her palaces,herpeople,andboth theirTprosperities.hosewere at the expenseofimpoverishedand exploitedcoloredpeoples.

This administration has promised many times to

Transparency in GovernmentCivilsocietyactivistsand even ordinary citizens continue to bemoan the dearth of information on almost everything in this 'Green land' of Guyana from theoilandgassectortoeven the little pittance of a cash granttheygiveout.


TUESDAY Guyanese Govt is cheerleader for foreign corporatepredators.

Ifonlywecanbelievein the Supreme Creator, we just might begin to accept that He is literally capable of making the impossible possible.Itis high time that Guyanese begin to embrace the fact that our Creator can be illogical but always on

They are the handiwork of a higher being, one our mere human minds cannot yetcomprehend.Wewillforeverbeinawe of the things we cannot understand but sometimes just believing can unveil many answers we so desperatelyseek.


Guyana faces grave danger without Petroleum CommissionItwould appear that the current government is picking and choosing which legislation, policies and institutions it wants to activatewithintheoilandgas sectorAndascrazyasitsounds, this is exactly what is happening Why has the governmentenactedthelocal content legislation and the Natural Resources Fund but has not established the Petroleum Commission aimed at protecting this nation against unscrupulous oilgiants?Arecitizenstojustaccept that the government will establish this critical agency when it sees fit? Everyone knows very well that the Commission is one of the main ways that Guyana will not only protect its money from oil, as well as its environment, but also ensures that our people benefitfromthesector

Manyhumanbeingshave spent their entire lifetime trying to figure out the intricacies of our existence hereonearth.

Sins committed against thisWnationhich Government in this world would sit back in silencewhileforeignersbully itscitizens?Which Government in this world would allow its citizens' health to deteriorate when it has the power to intervene?Whatis the point of havingaGovernmentwhenit givesfreereintooutsidersto thedetrimentofitscitizens?

2“When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked are in power,theygroan.”

Guyanese will not continuetoacceptthelevelof treatment that is currently being meted out to our brotheratMatthewsRidgein the North West District whose family and livelihood are being undermined by the activities of a foreign company, and yet our Governmentdoesnothing.

7“The godly care about the rights of the poor; the wickeddon'tcareatall.”

In case you haven’t heard, please be informed that as part of our continued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our publisher, Mr. Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about on-going indecency in our land that should matter, not only to us at this publication, but the entire nation.


16“ Whenthewickedarein authority, sin flourishes, but thegodlywilllivetoseetheir downfall.”

Queen Elizabeth II -like HoratioNelson,asBritishas theyQcomeueen Elizabeth II is gone from this green sward, thisEnglandthatshelovedso muchandservedsowell.


25“ Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting theCreatormeanssafety.”

Guyanese say harsh words against foreign corporate predators, and GuyanaGovernmentsarethe biggest cheerleaders of the foreigners.Takea tough stand against the same foreign corporate predators, and G o v e r n m e n t a f t e r Government in Guyana are the biggest defenders of the foreigners, who exploit our riches on the cheap, even on theslyThe Coalition did its shareofthecheerleadingand defending, but the PPP/C Government is in a class all byitselfwheretheforeigners are concerned. The PPP/C Government and its leaders declarewaronGuyanesefor daring to point out opportunities to pressure the foreigners. Both don't want to hear anything that makes companies fromABCE (and other) countries uneasy and uncomfortable Our Governments have preferred to disown us, distance from us, and deny our hopes, destroyourdreams.

establish the commission, but has not done so. It is not as if there is no information available for the agency, a draft was left behind by the lastTgovernment.hepet r o l e u m commission will certainly prevent further secret deals and collusion between the politicians and the oil companies.Onemust not forget that the oil companies played along with (former Natural ResourcesMinister)Raphael Trotman in hiding from the public, the so called (US$18M) signing bonus and the 2016 (Stabroek Block) Production Sharing Agreement until the former PresidentDavidGrangerwas forcedtoreleaseit.

The applause and accolades will rise to the ramparts from her own. But, asbelovedafigureasshewas

“The public servant salaryistoolow.Thereisno question about that,” Ram posited.Headded that, “the same could be said about wages level in the country as a whole.” He said that calls

continue to be made also for therationalisationofsalaries paid to public servants and salaries paid to their counterparts who have contracts; adding too, that it is a fact that citizens are entitledtoemploymentanda decentwage.

on areas of nutrition, schooling and other social amenities,amongothers.

The prosecutor argued that no special reasons were advanced or shown that warrants the ground of bail. The attorney also argued that the matters raised by Hanoman are contentious issues of fact

wasarrestedinJunelastaftera search was conducted at his of Lot 142 IxoraAvenue,Eccles,EastBankDemerara home and a quantity of cocaine and a firearm with ammunition were unearthed. Hewassubsequentlyremandedtoprison.

A recent United Nations reportlaunchedThursdayhas statedthatsome39percentof Guyanese are unable to access basic necessities Although the country said to be in the high human development category, 38.8 percent of the population is intensely deprived; touching

AccordingtoaMinistryofHomeAffairs release, law enforcement authorities members of the Police Force along with officials of the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security's Counter Trafficking in Persons Unit – received information about

humantraffickingactivitiesatthebarandasa result, conducted a cordon and search at the locationaround13:30hrsonThursdaylast.

servants, teachers, members of the disciplined services, andgovernmentpensioners,” a statement said on the ministry's website. Of the more than US$1B Guyana is settoreceivefromitsentitled 13 oil lifts, it would require around US$50M to meet the costforsalary

The Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) is d e m a n d i n g m o r e engagement with the government on workers' related issues. They have nonetheless filed a court matter to force the administration to the bargaining table to discuss wagesandsalariesforpublic workers.


In his ruling, Justice Persaud said, “It is premature at this stage to argue unreasonable delay Idonotfindthatthereisanyunreasonable (Continuedonpage69)


Having considered the application for bail with affidavit in support and having heard counsel for the applicant, Glenn Hanoman,JusticeGinoPersaudfoundthat nospecialreasonsexistedforthegranting ofbail.Mr Hanoman in his oral arguments advancedthattheapplicationforbailinthe High Court is based on “unreasonable delay”andthattheprosecutionhadsought an adjournment on the ground that the analystreportwasnotyetcompleted.

Mr Hanoman has also advanced that the Customs Anti Narcotic Unit (CANU) has evidential problems including establishing a nexus but the judge found that these evidential issues were not relevant factors to be taken into considerationforthegrantingofbail.

The lawyer also contended that there has been no delay but an argument of presumed delay in the future, arguments which Justice Persaudagreedwith.

High Court denies bail for accused drug trafficker

and submitted that it is the reasonwhytherearesomany contract employees within thesystem.Hesaid he wouldn't suggest explicitly that the governmentshoulduseitsoil income to increase wages, butsuggestedthatincomebe increased within the growth of the economy “I don't like to use oil money because whatdoesoilmoneymean?” Ram questioned. He said, however, that the country gaveawaylotsoftaxestothe oil sector, and while some mightnotseeitasoilmoney, it is; and would have been a general increase in revenue for the country Therefore, “as the economy grows, employment income should certainly get a better share,” Ram submitted, He insisted that, “wages and salaries must be a priority for the government and it must do this within the framework of collectivebargaining.”

The High Court has denied bail to accused drug trafficker, Michael Andrew

State workers during the annual May Day Parade

And even this sum, stakeholders say is inadequate given the rise in cost of living and the new economic position in which the country finds itself

A suspect has been detained for the allegedtraffickingof15Venezuelanwomen at Biker's Bar located at Covent Garden on theEastBankofDemerara(EBD).

Ram continued that public servants' wages, “ must certainly rank highly,otherwise,unlessyou pay workers well, you will continue to get poor service from the public service.” He said, “It's a productivity issue, but it is also a human rightsissueaspeopledeserve alivingFromwage.”July 1, last, no employed person was to receive less than $347 per hour; $2,776 per day; $13,880 per week; or $60,147 per month, as the minimum wage for private workers was increased following much public outcry Public workers, on the other hand, have a thresholdof$70,000.

A release by the ministry stated that the authorities found 15 foreign women there. Kaieteur News was told that they were all Venezuelans.Theyhave since been interviewed and one person has been arrested for alleged humantrafficking.

One detained for allegedly allegedlyVenezuelantraffickingwomenOnedetainedfortraffickingVenezuelanwomen

The Biker's Bar at Covent Garden

“Government is now projected to earn US$1.1 billion as revenue from the saleofourshareofprofitoil, and US$147 7 million in royalties in 2022, subject to theevolutionofworldmarket prices, ” the Finance Ministry's mid-year report stated.Lastyear,itwasstated that over G$10.5 billion in wagesandsalarieswerepaid out in December. “The paymentofthesevenpercent retroactive salary increase along with the substantive December salaries and pensionsplaced$10.5billion in the hands of public


through its oil and gas successes. Yog Mahadeo of civil society group, Article 13, and Ram, had stated that the recent $60,000 increase had been agreed upon since 2019, and could not be a feasibleamountnowin2022, especially with the external factors affecting people's abilities to provide for themselvesandfamily

Public servants not paid enough

“People deserve to have betterwages,”wasthestrong assertion coming from Chartered accountant and Attorney-at-law Christopher Ram as he reiterated his position for better pay for Guyaneseworkersingeneral. As it relates to public servants, the transparency advocate also believes that better pay for State agents should be a priority of the government to ensure the proper functioning of systems manned by public workers.AsGuyana advances in its oil income, Ram believes also that there should be a structured move toward betteringworkers'paywhich he insists should be done under the legal negotiations between employers and workers' representatives Ram pointed out that what seems very true is that the government has several priorities in spending, but none,hebelieves,cansatisfy workerswelfare“onthealtar of capital projects or such otherpriorities.”Hesaidthat government is well aware of thepublicsectordeficiencies,

…failuretogivedecentwage becominghumanrightsissue - Ram

Michael Andrew Morgan

Sunday September 11, 2022 Kaieteur News PAGE 13

The lopsided oil contract, bracing us. We need a national signed in 2016 by the former A development plan for oil which Partnership for National Unity + takes into account that it is a very Alliance For Change (APNU + fickle product. We need a plan that AFC) government is riddled with has seen widespread consultation. flaws, as is well known. After The people must have a say in how binding Guyana to this agreement theirmoneymustbespent.” with ExxonMobil and its partners, Other stakeholders provided t h e D a v i d G r a n g e r l e d contradictory views, as they noted administration began pinpointing there is much to praise the some of its mistakes, one of which government about as regards theyevenmanagedtomodify bringing a sense of order and

Kaieteur NewsPAGE 14 Sunday September 11, 2022

It is this observation that faster than its predecessor to its oil. When people demand a amounts are to be paid. The PSA, down by 11.4%pushed the then Government to implement key aspects of the better deal, the Government says does not in any way spell out that address the situation This legislative armory needed to Guyanashouldnotgetmoremoney royalty is not recoverable, but Against the background ofnewspaper understands that the regulate the sector while because the PPP/C cannot spend it based on the provisions of the severe decline in several keyCoalition was successful in its bid maximisinggainsforcitizens.They fast enough. But the oil money, contract, EEPGL recovers its sectors, the Ministry of Financein 2019, with ExxonMobil- in have also contended strongly that like the oil, belongs to the expenses that include the royalty said in its Mid-Year Report thatwriting- agreeing not to recover the the Government has done an Guyanese people not the paidtoGuyana. Guyana’s economy grew by anroyalty payments While a exceptional job in managing the Government. People need money Exxon’s subsidiary, Esso estimated 36.4 percent- mainly onmodifiedPSAwasneverpublished, economy in the face of external to put food on the table. They need Exploration and Production the back of the nascent oil and gasthetwopartieswereclearastotheir shocks stemming from the Russia- money for their children’s health Guyana Limited (EEPGL), in one sector as well as some successes inresponsibilities to this end Ukraine war. On the flipside, some and education.” Taking these and of its recent financial statement, theservicesandothercropssectors.However, after the former stakeholders hold the view that the other factors into consideration, had listed royalty as an expense for The document released onGovernmentleftofficein2020,itis Government has not done enough, Janki said Exxon’s operations are the company Moreover, Vice Saturday also revealed that severalunclear what became of that specifically as it pertains to closing not only exploitative but an President Bharrat Jagdeo when other key sectors of the economyagreement. critical loopholes for revenue environmental danger to the cornered on the matter had the contracted, with sugar for example

It is understood that the leakage, corruption, and abuse in country and the Caribbean. She following explanation to give: dropping back by over 50 percentdocument sought to ensure that the the 2016 Stabroek Block believes the Government can, and “now I can answer definitively when compared with the sameroyalty, after being paid to Guyana Production Sharing Agreement should,domuchmoretoprotectthe because I have talked, I have period in 2021, but the governmentby the oil companies, would not be (PSA). countryfromtheflawed2016PSA. spoken (sic) to GRAon the tax side report noted that the non oilreclaimed. “That is change,” one International Lawyer, Melinda Former Finance Minister and so because the royalty is not cost economy was estimated to havestakeholder highlighted. “Where it Janki, in an interview with this Economist, Winston Jordan also deductible but it is GRA, based on grown by 8.3 percent. Moreover, itwas unclear whether the royalty newspaper said the 2016 PSA shared similar views as he raised our laws, are GRA tax deductible predicts an overall GDP growth ofcould have been reclaimed, a represents “one of the worst, most concerns about the pace at which but they don’t come out of the cost 56 percent this year with non-oildocument was provided assuring abusive and exploitative oil deals Government is spending revenues bank so the contractor has to pay growth reaching 9.6 percent bythat it would not. Guyana was ever inflicted on a sovereign from the NRF Jordan said he is of from its share, the two percent yearend.therefore able to not only get people.” Janki said the PPP/C the impression that Government is royaltytothegovernment.” Sugarproductionassurance, but told the oil company administration was very critical of runningasprintandnotamarathon

Itmustbenotedthatinthe2016 …Sugar declined by 55.9%production paid to the owner of the Some observers are in high praise and Production Guyana Limited contract,expensesarerecoveredby …Fisheries sector down by 19%resource, minus production costs. of the PPP/C Government’s (EEPGL) and partners get the company out of the 75 percent …Rice contracted by 22.4%Royalties are free from costs and stewardship of the industry, stating everything else. They get around of oil produced that is set aside as ...Gold declarations fell by 1.5%charges. that the administration has moved seven times what Guyana gets for ‘cost oil’ for which recoverable ...Manufacturing sector

WEEK IN REVIEW which have gripped economies worldwide, Jordan said increased

SUNDAY spending will no doubt lead to Exxon contract was wastage. He said, “With two oil renegotiated by Granger ships alone, oil will account for Govt. in 2019 - Ram almost 60 percent of exports and that is the non-oil nightmare that is

This provision was in regard to directiontotheindustry the two percent royalty the country Economist and Executive presently receives Chartered Director at the Georgetown Accountant and Attorney-at-Law, Chamber of Commerce and Christopher Ram in a recent talk Industry (GCCI), Richard show, aired this week said the Rambarran, was keen to note that former Government in 2019 had he believes the Government has managed to “renegotiate” this given strong stewardship to the oil provisionwiththeoilcompany,and and gas sector as well as the was in fact successful in stamping macroeconomic conditions of its authority - to ensure the monies Guyana Rambarran who was paid were not being recovered by recently appointed to serve on the Exxonasanoperationalexpense. NRF’sInvestmentCommitteesaid,

During the public broadcast, “The Government has undertaken Ram insisted, “I know for sure – I institutional and legislative steps am saying this and I will stand by it which have served as steps in the – I know for sure in 2019 there was right direction. I am particularly an agreement, a variation of the pleased about the NaturalVice President’s answer that under Mixed views on PPP’s nothing to plug key loopholes such contract, a renegotiation of a Resources Fund revision, the Localthe Laws of Guyana, the royalty is management of oil sector as those pertaining to ring fencing. provision of the contract by the ContentAct, the establishment of alisted as tax deductible for tax stakeholders sing praises (Ring fencing provisions allow for Granger administration. Let them functioning Local Contentpurposes. What this means is that for NRF, Local Content Laws costsassociatedwithoneproject,to say that Ram is not telling the Secretariat, prudent managementthe royalty is a tax-deductible others want more done to notbechargedagainsttherevenues truth.” of our public debt andexpenseforEEPGL.Inotherwords shield country from “most made in another, thereby reducing

A review of the Government’s 12.5 barrels of oil out of every 100 definitive that the two percent MONDAYforwhichthecountrymustpay management of the oil sector by barrelsofoil,plusatiny2%royalty royalty would not be recovered by Economy grew byA royalty payment in the oil or some industry stakeholders has Exxon’s affiliate and Stabroek theoperator 36.4% at mid-year - Govt.gas sector is a percentage of solicited a bag of mixed views. Block Operator, Esso Exploration

This, however, translates to a TheMinistryofFinancereportthroughthatassurance,thatitcould the contract when it was in with the spending of the oil money dilemma, since the first part of the (Continued on page 15)nottakebacktheroyalty.” Opposition but has done little to Given the abnormal circumstances

Ram later told this newspaper macroeconomic stability andthe royalty is paid out of abusive deal ever inflicted theprofitavailabletobeshared.) thatthespecificmodificationswere acceleration on the gas to energyExxonMobil Guyana’s expenses on a sovereign people” She said, “The ExxonMobil made to the royalty provision, and project.”with one hand and scooped out deal gives the Guyanese people this change would make it back with the other as an expense

From page 14 output fell by 6.5 percent, to explains that the sugar industry is 188,956 ounces. According to the estimated to have contracted by a Mid-Year report, “This resulted whopping 55.9 percent with the mainly from lower declarations Guyana Sugar Corporation from dealerships, which declined (GuySuCo) producing only 13,089 by 9.9 percent year-on-year On the tonnes of sugar in its first crop of positive side, declarations from the 2022. The production decline, the single producing foreign operator government said, was as a result of exceeded last year’s half year the “continued fallout” from the output by 111.1 percent, to reach 2021 floods as well as changes in 47,772 ounces Unfortunately, the weather, mechanical issues and however, this was insufficient to labour challenges plaguing the offset the contraction from the operational estates. In light of the smallandmediumscaleoperators.” poor performance, the report stated Nevertheless, the industry is now that sugar will contract by 29.5 expectedtogrowby7.4percentthis percent this year It must be noted year thatitwasonlyinAugustthata$3.4 Manufacturing billion supplementary budget was Owing to the declines in output approvedfortheailingsugarsector, from the sugar and rice industries, which added to the $6 billion it the manufacturing sector is receivedearlierintheyearwhenthe estimated to have contracted by 2022Budgetwasapproved. 11.4 percent in the first half of the Fisheriessector year

Economist Ramon Gaskin for megawattstopowerandtogo small and medium scale operators the names of the oil companies, Last year, Ram had highlighted example, in an exclusive interview (Continued

Kaieteur NewsSunday September 11, 2022 PAGE 15

TUESDAY construction and installation of theFinanceMinistryexplainedthat Exploration and Production Tax only but also to other taxes ‘Guyanese must see gas-to- subsearisersrespectively this contraction was as a result of Guyana Limited (EEPGL) and its set out under 15.4, so as to energy contract before Govt. “Guyanese don’t know the continued 2021 flood impacts. partners - Hess Corporation and maximise the fake payment for signs on’- stakeholders anything but they have started “It was reported that farmers could CNOOC Petroleum Limited - to be which the oil companies can ...say country must know doing work already on it. What’s not re-plant their lands due to bad free of any burden of paying taxes. claim credit in their home interest rates upfront, if more the interest rate? Who’s going to land conditions resulting from That task he noted is left to the countries. tax holidays will be given make the profits? Who’s going to excessive rain in December 2021. Minister of Natural Resources, As a matter of transparency, pay the taxes? We don’t know As a result, the 2022 production Vickram Bharrat, or rather, the Ram said both the GRA and the In an existing and binding nothing at the present time,” the target has been revised to 615,486 taxpayers of Guyana. Ram minister ought to disclose the full contract between Guyana and activistargued. tonnes, and the industry is now explained that the agreement sum for which certificates and American oil major ExxonMobil, To this end, he told Kaieteur anticipated to grow at 7.8 percent requires taxpayers to pay the taxes receipts have been issued. The the world agrees that the country News that the agreement should be thisyear,”thereportsaid. which would normally be paid by lawyer added that the agreement wascheated.Toavoidasimilarfate made public so Guyanese can Gold the oil companies. Such payments does not suggest some paper in the agreement to transport understand for themselves if the Lower declarations from small come from the country’s share of shuffling or taking money out of natural gas from the Liza Fields in project is indeed feasible and medium scale miners also profitoil. one pocket and paying it into the the Stabroek Block to Wales According to him, “It should be accounted for a 1.5 percent decline The proceeds of profit oil and other. Ram said taxes go into the stakeholders in Guyana believe made public so people can know if in the gold mining industry during royalties have been deposited into Consolidated Fund while oil citizens should see the contract this thing makes any sense because the first half of the year The report theNRFasrequiredbylaw,anditis revenues go into the Natural before Government attaches its asIseeitrightnow,thegastoshore says that total declarations out of that Fund that the Minister ResourceFund.Ramexplainedthat signature,especiallysincetheywill deal don’t make any sense to this amounted to 236,728 ounces at the must pay the taxes of the oil thetwoaresubjecttodifferentlaws ultimately be required to repay the country altogether, because over end of June, compared with companies. Ram said only after he and unlike the Consolidated Fund, project costs, likely to reach US$2 US$1 billion for this pipeline, who 240,318 ounces last year has done so, can the GRA issue the use of the NRF is strictly billion. is going to pay for it with couple Additionally, it was noted that the receipts and proper certificates in circumscribed.

on page 16)

Despite efforts to revive the Oil fisheries sector, the industry is WiththestartupoftheLizaTwo estimated to have contracted by 19 operations in the Stabroek Block, it “fictionally confirming that the oil that Minister Bharrat must find with this newspaper on Monday percent in the first half of the year, is estimated that the oil and gas companies have paid taxes in over $5B to pay the 2020 Income argued that the Gas to Energy as a result of “lower marine subsectorexpandedby73.5percent Guyana.” Tax for two Stabroek Block (GTE) project to date has been production” the report said. It was when compared to the same period According to Ram, under partners, Hess Guyana Exploration shrouded in secrecy It must be pointed out that fish production fell lastyear Inthefirsthalfoftheyear, Article 15.5 of the Agreement, the Limited and CNOOC Petroleum notedthatgovernmentisyettohost by 11.8 percent and shrimp by 26.4 34.6 million barrels of oil were oil companies provide their tax Guyana Limited (formerly a Press Conference to engage the percent when compared with the produced, compared with 20 2 returns to the Minister who then CNOOC/NEXEN). He noted that media on the subject, while same period in 2021. Government million barrels during the same goes to GRA and say, “Here is a for Hess, Bharrat has to pay $2.3B interestedstakeholderstoohavenot was keen to note, “These declines period in 2021. Given the success cheque for the taxes legally due by to the Guyana Revenue Authority been allowed an opportunity to outweighed the 444 1 percent so far, government predicts that the oil companies. Please let me For CNOOC, he must pay GRA, share their concerns or suggestions increase in aquaculture production, total oil production will reach 93.6 have receipts and tax certificates Corporation tax totalling $3.1B. regarding the project, except at which was driven by increased millionbarrelsbyyear-end. for the payments in their names.” The total to be paid for the two brief consultations hosted by brackish water shrimp production. Ram said the purpose of this companies out of the government’s Exxon on the environmental aspect Notably, Government’s investment Oil account balance overstated shenanigan is to enable the oil portion of its revenue is $5.4B. It oftheproject. in aquaculture infrastructure, and by tens of billions - Chris Ram companies to use the certificates in therefore means that Hess and To this end, Gaskin said, “They drainage and irrigation systems theirhomecountriestoclaimcredit CNOOCwalkedawaywith$16.2B started on this project without yielded an almost 300 percent Chartered Accountant and for taxes they never paid. This, inprofitsin2020taxfree. telling us what the project is all increase in the production of Attorney-at-Law, Christopher Ram according to Ram, is as close to a Thesituationismorestrikingin about. They talking about over brackish water shrimp in the first is of the view that the Natural taxfraudonecanget.Headdedthat 2021 when for Corporation Tax US$1 Billion for a pipeline alone half of the year This, however, was Resource Fund (NRF) which at the a review of the Estimates and other alone, the amount which should but who owns this thing? Who is not sufficient to increase overall end of July 2022 held a balance of public records, including the havebeentakenoutoftheNRFand going to make the profits? All this value added from the industry.” US$845,608,207.58, is inflated by Natural Resource Fund statement, paid to the GRA was computed by we need to know but they started Given this sector’s performance in ahugeamountoftaxesattributedto suggests that the Minister has not Ram at around $78 billion, working on this without telling us thefirsthalfoftheyear,theFinance the oil companies operating in the been complying with the law and, representing a not so insignificant the facts and that’s the problem.” Ministryestimatesthattheindustry StabroekBlock.Thesetaxrevenues significantly, also raises the portionoftheamountintheNRFat Despite not having the blessings of can contract by 29.8 percent this he insists belong to the question why the GRA issues the end of 2021. While not the the Environmental Protection year Consolidated Fund via the Guyana receipts for moneys it has not responsibility of the recently Agency (EPA) to commence the Rice RevenueAuthority(GRA). received. appointed Directors of the NRF, massiveventure,Exxonhasalready Rice production in the first six Ram drew attention to the 2016 More egregiously, Ram pointed Ram said this is still a challenge awarded two contracts to lay the 12 months of the year also dropped by Petroleum Agreement which out,Article15.4oftheAgreement whichconfrontsthem. inch pipeline and provide 22.4 percent, with total production providesforExxonMobil’saffiliate does not limit the tax purported engineering, procurement, reaching 290,780 tonnes. Again, and Stabroek Block operator, Esso to be paid only to Corporation

According to Guyana’s conference on Tuesday, the D e s p i t e t h i s , t h e Oil drives first its production over the last LocalContentLaw,thereare Opposition’s spokesperson administration believes that half GDPgrowth four years was the mining Local Content Goals a set of specific goals to on Economics, Elson Low the non-oil economy was The Ministry of Finance andquarryingsector Atmidcould be compromised ensure citizens are in the said thedocumenthighlights estimated to have grown by 2022 Half Year Report year, this sector contributed if field development goes driver’s seat of the industry “early signs of the Dutch 8.3percent.

The Economist noted the country’s total GDP, Body - Economist Essentially, going too faster isn’t better because also dropped by 22 4 that the decline in while at the same period in fast could undermine the you can’t build capacity fast percent, while a 1.5 percent performance of Guyana’s 2019, it contributed 5 2 AsGuyanacontinues goals of the legislation. This enoughtogetthevalueoutof contraction was recorded in major traditional sectors is percent of the country’s

Gaskin believes that the inefficiently used and Government should not sign sometimes stolen so I would any agreement with the oil saythatGuyanashouldmake company for this project sure that it builds the until Guyanese become capacity to manage privy to the details of the expenditurewellandyouput arrangement. “They should the right amount in savings not sign nothing unless we andlong-terminvestments.” see what it is they are Paul added, “The planningtodo.Whoisgoing financial management of to get the profit from this advice was recently offered that quick revenue is thing? Who is going to pay by Trinidadian Energy somethingthatIhaven’tseen the taxes? Is this thing tax Strategist, Dr Anthony Paul a lot of conversation around free? There’s so much during his appearance on because you also don’t want secrecyinvolvedinthisthing K a i e t e u r R a d i o ’ s a society where the poor get andweshouldoutanendtoit Programme, ‘Guyana’s Oil poorer and the rich get filthy until we find out what is andYou’. Paulsaid,“Itisno wealthy That can have an goingon,”heconcluded. doubt that this is a very impact on things like crime,

Similarly, Attorney at exciting time for Guyana. quality of life etc ” Law, Elizabeth Deane The potential is huge and Ultimately, the Energy Hughes in an invited Guyana I am sure will do Strategist said he is of the comment explained the well with oil and gas but the view that Guyana can and importance of the document question I ask is: “How can willdowellwithitsoilsector being revealed to the you do better you? A few solongasitkeepsitseyeson Guyanese public She things keep me thinking the right issues and citizens pointed out that the 2016 about where the answers to continuetobevigilant. Exxon contract was this are. The question of published by the former natural gas comes up in this WEDNESDAY Coalition administration, regard. Who’s thinking of Govt.’s Mid-Year Report which allowed for the flaws the big picture for natural confirms presence of to be exposed. As such, she gas? Who’s looking at the Dutch disease in believes that it is important whole resource potential of Guyana - Opposition for this new agreement with it? Who’s looking at the …as oil sector accounts the same oil company to be downstream potential and for 54.9 percent properly vetted. “Just like building skills and of total GDP the PSA was made public, partnerships that keep locals Guyanese would need to see inthedriver’sseat?” With significant declines this document to understand The next matter for in the non oil economy, the gold mining sector The alarming and requires growth. The services sector whatitis,soweknowclearly consideration he said is the reported by the government manufacturing sector is also attention. TheDutchdisease also recorded a decline in what position we are in. If pace of development. Paul initsHalf-YearReport,theA estimated to have contracted isaconceptthatdescribesan performance at mid year that PSA was not made reasoned that if it is the Partnership for National by 11.4 percent in the first economic phenomenon 2022, contributing only 19 public, we wouldn’t even country’s intention to Unity+AllianceForChange halfoftheyear Ontheother wheretherapiddevelopment percent to the GDP rate, begin to understand the achieve its local content (APNU + AFC) Opposition hand, it is estimated that the ofonesectoroftheeconomy while in 2019, it accounted depth of the contractual goals, build capacity and believes the presence of the oil and gas subsector (particularly natural for 42 3 percent of the arrangementwearein,hence maximize value, then a fast Dutch disease has been expanded by a whopping resources like oil) leads to a country’sgrowth. all of this fever right now to p a c e d d e v e l o p m e n t confirmedinGuyana. 73.5percentwhencompared decline in growth of other Notably, the only haveitchangedandtohavea underminesthis.

Opposition member, Elson Low addressing the media

Kaieteur NewsPAGE 16 Sunday September 11, 2022

From page 15

During its weekly press with the first half of 2021. sectors. subsector that outperformed newmodelPSAputinplace.

it if you are spending and where? On top of Amaila? producing quickly too. So All of this makes no sense to that’s a consideration for the me and we should put a halt country.”Another key factor on all of it until we could henotedistheimportanceof figure out what’s going on building capacity to manage with the feasibility of it and oil spending effectively He with the financing of the said this was a major failing project. When we get that of Trinidad and Tobago. He then we can read it and see said, “Any money that came whatitis.” in quickly, was very

presented a table in which it 59.9 percent of Guyana’s too fast – Expert warns These include prioritizing disease, as indicated by the To this end, Low noted, highlighted that the total GDP, when in 2019 the Guyanese nationals and fall in sugar, rice, fish and “we need as a nation to agriculture, fishing and sector barely contributed S i n c e i t i s t h e Guyanese companies in the gold production, as well as a ensure that we have a forestry sector contributed 14.3 percent to this tally Government’s intent to not procurement of goods and reduction in manufacturing diversifiedeconomicbaseso 11.8 percent to the country’s Moreover,itisthepetroleum renegotiate the 2016 servicesfortheenhancement output. What this means is thatif,heavenforbid,thereis Gross Domestic Product and gas and support services Stabroek Block Production of the value chain of the the non-oil sectors are not another oil price shock…we (GDP), down from its 25 that accounted for 54 9 Sharing Agreement (PSA), petroleum sector, enabling performing.” In the Half- do not see (the) nation’s percent contribution in 2019 percent alone of the total and instead, seek to claw local capacity development, YearReport,thegovernment revenue dry up and then the athalfyear GDP back value through and providing for the recorded a 55 9 percent other industries that have More worrying is that mechanisms like the Local investigation, supervision, decline in the production of been neglected, we don’t sugar’seffectonthehalfyear Guyana must set Content Legislation, co ordination, monitoring sugar, an 11 8 percent have revenues from those GDP was only 0.1 percent guardrails against industry stakeholders and evaluation of, and decline in fish production industries to shore up the this year, while in 2019 it corruption thereforesuggestthatcarebe participation in, local and a 26.4 percent reduction government’sbudgetandthe was0.4percent.Athalfyear, …NRF Committee taken in how fast offshore contentinGuyana. inshrimpproduction. o v e r a l l e c o n o m i c the manufacturing sector members should submit field development takes Paul said, “If local Rice production in the performanceofthecountry.” accounted for 2.3 percent of declarations to Integrity place. content is important then first six months of the year

(Continued on page 65)

To further address the issue of more money for countries and their citizens, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published, just days ago, guidance for policymakers on options for taxingwindfallprofits.

US e c r e t a r y GeneralAntonio Guterres in early August called for oil producing countries to put in place windfall taxes to curb the ‘grotesque greed’of oil and gas companies making huge profits from increased costs

…as oil companies receive big $$$ in last 15 years


temporary and possibly poorly designed windfall profit taxes “Given the importance of

IMF gives advice to help Guyana garner windfall taxes from Exxon and others

nited Nations

OrcGuardianimprovingpvaluessupplyandrisingcommodityincreasenowUS$17ybilliongeneratedtooindustryofpricesthat(ROCE)returnflowsexpectedoilBanksubsidiaryCapitalextractionrents—originatinggcurrentpresentstaxingpolicymakers“taxhavesectorwindfallinterestshameasuresrevenuehouseholdsicpsurhighlighted.grexceptionaligeneration,decarbonatisationencouragingofenergyitseemscounterntuitivetointroducetaxmeasuresonenewableelectricityeneration,”theFundItsaidthattherevenuegein2022hasboostedrofitsformanyenergyompaniesbutalsoncreasedpressureonandbusinesses.“Theneedtoraisetosupportfiscaltoalleviatethessociatedpressurefromigherfuelpriceshasparkedrenewedpolicyinthetaxationofprofitsintheenergy,andsomecountriesintroducedexceptionalmeasuresinresponse.Thenotepublished,providesguidanceforonoptionsforwindfallprofitsandanoverviewofthepracticefortaxingwindfallprofits—ormoreenerally,economicfromtheoffossilfuels.”ArecentreportbyBMOMarkets,abankingoftheCanadianofMontreal,saidthatandgasproducersaretobookrecordcashwhileofferingthebestoncapitalemployedin15years;notingstrongeroilandgaswillbethekeydriverrecordcashflowsintheThesubsidiaryhadstatedthattheoilcompaniesarecordUS$300offreecashflowlastear,comparedtojustbillionin2020,and,cashflowsaresettofurtherasenergypricesrallyItsaidthatdespitethecostsofproductioninflatedcostsalongthechain,theoilandgasectorofferscompellingfora“selectsubsetofroducers”withvastlyreturnsprofiles.ArecentreportbytheUKstatedthatbigoilompaniesandtheganizationofthe Continuedonpage69

Kaieteur News PAGE 17Sunday September 11, 2022

of the fossil fuel commodities.“Iurgeall governments totaxtheseexcessiveprofits and use the funds to support the most vulnerable people through these difficult times,” the Head of the global organisation had stated. It was highlighted thatnotonlyarethewindfall taxes necessary to ensure nations get a piece of the increased profits, but to breakthepowerofoilcartels deliberatelymaintaininglow production which drives up productcost.

ThesummaryoftheIMF document : “Taxing Windfall Profits in the Energy Sector”, states that thesurgeinfossilfuelprices in 2022 has generated substantial windfall profits in the energy sector and policymakers in many countries are exploring policies to tax part of these profits.Excess profits can be taxed therefore, by tax instruments targeted at economic rents, any[ payment to an owner or factor of production in excessofthecostsneededto bring that factor into production that avoid] discouraginginvestmentand limit any impact on further priceItincreases.continued that “many fossil fuel producing countries already have an adequate rent capturing fiscal instrument in place (while) others may want to consider introducing a permanent tax on windfall profits from fossil fuel extraction that should be

more cautious about

Sunday September 11, 2022Kaieteur NewsPAGE 18

As globalwarmingspeedsupwith noticeable changes in the weather and climate - the need for solarpowergenerationcouldnotbe moreAsurgent.countriesbecomecognisant of this, with extra influence by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the worldhasbeenturningtothissafer option of power generation. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in its 2022 Report titled: “Uncertain Times, Unsettled Lives: Shaping our Future in a Transforming World”, has made it clear that power generation through solar has become far cheaper than which is beingInreported.thedocument which was released on September 8, the organisation explained, “Contrary totheprojectedaverageannualcost reduction of 2.6 percent between 2010and2020,solarphotovoltaics costsdeclinedby15percentayear overthesameperiod.”

Levelized cost of energy ($/MWh)


capacityadditionsweredominated by renewable energy, accounting for 72 percent of additions worldwidein Moreover2019.,itwas explained, “The costs of renewable energy

1002003000 $83

Solar photovoltaic -89%

The price of electricity from solar declined by 89% in these 10 years.


15% yearly between 2010 and 2020

Solar power supply costs declined by -UNDP2022Report

$135$123$111 $175$155$141$109$58$41$40

Solar thermal power -16% Coal -2%

The UNDPchart depicting the huge decline in cost to generate electricity using solar and other options 20192009

instance,gasdroppedfrom US$83 in 2009 to US$56 in 2019 perMWh.Meanwhile,windpower generation in 2009 also declined fromUS$135toUS$41in2019per MWh.The report urged, “Making progress on clean energy is essential for breaking the patterns ofhumanwellbeingimprovements generating planetary pressures Because energy is so crucial to overall human development, energy consumption is unlikely to easeinthenearfuture,particularly in developing countries. So, in the absence of technological advancements towards plentiful clean energy, there are few viable paths to mitigating planetary pressures. On the technological front,thereareremarkablepositive signals both as outcomes and as processes.”Tothis end, it said that new

technology and energy storage havedeclineddramaticallyin Continued on page 70

Gas peaker -37% -37% Nuclear +26%

This means that the price of electricity from solar declined by 89 percent in these 10 years. The UNDP used a chart to depict the massive declines in which it explained that in 2010, the cost to generate one megawatt (MW) of

Gas (combined cycle) -32%

Onshore wind -70%

The price of onshore wind electricity declined by 70% in these 10 years.

power moved from US$359 in 2009 to just US$40 in 2019. Not only that, but this means solar powergenerationalsoprovedtobe cheaper in comparison to at least twoothercleanenergyoptions-gas and wind. Despite both wind and gaspoweralsorecordingadecline in cost to generate, the report maintained solar is the cheapest option.For

The centenarian is a mother of five, three of whom are deceased. The woman, who is said to be quiteactiveforherage,also h a s q u i t e a f e w grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren too. In addition to surviving four generations, Ms. Younge is described as “very independentminded.”

She bathes herself, dresses on her own, feeds herself, she moves around the house and even stays at home alone...In her spare time, she plays card game –patience.”Forher 100th birthday, Kaieteur News understands that the family had a grand celebrationinLinden,where Ms. Younge currently stays withherrelatives.

checkups.”Interestingly, Allicock said that her grandmother does not exhibit any loss of hearing or vision “She doesn’tevenneedglassesto read but her memory is going slowly,” Allicock stated. The granddaughter revealed too that Ms. Younge eats basically everything.“Herdiet isn’t special; sheeatwhatweeatandwhen Iaskherwhat’shersecretto long life all she does is smile,” the granddaughter said.According to her, “Granny Ismay is loving, jovial, sassy, and quick witted ” Allicock added, “Sheisstillactiveandcando manythingsonherown.

Kaieteur News PAGE 19Sunday September 11, 2022

IsmayYounge,knownas ‘Paper Lady’, is Guyana’s newest centenarian Younge,aformernewspaper vendor from Charlestown, Georgetown celebrated her special day on 10th September.Shewas born on 10th September intheyear1922. According to her grand daughter, Joyce Allicock, Ms.Younge worked hard to provide for her family She said that she sold newspapers in front of her home at Russell Street, Charlestown; she sold three dailypublications,including Kaieteur News on a regular basis.Allicock said her hardworking grandmother was a paper lady for 50 years She only stopped sellingpaperstwoyearsago, attheageof98years,dueto theCOVID-19pandemic.

And even as she passed another milestone, Allicock expressedbestwishestoher grandmother, on behalf of the entire family, including her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren “Wewanttowishherallthe best for the remainder of days as she continues her journey through life,” she said.

‘Paper lady’ turns 100 years old!

Guyana’s newest centenarian: IsmayYounge known as ‘Paper Lady’

For her age, the centenarian has essentially no health complaints. Her granddaughter told this newspaper that “her grandmotherhasnodiabetes or no blood pressure problems;wetakehertothe doctor for regular

1. Construct a new A&E

2. Construct a new inpatient and outpatient facility to accommodate increased patient loadandfreeupbedsintheA&E department. This facility should also include clinical services and shouldbeconstructedwithinthe compound close to Lamaha Street. The ground floor would be designated for outpatients offering internal Sometandfloorandobstetrics/gynecologic,medicine,pediatricsurgeryservices.Thefirstwouldaccommodatewardsthesecondfloorwouldbeforheclassrooms/lecturerooms.storagecontainerswouldhavetoberelocatedtoconstructthisfacility.3.Expandthemainoperating

As a shift progresses to more sophisticated and minimally invasive surgery techniques and non-invasive procedures, the IDB said the lack of specific outpatient day recovery beds is becoming an important limitation. It said the main operating theatre currently has just six suites, which is insufficienttoattendtothegrowing quantity of elective surgeries requested by an expanded array of medicalspecialists.

As for the Accident and Emergency(A&E)department,the


makeshift storage rooms using shipping containers are used to store medical supplies in two separate sections of the hospital grounds.Thisstateofaffairsitsaid needstobeimproved.

Recently, some of GPHC’s facilities have undergone infrastructure changes to manage expanding patient needs. These include the expansion and rehabilitation of the maternity wards,anextensionoftheindustry healthcentre,fabricationofawalkinmortuary,andtheconstructionof an18-bedmentalhealthward.

Figure 5-4: Proposed Site for NewAccident and Emergency Building Guyana Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) The following persons were engaged on July 21, 2022, during the conduct of the ESA: 1. Mr. Robbie R. Rambarran, Chief Executive Officer 2. Ms. ErwinettaAustin, Manager, Quality Improvement Department 3. Mr. Ravindra Deonaraine, Director of Facility Management 4. Mr. Gerron Parker, Head of Expenditure and Planning 5. Ms. Chelauna Providence, Manager of Strategic Planning and Communications 6. Mr. Christpher Martin France, Quality Improvement Officer 7. Mr. JoseyAshay, Quality Improvement Officer 8. Ms. Iona E. Cadogan, Occupational, Safety, and Health Officer 9. Mr AmarnauthY. Maraj, Occupational, Safety, and Health Officer

KaieteurNewsunderstandsthat additional physical deficiencies exist in the laboratory, pharmacy, imaging, and support services (administration, warehousing, and staff environments). Expounding further, the bank said GPHC has one central pharmacy that serves allthedepartments,onethatserves outpatients, and one for paediatric patients.As a result, waiting times for medicine are usually long in a waiting room with inadequate space.Over the years, in the absence of a master plan, the IDB said the spontaneousadditionofservicesin improvised infrastructure and settings on the GPHC campus has created a situation of improper patient flows, supply provision, and medical waste disposal, in which transfers occur in the open environmentandsometimesacross publicthoroughfares.Thefinancial institution said this generates risk for accidents and cross contamination.Inthemostextreme cases,suchasthematernityward,it said wood buildings from the 19th century at GPHC are still

noted that the current location of the A&E department was a temporary configuration introduced 30 years ago that became permanent, adding that there is need for expansion of the A&E services to reduce overcrowdingandlongwaittime.

Figure 5-3: Proposed Site for New Inpatient Building

Following its July 21, 2022

Followinganengagementwith the hospital management team, including personnel from the operational health and safety, quality improvement, strategic planning,andfacilitymaintenance d e p a r t m e n t s , s e v e r a l recommendations were made about needed improvements.They areasfollows:

Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) of the Inter American Development Bank (IDB), which has been reported on by this publicationforthepastfewweeks, notonlyplacesthespotlightonthe troubling conditions at the Linden andNewAmsterdamHospitalsbut also some similar challenges plaguing the Georgetown Public HospitalCorporation(GPHC).

he August 2022

bank said it has a bed assignment that covers merely 50 percent of demandandnoareasforpaediatric andpsychologicalexaminationand isolation. In fact, the report states that the current A&E department has19bedscateringtoallpatients. However, the bank said this is not ideal as children witness the treatment of injuries and sometimes death. In addition, it said the beds are organised in a space that is not adequate to accommodate them comfortably, as such, this results in the area being congested. The bank further

Continued on page 71 Kaieteur NewsPAGE 20 Sunday September 11, 2022 …plaguedwithsomesimilarchallengesasN/A,Lindenfacilities–IDBAugustReport–IDBAugustReport…plaguedwithsomesimilarchallengesasN/A,Lindenfacilities–IDBAugustReport G/TownHospitalindireneedofupgrades

operational and represent fire hazards due to faulty electrical installations.Inaddition, the IDB said


facility with more beds and which will allow for better patient flow This facility should be constructed with three floors andlocatedwithinthecompound closetotheEastStreetentrance.

visit,theIDBsaidGPHCwhichis the main national referral hospital inthecountryaswellasthepremier medical teaching and research facility,hasapproximately200,000 clinicvisitsand24,000admissions annually The financial institution said, however, that the hospital requires urgent infrastructural improvements to overcome gaps relating to capacity, quality, and growing demand for specialist services.Elaborating on the foregoing, the financial institution said inpatientbedsupplyisinadequate, with some wards consistently experiencing over 100 percent occupancy rates. It was keen to pointoutthatthegeneralIntensive Care Unit (ICU) has only seven beds. It said specialised ICUs and high dependency units frequently havewaitinglists.


Romario Hastings

Satisfy your taste for trendymodern,cakes at Noodle Cake Creations …forging smiles and memories in Berbice byRiri RiTHE PERFECT PARCEL

PAGE 21Sunday September 11, 2022 Kaieteur News The Waterfalls Waterfalls on…par…partnerstnersamission to promote Guyana through ‘Lethem Exclusive Apparel’ Leroy Hendricks and Romario Hastings


PAGE 22 Kaieteur News


Introducing:AmberAndrews,analluringIndigenousbeautywhowillrepresentMoraikobai,theonlyAmerindian CommunityinRegionFive,attheMissAmerindianHeritagePageantinGeorgetownonSeptember17.Sheisaformer StudentofMoraikobaiNurseryandPrimarySchools,WestfieldPrepPrimarySchoolandSt.Rose’sHighSchool. Amber,whoisaformerBankTelleratNBS,iscurrentlypursuinghertertiaryeducationat JainUniversity-InternationalBusiness. Sheisnowayoungentrepreneurwithhermainfocusbeingon tradingandenjoysgoingonadventures,swimming,musicandfootball.Herplatformis: “AdvocatingforAmerindianstotakeadvantageofopportunitiesunderthe‘OneGuyana’initiative.”

PAGE 23Sunday September 11, 2022 Kaieteur News

PAGE 24 Sunday September 11, 2022Kaieteur News

Education Minister, Priya Manickchand

An examination of the be distributed in the second half of that these persons will have thegovernment 2022 Mid-Year Report the year, to facilitate the roll-out of opportunity to obtain a Generalrevealedthatunderthestewardship the Education Management Educational Development diplomaofMinisterPriyaManickchand,the InformationSystem(EMIS).Itwas or a Scottish Credit andcountry is not only on its way to explained that the ICT and EMIS Qualifications Framework diplomabuilding a world-class education implementation will provide real- in order to secure a job. At the endsystem but has made notable time information and statistics for of the training, government said itachievements towards fortifying more effective planning, will implement tracer studies toourstockofhumancapital. monitoring, and supervision of assessentryintothelabourforce.

Of the $6.6 billion allocated for was explained that every student programme, expended the sum ofimproving the infrastructure of fromGrades7through13willhave $744.5 million of the $2.5 billioneducation facilities, the report the required Mathematics, English allocated, to benefit approximatelystatesthatasumof$2.3billionwas Literature and English Language 4,183 persons. A total of 119spent during the first half of the textbooks. students from nine secondaryyear The Waterfalls understands

· 10,025 pupils to benefit from breakfast programme for the first time

It is also anticipated that the Potter College of Education Further, the design of theconstruction of the Linden (CPCE) during the review period. GuyanaTechnicalTrainingCollegeout slated for the 2022 2023 pupils and hot meals to 27,379Technical Institute dormitory that Of the $200 million budgeted to commenced and will include theacademic year, while the second pupils across the country Withwill house 75 male and 75 female providestipendstotraineeteachers, GuySuCo Training School at Portphase will occur during the 2023- effect from September 2022,students will be completed by the $70.9 million was paid to 928 pre- Mourant that will provide2024 academic year for Regions 1, 10,025 Grade six pupils from 245end of the year Additionally, service students for the first half of additional facilities for training7,8and9. primary schools will also benefitcontracts were awarded for the the year, while the remainder will programmes in collaboration withI n k e e p i n g w i t h t h e frombreakfastforthefirsttime,ataconstruction of a primary school at be paid in the second half of the the private sector The location forgovernment’s aim of improving cost of $190 7 millionZeelugt and a nursery school at year to the continuing and this college has been identified andattendance and reducing school Additionally, the Carnegie SchoolHydronie, which will commence in prospective students. Further, after construction will commence in thedropout rates, financial support to of Home Economics was engagedthe second half of the year The twoyearsofbeingclosedduetothe secondhalfoftheyearfamilies of schoolchildren in the to compile a culinary book ofconstruction of the North pandemic, the dormitories at the In the period of review, theformofthe‘BecauseWeCare’cash recipestosupportthepilotedhome-Ruimveldt and Northwest

Additionally, this publication food preparation, crops and soils,Further, works are ongoing to understands that initiatives to fabric decoration, and furnitureconstruct nursery schools at increase the number of trained making.These programmes will beHaslington and Vryheid Lust, and teachers included the screening of extended to additional students inprimary schools at Kaikan and more than 4,000 applicants to secondary schools from SeptemberOronoque. commence studies at the Cyril 2022.

CPCE Turkeyen Campus were Board of Industrial Training (BIT)grant increased from $15,000 to grown school feeding programmesecondary schools is expected to opened in June 2022 to spent $187.9 million of its $448.5$25,000, and the school uniform in Regions Five and Nine. Thecommence in the second half of accommodate 102 hinterland million allocation to provide skillssupplies grant from $4,000 to recipes developed are based on the2022, while the evaluation of studentsforface-to-faceinteraction training to a total of 2,166 persons$5,000 in 2022. This will see each current food basket in each regiondesigns to construct Prospect that complements the online in 34 skills areas and another 2,847child across the public and private and aim to improve the nutrition ofSecondary School will be trainingplatform. persons are expected to be trainedschools, receiving a cash grant school-aged children while addingcompletedinthethirdquarterofthe

In the first half of 2022, the inthesecondhalf.Additionally,thetotalling$30,000.Itisexpectedthat value to the disposable income ofyear University of Guyana expended Carnegie School of Homemore than 184,000 public school farmers.During the review period, The $1.7 billion of the $3.5 billion Economics trained 61 males andstudents will benefit from this Furthermore, the 2022 Mid-Waterfalls also understands that allocated for its operations and 910 females in areas of generalinitiative at a cost of $5.5 billion, Year report states that efforts to1,151 teachers were trained on the additional courses offered cosmetology, interior decoration,while over 18,000 private school incorporate Information anduse of the renewed curriculum at Currently, the majority of the and commercial food preparationstudents will benefit at a cost of Communications Technologythe primary level which aims to courses offered by the facility are among others, and anticipateover$540million. (ICT) in the education sectorpromote greater inclusivity by online, with 60 percent fully training of 650 persons in the

Within the $1 3 billion under the Women Innovation andmillion of the budgeted $2 billion 7,250 tablets are expected to beGrades One through Four will be allocated to provide an additional Investment Network initiative inwas expended for the national delivered by the last quarter, whichexpanded to all schools in Regions 4,500onlinescholarshipsunderthe thefirsthalfoftheyear,and2,715school feeding programme to will achieve the target of providing2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 and Georgetown in GOALprogramme, resources were (Continued on page 47)providejuiceandbiscuitsto41,886 11,000 tablets loaded with teachingthe first phase of the national roll-

Kaieteur NewsSunday September 11, 2022 PAGE 25

· design of Guyana Technical Training College commences

· 4,500 online scholarships awarded under the GOAL programme

Further, 285 persons graduatedunderstands that a total of $701.9 September 2022, and an additionalis expected that the curricula for

According to the report, the schools. As Government seeks to But the accomplishments don’tEducation Ministry expended increase access to learning stop there. In first half of 2022, the$32.2 billion from the $74.4 billion resources for improved student Technical and Vocationalbudgetedfor2022. performance, by the end of 2022, it Education and Training

utilised in the first half the year to finance the 2,002 continuing students, as well as the granting of 4,250 scholarships for 2022 Additionally, A Get Ready for Opportunity to Work (GROW) project was also launched to materials for students by the end of distribute 4,000 scholarships to theyear Also,over425laptopsand persons who did not complete their computingdevicesforteacherswill secondary education. It was noted

· $2.3 spent on improving infrastructure of education facilities

Additionally, 108 primary schools were also identified tothat the construction of primary schoolswillalsobenefitfrom3,000 complete four Level Oneschools commenced at Karabairu micro science kits which will CaribbeanVocationalQualificationand Bamia/Amelia’s Ward and is realise 100 percent primary programmes in the third quarter ofexpected to be completed by the coverage. thisyear,intheareasofcommercialendof2022and2023,respectively

By Kiana Wilburg

· 1,151 teachers trained on use of the renewed curriculum

Education Ministry records notable success at Half-Year

==Social Edge==

During the period January to resulted in the procurement ofconsidering the unique qualities virtual,20percentface-to-face,and secondhalfoftheyearJune 2022, The Waterfalls 3,750 tablets for delivery byand varied abilities of each child. It 20percentwithhybridoptions.

Kiana Wilburg

Kaieteur NewsPAGE 26 Sunday September 11, 2022

Ten years ago, 50-year-old Joan Durant was killed by her husband, Gordon Leslie Durant, now 80, and buried in the unfinished bathroom of their Melanie Damishana North, East CoastDemerarahome.

It was onApril 5, 2017, when 34 year old Ganesh Dhanraj called Andre of Parika Facade, EastBankEssequibo,strangledto death his 29 year old wife, DhanwantieRam.

(To share any useful information, please contact me via email:naesambach@gmail com or phone number: + (592) 6941862)

It is alleged that Gordon was abusivetowardshiswifeandwhen he was arrested by police, he reportedly admitted to killing his wifebecauseshehadthreatenedto leaveOnhim.Monday,August5,Gordon appeared before Justice Jo-Ann Barlow in the Demerara High Court.Thecapitaloffencewasreadto him and he denied but opted to plead guilty to the lesser count of manslaughter As such, Justice Barlow deferred the sentencing to September 15, 2022, and ordered thataprobationreportbeprepared infavouroftheaccused.

Kaieteur News PAGE 27Sunday September 11, 2022

Journal THE

Dead, Simone Hackett

A few days later, Hackett's body was discovered, along with the weapon that was used to kill her Hackett died from an incised wound to her neck and there were 11 other incised wounds to her bodyHamilton was later arrested and gave an oral statement of the roleheHeplayed.alsoled the police to the spotwhereHackettwaspickedup. Singh's car was also discovered with blood stains on the seats and maggots below the mats in the back seat. Hamilton and Singh were friends for a few years and kneweachotherfromMahaicony Both men are expected to be sentencedonSeptember26,2022.

Dead, Joan Durant


appeared before Justice Sandil Kissoon in the Demerara High Courttochangehisnotguiltyplea



On June 28, 2012, Joan's decomposedbodywasdiscovered buriedinthesandofanunfinished bathroom, in the couple's threebedroomsingle-flathouse.

The couple had shared a 12yearrelationshipwhichborethree children. However, according to police,Ramencounteredrepeated domestic abuse which caused her tomoveoutfromthematrimonial home four days before she was killed.The woman had moved to her sister's home which is located a short distance away Dhanraj had reportedly visited the woman's sibling home and demanded that his reputed wife return home, but sheTherefused.followingday,asRamwas on her way to the Parika Police Station to lodge a report against Dhanraj – he intercepted her and draggedhertotheirhome.

OnMonday,Dhanrajappeared before Justice Jo-Ann Barlow at the Demerara High Court. He deniedthemurderchargethatwas read to him but opted to plead guilty to the lesser count, manslaughterAssuch, on September 26, Justice Barlow is expected to sentence Dhanraj for killing his reputedwife,DhanwantieRam.

On June 26, 2012, Joan was lastseenalive.Whenherrelatives wentlookingforheratthecouple's home, Gordon reportedly told them that she had packed her bag andleftthe Howeverhouse.,thewoman'srelative didnotbelievethestory,theywere told and Joan's son later filed a missingpersonreport.


Her child-father, 30-year-old Cleavaughn Hamilton, called 'Quarters', a gold miner of Mahaica, East Coast Demerara, andhisfriend,RanachalSingh,31, a taxi-driver of Lot 7 Good Hope, Mahaicony, ECD, were later chargedwiththecapitaloffence.

s the men they once shared a relationship with await sentencing – I will highlight the gruesome death of three mothers: Joan Durant, Dhanwantie Ram, and Simone Hackett – whose cases recently came up at the Demerara HighTheirCourt.former lovers have all admitted to killing them and will besentencedlaterthismonth.

Both men had denied the capitaloffenceatthefirsthearing,

One buried, one dumped in a trench and one left in a chair Murdered mothers…

Dead, Dhanwantie Ram AwaitingGaneshsentencing,Dhanraj

Awaiting sentencing, Gordon Leslie Durant



Afterweapon.committing the crime, thetwomenstoppedatacanalon theEastCoastofDemerarawhere Hamiltonsoakedhisshirtandused ittocleanthebloodstainsfromthe car. They then drove to Mahdia, RegionEight.


He then strangled her to death withabedsheetandplacedherina chairRam'sbodywasdiscoveredby her father and sister in a sitting position on a chair in the living room of her home with a mat thrown over her A post mortem examination gave the cause of death as compression of the neck dueto Afterstrangulation.killinghiswife, Dhanraj had plunged into the Essequibo River in a bid to escape from police. However, he was shot in the right arm and was days later apprehended.Whileawaiting his trial to commence in the High Court, Dhanraj had escaped onApril 20, 2020, from the Lusignan Holding Bay However, the following month, he was recaptured at the Parikabuspark.

The death of Joan and Dhanwantie stemmed from abusiverelationshipsandthedeath of Simone came from a dispute overher Bizarrelychild., one of the men confessed to killing his wife and burying her body in the bathroom of their unfinished home – the other confessed to strangling his wifetodeathdaysaftershemoved outoftheirmatrimonialhome,and the other accused admitted to murdering the mother of his child by stabbing her repeatedly, slashing her throat and dumping herbodyinatrench.

On Monday last, Hamilton

toguiltyAccording to the statement of theagreedfacts,duringthemonth of March in 2016, Hackett and Hamilton had a dispute over their son.Hamilton admitted that on April16,2016,hecontactedSingh totakehimtopickupHackett.The menluredtheyoungwomantoUG Road by having Singh calling her and pretending to be Dexter, someone from whom she would usually collect items sent by Hamilton.Thewoman left home believing that she was going to meet Dexter but was later picked up in Singh's car with Hamilton inside.Hamilton admitted that, while in the back seat of the car, he stabbed Hackett several times about her body and slashed her throat with a knife. The men then stoppedthecaratabushyconcrete bridge and Hamilton dragged Hackett's body out of Singh's car anddumpedherinanearbytrench, where he also disposed of the murder

but Singh opted to plead guilty to thelessercountofmanslaughter

OnApril16,2016,25-year-old Simone Hackett was reported missing after she left her 'C' Field Sophiahome.Threedayslater,her partially decomposed body was discovered in a trench parallel to the University of Guyana (UG) road, at Fourth Field, Cummings Lodge.Itwas reported that Hackett's throat was slit and there was what appearedtobetwostabwoundsto thebackofherneck.

Awaiting Cleavaughnsentencing,Hamilton

When I first started exercising,Iusedtolovewearing cotton t-shirts. This was mainly because I could literally see the sweat of my labour once I’m done.Today,thatweirdfetishhas subsided. I’m sure my body is happy and so are the people that would usually have to endure seeingmyperspiration!

fyouplantostartthegym, bearinmindthatyoudon’t need to ‘dress to impress’ butrather‘dressforsuccess’.This means, ensuring that you are comfortable yet confident in your attirebeforeyouheadouttochase yourweightlossgoals.

Ladies,Iunderstandthatsome of you may be heading out to do morethanrunonthetreadmill,but thinkaboutwhatwouldhappenif you really do burn out with your facefullofmakeup.

Likewise,awornoutsportsbra will not give you the support you need,especiallyifyouareblessed withabiggersizedcup.Ifyourbra is not tight enough, you’ll have to worryaboutbounceandevenpost workout pain. Additionally, researchshowsthatnotwearingan

I remember this one time I purchasedatrackpantsanditwas super small but I wore it anyways to workout. I was new to exercise atthetimebutbeingchokedbythe tiny pants made me know for sure thatitwas Compressioninappropriate.clothingwhichis

The key is to wear clothing that makes you comfortable and confident.

m keup,awhichleadstoirritation,and promotesacnebreakouts.”

Pushupbrasorwornoutsports bra



For example, if your shoes are wornout(meaningyoucanalmost feel the floor when you walk), pleasedonotwearthemtogofora runorevenawalkinthepark.

Old shoes provide less cushioning and shock absorption and can even throw off the alignment of your feet, affecting your knees and hips during exercise.You may have recently received a new pair of shoes that might be too tight and instead of giving them away, you decide to exercise in them to stretch them. This can cause injury to your feet and even lock you away from the gym – so the best thing would be nottoweartheminthefirstplace!


“You know your sneakers are too old when the treads or designs on the bottom start to wear out,” says Jasmine Marcus, a physical therapistinIthaca,NY


Dressing your body appropriately from head to toe is super important for maximum results. Just like dressing, your bodywiththerightclothingiskey in your weight loss journey, so is thefootwearyouchoosetouse.

Trytoavoidwearingjewellery when heading out to the gym. A necklace can be very distracting whileringscancausesomebodily

Also,ifyoumustwearawatch, try not to wear one that carries a metal band as this can cause skin irritations. A fitness watch is a great investment but just in case you are still working on raising enough funds, a small face rubber bandwatchwilldojustfine.

It can be more embarrassing than if you just wore your beautiful face as is. I personally don’tmindpaintingmylipswhen I prepare for my exercise routine, but stay away from mascara and foundationplease!


Most pushup bras these days carry what we call a ‘bone’which isapieceofwirethatisinsertedto prop up your ‘assets’. These can make you uncomfortable at the gym and hinder your movement whenperformingcertainactivities.


Now, we’ve talked about tight clothing and how it can make you uncomfortable but this does not mean that you should reach for tshirts or pants that are three times yourExercisesize! apparel that fits too loosecanbeveryuncomfortable.It gets in the way when trying to perform various activities and simply weigh you down In addition, I’m certain it will not makeyouveryconfident.

Other than the unfavourable sight of cotton clothing at the gym,sciencealsoagreesthatthis fabric is not best suited for workoutactivitiessincethemore moistclothingis,themorelikely bacteria will grow, especially if you are wearing it for a long period of time. Moreover, if you have a bruise or a cut that is left exposed to the sweat-laced fabric, it can lead to a fungal infection at the site. Instead, you can opt for polyester and nylon fabrics for yourgym Additionallyroutine.,my advice is to pack an extra underwear and change into it after your workout,

Kaieteur NewsPAGE 28 Sunday September 11, 2022

eddesignto allow movement but compressthemusclesisnota problem, but if the clothing you choosetowearistoosmall,itwill domoreharmthangood.

Again,besidestheaestheticsof it, the director of cosmetic and clinicalresearchindermatologyat MountSinaiHospitalinNewYork City, Dr Joshua Zeichner says, “makeup has its time and place, and the gym is not one of them.” He explained, “When you sweat, dirt and oil can build up under

What not to wear to the gym

appropriateexercisebracancause the breast tissue to stretch which would leave you with a ‘saggy future’.




Activities at the gym requires loads of total body movement, which will call for clothing that doesnotrestrictyourmovementor evenweighyoudown.Assuch,I’ll share some tips on what you shouldn’t wear to your workout sessiontotrulyoptimiseyourtime.

Trainers believe that wearing ringscouldaffectyourgriponthe weightsandcanposeaseriousrisk iftheyendupslippingduetoyour fashion quirk. Additionally, the pressure of the weights against your ring can cause deep indentationsontheskinandcould evendamagethering.


“Ifthebottomsareflatteningin areas and you can no longer see the design of the tread”—not to mention, if there are holes by the toes, or any other obvious signs of total disrepair—”it’s time to get newsneakers.”


a criticism) shared with the Hon.Ministeristomakethis a truly 'National Breakfast Plan' and include all the Regions and all the spaces. Go the whole distance, though I know that some d o n ' t n e e d t h e compassionatehand.

amstrugglingtofind the good, the encouraging, the helpful in this country The going is rough, gets rougher daily Wehavegreatriches, but our leaders make us smaller when they deceive and coverup their real ambitions, their handiworks done by corrupt henchmen. Still, I reach for what I can findandsharesome.

Look at us on this issue of lawlessness. One leader had charges dropped by a friendly comrade, who shouldbethestandardbearer as a lawmaker; another leader would have had charges for serial lawlessness plastered all over him in a different society, but we have democracy and clean governance, as they tell me, despiteallthis. Thisishow we (me and you) discharge duty as citizens, and deliver on honesty, as persons. We may build something, perhaps empires of wealth forthefew,likehowitcame

only remain lavishly buttered by toeing the line willingly joins in upholding thenationalcorruptions,and participating in it to demonstrate that members are real and part of the selfenrichingcrowd.

Kaieteur News PAGE 29Sunday September 11, 2022

dded in that presentation about guardrails against corruptions was the recommendation that NRF Committee members should submit declarations to the Integrity Commission. It is well meaning, but those declarations are only paper, and with that we are very good in what we present, in


The political and professional corrupt hide behind all manner of smokescreens, including when they get loyalists to defend continuing chronic corruptions with 'the PNC also used to steal.' I agree and ensure that my public wrath registered, though I could have done still more. Itwouldencouragetoseethe celebrating New York and Guyana crowds possessing the individual integrity to saywehavehadenough,and wewillnotcondone,wewill notrationalise. Thereareno innocents.Embe



(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

Corruption guardrails, Integrity Commission declarations, 99% of territorial waters and National Breakfast

An economist calls for guardrails against corruption. It is a spirited andwell-intendedcall,andI amencouragedbyit. Butwe needmorethanguardrailsin Guyana's corruption fights; we need a national straitjacket to immobilise ourhandsfromreachinginto the taxpayers' cookie jar Anything less than a straitjacketisnotenough;we must go the whole mile and then circle back if we are ever going to put our arms around deep and broad corruptions If only Guyanese knew a little of what goes on here, maybe

to past in places s u c h a s I n d o n e s i a , Angola, Nigeria, India societytontwillrealitymonarchy).Ademocracy)(anotherandrabia(aTheisthatwenevererecthefoundationswhichbuildarulyequitableTheEducation

they will be incensed to the point of never voting again for any group; never trust another leader or politician.

Minister's National Breakfast Plan for Grade 6 students caught my eye. ItisagoodthingandI applaud. Keep the children fed, and keep hands clean from any contamination is what I say to the people controlling and delivering. Don't overcharge and underdeliver, thus starving some children in other school levels and other places. Myonethought(not

whatmayhavealreadybeen well concealed from long practice in earlier public servicelife. Quitefrankly,I am still uncertain about the Integrity Commission itself, since principled citizens are so acutely short; plus, once soselectedthefirstloyaltyis not necessarily to integrity and sworn duty, but usually toleaderand Confirmationpartycame in a strange way of how much corruptionthereisin,above, below, and around Guyana. An international report indicated that 99% of our territorial waters remain infested with lawless practices(KNSeptember7). I could have saved the foreigners time and trouble: 99% of Guyana's earth is plagued with lawlessness from top to bottom and tarnishing everything and everyone in between. The few that are staunchly principled are tainted from just being around rogues, swindlers, and hustlers in both public and private sectors. The private sector knowing that its bread will


intermittent squabbles in the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States(OAS),concerningthe controversial general electionsofOctober20,2019 inBolivia.ThePresident, Evo Morales, resigned after these elections amid a storm of protests,bygroupswithinthe

The latest rumpus in the Permanent Council occurred on September 7 under an agendaitemthathadnothing to do with Bolivia. The Council was receiving a reportonmunicipalelections in Paraguay, when the Bolivian Ambassador raised his governing party's grievance over the OAS electoral mission's report of the2019elections. Secretary GeneralAlmagro,displaying frustration with the allegations against the OAS, its Department for Electoral C o o p e r a t i o n a n d Observation, and himself, responded with some agitationtopointoutthatthe OAS Secretariat rejected themAlltotallythis had led to this commentary in order to explain the process of electoralobservationandthe purpose of the missions that conductthem.

light, such as hundreds of boxes o f e l e c t o r a l materials being foundinahousein Potosí. The EU election expert mission (EEM) believes that the TSE's decisions, combined with their failure to provide explanations for them, irrevocably damaged trust in theresultsprocess”.

Despite the clear statement by the EU, no representation is made that the EU was wrong or has an ulterior motive; such representations have been reservedfor,andfocusedon, the OAS and particularly the SecretaryGeneral.

The point is that the Secretaries General or Chief Executive Officers of regional organisations, such a s t h e E U , t h e Commonwealth and the OAS, organise electoral observer missions at the request of governments; independent persons of high reputation–usuallyaformer head of government or foreign minister – lead the mission with no interference from Secretariats or Secretaries General in the conductoftheirwork.

h e r e a r e

ofabriefandarrogantperiod in office, the interim government presided over human rights violations, particularly against Indigenouspeople–themain supportersofMAS.

Kaieteur NewsPAGE 30 Sunday September 11, 2022

(The writer is Antigua and Barbuda's Ambassador to the United States of A m e r i c a a n d t h e Organization of American States. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London and Massey College in the UniversityofToronto)

To begin with, no elections observation mission can take place without an invitation from the Government. In 2019, the Morales government invited both the EU and the OAStoobservetheelections. Notwithstandingthesingling out of the OAS, both organisations reached the same conclusion. The EU saidinastatementthatpartial preliminary results on the night of the election with 83 8 percent of votes counted, “the gap between Morales and Mesa was 7.87 percent” and “If the results had continued to follow this pattern, there would have been a second round, but an order was given “to stop processing the preliminary results right after this announcement”. The EU went on to say that on October 21, the process suddenly re started and withinminutesMorales'lead was over 10 percent, meaning no second round wouldbeneeded”. TheEU concludedthatthedecisionto interrupt the count “generated great concern among interlocutors, who feared that the government intervened to stop the process, in order to manipulatetheresults.Other suspicious incidents came to

The powerful OAS member governments at the time did not once protest the behaviour of the interim government, or its failure to hold scheduled elections. It took a group of CARICOM countries to advance a resolution, drafted by Belize andAntigua and Barbuda, to insist on protections for Indigenouspeople.

orchestrated by Luis

was a coup d'état


irregularities in the October 20, 2019 elections, which werepointedoutbytheOAS electoral observation mission, are wrong. No mention is made of the findings of the EU observation mission which cametothesameconclusions astheOASmission.


Almagro, the OAS Secretary-General. Twice, so far, in the Organization's Permanent Council, representatives of the MAS government, which was returnedtopowerinOctober 2020, in elections also observed by the OAS, have repeated suggestions that

The OAS secretariat did not manufacture the flaws in the 2019 Bolivian elections anymorethandidtheEU.

No ruling political party that is criticised for a flawed electoral process welcomes such criticism, but their unhappiness does not negate the flaws or the lack of fairness in an elections process Democracy is servedbysuchcriticism. As, incidentally, it was served in Guyanain2020where,were it not for the vigilance of the electoral observer missions fromCARICOM,theEU,the O A S a n d t h e Commonwealth, the party in poweratthetimewouldhave snatchedtheelection.

Morales government allegations have been made that somehow the process

OAS plays significant role for democracy in elections

Response and previous

c o m m e n t a r i e s : www.sirronaldsanders.com

Sir Ronald Sanders

However, it was the Morales government, in the face of the statements by international observers of “damaged trust” in the elections result that invited the OAS to conduct an audit oftheTheresult.OASdidnotofferto do so, or to invite itself. Further, the Morales government confirmed, in a signed agreement with the OAS Secretariat that “the audit findings would be binding”.Theelectoralobservation mission was headed by the former Costa Rican Foreign Minister, Manuel González (who, incidentally, also led the observation mission to the 2020 elections at which the MAS Presidential candidate, Luis Arce, was declared the winner) and the four audit teams comprised independent technical experts from various countries including Argentina, Mexico and Spain.None of these teams was subject to any direction by theOASPermanentCouncil, the Secretary General or the Secretariat.OnNovember 10, 2019, statingsignificantITsecurity vulnerabilities that could havebeenusedtomanipulate the results and pointing out the findings of international observersofasuddenchange in the trend of the vote, the preliminary audit report recommended a new electoral process with a new electoral authority On the same day, Morales resigned, and his government collapsed.Inthe aftermath of this electoral commotion, an interimgovernmentassumed office, failing twice to hold the new elections that were mandated. Duringthecourse

country, charging that they were not free and fair The conclusion that the election processwasimproperandnot credible came from electoral observer missions of the European Union (EU) and the OAS, whose presence wasrequestedbytheMorales government.However, in the postelections period, and a subsequentauditoftheresult conducted by the OASagain at the request of the

But many of us hide our beast so well hadn’t spilled the beans on myself. someoneyoucaredabout.that were it possible, we ourselves would

According to Psalm 103:12, God inthankfulthatJesusdiedonthecrosstosave forgiving us, “He has removed our sins as me from continually hurting myself, and farfromusastheeastisfromthewest”andothers too. It is my belief that far too often knowing).

conceal their sins will not prosper but if

However, it is only when you choose to honestly forgive and let go of wrongs donefollow God without reservation that you toyou.can truly begin to own up to the beast (the

https:// www youtube com/w

R can be pretty hard to digest. Take for( instance, Proverbs 28:13, “People whoatch?v=k1NVB4JBayc).

Theremarkablemessagethathecoveys they confess and turn from them, they willis that there is some amount of beauty and receive mercy.” Of course, the notion ofsomeamountofbeastineachofus.Ofnote receiving mercy is very attractive buttoo, he underscored that it isn’t the having to confess in order to achieve this,perceived goodness nestled inside us that not so appealing. If we choose to have ourreveals our true identity but rather, it is the

In the preacher’s words, “It is not the to)looksevenmoreattractive. shaking off some undesired burdens anddisclosed. But do you know that even if nobeautythatmakesyougreat,it’syourbeast.

==My Testimony==

For instance, after I apologised to one drawing a little closer to the Supremeone is around when we do the wrong, thereItisnotthethingsthatwentrightthatcause individual, who I had wronged horribly Being. And indeed, whether we want tois always someone seeing our every move?your destiny to unlock; the most fruitful (unknown to them), that person made it admititornot,secretlyhurtingsomeoneisaGod always sees, for He is omnipresentpartofyoucomesfromthebarrenplace.” clear that it would have been better if I tremendousburdentobear,especiallyifitis(everywhere) and omniscient (all

Thankfully,itisGod,andnotman,whomade me do it”? No! we don’t get to give good for the soul’ and the wisdom in bygones’ way but as condemnatory as it absolves our sins when we earnestly repentthedevilthatmuchcreditwhenwithclarity, Proverbs 28, I decided I needed to start the gets,andIdon’tblamethem.Tothatperson, and endeavour to change our wayswe plot our move – whether premeditated process of freeing myself of the burden of I am perhaps now public enemy number


But in this life people can be so verybelieve it is actually non-existence. But to different.Inanotherinstanceofbearingmyovercome,wemustfessupinordertoyield soul to another person who I’d offended,goodfruit. and even worse in my estimation,

Caution! Confession is not for the faint notsinned,wemakehimouttobealiarandthebetteroption.

Oftentimeswethinkthatthewrongswewant people to see the beauty in us but it is hate you when it’s all said and done. So whether it is to God alone, to ando will never be found out; we think ouronly few that can accept us if we dare to However, once it is done (God’s) mercy individual, or both, I am willing to bare mysecret indiscretions are safe with us andsharethebeast. (andnotnecessarilythepersonyouconfess soul to whomever once it means I’mcould very well do more harm than good if

Sadly,inthisworld,manypeoplewould forgiveness was immediately forthcomingmuch rather we lie to them about who we andtheslatewipedclean.really are. They would prefer that we be an

Although they may see you striving to be a or spontaneous. I’m not saying that there secret sins committed against others, some one, but that’s okay, because it is horrible better person, there are some human beingsisn’t some prodding from the dark side at ofwhichIhavebeencarryingaroundforfar peoplelikemewhoarewellawarethatthey whowouldmuchratherseeyoucontinuetotimes,butultimately,wemakethechoiceto too long Although the process of need a saviour In the gospels, Mark 2:17 live a wayward life, simply because that and Luke 5:32, Jesus made it clear that seems more normal to them. In reality, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick there are quite a number of people who peopledo.Ihavecometocallnotthosewho would much rather accept lewdness over think they are righteous, but those who decency knowtheyaresinners.”

Sometimes we have to face the beast within


It quickly dawned on me that it is muchimitation of our reality rather than present like this latter case that God demonstratesthe truth, which admittedly, can really hurt Hisloveforus.ItisonlywhenyouhaveHissometimes. love in your heart that you are able to

confession has started, I must admit it will forgive us our sins and purify us from way, never admitting to being anconflict between ‘beauty and beast’ that hasn’tbeentheeasiesttask. all unrighteousness. If we claim we haveundercoverbeastwillmostlikelyalwaysbereleasesourrealsubstanceattherighttime.

Suffice it to say, there is not a wrongrevolting, repugnant and, rancorous) that done to me that I will be unwilling toresides within. When I begin to analyse the forgive,forIhavefeltwhatitfeelsliketobedepths of wickedness that a human being deniedforgivenessandtohaveitforthwith,can embody, there is nothing left for me to anditfeelssomuchbettertobeforgiven.do other than drop to my knees in prayer,

More ifwedesiretobemorelikeHim,wemustbe weblameourimmoralwaysondarkforces.

Given that God is ‘all knowing’, over, the person told me that I should keep willingtobejustasmercifultoo.Have you ever heard the phrase: “The devil coupled with the notion that ‘confession is my apology, and not in a ‘let bygones be

So being the colossal sinner that I am, I and Living God wants us to be completely amdaringtodowhateverittakestoacquire freefromblame. as much mercy as I can at this juncture of Why must I subject myself to a life of mylife,andsurprisingly,confessioncomes blame and guilt when Jesus, through His with a wonderful sense of liberation.While death on the cross, has paved a way for me confessing your sins to God is a must for to be completely set free? Galatians 5:1 any repentant heart, believe me, once He reads, “It is for freedom that Christ has set prompts you to take it a notch further us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let (apologising to people you have wronged), yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of it is absolutely worth it, even though you slavery.” mightbechastisedbythoseyou’dwronged. (If you have an enlightening

By Sharmain Grainger

If you read the biblical book of Proverbs, you will find that it contains aecently, I heard a sermon from great deal of wisdom to help us live betterBishop TD Jakes which he lives,someofwhich,likesomeofourtruth,titled ‘Beauty and the Beast’

The bible notes at 1 John 1:8-10, “If we experience to share, email me @ confess our sins, He is faithful and just and sharmain_grainger@yahoo.com)

Understandably, most, if not all of us, of heart, for people will either love you or hiswordhasnoplaceinourlives.”

Sharmain Grainger

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ancerhasclimbed up the ladder globally and is nowthesecondleadingcause of death. One in every six deaths is attributed to cancer worldwide.Unfortunately, there are no signs of it slowing down andIfearthatthesenumbers w i l l i n c r e a s e a t unprecedented rates unless a cureisfoundorweadjustour lifestyle.Ifyou think about it, you orsomeoneyouknow,would havebeenaffectedbycancer Today, I will share with youthemaincausesofcancer so that you can try to avoid themifandwhenyoucan.



In fact, we are all probably exposed to low doses of carcinogensalotofthetime.

cancerForexample,itisthought that many cells which are damagedbycarcinogenscan repair

ByDr.ZulfikarBux MedicineEmergencySpecialist

PImmunecancersystemeoplewith a poor immune system have an increased risk of developing certainForcancers.example,peoplewith AIDS, or people on immunosuppressivetherapy

The risk from small doses, such as from a single

Also,themselves.thebody's immune system may be able to destroy some types of abnormal cells before they multiplyintoatumour

Inmanycases,itislikely thatthereisacombinationof factorsmentionedabovethat initiatestheprocess.

If you have worked with these without protection you have an increased risk of developing certain cancers. Toomuchradiationexposure also causes cancer so try to avoiddoingtoomanyx-rays and CT scans unless your doctorindicatesthattheyare needed.


Some viruses and bacteria are linked to certain cancers.Forexample,peoplewith persistent infection with the hepatitis B virus or the Hepatitis C virus have an increased risk of developing canceroftheliver

cancerSo,themoreofthemyou avoid,thelesslikelyyouwill have to deal with the devastating suffering that comeswithcancer

Radiation Radiationisacarcinogen. For example, exposure to radioactive materials and nuclear fallout can increase theriskofleukemiaandother cancers.Toomuch sun exposure and sunburn increase your risk of developing skin cancer Thelargerthedoseof radiation,thegreatertherisk ofdevelopingcancer

A carcinogen is something (chemical, radiation, etc) which can damage a cell and make it more likely to turn into a cancerous cell. As a general rule,themoretheexposureto a carcinogen, the greater the risk.Tobacco is the most common carcinogen that causescancer.

For example, the ability to repair damaged cells, and the immune system which may destroy abnormal cells, may become less efficient withSage.o, eventually one damagedcellmaymanageto survive and multiply out of controlintoacancer

of cancer may have some genetic factorwhich islessclear-cut.

If you smoke, you are morelikelytodevelopcancer of the lung, mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder and pancreas.Smoking is thought to cause about 1 in 4 of all cancers About 1 in 10 smokers die from lung cancerThe heavier you smoke, the greater the risk. If you stop smoking, your risk goes down suchWconsiderablyorkplacechemicalsasasbestos,benzene,


Knowing what causes cancer so that you can decrease your risk of getting it

Dr. Zulfikar MedicineEmergencyBuxSpecialist


This is one you do not have control over; the older you become, the more likely it is that you will develop cancerThisisprobablyduetoan accumulation of damage to cellsovertime.


Some cancers have a strong genetic link. For example, in certain


Research has shown that many types of cancer are morecommoninpeoplewho are overweight or obese, including cancers of the breast, bowel, lining of the womb, oesophagus, pancreas, kidney, liver, stomach, ovary, thyroid, myeloma,andbrain.

The body has certain mechanisms which may protect us from developing

Also,thebody'sdefenses and resistance against abnormalcellsmaylessenas youbecomeolder

c h i l d h o o d cancers the abnormal gene or genes which may trigger a c e l l t o b e c o m e a b n o r m a l a n d cancerous are inheritedOther types

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It may be that in some people their genetic makeup means that they are less resistant to the effect of carcinogens or other factors suchas Notdiet.everyone who has contact with a potential cancer causing substance (carcinogen) or has an unhealthy lifestyle will developForcancerexample, not all smokersdeveloplungcancer

We should all eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetablesperday

● There is strong evidence that eating a lot of red meat (such as beef, pork andlamb)increasesyourrisk ofbowelcancerandstomach cancer●Processed meat also increases your risk of cancers, especially bowel cancerProcessed meat means meat that has been transformed through salting, curing, fermentation, smoking or other processes, e.g. bacon, salami, chorizo, pepperoni and all types of ham.● The risk of developing certain cancers is increased bylackofregularexerciseor drinkingtoomuchalcohol.

These may play a part in triggering a cell to become abnormal, and allowing it to multiplyoutofcontrolintoa

Ifyoueatalotoffruitand vegetables you have a reduced risk of developing certainThecancers.exactway in which theyprotectagainstcanceris notfullyTheseunderstood.foodsare rich in vitamins and minerals, and alsocontainchemicalscalled antioxidants.Theymayprotectagainst damaging chemicals that get intothebody

Another example is the link between the human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervicalcancer Womenwho developcervicalcancerhave beeninfectedwithastrainof HPV at some point in their lives.Anotherexampleisthata b a c t e r i u m c a l l e d Helicobacter pylori is linked tostomach

Diet and other lifestyle factors (and, as mentioned, smoking) can increase or decrease the risk of developingcancer.

T h e f o l l o w i n g diet/lifestyle choices increaseyourriskofcancer:

Butitisevenworsewith an inability to change Research about taking responsibility shows that when people believe they can change, they are more likely to admit their mistakes. This makes sense b e c a u s e t a k i n g responsibility for our mistakes is usually the first step in changing our

Whatispreventingyou fromtakingresponsibility foryourownlife?


I don’t want them in a preschool because I believe that forthefirstfewyearsis formetobondwithmybaby and instill in them the early teachings of life that I want; not for someone else to do thatorforthemtoassimilate w h a t l e s s o n s t h e environmenthastooffer

But how am I supposed todoallofthisifIstillhave outstanding dreams, when for me, I have not achieved mydesiresandamnotready toletgoofalifethatdoesnot servetheinterestofmykids. Now, I say this to highlight the urgent role that responsibility plays here Many fathers and mothers

No, really... it’s buteveryoneblamewhenadorableyouyourself.

the result of the parent who was not ready for parenthood. No, we are not talkingaboutthe“own-way” children, we are talking about parents who were not able to put their best foot forwardbecausetheydidnot take responsibility for the upbringingoftheiroffspring whether it was planned or not.This is a big example to highlight the importance responsibility/accountabilityof

By Zena Henry

Sunday September 11, 2022Kaieteur NewsPAGE 34

produceoffspringbutarenot ready for it; not ready to let go of the life that is not conducivetotheirparenting. Some of them walk around upset and bitter, no at their kids,butatthefactthatthey hadthemwhentheywerenot necessarilyreadyforthem.

are much happier because we are doing what we want and seem to have much controloverthat.

I’ve heard and seen people make jokes against those without children and even mocking them as barrenandwastingtimehere on earth. But, you know what always gets me, the easewithwhichthesepeople saythesethings,asifhaving kids is just a stroll in the park; with little to no responsibility attached to it; as if it does not require commitment which for some,literallymeanstherest of their life dedicated to another human being or just consciousthattheyexistand they are forever attached to them.Ihave never seriously told any male or female that theyneededtomakeachild. AndforthesimplefactthatI understand and accept way too much what that parent job entails, and have too many examples of what one failingatthatjobcouldlook like. I also joked about my life being over if I were to havekidsbecauseIstrongly feel like all my time and attention would be devoted tothem.What I really mean by this however is me taking full responsibility and applyingalleffortstoensure I do my best in raising and providing for my children. I mean, I want to be there for

Let’s look however, at someofthereasonswhywe find being responsible and accountable for our actions so hard. ‘Living well with Sharon’has noted, however,


behaviourButfeeling entitled is a serious challenge regarding accountability Some people think they’re superior to others and therefore are entitledtodowhattheywant without bearing the consequences. Often,thisis an unconscious attempt to overcompensate for self doubt, low self-esteem, or insecurity

importantly, not ready to give up the life free of such responsibility In the process,youhavealltypesof human beings now coming forth; some with characters that can’t even describe a pig.Andforme,allofthisis

their first step, their first word and everything that comeswithhavinganinfant.

It said that where perfectionism is concerned, people who expect themselves to be perfect or have impossibly high standards also have trouble acknowledging their mistakes and shortcomings. Perfectionistsbasetheirselfworth on their performance and achievements So making a mistake and admitting they are less than perfect is especially painfulforthem.Andall-or nothing thinking magnifies small mistakes, making them seem like major failurestoaperfectionist.

It’s unfortunate to say, however, that in many of these cases, the kids end up feeling the squeeze for their parents’ decisions, because they were not ready to care foranotherhumanandmore

, and a most fitting one b e c a u s e t a k i n g responsibility for one’s life continues to be the greatest giftthatsomeonecouldgive themselves; and I am speaking from experience. My last two columns have been talking about owning upandtakingresponsibility for your life and actions. Weknowforonething,that when we own up and take responsibility for our lives, wetendtoachievemoreand

t h e r e a r e m a n y psychological reasons, in particular, why we have difficulty owning up Traumaisonereason;itwas said to have serious effects onhowonerespondstowhat they are responsible for Avoiding responsibility can be a response to trauma and s o m e p e o p l e w h o experienced painful abuse, criticism,betrayal,rejection, or other trauma, continue to see themselves as victims;

they are so focused on their ownemotionalpainthatthey struggle to see how they harm others. Others have traumaticmemoriesofbeing severely punished, blamed, or ignored when they made mistakes as children, which understandably,makesthem reticent to admit when

am in my mid 30s withnochildren,and although plans were afootforthattohappeninthe not so distant past, unfortunate circumstances did not allow it to materialise. But that hasn’t stopped many from making their calls to see me with a babybump.Overandover,I hearpeoplesayingtoothers, especially young men and women, that they need to make kids; as if this somehow is a hallmark of beingaliveandbeinggrown.

S h a m e i s a n overwhelming feeling of embarrassment or distress, Sharon pointed out. She said when people feel ashamedoftheirbehaviour, they may “shut down”, deny,hide,orlieabouttheir behaviour in order to save face and lessen the distress theyfeelaboutit.

Kaieteur News PAGE 35Sunday September 11, 2022

moderate Alzheimer's disease.Other studies haven't shownthisbenefit.VitaminE supplements appear to have no effect on whether people with mild cognitive impairment progress to Alzheimer'sdisease.

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the risk of prostate cancerMost people get enough Vitamin E from a balanced diet. If you've been diagnosedwithmild t o m o d e r a t e A l z h e i m e r ' s disease, some research suggests thatVitaminEtherapymight help slow disease progression.However, oral use of VitaminEmightincreasethe riskofprostatecancer Useof the supplement can pose other serious risks, particularlyathighdosesand if you have other health conditionsorhavehadaheart attackorstroke.


V i t a m i n E deficiency can cause n e r v e p a i n

VitaminEhasn'tbeenshown to prevent this pregnancy condition that affects blood pressure.Prostatecancer Research shows that Vitamin E and selenium supplements don't prevent prostate cancer. Thereisalsoconcernthatthe u s e o f Vi t a m i n E supplements might increase

Vitamin E is also available as an oral supplement in capsulesordrops.

itamin E is a nutrient that's important to a number of body functions: vision, reproduction, and the health of your blood, brain, andskin.VitaminE,apotent lipid soluble antioxidant, f o u n d i n h i g h e r concentrations in immune cells compared to other cells in the blood, is one of the most effective nutrients known to modulate immune function.The antioxidant propertiesaresubstancesthat might protect your cells against the effects of free radicals molecules produced when your body breaks down food or is exposed to tobacco smoke and radiation. Free radicals might play a role in heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.IfyoutakeVitamin E for its antioxidant properties, keep in mind that the supplement might not

Foods rich in Vitamin E include canola oil, olive oil, margarine, almonds, and peanuts. You can also get Vitamin E from meats, dairy, leafy greens, and fortified cereals

fatty liver disease. However, some evidence suggests that takingoralVitaminEforthis purpose for two years is linkedtoinsulin Preeclampsia.resistance.Increasingyourintakeof

(neuropathy).Therecommended daily amount of Vitamin E for adultsis15milligramsaday Research on Vitamin E use for specific conditions shows Alzheimer's disease. Some research has shown that high-dose Vitamin E might delay the progression of Alzheimer's disease in people who have been diagnosed with mild to

Studies also show that Vitamin E might improve symptoms of non-alcoholic

W h e n t a k e n a t appropriatedoses,oraluseof Vitamin E is generally considered safe. Rarely, oral use of Vitamin E can cause

nausea, diarrhoea, and fatigue. Taking higher doses of Vitamin E might increase the risk of side effects.Also, thereisconcernthatpeoplein poor health who take high doses of Vitamin E are at increasedriskofdeath.

Use of Vitamin E can interact with many

the nutrient that helps your immune system

Talk with your doctor before taking Vitamin E if you have a Vitamin K deficiency, an eye condition in which the retina is damaged (retinitis pigmentosa), bleeding disorders, diabetes, a history of a previous heart attack or stroke,headandneckcancer, andliverdisease.

conditions.Otherresearch suggests that Vitamin E use might increase the risk of death in people with a severe history of heart diseases, such as heartattackorstroke.

offerthesamebenefits as naturally occurring antioxidantsinfood.

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Some Perfect Parcels by

RihannaRiriAmeir-Leitch, Parcels

tartingabusinessis undoubtedly one of the biggest risks anyone can take, especiall whenyouhavenoideaifitwillbea hugesuccess or a massiveflop.As such, when Rihanna Ameir-Leitch of Liverpool Village, Corentyne, Berbice played around withtheideaofstartingherownbusinessin 2021,shehadnoideathetrailofsuccessthat wouldfollowheroneyearlater

t that Rihanna says she supports other small businesses by buying itemsfromthemtocreateherparcels.

For the mother of two, starting the business was somewhat challenging since it did not guarantee that she would get a sale daily“Sometimes you tell yourself, it doesn’t make sense because you are not making much,” said Rihanna, who went on to note however,thattheadvantagewasthatshegot toworkfromhomewithmoretimededicated toherself,familyandofcoursethebusiness. Withitsolelybasedonline,sheoptedtooffer deliveries, at a small fee and th

…forging smiles and memories in Berbice

She intimated that it is “truly a dream come through” to have a thriving business thathelpstobring

Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day and the Christmas season, she found to be the most fruitful as, according to her, “orderscomeinalot”forheruniqueparcels. Shealsohasregularcustomersfromoverseas whowouldorderitemstohaveitdeliveredto theirsignificantotherlivinghere.

The32-year-oldyoungwoman,whoisa wifeandmotheroftwo,iscurrentlymaking hermarkwithabusinessventurecalled‘The

“I started it on January 8, 2021 andIalwayshadapassionforhaving agiftshopwherepeoplecanalways come and pick up a ready-made gift because at one point, I wished that I couldjustpassandpickupsomething or call somebody and say you know dropthishereorthere...”

by Riri’

She stated that her grandmother, who enjoyed knitting passed away in 2020, was among her few creative relatives that she was able to emulate.“Floral arrangement, art and craft were always my thingsgrowingup.Itstartedin school actually; I did home management…I grew up seeing myauntandgrandmadoingknitting, making wall arrangements, floral arrangements at Christmas time and I think it kinda run in our blood and it’s somethingIalwayswantedtodo.”


Whatisevenmoreinterestingisthe fac


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WhenRihanna,alsoknownas Riri,startedherbusiness,itwasa passion and dream being brought tolife.Ofcourse,itallmaterialised aftersheprayedandponderedonit forsometime.Withthehelpofher husbandRandyLeitch,financingto getthebusinessupandrunningwas notanissue.

She added that when she was growing up, she loved fresh flowers, roses to be exact, but it was always so difficult to source these fresh flowers in Berbice since it was not popular or readily available for sale anywhere. However, when2021came,despitethepandemic, shefeltitwastherighttime.

Her fresh flowers are imported and the price for a ‘Perfect Parcel’ canstartfrom$5000.Freshrosesstart from $2000 while a bouquet of beautifuldaisiesis$1500.

isshefoundwasquiteeffective;in essencee-commerceappearstobe thewaytogo.

The business, she said, has become popular with orders coming in from Rosignol, Region Five all the way to Crabwood Creek, Upper Corentyne, Berbice.Rihanna said that having her own businessgrowandbecomesuccessfulinjust over a year has empowered her so much so thatshefeels“sodarnindependent.”

She takes pride in putting together each parcel and dependingonthecustomer’staste and budget, these can be personalised to include balloons, fresh flowers, edibles, wine, cheese,perfumesoranyother requested. “From time to time, customers would ask what I have so then I would show them but they would choose what theywant...”sheexplained.


the owner of ‘Perfect

PerfectParcel’.Witheachparcel of fresh flowers, edibles, cute gift items and more offered, she brings a modern touch to ‘gift giving’foranyoccasion.

“My parcel is about customising and personalisingandIworkwithabudget.Ilove toworkwithabudgetsoIwouldknowwhat todo,”sheshared.

Naya Zamana24


storyline that left the audience wantingAlreadymore.,diehard fans of the production are inquiring about NayaZamana25,buttheyjusthave to wait until next year to see what that holds. As explained by the show’s Producer/ Director, Dr Vindhya Persaud, there is a lot of work that goes into the preparation forNayaZamana.

he24thproductionofthe beloved Indian cultural extravaganza, Naya Zamana, was nothing short of spectacular The theatrical showcase of well over 50 cast members which captivated the crowd of some 2000 persons at the National Cultural Centre (NCC) twoweekendsagoisstillthetalkof thetown.Naya Zamana, the annual musicaltheatricalproductionbythe Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha had returnedafteratwo-yearhiatusand it did not disappoint. From the melodious rhythms and harmonies of the sitar filled the NCC auditorium to the stunning display of Indian regality in the form of dazzling costumes, the stage of the Cultural Centre lit up vibrant musical and theatrical performances of a

Continued on page 53

This year, Dr Persaud and her amazing cast of young performers wereabletooncemorecaptivatethe audiencewithstory-tellingthrough dance and music. Dr Persaud told Kaieteur News thatafteratwo-year hiatus due to the COVID 19 pandemic, she wanted to give the audience something extra special—thatcameintheformofa

Naya Zamana’s Producer/Director, Dr. Vindhya Persaud (at left) with her sister and the show’s Costume Director, Simantini Trishala Persaud

In addition to her title as Producer/Directorfortheshow,Dr Persaud,whoisthecurrentMinister of Human Services and Social Security, also doubles as the choreographer/scriptwriter

Naya Zamana 24 featured riveting musical and theatrical performances

The production team engaged in a carefully choreographed display of cultural presentations


Kaieteur NewsPAGE 42 Sunday September 11, 2022

…the beloved Indian cultural showcase


production under the theme ‘AgniSutra’ – the thread of fire whichessentiallyaddressedseveral socialThestruggles.production included, in addition to its signature dance and drama showcase, renditions from world renowned New York-based sitarist, Rishab Sharma, as well a return of the display of Ram Lela. Dr Persaud said that the inclusion of the sitar was a treat for both the young performers and attendees of theshow“The sitar is a stringed Indian musicalinstrument,averycomplex instrument that very few young people gravitate to, so we figured thatifwearetohaveasitaristhere, weshouldhavetheverybestinthe world. Andso,weincludedRishab Sharma who is the last disciple of legendary Ravi Shankar… Ravi Shankar is best known as the most iconic sitarist in the world and for hismusicalcontributionto

It covers material requirements, which are selectedforrattan,wickerand nibbifurnitureandtheseshall becharacterizedbylightness, flexibility, durability and smoothness with no hair-like strands hanging from them.


Kaieteur News PAGE 43Sunday September 11, 2022

The Specification for Indigenous furniture (GYS 509:2013) is a CARICOM Standard, which was adopted by the Guyana National BureauofStandards(GNBS).


September is also designated Amerindian Heritage Month and the activitiesplannedtocelebrate our Indigenous people are ongoing. The theme chosen for this year's observances is “Celebrating our traditional culture while building one Guyana.”TheGuyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) is pleased to support the Amerindian community through the development of standards These National S t a n d a r d s o u t l i n e requirements, which can be incorporated when making products to ensure quality T h e y i n c l u d e t h e Specification for Indigenous furniture (bamboo, rattan, wicker and nibbi), Specification for Cassava Bread, Specification for Spices and Sauces and the Code of Practice for manufactureofWoodenCraft items.OurIndigenouspeopleare well known for their fine arts and crafting abilities which haveallowedthemtoproduce classy and unique pieces of furniturefromplantmaterials intheirsurroundings.Locally, and even in many other parts of the world, these pieces of furniture and other wooden craftitemsareinhighdemand andarewellpriced,especially when they are produced according to recognised standards. In addition, many foods originating from the Amerindians and desired dishes for many locals and visitors Making these products in a manner that conform to standards can add value and confidence in their quality and increase demand.

The Specification for Cassava Bread (GYS 246:2010) specifies requirements for cassava bread and related products, intended for human consumption, obtained from the processing of bitter cassava. The standard offers guidance to makers of the product on quality requirements, contaminants, sampling, packaging, labelling, hygiene and production.Lastly, there are many popularspicesandsaucesthat areproducedwithinI sndigenous communities, including thyme, hot pepper sauces, and the very popular cassareep. The Specification for Spices and Sauces (GYS 506:2013) provides requirements for the identification, composition, purity, hygiene in processing, labelling, sampling and testing of these spices and sauces.Copies of these standards are available at the GNBS StandardsInformationCentre for purchase and the GNBS can offer technical guidance to those who would like to implement the respective requirements.

The following provides an overviewofeachstandard:

For further information, please contact the GNBS Standardisation Department on Tel: 219-0064-66 or visit our standards portal: gnbsguy.com

The Code of practice for manufactureofWoodenCraft items(GCP31:2010)isalsoa CARICOM Standard, which establishes the minimum requirements for the manufacture and production of wooden craft items. The standard is focused on performancethanprescriptive requirements and may be applied to all wooden craft items in the manufacturing stageoratthepointofsaleto retailers and end consumers.


Based on the standard, Indigenous furniture shall be constructed with good workmanship components which shall be of quality and uniformity; and the furniture shall remain stable in an uprightpositionwhenempty

The standard stipulates requirements for materials usedinmanufactureincluding wood, adhesives, finishes or finishing material, and hardware. It also includes health, safety, storage, environmental, packaging, andlabellingrequirements.

The standard was developed to benefit manufacturers by the harmonisation of requirements for the manufacture of various types of furniture, suitable for both domesticandcommercialuse.

Wcorps.ewould suggest that the old QC-style cadets be continued in a few schools such as Queen's College, President's College and the SVNSchoolatCorneliaIda.

Since the RevolutionIndustrialwhichbeganinthe18th century, free Primary Education and universal literacyofthepopulationhad been adopted as Education Policyinalmostallstates.

TheCorpsisexposedtoa minimumofmilitarydrilling whentheygotocampswhere theyseedifferentpartsofthe c o u n t r y a n d m e e t

By Pat Dial

(The views expressed in this article are those of the authoranddonotnecessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)

has34schoolsaffiliatedtoit inall11EducationalDistricts andhasatotalof2400pupils who are members with 337 teachers.ThisstyleofCadetCorps concentrates on inculcating discipline, reading skills, guiding pupils towards careers so that they would have focus on their future lives and avoid falling into the syndrome of aimlessness andevencrime.

Two or three of the Masters would volunteer to devote themselves to the cadet corps and would train as GDF officers and be commissioned.Theywould perform their usual teaching duties. All QC Masters, in those years, had attended British Universities.Initslastyearsbeforethe Corps was phased out, Capt. Cecil Barker, Officer Commanding, was a graduateoftheUniversityof London and taught Chemistryand his Second in Command was Lieutenant Patrick Dial who graduated from the Universities of Cambridge and London and taught

The 35th Caribbean Cadet Association Conference and also need for resuscitation of older Q.C. cadets CONCERNS==

The older form was adoptedfromBritainandwas used in the better British schools and at Queen's Collegetothetimewhenthe school was made co educational.Thenewer form is the National Cadet Corps which

Among the QC cadets who joinedthearmywereGeneral David Granger, General Joe Singh, Cols Roberts and Morgan and Commissioner of Police Laurie Lewis, amongWhenothers.these former QC cadets went for further training at Mons and Sandhurst, these institutions were surprised at how much of the curriculum they had already covered in the QC cadet

This forum is an opportunity for us to influence the youth at an early stage of their lives to makedecisionsthatwillhave good consequences for them as they develop and thus be positively able to influence their peers and the environment in which they operate. Both the National Cadet Corps as well as the CaribbeanCadetAssociation have their positive and creative role to play in strengthening the Education System.”The National Cadet Corps as it is presently constitutedplaysausefulrole in the Educational development of the country but the older QC-style more militaristic Cadet Corps could also play a useful role intheNationaldevelopment. Itinculcatedastrongsenseof patriotism, a lasting camaraderie among its members which transcended all social divisions and it provided the upper echelons of the Officer corps of the GDF

in Guyana with the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) as hosts.The theme of the Conference was “Building Resilience, Fostering Networks and embracing NewNorms.”TheChairman of the C a r i b b e a n C a d e t Association, Lt. Col. Nathan Hyacinth of St Lucia remarked that the Corps had successfully navigated the Covid-19 Pandemic and had learnt a great deal from the adjustments it had to make andanexampleofthisisseen where some of the participantsareattendingthe presentConferencevirtually.

Corps.TheactivitiesoftheScout Movementarewellknownin its efforts at character buildingofyoungpeopleand theCadets,bothinitspresent form where it is almost an adjunct to the classroom and initsolderformwhereitwas relatedtotheMilitary

compatriots from different Regions The National CadetCorpswasfirstmooted when Queen's College was made co-educational and its Cadet Corps was phased out butitnevergotofftheground until it was resuscitated in 2018 and became a member of the Caribbean Cadet Association at the Annual Meeting in Trinidad and Tobagoin Guyana's2019.membership of the Caribbean Association was in keeping with the philosophy of the CARICOM Movement and thisyear,theAssociationmet

TheHistory.boys were drawn from the Upper Fourth and Fifth forms with a few Sixth formerswhocouldaffordthe time from their A Level studies.The cadet corps wore GDF uniforms, were drilled twice per week by GDF sergeants and during the August holidays would attend a two-week camp at the Tacama base where they learnt all military techniques including the use of firearms andtherepairsofsucharms. Boyswhowishedtochoosea militarycareerwiththeGDF or a career with the police force would be absorbed as cadet officers in those forces when they left school

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Col. Omar Khan, acting ChiefofStaffoftheGDF,the hosts of the Conference, in his remarks recommended thatthedelegatesfocusedon decision-makingandreading whichwouldbebeneficialto youth development “Reading gives information and information aids good decision-making. We are who we are based on the decisions we made in our livesanditwillalsoinfluence who we will be as we grow old.


In the late 19th century and in the 20th century, a number of extracurricular activities were used to assist the classroom in its drive to produce well rounded students and two of the most important were the Scout Movement and the Cadet

Kaieteur News PAGE 45Sunday September 11, 2022

On September 12, the group launched a mortar attack against a CIA annex approximately one mile (1.6 km) away, killing two CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty and wounding ten others. Initial analysis by the CIA, repeatedbytopgovernmentofficials,indicatedthattheattack spontaneouslyarosefromaprotest.Subsequentinvestigations showed that the attack was premeditated—although rioters andlootersnotoriginallypartofthegroupmayhavejoinedin aftertheattacksbegan.

This Day in History - Sep. 11

The2012Benghaziattackwasacoordinatedattackagainst two United States government facilities in Benghazi, Libya, bymembersoftheIslamicmilitantgroupAnsaral-Sharia.On September 11, 2012 members ofAnsar al-Sharia attacked the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi resulting in the deaths of both United States Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information ManagementOfficerSeanSmith.

The garment factory fire of 2012

TheirgoalwastocrashtheplanesintoprominentAmerican buildings, inflicting mass casualties and major structural damage.Thehijackerssuccessfullycrashedthefirsttwoplanes into the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, and the third plane into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth plane was intended to hit a federal government building[s] in Washington, D.C., but instead crashed down in a field outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania, following a passenger revolt that foiled the attack.

Crane collapsed over the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, killing 111

Russia tests the largest conventional weapon ever

A scene from the 2015 accident

A crawler crane collapsed over the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca,SaudiArabiaon11September,2015,killing111people and injuring 394 others. The city was preparing for the Hajj pilgrimage. The accident has been cited as the deadliest crane collapse in history, with the previous most deadly incident being the collapse of a construction crane in NewYork City in 2008,killingsevenpeople.

Int. troops leave Beirut, Palestinianmassacredrefugees

Smoke billow from the World Trade Center towers in Lower Manhattan, New York City, after a Boeing 767 hits

Terrorists kill over 2000 Americans after hijacking planes

A weapon.ThebombisreportedlysimilartotheU.S military’s GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast which is often unofficiallycalled “Mother ofAll Bombs” derived from itsofficialmilitaryacronym“MOAB”.

The U.S. consulate in Benghazi aflame after the attack (Reuters photo)

U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya is attacked

President Bachir Gemayel had been assassinated two days earlier and the Phalangists sought revenge From approximately 18:00 on 16 September to 08:00 on 18 September1982,awidespreadmassacrewascarriedoutbythe militia, while the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) had the camp surrounded. The militia had been ordered by the IDF to clear Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) fighters out of Sabra andShatila,aspartoftheIDF’smaneuveringintoWestBeirut. As the massacre unfolded, the IDF received reports of atrocities but did not take any action to prevent or stop the massacre.

viation Thermobaric Bomb of Increased Power nicknamed “Father of All Bombs” (FOAB) is a Russian-designed,bomber-deliveredthermobaric

Sunday September 11, 2022

Compiled by Zena Henry

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conventional (non-nuclear) weapon in the world. However, the veracity of Russia’s claims concerning the weapon’s size and power have been questioned by US defense analysts. “FOAB”wassuccessfullyfield-testedinthelateeveningof11 September, 2007. The new weapon was to replace several smallertypesofnuclearbombsintheRussianarsenal.

Almost 300 people are killed in 2 garment factory fires in Pakistan

Victims of the Sabra and Shatila massacre

Factories in Pakistan’s two largest cities of Karachi and Lahore caught fire on 11 September, 2012. The fires occurred in a textile factory in the western part of Karachi and in a shoe factory in Lahore. The fires are considered to be the most deadly and worst industrial factory fires in Pakistan’s history, killing 289 people and seriously injuring more than. Pakistan has one of the largest labour and manpower resources in the world,duetoitslargepopulation.Accordingtodataproduced by the CIA World Factbook, the total number of Pakistan’s labour force at the time was 58.4 million, making it the 10th largest country in terms of available human workforce. A private garment factory lit on fire and the flames ignited chemicals that were stored there. The Baldia Town factory inferno case took a dramatic turn in 2015 when a report said that the political party, MQM, was behind the deadly fire that claimedthelivesofatleast258factoryworkers.MQMsetfire tothefactorytotakeextortionmoneyfromitsowners.

Russia’s FOAB

Following the accidents, the King of SaudiArabia, Salman ibn Abdulaziz Al Saud, ordered a halt to the awarding of contracts to the Saudi Binladin Group, the primary contractor ofconstructionworksintheholycity Theincidentwasfoundto have resulted from a combination of human error and forceful winds Victims of the accident were of 12 different nationalities, with the greatest contingents of deaths being 25 Bangladeshis and 23 Egyptians. Of the injured, the most represented nationalities were 51 Pakistanis and 42 Indonesians.

Just five days after international forces guaranteeing the safetyofPalestinianrefugeesfollowingIsrael’s1982Invasion of Lebanon left Beirut on September 11, several thousand of refugees were massacred in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps by Phalange forces. The Sabra and Shatila massacre (alsoknownastheSabraandChatilamassacre)wasthekilling of between 460 and 3,500 civilians, mostly Palestinians and Lebanese Shiites, by the militia of the Lebanese Forces, a Maronite Christian Lebanese right-wing party, under the commandofElieHobeika,intheSabraneighbourhoodandthe adjacentShatilarefugeecampinBeirut,Lebanon.

The September 11 attacks, commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks carried out by the militantIslamicextremistnetworkal-QaedaagainsttheUnited States. On the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists directed by al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden—hijacked four commercial airliners mid-flight while travelling from the northeastern U.S. to California. The attackerswereorganisedintothreegroupsoffivemembersand one group of four, with each group including one designated flight-trainedhijackerwhotookcontroloftheaircraft.

This weapon would therefore be the most powerful

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From page 25

Employment Stimulation Project in the women and girls are expected to start courses secondhalfoftheyear in the second half of the year It is also While these are less than a handful of the anticipated that 1,175 persons will be trained achievements of the Education sector at half undertheNationalYouthProgrammeinareas year, it is without question, one of the most of carpentry, masonry, plumbing, electrical promising developments and success stories installation,welding,andfabricationworksat ofoureconomy the Kuru Kuru, Sophia, and Vryman’s Erven Though there is always room for Training Centres, while 70 persons will be improvement, one must say hats off to trainedinblock-makingundertheMinistryof Education Minister, Priya Manickchand for Housing and Water’s community based herstellarleadershipinthesector

Education Ministry records notable success at Half-Year...

Avoid Lash Loss


Using the lash brush and a mild soap or water, brush your lashes in a curved upward direction to rid the lashes of dirt and weak lashes. Your technician may also have a cleansing option available.

Lash Extensions are an easy and beautiful way to get longer, fuller natural looking lashes. But what about if you could have a look without the false lash? You can! Lash extensions, or any extensions, should be an option and a means of enhancing or growing what is already there. While many think ‘that’s it I just have thin, stubby lashes,’ this is not the case; do not confine yourself to a life of thin or false lashes. Lashes can grow through natural methods while using lash extensions.

Fox & Friends, Slingerz Ent. & the Cricket Carnival Committee present S.O.S - SOCA OFF SHORE


burning or otherwise, one can return to their lash technician for removal. If lashes aren’t taken care of properly, they will fall out or be roughly pulled out and can snatch the natural lash out with it. Lash extensions, when done correctly, will never affect the growth rate or future growth of lashes.Following these steps to keep your lash extensions looking fresh and from ripping out your natural hairs will ensure lash growth and health.

Thelashes.key to avoiding losing lashes while getting lash extensions is to brush your lashes, clean your lashes properly, keep up with refills and know when to give lashes a break.


Why Lashes Are Important

PAGE 48 Kaieteur News Sunday September 11, 2022

There will also be tantalizing performances by Nikieta, Soca Monarch Jumo Primo & a surprise guest artiste. Tickets are available at: HJ box office & Colors Boutique This event is sponsored by Hennessy, Bacardi Rum, GTT, 94.1 Boom Fm, Colors Boutique & Xtra Ginger Ale.

For lash extensions to be beneficial instead of detrimental to the growth and retention of your lashes, it is imperative to get your lashes done regularly and heed the advice of your lash technician. Removal of lashes at home or professionally is not mandatory to maintain a lash style or healthy lashes. They will fall out on their own with time. However, if your lash extensions are irritating your eyes because of clumping,

Early Bird Premium All Inclusive Tickets cost $20,000.00 while Early Bird General Rum Inclusive tickets totalParty$6,000.on the water to the hottest soca mixes by Shizzle, Mix Master Toney, Dj Granny

As long as you wash your natural lashes and take care of your lash extensions, you are sure to see lash growth. Lashes grow and shed naturally; but promoting lash retention and growth can be done by brushing regularly, taking vitamins and adding natural oils into your lash care regimen.

Ivy, Clymaxx outta Trinidad & Tobago and others

The crème de la crème of Guyana’s entertainment industry, namely Fox & Friends in association with Slingerz Entertainment & the Cricket Carnival Committee are proud to present S.O.S - SOCA OFF SHORE. The event is poised to be the ultimate boat ride experience for Cricket Carnival. It is scheduled to take place September 24, 2022 with

The shedding of the natural lash is often, and natural lashes replenish quickly.

Lashes naturally fall out whether real or extensions. Natural lashes shed every sixty to ninety days.

daily to rid the lashes of clumping of the false lashes. The clumping of the lashes causes the lashes to fall out faster, and to look lash naturally. I know first hand that skipping the brushing of lashes will make the false lashes hardened and twist together.

sailing on the Demerara River to last from 8pm to 12 midnight . Pre-party on the stelling starts from 6:00 pm.

Besides the fabulous look lashes provide, lashes are essential to positive eye health. Eyelashes help keep dust, sand and dirt particles out of the eyes. These little hairs lining your eyelids also help retain moisture like water and rain out of your eyes. Eyelashes help send alerts to your eyelids for potential dangers like insects or particles that can be harmful to your eye Riskinghealth.your lashes is ultimately exposing your eye to a world of trouble.

Supplements like Vitamin A, E, and C help promote hair growth. These can be Biotin vitamins, fish oil vitamins or lysine tablets. These vitamins will work on lash growth from the inside out and can also have positive effects on eyebrow and hair growth.

After your lash extension application your lash technician should give you a small lash brush. The brush will resemble a mascara applicator; lashes should be brushed

Proper Lash Application/ Removal To Avoid Loss of Lashes

The growth and shedding cycle of lashes happens rapidly so that we usually do not notice the change in our lashes.Toenhance the look of our lashes or ones that are nonexistent, this is where lash extensions come into play. Lash extensions should help your natural lashes grow longer.However, many find their lash growth dwindling after getting extensions several times or consistently wearing strip

It’s All About The Growth!

All vitamins should be FDA approved and taken with water. Vitamins are essential to lash growth, putting the rid nutrients in your body will ensure that future lashes grow in longer and stronger.

How to grow your lashes with lash extensions

By Latoya Zephyr

Lessons from a Lashpreneur !!!


Growing Your Lashes Is Easy!

Just like nails, lashes have ‘fills,’ which means that the lashes that have fallen out. Fills occur after about 50 percent of the lashes have shed.Typically, should take place every two to three weeks to ensure the best lash look and style.

A lifestyle devoid of physical activities makes the onset of Alzheimer’s moreObesitylikely. increases the chances of vascular dementia (dementia caused by interrupted blood flow to the brain). Exercise helps to lose weight and it also keeps other risk factors such as stress, hypertension and blood sugar

It is still not safe for you to go out unless you have a good reason to. But you can still get enough sunlight and replenish your Vitamin D reserves. Just head to the terrace of your house or apartment building every morning and bask in the sunlight for about thirty minutes. Three excellent food sources of Vitamin D are:

· If you are going to smoke or drink, do it in moderation·Takea good quality sleep of at least 7-8 hours. Sleeping and rising up at the same time every day is beneficial for your health.

established that keeping ourselves healthy and safe can prevent us from getting severe symptoms due to COVID.

·If you have been diagnosed with heart disorders, hypertension, high LDL levels or diabetes, manage the health conditions scrupulously.Takeyour medicines on time and follow the diet recommended by your doctor. Monitor the disorder at regular intervals with medical devices or diagnostic tests.·Eat healthily. Focus on whole grains, fruits, fresh vegetables, lentils, beans, soya and dairy produ cts, eggs and fish. Avoid red meat, refined flour, deep-fried foods and desserts.

The paucity of both Vitamin D and B12 are particularly responsible for increased respiratory distress among COVID-19 patients.

· Fatty fishes

Are You Doing Enough To Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?

You may also have to take Vitamin D supplements.

derlying vitamin deficiency that may be causing it. To check if your Vitamin levels are normal, you can opt for a simple blood test. What else you can do to keep yourself safe Other than boosting your Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 levels, you need to do the following to keep yourself safe from the third wave of COVID-19 · Get

· Toughen your immunityJust because fewer cases are being reported, we cannot start thinking that the pandemic is over. A third wave may be on its way. How we act now will decide how dangerous it will be. We all need to be cautious for our own sakes as well as for the wellbeing of our loved ones. fect-covid-19-severity/)tamin-deficiency-can-af-pharmeasy.in/blog/how-vi-(https://

How to increase your Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 levels?The good news is that increasing the levels of these

·vaccinatedFollowCOVID protocol

Alzheimer’s is a very real threat. It impacts the quality of life, confidence and overall health of the patient and is also stressful to handle for the family members.Every one of us should be aware of the dangers that this disorder poses to ourselves and our loved ones.Do not ignore the early signs as early diagnosis and management can be very helpful in slowing the progression of this disease.Some studies show the positive impact of diet and lifestyle changes that can go a long way in Alzheimer’s prevent ion and you can start implementing them today! alzheimers-disease/)doing-enough-to-prevent-pharmeasy.in/blog/are-you-(https://

coholDrinking in exc ess (2 or more alcoholic drinks a day) can lead to brain damage, which may, in turn, trigger the onset of cognitive problems andHowever,Alzheimer’s.moderate drinking is not linked to Alzheimer’s. Neither does it offer any protection against dementia.5.Sedentary lifestyle

Despite extensive research, the exact cause of Alzheimer’s is unknown. However, genetics, old age and certain lifestyle disorders are considered to be risk factors for Whiledementia.genetics and ageing are beyond your control, there are a few things that you can do that can help with Alzheimer’s disease prevention.Lifestyle problems that could make you susceptible to Alzheimer’sOurlifestyle today is fraught with both psychological and physical problems that can open the doors to more serious illnesses. Even the air we breathe in is respon-

· Exercise at least 5 times a week.Jogging, brisk walking, jumping rope, squats, lunges are good for your overall health and can keep obesity, heart disorders and diabetes at bay.

Alzheimer’s is a disorder that has been identified as the leading cause of dementia. It is a progressive degenerative brainThatdisease.means it starts off slowly but progresses rapidly. Brain cells start dying and this leads to declining cognitive abilities and loss of memory and bodily functions.Forgetfulness, difficulty in completing and focusing on otherwise easy tasks, confusion, inability to make decisions, a decline in problem-solving skills, problem with language, social withdrawal and behavioural changes are some of the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease. People often ignore these early si gns considering them a normal part of ageing.

ies have found a connection between anxiety/depression and dementia. There is a lot of research that needs to be done but most doctors believe that clinical anxiety and depression can lead to many other psychological complications.AHarvard University survey found that the onset of depression in one’s middle increases dementia risk by 80% and the development of depression later in life raises the risk by 70%.In this context, it is important to state that midlife or late-life loneliness, feelings of rejection and hopelessness can also be linked to dementia because these feelings trigger depression and anxiety.

The link between COVID19 and vitamin deficiency

· Cereals fortified with vitamin D

The second wave of COVID-19 is almost over even though some states of India are witnessing sudden spikes of COVID cases. The second wave devastated the country and affected everyone in some way or the other, either financially or emotionally or both.

with stress and anxiety. Meditation has also been shown to improve memory and reduce cognitive decline, when practised together by the patient and the caregivers, it can act as a destressor for both.

With the progress of the pandemic, a lot of new things are coming to light. It has been found that there is a direct link between COVID-19 severity and Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is usually not available in foods and the chief source of this Vitamin is sunlight. But unfortunately, the pandemic forced us to stay indoors. People could only leave the house to purchase necessities and not always during the day. That means most of us barely got any exposure to sunlight. This resulted in a rapid dwindling of Vitamin D levels in many people. It was also discovered that people who are deficient in Vitamin D also develop more severe symptoms of COVID. One reason for this could be the fact that Vitamin D is crucial to your immunity

levels in Accordingbalance.tosome studies, regular exercise can lower Alzheimer’s risk by as much as 30%.6.PollutionRisinglevels of air pollution can cause brain atrophy that may eventually lead to Alzheimer’s.How to prevent Alzheimer’s disease?

It is not yet the time to discard caution and live life the way we used to before COVID-19 struck. In fact, this is the time to prepare ourselves and do everything we can to stop the


third wave. Is the third wave inevitable? There is a very distinct possibility that the third surge of COVID cases will arrive. The nature of pandemics is that new waves arrive as new variants of the virus come into existence and also because of human carelessness. There are periods of low rates followed by a rapid surge. This holds true for COVID-19 as well. Will the third wave be more dangerous? The level of threat the third wave poses is yet unknown. Usually, a virus is the most dangerous when it first emerges because the human body does not have the right antibodies to deal with it. As it mutates, it can either become more notorious or less powerful and also human beings are assumed to become more resistant through herd immunity.Another factor that will influence how dangerous the third wave will be is our actions. From the learnings of previous waves, it has been

two vitamins is really easy.

· Wear a mask to minimize the volume of pollutants that enter your respiratory system.

· Eggs · Cheese

How Vitamin Deficiency Can Affect COVID-19 Severity?

Studies have found that cardiovascular disorders and factors leading to heart diseases such as high cholesterol levels or hardened arteries or hypertension are closely linked to andhumansmontively.betesprogresscognitivememory,acterizedpairmentatedslowlybrain’stestorbeensugarders,Alzheimer’sdiagnosedduceheartonlydiseases,aging/preventinglife-threatening,diseasesAlzheimer’s.Sincecardiovascularcanbecomebyman-suchyoucannotguaranteebetterhealthbutalsore-theriskofbeingwithordementia.2.DiabetesJustlikeheartdisor-elevatedbloodlevelshavealsofoundtobeariskfac-forAlzheimer’s.Diabe-causeschangesinthechemistrythatcantriggerdementia.Diabetesisalsoassoci-withMildCognitiveIm-orMCIwhichischar-byproblemsofspeechandotherissues.MCIcanaggravateandtodementiaifdia-isnotmanagedeffec-3.AnxietyanddepressionArguably,themostcom-mentalstateformosttoday,anxiety,stressdepression.Somestud-

4. Drinking too much al-

Try the following activities that can help with Alzheimer’s prevention:

But now we have almost finally reached a stage when cases are low. But this does not mean that we are safe yet. The battle is not over yet. The MHA and many scientists have warned that the third wave of COVID is likely to arrive sometime in October. There is no clear idea of what this wave will be like, whether it will be even more dangerous than the second wave and how long it will last.

· Practise meditation, yoga, take walk in nature, spend time with your loved ones and indulge in your favourite activities to deal

Foods containing Vitamin B12

Sunday September 11, 2022 Kaieteur News PAGE 49

sible for a number of illnesses. Here are a few ways you could be increasing the chances of the onset of Alzheimer’s:1.Cardiovascular issues

and in the absence of sufficient Vitamin D, the body cannot mount a strong immune response against the coronavirus. Similarly, a shortage of Vitamin B12 was also found to be linked to more serious COVID-19 infections. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause anaemia, weakness and nerve-related issues. Some researchers also suggest that vitamin B12 can bind with viral proteins to slow down the replication of the virus. Thus, if there isn’t enough of this Vitamin in your system, you may be likely to fall severely ill. People taking medicines for some seizures, diabetes or heartburn tend to have low levels of Vitamin B12.

keep on struggling with the symptoms like fatigue, memory issues, anxiety, depression, bone and joint pains, leg cramps but have no clue about the un-

· Diabetes management

Kaieteur NewsPAGE 50 Sunday September 11, 2022

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Kaieteur News

Review of Naya Zamana 24

translates as 'New World' or 'New Generation', has been dubbed an annual relish for many young talents and theatre-lovers.Whileitis entertaining, Naya Zamana has become known for its relatable storytelling feature. Every year,theproductionseeksto address many of societal ills andThisstruggles.year's storyline was no different as it offered attendees a positive perspectiveonissuessuchas harassment in the work place, social media addiction, cultural identity, howtowithstandchallenges, and the proper way to manageanger

who selected the talented maincastofNayaZamana24 which included Travez Piaralall, Aliyah Hassan, Anusha Doodnauth, Amisha Sarjoo, Malcolm Hintzen andKaylaJahnavi.

Frompage42 Americanpopbandslikethe Beatles,” Dr Persaud explained. She added that Sharma certainly lived up to his title as the best in the world as he wowed the crowd with his rendition of classical sitar as well as contemporarymusic.

Dr Persuad told this publication that, “The cast comprised of over 50 talented young people who were so convincing in their rolesthattheyendedupwith theirownfanfollowingafter theshow.”Sheadded, “I must say t h a t t h e y s h o w e d commitmentbecausetheyall were working and going to school while preparing for the show They practised in the evening at the Dharmic Sanskrit Kendra, sometimes until wee hours of the morning. Many of the cast members blended their school and very heavy professionswiththeartsand I believe this goes to their credit.”The story of Naya Zamana dates back to 1998 when Dr Persaud and her sister Trishala Persaud were encouraged to stage an Indian themed dance production.Theshow was a hit from theverystartandsincethen, Naya Zamana, which

“The audience was regaled with very modern renditions of music like the GameofThronesthemesong buthealsoplayedlocaltunes like Kaise Bani which was a favourite of the audience of well over 2000 people…” sheTsaid.he w e l l l o v e d production also featured classical kathak, south-style dance, and Bollywood theatricalpresentations.

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Dr Persaud said the storylineofNayaZamana24 was filled with a lot of positive messaging; it depictedthestruggleofeach personbetweendarknessand light.She asserted, “that because every person has that struggle we spoke to how we should always gravitate towards the light and how you can find the light in you and bring it out because I believe inherently we are good people but we just need to find a way to expressthatatalltimes.”

“It was contemporary and lyrical, it was a blend of styles, the costumes were superbandthesetswerejust as majestic,” Dr. Persaud said,asshesangkudostothe talentedbunchofperformers whomadeNayaZamana24a success.Shenotedthattheshow's success must be credited to allthosewhoputintheextra worktoensurethattheywere ready to perform. From the CostumeDirector,Simantini Trishala Persaud, to those

He picked it up and turned it round and round in his hands How sweet it smelled, and how mellow and juicy it was! Gerald could think of nothing so good to do with such a beautifulripeappleastoeat it.Heputittohismouthand took a great bite of it, then another bite, and another Soon there was nothing left of the apple but the core, which Gerald threw away He smacked his lips and went on his way, but the windintheappletreessang, sorrowfully,afterhim:

Hehelditalongtimeand looked at it as Gerald and Hilda had, thinking how good it would be to eat, and how pretty it would be to look at if he were to save it. Then he decided not to do either of these things He tookhisjack-knifeoutofhis pocketandcutthegoldapple in half, straight across, and exactly in the middle betweentheblossomandthe stem.Oh, the surprise that waited for Rudolph inside the apple! There was a star, and in each point of the star lay a small black seed Rudolph carefully took out all the seeds and climbed over the orchard wall, holding them in his hand. Theearthintheorchardwas stillsoft,forthefrosthadnot yet come Rudolph made holesintheearthandineach hole he dropped an apple seed.Thenhecoveredupthe seedsandclimbedbackover thewalltoeathisapple,and thengoonhisway

But as Rudolph walked down the lane, the orchard wind followed him, singing to him from every tree and bush,"A planted seed is a t r e a s u r e w o n Theworkoftheappleisnow welldone."

AndonemorningGerald came down the lane that passed by the orchard wall. He looked longingly at the three gold apples, wishing, wishing that he might have one. Just then the wind sang itssongagainintheleavesof the apple tree and, plump, down to the ground, right at Gerald's feet, fell one of the threegoldapples.

The Three TheApples Apples


TherearetimeswhenIdosomething Thathurtssomeoneinsomeway, Itusuallymakesthemwanttoact Tomakemefeelbadandpay

"Here in the orchard are a p p l e s t w o , But gone is the treasure that fellfor Andyou."after a while Hilda came down the lane that passed by the orchard wall. She looked up at the two


A wonderful treasure, hanging,see!"

beautiful gold apples that hungonthebranchoftheold appletree,andshelistenedto the wind as it sang in the branchestoher:

AftermuchthoughtIhavefoundtheanswer TohowIshouldalwaysbe–BeforeIactmakesureitwillnothurtothers, Andtheywillsurelydothesameforme.

Leaves – Brown orange yellow; a balloon; White Glue or M

odpodge; A sponge paint bruise;

Then the wind blew harder and, plump, an apple fell in the lane right in front ofHilda.Shepickeditupjoyfully She had never seen so large and so golden an apple. She held it carefully in her clasped hands and thought whatapityitwouldbetoeat it, because then it would be gone."I will keep this gold apple always," Hilda said, and she wrapped it up in the clean handkerchief that was in her pocket. Then Hilda went home, and there she laid away in a drawer the goldapplethattheoldapple tree had given her, closing thedrawertightly Theapple layinside,inthedark,andall wrapped up, for many days, until it spoiled. And when Hilda next went down the laneandpasttheorchard,the windintheappletreesangto her:"Only one apple where once there were two, GoneisthetreasureIgaveto you."Lastofall,Rudolphwent down the lane one fine fall morning when the sun was shining warm and the wind wasout.There,hangingover theorchardwall,hesawjust one great gold apple that seemed to him the most beautiful apple that he had ever seen As he stood

down.Continue around the bottomoftheballoontillyou have the whole bottom

"Here in the orchard are a p p l e s t h r e e , Who uses one well shall a treasuresee."

Kaieteur NewsPAGE 54 Sunday September 11, 2022

Then the wind blew harder,anddownfellthelast gold apple of the three into Rudolph'swaitinghands.

SonowIknowthatImustalways Trytodowhatisright, Butthenthisismanytimeshardtotell, EventhoughItrywithallmymight.

For those that are using glue.Inaseparatebowl,mix equal parts water and glue.

The old apple tree stood intheorchardwiththeother trees,andallsummerlongit had stretched out its branches wide to catch the rain and the sun to make its apples grow round and ripe. Now it was fall, and on the old apple tree were three great apples as yellow as gold and larger than any other apples in the whole orchard. The apple tree stretched and reached as far as it could, until the branch on which the three gold apples grew hung over the orchardwall.Therewerethe three great apples, waiting for some one to pick them, andasthewindblewthrough theleavesoftheappletreeit seemedtosing:

"Here in the orchard are a p p l e s t w o , A treasure they hold for a childlikeyou."


In the case there are leaves still on branches, use thescissorstocuttheleaves of

Then add each leave and liberally apply the glue on top of the leaf to hold it

Junior page

covered Let it dry completely for 24-48 hours. Poptheballoonandcarefully peeltheballoonof thebowl.

looking up at it, the wind in the apple tree sang to him, andit "Roundsaid: and gold on the a p p l e t r e e ,

For those using mod podge, youcansimplypouritintoa usableUsingbowl.the sponge paint brush, apply the glue solutiontotheballoon.




Wearetobeclearonourownvalues, Shapingourprioritiesinaccordwiththose, Beingforthrightinaskingforwhatwewant, Andexercisingourfullabilitytochoose.

Mostofalltheself-esteemweneedacquire Willkeepusdirectlyonourcourse, Givingustheconfidencetopursueourdreams, Infulfilmentofourlife'spurpose.

have to abide by certain rules or laws. When we follow the rules, we feel safe. When we do not, we know that we cannot in conscience expect others to doso,andwefeelthreatened and lose this sense of

Theheavylinesindicateareas (calledcages)thatcontaingroups ofnumbersthatcanbecombined (inanyorder)toproducethe resultshowninthecage,withthe indicatedmathoperation.

Of course, you have to dosoinarespectfulmanner, and not make any harsh demands on those who are ultimately responsible for yoursecurity

Ifyoulookaroundat the way things work in the broader society, you find thatthereisaspecialarmof the government which is responsible for our security as a citizen of the country To make sure that they will be able to fulfil this responsibility, this arm, which is chiefly the police force, has to ensure that we are guided by rules. These rules, or laws, have been d e s i g n e d b y o u r representatives for everyone's protection, and weallhavetheobligationto follow them so as to make thewholesocietysafeforall citizens. Themorewedoso, the more we develop the confidence that others will follow suit, and our whole environment will become safe. In the same way, we findthatinallotherareasof ourlives,athome,atschool, in workplaces, on the road, andineveryoccupation,we

Build your Self Esteem - Develop a Sense of Security


Weallneedtobeclear,honestandtrue Aboutouremotionsandbehaviour, Aswellasinthewaywecommunicate, Toensurewearecorrectlyassessedbyothers.


opportunity to have a say in thewaythelawsareformed, thentheyaremorewillingto followthem. Thisistheway a democratic system works, and is the reason why citizens are asked

Eachmustacceptresponsibilityfortheseaspects Thatformthecruxofhispersonality, Makingnoexcusesforwhatmaycausesomeill, Andtakingstepstoalignthemproperly


Assert Yourself!

Criticismsmustberegardedobjectively, Examiningthemfirsttotestvalidity, Willingtoactontheoneswefindjustified, Andcastingasidethoseagainstourintegrity

Match stick

Kaieteur NewsSunday September 11, 2022 TEEN TIME

onsibilities, then others will respectusforit. Ithelpsus to trust those under whose chargewefindourselves,as parents, teachers and others in authority It gives us a sense of self-worth, as we appreciateourownpotential t o f u l f i l t h e s e responsibilities. This sense of security can be increased in a special way When thosewithinasocietygetthe

feelsaferbecauseyouknow therulesandthereasonwhy theyaremade. Itwouldbe a good thing, then if you point this out to your parents, teachers, and any others in authority, to give

Forexample,12×means youcanmultiplythevalues togethertoproduce12.

Weneedtochallengeothers'behavior, Helpingthemtobeself-assertive, Confrontingwhenwesensethemactingaskew, Andleadingthemgentlytobeinghonestandobjective.

Security is a basic need of all human beings, and in fact of all living things. Everyindividualneedstobe confident that the environment in which they liveissafefromdanger,and thatheshouldfeelfreetoact toensurethis.

Following the rules at home, school and everywhere you usually attend will make you feel and benefit from the sense of security that is necessary for your well-being.


periodicallytovoteforthose who will represent them in making the laws. In the same way, if you get the chance to help to formulate the rules at home, then you will be more willing to follow them. You will also


youthisopportunitythenext timerulesaretobemade.

Hello,Unclereaders,Royisagainaskingallofyoutotryinsomeway tomakeacontributiontothispage,andthustothewelfareof youandyourfellowreaders.Thiscontributioncantakeany formthatyoufeelwouldbevaluable–anaccountofwhatis going on in your community and country, any advice you would like to pass on to your fellow teen readers and, on a broaderlevel,anycommentorrecommendationyouwould liketomaketoyourfellowGuyanese.


Solutions to last week’s

Please remit same to my email roypaul2002@yahoo com, and be assured that your worthwhilecontributionwillhaveaprominentplaceonour page.

Refusals,rebukesanddisappointments Shouldbeacceptedwithcourageandfaith, Andsetasidelikethenegativeswefind Inourselvesthatdiscordcreate.

Fillintheblanksquaressothat eachrowandeachcolumn containallofthedigits1thru6.

Allowyourhairtoairdrywheneverpossible.Yourhairwill havetimetorelaxandreturntoitsnaturalshape.Sometimes thehairenjoysabreakfromtheblowdryer

Usinga hairmask nourishesandhydratesyourhair.It makeshairstrongerbypenetratingdeepandmakingstrands healthierfromtheinsideout.


Conditioning aftershampooingisanimportantstepin keepingyourhairmoisturized,shiny,soft,andmanageable. Youcanchooseaseparateconditionerorashampoowitha built-inconditioner.However,werecommendusingaseparate conditionerafteryoushampoo.Most2-in-1formulasarenot thebestforyourhair

Keepthesetipsinmindforhealthylocks: Startonthelowestheatsettingwhileblowdryingand graduallyincreasetheheatasneeded.Alwaysuseaheat protectantwhenheatstyling.

2. IncreasingOmegayourintakeof omega-3fattyacids may stimulateyourhairfolliclesandsebaceousglands.Whilethis won'tcauseyourhairtogrow,itmayimprovescalphealth. Omega-3fattyacidsarefoundincold-waterfish,suchas salmon,sardines,andherring.Othergoodsourcesinclude:


Didyouknowyoucanactuallyeatyourwaytohealthy, vibranthair?Awell-roundeddietisanimportantfactorinhair andscalphealth.Hairisprimarilymadeupof protein.The bodyalsousesothervitaminsandmineralsasthebuilding blockofhealthyhair.Sobesuretoeatfoodsthatcheckallof theessentialvitaminboxes.Mostimportantly,eatatleast45 gramsofproteindaily.


Tips for Healthier HairT

Massageyourscalpoftentopromotehairgrowthand increasebloodcirculation.Usenourishingoilslikeargonor almondoilforamoistureboostandrelaxation.

Kaieteur News Sunday September 11, 2022


Ifyoudyeyourhair,chooseashadethat'swithinthree shadesofyournaturalcolor.It'sabigshocktothehairtocolor itdrasticallyinonedirectionortheother Yourhairwillstay healthierifyourcolordoesn'thavetobeprocessedtooharshly

Thereareconflictingopinionsabouthowoftentoshampoo yourhair.Forexample,peoplewithoilyhairmayneedto shampooeveryday,whilepeoplewithdryhairmayneedto shampoolessfrequently.Itallcomesdowntopersonal preferenceandindividualneeds.Thisdependsonyourhair typeandtexture,yourhair'sporosity,andhowyouusehair products.6.Don'tforgettocondition


ComplexBvitaminsplayaroleinhairgrowth,andare essentialformetabolismandnervoussystemfunction.B vitaminshelpwithhairgrowthbecausetheyplayakeyrolein producingredbloodcells,whichcarryoxygentothescalpso thathairfolliclescangeneratenewhair


Harshshampoo,hairtreatments,stylingproducts,and excessivebrushingcontributethemosttopoorhairhealth. However,otherculpritsinclude:


Getyour haircut regularly,every10to12weeks.This willkeephairhealthyandpreventsplitends.

Howoftenyoucutyourhair Youshouldbegettingatrim orhaircutevery10to12weeks.Goingtoolongbetweentrims cancausesplitendstogetoutofcontrolanddamagestrands higherup.

Zincisoneofthemostabundanttraceelementsinyour body.Havingtherightamountofzincplaysaroleinalmost everyaspectofhealth.Zincisabigdealforhairandskin health.5.Knowyourhair

Changeupwhereyouplacepinsandclipssothatbreakage isn'tlocalized.Whenyoupulluporpinyourhair,itputs tensiononthestrands.Yourhairmaybreakwherethepinsare, orstarttopulloutaroundthescalpfromaponytail.Switching upthelocationhelpstoputlessfrictiononthoseareas.

1. You can also contact her via WhatsApp 625-9256toplaceyourorder

and expand her business to something even greater “People like the idea of the whole surprisedelivery,”sheobserved.

The Perfect Parcel by Riri

Sheadvisesthosewhoareventuringinto business or those who hope to do so in the futuretofirsttaketheirplanstoGodinprayer beforeworkingtowardsitimplementation.

Rihanna says she has plans to open a physical gift shop in the future with the intentionofalwayshavingfreshflowersand even more personalised parcels available. Later, she also hopes to include her own

Frompage39 smilestothoseshecatersto.

“Never give up,” is the advice she offers toosinceitwasjustthisshehadtoembracein order to see her business become a success

Just recently, a parcel of fresh flowers was orderedfromherandshehaditdeliveredtoa teacherwhileshewasatworkand,according toRihanna,“shewasinawe”becauseitmade herfeelextremelyspecial.Itismomentslike these, she noted that inspire her to improve


storyForpersonslookingforthatamazingand uniquegift,youcanvisitRihanna'sbusiness pageonInstagram@ThePerfectParcel2021 and on Facebook: The Perfect Parcel https://wwwfacebook com/theperfectparcel

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arketing, Human urce

ItisnowonderthatMiss Latchman is this week’ ‘Special Person’ He selectionperfectlycoincides with the annual observance of Education Month held in September The teacher who now doubles as the Human Resource Director for the Private Schoo Camille’s Academy Inc (CAI) started teaching when she was just 18 years old She shared with KaieteurNewshowshefell inlovewiththeprofession.

o v e r c o m i n g m a n y

ooked After I joined Camille’s Academy and got into teaching, I was giventhescopeIneededto become the confident person I am today I am extremely grateful for the opportunities I have received and the people around me who pushed me toachievehigherheights…”

During her interview with this magazine, Latchmanspokeofhow she was always ambitious as a youngster.Sherevealedthat as a youth from the small village of Soesdyke, East BankDemerara,shewasnot fortunate to have the opportunities for upward mobilityreadilyavailableto her ‘Spreading her wings’ seemedalmostimpossibleto achieve as she came from veryhumblebeginnings.

e n t a n d


Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA)

Throughout the years, MissLatchmanhasnotonly grown in her persona capacity but she equally amassed qualifications in her field of work. She is a graduateoftheUniversityof Guyana, as well a Cambridge University Her credentials include an International Advanced

Special Person’ has also acquired certificate courses in psychology, professional counselling, conflict resolution, and suicide intervention.Asaresult of her qualifications, Miss Latchman has ventured into administrative work at the Academy Today, she serves in the capacity of Human Resources Director where sheistaskedwiththewelfare ofover125employeesacross four locations Her responsibilities do not stop there Sheisalsoamemberof itsBoardofGovernorsanda valued team member to a n u m b e r o f o t h e r distinguished organisations i l di h

Ms. Latchman stands alongside some of her beloved team members at a local business coaching event




insecurities.Sheexplained, “I was born with a cleft palate which made it difficult for me to speak clearly while growing up... I was very self conscious about the way I spoke and how I

Devoted to herrole in educationfor more thantwo decades…

“It’s hard work,” she said, adding that in times of difficulty,sheoftenreminds herself to keep pushing for thesakeofhertwodaughters and so many students who look to her for guidance. “Reach for the stars, for the skyisnotthelimit,”shesaid, as she vocalised the mantra that keeps her motivated in thosechallengingtimes.“As ateacher,Ihaveseenmyself blossom and grow into the confident person I am today,” she said, while noting that being on the job has aided her greatly in

Aproud moment: Miss Latchman is pictured alongside her two daughters and estranged husband at a CAI graduating ceremony where her eldest was among the top graduating students

Kaieteur News PAGE 61Sunday September 11, 2022

Miss Latchman receives a certificate as finalist of the Biz X award 2022

Well-loved teacher, Miss Kamini Latchman

wenty-two years ago, if anyone had told Ms Kamini Latchman that she would have been a teacher, she would have probably laughed at them. But now she cannot see hersel anywhereexceptinfrontof classroom moulding th minds of the futur generation. So steadfast, havebeenhereffortsthatshe iswelllovedforit.Infact,it has earned her the title of “teacher of the year” on manyoccasions.

Latchman spoke candidly aboutthemanychallenges she has had to overcome as she juggles the role of beingasinglemotherand professionalwoman.

Well-loved teacher, is a ‘Special Person’

Onadailybasis,Miss Latchman uses much of herenergytobeofserviceto the over 1600 persons inclusive of students and staffattheacademy

Diploma in Business a n a g e m certificates in Effective Business Communications, M Management, Finance, Business Organisation, and theEnvironment.Shealsopursuedstudies in accounting as well as

Hendricks informed this publication, that


eameduptohelp p r o m o t e Guyana as a tourist destination through everyday apparels, are young entrepreneurs Leroy HendricksandRomario Hastings, owners of ‘Lethem Exclusive Apparel’.Le t h e m Exclusive Apparel, which has been making a name for itself in showcasing our country’s unique culture,wasestablishedinJuly2021.

Young entrepreneur and co-owner of ‘Lethem ExclusiveApparel’, Leroy Hendricks

Kaieteur NewsPAGE 62 Sunday September 11, 2022

Continued on page 71


Young entrepreneur and co-owner of ‘Lethem ExclusiveApparel’, Romario Hastings

Hendricks added that for years he contemplated how and when to start a business and, being away at that time, he neededalocalbusinesspartnertohelpget things off the ground. Hence, the idea for a partnership.Hisbusiness partner, 27 year old Hastings, who is an environmentalist, hails from the beautiful village of Kato in Region Eight. Hastings, who is a self-proclaimed culturalactivist,isthecurrentPresidentofthe Entrepreneurs Association for Sustainable Development (EASD) of which the business


graphic hobbyist, I am also into photography and it is a combination of these hobbies and cultural consciousness that led to my involvement in streetwear product development from designing, promoting and selling,”heexplained.


the two main reasons they started thisventureare:“To fill the need of i n d i g e n o u s representation and spreadawarenessina contemporary way, and to receivedsupportoverhub.”GuyanaHavingayearandregarding

With the duo’s deep passion and skills, theyjoinedforcesandtogetherlaunchedtheir veryownapparelandclothingbusiness.

Twenty-eight-year-old Hendricks, who hails from Lethem, Region Nine, in a recent interviewwiththismagazinesaidthatpriorto the launch, one of his earliest interests of startingthebusinesscamefromtravellingand seeingallkindsofsouvenirtees.

has been encouraging. thatmost of their intheRupununiand nowandthenthey fromotherareas.

they are required for imported materials. “Since we started, cost has be c o n s i s t e n t increasing while we try to maintai qualityandaprice

Leroy Hendricks & Romario Hastings

“I thought to myself why don’t we have such in Guyana? The ones available at that timewerenottomylikingsoIdecidedtodo myownprints,”heshared.

Hetoldthismagazinethathedevelopedan affinityforvisualartsfromtheyearshespent at President’s College, which later morphed into graphic art after he acquired skills from Global Technology, a computer training school.“Although I am mostly a self-taught

As it relates to youngmanstatedthat hastodowithhigh

“I think young entrepreneurs are the innovators, the creators and people who push for better shopping experience in Guyana. They also introduce products and services that are much needed but unknown to the Guyanese market.”

Some of the tees that ‘Lethem Exclusive Apparel’has in store for

…partners on a mission to promote Guyana through ‘Lethem Exclusive Apparel’Ex

Noodle Cake Creations also offers corporate logo cake, cupcakes, edible image cake, macaroons and the jelloshotscake–justtonameafew

e business, which is located at Lot 12 Light Street, Alberttown, Georgetown, between Lamaha and First Streets, is opened Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and on Saturday from9amto2pm.Ordersaswellaswalkin customersareaccepted.

Some of the cakes available are: premade cream cheese cakes; the Matilda chocolate fudge cake with chocolate cream cheesefrosting;redvelvetcakewithvanilla cream cheese frosting; cookies and cream cake with cookies and cream cheese frosting; vanilla fudge cake with vanilla cream cheese frosting and other seasonal flavours.Also offered is banana bread with cream cheese ribbon, tres leches cake in a variety of flavours and cheesecake in a jar, which comes also in a variety of flavours. Ming made it clear that Noodle Cake Creations is in fact the first in Guyana to offerthecheesecakeinajaroption.


t only are her cakes moist and flavourful but her artwork andcakedecoratingskillsarenothingbut impeccable.Usingfondant, Ming has created some masterpieces and with her creativeness, she has perfected a cake that is a replica of a Kentucky Fried Chicken(KFC)bucket,abowloframen cake, the Netflix and chill cake, the burgercakeandthecoco-meloncake.

Kaieteur News PAGE 63Sunday September 11, 2022


Owner of Noodle Cake Creation, Saralise Ming

Ming shared that she is constantly innovating to bring amazing new creations to her customers. Coming from a family of bakers,shesaidthathermaternal Continued on page 72

Satisfy your taste for modern, trendy cakes at Cuisine Culture

ith 10 years in operation, Saralise Ming via he trademark business ‘Noodle Cake Creations’continues to do her magic creating show-stopping, tasty cakes.Her business, which specialises customdesignedcakes,wasfoundedback 2012.Sincethen,Minghasbeenperfecting her skills and delivering unique and trendy cakestohercustomers.

Hence, the teacher praises the blessings of her two daughters for creating a reason to continue on this journey called life. She has since ventured into studies with the Association of Business Executives [ABE] and achieved her L5 Diploma in Business Management and Human

Well-loved teacher,Well-loved teacher, “Studying and working while being a single mom of two teenagers is not an easy task; however, I always manage to put aside Sundays to spend with my daughters.”


However, as fate would have it, CAI then known as Camille’s Institute of Business and Science Studies, a private school, was being established during that same time right inhervillage.So,theyoung Latchman decided to give teaching a shot, she later discoveredshehadahidden desire to mould the nation’s children.However, to do this, Latchman knew she had to overcome some challenges, one of which was being an introvert; a persona which stemmed mostly from having a cleft palate, a conditionshewasbornwith,

hough she is an accomplished educator in herownright,Ms.Latchman isnotquitefinishedwithher academic pursuits. She is currentlyinherfinalyearof studies for a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) at the Texila American University She revealed that the decision to get her master was taken following the death of her grandfatherShesaid, “When I lost my grand-dad in 2020, I made up my mind to continue my educational journey… He was a father figuretomeandmysiblings after my father passed away and he was a well-known and respected person in the community…Iwantedtodo something in honour of his legacy.”While this is one way of dealing with her loss, Latchman has learned to cope with life challenges to varying degrees. She said that she has painstakingly learned the real hidden strength of a woman after dealing with the separation fromherhusband.

ernational Advanced Diploma in Business M a n a g e m e n t a n d certificates in Effective Business Communication, Marketing, and Human Resource Management in 2006,”shefurtherstated.

Ms. Latchman is pictured at a business coaching event in Las Vegas alongside the founder ofAction Coach Brad Sugars

abilitytospeakclearly Latchman later benefited from a surgery that helped rectifytheimpediment.

Kaieteur NewsPAGE 64 Sunday September 11, 2022

L a t c h m a n ’ s achievementasateacherhas so far evoked great enthusiasm, for her to continue along the path of success. Shepositedthather “career continued to grow w h i c h p r o v i d e d o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r promotions,’’but it required her to further her studies so as to elevate herself academically“Ibeganstudieswiththe Cambridge University where I graduated with an

Duringtheyearsof2007 to2012,shepursuedstudies in accounting as well as training in psychology, professional counselling, conflict resolution, and suicide intervention. This eventually led to a promotion as Administrator when the institution’s second branch opened its doorin Since2013.then, she has been managing the school’s operations,whichcreatedno hindrance in self developmentasshepursued further courses in guidance counselling, emotional intelligence, and self development through the American University of PeaceStudiesInc.

Since then, the well-loved teacher has helped to prepare hundreds of students to successfully sit the exams. She said seeing her students excel in school and in their individual career paths remains top on her list of professional achievements. She said too that seeing the young women in particular that she had the privilege of teaching become successful insocietyhasalwaysbeena motivationforher

Miss Latchman is often awarded for efforts copping “The teacher of the year prize” on numerous occasions



She, nevertheless, recalledthetimeswhen “I was very conscious about my appearance and how I sounded, it affected my self confidence so I did not want to be in the l i m e l i g h t f o r anything but it was throughteachingandthe opportunities that I was given that I found my voice and developed the boldness to speak t audiences big or small and by doing this, I was able to overcome m fear.”Shecontinued,“Ihave a couple of people thank for that, M Camille Deokie, CEO theAcademy,hasbeenone of those persons w believedinmeandpushed me to achieve academic and professional success. My mother, and m daughters especially, a l s o f o r e v e r m inspirations. Everything accomplish or do is so that they have an example to follow.” Over time, her enthusiasm as an educator blossomed as her first successstorywasbirthedby a batch of students who excelled at the then Caribbean Examination C o u n c i l [ C X C ] examinations.

Latchman is the first blessing for the union between her mother Nalini and her late father, Roland Jhaman She said her upbringing was “simple,” having lost her father at a young age, she grew up bearing witness to her mother,havingtoraisethree children on her own– a task shedescribedas‘’noteasy’’. She recalled her mother made tremendous sacrifices to provide food and an education for her children. During this period, the young Kamini Jhaman whose surname later changed due to marriage madeavowtoworkhardto ensure that her mother’s sacrifices were never meaningless After completing her high school education at Covent Garden Secondary, she began looking for employment in thecorporateworld.

Re s ources.Latchman outstandingly copped the silver award for the ‘Employee of the Year 2020’atthe‘BizXhostedby Action Coach International in Nashville, Tennessee as wellasanawardforDirector H/Rin2022inLasVegas–a feat which is indeed worth celebrating.Inaddition, she recently completed training with TVET in Introduction and Delivery of CompetencyBased Education. Working for the past 22 years as a teacher, and later administrator, has developed Ms Latchman into a well rounded individual.Givenherdedicationand commitment to the growth of the Academy, she was appointed as a Director of CAI in 2020 to serve on the school’sBoardofGovernors during their annual award ceremony at the Princess RamadaBesidesHotel.her professional pursuits,Ms.Latchmanalso serves the community of Soesdyke as a treasurer for theSoesdykeVishnuMandir andtheEastBankDemerara Praant,servingasthePublic Relations Officer She said, “studying and working whilebeingasinglemomof two teenagers is not an easy task; however, I always managetoputasideSundays to spend with my daughters.”

Kaieteur NewsSunday September 11, 2022 PAGE 65

He believes that corruption and other persons in public life, file (IDB) had partnered with the State theft have been two sore plagues entries of income from whatever to conduct a feasibility study of the that Guyana has lived with over the source and makes it mandatory for planned natural gas pipeline. The years, but with the nascent annualdeclarationstobefiledonor primary objective of the study, petroleum sector already beforethe30thofJuneannually

“distance” where through the

Former Finance Minister,Low, who is a member of the Committeesshouldnotacceptgifts, management is concerned He Winston Jordan has bemoaned theOpposition’s Oil and Gas travel or entertainment offers from Leader of the Opposition reminded, “The Bharrat Jagdeo lack of critical information aboutCommittee. Low pointed out that financial institutions, which the (LOO),Aubrey Norton has warned Government went into a Skeldon the workings of the oil and gasan initial study which was used to fund works with He also that the People’s Progressive Party factory (project)- there was no sector here, criticizing the currentcalculate the feasibility of the Gassuggested, “We should also be alert (PPP) must not be allowed to enter proper feasibility study and you Government for hiding keyto-Energy project had a specific to family members of NRF into an agreement with oil giant know the outcome. Millions of US documents and contracts fromprice tag which has to date (Committees), members who are ExxonMobil for the Gas-to-Energy dollars were wasted. Now do we citizens.increased by hundreds of millions givenemploymentopportunitiesby (GTE) project without the nation want to continue wasting money in Jordan is among the long list ofofUS-dollars. financialinstitutionsasthebonuses first seeing an updated feasibility a way that it could be prevented? If stakeholders questioning PresidentDescribing the significant jump those jobs pay, as well as the study and the deal to which the there are proper feasibility studies Irfaan Ali Government’sinthepriceoftheprojectas“wholly lucrative jobs themselves, can countrywillbeaccepting. wewillknowwhethertheprojectis commitment toward the educationabsurd” the Economist went on to constitutebribes.”

He added, “If this project is and passed on the 24th September “Remember the Government is The Opposition Leader argued developmentalworkputout,“…wegoing to cost nearly twice as much, ofthesameyear managing the resources of the that the incumbent administration showed that in this sector we wereI believe it is pretty clear that we people. The Government doesn’t has an “arbitrary” attitude when it prepared to make as muchneedtohavetheappropriatestudies specifically established to ensure ownanyresource.TheGovernment comes to projects however in the informationavailable.”Theformertojustifythespending.” the President, all Members of doesn’t have total authority over absence of the requisite studies

(Continued on page 66)

Opposition Leader, Aubrey Norton

Inadditiontothat,Lowbelieves left with another Skeldon PPP Government holds a very matter also was Economist Elson that the members of the NRF factory, Fiber-optic cable “unpleasant” history where project

The Integrity Commission Act during his weekly Press achieve its objectives. If there isn’t citizens in the oil sector He saidis something I think all Guyanese was passed and made into law in ConferenceonTuesdayinresponse a proper feasibility study we will this is so, given the limited publicwould agree with- there is no way 1997, requiring all persons who to a question from this newspaper end up in the same position we engagements and availability ofthat you should be spending hold public office or public life to The LOO believes that if the ended up with the fiber-optic cable, information necessary to wake uphundreds of millions of US dollars declare their assets, or make administration is true to its mantra in the same position with the Guyanese to the lucrative energywithout the appropriate feasibility financial declaration to the o f “ t r a n s p a r e n c y a n d Enmore packaging factory, in the sector Jordan told this publicationstudies and without an updated Integrity Commission The accountability” then it would same position with the Skeldon that the last Government, beforeanalysis based on the changes that Integrity Commission was ensure that the relevant documents factory, and in the same position leavingoffice,hadalreadygonethehaveoccurred.” established by Act No. 20 of 1997 are made public. Norton reasoned, withAmailaFalls.”

In a recent interview with this publication, Low the holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in political Science and Economics from a United States College, Amherst, explainedthatthereareanumberof steps that must be taken immediately to ensure that the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) or Parliament, Ministers, Permanent

Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo

Jordan bemoans informationstudyandthereisneedforexposure to meet with members of the NRF Norton calls for updated not make it public so that we can blackout in oil and gas sectorto ensure transparency and (Committees) and no one-on-one feasibility study for gas-to- claim some form of good - says Govt. hidingaccountability.” meetings should take place unless energy project governance.” key documents, failingFeasibilityofGTEproject absolutelynecessary,”heasserted. …says Guyana could be Moreover, he explained that the to release contractsWeighing in on the subject

Back in 2018, the Inter theoilaccountisprotected. Secretaries, Civil Servants, and American Development Bank

which was executed by Energy streamliningprofits, the Economist Section 22 of the Integrity Narrative for US$70,000 an warns that the losses from these Commission Act states that any international entity that provides ends can be monumental. As a personwhofailstocomplywiththe strategic market analyses and consequence, he told this Act shall be liable on summary advice was to determine the overall publication that all members of the conviction to a fine of $25,000 and feasibility of transporting natural Committees established to a term of no less than six months gasfromoffshoreGuyana,building manage the fund – should file a imprisonment, no longer than one an Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) declaration with the Integrity year separation plant and a Liquefied Commission. Failure to do so, he AsatJune2022,theMinistryof Petroleum Gas (LPG) production believes, should be viewed as a Financereportedthattheoilandgas plant to market the liquids from the major red flag. Moreover, he said subsector expanded by 73 5 natural gas stream, as well as that a member should be removed percent when compared with the building a new electricity from the Committees for not firsthalfof2021.Thiswasdueto generation station to use the submittingsuchadeclaration. the second Floating Production what happens The remainingdrynaturalgas.(SeelinkGuyanese would be left without


He made his position clear feasible or not and whether it can and genuine involvement ofexplain, “The point being- and this

On another note, the Economist Storage and Offloading Vessel Government is elected for report: https://nre.gov.gy/wp-any safeguards to protect their insisted that Guyanese must be (FPSO)startingupoperationsatthe by the people to manage the content/uploads/2021/04/Feasibilitresources.Tothisend,heshared,“I aware of meetings that take place Liza Two Field in the Stabroek state which belongs to the people y Study for Guyanas Offshorethink any reasonable Guyanesewith members of the Committees. BlockinFebruary and therefore the Government Natural-Gas-Pipeline.pdf)and most Guyanese are- will agree “We must be alert to financial shouldbeaccountabletothepeople that there is need for a feasibility institutions which come to Guyana THURSDAY andIseenoreasonwhytheyshould

From page 16 with its plan to speed up the production of oil and gas, the revenue stream from these operations must be safely secured and managed sustainably. Not only that, but Guyanese must enjoy the comfort of assurance that the wealth generated from their patrimony is being put to good use, rather than drained by those appointedtoactasthewatchdogsof thefund.Atleast this is the position of Economist,ElsonLow

The Commission was

From page 65 that was under the coalition Minister said that when it came to government.” Notwithstanding all the oil and gas sector, it was widely the current Government’s talk admitted, even among the news about making the oil documents agencies, “…that they had more public while in opposition, “the information coming out of the PSA remains the only contract that Ministry of Finance and the isinthepublicdomain.” Coalition Government during that time.”


“information flowed and information to the public was (REUTERS)CargoestoEurope second to none ” “Under my averaged 110,000 bpd from stewardship I told every agency January through early September, that came under my head that they accordingtoRefinitivEikontanker must hold at least one end of year tracking data, more than the entire Press Conference, and for the first daily volume shipped to all time you saw Bank of Guyana, destinations in 2021 The Bureau of Statistics, Guyana shipments grew as Guyana’s Revenue Office and these places second floating production storage holdingPressConferences.” and offloading (FPSO) facility

Outside of those, Jordan also Mobil, Hess Corp and CNOOC environmental rules – quarter earnings call said all resourcebaseofapproximately925 questioned whether any citizen has consortium, is entirely exported. Hess tells shareholders companies are dealing with the risk million barrels of oil and have a the oil contracts relating to sale of Guyana sells its share through ofarecessionriskgiventhatthereis gross production capacity of oil, and other related data. Jordan open-market tenders and via a T h o u g h t h e G u y a n a aneconomicslowdownnow.Italso approximately 250, 000 barrels of reiteratedthatthenecessaryreports tradingunitofSaudiAramco.

Trinidadian Energy Strategist, reiterated however that “the PSA “to move forward as expeditiously resource. “So they are very pro developments on the Stabroek Anthony Paul believes it would be remains the only oil document that as possible so they can get the cash development of oil and obviously Block, Kaieteur News understands inthenation’sbestintereststobuild has been made public to date and resourcestodeveloptheircountry.” that production at the Liza Phase

k e e p i n g e n v i r o n m e n t a l

(Continued on page 67)

Governmenthasindicateditsdesire said it predicts a tighter oil market oilperday,withfirstoilexpectedin were made public under his None of the parties have struck for the expeditious development inthecomingmonthssincedemand 2025. Government. More recently long-term supply agreements with and production of the Stabroek is outstripping the rate of supply as In terms of exploration and however, the current government specific customers for the oil. A Block’s hydrocarbons, those in marketsinChinaopenup. appraisal in Guyana, Hess said the started to provide the related data proposed supply deal with India charge of the operations must also Having said that, Hess said its partners continue to invest in an and directed stakeholders to where last year failed over price dosowiththestrictestadherenceto Board will definitely stress test its active programme, with theinformationcouldbefound.But disagreements Spain’s Repsol, thenation’senvironmentalrules. budget for next year It said approximately12wellsplannedfor eventhishasitschallengesbecause Italy’s Eni and Britain’s BP have Sharing this perspective with definitely there will be a recession theStabroekBlockin2022. while the information may be taken cargoes, the data showed. investors on Thursday was Chief scenariointhat,whileaddingthatit Hess and its partners continue available, its content is not reader Repsol and Eni imported Executive Officer (CEO) of Hess will be prepared should there be a toseemulti-billionbarrelsoffuture friendly,Jordanopined. Venezuelan crude in the second Corporation, John Hess during his recession to stay ahead of it to keep explorationpotentialremaining. The former Minister insisted quarter, but shipments have participation at Barclays CEO the balance sheet strong. Hess was that if persons want to be honest, remainedsuspendedsinceJuly Energy-Power Conference in New keen to note as well that it will do

Jordan continued that the last beganpumpingthisyear Government provided “…monthly Oil producers in Guyana this reports that were as comprehensive year have boosted exports to as can be despite the circumstances European buyers seeking being faced in the new sector.” He alternatives to Russian crude, said several open workshops were according to vessel monitoring held at the Marriott Hotel and data. Government bans on Russian A development plan for the stewardshipatthefrontofhowthey One development reached its new University of Guyana among other oil since the invasion of Ukraine consortium’s fifth project, Uaru, think about authorizing and production capacity of more than locations, bringing information to have spurred demand for will be submitted to the overseeing these developments so 140,000grossbarrelsofoilperday citizens and further teaching them alternative crudes, and Guyanese government for approval later this there is a very good working in the second quarter following about the sector “So, without a oil fits refiners from Britain to Italy year,hesaid. relationship with government,” production optimization work on doubt, cheese for chalk, we had no better than rival Latin American In 2021, Guyana exported a Hesssaid. theLizaDestinyFPSO. intension of hiding information,” grades do. So far this year, 49% of total of 101,000 bpd of crude, most Hess said it is clear that the As for the Liza Phase Two Jordantoldthepublication.Hesaid Guyana’s total oil exports have of which went to Asia, while g o v e r n m e n t w a n t s i t s development, which achieved first that the 2016 Production Sharing headed for Europe, up from 16% in shipments to Europe represented environmental rules to be adhered oil in February, it reached its gross Agreement(PSA)Guyanahaswith 2021. Cargoes to Europe averaged 16% of the total, according to to and respected, adding that he p r o d u c t i o n c a p a c i t y o f American oil company Exxon 110,000 bpd from January through Refinitiv Guyanaisnowproducing believesthepartnershavedelivered approximately 220, 000 barrels of Mobil remains today, the only early September, according to two crudes grades: a medium to onthisrequest. oil per day earlier this month. The contract that has been made Refinitiv Eikon tanker tracking light sweet oil called Liza, and an Earlier this month, Hess had third development on the Stabroek availablepubliclyinthissector data, more than the entire daily even lighter grade called Unity said that it will be closely Block at the Payara Field, with a “No other contract, no other volume shipped to all destinations Gold. By 2027, the Exxon-led monitoring its budgetary spending gross production capacity of contractunderthisGovernmenthas in2021. consortium, which only in 2019 fortheremainderof2022into2023 approximately 220, 000 barrels of beenmadepublic,”Jordaninsisted. The shipments grew as inaugurated output, expects to to ensure scheduled investments in oilperday,isontrackforstart-upin He questioned whether anyone has Guyana’s second floating pump 1.2 million bpd. Guyana is Guyanaremainunaffected. late2023. seen too, the contract between the production storage and offloading expected soon to schedule an Thecompanysaidthereturnsin In early April, Hess and its Government and Exxon for the gas (FPSO)facilitybeganpumpingthis auction of oil and gas blocks to Guyana are so sweet that it pays to partners announced the sanction of to energy pipeline project. “All we year In recent days, the South attract new companies to its keeppumpingmoremoneyintothe the US$10B Yellowtail Project are hearing is that they will be American country’s output hit offshorefields.

Stabroek Block given the industry which will be the largest taking out the money from future 350,000 barrels per day (bpd), leading deal (2016 Stabroek Block development to date on the sales, but have we seen any almosttripleitslevelearlythisyear Govt. wants accelerated Production Sharing Agreement) it Stabroek Block. The project will contract?”Jordanquestioned. The oil, produced by an Exxon production but adherence to is tied to. Hess during its second develop an estimated recoverable

SATURDAY they will stop playing games and Exxon and Hess declined to York,USA. everything in its power to keep Guyana must guard admit that there were avenues to comment on commercial Hess was keen to note that the investments on track for its high- against over-reliance accommodate citizens, while they agreements Guyana’s energy government has been very pro- return opportunity in Guyana, and on oil companies’data had a wide access to individuals. ministry, Eni, Repsol and BP did business; adding that the only way “we’ll also take steps as we - strengthen capabilities Jordan added that some are falsely not immediately reply to requests to develop the economy and normally do as we get to the end of for independent assessments claiming not to be providing the oil for comment on the exports. On improve the standard of living for theyeartomakesurewehavesome – Energy Expert information because the last Thursday, Hess CEO John Hess the people of Guyana is to priceprotection….” Government did the same. He told investors that Guyana wants accelerate the development of their In terms of sanctioned oil

Vessels carrying supplies for an offshore oil platform operated by Exxon Mobil are seen at the Guyana Shore Base Inc wharf on the Demerara River, south of Georgetown, Guyana January 23, 2020. REUTERS/Luc Cohen

Kaieteur NewsPAGE 66 Sunday September 11, 2022

To make the point, Jordan Guyana oil producers highlighted that at the Ministry of ramp up exports to thirsty Finance under his stewardship European refiners

By building capacity,

Paul was keen to note as being sent for training? You P a u l r e a s o n e d t h a t well that independent have to set yourself up to Governments have access to assessments are crucial for capture as much benefit as a better quality of people to Guyanese to be able to possible and to ensure you work with the overseas ascertain if they are being are at every turn,” Paul companies. presented with the best field explained.

Paul said this is the kind development plans for the In referencing how his of approach Guyana can extraction and production of home country was able to take while adding that it can itshydrocarbonresources. build capacity, he recalled even seek to build and

He said that today, able to properly interrogate ask because at the end of the Trinidad boasts of creating a what is presented by day, you are paying for it. line of world class companies, adding that such Youmustalsoaskwhatisthe geoscientists that are already skillsetswouldbebeneficial plan for Guyana in this doingfantasticworkinmany when the country is ready to regardandwhoisthinkingof companies all parts of the craft an oil and gas master allthis? world. planlateron.

The Trinidadian expert that Trinidad, some years partnerwithTrinidadonthis said, “It is crucial that ago, was able to insert a front Guyana is able to assess provision into its production In conclusion, Paul what’s happening offshore. sharing agreements which firmly asserted that Guyana Yo u c a n ’t r e g u l a t e said that all costs incurred canandshouldactquicklyto something as technically overseas are limited to 10 arm itself with the experts it complex as this and percentrecovery needs in its corner to do something which has so Iftheoilcompanieswere independent assessments manyopportunitiesforvalue desirous of doing full This he reiterated, is key to loss, for value slippage recovery then it meant mitigating value loss which without having the ability to transferring many of their has been a key objective of oversee, understand and servicestoTrinidadwhichin the PPP/C Administration in assess. turnresultedinmoretraining managingtheoilsector

From page 66

One of the primary ways forlocals. up its capabilities in the of doing that is making sure “Oncewedidthat,theoil petroleum sector for as much work as possible is companies brought a team independent assessments being done in country rather down with geoscientists and and reviews so that it can thanoverseas.” they collaborated with us. guard against over-reliance Paul said Guyanese We were able to build a on oil companies’ data and ought to question where Petroleum Geoscience theirinterpretationofsame. Exxon has its geologists, its programme at the University

During an interview on geophysicists, its reservoir that became a world-class K a i e t e u r R a d i o ’ s engineers and other top programme. Programme, Guyana’s Oil notch experts and whether This was possible and You, Paul said it is locals are training side by because we got the industry critical that Guyana arms sidewiththem. to help design the content, itself with experts who can “To what extent is there they brought in experienced provide independent transference of skills and industry practitioners to analysis of data provided by technology and is Guyana teach some of the classes ExxonMobil affiliates and demanding or asking for and many students were any other oil company this? g i v e n j o b t r a i n i n g operatingoffshore.

He said the country must is happening outside of the expressedPaul have the capabilities to be country? It is important to

And how much of all this opportunities right after,”

Are the right specialists

Kaieteur NewsSunday September 11, 2022 PAGE 67

It was only on Thursday that one of the Stabroek Block shareholders, Hess Corporation pointed out the need for operators to practice strict adherence to the nation's environmental rules, even as Government has indicated its desire for the expeditious development and production of hydrocarbons.ChiefExecutiveOfficer(CEO) of Hess Corporation, John Hess duringhisparticipationatBarclays CEO Energy-Power Conference in NewYork,USAsaiditisclearthat the government wants its environmental rules to be adhered to and respected, adding that he believesthepartnershavedelivered onthisrequest.

This means, however, that the immediate clean up finances could only amount to US$2.6 billion, meaning Guyana could be left to foottheadditionalchargesthatmay beassociatedwithanoilspill.


…EPA says investigations ongoing

InareleasesentoutbytheMinistryof the Education, Regional Chairman Seeramdescribedtheschoolasablessing to the Martyr's Ville Community, while Minister Manickchand said it was another promise delivered by her government.Accordingtotheministry,theschool wasbuilt“torelieveparentsoftheburden oftakingtheirchildrentotheMonRepos Nursery School and the Good Hope NurserySchoolwhicharelocatedfurther away.” With the new facility, it is expected that the problem of overcrowdingwillbeathingofthepastat thosePlansschools.toconstructtheschoolstartedin January of last year and the sod for its construction was turned the following month. Thecontractforconstructionwas awarded to Doodnauth Construction and Supplies and the company completed worksinDecember

investigating.Heexplained that the EPA is stilltryingtodeterminewhetherthe spill was just limited to one barrel ofcrude.Minister of Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat when contacted said he would check on the report issued by Exxon before responding.Hesubsequentlynoted thatthematterisbeinginvestigated bytheenvironmentalwatchdogand that a team from the EPA and his Ministry will be visiting the site today to conduct first hand inspections.

Sunday September 11, 2022Kaieteur NewsPAGE 68

The Liza Unity FPSO ECD nursery school commissioned


AMartyr's Ville on the East CoastofDemerarafor$89M was on Saturday commissioned by Education Minister Priya Manickchand. Alsotakingpartintheceremonytoopen the Martyr's Ville Nursery School officially was Minister of LegalAffairs, Anil Nandlall, SC, and Chairman of RegionFour,DanielSeeram.

TheLizaUnityFPSOstartedup productioninFebruaryofthisyear It is the country's second FPSO to become operational - producing about220,000barrelsofoilperday Executive Director of the EPA, Mr Kemraj Parsram on Saturday confirmedthattheregulatorybody had received the report and are

nursery school built at

On Saturday, the oil giant said theteamontheLizaUnityFloating ProductionStorageandOffloading (FPSO)vesselobservedasheenon the water in the vicinity of the vesselonSeptember9,last.

More importantly, the oil company assured that there is US$600 million that has been put aside by the Stabroek Block


On Saturday, Exxon said, “additional surveillance by helicopterconfirmedthattherewas no sheen in the area; only a light sheen was perceptible approximately 20 km (13 miles) North West of the vessel. By middayonSeptember10,asupport vessel in the area confirmed no

According to the oil company, initial investigations indicate that about one barrel of crude was released during a maintenance activity on the vessel. Further, the activity was immediately halted andtheleakwascutoff.

ExxonMobilsaidtherewereno picturesofthespill.


The building, according to reports, houses eight classrooms that can accommodate some 270 pupils and is outfitted with a modern sanitary block, independent water system, and there is spaceforoutdoorrecreation.

The response teams are continuing to monitor the situation with the relevant government agenciesnotifiedoftheincident.

On the other hand, this newspaper has been on the forefront,highlightingtheneedfor full liability coverage in the event ofanoilspill.

operators to cover oil spills per disasterintherichStabroekBlock, where presently production has surpassed 300,000 barrels per day. In addition to that, it was reported thataUS$2billionparentcompany guaranteeisbeingnegotiated.

Photos taken of the school on Saturday (Photo Credit: DPI)


In fact, experts and environmental activists have questioned this sum in light of recentoilspillaccidents.InPerufor examplewhereonly12,000barrels of crude was spilled offshore, Repsol-theSpanishoperatorofthe block- has been slapped with a US$4.5billionlawsuit.

Aphoto of the school soon after completion in December 2021. (Photo Credit: DPI)

The interior of the school before it was furnished (Photo Credit: DPI)

Additional monies were reportedly spenttofurnishthebuilding.

he Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)saiditiscurrently probingreportsofanoilspillatthe Liza Two offshore development in theStabroekBlock.

ExxonMobil reports 'minor' oil spill atrepor Liza Two project ExxonMobilprojectreports

Even though this is a requirement in the Production Permits, ExxonMobil is yet to produceproofofaletterinwhichit agrees to cover damages that the limited insurance policy does not compensatefor Instead, the company has explained that its subsidiary, Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL) which operates the Stabroek Block, owns assetsvaluingoverUS$5billion.

Frompage13 delay Inthecircumstances, the application to the high court for the grant of reasonable bail to Michael Andrew Morgan is hereby refused.”Asaresult, the accused, whowaschargedonJune29, 2022, will be remain incarcerated until the next court date, September 27, 2022.Acting on intelligence, CANU officers had conducted a narcotics


Sunday September 11, 2022 Kaieteur News PAGE 69

Guyana, one of the newest and most promising of oil producing nations has refused to implement windfalltaxonExxonMobil anditsTpartners.hecountry's Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has offered that because of fiscal arrangements in Guyana's oil contract agreement, it would be a breach to impose the tax on the massive returns being enjoyed by the companies.

Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) are holdingtheworldtoransom by not letting “…a good crisis go to waste.” It said that a new study calculated that the oil and gas industry has made more than US$2.8B a day in profits over the past half-century “In the second quarter of 2022, Exxon posted a profit of $17.9B, the highest any publicly listed oil company has ever reported. Chevron hauled in $11 6B, while Shell reported $11.47B and BP $9 3B, its biggest windfall in more than 14 years.”The report continued that National oil companies such as Saudi Aramco saw

year-on-year profits rise of 90percentduringthesecond quarter The Saudi kingdom rakedinacool$88Bduring the first half of 2022, while Norwegian's Equinor paid $3Bindividendslastmonth, andFrance'sTotaltripledits income Glencore, the world's largest coal shipper, maderecordprofitsandwill pay shareholders an additional“While$4.5B.shareholdersand executives reap the benefits of this crisis, families strugglewithexorbitantfuel and energy bills on top of climbing food prices. The UN reports that 50 million people in 45 countries are facing famine,” it was highlighted The UN secretary had condemned

the oil companies saying it w a s i m m o r a l f o r corporations to be making record profits at a massive cost to the poorest communities and the climate.“The combined profits of the largest energy companies in the first quarter of this year runs close to $100 billion,” he had said, “I urge all governments to tax this excessive profit and use the funds to support the most vulnerable people through thesedifficulttimes.”


operation at Morgan's property A search was conductedinthepresenceof the lone occupant, Morgan, and it resulted in the discovery of a quantity of cocaine,27ninemmrounds, one 32 Taurus firearm, along with one magazine, and25matching.32rounds.

As such, Morgan was arrested and escorted to the CANU headquarters along with the firearm, ammunition, and narcotics. CANU reported that the narcotics were tested and

Head of CANU, James Singh noted that the firearm and ammunition charge will befiledbythepoliceandnot CANU.Notably, Morgan is the brother of Peter Morgan, who was deported back to Guyana in 2015 after completing a 10 year sentenceintheUnitedStates of America for drug trafficking.

confirmedtobecocainewith atotalweightof3.27kgand a s t r e e t v a l u e o f approximately$3.5million.

High Court denies bail for accused...


Manager needed @ Pacific Development INC. Must have atleast 2yrs experience managing office along with accounting background. Call: 673-6210.




Guyanese already living with subtle...

Forklift Operator, Delivery Clerk/Sales Clerk /Delivery Clerk. Contact: 227-1511/227Vacancy-2486.

Truck Driver needed. Must have experience with canter and truck. Telephone: 6236383(7.00am – 7.00pm)

One 3 bedrooms fully grilled apartment $120 monthly @ Ben Street. Call:699-4775/ 691-5671 /658-3274.

According to the September 2022 Report, “For solar power technology, installed capacity has increased exponentially, accompanied by exponential declines in the cost of solar modules. Since the 1970s, the unit costs of solar photovoltaics have fallen by 24 percent each time the cumulative installed capacity has doubled. The equivalent learning rate for lithium-ion batteries has been around

Sales Persons & Porters, apply at Best Buy Food Supplies Campbellville with written Femaleapplication.totakecare

Receptionist needed @ Hick Ville Hotel. 0673/227-7714/231-0951/4.info@vgiworld.comEmail:tel:640-

Large quantity CAT 215 excavator used parts, Paddy steel trailor 16ft/8ft/2ft, Road painting machine, Air compressor.Call: 275-0367/ 683-7225.2Excavator buckets, Dragline hammer- 1 & 1/2 tons. Call: 275-0367/ 683-7225.


Welder fabricator three years experience & male cleaner. Call: 233-2745/ 645-8443.

Female bartenders to work shop in Interior,age 2035yrs.Call:689-4461/ 662-6254.

Need a bus or planning a tour? Call Matthew's Bus Service & Tours. Call / whatsapp : 6392663/ Suriname673-2348.weekend tour trip :Sept 2663/673-2348.16-19th,2022.Tel:639-


and Technical Assistant for Interior location. Applicants must be experienced. Call: 615-0545.

Grove E.B.D near Diamond Magistrate Court, 8.5mil gyd, 80x48 transported & transferable. Call: 656-5330.

From page 18 recent years; the price of utility-scale solar photovoltaics dropped by 89 percent from 2009 to 2019.” Additionally, the UNDP pointed out that the price of lithiumion batteries has fallen by 97 percent since their commercial introduction in 1991. The price of clean power generation, especially through solar has been a major deterrence over the years, for governments seeking to institute sustainableInoptions.explaining the recent cost reductions, the UNDP said maturing technology played a major contributing role. What has changed?

One clerk for TSI Eccles office.English 8am-Contact:SecurityEastMaidyahoo.comapplication:techserigy@Mathematics,Grade1/2.Email&orcall615-9132.tocookandcleanforBankareacall615-9132.Guardsneeded.625-5136between4pmdaily.Onematuregeneraldomesticwithrecommendationletter&mustknowtocook,3days@KeyfoodMcDoomvillage.

Live in Nanny, good conditions, 35-45yrs. Call: 6978797.Office

nothing but pimps. Philby and Burgess sold themselves for ideology another fellow sold for Historysilver.has left its dark, ugly record of those who stood for nothing, so they sold themselves to the nearest, swiftest bidder. Oil history is littered with still more of these individual and tribal betrayers.FromFB, we learn about a resort, a swimming pool, and who can’t dip their toe where. I think we are going to have more of that here with segregated (exclusive) communities, separate (VIP) airports, separate hotels (entrances), and places in offices where Guyanese dare not go, dare not aspire. This has all the budding elements of Donald Trump’s Guyana, and I besmirch myself with the mere mention of this brother’s name. I lay the praise and thanks where such belongsat the feet of a President who could care less in his appall-

ing parochialism (a kind word), a Vice President who is lost in his own maze of mysteries, and the cohorts of willing flunkies who kiss their boot and the bottom of those coming here to get rich from our endowments.Thisiswhatoil has done to Guyana. Upstream is the welcome distance and cleanliness of offshore; downstream, they have to deal with dumb and dirty Guyanese, but only on their terms.

Man, we must smell real bad! Gosh, our sweat must be so profaning that we can’t even be allowed to partake of the waters (chlorinated) that nature has given to us. We pontificate about Dutch disease; well, this disease at work slyly and slickly in the homeland is a spreading virus, and one of epidemic proportions in Guyana. We speak brightly about resource curse when we don’t know the half of it. Political correctness camouflages very well.

George Wallace, that good ole boy from racist Alabama had it so right, lives powerfullySegregationon. today! Segregation tomorrow! Segregation forever! This is Guyana, as it will be. As it is now in real estate, real dealings, and reality. Now, if the great unwashed masses only knew...Get some damn pride, my fellow Guyanese. One last word, get used to living in Pretoria and Johannesburg. Get real!

Solar power supply costs declined by 15% yearly between 2010 and 2020...


Driver must be able to assist in workshop @ Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence Call

configuration (a form of magnetic confinement used in nuclear fusion research). Despite these strides, the Government of Guyana has decided to pursue a Gas-toEnergy (GTE) project that is likely to cost the country some US$2 billion. The GTE project has three components - the pipeline to be constructed by oil major, ExxonMobil, and a Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) plant to treat and separate the gas, paired with a power plant to generate the electricity. So far, Exxon has said that the cost of the pipeline could be US$1.3 billion. In the meantime, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo “estimates” that the cost of the other two plants will be around US$700 million.This venture is expected to generate 300 MW of power to Guyanese once completed. However, this project involves several environmental risks and economists have been questioning its feasibility since the project cost has increased significantly since the first study was conducted.

I understand from the FB post that there were some locals sharing space with them. They are our Guyanese versions of subversives, turncoats, and men and women who have no self-respect left.

One Porter needed. Contact: 624-7718.Purimaker, Kitchen assistant & Porter- free boarding and competitive pay, Sundays off. Contact Rabbies on 2316591/ 648-8279.

of an elderly male,age 25-40 in Trinidad.

Security Officers, Supervisors, Dispatch Clerk needed @ Elite Protection Services Inc 161 Lamaha Street. Contact: 223 4172 or 223 8805 or : gmail.comeliteprotectionservicesgy@

Lorry Drivers & Porters Contact: 650-0979.

Visa Application: U.S.A, Canada & UK; fryer.Call:694-9733.filterationpump,stove,treadmill,dryer,machine,pressurerefrigerator,washingSpecializedetc.Tel:626-7040.ElderlyWeddingdesign,Advertisements,Graphicsdecorations&grooming:Hair,Nailrepairs/servicesystem,deep

One Honda CRV,fully loaded immaculate condition, low mileage 3.3M negotiable & 1 new super custom Hiace Bus 2.5M .Contact:649-0956.


Driver,Sales man,Porters to work in warehouse. Must have experience , attractive salary offered.Call: 6 96-4444.

For female cleaner. apply in person to Alabama Trading @ 65 Robb Street Bourda.



Skilled Masoner, Carpenter, Painters& Labourers to work in Linden. Call: 615-7526, 6029469, 660-6385, 625-7642.

Experienced Cashiers, Waiters/ Waitress , Cleaners& Counter Servers. Apply @ Hack's Restaurant 5 Commerce VacancySt. for 2 experienced nail Technician located at Grove E.B.D. Call: 652-5800.


Male & Female to work @ carwash in Campbellville fulltime and Whatsapp:604-1980.weekends.NissanBlueBirdPcc6857$350,000neg.Call:688-6948/618-1748.2019X-Trail,firstowner.Pur-chasedbrandnewfromMassy,6.5milneg.Call:632-0212.Onefemaleablebodiedclerk:225-2313/658-8559.Onemaleablebodiedclerk.Tel:231-2029,616-5954.SkilledMasoners,$8000perday.Call:667-2222.DomestictoworkinGeorgetownfrom7.00amto3.00pm(mature).Telephone:623-6383(7.00am–7.00pm).

20 percent. Other energy storage technologies have followed similarly steep learning curves. Batteries are also becoming smaller and lighter. Between 1991 and 2018, the energy density of lithium-ion batteries rose 3.4-fold. The dramatic cost reductions in renewable energy technologies have consistently exceeded expectations: contrary to the projected average annual cost reduction of 2.6 percent between 2010 and 2020 (based on 2,905 global energy-economy models), solar photovoltaics costs declined by 15 percent a year over the same period.” Further, the report notes that there have been major breakthroughs in nuclear fusion. In fact, in February 2022, scientists at the Joint European Torus generated more than double the previous record for energy generated in a fusion reaction, a major step towards nuclear fusion becoming a viable clean energy source, the UNDP said. There are also signs of new technologies interacting in ways that can accelerate progress. Machine learning techniques are being used in the tokamak

One Prime Business property next to Mon Repos market. Call: 644-7088/ 624-7248.

Anything for money. We have them in high houses of the state, in Pradoville, in Opposition ranks, and in the private sector, there is a breeding ground of addicts for a dollar, any dollar by any means from any degrader, any insulting violator.

Do they think for one moment that the incoming newcomers have any regard for them, other than their utility as middlemen, arrangers, and fixers? In street lingo,

Pure breed Pitbull pups already got two vaccine & dewormed, going cheap. Contact: 603-2640

From page 6 being in the vicinity of them for the longest while, more than most Guyanese living here would ever know. Some like to keep down, keep out, and keep away. The noble, equitable ones helped with doors opened.

PAGE 70 Kaieteur News Sunday September 11, 2022


Pure breed German shepherd pups for sale. Call: 680-1828, 632-9022/ 639-4966.

“ For Sale: BMW 320i PKK Series, Good condition. Call: 623-5121/0133” .

with the partially recognised Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic in Western Sahara.

“We hope to introduce more products such as caps, tote bags, hoodies and more once the business continues to grow and to provide meaningful employment to youths in our communities,” he added.Hendricks is of the firm belief that entrepreneurialminded young people in society help to bring new ideas to light. “I think young entrepreneurs are the innovators, the creators and people who

7.conference.Construct a warehouse with a fully automated inventory system. Currently, there are no warehousing facilities at the hospital. Storage is done in temporary containers. The proposed warehouse will occupy the footprint where the present administrative building is located.

The two politicians also disagreed on the Escazu Agreement, a regional environmental treaty, and Peru’s participation in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Supporting Norton’s call for an updated feasibility study for the project, Lall mentioned that the Coalition Government had done one when the price was US$700M. He said today the price has jumped to more than double, almost US$2B. “Isn’t it time this nation sees whether this p roject is going to make money for us man…Yes it is time and I agree with Aubrey Norton on this one for sure,” Lall said. This newspaper reported last week that back in 2018, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) had p artnered with the State to conduct a feasibility study of the planned natural gas pipeline. The primary objective of the study, which was ex-

desirous of making a purchase from ‘Lethem Exclusive Apparel’ can reach out to its owners via telephone number (592) 618-2740 or check them out at their two locations.

From page 3 back in the same boat as the Berbice Bridge and Marriott, we would be on a huge barge sailing to hell,” Lall said.

“I don’t know, because nothing is clean and clear in anything this man says or does. One minute Jagdeo saying, ExxonMobil will be taking out the pipeline costs from the oil, so Guyana doesn’t invest any money; then he says Guyana will be paying a few cents for the gas and how he is working with them to bring down the price. Is con somebody going to get con there, then you hear the gas is free now. One story he and ExxonMobil and everybody stick with is electricity costs will cut in half, how that will happen they are not telling us, they are not showing us, there is no figure for that, presently he says we paying 60 dollar a megawatt, and that going to cut in half to 30 dollar.”Mr. Lall said what in effect Jagdeo has said is that electricity can be produced for half. “You know what that means, somebody is set to drawExplainingdown…”further, Mr. Lall gave an example: “If a man has been supplying you mangoes at $20 for one, and he suddenly tells you he is going to cut the price by half to $10 for a mango, you will be happy–but he ain’t telling you that the mango price drops so low that you can buy the same mango for $5 instead of $10.” Mr. Lall said ExxonMobil has sold Ali and Jagdeo a story about reduced electricity charges, which they in turn have been trying to sell the citizens.

Leroy Hendricks and Romario...

push for better shopping experience in Guyana. They also introduce products and services that are much needed but unknown to the Guyanese market,” he asserted.Further, to help boost young entrepreneurs and small businesses in the country, he recommended, “…some sort of tax exemptions because by the time the materials arrive here, it is almost double the original price, only large companies enjoy thoseOtherbenefits.”suggestions he mentioned that can help boost businesses are for the relevant authorities to create renting spaces that are price friendly, and for the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce to institute incentives and packages favourable for the small businessPersonssector.

Integrate support services such as the mortuary, laundry, housekeeping, warehousing, and catering services, into all the hospital buildings to reduce the risk of contamination and increase efficiency.

“We must all stand up to ensure that this deal is not signed in secret and has confidentiality clauses that keep us out of the loop and in the dark from knowing what is it we are giving away and what we are getting. We must know the ins and outs, the pros and cons. After all, that US$2B gas plant and pipeline investment is money that will be coming out every day from your oil, shortening your p ocket while fattening the pockets of private people.”

country, expand into the Caribbean and North America.” Presently, he said they have two locations one in Georgetown, at Au Moyeu, located at Lot 16 North Road between Camp and Wellington Streets and the other in the Rupununi at the Visit Rupununi’s Office at the airport. With plans to establish their own location in Lethem, the young man said their long-term goal is to use the business to bring awareness to the Guyanese indigenous culture and to promote Guyana as a tourist destination through the production of creative apparels.


G/Town Hospital in dire need...

Amsterdam was constructed nearly 20 years ago lacks sufficient installations for outpatient clinics, inpatient wards, and the pathology laboratory and has no buildings to house a central sterilisation unit, administration, and medical and paramedical staff on call. The Linden Hospital Complex is also in a troubling state, as it is unable to properly deliver the full contingent of obstetric, neonatal and child health services. It also does not have a burn unit to attend to accident patients. The bank said strengthening these regional hospitals to provide the full contingent of Level 4 services will also reduce the transfer of patients to the GPHC, thus reducing the patient load of that hospital. The hospitals also currently have challenges regarding environmental management and safety, including infectious and liquid waste management, lack of established safety procedures, systems and equipment, etc.

He insisted that Guyana’s external debt is already over US$3B, yet the government is forging ahead with the project which will add another US$2B to the debt stock. “Could you believe that all Guyana debt is presently US$3B and we can’t pay, but we are going to add US$2B more to that US$3B on the gas-to-shore p roject with a few private people

Rodriguez’s departure comes alongside that of Peru’s deputy transport minister Luis Rivera, who also resigned on Friday after be-

On Thursday, Castillo tweeted that Peru reaffirmed the defense of the Sahara state’s “self determination.”

- Peru’s foreign minister, Miguel Rodriguez, has resigned after just one month in office, the country’s foreign ministry said on Friday, after p ublic clashes between the official and leftist president Pedro Castillo.

Sunday September 11, 2022 Kaieteur News PAGE 71

8. Construct a new pathologySIMILARlaboratory.SITUATIONS

ing will have four (4) floors with the ground floor designated for parking and the first to third floors for offices and

Kaieteur News previously reported that similar situations also exist at the New Amsterdam Hospital and the Linden Hospital Complex. The New Amsterdam Hospital is the second largest hospital after GPHC, and along with the Linden Hospital Complex, serve a significant catchment area including receiving patients from other regions and the hinterland. The IDB said both hospitals possess limited capacity in their accident and emergency departments, intensive care units, high dependency units, surgical rooms, and imaging departments. Moreover, New

Government has said it will tap approximately US$48M of a US$160M loan from the IDB to address the deficiencies outlined at each health institution.

plummeted. He has already reshuffled his Cabinet several times and is battling a corruption probe led by the country’s prosecutor.

Rodriguez wrote in a letter published by the foreign ministry on “TheTwitter.goalwas to revitalize Peru’s foreign policy, correct mistakes and try to strengthen the course of our country’s international life,” he added, without elaborating.Earlier this week, Castillo undermined Rodriguez’s August announcement that Peru was breaking diplomatic ties

“I am writing to you to submit my irrevocable resignation to the position of Minister of State in the Office of Foreign Relations,”

ButTricksterMr.Lall told his audience when Jagdeo speaks, he has considerable difficulty believing him.

ecuted by Energy Narrative for US$70,000—an international entity that provides strategic market analyses and advice was to determine the overall feasibility of transporting natural gas from offshore Guyana, building a Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) separation plant and a Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) production plant to market the liquids from the natural gas stream, as well as building a new electricity generation station to use the remaining dry natural gas. (See link for report: monthlywillthepowerHowever,coverablethroughthemillion.GuyanatwotricitysometheGasingGovernmentconferencetracts.”negotiatingdevelopedtaintywarningapproximatelyrentthevelopmentationstotheInvestmentitofwhichsessmentEnvironmentalGuyanathatlater,US$478thewhichsourcedinGas-Pipeline.pdf)Guyanas-Offshore-Natural-Feasibility-Study-for-content/uploads/2021/04/https://nre.gov.gy/wp-Notably,atablewasusedthatreportthatwasfromExxonMobil,intheoilcompanysaidpipelinewouldcostmillion.FouryearsExxonnowestimatesthestructurecouldcostUS$1.3billion.InitsImpactAs-(EIA)fortheprojectwassubmittedinAprilthisyear,ExxonexplainedhasnotyetmadeaFinalDecision(FID)onproject,andiscontinuingevaluatecostconsider-duringtheprojectde-process.Butfortimebeing,itsaidthecur-projectcostestimateisUS$1.3billion,too,“ahighercer-costestimatewillbeafterreceivingandallmajorcon-Jagdeoatarecentnewsexplainedthattheiscurrentlydo-estimatesfortheNaturalLiquids(NGL)Plantandpowerplanttogenerate300megawattsofelec-forthecountry.Thesefacilities,hesaid,cancostanadditionalUS$700Thepipelineaspectofprojectwillbefundedcostoil,whichisre-byExxonMobil.theNGLandtheplantwillbefundedbystate,whichGuyanesefundthroughtheirelectricitybillsover

Peru’s New Foreign Minister Resigns in Latest Blow to President

Gas-to-energy project could be another...

a 20-year period. VP Jagdeo has estimated that five US cents per kilowatt hour may be the cost to generate the electricity, while another five cents may be lost in the transmission and distribution of the power, which could take the final price for the sale of the electricity to about US$15 cents, after adding five US cents as profits for the company. This, he assured, will reduce the cost of electricity for consumers by 50 percent.

What aided in boosting their business, according to Hendricks, was a grant they received from the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport under the ‘Creative Grants initiative which afforded them the chance to further build the brand and increase their stocks and Currently,presence.theiroperation is doing well despite the prevailing challenges. Hendricks said, “As we continue to build a Guyanese brand, we hope to have locations across the

6. Construct a new administrative complex with staff facilities. The existing building is to be demolished and a new administrative building to be located to the extreme north of the southern half of the compound, where the present conference room building is located. The build-

From page 20 theatre from six to 11 rooms and the ICU from seven to 20 beds. Once other services such as A&E clinical services are relocated to the new buildings to be constructed space will become available to facilitate the expansion and relocation of the ICU and theatre.4. Expand the medical lab and radiology. There is no space for additional equipment at the current lab. Once clinical services are relocated to the new outpatient building, space will become available for expansion of the labs.5.

From page 62 that is affordable to our customers. In addition, the suppliers have not been consistent which has been affecting our supply and volume of finished products,” he briefed.

Lallinside?”argued that to date, President Ali, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh and Winston Brassington have not told the nation “or show us how this project will benefit Guyana or if it will ever b enefit the Guyanese people.”Lalladded,

ing sentenced to six years in prison for Approvalcorruption.ratings for Castillo, who has been in office just over a year, have

Another key challenge, he pointed out, is the pandemic which has led to the lack of international ecommerce infrastructure which stymies their potential to access regional and global markets. “Under the pandemic conditions, where online transactions and business became normalized, it was still below optimum,” he added.

graded.According to the information by the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), the upgrade to the Region Three facilities are estimated to cost $1,852,000,000, the upgrade to

Supply and delivery of HDPE pipes and fittings, ductile iron and PVC fittings and valves, for Lots 1 to 4

GWI to upgrade water treatment facilities in Regions 3, 4, 5 & 6

Upgrade of water treatment facilities at New Amsterdam, Port Mourant in Region 6 and Cotton Tree in Region 5 for Lots 1 to 3

PAGE 72 Kaieteur News Sunday September 11, 2022

Supply and delivery of polyvinyl chloride pipes

business was not an obvious career choice for her since in 2011, the year before Noodle Cake Creations was birthed, she had graduated from the Rensselear Polytechnic Institute in New York with a master of business administration (MBA) in Marketing and New Product DevelFouropment.years before that, she had secured a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology.

Repos and Friendship on the East Coast of Demerara, Eccles, Covent Garden and Grove on the East Bank of Demerara, and New Amsterdam; Port Mourant in Region Six and Cotton Tree in Region Five will all be up-

Upgrade of water treatment facilities at Pouderoyen, Fellowship and Vergenoegen in Region 3 for Lots 1 to 3

Satisfy your taste for modern, trendy cakes at Noodle Cake...

right and it wasn’t an obvious next step,” she shared. However, it was a family friend who had reached out to her and requested that she make a wedding cake for her after her original cake ve ndor had cancelled. After seeing the amazing wedding cake, another friend had reached out to her for three birthday cakes –this then led to another family friend expressing frustration over how diffi-

To check out Ming’s scrumptious work, you can visit her Noodle Cake Creations page on Facebook and 694-1862)oremail:naesambach@gmail.comviamation,(To685-6122.call@noodlecakecreationsInstagramorWhatsApp@+(592)shareanyusefulinfor-pleasecontactmephonenumber:+1(592)

Upgrade of water treatment facilities at Eccles, Covent Garden and Grove, Region 4 for Lots 1 to 3

Guyana Water Inc.

“My mom was her assistant and she eventually taught Ime.grew up around cake decorating magazines and icing tools,” the business owner said. While Ming has climbed her way to the top of the cake baking and decorating industry in Guyana, she explained that it was faith that led to her business

the East Bank facilities are estimated to cost $1,992,000,000, the upgrade to East Coast facilities are estimated to cost $931,500,000, and the upgrade to the facilities in Regions Six and Five are estimated to cost $1,201,500,000.GWIwillalso be connecting kettle filters at the Friendship Water Treatment Plant and this is estimated to cost $62 million.

coming into existence, while her will power, creativeness and support have helped to ensure that Noodle Cake Creations became a success.

offering premade cakes and treats on a daily basis.”

“In 2012, I took a chance by starting a custom cake business. I called it Noodle Cake NoodleCreations.because it was strange enough to make it memorable and Cake Creations because that’s exactly what I was making, creative Mingcakes.”explained that her cake

dents in those areas. This is according to the latest opening of tenders, which revealed that water treatment facilities at Pouderoyen, Fellowship and Vergenoegen in Region Three, Better Hope, Mon

Connecting kettle filters at Friendship Water Treatment plant, Region 4.

Upgrade of water treatment facilities at Better Hope, Mon Repos and Friendship, Region 4 for Lots 1 to 3

Procurement of 10 heavy-duty Lawn mowers and procurement of 11 complete brush cutters

Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport Supply of tools and equipment for Lots 1 to 5

Below are the companies and their bids:

“To the outside world, a cake business didn’t seem

cult it was to find a suitable person who made more modern cakes in Guyana –and that’s when the business idea came to Saralise. From there, the rest is history, as Ming has been perfecting her work as a cake baker and deBeingsigner.the sole owner of Noodle Cake Creations, Ming said, “The cake adventure started and continues 10 years later. We have grown from offering only custom designed cakes to having a dedicated store

In improving the quality and service of water supply across the country, the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) is preparing to upgrade water treatment facilities in Regions, Three, Four, Five and Six to better serve resi-

From page 63 grandmother baked as a single parent to support her four kids.

Sunday September 11, 2022 Kaieteur News PAGE 73

This year, according to Aksharananda,therewerequitea fewofthosestudentswhogained grade one passes at CSEC. One

instills and its commitment ensure students has resulted in growth in the school populationandthisforceditto extenditscomplex.

SVNregistereditsfirstbatch ofstudentstosittheCSECexams in 2005 and they were very successful. Since then it has maintainedthatconsistency The school'ssuccess,thedisciplineit

Asked what motivates parents, especially those from other religious backgrounds to send their children to a Hindu school, Aksharanda responded, “Quality of education and secondly, I believe people look


equippedwithfurnitureandlabs to house more students

for a disciplined and safe space to send their children.”Another reason why parents trust SVN to educate their children is b e c a u s e o f i t s commitment to students.

them was a girl who enteredtheschoolwith a total of 448 NGSA marks. When her CSEC results were announced, her parents were proudbecauseshe had obtained 15 gradeonepasses.

education the school provides whichmotivatesparentsfromall religiousbackgroundsandethnic groups to enroll their children there.Speaking with Kaieteur News on Friday, the school's principal, Swami Aksharananda said that SVN was initially founded to cater for students of theHinduReligiousculture.

Currently, there are 445 secondary school students attending the Swami School and 45 employed teachers. Not only has its founders managed to create a “safe space for Hindu students” but for everyone strivingforexcellence.

officially opened itsdoorsonMay11,2003witha two-storeybuildingthathadcost the donors at that time $100M.

Apart from m a k i n g s u c h nvestments, SVN embraces the notion involving parents in school system is key in making students successful because they would get a firsthandlookattheirprogress andThisshortcomings.wouldallow them toworkwiththeirchildren at home and ensure that theycontinuetoexcel.

Although Guyana's public schools cater for children from all three of the main religious groups, SwamiAksharananda is of the view that the Christian religionisstillthemostdominant one and those from a Hindu backgroundwouldoftentimesbe afraidtoexpressthemselvesand upholdtheirculture.

Sunday September 11, 2022Kaieteur NewsPAGE 74

Saraswati Vidya VAkshranandaPrincipal,Niketan'sSwamiSaraswatiidyaNiketan'sPrincipal,SwamiAkshrananda

Students listening to their teachers attentively during one of their classes.


While public schools struggled to put measures in place, the Swami School was ready for online classes within a week and the reason for this, according to Aksharananda, is because it investedinenhancingitsinternet capabilities and took on the responsibility of equipping each teacher with a tablet and provided laptops for students whodidnothave.

It made a $180M investment to set up two morethree-storeybuildings

wellbeingandacademic successistheorderofthe day at the Saraswati Vidya Niketan (SVN) Secondary School located at Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara (WCD), and this has, by extension, allowed the private institution to excelconsistentlyatthe CSECexaminations.

The Saraswati Vidya Niketan's Secondary School complex at Cornelia Ida, WCD.

of 92.19 percent. Though thisisaslightdeclinefrom the 94.27 percent it had obtained last year, the school's performance is second only to Queen's College (QC) for students with the most CSEC grade one passes thisWhileyear QC boasts a total of 43 students among the top 218 in the country, the Swami School was able to produce 29. Fourwereamongtop 20CSECperformers and one was among Guyana'stopCAPE students. It is this high success rate and the quality of


One such example is its readiness for online classeswhentheCOVID19 pandemic had hit Guyana back in 2020

“So in my opinion, this school has a very safe space for anybody; we have students who are Africans, Amerindians and even students who are Christians,”Aksharanandasaid.

Commitment to students aids in Hindu School' ssuccess at CSEC

Many people in Guyana, the UnitedStatesandothercountries across the globe began donating towards the construction of the Hindu

theirrotiwrappedupinapieceof paper,” Aksharananda told KaieteurNews


Thirty five students were enrolledandseventeacherswere employed to ensure that they receive a quality education and ensuretheiracademicsuccess.

T o i n v o l v e parents, teachers and the principal would conduct o n e o n o n e meeting with them threetimesayearand the school has even invested in an online portal.Students' progress reportssuchascompletion of homework, grades, punctuality, absence and performance are uploaded to the portal and parents can log in to view the d e t a i l s a n d recommendations for areasAsofimprovement.SVNcontinuesto follow its mantra of total commitment to the wellbeing and academic success of students, it is moving apace with plans to expanditscomplex tocaterforprimary and pre school levels as well

“So we were motivated to create a safe space for those children. I mean I have some friends who grow up in the school system and the other children would laugh at them whentheyputliloilontheirskin andhairorwhentheywouldhave

The educational institute commonly known as “Swami School,”offersatotal of20CSECsubjects and 21 CAPE subjects in its curriculum and at this year's CSEC examinations, it obtained an overall pass rate

The investment paid off because the overall pass rate remained in the 90s SVN also has an open door policy for students with low NGSAmarks andhasbeenworkingwiththem overtheyearstomakesurethey excelattheCSEClevel.

and was rewarded with the wickets of both Powell and Fabian Allen to restrict scoring in the final overs, with the Tallawahs setting a target of 154 to win.

Trinbago Knight Riders once again utilised Narine at the top of the order but he was bowled in the first over by Amir. After Webster was run-out, Colin Munro and Tim Seifert attempted to rebuild but eventually both lost their wickets. Amir struck again to remove Nicholas Pooran as the Knight Riders were unable to build any partnerships, with Kieron Pollard and Andre Russell also falling. In the end they scored 119/8, falling 34 runs short of their target.

Match details: Jamaica Tallawahs 153/7 (Powell 67, Reifer 28; Rampaul 3/40, Narine 2/ 11) beat Trinbago Knight Riders 119/8 (Munro 29, Russell 17 ; Amir 2/15, Wasim 2/ 20) by 34 runs

(CPL) - The Jamaica Tallawahs secured their third victory of the 2022 Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL) season with a win over Trinbago Knight Riders by 34 runs.

From page 78 wicket, Klaasen would bat through to the end, and supported by Keemo Paul, managed to get his side across the line with ten balls remaining. The win means Amazon Warriors have registered their first victory of the season, while Saint Lucia Kings have suffered their second successive

Recent successes could lead to new aspirations to increase your socioeconomic standing. You should be feeling especially determined and confident about your future.


You generally are good at sizing up other people and sensing their thoughts and feelings, but today that talent is greatly enhanced by increased intuition.

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

During this time, you'll feel especially intuitive, optimistic, and spiritually on a roll. You could feel artistically inspired, and channel some of your newfound awareness into recently started projects.

Some vivid and wonderful dreams might provide inspiration for future creative projects. You're feeling cheerful and optimistic now, and your enthusiasm is likely to continue.

Sunday September 11, 2022 Kaieteur News PAGE 75

From page 77 Empress Charles (GCC Spartans)

Under 20 boys: Winners - YMCA Old Fort

Winners - GBTI GCC SpartansRunners-up - Woodpecker

The Trinbago Knight Riders won the toss and chose to field, Ravi Rampaul making early inroads by removing both openers, Brandon King and Kennar Lewis. However, Tallawahs captain Rovman Powell would lead by example, hitting ten boundaries in his innings of 67 to take his side to 153/7 after 20 overs.

Winners - Bounty GCC Runners-up - YMCA Old FortMost Valuable PlayerKareem McKenzie (Bounty GCC)Best Goalkeeper - Paul D’Andrade (YMCA Old Fort)

The win means Jamaica Tallawahs have now won three of their first four games, while Trinbago have lost two successive matches.

details Guyana Amazon Warriors 162/4 (Klaasen 61*, Hetmyer 32 ; Royal 2/15, Chase 1/25) beat Saint Lucia Kings 161/7 (Charles 87, du Plessis 31; Shamsi 2/14, Paul 2/27) by six wickets


Rovman Powell steered his side to a formidable total with his score of 67. (Getty Images)

CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

Klaasen’s class...

Artistic talents are greatly increased by fresh inspiration. Today you may spend much of your time giving material form to your ideas.

This is a time when you're likely to feel especially idealistic and hopeful. Spiritual experiences may have you on cloud nine, Libra. Your intuition is also strong.

You're good at dealing with others, but today you should be especially so. Your intuition is strong and you're likely to instinctively understand others' thoughts, and desires.

Best Goalkeeper - Raoul Whittaker (SHC S7N)


2022 Hero Caribbean Premier League

MostHikersValuable PlayerAlysa Xavier (GBTI GCC Spartans)BestGoalkeeper - Anesa Permaul (Woodpecker Hikers)

GEMINI (May 21–June 20)

Normally you tend to view things on a logical, intellectual level, Leo, but today the strength of your intuition could surprise you. Your communications could be subtler than words.


GCC teams...

SAGIT (Nov.22–Dec.21) Online group activities that you attend today are likely to be spiritually oriented, such as group meditations.

CANCER (June 21–July 22)

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)


Most Promising PlayerShakeem Fausette (SHC S7N)

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20) Your health should be in top shape today. You're likely to feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually strong and ready to tap into your inner power. Dreams may make it possible to release old traumas and move ahead.

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

Sunday September 11, 2022

Runners-up - SHC S7N

Captain Powell leads Tallawahs to victory

You might find yourself thinking about a possible future vacation. You've worked hard during the last few months and feel you deserve a break.

Communication with close friends and a romantic partner should be especially beneficial today, since you're feeling more in touch with those close to you.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)

Trinbago Knight Riders in turn lost the wickets of Sunil Narine and Tion Webster early on, and largely due to superb bowling spells from Mohammad Amir and Imad Wasim, were unable to find any fluency as they consistently lost wickets, ending up on 119/8 and losing by 34 runs. Jamaica Tallawahs lost both of their openers in the PowerPlay, and were struggling to score runs in the first ten overs, before Powell combined with Raymon Reifer in a 90 run partnership stand to aid their side. Sunil Narine bowled exceptionally well


Kaieteur NewsPAGE 76 Sunday September 11, 2022

amaica Tallawahs after a meeting and a Jamaica franchise and spinner Sandeep statement from the body prepare to defend himself

JLamichhane will indicated that the cricketer against what he called play no further part in this would remain suspended baselessallegations. season’s competition after until the matter was “I am innocent and keep being suspended by the investigated. complete belief in the Cricket Association of Lamichane, who respectable laws of Nepal. I Nepal (CAN) in lieu of an previously played for St have decided to take a leave arrest warrant being issued Kitts and Nevis Patriots and from the CPLand go back to in his hope country of BarbadosTridentswasyetto my country within a few Nepal takethefieldthisseason. days.

The arrest warrant, In 2020, however, the I am ready to face all which was issued in player was the leading these baseless allegations. Kathmandu,liststhecharges wicket-taker for the Jamaica May justice be served to the as coercion of another Tallawahsfranchise. i n n o c e n t a n d r i g h t person and was announced In response, the 22-year investigations to be done,” publicly on Thursday The old tweeted to address the the player posted on decision to suspend the issue and announced that he Instagram. playerwasmadebytheCAN would be leaving the (SportsMax)

- returns home to answer arrest warrant

Lamichhane leaves CPL, Jamaica LamichhaneTallawahsleaves Tallawahs

Kirani James

Kaieteur News PAGE 77Sunday September 11, 2022

Grenadian 400m star James delighted to lift third Diamond League trophy

(SportsMax) Grenadian quarter mile Oregon. star Kirani James has expressed delight in “I am feeling good. It feels great to be the winning the men’s 400 metres at the diamond race winner The race was good, DiamondLeaguefinalinZurich,Switzerland very competitive, against the best guys in the onThursday. world,”Jamessaidfollowingtheevent.

James finished comfortably ahead of the “Although it was very unfortunate that United States Bryce Deadmon and Brendon Matthew got injured during warmup and had Norwood. The athlete’s latest win was the topulloutatthelastminute. third occasion that he has claimed the title, HeistheEuropeanchampionandIwould addingtowinsin2011and2015. have liked to compete against him,” he

The Grenadian has enjoyed somewhat a added. bit of resurgence in recent seasons after “Ihaveonemoremeetingcoming,Itryto recovering from injury and illness. In July, enjoy every moment and represent my the athlete captured silver in the event at the country It is special for me to win here today World Athletics Championships in Eugene, afterelevenyearswhenIalsowoninZurich.”

he last of three acknowledged the Junior is always willing to help the community and it’s right in decent condition cracked classes.” classes, wrapped National players who came squashcommunity here at these Saturday or broken with strings still If you have Squash bags,

Kaieteur NewsPAGE 78 Sunday September 11, 2022


“If you have any rackets donation to these Saturday Devers)

Tup the first day of tohelp.

Lastly, to Coach Nyron, morningclasseswhereevery intactpleasesendthemtothe rackets, goggles shoes, balls Saturday morning squash “Abig thank you to Josh, for putting his full effort into player and parent fell in love Bar at the Georgetown Club andgripspleasesendthemin classes yesterday at the Rylee, Safirah and Emily for the junior programme and a with our sport and has on Camp Street for me to and I will make sure they are Georgetown Club on Camp helpingwiththesessionsand big part of its continued always been the seed to our collect, or if you have put to good use,” added the Street. to Taylor for helping to success.” success,”saidDias. anything to give as a hard working Dias. (Sean Youth Coach, Deje Dias, register the participants. She We have a strong Squash

Nyron Joseph went through some paces with the future squash players of the nation.

Kaieteur News PAGE 79Sunday September 11, 2022

GCC Spartans claimed the U20 Girls title.

Lucozade Indoor Hockey Championships GCC teams dominate

Most Promising Playerwith a penalty corner two second quarter to see a 2-0 Club S7N. In the reverse of C l a y s a B o b b ( S H C minutes after the quarter leadathalftimeforGCC. the senior men’s result, Old Conquerors) break. Old Fort’s prolific Tournament MVP Aysa Fort would take a 2-0 lead BestGoalkeeper striker Warren Williams and Xavier piled on the pressure only to see it squandered as (Continued on page 75)

The victorious Bounty GCC Men’s Team

The first quarter of the anything to chance as they enough to prevent the GBTI an otherwise one sided men’s final was almost stormedoutofthegatesfrom ladies from lifting the ladies matchwhichendedinfavour through before the high- the opening whistle to trophy in similar fashion to oftheSpartans. paced match would see its dominatetheplayagainstthe themen,witha4-2victory

The final evening of the veteran Ascofu Simon in the third quarter with two Saintswoulddrawevenat2Lucozade Indoor Hockey would bring Old Fort penalty corner putback 2 in the third quarter The Championships was enough storming back with two goals, taking the GCC tally inexperience of Saints to satisfy the greatest of counterattacking field goals to 4. With the initial shots however showed as Old Fort thirsts for the sport. The to level the scores at 2-2 by being very well saved by capitalized on a few Georgetown Cricket Club thehalf. tournament best goalkeeper defensive errors in the final (GCC) came out the big The second half saw Anesa Permaul of the quarter to score two more winners of the tournament GCC taking greater Hikers, Xavier used her goals to finish the match with victories in three of the precautions to quell the skills and guile to score on witha4-2win. four finals while Old Fort explosive and effective Old thedeceptiveputbacks. GCC Spartan Sarah secured the remaining Fort counterattacks and With GCC seemingly Klautkywastheleadinggoal victory in two finals stifling their free flowing having the game all sewn up scorer for the Girls under-20 appearances. attack with a half court by the beginning of the final and indeed the entire

- YMCA Old Fort also claims a title

YMCA Old Fort won the Boys U20 title

In the men’s division, defense. Former nationals fourth quarter, the Hikers evening with five goals to Bounty GCC and Old Fort Kevin Spencer and Orland were out to prove that the her name against the Saints wouldsquareoffinthemuch Semple would score a field gamewasnotyetover Ina Hockey Club Conquerors. anticipated final. Each team goal each in the third and brave and gutsy display of The Spartans stormed to the had earned their place by fourth quarters, respectively, hockey, the Hikers would largest victory margin of the defeating the mighty Hikers toleadGCCtoa4–2victory manage to pull two goals evening with a 9-2 defeat of teams as GCC squeezed by and the Men’s Lucozade back in the final quarter Saints. Most promising thePepsiHikersinonesemi- Indoor Championships through their top striker player, Claysa Bobb, final and Old Fort, having a trophy. Latacia‘China’Chunginthe produced two moments of somewhat easier time, TheGBTIGCCSpartans 31st and 37th minute. This brilliance to score the upstagingtheHikersCadets. were not prepared to leave effort however would not be Conquerors’ pair of goals in

Results and accolades firstgoaloffapenaltycorner WoodpeckerHikers. Ashley Inspiteoftheirlossinthe wereasfollows: fromGCC’sMarkSargeant. DeGroot opened the GBTI senior division, YMCA Old Under20girls:

The match shifted into accountwithapenaltylayoff Fort would taste sweet Winners-GCCSpartans high gear however in the shot in the fifth minute with victory, coincidentally by Runners up SHC second quarter as Orland Makeda Harding adding a thethemed4-2marginofthe Conquerors Semple put GCC up by two deflection field goal in the evening,overSaintsHockey

At GCC in the afternoon with 36 from 34 balls with earlier made 183-9 when

(L-R) Jamal Major, Christopher Surat and Jonathan Rampersaud bagged 7 wickets between them for MYO at DCC. (Sean Devers photo) Rodrigues hits a big six

Heinrich Klaasen’s unbeaten score of 61 took the Amazon Warriors over the line. (Getty Images)

31 yesterday at Bourda. (Sean Devers photo)

n scorching heat yesterday in the City, the second round of matches in the inaugural Atlantic Marine Supplies Inc/Susuki Motor Cycles second division T20 Cricket tournament were held at B o u r d a , D C C a n d

Klaasen’s class hands

Warriors first victory of the seaon

Diplomats batted first on reach double figures with 11 Layrel Parks had 3-8 and in19.5overs. a good track and lightning each.

In the afternoon game at Persaud (3 21) had a former was restricted to 91 - thepitch. fours reached 20 for Ace Gainda supported with two DCC, the host defeated good all round performance 9 when their 20 overs RovaldoPhillipschipped Warriors. wicketseach.

Malteenoes.Onaday in which six matches were contested at three grounds MYO, DCC, Police, GCC, TSC and QC wereinwinner’srow

Warriors secured their first Heinrich Klaasen, who built a Guyana Amazon Warriors later Nevertheless Hetmyer victory of the 2022 Hero 66-run partnership together started their chase with intent, and Klaasen worked together Caribbean Premier League Klaasenwouldgoontoscorea Chandrapaul Hemraj scoring to score runs and keep the (CPL) season with a win over sublime 61 from 46 balls to five boundaries before being Warriors close to their target. Saint Lucia Kings by six take Amazon Warriors to their dismissed in the 4th over, with DespiteHetmyerlosinghis wickets in front of a lively first win of the season with ten fellow opener Shai Hope then (Continued on page 73) homecrowd. ballstospare.

Christopher Surat had 3- game, the host led by a 50- four sixes and Kishan their20oversexpired. 12 and got support from run third wicket stand Persaud, who scored 33 with Police were given a good Jamal Major (2 7) and between Skipper Devon three fours and a six, led QC start by Troy Benn, whose National U 19 player Lord, who made 31 from 23 also aided by 24 extras, to 46-ball 57 was decorated JonathanRampersaud(2-12) balls with one four and a six 126-8 in 18.3 overs. They with two fours and a couple as the main wicket takers for and National U-19 batter made that in reply to Ace ofsixesandKevinChristian, MYO. Mahendra Dindyal, whose Warriors’122 all out in 18.1 who hit two sixes and a four

in with 19 to rally GCC to In the afternoon game at DCC, MYO destroyed Anand Persaud and 135-6 as Wayne Thayne had QC, Bel Air Rubis were led Diplomats by 10 wickets Stevin Rose made 14 each 2-29 for Everest who were by a 51-ball 79 with five afterdismantlingthemfor52 while both Dwayne Peters restrictedto85-8in20overs, fours and five sixes and 27 in10.1oversandracingto53 and Ryan Seecharran were despite a fighting 32 from from Michael Bascome as withoutlossin3.5overs. the only other batters to TroyGonsalves. they were dismissed for 168

In the morning game at expired.

By Sean Devers


(CPL) – Guyana Amazon through Shimron Hetmyer and endon161/7after20overs.


When the Woolford 31 came from 34 balls and overs. in26. Avenue side began their Third Class by 10 wickets while Carlton Jacques and includedtwosixes.

being caught out two balls

Johnson Charles (left) and Faf Du Plessis had a 93-run opening stand for the St. Lucia Kings (Getty Images)

BernardBailey2-7forGCC. Quintin Sampson, fast and small outfield, but Guyana U 15 Captain At Queen’s College Keston Harcourt, Imran only Delon Collins whose Dave Mohabir had 2 12 ground, Ace Warriors lost to Mohammed and Pernell first four scoring shots were while off-spinner Rapheal the home team by two London picked up two boundaries, made 20 as Singhtook2-20. wickets as Jonte Thomas wickets each for Police, who nobodyelseofferedsupport.

Gary Ross and Jaden Number three batter reply with all guns blazing, after being led by 29 from DanielMootoocapturedtwo


Kaieteur NewsPAGE 80 Sunday September 11, 2022 Atlantic Marine Supplies Inc/Susuki Motor Cycles T20 Tournament... 6teamsrecordvictoriesinlatestround

2022HeroCaribbean PremierLeague…

The Guyana Amazon SaintLuciaKingsgotoffto Warriors won the toss and a dream start, Charles chose to field, yet it was the combining with Faf du Plessis Kings who got off to a to reach 77-0 after six overs, blistering start, racing to 77-0 the highest powerplay score of in the powerplay before being the season so far Yet Shamsi held back by spinners Imran and Tahir highlighted their Tahir and Tabraiz Shamsi. The quality by restricting runs and Kings finished on 161/7, with pickingupwicketsthatheldup Johnson Charles batting scoring for the Kings. Tim throughout the whole innings David launched a late counter andscoringasuperb87offjust attack, but it was Keemo Paul 59balls. who shone with the ball in the

Despite losing early final over, picking up two wickets,Guyana Amazon wickets and giving away just Warriors navigated their chase fourruns,whichsawtheKings

The pair was separated Alves took three wickets Lennox Andrews clobbered the right-handed Ravindra Joshua Persaud and 20 from wicketseach. when Lord ignored a call for each while Sunil Ramlall twosixesandtwofoursinhis Rodrigues hit an explosive Sachin Singh. DCC reached At GCC, in the morning asecondrunandbothbatters had two for QC as Roger 29. 31 with four fours and two 53 without loss in reply to game, Sophia conceded the ended in the same crease as Aarons, with 29 with two Fortheopposition,Travis straight sixes while Rudolph Third Classes 52-9 in 20 match to Transport Sports the free flowing Dindyal fours and a six and Mortland Persaud captured 4-28 while Singhwasonseven. overs. Club (TSC) after two the was run out by the length of Wardwithtwo sixes andtwo Terrence King and Arun

The curtains came down in the 19th minute - a beauty second, will head back to the Jason Sandiford of c h a m p i o n s h i p , t h e $150,000 towards a school at the Ministry of Education from way outside - to give East Coast of Demerara with Dolphin Secondary, who defending champions went project Ground on CARIFESTA Charlestown the 1 0 $150,000 towards a school nettedatotalof13goals,was down to Charlestown 2-1, Inthethirdplaceplayoff, Avenue last evening on what cushion. project. n a m e d t h e H i g h e s t thanks to strikes from New Campbellville had the has been an entertaining But not to be outdone, Charlestown Secondary Goalscorer

Meanwhile, in the Third Lupe. kicksfromthepenaltymark. t u r n i n g u p t o s e e game back into balance with Charlestown beating Ann’s hisstrikeinthe26thminute. Grove3-2onkicksfromthe After being unable to be penalty spot in the Boys separated in extra time, the Charlestown Secondary Boys Captain, Malcolm Henricks (L) and Chinwendu Rover, Captain of the Girls team, showing off their winning trophy

Kaieteur News PAGE 81Sunday September 11, 2022

Historic Charlestown Secondary!

Over in the Girls finishing second, won

Hadassah Smith and Chelsyi better of New Central 3-0 on tournament, with scores Tiquan Frank pulled the was also named the

…Charlestown Secondary clinch ExxonMobil U-14 Schools titles


t was a fitting climax Division,whileCharlestown two teams went down to t o u r n a m e n t ’ o s t place match-up, Cummings AzariaWilsoninthe45th to the ExxonMobil, girls got the better of their penalty and it s DisciplinedTeam. Lodge defeated West minute goal came in a losing Petra-organised U14 counterparts from East Charlestown who would Hendricks was named Ruimveldt 4 2 to pocket effort.

I championship, as Ruimveldt2-1. hold their nerves to take the the competition’s most $75,000 for a school project. F o r t h e w i n , Charlestown Secondary The Boys championship $300,000 which will go valuable player His West Ruimveldt collected Charlestown girls won became the first school to lived up to the pre-game towardsaschoolproject. teammate, Deangelo Dick $40,000 which will go $300,000 towards a school clinch both boys and girls hype. National U15 player, Ann’s Grove, for their won the Best Goalkeeper towardsaschoolproject. project; East Ruimveldt, for championships. Malcolm Hendricks scored valiant effort and finishing award.

s M

Printed and published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd., 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown. Tel: 225-8458, 225-8465, 225-8491 or Fax: 225-8473/226-8210. Sports - YMCA Old Fort also claims a title Lucozade Indoor Hockey Championships GCC teams dominate GCC Spartans won the Women’sHISTChampionshipORIC!Flanked by representatives from the Guyana Football Federation and ExxonMobil, Charlestown Secondary’s boys and girls teams celebrate winning the ExxonMobil U-14 Schools Championship. (Rawle Toney photos) …Charlestown Secondary clinch ExxonMobil U-14 Schools titles Historic Charlestown Secondary!

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