AIETEUR NEWSK Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular Guyana’sweeklylargest weekly Online: September16,2022-Vol.24No.40 Online readership yesterday, 73,425 Friday Edition Price $100 p. 20 6 charged for $13.4M heist at GTT's Giftland store Oil companies agree to pay local suppliers within 45 days DPP throws out private criminal City crashAvenueMandelakilledbusinessmanin Elderly man who killed and buried wife in house to spend 4 more years in jail Buxtonians get $56M in contracts to villagerehabilitatebridges US Vice President, Kamala Harris in discussion with President Irfaan Ali and his CARICOM counterparts: Keith Rowley, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados and Chandrikapersad Santokhi, President of Suriname. …as sand truck driver jumps traffic light Five Int'l firms submit bids to build gas plant charge against Crime Chief p. 3 Businessman,NigelCush p. 22

Kaieteur NewsPAGE 02 Friday September 16, 2022

employees and the larger Guyanese workforce, and coordinating with industrial and technical education training institutions in Guyana to provide sponsorships and/or internshipopportunities.

Minister of Natural Resources, Hon. Vickram Bharrat hands over an approved Local Content Master Plan to the Country Lead of Halliburton Guyana, Mr Vahman Jurai

“Halliburtoniseagertowork closely with our local vendors, sharing our

(L-R)Legal Officer of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Mr Michael Monroe, Director of the Local Content Secretariat, Mr Martin Pertab, Minister of Natural Resources, Hon. Vickram Bharrat with the General Manager of SBM Offshore Guyana, Mr Martin Cheong
Kaieteur News PAGE 03Friday September 16, 2022
he Ministry of NaturalResources on Wednesday approved the Local Content Master Plans of tier-one contractors, SBM Offshore and Halliburton, among otherswhichareoperatingin Guyana'soilandgassector
sector and prioritizes Guyanese nationals and Guyanese companies in the procurement of goods and servicesfortheenhancement of the value chain of the sectorThe Act also serves to enable local capacity development and provides for the investigation, supervision, coordination monitoring, and evaluation of,andparticipationin,local contentinGuyana.
knowledgewhenneeded.We hope to significantly c o n t r i b u t e t o t h e development of Guyana's talent in the oil and gas sector, whether through the university programmes we support or through hands-on experienceworkingwithus.”
The signing, which took placeintheboardroomofthe Ministry of Natural Resources' head office in Kingston, Georgetown, comesontheheelsofanewly proposedmodificationbythe Local Content Secretariat. This amendment, which is includedinthefiveyearlocal content plan and is enforceablebylaw,willnow see contractors and sub contractors operating in the nation's petroleum sector issuing payments to Guyanesesupplierswithin30 to 45 days following the receiptofacorrectinvoice.
as the focal point for the monitoring, evaluation, coordination, and reporting of local content in the petroleum operations of Guyana.Inso far as the Act mandates every Contractor, Sub-Contractor, or Licensee toimplementlocalcontentas an essential component of their petroleum operations, the Secretariat, through the issuance of industry guidelines, aims to provide detailed and specific guidance to Contractors, Sub Contractors, or Licensees with regards to theirreportingobligations.
At the signing, Minister of Natural Resources, V i c k r a m B h a r r a t underscored the importance of contractors and sub contractors implementing this amendment He reminded that the move promotes local suppliers' competitive financing and growth through appropriate contract and payment terms, and is in keeping with Guyana'sLocalContentAct.
The Ministry of Natural
Oil companies agree to pay local suppliers within 45 days
Resources through the Local Content Secretariat said it will continue to work with stakeholders to ensure that the goals of the Local ContentActareachieved.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the identified contractors, subcontractors, and licensees have demonstrated, through their Master Plan submissions, their commitment to fostering local content in their operations by prioritizing Guyanese nationals for employment,havingpolicies aimed at non-discrimination and equal treatment of Guyanese nationals, implementing training and other programmes to build the capacity of both their
a n w h i l e , Halliburton's Country Lead, Mr Vahman Jurai said with the approval of the company's five year local content plan, it is cognizant of one of Halliburton's guidingprinciplesof'Global Citizenship'.MrJurai related,
The Local Content Secretariat ('the Secretariat') ismandatedtoensurethatthe provisions of the Act are implemented and functions
services, and expanding our training and capacity building programmes as our operations increase in the country.”Me
The Government of Guyana has solidified its commitmenttoensuringthat thebenefitsderivedfromthe foreign direct investments into Guyana's petroleum sector are captured and retained in-country, through the enactment of the Local ContentAct.TheLocal Content Act No. 18 of 2021 ('the Act') p r o v i d e s f o r t h e implementation of local content obligations for companies and persons engaged in petroleum operations or related activities in the petroleum
Also sharing comments on the signing, the General Manager of SBM Offshore MartinCheongexpressedthe company's excitement about the approval of its Master Plan.He said, “We have been hiring an increasing number of Guyanese, engaging more local suppliers for the provision of goods and
Woeful public service performance means more woes for the public
Vice President Jagdeo had opportunity to wring concessionsoutofExxonMobilintheapprovalofthePayara andYellowtailprojects,butturnedouttobeimpotentwhen bothoccasionspassedwithnothingmaterialdevelopingfor Guyana. Therecord is that Mr Jagdeo failed at his newest clever concoction of “better contract administration” when he didn't seize the moment. On each occasion that Vice PresidentJagdeoshouldhavegonetobatforhisownpeople, he has been found loudly selling ExxonMobil's line about risk and return. When Mr Jagdeo should be in Guyana's corner, he is always quickly throwing in the towel and conceding defeat before big, bad ExxonMobil, which has a stranglehold on him. Now, his position is that if “better contractadministration”istriedandfails,then“wewilltake aharderline.” Mr JagdeoisschemingtogiveGuyanesethe impression that he is up to the job of confronting ExxonMobil. Mr Jagdeo is no position to try this “harder line”hepluckedoutofthinair,notwhentheoilcompanies havehimonhisknees. Listentohisfeebleexcuses,observe hisgropingpostures,analysehispawingtheairforwhatwill buyhimtimetodighimselffromthedeepholeinwhichhe lives. Hehashadtimeandopportunitytotaketheharderline that he now spouts, but shriveled. When will the time for trying that so-called harder line be, Mr Jagdeo? It is doubtfulthatiteverwillbe.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
D o n a l d T r u m pdatabases for less than a Guyanese you need tofor their own personal downplayed the Covid virus millionpeopletoaccesstheir demand the services fromwellbeing,soit'stimetostop at first, but then took action recordsforfastservicescan't your regional, municipal,blaming and fingerprinting and signed the Emergencybe difficult in this day and localgovt.andstateagenciesand identify the problems Production Act and technologicalage.Requiring officialstoworkinyourbestand figuring practical Operation Warp Speed to public service senior interests as you are payingsolutions together as your produce vaccines,personnel to comply with taxes, you need to divorcelives will depend on the ventilators and other Covid audit requirements is part of yourselvesfrompoliticsandpublic service one way or supplies, gave US states their job and should be fight for your wealth, if youanother The questions need funding, equipment and enforced Citizens' continue to have ato be asked are: Why do supplies particularly New complaints should be dysfunctional PublicPublic Service Personnel York, an investigation later addressed and personnel not Service, when you havehavetobealignedtopolitical revealed there were tons of doing their jobs should face problems and needsparties? They are supposed Covid supplies in consequences. assistance, who you gonnatobeindependentservingthe warehouses which were not Information must be call“ghostbusters”?public, some won't work if distributed where needed,made to the public which R.Davidtheir party is not in power. w h e t h e r t h i s w a s
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Where the truths of this oil are concerned, Mr Jagdeo seemstoprefertohavethemextractedfromhimlikeadentist performing a root canal, meaning, through painstakingly retrieving the nerves from the tormenting tooth cavity Guyaneselisteningtoorreadingabouttheprecisewordsof Mr Jagdeocan'thelpconcludingthatheishidingsomething, thathepreferstocirclearoundendlessly,thathebuystimeto comeupwithcraftyanswersthataddmoremysteriestothis so-calledadministrationofouroilwealth.
In any country rich or poor thefunding?,pleasenoteMr being done for them, also PublicServicewillboostyouthe citizens' standard of President, people are what happens to monies is clearly defined by blamingyoufortheseissuesgiven to Public Service Does Guyana need lawsthequalityofPublicService whentheyshouldbeblamingOfficialsforroads,drainage, where citizens can suethecitizensreceive,ahigher the appropriate officials. If harbour stellings, schools, regional, municipal, localquality of public service citizens vote parties in and hospitals, and other key govt or state agenciesclearly means a higher out for betterment, a infrastructure repairs and officials for damages andstandardofliving. dysfunctionalPublicService maintenance? this means negligence if they areGuyana will not move willnotsolvethisregardless m o n i e s a r e b e i n g responsible for sucha n y w h e r e w i t h a
Whatdoes“bettercontractadministration”meaninMr Jagdeo's thinking? To date, the contract administration culture observed by the PPP/C Government, under the oil guidanceoftheVicePresidenthasnotbeenimpressive. For starters, it is largely shrouded in secrecy, and some details onlybecomepublicaftercontinualexposingandpushingby thisnewspaper WhensomedetailsofMr Jagdeo'scontract administration are made public, a barrage of concerns, criticisms,andquestionshaveusuallyfollowed. Whenever Mr Jagdeo presents his version of contract administration, there always seems to be things that he is not being totally forthcomingabout. Itisasifheissplittinghairsoverwhat couldgetheandhisGovernmentintrouble,orrevealapart oftheirhandthatmustremaintightlyclosedatalltimes.
of who govern, citizens misappropriated and require problems?WhatmoreneedsdysfunctionalPublicService eventually will get tired of an investigative audit and tobedonetoimprovePublicno matter how rich it gets. elections, and this would appropriate penalties for Service?, since this willAny Guyanese who want a lead to an unhealthyfraudstersandincompetents. decide the people's standardbetter Guyana must address democracyInstituting computerised of living in Guyanathepublicserviceissue,asit
Mr Jagdeo,asthenation'soilspearhead,hasbeenastudy in timidity, hesitancy, and dodginess when it comes to confronting the oil consortium led by America's ExxonMobil. He doesn't want to step on any foreign toes, anddecidedthatitisbettertooffendGuyanese,trytowhip them in line with his actions, and continue this song and danceofhisonthestewardshipofthisoilwealth. Thelatest to emerge from his overtaxed mind is now this puzzle of “bettercontractadministration.” WehaveanEnvironmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) that should be working alongside ExxonMobil and monitoring step-by-step its offshore activities, but it has been reduced to a watchdog without bark, without sight, and without backbone. The PPP/C GovernmentisproudofourEPA,whichismockedallover the region, and wider world, such an embarrassing State Agency that it has become. Perhaps, this is what the Vice Presidentmeansby“bettercontractadministration.”
Editor’sNote;Ifyoursentletterwasnotpublishedandyoufeltitscontentswere validanddevoidoflibelorpersonalattacks,please contactusbyphoneoremail.
Kaieteur NewsPAGE 04 Friday September 16, 2022
DEAREDITOR, Whyisthepublicservicenot departmentisresponsiblefor incompetenceorjusttomake As I salute Public Servants computerized as yet? Why what tasks with contact Trump look bad, it resulted who do their jobs with is it a bribe for service namesandphonenumbersso in many deaths of citizens accountability,integrity,and organisation? Why is it so peoplecanbeeasilydirected and hospital staff, when responsibilitylikeIdid,Isee openly and blatantly to the appropriate area for a people blamed Trump the bad reports coming out corrupt? Why is no one particular service, whether although he fulfilled his onthePublicServiceandthe punished for breaking the it'sregional,municipal,local obligations,hecalledoutthe rating by citizens depending law? What does the PSC government or state Governor of New York for on the Public Service for ( P u b l i c S e r v i c e agencies. incompetence,theGovernor assistance,ismostlyforpoor Commission) do? So So President Ali, you subsequently resigned for service or none at all. The Guyaneseit'stimeyoudump need to get tough on these causing death by negligence bulk of the Public Service politics and require the public servants who are not inlongtermcarehomesdue Personnel include regional, publicservicegiveyouvalue providing the service to the toCovidandheisnowbeing municipal, state agencies for the hard earned tax publicastheyshould,doyou sued by families of people andlocalgovernment.Since dollarsyoupay want to risk re-election for who died, President Ali, this is Guyana's system of With the amount of bad roads, pot holes, unsafe its time you become like getting the services required government funding, taxes, river crossing stellings, this, if you are giving the by the citizens to live their and fees the public service cloggeddrains,leakingroofs funds for the Publiclives, why is this poor at schools and hospitals orreceives, salaries and Service, whether it'sservice happening? even as when people can't get abenefits should not be an regional, municipal, localcitizens pay their taxes and record or document fastissue, I believe the govt.orstateagencies,itsfees plus the Public Service enoughastheyshould,whennecessary compensation time you call them out byalso gets funding from these are not yourand investment for name for incompetence, asGovernment. responsibilities as you gavefrontline workers are not an improved functional
“We will ensure that we have better contract administration If we fail to have better contract administrationandtherewasnoroomforthatthenwe'lltake aharderline.” Thoseweresomeoftheremarkablewordsof VicePresidentBharratJagdeoduringaninterviewwiththis paper's Publisher, Glenn Lall, last Tuesday It is an astonishing position for a national oil Minister to take, any trueleaderthatisallforthenationalinterest.
respecttothecontractforthe society, saying that Cabinet be done by KARES on the Those who question the building of the Kato School approves,isamereformality school so that the friends of contention by many that inRupununiandignoringthe but really meaningless. Did the ruling oligarchy do not Guyana is drifting towards fact that KARES was President Ali read the well get away with another being a racial and economic proposedtobeblacklistedin researched Editorials on the substandard work and apartheid state should note 2017, has jumped to defend award of this contract? Did materials, that the children the critique by former theawardtothiscontractor he question those who made who attend that school must Auditor General Anand Guyanaisasmallsociety the recommendation for the have to live with. I say to Goolsarran and the defence andweknowwhoiswhoand award to KARES? Since, apartheid Guyana, the price of the award of the contract whentheHead-of-Statefails this last statement by the of freedom is eternal to KARES for the to distance himself from President means that the vigilance. The essence of construction of the North what appears to be Contract to KARES is Fait apartheid is a denial of our Ruimveldt Multilateral skullduggery and improper accompli, I call upon the rights and freedom as a School.PresidentAliinstead function of the Procurement Opposition Leaders, parents people. of taking into account Committee, we are in and teachers to every day
HamiltonGreen KARES dismal record with trouble In a polarised examinetheworkthatwould Elder
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance
The fact of the matter is Yoursfaithfully,may be banking on is to will certainly be forced tocalculatingthat,intheevent people expect to be free and that the Chair ruled that she ClementJ.Roheehatch issues of a concede defeat once again
2 That biometrics be passage of constitutional theAPNU+AFC; to them, it publicly The most recent Chairman and mounting an The past electoral introduced as an additional and/or legislative poses a Herculean, if not misrepresentation of the machinations of theunconvincing campaign restrictiontovoteapartfrom amendments. dauntingtask.Inthelightof Chairman's decisions was APNU+AFC cast a longforfreeandfairelections, being registered, and in Thecoalitionknowsthat our experiences during the reflected in Commissioner shadow over their currentthey will succeed in possession of a voter ID sincetheeventsofMarchto March-August 2020 period, VincentAlexander'sletterto demands. They have takenduping the electorate,card. August 2020, their numbers GECOM should not at any the press in which he aim at GECOM's NRRDBthey should rethink their
But it is precisely the The PPP/C has since coalition will be hard extracted from GECOM's ruling to the effect that one constitution is amended and Chairman's adherence to responded to GECOM pressed to make people National Register of could not retire the National new laws promulgated, the these principles that is the signaling its support for a forget about the electoral Registrants Data Base Register of Registrants APNU+AFC's demands bee in the APNU+AFC's one-week extension of the travesties committed (NRRDB)and the said Database (NRRDB), but shouldbeconsidereddeadin bonnet, to the extent that Claims and Objections between March to August NRRDB must be scrapped could only make additions, thewater they have misrepresented period. 2020 and allowing them to because any list derived and that any changes to the Butitisitsthirddemand theChairman'spositiontime IfthePNCisoftheview, breeze into Government therefromwillbe'bloated'. contrary would require thatisthemosttroublingfor andagainbothinternallyand that by targeting GECOM's onceagain.
The three demands are should the body be party to relates to adding or 2015 and with which theychance of them improving and 'big-ticket' projects ininter related, though

any illegal act that impugns subtracting names from the

Kaieteur News PAGE 05Friday September 16, 2022

fair would send copies of the following the impending ThepoliticalOppositionand movementontheirdemands, At this point in time, Inrespecttotheofficeof correspondence from the localgovernmentelections. its representatives at chancesaretheywillrecover GECOM is not favourable the sitting Chairman of APNU+AFC to the And just as it was GECOM are making the lostgroundelectorally disposed to the conduct of a GECOM, the general parliamentary political predicted that the following demands for the In respect to the fresh house to house expectationonthepartofthe parties requesting their APNU/AFCwouldbeaoneholding of elections in APNU+AFC's demands at registration exercise populace is that it will position as regards the term Government, in the Guyana: numbersoneandtwo,weare GECOM is bound by the demonstrateimpartialityand APNU+AFC'srequestforan same way, it would not be
themselves held Localtheir electoral fortunes the PPP/C's manifestoundergirding them is an GECOM's constitutional Official List of Electors Government Elections inhighly improbable, thus the continue to be rolled outsinister strategy The mandate to conduct and (OLE). 2016and2018?ultimate alternative they uninterruptedly, the PNCAPNU+AFC seems to be supervise an election that
Queen Elizabeth II - Speak no ill
Itissaidthatitisbetterto I think that that is enough, aristocracy are useless letusalltoneitdown. Ithas was the sun that never set, the arrangers and speak no ill of the departed. may it register To remind Utterly so. Be it the new beenthewayfromAshokato untilshedid. Inviewofour composers,whoare I don't, with assurance that everyone, whatever Queen man with his standing, A u r a n g z e b , f r o m own history and thinking of (Continuedonpage6)
1.ThattheOfficialListof reminded of the Chief constitutionandbyelectoral fairnessatalltimes. extension. recklesstoconcludethatthe Electors (OLE)to be Justice's August 14, 2019 laws Unless, the
time be party to any wrongly claimed that the anditssittingChairmanwhoelectionsstrategyChairman of GECOM 'must Ontopofthat,theirtrack recommendation that Chairman refused a request they desperately want to getIndications are that the go' because to the implicitly or explicitly fromtheAPNU+AFCforan ridof,butwasitnotthesamerecord at previous PPP/C is making inroads inAPNU+AFC, she is not violates the letter and spirit extension of the Claims and mythical 'bloated list' thatelections, especially the traditionalPNCstrongholds.impartialandindependent. of the constitution nor Objections period as it ushered them into office in2020 election, makes any On top of that, as the small
3 That the sitting aredwindling.
DEAREDITOR, the divine right of royalty ElizabethIIdidordidn'tdo, precise one-inch toothpaste Nebuchadnezzar to Nero, thereignofQueenElizabeth Queen Elizabeth II is now has no bearing for me. My shewasnodifferentfromthe commands, or the old lady, and for those who flinch, I II, it is amazing how many gone to wherever kings and fellow Guyanese should banking industry, which both expensive luxuries to askhowtheythinktheworld Guyanese still find the time queens end up when this learn. With a nod to the takes other people's money, makepeoplefeelgoodabout of today would have been if andtastetothinkadorablyof mortal coil expires. Much facts, I detect that the uses it, and makes more themselves, give them a Hitler and Hirohito had what transpired. Sure, the has been written about the beloved Queen was a money There is some monument to worship, prevailed. Justthinkingand Americans are jabbed over 96 year old Elizabeth billionaire, with the same c h a r i t y e m b e d d e d dream. Yeah, there will layingthingsoutintheopen the 1960s, and for all that Windsor (and the rest), a saidforhersuccessorson. I somewhere in the a l w a y s b e r o g u e s as usual; no mischief is have followed since; the fascinating and enduring like and laud the idea of m o n e y m a k i n g (iconoclasts)likemetorock intended. downward spiral continues. regal presence of 73 years. individual progress and powerbroking activities to thecradletheruffway Wecanlookbackasmuchas Oil accelerated. The Yanks The canvas is wide, ranging prosperity I like more that smooth things over I hope Onanothernote,enoughhas we wish, and curse as long weretheonesgiventhedirty from gushing to cursing to lovely reminder from that Guyanese are still with been said about Africa and and loud as it pleases, but job to make things happen, lamenting. Istayedmyhand Honoré de Balzac: behind me. As an aside, my prior India. I understand the still this one thing I know: we bywhatevermeans,andthey sothattheoutpouringscould everygreatfortune,thereisa public position stands: simmering rancor in some can'tturnbacktheclock,that didsozealously Peelbacka flow;nowIventure. correspondinglygreatcrime. monarchy, royalty, and quarters,butmyappealisto bellhaschimed. ElizabethII leaf or two, and there were
DEAREDITOR, they get a sliver of constitutionalnature.
Kaieteur NewsPAGE 06 Friday September 16, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II...
Dyett B.Sc, K. Bhagwandin set up what became the make some remarks on his t h e r e t h a t a office and the Ministry he It was during that meeting Barrister at Law, K foundation for the new column of September 11, commitment/decision was then headed that was the with the Premier, which Dr Harrisingh, B.Sc and Post Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2022. made about British Guiana Ministry of Development Jagan was at that time Graduate certificate in which came into existence
Thanks to queen and company,Guyanahasnever been the same since then. Given the local barbarians that have flourished thereafter, I will take the Americans over the British since their objectives are clear Business only No hypocrisy and all that rot.
The trouble is that considerationofthingsthis wayputsQueenElizabeth's reign and things British under some intense heat, but it is a solemn moment, andIstepbackrespectfully Iclosewiththatrecallfrom millenniaago. Itwasofthe slave Moses to King Pharaoh: let my people go. They left, and we too must finditinourselvestoshake off and leave completely behind all those old, rusted shackles. Whenwedofind new angels and glowing heroines, let us work diligently to get genuine ones,whoareofandforthe people. At least, Elizabeth II had one thing going for her: Guyanese were her people. Butthentheyreally werenot. Ithasbeenalong journey, sleep descends Restwell.
Wyatt, H W Josiah, A N thereadersafullerpictureof late Rashleigh Jackson agreed that Independence solely for the functioning of This is how Rudy Insanally Storey, Miss. E.A Mancell, the early history of the Thereisnodoubtthatthisis would be granted after the theNationalassembly putit“…Wehadquitealong B G Bacchus, J S M Ministry of Foreign affairs. true. However, it is not the electionsof1961. He began searching and conversation during which Worrell, H.AVon Eeden, H. Itmayalsohelptorevivethe wholestory. It was stated explicitly that recruitingsuitablepersonsto Dr. Jagan indicated to me Sahadeo, K. Ramlall, R.F memory of 'Peeping Tom' WhenthePNC/UFcoalition whichever party won those begin the new Ministry. that Guyana was on the Kirton,H.KGeorge,andL.E who provides readers with government assumed office elections would lead the Rudy Insanally, one of our verge of independence and Johnson. really important historical at the end of 1964 they did countrytofreedom. most distinguished and consequently, would need It is also a good time to pay events. not have to begin from Therefore, immediately accomplished diplomats peoplewithmyskillstoform tribute to Mr. H.R Persaud, Sincerely scratchinestablishingmany after those elections Dr recall how he was recruited thediplomaticservice…” another very brilliant DonaldRamotar important branches of Cheddi Jagan was focused in his book “Dancing In November of 1963 the Guyanese, who was FormerPresident
DEAREDITOR, government.
DEAREDITOR, Charles III. The blood of acknowledge and apologize day Britain which continues 10th, 2022, she bestowed a Guyana a republic all those I have studied in-depth the millions of Indigenous, for, right up to her death. to maintain an imperial Knight Companion of the years ago, a move that only deplorable history of the African, Indian and other The crimes committed by relationship with its former Most Noble Order of the now Barbados has finally British Monarchy through colonized peoples are on this royal family are not colonies, and remains the Garter, the oldest and most made, and other Caribbean the ages, right up to the their hands, a crime against attributable only to their beneficiary of the continued senior British order of nationsareconsidering.Itis present Queen Elizabeth II humanity that Queen ancestors. Queen Elizabeth plunder of countries chivalry, on war criminal why Burnham removed the and her son, now King Elizabeth II refused to II presided over a modern throughout the Global TonyBlair statue of Queen Victoria South. Only a few months It is for this reason that frominfrontofour before she died, on June Forbes Burnham declared (Continuedonpage23)
Cheddi Jagan's Role in the Formation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
It is time for us to smash false icons and images
part of Guyana's unending of its dreadful presence. I better known as the British, mysteriesthatthePNCisso am still trying to figure that with their footprints ever hated,buttheBritishQueen oneout. present. ItishowGuyanese is so beloved, despite being civilisationwassaved. Itis sponsor, aider, and abettor
Sincerely, GHKLall

In this piece he attributed becoming Independent. All andPlanning. broached with Mr Insanally International relations and afterIndependence. much plaudits to Sonny the parties involved, the HisofficewasinthePublic the idea of coming to work Diplomacy, A R Ali,WD TheaboveIhopewouldgive Ramphal for the rise of the British,thePPPandthePNC Building which is now used withhim.
on establishing conditions BetweentheRaindrops.”He PPP organised with the UK recruited by Dr Jagan to be I have always had a very Alot of work in preparation forthateventuality calledthathewasonhisway to train diplomats in the Permanent Secretary in high regard for Peeping for independence was done Oneofthoseareashehadto home from Jamaica, where p r e p a r a t i o n f o r his Ministry with Tom's articles in particular bythePPPgovernmentfrom focus on was the creation of he was working, when he Independence 18 persons responsibility for the his/her pieces on the recent 1960. the Ministry of Foreign met Dr Cheddi Jagan and weresentabroadfortraining Department of External historyofourcountry1940– Thatyearwasthetimewhen Affairs. Mrs. Jagan in Curacao who theywere:R.EJacksonBA, Affairs. 1970s. the first Independence Dr Jaganbegancreatingthat were on their way home S.R Insanally BA, H.E He ably helped Dr Jagan to ThatiswhyIhavedecidedto Conferencewasheld.Itwas Ministry from the Premier's fromEurope.
The battle for clean elections
For all the squabbling on both sides, the truth is, the list is one of the issues, that perpetuates all of the misgivings and all of the battles that flare up in the aftermath of elections.
In truth, there has not been an election in the last several decades where the entire apparatus has not come under the harshest of condemnations. From Guyana Elections Commission to the run-up to the actual exercising of the franchise to the counting and reporting of the counting to the tabulating and reporting, every piece of the process, and at each painful step in a tortured way, there is dispute and disagreement with many devils unleashed thereafter.
The Opposition and Government are at loggerheads over the issue of a clean voters list for upcoming elections. The Opposition has demanded house-tohouse registration to generate a fresh list of electors. The Government has pushed back on this, saying that the method by which the Opposition wants to achieve its objective will remove eligible persons from the National Register of registrants.
Our elections trap us in a national horror show that even those observing the process, or those daring to involve themselves in any recount, are themselves subject to abuse and insult, with staining of their integrity.
Commission, despite the existence of draft Bill which was left behind by the previous Government Minster of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat has promised the Kaieteur Newsthatitwould'lookinto the matter' and provide a response.FormerFinanceMinister, Winston Jordan, in recent comments has accused the G o v e r n m e n t o f “backsliding”onanumberof important measures and policies necessary for the developmentoftheoilsector He pointed to the Petroleum Commission as one of those importantinstitutions.
He said that for the previous Government, Local Content, the Natural Resource Fund (NRF), and the Petroleum Commission, were the most important aspectsoftheoilindustrythat neededtobedevelopedearly intheHesectorsaid that the current Government would have a d o p t e d t h e l a s t GovernmentsNRFandLocal Content Bill and passed it with minor changes, while completely dismissing the Commission whose job is oversight and management
Still no word on formation of Petroleum Commission
h e i d e a o f
ThePetroleum (Continuedonpage12)
Had the Petroleum Commission been a priority for the current Government, Jordan said they would have established it by now, given that the other Bills were already passed by the new sCommission.”GoffunctionhownotfeltthewithinhwereCommission.ddiscussiontadministration,underthegivencouldPWtCEO,Padministration.FormerEnvironmentalrotectionAgency(EPA)DrVincentAdamstoldheKaieteurNewsednesdaythattheetroleumCommissionbeusefultoGuyanathecurrenthandlingofoilsectorAdamsexplainedthattheDavidGrangerhewasaskedocontributetothesurroundingtheevelopmentoftheHesaidatthetime,theresomanyagenciesthatadauthoritytofunctionaparticularaspectofoilandgassectorthathethattheCommissionwasnecessary“Iaskedthequestion,theCommissionwouldwiththeDepartmentEnergy(DoE),theGuyanaeologyandMinesAdamssaidthatagenciesuchastheEPAwere
announcement of the

Kaieteur NewsPAGE 8 Friday September 16, 2022
administration, was housed at the Ministry of the Presidency and had the task of managing and developing thehydrocarbonindustry.
The APNU+AFC Petroleum Commission Bill that died with the last Parliament.

mandatory but believed that the Department of Energy (DoE)andtheGGMChadto be removed from the equation so that they would not clash. As such, Adams said he did not believe the Commission was necessary
establishing a P e t r o l e u m Commission to manage the lucrative oil and gas sector seems still in the works for the People's Progressive PartyWhenGovernment.thisbody will be formed however, remains unknown The Petroleum Commission, for some, is an important entity that has specific roles regarding the d e v e l o p m e n t a n d management of the oil and gasTheindustryPeople's Progressive Party Government in 2020 describedtheCommissionas apriority,withVicePresident Bharrat Jagdeo reported as sayinginAugustofthatyear, thatthebodywouldbesetup insixEarliermonths.thisyear,theVice President reiterated Government's plans to have theCommissioninplace.
unless the other agencies wereWremoved.iththeDoEnolongera key agency within the Government, Adams said that the Commission may now be able to be utilised. The DoE, under the Granger
At Office of the President, Vice President J a g d e o r e p r e s e n t s Government's policy development of the industry, whiletheotherstateagencies carry out their designated functions.Jag d e o h a d acknowledged that an independentregulatorforthe oil and gas sector, that being the Petroleum Commission, is critical to any Government's regulatory architecture,buthadsaidtoo that the absence of such a body in Guyana does not mean that the sector is in dangerHe said too that the establishment or presence of the Commission was not “a safeguard” against corruption and that it simply ensures thatallpaymentsfor the sector are properly accounted for, that key financial documents are not hidden and licences that are awarded are made public something he said the Governmentalreadydoes.
Attorney General, Anil Nandlall had told the media last year that the Natural Resource Ministry's legal department, along with the ChiefParliamentaryCounsel attached to his office, were working on the document to facilitate the change the new Government wanted. There has since been no
Vote fuh me suh yuh can get full dem oil companies not pay any taxes. transparency Votefuhmeandtherewillbe Vote fuh me and farm leases will be free. accountability Votefuhmeanddrainageandirrigationwill Votefuhmeandeverythingganbefree. be free. Vote fuh me and television, Vote fuh me and everything will be VAT newspapersandradiowillbefree.Votefuh free.Votefuhmeandschoolluncheswillbe meandeveryhousewillhavefreeinternet, free, uniforms will be free, school books every teenager will get a free smart phone willbefree. andfreemonthlytop-ups.
Dem boys seh...
Kaieteur News PAGE 09Friday September 16, 2022


they can be communist or individuals, even though author and do notaddicted to singing. Some a proclivity towards certain intelligent rebuttal, find socialist and they are often some of them may not be necessarily reflect theare hooked on sports. Some forms of behaviour and this themselvesinafitwhenever intolerant towards criticism. supporters of the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)love nature and bird addiction can be just as they perceive even the Governments usually have Government. They have to watching. dangerous as addiction to slightest of praises for the
Votefuhmeandwaterwillbefree.Vote What do you mean by asking me how I fuhmeandelectricitywillbefree.Votefuh will pay fuh all of these things? You ain't me and all medication will be free hearingme?
Votefuhmeandpaddywillbefree. Everythingwillbefree.Sotherewillbe Votefuhmeandallpensionersgonnaget no need fuh money No need fuh property freespectacles.Votefuhmeandallinvestors No need fuh taxes because everything will willnothavetopayanyinterestandwillbe befree,free,free! allowed to retain all their profits and like Talkhalf,leffhalf.
The majority of citizens s u b s t a n c e s g o v e r n m e n t arehookedonFacebookand For example there are Each day these individuals Tik Tok. They spend hours persons who are addicted to have to go to the sources of each day scrolling these gambling, others to the news and commentaries social media sites. Some of womanizing, others to more to get their “hit”. If they them have fan bases which deviant behaviour These don't, they end up walking would rival some movie personsneedhelpalso.They around restless and grumpy s t a r s sufferjustasmuch,andtheir When they do not receive But there are other forms of suffering is often just as satisfactory amounts of addiction that can present recognised as those who vitriol,thesepersonscanend problems They may not abuse substances. There is up becoming extremely always be bad but they can also a more dangerous bitter and anxious also eventually become addictioninGuyana.Itisthe Therearevaryingdegreesof terminal and become acute. addiction towards vitriol this “addiction” and varying An example of one type of TherearepersonsinGuyana reaction to triggers. Often if addiction is substance whoneedtheirdailydosesof someone takes a position in addiction. For some it is vitriol.Theyneedtoindulge contradistinction to the drugs,forothersitisalcohol, in their daily medication of addict, that person ends up and yet often unrecognised anti-government vitriol. If facing the wrath of the for others it can be cigarette theydonotread,hearorblog addict's tongue These smoking Often these something against the addicts need help. Even if additions begin as casual Government,theyoftenfind theycontinuetoreceivetheir usage Then the user themselves in serious daily doses of vitriol, they
What is your addiction? eventually begins to use d i s t r e s s . will continue to suffer and to address many problems Mostofusareaddictedorin these substances more Someofthemsuffersomuch deteriorate. They need help includingtheproblemsofits some way attached to regularly. Eventually they that if anyone dares say but are often unwilling to citizens.Butitshouldatleast something or the other. Not get caught on these somethingcomplimentaryof accept that they are ill and also try to address the alltheadditionsmaybebad. substances and often do not the Government or says they should seek assistance. problems of those persons Somepersonsareaddictedto recognise their dependence something that is perceived These persons are on both whosuffersomucheachday, trytofindawayofweaninghelping other people. Some and attachment to them ascriticaloftheOpposition, sides of the political divide whocannotexistunlessthey these persons off of theirare addicted to keep their There are, of course, other itthrowstheseaddictsintoa and also in all ideological receive their daily dose of addiction.Pleasehelpthem!surroundings clean. Some types of addictions. Some fit They cannot control categories. They support all vitriol The Government (The views expressed inare addicted to smiling and people are addicted to themselves and are often kinds of political parties; mustbesympathetictothese this article are those of thebeing friendly Some are substanceswhileothershave unable to offer any
Trained 'Census-Takers' Population and Housing Later in the day, the fromtheBureauofStatistics Census2022. Leader of the Opposition, will be visiting every home
When Mr Naim Chan show is transmitted live on party has in this country is pages of the two popular wipe away the who hosts an early morning his Facebook page. That is that for some strange, dailies Kaieteur News reality that KN (7-8 in the AM) programme good because more viewers psychic reason, their (KN) and Stabroek News and SN reach on CNS channel 6 called me willbelooking,andthemore supporters do not often use (SN) – almost 90 percent of morepeople. to be his guest last viewers you have the more the mainstream media to the letters are attacks on the Mr Singh Wednesday, I did say to him people will react to things confront immense fictions government or letters from made some good that people use their smart that irk them that they know peddled by PNC and AFC peoplewhoarecriticalofthe replies to the phones to look at interviews are wrong and should be personnel and their closely PPPasaparty hypocrites in civil ratherthanontelevision. debunked. alignedpropagandists. How to explain this is society that needed a
He indicated that his The problem the ruling If you examine the letter difficult First, PPP wider audience His Minister of State in thesupporters feel that their analyses were in the Ministry of Public Works,partyisinpowersotheywill Chronicle only Mr DeodatIndarwasaguestlastnot bother with what the Bhagwandinpublishedinthe weekontheGildarie-Freddieopposition says. Secondly, Chronicle a masterpiece of a Kissoon Show and hetheyseeitasawasteoftime statistical analysis showing presented an excellentto take on the critics of their where the APNU+AFC analysis of the deterioratinggovernment Thirdly, they government had performed worldeconomyandhowitis may hold the belief that disastrously But it was harming small importingGuyanese are not influenced printedintheChronicleonly these people anyway so These two gentlemen
I don't think there is a theGuyanesepeople. butIcanpublicisethatSNisperson in Guyana that is so But it is simply not printing your stuff. Mynaïve to think that more misleading to say that it has phone is 614-5927, email -people read the Chronicle gonedowninothercountries the KN and SN. If you when that is the opposite.
Eight weeks nationalconsensus kicks off
(The views expressed in are a government supporter Covid-19 and the war in this article are those of theandyounaturallygravitateto Ukraine have devastated a u t h o r a n d d o n o tthe Chronicle for obvious international trade and the necessarily reflect thepolitically determined fallout is harming all opinionsofthisnewspaper.)reason, then that does not countries.
He mentioned thewhybothertoreply should learn from the exorbitant rise in cost of
TwonamesIcanthinkof arrogate to themselves the is rising in Guyana and all aredoingtheobligatorything righttospeakonbehalfofthe othercountries.bytakingonthedetractorsof Guyanesepeople.
The Bureau of Statistics Phillips, his wife Mrs nation, as well as providing on Thursday began the Mignon Bowen Phillips, the private sector with enumeration process of and their daughter Maya information that will help in counting all people in Phillips at his official newareasofinvestment. Guyana, in the National residence.
Friday September 16, 2022
Their arguments are well many countries the cost-ofletters to me. I know thelaidoutandpoignantbutthey living(COL)hasgonedown editor-in-chief of KN. She issend their correspondence to butnotinGuyana. a decent professional. Shethe Guyana Chronicle only The COL in Guyana is does not see all the lettersThatdefieslogic.KNandSN high. This columnist is submitted but I will forwardhave larger circulations than feeling its impact and would your unpublished letters totheChronicle. welcome more cushions for her IhavenocontactwithSN

The counting started Aubrey Norton and family inGuyanaoverthenexteight with the households of the were counted at his private weeks to collect this vital President, Prime Minister, residence on the East Coast information from the and the Leader of the ofDemerara. population This exercise Opposition Census takers Within the next eight occurs every ten years, in started the count in weeks,theCensuswilltakea accordance with the households with First Lady, complete count of the StatisticsActof1965. AryaAliandsonZaydAliat population and buildings of The 2022 Census is a State House, then continued the country with the aim of historic one for Guyana, with the Prime Minister, providing vital data for sinceenumeratorswill Brigadier (Ret'd) Mark developmental plans for the (Continuedonpage22)
All three of these experience of Kit shippingacontainer Hecitedattitudes are wrong and Nascimento.Mr Nascimento the rise of the cost of everydangerous In a young did an excellent critique of ingredient that goes intocountry where minds could certain civil society making margarine. I wouldbe easily swayed, it is groupings in a letter in the advise PPP supporters toimperative to confront Stabroek News recently He reply to Darren Wade byalternative facts, egregious contended that they have no citing that analysis of thedeceptions and sickening support in Guyana but are minister It was a goodfictions. pompous and arrogant to description of how the COL
Kaieteur NewsPAGE 10 Monday May 02, 2022
Finally, your letterthe government – Messrs Mr DarrenWadewasthe confronting the fictionsRobin Singh and Joel guestontheGildarie-Freddie peddled by anti-governmentBhagwandin. But there is a Kissoon Show last activists may not have beenstrangethingaboutthesetwo Wednesday and he spoke a published.Insuchsituations,gentlemen. glaringfiction.Hesaidthatin pleasewritemeandsendthe
Friday September 16, 2022 Kaieteur News PAGE 11

h e G u y a n a Geology and M i n e s
Commission is tasked however with the directmanagementoftheoilandgassector and is supposed to play a key role in the accumulation, use and dissemination of oil and gas information and advice Governmentonthesector
At a previous forum, GGMC officers had noted that the type of technology used would assist in challenges such as monitoring surface mining activitiesinGuyana:limited manpower, budget l i m i t a t i o n s , d a t a environmentalrcaoactivitiesmonitoringsectoranddetectemGmethodsencountersllimitedinaccuracy/subjectivity,accesstoremoteocations,andhostilewithminers.Additionally,geospatialmaybeappliedinuyanatosupportonitoringofnvironmentalpollution,landcoverchange,informpolicyintheTheneedforeffectivealternativemethodsofsurfacemininginGuyana,andthepportunitytoleveragevailablegeospatialomponentstowardseducingundesirableimpacts.
President and other Governmentofficialshaveinsistedthatthey
GGMC, geographic information systems and remote sensing assets already in place at the regulatory agencies can be optimised through training insupportofthemonitoring process to alleviate some of thereportedchallenges.
CommissionGGMCwillbe takingstepstostrengthenits monitoring capabilities through the use of technology such as the Geographic Information System(GIS).
I am happy to say that we looking at open source technologies,”headded.
This was disclosed during a televised programme hosted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at the recent observance of national mining week. According to Quincy Thom, Senior Environmental Officer at GGMC, the move to boost the monitoring capacity is evenmoreessentialwiththe introductionofunderground mining.“One of the things, we have to look at is the underground mines. Now, we have two large scale undergroundminesthatwill be coming on stream that is Aurora Gold Mines and Sand Spring Mines. With that happening we have to train our engineers to manage underground mines,” he said, adding that officers are currently being trained to monitor the type ofmining.“Wecurrently have persons being trained to monitor underground mines so that when it comes on stream, persons will be able to go and do effective monitoring and also offer technical advice,” Thom noted.Meanwhile, Process Coordinator at GGMC, Donald Singh said that the Commission will also be adding the use of technological equipment to boost its monitoring capabilities.Heexplained that the Commission has been working tirelessly on trying to implement new programmes.
Henotedthattheregular monitoring of surface mining activity is therefore necessary to ascertain and mitigate“QGISimpacts.isvery big game changer in the industry because it's free As a developingcountryweneed t h e s e s u s t a i n a b l e technology there are a few leapfrog technology such as drones that help use with monitoring things like land use management, critical decision making and issues such as fatalities in the industry,”Singhadded.
Kaieteur NewsPAGE 12 Friday September 16, 2022
“Itwillbenefiteveryone tryingtohavethedata;good data and data when you need… In the Commission, we have been moving towards a more data based centric approach and enterprise type system for GIS. So basically all of our Geospatial data is collected and database is created giving easy access to those whoneedit.
Singh said too that they are other options that are alsousefullikeGIS.
TheGGMChasbeenin the stage of preliminary assessment for geospatial methods According to

GGMC in move to boost monitoring capabilities for mining activities

Most importantly, the Commission is supposedtobeacentralbodyfortheoiland gassector,andindependentintheexecution ofitsTfunctions.heVice
Still no word on formation...

Donald Singh, Process Coordinator at GGMC
Quincy Thom, Senior Environmental Officer at GGMC
don't intend to miss the short window in which the world plans to transition from fossil fuel to clean energy, and so it will develop the hydrocarbons as quickly as possible.This is despite certain measures, laws andpoliciesdeemed to be necessary not beinginplaceoradheredto When asked about some of these shortcomings, Jagdeo has often said that if the Government were to listen to some naysayers, nothing would get done.
l i f e H e r husband was arraigned for murder to which he denied and opted to plead guiltytothelesser u n t o f
Accordingmanslaughtertoreports,one of Joan's sons had reported hermissingonJune26,2012 andtwodayslaterher (Continuedonpage22)

Back then, the three Guyanese boat captains and their crews were taken into custody at Nickerie, Suriname after being in possessionofapparent'false licenses ' The detained Guyanese were reportedly unaware that the Suriname fishing licenses in their possession were not valid and based on Surinamese law,fishinglicensesareonly
authorities acted illegally,” Nandlallsaid.
Kaieteur News PAGE 13Friday September 16, 2022
June 26, 2012 and June 28, 2012, at Melanie Damishana, East Coast Demerara, when 50year-oldJoanDurantlosther
But the process will begin with a letter from me on behalfoftheGovernmentof Guyana on this matter, requesting an investigation and compensation if it's found that the Suriname
Nandlall explained however, that there was a process to be followed that involvedhim,firstly,writing Suriname's toseizedfSurinameseGChandrikapersadPresident,Santokhi,onthetreatmentofuyanesefishermenbyauthorities.BackinAugust,threefishermen'sboatsandishingequipmentwereaftertheywerefoundbefishinginSurinamesewaters.Reportedlyinsearch
Govt. threatens legal action over seizure of Guyanese fishing vessels in Suriname
e was
ofcatch,thefishermenmade their ways into the Berbice River and then crossed over intoSurinamewaters.
Attorney General and LegalAffairs Minister,Anil Nandlall, SC said that the Government could possibly take legal action against Surinamese authorities who seizedandsoldatleastthree fishing vessels belonging to Guyanesefishermen.
Three Guyanese fishing vessels were seized by the Surinamese authorities.

granted to citizens of that countryHowever, while the captainswhowereidentified as Ramesh Ramchand and Mahendra Bissessar of Annandale, East Coast Demerara (ECD) and Troy TyrellofLusignan,ECDand their crew have since returned to Guyana after paying hefty fines, their vessels and materials were notreleased.Thelatter remain in custody of the Surinamese authorities.
Thevesselswereseized as the men reportedly went to fish in the Corentyne River, closer to Suriname.
fter spending ten years on remand forthemurderof his wife who was found buried in the sand of an unfinished bathroom at his Melanie Damishana home, 74-year-old Gordon Leslie Durantwillbespendingfour more years behind bars for thecrime.Durant was on Thursday sentenced by Justice Jo-Ann BarlowattheDemeraraHigh C H

During his weekly programme, 'Issues in the News, ' AG Nandlall explained that the Guyana Governmentwaslookingfor compensation from Suriname.“Theintention is to seek compensationandifitisthat wehavetopursuelitigation, well, then that is an avenue that will also be explored.
man who killed, buried wife in house to spend 4 more years in jail GordonLeslieDurantGordonLeslieDurant

Kaieteur NewsPAGE 14 Friday September 16, 2022

Kaieteur News PAGE 15Friday September 16, 2022

A staff member of the Public Works Ministry engages one of the squatters.
- Edghill
Squatters to be removed to facilitate Independence Boulevard enhancement project

The companies that bids are as follow: Guycan C o n s o r t i u m US$549,088,000, China Energy Int'l Group Co Limited – US$466,649,772, C h i n a M a c h i n e r y Engineering Inc US$696,001,776, Power China Int'l Group Limited –US$703,652,256, and
Theproject.Ministry of Natural Resources project which opened at the National Procurement and Tender

The Gas to Energy project, as previously reported will encompass three major aspects, that is, the pipeline to transport the gastoWales,theNaturalGas Liquids (NGL) facility that will treat and separate the gas, and the power plant to generatetheelectricity

At a Press Conference in June of this year while expoundingonthebenefitsof the project, VP Jagdeo explained, "We are doing estimates We are saying US$1 billion dollars now for thepipeline.Thatiswherewe
to US$1.1 billion, it may go to US$1.7 cents…that's just thepipelinepart…thenifyou estimate the power plant and
Five international companies have submitted bids to construct the Natural GasFiredPowerPlantforthe Government under the much anticipated Wales Gas to Energy
Administration Board (NPTAB) office on Tuesday saw companies from China, Puerto Rico, and United Statesallvyingtoexecutethe constructionoftheplant.
the NGL facility to be about US$700million that will add another one point somethingcentsperkilowatt hour.”Hesaidthatifonewereto considerestimatesforpaying for the pipeline, NGL and power plant, it can come down as low as four cents to about five cents per kilowatt hour He said this would be paid back over 20 years. He was keen to note that while thefiveUScentsperkilowatt hour may be the cost to generate the electricity, anotherfivecentsmaybelost in the transmission and distribution of the power, which could take the final price for the sale of the electricity to about US$15 cents, after adding five US cents as profits for the company. Currently the country pays US$30 cents per kilowatt hour of electricityItmustbenotedhowever thatsinceallofthecostshave not yet been finalized, the priceofelectricitytooisstill inlimbo.
3PPower Plant NGLPlant Georgetown -30 km onshore Unity Destiny-30MMscfd -20MMscfd 12” diameter pipeline -220 km offshore
Lindsayca Inc in joint venture with CH4 Guyana
So far, Guyanese have been told that the pipeline aspect, which is being pursued by US oil major ExxonMobil, will cost around US$1.3 billion. Even this is expected to increase when Exxon closes critical contractsforsame.
ive Int'l firms submit bids to build gas fired powerplantforGovt.
run the numbers So
assuming it comes in at US$900 million, then if it comesinthatwillcomedown Vice President Jagdeo
Five Int'l firms submit bids to build gas plant
Kaieteur NewsPAGE 16 Friday September 16, 2022
also added, “The US$1.6 cents will come down to about US$ 1.4 cents so it comesdownlower.Ifitgoes
In the meantime, Vice PresidentBharratJagdeowas hoping to have the other two components come on stream forUS$700million.

Kaieteur News PAGE 17Friday September 16, 2022

ix persons who are
Remanded, Ryan Goodluck
getaway driver on the night oftherobbery
He said the car was entirelywhitewhenthecrime was committed because he hadusedwhitewraptocover the black colour on the bonnetandthetop.
Saccused of carting o f f w i t h $13.4million in cash and $6 million in cheques from the GTT store at the Giftland Mall on September 8, were on Thursday charged and remanded to prison for the crime.The accused, Andrea Dover, 25, a cleaner of Lot 616 D Field Sophia, Priecy Roberts, 30, a businessman of Lot 22 Tucville, Georgetown, Ashley Mansfield, 27, a cleaner of Lot 100 Victoria Road, Plaisance, East Coast

normally conduct GTT's Cash-in-Transit Services –upliftcashafterthestoreends its operation for the day and depositssameintothebank.

He then led police to his home where he gave them cashamountingto$500,000, half of the total share that he had received from his participation in the multimillion dollar heist. When asked what he did with the otherhalf,hesaidthathehad purchased some clothes for himself and paid off his
mother'smedicalbills.Police retrieved the clothes as part of their evidence and continued their investigation and it led them to detaining AndreaDover,acleanerwith GiftlandMall'sGTTbranch. She confessed that she was the one who had set-up the robbery but was not the mastermind.Shetold police the mastermindwasJamalHaley called “Biggs” and reportedly said that he was the one who had approached her to plan the robbery Dover'sjob,thispublication (Continuedonpage20)
6 charged for $13.4M heist at GTT's Giftland store
Demerara,JamalHaley,24,a labourer of Lot 461 D Field, Sophia,GreaterGeorgetown, Ryan Goodluck, 24, of Lot 928 Herstelling Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara, and Osman Brummell, 39, a vendor of Lot 63 Cross Street, Werken-Rust all made their first court appearance at the Sparendaam Magistrates Court yesterday before Magistrate Alicia George where they were all charged with the offence of robbery underThearms.defendants pleaded not guilty to the charge and
Kaieteur NewsPAGE 18 Friday September 16, 2022

werethenremandedtoprison and are all expected to reappearincourtonOctober 26,2022.Itwasreportedthat two gunmen posing as security guards from the Amalgamated Security Services Limited (ASSL) hadenteredtheGiftlandMall around 21:45hrs on September 8 and robbed the GTT Store located on the second floor of $13.4M in cash and $6M in cheques. The Mall was closed at the time and no one suspected that they were bandits because ASSL is the company that would
Policewereabletocrack the case in a matter of days after tracking down the getaway car used in the robbery–a white old model Toyota Raum Detectives wereabletoascertainthatthe car belonged to Roberts, and they located him and at the timeofhisarrestthecarwas blackandwhite.
During interrogation, Roberts,accordingtopolice, admitted to being the
t least 30 to 40 followingyear
Justice Pollard, a Guyanese have played a lead role in Caribbean Court Saundersnotedthatprior who served at the drafting the agreements, of Justice, Adrian to joining the CCJ, Justice CARICOM Secretariat, in instruments and legislation

To that Boyer said have the money to do such, Offshore Fabricators Highlighting the Trinidadians are tied to but suggested that the Unlimited (TOFCO) and challenges faced Boyer contracts just like Guyanese Government or the oil GuyanaOilandGasSupport added, “if we had more to and if there is no work in companiescouldlookintoit. Services (GOGSSI), build in country, then I can their yard in Trinidad, those “Iwouldneedhelpfromthe Nicholas Boyer, confirmed keeptheguyshoweverifthe workers too would have to oil companies to fund theinformationyesterdayas sub-contractor I work for stay home until a project training during the low workers attached to the oil don't have work in the yard, comesonstream. activity period…and even and gas agency panicked and if I don't have work, I Boyer is optimistic Government,”hesaid. overnoincomeaheadofthe don'thavethecashtopaythe howeverthatwithinlessthan PresidentoftheNational upcoming holiday season. guys.” two years, especially with Mines Workers Union of Boyer told the newspaper “The crux of the issue is the Vreed en Hoop shore Guyana (NMWUG), that projects at the Saipem thatweneedmoretobedone base project, of which his Sherwin Downer, and a yard are expected to slow in the country so that we company is a part of comes number of workers are down from the end of this have a bigger work volume on stream, more activities expected to meet with the month and the current and that when a project is will take place in country Chief Labour Officer at the number of workers at the completed and there is no allowing for more work for Ministry of Labour next facility will not be needed. more work, the staff cannot Guyanese. week. The two sides have Hesaidastheprojectsramp bekept,”Boyerfurthersaid. He said that while work confirmed a date and they down from the end of Boyer also confirmed a expects to increase in the are expected to address a October, some persons will 'disparity' in the pay local future it is a 'painful' time number burning issues. be home for November and workers earn in comparison duringthelowactivity. KaieteurNewswastoldthat theyard. contractoralsofiresthestaff
December, but work totheirforeigncounterparts.
Understanding the the recruitment company
In an earlier statement, contribution to the
“…should start back in He said “…indeed there is a hardship of working on hires the workers but they understandstoothatthesub- they are the owners of theJanuary or February,” of the disparity in pay right now. intervals, Boyer suggested a get their instructions from
T h e n e w s p a p e r and give instructions since
O&G recruitment agency confirms foreigners being paid more than Guyanese

CCJ President hails Justice Pollard as distinguished Caribbean Son
institution. He headed the willtakethelibertyofsaying CCJ said, “On behalf of the administration of justice at team that worked on the that he acquitted himself Judges and staff of the the Court, in the field of Revised Treaty of well as a member of the Caribbean Court of Justice education and foreign Chaguaramas. He authored Caribbean'shighestCourt. and the members of the a ff a i r s H i s d e e p manypublicationsregarding Upon his retirement he Regional Judicial and Legal commitment to Caribbean Caribbean integration and took up a post with the Services Commission, I excellence and integration edited and compiled a University of Guyana as a express our profound grief will be sorely missed. Our consolidation of important Lecturer of Law in the onthepassingofMr Justice sincerest condolences are legal agreements, treaties Department of Law It isSaunderssaid.
Judge. Mr Justice Pollard Donna Pollard, his children, CARICOM.” Nandlall said c o n f e r r e d w i t h aSecretary General of the jurisprudence of our was a member of the and other family members.
The late, (ret'd) Justice Duke Pollard
Kaieteur News PAGE 19Friday September 16, 2022
A equates to 75 localworkers,nothingcould foreign workers are paid further train or up skill the percent of the local be done at this point if more than Guyanese to do workers, you could at least workforce attached to the neither the yard nor his the same work in the yard. get them something to do Saipemfabricationyard,are company has any work They alleged that even the within the low activity expectedtobeoutofajobby “There is nothing we could workers stipends are period.” month end as work at that do about it because the only sometimes bigger than local
resident of the serveduntil2010.”
That is the fair criticism our workers program during the G u y a n e s e Boyersaidthatwhilethe guys have.” The workers lowseason.“Ifwecouldget workers that recruitmentagencyhiresthe have been arguing that training programs done to
P Saunders said the Pollard participated in both posts including Officer-in- that created the Court, late Justice Duke Pollard the development of the Charge, Legal and including the rules of that was a distinguished son of Original and RevisedTreaty Institutional Development Court. the Caribbean soil, an of Chaguaramas and many Division,andDirectorofthe SoonaftertheCourtwas eminentJuristwithexpertise of the agreements and CARICOM Legislative established, he was in International Economic protocols that pertain Drafting Facility, died on appointed a Judge of the Law, the Law of the Sea, specificallytotheCaribbean Tuesday. Attorney General Court.Obviouslybecausehe International Institutional Court of Justice. He said as and Minister of Legal was considered suitably Law, the Law of Treaties, an academic and educator, Affairs, Anil Nandlall said qualifiedtositinitsoriginal GeneralIntegrationLawand Justice Pollard also guided, JusticePollardspentmostof jurisdiction,thatistosay,its EconomicIntegrationLaw mentored, and inspired his professional life at treaty jurisdiction. However Justice Pollard passed manystudentswhenhewore CARICOM, elevating he also sat as a Judge in the away earlier this week in the hat of Professor in the himself as the Chief Legal Appellatejurisdictionofthat New York, where he was Law Department of the draftsman in that Court. being treated for an illness. University of Guyana and organisation.“Heiscredited I had the privilege of In a statement marking his even after “We at the CCJ with drafting most of the appearingbeforehiminboth death, Saunders who had recognisehiscontributionto legal instruments of this jurisdictions of that Court. I served with Pollard at the the architecture and
Pollard "His immense Duke Pollard, former CCJ extendedtohiswidow,Mrs. and instruments of during this stint that he was
JusticePollardwaspartofan Professorship To hisCaribbean Community Community and his work inaugural bench in 2005. Guyana and the Caribbean elite team that worked grieving family, friends and(CARICOM), Dr Carla towardstheestablishmentof Indeed, he was the Communityhavelostalegal
He said these persons facility is expected to slow way to get more work is to salaries,andthatTrinidadian could be paid a small down. have more local content and workers are heading back to stipend. Personally, Boyer
Director of the joint more things done in ajobwhentheyreturnhome. said, his company does not venture agency, Trinidad country.”
towardstheestablishmentof colleagues, I offer myBarnett, said she is the Caribbean Court of International Law Expert on giantandafaithfulservantof the Caribbean Court of deepest condolences,”extremely saddened by the Justice and as a member of thatbench,andhediligently the Community,” Justice Justice.“Nodoubthewould Nandlalladded.loss of Justice (Ret'd) theCourtassureshislegacy
Driver of the sand truck, Aslom Masood
several blacks flags were Georgetownhome. Masood path. Masood said he then seen hoisted on the building told police that his truck appliedbrakeandswervedin as his relatives, customers, GYY 5875 was proceeding asouth-easterndirectionbut and friends mourn. “This is east along the northern the left side front portion of
Kaieteur NewsPAGE 20 Friday September 16, 2022
Nevertheless, Bascom stood any such criminal is an abuse of the court's Fagundes, known as 'PaperGuyana.Blanhum was slated to by his allegations and proceedings that may have process and is nothing more Shorts'.

On Wednesday, when Department(CID),claiming Bascom appeared in the that they were bribed Georgetown Magistrates' Fagundes was gunned down Courts to answer to three on March 21, 2021, cybercrime charges, he filed moments after stepping out a similar charge against of a popular bar on Main Blanhum. Street, Georgetown by two That charge states that on men who emerged from the August 17, 2022 at the backseatofaheavilytinted,inwhichheorsheconsiders on any such criminal cybercrime charges thatinformingherthatthechargeCriminal Investigation desirable to do so – (a) to proceedings instituted or were read to him byagainsttheCrimeChiefistoDepartment (CID) Following Bascom's institute and undertake undertaken by him or her or McLennan and he was
sand truck
Bascom had made aProsecutions (referred to inHowever, on Thursday, the however, that he was fearful to discontinue at any stage On Wednesday Bascom Facebook live accusingthis article as 'the Director')DPPsentalettertotheChief for his life and needed beforejudgmentisdelivered pleaded not guilty to three several high rankingshallhavepowerinanycaseMagistrate, Ann McLennan protection.
murder of Ricardo
One day after the lawyer for members of the Guyana Detective Sergeant Dion Police Force (GPF) of Bascom filed a private covering up the findings criminal charge against unearthed in Fagundes Crime Chief, Wendell murderinvestigation. Blanhum, the Director of In fact, he had made Public Prosecutions (DPP), accusations against his Shalimar Ali Hack on bosses at the Force's Thursdaydiscontinuedit. Criminal Investigation
publicly stated that he had been instituted by any other thananattempttointimidate According to reports,“The Director of PublicSeptember21,2022. evidence too. He had stated, person or authority, and (c) theCrimeChief.
Detective Sergeant, Dion BascomAttorney-at-Law,NigelHughes
City businessman killed in Mandela Avenue crash …assandtruckdriverjumpstrafficlight

Mahaica, East Coast
According to the police According to Masood, the the investigation. The bodyscene.theredlightalthoughCCTV theaccidentoccurredaround motorcar then slowed down of the deceased is presently
Heevenhandedoveratotal during the robbery atand found the money of$1.1Mtopolicewhichhe Giftlandanditwasforherstashed in a fowl pen in her hadgiventoabusdriverfor Whilepolicecontinuedtheirbackyard. safekeeping.
Burnham Gardens, furthersouth,intothelorry's postmortemexamination.Road and Cummings Street.issued early Thursday Cush'svehicleintothetraffic Yesterday patrons at the barmorning with the erroneous signal pole. Reports are that were in shock. When thisversion of the truck driver partofhisbodyendedupon newspaper visited the 'GrillBasedontheCCTVfootage, thebonnetofhisvehicle.He and Jerk Bar' yesterdayCushwashitbythespeeding waspronounceddeadonthe
On September 11, police searchforBiggs,theyfound was informed, was to give made another breakthrough his alleged accomplice, Haley key details about the after they located the Ryan Goodluck, at Barr movements of cash from residence of Biggs at Street, Kitty and arrested GTT, including the security Victoria Road, Plaisance, him. He denied that he companythatuplifteditand EastCoastDemerara(ECD) was part of the robberybuthewasnothome.the time of pick-ups. She However, police found a They detained his girlfriendwas also tasked with total of $286,420 in cash in who was there and she toldidentifyingalltheentrance hispossession. them that indeed he wasand exit points of the After his arrest, it did not involvedintherobberybuilding. takedetectiveslongtolocate The girlfriend recalled himForherrole,thebanditspaid Biggs. arrivinghomewith“alotofher $800,000 and that cash, They arrested him at cash” and when she askedshe said, was given to her CummingsLodge,ECDand himwherehegotitfrom,hesister for safe keeping hereportedlyconfessedtoo.
ThechargesagainstBascomDPP exercised the powersa computer system to buthadalsocalledBascoma otherthanacourtmartial,in According to the police, the came weeks after he madeconferred on her by Articletransmitelectronicdatawith liar and even investigated respect of any offence lawyers for the Crime Chief accusationsaboutanalleged187 (1) (c) of theintenttohumiliate,harassor himforbreachingitscodeof against the law of Guyana; contended that the charge police cover up in theConstitution of the Cocause substantial emotional conduct. (b)totakeoverandcontinue broughtbyBascom'slawyer
Director of ShalimarProsecution,PublicAli-Hack,SC

According to Article 187:1:appear in court on
Cush,afatheroffourwasfootage showed otherwise. 01:30hrs as Cush, 45, was on the approach of Mandela at the Memorial Gardensthe owner of the popularPolice up to press time have truck which had slammed heading to his Roxanne Avenue, and continued Funeral Home awaiting a'GrillandJerkBar'onSouthnot corrected a statement it intohim.Theimpactpushed
The mangled vehicle of businessman, Nigel Cush
Demerara man early
operative Republic ofdistress to Bascom
Crime Chief, Wendell Blanhum
be discontinued. In order toHeadquarters, Eve Leary, allegations, the Force had criminalproceedingsagainst any other person or released on $300,000 bail.discontinue the charge theGeorgetown, Blanhum used not only denied the claims anypersonbeforeanycourt, authority.”
DPP throws out private criminal charge against Crime Chief.

The truck driver, Aslom the location were also in 7062, proceeding south alcohol. He is presently in Masood, then lied to police disbelief. along Cemetery Road. policecustodyassistingwith thatitwasCushwhojumped
A S u p p l y ,
really shocking…Nigel was carriageway on Mandela the truck collided with the Thursday morning slammed a very good man, this Avenue.Accordingtohimas rightsidefrontportionofthe into the vehicle of City wildness on the road has to he approached the stop light motorcar Asaresult,thecar Businessman, Nigel Cush stop,” James Daniels one of at Cemetery Road and slammed into a lamp pole killing him instantly after the patrons at the bar Mandela Avenue, the traffic situated in the center of the jumping the red light at the commented. Several other lightswasshowinggreen,he median. A breathalyzer test Mandela Avenue and persons including staff continued driving when he conducted on the driver of CemeteryRoadjunction. members who showed up at saw Cush's motorcar, PVV thelorry,showednotraceof
confessed to her that it wasPolice contacted the sister
driven by a
Friday September 16, 2022 Kaieteur News PAGE 21

Bond Attendants & Porters needed @ Survival Shopping Complex. Call:,email:survival.humanresourcesShoppingAM&PMSupermarket@gmail.com2995,email:survival.humanresources609-Cashiersneeded@SurvivalComplex.Call:609-SupermarketSalesRepresen-tativesAM&PMneeded@SurvivalShoppingComplex.Call:609-2995,
Male & Female needed to work in factory. Apply to RP'S enterprise area K Le Ressouvenir E.C.D. Call: 2202818.
Elderly man who killed, buried wife...
needed. Call: 6542433/ 623-8654.
Large quantity CAT 215 excavator used parts, Paddy steel trailor 16ft/8ft/2ft, Road painting machine, Air compressor.Call: 275-0367/ 2683-7225.Excavator
From page 13 husband confessed to the police and led them to where he buried his wife. Joan's decomposed body was discovered in the unfinished house covered in sand.
Durant's caution statement he claimed that his wife wanted to go see her mother but he did not want her to leave the house – this then escalated into an argument which turned into a physical altercation. The court heard that Durant claimed that his wife then ran but fell and hit her head on a concrete block. It was stated that it was fear that caused Durant to bury his wife in their home. After highlighting some notable points from the case Justice Barlow stated that she will start Durant's sentencing at 21 years but will make a deduction of 10 years, as required by law for the time he spent on remand and then seven years for his early guilty plea – this means that Durant will only spend four more years in jail for the death of his wife.
Taxi & Mini Bus Drivers needed. Call: 628-1183.
“So, data driven decision making is important so that we could arrive at the best decision in the interest of people,” he said.
One Porter needed. Contact: 624-7718.
Forklift Operator, Delivery Clerk/Sales Clerk /Delivery Clerk. Contact: 227-1511/227Vacancy-2486.

Counter Clerk needed to work at restaurant. Call: 697-8160.
Male factory workers, $3500 per day. 7-11 & 12-4 shifts , transportation provided. Call:

The woman's youngest son appeared in court with his victim impact statement. He added, “When the church sisters ask me about the court case, I must be able to tell them that we get justice.”
Welder fabricator three years experience & male cleaner. Call: 233-2745/ 645-8443.
Mandela Ave, opposite the new Citizen Bank. Call: 6287605/ Property650-1184.withapartments, toilet & bath, 4 single rooms. Call: 223-9677/ 677-3406 between 8am-5pm Mon-Fri.
On Thursday during the sentencing hearing, a probation report on Gordon was read to the court. Joan's eldest son in his victim impact statement noted that from the
One clerk for TSI Eccles office.English EastMaidyahoo.comapplication:techserigy@Mathematics,Grade1/2.Email&orcall615-9132.tocookandcleanforBankareacall615-9132.
Driver must be able to assist in workshop @ Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence

It should be noted that all persons within the boundaries of Guyana will be counted in the census, regardless of nationality. Given the importance of quantitative data, especially in a rapidly burgeoning economy, a population and housing census also serves as an essential tool for logical undertakings.During the launch of the
buckets, Dragline hammer- 1 & 1/2 tons. Call: 275-0367/ 683-7225.
Another important issue, President Ali highlighted, is policy formulation, noting that strategies cannot be implemented without data.
Security Officers, Supervisors, Dispatch Clerk needed @ Elite Protection Services Inc 161 Lamaha Street. Contact: 223 4172 or 223 8805 or gmail.comeliteprotectionservicesgy@:
One Prime Business property next to Mon Repos market. Call: 644-7088/ 624-7248.
Experienced Cashiers, Waiters/ Waitress , Cleaners& Counter Servers. Apply @ Hack's Restaurant 5 Commerce VacancySt. for 2 experienced nail Technician located at Grove E.B.D. Call: 652-5800.
Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips and his family participates in the National Census Count.
For porters.Apply in person to Alabama Trading,65 Robb St Bourda.
Drawing of Building plans and 0267.0671/692-8464buildingEstimate,K.Lakeramcontractor.Tel:216-whatsapp622-
commitments in their meeting with Caribbean leaders at the Summit of the Americas in June of 2022 to partner with Caribbean nations to promote energy security, access to finance, and food security in the TheCaribbean.threeareas are what Caribbean leaders identified as their top priorities, OP said.
Call Hauler645-8443.Operator

first owner. Purchased brand new from Massy, 6.5mil neg. Call: 6320212.
She added that the only evidence in the matter was Durant's caution statement in which he stated that he had an argument with his wife that led up to her death. In
President Ali is the lead on
Sales Persons & Porters, apply at Best Buy Food Supplies Campbellville with written Femaleapplication.totakecare of an elderly male,age 25-40 in Trinidad. 18686831528.provided.CallAccommodationsorWhatsApp
One refridgerator Tech/ Helper needed. Must reside in Georgetown and work flexible hours. Call: 689-2246.
With Government implementing new policies and programmes to better the lives of citizens, the President disclosed that the census allows the administration to measure how well its commitments are being fulfilled. President Ali said land information system, land administration and development, as well as climate vulnerability, are among the areas that are essential to information gathering during future censuses.

From page 10 be collecting data electronically, instead of using paper, as was done in the past. All enumerators must present their Bureau of Statistics Identification Badges before entering the home of any person during the Census.
Driver,Sales man,Porters to work in warehouse. Must have experience , attractive salary offered.Call: 6 96-4444.
For International Visitors, long term contractual agreement: newly built house, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 5 minutes from CJIA. Call: +13476134987/ 613-0448.
Visa Application: U.S.A, Canada & UK; fryer.Call:694-9733.filterationpump,stove,treadmill,dryer,machine,pressurerefrigerator,washingSpecializedetc.Tel:626-7040.ElderlyWeddingdesign,Advertisements,Graphicsdecorations&grooming:Hair,Nailrepairs/servicesystem,deep
day he found his mother in the shallow grave he became traumatised. “I cry when I remember the condition in which I found my mother, she didn't deserve to die that way so I am seeking justice for my mother…” the man added.
Ali hails ‘fruitful meeting with US Vice President
agriculture and food security in the CARICOM quasi Cabinet. In a subsequent statement, President hailed the meeting as very successful. He said at the meeting United States Government reiterated its pledge of US$28 million in financing for Caribbean countries to tackle food security.

Cooks needed to work at restaurant. Call: 697-8160.

Eight weeks national consensus...
PAGE 22 Kaieteur News Friday September 16, 2022
Receptionist needed @ Hick Ville Hotel. 0673/227-7714/231-0951/
One female able clerk:225-2313/658-8559.bodiedOnemaleablebodiedclerk.Tel:231-2029,616-5954.Twoable-bodiedPorters,$3500perday.Call:223-9677/677-3406.OneHaulerDriverneeded.Formoreinformationcontact:611-7088.NeedtobuyCowRunnerspaying$160ayardandcowblood$140apint.Call6595559.KitchenAssistant,Salesper-son,Babysitterneeded.Musthavefoodhandlers,policeclearance,vaccinationcard.Call6595559.
President Irfaan Ali and severalCaribbean Community leaders on Thursday met with United States of America Vice President, Kamala Harris, in Washington DC.
The meeting, the Office of the President said was a follow-up to President Joseph Biden and Vice President Harris’s
Lorry Drivers & Porters Contact: 650-0979.

and Technical Assistant for Interior location. Applicants must be experienced. Call: 615-0545.
Pure breed German shepherd pups for sale. Call: 680-1828, 632-9022/ 639-4966.
national consensus programme last week, President Irfaan Ali emphasised that the census is far more than the collection of data. “I can tell you that one of the great difficulties researchers find, especially those doing academic work, is the absence of data in the region. Quantitative data is very important in making qualitative analysis.” The President said the house-to-house survey will also allow the administration to develop an important programmatic impact analysis.
Following a plea of mitigation by Durant's lawyer –Justice Barlow highlighted that the unfortunate circumstance is that a life was lost through domestic violence.
Land for sale @ Bent Street, excellent for bond, warehouse or apartment building. Call:661-2828.
One Honda CRV,fully loaded immaculate condition, low mileage 3.3M negotiable & 1 new super custom Hiace Bus 2.5M .Contact:649-0956.
Nissan Blue Bird Pcc 6857 $350,000 neg. Call: 688-6948/ 618-1748.2019X-Trail,
Demerara Harbour Bridge
SupportUnit,Ms.Rampattie equitable education and At the end of the second lifelong learning for all, the day of the initial training Ministry has been working exercise, each participating to reduce the disparities for school received six migrant learners by electronic tablets to aid with promoting the inclusion of ESL teaching within the all school aged migrant classrooms. children in Guyana’s These devices have education system, and translator apps installed that ensure that migrants have function without an internet equitableaccesstoeducation connection. regardless of their legal T h e M i n i s t r y o f status, nationality, or Education’s Management citizenship in keeping with Information Systems Unit internationalstandards,”Ms. prepared the devices, and Prashad-Bisnauthexplained. they are ready to be used
As a mitigating response Second language (ESL) to eliminate the language classes to aid their barriers, the Ministry of integration into the
The teachers who participated in the ESL training posing for a photograph after the exercise with their tablets in hand that were donated by the UNHCR

u r i n g t h e access bridge at Rasville, total of five contractors have home energy systems. Two o p e n i n g o f Georgetown and Covent submitted bids for the companies have expressed tenders it was Garden on the East Bank projects Meanwhile, the interest in providing the PV

Training ongoing at the West SecondaryDemeraraSchool

Emergency works for Rasville, Covent Garden access bridges
Emergency reconstruction of Rasville access bridge, Region Four, and emergency reconstruction of Covent Garden access bridge.
She said that the training withintheschoolstoaidwith sessionisoneofmanytoroll thetranslationofwords,text, out and aims to provide a voicerecordingsoranyother more inclusive, sustainable, information that needs to be and long-term solution to translatedintoanylanguage. address challenges faced by These devices were non English speaking donated by the United children, across the 11 Nations High Commissioner Education Districts in the for Refugees (UNHCR) to country The coordinator aid with the current ESL said that the main focus of after-school programme in the training is to improve the schools in Regions One, ESL instructional skills of ThreeandSeven.
Guyana Energy Agency is systems.

Supply, delivery, installation and testing of 625KVADiesel Generator
educationsystem. Prashad Bisnauth, the teachers and ultimately ESLisnormallytaughtto Ministry of Education provide migrant learners students whose primary recognises the disparity withthenecessarysupportto language is not English to between migrant children help them cope with culture improve their English and the lack of ESL support shock and daily challenges speaking, reading, writing, insomeschools.“Therefore, in and out of school, thereby and listening skills in keeping with the 2030 increasing the probability of A c c o r d i n g t o t h e Vision for the education a m o r e s u c c e s s f u l Coordinator of the Risk s e c t o r P r o v i d i n g integration process in Management and Migrant opportunities for quality, schools.
Ministry of Public Works is Though no engineer seeking a firm to supply and B e l o w a r e t h e gearing up to reconstruct the estimate was provided, a deliver 30,000 solar PV companiesandtheirbids:
Ministry of Human Services and Social Security Rehabilitation and enclosure of building, Essequibo Coast.
Guyana EnergyAgency Supply and delivery of 30,000 solar PV home energy systems.
Ministry of Public Works
Supply and delivery of cherry picker truck (articulated/telescopic aerial).
D revealedthatthe Demerara.
Public school teachers being trained to cater to migrant children
T h e M i n i s t r y o f Education noted in a release, Education’s Disaster Risk that it has introduced ESL Prevention and Migrant training for teachers. This Support Unit recently training was done to equip concludedatwo-dayEnglish teachers with the requisite asaSecondLanguage(ESL) skills to support migrant capacity-building workshop learners and to provide in Region Three, with the linguistic support to attendance of 28 teachers returning Guyanese, from 18 schools in Regions Venezuelan and indigenous ThreeandSeven. childrenthroughEnglishasa
Guyana Water Inc.
Kaieteur News PAGE 23Friday September 16, 2022

It is high time that heroes and purge gracious majesty”, I this statue was Guyana of these can boldly proclaim, removed. Statues that symbolsofinjusticeand “the Queen is dead, so are symbols of inhumanity. what?”Andtohellwith colonialism and the Asafree,detoxifiedand theKing.
But speaking in characterise as a bulwark to Beijing for the Winter Uzbekistan, Mr Putin also Western dominance Olympics at Mr Xi’s thanked China for its signifies a major shift in the invitation, the two sought to “balanced position” - and world order following the demonstrate their close ties, saidUS“attemptstocreatea demise of the Soviet Union famously declaring they unipolarworld”wouldfail. in1991. shared a friendship with “no
It is further alleges that to transactions of public on the transport was the former minister acted funds and state properties, US$2,000,000.Itwasnoted recklessly when he signed estimated to value billions however,thattheagreement NICIL Order, No. 50 of ofGuyanadollars. of sale stated that title must 2020, transferring to and According to the police, onlypassuponfullpayment vesting in BK Marine Inc., the first transaction that he of purchase price The Mud lots situated at North was interviewed about is in police also reported that C u m m i n g s b u r g , relation to the alleged sale investigators have evidence Georgetown, being over and vesting of the state’s to establish that a facility 2 553 acres, by paying largest wharf facilities which is a mere fraction of $20,260,276, for a property located at Kingston, thesizeofthestateproperty valued over $5B and being Georgetown, valued that is under investigation sold at a price that was a p p r o x i m a t e l y and located seven miles grosslyundervaluedtosuch US$40,000,000 but was upriverwassoldbyaprivate a degree as to amount to an reportedly sold for company for US$17 abuseofthepublictrustand US$500,000. It is alleged million.
It also poses a huge down entire cities and Moscow a much needed challenge for China - whose provinces every time cases alternative to dollars as a relations with theWest have flareup. foreign reserve, while nosedived in recent years China and Russia have furthering China’s interests overissuesincludinghuman long sought to position the in boosting the yuan as an rights and the future of SCO, founded in 2001 with internationalcurrency
Putin-Xi talks: Russian leader reveals China’s ‘concern’ over Ukraine
Theinvasionhasplunged lockdowns in China, where atdiscountedrates. Moscow into its worst crisis his “zero Covid” policy is Last month Beijing also withtheWestsincetheCold still in place. While the rest agreed to pay for gas in Warandhassentglobalfood of the world has opened up, Russian roubles and andenergypricessoaring. Beijing continues to shut Chinese yuan, giving

genocide and plunder decolonized mind, High Courts. There that it spawned, are u n l i k e t h o s e can be no doubt that being removed all over i n t e l l e c t u a l l y Queen Victoria is a theworld. incarcerated minds symbol of colonialism It is time for us to amongst us, that have andallitscrimes.Sadly, smash these false icons p e n n e d l e t t e r s after Burnham died the and images. We must following Queen statue found its way rename our streets and Elizabeth's death rightbackthere. structuresafterourown referring to her as “our
It is time for us to smash false...
O n We d n e s d a y, without reasonable excuse submissions were made to orjustification. the court in the misconduct TheformerMinisterwas in public office charge not required to plead to the against former Finance indictablechargeafteritwas Minister, Winston Jordan. readtohim.Thechargewas Jordan’s matter is being brought against him by the heard in the Georgetown Special Organised Crime Magistrates’ Court before Unit(SOCU),anarmofthe Senior Magistrate Leron GuyanaPoliceForce(GPF). Daly and is scheduled to The Chief Magistrate had continue on October 31, grantedbailinthesumof$3 2021. million and the matter was
Former Finance Minister, Winston Jordan

“We highly value the ally but certainly a hassenttroopstotakepartin balanced position of our supportive actor There is a joint military exercises with Chinese friends when it closerelationship.” Russia, and sent senior comestotheUkrainecrisis,” For Mr Xi, who officials to meet Russian MrPutintoldMrXi,ononly described Mr Putin as “an counterparts. his second foray abroad old friend”, the optics of the It has also come to sinceFebruary’sinvasion. meeting were also Russia’s economic aid as RevealingthatChinahad significant. He is seeking a Western sanctions were “questions and concern” historic third term at a imposed. This relationship about the situation in Communist Party Congress has been a win-win for both Ukraine, he said he next month, and his visit to countries With Europe understood “During CentralAsia is the first time reducing its dependency on today’s meeting, we will of he has left China since the Russian oil and gas, China courseexplainourposition,” startoftheCovidpandemic. has increased its purchases, MrPutinsaid. His trip comes amid fresh whichitisreportedlygetting
Misconduct case against Winston Jordan to continue on Oct. 31
(BBCNEWS)Vladimir Taiwan. MrPutinandMrXi fourex-SovietCentralAsian Putin has acknowledged have met dozens of times nations, as an alternative to China’s ‘concern’ over overtheyearsbuttheirlatest Western multilateral groups. Ukraine, in his first face- talks received particular India, Pakistan and Iran are to-facetalkswithPresident scrutiny. also members. During their Xi Jinping since the T h e i r g r o w i n g last meeting in February, Russianinvasion. relationship - which they when Mr Putin travelled to
TheformerMinisterhad adjourned to earlier this made his first court in year December 2021, before However, when the Chief Magistrate, Ann matter was called in April, M c L e n n a n i n t h e last, the Chief Magistrate Georgetown Magistrates’ recused herself from the Courts for allegedly selling matter due to personal that the purchaser BK a State wharf below its reasonsandassuch,shehad Marines Inc , only paid market value. Jordan was reassigned the matter to US$100,000, which is 10 slapped with a misconduct Principal Magistrate, percent of the purchase in public office charge Sherdel Isaacs Marcus price, and Jordan issued a which alleges that while Similarly, the Principal vesting order passing Title beingandperformingduties Magistrate also recused tothepurchaser,withoutthe of Minister of Finance and herself from the matter and payment of any further sum being the concerned thecasewassentbacktothe ofmonies.
Mr Xi said China was The roles are reversed limits”. willingtoworktogetherwith now, with China the Days later Russia Russia as “great powers”. dominant partner, having invaded Ukraine, prompting China hasn’t endorsed risentobecomeaneconomic international condemnation Russia’s invasion but has superpower “Putinisgetting and sanctions, while putting grown trade and other ties more out of it than Xi - t h e C h i n a R u s s i a with Moscow since it was Russia is quite isolated relationshipunderanintense launched. The two leaders’ internationally,” Professor spotlight. Beijing has urged meeting on the sidelines of Emeritus Rosemary Foot, a an end to hostilities and the Shanghai Cooperation senior research fellow in stressed the importance of Organisation (SCO) summit international relations at national sovereignty But it in Samarkand comes at a Oxford University, told the has also refused to call the crucial point in the Ukraine BBC. war an invasion, as Russia war, as Russian troops lose “So it’s important to refers to it as a “special ground in parts of the show that China is a militaryoperation”. country supportive partner, not an In recent weeks China
Kaieteur NewsPAGE 24 Friday September 16, 2022
Minister for the National ChiefMagistrate.TheChief Itwasfurtherstatedthat Industrial and Commercial Magistrate McLennan the vesting order stated that Investments Limited reassigned the matter to the property is being sold (NICIL), a company owned Senior Magistrate, Leron free from encumbrance and by the Government of Dalywholateracceptedthe liabilitiesandnofurthersum Guyana, between February case. of money is owed by the 26, 2020 and July 31, 2020 Jordanwasfirstarrested purchaser Also, the atMainStreet,Georgetown, on December 2, 2021 and transport was subsequently he willfully misconducted later released on bail for a reportedly issued for the himself. seriesofallegationsrelating propertyandthevaluestated

Friday September 16, 2022 Kaieteur News PAGE 25

Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill, Permanent Secretary, Vladim Persaud and Contractors from Buxton, East Coast Demerara
The NDC Chairman had initially highlighted 16

development across the country As the Government creates opportunities for employment for residents and increases community engagement,Buxtonwillnot be left out, the Minister assured.“Thisinterventionshould not be taken lightly You spoke, we heard, we responded. We expect that with the awards of these contracts your workforce will be from Buxton. So that wouldmeanemploymentfor young men and women during the period of this project,”hestated.
w e n t y f i v e
“This is the first time this ever happen and we want to thank the Minister for keeping his word and his promises. The more training the better for you, more education is better for you because knowledge is power.”Tracy Garnett noted, “I feelsojoyfulandotheryoung peopleshouldtrynomatterif they are woman… single parent they should try their bestandseewhattheycando for themselves ” The Ministry will also be providing the necessary buildingmaterialstoexecute theworks.
However, upon further inspection by the ministry's engineers, it was discovered that a total of 25 bridges would need to be rebuilt. To this end, the ministry has awardedonelottoeachofthe 25contractors.Additionally,anengineer wasassignedtooverlookthe process and offer advice to contractorssothattheworks could be effectively executed In order for contractors to acquire the knowledge to bid for Government contracts, the Public Works Ministry will also be facilitating training on Sunday from 2:30 pm to 4:30Tpm.he move is another measure by the Government to assist persons to gain continued employment. “We are starting you off this way so that the little profit that you may garner from this contractistogiveyouaseed totenderingfor otherjobs to get your foot going,” said MinisterEdghill.
M e a n w h i l e , t h e Department of Public Information (DPI) spoke withseveralcontractorswho applauded the Government's efforts to provide employment for residents of the community Richard Samuels said “I feel very happy to know it is something that we were lookingforwardtoforavery longtimeandtoseehowthe Government come on board.
The upgrade is a commitment made by the Government following a ministerial community back in July The signing ceremony was held at the BuxtonNDConWednesday, the Department of Public Information reported. Public WorksMinister,JuanEdghill said the project is a demonstration of the Government'spledgetobring
Kaieteur NewsPAGE 26 Friday September 16, 2022

contractors from the village of Buxton, East Coast Demerara were awarded contracts to rehabilitate 25 bridges in the community to thetuneof$56million.
Buxtonians sign $56M in contracts to rehabilitate village bridges
National Insurance Scheme (NIS) and the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) will be present to teach personshowtoapplyfortheir businesscompliances.

Because a lot of small contractors we were frustrated that we were not getting work. So, we look forwardtogivingthemwork because a lot of the young men in the village are unemployed.”Samue l s a l s o commended the training initiative. “I am happy about thatbecausealotofusdonot know how to fill up the contract, the whole procurement process and so on.So,theeducationalpartof it is very important for us at this time,” he said. Another contractor, Elroy Adams shared similar sentiments
bridges that are in urgent need of rehabilitation
There's definitely a downside to home ownership! Much as you love projects, Taurus, the joy is tempered when the chores never end. While your home is structurally sound.
The glass may look half empty, but only at first glance. Keep looking at it, or perhaps change the way you look at it, and you'll see that it indeed is half full.
You're focused and attentive to detail. Some longstanding projects benefit from this sudden spurt of energy and get completed in record time.
Roger Federer to retire after Laver Cup in September
years that has restricted him to only three of the 11 Grand Slams staged since the start of 2020.Hehas not played a competitive match since losing to Hubert Hurkacz in the quarter-finals at Wimbledon last summer. He subsequently announced he needed more surgery on his knee having previously had two operations in 2020.Only
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)
me,” added Federer.
Spain’s Rafael Nadal, with 22 majors, and Serbia’s Novak Djokovic, with 21, have more men’s Grand Slam singles titles than Federer. “This is a bittersweet decision because I will miss everything the tour has given
Romance is in the air today, Capricorn. It's likely that your relationship with your loved ones will see a dramatic improvement. Perhaps some flowers will arrive unexpectedly.
Crazy as it seems, why not plan that trip you've been eager to go on, Libra? Adventure calls, and although there are a few obstacles to stop you from answering, you can’t wait to get out of your rut.
“But, at the same time, there is so much to celebrate.
VIRGO (Aug. 23–Se pt. 22)
Friday September 16, 2022 Kaieteur News PAGE 27
Federer’s last Grand Slam victory was at the 2018 Australian Open. (Getty Images)
It's time to let go of the past and focus only on the future, Aries. A new person may come into your life who can help you do just that. Communication with close friends and relatives is highlighted
CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
He won Olympics doubles gold for Switzerland alongside Stan Wawrinka at Beijing 2008 and singles silver at London 2012 when Britain’s Andy Murray reversed his Wimbledon final defeat from the previous month.
Prosperity is just around the corner, Scorpio. With it comes change. Change in your job, career, or environment figures prominently today. However this change manifests.
jor singles title in the Open era. After rising to world number one for the first time in 2004, he spent 310 weeks as the leading player on the ATP Tour during his career - a record until he was surpassed by Djokovic in February 2021.
GEMINI (May 21–June 20)
It looks as though change is on the horizon at work, Virgo. You've just recently completed some long-term projects and are being recognized for your efforts.
A rising tide lifts all boats. When someone close experiences a windfall or especially good luck, Leo, the ripple effect reaches you. Change is in the air

Laver Cup, staged at the O2 Arena in Greenwich, begins on Friday, 23 September. Federer is due to join Murray, Nadal, Djokovic, Greece’s Stefanos Tsitsipas and Norway’s Casper Ruud in a Europe team taking on a team representing the rest of the world. He was part of the group that created and organised the tournament, first held in Federer’s2017.retirement announcement comes less than two weeks after 23-time Grand Slam singles champion Serena Williams played what is expected to be the final match of her career at the US Open.
Federer’s final Grand Slam triumph came at the 2018 Australian Open when, aged 36, he became the second-oldest man to win a ma-
I consider myself one of the most fortunate people on Earth. I was given a special talent to play tennis and I did it at a level that I never imagined for much longer than I ever thought possible.” As well as thanking his family, support team and fans, Federer also thanked his opponents from a golden era of the men’s game. “I was lucky enough to play so many epic matches that I will never forget. We battled fairly, with passion and intensity, and I always tried my best to respect the history of the game.“I feel extremely grateful. We pus hed each other, and together we took tennis to new levels.”Federer made his professional debut aged 16 in 1998 and won his first Grand Slam title at Wimbledon in 2003.He ends his career with a record total of eight men’s singles victories at the All England Club.
Friday September 16, 2022
SAGIT(Nov.22–Dec.21) Your world is changing, Sagittarius, both internally and externally. You feel a need to broaden your horizons. You may be contemplating a move to a new neighborhood or trip to a faraway land.
PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
Tropical Storm...
ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
From page 28 service presented by Mastercard.Forallmatches, adults can purchase general admission tickets online at US$5.00, with free admission for children under the age of 16 when accompanied by a paying adult.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

Seniors benefit from half priceThetickets.stadium ticket office will open on the day of the rescheduled 1st CG United ODI with printed tickets available for EC$15.00/US$5.00.Alleightmatches will be streamed live on the Windies Cricket YouTube channel. Live ball-by-ball scoring will also be available on Matchwww.windiescricket.comtheCentre.(CWI)
CANCER (June 21–July 22)
LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
He was also part of the Swiss team that won the Davis Cup for the first time in 2014 and lifted a record six ATP Finals titles. The three-day
(BBC Sport) - Roger Federer, one of the greatest players of all time, will retire from top-level tennis after the Laver Cup in London this month. The 20-time Grand Slam champion has not played since Wimbledon 2021, after which he had a third knee operation. “My body’s message to me lately has been clear,” Swiss Federer, 41, said.

There are lots of personal and financial issues to resolve today, Cancer. You may hear from your bank or see some alarming numbers on an ATM receipt. Don't get upset.
Don't let others' bad moods get you down, Pisces. And don't feel it's your responsibility to cheer them up. Their moodiness is their business, not yours.
“I have played more than 1,500 matches over 24 years. Now I must recognise when it is time to end my competitive career.” He added: “To the game of tennis, I love you and will never leave you.” Federer has struggled with a knee problem for the past three
Tropical Storm Fiona forces postponement of 1st CG United Women’s ODI
18 September subject to the impactofthestorm.
PAGE 28 Friday September 16, 2022Kaieteur News

Presentation of prizes will be held at the completion of the tournament. Tea off time is 12.30hrs.
Some of the country’s best players are set to compete for a number of trophies including prizes for Longest Drive and Nearest the Pin. Prizes will also be giventotheoverallbestnet.
thankfulforthissponsorship from a corporate member of society and one of the premier insurance companiesinthiscountry.”
Cricket West Indies (CWI), in conjunction with the New Zealand Cricket (NZC) Team Management have agreed to the postponement of the 1st CG U n i t e d O n e D a y International scheduled for Friday 16 September, due to the passage of Tropical StormFiona,whichislikely topassoverAntiguaandthe LeewardIslandsonFriday CWI and NZC will confirmtherescheduleddate and any implications for dates in the wider eightmatch itinerary featuring three CG United ODIs and fiveT20Isinduecourse.
Both teams want to ensure that, if possible, the full eight-match Series can beplayedsincepointswonin the CG United ODI Series contribute towards the new I C C W o m e n ’ s Championship which providesadirectpathwayto qualification for the ICC Women’sCricketWorldCup in2025.The T20 International (T20I)Seriesplaysakeyrole in both teams’ preparations for the ICC Women’s T20 WorldCupin2023.Itisalso the West Indies Women’s first home international cricket since September 2021.
ForClub.”moreinformation,to register, or to discuss corporate sponsorship, please contact Lusignan Golf Club on 220 5660 Registration Closes at 17:00hrstoday
IBGLGolfTournamentset fortomorrowattheLGC
Lusignan Golf Club President, Patanjilee Persaud ( C ) accepts the cheque from IBGL Operation Manager, Adrian Barrow

Speaking at the launching ceremony at IBGL’s Head Office on Carmichael Street, the company’s Operation Manager, Adrian Barrow statedthatthecompanyhada long term relationship with the Golf Club through his father, Hans Barrow who started the company over 50

In closing, Barrow remarked that this is intended to be an annual tournament, and one that he hopes will be played for manyyearstocome, “Wearehopingforavery successful tournament and a long lasting relationship betweenIBGLandLusignan Golf
years ago and who was a long-standingmemberofthe golfBarrowclub. stated that, “We are very happy to sponsor this tournament from an IBGL perspective. My dad wasaveryfondplayerandso it is a fitting tribute to have thistournament.Ithasbeena long time in the making. Covidgotintheway,andhe passed away, so this is our way of giving something back and to do something thathe Presentenjoyed.”atthe ceremony was Lusignan Golf Club President, Patanjilee Persaud, Club Secretary Chet Bowling and Club Treasurer Maxim Mangra. Persaud thanked IBGL for the sponsorship and added that, “We are happy that we canplayanimportantpartin Adrian’s memories of his dad, and we are very
CWIDirectorofCricket, Jimmy Adams said, “We have put player safety at the forefrontofthisdecisionand willbeworkingveryclosely withNewZealandCricketto protect all the internationals matches via a revised schedule if possible. We are very keen to get as much high quality competitive cricket for our Women’s team as possible, especially in this period leading into next year’s Women’s T20 WorldOnceCup.”the matches are rescheduled, fans will be able to purchase tickets for any of the matches at tickets windiestickets com, theofficialWindiesTickets
A decision will also be made on the 2nd CG United ODI scheduled for Sunday
The Management Team at IBGL, Guyana’s oldest insurance broker, is excited to announce its first annual golf tournament which will be held tomorrow at the Lusignan Golf Course. The tournament will take the formatofmedalplayover18 holesandshotgunstart.
“I’d like to tell you that I’m less mad or less frustrated but it continues to be an outrageous situation,” saidHirshland.“Iunderstand that the investigation is complete, we saw yesterday an announcement that the hearingswouldbeheld.
Pathway back for Russian athletes being considered, says USOPC
(Reuters) Russian athletes who have not been welcome at international events due to the country’s warwithUkrainecouldsoon be allowed back in competition,saidtheheadof the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee onThursdayTheInternational Olympic Committee (IOC) issued guidance to sports governing bodies in February to remove Russian andBelarusianathletesfrom competition.Belarushasbeenusedas astaginggroundforRussia’s invasion, which Moscow calls a “special military operation”.Butthe IOC is now beginning to consider a pathway back for athletes from the two countries, said USOPC chair Susanne Lyons during a conference call on Thursday, adding athletes should not be punished for the actions of their“Wgovernments.eknowthattheIOCis beginning to think about whether there’s a pathway back for the Russian athletes,” said Lyons. “They arebeginningtoreachoutto all of their stakeholders to getinputonthattopic.
“I said before our number one priority is to make sure that our Team USAathletes,whoaresitting without their medals, know that we haven’t forgotten them.”Valieva failed a doping test at the Russian national championships last Decemberbuttheresultwas only revealed on Feb. 8, a day after she had already helped the Russian Olympic Committee(ROC) win the team eventinBeijing.
“I think inevitably there willbeadesiretoseeathletes that happen to reside in Russia come back and be
USOPC CEO Sarah Hirshland described the delay of a report on Valieva as “outrageous” as U S figureskaterswaittolearnif they will be elevated from silver to gold in the figure
Russian Olympic Committee Stanislav Pozdnyakov walks though the crowd during a welcoming ceremony for the athletes upon their return from the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Moscow, Russia February 21, 2022. (Reuters/Maxim Shemetov)
part of competition but the timing and what that looks likeistobe USOPCdetermined.”officialsmadeit cleartheirissuesarenotwith Russianathletesbutwiththe government and sport officials.They have been left frustratedattheslowpaceof the Russian Anti Doping Agency’s (RUSADA) investigation into figure skater Kamila Valieva’s failed drugs test at the 2022 Beijing Winter Games and the continued detention of star Brittney Griner, who is jailed in Russiaondrugscharges.
Hirshland also said, that while the USOPC, like everyone else, wants to see Griner freed and back home should not be conflated with other issues keepingRussianathletesout ofinternationalcompetition.
“It’s hard not to conflate the issues even though I think from a policy perspective I’m not sure they’redirectlyrelated.”
“It’snotlostonanyonein the United States that she (Griner)is there and it’s something very top of mind forallofus,”saidHirshland.
“ButIthinkallofusfeel at some point in time individual athletes should not be the victims of whatever their government politics or other tensions therearearoundtheworld.

Kaieteur News PAGE 29Friday September 16, 2022

Griner, who had been playing for a Russian club duringtheWNBA off-season, was arrested at a Moscow airport on Feb. 17 when a search of her luggage allegedly revealed cannabisoilvapecartridges.

Hewouldgoontocoach the unit for 10 matches, which included the successful qualification of the team to the Concacaf GoldCupfromtheConcacaf N a t i o n ’ s L e a g u e competition.Halllasttookchargeof the team in a 1-1 draw against Mexico in the NationsLeagueinJune.
Inareleasepostedtothe social media platform Instagram,Hallattemptedto bring some clarity to the issue.“I felt I had to resign as manyofmyrequests,suchas the standard of the training pitch, additional kit for cold weather in Canada and in particular organistion for transport were well below par,” Hall said via the release.“After qualifying for the Gold Cup and with the situationwithadministration beingstrained. Ifeltlikemy position had become untenable.Iwasstillbeingexpected tobepartofconferencecalls, team talks, and matchday selections, but my role, contract, and remuneration questions were being ignored,”headded.
The coach went on to claim that he was yet to receive full monetary compensation for his period with the team, despite receiving a payment last week.
Notably, 14 teams participated this season. Both Mercenary and Carr Tec churned out some excellent and terrific performances with their playoff matches. They no doubt will be looking to finish off things rather auspiciouslyAttheconclusion of the game, the presentation will take place. Trophies are up for grabs. The two umpires for the match are Frederick HalleyandRobinGopaul.
‘Questions about my role, contract and pay were ignored’ - Hall
Kaieteur NewsPAGE 30 Friday September 16, 2022
Canada-based Guyanese Guyanese cricketers on show tomorrow

Mercenary squad reads: Looknauth Ramsuchit, Avinash Sookdeo, Damodar D a e s r a t h , S h a u n Deonandan,AvishRukhram, Bholonauth Sukhoo, Avish Rukhram, Satrohan Balkarran, Richard Dias, Zaheer Allard, Orin O’Neal andRabindraDiaram.
Damodar Daesrath
(SportsMax) Interim Reggae Boyz head coach Paul Hall has claimed that uncertainty regarding his contract and a lack of resources were key considerationsinforminghis decision to resign from the post.Hall, who served as the assistantcoachunderformer national coach Theodore Whitmore,tookchargeofthe national team in December of last year, following the dismissaloftheheadcoach.
Since then, the JFF announced that Merron Gordon had been named interim coach for the team’s most recent fixture against Morocco and Qatar and is expectedtoannounceformer Iceland coach Heimir
preliminaryround. Theyalreadywonthe10 and 15-overs trophies and also topped the point’s table with 72 sharing it with BerbiceCarrVipers.Tecfinished off at number three with 60 points chalking up 10 victories and that might enhance their confidence immensely for thisshowdown.
Twoheavyweightteams, defending champion Mercenary,andCarrTecare set to collide on Saturday at Ashtonbee Park (Reservoir) forthe2022OntarioSoftball Cricket League (OSCL) grand finale in the 20-overs format.Another fascinating encounter is highly predictable when the action
rolls off at 9:00 hrs. A large number of former Guyana youthcricketersareslatedto beonMercenaryshow should start proceedings with the psychological advantage though alluding to the fact they have been dominant in this year’s edition winning 12 of their 13 games at the co p etion o the

Hallgrimsson as head of the programinthecomingdays.
Carr Tec squad: Troy Gobin,RovendraMandolall, Pradeep Singh, Ian Baldeo, Mohendra Monilall, Eion Katchay, Gavin Glasgow, PrabhuBalkaran,Ramnarine Chatura, Mike Kadir, Andy Persaud and Yoodhanlall Sukhlall.Former Guyana firstclass skipper Damodar Daesrath has been in fine form. He is expected to play akeyroleforMercenary
With the top four from groups,AandBguaranteeda place in the knock out rounds of the Georgetown Football Association (GFA) Senior League, the battle to cement those slots will intensifythisweekendatthe Georgetown Football Club
The evening’s main attraction will see the group leadersandhometeamGFC throwing down the gauntlet to the Guyana Police Force whichliesthirdinthepoints table; this match has all the ingredients for a humdinger as neither side will let-up against the other

way with a sublime 74 off just 43 balls, with support from David Miller as the Royalsendedupfinishingon 146/6.Tallawahs had a dream starttotheirchasewithKing and Jangoo finding the boundary consistently in the

striking three times within the powerplay, removing Rahkeem Cornwall, Kyle Mayers and Corbin Bosch with his bamboozling deliveries.ButitwasdeKock,once againbattinglowerdownthe order at four, who led the
six runs on DLS and picked upthefivewicketwin.
Kaieteur News PAGE 31Friday September 16, 2022
(CPL) The Jamaica Tallawahs consolidated second place in the league table with a six run (DLS) victory over Barbados Royals, inflicting their first loss of the 2022 Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL)Theseason.Jamaica Tallawahs won the toss and chose to field first, Imad Wasim getting them off to a spectacular start by bowling twomaidenoversandtaking three wickets in the powerplay to leave the Royals reeling at 17-3 after sixovers.Itwas South African internationals Quinton De Kock and David Miller who rebuilt the innings for the Royals with an 83 run partnershipthattookthemto 146/6 at the end of their innings.Brandon King and Amir Jangoo got off to a flying startinthechase,scoring50 runs by the fifth over to put the Tallawahs in a commandingposition.
Wasim spins
Tallawahs to win
Imad Wasim is congratulated by teammates during his spell of 3 – 14. (Getty Images)
have lost twice in their campaign so far, the Panthers playing a game l e s s
Bothsideshavelostasingle match each along with three winsapiece,GFCenjoyinga bettergoaldifferenceof+19 toPolice’sFollowing+9.this evening’s action, fans will enjoy a breather and get ready for a triple header on Sunday at the same venue when two group A matches and one groupBshowdownwilltake c e n t e r s t a g e
2022 Hero Caribbean Premier League…

ConquerorstobattleGTPanthers, GPFlookingtoarrestGFCtonight ...GFASeniorLeagueheatingupasbattlesforspotinKOround Quinton de Kock was the match’s top scorer with 74. (Getty topQuintonImages)deKockwasthematch’sscorerwith74.(GettyImages)
PowerPlay However, Obed McCoy would strike with two wickets, before Holder setupatensefinishbytaking three wickets. In the end, a sixfromRovmanPowelljust before rain fell would prove critical, as it meant the Tallwahs finished ahead by
Ground.Twopotentially exciting group B clashes are set for thiseveningkickingofffrom 18:00hrs when Fruta Conquerors, currently holding down the fourth place with nine points from their five matches played to date, aiming to take full points from their match against bottom-of-the-table GT Panthers. The TucvillebasedConquerorswillfancy theirchancesofasuccessful dayattheofficeagainstaGT Pantherssidethatwillnotbe a walk-over as both clubs
Jamaica Tallawahs shocked the Royals early on in the innings with Wasim
Match details: Jamaica Tallawahs 126/5 (King 46, Jangoo 29; Holder 3/33, McCoy 2/19) beat Barbados Royals 146/6 (de Kock 74, Miller34;Wasim3/14,Allen 1/14)bysixruns(DLS

The lone unbeaten team in the entire League, GDF will feature in the evening main event when they come up against Vengy, the all Venezuelan side that is third inthe andweretheywhoawardedaswithdrawntSquad.MagroupwillThefTwillThegroupAstanding.othergroupAgamefourth-placedWesternigersmatchingskillswithifthplacedEastveldtafternoon’sactionplaygetunderwaywithaBclashbetweenOrderndDisciplineandtheochabasedRiddimMeanwhile,accordingtoheGFA,DSKhasfromtheleague,suchthreepointsweretotheopponentsdidnotplaythemandhavealsobeenawardedthree(3)goals.TheteamsCamptown,GDF,Pele,WesternTigers.
three wickets as the Royals fought back, but it was not enough as the Royals reached 126/5 and won by five wickets (DLS), six runs aheadoftheparscore.
GSA launches Nex-Gen School’s Coaching Academy… Programme bowls off with Sophia Primary School

Meanwhile, other
The Sophia Primary School’s programme commenced with the Girls being coached by Kenroy Joseph who was assisted by Shamia Carter, while the Boys had their first session yesterdayEachchildwasrefreshed by a box of ‘Kool Kidz’, which is one of the many brands of Beverages produced by Guyana BeveragesInc.
Guyanese Keon Roberts hasbeenenjoyingafinestint in Barbados, playing for Sheffield in the Barbados Cricket Association Second DivisionRobertsChampionship.helpedhisteam tothesemifinalsoftheBCA Plate40-overChampionship for the first time, but they were knocked out at that stage.He hit a top score of 34,

If the condition of the ground is improved the s c h o o l s a v e s t h e transportation cost to take thestudentstoothervenues, whichmanytimestheyhave to pay a rent for the hosting
schools which will benefit from the coaching programme are Ketley Primary, which will be coached by Akaze Thompson, Rama Krishna Primary (Coach Kervin Ross), Enterprise Primary School (Rawle Merell), St. Pius Primary (Ranole Bourne), Agricola Primary (Pernel Christie), Redeemer Primary (Dorian Best) and South Ruimveldt Primary (Rawle Merell & Kenroy Joseph).
and Coach Shamia Carter registered the Boys for their sessions. (Sean Devers photo)
onatourofQueen’sCollege before going onto the QC groundforacompetition.
through their paces with GCACoach,KenroyJoseph. President of the GCA NeilBarry,aformerGuyana Cricketer,toldthe50excited students,theSophiaPrimary School’s Head Mistress Audrey Sue, Marketing Manager of Guyana Beverage Inc , Collis Venture, and Dr Olato Sam from the Ministry of Education, about the aim of thisBarryprogramme.informed that the eight week programme whichendsinthethirdweek onNovember,14ofthebest students of each school (7 boys & 7girls) will be taken
On Wednesday at the SophiaPrimarySchoolinAField, Sophia, the Georgetown Cricket Association (GCA) launched the Nex Gen Primary Schools Coaching Primary Programme, which is sponsored by Guyana Beverages Inc., located on theEastBankofDemerara.
Dr Sam asked the gathering if they knew who Shimron Hetymer and Stefanie Taylor were and surprisingly many of them put up their hands to answer
buthisteamlostby55runsto BNOC, recently Playing at Greens, BNOC made 178-6 from their allotted 40 overs. William Lashley made 45 and Dave Estwick finished on44notoutwhileBrandon Sitaya took 3-45 for the opposition. Sheffield made 123 all out in 28.3 overs. Keton Cox supported Roberts with 22 as Dave Estwickclaimed3-25.
TheProgrammeinvolves eight schools with a total of 400 students; half of them being Girls and other half beingTBoys.he p r o g r a m commenced at 14:30 hrs withthe25girlsbeingtaken
E a r l i e r i n t h e tournament, Roberts made 17andpickedup3-18ashis teambeatPassageUnitedby 41runs.Roberts, who plays for Rising Star of Zeelugt locally, also played in the two–daytournamentandhit a top score of 93 versus Bagatelle. He also had a match haul of nine wickets againstStJosephCulture;he alsomade79andpickedup4 for 28 against Empire, all winningcauses.
Keon RobertsTeacher
Both, Dr Sam and the School’s Headmistress, spoke of the importance of doingwellinacademicsand sports.They told the pre-teens that they needed to have an 80 percent attendance at school, be disciplined and listen to what their coaches andteacherssay
oftheirBarryactivities.notedthat if the ground’s condition is improvedandacricketpitch is installed there, the Sophia teamwhichplaysintheGCA competition, can have a place to practice and host matches.The Sophia Primary school,inthelastfiveyears, has produced students for President’s College, Bishop’sHighSchoolandSt Rose’sHighSchool.
Buffy’s Mini Mart Inch will play BNOC in the final onSeptember25.
The Sophia Primary schoolhasamassiveground but according to the headmistress, it is not used because it’s in a soggy conditionformanyareas.
Kaieteur NewsPAGE 32 Friday September 16, 2022

Guyanese Roberts enjoying fine stint in Barbados
GCA’s Coach Kenroy Joseph takes the Girls at the Sophia Primary School yesterday (Sean Devers photo)

3rd edition of GuyOil/Tradewind Tankers U-18 Schools Football League kicks off Sunday Sunday

Liverpool and Newcastle coaches fined and banned over touchline incident
Tankers Champion commences for eight Secondary School Football teams at the Ministry of EducationGround,Carifesta Avenue.The tournament will adopt its customary league format, going for one round and is set to kick off with four matches that will see Milo U18 runner-ups North Ruimveldt Multilateral go head to head with C u m m i n g s L o d g e Secondary in the opening importanceMendoncaoandbetweencapsSecondaryGbtheSecondary’amatch.Christianburg/WismarndWestRuimveldtscontestwillbenexttounfoldwhileaattlebetweenGoldenroveandfriendshipfollows.ThedayoffwithashowdownDolphinSecondaryPresident’sCollege.Speakingonbehalfoftherganizers,Petra,Troyunderscoredtheoftheleague
while fourth place pockets $100,000.Theorganiser also disclosed that all prizes are
Daniel Hodges have been fined and banned by the Football Association after anincidentintheReds’2-1 win.Membersofbothteams’ coachingstaffclashedafter Fabio Carvalho’s 98th minute winner on 31 August.Achterberg has been fined£7,000,whileHodges hasbeenfined£6,000.
( B B C S p o r t )
Liverpool coach John Achterberg and Newcastle head of performance
Sharing remarks on Guyoil/ Tradewind Tankers’ behalf, Communication and Promotion Officer (CPO) Saskia McClintock, highlighted that she will be looking forward to an entertaining willforrunnersettournament,eonforwardcompetitivectthirdveryMcClintocktournament.said,“We’repleasedtobehereforatime.WeexpecttheeamstobeveryompetitiveIloveagameandlooktoyourbestabilitiesthegameday.”WithGuyoilinjectinginxcessof$4Mintothethefirstprizeisat$500,000whiletheupwillhavetosettle$400,000.Thirdplacecartoffwith$300,000
A c h t e r b e r g , Liverpool’s goalkeeping coach,hasacceptedheused abusive and/or insulting gestures, while both men have admitted their behaviourwasimproper
This Sunday, September 18, the journey to becoming the third GuyOil/Tradewind
It follows a review by the FA into an incident where a Newcastle staff member appeared to throw an object towards the Liverpooltechnicalarea.
Both have been banned from the touchline for one fixture and warned about theirfutureconduct.
Kaieteur News PAGE 33Friday September 16, 2022

inkind,whichgoestowarda project of choice by the schoolthatsecuresoneofthe fourtopspots.
Petra Director, Troy TPetraMendoncaDirector,royMendonca
format.“Itis a very important tournament. As you would know, any league format in any football arena is very, very important and I just want to express how delightedwearetohaveour sponsors here with us, believinginus,thethirdyear going,”Mendoncastated.

PrintedandpublishedbyNationalMedia&PublishingCompanyLtd.,24SaffonStreet,Charlestown,Georgetown.Tel:225-8458,225-8465,225-8491orFax:225-8473/226-8210. Sports
(L-R) Dr. Olato Sam (Min of Education), GCAPresident, Neil Barry andAudrey Sue (Head Mistress Sophia Primary school) with the Students at yesterday’s launch. (Sean Devers photo)

The eight teams in the League were presented with some equipment on Thursday at the MoE Ground.

Programme bowls off with Sophia Primary School ProgrammeSchoolbowls Roger Federer to retire after Laver Cup in September GSA launches Nex-Gen School’s Coaching Academy… rd3 edition of GuyOil/Tradewind Tankers U-18 Schools Football League kicks off Sunday