Kaieteur News

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Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly

ExxonM dodges question on whether operations can lead

Itisararething,inthe life of a young nation, to be handed a fortune so vast it could rewrite the destiny of generations Rarer still, to watch that fortune squandered in broad daylight, signed away with the stroke of a pen and the empty promiseofa"biggerbone tomorrow"Guyana's oil wealth, untapped for centuries, is now gushing from the seabed. But the money that should transform this country frompovertytoprosperity is being siphoned a w a y l e g a l l y , methodically,andwithout remorse. Ring-fencing, a mechanism that could have ensured Guyana's fair share, has been rejected outright Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo and Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton, the two men with the power to correct this economic heist,havechoseninstead to leave the vault wide o p e n f o r ExxonMobil.Norton tells usheisstill"weighingthe pros and cons." Jagdeo assuresusthatbyrefusing to ring-fence, Exxon will recover its costs faster, and Guyana will soon collect its full 50% share. But reality has exposed their logic as nothing morethanafairytale. In recent weeks, oil prices have dropped, pushing that promised "big bone" into the unforeseeable future, and

Guyana is left footing an ever-growing bill. Every new project approved without ring-fencing is another mountain of expenses Exxon gets to pileontoourbacks.Atthis rate,wemayneverseeour fullshare—atleast,notin this lifetime The Vice President, when asked to a c c o u n t f o r t h e consequences of his gamble, fumbled, hesitated, and grasped at diversions.

He did not answer becausehecannotanswer His strategy is simple: obfuscate, distract, and lead the public in circles untiltheyaretoowearyto ask again. Meanwhile, ExxonMobil rakes in billions, while Guyanese struggletoputfoodonthe table.Everyoil-producing country with leadership that values its people has ring-fenced its projects. Suriname, our neighbour, has done it without hesitation. They haven't pumped a single drop of oil, yet they have secured their future. And us? We are left with crumbs from the table, while our leaders throw cash grants at the citizens like scraps to pacify a starving crowd.IfGuyanesedonot demandactionnow,ifwe do not insist on ringfencing today, we will wakeuptomorrowtofind that our wealth, our opportunity, and our future have been stolen rightfromunderus.

Guyana woos foreign investors with attractive mining opportunities

… MNR showcases country’s mining potential and lucrative benefits

The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) is promoting Guyana as an attractive destination for foreign investment in the miningsector,highlightinga range of benefits for potentialinvestors.

In a recent publication titled“TheMiningSectorin Guyana 2025,” the ministry outlined the country’s competitive advantages, emphasizingitsrichmineral resources, investor-friendly policies, and stable regulatoryframework.

According to the MNR, Guyanaboastsalonghistory ofminingandissituatedina geological environment conducivetothediscoveryof largemineraldeposits Itwas also noted that the country is alreadyextractingavarietyof minerals, including gold, diamonds, bauxite, silica sands, manganese, and quarriablestones

Additionally, the ministry outlined that there is significant potential for other minerals, such as columbite-tantalite, uranium,copper,nickel,and platinum group metals, which remain largely underexploredusingmodern methods.

The government has positioned itself as promining, offering favorable investment conditions, including security of title andpropertyrights.

The ministry noted that foreigninvestorscanbenefit from 100% ownership of Prospecting Licenses (PLs) andMiningLicenses(MLs), with rights to assign and transfer ownership under these agreements Furthermore, it was highlighted that the country follows English Common Law, ensuring a stable legal framework for business operations.

Investors are also being enticed with tax incentives, such as zero-rating on all equipment, process materials, and spares used for surveys, exploration, or mining.TheMNRnotesthat food and beverages are not included in these exemptions. In addition, the ministry highlights the ease of access to digital geological and cartographic data for most mining areas, along with straightforward procedures for application, licensing,andoperation.

Another key advantage promotedbythegovernment isthestabilityofagreements with mining companies, ensuring long-term operational security The Mining Act of 1989 allows for the granting of mining licenses once the terms of a prospecting license are fulfilled, streamlining the transition from exploration toproduction.

With its Englishspeaking population, establishedlegalframework, and investor-friendly policies, Guyana is positioning itself as a prime location for international miningventures.

Zijin Mining Group Co. Ltd, a Chinese state-owned mining giant operating in Guyana through its subsidiary Aurora Gold Mine (AGM), reported a 32 3% increase in declarations, reaching 144,593 ounces of gold produced in 2024. In 2023, Zijin recorded higher declarations by 7 8% to 109,358.4troyounces.

The company had made some US$185 million from itsoperationsinGuyanathat year Within the first six months of 2024, AGM produced 1,949 kilograms (over 68,000 ounces) of gold. This information was

revealed in Zijin’s interim half-yearreportonitsglobal operations.

Back in January, Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat

disclosed that gold production in Guyana saw a modest increase of 1,954 ounces in 2024, from 432,113 ounces in 2023 to 434,067 ounces in 2024. This follows a long-stint of

Guyana’s gold declaration being on the decline Kaieteur News had reported thatfrom2019to2023,gold declarations dropped by approximately 209,000 troy ounces, according to the Bank of Guyana’s (BOG) annualreports.

Minister Bharrat had statedthatthegovernmentis also focusing on improving recovery rates, particularly

for small and medium-scale

s currentlystandat40to45%.

The lone-large scale producer AGM has seen recovery rates as high as 95%. Further, he noted that some medium scale miners have now returned to the mining sector after expanding and exploring opportunities in other sectors.

Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat

Currently, there are several Canadian mining companies working in Guyana’sgoldindustrythat Continuedonpage12

Kaieteur News

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Palestinians – people or pests to be eradicated

The Palestinians are being treated like flies. Nuisance creatures to be swatted and crushed out of existence. They are not seen as people anymore by the rampaging Israeli warmongers and their backers. Palestinians are pests to be eradicated at a whim.They are then forgotten until the next round of warplanes, dropping their deadly charges from overhead. Later, war tanks and bulldozers are sent to continuetheordealofhumansufferingonawantonscale.

A dozen dead yesterday, a few hundred struck down overnight. What does it matter, they are only Palestinians? Iftheirneighborsdon'tcare,itshouldn'tbeexpectedthatthe rest of the world would care. It is a rare development for a people to be subjected to one catastrophe after another, but that has been the harrowing experience of Palestinians. They have the terrible misfortune to be in the wrong place withthemostunimaginableneighbors,andwitheverybody pulling them one way or the other Their misfortune is to be on their own land that others covet with a passion.The first handicap of the Palestinians is that theirs is a one-sided battle, since their Israeli neighbors have everything in their favor They have the best weapons, they have the most powerfulfriends,andtheyhavethebestforeignsupplylines toreplenishtheirbloodlust.

Those in the wider world who tried to mount a defense for the Palestinians in the court of public opinion, now find themselves facing the wrath of Americans incited to teach themalesson.Thecycleofviolenceandvengeancethathas dogged the Gaza Strip for so long, has now reached farther afieldandfunctionsonadifferentworldstage.SouthAfrica is the first to be targeted, with the other defenders of the Palestinian cause given a choice; continue in that manner and be ready to pay a bitter price, or pull in horns, and start over much wiser, not sticking nose into the barbarous killingfieldthatisnowtheGazaStrip.

If 400 Palestinians dying in one savage strike is not a holocaust, then an inferno gets the message across just as well.Theirony,thetragedy,isthatadifferentkindoftorture chamberhasbeentransportedfromAuschwitzandBergenBelsen, to what was once the storied names of Judea and Samaria. Men, women, and children are dying or already dead, and the world is reduced to the role of a silent, fearful bystander The old is sent off, the young dispatched, with cold-blooded and modern efficiency, and not many States, not many leaders, have the courage to whisper war crimes. Thekillersareincentivized,thevictimswhoaredespairingif not already dead- are grievously wounded. Palestinians treated like animals, and the best that the world can do is raiseitsglassinatoastandwishforpeacetoprevail.

This is not the essence of hypocrisy and utter cruelty It is about condoning criminality of the most heinous sort, while the world comforts itself about how civilized and compassionateitis.America,thearsenalofdemocracy,has distorted into America, the arsenal of barbarity and of frightening lunacy. America and Europe pride themselves as the strongholds of Christianity and all that are of standards and decency. Where are the standards, and what happened to the distinguishing decency in the Palestinian situation? What is being delivered by the planeload and truckload to the Palestinians have been the fate of the poor and powerless throughout colonial and imperial times. There are bloody conquerors, which means that there are savaged, bloodied victims. Guyanese should take note, for they have oil and rich natural resources. The Palestinians have their land, which traces the source of their ongoing tragedy Guyana's oil has brought the vultures circling overhead, ready to pick to the bone. They are ready to deal with any Guyanese so lacking in good sense as to stand against them. Guyana's leaders have proved their mettle. They have become very skilled at bowing their heads and taking their kicks, without saying a word. The altars of capitalist greed and political betrayals must be served. Today, the Palestinians suffer; the horrors of Guyanese are nowbeginning.

Nothing is voluntary in paying taxes due

Dear Editor,

At last Thursday's press conference, the General Secretary of the People's Progressive Party, Bharrat Jagdeo, as is his wont, held forth with an air of authority on matters of law and taxation, displaying a confidence unburdened by actual knowledge. In yet another sermon from his self-appointed pulpit, he declared that the payment of taxestotheGuyanaRevenue Authority(GRA)isbasedon a system of voluntary compliance— a statement so outrageously inaccurate that one wonders whether it was made in jest or in earnest ignorance.

Let us be charitable and assume the latter After all, Mr Jagdeo is an economist, not a tax attorney, and it is not his fault if he lacks even t

understanding of Guyana's tax laws. But for the sake of public enlightenment, it must be stated clearly: under the law, every taxpayer is required to pay the full and accurate amount of taxes due There is nothing voluntary about it Importers, for instance, are legally bound to declare the true value of goods, and the GRA, in turn, undertakes an assessment of taxes payable. Once assessed, the taxpayer must pay the amount due—unless he chooses to challenge the assessment The system is structured, not as an honour-based arrangement where the taxpayer may pay whatever hefeelsisappropriate,butas an enforceable legal obligation.

But Mr Jagdeo's misconceptions did not end there. His misapprehension

of the legal framework extended to an inversion of the burden of proof in cases of tax fraud Under the Englishcriminallawsystem, which Guyana follows, once an importer has paid the assessed taxes, the onus shiftstotheGRAtoestablish that a fraudulent declaration has been made. It is for the GRA—not the taxpayer—to prove that there has been tax evasion.

To demand that an importer prove he has not evadedtaxesistopervertone of the fundamental tenets of our legal system: the presumptionoence.finnoc

This is not a matter of political spin or bureaucratic discretion; it is a matter of law

But, perhaps, it is asking too much to expect a man, long accustomed to issuing decrees, to concern himself with the finer points of legal doctrine. As we have seen time and again, Mr. Jagdeo prefers the world as he imagines it—where laws are infinitely elastic, facts are subject to creative reinterpretation, and the burden of proof lies wherever it is most convenient for him. It would be almost amusing, were it not so dangerously misleading.

Likewise, Mr Jagdeo would do well to familiarize himself with the legal s tandard governing remigration concessions Here,too,theburdenfallson the GRA to establish that an individual has not met the statutory residency requirements not on the remigrant to prove compliance.

Sincerely, Rupnauth

OGGN seeks legal clarification from AG Nandlall on the conflict between the 2016 PSA and NRF Act

Dear Editor,

SinceFebruary16,2025, the Sunday Kaieteur News has published a series of weekly letters by the Oil and Gas Governance Network Guyana (OGGN) querying

the questionable tax practices by oil companies and urging the Government of Guyana, its ministers, and public servants to answer questions regarding the flow ofoil-relatedtaxpayments.

U n d e r t h e 2 0 1 6

P e t r o l e u m Agreement commonly known as the Production

S h a r i n g A g

e m e n t (PSA) between the Government of Guyana and

ExxonMobil Guyana

Limited (EMGL), a subsidiary of ExxonMobil, alongwithHessCorporation andChinaNationalOffshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), the government agreed to pay the oil companies' income taxes from Guyana's share of oil revenues


Article 15.4 of the PSA states that the Minister responsible for Petroleum (i.e., the Minister of Natural Resources) shall pay income taxes on behalf of the

C o n t r a c t o r ( i e ,

ExxonMobil and its affiliates) and that this sum willbeconsideredpartofthe Contractor'sincome.

A r t i c l e 1 5 5 specifies that the Minister must ensure the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) issues tax receipts and certificates confirming these payments.

In effect, ExxonMobil and its partners do not remit income taxes directly to the Government of Guyana Instead, the government claims to pay these taxes on their behalf of the consortium using some unnamed fund. The GRA then

p r o v i d e s o f f i c i a l documentation of these payments to satisfy tax authorities in foreign jurisdictions, such as the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS).This arrangement effectively exempts the oil companies from paying corporate and income taxes in Guyana, whileenablingthemtoclaim taxcreditsabroad.

H o w e v e r , t h i s contractual arrangement raisesseriouslegalconcerns. The law that governs the use o f G u y a n a ' s o i l revenues the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) Act—does not authorize the use of oil funds to pay taxes onbehalfofcorporations.

The NRF Act, originally passed in 2019 and revised bythecurrentadministration in 2021, establishes the rules for the management, investment, and spending of Guyana's oil wealth. It was c r e a t e d t o e n s u r e transparency, accountability, and sustainable use of petroleum revenues for the benefit of both current and future generations Under t h e A c t , a l l o i l revenues whether from royalties, profit oil, or other sources—must be deposited into the NRF, Guyana's sovereignwealthfund.

Section16(2)oftheNRF Act explicitly states that all withdrawals from the Fund must be deposited into the Consolidated Fund and used onlytofinance:

(a) national development priorities, including any initiative aimed at realizing an inclusive green economy; and

(b) essential projects that are directly related to mitigating the effects of a majornaturaldisaster

Nowhere does the Act authorize the use of oil revenues to pay taxes on b e h a l f o f p r i v a t e corporations. This creates a clear legal conflict between the NRF Act and the taxrelated provisions of the 2016PSA.Ifoilrevenuesare usedtosubsidizethetaxesof multinational oil companies, it risks undermining both the intent and letter of the NRF Act, which was designed to ensure that Guyana's oil wealth serves specified aspectsofthepublicgood.

The Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs serves as the principal legal advisor to the Government of Guyana. As the Chief Legal Officer, the AG is responsible for overseeing the drafting, vetting, and interpretation of legislation, ensuring that all laws are constitutionally sound and consistent with the legal framework of the country

As noted above, the current administration revised and passed the


Act in December 2021. While the primary responsibility for presenting the Bill to the National Assembly rested with Dr Ashni Singh, Senior Minister in the Office of the P r e s i d e n t w i t h Responsibility for Finance, the Attorney General played an essential supporting role in its legal review and vetting. It was the AG's responsibility to ensure the l e g i s l a t i o n ' s l e g a l consistency and coherence withexistingobligationsand internationalnorms.

Given the apparent contradiction between the 2016 PSA and the NRF Act (2021) with regard to tax payments on behalf of oil companies, we respectfully request Attorney General Nandlall to clarify the following key points for the public:

1 H o w c a n t h e Government of Guyana fulfill its contractual obligations regarding tax payments to ExxonMobil and its partners under the 2016 PSA without violating the spending restrictions imposed by the NRF Act (2021)?

2. Why did the Attorney General, acting as the Government's Chief Legal Advisor, not recommend the inclusion of tax payments as a third lawful category of spending under the revised NRFAct?

3. What is the legal basis t h a t e m p o w e r s t h e Commissioner-General of the Guyana Revenue Authority to issue tax certificates on behalf of oil companies when those taxes are not paid by the companies themselves, but ratherbythegovernment?

4.GiventhatSection103 of the Income Tax Act requires tax compliance certificates to be issued only whenataxpayersatisfiesall (Continue on page 6)

America and our Security

Dear editor,

Following a meeting in Jamaica with several Caricom leaders on Wednesday, US Secretary of State Marco Rubio will be arriving in Guyana for discussions with President Irfaan Ali. Caricom is a strategic partner of the US with intersecting interests in m i g

, relations with Venezuela, Cuba and China The Jamaican meeting will address overall Caricom relations with the US, with Barbados' Mia Mottley representing the regional grouping as its chair and T&T'snewPMStuartYoung as its security head. Haiti's Presidentwillalsobepresent to spearhead discussions on the deteriorating security situationinthatisland.

For us, however, our increasing oil production by t h e E x x o n M o b i l condominium that will soon reach 1 million bpd, is alone significant to warrant Rubio's visit. ExxonMobil is a significant American corporation and a week after P r e s i d e n t T r u m p ' s inauguration and Rubio's cabinetappointment,heheld a telephone conversation withPresAli.

According to the US statement, “The Secretary affirmed the United States' steadfast support of Guyana's territorial integrity in the face of Nicolás Maduro and his cronies' bellicose actions ” Those actions moved from threats andblustertophysicalaction when on March 1, a Venezuelan naval ship invaded our Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and t h r e a t e n e d o n e o f ExxonMobil'sFPSOs.

Following Pres Ali's announcement that Guyana had "put its international partnersonalert,"theRubioled US State Dept's Bureau

of Western Hemisphere Affairswarned:"Venezuelan naval vessels threatening ExxonMobil's floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) unit is unacceptable and a clear violation of Guyana's internationally recognized maritime territory Further provocation will result in consequences for the Maduro regime " At the meeting with Secretary Rubio, the nature of these “consequences” must be concretized.

Maduro's continued bellicosity, even in the face of the Dec 14, 2023 Argyle

Agreement on which President Ali expended much political capital, made a m o c k e r y o f t h e commitment to “not threaten or use force against one a n o t h e r i n a n y circumstances ” Even though he has recently asked for another face-to-face meeting with Pres Ali, the latter announced that "We are not going to go into any discussion with Venezuela when they are blatantly disregarding the Argyle (declaration)." Maduro will not cease his depredations since he clearly considers these “rally round the flag” movesasvitaltohispolitical survival, in a country he has ruined. The next flashpoint will come on May 25, one daybeforeourindependence anniversary, when Maduro has scheduled the “election” of a Governor of Essequibo, which he has legislatively

“annexed” as Venezuela's 24thstate.

Maduro has explicitly rejectedtheICJ'sjurisdiction to pronounce definitively on the Venezuelan concocted Border Controversy as per the1966GenevaAgreement. So,whilewehaveonceagain resorted to that body on Maduro's latest outrageous proposal, we must take other measures to safeguard our nationalsecurity Addressing a t t e n d e e s a t t h e commissioning of the GDF's hangar at EFCIA Pres Ali declared:“Evenaswerepose our confidence in the rule of international law and in the p e r s u a s i v e n e s s o f diplomacy, we are not blind to the realities of the world we live in. A strong nation must have the means to deter and to identify threats. That is why we are investing in our Defense Force, not for war, not for aggression, but f o r p r o t e c t i o n , f o r development, and for nationalsecurity.”

We have long supported examining our military options but because of the overwhelming size of the Venezuelan land, air and sea forces, suggested that while we should maintain our present conventional forces, simply enlarging them to counter Venezuela is not an optimal option. We should go outside the box to cause them to think twice before attacking us. In a phrase, we must reformulate our militarydoctrineandforce (Continue on page 6)

Government's handling of NIS benefits for those missing contributions due to NIS error is anti-Jagan

Dear Editor,

As we observe another anniversary of the late great Dr Cheddi Jagan, we must notforgethisgroundingsina working-class ideology Dr Jagan wrote in his book “WestonTrial”thatwhenhe saw the oppression of sugar workers, he dedicated his life to the upliftment of the working people. He never veered off track from such a belief.Henotonlytalkedthe talk; he walked the talk. He wasnotahypocrite!

If you visit the Jagan's “Heritage” Home in BelAir, which is now a historical site, you ask yourself how could two Presidents (Cheddi and Janet) have lived there so simply That alone shows they did not get into Government or power asking“whatcanmycountry do for me?” (as is the ideology of all our politicians now), they asked “what can we do for our country?”

The Jagans were always obsessed with the notion of helping the poor people, the working poor, the workingclass, the dispossessed. The Jagans were for the little people, not forming alliances with the petty

bourgeoisie and the oligarchic business and contractor classes for shared aggrandisement. Dr Jagan

always explained at meetings and in his writings how the system was rigged to oppress the working class who were left to eat the crumbs from the political masters' tables. He calledfor aNewGlobalHumanOrder

Now, how do we get the party of Jagan to not lose its working-classgroundings,if it has not already lost them? It is one thing to have annual meetings praising the work of Jagan then go back the next day to anti-Jagan practices. I have written that in my view, the lowest point ofourcurrentGovernmentis that, under their watch, NIS was allowed to appeal the Zainul Case where a poor carpenterwasdeniedhisNIS benefits although he had proof that he made enough contributions, while the NIS records were showing he did not Was the AttorneyGeneral's office consulted about filing this appeal? Can the Government claim it's not us who filed the appeal; it'stheNISpeoplewhodidit on their own? After Mr Zainul lost appeals at the

America and our...

From page 5

structure. Our strategy must be one of denial and cost imposition-withthelimited aimofchangingVenezuela's decision-making calculus and thus their strategic behavior Our Essequibo jungle terrain favours this denial strategy with irregular forces and cyber equipment since unlike Venezuela, our goal is not to occupytheirterritory

At the meeting with Secretary Rubio, we should raise our previous proposal

that we establish a military base in Essequibo to which the US SouthCom forces would have access, through adefencetreatybetweenour countries. The base would coordinatethespecialforces capable of waging the asymmetrical war against theVenezuelanforces. US SFAB units have already begun training our forces in Large Scale Combat Operations in new domains.

Sincerely, Ravi dev


Board level, he filed a


High Court Justice Damone Younge's ruling for Mr Zainul in the case roasted and toasted the NIS for its sloppy record keeping The Judge essentially ruled that if NIS recordkeepingis sloppy, you can't punish the worker That's an NIS/Government problem.

ThispoormanZainulhas waited 14 years for his ship to come in, and thanks to the NIS appeal of his case, he is gettinglarwahnow,thesame as for the past 14 years. The poor working-class man Mr Zainul now relies on a generous monthly donation from Mr Ram, for his sustenance. How did the Governmentexpectthispoor mantofeedhisfamily?What would Dr Cheddi Jagan have done? My cousin has also been trying to get his benefitsforthepast30years. NIS is missing one year of hiscontributions.

From telling him he never worked at Bermine, they said he has only 740 contributions, but one year's contribution is missing. (Bermine was closed long ago). He asked the President for help and asked the Minister of Finance for help. The NIS General Manager refused to meet with him. There are hundreds of cases likethese.

If it is true the AG's Officehasnothingtodowith the Zainul appeal, and the PPP Government has nothing to do with filing the appeal, that it was solely the NIS, why is the Jaganite working-class Government comfortable with this? Why did it not stop the appeal? When our AG was going to appeal Justice Nigel Niles'

decision to award $24M to the Quindon Bacchus' family for wrongful death, thePresidentstoppedit.(See “PresidentstompsNandlall's plan to appeal $24M awarded to Quindon Bacchus' family,” KN, Jan. 10,2025).

It was reported that “President Irfaan Ali has stopped Attorney General Anil Nandlall from appealing a court award of $24M for the slaying of Quindon Bacchus by a policeman over two years ago. Nandlall had recently argued that the court decision, which was handed down by Justice Nigel Niles, was flawed and that the government would be appealing it. However, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, speaking at his press conference on Thursday, said that once the President got wind of the plan, he asked the AG to stop. The Presidentwasmadeawareof the ongoing efforts by the A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l ' s Chambers and instructed that the appeal should not proceed.

I n s t e a d , t h e compensationmustbepaid,” Jagdeotoldreporters.Thisis a government that has also filed appeals on the side of Exxon against the country's interests.

We again call on the President to step in and stop the Zainul appeal Pay pensions to Mr Zainul, my cousin and those missing a few contributions due to inaccurate NIS records. Use part of the $10 billion allotted to NIS to fix these lingering problems of the workingpoor Mr President, do it in honour of Dr Jagan, herooftheworking-class!


Dr Jerry Jailall Civil SocietyAdvocate

Time to declare war on lawlessness on our roads

Dear Mr. Editor,

Iamwritingtoyouwitha heavy heart regarding a pressing issue that demands immediate attention: the alarming rate of road accidents caused by reckless and negligent drivers. As a concerned citizen, I implore youtotakedecisiveactionto address this crisis, which statisticsrevealadevastating reality—96 percent of road deaths are caused by dangerous driving that claims countless lives and leavesfamiliesshattered.

Statistics reveal a devastating reality –96 percent of road death is caused by dangerous driving (speeding). Just last week, children lost their lives on our roads, leaving behind grieving parents who will never recover from such a profound loss. Studies have shown that without facing adequateconsequences.This reckless behavior must not betolerated.

I urge you to implement stricter measures to ensure that no one drives above the speed limit. Additionally, I propose that all drivers be required to retake their

From page 5 tax obligations, what kind of documentation such as validated transfers from the NRF to the Consolidated F u n d o r b u d g e t e d allocations must the Minister of Natural Resources provide to the GRAtomeetthisstandard?

5. Why is there no independent audit or verification process in place for the Government's tax paymentsonbehalfoftheoil companies, and where can t h e p u b l i c a c c e s s documentation confirming thesepayments?

6. What verification p r o c e s s d o e s t h e GovernmentofGuyanahave in place to validate the issuance of tax credit documentationtoforeigntax authorities?

A t a t i m e w h e n transparency and public accountability are more

driving tests to reinforce the importance of road safety

Too many individuals obtain their licenses without fully u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e responsibility that comes with operating a vehicle. For instance, former US President George Bush once declared a "war on drugs," a campaign that addressed a significant societal issue. I believeasimilardeclarationof "war on lawlessness on our roads"-is necessary to protect our children, like my g r a n d c h i l d r e n , t h e president's children and all citizens from the emotional, financial and mental toll of thesepreventabletragedies.

DearMr PresidentIhave nodoubtthatyou,asaleader who love this country and its people, will take this matter seriously. When a life is lost to reckless driving, the pain ripples through entire communities. I trust in your a u t h o r i t y t o e n a c t meaningful change and save lives.

Thank you for your attention on this critical issue.

Sincerely, Frank DeAbreu

critical than ever, Guyanese citizens are entitled to clear answers about how their country's oil wealth is being managed, spent, and reported We urge the Attorney General to clarify the legal basis for these practices and to ensure that all actions taken by the government are in full compliance with the laws of Guyana The people of Guyana have a right to know that their national resources are being governed with integrity, transparency, and inthepublicinterest.








For the Oil and Gas

Governance Network G u y a n a (


In case you haven’t heard, please be informed that as part of our continued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our publisher, Dr. Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about on-going indecencies in our land that should matter, not only to us at this publication, but the entire nation.

Monday – March 17, 2025


Last week at his weekly press rambling, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo sought to lecture the media as to how they should have

covered the recent International Monetary Fund (IMF) Article IV Consultation report on Guyana. He boasted that the report was a ringing endorsement of the sound economic policies of his government.

For all its politeness, the IMF has delivered a report that suggests there is much work to be done. Even from a n e o - l i b e r a l perspective the very school of thought that the IMF is often accused of championing and of which the PPP/C government is an

unrepentant disciple—there

recommendations contained within the report highlight structural weaknesses, governance concerns, and fiscal policy risks that, if left unaddressed, could turn economic optimism into missedopportunity Ifthegovernmentwishes to treat this report as validation of its economic stewardship, it would do well to reconsider There is much to improve, and even f r o m a n e o - l i b e r a l standpoint, the challenges areclear

Tuesday – March 18, 2025

Free speech: Taxable, jailableoffenceinGuyana In Guyana criticising the government or simply having a different view is

now a taxable and jailable offence Criticising the government should not automatically place an individual in a higher tax bracket, nor should it trigger the mobilisation of ranks f r o m S O C U o r t h e Cybercrime Unit, but it is nowhappeninginGuyana.

A recent report on the state of affairs of media freedominGuyanamadethe point that while physical attacks on journalists are rare, they face substantial cyberbullying and efforts to discredittheirwork.Itadded that the President typically a v o i d s o p e n p r e s s interactions, preferring controlled interviews, while the Vice President uses lengthy weekly broadcasts tocriticisedissentingvoices. Democracy thrives on debate, disagreement, and

the ability of citizens to challenge authority without fearofreprisal.

If an individual's biggest crime is expressing their views or taking a different political stance, then that is notanoffencepunishableby the law but rather a right enshrined in the country's highestlaw

Wednesday - March 19, 2025

ExxonMobil, Math and Madness

In just five years of pumping oil, ExxonMobil has walked out of Guyana with over US$10B. That is twoyears'worthofGuyana's NationalBudget—GONE!

That is TWICE the debt Guyana is currently sitting on. That is even MORE than ALL the oil money Guyana has collected from profits and royalties in five years just in taxes we waivedforExxonMobil.

In five years of pumping oil, Guyana collected US$6B in royalties and profits and ExxonMobil

walked away with US$10B intaxesalone.

Note the emphasis on the word, “ALONE”; there is a reason for that. If we were to dive more into this oil business, some of us might pack our bags and run to the nearest country to seek asylum.

Thursday – March 20, 2025

The right time for the Opposition Will there ever be the 'right time' for the Opposition? Based on its record, we don't think so. Nowisthetimetogetupand get. But the Opposition still talking about the right time. Theoilwillcometoanend.It will find the Opposition still talkingaboutrighttime.


Friday – March 21, 2025

Americans fight wars for interests As the Guyana Government continues to pin its hopes on the United States to help ward off the marauding Nicolas Maduro, we must be reminded that

American statements and declarations are no guarantees.

And words do not stop incursions. They do not halt aggression. The idea that America will rush to Guyana's defense if Venezuela makes a move on Essequibo is one that must be dismissed— quickly and entirely

Americans do not fight wars for the sake of principle They fight for interests,andeventhen,with great reluctance. Guyana's vast oil reserves may seem a compelling interest, but the presence of U.S. companies extracting those reserves does not, in and of itself, constitute a reason for military intervention

American companies operate in hostile regions all over the world, and the U.S. government does not scramble jets every time a corporate interest is threatened.

Tobelieveotherwiseisto misreadhistory

Ministers should stay clear of project management

Picture a Minister, seated at the head of a table, leaning forward, looking a contractor dead in the eye, andasking,“Youwantmeto find another contractor for thisproject?”Theroomfalls silent.

It has actually happened and was not the first time a Minister made such a public spectacle of contract management We've seen contractsterminatedon-site,

project cancellations announced by politicians, and even the Head of State

personally grilling contractors, Ministers and PermanentSecretariesabout delays at an early morning interrogation.

B u t h e r e ' s t h e question—since when did Ministers become project managers? Since when did policy leadership mean

m i c r o m a n a g i n g constructionsites?

Ministers should stay

c l e a r o f p r o j e c t management. This is the

responsibility of the Permanent Secretary And when it comes to the

relationship between Ministers and Permanent Secretaries, this is a delicate but essential one in any professionalpublicservice.

The Report on Public Administration in Guyana (1966) provides a useful f

supervision of the Ministry or Department are the responsibi

he critica

relationship The report outline

importance of maintaining a clear separation of roles. It cautions against Ministers o

emphasizes the Permanent Secretary's authority over a d m

n i s t r a t i v e a n d operational matters within a Ministry.

Ministers have a distinct and crucial role in government. They are responsible for shaping policy,settingpriorities,and ensuring th

ir Ministries align with the broader national agenda However,thisauthoritydoes not extend to the direct management of projects or p u b l i c s


The Report on Public Administration in Guyana (1966) explicitly states in Section 30 that while Ministers exercise “general direction and control over the Department,” – another wayofsaying'themakingof policy' –, the actual a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d

Permanent Secretary This distinction is vital to maintaining an effective, accountable, and nonpartisanpublicservice.

Unfortunately, there is a growing trend where Ministers publicly intervene in administrative matters, suchasrescindingcontracts, threatening to subcontract public projects, or even terminating them outright. This not only undermines

Permanent Secretary but also disrupts the established processesdesignedtoensure transparency, fairness, and e

c administration.

The Report on Public Administration in Guyana (1966) highlights several risks associated with Ministers encroaching on administrative functions: First, there is erosion of professionalism When Ministers bypass the Permanent Secretary and make direct administrative decisions, it compromises t h e n e u t r a l i t y a n d professionalism of the public service. As stated in Section 31 of the report,


Oil-rich, speech-poor!

Guyana got oil. Nuff oil. Big, big executives flying in from Texas, London, and who-knows-where, standing up pon fancy podiums, drinking champagne, and boasting how Guyana is the new oil paradise. Dem seh we got more oil than Kuwait, bigger potential than Venezuela, and more reserves than demeverimagine.

But guess who quiet like church mouse?Isweownleaders!

Dem oil magnates talking about how much oil we gat and how much profit dem making. But we leaders nah know how much reserves we gat. Dem depending on de oil companies.

Dem boys seh when Exxon man talk, yuh could hear de excitement. He does seh, “Guyana is the crown jewel of our portfolio!” But when yuh ask we own leaders bout ringfencing, dem does suddenly get amnesia. One even had de temerity fuh seh, “When we get into office, wewillimplementring-fencing.”

Well, well, well! That sound familiar! Dem boys remember another man who seh, “When I get

there is an inherent risk in allowing political figures to exercise control over public service operations, as it could lead to favoritism, inefficiency, and weakened institutionalcapacity

Second, is the danger of increased Political Pressure. Section 33 of the report warns that Ministers often face pressure from political supporters who may not fully appreciate the constitutional boundaries between political leadership a n d a d m i n i s t r a t i v e execution. If Ministers give in to these pressures, they risk turning the public service into a “spoils system,” where contracts and positions are awarded based on political loyalty ratherthanmerit.

Third, is the danger of undermining financial and operational controls Section 33 of the report explains that while Ministers may be frustrated w i t h b u r e a u c r a t i c procedures, these checks and balances exist for a r e a s o n P e r m a n e n t

processes, ensuring that p

Ministerial interference can weakenthesesafeguards.

Fourth, there is the possibility of a loss of ministerial focus on policy Section 32 makes it clear that Ministers are most effectivewhentheyfocuson their primary role: policymaking. The more time they spend interfering in administrative matters, the less attention they give to crafting and improving nationalpolicies.

F i f t h , i s t h e demoralization of public servants. Permanent

Secretaries and other public servants thrive in an environment where their roles are respected. When Ministers override their authority or publicly question their decisions, it creates uncertainty and lowers morale The

Permanent Secretary serves as the chief administrative officer of a Ministry and ensures that government policies are implemented efficiently and within legal and procedural frameworks.

Key responsibilities of the Permanent Secretary include managing contracts and public projects, financial ove

personnel management and


Ministers must respect the boundaries of their

Permanent Secretaries to manage the day-to-day

government functions. By doing so, they ensure a more efficient, professional, and

service—one that serves the interestsofallcitizensrather than the narrow goals of

y. Ministers must focus on policy, while Permanent S

execution And if the Permanent Secretary cannot effectively implement policy and manage projects, then there is recourse – fire himorher!

(The views expressed in this article are those of the a

o n o t necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper)

in, I will renegotiate the contract.”

Butwhenhegetin,isnotcontracthe renegotiate, is he mouth he shut tight!

We muss ask we self why dem tekkin this disinterest. Is it that they don'tcareorsomethingelse?

Dem boys want to know how come dem executives always know how much oil we got, how much money Exxon making, and how much de project expanding—but we own people cyan't answer one simplequestionboutwewealth?

Onemansehweshouldn'trushto change things because we attracting investment.

Demboyssehifwekeepwaiting, is we pockets gon be empty while de investors laughing all de way to de bank!

Dem boys seh is time Guyanese stop tekking sweet talk and start askinghardquestions.

Ifoilexecutivescouldboast,why weleaderscyan'ttalk?

Maybe is because de only fence dem interested in is de one keeping weoutdeoilwealth!

Talk half. Leff half.


Elections Season

2025 is building

s l o w l y b u t steadily Thepacewillpick up, could grow into one of tworealities. Thedawnofa new beginning or the beginning of a dark nightmare?

Either way, matters pertaining to this year's elections will hold some ingredients never seen beforeinthiscountry Itisa

far step to take the position from now that Elections 2025 will be about the unprecedented. Asinuglier thanever

Lower than Guyanese fathom. Graver than this country's people can manage. It is mid-March, andthatiswhereIam,from scanningthecoasttoday

The PPP has as big a claim as anyone on victory Itisstandingwisdomthatthe

PPP knows how to fight dirty, has done so, and is seeminglypreparedtodoso, withoutlimitation.

Theseasonisnotevenin thefinallap,andalreadythe ruling party has exhibited a zealforgoingtheextramile, openly displaying some of itspowerfulweapons.

Taxes featured recently; beforethat,Stateadshadits Thursday afternoon hour(s). Live in Guyana will be

refueled and unleashed. So will the cluster of online news outlets to do duty and defend the cup. By any means and whatever the cost. What was shaping up to be a long year just got longer

ThePNChasallbutsaid: nobiometrics,nowhiteflag. ItdidGuyanese,particularly its ready believers, a favour Bloated lists have a built-in bias that has its own

deceptive truths. Only a loser of a political party would yield to such circumstances.

In boxing terms, a second development that causes a second knockdown to the canvas. Who is not goingtocryfoulangrilyand stalk out of the picture even angrier by then? Out of the electoral picture and to where?

The Opposition has made its position very clear It is to defeat the PPP Though the usual language of politics, to defeat is to tumble one on one's own head. Interesting times are ahead, I posit, and in more than the normal manner If the PNC were to go along with what it has already called a less than neutral (a non-independent) referee, thentowhatdoesitcondemn itself? More pointedly, to what barrenness its people?

Whoever needs another five yearstolearnofthegrandeur of a PPP-run government reallyisagoodcandidatefor apostmortem.

Having carved out its position,Idonotseehowthe PNCcanbegraciousanddo the necessary, viz-a-viz, curtsy to what GECOM broadcasts. Thisisominous.

Entertheyoungster The youngster is already a spoiler Not quite a showstopper,butdefinitelya spoiler He has some early numbers. Ishetheone,this strangest of all Guyana's political developments? Well, there is the baggage. ThereistheUS. Andthereis adisturbedPPPbrass.

The president has taken to tranquility; the top secretary continues with his weekly war of words to disguise his anxieties Plenty to account for, with many gaps; voters can start there. Ratherlaughably,the new kid on the political block went to Essequibo, and a PPP luminary immediately started hollering about national securityandVenezuela.

As party brainwashing goes, that one is as good as long-expired Listerine. If I weretojointhefray,thenext billboard to come out of Freedom House could be this:heisaMaduromole. I am convinced that this is a realcountry

The concern is that Guyana just doesn't have realpeople,butapopulation of brainless. One kid who doesn't have a party, nor a

t eam of advisers, nor such things as white papers, manifestoes, or a platform, and he drives mortal fear in thePPPupperbrackets.

From what I have heard, his programme is simple: money for the people, and stop the money from being stolen, swindled, and siphoned off by the strongmen in the PPP upstairschambers.

I think the new fella could be good for three to fiveseats. Hemaynotmake it to the throne, but I see a kingmakerinitsrawstages.

Now, none of this a m o u n t s t o t h e sophistication of political science. Rather, it is the science of a pending stormy season and sign language of the street blending into one atthesametime.

Translation: claims of a PPP victory will be sharply contested In spite ofperhaps because of-census numbers,Venezuelanvoters, overseas voters, deportee voters, and phantom and other suspect voters, a new chapter is stirring in Guyana's electoral refinements.

A c a l m o n e , a combustible one, or a nightmarish one, that is the question.

The PPP has a ready answer: the last five years. The record is double-edged. Lots of money spent, lots of structureserected. Butwho are the people mostly collecting, who are the ones forced to their knees, and thenkickedabout?

They are not only PNC people The PNC (or whatever it calls itself) had its turn at the governing wheel. Itdroveoverevenits own people. Now all these crowscominghometoroost. The people want change. Theywanttoseerealmoney intheirhands,haveaseatin the towers of decisionmaking, and the backs of somevagabonds.

How they will get those, well, that's the business of electionsinGuyana.

I see some turbulence ahead Headwinds, tailwinds, and foul winds. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)

Govt. and Opposition MPs a no-show at Exxon’s public meetings on 8th project

Wh e n o n e thinks of a Member of Parliament (MP), they often think of representation; representationofthepeople. Aselectedofficials,theyare entrusted to act on behalf of citizens, which means showing up, engaging and often times taking other necessary action to make proper representation of the people.

This past week, American oil major

ExxonMobil, commenced a series of public scoping meetings, specifically gearedtowardsengagingthe wider public on its largest offshore development to date,theLongtailproject.

These meetings, which kickedoffinRegionOneare held in partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and allows Exxon and its consultant to

share information about the upcoming development and engagecommunitiesontheir specific concerns or questions they may have, some of which may be a d d r e s s e d i n t h e Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) that will beconducted.

Most citizens are not onlyunawareofthepurpose of these meetings, but have shown a lack of knowledge but keen interest in the ongoing offshore activities. The meetings hosted so far byExxonhaveseennomore than a handful of people at various venues. Some were even delayed by as much as an hour as a result of poor a t t e n d a n c e M o s t disappointingly however is perhaps the fact that not a single “representative of the people”showeduptoanyof these meetings hosted to date,atthecoastallocations.

Two meetings were held on Monday and Wednesday in Region One but were not attended by this newspaper. It is unclear whether any government or Opposition MPs were in attendance; however,twomeetingswere subsequentlyheldinRegion Four on Thursday and Friday, none of which saw theattendanceofanyelected officials. Another meeting held in Region Three on Thursday again was not attendedbyanyoftheMPs.

Thishascausedconcern, especially since these officialsareexpectedtolook out for the interest of Guyanese and hold these multinational corporations to account. Instead, citizens with their little knowledge turned out to enquire about the company's operations andseekanswersonimpact, insomeregard,whileothers were interested in how they

can benefit more from opportunities and initiatives funded by Exxon. It should be noted that while the participation from ordinary citizens is crucial to the process, one would expect electedrepresentativesofthe people, with more knowledgeoftheindustry,to be in attendance to add another layer of scrutiny to thecompany

Further, some citizens mayconsidertheattendance of elected representatives as a confidence booster for them, and that they- the

MPs- are seriously engaged in this massive oil sector, especially relative to potential imp


The public scoping meetings will continue this week, with two meetings scheduled for Monday in Region F

e Mahaicony Technical and Vocational Training Center, Mahaicony and at the Re

Council Boardroom in Fort Wellington, West Coast Berbice. On Tuesday, Exxon will

engage citizens at the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO) Training CentreHostel,PortMourant, Berbice before shifting to RegionTwoonThursdayfor a meeting at the Town Hall, Anna Region, Essequibo Coast.

The Longtail public scoping meetings will conclude in Region Four on FridayattheMonRepos/La R e c o n n a i s s a n c e Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) Lusignan Community Centre Ground, EastCoastDemerara.

Apublic scoping meeting was poorly attended on Friday at the Diamond Primary School, East Bank Demerara

Police recover stolen Sheriff shotgun

Members of the Guyana

Police Force (GPF) on Thursdaynightrecovereda 12-guage shotgun property of Sheriff Security

According to the police, Afen Berkshire,asecurityguardemployedwith SheriffSecurity,wasreportedlyrobbedof theshotgunandotheritemsonMarch13, 2025atLamahaPark,Georgetown.

Around22:30hrs.onThursday,police ranksactingoninformationreceivedwent

to Lamaha Park, Georgetown, through a street which runs East to West and conducted a search in some nearby bushes.

On the northern side of the street, the ranks found a white salt bag containing a 12-gauge shotgun wrapped in a multicoloureds bed sheet. The ranks took possession of the firearm and it was lodged at the East La Penitence Police Station.





Omai holds a 100% interest in the gold project, which encompasses two gold deposits:theshear-hostedWenotDepositand the adjacent intrusive-hosted Gilt Creek Deposit located in Region Seven (CuyuniMazaruni).

The results from its first Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for the Wenot Project revealed that the project is slated to yield over 142,000 ounces of gold annually over a 13-year mine life. At its peak, production is anticipated to soar to 184,000 ouncesinasingleyear,withatotalestimated production of 1,840,000 ounces of payable gold.

The Omai property Mineral Resource Estimates (MRE) totals 4.3 million ounces (Wenot at 834,000 oz. averaging 1.48 g/tAu (Indicated) & 1,614,000 oz. averaging 1.99 g/t Au (Inferred) PLUS Gilt Creek at 1,515,000 oz averaging 3 22 g/t Au (Indicated) and 665,000 oz. averaging 3.35 g/tAu(Inferred)).

SinceitsreturntoGuyana,Omaihasbeen morefocusedontheWenotminingpit,where a constrained pit approach is applied. The company has announced that it is now working on the Gilt Creek deposit where an underground mining approach is applied to integratetheGiltCreekintoanupdatedPEA plannedforthisyear

Moreover,anotherCanadiancompany,G MiningVentures(GMIN)isthenewownerof the4.5millionouncesOkoWestgoldproject located in Bartica, Region Seven (CuyuniMazaruni).TheOkoWestProjectiscurrently considered an “advanced-stage exploration project”,andisexpectedtoproduce353,000 ounces of gold annually from both open pit and underground mining. The project is projected to recover 4.5 million ounces of gold over 12.7 years, according to its PEA releasedinSeptember2024.

Greenheart Gold Corporation a spin off fromthemergerbetweenGMINandReunion Gold Corporation is working on the Abuya Project in northeastern Guyana. Notably, Greenheart Gold said its goal is to build a robustportfoliooftheearly-stageexploration projectsthattargetthekeygeologicalfactors believedtohavebeencrucialtothediscovery ofOkoWest.

Gold Port Corporation, the 100% owner oftheGroeteGoldCopperProjectlocatedin the Essequibo, had their mining permits renewed last year for five years.The mining permits,whichcover1,384hectares,willnow remain in effect until July 2027. The project boasts an inferred mineral resource estimate of 1 57 million gold-copper equivalent ounces, contained in 74 million tonnes at a grade of 0 66 grams per tonne gold equivalent, according to a 2019 National Instrument43-101report.

Nigerian national remanded for submitting forged documents

Thirty-one-year-old Arinze Reginald Odunze, a Nigerian national, was charged on Friday for conspiring to commit a felony and utteringforgeddocuments.

Odunze was arrested on March 19,2025attheCentralImmigration andPassportOfficeonCampStreet, Georgetown. He was charged with using a forged document, Contrary to Section 245 (b) of the Criminal Law(Offences)Act,Chapter08:01specifically, one forged Ministry of H o m e A f f a i r s W o r k Permit/Extension of Stay Letter, ReferencenumberOVL1500/2024, toWomanConstableDeNobergaat

Central Immigration and Passport Office.

He was also charged with conspiracy to commit a felony, contrary to Section 33 of the Criminal Law (Offences) Act, Chapter08:01.Thischargerelatesto the same Ministry of Home Affairs Work Permit/Extension of Stay Letter (Reference Number OVL 1500/2024), which was falsely representedashavingbeenissuedby the Ministry of Home Affairs, ImmigrationSupportServices. Odunze appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court before Magistrate Annette Singh.

The charge was read to him and he pleaded not guilty Odunze was remanded and the matter was adjournedtoApril11,2025.

According to police reports, on November25,2024,Odunzearrived at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) and presented himselftoWomanSergeantAbrams, alongwithhisNigerianpassportand a photocopy of a Ministry of Home AffairsEmploymentVisaonArrival Letter, purportedly issued by the MinistryofHomeAffairs.

He was granted three months, ending on February 24, 2025 However,itwaslaterdiscoveredthat

the Ministry of Home Affairs Employment Visa onArrival Letter Odunzepresentedwasforged. Moreover, on March 19, 2025, Odunze presented himself at the Central Immigration and Passport Office with a Ministry of Home Affairs Work Permit/Extension of Stay Letter along with his Nigerian Passport for the extension to be endorsedinhispassport.

It was discovered to be forged and a report was made Odunze was arrested and later charged and placed beforethecourt.

Nigerian nationalArinze
Reginald Odunze

Man who attempted to defraud ATM gets 2 years, fined $800,000

Tulsie Ramprashad of Parika, East BankEssequibo,wassentencedto two years in prison on Friday for attempting to defraud an automated teller machine(ATM)belongingtoCitizensBank. Ramprashad was arrested on 28th October, 2023 at the Citizens Bank outlet at OMGonSheriffStreetandCampbellAvenue, Georgetown,withfourblankcards.

On November 1, 2023, he was charged with the offence of Possession of Illegal Devices (blank cards with magnetic strips), Contrary to Section 8(2)(a) of the Cyber CrimeAct16/2008.

HemadehisfirstappearancebeforeChief Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court, where the charge was read to him and he pleaded not


On Friday, Magistrate Orinthia Schmidt whopresidesoverthetrialattheGeorgetown Magistrates' Court ruled that the defendant was found guilty of Possession of Illegal Devices.

He was sentenced in absentia with a fine of $800,000.

Sentenced in absentia, T ulsie Ramprashad

ExxonM dodges question on whether operations can lead to cancer, other diseases


taking measures to ensure safety of workers

ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) has refused to vouch for the safety of its operations wherecancerandothernoncommunicable diseases (NCDs)areinvolved.

The issue was raised by Kaieteur News during a public scoping meeting for the company’s eighth proposed project- Longtailhosted at the New Diamond Grove Primary School, Diam


OnFriday,asmallgroup attended the meeting, causing the session to start anhourlaterthanscheduled.

Following a presentation by

Exxon’sIn-CountryProjects Manager, Rebecca Cvikota, o n t h e p r o p o s e d development, citizens were invited to share their concerns and questions, relatedtotheproject.

Alsoinattendanceatthe session were officers of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the consultancy firm, Acorn International.

A senior journalist attached to this newspaper specificallyaskedtheEMGL Projects Environmental and Regulatory Manager, Mariya Skocik, to say whether the company studied the likelihood of

offshore workers, or any other Guyanese, developing NCDs as a result of flaring, or any other petroleumrelated activities, given that hazardous waste is also generated during the operations.

Skocik, in response, explained this was studied previously. She said, “It has beendoneforpriorprojects. Earlier, I mentioned the industrial hygienists, roles

that we have of staff, to be sure to conduct those assessments of health of the workers and if there are any kindofmitigationslikePPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for example, thatwouldbeimplemented.”

Exxon’s In-Country ProjectsManageraddedthat flaringisconductedatasafe distance away from the

workers offshore She explained, “So the flare is a good example of one of the safetyequipmentweusethat we talked about earlier, but it’s located at a very high distancefromtheground,for exactly the reason of protectingthepeoplearound it, whether they be on the FPSO,orinacity,orvillage


Exxon’s In-Country Projects Manager, Rebecca Cvikota, during the Longtail Public Scoping meeting for the Longtail Project EMGLProjects Environmental and Regulatory Manager, Mariya Skocik (right) and Exxon’s In-Country Projects Manager, Rebecca Cvikota


Zalika Samuels
(photos from Zalika Samuels FB page)

Shaniah St raker

Thesizzling beautyandreigningMiss BarticaRegatta Shaniah Straker,believesthatthereisnothing women,can’tdo.The22-year-oldtrained teacherisverypassionateaboutpublicspeaking andworkingwithchildren. Inherleisuretime, ShaniahwhoisaresidentofBartica,alsolovesto gotothegym.SheholdsthewordsofHoward GardnerintheMultipleIntelligencesTheoryasa professionalmantra.Thattheorystates,“Ifsomeoneis notgoodatonething,theymaybedominantin another.”Thatisthereasonwhy,MissShaniahbelieves “everychildhasthepotentialtosucceedinsome aspectoflife;theyjustneedalittlepush.”

The Caribbean: Destined to Grin and Bear the

Consequences of Its Self-Created

For decades, many Caribbean nations have grappled with dependence on a small number of powerful countries to supply vital imports, fill hotel rooms with tourists, and grant visas

that open doors to opportunity

These dependencies, whileconvenientintheshort term, have far-reaching implications that undermine the sovereignty, economic resilience, and social cohesionoftheregion.

The result is a precarious position in which external forces can, at will, stop issuing visas or curtail the flow of remittances, tourism revenues, and imports, thereby threatening local economiesandwell-being.

Yet this vulnerability is not imposed solely by big countries outside the region; it is fuelled by our own choices and the persistence of historically ingrained attitudesofdependence.

If the Caribbean is to protect its sovereignty and genuinelychartitsownpath, urgent action is needed on

m u l t i p l e f r o n t s :

strengthening public institutions, embracing import substitution where feasible, boosting food security, and forging deeper regional integration that goesbeyondrhetoric.

The High Cost of RelianceonFewSources

M o s t C a r i b b e a n countries have traditionally counted on one or two main trading partners to supply the lion's share of basic goods - food, fuel, and other consumer items. Similarly, the tourism industry often hinges on a narrow band of visitors from NorthAmerica and, in some instances, Europe.

When these markets thrive, substantial income flows into the region

However, when economic downturns or political decisions arise in these external sources, local economies can be brought to astandstillovernight.

Adding to this is the strong appetite for visas

a m o n g C a r i b b e a n populations.

Many citizens in the region aspire to travel or migrate to a handful of countries; some even sacrifice to ensure that their children are born in these states so it might help secure residence.

There is no denying that social and economic factors underpin this reality Yet it inadvertently strengthens these same countries' leverage over Caribbean states. The spectre of visa restrictions or migration clampdowns worries populations who, by this preference, place their personal - and by extension, economic-aspirationsinthe handsofforeigngovernment policies.

We should note that it is not a power these foreign governments necessarily seek; it is a power that Caribbean peoples grant by theimportancetheyplaceon visasandmigration.

W e a k e n i n g

I n d e p e n d e n c e a n d


After more than six decades of political independence, Caribbean nations often find their sovereignty limited by those foreign powers on which theystilldepend.

T h e f r e e d o m t o determinepriorities-bethey i n f o o d s u p p l y , manufacturing policy, or migrant labour regulationscan be undercut by reliance on international tourism, shipping lanes, and external finances.

Additionally, continuing distrust of political governance in the regionoften linked to perceptions of corruption, unfair t r e a t m e n t , o r n o ntransparent policies - has eroded public faith Ironically, many Caribbean citizens remain more inclined to trust residual colonial-era institutions (such as the British Privy Council) or to seek stability abroad - where they risk facing discrimination and xenophobia - rather than channelling their energies t o w a r d h o m e g r o w n solutions. Collectively, this mindsetlockstheregioninto a cycle of dependence and vulnerability

The Need for Stronger Institutions and SelfSufficiency

Breaking these chains of dependency starts with ensuring that public institutions are capable, efficient,andtransparent.

The region's public services must curb bureaucratic waste, channel resources more effectively, andprovidesupportforlocal industries that can scale up and meet domestic demand. This includes building food security,encouragingimport

substitution, strengthening public services and good g o v e r n a n c e , a n d diversifying trade and tourismmarkets.

CARICOM: From Talk toAction

R e g i o n a l u n i t y, s y m b o l i z e d b y t h e Caribbean Community (CARICOM), has been extolled for decades as the key to addressing persistent vulnerabilities. Indeed, food security, manufacturing, sea and air transportation, and coordinated trade policies are perennial topics on CARICOM'sagenda.Yetthe advanceshavebeenminimal compared to the region's ever-growing external dependencies.

Squabbles between member states, inertia in implementing collective d e c i s i o n s , a n d t h e prevalence of insular nationalism undermine the region's potential to pool resources and collaborate on large-scaleinitiatives.

F o r t h e r e g i o n ' s s o v e r e i g n t y t o b e meaningful,CARICOMand its member governments must move decisively from c o n s i d e r a t i o n t o implementation Every additional “baby step” is overshadowed by the giant leaps of ongoing external reliance.

Education and Cultural Mindset

Despite noteworthy

achievements by the UniversityoftheWestIndies and other institutions, much remains to be done to instil s e l f - b e l i e f ,

willingness to innovate at every level of Caribbean society

Education must go beyond imparting academic knowledge to embed values of entrep

neurship, resilience, and collective responsibility

It should also build a sense of pride in being C a r i b b e a n a n d a n appreciation for our shared culturalheritage.

Caribbean nations must reimagine themselves not just as small states tethered to global powers, but as part of a shared international civilization with a storied history and a boundless future.

Overcoming tribalism and nationalism to build a s t r o n g r e g i o n a l community—and a genuine commitmenttoit-isnotjust a political project; it is also a cultural, psychological, and


generationalone. Collective Action to

C h a n g e o r R e m a i n Vulnerable While there are physical and geographical factors that limit the region, the current vulnerabilities anddependenciesthatdefine much of Caribbean economic and social life are neither permanent nor insurmountable.Theycanbe mitigated - if not eliminated - through deliberate, coordinated, and purposeful action.

Governments must enact clear policies to strengthen public institutions and boost localproduction.

Businesses should expand their supplier

networks and invest in local production, not just for profit but for long-termstability

C A R I C O M countries must realize the power and promise of unity – regional economic integration offers a resilient path forward They must make a reality of allitspotential.

True independence cannot thrive on the scaffolding of external reliance.

If the people and governments of the region want to exercise full autonomy of their own a f f a i r s , t h e y m u s t collectively work to break free from the vulnerabilities that threaten to define us. The alternative is to grin and bearit.

(The writer is Antigua a n d B a r b u d a ' s Ambassador to the US and the OAS. The views expressed are entirely his own. Responses and p r e v i o u s commentaries:www.sirron aldsanders.com)

Sir Ronald Sanders

Afew months ago, I witnessed a remarkable display of ingenuity as a group of young Guyanese innovators tackled a challenge that many might have considered beyond their reach. Some brilliant folks from the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB) challenged a team of young engineers from STEMGuyana with developing a prototype solar panel cleaning robot, a concept with real-world significance.

Wi t h s o l a r f a r m s expanding across Guyana, the manual cleaning of panels is both laborintensive and crucial for maintaining efficiency and extendingtheirlifespan.

Undeterred by the complexity of the challenge, these students, none older than 19 yrs old, collaborated to design, build, and successfully present a workingmodel.

Armed with limited resources but boundless creativity, they engineered a functional prototype, provingthatGuyaneseyouth are not just capable of excelling in high-tech fields, they are ready to lead them. This was a demonstration of skill and a powerful testament to what happens when talent is nurtured and given the opportunity to thrive.

Let Innovation Be Our Clarion Call for Guyana's Future

Now, imagine if we systematically nurtured this kind of innovation in every community in Guyana and across every sector, healthcare, education, agriculture, mining, infrastructure, even law enforcement. What if Guyana built a nation

substantially funds talent

obstacles, and creates a pipeline for high-impact ideas to transform our society?

Some may think an innovation ecosystem is just a collection of smart people working on interesting projects, but it's so much morethanthat.

A true innovation ecosystem is a deliberate, well-funded, and structured network, bringing together NGO

stry, entrepreneurs and students, all working in collaboration to solve national and global challenges.

Countries that have built s t r o n g , s u s t a i n a b l e innovation ecosystems are already seeing the benefits, expanding economies, diversifying industries, and creating high-paying careers.

Butbeyondthenumbers, what really defines these ecosystems is the mindset theycultivateinlearners.

In a thriving innovation environment, students aren't afraid to fail; they embrace risk, learn from setbacks, and push forward with resilience. They are supported by educators and mentorswhounderstandthat failure is just a step toward success.

They engage in projectb a s e d l e a r n i n g a n d collaborate, knowing that each child brings unique talentstothetable.

A truly innovative society doesn't force every learnerintothesamemold,it e m p o w e r s t h e m t o

contribute their best, in the ways they are best equipped todoso.

That's the kind of innovation ecosystem we need to build One that unlocks the full potential of everylearner,fuelsproblemsolving across industries, and positions Guyana as a leader in global innovation.

Take Singapore, for example.Inthe1960s,itwas a small, resource-poor c o u n t r y w i t h f e w advantages.

But through strategic investment in education, r e s e a r c h , a n d entrepreneurship, it transformed into a global technology and finance powerhouse (Mahbubani, 2020) South Korea followed a similar path, funding research institutions

and fostering close collaborations between academia and industry Today, companies like Samsung and Hyundai drive itseconomy,butthissuccess was built on decades of

g o v e r n m e n t - b a c k e d innovation programs (Lee & Malerba,2017).

G u y a n a h a s t h e resourcestodothesame.We areanoil-richnation,butour future cannot be dependent on a finite resource. Innovation is our path to economic diversification, allowing us to build a knowledge-based economy

that extends beyond petroleum.

A g r i t e c h c a n revolutionize farming, AI

can streamline court processes, biotech can advance healthcare, and robotics can transform mining. Every sector needs innovation, and our government must act as an

enabler, not a gatekeeper, of progress.

Oneofthemosteffective ways to build an innovation ecosystem is through a N a t i o n a l S c i e n c e Foundation (NSF)-like entity, similar to the one in the United States. The U.S. N a t i o n a l S c i e n c e Foundation (NSF) has funded groundbreaking research that has led to technologies like the i n t e r n e t , a r t i fi c i a l intelligence, and medical breakthroughs (Mowery, 2010). This kind of national support creates a fertile ground for innovation, enabling entrepreneurs, universities,andscientiststo bringtheirideastolife.

Guyana should establish its own National Innovation & Science Fund (NISF), tasked with, funding research & development projects in key sectors, providing substantial grants to university professors, young innovators and s t a r t u p s , c r

between universities, businesses, and government and supporting

independent tech incubation hubs where entrepreneurs canbuildsolutions.

Thisfundshouldbeopen to all Guyanese, regardless of background, location, or political affiliation. Genius i s e v e r y w h e r e , b u t opportunityisnot.

B y e n s u r i n g t h a t innovation funding reaches the most promising minds, we unleash the full potential of our people, build a powerful and effective ecosystem and a rapidly expanding economy which will raise the standard of livingforallGuyanese.

For Guyana to innovate in 21st-century industries, we must optimally educate ourchildrentoexcelinevery field.Innovationthrivesona strong education system, one that teaches critical thinking, problem-solving, and advanced technology skills.

This means investing in STEM education from an early age, expanding access to AI, robotics, and design t h i n k i n g p r o g r a m s , partnering with global institutions for knowledge

exchangeandsupportingthe talent we have right here at home.

While an education p r o g r a m r o o t e d i n innovationpreparesstudents for well paying jobs, its real value is in empowering a nation's youth to create jobs. By teachingyoungpeopleto innovate, we equip them to become entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and problemsolvers,shapingthe future rather than merely adaptingtoit.

As Guyana stands at the thresholdofaneweconomic era, the choices we make today will determine our nation's trajectory for generationstocome.

Oil will not last forever, but a thriving innovation ecosystemcanprovidelongterm sustainability, economic diversification, andlastingprosperity

We must commit to building a nation where b r i l l i a n t m i n d s a r e supported, groundbreaking ideasarenurtured,andevery Guyanesechildhasaccessto the tools needed to lead in theindustriesoftomorrow



'Asoilpricesplummet, sodoesprofitsfor Guyana'-Jagdeo …asGov'tand Oppositionrefuseto ring-fenceprojects

The drop in oil prices, driven by an oversupply of the commodity, will delay Guyana'sabilitytorepaythe costs associated with the

development of its resources. This means that increased profits for the countrywillalsotakelonger thananticipated.

This explanation was provided by Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday during his weekly pressconferenceatFreedom House. He was at the time responding to a question from this newspaper on the impactofnoring-fencing.

KaieteurNewsreminded the VP that he previously explainedthattheabsenceof thisprovisionallowsafaster recovery of costs, which would enable the country to receive a “bigger bone” in thefuture.However,withoil

prices declining, this publication asked Jagdeo, “Where does that leave Guyana? Would we still be able to pay off without ringfencing?”

'Ring-fencing' simply means that each project would pay for itself This would allow the country to receive a greater share of profits after costs are paid

off According to the

Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) Guyana inked with ExxonMobil and i t s p a r t n e r s , H e s s Corporation and CNOOC, 75 percent of the monthly revenue will be deducted to cover costs, while the remaining25percentwillbe split equally (50/50) between the parties. In this manner, a ring-fencing provision would allow Guyana to benefit from half oftherevenuegeneratedina projectaftertheexpensesare repaid.

AffordableGuyanese products

In his response, Jagdeo highlightedthatamajorflaw in the 2016 PSA is that it lacked a ring-fencing provision.Assuch,theChief Policymaker for the sector noted that the pace of repayment for new projects, added to the cost bank, would be dependent on the priceofoil,whichisvolatile.

To this end, Jagdeo said, “So, to the extent that the

question you ask me, to the extent that oil prices come down,itwouldtakelongerto retire the cost bank and therefore, longer to achieve the50/50(profitsplit).”

TheVPwaskeentopoint outthatwhileoilpricesmay be low for one period, it is likelytoincreaseforothers.

“I argue that because the model was run on a $50 per barrel oil in the past, that some of the earlier models thatwesaw,therewasatime frame for retiring the cost bank based on $50 at oil prices now way above that, that the cost bank will be retiredfaster,thatisprovided youdon'taddnewprojectsto it,”Jagdeotoldreporters.

He added that while the currentpricesarelowerthan what they may have been about a month ago, it remains above the model price.

In October 2023, when Brent crude prices averaged US$91,Jagdeotoldreporters that by not ring-fencing the projects, government was 'giving up a small bone for biggerbonesinthefuture'.

The Vice President explained,“Weadmittedthat we are foregoing revenue nowinexchangeformassive future income because it's going into new projects that willincreaseproduction,and so,evenwiththesameshare of the 50/50, plus the two percent royalty that the future income, because of the bigger scale will be massive in Guyana's case and we are deliberately foregoing that in this period for that purpose, and then trying to grab this bone now

could cause you to lose all the bones, the bigger bones toointhefuture.”

With oil prices now lower and expected to decline further, Guyana's share of profits in the future will also reduce, since the country would be receiving lessforthesaleofitsoil.

Government has made it clear that it will not be implementingthisprovision, while the major political Opposition party remains undecided about this mechanism.

Disastersoftheoil industryunfoldingin Guyana-GlennLall …politiciansfailedand refusedtoact

S i n c e G u y a n a discoveredoilandbecamea producer,thisnewspaperhas been at the forefront of calls forbettermanagementofthe sector Beyond its advocacy for improved management, Kaieteur News has warned the politicians and the country at large, of the disasters that can befall this nation.Thesewarningswere not paid heed to and today, these very disasters are unfoldinginthecountry

This was recently highlighted by Kaieteur News Publisher, Glenn Lall, on his Friday, March 14, 2025radioprogramme,aired at7:20PMon99.1and99.5 FM.

Collapseoffishing industry


published stories from the various Environmental

Impact Assessments (EIAs) conducted by ExxonMobil foritsoilprojects,wherethe company explained the impactsonthemarinesector

“Today, fishermen are going out for days and can't even catch enough fish to payfortheice,muchlessthe gasoline So, we now importingfishfromJamaica andothercountriesthatonly the rich and powerful can a


Still on agriculture, Lall recalled that he warned about the impact on animals four years ago, which he believes is now evident. He said, “Since then, you can't find a chicken or duck over four pounds they can't grow, they can't breathe What are we left with? Scrawny, sick-looking fowl and ducks, limping around like if they got polio. The samethingishappeningwith

ExxonMobil,”Lallsaid. Farming

The businessman also believes that locally grown fruits and vegetables which were once produced in abundance are also facing challenges “Crops are drying up, fruits and ground provisionsareweak,stunted, and full of diseases Bananas, oranges, watermelon, tomatoes, cabbage all being imported from Brazil, Suriname, and elsewhere! Imagine this—Guyana, the land of fertile soil and fresh water, now importing fruits, greens and vegetables,” the Publishertoldlisteners.

passed in 2022 I left my home on Christmas Day to warn Guyana that this law would allow them to spend our oil money however they like, without accounting for a single cent Now it's happening before our eyes,” theadvocateargued.

He explained that a Member of the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) Investment Committee, Terrence Campbell, has sincefiledlegalactionwhile government views this as a “nuisance”.

Lall said, “Money is leavingtheaccount,andthey don't even know where it is going. When he (Campbell) spoke up and spoke out, Jagdeo ridiculed him, and went as far as to say he (Jagdeo) doesn't have to tell thenationhowhespendsour oilmoney.”


“From day one, I called this project a dead donkey a debt trap for Guyana!Jagdeoishidingthe project documents, refusing toshowthenationhowitwill cut electricity bills in half. Now, one of the contractors move to the international courts, fighting for US$50 million, and the project hasn't even started properly asyet! Threedelaysalready sofar,lawsuitsincomingand Guyana is still in the dark about this mega-debt project,” the newspaper Publishersaid.

Environmental destruction

K a i e t e u r N e w s previously reported on the dangers associated with the flaring of natural gas and today, citizens struggle with unbearable heat Lall said Guyanese are now forced to walk around with fans in their faces, while children are fainting in the classrooms.

thegoats,sheep,andcows.” Infrastructure

Shifting his attention to theincreasedexpenditureon infrastructure, the businessman reminded listeners that he cautioned that the country's roads and bridgeswerenotdesignedto withstand overweight vehicles that service the oil industry.

Today, Lall pointed out that the roads are collapsing fasterthantheoilprofitscan patchthem.

Noaccountabilityfor spendingoilmoney

“We warned you about the new oil law Bharrat Jagdeo and Ashni Singh

Hewaskeentonotethat, currently, ExxonMobil only has three projects in operation, as he questioned thefateofGuyaneseafterthe company commences production at its other planneddevelopments.

“We also exposed the t s u n a m i r i s k i n ExxonMobil's own documents.Ifatsunamihits, Guyana is done with. But Jagdeo and Norton? Silent. Notasingleemergencyplan inplace,”heargued. Ring-fencing

Despitehighlightingthat several institutions advised thiscountrytoring-fenceits oil projects, the politicians (Continuedonpage23)

Table showing Brent Crude oil prices between 2019 and 2025 (Source: Statista)
Kaieteur News Publisher, Glenn Lall during his recent Radio programme

From page 22

here have failed to implement this provision to ensure the country benefits from the wealth generated fromitsresourcesearlyon.

LallbelievesGuyanahas lost as much as US$20B, so far, by failing to ring-fence the Stabroek Block projects. He said, “Jagdeo cussed out the PNC for failing to put ring-fencing in place for the first two projects, then did the exact same thing with 4 others!Brazil'sofficialssaid Guyana sold its oil like a cheap prostitute; Suriname's oilbossmockeduswiththat deal and Trinidad's Prime Ministerinwaitingcametill here to tell us that we can renegotiateouroilcontract.”

Inconclusion,Lallurged Guyanese that the resources belong to the citizens of this country, yet the leaders treat them like a “blind beggar at thegate.”

H e n o t e d t h a t governmentfailedtoprocure independentmeterstoverify the volume of oil being produced daily by Exxon and new projects will continuetobeapprovedwith those same terms although changes can be made. Lall was keen to note that it is Guyanese who will ultimatelypaytheprice.


EITIurgesGovt.to showhowmoneyfrom extractivesector isbeingused

TheExtractiveIndustries Transparency Initiative (EITI)hascalledonGuyana to show how revenues generated from the extractive industries are used.

In its most recent report for the year 2022, the transparency watchdog noted that the utilisation of revenues generated from extractive industries is an areawhichmaybeaddressed by countries implementing EITI, to the benefit of their people.

T h e E I T I B o a r d approved Guyana's applicationtojointheEITIat itsmeetinginManilaon25th October,2017.EITIsetsout topromoteanunderstanding

of natural resource management, strengthen public and corporate g o v e r n a n c e a n d accountability, and provide the data to inform policymaking and multistakeholder dialogue in the extractivesector

By becoming a member of the Extractive Industries

Transparency Initiative, countriescommittodisclose information along the extractive industry value chain–fromhowextraction rights are awarded, to how revenues make their way through government and howtheybenefitthepublic.

Assuch,the2022Report states,“TheIA(Independent Administrator) recommends that the MSG (MultiStakeholder Group) obtains information on how extractive industry revenues

are utilised for the advancement of national developmentgoalsincluding t h e S u s t a i n a b l e DevelopmentalGoals.”

This recommendation was repeated from the 2021 EITI Report, under the h e a d i n g ' N a t i o n a l distribution of extractive r e v e n u e s ' T h e recommendation from EITI comes at a time when the Government of Guyana (GoG)hasbeenslappedwith a lawsuit by a citizen, who a r g u e s t h a t t h e administration is faced with a court challenge to ensure transparency in the use of billions of US-dollars, generated specifically through offshore oil production.

Currently, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) is producing over 650,000 barrelsperday(bpd)atthree projects in the Stabroek Block.

The Natural Resource Fund (NRF) Act, which governs the use of the resources and revenue

generated from the petroleum sector, states in Section 16 2 that, “All withdrawals from the Fund shall be deposited into the ConsolidatedFundandshall be used only to finance: (a) national development priorities including any initiative aimed at realizing aninclusivegreeneconomy, and(b)essentialprojectsthat are directly related to ameliorating the effect of a majornaturaldisaster.”

Be that as it may, the government has not highlighted any national development priority or essential project funded through this source of income.

Infact,theVPsaidathis December 5, 2024 press conference, “How do you balkanize revenue coming intothebudget?(It)becomes averydifficultthingtodo.”

This explanation raised criticism from both the Leader of the Alliance For

Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes,andformerFinance Minister, Winston Jordan, who argued that in the absence of transparency, the NRF has become a slush fundforthegovernment.

Jagdeohoweversaidthat providing a breakdown of howtheresourcesareusedis notalegalrequirementofthe Natural Resource Fund Act of2021.

According to Jagdeo,

contract which the company was not pleased with, specifically the timelines outlinedinthenewcontract.

According to him, “We're ongoing discussions with the government on a Petroleum Sharing

A g r e e m e n t t h o s e discussions are ongoing I don't think anybody has finalized terms and signed agreements. I think this is a normal stage where we

EITI urges Govt. to show how money from extractive sector is being used

government would only identify projects funded by oil money withdrawn for emergencypurposes.

He explained, “Outside of this annual withdrawal which is captured by a c e i l i n g n o w a n d formula government can draw down money for one specific additional purpose that's in case we have a national emergency; for example, a major flood disaster or a tsunami in that case, there is no ceiling but you can't go and say oh I'm forecasting.You have to give the projects and the specificuseofthefundifyou trigger that provision of the law.”Hepointedoutthatthat provision was never triggered. “Sothat'stheonly casewhereyouhavetodetail the expenditure made from the oil revenue to have the withdrawal done,” Jagdeo said.

ExxonMobilagreestopay 10%taxes,10%royalty forsmalloilblocks

ExxonMobil Guyana Limited(EMGL)hasagreed tothefiscaltermsoutlinedin the new Production Sharing Agreements(PSAs)thatwill governthesmalleroilblocks recently auctioned by the Government of Guyana (GoG).

This is according to the president of EMGL,Alistair Routledge. During a press engagement, he said, “We are not touching the fiscal terms; we understand that those are set ” Routledge, however, noted that there were other elements of the

the meantime, the cost recoverywillbecappedat65 percentinagivenyear,while profits will be shared 50/50 betweentheparties.

Notably, the discoveries made in the Stabroek Block aresubjecttoseparateterms which include 2% royalty andnocorporatetaxes,while 75% of the oil produced monthly is deducted by ExxonMobil for costs. The remaining 25% is then split betweengovernmentandthe companyasprofits.

Despite calls for government to engage Exxon for fairer terms, Guyana's Head of State, Dr Irfaan Ali has made it clear that he has no intention of writingthecompanytoseek arenegotiation.

The Stabroek Block measures approximately 6.6 million acres or 26,800 squarekilometers.The14oil blocks au

negotiateonthedetails.” Government previously said it was advancing discussions with four companies who participated in its inaugural bid round. Routledge could not say whether his company was included in that list or whether Exxon was near to finalizinganagreementwith theGoG.

He said, “The important thing is that we continue to have that discussion, in a collaborative way, to try to findanagreementthatworks for all parties that incentivizes the investment, that incentivizes taking the risk because of course these are blocks with no discoveries so you are having to take the exploration risk, invest money and not know whether ultimately you will ever make any money back orrecoveryourcostsoithas to be an agreement that incentivizes the investment which is what the country wants,butalsothenreturnsa reasonable sharing of any profits that may flow in the future should there be economicdiscoveries.”

ExxonMobil had previously expressed dissatisfaction with certain terms of the new PSA. Be that as it may, the GoG had made it clear that it was not willingtobudgeonthefiscal terms outlined in the new contract.

The oil companies will be expected to pay a 10 percent royalty and a 10 percent corporate tax to the government of Guyana. In

affairs, President of EMGL, Alistair Routledge, denied that the country was advancing money towards thedevelopments.

He said, “We view, not just the government but the country as a partner in the developmentoftheresource, so I mean the question of investment, the country never advances funds to investinthedevelopmentof the offshore resource, it's always the investors that do so.”

C o n s e q u e n t l y , Routledge explained, “So I think choosing a word, what's important to understand is, does the government ever put money on the table at risk or

kilometres and 3000 square kilometres,withthemajority of them being close to 2000 squarekilometres. Of the 14 blocks that were auctioned, it was disclosedthatsixcompanies submitted bids for eight of theblocks.

In December 2022, President Irfaan Ali launched the country's inauguraloilblocksauction. Bids were later opened on Sept


er 10, 2023 Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh, in January of this year,saidGuyanaislikelyto sign three new PSAs in the first half of this year with successfulbidders.


ExxonsideswithJagdeo thatGuyanaisnotan investorinStabroek blockoperations …saysGuyanaisa partner,didn'tputup anyfundsasinvestments

ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) has recovered over US$33B in costs to date, more than the value of the three projects producing oil currently, which carry a collective pricetagofaboutUS$19B. Therefore, with more than US$14B channelled towards the development of the additional projects approved in the Stabroek Block, stakeholders have constantlyarguedthatsucha scenario has made Guyana virtually an investor in the operations When questioned on this state of

operating cost for any our projects? It's always the investors that do that. As such,thegovernmentandthe country do not take that


In the absence of a ring-

the revenue from one project to developotherprojectsinthe Stabroek Block Had this m e c h a n i s m

e n implemented, the company would have been mandated tousetheoilproducedatone project to pay off the costs associated with developing the resource. It would also enablethecountrytoreceive 50% of the oil produced as profits, following the recoveryofcosts.

Attorney-at-Law and Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram, in an interview with Kaieteur News, addressed this issue, pointingoutthatinvestments are made in various forms. He was at the time responding to comments made by Vice President, BharratJagdeo,whorejected (Continuedonpage24)

President, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited, Alistair Routledge


de facto investor in petroleum operations Jagdeo said he has not seen any borrowing by the governmentinjectedintothe petroleum sector hence

G u y a n a c a n n o t b e consideredaninvestor

According to Ram, Jagdeo knows as well as anyone that borrowing is only one form of financing an investment Ram said, “As any company finance executive, or any review of financial statements of Banks DIH or DDL would elucidate for him, there are two other principal methods – raising money from shareholders via equity or preference shares, or retained earnings of the company.”

Ram also claimed that the Vice President must be aware that Exxon has been permittedtouseandclaimas cost recoverable expenses, expenditure on its new head office building at Ogle. He said too that Jagdeo is also

aware that Exxon's participation in the gas-toshore project will utilise revenues from petroleum that would otherwise be available as profit oil of which the government would have been entitled to 50%.“Itisalogicalcorollary thatbyvirtueofbeinga50% participant in profit oil from the Stabroek block, Guyana is bearing 50% of all cost, contractually or otherwise deemed recoverable,” the CharteredAccountantsaid.

DukeSt.mandies aftercrashinginto backoftruck

A 25-year-old man lost hislifeonSundaynightafter the car he was driving crashed into a parked truck at Yarrowkabra, SoesdykeLindenHighway


Police in its report said that the accident involved a truck bearing registration number GAG 5478 and a motorcar with registration numberPRR7155.

Investigations disclosed that Ramirez was traveling north along the western side of the Soesdyke-Linden Highway,atafastratewhen helostcontrolofthevehicle and collided with the rear of the truck, which was parked on the western side of the roadandfacingnorth.

Theparkedtruck,owned by Mohamed's Excavating ServiceofYarrowkabra,was driven and parked by

Anthony Vriese, a 31-yearold resident from Madewini Village, Soesdyke-Linden Highway

T h e t r u c k h a d mechanical issues at around 16:30h on the day of the accident and the matter was reported to the police who secured the area by placing reflective cones around the rear, sides and front of the truck.

Vriese and other individuals were at the side of the truck, attempting to repair it when the incident occurred resulting in both vehicles being severely damaged.

Ramirez sustained severe head injuries and otherbodilyinjuries.Hewas removed from the car in an unconscious state by police officers and members of the public and was then transported to the Diamond Hospital where he was pronounceddead.

Hisbodywastakentothe Memorial Gardens Funeral Home, where it awaits a post-mortemexamination.

Meanwhile, Vriese is in custody assisting with the investigation.

Yellowtail, Uaru, and

Whiptailprojects-thefourth, f i f t h , a n d s i x t h developments,respectively

ExxonMobil continued with developmental drilling at the Yellowtail's YT_3108 Drill Center within the StabroekBlock,inGuyana's Exclusive Economic Zone, on March 17, 2025, according to MARAD. The MODU Noble Bob Douglas will be engaged in the drilling activities which will concludeonApril30,2025.

The company also gave notice that it will be c o n t i n u i n g i t s developmental drilling operations at the Uaru Project's UA 3104 Drill Center It said the MODU Noble Tom Madden is expected to conclude the activityonApril30,2025.

but also to inject water and gasintothereservoirs.”

At that time, he noted that Exxon will be undergoing installation activities for the Uaru and Whiptail projects, and conclude the preparatory work for the Yellowtail project,whichisexpectedto produce first oil in the secondhalfofthisyear

So far, Exxon has received approval for six offshore developments Already, three projects are producingoilintheStabroek Block,whichisestimatedto hold more than 11 billion barrelsofoil.TheLizaOne, Liza Two, and Payara projects are producing a daily average of 650,000 barrelsperday

with ExxonMobil's partner in Guyana will proceed as planned, Reuters reported The stake Chevron bought overthelasttwomonthscost about US$3 2 billion, the report noted, representing a total of 15 38 million common shares in Hess Corp.

Chevron announced plans to acquire Hess for someUS$53billioninoneof a series of so-called megadeals that began in 2023, amid the war-driven rally on oil and gas prices. The announcement, made in October of that year, followed closely the news that Exxon had agreed to take over Pioneer Natural Resources in a deal worth

seekstherightoffirstrefusal for Hess' Guyana assets, turning to an arbitration court Chevron and Hess insistthatthisisnotanasset acquisition deal, so the right of first refusal clause in the partnership deal between Exxon and Hess does not apply ExxonMobil begs to differ and it has the third partner in the Stabroek Block on its side—China's CNOOC.

Hess Corp has a 30% stake in the Stabroek Block and Chevron has made no secret of the fact that this stake is the main reason it wants to ac

re the company Yet, ExxonMobil is also eyeing that stake, to addtoits45%intheproject.

The dead man has been identified as Asgar Ramirez of Lot 82 Duke Street, Kingston,Georgetown.


Reports are that the accident occurred at around

ExxonMobilcommences “busiestyearyet” …ascompanypreparesto startup3moreoilprojects

ExxonMobil Guyana

Limited (EMGL), the operator of the oil-rich

Stabroek Block, has commenced what the companyhasdescribedasits “busiest year yet”, with simultaneousdevelopmental drilling operations ongoing atthreeprojects. According to notices published by the Maritime Administration Department (MARAD), the oil giant has developmental drilling operations ongoing at the

Additionally, MARAD indicated that the company, on March 14, 2025, continued developmental drilling operations at the WhiptailProject'sWT2i04A Drill Center, within the StabroekBlock.TheMODU Noble Don Taylor will be used for those operations, scheduled to be concluded onApril30,2025.

Developmental drilling is an activity conducted following successful exploration drilling It is conductedtodevelopafield with proven reserves. At a press conference in January, President of EMGL,Alistair Routledge told reporters, “Here in Guyana, we have started what is going to be our busiest year yet for SURF installation and associated activities- so SURF being the subsea umbilicals, risers (and) flow lines that are necessary to connect the subsea well heads to the FPSOs, to enable us to take production from the production wells,

The fourth FPSO, 'One Guyana', will be the largest in Guyana, to date The vessel was designed to produce 250,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd), compared with 220,000 bpd at the Payara project, operated by the Prosperity FPSO. Meanwhile, the two other projects, which have receivedtheblessingsofthe government of Guyana (GoG), are likely to startup in 2027 Both Uaru and Whiptail were designed to develop250,000bpd.

WitheyesonGuyana, Chevronbuys5% ofHessshares –saysitisconfident ofmerger

With its eyes firmly fixed on Hess Corporation's 3 0 % s t a k e i n t h e ExxonMobil-led Stabroek Block operations, Chevron has bought a stake of 4.99% in Hess Corp, since the start of the year, according to a regulatory filing from this week.

The company said it is confident that its merger

US$59.5 billion, to become theleaderinthePermian.

For Chevron, the appeal of Hess Corp lay in its Guyanaassets,where,along with ExxonMobil, the company tapped as much as 11 billion barrels of oil equivalent, with production

quickly ramping up

Currently, the South American nation pumps some 660,000 bpd, all from the Exxon-Hess operated Stabroek Block Output is projected to hit 1.3 million barrelsdailyby2030.

It is also ExxonMobil that is making the completion of the ChevronHess merger difficult, as it

If Exxon wins, the Hess acquisition would become pointlessforChevron. PresidentIrfaanAli,back in May 2024, had said he would welcome Chevron joining the ExxonMobil-led consortium that operates the country's US$150bn-plus offshore oil project. Ali had toldtheFinancialTimesthat his government was keen to attractthe world's largest oil companies,suchasChevron, to develop its resources and suggested any move by Exxontoincreaseitsstakein the project could raise competition concerns “I wouldn't use the word (Continuedonpage40)

Dead:Asgar Ramirez
The MODU Noble Bob Douglas drillship




n the Social and E c o n o m i c Revolutions which h a v e b e e n q u i e t l y progressing in Guyana, the program of renewing and m o d e r n i z i n g t h e Educational System has beenmostnotable.

New subjects such as Computers and Artificial Intelligence are being introduced in the schools and the old subjects are being brought up to date at the primary and secondary levels and a serious effort is beingmadetoextendtertiary and university education to a large part of the population by, for example, the Goal Scholarship scheme and making attendance at the University of Guyana free.

In the drive to modernize the primary and secondary schools, the traditional philosophy which has always informed Guyanese Education from the 19th century: Mens Sana in Corpore Sano- A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body was forgotten and this failing occurred particularly in the Georgetownschools.

In the older Georgetown primary and secondary schools,inkeepingwiththis philosophy,theyalwayshad school gardens or a carpentry room or the students would attend the

Ketley Woodwork Centre and play cricketandfootball in open land near the school.

InafewschoolslikeQueen's College, the school grounds

catered for both the playground and garden as well as a workshop area in the school building. Today, these facilities are a distant memory in the Georgetown schools.

In the schools which are being refurbished or newly built in the countryside and Interior, there is always enough land available to provide adequately for playgrounds and gardens and every school should have them and the planners shouldnotlosesightofthis. In the past, the school garden was linked to the Nature Study class; today it will be to the Biology class

The students would be taught about seeds, their germination and the planting and caring for the youngplants. They would be taught about making beds and about how to use shade houses They would be taught how to store produce and to make preserves such as jams or pepper sauces or pickledonions

T h e y w o u l d b e introduced to the use of the various agricultural hand tools including the


mechanical weeders which have largely replaced cutlasses and grass knives Fruits and vegetables which have almost disappeared from the markets should be introduced and grown and such would include sugar apples, custard apples, plumrose, sumetoo as distinct from passion fruit and vegetables such as nenwa, jhingi, granadillas, chichira or snake vegetable and radishes. The produce should be shared out among the children, even in token amounts.

The important spinoffs of the school garden are not only the students would have been introduced to Agriculture, to keep their environmentclean,tocreate or develop their own home gardens but to help in food security of their families and ultimately of society as a whole.

Every school should have its workshop. The s t u d e n t s w o u l d b e introduced to the usual carpentry tools - hammer, chisel, screw drivers, hand saw and mechanical saw, augers and clamps, etc Theywouldbeintroducedto basic joinery and carpentry skills such as jointing, dovetailing, sandpapering, polishing and varnishing, They should be encouraged

to bring their home furniture which is in need of repair to be repaired as part of the learning process and keep the school furniture always in good condition. They would learn to take care of their homes and have an introduction to the trades of joineryandcarpentry.

In the playground, the students should be introduced to the rules of Cricket, Football, Hockey, Badminton and Squash and to play them They should also be introduced to athletics

The elements of how to play each sport should be introduced to the students, for example how to catch a cricket ball without hurting one's hands, or how to place the ball in the hand when bowling a leg break or off break or how to begin one's hockey match in the most advantageous way or in hockey and football, how to tacklewithoutfoulingandso on.

The daily newspapers usually carry two or three pages on local and foreign sports and students should follow these so that the

moreambitiousandtalented may be able to join teams which are nationally recognized. In this regard, one should be reminded that the old Queen's College was abletofieldSecondDivision National teams in cricket with individual players getting into the First Division.

Very few schools would be able to afford a special S p o r t s Te a c h e r o r Agricultural Teacher but these could come from the regular staff who would be paid an honorarium for undertaking such added responsibilities or there could be a special Sports or Agricultural Teacher who would work with two or three schools on a schedule revolutions which have quietly started in Guyana, Educational Reform and Expansion has been one of the most notable programs. There has been much emphasis on Artificial Intelligence and expanding computer skills, introducing new subjects at the secondary levels, striving to have a large part of the population exposed to

tertiary and University education by such schemes as the Goal Scholarships and building new primary and secondary schools in communities where they did not exist and renewing and modernizingextantones.

In the Georgetown Schools which are being rebuilt or modernized, there has been a paucity of land space and little land available for school gardens orplaygrounds

The rebuilt St Rose's School in Church Street, Georgetown is an example ofthis

In the schools out of Georgetown where open land is far more available, the educational planners should ensure that the s

accomodate school gardens andsportsgrounds

Such gardens and sports facilities would help to manifest the philosophic principle on which Guyanese Education was long based - "Mens Sana in C o r p o r e S a n o "Cultivation of a Healthy MindinaHealthyBody


World Water Day was observed on March 22 to bringawarenesstouseofthis vital resource. The Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) has several water-related standards which were developed to offer guidance in relation to water use, testing, management and safety

Included in the list of standards is the GCP 24:2006 – Code of Hygienic practice for collecting, processing and marketing of packaged water (mineral water, spring water, purified water).

This National standard, which is also a Caricom standard, sets levels of quality and safety for packaged water produced and traded in the Region. It recommends appropriate general techniques for collectingmineralandspring water, and the treatment, bottling, packaging, storage, transport, distribution and sale of packaged water, to guarantee safety, health and wholesomeness of the product The need to developthisCodeofPractice arose from the fact that watersfromseveralCaricom countries' mineral springs or sources are being packaged and sold Across the Caribbean region, we can find several underground reservoirs, which are not exposedtopollution,thatare being exploited These sources help to satisfy the growingdemandsfornatural pure water or water containingcertainminerals.

Locally, there are several water producers who exploit various water sources and treatment techniques in the production of potable packaged

producers can benefit

requirements of this Code of Practice as GNBS promotes the use of the document to improvebusinesses.

Th e c o d e c o v e r s prescription of mineral and spring waterresources, focusing on the protection of alimentary reservoirs and a q u i f e r s , h y g i e n i c prescriptions for water collection, maintenance of extraction facilities, and more.

The document also outlines requirements for establishments that process mineral water, addressing aspects such as the location, building and facilities, and hygienicfacilitiesforsupply, disinfection, effluent and waste disposal, lighting and ventilation requirements Hygienic requirements including personal hygiene and processing requirements are also included to guide producers. No doubt, GCP 24 reminds us of the crucial role, standards play in ensuring that the requisite systems are in place to producequalityproductsand services. It is imperative that these standards be utilized for the benefit of businesses, to safeguard consumers and toprotecttheenvironment.

This year, World Water Day was celebrated under the theme, “Glacier preservation”, emphasizing the critical role of glaciersin providing fresh water for various purposes and the needtoprotectthemfromthe impactofclimatechange.

For more information on this and other Standards, visit or call gnbsguy com

2 1 9 - 0 0 6 4 / 6 5 / 6 6 o r WhatsApp692-4627.

‘Rediscover You’, the seminar that fosters personal growth and empowerment

In the realms of

immersing oneself in activities that foster empowerment, confidence and resilience, about 50 persons on Saturday gained theopportunitytoemergein the much anticipated inaugural ‘Rediscover You’ seminar.The event, held at Herdmanston Lodge, Peters Rose St, Georgetown, offered participants the opportunitytodivedeepinto their personal growth journey Itwasaspacewhere attendees could not only explore their potential, but also leave feeling inspired, equipped, and ready to embracetheirbestselves.

The ‘Rediscover You’ seminar,hostedbyEloquent Guyana Inc., was sponsored byGlobalIntegratedFintech

Solutions, 592 Events & Entertainment,MixFM,and Mosaic Artistry The event was designed to help

individuals shed self-doubt, step out of their comfort zones, and embrace who they truly are; creating a sense of community and empowerment that will leavealastingimpact.

At the heart of the event wasthevisionofthefounder ofEloquentGuyanaInc.and creator of the Rediscover You seminar, Nuriyyih Gerrard,whosharedthatthe goal of RediscoverYou was to provide a platform for individuals to break free frominternalizedlimitations andnegativeconditioning.

Gerrard told The Waterfalls,“Imean,weexist in a society that is very dynamic and I certainly believe that as individuals, we all have something unique and valuable to contribute to society but, sometimes, based on, perhaps, conditioning in the environments that we were nurtured in, maybe due to our own lack of belief in ourselves we tend to hold back and procrastinate on, you know, sharing with the world those valuable skills and talents that we inheritablypossess.”

She added, “This event servesasaplatform,aspace where persons can explore their identity through the lens of understanding personality, understanding the importance of taking risks, understanding how self-caretiesintoouroverall desire for success and abundance.”

The seminar featured a lineup of speakers, each bringing their expertise to guide attendees on their personal development journey Those featured were business experts: Lyndell Danzie-Black (Cerulean Inc.), Rawle Dundas (Professional Development Enterprise),

Alex Powers (Caribbean Cocktail), and Rudy Ramalingum (Maraiko Bay Resort Township). They all shared insights on personal g r o w t h a n d

entrepreneurship Mental health advocates, Wil Campbe


ions Training Consultancy and Counseling Services) and Dr Indhira Persaud (Unboxed Mental Health), discussed the importance of mentalwell-being.Self-care specialist, Saudia Rahaman (GloAesthetics),focusedon (Continuedonpage39)


Founder of Eloquent Guyana Inc and creator of RediscoverYou seminar, Nuriyyih Gerrard speaking during the inaugural RediscoverYou seminar, as participants listen on keenly
The prize bag where participants had the opportunity to win self care giveaways of facials, massages, manicures and pedicures
The 50 participants who took part in the RediscoverYou seminar were immersed in a transformative experience, leaving inspired and equipped to embrace their journey of personal growth.
LadyGagasaysshe's 'justgettingstarted' whilebeinghonored at


Lady Gaga receiving the Innovator Award during the iHeartRadio Music Awards in LosAngeles on Monday (MarioAnzuoni/Reuters)

(CNN) - Lady Gaga has seven studio albums under her belt and says that she’s notevenclosetobeingdone.

The “Abracadabra” singerwashonoredwiththe Innovator award during the iHeartRadio Awards on Monday night and during heracceptancespeechspoke about how much she appreciated the recognition – even though she didn’t know what to think about winning an award that honored her entire career at 38 years old, calling it a “hard thing to get my head around.”

“On the one hand, I feel like I’ve been doing this forever and on the other hand,IknowI’mjustgetting started,” she said while on stage accepting her award.

“So even though the world might consider a woman in herlate30soldforapopstar, which is insane, I promise thatI’mjustgettingwarmed up.”

Lady Gaga took some time to thank people who inspired her during her speech, including her “fiercely brilliant” grandmothers, who she said “reinvented their destinies with nothing but strength a n d d r e a m s a n d determination.”

She also name-checked other major artists who inspired her, including Carole King, Madonna and her late collaborator Tony Bennett, “who taught me to embrace the classics but never be bound by them.” She also thanked the LGBTQ+ community, who she said “taught me bravery before the world was ready to listen.” “Your love, your creativity, your willingness to innovate alongside me is my greatest strength,” she added.

The iHeartRadio Music Awards aired on FOX on Mondaynight.

Innovation, she continued, isn’t about breakingrules–it’s“writing yourownandconvincingthe world they were theirs all along.” “If I have learned anything in (the) three decadesI’vebeenatthis,it’s that the most powerful innovation is your authenticity,” she said “Every time I was the only woman in the room, the loudestvoicewasinsidemy own head telling me not to compromise. Listening to that voice always showed me exactly where I belonged.”

Miss World Guyana 2024, Z a l i k a Samuels,isnowjustmonths awayfromcompetingonthe global stage, as she departs thisweekforthePhilippines to undergo a rigorous weeklongtrainingprogramahead of the Miss World 2025 competition.

Scheduled to take place on May 31, 2025, in Telangana, India, this

competition will see

Samuels competing alongside representatives from over 120 nations. This final stage of training is crucial to refining the skills she needs to stand out in the world’s most renowned beauty and purpose-driven competition.

According to a press release from Majesty Talent Management Agency, the Guyanesemodelwillreceive specialized training hosted by Gouldian Pageant Training and Events. The trainingwillfocusonseveral keyareas,includingpasarela (runway walk), Head-toHead Challenge delivery, Beauty with a Purpose (BWAP) presentation, and mediaengagement.


and adaptive technologies, the project will offer guided reading, interactive visuals, and tailored storytelling experiences, aiming to bridge the gap for children whoareoftenexcludedfrom traditional education systems.

Zalika Samuels

"photo from Zalika Samuels' Facebook page”

Theseelementswillhelp Samuels fine-tune her p e r f o r m a n c e a n d presentation, equipping her with the competitive edge needed to represent Guyana with pride on the global stage.

“Thesefinaltoucheswill equ

he competitive edge and international policy’s requiredtorepresentGuyana among over 120 nations’ at the most prestigious beauty

competition in the world,” thepressstatementsaid.

After completing her training in the Philippines, Samuels will return to Guyana on April 2, 2025, where she will continue her preparations During this time, she will reside at Windsor Estates, one of Guyana’s premier gated communities known for its


y a n e s e b e a u t y ambassador will finalize her wardrobe, continue fitness training, complete her styling, and prepare multimediacontentaheadof thecompetition.

But Samuels’ journey is not just about the stage; it’s about leaving a lasting impact. At the core of her MissWorld campaign is her BWAP project, Read, Rise, and Shine, an innovative solar-powered mobile literacy hub designed to bring multisensory education to children with developmentalchallengesin underserved communities Powered by Google Learn

The press statement further highlighted, “With nearly 40 percent of Guyanese children aged 512 with disabilities out of school, (and) this initiative answers an urgent national need while setting a global standard.”

Theinitiativeisdesigned to be sustainable, mobile, and scalable, aligning with the Majesty franchise’s missionofexcellence.Itwill continue under the Majesty franchise if Samuels wins the Miss World crown or places 1st or 2nd runner-up. This project, announced during the Miss World Guyana Coronation on December 8, 2024, marks a powerful investment in national pride and social change.

The journey that has brought Samuels to this point is supported by a network of sponsors, partners, designers, trainers, and well-wishers who have helped shape her success. Contributions in areas like styling, wellness and health, fitness, wardrobe, talent

coaching, etiquette, multimedia, and especially BWAP development have been essential in preparing Samuelsfortheglobalstage.

However, the reigning Miss World Guyana still needs continued support as sheentersthefinalstagesof herpreparation.

Withonlyfivemonthsto go and the added responsibility of completing her nursing practical, which is the most critical stage of her education, Samuels requires ongoing resources to ensure she can deliver an

exceptional performance at MissWorld.

The Miss World Organization is calling on the Government of Guyana, corporate partners, and members of the Diaspora to invest in this final leg of her journey


Miss World is not simply about a title, it is about carrying the aspirations of a nation.Itrequiresteamwork, vision,andunity

Every act of support, whether financial or moral, helps position Guyana for globalrecognition,“Majesty Talent ManagementAgency

saidinitsstatement. With her departure for the Philippines marking the most focused and intensive stage of her preparation, Samuelsisreadytorepresent Guyana with pride. As the countdown to Miss World 2025 begins, Samuels is on herwaytomakinghistory

Interesting Creatures... Cranes

Cranes are large birds with long legs and necks that live on most continents

Cranes are large birds with long legsandnecksin the biological family Gruidae of the order Gruiformes.

The family has 15 speciesplacedinfourgenera which are Antigone, Balearica, Leucogeranus, and Grus. They are large birds with long necks and legs, a tapering form, and long secondary feathers on thewingthatprojectoverthe tail.

Mostspecieshavemuted gray or white plumages, marked with black, and red barepatchesontheface,but the crowned cranes of the genus Balearica have vibrantly-coloured wings and golden “crowns” of feathers.

Cranes fly with their necks extended outwards instead of bent into an Sshape and their long legs outstretched.

Cranes live on most continents Some species and populations of cranes migrateoverlongdistances; others do not migrate at all. Cranes are solitary during

the breeding season, occurring in pairs, but during the non-breeding season, most species are gregarious, forming large flocks where their numbers aresufficient.

They are opportunistic feeders that change their dietsaccordingtotheseason and their own nutrient requirements.

Theyeatarangeofitems from small rodents, eggs of birds, fish, amphibians, and insectstograinandberries. Cranes construct

d typically lay a clutch of two eggs at a time Both parents help to rear the young, which remain with them until the next breeding season

Most species of cranes have been affected by human activities and are at the least classified as threatened, if not critically endangered.

The plight of the whooping cranes of North America inspired some of the first US legislation to protectendangeredspecies.

‘RediscoverYou’, the seminar that fosters personal...

Frompage28 integrating self-care into dailylife.

As the event moved into the afternoon, attendees were treated to an exclusive Convos and Canvas art experience, facilitated by fine artist, Tahirih Gerrard This i

provided a creative outlet for attendees to express themselvesthroughartwhile engaging in meaningful conversations with fellow participants. The art activity was designed to foster a sense of co

expression, creating an

attendees could step out of their comfort zones and explore new ways to connectwithothers

opportunity to win self-care

giveaways of facials, massages, manicures, pedicures and two cash giveaways of $50,000 from GloAesthetic Spa.

As the event came to a close, the sense of empowermentwaspalpable. Attendees left feeling inspired, confident, and

connectedtoacommunityof like-minded individuals

The inaugural Rediscover You seminar had done more than just p

ide motivation—ithadsparkeda movement.

Looking ahead, the founder of Rediscover You shared excitement

for the future of the seminar, emphasizing the event’slastingimpact

She highlighted that this event will be held annually It was stated that in March 2026, another Rediscover You seminar is slated to take place

From page 24

nervous,” Ali said when asked whether he was anxiousaboutthepossibility of Exxon gaining a more dominant stake in the project.

H e n o t e d t h a t consolidation in other sectors that led to one business controlling more than half of the market “can causeconcern”,saying,“We are of the view that the partnershipworkswell.” Ali saidtheproposaltobringina major new partner into the consortium was a matter for the existing partners, but added that he thought it would be good to have the “largest operators from the US operating in Guyana ”

Back in January, this newspaper reported John Hess, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Hess Corporation, saying that the Guyanese government stronglyendorsedChevron's anticipated entry into the StabroekBlock.Speakingat

the Goldman Sachs

Research: Energy, CleanTech & Utilities Conference, Hess said President Irfaan Ali has

made it clear that maintaining a three-way partnership for the block is critical. “The government's beencleartheywantathreewaypartnershiptocontinue. They don't want a two-way partnership to own the asset,” Hess outlined He continued,“SoPresidentAli has been very clear about that, he's gone public, he's been in the Financial Times speaking about that and he's very supportive of Chevron becoming the third party in thecountry.”


Guyana'soilgrowth boostingregional economies–CDB DirectorofEconomics Ian Durant, Director of Economics at the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) on Wednesday stated that Guyana's rapid economic expansion, fueled by its growingoilsector,continues to be a major driver of regionaleconomicgrowth.

During his address at C D B A n n u a l N e w s Conference held under the theme Rebirth: Innovate, Transform and Thrive for a Resilient Future, Durant highlighted the significant roleGuyanaplaysinshaping theeconomicoutlookforthe Caribbean.

Reviewing 2024, Durant noted that the region has

largely recovered from severe economic shocks, including the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain disruptions exacerbated by geopolitical tensions, and high inflation He pointed out that regional output, excluding Guyana, was estimated to grow by 1.7%, reflectinganormalizationof economicconditions.

“Growth rate varied among borrowing member countries with Guyana and Haitistandingoutasoutliers. Guyana again was the standout performer with its economy surging by 43.5% fueled by the increased oil production and continued expansion in its non-energy sectors,”Durantstated.

He highlighted the transformative effect of Guyana'seconomicboomon theregion,statingthatwhen Guyana is included in the calculation, regional growth jumps from 1.7% to 8.8%, a notable increase from 6.6% in 2023 This he said highlights Guyana's significant influence on regionaleconomicgrowth.

Looking ahead to 2025, the CDB projects regional growth of 21% excluding Guyana However, the nation'soil-drivenexpansion is expected to continue contributing significantly to the regional economy “Guyana's expansion is expected to slow to 11.9% followingitsrapidgrowthin oil production in 2024, nevertheless the country's performance will remain a key contributor to the region's economic growth, hence including all 19 membercountriestheregion is projected to grow by 4.6%,”Durantexplained.

Oil is currently being produced from the Stabroek Block located offshore Guyana This block renowned for its vast oil potential, has been the subject of global attention since oil production commencedfiveyearsago. Americanoilgiantisthe operator of the block which

with the resurgence of protectionist policies could elevateuncertaintyinglobal markets, disrupt supply chains, and exert upward pressure on commodity prices,”henoted.

is estimated to hold 11.6 billion barrels of oil. Notably, Exxon is currently producing over 650,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) from Liza 1, Liza 2, and Payara developments, supported by three floating production storage and offloading (FPSO)

vessels—Destiny,Unity,and Prosperity Exxon's fourth development, Yellowtail, is expected to come onstream later this year, with the fifth and sixth projects, Uaru and

Additionally, Durant pointedtopolicyshiftsinthe United States, explaining that this uncertainty, along withapotentialslowdownin majortradingpartners,could reduce demand for regional exports Highlighting the importance of continued economicexpansion,Durant stressedthathighergrowthis necessary to reduce poverty, bridge inequalities and elevate the standard of living.

Suspectedoutbreakof Hand,FootandMouth DiseaseinRegionFour samples sent to CARPHAfor confirmation

The Ministry of Health, in collaboration with regional authorities, is

On March 11, an expert team from the Ministry of Health conducted an initial visit to assess the situation and provide necessary support.

A follow-up visit was conducted on March 18

Sampleshavebeencollected and sent to the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA)forconfirmation ofthepathogen.

The Ministry wishes to inform the public about the common symptoms of HFMD,whichincludefever, sore throat, painful sores or blisters in the mouth, and a rash on the hands, feet, and occasionally the buttocks

Symptoms typically appear two to seven days after exposure to an infected person, their bodily secretions (for example, their saliva, blister fluid, or faeces), or contaminated objectsandsurfaces.

Whilehighlycontagious, HFMD is generally not

Whiptail, scheduled for startup in 2026 and 2027, respectively

Moreover, while the Caribbean is expected to remain on a growth trajectory in 2025, Durant cautioned that several risks could disrupt this progress.

“ I n t e r n a t i o n a l l y, geopolitical tensions along

actively investigating and monitoring a suspected outbreak of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) in Region Four (DemeraraMahaica) HFMD is a contagious viral disease that primarily affects children of primaryschoolage,although individuals of any age can contractit.

measures: practice regular handwashingwithsoapand water; avoid close contact with individuals who are exhibiting symptoms and sanitize and disinfect frequently touched surfaces andshareditems.

Individuals, particularly children,showingsymptoms of HFMD are strongly encouraged to remain at homeuntiltheyarenolonger contagious Parents are urged to seek medical attentionatthenearesthealth facilityiftheirchildexhibits signs or symptoms of HFMD, or if the illness persists for more than one week.

Meanwhile on March 17 last, the People's National Congress Reform (PNCR) reported via its Facebook page that over the last three weeks, children at Mon Repos Primary School have developed rashes on their mouths, feet and arms–suspected to be the symptomsofhand,foot,and mouthdisease.

According to the PNCR, parents are calling for the governmenttostopdragging its feet and to take action urgently so as to contain the situation and to provide quality medical attention. The PNCR joins the parents and all other concerned Guyanese in this call. The Ministry of Health said it remains committed to protecting the health and well-beingofallcitizensand will continue to provide updates as new information becomesavailable.


Citizensdemandmore fromExxon …callcompany's sponsorshipofcricket, othereventshandout

AstudentoftheLeonora Technical Institute almost s e t t h e t o n e f o r ExxonMobil's question and answersegmentofascoping meetingonThursdayforthe company Citizens demand more from Exxon's eighth proposeddevelopmentinthe StabroekBlock-Longtail.

The Longtail project

severe, with most cases resolving on their own within seven to 10 days Medical treatment is primarilytorelievepainand fever, and to prevent dehydration.

To minimize the risk of infection, the Ministry advisesthepublictotakethe following precautionary

seeks to develop the resources in Longtail, Tripletail andTurbot, with a startup date of 2030 The scoping session was held to engage the public on their specific concerns regarding the proposed development and field comments from citizenstoguidetheTermsof Referenceforan (Continuedonpage41)

Ian Durant, Director of Economics, CDB
Some of images shared by the PNCR of the suspected cases of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease at Mon Repos

From page 40

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) that will beconductedfortheproject.

Inadditiontorepresentatives from ExxonMobil, officers

of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the consultant group, Acorn International were present at the Leonora meeting.

ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) plans to producebetween200to290 thousand barrels of oil per day,withnon-associatedgas productionofbetween1,000 to 1,500 million Standard Cubic Feet (MMscfd) per dayattheplanneddeepwater development This would make Longtail the largest project ever pursued by the companytodate.

To this end, a student of the Leonora Technical Institute who attended the public scoping meeting for the project enquired about how this would increase earningsforthecountry The young man, Noel Haynes specifically asked the ExxonMobil team whether

the project would be profitable for the country andthecompany

In addressing his concern, EMGL's Projects

Environmental and

Regulatory Manager, Mariya Skocik explained thatthiswouldbeacriterion. She said, “Project number eight is on the very early phasessoallthestudiesthat are being conducted now is to assess the best way to go forwardwiththeprojectand being economically viable wouldbeoneofthecriteria.”

Meanwhile, another citizen who attended the session shared his concern over the fact that Exxon has been more supportive of sportingtournamentssuchas the Caribbean Premiere League (CPL) instead of initiatives geared at social development. He said, “ L o o k i n g a t t h e infrastructure aspect of it becausewejustdon'twantto saythatExxonissponsoring an event. If we look at the commercialism aspect of it, it comes with infrastructure development and it comes w i t h ownership sponsorship comeswithalimitation.Itis not direct in terms of social development It's just a handoutIwouldsay.”

Consequently,hesaid,“I want to know if Exxon has any rolled-out plan it is hardtoknowthatcompanies coming to Guyana, making billions of dollars, yet still

ouryoungpeopleatastrain, cannot use their God-given talent as a career to sustain them.”

Foritspart,ExxonMobil used the opportunity to highlights its Greater Guyana Initiative, which utilises profits made by the company to give back to v

y, it was explained that the oil giant welcomes proposals from i n d i v i d u a l s a n d organizations which are vettedforpotentialfunding.

Also highlighting his discontent with Exxon's supportforcommunitieswas the Chairman of the Klien Pouderoyen Neighbourhood DemocraticCouncil(NDC), who only gave his name as Balram.

He said, “Coming to these sessions that you have at this Technical Institute, I always ask what have you done for my community?Nothing I see you have c u l t u r a l h e r i t a g e , community health, the nine factors under social…what have you done? We need some help, we need some community enhancement in terms of our historical sites, assistanceincertainareasof i n f r a s t r u c t u r e s o ExxonMobilcansayyes,we are making money from Guyana but we are also returning.”

Exxon in response again highlighted the work of the Greater Guyana Initiative, pointing out that US$100M has been invested in the programme over a 10-year period. Citizens on the East BankofDemerarawillhave anopportunitytoparticipate in the scoping meetings at a session scheduled for today (Friday), commencing 16:30hrs (4:30 pm) at the New Diamond Grove PrimarySchool,Diamond.


Like its other projects, Longtailwillinvolvedrilling of production and injection wells, installa

operations of Subsea Umbilicals, Risers, and Flowlines (SURF), and a Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading vessel (FPSO) for handling and offloading of produced hydrocarbons.

T h e p r o p o s e d developmentislocatedinthe southeastern portion of the S t a b r o e k B l o c k , approximately 200 km from Georgetown and adjacent to previous Stabroek Projects. Exxonhasindicatedplansto

usedrillshipstoproducethe non-associated gas and c o n d e n s a t e f r o m approximately 24 – 60 production and injection wells.Thesubseaequipment willbeinstalledatadepthof approximately1,600–2,000 metres.

TheproposedFPSOwill be a newly built floating facilitywithdoublesideand single bottom protection, w i t h a p p r o x i m a t e dimensionsof334mlongby 60 m wide by 32.8 m deep, and will be moored on location, approximately 200 km offshore, some 39 km southeast of the Liza Unity FPSO.

GRAmustsaywhyonly nowitisgoingafter Mohamedsfor$900M intaxes-Jagdeo …saysdueprocessmust befollowed,can't confiscatevehicles


Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has stated that the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) must provide explanations regarding concerns raised over its pursuit of over $900 million in

y businessman, Azruddin Mohamed, nearly five years after they arrived in the country

Jagdeo made the statement during his press conference on Thursday, in response to claims by the Mohameds that the vehicles came into the country four yearsagoandonlynowGRA is trying to conclude the transactions.

Nazar “Shell” Mohamed had suggested that the Vice PresidentwasbehindGRA's

demand for taxes, totaling $900,801,201, for four vehicles. However, Jagdeo, last week, clarified that it was Azruddin Mohamed's ownsocialmediapostabout his tax contributions that initially caught the GRA's attention.

On Thursday, social media commentator, Mikhail Rodrigues, also known as “Guyanese Critic,” raised concerns that theMohamedshadallegedly corruptedGRAofficials,and questioned Jagdeo on his confidence in the agency's integrity in handling the matter and going after the Mohamedsforthetaxes.

“I have not seen anyone accusing the GRA of corruption in this matter Now,clearlytheGRAhasto giveexplanationsonsomeof these issues ” Jagdeo responded.

Healsoaddressedclaims madebytheMohameds,that the vehicles in question had been in the country for four yearsandthatGRAwasonly now seeking to finalize the transactions. “Now, this is not entirely accurate…three of the vehicles came in through the remigrant scheme, and those vehicles, if properly assessed, would be liable for taxes that exceed $900 million,” he said.

Jagdeoreiteratedthatthe issue only came to GRA's attentionafterasocialmedia post was made. “So, I have notseenanyallegationsthat the GRA corruptly took money or anythinglikethat. But, you may question the length of time it took on a coupleofthevehicles,which isafairquestion,andmaybe you should ask the GRA


Guyanese Critic then questioned whether GRA's 14-dayresponsewindowfor the Mohameds was the tax body giving preferential treatment,stating,“Ifitwere any other Guyanese, the vehicleswouldhavealready beeninGRA'sbond.Doyou trustGRA'sprocess?”

Jagdeo responded, “GRA has to go through a proper process, this is not a cake shop agency ” He furthernotedthatGRAisan independent revenue authority and not a political armofthegovernment.

“What if one of the

thesamedaywithoutgiving them that right to respond,” headded.

Jagdeo maintained that due process must be followedandthattheGRA's decision to allow the Mohameds time to respond was part of a fair legal procedure.

In separate letters dated March 4, 2025, GRA's Law E n f o r c e m e n t a n d Investigation Division outlined the findings and financial obligations for the owners of a 2021 Toyota Land Cruiser, a 2020 LamborghiniRoadster,anda 2020Ferrari488.

According to GRA, the

remigrants can prove that they actually lived here the 183 days per year in the last two years (in accordance to the law), then that would mean that the information available to the GRA might befalse,andtheydon'thave to worry about paying the taxes because they would have met the condition,” Jagdeoexplained.

“You have to give taxpayers a period, and they got14daystorespondtothe allegation It's natural justice.Youcan'tjustgoand pick up the people's vehicle

declared values of two ToyotaLandCruisers—PAB 3000 and PAB 4000—were foundtobeinconsistentwith s i m i l a r v e h i c l e s Consequently, the values were adjusted, and the owners were notified that each vehicle now carries an additional tax liability of $24,641,272.

In another case, a 2020 Lamborghini Roadster, with registration PZZ 4000, was also found to have an undervalued declaration GRA has now adjusted its (Continuedonpage42)

Students of the Leonora Technical Institute were among participants of the Longtail meeting
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo

From page 41

value and imposed additional taxes amounting to$371,775,168.

Additionally, GRA said

that it launched an investigation into a taxexemptedFerrari488owned

by a re-migrant The authority found that the owner failed to meet the required residency period, did not present the vehicle forperiodicchecks,andwas notusingitasintendedunder the terms of the exemption.

As a result, GRA is demandingtherepaymentof $479,743,489 in foregone taxes.

“As a result, you are required to show cause why the Revenue Authority should not demand the foregone Customs Duty and Taxes,” one of the letters stated.

Notably, the Mohameds' lawyer has already made contactwiththeGRA.


“Guyanawillnotbe intimidated,coerced”–PresidentAlitellsMaduro …sayscountryisopento talksbutsovereigntynot upfornegotiation

Following the recent threats by Venezuela to the Guyana's sovereignty and

y, President Irfaan Ali made it clear on Friday that Guyana will not be intimidated or coerced The Head-of-State said while the country is open to dialogue with respect,itssovereigntyisnot upfornegotiation.

President Ali was at the

commissioningceremonyof the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Air Corps' Hangar which is located at the


President IrfaanAli speaking at the commissioning ceremony of Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Air Corps’Hangar at OgleAirport. (Photo courtesy, GDF)


Addressing the recent events by neighbouring Venezuela in his speech, the President said Guyana believesindiplomacyandin dialogue but not dialogue underduress.

“Our neighbours would have chosen on more than one occasion to violate the ICJ (International Court of Justice) orders and Argyle Declaration.

The very fact that they wouldseetoholdanelection in a territory that does not belongtothemtellsyouthat theyarenotseriousaboutthe dialogue They are not serious about the Argyle Declaration and we will not be drawn into any discourse under duress. We are all for dialogue, but dialogue with respect, dialogue with dignity, dialogue with a sense of purpose and dialogue that we can trust,” thePresidentsaid.

President Ali made it clear that if Venezuela's president, Nicolas Maduro wants to talk, he must undo the acts that violated the Argyle Declaration and the ordersoftheICJ.

“Let it first demonstrate goodfaith,letitfirstrespect the rule of law until then, (Continuedonpage43)

The $231 million Guyana Defence Force (GDF)Air Corps’Hangar at Ogle. (Photo courtesy, GDF)

there will be no talks Sovereignty is not a matter for negotiation. Even as we reposeourconfidenceinthe ruleofinternationallawand in diplomacy, we are not blind to the realities to the world we live in,” the Presidentdeclared.

Calling for respect to Guyana's sovereignty and territorial integrity, in a

simple message to Venezuela, President Ali said, “To Venezuela, the message is simple, respect oursovereignty,threatenour sovereignty and we will resist. Guyana will not be intimidated.Guyanawillnot becoercedandletmerepeat forthosewhostilldoubt,we will defend every square inch of our land; we will protect every drop of water in our seas We will safeguard every citizen of thisRepublic.”

Further, President Ali said that Guyana and its people will make every investment necessary to ensureithaswhatittakesto secure the nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity

“A strong nation must have the means to deter and identify threats that is why we are investing in our Defence Force, not for war, not for aggression but for protection, for development andfornationalsecurity,”he added.

Meanwhile, speaking about the newly established Air Corps' Hangar, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, said that the facility is just not a building butastatement.

“It says that Guyana is prepared, that our Defence Force is evolving and that our skies will be watched and protected and it will be suretoserveourpeople.Our eyes will be sharper, our reach will be longer, our response will be swifter, the Guyana Defence Force Air Corps will be strengthened, our fleet will be better maintained, better equipped and better resourced,” he said.

The President noted that his government will continue to invest in the Defence Force so that it can safeguard Guyana's economic potential while ensuring investors have confidenceinstability

“We are not arming ourselvesforaggression,we are arming our self for protection, we are not buildingaDefenceForcefor war, we are building a

DefenceForceforresilience, we are not preparing for conflict,wearepreparingfor anyeventuality Ourmilitary must be ready not just to defend our borders but to assistindisasterstorespond to emergencies and to contribute to national development,”hereiterated.

Meanwhile, speaking of thenewfacility,GDF'sChief of Defence Staff, Brigadier OmarKhanrevealedthatthe hangar was acquired from t h e G u y a n a S u g a r Corporation (GuySuCo) in

2023 via a Defence Board decision and through a publiclytenderedcontractto thetuneof$231,178,563.

The rehabilitation project which started in February2024wasexecuted

by Synergy General ContractingandEngineering Services.

According to Brigadier Khan, now operating at two international airports, the Ogle location will certainly afford GDF the opportunity to enhance its response time and increase operational reach.

“Importantly, it is much closertoourmaritimesector and increasingly significant resource and operation time domain and I may add what morebettercanwehavethan to have another GDF hangar,”henoted.

He added, “While our rolesaredistinct,thesynergy ofoperatingatthisairportis filledwithopportunitiesthat only can make us better at executing our service to our c o u n t r y, a n d a l s o

ring fencing We see benefits. We also see some constraints, and so we want to engage expertise in order todealwiththisissue,which we will be doing when in office,”Lowstated.

He said too, “There's some question around oil price volatility It would be very hypocritical of me to come here and say we will definitely ring-fence ABC without us having the appropriate expertise of an internationalstandard.”

immediately, I see search and rescue operation as being a key function of this relationship.”

Thefacilitywhichwould allow GDF to add 24/7 responsecapabilitiestoSAR missions and emergencies operations, features an executivelounge,washroom areas for the crews, a briefingandconferencearea amongotheramenities.

PNCRmaintainsit willengageexpertson ring-fencingonlywhen inoffice–ElsonLow

The People's National Congress Reform (PNCR) hasmaintainedthatifelected to office, only then it will engage experts to assess the implementation of a ringfencing provision as part of its planned review of the c o n t r a c t b e t w e e n ExxonMobil and the State for the prolific Stabroek Block.

D u r i n g a p r e s s conference on Friday, PNCR's economist Elson Low reiterated the party's position, explaining that they believe that there are bothbenefitsandconstraints toring-fencing.

Ring-fencing is a provisionthatwouldrequire each oil project to fund its own development costs b ef o r e p r o f its ar e distributed Under the current Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) between Guyana and ExxonMobil's consortium,75%ofmonthly revenueisdeductedtocover expenses, while the remaining 25% is split equally between the government and the oil companies. However,inthe absence of ring-fencing, Exxon is allowed to use the funds generated on other projects/ developments still tocomeon-stream.

“As we have said, we will review various aspects of the existing frameworks, including the question of

could negatively impact future oil revenues

However, Jagdeo recently explained that the projected drop in oil prices, driven by an oversupply of crude, will prolong Guyana's ability to repaydevelopmentcostsand delay the country's increase inoilprofits.

has not committed to the implementation of ringfencing.

Low was asked what immediate plans the PNCR has to ensure Guyanese see more benefits from the sector despite the projected drop in revenues this year fromoil.

He outlined that Guyana's oil industry must begovernedasaworld-class industry and criticized the government'shandlingofthe sector

ThePeople'sProgressive Party (PPP) government has resisted calls to introduce ring-fencing, with Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo arguing that such a policy

During the 2025 budget presentation, Guyana's MinisterofFinanceMinister Dr. Ashni Singh disclosed that in 2025, although Guyana'sdailyproductionis expected to climb, the countrywillseeadecreasein earnings from the sector, as oil price is likely to come down.

He explained that global oil supply is expected to surpass demand this year, leading to a 10.9% drop in pricestoaroundUS$71.9per barrel.

For their part, the PNCR

In his response, Low stressedthatthegovernment should act now by seeking expert guidance on the matter.

“Nothing is stopping the government from hiring expertise…Whatisstopping them from doing that, other than a commitment to incompetence?”

Low said. He argued that the government should seek expert advice immediately to properly manage the sector rather than“justbluffingtheirway along.”

PNCR Economist, Elson Low


Deep in the heart of the vast Northern wilderness, eleven-year-old Alex found himself lost and alone. He had come on this camping tripwithhisfather,hopingto learn more about the outdoorsandmaybeevensee somewildanimals.Butnow, Alexhadstrayedtoofarfrom theircampsitewhilechasing after a colourful butterfly Thetalltreessurroundedhim like giant guardians, and the only sound was the rustling ofleavesinthegentlebreeze. Hewishedhehadpaidmore attention to his father's instructions.

All Alex had with him was a small backpack containing a water bottle, a sandwich, and his father's old hatchet, which he had been allowed to carry for emergencies The hatchet was a sturdy tool, with a wooden handle and a sharp blade,anditfeltheavyinhis hands. His father had taught him how to use it to chop woodandcarvesticks.Now, Alex hoped it would help him find his way back or at leastkeephimsafe.

As the sun began to set, Alex knew he needed to act quickly He found a small clearingamongthetreesand decidedtomakeashelterfor the night. Remembering his father's advice, he used the hatchet to cut down some thin branches and gathered leaves to create a simple lean-to against a large rock.

The hatchet made quick work of the branches, and soon enough, Alex had a small, cozy shelter to keep himwarm.

With his shelter ready, Alex sat down and ate his sandwich, trying to keep calm. He thought about his father and how worried he mustbe.Hewishedhecould send him a message, but there was no signal for his phone The only thing he could do was wait and hope that someone would come lookingforhim.Asdarkness fell, Alex tried to sleep, but everysoundmadehimjump. He gripped the hatchet tightly, feeling a little safer knowinghehaditbyhisside.

The next morning, Alex wokeuptothesoundofbirds chirping and the sight of sunlight streaming through thetrees.Hefeltalittlebetter with the daylight, but he

ThebestpeopleIknowbesidesmyfamily Arethefriendsthatmakemefeelsogood; Theyarethechildrenwhohelpmeout, AndkeepmeashappyasIcould.

MyfriendsandIlovetobetogether, Whetheratschool,workorplay; Ifeelthatthesespecialpeople Arewhatmakemylifeokay

MyfatherisgladIhavesuchnicefriends; Heoftenletsmebringthemalong, ButhesaysthatIshouldbecareful Thattheydonotmakemedowrong.

Whenwetrytokeepeachotherhappy, Andhelponeanothertoalwaysdoright, ThenIknowwewouldalwaysbefriends, Andneverhavetoquarrelorfight.

A Simple Butterfly Symmetry Activity



*Cardboard–Thesecardboardsheetsare a convenient option if you don't have any to reuse.

* Something sharp to puncture holes in thecardboard-Asharppencilshouldwork.

* Scissors or X Acto Knife– These are excellentforcardboardcrafts!Theyarevery sharpONLYforadultuse.

knew he had to find his way back soon. He remembered his father's advice to always leaveatrailwhenwalkingin the woods Using the hatchet,Alexstartedtomark the trees with smallnotches, creating a path he could follow back if he got turned around.

Ashewalked,helistened carefully for any signs of human activity After what feltlikehoursofwalkingand marking trees, Alex came across a stream He bent downtotakeasipofthecool water and noticed tracks on theground.Theyweresmall, like a child's footprint, and they led further into the woods. Alex's heart skipped a beat. Could it be someone elsewasouthere?

Following the tracks, Alex found a small, abandoned campsite. There wasamakeshiftfirepitwith charred wood, and an old, tattered blanket lay on the ground. It didn't look like anyone had been there for a while,butitgaveAlexhope. Ifsomeonehadcampedhere before,itmeanthewasn'ttoo farfromcivilization.

Alexdecidedtomakehis own fire. He gathered dry twigs and leaves, and using thehatchet,hestruckaspark with a rock, just like his father had shown him.After a few tries, the twigs caught fire, and soon a small flame flickered to life. Alex felt a surge of pride The fire would keep him warm and might even help rescuers findhim.

That night, as he sat by the fire, Alex thought about how much he had learned in justoneday Thehatchethad beenmorethanjustatool;it had become his lifeline. He used it to build his shelter, markhispath,andstartafire. Itgavehimtheconfidenceto keep going, even when he feltscaredandalone.

The next morning, Alex decidedtofollowthestream. Hisfatherhadoncetoldhim that streams often led to rivers, and rivers could lead to people He continued (Continuedonpage45)

Here's How to Make the Nature ThreadingBoard:

Step ONE: Cut out a cardboard butterfly shape.



3. Cut it out so you have symmetrical wings.

4. Then trace that butterfly on the cardboard!


Pokeholesinyourbutterfly Keepinmind youneedtheholestobesymmetrical.Iuseda

sharp pencil to poke the holes in our cardboardbutterflies.


You can either let your children create theirownbutterfliesoryoucanstartthemfor yourkids.Istartedthemsincethiswasanew term for them I decorated half of the butterflies and invited them to finish the butterflies.


Improve your interaction with all others to ensure proper cooperation

We always need to cooperate with those with whom we interact at the variouslevelsofourlivessoastogetthe mostoutofourrelationshipswiththem, as well as in the efforts we make every daytomoveforwardefficiently

Simplyput,weneedtostrivealways to be a great teammate. Whether you are interacting with others at home, at school or at a workplace, you should alwaysseethatitisimportantforyouto realisethatyouarepartofateam. Make sure you do your part of the work at home,whichincludeskeepingtheplace clean and in good order, along with all theotherthingsthatareneeded. Inyour class, you should cooperate with your teacherandclassmatessothateveryone getsthemostoutofthetimespentthere. If you are working, it would be much appreciatedbyyouremployerifyoucan seeyourselfaspartofthewholegroup, andworkwithallotherstogetthegoods and services you deal with produced anddeliveredefficiently

Abasicpartofthisinteractionisin our communication with others. One wayofbeingefficientinthisistorealise

that we need to speak less and listen more. People have a natural habit of wanting others to listen to and accept theirownviews,andsotheylistenless towhatothershavetosay

In fact, many times people are so anxious to get their own perspective across to others that they hardly ever listen. This of course lessens their chancesoflearningfromothers,which can serve to keep them from much information and opinion that would have enriched their own fund of knowledge.

Formahabitof really listening to others, and you willbesurprisedat howmuchyoucan learn, by which you can help yourself as well as seetheopportunity to help others. In thiseffort,itistrue thattherearetimes when you can help people with some

Fill in the squares so that each digit from 1 to 8 occurs exactly once in each row and column.

Greater-than and l e s s - t h a n s i g n s indicate the relations h i p o f t h e t w o adjacent squares. There is only one solution, and you can find it without guessing.

A Friend

problem simply by listening to them. This happens because people can find their own solutions when they get the opportunitytoreallyexpresswhatisin their minds. Also, when they have someone who is willing to listen to them,theyfeelworthyandappreciated, which helps them in this search for the solutionstotheirproblems..

Weallshouldbeaware,byitsvery name that our country has been founded on principles that embrace cooperation,andweasapeopleshould beexamplesofthismodeofbehaviour


Frompage45 markingthetreesashewalked,makingsurehewouldn'tget lost. Hours passed, and Alex's legs were tired, but he kept going,determinedtofindhelp.Suddenly,heheardanoisethat madehisheartleap—avoicecallinghisname.“Alex!Alex!” Itwasfaint,butitwasreal.Alexshoutedbackasloudashe could.“I'mhere!Overhere!”Herantowardsthesound,and soonhesawhisfatherrunningtowardshim,followedbytwo parkrangers.Alex'sfatherhuggedhimtightly,reliefflooding hisface.“I'vebeenlookingforyoueverywhere,”hesaid.“I'm so glad you're safe.”“I used the hatchet,” Alex explained, showing his father the tool. “I made a shelter, marked trees, and even started a fire. Just like you taught me.”His father smiled proudly “You did great,Alex. You stayed calm and usedyourhead.I'msoproudofyou.”Astheywalkedbackto the campsite, Alex felt a sense of accomplishment. He had facedthewildernessandcomeoutstronger Fromthatdayon, heknewhecouldhandlewhateverchallengescamehisway Thehatchet,histrustytool,hadbeenmorethanjustapieceof equipment; it had been his guide and protector And Alex knew he would always carry the lessons he learned in the woodswithhim,nomatterwherehewent.



· WhatdidAlexusethehatchetforwhilehewaslostinthe woods?

· Why didAlex decide to follow the stream, and how did it helphimfindhiswayback?

· WhatdoyouthinkAlexlearnedfromhisadventureinthe wilderness?

Afriendisonewhoreachesforyourhand, Onewhoshareshisideasandtogetheryouexpand, Whenyouareintroubleorpain, Onewholendsassistanceandtogetheryougain.

Afriendisnotselfish,cruelorheartless, Heisnotunmindfulorhelpless; Afrienddoesnotwatchanotherinsorrow, Butisalwaystheretodayandtomorrow

Afriendiscaring,lovingandkind, Heistherewithawiseandpuremind, Heisnotvulgar,rudeorimmature, Butistheretosolve,assistandcure.

Afriendisalwaystheretolandahand, Heisnotvain,proudorplayinggrand, Heistheretoeverofferasmile, Andkeepyouhappythroughalllife'strials.

So,justasyouvalueagoodfriend, Bethereforotherswithahelpinghandtolend; Alwaysbeknownforthegoodyoudo, Andyouwillbenefitfromfriendshiptoo.

Make cooperation as the basis of your life, and you will reap tremendous benefits from this practice.

Solutions to last week’s

Seishonen Guyana to showcase Guyanese Talent at Caribbean Cosplay Championship 2025

Chantal Jagoo cosplaying as the Lingering Will (Terra) from Kingdom Hearts (video game series) at FumaCon2024

Since 2022, Seishonen Guyana has hosted an event titled“FumaCon”-ananime & comic convention centered around organising interactive activities, competitions, gaming stations, challenges, w o r k s h o p s , p a n e l discussions and a debate roomforitsattendees.Inthis limited time, Seishonen Guyana has collaborated with both the Embassy of Japan and the Brazilian Embassy/Instituto GuimarãesRosa.

Last year, Seishonen Guyanaembarkedtomakea lastingfirstimpressionatthe Caribbean Cosplay Championship Fumacon servesasthesoleevententry designation for local creatives to participate in this championship The Caribbean Cosplay Championship takes place annually at ALIAS Entertainment Expo in

TrinidadandTobago. Thisyearmarksthe11th anniversary of the competition which has seen

entrants from across the Caribbean and Latin America participate The Championship is the

brainchild of Panterona Cosplay, a Trinidadian cosplayer who has been cosplayingforover20years.

Having judged many major international competitionsshefeltlikethe Caribbeanhadthetalentand

creativitytoonedaystandon par with these events, thus thefirsteverCaribbean


Photo taken by: Fusion Creative Studio (Jamie Norville)

Diana Chapman Entertainer of the Week: tospotlightWorldExpoinJapannextmonth

Singer, songwriter, dancer, actress and radio broadcaster,

is expected to perform in April this year at the World ExpoinJapan.

The event is held every five years in different countries and aims to bring

innovationsfromaroundthe world to address issues

facing humankind on a globalscale. Our Entertainer of the

Week is no stranger to the international stage, having previously performed in Kazakhstan,Haiti,Suriname as well as Trinidad and Tobago.

In an interview with The Waterfalls,thestarexplained that she started singing professionally at the age of 17.

She explained, “Dance wasmyfirstlove,thencame singing. I started dancing around six years old for the school Mashramani competitions I did that throughout my primary school years. I first started singingwhenGuyanahosted Carifestaforthefirsttime.”

According to Diana, her

competition and being a JuniorMonarchandaSenior Monarch propelled her into thespotlight.

She said, “While the Mashramani competitions gave me the opportunity to be in the spotlight, many other opportunities came fromhavingthatplatformto showcasemytalent.”

Chapman has since performed at a number of local concerts organized by the government of Guyana andevensharedhertalentat State House Beyond regional performances, she alsotravelledwithateamof Guyaneseartistestoperform at the 2017 World Expo in Kazakhstan.

Thesingerrecalled,“The World Expo was wonderful, over 100 countries were there to showcase their culture,soapartfrom

Diana Chapman

Guyanese youth triumphs at baking competition in BVI

Shania Sampson, the talented 21year-oldGuyanese youth and owner ofTriple S

Creations based in Kwakwani, Region 10, Sub District #2, has achieved well deserved recognition at the Caribbean Baking Awards2025.

Her creative flair was recognizedasshetookhome thecovetedtitlefortheBest Buttercream Cake award at C a r i b b e a n b a k i n g competition held earlier this month in British Virgin Islands(BVI).

In addition, Sampson earned nominations for Best Wedding Cake and People’s Choice Award, further solidifying her presence on theCaribbeanbakingscene.

This achievement is a significant milestone for the young baker, who launched TripleSCreationsjustovera yearago.

She told The Waterfalls that her Buttercream Cake was created, with a focus of showcasing the beauty of Guyaneseculture.

Sheexplainedthat“Alot of thought went into every detailofthisdesign.Starting from the bottom tier, it representsGuyana-theland ofmanywaters.Thesecond tier highlights the six races

ofGuyana,andthefacesyou see aren’t just random — theyareactuallymyfriends, which made this tier even morespecialtome.

“The third tier,” she said

“represents Phagwah, a well-known and vibrant holiday we celebrate in Guyana The fourth tier proudlydisplaysourGolden Arrowhead, our national flag.”

“Finally, the top tier represents our newfound oil wealth, with a marble fondant design to symbolize itsrichness.

Thecakeiscrownedwith a ‘One Guyana’ topper, reminding us all that we are One People, One Nation, One Destiny,” the baker added. Sampson told The Waterfalls that her journey into the world of cake decorating began during her teenage years when she developed a passion for the art.

Although she faced initial doubts about the profitability of her passion, her determination led her to pursue cake decorating classes.

Armed with borrowed tools and a makeshift setup, Shania embarked on her entrepreneurialjourney.


its challenges, but her perseveranceandthesupport of her local community transformed Triple S Creations into a profitable andthrivingbusiness.

With her business currently based in Region 10, Sampson’s catering businesshasrapidlybecome a go-to option for various events, with a special focus onbirthdayparties.

L o o k i n g a h e a d , Sampson is focused on

growing her business even further SheenvisionsTriple S Creations becoming a Caribbean wide sensation, offering a wide range of cakes that leave a lasting impressiononclients.

Beyond her business ambitions, Sampson is also pursuing higher education, aiming to earn a bachelor’s degree in business management to further enhance her entrepreneurial skills.

Shania Sampson receiving her awards at the Caribbean BakingAwards
One of the cakes she decorated during the competition

Over 200 affected after fire destroys section of Critchlow Labour College

The partially destroyed Critchlow Labour College.

Head of the Critchlow Labour College, Ivor English, said that over 200 persons, mainly students, have been affectedbyafirethatdestroyed theinstitution’smainbuildings onSaturdaymorning.

The fire reportedly erupted around 07:00 hrs When Kaieteur News arrived on the scene,firefightershadtheblaze under control. A large section ofthebuildingwascompletely gutted,butitwasquiteevident that firefighters were able to prevent the fire from destroyingtheentirecollege.

“I would say, over two hundred, because you have people coming in for programmes in the afternoons. Iwouldsayroughlyover200,” EnglishtoldKaieteurNews.

He disclosed that it was a woman who saw the building on fire and contacted the Guyana Fire Service (GFS) “a littlepast07:00hrs”.

“…A person… one of the clients or the vendors, they called us and told us the building was burning,” he said beforeadding,“Theyindicated that it was at the front of the building,theauditorium,andas you can see, the auditorium area almost completely gutted…80percent.”

He noted that a university was housed in that section of the building, containing a numberofcomputersandother equipment.

“I cannot quantify that at the moment. You will get a better response, in terms volume and costs, from the principalofthatuniversity,”he told Kaieteur News. English alsopraisedthefirefightersfor theirswiftresponse.

“I think the response from the Fire Service was pretty good.Whentheladycalled,not long after, they were on the ground,”headded.

The Head of the college alsocommendedHomeAffairs Minister Robeson Benn and President Irfaan Ali for the interest and support they have shown.

“Interest shown by the ministerwascommendable.He was on the ground The

minister arrived before I got here, down from the East Bank,” English said, adding, “And what’s also good is that thePresidentcalledandoffered his commiseration. He called andspokewithmeonthephone and it’s a very excellent outpouring of support, and I thinkthatisverygood”.

Meanwhile, Minister Benn said that he was at a drug destruction exercise on Home Stretch Avenue with the Head of the CustomsAnti-Narcotics Unit (CANU), James Singh, when he heard that the college wasonfire.

Immediately, he and the CANU Head changed course andheadedtothescene.

He said that when they arrived, four fire tenders were alreadythere.

“The fire spread very rapidly… the wind was high,” Bennrelated,whilenotingthat by the time the firefighters were ready, the building was alreadyengulfed.

“80 percent of the main auditorium building and the admin building has been destroyed,”hecontinued.

Benn also revealed that President Ali will engage English and other stakeholders to see what support governmentcanoffer Meanwhile, General Secretary of the Guyana Trade Union Congress (GTUC), LincolnLewis,whowasalsoat the scene, confirmed that the President has promised some assistance.

“I understand that we are gonna be talking with the President The President invited the administration to meet with him on this matter,” Lincoln said, while making it clearthatalthoughthefiremay be “a tragedy to some extent”, anything that the college’s administration does going forward must be consistent with the development that is takingplaceinsociety

Healsopointedoutthatthe fire has had a tremendous impact on the institution’s plans, noting that plans to renovatetheinstitutionwerein train.

Diana Chapman to spotlight...


performing,therewasalottotakeinandlearn about various countries, it was a truly remarkable experience.” Moreover she is looking forward to another thrilling experiencethisyear

Diana’sjourneytobecomingasuccessful performerwasnotwithoutitschallenges.She said, “One of the significant challenges I facedinthemusicindustrywasthestruggleto balance my passion with the necessity of a steadyjob.Foralongtime,Ihadtodedicatea substantial portion of my time to work that provided a reliable income, which often left mewithlittleroomtofullypursuemyartistic ambitions and become the best version of myselfasanartist.”

Thankfully, for the passionate musician, things have now shifted in her favour She saidthatthesupportfromthegovernmenthas notonlyhelpedherbutothersinthecreative industryaswell.

“I’m now fortunate enough to earn a sustainable income from performing, allowingmetocovermybillsandfocusmore


on what I truly love. The support and compensation we receive have improved, creating numerous opportunities for artists likemetoperformonstageandearnaliving doing what we’re passionate about,” the performershared.

Diana is especially grateful that she can now dedicate more time and energy towards hercraft,exploringhercreativityandhoning her skills as an artist. “This change has not onlybeenliberatingbuthasalsoreignitedmy passionformusic,enablingmetopursuemy dreams more vigorously than ever before,” sheadded.

Herdedicationtowardsherpassionhasso far been rewarding with the singer receiving multipleaccoladesforherparticipationinthe variouslocalcompetitions.Morerecentlyshe was crowned the 2025 Soca Monarch. She was also a two-time winner of the Calypso Junior and Senior Monarch, copping second placeinseveralothercompetitions.

Chapman said she would encourage upcomingartistestobethemselvesandbethe firstpersontobelieveintheirowndream.

Guyana to showcase...

Frompage47 Cosplay Championship was born back in 2014.

The Championships presents the region withaoneofakindopportunitytoshowcase thetalentofouryoungpeople,fosterasense of unity and pride and shared culture while creatinglifelongfriendships.

This year's competition is set to be the biggest yet, with the event expanding to a whopping9daysofnonstopactivitiesacross the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, culminating with an epic craftsmanship and performance showcase presented by each at thefinaleofthelastday

In their inaugural representation, Team Guyana was led by Roberto Teekah, an extremely talented multi-media visual artist andfashiondesigner Withthecountry'sfirst attempt, Roberto placed 2nd place with his interpretation of “Koh the Face Stealer”, a fictional character from Avatar the Last Airbender

Thisrepresentationwaswelldocumented by Jamie Norville of Fusion Creative Studio & Jonathan Jacobus in the film “FumaCon:

the road to the Caribbean Cosplay Championship” which premiered at the MexicanEmbassyinNovember2024.

Thisfilmisavailabletowatchforfreeon Youtube Our representation was made possiblethroughthefinancialsupportofKFC Guyana, Ministry of Education, the Guyana Tourism Authority, BadMonkey Merch, Construct It Inc, Payless Variety Store, Analytical Technologies Inc, Marketing Advertisements for Developing Enterprises &RakiyomuBooks.

InJuly2025,SeishonenGuyanawillaimto secure first place with Chantal Jagoo, the winner of the FumaCon2024 Individual CosplayCompetition Withthisrepresentation, Seishonen Guyana will continue to showcase and advocate for Guyanese talent on an internationalandregionalstage

Anyone interested in supporting young Guyanese talent can send an email for more i n f o r m a t i o n a t seishonenguyana@gmail com The patronage will be greatly appreciated as seeking to continuously amplify Guyanese youthtalentlocallyandacrosstheregion.

Diana Chapman during one of her electrifying performances

In another instalment of 'Young Entrepreneur On The Move', today we turn our attention to 17-year-old Elon Barrington, the young entrepreneur behind a cleaning servicebusinesscalled'JaguarJet Wash'.

Openingitsdoorstothepublic thispastMonday,JaguarJetWash provide clients with a variety of washing services, including full house washing, fence washing, window washing, concrete surfaces, driveways and yard washing.

Barrington, who hails from Diamond, East Bank Demerara (EBD), shared the reason for openinghisownbusiness.

He explained that he is on the path to becoming a pastor and withsomeextratimeonhishands, he decided to get involved in somethingmeaningful.

“The reason why I started is because,firstofall,Iamcalledto beapastor,butinordertoachieve somegoals,Igottobeinfull-time ministry- but I would need support… So, I decided that the

“The advice I would give is to just stick to it even though it gets hard. Just stick to it and it is going to work out in the end.”

best way to be in full-time ministry is by starting a business, so I can manage my time,”heexplained.

Theideabehindhisjetwash business came as a result of a recommendation from his pastor whodidsimilarwork.Aftermuch thought, Barrington said he decided to start and now, he even has another person working alongsidehim.

According to Barrington, acquiring the skills to get his jet wash business going was simple since he too is familiar with operating the pressure washer machine, given his experience workingatanautosalesbusiness.

“I used to work at a company called'BearAutoSales'andIused toworkwithcleaningofcarsand stufflikethat,andthenathome,I haveapresserwasherandIuseto wash the yard- and that is how I learn to use it and to operate the machineproperly,”heexplained.

Barrington added that the jet wash business was also a good ideasinceitisnotaservicethatis easily accessible in his community

Hesaidthatheoperateswhen clients schedule the services betweenthehoursof9amto5pm, fivedaysaweek

Thebusinessextendsbeyond his neighbourhood to other areas inRegionFour Newlyopened,theyoungman

said that, so far, the support has been good He revealed that already has clients scheduled to

attend to. Expressing gratitude, Barrington said that his mother helpedhimpurchasethecleaning

itemswhilehisfatherhelpedwith buyingthepresserwasher

Looking forward to seeing where the journey takes him, the youngentrepreneurrelatedthathe wants to do more with his business. “My plan is to start this yearandsaveuptobuyacompany vehicle so we could have a better sourceoftransportation.Then,we cangotodifferentplacesandthen, eventually, hire more people so theycantakeiton,”hedisclosed.

Whileheisstillrelativelynew to the business realm, Barrington is of the view that small businesses leave a significant impactonsociety,sincetheypave the way for job opportunities for others.Asked what he thinks can bedonetoboostsmallbusinesses locally, the teenager called for more support- in this case, financial support- specifically fromthoseinauthority

With that being said, Barrington would like to encouragethosewhoarethinking of starting a business to not give up on their dreams and aspirations.

He noted that managing a businessisnotaneasywalkinthe park.

Hesaid,“TheadviceIwould give is to just stick to it even thoughitgetshard.Juststicktoit and it is going to work out in the end.”

For persons seeking pressure washingservices,youcancontact Elon Barrington on telephone number (592) 216-4020 or via WhatsAppat738-6158.

35 contractors bid to construct Rockstone Health Centre

The Regional

Democratic Council (RDC) ofRegion10hasreceived35 bids from contractors to construct a health centre at Rockstone.

T h e R e g i o n a l Administration sought contractors to undertake the projectwhichisestimatedto cost$37,989,948.

The bids, which were recently opened at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office, are

as follows: DC- E

C o n s t r u c t i o n & Landscaping - $34,029,660, Picture Perfect Tours Inc.$34,453,724, TCS Construction - $32,228,291, InfinityXInc.-$35,091,683, Carter's Construction$35,406,252,PhillipGeorge Construction - $32,248,755, Naran Construction$34,062,840, Sovereignty Investment Construction Services - $32,020,401, Muse Holding Inc$35,614,448, Prored Resources - $29,985,000, Hard Runnings Investments Inc. - $37,927,470, Profiz Contracting -$34,900,474, Pacific Service System$30,269,660, M&B Contracting Services$34,433,175, Rahaman

C o n s t r u c t i o n & T r a n s p o r t a t i o n -

$33,295,710, Giddings General Construction & Supplies - $39,333,063, Andrect Engineering & Construction - $23,919,882, Stephens Ventures$35,457,933, Lallchan's Construction - $33,206,827, SEESolution-$29,357,580, Ramlochan Construction & TruckingInc.,R&MMining &InvestmentsProjectsInc.$37,074,503, BTB Construction Company -

$32,332,755, Jassy's Stationery & School Supply - $36,887,445, H&S Contracting Service$36,388,695, Mc Rae's Supermarket & General Store - $30,884,977, LF Global - $34,578,957, Supreme Wood Products$32,492,512, Country Side Recycling - $35,944,913, D De Souza Contracting Services - $36,308,895, Barron's Exclusive$39,331,477, Vishal's Contracting Company$38,443,545, Forever Construction - $34,935,978, FS Construction$31,322,760, and JAF Enterprise-$35,819,700.

Regional Chairman, Deron Adams, previously told Kaieteur News that the decision was made to have t h e h e a l t h c e n t r e constructed, following consultation with residents from the community who

had voiced their concerns withtheRDC.

“The establishment of this health post, when completed, signifies our dedication to ensuring that our residents, particularlyin Amerindian communities, have access to a wide range of healthcare services, including preventative care, rehabilitation, and palliative care,”heexplained.

Once completed, the Health Department of the RDC will ensure that, throughvariouspromotional activities and educational initiatives, they can raise awareness about the importance of preventative measures in reducing the risk of non-communicable diseases.

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that Rockstone, a community that is detached from Linden, has an existing health post However,asmallbuildingis being used and, with the growing population there, it was recommended that a new health facility be constructed.

This year, the Regional Administration was allocated some $1.6 billion from the national budget towards its health programme, part of which will be used to construct the healthcentre.

Prison officer chargedfortaking narcotics into LusignanPrison

Deondray Clarke, a 25-year-old Prison Officer of Stanley Town, New Amsterdam, Berbice was placedonbailonFriday,whenheappearedincourt onanarcoticscharge.

ItisallegedthatonMarch19,2025,atLusignan Prison, East Coast Demerara, Clarke attempted to smuggle 28.4 grams of cannabis into the prison. Clarke was arrested and charged with the offence, Contrary to Section 7(1) (a) (i) of the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control)Act, Chapter10:10.

He appeared at Vigilance Magistrates' Court before Magistrate Sunil Scarce, where the charge was read to him. He pleaded not guilty and was placedon$100,000bail.Thematterwasadjourned toApril24,2025.

Charged: Deondray Clarke

Sod turned for state-of-the-art $831M Campbellville Polyclinic

President IrfaanAli alongside Minister of Health Dr. FrankAnthony and GPHC’s CEO, Mr. Robbie Rambarran, among other officials turning the sod for the $831M Campbellville Polyclinic.

PresidentIrfaanAli and Minister of Health Dr Frank Anthony, on Saturday, turned the sod for the construction of the new modern $831 million Campbellville Polyclinic in Campbellville,Georgetown.

because if we have early diagnostic, we can have early intervention, early intervention can lead to less criticalcare,lesscriticalcare save money for the economy, save money for families,”heexplained.

President Ali said it is a bold step forward in revolutionizinghealthcarein Guyana. “This morning we arenotbreakinggrounds,we arebreakingbarriers.Weare notjustputtingupwalls,we are tearing down obstacles for quality healthcare. We

are not just turning the sod, we are constructing a better and stronger future for all, and I don’t say that lightly, because what we are doing here today is more than just constructing a building What we are doing is fulfilling a promise, a promise to a people of CampbellvilleandKittyand surrounding areas, and to every citizen of this country,”hestated.

In building this worldclasshealthcaresystemin


B o a r d ( N P TA B ) Supervisingtheconstruction will be Innovative Engineering Consultancy Services.

Kaieteur News reported that the decision to have a new building constructed is to properly improve the infrastructure of the health

The new health facility willbebuiltbyBMProperty Investments Inc. to the tune of $831,811,890 The contract was awarded, following the national bidding process through the National Procurement and Tender Administration

centre, so as to introduce more services for patients, thus, taking off some of the load from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) Delivering the feature address at the ceremony,PresidentAlisaid that the health facility is called a polyclinic and not a clinic/ heath centre, since it would be providing diagnosticandspecialtycare toresidents.

“Now, you would notice this facility is called a polyclinic and you want to askwhyitisapolyclinicand not a clinic. Very important forustounderstandwhyitis calledapolyclinic.

There are five things about a polyclinic that you must know One, is that it allows early and accurate disease detection, it supports timely intervention, it supportssavinglives,itisan important part of improved patient outcome, there is an essential part in information in informed decision (by usingdata)andofcoursethe economic value it brings,

An artist’s impression of what the new health facility will look like when completed.

Teen arrested over uncle’s murder after sharing burial plan with relative

Ateenager of

Ta b a t i n g a , Lethem, Central Rupununi,RegionNinewas arrested for murder on

F r i d a y a f t e r h e

reportedly told a relative that he killed his uncle and planned to buryhim.

T h e p l a n w a s immediately shared with police, and ranks arrived before he could get rid of the body

Police identified the victim as Christopher Laita, a 54-year-old labourer of

Tabatinga, Lethem, and r e p o r t e d t h

t h i s remains were found in a


around17:45hrsonFriday but the killing reportedly

took place around 02:00 hrsthatday Police learned that the suspect lives in a different house,butinthesameyard with the victim, and had a habit of assaulting his uncle whenever he was drunk

Onthedayofthemurder, he reportedly called a relative and said that “he killed his uncle and plan on buryinghiminthenight”.

“On arrival at the scene, the body of the victim was seen lying on his back in a one-storey flat concrete house,” police said, while addingthattheremainswere clad in black underwear and hadsixstabwounds. “Two to the scrotum, threetothechest,andoneto theforehead,”policesaid. Picfiledastabatinga(no caption)




needed, must be 30 -45 years old 8 am-4:30 pm at Republic Park E.B.D. Contact: 715-4717.

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Selling your house or unfinished building, give us a call :216-0671 / 692-8464 or Whatsapp 622-0267.

Need a grocery shopper, ship chandler or visa application preparer: USA, Canada, UK ETA. 626-7040.

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Family fun Aracari Resort! crystal clear pool, safe kids & adult sections, music & food. W.B.D. Call: 264-29469


Suriname Tours- Easter weekend tour to Suriname. WhatsApp/ Call: 639-2663 / 673-2348 for more info.

5 Miles Bartica & Garnett Street, Campbellville . Call : 679-9996

Maid for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.

Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Male cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Male cleaner for yard in East Bank area, two (2) days a week, Call: 615-9132.

Enthusiastic, customer- focused sales rep for Georgetown, able-bodied sales driven. $90k monthly & benefits. Whatsapp: 6886868.

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One clerk for TSI Eccles office English 1, Maths 2. Call: 615-9132 or email application to techserigy@yahoo.com

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AM/ PM Cashiers, Sales representative, Shelf Restockers, Porters & bond Clerk. Contact: 609-2995, email: survivalhumanresources2@gmail.com.

Timber Grant manager , Tractor operator, Labourer, Chain saw operator, Wood Mizar Operator. Call Richard: 6097675 / 674-1705

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One Unregistered Nissan X-Trail 2016 model, Mode Premiere. Call : 649-0956.

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One family apartment for rent in AA, Eccles. Call : 653-1003.

2.2 Acre Land at Garden of Eden second Dam E.B.D Opposite GPL Plant 7 Houses on on the right. Contact : 6472473 / 266-5777

3 bedroom Upper flat -Back Building D'Andrade & Vlissengen Road . $140,000 monthly. Call / Whatsapp (312) 623 -1103 Preferred / 603-4684.

Riverside land for sale in Wales next to the Gas Shore. Call Star Alliance Realty: 686-3231, 929-355-7639.

Roadside Heroes Highway

Land for Sale, Garden of Eden 3.8 or 6 acres. Contact : 6211139 / 712-4020

Small Farmers mini Tractor, complete plows - coutock plows. Cantact : 624-0646.

For Sale 6 used American made Dental chairs excellent condition contact Mr Vino on 661-3030 or 626-8918


Camp Street, Top Floor (25'x40') Middle floor( 25x40') for offices or other types of business . Call : 6097675 / 674-1705.

Commercial space, Enmore Mall Top and ground spaces, also 4 Acres Land to lease, Emore Public road. Call : 609-7675 / 674-1705.

Sod turned for state-of-the-art $831M...

From page 54 Guyana, the President said that, when completed, the polyclinic will have new and improved services, such as the electrical medical record system, which would allow easier access to patients’ data via the use of technology.

Notably, he said that the government is gradually upgrading health clinics into polyclinics to ensure that communities that already have health clinics are improved and patients can access more specialized services, improved diagnostic capability and a greater capacity to care for their people.

Meanwhile, Minister of Health Dr. Frank Anthony stated that after witnessing the infrastructural challenges for himself, he made it a priority to see that an improved modern facility is constructed. “It was leaking and I thought, this can’t be the way that we want a modern facility, and that was why we placed so much emphasis on doing this and to make sure that we would have a modern facility. So, I want to congratulate everybody who put their heads and hands together to make this happen, especially the people at the Georgetown Public Hospital,” he disclosed.

Further, the minister said that the new facility will allow for additional services to



I, RICARDO RUSUL of lot 5, Public road, Anna Catherina , West Coast Demerara, hereby give notice that I have applied to the Magistrate of the GEORGETOWN MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT for a Certificate under the Money Lenders’ Act, authorizing the grant to me of a Money Lender’s Licence to carry on the business of a Money Lender under the title of NARESH JEWELRY & PAWNSHOP of lot lot 4, Public road, Anna Catherina , West Coast Demerara , Guyana. NOTICE of any objections to the application should be sent forthwith to the CLERK OF COURT OF WEST DEMERARA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT and a copy of any such notice should be sent to the subscriber, RICARDO RUSUL, Applicant Dated at Georgetown, Demerara . This 7th day of October, 2023.

be offered to residents.

“You heard some of the things that we would be doing but we want this entire area- all the vaccinations that we will be giving- we want to make that every child would get those vaccinations right here. We want every child who we are screening through our school health programme, that if they have to be referred, that they would come here and have those services done,” he mentioned.

Dr. Anthony disclosed that patients of the Campbellville Polyclinic will be able to use an application on their phones to make doctors’ appointments and keep track of their medical records.

Also, the polyclinic will serve both Campbellville and Kitty, merging the two health cen-

ters. A section of the facility will also accommodate the Campbellville Post Office.

Delivering remarks, GPHC’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Robbie Rambarran, said that the facility will serve approximately 5,000 persons from Kitty and Campbellville. Among the services to be offered are X-rays, ultrasounds, ECGs, and dental care. An asthma bay will also be featured at the new facility.

Kaieteur News understands that the facility will be a two-storey structure with two elevators. Special systems will be put in place to accommodate pensioners who need to uplift their pension.

Construction is expected to be completed in 12 months.

ExxonMobil dodges question...

From page 16 which we operate.”

Cvikota also noted that the company conducts modeling to determine how high the flare should be and how conditions such as wind and currents would impact the emissions. As such, she pointed out, “That helps us ensure that we design our facilities to prevent any impact to the people that live around and work around it every day.”

This newspaper then pressed the team to say whether it is likely for Guyanese to be exposed to cancer as a result of the company’s operations. To this end, Cvikota said, “What I’m saying is we design our facilities to ensure that is not the case, so the height of the flare is an example of how we

do that, where we position the flare in relation to the communities and in the case of the FPSO, how far it is away from where people are located, are ways that we design and construct our facilities to avoid (that).”

Kaieteur News then asked Exxon if, due to the mechanisms in place, there was no likelihood of any worker, or any Guyanese contracting any type of NCDs as a result of the company’s operations. Reluctant to give any assurance in this regard, the Projects Manager said, “What I can tell you is how we design and construct our facilities to ensure that that does not happen and I think I’ve explained that so I appreciate the question and I think that’s all I can say at this point.”

One Two 2 Bedroom Apartment in South Ruimveldt Garden. 250 k per month. Call : 667-2222.
Aracari Hotel renovated rooms ,A/C, TV, Restaurant, bar, pool, gym Stay 7 nights, 1 Free! Call: 264-2946.
Keron Fraser is asked to make contact to Olden Mc Kinnon On 661-0775.

Trump revokes legal status for 530,000 immigrants in the US... Cubans,

Haitians, Nicaraguans and

Aljazeera - United States President Donald Trump's administration will revoke the temporary legal status of 530,000 people including Cubans, Haitians, N i c a r a g u a n s a n d Venezuelans in the United States, according to a FederalRegisternotice

The move, the latest expansion of Trump's crackdown on immigration, is effective from April 24, and cuts short a two-year “parole” granted to the immigrants, under former President Joe Biden, that allowed them to enter the country by air if they had USsponsors

A group of American citizens and immigrants

s u e d t h e T r u m p administration for ending

humanitarian parole and are seeking to reinstate the programmes for the four nationalities

Biden launched the parole entry programme for Venezuelans in 2022 and expanded it to Cubans, HaitiansandNicaraguansin 2023 as his administration grappled with high levels of undocumented immigration from those nationalities

Diplomatic and political relations between the four countries and the United Stateshavebeenstrained

The new legal pathways came as Biden also tried to clamp down on illegal crossings at the US-Mexico border

T r u m p , w h o

campaigned on a harsh antiimmigration line, took

Venezuelans could face deportation from April 24

immediate steps to ramp up enforcement after taking office, including a push to deport record numbers of people who reside in the US w i t h o

o f f i c i a l documentation

He has argued that the l

e programmes, launched under his Democratic predecessor, overstepped the boundaries of federal law, and he called for their termination in a January 20 executiveorder

His administration's decision to strip the legal status from half a million immigrants could make m

o deportation if they choose toremainintheUS

It remains unclear how many who entered the

country on parole now have another form of protection orlegalstatus

In a notice, set to be formally published in the Federal Register on

M o n d a y , t h e U S Department of Homeland Security said revoking the parole status would make it easier to place these immigrants in a fast-track deportation process known as“expeditedremoval”

Karen Tumlin, director of immigrant rights group, Justice Action Center, said the Trump administration w a s “ b r e a k i n g a commitment the federal government made to the hundreds of thousands” of immigrants and their sponsors in the United States

“Suddenly revoking the lawful status of hundreds of thousands of CHNV ( C u b a n s , H a i t i a n s , N i c a r a g u a n s a n d Venezuelans) humanitarian parole recipients is going to cause needless chaos and heartbreak for families and communities across the country,” she told the AFP newsagencyinastatement

Nicolette Glazer, an immigration lawyer in California, said the latest order would affect the “vast majority” of the half a million immigrants who entered the United States under the CHNV scheme “The chaos will be unreal,” sheaddedonX

On March 6, Trump said he would also decide “very soon” whether to strip the

parole status from some 240,000 Ukrainians who fled to the US during the warwithRussia Under a Trump-era policy implemented in January, expedited removal can be applied to certain immigrants in the US for twoyearsorless


, Venezuela has reached an a

repatriation flights of immigrants from the United States, the Venezuelan government said in a s


“Migrating isn't a crime, and we won't rest until everyone who wants to return is back and we rescue our kidnapped brothers in El Salvador,” the statement said

UK government orders probe into Heathrow shutdown that Asparked concern over energy resilience

LONDON (AP) The British government on Saturday ordered an investigation into the country's “energy resilience” after an electrical substation fireshutHeathrowAirportfor almost a day and raised concerns about the U.K.'s ability to withstand disasters or attacks on critical infrastructure.

While Heathrow Airport said it was now “fully operational,” thousands of passengers remained stuck, and airlines warned that severe disruption will last for days as they scramble to relocate planes and crews and get travelers to their destinations.

I n c o n v e n i e n c e d passengers,angryairlinesand concernedpoliticiansallwant answers about how one seemingly accidental fire could 'shut down Europes busiestairhub.

“ T h i s i s a h u g e embarrassment for Heathrow airport It's a huge embarrassment for the country that a fire in one electricity substation can have such a devastating effect,” said Toby Harris, a Labour Party politician who heads the National PreparednessCommission,a group that campaigns to improveresilience.

Energy Secretary Ed Miliband said he asked the National Energy System Operator, which oversees U K gas and electricity networks, to “urgently

Travellers check the information board in London, Saturday, March 22, 2025, as Heathrow Airport slowly resumes flights after a fire cut power to Europe's busiest airport. (AP Photo/ Kirsty Wigglesworth)

investigate” the fire, “to understand any wider lessons to be learned on energy resilience for critical nationalinfrastructure.”

It is expected to report initial findings within six weeks “The government is determined to do everything it can to prevent a repeat of whathappenedatHeathrow,” Milibandsaid

Heathrow announced its own review, to be led by former transport secretary Ruth Kelly, a member of the airport'sboard

Heathrow Chairman, Paul Deighton, said Kelly will look at “the robustness and execution of Heathrow's crisis management plans, the airport's response during the incident and how the airport recovered.”

Stalled journeys

More than 1,300 flights were canceled and some

200,000 people were

stranded Friday after an overnightfireatasubstation2 miles (3 2 kilometers) away cut power to Heathrow, and to more than 60,000 properties.

HeathrowsaidSaturdayit had “added flights to today's schedule to facilitate an extra 10,000 passengers ” British Airways, Heathrow's biggest airline, said it expected to operate about 85% of its 600 scheduled flights at the airportSaturday While many passengers managed to resume stalled journeys, others remained in limbo Laura Fritschie from Kansas City was on vacation with her family in Ireland when she learned that her father had died On Saturday shewasstrandedatHeathrow after her BA flight to Chicago was canceled at the lastminute.

“I'm very frustrated,” she said “This was my first big vacation with my kids since my husband died, and now this So, I just want to go home ” Shutdown points to a broaderproblemResidentsin west London described hearing a large explosion and then seeing a fireball and clouds of smoke when the blaze ripped through the substation The fire was brought under control after seven hours, but the airport wasshutforalmost18hours. A handful of flights took off andlandedlateFriday Police said they do not consider the fire suspicious, and the London Fire Brigade said its investigation would focus on the substation's electrical distribution equipment. Still, the huge impact of the fire left authorities facing questions about Britain's creaking

infrastructure,muchofwhich has been privatized since the 1980s The center-left Labour government has vowed to improve the U.K.'s delay-plagued railways, its aged water system and its energy network, promising to reduce carbon emissions

and increase energy independence through investmentinwindandother renewablepowersources.

“The last 40, 50 years we've tried to make services more efficient,” said Harris

“We've stripped out redundancy, we've simplified processes We've moved towardsasortof'justintime' economy There is an element where you have to make sure you're available for 'just in case.'You have to plan for things going wrong.”

'Clear planning failure'

Heathrow is one of 'the worlds busiest airports for international travel, and saw 83 9 million passengers last year Chief executive, Thomas Woldbye, said he was “proud” of the way airport and airline staff had responded “The airport didn't shut for days We shut forhours,”hetoldtheBBC

Woldbye said Heathrow's backup power supply, designed for emergencies, worked as expected, but it wasn't enough to run the whole airport, which uses as muchenergyasasmallcity

“That'showmostairports operate,” said Woldbye, who insisted “the same would

happen in other airports” facedwithasimilarblaze

But Willie Walsh, who heads aviation trade organization IATA, said the episode “begs some serious questions ”“How is it that critical infrastructure – of national and global importance – is totally dependent on a single power s o u r c e w i t h o u t a n alternative?Ifthatisthecase, as it seems, then it is a clear planning failure by the airport,”hesaid.

Walsh said, “Heathrow has very little incentive to improve” because airlines, nottheairport,havetopaythe costoflookingafterdisrupted passengers 'Noback-upplan' Friday's disruption was one of the most serious since the2010'eruptionofIcelands Eyjafjallajokull volcano, which shut Europe's airspace fordays Passengersonabout 120 flights were in the air when Friday's closure was announced and found themselves landing in different cities, and even different countries Mark Doherty and his wife were halfway across the Atlantic when the inflight map showed their flight from NewYork'sJohnF Kennedy Airport to Heathrow was returningtoNewYork.

“I was like, you're joking,”Dohertysaid.

He called the situation “typical England — got no back-up plan for something happens like this. There's no contingencyplan.”

Govt.issuesordertoacquiremore landforGas-to-Energyproject

The Gazetted

Order, signed by the Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill, and seen by this newspaper states, “This order may be cited as the Acquisition of Lands for Public Purposes (GAS to Shore Route) Order 2025.”

It goes on to explain, “The proposed construction of a four-lane Public Road from the rear of Golden Grove on the East Bank of Demerara, to Land of Canaan on the East Bank of Demerara, passing through lands described in the schedule, is hereby declared


To this end, the Order

e m p o w e r s t h e Commissioner of the Lands and Surveys, or any other person, together with his agents, servants or workmen to enter upon the said land forthepurposeofsurveying, or otherwise, examining such land, with a review to the acquisition of the whole or part, thereof, for the publicworkaforesaid.

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the strip of land to be acquired commences at the rear of Plantation Golden Grove, and continues in a southerly

direction, through the Rear of Plantation Good Success, PlantationCraig,NewHope, Friendship, Garden of Eden, Brickery, Supply, and Relief and Support to the side line dam between Land of CanaanandSarahJohanna.

In 2023, it was reported that the GoG engaged citizens, on the East Bank of Demerarawhowereaffected by a separate land acquisition process, for the project. Approximately 70 acres of land between Friendship and Garden of Eden, East Bank Demerara were required to facilitate thetransmissionlinesforthe

Public Works Minister Juan Edghill signed the Order on March 21, 2025

electricity that will be generatedattheGTEproject in Wales, West Bank Demerara.

The power will be transmitted from the West Bank to the East Bank via a doublecircuit230kVline.

Duringameeting,ateam of government officials met with 29 residents and representatives of persons whose lands were to be affected.

Head of the GTE

Taskforce, Winston

Brassington, informed Kaieteur News in an interview following the meeting, that the affected landswerenotoccupied.

On average, Brassington said, the lands are valued at around$1.5millionperacre, but the government has decided to offer double the amount to the affected persons.

He was keen to add,

“That's just an average; somepeoplemayhavesmall portions that may be more valuable than larger portions The important thing is there is no occupationthere.”

It is unclear whether the additional lands to be acquired by the GoG are presently occupied by private individuals or what compensation will be offered. The Government of Guyana (GoG) issued an order on Saturday for the acquisition of some 500 acres of land for the Gas-toEnergy(GTE)project.

AAG makes history with US$300K Adidas sponsorship deal

The Athletics Association of Guyana (AAG) etched its name into the history books by landing a m a j o r U S D $ 3 0 0 K sponsorship deal following yesterday’sofficialinkingof thedealattheNationalTrack & Field Centre (NTFC), WestCoastDemerara.

Present at the historic event was Minister of Culture, Youth & Sport

Charles Charles Ramson Jr., G

n (GOA)

president Godfrey Munroe, N a t i o n a l S p o r t s Commission(NSC)Director of Sports Steve Ninvalle, new AAG president Sheryl Hermon

, NSC C h a i


n K a s h i f Muhammedamongothers. The ceremony witnessed the unveiling of the iconic global sportswear giant, throwingitssupportbehindthe localAAG and by extension, Guyanaoverallasitrelatesto b


international recognition amongotheravenues Aspart ofthecontract,Adidaswillbe outfittingtheathleteswiththe iconic three-stripe branded apparel while providing a strong form of financial sustainability for Guyana’s athletes

Ninvalle described the day as ‘Historic’, for both GuyanaandAdidaswiththe firstyearofsponsorshipand next 3 years, including gear New AAG president Hermonstine welcomed the

Ground-breaking news as the new executive body recently hit the ground running with a number of initiatives which further add tothelandmarkAdidasdeal.

During his feature address, Minister Ramson urged the athletes to utilize this huge opportunity as a launchpadfortheWorldand Olympicchampionships.

He reaffirmed the new AAG of the government’s full support going forward, calling out the previous executive body for handling businesshaphazardly

The Minister added that the athletes will never be

Sunday March 23, 2025


Today you will have all the energy you need to deal with long-term family problems. Indeed, you'll probably clash with some of your relatives. But this situation won't cause anyseriousissues.


You enjoy caring for others andyouinterveneregularlyin their lives to guide them. Ironically, today you're the one who needs advice. You'll probably need to get away from it all in order to get a clearviewofyourownlife.


We all have to make compromises in order to live in contemporary society.You may have strong beliefs, but it's difficult to combine your idealsandasociallife.


You'vealwaysfelttheneedto free yourself from society You need to feel independent at any cost. You may need to face certain relationship problemsatthistime.


You may feel annoyed about the attitude of some of your groupoffriends.Unlikethese people, you're very openmindedandyoucandealwith situations as they arise Indeed, you have a natural ability to adapt to every situation.


Today, Virgo, you'll be submerged under a lot of emotions. In a way, you'll be revisiting your childhood

Youmaybeveryedgy Thisis agooddispositioninwhichto analyzeyourlife.


You really know how to seduce,Libra.Thereisaspark inside of you that spreads naturally to those around you. You have a big reservoir of sensitivity and emotion that couldgrowtoday

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

You're a very active person, Scorpio, but today you'll probably be disappointed. If you ask those around you to help with your activities, they most likely won't understand yourneeds.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Nothing much is happening today, yet you seem worried and tense. You'll have to use this day to your advantage. Think about your life. You'll also think about the needs of yourrelativesintheyears.


You often need to thrive on personal emotions.Today will benoexceptiontotherule.For instance, you could try to captivate the attention of peopleyouadmire.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) You shouldn't try to fight the feelings that run through you today Don't even try to rationalize them These feelingsareprobablyrelatedto emotions dating back to your childhood You shouldn't avoidoranalyzethem.


You'll be lost in your thoughts today, analyzing your life and relationships.You'll be asking yourself if your existence is meeting your standards. You will ponder what to expect from the future and from the peoplearoundyou.

placed in a position of embarrassment on the international stage again, further highlighting a number of travesties which occurred under the last executive’swatch.

Overall, the Minister said he was nevertheless pleasedtobeapartofsucha landmark event, adding that hewashonoredtohavebeen able to to work with the respective bodies involved, as Guyana prepares to show

therestoftheglobethatthey have the best athletes in the world.

Guyana currently has 21 GoldMedalsandsitsin10th place at Carifta Games and Minister Ramson urged the Guyanese contingent of athletes to dominate at the upcoming 52nd Carifta Games set for this April in Trinidad and Tobago, as the fraternity looks to continue their development both locallyandinternationally

Relentless Chase


West Dem’...

Frompage67 Cassius broke the deadlock

Brickdam pushed for an

Charlestown’sDequanCox doubledtheleadinthe56th minute Charlestown’s defense held firm to secure thecleansheet.

Hope Secondary suffered their second tournamentloss,falling3-2 to Three Mile Secondary Goals from Amare Caesar (8’), Meshach Williams (39’), andTravin Benjamin (50’) sealed the win

Meanwhile, South Ruimveldt Secondary played to a draw with New AmsterdamSecondary

The tournament continues today at both venues.AttheMoEground, Bush Lot Secondary faces Ann’s Grove Secondary in Match #19 at 12:30 p.m. Over at QC ground, President’sCollegetakeson Tutorial High Other fixturesincludeAbramZuil Secondaryvs.WestMinster Secondary, Waramuri Secondary vs. Vreed-enHoop Secondary, Dolphin Secondaryvs.Yarrowkabra Secondary, and West Ruimveldt vs. St. John’s College.

The tournament is sponsored by Nestlé’s Milo brand with support from Massy Distribution, MVP Sports, and the National Sports Commission. It is coordinated by the Petra Organisation and approved by the Ministry of Education.

Seignolle elected President of inaugural PanAm Boxing Confederation

(SportsMax) The Hotel ElPanama,lastweek,hosted the Inaugural Congress of the PanAmerican Boxing Confederation, a historic event that brought together members of the 18 national federations across the continentthatformthisnew organization.

During the congress, Elise Seignolle (USA) was elected as President of the Confederation, marking the beginning of a new era for Pan American boxing

w i t h t h e g o a l o f

strengthening and promoting the sport in the region “Today marks the

beginning of a new era for oursport.

Together, we will work to ensure that boxing remains a vital part of the Olympic family and to provide more opportunities forourathletes,”shestated.

“We are committed to working hand in hand with organizationssuchasPanam Sports, Centro Caribe Sports, ODESUR, ODEBO, CANOC,andORDECA.We want boxing to be in the hearts and minds of everyone, and together, we will ensure our sport continues to shine brightly on the global stage,” she


In addition, the congress also saw the election of the Executive Committee of the PanAmerican Boxing Confederation.

Canada’sRyanShawand Panama’s Tomás Cianca were elected as 1st and 2nd VicePresident,respectively

The Executive Board will comprise of Brazil’s Marcos Candido Britos, Barbados’ Kathy Harper, Jamaica’s Stephen Jones, and Honduras’ Dhany Reyes.

The Audit and Finance Committee included Panama’sAmabelisCamaño

asChairandTreasurerofthe Board. Brazil’s Dr Bernardino
SantiwillChairtheMedical andAnti-DopingCommittee while Argentina’s Hernán Salvo will Chair the Sports a n d C
o n Committee.
The executive team of the PanAm Boxing Confederation

Reliance Hustlers delighted for Youth Programme support from First Lady

Pr e s i d e n t o f Reliance Hustlers

Sports Club

Trevis Simon has expressed delightforthesupportofthe YouthProgrammefromFirst Lady Arya Ali under her National Beautification Project.

Recently on a visit to Essequibo Coast, Region 2, Ali donated a quantity of cricketgeartotheclub.

shared similar sentiments to Persaud for his technical input.

He acknowledged the timely support of Ali and encouraged the youths to take good care of the cricket equipment and make maximum use of it aswell

More than half of million dollar in gear was given to the club and it comprised of helmet, batting pads, gloves and balls

“Youth and sports development are pillars of

national development; promoting grassroots participation in sporting activities helps us to position sports as a tool for empowerment and positive social change,” declared by Ali on her Facebookpage.

According to Simon, whoisalsotheCaptainofthe club, the programme is assisting with the development of young cricketers.

A number of players went on to represent Essequibo at the Inter-

Simon stated that the gear will be used for the ongoing youth programme which is being coached by former Guyana youth cricketerNathanPersaud.

County level which is a demonstration that the programme is helping the aspiring cricketers to achieve their goals. Simon mentioned they are working to have nets at the moment and that will certainly bring more benefits for these young and talented cricketers.

Simondisclosedtoothat heishappywiththeprogress thecricketershavemadeand

First LadyAryaAli, centre, strikes a pose with young cricketers of Reliance Hustlers Sports Club and executive members

Historic NSC sponsored GGA 2nd Annual National Long Drive Championships set for March 29 for March


he Guyana Golf Association (GGA), with support of the Ministry of Culture, Youth & Sport and the National Sports Commission (NSC) will tee

off Annual National Long Drive Championships at GuyanaNationalPark.

Action tees off from 14:00hto18:00hastheGGA seeks to make this year’s

second annual event a historicone.

Director of Sport, Steve Ninvalle, emphasized recently the importance of thisevent.

“We have seen and supported the efforts of the Guyana Golf Association to promote golf to Guyanese over the past few years. The National Park was chosen as the venue for both its historical significance and convenience, with hundreds of spectators expected to witnessthisgrandevent.”

Ninvalle challenged all athletesacrossGuyanatotest their skill, stating “The NationalSportsCommission is dedicated to growing all sporting disciplines in Guyana, and we invite all athletes to come and showcase their potential golf skillsonMarch29th”.

TheNationalLongDrive Championship will feature categories for Male & Female Under-17 and Open divisions with trophies and prizes awarded for the longest and straightest drives.

The event is completely free, with clubs, balls, and refreshments provided, ensuring accessibility for all participants.

AleemHussain,president oftheGGAandNexgenGolf Academy, extended his gratitude to the Ministry of Culture,YouthandSport,the

Defending long drive champ

Phil Rietema (left) is set to Defend his Title this coming weekend

DirectorofSport,theGuyana Tourism Authority, and key sponsors who have played a crucial role in the promotion and development of golf in Guyana.

“Without the constant support of companies like Pegasus Hotel & Suites, Sterling Products Ltd, Guyana Beverages Inc , Toolsie Persaud Ltd, Ramchand’s Auto, BM Soat Auto, Praetorian Security Services, Trophy Stall, BACIF,Shangri-LaGardens, Puran Bros, Movietowne, M o n n a f A r j u n e Construction, Madewini GardensPools&EcoResort, SuperBet, and Star Party Rentals, this event and the

growth of golf in Guyana wouldnotbepossible”.

Aspecialthankyoutothe Guyana National Park team Mr Parmanand Persaud,Ms.Grimmond,Mr Mark Lewis, and Mr Walter R o d n e y f o r accommodatingtheevent.” Players from across the country,alongwithGuyana’s top golfers, will compete to claim the title from current championPhilRietema.

The public is invited to witness history, experience the excitement, and support the continued growth of golf inGuyana.

For more information or to register, contact: 6450944.

Relentless Chase demoralize West Dem’ to remain unbeaten

Some of the action between Brickdam Secondary and Charlestown Secondary

Two wins in two

matches for

C h a s e ’ s AcademicFoundationinthe 11th Annual Milo/Massy

Under-18 Football Championship, as they dismantled West Demerara Secondary 11-0 in their second-round encounter yesterday at the Ministry of Education(MoE)ground.

The relentless attacking trio of Bryan Wharton, Isaiah Ifill, and Mark Glasgow tore through West Demerara’s defense, netting

nine goals between them to secure Chase’s second victory Ifill opened the scoring forChasewithearlygoalsin the 10th and 14th minutes.

Captain Wharton added his first in the 25th minute, pushing the score to 3-0. Five minutes later, Wharton displayed his class with a stunninglong-rangestriketo makeit4-0.

Glasgow then found the netjustbeforehalftime.Ifill (37’) and Wharton (40’) added two more to further

…Charles Secondary, Santa Rosa, Bartica among winners

maintained a perfect record with a 4-0 win over New CentralHigh,thankstogoals from Daren Williams (4’), Enrique Williams (22’),

deflate West Demerara’s spirits, with Wharton completing his hat trick and Ifill capping off a four-goal haul in the 45th minute.

Emmanuel Campbell (55’), Jashan Haynes (59’), and Glasgow (61’) rounded out thedominant11-0victory Inothermatches,Bartica Secondary secured a 4-2 victory over Carmel Secondary,withArvelSmith scoring twice and Halzel LykenandReizerReedeach addingagoal.

Santa Rosa Secondary

Rupee Norton (55’), and RandyChappelle(65’).

At the Queen’s College (QC) ground, Charlestown Secondary edged Brickdam

Secondary 2-0 in a defenseheavycontest. The match was evenly contesteduntilOmari (Continuedonpage59)

Sports Relentless Chase demoralize West Dem’ to remain unbeaten


…CharlesSecondary, SantaRosa,Bartica amongwinners

AAG makes history with US$

300K Adidas sponsorship deal

star winger evading traffic during their match against West Dem’
Minister of Culture,Youth, and Sports Charles Ramson Jr. during his feature address, alongside GOApresident, Godfrey Munroe, NSC Director of Sports, Steve Ninvalle,Assistant Director, Franklin Wilson, newAAG president, Sheryl Hermonstine, NSC Chairman, Kashif Muhammed, among others

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