Kaieteur News

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Sodturnedfor$665Mexpansion ofSt.StanislausCollege St MinisterofEducation,PriyaManickchandand

US$3.3M health record system coming …asGovt.signs pactwithUKfirm Pensioner jailed for raping child


Ian Durant, Director of E

conomics at the Caribbean Development

B a n k ( C D B ) o n Wednesday stated that Guyana’s rapid economic expansion, fueled by its growing oil sector, continues to be a major driver of regional economicgrowth.

During his address at CDB Annual News Conference held under the theme Rebirth: Innovate, TransformandThrivefora Resilient Future, Durant highlighted the significant role Guyana plays in shaping the economic outlookfortheCaribbean.

Reviewing 2024, Durant noted that the region has largely recovered from severe economic shocks, including the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain disruptions exacerbated by geopolitical tensions, and highinflation.

He pointed out that regional output, excluding Guyana, was estimated to grow by 1.7%, reflecting a normalization of economic conditions.

“Growth rate varied among borrowing member countries with Guyana and Haitistandingoutasoutliers. Guyana again was the standout performer with its economy surging by 43.5% fueled by the increased oil production and continued expansion in its non-energy sectors,”Durantstated.

He highlighted the transformative effect of Guyana’s economic boom on the region, stating that when Guyana is included in the calculation, regional growth jumps from 1.7% to 88%, a notable increase from 6.6% in 2023. This he said highlights Guyana’s significant influence on regionaleconomicgrowth.

Looking ahead to 2025, the CDB projects regional growth of 2.1% excluding Guyana However, the

nation’s oil-driven expansion is expected to continue contributing significantly to the regional economy “Guyana’s expansion is expected to slow to 11.9% following its

rapid growth in oil production in 2024,

nevertheless the country’s performance will remain a key contributor to the region’s economic growth, hence including all 19 membercountriestheregion is projected to grow by 4.6%,”Durantexplained.

Oil is currently being produced from the Stabroek Block located offshore Guyana This block renowned for its vast oil potential, has been the subject of global attention since oil production commencedfiveyearsago. Americanoilgiantisthe operator of the block which is estimated to hold 11.6 billion barrels of oil

Notably, Exxon is currently producing over 650,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) from Liza 1, Liza 2, and Payara developments, supported by three floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels—Destiny,Unity,and Prosperity.

E x x o n ’s f o u r t h development, Yellowtail, is expected to come onstream later this year, with the fifth and sixth projects, Uaru and Whiptail, scheduled for startup in 2026 and 2027, respectively

Moreover, while the Caribbean is expected to

remain on a growth trajectory in 2025, Durant cautioned that several risks could disrupt this progress.

“ I n t e r n a t i o n a l l y, geopolitical tensions along with the resurgence of protectionist policies could elevateuncertaintyinglobal markets, disrupt supply chains, and exert upward pressure on commodity

– CDB Director of Economics

prices,”henoted. Additionally, Durant pointedtopolicyshiftsinthe

United States, explaining that this uncertainty, along withapotentialslowdownin

majortradingpartners,could reduce demand for regional exports Highlighting the importance of continued economicexpansion,Durant stressedthathighergrowthis necessarytoreducepoverty, bridge inequalities and elevate the standard of living.

PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



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Theissuesofaccesstoinformationandpressfreedomare constantlybeingdebatedinourmediathesedays Yesterday, in our editorial, we pointed out the difficulties that citizens encounterintryingtoobtainaccesstoinformationinGuyana andhowchallengingitistogetinformationfromtheGuyana Government,usingthestatutoryprovisionoftheOfficeofthe CommissionerofInformation

Wehaveseen,also,arecentreportbyCIVICUSMonitor-a global alliance of civil society organisations and activists, which has warned about the deteriorating press freedom situation in Guyana and citedVice President Bharrat Jagdeo's weekly press conference, that are geared at criticising dissentingvoices,andPresidentIrfaanAli'spenchantforhiding behindcontrolledmediainteractionsandFacebooklives

The report, released on March 1, 2025, raised concerns over the administration's approach to media engagement

The organisation further noted that Guyana's position on the Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom Index has declined dramatically, and noted that while physical attacks on journalists are rare, they face substantial cyberbullying and efforts to discredit their work The organisation also pointed out that the government has downplayed the significance of the index's decline, by offering public relations positions to journalists and selectively distributing state advertisement funds to media houses and social media commentatorsalignedwithitsviews

It is well-known that the PPP/C Government likes to control the narrative, shutting out persons with dissenting views and even attacking them. History bears the facts of such behaviour and, as elections draw near, we have seen thattrendintensifying.

Thisnewspaperhasconstantlybeenatthereceivingend ofthegovernment'sattacks-manytimesbecausewedareto ask questions or challenge the status quo, or refuse to go along with the narrative the government wants. It has been saidthatgenuinenewsissomethingsomebodysomewhere doesn't want you to know and everything else is just PR. In our reporting of the news over the decades that we have been in existence, we have come to appreciate the truth of thataphorism.

Thereishardlyadaythatgoesbywhenwedonotreceive a call or an email from some individual or organisation, complaining about a report of ours- sometimes for good reasons- but most of the time, because they did not like the focus of the article. But, as a newspaper, we hold it as our sacred duty, in the common parlance, to “call it as we see it.”

Wehavealwaysknownthat,bytakingthisapproach,and refusingtobeaPRvehicleforanyentrenchedinterest,there were risks involved – from governments, political parties, corporationsorassorted“shadycharacters ”

WearenotsayingthatGuyanadoesnothavefreedomof the press If this were not so, then we would not see the lampooning and skewering of some of the “big ones” But what we detect is a gradual tightening of the screws in insidious ways against those who insist on maintaining an independentviewpoint

And this is a very slippery slope A former President of ours,whoknewathingortwoaboutmuzzlingthepress,once famouslyremarkedthattherearemanywaystoskinacat,and he graphically went on to illustrate the gravamen of his remark: you can give it mange; you can wring its neck, or youcouldskinit,etc.

Today, the abuse of administrative procedures is deployedtoharassthosewhoholdadifferentviewpointthan the powers that be. We are also witnessing the creation and support of new media outlets aligned to the government, to guarantee that only PR brochures will be transmitted to the people- coupled with the harassment of other media outlets. We want to remind those who appear to have forgotten, that the free press was born as part and parcel of the modern floweringofdemocracy

Fromalltheevidence,itdoesnotappearthatthelattercan take root and survive without the former Power, and its inevitablecorruptingeffectonthosewhoarevotedinto

I support an investigation into GOAL

Dear Editor,

Iknowthecurrenttrendrightnowis to question the GOAL programme due to the recent revelations of the partnership with the ISDC and Staffordshire as well as Liverpool Universities.

This is all understandable, especially those who would have dedicatedtheirtimeandenergytowards what they thought was a legitimate academic pursuit. Far be it for me to condemnanyonefordoingso.

However, I write to the point of the GOAL programme to be subsumed under the University of Guyana, a point whichwasmadebyseveralpoliticaland academic commentators in the newspapersandsocialmedia.Theissue with this is that the University of Guyana operates as though it does not respect people's time and effort. I have observed many students expressing

dissatisfaction with the UG about the ever-changing timetables which are apparently not finalised before the semester starts, there is a long and convoluted sign-up process (my own experience), and the times for exams andassignmentsaswellasclassesmake it seem like the University of Guyana requires the majority of us to quit our day jobs and pursue a degree full time. Obviously, this is not feasible for the majority of us who are working yet ambitious enough to pursue a degree to looktoelevateourselves.

The thing I noticed these commentators is that the majority of them are alumni of this University and are basically advocating for the GOAL programme to be shuttered so that the people who live far away from the two campuses are put at a disadvantage. It makes the people who are unable to afford even the passage to go to these

far-off places to have to burden themselves with tons of debts just to travel or to do without. Some of them maysaythattheymakethesacrificebut I say that they did not understand the pointofthatsacrifice.

Some of us have to crawl so that others can walk, some have to walk so that others can run and some had to run sothatotherscanfly Thatisthepointof advancing one's self. Not just to go further but also to give back to society, to encourage development and elevation. I wholeheartedly embrace GOAL and I believe that any programme by the government should beabletostanduptoscrutiny,soifthere is an investigation into GOAL, I would support it because Guyanese also need to be protected, and their time be well spent.

The maturity shown by Dr. Rowley stands in stark contrast to Mr. Jagdeo

Dear Editor,

After over 40 years of public service, former Prime Minister Dr Keith Christopher Rowley has decided to step down. In 2024, he announced that by March 2025, he would retire from politics to spend quality time with hisfamily Truetohisword,Dr Rowley hasnotwavered.Dr Rowleyhasalways been one of my favourite leaders in the Caribbean.

I greatly admired how he addressed the issues affecting the people of TrinidadandTobago. ItisclearthatDr Rowley was beloved by his people, as they rallied around and supported him throughouthistenure.

I recall the aftermath of the March 2020 GRE debacle, when Dr Rowley, alongwithotherCaribbeanleaderssuch as Dr Keith Mitchell (Grenada), Dr Ralph Gonsalves (St. Vincent and the Grenadines), Roosevelt Skerrit (Dominica), and Mia Mottley (Barbados), was initially invited by President David Granger for consultations.

Following these meetings, Dr Rowley, along with Dr Mitchell and Mr Skerrit, refrained from interfering

in the internal politics of Guyana. Instead, he focused on encouraging all parties to bring the electoral impasse to apeacefulresolution.

After dedicating over forty years to his country, Dr Rowley chose to pass the baton to the younger Stuart Young, whohadservedinhisgovernment.

This transition took place before the scheduled 2025 general election in Trinidad and Tobago This is what true leadershiplookslike Dr Rowleydidnot announce his retirement only to reverse thedecision;hemaintainedhisresolve

Now, Guyanese, do you recall when Mr Bharrat Jagdeo, during a media engagement, stated he was “neither interested in a formal position in the government nor in anything full-time” (Stabroek News, January 31, 2012)? It seems clear to me that absolute power hascorruptedhismind.

Since being denied a third term under the constitution, allegedly he has manipulated the system to install figures like Donald Ramotar and Irfaan Ali as Presidents, so he could retain influenceandextendhisholdonpower

The maturity shown by Dr Rowley stands in stark contrast to Mr Jagdeo,

office, demands that the people, in whose hands ultimate sovereigntylie,mustbegivenadequateinformationtomake informed decisions. This is what will make those decisions “democratic”. In1993,theUnitedNationsgaverecognition to the pivotal role of a free press, in the sustenance of good governance, by declaring every May 3 as “World Press Freedom Day”. It is in that same month that we also celebrateourindependencefromtheyokeofforeignrule.

Butifourpeoplearedeniedthemultiplicityofviewsthat isthehallmarkofavibrantdemocracy,thenwearedooming them to a more invidious yoke of oppression from the vacuumofinformationthatwouldstifletheirminds.

We understand that with all freedoms, including freedom of the press, come responsibility; freedom of the press does not mean license.There are laws on the books to prosecutethosewhoviolatethatfreedom.

If there is anything that we have printed that is not factual, then we ask those who are affected, to bring this to our attention and we will offer our apology or face the legal consequences. Otherwise, let us do our duty to inform the people.Itisthetruththatwillsetusallfree.

whoselifeappearsdrivenbyselfishness andaninsatiablethirstforpower Under Jagdeo's leadership, Guyanese witnessed twelve years of governance, during which the country's economy wasdamaged,Guyanawasclassifiedas a narco-state, extrajudicial killings, corruption index high, and key systems andtheruleoflawderailed.

The question we must ask ourselves is, do we, as a nation, want to endure anotherfiveyearsundertheinfluenceof Jagdeo and the PPP/C after the 2025 General and Regional Elections? I will boldly say, not me.On a personal note, I wouldliketoextendmygratitudetoDr Keith Rowley for his leadership as Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago and for his significant contributions to CARICOM.

I wish him all the best as he enters retirement from public service. Finally, I extend my best wishes to Mr Stuart Young,towhomDr Rowleyhaspassed thebaton.MayhebeblessedwithGod's favour, guidance, and protection as he takes on the responsibilities of leading TrinidadandTobago.

Yours sincerely,

Annette Ferguson, MP

Put aside partisan political interests at the ERC

Dear Editor,

I take this opportunity to respondtoanarticlethatwas published by the Guyana Chronicle Newspaper on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 titled “ERC clarifies misinformation about delegationtoUNForum”.

I think the article is misleading in its attempt to justify the objectionable actions of a few persons in the ERC. I also reject the attempt to castigate the African organisations by labelling their efforts to

address legitimate concerns as “an attempt to smear the nameoftheCommissionand cause division between the various ethnic groups in our country”.To begin, the letter that was sent to the media and published on March 11, 2025 was not endorsed by any Commissioner on the boardoftheERC.OnMarch 5, the CEO of the ERC MS. Gomin Camacho sent a draft ofthelettertotheWhatsApp group of the Commissioners fornoobjection.

(Continue on page 6)

Modernise Guyana's outdated Rental Laws urgently

Dear Editor,

The rental sector in Guyana is in urgent need of reform Outdated legal framework and ineffective regulatory mechanisms have created an environment rife with disputes, unfair treatment, and, in some cases,violence.

The time has come for t h e g o v e r n m e n t t o modernise the Landlord and Tenant Act (Chapter 61:01), which dates back to 1919, and the Rent RestrictionAct (Chapter 36:23), enacted in 1941, to reflect the realities of the modern rental market. These laws must ensure that both landlords and tenants are protected by clear, fair, and enforceable rules — not only for the renting of houses, but also for apartments, including those that may exist within larger homes.

A Market in Crisis: The Need for Fairness and Accountability

In Guyana, the lack of comprehensive and modern rental regulations has

created a volatile market where tenants and landlords frequently find themselves in conflict. Landlords often fail to uphold their lawful obligations applying inconsistent rental rates, discriminating against prospective tenants, and failing to maintain basic living standards such as working appliances or safe l i v i n g c o n d

o n s Meanwhile, tenants are not withoutfault.

Some abuse

tenancy arrangements, causing property damage, failing to pay rent, or breaching agreed-upon conditions — conduct that often escalates into heated confrontations, sometimes resulting in physical violence or arson, as public recordshaveshown. These issues expose significant gaps in Guyana's rental laws, which fail to

relationships in houses and apartments alike, creating uncertainty and instability

for both parties. Without modernized regulations, unscrupulous landlords and irresponsible tenants alike continue to exploit the system, leaving the courts as the only viable — yet often delayed recourse for resolvingdisputes.

Learning from Other Jurisdictions: Clearer Rules, StrongerProtections

M o d e r n r e n t a l frameworks in other regions offer valuable insights for Guyana Well-regulated systems include several key features that balance the rights and responsibilities of landlordsandtenants:

1.Clear Tenancy Agreements: Standardized leases ensure that all rental agreements outline key terms, conditions, and

prevents disputes and


2.FairandTransparent Rent Regulations: Rent control mechanisms ensure predictable rent increases while allowing landlords to

Recognizing dedicated police ranks for promotion in Region Three

Dear Editor,

I write in full support of the critical issue of ensuring that long-serving and experienced junior ranks from constable to the rank of sergeant within the Guyana Police Force (GPF) are not overlooked for promotion

The promotion process within the GPF must reflect fairness, merit, and recognition of policemen and policewomen who have dedicated years of service to protectingourcommunities.

Many ranks in Region Three, having served diligently for several years, continue to gain invaluable e x p e r i e n c e i n l a w

e n f o r c e m e n t w h i l e maintaining impeccable disciplinaryrecords

Some of these ranks have upheld the highest s t a n d a r d s o f professionalism, and if there are no charges or infractions in their files, there should be no reason to withholdtheirwell-earned promotions Promotions serveasavitalmotivatorfor ranks of the GPF who put their lives on the line daily to serve and protect Junior ranks, in particular, look f o r w a r d t o c a r e e r advancement as a form of encouragement to continue executing their duties with diligenceandcommitment

If they feel neglected or see their hard work go unrecognized, morale will s u f f e r, p o t e n t i a l l y impacting overall policing efforts in the region It is imperative that the authorities responsible for promotions take into account the contributions of these officers and ensure that those who meet the criteria are given due consideration.

A fair and transparent

system will not only boost morale but also strengthen community trust in the PoliceForce I urge the relevant stakeholders to prioritize this matter and ensure that promotions within the GPF are done equitably, a c k n o w l e d g i n g t h e dedication and commitment of officers who have given years of honourable service toGuyana

(Continue on page 6)

maintain their properties Such frameworks create stability for tenants and prevent exploitative rent hikes.

3 Maintenance and Repairs: Modern laws clearly outline the division of responsibility for repairs andmaintenance.

L a n d l o r d s a r e accountable for ensuring the property — whether a house or an apartment — is safe, habitable,andequippedwith functioning utilities.Tenants

preventing intentional damage.

4.Conflict Resolution Mechanisms: Specialized statutory bodies dedicated to resolving disputes between landlords and tenants have proven highly effective in reducing court backlogs and ensuring swift, impartial decisions.Thesebodiesoffer mediation, arbitration, and adjudication services reducing hostility and ensuring disputes are resolved through dialogue


5 Protections Against Arbitrary Evictions:

Robust tenant protection

landlords from evicting tenants without valid legal grounds while ensuring

remedies when tenants breachtenancyterms.

The Path Forward:

Creating a Stable and PredictableRentalMarket

Modernizing Guyana's rental laws must prioritize fairness, transparency, and accountability By adopting a comprehensive framework that articulatesthe rights and responsibilities of both landlords and tenants whether for houses or apartments — Guyana can foster a rental sector that protects vulnerable tenants whileensuringlandlordscan o p


Moreover, establishing a L


TheLandlordandTenant Act (1919) and the Rent Restriction Act (1941) were products of a different era, reflecting outdated social and economic realities. The absence of modernized rental laws has led to instability, unfair treatment, and, in extreme cases, violence.

A r e v i s e d l e g a l framework one that ensures fairness, outlines clear responsibilities, and offers accessible conflict resolution mechanisms — is essential to protect tenants, support responsible landlords, and promote stability in the rental sector for both houses and apartments.

modeled after effective conflict resolution bodies elsewhere — would provide a structured and accessible forumforresolvingdisputes. Such a system would reduce the burden on the courts and mitigate the risk of violent confrontations that too often arise when disputes are left unresolved.

Regards, RawleA. Small

Debunking Yusuf's lies

Dear Editor, I draw attention to the drivel published in a recent letter published on 15th March in the KN, by one Haseef Yusuf, captioned “The PPP/C achieved mission impossible when they embarked on the resurrection of Rose Hall Estate.”

Editor, it boggles my mind to see the absolute nonsense written in that very long letter and I find it frightening that anyone

To address the true situation of GuySuCo, we merely have to ask, now that the impossible has been achieved, and Rose Hall Estate is making its targets etc.

How much it is costing thecitizensofthiscountryto produce one pound of sugar atthatnowreopenedEstate?

w o u l d b e l i e v e t h e fabrications written therein. One must also ponder the fact that this is a current employee of the Guyana Sugar Corporation, praising t h r o u g h n u m e r o u s misrepresentations and outrightlies,theverypoorlyrun organisation he is working in, and he either does not understand the situation of how badly run whatheispraisingis,oreven more frightening, he has such disrespect for the intelligenceofthepublicthat he believes that he can perpetuate such untruths withoutconsequences.

(Continue on page 6)

Put aside partisan political interests at the...

From page 4

The Commissioners refused to pronounce on thedraftletterandafterfive days Ms. Camacho, either onherownaccordorunder the influence of an external entity, decided to send the letter to the media. This was the latest in a series of similar actions where letters were sent to the media without a “no objection”fromtheboard.

Movingontotheissues raisedintheletter

The main perceived intent of the CEO's letter

was to support her contention that the African organisations should not object to the ERC sending non-Africans to represent A f r i c a n G u y a n e s e

From page 5

concernsataninternational African forum because therewerenoobjectionsby the ERC's Board of Commissioners on two occasions, namely, in 2024 with Commissioner Neaz Subhan and now in 2025 withCommissionerAshton Simon. T

discussions and objections among the commissioners in both 2024 and 2025 on the particular point of c

objections were raised by the African Guyanese community since 2023 when the Chairman of the ERC Commissioner Moen ul Hack was chosen, not by the ERC, as one of the two

representatives from the ERC that would form part of a larger government delegation to the 2nd UN Permanent Forum held in NewYork.

This was the only time that there were no heated discussionsbytheBoardof Commissioners about who should represent the ERC attheforumbecausewedid not have the money to send anyoneonourown.

We were informed by the Chairman how many representatives from the ERC the government was willing to fund and who theywouldbe.

The fact that objections were raised since 2023 and the ERC subsequently repeated its actions in 2024

Debunking Yusuf's...

Also, Editor how can it be that the highest production of our sugar industry in the past 5 years, was in 2020 when nearly 88,000 tonnes was achieved, compared to now, with this inspired leadership and massive subventions this man seeks to tell us about, has resulted in a production of only 47,000 tonnes in 2024, the lowestinourhistory

To answer the mountain

of lies, half-truths, misrepresentations and misinterpretation this letter writer signed his name to, I am entitled to ask just one other question, is it right to take 19 billion dollars of taxes from the poor taxpaying citizens of this country, just to pay a few hundred people 1.8 billion? That is, robbing the many to give more to the few Wouldn't a better plan be to just give the workers the 1.8

billion and the rest of the people in Guyana the 17.2 billionthishascostedthem?

Editor, I don't feel inclined to waste my time repudiating the mountain of lies contained in that one letter

I know that we are a people who treasure our freedomofspeechrights,but really, was publishing such nauseatingdrivelnecessary?


Tony Vieira

and 2025 can be seen as provocative and portrays a c e r t a i n l e v e l o f insensitivity and contempt on the part of some in the ERC for the concerns of one of the major racial groups in this country, the A f r i c a n G u y a n e s e community

Apart from the CEO's letter which accuses the African representative o r g a n i z a t i o n s o f attempting to cause division among the various ethnic groups in our country because they have expressed publicly legitimate concerns, which they have a right to do under the mandate of the ERC; I will add two more examples to prove my point.

Last year during the national discussion of the useoftheword“Negro”by

t h e S t a t e , t h e commissioners of the ERC took a unanimous statutory decision to hold a consultation with the representatives of the A f r i c a n G u y a n e s e community on a consensus nomenclature to replace the word “Negro”. To date, the CEO has not made any move to implement the d e c i s i o n o f t h e commissioners.

In addition to this, last year, one of our senior staff members resigned, citing, among other things, overwhelming racial discrimination against African Guyanese by her department in executing its work.

The commissioners, to date, have not seen the reportofherexitinterview

Thisisjustthetipofthe iceberg, however, I'm

hoping that it is enough to e n c o u r a g e t h e commissioners to take back the ERC, put aside partisan political interests and remember the oath that we took to bear true faith and allegiance to the PeopleofGuyana.

There is the perception that there is increasing social tension in an environment of racial, ethnic and political polarisation that is unprecedented in postindependenceGuyana. Weareheadingtowards a precipice and the ERC has a critical role to play in ensuring that we do not go overtheedge.

It is imperative that we get our act together soonest.

Khafra Commissioner ERC

Recognizing dedicated police ranks for promotion in Region...

From page 5

Moreover, recent training school graduates were promoted to corporal within six months,whilethosewithoversevenyearsof serviceremainconstables.

How can these officers enhance their proactive approach to duty performance?

The organizational structure's base

comprises of constables, whose diligent serviceandcommitmentwarrantappropriate incentives, particularly for those with five yearsofunpromotedtenure.


Halim Khan

Head of the Region Three Private Sector Inc. (R3PSInc)

Sodturnedfor$665Mexpansion ofSt.StanislausCollege

An artist’s impression of what the new buildings at St. Stanislaus will look like when completed

Minister of Education, Priya

ManickchandonTuesdayeveningturnedthe sodfortheconstructionoftwonewblocksat the St Stanislaus College valued at $665,298,205.

The project which is being funded by financingfromtheWorldBankfallsunderthe ‘Guyana Strengthening Human Capital ThroughEducation’Project.

Accordingtoinformationreleasedbythe ministryonWednesday,theprojectisforthe construction of two new buildings that will significantly improve the facilities available tostudentsandteachers.

The project which is expected to be completedwithin14monthswillbeexecuted bycontractorK.NauthwithGREngineering Co.contractedasthedesignandsupervision consultantfortheproject.Notably,EMCwill serveastheenvironmentalconsultant.

Kaieteur News understands that the first buildingwhichwillbebuiltfor$275,530,909 will feature a canteen, male and female washrooms, storage space, a library, and an elevatoronthegroundfloor

The first floor of this building will also house three classrooms, additional male and female washrooms, and ADA-compliant washrooms to accommodate students with disabilities. The second floor will provide three more classrooms, a staff room, and additionalwashroomfacilities.

The second building which is valued at $389,767, 296 will further enhance the college’s academic and technical offerings, theministrynoted.Onthegroundfloorofthis block,studentswillbenefitfromanalliedarts room,amodernfoodandnutritionlaboratory, an industrial technology classroom, and an


Thefirstfloorwillincludetwoadditional classrooms, an IT room, male and female washrooms, and an electrical panel room, whilethesecondfloorwillfeaturefourmore classrooms, a staff room, and separate washroom facilities for male and female students.

Bothcontractsumscarrythetotalforthe projectto$665,298,205.

Minister Manickchand speaking at a meeting with parents, teachers and other stakeholders on Tuesday underlined the government’s commitment to improving educational infrastructure to ensure students have access to high-quality learning environments.

“All across the country, we’re either building,rebuildingorextendingschools.In fact, today (Tuesday), we launched a beautiful tool for you, which is a map of Guyana, where we have any school that is being constructed for the first time, reconstructed such as St. Mary’s where the school will be rebuilt or significantly extendedandit’sopentothepublicandittells you everything about the process,” she explained.

According to the ministry, the rollout of these projects, forms part of its vision to create well-equipped, modern learning spaces that foster innovation and academic excellence.

“WiththesupportoftheWorldBank,the GovernmentofGuyanacontinuestoinvestin projects that enhance the nation’s human capital,ensuringthatstudentsreceivethebest possible education to prepare them for the future,”theministryadded.

No immigrant should feel safe in America today

There was a time when an illegal immigrant in America could live in the shadows with some measure of predictability, if not security He could go to work, send his children to school, and navigate the routinesofdailylifewiththe unspoken assurance that, while his presence was unauthorized,themachinery of enforcement would not seek him out unless he ran afoul of the law That time haspassed.

The immigration raids that have swept across the United States have been described as focused, deliberate, and just. At least this is now officials projected these raids Immigrants have a different narrativetotell.

When the raids began, the explanation was that lawbreakers those who hadcommittedcrimes,those with pending deportation orders—were the priority The reasoning was sound enough.

A government may be justified in enforcing its laws, and it is difficult to argue that those who have shown disregard for the law shouldbeallowedtoremain. Butastheweeksunfolded,it becameclearthatthenetwas not so precisely cast. People without criminal records found themselves detained. The separation of the guilty from the innocent was not as rigidashadbeenclaimed.

A woman in New York tellsofhersonbeingstopped on the subway and questioned by officers who suspected him of being an illegalimmigrant.Hehadno identification to prove his

status—he was, in fact, a citizen of the United States—but was forced to video call his mother who then had to hold up his documents for an agent to scrutinizethroughascreen.

This is the America in which we now live, where a citizen must plead his legitimacy from the other end of a telephone. The searchfortheundocumented hasbeguntoresembleakind of collective suspicion, where the burden of proof has shifted onto the individual, and innocence must be demonstrated, not assumed.

deportations to third-party countries, an extra-legal measure that speaks to the s e v e

y o

h i s administration's posture on immigration Those who entered the U.S. from one nation are being sent to another, a practice that makes a mockery of the already arbitrary nature of deportation. For many, it is no longer a question of returning home; it is a question of being sent elsewhere, of being displacedyetagainbyforces beyondtheircontrol.

Foreign students, once seen as welcomed guests in the American university system, may also have cause for concern. The notion that they are secured on their student visas is a fiction that is yet to be tested. As the administration tightens its grip on legal immigration, one must wonder whether students will be spared from scrutiny There is now the threat that some countries

Dem Boys Seh...

maybeoutrightbannedfrom being issued visas while others will face restrictions of the issuance of travel visas to the United States. In the current climate, judicial authority is increasingly under siege. Judges' orders, once regarded as the final word in legal matters, are now being flouted. Court rulingsthatdonotalignwith the administration's policies are ignored, challenged, or circumvented through executivemanoeuvres.

Judges who dare to rule against immigration enforcement measures find themselves the targets of public criticism from the h i g h e s t l

government. This erosion of judicial independence signals a troubling shift— one in which the rule of law is a mere inconvenience to be sid


It is easy to believe that those who hold visas, who follow the rules, who have done nothing wrong, will be safe.Butsafetyisnolongera certainty; it is, at best, a temporary condition The atmosphere has changed T h e i n c l i n a t i o n o f government has changed Thecountrythatonceprided itself on being a haven for the displaced, a land of refuge, is closing its doors withmethodicalintent.

No immigrant—legal or illegal—shouldfeelimmune from the reach of the Trump administration. The enforcement of immigration law is no longer a matter of order and discretion; it has become a campaign, an assertion of force, an instrument of exclusion. To

Dead can't catch a break!

Dem boys seh life hard, but yuh know whatharder?Death!Mandonedead,goneto de great beyond, and still can't get no peace. Before yuh spirit even reach de pearly gates, dem tomb raiders done dig up yuh grave looking fuh gold teeth and diamond ring. Dem behaving like dem watching too much piratemovie!Longago,whenyuhdead,yuh family use to put lil chain or ring pon yuh fingerasafinalsend-off.Butnowadays,yuh better tell dem cremate yuh and throw de ashes in de seawater, because as soon as yuh bury,demtombinvadersdiggingyuhuplike yuhisatreasurechest.

And if dem bandits don't disturb yuh slumber, dem junkie making sure yuh get no rest! Whole night dem deh in de cemetery chipping out marble, pulling out steel rods, and knocking away like dem building Noah Ark. How a man supposed to rest when is purebangingandcrashingwholenight?

Tomekmattersworse,somepeopledone turn cemetery into living quarters. One man seh he rather sleep next to de dead than rent

be foreign in America is to exist under a cloud of doubt, to be regarded as suspect. The raids will continue. The detentions will persist. The deportationswillhastenwith orwithoutcause.

Thefearwillspread.And liveswillbeshattered.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)

US$3.3 million health record system coming

…as Govt. signs pact with UK firm

The Ministry of Health signed a contract with RioMed Limited, a UKregistered company, to develop and implement the new Electronic Health RecordSystem(EHR).

Signed on Tuesday, March18,thedurationofthe contract will be 18 months.

T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Development Bank (IDB) is providing USD$3.3 million in funding for the implementation of the EHR system The MoU was signed by the Managing Director of RioMed Limited,MarioMohammed, andthePermanentSecretary of the Ministry of Health, MalcolmWatkins.

Thiscomprehensivenew recordsystemisbeingrolled outattheGeorgetownPublic Hospital Corporation (GPHC) and is being adopted by the government, in an effort to phase out the existingpapersystem.

When introduced, the system will help doctors and staff to accurately track the health records of patients, leading to a more effective management of the Hospital'soveralloperation.

During a signing ceremony at the Ministry of Health's boardroom on

Brickdam, Minister of Health Dr Frank Anthony said that the challenges of the paper filing system will soon become a thing of the past “Despite our best efforts in managing the records, we still have to search and sometimes the papers are not all in one place, and the patient sometimes has to wait for hours,” Minister Anthony pointedout.

According to Minister Anthony, the system will be rolled out in phases and the results of these changes will be observed by both patients and healthcare workers. In preparation for the project implementation, new data security legislation was passed in the National Assembly to protect patients whose personal information will now become available inadigitalformat.

Should there be a breach of the system and patients' information were to be compromised, there will be consequences for the perpetrators of such violations. “If there is a breach, we want to ensure that when they catch you, there is a suitable punishment,” the minister said.

He added that if an individual is caught breaching the system, the fine will begin at 20 million Guyanadollars.

However, if a corporate entity breaches the system, the fine will be upwards from $100 million. These robust measures are in place toensurethatpeople'shealth information remains secure a t a l l t i m e s a n d confidentiality is always paramount.

Another feature that will be added in the future is the introduction of a unique identifier that will be issued to every citizen The identifier will make it easier for patients to access healthcare services whenever they visit GPHC foradoctor'sappointments.

The Chief Executive Officer of GPHC, Robbie Rambarran, expressed satisfaction that this project isfinallymovingahead.“We are happy that we have leaders who recognise the importance of such an initiative,”hestated.Also,in attendance at the ceremony to sign the MoU were High Commissioner of the United Kingdom Jane Miller, and IDB representative Lorena SolorzanoSalazar (DPI)

from dem landlords who acting like dem own half de earth. Graveyard now got tenants—people hanging up clothes pon tombstone, cooking lil rice in front yuh granny grave and even running extension cordfuhplugindegenerator

And if yuh think that bad, hear dis one: carscrashingintodecemeterylikeispitstop in a Grand Prix race! Last year, one driver claim he brakes fail, but dem boys seh he moredrunkthandespiritsindegrave.Tomb crack up, coffin expose, and de dead man peeping out like he want see what really goingon.

Demboyssehwhenyuhalive,yuhgotto work till yuh drop. But in Guyana, even when yuh drop, yuh still can't rest. Yuh getting less peace in yuh grave than when yuhwashustlingfuhsurvive.

Cemetery suppose to be de final resting place, but right now, de dead lining up at de passportofficefuhseeifdemcouldgetavisa toanotherafterlife! Talk half. Leff half


From Bharrat,the Blusterer to Howard,the Coward

W h e n G u y a n a ' s champion warrior, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, had a great opportunity to prove himself, he went missing in action; arranged some sick leave He is buying time, hoping for the best.

When my good friend, Bharrat Jagdeo was presentedwithanopeningto demonstrate his leadership's manliness,hetookaleaveof absence.

He is lying low, waiting to see how the wind will blow When Bharrat Jagdeo, amanofhonour,hadtostand up and show to the world what he is deep down inside, what he stands for, he changed into a ghostly appearance right before the eyes.

He went from Bharrat, the Blusterer and Bully to Howard, the Coward. Cuban doctors are the source of his wigglingandwormingoutof potential danger He stands down. He checks himself into a safe-house. He waits on CARICOM. If I had to f a c e - o f f a g a i n s t a superpower like the once mightyUSA,Iwouldtoo. Thenagain,maybenot. For if I can't be a man of courage and distinctive independence when my longstanding friends, my helpers, are being pushed against a wall, then who am I? Having fallen apart and collapsed in shambles when the demand of the hour was at its peak, then what claim can I make of being a man, a leader, or an example?

CubandoctorsarenotCuban criminals.

Cuban doctors did not come to Guyana (or the region) like Marisol boat people; they came on planes and in open flights, not stealthily like some creep in the night. To my brother-inarms,BharratJagdeo,Isay,I plead: They are worth the defending with spirit and boldness, even more than a shade of anger, my brother For what's a band of brothers, when the bonds that bind come apart under the first, flimsy assaults of a foulwind?

The hawkeyed among Guyanese should have picked up that, for today's offering, I have dropped the 'doctor' before Jagdeo's name In the fields of

combat,titlesandhonorsand lofty past records do not matter

Whatmattersisthatthere is a heart; the heart that stands and fight for what is right.

Cuban doctors are economic migrants. I was one, so I identify closely, deeply Venezuelans are included Cuban doctors have given yeoman service to the people of this nation, and for many a decade. In times of need, they have beenfriendsintheirdeeds.It takes an extraordinarily gifted man or woman to forget and to turn their backs on such friends who have been present through weatherfairandfoul.

No one should play games and refuse to make a call on behalf of such friends.

This is not a matter of ideology; it is a matter of loyalty Itisnotasituationof one's hold on power, by finding favour with an exploiter It is about the principle of the one position that just must be taken, and to hell with the fallout. To

help a friend in distress, which one of us waits to see what the neighbours are goingtodo?

The first poem from Bharrat Jagdeo was that strange one: Guyana is waiting on what comes out of CARICOM Prime Ministers Keith Rowley and MiaMottleysaidtohellwith it, whatever America thinks, what it does. Let us all bear in mind how touristdependent those countries are.

Yet, the leaders of Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados could rise to the occasion. Where are Bharrat and BG? I think I got that wrong. This is no longer BG (British Guyana), it is now AG (America's Guyana) Bharrat Jagdeo has manifestedhowferocioushe can be when locals stand in hisway

He is Bharrat, the Blusterer, Bharrat, the Bluffer, and Bharrat, the Bullyboy Today, he is pleased to be Howard, the Coward CARICOM is depended upon; CARICOM isthewayforward.

More recently, he came out with another golden jewel dug up from his treasurehouseofsuchgems: 'The PPP does not do diplomacy in public.' Gosh andbygolly!

Heiseventalkinglikean American these days. We don't do this or let's do that, as in, let's do lunch one of these days. His answer was in relation to US visa developments (is there any otherkindthatmatters?). Be ready to give it up, Bharratji. Stand for something in Guyana and show America that this country is not its kept woman That is, available for a fling, to be a doormat on which America wipes its feet. If Bharrat Jagdeo cannot be for Cubans, who can he ever be for, if not only himself, his interests, and his lust for power- to which America has the keys? If he can't be for Cuban doctors, I question, how much he can beforGuyanese?

From Bharrat, the Brave Man to Bharrat, the Bailout Man.

This is who Guyanese have. Sadly, embarrassingly, this is who Cuban doctors have in their corner, as their defender; the most pathetic defender, Jagdeo is proving tobe.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)

Govt.playednoroleinMellyMel’sarrest-Nandlall - hopes she can appear on witness stand in libel case

Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General Anil Nandlall on Tuesday evening said that the government played no rolewhatsoeverinthearrest of Melissa ‘Melly Mel’ AtwellintheUnitedStates

His comments come after there were protests

held, encouraging Guyaneseinthediasporato lobby for her release The government has been accused of lodging complaints about her social media criticisms of them and the alleged corruption

During his weekly programme, ‘Issues in the News’, Nandlall told his viewers that he had served Melly Mel a libel suit and

though he had some

difficulty doing so subsequent to that she continued her work via her socialmediapage

Hesaidheheardthatshe was arrested and detained sometime last week and is currently being held in Federal facilities located somewhere in Louisiana He said it was also brought to his attention that the arresting agency is the Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE)Agency, which is an organisation thatprimarilydealswiththe e n f o r c e m e n t o f immigration laws, i n v e s t i g a t i n g a n d prosecuting persons for violationsofthesaidlaw

He further explained that while Atwell’s detention is in relation to her immigration status, “Lo and behold, a grouping of persons in Guyana is protesting in Guyana, presumably based upon the utterances I am hearing, protesting the Government of Guyana and calling for the release of this person And for the avoidance of

persons have sued her for libel as well, but those lawsuits were never intended to interfere with herrighttofreespeech ”

Atwell was reportedly taken into custody by Homeland Security in the UnitedStatesofAmericaon March 13 and is fully cooperating with the authorities

At his press conference last week, Vice President BharratJagdeowasaskedto comment on the said arrest

and if the government is concerned Downplaying Atwell’s significance, he said that they are not concerned about that “In terms of Melissa Atwell so we’re not, we’re not concerned about that in terms of Melissa Atwell, I don’t know if any government agency has been notified It wouldn’t come to me, if that has happened, it will go to the lawenforcementagencies,” hesaid

doubt, the Government of Guyana did not arrest Melissa Atwell, the Government of Guyana is not detaining Melissa Atwell, from all the information that is available, it is the US governmentthathasarrested and is detaining Melissa Atwell.”

Nandlall also noted that the opposition has joined the protest and he said that they cannot be protesting the Government of Guyana but rather the Government of the United States “It is no secret, that President Donald Trump has an immigration policy, it is no s e c r e t t h a t s i n c e inauguration, he has vigorously launched a campaign to enforce the immigration laws in the United States of America, targeting specifically persons who are in the UnitedStatesinviolationof the immigration laws,” the AGreasoned.

He further argued that he does not know on what rationale bases the protests against the government are mounted However, he said the protest was being marketedandprojectedasa freedomofexpressionissue and he questioned how can this be so when “This lady was allowed to express her opinionforyearsandnoone during that period interfered with her right to express herself no one during that period attempted to interfere with her right to express herself, andthereisnoevidencethat anyonecanpointto.”

Nandlall went on to say that he sued Melly Mel for libel and at some point in time, he hopes she can appear in court, however “the case will go on with or without her Many other

Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General, Anil Nandlall
Social media activist, Melissa ‘Melly Mel’Atwell


TheMinistryofHealth,in collaboration with regional authorities, is actively investigating and monitoringasuspectedoutbreakof Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) in Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica). HFMD is a contagious viral disease that primarily affects children of primary school age, although individualsofanyagecancontract it.

On March 11, an expert team from the Ministry of Health conducted an initial visit to assess thesituationandprovidenecessary support.

A follow-up visit was conducted on March 18. Samples havebeencollectedandsenttothe Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA)forconfirmationofthe pathogen.

The Ministry wishes to inform the public about the common symptoms of HFMD, which include fever, sore throat, painful soresorblistersinthemouth,anda rash on the hands, feet, and occasionally the buttocks Symptoms typically appear two to seven days after exposure to an infected person, their bodily secretions (for example, their saliva, blister fluid, or faeces), or contaminatedobjectsandsurfaces.

While highly contagious, HFMDisgenerallynotsevere,with most cases resolving on their own

within seven to 10 days. Medical treatment is primarily to relieve pain and fever, and to prevent dehydration.

To minimize the risk of infection, the Ministry advises the public to take the following precautionary measures: practice regularhandwashingwithsoapand water; avoid close contact with individuals who are exhibiting symptoms and sanitize and

disinfect frequently touched surfacesandshareditems.

Individuals, particularly children, showing symptoms of HFMD are strongly encouraged to remain at home until they are no longer contagious Parents are urged to seek medical attention at the nearest health facility if their childexhibitssignsorsymptomsof HFMD,oriftheillnesspersistsfor morethanoneweek.

Some of images shared by the PNCR of the suspected cases of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease at

Meanwhile on March 17 last, the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) reported via its Facebook pagethatoverthelastthreeweeks, children at Mon Repos Primary School have developed rashes on their mouths, feet and arms— suspected to be the symptoms of hand,foot,andmouthdisease.

According to the PNCR, parents are calling for the

government to stop dragging its feet and to take action urgently so as to contain the situation and to provide quality medical attention.

ThePNCRjoinstheparentsandall other concerned Guyanese in this call.TheMinistryofHealthsaidit remains committed to protecting the health and well-being of all citizens and will continue to provide updates as new informationbecomesavailable.

Mon Repos


A former accounts clerk attachedtotheBKGroupof Companies was charged on Wednesday with 12 counts offorgery

The defendant, 22-yearold Stephanie Persaud, of Lot 151 Good Hope, East CoastDemerara(ECD),was released on $1 2M bail Persaud allegedly forged several Citizens Bank cheques and illegally obtained $2.5M from her

formeremployer,BKGroup of Companies. The incident occurred between January andFebruary2025.

She appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Co

Magistrate Fabyo Azore, who read the charges. The first six charges were in relationtoforgingaCitizens Bank cheque, while the remaining six charges were in relation to her obtaining the money from forged cheques. Persaud was not requiredtoplea.

Theprosecutionobjected to bail, since the defendant admitted to the offences committed, reportedly


Stephanie Persaud at Georgetown Magistrates’ Court posting bail

saying, “Yes, sir, I did it.” It was further revealed that when she was arrested, a chequeandaquantityofcash were found in her possession. The prosecution toldthecourtthatPersaudis aflightrisk.

Meanwhile, Persaud’s attorney, Nadia Samuels, requested that her client be placed on bail Samuels addedthatsheisunawarethat her client admitted to the offence, since she received specific advice from the police Magistrate Azore granted Persaud $100,000 bailforeachofthe12charges, whichtotaledto$1.2M.

Woman charged for threatening 9-year-old girl

A 35-year-old woman was placed on $25,000 bail after she appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ CourtonWednesdaycharged withthreateninglanguage.

Vernoique Singh of East Ruimveldt, Georgetown was charged for allegedly threatening a 9-year-old girl on February 20, 2025 at St. Margaret’s Primary School. Singh pleaded not guilty after the charge was read to her by Senior Magistrate FabyoAzore.

The prosecution stated that the incident occurred at the school after a dispute between Singh’s son and the girl

Themotherofthe9-yearold told the court that she found her daughter crying andwhensheaskedherwhat happened, she was made aware that Singh threatened tohither Themotheradded that this is not the first time Singh threatened to harm herchild

MagistrateAzoregranted $25,000 bail to Singh on the condition that she stays 50ft away from the child. The matter was adjourned to April9,2025.


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Chirosyn Canada Inc. launches Dr. Cheekoori’s

Medicine Foundation to mark 15 years

of Excellence in Medicine in Guyana

Chirosyn Canada Inc. celebrates “15 years of Excellence in Medicine in Guyana” by launching the “Dr. Cheekoori’s Medicine Foundation” at the “Cardiology and Endocrinology symposium” at the Guyana Pegasus Hotel.

According to a press release, Chirosyn Canada Inc., a Canadian-based, Guyaneseowned pharmaceutical company, successfully launched the Dr. Cheekoori’s Medicine Foundation at their Cardiology and Endocrinology symposium, held on Sunday, March 16 at the Atlantic Ballroom of the Pegasus Hotel.

The Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony, gave the opening remarks and assisted with the ribbon cutting ceremony alongside the founding partners and owner of the company, Dr. Sreedhar Cheekoori and Tarlika Persaud.

The company started distributing pharmaceutical products in 2010, before branching into pharmaceutical manufacturing. Company owners, Tarlika Persaud, a genomics specialist with a master’s degree in Chemistry, developed a novel method for detecting metabolic disorders in newborns at McMaster Hospital in Canada, before jointly venturing into this field with her husband, Dr. Sreedhar

One Two 2 Bedroom Apartment in South Ruimveldt Garden. 250 k per month. Call : 667-2222.

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Cheekoori, who owns several medicinal patents and has a doctorate in organic Chemistry from McMaster University.

This joint symposium between Chirosyn, The Medical Council and The Pharmacy Councils of Guyana hosted over 300 doctors and pharmacists across Guyana. Dr. Vivian Rambihar, who was inducted to the Walk of Fame in Canada for his outstanding contributions to the field of Cardiology, spoke on

several new Cardiology theories on unpredictability within the field. Dr. Sherryn Rambihar, a Cardiologist at UHN in Canada, Dr. Nadira Rambihar, a Physiatrist at West Park Healthcare in Toronto, Dr. Gaitree Satram, Pediatrician from UWI and Dr. Karishma Jeeboo, Chairperson of the Guyana Pharmacy Council all gave academic presentations which were well received.

The Dr. Cheekoori’s Medicine Foundation will assist

Guyanese who lack access and experience financial need, as well as expand access to a wider range of unavailable medicines in emergency circumstances. The Foundation hopes to work alongside the healthcare systems currently in Guyana. The company plans to expand its operations in Guyana and to work alongside the Ministry of Health and local agencies to integrate the plans of the Guyana Government’s medicine initiatives.

Pensioner jailed for raping child

A67-year-old farmer was sentenced on Tuesday to one year imprisonment after pleading guilty to raping a child.

Chester Thompson, of Kaikan Village, Region 7, was charged with the offence of sexual activity with a child under 16 years.

He appeared at the Kamarang Magistrates’ Court before Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh, who read the charge to him. Thompson pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment.


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‘Need for Social Workers has never been greater’ – Minister Persaud

In a world where unprecedented social challenges are occurring worldwide, the need for skilled and passionate social workers has never been greater.

This observation was made by Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Dr. Vindhya Persaud, on World Social Workers Day 2025. In a message to the University of Guyana’s (UG) Social Work students, Minister Persaud emphasised the need for the next generation of leaders and innovators to ensure that no citizen of Guyana is left behind.

Minister Persaud acknowledged the vital role social workers play in fostering social justice, equality, and human dignity, adding that their “dedication and compassion transform lives every

single day.” Minister Persaud described them as “the unsung heroes who help rebuild broken families, support children in need, and guide individuals through times of crisis.” She reminded them,

“Your hands help lift people out of despair, your words provide hope, and your actions ignite change.”

The UG students in attendance were urged to reflect on the merits of joining an incredible profession and supporting the important work of social transformation in Guyana.

Minister Persaud also extended an invitation for the students to join the Human Services Ministry upon the completion of their studies.

Dr. Persaud said her ministry is poised to introduce a paraprofessional course, in collaboration with UG’s Social

Work Department, for aspiring social workers in the hinterland, rural and remote communities. She said the course will help to address the critical gaps in providing service to residents in underserved areas of the country. As a result, counselling and therapy will become more accessible to every citizen, and programmes to combat domestic violence will be made available in remote areas as well. “These programmes cannot succeed without you. They cannot succeed without a team of passionate, skilled social workers who are deeply committed to the values of service and justice,” Dr. Persaud pointed out. This year’s theme is “Strengthening Intergenerational Solidarity for Enduring Wellbeing.” (DPI)

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Far left, Anandi Cheekoori (Daughter of CEO), Deoroop Persaud (father of owner), Dr. Frank Anthony, Tarlika Persaud (CEO), Dr. Sreedhar Cheekoori (Founder) and Akshaya Cheekoori (Daughter of CEO).

Israel launches first ground offensive since Gaza ceasefire collapse, partially recapturing key area

(CNN) The Israeli militarysaidWednesdaythat it had launched “targeted ground activities” in Gaza, partially recapturing a key area in the territory, a day after launching an aerial bombardment of the Strip that shattered the twomonth-old ceasefire with Hamas.

The operation followed I s r a e l ' s r e n e w e d bombardment of Gaza the day before, shattering the fragile ceasefire with Hamas Israel accused Hamas of “repeatedly” refusing to release hostages and rejecting offers from mediators. Hamas, in turn, blamed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of unilaterally upending the truce and putting hostages “atriskofanunknownfate.”

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Wednesday that its troops “began targeted ground activities in the central and southernGazaStripinorder to expand the security zone and to create a partial buffer between northern and southernGaza.”

“As part of the ground activities, the troops expanded their control further to the center of the Netzarim Corridor,” the

military said. Hamas called the latest offensive a “new anddangerousbreach”ofthe ceasefire agreement The militantgroup,inastatement Wednesday,saiditremained committed to the ceasefire agreement it signed with IsraelbackinJanuary U

's ceasefire deal, Israel had

Netzarim Corridor, a key strip of land that splits Gaza in half, dividing the central GazaCityandnorthernGaza fromthesouthernpartsofthe Strip that borders Egypt. Although Israel withdrew from the corridor, foreign military contractors have


After the truce became effective, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians filedthroughthecorridorby foot, car and in some cases by donkeys, with many of themreturningtohomesthat had been destroyed after 15 months of Israeli bombardment Israeli airstrikes on Tuesday killed more than 400 people in Gaza, according to the enclave's Health Ministry, making it one of the war's deadliestdays.


On Wednesday, the United Nations said one of their international aid workers was killed by an “explosive ordnance” at the UN guesthouse in central Gaza, and five others were injured The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza blamed the attack on the Israeli military, which the IDFdenied,sayingithadnot conductedanairstrikeinthe vicinity of the guesthouse. JorgeMoreiradaSilva,head of the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS), told reporters at a press conference in Brussels that the attackhappened at a UN guesthouse in Deir al-Balah that was frequently used by UN staff. The location was known to the IDF and in an isolated area with no other buildingsnearby,hesaid.Da Silva said the guesthouse

Porter sentenced to 23 years imprisonment for killing Kitty man

had come under attack multiple times this week.

“Two days ago there was a near miss to this premises, and yesterday the premises washit,andtodaytherewas another hit, unfortunately with these casualties,” he said.

“Itcannotbecategorized as an accident,” he added, stressing that “attacks on humanitarian premises are a breachofinternationallaw.”

A spokesperson for the Israeli foreign ministry said late Wednesday that a Bulgarian citizen working fortheUNhaddiedinGaza, but it was not immediately cleariftheBulgarianwasthe same person mentioned in the UN's statement. Video filmed by CNN at the scene showedaholeonthesideof the building. Trevor Ball, a former US Army senior

explosive ordnance disposal teammemberwhoreviewed the footage, said weapon fragmentsfromthesceneare consistentwiththeM339,an Israelitankprojectile.

Damage from the building is also consistent withatankround,Ballsaid, and points to a pretty direct impact.

Nic Jenzen-Jones, director at Armament Research Services (ARES) who also analyzed the footage, said the “remnants appear to be from an Israeli 120mmtankprojectile,most likely the M339 multipurposemodel.”CNNasked the IDF whether they were investigating the possibility that the strike could have been caused by Israeli tank fire. A spokesperson said: “We have nothing to add at the moment If new

information arises, we will publishit.”


Meanwhile, the renewed war drew thousands of protesters to Israel's parliament, the Knesset, in Jerusalem Critics of Netanyahu's government accusetheprimeministerof usingthewartoshoreuphis shakycoalition.

The Israeli military statement came after DefenseMinisterIsraelKatz warned on Wednesday that the residents of Gaza will “pay the full price” if Israeli hostagesarenotreturnedand Hamas remains able to governintheStrip.

An Israeli official said Tuesdaythattheairstrikesin Gazawerethefirstphaseina series of escalatory military actions aimed at pressuring Hamas into releasing more hostages,markingareturnto Netanyahu's view that militarypressureisthemost effective way to secure the releaseofhostages.

Sofar,theIsraelimilitary has brought just eight living hostages back to Israel, out of 251 taken by Hamas and itsalliesonOctober7,2023. Thevastmajorityhavebeen released as part of ceasefire deals in exchange for Palestinianprisoners.

A thirty-seven-year-old porter,DamianBissoonalso known as “Brother,” was sentencedonTuesdayto 23 years imprisonment for the 2018 murder of TajAndrew Jarvis. Therulingwashanded down by Justice Damone Young at the Demerara High Court.Bissoon,ofShellRoad Kitty,Georgetown,wasfound guiltyoffatallystabbingJarvis on March 30, 2018, in the vicinityofBarrandAlexander Streets,Georgetown However,hewascharged withtheoffencein2022after beingontherunfornearlyfour years He had surrendered to thepolice,accompaniedbyhis attorney at the time, George Thomas Bissoon was later arraigned before Chief MagistrateAnn McLennan at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court Kaieteur News understands that Bissoon’s trial began in October 2024

before Justice Peter Hugh of theDemeraraHighCourtbut ended in a hung jury As such,aretrialwasordered. Duringtheretrial,Bissoon was represented by attorney Ronald Bostwick The prosecutionwasledbyAlvaro Ramotar and Muntaz Ali At the time of the killing, the victimwasseenwalkingwith his friend along Alexander Street, when Bissoon confrontedhimanddemanded money Jarvis was stabbed severaltimesabouthisbody He was later taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Fire Service warned against prank calls


The Guyana Fire Service (GFS) received several

calls on Wednesday, reporting fires at various publicofficesandschools.

H o w e v e r , u p o n investigation, these reports were found to be false. In a statement, the GFS explained, “This morning, we received multiple calls reportingfiresatschoolsand publicoffices.

However, as our fire crews responded, no fires were found at these locations.”

The GFS also issued a reminder that such calls are dangerous,emphasisingthey waste time and resources. “These false alarms make it difficult for firefighters to respond promptly to actual emergencies,” the Fire Servicesaid.

Divisional Officer in charge of operations,

NIS building operations halted as firefighters inspect the building

Andrew Holder, confirmed with Kaieteur News that two National Insurance

S c h e m e ( N I S ) buildings one located on Brickdam and the other between Camp and Middle

S t r e e t s i n Georgetown were among the reported locations Holder clarified that the report at Brickdam was a false alarm, while at the

Camp and Middle Street location, workers had smelled something burning and called the Fire Service. However, upon arrival, no firewasfound Additionally, the GFS received prank calls from other locations, including The New Building Society Ltd, West Ruimveldt Primary School, and St BarnabasSpecialSchool.

Israeli tanks were seen positioned near the Israel-Gaza border on Tuesday.
Taj Andrew Jarvis
Damian Bissoon


Following public outcry over a mining agreement between the Aranaputa Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) in Region Nine and foreign company, Sol Nascente Incorporated,

Minister of Natural

Resources Vickram Bharrat hasclarifiedthatthecompany was never issued a mining licence and that the NDC project has since been suspended

Earlier in March, reports surfaced that the Aranaputa NDC had entered into a mining agreement with Sol NascenteIncorporated

Accordingtoinformation from the Department of PublicInformation(DPI),the signing was attended by the NDC Chair, Gillian

Rodrigues, and Sol Nascente’s Director, Luis Antonio, along Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai and the ministry’s Legal Officer, Miriam Andrew-Ming

However, at the time, little information was

disclosed about the agreement or the company

itself Following the announcement, Regional Chairman Bryan Allicock

voiced his concerns, particularlyaboutthelackof environmental and social impact assessments and the absence of consultations w i t h t h e a ff e c t e d communities.

“No Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) was done, and there was no consultation with the communities that will be affected The residents are now finding out what was doneafterthefact Whenthey said they did extensive consultation, that was a lie,” Allicockhadsaid

In response, Minister BharrattraveledtoAranaputa onTuesdayforaninteractive discussion with residents about their concerns. During the meeting, he announced thattheminingpermitissued to the NDC had been suspended

MinisterBharrattoldthis publicationthatSolNascente was never directly issued a licence “Apermitwasissued toAranaputaNDC TheNDC then partnered with that foreign company No permit can be issued to Sol Nascente,”henoted

DPI reported that the ministersaid,“Iwanttostate clearly that our mining act statesthatmediumandsmallscale mining cannot be done by non-nationals I just want to make that very clear because there may be a misconception that this

permit was given to a Brazilianinvestor Ratherthe permit, the special mining permit was given to the Arunpunta Neighbourhood Democraticcouncil”

Hecontinued,“Anylocal Guyanese, any local miner can partner with a foreign investor in the small and medium scale sector but the property or the permit must be the local or the Guyanese.”

He further explained that the initial issuing of the permit was a result of a communityengagementwith the Aranaputa NDC. The NDC had written directly to the minister, requesting permission to commence mining projects in the community

Providing further clarity on the situation, Minister Bharrat said, “At that meeting, there was overwhelming support against mining in the North Rupununi Almost everyone thatspoke,theywereagainst the mining in the North Rupununi, citing the freshwater, the source of the freshwater, citing the fishing that is engaged by the Amerindian communities, citingthevastwetlandandthe interest in preserving that which we respect as a government too And as a resultofthat,wewouldhave suspendedthespecialmining permit for the Aranaputa NDC’

Moreover,theprojecthas also faced strong opposition from Visit Rupununi, a nonprofit organization focused o n e n v i r o n m e n t a l conservation and sustainable tourism

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the organization condemned the agreement between theAranaputa NDC and Sol Nascente, citing concernsoverthelackofdue diligence and community consultation.

Theorganizationoutlined thattheRupununiregionisan ecological and cultural treasure, home to thousands of indigenous and nonindigenousresidentswhorely ontheland,rivers,andforests fortheirlivelihoods It also highlighted the dangers of mining near communities,referencingthe environmental and social fallout experienced in Marudi,SouthRupununi

“ T h e l o n g - t e r m consequencesofminingnear communities are welldocumented: environmental degradation, health hazards, cultural disruption, and the erosion of sustainable livelihoods for future generations,”Visit Rupununi said


Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat, in Aranaputa, Region 9 on Tuesday

Superbet supports One Guyana 3x3 Quest


w i n d i n g down to the hostingofthemassiveevent, the One Guyana 3x3 Quest saw its first corporate sponsor, Superbet Guyana, committing to the event which is slated to go down nextmonth.

Superbet solidified

upcoming blockbuster event on Wednesday, d u r i n g a s i m p l e presentation ceremony at their North Road head office


ere, tournament organizer and Guyana Basketball Federation (GBF) Vice- President Rawle Toney spoke of the magnitudeoftheeventashe

extended gratitude to Superbet.

“ThisisthefirstQuestto be hosted in the EnglishspeakingCaribbeanandone of the first for 2025 in the Americasaswellandso,this is more than just Guyana on show, this sis the entire region on show so, this [support] is very much welcomed from Superbet,”


“On behalf of the Guyana Basketball Federation,wewanttothank Superbet for being, not one of, but the first corporate entity to come on board and support the inaugural One Guyana3x3Quest.”

Toneywentontodivulge what will be at stake during thetournament.

NZ prodigy, 15, youngest to run sub-four-minute mile

BBC Sport - New Zealand’s Sam Ruthe has becometheyoungestperson in history to run a sub-fourminutemile,aged15.

The middle-distance prodigy ran a record time of threeminutes58.35seconds in wet conditions at Auckland’s Mount Smart Stadium.

Pacemakers Sam Tanner (3:58 29) and Ben Wall (3:59 00) also broke the four-minutebarrier

Thursday March 20, 2025


Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely


Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.


You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday


Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.


Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.


You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently


Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some

Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

It'sgoingtobealittledifficult t

y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay



ely, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.


Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.

He revealed, “The winningteamwillqualifyto represent their community or city at the World Tour in Edmonton, Canada in August.So,thisismorethan just a 3x3 tournament, we have three Guyanese teams competingandalltheothers arefromoverseas.”

On the other hand, Superbet Marketing Assistant Clay Roberts expressed the company’s elation at being able to supportthecompetition.

“We’rejusthappytobea part of this wonderful tournament and we look forward, as you mentioned, tobeapartofmoreexciting and big tournaments within Guyana. We just want to thankyouguysforallowing ustobepartofsuchanevent inGuyana,”Robertsshared.

Billed forApril 5 and 6, the tournament will feature 20 teams hailing from 16 countriesacrosstheworld.

CBC applauds Guyana for hosting historic...


b a s k e t b a l l i n t h e Caribbean.”

The CBC president extended his best wishes to all participating teams, both regionalandinternational.

“I look forward to this competition being a true celebration of skill, sportsmanship, and the unifyingspiritofbasketball. We applaud Guyana for leadingthewayandeagerly anticipate the continued growth and success of our regional basketball programs,” Collymore concluded.


“This was probably my favourite goal that I’ve reached,” Ruthe said after his latest record-breaking run.

“I’ve definitely enjoyed thisonethemost,withallthe peopleheresupportingme.

Ruthehasalreadybroken anumberofrecordsin2025, becoming New Zealand’s youngest senior national champion when he won the 3,000m - in another worldrecord time for his age - in February

Heproceededtofinishin a tie for first with Olympian Tannertoearnashareofthe

“This has been the most set up for me, so I’m really happy to have gotten this one.” The four-minute mile has long been a middledistancerunningbenchmark with Britain’s Sir Roger Bannister, aged 25, the first tobeatthatmarkin1954.

Norway’s two-time Olympic champion Jakob Ingebrigtsen ran the mile in 3:58.07 at the age of 16, while Australian Cam Myers’s 3:55.44 is currently the best time for a 16-yearold.


Charles’ all-round performance helps EBDCA U23 to victory

d its D&R

The East Bank Cricket Association (EBDCA) c

ConstructionandMachinery Second Division 40-Over Competition with two

thrilling encounters over the weekendattheFarmground. East Bank Under-23 and

Herstelling Sports Club ‘B’ registered crucial victories, setting the stage for more high-octane action in the cominground.

On Saturday, East Bank Cricket Association U23 clinched a three-wicket victory over a struggling Timehri Cricket Club. After being sent in to bat,Timehri CC never got going, folding for a mere 90 in 23.5 overs.

Jovind Duncan and Joash Charles made early inroads, returning figures of 3-7 and 2-18, respectively Asuf Robertalsokeptthingstight with a tidy spell of 2-17, ensuring Timehri CC was bundledoutforunder100.

Chasing a modest target, Charles showcased his allround capabilities, anchoringtheinningswitha well-composed 34, which included one boundary and four towering sixes Deonarine Dindial was also in fine touch, stroking a calculated 52, decorated with one four and four maximums. East Bank U23

Joash Charles 3-7 and patient 34 seals victory for East Bank U23.

reached 91-7 in just 11.3 overs, securing the win in dominantfashion.

Sunday’s clash saw Herstelling ‘B’ take on Herstelling CTI in an allHerstelling showdown

Batting first, Herstelling ‘B’ put up a competitive 191 in 35.5overs,thankstoagritty 46 from Trevor Garraway, who found the ropes four times and cleared them twice Stephon Wilson providedsolidsupportwitha composed 21, which includedtwoboundariesand

asix.Needing192from240 deliveries, Herstelling CTI faltered under pressure, skittled out for 156 in just 29.2 overs. Their batting lineup struggled to build partnerships, handing H e r s t e l l i n g ‘ B ’ a comfortable35-runvictory

Upcoming Fixtures

The East Bank Division II



on continuesthisweekendwith four more exciting matchups:

Saturday: No

Soesdyke Sports Club faces Eccles Sports Club at Farm, while Silverbullet SC squares off against Patrewa Cricket Club at Laluni CricketClubground.

Sunday: Uprising Cricket Club goes head-tohead with Herstelling ‘A’at Laluni, while Sandpipers SportsClublockshornswith Demolition Cricket Club at Farm.

All matches bowl off at 10:00 AM sharp Teams arrivingafter10:30AMrisk awalkover

2025 Commissioner of Police T20 Cup…

GPF officers arrests Presidential Guards by 48 runs as cricket action gets underway

Guyana Police Force officers team arrested the Presidential Guards as they handed them a 48-run defeat when action in the 2025 Commissioner of Police T20 Cup bowled offthisweekatPoliceSportsClubground.

Led by Deputy Commander Ravindradat Budhram, the lawmen posted 142/9 in their 20 overs, batting first after Guyana Harpy Eagles vice-captain Kemol Savory struck 25 off 25, coupled with StephanHarris(34)andIvorTrotz(23).

BowlingforthePresidentialGuardswas led by Gavin Jagnarine who returned 3-12, whileMarkMarkJefferschippedinwith2-

31. Chasing a gettable total, Presidential Guards were booked for 94 all out in 16.2 overs despite Jeffers returning to score a vital27.

Support from Keston Harcourt, who scored 18, 14 from Jagnarine coupled with 15extras,failedtogettheGuardshomeina tensegame.

TheOfficershadgoodspellsfromHarris whoreturnedtoclaim2wicketsalongwith Trevor and Troy Benn who also finished with two wickets apiece, with more action continuing this week as a number of teams willbattleforcashtrophiesandprizes.

Wiltshire, Chris dominoes tourney set for March 23

arkWiltshireandChris(onlyname given)willbehostingafour-game dominoes tournament on Sunday, March 23 at D and L Sports bar and Lounge, Nimes,WestBankDemerara.

Entrance fee is $15,000 while an allfemale team will pay $12,000 to enter $100,000 will be added to the prizes and the tournamentwillbeplayedonasix-sittingtwoin oneoutbasis.


Teams can contact Wiltshire on 6598672 or Chris on 699-8188

Mark Wiltshire with one of the prizes.

2025 Banks DIH ICEE Soft Drink National Rapid Chess Championships… FIDE Master Drayton outclasses strong competition to lift title

3rd place Candidate Master Taffin Khan receives his reward. (GCF Photos)

FI D E M a s t e r Anthony Drayton showed his class as he emerged champion of the 2025 Banks DIH ICEE Soft Drink sponsored

2nd place Ricardo Narine collects his prize. (GCF Photos)

Guyana Chess Federation (GCF)NationalRapidChess Championships. The tournament was hosted at the Exhibition CenterofthePegasusSuites

under a nine round Swiss format basis, with Drayton playing unbeaten on his waytothefirstplace.


Narine with Candidate Master Taff

n Khan coming in 3rd position, after a strongly-contested tournament.

&CorporateCenterthispast weekend, with a starstudded field which proved lightworkforGuyana’slone FIDEMaster

Competitors played

Houston Sec’, New Central, Saints sent packing

Ho u s t o n

Secondary,New Central High, andSaintStanislausCollege were eliminated in the latest round of the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports (MCYS) – National Sports Commission (NSC) Cheddi Jagan Memorial Windball CricketChampionship.

In the opening match, Brickdam Secondary, after being put in to bat, posted a competitive 86-5. Ravaldo Pereira was the standout performer, scoring an attractive 47, while Prosper Jacobs contributed 28. For New Central High, Peter Khan was the pick of the bowlers, finishing with figuresof2-12.

In reply, New Central High managed only 62-4, falling 24 runs short of their target. Khan returned with the bat to top-score with 30, but Caleb Trotman was difficult to get away, taking 2-6inaneconomicalspellto seal the win for Brickdam Secondary

ThesecondmatchsawSt Rose’s High cruise to a dominant 10-wicket victory over Houston Secondary Chasing a modest target of 31 after Houston Secondary was restricted to 30-4, Joshua Sharma led the charge with a blistering 24 runs as St Rose’s High reached their target without losingawicket.

In the final match of the day, St Stanislaus College put up 71-1 in their allotted overs,withNitinBhowandat (28) and Ishan Haricharan

Part of the action between Brickdam Secondary and New Central High. (ASTP photo)

(20) leading the scoring. However, Tucville Secondary made light work ofthechase,racingto74-1in just4.3overs. Shan Raimoon was the top performer, smashing a classy44toguidehisteamto victory The tournament continues today with the Janet & Cheddi Jagan Memorial (Region 6) event, featuring schools f r o m C a n j e / N e w AmsterdamattheRoseHall Estate Welfare Centre Ground from 9:30 AM in

both the Girls’ and Boys’ divisions.

On Friday, March 21, action shifts to the John Port Mourant Community Centre, where schoolsfromCorentynewill compete from 9:30 AM (Girls’&Boys’divisions).

On Saturday, March 22, play moves to Region 3 at the Track & Field Centre Tarmac, with matches beginning at 9:30 AMinbothdivisions. The tournament is organized by Sports Officer A Munroe

Saeed Ali and Keron Sandiford occupying 4th a n d 5

respectively with top

awarded over $185,000in cashandprizes.

GCF president Anand Raghunauth presented the awards to the respective winners following the end

ofthetournament He expressed gratitude to the sponsors of both Banks DIH and Pegasus Suitesfortheirsupport Among the 40 players were CM Loris Nathoo, Kyle Couchman, CM Sachin Pitamber, Emma John, Natoya Boodhoo amongothers

2025 CWI Regional 4-Day Championships…

Table-leaders Guyana Harpy Eagles maintain perfect record soaring into 6th round

Defending Regional 4Day champions, Guyana Harpy Eagles, fly into the sixth round as table leaders as they enjoy a two week break before the crunch stagesresumefromApril2.

The Tevin Imlach-led Harpy Eagles romped to a dominant 10-wicket victory over the Windward Islands Volcanoesinthelastroundto register their fourth win and move to 102.6 points, thus maintaining their unbeaten record.

Trailingnotfarbehindin second place and also unbeaten are the Trinidad and Tobago Red Force with 101points.

The Red Force cut into the Harpy Eagles’lead after beating the Barbados Pride by an innings and 56 runs inside two days during the lastround. LeewardIslands

Hurricanes occupy the third spot with 79 6 points, leapfroggingbycrushingthe Combined Campuses and Colleges(CCC)by373runs toclaimtheirthirdwinofthe competition.


demoralisinglosstotheRed Force, the Pride still remain in the hunt for a playoff positionandarefourthon78 points.

The Jamaica Scorpions, meanwhile, boosted their chances of finishing in the topfourwithamuch-needed win over the West Indies Academyandcurrentlyliein fifthpositionon59.8points, with the Volcanoes in the sixthspoton45.8points.

BoththeCCCandtheWI Academy,whoareyettowin a game, dangle in seventh and eighth respectively on 26.6pointsand25points.

Guyana Harpy Eagles fly into the sixth round as table leaders.

CBC applauds Guyana for hosting historic One Guyana 3x3 Quest

President of the Caribbean Basketball Confederation (CBC), Leslie Collymore, has hailed the upcoming One Guyana 3x3 Quest, set for April 5–6, as a groundbreaking and pivotal moment for the sport’s fastest-growing format in theregion.

“I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the Guyana Basketball Federation (GBF) for hosting this historic One Guyana 3x3 tournament,” Collymorestated.

Theevent,slatedforthe CliffAnderson Sports Hall, will see 20 teams from 16 countries converging in Guyana for the first-ever 3x3 Quest held in the Caribbeanandthefirstinthe Americasfor2025.

Three teams from Guyana will compete against top talent from Ecuador, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, St. Maarten, St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, the USA, the Cayman Islands, Grenada, Bermuda, the BritishVirgin Islands,andSuriname.

The tournament winner will earn a coveted spot at theFIBA3x3WorldTourin Edmonton, Canada, this August, as Collymore pointed “this event marks thefirstofthree3x3Quests scheduledfortheCaribbean in 2025, reaffirming our commitment to elevating t h e g a m e o n t h e internationalstage.”

Looking ahead, Collymore also highlighted the region’s growing basketball calendar, noting, “Withthehighlyanticipated 5x5 FIBA qualification tournaments set for later in theyear,2025isshapingup tobealandmarkyearfor (Continuedonpage23)

CBC President, Leslie Collymore

Superbet supports One Guyana 3x3 Quest

GBF Vice Presidents, Rawle Toney (first from right) and Jermaine Slatter, receives Superbet sponsorship from MarketingAssistant Clay Roberts.
FIDE MasterAnthony Drayton accepts his award from GCF president Anand Raghunauth. (GCF Photos)

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