GCCI Annual Report 2024/2025

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GCCI Mission, Vision, Values

President’s Report

List of Past Presidents

New Members from April 2024 to March 2025

Notice of 135th AGM of the GCCI

Proceedings of the 134th Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Proceedings of the First Statutory Council Meeting 2024

Meetings & Events


GCCI Mission, Vision & Core Values


The GCCI is the oldest private sector representative organization in Guyana (established in 1890) and is a member-driven and professionally staffed non-profit association of business people committed to improving the economic climate and quality of life in Guyana. We are legislatively mandated under the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry Act Chapter 89:03 of the laws of Guyana.

The Chamber’s strength lies in the size and diversity of its membership—both large and small businesses from virtually every sector are represented.


The GCCI represents the voice of the business community in Guyana and strives to advocate policies, stimulate trade and investment, connect businesses, sustain economic growth and expand member opportunities with the aim of contributing to a stable and sustainable economic and social environment in Guyana where businesses can prosper.


Commitment-The Chamber is in business for business and is committed to preserving a stable economic environment, responding to members’ needs, connecting businesses together, improving prosperity and business opportunities within Guyana.

• Integrity-The Chamber is a non-partisan, open, honest and accountable organisation, which bases its decisions on driving and supporting business development in Guyana. Our members also subscribe to a Code of Conduct in the execution of their operations.

• Courtesy-It remains a core value of the Chamber that the contribution of its Council, its staff and members is valued and appreciated.

• Collaboration-The Chamber values strong working relationships with other agencies and stakeholders.

President’s Message at the Annual General Meeting 2025


It is my honour to address you on the hosting of the 135th Annual General Meeting, and present to you the President’s report of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) for the fiscal year 2024-2025. Over the last two years, I have had the privilege of sitting at the helm of this prestigious organisation—one that was formed and operated with purpose for over a century. Beyond being a voice for the business community, the Chamber has been the hand that’s held the mantle of capacity-building for local businesses and an ear to listen to your delicate challenges and advocate in your interest.

The GCCI has remained resolute in its mandate and work plan—leveraging on collaborations and partnerships to support our membership which continues to increase. For the fiscal year 2024-2025, the Chamber saw the entrance of 125 new members. This growth in membership is reflective of the Chamber’s contribution to the country’s business landscape and the benefits derived from our advocacy work


The GCCI reported a deficit of $1.4 million for 2024, primarily due to write-offs related to prior years’ subscriptions and events. Without these write-offs, the outcome would have been comparable to 2023.

Gross revenue increased by 18.30% ($16.37 million), with events contributing significantly—a 63% rise ($19.8 million).

Key revenue earners included:

• The Business Development Forum (BDF): Reintroduced in 2024 after not being held in 2023, generating $7.8 million, and

• The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC): GCCI took over representation from GO-Invest, leading to revenue of $18.8 million—an increase of $17.4 million (1,245%) from $1.4 million in 2023.

Additional revenue growth came from increased advertising in the Business Guyana Magazine and higher demand for the Annual Awards Gala. In 2024, these brought in a combined $36.61 million—$16.65 million from the magazine and $15.96 million from the Gala.

However, expenses also increased:

• Event expenses increased by $12.98 million (41.23%),

• Administrative expenses grew by $14.68 million (37.79%) due to hiring more professionals to uphold GCCI’s position as a BSO that sincerely advocates for the economic wellbeing of the business community, and Guyana as a whole.

Going forward, GCCI aims to enhance revenue streams, optimise costs, and continue delivering value to its members.


The GCCI’s work plan over the last year has seen intense commitment to its advocacy efforts. The Chamber engaged a number of organisations and individuals—inclusive of the diplomatic community, state actors and agencies, and the business community.

The Chamber met with the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Guyana, Ms. Jean Kamau; High Commissioner of Canada to Guyana, His Excellency Sebastien Sigouin; British High Commissioner, Her Excellency, Jane Miller OBE; Ambassador of Suriname to Guyana, H.E. Liselle Remelda Blankendal; Non-Resident Ambassador of Zambia to Guyana, H.E. Glynne N. Michelo; U.S. Ambassador to Guyana, Her Excellency, Nicole D. Theriot; former Ambassador of China to Guyana, Her Excellency, Guo Haiyan; High Commissioner of Belize to Guyana, Her Excellency Gale Miller Garnett, and High Commissioner of Trinidad and Tobago to Guyana, His Excellency Conrad Enill. These meetings saw discussions on increasing bilateral trade, the removal of trade barriers and partnering for capacity-building for local companies.

Similar discussions were held with a number of international organisations and business support organisations, as well as companies. We met with the Jamaica Promotions Corporation, the Caribbean Development Bank, and the Inter-American Development Bank to discuss matters of trade and business development. We also engaged Mr. Russell Zalizniak, Political and Economic Chief at the U.S Embassy, and Mr. Aaron Spencer, the Senior Development Specialist Advisor at the United States Agency for International Development/Eastern and Southern Caribbean (USAID/ESC) to discuss interventions in addressing Guyana’s labour shortage.

The Chamber’s advocacy work over the last year was extensive, particularly as we engaged the aforementioned organisations, and while this report only provides a cursory look into our work, I am pleased to provide an overview of some of the areas of advocacy that the GCCI engaged in.


The GCCI has undoubtedly been the catalyst for the introduction of Local Content legislation in Guyana. Our strong advocacy efforts led to the establishment of the Local Content Act. However, our work did not end there. The Chamber continued to engage the government on the overdue updates to the Local Content Schedule. As Guyanese continue to develop their capacity and gain meaningful experience within the oil and gas industry, it is crucial that more opportunities be opened for our people.

The GCCI, cognisant of the need for continuous capacity-building included this as a critical aspect of our work plan. Not only did the Chamber cater to the need for information on opportunities in the sector and requirements to access these opportunities, but we placed capacity-building as it relates to compliance on the front burner. Many of you would have attended supplier forums with Saipem and MODEC. Some of you would have attended the ‘Introduction to Procurement’ workshop that was opened to members through a collaboration with the Centre for Local Business Development; and many of you would have accessed crucial workshops with agencies such as the Guyana National Bureau of Standards, the Guyana Revenue Authority, the National Insurance Scheme, and the Ministry of Labour to name a few. The Chamber continued its engagement with the Local Content Secretariat in order to ensure that the systems we so dedicatedly lobbied for were respected—and that loopholes such as fronting are not used to circumvent our laws.

All of these events and activities were undertaken with one goal in mind—to ensure that our members are not only able to access the low-hanging fruit in the industry, but also to create stepping-stones to access more opportunities by bridging the gaps that exist in your capacity.

As I reflect on the strides made in local content utilisation and capacity-building, I am reminded of the critics and opponents of local content legislation–those who posited that having a local content law would be a deterrent to foreign investment. On the contrary, Guyana continues to see increasing investment interest–however, the ultimate obstacles to both local and foreign investment are our financial sector and local taxation framework. I refer to the high corporate tax rate, in conjunction with Value Added Tax, and the taxes on vehicle importation which uses a compound tax system–one in which we bear the cost, insurance and freight along with extremely high import duty, excise and VAT. These are not the only steeply taxed imports–we have experienced higher taxes on the communications sector and in the banking sector. If we truly wish to address the obstacles to investment, we need to address burning issues such as the lack of a double taxation treaty with major countries such as the United States.

I want to reiterate our position that Guyana’s financial sector is in dire need of modernisation.With our growing economy comes evolving needs. The private sector is the driver of economic development, and it is heavily reliant on the financial sector. We continuously face challenges due to the paper-based and bureaucratic systems, as well as challenges in access to finance—which includes access to capital as well as access to foreign exchange. I wish to echo our previous calls for the Bank of Guyana to urgently address these obstacles to economic advancement.


Over the years, the GCCI has recognised that even as we build capacity, access to finance remains a barrier to the development and advancement of Guyanese businesses—particularly SMEs. We have consistently lobbied stakeholders in both the Government and private sector in this regard. You might recall that last year, the Chamber announced a partnership with the Jamaica Stock Exchange to develop a Junior Stock Market in Guyana. At this critical juncture of our nation’s development, where there is a keen focus on investment and diversification of the economy, the lack of proper financial markets, the underdeveloped stock market and the need for a development bank must be addressed.

I noted that the Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry has heeded calls by introducing a programme that caters to the development of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises–GBTI Grow, a specialised financing programme that targets the development of MSMEs through the provision of flexible secured and unsecured loans at a competitive interest rate. It is initiatives such as these that foster an enabling business environment.

On the Government’s front, the GCCI is pleased with the amendment to the Financial Institutions Act that allows foreign financial institutions to set up a local office. In a fast-growing economy such as ours, access to capital is crucial and must be addressed frontally. Similarly, the Security Interests in Moveable Property Act which now allows for moveable assets such as equipment, vehicles, inventory, crops, livestock and intellectual property to be used as collateral for accessing credit is anticipated to be a catalyst for the development of enterprises in Guyana and a driver of economic growth.

Despite these strides, the country’s business landscape continues to be plagued by an interconnected issue—access to foreign currency. This challenge has seen businesses with the access to financing being unable to conduct business simply because of a shortage of foreign exchange—putting their supply chain and the sustainability of their operations at risk. We cannot continue to operate in this state of perpetual aloofness when it comes to this problem. The GCCI has engaged the Guyana Association of Bankers Incorporated and has been seeking engagements with the Ministry of Finance on this issue.

The problem exists and placatory statements by those with the authortity to intervene, statements that are not founded in data from the businesses that are being affected, are doing nothing to address this untenable situation. It was a problem when I entered office two years ago, and as I demit office, the problem remains on the table.


In the same vein, we cannot continue to ignore the red tape involved in doing business in Guyana—whether it is archaic business practices using a paper-based system, bureaucratic processes and outdated mechanisms that frustrate doing business in Guyana—better must come if we are to ensure a thriving business landscape.

Earlier this year, the Chamber engaged the National Insurance Scheme following an outcry by our membership for improved efficiency. We are hopeful that these engagements will result in positive changes—the business community cannot be held hostage by inefficiency.

Still, the NIS is just a drop in the bucket. There is much more to be done and we continue to advocate for the digitalisation of processes in Guyana—whether it’s applying for a business name or compliance. Time lost to waiting in line to file a paper-based application is money lost.

Ease of business is not just limited to processes—it also extends to the production process. The Chamber eagerly awaits the operationalisation of the Gas-to-Energy project. Access to reliable and cheap energy remains a challenge, especially in an environment with such great manufacturing potential. In an economy that is leaning towards diversity, energy is a crucial factor, as such, we look forward to the reduction in the cost of electricity and the delivery of stable power.

And, when the manufacturing sector benefits from cheaper and reliable electricity, increasing its productivity potential, it must not be hindered in accessing markets by Non-Tariff Barriers. As it is, Guyanese manufacturers are operating on unequal footing in the region–we continue to allow the free flow of goods from other Caribbean states into the country while our products are being barred from entry in some countries for negligible reasons, stymieing our access to markets. I am once again expressing our dissatisfaction with this reality and reiterate calls for the establishment and enforcement of Common External Tariffs and Rules of Origin. We need to ensure our competitiveness by protecting and supporting domestic manufacturing. As a country, we cannot comfortably subscribe to the selective application of a free trade framework in the region in a manner where our businesses do not benefit.

Labour, too, remains an important topic in this discussion. Businesses have highlighted the challenges they experience in accessing the needed manpower to continue building this beautiful country we call home. The country’s development necessitates labour. As such, we continued calls for the establishment of national labour and migration policies as even though we must ensure that we have the labour needed to continue apace with our development, we must also protect our labour force–both local and migrant–from exploitation.


Advocacy Committee

The Advocacy Committee played a crucial role in the aforementioned lobbying and engagements. The Committee held discourses with our members to understand the issues that affected not just their businesses but the citizenry at large. These challenges were then escalated to the Council and Executive Management Committee for the formulation and execution of interventions. Through this Committee, the Chamber also established the Legal Affairs Subcommittee, chaired by Councillor, Attorney-at-Law, Mrs. Priyanka Yussuf. This Committee provided the Chamber with a platform to better examine the laws and regulations that govern our operations so that members could remain informed.

Petroleum Committee

The Petroleum Committee persistently and dedicatedly executed its mandate through collaborative initiatives that saw members benefiting from continuous networking and capacity-building activities. The Committee facilitated a number of presentations with agencies such as the Guyana Power and Light, the Centre for Local Business Development, the Guyana Energy Agency, and the Central Housing and Planning Authority. Ministers, including Minister of Natural Resources, Hon. Vickram Bharrat; Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Hon. Susan Rodrigues, and Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Hon. Deodat Indar also engaged with members at the Chamber through the intervention of the Committee.

Visits to the Gas-to-Energy project site and the Guyana Shore Base Incorporated facility were also executed under the leadership of Chairperson, Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith.

Trade and Investment Committee

The Trade and Investment Committee actively pursued increased trade opportunities for Guyanese businesses as well as the removal of Non-Tariff Trade Barriers. Under the Chairmanship of Councillor, Mr. Devon Seeram, the Committee engaged in a number of information-sharing sessions as well as policy consultations. These included meetings with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other stakeholders on the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between Guyana and Belize on renewed and enhanced bilateral cooperation, and the joint meeting on the activation of the National Advisory Committee on External Negotiations Technical Working Groups.

The Trade and Investment Committee also facilitated awareness and information sessions with members through collaborations with the Guyana Customs House Brokers and Clerks Association and the Guyana Revenue Authority, as well as the Guyana National Bureau of Standards and the Government Analyst - Food and Drug Department. The Committee also engaged the Department of Foreign Trade at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on trade policies, market access, Rules of Origin, and dispute resolution within trade agreements.

The GCCI and the International Centre for Trade Transparency Limited (ICTTM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to provide members of the Chamber with priority access to ICTTM’s ADAMftd software system. The ADAMftd software system is a revolutionary tool aimed at enhancing transparency and compliance in international trade. Access to this software will enhance the economic activity of Guyanese companies by ensuring their compliance with international trade rules and regulations, and assisting them in identifying new international markets.

Our efforts at supporting the development of partnerships were wide-ranging. The Chamber and the Dominican Republic Chamber of Commerce in Guyana signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) geared towards promoting the development of business relations, bilateral trade, and investment between the Dominican Republic and Guyana. We also engaged a number of foreign business delegations from the United Kingdom, Brazil, the United States, France, Mexico, and Finland. Members of the Chamber also travelled to Beijing, China, where they underwent training at the Academy for International Business Officials to improve their export and international business capabilities. The Chamber also sought to reinvigorate our relationship with London Chamber of Commerce and Industry to increase business opportunities for members.

In keeping with increasing information-sharing and contract opportunities with the oil and gas sector, the Chamber also met with stakeholders of the industry to advocate in the interest of local companies. Meetings were held with MODEC Guyana Incorporated, CenerTech and its sister company CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited, and the Centre for Local Business Development. The Chamber also independently hosted and partnered with other organisations to execute events geared towards achieving these objectives. These events included the Caribbean Investment Forum, the second Annual Regional Investments and Capital Markets Conference, and the 2024 Business Development Forum. In May 2024, the Chamber once again spearheaded Guyana’s participation in the Offshore Technology Conference, held in Houston, Texas, which saw members benefiting from valuable networking opportunities.

Finance Committee

Under the leadership of Junior Vice President, Mr. Gavin Ramsoondar, the Committee remained committed to capacity-building and increasing members’ knowledge base in crucial areas. The Committee participated in a workshop on the implementation of Beneficial Ownership Transparency (BOT) Roadmap in Guyana, which was facilitated by the Ministry of Natural Resources through the Guyana Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. The Committee also paved the way for the Chamber to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) to work together to promote the development of the profession, support educational initiatives and grow the pool of accountants in Guyana, among other initiatives.

Agriculture Committee

The Agriculture Committee also continued its dedicated work for the advancement of the agriculture sector. The Committee’s Capacity Building Workshop saw farmers across the country benefiting from training through a partnership with the World University Service of Canada (WUSC). Students of the Guyana School of Agriculture and farmers from communities in Anna Catherina, WCD; Mahaicony, ECD; Belle West, WBD; Canal Number One, WBD, and Anna Regina, Region Two benefitted from this initiative. Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Brian Edwards also successfully engaged WUSC for the development of a Micro and Women Entrepreneur Learning and Training Centre, housed at the Chamber’s Secretariat. Works are currently underway to build out this state-of-the-art space for private sector development.

Human Resource Management and Capacity Building Committee

Led by Secretary, Mrs. Melisa McRae-George, the Committee’s work plan saw collaborations with agencies such as the Deeds and Commercial Registry Authority, the National Insurance Scheme, the Guyana National Bureau of Standards, the Guyana Revenue Authority, and the Ministry of Labour to educate members on policies and regulations guiding their operations as relates to their employees.

The Committee also engaged the University of Guyana to access certificate training programmes for members and develop a human resource database for recruitment purposes. Under this committee, we also saw the establishment of the Health and Wellness Subcommittee, which was chaired by member, Dr. Dason McKenzie. This subcommittee focused on examining and addressing physical and mental health care within the workspace–which took into consideration one of our most important resources, our people.

Green Economy Committee

The Green Economy Committee continued to engage its members on key issues such as sustainability in their operations. In this vein, the Committee participated in the Green Walk hosted by the Environmental Protection Agency in observance of World Environment Day 2024 and hosted two in-person and online workshops on Environmental, Social, and Governance principles.

Construction and HSSE Committee

With the guidance of Chairperson, Ms. Savira Ramroop, this Committee undertook the task of engaging agencies such as the Guyana National Bureau of Standards and the Government Electrical Inspectorate on matters such as adherence to electrical codes, the development of elevator standards, and the need for enforcement of building and fire codes.

The Committee continued to urge for the implementation of the National Fire Protection Association codes and policies, while advocating for the monitoring and immediate removal of materials and equipment that do not confirm to the UL list of approved standards.

Membership and Diversity Committee

The Membership and Diversity Committee, led by Councillor Mrs. Kristia Ramlagan-Prescott, continued to onboard new members while also addressing key issues affecting the existing membership base. The Committee listened to challenges members faced and escalated these to the relevant supporting committees for intervention. In instances of conflicts between members, the Committee sought to have these mediated by members of Council. The Committee also spearheaded the Nadene Gilbert-Rambarran Cancer Awareness Fundraiser which saw one million dollars being donated to the Guyana Cancer Institute.

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Committee

Under Chairperson, Councillor Evie Kanhai-Gurchuran, this Committee facilitated a number of virtual networking sessions for members to meet and share information on their businesses as well as topical issues affecting their businesses. The Committee also met with the Institute of Private Enterprise Development (IPED) to discuss collaborating on capacity-building initiatives and access to finance for members, and participated in the National Skills Audit.

Caricom Youth Ambassadors who were part of the Caricom Single Market and Economy Attachment Programme also benefited from mentorship from this Committee. The Committee also facilitated students from Camille’s Academy participating in the Teenternship Programme. This initiative allowed them the opportunities to shadow CEOs or General Managers in medium-sized businesses for one week.

Fundraising Committee

The Fundraising Committee of the Chamber started its year of activities with the Caricom Day Barbecue and Mixer in July, providing members of the Chamber the opportunity to network in an informal environment. This event outperformed the previous year in terms of income generation, and attendance.

The GCCI also held its inaugural Energy Luncheon in September, which saw the unveiling of the GCCI’s premier publication - the Business Guyana Magazine. The Magazine was officially launched one month later at the Jamaica Stock Exchange’s Regional Capital Markets Conference hosted at the Pegasus Hotel.

In November, the GCCI reintroduced the Business Development Forum, after not having executed it 2023. This event saw the Chamber partnering with numerous members of the private sector, including ExxonMobil Guyana. Small businesses were able to benefit from the vast information provided by industry leaders of the oil and gas sector on how to develop their businesses for the local energy sector.

To wrap up the year, the Chamber hosted its Annual Awards Presentation and Gala Dinner, which saw the attendance of hundreds of GCCI members, members of Government, and members of the diplomatic community. Overall for the year 2024, the Chamber executed all events successfully, with a surplus being made on all events. This synopsis of the Chamber’s work over the last year only summarises the efforts made. Time does not permit us to examine each individual meeting and intervention, as this would be a mammoth account. The work of the Chamber is continuous—it requires commitment, zeal and not just a love for the business community, but a love of country—after all, development of the sector equates to development of the economy, which then translates to the advancement of the country and its people.

So, as we conclude this 135th AGM, I humbly stand before you with immense gratitude and pride for the strides we have made together. Over the past year, we have demonstrated resilience, innovation, and unwavering commitment to advancing the interests of our business community and fostering sustainable economic growth.

Our advocacy efforts have been relentless, addressing critical challenges such as access to finance, local content development, ease of doing business, and trade barriers. These initiatives reflect our shared vision of a thriving Guyanese economy—one that empowers businesses, creates opportunities, and uplifts our people. Together, we

have laid the foundation for transformative change, but the work is far from over.

As I demit office, I urge each of you to embrace the mantle of leadership within your respective sectors. The future of Guyana’s economy depends on our collective resolve to innovate, collaborate, and advocate for progress. Let us continue to push boundaries, challenge inefficiencies, and demand excellence in governance and service delivery. The challenges we face—whether in energy reliability, labour shortages, or foreign exchange access—are not insurmountable. They are opportunities for us to demonstrate our ingenuity and resilience.

Looking ahead beyond 2025, let us therefore commit ourselves to building a business environment that is inclusive, competitive, and sustainable. Let us champion policies that protect local industries while opening doors to international markets. And let us never lose sight of the human element—the workers, entrepreneurs, and communities who are the backbone of our economy.

The GCCI has been a beacon of hope and progress for well over a century. As we step into the future, let us carry forward this legacy with renewed vigor. Together, we WILL ensure that Guyana’s prosperity is not just a promise but a reality for all.

Thank you for your trust, your partnership, and your dedication. It has been my sincere honour to serve as your president. May we continue to rise together—stronger, united, and determined to shape a brighter tomorrow.

Thank you!

A. Barr

PAST PRESIDENTS from 1889-2024

1889 – 1890; 1892

T. H. Glennie 1891; 1894

G.H Richter 1893

A. Weber 1895-1896

A.P.P. Mackey 1897 – 1898; 1903

George Garnett 1899 – 1900; 1905 -1907

E. M. Sanderson 1912 – 1913

A. Summerson


C.G.A Wyatt 1902

C.W. Prest 1904; 1908 – 1911

A.P.G. Austin 1914

A. P. Sherlock 1915-1916

C. Martin-Sperry 1917 – 1918; 1924

C. Farrar 1919

T. H. Dalgliesh 1920 – 1922; 1927

M.B.G. Austin 1923; 1925 – 1926

F. H. Martin-Sperry 1928

Jules Pairaudeau 1930

F.A. Mackey 1931

H.G. Seaford, O.B.E. 1932 -1933; 1939; 1943-1944; 1949-1950

J.I. DeAguiar, C.B.E. 1936 – 1938; 1951

W. J. Raatgever C.B.E. 1945 – 1948

LT. Col. E.J. Haywood, M.B.E., T.D 1952

J. St. F. Dare 1953

W.M. Green 1954-1957

LT. Col. C.M. Bernard, O.B.E., E.D 1958

E.S Stoby O.B.E 1959-1960

H. L. Steele 1961-1962

G.W.E. Cooper, O.B.E 1962

John Jardim 1963-1965

M.B. Gajraj 1966-1967

S.M.V. Nasseer 1968-1969

A.R. Yhap A.A., O.B.E 1970-1972

N.O. Gonsalves 1973 – 1977

E.P. Christiani 1978 – 1982

W. G. McKenszie 1983 – 1988

Denis E. Moore 1989 – 1992

John S. de Freitas 1992 – 1993

Hansel W. Barrow 1993 – 1994

Manniram Prashad 1995 – 2001

Edward Boyer 2001 – 2005

Capt. Gerald Gouveia 2005 – 2007

Col. (ret) Carl B. Morgan 2007 – 2008

Chandradat Chintamani 2008 – 2010

Komal Ramnauth 2010 – 2012

Clinton Urling 2012 – 2014

Lance Hinds 2014 – 2016

Vishnu Doerga 2016

Deodat Indar 2017-2019

Nicholas Deygoo-Boyer 2019-2021

Timothy Tucker 2021- 2023

Kester Hutson 2023-2025


124 Total Members

April 2024 - March 2025

Notice of 135th AGM of the GCCI



Notice is hereby given that the 135th Annual General Meeting of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GCCI) will be held on Wednesday, March 19th, 2025 at the Guyana Marriott Hotel, Salon C at 15:00 hours for the following purposes:


1. Reading of the Notice convening the Meeting

2. Presentation of the President’s 2024 Report

3. Auditor’s Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December, 2024.

4. Resolutions

5. Appointment of an Auditor

6. Consideration of any business or motion as may properly come before the Meeting.

7. Election of the 2025/2026 Council

All members are reminded to be in good financial standing with the Chamber.


ALL MAIL: 156 Waterloo Street, North Cummingsburg, Georgetown, Guyana, South America

Telephone: (592)226-3519/227-6441 Email: gccicommerce2009@gmail.com Serving Guyana through Commerce and Industry


Proceedings of the 134th Annual General Meeting (AGM)


March 27, 2024

Opening Session

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) was held on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at 3:15 p.m. via the Zoom digital platform. During the Opening Session, Ms. Ambika Ramraj, the Chamber’s Operations Coordinato r, delivered opening remarks and introduced the Guest Speaker, Ms Lorena Solorzano Salazar, Guyana’s IDB Group Country Representative who delivered an address on “Guyana’s Economic Outlook – Debt, Private Sector Development, and Access to Finance.”

Business Session

The Proper Officer, Mr. Rene Daniels, conducted the business session. There was the observation of a moment of silence in honour the late Mrs. Nadene Gilbert-Rambarran, who was a Councillor and the Vice-Chairperson of the GCCI’s Membership & Diversity Committee up to the time of her passing on February 23, 2024.

Mr. Daniels then moved to the first item on the agenda, the Reading of the Notice Convening the Meeting.

1. Reading of the Notice Convening the Meeting

The Secretary, Mrs. Kathy Smith, moved to the first item on the agenda, the Reading of the Notice to convene the meeting.

2. Presentation of the President's 2023/2024 Report

The Proper Officer, Mr. Rene Daniels, moved to the second item on the agenda, the Presentation of the President's 2023/2024 Report.

‘The President's 2023/2024 Report’ was read by the outgoing President, Mr. Kester Hutson.

For the purpose of record keeping, the Proper Officer acknowledged those present, they were Mr. Kester Hutson, Mr. Richard Rambarran, Mrs. Kathy Smith, Mr. Shaam Outar, Mr. Devon Seeram and Mr. Sean Ramrattan.

The Proper Officer called for a motion for the President’s Report to be accepted. The motion was moved by Mr. Shaam Outar and seconded by Mr. Sean Ramrattan.

Mr. Daniels moved to the third item on the agenda, the presentation of the Auditor's Report and Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2023.

“Serving Guyana through Commerce and Industry since 1889” 156 Waterloo Street, North Cummingsburg, Georgetown, Guyana P.O. Box: 10110 Tel: (592) 225-5846/227-6441/226-3519 georgetownchamber1889@gmail.com , gccicommerce2009@gmail.com

Proceedings of the First Statutory Council Meeting 2024-2025


GCCI members attend DR Embassy B2B meetingMarch 4, 2024

Several members from the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on Monday, March 4, attended a Business-to-Business (B2B) meeting with a business delegation from the Dominican Republic (DR) which was held at the Pegasus Suites and Corporate Centre. The event was hosted by the Embassy of the Dominican Republic.

Those present from the GCCI included the President, Mr. Kester Hutson and Secretary, Mrs. Kathy Smith, and Council member, Shaam Outar. DR Ambassador to Guyana, His Excellency Erne to Pereyra attended the meeting and offered brief remarks at the opening of the event. Also present from the DR Embassy were Commercial Council, Mr. Alexander Sarante, and First Secretary, Mr. Joel Bernabel.

GCCI meets with Chinese Embassy to discuss potential participation of Guyanese businesses at China’s Canton Fair - March 5, 2024

President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Mr. Kester Hutson, on Wednesday, March 5, met with Counselor Li Hanqing of the Chinese Embassy to discuss the potential of the Chamber and interested members participating at the 135th China Import and Export Fair, also known as the Canton Fair, which begins on April 15, 2024.

The two sides also took the opportunity to discuss improved trade relations between Guyana and China. Mr Hanqing noted China’s interest in bringing a number of electric vehicles (EV) to Guyana, and working on requisite infrastructure for these vehicles.

GCCI meets with Barbadian shipping company - March 6, 2024

President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Mr. Kester Hutson, on Wednesday, March 6, met with senior representatives from trade and shipping company,Barbados Port Inc., to discuss opportunities for increased trans-shipment and trade between Guyana and Barbados.

Held at the GCCI Waterloo Office, the meeting was attended by Divisional Manager, Operations, Mr. Ian Stewart and Divisional Manager Business Development & Strategy, Ms. Jane Brome.

GCCI represented at Annual Police Officers’ Conference - March 7, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) was represented by Council Member, Mr. Rayad Boyce, at the opening ceremony of the Annual Police Officers’ Conference, which was held on Thursday, March 7, 2024, at the Police Officers’ Mess Annex in Eve Leary, Georgetown.

GCCI meets with Caribbean Export Development Agency senior officals - March 7, 2024

Executives of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on Thursday, March 7, met with senior officials from the Caribbean Export Development Agency (CEDA) at the Chamber’s Waterloo Street office to discuss the Chamber’s participation and collaboration in the third annual Caribbean Investment Forum (CIF), which was scheduled to be held in Guyana from July 10 - 12 at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre.

GCCI attends opening of second Annual WILES event at Police Training Centre - March 11, 2024

Several executives and council members of the Georgetown Chamber and Commerce and Industry (GCCI), including President, Mr. Kester Hutson, and Secretary, Mrs. Kathy Smith, attended the opening ceremony of the 2nd Annual Women in Law Enforcement Summit (WILES), which was held on Monday, March 11, 2024, at the Police Training Centre on Camp Road.

WILES is held as a collaboration between the GCCI, the Women’s Chamber of Commerce & Industry Guyana (WCCIG), and the Guyana Police Force (GPF). Mrs. Smith delivered remarks at the event on behalf of the GCCI, discussing opportunities for women in business.

GCCI Agri Committee collaborates with stakeholders to host Agri Workshop in Region Three - March 12, 2024

The Agriculture Committee of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on Tuesday, March 12, collaborated with several stakeholders for the hosting of another agriculture capacity building workshop in Parika, Region Three.

The Workshop is among a series of workshops that are part of an “Agriculture Capacity Building Workshop” programme which first began in 2022. The March 12 workshop featured a presentation on “Understanding the Role of Nutrients in Agriculture” by GCCI Agriculture Committee Chairman, Mr. Brian Edwards; and GCCI Entrepreneurship and Small Business Committee Vice Chairperson, Ms. Natasha Waddle presented on “Farming As A Business”.

GCCI meets with oil and gas consulting firm as company looks to set up local operations

- March 14, 2024

President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Mr. Kester Hutson, on Thursday, March 14, 2024, met with senior officials from Brazilian-based oil and gas consulting firm, Diretriz Solutions at the GCCI Waterloo Street Office.

Currently operating in four countries, the company is interested in establishing operations in Guyana. Present from Diretriz Solutions were Operations Manager, Mr. Michel Cardaretti, and Guyana Delegate for Global Chamber of Business Leaders, Mr. Suresh Ramkissoon.

GCCI meets with Chamber of Commerce and Production of San Pedro de Macoris

- March 21, 2024

President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Mr. Kester Hutson, on Thursday, March 21, attended a meeting with senior officials from the Chamber of Commerce and Production of San Pedro de Macoris (CCPSPM), where an invitation was extended for the GCCI to visit the Dominican Republic city of San Pedro de Macoris and explore collaborative business opportunities.

The meeting was facilitated by the Embassy of the Dominican Republic and held at the Embassy’s Offices at the Pegasus Corporate Suites. From San Pedro de Macoris those in attendance included Former Chamber President, Mr. Ramon Leonardo, Chamber Member and President of Global Controls, Mr. Angelo Tejeda, and General Manager of Rafa PC, Mr. Raymundo Ortiz.

GCCI engages

UK Trade Mission

- March 24, 2024

Senior Vice President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce (GCCI), Mr. Richard Rambarran, on Thursday, March 21, 2024, highlighted that strategic partnerships with local firms often contributes to smoother integration for foreign enterprises, and efficient navigation of the local business landscape, whereas foreign businesses operating independently could find themselves experiencing significant and costly logistical hurdles.

Mr. Rambarran made this point as he delivered a brief presentation at the opening of a business to business (B2B) session between Guyanese businesses and the collection of businesses that are part of a trade delegation from the UK led by the Energy Industries Council (EIC) and Aberdeen International Associates (AIA). A total of sixteen delegates were part of the foreign contingent which was in Guyana from March 18 – 22, 2024. Several members of the GCCI participated in the B2B session, which was held at the Pegasus Suites and Corporate Centre.

GCCI elects a new EMC and Coucil for 2024/2025 - April 3, 2024

A new Executive Management Committee (EMC) of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) was elected on April 3, 2024, with Mr. Kester Hutson being re-elected as President of the Chamber.

The elected EMC comprises a President, Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Mrs. Kathy Smith was elected as the Senior Vice President, Mr. Gavin Ramsoondar returned as the Junior Vice President, Mrs. Melisa McRae-George was elected as the new Secretary, and Mr. Brian Edwards was elected as the new Treasurer.

Additionally, the Immediate Past President of the GCCI is given the opportunity to serve as an Ex-Officio member of the EMC, as such, Mr. Timothy Tucker was elected to serve in this position on the EMC. Former Senior Vice President, Mr. Richard Rambarran was also appointed to the EMC as an Ex-Officio member. The new EMC was elected at the first Statutory Council meeting of the newly elected 21 member GCCI Council. The new GCCI Council was elected at the GCCI’s 134th Annual General Meeting (AGM), which was held virtually on March 27, 2024.

GCCI members attends B2B with CNOOC sister company - April 17, 2024

GCCI meets with Travel Agents Association - April 15, 2024

Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) President, Mr. KesterHutson, and Secretary, Mrs. Melisa McRae-George on Monday, April 15, met with executives of the recently constituted Guyana Association of Travel Agents (GATA) at the GCCI Waterloo Street Office.

The meeting was attended by the Association’s President, Ms. Adrina Singh, a Certified Travel and Tourism Consultant, and Vice President, Ms. Luana Falconer, from Frandec Travel.

The meeting was requested by the GATA which is currently garnering support for critical issues regarding airline operations in Guyana and to ensure that the interests and concerns of travel agencies are considered and addressed.

Several members of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), on Wednesday, April 17, attended a meeting with a delegation from CNOOC Energy Technology & Services Limited (CenerTech), a sister company to CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited (CPGL), which holds a 25% stake in Guyana’s Stabroek Oil Block.

The meeting was held at CNOOC’s High Street Office, and saw a presentation by CenerTech’s Global Marketing Manager, Mr. Lu Jianming and other high-ranking officers from the Technical Services, Technical Equipment, and Safety and Environmental divisions of the company.

GCCI facilitates energy supply discussion forum with membership and GPL Head, Kesh Nandall - April 22, 2024

The Petroleum Committee of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), on Monday, April 22, held an insightful discussion on Guyana’s Energy Supply which featured an interactive discussion with Head of the Executive Management Committee of Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Mr. Kesh Nandlall and other officials from the power company.

The meeting was opened to the general membership of the Chamber, and was hosted to give the GCCI members an opportunity to learn more about GPL’s plans for future given how the frequent power outages have been affecting the private sector’s ability to operate efficiently and at maximum capacity.

GCCI meets with DR distribution company - April 26, 2024

GCCI President, Mr. Kester Hutson and Junior Vice President, Mr. Gavin Ramsoondar, on Friday April 26, met with Mr. Fernando Gruning Guerrero, CEO of Almacenes Ranchera, a trade company from the Dominican Republic.

Mr. Guerrero is interested in connecting with a number of local companies with the goal of becoming a distributor to Guyana.

GCCI President meets with Business Mission from the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce - April 26, 2024

President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. Kester Hutson, on Thursday, April 26, emphasized the need for respect for Guyana’s local content legislation, and the importance of bilateral collaboration and promoting sustainable development when he delivered remarks at the Opening Ceremony of a Business Mission from the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Mr. Hutson attended the event alongside Chairman of the GCCI Trade and Investment Committee, Mr. Devon Seeram. The event was held at the Pegasus Suites and Corporate Centre, and saw several businesses from the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce in attendance.

GCCI participates in OSH Walk - April 28, 2024

Several GCCI Executives and Council members participated in the Occupational Safety and Health Walk organized by the Ministry of Labour on April 28. In Guyana April is celebrated as Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Month. The Occupational Safety and Health Walk is a significant event aimed at promoting awareness and fostering a culture of safety within the workplace.

GCCI meets with IOM and ILO representatives - April 30, 2024

Executives of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCi) on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, met with International Organisation on Migration Regional Coordinator for the Caribbean, Mr. Patrice Quesada, and Deputy Director of the International Labour Organisation, Mr. Lars Johansen, to discuss the identification of possible areas for collaboration.

The meeting was held at the GCCI Waterloo Street Office. The GCCI was represented by Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith, Treasurer, Mr. Brian Edwards and ExOfficio member, Mr. Richard Rambarran. The two sides shared updates on IOM Guyana and ILO’s current work and planned projects and activities in the area of Labour Migration.

GCCI opens booth at OTC - May 6, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), on Monday, May 6, held a ceremonial ribbon cutting and officially opened its booth at the esteemed Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), being held at the NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas. The GCCI led the Guyana delegation to the global annual event which ran from May 6 - 9.

Delivering remarks at the opening ceremony, GCCI President, Mr. Kester Hutson, encouraged participants to capitalise on the vast opportunities that the Conference presents for them to network, get exposure, and to learn as much as possible about what is happening outside of Guyana.

Visits Partnership Tower - May 6, 2024


at the OTC on Monday, May 6, 2024, visited Partnership Tower.

During the visit an address on ‘Houston Energy Overview’ was presented by Senior Director of the Greater Houston partnership, Ms. Sara Malik, while President and CEO of Center for Houston’s Future, Mr. Brett Perlman spoke on ‘Accelerating the Development of a Texas and Gulf Coast Clean Hydrogen Ecosystem’.

Guyanese Delegation
Guyanese Delegation

GCCI Executives meet with Houston Chief of Police - May 6, 2024

GCCI Executives on Monday, May 6, met with Chief of Police of Houston, Mr. Troy Finner.

The GCCI executives are part of the Guyanese Delegation currently attending the Offshore Technology Conference being held at the NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas. The GCCI is leading the Guyanese Delegation at the global annual event, which will be running from May 6 - 9. The GCCI booth is located at 4424 Hall A.

GCCI Delegation attends Guyana Night - May 6, 2024

The Guyanese Delegation to the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston, Texas, on Monday, May 6, 2024, attended the Guyana Night Reception hosted by Guyana’s Honorary Consul General of the Southwest United States, the Honorable Lutfi Hassan.

The GCCI led the Guyanese Delegation at the OTC 2024.

GCCI meets with MODEC - May 6, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), on Monday, May 6, 2024 met with MODEC, a leading provider of floating solutions for the offshore oil and gas industry, at the GCCI Booth at the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) currently ongoing in Houston., Texas.

Also present at the meeting was Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, the Honourable Deodat Indar. The GCCI is leading the Guyanese Delegation at the OTC, which will be running from May 6 - 9. The GCCI booth is located at 4424 Hall A.

GCCI Delegation Tours Lindsayca/CH4 FacilityMay 7, 2024

The Guyanese Delegation to the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, Texas on Tuesday,May 7,2024, participated in a tour of the Lindsayca/CH4 (LNDCH4) Houston facility. Representatives of the US Embassy in Guyana were also present for the tour. GCCI President, Mr. Kester Hutson, spoke about private sector’s support for the Gas-to-Energy Project, and optimism that LNDCH4 presence in Guyana will be fruitful and collaborative.

GCCI participates in Beneficial Ownership Transparency Workshop - May 7, 2024

Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) Junior Vice President, Mr. Gavin Ramsoondar, on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, reresented the Chamber at a Workshop on the Implementation of Beneficial Ownership Transparency (BOT) Roadmap in Guyana, which was facilitated by the Ministry of Natural Resources through the Guyana Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (GYEITI).

GCCI Agri committee continues Agri Workshop in Region Three - May 6, 2024

The Agriculture Committee of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) in collaboration with several stakeholders on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, continued the hosting of Agriculture Capacity Building Workshop with a session in Anna Catherina on the West Coast Demerara.

Over 40 participants took part in the workshop, which was led by Chairman of the GCCI Agriculture Committee, Mr. Brian Edwards.


hosts Around the World Series Panel - May 8, 2024

President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Mr. Kester Hutson, delivered remarks on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at the ‘Around the World Series Panel’ Discussion at the Offshore Technology Conference 2024 in Houston, Texas.

The session was held under the theme ‘Guyana’s Emergence as a Regional Energy Powerhouse and its Expansion into the Global Oil Marker’, and saw Mr. Hutson underscoring that Guyana’s expansion into the global oil market represents a historic opportunity for the nation to achieve prosperity, sustainability, and inclusive growth.

OTC 2024: Guyana is a regional powerhouse eyeing the world stage - May 10, 2024 – World Oil

Discussions of Guyana’s future as a regional— and global—powerhouse were at center stage in a discussion panel at OTC 2024. Featured speakers included Kester Hutson and Richard Rambarran of the Georgetown (Guyana) Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Alistair Routledge of ExxonMobil Guyana; and Deodat Indar and Peter Ramsaroop—Minister within Guyana’s Natural Resources Ministry and the head of the Guyana Office of Investment, respectively. From the private sector to government involvement, the panel dove into the optic of Guyana’s “outsized role” to play in the global oil and gas industry, despite the country’s small geographic size...

GCCI raises concerns about Non-tariff barriers and respect for local contect legislation in meeting with TT High CommissionerMay 14, 2024

Executives of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on Tuesday, May 14, met with Trinidad and Tobago High Commissioner to Guyana, His Excellency Conrad Enill, where discussions included the private sector longstanding concerns about impediments posed by Trinidad’s non-tariff barriers, as well as the need for respect for, and compliance with, Guyana’s local content legislation by Trinidadian companies.

The Chamber was represented at the meeting by GCCI President, Mr. Kester Hutson and Mr. Richard Rambarran. Mr. Hudson underscored that with Guyana, depending on Trinidad as a transshipment point compounds the effects of Trinidad’s non-tariff barriers.

GCCI meets with ExxonMobil Guyana team - May 29, 2024

On May 29, a team from ExxonMobil Guyana visited the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) and met with several members of the Executive Committee to discuss areas for collaboration.

President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson; Councillor and Executive Member, Mr. Richard Rambarran; Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith and Chairman of the Agriculture Committee, Mr. Brian Edwards engaged ExxonMobil Guyana’s Production Manager, Mr. Huzefa Ali and Government Relations Advisor, Ms. Teijvarti Persaud on the Chamber’s history, role, objectives and achievements.

The GCCI iterated its focus on strategic collaboration, and the push for sustainability, equity and continuity among members, while also lobbying for open dialogue on relevant matters such as local content development and payment timelines.

GCCI and CBD discuss capacity-building initiatives for agri-sector - May 29, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) and representatives of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) met on May 29 to discuss the pursuit of several capacity-building initiatives that will benefit Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSME) in Guyana, with special focus on the agriculture sector—particularly small-scale farmers.

In attendance at the meeting were the CDB’s Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (MSME) Consultant, Ms. Allyson Francis and Senior Operations Officer, Mr. Michel Thomas, and a team from the GCCI that included Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith; Councillor and Executive Member, Mr. Richard Rambarran; Treasurer and Chairperson of the Agriculture Committee, Mr. Brian Edwards and Trade and Investment Consultant, Ms. Jessica Campbell.

Discussions revolved around the ‘Improving Quality Standards of Agro-Processors through Training’ Project, and expanding current initiatives that are geared towards capacitybuilding such as funding the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) certification for agro-processors.

GCCI and the Dominican Republic Chamber of Commerce in Guyana sign MoU for economic coopertion and promoting bilateral business relations - June 3, 2024

On June 3, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) and the Dominican Republic Chamber of Commerce in Guyana (DRCham Guyana) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) geared towards promoting the development of business relations, bilateral trade, and investment between the Dominican Republic and Guyana.

President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson and President of DRCham Guyana, Mr. Miguel Angel Gonzalez Gottlieb signed the agreement at the Dominican Republic Chamber of Commerce in Guyana, Kingston, Georgetown. The basis of the MoU is a shared desire for the diversification of commercial exchanges and economic cooperation on a mutually advantageous basis between the members of the respective chambers.

GCCI hosts Agriculture capacity-building workshop in Belle West, WBD - June 4, 2024

On June 4, GCCI’s Agriculture Committee, chaired by Mr. Brian Edwards, organised an Agriculture Capacity-building Workshop at the Belle West Multicomplex, West Bank Demerara.

This initiative saw collaboration with stakeholders like the World University Service of Canada, the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute, the New Guyana Marketing Corporation, and the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board, who provided insights on market access, good agricultural practices, and climate-smart innovations.

GCCI and IPED discussc ollaboration for access to finance and capacity-building for members - June 6, 2024

On June 6, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) engaged the Institute of Private Enterprise Development (IPED) to discuss collaborating on capacity-building initiatives and access to finance for members.

Chairperson of the Entrepreneurship and Small Business Committee, Mrs. Evie Kanhai-Gurcharan and Secretary of the GCCI, Ms. Melisa George met with IPED’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Jagdesh Haripershad and Business Development/ Marketing Manager, Mr. Robert Williams.

GCCI and Guyana Securities/Council discuss collaboration for access to capital markets for members - June 12, 2024

The Executive Management Committee of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) met with the Guyana Securities Council (GSC) on June 12 to discuss collaborating in the area of access to capital markets for members’ benefit.

President of GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson; Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith; Junior Vice President, Mr. Gavin Ramsoondar; Secretary, Mrs. Melisa McRae-George, and Treasurer, Mr. Brian Edwards met with Chief Executive Officer of GSC, Ms. Cheryl Ibbott, and Compliance Officer, Attorney-at-law Alanna Lall.

GCCI and UN continue collaboration on achieving Sustainable Development Goals - June 12, 2024

On June 12, the Executive Management Committee of the GCCI met with a team from the United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator’s Office to discuss the implementation of a Joint Declaration of Intent signed in 2023 by the GCCI and the UN’s Office of the Resident Coordinator, for cooperation in meeting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Guyana.

President of GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson; Junior Vice President, Mr. Gavin Ramsoondar; Councillor and Ex-Officio Member, Mr. Richard Rambarran, and Treasurer, Mr. Brian Edwards met with UN Residen Coordinator, Ms. Yesim Oruc; Head of the Resident Coordinator’s Office, Mr. William Evans; Communications Officer of the Resident Coordinator’s Office, Mrs. Colette Hytmiah-Singh; Programme Analyst for Poverty and Governance of the United Nations Development Programme, Ms. Nadira Balram; Communications Associate and Business Portfolio Lead of UNICEF Guyana/ Suriname, Mr. Frank Robinson, and Planning and Coordination Specialist of UN Women, Ms. Akilah Dorris.

GCCI participates in ongoing National Skills Audit - June 13, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI Chairperson of the Entrepreneurship and Small Business Committee, Mrs. Evie Kanhai-Gurchuran on June 13, Mrs. Kanhai-Gurchuran participated in the National Skills Audit. She joined a number of stakeholders including the Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Natural Resou ces, the Board of Industrial Training, and the Canada-Guyana Chamber of Commerce at the Guyana Tourism Authority’s Conference Room where the questions on the data-gathering tool were scrutinised.

Mrs. Kanhai-Gurchuran highlighted the importance of studying the impact of culture on the labour force, particularly as it relates to women, and as such she recommended that the inquiries provide room for this area to be probed.

GCCI presents recommendations for monetisation of Guyana’s natural gas - June 13, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) engaged SP Global, the company that was contracted by the Government of Guyana to craft the country’s Gas Monetisation Strategy.

Chairperson of the GCCI’s Green Economy Committee and Councillor, Mr. Delmar Walcott met with the team from SP Global at the Ministry of Natural Resources on June 13. During the meeting, Mr. Walcott presented several suggestions on the utilisation of the country’s natural gas that will be transported onshore via a pipeline at Wales, West Bank Demerara, including the establishment of a local liquefaction plant for the gas to be containerised and distributed around Guyana, particularly for the benefit of the manufacturing sector.

GCCI presents recommendations for monetisation of Guyana’s natural gas - June 13, 2024

President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Mr. Kester Hutson on June 18, urged members of the private sector to utilise their influence and public platforms to combat hate speech and foster inclusivity.

Mr. Hutson was at the time addressing the launch of the ‘National Campaign on Hate Speech’ at the National Library, Georgetown. The campaign launch coincided with the International Day for Countering Hate Speech, and is a collaborative effort between the United Nations (UN) and the Ethnic Relations Commission.

GCCI and GPF Traffic Department discuss collaborative initiatives to address road safety

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) and the Guyana Police Force Traffic Department will be collaborating to address issues surrounding road safety and the reduction of motor vehicle accidents. - June 18, 2024

On June 18, President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson; Chairperson of the Security and Governance Committee, Mr. Paul Archer, and Committee Members Ms. Shaleeza Shaw, Mr. Sean Kirkpatrick, Mr. Sean Ramrattan, Mr. Tyrone Williams and Mr. Rayad Boyce met with Traffic Chief, Senior Superintendent Mahendra Singh, Sergeant Richard Trotz and Sergeant Nicholas Higgins.

GCCI supports Traffic Department in capacity-building session for stakeholders - June 22, 2024

In keeping with its core values of commitment and collaboration, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on June 22, engaged the Guyana Police Force’s Traffic Department and National Road Safety Coordinator during the monthly stakeholder meeting at the Officer’s Training Center, Eve Leary, Georgetown.

The engagement saw court prosecutors, inspectors, traffic officers, and certifying officers benefiting from capacity-building on traffic education and enforcement. Discussions were led by Traffic Chief, Senior Superintendent, Mahendra Singh and Deputy Traffic Chief, Superintendent Shellon Daniels. GCCI Security and Governance Committee Chairperson, Mr. Paul Archer, and Committee Members Ms. Shaleeza Shaw and Mr. Charles Williams were in attendance.

GCCI and SASOD collaborate for Pride Month Mixer - June 28, 2024

On June 28, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) partnered with the Society Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination (SASOD) for the hosting of the second annual Pride Month Mixer.

The event was coordinated by the Chamber’s Membership and Diversity Committee and hosted at ‘Fresh’ restaurant. Members of the LGBTQ community were able to meet and interact with Councillors of the GCCI, and they were provided the opportunity to have their businesses become members of the Chamber.

GCCI engages BRAVA on business solutions - July 3, 2024

On July 3, President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson and Members of the Executive Committee, Mr. Richard Rambarran and Mr. Brian Edwards, met with a team from Brava—formerly GTT Business Solutions—led by Brava Guyana Sales Director, Mr. Hilton Wong.

Discussions centered on business solutions being offered by the company that can positively impact the local business landscape, including Medium and Small Enterprises. The Brava Guyana team introduced a catalogue of products and services that can support productivity and efficiency, and the GCCI team expressed interest in exploring these solutions for the benefit of members, particularly small businesses.

GCCI pays courtesy visit to China’s Ambassador to Guyana - July 5, 2024

With the aim of building closer relations between the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Guyana and the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), a delegation from the Chamber on July 5, paid a courtesy call on Her Excellency, Ambassador Guo Haiyan.

President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson; Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith; and Councillors Mr. Richard Rambarran and Mr. Devon Seeram engaged the Ambassador and her team on developing a better platform for economic relations. The GCCI team acknowledged the tangible contributions by Chinese companies to Guyana, particularly as it relates to infrastructural development. Noting the importance of engagement, the GCCI Executives spoke on the need to further collaborate with the Chinese Embassy with the aim of increasing trade and investment.

GCCI pays courtesy visit to High Commissioner of Belize - July 8, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on July 8, paid a courtesy call on the High Commissioner of Belize to Guyana, Her Excellency, Gale Miller Garnett.

President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson; Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith and Councillor, Mr. Richard Rambarran engaged the High Commissioner on several areas, including room for collaborating through a Trade Facilitation Council and the removal of Non-Tariff Barriers to trade in the Caricom region.

GCCI advocates local content with visiting French business delegation - July 9, 2024

Encouraging partnerships with local businesses, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) today, July 9 met with a delegation of over 14 French businesses that are currently in Guyana scoping out potential investment opportunities.

These companies operate in a wide range of sectors and services including aerospace technology, helicopter manufacturing, aircraft maintenance, metal structure manufacturing, ICT, construction, energy management, electronics, transportation, and pharmaceuticals.

President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson; Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith, and Councillor and Executive Member, Mr. Richard Rambarran engaged the companies on the benefits of partnering with local companies for investment.

GCCI and ACCA sign MoU for development of accountancy profession- July 9, 2024

On July 9, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will see the GCCI and ACCA working together to promote the development of the profession, support educational initiatives and grow the pool of accountants in Guyana, among other initiatives. The agreement also seeks to advocate for policies that promote a favourable business environment and address challenges facing the two entities, while utilising their joint networks to propel the developmental agenda of MoU.

The MoU was signed by Junior Vice President of the GCCI and Chairman of the Finance Committee, Mr. Gavin Ramsoondar, and Director for ACCA’s Europe, Eurasia, the Americas, and the Middle East (EEMA) region, Mrs. Magda Krupa-Hernandez.

SVP Kathy Smith montors women in business at AccelerateHER bootcamp - July 6&7, 2024

In keeping with the objective of developing entrepreneurship in Guyana while supporting women-led businesses, Senior Vice President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mrs. Kathy Smith supported the Centre for Local Business Development (CLBD) AccelerateHer 2024 Programme as a mentor.

The two-day event saw Mrs. Smith and other mentors providing professional mentoring to Guyanese women entrepreneurs that was aimed at growing their businesses. Thirty women benefited from the programme., which featured tailored workshops, access to one-on-one business advisory services, mentoring, pitch development, and a strong and supportive peer-learning environment.

GCCI engages Caricom Youth Ambassadors on entrepreneurship - July 11, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on July 22, 2024 engaged the Caricom Youth Ambassadors who are part of the Caricom Single Market and Economy (CSME) Attachment Programme.

The Ambassadors were on an official visit to Guyana, and Chairperson of the Entrepreneurship and Small Business Committee, Mrs. Evie Kanhai-Gurchuran delivered a presentation to the delegation on entrepreneurship.

GCCI participates in U.S. - Guyana Trade and Investment Roundtable - July 11, 2024

On July 11, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) joined several private sector organisations and government agencies for an engagement with a team from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) on advancing trade and investment opportunities between Guyana and the U.S.

This engagement was geared towards identifying challenges to trade and investment as well as understanding the available opportunities and resources. President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson, and Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith participated in the discourse, which provided an opportunity to discuss problemsolving ideas on coordinated and concerted action toward advancing bilateral trade between the two nations.

GCCI engages with stakeholders on enhancing relations with Belize - July 15, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on July 15 engaged in a meeting with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other stakeholders on the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between Guyana and Belize on renewed and enhanced bilateral cooperation.

Councillor and Executive Member, Mr. Richard Rambarran, and Councillor and Chairman of the Trade and Investment Committee, Mr. Devon Seeram represented the Chamber at the meeting, which sought to examine areas for cooperation between the two countries in relation to agriculture and food security, trade and investment, tourism, education, energy security, infrastructure, technology, and climate change.

GCCI participates in the Caribbean Investment Forum - July 10-12, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) participated in the Caribbean Investment Forum (CIF) that was held from July 10-12, at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre.

During the three-day event, which featured both a conference, as well as an investment village and exposition, the Chamber engaged a number of Caribbean businesses on navigating Guyana’s business environment as well as the investment opportunities in the country.

Local businesses were also apprised of the benefits of membership and the process to join the GCCI.

GCCI partners with stakeholders for capacitybuilding session at GSA - July 16, 2024

On July 16, the GCCI once again partnered with the World University Service of Canada and several other stakeholders to empower students of the Guyana School of Agriculture and farmers with information and skills geared towards improving their knowledge, particularly in the business arena.

Chaired by Councillor and Chairman of the GCCI’s Agriculture Committee, Mr. Brian Edwards, the event saw over 50 participants and included remarks from Advisor to the Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Richard Blair, as well as presentations from the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute, the Guyana Food Safety Authority, the New Guyana Marketing Corporation, the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board, the Small Business Bureau, and the Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI).

GCCI collaborates with CLBD for Procurement workshop - July 18, 2024

On July 18 and 19, 2024, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) collaborated with the Centre for Local Business Development to host a two-day Procurement Training Workshop for members.

GCCI executives pay courtesy visit to U.S. Ambassador Nicole D. Theriot - July 18, 2024

The Executive Management Committee of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on July 18 paid a courtesy visit to U.S. Ambassador to Guyana, Nicole D. Theriot during which a number of issues related to bilateral trade and investment, and collaborating in the areas of capacity-building opportunities and trade mission were discussed.

President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson; Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith; Junior Vice President, Mr. Gavin Ramsoondar; Secretary, Mrs. Melisa McRae-George; Treasurer, Mr. Brian Edwards, and Councillor and Executive Member, Mr. Richard Rambarran met with the U.S Ambassador, as well as the Political and Economic Chief, Mr. Russel Zalizniak; Senior Commercial Officer for Guyana, Mr. Daniel Gaines; Commercial Specialist, Ms. Amanda Edmondson, and Commercial Assistant and Budget Analyst, Ms. Tocoma Alexis.

GCCI participates in activation of NACEN Technical Working Groups - July 18, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on July 18 participated in a joint meeting on the activation of the National Advisory Committee on External Negotiations (NACEN) Technical Working Groups (TWGs). Councillor and Chairperson of the GCCI’s Trade and Investment Committee, Mr. Devon Seeram, and Councillor and Treasurer, Mr. Brian Edwards represented the Chamber at the meeting which was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

GCCI supports Police crackdown on illegal sirens and emergency lights - July 20, 2024 - Kaieteur News

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on Friday said that it firmly supports the Guyana Police Force’s (GPF) campaign against the use of illegal sirens and emergency lights by unauthroised persons.

In a statement, the Chamber of Commerce said it supports the “campaign launched by Traffic Chief, Senior Superintendent Mahendra Singh against the use of illegal sirens and emergency lights by unauthorised persons.

GCCI and Protected Areas Trust discuss collaboration for enhancement of protected areas - July 30, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on July 30 engaged the Protected Areas Trust, with discussions centring on collaborating for increased public awareness that is ultimately geared towards supporting the enhancement of protected areas.

Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith; Secretary, Mrs. Melisa McRae-George, and Chairman of the Green Economy Committee, Mr. Delmar Walcott met with Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Trust, Mrs. Melanie McTurk, and Executive Director, Ms. Oleta Williams at the GCCI’s Secretariat.

GCCI participates in U.S. - Guyana Trade and Investment Roundtable - July 11, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (GCCI) Annual Barbeque and Mixer was held on July 21, 2024, at Palm Court, and saw members networking while supporting the fundraising initiative.

GCCI discuss illegal vending and garbage challenges in Georgetown with M&CC - July 31, 2024

On July 31, in response to a request from the Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC), the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and ndustry (GCCI) engaged city officials on issues of illegal vending and the garbage disposal challenges plaguing the city.

President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson; Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith; Junior Vice President, Mr. Gavin Ramsoondar; Treasurer, Mr. Brian Edwards; Executive Member, Mr. Timothy Tucker, and Councillors, Mr. Keon Howard, Mrs. Kristia Ramlagan-Prescott, and Mrs. Evie Kanhai-Gurchuran met with Mayor Alfred Mentore, Town Clerk, Ms. Candace Nelson, and City Councillors Mr. Jai Narine Singh, Mr. Gregory Fraser, Mr. Steven Jacobs, Mr. Clayton Hinds, and Mr. Kyle Solomon, as well as Director of the Solid Waste Department, Mr. Walter Narine.

GCCI and partners take capacity-building programme to Little Biaboo- July 31, 2024

On July 31, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) and its partners took the agriculture capacity-building programme to Little Biaboo, Mahaica River where over 50 persons benefited from the session and described it as the largest stakeholder collaboration to grace the community.

GCCI supporting capacitt-building of Upper Mahaica River Farmer’s Development Group - July 31, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) partnered with the Sustainable Agriculture in the Caribbean Project funded by Global Affairs Canada and implemented by World University Service of Canada for the reinvigoration of the Upper Mahaica River Farmer’s Development Group through capacitybuilding. On July 31, this initiative was commemorated with a ceremonial rededication of a new sign on the building that houses the group at Little Biaboo, Mahaica. Chairman of the GCCI’s Agriculture Committee, Mr. Brian Edwards at the event stated that the event represents the growth, progress, and future potential of the group.

GCCI and other stakeholders updated by GWI on plans to install new transmission lines in city - August 9, 2024

On August 9, 2024, President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Mr. Kester Hutson attended a meeting hosted by Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) to inform stakeholders of plans to install new water transmission main lines in the city in two weeks. The meeting was chaired by Chief Executive Officer of GWI, Mr. Shaik Baksh and provided a basic overview of the plan to update the main lines along Avenue of the Republic and High Street.

GCCI supports National Road Safety Forum - August 2, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on August 2, supported the launch of the Annual National Stakeholders Road Safety Forum.

Chairman of the GCCI Security and Governance Committee Chairperson, Mr. Paul Archer, and Vice Chairperson of the Membership and Diversity Committee, Mr. Theon Alleyne attended the event, which was held at the Police Officers’ Mess Annexe, Eve Leary, Georgetown. The forum addressed the commitment and future plans of key stakeholders and partners on actions undertaken to reduce road fatalities and accidents by 50 percent.

GCCI and other stakeholders updated by GWI on plans to install new transmission lines in city - August 14, 2024

On August 14, the Chamber participated in a Multistakeholder Forum on Sustaining Women, Youth, and Marginalised Male Farmers’ Participation in Agricultural Markets, that was hosted as part of the Sustainable Agriculture in the Caribbean Project funded by Global Affairs Canada and implemented by World University Service of Canada.

Chairperson of the GCCI Agriculture Committee, Mr. Brian Edwards, and Vice Chairperson of the Entrepreneurship and Small Business Committee, Ms. Natasha Waddle participated in the Forum that was held at the Grand Coastal Hotel.

Mexican oil and gas EPC business group engages GCCI on Guyana’s local content requirements - August 14, 2024

On August 14, Senior Vice President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Mrs. Kathy Smith, and Councillor and Executive Member, Mr. Richard Rambarran met with Metalmecánica Especializada del Golfo (MEGSA), a Mexican business group that specialises in engineering, procurement, and construction for the oil and gas industry with vast experience in tank farm construction.

The MEGSA team comprised Chief Operations Officer, Mr. Pedro Oscar Morales Gonzalez, and Commercial Manager, Mr. Arturo Vazquez, who expressed an interest in seeking opportunities in Guyana. The GCCI officials provided an overview of Guyana’s business and investment environment, as well as the Chamber’s role. With a strong emphasis on the importance of partnering with local businesses, the GCCI team provided the businessmen with insights into the Local Content Act, and its requirements.


2024 held - August 16, 2024

Ten students from Camille’s Academy benefited from the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (GCCI) Annual ‘Teenternship’ Programme 2024, which was aimed at providing them with practical experiences in the working environment in relation to leadership, teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and management.

The fourth form students underwent their orientation to the programme on Friday, August 16, 2024, at the GCCI, where they were assigned to work with several businesses including Guyana Payroll Solutions Incorporated, Rafeek and Moore Customs Brokerage Firm and Logistics Incorporated, Raj Singh Insurance Brokers and Risk Management Consultants Incorporated, Guyana Electric Incorporated, Java Coffee Bar and Bistro, ActionInvest Caribbean Incorporated, Cerulean Incorporated, Technip FMC, and Beharry Automotive Limited.


engages with U.K Trade Commissioner - August 20, 2024

On August 20, President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) and Secretary of the GCCI, Mrs. Melisa McRae-George attended a meeting with British High Commissioner, Her Excellency, Jane Miller OBE and His Majesty’s Trade Commissioner to Latin America and the Caribbean, Mr. Jonathan Knott, during which opportunities for increased trade between Guyana and the United Kingdom was discussed.

GCCI and the Centre for Local Business Development discuss collaboration - August 26, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on August 26, 2024, met with officials from the Centre for Local Business Development to discuss partnering for capacitybuilding initiatives for local businesses, particularly Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSME).

Acting President of the GCCI, Mr. Gavin Ramsoondar, and Executive Member and Councillor, Mr. Richard Rambarran met with Director of the Centre, Mrs. Natasha Gaskin-Peters; Deputy Director, Ms. Gina Arjoon, and Analytics Coordinator, Mr. Ron Glasgow.

Zambia’s High Commissioner to Guyana pays courtesy call on GCCI - August 28, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on August 28, engaged officials from TCL Group, who expressed a keen interest in collaborating with the GCCI in support of the Chamber’s activities.

The GCCI’s Executive Member and Councillor, Mr. Richard Rambarran, and Secretary and Councillor, Mrs. Melisa McRae-George met with TCL Group’s Guyana Business Manager, Mr. Juan Castro, and Group Enterprise Risk Manager, Mr. Norville Clarke.

Zambia’s High Commissioner to Guyana pays courtesy call on GCCI - August 28, 2024

On August 28, 2024, Non-resident High Commissioner of Zambia to Guyana, His Excellency, Glynne N. Michelo paid a courtesy call on the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI).

H.E Michelo met with Secretary of the GCCI and Councillor, Mrs. Melisa McRae-George, as well as Executive Members and Councillors, Mr. Richard Rambarran and Mr. Timothy Tucker.

GCCI participates in seminar at the Academy for International Business Officials in China - August 26- September 14, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) participated in a seminar at the Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO) in Changping District, Beijing, China.

President, Mr. Kester Hutson; Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith; Treasurer, Mr. Brian Edwards; Councillor, Mr. Delmar Walcott, and Trade and Investment Consultant, Ms. Jessica Campbell participated in the two-week seminar.

The seminar featured informational sessions that are geared towards helping the business community of Latin American and Caribbean countries to enhance their export capacity and international business capacity, and better integrate into the global value chain, as well as enhance their understanding of the Chinese path to modernisation.

GCCI partners with GCHBCA to increase members’ awareness on customs issues - September 12, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (GCCI) Trade and Investment Committee on September 12 facilitated an awareness and information session with members on customsrelated issues, through a collaboration with the Guyana Customs House Brokers and Clerks Association (GCHBCA).

With presentations from the President of the Association, Mr. Colin Moore as well as Vice President, Mr. Christopher Matthias; Rice Exportation Specialist, Ms. Basdai Racktoo, and Timber Export Specialist, Mr. Nicholas Ramcharran, the hybrid session—which saw both online and in-person attendance—equipped attendees with crucial information on import and export policies and issues.

GCCI participates in stakeholder meeting to finalise National Quality Policy - September 12, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry on September 12 participated in a stakeholder meeting on the finalisation of the country’s National Quality Policy.

Councillor, Mr. Paul Archer, attended the engagement which was held by the Guyana National Bureau of Standards. This policy is being developed under the National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) Project of the Ministry of Tourism, Industry, and Commerce.

GCCI collaborates with with GRA to raise members’ awareness on tax obligations and compliance - September 18, 2024

On September 18, 2024, the Chamber partnered with the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) to provide businesses with valuable information in relation to taxation in Guyana.

Mr. Gavin Low, Deputy Commissioner of Customs, Excise and Trade Operations; Mrs. Naresha BobbSample, Senior Manager of Communication and Taxation Tax Advisory Services Unit; Ms. Carolita Edwards, Group Leader of the Tax Advisory and Publication Unit, and Ms. Susan Watson, a Tax Specialist, provided participants with pertinent information on taxation policies and regulations, compliance requirements for business and reporting best practices, and fielded questions on excise tax, income tax, corporation tax and duty, among other areas.

GCCI visits Gas-to-Energy project at Wales, W.B.D. - September 19, 2024

The Chamber’s Petroleum Committee organised a visit to the project site by a delegation from the GCCI, including Executive Members and Councillors, that was conducted on September 19. The team visited the Gas-to-Energy project at Wales, West Bank Demerara, where they were updated on the project’s progress thus far and plans for upcoming works to the site.

President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson; Senior Vice President and Chairperson of the Petroleum Committee, Mrs. Kathy Smith; Councillors, Mr. Paul Archer, Mr. Delmar Walcott, and Mr. Keon Howard led the team of over 20 GCCI members on the visit, which saw crucial updates in relation to project completion, including information on local content utilisation, being provided.

GCCI and U.S. Embassy collaborating to address labour shortage in Guyana - September 24, 2024

On September 24, 2024, Executive Members of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) met with officials from the U.S Embassy, including Political and Economic Chief, Mr. Russell Zalizniak and United States Agency for International Development/Eastern and Southern Caribbean (USAID/ESC) Senior Development Specialist Advisor, Mr. Aaron Spencer to discuss interventions in addressing Guyana’s labour shortage.

President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson; Secretary and Chairperson of the Human Resource Management and Capacity-building Committee, Mrs. Melisa McRae-George; Treasurer and Chairperson of the Agriculture Committee, Mr. Brian Edwards, and Councillor and Executive Member, Mr. Richard Rambarran met with the officials and provided an overview of the challenges facing the country in relation to the labour shortage as well as the impact on the local private sector, and commenced discussions on the joint approach to closing the gap.

GCCI meets with the London Chamber of and Industry - September 13, 2024

A delegation from the GCCI, including Councillor and Executive Member, Mr. Timothy Tucker; Councillor, Mr. Rayad Boyce, and Member, Mr. Ian Dhanraj met with the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) Head of International, Ms. Marta Kozlowska and several other officials of the London Chamber to explore the reinvigoration of a Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the LCCI to promote trade and investment between Guyana and the United Kingdom through a collaborative effort.

GCCI partners with WUSC to build agroprocessing capacity of women farmers in Region Five - September 19, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), in collaboration with World University Service of Canada, which is being funded by Global Affairs Canada, the Guyana Marketing Corporation and the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute, embarked on a project geared at building the agro-processing capacity of 15 women farmers in Region Five. On September 19, a kick-off meeting was held with the beneficiaries, which will be followed by training on post-harvest handling, packaging, and other related topics. Ultimately, the objective is to equip the women with the skills needed to utilise a processing facility in the region to add value to their products and support them with getting their brands on supermarket shelves.

GCCI meets with the London Chamber of and Industry - September 13, 2024

On September 26, 2024, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) brought industry leaders and local entrepreneurs into one room to discuss these prospects at its inaugural ‘Energy Luncheon’.

With insights on their companies’ operations, expansion plans and local content initiatives, Production Manager of ExxonMobil Guyana, Mr. Huzefa Ali; Country Manager of MODEC, Mr. Rafael Fumis; Deputy General Manager of Guyana Shore Base Incorporated, Mr. Rabin Chandarpal; Supply Chain Manager of Saipem Guyana Incorporated, Mr. Giancarlo Dagnino, and General Manager of SBM Offshore Guyana, Mr. Martin Cheong engaged scores of attendees on how their businesses can tap into the industry’s supply chain. This event was organised by the Chamber’s Petroleum Committee.

GCCI and International Centre for Trade Transparency sign MoU on access to trade rules and regulations for members - October 2, 2024

On October 2, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the International Centre for Trade Transparency Limited (ICTTM) out of London, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to provide members of the Chamber with priority access to ICTTM’s ADAMftd software system.

The MoU was signed by President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson in the presence of Councillor and Chairperson of the Trade and Investment Committee, Mr. Devon Seeram.

GCCI discusses CET and ROO at NACEN Technical Working Groups meeting - October 2, 2024

On October 2, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) participated in a meeting of the National Advisory Committee on External Negotiations (NACEN) Technical Working Groups (TWGs), where issues related to the Common External Tariff (CET) and Rules of Origin (ROO) for the Caricom region was discussed.

Councillor and Chairperson of the GCCI’s Trade and Investment Committee, Mr. Devon Seeram, and Councillor and Chairman of the Agriculture Committee, Mr. Brian Edwards represented the Chamber at the meeting which was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

GCCI Coucillors support Guyana Cancer Foundation’s Annual Tree-wrapping exercise - October 3, 2024

On October 3, Councillors of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) attended the Guyana Cancer Foundation’s Tree Wrapping Ceremony on Main Street, Georgetown, in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month which is being observed in October. In attendance were Councillors, Mrs. Krista Ramlagan-Prescott, Ms. Mary Nagasar, Mr. Keon Howard, Mr. Paul Archer, Mr. Delmar Walcott, and Mr. Rayad Boyce.

The second Annual Regional Investments and Capital Markets Conference in Guyana was held on October 8 and 9, 2024 at the Pegasus Atlantic Ballroom. The event was the result of a collaboration between the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) and the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), and was held under the theme ‘Financing for success: Where passion, prosperity and people align.’

The two-day event was an important forum for discussing the direction of capital markets in the region. With keen focus on expanding access to equity capital and creating an environment where more people can participate in financial markets, the conference focused on the importance of access to capital for business sustainability, and is underpinned by the view that strong, inclusive capital market will provide the answers for many problems that Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and other companies experience.

Annual Regional Investments and Capital Markets Conference in Guyana held - October 8&9, 2024

gcciGCCI and Labour Ministry discuss collaboration to address labour shortage and increaasing technical workforce, among other areas - October 14, 2024

On October 14, 2024, a delegation from the GCCI met with Minister of Labour, Hon. Joseph Hamilton and a team from his ministry, including Chief Labour Officer, Mr. Dhaneshwar Deonarine; Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Consultant, Ms. Gweneth King; Chief Executive Officer of the Board of Industrial Training (BIT), Mr. Richard Maughn; Chief Co-operatives Development Officer, Mr. Janaknauth Panchu; Assistant Chief Recruitment and Manpower Officer, Ms. Shaundell Glasgow, and Legal Officers Ms. Alyea Williams and Ms. Janelle Thomas.

The GCCI’s team included President and Chairperson of the Advocacy Committee, Mr. Kester Hutson; Senior Vice President and Chairperson of the Petroleum Committee, Mrs. Kathy Smith; Secretary and Chairperson of the Human Resource Management and Capacity-building Committee, Mrs. Melisa McRae-George; Councillor and Executive Member, Mr. Richard Rambarran; Councillor and Chairperson of the Security and Governance Committee, Mr. Paul Archer; Councillor, Mr. Keon Howard, and Councillor and Chairperson of the Green Committee, Mr. Delmar Walcott.

Canadian High Commissioner pays courtesy call on GCCI - October 15, 2024

On October 15, Canada’s High Commissioner to Guyana, His Excellency, Sebastien Sigouin,who officially commenced his duty in-country in September, paid a courtesy call on the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI).

H.E. Sigouin met with President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson; Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith; Councillor and Junior Vice President, Mr. Gavin Ramsoondar; Councillor and Secretary, Mrs. Melisa McRae-George; Councillor and Executive Member, Mr. Richard Rambarran; Councillor and Executive Member, Mr. Timothy Tucker, and Councillor and Treasurer, Mr. Brian Edwards.

GCCI and British High Commissioner discuss increased bilateral trade between Guyana and U.K - October 15, 2024

On October 15, Councillors of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) paid a courtesy call on British High Commissioner, Her Excellency, Jane Miller OBE.

President, Mr. Kester Hutson; Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith; Councillor and Junior Vice President, Mr. Gavin Ramsoondar; Councillor and Secretary, Mrs. Melisa McRae-George; Councillor and Executive Member, Mr. Richard Rambarran, and Chairperson of the Trade and Investment Committee, Mr. Devon Seeram engaged the High Commissioner as well as Country Director for Trade and Investment within the Department for Business and Trade at the British High Commission, Mr. Sherwyn Naughton.

Saipem collaborates with GCCI to engage business at Vendor Forum- October 17, 2024

Saipem Guyana, ExxonMobil’s prime contractor that specialises in subsea systems for the offshore energy industry, on October 17 hosted a Vendor Forum through a collaborative effort with the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI).

Country Manager, Mr. Della Rosa Gianluigi; Senior Buyer, Mr. Akil Gittens, and Local Content Coordinator and Subcontract Administrator, Ms. Bindya Deokaran engaged members of the GCCI in a presentation on the company’s local footprint, upcoming opportunities, local content efforts, and their procurement process. The event was held in the Chamber’s Boardroom and hosted by Senior Vice President and Chairperson of the Petroleum Committee, Mrs. Kathy Smith.

Capacity-building project for women farmers in Region Five - October 15, 2024

Phase Two of the capacity-building project for women farmers in Region Five continued on October 15, with a training session led by the Government Analyst-Food and Drug Department (GA-FDD). The project is being executed by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) and World University Service of Canada, which is being funded by Global Affairs Canada, in partnership with the Guyana Marketing Corporation, GA- FDD, and the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute.

The session served as a follow-up to previous initiatives designed to support these groups in becoming successful food producers, and participants received guidance that enhanced their skills and knowledge in food production and processing. The training focused on food safety, quality control, best practices, safety standards and compliance, and sustainable production methods. The training was conducted by Ms. Crystal Nunes and Mr. Clyde Wickham of the GA - FDD.

GCCI hosts fundraiser to support upgrading of CT scan facilities at Guyana Cancer Institute - October 29, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on October 29 hosted the Nadene GilbertRambarran Cancer Awareness Fundraiser with the objective of upgrading the CT scan facilities at the Guyana Cancer Institute. The event was held at Palm Court through the support of Shaws Media, Palm Court, Dapper Technology, Dynotech, and Lodestar.

GCCI Executives discuss collaboration with Suriname’s Ambassador to Guyana - October 23, 2024

Executive Members of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on October 23 paid a courtesy call on the Ambassador of Suriname to Guyana, H.E. Liselle Remelda Blankendal, during which the two parties discussed strengthening their relationship and collaborating to facilitate Guyanese businesses expanding operations into Suriname.President, Mr. Kester Hutson; Junior Vice President, Mr. Gavin Ramsoondar; Secretary, Mrs. Melisa McRaeGeorge, and Treasurer, Mr. Brian Edwards met with the Ambassador as well as the Ambassador’s Secretary, Mrs. Lucill Starke-Esajas, and provided them with an overview of the GCCI’s history, role, and initiatives.

GCCI participates in Local Content Forum - October 25, 2024

With keen focus on improving the quality of service being provided by local companies and reminding Guyanese businesses of the importance of capacity building, the Private Sector Commission’s second annual Local Content Forum saw the attendance of President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Mr. Kester Hutson; Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith, and Councillor, Mr. Delmar Walcott, as well as members of the Chamber.

The event was held at the Guyana Marriott on October 25 and received the GCCI’s support as it is aligned with the objectives of the Chamber, particularly as it relates to ensuring Guyanese companies benefit from the extraction of the country’s natural resources.

Technology conference held - October 24-25, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Private Sector Commission (GMSA) and the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) partnered to host the second annual Technology Conference on October 24-25, at the Pegasus Corporate Suites, which was held under the theme “Cyber Strong with AI”.

The free two-day event focused on addressing the unique challenges and opportunities that are associated with integrating Artificial Technology and Information Communication Technology (ICT) into business operations, with key insights into cybersecurity strategies, technological advancements, and AI-driven innovations.

GCCI’s capacity-building sessions benefit farmers in Region Two - October 24, 2024

On October 24, the ‘Agriculture Capacity Building Workshop’ was held in the boardroom of the Regional Democratic Council Boardroom, in Anna Regina, Region Two, where over 20 farmers benefitted from training in ‘Farming as a business’, ‘Access to Finance’, ‘Access to Market’, ‘Good Agricultural Practices’, ‘Climate-smart innovations’, and ‘the importance of nutrients in agriculture.’

GCCI discusses preparations for General and Regional Elections 2025 with EU Ambassador - November 4, 2024

Emphasising the importance of the preservation of law, stability and democracy, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on November 4 met with Ambassador of the European Union to Guyana, H.E René Van Nes to discuss the 2025 General and Regional Elections, and potential collaboration in preparation for the electoral season as it relates to voter information and the fielding of observer missions.

Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith; Secretary and Councillor, Mrs. Melisa McRae-George, and Councillor and Executive Member, Mr. Richard Rambarran met with the Ambassador, and Press and information officer of the EU Delegation to Guyana, Mr. Javin Singh.

GCCI’s Petroleum Committee visits GYSBI - November 8, 2024

Emphasising the importance of the preservation of law, stability and democracy, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on November 4 met with Ambassador of the European Union to Guyana, H.E René Van Nes to discuss the 2025 General and Regional Elections, and potential collaboration in preparation for the electoral season as it relates to voter information and the fielding of observer missions.

Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith; Secretary and Councillor, Mrs. Melisa McRae-George, and Councillor and Executive Member, Mr. Richard Rambarran met with the Ambassador, and Press and information officer of the EU Delegation to Guyana, Mr. Javin Singh.

GCCI’s President encourages Finn business delegation to partner with lcoal businesses - November 5, 2024

President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Mr. Kester Hutson on November 5 encouraged the visiting business delegation from Finland to partner with local businesses.

Mr. Hutson was at the time addressing the bilateral business seminar and networking event “GuyanaFinland: Partnerships for a Sustainable Future”, organised by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.

U.K Trade Mission engages with GCCI - November 11, 2024

A United Kingdom Trade Mission comprising 20 firms was on November 11 encouraged to invest in Guyana and partner with local companies, with officials from the British High Commission pointing out that at least 50 percent of businesses from past UK Trade Missions successfully engaging in ventures with local businesses or conducting business in Guyana. These sentiments were expressed during a meeting with the GCCI. The Trade Mission was organised through the collaborative effort of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Department of Business and Trade of the British High Commission, and the Caribbean Council with the objective of sensitising the delegates about navigating the local business environment. The firms also benefited from a sensitisation session on Guyana’s business landscape, which was led by Councillor and Executive Member, Mr. Richard Rambarran.

U.K Trade Mission delegates meet with GCCI Councillors - November 12, 2024

Participants of the United Kingdom Trade Mission wrapped up its visit to Guyana by meeting with Councillors of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry on November 13 at a networking event at Palm Court.

The event was organised by the Caribbean Council and saw representatives of the 20 UK businesses meeting with the GCCI Councillors including President, Mr. Kester Hutson; Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith; Treasurer, Mr. Brian Edwards; Councillor and Executive Member, Mr. Richard Rambarran, as well as Councillors—Ms. Mary Nagasar, Mr. Komal Ramnauth, Mr. Keon Howard, Dr. Rosh Khan, Mr. Delmar Walcott, Mr. Navin Prashad, and Mr. Devon Seeram.

GCCI facilitates presentation on housing sector development by Minister Susan Rodrigues to members - November 12, 2024

In a bid to better understand the government’s strategy for the housing sector, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on November 12 facilitated a presentation by Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Hon. Susan Rodrigues to members of the Chamber.

Led by Senior Vice President and Chairperson of the Petroleum Committee, Mrs. Kathy Smith, the meeting saw over 40 in-person attendees, including President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson and several Councillors, as well as online participation. Mrs. Smith noted that the meeting was initiated based on the Petroleum Committee’s interest in the direction that the government is taking the sector in.

GCCI’s 2024 Business Development Forum focuses on empowering local businesses to tap into O&G supply chain - November 14-15, 2024

Under the theme ‘Developing local businesses for the emerging energy sector’, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (GCCI) 2024 Business Development Forum was held on November 14 &15, with keen focus on empowering Guyanese businesses to tap into the oil and gas supply chain.

Senior Vice President of the Chamber and Chairperson of the Petroleum Committee, Mrs. Kathy Smith in her opening remarks spoke of the Chamber’s commitment to fostering opportunities for Guyanese companies and building their capacity to serve the energy sector.

GCCI collaborates with partners to host Men’s Health and Agriculture Awareness Workshop in Region Three - November 19, 2024

Designed to champion the message of protecting the health of men in agriculture, a ‘Men’s Health and Agriculture Awareness Workshop’ was held on November 19, where over 50 farmers in Region Three were engaged in best practices in the utilisation of pesticides.

The workshop was spearheaded by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) in collaboration with World University Services of Canada (WUSC) with funding from Global Affairs Canada, the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) and the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board (PTCCB).

Minister Deodat Indar updates GCCI on infrastructure development projects around Guyana - November 20, 2024

Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Hon. Deodat Indar on November 20 updated members of the Chamber on infrastructure development projects that are ongoing and in the pipeline around the country.

The meeting, which was held in the GCCI’s boardroom, was organised by the Chamber’s Petroleum Committee, which is chaired by Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith. The Minister delivered a presentation that covered several areas including general infrastructure, energy infrastructure, aviation infrastructure, transportation networks, the procurement system, oil and gas infrastructure, and the government’s spend on infrastructure.

GCCI meets with French delegation scouting opportunities in Guyana - November 21, 2024

A French Business Delegation currently in Guyana met with Executive Members of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) as well as the Chairman of the Trade and Investment Committee on November 21 in keeping with their objective of understanding the investment landscape and exploring potential areas for partnership and investment.

Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith; Councillor and Executive Member, Mr. Richard Rambarran; Councillor and Executive Member, Mr. Timothy Tucker, and Councillor and Chairperson of the Trade and Investment Committee, Mr. Devon Seeram met with EVOLEN, an association of energy sector companies and professionals that works towards the achievement of sustainable, reliable and cost-competitive solutions to achieve the energy industry’s goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.

Apex-Brazil meets with GCCI to discuss strengthening of trade partnership between Guyana and Brazil - November 21, 2024

With discussions on trade opportunities between Guyana and Brazil as well as potential areas of collaboration for skills exchange, the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) met with Executive Members and Councillors of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on November 21.

Market Intelligence Analyst, Mr. Igor Gomes and Foreign Trade Analyst, Mr. Pedro Piá of Apex-Brazil, accompanied by the Commercial Specialist of the Trade and Investments Section of the Embassy of Brazil in Guyana, Ms. Terrianna Selby engaged Senior Vice President of the GCCI, Mrs. Kathy Smith; Executive Member and Councillor, Mr. Richard Rambarran; Councillor and Chairman of the Trade and Investment Committee, Mr. Devon Seeram, and Councillor, Mr. Rayad Boyce as they sought to gather information on the business culture in Guyana, logistics chains, regulatory environment, distribution networks, consumption patterns, and the perception of Guyanese consumers regarding Brazilian products.

GCCI collaborates with Ministry of Labour to host sensitisation session with members - November 21, 2024

Members of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) benefited from a sensitisation session that was facilitated through a collaboration between the Chamber’s Human Resource Management and Capacity Building Committee, which is chaired by Councillor and Executive Member, Mrs. Melisa McRae-George, and the Ministry of Labour on November 21.

The three-hour session was held in the GCCI’s boardroom and saw the Ministry’s Legal Officers, Ms. Alyea Williams and Ms. Janelle Thomas; Senior Labour Officer, Mr. Premdat Basdeo, and Assistant Chief Occupational Safety and Health Officer, Mr. Royden Croal engaging over 50 GCCI members on pertinent HR matters and fielded related questions.

GCCI meets with Belgian First Secretary for Political Affairs - November 27, 2024

Executive Members of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) met with First Secretary of the Belgian Embassy in Jamaica—which also has responsibility for Guyana—Mr. Gaspard Van Goethem on November 27 and discussed strengthening bilateral trade relations with Belgium and closer ties between the Chamber and the Business Associations in Belgium.

President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson; Junior Vice President, Mr. Gavin Ramsoondar; Treasurer and Councillor, Mr. Brian Edwards, and Executive Member and Councillor, Mr. Richard Rambarran met with the Belgian official, whose intention was to gain a clearer understanding of Guyana and the business environment.

GCCI lobbies for continued collaboration with China on trade and local content utilisation - November 27, 2024

Following attendance at a trade seminar in China in September and participation in the China-Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Business Summit in Nicaragua in November, President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Mr. Kester Hutson lobbied for continued collaboration between Guyana and China in the area of trade, and also voiced the call for Chinese companies operating in Guyana to support the local content drive by collaborating with Guyanese companies, particularly Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). These sentiments were expressed during a debriefing seminar with outgoing Chinese Ambassador, Her Excellency, Guo Haiyan at the Chinese Embassy on November 27.

GCCI members benefit from awareness sessions on standards through collaboration with GNBS and FDA - November 28, 2024

Even as the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) advocates for the enforcement of standards and compliance among retailers and distributors, the Chamber has taken active steps to ensure that its membership is aware of the standards and requirements for products being sold to consumers in Guyana through the organisation of education and awareness activities.

On November 28, the GCCI’s Trade and Investment Committee collaborated with the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) and the Government Analyst Food and Drug Department (GA-FDD) to host an awareness seminar for members that provided insights into Guyana’s standards and requirements for the manufacturing and importation of food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics; the enforcement of standards and verification, as well as the services provided by the two agencies.

GCCI welcomes new members at President’s Reception - November 29, 2024

In a bid to ensure that new members become more integrated into the organisation’s work and fully utilise the opportunities that arise as a result of membership, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on November 29 hosted the President’s Reception—allowing members that registered between April and November to network among each other, and better understand the roles and benefits of the GCCI. The activity was organised by the GCCI’s Membership and Diversity, and Entrepreneurship and Small Business Committees. The event was held in the GCCI’s boardroom and saw Councillors including Executive Members—President, Mr. Kester Huston; Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith; Treasurer, Mr. Brian Edwards; Secretary, Mrs. Melisa McRaeGeorge, and Executive Members, Mr. Richard Rambarran and Mr. Timothy Tucker—welcoming the new members to the Chamber.

GCCI members meet visiting international trade delegation - December 3, 2024

An international trade delegation, which comprised 10 companies from the United Kingdom, Brazil, and Chile, met with Councillors and members of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry on December 3, as they sought to learn more about the investment landscape in Guyana and scope out potential partners in the country.

The International Trade Mission to Guyana was organised by the Energy Industries Council in partnership with Aberdeen International Associates and included companies in the manpower and recruitment, safety equipment, heavy and offshore machinery, oil and gas, and engineering sectors.

President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson; Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith; Executive Member and Councillor, Mr. Richard Rambarran, and Councillors Mr. Rayad Boyce, Ms. Mary Nagasar, Mr. Keon Howard, and Mr. Devon Seeram along with members of the Chamber attended the networking and information-sharing event.

GCCI’s 2024 Awards Presentation and Gala Dinner recognises outstanding business and entrepreneurs - December 12, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on December 12, 2024, held its 135th Annual Awards Presentation and Gala Dinner, during which several outstanding businesses and entrepreneurs were recognised for their sterling performance and contributions. Hosted at the Guyana Marriott Hotel’s Grand Ballroom, the evening’s proceedings saw the keynote address being delivered by Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Hon. Deodat Indar. Other government officials and members of the diplomatic community were among the hundreds of attendees.


Charge d’Affaires pays courtesy call on GCCI - January 14, 2025

On January 14, Charge d’Affaires of the United Arab Emirates, Mr. Fahad Hatrash paid a courtesy call on the President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Mr. Kester Hutson, and Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith.

Mr. Hatrash was provided with an overview of the Chamber’s history, role, and membership by the GCCI Officials. With a keen interest by the Charge d’Affaires in the business landscape in Guyana—particularly the development of small businesses—the conversation also delved into the country’s economic development and its impact on local businesses.

GCCI President urges GITC Graduates to maintain positive attitude towards work and self-improvement - January 16, 2025

Addressing the 57th Graduation Ceremony of the Guyana Industrial Training Centre on January 16, President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Mr. Kester Hutson urged the graduates to maintain a positive attitude towards work, while also remaining committed to selfimprovement. Mr. Hutson, who delivered the feature address, commended the graduates for their readiness to embark on a journey of discovery and empowerment. He stated, “These unique skills you have learned at the GITC are not just technical skills, they are the key to unlocking your potential and driving your success in years to come.”businesses.

GCCI meets with GEI - January 28, 2025

With the objective of collaborating with the purpose of encouraging adherence to standards and safety, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on January 28 met with officials from the Government Electrical Inspectorate (GEI).

President of the Chamber, Mr. Kester Hutson; Councillor, Mr. Keon Howard, and Chairperson of the Construction and HSSE Committee, Ms. Savira Ramroop met with Chief Electrical Inspector, Mr. Kevon Grimmond and Electrical Engineer, Mr. Joseph Peters.

GCCI engages with Brava on collaborations - January 22, 2025

On January 22, a team from Brava Business Solutions paid a courtesy call on Executive Members of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), and discussed potential collaborations.

General Manager, Mr. Hilton Wong; Sales Lead, Ms. Andrea King; ICT Manager, Mr. Lloyd Harmon; Special Projects Coordinator, Mr. Liam Bates, and Small and Medium Business Lead, Mr. Jamal Delph met with President of the Chamber, Mr. Kester Hutson; Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith, and Councillor and Executive Member, Mr. Richard Rambarran.

GCCI collaborates with EY to facilitate ESG Essentials Workshop for members - January 28, 2025

Through a collaboration with Ernst and Young (EY), the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on January 28, facilitated an Environmental, Social and Governance Essentials Workshop for its membership. This initiative was led by the Chamber’s Green Economy Committee.

The objective of the workshop was to sensitise participants on how prioritising Environmental, Social, and Governance factors can transform their companies by boosting the business’ reputation, attracting socially responsible investors, and reducing long-term risks by incorporating sustainable strategies into the business model.

GCCI collaborates with MODEC to host Vendor Forum - February 5, 2024

In keeping with the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (GCCI objective of ensuring that local companies benefit from the oil and gas sector through information sharing and capacity building, a MODEC Vendor Forum was hosted on February 5, 2025 through a collaborative effort between the Chamber’s Petroleum Committee and the company.

The event saw members of the GCCI receiving crucial information on the company’s procurement process and opportunities from the MODEC team, including Country Manager, Mr. Rafael Fumis, and Supply Chain Manager, Mr. Pedro Nascimento.

Attendees were provided with an overview of the company’s supply chain procedures, including vendor registration, and some upcoming opportunities. They were also able to interact with the company’s officials and ask questions.


meets with NIS - February 6, 2024

A team from the National Insurance Scheme led by General Manager, Ms. Holly Greaves and the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) Council met on February 6, 2025, to discuss the challenges being experienced by the business community as it relates to accessing the services of NIS.

Among the areas discussed were concerns over the lack of timely disbursements, delays in the issuance of compliance certificates as well as processing of claims, and issues with communication. The Chamber also supplied NIS with a report on the challenges raised by its membership.

GCCI participates in first meetin of the Joint Commission on Renewed and Enhanced Cooperation between Guyana and Belize - February 10, 2024

Executive Member and Councillor of the GCCI, Mr. Richard Rambarran attended the First Meeting of the Joint Commission on Renewed and Enhanced Cooperation between Guyana and Belize on February 10, 2025.

The meeting, which was held at the Ramphal House Conference Room at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation saw the participation of a number of stakeholders, including Guyana’s Ambassador to CARICOM and Director of the Multilateral and Global Affairs Department, His Excellency, George Talbot as well as High Commissioner of Belize to Guyana, Her Excellency, Gale MillerGarnett. Other stakeholders from local and Belizean sectors that are interested in collaborating and initiating trade relations were also present.

GCCI attends launch of MODEC’s Trainee Programme - February 13, 2024

On February 13, President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson attended the Trainee Commencement Ceremony for MODEC’s Trainee Programme. MODEC is a Japanese company that specialises in the construction and operation of floating solutions for the offshore energy industry.

In December 2024, the company—following an extensive recruitment process—onboarded eight Trainees. These trainees are benefitting from capacity building that combines comprehensive training with mentorship, and will be travelling to Brazil and Singapore as part of their training.

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry in collaboration with the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Guyana Office for Investment (GO-Invest) held a press briefing on February 14 at the GCCI Secretariat, and provided the media with an overview of the plans for its 2025 participation in the Offshore Technology Conference as well as the benefits that participants have received over the last several years.

Minister of Natural Resources makes presentation to GCCI members - February 17, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) Petroleum Committee on February 17 hosted Minister of Natural Resources, Hon. Vickram Bharrat who made a presentation to members on the pace of development in the oil and gas industry and provided insights into regulatory matters surrounding the sector.

This meeting was held in the Chamber’s boardroom and Minister Bharrat stated that these engagements are important, particularly since they provide the platform to discuss how Guyanese are supporting the sector, planned developments, and how local enterprises can be part of the development in the oil and gas sector i n Guyana. The minister updated members on operations in the various offshore blocks, including the Stabroek, Canje, Kaieteur, and Orinduik Blocks.

GCCI hosts OTC 2025 Press Conference - February 14, 2024

GCCI collaborates with GRA to host workshop for members - February 18, 2024

On February 18, the Chamber’s Human Resource Management and Capacity Building Committee in partnership with the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) hosted a workshop that was geared towards ensuring businesses have a clear understanding of crucial processes in documentation and tax services.

The GRA’s Communication Officer, Mr. Fabian Clowes; IT Officer, Ms. Elizabeth Bourne; Tax Specialist, Mr. Samdavid Arron; ESERVICES Officer, Mr. Simmeon Kissoon; ESERVICES Officer, Mr. Roland Trotman; Tax Specialist, and Mr. Saisnarine Ramnarine facilitated the session.

The workshop saw participants benefiting from valuable insights and demonstrations in areas including the PAYE submission process, the income tax returns procedures and the advantages of electronic filing, and the use of the recently launched PADNA app which facilitates easy submission and tracking of refunds.

GCCI attends launch of Mexico-Guyana Chamber of Commerce - February 6, 2024

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) was thrilled to support the launch of the Mexico-Guyana Chamber of Commerce on February 18. President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson attended the event at the Guyana Marriott Hotel.

Head of the Guyana Office for Investment and Guyana’s Chief Investment Officer, Dr. Peter Ramsaroop in his address to the gathering noted that there are now significant opportunities in Guyana for investors, and there have been a number of Mexican delegations that have visited Guyana. Remarks were also delivered by Mexican Ambassador to Guyana, Mr. Mauricio Vizcaíno Crespo and President of the Mexico-Guyana Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Ricardo Magaña.

GCCI meets with Antiguan Tourism Officials - February 21, 2024

Officials of the GCCI on Friday, February 21 met with a team from the Antigua Barbuda Tourism Authority (ABTA) and the Antigua Barbuda Hotels and Tourism Association (ABHTA) and discussed potential collaboration among the three organisations.

Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith, and Executive Member, Mr. Richard Rambarran met with the ABTA’s Director of Tourism for the Caribbean and Latin America, Mrs. Charmaine Browne-Spencer, and Head of Operations for ABHTA, Ms. Anthea Watkins. The team’s visit to Guyana was aimed at promoting the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association Market Place that is scheduled for May 2025 in Antigua.

GCCI meets with UG on collaborating to provide capacity-building for members and human resource database - February 28, 2024

President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson; Councillor and Chairperson of the Human Resource Management and Capacity-Building Committee, Mrs. Melisa McRae-George; Executive Member and Councillor, Mr. Richard Rambarran; Councillor, Mr. Rayad Boyce, and Vice Chairperson of the Human Resource Management and CapacityBuilding Committee, Ms. Holly Persaud on February 28 met with Dean of the School of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation, Dr. Leyland Lucas; Head of the Department of Marketing and Tourism, Ms. Coleen Patterson; Head of the Department of Accounting and Finance, Mr. Alfred Aaron, and Head of Department of Entrepreneurship and Supply Chain Management, Mr. Bruce Lovell to discuss areas for collaboration in this regard.

The meeting was geared towards discussing a collaboration between the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the University of Guyana to provide capacity-building opportunities for members and establish a human resource database of graduates of the university.

GCCI meets with SEBRAE - March 1, 2024

On February 27, a delegation from the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (SEBRAE) visited the Chamber during which discussions touched on the promotion of trade between Guyana and Brazil. SEBRAE is a private non-profit organisation, that aims to promote the competitiveness and sustainable development of Micro and Small Businesses in Brazil through efforts such as raising their participation in internal and external markets, increasing SMEs and entrepreneurs’ participation in networks and broadening entrepreneurship and cooperation culture.

Councillor and Chairperson of the Trade and Investment Committee, Mr. Devon Seeram, and Treasurer and Chairperson of the Agriculture Committee, Mr. Brian Edwards met with the Brazilian delegation in the GCCI’s boardroom and discussed, among other areas, the importance of developing commercial relations.

GCCI meets with AFC - March 5, 2024

On March 5, President of the Chamber, Mr. Kester Hutson; Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith; Treasurer, Mr. Brian Edwards; Councillors and Executive Members, Mr. Timothy Tucker and Mr. Richard Rambarran, as well as Councillors Mr. Delmar Walcott, Mr. Paul Archer and Mr. Keon Howard met with the Executive Members of the Alliance For Change (AFC) in the Chamber’s boardroom.

Leader of the AFC, Mr. Nigel Hughes; Chairman, Mr. David Patterson; Former leader, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, and Executive Members, Mrs. Catherine Hughes and Ms. Juretha Fernandes attended the meeting. The engagement saw discussions on the party’s economic plan for the country, including its strategy for the growth of the non-oil sector and its focus on the economic empowerment of women.

Election day conduct and the electoral process were also discussed, and the Chamber took the opportunity to express its concerns regarding its experience in 2020, where the compilation of the Statement of Poll saw human interference.


April 1 - 25, 2024

• April 15: Mr. Hutson and Mrs. George met with executives of the newly constituted Guyana Association of Travel Agents (GATA). The meeting was requested by the GATA to garner support for critical issues regarding airline operations in Guyana.

• April 15: The Executive Management Committee met with MODEC Guyana Inc. to discuss MODEC’s formation in Guyana, the GCCI’s role in promoting private sector development, and explore potential partnerships.

• April 17: Members of the GCCI met with a delegation from CenerTech, a sister company of CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited. The primary objective for the delegation visiting Guyana was to engage with stakeholders, assess the business and operational climate, and showcase their services and capabilities as the company is considering operating in Guyana.

• April 18: Mr. Hutson attended the Annual General Meeting of the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association.

• April 19: Members of the Executive Management Committee attended the ExxonMobil Guyana Energy Luncheon

• April 22: The Petroleum Committee facilitated a presentation on Guyana’s energy supply with Mr. Kesh Nandlall, Head of the Executive Management Committee of Guyana Power and Light (GPL) which was hosted by Mrs. Smith, Chairperson of the Petroleum Committee. The presentation was organized to allow members to learn about GPL’s plans, given how the frequent power outages have affected the private sector’s ability to operate efficiently and at maximum capacity.

• April 25: Mr. Hutson and Mr. Seeram attended the opening ceremony for the T&T Chamber Mission organized by the Centre for Local Business Development (Centre). With the Centre’s assistance, the T&T Chamber brought fifteen (15) companies to Guyana. These companies provide a wide range of services including manufacturing and distribution, banking and investment, food/beverage, paper products and packaging, ICT, FinTech, water and waste treatment, professional services, and more. The Mission’s purpose is for T&T businesses to engage with local companies and explore potential partnerships

May 1 - 29, 2024

• May 7: Mr. Ramsoondar represented the Chamber at a Workshop on the Implementation of Beneficial Ownership Transparency (BOT) Roadmap in Guyana, which was facilitated by the Ministry of Natural Resources through the Guyana Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (GYEITI).

• May 7: The Agriculture Committee of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) hosted one of it’s Agriculture Capacity Building Workshop in Anna Catherina. The Workshop is among a series of workshops that are part of a programme which first began in 2022. The workshops are geared towards benefiting businesses along the agriculture sector value chain, with an emphasis on women and youth.

• May 8: Ms. Campbell attended a senior technical-level meeting hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

• May 8: Several members of the Guyana Delegation at the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) attended a presentation by the US EXIM Bank. The presentation was facilitated by US EXIM Bank Regional Director, Mr. Eric Miller.

• May 13: Mrs. George attended a stakeholder meeting hosted the USAID Youth Resilience, Inclusion, and Empowerment (Y-RIE) Program which was done to share the findings of their recent youth-led Community Safety Profiling and Assets Mapping activity in Sophia (C, D, & E Fields) and the Werk-en-rust/Albouystown area.

• May 13: Mr. Hutson provided remarks during the opening ceremony for the Doing Business in Guyana Session which was held during the JAMPRO Mission to Guyana.

• May 13-14: Members of the GCCI participated in B2B sessions with delegates from the the JAMPRO Mission. The aim of the mission was to foster collaborative business relationships and to promote mutual growth and development opportunities for the Jamaican and Guyanese economies, through increased trade and commerce.

• May 14: Mr. Hutson and Mr. Rambarran met with Trinidad and Tobago High Commissioner to Guyana, His Excellency Conrad Enill, where discussions included the private sector longstanding concerns about impediments posed by Trinidad’s non-tariff barriers, as well as the need for respect for, and compliance with, Guyana’s local content legislation by Trinidadian companies.

• May 13-15: Members of the GCCI met with 305 Tires.Com and a representative of Goodyear Tires North America whose goal was to meet potential customers in Automotive, Heavy industry, Mining, Construction, and Transportation companies in Guyana.

• May 21: The Human Resource Management and Capacity Building Committee organized a presentation by the Deeds and Commercial Registry Authority for members of the GCCI. The presentation covered a range of topics such as how to register a business, incorporation and registration of companies, annual returns and how to attain a transport.

• May 23-24: Members of the GCCI participated in B2B Sessions with a visiting delegation from the Cave Shepherd Group. The group of companies is seeking to expand its investment portfolio and identified Guyana as a market of interest. The Cave Shepherd Group primarily consists of financial services companies, including investments, consumer loans, and credit card or mobile services.

• May 29: Members of the Executive Management Committtee had an introductory meeting with ExxonMobil Guyana Ltd. Production Manager, Mr. Huzefa Ali. The conversation revolved around the importance of advocacy and engagement in the petroleum industry, as well as strategies to improve local content and support in the agriculture sector. They also discussed various strategies to boost the private sector in Guyana , including education, collaboration, and access to finance.

• May 29: The GCCI met with a team from the Caribbean Development Bank where the conversation focused on the structure, finances, and projects that the GCCI would have spearheaded namely Strengthening Service Delivery in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector in Guyana and improving Competitiveness of Agro-processors in Guyana through Training in Quality Standards.

June 1 - 27, 2024

• June 2: The Green Economy Committee participated in the Green Walk hosted by the Environmental Protection Agency in observance of World Environment Day 2024.

• June 3: The GCCI and the Dominican Republic Chamber of Commerce in Guyana (DRCham Guyana) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) geared towards promoting the development of business relations, bilateral trade, and investment between the Dominican Republic and Guyana.

• June 6: Mrs. George and Mrs. Gurchuran met with the Institute of Private Enterprise Development (IPED) to discuss collaborating on capacity-building initiatives and access to finance for members.

• June 12: The Executive Management Committee met with the Guyana Securities Council (GSC) to discuss collaborating to provide access to capital markets for the benefit of its members. The discussions focused on how members of the Chamber can access equity financing in Guyana and the role the Council plays in regulating the sector.

• June 12: The Green Economy Committee hosted a webinar on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles.

• June 12: The Executive Management Committee met with a team from the UN to discuss the implementation of a Joint Declaration of Intent signed in 2023 by the GCCI and the UN’s Office of the Resident Coordinator. The purpose of the meeting was to collaborate on initiatives to meet the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Guyana.

• June 13: Mrs. Gurchuran attended a consultation session to review the National Skills Audit Questionnaire. The National Skills Audit was commissioned by the Government of Guyana under the Strengthening Human Capital through Education Project and is being conducted by Dunn, Pierre Barnett, and Company Canada Limited. This initiative aims to provide baseline information for the upskilling of the local labor force.

• June 13: Mr. Walcott met with a team from S&P Global to provide feedback on the Gas Monetization Strategy. S&P Global has been contracted by the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) to develop a Gas Monetization Strategy for Guyana’s natural gas resources.

• June 18: Mr. Hutson delivered remarks at the launch of the “National Campaign on Hate Speech”. The campaign launch coincided with the International Day for Countering Hate Speech and is a collaborative effort between the United Nations (UN) and the Ethnic Relations Commission.

• June 18: Members of the Security and Governance Committee met with the Guyana Police Force Traffic Department. The meeting focused on collaborative initiatives to raise road safety awareness among the Chamber’s members and the general public, the misuse of roads by drivers, and the need for improved education.

• June 20: The Human Resource Management and Capacity Building Committee organized a presentation in collaboration with the National Insurance Scheme (NIS).

July 1 - 25, 2024

• July 3: Ms. Sookraj represented the GCCI at the National Stakeholder Forum on the amendment to the Sexual Offenses Act. The forum provided an opportunity for reviewing and giving feedback on the proposed amendments.

• July 3: Members of the Executive Management Committee met with a team from Brava Guyana, led by Sales Director Mr. Hilton Wong. The discussion focused on the business solutions offered by the company that can have a positive impact on the local business landscape, including medium and small enterprises.

• July 5: Councillors of the (GCCI) paid a courtesy visit to Her Excellency Ambassador Guo Haiyan. During the meeting, they discussed sharing information on Chinese suppliers, cultural exchange programs, capacity-building opportunities for Guyanese entrepreneurs, and strengthening the relationship with the Association of Chinese Enterprises in Guyana.

• July 8: The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) visited the High Commissioner of Belize to Guyana, Her Excellency Gale Miller Garnett. During the visit, the GCCI and the High Commissioner discussed collaborating through a Trade Facilitation Council and addressing Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade in the Caricom region. They also explored working together to promote agricultural diversification.

• July 9: The Executive Management Committee met with a delegation of over 14 French businesses who visited Guyana to explore potential investment opportunities. These companies operate in various sectors and services, such as aerospace technology, helicopter manufacturing, aircraft maintenance, metal structure manufacturing, ICT, construction, energy management, electronics, transportation, and pharmaceuticals.

• July 9: The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry(GCCI) and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will see the GCCI and ACCA working together to promote the development of the profession, support educational initiatives and grow the pool of accountants in Guyana, among other initiatives. The agreement also seeks to advocate for policies that promote a favourable business environment and address challenges facing the two entities, while utilizing their joint networks to propel the developmental agenda of the MoU.

• July 10-12: The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) participated in the Caribbean Investment Forum (CIF) at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre. The Chamber interacted with several Caribbean businesses, helping them understand Guyana’s business environment and the investment opportunities available in the country.

• July 11: The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) engaged the Caricom Youth Ambassadors who are part of the Caricom Single Market and Economy (CSME) Attachment Programme. During the meeting, Chairperson of the Entrepreneurship and Small Business Committee, Mrs. Gurchuran delivered a presentation to the delegation on entrepreneurship.

• July 11: Councillors of the GCCI participated in a roundtable discussion to share priorities, expertise, and problem-solving ideas on advancing support to U.S. - Guyana trade and investment opportunities through improved coordination and concerted action. The discussion was intended to lead to a process of continued engagement facilitating opportunity identification and resource matching.ookraj represented the GCCI at the National Stakeholder Forum on the amendment to the Sexual Offenses Act. The forum provided an opportunity for reviewing and giving feedback on the proposed amendments.

• July 15: Mr. Rambarran and Mr. Seeram attended a meeting with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other stakeholders on the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between Guyana and Belize on renewed and enhanced bilateral cooperation. The meeting sought to examine areas for cooperation between the two countries in relation to agriculture and food security, trade and investment, tourism, education, energy security, infrastructure, technology, and climate change.

• July 16: The Agriculture Committee partnered with the World University Service of Canada and several other stakeholders to empower students of the Guyana School of Agriculture and farmers with information and skills geared towards improving their knowledge, particularly in the business arena.

• July 18: Mr. Edwards and Mr. Seeram participated in a joint meeting on the activation of the National Advisory Committee on External Negotiations (NACEN) Technical Working Groups (TWGs).

• July 18: The Executive Management Committee paid a courtesy visit to U.S. Ambassador to Guyana, Nicole D. Theriot during which a number of issues related to bilateral trade and investment, and collaborating in the areas of capacity-building opportunities and trade mission were discussed.

• July 18-19: The Petroleum Committee partnered with the Centre for Local Business Development for a two-day workshop on Procurement training for members of the GCCI.

• July 3: Ms. Sookraj represented the GCCI at the National Stakeholder Forum on the amendment to the Sexual Offenses Act. The forum provided an opportunity for reviewing and giving feedback on the proposed amendments.

• July 3: Members of the Executive Management Committee met with a team from Brava Guyana, led by Sales Director Mr. Hilton Wong. The discussion focused on the business solutions offered by the company that can have a positive impact on the local business landscape, including medium and small enterprises.

August 1 - 28, 2024

• August 2: Mr. Archer and Mr. Alleyne attended the Annual National Stakeholders Road Safety Forum, which was held at the Police Officers’ Mess Annexe, Eve Leary. The forum addressed key stakeholders’ and partners’ commitment and future plans for reducing road fatalities and accidents.

• August 9: Mr. Hutson attended a meeting hosted by Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) to inform stakeholders of plans to install new water transmission main lines in the city. A basic overview of the plan to update the main lines along Avenue of the Republic and High Street was provided during the engagement.

• August 14: The GCCI participated in a Multistakeholder Forum on Sustaining Women, Youth, and Marginalized Male Farmers’ Participation in Agricultural Markets. The forum was part of the Sustainable Agriculture in the Caribbean Project, which is funded by Global Affairs Canada and implemented by the World University Service of Canada. Mr. Edwards and Ms. Waddle represented the GCCI at the Forum, which took place at the Grand Coastal Hotel.

• August 14: Mrs. Smith and Mr. Rambarran met with Metalmecánica Especializada del Golfo (MEGSA), a Mexican business group that specializes in engineering, procurement, and construction for the oil and gas industry. MEGSA has vast experience in tank farm construction and expressed an interest in seeking opportunities in Guyana.

• August 15: The Petroleum Committee collaborated with the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA) to host an Awareness Session on Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency, and Electric Mobility. The session focused on highlighting the advantages and cost-effectiveness of energy efficiency. It provided valuable information on sustainable business practices and smart solutions for both home and workspace.

• August 14-15: Mr. Hutson participated in the 4th Governance for Development Dialogue organized by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and CAF – Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.

• August 16: The National Small Business Week Committee held an orientation session for the students participating in the Teenternship Program which was aimed at providing the students with practical experiences in the working environment in relation to leadership, teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and management. The one-week internship programme provided students with hands-on work experience, with an opportunity to understand the foundational aspects of business and office administration in a wide range of industries.

• August 19-23: Students from Camille’s Academy who participated in the Teenternship Program had the opportunity to shadow CEOs or General Managers in medium-sized businesses for the week. Member companies that supported the program were Guyana Payroll Solutions Inc. Rafeek and Moore Customs Brokerage Firm and Logistics Inc., Raj Singh Insurance Brokers and Risk Management Consultants Incorporated, Guyana Electric Inc., Java Coffee Bar and Bistro, ActionInvest Caribbean Inc., Cerulean Inc, Technip FMC, and Beharry Automotive Limited.

• August 20: Mr. Hutson and Mrs. George attended a meeting with British High Commissioner, Her Excellency, Jane Miller OBE, and His Majesty’s Trade Commissioner to Latin America and the Caribbean, Mr. Jonathan Knott, during which opportunities for increased trade between Guyana and the United Kingdom were discussed.

• August 22: Mr. Edwards attended the signing ceremony of the Memoranda of Understanding with the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute and the Guyana Economic Development Fund Inc. The ceremony also served as an opportunity to provide stakeholders with an update on CAPA’s implementation progress.

• August 26: Mr. Ramsoondar and Mr. Rambarran met with officials from the Centre for Local Business Development to discuss partnering for capacity-building initiatives for local businesses, particularly Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSME).

• August 28: Mr. Rambarran, Mrs. George, and Mr. Tucker met with H.E. Glynne N. Michelo, NonResident Ambassador of Zambia to Guyana. During his visit, the councilors provided an overview of Guyana’s economic landscape and investment climate, as well as insight into the Chamber’s role and history. His Excellency expressed interest in collaborating with the GCCI and introduced Zambia’s potential as an investment and trade destination for Guyana.

• August 28: Mrs. George and Mr. Rambarran met with TCL Group’s (Guyana) Business Manager, Mr. Juan Castro, and Group Enterprise Risk Manager, Mr. Norville Clarke. During the meeting, the representatives indicated that they are seeking to align with the strategic objectives of the Chamber to be more actively involved in the Chamber’s initiatives. The discussions focused on upcoming activities that the GCCI will be spearheading and how the company can provide support.

September 1 - 25, 2024

• August 29 – September 13: The GCCI participated in a seminar at the Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO) in Beijing, China. The seminar included sessions aimed at helping businesses in Latin American and Caribbean countries improve their export and international business capabilities, integrate into the global value chain, and gain a better understanding of China’s modernization efforts. The objectives also involved fostering a community with a shared future for China and Latin America and promoting project matching and technical cooperation between business associations in Latin American, and Caribbean countries and Chinese industries and enterprises.

• September 11: A small team represented the GCCI at the BritCham Guyana London launch.

• September 12: The Trade and Investment Committee facilitated an awareness and information session with members on customs-related issues, through a collaboration with the Guyana Customs House Brokers and Clerks Association (GCHBCA). Participants were briefed on the role of customs brokers and trade policies, as well as provided information on customs-related issues. An overview of the rice and forestry sectors—as it relates to customs in Guyana—was also shared with attendees.

• September 12: Mr. Archer took part in a stakeholder meeting aimed at finalizing Guyana’s National Quality Policy, organized by the Guyana National Bureau of Standards. This meeting is part of the National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) Project under the Ministry of Tourism, Industry, and Commerce. Currently, a consultancy is in progress to complete the National Quality Policy (NQP) and its Implementation Plan. Once finalized, these documents will be presented to the Government of Guyana for approval and implementation. The development of the National Policy has identified six priority sectors: fresh fruits and vegetables, food and agro-processed products, aquaculture and seafood, furniture and forestry products, poultry and livestock, and tourism and hospitality.

• September 13: A delegation from the GCCI met with the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) Head of International, Ms. Marta Kozlowska and several other officials of the LCCI to explore the reinvigoration of the MOU that was signed in 1996 between the two chambers. The London Chamber has international members whom they assist with conducting business in London. Through the discussions, the Georgetown Chamber was able to secure a discounted membership subscription rate for GCCI members to join the LCCI. The two parties also agreed to collaborate for their respective members to attend seminars and events being hosted in Guyana and London.

• September 18: The Trade and Investment Committee partnered with the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) to provide businesses with valuable information in relation to taxation in Guyana. Participants were provided with pertinent information on taxation policies and regulations, compliance requirements for business and reporting best practices, and were given the opportunity to ask questions on excise tax, income tax, corporation tax, and duty, among other areas.

• September 19: The Petroleum Committee organized a visit to the Gas-to-Energy project site where they were updated on the project’s progress thus far and plans for upcoming works to the site.

• September 23: The Executive Management Committee met with IDB Consultant César Yammal and his assistant Clara Schettini who are presently engaged in a consultancy project entitled “Establishing a Business Support Desk for Enhanced Financial Access in Guyana,” in collaboration with the Private Sector Commission. The objective of this initiative is to identify the primary challenges and opportunities that the private sector encounters in accessing financial resources and support.

• September 24: Members of the EMC met with officials from the U.S Embassy, Mr. Russell Zalizniak, Political and Economic Chief, and Senior Development Specialist Advisor, Mr. Aaron Spencer at the United States Agency for International Development/Eastern and Southern Caribbean (USAID/ESC) to discuss interventions in addressing Guyana’s labour shortage. They were provided an overview of the challenges facing the country in relation to the labour shortage as well as the impact on the local private sector, and commenced discussions on the joint approach to closing the gap. The challenges were examined both in the formal, urban context, as well as in the rural perspective.


1 - 25, 2024

• October 2: The GGCI and the International Centre for Trade Transparency Limited (ICTTM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to provide members of the Chamber with priority access to ICTTM’s ADAMftd software system. The ADAMftd software system is a revolutionary tool aimed at enhancing transparency and compliance in international trade. Access to this software will enhance the economic activity of Guyanese companies by ensuring their compliance with international trade rules and regulations and assisting them in identifying new international markets.

• October 2: Mr. Seeram, and Mr. Edwards participated in a meeting of the National Advisory Committee on External Negotiations (NACEN) Technical Working Groups (TWGs), where issues related to the Common External Tariff (CET) and Rules of Origin (ROO) for the Caricom region was discussed.

• October 3: Councillors of the GCCI attended the Guyana Cancer Foundation’s Tree Wrapping Ceremony in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

• October 8-9: The GCCI in collaboration with the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) hosted the second Annual Regional Investments and Capital Markets Conference under the theme ‘Financing for Success: Where Passion, prosperity, and people align.’

• October 9: The Trade and Investment Committee hosted an online discussion with the Department of Foreign Trade at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The topics covered included trade policies, market access, Rules of Origin, and dispute resolution within trade agreements.

• October 10: The Finance Committee organized an exclusive webinar for members, hosted by Mobile Money Guyana (MMG), to present their new Merchant Checkout API.

• October 14: Councillors of the GCCI met with Minister of Labour, Hon. Joseph Hamilton, and a team from his ministry. Among the issues addressed were the labour deficit that exists in the country and the need for this to be addressed frontally through increased training, as well as the worrying statistics as it relates to workplace accidents and fatalities.

• October 15: Canada’s High Commissioner to Guyana, His Excellency Sebastien Sigouin, paid a courtesy visit to the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI). During his visit, the GCCI highlighted its long-standing relationship with previous Canadian High Commissioners and businesses. They also underscored the importance of a Memorandum of Understanding established with the Newfoundland and Labrador Oil and Gas Industries Association. This agreement is designed to foster projects and enhance trade within the oil and gas sector, which serves as a pivotal driver of local content initiatives in Guyana. Additionally, the GCCI expressed interest in expanding trade between Guyana and Canada, advocating for visa-free travel for Guyanese citizens and a streamlined visa application process.

• October 15: Councillors of the GCCI paid a courtesy call to the British High Commissioner, Her Excellency, Jane Miller OBE. Among the key areas of discussion were trade and ease of doing business, with pertinent discussions on the need for more flights to the United Kingdom, fielding incoming and outgoing trade missions, and banking sector support, as well as collaborating on the issue of access to finance in Guyana. The GCCI also advocated for a collaborative effort in connecting local businesses with UK firms in a bid to increase bilateral trade. The upcoming General and Regional Elections, slated for 2025, were also discussed, including plans for voter education initiatives.

• October 17: In collaboration with Saipem Guyana, ExxonMobil’s prime contractor specializing in subsea systems, the GCCI hosted a vendor forum. Saipem’s team engaged members with a presentation about the company’s local presence, upcoming opportunities, local content initiatives, and the procurement process.

• October 23: Members of the EMC paid a courtesy call on the Ambassador of Suriname to Guyana, H.E. Liselle Remelda Blankendal, during which the two parties discussed strengthening their relationship and collaborating to facilitate Guyanese businesses expanding operations into Suriname.

• October 24: Councillors of the GCCI met with a team from the Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana. The meeting underscored the necessity of engaging various stakeholders to create a seamless visitor experience and improve the overall perception of Guyana as a tourist destination. Concerns regarding the cleanliness of the city and its negative impact on tourism were also a focal point of the meeting. Additionally, the importance of educational initiatives to promote a culture of cleanliness was discussed, with plans to collaborate with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture. The aim is to create a unified approach to tackle these pressing issues and enhance the city’s appeal to tourists.

• October 25: Members of the Chamber attended the Private Sector Commission’s second annual Local Content Forum. The keynote address was delivered by Minister of Natural Resources, Hon. Vickram Bharrat, who stressed the importance of Guyanese companies working towards achieving globally acceptable standards of service delivery. He also underscored the need for local companies and entrepreneurs to examine the market and the gaps that exist in terms of the goods and services needed and determine how best they can provide those goods and services to ensure local content utilization.

• October 24-25: The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry(GCCI), the Private Sector Commission (PSC), and the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) partnered to host the second annual Technology Conference. The free two-day event focused on addressing the unique challenges and opportunities that are associated with integrating Artificial Technology and Information Communication Technology (ICT) into business operations, with key insights into cybersecurity strategies, technological advancements, and AI-driven innovations.

November 1 - 25, 2024

• November 4: Members of the Executive Management Committee met with the Ambassador of the European Union to Guyana, H.E René Van Nes to discuss the 2025 General and Regional Elections, and potential collaboration in preparation for the electoral season as it relates to voter information and the fielding of observer missions.

• November 5: Mr. Hutson attended a bilateral business seminar and networking event organized by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. The seminar included presentations from experts from both countries, highlighting Guyana’s ambitious development plans. Additionally, Finnish companies showcased their innovative solutions aimed at fostering a sustainable, digitalized, and secure future across various industries, particularly in oil and gas, maritime and offshore, and mining and aggregates.

• November 5: Executives from the GCCI met with the new United Nations Resident Coordinator in Guyana, Ms. Jean Kamau. During this meeting, they presented an overview of GCCI’s history, role, accomplishments, and activities. The discussions also focused on potential collaboration between the two organizations to raise awareness among members on achieving and integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into their operations.

• November 5: Mr. Archer participated in a workshop organized by the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance regarding the recommendations from the Inter-American Convention against Corruption.

• November 7: The GCCI in collaboration with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and Business Finland organized a mining and aggregates workshop and networking event.

• November 5-7: The GCCI partnered with Business Finland for a trade mission aimed at businesses in the mining and aggregates sector.

• November 8: Members of the Petroleum Committee visited the Guyana Shore Base Incorporated (GYSBI) facility. The Operations Manager, Mr. Kevin Black, guided a tour of the 140-acre site, which includes the annex at Industrial Estate, Houston. During the tour, Mr. Black offered insights into the various facilities on the compound, explaining their roles in supporting GYSBI’s operations. He also highlighted the hundreds of subsea pipes in the laydown yard, detailing the functions and features of the different sizes.

• November 11-13: The GCCI collaborated with the Department of Business and Trade at the British High Commission, the British Chamber of Commerce Guyana (BritCham Guyana), and the Caribbean Council to organize a trade mission from the United Kingdom to Guyana. This initiative included 20 businesses and aimed to provide delegates with insights into navigating the local business environment.

• November 11: Delegates from the UK Trade Mission attended a sensitization session focused on Guyana’s business landscape, led by Mr. Richard Rambarran. He provided an overview of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), explaining its functions and how the Chamber supports businesses in the country. He also emphasized the importance of connecting with the local private sector.

• November 12: The Petroleum Committee hosted a presentation by the Minister of Housing and Water, Hon. Susan Rodrigues, for members of the Chamber. The Minister provided an overview of ongoing housing developments, including Silica City, and discussed the government’s efforts to ensure citizens, particularly young people, have access to affordable housing. Minister Rodrigues also addressed the growing demand for housing and the challenges associated with finding sufficient contractors who can meet the rapid needs of the construction industry.

• November 12: Members of the GCCI attended a session on UK Export Finance (UKEF), led by Camilo Neira, the UKEF Country Head for Guyana. This session offered valuable insights into the financing options UKEF provides for projects with a minimum value of £1 million. UKEF assists local businesses in securing financing for projects that involve UK goods and services, presenting significant opportunities to support these businesses in their trade and development efforts.

• November 13: Members of the GCCI attended a networking lunch with delegates of the UK Trade Mission at Palm Court.

• November 14-15: The GGCI hosted the 2024 Business Development Forum, themed “Developing Local Businesses for the Emerging Energy Sector,” which was dedicated to empowering Guyanese enterprises to engage in the oil and gas supply chain effectively.

• November 20: The Hon. Deodat Indar, Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, provided an update to members of the Chamber on ongoing and upcoming infrastructure development projects across the country. This presentation, organized by the Petroleum Committee, addressed various areas, including general infrastructure, energy infrastructure, aviation infrastructure, transportation networks, the procurement system, oil and gas infrastructure, and the government’s spending on infrastructure.

• November 21: Executive members of the GCCI, along with the Chairperson of the Trade and Investment Committee, met with EVOLEN, an association of energy sector companies and professionals. EVOLEN works towards achieving sustainable, reliable, and cost-effective solutions to help the energy industry reach its goal of carbon neutrality by 2050. The business delegation included representatives from Voltalia Guyane, Veolia, Vallourec, SPIE Global Services Energy, SeaOwl, SBM Offshore, REP Smart Chemicals, Ponticelli, Jifmar, and FOSELEV. The group organized the meeting to explore the numerous opportunities arising in Guyana’s rapidly growing energy sector and to discuss the investment strategies of key players within the industry.

• November 21: Executive Members and Councillors met with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) to gather information on the business culture in Guyana, including logistics chains, the regulatory environment, distribution networks, consumption patterns, and the perceptions of Guyanese consumers regarding Brazilian products.

• November 21: Members of the GCCI participated in a sensitization session organized through a collaboration between the Chamber’s Human Resource Management and Capacity Building Committee and the Ministry of Labour. Attendees gained insights into key labor laws and workplace practices. The session covered important topics such as termination rights, employee benefits and obligations, overtime regulations, procedures for handling complaints at the Ministry of Labour, occupational safety and health issues, child labor, holiday payments, employment contracts, and sexual harassment in the workplace.

• November 22: The Trade and Investment Committee organized a presentation by the Department of Foreign Trade at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation on the CARIFORUM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement and the CARIFORUM-UK Economic Partnership Agreement.

• November 25: The Petroleum Committee organized a presentation led by Ms. Germene Stewart, Chief Development Planner at the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA). This session provided members with the opportunity to understand CHPA’s plans and initiatives for Silica City, which are relevant to the interests of the business community.

• November 26: Members of the EMC met with Mr. Gaspard Van Goethem, the First Secretary of the Belgian Embassy in Jamaica, which also oversees Guyana. The purpose of the meeting was for Mr. Van Goethem to gain a clearer understanding of Guyana and its business environment. During the discussion, the executives provided insights into the history and role of the Chamber. They emphasized the GCCI’s status as a trusted Business Support Organization in Guyana, noting that it is the oldest and most prominent organization of its kind, with a strong relationship with state agencies that support the business sector.

• November 27: The Construction and HSSE Committee met with Mr. Trevor Bassoo, Executive Director at the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) to discuss the development and implementation of standardized quality and safety standards in the construction industry.

• November 27: Councilors from the Guyana Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) attended a seminar hosted by Ambassador Guo Haiyan to discuss the cooperation between China and Guyana in developing the private sector. The seminar included a review of the GCCI’s participation in a related event at the Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO) in Beijing, China. The sessions were designed to help businesses in Latin American and Caribbean countries enhance their export capabilities, improve international business skills, integrate into the global value chain, and gain a better understanding of China’s modernization efforts.

January1 - 29, 2025

• January 14: Mr. Kester Hutson was paid a courtesy call by the Charge d’Affaires of the United Arab Emirates, Mr. Fahad Hatrash. Mr. Hatrash was provided with an overview of the Chamber’s history, role, and membership by the GCCI officials. With a keen interest by the Charge d’Affaires in the business landscape in Guyana, particularly the development of small businesses. The conversation also delved into the country’s economic development and its impact on local businesses.

• January 16: Mr. Hutson delivered the feature address at the 57th Graduation Ceremony of the Guyana Industrial Training Centre (GITC). President Hutson urged the graduates to maintain a positive attitude towards work, while also remaining committed to self-improvement. He also commended the graduates for their readiness to embark on a journey of discovery and empowerment.

• January 22: A team from Brava Business Solutions paid a courtesy call on Executive Members of the Chamber and discussed potential collaborations. General Manager, Mr. Hilton Wong, Sales Lead, Ms. Andrea King, ICT Manager, Mr. Lloyd Harmon, Special Projects Coordinator, Mr. Liam Bates, and Small & Medium Business Lead, Mr. Jamal Delph discussed the development of mechanisms to ensure that members of the Chamber benefit from efficient service, while establishing a channel to address challenges. The Brava team also committed to supporting several activities on the Chamber’s work plan, including the National Small Business Week.

• January 24: President Kester Hutson, Vice President Kathy Smith and Councillor Delmar Walcott attended the Chinese Embassy in Guyana’s Festival Reception. At the event, Chargé d’Affaires of the Chinese Embassy, H.E. Huang Rui provided an overview of China’s support to Guyana, particularly Chinese contribution to business, the medical sector and the construction sector. He also reflected on Guyana and China’s long standing friendship.

• January 28: The GCCI met with officials from the Government Electrical Inspectorate (GEI) on collaborating to raise awareness on certification, inspections and fostering safe practices in the electrical industry. The GEI team indicated that they are seeking to have legislation implemented to provide for continuous inspection during the construction and installation process. An agreement was made to host sensitisation sessions with the Chamber’s membership.

• January 28: The Green Economy Committee in collaboration with Ernst and Young (EY) facilitated an Environmental, Social, and Governance Workshop to educate its membership on how prioritizing said factors, can transform their companies by boosting the business reputation, attracting socially responsible investors, and reducing long-term risks by incorporating sustainable strategies into the business model. During the workshop the discussion areas were:

» Introduction to Climate Change

» Understanding ESG

» Climate Risks for Businesses

» Sustainability Reporting

» The importance of sustainability standards and climate risk management, particularly against the backdrop of the oil and gas industry.

January 31 - February 26, 2025

• January 31: The Chamber would have donated one million dollars to the Guyana Cancer Foundation. The funds were raised from the Nadene Gilbert-Rambarran Cancer Awareness Fundraiser that was held in October 2024. The cheque along with a mural painted by artist, Ms. Christina Parsan was handed over to the Institute by Senior Vice President of the Chamber, Mrs. Kathy Smith in the presence of Councillor and Chairperson of the Membership and Diversity Committee, Mrs. Kristia Ramlagan-Prescott and Membership Officer, Ms. Jasmaine Assanah, along with representatives of the Foundation.

• January 31: Senior Vice President of the Chamber, Kathy Smith, Executive Member and Councillor, Richard Rambarran and Councillor and Chairperson of the Green Economy Committee, Delmar Walcott, attended the Annual Dinner of the Association of Chinese Enterprises in Guyana (ACEG) commemorating the 2025 Chinese New Year and Spring Festival.

• February 3: The Entrepreneurship and Small Business Committee facilitated a Virtual Networking Session for the membership of the GCCI. The presentation was centered around the theme Building Export Capacity for Guyanese Manufacturers. The session saw presentations from Mr Gavin Bovell from GoInvest, Ms Ermine Darroux-Francis and Mr. Michael Gichure from Caribbean Office African Export-Import Bank.

• February 4: Councillor Keon Howard and Rayad Boyce attended a Candlelight Vigil hosted by the Guyana Cancer Foundation in honour of World Cancer Day. In honour of all the cancer survivors, fighters and all who would have lost their life to cancer.

• February 5: The Petroleum Committee in collaboration with MODEC conducted an informational Vendor Forum. Attendees were provided with an overview of the company’s supply chain procedures, including vendor registration, and some upcoming opportunities in the oil and gas sector. They were also able to interact with the company’s officials and ask questions.

• February 6: A team from the National Insurance Scheme led by General Manager, Ms. Holly Greaves and the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) Council to discuss the challenges being experienced by the business community as it relates to accessing the services of NIS. Among the areas discussed were concerns over the lack of timely disbursements, delays in the issuance of compliance certificates as well as processing of claims, and issues with communication. The Chamber also supplied NIS with a report on the challenges raised by its membership.

• February 10: The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has formally expressed an interest in developing a relationship with Business Support Organisations in Belize. Executive Member and Councillor, Mr. Richard Rambarran, who was present at the First Meeting of the Joint Commission on Renewed and Enhanced Cooperation between Guyana and Belize. The meeting, which was held at the Ramphal House Conference Room at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation saw the participation of a number of stakeholders, including Guyana’s Ambassador to CARICOM and Director of the Multilateral and Global Affairs Department, His Excellency, George Talbot as well as High Commissioner of Belize to Guyana, Her Excellency, Gale Miller-Garnett. Other stakeholders from local and Belizean sectors that are interested in collaborating and initiating trade relations were also present.

• February 13: President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson attended the Trainee Commencement Ceremony for MODEC’s Trainee Programme. The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) firmly supports initiatives geared towards local content development. MODEC stated that it recognises the crucial role that locals play in the oil and gas industry, as such, this programme is designed to create employment opportunities for the local workforce.

• February 14: The GCCI is preparing for Guyana’s participation in the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) 2025, and businesses are being encouraged to tap into the wealth of opportunities that the conference presents. The Chamber in collaboration with the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Guyana Office for Investment (GO-Invest) held a press briefing that provided the media with an overview of the plans for its 2025 participation as well as the benefits that participants have received over the last several years. President of the GCCI, Kester Hutson, Senior Vice President, Kathy Smith, Executive Member and Councillor, Richard Rambarran, Senior Petroleum Coordinator at the Ministry of Natural Resources, Dr. Gopnauth Bobby Gossai, Senior Investment Officer at Guyana Office of Investment, Brava Solutions and Blue Water Shipping Guyana Incorporated all expressed the importance of supporting this initiative.

• February 17: The Petroleum Committee hosted the Minister of Natural Resources, Hon. Vickram Bharrat who made a presentation to members on the pace of development in the oil and gas industry and provided insights into regulatory matters surrounding the sector. The Senior Vice President, Kathy Smith also outlined the numerous initiatives that the GCCI is undertaking to achieve its objective of supporting local content development.

• February 17: Cpt. Gerald Gouveia led a discussion in the GCCI Boardroom to discuss matters related to the 2025 General and Regional Elections.

• February 18: The Chamber’s Human Resource Management and Capacity Building Committee in partnership with the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) hosted a workshop that was geared towards ensuring businesses have a clear understanding of crucial processes in documentation and tax services. The GRA’s Communication Officer, Mr. Fabian Clowes; IT Officer, Ms. Elizabeth Bourne; Tax Specialist, Mr. Samdavid Arron; ESERVICES Officer, Mr. Simmeon Kissoon; ESERVICES Officer, Mr. Roland Trotman; Tax Specialist, and Mr. Saisnarine Ramnarine facilitated the session. The workshop saw participants benefiting from valuable insights and demonstrations in areas including the PAYE submission process, the income tax returns procedures and the advantages of electronic filing, and the use of the recently launched PADNA app which facilitates easy submission and tracking of refunds.

• February 18: President of the GCCI, Mr. Kester Hutson attended the launch of the Mexico-Guyana Chamber of Commerce. There are now significant opportunities in Guyana for investors, and there have been a number of Mexican delegations that have visited Guyana. Remarks were also delivered by Mexican Ambassador to Guyana, Mr. Mauricio Vizcaíno Crespo and President of the Mexico-Guyana Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Ricardo Magaña.

• February 21: Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith, and Executive Member, Mr. Richard Rambarran met with the ABTA’s Director of Tourism for the Caribbean and Latin America, Mrs. Charmaine Browne-Spencer, and Head of Operations for ABTA, Ms. Anthea Watkins. The team’s visit to Guyana was aimed at promoting the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association Market Place that is scheduled for May 2025 in Antigua. Discussions delved into benefits for Guyanese businesses in hospitality, travel, and trade; key tourism activities and collaboration activities; strengthening the business linkages between the two countries and connecting local tourism businesses to their counterparts in Antigua.


GCCI advocates for visa-free travel to Japan - March 1, 2024 – Guyana Chronicle

THE Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), on Wednesday, met with Second Secretary at the Embassy of Japan in Trinidad and Tobago, Mr. Naoki Saito, to discuss areas for collaboration and strengthening of trade relations, while also advocating for potential visa-free travel for Guyanese to Japan.

The meeting was attended by the President of GCCI, Kester Hutson and Junior Vice President, Gavin Ramsoondar, and was held at the GCCI Waterloo Street, Georgetown office.

According to information from GCCI, the executives of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Second Secretary Saito exchanged views on Guyana’s political and economic situation.

Private investigation firm from Trinidad sets up office in Guyana - March 5, 2024 – News Room

See full statement issued by the GCCI below:

President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Mr. Kester Hutson, on February 13 met with Mr. Inshan Salamut, Managing Director/Chief Investigator of Confidential Investigations Agency (Guyana) Incorporated, a private investigation firm that specialises in civil and criminal investigations, and security services.

Originally from Trinidad and Tobago, the company recently opened its local branch noting a need for investigation services in Guyana given the massive rise of economic activity in the country.

Caribbean Investment Forum set for July in Georgetown - March 11, 2024 – Guyana Chronicle

PREPARATIONS are underway for Guyana to host this year’s Caribbean Investment Forum which is expected to be held from July 10 to July 12 at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre. According to the official website, this year’s forum is set to focus on sustainable agriculture, green economy transition and the digitalisation of business. As such the forum has put out an official call for large projects with national or regional impact that requires large capital investments in these areas...Late last week, senior officials from CEDA also met with executives of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) and discussed participation and collaboration.

Women in law enforcement praised for their ‘incredible strides’ March 12, 2024 – Guyana Chronicle

THE Guyana Police Force, in collaboration with the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) and the Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry (WCCI) Guyana, is hosting its 2nd Annual Women in Law Enforcement Summit 2024 at the Officers’ Training Centre, Eve Leary.

According to the police force, the summit, which opened on Monday, is being held under the theme, “Inspire Inclusion: Advancing Women in Enforcement”. The theme reflects a shared vision where diversity thrives and women are not only active participants but leaders in building safer and more secure communities.

Mayor, Private Sector to ‘revitalise’ Georgetown - March 15, 2024 – News Room

Several stakeholders on Thursday met with Georgetown Mayor, Alfred Mentore to discuss the revitalisation of the Capital City.

Representatives from the Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana (THAG), Private Sector Commission (PSC), the Women’s Chamber of Commerce & Industry Guyana (WCGI), Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) and the Georgetown Chambers of Commerce Guyana (GCCI) attended the meeting at the Herdmanstan Lodge.

According a press release from THAG, avenues for collaboration and synergies in execution of sustainable strategies for the revitalisation of Georgetown were considered during the meeting and it was decided that several initiatives could improve the city’s state.

Despite challenges, GCCI earned $93.3M in 2023 - March 28, 2024 – News Room

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s revenue increased by three per cent, earning the Chamber a total of $93.3 million in 2023 amidst changes in the economic landscape. This was revealed in the GCCI’s 20232024 annual report.

The report noted that the GCCI “demonstrated resilience and growth” and that it’s surplus surged by 85.6% to G$7,957,475, showcasing strong financial management. The report credited the increase in revenue to “strong growth in membership subscriptions and magazine advertisements.”

However, there was a reported decline in event revenue due to the nonexecution of the Business Development Forum but diversified income sources were able to support overall growth.

Guyana’s oldest business organisation records increased membership, increased surplus cash - March 31, 2024 – Demerara Waves

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GGCI), Guyana’s oldest business organisation, has recorded 150 new members in the 2023-2024 financial year, and has recorded 85.6 percent in surplus cash, according to chamber President, Kester Hutson.

Mr Hutson told Demerara Waves Online News that that business support organisation has more than 1,000 members.

Kester Hutson re-elected President of GCCI - April 4, 2024 – News Room

A new Executive Management Committee (EMC) of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) was elected on April 3, 2024, with Mr. Kester Hutson being reelected as President of the Chamber.

The elected EMC comprises a President, Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

Mrs. Kathy Smith was elected as the Senior Vice President, Mr. Gavin Ramsoondar returned as the Junior Vice President, Mrs. Melisa McRae-George was elected as the new Secretary, and Mr. Brian Edwards was elected as the new Treasurer.

No disclosure yet on Guyana’s participation in Canton 2024 Spring Fair - April 5, 2024 – Stabroek News

Not a great deal has been heard from the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) regarding the ‘potential participation’ of local businesses in the 135th Canton 2024 Spring Fair scheduled to be staged at the Canton Fair Complex, Guangzhou, China from April 15-19, though it would do both Guyana’s image and the image of the Chamber a power of good if Guyana were to make an appearance, even a modest one at one of the world’s biggest events of its kind. Representatives of the Chamber met on Wednesday March 5 with officials of the Chinese Embassy in Georgetown to discuss the potential participation of Guyanese businesses at the event.

Kester Hutson re-elected to serve as GCCI President - April 4, 2024 – Guyana Chronicle

OWNER of Dapper Technology Inc., Kester Hutson, was re-elected president of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI)’s Executive Management Committee (EMC), on Wednesday. The new members of the council were elected during the GCCI’s 134th Annual General Meeting (AGM) last Wednesday. During this meeting, remarks were delivered by Ms. Lorena Solorzano Salazar, Guyana’s IDB Group Country Representative, and Hutson.

‘Cooperation instead of competition’ – T&T companies scouting investment opportunities in Guyana - April 25, 2024 – News Room

A total of 16 companies from the Twin Island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago are currently in Guyana as part of a trade mission, scoping investment opportunities in the services, food and construction sectors.

During an opening session ahead of businessto-business engagements on Thursday, the companies were told to also look at opportunities in the agriculture, transport and logistics and ICT sectors...

High Commissioner of Trinidad to Guyana, Conrad Enill believes opportunities abound and can support the deepening of economic ties between the two countries...His sentiments were backed up by those of John Edghill, Senior Director of Investment and Kester Hutson, President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry...

“For too long we were competing where we should be cooperating,” Edghill said as he urged collaboration in the agriculture sector. Hutson acknowledged the unique opportunities foreign investors bring to the country and also noted the importance of collaboration...

GPL, GCCI ‘sit down’ on power woes evades timeline for end to protracted blackouts - April 26, 2024 - Stabroek News

Amidst heightening public concern over the erratic nature of the electricity supply in coastal Guyana, and relative muted but boisterous protest by domestic consumers and businesses alike, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) announced on Monday that its Petroleum Committee had facilitated a discussion forum on energy supply with head of the Guyana Power and Light Company (GPL), Kesh Nandlall.

Nandlall, the GCCI’s Petroleum Committee, through its release, made no comment on the power company’s schedule for restoring the power situation to a circumstance that at least bears a resemblance of normalcy. The discussions, which convened on Monday, April 22, featured an interactive discussion between Nandlall and other officials from the power company, purportedly afforded the Chamber “an opportunity to learn more about GPL’s plans for the future given how the frequent power outages have been affecting the private sector’s ability to operate efficiently and at maximum capacity…”

Architectural companies join forces to offer solutions locally - April 30, 2024 – Guyana Chronicle

THROUGH a shared commitment to excellence and innovation, Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) member HarpHard and Associates joins with Consort Architectural Hardware to enhance architectural solutions locally.

This collaboration between the businesses marks a significant milestone in expanding architectural offerings in Guyana.

Private sector heads condemn ‘divisive’, ‘ludicrous’ threats to businesses - May 1, 2024 – Guyana Chronicle

THE “divisive” and “ludicrous” attempts to punish innocent Guyanese-owned businesses for simply engaging President Dr. Irfaan Ali have been condemned by local private sector heads...President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) Kester Hutson, in an invited comment to the Guyana Chronicle, labelled the call for a boycott “disruptive”, and maintained that it does not add value to the economy.

Guyanese stakeholders promote local investment opportunities at Offshore Technology Conference in Houston - May 7, 2024 – Guyana Chronicle

Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar is leading a delegation at the OTC in Houston, Texas where several Guyanese companies and government stakeholders are engaging energy professionals to promote investment in Guyana

MINISTER within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar is leading a delegation at the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston, Texas where several Guyanese companies and government stakeholders are engaging energy professionals to promote investment in Guyana.

Indar leading Guyana delegation at Offshore Tech Conference in Houston - May 7, 2024 – Stabroek News

Minister in the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar is leading a delegation at the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston, Texas where several Guyanese companies and Government stakeholders are engaging energy professionals to promote investment here.

A release from the Ministry of Public Works said that members of the delegation include Chief Investment Officer, Dr. Peter Ramsaroop; President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Kester Hutson; President of the Guyana Oil and Gas Energy Chamber, Manniram Prashad; President of the Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Rowena Elliot; representatives of the GuyanaSuriname Chamber of Commerce and Industry and GCCI’s Richard Rambarran, among others.

During the course of its participation in the May 6th-9th Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) currently in Houston, Texas, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) sought to broaden its knowledge of the sector by engaging representatives of the various organizations with a significant interest in the oil and gas industry which were also represented at the forum. One such entity was MODEC, one of the world’s leading providers of floating production solutions for the oil and gas sector.

A delegation of more than 50 Guyanese attending the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, Texas on Monday toured the facilities of US-based consortium, Lindsayca-CH4 (LNDCH4). Representatives of the business community in Guyana under the leadership of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), along with the US Embassy, the Private Sector Commission, and other stakeholders, met with the senior leadership of LNDCH4 which included Mr. Nelson Drake, Mr. Hector Fuentes, and Mr. Juan Bellosta.

Guyanese delegation in Houston for OTC tours Lindsayca- May 9, 2024 - Stabroek News
GCCI officials meet Tech giant MODEC reps at Texas O&G Event - May 17, 2024 - Stabroek News

Rejection of DDL’s milk part of ‘notoriously long list’ of trade issues with Trinidad- G/town Chamber

- May 15, 2024 – News Room

See below the full statement from the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI):

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GCCI) notes, with strong consternation, the attempts by Trinidad & Tobago (T&T) to frustrate the Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL’s) export of milk and water. This attempt and outright blockage of goods is yet another addition to a notoriously long list of on-going issues which the GCCI has been on public record about. Thus, this latest incident only bolsters the case which the GCCI has highlighted in the past regarding the attitude and disposition of Trinidad & Tobago to Guyana.

GCCI condemns T&T trade barriers against Guyanese exports - May 16, 2024 – Guyana Chronicle

THE Georgetown Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GCCI) has expressed strong consternation over recent actions by Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) that have hindered Demerara Distillers Limited’s (DDL) export of milk and water. This latest obstruction adds to a long-standing series of trade issues that have plagued the relationship between the two nations, further highlighting T&T’s antagonistic stance towards Guyana...

GCCI, GSMA condemn T&T refusal of entry of Guyanese products

- May 16, 2024 - Kaieteur News

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GCCI) has expressed strong disapproval over Trinidad & Tobago’s recent actions to obstruct the export of milk and water by Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL), one of Guyana’s largest manufacturers.

Guyanese stakeholders promote local investment opportunities at Offshore Technology Conference in Houston

- May 7, 2024 – Guyana Chronicle

Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar is leading a delegation at the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston, Texas where several Guyanese companies and government stakeholders are engaging energy professionals to promote investment in Guyana.

Members of the delegation include Chief Investment Officer, Dr. Peter Ramsaroop; President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Kester Hudson; President of the Guyana Oil and Gas Energy Chamber (GOGEC), Manniram Prashad; President of the Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Rowena Elliot; representatives of the Guyana-Suriname Chamber of Commerce and Industry and GCCI’s Richard Rambarran, among others.

GCCI officials meet Tech giant MODEC reps at Texas O&G Event - May 17, 2024 – Stabroek News

During the course of its participation in the May 6th-9th Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) currently in Houston, Texas, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) sought to broaden its knowledge of the sector by engaging representatives of the various organizations with a significant interest in the oil and gas industry which were also represented at the forum. One such entity was MODEC, one of the world’s leading providers of floating production solutions for the oil and gas sector.

Private sector awaiting findings of probe into complaint about Chinese businesses

- June 20, 2024 - Stabroek News

The Private Sector Commission (PSC) is awaiting the findings of a complaint lodged by a number of local business persons to President Irfaan Ali about the proliferation of establishments across the country by non-naturalised Chinese persons with seeming lack of regulatory certificates and licences... Some of the business persons that subscribed to the letter are a part of the Private Sector Commission, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), and the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA)...President of the GCCI, Kester Hutson, told this newspaper that they became aware of the situation following the Stabroek News article and have put the issue on their agenda...

Pressure for responsible road use by heavy duty vehicles can come from the private sector itself

- May 31, 2024 - Stabroek News

Irresponsible road use and the various negative consequences of the phenomenon, coupled with the failure of the authorities to match what now appears to be the most serious challenge ever to safety on our roads, has recently attracted a pointed public statement from the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry [GCCI], ‘calling out’ the authorities on what it sees as a heightened regime of lawlessness in the country’s road use culture and particularly “the inadequate management of road usage by heavy duty trucks.” What the GCCI says is its “deep consternation and outrage” regarding what it sees as “lack of action against reckless truck drivers” rightly point’s fingers at “the authorities” which one takes to mean the traffic management authorities...

Private sector says still pursuing complaints over Chinese businesses

- July 15, 2024 – Stabroek News

The Private Sector Commission (PSC) and the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry say they are still actively addressing the concerns raised by local businesses regarding unfair competition from Chineseowned businesses and plan to soon meet with local regulatory agencies and Beijing’s Ambassador.

“From the Chamber’s standpoint, it is to engage with the Chinese Embassy, the Ambassador and her team and indicate some of our concerns and more so advocating for more compliance among Chinese businesses.,” GCCI President Kester Huston told Stabroek News when contacted last week.

GSA students, farmers, agro-processors urged to innovate, adapt - July 17, 2024 – Guyana Chronicle

ENTREPRENEURSHIP and business development are crucial elements in the agriculture sector, and to ensure local farmers, agro-processors and budding agriculturists are fully equipped with the tools needed to thrive, the Guyana School of Agriculture (GSA) and the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) held a capacity-building session on Tuesday.

Students from the GSA were engaged in interactive discussions during Tuesday’s session

Engaging stakeholders, GSA’s Chief Executive Officer Gavin Ramnarain emphasised the importance of fostering entrepreneurial spirit, and creating opportunities in production.

GCCI supports Police crackdown on illegal sirens and emergency lights - July 20, 2024 – Kaieteur News

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on Friday said that it firmly supports the Guyana Police Force’s (GPF) campaign against the use of illegal sirens and emergency lights by unauthroised persons.

In a statement, the Chamber of Commerce said it supports the “campaign launched by Traffic Chief, Senior Superintendent Mahendra Singh against the use of illegal sirens and emergency lights by unauthorised persons.

GCCI supports Traffic Chief’s campaign against illegal sirens, emergency lights - July 20, 2024 – Guyana Chronicle

THE Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has expressed strong support for the campaign initiated by Traffic Chief, Senior Superintendent Mahendra Singh, aimed at curbing the use of illegal sirens and emergency lights by unauthorised individuals.

Emergency lights and sirens are designated exclusively for the Guyana Fire Service, the Guyana Police Force, and ambulances. However, there has been a recent surge in private vehicles utilising this equipment to bypass congested traffic areas. These unauthorised actions not only violate the law but also pose significant risks to road users, potentially causing confusion and accidents, particularly when operated by drivers lacking defensive driving training.

Georgetown Chamber of Commerce objects to police force solely investigating itself for corruption - July 22, 2024 – Demerara Waves

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on Monday registered its concern that the Guyana Police Force (GPF) was investigating alleged corruption in that law enforcement agency, and recommended that other agencies be involved in an independent probe.

GCCI President, Kester Hutson told Demerara Waves Online News that in addition to the Police Service Commission, government and civil society “should establish a special committee to probe” allegations of a “high level of corruption and financial impropriety” in the police force. He said the Police Force’s Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU), Financial Intelligence Unit and other agencies should be part of the probe.

Chamber of Commerce calls for independent probe into Corruption in Guyana Police Force - July 22, 2024 – News Source

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce & Industry has issued a call for an independent probe into allegations of corruption and financial impropriety within the Guyana Police Force.

In a statement this afternoon, the GCCI said it has grown increasingly concerned over recent revelations of the high level of corruption and financial impropriety within the Police Force, and it wants an immediate independent investigation.

GCCI calls for independent probe into corruption in Police Force - July 23, 2024 - Kaieteur News

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on Monday called for an independent investigation into the allegations of corruption and financial impropriety in the Guyana Police Force (GPF).

In a statement to the media, the GCCI said that it is repugnant that the officers who are empowered to maintain law and order are engaging in malpractices. The body said too that such allegations bring into question the Force’s credibility and objectivity.

“If the agents of the state who are responsible for maintaining stability and lawfulness are engaged in malfeasance, then they can no longer be trusted to uphold the standards that they ought to be enforcing,” GCCI said in the statement

GCCI calls for independent probe into allegations of financial irregularities in Police Force - July 23, 2024 – News Room

See below full statement from the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GCCI):

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has grown increasingly concerned over recent revelations of a high level of corruption and financial impropriety within the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and calls for an immediate independent investigation.

As the body responsible for upholding and enforcing the laws of Guyana, it is repugnant that the very individuals who have been empowered to maintain law and order in the country are engaging in malpractices, which brings to fore questions of the GPF’s credibility and objectivity.

Letter: Hicken should proceed on leave to allow for an independent investigation

- July 30, 2024 - Kaieteur News

Dear Editor,

I would like to respond to Mr. Joel Bhagwandin’s letter in the Stabroek News, ‘Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s statement into allegations of police corruption might have been premature’ published in the Stabroek News on July 25, 2024. It was refreshing to see the statement from the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) calling for an independent probe into corruption in the Police Force...

GCCI, PSC see image of GPF through different lenses

- August 2, 2024 - Stabroek News

In a week when there appeared to be no relenting in public criticism of aspects of the modus operandi of the Guyana Police Force (GFF), the country’s two leading private sector business organizations, the Private Sector Commission and the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) appeared to be on diametrically opposite sides on the issue of aspects of policing, not least the seeming operational anomalies in the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and the importance of credible investigations into key aspects of its adherence to its ‘Service And Protection’ motto..

Minister Indar engages private sector on commercial waste

- August 3, 2024 – Guyana Chronicle

Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar engaged stakeholders of the private sector on Friday IN anticipation of an upcoming national cleanup initiative, Minister Deodat Indar from the Ministry of Public Works held discussions with private sector stakeholders regarding the proper disposal of industrial and commercial waste.

Indar, who is chairman of the National Enhancement Committee, met with representatives of the Private Sector Commission, Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association and the Chinese Association of Guyana on disposal of waste.

City Chamber against 2AM curfew; calls for stronger enforcement of traffic laws - August 3, 2024 – News Room

See below the full statement from the GCCI:

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has noted with concern the recent call by former Minister of Public Security, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, advocating for the re-institution of the 02:00hrs curfew as a solution to the alarming rise in road fatalities.

The Chamber firmly opposes this recommendation and urges a more effective and evidence-based approach to addressing road safety. There is no evidence to support its efficacy in reducing road fatalities. Re-imposing such a curfew would not only be misguided but would also have detrimental effects by hindering economic recovery and growth.

Ramjattan’s suggestion to restrict the free movement of the public is a simplistic and ineffective approach - August 4, 2024 - Kaieteur News

Dear Editor,

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has noted with concern the recent call by former Minister of Public Security, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, advocating for the re-institution of the 02:00hrs curfew as a solution to the alarming rise in road fatalities.The Chamber firmly opposes this recommendation and urges a more effective and evidence-based approach to addressing road safety

GCCI against reintroduction of 2 A.M. curfew

- August 4, 2024 - Guyana Chronicle

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has expressed strong opposition to a recent proposal by former Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, who has called for the re-institution of the 2 A.M. curfew as a means to combat the rising number of road fatalities.

The Chamber has criticised the curfew suggestion, deeming it a misguided approach that could negatively impact the country’s economic recovery and growth

Georgetown Chamber opposed to curfew

- August 4, 2024 - Stabroek News

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has voiced its concern about the recent suggestion by former Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan that the 02:00 hours curfew be reinstituted as a solution to the rise in road fatalities.

In a release yesterday, the Chamber stated its “firm opposition” to this recommendation and urged that a more effective and evidencebased approach be made to addressing road safety, citing a lack of empirical evidence. “There is no evidence to support its efficacy in reducing road fatalities. Re-imposing such a curfew would not only be misguided but would also have detrimental effects by hindering economic recovery and growth.”

GCCI participates in WUSC Multistakeholder Forum

- August 16, 2024- Stabroek News

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has been resolute in its commitment to supporting sustainable agriculture in Guyana and building the capacity of local farmers through collaborative outreaches.

Today, August 14, the Chamber participated in a Multistakeholder Forum on Sustaining Women, Youth, and Marginalised Male Farmers’ Participation in Agricultural Markets, that was hosted as part of the Sustainable Agriculture in the Caribbean Project funded by Global Affairs Canada and implemented by World University Service of Canada.

Chairperson of the GCCI Agriculture Committee, Mr. Brian Edwards, and Vice Chairperson of the Entrepreneurship and Small Business Committee, Ms. Natasha Waddle participated in the Forum that was held at the Grand Coastal Hotel...

Ten students from Camille’s Academy are benefiting from the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (GCCI) Annual ‘Teenternship’ Programme 2024, which is aimed at providing them with practical experiences in the working environment in relation to leadership, teamwork, communication, problemsolving, and management.

The fourth form students underwent their orientation to the programme on Friday, August 16, at the GCCI, where they were assigned to work with several businesses including Guyana Payroll Solutions Incorporated, Rafeek and Moore Customs Brokerage Firm and Logistics Incorporated, Raj Singh Insurance Brokers and Risk Management Consultants Incorporated, Guyana Electric Incorporated, Java Coffee Bar and Bistro, ActionInvest Caribbean Incorporated, Cerulean Incorporated, Technip FMC, and Beharry Automotive Limited.

GCCI against reintroduction of 2 A.M. curfew - August 4, 2024 - Guyana Chronicle

Ten students benefit from GCCI’s annual ‘Teenternship’ Programme 2024

- August 18, 2024 - Kaieteur News

Ten students from Camille’s Academy benefit from the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (GCCI) 2024 ‘Teenternship’ programme.

The programme is aimed at providing youths with experiences in the working environment exposing them to leadership, teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and management. The orientation of the Program was conducted on Friday at GCCI’s office located on Waterloo Street, Georgetown...

GCCI to sign strategic partnership agreement with China’s Hunan Trade Council

- September 4, 2024 - Guyana Chronicle

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) is poised to sign an agreement with the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Hunan Sub-Council in the coming days. This agreement aims to establish a Friendly Co-operation Relationship, focusing on enhancing exchanges and co-operation in the areas of economy, technology, culture, and investment.

The forthcoming agreement is a result of the GCCI’s participation in a seminar at the Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO) in Changping District, Beijing, China. A delegation from the GCCI, including its President, Kester Hutson; Senior Vice President, Kathy Smith; Treasurer, Brian Edwards; Councillor, Delmar Walcott; and Trade and Investment Consultant, Jessica Campbell, is attending the two-week seminar...

GCCI, London Chamber of Commerce discuss revitalising trade relations

- September 26, 2024 - Guyana Chronicle

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) is continuing to strengthen its international partnerships, with recent efforts focused on reviving a long-standing collaboration with the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI). This initiative is aimed at fostering stronger trade and investment ties between Guyana and the United Kingdom.

The relationship between the two chambers dates back to 1996 when a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed to promote bilateral trade. In a bid to reignite the agreement, a delegation from the GCCI, including Councillor and Executive Member, Timothy Tucker, Councillor Rayad Boyce, and Member Ian Dhanraj, recently met with LCCI’s Head of International, Marta Kozlowska and other senior officials.

The LCCI, representing over 9,000 members, including micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, is one of the UK’s leading business networks. During the meeting, Timothy Tucker updated the LCCI officials on the growth and development of the GCCI over the years, advocating for closer collaboration to create business opportunities for members of both organisations

‘We should not become second class citizens in our own country in our own country’ – Former GCCI President

- October 04, 2024 – Kaieteur News

Former President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Timothy Tucker has called for stronger protections for local small businesses against foreign competition, asserting that “we do not want to become second-class citizens in our own country.”

His comments come in the wake of recent protests by residents and vendors of Agricola against the establishment and operation of Chinese supermarkets in their community.

Oil and Gas Sector: GCCI hosts inaugural energy luncheon to boost local business participation

- September 28, 2024 - Guyana Chronicle

As opportunities in Guyana’s burgeoning oil and gas industry continue to grow, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) brought together industry leaders and local entrepreneurs on Thursday for its inaugural Energy Luncheon. The event, organised by the Chamber’s Petroleum Committee, focused on unlocking prospects for local businesses within the lucrative sector.

Kathy Smith, Senior Vice President of the GCCI and Chairperson of the Petroleum Committee, highlighted the Chamber’s role in facilitating these vital conversations. She noted that the discovery of significant oil reserves has created new pathways for economic growth, jobs, and development in Guyana. However, she cautioned that the industry’s growth must be balanced with environmental sustainability and social responsibility

Private sector could consider ‘matching’ govt’s $100,000 minimum salary - October 11, 2024 – News Room

The local private sector could consider raising its payments to workers following President Dr. Irfaan Ali’s announcement on Thursday that all public sector workers would earn no less than $100,000 monthly from 2025. The President made this announcement on Thursday as he addressed the 12th Parliament of Guyana, at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, Liliendaal, Georgetown.

Private sector representatives were among those who gathered at the conference centre for the President’s address. Some of those representatives shared their reactions to the bold interventions announced by the President soon after his address....

Meanwhile, the President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) Kester Huston said raising the minimum wage is something that can be seriously considered with the right incentives. “We’re hoping that we can match that.

“The private sector operates different from the public sector. We’re expecting to have some incentives in doing business as a private sector to really accommodate that,” he said. As consideration is given to possibly raising the minimum wage in the private sector, Hutson said the President would be engaged on incentives that can be provided.

GCCI announced Junior Stock Exchange Market to be developed for Guyana

- October 11, 2024 – News Room

See below full statement from the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI):

The second Regional Investments and Capital Markets Conference in Guyana came to a close on Wednesday, October 9, and among the information shared was an announcement by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) that it is collaborating with the Jamaica Stock Exchange on the development of a Junior Stock Exchange in Guyana.

President of the GCCI, Kester Hutson participated in a panel discussion on ‘the Private Sector’s role in promoting sustainable wealth creation and prosperity’ during which he made the announcement.

GCCI applauds Pres. Ali’s bold economic and social policy announcements

- October 11, 2024 – News Room

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has lauded the recent economic and social policies announced by President Dr. Irfaan Ali, highlighting its potential positive impact on both citizen welfare and the broader economy. Speaking on Thursday in Parliament, President Ali unveiled a series of interventions aimed at promoting economic growth, reducing income inequality, and improving employment prospects.

The GCCI, in response, praised the government’s focus on aligning economic development with human development and social inclusivity, noting that these policies will likely inject substantial disposable income into households and drive greater economic activity across the country.

GCCI encouraged by government’s bold steps towards economic expansion, social equity - October 12, 2024 - Guyana Chronicle

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has commended President Dr. Irfaan Ali and the Government of Guyana for the recent announcement of significant economic and social interventions.

These newly unveiled social policies prioritise citizen welfare, which the GCCI believes will have a positive ripple effect on the economy.By injecting substantial disposable income into households, these measures aim to reduce income inequality, enhance employment opportunities, and bolster manufacturing prospects across the nation...

City chamber commends gov’t on planned social, economic interventions

- October 13, 2024 - Stabroek News

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) in a release on Friday commended President Irfaan Ali and his government on the economic and social interventions announced in a speech on Thursday, October 10.

The GCCI views these social policies as reflective of keen focus on citizen welfare, which in turn can yield positive economic impacts through the injection of a significant amount of disposable income into households, reduction in income inequality, and increased employment opportunities and manufacturing prospects in the country. It pointed out that by the middle of this year, Guyana had recorded an economic growth rate of 49.7 per cent, and lauded the government’s focus on aligning this economic development with human development, social inclusivity, and improved standard of living

Jamaica Stock Exchange, City Chamber to sign MoU - October 15, 2024 - Stabroek News

The Jamaica Stock Exchange and the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) are to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) before the end of the year which could aid in the establishment of a vibrant stock market.

This is one of the outcomes of the now annual conference hosted by the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) which was in Guyana for the second time from October 8 to 9 this month

Chamber of Commerce calls for more training opportunities to address labour shortage

- October 16, 2024 – News Source

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry has proposed the expansion of training opportunities available to Guyanese to address the issue of labour shortage in the country.

In a statement, the Chamber of Commerce said having recognize that the country continues to grapple with a labour shortage, while navigating the need for a stronger Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) culture, it is continuing its efforts to address those issues, particularly through collaboration and stakeholder engagement.

Earlier this week, the private sector organization led a team to meet with the Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton and other officials from the Labour Ministry to see how best the two sides can work together to address the issues.

need cybersecurity, AI training – PM - October 24, 2024 – News Room

Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips believes that more Guyanese should be trained in cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help protect themselves and the country from emerging threats. The Prime Minister, who is performing the duties of President, spoke at a technology conference sponsored by DynamIQ on Thursday...

The conference was organised by the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) in collaboration with the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GCCI). It was held at the Pegasus Hotel, Corporate Suites in Kingston, Georgetown.

More Guyanese

GCCI empowers farmers in Region Two with agricultural capacity-building workshop

- October 31, 2024 - Guyana Chronicle

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) hosted an ‘Agriculture Capacity Building Workshop’ recently at the Regional Democratic Council boardroom at Anna Regina, Region Two.’

Over 20 local farmers attended the session, which focused on practical strategies and skills to elevate farming practices and boost agricultural success. The workshop covered essential topics, including “Farming as a Business,” “Access to Finance,” “Access to Markets,” “Good Agricultural Practices,” “Climate-Smart Innovations,” and “The Importance of Nutrients in Agriculture.”

GCCI’s initiative aligns with Guyana’s goal of establishing itself as the Caribbean’s agricultural breadbasket and supporting the region’s aim to reduce its food- import bill by 25% by 2025

Take wide-ranging actions against supermarkets, retailers – GCCI

- November 2, 2024 – Demerara Waves

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on Saturday called on several government agencies to take action against retailers and supermarkets for selling poor quality goods and ensure that all tax laws and labour standards are applied equally.

G/town chamber flags issues with substandard goods, businesses flouting labour & tax laws

- November 2, 2024 – News Room

See below the full release from the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI):

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has grown increasingly concerned by the practice of non-compliance to Guyana’s laws and regulations by retailers and supermarkets— particularly as it relates to the quality and standards of goods being provided to consumers and the flouting of labour and tax laws.

Chamber complains of counterfeit expired goods being sold in Guyana

- November 4, 2024 – Caribbean Loop News

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) says it has noted an increase in the number of counterfeit, expired and inappropriately labelled goods being sold here and is worried about the non-compliance of the laws and regulations by retailers and supermarket owners.

In a statement, the GCCI called on the Bureau of Standards and the Analyst Food and Drug Department to ensure that an investigation is conducted and products found to be in contravention of the laws and regulations removed from the shelves and prohibited from sale.

Chamber of Commerce calls for urgent action against counterfeit and expired goods on the market

- November 4, 2024 – News Source

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry has noted an increase in the number of counterfeit, expired and inappropriately labelled goods in the market place, and is also worried about the non-compliance to Guyana’s laws and regulations by retailers and supermarket owners.

In a statement, the Chamber of Commerce issued a call on the Bureau of Standards and the Government Analyst Food and Drug Department to ensure that an investigation is conducted and products found to be in contravention of the laws and regulations removed from the shelves and prohibited from sale...

‘Stick to it’ – Finance Minister reassures UK trade delegation Guyana open for business - November 11, 2024 – News Room

As Guyana undergoes rapid development, the need for foreign investors is great. Even so, Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh encouraged a visiting United Kingdom (UK) delegation to persistently pursue new ventures in the tiny South American nation...

The British High Commission in collaboration with the Caribbean Council, the British Chamber of Commerce (Britcham), and the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry is hosting this UK trade delegation.

City chamber concerned at counterfeit, expired goods on market - November 4, 2024 - Stabroek News

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on Saturday said that it has grown increasingly concerned by the non-compliance with Guyana’s laws and regulations by retailers and supermarkets— particularly as it relates to quality and standards of goods being provided to consumers and the flouting of labour and tax laws.

“There has been an alarming increase in the presence of counterfeit, expired, and inappropriately labelled goods in the market, which are not only clear violations of lawful standards but also a health hazard to consumers. The Chamber is issuing a call to the Bureau of Standards and the Government Analyst-Food and Drug Department to ensure that an investigation is conducted and any product that is not within the guidelines be removed from shelves and prohibited for sale”, the Chamber said.

GCCI President encourages Finnish businesses to invest in Guyana

- November 6, 2024 - Guyana Chronicle

In a bid to foster stronger bilateral ties, President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Mr. Kester Hutson, called on the visiting Finnish business delegation to explore opportunities for partnership with local companies.

Hutson’s remarks came during the “Guyana-Finland: Partnerships for a Sustainable Future” seminar held on Tuesday at the Guyana Marriott, organised by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.

Addressing the seminar’s attendees, Hutson highlighted the success of past joint ventures between local and foreign companies, emphasising that Guyana offers a wealth of opportunities for investment. “You come with the capital, you come with the expertise, and we will support you to grow your business,” Hutson stated. He pointed to sectors such as agriculture, tourism, and health as key areas ripe for collaboration and investment

GCCI explores innovative financing to overcome business growth barriers

- November 15, 2024 – News Room

With access to finance identified as the leading barrier to business growth in Guyana and the wider region, Kester Hutson, President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), announced on Thursday that innovative financing options are being explored to tackle this challenge.

Speaking at the launch of the fourth edition of the GCCI’s Business Development Forum on Thursday, Hutson revealed that one of the initiatives under consideration is the creation of a junior market, facilitated by an anticipated Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Jamaica Stock Exchange.

Venezuela targets Guyana in “orchestrated” cyber operations – defence official - November 16, 2024 - Demerara Waves

Venezuela was engaged in a variety of orchestrated cyber operations targeting Guyana, according to Assistant Director of the Guyana Defence Force’s (GDF) National Defence Institute (NDI), Dr. Seon Levius. The NDI said in a statement that in a hard-hitting exposé on Venezuela’s orchestrated cyber operations targeting Guyana, Dr Levius unveiled the faces, names, and organisations behind the malicious campaign to undermine Guyana’s sovereignty over the Essequibo region...

President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kester Hutson, praised President Ali’s visionary leadership in establishing the NDI and emphasized the importance of cybersecurity for Guyana’s private sector. “As the fastest-growing economy in the world, Guyana must lead in cybersecurity innovation to protect its economic future,” he stated.

UK Trade Mission wraps up visit - November 15, 2024 – Stabroek News

As the United Kingdom Trade Mission wrapped up its visit here, members of the delegation met with Councillors of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on November 13 at a networking event at Palm Court.

A release from the GCCi said that the event was organised by the Caribbean Council and saw representatives of the 20 UK businesses meeting with the GCCI Councillors including President, Kester Hutson; Senior Vice President, Kathy Smith; Treasurer, Brian Edwards; Councillor and Executive Member, Richard Rambarran, as well as Councillors—. Mary Nagasar, Komal Ramnauth, Keon Howard, Dr. Rosh Khan, Delmar Walcott, Navin Prashad, and Devon Seeram.

GCCI calls for stronger enforcement of traffic laws

- November 19, 2024 – News Room

See below full release from the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry:

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has grown increasingly concerned about the growing number of road fatalities as a result of reckless usage of the country’s roadways, and is urging the Guyana Police Force to implement stronger enforcement of the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act. Furthermore, the Chamber is calling on the Government of Guyana to revise the system of penalties to implement stricter consequences for breach of traffic laws.

Minister Indar updates GCCI on nation’s infrastructure development projects

- November 21, 2024 - Guyana Chronicle

Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar, engaged members of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on Wednesday to provide updates on Guyana’s extensive infrastructure development initiatives. The meeting, organised by the Chamber’s Petroleum Committee and chaired by Senior Vice President Kathy Smith, took place in the GCCI boardroom.

During his presentation, Minister Indar highlighted various aspects of ongoing and upcoming projects, including general infrastructure, energy systems, aviation facilities, transportation networks, the procurement system, oil and gas infrastructure, and government spending on development...

Farmers learn best practices at men’s health, agriculture workshop

- November 21, 2024 - Guyana Chronicle

Over 50 farmers from Region Three participated in a Men’s Health and Agriculture Awareness Workshop on Tuesday, where they were engaged on best practices in pesticide usage and the importance of safeguarding their health.

The workshop, held in the boardroom of the Regional Education Office in Vreed-en-Hoop, West Coast Demerara, was a collaborative effort by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), World University Services of Canada (WUSC), the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI), and the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board (PTCCB). Funding for the event was provided by Global Affairs Canada.

Georgetown Chamber engages French entity EVOLEN on investment openings here

- November 29, 2024 – Stabroek News

With Guyana’s now globally known oil and gas sector continuing to attract the attention of governments and private sector entities scouting investment opportunities in the sector, the incentive to ‘seek out’ such opportunities now extends across continents with visiting delegations enthusiastically expressing interest in establishing business relations with the country across a broad swathe of sectors, some of these even outside the oil and gas sector.

Recently, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) released information on its engagement with a delegation from a French entity, EVOLEN, an association of French energy companies and professionals on issues that included the visitors’ “scouting opportunities in Guyana” according to a release issued by the Chamber earlier this week.

Georgetown Chamber engages Brazilian delegation on a plethora of business issues - November 29, 2024 – Stabroek News

Currently in the process of enhancing its trade/ business relations regionally and internationally to complement its rapidly increasing profile realized on account of Guyana’s new-found status as a major global oil producer, the Guyana Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) is preoccupied with, among other things, the strengthening of business ties, including trade partnerships, not least with countries in the hemisphere. On Thursday November 21, the GCCI met with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Agency, APEXBrazil, to discuss the further strengthening of trade partnerships between the two countries.

GCCI welcomes new members at President’s Reception - December 3, 2024 - Guyana Chronicle

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) hosted its President’s Reception on November 29, creating a platform for recently registered members to network and gain deeper insights into the chamber’s roles and benefits. The event, which targeted members who joined between April and November, aimed to foster integration and ensure that participants fully utilise the opportunities associated with GCCI membership.

Organised by the Membership and Diversity Committee alongside the Entrepreneurship and Small Business Committee, the reception took place in the GCCI’s boardroom. The event was graced by several councillors, including executive members such as President Mr. Kester Huston, Senior Vice President Mrs. Kathy Smith, Treasurer Mr. Brian Edwards, Secretary Mrs. Melisa McRae-George, and executive members Mr. Richard Rambarran and Mr. Timothy Tucker.

Chinese Embassy in seminar with business community - December 1, 2024 – Stabroek News

On 27 November 2024, the Chinese Embassy in Guyana convened a seminar themed ‘Stable Development of China’s Economy and The Prospects of Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Guyana’.

A release from the Chinese Embassy said that more than 30 attendees including Presidents and other representatives from the Private Sector Commission of Guyana (PSC), the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA), and the Senior Director of Guyana Office for Investment (G-Invest) participated in the event.

Guyana Chronicle cops GCCI’s 2024 Media Award - December 13, 2024 - Guyana Chronicle

The Guyana Chronicle copped the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) President’s Media Award on Thursday evening. The award celebrates the publication’s consistent coverage of GCCI news and unwavering support for the chamber’s initiatives, as well as excellence in journalism. Editor-in-Chief Navendra Seoraj accepted the award on behalf of the Chronicle.

GCCI partners with Canadian organisation to develop ‘micro’, women entrepreneur learning centre - December 31, 2024 - Guyana Chronicle

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has announced that it has partnered with the World University Services of Canada (WUSC), with funding from Global Affairs Canada, to develop a groundbreaking Micro and Women Entrepreneur Learning Centre in Georgetown, housed at the GCCI’s Secretariat.

According to a press release from GCCI, the centre is anticipated to be completed and operationalised by the second quarter of 2025.

Over the last two-and-a-half years, the GCCI has been collaborating with WUSC to undertake capacity-building projects with farmers across the country through outreaches.

Budget 2025 a ‘vehicle for continued growth, development’ – G/town Chamber

- January 23, 2025 – News Room

See below full statement issued by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI):

Guyana on the presentation of the $1.382 trillion 2025 National Budget under the theme ‘A Secure, Prosperous, and Sustainable Guyana’—which was notably an increase of 20.6 percent from the 2024 National Budget, with no new taxes.

GCCI, World University Services of Canada to develop entrepreneur learning centre here - January 3, 2025 -Stabroek News

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) in collaboration with the World University Services of Canada (WUSC) are developing a Micro and Women Entrepreneur Learning Centre that is expected to be completed completed and operationalised by the second quarter of this year, a GCCI release stated on Tuesday.

GCCI praises Budget 2025 for $5k increase in old-age pension, investment in agriculture, infrastructure

- January 24, 2025 – Kaieteur News

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on Thursday applauded the Government of Guyana (GoG) on the presentation of the 2025 Budget, set at $1.382 trillion, an increase of 20.6% compared with Budget 2024.

The National Budget was presented on January 17, by Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh under the theme ‘A Secure, Prosperous, and Sustainable Guyana’

The Chamber said that as Guyana’s development continues on an upward trajectory, it is pleased with the projected growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 10.6% for 2025, coupled with the anticipated 13.8% growth in the non-oil economy this year. These projections are expected to allow Guyana to remain the world’s third fastest growing economy it said.

GCCI pleased with Budget 2025 - January 24, 2025 - Guyana Chronicle

The following is the full statement issued by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on Thursday:

“The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) extends congratulations to the Government of Guyana on the presentation of the $1.382 trillion 2025 National Budget under the theme ‘A Secure, Prosperous, and Sustainable Guyana’—which was notably an increase of 20.6 per cent from the 2024 National Budget, with no new taxes...

GCCI chides NIS over slow operations, calls for urgent reforms - February 01, 2025 - Kaieteur News

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has called out the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) over the “slow pace of conducting business” in a rapidly emerging economy.

The organisation, in a statement issued on Friday, expressed frustration with NIS’s operations and called for a review of the feasibility of the systems utilized by the Scheme

Georgetown Chamber bemoans ‘high level of inefficiency’ of NIS - February 2, 2025 - Stabroek News

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has expressed its consternation and dissatisfaction with what is sees as the high level of inefficiency in the operations of the National Insurance Scheme (NIS).

In a release on Friday, GCCI disclosed that it continues to receive complaints from members of the business community, as well as individuals registered with NIS, over the slow pace of conducting business with the agency, inefficiency in administering services, as well as the Scheme’s failure to transition to a digitised system that would allow for timely and convenient transactions.

Georgetown Chamber bemoans ‘high level of inefficiency’ of NISNIS disappointed and surprised at article claiming GCCI is dissatisfied with inefficiency at the Scheme - February 3, 2025 - Stabroek News

Dear Editor, The National Insurance Scheme has noted with concern the statement issued by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry “GCCI dissatisfied with inefficiency at NIS” carried by Stabroek News dated Sunday, February 2, 2025. The Scheme wishes to state the following:

(1) That it is surprised and disappointed by the statement published by GCCI since over the years NIS and Chamber have shared a good professional relationship which have led to us engaging in several educational activities such as seminars, meetings, conferences etc., with both the officials and members of the chambers

NIS disappointed by GCCI’s public complaints, calls for meeting to address concerns - February 04, 2025 - Kaieteur News

The National Insurance Scheme, which was recently criticised by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) for its operations, expressed disappointment that the Chamber chose to make a public statement rather than addressing these challenges through a meeting.

This is according to a letter sent to Kaieteur News on Monday by NIS’s Public Relations Officer, Diane Baxter. NIS said it is surprised and disappointed by the statement published by GCCI since over the years NIS and Chamber have shared a good professional relationship which have led to them engaging in several educational activities such as seminars, meetings, conferences among other things.

NIS decries ‘inefficient’ label in private sector statement - February 3, 2025 - Stabroek News

In the wake of stern criticisms from the private sector about its operations, the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) yesterday responded that it was shocked and disappointed at not being contacted before the public airing. NIS also requested an urgent meeting with the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) to address the issues highlighted, saying the chamber’s public expression of its disquiet posed the potential to tarnish the NIS’ good name..

GCCI intervention did not lead to mental health support for Mahdia fire survivors - February 4, 2025 - Stabroek News

More than a year after the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) facilitated a psychological assessment for the survivors of the tragic Mahdia dormitory fire in 2023, those affected say that no further action has been taken.

The psychological evaluations, which were part of an effort to support 45 survivors from Mahdia and Micobie, were completed in late 2023. The GCCI confirmed to Stabroek News that the evaluations were shared with President Irfaan Ali, Minister of Human Services and Social Security Dr Vindhya Persaud, and Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Charles Ramson. However, survivors and grieving families say they are still waiting for support or further developments.

GCCI collaborates with MODEC to host Vendor Forum - February 7, 2025 - Stabroek News

In keeping with the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (GCCI objective of ensuring that local companies benefit from the oil and gas sector through information sharing and capacity building, a MODEC Vendor Forum was hosted on February 5 through a collaborative effort between the Chamber’s Petroleum Committee and the company...

NIS, GCCI discuss challenges affecting business community - February 8, 2025 - Guyana Chronicle

The National Insurance Scheme (NIS) and the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) engaged in discussions on February 6, 2025, to address ongoing challenges faced by the business community in accessing NIS services.

The meeting, which was led by NIS General Manager, Ms. Holly Greaves and members of the GCCI Council, focused on key concerns affecting businesses.

Among the issues raised were delays in the timely disbursement of benefits, prolonged processing times for compliance certificates and claims, as well as gaps in communication between businesses and the NIS. The Chamber presented a detailed report outlining the challenges experienced by its membership, emphasising the need for improved efficiency and responsiveness in service delivery

City chamber, NIS in meeting on challenges - February 9, 2025 - Stabroek News

A team from the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) led by General Manager, Holly Greaves and the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) Council met on Thursday to discuss the challenges being experienced by the business community as it relates to accessing the services of the NIS.

A joint statement from the meeting said that among the areas discussed were concerns over the lack of timely disbursements, delays in the issuance of compliance certificates as well as processing of claims, and issues with communication. The Chamber also supplied NIS with a report on the challenges raised by its membership, the statement said.

GCCI seeks stronger business ties with Belize

- February 13, 2025 - Guyana Chronicle

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has signalled its interest in fostering a strategic partnership with business support organisations in Belize to enhance trade and economic collaboration between the two nations.

This commitment was expressed by GCCI Executive Member and Councillor, Mr. Richard Rambarran, during the First Meeting of the Joint Commission on Renewed and Enhanced Cooperation between Guyana and Belize on February 10. The meeting, held at the Ramphal House Conference Room at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, served as a platform for stakeholders from both countries to explore areas for economic synergy

Condemnation grows over incorrect display of map at Suriname conference - February 11, 2025 - Stabroek News

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Guyana’s Foreign Secretary, the Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) and the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) have all condemned the displaying of an incorrect map showing Guyana’s New River Triangle as part of Suriname at a recent Inter-national Business Conference (IBC) in Paramaribo.

The GCCI also expressed strong disapproval in a press release yesterday, condemning the use of inaccurate maps at the conference and criticizing the lack of objection from involved parties. The GCCI’s statement noted the significance of rejecting any actions that undermine Guyana’s sovereignty and called for solidarity among business organizations against such violations...

Guyana, Belize execute ‘think in’ to explore possible deepened business interests in the oil and gas era - February 14, 2025 - Stabroek News

With local Business Support Organizations (BSOs) now evincing an enhanced interest in broadening the base of its agenda to take account of its expanded interests in the oil and gas era, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) disclosed recently that it has an interest in cementing ties with the private sector in Belize through the requisite BSOs in that country.

The development is reflective of an awareness on the part of one of this country’s more strategically important local organizations responsible for supporting the local business community and of its need to step up its pursuits, both locally and outside of Guyana, to help promote Guyana’s legitimate business and entrepreneurial interests at a juncture where the country’s now ‘unveiled’ oil and gas resources add new issues to the agenda of the country’s BSOs...

GCCI and Go-Invest lead Guyana’s participation at Offshore Technology Conference 2025

- February 15, 2025 - Guyana Chronicle

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), in collaboration with the Guyana Office for Investment (GoInvest), is spearheading Guyana’s participation in the 56th annual Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), scheduled for May 5th to 8th, 2025, at NRG Park in Houston, Texas, USA.

The Offshore Technology Conference is a premier event that convenes energy professionals from around the globe to share ideas, discuss innovations, and explore solutions to the most pressing challenges facing the offshore energy sector.

During a recent press conference held at the GCCI’s boardroom, GCCI President Kester Hutson highlighted the significant impact of the OTC on local businesses...

GCCI engages Minister Bharrat on Oil and Gas developments

- February 19, 2025 - Guyana Chronicle

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) continues to ensure its members remain informed and benefit from Guyana’s evolving energy sector.

As part of this initiative, the Chamber’s Petroleum Committee hosted Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat, on Monday, where he provided insights into the pace of development in the oil and gas industry and regulatory matters.

The engagement, held at the Chamber’s boardroom, facilitated discussions on local participation in the sector, upcoming projects, and opportunities for Guyanese enterprises. Minister Bharrat emphasised the significance of these interactions in fostering collaboration and keeping stakeholders informed about ongoing and future developments...

Legislative efforts to improve business landscape in Guyana - February 26, 2025 – Kaieteur News

Dear Editor, The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) commends the Government of Guyana on the bold and timely legislative initiatives taken to improve the business and economic landscape in Guyana— particularly the introduction of the Financial Institutions Act, the Security Interests in Moveable Property Act and Acquisition of Lands for Public Purposes (Amendment) Act. The GCCI recognises these legislative initiatives as being crucial to driving development and economic growth.

The passage of the Financial Institutions Amendment Act comes at a critical point as with increasing investment interest in Guyana, there is a need for a well-regulated financial sector, particularly when viewed in conjunction with the increasing demand for access to capital. The Chamber, as a proponent of the development of businesses— particularly Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSME), has also long advocated for increased access to finance for small-scale businesses...

Private sector strengthens economic ties with Dominican Republic

- February 27, 2025 - Stabroek News

The private sectors of Guyana and the Dominican Republic are set to explore trade and investment opportunities between the two nations and deepen business ties with an eye on greater economic integration. To this end, the Private Sector Commission of Guyana (PSC), along with representatives from key business support organisations, met with President Luis Abinader of the Dominican Republic, on February 18, to discuss strengthening economic ties and exploring trade and investment opportunities between the two nations, a PSC release stated yesterday.

The private sector delegation was led by PSC Chairman, Komal Singh, and comprised senior executives from the PSC, Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association, Shipping Association of Guyana, Women’s Chamber of Commerce, Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Guyana Oil and Gas Energy Chamber, and other business support organisations.

Guyana, Dominican Republic strengthen economic ties through high-level private sector engagement

- February 27, 2025 - Guyana Chronicle

The Private Sector Commission of Guyana (PSC), alongside key business support organisations, engaged in high-level discussions with His Excellency, President Luis Abinader of the Dominican Republic on Tuesday, February 18th, to explore trade and investment opportunities aimed at strengthening economic ties between the two nations.

Led by PSC Chairman Mr. Komal Singh, the Guyanese delegation comprised senior executives from the PSC, the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association, the Shipping Association of Guyana, the Women’s Chamber of Commerce, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Guyana Oil and Gas Energy Chamber, and other business support organisations. Their discussions focused on enhancing regional trade, facilitating investment, and reviewing existing agreements to foster economic integration.

GCCI supports push to modernise Guyana’s financial sector

- March 1, 2025 - Guyana Chronicle

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has reaffirmed its position that Guyana’s financial sector requires urgent modernisation to keep pace with the country’s rapidly evolving economy. The Chamber has expressed strong support for Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo’s recent remarks, in which he described the sector as needing to be “dragged out of the stone ages.”

According to the GCCI, businesses reliant on financial institutions continue to face significant challenges, including delays caused by outdated paper-based and bureaucratic systems, as well as difficulties in accessing capital and foreign exchange

Business Chamber renews calls for urgent improvements in financial sector - March 1, 2025 - Guyana Times

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on Friday called for the Central Bank to take necessary steps and procedures to address existing gaps in the country’s financial sector as it relates to the demands of the economy and business landscape and the ability, or lack thereof, of the banking sector to deliver the level and quality of services needed.

The Chamber’s statement is the latest in longstanding calls for financial sector improvements, which continue to lag as the rest of the economy grows rapidly...

Improvements needed in the financial sector within the context of Guyana’s emerging economy - March 1, 2025 - Kaieteur News

Dear Editor,The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) affirms its position that the country’s financial sector is in dire need of modernisation and urges financial institutions to streamline updated systems that cater to the evolving needs of Guyana’s growing economy. The Chamber wishes to express its firm support of the sentiments expressed by Vice President, Hon. Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo on the current state of the financial sector and the need to “drag it out of the stone ages..”

Financial services sector in dire need of modernization -city chamber - March 1, 2025 - By Stabroek News

The financial services sector in Guyana is in dire need of modernisation and financial institutions must streamline updated systems that cater to the evolving needs of Guyana’s growing economy.

This rebuke was the focus of a release yesterday by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) as it advocated for change on behalf of the business community...

International Community, other crucial stakeholders slam Venezuela’s ‘blatant disregard’ for int’l law - March 2, 2025 - Guyana Chronicle

A Venezuelan military vessel’s unauthorized entry into Guyana’s waters on Saturday has reignited condemnation of the Bolivarian Republic’s blatant disregard of international law and aggression. The breach has been met with widespread criticism from the international community, as various organisations called for adherence to international law and respect for Guyana’s territorial sovereignty.

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) strongly condemns the incursion of Guyana’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) by a Venezuelan naval vessel. This threat to our country’s sovereign territory must be rejected and such acts of aggression must not be allowed to continue with impunity.

The Chamber urges all nations and international organisations to reject these threats to the region’s security and stability. Venezuela’s rejection of this long-established international boundary— which was determined by the 1899 Arbitral Award-—is currently before the International Court of Justice. This continuous escalation of aggressions and threats by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela only serves to destroy the peace enjoyed in the region...

‘Remove your vessel from Guyana’s water’ – CARICOM tells Venezuela - March 02, 2025 - Kaieteur News

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has issued a stern warning to Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro regime to urgently remove its military vessel that invaded Guyana’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), on Saturday morning... For their part, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) strongly condemned Venezuela’s incursion into Guyana’s EEZ labeling it a direct threat to the country’s sovereignty. “This threat to our country’s sovereign territory must be rejected and such acts of aggression must not be allowed to continue with impunity,” the Chamber stated. Notably, the GCCI reaffirmed its support for the Government of Guyana, declaring, “The Essequibo region belongs to Guyana, and the Chamber affirms that it is Guyana’s right to occupy its 83,000 square miles and EEZ.”

Guyana’s private sector, shipping industry, and city chamber condemn Venezuelan naval incursion and urge international support - March 2, 2025 - News Room

In a united response, several prominent sectors in Guyana have strongly condemned the recent Venezuelan naval vessel’s incursion into Guyana’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), calling it a direct violation of the country’s sovereignty and international law. The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) also joined the chorus of condemnation, reiterating that Venezuela’s actions undermine the peace established in the region. The GCCI pointed to the 1899 Arbitral Award that established Guyana’s territorial boundaries and noted that the issue is currently under the purview of the ICJ. “Venezuela’s continuous aggression only serves to erode regional peace and stability,” the GCCI stated. “We stand with the Government of Guyana in rejecting this violation and affirming our right to occupy the Essequibo region and its EEZ.”

No tolerance for threats to our territorial integrity – Pres Ali - March 2, 2025 - Guyana Times

President and Commander-in-Chief Dr Irfaan Ali has condemned Venezuela’s actions, after one of its naval vessels entered Guyana’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) on Saturday morning, in close proximity to an ExxonMobil vessel. The President declared that Guyana will not tolerate any threats to its territorial integrity. A statement was also forthcoming from the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), which expressed strong condemnation of Venezuela’s actions and noted that such acts must not be allowed to continue “with impunity”.

“The Chamber urges all nations and international organisations to reject these threats to the region’s security and stability. Venezuela’s rejection of this long-established international boundary—which was determined by the 1899 Arbitral Award—is currently before the International Court of Justice (ICJ).”

“This continuous escalation of aggressions and threats by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, only serves to destroy the peace enjoyed in the region. The GCCI will support the Government of Guyana in any measures taken to protect the country’s sovereign territory,” GCCI said.

Threat to Guyana’s sovereign territory must be rejected, acts of aggression must not continue with impunity – GCCI - March 1, 2025 - iNews

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) strongly condemns the incursion of Guyana’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) by a Venezuelan naval vessel. This threat to our country’s sovereign territory must be rejected and such acts of aggression must not be allowed to continue with impunity.

GCCI engages political parties ahead of General and Regional Elections

- March 6, 2025 - Guyana Chronicle

As the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) prepares for the upcoming General and Regional Elections, the Chamber has commenced engaging the contesting political parties to ascertain their economic development strategies for the country and discuss matters related to polling day.

On Wednesday, President of the Chamber, Mr. Kester Hutson; Senior Vice President, Mrs. Kathy Smith; Treasurer, Mr. Brian Edwards; Councillors and Executive Members, Mr. Timothy Tucker and Mr. Richard Rambarran, as well as Councillors Mr. Delmar Walcott, Mr. Paul Archer and Mr. Keon Howard met with the Executive Members of the Alliance For Change (AFC) in the Chamber’s boardroom...


Membership by Category

Yearly Additional Members



1. Chateram Ramdihal Chartered Accountants, Professional Services Firm

25 Craig Street & Delph Avenue


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 223-2660 / 500-0112 / 223-2104

Email: crcaadmin@chateramramdihal.com chateram.ramdihal@gmail.com

Website: https://chateramramdihal.com/

2. C.O.M. Chartered Accountants

92 Middle Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-505-4132; 592-505-4132

Email: comchartered7@gmail.com

3. E&A Consultants Inc.

274 Peter Rose & Forshaw Street, Queenstown

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-7538 592-0841 592-226-8247; Email: eaconsul@guyana.net.gy/

4. Express International Inc.

27 Hadfield Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 227-6025

Email: joinus@expressgoc.com

Website: https://expressinternationalinc. com/index.php

5. Francis Financial Business and Consultancy Service

97-98 Republic Avenue




Telephone: 2230877

Email: francisfinancial2022@gmail.com

6. M&P Investment Inc.

273 Lamaha Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5025034; 6292343

Email: mpinvestment100@gmail.com

Website: https://mandpinvestment. com

7. VanCam

Lot 5 New Road

Vreed-En-Hoop West Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592 610-8712

Email: VanCam2025@gmail.com

8. Vitality Accounting & Consultancy Inc.

Lot P & W Providence

East Bank Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 5926863775

Website: https://www. VitalityAccounting.com


88 Pike Street


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 225 8667

Website: https://zamcorpgy.com/

10. KM Consultancy Agency

11 Gordon Street



Telephone: 503-6669; 503-6669

Email: keonmorris820@gmail.com

Website: www.snap.gy


11. Snap.GY Inc.

Lot 36 Dowding Street




Telephone: +592-640-2050; +592-640-2050

Email: grow@snap.gy

Website: www.snap.gy

12. The Blubird Company Inc.

LOTS 327/33 Crown Dam


East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592-634-3272; 592693-0336

Email: theblubirdcompanyinc@ gmail.com

13. Yello Guyana Inc.

3 Duncan Street



Telephone: 1 868 680 5239; 2277705/501-0349

Email: msattaur@yellomg.com

Website: https://www. yellomediagroup.com/


1253 Block V

Herstelling East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592 656 2131; 501 5180

Email: amedevelopmentinc@gmail. com

15. Caribbean Chemicals (Guyana)


Lot 45 Croal Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-4178; 592-225-9639

Email: exec.guyana@caribchem.com

Website: www.caribbeanchemicals.com

16. CV Farm

17-23 Kuffy Koker Dam Friendship East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592-616-1500

Email: info@cvfarm.gy

17. Farm Supplies Limited

Rome Access Road McDoom Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: (+592) 233-0658 / 233-0657

Email: mail@farmsup.com; Website: www.farmsup.com

18. FreshPress Enterprises

110 Granville Park

Beterverwagting East Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-604-0883

Email: freshpressent@gmail.com

19. General Equipment Guyana

Limited Plot S15 Area SS Houston Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-233-0543-5

Website: www.genequipgy.com

20. Gopie Investments Inc.

Lot P New Hope East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-266-3256

Website: www.gopieinvestments.com

21 Green Agro Services & Supplies Inc.

104 Earl’s Court

La Bonne Intention

East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 682-8578

Email: greenagrogy@gmail.com

Website: http://mygreenagro.com

22. GreenDreams

141 Singh Street

Sister’s Village West Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 5926969942

23. Island Produce Export Inc.

Lot 59D North Sophia

Greater Georgetown Guyana

Email: produce@ islandproduceexports.com

24. Pomeroon Oil Mill Inc.

Lot 16 Mudlot

Kingston Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-223-5273

25. Pritipaul Singh Investment Inc.

51-52 Providence East Bank Demerara Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-265-7338-9

26. Ramgobin Livestock & Pet Supplies

44 Robb Street

Lacytown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 227-1609

27. Rayo Trades Inc.

Lot 611 Sand Reef

Annandale, North, East Coast Demerara Guyana Telephone: 220-9526

Email: sales@rayotrades.com

Website: www.rayotrades.com

28. Renrick’s Chicken Business

23 Graham Street Plaisance East Coast Demerara Guyana Telephone: 6447157

Email: renrickschickenbusiness@ yahoo.com

Website: https://whoswho.gy/ renricks-chicken-business

29. Royal Chicken

60 Garden of Eden East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-266-5830

30. Saj Rice Group

171 Peter Rose & Crown Streets Queenstown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-226-6126


31. B & R Food Packaging and Crafts Auchlyne Estate Corentyne Berbice Guyana

Telephone: 6397401

Email: meenaramnarine0@gmail. com

32. Gopie Investments Inc.

Lot P New Hope East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-266-3256

Website: www.gopieinvestments. com


33. All Things Handmade

Lot 750 6th Field

Cummings Lodge Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 6150195

Email: allthingshandmadegy@gmail.com

34. Everything makes Craft

Lot 5 W1/2 Hadfield and Camp Streets, KeiShars Building

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 696 3036

Email: hr.everythingmakescaft@gmail. com/ everythingmakescraft@gmail.com

Website: https://www.facebook.com/ everythingmakescraft

35. GiGi’s Gourmet Gifts

278 Area J Industry East Coast Demerara Guyana Telephone: 5926889025

36. Live Proactive

3 David Street & Aubrey Barker Road South Ruimveldt

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-658-0024

Email: iliveproactive@gmail.com

37. Yon’s Pro-Fashion

250-251 Section 6 Stabroek Market

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-644-2424


Email: yonspro fashion@yahoo.com

38. B & R Food Packaging and Crafts

Auchlyne Estate

Corentyne Berbice Guyana Telephone: 639-7401

Email: meenaramnarine0@gmail.com

39. Fine Art.GY

1100 Covent Garden

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-648-4000

Email: connect@fineart.gy

Website: www.fineart.gy

40. Florals By Shari

35 Middle Street


East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 636-4829

Email: sharisingh10@gmail.com


41. Ansa Motors Guyana Inc.

64 Beterverwagting

Industrial Site

East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 220-0455 Ext: 385

Email: reservations.guy@ansamcal. com

Website: https://gy.ansarentals.com/

42. Beharry Automotive Limited

Lot 191 Wellington & Charlotte Streets



Telephone: 592-227-2526; 592-227-1349

Email: info@baltoyota.com; info@ baltoyota.com

Website: http://www.toyota-caribbean. com/Guyana/

43. Bumper to Bumper Services

30 Anira Street

Queenstown Georgetown

Guyana Telephone: 592 227 2622

Email: info@bbscoatings.com

Website: bbscoatings.net

44. Car Care Enterprise

Lot 43 Hadfield Street

Stabroek Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-225-6888; 592-226-6162

Email: wilfredbrandford@yahoo. com

45. Caribbean Motorspares

Lot 174 Public Road

Zeelugt East Bank Essequibo Guyana Telephone: 502-3171

Email: info@caribbeanmotorspares. com

Website: www. caribbeanmotorspares.net

46. Imran Auto Refinishing System Lot 17 Graham Street

Plaisance East Coast Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-501-3763

47. Ideal Supplies Inc.

554 Commercial Zone Little Diamond, East Bank Demerara, Guyana Telephone: 592-624-4190/ 592-627-1900

Email: info@idealsuppliesgy.com Website: https://idealsuppliesgy. com/

48. Marics & Company Limited Lots 186 - 187 Charlotte Streets Lacytown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-226-1306; 592-231-9446/9

49. Ramchand Auto & General Store

51 , 56 & 58 Sheriff and Duncan Streets Campbellville Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-226-1266; 623-9419

Email: ramchandauto@bbgy.com

Website: www.ramchandsuto.com

50. Rose Ramdehal Auto Sales

Lot 220 South Road




Telephone: 592-220-8953; 220-1913

Email: herocaribbean@yahoo.com

51. RRT Enterprise

Lot 107 Regent Road


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-1290; 592-225-2237

52. Sankar’s Autoworks

Lot 1 Seaforth Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 669-1244; 592-227-0257

Email: info@autoworksgy.com

Website: https://autoworksgy.com/

53. Tony’s Auto Spares

Lot 72 Light Street




Telephone: 592-231-4032; 592-227-8574

Email: info@tonysautospares.com

54. Rollerz Auto

5 Farm


East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 6170779

Email: Rollerzauto@gmail.com

55. M Trucking Auto Sales & Agri


92 Smyth Street




Telephone: 5922258255

Email: jumbojetautosnm@yahoo.com


56. Air Services Limited

EFC International Airport


East Coast Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 592-222-1234

57. Caribbean Airlines

91-92 Avenue of the Republic

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-226-1260; 227-1250

58. InterCaribbean Airways Ltd

One InterIsland Aviation Way


Turks and Caicos Islands

Telephone: 16499464181

Email: Marketing@interCaribbean.com

Website: www.interCaribbean.com

59. Jags Aviation Inc.

1-2 Mudlot Water Street

Kingston Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 222-2461

Email: jags.aviation@gmail.com

60. Secure Innovations & Concepts Inc.

246 Samaan Drive

Meadowbrook Gardens

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-231-4410

Website: http://www.sicincgy.com


61. Gold Body by Cosmetics BW 334B East Street

South Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 6171269

Email: goldbody cbw@hotmail.com

62. Lexann’s Nail Creations

57 Hadfield Street 2nd Fl, Newberg


Guyana Telephone: 592-622-2822

Email: Info@lexannnsi.com Website: https://www.lexannnsi. com

63. Nice Touch Spa and Mobile Unit

65 Hadfield Street Werk-En-Rust

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 6163260; 6380440

Email: nicetouchspa.gy@gmail. com

64. SAKS Guyana Inc.

43 Garnett Street


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 220-3616

Email: saksmakeupartistry@gmail. com

65. Salon Intrigue and Spa 174 Lamaha Gardens

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-661-1826

66. Urban Oasis

234 South Road


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 2312058

Website: www.urbanoasisgy.com

67. Diversity Beauty Salon & SB

Mobile carwash

106 Croal street

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5926895756

Email: rekha.bisai12@gmail.com

68. Favour’s Hair Theraphy

Robb Street

Lacytown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 6652897

Email: divine_lana1319@yahoo.com

69. The Care Box

57 Austin Street Campbellville Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5926197825

Email: thecarebox592@gmail.com

70. Lewks

76-77 Robb Street

Lacytown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 6272840

Email: Lewksguyana@gmail.com



J Lama Avenue

Bel Air Park

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5926792795

Email: empretecguyanainc@gmail.com

72. HFS Corporate Services Inc.

62 Hadfield & Cross Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-4857

Email: hfslaw@guyanalaw.net

Website: www.guyanalaw.net

73. Interlink Business and Logistics Services

92 Middle Street North Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-717-3177

Email: Interlinkgy@gmail.com

74. Regav Solutions Company

Lot 5 Avenue of the Republic and Robb Streets Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 2275747

75. Sakura Events and Business Services

Lot 517 Kiskadee Drive

South Ruimveldt Gardens

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-624-8111

Email: sakura.ebs@gmail.com

76. The Economic Development Fund Inc.

Lot 2 Soesdyke

East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 2615219

Email: info@theguyanatrust.org

Website: www.innovateguyana.org

77. Vista Holding Inc.

257 Thomas Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 6231000

Email: Vistaholdinginc@gmail.com

78. Xpress Business Solutions Inc

Lot 241 South Road


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-686-6921

Email: xpressbusinesssolutionsgy@ gmail.com Website: https://xbsgy.com/


80. 592 Hospitality Inc.

Lot 12 Duncan Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 624-0208; 608-6602

Email: 592hospitalityinc@gmail.com

81. Basdeo Engineering Services

Lot 2, North Section, Canal No.2, West Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592 616-9207

Email: basdeoengineeringservices@ gmail.com

Website: https:// basdeoengineeringservices.com/

82. DOF Subsea

5365 W Sam Houston Pkwy N #400 Houston Texas USA

Telephone: (592) 510-8528

Email: jesse.persaud@dof.com

83. Amin’s Construction

38 Durban Street Worthmanville, Georgetown, Guyana

Telephone: 592 679-0831

Email: Aminsconstruction592@gmail. com

84. Amaila Apartments

47 Windsor Estates Peter’s Hall

East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 5926046631

Email: Chetbowling@yahoo.com

5. 2020 FMCG INC (Farfan and Mendes)

Q1 Public Road

Providence East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-265-7445

Website: www.fmlgy.com


1253 Block V Herstelling East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592 656 2131; 501 5180

Email: amedevelopmentinc@gmail. com

87. AB General Contractor Inc.

Lot 113 Side Line Dam

Hunter Street

La Pentience

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-694-7433

88. AJM Enterprise

106 Smyth Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 2239130/1

Email: nasrudeen.mohamed@ ajmenterprise.gy

89. AYN Construction and General Services

Lot 1346, Block ‘I’ Eccles

East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-502-4620; 592-622-9464

Email: aynconstruction@yahoo.com

90. B&J Civil Works

135-137 Section A

Triumph Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5922203213; 5926444865

Email: info@bjcivilworks.com Website: www.bjcivilworks.com

91. BK Supermix Inc.

1&2 Mudlot Water Street

Kingston Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 501-0524

92. Blackrock Development Company Inc.

95-99 Commercial Boulvard Happy Acres East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-220-5366

Email: blackrockdev.co@gmail.com

93. Blu Steel Enginering Inc.

4 Area ‘A’ Industry Front

East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 6891423; 502-4503

Email: blusteeleng@gmail.com

94. Blue Mountain Capital Inc.

111 Durban Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 6535723; 6452260



95. Blue Mountain Capital Inc.

111 Durban Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 6535723; 6452260

Website: www.bluemountaincapitalgy. com

96. Boxhill Company Enterprise Inc

191 Da Silver Street

Newtown Kitty Guyana

Telephone: 592-500-1085; 691-7317 /656-5056/ 612-7127

Email: boxhillcompanyent@gmail.com

97. Buddy’s Construction

Letter A Public Road


East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 2220196

Email: Ryan@buddysguyana.com

98. BuildMAX Inc.

109 Floral Park

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 218-5446; 644-3243/6400900

Email: info@buildmax.us Website: www.buildmax.us

99. Caribbean Building Concepts & Logistics Inc. (CBCL)

18 Old Road


East Bank Essequibo


Telephone: 5926993403

Email: cbcl.guy@gmail.com

100. Centaur Investments Inc.

846 Ficus Street

Eccles Block I East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 500-1696

Email: centaurinvestments2020@ gmail.com

101. CHEC Guyana Incorporated 79B Cowan Street Kingston Georgetown Guyana Telephone: +1 242 807 9797; 6559497

102. Chrome Construction Inc. Lot 111 Better Hope

Housing Scheme East Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 667-5656

103. Cimgro Construction and Investment Group Inc. 83 Lamaha Street

Kitty Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-231-8945

Website: https://www.cimgro.com/

104. David Persaud Investment


Sub Plot X Plot A Le Ressovenir

East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592-220-2164; 220-6726; 220-2073

Website: www.findyello.com/guyana/ davidpersaudinvestment/profile

105. David Yhann & Sons Company


76 - 77 Robb Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-3945

Email: davidyhann@gmail.com

106. Dynotech Construction Chemicals Inc

14E Garnet Street, Campbelville, Georgetown, Guyana

Telephone: 225-4336; 227-0623

107. Dyrock Construction Inc.

85 South Railway Line, Kitty, Georgetown, Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-2873 / 592-2261523

Email: stephen@dyrock.com

108. Diq’qah Construction and Contracting Services Inc.

Lot 140 Quamina Street South Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 622-4106

Email: diq.qah.construction@gmail. com

109. Durable Wood Products Inc.

Lot #10 Public Road Supply East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 1-868-713-5282; 592-2270549

110. El Dorado Offshore Guyana Inc.

211-212 New Market Street North Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-223-4708

Email: edosupport@eldoradooffshore. com

Website: www.eldoradooffshore.com

111. Electric (Guyana) Inc.

159 Arapaima St.

Guyhoc Park

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5926159420

Email: keonhoward@yahoo.com

112. Enviro Plus Inc.

80 Cowan Street

Kingston Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 635-1009; 610-1012

Email: enviroplusinc.gy@gmail.com Website: enviroplusinc.gy

113. Euphoria

476 Republic Park

Peter’s Hall

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 233-6712

Website: www.euphoriagy.com

114. Farm Supplies Limited

Rome Access Road



Guyana Telephone: (+592) 233-0657/8

Email: mail@farmsup.com Website: www.farmsup.com

115. First Change Builders Inc

16 Pike street



Guyana Telephone: 2278748; 6706005

Email: firstchangeinc@gmail.com

116. Fix-It Hardware Black & Decker


28 Main Street

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-223-4948

Website: www.fixit@fixithardware.com

117. Gaico Construction & General Services Inc.

Lot 225 New Market Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-226-5165; 592-6234161

Email: gaico@bbgy.com

118. General Equipment Guyana Limited Plot S15 Area SS

Houston Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-233-0543-5 Website: www.genequipgy.com

119. Golden Arrow Developers Inc.

232 Middle Street

South Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5023541

Website: www.goldenarrowgy.com

120. Guyana Energy Employment Sourcing Inc.

1196 Section A Block xX

Diamond East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 5926847538

121. Guycrete Inc

Lot 3 Sandy Babb Street

Kitty Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 226-5225

122. H. Nauth & Sons 1 & 2 Plantation Unity East Coast Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 259-3424-6

Website: https://hnsguyana.com

123. Harris Paints Guyana Limited

Lot 10 Water Street

North Cummingsburg



Telephone: 592-225-5630; 592-231-9789

Website: www.championsofcolour.com

124. HKBL Construction


East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 6146919

Email: hkbl.generalconstruction@gmail. com

125. Hollingsworth Construction Company

1 Public Road


West Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 6188004

Email: ramsfad2022@gmail.com

126. Hookmally (Guyana) Inc.

Lot 125 Laluni Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 1 (868) 374-7960; 1 (868) 367-0179

Email: admin@hookmally.com


Lot 95B, Fifth St, Cummings Lodge, East Coast Demerara, Guyana

Telephone: 592 652-4062

Email: ceo@hssbrokersgy.com

128. Icon LNG

234 Lance Gibbs Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-218-4892

Email: icon@Iconlng.com

Website: www.iconlng.com

129. Impeccable Construction & General Supplies

478 Perseverance


East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 645-3755

Email: cleanteam592@gmail.com

130. Japarts

38 Croal Street




Telephone: 592-225-1831; 592-2273444

Email: japarts23@gmail.com; Website: www.sosjaparts.com

131. JD Investments Inc.

29 First Street Alaexander Village

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 611-1741

Email: jdinvestmentsgy@gmail.com

132. R Ranch Inc

28-29 Industrial Area


East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 6701275


Block R Public Road Soesdyke East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592 261-5464; 261-5467

Email: jsbinvestmentsgy@gmail.com Website: http://www.jsbinvestmentsgy. com

134. Kall Guy Inc.

62 Hadfield and Cross Streets Werk-En-Rust Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-650-6605

Email: kallguyinc2@gmail.com

135. Kanhai’s Guyana Electrical Agency

Lot 146 Regent Street Lacytown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-227-2200

136. KPL Building Concepts Inc. 847 Eccles

East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 5002039

Email: Kplbuildingconceptsinc@ gmail.com

137. Len’s

Lot 136 Sheriff & Fourth Streets Campbellville Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-227-1511; 592-227-2486

138. Leo Architecture Goed Fortuin Rice Farm Compound Goed Fortuin West Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 5926981615

Email: leoarchitecture592@gmail. com

139. Lloyd’s Register Guyana Inc.

127 Quamina Street

South Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 690-6070 Website: www.lr.org

140. M.Sookhai & Company

Lot 222 Charlotte Street Bourda Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5925020106

Email: marksookhai@mscgy.com

141. Machinery Corporation of Guyana Limited

Lot 26 Providence East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-265-7315

Website: www.macorpcat.com

142. Memorex Enterprises

5-6 Dows Avenue

Vryman’s Erven New Amsterdam



Telephone: +1 647 534 3174; +592 608 8448

Email: chairman@ memorexenterprises.org Website: memorexenterprises.org

143. Namalco International Inc.

3-15 Brickery Public Road East Bank Demerara


Telephone: (592) 608-3485/87

Email: namalcoinc@gmail.com

Website: www.namalcoinc.com

144. National Hardware (Guyana)


Lot 15 ‘A’ Water Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-6569; 592-227-1964

Email: natware@guyana.net.gy

145. Navigant Builders Inc. Windsor Estates

46 Windsor Estates

Peter’s Hall

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-231-5191

146. Nav’s Auto World

Lot 291 Zeelugt Public Road

East Bank Essequibo


Telephone: 592 501-9895; 592 614-4777

Email: navsautoworld@gmail.com

147. Nexus Machining & Fabrication


Lot 8 Public Road

Friendship East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 266-0309

Email: info@nexusmachining.com

148. NK Enterprise Inc.

187 Section C

Bush Lot Village

West Coast Berbice


Telephone: +5926506605

Email: nkenterpriseinc@gmail.com


279 Onderneeming

Parfait Harmony

West Bank Demerara


Telephone: 6002624

Email: ognsuperb@yahoo.com

Website: https://gprsguyana.wixsite. com/ogn2020?mibextid=Zxz2cZ

150. Optimum Construction

35 North Road and King St



Telephone: 231-5486

Email: optimumgy@gmail.com

Website: N/A

151. Pacific Rim Constructors

Guyana Inc.

2 Avenue of Republic

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592.632.7713

Email: dan.vandermeer@ pacrimconstructors.com

152. Premier Insurance Company Inc.

68 High Street

Kingston Georgetown


Telephone: 5922230840

Email: info@premierinsurance.gy

153. R Kissoon Contracting Service

687 Foulis Housing Scheme

East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592 255 0793; 624 0484

Email: rkissooncontractingservices@ gmail.com

154. Ramkaran Contracting

Services Guyana Inc.

Lot 78 Williams Street




Telephone: 8682995143

Email: info@ramkarancontracting. com

Website: http://www. ramkarancontracting.com/

155. Royal Services Guyana Inc.

Lot 9, Unit 1-3


East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 233-6114; 233-6114; 6242000

Email: sales@royalservicesgy.com

Website: https://royalservicesgy.com/

156. S&K Contracting Services

4 Area A

Industry Front


Telephone: +5925024503

Email: skcontractingservices@gmail. com

157. S. Jagmohan Construction and General Supplies Inc

36-37 Eccles

Industrial Estate

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 501-0459; 2194206

158. S.I.E-Stanakas International


725 Pennylane

South Ruimveldt Gardens

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 503-3737; Miami Office: 1 850-760-0823

Email: admin@sie-sii.com Website: www.sie.sii.com

159 S.P.R. Enterprises

Lot 45 Brickdam

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-223-5699

160. SAWA Investment Inc.

Lot 59 Stanleytown

New Amsterdam



Telephone: 500-6946; 333-3525; 6397531

Email: info@sawainvestment.com

Website: www.sawainvestment.com

161. SB Plumbing, Welding and General Construction

237 Field 8

South Sophia



Telephone: 646-6308; 6163884

Email: babbselvurne@gmail.com

162. Shandong Deijan International

E&T Cooperation (Guyana) Inc.

Track ‘JW’ Durban Backlands

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5926742749

Email: caribbean-1@sddjgj.cn

163. Silica Sandport Inc.

63 Lusignan

East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 2206409; 5926274575

Email: info@silicasandport.com

Website: www.silicasandport.com

164. Silvie’s Industrial Solutions

Lot 31 High & Hadfield Street




Telephone: 592-227-6243; 592-225-4360; 592-227-6241

Email: silviesonline@gmail.com

Website: silviesonline.com

165. Skytec Enterprise International Inc.

A Of H Durban Street




Telephone: 592 225-1515

Email: ab.skytec@gmail.com

166. South Atlantic Logistics and General Services Inc.

Lot 1, NGS

Houston Gardens

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 672 8674; 225-1807

Email: alfonso.dearmas@salogistics.co


#125 Laluni Street




Telephone: 5926887236

Email: guyana2084@gmail.com

168. Superior Concrete Inc.

GYSBI Annex, Plot 7




Telephone: 592-623-2848

Email: info@superiorconcrete.gy

Website: https://superiorconcrete.gy

169. Supply Solutions Guyana Inc.

Lot 20 Public Road


East Bank Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 1 868 265-2450

Email: nicholas.ottley@ supplysolutionstt.com Website: https://www.ssltnt.com/

170. Synergy Global Incorporated

393 Parfaithe Harmonie West Bank Demerara


Telephone: 5002665; 698-9673

Email: synergyglobalgy@gmail.com

171. The Blubird Company Inc.

LOTS 327/33 Crown Dam

Industry East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592-634-3272; 592-693-0336

Email: theblubirdcompanyinc@ gmail.com

172. The Glass and Cladding Expert (Guyana) Ltd.

Unit 1, Upper Level, 127 Quamina Street

South Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 1-868-693-2791

173. The Hardware Depot

Lot 182 Charlotte Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-4165

Email: sales@hardwaredepotgy.com

174. TOSL Engineering Limited

8-10 Mararaj Avenue


Trinidad & Tobago

Telephone: 1 868-290-8356

Website: www.tosl.com

175. Tower Cranes of Guyana Inc

Lot 1 and 2 , Plantations Unity


East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 1-868-367-2356; 592 664 2614

Email: rbaboolal@ctowercranes.com

Website: www.ctowercranes.com

176. Trinity Enterprises

317 Kuru Kururu Soesdyke

Linden Highway


Telephone: 6538975; 6980311

177. Triple D’s Inc.

90 Carmichael Street

South Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 1-868-278-3400

Email: guyanainc@tripledsltd.com

178. Zalco Construction & Investment Group

Lot 41 Industry

East Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-676-3405

179. Zeco Group of Services Inc.

282-284 Section A Triumph East Coast Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-220-4165

180. H2 Asset

3202 Rose Drive

South Ruimveldt Park

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5926951799

Email: aachesney@h2assetinc.com Website: h2assetinc.com/

181. Ashoka Buildcon Inc

Guysuco Corporation Limited


East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 6029498

Email: chetan.gadiya@ ashokabuildcon.com

182. VG Group (Guyana) Inc.

Lot 4A Enachu Street Section K



Guyana Telephone: 5925109955

Email: infogt@vggroupintl.com

Website: https://vggroupintl.com/

183. Thrive Traders

Lot 83 Norton St. Lodge

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 643-4844

Email: thrivetradersgy@gmail.com

184. ICP (Inter Caribbean Port) Inc.

261 Republic Park East Bank Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 592-689-8086

Email: icp.inc.gy@gmail.com

185. Cornerstone Construction Inc. 1031 Block I


East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 6450440

Email: contact@cornerstonegy.com

186. Kee-Chanona Guyana Inc.

6 Church Street, Company Path


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592 617 6777

Email: Info@kee-chanonaguyana.com Website: www.kee-chanona.com

187. MEP Engineering Services Inc. 3205 Phase III

Providence East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 6321047

Email: mepengineeringservicesgy@ gmail.com


188. MCCG Guyana Inc. 91 Middle St

Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5977570148

Website: mccggy.com

189. Aberdeen International Associates 11 Lochburn Brae

Kintore Aberdeenshire United Kingdom, AB51 0XW Telephone: 447793020873

190. ActionINVEST Caribbean Inc. Lot 120 Parade Street

Kingston Georgetown Guyana Telephone: (592) 223-5583

Email: info@actioninvest.org

Website: www.actioninvest.org

191. AMPS Engineering (Guyana) Inc. 257 Thomas Street Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5922316252

Email: andrew@amps.sr

192. Apexify Corporate Training and Consultancy 4179 Block III

New Providence East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 6124209

Email: apexify@gmail.com

193. AVA Management & Consultancy Services

7 North Road Lacytown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 225-8371/225-0289

Email: ava.management. consultants@gmail.com Website: avamacs.com


281 Block Y, Section C Grove East Bank Demerara


Email: info@axic.gy

Website: http://www.axic.gy

195. BDO Professional Services Inc.

Upper Level 127 Quamina Street

South Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-691-0256; 592 503 0067

Email: admin@bdo.gy Website: www.bdo.gy

196. Beston Consulting Inc.

Lot 12 Junior Staff Compound

Greater Diamond East Bank Demerara


Telephone: (592) 502-1853

Email: guyana@beston.consulting Website: www.beston.consulting

97. C&R Engineering and Maintenance Management Solutions Inc.

12 John Street



Telephone: 44 3330142971; 592 697 1098

Email: rudolph.prince@cremmsguy. com

Website: www.cremmsguy.com

198. C.B & Associates Inc.

94 Section ‘L’ Campbell Avenue


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 219-3880/5454

Website: www.cbassociatesgy.com/

199. Cambridge Management

Consulting Limited.

25 Finsbury Circus


United Kingdom

Telephone: 44 1202 045532

Email: cmccaw@cambridgemc.com Website: www.cambridgemc.com

200. Caribbean Engineering & Management Consultants Inc.

Lot 117 John Smith Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 226-2773

201. Cloud Carib Limited.

Mariner Hall Sea Sky Lane Olde Towne



New Providence

The Bahamas

Telephone: +1 242 603 0837

Email: info@cloudcaribb.com

Website: https://www.cloudcarib.com/

202. DAI Guyana Inc.

253-254 South Road


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 2237781

Email: info@centreguyana.gy Website: www.centreguyana.com

203. Diq’qah Construction and Contracting Services Inc.

Lot 140 Quamina Street

South Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 622-4106

Email: diq.qah.construction@gmail. com

204. DLC Executive Concierge Services

84 Duncan Street Campbellville

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: (592)696-3915

Email: info@dlcexecutiveconcierge. com

Website: dlcexecutiveconcierge.com

205. Dyrock-Servus Inc. 85 South Railway Road

Kitty Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5927016238

Email: mark.weeks@dyrock-servus. com

Website: https://dyrock-servus.com/

206. E-Commerce 1780 Jack Glenn Street Oshawa Ontario Canada Telephone: 6475756087

207. EICCIO Advisors Unit No. 6 Magic Mall, Public Road La Grange West Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 5926180644

Email: info@eiccio.com Website: ww.eiccio.com/gy

208. Empower Guyana Consultancy 450 Crane

West Coast Demerara Guyana Telephone: 2541131

209. Engineering & Management Consultancy Group 195 Anida Avenue Eccles East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-501-6912; 592-6674943

Email: emcg.gy@gmail.com Website: http://emcginc.com/

210. Entech Consultancy Inc.

40 Fourth Street


Greater Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 6383993

Website: https://www. entechconsultancyinc.com/

211. ERM Guyana Inc.

210 New Market Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-501-0625 Website: www.erm.com

212. Fohrsight Global Consultants Inc.

14-14 Princess Street Wortmanville

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-696-6877

Email: s.thom@fohrsight.com Website: www.fohrsight.com

213. Francis Financial Business and Consultancy Service

97-98 Republic Avenue

Mackenzie Linden Guyana Telephone: 2230877

Email: francisfinancial2022@gmail.com

214. Freeman Solutions 8 First Street Alexander Village

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 641-1111

215. Geotech Vision Guyana Inc.

Lot 50 Brickdam Stabroek

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-4332

Email: info@geotechvision.com Website: www.geotechvision.com

216. Global People Services &

Management Consultants Inc

48 Croal Street

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: (592)-231-6103

Email: info@gpsmconsultants.com Website: www.gpsmconsultants.com

217. Go Blue Inc

Hummingbird Drive

Lance Aux Epines

St. George Grenada Telephone: 4734056672

Website: www.goblueconsulting.com

218. GR Engineering

269 Phase 1

Good Hope

East Coast Demerara Guyana Telephone: 503-1899

Website: www.gr-engineering.co

219. Guyana Gold Port Resources Inc.

Lot “C” Enachu and Sheriff Street, Section N Campbellville

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5926035915

Email: Yonnick.david@goldport.gy Website: www.goldport.co.gy

220. Harpi Management Consulting

Lot 70 Issano Place

Bel Air Park

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-614-5712

Email: joseph@harpigroup.com

221. HFS Corporate Services Inc.

62 Hadfield & Cross Street


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-227-4857

Email: hfslaw@guyanalaw.net Website: www.guyanalaw.net

222. HR Guyana

71 DaSilva Street & Newtown Street



Guyana Telephone: 592 632 1600

Website: https://hrguyana.com

223. Impact Business Solutions

Lot 6 Smyth Street


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5043745; 6792338

224. Keen360 Inc.

24 Eping & Abary Sts. Bel Air Park

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-502-1507

Email: info@keen360.com

Website: https://keen360.com/

225. Lin Energy Resources Inc.

14 Area G Ogle

East Coast Demerara


Telephone: +592 689 1007

Email: linenergyresourcesinc@gmail. com

Website: www.linenergyresourcesinc. com

226. Management Options Inc.

13 Gardenia Street Wismar



Telephone: 592-500-0619

Email: www.Learnuh.com

227. Michael DaCosta Associates, LLC 11706 Devilwood Ct

Potomac, MD 20854

United States of America

Telephone: 240 425 7227

228. Pacific Rim Constructors

Guyana Inc.

2 Avenue of Republic



Telephone: 592.632.7713

Email: dan.vandermeer@ pacrimconstructors.com

229. Prestige Management Consultants Inc.

165 Waterloo Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5926002472

Email: anita.ramprasad@prestige-mc.com

Website: www.prestige-mc.com

230. Professional Training Employment & Consultancy Service

59 Second Street

Uitvlugt Pasture

West Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-616-3521

Email: ptecservices2018@gmail.com

231. Project Development Consultancy

205 Charlotte Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-223-8283

Email: contact@pdc-research.org

Website: www.pdc-research.org

232. Quality Express

25 Garnett Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 628-1702

233. Quality Management System

Consultation, Auditing & Training

60 Church Street


West Bank Demerara


Telephone: 6290494

Email: qmsc2019@yahoo.com

Website: www.facebook.com/qmscat

234. Sakura Events and Business Services

Lot 517 Kiskadee Drive

South Ruimveldt Gardens

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-624-8111

Email: sakura.ebs@gmail.com

235. The Consultancy Group Inc.

Lot 263 Earl’s Avenue


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 225-8771/225-8773

Email: TCG@ theconsultancygroupguyana.com

Website: theconsultancygroupinc.com

236. The Siskin Group Inc.

47 E 1/2 2nd Avenue


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-673-4083

Website: https://thesiskingroup.com/

237. Thomson Group International Inc.

217 South Street

Lacytown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 6572048 /6571993

Email: at@t-g-i.com Website: www.t-g-i.com

238. TSD Regional Management Services Inc.

Lot 77 Brickdam Stabroek

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-226-3226-8 Email: drt@networksgy.com

239. Virtual Business Services (Guyana) Inc.

80E Duncan Street Newtown Kitty Georgetown Guyana Telephone: +592.621.9432/+592.225.6042 Email: support@virtual-bizservices. com Website: www.virtual-bizservices.com

240. Vitality Accounting & Consultancy Inc.

Lot P & W Providence East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-686-3775

Website: https://www. VitalityAccounting.com

241. WAF CONSULTING LLC PO Box 954 Gibsonton Fl 33534

United States of America Telephone: 8132106211 Website: wafconsultancy.com

242. WeltiilifestyleTV 54 Norton Street Lodge Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-663-1240

Email: allenwelth35@gmail.com

243. ProjecEvolve Inc.

67 Joseph Pollydore Street Lodge Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 6747005; 6941869

Email: info@projecevolve.com

244. Cardinal Services Guyana Inc.

Lot 257 Forshaw Street


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 18328609656

Email: Sabeeta1009@cardinalservices. training Website: cardinal.com

245. Drevait Inc.

Lot 4 1st Avenue Subryanville Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 611-8008

246. Cacique Consulting

54 Canje Street, Section K Campbellville Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 686 1566

Email: janellepersaud86@gmail.com

Website: https://caciqueconsulting.gy/

247. Linked Business Solutions Inc.

171 Rupa Pl East Bel Air Park Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-676-4805

Email: linkedbizsol@gmail.com

248. Pivotal Decision Support Systems

Lot 189 Karona Avenue

Happy Acres East Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 202 594 4927

Email: nik.pearson@Pivotal-DSS.com Website: https://www.pivotal-dss.com/

249. NLM Management Consultancy and Law Firm

167 Charlotte Street

Lacytown Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 2264129

Email: morganlisa699@gmail.com


250. Roots Construction

23 Fifth Avenue

Subryanville Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 6691076

Email: ngozithomas15@gmail.com


251. Headstart Delivery Services Lot 21 Crowndam Industry East Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-615-6281

Email: Headstartdelivery.services@ gmail.com


252. ALBECH Future Inc.

East Ruimveldt Housing Scheme, Guyana

Telephone: (592) 504-1346

Emai:dawyne.jacobs@albechfutureinc. com:

253. Excel Guyana Inc

158 A, Waterloo Street North Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 223-0646; 223-0648 Email: info@excelguyana.com Website: www.excelguyana.com

254. Intercon Guyana Inc. 205 Charlotte Street Lacytown

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: +60139226131; 657-8666;

255. OceanAir Logistics 162-163 Lamaha Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 227-2320; 502-9232

Email: oceanairlogisticsgy@gmail. com

Website: oalgy.com

256. Target Logistics Inc. 221B Camp Street North Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 500-7383; 624-7447

Email: targetlogisticsinc@gmail.com Website: www.tli.gy

257. MANASH Freight Forwarding 2148 Providence Gdns East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-674-5246

Email: sales@manashgroup.com Website: https://www.manasggroup. com


258. A.C.H Inc. - Authorized Samsung Distributor “A” Goedverwagting East Coast Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-600-7810

Email: achsamsungsales@gmail.com Website: www.ach-gy.com

259. Alliance Group Inc. Lot 3 Lamaha Street Alberttown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 623-0361

260. Amavani Alexander Street Kitty Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 227-6198

Email: amavani4@gmail.com

261. Amaya Milk Company

121 Laluni St.




Telephone: +592-640-6455

Website: https://amayamilk.co/

262. Ansa McAl Trading Limited

Lot 60 Beterverwagting

East Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592 220-0455

Email: ansamcaldistributioninc@ ansamcal.com

Website: www.ansamcal.com

263. Aquafina Water & Ice Inc.

Lot 160 Section D

Non Pariel

East Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 5925017617

Website: www.aquafinawaters.com

264. Atlas Business Solutions Inc

1683 Block II

Peter’s Hall East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-667-4664

Email: info@atlasbsi.com Website: www.atlasbsi.com

265. Babe Cave

129A Duncan Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 600-2118

Email: ournakedclosetinfo@gmail.com Website: www.ncofficial.com

266. Banks DIH Limited

Thirst Park, P.O. BOX 10194 Ruimveldt Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-0910

Email: banks@banksdih.com Website: banksdih.com


101 Regent St.



Guyana Telephone: 219-0857

Email: mail@beepats.com Website: www.beepats.com

268. Biomedical Enterprises of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd.

164-165 Waterloo Street, Second Floor North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-663-4898 Website: www.bmett.com

269. Blue Mountain Capital Inc. 111 Durban Street Werk-en-Rust

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 6535723; 6452260 Website: www.bluemountaincapitalgy. com

270. BPI Guyana

91 Middle & Carmichael Streets

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 225-6370

Website: www.brydenpi.com

271. Caribbean International Distributors Inc.

Lot D Rome Street Mc Doom East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-233-0867; 592-2330911

Email: mohamed.najeer@cidiru.com

272. Caribbean Medical Supplies Inc. Area G Hydronie East Bank Essequibo Guyana Telephone: +592 260 4727 Website: https://www. caribbeanmedicalsuppliesinc.com

273. CESCO Limited 1a Molynes Road Kingston 10 Jamaica Telephone: 18769689485; 18769267252

Website: www.cescoja.com

274. China Trading Lot 32 Robb Street Lacytown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-225-7352; 592-2315878; 592-226-8262

Email: aceguyana@hotmail.com

275. Corum Distribution Lot 141 Camp & Regent Streets Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-223-4313

276. Cosmetics Beauty World 13 Vlissengen Road Newtown, Kitty Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-231-0622 Website: www.cosmeticsbw.com

277. Dabi’s Variety Lot 40 Robb Street Bourda Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-231-2002; 592-226-7723

Email: r dabicharran@yahoo.com Website: https://dabisvariety.com/

278. Dalip Trading Limited 11-14 Broad Street Charlestown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 223-6339

279. Demerara Sand and Aggregates


Block Q 2AA Brickery Public Road East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-266-5637

280. Demerara Tobacco Company

Limited 122 Parade Street Kingston Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-225-1900; 592-2251902

Email: sancar@bat.com

281. DeSinco Trading Company


Lot 48 John & Sheriff Streets Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 233-3154; 233-3153; 2233359

Email: info@desincogy.com Website: https://desincogy.com/

282. Distrinet Caribbean Inc

263 Earl’s Avenue Subryanville Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 225-8771 Website: http://www.prodimex.net/

283. Dover Waterproofing Technologies Inc. 53 Oleander Avenue Bel Air Park Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 503-0516; 231-8939 Email: doverwaterproofing.gy@gmail. com

Website: https://www. doverwaterproofing.gy

284. ELGAWA Guyana Inc.

2 Upper David Street Bel Air Promenade Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5051864 Website: www.elgawa.com

285.. Embers Fine Cigars

44 Norton Street Lodge Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592 640-5865

286. Fraites Guyana Inc.

75 North 1/2 Church Street

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 502-5634


153 Charlotte Street Lacytown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 659 9387; 670 4259

Email: accounting@fusecongy.com

288. Gafsons Industries Limited

Mcdoom Village East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-227-5886; 225-3836

289. Game Xpress Lot 25 North Road Lacytown

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-227-8902

Email: sales@gamexpressgy.com

290. Gawlin LLC

173 DeAbreu Street Newtown Kitty Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-504-2015 Website: www.gawlin.com

291. Giftland Officemax

Lot 1 Plantation Patterson Turkeyen Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 227-7334

Email: executives@giftlandofficemax.com Website: www.giftlandofficemax.com

292. Global Seafood Distributors

Lot 8 West Ruimveldt

Industrial Estate

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-225-4531

293. Golden Arrow Developers Inc. 232 Middle Street South Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5023541 Website: www.goldenarrowgy.com

294. Gorchum Fresh 175 Middle St North Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 227-2001 Website: https://www.gorchum.com

295. Green Trade Import Inc. Lot 13 North Road & Wellington Streets Lacytown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-223-6006

Email: gizmosandgadgets03@yahoo. com

296. gtPlaza Inc.

A5 Barima Avenue Bel Air Park Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-223-5773

Email: admin@gtplaza.com Website: www.gtplaza.com

297. Guarantee International

Crating Inc

Lot 24 Cactus Road West Ruimveldt Georgetown Guyana Telephone: +592 687 2806

Email: sales@gicgy.com

298. Guyana Beverages Inc.

4A Area AA

Plantation Diamond

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-216-1517

Email: samuel.arjoon@smjaleel.com Website: www.smjaleel.net

299. Guyana Breweries Inc.



East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 5926321837; 220-0618 Website: caribbrewery.com

300. Guyana Invertertec

Lot 58 David Street

Kitty Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 647-3054/223-2233

Email: service@invertertec.com Website: invertertec.com

301. Guybisco Inc.

23 Mc Doom

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-233-0505

Email: hans@guybisco.com Website: www.guybisco.com

302. GY-Technology & Office


62 Duncan Street

Cambellville Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-2250733

303. HappyHome GY


Telephone: 7259000

Email: info@happyhome.gy Website: www.happyhome.gy

304. HarpHard & Associates


Lot 512 Phase 1

Good Hope

East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592-690-9198

Email: info@harphard.com Website: harphard.com

305. I&S Trading

218 Charlotte & Oronoque Streets




Telephone: 689-7425

306. Infinite Office Solutions Inc.

Lot 7 North Road

Lacytown Georgetown


Telephone: 5109986

Email: jgeorge@isolutions.gy

Website: www.isolutionsgy.com

307. Innovations America

23-24 North Road

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 226-9416

Email: innovationsamerica@gmail. com

308. Integral Supplies Guyana

Parcel 1319 Block EE


East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 500-1851

Website: www.integralgy.com

309. J&L Supplies Guyana, Inc

Lot 215 King Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: +5926195549

Website: https://www.jlsupplies.com

310. James Variety Store

Kumaka, Mabaruma, Guyana

Telephone: 592 693-4429

Email: drtreasurejames@gmail.com

311. John Lewis Styles

Lot 186 Waterloo Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-231-7321

Email: johnlewisstyles@hotmail.com

Website: www.johnlewisstyles.com

312. J’s Supermarket

15 Mud Lot

New Amsterdam Berbice


Telephone: 3333155

Website: https://jssupermarketgy. com/

313. Jupiter One International Inc.

204 Duncan Street

Lamaha Gardens

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 600-1329

Email: sales@jupiteroneky.com

314. Keyboard Kiosk 15 Lalchand Street

Better Hope South East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 2209603

315. King’s Liquor Guyana Inc. 17 Broad & Ketleystreet

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: +5922233217

Website: https://kings.sr/

316. KOJAC

218 Lamaha Street

North Cummingsburg



Telephone: 592-225-5366; 592-2275095; 592-225-2387

Email: kojac mkt@yahoo.com Website: www.kojac.gy

317. Machinery Corporation of Guyana Limited

Lot 26 Providence East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-265-7315

Website: www.macorpcat.com

318. Massy Industries

Lot 5 Public Road Ruimveldt

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-7291-2; 592-2268491-5

Website: www.massygroup.com

319. Memorex Enterprises

5-6 Dows Avenue

Vryman’s Erven

New Amsterdam



Telephone: +1 647 534 3174; +592 608 8448

Email: chairman@ memorexenterprises.org Website: memorexenterprises.org

320. Metro Office and Computer Supplies

127 “A” Quamina Street

South Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 223-9871

Email: admin@metroguyana.com Website: metroguyana.com

321. MultiServ Distribution

43 Church Street


West Bank Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 6716231

Email: Multi.serv.distribution@gmail. com

322. New Bombay Fashions

155 Charlotte and King Street


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5032854

323. Nextech Inc.

233-234 Camp Street

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 231-9710

Website: www.shopnextech.com

324. Optiek Ninon Guyana Inc.

N 1/2-219 Camp Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 2236076

Email: info@optiekninon.net Website: www.optiekninon.net

325. Patsan Trading Services

Lot 282 Sheriff & John Streets


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-9832-4

Email: patsan@networksgy.com

326. Payless Variety Store

42 Wellington Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 6251716

Email: payless@pvsguyana.com

327. PBS Technologies (Guyana) Inc

Lot 2 Goedverwagting

Rupert Craig Highway

East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 226-1066

Website: www.pbstechgroup.com

328. PC Shack

128 A Carmichael Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 225-3044

Email: info.pcshack@gmail.com

Website: www.pcshack.gy

329. Pieces and Things

195 D’urban Backlands

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 629-0285

330. Prem’s Electrical Store

Lot 177 Alexander Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-8973; 592-2277765; 592-225-0394

Email: sales1@premselectrical.com

331. Prologify Inc.

13 North Road & Wellington Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: +592 667 8134; Email: Website: https://www.prologify.com

332. Ramchand Auto & General Store

51 , 56 & 58 Sheriff and Duncan Streets


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-1266, 623-9419

Email: ramchandauto@bbgy.com

Website: http://www.ramchandsuto. com

333. SACH Soaps

Lot 9 Sheriff & Third Avenue


Georgetown Guyana


Studio # 13 Toucan Mall Toucan Drive

Amelia’s Ward



Telephone: 4424348

Website: sandimed.com

335. Steve’s Jewellery

301 Church Street

South C/burg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 223-9641

Website: www.stevesjewellery.com

336. Super Concrete Incorporated

Lot Q to Q1

Providence East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592 -265-7522-25; 265-7023-24

Email: superconcreteinc@gmail.com

Website: www.superconcreteinc.com

337. Superior Concrete Inc.

GYSBI Annex, Plot 7


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 623-2848

Email: info@superiorconcrete.gy

Website: https://superiorconcrete.gy

338. Superior Sea Foods

Lot 8 Public Road

Land of Canaan East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 5926972073

339. Suri Trading

70 Industrial Site

Eccles East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 233-2473

340. Survival Shopping Complex

173 Sheriff Street



Guyana Telephone: +592-227-8506; +592-621-4992

Website: https://www.facebook.com/ survivalsupermarkets/

341. Sustainable TechnologiesGY 3886 South Ruimveldt Gardens

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 218-1405; 691-2181

342. The Gift Centre

Lot 46 Hadfield Street & Boyle Place


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-225-2609; 592-227-7217

Email: thegiftcentre@hotmail.com

343. Toolsie Persaud Limited

Lot 10-12 Lombard Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 226-4071-5 or 265-7510-6 Email: toolsiepersaudlimited@gmail. com

Website: www.tplgroupgy.com

344. Toolsie Persaud Quarries Incorporated Lot Q to Q1

Providence East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: +265-7522 - 25; 265-7023-24

Email: admin@tplgroupgy.com Website: www.tplgroupgy.com

345. Top Brandz Distributors Lot 40 Goedverwagting Road East Coast Demerara Guyana Telephone: 5926217705; 5922314305 Website: www.tbdgy.com

346. Toucan Industries Inc.

Lot 10 Water Street

Kingston Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-225-4607

Email: toucan@ewirelessgy.com Website: www. toucanindustriesguyana.com


36 Section E


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: +592- 503-2993 Website: www.tradequay.com

348. Unicomer Guyana Inc. Lots 25 - 26 Main Street

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-225-5886 Email: courts.com

349. Unique Electrical & General Store Inc.

238 South Road Bourda Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 225-2250; 226-2197

Email: unique.electricalstore@gmail. com

350. United Bearings & Equipment Agencies Ltd.

155 Eastern Main Road Barataria

Trinidad & Tobago Telephone: 868-638-2570

Website: www.unitedbearings.com

351. United Investment Trading Lot 141 Camp & Regent Streets

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-225-1142

352. Veena’s Linen & Hotel Supplies

Lot 15 A Public Road

Cornelia Ida, 3rd Floor ENetworks Building

West Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592 276 1880

Email: veena11sahadeo@gmail.com


Lot ‘A’ Belmonte Mahaica

East Coast Demerara Guyana Telephone: 228-5456

Email: mail.viscom@gmail.com

354. Vp Imports

232 Middle Street South Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 6274171; 6783554

355. VSH-United (Guyana) Incorporated

Lot 103 Carmicheal Street North Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-223-8444

Website: www.vshguyana.com

356. Winedaysgy

159 Guyhoc Park, Arapaima Street East La Penitance

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-641-3633

Website: www.winedaysgy.com

357. Zeta Imports and Distribution

42 Church Street

Stanlettown West Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-639-5718

Email: zetaimports@yahoo.com

358. BM Enterprise Inc.

Guyana Fisheries Limited Wharf, “Area K” Houston


Guyana Telephone: 227-8176

Email: marketing@bmenterprise.com


Lot 1 Rahamans Park

Houston Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5033406

Email: jermine.baird@glguyana.com Website: www.galtandlittlepage.com

360. Green Works Landscaping & Fire Extinguisher Services

94 Independence Street La- Grange West Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 643-6649/ 66748-11

Email: greenworks58@gmail.com

361. Classic Curve Boutique And Classique Cleaning Services

C35 North Sophia Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 636-5626

Email: Princessmelissa122@gmail.com


362. Accountancy Training Centre Inc.

267 New Market Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592- 223 7673

Website: https://atcguyana.com/

363. Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business

The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Max Richards Drive Northwest Mount Hope Trinidad Telephone: 1-868-689-6539 Website: www.lokjackgsb.edu.tt

364. Cacique Inc.

161 Pike & Alexander Street Kitty Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-227-1180; 592-226-7407

Website: www.caciquegroup.com

365. Camille’s Academy 1-4 Soesdyke East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-261-5027


Diamond East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 216-6921/2

367. Cave Hill School of Business Inc. University of The West Indies Cave Hill Campus St. Michael Barbados Telephone: 12464247731

Email: chsb@cavehill.uwi.edu

Website: https://www.cavehill.uwi. edu/schsbm/home.aspx

368. Cerulean Inc. 104 Flambouyant Drive Eccles East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592 615 7185; 592 226 4650

Email: info@cerulean-management. com

Website: www.cerulean-management. com/

369. Ezekiel Elite Sports Academy X7 Amla Avenue

Prashad Nagar

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 6012546

370. Fast Learners Driving School

311 East Street

South Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 690-6868

Email: sales@fldschool.com

Website: https:// fastlearnersdrivingschool.com/

371. Georgetown American University 81 Croal St. Georgetown Guyana Telephone: +5922261375

Website: www.gau.edu.gy

372. Georgetown International Academy

Tract ‘c’ Block Xxx, South Railway Embankment, Pattensen, Georgetown, Guyana

Telephone: 592 608 7574

Email: admissions@giagy.org Website: giagy.com

373. JTW & Associates Management Institute Inc.

Lot 157 Waterloo Street North Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-223-5148

Website: www.jtwassociates.gy

374. MatPal Marine Institute Inc. 156 Durabana Square Lamaha Gardens

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-2133 592 226-5032

Email: info@matpalmarine.com Website: www.matpalmarine.com

375. Nations University / School of the Nations Inc.

Lots 41 - 42 New Market Street North Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-5781

Website: www.nations.gy

376. Nick’s Phonics Centre

162-163 Lamaha Street North Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-227-5973

377. Professional Development Enterprise

32 Pike Street, Kitty, Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-600-0112

378. Rajiv Gandhi University of Science & Technology

46-47 3rd Street Cummingslodge

Greater Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-222-6075/6

Email: info@rgust.org

Website: www.rgust.edu.gy

379. Texila American University Inc.

Lot 24-42 Plantation Providence East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592 265 7650

Email: enquiry@tau.edu.gy Website: https://gy.tauedu.org/

380. The Business School

43 Brickdam Stabroek Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 226-8906/ 225-5261 Website: www.busineschool.com/

381. The Defensive Driving School & Services

735 Section B Pattensen Turkeyen Greater Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 6158845

382. Transformative Training Solutions

29 Hadfield Street Lodge Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 6112094

Email: enidthom@gmail.com


383. Beta Group Guyana Inc. Lot 20 Public Road Mcdoom East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 597 680-5505; 316 1170-1291

Website: betagroupnv.com

384. CESCO Limited 1a Molynes Road Kingston 10 Jamaica Telephone: 18769689485; 18769267252

Website: www.cescoja.com

385. Dapper Technology Incorporated.

4 Area ‘A’ Industry Front East Coast Demerara Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 502-4503

Email: info@dappertechnology.net Website: www.dappertechnology.net

386. Electric (Guyana) Inc. 159 Arapaima St. Guyhoc Park Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5926159420

Email: keonhoward@yahoo.com

387. ELGAWA Guyana Inc.

2 Upper David Street

Bel Air Promenade

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5051864

Website: www.elgawa.com

388. H.H Hallim Generator

Contrator and Electrical

3269 Lamaha Place South Ruimveldt Park Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5922181500

389. Kanhai’s Guyana Electrical Agency

Lot 146 Regent Street

Lacytown Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-2200

390. Lumens Group

88 Carmichael Street

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 3478158636

391. Power Producers and Distributors Inc.

Wight’s Lane Kingston Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 227-0982 Website: ppdi.gy

392. Unique Electrical & General Store Inc.

238 South Road Bourda Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 225-2250; 226-2197

Email: unique.electricalstore@gmail. com



Avenida Marechal Floriano, 45 – 10° Andar Centro

Rio de Janeiro – RJ – 20080-003 Brasil

Telephone: +55 21 96940-7151

394. C.B & Associates Inc.

94 Section ‘L’ Campbell Avenue


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 219-3880/5454

Website: https://www.cbassociatesgy. com/

395. Caribbean Engineering & Management Consultants Inc.

Lot 117 John Smith Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 226-2773

396. CHEC Guyana Incorporated

79B Cowan Street

Kingston Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: +1 242 807 9797; 6559497

397. GR Engineering

269 Phase 1

Good Hope East Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 503-1899

Website: www.gr-engineering.co

398. Jofer Civil Mechanical & Industrial Company Ltd.

#1 Ninth St.

Vistabella San Fernando Trinidad

399. Sonriz Engineering Services

Guyana Inc.

78 Hadfield & Reda Street Werk-en-Rust

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 1 868 352-5315 / 1 868 382-9616

Email: ashton.moonoo@ sonrizengineering.com / marc. moonoo@sonrizengineering.com Website: www.sonrizengineering.com

400. VG Group (Guyana) Inc.

Lot 4A Enachu Street Section K Campbellville

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5925109955; 5925109955

Email: infogt@vggroupintl.com

Website: https://vggroupintl.com/


401. CAGE Guyana Inc.

19 Middleton Street Campbellville

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 6207021; 219-2008

Website: www.caribbeancage.com

402. Hits & Jam Entertainment

206 Lance Gibbs Street Queenstown

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-227-0580

403. Multi-Cultural Communications Inc. 104.1FM 41 United Nations Place Stabroek Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 502-5445; 223-6047

Website: www.guyanalite.com

404. News Talk Radio Guyana Inc.

82C Duke Street

Kingston Georgetown

Guyana Telephone: 3474374368

Website: https://demerarawaves.com/

405. Supreme Ventures Enterprise Inc.

216-217 Lamaha Street North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-231-9914

Email: cynthia.ramsaran@svlgrp.com


406. 2020 FMCG INC (Farfan and Mendes)

Q1 Public Road

Providence East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-265-7445

Website: www.fmlgy.com

407. AJM Enterprise

106 Smyth Street Werk-en-rust

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 2239130/1

Email: nasrudeen.mohamed@ ajmenterprise.gy

408. Edghill’s Electrical Engineering Services

513 Block ‘8’ Tuschen

East Bank Essequibo Guyana Telephone: 6038521

409. Golden Arrow Developers Inc.

232 Middle Street

South Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5023541

Website: www.goldenarrowgy.com

410. H.H Hallim Generator

Contractor and Electrical

3269 Lamaha Place

South Ruimveldt Park

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5922181500

411. Ibis Construction Equipment

Sales & Rental Inc.

C1 Public Road

La Bonne Intention

East Coast Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 219-4247

Email: info@iconguyana.com Website: iconguyana.com

412. Kall Guy Inc.

62 Hadfield and Cross Streets Werk-En-Rust

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-650-6605

Email: kallguyinc2@gmail.com

413. Machinery Corporation of Guyana Limited Lot 26 Providence East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-265-7315 Website: www.macorpcat.com

414. Reliance Inc.

193 Mandela Avenue

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5922231916

415. Frozone AC

296 Soesdyke Backroad East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 725-8189

Email: greeneshaka@gmail.com Website: frozoneac.com

416. Iceberg Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Services

Lot 279 Area J Industry

East Coast Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 592 680 1134

Email: marvendublin@gmail.com

417. Thrive Traders

Lot 83 Norton St. Lodge

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 643-4844

Email: thrivetradersgy@gmail.com

418. Green Works Landscaping & Fire Extinguisher Services

94 Independence Street La- Grange West Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 643-6649/ 66748-11

Email: greenworks58@gmail.com


419. Aone Events & Kids Fest 592 Lot 5 Duncan Street

Bel-Air Gardens

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 6784451

Email: Aoneeventd.decor@gmail. com

420. GEM Event Management

64 Newtown


East bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 6403860

Email: gemevents.gy@gmail.com Website: www.gem.gy

421. Sync Event Management

210 Block III

Providence East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 5926111331

Email: info@synceventgy.com

422. Lodestar Inc

62 Hadfield and Cross Sts Werk-en-Rust

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5926001066

Website: https://lodestarincgy.com/

423. Pulse Entertainment Lot 236 South Road Lacytown Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-223-8998

424. Rent-A-Tent Enterprise

Lot 1 Rahamans Park East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-225-7063

425. Xtreme Creative Solutions (XCS)

33 Middle Street Mcdoom East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 6513436; 6434266

Website: https://x3mcs.com

426. Linked Business Solutions Inc.

171 Rupa Pl East Bel Air Park Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-6764805

Email: linkedbizsol@gmail.com

427. Fine Art.GY

1100 Covent Garden

East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-648-4000

Email: connect@fineart.gy Website: www.fineart.gy

428. By Divine Inspiration

Lot 56 Block 5

East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592-620-2080

Email: bdieventservices@gmail.com

Website: bydivineinspiration.com


429. 592 Hospitality Inc.

Lot 12 Duncan Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 624-0208; 608-6602

Email: 592hospitalityinc@gmail.com.

430. Bank of Baroda (Guyana) Inc.

10 Avenue of the Republic

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-1220

Website: www.bankofbaroda.gy

431. Bank of Nova Scotia

Lot 65 Robb Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-9500; 592-225-9222 ext 270; 223-4357

Email: CustomerCareGY@scotiabank. com

Website: https://gy.scotiabank.com/

432. Bourse Securities Limited

1st Floor 24 Mulchan Seuchan Road


Trinidad & Tobago

Telephone: 1-868-665-5955

Website: www.bourseinvestment.com

433. Demerara Bank Limited

214 Camp Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-0609

Website: www.demerarabank.com

434. Dolla Guyana Inc.

Lot 92 Middle Street

North Cummingsburg



Telephone: 5925031695

Website: www.dollafinancial.com

435. E&A Consultants Inc.

274 Peter Rose & Forshaw Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-7538; 592-0841; 592-226-8247

Email: eaconsul@guyana.net.gy

436. Ernst & Young Services Inc.

The Pegasus Hotel, Suit 100 Seawall Road

Kingston Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-2835

Email: Gail.Marks@tt.ey.com

Website: www.ey.com

437. EveryData (Guyana) Inc.

Lot 267 B New Market Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-7005; 592-227-7009

Email: gy.customerservice@ everydata.com

Website: https://gy.everydata.com/

438. Funding Innovation Network

7 Stanley Keyes Ct.


New York 10580

United States of America

Telephone: +1-917-687-7448

Website: www.fi-network.com

439. GEMS Inc & GEMS Theatre


168 Century Palm Gardens

Durban Backlands

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 2260240 or 592 2253557


Website: guyanawhereandwhatonline. com

440. Global Capital Inc.

Lot 1831 Unity Place

Festival City North Ruimveldt

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-218-2871

Email: hoperealty2020@gmail.com

441. GraceKennedy Remittance

Services Guyana Limited 94-95 Upper Robb Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-5147; 227-5141

Email: contactgkmsguyana@gkco.com

Website: https:// gracekennedyfinancialgroup.com/

442. Guyana Bank for Trade & Industry Limited

High & Young Street

Kingston Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-231-4400/8

Email: admin@gbtibank.com

443. Guyana Payroll Solutions Inc.

3004 Phase III

Providence East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 231.1555 | 231.8660 | 695.4935 | 634.3317

Email: info@guypayrollsolutions.com Website: www.guypayrollsolutions.com

444. HLB, R. Seebarran & Co

71 Canje Street

Section ‘K’, Campbellville

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-226-2078/9

Website: www.hlbrsandco.com

445. Kanoo (Guyana) Incorporated

263 Thomas Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 6046631; 6008636 Website: kanoopays.gy

446. KPMG

Savanna East, 4th Floor 11 Queen’s Park East Port of Spain

Trinidad & Tobago Telephone: 868-623-1081; 1 868 612 5764

Website: https://home.kpmg/tt

447. Michael DaCosta Associates, LLC 11706 Devilwood Ct Potomac, MD 20854 United States of America Telephone: 240 425 7227

448. NCB Capital Markets (Guyana) Inc.

165 Waterloo Street Northcummingsburg Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 611-0769

449. NewHayven Inc.

304 Church Street Queenstown

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 504-0319

Email: info@newhayven.com Website: www.newhayven.com

450. Outliers Zone Caribbean

67 Victoria Road Plaisance

East Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 617-0173

Email: ozcbookings@gmail.com Website: www.outlierszone.com

451. Peninsula Appraisal Service

Inc (Trade and Finance)

11110 W Oakland Park Blvd #231 #231 Sunrise FL 33351

Guyana Telephone: 3053317255 Website: https://lppavalue.com/

452. Pressy Investments Inc 163 Durban Backlands Century Palm Gardens Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5927104695

Email: pressyinvestments@yahoo.com

453. PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited L405, Podium Level 4, Pegasus Suites & Corporate Center Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 868-299-07000 Website: www.pwc.com/tt/en

454. Quality Management System Consultation, Auditing & Training 60 Church Street Stanleytown West Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 6290494

Email: qmsc2019@yahoo.com Website: https://www.facebook.com/ qmscat

455. Ram & McRae Lot 157 ‘C’ Waterloo Street North Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-0322; 592-226-1301 Website: www.ramandmcrae.com

456. Republic Bank Guyana Limited Lots 155 - 156 New Market Street Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-223-7938 ext 2626

457. Solutions Pro

51 Princess Street Wortmanville

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-231-8660

458. Tosh Financial and Business Services Inc.

4228 Block III

Providence East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 6158306

Website: https://toshfbsinc.wixsite. com/tosh-financial-and-b

459. Caribbean Information and Credit Rating Services Limited (CariCRIS)

3rd Floor, Furness House 90 Independence Square Port of Spain

Trinidad and Tobago Telephone: 686 681 8002 Website: www.caricris.com

460. JB Consultancy & Associates 165 Waterloo Street Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 652-1995

Website: https://www.jbconsultancy. info

461. Opulent Consultancy Inc.

Lot 188 Charlotte Street Bourda

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 686-3618

462. Zoe Perissos Business Service

370 Kuru Kururu Newton Soesdyke Linden Highway East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592 664 8222; 592 6668786

Email: info@zoepbs.com

463. KM Consultancy Agency

11 Gordon Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 503-6669

Email: keonmorris820@gmail.com

464. Block Logic Inc.

Beausejour, Gros Islet


Gros Islet

Saint Lucia

Telephone: (592) 701-5243 / (592) 691-2096

Email: bdevelopment@blocklogicinc.io Website: www.blocklogicinc.io

465. Wallet Wisdom


Telephone: 706-7051

Email: walletwisdomguyana@gmail. com

466. Caripay Inc.

Room 304, Pegasus Corporate Center

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 500-4010

Email: bhy@mac.com

Website: bebanked.com

467. Mobile Money Guyana Inc

4th Floor, Pegasus Corporate Suites

Kingston Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 227-9185-9

Email: customerservice@mmg.gy Website: https://www.mmg.gy/


468. Abidemi Snackette and Catering Lot 1

South Vigilance

East Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 6608511

Email: Abidemibacchus10@yahoo.com

469. Babe Cave

129A Duncan Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 600-2118

Email: ournakedclosetinfo@gmail.com

Website: www.ncofficial.com

470. El Dorado Offshore Guyana Inc.

211-212 New Market Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-223-4708

Email: edosupport@ eldoradooffshore.com

Website: www.eldoradooffshore.com

471. JGS Business SVC 136 Durbana Sq Lamaha Gardens

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 615 2225

Email: jgstel@verizon.net

Website: N/A

472. King’s Liquor Guyana Inc. 17 Broad & Ketleystreet

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: +5922233217

Website: https://kings.sr/

473. Moon Corp Inc 183 Albert Street


Georgetown Guyana

474. Pammys Creative Kitchen

53 CC Eccles

East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-690-7366

Email: pammyscreativekitchen@ yahoo.com

475. Shawarma Hutt

Lot 6 Montrose

East Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 6387949

Email: chrisjameel15@gmail.com

476. Noodle Cake Creations 12 Light Street Alberttown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592 666 6212

477. TeamStoby Smoothies & Protein bar Giftland Mall Turkeyen Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 6520414

Email: stobyg26@gmail.com

478. Fusion Hospitality INC

3 Sandy Babb St. Kitty Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5926408833

Email: yonnickdavid@hotmail.com

479. Newrest Guyana Inc.

Lot 1 Eccles Industrial Site Eccles East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 5925021214

Email: r.vanwijlen@newrest.eu


480. 592 Hospitality Inc.

Lot 12 Duncan Street Campbellsville Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 624-0208; 608-6602 Email: 592hospitalityinc@gmail.com

481. Beyond Safe NV

Jan Noorduynweg z/n

7-7 Shopping Center unit 16 Curacao

Telephone: +59998880279

Website: www.dnb.com/businessdirectory/company-profiles.beyond_ safe_nv.a1fd0dc3a3fa6b535f10f6a7f58 d2d32.html

482. Caribbean Medical Supplies Inc.

Area G

Hydronie East Bank Essequibo Guyana

Telephone: +592 260 4727

Website: https://www. caribbeanmedicalsuppliesinc.com/

483. . Caribbean Surgery

270 Thomas Street North Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-227-2030

Email: office@caribbeansurgery.com Website: www.caribbeansurgery.com

484. Dr. Stuart’s Dental Clinic 209 B Charlotte Street Lacytown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-226-9001

485. Eureka Medical Laboratories Inc.

Lot 263 Thomas Street, North Cummingsburg, Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-5131

592-226-8979 Ex:106; Email: info@eurekalabgy.com

486. Health First 256 East Ruimveldt Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 2234486

487. Health Sales Global Inc.

Lot 4 Area Q UG Road, Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara, Guyana

Telephone: 592 645-5513

Email: healthsalesglobal@gmail.com

488. Hillside Health Care

673 South Amelia’s Ward Toucan Mall

Amelia’s Ward Linden Stall #10 Well Road Linden Guyana

Telephone: +5926739858

489. Inner Peace Psychotherapy and Counseling Services 92, Oronoque Street Queenstown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592 6139255

490. Lift Good Inc.

220 South Road Lacytown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 6087848

Email: kacey@liftgood.co Website: www.liftgood.co

491. New GPC Inc.

A1 Farm East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-265-4261 to 4265

Email: companysecretary@newgpc.com Website: www. newgpc.com

492. New Vision Labs Inc.

176 Hadfield Street Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 223-8378

Email: info@newvisionlabsgy.com Website: https://newvisionlabsgy. com/

493. OnCall Health Inc.

85 Quamina Street

South Cummingsburg



Telephone: 592 621-7448 | 592 503-4317

Email: oncall@oncallguyana.com

Website: www.OnCallMD.health

494. Optiek Ninon Guyana Inc.

N 1/2-219 Camp Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 2236076

Email: info@optiekninon.net

Website: www.optiekninon.net

495. Optique Vision Care

350 East Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-600-5665/ 5012067

496. Oxford Medical Centre

Track JW Mandela Avenue, Durban Backlands, Georgetown, Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-1650

Email: oxfordmedicalgy@gmail.com

497. Pharma-X Consultancy Inc.

34 Garnett Street

Newtown Kitty Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: +44 7716202644 / + 592 6230299

Email: pharmaxconsultancyltd@ yahoo.co.uk

Website: www.pharmaxconsultancyltd.co.uk

498. Shakespeare Pharma Ltd

Unit 1B Harrison Court

Hilton Business Park

Hilton Derbyshire

DE65 5UR United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 7824 357694; 01283 730926

Website: www.shakespearepharma.com


Lot 160 Waterloo Street

North Cummingsburg


Guyana Telephone: 226 8315; 505 8315



500. Western Scientific Company


1 Rahaman’s Park

Houston East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-3362

501. ZH Pharmacy

244 Regent Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 6240782; 6174092

Website: Zhpharmacy.com

502. Phoenix Clinicare Inc

Lot 6 Springlands Corriverton Berbice Guyana Telephone: 592 335 3841

Email: phoenixclinicare@gmail.com

503. Total Healthcare Solutions Inc. 210 Charlotte Streets & Albert Bourda Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 2319600

Email: vijaybalgobin@thsgy.com

504. The Rehab Center Inc.

229 Lance Gibbs Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 604 0587

Email: wearetherehabcenter@gmail.com

505. Ultra Care Medical Centre Inc.

24 Light & Second Street


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5926122273

Email: admin@ ultracaremedicalcentre.gy

Website: www.ultracaremedicalcentre. gy/

506. Thrive Traders Lot 83 Norton St. Lodge

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 643-4844

Email: thrivetradersgy@gmail.com

507. Dr. Balwant Singh’s Hospital Inc. 314 East Street

South Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5922264279; +5922270539;+5922271087

Email: shazad@balwantsingh.com

Website: https://balwantsingh.com/

508. RMI Global Solutions Guyana Inc

2 Avenue of the Republic

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 633 5464

Email: jrawles@rmiglobalsolutions.com Website: https://rmiglobalsolutions. com/


509. HR Guyana

71 DaSilva Street & Newtown Street Kitty Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 632 1600

Website: https://hrguyana.com

510. Pandora Energy Inc.

2nd Floor, Lot 32 E Fort and Barrack Streets

Kingston Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-502-2446Email: hr@ pandoraenergy.gy

511. Brunel Guyana Inc.

2 Avenue of the Republic



Telephone: 592 620 2500

Website: https://www.brunel.net/en/ south-america/guyana

512. Empower Guyana Consultancy

450 Crane

West Coast Demerara Guyana Telephone: 2541131

513. Express International Inc.

27 Hadfield Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 227-6025

Email: joinus@expressgoc.com Website: https:// expressinternationalinc.com/index. php

514. Geotech Vision Guyana Inc.

Lot 50 Brickdam Stabroek

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-4332

Email: info@geotechvision.com Website: www.geotechvision.com

515. Global Empowerment Institute

8105 Nutmeg Way


Florida 33321


Telephone: 876-810-1102; 561-568-8650

Website: www. GlobalEmpowermentInstitute.com

516. Global People Services & Management Consultants Inc

48 Croal Street


Guyana Telephone: (592)-231-6103

Email: info@gpsmconsultants.com Website: www.gpsmconsultants.com

517. HRTM Consulting Inc.

215 King Street & South Road


Guyana Telephone: 609 6040

518. International HR Technology & Leadership Conference Inc

1477 Herstelling

New Scheme

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592 600 0439; 592 600 1969

Email: kerensagravesande@gmail.com Website: ihrc-gy.org

519. InverniSoft Inc.

92 Atlantic Gardens, East Coast Demerara

Georgetown, Guyana Telephone: 592 698-2793

Email: info@invernisoft.com Website: www.invernisoft.com

520. ODITC (3t-EnerMech)

PLot A Market Road


East Coast Demerara Guyana Telephone: 5926329982 Website: 3tenermech.com

521. Progressive Jobs GT Inc.

1 Croal Street

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5926328166 Website: www.myjobsgt.com


88 Pike Street

Kitty Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 225 8667

Website: https://zamcorpgy.com/

523. Beyond Safe NV

Jan Noorduynweg z/n, 7-7 Shopping Center unit 16 Curacao

Telephone: +59998880279

Website: https://www.dnb.com/ business-directory/company-profiles. beyond_safe_

524. Saongroup Caribbean Trinidad Ltd (Caribbean Jobs) 16 Alcazar Street St Clair Trinidad Trinidad & Tobago Telephone: 1-868-399-9977

Email: info@caribbeanjobs.com Website: www.caribbeanjobs.com

525. Strategic Recruitment Solutions Inc.

215 South Road & King Street Lacytown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592 600 1969

526. The Balance 61 Anira Street Queenstown

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-656-6154

Email: thebalance592@gmail.com Website: thebalancegy.com

527. Eplissa’s Traders 61 Cuyuni Street, Meadow Brook Gardens, Georgetown, Guyana

Telephone: 592 622 5817

Email: eplissa2025@yahoo.com

528. Excel Guyana Inc

158 A, Waterloo Street

North Cummingsburg



Telephone: 223-0646 / 223-0648

Email: info@excelguyana.com

Website: www.excelguyana.com

529. Block Logic Inc.

Beausejour, Gros Islet


Gros Islet

Saint Lucia

Telephone: (592) 701-5243 / (592) 691-2096

Email: bdevelopment@blocklogicinc.io Website: www.blocklogicinc.io

530. Globus Payments (Guyana) Inc

Lot 165 Waterloo Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 63 994 633 6382

Email: hr@caribbean-careers.com / hr@guyana-careers.com

Website: https://caribbean-careers. com/ https://guyana-careers.com/

531. Diamond Ocean Energy

Lot 34 Princess Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 6739461

Email: s.diamond@ diamondoceanenergy.com

Website: www.diamondoceanenergy. com


532. 305tires

78 Hadfield & Breda Streets

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 15612607020

533. Dave West Indian Inc.

21 Middle Street

Vryheidslust East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592-613-6560; 592-501-4087

Website: http://dwiimports.com

534. Global Stars International

Imports & Exports

212 Lance Gibbs Street & New Market Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-2740

Website: www.globalstarsinternational. com

535. Hillman Import & Export Services

294 Quamina Street South Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-1086

Email: hillmanprocurement@gmail. com

536. Memorex Enterprises

5-6 Dows Avenue, Vryman’s Erven New Amsterdam



Telephone: +1 647 534 3174; +592 608 8448

Email: chairman@ memorexenterprises.org

Website: memorexenterprises.org

537. MF Hack Trading Inc.

39 Delhi Street

Prashad Nagar

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 2274489

Website: www.mfhack.com

538. Pennywise Trading

63 A Sandy Babb Street




Telephone: 641-4173

Email: pennywisetrading.gy@gmail. com

539. Peter P. Imports & Exports

162 Alexander Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-7623; 592-225-3569

Email: pparsatoon@yahoo.com

540. Rayo Trades Inc.

Lot 611 Sand Reef

Annandale, North, East Coast Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 220-9526

Email: sales@rayotrades.com

Website: www.rayotrades.com

541. Regional and Caribbean Imports Inc.

165 Waterloo Street New Trafalgar Building

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 677-1458; 630-2792

Website: http://rcaribbeanimport.com/

542. Acarai Logging Inc

#55 Durban Street Worthmanville

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-6672240

Email: acarailogging@gmail.com

543. Wellbrock International PVT Ltd E-384, Phase-VI, Focal Point, Ludhiana-141010, India

Telephone: 919877243512

Email: wellbrockinternational@ gmail.com

Website: www.wellbrockinternational. com


544. C T Williams Technologies Inc.

4 Mandela Avenue Lodge

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 227 4247

Email: info@ctwtech.com

Website: www.ctwtech.com

545. Gx Media

Lot 38 Hibiscus Place

Blankenburg West Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-276-3807; 502 9900

Email: info@gxmediagy.com

Website: www.gxmediagy.com

546. Digital Technology Group of Companies Inc.

20 Diamond Public Road

East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 17866020346; 5922652933

Website: https://dt.gy/

547. DNA Enterprise

QB1 Pigeon Island

Chateau Margot

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-600-4842

548. Geotech Vision Guyana Inc.

Lot 50 Brickdam


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-4332

Email: info@geotechvision.com

Website: www.geotechvision.com

549. Keen360 Inc.

24 Eping & Abary Sts.

Bel Air Park



Telephone: 592-502-1507

Email: info@keen360.com

Website: https://keen360.com/

550. GoldStar Engineering Inc

215 King Street



Telephone: 6365527

Website: www.gsginc.net

551. Nextech Inc.

233-234 Camp Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 231-9710

Website: www.shopnextech.com

552. Ovation Technology LLC

6 Dundee


East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592-610-3653

Website: http://www.ovttech.com

553. Phoenix Software

Lot 221 B Camp Street

North Cummingsburg



Telephone: 2234696; 6231852

Email: support@phoenixsoftgy.com

Website: www.phoenixsoftgy.com

554. E-Net Inc.

220 Camp Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-231-3890

Website: enetworks.gy

555. GTT Inc.

Lot 79 Brickdam


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-1315 ext 2410

Email: support@gtt.co.gy

Website: https://www.gtt.co.gy/en

556. Imon Wireless Solutions Inc.

58 Zinnia Avenue Bel Air Park

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-231-6545

Website: www.imon-gy.com

557. Innovative Systems Inc.

Lot 43 Croal & Alexander Streets Stabroek Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-226-8964

Website: www.innosysgy.com

558. U Mobile (Cellular) Inc.

Lot 9 Fort & Barrack Streets

Kingston Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-690-0000

Website: www.digicelguyana.com

559. V- Net Communications

25 Delph Street Campbellville Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-219-4787/8 Website: www.vnetgy.com

560. Veda Holdings

Lot 1, UG Road, Railway Embankment

Cummings Lodge, Georgetown Guyana

Telephone:592 7347-888

Email: info@vedadigi.com

Website: https://vedadigi.com/

561. V- Net Communications

25 Delph Street Campbellville Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-219-4787/8 Website: www.vnetgy.com

562. Veda Holdings

Lot 1, UG Road, Railway Embankment Cummings Lodge, Georgetown Guyana

Telephone:592 7347-888

Email: info@vedadigi.com Website: https://vedadigi.com/

563. Block Logic Inc.

Beausejour, Gros Islet Beausejour Gros Islet

Saint Lucia Telephone: (592) 701-5243 / (592) 691-2096

Email: bdevelopment@blocklogicinc. io Website: www.blocklogicinc.io


Lot 1 Rahamans Park Houston Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5033406; 5033406 Email: jermine.baird@glguyana.com Website: www.galtandlittlepage.com

565. Zenith Services Inc.

122 Granville Park, Betterverwagting East Coast Demerara Telephone: 592 220 3851

Email: trudy.sahai@zenservices.tech Website: www.zenservices.tech


566. AFG IT & Business Solutions Inc.

17 Public Road, Leonora, West Coast Demerara, Guyana Telephone: 592-626-5290, 592-628-8619

Email: afgitsolutions.com

567. Dapper Technology Incorporated.

4 Area ‘A’ Industry Front East Coast Demerara. Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 502-4503

Email: info@dappertechnology.net

Website: www.dappertechnology.net

568. GK Inc.

127 Quamina and Carmichael Sts. South Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-9409

569. Global Technology Inc.

Lot 210 Camp & New Market Street Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-225-4657; 592-225-3364

Email: info@globaltechnology.gy Website: https://www. globaltechnology.gy/

570. Guyana Business Machines Lot 3732 North Ruimveldt Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 597 8787077; 5926788077

571. K-tronics

111-112 Camp and Regent Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 223-0337

Website: www.ktronicsgy.com

572. Leading Technology 15 Croal Street

Newtown Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5926289600; 5925007977

Website: www.leadingtechnology.gy

573. Modernize IT Solutions Inc. Lot 220 South Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5926605136

Website: www.mitsgy.com

574. Precision Cybertechnologies & Digital Solutions Ltd.

1 St Floor, Briar Place, 10-12 Sweet Briar Road

Port of Spain

Trinidad & Tobago

Telephone: 1868-610-7237

Website: www.precision-cyber.com

575. RF Logistics Inc.

1587 Section ‘B’ Block ‘X’ Diamond East Bank Demerara

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 504-6777/ 615-9796

Email: rflogisticsgy@gmail.com

576. Rsconex Investment and Management Inc.

159 Damambeer Terrace Prashad Nagar

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 225-3152; 500-5881

Email: sales@rsconex.com, Rsconex team@rsconex.com

Website: www.rsconex.com

577. Synetech Inc

36 Barima Avenue

Bel Air Park

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 2239521

Website: www.synetechgy.com

578. TechPro Guyana

58 Lime Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5922161792

Email: torrica@techproguyana.com

Website: www.techproguyana.com

579. The Blubird Company Inc.

LOTS 327/33 Crown Dam


East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592-634-3272; 592-693-0336

Email: theblubirdcompanyinc@gmail. com

580. Xen1 Networks Inc.

238 Quamina Street

South Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5926249361

Website: http://www.xen1net.net

581. A+ Computer Training Centre

25 New Road


West Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592-254-0426

Email: info@actcgy.com

Website: www.actcgy.com

582. Brainstreet Group Inc.

Lot 287 ‘C’ Albert Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-5353

Email: lance.hinds@brainstreetgroup. com

583. Computing Core

18 Happy Acres

East Bank Demerara, Guyana

Telephone: 592-600-1096

Website: www.computingcore.net

584. NT Computeac

Lot 175 Middle Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-223-7442

Website: www.ntcomputeac.com

585. Flowcatalyst Technology and Consulting Inc.

Lot 6 Independence Street La Grange, West Bank Demerara, Guyana

Telephone: 592 621-4645

Email: flowcatalystconsulting@gmail. com

Website: www.flowcatalysttcinc.com

586. Poulsat Gy

21 Old Road

La Grange

West Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-678-3729

587. Starr Computer Inc.

Lot 59 Brickdam Stabroek Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-4846

588. Satcom Networks

Lot 4 First Street, Albertown, Georgetown, Guyana

Telephone: 592-500-3035

Email: info@satcomnetworks.net Website: www.satcomnetworks.net

589. Techlify Inc.

18 Phase 1

Good Hope East Coast Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 592- 220-8662

Website: www.techlify.com

590. KM Technology

59 Delph Street Campbellville

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5926992910; 5926156608

Website: https://kmtechgy.com

591. M3 Tech Solutions

M G3 Building

Diamond East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 503-1366 and +5926000550; 503-1366

Email: admin@m3tech.gy

Website: http://www.m3tech.gy


592. M.P. Insurance Brokers & Consultants Limited

92 Middle Street

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-227-7782

593. Abdool & Abdool Inc.

Lot 11 Avenue of the Republic

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 2253985, 2275108, 2269094

Email: services@abdools-inc.com

Website: https://abdools-insurance. com/#

594. Assuria General (GY) Inc.

Lot 133 Church Street

South Cummingburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-7052; 592-226-7074

Email: guyana@assuria.gy

Website: www.assuria.gy

595. Atlantic Edge Insurance Brokerage Inc.

85 David Street Unit 1A, Subryanville

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5922236071; 5926130475

596. Demerara Mutual

61-62 Avenue of the Republic

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: +592 225 8991 ext 260

Email: service@demeraramutual.com Website: www.demeraramutual.com

597. Diamond Fire & General Insurance

11 Lamaha Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-223-9771

Website: www.diamondinsgy.com

598. Guyana & Trinidad Mutual Fire & Life Insurance Group

Lots 27 - 29 Robb & Hincks Streets

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-7912

Email: gtmgroup@gtm-gy.com

599. Hand In Hand Mutual Fire & Life Insurance Companies

Lots 1 - 4 Avenue of the Republic

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-1865-7; 592-227-0668

Email: info@hihgy.com Website: www.hihgy.com

600. Insurance Brokers-Guyana


Lot 125 Carmicheal Street

South Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-7261-2; 592-2263194

601. M&M Investments Inc.

Track A Peter’s Hall

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 233 - 5290/5565/5964

Website: mmsnackette.com

602. Monarch Insurance Brokers

56 Mon Repos Second Street East Coast Demerara


Telephone: ; 592-505-3140 / +592-640944

Email: info@ monarchinsurancebrokers.com

603. North American Life, Fire and General Group of Insurance Companies

30-31 Regent and Hinck Streets

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 226-5885-8

Email: info@naficonalico.com

Website: https://naficonalico.com

604. P & P Insurance Brokers & Consultants Limited 35 North & King Streets Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-4106 592-2254708

Website: www.pandpinsuranceltd.com

605. Raj Singh Insurance Brokers & Risk Management Consultants Inc.

Lot 86 First Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-2880 592-227-0294

606. CIC Insurance Brokers (Guyana) Inc.

#A52 Barima Avenue Bel Air Park

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 225-3097

Website: https://cic.co.gy/


607. Cleaners ‘R’ Us Inc.

177 James & Garnett Streets Albouystown

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 502-0805

Email: cleanersrus2014@gmail.com

Website: cleanersrus2014@gmail.com

608. Maid Simple Guyana 54, Block 20

Haslington East Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592 6747443; 5926082840

Website: https://www. maidsimpleguyana.com

609. Sheriff Cleaning Service

203 Block 20

Haslington East Coast Demerara Guyana.

Telephone: 592-630-8433/ 592-705-2237/592-270-6301

Email: sheriffcleaningservice@gmail. com

Website: https:// sheriffcleaningservices.com.gy/


610. Full Service Laundromat

266 New Market Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 6628307

Email: fullservicelaundromat36@ gmail.com

611. Sparkle Laundromat

Unit No.1 Grand Amazonia Mall, Block M Providence East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 6556870

Email: Sparklelaundromat2@gmail. com

612. DY Laundry

2276 Herstelling

East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-697-0000

Email: sales@dylaundry.com

Website: https://dylaundry.com/


613. Dentons Delany Inc

210 New Market Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: +592 623 2260

Website: www.dentons.com/en/ global-presence/latin-america-and-thecaribbean/guyana/guyana

614. Donavon A. Rangiah, Attorneyat-law

156 Charlotte Street Lacytown Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 6388416/2263197

Email: dar@donavonrangiahlawyer. com

615. Global Immigration Services Inc.

Lot 27 Gordon Street

Kitty Georgetown


Telephone: 470-448-4948

Website: www.vellozalaw.com

616. HFS Corporate Services Inc.

62 Hadfield & Cross Street




Telephone: 227 4857

Email: hfslaw@guyanalaw.net

Website: www.guyanalaw.net

617. McCalman & Co. Legal Services

Lot 2 Smyth Street



Guyana Telephone: 5925047216

Website: www.maclegalgy.com

618. Qualitas Business Solutions (Guyana) Inc

156 Charlotte Street



Guyana Telephone: 5922278409

Website: http://www.qbsgy.com/

619. Siskin Guyana (Business and Legal Services)

165 Waterloo Street (Trafalgar Building)

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: +5926505960; +5926080205

Email: siskinguyana@gmail.com

Website: https://www.siskinlaw.gy/

620. Templar Chambers

215 King Street

Lacytown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-227-1547

Website: www.templarchamber.com


621. Barama Company Limited

Land of Canaan East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-266-5633; 592-603-8381

622. Emerald Forest Incorporated Block 3026 Mond-En-Veldt Mahaicony Guyana Telephone: 228-2844

623. Memorex Enterprises

5-6 Dows Avenue

Vryman’s Erven

New Amsterdam Berbice Guyana Telephone: +1 647 534 3174; +592 608 8448

Email: chairman@ memorexenterprises.org Website: memorexenterprises.org

624. Trade-Linc Third Floor, Maraj Building, Room G - 8

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-226-0395

625. Acarai Logging Inc

#55 Durban Street Worthmanville

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-6672240

Email: acarailogging@gmail.com


Crown Builders & Logistics

Lot 9-10 North Rd Bourda Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 7030551

Email: info@crownbuildersguyana.com

Website: www.crownbuildersguyana. com

627. MANASH Freight Forwarding

2148 Providence Gdns

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592 6745246

Email: sales@manashgroup.com

Website: https://www.manasggroup. com

628. Roraima Logistics & Transportation Services

303 Church Street

Queenstown Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5015864

Email: roraimalogistics2024@gmail. com

Website: roraimalogistic.com


629. 401 Furniture Store

4 Mon Repos North Public Road

East Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-220-8107

Website: 401furniture.com

630. Abdool Hakh and Sons Rice

Milling Complex R Harlem

West Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 2690027/6218209

Email: a.hakhandsons@gmail.com

631. Amazon Caribbean Guyana Limited

V1 V2 Houston Estate

East Bank Demerara Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 226-2828; 226-5238

Email: info@amcarguyana.com

Website: www.acaipalmito,com

632. Blue Ribbon Mfg (Guyana) Inc.

97a West Meten Meer Zorg

West Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592-275-0131

Website: www.blueribbongy.com

633. Caribbean Container Inc.

Public Road


East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-265-4224; 592-265-4240

Email: info@ccigy.com

Website: www.ccigy.com

634. Caribe Snackz Inc.

85 A Lamaha Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 917-217-5218

Email: cheif-samsair@yahoo.com

635. Comfort Sleep

49 Eccles

Industrial Site

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-233-3013; 592-233-3024; 592-233-2657

Email: comfortsleep49@gmail.com Website: www.comfortsleep.gy

636. Correia & Correia Ltd.

10 & 15 Eccles Industrial Estate Eccles

East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 233-2429 / 233-3025 Email: info@correiacltd.com; correia. correia.limited@gmail.com Website: www.correiacltd.com

637. Denmor Garments (Manufacturers) Inc.

Lots 7 - 9 Coldingen Industrial Estate East Coast Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-270-4513; 592-270-4512

Email: denmorgraments@gmail.com Website: www.denmor.gy

638. Dunae Trading Company 660-662 Section C Block Y Golden Grove East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 624-3507

639. Fernandes Guyana Enterprises Inc.

Block G1 Land of Canaan East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-266-5848 Website: www.demerarabakery.com

640. Floor It 1-2 Caledonia East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592.223.6000 / 592.624.5317

Email: sales@flooritgy.com Website: https://www.flooritgy.com/

641. Havins Marine Custom Fabrication

36 Public Road

Soesdyke East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: +5922615401

Email: havinsfabrication@gmail.com

642. Imperial Radiator Services Limited.

249 Purshottam Street Prashad Nagar Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 227-2844

643. Khayr Organics

Lot 86 Norton & Hills Streets

Lodge Georgetown


Telephone: 5926656266

Email: khayr.world.co@gmail.com

Website: www.khayrogx.com

644. King’s Jewellery World

Lot 141 Quamina Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-0704

Website: www.kingsjewelleryworld. com

645. Kirus Time Systems

245 Sheriff Street


Telephone: 592-608-9299, 869-662-6120,592-227-8572Email: kirustimegy@gmail.com, Kirustime@ gmail.com

646. MAG Elegance

36 Public Road

Kitty Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 6706344

Facebook: @MAGElegance2016 Instagram: @mag.elegance.jewelry

647. Mario’s Juice Bar

278 Sherriff Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-233-2428

648. Modern Industries Limited

(A.H & L Kissoon)

Lot 3 - 6 Industrial Site Ruimveldt



Telephone: 592-223-0958/59 592-2254705

Email: kissoon@networksgy.com

649. Morgan’s Investment Inc.

1804 Aubrey Barker Road

South Ruimveldt



Telephone: 2184144; 2180701

Website: www.miigy.com

650. ND&S Furniture Store

40 La Jalousie

GAP Road

West Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592-269-0339; 592-254-1800

Website: www.nds.com

651. Oil Zone Manufacturing & Services Inc.

Lot 54 Lusignan

Railway Embankment

East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 650-9454

Website: http://oilzoneinc.com

652. Ricks and Sari Agro Industries Ltd.

40 Station Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-4230/1

653. Sterling Products Limited


East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-265-7403

Website: www.sterlingguyana.com

654. Super Concrete Incorporated

Lot Q to Q1

Providence East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592 -265-7522 - 25; 265-7023-24

Email: superconcreteinc@gmail.com Website: www.superconcreteinc.com

655. TCL Guyana Incorporated

Lots 2 - 9 Lombard Street

GNIC Compound

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-225-7520

656. The Red Basket

288 Savage Street North East La Penitence

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-651-1430

657. Toolsie Persaud Limited

Lot 10-12 Lombard Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 226-4071-5 or 265-7510-6

Email: toolsiepersaudlimited@gmail. com

Website: www.tplgroupgy.com

658. Toolsie Persaud Quarries Incorporated Lot Q to Q1

Providence East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: +265-7522 - 25; 265-7023-24

Email: admin@tplgroupgy.com Website: www.tplgroupgy.com

659. Umami Incorporated

34 Lusignan

East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592-220-9117

Website: www.umamiltd.com

660. W. Rambaran Services Inc.

28 Meadow Bank East Bank Demerara

Greater Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 226-1100

661. Shally Farms Inc

160 Second Street

Prospect East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 624-4435; 669-6665

Website: www.shallyfarms.com


268 Success

East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592-641-1622

Email: zayacnc1@gmail.com; zayacnc@gmail.com

Website: www.zayacnc.com

663. Melaninaire

Lot 505 Perseverance East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 6701048

Email: melaninaireofficial@gmail.com

664. MANASH Freight Forwarding

2148 Providence Gdns

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592 6745246

Email: sales@manashgroup.com

Website: www.manasggroup.com


665. Cloud Carib Limited.

Mariner Hall Sea Sky Lane Olde




New Providence

The Bahamas

Telephone: +1 242 603 0837

Email: info@cloudcaribb.com

Website: https://www.cloudcarib.com/

666. Impact Business Solutions

Lot 6 Smyth Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5043745; 6792338

667. Tagman Media

215 Lamaha Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-8899; 227-8900

Email: info@tagmanmedia.com; mmoonsammy@tagmanmedia.com; Website: www.tagmanmedia.com

668. Webfx Guyana Inc

Lot A87 Issano Place West

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 725 0001

Email: sales@webfx.co.gy Website: https://webfx.co.gy

669. A.A.M Virtutal Solutions


Lot 55 Walker Terrace Housing


West La Penitence

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 643-4900

670. AdNation Guyana

31 Back Street

Bel Air Village

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 628-4535

Website: https://adnationgy.com/

671. Christa Marketing Solutions

121 Amla Avenue

Prashad Nagar

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5002874

Website: www.christamarketing.com

672. Consolidated Marketing Solutions

66 Bent Street Werk-En-Rust

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-501-5989

673. Edmondson Designs

196 w 1/2 Shell Road

Kitty Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 662 5080

674. Emagination Marketing Agency

181 Stone Avenue, Campbellville 592

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 2194539

Website: www.emktgy.com

675. Envisage Marketing & Technology Company

80 Duncan Street

Newtown Georgetn Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-0241

Email: sales@emtec.gy

676. Evocative Print

149 ‘Block BB’ Eccles East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 5926137892; 5926023122

Email: evocative.print@gmail.com

677. Impressions

Lot 149 Crown Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-7757

Website: www.impressionsgy.com

678. Internet World

16 B Duncan street

Newton, Kitty, Georgetown, Guyana

Telephone:592 695-7002 or 592 227-1051

Email: sales@iworldgy.com Website: iworldgy.com

679. KenRose Advertising Limited

#6 Ryan Street

San Juan

Trinidad Telephone: +18682953461

Website: https://kenroseadvertisingltd. com/

680. MIEVA

Online-Based Telephone: 7075697

Email: sales@mieva.net

Website: https://sites.google.com/ mieva.net/mievamarketing/ Modern Grafix

6 Courbane Park


East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 220-1977

Website: www.moderngrafixgy.com

681. Modern Grafix

6 Courbane Park Annandale

East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 220-1977

Website: www.moderngrafixgy.com

682. Pixels Guyana Inc.

Parcel 147, Block 3

Plantation Providence

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-2657437, 6821256, 6771949

Email: pixelsguyanainc@gmail.com Website: pixelsgy.com

683. Pixels Signs and Prints

139 Block 8

Mon Repos

East Coast Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 6676529

684. PositivePlans Inc.

38 39 Begonia Ave.

Bel Air Park

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 19179627828

Website: www.positiveplans.com

685. Professional Print & Design

150 Foulis Housing Scheme; Corporate Office: 251 Plantation

Mon Repos

East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 5926533823

Email: proprint91@gmail.com Website: proprintgy.com

686. Scotch Bonnet Inc.

157 C Waterloo Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-623-7843

687. Sheik Hassan Printery Inc.

54 Industrial Estate Eccles

East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 233-2791/2754 Website: www.sheikhassan.com

688. Social Rank Media

125 Regent Road

Bourda Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-651-0675

Website: www.socialrankmedia.com

689. Sonic Business Services

24 ‘C’ Light Street Alberttown

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-231-9714; 231-9715; 226-7755

Email: sonicbusinessservices@yahoo. com; contact@sonic.gy

690. Source It Enterprise Lot 39 Third Street Alberttown

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 6241799

Email: sourceite@gmail.com

691. Xtreme Creative Solutions (XCS)

33 Middle Street Mcdoom

East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 6513436; 6434266

Website: https://x3mcs.com


41 High and Harel Streets Werk-en-Rust

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-4538

Email: info@gumdac.com

Website: https://www.gumdac.com/

693. AN Pins and Gifts

187 Thomas Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 6707870

Email: Info@anpinsandgifts.com

Website: www.anpinsandgifts.com

694. Market Magnet

23 B Lyng Street


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 6960944

Email: Info@marketmagnetgy.com

695. Itika Social Media Marketing

Lot 62 Hadfield Street

Lodge Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 6172821

Email: sales@itikasmm.com Website: www.itikasmm.com



1253 Block V Herstelling East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592 656 2131; 501 5180

Email: amedevelopmentinc@gmail.com

697. Atlantic Marine Supplies Inc.

Lot ‘C’ Public Road Eccles East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-233-2544; 592-233-2551; 592-233-3842

Email: vincent@amsigy.com

698. Battle Green Diamond & Minerals Ent 152 Church & Albert Street Alberttown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-231-7129

699. Crown Mining Supplies

Lot 9 North Road Bourda, Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-0001 227-0002 Website: www.crownmining.com

700. EKAA Hrim Earth Resources Management Inc.

108 Third Street Alberttown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5057800 Website: ekaa.live

701. Farm Supplies Limited

Rome Access Road McDoom Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: (+592) 233-0658 / 233-0657

Email: mail@farmsup.com Website: www.farmsup.com

702. General Equipment Guyana


Plot S15 Area SS

Houston Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-233-0543-5 Website: www.genequipgy.com

703. Gold Port Mineral Trading Lot 60 First Avenue Bartica Essequibo River Guyana

Telephone: 592.455.2283; 592.660.9192; 592.619.7519

704. Guyana Goldfields Incorporated Lot 7 North Road Lacytown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-227-7062

705. Industrial Supplies & Services 51 Robb & Albert Streets Bourda Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-225-6753

706. Machinery Corporation of Guyana Limited Lot 26 Providence East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-265-7315 Website: www.macorpcat.com

707. S. Jagmohan Construction and General Supplies Inc

36-37 Eccles

Industrial Estate

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 501-0459; 2194206

708. Silvie’s Industrial Solutions

Lot 31 High & Hadfield Street Werk-En-Rust

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-6243; 592-225-4360; 592-227-6241

Email: silviesonline@gmail.com Website: silviesonline.com

709. Zarc Properties Inc. 83 Premniranjan Place Prashad Nagar

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 227-7220

Email: gavin.ramsoondar@zarcgy. com


710. Diaspora Auxilium Guyana Inc.

Lot 78 Hadfield and Breda Streets


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 1 905 409 2265

Email: amitashariff@yahoo.com

Website: https://www.da.charity/

711. Guyana Cancer Foundation

Lot 5 Public Road

La Penitence

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5926182085

Email: guyanacancerfoundation@ gmail.com

Website: https://guyanacf.com

712. Guyana Customs House Brokers and Clerks Association

Lot 10-11 Lombard Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 6238265

Email: gchbca@hotmail.com

713. Korea Trade & Investment Promotion Agency

Avenue San Juan Bosco Centro Ahamira M-6

Venezuela Telephone: 58-212-750-2215 Website: www.kotra.or.kr

714. Sasod Guyana

105 Smyth Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-7283

Email: sasod@sasod.org.gy Website: www.sasod.org.gy

715. Volunteer Youth Corps Inc.

Lot ‘E’ Luckhoo Street

Durban Backlands

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 227-1012; 227-1013 Website: https://www.vycguyana.net


716. IRP Fire & Safety Guyana Inc.

1 Rahaman’s Park East Bank Public Road

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-502-4690 Website: www.irpltd.com

717. Kronoco Safety Solutions

31 Akawini Street Section K




Telephone: 592-638-2586

718. Synergy Fire, Safety and Industrial Supplies

211 Stanley Place




Telephone: 5922266874; 5922266874 Website: www.synergygy.com

719. Technical Integrated Services Inc.

2722 First Street

Elain Ville

Providence East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 1-868-688-8560

Website: www.tistt.com


720. International Gas and Oil Trading Guyana Inc.

79 Premniranjan Place Prashad Nagar

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-660-6282; 703-9923

Email: info@igotgy.com; sales@igotgy.com Website: www.igotgy.com

721. Sol Guyana Inc.

BB Rome

Agricola East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-223-0582

Email: info.guyana@solpetroleum.com Website: https://solpetroleum.com

722. Altrad Guyana Inc

210 New Market Street North Cummingburg

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-623-2261; 336-3783-1023

Website: www.altrad.com

723. Asequith Guyana Inc.

Lot 694 & 695 Garden Of Eden East Bank Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 503-2978

Email: asequith.guyana@gmail.com/ farzan.hosein@asequithguyana.com Website: https://asequith.com

724. Atlantic Oilfield Supplies Inc. Plot GSEC Liliendaal East Coast Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-610-0060

725. Austin Maritime & Energy Service

118 Cowan Street

Kingston Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-227-2179

Website: www.anesguyana.com

726. Benjamin Marine Salvage Services Inc

918 Parika

East Coast Essequibo Guyana Telephone: 592-260-4134

727. CAS Ocean Sciences (Trinidad) Ltd

Suit 108 Fifth Court 9-11 Fifth Street


Trinidad & Tobago

Telephone: 1-868-224-3466

728. Century Tamara Logistics


Lot 609 Covent Gardens

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-219-2020

Website: www.ctes-inc.com

729. China Zhonghao

Lot A Block 2 Public Road

Land of Canaan

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-226-5841

730. Energy Guyana Magazine Inc.

3155 Spurwing Drive

South Ruimveldt

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 218-6740; 6929597

Email: http://www.energyupdate.gy


Warehouse Unit No. 6 Plantation

Rome East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 868-674-8710

Email: info@engage.tt

Website: www.engage.tt

732. Esso Exploration & Production

Guyana Limited

Lot 99 New Market Street



Telephone: 592-231-4187

Email: guyanastaff@exxonmobil.com

733. EXSOL (Guyana) Inc.

34-38 Highstreet




Telephone: 592 687 4503

Website: http://www.exsolindustrial. com/

734. Ganesh Parts & General Store

36 Robb Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-2127

735. George Union Pipe & Tank

36 Sussex Street


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-223-8233

736. Global Asset Integrity & Maintenance Management Services Inc.

Lot 91 Middle Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 692 4311; 8684832632

Website: www.gaimmsltd.com

737. GO NDE Inc.

Lot 9 Water Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-684-7669

Website: https://gonde.gy/

738. Green State Oil & Gas Services Inc.

12 Public Road

Goed Intent Village

West Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-644-6608 Website: www.greenstateoilandgas.com

739. Gulf Valve & Piping Controls Inc

Tract G4-G5

Land of Canaan

East Bank Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 5926891045 Website: gulfvalvegy.com

740. Guyana Deepwater Operations Inc.

A87 Issano Place West

Bel Air Park

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-674-6537

Email: info.guyana@sbmoffshore.com Website: www.sbmoffshore.com

741. Guyana Oil & Gas Support Services

17 A Water Street

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-227-1964/231-9980

Website: www.guyanaservice.com

742. Guyana Shore Base Incorporated Plantation “A”

Houston District

Greater Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 227 2380

Email: GYSBI.Info@gysbi.com

Website: https://www.gysbi.com

743. Guygas

P Land of Caanan East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-626-1503

Website: guygas.com

744. Guysons Oil & Gas 15 Orchid Street West Ruimveldt

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: +592-22-77571

Website: https://guysonsoilandgas.com/

745. IEM Sales & Services Limited

31 SS Road, Duncan V’GE

San Fernando

Trinidad & Tobago Telephone: 868-652-6312 868-652-6312; Email: iem.services@iemsslgroup.com Website: www.iemsslgroup.com



Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-613-7527

Website: http://imexlogic.com /

747. International Gas and Oil

Trading Guyana Inc.

79 Premniranjan Place

Prashad Nagar

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-660-6282; 703-9923

Email: info@igotgy.com; sales@igotgy.com

Website: www.igotgy.com

748. Intertec Inc.

165 Waterloo Street Northcummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5926996601

749. Ithaca Energy Partners

112 Bonasika Street

Section ‘K’ Campbellville

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-624-1024

750. Jimcol Resources Nigeria


Km 7, Phc Airport-East/West Link Road

Aluu, Port Harcourt Rivers State


Telephone: 08162395946, 08144378886

Website: www.jimcolresources.com

751. John Fernandes Limited

Lot 24 Water Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-6294 592-226-3241 592-227-3344

Email: enquiries@johnfernandesltd.com Website: www.jf-ltd.com

752. KELAJ



62 Hadfield and Cross Streets




Telephone: 6761861

Email: Info@Kelajltd.com

Website: www.kelajltd.com

753. Leader Engineering

127 Quamina Street, Georgetown, Guyana

Telephone: (+592) 500 7885

Email: info@leaderengineering.com

Website: https://leaderengineering. com/

754. Libra Management and Energy Group

165 Waterloo Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5926801415

Email: Info@gpsguyana.com

755. Massy Wood Group (Guyana) Inc.

Old Road


East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-608-9663

Website: www.massywoodgroup.com

756. Mayson Blackhouse Investments

34 Norton Street


Guyana Telephone: 2252912; 6006568 Website: www.maysonblackhouse.com

757. MBW Energy Support Services Inc

91 Middle Street

South Cummingsburg


Guyana Telephone: 5926025996

Website: mbwenergysupportservices. com

758. Merchant Marine Services

Guyana Inc.

238 Camp & Quamina Streets



Telephone: 592-254-2015; 592-2540040; 612-0009

Email: outar@networksgy.com

Website: www.merchantmarine.biz


Lot 3 W Courida Park


East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 623-5108/500-5157

Website: www.mhmholdingsgy.com/

760. MODEC

2 Avenue of the Republic



Telephone:(592) 601 0794


761. Non-Destructive Testers

Limited (Guyana) Inc.

Lot 50 Brickdam




Telephone: 1-868-652-5089

Website: www.ndt.co.tt

762. NSBOmega Guyana Inc.

120 Parade Street

Kingston Georgetown


Telephone: 227-3370

Email: info@nsbomega.gy Website: nsbomega.gy

763. Pandora Energy Inc.

2nd Floor, Lot 32 E Fort and Barrack Streets

Kingston Georgetown


Telephone: 592-502-2446

Email: hr@pandoraenergy.gy

764. Panthera Solutions Inc.

Q1 Providence East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592 265 7445


22402 Forbes Field Trl Spring Texas

United States of America

Telephone: +54 9 11 6594-4451

766. Ramps Logistics (Guyana) Inc.

Lot 211-212 New Market Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-223-3770; 22-RAMPS

Email: info@rampslogistics.com

Website: https://rampslogistics.com/

767. Rig Bound (Guyana) Inc

Lot 53-55 Water Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5922273363

Email: info@rigboundltd.com

Website: http://rigboundltd.com/

768. Rockway Oilfield Services

Lot C Enachu & Sheriff Street



Telephone: 673-8008

Website: www.rockwayoilfields.com

769. Saipem Guyana Inc.

225 New Market Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 1-281-552-5673

Website: www.saipem.com

770. SDR Petroleum Inc.

127 Parika

East Bank Essequibo


Telephone: 592-260-3062

771. Techniques International

Guyana Inc.

217 South Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-665-7617; 592-6808446; 502-1249

Website: www.techniquesusa.com

772. The Guyana Oil Company Limited

Lot 191 Camp Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-1595/8; 225-7161

Email: admin@guyoil.gy

Website: https://guyoil.gy/

773. Global Energy Group Inc.

Lot 120 Atlantic Garden


Telephone: 592 638-5303

Email: info@globalenergygroupinc. com

Website:https://globalenergygroupinc. com/

774. Tiger Rentals (Guyana)

176 Middle Street

North Cummingsburg



Telephone: 503-1394

Website: www.tigerrentals.com

775. Titan Energy Inc.

140 B Quamina Street




Telephone: +1 868 285 9071; 592-650-6605

776. Tullow Guyana BV

176 Middle Street

South Cummingsburg


Guyana Telephone: 592-231-9967

Website: www.tullowoil.com

777. Tull’s Transportation Services

1073 Diamond Section A

Block X East Bank Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 216 0630; 610 7655

778. United Consistency Energy Services (Guyana) Inc.

Lot ‘A’ First Half Hadfield Street, Wortmanville, Georgetown, Guyana

Telephone: 592-665-2465

Email: info@ucesg.com

Website: http://www.ucesg.com/

779. Warehouse Transport Group

Guyana Inc.

Lot 165 Barr Street

Kitty Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 1-519-219-390; 592-601-2430

Email: dwayne@warehousetransport.ca

Website: www.warehousetransport.ca/

780. WASA Alliance Incorporated

Unit 201, 23 Brickdam

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-639-5096

Website: www.wasaallianceinc.com

781. Weatherford Trinidad

Limited- Guyana Branch

Tract G4- G5 Land of Canaan East Demerara Land of Canaan

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592 624 1654

Email: keifa.stowe@weatherford.com/ marcus.cyrus@weatherford.com

Website: www.weatherford.com

782. Western Logistics

32E Fort & Barrack Streets

Kingston Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-502-2446

783. Techniques Energy Guyana Inc

Third Floor, 333 Cummings Street, South Cummingsburg, GeorgetownGuyana.

Telephone: 592 502 1249 / +592 680 8446

Email: jmayers@techniquesgy.com

Website: www.techniquesgy.com

784. TechnipFMC Guyana Inc.

62 Hadfield Street & Cross Streets


Georgetown Guyana

Website: www.technipfmc.com

785. Sispro Inc.

91 Middle Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-661-8915

Email: info@sispro.gy

Website: https://www.sispro.gy/

786. DOF Subsea

5365 W Sam Houston Pkwy N #400

Houston Texas USA

Telephone: 592-510-8528

Email: jesse.persaud@dof.com

787. Newrest Guyana Inc.

Lot 1 Industrial Site


East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-502-1214

Email: r.vanwijlen@newrest.eu

788. Diamond Ocean Energy

Lot 34 Princess Street


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 673-9461

Email: s.diamond@ diamondoceanenergy.com

Website: www/diamondoceanenergy.com


789. Essential Pest Control & General Services

1627 Farm Phase 2

East Bank Demerara

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: +592-668-8788; +592-665-1323

790. OnExt 6a Alexander Street

Kitty Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-679-8985

791. Rid-O-Pes

75 6th Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-5527


792. Centaur Investments Inc.

846 Ficus Street

Eccles Block I East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 500-1696

Email: centaurinvestments2020@ gmail.com

793. Diq’qah Construction and Contracting Services Inc.

Lot 140 Quamina Street

South Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 622-4106

Email: diq.qah.construction@gmail.com

794. Excel Guyana Inc

158 A, Waterloo Street North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 223-0646 / 223-0648

Email: info@excelguyana.com Website: www.excelguyana.com

795. Freightlink Logistics Inc. 161 Lamaha & Waterloo Streets Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 620-2002; 2315789

Email: sales@shipfreightlink.com Website: www.shipfreightlink.com

796. Impeccable Construction & General Supplies

478 Perseverance

Providence East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 645-3755

Email: cleanteam592@gmail.com

797. JGS Business SVC 136 Durbana Sq Lamaha Gardens

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 615 2225

Email: jgstel@verizon.net

798. Madison Logistics 49 Belair Village Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 621 4113

Email: sales@madisonlogisticsint. com/devonsampson143@gmail.com

799. Offshore Innovators Guyana Inc.

2 Avenue of the Republic

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-610-0622

Website: www.offshore-innovators.com

800. Pacific Leopard International Trading Inc.

29 Bel Air Gardens

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 505-1817

801 Ramchand Auto & General Store

51 , 56 & 58 Sheriff and Duncan Streets


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-1266, 623-9419

Email: ramchandauto@bbgy.com

Website: http://www.ramchandsuto. com

802. Ramroop’s Investments Inc.

15 New Providence

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: +5925005779

803. S. Jagmohan Construction and General Supplies Inc

36-37 Eccles

Industrial Estate

East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 501-0459; 2194206

804. SAWA Investment Inc.

Lot 59 Stanleytown

New Amsterdam



Telephone: 592-333-3525; 500-6946; 639-7531

Email: info@sawainvestment.com Website: www.sawainvestment.com

805. Source It Enterprise

Lot 39 Third Street


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 6241799

Email: sourceite@gmail.com


806. Glo-See Marketing & PR

Lot 103 Carmichael Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 225-7013

Website: www.sophiadolphin.com

807. Sagacity Media

127 Island

Covent Gardens

East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-265-4309

Website: www.sagacity.gy

808. Tagman Media

215 Lamaha Street

Kitty Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-8899; 227-8900

Email: info@tagmanmedia.com; mmoonsammy@tagmanmedia.com; Website: www.tagmanmedia.com

80. Virtual Business Services (Guyana) Inc. 80E Duncan Street Newtown Kitty Georgetown Guyana Telephone: +592.621.9432/+592.225.6042

Email: support@virtual-bizservices. com

Website: https://www.virtualbizservices.com

810. Linked Business Solutions Inc.

171 Rupa Pl East Bel Air Park Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-6764805

Email: linkedbizsol@gmail.com


811. Guyana Publications Inc. Lots 46 - 47 Robb Street Lacytown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-226-2406; 592-227-8527

Email: Skhan@stabroeknews.com

812. The Business Supply Group Ltd-Scrip L Daivision 9 Riversdale Avenue Off Street St Lucien Road Diego Martin Trinidad & Tobago Telephone: 592-626-1234


813. Bynoe’s Realty 5 Princess Street Charlestown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-638-7841

814. Demerara Realty Inc. 120 Parade Street Kingston Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 223-5555

815. Durant Property Management 220 South Road Lacytown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 705 9608

Email: Durantpropertymanagement@gmail. com

816. El Dorado Offshore Guyana Inc.

211-212 New Market Street

North Cummingsburg



Telephone: 592-223-4708

Email: edosupport@eldoradooffshore. com

Website: www.eldoradooffshore.com

817. Houston Acres Inc.

A16 Eping Avenue

Bel Air Park

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 6917239; 6277261


Lot 3 W Courida Park


East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 623-5108/500-5157

Website: www.mhmholdingsgy.com/

819. Navigant Builders Inc. / Windsor Estates

46 Windsor Estates

Peter’s Hall

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-231-5191

820. Steadfast Logistics

76 B North Railway Line, Kitty, Georgetown, Guyana

Telephone: 592 649-0080

Email: steadfastlgx@gmail.com

Website: https://steadfastlogisticsinc. com/

821. Superior Realty Inc.

85 A Lamaha Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 -620-2700

Website: www.century21.gy/

822. SRI Guyana Group

212 D’Adrade Street, Newtown, Georgetown, Guyana

Telephone: 592 231-9100

Email: century21guyana@yahoo.com

823. Total Property Management Services Inc.

476 Republic Park

Peter’s Hall

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 233-6712; 592-626-5686

Email: info@propertymanagement.gy

Website: https://propertymanagement.gy

824. Zarc Properties Inc.

83 Premniranjan Place

Prashad Nagar

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 227-7220

Email: gavin.ramsoondar@zarcgy.com

825. MCCG Guyana Inc.

91 Middle St Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5977570148

Website: mccggy.com

826. Pinnacle Solutions Inc

72 Duncan Street

Newtown Kitty

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-4892

Email: pinnaclegy@gmail.com

Website: pinnaclerealestate.gy

827. Amaila Apartments

47 Windsor Estates

Peter’s Hall

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-604-6631

Email: Chetbowling@yahoo.com


828. The Consultancy Group Inc.

Lot 263 Earl’s Avenue


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 225-8771/225-8773

Email: TCG@ theconsultancygroupguyana.com

Website: theconsultancygroupinc. com

829. Squadron Security Services Inc.

847 Eccles

East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-618-7848

Email: Keonluther@gmail.com

830. RMI Global Solutions Guyana Inc 2 Avenue of the Republic

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-633-5464

Email: jrawles@rmiglobalsolutions. com

Website: https://rmiglobalsolutions. com/

831. Amalgamated Security Services (Guyana) Inc

Lot 0 Ruimveldt

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 225-5773/6

Email: info@asslguyana.com

Website: www.asslguyana.com

832. Centaur Security Services Inc.

846 Ficus Street

Eccles Block I East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 500-1696

833. Dapper Technology


4 Area ‘A’ Industry Front East Coast Demerara

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 502-4503

Email: info@dappertechnology.net

Website: www.dappertechnology.net

834. Diversity Investments Inc.

Lot 36 Happy Acres East Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 6505537

Email: diversityinvestmentsinc@gmail. com

835. Federal Protective Services Inc.

222 B Charlotte Street Bourda

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 227-0508

836. GEB Security Services Inc.

Lot 10 Providence East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 233-5023; 233-5108; 233-6607; 233-6609; Email: security@gebguyana.com Website: www.gebguyana.com

837. Infotrans Guyana Inc.

133 Church Street

South Cummingburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-9873

Website: www.infotranscaribbean.com

838. Integrated Security Services

Lot 21 Peter Rose Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-223-4033; 592-223-4039

Website: www.issgy.com

839. Loss Control & Risk

Management Guyana

60 Atlantic Ville

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 416-209-8688/ 222-2967

Website: ibsscontrolriskmanagementguyana. business.site

840. Magua Risk Consulting Guyana Inc.

Lot 294 Kamoa Street

Lamaha Gardens

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 502 9475

841. Nel Global Security Company Inc

Lot 43 E½ Gordon Street

Kitty Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 500-6242 | 711-6242

Website: www.nelglobalsecurity.net

842. OPSEC International (Guyana) Inc.

176 Charlotte Street Bourda

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-231-7482

843. Perfection Services Inc

Third Floor 60 Waterloo Street North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 1-868-662-2975

Website: www.perfectionservicesltd. com

844. Praetorian Executive Protection Service

158 New Garden Street


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-623-8007

845. Professional Guards Services Inc.

81 4th Street Avenue


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-225-2375; 592-226-5465; 592-2275574

Email: pgs@pgsguyana.com

846. Queensway Security Service Inc.

153 Regent Road & Oronoque Street Bourda

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-225-4368

847. Rabindra Persaud Consultancy

169 Charlotte Street Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-653-5859

Website: www.rpersaudconsultancy. com

848. Safeguard Security Systems

Lot 12L CreekDam Herstelling East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 5926161235; 5926169462 Website: www.safeguardguyana.com

849. Safeway Security

Lot 153 Oronoque & Regent Streets Bourda

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-6465; 592-227-6473

850. Secure Innovations & Concepts Inc.

246 Samaan Drive Meadowbrook Gardens

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-231-4410

Website: http://www.sicincgy.com

851. Security In Action Guyana

156 Alexander Street

Kitty Georgetown


Website: www.siag-security.gy

852. Sheriff Security Inc.

12 Sheriff Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-557-5691

Email: sheriff.s.service@gmail.com


Lot ‘A’ Belmonte Mahaica

East Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 228-5456

Email: mail.viscom@gmail.com

854. Cyberdyne Technology

255 Thomas Street

South Cummingsburg Guyana

Telephone: 5926199694

Email: wforde@cyberdynetechgy.com Website: https://cyberdynetechgy.com/

855. Cloud Carib Limited.

Mariner Hall Sea Sky Lane Olde Towne Sandyport Nassau

New Providence

The Bahamas

Telephone: +1 242 603 0837

Email: info@cloudcaribb.com

Website: https://www.cloudcarib.com/


856. 592 Hospitality Inc.

Lot 12 Duncan Street




Telephone: 624-0208; 608-6602

Email: 592hospitalityinc@gmail.com

857. Arrowten Incorporated

23 Delhi Avenue

Prashad Nagar

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-220-3398

858. Chateram Ramdihal Chartered Accountants, Professional Services Firm

25 Craig Street & Delph Avenue




Telephone: 223-2660 / 500-0112 / 223-2104

Email: crcaadmin@chateramramdihal. com; chateram.ramdihal@gmail.com Website: https://chateramramdihal. com/

859. Courtesy Rent-a-Car Inc.

Block Alpha, Battery Road Kingston Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-227-0005

860. Curtains & Drapery Design

Lot 110 Regent Road Bourda Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-225-2224

Email: curtains_drapery@hotmail. com

861. DAS Enterprises

Lot 50 Section ‘I’ Sheriff Street


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 2262420; 2164351; 6625015 Website: google.com

862. Dragonfly Drones and Gesopatial Solutions

1566 Congress Drive South Ruimveldt

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 6872714

Email: masbriansmith@gmail.com

863. Eclisar Financial and Professional Services

169 Charlotte Street Lacytown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 227-6466

Email: eclisar@yahoo.com

Website: https://eclisar.com/

864. Eco Atlantic International Investment Inc.

43 ‘A’ Friendship Public Rd East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 592-265-7267

Website: ecoatlanticinvest.com

865. Executive Business Solutions (Guyana) Inc.

263 Thomas Street North Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 223-0633

Website: www.ebsguyana.com

866. Future Vision

48 Robb Street Lacytown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-226-4869

867. Geostructural Group

Caribbean Inc.

Lot 20 Public Road Mcdoom East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 1 868 768-2071

868. Guyana Logistics and Support

Services Inc.

110 2nd Floor Duke & Barrack Streets

Kingston, Georgetown


Telephone: 592-226-4090; 592-225-2018; 592-225-2017

Email: glowachee@guyanalogistics.com; Website: https://guyanalogistics.com/

869. HEM Engineering Services

Lot 22 South-West Virginia Village Cane Grove



Telephone: 592 592 652 7827

Email: info@hem-engs.com


89 Lanluni Street




Telephone: 503-4449

Website: https://www.hias.org/

871. Legacy Williams and Campbell


552 Section B Block X Diamond East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 6769333

872. Lenray’s Investment Enterprise

Lot 53 Robb Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-0886

873. ORIJIN Inc.

299 Shantiniketan Street

Prashad Nagar

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 231-1122

Email: info@orijingy.com

Website: https://www.orijingy.com/

880. Paramount Group Guyana

27 Albert Street




Email: info@paramountgroupguyana. com

Website: www.paramountgroupguyana. com

881. Pinnacle Business Services Inc

Movietowne Mall, 2nd Floor


East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 503 2573

Website: http://pinnaclegy.com /

882. R.M. Bhaichandeen Inc.

Church Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-7736


Email: rmbincsales@gmail.com

883. Ramkelawan Investments and Services

Lot 279 Industry J Area

East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 5926436755

Email: jramkelawan95@gmail.com

Website: https://lcregister.petroleum. gov.gy/identity/ramkelawan investments/

884. REGUS

165 Waterloo Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-223-1000

Website: https://www.regus.gy/

885. Rock-A-Fella Enterprise

50-463 Peters’s Hall

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 628-3000

Website: https://rockafellagy.com

886. SGS Panama Control Services

Inc. - SGS Guyana Branch

165 Waterloo Street, New Trafalgar Building, Ground & 1st Floor

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 231 2539

Website: http://www.sgs.com

887. Sherwyn’s Refrigeration & AirCondition Services

Lot 66 Sideline Dam, Nabaclis Village, East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592 649-1196

888. Sukhoo Electrical Elevator & Escalator

58 Hope West Enmore

East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 5926439186

Email: sukhooelectrical@gmail.com

Website: www.elevator.gy

889. Total Office (Guyana) Inc.

25 Area Q Turkeyen

East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592-222-8583

Website: www.totalofficeltd.com

890. Universal Group of Companies Inc.

20 Durban & Hardina Streets Wortmanville

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-4069

Email: ugcincorporated@gmail.com Website: www.ugcguyana.com

891. Verisa General Services

37 Friendship East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 266-0009; 612-7814

892. Vivaanta Ayurvedic Spa & Hair


3 Church Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-663-0021

893. W&T George & Company


32-33 Regent & Hincks Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-4722

Winno’s Electrical & Plumbing

297 West Ruimveldt

Georgetown Guyana

894. Winno’s Electrical & Plumbing

297 West Ruimveldt

Georgetown Guyana

895. Wyndanch Inc

Lot 5 Mon Repos

Public Road

East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 592-220-7047

Website: www.wyndanch.com

896. Guyana Logistics and Support Services Inc.

110 2nd Floor Duke & Barrack Streets

Kingston Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-4090; 592-225-2018; 592-225-2017

Email: glowachee@guyanalogistics.com

Website: https://guyanalogistics.com/

897. Executive Group of Companies

Lot 98 Section A Block X Golden Grove

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-662-2052

Email: blinze2016@gmail.com

898. S.A General Services

Lot 2 Old Road

La Grange

West Bank Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 592-601-7709

Email: sageneralservicesinc@gmail. com

899. Green Works Landscaping & Fire Extinguisher Services

94 Independence Street

La Grange

West Bank Demerara


Telephone: 643-6649; 643-6648-11

Email: greenworks58@gmail.com


900. Aegis Marine Shipmanagement

215 South Road & King Street


Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-225-5265; 917-385-3521

901. C&V Caribbean Shipping Limited

109 Laluni Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-1245

Website: www.cvshipping.com

902. C.S.World Cargo 2000 Inc

339 Cumming St

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 416 795 1189

Website: www.csworldcargo.com

903. CCA Guyana Inc.

NR2 Plantation Rome North East Bank Demerara

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-227-6041; 592-227-6088

Email: info@cargoguyana.com Website: www.cargoguyana.com

904. CMA CGM Guyana Inc.

Lot 1 Public Road

La Penitence

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-231-7419

905. COLI Shipping & Transport (Guyana) Inc.

62 Hadfield & Cross Streets, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown, Guyana

Telephone: 592 600-8323

Email: sales.gy@coli-shipping.com Website: www.coli-shipping.com

906. Demerara Shipping Company Limited

6-12 Water & Schumaker Streets

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-4455

Email: njamuna@demship.com Website: www.demship.com

9067 Ezone Logistics

100-101 Regent Street Lacytown

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 504-5766

908. G-Boats Inc.

Plot 51 Eccles Industrial Estates East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 2230610 ext 53200/ 51890; 19856014360/592-623-2554

909. Guyana National Shipping Corporation Limited

Lots 5 - 9 Lombard Street

La Penitence

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-1840; 592-226-3365

Email: GNSC@GUYANA.NET.GY Website: https://www.gnsc.com/

910. HAB International

Lot 1 Public Road (Swiss Machinery Building)


East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-233-2496/8

Email: customerservice@habint.net

Website: www.habint.net

911. John Fernandes Limited

Lot 24 Water Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-6294; 592-2263241; 592-227-3344

Email: enquiries@johnfernandesltd. com;

Website: www.jf-ltd.com

912. Kestrel Guyana Inc.

140 Quamina and Waterloo Street

South Cummingsburg



Telephone: 592-225-1997/ 608 8771

Email: sbuchoon@kestrel.com

Website: www.kestrel.com

913. Laparkan Holdings (Guyana)


Lots 34 - 37 Water Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-1055; 226-1095

914. Latitude Geospatial Consulting Inc.

195 Schoonord

West Bank Demerara


Telephone: 5926585332

Website: https://latitudegeospatial. com/

915. Logistics International Company Ltd

26 Orange Grove Trace

St. Augustine


Telephone: 1 868 380 9362

916. Marine Traders Atlantic (MTA) Inc.

7 North Road, Company Path


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-265-7268

Website: marinetradeatlantic.com

917. Muneshwer’s Limited

45 - 47 Water Street



Telephone: 592-227-7418 ext 3001; 227-7417

Website: www.muneshwers.com

918. PAS Cargo Guyana Inc.

Lot 1 Public Road La Penitence

Admin Building #v 2 GNSC Compound

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-231-8720; 592-0738

Website: www.pascargousa.com

919. Rafeek & Moore Customs Brokerage Firm & Logistics Inc.

260 Middle Street

North Cummingsburg



Telephone: 592-231-8295

Website: www.rafeekandmoore.com

920. SCL (Guyana) Inc

Lot 1 GNSC Compound La Penitence

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-6716

Website: www.scl-group.com

921. Tropical Shipping

72 High & Barrack Streets


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-7203

Website: www.tropical.com

922. Websource Guyana Inc.

Lot 212 Camp Street

North Cummingsburg



Telephone: 592-231-1338; 592-223-3216

Website: www.websourceguyana.com

923. Zip Logistics

176 Charlotte Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-231-0096

Website: ziplogistics.com

924. CKHL Shipping and Logistics Inc 251 Thomas Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5922262545

Email: nikita.shaw@ckhlgroup.com

925. Lall-Belcon (Guyana) Inc. 5-7 Water Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-231 5100

Email: info@lall-belcon.com

Website: www.lall-belcon.com



926. Global Compliance Service 101 Einshower Parkway Roseland

New Jersey

United States of America

Telephone: 1-973-795-1241

927. Global Compliance Service

Guyana Inc.

Lot 20 Mc. Doom

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-223-6666

Email: guyana@gcsregistrar.com

Website: gcsregistrar.com


928. 286Be-OnG (Guyana) Inc.

286 Irving Street Queenstown Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 1502 724 6436; 1 202 656 9748

929. L&S Surveying Services Guyana Inc.

50 Brickdam Stabroek Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-654-4424

Website: www.issuvey.com

930. Sealand Surveys

Lot 13, South Half Section F, La Grange West Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-254-1591

Website: https://sealandsurveys.com


931. 592 Hospitality Inc.

Lot 12 Duncan Street Campbellsville Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 624-0208; 608-6602

Email: 592hospitalityinc@gmail.com

932. Aagman Restaurant

28 A Top Floor, Sheriff Street Campbellville Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-219-0161

Website: www.aagmanrestaurant.com

933. Aruwai Enterprise Inc.

13 A Public Road


East Bank Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 592-223-2097; 592-227-1987; 225-7517

Email: frontdesk@aruwairesort.gy

934. Camex Restaurants Inc.

231 Camp & Middle Streets



Telephone: 592-231-8769; 592-231-2243

Email: oodiyalove@yahoo.com

935. Frandec Travel Services Inc.

92 Middle Street



Telephone: 2272099; 2263076; 2253236; 2252648

Email: frandec@frandec.com

936. German’s Restaurant

Lot 8 New Market Street


Guyana Telephone: 592-227-0079

Email: germanssoup@gmail.com

937. Galactic Solutions and Transport Services

377 Harpy Drive. North East La Penitence. Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592 705-4434

Email: reservations@aracariresort.com Website: www.aracarihotel.com

938. Glamp Camp GY

48 High Street Werk-En-Rust Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 503-3241; 6194825

939. Guyana Hospitality Solutions Inc.

4 Dowding Street

Kitty Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 407-909-3394; 5926786638

940. Guyana Marriott Hotel Georgetown (Atlantic Hotel Inc.) Block Alpha Kingston Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-231-1642

Email: Isabel.Vasquez@ marriotthotels.com; Mhrs.geomc. reservations@marriotthotels.com; Website: www.marriott.com

941. Herdmanston Lodge

19-20 Lamaha & Peter Rose Street Queenstown Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 655-3620

942. Integrated Group Guyana, Inc.

126 Quamina & Carmichael Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 227 5029

Email: contact@stabroektravel.com

Website: www.stabroektravel.com www.stabroek.market

943. Knight Rider Bus Service

35 Delhi Street Prashad Nagar Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 2251429

Website: https:// knightridertransportation.gy/


211 New Market Street North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

945. Pegasus Hotel Guyana

Battery Road

Kingston Georgetown


Telephone: 592-225-8176; 592-225-2853

Website: www.pegasushotelguyana. com

946. Phase IV Travel Agency

58 David Street

Kitty Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5925032613

947. Ramada Georgetown

Princess Hotel

Lot Track ‘BS’ Block 2 Plantation Providence East Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-265-7009/ 265-7013

Email: info@ramadageorgetown.com Website: www.ramadageorgetown.com

948. Roraima Airways Limited

R8 Eping Avenue

Bel Air Park

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-9647 592-225-9648

949. Survival Systems Guyana Inc.

SR2 Plantation Rome Greater, Georgetown, Guyana

Telephone: 592 500-0111

Email: Onassisyansen@survivalsystems.co.tt

950. Travelspan GT Inc.

03 A North Road


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-227-1701

Email: admin@travelspangt.com Website: www.travelspan.com

951. Fusion Hospitality INC

3 Sandy Babb St.



Guyana Telephone: 5926408833

Email: yonnickdavid@hotmail.com

952. Scotty’s Smoke House

Lot 8 Liliendaal

East Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone:592 620-9750

Email: reservations@scottys.gy

Website: https://scottys.gy/


953. Biddle Verwey Inc.

Parcel 279 Block XXIX

Garden of Eden

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-660-4158

Email: rsingh@biddle.gy

954. Pinnacle Solutions Inc

72 Duncan Street

Newtown Kitty

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 226 4892

Email: pinnaclegy@gmail.com

Website: pinnaclerealestate.gy

955. Rollerz Auto

5 Farm


East Coast Demerara


Telephone: 6170779

Email: Rollerzauto@gmail.com

956. BCAMO Guyana Inc.

396 Block XXXIII

La Parfaite Harmonie

West Bank Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 505-4379

Email: bcamoguyanainc@yahoo.com

957. Cyril’s Transportation Service

17 David Street

Kitty Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 227-7346

Email: management@ cyrilstransportation.com

Website: www.cyrilstransportation.com


12 Bougainvillea Part Farm

East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 641-4407; 641-3511

959. Express International Inc.

27 Hadfield Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 227-6025

Email: joinus@expressgoc.com

Website: https://expressinternationalinc. com/index.php

960. Knight Rider Bus Service

35 Delhi Street

Prashad Nagar

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 2251429

Website: https:// knightridertransportation.gy/

961. Priority Logistics (GUY) Inc

186 Shribasant Street

Prashad Nagar, Georgetown, Guyana

Telephone: 592 633-0908

Email: info@crownlogistics.ca

Website: www.prioritylogistics.ca

962. R&M Home Solutions

Lot SL 36, Lower Kara Kara MacKenzie



Telephone: 601-6013

963. R&R Transport Guyana Inc.

334 Sachibazaar Str

Prashad Nagar

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5926665245

Email: admin@rrtransporttt.com

Website: www.rrtransportguyana.com

964. River Quest Jet Boat Service

172 E 1/2 Charlotte & Light Streets Lacytown

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 231-1340/4

Email: totalmotorspares@yahoo.com Website: www.riverquestgy.com

965. Sean’s Transportation Service Inc.

34 First Street

Alexander Village

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 621-6534

Email: seantransportationservices@ gmail.com

966. Yellow Transportation Services Inc.

1152 Block X

Section A Greater Diamond East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-646-0506 Website: www.ytransportation.com

967. We Go All Places

Track KG

Kuru Kururu Linden Highway Guyana

Telephone: 5926872945; +18133405846; 5926872945

Website: https://wegapllc.com

968. Amanah Logistics Inc.

Lot 140 Quamina Street

South Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 501-4952

Email: info@amanahinc.com Website: www.amanahinc.com

969. Arapaima Logistics Inc.

211-212 New Market St

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5922233770

Email: info@rampslogistics.com

Website: https://rampslogistics.com/

970. Atlantic Concierge & Integrated Logistics Inc.

294 Kamoa Street Lamaha Gardens

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-502-9475

Email: service@atlanticconcierge-gy.com

971. Blue Water Shipping Guyana Inc

Lot 258 Thomas Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Email: guyana@bws.net Website: www.bws.net

972. Bourbon Guyana Inc.

130 BB, First Street Eccles East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 502-9230 Website: bourbonoffshore.com

973. Carbyne Capital Investments Limited 8 Lady Musgrave Road

Kingston Jamaica Telephone: 18766317661; 18768311720 Website: www.ccija.com

974. Coastal Offshore Marine Inc.

Lot F Hydronie East Bank Essequibo Guyana Telephone: 5922604986; +5926218386

Email: info@comi-gy.com Website: www. coastaloffshoremarineinc.com

975. Excel Guyana Inc

158 A, Waterloo Street North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 223-0646 / 223-0648

Email: info@excelguyana.com Website: www.excelguyana.com

976. Freightlink Logistics Inc. 161 Lamaha & Waterloo Streets Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 620-2002; 2315789 Email: sales@shipfreightlink.com https://www.shipfreightlink.com

977. Gac Logistics and Shipping (Guyana) Ltd 5-9 Lombard Street La Penitence Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-226-1050 Website: www.gac.com

978. Genesis Marine Guyana Inc. Lot 36 Section E Campbellville Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-501-1748

979. G-Port Inc. 10-13 Water Street Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 592-227-3363

980. Guarantee International Crating Inc Lot 24 Cactus Road West Ruimveldt Georgetown Guyana Telephone: +592 687 2806 Email: sales@gicgy.com

981. Guyana Energy Employment

Sourcing Inc.

1196 Section A Block xX

Diamond East Bank Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 5926847538

982. Impeccable Construction & General Supplies

478 Perseverance

Providence East Bank Demerara Guyana Telephone: 645-3755

Email: cleanteam592@gmail.com

983. Intercon Guyana Inc.

205 Charlotte Street Lacytown Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: +60139226131; 6578666/6162300

984. Inter-Continental Shipping (Guyana) Inc.

7 North Road

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 5925064691

Email: wseecharan@icslguyana.com; info@icslguyana.com Website: www.icslguyana.com/

985. Interlink Business and Logistics Services

92 Middle Street North Cummingsburg Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-717-3177

Email: Interlinkgy@gmail.com

986. John Fernandes Limited

Lot 24 Water Street

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-225-6294; 592-226-3241; 592-227-3344

Email: enquiries@johnfernandesltd.com Website: www.jf-ltd.com


Block R Public Road

Soesdyke East Bank Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 592 261-5464; 261-5467

Email: jsbinvestmentsgy@gmail.com Website: www.jsbinvestmentsgy.com

988. Knight Rider Bus Service

35 Delhi Street

Prashad Nagar

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 2251429

Website: https:// knightridertransportation.gy/

989. LeZo Logistics

3545 Stevedore Housing Scheme



Telephone: 592 653-7628; 5926298145

990. Madison Logistics

49 Belair Village



Telephone: 592 621 4113

Email: sales@madisonlogisticsint.com/ devonsampson143@gmail.com

991. Marine World Services Inc.

Lot 106 Duke Street




Telephone: 592-226-1050

Email: guyana@gac.com

992. Pacific Leopard International

Trading Inc.

29 Bel Air Gardens

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 505-1817

993. PS Shipping and Customs

Brokerage Inc.

198 Camp Street


Guyana Telephone: 5024799

Website: https://psscb.com/

994. Royal Logistics Inc.

Lot 15 Garnett Street



Guyana Telephone: 231-2993; 6679800

995. South Atlantic Logistics and General Services Inc.

Lot 1, NGS

Houston Gardens

East Bank Demerara

Guyana Telephone: 672 8674; 225-1807

Email: alfonso.dearmas@salogistics.co

996. Sure Gig Inc.

188 Waterloo Street

South Cummingsburg



Telephone: 504-6727 / 223-1556

997. Symmetry Brokerage & Logistics

1477 Herstelling East Bank Demerara


Telephone: 600-1969; 5926720527

Website: www.sblguyana.com

998. Target Logistics Inc.

221B Camp Street

North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 500-7383; 624-7447

Email: targetlogisticsinc@gmail.com

Website: www.tli.gy

999. Thethys Marine and Logistics

Sevices Inc.

Lot 78 Hadfield & Breda Street


Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 668 3824; 592 662 3836

1000. Titan Containers Guyana Inc. 1039 Eccles

East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-682-2711

1001. Titan Logistics & Support

185 Waterloo Street Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5925014684; 59265128247

1002. TLC Guyana Inc

12 New Haven Bel Air Park

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 620-2390

Email: operations1.geo@tlc-com.ch

Website: www.tlc-com.ch

1003. UTC Logistics Guyana Inc Plantation A Houston District East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: +5927029060

Email: guyana@utcoverseas.com Website: www.utcoverseas.com

1004. Vista Trading & Logistics (Guyana) Inc.

91 Middle Street North Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 6635300; 6321680


1005. Ian Defreitas Productions 1658 Block V Herstelling Easrt Bank

Demerara Guyana

Telephone: (592) 601 0788



1006. Massiah Capital 54-55 Continental Park East Bank Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 592-683-9457

1007. Videomega Productions Limited 176 Middle Street South Cummingsburg

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592-226-9555; 592-225-1594

Website: www.videomegaproductions. com


1008. NB Veterinary Services 218 Munipur Street

Prashad Nagar

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: +5922190854

Website: www.animalkingdomgy.com


1009. Puran Bros. Disposal Inc. 7 Bella Street

Pouderoyen West Coast Demerara Guyana

Telephone: 264-1239; 264-2489

Website: www.puranbrothers.com/

1010. Sandip Waste Management

75 Sixth Street Alberttown

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 231-5785


1011. JGS Business SVC 136 Durbana Sq Lamaha Gardens

Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: 592 615 2225

Email: jgstel@verizon.net

1012. Dover Waterproofing Technologies Inc. 53 Oleander Avenue Bel Air Park

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 503-0516/ 231-8939 Email: doverwaterproofing.gy@ gmail.com Website: www.doverwaterproofing.gy


1013. Blenat 75 Joseph Pollydore & Durban Streets Lodge

Georgetown Guyana Telephone: 5926394165

Website: https://blenadigital.tech

1014. Wayne Farley Designs 5 Sandy Babb Street Kitty Georgetown Guyana

Telephone: +5926174882

Website: www.design.gy

1015. Blue Mountain Capital Inc.

111 Durban Street




Telephone: 6535723; 6452260

Website: www.bluemountaincapitalgy. com

1016. Webfx Guyana Inc

Lot A87 Issano Place West Georgetown


Telephone: 592 725 0001; 592 725 0001

Email: sales@webfx.co.gy

Website: https://webfx.co.gy

1017. GX Media

Lot 38 Hibiscus Place

Blankenburg West Bank Demerara


Telephone: 592-276-3807; 502 9900

Email: info@gxmediagy.com

Website: www.gxmediagy.com

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