Ex x o n M o b i l Guyana Limited (EMGL) has agreed to the fiscal terms
outlined in the new
Production Sharing Agreements(PSAs)thatwill governthesmalleroilblocks recently auctioned by the Government of Guyana (GoG).
This is according to President of EMGL,Alistair Routledge. During a press engagement, he said, “We are not touching the fiscal terms; we understand that those are set.” Routledge however noted that there were other elements of the contract which the company was not pleased with, specifically with regard to the timelines outlined in the newcontract.
According to him, “We're ongoing discussions with the government on a Petroleum Sharing
Agreement those discussions are ongoing. I don't think anybody has finalized terms and signed agreements. I think this is a normal stage where we negotiateonthedetails.”
Government previously said it was advancing discussions with four companies who participated in its inaugural bid round. Routledge could not say whether his company was included in that list or whether Exxon was near to finalizinganagreementwith theGoG.
He said, “The important thing is that we continue to have that discussion in a collaborative way to try to
findanagreementthatworks for all parties that incentivizes the investment, that incentivizes taking the risk because of course these are blocks with no discoveries so you are having to take the exploration risk, invest money and not know whether ultimately you will ever make any money back orrecoveryourcostsoithas to be an agreement that incentivizes the investment which is what the country wants,butalsothenreturnsa reasonable sharing of any profits that may flow in the future should there be economicdiscoveries.”
ExxonMobil had previously expressed dissatisfaction with certain terms of the new PSA. Be that as it may, the GoG had made it clear that it was not willingtobudgeonthefiscal terms outlined in the new contract.
The oil companies will be expected to pay a 10 percent royalty and a 10 percent corporate tax to the government of Guyana. In the meantime, the cost recoverywillbecappedat65 percentinagivenyear,while profits will be shared 50/50 betweentheparties.
Notably, the discoveries made in the Stabroek Block are subject to separate terms which include 2% royalty andnocorporatetaxeswhile 75% of the oil produced monthly is deducted by ExxonMobil for costs. The remaining 25% is then split betweengovernmentandthe companyasprofits.
Despite calls for government to engage Exxon for fairer terms, Guyana's Head of State, Dr Irfaan Ali has made it clear that he has no intention of writing the company to seek arenegotiation.
The Stabroek Block measures approximately 6.6 million acres or 26,800 squarekilometers.The14oil
between 1000 square kilometres to 3000 square kilometreswiththemajority of them being close to 2000 squarekilometres.
Of the 14 blocks that were auctioned, it was disclosedthatsixcompanies submitted bids for eight of theblocks.
In December 2022, P
launched the country's inaugural oil blocks auction wherebidswerelateropened on September 10, 2023 Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh in January this year saidGuyanaislikelytosign three new PSAs in the first half of this year, with successfulbidders.
Asthecountryturnsitsfocusonelections,ournational leaders have already started courting our youth for their votes and support. On Sunday, the PNCR held what it termed a Young Professional Conference, where it presentedtheParty’scomprehensiveplansfortheYouthof Guyana. Leader of the Party,Aubrey Norton in addressing thegatheringsaidoneofthekeyprioritiesofhispartyifitis electedtogovernmentwillbetoplacesignificantfocuson the growth and development of young people across all sectors, including sport, culture, entrepreneurship, and employmentopportunities.Wehaveheardsimilarpromises fromthePPP/C,theAFCandalltheotherpartiesthathave comealong.
Manywillagreethatafter59yearsofindependence,we have not yet brought to maturity the kind of country our foundingfathershavedreamtofanddeclaredinourmotto, ‘One People, One Nation, One Destiny’. Over the years, Guyanahasbecomeknownaroundtheworld,mostlyforits gooddeeds,butalsoforsomebadexperiences,suchasthe infamy of what transpired at Jonestown. Internally, our economy is struggling, crime is widespread, corruption is still rampant and our social and political structures are not intact.
A generation has passed since independence, a new generation has emerged, but a changing of the guard is urgentlyneededtobringaglimmerofhopetoananguished nation Cries for new leadership, in general, have intensified. Some say that the struggle for power is unsettling.The truth is, we have not had leaders who have genuinelyputthecountryfirstandwhoaretrulycommitted to solve the nation’s problems. Further, too many in governmentdonothavetheexperience,skillsandthemoral fibreneededtomovethecountryforward.Neitherhasthere been a clear commitment to operate by principles of transparency and accountability Many of our youths are bewildered and hopeless; others are jobless and are strugglingtosurvive.Toomany,unfortunately,seecrimeas their only saviour According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) worldwide an estimated 193 000 homicidesoccuramongyoungpeoplebetween15–29years ofageeachyear,makingitoneoftheleadingcausesofdeath for people in this age group. Youth homicide rates vary dramatically between and within countries. Between 2000–2019, rates of youth homicide decreased in most countries, although the decrease has been greater in highincomecountriesthaninlow-andmiddle-incomecountries, WHO said. The majority of youth homicide victims are males,andmostperpetratorsaremalestoo.Accordingtothe WHO for every young person killed by violence, more sustain injuries that require hospital treatment. Firearm attacks end more often in fatal injuries than assaults that involvefists,feet,knivesandbluntobjects.Sexualviolence alsoaffectsasignificantproportionofyouth.Forexample,1 in5girlsand1in7boysreportsexualabuse,WHOhassaid. The organization noted that physical fighting and bullying are also common among young people. A study of 40 developing countries showed that an average of 42% of boys and 37% of girls were exposed to bullying. Youth homicideandnon-fatalviolencenotonlycontributegreatly to the global burden of premature death, injury and disability,butalsohaveaserious,oftenlifelong,impactona person’s psychological and social functioning. This can affect victims’ families, friends and communities. Youth violenceincreasesthecostsofhealth,welfareandcriminal justiceservices;reducesproductivity;decreasesthevalueof property
These are worrying trends that, if not expeditiously addressed and uprooted from society, will ensure that progressandprosperityremainelusivedream.Thesetrends arelikeacancer,whichisdestroyingtheyouths;manyhave also turned to mobile phones to escape their boredom and sorrows.Studieshaveshownthatyouthsbelievethattheuse
Urgent Plea for the Reconstruction ofAnn’s Grove Secondary School
Iamwritingthisletteras adeeplyconcernedcitizenof Ann’s Grove Village and a proud former student of Ann’s Grove Secondary School. At 65 years old, I havewitnessedtheevolution of our beloved community and the decline of one of its m o s t s i g n i f i c a n t institutions—our secondary school.
It pains me to see the current state of the school, which is now nothing more than a fragile, crumbling structure I strongly believe thattheMinistryofEducation, Region 4, must reconsider its decision to bid on March, 9,2025 in the daily Chronicle for repair to this building and instead opt for a full reconstruction
Fordecades,Ann’sGrove Secondary School has been a placeoflearning,growth,and memories for generations of students, including myself However, time has taken its toll,andtheschoolisnolonger structurally sound The buildinghasbeenstandingfor manydecades,andratherthan being a place of safety and education,ithasnowbecomea serious hazard The physical deteriorationofthestructureis alarming,andtheriskitposes to the lives of students, teachers, and staff cannot be ignoredanylonger
A School Too Old for Repairs WhileIunderstand that the Ministry of Education has announced that the school is up for bidding for repairs, I must strongly oppose this decision. This school is far beyondthepointofrepair Its foundation has weakened significantly, making any renovation efforts
ineffective and temporary solution to a much deeper problem.
The building shakes violently at the slightest movement,makingithighly unstable. This is not just an occasional tremor; it is a persistent issue that indicatesaseriousstructural failure. Every gust of wind, every footstep on the upper floor, and every minor vibration cause the entire buildingtotrembleinaway that is both frightening and dangerous This level of instability suggests that the structure is incapable of withstanding natural forces such as heavy rain, strong winds, or even minor seismicactivity.
Additionally, the school has been sinking over the years. When I was a child, we used to run and play beneath the building, which was raised on posts to allow airflow and prevent flooding. However, today, the space beneath the structure has disappeared entirely This is a clear sign that the foundation is no longerstable,andtheground on which the school was built can no longer support itsweight.
The significant sinking of the building raises concerns about the soil stabilityandthepotentialfor further collapse. A Weak andDangerousFoundation
The construction of Ann’s Grove Secondary Schoolwasbasedonaspotpost foundation, meaning that it was built on wooden andconcretepoststhatwere meant to support the structure Unfortunately, many of these posts have detached from the floor,
of cell phones is a culturally acceptable normative behaviour and that a very high percentage of them are spendingmostoftheirtimeonthesedevicestalking,texting or sexting. The latter is the sending of sexually explicit photographs, video, text messages, or e-mail by mobile phones to a willing or unwilling receiver Sexting is intended to increase the senders’ popularity or to solicit sexualattentionandliaisons.Italsotendstoincreaseteens’ ability to engage in sexual liaisons that could increase teenage pregnancy, abortions and sexually transmitted diseases.Thiswillincreasepressureonouralreadystrained healthcareservices.
This worrying trend must be avoided among our very impressionable young citizens. It speaks to the thought processes of youths who are inordinately caught up in sexualactivitiesataveryyoungage.Itdistractsthemfrom focusingontheirstudiesandpassingexaminationscritical to achieving their career dreams. In such circumstances, society can only expect to see a higher number of underachievers and school dropouts. This is not a good thing for the future of the country, its workforce and production. We must not remain silent. Dr Martin Luther Kingsaid,“Ourlivesbegintoendthedaywebecomesilent aboutthingsthatmatter.”
causing a dangerous gap between the foundation and therestofthebuilding.This is one of the most serious indicators that the school is atriskofcollapse.
Without a proper foundation, the entire structure is compromised. Teachers and students are forced to navigate a school environmentthatisunstable, uncomfortable, and, most importantly, unsafe The disconnection of the posts from the floor also means that the building no longer has the necessary support to withstand even minor shifts inweightormovement.
A Growing Threat to Human Life Ann’s Grove Secondary is no longer just an aging building—it is a directthreattohumanlife.If leftinitscurrentcondition,it is only a matter of time before a disaster occurs. A collapsing ceiling, a falling wall,oracompletestructural failure could result in injuries or even fatalities. This is not an exaggerated concern; it is a real and urgent danger. Imagine young children sitting in a classroom, eager to learn, when suddenly a portion of the ceiling gives way. Imagine teachers walking through the corridors, only forthefloorbeneaththemto collapse These are not unrealistic fears but very possible scenarios given the current condition of the school.Waitingforatragedy to happen before taking a c t i o n w o u l d b e i r r e s p o n s i b l e a n d unforgivable. Furthermore, the poor condition of the school affects not just physical safety, but also the o v e r a l l l e a r n i n g environment.
A child cannot focus on their studies when they are constantlyworriedaboutthe roof over their head Teachers cannot effectively educate students when they are concerned about the stabilityoftheirclassrooms. Education should take place in a secure, well-maintained space where students can learnwithoutfear
The Need for a New SchoolGiventheundeniable risks associated with the currentstateofAnn’sGrove SecondarySchool,Istrongly urge the authorities to abandon the idea of repairs and instead prioritize the construction of a brand-new school building. Repairing an unstable structure is like putting a bandage on a deep wound—it does not address
the root of the problem and willonlyleadtomoreissues inthefuture.
A newly built school would provide a safe and comfortable environment for studentsandteachers Itwould be designed with modern safetystandards,ensuringthat the foundation is strong, the materials are durable, and the overallstructureisbuilttolast Investinginanewschoolisnot just about creating a better physical space it is about investing in the future of our childrenandcommunity. Furthermore,anewschool wouldofferanopportunityto enhanceeducationalfacilities. The current building lacks adequate ventilation, proper sanitation, and sufficient classroom space By constructing a new school, authorities can incorporate improved learning spaces, technology-equipped classrooms, and better infrastructure to support studentgrowth
A Call for Action to be taken I am calling on the MinistryofEducation,Region 4, and all relevant authorities to take immediate action to address this pressing issue The safety and well-being of ourchildrenshouldbethetop priority Instead of spending money on temporary repairs, let us invest in a long-term solution onethatguarantees a safe, secure, and thriving learning environment for generationstocome
Additionally, I urge community members, parents,teachers,andformer students to join in this appeal.Ourcollectivevoices mustbeheard.Wecannotsit silently while our children are placed in a dangerous environment.
Let us demand the construction of a newAnn’s Grove Secondary School beforeitistoolate. In conclusion, I am deeply saddened by the current state of my former school,butIamalsohopeful that the right decisions will bemadetoensurethesafety and future of our children. T h e e v i d e n c e i s clear Ann’s Grove Secondary School is no longer fit for repairs. The only viable solution is to demolish the old structure and build a new school that meets modern safety standards.Letusnotwaitfor a disaster to happen. Let us actnow
Recently, to the consternation of public health managers in the Caribbean and elsewhere, the United States (US) government has decided to sanctionthoseinvolvedwith the Cuban labour export programme,equatingitwith forms of forced labour, and the leaders of some Caribbean countries have indicated that the Cuban medical practitioners are of vital importance to their health sector and, if needs be, that they are prepared to besanctionedandhavetheir USviasremovedtomaintain the presence of Cuban doctors.
The outcome of this controversy will be most interesting, for the days when sovereign states could do what they pleased have long gone. For, example, in 2020, the present US Republican Secretary of State Marco Rubio, was sanctioned twice by the Chinese government and banned from entering China for condemning the country’s human rights abuses.
Prime Minister Ralph GonsalvesofSt.Vincentand the Grenadines, after giving an example of the importance of the Cuban medical professionals, told his weekly radio audience that under the agreement with the Cuban government its professionals are paid similartolocals,althoughhe didnotknowwhatpercentof their salary goes to the Cuban government. But he claimedthatit‘doesn’tmean
that they’re exploited. They got a free education. And if they’re going overseas, making money from that education, it’s not unreasonableforthemtoput back something in the kitty for more people to be educated.Weputourpeople on bond The American federal government lends money, and people have to paybacktheloans.’ThePM also reported that the issue willbedealtwithregionally Caribbean Community (CARICOM) foreign ministers have met and decided to collate all the relevant information in the hope of having an early meeting with the US government to discuss and solvetheproblem.
The US Office to Monitor and Combat
Trafficking in Persons (Office)statesthataccording to reports published by the Cuban government, by the endof2023,thereweremore than 22,000 governmentaffiliated Cuban workers in over 53 countries. Medical professionals comprised 75% of its exported workforce,buttherearealso some 7,000 merchant mariners and others such as teachers, artists athletes and coaches The Cuban governmentcollects$6to$8 billion annually from its exportofservices.
The Office states that there are serious concerns with recruitment and retention practices The Cuban government subjects all government-affiliated workers coercive laws focused upon making profit
and labels workers who abscond as ‘deserters’ and bans them from returning to Cuba for eight years. Those who fail to return within 24 months after completing the programme are considered ‘emigrated’,thuslosingtheir citizenshipandanyproperty they left behind. By 2021, 40,000 professionals had been sanctioned under these provisions.
Among other things, complaints filed with the InternationalCriminalCourt and the UN indicate that most workers did not v o l u n t e e r f o r t h e programme,Cubanheadsof missioninthehostcountries subjected workers to surveillance and the Cuban government confiscated between 75% and 90% of each worker’s salary.At the endof2023,theUNSpecial R a p p o r t e u r f o r Contemporary Forms of S
y f
d a new communication outlining the persistent concerns with theprogramme.
The Office also opined that Cuba’s practices can alsonegativelyimpactahost country’shealthcaresystem. Survivorsoftheprogramme
have reported being forced by the Cuban in-country mission director to falsify m
l information to justify their presence and need to local a
‘discarding medications, fabricating names, and d
cumenting medical procedures that never occurred.’
As noted above, PM Gonsalves sought to compare the repayment of students’ debts in the US with that extracted from the Cuban labour export and an interesting article in ‘Counterpunch’ stated that studentdebtintheUSisalso a human rights issue. ‘[I]f indentured servitude sounds like a more elegant form of slavery, it’s probably because those in power throughout history have merely tinkered with the legallimitsofhowtoextract labor for the bottom line. ... Presently[sic]weareseeing this practice of extracting monies from the most vulnerable being extended andrenderedlegallyopaque as these new “financial
products” are being used to exploit the desperate situation of millennials who are facing a grim economic future.Millennialsarebeing squeezedbythemechanisms of capitalism that begin and end with higher education such that teenagers entering any number of universities today have, in addition to studentloans,the“option”to sign a contract for income share agreements (ISA) where they can pay for their education with a fixed percentageoftheirestimated future income for a set periodoftime.(JulianVigo, C o u n t e r p u n c h , 24/01/2020).’
Forbes tells us that studentdebtintheUSalmost doubled between 2011 and 2021, moving from $896.8 billion to $1.73 trillion, and that stakeholders are all looking for alternatives, one such alternative being income share agreements (ISA). However, whether ISAsareaviablealternative to student loans, or whether they simply mimic many of theissuesalreadyinherentin student lending. ‘While the vocabulary used may differ, the core feature of ISAs and
student loans is the same: The student must pay a portionoftheirincomeafter graduation for a certain a m o u n t o f t i m e ’ (https://wwwforbes com/ad visor/student-loans/what-isa n - i n c o m e - s h a r eagreement/).
The coercion the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons detected is largely because Cuban professionals can earn much more outside Cuba, and Cuba is an authoritarian state without much soft power to keep even its people. For this latter reason it is maybe not useful to compare what is takingplaceintheUS,thatis still - so far - a liberal democraticstate,withCuba. In the US, the average total cost of a 4-year undergraduate course is about$132,000.Theaverage undergraduate income of undergraduate is about $50,000 per annum and the average annual student loan repayment is about $3,600 over 20 years. This would appear a far cry from Cuba taking between 75% and 90%ofeachworker’sannual (Continuedonpage06)
CybercrimeAct is
being misused
to punish citizens who question government’s actions or expose its corruption
In Guyana today, freedom of speech, a fundamental pillar of any democracy, is increasingly underthreatundertheIrfaan Ali/Bharrat Jagdeo regime.
The regime’s use of the Cybercrime Act and other lawsastoolstostifledissent and target those who hold them accountable has escalatedinrecentmonths.
The most recent victims
of this abuse are Melissa ‘Melly Mel’ Atwell and Rickford Burke, two individuals who have found themselves in the crosshairs ofaregimeeagertosuppress criticalvoices.
Under the guise of protecting national security or combating cybercrime, the PPP regime has weaponised the law to silence critics The Cybercrime Act, while
intended to address genuine online threats, is being misusedtopunishthosewho dare to question the government’s actions or exposeitscorruption.
This is not about protecting the public from harm;itisaboutintimidating dissent, controlling the narrative, and quashing any form of opposition to the government.
In addition to the legal
threats, the regime has been using state resources to punish critics or reward loyalists.
The distribution of government contracts, a critical tool in Guyana’s economy, has been politicised to such an extent thatitnowservesasameans of silencing opposition and rewarding sycophants Thosewhospeakoutagainst the regime’s excesses find themselves deprived of opportunities, while those who remain silent or toe the party line are handsomely rewarded.
This situation reflects a deepening authoritarianism, where the regime seeks not only to suppress free speech but also to create an environment of fear and compliance.
The constitutional right to free expression is under assault,andsilenceisnotan option.Ifweallowthistrend tocontinue,weriskturninga blindeyetotheerosionofthe very freedoms that make us whoweare.
This is a moment for all Guyanese, regardless of political affiliation, to stand upanddefendtheprinciples
that have guided our nation. Pastor Martin Niemöller’s famous poem, “First They Came,” serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of complacency in the face of authoritarianism. It begins: First they came for the Communists And I did not speakoutBecauseIwasnot a Communist Then they camefortheSocialistsAndI did not speak out Because I wasnotaSocialistThenthey came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionistThentheycame
‘The Cuban labour export dilemma’...
salary Although, whether or not it is exploitationon the scale being suggested by theUSdependsuponthebasisuponwhichit iscomputed.
The US has a competitive electoral democracy system. Florida is currently a Republican state and given the bellicose nature of the US relationship (particularly thatofFloridians)withCuba,toassuagetheir base, the new Republic administration and Marco Rubio, a Floridian of Cuban extractionwithabackgroundofcondemning human rights, must at some point at least
Iholdthatautocraticbehaviourshouldbe confronted at every juncture but that it must beproperlycontextualised,andtargetingthe Cubanlabourschemeisunlikelytoradically changetheCubangovernmentoritspolicy It ismorelikelytobringanaddedburdenupon Cubanandotherpeoplesandsocontributeto greaterglobalacrimony Assuggestedbythe Caricomleaders,somereformofthemanner the scheme works is a better pathway out of thecurrentdilemma.
Today, we're shining a spotlight on a group that's often overlooked but holds incredible potential: the youngmenandwomenwho drop out of secondary school. As part of our
o n g o i n g N a t i o n a l DevelopmentPlanunderthe
H u m a n C a p i t a l & Innovationpillar,webelieve it's time to give these young people a second chance to build successful, fulfilling lives We'll explore the challenges they face, share some ideas on how to help them thrive, and introduce a proposal for a new initiative
called The Guyana Leadership Academy (GLA).
WhyFocusonSchool Dropouts?
According to the Ministry of Education's 2021–2025 Education
Sector Plan, only 50% of a given secondary school grade survives to the final grade. Even more alarming isthedisparityincompletion rates between males (39%) and females (62%). When half of our young people leave the classroom before graduation,we'reessentially cutting Guyana's talent pool in half. This isn't just a
problemforthestudentswho drop out, who will face limited job prospects and reduced earning potential, it's also a huge loss for the country Remember,Guyana has the fastest-growing economy in the world, as noted by the International MonetaryFund(IMF).Ifwe want to keep pace with our owngrowth,wemustensure that every citizen can fully participate in and benefit fromthecountry'sprogress.
ASecondChance:The GuyanaLeadership Academy(GLA) We can't ignore the fact thatdroppingoutcanhappen for a host of reasons, family challenges, financial constraints, lack of support, or simply not seeing the relevance of traditional schooling.Withthatinmind, the proposed Guyana LeadershipAcademyaimsto give these students a fresh start.
Envisionahybridfacility that includes both a dayschool programme and a boarding-school option for students who need a more s
Participants would focus on remedial academic work to fillgapsintheirfoundational knowledge, alongside life
development, and hands-on experiences that show the practical side of learning. Think budgeting lessons, group projects, and creative arts—anything that brings educationtolife.
Here'sanexcitingbonus: GLA would help match students with internships or entry-levelpositionsinlocal businesses, offering a steppingstone into the workforce.Facultymembers would provide written r
for programme graduates, ensuring that employers see them as serious candidates whoarereadytocontribute.
ThePowerofaStipend Money is often a big hurdleforstudentswhohave dropped out; they may need toworktohelptheirfamilies or cover personal expenses. Totacklethis,theGLAcould offer a step-up monthly stipend to help participants manage day-to-day costs
Imagine starting at $5,000 per month, then increasing by$5,000eachmonth,upto 12 months. This approach not only offsets some financial burdens but also actsasapowerfulmotivator Witheachincrease,students see a tangible reward for their persistence and
Ali hopes
progressintheprogramme. LearningfromOthers
If we want GLA to succeed,weshouldstudythe best practices from similar programmes around the world. Take, for instance, YouthBuild in the United States, where disadvantaged youth combine classroom learning with construction training, rebuilding their neighbourhoods as they rebuild their own lives or look at the model of apprenticeship programmes in places like Germany, wherestudentsgainvaluable work experience while finishing their formal education.
By taking the best elements from these successful initiatives like strong mentorship, a clear curriculum focused on realworld skills, and robust industry partnerships, we can build a tailor-made solution that addresses Guyana'suniquecontext.
WhyHuman CapitalMatters
Now, you might be wondering: “How does this alltieintonationalgrowth?”
In simple terms, human capital means the collective skills, knowledge, and experiences that people bringtothetable.Whenyou
Stabroek Block
investinpeoplelikehelping them finish school or gain specialized training, you make your entire society stronger
Skilled workers attract new businesses, innovative ideas spark new industries, and a more educated population can better navigate challenges and seize opportunities. Human capital is an essential ingredientinGuyana'slongrun growth recipe, ensuring that prosperity is both widespreadandsustainable.
TheRippleEffect ofEmpowerment
Whenayoungpersonreenters the educational track and develops marketable skills, the impact extends beyond one individual Families benefit from more stable incomes and better financial management Communities benefit from leadership projects and volunteer work carried out bynewlyenergizedstudents. Employers gain access to a talent pool that's eager, trained, and ready to work.
The country gains a workforce that's better equipped to support growth, i n n o v a t i o n , a n d sustainability It's a domino effectofsuccess.
Naturally, turning this vision into reality requires careful planning, sufficient fundi
government agencies, private-sector allies, and community organizations. The GLA should be viewed not as a last resort but as a welcoming, dynamic place tolearn,grow,andreimagine thefuture.
The Guyana Leadership Academy can be a lifechanging initiative for students who've slipped through the cracks By offering a structured, supportive programme with real-world applications, we can help them rejoin the education system and step confidently into adulthood. More importantly, we'll build the human capital that Guyana needs to keep pace with our astonishing economicgrowth.Afterall,a rapidly growing nation is only as strong as the people whopowerit.
Thanks for tuning in to Talking Dollars & Making Sense Let's continue working together to ensure all Guyanese can achieve their full potential and, in doing so, secure a brighter futureforeveryoneofus.
reserves will continue to grow; th Exxon moves beyond 8 project
Guyana's head-of-state last Tuesday told delegates at an energy conferenceheldinHouston,Texas, that he hopes the Stabroek Block successcontinues,whichcouldsee thereservesgrowingandAmerican oil giant, ExxonMobil moving beyond an eight project in that block.
Upstream Online reported that during a discussion at CERAWeek byS&PGlobal,PresidentAlimade it known that he is thrilled with Guyana's booming production, whichhasproventobeapotofgold for the nation and for Stabroek operator ExxonMobil and its partners Hess and CNOOC International.
Notably, Exxon is the operator of the oil block with 45% interest whileHessandCNOOChold30% and 25% respectively Upstream Online noted in their article that ExxonMobil is projecting its
Guyanaoilproductionwillswellto 1.7millionbarrelsperdayby2030. It is also already working on an eighth floating production, storage andoffloadingvesselforStabroek.
To this end, it was stated that President Ali said he hopes the growth continues “long beyond that”.
To date, Exxon has received regulatory approval for six developments in the Stabroek Block, and have already submitted two applications for a seventh and eightprojectnamely,Hammerhead andLongtail.
“Thepositivenewsisthatevery newssofarhasbeenpositive.And we are hoping that this trend will continue and our reserves will continue to grow,” President Ali told the energy conference. The Stabroek Block, renowned for its vast oil potential, has been the subjectofglobalattentionsinceoil production commenced five years
ago. ExxonMobil's president had previously stated that the company'sestimateremainsbelow 11 billion barrels of oil equivalent, despite several new discoveries in theblocksincethepreviousupdate in2022.
However, the government disclosedthattheirfigurestandsat
11 6 billion barrels Exxon is currently producing over 650,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) from Liza 1, Liza 2, and Payara developments, supported by three floating production storage and o f f l o a d i n g ( F P S O ) vessels Destiny, Unity, and Prosperity Last year, Exxon
announced that since production began in December 2019, it has surpassed500millionbarrelsofoil. Exxon's fourth development, Yellowtail, is expected to come onstream later this year, with the fifth and sixth projects, Uaru and Whiptail, scheduled for startup in 2026 and 2027, respectively
ExxonMobil Guyana President Alistair Routledge had disclosed that nearly 5 billion barrels of oil will be produced from the six approved developments in the StabroekBlock.
The contract that governs this block waives income taxes from Exxon and its partners, allows the oilcompaniestorecover75%ofthe revenues to cover cost before the
considered profit oil is then split 50/50 between Guyana and the oil companies – with Guyana receivinga2%royaltyfromtheoil companiesshare.
Guyana President Mohamed Irfaan Ali, (right) speaks to S&P Global Vice Chair Daniel Yergin during the CERAWeek by S&P Global energy conference in Houston, on Tuesday
In bucketfuls of it
It was a great economist, who, when asked about the fate of a nation’s economy, famously replied, “Well, it depends.” This, of course, is the kind of insightful wisdom that makeseconomicforecasting suchathrillingsport.
And in Guyana’s case, it seemsthatallouroildreams dependononething:abarrel of oil staying above the magical$50mark.Ifitgoes below that, well—let’s just say we’ll all be in bucketloads of you know what.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, ever the economic maestro, has assured us that the model for our oil wealth isbuiltonthis$50perbarrel assumption. Not $49, not $51—exactly $50. Now, if the price of oil drops below that, we know the implications: it could throw the entire model into disarray. “Disarray” is a wonderfully diplomatic word that economists use whentheymeanweareallin bucketloads of you know what.
As it stands, Guyana’s economy has developed a rather unhealthy obsession withoilrevenues,muchlike a gambler who is convinced that the next spin of the roulettewheelwillbringhim untold riches. Over the past month, the earnings per barrel of oil have started to decline—notdrastically,but enough to make the folks in highplacessweat.
Global oil prices are beingnudgeddownwardsby a mixture of geopolitical
concerns and a certain trade warinitiatedbyamanwitha penchant for golden skyscrapers and Twitter rants These fluctuations should have been anticipated, but apparently, our oil prosperity was designed a
the assumption that the world wouldneverchange.Ever The implications of a price drop are dire, particularlywhenitcomesto cost recovery For those unfamiliar, the oil companies operating in Guyanahavetheremarkable ability to deduct up to 75% of their revenue each month as “cost recovery.” It’s a magical accounting trick, akin to a restaurant owner taking three-quarters of the cash register earnings every nighttocoverthecostofthe tablecloths.
If oil prices drop, then even with their generous 75% cut, it will take longer for these companies to recover their costs. And thankstoourcontract’slack of ring-fencing, new projects don’t even have to startfresh;theycanjustkeep shoveling more costs into the giant, bottomless pit called“thecostbank.”
Jagdeo, ever the optimist, tells us that the government has outlined improved terms for new oil contracts. This is fantastic news, except for one small problem these improved terms do not apply to the existingmega-richStabroek Block operators. Nor have they attracted any new investors. Why, one might ask, would a fresh-faced oil
company enter Guyana underthenewcontractterms when ExxonMobil and its palshaveafarsweeterdeal? It’s a bit like opening a lemonadestandrightnextto abillionairehandingoutfree mauby
T h e r e s u l t ? N o significant increase in Guyana’soiltakeperbarrel, no additional economic windfall, and certainly no security against oil price fluctuations. But fear not! The Vice President assures us that he has everything under control, which, historically speaking, is the exact moment when one shouldstarttopanic.
If per chance oil prices continue to slide downward past this ominous $50 threshold, then we are in problems.First,government revenue shrinks, causing alarm at the Finance Ministry, where officials will suddenly find themselves rationing office stationery. Next, social programmes that were promised with great fanfare will quietly disappear, including the part time labour programme Infrastructure projects will stall, while ministers develop an urgent passion for overseas conferences where no one asks difficult questions.Andofcourse,the people—the very ones who were told they would be b a s k i n g i n o i l wealth might begin to realize that they were sold a grandillusion.
M e a n w h i l e , ExxonMobil and its associates will remain
Facts does get selective treatment
Guyanese love a good story If you lef we alone, we woulda solve de Bermuda Triangle mystery, find de Loch Ness monster, an’ expose who really shoot JFK—all from de comfort of we gossip corner Conspiracy theories is we national pastime, and nobody cyah tell we otherwise.
Dem boys seh from de time something happen, people done got deir own version before de news even break. If rain fall too much,somebodycontrollingdeweather If de sun too hot, is a foreign experiment. If somebody get ketch wid dem hand in de cookiejar,isaset-up.Evidence?Whoneed evidencewhenyuhgotvibes?
Dem boys seh people don’t wait on facts.Factsdoestektoolong.Conspiracies doesmovefast,likeaminibusdrivertrying to beat de traffic light. And even when de
largely unaffected Their cost recovery will continue unabated, and their profit margins will remain intact. Afterall,they’renottheones banking on Guyana’s economytokeeptheirlights on. If the price dips, they simply adjust their spreadsheets, diversify their investments, and move along.We, however, are left clutching at straws, waiting foroilpricestorebound.
The truth is, no country should ever tether its entire economic stability to a single commodity, particularly one as fickle as oil. It’s like planning your retirement around winning thelottery Andyet,herewe are, desperately hoping that global markets stay kind, that oil remains above $50, and that no unforeseen events disrupt the grand plan.
Of course, history suggests otherwise. The world has an uncanny habit of being unpredictable.
Throughout history, crude oil prices have experienced significantfluctuations,with several notable periods where prices dipped below US$50 per barrel. In 1986, oil prices collapsed to $10 per barrel due to reduced demandandoverproduction.
The 1998 oil crisis saw prices fall to $11 per barrel.
During the 2008 financial crisis, prices plummeted fromover$140tobelow$40 perbarrel.
In early 2015, a supply glut led to prices falling below $50 per barrel. The COVID-19 pandemic in 2 0 2 0 c a u s e d a n unprecedented drop in demand, with prices turning negative for the first time in history These events highlight the oil market’s volatility and its susceptibility to economic andgeopoliticalfactors.
And so, as we watch the price of oil fluctuate, we must ask ourselves: what is the backup plan? If the
government has one, it has yet to be unveiled.And if it doesn’t, then we are all simplypassengersonawild minibusride,whichwehave nocontrolover
Becauseattheendofthe day, nothing about this situation offers Guyanese people any real hope that their oil wealth will amount to anything more than a fleeting dream. Unless, of course, the Vice President can assure us that oil will never, ever drop below $50 per barrel. In which case, when asked, he might say “Well,itdepends.”
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
factsfinallycomeout,peopledoespickan’ chooselikehowdemdoesbuyplantainatde market. Anything that match wha’ dem wanttobelieve,demgrabontoit.Anything that prove dem wrong, dem throw it away likerottenmango.
Onemansehhebelievedeelectionswas rigged,butwhenyuhshowhedeevidence, he seh, “Nah, me nah trust dah source.”
Another one seh de police planting evidence,butwhendecamerafootageshow demangetketchred-handed,heseh,“Dah videolookedited.”
Demboyssehdetruthdoesalwaysdeh somewhere in de middle, but Guyanese doespreferdesweetlieovadebittertruth.
Sonexttimeyuhhearabigconspiracy,just remember: facts does only matter when demmatchdestoryyuhwanttotell. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
The Wall Street Journal on a rampage
A few months ago, I sharedaplatformwithafine Guyanese, Mr. Tim Jonas, SC. Yes, I know that I have delivered some shots in his direction, but he remains a fine republican. Mr. Jonas asserted that America has had centuries to find its footing, and it has learned manylessonsalongtheway Inmyownwords,itishowto keep its head afloat in the most trying times, even in what looks like revolution and Civil War I didn't
receive that well. But now that that immaculate bastion ofAmerican journalism and ferocious guardian of the conservativeflame,the Wall Street Journal came out swinging at the state of the American leadership, I had to pause. Counsel Jonas may have been on to something.FortheWSJtogo against a Republican White House, it means that too many bridges have been crossed Say the word tariffs,andtheWSJeditorial
board saw red. Somebody should sue. No power, no tariffs; neither Mexico nor Canada. It is illegal to circumvent the Congress, since tariffs are within its purview The usually bland WSJ went on a rampage. Take a read. 'Treating the NorthAmericaneconomyas a personal plaything.' And 'presidential whim.' And 'dumbest tariff plunge' and 'the dumbest trade war in history.' I had to read and reread those WSJ editorials,
for they pulled no punches. In the good ole USA, when things are at their bleakest, there is usually a rescue operation underway, and from the unlikeliest of corners. TheWSJqualifies. Itcouldnothavebeeneasyto trashasittingUSchief,anda Republican one at that, but the WSJ showed that it was up to the demands of the moment. Itakemyhatoffto thepeopleoverthereinStars andStripescountry
The situation has to be
really,terriblybad for the WSJ to sound off in that uncharacteristic manner. In keeping with my longstanding commitment, I only pass along. Idonotcriticize;Ido notcondemn. Butitdoessay something about the depth and standards of the United States that the WSJ could breakranks(sotospeak)and rise to the occasion to make itsvoiceheard. Becauseitis the Wall Street Journal, its voice has considerable carrying power I use the WSJ developments to make apointortwointhisGuyana now so beloved by locals and, well, just about everybodywhocouldreada map,oranewspaper
Guyanese have a rotten governmentinthePPP But none, not one of the government'speople,hasthe courageandthegumptionto say: hey, what's going on?
That can't be right. See any of the PPP cognoscenti displaying that spherical objectusuallyinthehandsof bowlers and fielders in a cricket game? There is a running battle in the PPP Government among some senior ministers and others farther up the ladder than them for that much-coveted topprize. Whoisthebiggest thief? Or, who is the broadest walking crime wave? Yet all of the PPP bright boys and girls, all of the government's media superstarsaresuddenlybusy with colonoscopies. To put morecrudely,theirgutshave purgedviasomenewformof suction. What Guyanese observers behold is an army of men now without brains and brawn, and without that otherpartoftheanatomythat beginswiththeletterb. For those still in need of help, please refer to the cricket game just mentioned. Not thebatorwicket.
America has its Wall Street Journal. Guyana has itsbackstreetboysandgirls. They call dumbness on
themselves. Their minds and tongues have been sacrificed on the altars payingtributetoraceandthe supremacy of a certain kind of politics. Without any shame. Without a second thought I am all for supporting one's own. But after the long rollcalls of p
, a n d skullduggeries at elevated levels, and then in every nook and cranny across Guyana, somebody in the PPP has to have a conscience Somebody keeping the company of the top PPP dogs must have some values All their education, all their man of the world self-promotions, andalltheyamounttoisthe hardheadedness of mules, and the fear of mice. When the PPP Government, when Guyana, needs men of bold ethical caliber, both have to settle for whimpering, scamperingmice.
When America needs a Horatio to hold the bridge against the times, it finds a Wall Street Journal When Guyana needs a man or womantoputafingerinthe hole in the Seawall, it ends upwiththosewhohaveholes in their heads. There are timeswhenIdon'tlikewhere America is, what it has become. There are those other times, when I look at Guyana, and say a silent prayer for what could and should have been. It is why America is a country. It is whyGuyana,forallitsgreat wealth,remainsamentaland spiritualghetto. Thanks,Mr. Jonas,forbelieving,keeping the faith (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Guyana's oil exports skyrocket Pres. Ali says Govt. will not go a day beyond its mandate
The Prosperity FPSO vessel was built by SBM Offshore in Singapore
(OIL PRICE.COM) Five years after an Exxon-led consortium producedthefirstoiloffshoreGuyana, the country is pumping more than 600,000barrelsperday(bpd)ofcrude andhasbecomeSouthAmerica'sfifthlargestoilexporter
GuyanaandExxonMobilexpectoil production to jump to 1.3 million bpd by 2030, which would double the current output volumes. With higher production came a surge in Guyana's crudeoilexportsinrecentyears.More than half of these are going to Europe, where refiners have been increasingly appreciating Guyana's crude grades—Liza, Unity Gold, and Payara Gold. These crudes are sweeter and
lighter compared to the crude of some other South American exporters, such asMexicoorColombia.
Since the end of 2019, when Guyana exported its first crude oil cargo,thecountryhasbecomethefifth biggestexporterinLatinAmerica,after Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, and Colombia Guyana's plans for developing its burgeoning petroleum industry don't stop with increasing its shareoftheglobaloilmarket.
The country and ExxonMobil are considering gas-to-shore projects to feed the fertilizer and aluminum industry and power and cool data centers. While drawing up these plans for utilizing natural gas, Guyana is
boosting its crude oil production and shipments.Lastyear,Guyana'sexports jumped by 54% from a year earlier amid strong demand from Europe. Crude oil exports averaged about 582,000 bpd in 2024, as ExxonMobil anditspartnersHessCorpandCNOOC ofChinacontinuedtoboostproduction from the offshore Stabroek Block, where more than 11 billion oilequivalent barrels have been discoveredtodate.
The crudes from Guyana have foundafavorablemarketinEuropedue to the proximity, quality, and easy access to sellers, an anonymous trader ofLatinAmericancrudetoldReutersin (Continuedonpage16)
Electionswillbeheldbyyear-endandPresidentIrfaanAli has made it clear that the government will not be going a day beyonditsconstitutionalmandate.
Therehavebeencallsbyoppositionpartiesforbiometricsto beimplementedbeforethe2025regionalandgeneralelections, and they have said that they are willing to wait beyond the mandatedtimeifthatiswhatittakesfortheGuyanaElections Commission(GECOM)tohavethesesystemsinplace.
On Saturday, responding to a question from the media as whenthegovernmentislikelytoannounceadateforelections and whether the potential November date is still being contemplated,hesaidthatconstitutionallyhehasalotoftime.
"So don't worry What you can be assured of is that this government will not go a single day beyond its constitutional mandate.Unlikewhatyouareaccustomedtoorwhatyouwould have been exposed to after the no confidence motion and leading into that election," he said.The President assured that his administration will stay within its constitutional mandate andconfidentlymarchintoelections.
The President's comments strengthen the position relayed by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo back in November of last year ThispublicationreportedonNovember19,2024thatthe Government of Guyana will not exercise flexibility in the timelinefortheholdingofGeneralandRegionalElections.
Speakingtoreportersathisweeklypressconference,theVP whoisalsoGeneralSecretaryoftherulingPeople'sProgressive Party/Civic(PPP/C)hadsaidthatitisimperativethatthe2025 electionsareheldwhentheyareconstitutionallydue.“Wedon't want extra time; we want elections held on schedule, with international observers, and we want all ineligible names removed from the lists. We want political parties to deploy robust polling agents in each polling place. We want full compliancewiththenewROPA.Wewantthestatementsofpoll publishedbeforethetabulation,”heexplained.
Ruptured pipeline causes oil spill in Ecuador River
AFP - An oil spill in northwestern Ecuador has turned a river black, prompting authorities to declare an environmental emergency and order residents to ration drinkingwater
The spill, believed to have been caused when a landslide ruptured a major oil pipeline, has contaminated a section of the EsmeraldasRiverintheprovinceofthesame name.
ResidentsinthetownofCube,wherethe water had changed color, were trying to stop theflowbybuildingdikes,anAFPjournalist saw"The mud formed by the oil has penetrated all the hillsides," said farmer FernandoGandara.
TheEmergencyOperationsCommitteein theprovincialcapital,alsocalledEsmeraldas, declared an environmental emergency over concernsaboutwaterquality
Vilko Villacis, mayor of the city of more than 200,000, said the leak had caused "unprecedented"damages.
His office halted the diversion of river water to an aqueduct supplying the city and urgedpeopletorationwater
OnFriday,state-ownedPetroecuadorsaid it was working to address the emergency at the pipeline, part of the Trans-Ecuadorian Pipeline System (SOTE) which transports crudeoilfromtheAmazon.
The company has not estimated the volumeofoilspilled.
Ecuador last year produced 475,000 barrelsofcrudeaday,exporting72percentof thetotal.TheSOTEisthemostusedpipeline system in the country, with the capacity to transport360,000barrelsperdayonthe500kilometer (310-mile) journey from the AmazontothePacificcoast.
A crew works to clean up an oil spill in Ecuador PHOTO: STRINGER
Last week at his weekly press rambling, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo sought to lecture the media as to how they should have covered the recent International Monetary Fund (IMF) Article IV Consultation report on Guyana.
He boasted that the report was a ringing endorsement of the sound economic policies of his government.
For all its politeness, the IMF has delivered a report that suggests there is much work to be done. Even from a neo-liberal perspective—the very school of thought that the IMF is often accused of championing and of which the PPP/C government is an unrepentant disciple—there is little cause for complacency.
The recommendations contained within the report highlight structural weaknesses, governance concerns, and fiscal policy risks that, if left unaddressed, could turn economic optimism into missed opportunity. If the government wishes to treat this report as validation of its economic stewardship, it would do well to reconsider. There is much to improve, and even from a neo-liberal standpoint, the challenges are clear.
Guyana afraid to speak up against U.S. threat of sanctions over Cuban doctors because of Exxon - GHRA
The Guyana Human RightsAssociation (GHRA) said that United States (US) oil giant ExxonMobil's de factoownershipofGuyana's
oil is restricting this country's ability to stand up foritselfonthematterofUS' Cubapolicy
The GHRA's comments
come days after several Caribbean countries have takenastrongstanceagainst the US policy on Cuban health workers, threatening
to sanction countries who benefit from the brigade.
"More recently, the Trump administration's bullying tactic has extended to
English-speaking Caribbean countries being 'ordered' to deport Cuban medical personnel who for decades h
backbone of medical servicesintheseterritories," theassociationsaid.
T h e s t a t e m e n t highlighted that Guyana has not only benefitted from medical volunteers but majority of Guyana's medical practitioners have been educated in Cuba. The GHRAnoted that, Trinidad, Barbados and St. Vincent political leaders have acknowledged their debt to Cubaandmadeitcleartothe US that they will not be deporting any Cuban medicalpersonnel. Ms.Mia Mottley, the Bajan Prime Minister stated she was prepared to risk restrictions on her right to travel to the USinretaliationforresisting the dictates of that country. Dr.RalphGonsalves,PMof St. Vincent noted 60 of his nationalswoulddiewithina week if deprived of the medical dialysis attention provided by the Cuban doctors."
The association is of the beliefthatGuyanaisfacinga greater risk than other Caribbean territories of offending the US in light of the importance of their support over the threat of invasionfromVenezuela.
To ensure continued peace for Guyana and the rest of the world ways need to be found to ensure that "principled politics can be protected and flourish in the domestic realm The alternative, namely, going along with disreputable solutions is to join a game which the current US administration is far better placedtowin,"thestatement furthersaid.
ItwasreportedonMarch 16 that the Government of Guyana has written to the Trump administration about its policy on the hiring of C u b a n m e d i c a l professionals, enquiring whether there are specific issues the United States of America wants to be addressed. President Irfaan Ali made this disclosure on Saturdayontheside-linesof the launch of the Healthcare VoucherattheArthurChung ConferenceCentre.
He was asked by the media to state his government'spositiononthe U S threats to sanction governments, officials and their families should they hire persons through the Cuba labour expo
programme. The President made it clear that every countryhasitsownpolicyon matters, adding, “We have already responded to the (Continuedonpage16)
EITI urges Govt. to show how money from extractive sector is being used
The Extractive I n d u s t r i e s Transparency Initiative (EITI) has called on Guyana to show how revenuesgeneratedfromthe extractive industries are used.
In its most recent report for the year 2022, the transparency watchdog noted that the utilisation of revenues generated from extractive industries is an areawhichmaybeaddressed by countries implementing EITI, to the benefit of their people.
The EITI Board
approved Guyana's applicationtojointheEITIat itsmeetinginManilaon25th October,2017.EITIsetsout topromoteanunderstanding of natural resource management, strengthen public
ate g o v e r n a n c e a n d accountability, and provide the data to inform policymaking and multistakeholder dialogue in the extractivesector
By becoming a member of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, countriescommittodisclose information along the extractive industry value chain–fromhowextraction rights are awarded, to how revenues make their way through government and howtheybenefitthepublic.
Assuch,the2022Report states,“TheIA(Independent Administrator) recommends that the MSG (MultiStakeholder Group) obtains
information on how extractive industry revenues are utilised for the advancement of national developmentgoalsincluding t h e S u s t a i n a b l e DevelopmentalGoals.”
This recommendation was repeated from the 2021 EITI Report, under the heading 'National distribution of extractive revenues'.
The recommendation from EITI comes at a time when the Government of Guyana (GoG) has been slapped with a lawsuit by a citizen, who argues that the administration is faced with a court challenge to ensure transparency in the use of billions of US-dollars, generated specifically through offshore oil production.
Currently, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) is producing over 650,000 barrelsperday(bpd)atthree projects in the Stabroek Block.
The Natural Resource
Fund (NRF) Act, which governs the use of the
petroleum sector states at Section 16 2 that, “All withdrawalsfrom the Fund shall be deposited into the Consolidated Fund and shall be used only to finance: (a) national development priorities including any initiative aimed at realizing an
(b) essential projects that are directly related to ameliorating the effect of a majornaturaldisaster.”
Be that as it may, the gov
highlighted any national development priority or essential project funded through this source of income.
Infact,theVPsaidathis December 5, 2024 press conference reasoned, “How do you balkanize revenue coming into the budget? (It) becomes a very difficult thingtodo.”
This explanation attractedcriticismfromboth the Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes and former Finance Minister, Winston Jordan who argued that in the absence of transparency, the NRF has become a slush fundforthegovernment.
Jagdeohoweversaidthat providing a breakdown of howtheresourcesareusedis notalegalrequirementofthe Natural Resource Fund Act of2021.
According to Jagdeo, government would only identify projects funded by oil money which was withdrawn for emergency purposes.
He explained, “Outside of this annual withdrawal which is captured by a c e i l i n g n o w a n d formula government can draw down money for one specific additional purpose that's in case we have a national emergency; for example, a major flood disaster or a tsunami…in that case, there is no ceiling but you can't go and say oh I'mforecasting.
You have to give the
projects and the specific use ofthefundifyoutriggerthat provisionofthelaw.”
He pointed out that that provision was never triggered.
“So that's the only case where you have to detailthe expenditure made from the oil revenue to have the withdrawal done,” Jagdeo said.
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PNCR holds young professional conference
The People’s Na tional Congress Reform (PNCR) on Sunday held a Young Professional Conference, which it said served as a key platform for presenting the party’s comprehensive plans for the youth of Guyana.
The conference held at Congress Place, Sophia, is a manifestation of the PNCR’s commitment to empowering Guyana’s young professionals and providing them with the opportunity to define their role in the development of Guyana, the party said in a press release.
The conference also constituted a platform to consult with the youth and for them to be an integral part of shaping the future of Guyana, the party said.
According to the PNCR, the conference listened to a presentation by the Leader of the PNCR and Opposition, Aubrey Norton in which he discussed the Party’s vision and policies, in which he stated that the development of the youth is one of the key
priorities of his Party and that there will place significant focus on the growth and development of young people across all sectors, including sport, culture, entrepreneurship, and employment opportunities.
The event also served as a platform for discussions, allowing young professionals to share their insights, concerns, and recommendations on what is needed to create an environment that supports and facilitates the aspirations of the youth of Guyana.
“The Leader stated that youth involvement is crucial in driving the nation forward, and that he was overjoyed to hear directly from this genera-
A section of the gathering at the PNCR’s Young Professional Conference held on Sunday
tion of leaders, innovators, and change agents.
As the Leader stated in his address, youths are often referred to as the future but I believe and know that …young people are both the present and the future and future leaders of our society,” the statement quoted Norton as saying. The PNCR recognises the vital role that youth, sport, and culture play in national development and is committed to providing the necessary resources and opportunities to foster a brighter future for all Guyanese.
“As the country prepares for the 2025 General and Regional Elections, the Party re-
affirms its dedication to creating a society where the potential of every young person is maximised, ensuring that they have the support, resources, and opportunities to thrive as the PNCR places the people at the centre of development,” the statement read.
The event saw presentations from key party officials and young leaders, and was attended by hundreds of young professionals from all regions who had hours of interaction with Party leaders. The Party underscored how pleased it was to consult with the youth of Guyana and committed to staying engaged with the youth of Guyana.
Cybercrime Act is being misused to punish citizens...
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If we remain silent now, it won’t be long before no one is left to defend the right to
speak freely. Free speech is not just a luxury; it is the lifeblood of a functioning democracy.
Free speech allows us to hold our government accountable, protect the rights of the marginalised, and ensure that power is not concen-
trated in the hands of a few. Now is the time for all Guyanese, including those who support the PPP, to recognise the growing threats to our freedoms and act before it’s too late.
We must push back against this government’s at-
tempts to silence us. Our voices are our most powerful weapon, and we must never let them be silenced.
The right to free speech is non-negotiable, and it is time for all Guyanese to defend it.
Lincoln Lewis
Guyana’s oil exports skyrocket and Europe’s...
From page 11 January. “Europe is the ideal market for Guyana’s crudes,” the trader noted. The lighter and sweeter crude from Guyana has boosted its market share in Europe, and most of Guyana’s exports went to Europe last year. A total of 66% of Guyana’s oil was shipped to Europe in 2024, up from 62% of Guyana’s oil that headed to Europe in 2023. In January 2025, Europe’s share of Guyana’s exports was even higher, at 75%, as fifteen out of twenty cargoes were taken by Europe, according to vessel-tracking services cited by Guyanese outlet OilNOW.
Guyana’s crude is set to further boost its market share in Europe and globally in the coming years as output in the country is expected to jump to over 1 million bpd before the end of the decade. Guyana already produces more than 660,000 bpd of crude from the Exxon-operated block. Production capacity in Guyana is expected to surpass 1.7 million barrels per day, with gross production growing to 1.3 million barrels per day by 2030, Exxon says. Guyana is now the third largest per-capita oil producer in the world, according to the U.S. supermajor. Surging oil
production and exports helped Guyana’s economy grow by 43.6% last year, marking the fifth straight year of double-digit GDP growth, which began just as Guyana became an oil producer. The oil and gas sector development is continuing, with Exxon considering additional projects to tap both the crude and natural gas riches offshore Guyana.
Exxon and partners expect to produce up to 1.5 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd) of natural gas and 290,000 barrels per day of condensate at the Longtail project, the consortium’s eighth project
offshore Guyana, which will also be the biggest natural gas development in the prolific Stabroek Block to date. Some of the more than a dozen discoveries in the Stabroek Block have good natural gas resources, and Exxon has decided it would develop these for gas-topower onshore and potentially for LNG exports in the future. Last month, Alistair Routledge, president and general manager at ExxonMobil Guyana, said that the supermajor plans to boost gas production in Guyana and could consider gas exports at a later stage.
Guyana afraid to speak up against U.S. threat...
From page 14
U.S. through our official channels. That is, whatever workers we have here, whether it’s from Cuba, India… you know we have health care workers
from all over, from Africa, from India, from Cuba…that they fall under the same labour laws, local labour laws and international labour laws.”
Further, the Guyanese
leader emphasized that his government has asked the U.S. to identify specific issues they would like to be addressed and efforts will be made to do so collaboratively.
“...because the U.S., as you know, is a very important partner also for Guyana and we work closely together on many issues,” President Ali
told reporters. The Head-ofState said while he has not seen the contract for the Cuban Medical Brigade to know when it expires, all the persons working in Guyana are subject to local and international laws. He said too that the U.S. has been assured of this and the benefits the health workers receive.
mini Tractor, complete plows - coutock plows. Cantact
New water treatment plant commissioned at
Wales, WBD
o n S u n d a y, o f f i c i a l l y commissioned a new Water Treatment Plant in Wales, West Bank Demerara, marking the completion of the second-largest scale plant in the region. At the commissioning ceremony, President Ali was joined by Minister of Housing and Water Collin Croal, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Housing and WaterBishramKuppen,and other regional officials. The WalesWaterTreatmentPlant is one of three plants being constructed in Region 3 under the Government of Guyana’s Coastal Water Treatment Infrastructure Programme (CWTIP)
Designed to treat 8 million litres of water per day, the facility will serve several communities, including Bel
Vue, Canal #2, Bell West, Goed Intent, Toevlugt, Sisters, Wales, Patentia, Vriesland,VivelaForce,and Free and Easy. Work on the facility began in June 2023 and was constructed by a Mexican company Hipro Ecologicos and local company S Jagmohan Construction at the cost of $1.3billion.
In his keynote address, President Ali emphasised that the commissioning of thewatertreatmentplantisa move forward in providing residents with treated water He announced that by the end of 2025, 90% of the coastal plain will have accesstotreatedwater
Meanwhile, President Ali announced plans for the construction of a new highwayconnectingthenew DemeraraHarbourBridgeto Wales, which will continue
to Del Conte Road He explained, “We were plottingthenextphaseofthe highway that will go to the newhighway,thatwillcome fromthisnewbridgeandgo allthewaytoWalesandthen go all the way to Del Conte Road, opening up tens of thousands of acres of land for farmers, for housing, connectingBartica,bringing the road back to Sand Hills takingittoTimehri.”
The President also shared plans for the construction of a second power plant on the western side of the Demerara River, outlining, “We are busy planning the second power plantsothatyouwillhavean industrialhub,astate-of-theart industrial manufacturing hub here, so that tens of thousands of jobs and hundreds of industries will be created here for you.”
s announcements, President Ali revealed that a new port will be built at Parika, East B
accommodate modern ferries “We are talking about a new port that we have to build at Parika to take off the modern ferries, and so that we can export directly from Parika to support our farmers to the Caribbean and further afield,”PresidentAlistated.
Four Guyanese were arrested on Saturday after 6.3 tonnes of cocaine were found onboard a Guyana-flagged vessel operatingofftheWestAfricanCoast.
Themassivecocainebustwasmade by French authorities. One Colombian andoneDominicanissaidtobeamong thecrew
A statement from the Ministry of Home Affairs, issued on Sunday, confirmed that French authorities contactedtheGuyanesegovernmenton
Saturday for permission to board the vessel, named Solo, which was operatingintheregion.
“Following a request from the Frenchauthorities,andincollaboration with the Government of Guyana, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Customs Anti-Narcotic Unit (CANU), authorization was granted yesterday to board the Guyana-flagged vessel “Solo” operating off the West African coast,”theMinistrysaid.”
Upon inspecting the vessel,
authorities discovered 6.3 tonnes of cocaine, packaged in bales. The four Guyanese nationals, along with the Colombian and Dominican crew members, were detained, and investigations into the matter are currentlyunderway
“The Government of Guyana
strengtheninginternationalcooperation in the fight against transnational organized crime, particularly narcotics trafficking,”theministryadded.
In a statement on Sunday, the Alliance For Change(AFC)madeacallto the Government of Guyana (GoG) demanding answers aboutrecentincidentsthatsaw increased aggression from neighbouringVenezuela
The AFC said, “Guyana’s issues and contentions with Venezuela are getting more serious and complex by the week Since the beginning of 2025, the citizens have witnessedtheviciousattackon the GDF patrol unit in the CuyuniRiver,inFebruary,and the brazen intrusion into Guyana’s waters by a Venezuelan patrol vessel, the Guaiqueri PO-11, earlier in March” Tothisend,theparty said that they demand that the sanctity of the country is not violated,“notonlybyalawless neighbour, but also by weak leadershipwithinourcountry”
Alleged syndicato’s attack on members of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) River patrol in the Cuyuni River, resultedininjuriestosixofthe soldiers.
After that incident, on March 1, 2025, at approximately 07:00hrs, a Venezuelan armed vessel entered Guyana’s waters and approached the Floating Production Storage and Offloading(FPSO)Prosperity, which operates in the oil-rich Stabroek Block The Venezuelan vessel radioed the FPSO, claiming it was operating in “disputed international waters” before continuingtowardotherFPSOs in the block Notably,
Guyana’s head-of state, President Irfaan Ali had underscored that while Guyanaisfirmlycommitted to the rule of international law,topeacefulresolutionof controversies, and to the power of diplomacy, “Guyana will not allow Maduro and Venezuela to threaten or violate our sovereignty and territorial integrity.”
However, AFC believes that the government has proven on multiple occasions that “it has no stomach for a fight with Venezuela and instead chooses gimmickry and falsehoods to hide the reality from the Guyanese people of how bad the situation is.” “AllGuyanese regardlessoftheirstationinthe societymustbefullyinformed and motivated in these perilous times, nothing less willdo,”AFCsaid Notably, Venezuela has long claimed more than twothirds of Guyana (the Essequiboregion) Asaresult, Guyana had approached the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to settle the border controversyThiscaseremains pendingbeforethecourt
(AFC) Nigel Hughes
President Irfaan Ali
New water treatment plant in Wales, WBD
US deports hundreds of alleged Venezuelan gang members despite court order
(BBCNEWS)Morethan 200 alleged Venezuelan gang members have been deported from the US to a supermax prison in El Salvador,evenasaUSjudge blockedtheremovals.
El Salvadoran President NayibBukelewroteonsocial media that 238 members of theVenezuelangangTrende Aragua had arrived in the Central American country, alongwith23membersofthe internationalMS-13gang,on Sundaymorning
N e i t h e r t h e U S government nor El Salvador
has identified the detainees, nor provided details of their alleged criminality or gang membership A federal judge’s order prevented the Trump administration from invoking a centuries-old wartime law to justify the deportations, but the flights had already departed “Oopsie Too late,” posted President Bukele on social media, making fun of the judge’sruling
Avideoattachedtooneof hispostsshowslinesofpeople with their hands and feet shackled being escorted by
armed officials from the planes Bukele, a Trump ally, wrote that the detainees were immediately transferred to El Salvador’s notorious mega-
Confinement Center (Cecot)
The El Salvadoran president saidtheywouldbeheldthere “foraperiodofoneyear”,and thatcouldbe“renewable” “The United States will
payaverylowfeeforthem, but a high one for us,” he added.USSecretaryofState Marco Rubio thanked BukeleinapostonX,calling him “the strongest security leader in our region”.White House press secretary KarolineLeavittpostedonX on Sunday: “These heinous monsterswereextractedand removed to El Salvador wheretheywillnolongerbe abletoposeanythreattothe AmericanPeople.”
Trump announced on Saturdaythathehadsigneda proclamation declaring that theTren deAragua gang was “conducting irregular warfare”againsttheUSandhe would deport its members under the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 That evening, US DistrictJudgeJamesBoasberg in Washington DC ordered a 14-day halt to deportations covered by Trump’s proclamation,pendingfurther legalarguments
Afterlawyerstoldhimthat planes with deportees had already taken off, Judge Boasberg gave a verbal order fortheflightstoturnback,US media reported, although that directive did not form part of hiswrittenruling Thewritten notice appeared in the case docket at 19:25 EDT on Saturday (00:25 GMT on Sunday),reportsReutersnews agency, although it is unclear when the flights carrying the alleged gang members departedfromtheUS
A senior official in the Trump administration said their legal advisors had determined that the judge’s order was invalid because the two planes were over international waters at the time, reports Axios, a politicalnewsoutlet.
“They were already outside of US airspace,” a senior administration official told Axios “We believe the order is not a p p l i c a b l e ” T h e Department of Justice has appealed against the judge’s ruling, according to the BBC’s media partner CBS News The BBC has contacted the justice departmentforcomment.
The alleged criminals were transported to El Salvador’s mega-jail
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which was involved in the lawsuit against the Trump administration, said the court’sordermayhavebeen violated The case raises constitutional questions since under America’s system of checks and balances, government agencies are expected to comply with a federal judge’s ruling Venezuela criticised Trump invoking the Alien Enemies Act, saying it “unjustly criminalises Venezuelan migration” and “evokes the darkest episodes in the history of humanity, from slavery to the horror of the Naziconcentrationcamps”. Amnesty International USA wrote on X that the deportations were “yet another example of the Trump administration’s racist targeting” of Venezuelans “based on sweeping claims of gang affiliation”. El Salvador’s Cecot jail is part of Bukele’s effort to crack down on the country’s organised crime The newly built maximumsecurity facility, which can holdupto40,000people,has beenaccusedbyhumanrights groupsofmistreatinginmates The arrangement between the US and El Salvador is a sign of strengthening diplomatic ties. El Salvador was the second country that Rubio visited as America’s top diplomat. During that trip, which took place in February, Bukele made an initial offer to take US deportees, saying it would help pay for the massive Cecot facility The latest deportations under Trump’s second term are part of the president’s long-running campaign against illegal immigration in the US. In January, Trump signed an executive order declaring Tren de Aragua and MS-13 f o r e i g n t e r r o r i s t organisations He won votersonthecampaigntrail, inpart,bypromisingtoenact the largest deportation operation in US history While illegal border crossings have plummeted to the lowest number in decades since Trump took office, the Republican president has reportedly been frustrated by the relatively slow pace of deportationssofar
“Me and me ‘dawg’ them went on that robbery last night by the Chiney”
Threepersonshavebeen arrested in connection with an armed robbery at a Chinese supermarket in
Success, East Coast DemeraralastFriday
The men were arrested on Saturday Police in a statement on Sunday said ranks were able to arrest three suspects on Saturday and were able to recover stolen cash as well as firearms and ammunition.
“On March 15, 2025, between 21:00 and 22:30 hrs, a cordon and search operation was conducted based on intelligence received As a result, Superintendent Dufu, along with other police ranks proceededtoLot22Graham Street,Plaisance,EastCoast Demerara,”policesaid.
At the location, police encountered a 28-year-old construction worker Cleveland Cross who police suspected is involved in the robbery A search of his residence led to the discovery of several items, including suspected stolen cellular phones, an HP laptop with a charger, a pair of black Clarks boots, a pair ofgreyjeans,andablackski mask.
When confronted with the allegations, Cross reportedly admitted his involvement, stating, “Officer,meandme'dawgs' them went on that robbery last night by the Chiney at Success, but I just get some phone cards and I done hustleitout.”
As such, Cross was arrested and taken to the Sparendaam Police Station and the suspected stolen items were lodged He subsequently provided a statementundercaution.
Additionally, police further proceeded to Lot 20
Prince William Street, Plaisance, East Coast Demerara where they encountered 25-year-old mason,OrwinSmithandhis 34-year-old girlfriend, clothes vendor Shawana Sobers.“Hewaspreparingto leave the premises with his girlfriend… residing at the same address. Smith was observed carrying a black one-strapbag,”policesaid.
Police searched the bag anddiscoveredablackFNS40 handgun, along with a magazinecontaining11nine mm rounds. Smith admitted that he was not licensed firearmholder,butexplained the gun's use, stating, “Officer,ismygunandisfor protection."Afurthersearch of the residence uncovered another9mmblackhandgun inside a haversack in his bedroom, which police suspected was stolen from a previousrobbery “Basedon checks, this firearm was stolen during a recent robbery un
rms committedattheXIChinese establishment situated at Melanie Public Road, ECD, which occurred on the 23rd February, 2025 and the firearm was stolen from the security guard, namely DaquanPhiladelphia.”
Additionally, $71,420 cash was found, which police suspected was stolen money Police stated that Smith also admitted his involvement in the robbery stating that the recovered cash was part of his share “ShawanaSobersstatedthat she is not a licensed firearm holder, and told the police, 'Officer, is Orwin guns," police said. As such, both suspects were arrested and taken to the Sparendaam Police Station, where they were placed in police custody
Construction Worker freed of arson charge
Arrested: Orwin Smith
Arrested: Shawana Sobers
Arrested: Cleveland Cross
A 32-year-old construction worker walked out the Diamond/Grove Magistrate'sCourtafreemanlastweek after his charge of setting fire to a building was dismissed. Barrington Leung, called Dinky, of Lot 40 Herstelling, East Bank Demerara, was arrested on March 11, 2025 in connection with the alleged arson of a dwelling house belonging to Radah Ramanah.On March 13, 2025, Leung appeared before Magistrate Wanda Fortunewhoreadthechargetohim. He pleaded not guilty to the charge. However, during the proceedings, Ramanahhadrefusedtoofferevidence against Leung and as such, Magistrate Fortunedismissedthecase. Barrington Leung
Bush Lot Sec’ topple Bartica, Chance’s hat-trick power Ann’s Grove to 8-1 win
EmphaticwinsforAnn’s Grove, Yarrowkabra, and Bush Lot Secondary in the 2025 Milo/Massy Schools’
Under-18 Football Tournament fixtures held yesterday at the Ministry of Education (MoE) and Queen’s College (QC) grounds. The opening day witnessed an astonishing 27 goals, with Chase’s Bryan WhartonandJamalWilliamsof Dolphin Secondary making their mark; Wharton netting
four goals and Williams completingahat-trickintheir firstencounter
Meanwhile, yesterday’s matches, organised by the PetraOrganisation,continued to deliver high-octane action across both venues The QC ground saw 18 eye-catching goals, many courtesy of Devon Chance (Ann’s Grove Secondary) and Quaency Fraser(BushLotSecondary)
East Coast’s main contenders,Ann’sGrove,faced
Ann’s Grove’s Kennard Halley tactical prowess, prove too much for Carmel Secondary
You'll find that things are slipping nicely into place for you today, Aries Your persuasivemannerandgentle nudges are just enough to get peoplewhereyouwantthem.
When faced with ten entrees onthemenu,itmightbehard for you to choose just one. Feelfreetoordertwoormore, Ta u r u s D o n ' t l e t indecisiveness slow you down.Atthesametime.
Your dreams won't come true unless you believe in and act onthem,Gemini.Nooneelse is going to do it for you. Unless you have a fairy godmother, you need to take mattersintoyourownhands.
If people hassle you or give you a hard time about your appearance today, pay them nomind,Cancer Youhavethe righttoliveyourlifeanyway youwantto.
Reachforthepotofgoldatthe end of the rainbow, Leo. It's closerthanyouthink.Indeed, your dreams are completely within your reach, and there are huge forces at work helping you achieve your goals.
Today is your day to dream and dream big, Virgo. Think aboutwhatitisthatyouwant most out of life. Aim your arrow to the stars and pull back your bow as far as possible. There's no limit to howfaryoucango.
Expand your mind to its furthest reaches today, Libra.
opportunity opening up for you in which you can make great strides in a creative realm.Followthemusic.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Your mind may seem rather cloudy today, Scorpio, but don't let this hinder you. In fact, you'll find that you can use this feeling of fantasy to your advantage. Try to bring moremagicintoyourlife.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Today is an excellent day for you,oneinwhichyou'llfinda great deal of strength in your emotions, Sagittarius Trust that your instincts are serving youwell.
Things might get a bit confusing for you today, Capricorn. Don't feel like you needtomakesenseofitall.In fact, this task may be impossible. Just be yourself. Let your creative nature shine through.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Mixyourrealitywithabit of fantasy today, Aquarius. Allowyourfeettocomeoffthe ground for a little while. Give yourselfarest.Takesometime to meditate and clear your mindofyourdailyworries.
Let yourself go into high creative mode and drift into a whole other world, Pisces. Escape your present reality and explore your fantasies through any sort of artistic endeavor Dreamasbigasyour mindallows.
fieldwithhisskillfulfootwork, orchestratingplaywithease His partnershipwithChanceproved too much for Carmel, as the duo combined for five goals; three for Chance and two for HalleyleadingAnn’sGroveto adominant8-1victory
In other QC matches, QuaencyFraser’sbrillianthattrick powered Bush Lot Secondary to a 5-3 triumph overBarticaSecondary Luke Langevine and Ezra James also found the net for Bush Lot Meanwhile, President’s College and Yarrowkabra Secondaryplayedoutatense 1-1 draw At the MoE ground, New Amsterdam Secondary overpowered Vreed-en-Hoop Secondary 5-2, with Kymani Sandy stealing the show Sandy baggedfourgoals,scoringin the11th,30th,55th,and65th minutes, while Teon Williams added another to sealthevictory
In the penultimate match, the Griffith boys, Joel and Jeremiah, shone as West Ruimveldt cruised past Westminster Secondary 3-1 Jeremiahnettedabrace,while Joel added a solitary goal to roundoffthescoreline
Thedayconcludedwitha spectacularperformancefrom Santa Rosa Secondary, who dismantled Brickdam Secondary 9-0 Daren Williams was the star of the show, scoring in the eighth, ninth, and 24th minutes, settingthetoneforarelentless attacking display Keshan Campbell (20’, 54’), Randy Chappelle (26’, 45’), Rupee Norton (22’), and Shamer David also contributed to the onslaught, cementing Santa Rosa’s dominant win. The tournament,sponsoredbyNestlé Milo,MassyDistribution,MVP Sports, and approved by the Ministry of Education, with support from Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, and the NationalSportsCommission
With such an electrifying start to the tournament, fans can expect more thrilling encounters next weekend. Fixtures will be featured in a subsequentedition.
Competition celebrates the lifeofMr FitzroyAugustus Weever Jr (Junior Poon) of Beterverwagting, East Coast Demerara Mr Weever was a mechanical engineer and an Assistant Dean and Lecturer in the Technology Faculty of the University of Guyana FitzroyWeeverwasalsothe recipient of the GT&T
Community Award in 2004
University of Guyana, the Best-Graduating CXC Science Student in the year 1999 and a mentor for the Pee-Wee Football Clubs in Beterverwagting/Triumph.
The Co-ordinator of the event Mr Bill Wilson; a veterancoachoftheGuyana Defence Force Football Team urged spectators to becomeactivelyinvolvedin
youth development and to investtimeandresourcesin opportunities which benefit young players Coach Wilson noted that past par
pants of
he competition are now gainfullyemployedbecause of the sport and are now recipients of athletic scholarships which allowed them to pursue football careers and international opportunities on the national teams. He pointed out that Omari Glasgow, a left-wing player of the Guyana Jaguars’ Senior Team has led his pee-wee team; Block 4 to 2 consecutive championships in the Annual Fitzroy Weever Junior Football Competition and had competed several years beforehewasabletoliftthe Champions’ trophy The history of the tournament shows that the level of skill andcompetitionisexcellent and must be nurtured and harnessed for future success.
Jackson cops Pepsi Best Boxers...
Gym,reflectingthedepthof young talent emerging from bothcamps.
GBA President Steve Ninvallepraisedthesuccess of the tournament, reaffirming its role in developing the nation’s future boxing champions.
“This championship is a critical stepping stone for our young athletes. We are committed to increasing competitive opportunities and surpassing last year’s m i l e
n e o f 1 6 tournaments,” Ninvalle stated.
The Michael Parris U16 Championship not only provides a crucial platform for these young fighters but also honors the legacy of Michael Parris, Guyana’s only Olympic medalist. As Guyanacontinuestonurture its boxing talent, events like these serve as vital proving grounds for the next generation of champions, keeping the country’s boxing dreams alive on the internationalstage
Ogle Street Ballers claim 10th Annual Fitzroy Weever
Junior Football Championship
The 10thAnnual Fitzroy Weever Junior Football Competition was held on Saturday 22nd February, 2025 at the St. Mary’s the Virgin Church Compound, in Beterverwagting, East CoastDemerara.
The final game of the tournamentwascontestedby Gulf Warriors and Ogle Street Ballers; both teams
h a i l i n g f r o m
Beterverwagting.At the end of the final, Ogle Street
Ballers emerged the
Champions of the 10th Annual Competition by scoring 2 goals. Thirteenyear-old, Keshaun Dennis scored 5 goals during the tournament which earned him the trophy for the most goals scored, while the trophies for the Most Valuable Players were also
presented to Keshaun Dennis and 12-year-old MarkGlasgow
An All-Stars game was playedbetweentheAll-Stars Green Team and the AllStars’GoldTeamwhichwas won by the Green All-Stars
captained by Jerome Harrigan; a past participant of the competition who now plays as a Defender on the NationalUnder20Team.
T h e e m e r g i n g champions; the Ogle Street Ballers secured 8 electronic
tablets, medals and a towering trophy as the Champions of the tournament, while the AllStars Champions secured 8 smartwatches,medalsanda trophy Thesecondandthird place teams were also awardedfootballcleats,gym sacks, medals and trophies for their outstanding performance, while all the par
f the tournaments received a medal of participation, a gym sack and a football uniform.
The Founder of the Fitzroy Weever Junior Foundation, Ms Stacey Weever, Attorney-at-Law, e m p h a s i z e d t h e contributions and impact of the tournament over the last 10 years, she reiterated that the Competition was now a highly anticipated event and has nurtured and witnessed the participation of several national and international footballers. She stated that thecompetitionallowsyouth footballers to have an opportunity to showcase their skills and develop comradery during one funpacked day of competition which culminates under floodlights.
M s W e e v e r emphaticallystatedthatover the years spectators of the tournamentwerefortunateto have witnessed several young football stars such as Jerome Harrigan, Jemaar Harrigan and Tyrese Dennis of the National Under20 Team, as well as the phenomenal talent of Omari Glasgow at this very tournament many years beforetheybecamelocaland international stars She reminded the youth players that in the year 2022, Omari GlasgowwontheICFPlayer oftheYearAwardwhichisa historical achievement. She stated that Omari Glasgow now plays as a Forward for the Chicago Fire FC and on Guyana’s national team; the Guyana Golden Jaguars Likewise, Omari Glasgow communicated with the youth players before they took the field commencing the 10th Annual Fitzroy
We e v e r F o o t b a l l Competitionandencouraged the young participants to competelikechampions.
Ms.Weeverlamentedon the achievements of numerousparticipantsofthe Competition, who continue to pursue their ambitions as footballers and are now winners of the One Guyana President’s Cup 2022/2023, members of the Golden Jaguars’ National Team, members of the National Under17&Under20Teams, participants in the CONCACAF Gold Cup Competition, and members of the Guyana Defence Force Football Team, Fruita Conquers, Slingers, Camptown, and Western TigersFootballClubs.
The impact of the FWJ FootballCompetitioncannot be understated and goes beyond playing youth football. During the prize giving ceremony Ms Weever reminded the participants to access the opportunities that are provided for tertiary education such as GOAL scholarshipsandfreetertiary education at the Technical Institutions and University ofGuyana,aswellasvirtual programmesandclassrooms provided by the Ministry of Education for career development and further education. She challenged the young footballers to impartthelifeskillslearnton the field into their personal and academic lives as they pursue their individual dreams and aspirations, all while making positive contributionstoGuyana.
She thanked the present and past sponsors of the tournament which allowed theCompetitiontosustainits self for over 10 amazing years, the sponsors included Banks DIH Ltd., Gafoors, GuyanaWaterInc.,Builders Lumber Yard, R. Kissoon Contracting Services, Colin TalbotContractingServices, The Family Pharmacy, Consultancy Experts Inc., TrophyStall,V I.Graham& Associatesandmanyothers, whileencouragingnew (Continuedonpage23)
Ogle Street Ballers emerged the Champions of the 10th Annual Competition.
Guyana Beverages Inc. signs $2.5 Million sponsorship deal with Fruta Conquerors FC
Tucville, Georgetown, Guyana – Fruta Conquerors Football Club has secured a GY$2.5millionsponsorship
deal from Guyana
B e v e r a g e s I n c , reinforcing their longterm partnership and marking the beginning of a new era of development and expansion for the club
This agreement, which includes both cash and product support, ensures that Fruta Conquerors will continue its mission of raising football standards in Guyana with the backing of one of the nation’s top corporatesponsors.
Guyana Beverages Inc. has long been a pioneer in sports development in Guyana, playing a pivotal role in the growth of local athletes across multiple disciplines
The company was instrumental in the early development of Shivnarine Chanderpaul, who went on to become one of the greatest cricketers in the historyofGu yana and the West Indies This legacy of supporting young talent and fostering sporting
excellence continues
t o d a y w i t h t h e i r commitment to Fruta ConquerorsFC
Speaking at the official signing ceremony, Samuel Arjoon,GeneralManagerof Guyana Beverages Inc , emphasized the company’s commitment to structured youth development, professional football, and stronggovernance.
“FrutaConquerorsFCis more than just a football team; it is a movement dedicatedtotheprofessional growth of the sport in Guyana.
We are proud to stand with a club that embodies discipline, excellence, and leadership. Our continued s p o n s o r s h i p i s a demonstration of our commitment to investing in the future of Guyanese football in a structured and transparentmanner
Just as we have played a roleinshapinglegendsofthe past, we are determined to helpbuildthefuturestarsof Guyanesefootball.”
This sponsorship deal continuesoneofthelongest-
running corporate partnerships between a football club and a sponsor i n G u y a n a F r u t a Conquerors FC President, Martin Massiah, praised the renewal,callingitoneofthe healthiest sponsor-club relationshipsinthecountry
“Guyana Beverages Inc has been a steadfast supporter of Fruta Conquerors, and this deal represents more than financial backing, it’s a shared commitment to taking football in Guyana to the next level and a vote of confidence in my leadership. We are in the early days of a bold new age for the club, and this support will be key to unlocking our full potential.”
Massiah also laid out his vision for Fruta Conquerors FC to become a fully licensed CONCACAF club under his leadership With these ambitious plans, Massiah emphasized that Fruta Conquerors FC is open to welcoming even more sponsors, fans, and supporters who share the c l u b ’s v i s i o n f o r revolutionizing football inGuyana
“We are calling on visionarypartnerswhowant to be part of something transformational.Footballin Guyana is on the rise, and Fruta Conquerors is leading thecharge.
Our board is committed to setting new industry standards, and we are invitingthosewhobelievein thefutureofthesporttojoin usinshapingit.”
As Fruta Conquerors FC’s title sponsor, Guyana Beverages Inc. continues to playavitalroleintheclub’s journey
T h i s r e n e w e d partnership not only secures immediate resources for the team but alsosetsthefoundationfor a dominant, professional football force in Guyana andbeyond With a powerful alliance, a clear strategic vision, and an unshakable commitment to growth, Fruta Conquerors FC is stepping boldly into a new era, one defined by excellence, sustainability, andgoodgovernance
Club officials and Guyana Beverages Inc. executives at the presentation of the sponsorship.
Ballers United win 2025 Berbice Guinness Greatest of the Streets tournament
Ballers United are the2025Berbice
Ballers United had earlier beaten Paradise 1-0 whileGunnersbrushedaside Manchester3-1. P
Manchester 2-0 in the thirdplaceplayoff.
Ballers United copped a topprizeof$500,000andthe championship Trophy while Gunners collected $300,000
G u i n n e s s Greatest of the Streets champions following a closely fought 1-0 win over East Bank Gunners in the finalinfrontofalargecrowd at the New Amsterdam Basketball court Saturday night.Thegame winner was scored Lamar Reid from the penalty spot in the second half as the defending champions, Gunners, failed to capitalize on earlier scoringopportunities.
and a trophy Paradise received $200,000 and Manchester as fourth place finisher$100,000.
presented by Banks DIH Limited Berbice Branch Manager, Nandram Basdeo, and Brand Executive Jeoff Clement Young Gunners edged out Trini Gunners in the Plate final 1-0 to take home $60,000 Twelve
competition with Rose Hall, Litchfield, NA Lions, Scott
The 2025 countrywide Guinness Greatest of the Street championships will alsobeplayedinEssequibo, Linden, West Demerara, BarticaandGeorgetown. T
sponsors are Guinness and ColoursBoutique.
Hermonstine elected New AAG president
Hermonstine was elected President of the Athletics Association of Guyana (AAG) following the association’s Annual General Meeting and Election of OfficerBearersheldyesterday attheNationalRacquetCentre on Woolford Avenue, Georgetown.
e, who previously served as First Vice President under outgoing President Aubrey
Hutson, se
presidency with five votes, defeating Dr Ariane Mangar, whoreceivedonevoteduring theballotingbythemembers
Accordingtoreports,the elections were not without its share of controversy as several clubs decided to abstain from the voting process,andHutsonhimself exitedthemeetingbeforethe elections, citing breaches in theAAG’sconstitution.
Hutson’s departure, along with several clubs, highlightedongoinginternal disputes within the association. Hermonstine,
who stepped in as acting President in 2023 following Hutson’s suspension after the CARIFTA Games debacle, is expected to bring stability and reform to the AAG Joining her on the executiveteamareMarkScott as First Vice President, Mayfield Taylor-Trim as Second Vice President, Dwayne Carter as Treasurer, andNiallStantonasAssistant Treasurer
The newly elected Committee Members include Dr Ariane Mangar, Thelson Williams, Tyrone Smith, Osafo Dos Santos, and Towanna McAlmont James Cole was re-appointed as General Secretary, while KenishaHeadleywillserveas AssistantGeneralSecretary Attorney-at-Law Emily Dodson served as the Returning Officer for the elections. It is hoped that Hermonstine’s ascension to the presidency will be pivotalfortheAAG,withthe emphasis on restoring unity and progress within the association.
Play in the Guinness Greatest of the Streets between Ballers United and East Bank Gunners.
Ballers United collect the grand prize for emerging as the 2025 Berbice Guinness Greatest of the Streets champions after they beat East Bank Gunners.
Jackson cops Pepsi Best Boxers award,
The future of Guyanese boxingwasonfulldisplayas young fighters showcased t h e i r t a l e n t a n d determination at the latest edition of the Guyana Boxing Association’s (GBA)PepsiMichaelParris U16Championship.
Held at the Andrew “Sixhead” Lewis Gym and backed by Pepsi, the tournament provided a platform for the country’s aspiringboxerstohonetheir skills and gain competitive experience Among the standout performers was Jofes Jackson of the New Amsterdam Boxing Gym, whoclaimedtheprestigious Best Boxer award after a dominantshowinginthe7376kg category Jackson’s commanding performance against Chaka Stephens led to a referee stoppage, underscoringhispotentialas afuturestarinthesport.
The event kicked off with an explosive bout between Jaden Fileen of the Vergenoegen Boxing Gym andJadenLewis,settingthe tone for an action-packed evening. Fileen’s relentless pressure forced the referee to step in, signaling his readiness for tougher competitionahead.
Other bouts saw impressive performances, including Stephen Haymer’s victory over AntonioStephens,whilethe 57kg match-up between RandyBoodhooandZaheed Giddings was called off. Curtis McDonald battled to a hard-fought split decision win against Lennox Lawrence, while Josh Chester’s 46kg bout with Jireh Mannie also ended in abandonment.
Attheendofthefiercely contestedchampionship,the Andrew Lewis Gym and New Amsterdam Boxing GymsharedthetitleofBest (Continuedonpage23)
NABG and ALBG share Best Gym
GBA President Steve Ninvalle
Hermonstine elected elected New AAG president
Goals Galore! Santa Rosa’s Daren Williams started well against Brickdam Secondary
Sheryl Hermonstine (seated centre) and the newAAG Executive take a photo following the election. (Newsroom photo)