Kaieteur News

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3-yr-old dies after metal gate falls on her Pump attendant found dead in canal

Truck driver gets $500k bail for death of Venezuelan

Alaia Etwaroo
The section that reportedly attacks former Chinese Landing Toshao Orin Fernandes

Citizens demand more from Exxon …callcompany'ssponsorshipofcricket,othereventshandout

AstudentoftheLeonora Technical Institute almost s e t t h e t o n e f o r ExxonMobil's question and answersegmentofascoping meetingonThursday,forthe company's eight proposed developmentintheStabroek Block-Longtail.

The Longtail project seeks to develop the resources in Longtail, Tripletail andTurbot, with a startup date of 2030. The scoping session was held to engage the public on their specific concerns regarding the proposed development and field comments from citizenstoguidetheTermsof R e f e r e n c e f o r a n Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) that will beconductedfortheproject. Inadditiontorepresentatives from ExxonMobil, officers of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the consultant group, Acorn International were present at the Leonora meeting.

ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) plans to producebetween200to290 thousand barrels of oil per day,withnon-associatedgas productionofbetween1,000 to 1,500 million Standard Cubic Feet (MMscfd) per dayattheplanneddeepwater development This would make Longtail the largest project ever pursued by the companytodate.

To this end, a student of the Leonora Technical

Institute who attended the public scoping meeting for the project enquired about how this would increase earningsforthecountry The young man, Noel Haynes specifically asked the ExxonMobil team whether the project would be profitableforthecountryand thecompany

concern, EMGL's Projects

Mariya Skocik explained thatthiswouldbeacriterion. She said, “Project number eight is on the very early phases so all the studies that are being conducted now is to assess the best way to go forwardwiththeprojectand being economically viable wouldbeoneofthecriteria.”

Meanwhile, another citizen who attended the session shared his concern over the fact that Exxon has been more supportive of sportingtournamentssuchas the Caribbean Premiere League (CPL) instead of initiatives geared at social development He said, “ L o o k i n g a t t h e infrastructure aspect of it becausewejustdon'twantto saythatExxonissponsoring an event. If we look at the commercialism aspect of it, it comes with infrastructure development and it comes w i t h ownership sponsorship comeswithalimitation.Itis not direct in terms of social

development It's just a handoutIwouldsay.”

Consequently,hesaid,“I want to know if Exxon has any rolled-out plan...it is hardtoknowthatcompanies coming to Guyana, making billions of dollars, yet still ouryoungpeopleatastrain, cannot use their God-given talent as a career to sustain them.”

Foritspart,ExxonMobil used the opportunity to highlights its Greater Guyana Initiative, which utilises profits made by the company to give back to v a r

Vigilance man on $30k bail for wounding fiancé

A 31-year-old man was on Thursday placedon$30,000bailwhenheappearedat the Vigilance Magistrates' Court to answer anunlawfulwoundingcharge.

The accused, Curtis Farley, ofVigilance SquattingArea,EastCoastDemerara(ECD) appeared before Senior Magistrate Sunil Scarce.Farley harmed his business partner and fiancé Rolene Lewis on February 3, 2025 at the said address. He pleaded guilty withexplanationafterthechargewasreadto him.He told the court that on the day in questionhewasworkingathis'bicycleshop' when Lewis approached him with a cutlass and attempted to chop him. The man said that while trying to escape he fell and his handscameincontactwithawoodwhichhe used to hit Lewis. Lewis reportedly hit Farleytohisheadbutbeingunsatisfied,she

lit his house on fire. Luckily, the fire was extinguished by neighbours Lewis was

remand.Meanwhile, Magistrate Scarce after hearing Farley's explanation changed his plea to not guilty citing self-defense. Farley was originally granted $40,000 bail However,hepleadedwiththemagistratefor areductionsincehedidnothavemoney.“Sir, I only got $600 in my name, I don't have nobody in the country that can help me. I haveaone-month-oldsonandifIgotojail,I don't know how he gon get milk and pampers.”Farleybegged.

Magistrate Scarce after hearing Farley plea reduced his bail to $30,000 with conditions that he reports to the Vigilance Police Station every other Saturday Court wasadjournedtoMarch25,2025.

ExxonMobil representatives engaging citizens at the scoping meeting in Leonora on Thursday

explained that the oil giant welcomes proposals from i n d i v i d u a l s a n d organizations which are vettedforpotentialfunding.

Also highlighting his discontent with Exxon's supportforcommunitieswas the Chairman of the Klien Pouderoyen Neighbourhood DemocraticCouncil(NDC), who only gave his name as Balram.

He said, “Coming to these sessions that you have at this Technical Institute, I always ask what have you done for my communitynothing. I see you have cultural heritage, community health, the nine factors under social...what have you done? We need some help, we need some community enhancement in terms of our historical sites, assistanceincertainareasof i n f r a s t r u c t u r e s o ExxonMobilcansayyes,we are making money from

Guyana but we are also returning.”

Exxon in response again highlighted the work of the Greater Guyana Initiative, pointing out that US$100M has been invested in the programme over a 10-year period. Citizens on the East Bank of Demerarawillhave anopportunitytoparticipate in the scoping meetings at a session scheduled for today (Friday), commencing 16:30hrs (4:30 pm) at the New Diamond Grove PrimarySchool,Diamond. AboutLongtail Like its other projects, Longtailwillinvolvedrilling of production and injection wells, installation, commissioning, and operations of Subsea Umbilicals, Risers, and Flowlines (SURF), and a Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading vessel (FPSO) for handling and offloading of produced hydrocarbons.

T h e p r o p o s e d developmentislocatedinthe southeastern portion of the S t a b r o e k B l o c k , approximately 200 km from Georgetown and adjacent to previous Stabroek Projects. Exxonhasindicatedplansto usedrillshipstoproducethe non-associated gas and c o n d e n s a t e f r o m approximately 24 – 60 production and injection wells.Thesubseaequipment willbeinstalledatadepthof approximately1,600–2,000 metres. TheproposedFPSOwill be a newly built floating facilitywithdoublesideand single bottom protection, w i t h a p p r o x i m a t e dimensionsof334mlongby 60 m wide by 32.8 m deep, and will be moored on location, approximately 200 km offshore, some 39 km southeast of the Liza Unity FPSO.

Students of the Leonora Technical Institute were among participants of the Longtail meeting

Kaieteur News

24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



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Tell Guyanese where their money went

The Guyana Extractive Industries Transparency

Initiative (GYEITI) has among its recommendationstomembersonethatisasclear asdaylight.

From its 2022 report, it reads: “The IA (Independent Administrator) recommends that the MSG (MultiStakeholder Group) obtains information on how extractive industry revenues are utilised for the advancement of national development goals including the Sustainable DevelopmentalGoals.”

This recommendation was seen to be of such importance that it was repeated from the GYEITI's 2021 report.

On what was the money spent? How many millions were spent on different projects, each of which should be identified? Whatcouldbemoretransparentthanthat,serve to emphasize how much the government is committed to deal in a straight, clear, and trustworthy way with the preciousfundsofthenation?

ThePPPCGovernmenthasgonetheotherway Instead of straight disclosures of how the millions of US dollars withdrawn from the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) are being spent, the shady has been the norm (“national development priorities”). Instead of the clear, through specifics, on the utilisation of natural resource revenues, there has been the murky (“national development priorities”).

And when the government has had opportunities to manifest that it is trustworthy, through the highest levels of transparency, it selected the too clever by far (“national development priorities”). A worker collects his or her paycheck(orbonus)andwhenitisgoneinformsthefamily thatitwasspentonimprovingthehome,nothingelse.

The PPPC Government has repeatedly withdrawn US millions, billions in Guyana dollars, from the NRF, and the most that it does is insult Guyanese by telling them the money is being spent on “national development priorities.” If one is looking for vagueness with millions/billions taken to the extreme, then the government has outdone itself.The creative schemers in the government outdid themselves in theireffortstooutsmartcitizens.

When the NRF law came into effect, one of the two requirements relative to oil money withdrawals was that it beusedtofund“nationaldevelopmentpriorities.”

We think that government planners and arrangers had already premediated on how they were going to withdraw, spend,andpullthewoolovertheeyesofGuyanese.

We think that the vagueness of “national development priorities” provided the best cover for the PPPC Government,whichexplainswhyleadingspokespeoplefor it are so pleased with themselves. They get to reassure the peoplethattheirmoneyisbeingspentonthecountry,while countless possible skullduggeries go on with the hundreds of US millions withdrawn at steady intervals. For emphasis, “national development priorities” represent the bestcamouflagepossible.

With reason, it could be said that some tricky thinking was at work in the drafting of the NRF bill that is now the law Now, if government leaders were genuinely committed to transparency with oil money, there was a choice.

EveryeffortwouldhavebeenmadetotaketheNRFlaw and its “national development priorities” provision and use that to generate standards, specifics, and practices that deliveropennessitselfbeforeGuyanese.

This is what the law states, this is how much more the governmenthasdone.Accordingly,therearenothoughtsof underhandedness, no sense that there are any financial con gamesatwork. Theotherchoicewasforthegovernmentto stick stubbornly to the exact letter of its thoughtful concoction of “national development priorities” and do no more. To the detriment of the people, the government decidedthatitsowninterestsareservedwiththetightnessof

There continues to be resistance to racial unification

Dear Editor, March 21 is set aside annually to observe International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination by the United Nations, in recognition of the day that 69 persons were killed by the police in Sharpeville, South Africa, astheypeacefullydemonstratedagainst theapartheidsystemin1960.

The struggles against racism and discrimination are a worldwide commitment to eliminating the afflictionofracismthatpermeatesevery society, regardless of political or economiccircumstances.

Although the apartheid system has been dismantled, racist laws and practices have been abolished in many countries, and an international framework for fighting racism was implemented- built on the United Nations' International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination of 1979-, there is continuous resistance to racial unification.

The Convention is an international commitment to forging togetherness, and removing intolerance that is imbedded in the structure of communitiesandsocieties.

However, across the world, individualscontinuetosufferthewrath, injustice, and stigma of racial discrimination, despite the significant breakthroughs with national laws and international treaties; despite the global

outcriesfromaffectedcommunitiesand individuals.

Thethemeforthisyear'sobservance is, 'The Poison of Racism'. This speaks of the toxicity of discrimination, enslavement, and the horrific nature of colonialism, where the freedom to live life in dignity, equality, and justice, were sacrificed on the altar of nation building.

As Guyanese, we live in a country with diverse ethnic compositions and cultural proliferations. So, we should redoubleourefforts,andsetanexample to eliminate the scourge of racial discrimination and segregation. We shouldalsoworkassiduouslytoachieve unity of purpose and commitment to a common bond, where everyone coexists without the tentacles of racial discrimination hanging over us. This must be done in order to dismantle the 'divide and conquer' tendencies of mischievous elements within our society, since a variety of methods are utilized to discriminate in a de facto fashion, or explicitly in the law, be it through policies of racial segregation, disparate enforcement of laws, or disproportionate allocation of resources.

The Guyana Public Service Union has been consistent in its belief and actions that there is no room to itemize s o m e o n e ' s p h y s i c a l features/characteristics- something that onehasnocontrolover-,theuniqueness

ofourheritage,andtousethesetocause strife, mischief and mayhem. Racism is an 'age-old antic' of people who possess low moral character, to institute hatred solely on a person's ethnicity Yet, as a union, we would be burying our heads in the sand, to say that racial discriminationdoesnotexistinGuyana, particularly in the Public Service Moreover, the Union, having recognized the veracity of this scourge within our midst, constitutionalized a Race Relations Committee in 1997 to buildawareness,combatthedoctrineof racism,educate,andpromotepeaceand understanding.

This was done in an effort to eradicateracismandracisttendenciesin all its forms, and to build a world that is free and fair for everyone. The GPSU will continue to fight for dignity and equality for all. This must be the reality of every citizen of the world- to not rest until all are free to live their lives respectfullyandwithdignity.

Therefore, first and foremost, let us examine our actions and the negative impact of racism, and strive to disseminate a message on a daily basis, that racial discrimination must be eliminated. The just cause of our fore parents standing up to racial injustices must be upheld, and the current and future generations must be prepared to continuetodemandequalityforall.

Public Service Union

Rehabilitation vs. Punishment in Juvenile Justice

Dear Editor,

As we continue to face challenges posed by youth crime, the question remains: should our approach to juvenile justice focus on punishment or rehabilitation? The answer to this question will not only determine the future of our young offenders, but also contribute to the safety and well-being ofoursociety

Historically, the criminal justice system in Guyana, as in many other countries, has leaned heavily toward punishment. Young people are aware thatnotalladultssufferharshpenalties, either by the State or by others, for wrongdoing. In fact, wrongdoing by some adults is either normalised, as in the case of violence and abuse to children, or goes unpunished,

“nationaldevelopmentpriorities”and not a word more. Nobody outside of seniorgovernmentinsidersknowsthe real truths and the likely real shenanigans that operate beneath that slipperyprovisionintheNRFlaw

While there should be no difficulty with accounting for how oil money is spent, the government has erectedimaginaryroadblocks.

It can't be done is the cry This is deviousness and foolishness taken to levelsnotseenbefore.

M e a n w h i l e , t h e P P P C Government congratulates itself on taking Guyanese for yet another ride, andbeingallowedtogetawaywithits niftyfootwork.

Guyanese have a right to know what their money is being spent on, how much of it, and when that was done.

especially if the wrongdoer has power and influence While the punitive approach may provide a temporary sense of relief, behavioral patterns can be overlooked often, until it becomes too obvious to ignore More importantly, without effective intervention, it risks exposing victims, and the wider community, to further harm.Worse yet, it can create a cycle of recidivism,whereyoungpeopleemerge from the system more hardened and alienated,onlytoreoffend.

Rehabilitation and diversion, on the other hand, offers a more constructive and long-term solution. By focusing on rehabilitative/diversion interventions, and root causes of juvenile delinquency—such as poverty, lack of education, family breakdown, and trauma , rehabilitative approaches aim to equip young offenders with the skills and support they need to reintegrate into society This approach is not about excusing bad behavior, but about understanding and addressing the factorsthatcontributetoit.

InGuyana,financialdifficultiesand disparities between different social groups, make the challenges that young people face even worse. This suggests that economic struggles (such as povertyandunemployment),andsocial inequalities (such as unequal access to education,healthcare,oropportunities), contribute to, or intensify, the issues affecting youth; such as violence, abuse, lack of support, or limited prospects for a better future. Therefore, rehabilitation and diversion must be at the forefront of our juvenile justice strategy Programs that offer education, vocational training, counseling, and mentorship can provide young

offenderswiththetoolsandinformation they need for their own well-being, and of their families and communities. By addressing their needs in a supportive and structured environment, we can reduce their likelihood of reoffending, and help young offenders become productivemembersofsociety Moreover, rehabilitation and diversion align with the values of fairness and compassion, which are deeply rooted in our culture. As a nation, we believe in giving people a second chance, in recognizing that everyone, especially our youth, has the potential to change. By embracing rehabilitation and diversion approaches, we affirm our commitment to these values, and demonstrate our belief in the capacity of our young peopletogrowandimprove.

Accountability is a critical element in rehabilitation and diversion, requiring young offenders to understand the impact of their actions. Insomecases,strictermeasuresmaybe necessary to ensure meaningful consequences and foster genuine change However, even within a r e h a b i l i t a t i v e f r a m e w o r k , accountability can be maintained through diversionary and/or restorative justice practices, where young offenders are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions, make amends, and understand the impact of theirbehavioronothers.ChildLinK,the Childcare and Protection Agency, and other agencies and community groups, have been actively working with young offenders through counseling and rehabilitation programs, aiming to support their reintegration into their homesand (Continue on page 6)

The imperative for a cohesive Guyanese front; unity in sovereignty

Dear Editor,

In the face of escalating threats to Guyana's sovereignty, over its 83,000 square miles, national unity is not merely ideal, it is an existential necessity The recent resurgence of Venezuela's unfounded and provocative claims to Guyana's Essequibo region, a territory internationally recognized as Guyanese since the 1899 Arbitral Award, demands an unequivocal and collective response.

Yet, internal political discord, exemplified by irresponsible rhetoric, such as theAlliance For Change's recent statements, risks undermining Guyana's moralandlegalauthority

Itisimportanttonotethat Guyana's territorial integrity and sovereignty can only be preserved through a “one v o i c e ” a p p r o a c h , transcending partisan politics, to affirm that our nationalinterestmustalways prevailoverfleetingpolitical gains The Guyana-

Ve n e z u e l a b o r d e r

controversy, rooted in colonial-era ambiguities, was ostensibly settled, made final and complete by the October 3rd 1899 Paris Arbitral Award, which granted Essequibo to then B r i t i s h G u i a n a

Subsequently, Venezuela reviveditsclaimviathe1966 Geneva Agreement, a pact that acknowledged the "dispute", but reaffirmed the status quo, and rightfully so, in Guyana's favor This position has resulted, in recent times, from 2015 to present,inmanyprovocative intimidation tactics by Venezuela, in an attempt to defy the rule of international law and respect for Guyana's sovereignty

In 2018, Guyana sought the International Court of Justice (ICJ)'s adjudication to, once again, reaffirm our sovereignty over our territorial integrity- a move which Venezuela has resisted, opting instead for coercive tactics, including military posturing and provocativereferenda. Such unprovoked and

unwelcomed aggression, unequivocally violates the United Nations Charter's principles of territorial integrity, and the prohibition of force However, Venezuela's strategy thrives on exploiting divisions within Guyana Political fissures, like the AFC's illtimed critiques, risk signaling vulnerability to external actors and diluting the clarity of Guyana's stance.

Sovereignty is the bedrock of statehood, enshrined in international law as inviolable For Guyana, a nation still navigating the scars of colonial exploitation and Cold War-era interference, unity in defense of territory is a moral imperative. The Essequibo region is not merely land; it embodies the aspirations of our nation and the heritage of the Guyanese people.

Disunity, whether through partisan blame g a m e s o r r e c k l e s s statements, threatens to jeopardize this legacy. A

Melly Mel woke up the African spirit

Dear Editor,

ThedoorofthecarriageI was in, opened at Streatham Common Station.Avery old African woman was struggling to get in. The bag shehad,appearedtobequite heavy,andshecarriedastick tokeepherbalance.

“Hold on, aunty, let help you,” I said. I took the bag and offered her my left arm. She held onto my wrist. Her grip was surprisingly firm for such an old woman.

“Thank you, son,” she said, as I helped her to sit on the seat opposite mine The carriagewasvirtuallyempty She asked whether I was from Ghana. I told her I was fromGuyana.

The train pulled into Balham Station where she got off. I assisted her off the train and, as I was about to getbackon,ithappened.

The old woman said, “Kwame Your name is 'Kwame' and you are from Kofi's land Remember,

Kwame, gods get their pow ers from being worshipped.”

The doors of the train were about to close and I quickly thanked her and bid her goodbye. I sat down and was a bit puzzled. How did she know my birth name and why did she say that I was fromthelandofKofi?

I felt a reassuring warm sensation on my wrist. I rubbed it gently and came to the logical conclusion that, African people would usually bestow upon

children of slaves, African names.Ithoughtitwasjusta coincidence. I felt the warm sensation again on the wrist she had gripped. I wondered why she said that gods got their powers from being worshipped.

The next day, I contacted a friend and asked them to sponsor a new backdrop for mypodcast.Theyagreedand were true to their promise. I contacted a professional graphics designer in the US andtoldhimwhatIwanted.

(Continue on page 6)

fractured domestic front weakens Guyana's position at international fora. The ICJ's case hinges not only on oursolidlegalmerit,butalso on Guyana's ability to project a resolute and unwaveringresolve.

When political factions prioritize scoring “cheap political points” over solidarity, they inadvertently bolsterVenezuela's narrative of internal discord, potentially undermining diplomaticefforts.

Itisnosecretthatnations rally behind States that demonstrate internal cohesion in the face of such aggression Guyana's success in garnering global support,fromCARICOM,to the Organization of American States, and other partners, stems from its consistent,principledstance, which, for decades, the country's two major political parties have stood firm on, despite its political differences; the meeting of thePresidentandOpposition Leader is testament to this fact. It is important to note

that divisive rhetoric erodes this moral high ground, casting doubt on the nation's collectivewill.

Essequibo's natural resources are pivotal to Guyana's economic future. Disunity risks deterring foreign investment and emboldening encroachment, threateningbothoursecurity and prosperity The AFC's recentstatements,regardless of its intent, exemplify the peril of politic


This party must accept that territorial integrity transcends elections and party manifestos; it is the sacred trust of every leader and citizen Guyana's political class must emulate statesmenlikeSouthAfrica's NelsonMandela,whounited a fractured nation against existentialthreats.

Civil society, media, and religious leaders must amplify this unity, fostering dialogue that emphasizes shared destiny over division. Bipartisan committees on territorial defense, and p u b l i c a w a r e n e s s

institutionalize cohesion, ensuring that Guyana speaks with resolute clarity on this matter,ifnotonothers.

As the ICJ deliberates



demands rejecting blame games, and embracing a singular truth: the mission to safeguard all of our 83,000 square miles is the birthright ofeveryGuyanese.


galvanise a united front, where patriotism silences discord,andnationalinterest reignssupreme.

The words of Guyana's nationalmotto,"Onepeople, one nation, one destiny," is not merely a refrain; it is the covenant that must guide us nowmorethanever Nowisthetimeforunity Now is the time for one voice. Stop the petty politics withourfuture.

Yours respectfully, H o n . J e r m a i n e Figueira.MP

Due Process, Not Distraction

Dear Editor, Reference is made to the following release from the Office of the Leader of the Opposition: “ M O R E P P P DESPARATION:At no time during their presentations did Opposition Leader Aubrey C. Norton or any other PNCR/APNU speaker even mention, let allow, criticize the US President or his administration. In fact, the focus was on the likely role the PPP government playedintryingtosilencethe voice of one of its known

critics and in denying citizens their basic human rights.

We wish to alert Guyanese to expect similar hoaxes as the PPP and its a c t i v i s t s b e c o m e increasingly desperate as election approaches.”

MelissaAtwell was arrested, according to official records, Thursday last and remains in the custody of Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE), under the President

T r u m p - l e d U S Government She is scheduled to appear before

Immigration Judge Richard Jacobs on June 25th for a master hearing official records indicate At said hearing, according to Demerara Waves, "the judge is expected to explain the charges she is facing, allow her to plead, and make an application to show why she should not be deported from the US." It is very clear that her arrest by United States Homeland Security officials is consequent to President Trump's controversial Immigrationcrackdown.

(Continue on page 6)

Due Process, Not... Lobbying America

From page 5 society If she is indeed deported, Melissa must be accorded due process just like any other Guyanese citizen No matter her vitriolic comments, slander or online abuse Melissa is a Guyanese citizen like the rest of us, and due proces s is her Constitutional right, no matter yourfeelingstowards


From page 5

her This excuse of a "Press Release" is a pathetic contortion, seeking to weasel and shift blame, than outri

n Crackdown.Statingthat"the focus was on the likely role the PPPgovernment played" and stressing that "at no time" was there even a

mentionoftheUSPresident, reads as someone frantically holdingontheirVISAwhilst castingAliandJagdeoasallpowerful, omniscient and omnipresent with control overTrump. This is quivering, consp

Nothingmore. Yours faithfully, Nikhil Sankar.

Mel woke up the...

The old woman had said, land of Kofi but I knew she meant land of Cuffy, her c o u n t r y m a n w h o successfully led the 1763 slave rebellion in that country PPP leaders kept government for 23 years and had turned the Square of the Revolution into a public toilet facility and Mandela Avenue into Garbage dump site. They knew what they weredoing.

Meanwhile, Babu Jaan

became a holy shrine for yearly rituals that kept that party in power Today, a Black woman that dared to confront the PPP by exposing their corruption and many wrongdoings is locked up in a US detention centre.

President Ali and Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo went to the US to ensure that happened and as I watched our politicians and our people gathered together in protest under Cuffy in the

land of Kofi, I knew the persecution of Melly by the government and other powerful international players had caused the African spirit to be awakened. As I write this piece, I can feel a warm sensation coming over my left wrist. It is over for the PPP


Rehabilitation vs. Punishment in...

From page 4

Thisworkincludesinvesting in resources for diversion and rehabilitation, providing training and raising wider awareness of the issues, and offering practical support to young people A much stronger and more concerted approach, along with a firm commitment, is needed for policy-level interventions to be mandated, as well as for the ongoing evaluation and i m p r o v e m e n t o f rehabilitative programs. It is hoped that the outcome is reduced crime rates, safer communities, and brighter futures for our youths

Replacing the urge to punish juveniles, with efforts at careful and systematic rehabilitation in the juvenile justice system, is not just a matter of policy, it is crucial to the kind of society we wanttobuildinGuyana.

Sincerely, ChildLinK Inc.

Dear Editor, Government has hired a lobbying firm that is owned by a lobbyist who connected to President Trump Although the purpose of lobbying Washington is not clear, government is commended. It is among the wisest moves of President Ali and VP Jagdeo. Earlier governments, especially left wingers, did not see value in hiring lobbyists in the USA, Canada, and the UK; these countries were viewed as imperialist exploiters, even though almost every Guyanese have yearned to migrate to them, since the 1960s Ironically, it was lobbying by Guyanese in USA, that contributed to Washington's decision to condemn authoritarian governanceinGuyana.

Unfortunately, few Guyanese, including figures i n g o v e r n m e n t a n d opposition, in the country and abroad (with some exceptionswhostudyorread about lobbying), know how to,andthevalueoflobbying. Lobbying is the process (or measures taken) by an organization (or business or group of individuals, or even one person) to influence a g o v e r n m e n t ( U S Administration and the Congress). Government is pressured, using a variety of means, into specific public policy actions that benefit the lobbyist. Lobbying can be formal (through a registered lobbyist) or informal (a group of individuals or business), approaching government for apolicythatbenefitsthemor somecauseoranotherentity

Government tends to respond to numbers- a large organization whose members vote and can influence elections, or provide funding (such as donations for an election campaign), with the former being far more influential than the latter Politicians always seek money but would not forsake numbers for money, because they can get voted out if they ignore numbers. Governments are knowntoaddressaninterest, knowing there is a large swell of support backing it. Lobbyists bring pressure on politicians to do things to benefittheclient.

Clearly, the government of Guyana cannot lobby Washingtonbecauseithasno voting influence in an American election. Notably, the diaspora in America is notorganizedtosuccessfully

lobby Washington, although a few of us were somewhat effective in 1992 and 2020, with our resilience and persistence that Guyana must be democratized. In terms of voting numbers, Guyanese have low voter turnout. Guyanese generally have not shown much interest in voting, except in some critical Presidential elections like 2020, 2024, and 1992, among others.

Guyanese are not known to be actively involved in election campaign or to m a k e d o n a t i o n s t o politicians in order to developinfluence.Guyanese in general see no merit in such political participation; that is why they are underserved. Guyanese in the USA would dig deep in their pockets to donate to political parties in Guyana (when politicians visit America), but don't see the merit of donating to politicians in their adopted country to influence policies beneficial to them. Jewish

A m e r i c a n s , I n d i a n Americans, and some other powerful groups, understand the importance of active political participation, donatingtocampaigns.They are among the most effective lobbying groups in the USA and are increasingly becoming so in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. Of course, they are wealthy groupsinthosecountriesand Guyanese are no so not well offinAmerica,althoughthey (Indo-Guyanese) are among the top ten income earners in theUSA.

Lacking influence in Washington, the government is flush with money and can hirelobbyists.Thehiringofa lobbyist in Washington was long recommended by activists(likeme)tothePPP, and other parties involved in the freedom movements during the 1970s, 1990s, and later to the government or parties whenever Guyana faced serious problems like threats to democracy and from Venezuela. Guyanese groups also lobbied Washington During the 1970s and 1990s, a group of us sought to lobby Washington without money or hiring paid lobbyists; we werebroke.

I t w a s n o t v e r y successful Money talks! Everything else walks! The Guyanese left wingers in America were approached during the period of the Guyanese dictatorship, to collaborate in hiring

lobbyists but were not interested in paying

American lobbyists, describing them as 'blood sucking imperialists Yet, they wanted Washington to helpbringaboutfreeandfair elections; the country sufferedfor28years.Theleft wingers did not even want to support fundraisers to help Members of Congress get elected to champion Guyana'scause.

Hundreds of thousandsor millions of dollars- were raised for political parties in Guyana, but nothing for Members of Congress or presidential candidates Some of us (like Baytoram Ramharack, Mike Persaud, Ravi Dev,Vassan Ramracha, and myself, among others) who studied and understood the importance of lobbying, contributed to election campaigns and attended fundraisers, as we did for Jimmy Carter, Stephen Solarz, and Elliott Engel, among other others; our group didn't see the Americans as imperialistic. Our group recognized the importance of the USA in restoring democratic governance in Guyana, and did whatever we could to lobbyWashingtontoassistin the struggle for the restoration of democracy in Guyana.

Lobbying played a significant role in bringing about political change in 1992 and 2020. Lobbying probablyalsoplayedarolein statements issued by the US Administration, following Venezuelan intimidation of Exxon's production ship and the several threats issued by theMaduroregime.

Today, government has embraced what activists advised since the 1970s Lobbying provides access to theAmerican government. It will pay dividends, regarding Venezuela and protecting democracy In addition to its paid lobbyist (of US$65K-plus monthly), the government should encourage the diaspora (of over a million people) in the USA to consider forming an organization to lobby the American government on Venezuelan threat, trade, immigration, and other matters. A cohesive unit is always powerful Exxon shouldalsobeapproachedto fund such an outfit, given thatitisthemainbeneficiary of American cover over Guyana.

Yours truly, Vishnu Bisram

CJIA terminal two negotiations enter final stage – Min Edghill

…Ongoing construction on the airport progressing

The Cheddi Jagan InternationalAirport (CJIA) is undergoing extensive u p g r a d e s t o m e e t internationalstandards,with several key projects advancing.

Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill announced that negotiations for the Terminal Two contract are in their final stage.

He made this disclosure duringameetingonTuesday

with contractors, airport engineers, and CJIA's Chief Executive Officer, Ramesh Ghir

“Inthemidstofallthatis happening here [CJIA] we have been negotiating to bring to finality the contract forterminaltwo,”hestated.

The expansion includes construc

ng a new commercial centre, VIP lounge, upgraded tarmac or aircraft parking areas, administrativeoffice,andan

improved baggage handling facility.The commercial centre is currently 80 per c

significantprogressmadeon the first and ground floors. The contractor for the executive lounge has been approved to proceed with civilworks.

Minister Edghill also revealed that a separate contract for the construction

, previouslyremovedfromthe

main project, has recently goneouttotenderandwillbe awardedsoon.Hereaffirmed that President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali's vision for the

airport's expansion remains on track, with all ongoing works set for completion no laterthanApril20.

“President Ali's vision for the expansion of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport is not going to be underminedinanyway Asa matter, we want to see a c c e l e r a t e d implementa

ion, ” the ministeremphasised.

He highlighted the importanceoftheexpansion in

increasing passenger traffic.

Minister Edghill said the president'sprojectionofone million arrivals into Guyana hasbecomearealityin2024, with continued growth expected in 2025 for both passengerandcargotraffic.

Guyana's eco-tourism sectorisalsoexpandingwith further growth expected as the country prepares to welcomeKLMRoyalDutch AirlinesonJune4.“So,there can be no slacking up,” Minister Edghill stressed. Ghirexplainedthatthesurge in passenger traffic necessitatesadditionalspace for processing travellers The implementation of digital systems, such as electronic gates, has been beneficial However, he cautioned that “even that willbeinadequateovertime unless we have actual physical space to accommodate persons. So, theseprojectsarecriticalfor us.” (Department of Public Information)

Twowomensetto launchnewsecurityfirm

Inwhatisbeingdescribedasaboldmovetoredefinethe roleofwomeninthesecurity industry, two business leaders, Filisha Duke and Dr AlistaBishophavejoinedforcesto launch a new security company- Aegis Security Firm. Thisinitiativeissettobridgethegapinatraditionallymaledominatedfield,empoweringwomentotakealeadingrolein security solutions, risk management, and industry innovation, the new firm said in a press release. Aegis Security Services Inc., a product of a strategic partnership betweentheirindividualgroupofcompanies,willserveasa platform for thought leadership, industry collaboration, and professional development within the security sector The officiallaunchisscheduledforJuly2025,withthevenueto beannouncedsoon.

According to the release, Aegis Security's mission extendsbeyondbusiness—itisaboutreshapingperceptions, fosteringinclusivity,andcreatingopportunitiesforwomenin security Aegis Security will offer insights into private security solutions, corporate risk management, cybersecurity, and crisis response, ensuring that women are not just participants but leaders in the industry “We are stepping into an industry where women have often been overlooked, and we are here to change that narrative,” said Filisha Duke. “Aegis Security is not just about providing security services—it's about building a network where women can thrive, lead, and drive meaningful change,” she added. For her part, Dr Bishop added, “This initiative is a testament to what happens when strong, visionary women cometogether Securityisevolving,andweareensuringthat women are at the forefront of that evolution—not just as contributors,butasdecision-makers.”

Aegis Security Services Inc. will engage professionals from law enforcement, corporate security, private investigations, and cybersecurity, offering training, networking opportunities, and strategic discussions on industry advancements. Further details about the event, including keynote speakers and special guests, will be revealedinthecomingweeks,thereleaseadded.

The new face of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA)

“One Guyana” is no less a national slogan than “Green Guyana”

The notion that "One Guyana"isapartisanslogan is pure poppycock It is a desperatefictionpeddledby those clinging to relevance; it is as absurd as claiming that the national flag is a partysymbolsimplybecause a government waves it. The accusation of “One Guyana” being partisan is not just dishonest—it is rank bull poop, "One Guyana" did not materialize from the ether as a campaign gimmick It emanated from a sitting government, and woven into national policy with the explicit goal of fostering unity

If this initiative is partisan, then so too was "Green Guyana" used by the former APNU+AFC government Yet, no one in their right mind argued that the greening of Guyana was aplottoadvancethepolitical fortunesofoneparty

All you need to do is to Google 'One Guyana, to r e c a l l t h a t a t h i s inauguration ceremony, President Irfaan Ali began not with "One Guyana" but with the national motto itself: "One People, One Nation, One Destiny." These words, enshrined in Guyana's very identity, are not at risk of being replaced. For all his faults—and there are many—Ali has never suggested supplanting them. In fact, "One Guyana" is a policy that seeks to breathe lifeintothatverycreed.

Also, the idea that "One Guyana" is some sinister takeoverofnationalidentity islaughable

Some of the same characters railing against its use on the new $2000 banknote and Guyana's

passports had no issue when the previous administration painted everything in sight green. Some of them had no qualms when "Green State " was slapped onto policy documents, vehicles, and infrastructure But now, suddenly, a national slogan promoting unity is a partisan gimmick?Poppycock.

The faux outrage over the presence of "One Guyana" on national symbols exposes the sheer hollownessoftheargument What exactly is offensive?

Thatthecountry'spassport,a documentmeanttorepresent all Guyanese, includes a call to unity? That the currency, which circulates across all divides, carries a reminder thatweareonenation?

Or are these objections grounded in fear- the fear of national unity? One is tempted to surmise that the critics fears are not that "One Guyana" is a meaningless slogan—it is thatitmightactuallywork.

President, Irfaan Ali made it abundantly clear that One Guyana is not a partisan slogan but a national policy He first articulated it in no less a place than the country's highest legislative chamber, the National Assembly and notonapoliticalplatform.

With a clarion call to unity, President Ali in his inaugural address to the National Assembly urged, “Stopbeingdefinedbyrace. Stop being defined by politics. Start being defined by our one nationality, and by our common love for our onecountry.”

This was no idle rhetoric it was a directive to dismantle the walls of division and build a nation

Dem Boys Seh...

where unity is not just aspirational but actionable. H e r e i n f o r c e d t h i s commitment by insisting, “We must move nation building from abstraction to action. And lose, not one moremomentindoingit.Let us stand up for our one nation,ourOneGuyana.”

These words, delivered with the full authority of the Presidency, in the hallowed halls of the National Assembly, affirm beyond doubt that One Guyana is a national initiative, not a partisanploy

And lest there be any confusion, he left no room for misinterpretation: “Let us stand up for our one identity – the Guyanese identity!”Thatistheessence of

One Guyana—not a party banner,butareaffirmationof asharednationalidentity

President Ali has made hisshareofmissteps

His government is far from flawless So far, he has failed to honour his commitment to establish a One Guyana Commission –a national commission, headed by the Prime Minister

But to attack a national initiative on the grounds that it is partisan, without acknowledging its roots in the very motto the country has held dear for decades, is intellectualdishonesty of the highestorder

If the politically desperate truly want something to crusade against, they need only look around There are a hundred r e

e s t o fight—corruption,economic disparity, education reform, crime. But no, they fixate on thefactthat"OneGuyana"is emblazoned on passports

Don't tek crank and prank

Some people does like to prank odder people. But nuff times de prankdoesbackfirepondem!

One time, one woman decide fuh prank she husband. She lef' a note pon de table seh she gone and she ain't coming back. But instead of leaving, she hide under de bed fuh seehowhegonreact.

Demancomehome,readdenote,scratch hehead,andtekoutapen.

He write something on de note, change he clothes, and start singing like he just win delotto.

Next thing, he pull out he phone, dial a number and begin to talk loudly, “Babes, me comingover

Thank God meh wife gone by she mother! Me been suffering too long. If me did meet you first, life woulda been sweet.” Thenhewalkoutdehousewhistling. De wife under de bed. She feelings get

and currency, as if that is the existential threat to the nation. The truth is, the inclusion of "One Guyana" on these national emblems isexactlywhereitbelongs

It is a reminder, as we cross borders and conduct commerce, that we are not

merely factions vying for supremacy, but one people withashareddestiny

(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper )

hurt. She start cry, tears streaming down her face. She crawl out from under de bed, start packing she clothes, seh she married to a traitor.Butwhenshewipeshetearsandlook atdenote,shenearlyfaint.

It read: "Yuh big toe showing under de bed, dummy. Me gone buy groceries. Yuh got enough time fuh wipe yuh tears before mecomeback."

On Wednesday deh had people mekkin' prank calls to de fire service. De fire tenders runningalloverdecity,lookingfuh firewah nahdeh.

Somebody had a good laugh. But dat laugh gan soon turn into tears. Because de police gan track de numbers from where de prank calls come Dem gan arrest de culprits andputtheminfrontdecourt.

Some people gan end up crying, like de womanwahtryfuhprankshehusband. Talk half. Leff half

Partner v. investor

Govt. to scrap children's textbook that attacks former Toshao

Chief Education Officer, Saddam Hussain, issued an apology on Thursday afternoon, after the current Toshao of a Region One Village, Nikita Miller, in a Facebookpost,calledoutthe government for utilizing a children'stextbooktospread

Chinese Landing, is quite disturbing, leaving us to wonder what the motive behind such inaccurate and defamatory information about our village is,” she wrote She added, "Our formerToshaoneverrefused or commented concerning

its political propaganda againsthervillage.

Thetextbookaccusedthe former Toshao of insulting children by refusing the government's feeding programme because he believed the money was not enough.

Miller called it negative informationandlies.“Tosee this negative information printed in a textbook, to be taught in schools about a Toshao and the village of

Education's apology was issued minutes after VicePresident Bharrat Jagdeo, at his weekly press conference on Thursday, said, “it is unacceptable” On behalf of the Education Ministry, Hussain confirmed that “insensitive materials” were foundinoneoftheministry's textbooks.“Thistextbookis, of course, Guyanese In The World It's a grade three textbook which is used by primary school learners for Social Studies”, Hussain said He added that the ministry “deeply regrets the offence or the distress” that the content caused to

parents, students, the wider community, and especially the residents of Chinese Landing. Hussain called it a failure on the ministry's q u a l i t y a s s u r a n c e mechanism “I want to assuremembersofthepublic thatthiserrorwillbefixed… and relooked at, to ensure that this does not happen again,” the CEO assured, before adding that the t e x t b o o k w i l l b e immediately withdrawn, reviewed and reprinted for redistribution “Ladies and gentlemen, again, on behalf of the of the Ministry of Education, and as Chief

Education Officer, I want to expressregret.Iwanttooffer our unconditional apology for the errors which have been found in this book,” Hussain said Chinese Landingispresentlyincourt with the State over its titled landswhichwerereportedly sold to a miner The land dispute led the government shutting down all mining in the area, affecting the livelihoodofthevillagers.

TheformerToshao,Orin Fernandes, has been at the forefront of the fight on behalf of his people to get backtheirtitledlands,which reportedlycontainsgold.

explaining,"Instead,hebuilt a concrete kitchen with villageroyalties."

According to Miller, the Toshao had to use village royalties because the funds allocatedbythegovernment wouldhavebeeninsufficient for the project. She noted that the government had deposited the cheques, but the money was never withdrawn. The Ministry of

The cover of the textbook and the section which reportedly attacks former Chinese Landing Toshao, Orin Fernandes
ChiefEducation Officer, Saddam Hussain
“I don't have time; the police can do what they want to do” - suspect tells Police …asheremovesimpoundedmotorcycle fromAmelia'sWardpoliceoutpost

One of the suspects holding the impounded motorcycle

Police are looking for two men who, on Wednesday afternoon, removed an impounded motorcycle from the Amelia's Ward police outpost.

The Guyana Police Force (GPF) in a statement said on Thursdaysaidthattheincident is being taken seriously as both men are known to the police.TheGPFstated,“Once apprehended,willfacethefull forceofthelaw.”

The incident unfolded around 18:01 hrs. when a police constable brought a black and grey Skylar motorcycle without a license plate, into the outpost compound The said constable then asked Police Constable Grant, who was on duty at the outpost desk, to lodgethemotorcycle.

As Constable Grant was lodging the motorcycle, she observed a white open-back vehicle marked with the

license plate "ON TEST" enteringthecompound.

“The vehicle had two males in the front and three boys in the back tray,” police said.

Subsequently, both men from the front exited the vehicle. The constable said that as one of the men approached the motorcycle without uttering a word, she informedhimthathecouldnot remove the motorcycle from thepolicecompound.

Notwithstanding, the man ignoredherandresponded,“I don'thavetime,thepolicecan do what they want to do," beforeloadingthemotorcycle onto the vehicle and driving outofthecompound.

The police later recovered the motorcycle at one of the suspect's homes, and it is currently being held at the Mackenzie Police Station However,theyareonthehunt forthetwosuspects.

onto the vehicle

The impounded motorcycle being placed

Zeeburg Secondary wins J.O.F Haynes Memorial

Inter-Secondary Schools Debating Competition

The 2025 Joseph Oscar Fitzclarence J.O.F Haynes Memorial Inter-Secondary

S c h o o l s d e b a t i n g Competition has concluded in a thrilling finale, with Zeeburg Secondary emerging as the national champions after an intense battle with Berbice High School.

This year's competition featured some of the most outstanding young debaters

from across Guyana,

demonstrating their research, critical thinking, and oratory skills in a series of high-level debates According to a press release from the Ministry of Education, the competition finale was held at the Ministry's National Centre for Educational Resource Development, Kingston, Georgetown.

The competition commencedonDecember3, 2024, in Region 3, where ZeeburgSecondaryfacedoff against Bygeval Secondary onthemoot,“AItechnology hasthepotentialtopositively impact education.” Zeeburg Secondary secured the win, setting the stage for a series of intellectually stimulating rounds.

The first full round of debates took place on December 4, 2024, with six schoolscontestingthemoot, “Single-gender schools will provide a superior educationalexperience.”

T h e p r o p o s i n g teams Nappi Secondary Department, Abram Zuil Secondary, and Three Miles

Secondary argued in favour, while The Bishops' High,FriendshipSecondary, and Santa Rosa Secondary opposed the argument Additionally, due to flight availability issues, Kato Secondary and Linden Foundation debated separately on January 17, 2025,inMahdiaonthemoot, “Guyana's development lies primarily in Technical, Vocational, Education and Training.”Aftertherigorous debates, The Bishops' High School, Friendship Secondary, Santa Rosa

Secondary, and Kato

Secondary advanced to Round Two, while Berbice High drew a bye to proceed automatically.

OnJanuary31,2025,the intensity of the competition escalatedasteamspresented arguments on the moot, “Government should set the curriculum but refrain from owning and operating schools ” Santa Rosa Secondary, The Bishops' High, and Friendship Secondary argued in favour, while Zeeburg Secondary, Berbice High School, and Kato Secondary opposed With compelling arguments and outstanding rebuttals, Berbice High, Zeeburg Secondary, and Friendship Secondary emerged victorious, moving on to the next stage Zeeburg Secondary, due to the tournamentstructure,drewa byedirectlyintotheFinals.

Thesemifinalroundtook place on February 26, 2025, featuring a fierce battle

between Berbice High School, which proposed the moot, “Imprisonment for minor offences should be discontinued, ” and Friendship Secondary, which opposed. Both teams presented compelling cases, challenging each other's perspectives with logic and persuasive rhetoric. After a close contest, Berbice High emergedvictorious,securing their place in the Grand Finale against Zeeburg Secondary

The much-anticipated final debate took place on a grand stage, with Berbice High proposing the moot, “Guyana should prioritize value-added industries over raw extractive exports to ensure long-term economic stability. ” Zeeburg Secondary opposed the argument,andinabattlethat showcased exceptional rhetoric, logical reasoning, and strategic rebuttals, Zeeburg Secondary claimed thechampionshiptitlewitha narrow five-point victory securing 250 pointstoBerbiceHigh's245 points. The Best Speaker award was presented to VeronicaJoseph,theSecond Speaker from Zeeburg Secondary, for her outstanding delivery and criticalanalysis.

Friendship Secondary School secured third place, with all top three schools receivingtrophiesandprizes for their commendable performances. The Ministry ofNaturalResources,which (Continuedonpage22)

Three-year-old dies after metal gate falls on her

Athree-year-oldgirldiedonWednesday evening after a metal gate fell on her while she was playing with her sibling at their homeinExmouth,EssequiboCoast,Region Three. The incident occurred around 17:20 hrs.The dead toddler has been identified as Alaia Etwaroo, a preschool student. Etwaroolivedwithhermother,28-year-old Saudia Hannif, a housewife, and her father, 30-year-oldGaneshEtwaroo,aricefarmer, alongwithotherfamilymembers.

Ganesh Etwaroo told police that moments before the incident, his two daughters,Alaiaandherfour-year-oldsister Sarfeena Etwaroo, were playing on the western side of the yard. Suddenly, their mother heard a loud noise coming from the areawherethegirlswere.

Whensherushedoutside,shediscovered “herdaughterAlaialyingonthegroundwith ametalgateontopofher,”policesaid.

Three-year-old Alaia Etwaroo

Alaia was quickly removed from beneath the gate and found to be bleeding from a wound on her forehead. She was immediately rushed to the Charity Public Hospital, but was pronounced dead on arrival. Atthescene,thepolicefoundthemetal gate, measuring approximately 10 feet in length and 6 feet in height, on the ground. Blood stains were visible in the area where the gate had fallen Investigations are ongoing.

The 2024 Joseph Oscar Fitzclarence J.O.F Haynes Memorial Inter-Secondary Schools

GRA must say why only now it’s going after Mohameds for $900M in taxes-Jagdeo

Vice President

explanations regarding concerns raised over its pursuit of over $900 million in taxes for high-end


businessman, Azruddin Mohamed, nearly five years after they arrived in the


Jagdeo made the statement during his press conference on Thursday, in

response to claims by the Mohameds that the vehicles came into the country four yearsagoandonlynowGRA is trying to conclude the transactions.

Nazar “Shell” Mohamed had suggested that the Vice PresidentwasbehindGRA's demand for taxes, totaling $900,801,201, for four vehicles. However, Jagdeo, last week, clarified that it was Azruddin Mohamed's ownsocialmediapostabout his tax contributions that initially caught the GRA's attention.

On Thursday, social

, Mikhail Rodrigues, also knownas“GuyaneseCritic,” raised concerns that the Mohameds had allegedly corruptedGRAofficials,and questioned Jagdeo on his confidence in the agency's integrity in handling the matter and going after the Mohamedsforthetaxes.

“I have not seen anyone accusing the GRA of corruption in this matter Now,clearlytheGRAhasto giveexplanationsonsomeof these issues ” Jagdeo responded. Healsoaddressedclaims madebytheMohameds,that the vehicles in question had been in the country for four yearsandthatGRAwasonly now seeking to finalize the transactions. “Now, this is not entirely accurate…three of the vehicles came in through the remigrant scheme, and those vehicles, if properly assessed, would be liable for taxes that exceed $900 million,” he said.

Jagdeoreiteratedthatthe issue only came to GRA's attentionafterasocialmedia post was made. “So, I have notseenanyallegationsthat the GRA corruptly took money or anything like that. But, you may question the length of time it took on a coupleofthevehicles,which isafairquestion,andmaybe you should ask the GRA about that,” the Vice Presidentstated. Guyanese Critic then questioned whether GRA's 14-dayresponsewindowfor the Mohameds was the tax body giving preferential treatment,stating,“Ifitwere any other Guyanese, the (Continuedonpage22)

Man on $60k bail for possession of cocaine

An Annandale, East Coast Demerara (ECD) man was on Thursday placed on $60,000 bail when he appeared at the Vigilance Magistrates' Court to answer to a possession of narcotics charge for the purpose of trafficking.

The accused, 32-year-old Azad Mohamed, was found to be in possession of 1.6 grams of cocaine on March 18,2025atAnnandale,ECD. He pleaded not guilty to the chargewhichwasreadtohim by Senior Magistrate Sunil Scarce.

The prosecution argued against bail noting that the cocaine was found in Mohamed'srightfrontpocket andthereobtainednospecial circumstances that require the accused to be granted bail.

Further, the prosecution submitted that Mohamed is

no stranger to the law as he appeared before Senior Magistrate FabayoAzore for simple larceny, burglary and robberyunderarmscharges.

The attorney told the court that all the previous charges were dismissed for failure of the defendant to appearincourt.

Meanwhile, Mohamed toldthecourtthatthecocaine does not belong to him. He pleaded with the Magistrate to grant him bail, a fine or community service reassuring the court that he willnotbeabsentfromcourt.

“Ah could afford to pay ah lil $35,000 bail,” Mohamedpleaded.

Magistrate Scarce grantedMohamedbailonthe condition that he reports to the Vigilance Police Station everyotherSaturdayat9am.

Thematterwasadjourned toApril29,2025.

Bharrat Jagdeo has stated that the Guyana Revenue Authority
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo

Risingabove thenoise:

In the vibrant tapestry of Guyana's music scene, one artist stands out not only for his dual achievements but for his unwavering vision of cultural unity.O.K.C(OseiKwado Clarke) has accomplished what few before him have attempted, placing second in both the Soca and Chutney Monarch competitions in the same year While controversy swirled around other placements and headlines focused on the winners, O K C quietly demonstrated what musical versatility and determination can achieve.

"When it comes to the Mashramanicompetitions,overthe years we have seen many specialistswhowereabletowinthe same crown on multiple occasions," O K C reflects "However, what we have not seen is a simultaneous champion across genres." This ambition to bridge musical worlds has driven him since his junior competition days and continues to fuel his artistic journey

What makes O K C's

achievement particularly significant is his cultural

Entertainment Kaieteur Kaieteur Entertainment



performing at Soca Monarch 2025

perspective. He doesn't view Soca and Chutney as belonging to separateethnictraditionsbutrather as complementary threads in Guyana's cultural fabric. "I don't see Soca and Chutney music as Afro or Indo Guyanese culture but rather as parts of our vast melting pot,"heexplains."It'shightimean

artist takes up the mantle and becomes an ambassador of both, and I know that I can be that bridge."

While many might see second place as falling short, O.K.C's philosophy reflects a deeper understanding of achievement "Personally,Iviewsecondplaceas

a win," he states with conviction. "Especially in competitions where the talent pool is so great, placing second means that I have risen to the occasion when it mattered most."Hespecificallypointstothe Chutney Monarch competition, which featured established names like Tony Cuttz, Vicadi Singh,Aw

"We will become a household name"
…Juggernaut Entertainment is transforming Berbice by bridging the entertainment gap

Georgetown has long been the epicenter of nightlife and cultural events. But deep in Berbice, a homegrown entertainment company is changingthenarrative,bringing world-class experiences to rural communities and proving that quality entertainment isn't just forthecapitalcity.

Juggernaut Entertainment, founded by Ojay Joseph, a passionate Berbician with a vision for his homeland, has been steadily building a reputation for hosting events thatrivalandsometimessurpass what'savailableinGeorgetown.

"I was born and raised in Berbice,sonaturallyIwantedto do something for the area since I've seen it lacking in quality entertainment," the founder and CEOexplains.

The path hasn't been easy Cultural differences between Berbice and Georgetown present constant challenges, from early police curfews to overcoming patrons' reluctance based on previous subpar experiences.

"The culture in Berbice is a bit different from the city in terms of nightlife," he notes. "I usually have to go above and beyond to give people a reason tocomeout."Thisdedicationto excellence means higher costs, which sometimes leads to pricing challenges in a market accustomedtocomparingprices without necessarily considering qualitydifferences.

Despite these obstacles, Juggernauthascreatedsignature events that now draw crowds from across the country Their flagship event, “DRENCHED”, described as "the ultimate wet

fete”, has grown into a national attraction held each February before the Mashramani celebrations.

What's remarkable about Juggernaut's approach is how deeplyrooteditisincommunity responsiveness. "Most of my concepts literally just come to me," Ojay shares. "Sometimes it's something I see, hear, or experience that may not even pertain to entertainment, but I nowconvertit.Ialsolistentothe concerns and comments of persons who speak on what's lacking in the area and try to bridgethatgap."

This commitment to the community extends beyond just hosting parties. Juggernaut has becomeaneconomiccatalystfor Berbice, creating ripple effects throughout the local economy "Persons from the clothing, (Continuedonpage21)

Behind the performances


fully appreciate. "A lot of people are under the impression that (Continuedonpage21)

Lyrical,andSimonNaidu.Insucha company, he sees his placement as confirmationofhisgrowingartistic presence.
lies a dedication few

Wine & Art:

How One Rotaract Club's Vision is Transforming Lives in Guyana



Guyana, a powerful fusion of creativity and community service is taking shape. The Rotaract Club of G

(RCGC) is preparing for their signature fundraising event, "Wine & Art," a celebration that goes far beyond its elegant name to create meaningful change in thelivesofGuyaneseyouth.

Born from a moment of inspiration at Pandama Resort,Wine&Artwasfirst envisionedbyPastPresident DenishaVictorduringanart exercise. What began as a combinationoftwopersonal passions – wine and artistic expression – has evolved into a platform that elevates local artists, supports small

businesses, and funds vital community service projects throughoutGuyana.

"We're creating a space for local artists to showcase their work in a country that historically hasn't had much appreciation for art," e x p l a i n s a c l u b representative. "This opens people's mindsets about Guyanese art while giving artists exposure an

opportunities to network withcollectorsandbuyers."

The event's impact extendstolocalwinemakers as well, who use this platform to share their production methods and educate the public about homegrownproduceusedin their wines. This exposure helps attendees appreciate locally made wines and

recognize that Guyanese

internationalstandards. Behind the elegant

façadeofwinetastingandart auctionsliesRCGC'sdeeper mission: developing young leaders who are committed to service and positive change. The club takes a multifaceted approach to leadership development,

focusing on professional skills through targeted projects and workshops facilitated by their Club Trainer

"Our goal is to channel thegrowthofnewleadersin Guyana who are committed to changing and developing their communities," notes the organization This commitment to leadership building is just one part of RCGC's broader vision for Guyana'syouth.

The funds raised from Wine &Art directly support signature service projects including a Back-to-School Drive,theR.E.A.D (Continuedonpage22)

Dancehall gets back 'wings'

After decades of being unable to p h y s i c a l l y connectwiththeirfanbasein theUnitedStatesduetovisa revocations, several of dancehall's pioneers have once again been given the green light to travel the 50 states.

Buju Banton, Sizzla Kalonji, Beenie Man, Vybz Kartel, and Bounty Killer have all had their US visas reinstated recently With the US market undoubtedly being one of the biggest and most lucrative for many of Jamaica's artistes, the news has sparked excitement among fans and high expectationsforthegenre.

According to several industry insiders, this recent accessibility to travelling opportunities across the US will boost the industry as it fuels an inevitable increase in dancehall's global consumption. For his part, internationally renowned

producer Cordell “Skatta” Burrell said: “We have to give it up to the US immigration authorities, because no one would ever think that under the Government of [Donald] Trump we would be seeing so many visas being [re]issued to our artistes. Whatever the reasons for them being revoked, it impactedthecareersofthese artistes.Thisnowisastepin the right direction in ensuring that these stalwarts get the opportunity to not only earn well-deserved income once more, but to ensure the message of dancehall and reggae is spreadacrosstheglobe.”

Burrell, who has been travelling alongside Vybz KartelsincehisUSVisawas reinstated, said this trend couldusherinamonumental shiftintheindustryasfaras growth for the genre is concerned. “People love to talk ill of dancehall and

dancehall artistes, and so a movelikethisisagoodlook fortheculture.We'retalking about pioneers of the genre getting the opportunity to onceagainconnectwiththeir USfanbaseforthefirsttime in more than a decade. That is monumental,” he said. “The way persons on the international circuit reacted to the news of these acts getting the chance to travel againjustgoestoshowwhat dancehall has been deprived offorthepastfewyears.The fact that these artistes have been granted their 'wings' right now, the possibilities forgrowthintheindustryare endlessrightnow.”

Burrell shared that gone are the days when dancehall acts were only able to fill small nightclub spots and underground venues in certain states. The producer saiddancehallactsareglobal phenoms capable of headlining their own shows and filling out international


“Today promoters have been incorporating dancehall acts on major platforms like Rolling Loud or Coachella and it has proven that dancehall acts can hold their own on big stages.Thenweseeactslike Buju Banton headlining his own sold-out shows in huge arenas. Vybz Kartel is about to do the Barclays Centre two nights in a row and tickets were sold out in less than 24 hours. Barclays is a 15,000/16,000venue.Thatis a huge accomplishment for anydancehallact,andthisis what dancehall needs to moveforward.”

Agreeing with Burrell, popular artiste manager and music industry executive Julian Jones-Griffith shared that, while many of dancehall's top acts faced with travel restrictions soughttomakethebestofan unfortunatesituation,theUS market is their biggest

money-maker and as such the visa revocations dealt huge blows to their careers. He said the reinstatements will mean a lot. “[T]his is a gamechangerintermsofthe chancetoearnrevenuefrom shows. The 'return' events also come with a bigger

impact and a chance to command a higher fee, as demandwillbeveryhighfor the first shows back in the US naturally,” he said, outliningthatdancehallhasa hugeopportunitytonotonly re-emerge but to dominate (Continuedonpage24)

The Rotaract Club of Georgetown Central members
Patrons taking in the display at Wine andArt 2017


A25-year-old pump attendant was found dead in a canal at Evergreen, Essequibo Coast, Region Two, sometime between Wednesday evening and Thursdaymorning.

The body has been identifiedasthatofNavindra Rambarran, who lived with his 25-year-old wife, Sarah Campbell at Evergreen, EssequiboCoast.

According to police, Rambarran died between 20:14 hrs. on Wednesday and 17:30 hrs. on Thursday Campbelltoldpolicethather husband occasionally consumed alcohol She reported that around 15:00 hrs on Wednesday, Rambarran left home on his motorcycle, but he did not return by 20:00 hrs. "She madeseveralcallstohiscell phone,andheassuredherhe was on his way home However,hedidnotreturn," policesaid.

At around 05:45 hrs. on Thursday, Campbell

received the devastating newsthatherhusband'sbody had been found floating in the canal. His motorcycle was located nearby on the

dam, with both mirrors brokenoff.

Rambarran's brother, Gavindra Rambarran, later made a report at the Charity

Police Station. Navindra's body was retrieved from the canal,anditwastakentothe Charity Cottage Hospital, where he was confirmed

dead on arrival Upon examining his body, bruises were found on his forehead, as well as fish bites on his face and right ear The body

transferred to the Suddie H

awaiting a post-mortem examination.

Dead: Navindra Rambarran


Almost two years after a fatal accident that claimed the life of a Venezuelan man, at Cullen Public Road, Essequibo Coast,in2023,atruckdriver was charged on Tuesday when he appeared at the SuddieMagistrates'Court. The 47-year-old truck driver, Rambeer Singh, of Lot 96 Lima, Essequibo Coast,isaccusedofcrashing agarbagetruckintoanearby trench,resultinginthedeath of Angel Azocar, a 39-yearold Venezuelan national, from Reliance, Essequibo Coast.

Theincidentoccurredon October14,2023.

On Tuesday, Singh was charged with causing death by dangerous driving, under Section 35(1) of the Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic Act,Chapter51:02.

Singh appeared before Magistrate Tamieka Clarke, who read the charge to him. He pleaded not guilty and was released on $500,000 bail,ontheconditionthathe reports to the Anna Regina

Police Station on the last Fridayofeverymonth.

His trial is scheduled to beginonMarch28,2025.

Kaieteur News reported that the fatal accident occu

und 05:00hrs, and involved a motor lorry, #GAE 4065, owned by Puran Brothers Disposal Inc Singh, the driverofthemotorlorry,was accompanied by three other occupants; Govie Daniels, 39,ofRichmond,Essequibo Coast; Isaiah Latchman, 26, of Lot 66 Pomona Housing Scheme, Essequibo Coast; andAzocar

It was reported that, just beforethetragedystruck,the garbage truck was heading east, along the northern driving lane of the Cullen Public Road, at a fast rate. Police said the driver claimed that while driving, he had applied brakes, and lost control while doing so. This resulted in the vehicle endingupinanearbytrench on the northern side of the road.

Asaresult,thedriverand occupants were taken out of the lorry by residents, with theassistanceoftheregion's FireService.

Itwasreportedthatwhile rescuing the occupants, Azocarwasfoundtrappedin an unconscious condition in the cabin of the truck, and wassubsequentlyremoved.

All the occupants were rushed to the Suddie Public Hospital, whereAzocar was pronounceddeadonarrival.

Rambeer Singh

PANCAP opens 9 meeting of AIDS programme managers

The Pan-Caribbean PartnershipagainstHIVand AIDS (PANCAP) on ThursdaylauncheditsNinth Annual Meeting of National A I D S P r o g r a m m e

Director, PCU, charged participants to explore innovative local solutions to alleviate the impacts of the paucity of international donor funding on regional

best chance of reaching our goal of ending AIDS in our lifetime Changing donor priorities have revealed the vulnerabilityofCSOsacross the region, with several

reduce stigma, foster better collaboration, and leverage emerging technologies

“According to data from PANCAP, the most recent cascade for the Caribbean is

Honourable Terrence Deyalsingh, Minister of Health, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Managers, uniting policymakers, civil society organizations, development partners, and advocates in a boldconvergenceofstrategy andsolidarity Against the backdrop of shared challenges and triumphs, delegates from acrosstheregiongatheredto reimagine the future of the regional HIV response, driven by a unified mission: tofast-trackprogresstoward ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. In a press release, PANCAPsaid withinnovation,data-driven solutions, and community empowerment at the forefront, the opening ceremony underscored the Caribbean's unwavering resolve to turn the tide on inequities and write a new chapter in the fight against HIV.Inheropeningremarks, Dr Shanti Singh Anthony, Coordinator of Knowledge Management, PANCAP Coordinating Unit (PCU), noted that this year we are takingstockofour95-95-95 targets and recalibrating towards the goal of ending AIDS by 2030. “At 85-8387, our deliberations over the next two days will focus on the successes in the Region; but moreover, we must be laser-focused on strategies to address the challengesandgaps.Wewill discuss approaches to scale up successful evidencebased innovations and introduce newer prevention and treatment tools, such as long-acting injectables for PrEP and point-of-care diagnosis for HIV treatment monitoringandthediagnosis of opportunistic infections,” she added. Recognising the challenges that lie ahead as the Caribbean moves forwardtomeetingthe2030 HIV prevention targets, Dr Wendy Telgt Emanuleson,

HIV programming. “I am aware that, given the uncertainty of the donor fundingplatformalongsidea clear and present need for programme continuation and scale-up in some instances, the road ahead

may seem endless Therefore, it is essential to utilize this opportunity to encourage each of us, as a partnership, to explore homegrown, domesticallyowned solutions which will enable us to bring our creativityandrenewedspirit tobear,allowingustoriseto theoccasion,justaswehave donebefore.”

Ensuring that no one is left behind in the fight against HIV and AIDS was the clarion call of Dr Dale Babb, Senior Medical Officer of Health responsible for HIV /AIDS in Barbados. “Together, we are working towards very ambitious international targets. Targets that demand innovation, collaboration, and a relentless focus on equity We need to ensure thatnooneisleftbehindand that everyone, no matter where they live, what they look like, or their circumstances, can access the services they need,” Dr Babbemphasised.

Mr Ivan Cruickshank, Executive Director of the Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition, emphasized the vital role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the regional HIV response. “Civil society and communities remain key to theHIVresponse,especially in reaching our key and affected populations, offering not only services but also hope, dignity, and empowerment.” He added, “It is through strong collaborative efforts across partnersthatwewillhavethe

havingtoscalebackorclose operations due to their relianceonexternalfunding. Ifthisissueisnotaddressed, our national programmes stand to lose significant gains ”Dr Armstrong Alexis, Deputy SecretaryGeneral, CARICOM Secretariat, in his remarks, recognized the remarkable strides the Caribbean has madeagainstHIV,achieving significant milestones such as reducing transmission rates, expanding access to life-saving antiretroviral therapyandpioneeringearly efforts to reduce and, in some cases, eliminate m o t h e r - t o - c h i l d transmission. He noted that despite the numerous persistent challenges, the Caribbean people must prevailinthemarchtowards anAIDS-freeCaribbean.

“At the CARICOM Secretariat, we recognise thattheworkyoudoisatthe heart of our Region's development agenda Health,equity,andresilience are not just aspirations; they are the foundation of a stronger, more sustainable Caribbean. While the road toachievingourtargetsmay not always be smooth, the CARICOM Secretariat remains steadfast in its support to each of you, to each Member State, and to the communities we serve together,”Dr Alexisstated.

Delivering the feature address was the Honourable Terrence Deyalsingh, Minister of Health of Trinidad and Tobago, who outlined his country's progress and strategies in combating HIV alongside regional calls to action for theCaribbean.

The Minister charged participants to explore sustainable investments in HIV programmes, further

85-83-87. In addition, we havehada22%reductionin new HIV infections from 2010 to the present. The Caribbean has always been stronger together Now, more than ever, we must work as a unified region to achieve our shared goal of ending HIV as a public health threat by 2030. It is

myhopethatwecanaddress the following: 1. Strengthen Surveillance&DataSharing

– A regional database to monitor programmatic data, including drug resistance trends and treatment gaps, and 2. Standardised Clinical i Practice Gu delines –

ceremony drew to a close, the energy in Port of Spain mirrored the Caribbean's

hopeful, and unyielding Withboldpledgestoamplify prevention, dismantle stigma,andensureequitable access to care, the meeting's opening day set a transformative tone As stakeholderspreparefortwo days of intensive dialogue, one message rings clear: the Caribbean is not merely strivingtomeettargets—itis forging a legacy of health justice for generations to come.

Melly Mel to appear before

judge on March 28

So c i a l m e d i a activist, Melissa ' M e l l y M e l ' Atwell, will appear before a U.S. immigration judge on March 28, to have her case heardforthefirsttime.

A c c o r d i n g t o information seen by this p u b l i c a t i o n o n acis.eoir.justice.gov, Atwell will be appearing before Judge Francis Mwangi virtually,at8:30am.

It was previously reported in the local media thatAtwellwasscheduledto make a court appearance on June25,buttherecordshave revealedanupdateddate.

Atwell was taken into custody last week by Homeland Security According to reports, she is allegedlybeingquestionedin relation to her activities on socialmedia,andcomplaints made against her by the GovernmentofGuyana.

MinisterofLegalAffairs and Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, on Tuesday evening, said that the government played no role whatsoever in the arrest of Melissa 'Melly Mel' Atwell in the United States. His comments came after there were protests held,

encouragingGuyaneseinthe diaspora to lobby for her release.

Thegovernmenthasbeen accused of lodging complaints about her social media criticism of them and allegedcorruption.

During his weekly programme, 'Issues in the News', Nandlall told his viewers that he had served Melly Mel a libel suit and, though he had some difficulty doing so, subsequent to that, she continued her work via her socialmediapage.

Hewentontosaythathe heard that she was arrested and detained sometime last week, and is currently being held in a federal facility in Louisiana.

He said that it was also brought to his attention, that the arresting agency is the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agency, whichisanorganisationthat primarily deals with the enforcement of immigration laws, investigating and prosecuting persons for violationsofthesaidlaw

Hefurtherexplainedthat whileAtwell'sdetentionisin relation to her immigration status, “Lo and behold, a

Socialmedia activist, Melissa 'Melly Mel'

group of persons in Guyana is protesting- presumably, based upon the utterances I amhearing-theGovernment of Guyana, and calling for the release of this person And for the avoidance of doubt, the Government of Guyana did not arrest Melissa Atwell, the Government of Guyana is not detaining Melissa Atwell, from all the information that is available, it is the US governmentthathasarrested and is detaining Melissa Atwell.”

GroupPhotographoftheparticipantsoftheNinthMeetingofNationalAIDSProgramManagersandKeyPartners.SeatedL-R, Dr.ShantiSinghAnthony,Coordinator,KnowledgeManagement,PCU,Dr ArmstrongAlexis,DeputySecretary-General,CARICOM Secretariat,Dr.DaleBabb,SeniorMedicalOfficerofHealth,responsibleforHIV/AIDS,Barbados,Dr.WendyTelgtEmanuelson,DirectorPCU

Public Works Ministry signs $6B in contracts for sea and river defence works

The Ministry of Public Works on Tuesday signed approximately $6 billion in c o n t r a c t s f o r t h e constructionofseaandriver defence structures along the country’scoastline.

The simple ceremony, held at the ministry’s Kingston office, which was overseen by Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill, saw the signing of 42 contracts.Theprojectsaimto strengthen Guyana’s flood protection infrastructure by constructing critical sections of sea and river defences in Regions 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, including Wakenaam and LeguanIslands

According to the ministry’s information, the areas identified for these works are Cullen, Onderneeming,GoodHope, and Queenstown on the EssequiboCoast;Zeelandia,

Maria’s Pleasure, and Marionville on Wakenaam

Island; Amsterdam, Canefield, and Waterloo on Leguan Island; Den Amstel, La Jalousie, and La Retraite in West Demerara; Buxton, Garden of Eden, Friendship, Hope, Essex/Concord, and Mahaica in East Demerara; Belladrum/Washington and Abary on the West Coast of Berbice; and No. 58-62 Villages, Bengal, and Crabwood Creek in East Berbice. Speaking to the contractors at the signing ceremony, Minister Edghill stressed the importance of maintaininghighstandardsof workandensuringthetimely completionoftheseprojects “He also reassured that there isnoshortageofmaterialsto carry out the necessary construction,” the ministry stated.

This publication reportedpreviouslythatwith

$8.2 billion expended last year under this programme, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh, during this year’s budget presentation, said, “We have since made significant strides in developing our coastal resilience Over the last four years, we facilitated several initiatives, including the construction of over 23,900 meters of new sea defence structures along Guyana’s coastline.

Additionally, over 1,200 hectares of mangroves were developed, combining ecological restoration with engineering techniques to deliver effective and sustainable coastal protection”

Meanwhile, this year, to continue the sea and river defence programme, the Public Works Ministry was allocated another $8 2 billion.

"We will become a household name"...

Frompage15 beauty, and hospitality industry usually rave when events are released because they always see a spike in business," the founder proudlystates. The company's impact growswitheachinternational artisttheybringtoBerbice,a listthatimpressivelyincludes Christopher Martin, Shenseea, Jahmiel, Destra Garcia, Valiant, and Yung Bredda Each performance helpsresetexpectationsabout what's possible outside Georgetown.

What makes this achievement even more impressive is the infrastructure limitations Juggernaut must overcome. "There'snoproperlysecured

venuetoutilize,soIusually have to improvise, which takes my expenses way up," he explains Yet, despite these challenges, the quality never suffers. The company p r i o r i t i z e s l o c a l involvement, employing Berbiceresidentsasstaffand vendors while showcasing local talent alongside internationalacts."Iinvolve our local talents in every major event so as to bring awarenesstotheircraft,"the founderemphasizes. T h e c o m m u n i t y response speaks volumes. "Personsarealwayseagerto know what's next," he says, noting that Berbicians no longer feel they must travel to Georgetown for quality entertainmentexperiences.

This success story represents more than just good business—it's a model for rural development throughculturalinvestment. As Juggernaut continues to grow, with ambitions that stretch beyond Guyana's borders, they're proving that w i t h v i s i o n a n d determination, geographical limitations need not restrict excellence. For other rural entrepreneurs watching Juggernaut's rise, the message is clear: your community deserves worldclass experiences, and with enough passion and perseverance,youcanbethe one to provide them. "We will become a household name, " the founder confidentlypredicts.

O.K.C's journey through soca and chutney...

Frompage15 competing is just running andsingingonstage,"O.K.C notes "However, the journey to get there takes a lot of work " His competition preparation typically begins in August, withmonthsoftirelesseffort alongsidehisteamtoensure every element is perfected fortheperformanceday This journey hasn't been without evolution What beganas"sidemissions"has transformed into a platform of responsibility "I no

l o n g e r s e e t h e s e competitions as a 'Side Mission',' but as a platform where the winners have a responsibility to contribute to their respective genres," he says, hinting at his expanding vision for Guyanese music.For those

watchingfromthesidelines, particularly young artists feeling overshadowed by f l a s h i e r o r m o r e controversial performers, O K C offers simple but profound advice: "Stay true to yourself because, in the long run, nothing beats authenticity."

The future looks promising for this versatile artist. He mentions ongoing collaborations with both localandregionalproducers, writers, and artists, suggesting that his crossgenre approach will continue to expand beyond competitionstages. If he could speak to his younger self about navigating the highs and lowsofamusicalcareer,his message would be characteristically grounded:

US to Caricom countries: No draft travel ban list exists

The United States says thereisnolistofadrafttravel ban after some Caribbean Community (Caricom) countrieshadpubliclycalled onWashingtontoconfirmor denysuchalistexisted.

“Well,firstofall,thereis no list. What people are looking at over these last several days is not a list that existsherethatisbeingacted on. There is a review, as we knowthroughthePresident’s executive order, for us to look at the nature of what’s gonna help keep America safer when dealing with the issue of visas and who’s allowed into the country,” saidUSDepartmentofState spokesperson, Tammy Bruce.

“But what has being touted as something as an item through the State Departmentjustsimplyisn’t the case,” she added. Over the last weekend, the New York Times newspaper reported that six Caribbean countries-StLucia,Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, St Kitts- Nevis, Cuba, and Haiti, have been included in a proposed list of countries facing potential travel restrictions under theTrump administration.

According to the newspaper, the proposal developedbydiplomaticand security officials categorises countriesintothreelevelsof restrictions:a“red”listof11 nations whose citizens

would be flatly barred from entering the United States, including Cuba and Venezuela; an “orange” list of ten countries, which includes Haiti, for which travelwouldberestrictedbut not cut off; and a “yellow” list of 22 nations, including the four Eastern Caribbean nations, which would be given 60 days to clear up perceived deficiencies, with the threat of being moved to one of the other lists if they didnotcomply

Antigua and Barbuda formally requested clarificationfromtheUnited States and in a diplomatic note sent to the US State Department last Saturday, the Antigua and Barbuda Embassy in the US expresseddeepconcernover the March 15 article in The NewYorkTimes.

“The Embassy expresses its deep concern about these reports and respectfully requests clarification regarding whether the Department of State has, in fact, drawn up such a list

naming Antigua and Barbuda, ” stated the diplomatic note “The Government of Antigua and Barbuda has received no priornoticefromanybranch of the US Government regarding this matter, and thus, would be grateful for any official information the Department of State can provide,”itadded.

The governments of the other Caribbean countries also expressed similar concerns with Castries sayingthatithadreceivedno officialcommunicationfrom the US, while St Kitts and Nevis and Dominica said they were also seeking clarification. Basseterre said thatsinceAugust2022,ithas maintained open dialogue with the US government, particularly regarding reformstoitsCitizenshipby I n v e s


( C B I ) programme, through which foreign investors receive citizenshipofthetwinisland Federation in return for m

investment in the socioeconomic development of thecountry St Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda and Dominica also ha

ar CBI programme and the four

themselves and the United S

e programme is not abused by c

r undesirable investors Antigua and Barbuda also indicated that all applicants undergo rigorous vetting by recognised international agencies, including Interpol, to ensure that no one with a criminal background or current charges, including terrorism, is considered (CMC)

"No matter the outcome, always remain humble and keepmovingforward."

With clear goals established since beginning his journey in 2021, O.K.C has demonstrated that focus and discipline can cut through controversy and noise. As he continues to build bridges between musical traditions, his story offers a refreshing counterpoint to the typical competition narratives, remindingusthatsometimes the most inspiring journeys happen just beyond the spotlight.

Follow O K C's continuing journey on Facebook (Osei Clarke), I n s t a g r a m (@okc_theartiste),YouTube (O.K.C The Artiste), and TikTok(okcmusik).



needed, must be 30 -45 years old 8 am-4:30 pm at Republic Park E.B.D. Contact: 715-4717.

Domestic needed to work in Campbellville, $6000. Call: 624-7436.

Selling your house or unfinished building, give us a call :216-0671 / 692-8464 or Whatsapp 622-0267.

Need a grocery shopper, ship chandler or visa application preparer: USA, Canada, UK ETA. 626-7040.

Electrical Repairs- transformer, powertools, vaccum, water pump, air cooler, etc at Friendship, EBD. WhatsApp: 659-5664, Call: 627-7835.

We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 654-9711/ 6838734.

Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.

House plan drawing, Estimates, Grubbing of land and Sand filling K.Lakeram Building Contractor. Call 216-0671 / 692-8464 or Whatsapp 622-0267.

Family fun Aracari Resort! crystal clear pool, safe kids & adult sections, music & food. W.B.D. Call: 264-29469


Suriname Tours- Easter weekend tour to Suriname. WhatsApp/ Call: 639-2663 / 673-2348 for more info.

Maid for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.

Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Male cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Male cleaner for yard in East Bank area, two (2) days a week, Call: 615-9132.

Enthusiastic, customer- focused sales rep for Georgetown, able-bodied sales driven. $90k monthly & benefits. Whatsapp: 6886868.

General Domestic ,Apply at Keyfood Mc Doom village next to the post office. 4 day work.

One (1) painter needed. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

One clerk for TSI Eccles office English 1, Maths 2. Call: 615-9132 or email application to techserigy@yahoo.com

Supervisor and Receptionist needed, 25-45 years at 233 South Road, Lacytown. Call: 225-0198.

Kitchen assistant needed. For more info Call: 676-5534 / 6183696.

Vacancy exists for Carpenter, Mason, Truck driver. Contact: 656-0603 / 624-1230 / 624-9504.

AM/ PM Cashiers, Sales representative, Shelf Restockers, Porters & bond Clerk. Contact: 609-2995, email: survivalhumanresources2@gmail.com.

1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956. One Unregistered Nissan X-Trail 2016 model, Mode Premiere. Call : 649-0956.

How One Rotaract Club’s Vision is Transforming...

From page 16 initiative, feeding programs, and Christmas Cheer programs for underserved communities. In 2018, the event’s proceeds even transcended national borders, supporting a water and sanitation initiative by the Rotaract Club in Haiti. For RCGC members, some of the most moving moments come from their ongoing work with the St. John Bosco Boys Home. “Witnessing their eagerness to learn, their joy and innocence, and their genuine appreciation for us as mentors is truly special,” shares a member. “Their

warmth, curiosity, and resilience continue to inspire us.”

. Call : 679-9996


This year’s Wine & Art will feature performances by talents like Omiah Hall, Kady Kish, and Timothy Roberts, alongside artwork from emerging artists including Maharanie Jhillu, Annastaisa Duncan, and Shaquille Adonis. Wines distributed by Ansa McAl and cocktails from Hawaiian Shaved Ice will complement the creative atmosphere. Success for this event isn’t measured solely in dollars raised. The club looks at the overall impact, networking opportunities created, and support provided to individuals within the art and wine industries. This year, they’re placing special emphasis on honoring the artists who have collaborated with them over the years, offering recognition and prizes to demonstrate their appreciation.

Looking ahead, RCGC envisions Wine & Art evolving into a multi-day festival encompassing broader aspects of Guyanese culture – dance workshops, local cuisines, theater, and film produced by Guyanese creators. This expansion would further their long-term goals of reducing

youth criminal activity, developing educational opportunities, and preserving Guyana’s rich cultural identity. Through Wine & Art, the Rotaract Club of Georgetown Central is weaving together the threads of creativity, entrepreneurship, and service to create a tapestry of positive change. In a country where both art appreciation and youth development face challenges, they’re proving that with vision and dedication, young leaders can transform their communities one glass of wine and one brushstroke at a time.

GRA must say why only now it’s going...

From page 14 vehicles would have already been in GRA’s bond. Do you trust GRA’s process?”

Jagdeo responded, “GRA has to go through a proper process, this is not a cake shop agency.” He further noted that GRA is an independent revenue authority and not a political arm of the gov-


One Two 2 Bedroom Apartment in South Ruimveldt Garden. 250 k per month. Call : 667-2222.

One family apartment for rent in AA, Eccles. Call : 653-1003.

2.2 Acre Land at Garden of Eden second Dam E.B.D Opposite GPL Plant 7 Houses on on the right. Contact : 6472473 / 266-5777


Riverside land for sale in Wales next to the Gas Shore. Call Star Alliance Realty: 686-3231, 929-355-7639.

Roadside Heroes Highway Land for Sale, Garden of Eden

3.8 or 6 acres. Contact : 6211139 / 712-4020

Small Farmers mini Tractor, complete plows - coutock plows. Cantact : 624-0646.

For Sale 6 used American made Dental chairs excellent condition contact Mr Vino on 661-3030 or 626-8918


“What if one of the remigrants can prove that they actually lived here the 183 days per year in the last two years (in accordance to the law), then that would mean that the information available to the GRA might be false, and they don’t have to worry about paying the taxes because they would have met the condition,” Jagdeo explained. “You have to give taxpayers a period, and they got 14 days to respond to the allegation. It’s natural justice. You can’t just go and pick up the people’s vehicle the same day without giving them that right to respond,” he added. Jagdeo maintained that due process must be followed and that the GRA’s decision to allow the Mohameds time

to respond was part of a fair legal procedure. In separate letters dated March 4, 2025, GRA’s Law Enforcement and Investigation Division outlined the findings and financial obligations for the owners of a 2021 Toyota Land Cruiser, a 2020 Lamborghini Roadster, and a 2020 Ferrari 488. According to GRA, the declared values of two Toyota Land Cruisers—PAB 3000 and PAB 4000—were found to be inconsistent with similar vehicles. Consequently,the values were adjusted, and the owners were notified that each vehicle now carries an additional tax liability of $24,641,272. In another case, a 2020 Lamborghini Roadster, with registration PZZ 4000, was also found to have an undervalued declaration. GRA has now adjusted its value

and imposed additional taxes amounting to $371,775,168. Additionally, GRA said that it launched an investigation into a tax-exempted Ferrari 488 owned by a re-migrant. The authority found that the owner failed to meet the required residency period, did not present the vehicle for periodic checks, and was not using it as intended under the terms of the exemption. As a result, GRA is demanding the repayment of $479,743,489 in foregone taxes. “As a result, you are required to show cause why the Revenue Authority should not demand the foregone Customs Duty and Taxes,” one of the letters stated. Notably, the Mohameds’ lawyer has already made contact with the GRA.

Zeeburg Secondary wins J.O.F Haynes...

From page 13 provided the moot for the Finals, awarded three trophies to the top-performing teams in recognition of their excellence in debating.

In appreciation of the dedication and hard work of the coaches, each teacher who guided their teams received $30,000. The victorious debaters from Zeeburg Secondary were each awarded $20,000, while the second-place winners from Berbice High received $10,000

each. The competition not only rewarded excellence but also reinforced the importance of debate as a medium for youth empowerment and national development. As the 2024 champions, Zeeburg Secondary now holds the prestigious title and wellearned bragging rights until the 2025 National Competition, set to begin in September 2025.

The J.O.F Haynes Memorial Inter-Secondary Schools Debating Competition is a

prestigious event that fosters intellectual growth, public speaking abilities, and analytical thinking among secondary school students. Named in honour of J.O.F Haynes, a distinguished Guyanese legal luminary and advocate for education, the competition has served as a platform for shaping future leaders and policy influencers. This year’s competition was no exception, showcasing exceptional talent from students nationwide.

Aracari Hotel renovated rooms ,A/C, TV, Restaurant, bar, pool, gym Stay 7 nights, 1 Free! Call:
5 Miles Bartica & Garnett Street, Campbellville

Shulinab Health Facility to get $32M upgrade

Fourteen contractors have submitted bids to rehabilitate the Shulinab Health Facility, located in theSouthCentralRupununi, RegionNine. The project is estimated to cost $32 million and will be overlooked by Region Nine’sRegionalDemocratic Council(RDC).

Below are the companies and their bids: RegionalDemocraticCouncilofRegionNine. UpgradingofShulinabHealthFacility,RegionNine.

ConstructionofBridge PotarinauCrossing,RegionNine.

Bids were opened recently at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board

(NPTAB) office, where it was disclosed that the 14 contractors bid between $26 million and $31 million for thecontract.

ConstructionofStaffQuarteratthe KarasabaiSouthRupununi,RegionNine.

In addition to this, the RDCisplanningtoconstruct a 16’ x 190’ concrete and wooden bridge across the Sawariwau Creek in Shiriri,

at an estimated cost of $40 million and another at Potarinau Crossing, which will cost approximately $80 million.

MinistryofPublicWorks SupplyandDeliveryofPatrolBoat.

ConstructionofBridgeAcross SawariwauCreek,RegionNine.

Trinidad: Teachers behaving badly TSC:12casesofsexualmisconductannually

Trinidad ExpressTHERE are approximately 10 to 12 reported cases of sexual misconduct by teachersannually

So said chairman of Teaching Service

Commission (TSC) Elizabeth Crouch at the Public Administration and Appropriation Committee Meeting on Tuesday She made the statement when asked by committee member Senator Wade Mark to elaborate on

reported cases of misconductreceivedbythe TSC.

Crouch said that there were 101 cases of misconductfor2024andof those10to12werecasesof sexualmisconduct.

She said, in such cases, if a teacher is before a tribunal at the Service Commissions Department (SCD) they would be on suspension with pay However, if a teacher is before the tribunal for irregularityandpunctuality, it would be noted as misconduct by theTSC but theywillnotbesuspended.

The chairman also said that the TSC faced challenges in addressing cases of indiscipline due to the prolonged tribunal proceedingsintheSCD.

Asked by Mark about

who employed the members of the tribunal, SCD Director of Personnel Administration (DPA) Corey Harrison said that

Shesaidtherewerealso approximately 10 to 12 reported cases of physical abuse and the illegal administration of corporal punishment respectively at various schools in Trinidad andTobago.

theywerecontractedbyhis office.

Harrison explained that his office contracted membersofthetribunaland their job was to provide a reportwhichwouldbeused by the SCD to determine whether or not the accused is guilty Mark then asked: “And do you find that...the level of efficiency in addressingthesematters,do they leave much to be desired? Doyouthinkthat, forinstance,weneedtopay

attentiontothatalittlemore in terms of from the moment it is committed to the point when you take a final decision, if the person’sguilty,notguiltyas thecasemaybe?”

Crouch said that for cases of punctuality investigations are usually carried out by school supervisors who gather data. She said: “They’re given a certain period of time in which to complete the investigation. Once all

that data comes in that the allegation that you were 12,000 minutes late, then it is brought to the Commission to move forward with the matter Then it is assigned to a tribunal. But the tribunal is dealingwithalltheissuesin the public service, so it takesawhile.”

Crouch said what also extendstheperiodoftimeis iftheofficerdoesnotplead guilty and hires an attorney and then the matter “is draggedout”.

“But our particular concern is what is happeningtoourchildren,” shestressed.

She explained: “When these delays happen, sometimes the child may havelefttheprimaryschool and would have left the secondary school. Parents are unwilling to have their

children, the victims, to furthertestifytotrauma.So, it is a matter of concern, which is why we have approachedtheDPAtofind a funding for a tribunal specifically for teachers Because children are being affected.”

“What we really are looking at would be corporal punishment, sexual grooming, sexual assault, and the irregularity andunpunctuality Anditis really not acceptable to havethosemattersdelayed. The teacher who is late or continuestobelatebecause this thing might take two yearsormore.

And what is happening in the meantime? But more importantlyforus,thechild who has been affected may very well have to leave school with that matter unresolved,”shestressed.

At least 91 killed in Gaza as Israel abandons ceasefire, orders evacuations


20 (Reuters) - At least 91 Palestinians were killed and dozens wounded in airstrikes across Gaza on Thursday after Israel resumed bombing and ground operations, the enclave's health ministry said, effectively ditching a two-month-oldceasefire.

After two months of relative calm, Gazans were again fleeing for their lives after Israel effectively abandoned a ceasefire, launching a new all-out air and ground campaign against Gaza's dominant Palestinian militant group Hamas.

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Israeli aircraft dropped leaflets on residential neighbourhoods, ordering peopleoutofBeitLahiyaand Beit Hanoun towns in the north, the Shejaia district in Gaza City and towns on the eastern outskirts of Khan Younisinthesouth.

Late onThursday, Israel's military said it had begun ground operations in the Shaboura district of Gaza's southernmost city Rafah, which abuts the Egyptian border.

" W a r i s b a c k , displacement and death are back, will we survive this round?"saidSamedSami,29, who fled Shejaia to put up a tent for his family in a camp onopenground.

Aday after sending tanks into central Gaza, the Israeli military said on Thursday it had also begun conducting groundoperationsinthenorth of the densely populated enclave, along the coastal routeinBeitLahiya.

Hamas, which had not retaliated during the first 48 hours of the renewed Israeli assault, said its fighters fired rocketsintoIsrael TheIsraeli military said sirens sounded in the centre of the country after projectiles were launchedfromGaza.

Some Gazans said there were no signs yet of preparationsbyHamasonthe ground to resume fighting

But an official from one militant group allied to Hamas, who asked not to be identified, told Reuters on Thursday that fighters, including from Hamas, had been put on alert awaiting further instructions. Fighters had also been told to stop usingmobilephones.


A child looks on as people mourn Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes, at the European hospital in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip March 20, 2025. REUTERS/Hatem Khaled

bridge differences over terms to extend the ceasefire, the military resumed its air assaults on Gaza with a massive bombing campaign on Tuesday before sending soldiersinthedayafter HUNDREDSDEAD

ItsaidonThursdaythatits forces had been engaged for the past 24 hours in what it described as an operation to expand a buffer zone separating the northern and southern halves of Gaza, known as the Netzarim corridor

Israelorderedresidentsto stay away from the Salahuddinroad,Gaza'smain north-south route, and said

they should travel along the coastinstead

Tuesday's first day of resumed airstrikes killed more than 400 Palestinians, one of the deadliest days of the 17-month-old conflict, withscantlet-upsincethen.

In a blow to Hamas as it sought to rebuild its administration in Gaza, this week's strikes have killed some of its top figures, includingthedefactoHamasappointed head of the Gaza government, the chief of security services, his aide, and the deputy head of the Hamas-runjusticeministry

The Islamist group said the Israeli ground operation

New Christ Church Secondary to be completed by May

TheMinistryofEducation has confirmed that the construction of the brand new Christ Church Secondary School in Georgetown will befullycompletedinMayof thisyear

This was confirmed following a visit to the project site by Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand and other senior officials of the ministry on Wednesday According to information released by the ministry, the minister was informed that the project is currently 90% complete and is on track for fullcompletioninMay

“Destroyed by fire in 2023,theMinisterexpressed satisfaction with the progress of the construction and emphasized the importance of the new facility in enhancing the educational experience for students,”theministrysaid.

At a press conference in January, the minister had explained that an extension

was given to the contractor tohavetheschoolcompleted in March due to a change of design. The school was originally scheduled for a February 2024 completion. This newspaper reported that the reconstruction of the school started after a fire, which gutted the original building. Following this, in June 2023, the Ministry had inked seven contracts totalling $688.1 million to rebuild. The seven contracts includedLot-1Construction of Sub-Structure – BM

Property Investment Inc.

($303,595,000.00); Lot -2

Super-Structure – Zeco Group of Services Inc. ($295,137,706.00); Lot -3

Installation of Electrical Infrastructure & Fixtures –N Balgobin & Sons Contracting Service & Electrical Supplies ($41,938,500 00); Lot -4

Installation of Plumbing Infrastructure and Fixtures –BM Property Investment Inc. ($17,600,000.00); Lot5 Installation of Air Conditioning Infrastructure and Units – A. Ograsein &

Sons General Contracting ($10,745,000 00); Lot -6

Installation of Fire Prevention Units – A Ograsein & Sons General

C o n t r a c t i n g

($6,759,000.00); and Lot -7 Masonry and Finishing W o r k – P a n t h e o n

C o n s t r u c t i o n I n c ($12,385,800.00).

Among the many new features of the school, it will have fire prevention and retardant mechanisms and components.

Some of these include but are not limited to fire

extinguishers, smoke detectors, and some materials that will be used that are not highly flammable.

It was reported that instead of splitting the students of the school, a decision was made by teachers and parents to have them accommodated at the Cyril Potter College of Education,Turkeyen.

truce, cut off all supplies to Gaza and said it was restarting its military campaign to force Hamas to freeremaininghostages.

TheIsraelimilitarysaidit had intercepted two missiles fired towards Israel from Yemen on Thursday, one in the early hours and the other intheevening

There were no reports of casualties Iran-aligned Yemeni Houthi forces have occasionally fired missiles at Israel in support of PalestiniansinGaza


and the incursion into the Netzarim corridor were a "new and dangerous violation" of the ceasefire agreement.

In a statement, it reaffirmed its commitment to the deal and called on mediators to "assume their responsibilities".

ForIsrael,areturntofullblown war could prove complicated, some current and former Israeli officials say, amid waning public support and burnout among military reservists Protesters accuse Netanyahu of continuing the war for political reasons and endangering the lives of remaininghostages.

Atemporaryfirstphaseof theceasefireendedatthestart of this month Hamas wants to move to an agreed second phase, under which Israel would be required to negotiate an end to the war and withdrawal of its troops from Gaza, and Israeli hostages still held there would be exchanged for Palestinianprisoners.

Israel has offered only a temporary extension of the


From page 16 theUSmarketoncemore.

“Youusedtolookatalist of options for promoters and stageshowsanditwasbleak, butthisisgreatforeveryone.

Arising tide lifts all boats. It means stage shows will be able to flourish again where they were once starved of a diversityofartistestochoose from, ” Jones-Griffith continued.

Like his colleagues, Raymond “Shadow” Small, director of communications

for Prism Marketing Consultants, whose clientèle includes a number of top reggae and dancehall artistes, believes the US visa

Theceasefirehadallowed HudaJunaid,herhusbandand family to return to the site of theirdestroyedhometocamp outintheruins

Buttheywerenowforced to flee again, packing their few remaining belongings into a donkey cart and searching for a new place to pitchtheirtentnearaschool.

"We don't want war, we don'twantdeath Enough,we arefedup Therearenolonger children in Gaza, all of our children are dead, all of our relativesaredead,"shesaid.

Speaking to Reuters on Thursday, a Hamas official saidmediatorshadsteppedup efforts with the two warring sidesbutnobreakthroughhad yetcome

The war began after Hamas militants attacked Israeli communities near the GazaborderinOctober2023, killing 1,200 people and taking over 250 hostages, accordingtoIsraelitallies.

More than 49,000 Palestinians have been killed in the ensuing conflict, according to Gaza's health authorities, with much of the enclavereducedtorubble

gets back...

reinstatement will allow the genretoreachnewheights.

“With the reinstatement of US visas for these legendary artistes, we're witnessing a transformative moment for reggae and dancehall,”hesaid.

“This not only opens doors for increased global exposure but also positions the genre to reach new heights, in terms of fan e n g a g e m e n t , l i v e performances and digital streams, ensuring that Jamaican music continues to grow its influence on the international stage,” said S m a l l ( J A M


Sections of the new school building.


Americans fight wars for interests

Kirsty Coventry elected new IOC president, becomes first woman and African in the role

CNN - Kirsty Coventry has been elected as the 10th PresidentoftheInternational Olympic Committee (IOC), becoming the first woman and African to ever be electedtotheposition.

Coventry,41,willalsobe the youngest ever to assume the role and came through a field of seven contenders in the seaside resort of Costa Navarino in Greece to land the most powerful job in

world sport. Coventry will officiallytakeuptheroleon June 24, after incumbent Thomas Bach steps down following a 12-year spell in charge.

Coventry will arrive at a time of heightened geopolitical uncertainty around the globe, question marks over the direction of the Olympic movement in the 21st century, and more scrutiny than ever on issues

concerning gender identity andequality,amongothers.

“Thisisanextraordinary moment.

As an nine-year girl, I never thought I would be standing up here one day getting to give back to this incredible movement of ours,” Coventry said after herelection.

Before becoming a memberoftheIOC,shewas a standout athlete for

Zimbabwe Coventry has won seven of the country’s eight Olympic medals to date.At the 2004 Olympics in Athens, she won three medals,includinggoldinthe 200m backstroke before successfully defending her titlefouryearslater

Thefirstroundofvoting onThursdayinGreecedidn’t proceed without issues though, with numerous voters complaining about p

systems. At one point, IOC director general Christophe De Kepper – who was hosting the voting

Friday March 21, 2025


Increasedenthusiasmforyour favoriteprojectmay take you inanewdirection,Aries.You could even decide to change careers in order to devote yourself more fully to doing what you've discovered you lovethemost.


If you're in a committed relationship, expect to feel a new sense of mutual purpose and make some new friends. Ifyouaren'tinvolved.


Positive emotions like love, enthusiasm, or optimism that havebeenrepressedforyears could surface today, bringing a new sense of joy and anticipation for the future, Gemini.


Groupactivitieslikeralliesor festivals could take place in your neighborhood today You may attend, Cancer, and you could learn some new concepts that give impetus to yourspiritualgrowth.


The development of a talent that you've neglected could have surprising results, Leo. You could find that it's just what you need in order to expand your horizons and catapult you into whatever situationyouwanttobein.


A period of great inner transformation and powerful upheaval in your outer life is cominguponyounow,Virgo. A part of you wants to welcomeitandchargeahead, whileanotherpartholdsback,



Your intuition should be growing by leaps and bounds. Today you may get psychic messages from everywhere, both personal and universal.

T h i s c a n b e a b i t overwhelming,Libra.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Anumberofnewandexciting relationships could appear in your life now, some of them showingpromiseofbecoming close. Old ones seem to be fading. This can make you a littlesad,Scorpio.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Rewards from hard work and dedication could finally be in the offing, Sagittarius. You experience the warm feeling that comes from deep satisfaction and knowing that youdeserveeverything


Educational or spiritual growthonyourpartislikelyto attract new friends who could become close companions There could even be a new romanticpartnerin thebunch.

This comes from the expansionofyourmind.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)An increase in your financial status could lead to changes in your household. You might choose to redecorate or purchase new furniture or move to a better place.


nnertransformationislikelyto make a big difference in your communications right now, Pisces Your relationships could improve because you're moreopenandhonestwithout beingtooblunt.

humorously said that a member was “testing his p


To the surprise of many, thevotingwasquicklyclosed after the first round with a winner already reaching the absolutemajority(50%+one vote)markneeded.

And after a 30-minute b

ch’s replacement and the 10th presidentoftheIOC;ofthe97 votes, Coventry received 49, while second-placed Juan Antonio Samaranch got 28 “Thisisnotjustahugehonour, butit’salsoareminderofmy commitment to every single oneofyouthatIwillleadthis organization with so much pride with the values at the coreandIwillmakeallofyou very, very proud and extremely confident in the decision that you’ve taken today,”Coventrysaid

“Thank you from the bottomofmyheart,andnow, we’ve got some work together This race was an incredible race and it made usbetter,madeusastronger movement.”

Coventry’s first major event to oversee will be the Milan-Cortina Winter Games next year in Italy, withtheOpeningCeremony lessthan11monthsaway

In her manifesto for the IOC presidency, Coventry stated she hopes to make sport “a bridge between countries and cultures, a source of hope and a force forgood.”

She also stressed her commitment to addressing inequality in sports, “which also means strengthening women’s sports by protecting female athletes and promoting equal opportunities for women at alllevelsofourmovement.”

Coventry has seven Olympic medals to her name. (Tim Clary/AFP/Getty

Japan first nation to qualify for 2026 FIFA World Cup

BBC Sport - Japan have become the first nation to book their place in the 2026 FIFA World Cup through qualifiersbybeatingBahrain 2-0inSaitama.

Crystal Palace’s Daichi

K a m a d a a n d R e a l Sociedad’s Takefusa Kubo scored in the second half as theJapaneseprogressedwith three games to spare in the third round of the qualification campaign in Asia. Canada, Mexico and the United States were

alreadyguaranteedaplacein next year’s expanded World Cup as the hosts but the Samurai Blue are the first to dosoviathequalifiers.

The Asian Football Confederation is guaranteed eight spots in the 48-team

tournamentwithanadditional place available through intercontinentalplay-offs

Qualifyingsees18teams split into three groups in the third round with the top two from each group qualifying fortheWorldCup.Thesides

thatfinishthirdandfourthin each group advance to the fourthroundtobattleforthe remainingspotsavailablefor the continent Japan, managed by Hajime Moriyasu, had reached the last 16 of the 2022 World

CupinQatar,onlytoloseto Croatiaonpenalties. They posted six wins from six matches in the second round of the 2026 qualifiers and are also unbeaten in the third round withsixwinsandadraw

Livo, Condor emerge winners of the 2-Day Premier Eagles Invitational Volleyball Tournament

Surinamese Female volleyball team Condor stood out at the Premier Eagles Invitational Volleyball Tournament. T

Surinamese Female volleyball teams Livo and Condor,wereamongthetop teams following the end of the two-day Premier Eagles Invitational Volleyball

Tournament which concluded last weekend at theNationalGymnasium.

Heated competition featuring several teams vying for top honours and braggingrightsspikedoff

as 5 male and 3 female squads locked in for battle.

Both Livo and Candor represented Suriname, with Guyana Defence Force (GDF), Linden Select, Premier Eagles and Port Mourant Training Centre, thelocalteamsonshow Inthewomen’ssegment, CondorbattledGDFwiththe latter coming out the blocks strong, to grab the first set

25-11 but the GDF put in a much-improved showing before surrendering the secondset25-17.

Over in the men’s categoryCandormenhadto digdeepagainsttheGuyana DefenceForceside.

Condorwouldclinchthe firstset25-22butalatesurge shiftedthemomentumasthe soldiers equalized with the secondsetwin18-25.

The third and deciding set saw Condor pulling out thestopstowin15-9totake the win Livo men then

stopped Eagle’s Volleyball side in three sets 25-23, 1825and15-10.Whenthetwo teamsmetagaininthefinalit

was a similar result with Livowinninginstraightsets 27-25, 25-21 and 25-18 againstthehostEagles.

In a proactive move to foster a safer and more responsible sporting environment, the National Sports Commission (NSC), in collaboration with the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), will be hosting a meeting tomorrow, Saturday, March 22, at the Cliff Anderson SportsHallfrom10:00a.m.

The meeting is a mandatory engagement for all executive members of National Federations and Associations.

The focus will be on criminal law, with a special emphasis on the Sexual Offences Act. Discussions willbeledbyAssistantDPP, TiffiniLyken,andtheDPP’s Communications Officer, Liz Rahaman, who will provide essential insights into legal matters affecting thesportinglandscape.

The initiative is particularly significant as it coincides with International Women’sDayandWomen’s Month observances, reinforcing the collective commitment to raising a w a r e n e s s a n d strengthening the fight against domestic violence, includingsexualviolence. Notably, the meeting will address critical issues surrounding the protection of women and children, e n s u r i n g t h a t a l l stakeholders within the

sporting fraternity are wellinformed and equipped to contribute to a safe and just sportingcommunity

With increasing global attention on safeguarding individuals in sports, the forum presents an invaluable opportunity for sports administrators to understand their legal o b l i g a t i o n s a n d responsibilities The discussions will highlight preventativemeasures,legal repercussions, and the role of sports organizations in fosteringacultureofrespect andaccountability

The NSC urges all inviteestomakeeveryeffort to attend this essential meeting, as the insights gainedwillnotonlyenhance governance within sports but also contribute to the overall well-being and security of athletes and officialsalike.

Farm Supplies Ltd. supports Bartica Regatta 2025

Farm Supplies Ltd (FARMSUP)hasonceagain come on board to support Guyana oldest Regatta, which continues to grow strong, the Bartica Easter Regatta. Being held under thetheme,“DatIsIt”andset tocommenceonApril5with

a launch at Mary’s Resort located at Bamford Point, thisyear’sactivitiesthatwill run from April 5-21, this year’s activities is set to be thebiggest.

Corporate support has alwaysbeenoneofthemost significant pillars of the

success of this event and FARMSUP has made its presence felt once again to ensure that the athletes for themultipleeventsandfans, experienceafabuloustime.

company’s contribution to

CommitteewasSeniorSales Coordinator of FARMSUP, Ms. Tracy Cox to Sheldon Kyte of the Regatta Committee.

The simple presentation took place recently and Ms. Cox expressed FAMSUP’s pleasure at being able to continue the partnership with this marquee event which sees thousands of localfansandhundredsfrom the diaspora, descending on the shores of Bartica during theEasterholidays.

“FARMSUPismorethan happy to maintain our

supportofthiseventwhichis looked forward to by the many athletes for the differentsporteventsandthe fans alike. We understand it is not easy to pull off these mega events, so we are making our contribution to ensure that it is successful once again. We wish the organisersthebest.”

Kyte, on behalf of the Regatta Committee and the community of Bartica expressed gratitude to Ms. CoxandFARMSUPfortheir continued support of the event, noting that they are

putting the hard work to ensure an unforgettable experience is had by all in 2025.

Among the sport events organized are dominoes whichwillserveoffonApril 12attheBarticaCommunity Centre,Footballwillkickoff on April 14 also at the Bartica Community Centre, the powerboat races will be held on April 20-21 at the Golden Beach, Grass Track willtakeplaceonApril20at MoraPoint.Athleticsandthe River Swim are also set to takeplaceonApril20.

Legislation and Investment: Trinidad to Brazil, Guyana finds new lifeline

For years, Guyanese horsemenmadetheirmarkat the Trinidad Stud Farm Association Yearling Sale, consistently topping sales and fueling the local industry But when the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the Trinidad racing industry took a devastating hit.Theoncethrivingracing scene dwindled, leaving Guyanese horsemen in distress, scrambling for a waytosustainthesportback home With breeding in Guyana lacking consistency and the cost of importing horses from the USA skyrocketing,bothinpurchase price and shipping expenses, Guyanese owners were faced withanuphillbattle Jamaica, another potential market, was ruled out temporarily due to thelackofdirectcargoflights toGuyanafornowThelifeline question: How could the country’shorseracingindustry stay afloat in a time of economic and logistical uncertainty?

Enter Brazil! A solution carved out of necessity, a m b i t i o n , a n d determination The brainchild behind Guyana’s largest horse imports year after year has once again paved the way forward Following the successful

formula once applied in Trinidad, where Guyanese buyers topped sales for years,theyhavenowshifted theirfocustoBrazil,andthe results have been nothing shortofgroundbreaking

At a prestigious Brazilian Thoroughbred auction on Wednesday evening, Guyanese buyers made a historic impact Securing12Thoroughbreds, they dominated the sale, purchasingmorehorsesthan any other group. Notably, they acquired all of the top five sale toppers, including the highest-priced horse of the auction Another prominent Guyanese owner finalized private purchases o f s i x a d d i t i o n a l Thoroughbreds, bringing the total count to 18 horses set to arriveinGuyanasoon Olympic Kremlin was one similar horse bought in Brazil and made a tremendous impact on the local horseracing scene immediatelyafteritsarrival. Could these new additions followinsimilarvein?Only time will tell. These aren’t yearlings needing time to mature, these are seasoned three-year-olds and older, horseswithraceexperience, ready to continue their careers on Guyana’s

growing circuit Their immediate destination? The Easter Cup at Port Mourant TurfClub,whereracingfans will witness the impact of this strategic investment firsthand.

But beyond these acquisitions, the industry’s long-term vision remains focused on legislation currentlytabledinParliament This critical piece of legislation, when passed, is expected to bring unprecedented growth to the sport, establishing a more structured and sustainable racing environment The industry is counting on it, knowing that with the right framework in place, Guyana can elevate its status as a premier horse racing destinationintheregion For Guyanese racing enthusiasts, this isn’t just about new horses, it’s a statement.It’satestamentto resilience, to the undying passion of those who refuse to let the sport fade. It’s about ensuring that Guyana, now a regional economic powerhouse, also asserts itself as a dominant force in Caribbean horse racing With these new additions, the future of the industry looks more promising than ever

NBAroundup: Luka Doncic, Lakers...

Frompage34 seasonhighsforboardsand3-pointers(five) as Portland won its third straight game. AnferneeSimonsscored22points,Shaedon Sharpe produced 17 points, seven rebounds andfiveassistsandToumaniCamarahad15 pointsfortheTrailBlazers.DuopReathhad 13pointsandninereboundsoffthebenchfor Portland, which is two games behind the Phoenix Suns and Dallas Mavericks in the battleforthefinalWesternConferenceplayinberth.

Desmond Bane scored 20 points and Scotty Pippen Jr added 18 off the bench for the Grizzlies, who lost their second straight game. Santi Aldama had 16 points and Jaren JacksonJr tallied14butwasjust5of18from thefield.





Pelicans119,Timberwolves115 Rockets116,Magic108 Jazz128,Wizards112

Thunder133,76ers100 (FieldLevelMedia

CM Khan rules at 2025 National Blitz Chess Championships

Candidate Master

Taffin Khan was

crowned the

2025 National Blitz Chess champafterstavingoffsome

word-class competition at the Pegasus Suites and CorporateCentreascurtains came down on a keenly contestedtournament.

After 11 rounds of extremely grueling fasterpaced games held at the

Pegasus the four top

finishersfacedoffacrossthe board in the semifinal’s knockout, but after the final 16 rounds were complete, Candidate Master Khan stormed to the field on his waytothecrown.

Khan beat the likes of 2nd place FIDE Master Anthony Drayton, third place Kyle Couchman, CM Sachin Pitamber who had to settleforthefourthspotwith stiff competition aplenty

among others. CM Loris Nathoo copped the 5th spot with Saeed Ali, Women’s CM Aditi Joshi and Keron Sandifordfinishedinthe6th, 7th, 8th, place respectively Notable performances came from Mahir Rajkumar, Prince Dunn, Kim Shing Chong,OluwadareOyeyipo, andAravindaSingh.T

Meanwhile, the top five players received a total of $115,000 in cash prizes,

sponsored by the Guyana ChessFederation(GCF)ata post-tournament ceremony CM Khan was awarded the championship trophy, and the sixth and seventh-place winners earned a free month’s membership to the PegasusChessClub.

TheGCFextendsthanks to the management of the Guyana Pegasus Hotel for providing the venue for the weekendtournaments.

CM Taffin Khan, FIDE Master Anthony Drayton and Kyle Couchman

Lucas Chung maintains strong standing at 2nd Qualifier

ArcheryGuyana’srising star,LucasChung,isofftoa stellar start at the 2nd qualifier for the Junior Pan American Games, currently underway in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from March 1923, 2025. Adding to the significance of the event, Lucas celebrated his 18th birthday yesterday, marking the occasion with an impressive display of skill during the official practice session. His precision and focus were evident as he consistently landed 9s and 10s, with only a few 8s, showcasing his steady p e r f o r m a n c e a n d unwaveringdetermination.

By the end of the day, he postedacommendable56/60, an outstanding score that highlights his growing potential on the international stage Inadditiontohisstrong showing on the field, Lucas successfully passed his equipmentcheckandtookthe opportunity to connect with fellow archers from various delegations The experience

NBAroundup: Luka Doncic, Lakers handle Nuggets

Guyanese Lucas Chung in focus mode yesterday at Pan Am Games Qualifer #2.

continuestoprovidehimwith valuable exposure and a deeper understanding of internationalcompetition

As of today, Lucas remains in strong contention,currentlyranked 7thwithascoreof106after two ends, just four points shyoftheleaderat110.His remarkable performance so farisatestamenttohishard work, discipline, and dedication as he proudly representsGuyana. Thisqualifierservesasa critical stepping stone in Lucas’journey, bringing him

one step closer to his goal of competing at the Junior Pan AmericanGames TheBoard of Directors of Archery Guyana has extended its gratitude to the President and Executive Committee of the GuyanaOlympicAssociation for their unwavering support, which has made Lucas’ participation in this event possible

Inaheartfeltmessageto Lucas,theboardstated,“We wish him the best of luck in theupcomingroundsandthe days ahead as the competitionunfolds.”

Reuters - Luka Doncic scored21ofhis31pointsin the first quarter, Austin Reaves added 22 total and the Los Angeles Lakers turnedafaststartintoa120108 home victory over the short-handed Denver NuggetsonWednesday

The victory allowed the LakerstotietheNuggetsfor third place in the Western Conference standings. The teams split the season series withtwovictorieseach.

Dorian Finney-Smith scored 14 points as the Lakers earned their third straight win and ninth consecutive home victory despite playing without LeBron James (groin) and RuiHachimura(knee).

Aaron Gordon tallied 26 points and 11 rebounds for the Nuggets, who were playing without Nikola Jokic (ankle/elbow) and Jamal Murray (ankle) Denver has alternated wins and losses for the past eight games.


Sandro Mamukelashvili scored a career-high 34 points, 21 in the fourth quarter, as host SanAntonio ambushedNewYork.

Mamukelashvilishot13for-14 from the floor, including 7-for-7 from 3point range. He had never previously made more than four 3-pointers in a game.

Stephon Castle added 22 points for San Antonio Chris Paul produced 12 pointsandnineassists.

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Karl-Anthony Towns amassed 32 points and nine rebounds for the Knicks, who fell to 3-3 since Jalen

B r u n s o n w a s l o s t indefinitely with a sprained right ankle. Mikal Bridges and OG Anunoby added 14 points apiece, and Mitchell Robinson tallied 13 points and11rebounds.


Keegan Murray broke a late tie with a driving hoop, DeMarDeRozandroppedin apairofclutchbasketsinthe

Cleveland’s losing streak to threegames.

DeRozanfinishedwitha team-high 27 points, Malik Monk added 22 and rookie DevinCarterchippedinwith a season-best 16 off the bench as the Kings moved three games ahead of the Phoenix Suns and Dallas Mavericks in their duel for ninth place in the Western Conference.

Evan Mobley registered 31 points and 10 rebounds and Donovan Mitchell finished with 26 points for the Cavaliers. Ty Jerome added 14 points and six assists.DeanWadeandMax Strus chipped in with 12 points apiece, and Jarrett Allenhad10.

Trail Blazers 115, Grizzlies99

DeniAvdija recorded 31 points, 16 rebounds and eightassiststoleadPortland to a victory over visiting Memphis.Avdijamatched


Junior Pan American Games in Buenos Aires, Argentina

GFF Elite League Season VII

Three more matches billed for this weekend for

Two weeks into Season Seven of the Elite League, teams are already making their presence felt. Ann’s Grove United Football Club, after an opening win against Mainstay Goldstar FC, sufferedasetbackwithalossto SantosFC SlingerzFCstarted strong, securing a 3-1 victory overMonedderlustFCintheir first encounter Meanwhile, defendingchampionsGuyana Defence Force FC were upstaged by Western Tigers FC in their opening match, sending a strong message to thecompetition

Newly promoted

MainstayGoldstarFCisstill searching for the right formula,strugglingtosecure even a draw So far, they have endured two tough losses in the 2025 season, including a humbling 10-1 defeat at the hands of Den AmstelUnitedFC.

Everywinisimportantat this stage The Guyana

FootballFederation’s(GDF) Elite League provides clubs with the necessary C O N C A C A F C l u b licensing, granting them the opportunity to compete at the highest level. It also exposes players to potential international selections and alsoreignitespassionforthe game among local supporters.

Beyond pride and exposure,there’salotatstake for teams and players The leaguechampionswillearnan automaticqualificationspotin the CONCACAF/Caribbean Shield Championship, along with a substantial $2 million cashprize Thetotalprizepool standsat$45million,withthe second-place finishers receiving $12 million, while the third- and fourth-place teams will walk away with $800,000 and $500,000, respectively This weekend, fanscanlookforwardtothree high-intensity clashes The

actionkicksoffonSaturdayat Number5CommunityCentre groundinBerbiceat3:00PM with Monedderlust FC going upagainstSantosFCinmatch #5 ThenonSunday,theaction willmovetoNationalTraining Centre in Providence, Ann’s Grove United FC will battle DenAmstelUnitedFCat6:30 PM, followed by ‘high on confidence’WesternTigersFC taking on Fruta Conquerors FCinathrillingnightcap

GFF President Wayne Forde acknowledged the growingfanturnoutoverthe past three match days, stating, “I am pleased with what we have seen so far The crowd has bee

remarkable, and it’s clear that supporters are eager to rallybehindtheirclubs.With some of the league’s top teamssettotakethefield,we anticipate even greater attendance in the coming weeks ” Fo

Squads finalized for inaugural West Indies Breakout League

SportsMax - The six franchise teams set to compete in the inaugural edition of the West Indies Breakout League have officially finalized their squads following a highly anticipatedplayerdraft.

Ahead of the draft, each team had the opportunity to retain seven cricketers, with a cap of three players aged between27and29.

The remaining seven squad members were selected during the draft process, with all draftees requiredtobe26yearsoldor younger

In keeping with the league’smissiontospotlight emerging talent, all selected players must have limited professional experience. Eligibility criteria stipulate that players must have participatedinfewerthan40 List A T20 matches and fewer than 10 International T20s. Each franchise was also permitted to select two players from outside their hometerritory

Thedraftsawanexciting influx of young talent, with 15 teenagers securing spots onvariousteams.

The 2025 West Indies Breakout League is set to take place from April 25 to

May 10, featuring 17 matches, all to be hosted at the prestigious Brian Lara Cricket Academy in Trinidad.

The full squads are as follows: Trinidad & Tobago Legions: Kamil Pooran, Amir Jangoo, Jyd Goolie, Crystian Thurton, Navin Bidassie, Mikkel Govia, Joshua James, Joshua Da Silva, McKenny Clarke, Cephas Cooper, Damien Joachim, Shaaron Lewis, Abdul-Raheem Toppin, JohannLayne.

Leeward Islands

Thunder: Jeremiah Louis, Keacy Carty, Kofi James, KarimaGore,MikyleLouis, Jewel Andrew, Micah McKenzie, Nathan Edward,

Giovonte Depeiza, Anderson Mahase, Michael Palmer, Jamie Cornelius, Jaden Carmichael, Jedidiah Martin. Windward Islands Infernos: Darel Cyrus,

Two nights, three matches! Western Tigers FC started well last weekend, they will play arch rival Fruta Conquerors FC Sunday at 9:00pm.

competitiveness of the league, saying, “Every player here is a ‘big name’

togetherthebestfromthetop tenclubs.Noteamshouldbe consideredweak.”

The Guyana Elite League is where passion

Shadrack Descarte, Shamar Springer, Alick Athanaze, Dillon Douglas, Teddy Bishop, Ackeem Auguste, Ryshon Williams, Avinash Mahabirsingh, Johann Jeremiah, Kyron Phillips, Keon Gaston, Noelle Leo, LeeJohn.

Guyana Rainforest

Rangers: Nial Smith, Kemol

S a v o r y, R o n a l d o Alimohamed, Kevin Sinclair, Ashmead Nedd, Kevlon Anderson, Riyad Latif, Rivaldo Clarke, Jediah Blades, Isai Thorne, Richie

Looknauth, Zynul Ramsammy, Adrian Sukhwa, Quentin Sampson Barbados Pelicans: Leniko Boucher, Kadeem Alleyne, Joshua Bishop, Nyeem Young, Shaqkere Parris, Kevin Wickham, Zishan Motara, Ramon Simmonds, Junior Sinclair, Demetrius Richards, Shian Brathwaite, Sion

Hackett,NathanSealy,Amari Goodridge

Jamaica Titans:

Deethmar Anderson, Leroy Lugg,RamaalLewis,Jeavor Royal, Kirk McKenzie, Jordan Johnson, Tamarie Redwood, Michael Clarke, Govasta Edmond, Reon Edwards, Anthony Dacres, Brian Barnes, Andrew Rambaran,ZionBrathwaite.

meets competition Come out and experience the excitement, the drama, the goals, and the unity that footballbringstoournation!

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