Kaieteur News

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The $231 million Guyana Defence Force (GDF)Air Corps' Hangar at Ogle. (Photo courtesy, GDF)

Oil production would shutdown to avoid spill in response to acts of aggression

- ExxonMobil

ExxonMobil Guyana

Limited (EMGL) on Thursday evening explained that offshore production would be halted in the event ofanyactsofaggressionthat maybetakenbyVenezuela.

The company was at the time engaging the public at the Umana Yana, Kingston, Georgetown on its eight proposed deepwater development,Longtail.

Following a detailed presentation by Exxon's InCountry Projects Manager, Rebecca Cvikota, the small gathering in attendance had the opportunity to raise concernsorquestionswhich they may have pertaining to theenvironmentalandsocial impactsoftheproject.

Inresponsetoaquestion o n t h e c o m p a n y ' s preparedness or course of action that may be taken in the event of any acts of aggression that may lead to an oil spill, Cvikota said, “It all depends on the situation,

some of the subsea equipmentthosesubseatrees thatImentionedhavevalves and what that means is that we can close all the subsea wells using the tree equipment if we needed to. We are always able to stop production should we get information that something might be happening that requireustodoso.”

She added that safety is the company's priority and production would therefore take “second seat” to ensure the environment is safeguarded in the event of anyissues.

Meanwhile with regard to safety of the crew, Exxon explained that the crew members had been trained and protocols are in place. The company, for security reasons, however did not divulgemoreinformationon thatplan.

During an earlier meeting on Thursday at the Leonora Technical Institute, thisquestionwasalsoraised byKaieteurNews.

The team then had explained that it is in very close contact with the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) to ensure the safety and security of its personnel bothoffshoreandonshore.

A d d i t i o n a l l y , ExxonMobil noted its appreciationfortheresponse that emanated from the diplomaticcommunity

“We were really glad to see the response from the diplomatic community condemning the actions of Venezuela and really supporting the peaceful process of resolving this controversy. We are gonna continue to,asyousay,workwiththe Guyana Defence Force to monitor the situation very closely,notonlyoffshorebut onshore as well and to work together to be ready to respond if anything were to change in that situation,” a representative of the companynoted.

On March 1, 2025, around07:00h,aVenezuelan armed vessel entered

Guyana's waters and approached ExxonMobil

Guyana's Floating Production Storage and Offloading(FPSO)platform – Prosperity – which is operating in Guyana's oilrich Stabroek Block. The Venezuelan vessel radioed the FPSO platform stating thatitwasoperatinginwhat it termed “disputed

international waters” before continuing its course towards other FPSOs operatingintheoilblock.

Followingthisbrazenact by Venezuela, in breach of the2023ArgyleDeclaration and international law, various international organizations and countries condemnedthemove.

Guyana's Head of State, Dr. Irfaan Ali had met with Venezuela's President, Nicolas Maduro in St Vincent and the Grenadines on December 14, 2023 which led to a joint declaration for peace betweenthetwocountries.

Guyana and Venezuela

agreed that they will not, directly or indirectly threaten or use force against one another in any circumstances, including those consequential to any existing controversies


Both nations also agreed that any controversies between the two States will be resolved in accordance with international law, including the Geneva Agreement dated February 17,1966.

See link for more: https://wwwkaieteurnewso nline com/2023/12/15/vene zuela-agrees-to-scale-backaggression-against-guyana/

Exxon'sIn-CountryProjectsManager, Rebecca Cvikota
ExxonMobil officials engaging citizens at a scoping meeting at the Umana Yana on Thursday


24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Unbothered die to being meaningless

The People's National Congress Reform (PNCR) is losing people in a steady trickle. Some observers would sayfasterthanthepartycouldcount. Itisnotdisillusioned membersfromtherankandfile,butthosewhohavegrown up with the party, and gave a significant portion of their lives to it. There are high profile figures, who have their own group of followers in the PNCR, whose disappointment is sure to grow more pronounced in days ahead. Thequestiononthelipsofmanyiswhowillbethe nextstalwarttocallitquitsandwalkawayfromthePNCR. Strangely,asthePNCRlosessomewhohavebeenpartof its backbone, the leader of the party, Aubrey Norton, presentsanuntroubledfacetothewatchingpublic.

“I'mnotconcernedatall. WhenIbecameleaderofthe party,theywerenotactiveatall,andwerenotasactiveand in all communities as we are.” The PNCR, however, doesn't have a history of losing so many people in such a shorttime. Today,someofitsownpeople,thosethatmany outsidershadconsideredtobeinseparablefromthePNCR, other than by passage from this life, are jumping ship. Somehow,Nortonsaysthatheis“notconcernedatall.” He has to be existing in some type of fantasyland, given the message that these veteran and once trusted departures deliver Someofthemhavenotgonequietlyintothenight, buthavestatedthereasonsfortheirleavingintheclearest andsharpestterms.

Among those are that the party has lost its way, and is even directionless. Another is that there is general disgruntlementwiththeleadershipofthePNCRasitstands today. Moreover, almost all of these conspicuous defectionsfromthePNCRhaveoccurredunderhiswatch. None of this should be comforting to the party, yet the LeaderoftheOppositionclaimsthatheisunfazed. Itcould be that either he is putting on a brave face for public consumption, and group reassurance, or that he is fooling himself. He may have fallen into that trap that has hurt many leaders who don't listen to anyone but themselves. He has come to have the fullest faith in his own shaky narrative, and gives the shortest thrift to those who offer timelywarnings.

PNCR Leader Norton had another card up his sleeve relativetothedepartures. “Theywerenotactiveatall…not asactiveandinallcommunitiesasweare.” Webelievethat Aubrey Norton, a longstanding political presence in Guyana, knows better, but is talking a good game, which onlyhe,theleader,isnowplaying. Eachoneofthemore notablePNCRdepartureshavetheirownconstituencythat believes in them, because they have been with them from the inception. When people of that standing in the party leave, and for their publicly stated reasons, they leave behind those who may look poorly at Mr Norton's leadership. Truth be told, they may even be angry at him forbeingresponsibleforoneoftheirownabandoningthe partyand,ineffect,leftthemhanging.

Thefactthatthereisthisleadershippostureofnotbeing concerned flies in the face of logic, and indicates that Norton could be blowing hot air on this issue of losing seniorpeople.

It should be alarming to the PNCR and Norton that knownmembersarenotjustgivinguponboth,butthatthey are openly joining hands with the PPPC Government. If thatisnotaslapinthefaceofthepresentPNCRleadership, thenwedon'tknowwhatqualifies. Inthiscrucialyear,one withelectionslooming,itistheworsttimetolosemarquee namestothecompetition.

That has to hit where it hurts, but there is Norton presenting an unruffled appearance, as though defections of senior people are part of the routine. It seems that the Opposition Leader gets better at burying his head in the sandinhiseffortstoavoidreality ThePNCRisbleedingat the worst time. His leadership is ripped by his own, and thatspeaksitsownelectionslanguage.

Unlike the Minister of Government Affairs and Governance, OGGN

DearEditor, Reference is made to a press release dated March 17, 2025, issued by the Department of Information, titled “Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance Responds to OGGN ” Minister Gail Teixeirawasrespondingtoa letter from the Oil and Gas Governance Network (OGGN) Guyana, titled “Minister Teixeira Must Address UN Concerns on Access to InformationAct,” published in the Sunday editionofKaieteurNewson March 16, 2025. In that letter,OGGNurgedMinister Teixeiratoaddressconcerns raised by the UN Human Rights Committee (UNHRC) regarding Guyana's Access to Information Act 2011.

OGGN has been highlighting, in a series of letters to the Sunday press, the lack of transparency in tax payments made by the Government of Guyana on behalfofExxonMobil,Hess, andCNOOC,asstipulatedin the 2016 Petroleum

Agreement. Most notably, last Sunday's letter outlined several unsuccessful attempts by OGGN and other organisations, including the Transparency InstituteGuyanaInc.(TIGI), to obtain relevant information on the flow of tax payments and other oil industry-related data from the Commissioner of Information, Justice Charles Ramson Sr., under the Access to Information Act. Broad access to public information is essential for good governance and anticorruptionefforts,especially inthemanagementofnatural resourcessuchasoilandgas. In this context, OGGN welcomes Minister Teixeira'sdecisiontoengage in dialogue with us Unfortunately, the Minister failed to address the core issues raised in our letter Instead,sheofferedalecture on how to obtain financial statements of oil companies from the Deeds and Commercial Registries Authority, concluding with thefollowingstatement:

has done its homework

“Against the foregoing, we wish to reject OGGN's baselessaspersions.Weurge that in the future, they do t h e i r h o m e w o r k thoroughly.”

While our letter did not request financial statements from oil companies, we are pleased to confirm that we have already obtained and reviewed the financial statements of ExxonMobil Guyana Ltd., Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd , and CNOOC Petroleum Ltd. for the years 2020 to 2023. Moreover, OGGN has analyzed these documents. However, we cannot verify the accuracy of the reported figureswithoutaccesstothe taxcertificatesissuedbythe Guyana Revenue Authority anddetailsontheflowoftax payments from the Ministries of Natural ResourcesandFinance.

Given this, we take this opportunity to remind the Honourable Minister that she, too, has unfinished homework.

Outstanding Issues the MinisterMustAddress Beyond legislative updates to the tax laws, outstandingissuesremain (Continueonpage6)

OGGN acknowledges that Guyana honours the long-standing right to taxpayer confidentiality, as set out in Section 4 of the Income Tax Act (1929) and Section23(1)oftheRevenue Authority Act (1996). However,asamemberofthe Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), Guyana has an obligation to uphold EITI's standards.Inits2020annual report, GY-EITI noted that the confidentiality provisions conflict with EITI's2019requirementsfor the disclosure of tax payments in the extractive sector, and urged the Government to modernize legislation to ensure compliance with the EITI Code (See Guyana Standard, July 10, 2023, “EITI demands legislative changes to GRA, Income Tax Act to remove confidentialityconstraintsin extractivesector.”)

The textbook embarrassment raises some interesting questions


The embarrassing scenario outline in the textbook around the schoolfeeding programme raises some very interesting questions about the school-

feeding programme as a whole The scenario is indicative of a quality control and textbook review process that needs improvement, and the currentproblemencountered

should result in all of the textbooksbeingreviewedby a panel of educators to ensure that there is no bias nor a hidden agenda present in the material provided to ourschoolchildren.Afterall, their minds are still being molded and we must allow parents the opportunity to playakeyroleintheprocess. As for the school-feeding programme,thescenario (Continueonpage6)

Dr. Cheddi Jagan's ideas continue to have relevance in contemporary society

DearEditor, March 22, 2025 marks the 107th birth anniversary of former President Dr Cheddi Jagan Dr Jagan played a key role in the independence struggle of Guyana and was elected the first Chief Minister of Guyana,afterthePPPswept the polls in the 1953 elections, the first that was held under universal adult suffrage.

The PPP won 18 of the 24 seats in the Legislative

Assembly but the governmentwasoverthrown after a mere six months in office follow

constitution by the British Government.

The PPP went on to win elections in 1957 and 1961 untilachangeoftheelectoral systemsawitsremovalfrom powerin1964.

Actually, the system of proportional representation was imposed by the British Governmentaftertheparties could not agree on an electoral formula for the 1964elections.

The PPP had insisted on the continuation of the firstpast- the post system as practised in Britain and all the countries of the British CommonwealthbutthePNC and the United Force led by Forbes Burnham and Peter D'aguiar respect

nal representation which would allow for the formation of a coalitiongovernment.

That was a carefully engineered plot by western vested interests to remove the PPP from government

ahead of the granting of politicalindependence.

The British government hadearlierpromisedthatthe party that won the 1961 elections would take the country to independence status but reneged on its promise after the PPP won theelections.

It was not until the PPP was removed from power in 1964 that independence was finally granted to Guyana under a PNC-UF coalition government.

The PNC-UF coalition government collapsed in 1967, a year ahead of the 1968 elections by which time, the PNC took full control of the elections machinery and rigged its way to another term in what could be described as the first rigged elections in the country'shistory

For twenty-eight years, Dr Jagan and the PPP was kept in the political wilderness until democracy was finally restored to the country on October 5, 1992, thanks to a relentless strugglewagedbyDr.Jagan and the PPP with support from the international community, notably the United States through the instrumentalityoftheCarter Centre.

There are some who blame Dr Jagan for being kept on the political periphery during those 28 years,eventhoughDr Jagan and the PPP had won all democratic elections from 1953to1961andwasclearly thedemocraticchoiceofthe Guyaneseelectorate.


'victim' and not those who wereresponsibleforkeeping him out of power through undemocraticmeans.

Whatever else can be saidofDr Jagan,hewasnot someone who was prepared to abandon principles for narrowpoliticalgains.

He never wanted power other than throug


The records will show that even with limited powers and his hands tied behindhisback,hemanaged to score significant economic and social gains during the 1957-64 period which was given new and fresh impetus after the October 5, 1992 elections which the PPP won by a comfortable majority of the votes. Dr Jagan became the first democratically elected Executive President in postindependentGuyana.

Dr Jagan's ideas continuetohaverelevancein contemporary society, especially in the context of growingpovertyintheworld and heightened global tension.

He was a strong advocate for world peace and a new global human order which was in fact adopted by the United NationsGeneralAssembly

His strong advocacy for debt write-offs for highly indebted nations such as G u y a n a a n d f o r compensation for our standing forests and for an economic and social justice will be remembered for generationstocome.


Revaluation of properties


The recent remarks by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on February 27, 2025, dismissing the need for property revaluation in local government authority areasaredeeplyconcerning. His outright refusal to support city councils, particularly Georgetown, in revaluingpropertiesnotonly stifles their financial autonomy but also underminesthespiritoflocal democracy.

Most properties in Guyana have not been valuedsince1995,whenthe exchange rate was approximatelyGYD$140to USD$1.Sincethen,thecost of maintaining and managing local government areas has risen by nearly 300% Yet, councils are expectedtoprovideessential services on a revenue base thathasbarelychanged.This financial constraint forces localgovernmentauthorities into a state of dysfunction, leaving residents frustrated with deteriorating infrastructure and poor services.

It is essential to remind the Vice President that the Constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana was amended in 2001toensuretheautonomy of local democratic organs. Article 75 clearly mandates that decisions made by elected councils are binding within their jurisdictions Furthermore, it explicitly prevents the President, Vice President, or any minister from overturning these decisions.Onlythejudiciary

has the authority to review anddeterminethelegalityof a council's actions Therefore, any existing or proposed laws granting the Minister of Local Government the power to interfereincouncildecisions areunconstitutional. With all due respect, the Vice President's stance appears to disregard the principles of good governance. Restricting councils from generating adequate revenue through proper property valuation suggests an intent to keep local governments financiallydependenton the state.Thisapproachnotonly cripplestheirabilitytoserve the public effectively but also raises concerns about political control and centralizationofpower

As a former Finance Minister, Vice President Jagdeo is well aware that current property tax revenues cover less than 30% of the actual costs required for councils to fulfill their legal mandates. While property taxes alone should not bear the entire b u r d e n o f l o c a l development, a fair and reasonable valuation is essentialforcouncilstomeet their responsibilities. Any remainingfinancialshortfall shouldbeaddressedthrough equitable government support, ensuring residents receive the quality services theydeserve.

Additionally, the Fiscal TransferAct No. 16 of 2013

further erodes local government autonomy by

granting the Minister of LocalGovernmentauthority over grantapplicationsfrom councils. Section 3(2)(a) of this Act is inconsistent with Article 75 of the Constitution. Local councils should be empowered to seek funding from local or international donors without needing ministerial approval.This barrier stifles innovation and discourages self-reliance.

On April 29, 2024, I formally brought this matter to the attention of the Clerk of the National Assembly, Mr Sherlock E Isaacs, urgingParliamenttoaddress the unconstitutional nature oftheFiscalTransferAct.As the legal advisor to the Assembly, Mr Isaacs has a duty to ensure that our laws uphold constitutional principles I strongly recommend that Parliament urgently review this legislation to restore the financial independence of localcouncils.

Local government authorities are accountable to the people who elected them, not to central g o v e r n m e n t Tr u e democracy demands that councilshavethefreedomto make decisions in the best i n t e r e s t o f t h e i r communities. It is time for the government to respect constitutional mandates and provide councils with the financial resources necessary for effective governance.

Sincerely, MichaelCarrington

Vi c e C h a i r m a n , AllianceForChange

The textbook embarrassment raises some interesting...

Frompage4 indirectlyleadstotheasking of a very fundamental question, "Should the school-feeding programme beoptional?" Giventhatitis an added benefit for those attendingschool,thefeeding programme must be designedwiththehealthand t h e m u l t i c u l t u r a l considerationsofourdiverse community Specifically, halal options, vegetarian options, vegan options, Rastafarian options, ethnic options (Indian dishes, African dishes, Amerindian dishes, Portuguese dishes), etc and overall calorie intake management are all factorsthatmustbeapartof themenudesign.

The participation of the cateringcompaniesthathave met strict health guidelines and that are certified and continually inspected are all aspectsofcreatingahealthy school-feeding programme. If the poor review of textbooks is an example of the lack of quality control, then there are most likely improvement opportunities also in the school-feeding programme's management and quality control system.

Unfortunately, a similar slip upcouldhaveserioushealth consequences.

Thus,makingitnecessary for the Ministry with oversight responsibility of food establishments to ensure the healthy preparation, delivery and storage of food for the school-feeding programme. The use of temperaturecontrolled delivery vehicles and temperature-controlled storageoffoodattheschools between serving times are also essential in preventing bacteria buildup and the occurrence of food-borne illnesses.

These aspects of the programme may be missing at this time and do open up thegovernmenttoadditional scrutinyandliabilityifthere was ever an unfortunate occurrence of an illness caused by the feeding programme.

As for the question as to whether the programme shouldbeoptional?Itmaybe better for this to be allowed. Some parents would prefer tomanagetheirchild'shealth themselves and provide them with loving reminders that their parents care for themandhavepreparedtheir schoolmealswithlove.

On the other hand, other parentsmayneedthetimein their busy schedules and would welcome such an


A reminder to their children that they are working hard to take care of them. Those parents who cannot afford to provide meals would also welcome the benefit provided by the programme, which allows them to spend the saved funds on other needed items fortheirchildren.

Another sign of a loving parent Given the multiple ways in which parents express their love for their children and the unique relationship between a parentandtheirchild,having the programme be optional and reflecting the diversity of our culture is probably a goodidea.

At no time should someone be deliberately or inadvertently scrutinized for their views as it relates to how they choose to take goodcareoftheirchild.

It is good to see that the Ministry of Education was able to recognise their mistakeanditisCRG'shope that they will consider and a c t u p o n t h e recommendationsprovided.


T h e C o o p e r a t i v e RepublicansofGuyana

Unlike the Minister of Government Affairs and Governance, OGGN has done its...

Frompage4 undertheMinister'spurview In its May 2024 Concluding Observations on Guyana's implementation of the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, theUN-HRCurgedtheState party to: Ensure the independence,effectiveness, transparency, and accountability of all anticorruption bodies, including the Commissioner of Information(Section11c). Guarantee that the right of accesstoinformationheldby the Commissioner can be effectively exercised in practice(Section11d).

Since Minister Teixeira represented Guyana at the UN-HRC hearings, OGGN formally requests that she publicly address the following:

1.What measures have been taken to ensure the effective implementation of the Access to Information Act 2011?

2.What steps have been taken to improve the accountability and transparency of the C o m m i s s i o n e r o f Information?

3.Forwhichyearsdidthe Commissioner submit annual reports to the National Assembly, and when were they submitted, asrequiredbytheAct?

4.How has the Act been revised to facilitate citizen accesstopublicinformation, excluding matters of personal privacy or national security? Apoint-by-point response from the Minister would demonstrate to the Guyanese public that the Administration's repeated c o m m i t m e n t s t o transparency,accountability, and good governance are backedbysubstance,notjust condescending lectures and empty rhetoric. Refocusing ontheCoreIssues

Whiletheinactionofthe C o m m i s s i o n e r o f Information is serious in its ownright,andtheMinister's obfuscation is troubling, these serve only to distract from the main questions OGGNcontinuestoraise:

1.Where did the money comefrom,eachyear,forthe Minister of Natural Resources to pay the Commissioner-General of the Guyana Revenue Authoritythein-lieutaxesof thethreeoilcompaniesinthe Stabroek Block consortium, as required by Section 15 4(a) of the 2016 PetroleumAgreement?

2. Since in-lieu taxes arenotadefinedcomponent of Guyana's share of profit oil, and therefore not visible inregularNaturalResources Fund reports, where in the

published government accounts and/or national budget estimates are these specific in-lieu taxes reflected? A Reminder on Democratic Governance A defining difference between autocraciesanddemocracies is that, in a democracy, the government exists to serve the people—not the other way around. Transparency, accountability,andaccessto informationarefundamental rights that empower citizens andstrengthendemocracy Guyana signed the Escazú RegionalAgreement on Freedom of Information and Transparency on September 27, 2018, and ratified it onApril 22, 2021. Public officials have a duty to uphold these principles, ensuring that governance is conducted in the best interestsofthepeople.

A government that withholds critical informationfromitscitizens undermines public trust and impedesnationalprogress.




KenrickHunte DarshanandKhusial


MikePersaud For the Oil and Gas Governance Network G u y a n a ( O G G N ) [www.oggn.org]

PNCR maintains it will engage experts on ring-fencing only when in office – Elson Low

The People's National Congress Reform (PNCR) hasmaintainedthatifelected to office, only then it will engage experts to assess the implementation of a ringfencing provision as part of its planned review of the c

n ExxonMobil and the State for the prolific Stabroek Block.

D u r i n g a p r e s s conference on Friday, PNCR's economist Elson Low reiterated the party's position,explainingthatthey believe that there are both benefits and constraints to ring-fencing.

Ring-fencing is a provisionthatwouldrequire each oil project to fund its own development costs beforeprofitsaredistributed. Unde

Agreement (PSA) between Guyana and ExxonMobil's consortium,75%ofmonthly revenueisdeductedtocover

remaining 25% is split

government and the oil companies. However,inthe absence of ring-fencing, Exxon is allowed to use the funds generated on other projects/ developments still tocomeonstream.

“As we have said, we will review various aspects of the existing frameworks, including the question of ring fencing We see benefits. We also see some constraints, and so we want to engage expertise in order todealwiththisissue,which we will be doing when in office,”Lowstated.

He said too, “There's some question around oil price volatility It would be very hypocritical of me to come here and say we will definitely ring-fence ABC without us having the appropriate expertise of an


He outlined that Guyana's oil industry must begovernedasaworld-class industry and criticized the government'shandlingofthe sector

ThePeople'sProgressive Party (PPP) government has resisted calls to introduce ring-fencing, with Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo arguing that such a policy could negatively impact future oil revenues However, Jagdeo recently explained that the projected drop in oil prices, driven by an oversupply of crude, will prolong Guyana's ability to repaydevelopmentcostsand delay the country's increase inoilprofits.

During the 2025 budget presentation, Guyana's MinisterofFinanceMinister

Dr Ashni Singh disclosed that in 2025, although Guyana'sdailyproductionis expected to climb, the countrywillseeadecreasein earnings from the sector, as oil price is likely to come down He explained that globaloilsupplyisexpected to surpass demand this year, leading to a 10.9% drop in pricestoaroundUS$71.9per barrel.

For their part, the PNCR has not committed to the implementation of ringfencing Low was asked what immediate plans the PNCR h

e Guyanese see more benefits

from the sector despite the projected drop in revenues thisyearfromoil. In his response, Low stressedthatthegovernment should act now by seeking expert guidance on the matter

“Nothing is stopping the government from hiring expertise…Whatisstopping them from doing that, other than a commitment to incompetence?” Low said. He argued that the government should seek expertadviceimmediatelyto properly manage the sector rather than “just bluffing theirwayalong.”

Body of man, 59, found in Hope trench

The body of a 59-yearold man was found on Friday morning in a trench in the vicinity of Plantation Hope, East Coast Demerara (ECD).

The dead man has been identifiedasBalrajMahdeo. According to Mahdeo's relatives,hehadahistoryof alcoholabuseandseizures.

His sister told Kaieteur News that, "He was my brother, I know he gets seizure [and] he did use alcohol."The woman who residesoverseassaid,“Iwill miss him a lot I was planning to go see him next year, unfortunately he is no longer here. I am his oldest (sister).”

Meanwhile, Mahdeo's cousin said that he had a “toughlife”. Investigations are ongoing.

A28-year-oldvendor,on Friday, was placed on $50,000 bail when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates'Courttoanswer an unlawful wounding charge.

The matter was heard before Magistrate Annette Singh.

Samuel Edwards of 551 'D' Field, Sophia, Georgetown reportedly wounded Gavin Joseph on March 2, 2025 at Hadfield Street,Georgetown.

Edwards pleaded not guilty after the change was read to him and was placed onbail.Josephtoldthecourt that he sustained injuries to hissideandhands.

The prosecution did not object to bail being granted and the matter was adjourned to the April 25,

Samuel Edwards at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court

PNCREconomist, Elson Low
Balraj Mahdeo


“They're certainly entitled to think that, and they'reentitledtofullrespect for their opinions but before I can live with other folks, I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience."

I recently, by pure accident, came across the aforementionedquotationby acclaimed author, Harper Lee. She was the author of “ToKillaMockingbird”.

The book, set in the racially-segregated American South, during the 1930s, tells the story of Atticus Finch, a lawyer who defends a black man, Tom Robinson, who was falsely accused of raping a white woman.Throughtheeyesof Atticus' young daughter, Scout, the author explores themes of racial injustice, moralgrowth,andthelossof innocence.

The book, which once formed part the English Literature curriculum in Guyana'ssecondaryschools, was a powerful critique of racism.

Thequoteabove,spoken by Atticus Finch, reflects a central theme of the novel: theimportanceofindividual conscience over societal conformity Inaworldwhere majority opinion is often held as paramount, Harper Lee challenges us to considertheroleofpersonal integrityandmoralcourage. Her message is as pertinent todayasitwaswhenLeefirst wroteitin1960,andperhaps even more so in our increasingly polarized world.

I n “ T o K i l l a Mockingbird”,AtticusFinch is a paragon of virtue and moral fortitude. He stands out as fair and just, in a community rife with

prejudice and bigotry The quoteinquestioncomesata pivotalmomentinthenovel, where Atticus is explaining to Scout why he, Atticus, must defendTom Robinson, despite the overwhelming odds and the certain backlash from his c o m m u n i t y H e acknowledges that people areentitledtotheiropinions, even if those opinions are rooted in ignorance or hatred. However, he also emphasizes that his own conscience his internal moralcompass—mustguide hisactions.

Atticus recognizes that living in harmony with others requires a foundation of self-respect and integrity He cannot compromise his valuessimplytoappeasethe majorityortoavoidconflict. This stance is not without cost; Atticus and his family face ostracism and threats because of his decision.Yet, he does not compromise what he stands for In so doing, he reaffirms that true courageisnottheabsenceof fear,butthewillingnesstodo what is right despite the consequences.

In today's world, where social media and 24-hour news cycles amplify voices andopinions,thepressureto conform to majority viewpoints can be overwhelming. The quote f r o m “ T o K i l l a Mockingbird” serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining one's moral compass in the face of societal pressures It challenges us to reflect on our own values and to consider whether we are living in accordance with themormerelyfollowingthe crowd.

T h e c o n c e p t o f conscienceassomethingthat "doesn't abide by majority

Dem Boys Seh...

rule" is particularly relevant in discussions about social justice and human rights. History is replete with examplesofindividualswho stood against prevailing norms to advocate for change—figures like Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, and Malala Yousafzai.

These individuals, much like Atticus Finch, were guided by a deep sense of moralconviction,evenwhen their views were unpopular ordangerous.

Incontemporarysociety, the quote invites us to consider how we respond to issues. Are we swayed by popular opinion, or do we take a stand based on our principles?

Harper Lee's words remind us that true courage liesinstandingupforwhatis right, even when it is difficult or unpopular They call on us to live with ourselves, to cultivate a conscience that guides our actions, and to strive for a world where there is less space for prejudice and hatred.

But we know that these idealsarenevereasy Atticus' assertion that "before I can livewithotherfolks,I'vegot to live with myself", speaks to the internal struggle that manyofusface.

Living with oneself implies a level of selfawareness and honesty that can be uncomfortable. It requires us to confront our biases, acknowledge our mistakes, and strive to align ouractionswithourvalues.

This introspective journeyisnoteasy.

It demands courage to questionthestatusquoandto resist the temptation of taking the path of least resistance. In a society that often rewards conformity,

Taxman nah mek joke

Likkle boy in school. De teacher tell he she will give him an oral examtoseeifheknowhemaths.

Teacherask:“Iftaxis20%andyuhfada wukfuh$50,000,howmuchtaxhepay?”


Teachershakeshehead.“Tryagain.Iftax is30%andhemek$100,000,howmuch?”


Teacher start fuh sweat. “Alright, last one. If tax is 50% and he earn $1 million, howmuch?”


Teacher vex now “Yuh don't know yuh percentages!”

Likkle boy grin. “Miss, you don't know mehfada.”

But dem boys know dat de Gee R A is

choosing to follow one's conscience can lead to isolation or conflict. Yet, as Atticus demonstrates, the alternative compromising one's integrity—is far more damagingtothesoul.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

seriousplace.Itreminddemboysofdetime whenamantunupinabigcrowdwidafat, juicy lemon. He squeeze it till it dry like de Treasury when de Pee N Cee leff office in 1992. Den he bawl out, “Anybody who could getonemoredrop,Igongivedem$100!”

Strongmancome,gymmancome,even marketladywidstronghandcome—nobody couldgetonemoredrop.

Then one skinny lil man step up, tek de lemon,andsqueezeouttwomoredropsjust likedat!

Bigmanshock.“Whoyoudeh?”heask, handingoverde$100.

Lilmangrin.“Me?Iamataxofficeratde GeeRA.”



Elections Season

2025 is building

s l o w l y b u t steadily Thepacewillpick up, could grow into one of tworealities. Thedawnofa new beginning or the beginning of a dark nightmare?

Either way, matters pertaining to this year's elections will hold some ingredients never seen beforeinthiscountry Itisa

far step to take the position from now that Elections 2025 will be about the unprecedented. Asinuglier thanever

Lower than Guyanese fathom. Graver than this country's people can manage. It is mid-March, andthatiswhereIam,from scanningthecoasttoday

The PPP has as big a claim as anyone on victory Itisstandingwisdomthatthe

PPP knows how to fight dirty, has done so, and is seeminglypreparedtodoso, withoutlimitation.

Theseasonisnotevenin thefinallap,andalreadythe ruling party has exhibited a zealforgoingtheextramile, openly displaying some of itspowerfulweapons.

Taxes featured recently; beforethat,Stateadshadits Thursday afternoon hour(s). Live in Guyana will be

refueled and unleashed. So will the cluster of online news outlets to do duty and defend the cup. By any means and whatever the cost. What was shaping up to be a long year just got longer

ThePNChasallbutsaid: nobiometrics,nowhiteflag. ItdidGuyanese,particularly its ready believers, a favour Bloated lists have a built-in bias that has its own

deceptive truths. Only a loser of a political party would yield to such circumstances.

In boxing terms, a second development that causes a second knockdown to the canvas. Who is not goingtocryfoulangrilyand stalk out of the picture even angrier by then? Out of the electoral picture and to where?

The Opposition has made its position very clear It is to defeat the PPP Though the usual language of politics, to defeat is to tumble one on one's own head. Interesting times are ahead, I posit, and in more than the normal manner If the PNC were to go along with what it has already called a less than neutral (a non-independent) referee, thentowhatdoesitcondemn itself? More pointedly, to what barrenness its people?

Whoever needs another five yearstolearnofthegrandeur of a PPP-run government reallyisagoodcandidatefor apostmortem.

Having carved out its position,Idonotseehowthe PNCcanbegraciousanddo the necessary, viz-a-viz, curtsy to what GECOM broadcasts. Thisisominous.

Entertheyoungster The youngster is already a spoiler Not quite a showstopper,butdefinitelya spoiler He has some early numbers. Ishetheone,this strangest of all Guyana's political developments? Well, there is the baggage. ThereistheUS. Andthereis adisturbedPPPbrass.

The president has taken to tranquility; the top secretary continues with his weekly war of words to disguise his anxieties Plenty to account for, with many gaps; voters can start there. Ratherlaughably,the new kid on the political block went to Essequibo, and a PPP luminary immediately started hollering about national securityandVenezuela.

As party brainwashing goes, that one is as good as long-expired Listerine. If I weretojointhefray,thenext billboard to come out of Freedom House could be this:heisaMaduromole. I am convinced that this is a realcountry

The concern is that Guyana just doesn't have realpeople,butapopulation of brainless. One kid who doesn't have a party, nor a

t eam of advisers, nor such things as white papers, manifestoes, or a platform, and he drives mortal fear in thePPPupperbrackets.

From what I have heard, his programme is simple: money for the people, and stop the money from being stolen, swindled, and siphoned off by the strongmen in the PPP upstairschambers.

I think the new fella could be good for three to fiveseats. Hemaynotmake it to the throne, but I see a kingmakerinitsrawstages.

Now, none of this a m o u n t s t o t h e sophistication of political science. Rather, it is the science of a pending stormy season and sign language of the street blending into one atthesametime.

Translation: claims of a PPP victory will be sharply contested In spite ofperhaps because of-census numbers,Venezuelanvoters, overseas voters, deportee voters, and phantom and other suspect voters, a new chapter is stirring in Guyana's electoral refinements.

A c a l m o n e , a combustible one, or a nightmarish one, that is the question.

The PPP has a ready answer: the last five years. The record is double-edged. Lots of money spent, lots of structureserected. Butwho are the people mostly collecting, who are the ones forced to their knees, and thenkickedabout?

They are not only PNC people The PNC (or whatever it calls itself) had its turn at the governing wheel. Itdroveoverevenits own people. Now all these crowscominghometoroost. The people want change. Theywanttoseerealmoney intheirhands,haveaseatin the towers of decisionmaking, and the backs of somevagabonds.

How they will get those, well, that's the business of electionsinGuyana.

I see some turbulence ahead Headwinds, tailwinds, and foul winds. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)

“Guyana will not be intimidated, coerced”

-Pres. AlitellsMaduro

- says country open to talks but sovereignty not up for negotiation

Following the recent threats by Venezuela to the Guyana's sovereignty and territorial integrity, President Irfaan Ali made it clear on FridaythatGuyanawillnotbe intimidatedorcoerced

The Head-of-State said while the country is open to dialogue with respect, its sovereignty is not up for negotiation

President Ali was at the time speaking at the commissioning ceremony of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Air Corps' Hangar whichislocatedattheEugene F Correia International Airport at Ogle on the East CoastofDemerara(ECD)

Addressing the recent events by neighbouring Venezuela in his speech, the President said Guyana believes in diplomacy and in dialogue but not dialogue underduress

“Our neighbours would havechosenonmorethanone occasion to violate the ICJ (International Court of

the realities to the world we live in,” the President declared.

Calling for respect to Guyana's sovereignty and territorialintegrity,inasimple message to Venezuela,

President Ali said, “To Venezuela, the message is simple, respect our sovereignty, threaten our sovereigntyandwewillresist

Guyana will not be intimidated Guyana will not be coerced and let me repeat for those who still doubt, we will defend every square inch of our land; we will protect every drop of water in our seas We will safeguard every citizenofthisRepublic ”

Further, PresidentAli said that Guyana and its people will make every investment necessarytoensureithaswhat it takes to secure the nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

“A strong nation must have the means to deter and identifythreatsthatiswhywe are investing in our Defence

ourselves for aggression, we are arming our self for protection,wearenotbuilding a Defence Force for war, we are building a Defence Force for resilience, we are not preparing for conflict, we are preparing for any eventuality Ourmilitarymustbereadynot justtodefendourbordersbut to assist in disasters to respond to emergencies and to contribute to national development,”hereiterated.

Meanwhile, speaking of the new facility, GDF's Chief of Defence Staff, Brigadier Omar Khan revealed that the hangar was acquired from the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) in 2023 via a Defence Board decision and through a publicly tendered contract to the tune of $231,178,563

The rehabilitation project which started in February 2024 was executed by Synergy General Contracting andEngineeringServices.

According to Brigadier Khan, now operating at two

Justice) orders and Argyle Declaration

The very fact that they would see to hold an election in a territory that does not belong to them tells you that they are not serious about the dialogue Theyarenotserious about the Argyle Declaration and we will not be drawn into any discourse under duress We are all for dialogue, but dialogue with respect, dialogue with dignity, dialogue with a sense of purpose and dialogue that we cantrust,”thePresidentsaid.

PresidentAlimadeitclear that if Venezuela's president, NicolasMadurowantstotalk, he must undo the acts that violated the Argyle Declaration and the orders of theICJ

“Let it first demonstrate good faith, let it first respect theruleoflawuntilthen,there willbenotalks Sovereigntyis not a matter for negotiation

Even as we repose our confidence in the rule of international law and in diplomacy,wearenotblindto

Force, not for war, not for aggression but for protection, for development and for nationalsecurity,”headded

Meanwhile, speaking about the newly established Air Corps' Hangar, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, said that the facility is just not a building butastatement

“It says that Guyana is prepared, that our Defence Force is evolving and that our skies will be watched and protectedanditwillbesureto serve our people Our eyes will be sharper, our reach will belonger,ourresponsewillbe swifter, the Guyana Defence Force Air Corps will be strengthened, our fleet will be better maintained, better equipped and better resourced,” he said The President noted that his government will continue to invest in the Defence Force so that it can safeguard Guyana's economic potential while ensuring investors haveconfidenceinstability “We are not arming

international airports, the Ogle location will certainly affordGDFtheopportunityto enhance its response time and increaseoperationalreach

“Importantly, it is much closer to our maritime sector and increasingly significant resource and operation time domain and I may add what more better can we have than tohaveanotherGDFhangar,” henoted

He added, “While our roles are distinct, the synergy of operating at this airport is filled with opportunities that only can make us better at executing our service to our c o u n t r y , a n d a l s o immediately, I see search and rescue operation as being a key function of this relationship ”

The facility which would allow GDF to add 24/7 response capabilities to SAR missions and emergencies operations, features an executive lounge, washroom areasforthecrews,abriefing and conference area among otheramenities.

President Irfaan Ali speaking at the commissioning ceremony of Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Air Corps' Hangar at Ogle Airport.
(Photo courtesy, GDF)
The $231 million Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Air Corps' Hangar at Ogle. (Photo courtesy, GDF)


After severing ties with the International Skill Development Corporation (ISDC), and the University of Staffordshire (UoS), the Guyana OnlineAcademy of Learning (GOAL) has contacted 900 out of 1,400 a

d alternative universities that will honour the credits obtainedthusfar

This was announced by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo during a press conference at Freedom


Students recently raised concerns regarding the u n a v a i l a b i l i t y o f programmes,whichtheyhad signed up for through Staffordshire University ThispromptedGOALtopart


During the update, Vice President Jagdeo explained that 1,400 students were affectedbythedisruptionsin the GOAL programme. Of those, 900 students have already been contacted by the Ministry of Education and offered alternative university programmes that will ensure their credits are maintained.

“I have asked the Ministry of Education that they must ensure that all the students who have had the issue with their recent problem that they had, be contacted.Theytoldmethat by now, 900 out of the 1400 have been contacted and theyhavebeenacceptedand offered programmes from other courses and keep their credit at other institutions. Theystillhavetocontactthe other500,”Jagdeosaid.

Jagdeo also addressed the decision by GOAL Director Jacob Opadeyi to severtieswiththeUniversity of Staffordshire, assuring students that they would not s u f f e r n e g a t i v e consequences from the programme's departure. “In spite of their efforts to disparage him, I strongly believe in his (Jacob Opadeyi) capabilities, [which] came from strong academiccredentials.Iwant to ensure the students that the government will work with them to ensure they don't suffer negative mishap there,”VPJagdeostated.

In a statement, GOAL emphasized that while the programme had ended its partnership with both UoS and ISDC, it remained committed to expanding access to online education for Guyanese citizens. The statement highlighted that G O A L h a s b e e n transforming lives through academic and professional training, facilitated by partnerships with over 20 local, regional, and international institutions These partnerships, which include19otheruniversities, offer Guyanese students the opportunities to pursue programmesindiversefields such as business,

technology, healthcare, and engineering.

GOAL's statement further clarified that, following the finalization of its partnership with ISDC in August2024,approximately 1,400 Guyanese were awarded scholarships under the UoS/ISDC SQA progression pathway However,itwasnotuntillate January 2025 that GOAL became aware of challenges affecting the delivery of academicprogrammesunder this arrangement The statement noted, “Multiple efforts were undertaken to address these issues, including three virtual meetings with affected students Initially, the difficulties pertained to a mismatch in course offerings, access to the Learning Management System (LMS), and inaccuracies in course matrices However, the situation escalated into a dispute between UoS and I S D C o v e r t h e implementation of their partnership.Atnopointprior to this had either institution formally notified GOAL of the breakdown in their collaboration or its implications for our scholars.”

GOALalsoreportedthat attempts to engage directly with UoS leadership were unsuccessful “It is our understanding that legal representatives of both parties are currently negotiating a resolution Since this dispute came to light, GOAL has provided affected scholars with opportunities to transfer to otherpartneringuniversities. Additionally, ISDC is actively engaging five UK universities Arden University, Queen Margaret University,Universityofthe West of Scotland, Wrexham University, and Cardiff M e t r o p o l i t a n University—that are likely to accept our awardees and recognize the credits they have earned under the disrupted partnership,” the statementconcluded.

“Y'all dead! I gon' kill all of y'all! I gon' kill all of y'all!” …man jailed for escaping lawful custody

A 21-year-old man threatened to kill police on Friday after he was sentenced to six months in prison for escaping lawful custody

The defendant was identifiedasBrianStephens of 'B' Field SquattingArea, Sophia.

Stephensappearedatthe Georgetown Magistrates' Court before Magistrate

Annette Singh He originallypleadednotguilty to the charge but later changedhispleatoguilty Stephens repeatedly interrupted the court proceedings pleading that hebeplacedonbail.

“Ma'am, I am the only breadwinner for my family Iamaskingforasmallbail,” hetoldthemagistrate.

According to the prosecution, the defendant was shot during an altercation with another wantedmanonFebruary28,

2025.Stephenswastakento the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) for treatment and was recognized by officers as a suspect in an armed robbery case and they placedhimunderarrest.

On March 8, 2025, Stephens was under police

supervision at GPHC when he managed to escape. He requested to use the washroom, and when officers checked on him, he was gone. He was later recaptured.

However, Stephens during the proceedings became anxious and started

screams in court

waving his hands while accusing the police of illtreating him. He then lifted hisshirtandpulleddownhis pantsslightlytoshowbullet woundsonhisbody,saying, “Ma'am, I got shot three times and robbed! The policeshootme!” Officers attempted to silence him, but he continued.

MagistrateSinghduring her ruling stated that Stephens appears to be someonewhooftenendsup in law-breaking situations and proceeded to sentence him. After hearing his sentence, Stephens grinned and shook his head. “No problem Me ain't frightened to go to jail,” he said.

But as officers escorted himoutofthecourtroom,he looked at the officers and threatened to kill them “Y'alldead!Igon'killallof y'all!Igon'killallofy'all!.”


Opposition political parties, including the People's National Congress Reform/A Partnership for N a t i o n a l U n i t y (PNCR/APNU) and the AllianceForChange(AFC), are calling for a forensic auditandacompleterevamp of the Guyana Online Academy of Learning (GOAL) scholarship programme.

In a statement issued by the PNCR on Friday, the party suggested a comprehensive overhaul of the entire programme. This callfollowstherecentissues

surrounding GOAL's failed p

Development Corporation (ISDC) and Staffordshire University

Some students disclosed other concerns with the programme, including language barriers, poor communication between GOAL and students, and an

university lecturers. Other complaintsincludedthelack of flexibility in switching

previously selected courses, as well as ever-changing teachingmethods.

The PNCR stated that such inconveniences faced by affected students, “ s u g g e s t s e r i o u s mismanagement, lack of transparency, and potential financial irregularities. Students who were awarded scholarships to study at Staffordshire University have now found themselves inastateofuncertainty,with Staffordshire denying any formal relationship with ISDC or GOAL This betrayalofpublictrustraises

critical questions that must beanswered."


ty is demanding the immediate resignation of Professor Jacob Opadeyi and Minister P

a Manickcha

d, claiming that they played a role in misleading students and mismanaging public funds. The parties are also c

AFCLeader, Nigel Hughes

for a full parliamentary inquiry and forensic audit of GOAL's financial records, particularly focusing on agreements with ISDC, UNICAF, and other third- partyaffiliatesthatshouldbe made public, " the party stated In addition, the PNCR is urging immediate intervention to provide affected students with legitimate alternatives to continue their studies, either at the University of Guyana or other accredited local institutions.

Meanwhile, the AFC, at

its weekly press conference, echoedsimilarconcernsand called for the same interventions as the PNCR. They too are demanding a forensic audit, with the findingstobemadepublic.

"This demand is fueled bythemountingevidenceof corruption,mismanagement, andlackoftransparencythat has plagued the programme from its inception, resulting in wasted time, dashed hopes, and squandered opportunities for many Guyanese students enrolled intheprogrammes,"theAFC stated.

The AFC also called for the establishment of mechanisms to ensure that public funds are used r e s p o n s i b l y a n d transparentlyinthefuture.

"This blatant misuse of taxpayers' money is a betrayal of public trust and cannot be tolerated," the partyconcluded.

Bus conductor on $50k bail for armed robbery

A 19-year-old minibus conductor, on Friday, was placedon$50,000bailwhen he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court to answer two counts of robbery under arms charges.Tiryon Korton of Lot 965 Block 'F' North

Sophia, Georgetown appeared before Magistrate Annette Singh. Korton allegedlyusedaknifetorob Ron Barry of an iPhone 12

valuing $80,000 and $170,000 cash totalling $250,000. He also allegedly robbed Rolan Chow of $160,000 cash and a bag valuing$2,500.

Both incidents occurred in the North Sophia area on December2,2024.

Korton, who is being represented by attorney Stacy Gooding, pleaded not guiltyandwasgrantedbail.

Gooding told the court that on the day in question, BarryandChowcrashedinto herclients'carandattempted to drive away but were unsuccessful due to members of the community blockingthevehicle.

She added that her client left the accident scene to make a report to the Kitty traffic department where he wasquestionedbythepolice. It was later revealed that Barry and Chow made a report to the police station statingthattheywererobbed of car key in Prashad Nagar Theywereunabletoidentify

the bandit. The lawyer disclosed that Korton was placed on $50,000 station bail at the time of the report after he was accused of stealingthecarkey

Gooding stated that the police at the Kitty Police Station reportedly told her client, “If you can't pay the money,youwillbecharged.” As a result, he was charged witharmedrobbery

The prosecution did not objecttobailandMagistrate Singh placed Korton on $25,000baileachforthetwo charges.

The case has been adjournedtoApril21,2025.

Tiryon Korton at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court


TheGeorgetownChamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI)electeditsfirstwoman President following its 135th Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Mrs Kathy Smith was elected as President of the Chamber during the first statutorymeetingoftheGCCI on March 21, 2025 during which the election for the Executive Management Committeewasheld.

This election followed the elections for the Chamber's 21-member Council for the year 2025/2026 which was held during the AGM on March19,2025.

T h e E x e c u t i v e Management Committee (EMC) also includes Senior Vice President, Mr Gavin Ramsoondar; Junior Vice President,Mr BrianEdwards; Treasurer, Mrs. Melisa McRae-George, and Secretary, Mrs. Kristia Ramlagan-Prescott. The Council also invited Councillors, Past President Mr Timothy Tucker and Past Senior Vice President Mr Richard Rambarran to serve ontheExecutiveManagement Committee as Ex-Officio Members.

Together with the members of the EMC, the Council comprises Ms. Dee George of Herdmanston Lodge;Mr DelmarWalcottof PinnacleSolutions;Mr Devon Seeram of Payless Variety Store; Mrs Evie KanhaiGurchuran of Envisage Marketing and Technology Company;Mr.EusiEvelynof Green State Oil & Gas Services Inc ; Mr. Keon Howard of Electric (Guyana) Inc.; Mr Komal Ramnauth of Kojac; Ms. Mary Nagasar of Hand-in-Hand Group of Companies; Mr Navin Prashad of M P Insurance Brokers and Consultants Ltd.; Mr Orson Ferguson of Vista Holdings Inc ; Mr Paul Archer of Loss Control and Risk Management Guyana; Mr Rayad Boyce of Sonic Business Services, and Mr Rosh Khan of Social Rank Media.

In her first address to the media following her election to presidency, Mrs. Smith spokeaboutsomeofherfocal a r e a s d u r i n g h e r term including the development of women entrepreneurs.

“ T h i s f o c u s a n d commitment to building the capacity of our members continues with this new role. But as the first woman president of the GCCI, I want to utilise this privilege to positively contribute to the development of women entrepreneurs. Because of my backgroundandthestrongand confident women like my grandmother who was a businesswoman in her own way, their influence moulded me, and the assertiveness and confidence that I have in approaching not just business but life—I want to see that inculcated in all the women entrepreneursinthiscountry,” shestated.

The new President affirmed her objectives of advocating and fostering opportunities for women entrepreneurs to ensure that

s are sustainable and profitable. “It doesnotmatterwhetheritisa micro-business—thatisaonewoman operation—or a small firm. The GCCI wants to see our women-owned and MSMEs thrive and succeed,” shereiterated.

Meanwhile, past president of the GCCI, Richard Rambarran in congratulating Smith on her election said, “This is a landmark moment fortheChamberofCommerce and women in industry in Guyana. This is the first time in 136 years that a female has taken the helm of this prestigiousorganisation.“

Kathy Smith was elected as President of the GCCI
Newly elected President of the GCCI, Kathy Smith with some members of the Chambers 21-member Council for 2025/2026


Murdered, Shonette Dover

Shaquawn Alleyne, also known as "ISWE Boss," has been committed to stand trial for the murder of his girlfriend,ShonetteDover

The decision was made on Thursdayduringproceedingsatthe Linden Magistrates' Court before MagistrateRushelleLiverpool.The court concluded that there was sufficient evidence for Alleyne to facetrialattheDemeraraAssizes.

Alleyne, between April 3 and 30,2021,shot19-year-oldDoverto

death and buried her body in a shallow grave in his backyard at Canvas City, Wismar, Linden, Region Ten. He was arrested on January19,2024atMolesonCreek inCorentyne,Berbice.

It was reported that Dover's decomposing body was discovered onApril30,2021,28daysaftershe went missing.Alleyne had initially fooledthevictim'srelativesandthe public by portraying himself as a heartbroken, innocent man deeply concerned about his girlfriend's

disappearance He reported her missing onApril 4, 2021, claiming he had no knowledge of her whereabouts and assumed she had leftforwork. Alleynelaterfledthe jurisdiction and a wanted bulletin wasissuedforhim.

Meanwhile, Dover's 15-yearold relative later confessed to helpingAlleyne bury her body and subsequentlyledpolicetotheburial site. The relative was charged with accessory after the fact of murder (Continuedonpage23)

Shaquawn Alleyne called ‘ISWE Boss' committed to stand trial

GECOM’s CEO distances self from Legal Officer’s submission on need for separate voters’ list for General and Regional Elections

Chief Elections Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Vishnu Persaud has denounced recent submissions made by Kurt Da Silva, the Commission's legalofficer,inthecourtcase challenging the commission to engage better voter verificationprocess. The case was filed by

People's National Congress Reform (PNCR) member Carol Smith-Joseph who soughtjudicialreviewofthe process, citing the need for verification of the addresses ofregistrants.

In her application, the PNCR member claimed that checksataddressesprovided proved empty lots, or dilapidated or abandoned

housesinwhichnoonelives or has lived for years; the addressesexistbutnooneat the address knows the Applicant/Registrant; the address is generic; for example, it may be just the name of the village or town area She fears that the integrity of General and Regional Elections and LocalGovernmentElections

and their results will be questionable,inaccurateand notcredible.

On Monday, when Da Silva appeared before Chief Justice (ag) Roxane George, he contended that the verification issue cannot be addressed, in the manner suggested by Joseph as that suggestion effectively reimposes a residency requirement for Guyanese

citizens for General Elections even though the Courthasexpresslysaidthat t h i s w o u l d b e unconstitutional. Da Silva had suggested that while GECOMisnotinagreement with Joseph's contention on the issue of verification, he does see a need for there to be a separate list of electors for Regional and General Elections.

Da Silva posited that the change must be to the statutoryprovisiontoensure that the provisions governingtheconductofthe elections comply first with theConstitution.

Assuch,itwouldnowbe necessary for ballots for General Elections and Regional Elections to be printedseparately

GECOM's legal officer submitted that it would also be necessary for separate Lists of Electors to be generated for the two elections, since some persons would qualify to be electors for General Elections but not be qualified to be electors for Regional Elections; for example, Guyanese citizens residingoutsideofGuyana.

According to him, this means that Claims and Objections (C&O) in relation to those lists would bebasedondifferentcriteria, withresidencebeingafactor for Regional Elections but not in relation to Guyanese citizens for General Elections However, hours after Da Silva's submissions were made public; GECOM's CEO released a statementdistancinghimself from Da Silva's utterance and submission Persaud said he is compelled to denounce the submissions madebytheLegalOfficer.

Persaud noted that Da Silva's submissions which were made during legal proceedings to which his name as respondent were unauthorized “It is unfortunate that the pronouncements were made by the Legal Officer who p

y, the submissions of the Legal Officer do not represent my

instructions given to him,” theCEOsaidaddingthatthe pronouncements were not only unauthorised by him but were also disconnected from the court matter at hand. The CEO warned that Da Silva's pronouncements can lead to potential c o n f u s i o n a n d misinterpretation regarding preparations for upcoming elections.

“It is crucially important for me to clarify that the LegalOfficerwasnotacting on my instructions. In this regard, the unauthorised pronouncements conflicts with my positions as set out intheAffidavitIsignedasa named respondent in the court matter,” Persaud added.

As the Statutory Officer who is responsible to lead t h e C o m m i s s i o n ' s Secretariat in the conduct of all General, Regional and LocalGovernmentElections inGuyana, Persaudsaidthat h e r e j e c t s t h e pronouncements made by the Legal Officer considering that they are in total contrast with the manner in which lists of electors and ballots have been prepared for decades, up to the 2020 General and Regional Elections, and nothing included in the pronouncements was ever d i s c u s s e d b y t h e

Commission as far as he knows. “As far as l am aware, no stakeholder has ever canvassed for splitting of the ballot, nor for preparing separate lists of electors for the General and Regional Elections. It is my considered view that the L e g a l O f f i c e r ' s pronouncements carry severe implications for preparations for the upcoming elections by creating uncertainty among stakeholders, including voters, political parties, and international observers,” the CEO emphasized. Further, theCEOhopesthattheLegal Officer's pronouncements will be viewed as an aberration It is unclear whether the CEO reviewed

Da Silva's written submission which included the pronouncement before it was presented to the court.

N o t w i t h s t a n d i n g , Oppositionrepresentativeon the Commission Vincent Alexander in an invited comment told Kaieteur News that he finds the situationstrange.

He noted that the usual courseofactionistohavethe documentreviewedbeforeit issubmittedtotheCourt.

“Ialsofinditstrangethat even after the matter was heard on Monday, GECOM held meetings on Tuesday and Thursday and no issue about the submissions were raised, until an article was publicized about the submissions Then the CEO hurriedly put out a release debunking the submissions,” Alexander said.He continued “Another strangethingisthatthepress statementshouldhavenever come from the CEO but the Chairperson through the Public Relations Unit. My suspicion is that the CEO mighthavebeeninahurryto correct the perceived misstep to appease a certain faction…”

Meanwhile,Government appointed Commissioner Sase Gunraj told Kaieteur News that while he is not privy to all the information in the case. He does not believe that the attorney would have stuck to the writtensubmissions.Gunraj, who is also a lawyer, noted there were different systems adapted under different CEOs and Chairpersons of theCommission.

“We had one time that lawyers were hired without any involvement of the Commission and they just turn up to the meetings…” Gunraj said sharing his general view on how the Commissionismanaged.

GECOM’s CEO, Vishnu Persaud
GECOM'sLegal Officer: Kurt Da Silva

Procurement Commission and Small Business Bureau host training for small business owners

The Public Procurement Commission (PPC), in collaborationwiththeSmall Business Bureau (SBB) under the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, successfully hostedaPublicProcurement TrainingsessionattheSmall Business Bureau on Tuesday, March 18, 2025. This one-day training is aimed at strengthening the capacityofsmallbusinesses, to compete for government contracts. Itwasattendedby 50 participants who represented various sectors, including agriculture, construction, real estate, farming, logistics, fashion, catering, arts and crafts, and general services. The event

marked a significant milestone in empowering s m a l l b u s i n e s s e s According to the PPC, the trainingispartofitsstrategic effortstopromotefairaccess to government contracts The training emphasized public awareness and procurement system navigation, to maximize benefits for small businesses.

Article 212AA (1)(b) of the Constitution mandates theCommissionto“promote awareness of the rules, procedures, and special

Attendees at the training exercise on public procurement held on March 18, 2025 at the Small Business Bureau in collaboration with the Public Procurement Commission Georgetown, Guyana.

requirements of the procurement process among suppliers, contractors, and public bodies ” The collaboration between the PPC and SBB has been instrumental in the success ofthisinitiative.

“TogetherwiththePPC’s a f o r e m e n t i o n e d constitutional mandate, the training also aligns with the statutorily mandated Small Business Procurement Programme (SBPP), as outlinedinSection11ofthe SmallBusinessAct2004.

The SBPP requires that the Government must “use its best endeavors to ensure that at least 20% of the procurement of goods and services, required annually by the Government, is obtained from small businesses.”

Mr Mohammed Shazim Ibrahim, CEO of the Small Business Bureau, delivered o p e n i n g r e m a r k s , emphasizing the importance of the training in contributingtotheeconomic developmentofGuyana.

He stated that, “The SmallBusinessProcurement Programme ensures that small businesses have fair a c c e s s t o t h e s e opportunities.Weencourage all participants to engage, ask questions, and foster collaborationsthatwilldrive their success ” Ibrahim clarified that while, like the PPC, the SBB does not awardcontracts,butprovide critical opportunities for members to learn about procurement processes and

Teen killed in accident after pulling steering wheel during row with boyfriend

An 18-year-old hairdresser died on Wednesday night after she reportedly grabbedthesteeringwheelofthevehicleher 19-year-oldboyfriendwasdriving,causingit to collide with a lamp post on the Meten Meer Zorg Public Road, West Coast Demerara(WCD).

Theyoungwomanhasbeenidentifiedas Saeeda Swallay Her boyfriend Janheam KwameSilaswasinjuredintheaccident.

Policereportedthattheaccidentoccurred around22:45h,oppositetheGuyIndiaStore and involved a car bearing registration number PXX 4206 owned by Rona Hill. SwallayandSilasweretheloneoccupantsin the car Investigations revealed that the couple was arguing about an incident that occurred earlier Wednesday where a man allegedlystruckthevehiclewitha‘chopping instrument’beforeSilasdroveaway

Silas reportedly told ranks that the man was following him and Swallay from De Kinderen,WCD.

Policereportedthatduringtheargument, Swallay, “allegedly grabbed the steering wheel, causing the vehicle to collide with a lamp post.” As a result, both her and Silas receivedinjuriesabouttheirbodies.

The duo was transported to the Leonora Cottage Hospital, where a doctor pronouncedSwallaydeadonarrival.

“A black and blue contusion above the righteye,acontusiontotherightsideofthe head, and blood around the head and face

wereseenonthewoman’sbody,”policesaid initsreport.

Silas underwent a breathalyzer test, which showed readings of 0.05 and 0.07 microgramsofalcohol,respectively Hewas takenintocustody

Meanwhile, Assistant Commissioner of Police(ACP)KhalidMandlalltoldKaieteur News that a post-mortem examination (PME) conducted on Friday revealed that Swallay died from injuries to her head as a resultoftheaccident.

available opportunities. The PPC Training Officer also reiterated that the PPC does not award or revoke contracts Instead, it is responsible for monitoring, investigating, legislative reform, and providing training on public procurement.

After an evaluation is conducted, the appropriate board finalizes and awards the contract. Ms. Raushell

Underwood, Training Coordinator of the SBB, provided an overview of the SmallBusinessProcurement

Portal and the 20%

Procurement Programme, highlighting the SBB’s role in supporting small businesses.Akeysegmentof the training focused on navigating the procurement portal, including tender submissions and document uploads.

“Throughoutthesession, participants gained valuable insights into public procurement, including the role and responsibilities of the Public Procurement Commission, the legislative

procurement, the debarment p

methods used in Guyana,

preparation, tendering best practices, and the tender opening and evaluation process,” the PPC said in a pressrelease.

This training is expected toempowersmallbusinesses to participate actively in government procurement, and leverage the 20% Procurement Programme The Public Procurement Co

committed to supporting

s by equipping them with the n


ols and knowledge to thrive in the competitive procurement landscape.

This hands-on session equipped participants with practical skills to engage in government procurement processes. The training was ledbyAttorney-at-Law,Ms. Esther Osborne, Training Officer, Antonio Yhan, and Civil Engineer, Mr. Savion Paddy,allofthePPC.



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IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF GUYANA REGULAR JURISDICTION NO. 2023HC-DEM-CIV-FDA-839 BETWEEN:1. CLAIRE O’GARRO 2. GLORIA MATTHEWS, represented by her duly constituted attorney, STANLEY WILLS agreeable with Power of Attorney executed on the 6th day of July, 2010 and numbered 5004 of 2010 Claimants 3. MAXINE CHARLES represented by her duly constituted attorney STANLEY WILLS agreeable with Power of Attorney executed on the 5th da of October, 1990 and recorded in the Deeds Registry at Georgetown on the 5th day of October, 1990 and recorded in the Deeds Registry at Georgetown on the 5th day of October, 1990 and numbered 4357 of 1990. 4. STANLEY WILLS in his capacity as the Adminsitrator Ad Litem of the Estate of NORMA GITTENS, deceased, by virtue of Court Order date the 24th day od October, 2023. 5. WILFRED SOLOMON in her capacity as the Administrator Ad Litem of the Estate of PHILMA SOLOMON, deceased, by virtue of Court Order dated the 24th day of October, 2023Added Claimants -and- EDWARD HARRY JR. defendant NOTICE OF DEFENCE AND COUNTER CLAIM TAKE NOTICE that EDWARD HARRY JR., of Sublot ‘A’, Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara, Guyana, intends to defend the said Application. Any person intending to oppose the Notice of Defence and Counterclaim must file a defence to counterclaim within one (1) month after the date of the first publication of the notice. That the matter is adjourned to the 23rd June, 2025 at 10:00 p.m before the Honourable Justice CorbinLincoln in Court 8 for case management.




Applicant -and1. CLEYON OLWENALLEN


Formerly of Lot 33 Victor Street, Lodge, Georgetown, Guyana


TAKE NOTICE that on the 21s day of May, 2024 an Application Relating to Child was filed against you the first named Respondent CLEYON OLWEN ALLEN, by FAYANN GREENE the Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NO-

TICE that as part of an Order made on the 10th day of March, 2025 the Applicant were directed to effect service of the Application on you by the first named Respondent CLEYON OLWEN ALLEN publication of the Notice in one (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around the Republic of Guyana and on the world wide web.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Application together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NO-

Child, an Answer and/or Notice of Intention to Defend the Court will proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting Custody. The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pmon Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the 12th day of March,2025.


For Sale 6 used American made Dental chairs excellent condition contact Mr Vino on 661-3030 or 626-8918


Camp Street, Top Floor (25'x40') Middle floor( 25x40') for offices or other types of business . Call : 6097675 / 674-1705.

Commercial space, Enmore Mall Top and ground spaces, also 4 Acres Land to lease, Emore Public road. Call : 6097675 / 674-1705.

At Georgetown, Demerara 27th February, 2025

This Notice was filed/published by Mr. Donavon A. Rangiah, Attorney-at-Law for the Defendant, whose address for service and place of business is at Lot 156 Charlotte Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, Guyana

TICE that if you desire to Defend this Application, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Application, you must file a Reply to Application Relating to Child, and/or Statement of Arrangements for child (Forms are available at the Registry) in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara.

TAKE NOTICE that this matter is fixed for Directions Hearing on Monday the 2nd day of June, 2025 at 9:30 am via zoom before the Honourable Madam Damone Younge via zoom meeting ID: 845 1426 6584 and password: 786 445.

IN DEFAULT of your filing a Reply to Application Relating to

Application No. FD-143 BETWEEN: (PERSAUD) DWARKA Petitioner/ Applicant -V- (PERSAUD) BIBI FARIEDA nee BACCHUS Respondent TO: BIBI FARIEDA PERSAUD nee BACCHUS Formerly of Lot 326 Cornelia Ida West Coast Demerara Guyana TAKE NOTICE that on the 15th day of November, 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by DWARKA PERSAUD the Petitioner/ Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 26th day of February, 2025 the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of his Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana and on the Worldwide Web. AND FURTHER TAKE

NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention

Small Farmers mini Tractor, complete plows - coutock plows. Cantact : 624-0646.
Aracari Hotel renovated rooms ,A/C, TV, Restaurant, bar, pool, gym Stay 7 nights, 1 Free! Call: 264-2946.

to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition via the online portal, https:/ / ejudiciary.supremecourt.gy within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. Your access code T57fXU TAKE NOTICE that the Divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Tuesday the 13th day of May, 2025 at 9:00am before the Honourable Madam Justice Fidela Corbin-Lincoln via Zoom Meeting ID: 882 1097 6231 & Passcode: Court12. IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.

The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara].

The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the 12th day of March,2025.



I, RICARDO RUSUL of lot 5, Public road, Anna Catherina , West Coast Demerara, hereby give notice that I have applied to the Magistrate of the GEORGETOWN MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT for a Certificate under the Money Lenders’ Act, authorizing the grant to me of a Money Lender’s Licence to carry on the business of a Money Lender under the title of NARESH JEWELRY & PAWNSHOP of lot lot 4, Public road, Anna Catherina , West Coast Demerara , Guyana. NOTICE of any objections to the application should be sent forthwith to the CLERK OF COURT OF WEST DEMERARA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT and a copy of any such notice should be sent to the subscriber, RICARDO RUSUL, Applicant Dated at Georgetown, Demerara . This 7th day of October, 2023.

“Caribbean Roots, Global Excellence” – Theme for CARIFESTA XV

CARICOM Secretariat: Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office with responsibility for Culture, Barbados, Senator the Honourable Shantal Munro-Knight, says the country is ready to welcome the Region and the world to CARIFESTA XV from August 22 to 31, which will be staged under the theme “Caribbean Roots, Global Excellence.”Minister MunroKnight highlighted that the CARIFESTA XV calendar reflects three (3) pillars critical to the Region’s reality. These are “Where We Have Come From: Honouring Our Heritage,” “Where We Are: Celebrating Caribbean Excellence” and “Where We Are Going: Building a Sustainable and Resilient Future.”

Where We Have Come From: Honouring Our HeritageThe event calendar showcases a diverse array of rich Caribbean traditions and exciting innovations, featuring the Opening Ceremony and Caribbean Street Parade, as well as the “Icon Nights” cultural legends concert.

The Minister emphasised that the celebration will include activities for every Caribbean family.Additional highlights will include the “Holy Train” – a spiritual sunrise gathering featuring dance, spoken word, and music; “Sunday Food” – a culinary experience highlighting the traditional flavours of Caribbean Sunday meals; and Heritage Exhibitions, featuring re-

search presentations and interactive displays on Caribbean history and identity.

Where We Are: Celebrating Caribbean ExcellenceThe activities within this pillar will showcase the Region’s vibrancy and talent through music, fashion, culinary arts, and literature. These events will highlight how the Caribbean continues to influence and inspire the world. Activities include Country Nights, an immersive experience showcasing the unique artistic expressions of each participating nation; the Grand Market and Trade Hub, a dynamic space featuring art, craft, fashion, and culinary showcases; and a Film Festival and New Filmmakers Bootcamp, featuring screenings of acclaimed films and

emerging talent from the Caribbean. Visitors to Barbados during CARIFESTA XV will revel in the experience of Super Concerts, a series of concerts celebrating Caribbean musical pioneers and contemporary stars - as well as the “Pot Turn Down”, a street food festival that brings together diverse Caribbean flavours.

Where We Are Going: Building a Sustainable and Resilient FutureMinister Munro-Knight explained that this pillar will explore the resilience and adaptability of Caribbean culture in the face of global changes, including climate action, economic sustainability, and social progress.”

The discussions and events in this category will

examine how we preserve and elevate Caribbean traditions while incorporating innovation and sustainability into our future,” the Minister stated.

The highlights will include “Big Conversations”, thought-provoking discussions on Caribbean identity, resilience, climate action, and cultural diplomacy; “Sustainability by the Sea”, a day dedicated to eco-friendly initiatives, including beach clean-ups and sustainable cuisine; and the CARIFESTA Business Forum, panel discussions and workshops on cultural entrepreneurship, licensing, and creative industries. Additional attractions are The UWI Symposium, featuring academic discussions on the intersection of

Rubio to visit Guyana next week

United States Sec retary of State, Marco Rubio will travel next week to the Caribbean, where he will meet with several leaders as part of a three-nation tour, three sources said.

On Wednesday, Rubio will travel to Jamaica, where he will be hosted by Prime Minister Andrew Holness for talks. He will then travel on to Guyana and Suriname, where he will meet with their respective presidents, Mohamed Irfaan Ali and Chandrikapersad “Chan” Santokhi. The two-oil rich nations on the tip of South America are part of the 15member Caribbean Community regional trade group known as CARICOM.

Last month, during a regional summit in Barbados, the bloc’s chairwoman, Bar-

bados Prime Minister Mia Mottley, extended an invitation to President Donald Trump to visit the Caribbean and added the leaders also hoped to meet with senior administration officials. Soon after, Mauricio Claver-Carone, Trump’s special envoy to the Americas, confirmed to the Miami Herald that both he and Rubio were planning to visit sometime this month.

Mottley plans to be in Kingston, where she will represent CARICOM. Trinidad and Tobago, which is responsible for matters about security, will be represented by its newly minted prime minister, Stuart Young.

The final leader who has been invited to meet with Rubio is the newly installed head of Haiti’s embattled Transitional Presidential Council, Fritz Alphonse Jean. Rubio’s visit comes as lead-

ers grow increasingly concerned about the quickly deteriorating security situation in Haiti, which threatens to spill over into the region, and several worrying U.S. policy shifts that stand to have negative effects on their vulnerable economies.

Friday’s agenda will also include discussions with the Guyanese government about the escalating border controversy between Guyana and Venezuela. Notably, while

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has accused President Ali of trying to start an armed conflict in the region, the U.S. earlier this month issued a stern warning to the Venezuelan leader following reports that a Venezuelan army vessel entered Guyanese waters, threatening ExxonMobil’s offshore operations.

(Information modified from Miami Herald)

culture, technology, and sustainability, as well as a Wellness Day, which will explore traditional Caribbean wellness practices and herbal remedies.Minister MunroKnight underscored that the roster of activities was also designed for tourists.

“CARIFESTA XV is an ideal experience for visitors from outside the Region to discover our rich culture,” asserted the Minister.” CARIFESTA has been a cornerstone of regional unity and cultural celebration since its inception over fifty years ago. This year’s Festival takes place at a time when we in the Caribbean are facing several pressing challenges. Climate vulnerability, economic inequality, new technologies and social intolerance have all tested our resolve and threatened our way of life, as we know it. However, CARIFESTA remains the uniting event that reminds us of our innate resilience through our shared love of Caribbean culture,” she added.

‘ISWE’ to stand trial for Shonette Dover’s murder...

From page 19 and was remanded to the Juvenile Detention Centre. A post-mortem examination conducted on Dover’s remains confirmed that she died from a single gunshot wound to the head.

After being on the run for nearly three years, Alleyne was apprehended by Suriname authorities in 2024, who handed him over to Guyanese authorities. While in custody, Alleyne reportedly confessed to the crime, claiming it was an accident.

Alleyne made his first appearance at the Linden Magistrates’ Court on January 23, 2024, via Zoom before Magistrate Wanda Fortune. He was not required to plead to the indictable charge and was remanded to prison.

Participants at a CARIFESTA (CARICOM Secretariat)
Marco Rubio, US Secretary of State © Reuters ex

Israel threatens annexation after expanding ground offensive in Gaza

Aljazeera -Israeliforces intensify ground operations in northern and southern Gaza as Defence Minister Katz warns of seizing territory if all captives not released.

Israel's military assault on the Gaza Strip has continuedforafourthdayas its ground forces expand their operations in northern and southern Gaza and the Israeli defence minister threatenstoseizelandinthe coastalenclave.

Defence Minister Israel Katz said on Friday that

Israeli forces would “intensify” the military campaign against Hamas and use “all military and civilian pressure, including evacuation of the Gaza population south and implementing United States President [Donald] Trump's voluntarymigrationplanfor Gazaresidents”.

Katz instructed the army “to seize additional areas in Gaza, evacuate the population and expand security zones around Gaza

to protect Israeli communities and [Israeli army]soldiers”,localmedia quotedhimassaying.

He also warned that Israel would seize land in Gaza until Hamas agrees to release all captives still held intheStrip.

“The more Hamas persists in its refusal to release the hostages, the more territory it will lose, which will be annexed to Israel,” Katz was quoted by The Jerusalem Post newspaperassaying.

“If the hostages are not released,Israelwillcontinue to take more and more territory in the Strip for permanentcontrol.”

As Israeli ground forces pressed deeper into Gaza, Israeli jets continued a ferocious bombardment of the enclave. Five people,

including three children, were killed in an Israeli air strike that hit a house in the Tuffah district of Gaza City in the enclave's north, while two people – a woman and herdaughter–werekilledby tank fire in Abassan near Khan Younis in the south, according to Palestinian medics.

Later,theIsraelimilitary said it had intercepted two projectiles fired from northern Gaza after alerts were activated in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon No Palestinian group immediately claimed responsibility

The developments come after Israeli troops invaded the Shaboura area of Rafah, Gaza's southernmost city near the Egyptian border, and Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza, late on Thursday Earlierthisweek,Israelsaid it had closed off the territory's main north-south routeaspartofitsexpanding groundoperations.

Al Jazeera's Hind Khoudary, reporting from centralGaza,saidaccording to residents in Beit Lahiya andRafah,Israeliforcesdid not give any warnings of


“They did not throw leafletsordropanywarnings asking people to evacuate thoseareas,”shesaid.

The ground operations come after Israel shattered a nearly two-month ceasefire in Gaza on Tuesday with a

blockade on the Palestinian territory More than 590 people, including about 200 children,havebeenkilledin

, according to the Gaza MinistryofHealth.

Israel said it resumed its attacksafterHamasfailedto agree to a new version of a ceasefire.


wanted an extension of the firstphaseofthethree-phase truceandthereleaseofmost ofthe59remainingcaptives inGaza–ofwhichabouttwo dozen are believed to be alive – without committing toendthewar.

The Palestinian armed group has stressed that it wanted to stick to the original accord signed in January, according to which the two sides should have

responsibility for the ongoingwarinGazaandfor theresumptionofhostilities.

Every death would have been avoided had Hamas acceptedthebridgeproposal thattheUnitedStatesoffered last Wednesday,” acting US Ambassador Dorothy Shea told the United Nations SecurityCouncilonFriday

Lackofaid,hospitals 'overwhelmed'

Khoudary said health workers and hospitals in the S t r i p h a v e b e e n overwhelmedduringIsrael's renewedassault.

“Wearetalkingabout18 days of zero aid trucks entering the Gaza Strip. Not one single truck of medical supplies has been entering theGazaStrip,”shesaid.

started negotiations on the second phase of the deal, which would address the release of the remaining captives, the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the enclave and a permanent cessationofhostilities.

The United States, Israel's staunch ally, has insisted that Hamas was to blameforIsraelresumingits bombardmentofGaza.

“Hamas bears full

UNRWA,theUNagency forPalestinianrefugees,said the situation in Gaza is gravely concerning amid huge reductions in aid supplies.“This is the longest period since the start of conflictinOctober2023that nosupplieswhatsoeverhave entered Gaza,” UNRWA's Sam Rose told reporters, speaking from central Gaza.

“Theprogresswemadeasan aid system over the last six weeks of the ceasefire is beingreversed.”

“We can stretch that by giving people less, but we aretalkingdays,notweeks,” Rosesaidofhowlongtheaid willlast,addingthatsixof25 bakeriesthattheWorldFood Programme supports have hadtoclosedown.

WASHINGTON, March 21 (Reuters)The U S on Friday announced that Argentine former President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and a former governmentministerareineligibleforentry into the country, after the two were designated for their "involvement in significantcorruption.”

SecretaryofStateMarcoRubiosaidina statementthatKirchnerandformerplanning ministerJulioMiguelDeVido"abusedtheir positions by orchestrating and financially benefitting from multiple bribery schemes involving public works contracts, resulting in millions of dollars stolen from the Argentinegovernment."

The Reuters Daily Briefing newsletter provides all the news you need to start your day Signuphere.

The bar on entry also applies to immediate family members of the two, the statementsaid.Rubio said that Kirchner and De Vido both undermined "the Argentine people's and investors' confidence in Argentina'sfuture."

Kirchner served two consecutive terms aspresidentfrom2007to2015,andwasvice presidentfrom2019to2023.

Shehaslostpopularityinrecentyearsas herlegalchallengesmounted.

Late last year, a court upheld her convictionfordolingoutstatecontractstoa

“Talkingtodoctors,they aresayingthatmostofthese injuries are very serious and most of the injured are children, women and the elderly.”

Moreover, the lack of fuelinthecoastalenclaveis making the situation worse.

“MostofGaza'shospitalsare at risk of collapsing and shuttingdowniftheydonot receive fuel in the coming days,”Khoudarysaid.

On March 2, Israel blockedallhumanitarianaid intoGazaafterthefirstphase of the ceasefire expired, cutting off food, medicine andfuel.

This resulted in global condemnation with European nations warning that the blockade could breach international humanitarianlaw

Bodies of Palestinians killed in an Israeli attack are brought to the Indonesian Hospital in Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza [Abdalhkem Abu Riash/Anadolu]

Mae's school fire caused by electrical fault - Fire Chief

An artist's impression of what the pre-fabricated building will look like when installed.

TwoweeksafteradevastatingfiredestroyedMae'sSchool in Subryanville, Georgetown, Fire Chief, Gregory Wickham confirmedthatthecauseoftheblazewaselectricalinorigin.

Wickham told Kaieteur News on Friday, “We have completed our investigations and the cause of the fire that we cameupwithwaselectricalinnature.”

However,whenaskedaboutthespecificlocationwherethe fire started, Wickham refrained from disclosing the information.

The fire occurred on March 5, 2025 at around 07:45hrs, guttingthebuildingthatpreviouslyhousedtheplayschool,as wellasprimaryandsecondaryclassrooms.

TheGuyanaFireService(GFS)receivedthedistresscallat 08:04hrsandrespondedswiftly Atotalof28firefighterswere immediately deployed, and were supported by eight water tendersandtwoBrontoskyliftplatforms.Despitetheirefforts, the blaze spread rapidly, destroying the three-storey wooden and concrete structure. Fortunately, all individuals within the schoolwereevacuatedsafely

Tragically, during the firefighting operation, four firefighters were injured. One of them, fireman Voshaun Manbodh from Melanie Damishana, East Coast Demerara, succumbedtohisinjuries.Whilebattlingtheblaze,aportionof thebuildingcollapsedonhim,causingsevereneckinjuries.He was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC),wherehediedthreedayslater.

Meanwhile,theschool'sadministrationisintheprocessof finding alternative accommodation for the students.They had indicatedinitiallythatthestudentswouldbehousedintheold Georgetown InternationalAcademy (GIA-American School) building.However,thatisyettomaterialize.

Tents have since been set up at the school's Jubilee Park ground, located opposite the burnt-out location. Parents were informed on Friday that efforts are being made to have prefabricatedbuildingsthatwillserveasclassrooms.

“Wewanttoassureyouthatthecurrentsetuponthefieldis only a temporary arrangement as we work towards a more stable solution. We have purchased prefabricated buildings already to serve as classrooms and facilities, which are currentlybeingimported.Theseunitsareexpectedtoarriveand befullyassembledwithinthenextthreeweeks.Onceinplace, they will provide a safe, structured, and comfortable learning environmentforourchildrenwhilewerebuildourschool,”the school'sadministrationtoldparents.

The note continued: “We sincerely thank you for your continuedsupport,cooperation,andunderstandingduringthis transition period. Your resilience and commitment to your children's education mean the world to us, and we remain dedicated to ensuring their learning continues without disruption.”

The school's administration also provided an artist's impressionofwhatthepre-fabricatedbuildingwilllooklike.

Mae's School on fire

Track and Field clubs demand nullification of AAG elections

Six prominent athletics clubs in Guyana have launchedascathingrejection of the recently convened Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Athletics Association of Guyana (AAG), branding it unconstitutional and illegitimate.

The clubs categorically rejected any media reports suggesting that a new AAG

P r e s i d e n t , S h e r y l Hermonstine, had been elected, stressing that the


dy collapsed before any valid electioncouldtakeplace.

In a strongly worded stat


nt iss

d on Thursday, the clubs have demanded the nullification of all decisions made at the contentiousMarch16AGM, including the purported appointment of a new ExecutiveCouncil.

Mercury Fast-Laners Athletics Club, Running BraveTrackandFieldClub, TytanUnitedTrackClub,De

Challengers Athletics Club, Christianburg Wismar Secondary School Track Club,andRuralitesAthletics


highlighting that the AGM was fundamentally flawed, in direct violation of the AAG Constitution, and marred by chaos and intimidation.

At the heart of the dispute lies a series of alleged constitutional


rendered the meeting illegitimatefromtheoutset.

A m o n g t h e k e y violations outlined are failure to Hold theAGM on TimeunderArticle8(i)ofthe AAG Constitution which mandates that the AGM be heldnolaterthanJanuary31

each year With the Executive Council’s term expiring on January 31, 2025, the clubs are arguing that the delay created a governance vacuum that should have been resolved t h r o u g h p r o p e r constitutionalmechanisms.

Saturday March 22, 2025


Increasedenthusiasmforyour favoriteprojectmay take you inanewdirection,Aries.You could even decide to change careers in order to devote yourself more fully to doing what you've discovered you lovethemost.


If you're in a committed relationship, expect to feel a new sense of mutual purpose and make some new friends. Ifyouaren'tinvolved.


Positive emotions like love, enthusiasm, or optimism that havebeenrepressedforyears could surface today, bringing a new sense of joy and anticipation for the future, Gemini.


Groupactivitieslikeralliesor festivals could take place in your neighborhood today You may attend, Cancer, and you could learn some new concepts that give impetus to yourspiritualgrowth.


The development of a talent that you've neglected could have surprising results, Leo. You could find that it's just what you need in order to expand your horizons and catapult you into whatever situationyouwanttobein.


A period of great inner transformation and powerful upheaval in your outer life is cominguponyounow,Virgo. A part of you wants to welcomeitandchargeahead, whileanotherpartholdsback,


Your intuition should be growing by leaps and bounds. Today you may get psychic messages from everywhere, both personal and universal.

T h i s c a n b e a b i t overwhelming,Libra.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Anumberofnewandexciting relationships could appear in your life now, some of them showingpromiseofbecoming close. Old ones seem to be fading. This can make you a littlesad,Scorpio.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Rewards from hard work and dedication could finally be in the offing, Sagittarius. You experience the warm feeling that comes from deep satisfaction and knowing that youdeserveeverything


Educational or spiritual growthonyourpartislikelyto attract new friends who could become close companions There could even be a new romanticpartnerin thebunch.

This comes from the expansionofyourmind.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)An increase in your financial status could lead to changes in your household. You might choose to redecorate or purchase new furniture or move to a better place.


nnertransformationislikelyto make a big difference in your communications right now, Pisces Your relationships could improve because you're moreopenandhonestwithout beingtooblunt.

“complete sham,” insisting thatnovaliddecisionscould be made under such circumstances.

In light of the alleged unconstitutional foundation, procedural breaches, and chaotic breakdown of the AGM, the aforementioned clubs declared that all decisions made after the Chairperson’s departure are nullandvoid. Thisincluded the purported election of a new AAG Executive Council,andanyresolutions or motions passed under u n c o n

Instead, the clubs said, General Secretary James Cole unilaterally postponed theAGMtoMarch16,2025, without securing the required approval from the General Membership or convening an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) underArticle9.

Theofficialnoticeforthe AGM was issued late, the clubs said, which violated Article 8’s stipulation that noticesmustbesent28days inadvance.

Critical reports, including the Treasurer’s Report, Audited Financial

Statement, and SubCommittee Reports, the clubs said, were not provided at least seven days before the meeting as required by Article 13, leaving members unable to conductduediligence.

The nomination process for elections was also flawed, according to the clubs, as nomination forms were issued late, depriving clubs of adequate time to submitcandidates.

Under Article 8(ii), motions must be submitted 14daysbeforetheAGMand circulatedtomembersseven daysinadvance.

However, due to the delayed AGM notice, the clubs said they were denied the opportunity to propose motions within the prescribed timeframe Meanwhile, the clubs, in a release to the Media, said a particularly troubling elementoftheAGMwasthe presence of uniformed police officers, stationed both inside and outside the Racquet Centre, where the meetingwasheld.

The clubs condemned this as a clear attempt to intimidate members and suppress legitimate democraticprocesseswithin the AAG.In their statement, the clubs described what remained of the AGM as a

under Article 9. The new AGM, according to the clubs, will address the governance vacuum created by the Executive Council’s expired term, determine the validity of any purported elections held after the AGM’s collapse, ensure a t

constitutional election p

responsible for violating the AAGConstitution.


With the AAG now engulfed in a governance crisis, the protesting clubs have vowed to reclaim control of the association through an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

Should the crisis remain unresolved, the clubs have indicatedtheirwillingnessto escalate the matter to Atletismo Sudamericano

ensuring that the AAG

international governance standards.

Hamilton ‘gobsmacked’ by Ferrari speed in China

(BBC Sport) - Lewis Hamilton said he was “gobsmacked” to take his firstpolepositionforFerrari for the sprint race at the ChineseGrandPrix.

Hamilton out-qualified Red Bull’s MaxVerstappen, with his Ferrari team-mate Charles Leclerc fourth and Lando Norris’ McLaren sixth.

T h e s e v e n - t i m e champion, who qualified eighth and finished ninth on hisFerraridebutinAustralia lastweekend,said:“I’mabit takenabackbyit.

“I didn’t know when we would get to this position and, after last weekend, it was a difficult start to the week. I came here with aggressionandwantingtogo intotheweekendandgetthe carintoagreatplace.

“I started out straight awaywithabetterfeelingin

thecarandIcan’tbelievewe areatthefront.Iamjustabit gobsmacked.”

Despite achieving a record 104 race pole positions during his career, tobeinfirstplaceonthegrid forthesprintisanunfamiliar experienceforHamilton.

He has been the sprint pole-sitter just once before, at the 2021 British Grand Prix, when he was passed at the start by Verstappen and hadtoacceptsecondplacein the17-lapdash.

Hamilton’slastracepole came at the 2023 Hungarian GrandPrix-20monthsago. For his feat in Shanghai, Hamilton out-qualified Leclerc by 0.208 seconds andNorrisby0.544secs.

The result gives Hamilton prime starting positionfortheshortersprint race on Saturday, at 03:00 GMT, after which the teams

can modify their car set-ups before grand prix qualifying at 07:00 Hamilton said: “Even though it’s not the main pole it gives me real inspiration to go into tomorrow and try to find moreperformanceandseeif we can compete again There’s definitely a little more performance to find, for sure.” Leclerc said: “I

Hamilton has won the Chinese Grand Prix six times (Getty Images)

struggled on my side of the garage.FromthebeginningI felt I was a step back from Lewisandhewasjustfaster “StruggledalotinTurns One, Two and Three, which isthesameaslastyearmore or less. Apart from that, everything was quite tight. It’s a shame we start P4 but Lewis is on pole and hopefully we can have a

strong race ” Behind Verstappen in second, McLaren’s Oscar Piastri tookthird,aheadofLeclerc, the Mercedes of George RussellandNorris.

Norris won the opening race of the season in Australia in the wet from polepositionbutmadeerrors on both his laps in the final part of sprint qualifying in China.

“I made a mistake - I lockedupinthelastcorner,” Norris said. “But we’re just struggling a bit more now Just not quick enough, simply “This was me just trying to just push a bit too much.Justneedtobackoffa little bit and not try to push too much. I think the car’s still good and in a good window, maybe not good enoughforpole.Butwecan definitelygoforward(inthe sprint) ” Ferrari team principal Frederic Vasseur

said he believed the result was a reflection of the closeness of competition between the top four teams and the difficulty of getting the cars into the right set-up window and the tyres behavingattheiroptimum.

Vasseur said: “The day was a bit difficult to read. McLaren was in front this morning and in Q1 we were infront,Q2theyweremega, Q3wewereback.

“Ithinkitislinkedtotyre management. If you are not in the right window, you are strugglingalotbutitisgood fortheteam.

“We had a tough weekend in Melbourne but the Friday was good. It is a bitlikethisweekend,veryup and down. “It is exactly the samepictureaslastyear-the last four races, three or four teamswereabletowinby30 seconds from track to track dependingonthetyres.”

Petra/Milo U18 Football kicks off Round II action today

After an electrifying opening round that saw 66 goals,the11theditionofthe Milo/Massy Under-18 Football Championship moves into its second round thisweekendattheMinistry of Education (MoE) and Queen’s College (QC) grounds.

Atotaloftwelvematches willbecontested,kickingoff today with Three Mile Secondary facing Hope SecondaryattheQCground at 12:00 noon. Meanwhile, over at MoE, Bartica Secondary will go head-toheadwithCarmelSecondary at12:30pm.Thismatchupis one to watch as both teams will be eager to secure their first victory of the 2025 tournament.

The action continues with two more matches at each venue Defending champions Chase’s Academic Foundation will take on West Demerara Secondary at 14:30 hours, followed by Santa Rosa Secondary,lookingforbackto-back wins, against New Central High at 16:30 hours atMoE.

Over at QC, South Ruimveldt Secondary will meet New Amsterdam Secondary in Match #17. Both teams have been in good form, and with solid defenses and skilled attacking options, this

encounter promises to be a tactical battle. Wrapping up the day at 16:00 hours, Charlestown Secondary will clash with Brickdam Secondary, who are still searching for their best combination.

What’s at stake? In addition to Petra’s financial reward of $300,000 for the first-place winner, earmarked for a school project The top eight finishers will earn a placein the upcoming ExxonMobil Secondary Football Championship. The top two teams from that competition will then have the prestigious opportunity to represent Guyana at Petra’s year-end Goodwill International School’s Series.

This tournament continues to serve as a vital platform for young players to develop their skills in a structured and competitive environment while gaining valuable exposure to enhance their football careers.

The championship is proudlysponsoredbyNestlé Milo (Massy Distribution) and MVP Sports and is sanctioned by the Ministry of Education, with additional support from the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs and the National SportsCommission.

Djokovic cruises into third round at Miami Open

(BBC Sport) - Novak Djokovicissafelythroughto thethirdroundoftheMiami Open after a straight-set victory over Australia’s RinkyHijikata.

The Serbian fourth seed raced through the first set withoutdroppingagameand although he was made to work harder in the second, still sealed a 6-0 7-6 (7-1) win in a little over an hour and20minutes.

Djokovic, who received abyeinroundone,willface world number 69 Camilo Ugo Carabelli of Argentina inthenextround.

B u i l d u p t o t h e tournament has been dominated by news that the ProfessionalTennis Players’ Association (PTPA), cofounded by Djokovic, has begun legal action against tennis’governingbodies.

However, in his first match in Miami since 2019, the 37-year-old showed no signs of being distracted as Hijikatawasswiftlyswatted aside The 24-time Grand Slam champion broke in the second game of the match and never looked back, winning the first set to love

in28minutes.Itwasmoreof a contest in the second, but Djokovic dominated in the tie-break to move a step closer to a seventh Miami Opentitle.

“I was playing really well, I mean on a very high level from the beginning, I knew exactly what I wanted todotactically,”hesaid.

“Obviously it’s just the firstmatchbutthewayIfelt on the court and the way I p l a y e d i s r e a l l y encouraging ” Medvedev out but Ruud and Dimitrov advanceSeventhseedDaniil Medvedevwasbeaten6-263bySpain’sJaumeMunar The 2023 champion

made 31 unforced errors as he was brushed aside

by world number 56 Munar

Casper Ruud also had a s c a r e , b u t t h e Norwegian came from a set down to claim a 3-6 64 6-4 vict


Bulgaria’s Grigor D i m i t r o v s a w o f f Federico Cina of Italy in straight sets, winning 6-1 6-4 but, having claimed his first win since 2022

earlier this week, Australia’s Nick Kyrgios lost 7-6 (7-3) 6-0 to KarenKhachanov :

West Indians among top performers at recently concluded International Masters League

(SportsMax) - Lendl Simmons, Dwayne Smith, Ashley Nurse and Ravi Rampaul finished among the top five run scorers and wicket takers, respectively, in the recently concluded International Masters League in India.

Insixinnings,Simmonsscored351runs atanaverageof87.75includingonehundred andtwofifties.

The Trinidadian, who also had a strike rateof175.50,wasoneofonlytwobatsmen to cross the 300-run mark, with the other beingAustralian Shane Watson who hit 361 runs.

Smith finished third behind Watson and Simmonswith264runsinseveninningsatan averageof37.71andastrikerateof154.38.

Nurse finished level with Australia’s Xavier Doherty at the top of the wickettaking charts with 10 in seven games at an averageof17.70andaneconomyof7.64.

Ravi Rampaul finished third with nine wickets and was one of only two players to

Lendl Simmons


TheWestIndiesgotallthewaytothefinal before losing to India by seven wickets on Sunday

Novak Djokovic has won the Miami Open on six previous occasions (Getty Images)

FLSportdonatesstumpsto Meten-Meer-ZorgCricketClub

FLSporthasboostedthe M e t e n - M e e r - Z o r g Community Centre Cricket Club by donating a set of branded cricket stumps to supporttheclub’sactivities.

The club requested the donation, enabling them to host matches and net sessions more effectively, enhancing the overall cricketing experience at the communitylevel.

John Ramsingh, CEO of FL Sport, emphasised that the donation aligns with the company’s corporate social responsibilityinitiatives.

“Cricket is truly at the heart of our company,” Ramsingh stated, “and we always strive to offer as much assistance as possible tosupportthesportfromthe grassrootlevel.”

FL Sport, a leading coordinator of the highly popular Kares One Guyana T10 Tapeball Blast, is considering expanding the tournament by hosting matches at the Meten-MerZorgvenuelaterintheyear.

“You can expect more teams, and certainly a lot more fun for fans, players, and our dear sponsors,” Ramsingh added, hinting at an exciting future for the

John Ramsingh (left) hands over the stumps to Jermain Maxwell of the Meten-Meer-Zorg Community Centre Cricket Club

Maxwell, who received the equipment on behalf of the Meten-Mer-Zorg

Community Centre Cricket Club, expressed his gratitude to Ramsingh and FL Sport for their generouscontribution.

“This donation will significantly aid in the efficient execution of cricket at our ground going forward,” Maxwell said T h e d o n a t i o n underscores FL Sport’s commitment to supporting

Joint Statement from WIPA and CWI on

Athlete Safeguarding

(CWI)-TheWestIndies Players’Association(WIPA) and Cricket West Indies (CWI) a

harassment within the West IndiesWomen’steamduring the 2020 ICCWomen’sT20 World Cup, five years ago. Bothorganizationstakesuch mattersseriouslyandremain fully committed to ensuring a safe, professional, and supportive environment for allplayersandstaff.

Inlightofthis,WIPAand CWIwillconvenetoreview all aspects of

te safeguarding within West Indies cricket This joint effort reflects our commitment to upholding the highest standards of player welfare and ensuring thatallsafeguardingpolicies remainrobustandeffective.

cricket development in Guyana and fostering community engagement throughthesport.

Thebrandedstumpswill serveapracticalpurposeand visuallyrepresentFLSport’s dedication to grassroots cricket.:

Both organizations have already taken significant steps to enhance player protection In 2021, improved safeguarding measures were introduced for women’s tours, strengthening security and well-being In May 2023, C W I i m p l e m e n t e d

Understanding (MOU) for theperiod1October2023to 30 Septem

2027 Additionally, the CWI W

’s C r i c k e

Transformation Committee was established to further advancewomen’scricket Furthermore, we have implemented and strictly adh

d to UNICEF’s Children Protection Policy, ensuring that minors never share rooms with adults under any circumstance Additionally, we have mandated ongoing training for all officials to reinforce andupholdthesestandards. WIPA and CWI remain committed to fostering a culture of

nd professionalismwithinWest Indies cricket.There will be continuous evaluation of all aspects of policy to ensure everyplayerdeservestofeel safe, valued, and fully focused on their career. Through this upcoming review, we will continue working to strengthen safeguardsandreinforceour unwavering support for all athletes.

additional policies, including single-room accommodations for the WestIndiesSeniorWomen’s team on all international assignments,ensuringparity with the men’s team. These are among other policy ini

RCNA launches Childhood Obesity Prevention Inter-School Tapeball Competition

teachers and members of the

TheRotaryClubof New Amsterdam ( R C N A )

continues to unveil

numerous community projects and activities in its quest to make life better for all.

The RCNA’s latest venture is the launching of its Childhood Obesity Prevention tape ball Inter Secondary School Cricket competition.

The competition was launched recently at the Berbice High School GroundandisforSchoolsin the New Amsterdam-Canje District.

It is being played using the theme “Exercise, Eat healthy, Stay healthy” and caters to students in Grades 6-9.

Six schools are listed to participate namely - New Amsterdam Multilateral Secondary School (NAMS), Tutorial Academy


Secondary School (TASS),

Berbice Educational Institute (BEI), Berbice

High School (BHS), Vryman’s Erven Secondary School (VESS) and Canje SecondarySchool(CSS.)

Speaking at the ceremony was the President oftheRCNA,KeanRead.

ThePresidentexplained the purpose of the activity, ‘what is obesity?’ and how persons become obese Personswhoareobesegetill easily and Rotary has decided to do something aboutit.

Intheworldtoday,young people are suffering from issues such as diabetes, arthritis, hypertension and otherillnesses.

Rotary International has devised a protocol to assist y o u n g p e o p l e i n understandingwherethey’re going wrong and help them turn the tide and regain a healthylifestyle.

Read noted that bad eatinghabitisamajorfactor.

“Long ago almost anything could have been eaten because most of it was natural. Now a lot of the products are filled with chemicalstohelpthemgrow andincreasetheirshelflife.”

“When we consume those items on a regular basis, our bodies are not equipped to metabolise the chemicalsinthem,soweput on weight and become sick. Also, the constant use of computers, tablets and other gadgetsforcespersonsnotto goouttoplayandexerciseas muchasbefore.”

M a y o r o f N e w Amsterdam and fellow Rotarian, Wainwright

McIntosh, expressed

happiness with the initiative Rotary has undertaken and forwhattheyaredoing.

“Everybody has the responsibility to ensure our young people live healthy

and active lifestyles. Childhood obesity is a seriousproblemandwemust trytoeliminateit,”hesaid. McIntosh commended the students present and wishedthemwell.

The10-overcompetition has the blessings of the Ministry of Education and

of the RCNA, Keine Read

will be played with taped ballsonaround-robinbasis.

Each school team must play two females and that will be required to bowl at leastoneover

Incentives are available for the top teams and outstanding individual players.

The coordinators are Rotarians President Keine Read, Raffick Kassim, Tajpaul Adjodhea, Waynewright McIntosh and NolanFrance.

Matcheswillbeplayedat the BHS and Rose Hall Community Centre Ground, EastCanje.(SamuelWhyte)

other well wishers at the BHS ground before the start of the competition

Alisson returns to Liverpool after ‘suspected concussion’

(BBCSport)-Liverpool goalkeeper Alisson Becker hasreturnedtotheclubafter sustaining a “suspected concussion”oninternational dutywithBrazil.

The 32-year-old was substitutedlateoninthe2-1 World Cup qualifying win over Colombia on Friday after a nasty clash of heads

with former Tottenham defenderDavinsonSanchez.

Alisson will now return to Merseyside for assessment by Liverpool’s medicalstaff

“Alisson suffered a head injury and was replaced due to a suspected concussion,”

Rodrigo Lasmar said after thematch

“We will now follow the CBF protocol, and he

recommended tests

“If all the tests are normal, we will proceed and perform a cognitive test Thenwewillevaluate theplayer

“He is normal, without any complaints He did not report any fainting or memoryloss ”

Tuesday’s World Cup qualifier in Argentina, but Liverpool will hope he is available for their first game back after the

Alisson was replaced with 12 minutes remaining in Brazil’s World Cup qualifier against Colombia (Getty Images)

international breakagainst Everton atAnfield on2April

Arne Slot’s side are



currently 12 points clear at the top of the Premier League table with nine gamesremaining


Blazers takes aim at FIBA 3x3 World Tour in Edmonton ...butmustfirstconquer theOneGuyana3x3Quest

For Caribbean teams, qualifying for the FIBA 3x3

WorldTourisadreamcome true However, the opportunity to compete in 3x3’smostprestigiousevent has never been available in theregion,untilnow

Thanks to the Guyana Basketball Federation (GBF), that dream is now within reach, especially for teams like St Lucia’s EliteBlazers

The Elite Blazers will be among 20 teams from 16 countries competing in the One Guyana 3x3 Quest, set forApril 5–6 at the CliffAnderson Sports Hall

The tournament champion will take home

USD $5,000 and earn a coveted spot at the FIBA 3x3 World Tour in Edmonton, Canada, this August “We feel very confident heading into the competition,” said Troy Louison, captain of theEliteBlazers

“It’s our first time playing in a Quest event and the first time this group of four will be playingtogether ” Louison, one of St Lucia’s top 3x3 players, has represented his c o u n t r y a t e v e r y AmeriCup 3x3 since its inception in 2021 He has also competed in several notable regional and continental tournaments, achieving significant success.

In Guyana, he will be

AndrewLouison,alongwith Desir Joseph and Sidney Didier

“We believe we can make an impact in this tournament and beyond,” Louisonadded.

The One Guyana 3x3 Quest will feature teams fromEcuador,Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, St Maarten, St Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis,TrinidadandTobago, the USA, the Cayman Islands, Grenada, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, andSuriname.

For many of these nations, this will be their first time competing in Guyana, marking a significant milestone for both local and regional basketball.

The FIBA 3x3 Quest is an internationally recognized competition, serving as a qualifying p a t h w a y t o t h e prestigious FIBA 3x3 World Tour It provides athletes with a unique platform to showcase their skills, gain world-ranking points, and compete at the highest level of the sport The GBF pointed out, that the event is not just about basketball, it’s also about positioning Guyana as a regional sporting hub, fostering tourism, and driving economic activity throughsports.

Concentre tops list in Brazil imports

Guyana may have finally secured the right horse racing formula The local horse racing industry has faced significant challenges in recent years, particularly inbreeding,purchasing,and the logistics of acquiring quality, consistent racehorses.

The situation worsened

when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, dealing a severe blow to Guyana’s primary source of imports, the Trinidadian racing industry

With Trinidad’s decline, local horsemen and women found themselves in dire straits, struggling to sustain thesport.

The rising costs of importing horses from the USA, coupled with inconsistent breeding programmes in Guyana, only exacerbated the problem However, a groundbreakingsolutionhas emerged, bringing renewed hope and stability to the industry Guyaneseinvestors have now turned their focus to Brazil, a move that has proven to be both strategic andtransformative.

Inahistoricshowingata prestigious Brazilian

Thoroughbred auction on Wednesday evening, Guyanese buyers made a resoundingimpact.

They secured 12

Thoroughbreds, more than any other group in attendance, and dominated thesalebyacquiringthetop five highest-priced horses, including the sale topper, Concentre(racehorse).

A d d i t i o n a l l y, a prominent Guyanese owner f i n a l i z e d p r i v a t e acquisitions of six more Thoroughbreds,bringingthe totalcountto18newimports settoarriveinGuyanasoon. These horses, seasoned three-year-olds and older with race experience, are readytomakeanimmediate impact on the local racing circuit.

The significance of this shift cannot be overstated. By sourcing horses from Brazil, Guyana is not only securing higher-quality Thoroughbreds but also doing so at a more costeffective and logistically efficient rate compared to traditional markets such as Trinidad, Jamaica, and even partsoftheUSA.

This reflects a maturing industry that is learning to adapt and capitalize on e m e r g i n

l opportunities With the highly anticipated Easter Cup at Port Mourant Turf Club on the horizon, the impact of these new Brazilian imports will soon beonfulldisplay Spectators

and industry stakeholders alike are eager to witness how these acquisitions will elevate the level of competition and revitalize the local racing scene.

Beyond the immediate success, Guyana’s the long-

Guyana bound! Concentre finishing in full flow during a recent race in Brazil

term vision for the local ho

y remains focused on critical legislation currently being ta

nt. However, when passed, it is expected to provide the necessary framework for structured growth, sustainability, and a more robustracingecosystem. Meanwhile, with policiessuchasthis,Guyana has the potential to emerge as a premier horse racing destinationintheregion.

St. Lucia’s Elite Blazers takes aim at FIBA 3x3

World Tour in Edmonton

...butmustfirstconquer theOneGuyana3x3Quest

Milo/Massy U18 Football heats up with Round II action scheduled for today and tomorrow

Track and Field clubs demand

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