The Ministry of N a t u r a l Resources on Monday responded to an articlepublishedbyKaieteur News in its Sunday edition, where the Publisher, Glenn Lall,sharedtheviewthatthe 'Disasters of the oil industry areunfoldinginGuyana'. Collapseoffishing industry
In a detailed, point-forpoint response, the Ministry noted the statement by Lall that the fishing sector has collapsed as a result of oil production, with fishers strugglingtocatchenoughto cover costs and the country being forced to import fish. According to the Ministry, Guyana's fishing industry expanded by 1% in 2024.
“Whilefishproductionfaced minor contractions (-2.2%), marine shrimp production grew by 8 5%, and aquaculture production expanded by 13.7%, with brackish water shrimp production increasing by 19.1%,” according to the Ministry Additionally, it saidthatthefishingindustry isprojectedtogrow5.8%in 2025.
Importationoffruits andvegetables
The Ministry said that while the Publisher claims that local produce is failing duetooilactivities,theother crops sub-sector grew by 10.9% in 2024 and is projected to expand by
11.7%in2025. Devastationoflivestock O n h i s R a d i o programme, the Publisher told listeners that the livestock sector has been devastated. Contrary to this, the Ministry stated that the livestock sector grew by 24 6% in 2024 and is expected to expand by 7.5% in 2025. According to the Ministry, “Growth was observedacrossalllivestock categories,includingpoultry (31%), pork (35.3%), beef (6.9%), eggs (7.6%), and milk (6 4%) Improved poultryhealthwasdrivenby vaccinations and reduced mortalityrates.”
Meanwhile, with regard to Lall's view that the oil sectoriscausingstrainonthe infrastructure sector, as a r
ght vehicles, the Ministry noted that oil revenues are in fact financing c
tical infrastructure development, including the expansion of roadsandbridges. While there have been cases of substandard work by some contractors, government argued that thereisnologicalcorrelation with the oil sector In the meantime, it said government remains committed to ensuring Guyana's infrastructure is resilientandbuilttosupport economic growth, including demands from the oil and
A25-year-oldmanlosthislifeonSundaynightafterthe car he was driving crashed into a parked truck at Yarrowkabra,Soesdyke-LindenHighway
The dead man has been identified asAsgar Ramirez of Lot82DukeStreet,Kingston,Georgetown.
Policeinitsreportsaidthattheaccidentinvolvedatruck bearingregistrationnumberGAG5478andamotorcarwith registrationnumberPRR7155.
InvestigationsdisclosedthatRamirezwastravelingnorth alongthewesternsideoftheSoesdyke-LindenHighway,ata fastratewhenhelostcontrolofthevehicleandcollidedwith therearofthetruck,whichwasparkedonthewesternsideof the road and facing north.The parked truck, owned by Mohamed'sExcavatingServiceofYarrowkabra,wasdriven and parked byAnthony Vriese, a 31-year-old resident from Madewini Village, Soesdyke-Linden Highway The truck had mechanical issues at around 16:30h on the day of the accident and the matter was reported to the police who securedtheareabyplacingreflectiveconesaroundtherear, sidesandfrontofthetruck.Vrieseandotherindividualswere at the side of the truck, attempting to repair it when the incident occurred resulting in both vehicles being severely damaged. Ramirez sustained severe head injuries and other bodily injuries. He was removed from the car in an unconscious state by police officers and members of the public and was then transported to the Diamond Hospital where he was pronounced dead.His body was taken to the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home, where it awaits a postmortem examination. Meanwhile, Vriese is in custody assistingwiththeinvestigation.
In his comments, Lall t
t government has blatantly refused to show how revenues from the oil are used. According to the M
y, “
i b e r a t e misrepresentation Every dollar of oil revenue is accounted for within the National Budget, which is debated and approved in Parliament.Oilrevenuesare deposited i
Fund, alongside other government revenues ” It added that spending plans and budget estimates are publicly available, item by item and
reported, including by Kaieteur News The Ministry was keen to note, “The arbitration process involving a contractor is a normal c
ctual procedure and does not
claimed that the statement made by Lall that Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo that he “doesn't have to tell the nation how oil money is spent” is a fabrication. The Ministry said, “The Vice President simply explained that because funds are pooled into the National Budget,expendituresarenot itemized by revenue source, but all spending is transparentlyrecorded.”
TheMinistryarguedthat thePublisher'sclaimthatthe Gas-to-Energy project is a “debt trap” and that documents are being hidden isincorrect.
In fact, it noted that the loantermsfortheprojectare publicandhavebeenwidely
committed to project completion, and allegations ofsecrecyarebaseless.”
indicated that due to the flaring of gas offshore, citizens struggle with unbearableheatandarenow forced to walk around with fans in their faces, while children are fainting in the classrooms The ministry however noted that there is no scientific basis for Lall's claim Instead, it was explained that, “Guyana, like the rest of the world, experiences seasonal temperature variations due toclimatechangeandglobal weatherpatterns.”
Meanwhile, regarding tsunamis, the Ministry explainedthatExxonMobil's Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) include disaster assessments, which
To this end, it noted that this does not mean that a tsunami poses a serious threat to Guyana “The likelihood of a tsunami impacting Guyana is extremely low, given its distancefromseismiczones, which is an indicator of tsunami risk,” the Ministry said.
On his programme, Lall estimatedthatGuyanalostas much as US$20B, so far, by failing to ring-fence the StabroekBlockprojects.For its part, the Ministry of Natural Resources explained, “Ring-fencing is an accounting mechanism. Withoutit,oilcompaniescan recover expenses across multiple projects, even before certain projects have started production This defers revenue to Guyana butdoesnoteliminateit.”To thisend,governmentpointed out that Lall's claim of a US$20 billion loss for G u y a n a i s p u r e fiction—thereisnobasisfor this number It also refuted claims that Brazilian officials called Guyana a “cheap prostitute” for its oil deal.
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), the operator of the Stabroek Blockisseekinganinsurancebrokerfor itsplannedHammerheaddevelopment, theseventhproject.
The project has not yet been sanctioned by the Government of Guyana (GoG) ExxonMobil commencedpublicconsultationsonthe project on Monday in Region One. According to a Notice seen by this newspaper, “ExxonMobil plans to put inplaceanagreementfortheprovision of Insurance Broker for the Hammerhead Development Insurance Program.”
Previously, ExxonMobil had a US$600 million insurance in place per oil spill event for the Stabroek Block projects The oil company had submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA)totheEnvironmental ProtectionAgency(EPA)aspartofthe regulatoryprocessforseekingaPermit. Thatdocumentexpoundsontherisksof an oil spill, posed by the project. KaieteurNewsreportedthatanoilspill that occurs at the seventh project has a 70% probability of hitting the shorelinesofRegionOne.
According to the EIA, “The spill modelingevaluatedarangeofpossible trajectoriesandratesoftravelforanoil slick from each of the two abovereferenced loss-of-well-control scenarios.”Itnotedthatseveralfactors couldreducetheseverityofanoilspill in the Project Development Area
(PDA). These include the location of the spill, prevailing currents and climate.
The study said modeling predicted that surface oil would generally travel toward the northwest in all scenarios during both modeled seasons -June through November, and December through May It stated, “For the Maximum WCD (Worst Case Discharge) scenario, the model predicted a 5- 10% probability of oil contactingtheRegionOnecoastduring the June to November season. The minimum time to reach the shoreline predicted by the model was 5 to 15 days.”
Meanwhile, with regard to December to May season, it was explained, “The model predicted probabilitiesof5-20%and5-70%ofoil reaching the coast of Region Two and RegionOne,respectively Themodeled minimum time for oil to reach the shorelineforthisscenariois5to15days for Region Two and 1 to 10 days for RegionOne.”
A different model for the June to NovemberseasonfortheMostCredible WCD showed the probability of oil reachingtheRegionOneshorelineis5 to 10 percent with the modeled minimumtimeof5to15days.
FortheDecembertoMayseasonfor the Most Credible WCD, the probabilityofoilreachingtheshoreline ranges from 5-20% for Region Two, and 5-70% for Region One The
modeledminimumtimeforoiltoreach theshorelineis5to15daysforRegion Two and 1 to 10 days for Region One. Exxon explained that the 5- to 15-day travel time for oil would allow ample time for mobilization of spill response resourcestofurtherreducetheriskofoil reaching the shoreline. However, if an oilspillweretohitGuyana'sshorelines, protected areas and coastal habitats could be impacted. These include the Shell Beach Protected Area in Region One, mangroves and even coastal communities where Indigenous tribes depend on fishing in the ocean, and otherecosystemservices.
AboutHammerhead In the Project Summary submitted by Exxon to the EPA, the company explainedthattheprojectisexpectedto add 120,000 to 180,000 barrels of oil perdayproductioncapacity Production is expected to begin in 2029 subject to the necessary regulatory approvals and operateforatleast20years.
Exxon said Hammerhead will develop the offshore resource by drilling approximately 14 to 30 development wells (including production and water injection wells); installing and operating Subsea Umbilicals, Risers, and Flowlines (SURF) equipment; using an FPSO to process, store, and offload the recovered oil; and installing an approximately13-kilometergasexport pipelinefromtheFPSOtoatie-inonthe GastoEnergyPipeline.
24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
We have editorialised ad nauseam how the leaders of this country by their policies and actions have robbed its citizenstherighttoafairer,betterlifewiththeresourceswe have.AnditisnotbyaccidentthattheExtractiveIndustries Transparency Initiative (EITI) has been calling on them to show citizens how the revenues from the extractive sector havebeenspent.
Hundreds of Guyanese continue to flee this country to NorthAmericaandevenintheCaribbean-placeswithless resourcesforabetterstandardoflifeatatimewhenweare listed as the fastest growing economy and our oil and gas resourcesamongthecovetednaturalgiftsofthisworld.As we have said here before, things have to be bad when a countrylosesoneofeverythreeofitscitizenstomigration. What makes it worse is when two of every three qualified persons opt to migrate. And this has been the case ever sincethelatteryearsofthelastcenturywhentheeconomic conditionsbegantodeteriorate.
Peoplealwayswantastyleoflivingthatiscomfortable, one in which the ordinary people can watch their children growtobecomepeopletheirparentsthemselveshadhoped to be but never became; a life that affords some recreation and leisure rather than one of constantly wondering about the next meal and the mounting bills. The cost of living in Guyana has gone through the roof and the government's responseistothrowa$100,000cashgrantatithopingthat will wipe away the sorrow from the faces of struggling families, while billions are being siphoned off through shadycontractdealsandotherdubiousarrangements.
Struggling citizens have scant interest in another road or water project or some scheme that involves cement and steel,andthemanymillionsthatgointothem,toerectnew monuments to our prosperity Whose prosperity, certainly not the many citizens living in poverty, and often hungry? Guyanese learn of more loans taken, and more millions borrowed for building road and educational and health capacity, and they wonder what about the yawning, gnawing capacity in their stomachs that cannot be halffilled almost daily Why is it with all the sweet political speeches from leaders that citizens still live at the same standard (perhaps worse) as 11 years ago, when the first announcementscameaboutoildiscoveries?
ThestatisticssaythatGuyaneseareincrediblyrich,yet there are all these citizens of Guyana that struggle to buy greens and vegetables to put a simple meal on the table for their families. The PPPC Government, an unequalled master at propaganda, has said that it cares. The question that can be asked is what does the Government and its leaders really care about, aside from the self-enriching interests of both. When everything else becomes a distant second, when the struggles of poor and weak and vulnerable citizens amount to more opportunities for political games, then care is not a factor But only another instance of the conceits and corruptions that control the minds of the governmentspecifically, and localpoliticians ingeneral.
In OPED late last year, ErainaYaw, Head of Office for IOM Guyana and Deputy Coordinator for IOM Caribbean wrote:“Guyanastandsatthecuspofremarkableeconomic transformation, driven by recent oil discoveries and an expanding industrial base. However, to fully realise this potential, we must adeptly manage labour migration, ensuring that the benefits of growth are equitably distributed among all Guyanese. This involves a holistic approach encompassing labour mobility, training, certification, and the recognition of skills, including prior learning.”
Her views align with a previous report by the World, which stated that a substantial percentage of Guyanese citizens reside abroad, with 39% of all Guyanese citizens currentlyresidingabroad.
TheBankalsonotedthatalargeshareofGuyanesewith tertiary education have emigrated to countries in North America, Europe, and the Caribbean owing to better economic opportunities, higher standards of living, and
Dear Editor,
The Minister's attention was drawn to a letter published in the Sunday's editionoftheStabroekNews dated March 16, 2025, authored by members of the Oil and Gas Governance N e t w o r k ( O G G N ) c
r Teixeira must address UN concerns on Access to InformationAct”.
The authors mentioned therein two unjustified claims that (i) the Access to Information Act, having been invoked to access tax information for ExxonMobil Guyana and its co-ventures, and their failure to obtain same thereunder, suggests thatthereareinadequaciesof the Act, or some deliberate effortstohide information, and (ii) that they are unable to access the oilcompaniestaxcertificates [from other referenced sources], suggesting that they have some degree of legalrighttoobtainsame.
It would be interesting to notethattheinformationthat the aforementioned group is seeking - is readily available
and accessible within the public domain, vis-à-vis, the oil companies' financial statements, which can be obtained from the Deeds and Commercial Registries Authority
By law, companies operating in Guyana are required to file their annual tax returns with the Deeds and Commercial Registries. For the avoidance of doubt, theinformationbeingsought concerns the tax certificate issued by the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) that represents the oil companies' share of taxes, which is to be paid from Government's share of profit oil in accordance with the Petroleum Agreem
(2016) Although third parties shall not have access to taxpayers' data from the GRA in accordance with the law; insofar as the tax certificate is concerned issued by the GRA to the oil companies or any other company for that matter the t a x i n f o r m a t
notwithstanding, can be
Commonsensically, this group (OGGN), which is made up of seasoned attorneys, accountants and economists, ought to know that they can independently ascertain the tax information that they seek from the financial statements, which can be obtained from the Deeds and Commercial Registries as previously mentioned. Furthermore, thei
attention is drawn to Section 15 of the Access to Information Act, which states that: “A person shall not apply under this Act for access to” – (a) A document which contains information that is open to public access or an official website, as part of a public register or otherwise, in accordance with any other written law, where even that access is subject to a fee or other charge; (b) A document which contains information that is available for purchase by the public in accordance witharrangementsmadebya public authority; (c) A document that is available
for public inspection in a registry maintained by the Registrar General, National Archives, Parliament or otherpublicauthority
As a result of thisAct, as connectivity improved over theyears,governmentpolicy requires government and state agencies to post information on their websites in a timely fashion ensuring the public is well informed in accordance with the Act. It should be noted that Guyana's Access to Information Act was modelled on and adopted wholesale the abovementionedsectionandothers of its Canadian counterpart before a Parliamentary Special Select Committee and passage in the National Assembly Against the foregoing, we wish to categorically reject the O G G N ' s b a s e l e s s aspersions, and we urge that in the future, they do their homeworkthoroughly
Sincerely M i n i s t e r o f Parliamentary Affairs and Governance Hon. Gail Teixeira
Mr Vishnu Bisram, a prolific letter-writer and selfstyled pollster who resides in America, recently wrote something about Guyanese harbouring 'a feeling of i n g r a t i t u d e a g a i n s t Washington and lately, of Mr. Trump.' What exactly he meant is extremely unclear. Nevertheless, what he did tell usisthattherearesomedeeply narrative types imbedded in the Guyanese community in America OnreadingBisram's letter, what caught my attention was his statement about a 'feeling of ingratitude of Guyanese towards Washington and Mr Trump' whichledmetowonderwhat, andtowhomwashereferring I am led to believe that Bisram, by way of his letter, was rather shortsighted, totally out of order and disrespectful to Guyanese since,forreasonsknownonly tohim,incowardlyfashionhe did not name any individuals but chose instead to paint all
Guyanese with his broad, tainting brush I am prepared to give Bisram the benefit of the doubt that his comments were directed to his fellow countrymen in America and not in Guyana. The letter writer's reference t o G u y a n e s e b e i n g ungrateful towards America was done in total ignorance andincompletedisregardfor our experience in the early 1990's when eight (8) US congressmen and six senators at the time of the Bush administration, raised their voices threatening to cut off US aid to Guyana should President Hoyte not holdfreeandfairelectionsin Guyana. In addition, we all know about the major roles played by well known Guyanese along with former President Jimmy Carter in the restoration of democracy in Guyana Of course, Bisram was not around during those heady days full of excitement and energy so hewouldhaveamemorygap
access to housing and healthcare. The World Bank had identified brain drain as a significant issue for Guyana, and urged that policies should focus on strengthening social protection systems, achieving universal health care, and improving the quality of tertiary and technical education to address brain drain. Guyanese will continue to seek opportunitiesintheproverbialgreenerpasturesanddespiteall this oil- many who have fled these shores during the bad days are still not inclined to return, because as far as they are concerned their resources have been handed to the foreigners whocutdealswiththeircorruptleaders.
Therefore, as far as I can recollect, and to this day, Guyanese remain grateful for theheavyliftingthatwasdone by all those distinguished personsinAmericawhostood up for Guyana at a time when helpwasneeded.Infact,there is a high degree of continuity where this debt of gratitude is concerned. Itisnotsurprising therefore that the same sentiment of gratitude prevailed in 2020, when key personalities and operatives in the first Trump administration as well as congressmen and senators issued statements, voicing support or travelled to Guyana to demonstrate their support for the democratically Irfaan Ally administration
Consequently, it is my considered view, that what Bisram wrote is nothing but a classical manifestation of tunnel vision What Bisram did was to construct in his own mind, a narrative that in effectwasaself-perpetuating, self-servingnarrativebutone that is blatantly false. It was probably a passing phase of dementia, a hopelessly piecemeal, disorderly logic andapproachtothesequence of contemporary events concerningAmerica's role in the restoration of democracy in Guyana and how appreciativeGuyaneseareof America's role in that particularmatter Apparently
Mr Bisram had convinced himself that it was a good thing for him to write such nonsense.
What he wrote about Guyanese being ungrateful towards Washington and President Trump is not only untruthful it is an unparalleled falsity of Guyana's historiography as regards America'spositivecontribution to the Guyanese people's struggle for free and fair elections from 1992 onwards and equally, the Guyanese people'sreciprocalappreciation forAmerica'scontribution
Andevenifitwastruethat one person or some people, whomayhaveconveyedsuch an impression, the US-based narrativist is at best, generalising; taking one swallow to make a summer and in that way, seeking to impose on the gullible his Inaccurate description political thought in Guyana By the way, I haven't read anything written by Bisram criticizing the new US policies concerning Cuban medical personnel serving in CARICOM member states and the threat to deny visas; nor about the new US trade policy with tariffs and their likely impact on CARICOM memberstates
So much for Bisram and hisconcoctednarrative.
Yours faithfully, Clement J. Rohee
Dear Editor,
The current spate of arrests of immigrant student activists brings back memories of similar protests of Guyanese students in earlierperiods.
American campuses from 1960s until now were hotbed of activism (protests bystudentsandstaff)against injustices (racial inequality andadvocacyfordemocracy in oppressive countries with Guyana, Rhodesia, and South Africa being no exception for student targets).
Immigrant university students, like myself and Chuck Mohan and a few others, were involved in student activism against authoritarian regimes and in championing democracy in formerhomeland.
The current crackdown (arresting, prosecuting, deporting) of foreign students involved in protests regrettablywillsendastrong message against those who are currently involved or thinking about organizing and participating in protest movements in effort to bring about democratic reforms in theirhomecountries.
Theforeignstudentswho are being rounded up in America have been accused of engaging in violent acts and racism (anti-semitism) and or supporting terror groupsintheMiddleEast.
This is quite unlike the peacefulproteststhatforeign students like Guyanese were involved in during 1970s thru 1990s) Violence, racism, and support for radicalism have no place in any society No foreign student was targeted for engaging in peaceful protests or petition drives or seeking meetings with college administrators in earlier protests; the student organizations at several campuses founded by Guyanese were never targeted for engaging in activitiesinviolationoftheir visas or immigrant status. They were all peaceful and non-discriminatory and largely pro-America except
Guyanese students were involved in protests in New York and Washington DC during the 1970s and 1980s.
The City College of New York (CCNY), the largest of some 23 campuses (with different names) of the City University of NY (CUNY) and the public college that produced the most Nobel laureates was a hotbed of peaceful though militant student activism. Columbia
University student mu Barack Obama used to visit CCNY 'to organize students' in the 1980s for protests when I was President of GraduateStudentGov't.
Thecampushadthemost students of foreign nationalities including hundreds, if not thousands, of Guyanese (Indos and Afros) enrolled during the 1970s and 1980s and continuing till this day Student organizations of dozens of nationalities or ethnicities and of regions were formed and recognized by the Student Government andfundedforactivities.
Think of a country or territory or region and there was a Club including G r e e k s , R u s s i a n s , Venezuelans, Dominican Republic, Irish, Jewish, Puerto Rico, Italy, Mexico, Nigeria, Ghana, India, Africa, Haiti, Christian, Ye m e n , P a l e s t i n e , Philippines,Arab, etc. There were no Guyanese groups perse. ButtherewasanIndo Caribbean Club (of Caribbean Indians founded by Baytoram Ramharack, Vassan Ramracha, myself, and a few others) and an African Caribbean Students Association (CSA) with the latter preceding the former (foundedin1977).
All of the groups were very active in organizing programs relating to their culture and or matters relating to their homeland. Some organizations were more 'political' in nature while others are confined largely to cultural events (entertainment). Some were involved in
protests against wrong doings(authoritarianismand human rights violations) of their governments back home as was the Indo Club pertaining to Guyana initially and adding focus on Suriname, SouthAfrica, and Fiji later on. Student groups engaged in protests on campus and invited prominent personalities to speakonmattersbackhome.
The CSA, fore example, invited Prime Ministers and former PMs like Michael Manley, Maurice Bishop, Edward Seaga, Ralph Gonsalves,amongothers).
The Indo Club invited Indian academics from Guyana,Trinidad,andIndia.
Dr Cheddi and Janet Jagan, Eusi Kwayana, Ralph Gonsalves, Joey Jagan, among other prominent Guyanese were invited on campus at the behest of Chuck Mohan, one of the most active and dynamic students on campus during the 1970s and 1980s; Chuck was not affiliated with the Indo Club. He was closely affiliated with the Black Studies Department organizing countless events on campus and responsible for visits of seve
Caribbean. Also, he, Arjune Karshan,MelCarpen,Flattie Singh, and others, belonging to the socialist PPPaffiliated ACG, organized countless protests in NY and Washington DC relating to electoral fraud and human rightsviolationsinGuyana.
The Indo Club, that had adopted a pro-American, anti-communist stance, similarly organized countless protests and marches raising awareness about Guyanese issues, draw
injustices and human rights violations, focusing attention on corruption, lack o f d e m o c r a c y, a n d celebrating Indo-Caribbean festivals,etc.
David Hinds was also very active with the WPA Support Group at Howard Universityandasavisitoron other campuses speaking on Guyanamatters.
The groups, though of opposing ideology, also collaborated on demanding restoration of democracy in Guyana. Every September at the opening of the UN General Assembly, student groups and others of all nationalities would meet in front of the UN in mass protests against their oppressive governments or on some other issue. Chuck Mohan, Karshan, Carpen, the other ACG boys, and support groups of WPA, URP,PCD,andotherparties, and Indo Club members would gather in front of the UN in one voice for free and fair elections in Guyana that would come ultimately in October 1992. All activism in America by Guyanese student and other groups werenon-violent.
The left wing groups were anti-America in their outlook but were not targeted by American authorities (not even under Ronald Reagan) for deportation as they were non-violent Peaceful protests and dissension are necessarycharacteristicsofa democratic society like USA Once a protest demand is just and peaceful, protesters in USAand in any democratic country should not be targeted for recrimination.
Yours, Vishnu
Dear Editor, As I traveled to Moruca on March 14, 2024, I was shocked by the conditions at theCharityStelling.
Despite over $ 4 trillion being budgeted for and most spentbetween2020and2025 in Guyana, the facility still lackstoiletsorevenaplaceto wash your hands. While a new shed was built for Moruca residents waiting for boats, washroom facilities were not included in the plan a major oversight This is unacceptable for a country ranked as the 27th richestintheworld.
Basic amenities like toiletsandcleanwatershould beapriority
Moving forward on my journey,Inoticedhundredsof coconut husks being dumped into the river by individuals peelingthem.
The owner of the operation appears wealthy, with a beautiful building, yet allows his workers to pollute theriver
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which must be aware of this, seems to be turning a blind eye.
It is concerning that someone can profit significantly from the coconutindustryyetrefuseto invest in proper waste management Instead of polluting the river, these coconut husks could be recycled into value-added products.
This careless destruction of our environment must stop.
AsIcontinuedtoMoruca, I was pleased to see that the riverway had been cleared, improving boat safety by
removing dangerous debris.
However, upon reaching Kamaka,Ienquiredaboutthe cost of the new stelling and river cleaning, but no one seemedtoknow
Even more concerning, no toilet facilities were built at Kamaka either This is a major problem since passengers often wait for hours before a boat departs. Infrastructure in Moruca remains severely neglected. Beyond the main road, internal roads—especially in Kamaka are in terrible c o n d i t i o n , m a k i n g transportation difficult, particularly in the rainy season.
It is deeply unfair that the PPP government has spent over $ 4 trillion in four years yet has failed to invest in proper infrastructure for Moruca, one of Guyana's oldest settlements and home toourIndigenouspeople.
Moruca has great tourism potential, along with opportunitiesforfishfarming and agriculture, but high transportation costs—due to poor roads—make food and essentialgoodsexpensive.
TheroadtoMoraremains in nearly the same state as four years ago, and although electricity lines are finally beinginstalled,residentsmay only receive 14 hours of electricity per day The AFC is demanding that Moruca residents be given 24-hour electricity like other parts of the country. The people of Moruca are struggling, and many say life is getting harder.While they welcomed thecashgrant,whichtheAFC lobbied for, they are looking forwardtothe2025grantto (Continue on page 6)
A series of questions have been raised in the case filed by People's National Congress Reform (PNCR) memberCarolSmith-Joseph challenging the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to engage in a better verification process of voters.
Smith-Joseph had filed a case seeking judicial review of the process, citing the need for verification of the addresses of registrants. In her application, the PNCR member claimed that checks
have shown that addresses have on them no buildings, or dilapidated or abandoned houses in which no one lives or has lived for years; the addresses exist but no one at the address knows the Applicant/Registrant; the address is generic; for example, it may be just the name of the village or town area She fears that the integrity of General and Regional Elections and LocalGovernmentElections and their results will be questionable, inaccurate and
Attorney for SmithJoseph, Dr Dexter Todd facedaseriesofquestionsas it relates to the legal and factual basis of the issues raised in the matter In his submission before the Acting Chief Justice (CJ) Roxane George, Dr Todd asked the Court to take into consideration that whether previous amendment to the lawtotallyremovedtheneed forresidencyverificationfor registrants. He contended that under the laws that
Let us be reminded that Democracy was threatened by the APNU/AFC government
Dear Editor,
Itisgoodtotakenotethat President, Dr Irfaan Ali “… has assured (Guyanese) that the People's Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government will adhere to its constitutional mandate in holding General and Regional elections this y e a r ” H i s d i r e c t pronouncement is that “Whatyoucanbeassuredof, is that this government will notgoasingledaybeyondits constitutional mandate.” In this very breath he made the timelycommentthat“…this government(PPP/C)willnot go a single day beyond its constitutional mandate, unlike what you were exposed to after the NoConfidence Motion.” And this is where I join him, the Elected President, in a few reminders.
First, I recall that the PPP/C, in December 2018, while yet in Opposition, successfully passed a NoConfidence Motion and hence, via default, toppled the sitting A Partnership For National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Coalitionregime.
This, as far as I know, was supposed to bring about the holding of elections withing three months after the fall. What eventuated was shameless as Coalition tried to argue that 33 is not a majority of 65. Thus APNU+AFC set off a series of 'time-wasting' court cases against this successful passage of the motion and
delayed the elections until March 2020 when they yet tried to breach the stronghold of the Constitution, and inmanywaystoo.
Secondly,Igobacktothe constitutional violation of David Granger, erstwhile President, when he 'unilaterally' appointed retired Justice James Patterson's as the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission. This created mayhem, stemming from his 'statement' that he could not findandchooseanyfromthe 18 names, in the three list that then Opposition leader, Bharrat Jagdeo submitted to him. His 'excuse was that none from the pool was 'fit andproper.'
This matter added to the delay of the elections as it reached the Caribbean Court of Justice. Finally, on June 18, 2019, some six months after the No-Confidence Motion “… the CCJ ruled that “we have no choice but to conclude that the process that was followed in the appointment of Justice Patterson was flawed and in breach of Article 161(2)” Guyana'sConstitution.”
Here are a few more reminders for readers to digest.
The occasion when then President Granger attempted to seize Red House from the Cheddi Jagan Research Center and revoked a 99year Lease. The Court ruled emphatically that that he violatedtheConstitution. How about the time
when Granger and his posse attemptedtoremove“tensof thousands” (not a few) of 'registered electors' in the House-to-House registration case. Again, the Judiciary was forced to rule that they acted in violation of the Constitution.
Letmequicklytopofthis breaching of the law by APNU/AFC. This has to do with the biggest and gravest Constitutional transgression ofthemall,the2020General and Regional Elections. I vividly remember that they, APNU/AFC first claimed that they won, but yet subsequently tried to rig and after that failed, they spent almost half of a year, trying todenigrateandrenderthose elections incredible and fraudulent. In the end, and only after many successful legal challenges and international intervention that a national recount of all votes cast was convened and thesefiguresshowedthatthe PPP/C received 233,336 v o t e s , w h i l e t h e APNU+AFC Coalition got 217,920 votes, thus settling theissue.
So, these kinds of vulgar and invasive violations must neverberepetatedandthisis what President Irfaan Ali is reminding the nation of. He and his government will do all that is necessary to preclude any form of Constitutional violation and ensure that Democracy be respectedandembraced.
Yours truly, RayAnderson
From page 5 help ease expenses Finally, while Moruca is beautiful, a troubling trend is emerging in Kamaka, where a Georgetown-style habit of litteringistakingroot Thismustbeaddressed before it worsens Meanwhile, the village of Kamwattaremainsclean,peaceful,andfreeof rum shops Its councilor, who also serves as a pastor, is doing an excellent job.Moruca deserves better roads, proper waste management, access to clean water, and 24hour electricity The government must act to improvethequalityoflifeforitsresidents.
Michael Carrington AFC Vice Chairman
govern the general election, there should still be a residency requirement in as much as the registrant address is concerned However, Chief Justice George highlighted scenarios where persons havenowayofverifyingthat their specific lot number of addressandquestionedTodd whethersuchpersonsshould notberegistered.
“What if someone says they are from a village like Moraikobai, those areas don't usually have streets or lot numbers what then happens with those persons. Are they disenfranchised from being registered or from voting?” queried the CJ. In a similar scenario, the CJ questioned if a person is in the process of moving
from their place of residence and does not necessarily have a permanent place as yet what would be done to those persons. “If they live there who is the registration officer to say yay or nay?
Who determines the verification and how is the verificationbeingdone?”
In response, Dr Todd suggested the issue can be resolved through methods
such as proof of address, an affidavit or by third party verification The lawyer suggested too that if the addresses cannot be confirmed then such persons can be placed on an unverifiedlistofelectors.
“That is not what the law says…Where in the law it provides for this unverified list of electors?” Chief Justice George questioned. She noted the constitution is clear on the issue. The judge pointed out too that there is no conflict with the law and the constitution as residency is not a qualification for Guyanese electors/voters. Additionally, the CJ noted thatnospecificevidencewas produced to support the argument of the applicant.
(Continue on page 24)
Dear Editor,
The daily accidents on our roadways are becoming increasingly dangerous in our country It appears to me that the Guyana Police Force (GPF) is lacking creativity in addressing road traffic issues, despite the amendmentstotheMotorVehiclesAct.
Over the last few weeks, innocent lives have been lost on the roadways due to reckless driving, causing immense suffering forthefamiliesofthedeparted.
What is mind-boggling, Editor, is that the Motor Vehicles Act was amended in May 2023 to include the new mode of transportation, 'electric bikes.' The main purpose of this amendment was “to enforce safety on the roadways related to electric cycles.” I recall that during the debate, Minister Robeson categorically stated that “the usage of electric cycles needed to be regulated.”However,peopleweregivenuntil December 31, 2023, to have their bikes registered with the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA).As a road user, I frequently keep an eye out for electric bikes since these bikes hardly make any noise. However, what Ihaveobservedisthatmanyofthesebikesare notincompliancewiththenewregulationsof 2023; they are unregistered and do not displayanumberfromtheGRA.Thisissueis not limited to Guyanese citizens;Venezuelan nationals are also riding these bikes without registration. Therefore, Editor, I have the following questions for the Minister or the Traffic Chief, through the office of the CommissionerofPolice:
1. How many electric bikes are currently onourroadways?
2.Whyaremotoristsallowedtoridethese bikes unregistered, in violation of the new regulations?
3. How many people have died on our roadways while using electric bikes since the passageoftheamendmentsinMay2023?
4. Can you provide the number of individuals who have been prosecuted for violating the new laws since their implementation?
5. What measures or strategies are in place by the GPF to curb violations by delinquentroadusers?
In July 2024, another amendment was
made, this time regarding the installation of traffic surveillance cameras in Guyana. This am
implementation of traffic surveillance cameras,enablingtheuseoffootagecaptured by these cameras to enforce traffic violations throughautomatedticketing.
Editor, months after the passage of this amendment, I have observed that cameras have been installed and mounted at strategic locations throughout the city. However, my concern is with their effectiveness and efficiency in generating useful information for the Police Force. Despite the installation of this new technology, officers are also now equippedwithbodycamerasandtrafficguns. Are these new tools complementing the CCTV cameras? Perhaps it would be helpful for Minister Benn to provide responses to the followingquestions:
1. Since the installation of the CCTV cameras, how many incidents of road violationshavebeenrecorded?
2. Were the individuals involved in these violationsprosecuted?
3. How effective has this new technology beeninassistingtheGPFinsolvingcrimes?
4. How many motorists have been issued ticketsforrecklessdriving?
5.Howmuchrevenuehasbeengenerated by the GPF since the implementation of this newlaw?
Editor, I believe these questions are fair and the public deserves answers The concernsareloudandclear:lawsareenacted, but the trouble arises when it is time to enforce them.As legislators, we must ensure that follow-ups are done and that there is accountability from those responsible for enforcement. The time for simply passing a bill or amendment to boast of robust legislationshouldbeinthepast.
We need feedback and data collection, which will help decision-makers become more decisive and prudent when formulating lawsandpolicies.
Editor, my desire is to see fewer fatal accidents on our roadways. I believe that if we act appropriately, many lives can and will besaved.
Yours sincerely, Annette Ferguson, MP
The Elections Fraud Trial continued at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court on Monday, with election observer Rosalinda Rasul facing intense crossexamination from defence attorney,NigelHughes.
The proceedings, which lasted nearly four hours, led to significant uncertainty
surrounding Rasul's testimony and raised
questions about the credibilityofherstatements. Rasulwhoisthecurrenthead of the Diaspora Unit at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
a n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l Cooperation,alsoservedasa local observer for the American Chamber of Commerce of Guyana (AmCham) during the March2020elections.
Acting Chief Magistrate Faith McGusty oversaw the trial, which began on
ActingChiefMagistrate, Faith McGusty
February 19, 2025, after the accused entered their pleas. The defendants in the case include former Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield; formerReturningOfficerfor District Four Clairmont Mingo;formerDeputyChief Elections Officer Roxanne Myers; former Minister of
Health Volda Lawrence; APNU+AFC's Chief Scrutineer Carol Smith
February, Enrique Liven, Michelle Miller, and Denise Babb-Cummings.
The charges allege that, betweenMarch2andAugust 2, 2020, the accused conspired to manipulate the results of the 2020 elections at the Ashmins' Building in
Georgetown, defrauding the electors of Guyana. Rasul, the first witness to take the stand, was questioned by Hughes, who expressed concernsoverthecredibility ofhertestimony
Rasul admitted that her original statement had been amendedandtakentoSophia Chote, the counsel for the Commission of Inquiry (COI), but this amendment hadnotbeendisclosedtothe prosecution Additionally,
she acknowledged that she had given an oral statement, which was not included in herinitialtestimony
expressed that such hidden information is a grave disadvantage that disrupts the transparency in Rasul's statements “We are completely blind of the written amendment and oral,”Hughesstated.
Rasulfurtheradmittedto omittingkeydetailsfromher
conversations with party agents on March 4, 2020, during the vote tabulation process at the Ashmins' B
acknowledged that she had
photographic copies of the StatementofPolls(SOPs)or audio-visual recordings involvingpartyagents,tothe police Under questioning, (Continuedonpage23)
Doctors to be trained to use AI, robotics for surgical procedures - Pres. Ali
President Irfaan Ali has recently disclosedthatthegovernmentisworkingto havelocaldoctorstrainedtousetheartificial intelligence(AI)androboticsapplicationfor executionofsurgicaltreatment.
Speaking at the launch of the Universal Healthcare Voucher programme, the Headof-State noted that such a move will form partofhisgovernment'sjourneyofbuilding out a world-class healthcare system in Guyana.
According to the President, this healthcare will not only be for Guyanese, stating that already in CARICOM many persons are benefitting from the country's healthcaresystem.“Ourhealthcaresystemis meant to support healthcare within the region but importantly to deliver global health services here in Guyana and that is why international connectivity and partnership are so critical because we see Guyana as an attractive destination for global healthcare services and that is what wearebuildingforaglobalmarkethere,”he stated.
In building out that world-class system, he related that his government is working withthebestAIandroboticprovidersinthe healthcaresystem.“Wearegoingtoidentify a national panel of doctors that will be specialized and specifically trained in AI guided surgical treatment, AI and robotics. Sowewillhaveapanelofdoctorssupported by an external panel of doctors that will be supporting the healthcare system on 100 percentAI and robotics,” he said during his remarks.
President Ali said this is already in negotiation and the plan is to have it come intooperationearlyinthenewyear
Speaking about the use of AI and robotics, Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony at the launch also mentioned, “I
knowthePresidenthasengagedanumberof companiesintheareaofAIandtheuseofAI initsapplicationinhealthbecausewefeelby doingthatwewillimprovetheefficiency,we will also be able to improve the quality of whatwearedeliveringandwecandothatat alowercost.”
The Health Minister shared that currently, in the local health system, the applicationisbeingusedbutinaverylimited way,forexampleintheconductingX-rays.
“Butyouwouldseeusstartchangingand using these systems most of which would have already have FDA(the US- Food and DrugAdministration)approvalthatwestart using these applications here in Guyana so that we can improve the quality of care that weareofferingtoourpatients,”headded.
In addition to that, the minister took the opportunity to announce that the ministry willbesigningshortlyanagreementforthe useoftheNationalElectronicHealthRecord System. He said “the intention is to use an app on your smart phone so that you can make appointment to see a doctor, if you needtogetyourmedicalrecord,youwillbe abletoopenthatandseeyourrecord.”
With the use of technology in transforminghealthcarelocally,theminister st added, “So we are moving into the 21 century in terms of medicine not just advancing care and looking at clinical excellence with our external partners but alsousingtechnologytoenableustodeliver qualitycaretoourpeople,andthiswhenthe President speaks about world-class healthcarethisiswhatheistalkingabout.”
Unemployment is high in the Ancient County Youth unemployment is worse Jobs are scarce
School leavers have nowheretoturn.
One in every three households is poor One in every ten households rely on remittances. The struggle is real. The opportunities are gone. The hope is fading. Theyoungdreamofleaving. The old reminisce about better days Businesses struggle. Large and foreignowned stores have signalled the demise of many small shops and have cut deeply into the income of even established local businesses. Many have shut their doors oroperateataloss.
Berbiceisabustlingwith electric bikes – an easy means of transport for the poor But Berbice remains in the shadow Migration is massive Region 6's populationhasfallenby20% since the PPPC took power in1992.
Families have left Homesareabandoned. Alot of new buildings belong to overseas-based Guyanese Many homes are locked up by absentee owners. The school dropout rate is extremely high. Villages are shrinking Persons are leaving in search of betterment A visa is a passport to a better life. The people feel the weight of neglect. Theregioncriesout forrelief.
But the cries fall on deaf ears. The politicians will come with their tales of how well the country is doing. But Berbice is experiencing onlydespair.
Sugar was once the backbone.
It is now a broken industry
Thefactoriesareold.The workersarefew
Thetrucksthatpickthem up each morning are not overladen as they once were w i t h w o r k e r s T h e production is low The costs are high. The debts are mounting. The industry is struggling The future is bleak On wobbly legs Fightingtostayalive.
But the count has begun. And it is unlikely to beat the referee'sten.
But the government will telladifferenttake.
They promise that sugar willgetbetter
T h e y h a v e b e e n promising that a long time. But sugar will not get better; itisdyingaslowdeath.
Rice holds Berbice together Barely But it is not enough. The large farmers thrive.
T h e y d o m i n a t e production. They take the hog's share The small farmers struggle.Those with less than 40 acres fight to survive.
The cost of fertilizers is high.Thecostoffuelishigh. The cost of land preparation ishigh.
Profitsarelow Debtsare high The government promisesrelief.
The small farmers see little change. The struggle continues The pressure mounts.
The fishing industry is collapsing.
The catch is low The expensesarehigh.Theprofit margins are thin. Economic hardship crushes the fisherfolk.
Boats return half-empty. Some do not return at all. And if the economy does not sink them, piracy will. The waters are unsafe. The pirates are ruthless. Fishermen risk their lives. The response to crime at sea isslow Fisherfolkareafraid. Theindustryisdying.
The PPPC pretends to
care.TheywillgotoBerbice this weekend They will summon the faithful. They will invoke Cheddi Jagan's name. They always do when they are desperate. They will make big speeches
They will make big promises They will talk about what they are doing –building training schools for Berbicians. But how many students in Berbice have the required subjects for entry The government is building white elephants. Like the one that was built at Skeldon and took down the sugar industrywithit.
The leaders will talk about progress. They will talk about development Theywillcussoutthecritics. They will say all is well. They will ask for loyalty Theywillaskforvotes.They will pretend to listen. They willpretendtocare.
Itistheiroldplaybook.It is a tired script. It is a recycledlie.
But the people are not fooled. They know the truth. They know their struggles. They know their pain. And they know who is to blame. They know the PPPC has failed them. They know the PPPC is out of touch. They know the PPPC protects the rich. They know the PPPC ignores the poor But they willstillturnuptowavetheir flags and cheer on the leaders of the PPPC. This is both the irony and the tragedy of the poor Like a moththeygowillinglytothe light.
Cheddi was once their shiningstar.ButthePPPCof today is not the PPPC of Cheddi Jagan. It has changed. It has abandoned the poor It has embraced the rich. The rich now reap maximum benefits They throw crumbs to the masses. The gap widens The inequality grows The
Dem boys seh, some sickness na need no medicine—just a good eye and a sharp mind! It remind them boys about de time when a young doctor move to one small village to tek over from de old doctor who was retiring. De old doctor decide fuh carry the young doctor ponroundssodepeopledemcouldgetuseto denewdoc.
Fuss house dem reach, one lady complain,“Doc,mebellyfeelingbadbad.”
Deolddocwatchsheandseh,“Yuhbeen eatingtoomuchripebanana.Cutdownlilbit andseeifyuhfeelbetter.”
De young doc confuse. He ask de old doc,“Butyuhain'tevencheckshe.Howyuh knowisbanana?”
De old doc laugh and whisper, “Bai, yuh
frustration builds The resentment is real The peopleseeit.Thepeoplefeel it.Thepeopleliveit.
The young are leaving. The old are suffering. The Berbice economy is limping along.Crimeisrising.
The streets are unsafe. The police are struggling.
The government is blind. Thepromisesareempty Berbice is bleeding. The PPPC is watching And doingnothing.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)
see when me drop me stethoscope and bend down fuh pick it up? Me notice nuff banana peelindegarbagebin.”
De young doc seh, “Clever move! Next housemegontrydasametrick.”
Second house dem reach, one young lady complain, “Doc, me feeling real tired lately,likemeain'tgotnoenergy.”
De young doc nod he head serious and seh, “Yuh been doing too much wuk in de church.Teklilrestandyuhgonfeelbetter.”
Deolddocwatchhehardandask,“How yuhknowda?”
Deyoungdocgrinandseh,“Medropme stethoscope just like you, bend down fuh pick it up… and me see de pastor under de bed.” Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
So m e r o u g h
characters in
America decided that it is time to deal with Cuba. Cuban doctors, to be precise. According to the Washingtonians, the Cubans are bad people, so bad that theyoppresstheirown. Plus, they do a lot of mischief around the world. Straight talk: I like Cubans, withthesenoritasamongmy favorites,andalongwiththat racy, bouncy music, to accompany the tequila, what
is there to find fault with, as the Yankees do? Now, they want countries like Guyana to send the Cuban doctors back to Havana. It was something that I really thought,definitelyexpected, that the wrath of one Bharrat Jagdeo, Vice President of Guyana would flare to the heavens. Since it is Dr Jay and heaven does not feature inhishead,Icorrecttoskies. He is a here-and-now man, a real where's the beef character But the Guyana
strongman did quite the opposite: he became a weakling. Asloppy,anemic, tricky puppy In sum, he is working through, waiting on, CARICOM. Say that again,sir!
Aworld of misgivings is harbored about my brother, Guyana'ssupremeayatollah, Boss Jagdeo. But there are certain things that I believe even he will not do, not go near Cuban doctors, and their American-driven expulsion, are one such
exception. There are few people in this country, who know as much as this man (who doesn't forget anything), how much the Cubans have contributed to Guyana's healthcare system. Cubans have been a backbone, and a brace as good as any and worth their weight for any number of pesos paid. Then, there is the flip side of that coin, whichisthesmallplatoonof Guyanese studying on that Isle. Hence, I expected
Guyana's cock-of-the walkmaestrotostruthis stuff and say shove off to the Americans. His version of that was the ballet and Kathak of CARICOM He is waiting and hoping that he will be seeing and hearing a strongresponse. Yegods!
Has anyone ever known Mr Jagdeo to hide behind the skirts of others? If the tword is involved, that's his norm. But it cannot be on something as sensitive and pivotalasCubandoctorsand their continued presence here. Those were fighting words that came out of America. Fire had to leap out of his eyes. Get those grubby paws off from Dr Pedro and Dr Margarita. They are ours, and they will
disagreement. No nothing, as is said in Brooklyn and Liverpool. Story done. It was the least that was anticipated from a leader of theincomparableprowessof Dr Bharrat Jagdeo. When Guyanese thought he would sizzle with steam, he fizzled with froth. CARICOM is the champ, and he is waiting to see how that muscular group would turnout. I discerned self-enslavement taken to another level. How unlike two other leaders in theregion.
First, there was the departing Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister, Dr Keith Rowley Go ahead, tek away de visa; it didn't matter that much to him. Now, that's my kind of leader. The Brits, forever in lockstep with their fellow Anglo-Saxons (who really aren't either) in America rushed out and did the honors: visa-free travelfrom Trinidad and Tobago to Trafalgar given the boot. The reason given was too many asylum seekers Somebody in Whitehall and theForeignOfficeneedtobe housedinanasylum. I'llnot go further, since the logic is impeccable. Then,outcame the lady from Bridgetown, PM Mia Mottley with ice in
her veins -whatever will be. But the Cubans will be here. Now, if only Guyana's former head of state, Guyana's current all-but-inname president, Bharrat Jagdeo could have found the nuts to speak as clearly and unequivocally to the Americans as those two CARICOM leaders, I would be proud to be his loudest cheerleader Time and again, I have pleaded with Bhai Bharrat: give me something to go on, and I willdotherest. Onbehalfof the vice-president, and this country, it would be a pleasure to say to the Americans: get the so-andsooutofGuyana'sface. The bigger idea is that there must be some issue, some circumstance, where GuyanaGovernmentleaders stop collapsing in a sweat and a heap, and playing dead, before the Yanks Good grief! If a stand can't be taken for hardworking, properly comped Cuban practitioners in this country, then no stand can be taken against Exxon All Guyanese should now understand even more clearly why Exxon is the dominant and unchallenged force here, and His Royal Highness Alistair Routledge is the reigning king. Due to his roots, the monarchy is within reach of Mr. Routledge. If Jagdeo is so enfeebled that he can't speak on his own about Cuban doctors, then I am unable to take him seriously for any word on anything that he speaks in English. Shame and disgrace Or, as Guyanese say: pity po bai. No Guyanese leader should, could,bethisimpotent,beof such fragile construction PMs Keith Rowley and Mia Mottley weren't. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)
The Working Peoples Alliance (WPA) has added itsvoiceinoppositiontothe attempt by the US government to punish Caribbeancountriesfortheir continued acceptance of Cubanhealthcareworkersto work in the region, saying that the Caribbean should not become a pawn in the US-Cubanongoingimpasse.
The party said Cuba is a sister Caribbean country whose assistance to the r e g i o n h a s b e e n immeasurable.
On February 25, 2025, the United States Department of State, throughitsSecretaryofState Marco Rubio, announced that there will be an expansion of the visa restrictionpolicyforpersons exploiting Cuban labour “Today, we announce the expansion of an existing Cuba-relatedvisarestriction policy that targets labor linked to the Cuban labour export program This expanded policy applies to current or former Cuban government officials, and other individuals, including foreign government officials,whoarebelievedto be responsible for, or involvedin,theCubanlabor export program, particularly Cuba's overseas medical missions.
This policy also applies to the immediate family of such persons The Department has already taken steps to impose visa restrictions on several individuals, including Venezuelans, under this expanded policy,” Rubio said. Further, the Secretary of State said that Cuba profits from the “forced labor of its workers and the regime's abusive and coercive labor practices are welldocumented.”
“Cuba's labor export programs,whichincludethe medicalmissions,enrichthe Cuban regime, and in the case of Cuba's overseas medical missions, deprive ordinary Cubans of the medical care they desperately need in their home country The United States is committed to countering forced labor practices around the globe. To do so, we must promote accountability not just for Cuban officials responsible for these policies, but also those complicit in the exploitationandforcedlabor ofCubanworkers.”
However, the WPA said the Caribbean-Cuban
relationship goes beyond ideology “If the Cuban workersweretobeexpelled, itwouldseverelyhamperthe healthcare system in some countries, including Guyana WPA, therefore, supports the CARICOM initiative to bring an amicable settlement to this burning issue. We feel a strongregionalcasecouldbe madetotheUSauthorities,” the party said in a press release on Monday “We commend the principled stance taken by the Prime Ministers of Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, and St VincentandtheGrenadines. But WPA is appalled at the unprincipled position adopted by the Guyana government. More than any Caribbean party, the PPP shouldbemoreforthrighton this matter The party and government's penchant for putting their internal political survival over national consideration is plain for all to see on this matter No government representing the broad national sentiments of its country would behave in suchashamefulmanner Itis nothing short of political opportunism,” the WPA lamented.
President Irfaan Ali on Saturday told reporters that his government has since written to the Trump administration about its policyonthehiringofCuban medical professionals, enquiring whether there are specific issues the United States of America wants to beaddressed.
He was asked by the media to state his government'spositiononthe U S ' threats to sanction governments, officials and their families should they hire persons through the Cuba labour export programme.
The President made it clear that every country has its own policy on matters, adding, “We have already responded to the U S through our official channels. That is, whatever workers we have here, whether it's from Cuba, India… you know we have health care workers from all over, from Africa, from India,fromCuba…thatthey fall under the same labour laws, local labour laws and internationallabourlaws.”
Further, the Guyanese leader emphasized that his government has asked the U S to identify specific issues they would like
addressedandeffortswillbe m a d e t o d o s o collaboratively “…because the U.S., as you know, is a very important partner also
for Guyana and we work closely together on many issues,” President Ali told reporters.The Head of State saidwhilehehasnotseenthe
contract for the Cuban Medical Brigade to know when it expires, all the persons working in Guyana are subject to local and
international laws. He said too that the U.S. has been assured of this and the benefits the health workers receive. The government is yet to receive a response from the U.S., the President disclosed.
Asked whether the civil approach taken by Guyana wastakenbyotherHeadsof Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), he replied, “I can't speak for the other Caribbean governments. I know when the policy was announced in its entirety by Secretary Rubio, we were at heads' meetings. And this wasoneofthesubjectsthat
(Continued on page 22)
The spread of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza,bringinglossesof hundreds of millions of poultry worldwide with increased spillover into mammals, highlights the urgentneedforstrengthened biosecurity, monitoring and surveillance, rapid-response mechanisms, and risk communicationtosafeguard thepoultrysectorandprotect livelihoodsandeconomies.
That was the message from a briefing by the Food a n d A g r i c u l t u r e Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to Member countries on Monday, FAO said. FAO Deputy DirectorGeneral Godfrey Magwenzi described the spread of the disease as unprecedented, “leading to serious impacts on food security and food
supply in countries, including loss of valuable nutrition, rural jobs and income, shocks to local economies, and of course increasing costs to consumers.” President Dr Irfaan Ali recently said that Guyanaisactivelyengaging with the World Animal Health Organization and the United States to combat the spread of the Bird Flu virus, which has significantly impacted the global poultry industry. The global poultry sector is facing severe challenges, with a 40% decline in hatching egg production and a 33% drop in meat President Ali announced that the Ministry of Agriculture is closely monitoringthe situationand collaborating with global partners to implement
preventive measures Additionally, Guyana is working with Brazil, the second-largesteggproducer, to prevent potential disruptions in the poultry supply chain, which could have major regional consequences.TheFAOsaid among the complex challenges avian influenza poses are how to protect poultry production systems to ensure food security and the nutrition of the millions whorelyonpoultryformeat and eggs Additional challenges revolve around safeguarding biodiversity, livelihoods and safe trade, and preventing social impacts,mostoftenborneby poultry farmers, Magwenzi said.
Coordinatedresponse needed
Another Deputy Director-General, Beth Bechdol emphasised that this is a transboundary issue requiring a global, coordinatedresponse.“FAO hasbeenonthefrontlinesof tackling this virus for over 20 years – supporting governments in detecting, preventing, and responding to outbreaks,” she said. To strengthen these efforts, FAO and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) have launched a ten-year Global Strategy for the Prevention a n d C o n t r o l o f High Pathogenicity Avian
Influenza Bechdol highlighted FAO's role in combating avian influenza andotherpotentialpandemic threats, underscoring the importance of strong
veterinaryandanimalhealth system capacity in every country “Achain is only as strongasitsweakestlink.By working together, we can reduce the impact of avian influenza and protect both animal and human health –locally and globally,” she said.Thelastfouryearshave seen a major shift in avian influenza in terms of geographical spread, with increased spillover to mammals and massive losses in domestic birds, impacting food security and drivinguppricesforpoultry products,theMemberswere told. Large numbers of wild birdshavesuccumbedtothe d i s e a s e , h a r m i n g biodiversitywithatleast300 newly affected wild bird speciessince2021.
FAO called on countries to take several measures to address the global avian influenzachallenge:
*Enhance surveillance andreporting
*Improve laboratory capacity
* D e v e l o p a n d implement preparedness plans and plan for business continuity
* P r o m o t e r i s k management through biosecurity
*Consider a potential role for vaccination in risk mitigation
*Strengthen outbreak response
*Foster regional and internationalcooperation
Bechdol said “FAO remains fully committed to global monitoring, sharing information, and providing
guidance and tools to support all our Member countries tackle this serious threat.”Shealsoemphasized that partnership with the private sector is vital. She described the sector as the key stakeholders in HPAI prevention and control, playing a crucial role in ensuring safe and responsible value chains, d e v e l o p i n g n e w technologies for vaccines and diagnostics, and providing good quality animalhealthservices.
Fundingproposalscall The meeting also included a third call for funding proposals for initiatives to be undertaken by the Pandemic Fund, hosted by the World Bank, with which FAO has co-led dozensofprojectsinthelast two years. Pandemic Fund projects aim to improve disease surveillance, develop early warning systems, strengthen health infrastructure, and promote cooperation across human, animal, plant and environmental health sectors. The Fund aims to attract additional resources, incentivize increased investments from countries, enhance coordination amongpartners,andserveas a platform for advocacy A m o n g t h e o t h e r participants in the session w e r e P e r m a n e n t Representatives from Indonesia and Senegal and representatives from the International Poultry Council, the World Egg Organization and Health for Animals.
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) has recovered over US$33B in costs to date, more than the
value of the three projects producing oil currently, which carry a collective pricetagofaboutUS$19B.
Guyana is a partner, didn't put up any funds as investments
WithmorethanUS$14B therefore channeled towards the development of the additionalprojectsapproved in the Stabroek Block, stakeholdershaveconstantly argued that such a scenario has made Guyana virtually aninvestorintheoperations. When questioned on this state of affairs, President of EMGL, Alistair Routledge denied that the country was advancing money towards thedevelopments.
He said, “We view, not just the government but the country as a partner in the developmentoftheresource, so I mean the question of investment, the country never advances funds to investinthedevelopmentof the offshore resource, it's always the investors that do
News had addressed this issue, pointing out that investments are made in variousforms.
He was at the time responding to comments made by Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo, who rejected his claim that the countryisadefactoinvestor inpetroleumoperations.
Jagdeo said he has not seen any borrowing by the governmentinjectedintothe petroleum sector hence Guyana cannot be consideredaninvestor
According to Ram, Jagdeo knows as well as anyone that borrowings are onlyoneformoffinancingof
C o n s e q u e n t l y , Routledge explained, “So I think choosing a word, what's important to understand is, does the government ever put money on the table at risk or operating cost for any our projects? It's always the investors that do that. As such,thegovernmentandthe country do not take that financial risk in the development of the resourcesoffshore.”
In the absence of a ringfencing provision, ExxonMobil uses the revenue from one project to developotherprojectsinthe Stabroek Block. Had this m e c h a n i s m b e e n implemented, the company would have been mandated tousetheoilproducedatone project to pay off the costs associated with developing the resource. It would also enablethecountrytoreceive 50% of the oil produced as profits, following the recoveryofcosts.
Attorney-at-Law and Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram in an interview with Kaieteur
investment. Ram said, “As any company finance executive, or any review of financial statements of Banks DIH or DDL would elucidate for him, there are two other principal methods – raising money from shareholders via equity or preference shares, or retained earnings of the company.”
Ram also claimed that the Vice President must be aware that Exxon has been permittedtouseandclaimas cost recoverable expenses, expenditure on its new head officebuildingatOgle.
HesaidtoothatJagdeois also aware that Exxon's participation in the gas to shore project will utilise revenues from petroleum that would otherwise be available as profit oil of which the government would have been entitled to 50%.
“It is a logical corollary thatbyvirtueofbeinga50% participant in profit oil from the Stabroek block, Guyana is bearing 50% of all cost, contractually or otherwise deemed recoverable,” the CharteredAccountantsaid.
Congratulations have continued to pour in for Attorney-at-LawStuartonhis appointment as Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago.Young took over the reins from Dr Keith Rowley whoresignedonSunday Ina one-liner President IrfaanAli said: “Congratulations to the Honourable Stuart Young on his appointment as the 8th Prime Minister of Trinidad andTobago.”
Also, in a statement Chairman of Caricom, Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley said, “I also warmly welcome him to the Conference of CARICOM Heads of Government. We lookforwardtothecontinued robust participation of Trinidad and Tobago in shaping and executing CARICOM's response to current and emerging global (Continuedonpage23)
Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony on Saturday announced that in June, a European Union (EU) Mission will be visiting Guyana to explore a number of opportunities with special attentionbeingplacedonthe healthsector
Thehealthministermade the disclosure during the launch of the government's Universal Healthcare Voucher Programme which washeldattheArthurChung ConferenceCenter.
During his address, the minister said that with the vision of providing a worldclass healthcare system for allGuyanese,thecountryhas been partnering with a number of international institutions and countries to meetitsgoal.
“We of course have been working with a number of partners so while we have a planofwhatwewanttodoin the Ministry of Health, for the last couple of years and goingintothenextfiveyears, we have mapped out a strategyofwherewewantto goandwealsorealizethatwe can do this with a lot of partnerships,”hestated.
Speaking of the partnerships Guyana has embarked on, Dr Anthony said that the country has a goodpartnershipwiththeEU
and at a recent Heads of Government meeting in Barbados,aMemorandumof Understanding (MoU) was signed among Guyana, Barbados and the EU for collaboration.
“TheEUisgoingtofund this partnership and among the things that are in that partnership is to look at preparingGuyanatobecome a hub for manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and vaccines. We are looking at developing a stronger regulatory institution and withthatinstitutionwhenwe certifysomethingthenitwill be accepted by other jurisdictions They have identified Lithuania, as one ofthecountriesthatwilloffer us technical capacity building so we will be
working very closely with them,”herevealed.
In addition to that, the minister shared that some of thefundingthattheyhaveset asidewouldallowGuyanato have academic partnerships with various universities in EUstates.Dr.Anthonynoted too that visits and talks have started with institutions in Germany, Holland, Belgium andFrance.
He disclosed that soon persons will receive training throughthepartnership.
“VerysooninJuneanEU mission will be coming to Guyanatoexplorewherewe can have these interchanges. Very soon an EU mission is comingtoGuyanatoexplore opportunities in health not justtheacademictrainingbut (Continuedonpage22)
PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad - Senior Counsel Stuart Richard Young, 50, was sworn in on Monday as the eighth Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, a few months before voters in the twin-island republic go to the polls to elect a new government.
Young,theformerMinisterofEnergyand Energy Industries, replaced 75-year-old Dr KeithRowley,whosteppeddownfromoffice afternineandahalfyearsandending45years ofactivepolitics.
“As we begin this new chapter together, thisismycommitmenttoyou.Iwillleadwith integrity, inclusion and accountability,” Young said soon after he was sworn in to officebyPresidentChristineKangaloo.
“We will harness our unique strength, diversity and aspiration to build a future where every citizen has the opportunity to thrive.Wewillputasidedifferences,leverage our collectiveexperiencesand expertiseand championthenecessaryreformstotransform andstrengthenournation,”saidYoung,who saidhewouldbenaminghisnewcabinetlater onMonday
Former planning and development minister, Camille Robinson Regis, was sworninasAttorneyGeneralandMinisterof LegalAffairs.
Youngtoldtheceremony,attendedbyhis parents, other relatives as well as his two sons,thattheculturalandreligiousdiversity ofTrinidadandTobago“offersusapowerful wayforward,anewchapterforTrinidadand Tobago.”
Young, who must name the date for the general election by constitutionally due by November this year, said he believes in TrinidadandTobagoandit'speople.
“Nowhere else in the world where such profound and dynamic blend of cultural religiousdiversitythatnotonlyco-exists,but strives, shapes and strengthens a collective national identity.“It is this very foundation, ournationalunity,builtonrespect,inclusion and shared purpose along with our fighting spiritthatIbelieveholdsthepowertopropel our nation forward. It is also the very foundation that shaped a boy born on Upper HenryStreetinPortofSpain,intotheperson (Continuedonpage22)
In Guyana criticising the government or simply having a different view is now a taxable and jailable offence. Criticising the government should not automatically place an individual in a higher tax bracket, nor should it trigger the mobilisation of ranks from SOCU or the Cybercrime Unit, but it is now happening in Guyana.
A recent report on the state of affairs of media freedom in Guyana made the point that while physical attacks on journalists are rare, they face substantial cyberbullying and efforts to discredit their work. It added that the President typically avoids open press interactions, preferring controlled interviews, while the Vice President uses lengthy weekly broadcasts to criticise dissenting voices.
Democracy thrives on debate, disagreement, and the ability of citizens to challenge authority without fear of reprisal. If an individual's biggest crime is expressing their views or taking a different political stance, then that is not an offence punishable by the law but rather a right enshrined in the country's highest law.
The 17-year-old son of former Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Kellawan Lall was on Friday killed in an accident along the Eccles Public Road, East Bank Demerara(EBD). Dead is Ronald Lall of Third Street, Cummings Lodge,EastCoastDemerara (ECD).
According to police, the accident occurred at about
registration number PAJ 7247 and motorcycle CP 5320.
Investigations revealed that the motorcycle was driven by 17-year-old Sean Bourne of Lusignan Grass Field, ECD. Lall was the
pillion rider The car was driven by a 20-year-old P
f Corentyne,Berbice.
Bourne and Lall were proceeding north along the
western carriageway of the Eccles Public Road, while allegedly riding fast and swerving in and out of lanes and,overtakingvehiclesthat were in front of them hea
Bourne overtook the car driven by the police constable which was in the eastern lane and collided with the concrete median thatseparatestheeasternand western carriageway of the public road. As a result, he los
motorcycle causing him and Lalltofallinfrontofthesaid car The driver of the car applied brakes in attempt to avoid any collision, but due to the short distance he unavoidablydroveoverboth
Jagdesh Mangal
TheGuyanaPoliceForce (GPF) on Monday issued a wanted bulletin for a 37year-old man accused of fraudulentconversion. Thewantedmanhasbeen identifiedasJagdeshMangal whoallegedlycommittedthe actinOctober2024atHague, WestCoastDemerara. Mangal's last known address is Lot 51 Fourth Street, Belmont, Mahaica, EastCoastDemerara(ECD).
Persons with information about Mangal's whereabouts are asked to contact the nearestpolicestation.
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From page 14 who stands before you today, honoured to be the Prime Minister.”
He said his parents, which included the former managing director of Scotia Bank, had taught him to work hard, serve others and to take on injustices, “when I had the power to make a difference.”
Maid for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.
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He said that’s why he studied law, adding “it has been my life’s work to fight for the people of this nation and at every step I have borne witness to what we can achieve when we fight together.
“The challenges of the
past have tested our resilience, but they have also revealed the depth of our strength, purpose and our fighting spirit,” said Young, who is expected to outline his new administration’s policy as he leads the ruling People’s National Movement into the campaign for the next general election, with the main challenger being the United National Congress.
“We have built a strong and solid foundation on which to stand, and together, we together, we can go even further. Together, we begin to write a ‘New Chapter’.
“Together, we can and will
move forward. Together, we can truly take hold of our destiny. Together, we can achieve all that we need to create the future we all deserve,” Young added.
Meanwhile, Barbados Prime Minister, Mia Mottley, who is also chair of the 15member regional integration movement, CARICOM, welcomed Young offering “heartfelt congratulations…on his installation as the Eighth Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
“I also warmly welcome him to the Conference of CARICOM Heads of Government. We look forward to the
continued robust participation of Trinidad and Tobago in shaping and executing CARICOM’s response to current and emerging global affairs, including Energy and Security (Drugs and Illicit Arms), for which Prime Minister Young will have lead responsibility in the CARICOM Quasi-cabinet.”
Mottley said CARICOM commits its full support as the Prime Minister and his government continue to chart a stable, secure and prosperous future for the people of Trinidad and Tobago and the region.
From page 18 the driver and pillion rider, causing them to sustain injuries about their bodies.
Bourne and Lall were picked up in a conscious state by the driver and public-spirited citizens and taken to the
Suriname Tours- Easter weekend tour to Suriname. contact 639-2663 / 673-2348 whatsapp or call for more info.
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From page 11 heads would have requested a meeting on with the U.S. State Department.”
IN addition to the WPA, the Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) has also criticised the government’s stance on the issue, saying that oil giant ExxonMobil’s de facto ownership of Guyana’s oil is restricting this country’s ability to stand up for itself on the matter of US’ Cuba policy.
“More recently, the Trump administration’s bullying tactic has extended to English-speaking Caribbean
Diamond Diagnostic Center where they were examined by a doctor. Lall was self-discharged from the hospital by relatives and transported by an Ambulance to the Woodlands Hospital where he was subsequently pronounced dead on arrival. His body was taken to the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home where it awaits a post-mortem examination. Meanwhile, Bourne was referred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where he was admitted as a patient with fractured ribs and abrasions about the body. His condition is regarded as critical.
The driver of the car was taken to the Providence Police Station where he is assisting with investigations.
countries being ‘ordered’ to deport Cuban medical personnel who for decades have constituted the backbone of medical services in these territories,” the association said.
The statement highlighted that Guyana has not only benefitted from medical volunteers but majority of Guyana’s medical practitioners have been educated in Cuba.
The GHRA noted that, Trinidad, Barbados and St. Vincent political leaders have acknowledged their debt to Cuba and made it clear to the US that they will not be de-
porting any Cuban medical personnel.
Ms. Mia Mottley, the Bajan Prime Minister stated she was prepared to risk restrictions on her right to travel to the US in retaliation for resisting the dictates of that country.
Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, PM of St. Vincent noted 60 of his nationals would die within a week if deprived of the medical dialysis attention provided by the Cuban doctors.”
The association is of the belief that Guyana is facing a greater risk than
other Caribbean territories of offending the US in light of the importance of their support over the threat of invasion from Venezuela.
The GHRA said to ensure continued peace for Guyana and the rest of the world ways need to be found to ensure that “principled politics can be protected and flourish in the domestic realm.
The alternative, namely, going along with disreputable solutions is to join a game which the current US administration is far better placed to win,” the statement further said.
From page 14 also other opportunities where they can partner with the government in the area of health,” he announced.
Meanwhile, Dr. Anthony disclosed that Guyana also has a strong partnership with the United Kingdom (UK). Having been assisting the country with financing of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Dr. Anthony noted that there have been talks to extend training.
“They have trained a number of persons in public health at various universities in the UK but very soon we will be working with them in a very closer manner so that a number of their academic institutions would customized programmes for us so that we can send our doctors, nurses, other professionals to be trained and come back to Guyana. So, this is a very extensive programme that we
are developing with the UK,” he mentioned.
Speaking about another robust partnership, the minister said that following Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi’s visit to Guyana, India has extended its partnership in the field of health.
Dr. Anthony said on Saturday that one of the things that Guyana will be doing is developing a partnership with the Apollo Hospital chain in India. “
They would be coming to Guyana soon and we will be signing a memorandum of understanding which include us being able to send our doctors to India so that they can get post graduate training and also India will be sending to us here in Guyana experts that will be working locally with our team so that they will be able to improve their capacity in certain areas
of surgery and other areas that we currently do not have specialist in,” he explained.
Guyana also has strong partnerships with Canada and the United States. Minister Anthony said that in Canada, Guyana has been working with York University to train persons who are now working as hospital administrators, and training physicians. He noted too that with the new hospitals being constructed across the country, this training is important since they would be able to take on the leadership roles.
Apart from York University, Guyana has partnered with McMaster University.
Dr. Anthony said that the country has a MoU with McMaster to send over the next two to three years at least 30 persons on a fellowship programme. This, he said, will be to ensure Guyana has specialists in several disciplines.
Moreover, the health minister said government has also partnered with Mohawk to train persons to become ultrasound technicians, an area that is lacking. In the US, he said Guyana continues to engage its partners at Mount Sinai, Northwell Hospital and the Operation Walk Mission out of Maryland.
“So these partnerships are going to help us to grow and when the President talks about developing a worldclass healthcare system we recognize that if we are going to move this system forward if we are going to develop it to that level then we are going to need partners that have demonstrated excellence in healthcare across the world and we have been seeking out the best partners to make sure that we can bring them in and work so that we can develop our skills,” Dr. Anthony stated.
The Guyana Online Academy of Learning (GOAL) said it has severed ties with International Skill Development Corporation (ISDC)andtheUniversityof Staffordshire after students raised concerns about the non availability of programmes they had successfulsignedupfor But the state-funded scholarshipprogrammesaidit remains committed to expanding access to online education for Guyanese citizens,notingthatsinceits
establishment it has transformed lives through academic and professional training, facilitated by strategic partnerships with over 20 local, regional, and internationalinstitutions.
GOAL said its success is underpinned by the unwavering support of its partners,whichinclude:
•ACCA-affiliated institutions,Guyana
• Atlantic Technological
• International Skill Development Corporation (ISDC),UK
•IndiraGandhiNational Open University (IGNOU), India
• JAIN “Deemed to be” University(JAIN),India
• New Guyana School, Guyana
•Robert Gordon University,Scotland
•Texila Amer
can University,Guyana
• The University of the WestIndies,Barbados
•UniversidadCatólicade Murcia-Structuralia,Spain
•University of the Caribbean, Dominican Republic
•University of the Southern Caribbean, Trinidad
•UniversityofPetroleum &EnergyStudies,India
•UNICAFinpartnership with the University of East
•UNICAFinpartnership withLiverpoolJohnMoores University,UK
•UNICAFinpartnership with the University of Suffolk,UK
•UNICAF University, Zambia
•UNICAF University, Malawi According to a statement by GOAL, these p
ships provide Guyanese students with opportunities to pursue academic programmes in diverse fields, including business, technology, healthcare, and engineering.
nally, GOAL collaborateswiththird-party partners to enhance the delivery of its programmes.
Development Corporation (ISDC), UK; Structuralia, Spain;UNICAF,Cyprusand Coursera,USA. GOALsaid between 2021 and 2024, GOAL awarded a total of 29,758 scholarships The
Frompage13 affairs, including Energy and Security (Drugs and Illicit Arms), for which Prime MinisterYoungwillhaveleadresponsibility intheCARICOMQuasi-cabinet.”
For its part, the Alliance For Change in congratulating Young said Guyana and Trinidad andTobago share a long history of cooperationandgoodrelations.“Ourcultural commonalities date back to our days as colonies of the British Empire and our cooperationinthestruggleforindependence of our nations forged bonds of friendship madeevenstrongerthroughourjointefforts to create, with others of the Caribbean, a single market and economy of the Region. Thisworkcontinues,”theAFCsaid.
According to the party, as independent
nations, Trinidad and Tobago extended its handoffriendshipwhenitwroteoffmillions indebtundertheParisClubAgreement.
“In recent years, since the discovery ofoilinGuyana,TrinidadandTobagohas been among the first nations to offer support to Guyana as we sought to bring ouroilandgassectortoproduction
As Prime MinisterYoung takes up the mantle the Alliance For Change extends sincere appreciation to outgoing Prime Minister Keith Rowley for the Statesman role he played both as Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago and within the Caricom group of nations,” the AFC noted It said it looks forward to the continuing friendly relations of our two States
number of scholarships granted has increased steadilyeachyear,reflecting a 32.4% growth from 6,280 in2021to8,316in2024.The most significant annual increase occurred between 2021and2022,at18%.
GOAL said at a meeting on November 30, 2023, a GOAL representative met with the leadership of the University of Staffordshire (UoS) and ISDC at UoS’s London Campus to discuss collaboration in delivering
programmes to Guyanese students via the SQA progression pathway The meeting was productive, resulting in the signing of a M e m o
a n d u m o f Understanding (MoU) between ISDC and GOAL Underthisagreement,GOAL scholars would pursue their degrees through the ISDC progression pathway, leading to UoS qualifications
Subsequently, UoS officials issued a letter to GOAL confirming this arrangement, while ISDC’s Executive Director provided a similar confirmationinwriting.
Since 2022, GOAL said it has collaborated with ISDC in delivering the Get Ready for Opportunities to Work (GROW) initiative, which has benefited over 4,000Guyanesebyenabling access to tertiary education. “Many of these students are now nearing completion of their bachelor’s degrees at internationally accredited universities Recognising thepotentialofaUKdegree pathway with tuition fee discounts based on enrolment volumes, GOAL
pursued this opportunity to increase the number of scholarships available to deserving citizens,” the statementread.
Accordingtothestatement the ISDC pathways are wellestablishedintheUKandhave facilitated access to higher education for students worldwide ISDC is accredited by the Scottish Qualifications Authority and currently collaborates with approximately 20 UK universities “As previously noted,ISDCisoneofGOAL’s third-partypartners Similarly, UNICAF provides access to three UK universities as well as two universities based in Africa, while Structuralia, another third-party provider, collaborates with the Organisation of American Statestooffermaster’sdegree qualifications from European universities These partnerships have been instrumental in delivering internationally accredited university education at scale, with significant tuition fee reductions” GOALsaid following the finalisation of its partnership with ISDC, approximately 1,400Guyanesewereawarded scholarships under the UoS/ISDC SQA progression pathway in August 2024 However,itwasnotuntillate January2025thatGOALwas made aware of challenges affecting the delivery of academic programmes under this arrangement “Multiple efforts were undertaken to addresstheseissues,including three virtual meetings with affectedstudents Initially,the difficulties pertained to a mismatchincourseofferings, access to the Learning
Management System (LMS), and inaccuracies in course matrices However, the situation escalated into a dispute between UoS and I S D C o v e r t h e implementation of their partnership At no point prior to this had either institution formallynotifiedGOALofthe breakdown in their collaboration or its implicationsforourscholars,” thestatementnoted.
According to GOAL, attempts to engage directly with UoS leadership were unsuccessful “It is our understanding that legal representativesofbothparties are currently negotiating a resolution Since this dispute came to light, GOAL has provided affected scholars with opportunities to transfer to other partnering universities Additionally, ISDCisactivelyengagingfive UK universities Arden University, Queen Margaret University, University of the West of Scotland, Wrexham University, and Cardiff M e t r o p o l i t a n University that are likely to accept our awardees and recognisethecreditstheyhave earned under the disrupted partnership ” “GOAL sincerely apologises to its a w a r d e e s f o r t h e
nce and frustration caused by this situation. We assure them that every effort is being made to safeguard their academicprogress.Affected scholars will be contacted before the end of the week with details of available transfer options within our network of partner universities,” the statement concluded.
Rasul also revealed that she had spoken to the Chairman of GECOM, but did not disclose these conversations to either the police or the prosecution When asked why she omitted these details,shedidnotprovidea clear explanation Rasul continued stating that she onlyprovidedinformationto the police and prosecution based on specific questions asked.However,thedefence continued to question Rasul’s ability to assess the credibility of the election results. Hughes asked if she hadaccesstoanSOPduring the tabulation process to which Rasul admitted she did not, and is therefore not in a position to compare the SOPsusedbythedefendants withothersmemberspresent in the room. She also stated thatshewasnotinaposition
to comment on the accuracy of the results being announced by GECOM staff.
The defence further questioned Rasul on how was she able to obtain an SOP She admitted that she had never received nor requested any published results for Region Four As such,thedefenceinquiredif herreportwasmadewithout referencingofficialGECOM results to which she responded,“thatiscorrect.”
The cross-examination alsofocusedonabombscare that occurred during the tabulation process Rasul admitted that, when informedofthebombscare, she had refused to leave the building, believing the officers were trying to disrupt the tabulation
However, during the incident, she was left alone
in a room with PPP/C members, and no GECOM officials were present at the time. she also admitted that the SOPs were left in the room. Hughes questioned Rasul about her actions during the four hours she wasintheroomwithPPP/C members However, he statedthatshedidnotlookat the SOPs.Whenasked what was physically stopping her from reviewing the SOP, Rasul initially hesitated but eventually admitted that nothing physically stopped herfromreviewingtheSOPs duringthattime.
Rasul was further questioned about the authenticityoftheSOPsshe had access to. She admitted that the SOPs had been provided to her by other election observers from AmCham, Chaitram Singh and Danraj Singh, but she
didnotcross-referencethem with any official GECOM documents “Chaitram Singh and Danraj Singh are the two election observers thatgavemetheSOPs,”she said. Attorney Hughes then went on to inform Rasul of the ethnic divisions that occur during elections to which Rasul agreed to his statement. As such, he had asked Rasul to identify nonIndian observers from a list of 66 election observers fromAmCham.
Rasul complied, stating that nine out of the 66 observers were non-Indian. Hughes then suggested that, based on her responses, Rasul’s statements reflected bias “You stated that GECOM was doing something dodgy, you submitted statements that were not given to the prosecution,andyourefused
to leave the building. That was biased, and your organisationwasbiased.”
The prosecution, led by Special Prosecutor Dharshan Ramdhani KC, objected to Hughes’ line of questioning,callingitunfair tothewitnessandirrelevant. As such, Hughes requested the magistrate suspend his questioning, citing numerous inconsistencies in Rasul’stestimony Magistrate McGusty granted the request, and Attorney Eusi Anderson took over the crossexamination. Anderson also focused on the authenticity o f t h e S O P s a n d acknowledged that Rasul had made statements to PPP/C member Anil Nandlall,whomshereferred to as her lawyer The prosecution again objected, clarifying that Nandlall was
notRasul’slawyerbutrather anobserver
As the questioning continued,Hughes requested thatthetrialbeadjournedfor theday,withproceedingsset to resume on Tuesday MagistrateMcGustyagreed, and the trial was adjourned. In addition to the trial, the defencemadeanapplication for a visit to the Ashmins’ Building.
Thiswouldallowboththe defenceandthemagistrateto visualize the locations described by the witness during her testimony The prosecution agreed to the application, and Magistrate McGusty ruled that the visit would take place on March 21, 2025. She clarified that thevisitwouldbestrictlyfor visual purposes and not to presentanyevidence.
The trial will resume on Tuesday
WA S H I N G T O N , March 17 (Reuters) - A U S judge on Monday o r d e r e d t h e Trump administration to explain whether it defied a court order by deporting hundreds of Venezuelans the White House says are violent criminals, a move officials defended but several legal experts said was clearly unlawful The Trump administration deported more than 200 Venezuelans itsaysweremembersofTren de Aragua, a Venezuelan gang that has been linked to kidnapping, extortion and contract killings, to El Salvadorovertheweekend.
The Whi
use asserted on Sunday that
federal courts "have no jurisdiction" over President Donald Trump's authority to expel foreign enemies under a
w historically used only in wartime, though it also said it had complied with the order.
Judge James Boasberg inWashington set a hearing for 5 p m ET (2000 GMT) on Monday and instructed the government to provide details on the timing of the flights that transported the
whether they took off after his order was issued
Several legal experts interviewed by Reuters viewedtheflightsasadirect
challenge to the judicial branch'sindependence
Trump has sought to push the boundaries of executive power since taking office in January, cutting spending authorized by Congress, dismantling agencies and firing tens of
requested by the American Civil LibertiesUnion,acivil rights group, Boasberg
temporary block on Trump's useoftheAlienEnemiesAct of 1798 to carry out the deportations.
The judge said in court that any flights already en
March17(Reuters)-The Trump administration's decision to pause U S foreignaidhas"substantially disrupted" supply of HIV treatmentsineightcountries, which could soon run out of these life-saving medicines, t h e Wo r l d H e a l t h Organization said on Monday
The global health agency said that Haiti, Kenya, Lesotho, South Sudan, Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria and Ukraine could exhaust their supply of HIV treatments in the coming months.
Keep up with the latest medical breakthroughs and healthcare trends with the Reuters Health Rounds newsletter Signuphere.
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"The disruptions to HIV programs could undo 20 years of progress," WHO Director-General Tedros
Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a press conference. He added that this could lead to over 10 million additional HIV cases and three million HIV-relateddeaths.
Efforts to tackle HIV, p o l i o , m a l a r i a a n d tuberculosis have been impacted by the U.S. foreign aid pause implemented by President Donald Trump shortlyafterhetookofficein January
The WHO-coordinated Global Measles and Rubella Laboratory Network, with over 700 sites worldwide, also faces imminent shutdown, the agency said. This comes at a time when measles is making a comeback in the United States.
The United States has a "responsibility to ensure that ifitwithdrawsdirectfunding for countries, it's done in an orderlyandhumanewaythat allows them to find
alternative sources of funding," Ghebreyesus said onMonday
Funding shortages could also force 80% of WHOsupported essential health care services in Afghanistan to close, the agency said in a separatestatement.
As of March 4, 167 health facilities had shut down due to funding shortages, and without urgentintervention,over220 morefacilitiescouldcloseby June.
The United States' plans to exit the WHO have also forcedtheUNagency,which typically receives about a fifth of its overall annual funding from the U.S., to freeze hiring and initiate budgetcuts.
The WHO said on Mondaythatitplanstocutits fundingtargetforemergency operations to $872 million from$1.2billioninthe20262027budgetperiod.
From page 6
Meanwhile,Attorney GeneralAnil Nandlall, SC who is representing the State's interest in the case contended that matter from its inceptionhasbeenwhollymisconceived.
From the very inception, the case is an abysmal failure… The Applicant seeks to invokethisjudicialreviewpowertointerpret legislation; a power that the Court does not have under the Judicial Review Act. In this regard, the Fixed DateApplication is wholly misconceived and constitutes an abuse of process.He stressed that no doubt, the Court has a jurisdiction to review legislation for wantofconstitutionality However,Nandlall noted that there is no contention in the FDA thatthelegislationinquestionwasenactedin violation of the Constitution, or that it is inconsistent or conflicts with the Constitution.
“This jurisdiction of the Court is wellknown, and having regard to the doctrine of
route should return to the U S On Sunday, El Salvador's president, Nayib Bukele, posted footage on X showing men being pulled off a plane in the dark of night.
"Oopsie ... too late," Bukele wrote above a news story about the judge's o
spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt told reporters at a White House briefing on Monday that all flights subject to Boasberg's order had taken off prior to its issuance.
"This administration acted within the confines of thelaw,"shesaid.
But legal experts said theplane'slocationintheair wasirrelevant.
Michael J Gerhardt, a constitutional law professor at the University of North CarolinaSchoolofLaw,said theargument"bordersonthe absurd"andwas"contraryto well settled constitutional law" holding that federal officials are subject to the Constitution no matter wheretheyare.
“A governmental plane ongovernmentalbusinessis not in a law-free zone," Gerhardt said, adding: "If that is not the case, then the government can simply do anything it apparently wants to do so long as it is not operating any longer on Americansoil."
With the Republicancontrolled Congress largely backing his agenda, federal judges have often been the only constraint on his executive actions, putting many on hold while they considertheirlegality
In some cases, advocacy groups have said the administration is refusingto complywithjudicialorders.
separation of powers. The limitations which are attendant upon that doctrine are also settled and axiomatic.”Further, Nandlall contended that the applicant requests Court to read into the section, which only requires the address be verified, that a registrant lives atorisconnectedtothataddress.
“In other words, theApplicant is inviting the Court to violate the literal and grammatical meaning of words in the section, under the guise of interpretation, in ordertoexpandtheirmeaningtosaywhatthe clear language does not say In effect, the Applicant is inviting the Court to amend the legislation…
In effect, the Applicant is requesting the Court to reject the will of Parliament and to repeal legislation that Parliament has enacted,”theAGpointedout.
To sum up, he deduced that the applicant is inviting the Court to commit numerous “constitutionalheresies.”
Trump used the Alien Enemies Act, which gives the president the wartime authority to deport noncitizens whose primary allegiance is to a foreign power, to carry out many of thedeportations. It has been invoked just three times: during the War of 1812,WorldWarOneand most recently World War Two, when it was used to justify the mass internment of people of Japanese, GermanandItaliandescent.
Leavitt said there were 261 people deported in total, including 137 who were removed under the Alien EnemiesAct and more than 100 others who were removed via standard immigration proceedings
also 23 Salvadoran members of the MS-13gang,Leavittsaid.
n e o f t h o s e Salvadorans appeared to be alleged MS-13 leader Cesar
documentsshowed.TheU.S. Justice Department moved to drop the indictment
A 43-year-old motorcyclist died on Sunday night after he lost control of the motorcyclehewasdrivingandcollidedintoa cardrivenbyaseniorpoliceofficer
Dead is Laikram Bandine of Fort Ordinance,EastCanje,Berbiceman.
Reports are that the accident occurred at 22:20halongtheGarsonRoad,EastCanje.
Accordingtoapolicereport,theaccident involved a car bearing registration number PAF 5919 and Bandine’s motorcycle with registrationnumberSLP2.
The car was driven by 43-year-old Police Superintendent and Deputy Commander, Regional Division 6, Ravindra Stanley who isaresidentofPatentia,WestBankDemerara (WBD).
Stanley is stationed at the New AmsterdamPoliceStation.
Police said that the car was traveling south along the eastern driving lane of the Canje Public Road “at a normal speed”. The
against Lopez-Larios on March 11, according to the unsealed documents, "due to geopolitical and national securityconcerns."
John Durham, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern DistrictofNewYork,saidin a March 16 court filing that Lopez-Larios had been removedtoElSalvador
Lopez-Larios was arrested by U S authorities in June 2024 and faced a multi
unt federal indictment in New York for allegedly directing acts of v i o l e n c e , m u r d
kidnapping, extortion and drugtrafficking. T
s variously described the deported Venezuelans as gang members, "monsters," or "alien terrorists," but has not provided evidence to back up its assertions, and the ACLU has criticized authorities for falsely applyingthelabel.
F o u r D e m o c r a t i c senators on Monday called Trump's use of the Alien E n e m i e s A c t f o r immigration enforcement an "unlawful and brazen power grab." "All of us, including the courts, must continue to hold this administration accountable, and prevent the Trump administration from taking us down a dark and dangerous road," Senators Dick Durbin, Alex Padilla, Cory Booker, and Peter Welchsaidinastatement.
Asked on Fox News' "Fox & Friends" program on Monday what would come next, Trump's border czar Tom Homan said: "Another flight, another flighteveryday."
"We're not stopping I don't care what the judges think,"headded
DeputyCommandersignaledlefttoturnonto Garson Road, located on the eastern side of thethoroughfare.
As he was turning, the Bandine who was speeding on his motorcycle lost control causing him to fall onto the eastern grass parapet before colliding with the left rear fender of car Stanley contacted the police immediately.At the time of the accident, the motorcyclistwasnotwearingasafetyhelmet causinghimtosustaininjuriestohisheadand otherpartsofhisbody.Hewaspickedupina semi-conscious state by porters and taken to the NewAmsterdam Hospital where he died whilereceivingtreatment.
Bandine’s body is at the hospital’s mortuary awaiting a post-mortem examination.Stanley was subjected to a breathalyzer test, which registered a reading of zero. The car and motorcycle have been lodgedattheNewAmsterdamPoliceStation forexamination.
Two miners were remanded to prison on Monday after appearing at the Bartica Magistrate's Court to face charges of narcoticstrafficking.
CrystoffAmsterdam,26, fromLaRetraite,WestBank Demerara, and Quacy Nero, 27, from LBI, East Coast Demerara, are accused of having in their possession 186 grams of cocaine on March16,2025,atTamakay Backdam, Middle Mazaruni River,Region7. According to police, officers were on duty at the location when they received
information that led them to a camp where Nero and Amsterdam were working. "Upon arrival, the ranks observed that Amsterdam had a black haversack in his possession. Police searched the bag and discovered 207 transparent parcels, each containingawhitesubstance suspected to be cocaine," policesaid.
Amsterdam, when cautioned, told the police, "Officer, I found the bag in the camp when we were cleaningup."Bothmenwere arrestedandtakentoEnachu
Police Station, where the narcotics were weighed, amounting to 186 grams.
D u r i n g M o n d a y ' s proceedings, the men appeared before Magistrate
Teriq Mohamed, who read the charge to them. They both pleaded not guilty and were remanded to prison. Thecasehasbeenadjourned toApril28,2025.
WithGuyanaset to unveil a f e w n e w CricketStadiumsinthenear future, Minister of Culture Youth and Sports Charles Ramson Jr recently paid a site visit to the Palmyra Stadium in Region 6, as efforts to finish the venue ahead of scheduled time heightens. T
e R e g i o n 6 Democratic Council posted
Frompage31 AGM when the new Puma partnership was announced. At the time, Gayle had laudedPuma’slongstanding support of Jamaican athletics, especially through difficult periods such as the pandemic.
You'll find that things are slipping nicely into place for you today, Aries Your persuasivemannerandgentle nudges are just enough to get peoplewhereyouwantthem.
When faced with ten entrees onthemenu,itmightbehard for you to choose just one. Feelfreetoordertwoormore, Ta u r u s D o n ' t l e t indecisiveness slow you down.Atthesametime.
Your dreams won't come true unless you believe in and act onthem,Gemini.Nooneelse is going to do it for you. Unless you have a fairy godmother, you need to take mattersintoyourownhands.
If people hassle you or give you a hard time about your appearance today, pay them nomind,Cancer Youhavethe righttoliveyourlifeanyway youwantto.
Reachforthepotofgoldatthe end of the rainbow, Leo. It's closerthanyouthink.Indeed, your dreams are completely within your reach, and there are huge forces at work helping you achieve your goals.
Today is your day to dream and dream big, Virgo. Think aboutwhatitisthatyouwant most out of life. Aim your arrow to the stars and pull back your bow as far as possible. There's no limit to howfaryoucango.
Expand your mind to its furthest reaches today, Libra.
e opportunity opening up for you in which you can make great strides in a creative realm.Followthemusic.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Your mind may seem rather cloudy today, Scorpio, but don't let this hinder you. In fact, you'll find that you can use this feeling of fantasy to your advantage. Try to bring moremagicintoyourlife.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Today is an excellent day for you,oneinwhichyou'llfinda great deal of strength in your emotions, Sagittarius Trust that your instincts are serving youwell.
Things might get a bit confusing for you today, Capricorn. Don't feel like you needtomakesenseofitall.In fact, this task may be impossible. Just be yourself. Let your creative nature shine through.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Mixyourrealitywithabit of fantasy today, Aquarius. Allowyourfeettocomeoffthe ground for a little while. Give yourselfarest.Takesometime to meditate and clear your mindofyourdailyworries.
Let yourself go into high creative mode and drift into a whole other world, Pisces. Escape your present reality and explore your fantasies through any sort of artistic endeavor Dreamasbigasyour mindallows.
the visit via their Facebook pagethispastweekend,with Regional Vice Chairman Zamal Hussain, Minister Ramson former Guyana and West Indies leg-spinner Devendra Bishoo alongside other officials, during their full walk through of the stadium, including its respective facilities and sections.
Although initial delays atthestadiumwerecaused d
Ramson noted following his tour and as recent as the GCB U
Association tournament h
Ancient County venue alongwiththeotherfacilities willbecompletedsoon.
For Palmyra, located in East Canje, progress
so se
well on course to beat the initial deadline, originally set for early next year, with efforts being made to complete the project by this year’s end, putting completion well ahead of projectedtime. Additional building components will be arriving for Palmyra this month, with prefabricated concrete Slabs, roofing and steel structures set to be incorporated into the stadium’s design
The venue itself boasts a modernized look with a huge parking lot, fencing, sewage and water systems which are expected to be better or at least on par with that of Providence, Media Center, Player’s Pavilion with a seating capacitysetfor10,000.
Meanwhile, Mackenzie, New Amsterdam, Bayroc and Anna Regina will also have stadiums which will play a crucial role in the growth of the country’s cricket/sportssector,aswell as other areas such as tourism,entertainmentetc.
“Puma has been an invaluable partner, supporting grassroots initiatives, high school programs, and major nationaleventsliketheBoys and Girls Championships and the Gibson Relays,” Gayle said in a statement released to the media at the AGM.
“Their commitment far exceeds that of their competitors, ensuring we can continue to deliver excellenceinathletics.”
Thesecrecysurrounding the agreement has fueled speculation about whether the deal is indeed as beneficialasclaimed. D
confidentiality clause prevents the JAAA from sharingdetails,thehesitancy t
ad assurances about the contract’svaluecontinuesto raise concerns Given Puma’s deep-rooted relationship with Jamaican athletics, athletes and stakeholders alike are left wondering why the federation is unable or unwilling to offer more transparency on a deal that could significantly impact thesport’sfutureinJamaica.
However, with the deal now finalized, the lack of disclosure raises questions about why the federation is unwilling to provide further clarity on the terms, particularly given the revelation that Adidas had tabledalucrativeoffer
With a clear and structured plan, Sheryl Hermonstineissprintingout of the blocks as AAG President, ready to take Guyanese athletics to unprecedentedheights.
T h e A t h l e t i c s Association of Guyana (AAG)hasusheredinanew era under the leadership of Hermonstine, who has wastednotimeinlayingthe groundwork for a transformativetenure.
A former Vice President under Aubrey Hutson, Hermonstine now takes the reins as the second female presidentintheassociation’s history, following Dr Gem Fletcher
g facilitiesforathletes.
Hermonstine has outlined a clear vision for thefutureoftrackandfield in Guyana At the heart of h
n’s agendaisthebeliefthatthe AAG is at a crucial juncture wherestrategicdevelopment will significantly improve the country’s athletic standing.
Her key areas of focus
The AAG’s election on Sunday saw Hermonstine defeating Dr Arianne Mangar by a decisive fiveto-one vote, despite some controversy surrounding the process. However, with the elections now settled, she is focused on elevating Guyanese athletics to new heights.Herambitiousplans centre on developing a sustainable and structured system that will nurture talent, enhance coaching standards, and provide wo
development programmes, establishingandimproving athlete training facilities, implementing long-term planningstrategiesformajor competitions, strengthening youth development through the Athletics Academy, and building international partnerships for knowledge exchangeandexposure.
Recognizing that the found
ion of any successful athletics programme begins with youth development, Hermonstine is placing special emphasis on the AAG’sacademy
She insists that the academy must be the primary incubator for young talent, ensuring that coaches prioritize its role inproducingeliteathletes Coaches, Hermonstine said, will work closely with academy athletes, focusing
not just on technical skill development but also on mentalresilienceandadeep passionforthesport.
By fostering an environment that supports both physical training and holistic growth, the AAG will produce well-rounded athletespreparedtocompete atthehighestlevels.
The new AAG body will look to see the rise of more top-notch athletes coming out of Guyana appearing on the regional and international scene.
To ensure that Guyanese athletes receive the best possible guidance, H e r m
n s t i n e ’ s
nistration w
introduce mandatory continuous development programmes for coaches. Elearning platforms will be utilized to provide access to cutting-edge coaching methodologies, sports science, and athlete managementtechniques.
“Coaches must embrace lifelong learning, ” Hermonstine highlighted “We will encourage them to use everyavailableresource to enhance their own skills and,inturn,theperformance ofourathletes.”
In addition to virtual learning, the AAG will facilitate exchange programmes, allowing coaches to train with i n t e r n a t i o n a l c o u n t e r p a r t s B y participating in joint training sessions, w o r k s h o p s , a n d
competitions abroad, coaches will gain fresh p e r s p e c t i v e s a n d innovative techniques to bringbacktoGuyana.
These exchanges will not only improve coaching standards but also strengthen regional and international ties in theathleticscommunity
One of the most ambitious goals under Hermonstine’s leadership is the establishment of a state-of-the-art highperformance training centre She acknowledged that the quality of training facilities significantly impacts an athlete’s developmentandsuccess.
To achieve this, she pointed out that the AAG will collaborate with the MinistryofCulture,Youth& Sports and other key stakeholders to bring this visiontolife.
The proposed facility willserveasacentralhubfor
elite training, talent identification, and athlete rehabilitation.
Moreover,havingahighperformance centre in Guyana will attract national a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l competitions, giving local athletes more exposure and competitiveexperience.
A strong athletics programme is only as good as its coaches, and Hermonstine is committed to ensuring that Guyana has adedicatedandprofessional coachingworkforce.
To this end, she is exploring the possibility of i m p l e m
g a remuneration system for coaches, ensuring they are adequately compensated for theirtimeandexpertise.
“Athletics in Guyana cannot progress if our coachesarenotvalued,”she noted.
“We must create an
coaching is a viable profession,notjustapassion project.”
A performance-based remunerationsystemwillbe introduced to reward
coaches who contribute significantly to athlete development and success. By offering financial incentives, the AAG hopes to retain top-tier coaching talentandelevatetheoverall standard of athletics in the country
L o o k i n g a h e a d , Hermonstine is already thinking long-term, with the 2028OlympicGamesfirmly inhersights.
The AAG will begin preparations w
potential Olympic athletes and crafting specialized tra
ng programmes tailored to optimize their performances.
Coaches will work closely with elite athletes, creating individualized training regimens that focus on skill enhancement, mental conditioning, and peak physical fitness Additionally,theAAGplans to organize pre-Olympic competitions and training campstoensurethatathletes gaininvaluableinternational experiencebeforetakingthe globalstage.
TheGeorgetownCricket Association(GCA)hosteda fielding seminar last Friday for young cricketers and coaches alike from the city, conducted by West Indies fielding coach Rayon Griffith.
Griffith, the former then Guyana Jaguars Assistant Coach/Manager and fielding coach, was one of the key figures responsible for creating the military-like weekly training system which was introduced to the National team almost a decadeago
The Jaguars, later renamed the Harpy Eagles, woulddominatetheregional 4-Day scene for years while capturingahandfuloftitles, a key reflection of the work put in by Griffith during his
stint with the championship dynastyfranchise.
With roles such as Manager of the Guyana Amazon Warriors in the Caribbean Premier League (CPL), Griffith has now cemented himself as Fielding coachoftheWestIndiesmen’s senior team, following a number of roles with the Caribbeansideovertheyears With the former Guyana player-turned coach back home,theGCAwelcomedthe WindiesFieldingcoachtothe Demerara Cricket Club Ground where the one-day seminarwashostedtoalarge turnout Griffith spent essential time with the young players from across
included captains, players,
localcoachestonameafew Attendees were taught the basics of fielding while including some advanced techniques which were easily carried out by the attentiveplayers.
Areas such as, targeting thestumpsaccuratelyduring throws,wicket-keepingdrills such as moving, timing, attentiveness, prop
r throwing methods among other intricate areas were taught/carried out under the Coach’swatchfuleye
Followingtheendofthe programme, Griffith was presented with a certificate of appreciation by GCA
Cricket Development Chairman,MarkHarperand the Association, as well as players and members of the club.(CR) C
SportsMax - Manchester City forward
KhadijaShawisfacingaraceagainsttimeto be fit for Wednesday’s UEFA Women’s Champions League quarter-final against Chelsea after suffering a hamstring issue during Saturday’s Women’s League Cup final.
Shaw was forced off with 10 minutes remaining in City’s 2-1 defeat to Chelsea, despite the team desperately needing a goal to stay in contention The Jamaican international,who endured a physical battle with Chelsea’s Millie Bright throughout the match, appeared to be struggling before beingwithdrawn.
City interim boss Nick Cushing addressed the injury concerns post-match, revealingthatShaw’sissuewasrelatedtoher hamstring rather than the rough challenges shehadenduredduringthegame.
victorious in the 2025 Mike’s Pharmacy InterSecondary School Cricket Championship, defeating Tucville Secondary by six wickets at the National Cultural Centre’s Tarmac on Saturday.A crucial 45-run partnership between Bryan Singh and Brandon Bryan sealed the win for Covent Garden Singhplayedastylish knock of 29, while Bryan contributedacomposed16to guidetheirteamtovictory
In the round-robin Tapeball Cricket final, Tucville Secondary batted
first, managing 51-6 in their allotted overs Covent
Garden’s Ravin Singh led thebowlingattack,claiming 2-19, while Naindranauth Ram chipped in with 2-28. Orklin Jordon and Jeremiah Jordantookawicketeachto keepTucvilleunder60runs.
Chasing 52 for victory, Covent Garden made quick workofthetargetinjust3.5 overs.BryanSinghanchored the chase with a fluent knock, supported by Brandon Bryan as they reached 54-4 to secure the c h a m p i o n s h i p Naindranauth Ram was named Player of the
Tournamentforhisall-round contributions The competition was sponsored by Mike’s Pharmacy with supportfromSilviesGeneral Store and coordinated by James “Uprising” Lewis undertheHolyFamilyBible ClubPromotion. Looking ahead, sponsors havealreadypledgedaneven bigger and better event for 2026, aiming to further supportsecondaryschooland grassroots cricket The tournament also served as a tributetothelateMr Mike,a passionate supporter of cricket and youth development.
“She did take a clattering various times but I don’t think that was the injury,” Cushingsaid,asquotedbyGoal.com.“She’s feeling her hamstring, so we’ll look at her We’ll obviously leave her with the medical team.She’sareallyimportantplayerforus, sohopefully,she’llbereadyforWednesday But if not, we will find a solution.” The potential absence of last season’s WSL GoldenBootwinnercomesatadifficulttime for Manchester City, who are set to face Chelsea four times in just 12 days.The two teams meet in the Champions League quarter-final first leg on Wednesday, followed by a Women’s Super League showdown on Sunday, before squaring off againinthesecondlegoftheirEuropeantie nextweek.
Shaw’s availability is of particular concern given her crucial role in City’s attack As Goal com notes, when she sustained an injury towards the end of last season, it coincided with City losing pole positionintheWSLtitlerace.Whiletheteam now has more attacking depth, including Vivianne Miedema, Shaw remains a nearirreplaceable figure in their lineup ManchesterCitywillbehopingforpositive news from their medical team ahead of Wednesday’s Champions League clash, as theylooktogainanadvantageoverChelsea intheirbidforEuropeanglory
Horses of the Simply Royal Stable came up big and took top honours when the Kennard Memorial Turf Club (KMTC) held their annual Phagwah horserace meetlastSunday.
The Bush Lot Farm, Corentyne, Berbice venue waspackedasthousandsaw horses of the Dennis De Roopownedstabledominate proceedingswinningthetwo main events. Stormy Victory created a major upset in the feature C1 and lower event compliments of the Metro Stationery and OfficeSupplies.
The very competitive Metro mile, saw the horse storming to victory from within the pack, defying the odds to race away with the $12M top prize and Metro Trophy Trained by De Roop himself and skillfully ridden
by top jockey Vishal Ramnarine, Stormy Victory was always within striking distance. As the event got going, front runners Spankhurst and John Bull were setting a blistering pace.Astheanimalsentered the home stretch the horses began to bunch up as the front runners began to fade. Closing in on the finishing line it was anybody’s race. With Stormy Victory on the insideandRamnarineurging iton,theanimalwithafinal burst of speed eased ahead for its first win on Guyana’s Soil. RitornaVincetoriran in second with John Bull thirdandSpankhurstfourth. The co-feature F and lower event brought more joy for connections of the Simply Royal Stable Morning Colours with Jockey Ramnarine on the perch shone brightly as it
won from Stable mate Creemore Morning Colours took the lead early and was never threatened as it dominated the seven furlongs event. A fastfinishing Creemore came in secondwithBeckhamJames third. The Three years-old Guyana Bred race saw Perfect Gold, piloted by Kissonchandrunningagood race to win from I’ll Have Another, Easy Bella and Citation, American Traveler with jockey Blake in the stirrupstravelledmostofthe distancebyitselfforaneasy win in the H class six furlongs event. Others that placed wereAtta Girl Silvy, Emotional Damage and She WBOonTime.
Sarkar of the Hope Stable with Pereira riding won the J and lower event. Rounding out the money were Country Rock,
Princess Sasha and Lion Heart RiverDance11ofthe Elcock Stable and ridden by Yap Drepaul danced away earlyandbreezedhomeinthe L class open event. Sarkar placed second with Quiet Warrior and Lion Heart occupying the other spots Dennis De Roop and the Simply Royal Stable made a cleansweepoftheindividual prizes
They won the champion stable, champion trainer and champion jockey trophies Jockey Ramnarine with two wins and a third took the top jockeyaward Theyreceived trophies compliments of the TrophyStall Ramnarinealso collected $100US for his exploits The organizers expressed thanks to all The Police let by Deputy Superintendent Michael Newland received special commendations The days event was held under the aegisoftheKMTC.
Creemore of the Simply Royal stable with jockey R. Appadhu placedsecond to stable mate Morning Colours in the F class event.
SportsMax - Lyndon Cooper, President of the St. Lucia Football Association (SLFA), has been elected President of the Caribbean Football Union (CFU) followingtheorganization’s 48th Ordinary Congress at the Royalton Hotel in Cap Estate,St.Lucia,onSunday Cooper, who had served as Vice President of the CFU Executive Committee since 2012, was elected by acclamation, running unopposed in accordance with CFU statutes His appointment marks the beginning of a new era for Caribbean football, as he aims to foster greater unity and development within the region while strengthening tieswithFIFAandConcacaf. With his election, Cooper will lead an executiveteamthatincludes Vice Presidents Michael Ricketts of Jamaica, John Krishnadath of Suriname, JeanDartronofGuadeloupe, and Ivan Rivera of Puerto Rico The execu
e members elected alongside them are Glen Etienne from Dominica,AnyaJamesfrom the Bahamas, Girdon
Connor from Anguilla, and Mark Wade from Bermuda.
The new leadership team, whichwillserveafour-year term, will focus on advancing football across the region, leveraging partnerships with global football organizations, and enhancing the sport’s developmentatalllevels.
In his first address as CFU President, Cooper emphasizedhiscommitment to fostering collaboration among the 31 member associations. He reiterated the importance of strengthening relationships with FIFA, Concacaf, and key stakeholders, and pledged to work toward greater unity among the CFU’s English, Dutch,
French, and Spanishspeaking nations. He called on members to embrace football as a unifying force, dismantling barriers and building stronger alliances. Recognizing the CFU’s e v o l v i n g r o l e i n international football, he assured members that his administration would work tirelessly to enhance the region’s competitiveness and visibility on the world stage.
Outgoing President Randolph Harris, who initially took over the presidencyin2017asActing President before being officially elected in 2018, reflected on his tenure and the strides made under his leadership.
Hepointedtoseveralkey achievements, including restoring CFU’s credibility with FIFA and Concacaf, introducing the CFU U14 Challenge Series, launching theNextGenerationReferee Course, transitioning the ConcacafClubShieldunder CFU’s governance, and expanding capacitybuilding initiatives for memberassociations.
Andreeva, 17, tops world No. 1 Sabalenka
AFP - Russian 17-yearold MirraAndreeva toppled world number one Aryna Sabalenka 2-6, 6-4, 6-3 on Sunday to capture her second WTA 1000 title at IndianWells.
Andreeva, who last monthbecometheyoungest ever player to win an elite 1000 level crown with her triumph in Dubai, ended a frustrating run against the Belarusiantoensureshewill rise to a career-high sixth in theworldonMonday
Andreeva shook off her first set problems and broke Sabalenkathreetimesinthe third.
In a match of swinging shifts of momentum, Andreevawasinfullcontrol by the end, giving herself a match point on Sabalenka’s serve with a defensive lob that forced a miss from the number one and clinching victory with a forehand winner
“I would like to thank myself for fighting to the end,”Andreeva said. “I was running like a rabbit today because Aryna she was sending bullets and it was reallyhardtokeepup.”
Andreeva claimed her first hard court victory over Sabalenka, who had beaten hertwicealreadythisyearat Brisbane and theAustralian Open.
Sabalenka had powered into the final without dropping a set but it was another disappointment for the Belarusian, who was stunnedbyMadisonKeysin thefinalatMelbournetosee herbidforathirdsuccessive Australian Open title denied Andreeva had Sabalenka under pressure
Russia’s Mirra Andreeva celebrates her victory over world number one Aryna Sabalenka of Belarus in the Indian Wells WTA 1000 final. (Patrick T. Fallon/AFP/AFP)
early, and the youngster’s frustration was evident as she was unable to convert fourbreakpointsinthethird game.
Sabalenka took full advantage, breaking the Russiantolovefora3-1lead and keeping her foot firmly on the accelerator from there.
Sabalenkabackedupher power from the baseline with some confident forays
to the net, breaking
Andreeva to take the openingsetin37minutes.
Sabalenka fought off anotherthreebreakpointsto open the second set, but Andreeva finally gained a footholdwithabreakfor2-1
—pouncingonaSabalenka secondservetoendarunof 18 missed break point
chances against the Belarusianthisyear
Andreeva followed with a quick hold for 3-1 and suddenly it was Sabalenka wholookedlost.
Andreevasavedapairof breakpointstopushherlead to 4-2, her winners tally climbing with her confidence. After missing onechancetotaketheseton Sabalenka’s serve, Andreevasealedthesetwith her first love service game, completewithapairofaces tocloseit.
The Russian maintained hermomentumasshebroke Sabalenka to love to open thethird.
Sabalenka promptly broke back, but that proved just a speedbump as Andreevabrokeagainfor21 and didn’t face another breakpointonthewaytoher first career win over a reigningnumberone.
AFP - Britain’s Jack
Draper roared past Denmark’sHolgerRune6-2, 6-2onSundaytowinhisfirst ATP Masters 1000 title at IndianWells.
The 14th-ranked Briton, who toppled two-time defending champion Carlos Alcaraz in the semi-finals, didn’t face a break point as he subdued the 13th ranked Daneinjust69minutes.
He’ll make his top 10 debutonMondayatseventh intheworld.
“It’s incredible,” said Draper, a US Open semifinalist last year whose preparations for 2025 were hinderedbyaflare-upofhip tendinitis.
“I’m just so grateful and happy to be out here, to be abletoplay,mybodyfeeling healthy, to feel great in my mind. “All the work I’ve doneoverthelastfewyears, it feels like it’s all coming togetheronthebigstageand I can’t put that into words,” added the 23-year-old, who also missed significant time withshoulderandabdominal injuriesin2023.
Draper said his energy was “sapped” after his big victoryoverAlcaraz,buthis few nerves before the final quickdissipated.
“When I got out on the court, I felt amazing,” said Draper, who was rock-solid inhisfirstMasters1000final
Jack Draper won the third title of his career in Indian Wells and moved up to a career-high ranking of seventh in the world. (Getty Images)
“I felt like I was in control I knew what I needed to do. I just went for itandplayedtowin,”hesaid.
Draperdroppedjustfour pointsonserveinthefirstset as Rune, who burst on the scene with a precocious Paris Masters triumph in 2022, had 10 of his 19 unforced errors in the openingframe.
The Dane had managed to hold serve twice before Draper pocketed the set, givinghimselfsetpointwith anacebeforeRunethumped abackhandintothenet.
Draper broke Rune to open the second set, and even though the Dane got a few more looks at Draper’s
second serve he couldn’t takeadvantage.
“I think today was very clear that I didn’t play well enough,” said Rune, who had ousted Daniil Medvedev, runner-up the past two years, in the semifinals “He was serving amazing,forsure.ButIthink I could have done my part better “Jack was playing extremely well, but the few chances I had to make it difficult for him, I didn’t quite take them, because I wasn’t really trusting every shotofmygametoday.”
Draper seized a second breakfora5-2leadandafter sending a forehand long on his first match point he had
the win when Rune went longwithabackhand.
Draper’s run to a third careertitleincludedvictories not only over Alcaraz but also over 2022 Indian Wells winnerTaylor Fritz and bighitting home hope Ben Shelton.
“LastyearIlosthereand I felt so uncomfortable playing here,” Draper said. “My serve was really struggling.Ididn’tfeellikeI wasincontroloftheball,and I lost my way mentally last year
“So I knew coming here this year is a challenge, but not only for me but for a lot oftheplayers.IthinkTaylor and Carlos play in a way where they are very aggressive with their forehand,theyservegreat.
“Asthematcheswenton, I felt more and more confident in these conditions.”
Draper, who claimed his twopriorATPtitlesin2024, said his biggest title to date was a testament to his perseverance.
“IfeellikeIdeserveit,in allhonesty,”hesaid.“It’san emotional feeling to know how much you’ve gone through and put in and to be here now to say that I’m goingtobenumbersevenin the world tomorrow, I can’t tell you how much that meanstome.”
BBC Sport - The
International Olympic Committee executive board has recommended that boxing be included at the 2028GamesinLosAngeles.
Thesportwasnotpartof the initial programme when it was announced in 2022, butlastmonthWorldBoxing was given provisional recognition as the sport’s international governing body
The recommendation willstillneedtobeapproved
by the IOC at this week’s session in Greece, but outgoing IOC president ThomasBachexpectsittobe giventhegreenlight.
“After the provisional recognitionofWorldBoxing in February we were in a position to take this decision,” Bach said on Monday
“This recommendation hastogotothesession,butI am very confident they will approve it so that all the boxers of the world then
Boxing has been at every Olympics since its debut in 1904 apart from in 1912. (Reuters)
have certainty they can participate in the Olympic GamesinLA.”
The creation of a new global body was the biggest hurdle to the sport’s inclusioninthenextGames.
The IOC has run boxing
at the past two Olympics after the International Boxing Association (IBA) wassuspendedasthesport’s world governing body in 2019 over governance, finance, refereeing and ethicalissues.
The Russian-led IBA wasthenstrippedofitsstatus inJune2023overafailureto implementreforms.
The IOC was at loggerheads with the IBA during last year’s Olympics in Paris over the participation of two boxers, Algeria’s Imane Khelif and Taiwan’sLinYu-ting.
The IBA banned the fightersmidwaythroughthe 2023 World Championships saying they had failed gender eligibility tests, but the IOC allowed them to compete and both won gold medals in their weight classes.
World Boxing was formed in April 2023 and now has 84 members across five continents, including GreatBritain.Lastmonththe IOC said World Boxing met several key criteria for provisionalrecognition.
President of World Boxing,BorisvanderVorst, welcomed Monday’s announcement.
“This is a very significant and important decisionforOlympicboxing and takes the sport one step closertobeingrestoredtothe Olympic programme,” he said.
“Ihavenodoubtitwillbe very positively received by
everyone connected with boxing, at every level throughout the world, who understands the critical importance to the future of the sport of boxing continuing to remain a part oftheOlympicmovement.
“On behalf of everyone atWorldBoxingIwouldlike tothanktheExecutiveBoard of the IOC for the trust they have placed in our organisationandwehopefor apositiveoutcomewhenthe IOC Session meets this week.
“World Boxing understands that being part of the Olympic Games is a privilegeandnotarightandI assuretheIOCthatifboxing isrestoredtotheprogramme forLA28,thatWorldBoxing is completely committed to being a trustworthy and reliable partner that will adhere to and uphold the values of the Olympic Charter.”
The IOC has said only athletes whose national federationsweremembersof WorldBoxingbythetimeof the start of the qualification events for the 2028 Olympics could take part in LosAngeles.
The dates for the qualifying period are yet to beconfirmed.
Frompage36 businesses can lend support toyouth(s)insports Globally, programmes like Tiger Woods’ Foundation and The First Tee have successfully developed young golfers into professionals Corporate Guyana has the potential to do the same, shaping future leaders throughinvestmentinyouth sportsinthiscasegolf. The Lusignan Golf Club is more than just a golf course it is a hub for
business, a platform for inclusivity, and a training ground for future champions.However,forthe sport to thrive, corporate support is essential. Now is thetimeforbusinessleaders, industry giants, and emergingenterprisestoalign with LGC through sponsorship,investment,and activeparticipation Bydoing so, they not only strengthen their brand and corporate influence but also contribute to the growth of a dynamic sportingcultureinGuyana
LGC has secured a few sponsorship investments over the years.
As Guyana’s
e c o n o m y expands, so too must its sporting landscape. Thisisthecommoncryofall the association heads across thedifferentdisciplines.
Golf, it has widely been recognised as the “game of business” and has been growing steadily in popularity Only last week, during the International Women’s Day celebration, President of the Lusignan
Golf Club (LGC), Anasha Ally, who also happened to be a female called for the inclusion and support for womeninsports.
ThispositionedtheLGC at the center of this movement. For decades, the
JAAA President Garth Gayle remains tight-lipped on Puma deal despite transparency pledge
SportsMax - Despite his mandate to embrace greater transparency, Jamaica Athletics Administrative Association (JAAA)PresidentGarthGaylehasrefusedto disclose any details about the federation’s newly signed deal with Puma. This comes despite claims at last year’s JAAA Annual General Meeting (AGM) that the new contract surpasses an offer of over USD$6 millionannuallyfromAdidas.
InarecentinterviewwithSportsmax.TV, Gayledoubleddownonhisrefusaltoprovide specifics about the deal, citing confidentiality clauses. When pressed on whether the contract was indeed superior to the Adidas offer, he remained evasive, stating,“Whatelsewouldyouwantmetotell you?”
Asked again if the deal was better than what had been publicly revealed, he sidesteppedthequestion.“It’snotamatterof better Weareinadealorinacontract.And
JAAA President Garth Gayle
wewillhonourthatcontract,”Gaylesaid. The JAAA President’s reluctance to provide details contradicts the federation’s commitment to increased transparency, whichwasemphasizedduringthe2024 (Continuedonpage29)
LusignanGolfClubhasbeen the country’s premier golfing facility However, it hasbeenproventimeonend that in order for the sport to truly flourish, corporate Guyana must step up by investing in youth development, promoting women’s participation, and leveraging golf for business networking.
Why businesses should investinGolf?
Golf has long been a preferred environment for business networking, relationship-building, and strategicthinking.
Globally, major brands like Rolex, FedEx, and Mastercard have capitalized on golf sponsorships, using eventslikethePGATourand RyderCuptoenhancebrand visibility This point to the overall benefits of corporate sponsorship can have on
Golf. It will create highvalue branding; it will also provide suitable opportunity for exclusive networking and business development. Another important aspect is employee engagement and wellness.
To draw an even conclusive analogy, many international corporations have recognised the power ofgolfinbusiness.Now,it’s time for Guyana’s corporate sector to seize the opportunity
Historically, golf has been a male-dominated sport, but women are increasingly recognising its value for professional networking. In Guyana, the movement to increase female participation is gaining momentum, and corporatesupportisessential todrivethischange.
Companies can support
Women in Golf by sponsoring more Women’s tournaments, corporate memberships for female executives and mentorship programmes Interestingly, major global tournaments like the LPGA Tour, supported by brands like KPMG and HSBC, have d e m o n s t r a t e d t h e importance of corporate investmentinwomen’sgolf.
Thisisachanceforlocal businesses to follow suit by creating opportunities for womentoexcelinthesport.
Thelong-termsuccessof golf in Guyana depends on nurturingyoungtalent.More youthareshowinginterestin the sport nowadays, but structured development programmesremainlimited. Funding, outreaches and scholarshipopportunitiesare somesimpleways (Continuedonpage34)