Hadleigh Community News, May 2020

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Community News

May 2020

Hadleigh Foodbank - How can we help?

Hadleigh Foodbank was created by Neil Bevis and Angela Gregg after we noticed that there was under reported and unseen poverty and hardship in Hadleigh and the surrounding villages. This meant that adults and children were going without food and we believed that we could coordinate a responsive effort in which local people could and would support their neighbours with donations of food. Hadleigh Foodbank has grown and adapted over the last year to become an established and recognised source of food and support to local people. We are supported by by many agencies across Suffolk and we are supported by Sudbury Foodbank, Babergh District Council, Suffolk County Council and Suffolk Community Foundation. We receive regular donations of food, vouchers and/or money from The Co-op, Morrison’s and local residence which is much appreciated. We raise our own funds with our own events. Our Volunteers are local people who are enthusiastic, professional and dedicated. We are respected and recognised for our low key, reduced bureaucracy approach. Our response times are very good and we owe this to how well organised we are and the flexibility and reliability of our volunteers. However, since the coronavirus crisis, more people are experiencing hardship for the first time. The saying that you are only 3 salary cheques away from disaster, is proving to be true. We have been able to respond to every request for help with food insecurity related to this crisis too. This has come at people out of the blue and remarkably quickly.

Telephone Angela Gregg 07985 460158 email: hadleighfoodbank@gmail.com

Tel: 01473 823131 e: news@keithavis.co.uk

Service as usual... For those having to self isolate we offer Newspaper and Magazine delivery service 7 days a week to the following areas... Hadleigh, Hintlesham, Chattisham, Whatfield, Kersey, Upper Layham and Polstead. We accept payment of your accounts by phone or Online Banking

If you would like further information please contact us on 01473 823131 In the meantime wishing everyone well, a huge thank you to all of our customers and staff alike!

The shop remains open 7 days a week Monday to Saturday 4.30 am - 12.30pm Sunday 4.30 am - 12 Noon Stay safe, stay well and show kindness whenever you can!


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Hadleigh Cares

Hadleigh Cares

The Hadleigh Cares Initiative team wish to say another big ‘thank you’ to all the volunteers involved in the scheme. Without their total commitment and tireless dedication the idea could never have reached fruition or worked so successfully. Residents have also expressed their thanks, gratitude and appreciation for the willing, vital service they provide to those in total isolation and dependant on outside help. It is incredible how speedily the community has pulled together to provide, in all areas of the town, a food and medicine delivery service, a chat line and meals on wheels. For a nominal charge, Mike Ager’s team at Battlebury’s, The Kings Head, has made a hot meal delivery service available to anyone who may need it on Wednesdays and Sundays. Mark David can provide fresh or frozen meals on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Several other caterers are offering a takeaway service. Residents in self isolation can order, via Julie’s Deli website and for home delivery, fresh veggie boxes from Hadleigh Market. The group are also helping Mill Pharmacy and Boots with prescription deliveries. Sincere thanks to all who have generously responded to Stuart Service’s request for financial assistance to help keep the volunteers on the road. These donations have made a huge difference to the smooth running of the scheme. If you wish to access any of the above services please contact your area coordinator. If you don’t know who that is please contact Helen Allan 07738 940054 helenallan61@btinternet.com. Want to join know more about the initiative or sign up to volunteer? https://hadleighassist.co.uk/volunteer https://www.facebook.com/hadleighcares/

Layham Road Sports Ground

Community News

18200 Community News Magazines are delivered during the first week of each month to homes and businesses in Hadleigh, Sudbury, Bildeston, Boxford, Capel St Mary, Chelsworth, Milden, Edwardstone, Groton, Hitcham, Kersey, Monks Eleigh, Long Melford, Whatfield, Elmsett, Hintlesham, Polstead, Lavenham, Newton Green & Raydon We warmly welcome all your contributions of articles, letters, sports reports, events and photographs, just email or send to the address below and it will appear in the next issue. Deadline for copy is the 18th of each and every month

Our contact details:

Editor: Kelvin Avis 01473 823366 kelvin@keithavis.co.uk

To place an advert: Matt Barber 01473 823366 Mobile: 07799 313838 matt@keithavis.co.uk

The Town Council has approved the launch of an exciting new project to explore the feasibility of upgrading the sports facilities at its site at Layham Road. Councillor Rolf Beggerow who chairs the Layham Road Sports Ground Working Group said “This project is about exploring a major upgrade to Hadleigh’s outdoor sports facilities that seeks to embrace the installation of an Artificial Grass Pitch (AGP). We will also look at a possible complete rebuild of the pavilion building, incorporating new changing rooms and maybe some other new facilities still to be discussed and agreed by the Council. We are at the very early stages of engaging with all potential sports users and building up the business case necessary to secure the funding for what is expected to be a very high profile project, and a significant investment in our local sporting opportunities. . It is clear already after talking with officials at Hadleigh’s football and rugby club that they fully support the project that will counteract the lack of playable grass pitch areas, particularly in the wet winter months. These two Hadleigh Sports Clubs are expected to become major users of an AGP, particularly their ever-growing youth sections. We also foresee other sports clubs making use of it, and as the AGP would be set up and operated as a facility for the Community, the general public could also use it. If it proves to be feasible, the Town Council would likely seek a partnership arrangement from the Football Foundation, the Rugby Football Union and Babergh District Council, and explore grant funding options to provide a major boost to the Town Council’s already-earmarked funds for the rebuild of the Pavilion. This is an ambitious project that will take a few years to come to fruition, but I am delighted the Town Council is backing this project, shares the vision, and understands the need and the benefits that this project will bring to the Hadleigh Community” If there are any sports clubs or organisations that would like to register their interest as potential users of an AGP at the Layham Road Sports Ground, would they please contact Andy McMillan the Town Council Manager Email: townclerk@hadleightowncouncil.co.uk

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www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk Community News Magazines are produced by Avis Newsprint Ltd, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5EF


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Book on-Line for free parking and admin fees Premier Cars available at affordable rates

Hadleigh FoodBank More people can see now that Hadleigh Foodbank meets a huge need and we have never had more referrals or more donations, than at this time. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our amazing volunteers and the people of Hadleigh and the surrounding villages for their kindness and generosity. We can see that: Some of our clients have not been able to shop because they are isolating They have lost their job and have no funds They have become unwell Have insecure working arrangements and/or have no other options because of the scale and speed with which this happened. We have been working with a local restaurant, Jet Lounge, to address food need without poverty. The Jet Lounge is able to deliver food to isolating and quarantined members of our community by using the most valuable resource of the foodbank- it’s volunteers. For this resource, Hadleigh Foodbank receives a percentage of the Jet Lounge’s takings. In providing this, the volunteers are creating funds for the foodbank, but also providing a valuable service to isolated people. During the last few months, I noticed that poverty or lack of food was not the only problem for some of our clients. Many of them were already isolated, coping with other issues and as a result, emotionally vulnerable too. We looked at providing a ‘coffee morning’ for people who were struggling with being on their own, or who needed a bit of company. We hoped that it would grow into something which provided a bit of structure and was supportive in the long term. We were over taken by the coronavirus, unfortunately, but we will restart coffee mornings at the Leisure Centre when everything returns to normal. We still have a psychotherapist on board who is providing free support around the difficulties of isolating via up to 4 individual Skype sessions. We are renewing our Safeguarding Training, providing support to all volunteers formally and informally and ensuring that all wear and are familiar with Personal Protective Equipment when they are delivering food to people’s homes. Angela Gregg and Neil Bevis

Library Life A distanced catch up Hello, we hope you are all keeping well. We find that we miss our customers very much; we always feel that the interactions we have with everyone give to us, as much as we hope we give to you. But, isn’t it wonderful that there are so many ways in which we can still be in touch? We, Hadleigh Library, along with all of our sister libraries across Suffolk are working hard to still provide a service for everyone. We are always happy to hear from you via our social media platforms; we are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and you can find us there along with updates on what we are doing and how you can join in. There are also all of our digital products: you can still borrow books and audio books; you can stream music and films and there are a whole host of other services you may enjoy. If you visit the Suffolk Libraries website, there is so much to explore including a lot of new content; for instance, you can still sing along to our Baby Bounce and Tot Rock sessions and listen to stories being read. There are craft sessions and podcasts to listen to. We continue to develop and broaden our range of services so it is well worth regularly checking in at www.suffolk.libraries.co.uk and if you don’t already have a library card, you can register online and start enjoying all the things it brings. Of course, none of this will ever be the same as the face-to-face interaction we all benefit from but until we are able to open our doors again, we hope that you will virtually visit your library because we are all still working to support our communities, as we will always do. Look after yourselves and stay in touch. Facebook: HadleighLibrarySuffolk Twitter: HadleighLibrary Instagram: hadleigh.library

Lockdown and your Hadleigh Community News Limited printed copies of the May issue are available only to those without internet access, call Kelvin 07771 644716. Viewable online at:



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www.keithavis.co.uk www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk





! A Hadleigh Takeaway ! ! (not just a Food Bank)




Rock eel & chips ! £6.50! ! ! Cod & chips ! £6.50! ! ! ! £6.50! Plaice & chips ! ! ! ! Scampi & chips £6.50! ! ! £4.40! ! ! Pie & chips ! ! ! £5.60! Chicken breast & chips ! ! ! £5.20! Chicken burger & chips ! ! ! £3.60! Sausage & chips ! ! ! Fishcake & chips £3.30! ! ! ! ! ! Chicken nugget & chips £6.50! ! Gravy 80p Mushy peas 80p!


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366


To place your order contact !



Angela Gregg 07985 460158 / Hadleighfoodbank@gmail.com All payments must be made via Paypal or bank transfer, and there is a delivery charge of £2 for each order placed Hadleigh Foodbank accepts no liability in any discrepancies, disputes or complaints regarding the food prepared by !these ! restaurants. !



Virtual Clinics at Hadleigh Physiotherapy Although we have closed our clinics for face-to-face consultations in Hadleigh, Ipswich and Sudbury, we wish to clarify that this is a temporary measure only and we remain here to support you with Physiotherapy and clinical Pilates. Physiotherapy - Telephone/Virtual Consultations We can offer telephone or virtual consultations for MSK and Pelvic & Women's Health physiotherapy and you will be pleased to know that most insurance companies are happy for remote consultations to take place. Emergency Cases If during the telephone or virtual consultation and through a structured process of triage, we deem your condition to be urgent, i.e. if not treated would result in your need to attend a GP surgery or Emergency Department, we can under new government guidelines bring you into clinic. However, this does exclude anyone who is in self-isolation or deemed at risk by the NHS Coronavirus Service. Clinical Pilates We can offer virtual 1:1 Pilates sessions and classes going forward. Call the office on 01473 810185 or email us on enquiries@hadleighphysio.co.uk to arrange a virtual appointment or book a class slot. Please bear in mind that with effect from the 1st April 2020 our Administration Team will be out of the office. Emails and phone calls will be picked up at regular intervals by Will and Lottie and they will get back to you as soon as feasibly possible.

Physiotherapy • Clinical Pilates • Reflexology • Pelvic & Women’s Health Physio • Acupuncture • Sports & Swedish Massage • Respiratory & Paediatric Physio • The MummyMOT

Small businesses in Suffolk urged to access ÂŁ200m pot of COVID-19 aid Eligible businesses across Suffolk are being urged to access grants of ÂŁ10,000 or ÂŁ25,000 to help them through COVID-19 crisis. The Government has allocated over ÂŁ213m to support qualifying businesses in Suffolk who are struggling because of restrictions in place to combat the Coronavirus. There are over 15,000 eligible businesses across the county who can access one of two grants of either ÂŁ10,000 or ÂŁ25,000 to help with their ongoing business costs. The Small Business Grant Fund is available to businesses who pay little or no business rates and currently receive small business rate relief (SBRR) and / or rural rate relief (RRR). In addition, there is a cash grant available to retail, hospitality and leisure businesses that have a property with a rateable value up to ÂŁ51,000. Businesses who meet the eligibility criteria are being contacted by their Local Authority to confirm eligibility and payment details and staff are working to get this information out to firms as quickly as they can. Businesses must follow the process outlined by their Local Authority for the payment to be made. Business owners who have not yet been contacted and believe they are eligible for either of the grants should check their local council’s website for further details. The grants will be administered by Local Authorities; Babergh District Council, East Suffolk Council, Ipswich Borough Council, Mid Suffolk District Council and West Suffolk Council. Karen Chapman, from the Suffolk Growth Board representing all local authorities, commented; “The Small Business Grant Fund and Cash Grant for retail, leisure and hospitality businesses could provide an important lifeline during these unprecedented times. We urge all eligible businesses to take advantage of the financial support, advice and guidance that is available during this difficult period.â€? Further information, on these two grants and all support available for businesses and the self-employed can be found on the Government business support website.

Hadleigh Physiotherapy Limited The Clinic, 111 George Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5BP Telephone: 01473 810185 Email: enquiries@hadleighphysio.co.uk www.hadleighphysio.co.uk

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Mayor’s Update


4 Drapers Close, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5DH

CONTACT FRANKLYN Tel: 01473 372 382 Email: franklyn@franklynnevard.co.uk Web: www.franklynnevard.co.uk E S TA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 8 5

T i Allen Tiim A Al All Alle S So Tim & Son

I never doubted that Hadleigh is a wonderful community, but it's become even more apparent over the last few weeks as the whole town has pulled together in response to the Coronavirus pandemic. The Care in Our Community Facebook group and COVID-19 website spawned Hadleigh Cares, which has seen so may of you coming forward as volunteers to help vulnerable people and those in isolation. Hadleigh Foodbank also appears to be doing an excellent job of supporting those in need and it’s great to see all of these efforts supported by local businesses, including The Kings Head, The Cooking Experience and The Jet Lounge. Well done Tia Farthing, Liz Wilson, my colleagues Carolyn Cammack, Helen Allan and Angela Gregg, and everyone else involved. There are many more examples of how local people, businesses and groups are going out of their way to help others, including our local supermarkets, pharmacies and takeaways, not to mention our wonderful surgery, all NHS staff, care home staff, home carers and other key workers. Each and every one of you is a credit to our community. Whilst it’s been sad to see so many upcoming events cancelled, it’s also encouraging to see how some of you have found creative ways of carrying on. I was looking forward to the VE Day tea party at the Town Hall, but I’m pleased that Hadleigh Remembers has made plans to mark the occasion on Friday 8th May, including decorating our homes in red, white and blue and having a singalong to Dame Vera Lynn. Hidden Gardens of Hadleigh will also go ahead on 6th June, but this time as a virtual online tour, find out more at www.hadleighhiddengardens.co.uk My last mayoral engagement before the lockdown was to chair the AGM of the Hadleigh Twinning Association. At the time, members were looking forward to a visit from our friends in Rousies, France and had big plans to give them a warm welcome. Like most events, the exchange has sadly since been cancelled, but I’m sure Jane and the committee will provide a memorable visit in the future. If you’d like to find out more about the Twinning Association, or how you can get involved as a host or guide, please get in touch. Alongside some of my Councillor colleagues and community groups, I also attended a meeting at St Mary’s Church, hosted by Reverend Jo, to discuss some of the issues and challenges relating to how the town can improve its support for young people and work together to reduce anti-social behaviour. It was a very positive meeting and Hadleigh Town Council has since agreed to lead on developing a young people’s strategy, working alongside local groups and, whilst social distancing has slowed us down, we’re looking forward to progressing with this as soon as we can. At our last meeting before the lockdown, Hadleigh Town Council awarded the last of its community grants for the year, which included £2000 towards the cost of a new car for Hadleigh Community First Responders. Other recipients over the last year include Porch Project, Visit Hadleigh, Hadleigh Community Transport, HADS, Royal British Legion and Hadleigh Library. The community grants budget is now replenished for another year and you can find full details on our website. When things get back to normal, and they will, I have no doubt that Hadleigh will bounce back and we look forward to working alongside the local community to support the town’s recovery. Until then, stay safe and don’t forget you can keep up with the latest news from Hadleigh Town Council on our website http://hadleigh.suffolk.cloud and our Facebook pages www.facebook.com/HadleighTC and www.facebook.com/MayorOfHadleigh Cllr Steve Allman, Town Mayor

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

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Due to the increased risk of the spread of coronovirus, Hadleigh Town council offices will be closed to the public until further notice. If you need to contact Hadleigh Town Council please Email admin@hadleightowncouncil.gov.uk or Telephone (01473) 823884 Please appreciate that this may not be answered immediately but we will respond as soon as possible.


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The Cock Inn, Hadleigh Well folks, at the time of writing the lockdown is still in place and there is no immediate signs of the government lifting restrictions. I won’t dwell on this subject because many will be writing about Covid-19. However I am holed up in Bangkok at the moment and unable to get back to the UK. On paper, it’s not so bad here, though I’m not sure the numbers are as sound as they could be. However, nearby both Japan and Singapore have seen a second wave of infection, so I think it’s a case of better to be safe than sorry! I also think that pubs will be one of the last places that will reopen as there are not easy environments to promote social distancing. If we are wise, restrictions will be lifted slowly, it may also be done so on a regional or area basis, as the numbers are very different across the country. Many pubs will be hard pressed, even with our government footing 80% of staff pay for a few months, which we are grateful for. There may well be permanent closures or conversions of pubs into other styles of business. It will be a shame because the local pub is often a central hub within the community. A great meeting place for sport, general chit chat, live music and of course the serving of traditional ales and fine wines. Well the Cock Inn will certainly be there to reopen when we get the green light. In the meantime we are pressing ahead with the cellar extension so that we can continue to bring you the best of national and regional cask ales. The new cellar will be fitted with state of the art cellar cooling equipment, with extra space for racking and venting, a key practice that ensures that you end up drinking a first class product. We will also start planting our summer flowers too so that when things return to normal you can enjoy the wonderful garden once again. Now that would be nice!. In addition, we have teamed up with In Bev (Budweiser Brewing) to offer our customers a super duper promotion, but you need to act quickly. Simply go to savepublife.com and log onto the Cock Inn, Hadleigh. Purchase a voucher (£100 max) You can spend the voucher at The Cock Inn, Hadleigh on any drinks within 6 months of reopening (not only Budweiser beer). To increase value and as a thank you to our loyal customers, The Cock Inn will add 50% to your voucher value, so a £20 voucher will give you £30 of drinks. A £50 voucher £75. If you buy a £100 voucher, and many have, you get a whopping £50 top up. Money for nothing and the drinks are nearly free- well half price. But hurry as Budweiser will stop the promo when it reaches £1m, and they are not far away from that. Let’s keep our fingers crossed, follow the government guidelines, stay safe and stay at home. The Cock Inn, 89 George Street, Hadleigh Tel 01473 879907 www.thecockinnhadleigh.co.uk

The Cock Inn A traditional family run freehouse

...watch this space for future events

We wish all our customers and the greater population of Hadleigh and its outlying areas good health & trust that you all stay safe! The Cock Inn, 89 George Street, Hadleigh Tel 01473 879907 www.thecockinnhadleigh.co.uk

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Emergency funding pot available to help local community groups

To all of our customers We hope this special edition of the Hadleigh Community News finds you well and that you are all staying safe in these unprecedented times. For those of you that are not aware our office is temporarily closed*, however we are still operating and can be contacted during normal office hours either via telephone: 01473 823243 or email: info@beestons.co.uk Please visit our website to find the latest updates and service timetables. www.beestons.co.uk

In the meantime, look after yourselves and each other. We look forward to seeing you all again soon *Subject to change

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Community groups and organisations can now apply for immediate grants of up to £2,500 as part of Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils’ response to COVID-19. Over £80,000 is being made available to both new and existing groups in Babergh and Mid Suffolk who are playing a key role in protecting vulnerable residents and helping our communities remain resilient during the COVID-19 outbreak. Grants of up to £2,500 can be applied for to cover increased costs incurred by groups as a result of the Coronavirus (Covid-19), including general running costs, ongoing staff costs, volunteer expenses, utility bills and the purchasing of food or other consumables. Larger requests for funding will be considered under exceptional circumstances. The Emerging Needs Grant has a straightforward application process, enabling our councils to respond quickly to help ease the challenges our residents are facing during the crisis. Community officers will continue to work closely with district councillors, towns and parishes and community groups to ensure financial support is available and directed to meet needs as they emerge within communities. Cllr Derek Davis, Cabinet Member for Communities for Babergh District Council said: “We recognise that it’s more important than ever before to provide support to our residents who are experiencing difficulties. In response to this we have simplified our grants process, to make financial help available quickly and easily for those who need it most.” Cllr Julie Flatman, Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing for Mid Suffolk District Council said: “I am delighted that groups and organisations are pulling together to relieve the financial hardship of residents, or to assist the vulnerable who are self-isolating at home. This grant scheme will allow for their hard work to continue, providing comfort at this uncertain time.” The Babergh and Mid Suffolk Communities Team, bolstered by the redeployment of other council officers, are currently identifying groups and organisations who could benefit from this funding. Further information about the Emerging Needs Grant can be found here www.midsuffolk.gov.uk/communities/grants-and-funding/how-tofund-your-project-and-advice/

Salvage Hunters Salvage Hunters, the well-loved and most watched Discovery Network show is on the hunt for locations in Suffolk to feature in a special episode of the show. We follow decorative antiques expert Drew Pritchard as he travels around various locations in the UK and abroad on his quest to find and buy unusual objects with an interesting history. Drew really visits everywhere – Castles, prop stores, historic theatres, private collectors, beautiful country houses, old cinemas, museums to name a few, buying all sorts along the way – from props and country house furniture to old light fittings and 6ft, 1980s disco balls. Now approaching its fifteenth series and airing to over a million people in the UK and millions more worldwide, this is a great opportunity to promote your house or business to a broad audience, make some money and celebrate the history and heritage of Suffolk. If you think you fit the bill or know somewhere that might then don’t hesitate to reach out and a member of our team will be in touch to arrange a visit. Drop us a line on 020 3179 0092, send an email to salvagehunters@curvemedia.com or Instagram - @salvage_hunters

Inky Iggy and Brett the Dragon by Joanne Mitchell “Keep safe & keep smiling!”

Sudbury & District Citizens Advice My income has dropped due to coronavirus and I am struggling to keep up with all my bills. I rent my house from a private landlord and pay all the usual bills - electricity, water, and Council Tax. How best can I juggle them, and is there any help I can get from the government? If your income is reduced because of coronavirus, you should check whether you’re entitled to sick pay or to claim benefits. You can check your eligibility for both sick pay and benefits on the Citizens Advice website at www.citizensadvice.org.uk If you’re already on existing benefits, these might also increase. If you’re struggling to pay rent, talk to your landlord straight away. You should explain the situation and could ask for more time to pay, a temporary reduction in rent, or ask to catch up any missed payments by instalments. If you contact your nearest Citizens Advice an adviser can help you explain things to your landlord. If you can’t come to an agreement with your landlord, it’s a good idea to pay what you can afford and keep a record of what you offered. The government passed an emergency law which means landlords must give you three months’ notice to end certain tenancy types from 26 March. The court service has suspended all possession action for 90 days from 27 March. This means that even if you have been served a notice for eviction it is unlikely it can be enforced during this time. You can find out more about what to do if you’re being evicted for rent arrears on the Citizens Advice website at www.citizensadvice.org.uk If you already claim Housing Benefit, you should tell the council your income has reduced. If you don’t claim it already, you might be entitled to help with housing costs from the government. When it comes to your utilities, you should contact the provider as soon as possible. Depending on the type of bill, they may be able to arrange a payment plan, or have schemes in place for people in financial hardship. You should also talk to your local council, as your income has changed you might be entitled to a council tax reduction. If you’re struggling to pay multiple bills, it’s important to sort out what’s known as ‘priority bills’ like energy bills or council tax over credit card bills. This is because the immediate consequences of not paying these things are much more serious. The Citizens Advice website www.citizensadvice.org.uk can help you with this. *Please note we are no longer seeing clients face to face until further notice* If you need help or information about a problem, you can telephone Sudbury & District Citizens Advice on 01787 321400 (answerphone) leave a message and someone will call you back. Alternatively, telephone Suffolk Adviceline on 0300 330 1151 from Monday to Thursday between 10am and 3pm or the national Adviceline on 03444 111 444 from Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm. You can also contact us via email at advice@sudburycab.org.uk or have a look at our website www.sudburycab.org.uk for further information

Hadleigh Art Club Activities - or not! Due to the Corona Virus closedown we will not be meeting this month. We hope that the situation will improve sufficiently to allow us to meet again in September but this will be reviewed in August and club members will be notified accordingly. Alternatively, check our Facebook group for the latest posts and information Stay safe and keep painting!

Hadleigh FoodBank How can we help you? If you can’t afford to buy food... If you are isolating or quarantined... ‘Emotional support’

“No hoops and no judgement”

‘To help you get back on your feet’

If you are experiencing Food insecurity of any type Find out how we can help you, contact:

Angela Gregg 07985 460158 hadleighfoodbank@gmail.com and follow Hadleigh Food Bank Group on Facebook

All volunteers are insured and wear personal protective equipment

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Nettle Life at Orchard Barn Spring time young nettles are the best! Yes, when it comes to using nature to enhance our health and enjoying some delicious taste, there is nothing better than nettle soup. Just pick the tips of the nettles and add stock/vegetables and simmer until all are tender; anything goes. Drinking nettle tea is another fabulous way to partake – recommended max of 4 cups per day. Just steep the leaves in hot water, drain and drink. What other ways might you think to use nettles? At Orchard Barn we have lots of nettles and if they don’t end up in our soups or tea, they certainly help nourish our compost heaps. Sarah makes nettle liquid feed for the plants at OBee by steeping nettles in rainwater for the-longer-the-better, then draining the content to produce the liquid. Urtica Dioica (stinging nettles) literally means ‘to burn’. And haven’t we all been stung by a nettle at some point? To which we grab a nearby dock leaf and rub like mad over the sting. Once cooked, however, they are safe to devour. What do nettles offer? They contain nutrients for a start – A, B, C and K. They contain minerals – calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorous and sodium. And they contain fats, amino acids, polyphenols, and pigments like beta-carotene and carotenoids. So, what are the benefits of these fiery plants? They may treat hay fever, may lower blood pressure by shedding excess salt, may aide blood sugar control, may protect your liver against toxins, and they may support wound/burn healing by applying a nettle cream (note I say ‘may’). You do need to look out for potential side effects which come from handling nettles. You could inject yourself with histamine, serotonin or formic acid from the ‘hair’ of the nettle. These can cause rashes, hives or itchiness. (NB pregnant women should avoid eating nettles as they may stimulate contractions). Always speak with your doctor if you are on medication before partaking of nettle glory. Of course any ideas in this article on the benefits of nettles are taken at your own risk!

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Dunstone Optometry continues to serve during COVID-19 We are continuing to help in any way we can throughout the pandemic. If you have any problems or questions please do not hesitate to telephone the Practice. We are offering advice through virtual consultations and are still seeing patients face to face by appointment for urgent eye problems or essential spectacle replacement/repair issues. A fee is applicable for virtual or real consultations. We are taking all necessary health and safety procedures if you do need to attend. Unfortunately, routine examinations are being postponed for now on the recommendation of the College of Optometrists and NHS England due to the Covid-19 pandemic . Existing contact lens wearers are welcome to order lenses or solution from us by email, via the website or telephone. Contact lenses are then being dispatched direct from the manufacturers. All spectacles are being delivered by ourselves to your door. There at no extra charge for postage or delivery at this time. The whole team would like to wish you good health. We look forward to resuming full service as soon as it is safe to do so and will keep our website updated with news of this. Dunstone Optometry, 01473 823755 www.dunstoneinsight.com derek@dunstoneinsight.com

Angel Delights outside caterers are now providing home deliveries Please call Helen on 07900 900329 or 01473 806398


Here Together: Today and Tomorrow St Elizabeth Hospice launches urgent appeal for support While preparing to cope with the impact of Coronavirus on its end of life care and bereavement services over the coming weeks, St Elizabeth Hospice has launched an urgent appeal to the public to support their local hospice in light of all fundraising events being postponed and all 31 retail shops closing. The clinical staff at St Elizabeth are working in partnership with the NHS and partners at speed to significantly expand our services both in the community and at the hospice in response to Coronavirus, whilst continuing to care for patients with non-Covid end of life and palliative care needs. A new rapid response co-ordination centre has been created in the past week to cope with the expected increase in demand for clinical advice and end of life care in the community, doubling the capacity of the hospice’s existing OneCall telephone advice helpline. Last year, the hospice cared for over 3,000 Suffolk patients and their families at a cost of £10.5m, of which 75% was raised by the community through the shops and local fundraising – income-generating activities which are now impossible due to social distancing and self-isolation. Chief Executive Ru Watkins has called on the local community to support the hospice’s new “Here Together” appeal to highlight the role of St Elizabeth at the clinical frontline of the current pandemic and to make sure that its end of life care can continue unaffected when the crisis is over: “Every family who has come into contact with our consultants, doctors, nurses, carers and volunteers over the years knows how dedicated they are to our local community. We are still here with our patients delivering the care they need today so ask everyone to support our efforts together.” With all fundraising events postponed or cancelled, many supporters are looking for alternative ways to support the hospice. As local supporter Wendy Goddard says, “St Elizabeth Hospice was there for me and my family when my daughter Zoe sadly passed away and their support was outstanding. Last month I was due to hold a Charity Night for 300 people to raise funds to support the hospice but sadly this has had to be postponed. I would ask you to do what you can in this time of need to support our local hospice together.” The “Here Together” appeal is being launched across the hospice’s social media platforms to raise awareness of St Elizabeth’s frontline role in continuing to care for some of Suffolk’s most vulnerable patients throughout the pandemic and our shared commitment as a community to protecting its vital services today and tomorrow. To donate to the appeal, visit the hospice Just Giving appeal page https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/SEHCoronavirusAppeal or call the hospice on 01473 723600. To find out how to get involved or fundraise for us then please contact your hospice community fundraiser, Fiona Ginn on fiona.ginn@stelizabethhospice.org.uk or call 077404 05764

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for following the government guidelines by staying at home. We would also like to thank everyone else who is working to keep the country running, especially the NHS. Bychoice offices will open again to provide first class property services once we have permission to do so. We are still working in the background processing agreed sales, looking after tenants and landlords, as well as promoting property for sale and rent on line. If you do have an enquiry, don’t hesitate to contact us. In the mean time, please stay safe. Sudbury 01787 468400

Hadleigh 01473 828280

Haverhill 01440 768919

Bury St Edmunds 01284 769598

VIRTUAL HIDDEN GARDENS OF HADLEIGH PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST 6th June 2020 (A diversion during lockdown) Send one photograph of your garden From 1st May until the closing date on 30th May to hadleighgardens@gmail.com The competition will be judged in three classes:1.

The best Hidden Garden 2020


The best Wild Garden


The Peoples’ Choice

These will be judged by the Committee. You will be able to vote for your favourite

Poetry Corner Now More Than Ever The sky is grey inside our heads Stuck inside, watching where we touch and tread Stock up on pasta, loo roll, bread Where has this disaster led? But you won’t win, ‘cause this is our war We race into battle with a tremendous roar Throwing bum roll, rice and lots more Knocking you back through that door

All of the photographs will be displayed on our website on 6th June This event is organised by The Friends of St. Mary’s Church, a charitable organisation dedicated to preserving the architectural heritage of Hadleigh’s magnificent historic Church and Deanery Tower. Donations can be made through ‘Just Giving’ on our website.


Although this is the time we are not together Although it feels like this will last forever Our scientists and doctors are quick and clever We need them now more than ever. Be careful out there xx - Millie Lee age 11



Bildeston Primary School

Ofsted “Good” We have a school community which is friendly and purposeful, where all are confident and aspire to do their best. We work as an approachable and supportive team to provide the best possible educational experiences for our pupils and to work together to ensure that all children achieve their full academic potential. To arrange a visit to our excellent school, email office@bildeston.suffolk.sch.uk or call 01449 740269.

For more detailed information visit the school website: www.bildeston.suffolk.sch.uk

Learning and Growing Together

Hadleigh Gets Creative We are launching ‘Hadleigh Gets Creative’ to involve and inspire our community to get creative together, in order to help us all cope with these difficult times. We’ve already seen people of all ages make rainbow paintings, videos, photographs, poems and songs, as well as medical scrubs and masks. And we want to see more creative work. Even if you think you’re not very creative, we know that every human can invent, innovate, create and problem-solve. People already recognise the value of turning to films, books, pictures and media for reassurance and distraction, but getting actively creative can help your mental health, keep you busy and give you a sense of purpose. Our High Street is looking sad and community art can play an important role in connecting people, beautifying the environment, expressing a sense of hope and giving our area a unique identity and sense of pride. Art can’t cure a virus, totally remove anxiety or stop the climate crisis, but it can serve as a way to express our collective feelings and hopes in times of chaos and isolation. We have to keep each other afloat and art is a place where that can happen, where ideas and people from our community are made welcome. So, we are looking for children and adults to step up in a huge way by making unframed A4 size art pieces, photographs and textile works. We will hang or display them in shop windows in the High Street, in surgeries and care homes. We want to see your stories, poems and videos about life under lockdown. We want photos of you getting creative in the garden or allotment. In fact, we welcome all forms of creativity and will share ideas that you contribute on our Facebook page, Social Media and around our community. You may also want to write a special message on your pieces to somebody you care about or want to thank. In times to come, we will be able to look back on what will be a remarkable collection, for sure. Please deliver your pieces of artwork to Stuart Service at the Gables 108-110 High St, Hadleigh or phone 01473 828126. Remember to put your name and address on your contributions, although we can’t guarantee you’ll get them back! Please contact Charmaine McKissock on info@wobblylearning.co.uk or 07961 262736 for more information, ideas and support

Hadleigh Healing Society We are all experiencing challenging times, times that we have never faced before but what it is has revealed that within each of us we have the ability to cope and help others. There have been many acts of extreme kindness to help those who have been in isolation with shopping, telephone contact and many other everyday tasks that we do without thinking about. The dedication of doctors, nurses and all NHS staff, supermarket staff, postmen/ladies, the bin men, the list goes on and on, they all deserve a big thank you. We, the healers, have not been able to have face to face contact with the people who seek our help but we have been sending out our thoughts to those who are feeling so unsettled by life . As soon as we are able to the Hadleigh Healing Society will open our doors and welcome anybody that feels the need to have that time to talk with one of our qualified, registered healers, in the strictest confidence. Telephone: 01473 823282 (answer machine) or hadleighhealingsociety.org Or Hadleigh Healing Society Facebook Page


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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

December Flooding - were you affected? Were you affected in any way by the flooding that occurred just before Christmas around December 17th 2019? I would be interested to hear from you. I was one of the households affected and realised how little I knew about the river at the bottom of my garden! So I have written to the Environmental Agency (EA) as they are responsible for the management of the River Brett. I am keen to do what I can both as an individual and as a member of our community to support the EA in the management of our river. I have asked the following: • Who manages the whole of the Brett? • How is the flow of the Brett managed? What systems are in place e.g. weir gates and where are they? • How and when are decisions made to open/close the weir gates at Tinker’s Lane and how are they co-ordinated with other measures along the Brett? • Who is in overall charge of these decisions? I do appreciate that in these worrying times as we deal with the impact of the corona virus, that flooding may not be a top priority of concern but maybe it is still something we need to give some thought to. Please contact me at lindsay@panton.name if you want to be kept updated with information from the EA.

Family-owned leisure and farming business opens Pippin Food Store and delivery service providing fresh grocery supplies to the local community Thousands of businesses have been closing all over the UK in the government’s effort to curtail the spread of Covid 19, and the hotel and leisure industry is one of the biggest casualties. Stoke by Nayland Hotel, Golf, Spa & Lodges has had to temporarily close as a result. However, the Peake family who owns the hotel has also been growing and marketing their apples, soft fruit and other fresh produce to customers for over 80 years from their neighboring Boxford Farms in Suffolk. At various times during this period – which included WW2 - they have had to be resilient and resourceful, and have managed to overcome significant challenges in the fruit and farming industry by diversifying into fruit juice processing – inventing Copella apple juice in the early 70s - and creating golf courses nearly 50 years ago. Having to close the resort and lay off large numbers of loyal staff has been an extremely difficult, emotional and unprecedented challenge. But now that the supermarkets are finding it difficult to cope with demand, and there is a desperate need for alternative supplies of fresh foods, groceries and household items, the team at the Hotel has risen to this challenge and adapted its existing Pippin Shop to create a food retail hub for local residents to come and buy essential supplies a short distance from their homes. Award-winning Executive Head Chef James Barber and his team, who normally provide mouthwatering dishes for Stoke by Nayland Hotel’s AA 2 Rosette Lakes Restaurant, have also been busy creating a range of excellent frozen ready meals, adding their own special flair to established favourites. As well as savoury dishes customers can treat themselves to seasonal Boxford Farm fruit crumbles and a Pippin Afternoon Tea for 2 in a takeaway box to help lift their spirits during these very trying times. Susanna Rendall, MD of Stoke by Nayland Hotel said; “Our Pippin Food Store has been launched at very short notice to meet an urgent local demand. As a family we have been living and farming in this community since the late 1930s and we feel that if we have the staff and practical resources, it is a service that we would really like to offer to our local community - and particularly to our elderly and vulnerable local residents. No one knows how many weeks or months this crisis will last, but we aim to provide this local service for as long as it is needed.” Pippin Food Store is open 7 days a week, from 7am to 7pm and is being run by the hotel staff. The Chef is ordering fresh vegetables, dairy produce, meat and fish from the hotel’s regular wholesalers, as well as household items, and supplies are arriving every couple of days, so there is plenty of stock. In addition the shop is selling the family farm’s own-grown delicious fresh asparagus, rhubarb and apples – and soon will be stocking their fresh strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and cherries as they come into season. There are also Copella and Cawston Press Fruit Juices in plentiful supply. Strict government-led hygiene rules apply both inside the shop and for deliveries, and more details of these are listed on the hotel website. Pippin Store is offering a grocery delivery service to residents within a 5 mile radius of the hotel on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and there is no delivery charge for those who are over 70 or vulnerable and self-isolated within that area. All details can be found on the hotel website at www.stokebynayland.com/store. Boxford Suffolk Farms will be recruiting fruit pickers from mid May so if anyone is interested in applying for a job there please call Thomas on 07387 022285 or email him at work@bsfarms.co.uk and visit the website at www.boxfordfarms.com . For orders or further information please call 01206 265812 or email pippinshop@stokebynayland.com




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Hadleigh Nursing Home staff have been presented with 50 face shields Susan Swan, pictured front, whose mother Pam Simmons lives at the home in Friars Road, Hadleigh, said: “The shields are a kind gift from a friend of mine, Nils Hansen, whose Ipswich business, Window Film Centre, has begun making them to support the NHS. “I wanted to do something to show how much I appreciate the efforts of staff to keep my mother and all the other residents safe in these difficult times.” Home manager Teresa Franze said: “We are really touched to receive this gift. Thanks to Susan and thanks to Nils. It shows the wonderful support we are getting from families and the wider community.”

Brett Valley Lodge No. 9479 Meet and Dine at The Town Hall, Hadleigh Fourth Friday in September, November, January, March and May

Interested in Freemasonry? Dont wait to be asked - www.brettvalley.org.uk We actively support local charities and welcome any applications for funding, email: bvsec@hotmail.co.uk


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Off our trolleys


What’s happened to us over the last strange weeks? TI







We fear not having enough food, and yet local bin collectors report that we threw away record amounts of produce - such as bread, potatoes and chicken - some of it still in its wrapping. Would we rather risk exposing ourselves or others to illness, than run out of pasta? Food has become highly emotional and stockpiling it - providing we can afford to do so - helps us feel safer, even though it actually triggers shortages. Despite the need for our Hadleigh Foodbank - and I fear this will continue to rise - most people in the past could push hunger out of mind as though there was an endless supply of food, only one take-away or supermarket delivery away. However, the current situation allows us a valuable pause in our habits and some clear thinking, as we recognise the true value of low-paid key workers, who travel, grow, harvest, pack, cook, store, transport, sell, and deliver food for the rest of us. It can only be good that we now understand that our ‘just in time’ food system, our huge waste of food with unrecyclable packaging, our heavy reliance on non-seasonal imports from abroad, as well as climate change leaves us too fragile. The media has served us stories of astonishing selfishness, but we have also witnessed unprecedented generosity and kindness: we have local volunteers or neighbours delivering food for those who are isolated; supermarkets donating unsold food; local food outlets preparing hot meals without profit; and small independent outlets or markets staying open. We have seen people digging in their allotments with increased energy and we have composted more food waste. People have swapped tips on how to cook or freeze leftovers or foods nearing their use-by date. We have organised our food stores and we have tried recipes that eke out every bit of precious food lurking at the back of our cupboards. We have been offered practical and creative ideas from sites, such as www.lovefoodhatewaste.com and https://www.foodsavvy.org.uk. The spirit that has mostly emerged is one of local solidarity, warmth and resourcefulness. However, we will need to sustain a healthier and different relationship to food into the future. This May, HEAT nominates our local food outlets and producers as ‘Heroes of the Month’. Written by Charmaine McKissock from Hadleigh Environmental Action Team (H.E.A.T) hadleigh.heat@hotmail.com


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Lean On Us At this time of the year, Hadleigh Community Choir would normally be getting back together after our Easter break and stepping up rehearsals for our summer concert. Obviously we cannot do this at the moment and, like all of us, we are missing the social element of meeting up every week. Whilst we have rehearsal material to look at and practice it is not the same as meeting to sing. We hope to be able to do so and we promise you a wonderful concert as soon as we can rehearse it. In the meantime, we wanted to do something to say thank you to all those who are helping our community in the current crisis. As a choir the obvious thing to do was sing. But how do you sing as a choir when you are socially isolating, and what song would be appropriate? As soon as we considered this, one song sprang to mind. Lean on Me was written in 1972 by Bill Withers, who died on the 30th March this year, and recalls the sense of community found in his neighbourhood when growing up. This has always been a favourite of the choir and so we decided to sing it at 7:30pm on Thursday – we sing wherever we are, in the living room, in the garden or out on the street with our neighbours. The words are so apt and it is great to feel we are once more singing as a choir. We will continue singing this song every Thursday at 7:30pm until we are able to meet again, and we invite everyone in Hadleigh to join us – we are a wonderful community and it is important that we remember ‘we all need somebody to lean on.’ Simon Thompson, Hadleigh Community Choir

For Quality & Personal Service FENSA from Start to Finish

Hadleigh Community News Limited printed copies of the May issue are available only to those without internet access, call Kelvin 07771 644716. Viewable online at:


TEL: 01473 823584 • MOB 07885 941615 49 Benton Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 5AR www.hadleighcommunitynews.co.uk


Hadleigh U3A Adapting to Life in Lockdown

Aaron Clarke


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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

As chairman of Hadleigh U3A I have been invited to write a summary for HCN about how our activities have been adapted to survive in these challenging times. In the first week of lockdown our ten-strong committee held a virtual committee meeting by email to discuss how best to proceed. The first reluctant decision was to suspend all monthly meetings, other planned events and annual holiday, forced upon us by the closure of venues, theatres and places of interest as much as the government’s edicts to stay home and stay safe. However, we left it to our twenty-two special interest groups to decide for themselves whether they could find a way of continuing in the new circumstances. Here are just some of the positive and creative ways some of them have come up with. Looking at Art Group’s next scheduled speaker – on ‘My Favourite Paintings in the Fitzwilliam Museum’ – has been emailing the pictures, four per week, with discussion notes, to all group members to view at their leisure and share their comments by email. Philosophy Group are researching a chosen philosopher each month and circulating their findings and opinions for emailed discussion. Current Affairs Group are looking for Coronavirus Good News press stories for compilation into a monthly newsletter. The joint Hadleigh/Stour Valley Ukelele Group have put a recording of one of their pre-CV gigs on Facebook and WhatsApp for any U3A member to sign up and watch for a cheerful uplift. Social History Group 2 are having their monthly speaker put their presentation on email, the first being about the Pietra Dura Cabinet (see photo) inherited by one member which skilfully combines the impressive credentials of this beautiful object with a brief history of four generations of the family who now own it. Our website is constantly updated with local CV-related support available and information and inspiration from U3A National Office giving ideas of projects to undertake and links to brilliant virtual tours of National Trust and similar properties, online performances by the National Theatre, the Royal Opera House and many other cultural experiences to enjoy from our armchairs. Individual members are regaling us with their many and varied survival techniques - sometimes philosophical, sometimes technological, sometimes alcohol related! Our motto is Learn, Laugh and Live - we are doing our best! Sue Witham

Fidelis Activity News Sadly the C virus has put paid to all the Fidelis activities for the foreseeable future. Fortunately our speakers will be able to return at a much later date and the fortunes of the June 2020 AGM will be decided nearer the time. In the meantime the Committee has been busy observing the ‘friendship’ side of the group by calling all members for a chat and making sure they know the Hadleigh Help contact for their area. Some online humour has also been circulating to lighten the mood. Knitting for the Neonatal Unit at Ipswich Hospital is another useful and worthwhile addition to the Fidelians’ lockdown roster. Participating in Hadleigh community activities has always been an important part of the club’s remit. To this end a donation was made to the Hadleigh Cares initiative in support of the team’s invaluable help during the lockdown period. Members also recognised, with flowers, the sterling and stressful work carried out by the dedicated team at the Hadleigh Health Centre. On behalf of all Fidelis members, a big thank you to all in Hadleigh and nearby who have helped to keep our lives as normal as possible in these surreal times, often putting themselves at risk in the process. It has made a world of difference coping with the restrictions and is very much appreciated.

Find us on Facebook Hadleigh Community News

Kersey Mill Newsletter Kersey Mill Open Days Sadly since our April newsletter was published the world seems a very different place. Following Public Health England advice and Government guidelines, Kersey Mill had to close its doors to visitors as from Monday 23rd March until such a time that the current social distancing restrictions are lifted. It will be no surprise to learn that the Suffolk Mills Open Days scheduled for the Spring Bank Holidays (Friday 8th & Monday 25th May) and The National Mills weekend scheduled for 9th &10th May have all been cancelled. We are, however, still hoping and planning for the Kersey Mill Summer Event & Open Day to go ahead on Sunday 30th August, and we will keep you posted. This event will be an opportunity to see the latest works that have continued whilst we have been observing the aforementioned Government guidelines. Mill Restoration Update Great progress has been made this year, with the mill starting to look like a flour mill once again. Both crown wheels are now displaying beautiful new wooden teeth. The horses and shoes are now in place and awaiting the arrival of the damsels. One refurbished original 19 century hopper is back in its rightful place whilst the neighbouring stones have replicas of their own. We still need to reinstate the grain bins and chutes to feed the stones, together with the replication of a gimbal to the first pair, and this is proving to be quite a challenge! Further news updates can be found by visiting our website www.kerseymill.net In the meantime we hope you all stay safe and we shall look forward to welcoming you back to Kersey Mill in the not too distant future.

Churches in Hadleigh Praying for Hadleigh Despite our buildings being closed, the people of the churches in Hadleigh are still committed to praying for our town. Over the course of each year we plan to pray for every street in Hadleigh. During May we will be praying for the following streets: Week commencing Sunday 3rd May Ann Beaumont Way; Week commencing Sunday 10th May Ansell Close and New Cutt; Week commencing Sunday 17th May Benton Street, Carders Close and Cross Maltings; Week commencing Sunday 24th May Raven Way, Cranworth Road and Dunton Grove; Week commencing Sunday 31st May – Bradfield Avenue and Bradfield Crescent. If you know people who live in these streets, we would be very pleased if you also would pray for them. If you live on one of the streets being covered during a particular week and would welcome prayer, please get in touch. Hadleigh Baptist Church pastorchristodd@hadleighbaptist.org.uk Hadleigh URC Wendy Atkins 822535 wendy@whitecat.me.uk St Joseph’s RC Church Anita Rosbrook 810057 a.rosbrook@btinternet.com St Mary’s CoE Joyce Willis 823165 willisjm@lineone.net

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Dear Sir,

Free Site Visits and Full Bathroom Design Service Buy 5x25kg Ba of Salt T gs ablet for £42 s .00


I am really concerned about my two neighbours who live either side of me. They both live on their own and still keep going round each others houses and out together. Being a vulnerable person myself I have expressed my concerns to one of them asking him to comply with government rules, but sadly nothing has changed. They are both being extremely irresponsible as it's really simple Stay Home, Protect The NHS, Save Lives. What’s not to understand! I am hoping by the time this gets published they will be more responsible and complying like everyone else. Karen Talman

Dear Sir, In response to the letter by John Hunt who struggles to understand the word welfare on the Highway Maintenance van, that vehicle is supplied for the workers welfare i.e. a proper toilet, washing facilities, a clean space for them to eat their lunch, and a place to complete all paperwork appertaining to the job they are on. It's not for your welfare. They too are entitled to have a safe, clean working environment. You’d soon complain if they were using hedges as toilets or sitting on kerbs eating their lunches. David Richardson

Dear Sir, Following my outburst in last month’s Community News about the troublesome pigeons up in the tree above the memorial bench at the Station Road end of the Railway Walk, I am pleased to report that after seven months our local friendly council has at last chopped off the relevant branches. I no longer need to borrow a ladder and saw. I can also now pay my council tax each month with a smaller grimace. Thank you, Babergh District Council. Sorry pigeons, you’ll have to perch and poo elsewhere. Meanwhile passers by can now sit on a clean seat. John Brown

Dear Sir, Around 20th February of this year I informed Suffolk County Council (SCC) of a large pothole in Duke Street, Hadleigh near to the former Red Cross Building. Two or three weeks later I contacted SCC again to advise them of another pothole near to 7 and 9 Duke Street which also required repair. The other potholes developed in Duke Street at the junction of Duke Street and the High Street which I identified by ringing them with white paint as I had done with the other two holes. About 20th March SCC or their appointed contractors attended Duke Street when they repaired just the one pothole. A gentleman who lives in Duke Street, observing that these contractors were repairing a single large pothole, asked them to repair the other potholes, however the contractors refused to do so. It would surely save a great deal of administration and cost if SCC would give instruction to repair all potholes in a specific area than to identify to Maintenance Staff or Contractors each and evey pothole to be repaired. It remains to be seen how long and how many visits by contractors it takes for the few remaining potholes in Duke Street to be repaired. John Cunningham

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Dear Sir,

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Thank you to those who have already responded to the request in this publication, with letters about their time at the Old School 3-5 Bridge Street Hadleigh. More memories are appreciated and we still plan - hopefully - to open to the public on Saturday 12th September 2020. The Hall feels very spacious so perhaps it will work for whatever form of social distancing is in place in the Autumn! We are told that pupils in the final years of opening included many familiar names including Munson, Seagar, Grimsey, Oxford and Squirrel to name but a few. People have also already shared stories about the famous - some consider infamous, yet widely respected - Headmaster WAB Jones as well as teachers Miss Prior, Mr Jones and Miss ‘Fanny’ Harland. The last, Miss Harland is of particular interest as she taught me in my final year at primary school in the town in the 1970s. More recollections please to Ian Grutchfield and Matthew Hodges at the Old School, 3-5 Bridge Street, Hadleigh IP7 6BY. Ian Grutchfield

Hadleigh Hairloom

Hadleigh Town Council Manager Update Last month I set out the key actions that I see Hadleigh Town Council undertaking to help us deliver our services. At the time of writing that piece, the corona virus had thrown a small spanner into the works, and by the time you read it in the HCN that spanner had grown into a full toolbox, way beyond what any of us had imagined would ever happen. Luckily, the Town Council was able to react in time by putting some new processes in place to enable the Town Council’s engine ticking over through this. This has worked well so far, at least until the Government published new rules which quashed some of the well-intended measures we had prepared, such as stating that we could not make decisions by email so we had to cancel two “virtual meetings”. It highlights that local authorities are slow to act because of procedures rather than the will of the politicians, and also underlines the consequential need for strong forward planning and good processes that are adaptable to sudden change. But we are constantly looking to improve and are making progress. As we have some new staff we have also had some time to look at moving forward with some projects. We have made early contact with the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management to begin to project plan the extension, and we have started to consider how we can get communities involved in the Guildhall future and the redevelopment of the Layham Road Sports Ground pavilion. The lockdown extension will unfortunately mean slow progress for a few more weeks, but it doesn’t mean we can’t prepare to spring in to action and get some community views once we’re freed. Also on the topic of recovery, the Town Council has a grants programme with a new budget for the year, and we are looking at preparing some options for how we can make best use of this to help the whole town recover. Working with Babergh’s Economic Development Team, we are helping by collecting feedback from our High Street and tourism businesses to understand what the authorities can do to help. That feedback may be about: • The Government’s business support offer and local grant support package, and gaps in that provision and what more is needed to keep businesses going. • Good ideas from businesses that are working differently (online/deliveries) and how that might continue in recovery. • What will help businesses be “business ready”, help Hadleigh town centre bounce back, and what will be the challenges? If you have any comments or ideas, please write us a note or email admin@hadleightowncouncil.co.uk and we can share them as well as inform our own decisions. For the latest HTC news keep looking at our website and facebook pages which we will continue to update. Stay safe. Andy McMillan, Hadleigh Town Council Manager The Guildhall, Market Place, Hadleigh, IP7 5DT Tel: 01473 823884

Walk In Family Salon Opening Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9 am to 5.30 pm Tuesday 9 am to 7.00 pm Thursday 9 am to 8.00 pm Saturday 8.30 am to 4.00 pm

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Stoke By Nayland Ladies A neighbour of one of the Stoke by Nayland Ladies works in a local hospital who were in desperate need of scrubs. The Ladies came to the rescue and a team set up to fund raise, buy materials, cut out and manufacture the scrubs. A plea for help has resulted in just under £1000 being raised and several the ladies are beavering away. Well done to the SbN Ladies – a great job supporting our NHS. Joan Landen, beavering away with her sewing machine


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Covid-19: Help from your MP during the outbreak James Cartlidge MP Member of Parliament for South Suffolk




Dear Constituent, are safe and well, and that you I hope that you and your loved ones to reduce the risk to yourselves continue to follow the advice on how irus. In line with social and others from the Covid-19 coronav y holding constituency distancing guidelines, I am not currentl otely. As such, I wanted to surgeries and my team are working rem contact me if you require highlight the ways in which you can assistance: nt.uk Email: james.cartlidge.mp@parliame Telephone: 020 7219 4875 covid-19 Website: www.jamescartlidge.com/ underline as your MP is that it is The most important point for me to health advice, particularly on vital that we all follow Government gned to save lives. social distancing, all of which is desi outbreak will last, or how long Although I don’t know how long this I do know that our community these restrictions will be in place for, will beat this coronavirus is strong and that working together we to help. outbreak. In the meantime, I am here

● ●

● ●

olk Member of Parliament for South Suff

James Cartlidge

Stay at home

Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home)

If you go out, stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people at all times Wash your hands as soon as you get home

Do not meet others, even friends or family. You can spread the virus even if you don’t have symptoms.

Other Advice and Support

Do you need a volunteer’s help while you are isolated at home? Call: 0800 876 6926.

Latest Advice & Guidance – www.gov.uk/coronavirus

NHS – 111.nhs.uk (Only phone if you cannot get help online)

Universal Credit – 0800 328 5644

Business Support – 0300 456 3565

Suffolk County Council - 0345 606 6067

Babergh District Council – 0300 123 4000

Education coronavirus hotline – 0800 046 8687 HMRC – 0800 015 9559

This advert is funded by the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) for the purpose of assisting James Cartlidge MP in the performance of his Parliamentary duties. Produced by Keith Avis Printers, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF.


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

James Cartlidge writes Member of Parliament for South Suffolk

Since I last wrote, COVID-19 has caused profound changes to the way in which we live. Quite simply, to avoid deaths and protect the NHS from being overwhelmed, we must continue to maximise social distance and minimise the spread of this terrible pathogen. We must all do our bit in a collective effort, to fulfil our national duty. For most of us, that duty is simply to follow the scientific and health advice, and stay at home unless we have a very good reason to be out – such as buying essential groceries, or taking daily exercise. But for an amazing corps of people to whom we should all be grateful that duty entails putting themselves at greater risk in order to care for the sick, working potentially long hours under great stress for the NHS. These are the carers whom it has been my pleasure to clap for, along with the rest of my village, every Thursday at 8pm. Of course, we in Government have a particular duty to those on our Coronavirus frontline, not least to ensure sufficient Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is available. I know many people are concerned on this point, and I can assure readers that I am in frequent contact with local and regional stakeholders, both in the NHS and social care, to ascertain the situation on the ground and lend my voice in calling for national support where appropriate. I will continue to monitor progress on this issue. In Government we also have a duty to do what we can to support the economy, and help businesses deal with the wider impact of this necessary shutdown. As the PPS to the Chancellor, I am particularly conscious of this pressing need to reassure people about the economic situation and take what action we can to directly support employers and their staff. It is understandable that debate is shifting to future questions such as ‘when will the lockdown end’? Unfortunately, it is too early to change position now. We must maintain the current tight restrictions until we have passed the peak of infection. Only then can we talk of the next steps. In the meantime, we must keep following the guidelines of staying home to save lives. That is a duty we all share.

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Well Above the Parapet Cllr Mick Fraser - Suffolk County Council Babergh District Council – Hadleigh South

COVID-19 Update from Suffolk County Council I have been truly amazed by the effort and commitment being put in by officers at both the Suffolk and Babergh councils to ensure that essential services carry on being delivered during these unprecedented times. Equally I am humbled by the huge community spirit in Hadleigh in our coming together to ensure that our most vulnerable residents are not forgotten and are provided for. I have been doing what I can to ensure that our High Street businesses receive financial support in the form of Small Business Support Grants and that our volunteer groups are financially supported either directly by me, or by some council funds. Here are some bullet points of how SCC is working to support our communities: Copdock COVID-19 Testing Facility - As part of its national COVID-19 testing programme, the Government is creating a ‘Drive Thru’ testing facility on the outskirts of Ipswich. Initially testing is only available to symptomatic NHS staff and public sector key workers, and members of their household. Based at the existing Park and Ride site on Copdock Mill, off the A12 and A14 Junction, the facility will offer those key workers from the eastern region the opportunity to get tested so that they can be supported to report to work as soon as is practicable. This is one of up to 50 sites being created around the country Suffolk Resilience Forum - Partners in the Suffolk Resilience Forum, including councils, health bodies and emergency services, have now joined forces to respond to COVID-19. It means public organisations will work even closer than usual to tackle the challenges presented by COVID-19, including joint decision making, information-sharing, and on-the-ground support for Suffolk residents. Suffolk Police will now chair the Resilience Forum’s Strategic Coordination Group, taking over from Suffolk County Council’s public health team. Collaborative Communities Covid-19 Board – This board help those who need additional support and guidance during the pandemic, but it also endeavours to help all the amazing community, voluntary and neighbourhood groups who are already helping communities in Suffolk. The board coordinates the effort between central and local government, including mapping community support and work with the NHS and social care to identify gaps and avoid duplication. This includes the work of town and parish councils and our NHS and social care colleagues. As well as emergency food packages, they have also set up a system for calling on a pool of transport offers across the county, which can be drawn upon within our statutory organisations. Transport services has been important with meeting the urgent need for food and medical supplies. Key facts about the Collaborative Communities Covid-19 Board include: • Made up of key agencies across Suffolk • Work being done supports the work of community or voluntary groups and aims to help co-ordinate between central and local government including mapping community support to identify gaps and avoid duplication • The Board’s focus is in response to the Government’s call to local public bodies to create ‘community hubs’ to coordinate county-wide efforts

Lodge of Virtue & Silence No. 332 Meet and Dine at The Town Hall, Hadleigh on Second Wednesday of the month Contact: vs332.secretary@gmail.com

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

• Particular areas of focus for the Board are the Home, But Not Alone Phoneline; Local Collaboration with the Volunteer Community Services; Food and Logistics; Work with Foodbanks; Housing; and the TribeVolunteer App. The Home, But Not Alone Phoneline: • Freephone: 0800 876 6926 • Staffed 9am to 5pm everyday – receives around 1,300 calls per week • It is designed to help the most vulnerable in our communities • The majority of calls are in relation to food deliveries and general enquiries Suffolk Community Foundation Emergency Fund - As part of the ‘Home, But Not Alone’ partnership initiative, Suffolk has launched a vital emergency fundraising appeal to support our hundreds, or indeed thousands of brilliant local charities and community groups here in Suffolk. They are the glue that supports vulnerable members of our society, especially at this time of a crisis. The Suffolk Coronavirus Community Fund has been set up as a central place for Suffolk people to give. Its soul aim is to provide immediate and vital financial support to these key Suffolk organisations and the vital work they do to keep us all safe and well. For more information visit: https://www.suffolkcf.org.uk/suffolk-coronavirus-community-fund/ Foodbanks The Suffolk Community Foundation receives donations and other funding to distribute to the county’s foodbanks to keep their supplies well stocked during the Coronavirus pandemic. This will allow the food banks to restock directly with supermarkets and wholesalers. SCC provided an initial £60k of funding and Vestey Food Group has recently donated £120k. The Foundation provided £200k of support to over 40 organizations in the first week of the crisis. I have been able to support Hadleigh’s Foodbank by funding ‘Safeguarding’ Training for several of their volunteers from my Locality Budget. Highways Keeping Suffolk’s highway network safe and moving is a top priority at this most challenging time. Suffolk County Council (SCC) and their contractor, Kier, are working together with suppliers and sub-contractors as one team to ensure Suffolk’s roads can continue to be maintained and accessible; whilst keeping their workforce and members of the public safe from the threat of COVID-19. To do this effectively, they must keep our colleagues safe and healthy by ensuring they follow the two-metre social distancing rule, clean down equipment more frequently, and regularly clean hands. I must ask, that if you spot any of the teams inspecting, or working out on the highway, for your safety and theirs, please keep your distance to allow them to do their work safely. Recycling Centres In accordance with current government coronavirus guidelines of avoiding non-essential contact and preventing a risk of infection to others, the county’s Recycling Centre sites are closed. It is essential that we do all we can to slow down the spread of the virus. Due to shortage of staff due to selfisolation, Babergh’s waste contractor SERCo, will not be tasked with collecting garden waste from brown bins. BDC has postponed charging for this service. These are among two services which I woll monitor and press for restarting if I believe the need is great enough to do so. PPE Update This is a big issue currently and SCC is providing a centralised cell for PPE in Suffolk and this system is in place to understand daily consumption rates of PPE for all non-NHS services/organisations in the County. We have been collating information for Children’s and Adult Community Service, Districts and Ipswich, Police, and Fire which is then fed into the stock and procurement system. Good supply chains have been established nationally and internationally, and products are being sourced through the procurement team. Endeavour House is the central base for all PPE delivery, storage, pack prep and distribution and we are also being supported by MoD military planners (stock control, logistics).

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Hadleigh Community Primary School

Nursery – Forest School Hideout We are thrilled to announce that our new building in the school woods 'The Hedgehog Hideout' is now open! We were all very busy over February half term decorating, furnishing and setting up the building ready for the children's return after the holiday. The children are now able to go straight down to the hideout when it is their Forest School session, and spend some time playing in the building before getting ready to head into the woods. The new natural toys have certainly proved very popular, as have the binoculars which the children love to use whilst spotting the numerous birds on our feeders. The hideout has been especially useful when the weather has been too cold to stay outside for long and has provided a warm base for us all to go in to. We are looking forward to observing the variety of nature and the milder weather in the coming months.

Elaine Goh teaching music via Zoom... I am a private piano, violin and viola teacher living in Hadleigh. People from the age of six to eighty plus regularly come to my house for lessons (I also work in two schools). When the possibility of lockdown became a certainty l was more than a little concerned about how l could continue with music lessons. I looked into different ways of going online and felt Zoom was the best way forward for me. On March 19th l taught my first lessons this way - with some trepidation l might add as l am not the most technologically minded of people. Fortunately the first lesson l taught this way was with a family with a father who is and he walked me through every step, being very patient with my probably endless silly questions. From there l felt confident enough to teach my lessons in this way and found l was in the forefront of the Zoom revolution. I would like to say that every lesson has sin since gone without a hitch. On the whole things have gone far better than l expected but of course there have been teething troubles - mostly on my part. Although it is not the same as teaching in person, Zoom lessons have been very enjoyable. I am so glad l am able to keep in touch with my pupils in this way as they are such a special group of people. I am grateful, too, to the technology that has allowed us to do this. I think even five years ago it would have been much more difficult. It also means that we have another way of teaching if someone cannot get to their lesson because of traffic problems for example. While none of us would have wished for this dreadful pandemic or these circumstances, we can still develop in ways we might never have thought possible previously. Elaine Goh

Stoke By Nayland Seniors For a couple of years the Seniors Section at Stoke by Nayland GC have supported the Sudbury Storehouse Food Bank at one of their Christmas golf competitions but, in view3 of the current international issues decided that further support was necessary to help those currently in need in the Sudbury area. As a result of a very quick request for support just over £1000 was raised which has been extremely warmly appreciated by the Food Bank volunteers. In addition to the cash three very large bags of sweets were donated by one of the Senior’s members – well, everyone deserves a little spoiling! Photo shows Roger Davies and one of the Food Bank volunteers, with yet another delivery of provisions to the Food Bank.


Gardening Services

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Poetry Corner Congratulations Captain Tom Moore and A Very Happy Birthday! Another week has passed And still we must stay home We cannot venture or go far In this land we love to roam The sun comes out each day to cheer And keep our spirits high The gardens really do need rain But it’s another cloudless sky! Now there’s a gent, his name is Tom He lived through two world wars He walks around his house and home Raising cash for a good cause ‘Perhaps I’ll raise a thousand’ That was definitely his aim The total now is millions So dear Tom has found great fame Twenty seven million raised One hundred laps he’s done All to help our NHS He’s admired by everyone His birthday was on Thursday One hundred he will be So raise a glass to Captain Tom As thanks from you and me! Gilly Dutton



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Hadleigh & District Garden Club Well, being at home more means that there is extra time to appreciate the garden and take in all it has to offer at this time of year, especially with the lovely weather we have been having. The photo this month shows 'amelanchier x grandiflora', a member of the rose family, it is also known as the serviceberry. It can be grown as a shrub or a small tree, with bronze leaves in spring, followed by these lovely pink flowers and in late summer it has edible black fruits, which in my case I only see for a day or two before the birds arrive for the harvest! Finally the leaves turn a beautiful orangey red in the autumn, so there is value all year round and its open habit means it sits well in any garden. The situation at the moment means that the garden club is not having monthly meetings but you can find out all about our programme for this year by visiting the website ' visithadleighsuffolk.co.uk', just go to the 'What's On' page where you will find month by month details of our talks. We usually meet on the second Monday of the month at 7.30 pm at Hadleigh Town Hall and we are always happy to welcome visitors. hadleighgardenclub@gmail.com

Ken’s SESAW News Suffolk & Essex Small Animal Welfare Reg charity no 1124029

SESAW is currently closed however if you have an animal, or know of one, in urgent need please contact us. Ring 01787 210888 leaving your name and most importantly your number then a brief description of the problem. The answer phone is regularly checked and we will ring you back. Please note, cats cannot transmit COVID-19 to humans but could possibly carry the virus for a short time if an infected person had handled them. If someone in your household is displaying COVID-19 symptoms it is advisable not to let your cat out. Obviously for some cats this could be very stressful and they may need to go out, if only for a short time. Entire cats should not be let out at all until they have been neutered to prevent unwanted pregnancies. In all cases after touching your cat, wash your hands. Work goes on looking after the animals at the Centre and they continue to enjoy life in total oblivion of mankind’s distress. Obviously our fund raising activities have ceased so any donations would be greatly appreciated. Please visit our website to donate via Just Giving or send a cheque made payable to SESAW. Keep safe until we meet again. Suffolk & Essex Small Animal Welfare, Reg.Charity No.1124029, Stoke Road, Leavenheath, CO6 4PP. Tel: 01787 210888 www.sesaw.co.uk

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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Down to Earth ...with Dave What strange and difficult times we are in, never before have we known anything like it, those of us lucky enough to have a garden or an allotment are in a better position to cope. Initially there was some doubt as to whether it was allowed to travel to the allotment or not, this question was answered in one of the early press releases saying quite clearly that it was allowed to travel to an allotment to look after it. In my case you will see me most mornings working away with a renewed energy, getting everything ready for what looks likely to be a very much needed source of food for the coming months, very much a sort of dig for victory mindset. One of the problems has been the lack of small plug plants for sale, so it is back to sowing everything as seed. With all events sadly cancelled for at least the next couple of months and everyone stuck at home there seems to be a lot of catching up on DIY jobs. Here in Hadleigh there is a wonderful community spirit with presents left on the doorstep and fliers offering all sorts of help posted through the letterbox on a regular basis. At least the fine weather is a bit of a bonus and if we all keep our heads and do not panic then we will get through this unprecedented situation. All the best Dave

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Suffolk Bereavement Support Letting you know we are still here to help Like many organisations our activities have been curtailed now that life is dominated by Coronavirus. We are only too aware of the impact that isolation plays when bereaved and this is only exacerbated if support systems are not able to operate. This is why we are continuing to offer our support but in a different way. We are currently keeping in touch with all our group members inviting them access support via email or telephone. In this way members are able to share how they are feeling and to pass on ways of coping that they are finding beneficial. We are also happy to offer such support to other Suffolk residents who might wish to join one of groups once this crisis is over. Our web site is also a source of lots of useful information for anyone who has lost a loved one. This can be found at www.suffolkbereavement.org.uk and amongst other things explains the importance of expressing feelings appropriately so that they are not suppressed in such a way that they lead to more deep seated physical and emotional difficulties. We are happy to hear from anyone who wants to know more about our support. If this blog is meaningful for you in connection with a bereavement, be it recent or further back in time then why not find out more Suffolk Bereavement Support? When back to normal our afternoon group is held in central Hadleigh on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 1.30pm - 3.00pm and our Capel St. Mary group meets in the early evening on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 6.30pm - 8.00pm. Each meeting finishes with refreshments and informal chat. We would love to hear from you. Please ring Margaret or Patrick: 07469 201337 or 01473 824066; email: sbsg246@gmail.com; web site: www.suffolkbereavement.org.uk


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Please note that all our regular services and meetings continue to be suspended in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Please check our website for up-to-date information and resources to help stay connected with each other and God, including prayers for our world and those on the fronline as well as our ‘Socially Distant Sunday Worship’. This month we’ll be starting a new series entitled:

re a




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Families already struggling with financial hardship are to be given further support to reduce their council tax bills, with letters due through the doors of more than 4,000 households in Babergh and Mid Suffolk over coming days. The Government recently announced a new Hardship Fund to support those households already in receipt of means-tested working age Local Council Tax Support (LCTS). This means that bills for these households will be reduced by up to £150 – which will ensure that the most financially vulnerable households in the districts have nothing to pay in 2020/21. These awards will be applied automatically if households are already in receipt of this support there is no requirement to apply. We are writing to the 4,372 working age households affected across both districts – with letters expected to start hitting doormats this week. In addition to those on LCTS, anyone whose household financial circumstances have been affected may be entitled to help – with further advice available on the councils’ website. Mid Suffolk District Council cabinet member for Finance, Cllr John Whitehead said: “We know how worried people are about the financial impact of this national emergency and are looking to reduce their bills wherever possible, but council tax is an essential source of income for us to be able to respond to, and support our residents during this difficult time. The council tax we collect primarily funds Suffolk County Council as well as ourselves, Suffolk Police and our town and parish councils, who collectively are at the heart of supporting the most vulnerable members of our communities. We have to find the balance between helping those genuinely in financial hardship, whilst still being able to sustain essential services for our county and districts.” Babergh District Council leader and cabinet member for Finance, Cllr John Ward said: “In the weeks and months ahead, our energy and resources will be focused on supporting our residents, our businesses and our communities to weather this storm. We know how worried people are about the financial impact of coronavirus and extra help is available. The Hardship Fund will support those who need help most – but there is support available for all residents who genuinely need it. If your household income has reduced, you may be entitled to extra help. We urge anyone concerned to check the support available on our website and if you’re still worried, complete the enquiry form and a member of the team will contact you to find out if we can help.” If your household financial circumstances have been affected, please go to our website www.babergh.gov.uk or www.midsuffolk.gov.uk to find out more


Sunny Day Cycleworks

Further financial support for struggling households in Babergh and Mid Suffolk

t Me e t i


All Welcome

Living Hope For up-to-date information and helpful resources, visit:


If you need practical help, pastoral care or prayer, please contact us via the minister’s email or phone.

MINISTER Revd Bryn Rickards 829197 minister@hadleighurc.org.uk

A Fairtrade Church | Working to Become Dementia Friendly | Churches Together in Hadleigh | Supporting FIND and Hadleigh Foodbank


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Ebony’s Blog

Life at The Shelley Centre

Extraordinary times indeed! The Shelley Centre is closed for the foreseeable future and there is no therapeutic work being carried out up here. We feel very sad. Knowing that all my readers are in the same situation makes me wonder what on earth to write that will give your spirits a lift. Being British-made I’ll start with the weather. Then again that’s a bit hard for me since I live in a closed and locked room. Its not too bad because there’s only me and BABS, we don’t have to look after anybody else, we don’t need to entertain ourselves all day and we don’t quarrel. We just switch off. So I’m worrying about my vulnerable riders and their carers. Are their care packages holding up? What if the main carers fall sick? What do feisty teenage riders do when they can’t go out at all? Does everybody understand why he/she is in lock down? Our live herd is oblivious to these questions of course. It is loving the warmth of the sun, the drying up of the mud, the sweet Spring grass. Lyn, their Mum, is having to ration all the smaller ponies lest they over indulge themselves. Her team of able bodied riders is somehow managing to keep them all fit and healthy, ready for when our work can start up once more. There are 11 of these four legged ‘health workers’ at Shelley, and they are determined to stay fit. Luckily one of my riders, Rebecca Jackaman, passed her Gold level Horse Care test and was presented with her certificate by Sue Diggins just before we had to close. This is a big achievement and takes time and hard work to learn all the details required for a pass. Many congratulations Rebecca, We’re so proud of you. One sad casualty from this virus has been the cancellation of a visit by HRH The Princess Royal, who had kindly scheduled a visit to us in April. Reluctantly, she, who never lets any one down, had to obey orders from the Government this time. We were all so looking forward to her arrival: she would have been presenting certificates to those of our riders who have been with us for our 30 years. Naturally I was also planning to show her what my riders can do, I bet she would have loved that! You will have heard that our fund raising activities have come to a grinding halt. We shall be feeling the pinch, just like all the other charities out there. If any readers would like to support us with a little donation we should be immensely grateful. The Centre plans to reopen as soon as we are allowed to, but meanwhile here’s hoping our family of riders and volunteers stays safe and well. Keep washing your hands people and God bless you all. Website: www. shelleyrda.com Telephone: 01473 824172

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ST MARY’S HADLEIGH office@stmaryshadleigh.co.uk

Coronavirus (COVID-19): In line with guidance from the Archbishops, all services and events at St Mary’s are currently suspended, and the church building remains locked. Prayer resources are available for use at home; please let us know if you would like to receive these. If you would like to contact Fr Jo for support or advice, his telephone number is 01473 822218

Letter from Layham www.layham.org

Layham Parish Council The Parish Council was not able to meet as scheduled on 25 March due to the coronavirus pandemic Normally the April meeting would be the Annual Parish Meeting, when reports are presented by members of the Parish Council, as well as by the other organisations in the village. The APM has been cancelled this year, but we hope to be able to post the reports on the website in due course. We will let you know when meetings are able to resume, so keep an eye on the village notice boards and community emails. In the meantime, a small Parish Council working group has been in regular communication by email, telephone and internet and is using the parish Emergency Plan to try and ensure everyone is safe - see below: Layham Playing Field The Playing Field Management Committee is aware that most families are avoiding using the play apparatus. It is suggested that, as there is no system for regularly cleaning those surfaces, that all parents consider very carefully whether or not they should allow their youngsters to play on, what could be, infected surfaces. Garden rubbish on the nature Area We all have the problem of garden waste not being collected at the moment. Please don’t take rubbish and add it to the pile in the Nature Area on the field – someone has tipped a barrow load of stones as well as cuttings from a garden. Who is expected to deal with that? St Andrew’s – your Parish church In line with guidance from the Archbishops, all services and events at St Andrew’s are currently suspended, and the church building remains locked. The Annual Parochial Church Meeting, which was due to have taken place on 22 April, will be rescheduled for a later date. Weekly readings and news-sheets are being emailed out as widely as possible, and prayer resources are available for use at home; please let us know if you would like to receive these: office@stmaryshadleigh.co.uk If you would like to contact Fr Jo for support or advice, his telephone number is 01473 822218.

The doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked. (John 20.19) Ever present God, be with us in our isolation, be close to us in our distancing, be healing in our sickness, be joy in our sadness, be light in our darkness, be wisdom in our confusion, be all that is familiar when all is unfamiliar, that when the doors reopen, we may with the zeal of Pentecost inhabit our communities and speak of your goodness to an emerging world. For Jesus’ sake. Amen. (Written by the Very Revd Andrew Nunn, Dean of Southwark; he was asked by the Association of English Cathedrals to write a prayer for use across England.) 28

Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

CORONAVIRUS A MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE OF LAYHAM Layham Parish Council asks that all parishioners follow the safe distancing guidelines to prevent the passing of the coronavirus to the vulnerable and elderly. If anyone in your household has a temperature or other symptoms - STAY AT HOME - and that means staying within your property boundary. The Layham Emergency Plan communications network has been activated and every parishioner has had a leaflet confirming the details of the Emergency Link Volunteer (ELV) who has been designated to look out for them. If ANY help is required (shopping, collecting prescriptions – or, if living alone, a friendly voice) please ring your ELV and they will arrange for someone to help you. We are delighted that we have a group of 20 volunteers (all parishioners) who are able and willing to help self-isolating or vulnerable people, so you do not need to worry about food or medicines if you are vulnerable, elderly or in quarantine, as help is only a phone call away. For those in locations which have regular footfall please use the red/green cards which have been provided - place the red card in a prominent window if you need help.

Hoping everyone stays safe and please look after each other Layham Parish Emergency working group.

Layham Playgroup We appreciate this has been a difficult couple of weeks for many of our families. Entertaining children, home schooling and trying to work from home or run a house is a huge effort for everyone involved. So, a BIG thumbs up from us… you’re doing a great job! We have been fortunate to have a lot of warm and sunny days to help us through this isolation period so our advice? Make the most of it!!! Why not get those hands muddy and start a fruit and vegetable patch, teaching children the basics about where our food comes from plays a big part in their learning and development. They are ‘usually’ more likely to try new foods when they have played a part in making it. Playing outside also gives children the chance to keep active which is great for their mental health. Activities you could try include making an obstacle course, exploring sand/water, looking out for signs of nature, going on a bug hunt and bird spotting. For those cold and rainy days… why not turn the living space into a cinema, but cosy one! Grab those duvets and snacks and cuddle up. Putting down technology and just cuddling up to your child creates a sense of security and is amazing for their wellbeing! Alternatively, hit the kitchen and bake to your heart’s content! Biscuits, cakes, tray bakes are all easy to make and all delicious to eat! Baking is a good all-round skill developing activity plus it’s fun too! Stay safe and HAVE FUN! Email us at admin@layhamplaygroup.co.uk Find us on Facebook Layham Playgroup is a registered Charity Incorporated Organisation 1160254

Stay Home, Stay On Plan, Stay Fabulous! We are all affected by the current situation with the Coronavirus pandemic. You may be working from home or are self-isolating in case you come into contact with the virus. It’s all very unsettling. Eating a healthy diet will undoubtedly improve your immune system, as well as your chances of a quick recovery should you be unfortunate enough to become ill. So now our social lives are on hold, maybe now could be the perfect time to concentrate on losing that stone or more that’s been bothering you for so long..? THE 1:1 DIET by Cambridge Weight Plan could make life easier for you at this difficult time. We have a wide choice of meal replacement shakes, soups, porridges, smoothies, bars and ‘meals’ such as ‘Spaghetti Bolognese’ plus the latest addition Green Pesto flavour Pasta. Three (approx. 200 calories each) products a day provide 100% nutrition (4 for men). Perfect for keeping calories to a minimum while ensuring your nutritional levels. We also have a range of tasty microwaveable ‘Step-Up’ meals which can stored in your cupboard and are suitable for anyone, dieting or not. And to make life even easier, there’s no need to trawl round the supermarkets, I stock the whole range. To maintain social distancing, 1:1 Consultations are currently conducted by phone or video call with doorstep collection/delivery. THE 1:1 DIET has several different plans (including real food if you choose) to suit just about anyone and I will help you decide which one is right for you. I have over 11 years’ experience as a 1:1 Consultant helping hundreds of people reduce their weight & improve their health. I will be your own private support* group during your diet journey, encourage you all the way through to goal and beyond – helping you maintain your success long term. Call me for a chat, no obligation, on 07519 177645 or email val.lord18@gmail.com. For more information go to www.one2onediet.com/valL or www.facebook.com/one2onedietvallord *Research proves that dieters are more successful with support.

We are a family of ordinary people who love God and trust Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. Please see our website for full details or call Pastor Greg or Pastor Chris on 01473 829602. If you need us to pray for you or help in some other way during this me of di culty and uncertainty please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Sunday Services - Coronavirus update For the me being, we will be holding virtual worship services, at 10.30am every Sunday. We would love you to join us online, worship with us, pray with us and hear from God together. More informa on about how you can join us can be found here: www.hadleighchurch.co.uk/teaching/live-stream/

For all of the latest informa on from Hadleigh Bap st Church with regard to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situa on please see: h ps://www.hadleighchurch.co.uk/church-life/ coronavirus-covid-19-updates/

www.hadleighbap st.org.uk George Street Hadleigh IP7 5BE

01473 829602



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A message from the Trustees With the$lockdown$ extended for another $ three $ weeks $ at the time $

of writing, we are not able to announce when we will be resuming ' ' ' ' ' ' the Lunch Clubs, Digital Cinema or Memories Cafe. However, we have been keeping in touch with our members' and many have received support from the wonderful volunteers of Hadleigh Assist. Also, each week a newsletter of quizzes, quips and quotes has been produced for the members of the Memories Cafe. Here are a few examples of how we’ve tried to keep spirits up and bring a smile to their faces. What goes down but never goes up? What dries as it gets wet? (answers at end of article) “When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.” % % % yesterday, % % % % % hope for % % tomorrow.” % % % “Learn from live for today, % % % % % % % % “Everyday may not be good, but%there’s something good %in every % % % % % % % % % % day.” % %% A man with the TV remote control was flipping through the channels. His wife 'asked,' “What’s on' TV?” ' “Dust!” ' 'he replied. An Eskimo brought a friend home for a visit. When they arrived his friend was puzzled. “Where’s your igloo?” he * * asked. “Oh no! I must have left the iron on.” On a more serious note - just think.... I am not a refugee trying to escape with my life. I am not standing in line waiting to fill a pot with water. I have access to fresh food and I’m not starving. By staying at home, I’m helping the planet rest. My friends check on me because they care about me. This global crisis connects me to people around the world and reminds me of our common humanity. This is a good thing.




We to be % will % continue % % in touch % % to see if we% can do% anything % % to % % % meantime, % do take % % % %of our % help. In the care% and contact one % event % co-ordinators % % % % if we % can % %be of any % assistance: % % % % %% Memories Café Contact Sue on 07941 497927 ! Friday Lunch Club Contact Barbara on 01473 808835 !Wednesday ! ! !Lunch ! ! ! ! !! Club ! Contact Fran on 01473 823719 or Vic on 07719 496112 General enquiries or help See details below. Answers to riddles: a toilet roll and a towel!

CONTACTING THE ACC Call Tom on 823719! Call Jan on 823413 Email Jan at janetmdicks@gmail.com ! - www.ansellcc.org.uk Take a look at our website WHERE IS THE ANSELL CENTRE? ! Church and behind the Ram Next to the United Reformed 30


Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

Hadleigh & Boxford Patient Participation Group Self-Isolation and Loneliness As Coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads across the UK, it has become harder for people to maintain their social connections. We can all help to combat social isolation and look out for each other during the spread of the virus by linking to the latest guidance and advice from government, charities and experts on how to stay safe and healthy during the outbreak. For many people there will be a tough, but necessary period of social isolation and there has been a lot of focus on the impact this will have. It means an extended period at home without any face-to-face social contact. This could exacerbate the feelings of loneliness many will have been experiencing before self-isolation. Many of us will miss seeing family and friends and taking part in our usual hobbies, interests and activities. It shows how important friendship and connection are in our lives, and how difficult it can be when they’re missing. This reminds us that for too many people their lives are often quite a lot like this. Research shows that half a million older people regularly experience these kinds of protracted periods of isolation, going at least five or six days a week without seeing or speaking to anyone at all. However, it is heartening to note the outpouring of community support that has emerged during this crisis, and there’s no better time to find new ways to become connected to your neighbours. During the Coronavirus outbreak it’s especially important we can stay in touch with people who are alone. Staying in touch Making sure to stay in touch with friends, family and neighbours can help to ease any feelings of loneliness which may be experienced while in isolation. Technology can help with this enormously. • Call friends, colleagues and relatives regularly on the phone and see how they are. • Create WhatsApp groups with neighbours, family or friends. Share how you’re getting on and ask other people how they are. • Use Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date and keep in touch. • Offer to help with shopping or running errands. Use an app like Nextdoor to see if neighbours need assistance • For many, the telephone will be the easiest and most accessible way to keep in contact. Some of this technology might be new or difficult to use for some older friends and family. Offer help and support to install and use apps. When using social media be mindful that this may be a frightening and isolating time for many. Be kind, offering help and advice where you can. Try not to spread unfounded rumours that may cause upset or panic. Technology can’t replace the feeling of communicating in person, but there are ways of staying connected in isolation that can help. This will be a difficult time for all of us. Isolation measures are to protect as many people as possible from the worst effects of coronavirus and this will be temporary. Many community organisations are already playing a very effective role making sure that the most vulnerable are not missed out. If we all make the effort to stay connected, we can make a big difference to people who are feeling alone at this time. For information about the PPG, visit: https://www.hadleighhealth.co.uk/patient-participation-group

Hadleigh Cricket Club Sponsored by Celotex Saturday 18th April should have been the start of the cricket season at the Meadow, and up and down the country. But of course due to the coronavirus lockdown and social distancing the ground is silent at the moment. All forms of recreational and professional cricket are suspended, and for the first time since the Second World War there is a realistic possibility of there being no cricket played at the club at all this summer. Obviously we hope that won't be the case, and that it may be possible, depending on the terms of any post-lockdown period, to have at least a mini season. A start in July would appear to be the most optimistic scenario, but in the meantime all we can do is keep the ground in good order and prepared for play at some point during the summer. Our groundsman and premises manager are certainly doing that. The Meadow is an ideal place for your daily exercise or to walk the dog - but obviously the nets will not be available for use during the current lockdown restrictions. We hope everyone stays safe during these challenging times, and hope to see you soon when cricket returns.

The Positives of Online Counselling In this time of great uncertainty, counselling has an even more important meaning to so many people. Being able to still offer counselling to our clients in such a difficult time can make all the difference to people’s mental and emotional wellbeing. Online and telephone counselling means a connection to other people who are isolated right now and a means that the therapeutic relationship can remain strong allowing people to access much needed therapeutic support from the comfort of their own home. Here are four benefits to having counselling online: 1) It is accessible Online counselling means accessibility. More people can access counselling including those who would not normally be able to leave their homes, which is applicable not only when the country is in a state of lockdown but everyday life. People with disabilities, illness or those who are carers can access a valuable therapeutic service without having to leave their living space meaning that counselling as a service is much more accessible to the wider population. 2) It can feel more comfortable Being able to access counselling in your own home can ultimately feel more comfortable for some people. Being in an unfamiliar environment when starting something so significant as counselling can feel overwhelming. Online counselling gives the opportunity for clients to feel comfortable in their own space, sit in their favorites chair and feel more relaxed. This can make it easier for clients to talk about difficult topics because there is an increased sense of safety because they are in their own familiar environment. This can ultimately mean a stronger counselling relationship and can allow clients explore their worries at a deeper level with their counsellor. 3) A closer relationship There is some evidence to suggest that online counselling can create a closer therapeutic relationship. There is a phenomenon called the ‘disinhibition effect’ which means because of the lack of physical contact the client feels more able to talk about what’s going on for them and means that the client and counsellor can go deeper into the exploration of the clients problems. The disinhibition effect however needs to be carefully managed by the counsellor as some clients can feel overwhelmed if they go into depth too quickly, but, if the counsellor and client work together it can mean a stronger therapeutic relationship. 4) Access to the type of therapist you need Entering the world of online counselling opens the possibility of speaking to so many different types of counsellors. You might want to speak to a counsellor who specialises in one type of issue and there is not any in your area. Online counselling breaks down this barrier. This is especially important for rural communities who may not have a counselling service at all. Website: www.JustTalk2019.com Email: info@JustTalk2019.com

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Hadleigh Community News Limited printed copies of the May issue are available only to those without internet access, call Kelvin 07771 644716. Viewable online at:


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Good Neighbour Scheme is another group providing a lifeline to Babergh villages











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Telephone Community News on 01473 823366

More than 100 volunteers came forward to help villagers who are isolating or alone with shopping, prescription collections and other requests. Chair Doreen Twitchett said: “I have been involved with Good Neighbours since it launched in March 2014, so it was a natural progression to get all those in the village who volunteered at the beginning of this crisis, to join a scheme already proven to work. I want to thank all our volunteers who regularly go the extra mile to help.” Getting food to those who need it most has also been a priority for Bildeston Coronavirus Support Group, who have set up a foodbank, taking self-referrals from local people who find themselves in need. Founder and co-ordinator Shaun Moffat said: “We wanted to create a non-judgemental and strictly confidential facility to lighten the burden on individuals and families who are feeling the financial effects of this crisis. The lockdown has left many communities such as Bildeston at risk of being cut off, but fortunately we are a creative and resilient village.” These communities are not alone in their desire to help - over 1,200 volunteers have already signed up to the Home But Not Alone scheme, which was launched last month by the Suffolk Collaborative Communities Covid-19 Board. The initiative matches volunteers to callers of a helpline for our county’s most vulnerable, which is free to call on 0800 876 6926 and is staffed seven days a week, from 09:00 to 17:00. This hotline is for people without family or a friendship network to support them, and who require emergency assistance with care needs (including food), loneliness, or connecting with community volunteers. Although still in its early stages, the scheme has already proved to be a lifeline, with vulnerable residents receiving delivery of shopping and prescriptions from volunteers. Babergh District Council is offering grants of up to £2,500 to support groups with increased costs incurred as a cost of coronavirus (COVID-19), including general running costs, ongoing staff costs, volunteer expenses, utility bills and purchasing of food or other consumables. Larger requests for funding will be considered under exceptional circumstances. Now, in addition to offering financial support, and with so many different groups to recognise, the council is launching a #communitychampions social media campaign to encourage community groups to highlight what they are doing – making residents aware of what local help is available as well as generating further support and offers of volunteering. Taking part in the campaign couldn’t be easier, simply tag @BaberghDistrict in your social media posts so that these can be shared.


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Major proposals to build a £500 million snow centre, creating over 5,000 jobs in the area, have been finalised SnOasis, set to occupy a 350-acre former quarry in Great Blakenham, near Ipswich, will provide world class winter sport facilities such as a professional level ski slope, ice rink and bobsleigh run. The site will also accommodate an entertainment centre – with scope for further facilities such as retail units, a hotel, hostel and chalets. Outline approval for the development was granted by central government in 2008 and again by Mid Suffolk District Council in 2011. Final details of the project, known as reserved matters, were considered and assessed against both local policy and the latest national planning policies, before being approved by the council last March. After assurance from the developers that detailed conditions addressing local concerns would be met, the council’s planning committee voted by 11 to three in favour of the project. Following the resolution to approve the reserved matters in 2019, Mid Suffolk District Council and the developer have been working hard on a range of measures and public benefits that needed to be agreed for construction to start. The package of conditions and obligations upon the developer include a requirement to operate to a highly efficient standard; with at least 75% of the development's energy coming from decentralised and renewable/low-carbon energy sources, substantial upgrade works to Stowmarket railway station, and a raft of environmental, ecological and amenity controls to mitigate the impacts of the development from the start of construction right through to the ongoing operation of the development. Now these commitments have been finalised, the chief planning officer has used emergency delegated powers to give the final green light for SnOasis, in the absence of regular committee meetings taking place due to Covid-19. A spokesperson for SnOasis said: “This is excellent news, and we want to thank the council for their ongoing support of this exciting project. In due course, we look forward to delivering an exceptional, fit-for-purpose, state of the art visitor experience, whilst creating thousands of jobs for the local community and beyond.”

Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils are urging vigilance against rising numbers of coronavirus cons Opportunistic traders and scammers have made almost £2 million by taking advantage of the Covid-19 crisis. The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is encouraging consumers to fight back, with the launch of its Cyber Aware campaign today, which both councils are supporting. This follows the government body successfully stopping over 2,000 incidents of cyber fraud last month. Included in this figure was 471 fake online shops found to be selling fraudulent coronavirus related items. There have been numerous reports nationally about phony shop fronts selling highly sought-after items such as anti-bacterial hand sanitiser and face masks. To protect themselves consumers should only make purchases directly from reputable stores and websites. This isn’t the only retail scam that victims can fall prey to, as the sale of ‘miracle’ health products is another tactic employed by scammers. Fraudsters are creating convincing personal testimonials to support their claims, but these are easy to fabricate and are not a substitute for scientific evidence or government guidance. Phishing, another ploy used by cons to convince victims to give away sensitive information or click on links within a scam email or text message, is also on the rise, with the NCSC shutting down over 200 phishing sites in March. Not revealing personal or financial data on an unsecure website or in an e-mail, or responding to requests for this information, is the best way to combat this crime. Some of the common phishing emails include messages fraudulently claiming to be from HM Revenue & Customs offering tax rebates as a result of the crisis. Other emails report to have news about the disease and prompt readers to download malicious software or visit malware distribution sites, set up to cause significant damage to visitors. 555 such sites have recently been removed by the NCSC. Installing the most up to date software and apps will protect devices from the latest cyber threats. A strong password, which is made up of three random words and differs to others, should be used for personal email accounts, as this is a gateway for other online accounts. Any suspicious emails should be forwarded to report@phishing.gov.uk, as the NCSC’s automated scanning system will check for email scams and immediately remove criminal sites. If you are asked for payment or bank details this could be a scam and should be reported to Trading Standards on 0808 223 1133

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A&B Glass ..............................0800 077 3996 SEH BAC .................................0808 1592846 Electrical Goods and Supplies Hadleigh Lighting & Electrical .01473 829222 Hicks TV & Audio Solutions ....07968 686035 Electricians S Cowle Electrical....................01473 823179 Andrade Electrical ...................07977 279970 Energy on Tap......................07780 975787 Estate Agents Frost & Partners......................01473 823456 ByChoice .................................01473 828280 Chapman Stickels....................01473 372373 Florists The Flower Shop Kersey Mill ...01473 805156 Funeral / Grave Services Hunnaball ................................01473 748808 R. Gwinnell..............................01473 824440 W. A. Deacon...........................01787 248282 Collins & Curtis Masonry ........01473 250932 Graves Flowers by Jo ..............07868 541853 Garden Machinery Repair W. J. Green..............................01473 823839 Steve Blake..............................07813 814623 Garden Services 4 Life Landscapes ...................01473 828117 Grass To Glass ........................01473 828269 T. J. Griggs ..............................01473 824315 M The Landscaper.......................01473 824107 Leeks Landscapes ...................07515 538369 Yvonne Bolt Plant Advisor.......07821 522699 Hair and Beauty Hadleigh Hairloom...................01473 822191 French Complexion .................01473 828805 Hardware M. W. Partridge ........01473 824183 / 822333 Health and Fitness Hadleigh Boxford Practice .......01473 822961 Hadleigh Dental Surgery..........01473 823092 Hearing Care Centre ................08000 962637 Sally Mowles Foot Health Care 01473 822902 Hadleigh Physiotherapy...........01473 810185 Backs to The Future.................07818 420029 Maggie Thurlow Hypnotherapist ...01473 829729 Acupuncture & Wellness .........07717 314961 Sian Fenton Foot Healthcare....01473 829693 Home Design / Services Anne Wright Interiors ..........01473 658273


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I.T. and Computer Services Home Computer Services ....01473 829552 Locksmith T.J. Griggs ...........................07850 630389 Laundry Services Press Gang ..........................01473 558448 Man with a Van Alex Jackson........................07444 769722 Mortgage & Protection Advice SHK Finance ........................07538 477590 GKM Financial......................01473 898065 Newsagents Keith Avis.............................01473 823131 Nursery and Childcare Parkside Pre-School ............01473 827702 Nursing & Care Services Laxfield House ......01787 247340 / 247495 Hadleigh Nursing Home.......01473 852857 Opticians D. J. Dunstone .....................01473 823755 Painting & Decorating Simon Farthing ....................07823 333451 CPH Property.......................07717 059370 Pest Control Lister Countryside Services .01473 805792 Command Pest Control........01787 248049 Pets April Cottage Cattery............01787 247302 Picture Framing Framestore ..........................01473 822334 ALB Framing ........................07769 858076 Plant Hire Hadleigh Hirebase................01473 828509 Plumbing & Heating Gallagher .............................01473 828806 Plumbmate ..........................01473 810088 Roundhouse Plumbing ........07939 082630 Spear ...................................01473 829863 Allpress Plumbing & Heating ..01473 828004 GJ Watts ..............................01473 829644 MSL Plumbing.....................07979 288844 Buddha ...............................07710 081 745 CJ Plumbing & Heating .......01473 822775 Printers Keith Avis Printers ...............01473 823366 Pubs, Restaurants, Food & Drink The Kings Head Hadleigh.....01473 828855 Royal Bengal........................01473 823744 The Cock Inn Hadleigh.........01473 879907

Mobile: 07860 775509 The George Hadleigh ...........01473 822151 Eight Bells Hadleigh .............01473 822234 The Lindsey Rose ................01449 741424 Cobblers Wine Bar ...............01473 805590 Angel Delights .....................01473 806398 Security Abacus.................................01473 824601 Septic Tank Emptying A.K. Services .......................01473 822694 Shops Hollowtrees..........................01449 741247 Health Foods For You...........01787 828262 Skip / Waste Removal G. Leeks Skip Hire ...............01473 824256 Solicitors / Wills Gibbons Solicitors ...............01473 822488 Bates Wells & Braithwaite....01473 219282 Gotelees...............................01473 822102 The Will Business ................01206 263420 Holmes & Hills.....................01787 275275 Legal Comforts ....................01473 552876 Sports & Hobbies Stoke by Nayland Club.........01206 265818 Snowys Bait & Tackle ..........07766 140624 Storage Elmsett Storshops ...............01473 822162 Structural Engineers Brett Design.........................01473 822047 Surveyors MS Surveys .........................01473 249020 Taxi Town & Country Cars...........01473 828999 Voyager Travel .....................01473 828102 Travel Beestons...............01473 212521 / 823243 Travel 2000 ..........................01206 394433 Travel Stop...........................01473 828728 Tree Surgeons Oakdene Tree Services.........01473 652117 Veterinary Surgeons Highcliff Veterinary Practice 01473 822704 Water Softeners Patmore ...............................01473 713600 Weight Loss & Fitness 1:1 Diet Val Lord..................01449 737113 Window Cleaner C&D Services.......................01473 828626 Cloudy2Clear .....................0800 61 21 118

Community News

Editor: Kelvin Avis 01473 823366 kelvin@keithavis.co.uk

To place an advert: Matt Barber 01473 823366 Mobile: 07799 313838 matt@keithavis.co.uk


Hadleigh Community News is produced by Avis Newsprint Limited, 68 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5EF. Tel: 01473 823366.

Hello from all of us at Frost & Partners We do hope that you are all well and keeping safe. No doubt you like us, are missing the normal things in life… the coffee with friends, family gatherings, work and just having the freedom to go where we like when we like. All of us at Frost & Partners are missing our colleagues, who are more than just colleagues, we are all friends too, we are missing seeing our clients and friends in Hadleigh, who sometimes just pop into the office to tell us how glad they are to have moved to Hadleigh and the surrounding villages. They, like us love the High Street, the friendliness and kindness they have encountered. We also appreciate how important it is to stay home, and how important our homes have become, but Frost & Partners have always known how important the home is, at the moment it is our safe place… We are, as I am sure you all are looking forward to the ‘new normal’, to the High Street being busy again, the shops opening again and calling in to them… sometimes just to say hello, and meeting friends and family for coffee and lunch, we’ll get there, and to quote our new National Hero Captain Tom “The sun will shine on you again and the clouds will go away”. If you need us at any time you can always email sales@frostandpartners.co.uk Keep well and safe

From all of us at Frost & Partners

Open 7 days per week • Open until 7pm weekdays 62 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5EF sales@frostandpartners.co.uk Find us on:


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